#smosh summer games apocalypse
winterxgardener · 5 months
Courtney's belly flops never disappoint. 💅👑
Random thought: I feel like Shayne always has a mini heart attack whenever Courtney does her belly flop. ⬇️
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smoshpostiing · 8 months
I really hope shourtney is real but I’ve heard that some people that they haven’t been Interacting as much cause of some shourtney fans cause there some out there that are just not great. Also wanted to ask what are some of your fav smosh vids? Could be from any smosh channel :)
yeah honestly its a tricky topic. they are really sweet together and there is a lot that makes it seem like they are together but if they are not i totally respect that.
the other issue is that a lot of fans over the years have been really disrespectful and invasive towards them which is absolutely awful, and you're right there have been a few incidents over the years.
the main thing for me is that i dont go searching for "proof" i just post cute moments and photos as they come up. i think it's really important to respect their private lives , whether they are together or not.
omg that is such a tricky question!!! ill have to give you a list of them hahaha
- smosh mouth episode 16 with angela
- smosh summer games apocalypse (specifically ep 2)
- 1,2,switch (ian, anthony, shayne, + court)
- real couple vs shipped couple (sam and liv vs shartney)
- are we cringe? (idiots present)
- smoffice hide and seek (both videos)
- trivial pursuit tntl (shayne and damien + angela and amanda)
- musical tntl
i have a million more!!!! should i do a post for my top 50 smosh videos?? make it a series even?
also just realised i didnt even put any sketches on this list wtf
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sheisaquarius-blog · 3 months
smoshblr tag game
@lilac-hecox tagged me!!
Rules: copy and paste the questions below into a text post and write in your answers, then tag as many people as you want
1. How long have you been watching Smosh?
oh god, i haven't counted the years. i've been watching for a long, LONG time. maybe like 14 years? not all 14 were as dedicated as i am now, but i was for sure watching.
2. Favourite Smosh cast member(s)?
this is like picking a favorite child. my favorite to write is ian, but as far as who's in content? i truly don't know that i can pick. (it's ian and anthony tho)
3. Favourite pairing?
i'm a fan of SO MANY dynamics. my under rated ones are definitely arasha + chanse and arasha + angela. keith + ANYBODY is underrated (that one cheater's monopoly vid with him makes me cry laughing). anthony and courtney is SO important to me, that's just a dad and his nonbinary daughter. in a similar vein, ian and arasha is a dad and his son. shayne an olivia are frenemies in every universe. oh, and amanda and tommy is a fave of mine too! some of the more obvious ones: i love the golden trio, spencer and tommy, shayne and amanda are MAGIC together, and i am absolute trash for ian and anthony.
4. Favourite recurring character?
brianna boho, sarah christ, the chosen, the coroner, your mental illness, lesbian willy wonka, REDACTED... i am down a rabbit hole and can't stop thinking about so many now. probably just all of them.
5. Favourite Smosh video?
any cheater's monopoly or werewolf vid. the family feud vids. any summer/winter games vid (especially apocalypse or camp). any funeral roast. the sitcom ranking livestream. the entire let's do this playlist.
6. First video that got you into Smosh?
god. i'm not going to look up the release dates because i'll end up astral projecting out of my body about it, but pokemon in real life is the first one i remember KNOWING was a smosh video. and i watched it the day it came out. yikes.
7. Favourite picture of the cast?
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i know the funeral was forever ago, and i know this is only like half the cast, but. emotionally, i am still here.
8. Favourite picture of your fave?
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i miss pastor ian every day. pastor ian and his dumb, hot, dead bf.
9. What Smosh series do you want to see more of?
so many! i'm suuuuch a big fan of lying games, so anything like werewolf or (PLEASE MORE) blood on the clocktower. i'm also always always a let's do this fan, although i'm not holding my breath for that one.
10. Dream guest on Smosh Mouth?
i'm with shayne, i'm dying for the basement yard boys to make an appearance. i think frankie and amanda would end up on a planet of their own making.
Tagging: i am scared and quiet so i do not know if i can do that but if you haven't done this tag game yet and you want to i'm gently tagging you!
