#sms. javert
genderfeel · 8 months
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so like. the golden bachelor.
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rottenesttocore · 1 year
Too grumpy to make friends? Don't worry, Javert has the right tips to you:
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He's going to make a WikiHow about it, just you wait
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paindemiserables · 1 year
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I will do as devils do. Fall
- H.S Leoch
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thespianwordnerd · 2 years
On the one hand the book of Les Misérables establishes that Javert has two core beliefs. 1: that authority figures can do no wrong and 2: that criminals of any kind can never be reformed and I KNOW those are both deeply flawed and questionable principles and you're not meant to sympathise with him entirely. On the other hand when I hear Philip Quast sing Stars I forget Javert has done anything wrong in his life ever.
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A comic I drew recently !!!
Based on the goings on of our local les mis production WHERE JAVERT KEEPS BOWING TO PEOPLE BEFORE CHASING AFTER VALJEAN
actually screaming
valjean: and so javert you see its true
this man bears no more guilt than you!
action description-valjean running to meet fantine, javert reaching after him, javert determined
javert bows to the judge
javert: your honour
action description-javert proceeds to run after valjean, described as "RUN FULL PELT AFTER HIM YES GOOD THEY WONT SUSPECT"
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herstoriies · 7 months
If I had a nickel for everytime Priscilla gets married to a dashing gent with full sideburns, I’d end up with two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's amusing that it happened twice!
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fillsta · 2 years
How to explain Les Mis characters to your friends
Enjolras 'Enjy dearest', 'Enj':
Angry blond boy. "Eat the rich". Either gay or aroace. His celebrity crush is Robespierre. He may or may not have a crush on a specific wine lover. Also Aaron Tveit. That's it
Combeferre 'Ferre':
The 'hot' scholar. Rly likes moths I guess. Wears glasses bc he's smart and smart ppl wear glasses. Has done nothing wrong, ever. We love him .
Courfeyrac 'Courf':
Everybody's friend. Flirty, fruity bitch. Round and lovable. Possibly in a relationship with either Combeferre or Jehan. Marius' own personal extrovert. Keeps the group together. Portrayed by the Mighty, the Fruity Fra Fee.
Grantaire 'R':
Likes to drink. A lot. Bi bitch, hopelessly in love with a certain blondie. Hold-hands-before-getting-shot-to-death kind of crush. Rly good at history and philosophy. Cynic. Also, fandom decided that he draws<3. Big hobo energy. Ask the fandom about the actor in the 2012 musical and they'll shed tears
Jean Prouvaire 'Jehan':
Ah yes, the softie. Love poetry and playing the flute. Most likely smoke weed. Plant parent. Gender unknown. We love their hippie bullshit. I don't remember the actor's name but he was kinda cute
Bahorel 'Baho':
The fruity gym bro. Enjoys fistfighting. Possibly Feuilly's bf. Man bun and beard. Studies law but doesn't want to be a lawyer. Doodles instead. Gavroche's idol. His celebrity crush is probably Dwayne Johnson or sth.
IwbavajsbJzkabzjsvs. We love him. He's pure and innocent. Orphan. Makes fans for a living. Really loves the countries of the world. Headcannoned as Polish. Enjolras' fav ho. Wears flannels. I'll stop here because oh boi I can go on for ages
Bald guy. Wholesome. He's also extremely unlucky and Victor made sure that's his only personality trait. Polyamoryyyy. His bf is Joly, his gf is Musichetta. It's just... Bossuet, you know?
Doctor? Yeah, did I mention he's a germaphobe? Poor guy. Eccentric asf. Carries a cane everywhere. Will wake up in the middle of the night to align his bed according to the earth's poles and shit. Yes, he has a bf and gf, as previously mentioned.
Gavroche 'Gav':
Best boiiii. Smol, like, 10-12 yrs old. Savage. Absolutely destroyed Enjolras when in an argument. Also managed to trick a skilled criminal once. Rip, he would have loved Minecraft. Eponine and Azelma's brother. Courfeyrac's instant son. Looks up to Bahorel.
