#smth that occurred to me as I was writing my last post
lunerabo · 4 months
The word flesh when used in horror: very fitting, freaky, gross imagery. Implies you can see the meat and sinew in a context where you definitely wouldn’t want to see it.
The word flesh when used in smut: unbelievably erotic. Feral. Bestial. Makes me think of opening em up and tearing out their lungs to crawl into their rib cage and cuddle with their heart.
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teddybeartoji · 3 months
i have a questionnnnn
do you like video games?
and do you know baldur's gate 3 and final fantasy 7?
i got into those during my last vacations and idk why it never occurred to me to ask you even tho i am obsessed with astarion and sephiroth (it's always the white haired guys my taste is so predictable) and cloud but that's another thing
the characterization in both of those games is soooo good especially if you watch almost everything ff7 related like i did (takes a while though)
anyways i felt you could do them justice if you were to write about them, especially astarion. ngl i was very disappointed when i went on socials, as usual, to consume content about the media i just watched and i was very shocked in a bad way
not by the quality, there's just tons of thirst edits for example and while i agree his character is pretty and everything, it kinda hurt cuz it just went against his WHOLE character arc ... i was very disappointed with the fandom haha
same with sephiroth, though i didnt resent as much cuz his story isn't about the fact of being sexualized against his will
anyways yeah i love media in general, series/movies/games you name it as long as there's a story or just one character that i rlly like i'll love it
so i was wondering what games you liked... or media in general at this point, except the movies you posted about
also no pressure but is there a system with asks? are they removed from your inbox if you answer them? are they automatically deleted after some time? just to know cuz i haven't gotten an answer to mine and i'm scared i might've said something bad! esp since i read badly your rules and didn't see a negation and maybe said smth about looking forward to a next part :') smh
HELLOO NONNIEE:3333 I LOVE VIDEO GAMESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i have only heard abt baldur's gate and final fantasy sadly!!!! i have nothing against them they just don't necessarily seem my type of games.. BALDUR'S GATE CHARACTER CREATION SEEMS SO FUCKING FUN THOUGH OMFGGG
and i've definitely seen and heard a lot of astarion!!!!!!!!!! i've also seen some stuff abt him being really overly sexualized right????? his character seems so cool i would love to get to know him better wahh i really do wanna try baldur's gate one day!!!!!!! and unfortunately i only know sephiroth by name too:((( i'm sorry to disappoint u nonnie baby:(((
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH VIDEO GAMES I LIKEEEE!!!!! my all time favourite is definitely the last of us part 2!!!!!!!!!!!! i am on my like... sixth playthrough on that lmao i'm doing it on grounded so yk wish me luck!!!!! anywayy i ofc like the first one too but man.. the second one hits harder for me tbh. then i really fucking love ghost of tsushima, i'm actually replaying it rn too hehe.
honorable mentions go to rdr2, until dawn, the newest dead space remake, god of war, disco elysium, the resident evil games, assassin's creed (i know a lot of ppl don't like these all that much but idk i think they're really fun!! esp black flag and odyssey)(ok i am biased bc these were like my first games ever lmao), days gone (this is another that most think is rather lame but again.. i think it's really fucking fun i have nothing against it) aaaand death stranding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaahh so many games damn i might've forgotten some but these are some that i really love!!!!!!!!!!!! i have played almost all of them multiple times too lmao that's crazy
for overall media i'd just give a lil shoutout to the 'mindhunter' series on netflix!!!!!!!!!!!!! i absolutely fucking looove that show!!!!!!!! i've seen that multiple times too i love the characters and just the way it's done overall!!!!!!!!! also 'manic' i think that's a netflix one too.. that's a really short one but idk it changed me okay i think it's fucking great
OMGG AND WAAAHHH TRUST THAT I STILL HAVE YOUR ASK!!! I AM JUST REALLY SLOW WITH ANSWERING THEM SO I AM VERY SORRY ABT THAT!!!!!!! and you definitely haven't crossed any lines either, so it's one hundred percent on me!!!!!!!!! the thing is that i get a bit overwhelmed when i have to answer things which sounds ridiculous bc I LOOOOVEEEE TALKING TO YOU GUYSSS my brain just sucks okay i'm sorry
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ustalav · 8 months
ficlet friday
or smth like that bc i said i wanted to post more of these things i write. i find them useful and fun when figuring out character voice and dynamics
so here is the letter cyril wrote to inform his on-again-off-again roommate and fellow alchemist colleague that he had been appointed knight-commander. aka having an alchemist mc means i can fill his backstory w gnome npcs if i want to
A Letter from Cyril to Poshment
My Dear Poshment,
I am unsure when this letter may find you, but knowing you and your habits, you are bound to come across it eventually if it is sent to my apartments. And if you do, please replace the damnable lock you broke to get in. My trip to Mendev will be expanded, possibly indefinitely and my correspondence must be limited.
Many events have transpired since we last spoke, I know you are bound to hear tell of it to a certain degree, however twisted by the train of gossip between Mendevian and Brevan nobility. And yet, I would wish for you to hear it from me.
I will be as candid as I feel I can be. I have been appointed a position among the Crusaders of Mendev, Queen Galfrey herself has named me Knight-Commander and given me authority over a band of troops. As shocking a turn of events for you as is it was for me, I’m certain. An undead among the ranks of the crusade is a scandal in and of itself. It truly is only through divine intervention, such a thing could ever occur. However, the tales of my heroism are likely overblown.
Ever since I arrived at the festivities in Kenabres, there has been something festering in me, within a wound I can’t recall suffering. It made itself known when the demons launched their attack, and once again when liberating the Gray Garrison. And now I can feel its power growing, as sure as any mutagen but without the pesky half-life.
I do not doubt for a moment that something – or someone – has made itself known within me, whether it is truly a blessing from Iomedae is another matter. Whatever it is, I mean to uncover the truth of it and that can’t very well be done across the Lake of Mists and Veils. I must see this through. Damn the consequences.
Now. Rules. If you must use my laboratory, please do keep your hands off my instruments. If I see a single green hair among my scalpels when I return, I will find a way to put one of your own flasks of acid in your tea, do not doubt me. Please ensure the enhancement on the icebox remains strong, I will not have officers poking around my rooms for the source of the smell emanating if it does not.
If for some reason it needs replaced, I will have funds sent forthwith. Do not abuse this.
I would think this obvious, but I know you: my laboratory is not fit for the testing of bombs and if you wish to experiment, please take it elsewhere.
Otherwise, help yourself to use of my bedroom and what dry goods remained before I left. I know there is no sense in demanding otherwise. Last time we spoke you were telling me of a grand breakthrough in your research and I do look forward to hearing more. I will include details on where to address your letters alongside this one.
With much affection, Knight-Commader Cyril Lodovka
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
Hey ik its prety late for this lol but could you write smth small for Ryuuji's birthday? Like maybe smth where Ryuuji is tryning to blow it off but Rin keeps trying to make it a huge thing?
I was unfortunately asleep when this got sent, so I missed it (and posting it on Ryuuji’s bday) so I figured I’d just post it on mine, lol.
Thank you for the prompt! <3
— — — — —
“Rin, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Is so!”
It was always a little funny how much Rin seemed to flare when he was indignant. There were no actual flames (this time) but Ryuuji could so easily see them in his mind.
“It’s just a day. Just a—“
“Just a day?! It’s your birthday!”
“It’s not even a—“
“I,” Rin growled as he stomped closer to Ryuuji, “already missed your sixteenth birthday—and no, I’m not over that yet—I’m not missing this one.”
“Fine," Ryuuji sighed, wanting to be more frustrated than he really was. “We can have dinner together? Will that make you happy?”
Rin stuck his lip out in an immediate pout. “But it’s supposed to make you happy.”
“Rin,” Ryuuji grabbed Rin’s hand in both of his and brought it to his chest, “will you please have dinner with me on my birthday? You’d make me very happy.”
The pout turned into a scowl that made Rin’s eyes flicker. Ryuuji loved the way they always seemed alight with flames. Even when they were irritated flames.
“I’m gonna say yes because it’s what I wanted, but you’re a dick.”
“Hey,” Ryuuji let go of the hand to playfully push at his stubborn boyfriend. “Is that anyway to talk to the birthday boy?”
Rin pushed him back. “It’s not your birthday yet.”
Ryuuji thought that was the end of it, but he forgot just how stubborn the boy he fell in love with was. When Rin decided something needed to be a thing, it was going to be a thing.
(˵◕v◕˵)ハ┌iiiiii┐( ˵`◡‘˵ )
It had, all in all, been a good day. The last week of summer vacation was almost here, and the school was beginning to fill up with students again. Ryuuji was enjoying the less populated places as much as he could and working extra hard to add another summons to his dragoon repertoire. Varuna was great and all, but he wanted to have something earth based for the missions that Shiemi couldn’t help on.
Lightning had given him a lot of files to organize, and left him alone to actually organize them, and that had been a nice finish to the afternoon. He’d seen Rin for breakfast and gotten surprised several times for ‘birthday kisses’ which were rapid fire kisses that were supposed to amount to seventeen, but Buddha love him, Rin was horrible at math so it ended up being anywhere from thirteen to twenty four.
(Ryuuji only commented on the ones that were less than seventeen.)
He’d enjoyed a quick lunch with Renzou and Konekomaru, and he imagined that dinner would be the end of the ‘celebrations.’ His parents had already called, he’d received a flurry of texts from the Myodha, and a recording of Kinzou ‘singing’ happy birthday that left him mildly deaf.
The old dorm was as creepy as ever despite the homey touches the twins tried to push on it. The little flowers, all bright and blooming somehow made the dreary and drab walls of the building look all the more dreary and drab, and the fresh scent of their citrusy cleaners just made the slight undertone of mildew all the more apparent.
Ryuuji loved it anyway and pushed the door open, only a little annoyed to find it unlocked. The lights hadn’t been left on in the hallway, which had him turning to the right to jog up the stairs for the twins’ dorm room. He used the flashlight on his phone, not wanting to bother to make the trek to the light switches and knowing that Kuro would probably keep anything dangerous out.
Rin’s dorm was empty – which was strange because he was fairly certain Yukio didn’t have any exorcist assignments even if Rin wasn’t there—and it occurred to Ryuuji that he had been silly coming up here at all. He’d gone with the assumption that they would be eating out, but of course his boyfriend was making a meal. Cooking was how Rin showed his love most of the time, and with how seriously he was taking this birthday thing, there was no way he just let it pass with takeout or one of the cheaper True Cross options.
Nope. Rin would obviously be in the kitchen.
Ryuuji made the trek back down there and waved a hello at Kuro when he passed him in the hall. The cat yowled as he walked, and it was strange enough to make Ryuuji pause.
“Uh, you okay?”
Kuro yowled again and jumped up onto his shoulder. Ryuuji startled at the unexpected move, and got his cheek head butted and nuzzled.
Okay. Ryuuji shrugged off the strange behavior and moved towards the dark cafeteria. He pushed the door open, peered inside, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the light on in the kitchen. He made a beeline for the light, anticipating something delicious and some cuddles. (Which he would never admit to adoring.)
Halfway across the strangely dark cafeteria, Kuro’s claws dug into his shoulder. He tripped to a surprise stop, hissing a bit in pain, and moving to get the cat sidhe off.
There was the sound of a small explosion, lights springing on everywhere, something colorful filling his vision, and a chorus of: “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
Ryuuji yelped and reached for the gun he kept on his hip (even on dates because Rin attracted trouble like some kind of damned magnet) and paused as he realized the colorful stuff was confetti and the voices were his friends.
The entire cafeteria had been covered in streamers and colorful cut outs in shapes he couldn’t hope to decipher (because he was the one with the paper craft skills in this ridiculous group), balloons had been tied to almost every chair, there were bits of colorful paper all over the floor in homemade confetti, Nee had grown a selection of flowers he recognized from his mother’s garden, and cucumbers (his favorite vegetable, which would crack him up later.)
Yamantaka, Nee, Mike and Uke were all sporting little birthday hats, and the humans all had paper hats as well, with little pompoms stuck to the top.
Rin hurried forward, tail wagging furiously behind him (he’d tied a bit of colorful curly ribbon to the end like it was a present, and Ryuuji loved this ridiculous boy so damn much) and grabbed Ryuuji’s head to put a hat on top of his head as well.
“Surprise!” He cheered, beaming up at Ryuuji as the others all shifted closer. (Konekomaru, Renzou, Izumo, Yukio, Shiemi, Takara, Godaiin, Paku, they were all here. Even Shura and Lightning.)
Rin pushed up on his heels (and still had to pull Ryuuji down a little) and pressed a loud kiss to his blushing cheek while Kuro made his weird chittering laugh. (Where had the cat sidhe gotten a birthday hat?!)
“I told you,” Rin said with fire flickering in his eyes and making him look all sparkly with happiness, “it’s a big deal!”
“Might as well just enjoy yourself, Bon.” Renzou brought a spinning noisemaker over and put it in his hands while Lightning spun both his own and blew one.
There was cake and presents, appetizers and an actual meal, music and games, and even if he was uncomfortable with so much attention and birthdays really weren’t that big of  deal, Ryuuji squeezed Rin’s hand and mouthed a bashful Thank you to his boyfriend that made him seem to ignite with giddiness.
He got his cuddles after all, even if they were done during a few rounds of Never Have I Ever.
(He couldn’t wait to plan something for Rin (and Yukio’s) birthday.
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honeyblockm · 2 years
YYEEEOOOO. i need 2 know ab dnap wrasslin & The Beijing Bicycles' last year on record right quick
dnap wrasslin is a fic about a match that dream and sapnap have in the wrestling au! i think bits about them were implied in the quackity fic but yeah they have a falling out in their friendship and this coincides with sapnap turning face and starting a kayfabe feud w dream and the plan i have 4 this fic was it's about dreamnap's climactic match in their feud. as well as smth smth symbolic of confronting all the messy feelings u have about your former friend and letting them go via committing stage violence unto each other. so dream proposes a dog collar match and it's scenes leading up to and during the match intercut with bits about their past relationship. weirdly specific and i guess spoilers but idc about spoilers and also i don't know when this will ever see the light of day but it ends w/ sap getting the pin on dream and then laying there for a bit after the match is done (as you do) and then dream reaches up to hug him. roll credits. but who knows when i'll get there.
