#snatcher a hat in time x reader
hotpinkboots · 1 year
ayo heard you take requests any chance i could get snatcher x reader whos just as much of a smug bastard as him and they just end up playfully teasing each other
~𝕾𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖗 x Bratty!Reader Headcanons~
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~Okay let me just start off by saying HE LOVES YOU OMG.
~He can poke at you and you poke right back (both with words and physically)
~You and Snatcher have a ton of inside jokes that you both reference constantly, and if somebody says something that reminds you of one of your inside jokes, you and he look at each other at the same time like "are you thinking what I'm thinking"
~He's always excited to see you and he greets you even louder than he greets other people.
~Even if he's tired, he'll keep his eyes shut and mumble teasing little jabs at you.
~Then he opens an eye to see your reaction
~He gets silly and ornery, too, poking at you to tickle you randomly while continuing talking as if he isn't being a brat and trying to make you laugh.
~He'll flick the back of your head and disappear before you spot him.
~Will dramatically pretend to die when you tease him, will pretend to be offended, or will just straight up cackle and get excited to tease you back
~You get him in a silly mood! He always loves the way you tease him and he teases you to keep the relationship fun and interesting, it never gets boring to him. There's always something to joke around about. You make his jack-o'-lantern smile get even bigger just by existing.
Request Guidelines!
Discord Server! Here you can roleplay with and as your favorite characters, get updates on my fanfiction, and get sneak peaks for my upcoming videogames!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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thereaderinsertlady · 2 months
You enjoy sleeping with snatcher despite his little quirks, buuut you couldn’t quite sleep this time around. He handles this accordingly.
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nocuref0rme · 9 months
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Snatcher x Reader
You kept shivering, he knew that. He just didn’t know how to bring it up. On one hand, he loves and adores you, and would do anything to make you comfortable- but on the other hand, what if he comes off as too soft? He has to be the all-powerful ruler of Subcon Forest, but he still has to protect his lover from the elements! He settles on pretending he’s grumpy.
“Oh, you’re insufferable! You’re lucky I can make warmth from thin air, or else you’d be doomed. I expect thanks.”
You could hardly thank him with chattering teeth, melting into his arms. They felt so warm, and soft, and strong… oh, he was the best. Even if he acted like he wanted to leave you on top of his tree.
“Oh, just get comfortable and fall asleep, why don’t you. It’s not like I have places to be.”
“Where, other trees?”
“I’ll have you know I appreciate every part of my kingdom!”
“Don’t you hum at me.”
He kept arguing with you, but you saw him crack a smile when you looked up at him. He shoved your head back down- he clearly didn’t want you to see that. But he still loves you, no matter how “infuriated” you make him.
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subconwoods · 1 year
Snatistical Evaluation
I was really surprised to see Snatcher x Reader lose Round 1—when I seeded the bracket, I put it up against Conductor Divorce (which was a joke option I added to round out the poll) as a gimme. The round was designed this way because, as Conductor's Divorce isn't actually a pairing, it would just be giving me a ballpark for how many people actually liked x Reader.
Granted, the AHiT tag on Ao3 isn't that populated to begin with, but Snatcher x Reader is the only romantic pairing other than DiscoTrain to even appear in the Top 10 relationship tags.
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It wasn't like the poll simply failed to reach people who like x Reader content, either; I recognized a few names in the notes from the tag reblogging it, and x Reader accounts tend to heavily interact with other x Reader accounts. It didn't make sense to me that so few people voted for it, but towards the end of the polling period, I had an idea for what might have been skewing the results.
So, I made a spreadsheet to test my theory.
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I went through the entire Snatcher/Reader tag, noted down every single author's username, and added a counter every time I encountered another upload by them.
(Interestingly, while I went through the entire tag at least three times to double-check I hadn't missed any, the total only added up to 72. It only just occurred to me that the missing four might be hidden from users who don't have an account, which I forgot was a site feature. Oops. Anyway, they aren't taken into consideration for this analysis.)