Marius Pontmercy:
The Most Awkward Human Being. Like, fr. Courfeyrac's emotional support introvert. Possibly the only straight here but who knows??? Idk he's kinda close with Courf. Anyway Enj amd Ferre scare him. Especially Ferre. He somehow gets a gf??? Survived
Eponine 'Ponine' Thenardieur
Marius' side ho. Has a crush on him. Bit I think she's gayyyy. Or bi. There's no way she's interested in men only. Anyway, poor. Terrible household situation :(. Feminist. I hope she gets a gf in her second life. R had a smol crush on her but that was just a phase. She deserved better, like everyone.
Cosette Fauchelevent/Valjean:
Marius' main ho (how this guy manages to get bitches is beyond me). Cottagecore goth (is that a thing?). Adopted. Such a sweet gal. Eponine could also be her gf <3.
Montparnasse 'Parnasse':
Ah him. Okay this guy. He is s narcissistic but a good one. One day he looked in the mirror and said 'Wow im hot lets murder people' and so he did exactly that. Said criminal tricked by Gavroche. 'Dandy'. He's so cool I love him sm.
Azelma Thenardieur:
Poor girl doesn't get any development. She's just there. Survived. Is rly cool tho, trust me.
Jean Valjean:
Stole bread and went to jail for 19 years. Villain origin story. Then he stole from a child (which may or may not have been Feuilly but that's another story for another post) and he instantly went good. Became mayor and businessman. One of his employees died so he found her daughter and raised her. Survived for a while. Is supposed to be the protagonist lol. Wholesome grandpa
Inspector Javert 'Jav jav man':
Is his life's goal to arrest Valjean. I say enemies to lovers trope. Starts off as a bitch, tbh.
My poor girl deserved the world. Her bf got her pregnant and fled :(. She gave Cosette over to some strangers to raise her while she worked in a nearby town, sending them money for Cosette's expenses. That's a no no there but ok. Gets fired, becomes a prostitute, dies. So of any of you out there shame sex workers I'll choke u while u sleep.
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dragosballz · 7 days
kinda crazzy taht b4 reading les mis i already knew sm abt it just thru cultural osmosis but had no idea javert is romani
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appljuiceboxx · 10 months
HI new follower you seem cool! now you're my new mutual yeehaw. anyways i heard u have ocs can i hear about them? :D have a nice day <3
uuummm???? how????????? did someone just ask about my ocs???? thank you sm????? *starts having a seizure and cries* no but seriously these ocs have been sitting in my sketchbook for a month and the only people who know about them are just my close school friends. and then suddenly. a new mutual???? ASKING ABOUT MY OCS????? *dying of joy*
i have so many ocs but i'm just gonna pluck the two gay ones from the book i'm writing.
long post ahead. i'm bad at talking.
so basically there's the first one who i ripped off from jekyll and hyde. he's a drug addict and he also runs an illegal firearms bussiness. eventually he got caught and went to rehab. his name's daniel jackelyn and he's a very gender dumbass who likes starbucks and bothering people. dyes his hair the most craziest colours. you do not want to share a bathroom with him.
and we also have here miles luna who is a trans fbi agent with bad experience in relationships (he's not okay). he has an ex husband (who's probably a sex worker) who he still talks to but that's about it honestly. he likes spotify and listens to it when he does literally anything. legit. take away his spotify you take away his life. he has an organized playlist for literally EVERY FUCKING OCCASION. he has a playlist for showering, for cleaning, for laundry, for driving to work in a good mood, for driving to work on a hangover, for drinking to oblivion, for being stuck in traffic jams, literally everything. he's a bit autism and the spotify thing is, according to reddit, audio stimming.
how are these two connected???? well..........
