#snc tarot
golbrocklovely · 4 months
i also sent this to xplrvibes, btw.
i found a psychic reading on colby and malia's relationship, and i watched it. throughout the whole video, it seems like their relationship is starting to go down, and colby might be losing interest, or something bad happened like an argument and they're just distant with each other rn. the psychic reader also said the relationship doesn't really seem serious and as more of a friends with benefits....but i also don't know much about psychic reading so idk if any of that could be true.
here's the link tho so you could watch it, maybe get your own opinion from it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gww1I9VmBNY&ab_channel=MiiksConspiracies
yall are making me come out of retirement with this tarot reading sksksks
imma be so forreal, and this is no hate to the girl that did this reading. but genuinely…. if you're already going into the reading getting the "ick" from both parties involved, maybe that's your sign to not do it. idk, but that's how i feel about it.
also, when i do a reading (and i'm by no means an expert so don't take my word for it, this is just what i do) while i "tap in" to others' energies, i don't try to feel what's going on. i just let the cards talk and then circle back. bc otherwise, when you say "i'm getting the vibe that" it just makes you sound like all the fans on twitter that hate the girls from day one and said "idk why, but i just get bad vibes from them" lol
and i have to add that the ppl on twitter talking about this literally said of this reading "oh she must be one of us" bc she sounded like them so that gives you an idea as to what's said in the video.
so…. here's my reading on malia and colby. and i know, i said i wouldn't but i had to.
this is a very quick reading so i'm not gonna go into the most amount of detail.
how does colby feel about malia: nine of pentacles reversed. colby is guarded and has issues opening up completely, even tho he wants to. fear of losing his independence. shocker to literally no one.
hanged man. love can't be rushed, so while he might feel the connection, he shouldn't jump the gun on this, or listen to outside sources on what to do next in his relationship. don't force things. timing is everything.
eight of pentacles. he's learning new things about malia everyday, slowly cultivating his relationship with her. there's still plenty of room to grow for him and her.
four of swords. colby needs his alone time, he feels as if maybe he is spending too much time with her, or at the very least needs time to sit back and reset (since he is such an introvert).
how does malia feel about colby: two of swords. there's something blocking them from solving certain problems that are arising. my guess is him being unable to completely open up quite yet. this is not a bad thing, since what they need to do is sit and communicate.
knight of pentacles. this is could also be the answer to their "problem". the knight of pents is a dedicated partner, but also extremely absorbed in his work (sounds like colby to a T). but this is also a sign of steady and secure relationship.
the sun in reverse. boredom. however things are still good. just no excitement.
queen of pentacles. stable time, fruitful. a lot of stability.
what does all of this mean?
so what i'm gathering is that colby does care for malia, but he is being held back by his own past issues and isn't able to fully open up to her yet. and on top of that, he doesn't want to move too fast (probably bc his past relationship moved too fast and then he got left behind) so i think he's doing his best to take things slow. and he slowly is enjoying his time more and more with her, but he also needs to remember to give himself some time to unwind and be alone. which he has talked about before in the past needing from previous partners.
as for malia, she wants to connect to colby and get to know him better but his issues are making that a bit hard for her. but not only that, he's busy. that man loves working, so she sometimes feels as if she doesn't get to see him without it being a work vacation, so to speak. but she definitely sees herself being with him long time. she sees he is dedicated to her, but the speed at which they are going is going to bore her a bit. eventually she will realize that it's for the best, since she will soon see that things will work out well.
what i gather is that both of them seem to be in for the long hall, they just have to make sure to communicate. and take time to themselves.
also let's not forget that they have only been together for like four months really, bc they met in late nov/early dec and probably didn't start actually dating/getting serious until january/february so like… let's cut them some slack yall lol
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itsdespicablebre · 11 months
When you were about to give your opinion on the conjuring series but now people are mad? At SnC? Cuz Cody and Satori are possibly liars and made the whole thing up?
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xplrvibes · 11 months
On the final episode of the Conjuring house do you think the priest? was right when she was reading the Tarots cards for Colby and Sam life? cos I don’t really understand these cards or reading about the future lol.. what do you think?
I do, in a sense.
The thing with tarot cards is that they predict your life if you continue on the path you are currently on, and as the old Led Zeppelin song goes: "there's still time to change the road you're on."
So things can change, but overall, they are an interesting look into someone's psyche and potential future.
