#snaps fingers in z formation
valsnonsense · 6 months
Prince Lemon of Pop
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"Blood orange... She's so pretentious. It's fucking RED. BlOoD oRaNGe..."
Parents: Queen Poppy and King Branch
Siblings: Choco (Elder Sister), Vanilla (Elder Sister), Strawberry (Elder Sister), Apple (Brother), Oran (Brother), Lime (Brother), Blueberry (Brother), Grape (Sibling), Iris (Younger Sister)
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Genre: Pop/Soft Rock
Voice Claim: Bryan Adams
The third of the Rainbow Brothers. Uptight, a bit snooty, and hyper critical of everything he does, Lemon acts as your typical "spoiled prince" character. Man carries himself in the highest of regards, and no matter what you do, he his secretly judging you from afar.
Lemon works as a tailor/designer for all the latest fashion trends in Trollstopia. Taught by Satin, Chenille, and Nova Swift themselves, Lemon is one of the most sought out designers by artists from all over the world. Several singers perform wearing outfits specially designed by him (only feeding his massive ego).
Despite his snobby behaviors, he does care deeply for his friends and family, he's just a lot more "tsundere" about it. He'll give you a box of tissues if he sees you crying and give you back rubs while he tell him your woes, but if you tell anyone he's gonna deny it.
Lemon doesn't sing too much, but when he does, he leans more into softer music. Pop and soft rock is where he specializes, and you'll often hear him singing wayward love songs.
Lemon currently resides in Trollstopia alongside his family.
Fun Facts!
- Lemon is an excellent card player. Like, he's been banned from several casinos kinda good. Don't even try your poker face on him he can read it like a fucking book
- Lemon has a very big, very not so secret crush on Oak, son of Smidge and Milton. Lemon carries himself with the upmost regality, but the moment Oak walks in the room he's a stuttering, blushing mess. Boy check yourself you look like a fool
- Biggest germaphobe on the face of the earth. Choco and Oran LOVE chasing him around after coming home from their respective days while theyre sweaty and covered in dirt.
And that's Lemon! Loved making this snooty little gay man. Can't wait for y'all to see Oak, his crush hehehehehh
But I dunno why I felt like if Broppy we're gonna have all these kids they needed at least ONE sobbish one. As a treat
Voice Example: I Will Always Return (Bryan Adams)
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marmorafarms · 4 months
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damn he really said "talk to the hand cause the face don't care." no stumbling over his words, nothing like that. just straight up "don't make me snap my fingers in a z-formation."
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tf2incorrectquotes · 3 months
Medic: Don't make me snap my fingers in a z formation, hip rotation, booty sensation, ETERNAL DAMNATION-
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coolskeleton59 · 6 months
snap your fingers in a z formation and tell thirteen he just graduated from university of servington
[* THIRTEEN squints through the glass of the chamber.]
"... thank you??????"
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mintichoco · 2 years
CREDIBLE | twtptflob
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TITLE TRACK. psycho - red velvet
FANDOM. the way to protect the female lead's older brother
CHARACTER. oc-insert, visuals of aria valentine
PRONOUNS. she/her
SUMMARY. a gen-z kid gets dropped in the world of twtptflob. . .right infront of lante agriche
FORMAT. headcanons, scenarios
INSPIRATION. this post by @rouecentric
NEXT CHAPTER. [1, you are here] • [2]
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Nash was an iPad kid in every sense of the word. Her mother could not bother to care beyond sending monthly checks to the manor (more like luxurious jail) where the caretakers pocketed half the sum and the rest went to pamper her.
She could't be mad, there were plenty people out in the real world who'd kill for that kind of money. She spent her days tinkering on school projects, binge-watching historical k-dramas and being a general menace to the working staff.
Now imagine her surprise when she went to bed at three in the morning after haphazardly throwing together an art project featuring 'Kakashi the grey hare' and woke up on cold hard marble, instead of her fluffy mattress.
"What the heck?" She shuffled to a sitting stance, rubbing her sore neck.
The brushing of black skirts and the scruff of boots tethered her attention to the floor.
There were maids, a few dozens of them. Nash had her own nannies, sure, but nobody in the twenty-first century wore these silks unless as costumes, that too the very short version and for funzies on Tiktok or the bedroom.
"Woah-", a grin danced on her face. "Is this some sort of cult? Before the intro, I'll make this clear, I don't wanna be a part of this scooby-doo squad. Now, where am I?"
Silence, silence. Silence everywhere. Then, a fine looking specimen of testosterone-producer stepped up from the crowd, gripping a sword-A SWORD?!-in his hand.
"What business do you have with Agriche? How did you manage to get past the barrier guards? Start talking before I make sure you never will."
Well, zamn, who hurt you?
"Yeah, I was hoping you'd the know the answer to that?" She was thoroughly confused. "And since you don't, we can all just forget this ever happened and go our own seperate ways, okay? Okay, bye!"
A brilliant beyond brilliant idea popped up in her head. Taking out her phone, she tried searching for a signal. Hey, her mother may not pick up but she will dispatch atleast one guard to check on her.