in this universe, basically a huge fucking compendium of all my ocs i call the loververse (because most of my ocs i develop into a romance story), the government sets out the "redemption program" where they take criminals and make them go thru rehab and therapy, etc etc. and they're assigned to an agent and live with them. sometimes also work with the agent. they're assigned based on what department they work in and the criminal's charges. daniel went thru the same program and got assigned to miles (who works with drug busting and human trafficking. occasionally rip off gucci bags) and they became roommates (oh my god they were roommates).
basically the story i'm planning is a bit slice of life but then they get an assignment in miami cause they discovered a huge underground fentanyl drug cartel and they're gonna bust it. but at the same time. whoops. miles's sister has a wedding also in miami and miles's ex husband is there and its all chaos.
yk the funny thing is that i got the idea for the story thru a science assignment. "assess the image" of a guy running away holding a suitcase. i accidentally made out a whole ass story about the guy (who eventually became daniel) running away from the fbi cause he stole a bunch of mutant organs to make a huge nuclear weapon. and there's an fbi agent (obvs miles) trying to catch him and then being like very valjean/javert about it. and it somehow evolved to this.
was going to start ranting about my frog-obsessed fencing autistic oc who's also a vampire familiar but this post is already pretty long. thanks so much for asking i'm so happy. :,)
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
hi! hello!! i have been listening to the les mis soundtrack for almost 5 years now, but im just starting to delve into the fandom: im attempting to read the brick (i tried but it's very long), and within the past 2 days i have watched 2/3 of the movies i could find (including ofc the 2012 one which was. interesting.) do you have any advice or things i should know or places i should start with the fandom? even people to follow? im asking you bc multiple in depth posts of yours have shown up in the les mis tag, but please feel free to direct me to someone else or ignore me if that's easier. thank you sm, even just for reading this
Hi, thanks for your ask! I'm always happy to help :D The first thing is that there's currently a "Dracula Daily" style readalong of Les Mis happening, called "Les Mis Letters." It emails out one of the 365 chapters of Les Mis every day for a year, starting January 1st of this year, and is a lot like a big book club (or "brickclub.") It's still not too late to catch up if you binge read a bit! We're currently at the "Who Am I"/Valjean rescuing the person mistaken for him part of the book. :3 It might be a nice way to read the Brick for the first time, since people are going through the book chapter by chapter and discussing it. You can find the Les Mis Letters subscription here:
And the discord server here:
(Although the tag/server are a bit less active now that we're a few months in!)
As for blog recommendations: I already made a Masterpost of some active Les Mis blogs I recommend checking out! Here's that post, there are bunch of great blogs on it:
Two additional blogs I didn't mention in that post--because they've only started becoming more active recently -- are @dolphin1812 who writes great chapter-by-chapter meta for Les Mis Letters, and @pureanonofficial who's been making great gifsets of different Les Mis adaptations inspired by Les Mis Letters! :3
If you want a general overview/map of what the fandom looks like and things you should probably know...I recommend @pilferingapples post here. The big things are that the book is nicknamed "the Brick" (for obvious reasons XD.) So if you see people talking about "the brick" or "Brickclub" or something being "brick-inspired"/"based on the Brick" that's a way saying it's discussion of the book rather than the musical. The Les Mis fando on tumblr/a03 is geeeeeenerally loosely split into the "Old Men fandom" and the "Les Amis Fandom." The Old Men fandom focuses on Valjean and Javert, with lots Valjean/Javert shipping-- the "Les Amis Fandom" focuses on Les Amis, Cosette, Marius, and Eponine, with lots of shipping between everyone but especially between Enjolras/Grantaire. There are also other smaller minifandoms of people really into obscure historical stuff, usually either the history of rebellion or the history of the French prison system /police force, but the "Old Men vs Les Amis" is the biggest divide imo. And in my experience most of the fanfic (and there is a lot of fanfic!) is based on the musical characterization/collective internet fanon rather than the Brick. But there are Some brick-focused fanfics out there! (and they're always my favorites alksdjflksdjf.) There's also a subset of the Les Amis fandom people call the "collective modern AU fanon universe." Basically back in 2012 when the movie came out, lots of people got super into shipping Enjolras and