arc-misadventures · 2 years
Song of the Deep
Nora: Guys! Guysguysguys!
Ren: What is it, Nora?
Nora: The kingdom has a national anthem!
Blake: We do?
Nora: Yeah, we just got it today!
Yang: I thought we had one for a while now.
Weiss: Well, the Kingdom of Lunaris is only a month old, so its not much of a surprise we don’t have a national anthem.
Ruby: We don’t even have a flag that represents the kingdom, just the clan houses; all the cool countries have flags, why don’t we have one?!
Weiss: Well, we have banners, but I think that’s the King’s iconography, not the country’s.
Blake: Knowing his, Majesty he is no doubt coming up with several designs that best represent the nation.
Pyrrha: Jaune always like cool flag designs. He probably want one that represents all who live under the mountain.
Yang: Enough about flags, and what not. You have a tape of the national anthem, Nora?
Nora: Hell yeah I do! And, its a total banger!
Yang: We’ll see about that; Hit it, Nora!
Nora: Okay!
Nora: …
Nora: So… What do you think?
Ren: That was… powerful…
Yang: You kidding?! That bitch slays!
Blake: Sounds like a shanty that anyone can sing.
Pyrrha: Rock, and Stone… Hmm…? I like it~!
Ruby: So that’s where the, ‘Rock and Stone’ line I keep hearing people shouting at me is from!
Weiss: I expected something more orchestral… Heavy drums, and echoing horns.
Blake: Yeah, me too.
Weiss: I like this better though.
Blake: Same.
Nora: Yeah! Rock, and Stone everyone!
Nora: Hehe~! This place is awesome~!
Exchange bugs for Grimm, and it works.
Haa… I wish my computer could play this game… I wanna, Rock, and Stone dammit!
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
Check Your Rear View Mirrors
Smol Jaune Au
Yang: Hey, Jaune, why do you always stand a foot away from the person in front of you?
Jaune: Oh, that’s because I’m so small people tend to not see me when they look over their shoulders if I stand too close to them. This way they see me, and not run me over…
Yang: That happens allot, doesn’t it?
Jaune: Unfortunately yes, yes it does…
Yang: Must have a few good stories about people, and stuff hitting you then.
Jaune: Ehh, its mostly slap stick, and you had to be there to enjoy it, kind of humor. Honestly, I have more sad stories then funny ones. I swear, my mom unlocked my aura to stop the amount of times, I got a black eye from people turning around and whacking me with random shit.
Yang: Oh… Have you had any interesting accidents happen?
Jaune: What do you mean by inter… Mph?!
Yang: Like accidentally walking into someones ass?
Jaune: Bwah?! B-B-Blake?!
Blake: H-Hello, Jaune. Uhh… Didn’t see you there…
Jaune: Uhh… I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t mean to do that!
Blake: It’s okay, Jaune. It was an accident…
Jaune: Y-Yeah…?! A-Accident! Yeah!
BY: …
Jaune: Oh? What’s that? Something that requires my attention elsewhere?! I better go and see what that is! B-Bye!
BY: …
Yang: You totally did that on purpose.
Blake: Hell yeah I did~!
Yang: Nice~! How was it?
Blake: It felt really nice… I would totally let him use them as pillows if he asked.
Yang: Same, but with my chest instead.
Blake: Nice! Umm… Is it concerning to you how we always go after him like we do?
Yang: One: We enjoy doing it.
Blake: That’s true…
Yang: Two: He’s legal, so, were good. We’re very good~!
Blake: …
Blake: Puurfect~!
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
Smol AU: Has Yang and Blake ever "accidentally' squished their assets on Jaune's head at the same time? Could see them sandwich his head in between them.
Blake: No.
Yang: What?! Come on, its a great plan!
Blake: You ‘fall’ down, then Jaune falls, and just so happens to fall between your chest. Then, I sot on him… He’s not going to buy that, that was all an, ‘accident…’ Besides, he’s becoming suspicious of me as of late. I have to lay low for a while.
Yang: Why, what happened?