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3rddimension · 1 year
Underrated shourtney moments (not including twitch, I'll make a separate list for that):
-c being the main person responsible for planning his smosh graduation (we don't bring that up enough)
-him being so soft and cheering her on whenever they do physical competition stuff (the army fitness test from back in the day, the fbi fitness test, even the fifth grader PE test) he's usually super competitive in games but when it comes to those competitions he always makes sure she doesn't feel like she failed
-that bts moment in the 2020 sketch were they were filming a make out scene through the door because the sketch is about covid, she pretends to lean in to kiss him and they all awkwardly laugh
-the entirety of the every dog person sketch the chemistry was off the charts and their physical intimacy had cleared changed by that point it's clear as day in every scene
-the slime bucket punishment in summer games apocalypse when they play operation and S is responsible for dropping the slime on c and she asks him to watch out for bugs and he keeps trying to shoo bugs away for her <3
-the summer games we blew it where they're all doing the outro for the bouncy house competition and S sees c go to mess with Ian and his cute aggression just takes over and he goes to grab her and they start play fighting (HE LITERALLY HAS ALWAYS ONLY HAD CUTE AGGRESSION WITH C ONLY, those are the moments when you find someone so cute you need to grab them and squish them even if it's in the form of play fighting)
-my #1 underrated shourtney is their characters as Jordan and Rachel in Most Annoying Kid Series (that ship is sooo cute), that series genuinely makes them feel like different people to me it's insane their acting talent, S and C are playing high schoolers who have crushes on each other. He's the most annoying kid in school/class clown and she's the popular cool girl. I loved them seeing them (in character) explicitly crushing on each other in long format videos and not just a short bit for a sketch. I will say, they ruined their relationship arc in the most annoying kid joins tiktok video where they made him a creepy obsessive crush lmao but it's still a fun ship (OP there's a playlist for the most annoying kid series on yt if you can link it)
Those are all underrated one for sure. Also found the playlist! Will watch it later when I have time.
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cowbeaus · 1 year
18, 23, and 24 for the smosh asks :)
thank you for the ask!!! im so happy somebody sent in some :)))
18: the “where’s anthony” joke thing is really funny to me now just because of him actually coming back ^ besides that though. there’s so many little jokes and memes i love i don’t know if i could pick lol
23: i don’t have many but i guess i could say that recent (as in last year or so) smosh videos were still really good? i saw a lot of old smosh fans complaining in comments about how newer stuff was bad because it wasn’t the same as original smosh content, but i just never understood the point in that reasoning
24: pretty much the entire experience of smosh summer games apocalypse was and is very very dear to me!! it was my first time really being in a fandom while something that cool was happening, and i remember the general hype and how fun watching each video as they were posted was :))
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screenshaas · 4 years
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SPELLING BEE-KINI WAX #2 with Joven, Shayne, and Wes
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iris-illustrates · 5 years
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smoshbutnotcorrupt · 4 years
the year was forty-aught-six.
i was eatin dutch fries ‘cause france hadn’t been invented yet. suddenly, there she was.
gertrude hillanoma.
she had an ass like a cotton gin, still. this was back before you millennials invented deodorant. all i had was kaiser’s underarm powder—
—and my wits.
sure, we got to talkin. we got to talkin good.
she was layin down in the first tubes of the interwebs.
i wanted to slide in those dms, but BACK THEN, dm stood for
diphtheria medication
hey, common sense.
sure enough, when i saddled up next to her, i could
you know what that musk is.
ox piss
it was delightful.
that’s how i knew she worked on a farm. not just any farm, but
Uncle Sam’s Good Old Fashioned Sausage Municipal Farm.
That’s Where The Best Municipal Suasage Came From™
you’ve probably never had a
real, honest-to-goodness municipal sausage
have you, son?
no! you haven’t. you have this
”””””””beyond meat”””””””
sausage that the vegans invented
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kaptainandy · 5 years
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“take it off!”