Sapnap makes himself meet Dream’s eyes- a muted contrast to the startling acid green contacts he wears in the ring -and seeing nothing, as always, shifts down to what he’s got in his hands.
It’s a length of chain, the steel links spilling over themselves. Two sides, one resting in Dream’s palm, the other coming to dangle below it, swaying gently, with a collar attached to each end.
shoutout to the mjf and cm punk feud bc seeing posts about it on my dash was the thing that finally made me go alright what's all this wrestling on about (and then i proceeded to acquire brainrot and yet another interest i cant talk about w my family)
The beijing bicycle's last year on record is a b/laseball fic about. what the title says. ok first really quick some b/laseball lore: a while ago a new addition to the b/laseball website where the game is hosted appeared and it was basically a log of "history", aka events that are canonical to the game but occurred prior to the beginning of the game. all of the text was censored but we figured out how to reveal messages over time. um. A LOT of info was uncovered and also the existence of teams that. basically. no longer exist. (they're either DEAD or no longer in active play and their team pages can't be accessed on the website without going into the game code and wrangling with some stuff. maybe they're in the fabled "big leagues". maybe they're in the static. maybe they're in the black hole. maybe they've been percolated. we don't know).
anyways the beijing bicycles were an active team during the prehistory i and (possibly) prehistory ii era(s), and then, for reasons unknown, they vanished from record along with a lot of other teams. that, alongside the players on the team roster, is pretty much all the info we have of the specific team. during the end of prehistory i there was a lot of chaotic events happening, including a player being unleashed on the league that would literally kill off entire teams. a lot of death? so who knows. but the bicycles are the only canon b/laseball team thus far that are chinese so i got pretty excited when my friend informed me of their existence.
oh my god. the fic. so yeah! they were playing b/laseball. and then they were gone. and the fic is about the last year that we know they were active and in play and it's split into twelve parts, each in a different month, cycling through perspectives of different players. it's meant to flesh out the players on the team and also the team dynamic as a whole. hit a bump when writing this because creating lore from almost scratch for 14 characters (25 if you count shadows, which I do) is hard and time consuming. it starts in february, during lunar new year.
B/laseball season lasts three months and then a few weeks, from the height of summer to the time in autumn when the trees are just starting to die. They've got spring and winter totally free, which Wes is fucking grateful for. Might be a pain in the ass to be out on the field every day in July, when the heat gets so intense that they're moving through a thick haze most of the time, but at least they can be snug inside in their warmest sweater in the coming winter. 
That, and it means they have all the time in the world for the new years.
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^the guys :)
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halcyon-writings · 4 years
favored - ichigo/m!reader
requested: yes (anonymous)
note(s); An attempt on something other than a gender neutral reader, i also deleted the ask on accident so if this isn’t exactly to the prompt anon my apologies!! feel free to send something in my ask box if you want me to like re do it or smth, jealous berry manTM 
a continuation can be found here!
all my other links are in my pinned post for mobile users and linked on my sidebar for desktop users!
if you’d like to support me and my writing, please consider buying me a kofi!
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Ichigo Kurosaki is aware of many things. Some more keenly than others. 
He knew that for a long time, the main thing occupying his mind was his duties as the Substitute Shinigami. Rarely time for any leisure out of it unless he was lucky. 
But then you came along. A boy in his grade who’s smile dazzled everyone, even him. It never occurred to him that you’d like him, since it always seemed like you had your own little crowd surrounding you outside of class. 
Popular as you were, admired by your peers and underclassman alike. Favored by and charming everyone you met. 
The meeting had been by chance after all. You had told him that you let your underclassmen leave early, cleaning up from practice before heading home. Only to be attacked by a hollow. 
Laying helplessly on the pavement out as you felt yourself bleeding out. Panic in your eyes but no, not for yourself, for him when he had parried and pushed the hollow back. 
You try to hold him back, but your grip already is faltering, you speak in half sentences.
“Please don’t- that thing- that thing-” You beg, eyes suddenly burning.
The look on his face is determined, as he holds you up, arm around your shoulders and close to his chest. Later he’ll never be able to live it down as Rukia teases him about it, burying his face into one of his pillows while he throws another at her, only for it to pass through the Shinigami anyway. 
“I got you,” He promises, “You’ll be okay.”
Ichigo was equally as panicked when you had lost consciousness. It took a lot for him to leave you as his friends would handle taking care of you, while he fought off the hollow easily enough. Only to return to your bedside as soon as he was done. It was a shallow wound but, the blood just continued to flow, it was a sight he never wanted to see again. 
With disappointment clenching around his heart, Ichigo lets himself believe it’d be the last time the two of you spoke to one another. 
Only for you of course to throw all his expectations out the window. Joining his friend group like you had been there since the beginning. Conversations flowing with ease as you talked and laugh among them. You still had your friends from the team and in general, but Ichigo always felt warm whenever you would join them all on the rooftop during lunch break. 
He pointedly ignores Orihime’s knowing smile, as his face involuntarily flushes whenever he sees you, as he admires you from afar rather than participating in the conversation, the usual broody look, as Keigo put it, on his face.
Then your powers had manifested. 
If Ichigo needed any more reason to like respect you, this only added onto the list. 
It’s Ichigo who introduces you to Urahara, a way to help you get used to the suddenly new developments your powers brought on. Yoruichi helping, but also ruffling Ichigo’s hair when she promised that neither she nor Kisuke would keep his beau for too long.
Ichigo’s face burns as Yoruichi cackles.
Only this time it feels like he’s on fire when the day comes that you confess about how you feel about him, the usual way you hold yourself, confident, ready,is gone, replaced by a boy who can’t meet his eyes without your own expression becoming flustered.
Scratch that, he feels like he’s on fire when you kiss him. Hands grasping his uniform jacket. And when he kisses you back, he feels only warmth.
Ichigo is aware of a few things. The way your personality has anyone gravitating towards you as soon as you meet, and the fact that his heart feels like it’ll burst the second you look at him with the same fond smile that’s especially meant for him and him alone. 
He didn’t mind, after all, your social battery seemed never ending. What he didn’t expect was for the first time you go to the Soul Society, is for many to gravitate towards you, much like in the World of the Living.
Jealousy curls around his heart, a feeling he tries to ignore, but when Rangiku or Renji end up tugging you away each time he brings you with him, or how you and Byakuya have tea sometimes, tea! When you ask whats wrong he gives a half hearted smile, assuring that things are fine. Things are not fine.
It’s the traitorous voice in his head remidning him that you’re much better at him at a lot of thing. You could have had anyone in the world.
“Ichigo?” Your voice breaks him out of his thoughts, your book in your lap as you scribbled away at some assignment he knew he wasn’t in the mood to do anytime soon.
He hums in response.
“You okay? And don’t say you’re fine, I know you aren’t,” You add immediately, and Ichigo’s shoulders slump. Well, he never could actually lie to you in the first place. 
Only for him to end up spilling everything about how he had been feeling about your popularity both in the living world and the Soul Society. How his own doubts made it no less helpful. 
You place your workbook down, carefully folding a corner of the page as you close it so you don’t lose your place. Before beckoning Ichigo over. He rises from the desk chair and plops unceremoniously on the bed, which you can’t help but laugh. He sends you an annoyed look, but it isn’t one with any real heat behind it.
Making a surprised sound as you all but pull him to lay down in your lap, your hand running through his surprisingly soft hair, you lean down, pressing a kiss to his forehead. 
Ichigo is currently aware of one thing. You may have been favored and vied for by many. But your gaze never left his. Not even for a second. He was at ease.
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missinghan · 4 years
「 what am I // stray kids 」
❖ genre : sci-fi; superpower au; platonic relationship au
❖ word count : 3,9k (bullet points only)
❖ warning : explicit language, most likely ain’t scientifically true at all
❖ summary : superpowers manifest in certain individuals once they hit puberty and naturally, those odd abilities will vanish as soon as adulthood occurs; but how will those teenagers protect themselves from the curiosity of science?
❖ a/n : this isn’t a proper fic since I don’t think I’ll actually write smth decent out of this but I don’t want the idea to rot inside my dungeon either- so yea, bear with me through this character intro post(?)
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— bang chan ↠ locating ability-wielders & teleportation
· sometimes when he’s running errands for his parents, chan can feel a distinct ‘zing’ ins his bones if someone else with unusual abilities is nearby and can describe their power perfectly to the t; he ignores it at first but learns to make do with it eventually; can teleport another person with him and also needs to calculate carefully before teleporting because he once ends up in the middle of a freeway instead of school resulting from lack of sleep.
· looks intimidating but is the first to talk to a new kid in class and show them around as he’s president of the school’s student council; smiles and laughs a lot once you get to know him, and is also very caring, reliable.
· he wishes to apply for a music production company after his college graduation but his family turned the idea down almost immediately and sent him to a boarding school in Europe.
· chan starts taking notice in strange things at his new school after the first few weeks; for example: how they unreasonably force students to have a daily health checkup, how their food taste like medicine most of the times, teachers don’t really seem to care about what they’re teaching and some of his classmates mysteriously ‘move away’ whenever security shows up at their dorm in the middle of the night.
· after finding out where they actually are via photos of students being locked up inside cells, arms and legs chained up like domestic animals, injected with odd substances on a daily basis which were taken by an anonymous individual, chan secretly packs his stuff and decides to ditch this so-called boarding school for good.
· he works hard to hide his identity ensuing flying back to his hometown for a solid three weeks and the fact that there are more people cursed with supernatural abilities begins dawning onto him; cutting off contact with his family completely, moving from one crusty apartment to another every month, chan tackles this crazy idea of assembling a group consisted of extraordinary people to give him a hand with creating a safe environment for the ‘gifted’ youths.
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— lee minho ↠ collapse
· law major, quite the loner, raised by a single mother; didn’t have much since little but his mother’s love and affection make up for everything.
· looks intimidating, is actually intimidating; the only person he talks to in college is his dance coach, doesn’t like school nor has many friends; his slightest glare is as cold as a wife trying to win custody of her children in court.
· minho can make his surroundings crumble and fall apart with his mind, which shouldn’t be confused with telekinesis since he can’t physically move objects to his will; this deadly power is triggered whenever he’s experiencing extremely negative emotions like fear or anguish and he’s not (still isn’t) very good at getting a hold of it.
· a group of suspicious men shows up at his house one day as he returns home from dance practice; they claim to be an agency looking for up and coming talents but by the way that his mother is staring at the ground nervously with her legs trembling, his institution tells him that something’s off.
· he firmly declines their offer with a stiff “I’m uncertain that I’m the talent you gentlemen are looking for, but you should know that when the cops are here to fill out their reports, I’m gonna be very helpful, as helpful as possible.”
· “what other random merry of fucking misdemeanors are going to pop up once they go through your records? domestic violence? illegal substances and weapons possession? human trafficking?”
· with a gun to her head, his mom scrambles to her knees and begs him to go with them, admitting that she’s already signed the contract; if he follows their orders and agrees to become an experimental subject, she won’t have to worry about any financial problems for the rest of her life.
· in the heat of the moment, they ultimately force him to activate his power for the very first time; as a result, his house collapses, the death of his only family and the group of men following suit.
· “I’m too late.”
· chan manages to find minho under the aftermath, severely injured and is hanging by a string of life so fragile that can only be saved after undergoing a twelve-hour operation at the hospital.
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— seo changbin ↠ sound waves manipulation
· a good student, reputable within his social sphere at school, and comes from a pretty well-off family.
· changbin is able to bend and control sound waves to his advantage; whether it’s simply for his musical instruments or moving objects around, he can also use something as minor as his own heartbeat when he’s emotionally unstable; using the ability continuously for too long can give him severe migraines and potentially damage his brain to a degree if he’s not mindful of it.
· he stays up late at night to write and produce his own songs, keeping it a secret from his parents; posts his own songs on a SoundCloud account, or performs even live at a random underground club under the alias SpearB if he has the chance to.
· an organization full of outlaw scientists comes across a video of his performance on the web, analyzing how he can enhance the beat, his vocal cords without the help of any form of technology, and just like that, he easily tops the list of their targets.
· having no choice but to do what they want when those men hold his parents hostage inside his family’s mansion, changbin gets sent to the same boarding school as chan but they’re being observed in different buildings for his power is on the more useful and dangerous side; hence, his classes consist of a smaller amount of students and they are put through checkups more constantly.
· he doesn’t really pay attention to the skepticisms that reek off all over the place as he’s too busy being homesick and studying because he fully believes that the harder he works, the more obediently he acts, the sooner they’ll let him go; all hell breaks loose when those photos are scattered everywhere, from the hallways to the bathrooms; changbin takes advantage in the riot to get himself out of there as quickly as he can possibly run to the airport.
· changbin swears to never trust anyone again until chan and minho find him sleeping inside an abandoned grocery store with a pistol inside his sleeping bag, two daggers concealed in his sleeves at all times.
· “are we seriously going to contain some headass who was this close to blowing my brain out of my head?”
· “huh, funny, last time I checked, you almost smothered me to death under a gigantic block of cement when I was trying to save your life.”
· “who are you guys and how the hell did you get in here? I don’t recall not locking the door.”
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— hwang hyunjin ↠ permeation & memory manipulation
· a true theater kid, meaning he knows almost everyone but every single student at school knows him; naturally, becomes the Prince after playing one too many male lead roles because of his godly features; rather well-mannered and diligent though he doesn’t look like it.
· mistaken to be a player by every new batch of freshmen that only ever gets to watch him practicing his lines from afar, swooning tremendously whenever he ties up his hair; always carries a camera around, doesn’t like to have too many friends but if you get close enough, he’s probably the most fun to be around, won’t ever judge your questionable life choices.
· hyunjin’s ability allows him to walk right through walls as well as any other solid matters but it will drain his stamina painstakingly, causing him to run short on breaths after using his power to change his costumes faster between scenes; the thicker the wall is, the more strength it takes for him to pass through completely.
· he can also erase a certain chunk of memory from someone’s mind but he needs to physically touch them; has only used this ability one time to wipe his existence out of a childhood best friend’s mind before moving away from his hometown. 
· his interest in photography sparks the moment his uncle comes back from a business trip and gives him a toy camera, it’s nowhere near the real ones but the ten-year-old hwang hyunjin sure takes it very, very seriously; after a decade or so, he has replaced it with cameras that actually work and developed quite the talent for taking photos of sceneries and people (jisung is his number one victim but he can’t care less as long as he looks decent and that hyunjin won’t save any crack ones to blackmail him).
