archergirl-101 · 5 years
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A mini comic for @smitecreatorday !! I just want Persephone in the game already
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smitecreatorday · 5 years
The theme for April is....
Jokes! Many gods like to be mischievous and play pranks on each other and the mortals’ celebration of April fools day has caught the attention of the gods.
(I didn’t post this yesterday due to being at work, sorry!)
- Mod Croc
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beefish123art · 6 years
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For the content creator day over at @smitecreatorday I decided to do a comic of one of my fave vines but with some of the gods instead! After all Sand castle geb is the Sand guardian. 
You do not have permission to repost this on to any other websites, even if credit is given.
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wyrm-off-string · 6 years
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Haha! Finished just in time for Smite Creator Day! I just had to draw the Kuku blep.
Go check out @smitecreatorday to see more cool art with a hot summer theme!
And if you wanna see more of my work, check out this blog under the “elephant draws” or “susan draws” tags or check out my art blog, @glasvera-art!
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furrarth · 6 years
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Hi everyone, here is my first entry to the Smite creator’s day project, The theme for this month is summer, so I did Skadi, Ullr and Kaldr enjoying a good time on the beach!
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whothehelcares · 6 years
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Hey if you liked this I would really appreciate it if you gave it a like and a reblog it really helps me out
For Smite Creator Day! I did Merdusa, I also made a couple of changes to her! I had a lot of fun doing this 🙈Unfortunately my pen broke so I can’t fix her anymore so I’m just gonna post her as she is! 
🌻🌻🌻please do not use or repost this anywhere without my permission under any circumstances 🌻🌻🌻
Here’s a link to my Ko-Fi!
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Don’t you hate it when the sun ruins a nice day at the beach.
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kaminenee · 6 years
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Smite High【002/???】
“That time he got a replace for a week”
Based on @raijinhasverybigpecs  Smite High AU
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jackielanternart · 6 years
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@smitecreatorday - Celebration
Celebrating Life and Death 
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artbyrhuviel · 5 years
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For @smitecreatorday! The theme is spring, so I drew Solstice Hel :D I made this desktop wallpaper-sized, but I will reblog this later with a link to where you can find the full-sized image!
Hel (c) Titan Forge Gaming
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vengefulmedusa · 6 years
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Lil Pele doodle for @smitecreatorday. Poor thing, freezing out there <3
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smitecreatorday · 6 years
The theme of March is....
As the winters thaw and the cold weather subsides the joys of spring begin to emerge. Flowers bloom, leaves reappear on the trees and the weather begins to get warmer. Life slowly begins to return to the world and the gods watch the beauty of the world.
- Mod croc
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beefish123art · 6 years
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For this months Autumn theme at @smitecreatorday I decided to do a skin concept for Slyvanus! Bonfire night is always one of the highlights of Autumn on Britain and so why not have this as a skin? 
You do not have permission to repost this on to any other websites, even if credit is given. Do not tag as kin/me
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glasvera · 6 years
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Here he is! Kaldr from Smite! I might try to make him more detailed but I only had time to do the simple animation for now. I’ve got layers prepared so Kaldr can close his eyes, and I’ll have the extras in the background like the still image above.
This was for @smitecreatorday for which I am VERY late... oops... but I hope you enjoy!
If you guys are interested in seeing more pixel icons, let me know!!
Please do not reuse, reupload, or repost my art in any way without my permission. Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated and really help me out!
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sobek-support · 6 years
Hello yes bonjour! I have returned after my month or so hiatus! First of all I am real sorry for just vanishing without much of a word but I am back!
I have queues set up for all the stuff that I missed which include all your wonderful are and also the selfie day! I am back for good though and everything has sorted itself out for the better!
I have a small amount of art of my own to share as well and I will be participating in this month’s @smitecreatorday (theme is spoopy) 
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maddogmitch · 6 years
A Tropical Adventure
Hey guys here is my @smitecreatorday content, it is a lovely fan fic involving some of my favorite gods and goddesses hope you all enjoy and happy creator day!