Here are our results.
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Of 72 total uploads:
Six (6) were from anonymous/orphan accounts. Although one or more of these could have been written by the same user, for our purposes, I'll consider them non-recurring.
Twenty-one (21) were from unique authors, "unique" meaning that the user only had a single upload in the tag on their account. Counting the anon/orphan uploads, that's 27 from non-recurring users.
Forty-five (45) were from recurring authors, "recurring" meaning that the user had two or more uploads in the tag on their account. There were eight (8) recurring authors in total, but of those eight, three of them had two and two of them had three, making for twelve (12) uploads from five (5) recurring users.
Then there were....a few names that cropped up again. And again. And again.
4. Thirty-three (33) uploads were from the same three accounts.
Here's the same data represented by percentage.
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62.5% of individual fanworks in the tag are from accounts who have posted more than one, while 37.5% are anonymous or from accounts which have posted exactly one.
The top three posters make up the highest percent of any category. Not only do they outnumber the rest of the recurring authors, but three users have created 45.8% of the content in the tag, more than all of the unique uploaders combined.
I expected going in that the number of total works might be inflated by the same users uploading many, but I couldn't have guessed the results would be this extreme.
Verdict: Snatcher x Reader is not actually that popular of a pairing. The people who like it just really like it.
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loving-apparitions · 10 months
Join me for a second in thinking about Snatcher being much bigger than you.
Think about holding his hand. You can just wrap your fingers around one of his. Snatcher, meanwhile, can completely envelop your hand in his.
And those big hands can also hold so much of the rest of your body. One hand can cover most of your head. Regardless of your size, he can fit both hands around your waist. He can just pick you up like a cup.
When Snatcher cuddles you, you’re completely surrounded by him.
For those sensual with him:
And when you kiss, those big fangs bump against your lips pretty often.
When your kisses get heated, he can push his tongue rather far…
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snowygrill · 2 years
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Here's a quick thing I made with a mouse!
Noodle boyfriend wants cake. How to get cake?
Step 1: Be spooky noodle.
Step 2: Scare partner into losing their slice.
Step 3: Profit.
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hostess-of-horror · 2 years
Kiss of Blood 🥀
A Vampire!Snatcher x Reader Fanfic
@tiramegtoons @darkmedolie @hotpinkboots @trashdork @thereaderinsertlady @lulu-baked-beans @lemonbaloni @minnesotamedic186 @medys-space
This is very, very, VERY self-indulgent – but I assume you knew that already once you read the title. Every day is a day closer to Halloween.
Content Includes: Suggestiveness and Blood Drinking
The Snatcher could not help but stare.
There before him was his latest victim – a young, unsuspecting maiden, asleep in her bed. His eyes wandered the more he looked upon her. What should have been an easy task, just like the hundreds – thousands – before her, became a moment of pause. Her bosom rose and fell softly with every breath. The sheets cradled her curves; a sight waiting to be revealed. He felt his fingers twitch with anticipation, wanting to tear away the cover from the bed. As hungry as he was, his contemplation became desire.
He wanted to tear away at her.
The sound of her heartbeat grew louder. Each pulse made him salivate, swallowing and licking his lips in order to quench his thirst. He could not take it anymore. His claws reached over and around the maiden, clutching the sheets as he began to crawl. Her warmth drew him in even closer, her scent invading his senses. Whether it was her blood or her perfume did not matter – she was perfect. Addicting, even. He did the best he could not to give in and immediately feed on her. This mortal was a delicacy to savor, a work of art to admire for all time. Who said that you could not eat your cake and have it too?
And there it was. The maiden's elegant, swan-like neck.
The Snatcher could feel the blood rushing through her veins, just beneath the skin. Her soft, unbroken skin. Just inches away, his mouth held agape out of instinct, ready for the kill. His fangs ached. He was so close, so very close. He slipped his hand into her fingers and tightly grasped her hand. His cold breath – the shiver of hunger – suddenly woke the maiden from her slumber.
