snaxarba · 2 years
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“Must I explicitly mention everything?”
I did a redraw of my little 2019 post. Have been overcoming an art block and not much luck on the writers block so this was fun to do.
pls don’t repost
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moonlight-modoki · 5 years
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My contribution to the DHAU by @zombu7 and @snaxarba !!! This AU is so cute I hAd tO Do sOmEThiNg.
I envisioned each of the members besides Harry to fangirl in different ways...
Any and all fanservice immediately makes you smitten. And awed. And makes you fall in love with the member all over again.
May or may not be planning the wedding already. And your future home. And the amount of pets you'll have. And-
You can't. You can't even look at the member anymore lest you self-combust from cringe, embarrassment, and affection all at once.
Seriously you can't even do this anymore, and you don't know if you're ovErJoyEd or miSerAbLe about the situation.
Pure affection and adoration for the member. They're doing so well!! They look happy! They look great!!! You are sending positive vibes constantly.
You see the member as being your sun child, friend, and crush simultaneously. The struggle to manage your feelings begins.
You feel a mixture of anger, shock, amazement, and love all at once. How is the member like this? Do they switch a flip?? They were literally 4 years old a few minutes ago, who is this adult on stage???
Good luck dealing with the switches in character, because your preferred member will probably go back to being a child in a few seconds, and leave you eternally bewildered about what just happened.
Tag yourself- what number are you?
Pose reference for the chibis are from Pinterest, if anyone knows the artist please let me know ✨
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z7rkive · 6 years
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fanart for chiggy’s aka @snaxarba‘​s drarry quote :3
i feel bad for people who like harry tbh. 
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I know where you live
you don’t know shit
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queenofmyheart22 · 5 years
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Based on @snaxarba 's idea. I take no credit 😆.
Tom: Slut.
Harry *heart-broken* :...
Tom: MY slut!
Harry*blushing* :...
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hpandthewb · 5 years
Progress Update
Hey everyone! It’s been a while, I know.
Here’s the explanation. I have Persistent Depressive Disorder that I was already recovering from when a few things happened in my life throwing me into a new depressive episode. Clearly when I last posted, I thought I had it locked down, but that wasn’t the case whatsoever.
At any rate, I’m recovering again (and again and again, sarcastic yay for lifelong disorders!), and am picking up my writing again.
Here’s the count:
Chapter Eight, King of the Crossroads: 35 pages, 15450 words, pretty much complete. Here’s a fun excerpt
Harry didn't know what reaction he expected, but it wasn't Dean yelling, "Harry, what the fuck?!"
It made him finally look over, and what he saw was a furious looking Dean. "Excuse me?"
"That was your detention? Dude, that's not detention. Detention is sitting in the back of the classroom trying to hide your Walkman until it's time to leave! What the hell, Harry?"
"Well, I didn't pick it, don't yell at me for it!"
"I'm not yelling at you!" he yelled at him. Then he swore loudly. "What the fuck was even with your school?!"
"It wasn't Hogwarts' fault the Ministry gave her that position!"
Dean blinked, then asked, "The Ministry, as in your wizard government?"
Harry nodded.
"Harry! That's even worse!"
Chapter Nine, Untitled Currently (Castiel’s return): 29 pages, 12371 words. Here’s an excerpt
And so on they went. Sam hunkered down at the monitors, dutifully watching while pouting. Cas didn’t waver from his stare either. Dean and Harry, on the other hand, seemed to keep getting distracted.
At one point, they had a silent but furious fight over who got to kick the small dust bunny under the desk. At another, Dean began pacing, and every time he passed Harry’s chair, he would spin Harry roughly, trying to unseat him. Once, Harry spelled a line of paper clips to follow Dean and try to wrap around his ankles, making him hop around. Then Dean picked a book off a shelf and began reading. Harry noticed he seemed into it, so he pushed his chair over to try to read with him. Dean obliged by lowering the book so Harry could see from his seat. The book was called Cat’s Cradle, and Dean began pointing characters and plot points out, having obviously read this book before. The discussion seemed to annoy the others, though, so eventually they stopped.
Harry moved on to using balls of rubber bands and the cups by the room’s coffee maker to plan Quidditch plays, and Dean perched himself by the windows and apparently decided to snooze some.
This was when Cas and Sam got their attention.
“Look at this,” Sam said, pointing.