Now, the thing that really lends credence to the cards with snc is that when the priestess, Ashley, read their tarot back in January, everything she said came alarmingly true.
In that January reading, the question that was asked was: "What do our next 6 months look like?"
Here was her response:
"So, here's a couple of things. You both need to learn to start owning your own energies, like your psychic energies.
Here we have the Hermit. He has this little lamp that he's carrying around. You need to find your own lamp, whatever that is. I don't care what energy, what deity that you take in there, but you need some light around you. You're going into these places but you're going in, in a foolish way.
If you do not learn how to cleanse yourselves, you're going to be in a lot of pain.
Something is going to happen in the next 6 months where you will both be up at 3am crying.
What you're doing is good - the spirit really likes what you're doing...you're really educationg people. You're bringing knowledge and light to information. But you need to make sure you're doing it in a way that isn't harming you.
Learn how to take better care of yourselves.
When you have both the 9 and 10 of swords, this shows me that something could attach to you that could be really really hard to get off and cause you insanity. So, we really wanna step up and realize that we're.not playing games anymore and this is a serious thing I'm doing.
[To Colby:] You're the one who has the more psychic energy so it's going to be you being able to really grow, essentially."
Now, that is the part of the Tarot that they made public in the first video she appeared in. What they did not make public until much later (according to the Occult Unveiled Podcast) was that she did also see some kind of sadness/illness related pain in Colby's future, and that she saw the end of a relationship in Sam's (which apparently Sam did not include in the January video because he didn't want to make things "rocky" lol).
Anyway, looking at the above: the timeline of the first reading was mid-January, less than a week before Colby was diagnosed with cancer. The cards told Colby that he would have a hard, painful, and sad six months, and...well. He did. 6 months almost to the day, considering he was given the all-clear from his doctors at the beginning of July.
Sam was also told he'd have an emotional 6 months and would see the end of a relationship...and well, we all know that man's been on a roller coaster.
They were also told that they were in a bad and dangerous place, spiritually and with regards to the paranormal and honestly, I don't even think we need tarot cards to see that was true lol.
So yea...based on her reading in January and how true it all turned out to be, I really think there is something to the cards they got this time around.
I think Sam has clearly finally started to let go of some of that skepticism he's been holding on to for his entire life, and it's opening up a brand new world for him (new chapter, new book, etc). He is learning more about himself now that he doesn't have that other person to fill him (Katrina) - and from the way he's been talking, I think breaking up with her has been a jolt to his sense of self and confidence (sorry Kat, lol). Basically everything in his reading is about starting fresh, both in his personal life and in his journey into being a believer of the paranormal, and I think that tracks
He's also gotta stop being a massive fuck boy, apparently. 🤣 (and no, I will not stop bringing that up)
And for Colby...the interesting thing about Colby is that, all of his readings that he's ever had, always come with a twinge of sadness for him. Look back at the video he did with the psychic on his personal channel that time, or these readings with Pythian Priestess, or the readings they had done in a few videos in 2019. There's always this undercurrent of "the things from your past haunt you, and you struggle with them greatly." So even though his cards did have a lot of positivity to them (more so than in January), they also carried that ever-present sadness with them.
And sadly, for Colby, that tracks.
He was given a card of healing, and.obvooisly this was filmed only a month after he was declared cancer free and he was still very much healing physically, but I think the emotional aspect of healing from a life threatening illness is something that ebbs and flows, and will with him for a long time. But then there's that trauma or sadness that he carries with him that he just can't move past. That keeps him stuck in place - whether it's in relationships, or his professional career, or whatever else (and it's probably all over the board, I think he's got a lot going on there). Overall, I think his reading tracks.
And of the two of them, I think Sam will continue on the path the cards had him on, whereas Colby, sadly, will probably not do as much mental healing and letting go/moving on as the cards suggested he should.
Anyway, this got unbelievably long and I apologize. To summarize: yes, I believe in the readings they got and I am super interested to see where they are in their lives in another 3 months to see if it matches up to this last reading!
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
Riveteers Ascendancy Spell Creation (Episode 2)
Alright, I've wrangled up a few ideas!
Thanks to @rose-colored-tarot, I finally figured out what to do with this damn thing!
