#smosh valentine's fanfic exchange
lilac-hecox · 6 months
Title: Summer Sun for You Forever
Pairing: Damien/Jackie
Rating: Teen
“I know. It’s good news really. I…I got a job offer, Damien. An incredible job offer with Second City.”
Damien’s eyes light and he smiles and jumps out of his seat.
“Jackie! That’s amazing!” He’s around the table and he’s hugging her, his arms warm around her middle as he leans down to meet her.
Jackie lets her arms shift up to wrap around his shoulders and hold him close, tucking her face into his shoulder.
“It is, but…the job…it’s in New York,” she says into his shirt, chickening out on looking into his eyes as she tells him, as she bites the bullet, as she hurts them both.
Warnings: Unplanned pregnancy, hurt/comfort, situationship to relationship, angst, happy ending.
Notes: Written as a part of the Smoshblr Valentine's Exchange! We had a writer drop out and as such I filled in and wrote this for @blondeforyou who was so sweet and patient! I hope you enjoy Snel!
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baflegacy · 7 months
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Welcome to Smosh Girlies Week! (March 24-31)
Since March is International Women’s Month and I’ve been wanting a way to gush about the female cast & crew of Smosh and the F/F ships in the fandom! So why not dedicate a week, right?
The event will run from March 24-31 and anyone and any kind of post (fan art, edit, fanfic, etc.) are welcome! I’ll be splitting the week into two ‘parts’: a general appreciation half and a half for the RPF stuff so anyone who wants to join in can either choose one ‘half’ or do both!
Rules + prompts will be posted under the cut! Good luck to all who will participate, and feel free to send an ask if you have any questions!
(Would like to also thank @zillaphoneswag & @lilac-hecox for doing Amangela Week and the Valentines Gift Exchange as they inspired me to do this!)
Open to anyone in Smoshblr.
Any kind of post (art, edits, moodboards, writing, AUs, etc.) is welcome!
Smosh Girlies Week is for anyone who is/was at Smosh! So yes—that includes former and current cast/crew.
Multiple entries/posts in a single prompt are definitely welcome!
Since this week is also about boosting/highlighting the wlw side of smoshblr, lets focus on F/F ships for the RPF side of the week!
Please tag any work that is NSFW/18+
Make sure to tag your work as #smoshgirliesweek as well!
Don’t feel pressured to do all of the prompts, we’re here to have fun!
* Also, I know most of us here are very respectful people, so just a general warning: I ask that we only have this on Tumblr & AO3 (for the RPF side). Let’s not tag the cast in our fics and possibly make them uncomfortable.
March 24: Cast and Crew! (Highlighting your fave or wanna gush about an underrated smosh girlie? Can do one or both! It’s all up to you!)
March 25: Smosh Dynamics! (Nows your chance to talk about your fav dynamic or a dynamic you think isn’t talked about enough!)
March 26: Favorite Character by a Smosh Girlie! (Sarah Christ? Katchem Poppy? Andromeda?)
March 27: Favorite Project they ‘Starred In’! (Courtney’s Funeral Roast Trailer? Angela in Starkid? You decide!)
March 28: Inside the Smoffice Cinematic Universe (Office shenanigans, a workplace romance? The possibilities are endless!)
March 29: Alternate Universe (Medieval AU with Queen!Amanda? Superhero Team/Vigilante AU? Maybe even a universe based on a sketch/bit? Who knows!)
March 30: Found Family & Friendship (Let’s highlight the friendship & different dynamics within the female cast!)
March 31: Free Day! (Write about anything and everything!)
*Bonus Challenge: Try to write/make something about a different smosh ship every prompt during the RPF half of the week!
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Nut Hut - Fanfic Exchange
​Written for: @daddyneedshisjuse Part of the Smosh Valentine's Day Fanfic Exchange - please note this account is not the person who wrote this fic. Check back within the next day for the author reveal. Title: Nut Hut Pairing: ShaynexDamien, CourtneyxOlivia (Minor) Rating: T (cursing?) Keywords: amusement parks, school field trip, ive actually never been to this amusement park, the nut hut is a real place though, and all the menu items, and all the rides are real, i googled this stuff, sorry if this is bad Summary: Shayne meets a guy on the school field trip to Hershey Park. 
 Note for the person I wrote this for: Happy valentines day!! Hope it's a good one haha!
Since Shayne wasn’t in band, orchestra, or chorus (he was more of a theatre guy), he never got to go on the school trips to amusement parks, which sucked because those were basically the only good field trips.
Fortunately for him (and anyone else who wasn’t really musical), the end of year trip for seniors was a trip to Hershey Park. Unfortunately, however, he had forgotten to turn in his permission slip until the last minute, meaning that he was on a different bus than all of his friends.
“It’s just the bus ride, dude. We’ll all meet up at the park,” Noah said. Olivia nodded.
“Yeah, we’ll miss you for the ride, but then we’ll ride all the rides and forget it!”
“You’re right, the bus ride’s not the best part,” Shayne said, knowing full well that the bus ride is the best part of any field trip. Still, there was nothing he could do about it.
He sat down in an empty seat in the middle of the bus. As more people got on and moved past him, he resolved to listen to music the whole ride and ignore everyone. He was pulling out his earbuds when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up and an extremely handsome guy was looking down at him.
“Uh, can I sit here?”
Shayne nodded. “Yeah, yeah, of course!”
“Alright, thanks!” The guy said, sitting down next to Shayne. He grinned adorably at Shayne. “I’m Damien.”
“I’m Shayne. Shayne Topp,” Shayne stammered. Damien laughed.
“Nice Bond introduction,” He said. Shayne smiled awkwardly.
“Yeah, not really my intention, but I’ll roll with it, you know?”
“Alright, that’s fair. Hey, is that a Goldbergs shirt?” Damien asked.
“Yeah, actually! I’m in the Goldbergs,” Shayne said. Damien raised an eyebrow.
“No way.”
“Yeah, I have a couple lines, I’m not, like, an important character or anything,” Shayne said. Damien nodded.
“Still, that’s cool. Actually, I’ve been in a few Disney shows,” Damien said. Shayne was surprised.
“Really? Me too! Which ones?”
The two discussed which Disney channel shows they’d been in, and then moved to superheroes and new movies.
“Coco was so good, dude,” Shayne said. Damien nodded.
“Yes. Actually the best movie I’ve seen all year. I cried at the end,” He said.
“Me too,” Shayne said.
“Uh, I feel kind of weird coming on this trip, I moved here two months ago. Not really sure what I’ll do when I get there,” Damien shrugged. Shayne suddenly had an idea.
“Oh, you can hang out with my friends! They’re super nice,” He said.
“Well if they’re anything like you, they’re probably pretty cool. You sure they won’t mind if I tag along?” Damien asked. Shayne shook his head.
“No, they’ll be fine with it. I’m sure they’ll like you.”
“Alright, cool, cool. Uh, we’re almost there, right? I’m pretty excited,” Damien admitted. Shayne smiled.
“Yeah, me too. I think we’re close,” He looked out the window. “Hey, there’s a sign for Hershey Park!”
A few minutes later, the bus pulled into the expansive parking lot. Shayne and Damien made their way off of the bus. Shayne looked around and caught sight of Courtney, Olivia, and Noah waving them over.
“Where’s Keith?” Shayne asked.
“Oh, he lost his hat on the bus somehow. He’s looking for it,” Noah said. Shayne laughed.
“Who’s this?” Courtney asked.
“This is Damien. It cool if he hangs out with us?” Shayne asked. Courtney nodded.
“Of course. Hi Damien, I’m Courtney, this is my girlfriend, Olivia, and this is Noah. Keith’s still on the bus,” Courtney said.
“Nice to meet you,” Damien smiled.
“Wait, how’d he lose his hat on the bus?” Shayne asked. Noah laughed.
“I threw it.”
“Of course.”
“Hey guys, found my hat!” Keith said, getting out of the bus.
“Sorry about that,” Noah said, not being the least bit sorry.
“Hey, Keith, this is Damien,” Shayne said. Keith smiled.
“Hi!” Damien waved. Keith nodded.
“Hey. I’m Keith.”
“Alright, well! Let’s get going!” Courtney said, clapping her hands together. She lead the group into the park.
They agreed to ride the Wildcat first, and then the Comet. That was about as far as their plans went. As they headed to the Wildcat, Keith began ranting about how much he disliked wooden coasters.
“They’re so rickety! It always feels like you’re gonna fall off!” He said. Noah shook his head.
“Dude, would you rather ride that one?” He pointed at the Skyrush. Keith shook his head vigorously.
“No, no way. Way too high for me,” He said. Courtney laughed.
“We have to ride it now, right?”
“After the Wildcat,” Olivia said. Courtney nodded.