And Chapter Ten, Untitled: only 12 pages, 4703 words. Hm, I guess an excerpt
It was a weapon’s bag that wasn’t unusual to be brought inside, so Harry grabbed it without question. It caused he and Sam to stay behind everyone else, and when Sam slowed his walk significantly and began speaking, Harry regretted it. Regretted everything. Ever. In the history of ever.
“So… you and Dean seem to be getting close.”
“Er… I… what?”
“You and my brother,” Sam repeated. 
“What?” Harry asked again, mouth going dry. Why, he asked himself, why does it have to be a friend’s sibling? Again.
At any rate, this whole thing is clearly a giant project that is very slow all on my own, and I need help. So, who here wants to beta read chapter 8 for me? You’ll get access to read and comment on the whole thing-- as always, I will take suggestions and criticism (kind ones please), and am always happy to fix wrongs and adjust. 
I have also created a discord server for this that currently only @myrkky is on as this fic’s official artist (any other fanart absolutely WILL be featured in the work--I’m sorry if I haven’t gotten to posting it yet. Feel free to remind me if you’re worried I’ve forgotten)
So, if anyone wants to be beta and go ahead and read chapter 8, let me know. I thought maybe two or three? Just a group of us who like my little fic here and want to be involved?
I would like to give @caty-314 and @snaxarba first takes if they want them! And if anyone else would like to join the discord server, just ask! Otherwise, I guess first come, first serve?
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mursalmango · 5 years
So, I was tagged by @tomarrysickness and @hafsicle0786 ( thanks a lot btw) I’ve never really done stuff like this but here we go.
Rules: answer 22 questions and tag 22 people you want to know better.
Nicknames: I have a lot actually and they are quite embarrassing but my fav ones are muro and mars.
Zodiac sign: I’m a Virgo! ♍️
Height: 156 cm.
Hogwarts house: I’m a proud Slytherin! but I love all the other houses too.
Last thing I googled: interesting facts about Shakespeare ( for a school project)
Favorite musicians: recently, I’m quite addicted to queen and Elvis Presley so yeah.
Song(s) stuck in my head:
•Somebody to love and I want to break free: by Queen
•Happier: by marshmallow
•Can’t help falling in love: by Elvis Presley
Following now: hmm 🤔 I’m in a couple of fandoms actually which consists of Harry Potter, Hannibal (NBC) Marvel, The hobbit and the lord of the rings sooo... yeah.
Followers: tbh when I first made a tumblr blog, I didn’t expect any followers but as as time went on these amazing people started following me and they like and reblog all the posts I have which means that they’re in the same fandoms as I am but I guess mostly Harry Potter. ( thank you amazing people for following me ❤️)
Do I get asks: till now I haven’t got any and I’m quite new on tumblr anyway so maybe in the future hehe.
Amount of sleep I get: Ah! Don’t get me started. I’m very stressed because of my studies and my sleeping schedule is shit. The amount of sleep I get differs every night.
Lucky number: it’s 8 but I like 3 personally
What I’m wearing: haha! PJs!
Dreams job: I wanna be a lawyer!!!!
Dream trip: gosh! I wanna visit Italy soooo bad!!! All those museums and galleries!
Favorite food: rice, pizza and CHOCOLATE!
Instruments: I can’t play anything actually, but I love guitars and violins.
Languages: Farsi (first language) English, Arabic, Urdu, and a bit of French.
Favorite songs:
• somebody to love by queen
• can’t help falling in love by Elvis Presley
• ashes by Celine Dione
• sun comes up by James Arthur
And many more. But I can’t remember right now 😂
Random fact: I was a redhead in my childhood but now my hair color changed to dark brown by itself 🙄
Aesthetic: vintage stuff, snowfall, cloudy afternoons and foggy mornings. I know I’m weird.
I tag( please don’t feel obligated to do this and don’t repeat if you have done it befor)
@childotkw @silverintheslytherin @cybrid @tomarrywritingprompts @incorrecttomarryquotes @harrypotterdailly @mister-tom-a-dildo-lover @liladiurne @amytheauthor @penmanner @tiedsparks @fairygirl34-vvarela @ladylilith91 @gayriddle @acciotomriddle @acciotomarry @vivypotter @vanillaghost @snaxarba
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cybrid · 6 years
I was tagged by @limonium-anemos and @tosmichiyo - thanks for the tag!
RULES: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, and tag nine people!
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organized sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midnight most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors and words
EARTH: I wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
I’m tagging: @lord-of-the-sneks @helenieczka, @snaxarba, @annahsraw, @ravenclawnerd22, @smarthiz, @shipping-all-ships, @vivypotter, @chithequeen, @thatonevaleriegirl, @dontneedanothertomarryblog, @ionlydrinkonline, @argentewitch, @a-witches-brew
Did someone say tag nine people? Oops.