If you're like me and tend to bring energy through yourself for spellcasting (or just straight-up use your own energy, tools be damned), then you may also struggle with too much energy after certain workings. For me, it's baneful workings. For someone else, it could be divination. Or healing. Or luck.
Point is, you'll probably want to have somewhere for that extra energy to go. Why not to your personal protections? Carried charms, stationary wards, and so on may run out of energy depending on how you approach the creation of them, so why not reduce, reuse, and recycle?
Perhaps this would need some prep work. After all, it's based on an Enchantment card, so it would translate as a standing sigil or other easy-to-activate bit of magic that you could pop up before or after casting a spell.
"But Jasper! What would you use?" you may ask.
Well well, dear reader, I am in a state of frenzy and absurdity tonight, so let's talk rocks!
*taps my papers like an Ace Attorney character* So, Riveteers Ascendancy requires at least three sources of three different colors - Black, Red, and Green. To reflect this, one should have to do with afterlives/otherworlds, life after death, rebirth, or recycling; one should have to do with energy or recharing; and the last should have to do with protection.
You'd also want something easy to re-do that these three sources will empower. I'm personally fond of sigils, but it could be a chant or a series of motions.
And, of course, you'd want to have your already-existing or semi-constant personal protection(s), such as charms, wards, or a secret third thing. I don't care, keep your protections secret, it's none of my business.
So having said that, my three colored energy sources would be... You guys really think I'm gonna say what I'd actually use? Yeah, no. We'll use amber, red calcite, and bloodstone as the stand-ins for the rocks I'd actually use. (Frankly, bloodstone could probably cover every instance, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.) You could plants or something else for the energy sources, but given that the Riveteers are led by a dragon, crystals make sense for me and are generally my preferred tools anyway.
*Paces back and forth across the floor* So how would we put this together practically? I can imagine that we'd charge the sigil (or your preferred alternative) with the three energy sources, imbuing it with the power of the three colors, and then energectically connect it to your personal protection that you want your excess energy to go to. I'm not going to get into that part, as this is not a thing on energy work, but you could probably make a physical line from the sigil (or other physical trigger) to your protection method (provided it's also physical, like a charm) if you have issues with visualization (like I do).
Then, you could simply activate it before or after spell work that makes you feel overly-energized! Naturally, you'd want to wait until after if you're doing something you're not familiar with (just so you don't overdraw your energy in case you don't get the boost).
I'll have to run this as a test a few times before I write it up all pretty and post it as a proper step-by-step spell, but I think we've really got something here! Thank you again to @rose-colored-tarot for your insight! I would never have come up with all of this without your insight in the first post!
Links and sources and whatnot:
Episode 1: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/710909319907098624/oh-wow-i-didnt-even-think-of-that-i-tend-to-go
Riveteers Ascendancy on Scryfall: https://scryfall.com/card/snc/216/riveteers-ascendancy
The MTG Colors section of my Tumblr grimoire: https://jasper-grimoire.tumblr.com/tagged/section%3A%20mtg%20colors
Riveteers on the MTG wiki: https://breezewiki.com/mtg/wiki/Riveteers
My MTG enchanting board, made as a visualization aid for myself that y'all can use: https://jasper-pagan-witch.tumblr.com/post/683003298601680896/my-mtg-enchanting-board
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lonely-xplr · 4 years
Okay hear me out..i'm in need of a laptop background, perhaps SnC themed with dark spooky vibes? Purples, blacks, or even red. <u< >u> I would not complain if a Ouija board was added in. Or if that doesn't motivate you i'd like a background for my gothic WIccan self, crystals, tarot cards w/blacks, purples or anything you find that goes great. <3 ily
Tumblr media
i kinda combined the two requests into one, so i hope you like it! ilysm 🖤🔮
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golbrocklovely · 7 months
i did this reading back in early january and had plans to post it but never got around to it.
this reading was on snc's love lives. i know, apparently it's the only topic i can talk about lol
i'm kidding… but hey, i'm just here to give the ppl what they want.
this particular post is colby's love life. if you want to read sam's, it's here.
now this is not based on their relationship with the girls. this is just a general six month reading on what their love lives are going to look like. if that includes the girls or not, that's not up for me or the cards to decide.