It was vacation time on the battlegrounds of the gods, the fifth annual of such where all the gods take two weeks off from the battlefield to go back home to their respective realms. This agreement was made so none of them can be overworked and so everyone is relaxed and healthy for the return to the battlegrounds they all love.
Most gods travel back to each of their respective realms to relax but there are some who like to travel to the other realms to see what it is like there. This is the case for the gods Awilix, Xbalanque, Sobek, Apollo, and Ne Zha. The five decided they were going to take a trip to the newest realm to join the battlegrounds, the Polynesian Realm that way Pele isn’t on her own for the first of her many vacations.
At each respective camp each god got prepared for their trip they were all told it would be hot and sunny in this land so to dress appropriately. At the Mayan camp both Xbalanque and Awilix where just finishing packing up there respective clothes. Xbalanque was bringing his fire dancer outfit he got last year in hopes of impressing the lovely Pele with his tricks. While Awilix was saying goodbye to their fellow Mayan gods and telling Ah Puch that if he damages any of his nails while she is gone she will never do them again.
Over at the Egyptian camp Sobek was just finishing up his packing for the trip. He had a little regret due to turning down an offer to spend the vacation with Ao Kuang in his castle. He felt bad for saying no since everything was going great between the two but he wasn’t used to this kind of romantic interest from another god or goddess, the most attention or interest he got was from his mother. But he needed space and Ao Kuang accepted that.
At the Greek camp Apollo said his goodbyes to his twin sister wishing her good luck on her hunt and told her his plans. He knew it annoyed her when he kept going on about himself but she was kind enough to always be there for him. He gave her a hug and asked her if she could bang him a buck or something on her hunt as the meat here on the battlegrounds has gotten old and he missed the taste of Greek food.
Finally at the Chinese camp Ne Zha grabbed his swim shorts and staff as thats all he knew he needed before leaving his tent and running into Ao Kuang. The two relationship with each other has improved greatly since he defeated the Dragon King.
“Oh Kuang, what brings you to my tent i figured you be off to your castle by now?” The Lotus Prince asked
The Dragon King frowned a little as he felt embarrased to ask someone he once considered his mortal enemy “I have came to ask you a favour Ne Zha but you must not tell anyone i asked you to do this” he said with a bit of hesistant
Ne Zha was curious and asked “What does the great Dragon King need me to do?” he said with a smirk
Ao Kuang hesistated a bit before he asked “I know you are going to the Polynesian realm with Sobek and the others, and i was curious if you could make sure he stays safe while there”
Ne zha immediately replied “Of coarse i will watch out for your boyfriend for you, we may have once been enemies but im not gonna let anything harm that precious boy. The camps been a whole lot more fun since you began seeing him. I would be an idiot to let that end”
Ao Kuang breathed a sigh of relief “Thank you my friend, good luck on your travels” he said as he left towards the portal.
At the Portal to the Polynesian realm they all met up, each one of them greeted each other with hugs and chatter as they all patiently waited for Pele to arrive. Ne Zha stayed close to Sobek making sure to keep his promise to the Dragon King to protect him if any danger would come up. He knew it would be all in vain though as Sobek was more than capable of protecting himself and others when danger arose. But he liked having some sort of responsability on this trip.
As the gods talked among themselves a loud bang came roaring through the battleground, they all feel silent than the ground began to shake violently. Ne Zha senses some form of danger ready his staff and stood infront of Sobek to do his best to proctect him. Than out of the ground at the entrance of the portal something began to emerge from the ground.
It was Pele, the gods all let their guards down as the goddess of volcanoes began to speak “Welcome gods and goddess to the Polynesian realm!” her voice echoed throughout the battlefield in a defining roar.
Awilix couldn’t help but chuckle “You just love making grand entrances don’t you?” she said holding back a bit of laughter
Pele looked over to the goddess of the moon and replied “There is no fun if you just show up, gotta add a little fire to it” she chuckled “Now come on everybody no time to waste lots of sun and fun to be had in my great realm”
She went through the portal first and the rest of the gods sprinted with exitement towards the portal as they stepped through they all gawked in amazement. The Polynesian realm was not like any of them have ever seen before. It was a large island with palm trees lining the beach, up towards the centre of the island there was three cabins which all were made out of mixture of wood and straw.