They got in line, shifting as they talked idly. The line moved quickly, and soon they were boarding the ride. Shayne found himself next to Damien.
“Is this a bad time to mention I don’t love rollercoasters?” Damien asked.
“Dude! You should’ve said something!” Shayne said. Damien shrugged.
“I dunno, didn’t want to ruin your trip. I’ll be fine.”
“Uh… here, you can hold my hand,” Shayne offered. Damien laughed.
“Alright, sure,” He said, taking Shayne’s hand and immediately tightening his grip.
“Dude, do you work out your fingers?” Shayne asked. Damien nodded.
“Yeah, actually, I use one of those flexy things bass players use.”
“No, I’m kidding. Oh shit, it’s moving, shit-” Damien tightened his grip again. The ride accelerated and Shayne was forced to lean into Damien. He tightened his own grip on the brunette’s hand, and just as soon as it started, the ride was over. He and Damien got off, laughing. Keith seemed to be in a state of shock, and Noah and Courtney were laughing at him. Olivia was getting her back out of the bin on the side of the ride.
“Alright, on to the Comet!” Olivia said. Courtney nodded, and the group followed Olivia to the Comet. The line was a little longer, but soon they were in their seats. This time, Shayne was next to Noah and Keith was next to Damien. Shayne and Noah grinned at each other as the ride started. It was a lot smoother than the Wildcat, but Shayne preferred wooden coasters to the metal ones. It was still fun, though.
They headed to the Skyrush, but saw that the line was really long, so they settled for Hershey Chocolate World Factory Tour instead.
“Oh my god, those cows are terrifying!” Keith said.
“Take that back!” Noah said. Keith shook his head.
“Come on man, those aren’t even cool looking cows,” He said. Noah gasped.
“All cows are cool looking cows!” Shayne laughed and glanced at Damien.
“What do you wanna do?” He asked. Damien shrugged.
“I guess I’m kind of hungry.”
“Cool, me too. Hey guys, me and Damien are gonna get some food, anyone wanna come with?”
“Sure- I mean, no, I’m good,” Olivia said, glancing at Courtney.
“Yeah, you guys get your food. We’ll meet up at the Skyrush, text us when you’re heading over,” Courtney said.
“Okay, thanks!” Shayne said, heading off with Damien.
“Hey, let’s go to the Nut Hut!” Damien laughed.
“Alright, sure. Why not.”
“Seriously?” Damien asked.
“Yeah! If I don’t at least buy something, I’ll regret it forever,” Shayne smiled. Damien laughed again.
They walked over to the Nut Hut and examined the menu.
“Dude! They’ve got fudge dipped bananas!” Shayne exclaimed. Damien laughed.
“Oh shit, you’ve gotta get one,” Shayne said.
“I do.”
“Can I help you?” A young woman asked.
“Uh, yeah, can I get a fudge dipped banana?” Shayne asked. The woman nodded.
“Anything else?”
“Yeah, can I get some cinnamon frosted nuts and an iced tea?” Damien asked. The woman nodded again and gave them the price.
“I can pay,” Damien said, pulling out some money.
“Oh, uh, thanks,” Shayne said as Damien paid for their food, which was soon handed over to them.
“You want to sit down while we eat?” Shayne asked.
They found a place to sit in the shade and enjoyed their food.
“Damn, this fudge dipped banana is great,” Shayne said.
“Yeah, these cinnamon frosted nuts are pretty good too,” Damien laughed.
“God, I’m thirsty. I’m gonna go get a drink,” Shayne said, finishing his banana and heading to a vending machine. He got a Sprite and headed back to Damien.
“Thank fuck, I’ve been thirsty for the past hour,” Shayne said.
“You… do know that soda doesn’t hydrate you, right?” Damien asked. Shayne shrugged.
“Who cares, I love Sprite!”
“Oh, hey, you’ve got something…” Damien reached over and wiped the corner of Shayne’s mouth. Shit, was he supposed to kiss Damien now?
“Wait, am I supposed to kiss you now?” Damien asked.
“Oh thank you, I wasn’t sure either. Do you… want to? Kiss now?” Shayne asked. Damien shrugged.
“Sure! I mean, you’re really hot, so…”
“You too.”
“Thanks, bro!”
“Uh, kissing?”
“Oh, yeah,” Damien leaned in and Shayne watched his eyes flutter shut as he leaned in as well and the two guys’ lips met. Damien’s hand found its way to Shayne’s knee. Just as Shayne was getting into the kiss, he heard cheering coming from the bushes and pulled back. Damien followed his eyes to see Noah, Keith, Courtney, and Olivia laughing behind one of the bushes.
“Really, guys?” Shayne asked.
“Congrats!” Noah said.
“Yeah, you finally got a boyfriend!” Courtney grinned.
“Uh, who says he’s my boyfriend?” Shayne asked.
“Well, do you want me to be your boyfriend?” Damien asked, grinning.
“Um, yes?”
“Okay, this is great and all, but can we please ride the Skyrush?” Olivia asked.
“C’mon, Liv, give them a minute!” Keith said.
“Keith, you just want to get out of riding the Skyrush, which isn’t happening,” Noah said. Keith frowned.
“Well, shall we?” Shayne asked.
“Yes, we shall,” Damien smiled. They made their way to the Skyrush. It was a really fun coaster, and Keith only peed his pants a little bit.
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Contained Sunshine - Fanfic Exchange
​written for: @immayoutubebitch Part of the Smosh Valentine's Day Fanfic Exchange - please note this account is not the person who wrote this fic. Check back within the next day for the author reveal.
Title: Contained Sunshine Pairing: Courtney/Shayne, mentions of Noah/Keith Rating: E Keywords: dystopia au, dark, fluff Summary: When the world is overrun with water and mold, Courtney and her friends try to find their little bits of sunshine wherever they can in order to survive. Things are dangerous, but Courtney risks it all just for a moment to see Shayne smile.
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Courtney looked up the fire escape, sighing. It was climbing with vines and on the first step she felt it whisper, as if asking to give way into the graying green. She double checked the address that Olivia had scribbled on her hand and squinted, rereading the falling off paint on the side of the brick. It had to be the place, but she also wished she had told her that she’d have to climb the whole thing so she could have at least brought a hair tie so she could try to avoid getting tetanus from the rust without having to get her hair in her eyes.
It would be worth it; Courtney told herself as she swung her body up and began to climb. Seeing Shayne’s face when she brought it back would make it all okay. The fire escape moaned underneath her and she did her best to tread carefully, patting the railing to say thank you once she was at the top. She paused for a couple of minutes to look out over their decaying city. She missed the sun.
It seemed to be only a few weeks ago that they were all just housemates here. She could remember the way the sun looked, streaming in through the large bay windows of the penthouse she and the crew all shared. It was supposed to be a new beginning, not a death sentence. She remembered the face Keith had pulled when Noah had first suggested they move to a top floor in the midst of the Metropolis. “A penthouse is a bad shelter, y’all know that,” he had said. Noah had wrapped his arm around the other boy’s shoulder and leaned against him, giving him a devilish look.
The first week in the penthouse, Keith never left. He would stand on the balcony every morning and stare out into the sun, claiming that Icarus just didn’t know how to properly care for his skin.
But now, the sun was gone and the water never seemed to stop flowing. It had started with the rain, but then the rain had flooded the sewers and the tunnels under the Metropolis. It was fine at first, even a little bit beautiful. The earth was starting to retake the city, starting to tear apart foundations and replace them with plants and seeds. The water made everything spread and soon, it was all green. When it first started, the five of them had sat up on the balcony at night, trying to catch the rain water in bowls and buckets. Maybe if they could help things to grow, they would be rewarded. It was a silly and naive idea, but any silly and naive idea that Noah pitched always seemed to sound somewhat feasible.
Keith was right; a penthouse was a bad shelter for all of them and the government was less kind to a group of wannabe actors that hadn’t contributed the last four years. They were lucky they could find the Den at all.
Courtney blinked at the overcast sky, wondering how long the Den would last if the rain didn’t let up like the predictions had said. Turning away, she went back to the task at hand. The building must have flooded pretty early on. She could tell by the smell and the way her feet sunk into the floor like it was already collapsing into the marsh. She would have to move quickly.
Trying her best to ignore the smell, she explored quietly until she found the small parcel she was looking for. Tucking it into her bag, she escaped as quickly as she could, wanting to be out of the gray.
Once inside the Den, she shucked off her backpack, dropping it onto the cold, concrete floor. “Did you find it?” Olivia asked
Courtney nodded, sitting down next to her friend. “Yeah, but you could have warned me.” She took off her boots, groaning at the mud that covered her socks. It would take at least a week to get all of the wetness out of them.