You sprang from your bed. You had felt a creeping sensation and, once you laid your eyes on the creature before you, your instincts were correct. Its hand clasped over your lips before you even had a chance to scream. As you prepare to fight back, the creature wrapped his arm around your waist, sending an almost paralyzing chill down your spine. It hushed in your ear, like how a mother would quiet her weeping child. Your body quivered in fear, unable to struggle from its strangely soothing embrace. You felt its hand caress down to your lower back, the other releasing your mouth to trace your hair back. Its lips was so close to your throat.
“Shhhhh...” the creature shushed, “Quiet now... No need to fear. I am not going to kill you, my sweet.” Confusion flooded your mind. You opened your mouth to speak, but the delicate, tender touch rendered you speechless. A spell had been cast upon you, plunging you into a wave of calmness. You began to melt in its arms. “That's right. Relax, darling... Let me...” its voice trailed off as it buried its face into your neck, breathing in the scent of your hair. It let out a rumbling purr, exhaling in satisfaction. It continued, “You are so... Mesmerizing. You know that? I don't know if anyone has told you that. But that doesn't matter. What truly matters is that this king will finally have his queen.” Your eyes widen at its proposal. The creature then wrapped its snake-like lower body around yours, shifting itself and you into the bed. It finally lifted itself from your neck to gaze into your eyes. Its eyes shone bright gold, illuminating the darkness of your bedroom. You could not help but gaze back.
“You will make a perfect queen.” the creature wooed, “Such beauty must not go to waste. And your innocence... Oh, your innocence. I cannot wait to taint it, to strip it from your very soul. From this night forth, you will know luxuries and pleasures no other mortal has ever possessed. Our passion will be zealous as it will be terrifying. You will be a ruler among the darkness, and none shall dare defy you. From this moment on, you are my bride... My paramour... My equal.”
With every word it spoke, you became fainter and fainter. The spell had become stronger, making your head spin and float with ecstasy. This blissful feeling was surprisingly nice. The fear you had before dissipated into a warm sensation. Your heart fluttered as the words of affection echoed inside your mind. Within seconds, the idea of being the bride of a living shadow sounded lovely to you. Your head fell back into your pillow, unable to hold itself up anymore. The creature hummed as it delicately traced your bare neck and down to your chest. Your heart jumped at the touch. Its hands guided yours, gently motioning you to grab the back of his hair and spine. It buried itself into your neck back again, this time making the embrace more comfortable and intimate. “Good girl...” the creature purred softly.
The bite, at first, was painful, but only for a few seconds. You felt its body tighten its grip as it began to drink. Its tongue lapped your blood at such an excruciating pace, taking its time clasping its lips on the wound. Your breathing hitched, holding on to your newfound lover. This signaled the creature to go even further. With one rough sip, it releases its fangs from your neck, leaving you panting for more. You looked up to see its mouth oozing with crimson. If you had your sane consciousness, you would have screamed in terror. But instead, in your feverish rapture, you rose from your fainting spell and kissed him. You could taste your own blood on your tongue, but you didn't care. You wanted more. You craved more.
And, that night, your wish was granted.
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j-natsuka · 1 year
If anyone wants a Snatcher x Reader story, you can read mine on Wattpad! Originally it was for kinda shits n giggles? But then I was like might as well post it 🤷🏾‍♀️ It's definitely different then the others (You'll see once reading it-)
It's called "A Yin-Yang Soul " and my username is
I'm not a professional so bare with me lol- 😭 Also I made the artwork! I use to do digital art but I've lost my touch after not doing it for over 5 years. I'm more traditional but bc it never looks right on Wattpad I decided to do digital, sorry for how shit it looks lmfao 💀
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crispywaffles2 · 6 months
Hello 👋 I hope you are having a wonderful day or night! May I request a Macaque x reader oneshot? Were both are having like flirt contest or sm like that, and they try act all smug and confident, but in reality, they're very flustered with each other? Thank you <<3
Hi!!! Of course I can, and thank you so much for requesting! I'm sorry for how long this took!