· suddenly gets a sketchy summer scholarship to a boarding school in London (the same so-called school that Chan and Changbin went to), his mom encourages him to go after looking it up on the internet without knowing the chances of her own son being exploited for twisted science is shockingly high.
· and the culprit who takes those photos during a wandering around school after curfew is none other than hyunjin himself; he knows damn well posting those photos means getting himself into trouble but heck, his conscience forbids him to leave this hell-on-earth place without alerting these innocent people.
· so the night before those photos are spread everywhere, in every corner, every edge of the building, hyunjin smashes his camera completely with a baseball bat and burns the broken bits in the school backyard; he tries getting through those sleep-deprived men in their fifties who aren’t likely paid enough with his ability and flees.
· surprisingly, he comes rushing into his best friend’s house right after his horrendous flights only to find him being surrounded by three mysterious men.
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— han jisung ↠ plunder
· the jokester of the class, takes great joy in stressing the living daylights out of his professors with irrational questions that aren’t necessarily relevant to the lesson, procrastinates, and sleeps through lessons like there’s no tomorrow but still keeps that shiny ‘A’ on his report card nonetheless.
· being friends with hyunjin results in occasional admirers here and there for him but he does kinda have his own fandom base after being pulled upstage out of the blue in the middle of last year’s spring music festival, musing him an opportunity to show off his rapping skills; because of that event, he takes writing music more seriously with the stage name J.One.
· if jisung is being honest, he hardly uses his power since it’s basically taking over anyone’s body and mind for a maximum of five seconds meanwhile his own body is immobile; and if any physical effects occur (for example, a basketball hits him on the head spontaneously), he’s obligated to endure that pain for that person until they become conscious of their own body again.
· he’s not a creep, he swears.
· and who knows? what if his body gets kidnapped within those five seconds?
· hyunjin and jisung know about each other’s ability but don’t really discuss nor talk about them because they don’t find walking through walls or temporarily possessing someone’s body cool.
· well, that’s that until chan, minho and changbin show up at his house the same day when hyunjin returns from his summer exchange program with a cut lip and bruised knuckles. 
· “han jisung, you’re going to have to come with us unless you want to live inside a cage for the rest of your life.”
· “I’m sorry, are you threatening me?”
· “we’re trying to protect you, smartass, you’re far too dangerous to be roaming the streets so freely.”
· “....me? I’m dangerous?”
· jisung not knowing the slightest bit about his own ability downright baffles chan—he’s only scratched the surface of it at this point; his true potential is if he’s taking over another ability-wielder’s body, he will then take their power for himself; and jisung can’t remember the last time he properly uses it either.
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— lee felix ↠ imperfect invisibility
· initially lives in Australia but after finding out about his ability, he moves to Seoul with his parents to live a quieter, more covered-up life without being surrounded by too many relatives.
· an absolute sweetheart, smart, kind, honest, a little slow to read in between the lines at times; can concentrate relatively well on an empty stomach, but gets drowsy quickly after eating, especially big meals. 
· lix is also homeschooled up until high school in order to avoid any unwanted situation; later on, applies for a course that can be taken online for the most parts at an average-ish university to not draw so much attention. 
· since he stays at home most of the time, he spends lots of time playing different video games, experiences random cooking recipes without burning the house down, and teaches himself how to dance through online tutorials, getting awfully good at it fast partially thanks to his natural flexibility.
· he can disappear from a single person’s field of vision for as long as he wants to but it’s still limited and considered flawed since felix can only disappear from the sight one person of his choice at a time; although it can come in quite handy whenever he gets shoved into a dark alleyway by random people varying from cheap pickpockets with a box-cutting knife to muscular men dressed in black.
· learns boxing during middle school so he can still kick asses to preserve his own life.
· felix once punches jisung in the gut and slaps hyunjin in the face with a cabbage after seeing them follow each and every one of his movements the moment he steps out of the supermarket—he’s got used to listening to people’s footsteps over time. 
· “okay, first of all, ow, and second of all, why did I get the punch and he got the cabbage?!”
· “oh, don’t be such a baby.”
· “you two don’t look like those balding dudes in money-dripping black suits...what are you on? crack? what do you want from me? money? food?”
· “of course we’re not balding men in their forties! I take personal offense to that! and please, who do you take me as? a total creep who only ever knows how to follow people with his stupid sidekick tagging along for background noises?”
· “well, it’s time you fucking did then, han.”
· “you know, I suppose this is the part where you two put me to sleep with some kind of drug and bring me back to your excuse of a headquarter.”
· “oh, did you bring the anesthetic pills?”
· “I thought Changbin gave it to you, no?”
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— kim seungmin ↠ time-leap
· born in a middle-class family, very studious but also enjoys playing baseball during retreats, takes time to open up to people so he has more acquaintances than close friends but he doesn’t mind, that way he has more time for himself. 
· definitely and never will be the kid who lets his classmates take advantage of his wit, he does do a good chunk of every group project but makes sure everyone has at least one decent thing to do (low-key loves bossing people around); can be pretty distant at first, but he just weirds people out after getting closer and doesn’t hold grudges.
· seungmin is capable of bringing himself back to a specific past event to alter the future outcome though it won’t work most of the time unless he really, really has to for safety purposes or the situation gets out of hands; time-leaping won’t activate if he wants to retake a test but works like a charm when he tries to save a kid on the street from a car accident.
· actually does deep, proper research into other ability-wielders and often stays in school during nighttime to read the news, articles or anything that he can find on the web to learn about how that one cryptic boarding school in Europe that’s accused of abusing their students got shut down all of a sudden, the students never return and family members never bother to look for them. 
· hence, he adapts to hiding his ability and himself fairly well—never takes the late-night buses, doesn’t try to become close and bond with other people, asks his parents to change the door lock every month, burns bills each time he purchases something but he tries not to go out as much as possible. 
· seungmin has seen hyunjin use his power once by accident but decided to say nothing about it; eventually finds chan’s headquarter (which is just his crusty apartment) by following jisung and hyunjin after their practice hour, baffles them all a little but joins in no time. 
· after asking hyunjin to erase his parents’ memory about himself, seungmin gives everyone a hand for their plan of building a school and campus, completely safe and under the radar for other ability welders until their adolescence is over; he time-leaps back to back in order to collect as much information about lottery tickets as he can.
· another flaw occurs when he travels to the past for the third time: his eyesight gets weaker and weaker every time he time-leaps so he starts wearing glasses as a temporary resolution but chan stops him when he tries to do it for the fifth time, saying that they would rather work hard for a little longer than have seungmin lose his vision forever. 
· after over a year or so, they successfully repurchase an education organization and officially establish an exclusive academy for ability-wielders, reaching out to those individuals before scientists can get a hold of them. 
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— yang jeongin ↠ superhuman speed
· the quiet kid who most likely won’t talk unless the teacher asks him to answer a question or someone tells him to let them copy his homework; has his earbuds in most of the time to pretend he can’t hear what people are saying so he won’t have to interact with them. 
· joins after you when chan finds him hitting a wall head-on at an abnormal speed while trying to save a kitten in the middle of the streets. 
· jeongin has extremely enhanced agility and reflexes but he still lacks accuracy for he is naturally a clumsy person; therefore, changbin tells him to wear a protective layer under his uniform so even in the worst-case scenario, he can jump off a building and make it out with minor scratches. 
· reluctantly buys lunch for every member of the student council (aka 00 liners + you) on a daily basis although he can’t really see which kind of sandwiches he’s grabbing at and they end up being mushy most of the time. 
· and for those people who say his resting face is scary, he’s mainly just frustrated because of his friends. 
· also usually is the one who returns with the most injuries because of his own ability—he always flees like his life depends on it to save jisung’s ass from being hit by a truck and hyunjin’s camera from being crushed (the sole purpose of the student council will be explained more thoroughly later).
· has single-handedly saved everyone inside a bookstore when a sudden fire breaks out. 
· minho scolds him and felix a lot for spending too much time at the arcade after school instead of doing their required tasks. 
· acts all tough and mature since he’s the youngest of the squad, loves to make fun of jisung for his height but still is and probably will always be a complete child who hates eating vegetables with a passion; gets yelled at a lot whenever there’s a BBQ party since he only ever eats meat. 
· “corn? why are we raiding the Asian market for corn at one AM?”
· “an outdoor, wholesome BBQ isn’t complete without corn, duh.”
· “do you want to get us caught?!”
· “oh please, they’re going to show up either way.”
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— y/n (reader) ↠ telepathic manipulation
· president of the student council, stubborn, slightly less bossy than seungmin, appears to be apathetic and cranky mainly because you can’t sleep that well; with that being said, you don’t feel too tired during ungodly hours when people are tossing around in the comfort of their bed but snap at irritating people a lot in the morning if they’re making too much noise. 
· your ability allows you to control people to your will, from something as meaningless as slamming their head through a wall to life-threatening actions like forcing them to point a knife at their own throat; it’s somewhat similar to jisung’s power though you don’t have to physically feel what your target is going through and you don’t need to worry about taking over their body.
· the only downside to it is that you easily fall asleep the moment you set your target free.
· minho is the one who gets you out of the laboratory where your parents were working on a huge, secret project about individuals with supernatural abilities for an unknown organization; you’re unfortunate enough to become their first-ever experimental subject which only nourishes resentment slowly, gnawing at your sanity while you’re dreading each day behind those cold metal bars. 
· perhaps joining the student council is what makes your life less depressing, perhaps; you’re far too busy facepalming at the beautiful monstrosity of their friendship and feeding them ensuing returning to the dorm after school since those boys only know how to eat, cooking is too much for them to comprehend (albeit felix).
· when your family was still… normal, your parents sent you to martial art classes every weekend so like felix, you don’t actually need your power to save yourself from some random mobsters on the streets.
· you’re also the only person who eats vegetables properly and even tries to incorporate more fiber into their diets but as always, they never listen, especially hyunjin when it comes to green onions.
· don’t have the best reputation in the academy because the idea of letting the new girl with a seemingly useless ability become president of the student council isn’t very appealing to many people, and it doesn’t help when every member of the council is exclusively allowed to drop out in the middle of a class to ‘collect’ any ability-wielders that chan manages to locate that day since he’s always worn out with changbin and minho from boring paperwork as well as other businessy stuff.
· even when your ability is considered almost perfect, you’ve only used it once when you thought minho was going to sell you off to another place and almost made him put a bullet through his own brain; you’ve refrained yourself from using it since that day.
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macklives · 5 years
hey so this is gonna be a long-ish one. ive decided its been far too long since i did a session, and we did so many i can often forget what happened. i started in july and im pretty sure its been more than half a year now since this whole blog happened. and in that time, we’ve gone through 88 sessions and i want to know if i remember the relevant plot points and what we got up to in the last few sessions. a refresh/reminder if you would.
so i hereby commence my own little recap of act 5 because yeah no, its too much to do a recap of everything and i have andrew for that after every few acts. but i wanna refresh my mind on act 5 for now. so here we go.
1. alternia.. fucked up place. but its a place the trolls live on so what are we gonna do about it? overthrow the government? seems about right, lets do that with the next troll that gets introduced and if its not kanaya idk what andrew is doing by not having introduced the best troll yet. why the long wait? it was the second introduced? i honestly expected it to go in order when i first read act 5, because first we had karkat talk to jade which was the first new piece dialogue in the comic besides the main kids, but then we had kanaya with rose, which was followed by tavros, then terezi (iirc). so id assume we were following that order but nope karkat got fully introduced, then this random fucking juggalo called gamzee made its way into the comic. imagine my surprise.
2. theres been terminology throughout act 5, that i do not fucking know and will not remember and probably never will. like tf is a perigee again? i made a doc somewhere ill probably find it.
3. karkat’s introduction... short but very sweet. and by sweet i mean we got to know the depths of the angry edge lord. and by depths i mean karkat got angry at gamzee for typing in a way that he didnt like so he yapped like a chihuahua. nah, but seriously, i do like karkat tho, hes growing on me but only bc hes a bitch baby and his whole personality makes me want to mock him so thats the reason im not that annoyed and think hes funny, and the most harmless troll. even more so than tavros. and thats saying something. 7.5/10 bc im generous.
4. then gamzee... the high juggalo troll who has the worst typing quirk imo, i cannot for the life of me read it. but hes chill, i actually really like gamzee. hes funny and the least problematic as of right now. 8.5/10.
5. terezi’s introduction next i think. she likes playing as a lawyer with her stuffed dragons, ie by roleplay, shes blind, can see through licking, and she likes eating chalk, maybe its even nutritious. shes good. 9/10. 
6. uhh in the process of these intros, there are teams being made? karkat joins gamzee and terezi in, i THINK, the red team?? bc terezi likes red?? could be wrong, i dont remember the teams except that its red/blue to represent sollux’s duality in those colors. terezi then tries recruiting AC but AC is like lol sorry i have to ask this friend of mine who has authority over me for some goddamn reason and terezi goes yuck tf i hate that guy................... yeah thats all we have on the teams. pretty sure sollux had smth to do with karkat about the making of the leaders, and they did the “i hate me” and the “no i hate me more than u hate u” or whatever the fuck that was. they got embarrassed afterwards and deleted their messages. im pretty sure they have no messages because everything ends up being mutually deleted so their logs are actually empty. ngl, kinda enjoyed their convos, made me appreciate their characters. i hope we get more because its good content. i also dont know what order this whole thing is in, who contacted who first? couldnt tell you. ill remember later on. and since im basing this off from memory alone, gotta deal with what i remember. uhhhh so yeah. we havent met all characters yet so the teams have not been officially decided but we got the bases, which is that.
7. god i found it, and the only thing im looking at right now is the terminology list i made and what the fuck?? what the fuck?? you miss a few weeks and suddenly the word nubslurping comes up and you forget what the fuck youre reading.
8. im PRETTY SURE aradia is seen after that whole team fiasco?? or its sollux... maybe. wait. its sollux, right. i just knew someone gets introduced mid way through is all. actually, someone gets introduced after every 20 pages. i have no idea. but ik aradia and sollux go hand in hand.