“If I had warned you, you wouldn’t have gone.” Olivia gave her an apologetic grin. Courtney shot her a look in return but didn’t say anything, knowing she was right.
“Where’s Shayne anyway?” Courtney asked instead.
“He and Noah went into the tunnels to see what they could find.” Her friend stretched before turning back to her again. “Keith hasn’t left his room, of course, but I said I’d stay in case he did.”
Courtney was about to reply when the door scraped open, revealing two figures dressed in all black, hoods low over their faces.
The smaller figure pulled off a mask and Noah breathed a sigh of relief, tossing it to the ground. “The good news is the market seems to be swimming.” He grinned at his own joke, ever the optimist. He pulled a small jar out of the pocket of his bomber jacket. He placed it on the turned over dresser they used as a coffee table. A soft yellow light glowed inside and for a moment, all four of the friends seemed to be entranced. Courtney thought of butterflies and days outside, barefoot. She thought of her parents’ house and the old beech tree she used to climb.
Shayne sighed as he ripped off his own mask. He stepped forward and grabbed the jar, giving it back to Noah. “It isn’t fair that you always show them but never give them more than a taste. Either bring enough back for everyone or just say it was a good trip.”
Slightly hurt, Noah tucked the jar back into his jacket pocket. “Thanks for coming with me,” he mumbled to Shayne before he headed for the stairs to Keith’s room.
Courtney retreated to her room and heard footsteps following close by. Shayne leaned against the door frame, one foot up against the wood to keep himself stable. “Where were you today? You could have come with us, you know.”
“I was busy.” Courtney brought her backpack over to the mattress on the floor and sat. She looked up at him, patting the space next to her. “I had to get something.”
“Oh?” Shayne’s curiosity overtook him and he sat next to Courtney, hips turned toward her. He pushed a hand through his hair, moving the falling pieces out of his eyes. It got longer every day. Courtney understood that it didn’t matter anymore, but she wished he would shave or at least let her trim his hair for him. It was meaningless now but she missed the way her friend didn’t look like he was drowning in his own blonde locks.
Carefully, Courtney pulled the book out of the bag. She looked down at it for a moment, admiring the cover and the pages. Then, unceremoniously, she pushed it into Shayne’s lap. Neither of them said anything for a long time. Shayne looked down at the book and the entire conversation that had started it all replayed in Courtney’s mind. When the world slowly began to dismantle, Shayne had confided in Courtney that the one thing she would miss more than anything was a book that didn’t contain mold or water bound pages. He loved the cracking noise of dry pages, he had said, loved that enough physical touch could force the textured fabric of a hardcover book to nothing but a smooth vessel.
“It’s a book of poetry,” Courtney said softly, wanting to explain without pulling the other out of whatever happy place he had disappeared into. He hoped it was sunny there in his head.
“By Tennyson, I know,” Shayne said. His hand combed across the cover. “Have you ever read the poem Ulysses?”
Courtney shook her head no. “Souls that have toil’d, and wrought, and thought with me—/That ever with a frolic welcome took/The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed/Free hearts, free foreheads-you and I are old,” he recited in a soft voice, flipping through the pages. They gave a lovely flittering sound, like wings beating in the air.
He looked over at her after a minute and grinned, his eyes brimming with tears. The world didn’t need any more water, but Shayne’s eyes were always a pair of oceans that Courtney never minded drowning in, night after night. “Do you want me to read it to you?” He asked gently.
Courtney wiped a few of his tears away with the edge of her sleeve, wondering why all of the water that flooded the world could have been tears from a friend that had simply been moved by a gift. “Yes please,” she smiled in return and laid back, eyes gazing out of the skylight. The clouds were heavy and gray.
When Shayne began to read, Courtney closed her eyes and the inside of her eyelids shone red and warm, like the sunlight that used to stream in through the windows of the penthouse.
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The Dramatic Consequences of 2 Truths 1 Lie - Fanfic Exchange
​Written for @shitsmoshsays Part of the Smosh Valentine's Day Fanfic Exchange - please note this account is not the person who wrote this fic. Check back within the next day for the author reveal. Title: The Dramatic Consequences of 2 Truths 1 Lie Pairing: Noah / Shayne Rating: General Keywords: Slice of life, fluff, established relationship, domestic, sick fic Summary: Noah decides filming 2 Truths 1 Lie with Keith while wearing a flimsy shirt is a good idea. He gets sick, at literally no one’s surprised, and spends his weekend getting pampered and cared for by his wonderful boyfriend Shayne.
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“I bet filming that 2 Truths 1 Lie video with Keith is what made you sick”, Shayne says with a sigh as he rests his warm hand against Noah’s forehead. “I can’t believe you decided to wear that shirt- can you even call that a shirt? It’s more like a weird apron.” Noah laughs because Shayne sounds so concerned, but his boyfriend has that glint in his eyes that shows he’s not being serious. The laugh turns into a cough, chesty and loud and honestly painful, and Shayne has to help Noah drink a little water before it stops.
“I’m not leaving the flat today. I’m gonna stay with you.” Shayne says, placing the glass back down on the table, and then he gets up to bring a mountain of blankets from their bedroom. Noah is settled on the couch, long limbs spread comfortably against the plush cushions, and he’s watching a nature documentary on Netflix. It always makes Shayne laugh, that Noah loves watching the strangest documentaries, but Noah knows his boyfriend secretly loves it. Besides, Noah almost always falls asleep with his head on Shayne’s lap and that means Shayne gets to card his fingers through Noah’s hair. They both love it.
Shayne dumps the blankets and throws on the floor and then arranges them on top of Noah, tucking him in and fluffing up the pillow behind his head.
“This is so domestic.” Noah sighs, blissful, and Shayne laughs.
“You’re dumb.” He answers fondly, and then he’s swiping his hand over Noah’s forehead again to get his hair out of his face. Shayne’s hands are warm and strong and Noah leans into the touch. He’s always loved Shayne’s hands; they’re firm and strong but he’s oh-so delicate when he’s touching Noah. Tracing his fingers down Noah’s arm when they’re watching T.V., squeezing his palm when they’re walking down the street hand in hand, grazing his thumbs across Noah’s cheeks when they’re kissing.
“Have I told you how much I love your hands?” Noah says. Shayne laughs because, apparently, everything Noah says is hilarious to him.
“Only fifteen times a week, no biggie.” He says with a wide grin. “Now stop fantasising about my hands and try to get better. I’ll be in the kitchen making you soup, like a good wife.”
Noah tries watching the documentary, he really does. It’s interesting- David Attenborough’s voice is soothing and the little fish on screen are weirdly calming, but Shayne fed him chicken soup a while ago and he feels warm and toasty. Just for a second, he closes his eyes, and then he wakes up to Shayne carrying him to bed. It’s a shocking way to wake up, when you think about it. His legs are dangling in the air and he’s cocooned inside a blanket. His mouth feels dry and pasty and he croaks out a surprised noise with a flail of his legs.
“It’s 9pm. You slept like four hours, honey.” Shayne whispers as he places Noah in bed. Noah grumbles something- he doesn’t really know what, honestly- and Shayne chuckles. Shayne puts him down in the bathroom to let him brush his teeth and wash his face, and hands him clean pajamas before exiting to make the bed.
“Now take your medicine and go to sleep.” Shayne plops a glass of water on the bedside table and hands Noah the cough syrup. Noah gets a little distracted when he pulls his shirt off and he nearly misses his mouth with the spoon, but he eventually swallows the syrup with a grimace and drops the spoon onto the floor. Before he joins him, Shayne fills Noah’s glass of water again and takes his temperature, even though Noah insists that he’s fine and it’s just a cold.
Shayne doesn’t seem to care about getting sick, because he spoons Noah all night without letting go. It’s nice, because Shayne’s always made Noah feel safe and warm and fuzzy, but Noah also is sick and he’s hot and sweaty. Shayne doesn’t mind, though, because Noah wakes up with his boyfriend’s face pressed into his hair and his arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him close. He feels a little better, though he can’t breathe through his left nostril, so he tries to wiggle out of Shayne’s embrace to get up. Maybe he can surprise him by making breakfast before Shayne wakes up. It doesn’t seem like that will happen, though, because Shayne grumbles something unintelligible and opens his eyes to squint at Noah.
“Mornin’” he says, voice raspy from sleep and it still sends little shivers down Noah’s spine.
“Hello sunshine!” Noah answers with a wide grin. He turns around to face Shayne, delicately swiping the hair that’s sticking to his forehead, and presses a little kiss to his cheek. They both lay there, quiet, for a while. It’s their favourite part of their morning routine- enjoying the warmth of their bed and each other’s company in silence. Working at Smosh, their lives are busy and noisy, so these morning cuddle-sessions always are a blessing. A way to forget the buzz of L.A. just for a while, and get lost in their little bubble.