Blake: He was tired, and I offered him a lap pillow.
Yang: Did he accept?
Blake: Surprisingly, yes he did… Anyway, when he was about to put his head down, I sat up a but, causing his head to hit the ground… then I sat on him…
Yang: Blake?! You smothered him with your ass?!
Blake: Yeah…
Yang: And, you didn’t tell me?! I would have taken photos!
Blake: It was a spur of the moment kind of thing! I couldn’t tell you, and loose this opportunity of a lifetime!
Yang: Haa… It’s okay… I would have done the same in your position.
Blake: Thanks, Yang. But, ever since I did that he’s been keeping his distance from me… Dammit! What can we do, we’re lagging behind the others!
Yang: I’m not sure what to do! Glynda has such a huge lead over us! All she has to do is trip, Jaune up with her semblance, and the next thing you know, he’s in…
Blake: Double G Heaven…
Yang: How are we supposed to beat that?!
Blake: Not to mention how that woman just oozes, ‘Ara ara,’ energy! Ahhh! What are we going to do!! The two of us can’t even beat, Pyrrha!
Yang: She had the home field advantage! I mean, they’re roommates! All she has to do is wake up in her underwear, and his eyes are all over her! How do you top that?!
Pyrrha: Actually, that doesn’t work.
BY: Ahhh?!!
Pyrrha: …?
Yang: Oh… H-Hi, Pyrrha… Didn’t see you there…
Pyrrha: Hello, Blake, Yang~!
Blake: What was that about you showing off your body to, Jaune in your underwear not working…?
Pyrrha: Jaune has seven sisters. He’s seen enough girls in their underwear, even topless at that, that it doesn’t even phase him anymore. Well, much. He does stare, but not long enough…
Yang: Oh… So no home field advantage then…
Pyrrha: Well, not entirely.
Blake: How so…?
Pyrrha: Unlike you, I can test out what he does, and doesn’t like, without worry about the repercussions.
Yang: And, what is that…?
Pyrrha: Come by the gym tonight, say seven. Oh, make sure to wear some sport workout clothes, preferably something that shows skin and is… Tight~!
Yang: S-Skin…
Blake: T-Tight…
Pyrrha: He may be immune to seeing my in my underwear. But, his eyes can’t seem to leave me, when he sees me in those tight clothes, drenched in a fine layer of sweat~!
Yang: W-We need to do some shopping, Blake…
Blake: Yeah, we better… Wait! Why are you telling us this?
Yang: Yeah! We’re trying to steal him away from you! Why would you help us?
Pyrrha: Well, if you two are willing to share him, I don’t see why the three of us can’t share him.
Yang: Damn, that’s a good point…
Blake: We did start working together to improve our chances. Adding another just improves them more.
Yang: Okay, we’ll help.
Pyrrha: Wonderful! I’ll see you then! But remember, while we can tease, and flirt with him all we want, we are training. And, Jaune can already lift 120 pounds for a substantial amount of time. I will not allow your constant flirting stop me from reaching my goal of 170 pounds!
Yang: 170? That’s a rather specific number.
Pyrrha: It is.
Blake: And, why is that?
Pyrrha: Oh, it’s quite simple really; I weigh, 163.
BY: Eh?!
Pyrrha: Well, I’ll see you all later then. Bye~!
BY: …
Yang: She’s good… she’s damn good…
Blake: Totally…
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
Smol au: How was Jaune’s first day at beacon like?
Smol Jaune AU
Woes of the Small
Yang: What’s a kid doing here?
Ruby: Yang, this is, Jaune, he helped me out after you abandoned me!
Jaune: And, while I may be short, I am no kid. I am the same age as you, Ms…?
Yang: Names, Yang, Yang Xioa Long. Pleasure to meet you short stuff.
Jaune: …
Jaune: Does she often tease you with, short jokes?
Ruby: Yeah, sorry…
Jaune: It is alright, I have seven sisters worth if small jokes, so it bothers me not. I am however, more offended that she couldn’t come up with something a little more clever than that.