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a-singleboat · 5 years
Punishment Zombie Shootout
Word Count: 1576
A/N: I love Kimmy and erasure of her is not Kimmy hate. Also! I will be doing each video as a fic (if I can work it in) but each time will be a different person :)
A/N 2: I know I seem desperate at this point but pls reblog if you like this so I know to keep writing
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You watched from the sidelines as Matt Raub introduced the green team, Toxicitea, to the camera. They all ran out together, doing what they had created to be their team chant which also apparently included having Shayne scream into the camera for what seemed to be a solid thirty seconds. In reality, it was probably closer to five seconds though it garnered some laughs from the crew. 
Through the chaos, Matt managed to get his question out to which Olivia stepped forward in a gangly fashion and spoke her piece. “Oh yeah, you know what’s the tea? The other team sucks!”
“We’re gonna drop our bags right into their–” Ian struggled to finish his sentence, stepping back as Shayne swooped in with his brass comment.
“And by bags, we mean testicles!” 
There was clapping and there was also you off to the side, nearly cracking up at the team’s choice words. Courtney grabbed your hand and squeezed it tight as Matt clapped his hands together and spoke loudly to the viewers. “Introducing the pink team, team Mushroom Clout!”
You let go of each other’s hands and ran out with everyone else, chanting your own team’s name. Lasercorn attempted some sort of cartwheel and landed as everyone else converged into one big group to mimic the explosion noises. You were standing right behind Courtney but in front of Damien, which also happened to be a prime camera spot. You shouted along with your group, pulling down your shirt ever so slightly to show off the Mushroom Clout logo on the front.
“You cannot defeat us,” Lasercorn proclaimed, showing off his midsection. “For we have the power of the streak!”
“I thought it said steak.”
You laughed at Matt’s offhand comment and moved to stand on Keith’s other side, right behind Lasercorn. “The prophecy must be–”
Lasercorn cut himself off, looking down at his stomach. “Does it really.” He looked up and pointed straight at the purple-haired girl. “Mari wrote it.”
“Does the prophecy include you showing your nipples through your shirt?” Ian pointed straight at Lasercorn’s chest, which with further inspection did show nipples. You laughed and pulled his shoulders back so you could check to see if his nipples were actually being shown through his shirt. 
“Yes!” Lasercorn shouted before raising his arms into the air. “Victory eternal–” was all he could get out before Olivia came over and slapped his stomach. 
Lasercorn was quick to call them out on cheating and asked for, “Ten points minus them.”
“Okay, this is a lot,” Matt was quick to do damage control. “This is a lot, but may I point out that Sohinki, you look a lot different.”
You shouted out and stepped forward, flexing for the camera. Courtney behind you shouted, “We got Y/n!” You then stood up nicely and blew a kiss to the camera before all focus went back to Matt Raub.
Not soon after, the challenge started. The points were as follows; fifty for a headshot, twenty-five for a body shot, and two-hundred for nailing the squirrel that was perched upon Bob Ross.
Person after person went up, punishments ranging from an Atomic Wet Willy—which had gone to Wes—to an Ice Bucket Dump—which had gone to Damien. All in all, you were pretty jealous of Damien who had gotten to get cool on that outrageously hot day. 
It rolled around to Joven’s turn, which made you nervous because that meant it was approaching your turn. Of course, you would be near the last person to go, which added to all the nerves at the end of the day. 
You screamed in disgust as Joven sucked Courtney’s toe and clung onto the nearest person, which happened to be Shayne, and hid in his chest. You fake gagged a few times before breaking out into laughter that turned into words of comfort for Courtney. 
When she was returned back to you guys, you pulled her in close and rubbed her back. “Nobody else has sucked my toe but me until today.” Her voice was sad but you couldn’t help but laugh at the statement. 
“Well, at least you know what it feels like now.”
“Never again.”
Noah’s turn passed over with a Courtney Gas Mask Burp, to which he proclaimed that he could taste to Cola that she had just drunk. The thought of that actually brought the thought of throwing up to your mind as Shayne took his place for his turn. 
Shayne gave his speech about the squirrel that terrorized him in his apartment complex. “And he’s just there just like,” he mimicked what the squirrel would do. “And I just can’t get around him. 