The couple end up making pancakes, since it is Sunday and they don’t have any plans. Or, rather, Shayne is making pancakes while Noah sits on the floor wrapped in a blanket, coughing into his sleeve. He’s a little better, but his throat is on fire and he can’t really breathe through his nose. There’s music playing in the background and it’s nice, though Noah can’t really sing right now because his throat is raw and that makes him a little angry. There’s nothing better than making pancakes in your pajamas on Sunday morning, singing and dancing to a playlist your hot, wonderful boyfriend made just for you. He also wishes they could make out they decided earlier to avoid kissing, because they’re not sure if Noah is sick enough to contaminate Shayne and there’s no way he’ll let that happen. Even if that means no kissing for a few days. It’s tough, but they’ll get through it… he hopes. Noah loves kissing. Especially kissing Shayne.
They eat the pancakes sat on the counter, and Shayne doesn’t complain when Noah steals from his plate. In fact, when he thinks Noah isn’t looking, he adds more syrup than he usually does, because he knows Noah has a sweet tooth. Noah totally notices and it makes his heart swell. So he keeps eating from Shayne’s plate, sticking his fingers in the syrup and tearing bits of pancake up to shove them in his mouth. Shayne just laughs and wipes the corners of Noah’s mouth with his thumb, getting rid of the syrup stuck at the corners of his lips. When they kiss, it’s slow and overly sweet. Noah’s tongue tastes like sugar and coffee, and though they said they’d try to avoid it, it seems they just can’t help it.
“If you get sick, it’s totally not my fault.” Noah says with a smile when they break apart, and Shayne breathes out a chuckle against his boyfriend’s cheek. He’s put down the forgotten plate of pancakes, carding his fingers through Noah’s hair and pressing their foreheads together.
“I don’t care if I get sick. Just means I get more time with you alone. Away from the office.” He says and Noah’s heart flutters against his ribs.
“It’s been crazy lately. So much filming to do. Especially with Smosh Pit and the show with Damien.” He adds. It’s not that he doesn’t love it- Noah knows Shayne loves filming these videos. He just gets a little overwhelmed, sometimes. It’s a lot of pressure and stress.
“We should go on a holiday, some time. Even just a weekend, like, in a cabin in the woods. That would be so cute.” Noah says and Shayne nods.
They spend the rest of the day cuddled up on the couch, watching another David Attenborough documentary, and on Monday they’re relieved to wake up to a healthier Noah and a still healthy Shayne. They’re late for work, again, because Noah decides that since he’s better he gets to keep Shayne in bed with him longer so they can make out. Shayne doesn’t mind.
- - - -
Author’s note: I hope you enjoyed this! It doesn’t /really/ have that much of a plot, but I didn’t really want to write something super angsty since this is a Valentine’s Day fic! I wanted it to be cute, to be honest. Thank you for reading!! Happy Valentine’s Day!!
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One Cup of Love, Please - Fanfic Exchange
​Written for: @mungeables Part of the Smosh Valentine's Day Fanfic Exchange - please note this account is not the person who wrote this fic. Check back within the next day for the author reveal.
Title: One Cup of Love, Please Pairing: Shayne/Noah Rating: PG Keywords: Coffee Shop AU, corny pickup lines, fluff Summary: The barista is writing nerdy pickup lines on Shayne’s coffee cups note: the author advised this will be a multi-chapter work, with more to follow.
Shayne was meeting his best friends Courtney, Boze, and Damien at their favorite coffee shop, 1-Up. It was owned by their friends, Joven and Mari, so their group met there often. Shayne ordered his usual coffee and muffin without a second thought, not noticing the new barista until his order was set down by a tall boy with glasses and brightly colored hair. He was confused, usually Mari and her cousin, Damien, and close friend, Olivia, were the only ones who worked behind the counter. They made the best coffee, and all the snacks sold were family recipes, so it was unusual for a stranger to be hired. Shayne was a bit confused to see a new (cute) boy serving coffee, but he still ordered. He voiced his confusion when he went to sit down.
   “Yeah I’m not sure who he is either.” Damien answered. “Which is funny because at some point I might have to work with him.” Their other two friends, Boze and Courtney were similarly confused. Courtney suddenly noticed something, and inquired “Shayne, what’s that on your cup?”
   Looking down, he noticed some writing on his cup. He then read it and laughed out loud, “Are you the square root of -1? Because you can’t be real.” Boze obviously thought this was hilarious, as she burst out laughing.
   “The new barista has a crush on Shayne! Shame we don’t know his name because I’d like to congratulate him on his math pickup line skills.”
“Wow, nerdy pickup lines. This was new, and it was also kind of adorable.” Shayne thought to himself. The cluster of friends tittered about this for a bit, until Courtney began to tell them about her new puppy’s antics, and it was for the most part forgotten.
Shayne didn’t forget though. As he frequented 1-Up with his friends, he had yet to learn the barista’s name. While the pickup lines continued appearing on every order. Each time Shayne got his coffee, he  looked forward to a new corny line or cute reference on each cup.
*Are you copper and tellurium? Because you’re CuTe.*
*Are you a 90° angle? Because you’re lookin’ right*
*Are you Google? Because you’ve got everything I’ve been looking for.*
*I’ve got my ion you.*
*I think you’re acute guy*
*I hope you’re not salty about my puns but you’re sodium fine.*
As the weeks passed, Shayne was unable to find out the name of this boy. It came to the point where he figured his friends made an effort to not mention it in front of him.
One day, he came into the cafe with Boze, seeing Damien and the boy conversing behind the counter. He ordered his typical muffin and coffee from Damien. Shayne didn’t think the other boy would write something this time because he had ordered from Damien. He got his order and sat down at the table with Boze. She chattered about her new stats class, and Shayne listened intently, proud that his friend was furthering her education. When he finally took a sip of his coffee, he saw that neatly penned in the boy’s handwriting on the side of his cup it said “I know you don’t Noah lot about me, but if you call me you could. (555)-983-3400 -Noah”. Shayne chuckled, and typed the number in to his phone. Looking back at the counter, he noticed the boy, Noah, was gone.
Deciding to keep the puns going, he decided to send Noah a text, “Hey, its a Shayne that I didn’t get to know you sooner, I’d love to go out some time.”
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At least I got you in my bed. - Fanfic Exchange
written for: @thirst-for-math-daddy Part of the Smosh Valentine’s Day Fanfic Exchange - please note this account is not the person who wrote this fic. Check back within the next day for the author reveal. Title: At least I got you in my bed. Pairing: Courtney Miller/Olivia Sui, Shayne Topp/Damien Haas (background) Rating: General Summary: the squad takes a rest from a road trip at a motel. All it takes is one bed to make the magicSmall author’s note: the parts that are like ‘this’ are Olivia’s thoughts. I hope you like it!!
1:47 am It was the third day of the trip. The squad: Olivia, Courtney, Noah, Keith, Shayne +Damien, had all taken two vacation weeks off and went on a road trip. Normally they’d spend vacations separately since they always saw each other every day, but lately they’d been feeling some distance between one another and they wanted to fix that (except Damien, he was just along for the ride). They noticed that they didn’t talk as much, laugh as much or even hang out as much as used to. Ian noticed it too when Keith and Olivia got into an actual argument during a script writing session. They didn’t make jokes like they usually did. It was unsettling and made the room feel empty. With tension being high and chemistry being low, Ian decided to give them two weeks off but it was more like a retreat that people go to when they want to rebuild friendships and relationships. There were enough videos that they didn’t have to worry about filming for a while so it was perfect. Joe gave them a nice spending budget for various necessities and activities and they were sent off. They were given the task of driving to as many states as they could in that timespan and collect an item from those states each. -
After taking turns driving (with the exception of Keith), everyone was too exhausted and they all agreed to find a hotel or motel to spend the night in. They took the nearest exit and found a motel. Noah and Keith walked in first because they were the most tired and didn’t feel like waiting for everyone else.