First to Fall (Macaque x Reader)
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Macaque leans against the tattered cushions of the old couch he stole for his dojo/residence a while ago, throwing his head back as he howls with laughter. He places one hand on his forehead, the other cradling his sore stomach while he cackles at his companions misfortune.
"It is not funny! Stop laughing!" your frantic and embarrassed protests ironically fall on deaf ears, however.
Just minutes earlier the two of you were playing a fun game you had suggested, A Hat in Time, on your Switch. Everything was fun and lighthearted at first; the two of you laughing at the zany situations and lightly poking fun at the others playing style. But everything went downhill when you made it to Subcon Forest.You had jokingly made a comment about how Snatcher, the antagonist of the level, looked eerily similar to the simian beside you, to which Macaque took great offence.
To get you to answer for your crimes, he willed the lights to flicker. That alone was enough to get you a bit on edge. After that the lights turned off, and you could feel or see him beside you anymore.Just before you could delve into a panic, the lights suddenly turned on and Macaque loomed over you from the shadows.
And that lead you to now; the demon struggling to catch his breath as he wheezes at your dispense and you looking angry and utterly embarrassed.
"I'm sorry-! But the look on your face!" he takes a deep, shaky breath, forcing himself not to break out laughing again as he leans forward with a small breath of relief.
"Ahh... you are so cute when you pout like that," the demon hums teasingly, thick eyebrows arched in amusement as he gazes at you through half lidded eyes.
The way your eyes widen at his sudden change in tone is something that can't be controlled, but you are not one to be bested twice. Through sheer will, you force your cheeks not to warm up and give him a steely glare. Two can play at this game. Your grumpy frown melts into a suave smirk, mimicking your companion's.
"I only did it to make you smile. I love the way your face lights up when you laugh." and it wasn't exactly a lie. You really did love seeing his sharp pearly whites when he smiled, even if it was in the smug or condescending manner he usually did. And the sound of his deep, rich cackles stirred something deep within you, something that made your knees go weak.
Macaque doesn't seem to sense the faint undertones of sincerity in your tone (thank goodness), and takes this as a challenge.
He never thought he'd see the day that little old you would challenge someone as naturally suave and charming as him to s flirting battle, but he wasn't complaining.
"You're talking about my laugh? I have yet to hear a giggle as cute as yours." Once again, it takes everything in you not to burst out stammering.
You weren't some pushover, and you weren't going to stand for Macaque scaring you even if his words send jolts of electricity through your body and he was so damn hot when he lowered his voice like that-
You huff and roll your eyes. "Macaque please. We both know that you're the finest thing in this room," you speak as if it's common knowledge, and for some reason that makes Macaque pause.
As confident as the simian is, he doesn't get many compliments. Usually things along the lines of 'conniving' or 'sneaky' are used to describe him. But fine? Oh, you had no idea what you made him feel with that one.
"Oh, I beg to differ doll-" he begins, only to get cut off by a snarky guffaw.
"I beg to differ, handsome." you give him a hard, stone cold stare. This was your chance to let out all of the things you've been feeling for him for who knows how long without being questioned. He wouldn't know you were being serious. Why not just pour it all out now while you have the chance?
"Your smile has got to be one of the most charming things I've ever seen, and don't even get me started on your eyes. Those two things alone could sweep some poor lady off of her feet. And your voice- I could go on for hours about your voice. It's so deep and- and relaxing- you should totally do a podcast or something because it'd have me out like a light in just a few minutes. And that thing you do where you run your fingers through your hair when you think something is funny makes me want to-"
You abruptly cut yourself off, slapping a hand over your mouth. You basically almost confessed. You'd cut yourself off, but the intentions were clear. Your blush spreads so far and fast it reaches the tips of your ears. It was just fun and innocent flirting until you went and ruined it by being genuine and passionate like an idiot.