"What is that?" The emo grandpa snapped his fingers. The phone was snatched away in an instant.
Nash reached for the object, only to be shoved away. "Hey, that's mine! Give it back!"
"Master, it seems to be some unknown technology, far beyond research-work mentioned in the archives", the woman replied and handed it over to the man in the lavish tux with a. . .bow?
What the frick is happening?!
The man chuckled and Nash felt a chill go down her spine. "A spy? Tell me, which lowlife has started copying my tactics, hm? Though, it is for the greater good, I suppose. The kids outside of this territory are pathetic, they pose no worthy challenge for my soldiers."
Which grown ass man sends people to fight kids?!
With furrowed brows, legs and arms crisscrossed, Nash drew a long breath. "Look dude, I don't know who you are or where I am but I don't mean to cause any trouble. . .yet. But if you don't return my phone, we're gonna have a problem here."
He quirked a brow and a tide of murmurs erupted from the audience. With a subtle clang his weapon was unseathed, the sharp blade pointed straight towards her neck.
Holy mother the of sweet Je-
"Are you aware that I can kill you without so much as moving an inch?"
Her breath hitched and she felt the hiccups coming. "So could a - hic - a chicken with enough motivation. You're not special-"
"Father, you called?"
A whispery voice carried by the wind stopped the man dead in his tracks from possibly ripping Nash a new one.
"Roxana", he rasped, clicking his tongue. "I don't appreciate tardiness. In any case, I'd like you to familiarize yourself with the latest brand of spies that are sent after us. Do they think of us as idiots!”
With that attitude, you’d make a fine Karen, sir. Wait. . .did he just say ’Roxana’?
Nash swiveled on her heel faster than light, coming face to face with said exotic beauty, shimmering rubies for eyes, adorned in a fashionable gown that almost made up for it’s weight.
"Y-You're Roxana Agriche?!"
At her starstruck exclaimation, the lady pursed her lips and only nodded curtly in acknowledgement.
Suddenly, Nash was clutching her head. She felt dizzy, she was definitely going to hurl.
Bye-bye fancy carpet, so long. . .
"Forking fudgecake!" The first row of maids probably jumped at the sheer decibel of her shout. "Did I get hit by truck-kun? No, that's not possible. How will a truck get in my house?! Murder, then? Not unlikely. . .although who would assassinate sweet ol’ me? Let’s see. . .”
"As you witness”, the newly recognized Lante Agriche waved the sword dangerously close to her face. Nash skiddadled to Roxana’s side. "This one doesn't know how to behave.”
Nash tilted her head to gander at the second heir’s face. She was lost in thought, her face overcome with a forlorn expression.
Roxana stroked her chin and then nodded. "You wish for me to oversee the interrogation?”
Lante grinned like a madman, thankfully storing away the blade. "As expected, you are a natural.” Nash had to do a double take to make sure his face fell in the matter of milliseconds. "Do not disappoint me.”
A sharp pain appeared in her scalp when her obnoxiously long pink hair was grasped and she was pushed back against the wall.
Yup, no wonder all the female leads hate this.
Lante did his best impression of a ravenous beast from the Black Forest, snarling and sneering. ”I will figure out where your loyalties lie and set an example through you. Am I understood?"
As astonishing as it is to be held like this by a 2D character, it ducking hurts, biAtch!
"Y-yes, sir!" As if-
He released her but it felt the same, as if her head was on fire. "Take her away.”
Roxana did not spare a moment to escort Nash to her room. They arrived in two minutes max and the blonde dismissed her tendants for the evening.
With a cotton swab and a bottle of suspiciously glowy liquid, she started dabbling the scratch that had formed on Nash's face, right under her eye from being thrown against the stone column.
She was quiet for most of the time while Nash observed Roxana's face. The teen truly was a looker, one worthy of people stopping in their tracks to stare at.
Light hair framed her face like a halo while piercing red eyes that tore through one's soul akin to the devil himself.
"Earlier, you mentioned a truck, yes?"
Nash blinked dumbly. "Uh-huh."
Roxana looked her directly in the eye. "Are your perhaps from. . .This is going to sound ridiculous but are you from Earth? Like, the actual modern world?"
The pinkette chewed on her botton lip. "Er. . .maybe?"
Roxana dropped her head and if Nash wasn't mistaken, she sighed out of relief. "How did you end up here?"
The younger girl threw her hands up. It felt weird talking to a fictional character who went into a fictional-fictional world.
Wait, that makes no sense.
"I don't know, lady! One minute I'm falling asleep reading manhwa on my computer and the next thing I know kaboom Lante-the-asshole Agriche is in front of me!"
"What's a manwha? Did you not read the novel-", Roxana paused mid-way, narrowing her gaze. "You are much too young to read those kinds of books."
Nash coughed awkwardly. "Well, I didn't exactly read it. It doesn't even exist in my world."
"Meaning? And you say your world as if we're from seperate ones."