Ne Zha couldn’t stand the silence any longer “What are we just standing around for? Lets start partying!” he shouted as he bolted down the beach.
The other gods shouted and began to chase him as well all except Xbalanque who waited for Pele to return. Some of it because was because he liked it while the rest was he knew better than to just leave without the hosttest. She arrived shortly after and smiled as she saw Xbalanque. The two walked down the beach to catch up with the others talking away.
All of them changed into their bathing suits and began to swim and have fun on the beach, Xbalanque changed into his fire dancing costume. Awilix couldn’t help but poke fun at him “Trying to impress the new girl Xbal” she said with a smirk.
Xbalanque couldn’t help but blush as he answered “What no, i am simply getting ready for the show i am putting on tonight. It has nothing to do with Pele”
Awilix laughed “Xbal you know you can’t lie to me its all over your face, as well as i been noticing how you look at her as well as act when she is on the battlefield. You are smitten with her and most the Mayan camp knows” she said with a smirk
His face stopped blushing to shear fear “The whole camp knows have i been that obvious?” he asked thinking that he really hasn’t acted that different in battle than normal when Pele is around.
Awilix nodded as she gave him a hug “Don’t worry Xbal just be yourself and im sure she will grow to like you as did every other god who has met you”
Xbalanque smiled and began to prep himself for tonight nightfall was coming soon and he knew that this is something that needed to be done right in order to pull off without any mistakes. He began twirling the boa’s in proper fashion and making sure they were all tied perfectly together.
Meanwhile Ne Zha was having a blast playing water games with Sobek and the others. He took his staff and was moving the water in big waves and hitting the other gods with them. Apollo took advantage of the warm sun and began to work on his tan as it had faded dearly since the last vacation and he felt it would be wrong if the Greek god of the sun had a weak tan line. But this didn’t last long as one of the waves Ne Zha made came and hit him on the beach, at first he was furious but than he got an idea on how to get some payback.
He got up and walked away from the other gods for a bit, he took out his lyre and began to play it. He was hopping this music would attract something that could assist him in his little plan, something preferable big. His hopes where answered when a whale emerged from the depths of in the distance singing along with his tunes. This was a first an animal from the sea of this size has been attracted to Apollo’s music so he was in a bit of shock that his plan actually worked. Normally his uncle would prevent such things from occuring as Apollo had a history of playing tricks on his siblings and cousins.
But this wasn’t Poseidon’s realm, this realm was ruled by a different sea god so it worked. Apollo began to make his way towards the massive beast hopping it could understand him and he could understand it.
As he approached the beast spoke “Why did you stop that lovely music young god?” the sound coming from a hole on top of it’s head which shocked Apollo.
Apollo replied “I am sorry it stopped but i need a favour from a majestic beast from yourself. My friends and i are not from this realm, we are guest hear under the invitation of Pele. They began playing in the water and one of them decided to start creating massive waves, one of which disturbed me and i was hopping you could assist me in getting some revenge on them?” he asked petting the beast head.
The beast turned and saw the other gods and remained silent for quite a bit before replying “I will assist you on two conditions young god. The first is you play me more of that music every night till you leave, the second is you request your friends to keep it down after the matter as they have awoken many of the creatures of the night”
Apollo smiled as he replied “I can do both kind beast, i will play my music to you at your request of time each night. As well as make sure my fellow gods keep the noise down as to not disturb the creatures of the night” he than put the beast head and began telling him his plan.
Back at the beach Sobek began getting Ne Zha back with better waves than what his staff could create, he was having more fun than he has ever had in a long while with the young god. He created one last wave when he felt movement in the water from the distance. He couldn’t quite make out what made it and brushed it off as a fish in the distance, he than created another wave and knocked Ne Zha flying backwards.