You slowly look up, eyes wide with embarrassment and fear as you prepare yourself for that harsh and demeaning laugh that he gives everyone when he thinks they're stupid. But it never comes. Instead, what you see when you lift your eyes, is a red faced simian trying to cover up his face with his scarf while looking away from you. But the flush on his ears couldn't be denied, and neither could the smile playing at his lips.
".. you really meant that didn't you?" he asks shakily, making you immediately try to backpedal.
He wasn't making eye contact with you anymore. That had to be a bad sign. But before you could open your mouth and begin letting a waterfall of apologies cascade out, a small snicker can be heard. It was Macaque, obviously. He tries covering his mouth, but the laughter seeps through. Except this laughter wasn't mocking or mean. The six eared Macaque was sitting on your couch, letting out almost comically giddy giggles.
He might as well have been twirling his hair and kicking his feet too. Surprised by this unexpected reaction, you slowly begin laughing along. His laughter still had that deep, rich twang to it, but now it was filled with a lightness that made you feel.. all kinds of different things. Macaque quickly gets his act together, clearing his throat and straightening up with embarrassment.
"I... guess we have our winner huh?" he asks in a slightly awkward tone, looking as though he was holding himself back from something. You're quick to speak up before you can get cut off again.
"Macaque I'm so sorry- I just got carried away and I don't- I poured my heart out like that by accident!" you stammer, hoping what you're saying is at least a bit intelligible.
Macaque puts his hand on your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"It's okay dude, I'm not mad or anything.. in fact..." he leans forward and presses a gentle kiss against your cheek, causing you to freeze up and go completely red.
"now I have more things to tease you with," he cackles, pulling away before you could land any sort of hit on him.
He sinks into one of his shadow portals, making you frown, before he reemerges in the kitchen. You knew what this was about. If you wanted revenge you'd have to work for it. You shoot up from the couch, running around his dojo like a headless chicken trying to catch your dark furred friend. Er... partner? A kiss on the cheek wasn't exactly platonic, but he never said he wanted to be more than friends either.
You decide not to think too hard about it, focusing on finding Macaque instead. And when you finally do manage to tackle the monkey, it's obvious it's only because he let you. And to enact your revenge, you begin peppering kisses all over his stupid, smug face. Macaque lets out another round of that giddy laughter, and then brushes his lips against yours before disappearing.
You chase him around the apartment again. And so the cycle continues.
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biribaa · 1 year
What if. like. The Snatcher (A Hat in Time) attended Barnaby's party. That would be cool I think
I rarely write any non x reader thing here BUT since ur a friend of a friend and I think ur cool. But my bad this is small, something in my mind just went "you will get sleepy everytime you try writing this plus no plot idea now die", for some reason, sorry I swear I tried buddy. I also hope nothing about Snatcher got wrong bcuz its been a while since I checked on ahit
TW/CW: mentions of killing.
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Snatcher is so used to being the big, scary spirit of his own cold, dead-weed-smelling forest. He was at least two meters or more tall, and he took great pride in that and how it boosted his reputation as a frightening ghost. Boooooo, scary, isn't it?
I would get worried if you actually answered that in a room alone... Anyway.
Well, that until Snatcher heard little whispers from his minions here and there about a 'big party' for the dead. A 'big party'? For the dead? Snatcher is a big dead icon! How the hell had he never heard of or been invited to this 'big party' for the dead?
Snatcher, with his ego offended, went looking for this party. It can't even be that good, the apparition thought, grittiding his teeth.
And here he was. Snatcher speaking to what appears to be an owl spirit. So, so larger than himself.
Snatcher would never feel inferior, that's just silly. It could be the nostalgic, but not necessarily good, feeling of clean dinner parties in an orderly mansion. And this big owl in his front making Snatcher feel... tiny...
"Eh, not much." Snatcher leaned his arm on the nearest table, a face with half lidded eyes "I live in a forest, read books, kill children, check if theres no one wandering around my florest. The basic. A peaceful life, honestly."