9. oh shit. OH SHIT! RIGHT! I REMEMBER! so this occurs in the latest session i did, and not the beginning of act 5, but AG and aradia team up, right?? and sollux fucking gets manipulated by them and ??? idk??? they make him find the game, reprogram it and then make him believe its going to end the world (which in hindsight is true, but anyways) so he refuses to play it which was AG’s plan all along so she steps up and becomes leader in his place. but aradia says sollux will still play the game no matter what, but she never went through with the plan for AG but it was apart of a prophecy? that sollux wouldnt be the leader at all? that he’d still play? but it had to go according to plan so it could succeed??? we just dont know why yet. anyways, point being, she still cares for sollux since she did it for him rather than for AG. and thats what i recall. god tf i forgot about that whole drama until writing down “sollux and aradia go hand in hand” which gave me violent flashbacks to the memory.
10. oh and id give aradia 9/10 and sollux 7/10. i do like sollux but if i put him higher than karkat, id get crucified. so im keeping them around the same.
11. man i really like sollux and aradia tho, i may have put him at 7, but i really like their dynamic and i really hope they make up and aradia explains herself about AG. because from one side it looks shitty. and while sollux is rude and never makes up his mind, he apologized to aradia after going off, and that was the only time ive seen him be sincere, so im pretty sure he cares for her to some extent. and i think its somewhat mutual? considering the whole “did it for him” thing. man, i see potential because i actually like both their characters. theyre well written. may not have the best personalities, but i appreciate well written characters and homestuck has the best ones ive seen in a while.
12. oh shit, hell yeah, the more i write, the more im connecting the dots and remembering. however, the more i write, the more i want to just make an analogy post but thats not for now. jesus christ its not all about analogies, mack, this is a recap. but.. how does andrew do it? to not go off track??? hard. telling ya.
13. anyways, didnt we break the fourth wall at some point and have the demon gods or whatever the fuck speak to us in third person for the first time in the comic, after having only gone into second person narrative, right after we were introduced to sollux and his “virus”? the uh, the phrase “the demon was already here” was said, or something along those lines. first line in homestuck to give me the creeps ngl and i appreciate it bc it gives me motivation to know what the fuck its about. its cool bc you have no idea where its going and it sure doesnt have anything to do with the current plot, since the trolls’ session/game doesnt have fucking demons so im curious as to what the fuck that was about. and if i really have to make a theory, i feel it has something to do with aradia’s voices in her head which also connect to the gods rose heard when she started disregarding rules and told dave to look at derse without listening to music bc it was as if he was purposely blocking away their calls. like holy shit, that gave me the shivers. while i do want to know more about wtf happens after act 4, trolls are taking priority right now. just like we did with the intermission. no discussing the kids unless necessary. treat this as its own separate comic. and THEN we can connect.
14. ANYWAYS, tavros’ intro???? that comes afterwards?? with the fiduspawn that made me gag a little on the inside? yep. remember that. fuck that lol. -1/10 but tavros himself is MAYBE a 6/10? i wish we explored his character more in his intro bc right now he just looks like a character made only to be a victim rather than have any depth and i feel thats robbing someone of their full potential. give me more personality andrew, rather than a quivering boy who falls prey to bitches. im expecting more throughout the comic honestly and i hope he gets growth so hes not looked as a “victim” but rather his own character. he is still sweet, and i like him because i want to protect him, but id rather have more info, you know what i mean?
15. oh hell. kanaya had a chainsaw at some point. that made me happy. and didnt she cut off tavros’ legs?? and he got robot ones? and some creepy dude was looking and we called him saggy tits bc hes sagittarius? right? neat. that did happen. pretty sure saggy tits is ACs friend that tells her what to do. the more u know. OH and they all have colored blood similar to their text colors lol. that i remember... so tavros has brown, terezi has blueish green, um. karkat has grey the loser. and apparently it forms a rainbow which is nice. rainbow is good.
16. i dont remember anything else actually
17. wait no i do. AG appeared. shes a petty bully. idk what to say about her. we didnt get that much, except that she hates tavros but is okay with aradia. she also looks like a bottle opener. actually, i think she teamed with aradia to gain leadership rather than to “be friends”. and while that is similar to how karkat did it, meaning the gain, the motivation and how they earned it is entirely different. kinda seeing a trend tho. the leaders of the red/blue teams are both characters who wanted the role, but never had it to begin with. only to win their way into the position. but rather than ask non-stop like karkat did, AG manipulated others so she could be successful. not too sure if she also used aradia for that, or is actually motivated to become friends since they were “past enemies” and she needed a rebound. pretty sure its somewhat both. while AG did mostly use aradia to speak with sollux, what she doesnt know is that aradia is a bad bitch who never even thought about AG and only followed through with the plan bc she had a plan of her own. i guess we’ll look into that later. i lowkey want to know their history.
18. OH AC!!! she appeared for a second as well. love her. shes amazing. 9.5/10. and you may ask yourself, why am i saying “i love this character” but none of them are 10/10?? weellllll its because, and i cant stress this enough, 10/10 belongs to kanaya, i dont make the rules. im waiting for her introduction, shes my favorite and its obvious. sorry.
19. oh huh seems i forgot about the term “lusus”. which.. is.. their parents but not really, its these fucking weird ass creatures that the trolls fought in a cave or something as a child. i dont fucking know. terezi hatched hers and it died? gamzee’s also died but his goat sea dad was never really there to begin with so while it is sad, its more sad that gamzee never saw him? um.. karkat killed his own by exploding his computer bc sollux said dont run the virus and karkat said u cant tell me what to do and did it anyways. so thats on him. but apparently theyre supposed to die, to become prototyped during the game, right? yeah. i remember now.
20. thats.. about it? idk anything else, nothing is coming back to me apart from the shit above. huh.... im surprised how quickly things do come back to you the moment you rant about the plot tho.... handy trick.
cool. neat. fun. this took me too long. but im glad i remember a little bit.
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rogueshipagogo · 5 years
ppl have been asking me my opinions on space channel 5 vr... and i guess since i bought a vr headset off craigslist just so i could play it and speedrun it before work the day it came out... i should talk abt it now... i dont rly think i’ll be able to separate it into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ things i think i’m just going to do a rambly stream of consciousness bc i have a headache... but i DO have good things to say abt this game... so st.... sta stay t tune  d
right off the bat, the thing i appreciate most abt this game- i like that space channel 5 vr doesnt have cash grab vibes. i Do genuinely believe that they Wanted to make this game For the people who are still obsessed with it, and that they ultimately did what they set out to do when they intended to scale certain aspects of the series up conceptually to match the way the fandom perceives it nowadays. but like i’ve said before... i’m not going to Disagree with the very common conclusion that it Needed to be longer, or at Least more intricate plot-wise. one of my fun and fresh excuses for sc5vr being as short as it is is because you arent really supposed to be playing vr games for too long anyways, its really disorienting and kinda painful, but even that doesn’t account for why so much of the game that we got is a rehash of old settings, concepts, songs, and characters. [i dont even have a problem with reusing old songs, i just think the ones they chose ended up being misleading]
for example i think it makes sense that the first report is a remake of the first games first report on the surface, it’s meant to take you back to the way the first game felt and give you an idea of what it means that the games classic scenery can be rendered in actual high quality detail now [same with the recurrence of events like encountering the space pirates in the asteroid belt/the last battle against a villain being singing to it about what it’s done wrong], but i really thought, like, report 1 was going to end up being a simulated scenario for the benefit of lou and kee’s training... which i dont think ended up being the case??? i think they really did write ‘ok here you are in the first game’s setting again, fighting the old enemies again, because... :^) ok have fun playing report 2!’
and then whats report 2... you fight another old boss from the first game... but theres Still no clear villain or motivation for anything thats happening... and there wont be until like... basically the end of the game...
like, glitter is a really cute character, but its kind of underwhelming that shes just a random citizen who was kidnapped by an entity that we NEVER LEARN ANYTHING ABOUT... like part 1 was extremely notable for being about corporate greed and corruption, part 2 honestly wasnt that political in comparison but at least made you do a think wrt purge’s motivation and his methods, and this game just has a plot device that feels like it’ll do smth but then ends up not doing anything beyond what we already learned about it from the information on its character bio before the game was out. if it turns out that cell x is actually relevant again in a future entry in the franchise and they do have a more developed concept for what cell x Is in mind, i’ll do an entire backflip, but for now its just chalked up to being the result of More Space Hijinks that dont need to be explained
ESPECIALLY WITH ALL OF THE ALLUSIONS TO CELL X BEING AN ENTITY THAT FEEDS OFF OF DANCE ENERGY... it had me thinking that there would have to be some New Method of fighting it off that didn’t just lend it more power in the process, but nah apparently just tacking on the disclaimer ‘*this dance energy is not for glitter’ is enough to turn it from smth it can consume for power into big attacks you can use to kill it... like honestly it sounds like im asking for a lot from a game that has Never made too much sense, but considering that in part 2 they could add details like ‘oh didnt you know purge can open pocket dimensions? ulala is capable of manifesting tangible dance energy and the only other person who can do that is purge???’, its not like they havent come up with weird new shit for dance energy to do within the plot before. they just didnt do it in this game fsr
like did anyone else think that cell x/glitter was going to be the result of tossing purge out into deep space and him encountering the sc5 universe’s equivalent of an eldritch alien creature, smth more bestial than morolians?? even if purge wasnt part of it, when you say ‘uh oh, this guy Eats this society’s only source of energy!!!’ i expect the stakes to get HIGH, and i want the ramifications of it to be kinda STARTLING, because blank wanted money and purge wanted to ritualistically end the world but something this near to an ecological disaster that would force an entire paradigm shift hasn’t occurred yet in the series?? its totally new!!! there’s a lot they could do with this but OH DONT WORRY ABOUT IT EVERYONE ulala knows how to make dance energy kill cell x instead of feed it she’s got this we’re good no need to investigate more into all that
i can’t explain why the game is like this. and i dont expect grounding to address it in any meaningful way either. i’m sure they’re Aware of these complaints by now- the game reviewing community has Not been kind to sc5vr specifically due to all of these shortcomings [i didnt even touch on the issues with motion sensing and how many of the games mechanics were removed in favor of smth presumably easier to program yet much less satisfying, like Secret Moves just being mini quicktime events and Turning Your Ratings Into Stars just being replaced with the standard Three Strikes You’re Out method of scoring], but the pr team still seems very enthusiastic abt the game and is still promising dlc and potentially even more games in the series after this one- heres hoping that they’ll at least take these grievances to heart and consider making the experience not only more accessible [aka it will... go back to being a rhythm game with controller input.... and not... an exclusive vr experience...], but also as immersive and detailed as the old games, with less reused plot beats. i can let some of it off the hook in this game simply because i’m aware that it began its life as a tech demo that was only supposed to be that initial first report from the first game But Happening All Around You!, but i Really dont think they could get away with doing this little to expand upon the groundwork set by the first two games again. not with the way people remember part 2 being such a vast upgrade from part 1... the bar had been set so high that this just felt like a huge backslide into something even sillier and harder to take seriously than part 1 before we had any idea what kind of staying power the franchise would have as a hallmark of sega’s quirky antics. like... this game is what i think space channel 5 looks like to people who don’t understand the appeal of the first two games. and that scares me
but i guess for the most part, aside from wishing they had done more to revitalize the setting and the lore of the sc5 universe itself, im kind of glad it didnt do a lot to change the existing storylines the characters have kinda forged for themselves- here i was stressing out that they would pull out some plot development that would utterly and drastically change the way we talked abt the series for the rest of time, but so little happened and so little was added to the bank of sc5 lore that we can kind of all just carry on as usual and keep having the same headcanons we always had.
BUT!!! there ARE a lot of cute little details here and there that make the experience feel wholesome and like i said not an utter cashgrab- like so many of the character profiles referencing previous games [all of the references to npcs in this game being relatives of the npcs of the last games made me lose it] and how often ulala changes her expressions up and looks right at you and talks to you. the new music they wrote for the game also all slaps and everyones redesigns [if they got a redesign... rip pudding] are stunning
one of the most important things they did in this game was give a nice sort of Update to every character.... for example explaining that ulala isn’t a rookie reporter any more like she was in the first 2 games, that she’s moved up to being in charge of training new channel 5 reporters, and that while pudding is still somewhat stuck on her rivalry with ulala her career isn’t stagnant either, she was just cast in a romcom series as the lead... which is really nice considering how in the past she was portrayed as somewhat of a loser with almost no remaining fans left from her idol years
and you knew i was going to bring up jaguar at some point HES ALL OVER THIS GAME AND IT LITERALLY MADE ME FEEL LIKE MY LIFE WAS WORTH POWERING THROUGH THESE LAST FEW YEARS AND ALSO LIKE IM A GENIUS FOR SPENDING SO LONG POSTING EVERY SINGLE DAY ‘NO REALLY, HE’S THE SECONDARY PROTAGONIST OF THE STORY, ITS ABOUT CHANNEL 5 AS A COMPANY AND THEIR IMPACT ON EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER ENCOUNTERED THEM AND THAT INCLUDES JAGUAR AS WELL AS ULALA HES INTEGRAL TO THE PLOT BC SHE WOULDNT BE ALIVE IF IT WEREN’T FOR HIM’ i feel like it’s really incredible how in this game he has genuinely nice energy and doesnt withhold praise from ulala just to be helpful in a mysterious way later and he like HAS FRIENDS now. like consider how he went from disgraced former ch5 employee who got mad every time he saw them, to kidnapped robot henchman kinda humbled by the fact that now the turns tabled and ulala had to rescue Him, and now 3 years later his bio is all about how he has a new tv show thats super popular and he has a new entourage of ladies who he considers his '’’’’’comrades’’’’’’’ within the station he founded??? AND AFTER 20 YEARS THEY WERE FINALLY ABLE TO GIVE HIS MODEL JUICY ASS CHEEKS??????????????? NO MORE PANCAKE BOOTY???? THE BOY HAD A GLOWUP AND NO I WONT STOP TALKING ABOUT IT
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9 notes · View notes
szopenhauer · 4 years
Give me a random word in another language. Tell me what it means. ulica - street or czekolada - chocolate *I bet you read/spell those wrong :P
How long does it roughly take you to do grocery shopping? depends, I’m pretty fast, especially if I buy local but sometimes there’s no product I need in the store so I go to another 
Which city would you like to visit- Rome, London or Paris? London, then Paris, then Rome
Would you rather visit Australia or Germany? Germany, I have no interest in Australia at this point
Would you prefer a pet rat, mouse, snake, lizard or spider? rat or mouse, definitely not a spider because of M.