Yang: And, do you think you could come up with something a little more clever?
Jaune: Possibly, but I don’t think you would find tall jokes funny. After all, you’re no doubt more accustomed to jokes about how wide you are.
Yang: Are you calling me fat…
Jaune: No fatter than a horse, but you are as thick as one.
Yang: W-What are you…?! You’re talking about my chest aren’t you…
Jaune: Hips, thighs, waist… Yeah, I am calling you a horse, What are you going to do about it, Cowgirl.
Yang: Cowgirl? Oh hoho! You’ve just made yourself a enemy of a lifetime, short stack!
Jaune: We can celebrate out mutual rivalry when you come up with a better nickname, Cowgirl.
Yang: My pleasure~!
Jaune: Till later then.
Yang: Hehehe~! Oh, he’s going to be so much fun to mess with~!
Ruby: Yang… You okay… You’ve got that look on your face when you see a tasty snack…
Yang: I do…?
Ruby: Yeah… you do…
Yang: Oh~? Hehe, things just got a whole lot more interesting then~!
Jaune: A Fractured Soul? That’s a good book to read.
Blake: Hmm… Oh, you’ve read this book before?
Jaune: Indeed I have, many times actually.
Blake: This is the first time I’ve read it. It’s hard to put it down at times, it’s a real page turner.
Jaune: Indeed it is, perhaps we can talk about it after you have finished reading it, Ms…?
Blake: Blake, Blake Belladonna, and you are?
Jaune: Jaune, Jaune Arc, pleasure to meet you, Blake. Tell me, is the bow really necessary?
Blake: W-What are you talking about?
Jaune: I know who your parents are, Blake; Ghiria, and Kali Belladonna, chieftain of Menagerie. Cat faunas, so that would make you another cat faunas, ears I assume, no?
Blake: W-Wow… I didn’t expect anyone to catch me so easily…
Jaune: Your name is relatively well know. I doubt you can hid if from the Schnee for long. It’d be best if they know who you are. And, if they don’t like you because of who you are, then simply tell them to go to hell. Not, to mention that bow has to hurt your ears just a little bit as is.
Blake: Wow… I’ve never really heard humans speak like that about the faunas. Thank you.
Jaune: Think nothing of it, in my opinion, the only difference between a faunas and a human; Is that a Faunas is an animal with two sets of ears, and a Human is an animist with one set of ears.
Blake: I’ve never thought about it like that before… Thank you, Jaune, I’ll take your words with careful consideration. Again, thank you.
Jaune: My pleasure. Do enjoy your book, Blake. Good night.
Blake: Goodnight, Jaune…
Blake: Hmm… Jaune Arc~? Interesting…
Jaune: Excuse me, I don’t mean to intrude upon your conversation. But, you are standing in my way to my locker.
Weiss: Huw? Oh, sorry.
Pyrrha: Sorry.
Jaune: Thank you, Ms. Schnee, Ms. Nikos.
Weiss: Oh, you know who we are?
Jaune: indeed: You’re coat bares the emblem of the SDC, along with your snow white hair. It wasn’t that hard of a guess.
Weiss: You’d actually be surprised by how many people don’t know who I am.
Jaune: Is that so? Hmm… interesting. I guess it’s not like that for you, Ms. Nikos.
Pyrrha: What do you mean by that?
Jaune: You’re a celebrity that everyone knows. Pyrrha Nikos, The Invincible Girl. A championship fighter, no doubt something that will do you a world of good…
Pyrrha: What do you mean by that?
Jaune: You are a champion fighter, against Humans, but not Grimm. Grimm aren’t humans, that gives them the ability to fight, and act in ways you cannot predict. You skilled, no question about that. Probably the most skilled amongst all of us, against humans. As for the Grimm, well we will just have to wait, and see. But, I bet you will do just fine out there.
Pyrrha: Why, t-thank you… I’m sorry I didn’t get your name?
Jaune: Ahh! My manners escaped me. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jaune, Jaune Arc.