"Well, do tell, pal. You are new around the party! Mind telling me more about yourself? Hmm?" The owl chipped, their neck stretching cartoonishly in Snatcher's direction.
On instinct, the ghost prevented any small sign of physical contact coming from the larger ghost's piercing gaze. Come on, it wasn't every day that you interact with a being that looks like it came out of a television cartoon.
The shadow's eyes walked through the corners of the party. It wasn't that bad, actually. As long as Snatcher hasn't meddled with anyone annoying for now, all is well for him.
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
Pst,,, could- could you perhaps do some hcs for Snatcher with an s/o who has fire magic?? 👀
~𝕾𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖗 w/a Darling That Has Fire Magic~
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~If it were anyone else, he'd be like "YEAHH, YEAHH, I CAN DO THAT TOO." but since it's YOU it's highly different.
~Immediately excited about it.
~Will tell you to do some sort of trick and then will show off and do the same trick and claim that he did it better
~Definitely wants to play around and have you harass people with him.
~He wonders if you might have a reaction of coughing flames or having them fly from your finger tips if he scared you
~So he scares the heck outta you sometimes just to get a reaction - even if no explosions happen like he wanted he'll still get a kick out of it
~Do NOT accidentally set the forest on fire or somethin' crazy
~Tbh he's always thought it would be funny if you went to Vanessa's Manor and burned stuff.
~Overall he loves it. You can light campfires for the minions to roast marshmallows 🤩
Request Guidelines!
Join my Chat/Roleplay Server! Here, you'll get updates on my upcoming videogame/fanfiction, make friends, and meet new roleplay buddies!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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'Quest Tober (31/31)
What is this?
'Quest tober is an event where people can request fics for a certain time period! I usually like to challenge myself, aaand I've certainly been slacking on regular requests, so I figured I'd give this a go for a second time. You may request anything, as long as it goes along with the rules in the pinned guidelines. Send a PM or ask if you're not sure about something, or if there's a character you think I might do and or have done before but isn't up there.
Are there any specific rules or notes for this event?
Only a handful:
If you want to submit a request for this event you MUST have something orange in it or an emoji that follows the Halloween theme 🎃👻👽. Ooor something else that lets me know that your request is for this event, such as... 'hey, this request is for the 'Quest-Tober event,' etc etc.
You can only submit ONE request to give other people a chance to request too.
There are only THIRTY ONE (31) request slots available for this event. Once the title above reaches (31/31) I won't be taking requests for this event anymore, so request while you still can!
Where will the event's fics be?
I will post all fics on tumblr and onto my ao3 as soon as I get done with it for that day. Down below will be the fics that have been requested and what specific day they'll be posted on in October.
Requested Fics (Whoops didnt have time to finish all of them, will post them when ready![by the end of the year])
1- aliencatwafers: Elder Princess Shroob x Reader
2- rosepetalmoon: Escargoon x Reader 💞💞
3- ladysegagenesis: Vivian x Reader 😎
4- darkmelodie: Snatcher x Reader
5- snarlesofthesewers: Snatcher x Reader 🙌
6- shegariowmyamo: The Conductor & heem spouse
7- pastell-nerd: Nastasia & Reader
8- Anon: Dimentio x Reader nsfw 🥳
9- pyropikmin: King K. Rool x Reader
10- Anon: Antasma x Reader (spicy)
11- Anon: Gaster x Male Reader (also spicy)
12- Anon: Meta Knight x Reader (also also spicy)
13- drc00l4tt4: Melvinborg x Reader 🥺
14- Anon: Geno (smrpg) x Reader
15- Anon: Jevil x Reader x Dimentio (I,, love da clowns,,,)
16- profoundlytenaciousgalaxy: King Boo x Reader
17- valerian-insomniac: Prince (not-ghost Snatcher) x Reader
18- caleb-schoolaltt: demon-Melvinborg x gn Reader (🥺)
19- thereaderinsertlady: Jax (from the amazing digital circus) x Reader 🥺 ss mai birfdaay present to myself
20- Anon: Lovesick~Melvinborg x Male Reader
21- Anon: Duke Erisia x Reader (spiccy. I have no clue who this character is BUT i wamnted to give him a try because he looked cool 🥺)
22- Anon: King K. Rool & Reader (familial)
23- euibwwfbe: Antasma x Reader
24- jester-addict: Dimentio & Reader
25- Anon: Bowser x Reader
26- fruitytiff: Antasma x Reader (beloved bat 🥺,,)
27- notacloudofsage: King Boo x gn Reader
28- Nicky-angelcipher-universe: Reader insert crossover between BATIM & Security breach
29- Commentersspice: Antasma x Dimentio (:0 havent seen this shipped before. Unique!)