Then the remaining four walked in. Damien checked in a room for him and Shayne to share and it was the girls turn. “Hi, a room with two beds please.”, Courtney said in a way that was way too chipper for almost 2 am. The lady at the desk was older and had a very inconvenienced look on her face. She had a lit cigarette in one hand that was stained from her dark red lipstick and a pen in the other. She took a long drag without breaking eye contact and exhaled deeply. She peered over at her log book and then back at Courtney and then Olivia, and then back at Courtney who now was visibly growing annoyed by how long it was taking the woman to give them their room. All she wanted was a shower and sleep. “Sorry hun,” she finally spoke, in a raspy voice most likely caused by the cigarettes, “there’s only one room left and it has one bed.” “Oh, that’s okay, that’s no problem, right Olivia?” Courtney looked over at Olivia, who looked like a deer caught in headlights. “Right! Absolutely no problem at all, whatsoever!!”. She gave two thumbs up and then turned around to “pick up their bags”, but in reality to hide her very red face. It was a problem to share a bed. A REALLY big problem. The act of sharing a whole bed with the person you have romantic feelings for and the other person not knowing about the way you feel is an absolutely Gigantic problem. It was a problem but also wow she’s going to share a bed with Courtney. It would be a chance to become even closer, even though she wished it was something more. Damien and Shayne, who for some reason were still there, spoke up. “Actually Courtney, we can switch with you guys if you want. I know how you like your space when you sleep”, Damien offered. “Oh Damien that’s really nice of you I’d lik-” “NO BACK OFF THE ROOMS OURS”, interrupted Olivia. Everyone looked at Olivia who was now even more red because of her outburst. Olivia covered her face with their luggage. It was going to be a long night. -
 After everyone was settled in their rooms, Courtney immediately went into the bathroom which was surprisingly not absolutely disgusting like other motel bathrooms portrayed on tv. While she took a shower, Olivia changed her clothes and flopped onto the bed. She turned on the tv and started flipping through the channels. Time passed and Olivia was lightly sleeping when she jolted awake to see the steam release from the bathroom as Courtney stepped out. She looked angelic with messy, tousled, wet hair and a refreshed expression. She dried her hair as she walked over to her suitcase. Olivia just followed her with her gaze. She looked so beautiful that Olivia even shed a tear. Then Courtney walked up and laid next to Olivia. “What are we watching?” “I dunno, some old timey movie in Spanish, I can’t tell what they’re saying but it looks intense” “Cool! Hey, do you think Shayne and Damien have a thing together?” Olivia looked at Courtney, her inquiry taking her by surprise. “What do you mean?” “I mean, I know that they been friends for forever and have probably shared a bed before, back when they were both ‘starving artists’ or whatever but tonight was really weird. Damien seemed way too eager to switch with us and share a bed with Shayne. Or maybe he’s the one with feelings and Shayne doesn’t know anything about it and he just wants to get closer. Ya know?” That last part struck a nerve in Olivia. Courtney literally just called her out but she just didn’t know it. ‘How are you literally about to sit there and actually call me out like this??? HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT ME HAVING FEELINGS??? WHO TOLD YOU?? Was it Noah?? I knew I shouldn’t have told him. He can’t even commit to a single hair color, much less to committing to keep a secret.’ Olivia pushed her thoughts away and played it cool. “Yeah that was pretty odd. Maybe there is something there but also maybe not. Who can ever be sure?”, she shrugged and turned back to the tv, hoping that Courtney would forget the situation and not enquire anything else about anyone’s behavior in the reception area. “Actually, now that I think about it…” ‘Oh no’ “you seemed pretty eager to share a bed also” ‘PLAY DUMB!!!’ “W-what do you mean are you talking about? I wasn’t eager, was just….ready to get outta there. The lady was freaking me out and I just wanted to leave. Of course I’d NEVER want to share bed with YOU. Yikes ha ha!” Courtney looked hurt. “…oh” ‘CRAP! WHAT DID YOU DO?? FIX IT!!! Wait, what did that “oh” mean?? Did SHE want to share bed with me?? Does she have feelings?? For me?? Oh no I stayed quiet for too long.’ Courtney turned on her side facing away from Olivia. She was upset because of the words Olivia said and now just wanted to sleep. She closed her eyes and hoped to forget what happened for a while. “Hey, that all came out in a wrong way. I didn’t mean to say that like that. Actually I didn’t mean any of that. Of course I’d love to share bed with you. You’re my best friend and my favorite person at the office. I’d love to share a bed and so much more than that. I know we’re already close but it’s not enough for me. I want more. I need more.” Olivia looked over at the blonde who was sound asleep. She was even more beautiful when she slept. She sighed. How did she manage to fall in love with the one person she absolutely wasn’t supposed to? Why couldn’t she fall in love with literally anyone else at the office? Why Courtney? “I’m sorry”, she spoke, after a few moments of silence. “I’m sorry that I said those mean things, I didn’t mean any of it. You know I love you so much. We say it all the time but I really do love you, a lot. I love you in a different way than you love me though. You love me as a friend, coworker and sometimes roommate, while I love you as all of those things but also as a ‘i wish you were my girlfriend’ way. I love you in a ‘i want to hold you and kiss you’ kind of way’. I love you in a ‘It hurts my heart that I could never be with you in the way that I want to’ kind of way” Olivia was softly crying at this point. She, unexpectedly started pouring out her feelings to the woman she loved with all of her heart. She sat up and away from her sleeping beauty and cried harder but still just as quiet so she wouldn’t wake her. Suddenly Olivia felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see Courtney’s face, which was covered in tear streaks. Olivia stood up startled and stared at Courtney terrified. Oh god, what did she do?? “Olivia I-“ Olivia bolted out the door. - 
“OOF!” She crashed into something hard and fell. It was Shayne. “Hey woah slow down, you’re gonna crash into someone hot and fall”, he said smugly. ‘Barf’ “Ha ha, real funny.” Shayne held out a hand and helped her up. “So why are you running? Is there a killer? Are you a killer and running away from your crime?” Olivia looked at him and he saw her red and now puffy eyes. His expression changed and so did his playful tone to stern and concerned. “What happened?” Now he was really worried about a killer. Olivia proceeded to tell him everything and as she told him everything, his mouth curled up into a smile. “Why are you smiling like the grinch?” “I know something real funny that’s gonna make your suffering look real insignificant” ‘Excuse me?? What the hell does he think he is? Make my suffering look insignificant?? I swear to god I’m going to punch him in his gross, smug face. “Tell me real quick what you know because Shayne, I spilled my very important feelings for the second time tonight and I don’t need you demeaning me. I know we banter but that’s too far to call my suffering insignificant.” She felt her eyes stinging from tears, except these were mad. “Okay slow your roll there peanut, I didn’t mean to make you feel gross that was so far from my intentions.” He cupped her face and looked in the eyes, “Go back to Courtney, and please talk to her. Please Olivia, for once listen to me and go do what I’m telling you.” He kissed her in the forehead, turned her around and sent her off. “Goodbye little one! Go on and be happy!” - Shayne waited for Olivia’s door to close. “Psst! Damien! The coast is clear!” “Oh man that was close.” The boys laughed and then embraced each other again. They began making out and then went behind the old vending machines. - Olivia walked back into her room and saw Courtney laying on the bed. “Hey…” Courtney turned around and stood up. “Hey.” “Sorry I ran out like that, I was just freaked out. I didn’t think you could hear me. I’m sorry, I know that you don’t feel that same probably and I’m totally okay I just-“ Courtney kissed Olivia. She kissed like she’d never kissed anyone before. Olivia was briefly in shock but her lips quickly responded back. There’s was fire between them. Passion. They looked at each other and they both felt like they were in a dream. Neither could believe that they felt the same things all along. They laid together on the bed, embracing each other, kissing, and looking into each other’s eyes. In that order. During one of those cycles, Courtney stopped kissing abruptly and and looked serious. “What happened? What’s wrong? Did I do something?” “No, actually it’s me. I did something, or more like I didn’t do something.” She sat up. “Olivia Sui, do you want to be my girlfriend?” Olivia silently screamed with delight. “YES! YES! I DO!” - The girls spent the rest of the night tangled into each other and enjoying one another’s embrace. Olivia smiled to herself as she was dozing off. If it was only a shared bed that would’ve given her what she desired, she would’ve found a way to make it happen sooner.
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Valentine Dreaming - Fanfic Exchange
​Written for: @mikayla-a-child Part of the Smosh Valentine's Day Fanfic Exchange - please note this account is not the person who wrote this fic. Check back within the next day for the author reveal. Title: Valentine Dreaming Pairing: Noah/Keith Rating: General Keywords: Love, Happiness, Friendship Content Warning: Mild Swearing Summary: Keith is clueless what to do for Valentine’s Day as it is not only a holiday celebrating love, but his partner Noah’s birthday. Keith is struggling until his subconscious answers his own question.