Ne Zha was laughing when he began to sense danger approaching, a massive beast of some sorts. He turned and began to focus his eyes and saw a massive sea beast emerged from the sea and splash down causing making a large wave. Ne Zha swam back to the others shouting and screaming about the oncoming wave.
The other gods didn’t quite hear what he was screaming about and turned to see the massive wave, they all began to swim out of the water and onto the land. Ne zha quickly grabbed his staff and began making waves back at it hopping it would at least slow it down or stop it entirely.
That’s when Sobek noticed someone on top of the wave seemingly controlling it form up there. He couldn’t quite make it out but he quickly did a headcount of the gods and knew right away who it was. He quickly shouted at Ne zha to get out of the water its no danger and told him to look at the top of the wave.
Ne Zha hearing Sobek’s call listened and saw the greek god on top of the wave riding it as it came crashing down just on Ne Zha. Apollo gracefully came down from the top and said “That’s for ruining my tan time, and as well as making pathetic waves dude”
Ne zha emerged and began laughing “That was awesome! How’d you make that wave so huge?” he asked with glee
Apollo smirked and than explained what he did and told his fellow gods to keep the noise down as they were waking creatures of the night up. Pele laughed knowing which beast Apollo had soothed and told him to make sure to keep his promise as that is not one beast you want to cross.
Night has come to the island and most of the gods were sitting around a fire chatting away with each other. Sobek thanked Ne Zha for warning him of the incoming danger and praised him for his courage. As they were chatting away the fire suddenly went out, than drums could be heard starting to beat. Pele began to grove to the beat of the drums.
Thats when tiki torches lit up around Xbalanque, he was in his fire dancer costume and he began to put on a show with his lit boas. The gods were amazed and watched in awe as he danced with the fire around him. Pele stood right up impressed with how cool and collected the god was with the fire and dance.
She began to approach him as he was dancing, Xbalanque kept his cool and let one boa go so low it lit a ring of fire around the two. Pele was very impressed by his showmanship and began to dance with him in the ring. The two were insynch with each other. The others looked on in awe as the beat got faster and faster, as the beat got faster so did the two.
Xbalanque than shot the two boas into the air and jumped with them flipping through the two as they moved so close to his body, he than landed and caught the two boas. A big blast of fire shoot out and the beat stopped.
The gods began clapping and cheering at the spectacle they just watched, Xbalanque was still down catching his breath hooping this was enough to impress the goddess of volcanoes. Pele began walking up to him and helped him up.
“You got some serious moves, i haven’t seen a show like this in a long time many of the mortals under my watch put up a show quite as you did. It was absolutely amazing. To quote a friend of yours ‘You move like a jaguar’ and like a true professional” she said with a smile still holding him.
Xbalanque was at a lost for words he didn’t know what to say, his body was heating up as this is the closest he has gotten to Pele without her trying to kill him on the battlefield.
He finally managed to find his words and said “Ever since i saw you Pele, it has been nothing but a non stop beat in my chest. Even on the battlefield i am amazed by your skill and shear beauty, you are nothing short of perfection and no matter what i do i can’t get you off my mind. So when Awilix asked me if i wanted to go with you guys to your realm i took it as my oppurtinity to show you how i feel for you. Sorry for the pun but you make my heart want to erupt right now from you touching me”
Pele couldn’t help but blush, she was fairly new to the battlegrounds and had never received such compliments from another god. She took notice of Xbalanque when she met Awilix and Chacc, she felt something for him but didn’t know what but now she knew. She didn’t hesistat as she leaned in and kissed the Hero Twin and held him close.
Xbalanque was caught of guard by this but eventually held her as he began to kiss her back. All the gods minus Ne Zha who hurled a bit at the sight cheered them on with laughter and happiness. The two stopped kissing and both said “Let the celebrations begin!”
Awilix stood in the background happy with what she did to help her friend, she knew right away that this was gonna be a vacation to remember, and she was right as this was only the start to their tropical adventures.
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