Can you play the violin? If not, would you like to? no and no
Can you keep a pokerface and not show your emotions easily? often
Are you a good liar (tell the truth this time)? can be but I don’t like to lie
Are you wearing shoes, just socks or nothing on your feet? ugg slippers and fuzzy socks
Do you prefer to write etc, etcetera or something else? etc itp itd and such
Do you think rainbows are pretty or overrated? overrated
Are you more skeptical or gullible? skeptical
How often do you drink sodas or fizzy drinks? never
Do you currently live in the same country you were born in? sure
Do you struggle to articulate your thoughts and feelings? sometimes
Do you like carrot cake? gross
Don’t you hate it when people say ‘I don’t mean to be rude but…’? omg
How good is your memory? ha ha ha 
Is there anyone you love, whose name starts with M? XD
Have your neighbors ever complained that your music/TV was too loud? weird but they actually didn’t!
How many zeroes occur in your mobile phone number? none
Are you currently wearing anything green? am not
Name an animal that starts with the 2nd letter of your middle name. -
Have you ever had feelings for someone whose name started with S? yup
How many red lipsticks do you own? old one, past expiration date 
What are you doing to improve or maintain your health currently? my best lmfao which is not enough, if only I had money...
Do you ever look at someone’s social media posts and feel a little jealous? who doesn’t?
Do you like how your hair looks today? I washed them last night but didn’t look at myself in the mirror in the morning just yet
What health problem are you struggling with currently? list is too long
Do you take life day by day? I’m on survival mode
Do you have a lot of questions? would say so
List 10 fashion trends you like/dislike. current? I’m not aware... let me check  according to Vogue there are puffy sleeves that I’m not into but they’re not gross, gold - fine if not too much I suppose, cardigans - I prefer not open tops but sometimes they’re useful indeed, check pattern (no surprises here - checkered stuff for summer? groundbreaking) - same opinion as with puffy sleeves, maybe it’s the fact of popularity and fall stereotypes that pushes me away from the thing but... nvm, lets move on! fringe - bags with it are noice but I prefer to not use smth that might cause an accident... matrix coats? why not?! Nat’s Spike mode - count me in? gonna feel like a leather couch again, red color causes my anxiety and anger issues but in small doses is like gold I mentioned above, suits are Vinnie’s but I don’t mind ‘em for specific occassions, inflate bottoms aren’t casual so not no chance of using that in everyday life, masculine fashion? POSITIVELY TRIGGERED - love me some bad boy vibes - excited AF, back to black - classy, what else is there to say? ;)
Are you ready for Jesus to come back? please
Do you believe that Jesus lived and is returning? hopefully?
Do you have too much clutter in your home? we are hoarders/maximalists 
If you were rich, would you get a professional photoshoot done? *shrug*
Have you ever taken a photo every day for a year? no patience for shit like that, sorry
Do you have way too many photos stored on your computer? oh well...
Do you take a lot of selfies? probably 
Do you ever multi-task? usually
Are you multi-tasking right now? not really atm
Are you “with” the very last person you kissed? we’re engaged 
Have you ever broken up with someone for someone else? poniekąd na koloniach  był taki chłopczyk, którego nikt nie lubił, najmłodszy, no i mi go było żal, że Aneta (w jego wieku, moja koleżanka) nie chce z nim tańczyć to się nad nim zlitowałam i od razu mnie polubił, przyniósł mi kwiatki jakieś wodne i potem po prostu przestałam się nim zajmować bo nasza opiekunka szukała dziewczyn dla takiego grubszego chłopaka nieśmiałego i dzięki temu miał grono fanek, ale wybrał akurat mnie i to mi pochlebiało, dał mi swoją czapkę z daszkiem na trochę (potem wyjechał szybciej niż inni więc mu oddałam i w sumie trochę szkoda było iż nie miałam z nim kontaktu bo się wstydziłam poprosić - mówili na niego LODÓWA), w końcu zdeterminowana wziąć kolonijny ślub uczepiłam się wręcz Łukasza (kolegi tamtego - Piotra czy Pawła) i nawet miałam pierścionek zrobiony specjalnie dla nas przez kowala oraz dyplom, wykonywaliśmy zadania i wyniósł mnie na rękach (ledwo) i suknię ślubną skleciłam hahaha, a tak na serio robiłam to tylko żeby się pochwalić, że ktoś mnie chciał, nie ważne kto, a tamten pierwszy malec mnie za to kopnął w dupę (serio) i musiałam się z nim godzić przy wychowawcy, ale mnie unikał jak ognia obrażony potem, wszyscy byli ode mnie kilka lat młodsi ^^”  taka byłam, albo to była Anya/Amy, nie wiem, chciałam się dopasować, moje BPD ze mnie wyłaziło ehh  jeśli to się nie liczy to były potem też przecież momenty kiedy przerzucałam się z jednej dziewczyny na drugą zainteresowaniem bardzo szybko, czasami wracałam do poprzedniej byleby dostać odrobinę uwagi, czuć sie potrzebna, nie być taka samotna czy coś - ale nie liczyłam na nic poważnego, żyłam tu i teraz, żeby nie odstawać, bo przyszłości przecież i tak miałam nie mieć, więc dowartościowanie się jedynie wchodziło w grę lub poczucie przynależności, bycie opcją, wręcz masochistycznie nawet jak wiadomo, swego rodzaju bezpieczeństwo - flirt/zabawa
How many windows are open on your computer? shitload
Have you ever laughed at something that wasn’t meant to be funny? whoops
Have you done anything sneaky lately? maybe 
Does someone have feelings for you? it seems 
Are you hard to please? am I? I’m picky about some things but usually it’s not my fault like food, sigh...
Relationship to the last person you called? my doctor
What color shirt are you wearing? grey
Is there anything you wish you did today? Why haven’t you done it? I plan, I’ll try
What were you doing before you started this survey? bunch of things
Can you honestly say that you love yourself? umm...
Do you think you spend too much time feeling upset? sadly
Do you own a pair of uggs? have ‘em on! as I already said above
Has the person you have feelings for ever told you that you’re attractive? I don’t believe her
Do you hide your feelings or show them? depends, usually show tho
Do you like to have long hair or short hair? short 
Do you think relationships are hard? everything is but point is if it’s worthy
Any friends who are constantly venting about their significant other? luckily no longer have any friends like that, no friends at all actually
Have you ever been ice-skating? just once and don’t wanna
Does the sound of rain at night help you sleep? often
Have you ever seen an albino person, in person? I haven’t
Have you ever worn a pair of scrubs? nope
Do you obsessively apply lip-gloss or lip balm? eww, hell no
Have you ever walked into a massive cobweb? yeah, gross
When you can tell that someone’s lying, do you call them out on it? sometimes, I might
Do you like Musicals? nooo
Do you live with anyone that you try to avoid at all costs? no comment
When was the last time you cried? that night from happiness :3
What kind of bottoms are you wearing? my SW pajama pants but gonna change now
What do you hear right now? my mom talking <rolling my eyes>
In the past week have you got your hair cut? nope
In the past week have you felt sad? obvi
Has someone disappointed you recently? yep
If you could pack up and move, would you? asap
What is something in your life that you feel hopeful about right now? I’m scared to...
What was the last thing you worried about that turned out better than expected? my gf proposing to me for example?
What is a meal you eat extremely often? Or do your meals & food choices vary a lot? bread, I wish I had variety :(
When was the last time you felt unable or unwilling to speak your mind to someone? with my mother it’s frequent 
What was the last thing you changed your mind about? it’s a rollerclaster XD
Who do you feel you can count on the most in life? Is there anyone you wish you could count on more? dad and M. - I wish I could count on my other parent and sister...
1 note · View note
Athenas Masterpost
This is going to cover everything Athenas, like the official page and trailer, both new trailers, the art book preview, and some stuff shown in the ign trailers. It’s a lot.
There will NOT be endgame spoilers in this post. If there’s anything that comes up that I want to discuss, you can find it in a spoiler post I’ll be making soon :) I DO discuss a thing that occurs during the first 3 hours of BL3, though I think that’s pretty okay with y’all lol
tl;dr: there’s too much to summarize. 13 days until bl3. lmao im screaming on the inside.
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“A misty, tranquil planet that has recently attracted the wrong kind of attention. Athenas is mostly uninhabited, save for a sect of monks known as the Order of the Impending Storm who have made their home in the high peaks of the mountains. What secrets do they guard here, inside ancient walls that were built long before humans set foot on Athenas?”
We definitely got a lot less info for Athenas than the other planets, and I can see why. They want to keep it mysterious.
Also, I’m not saying I totally called it that the pyramid was Eridian, but I totally called it. I am surprised it’s implying that the entire area was built by them, but what can ya do 🤷‍♂️
Anyway, since this post is long overdue, let’s just jump right in!
The Athenas video is nearly half the time of the Eden-6 one, so there’s not a lot to cover unfortunately:
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We’ve seen this shot multiple times before
also the emphasis that Athenas is ‘tranquil’ and ‘peaceful’ ahahahaha no it’s not.
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i love these dudes! Order of the Impending Storm!!! I wonder if their funky goggle things have anything to do with Sirens, like how they have Siren-trackers. I also really love their outfits. lowkey want one of these robes.
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a great overview look of the area leading up to the pyramid. I got more to say about this... but it’s probably best if i leave it for later on in the post after we get more info
also, note the water and the rocks and stuff on the left there. This will come into play later... not even in this post. a later post.
also i totally called this being an ancient aliens reference lol
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Vault logo on the flag there. definitely shows how much these guys worship the Vaults
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This!!! I have so much to talk about here!
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alright so now that we know what the vault keys look like.... this doesn’t appear to be part of any of the Vault Keys we’ve seen. especially not the Promethean one. not even the pyramid shaped one.
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im mostly interested in this because this is obviously a monk, her robes match the ones we saw above with the hood. she doesn’t appear to be Eridian because we’ve seen the Watcher and the other Guardians, who are built in the image of the Eridians, and she looks wayyy too human. We’ve also seen statues of the Eridians in that one shot of the Pandora temple.
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so it seems like the monks have gone inside the pyramid before and... built this statue? for some reason??? It’s interesting that she has an extra pair of arms as well. I wonder if she is like the Siren ancestor of Amara. which could prove my theory that the next successor of Amara would have another set of arms... it might also explain why Amara’s tattoos are everywhere on the buildings (outside of her being the Tiger)
it would also explain this shot, the skeleton with the book, which we now know we’ve seen before with Maya:
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so even though they’re protecting the pyramid/temple, i don’t think they’ve been avoiding it entirely- at least not for the first time after discovering it. maybe they stopped going in after they discovered something bad, somethin like iunno... the Rampagers?
it would be Really Weird if the Eridians built that statue, especially when they probably didn’t know what humans looked like at the time. unless of course they helped shape humanity or smth. meaning they probably personally created Sirens. oh that’d be wild... i wonder if we’re going to learn about how early Sirens shaped humanity in that case. discovering fire could be entirely different lol
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“hallowed land” 
i wonder if this is where we’ll have anointed gear explained to us... i imagine the order is still worshipping Eridian/Siren stuff, so them having all sorta knowledge of this stuff would make sense
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more Maliwan. you guys notice we see cultists purely on Eden-6 (outside of the crashed ship), but Maliwan purely on Athenas? a mix on Promethea, tho that’s bc we’ve actually gotten gameplay. 
So my guess is Maliwan has joined up with the cult (be it through whatever means: Maliwan is in) and they’re looking for the Promethea key. which makes sense. they’re attacking Rhys on Promethea, so when he helps us out, word probably gets back to Maliwan (somehow) and they swap from wanting to take over Atlas (either by defeating them w/ Zer0/that giant space laser/whatever or just changing priorities) to wanting to open that fuckin Vault. Teaming up with the CoV is the best way to ensure that happens. I’m sure there will oodles of betrayal going on between the two parties.
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in all seriousness, actually, im curious why we don’t see these good boys on Promethea. maybe they’re only for the top-tier squads? (mechanically, probably higher-level enemies) they look super high tech, so i would not be surprised if Maliwan thought Atlas would be an easy takeover so they didn’t send everything they could have
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Nog! not much to say here tbqh
“Protect Athenas Before It’s Too Late”
I imagine before Maliwan gets the Vault Key or some other wild power, like power over the Rampagers. seriously, in the We Are Mayhem trailer, there’s a rampager are fighting on the side of Maliwan (altho if this is The One Rampager, or just One of Many is hard to tell. it could morph depending on which element it is. we just don’t know. personally i think there’s 1 per planet... i’ll explain later)
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From the Art Book Preview:
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Alright yes. “Maliwan forces have already seized control of the monastery, where part of the Promethean Vault Key has been located, turning a simply recovery mission into a vicious firefight...... A large and foreboding crypt built into the side of the mountain was also designed, and might perhaps have housed the Vault Key fragment deep within its gloomy interiors”
i don’t think this means the crypt is like an actual area. it would be interesting to discover that the pyramid is a giant crypt because... jesus. it would fit with the whole pyramid theme, at least. altho im wondering if this is more like a labyrinth situation where they’re trying to keep a Rampager inside as well as the treasure... which MAY be a Vault Key Fragment
Actually, this brings up a great point: did Atlas spread the Vault Key out throughout the planets? Is this where Typhon originally found that Key fragment? wtf was in the Vault that Atlas needed to disassemble the Key and return its fragments? oh boy i hope it’s something scary
From the Moze Eden-6 E3 Gameplay:
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oh ye this. okay so this is definitely 100% Eridian. I’m guessing we get this from Athenas because this seems like a fairly important object and, well, Athenas is all about Eridian stuff. When we go through the next few videos, keep an eye out for the temples. You’ll see the glowing red diamond shape constantly reappearing there.
one of the devs admitted that there are hunks of Eridian Writing left around the world that will ‘open up’ things for the players, so I imagine this is exactly what we’ll use to get to it. If this IS only for endgame stuff I’ll be slightly disappointed. I know we have access to this before Eden-6, since there are gameplay videos that show the player breaking the Eridium chunks with this thing. the above one is from the Moze Eden-6 gameplay, tho I’ve also seen newer footage from the Balex gameplay with this same tool
The following clips can be found in this video:
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im mostly interested in the wall art here
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what looks like a sun or a planet
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this symbol which makes an appearance elsewhere
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these two are the same area, im imagining this is the fight up to the pyramid, with Maliwan forces and barricades everywhere
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the sun again in the background (middle top)
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this cool piece (bottom left of the above pic) which looks like a hand covered in glowing blue. i imagine this is some sorta representation of Phaselock? mainly because of the blue orb in the palm of her hand
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not much to say about this area tbh. looks like a residential area to me, so possibly not in the residential district
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writing on the top mid-right. 