Oh, Valentine’s Day, a day where couples express their constant love for each other through showering them with gifts or a fancy meal, all shown publicly and on social media as the single folk cry at home alone in the dark and drown their sorrows in pints of ice cream. Except, this concept did not exist to ol’ Noah Andrew Grossman. No, to him, Valentine’s Day was not a national holiday, rather, his birthday. This idea made February 14th very difficult for Noah’s close comrade and beloved partner, Keith Leak Jr. Not only did little Keith have to worry about the fever of Valentine’s Day in trying to impress Noah, but rather make this day even more spectacular than it already should be. Keith had spent the entire last half of January trying to brainstorm ideas to surprise Noah, but he had ended with with the product of only a headache. Eventually, Keith decided to focus on something else, which was try to get Noah to slip something that he would want for his birthday. This thought however did not go to plan, as Noah said only “I’m cool with whatever man”. Leaving Keith even more frustrated than before, and soon, people started to notice. Keith was in the break room still trying to think of something while he was buying a soda from the office vending machine, when Courtney walked in. He looked up and said “hey Court,” then looked back down. When Keith’s soda dropped, Courtney went over to the machine and ordered a bottle of water. “Hey Keith,” she responded. Keith didn’t really feel like engaging in a conversation with Courtney at this very moment, so he began to walk out. “Yo Keith,” Courtney called out. Keith turned around to face her, “are you okay?” She asked with her eyebrows raised and a concerned look in her eye. Keith pondered her words for a moment. Physically, yes he was okay, but on the inside, the stress was killing him. He eventually decided to go with “yeah, I’m good,” and then walked out. It was nearly a week until the big day, and Keith was still clueless on what to do, but with being quite an introvert, was keeping this issue to himself, as he didn’t want the entire office knowing he was in dire need of help. Keith was on his way to work, of course riding in his stylish chariot of an Uber. All night and morning he had been trying to send a text to Noah in order to try and bring up Valentine’s Day again, but his mind was just filled with static. He put his phone down, leaned his head against the headrest and closed his eyes, trying to get his subconscious to tell him an answer. …
Keith had no idea where he was. Wherever he was, it was incredibly dark. He tried to feel around for something, a light switch preferably, or even a chair or table would do. All of a sudden, the room slowly began to light up, almost like how stage lights would, but even with the added lighting Keith still couldn’t pinpoint where he was, except,had this stage feeling… A feeling of almost… Déjà vu. The room seemed to give off a vibe like a movie set. He found himself standing in a hallway with multiple chairs and benches lining the walls, all leading to a door with a sign that read “Auditions”. Keith looked down the hallway that seemed to go to nowhere, and then back at the door. All of a sudden, the door opened, and what walked out made Keith realize where he was instantly. Out walked a young Noah and Keith. Keith realized that he was in the same place where he first met his best friend, the place where he auditioned for Smosh. Keith could only stare at the sight before him. He could barely comprehend how young Noah looked. He was a few inches shorter and his hair was its natural color. He also wasn’t wearing a hideous outfit paired with even more horrendous shoes. It made Noah seem so much more youthful. Reliving the joyful memory of meeting one of the biggest influences in his life caused tears to brim his eyes and a smile to his face. He couldn’t help but think of everything he loved about Noah. His caring but honest personality. His wonderful smile and laugh. Hell, even his horrible taste in fashion… Keith watched as his younger self along with Noah walked down the hallway and faded into the darkness… … Keith was awoken from his brief dream by the driver shaking his knee telling him that they had arrived at the Smosh Offices. Keith subtly thanked the driver and paid him, before hopping out of the car. The Uber sped off down the bustling morning street, and Keith walked into the shiny building which held the job he loved. As Keith was walking through the lobby of the offices, he managed to run into the last person he wanted to run into, Noah. “Yo, Keith good morning man,” Noah said as he embraced Keith. Keith lightly hugged the taller man back, and they walked to the elevator together. Noah pressed the button for the second floor, and the elevator began its ascend. Neither of them were really the chatty type as the elevator ride was filled with silence, but this silence carried an aura of awkwardness and tension, at least from Keith’s perspective. He sneakily glanced over at Noah who had remnants of a smile across his face, as if he was thinking about something that made him happy. “Well, that’s either a really good sign, or a really bad one.” Keith thought to himself. “Shit, I’m just overthinking.” Keith mentally slapped himself for being so overly analytical. The elevator stopped and the doors slid open, allowing Keith and Noah to step out. “I’ll see you later man,” Noah said as he waved back to Keith and then walked in the opposite direction that he had planned to go towards the break room. Keith then began his walk towards his office at the other end of the hallway. In all honesty, Keith was happy that him and Noah had separated. He didn’t feel like talking to Noah at the moment, as the dream he had in the Uber ride crossed his mind. The dream had left Keith in a state of confusion, because why would he dream about meeting Noah? If anything, he would most likely just dream about a conversation he had with Noah at some point, or even an argument they had. Keith thought at least that the dream could offer some insight to his ever escalating problem at the moment. Wait… Keith stopped dead in his tracks. It hit him. He knows why he had that dream, and even more importantly, what to do for Valentine’s Day/Noah’s birthday. The dream represented the first time they met, which was the beginning of the happiest Keith has ever been. Keith had wanted to do something special and meaningful for Noah’s birthday, except Noah said that he wanted something chill. Keith finally had a long wanted answer to his dilemma… …
Keith had told Noah to meet him at 7pm sharp at the Smosh Offices in the Lobby. Keith was dressed in a casual outfit as this was supposed to be just a casual date, at least according to Noah. He paced around the lobby chewing his lip and refreshing his Instagram waiting for Noah to show up. After what felt like an eternity, at 6:58pm Keith heard the slam of a car door then presumably that same car speeding away. He watched as a blurry silhouette of tall man walked to the lobby doors and pulled them open, revealing a smiling Noah Grossman dressed in one of his trademark hideous outfits. “Okay, showtime,” Keith thought to himself. “Keith!” Noah quick walked to Keith and brought him in for a tight hug. The pair stayed like that for a few Mississippis, then pulled apart. Keith grasped Noah by his biceps then spoke, “Okay, I have a surprise here for you, but,” Keith broke off and reached into his back pocket and pulled out a red bandana. “You’re going to need to wear this over your eyes.” Noah smirked at Keith with a look of suspicion and hesitation, but Keith smiled at him lovingly, “c’mon trust me.” Noah sighed, “okay.” Keith walked behind Noah and wrapped the bandana around his eyes and tied it tight. Keith walked back to face Noah, and waved his hand in front of Noah’s face, making sure that Noah couldn’t see at all. Keith grabbed Noah’s hand and interlaced his fingers, “follow me.” He led Noah to the elevator, and pressed a button, still holding his hand. Keith squeezed Noah’s hand as reassurance. The elevator came to a stop, and Keith continued to lead Noah in and out of hallways, trying to reach their destination. Soon, (after what seemed like an eternity to Keith) they together came to a stop. Keith let go of Noah’s hand, and then undid his blindfold. What lied in front of Noah, was something so simple, but yet so beautiful. A tiny round table with only two chairs and a single lit candle in the center stood in the middle of the hallway. Plates filled with pasta with butter and chicken were set in front of each of the chairs.It took Noah a moment to realize where he was, but once he did, Keith could see the tears brimming his eyes. “Keith… Is… Is this?” Noah choked out. “It is. This is the hallway where we met after our Smosh auditions. The hallway where I realized I was in love with you.” Keith said grasping Noah’s hands and looking deeply into his green eyes. Noah was smiling as a tear of joy cascaded down his face. Keith wiped away the tear with his thumb and held onto Noah’s face. Noah leaned into his warm touch, as Keith leaned in for a kiss. The kiss was sweet and tender, showing how much the two men loved each other. The pair pulled apart, allowing them to look into each other’s eyes once again. Keith smiled, “happy birthday Noah.”
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Coldwater Canyon Avenue - Fanfic Exchange
Written for @youraveragenerd349​ ​Part of the Smosh Valentine's Day Fanfic Exchange - please note this account is not the person who wrote this fic. Check back within the next day for the author reveal. Title: Coldwater Canyon Avenue Pairing: Olivia Sui/Courtney Miller Rating: Mature Warnings: Swearing, mention of knives, supernatural creature Summary: Courtney Miller makes a bet with Olivia Sui, the craziest girl in school, that she can’t cake it one night in the haunted house on Coldwater Canyon Avenue; so of course Olivia has to prove her wrong.