30- Anon: Beat x Reader 🥺🥺😳
31- Anon: Antasma x Dreambert
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nocuref0rme · 9 months
Hello!!! You’re doing ahit request right??? Can I have a snatcher x reader who’s a witch, and tends to make really weird potions? (Bonus points if they have a black cat who messes with Snatcher’s little ghost tail.)
Snatcher x Reader
He does his best to keep up, but it’s almost if you pull these potions out from thin air sometimes. That’s not to say he hates it- he loves the excited look on your face when you bring another one to him, and he loves to help test them out! He just mixes up which ones are which.
“So, what was this… turning people into…?”
“No, the morphing potions were last week!”
“Oh, you’re kidding! I thought you did at least one every week!”
“UUUUUUGH. You’re impossible to work with.”
He loves you, he really does. And, since he loves you, he loves anything that has to do with you… but- the CAT. He swears that it’s as if that cat finds the worst times to ambush him! He can hardly stand it! So, to even the score, he’ll poke the cat’s nose and- playfully, he doesn’t mean it- make fun of it.
“You’re a little ankle biter, aren’t you? You’re an allergic reaction just waiting to happen, with how much you SHED on my FURNITURE. You’re so spoiled, you… piece of fuzz.”
“Are you making fun of my baby again?”
“It pulled my tail! It’s only fair.”
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subconwoods · 1 year
Hat Game Shipping Bracket
Round 1 Part 2/2 Results!
Match 5: Conductor's Divorce vs Snatcher x Reader
In an astonishing display of the unreliability of statistics (more on this in the next post), Conductor Divorce takes the round with 68.9% (or 62 of 90 votes). This is probably our most unexpected result so far, for me at least. Will Conductor's Divorce be able to prove its resilience against DiscoTrain?
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Match 6: Cooking Cat/Snatcher vs Cooking Cat/Empress
With the Hat fanbase taking a firm stance against furry/human pairings, Subway Sandwich wins the poll with 74% (57 of 77 votes). Sweetened Deal's small but enthusiastic supporters did still sway 20 people, however!
With this matchup's conclusion, Snatcher has been almost entirely eliminated from the bracket. He's lost by a margin of around 30 to 50% in every single match but one—which was a poll between two Snatcher pairings.
[ Source for cat pic ]
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Match 7: Mafia Bartender/Mafia Boss vs Queen Vanessa/Ms. Pauling from Team Fortress 2
Although Bartender/Boss put up a strong fight, Paulessa sweeps the round with 64.2% (52 of 81 votes.) Maybe it wasn't fair to put one of the most popular pairings of all time in the bracket?
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Match 8: Badge Seller/Twilight Goat vs Tim the CEO of Time/Thor
One of the most evenly split polls so far, Badge Seller/Twigoat narrowly wins with 52.5% (53 of 101 votes). Tim/Thor had some very vocal supporters in the tags, so I'm glad I chose to include it on the poll last minute. (I had an open slot I'd been struggling to fill. If I couldn't figure anything out, I was going to put Reigen from Mob Psycho 100.)
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Bracket will resume tomorrow night!