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idk why i just noticed these trees are green and not red but yeah, that’s interesting. so probably a different area from Amara’s trailer aka: not Partali
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and yet we see amara’s tattoos on the building in the back right. sorry for such terrible quality btw, tumblr ate these images and spit them back out
These clips can be found in the Borderlands are Yours trailer:
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looks like the small building we see directly next to Maya and Ava
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altho very clearly not the same exact area so im curious what these are supposed to represent. tbh im kinda reminded of graveyards. i really hope there aren’t corpses in those omg
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another better look at the two pieces of art. i imagine the one on the right has something to do with the eridians given its in a diamond shape, which we know has something to do with the eridians now
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also im not playing amara first (possibly last. depending on how i feel fl4k may go last) but HOLY SHIT her action skills are beautiful
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i know he’s probably a vault monster but like... 
idk i feel its kinda sad gearbox is showing off a VAULT MONSTER of all things in so much promo material. like why is he fighting with Maliwan/the cult in the We are Mayhem trailer??
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sup with that?
does he have multiple stages?? is that’s why he changes elements? goes from two heads to wings to extended necks. like wtf is up with this guy?? he definitely looks like he can be elementally charged given his eye sockets aren’t glowing when he emerges like they do
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here but then
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this dude looks like he has an entirely different skull like...
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this dude is a corrosive one who also seems to be working with Maya (who i guess IS probably the corrosive aligned siren)
and we’re guessing the nuclear charged one is the one from Athenas... for reasons i’ll explain below
AND honestly i've been thinking and maybe the fire one is actually from Promethea? and maybe there’s another that’s on Eden-6 and another on Pandora?
alright so i have 2 reasons for this. one involves spoiler talk with the cloth map, so that won’t be discussed here (but if you see the map and the planets, you’ll understand what i’m alluding to here, most likely). the other is that in this screenshot of all the quests from the Eden-6 demo:
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we see immediately after “hostile takeover” is the quest “the impending storm”. which is, indeedy, a reference to the Order of the Impending Storm. We know they’re on Athenas, so I imagine we run over to Athenas to get part of the Vault Key. We’ve established from the art book that’s where it is.
but then after The Impending Storm, Space-Laser Tag (which we all know is that giant-ass laser thing in the asteroid belt), and Atlas, at Last, there’s a quest called Beneath the Meridian.
And we know this area... is definitely underground. we’ve seen with the fire-y boy that the ceiling is just rocks
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then we see this shot with the nuclear (?) one where the window outside is clearly showing off mountains/sky, which we know is kinda Athenas’s deal
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and we know these two areas are the same v ^
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since there’s the same ‘Vault’ in the background
so my only problem with this entire theory that there’s multiple rampagers is that
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we see the twins killing/absorbing the red/fire one’s power which is also on athenas since the background is the same as the vault area from the above two pictures. unless there’s a similar vault-thing on promethea and eden-6. we know there’s one on Pandora, but that one is outside so.
so i guess they are the same beasty boy but... why why why show us one of the vault monsters
it’s so cool going in blind and not knowing what you’re going to get out of it.
so im going to say this is a minor vault monster (especially given it’s not exactly the same rock-like design as the other vault monsters) and the ‘vaults’ are actually something smaller. maybe they hold keys, or the pieces of the keys, or they’re part of that teleportation network i keep talking about (and i guess i should just make a seperate post about it) but i don’t know if these are actual Big Boy Vaults. especially when the Rampager doesn’t match actual Eridian-created Vault Monsters
that said given we see a bunch of dead guardians on the floor, its possible the rampager killed them? but i get the feeling we might actually be the ones to pull the trigger cause... combat is fun
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so. yeah. if the rampager is guarding something that’s fine. i wanna believe teleportation network. i’d love to see the twins come in, walk out of that vault, absorb the rampager’s powers, and then walk out after locking us in like ‘peace’ and we have to use the teleportation system to make it back to promethea with the vault key fragment or whatever
[im here after the cloth map reveal like... uh huh. i see. u dumb bitchard.]
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idk i just thought this was a fun screenshot lol
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ah yes
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that’s eridium
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this also appears to be in the temple, but, like, again if there’s more than one temple this could also be on Pandora or even Eden-6. Kinda leaning towards Pandora. HOWEVER since we only know for certain this sort of temple area is on Athenas (from that one statue shot), we’re gonna analyze this bad boy right now (also lowkey think this is Pandora because of the varkid nests but shhh)
what do i actually have to say about it? uhhh not much tbh. i think i’ve said all that needs to be said concerning the twins mutating cultists with slag/eridium. 
i will say im pretty shocked at, like, the eridium HORNS and shit. so maybe this is just some cool little miniboss. (okay not mini because look how big he’s gotten!! just like Bloodwing :D)
you know what, it looks like he’s standing on one of these
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floor tile things, and now im super curious. is the fire part of a trap? is it powering this lad up? i definitely know he’s a cultist because he’s got the neon light tubes on his shoulder pad
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see here
you can see these on other cultists like goliaths and such and such
also this is pretty similar to what we’ve seen in the LLE (especially the powersuits) given their bodies also form eridium crystals when they’ve ascended
i feel like its powering him up
you know during the fight with bloodwing when Jack powers up bloodwing using the elemental flamethrower things? would be interesting if this is similar to that.
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like dis
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the radiation boy is back and he’s actually elementally charged this time
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also i love the chest mouth lmao
has anyone here seen stretch armstrong? like that one episode where Gabe (crostini man) gets turned into a bunch of flexarium monster chunks
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but yeah, awesome mouth my guy.
im curious if it’s being elementally charged to cryo or if it’s stopped being charged. if this is like a cutscene between different stages in the fight, etc etc. 
this also looks fairly similar to this area here
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but red this time. which... may tie into the elemental stages. which maaaaay tie into those floor platforms elementally charging that demon baby up above. bloodwing 2.0!
You can find the following clips in the Official Guide to the Borderlands:
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god i keep telling myself to be on the lookout for athenas clips but i get so distracted by the gorgeousness of this fucking game i forget and have to keep going back
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if that dude in the back floating was t-posing i would have lost my shit
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new Siren tattoos!!! we haven’t seen these before. they’re very flowy, i love them. i hope we get to meet the siren with them!
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i also loooooove this area in the back. i hope we get to climb it and explore. i would love to just be able to climb to high up areas in bl3 and look down and see the area i just came from. it’s possible! we have the technology! thousand cuts / bnk3r ascension 2.0!!!
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more of amara’s awesome looking powers
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zane has 2 trans pride skins im so happy 😄
also look at how teeny tiny that ‘Vault’ is in the back!!! it’s only like 2x the size of Iron Bear!!! gimme BIG vaults!! GIANT VAULTS
also also
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the VOID vault
i get a feeling these are connected somehow.
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sniper spoooot
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not much to say about this tbh. zane’s claw things look fucking dope tho. i want one irl.
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we’ve seen this shot a few times before already
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alright before you get mad, let me explain why i think this is athenas
you see this picture
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this maliwan jackass. the building to his left is 100% athenas architecture.
the rocks in the top picture look identical to the ones next to him. plus we’ve seen water in the distance of some of the areas of Athenas
it could also be Eden-6 (which honestly i would not be surprised if it is instead) but given the ivy and the rocks i felt it was worthwhile to put in. plus the moving eridian structures are so cool looking. i feel like that’s going to be a puzzle.
oh oh also
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maybe that area leads into/exits from here? because they’re both underground in cavern-like areas
but like... it could also be eden-6... because of that one shot of the temple area in the side of the cliff ASDFHDGJFJGFHSD
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still radiation charged. 
also seriously this ‘Vault’ is wayyyy smaller than a regular Vault. like... the one in BL2 that you can walk right up to... huge. and nothing even comes out of it. the Warrior climbs up from over the edge
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the bl1 is much bigger than this one, too. also the vault of the traveller, i would argue is the biggest out of all of them but eh
for the Vault of the Sentinel, the actual arch we see... i’ve already gone over why i don’t think that’s a ‘real’ vault and that its all more of a simulation, but you can read that whole thing here bc i am trying my damndest to not get off topic for this post because holy fucking shit. this got long.
Alright so. Onto the website pictures
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another cool shot of the academic district, really showing off the pyramid in the background. god i wanna know what that is. could be the temple (underground things notwithstanding). it’s probably holding that statue with the vault keys in either arm
you know the one, it’s at the beginning of this post. but damn that thing is huge!! i am hoping it holds more than just the promethean vault key. 
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did i already talk about how there are siren tattoos written along the edges of this area??? because... damn.
also the symbol for what is probably Vault Key sitting right smack dab in the middle??
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also sorry i just noticed those blue shapes are moving. like a fountain or something?? weird light.
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i mean... the trees are also warping in the background. wonder wtf is going on here... 
anyway whatever she’s holding actually doesn’t match up with any of the vault keys we’ve seen so... wtf are you???
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a very nice shot overlooking the water. also a wind turbine in the background. i think the area on the left is where we’ve seen ava and maya? but dont hold me to that lol
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definitely looks the same. even has the tree
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another shot of that area i think we’ve seen Amara fighting in
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big shot of the pyramid with the vault symbol everywhere. and the planet with the beams coming out of it. which in retrospect...
anyway that’s spoiler talk so let’s talk in another post.
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another shot of athenas from a slightly different angle, we’ve seen this one before, too, and i remember because i complemented the road signs
annnnd im tired. good night everybody.
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aja154ever · 6 years
GRANRODEO LIVE 2018 e-ZUKA Tokamachi Gaisen Rodeo Gottaku - 05/20/2018
Just a quick very personal write-up about this Sunday’s live because I’ve been sent to paradise again. I need to let my feelings out.
Set List
Pierrot Dancin’
Can Do
move on! イバラミチ
Urban Sweet
Snow Pallet
少年の果て (Acoustic)
Deadly Drive
modern strange cowboy
delight song
Infinite Love (Acoustic)
The Other self
Go For It!
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And ofc special tag @ikiyou Congratulations on overcoming the culture shock of a GRANRODEO live! How about the muscle pain the day after? 😂😂
So first of all, wow. I really went all the way to Niigata prefecture this time, which took like two and a half hours by bullet train + local train + walking, just to see GRANRODEO live. Is this the start of my “I’ll follow you wherever you go, Kiiyan” love story? (But hey, Niigata is actually e-zuka-san’s home lol)
It was my first time going out of Kanto region, and thus my first time to ride a bullet train. Luckily, ikiyou was able to go with me yayyy though we both were clueless most of the time during the whole trip lol.
When we got off at Tokamachi station, we were like, “Oh.” We were literally sent in the middle of the mountains and the rice fields, “Where the hell are we?” It was nevertheless very refreshing and calming to see Mother Nature for a long time.
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Tokamachi is supposedly the nearest station to the concert venue but it was still more than a kilometer away so we had to walk our way there. Because of the tight schedule, unfortunately we didn’t actually have the time to go around the town for sight-seeing or smth. So the walk from the station turned out to be our only chance to see the place. It was kind of shocking as the place looks very rural, far, far from the metropolitan that Tokyo is. There was not a single convenience store in the area (which is really weird because hey we’re in Japan) and for some reason we do not know, almost all the stores were closed. Aside from fellow Rodeo girls/boys heading to the venue, there were almost no people walking on the streets. But anyway, speaking of the streets, oh my gosh. They were playing GRANRODEO music on the town streets’ speakers. 😭😭😭
It was a wonder that a concert venue actually exists in that rural place. When we arrived at the venue, finally we got food yey. They were selling some GRANRODEO-themed food like the curry which recipe is made by e-zuka-san’s mom, crepe, and even bottled water.
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So we went inside and apparently the venue was smaller than I expected so our seats which are on the far right in the 7th row turned out to be closer to the stage than I imagined.
I’ve heard most of the songs in previous live concerts, so I’m not gonna talk about each song here.
SEED BLASTER - I am still wondering why they chose this song as the entrance for the two days. I’m not complaining but I was just not expecting it. 😊
Y.W.F - e-zuka-san made us dance the YMCA steps. Takita-san and Shin-kun also joined.
マジカルストーリー - This is magical. Kiiyan was so cute the whole time I don’t even know why
Urban Sweet - Just wanna say that I always like Kiiyan’s vocals for this song
Snow Pallet - OH MY GOSH. My inner self was crying. This is one of my favorite GR songs and finally, I heard it live! And we got to dance the cute steps with them. Gosh. I didn’t really expect this dream to come true this night. Me looking at Kiiyan’s big smile and biceps as I dance along with him while listening to him singing it. “Back-up dancers” in cow kigurumi costumes came out on stage to dance with us.
HAPPY LIFE, delight song - They are indeed happy songs. Also my first time hearing them live and they do sound better live!
少年の果て - Acoustic. Tbh I’m not a fan of this song but hey, it’s acoustic. Kiiyan was definitely shimmering akin to the flicker in my eyes as I looked at the source of the most beautiful sound in the world.
Deadly Drive - Oh my oh my oh my. It’s right there. My life. Bungou Stray dogs and GRANRODEO. I’ve been blessed.
NO PLACE LIKE A STAGE, カナリヤ, modern strange cowboy - Classic favorites for live performances. Always. Also, the main cause of post-live muscle pain 😂
Infinite Love - Acoustic played and sang by e-zuka-san as requested from his birthday last February. I really like this song in acoustic but I doubt if I’d ever have the chance to hear Kiiyan sing this live, so it’s actually remarkable that I heard it instead from e-zuka-san. And wow, it was definitely good! He was shining huhuhu and he even hit the high notes yeyy
Go For It! - IGPX will always be fun. Takita-san called out the Rodeo girls, Shin-kun the Rodeo boys, Kiiyan the swimsuit girls, and e-zuka-san playing around with Tokamachi locals and people not from Tokamachi which occurred for God knows how many times. And finally, IGPX 10 times with everyone!