Olivia slowly unpacked her lunch, she really didn’t feel like eating. The realisation that today was friday, aka the friday on which she would have to fulfill the bet she made with Courtney Miller, was dawning on he and suddenly her lemon chicken soup her mother had packed in her thermos was surprisingly unappetizing. But Olivia still tried to remain calm, she couldn’t just let people know that she was having a minor panic attack because it would leave her reputation in shambles.    “Oh hey Olivia!” Courtney Miller said with feigned enthusiasm. The blonde was holding her lunch tray and her two friends, Noah Grossman and Keith Leak Jr. were trailing behind her. “Ready for tonight? Or are you really the huge chicken I think you are?” Courtney mocked. Olivia rolled her eyes behind her aviators and adjusted her leather jacket. “No Miller, I didn’t pussy out.” Olivia replied flatly. Courtney’s plastered smile grew uncomfortable at Olivia’s choice language but Olivia just used that as leverage, Courtney could act tough all she really wanted but Olivia was the one who was actually the tough one. “I’m still attending your Satanic ritual as planned.” “It’s not a Satanic ritual!” Courtney snapped. Olivia smirked and Courtney tried to recompose herself. She adjusted the lunch tray in her hands a threw her head back which tousled her blonde bob that was full of beachy waves, she was a true Cali native. “Fuck off Miller and take your friends with you.” A familiar voice stated. It was Shayne, Olivia’s best friend, and he took his spot at the lunch table next to Olivia. Noah Grossman and Keith Leak looked rather afraid of him whereas Courtney just looked ticked off, but soon the three teens left their spot in front of Olivia and went across the school’s courtyard to find their own place to eat. Shayne took off his leather jacket that was similar to Olivia’s and stuck a toothpick in his mouth to keep his mind off of the urge to smoke a cigarette, Olivia did the same. Being stressed always made her want to smoke a little more than usual. Olivia Sui had moved to Los Angeles about three years ago in the spring of ‘75 when she was fifteen years old and a sophmore in highschool. No one really wanted to be her friend, not many white kids wanted to be friends with an Asian girl, but the only person that really talked to her was Shayne Topp because just like her, no one sat with Shayne at lunch. Shayne was known for being a troublemaker and not one of the quirky fun kind. Shayne mouthed off to teachers, read erotic novels, smoked in the school’s bathrooms, and once blew up a trashcan because he could. Teachers blamed it on his lack of a father figure. But when Olivia moved in town he had one last chance at having a friend because no one else wanted to be his already, and thus began their mutual bonding of feeling alone. Since then they were best friends and also the most intimidating kids in school. No one fucked with Sui or Topp, they always came as a pair and now that they were seniors their scariness factor was up to a level ten. Now they spent time graffiting the back of the school along with underpasses in the city, read even more graphic and erotic novels, lit up in the back of Shayne’s old Ford pick up, and occasionally blew up a trash can every once and awhile for the feeling of nostalgia. Both always wore ripped 501 Levi’s jeans, leather jackets they found at the thrift store, and heavy metal t-shirts along with either having a toothpick or a cigarette hanging out their mouths. Yet there was one person who finally did fuck with them and that was Courtney Miller, one of the most popular girls in school and also the exact opposite of Shayne and Olivia. She was always known for wearing high waisted shorts, flowing white blouses, and was the human embodiment of pastel. Courtney was always followed around by a bookish boy by the name of Noah Grossman who was always carrying a copy of some type of American classic literature book and wore thick rimmed glasses. The other was Keith Leak Jr. who was head of the school’s choir, always had the lead role in the musical, and always wore a wide brimmed hat. It was in english class that Courtney called Olivia Sui out. The class was reading “The Great Gatsby” which Shayne complained about the lack of sex and how F. Scott Fitzgerald quoted another one of his books in his epigram and Olivia complained about how the character Daisy had no substance to her whenever she spoke. Courtney then made the remark that Olivia as a person had zero substance to which Olivia replied with saying Courtney was an ‘overzealous attention whore who has everyone so far up her ass they don’t realise how big of a bitch she actually is’ which caused Olivia to be yelled at by the teacher and was soon sent to the principal's office with a smirk on her face and Courtney almost in tears. At the end of the day Courtney approached Olivia while she was at her locker talking to Shayne despite Noah and Keith's protests. The Courtney stood beside Olivia with her hands on her hips and confidently told the raven haired girl that she was ‘a no good fearmonger who was faking being the toughest girl in the school when in reality she was a huge chicken’ Olivia laughed at the statement and called Courtney a pussy because she couldn’t say pussy. “Well fine, if you think you’re so tough then how about you and everyone else here spend this friday night exploring the abandoned house on Coldwater Canyon Avenue!” Courtney exclaimed. If there was one thing kids at this school feared more than Olivia and Shayne it was the dilapidated house on Coldwater Canyon Avenue that was rumored to be haunted. No one could even walk past the grimy house without feeling something squirm in the pit of their stomach. “Fine. Shayne and I will totally spend a night in the squatters house if that means we get to see you and your friends piss your pants if we see the supposed ‘shadow man’ that lives there.” Olivia slammed her locker shut and her and Shayne walked away from the three other teens. Noah and Keith looked at Courtney with wide eyes. Fastworfard to friday and Noah and Keith are still looking at Courtney as if she was crazy. “I honest to god hate you, why the fuck did you have to call Olivia out on tuesday? Why couldn’t you just leave her alone like everyone else? Why do you suck?” Keith complained as he sat down next to Noah at a vacant lunch table. Courtney just rolled her eyes. “Olivia and Shayne just need to be put in place, our school shouldn’t be overrun by two kids with daddy issues, it’s so stupid that people even think that they’re remotely scary.” Courtney scoffed. “Oh really? You don’t think that the two of them are terrifying?” Keith asked. “What’s to be afraid of?” Courtney asked as she took a bite out of the hamburger on her tray. “Their lack of a will to live.” Noah replied blandly. “Seriously Courtney, that’s why they do what they do like blow up shit and smoke until they can’t breathe anymore, they literally do not care and have nothing to lose. And now because of you we have to go into the haunted house on Coldwater Canyon Avenue and probably have our guts removed from our bodies while we’re still alive.” “And because you challenged Olivia to a bet you basically challenged Shayne who is arguably worse than her. He’s a true psychopath and her stupid best friend.” Keith added on. “Whatever, their both just losers who have no life and channel their anger into acts of violence and stuff like that, at least that’s what I overheard the teachers saying.” Courtney said with a mouthful of burger.+++    It was nearing six o’clock in the evening and Shayne and Olivia were at the only diner in town that would let them in. It was owned by the Johnson’s whose son used to attend the high school but had to drop out to help with he diner full time. His name was Wes and he had longer hair that kind of made him look like a rock star and he was also incredibly tall and built which made him look intimidating but in reality he was just a gentle giant. Wes was Olivia and Shayne’s only other friend and they were two of his very friends. Wes ad always been nice to the two rebels and so was his family and their diner was the only restaurant in town that would allow them in, not even then McDonalds.    “So rumor around town is that the two of you are staying the night in the abandoned house on Coldwater Canyon Avenue.” Wes said as he set two plates of food down in front of Shayne and Olivia. One plate was a huge pulled pork sandwich that was split in half and dripping with barbeque sauce, the other plate was just heaped with fries. “Yeah, Miller challenged me to some stupid bet because she thought I was a phony, and she also said Shayne was one too so now we have to prove that we aren’t pussies or whatever so she can get off our case.” Olivia said as she dug into the sandwich. Shayne put ketchup on the fries and started to dig in. “And her stupid friends are also making an appearance.” “Listen I’ll show up to anything if I get to see those two nimrods have a fucking heart attack over some bogus ‘shadow man’ that supposedly resides there. The whole thing is bullshit, haunted house and all.” Shayne said smugly. His aviators were pushed up on his head which pushed his messy blond hair back and he was effortlessly slumped in the booth. Olivia looked almost the same only had a little bit of barbeque on the corner of her mouth. “Well as long as you two don’t die in the process I don’t care.” Wes said with a laugh. He slung his hand towel over his shoulder and left for the back of the diner. “Man, Wesley is so fucking cool.” Shayne said as he started to help Olivia with the sandwich. She nodded in agreement, to hungry to make any words. As both of the teens took a swig out of their coke bottles a group of teenage girls from the highschool walked through the diner doors and headed towards a booth. Olivia and Shayne caught their eyes and lifted their hands to make a small wave and also smirked at the group of girls. The girls just looked away from the two of them, scared to make eye contact with the two of them because of their reputation and because attractive people were always more intimidating. Olivia and Shayne just laughed at their fear. +++    Olivia and Shayne were waiting for the others to arrive in the 7-Eleven parking lot. Shayne had bought a few packs of Camels which should keep them occupied for the night and maybe Miller and her entourage would want some, no hurt in sharing. They would all be spending the night together anyways. They also bought a few packs of beers and a couple of snacks to keep them occupied. Olivia and Shayne felt pretty prepared and Shayne had brought his switchblade along with his smaller pocket knife for Olivia. Soon after the sun had set the two teens saw Courtney Miller’s Ford Escort pull into the parking lot. Shayne scoffed at the tiny car that made his red Ford pickup look like a monster.    