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loving-apparitions · 11 months
Hello, could I request a snatcher x reader where reader is dyslexic? I feel guilty for not being able to read lengthy compressed text (especially when it's in the Times New Roman font), because he probably has a favorite story that he wants me to read and I just can't no matter how hard I try. I normally have to hear it spoken while I scan across the words.
I tried breaking up the text more than usual for this one. Your feedback is welcomed if there's anything I can do to make this an easier read for you!
Considering how he loves to show contracts to people, I think he'd find out pretty quickly that you have some difficulty reading.
Without you asking he might just read what he's written to you. "I'd be a pretty terrible employer if I didn't make my requests clear, wouldn't I?"
He's honestly not totally contract obsessed, so he soon just ditches showing you the papers.
Particularly of course once your relationship is at a point that he doesn't feel like he needs to pretend does he stop with any legal games.
Mostly Snatcher communicates with you verbally, but if he wants to leave you anything written, he puts in the extra effort to print cleanly with large letters and space.
He quite enjoys calligraphy and changing his penmanship by document, so this is no bother (it's kind of fun to him, like a challenge to make something both pretty and readable).
They include little drawings and pictures too in hopes of it helping.
They're an avid reader, so if you're interested in a book, they're happy to cuddle up and read to you.
He adores snuggling up with you, as well as reading or re-reading, so it's an enjoyable activity for him to hold you close and read aloud.
He'll pick out books you're interested in, books that he thinks you'll enjoy, or books that he's passionate about and wants to share.
If it helps you, Snatcher will also trace a finger under the words as he reads and you follow along.
He wants you to be able to understand the story, and he believes the best way to experience a book is exactly as it's written rather than summarized.
Of course, just because direct source is his favorite way to understand a book, he knows it's not the only way.
He thinks nothing less of you if you want a summary instead. If you want to watch a movie adaptation though, he's going to let you know every way it deviates from the original.
This isn't an entirely new experience for them, as they've found several Subconites that can't read at all or that have difficulty reading.
That also means that the Subconites are generally understanding and accommodating of you.
And don't feel guilty about your dyslexia. Snatcher knows that ability to read text isn't the same as reading comprehension.
"Never apologize for how you read. You don't have to read print to be intelligent. You're much better at comprehending than the lot of idiots I come across."
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cherybeee · 2 years
A list of the fnaf fics i've written because i never promote them
1... 2... 3... Soleil! (multi-chaptered, discontinued) DCA / reader You get a job at the Superstar daycare. I don't know what more to tell you lmao
There's a monster in the garage (multi-chaptered, ongoing) DCA & child!reader Why do you hear banging noise in your garage?
Solar Flare (one-shot) Sun fucking snapped
What happens at night (multi-chaptered, ongoing) DCA / reader (platonic or romantic) You didn't expect starting a prank war with an animatronic when applying at Freddy Fazbear's. And you certainly didn't expect that some kind of immortal child murderer was hiding in the basement.
King vs Jester who will win!!? (multi-chaptered, ongoing) A Hat in Time x FNaF crossover fic Sun / Moon, Snatcher & Moonjumper Sun and Moon managed to escape the burning pizzaplex but end up in a strange forest. Was it really a better fate?
You're never alone in the dark (one-shot) Moon / reader (platonic or romantic) As a child, you were terrified of the dark. And now look at you, all grown up and adult! You start working a night shift as a security guard at the Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex and immediatly regret it. Though, in all this mess, you find yourself a friend.
Tied by fate (in more ways than one) (multi-chaptered, ongoing) Sun / Moon Sun and Moon both wake up one day with a red string tied around their little finger. How ridiculous, they weren't human and they certainly didn't have a soulmate.
It mean 'I love you' (one-shot) Sun / Moon Moon has been acting weird and Sun has no idea why. Until he has a conversation with a little girl about her cat.
Vampire and Animatronics (multi-chaptered, ongoing) DCA / reader (platonic or romantic) You live a pretty comfortable and quiet life. Although a bit lonely, but you don't mind. That's what you're used to. That is until an animatronic breaks into your house.
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