Other notes:
Is it just me but Kiiyan’s biceps look bigger this time?? Or maybe I just missed them wait what are you saying I was not staring that much okay don’t judge me asdfghjkl but we can talk about it all day Anyway Kiiyan appeared in a hot red coat the first time aaaaahhhhh but ofc he had to take them off after two songs because he’s it’s hot
e-zuka-san talked a lot during the MC parts. I mean, A LOT. I didn’t understand most of them because he was speaking so fast (in Japanese ofc) and at times he even forgot what was he mainly talking about since new topics continued to branch out. One of the main talks was him talking about people he knew who came from Tokamachi who also got successful in music. It got too long he even suggested for Kiiyan to go take a rest backstage for a while lol
In the morning, Kiiyan and e-zuka-san walked around the town. Kiiyan found the place to be really beautiful (as seen in the photos he uploaded on Twitter). The first time he went to Niigata was last winter for Odorodeo, so back then it seemed like everything was pretty much covered in snow. Moreover, yesterday was raining and so it was only today that the weather turned out to be the best. He was like, “Ah so there are also other colors here aside from white.”
Meanwhile, Shin-kun and Takita-san shared that they really liked the food in Tokamachi like the soba, e-zuka-san’s mom’s curry, and the fresh vegetables.
In one of the songs (om I don't remember which), e-zuka-san went around the audience area on the first floor, from left all the way to the back then to the right 😭😭😭
Kiiyan gave us a special bonus when he walked all the way on both sides of the extended stage during Go For It!. On our side, he stopped in front of the farthest right seat on the sixth row so he was almost in front of us. I couldn’t handle it, I slapped ikiyou’s back a bit too strong and maybe I was squealing way too much. 😂 I really hope he saw us because hey it’s easy to spot foreigners in the crowd. Anyway two other blessed girls got to high-five him OMGeeeeeeeeeeeee
While Kiiyan always does the last jump at the end of every live, he made e-zuka-san jump this time. Our ojisan was so cute! He was definitely the star in this live!
Photos/Posts from Official Accounts:
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Oh my, I missed writing fan reports here! I did go to other events but I haven’t been feeling of writing them on tumblr. But this event is totally special being my first live outside Kanto, and also as GRANRODEO’s first full live this year. I definitely missed this feeling!! (Oh yeah including the muscle pain the morning after lol) Furthermore, venues with seats really provide a good space for a lot of movement. I am given the freedom to move and groove as much as I want compared to all-standing venues where we all squeeze and smh hurt one another, though that kind of fun is also special in its own way. But the good elevation of seat rows really gave us a good view of the stage the whole time.
Now, what’s next? Kiiyan’s birthday celebration in Yamaguchi? I absolutely want to but I still don’t know if I can afford to go there! Argh, it pains me to think about  it. Actually, it’s kinda sad that GR doesn’t seem to have a national tour this year. Anyway, no matter what, there’s still G13 in December! Time to go to Osaka yeyyy!
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👀👀👀 I would love for you to talk about Lud's development from ww2 to modern day for hours
anon ur feeding my ego here who knows what disastrous consequences may spawn from ur actions but??? just know that ily
WELL my friends since we are here!! B) let me divulge to u ,,, the evolution of Lud. i could start with him as a child but i admittedly know way less abt that time period n also that would take ten years so that shall be for another ask
ludwig during ww2 was rlly rlly messy in the sense that he wasn’t exactly in his right mind. he’d defo been brainwashed by the propaganda n in general he wasn’t a fun guy to be around. ludwig was arrogant, impetuous, too hyperfocused on exacting revenge n showing everyone wrong. he thought he knew best which rlly caused a rift between him n his brother
his desperation in the time period just before ww2 led him to grasp at literally any promise of smth better, but instead of rising back up he fell down the slippery slope to some place even further from where he’d originally started. ludwig turned a blind eye to many things he shouldn’t have at the prospect of havin smth- anything- better for his ppl n a shot at revenge n power aka proving himself bc he was young n stupid. he ostracized those that truly cared abt him like his brother (who was never rlly for what was going on), rod, eliza, liech n im sure a few others as well, isolating himself to soak in that damn web of lies
ofc disillusionment is never pretty esp when ur the one who made the mistakes n as we’re all aware ludwig had screwed up big time. by the end of the war ludwig’s eyes were opened n his middle name was Regret his first name was Guilt n his last name was Failure. ya boi was not in a good place emotionally not to mention economically, socially n politically but yk thats another story!! 
what i would like to touch upon is where ludwig was maturity wise at this time. i’d like to remind u all that ludwig at the time of ww2 would’ve been hm 130 at most?? less than two centuries thats for sure. in nation years he was a child, he should’ve looked like a gotdamn child but nah lud grew up too fast by the start of ww2 he was already lookin 18-19. ludwig was forced to grow up fast n tho this is applicable for many nations he grew up at a time when many of his “peers” already had centuries beneath their belts. i’d argue this is esp important to note considering how most of the european nations grew up at roughly the same ish time. this explains some of why lud was so eager to stake his claim on the world. he would’ve felt a heckin lot of pressure to show he rlly was on their level
anyways ludwig was young af when he was thrown to the wolves n tho that doesn’t justify his actions it’s smth to keep in mind
so lud’s out here coming to terms w the fact that’s he’s screwed everything up n likely if it weren’t for the western aid ya boi would’ve been a goner. he was to keep it short depressed n basically ready for Death™. it was legit just alfred’s marshall plan n the fact that his ppl were still a thing that forced him to power thru. but yessu the aid sent by the west spurred on the miracle of the rhine which marked the bringing back up of germany to his feet after the war n lud eventually did recover from his depression say, around the 50s bc u gotta do what u gotta do when ur a nation
ludwig from then on out did experience better times i mean discounting a few things like the berlin wall- ah yes i should talk abt this
alright so before the division of germany ludwig had always had gilbert around for him. gilbert had raised him since the v beginning n even thru his ugly stages aka ww1 n ww2 gilbert had stuck w him. it was only after ww2 that ludwig was truly separated from his brother, forcing him grow up once n for all n shoulder the true burden of a full fledged Adult™. war guilt, recovery n repercussions ensured it. moreover, ludwig felt responsible for the abolition of prussia amongst many other things that had occurred as a result of the war so a big part in his magically doubled maturity was the desire to recompense for his wrongs n become someone his brother might someday be able to forgive
which is ridiculous considering gilbert would die for ludwig get it bc he did
so anyways!! ludwig builds himself back up into a respectable member of society n bam we get all the goodies of present day germany like the EU, etc. germany rn is one of europe’s most influential players n i would say?? a lot of this is bc ludwig wanted to make up for what he did wrong tho this eventually was coupled w a desire to become a nation his ppl could be proud of again n i’d say he’s done a fine job of it! ofc this isn’t to say he’s without his problems but ludwig today is a much more mature n agreeable man than he once was largely due to what the world forced upon him n how he decided to handle it
tldr; ludwig was Messy during ww2. he realized that was bad n felt rlly guilty esp bc of gil gettin demoted from nation status so ya boi worked rlly hard to become someone his bro n his ppl could be proud of n matured n accomplished a lot making him into the gr9 dude he is today
also im writing a fic on the subject of post ww2 germany (that will be gerame based) that i should prbly post the first ch to but !! follow me @realmwrites for news on when i do eventually post it B)
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0n-y0ur-left · 8 years
@machine-dove sent me a message yelling about my tags on this post and said I had to write the ficlet.
I’m always a slut for prompts, so...
The thing was, Steve would swear in the years that followed, he really felt like him and Bucky had been dancing around this for months.  They’d been best friends for years, for as far back as either of them could remember, but after the weirdness that had been middle school there��d been a charge there, a spark of something humming beneath the surface of their interactions that both excited and scared the hell out of them.  
Or out of Steve, anyway.  He’d finally gotten the nerve to admit - to himself and his friends and loved ones - that he had a thing for both girls and guys at the start of eleventh grade, and while he didn’t have dates of either sex lining up to ask him out, it had at least cleared the air between him and Bucky.  And when Buck had broken up with his last girl of the month, four months ago (not that Steve was keeping track), and they’d started constantly hanging out together again, like old times… well, there was a nasty little voice in Steve’s head that couldn’t help reading more into it.
Especially when Bucky insisted sharing milk shakes when they went out after school, or popcorn when they went to the movies, or letting Steve borrow his Varsity jacket when he accidentally/on purpose forgot to bring his own coat to the Homecoming game they’d gone stag to.  There was definitely something there, something more than Steve had ever dreamed of hoping for - but while one mean side of him liked to point out the possibility of his best friend becoming something even more, the other, meaner side always shut him down: making sure to remind Steve as harshly as possible just how delusional he was being.
Because Bucky, even if he was single, had never once expressed an interest in being with other guys.  And even if he had, Buck was so far out of Steve’s league that it wasn’t funny.  He was smart - honor council this year, top of their class since he’d first transferred to Brooklyn in elementary school - he was on student council, starting pitcher for the varsity baseball team as  a sophomore, a key player in every drama production Washington High had put on since he’d started there.  People were tripping over the opportunity to hang out with Bucky Barnes, never mind the chance to date him.  And Steve… Steve was just Steve.  Scrawny asthmatic with a chip on his shoulder, painfully average student and GSA representative.  He was a decent artist when people took the time to actually look at his work, and Bucky swore up and down that he was funny as hell, but for the most part Steve knew that the only reason he wasn’t regularly getting shoved in lockers anymore was because he was most famous for being Bucky Barnes’ best friend.
Steve was an idiot for even imagining that he had a chance with someone as perfect as Bucky, but he wasn’t so stupid that he’d go and risk something as important as their friendship by asking him out.
Besides, they hung out so often that Steve felt he could pretty safely pretend they were dating.  In the deepest, darkest corners of his mind.  And if ninety-nine percent of his schmoopy fan art of late was based on an AU of Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne as dorky high school boyfriends that maybe bore a little bit of a resemblance to the dumb shit that the two of them did together?  Well… no one needed to know.
It got more hits to his blog, at least.
That said, there were still nights when Steve’s stupid brain couldn’t help but wish.  So when Bucky had sent his text on the Sunday before the MLK Holiday, when Steve was already pouting about the fact that he couldn’t join him in their volunteer plans because his stupid head had decided to come down with a stupid cold, well… Steve couldn’t help feeling a little reckless.
Text from Bucky Received 09:32 PM
What do you wear to bed?
Steve had been staring at it for a solid thirty seconds, blinking and trying to convince himself that it really wasn’t the Nyquil that he’d taken earlier - that Bucky really was asking him that question.
He had to know how suggestive it was.  Steve had watched Bucky charm girls since they were in elementary school… he knew how to flirt, he knew how people took his words.  Which meant - he had to be flirting with Steve.  It wasn’t completely out of the blue, not really, but it still left Steve such a squirmy mess that he actually had to abandon his tablet on his desk and fall back onto his mattress to read it again.
Bucky had stayed over enough times over the years to know damned well that Steve usually just slept in whatever outsized summer camp t-shirt was cleanest in his drawer and either a pair of old boxers or ratty pajama pants; but he couldn’t very well say that.  Not in response to his first sext.
He bit the hell out of his lip, dismissing the thought as fast as he could, before  finally forcing his fingers to type out an answer.  
Text to Bucky Sent 9:34 PM
depends on the weather
if its summer just a black jock or smth ;)
He held his breath as the ellipses bubble appeared on Bucky’s side of the screen, rereading his response obsessively.  Best case scenario: Bucky really was flirting with him, and they could get it out of their systems the easy way… break the ice on a text screen, then make out like fiends in person the next time they hung out together.  Worst case scenario: Bucky would ask him what the fuck he was talking about and Steve would laugh it off as a joke.
He was golden.
He was really, really fucking hoping for the former - although as Bucky continued typing he couldn’t help but start panicking.
Text from Bucky Received 9:35 PM
k but what about like in the winter
do u wear warm pajamas?
What the fuck?
Steve actually started to type as much, but the rest of Bucky’s responses came in a flurry of messages.
Text from Bucky Received 9:35 PM
my mom is making me throw out my old superman pajamas and i kno theyre about ur size
i swear theyre not gross or anything
ill wash them before
if u want them
i just know u like superman and its dumb to throw them away
Steve finished reading the texts, dropped the phone onto his comforter, and covered his face in his hands because - oh God.  It was so painfully cute, so painfully Buck that he couldn’t help giggling, and immediately picked the phone back up to read the exchange again.
Before he could talk himself out of it, he took a screenshot and hit the share icon for his Tumblr account.  After a second’s debate he added the hashtag #Ur fav would NEVEr #This boy and posted it.
He rolled onto his side, staring at the screenshot and grinning like a crazy person… and then succumbed to the cold meds, finally.
Steve woke up coughing a short while later, blinking in confusion before realizing that he’d definitely fell asleep on top of his covers, with his damned contacts still in.  He reluctantly moved to the bathroom to pop them out (his eyes were already a sticky, awful mess, so leaving them in absolutely wasn’t worth how he’d feel in the morning), then stumbled back to his bed, groaning when he noticed the time on his alarm clock.
He face-planted back into his pillow, only to bash his nose against the cold, hard surface of his phone.  With a curse he moved the damned thing to his nightstand - then remembered how he’d fell asleep in the first place.  He knocked three books on the floor feeling for his glasses on the nightstand, but finally got them on his nose and pulled his phone screen close to his face, blinking in surprise when he saw his Tumblr app notifications.
With a little red bubble that read 1,000+ next to it.
Steve opened the app with shaking fingers, only to laugh out loud when he realized which post it was that had blown up.  He hadn’t imagined the interchange with Bucky, and apparently the entire damned internet was every bit as charmed as he’d felt.  A quick scroll through his inbox confirmed that at least fifty people thought they should get married.
Which… was probably jumping the gun, but was something that Steve couldn’t help preening over, just a little.
Text to Bucky sent 06:03 AM
If nothing else, Buck would get a good laugh out of it in the morning, Steve figured with a giggle.
A giggle that stopped as soon as the blue check mark appeared next to Bucky’s name.