Grantaire, partially because the actor who played Grantaire posted a video of himself singing a love song he'd altered to be about Grantaire/Enjolras. People gradually invented a collective fanon AU of what things would be like if Les Amis lived in the modern day. These modern AUs became so popular that they kind of became the norm, and people assumed your Les Amis fics would be modern AUs even if you didn't tag them that way. There are lots of people who got into Les Mis through the collecive fanon universe more than any adaptation. So what I'm saying is the "Les Amis Modern AU' world is basically an entire Goncharov'ed fanon universe of its own. It has its own tropes, characterizations, headcanons for different characters' appearances/genders, etc etc etc. There have been multiple microbudget webseries and comics based on the collective modern AU universe. It's been around for so long that I think it's normal but I imagine it can be kinda confusing to someone who's new to the fandom XD. And that's pretty much all I can think of! : D But yeah the Les Mis fandom is very fun
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ueinra · 2 years
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genderfeel · 7 months
I saw you were taking asks and, I was instantly hooked by your golden bachelor valvert and I would love to hear/see anything more about that story that you might like to share! <3
ahhhhhh ty!!!!!!! i honestly don’t want to say too much about it in detail bc i might be unwell enough to write a little fic for it……..
but nevertheless i will say one of my favorite valvert things is so in the forefront in this setup which is javert loving when valjean is an asshole / letting go of the whole niceguy persona. like obviously valjean is a nice dude but valjean having to be The Bachelor is sm pressure to be this poised, perfect, constructed person. and when javert gets to see glimmers of his actual personality behind the mask, especially moments where valjean gets to be a dick (he first encounters this with how valjean talks about marius), he’s like Oh i need this old man carnally
i think it’s also a bit of a rare au where valjean starts to fall first before javert is even aware of his own feelings but valjean keeps it to himself. he figures he’s getting engaged anyway to one of these women to make cosette happy (he has an extremely skewed perception of what cosette actually wants for him) and figures javert sort of hates him anyway
also fun fact their toulon backstory is that valjean was on some american ninja warrior style show when he was younger but got booted for cheating. javert happened to be on set as a baby PA, the rest is history. dumbest AU to date
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sailormoonsub · 3 years
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Do you... mean to tell me... that Seigi "justice is my entire personality" Nakata... is not even a LITTLE familiar with the story of Les Mis?
"hope everything works out for this Valjean guy :( no spoilers please<3"
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alexir-s · 3 years
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"The Prance of a Wooden Heart"
Javert's suicide but its dance au :,))) we have a lot of things to say about this au so ask away!!
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froggiemis · 3 years
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Please tell me tumblr hasn’t killed the quality,,,,
Just realized I never posted this here! Here’s a grumpy man! I wanted to be brick accurate, but I realized I would have to draw bangs so I backed out...
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acalculatedfuture · 3 years
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a charecter I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
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"You know, miss Anabel," he grumbled, making no effort to hide his impatience, "just because I owe you a few favors doesn't mean I don't have a life. What did you want from me this early in the morning, if I may ask?"
She took a sip from her mug of coffee, slowly and deliberately as if to make a point that she didn't care for his complaints. They were there for business, after all, so she wanted to get right to the part that mattered.
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"I believe I asked you for a report on Team Plasma's activity. Where is it?"
As if on cue, he handed her a stack of papers large enough to give any dictionary a run for its money, which she almost dropped trying to catch in one hand. Maybe she should've put that mug away in advance.
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"There, I've got it peer-reviewed and everything. Getting past those people with ninja costumes was a bit of a challenge, but otherwise blending in with the grunts went off without a hitch."
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"I'm glad to hear that. Keep up the good work, Kasai."
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