All the teens hopped out of their respective cars and grabbed their backpacks out of the trunks of their car. The teens all kept silent as they walked the two blocks to the house on Coldwater Canyon Avenue. Noah felt his hands get clammy as the sky got darker and the air colder, Keith felt his dinner churning in his stomach, Courtney started to regret making this bet, and Olivia and Shayne felt a slight urge to smoke a cigarette. They all reached the bleak house that had water ruined shutters and an always open door that lead into the dreary, dark house. Dilapidated chain linked fence that was over six feet tall lined the entire house and a faded sign with the words ‘FORECLOSED’ hung loosely on the wooden paneling of the house. Olivia and Shayne gave each other a look then took a running start towards the fence. The two teens climbed and hopped over the fence with ease and laughed as they reached the other side.    “You coming Miller? You’re the one who invited us to this crack house in the first place!” Olivia shouted while standing in the overgrown lawn of the house. Courtney rolled her eyes and motioned for her timid friends to join her as she not so gracefully climbed and hopped over the fence. Olivia wore a shit eating grin and motioned for Courtney to lead the way.    The house on Coldwater Canyon Avenue was not so much a house but instead a very run down, very old, mansion. It wasn’t very wide but incredible tall which made it stick out like a sore thumb compared to all the shorter, more modern houses on the avenue. The tall, dark wood building loomed over everyone and could even make the happiest people feel bad or  paranoid, Noah liked to think it was something straight out of a Stephen King novel. Most of the windows were either boarded or barred, there only seemed to be one entrance, and on the windiest days you could heard it groan and shudder as if it was only being held together by a few nails. The legend behind the old house was that an entire family hung themselves in various parts in the house all at the same time because they went insane from being haunted by a demon or ‘shadow man’ as few people in town would like to call it. Supposedly you could sometimes see the shadow man looking outside windows, make its way across the entry way, or that it would pretend to be your own shadow and strike you from behind.    Olivia and Shayne thought it was bullshit, no way a shadow man could ever exist and those who believed it were probably insane. Noah didn’t really believe in it either he was just scared of someone calling the police on all of them because they were trespassing. Keith really didn’t really believe either ut he was just scared of Shayne and Olivia but mainly Shayne. Courtney on the other hand didn’t really know what to believe, sure a shadowman sounded like crazy talk but at the same time could it be possible? The teens slowly went up the rickety stairs and into the entryway of the house. The floor littered with leaves and a slight draft rustled them through the house.    “So what’s the plan Miller? What the hell are we doing here?” Olivia asked as she looked around the house. There was still furniture in it, old furniture pieces that consisted of a dusty couch that looked dated along with some side tables. Olivia continued to wander around the downstairs and the house seemed mostly furnished but still very empty, almost sad.    “Well I mean we can always explore, the bet is that you guys can’t leave.” She replied. The group started looking around with Olivia and eventually started to wander up the stairs.    “Dude check this out!” Noah shouted from one of the many rooms. The group found him opening a few old cardboard boxes that seemed to have hundreds of old polaroids. Keith looked around the small room that seemed to only be filled with boxes and he started to open a few more.    “Look at this stuff.” Keith said, he showed the group the boxes that had old clothing in them, canned goods, and many, many photographs. They all started pulling out the old photos and looking at them. Some were of people that they assumed used to live there, some of the house back when it was in its prime, a few of a german shepard that seemed to be a pet, and some of different parts of the interior of the house.    “Holy shit dude!” Olivia said as she pulled out the polaroid camera that seemed to of taken all the pictures along with a few film cartridges. She loaded the camera and aimed it at Shayne who made a cheesy grin. The camera flashed and the slip of paper slid out the end and Olivia shook it and gave it to her friend. “You look stupid.” She murmured, Shayne laughed and nudged Olivia’s shoulder. Courtney watched the interaction as she shuffled through pictures. Her stomach almost churned which made her confused but then again everything about this situation was confusing.    Noah looked at a few polaroids that were of the house back when it looked good. It’s original color was a deep blue with red shutters and the interior has lovely wallpaper. He recognised some of the furniture from the living area in the photos and the old windows used to be stained glass in some parts of the house. It would’ve been beautiful if time didn’t kill it, it even used to have a white picket fence instead of a chain linked one. He glanced at all of them until he came across one that was of the doorway that led into the kitchen. In the picture stood a woman in the doorway dressed in clothing for the time period, Noah assumed the late forties early fifties, and she was smiling and holding a birthday cake. He smiled at it and almost set it back down with no hesitation until he glanced at it one more time. There in the back of the photo stood something, something different. Noah tried to brush it off like it was nothing but the harder he looked the worse it got. There was a figure, a shadowy figure that stood behind the woman with what seemed like glowing eyes. Noah blinked hard to try and refocus, his eyes must of been playing tricks on him because there was no way in hell the rumors could be true.    “Noah are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Keith asked, breaking his friend out of his daydream or more so realization. Noah looked at the picture Keith was holding, one of the dog, which was standing in one of the many bedrooms this house probably had. A child was petting it and on the back wall was a similar figure to the one in Noah’s picture. Courtney saw what they were doing and sifted through the pictures until she found one similar to theirs. The shadowy figure looming in every one.    “What the hell are you guys doing?” Olivia asked, she set the polaroid camera down and watched as the three friends started opening every box with pictures in them.    “Here, look!” Courtney showed the raven haired girl the pictures. Noah and Keith continued to look and Olivia rolled her eyes.    “You guys are idiots, it fucking doctored! This was probably planted here by some other kid.” She suggested.    “Olivia, these photos are old, look at them! The house is all nice and the figure is in almost all of these! Also they were taken almost twenty years ago so there’s no way they could be doctored!” Olivia rolled her eyes but Shayne took the photo out of Courtney’s hand to get a better look. By this time there was no light coming in from the windows and the teens all had their flashlights out.    “You people are crazy and this is all some type of joke isn’t it?” Olivia grabbed her backpack and left the room. The group ran after her as she stormed down the stairs and into the living room. “You know what, this is some type of prank pulled by you and your dumbass friends! You’re just a worthles, suck up Miller and nobody actually likes you!” Olivia shouted from the first floor.    “And you’re the one backing out of this whole thing! You are literally leaving because you saw one thing out of the ordinary, one thing! You actually are just a huge pussy!” Courtney yelled from the top of the stairs. Shayne let out a whistle and Olivia’s brows furrowed.    “Fuck off Courtney!” Olivia screamed. She turned to walk out of the door and into the night but her plans were ruined when the rickety door slammed shut right in front of her face causing the entire house to shake.    The group at the top of the stairs had wide eyes and Olivia was left speechless. There, right in front of her on the door was a shadow that wasn’t hers and had dim, red eyes that looked like you could fall into them. Olivia took a step back and heard the faint cracking of leaves underneath her feet. The shadow was tall and skinny, dark and inky, just like in the pictures. A low hum or murmur was heard echoing throughout the house as the figure stared right back at Olivia.    Olivia turned around and bolted up the stairs and a chorus of shouts and yelps were heard from everyone else. They all shuffled into the room at the top of the stairs, flashlights shining everywhere and panting heard from everyone.    “No, no this isn’t possible.” Olivia whispered to herself. She looked at Shayne who looked just as confused and then back at Courtney and the boys who looked like they were going to cry. “What the fuck what the fuck?” she exclaimed.    “We need to get out of here and never come back.” Noah said.    “Agreed” Shayne responded.    “There’s only one exit.” Keith said painfully. Everyone looked at him with scared expressions that were also pissed off expressions. “Sorry.” Keith responded. Everyone took a deep breath and Olivia and Shayne took out their knives which caused some alarm with the other teens.    “Alright, on the count of three, we run down these stairs and get the hell out of here and go back to the 7-Eleven without looking back.” Olivia said, everyone nodded.    “One” Shayne gripped his knife a little tighter.    “Two” Noah and Keith adjusted their backpacks.    “Three” Olivia looked at Courtney and Courtney back at her and the blonde opened up the door and the teens rushed down the stairs in a blaze of screaming glory. The low murmur of the shadow man hummed loudly throughout the house and louder as they reached the door.    Shayne kicked open the door and the all stumbled down the steps. The five all ran down the street with panting breaths and their lungs screamed for help as their stomachs flipped. They rushed into the 7-Eleven parking lot that was completely barron and all gasped for air beside Shayne’s truck.    Olivia looked at Courtney who was beside her and started to break out into breathy laughter. Courtney looked back at Olivia and joined her in her laughing fit. The girls were almost kneeling on the ground because they were laughing so hard.    “You’re crazy Miller, fucking insane.” Olivia said as her laughter died down. She took out a cigarette and lit one up. Courtney took it out of Olivia’s hand and took a long drag from it which caused Olivia to raise her eyebrows.    “And you’re not a pussy Sui, not at all.” Courtney replied. The girls smiled at each other in the 7-Eleven parking lot late that night, and at school they started to do the same.   
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