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Tag Game
Name: Estell
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5′1-2
Age: 16
Sexuality: Gray Sexual w/ hetero romantic preferences
What image do you have as your wallpaper: Home screen is a grayscale digital art piece of 2 deer looking at a waterfall in the distance. Lockscreen says “Avada Kedavra Bitch”
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher: No
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: 6 feet under, jk hopefully in post-secondary
If you could go somewhere else right now, where would that be: I’d like to go visit Hong Kong again, I went about 6 years ago and it was nice
What is your coolest Halloween costume: I dressed up as Wednesday Adams when I was 12 bc my friend said I looked like her (I am a short Asian girl with a resting bitch face and straight black hair that reaches my hipbones), *I had never seen anything from the Adams family and did not understand then*
What was your favourite 90′s show: I was super not born in the 90′s but I liked watching Daria when I was 12
Last kiss: I kissed the top of my cats head this morning, but I’ve never kissed or been kissed by nonfam
Have you ever been stood up: I have never been on a date or asked out
Have you ever been to Las Vegas: No, but I’ve been to Macau which is the Chinese equivalent of Vegas and that was chill @
Favourite pair of shoes: I like to wear heels to make me seen/feel taller
Favourite fruit: Apples, Lychees, Strawberries and Pears
Favourite book: I like all 7 of the Harry Potter books
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: uh, I’ve done alot of stupid things. I once went to my dance class that was 4 hours long and I had not slept that day, drank any water and I had only ate about 20 crackers that day, uh I fainted later lmao
All time favourite TV show: I like Gravity Falls, Camp Camp and Rick and Morty (The last are not on tv but its still like a series)
Last movie you saw in theatre: uh, I think it was Captain America: Civil War
Tagging: @snaxarba @cybrid @shipping-all-ships @katsitting @ravings-of-a-mad-dream @phoenixrisingdusk @blopoooo @maskeddork @linana101@gabrielbelmont
~don’t feel obliged to do this, I just think *y’all* are cool~
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katsitting · 6 years
Rules : using only song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions then tag people I got tagged by @catalinangel​ ! Thank you for tagging me on something this fun :)
artist/band : IAMX
what is your gender : Simple Girl
how do you feel : Naked but Safe
if you could go anywhere :  The Void
favorite mode of transportation : The Wildest Wind
if your life was a tv show : Volatile Times
your best friend : My Secret Friend
favorite time of the day : Nightlife
relationship status : The Unified Field
your fear : The Great Shipwreck of Life
I tag the following: @snaxarba @exotisque @darklordtomarry @renderedreversed @reneehartblog @thelastnero @littlemulattokitten
You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to! It’s just for fun :)
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snaxarba · 1 year
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A day in the life: meet Hermione
Instagram: @snaxarbv
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moonlight-modoki · 5 years
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@zombu7 and @snaxarba ... In my defense, I still like this AU so much!!! Another fanart for zombu7's amazing DHAU, this time featuring Tom.
This was inspired by @iamanawesometaco on discord and their comment, "oh god i'm the tom, im the tom, i'm the tom but for your art" in response to my previous post featuring Harry and the crew.
- The comment made me cry a little -
This coloured version is dedicated to you, @luxis-ao3!!! Thank you for giving me enough confidence to attempt doing so 💕
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z7rkive · 5 years
My Moots as Types of Clocks, a post
@tired-luxis :
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@snaxarba :
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@moonlight-modoki :
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@tomarrys :
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bonus (me):
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hpandthewb · 6 years
HAPPY.... GOOD LUck... end of year finals and exams, man, there ain’t no ‘merry christmas’ term for it... BUT
I know there’s an amazing @snaxarba going through it, a wonderful @emalynnstone going through it, and I imagine lots more of you guys are going through it as well this time of year.
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YOU’VE GOT THIS. And I don’t care if you don’t know a damn question on there - I don’t care if you BS’d your way to that finish line and you can’t BS your way over - I am damn proud of you. Either way, it takes fucking skill and balls of steel. 
So whether you get through it like this
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Or like this
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Like this
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Or like this
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Be fucking proud of yourself and end the term like this:
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I’m so proud of you. Good luck! And above all, be gentle with yourself during this stressful time.
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snaxarba · 1 year
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Instagram: @snaxarbv
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snaxarba · 1 year
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