Text from Bucky received 06:03 AM
Steve - had definitely not expected Buck to be up yet, but he could hardly abandon the conversation now.
Text to Bucky sent 06:04 AM
I put this on tumblr.  U should see the responses!
It vaguely occurred to Steve that he probably should have asked for permission ahead of time, but it was Bucky.  And it wasn’t as if he’d said anything terrible - if anything, Steve came out looking like the pervy idiot.
Besides, none of their classmates would guess that this random Bucky on the internet was their Bucky: no one outside of their immediate friend group knew that Buck was such a dork, or would believe it in the first place.
Text from Bucky received 06:04 AM
is that ur art site?
Steve hid his grin behind his hand.  His art site.  Please…
Text to Bucky sent 06:04 AM
yeah sort of.  i post on it sometimes
it got huge responses!
more than any drawings :P
PS how old r these pjs?  if they r gonna fit me? XD
Text from Bucky received 06:04 AM
Steve’s heart sank in his chest as the ellipse button appeared immediately under Bucky’s response.  He was in the middle of stumbling out of bed to retrieve his laptop to delete the damned thing when his phone chimed again.
Text from Bucky received 06:05 AM
i lied to millions of ppl on the internet
my mom isnt making me throw my pajamas out
i saw them at target
Steve was about to laugh and make a snarky reply about the ‘millions’ part (he had a grand total of five hundred twenty-three people following his crappy fan art blog, but Bucky always was one for dramatics) but the rest of Bucky’s rant stopped him cold.
Text from Bucky received 06:05 AM
they were on sale tho
i know we already did xmas presents
they just made me think of u
Steve’s smile was so wide his face ached.  The ellipses kept coming.
Text from Bucky received 06:06 AM
no they werent
they werent on sale
thats another lie
sorry tumbler
can they see this now???
Steve was dying.  Bucky was going to actually kill him with adorableness, and he didn’t even seem to realize it.  After smothering a squeal in his pillow Steve got his shit together and started typing back.
Text to Bucky sent 06:06AM
nope! no worries ;)
He gnawed viciously on his bottom lip as he typed up his follow up, started to delete it twice, then finally manned up and hit send.  
Steve was a lot of things, but he sure as hell hoped he wouldn’t ever be called a coward.
Text to Bucky sent 06:07 AM
i got about 50 message overnight tho
they all say i’ve gotta marry you XD
The emoticon, Steve decided when he saw the blue checkmark beneath it, was a nice touch.  If Buck freaked out now, he could just laugh the whole thing off as a joke.
(he wasn’t laughing while the ellipse bubble flashed next to Bucky’s name ten billion times in the next two minutes)
Text from Bucky sent 06:08 AM
we should prob start with coffee first
if ur feeling better i can pick u up tuesday?
is seven okay?
Steve stared at his phone for a solid thirty seconds, gaping in shock, before pressing the call button next to Bucky’s name with shaking fingers.  Seven was perfect, but he could hardly trust himself to type as much.
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OKAY! so we’re only what, a week into the new year?? and some already seriously AMAZE things are happening?? how cool and crazy and awesome is that??? BUT in all seriousness - amaze things ARE happening, pretty much one right after another rn, and i just want to keep you guys updated on a few that you might want to hear about
to start us off -
one: soooo last week to ring in the new year i set up this new treasure planet blog and it JUST NOW occurred to me that maybe a couple people from this one might be interested in checking it out. if you aren’t, that’s cool; this isn’t, by any means, my attempt to force it onto anyone - i’m just here to give everyone the lowdown on it. 
basically it’s for jim and silver, complete with an Aesthetic™ url and Aesthetic™ header. but that isn’t all
they’ll answer any question you ask, even when they’d rather not
they’ll take a look at the cool things you link them to (fanfiction, fanart, videos, etc.)
they’ll give you random and completely irrelevant updates on their lives
they’ll listen to your stories and jokes or, if you ask, tell YOU a story or a joke of their own
but mostly they’ll just be big fucking dorks lets be honest
if you’re interested in learning more, you can go here; and if any questions were left unanswered, feel free to ask them yourself or message me directly on my personal blog, writerofberk. as you know, i don’t answer questions concerning other blogs on this one so please don’t send any messages here
which brings me to my next point!! check it out you guys:
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you guys I’m not making this shit up. i swear to you. i couldn’t even if i TRIED. i’m not kidding. this is for real. four months, if that, and i already have 200 followers. honestly i’m just blown away. i never, EVER expected in a million years to have more than maybe 10-20 followers. i’m looking at it myself right now and i can still hardly believe i’m already in the triple digits. you guys have been so amazing and supportive, and you’ve made this experience so wonderful for me, i want to give something back to all of you. i want to do something to mark this milestone, to celebrate. the only problem is, i just don’t know what to do. i mean, i have a few ideas you guys could pick from below ((you can suggest an alternative if you think of it, or just vote for your fave through asks, reblogs, and replies. even if i don’t personally respond to everybody, i’ll take your opinion into account. don’t worry about being overlooked.))
okay so my first thought was i could maybe make a tp fan vid in celebration?? i’m not phenomenal at editing by any means but i have a fairly decent program, a YouTube account, and a passion for the hobby so...? 
alternatively i could maybe write a tp one-shot or smth?? again my writing isn’t fantastic - a Charles Dickens I am not - but, as with the video, I have a Fanfiction and ao3, and a passion for creating
another idea i had was maybe i could liveblog tp on my personal blog?? maybe?? the pro is that smth like that wouldn’t require any talent ((which is good b/c i have none)) but the con is i couldn’t do it here as i try to keep text posts to a minimum here
or if you wanted you guys could send me texts you’d like to see, along with the tp character you’d like to see it applied to. only rules are pls don’t make the photo yourself and pls be sure to include the text number before the content. 
and then another idea i had was that i could post tp trivia questions on the blog, and the first 3 people to answer correctly would get a shoutout?? but that would rely on an honor system obvs soooo
and then i thought maybe a giveaway?? just mail some tp swag to a random follower??
and that’s pretty much it. i’m out of ideas. but if any of those appealed to you guys, let me know!! you are all beautiful and i love you all so much!! just tell me the best way to make you guys smile!!
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2018 end of year banquet day and lead up to it
with two posts in a row like about sean and last one mentioning the end of year banquet I reminded myself of the 2018 end of year banquet which is quite possibly the best day of my life so far
its important to note that it was a very rainy summer and I only had one pair of sneakers and one pair of shower shoes
since it was so rainy and its a scout camp not a resort camp kinda thing there were huge puddles everywhere which the kids loved but I had to walk through several large puddles several times a day to get to the nature lodge and remember, I only have sneakers so I ended up getting trench foot (2018s thing, every year has a health thing) and me being me I didn't do anything about it except eventually start limping bc it hurt too much otherwise but my last work project the day before the end of year banquet day was my aunt (lake director at the time) and I carrying the fire stations (essentially 2x4 basket holding a rake, a shovel, and a bucket or two) from campsites to the trails and I got to the last one before I couldn't ignore it anymore so im 5′2″ barely 110lbs and the fire stations were pretty darn heavy so I couldn't limp for fear of breaking my ankle or smth so I walked normally but it hurt so much that when I set it down I cried and it took a bit for me to stop and explain what was happening so my aunt took me to the health officer and he told me what it was and what I had to do and I got to shower in the health lodge (which was amazing bc while the staff showers are clean enough they are nothing compared to the health lodge shower that also had hot and cold handles instead of the preset temp six second buttons that the staff showers and pool house showers have) but I had to keep my feet dry and clean so I had to stay in the dining hall all day the next day to set up for the banquet
banquet day which I did but I was getting a little stir-crazy stuck in dhall all day when camp is my only freedom and im so used to being outside and working there so my brain was a little confused like yo this is camp not school I shouldn't be stuck in one building for half my day so when we needed more lights from hart lodge I literally jumped at the opportunity to leave it was drizzling when I left the dining hall but hart lodge is like five minutes away and there was supposed to be a work crew there that could let me in but I took the road bc its shorter and flatter instead of the trail and the crew mustve taken the trail at the same time bc when I got there, no one was around and like I said I was going a little stir-crazy earlier and felt like I needed to do smth wild so I came to the conclusion to break into hart lodge to get the lights instead of walking five minutes to get someone with the keys to just let me in and no one was around so I was think aloud and the moment I decided to just break in, it started to pour and I mean that seems like a sign to not do it right well I was going to anyway and not too long after I started to try, my boss (the favorite adult) and another co-worker showed up bc they needed smth from hart lodge and they had the keys so they let me in and I returned to dhall soaking wet (in a white t-shirt and my boss told my aunt cause he was a little concerned with my attire as a young girl essentially wearing a see through shirt surrounded by a bunch of teen boys and she came to me about it saying he was concerned and I didn't even realize bc I didn't know what I looked like it hadn't occurred to me but im glad I don't get embarrassed easily) to string the lights and finish everything there and when all work projects were done, we had some free time before the banquet so I told sean, my bsf, that I wanted to break into hart lodge and seans down to do anything so we go to hart lodge to break in but we didn't plan ahead we just had whatever was on us which wasnt much at all (it was staff week so we didn't have to wear class b so I was in a t-shirt and exercise shorts with no pockets so the only thing I had on me was my spider knife clipped to the hem of my shorts) our first thought was to walk up the roof of the basement that conveniently started a few inches from the ground (its on a hill) and try to get into one of the windows from there but that didn't work now admin was going through some things and the interim camp director had done a cleansing of hart lodge which previously was just a big place for whatever needed storing and that cleansing brought out a lot of stuff to sit in front of the lodge until we got the big metal trash box the next day so I grabbed a plastic crate to put on top of a wooded chest I had rolled down earlier to a single floor outset room with a lower roof than the rest of the building that was three floors and it got me like three feet higher but before I could figure out how to actually get on the roof from there, sean made me get down see our relationship is that he’ll make me get down from the crate on top of the chest so I don't hurt myself and then two minutes later place me in a puddle when im getting over trench foot and eventually we gave up trying (though I don't think sean ever really tried to break in bc I fully believe he could with no trouble, I think he just came along bc I was excited about trying) and we sat in the west qm shed which is actually the wood shed and we talked for a while now you might've noticed I said banquet day but I haven't talked about the banquet don't worry, its coming faster than you think as it did for us because as we sat in the shed, we heard the drums for evening colors so evening colors is the daily ceremony where we lower the flags before dinner and colors is in class a and the banquet, a very important and quite formal event, is also in class a and the drums are camp band signifying the start of colors and if u remember, sean and I arent even in class b and we had no idea what time it was bc neither of us had a watch or our phones but colors is starting so we got up and bolted to the staff site to change and class a is supposed to be sneakers or boots with bsa socks, bsa shorts or pants, bsa belt, any scout shirt, and a specific bsa shirt buttoned over that with the shirts tucked in and everything neat (and most camp staff girls do smth nice with their hair) and neither of us had any of that on and the girls cabin is a quarter mile from the rest of camp so I kept a bag in seans shack with my shower stuff and class a and anything else I might need during to day so I don't waste time going back to korman so we speed changed (yes I am a girl, yes sean is a boy, yes we changed in front of each other, no we didn't stripe to do so, no were not dating, no we wont be, were just close friends who were rushed and comfortable enough with each other) (but that's really frowned upon so if bsa asks this was a piece of creative writing) (think for legal reasons, this is a joke) and we sprinted to the wall for colors and halfway there sean said he forgot his belt and turned around to get it, he did not end up on the wall for colors but I went out a stood at the end, next to my director (my boss, favorite adult) who questioned why I was late so its a good thing sean decided not to get on the wall next to me bc the majority of camp staff was already convinced we were fucking even though I was dating someone else who was also at camp (ha ha part of the reason I broke up with him was bc he was  jealous of sean though I only know him bc of sean and he was jealous of some of my other guy friends at camp though male staff outnumbered female staff that year like 6 to 1 so idk what he was expecting but anyway were close friends now so its chill) but we ended up sitting together at the banquet and I don't really remember what we ate but after eating, a co-worker put a Styrofoam bowl full of whipped cream onto my directors head (I feel like I cant call him my boss in this situation bc while he is my boss, his boss and his boss’s boss were also present) now my director was in the middle of a conversation with one of the important camp guests and while covered with whipped cream, he shook the other mans hand and said ‘it was nice talking to you, if youll excuse me...” and bolted after the co-worker who ran out the door now both of these men are like 6 foot 200 lbs and they don't often run so ofc all of staff followed and they tousled for a bit then kinda got over it and when we all walked back in, the spring had torn from the door so sean got up to get screws and a drill and fix it in the meantime, my director retaliated with two cans of whipped cream directly in the co-workers hair see when my director got hit, he easily wiped it off bc he shaves his head weekly but the co-worker has lots of bushy hair that whipped cream likes to stick to and by the time sean finished with the door, his seat was taken as well as all the other seats at our table so we shared a seat as he ate a bowlful of blocks of butter (much to my protests) and we watched the video of the year and the award giving portion of the banquet began now the co-worker who “pied” my director tried again but on the camp commissioner instead who was the sweetest, most adorable person but he failed as my director stepped seemingly out of nowhere and at the last second, slapped the whipped cream bowl into the co-workers face the rest of the banquet continued without interruption which wasnt hard as it ended soon after which brings us to the post-banquet staff swim its supposed to be a surprise to first years but someone usually forgets and they all find out anyway but it goes like this we take everything out of our pockets and some people take off their socks and shoes and all the staff climb up on the wall we stand on for colors (its like four inches at the lowest and four feet at the highest) and I love standing at the highest part because we get called by how many years weve been on staff and you jump off the wall and race across the parade field to the open gates of the pool and jump in, in class a and we all swim around for a bit playing I have your hat which is an imitation game where someone calls out “I have ___’s hat” and tosses it and whoever catches it, imitates that person theyre usually really funny but occasionally someone says smth that doesn't make sense but no ones mean and its really nice then we showered and hung out for a bit before going back to korman to sleep 
the end
ps I was going to write a post after this on the 2019 banquet but now its like 4:30am and that's a good time to go to sleep so I might write about it tmw 
pps I really said “if bsa asks this was a piece of creative writing” talking about changing in front of a friend when I spent 17 lines beforehand on breaking into a bsa building and didn't even think that that might be something that's also frowned upon, perhaps more
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