“It’s true, the squirrel almost didn’t let me leave one night,” you spoke up, fanning yourself with your hand. “The bully squirrel. The bully squirrel’s brother.”
He pointed at you and then swung his arm around to point it at the squirrel perched on Bob Ross’s shoulder. “That squirrel, I’m gonna get him.”
You bit the nail of your thumb as his teammates shouted advice at him in shooting the squirrel. He took aim and fired, watching as the arrow swooped right by the squirrel and Sarah stepped forward to examine the squirrel. 
“It hit the very tip of the tail!” She proclaimed as the rest of the green team broke out into cheers. Ian and Shayne hugged before he ran up to the camera and shouted that he was still scared of the squirrel.
He took his position and pulled a slip of paper. 
“It just says die,” he let the joke hit and then continued. “No, aw crap. Armpit Lick.”
Everyone showed sympathy as he contemplated the paper he just pulled. Lasercorn was persuading him not to do it as he started to walk away. 
“I won’t kiss you for a month if you do this, Shayne!” 
He turned around and pointed straight at you. “No. The first thing I’m gonna do after we win this is to kiss you.”
You screamed as he took a running start and licked the whole length of Ryan’s armpit. You watched as he spat out the saliva in his mouth and then stumbled around to the cameras like a man gone mad. 
Ian shouted, “He needs some milk,” as Shayne stumbled over to you.
He tried to pull you in but you resisted, laughing and protesting that he go bleach his mouth before it could go anywhere near you. He found his way back to standing next to Ryan. 
“I can tell that you went to the gym two days ago, used the elliptical. You’ve eaten a fine steak meal in the past day. You’re feeling positive and you have good fortune coming your way. I can tell all of that.” 
“That’s cool, do me next!” Mari jumped at the chance but didn’t move from her spot. 
Shayne put his hands on his hips. “I might also just be having toxic shock, I don’t know.”
You clapped politely as you moved to the shooting spot, dodging Shayne on the way over. One glimpse at his face though had you catching his arm to pull him into a hug. The cast ‘awed’ at your public display of affection to which you stuck your tongue out at them and continued to walk to the shooting station.  
Your hands shook as you stepped up to the plate. “I think I might have to go for the squirrel to bring us back up.”
You missed once, ignoring Joven’s taunt as you took aim once again. You shot and it hit Bob Ross, but not where you wanted it to. You had hit the paint pallet which counted as a body shot for twenty-five points. You stood out in the open and pulled your punishment. 
“Global Warming?” 
“Global Warming is every member of the opposite team gets to breathe hot breath on you,” Matt explained, causing your eyebrow to quirk up. 
“Alright,” you shook out your arms. “No big deal.” 
The whole team ran up and breathed their hot breath onto your body, Shayne sneaking his hands in to tickle you the slightest bit. You squirmed away from his hands and pushed him off as the rest of his team retreated. 
“You watched Ian and Lasercorn’s turn passed on by, your arm slung around Courtney’s waist and her arm around your neck. You both slumped over slightly as the winners were pronounced as Toxicitea. 
After filming for that had ended, you opted to seek out Shayne in the post-filming chaos. 
When you finally found him in a bathroom, furiously brushing his teeth and soon after rinsing with mouthwash. You knocked twice on the door to alert him of your presence and he looked up, seeing you in the mirror. He walked over to you as you closed the door, pulling you in close. He looked down at you, his freshly minty breath rolling over you in waves. 
“I think I deserve that kiss now.”
“I mean, I did say not for another month.”
He dipped his head lower and placed his lips on yours, melding them together in something needy and passionate. To tell the truth, it had been a while since you two had last kissed, or even been in the same room alone together, with filming for Summer Games and just having two different filming schedules. 
“I’m glad you said yes to being on summer games this year.”
“And I’m glad I could be here.”
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sssmoshhh · 5 years
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Sarah, Help Me!