Nash clapped her hands, slouching against the cushions on Roxana's bed. "Bingo." The girl stared at her, perplexed. "You know about the miltiverse theory, right? Y'know, spider-man and stuff like that?"
The blonde nodded.
"If I were to guess, we are both from two different realities. It's like a layer formation. The 'Flower of Hell' takes place in one, then you enter from another and change the course of the world and then I enter from a different reality like a cherry on top."
Roxana remained still, the subtle widening of her eyes being evidence of understanding. "I see. In any case, we need a place to fit you in. As far as I've looked, there is no escape. Other than death, but that is uncharted territory."
Nash made a face. You speak of death like it's the next door neighbor. Then she remembered. But for her, it probably isn't the worst thing to happen.
She cleared her throat, shrugging as nonchalantly as possible. "Any chance I can take a shower? I kinda sorta really stink."
The ghost of a smile passed over Roxana's face. "I will ask for a bath to be prepared." Her gaze traveled down, "And a tailor to take your measurements. Can't have my charge looking so haggard."
Nash looked down, her face burning red. She was still in her Hello Kitty jammies. "Hey!"
Roxana stood up, packing away the medical kit. "I will be back later. Your dinner will be sent here; eat after freshening up. And try to keep a low profile. The less people are aware of your existence, the better. Fa - Lante will likely dish out my orders for you at dinner."
She made to leave but turned around again.
"I did not catch your name."
"Nash", the pinkette replied with a too-shrill voice, trying to rub the exhaustion out of her eyes.
Roxana was amused. "Full name?"
"Ugh. . .Nashira Parker, at your service, m'Lady."
As soon as the door clicked shut, Nash threw herself on the heavenly bed, feeling her body sink into the spread of softness.
'What a day. Welp- this is my life now, I guess.'
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celticcatgirl2 · 5 months
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*snaps fingers in Z formation*
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casasupernovas · 2 years
and one last thing.
if anyone has read my blog, you'll know i'm the first to criticise how russell wrote black characters on doctor who.
that was 14 years ago. i'd like to think he has gotten much better. i haven't seen much of his stuff post doctor who, but I would like to bear all of that in mind. and he also didn't make them stereotypes either. mickey smith wasn't a gangster, a loud aggressive black man. and martha jones wasn't snapping her fingers in the z formation and saying "mhhmmm!". and i greatly appreciate that.
the episodes aren't out yet. and ncuti is already being promoted. and i am very excited even if the new logo is ugly i know it's homage but it's giving thomas the tank engine.
p.s. i feel like im in the twilight zone, didn't everyone already know disney+ was distributing it now? i feel like we are going in circle.
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dwinkus · 2 years
nobody snaps their fingers in a z formation these days
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starblaster · 2 years
today i witnessed someone at the bus stop snapping their fingers at their friend in a z formation and it awakened something inside of me like a sleeper agent’s code word, causing all of my repressed memories from 2009 to return instantly
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bookishjules · 2 years
I taught the girls I babysit about the "don't make me snap my fingers in a z formation" thing today. it's so early 2000s and I didn't even think about how it might have aged out until today. my 11yo had the nerve to call it cringe multiple times. well, that and the "u-g-l-y" rhyme, which I also taught them, because obviously.
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glynjohnsfurcoat · 4 months
don’t even make me fucking snap my fingers in a z formation bro
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jj-maybank-69 · 6 months
my bad Jennifer
*she laughs so hard that tears stream down her face*
it's not funny betch! *I snap my fingers in a z formation*
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hannahari · 7 months
“. . . And it’s staying that way”
*snaps fingers in ‘Z’ formation😂
yes 😂
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medicus-felini · 1 year
💐 + reverse snaps finger in z formation
send 💐 to ask my muse out on a date @waxgentleman
Deep breaths. You've got this. This must be the first time in her life that Linn has had the courage to ask someone out. What is the worst thing that could happen, right? Well, he could maybe turn her down and never talk to her again. Leaving her in a shameful pit of second-hand embarrassment. Telling everyone how outrageous her move was. Yeah, what is the worst that could-...
Before her thoughts could devour her, Galdino noticed her arrival, welcoming her with this cute smile he always wears on his lips when they meet. The knot in her throat does not look like it will be loosening up soon.
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❝ Mr. Galdino? ❞ The mink begins, voice close to breaking. ❝ I was... thinking about spending my day off with a nice walk through the town? I mean, as long as the ship is set to shore. You... You don't mind accompanying me for the time being? YOU DON'T HAVE TO! You are such a busy man, I understand fully! ❞
What was this woman thinking? Surely, Mr. 3 had so much more stuff to do than waste his precious time with someone from Kid's crew.
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celticcatgirl2 · 1 year
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*snaps fingers in Z formation*
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onstoryladders · 2 years
P.S. My dumbass brain was so upset that nobody gave you cuddles it proceeded to look you up by typing “bish”… 😂
~ 🦢
Haha I kinda imagined you entering my askbox snapping your fingers in a Z formation 😂
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