Pyrrha: Its a pleasure to meet you, Jaune.
Jaune: And it is a pleasure to meet you as well, Ms. Nikos.
Pyrrha: Pyrrha! Please, just call me, Pyrrha.
Jaune: Very well, Pyrrha. It was also a pleasure to meet you as well, Ms. Schnee.
Weiss: I-It was nice to meet you as well.
Jaune: Well then, I shall take my leave. I look forward to seeing you all later. Till then.
Pyrrha: B-Bye, Jaune…
Weiss: Hmm… Never really met a guy as short as me before… Have you, Pyrrha? Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: Jaune Arc~ Hmm… Short, sweet, and rolls of the tongue~! Interesting~!
Weiss: What the…?
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
Looking up to a Woman
Smol Jaune AU
Jaune: I will never look up to woman.
Yang: What?!
Blake: Excuse me?!
Pyrrha: And, I thought you were such a gentleman!
Glynda: I expected better of you Mr. Arc. Much better of you!
Jaune: I’m sorry, I can’t help it! It’s either I don’t look up at woman, or I’m staring at their breasts all the time!
YBPG: Eh…?
Jaune: I mean, girls are always looking down at me through their cleavage, but its not the same when I do it to them! And, I feel like a a lecherous monster if I do that to them! So I can’t look up to tall woman, literally!
Blake: Oh…
Yang: Now I feel bad.
Pyrrha: I doubted my honourable gentleman of a team leader; I’m such a horrible person!
Glynda: Of course it was something as simple as that… Why did I even doubt him…?
Yang: So… if Weiss was as tall as one of us, would you still have the same problem?
Jaune: Well… it wouldn’t be as bad, but nonetheless…
Yang: Ha! Sucks to be flat not matter what, Weiss!
Weiss: You are so dead, Yang. So dead…
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
Small, But!
Smol Jaune
Kali: Oh my~! Are you lost little one?
Jaune: I’m 18 years old, Ma’am…
Kali: What?
Blake: Mom, this is Jaune Arc, leader of Team JNPR.
Kali: Team leader? But, he’s so small?
Jaune: Its skill and capabilities that determines leadership, not height. Besides, I may be small, but I pack a punch.
Kali: Do you?
Blake: He does mom, he really does. His gut punches are like none other.
Kali: Gut punches?
Blake: Yeah, gut punches…
Kali: Oh…? Oh! Oh~!
Jaune: Uhh… Something wrong, Mrs. Belladonna?
Kali: Ms. Belladonna, and please, call me, Kali~
Jaune: Okay… Kali. Is uhh… is everything okay?
Kali: Everything is fine, dear, don’t worry.
Jaune: Oh, okay then.
Kali: Tell me, Jaune, what was it like to give, Blake these, gut punches?
Jaune: What?! I’ve never hit, Blake. O-Outside of training. But, that’s to be expected after all.
Blake: What about all the times outside training though?
Jaune: I’ve never hit you…?! oh… you mean… t-that time…?
Blake: Times, Jaune, times~!
Kali: Oh, do tell, do tell~!
Jaune: help…
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
Smol Jaune AU
Blake: Jaune… i’m sorry, but it just slipped out…
Jaune: I… am not a little… puppy…
Blake: Aww… Its like a growling little puppy …
Jaune: I can hear you!
Blake: oh shit…
Jaune: I thought you hated dogs anyway, why are you comparing me to one?
Blake: I can’t help it! You’ve got that cute little snarl and bark of a little puppy! Its so adorable!
Jaune: Grrr…!
Blake: That one! Its sho cuute!!
Jaune: Blake, do you happen to know what, ‘Neko,’ means…?
Blake: Yes, it’s another word for cat.
Jaune: Do you know what it also means?
Blake: Y-Yes…
Jaune: Good, otherwise this reference wouldn’t make that mush sense…
Blake: Reference… Jaune, why are you taking out your sword…?!
Jaune: So I can Neko Neko your fucking kneecaps!
Blake: What, no?! Ahhhh!!!
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