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winterxgardener · 5 months
Courtney: Please watch the bug (to Shayne)
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How am I supposed to get into a relationship when the bar is set at Shayne Topp, Damien Haas, and Courtney Miller
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thebasketcase101 · 4 years
Hi so it's currently 1AM and I have work in the morning but my sleep schedule is f*cked 🙃 Anywho, here's a blurb I wrote for my unnamed Smosh fic I mentioned like a week ago. Let me know what you guys think or send questions or just let me know if you're interested in more ☺️🙈
    Three men wearing hoods and tactical gear stood over the couple lying on the desert floor. It was a young couple, a man and a woman, neither of them currently moving. The male hadn’t moved even once since they had been found and the hooded team determined him dead from the blood that was running from his nose and his mouth. The female, who had been awake when the team found them, was now unconscious with an angry red mark burnt in the left side of her neck from the taser that had been shot at her. “Is that…” One of the men spoke, wiping the dirt from his goggles, ensuring his vision was clear.
    “No, Lasercorn, she’s dead.” The man who shot the taser spoke up. He furrowed his brows staring at the girl as a gust of wind blew loose strands of silver hair into his face. The man tucked the hair back behind his ear, “I watched her die.”
    “She looks an awful lot like her then.” The third man adjusted his hat and glasses and looked over his shoulder as he heard the door to their truck slam shut. The man who exited the truck was in charge of the small team and was visibly displeased with how long they were taking with the mission. Another gust of wind blew through the empty desert, causing the man to brush the blue locks up and out of his face and back into place with the rest of his dark brown hair.
    The three hooded men continued to look at the unconcious girl in disbelief as the fourth finally joined them. “What the hell is taking so long?” The blue haired man removed his sunglasses and looked at what they were staring at; the girl.
    “Is that-” The man wearing goggles, Lasercorn, was cut short of his question. 
    “No, she’s dead.” The blue haired man frowned and continued to examine the unconcious girl. “This must mean Sohinki’s theory on other dimensions pans out after all.” He returned his sunglasses to his face and looked to the silver haired man. “Wes, what happened when you approached?”
    “She was awake when we found her. I tased her to avoid any potential conflict.” Wes looked to his leader before further explaining, “She was struggling to get up and was crying for help, presumably because she realized her companion was dead.”
    “Who looks awfully familiar as well, I might add.” The man wearing the hat nodded towards the dead body on the ground.
    The rest of the team turned their full attention to the body before Lasercorn gestured towards the dead man, loudly proclaiming, “Okay, now that’s definitely-”
    “Dude keep it down!” The man wearing the hat swatted at Lasercorn’s hand. “You think we’re the only ones who caught this on our radar?”
    “Flitz is right,” Wes spoke up. “We need to keep it down.” He looked to his leader, who said nothing, “And we should probably wrap things up before anyone else comes out here.” Wes continued to look towards their leader, waiting for further instructions, but the blue haired man still said nothing. “Should we just leave the body and take the girl?”
    “No, I don’t think we should be leaving someone with my face in the middle of the desert, even if they are dead.” The blue haired man turned to Wes, “Gather them both up while I pull the truck around.”
    “You got it, Damien.”
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3rddimension · 1 year
In the "Anthony reacts to "where's Anthony" jokes" video from Smosh Pit Shayne addressed a Shourtney moment from long ago!.
In the Smosh Summer Games: Apocalypse ep 2 they had to answer what was the best Smosh ship. Courtney answered Shourtney and Shayne answered Ian+Anthony. (The answer from Joven is everyone of us lol)
In the video with Anthony Shayne says that it was a way of not answering the question because if he put himself as part of the answer the fans would go crazy.
I think when Shayne starts talking about it (12:08) there is a weird cut so my guess is that Anthony asked if he believed in his answer or why he didn't put Shourtney. Also when Shayne says "but also..." (12:12) i think he glances at courtney (she was directing the video)
Yeah that part caught me by surprised when Shayne said it. It's like he know it will happen for real and he doesn't want to fuel the fire.
Also loved the new reaction video. They only react to one video but it's pretty insightful with all the explanation behind the scene and tidbit like what we got above.
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smosh-stuff · 5 years
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