disclaimer: i'm not a professional tarot reader. i'm doing this for fun and it's not to be taken as literal or serious. if you don't like the reading i give, understandable. but i'm just telling you what cards i got and what they mean. this isn't to be taken as fact, this is all for funsies so enjoy it… or don't, ig lol
colby's reading was a bit complicated. but when has anything ever came easy with him lol
first card: knight of cups. just like sam. again, it's about having love and romance in your life, but reminding you to be realistic about your love life and what you currently have, and not falling in love with the idea of love.
second card: five of cups. this is usually the sign that you are grieving a break up, or there being tension in your current relationship. and emotional loss of some sort has happened, but this card can also signal to look on the positive and find things to look forward to.
third card: ten of cups. this card is a sign for commitment or taking the next step in a relationship. it could also just mean that long term stability or a long lasting relationship is headed your way soon.
fourth card: four of wands. this card is great for a love reading. it shows weddings, engagements, or just generally a celebration of love within a group of ppl happening. a public show of love, so to speak.
fifth card: nine of swords. sam also got this card. this card is showing there being some anxiety and fears showing up. it usually shows a lack of trust in your partner, along with remorse or guilt or just general insecurity. this can also show that past relationships are effecting you in the present, thus causing you to feel regret or remorse.
sixth card: queen of swords. this is an interesting sign. this can be someone coming into colby's life - a woman who's a bit of a loner and likes her independence outside of her relationship. or it could also be a call to be picky about your lovers, to look for both independence and self-sufficiency alongside your relationship.
i then asked for a explanation card, or just an overall vibe for this time, for colby.
final card: three of swords. this usually means a breakup, or just general sadness in the form of a separation. it could also be a sign of a third person coming into play and muddying up your relationship.
i'll be honest, like i mentioned above, i was a bit confused as to what some of these cards meant for colby. so i asked for even more cards. two more to be exact.
extra card #1: two of cups. this is the beginning of a relationship, building each other up. a mutually beneficial relationship where communication is good.
extra card #2: queen of pentacles reverse. this is the sign of a relationship for all the wrong reasons. a selfish partner who can be shallow and jealous. however, i would also like to directly quote the website i use to help me better understand these cards - "If you’re single ... can signal that you may need to take some time on developing your own confidence and healing any insecurities you have before entering a relationship with another person. Avoid getting into relationships for the wrong reasons; whether it’s for status, money or simply because you don’t want to be alone."
now… what the hell does all of this mean? like i said, this reading is messy. his love life is anything but simple lol
i'm gonna interpret the cards the way i think, so if they don't exactly line up with the definition/description i gave, that's why.
i think whatever colby has currently happening in his love life is gonna end. and i think this might be the year he starts to FINALLY unpack some of the trauma and heartache he went thru all those years ago when he had his last real relationship. hence the overall vibe being the three of swords aka heartache. i think he's starting to realize that this continuous pattern he's been on of just having hook ups or relationships that don't go anywhere bc he won't open up isn't making him happy in the long run. sure, he's safe and not getting his heart broken, but he's not happy. it's not what he really wants. he wants to heal and move on and love again. and i think this year will be the year he does that. it's just gonna take a lot of time.
and that doesn't mean he won't fall back into old habits. i think he will, but that's when he'll pull back and need time to be by himself and not in a relationship. he'll still have his fun, i suspect, but it won't be anything serious. the four of wands card, to me, reads as him being celebrated by fans for something too, and that might help him heal some as well. or just in general he's gonna be feeling a lot of love during that time period.
and i think the extra cards are a warning to him: one, don't fall for someone that benefits off of you (or that you know is with you for that soul reason) and two, don't just get into a relationship bc you're lonely. especially as you're going thru this time period in your life of trying to heal. having someone that's using you is not gonna help, even if you "don't care" that they are using you bc you're using them too.
do i think him and his current boo thang are gonna be together by june/july? no. i'd be surprised, based on these cards, if they even make it to march. however, that's not what i'm wishing. i'd love for them to stay together, solely bc it pisses off so many fans lol
and like i said in sam's reading: DON'T TAKE MY WORD AS LAW. things changes, nothing is permanent. these cards are merely a suggestion of what's to come, not what is currently happening. so, please don't take this as proof of things going bad for him and m. let the man have his fun, and just read this as entertainment. okie dokie? cool.
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golbrocklovely · 7 months
i did this reading back in early january and had plans to post it but never got around to it.
this reading was on snc's love lives. i know, apparently it's the only topic i can talk about lol
i'm kidding… but hey, i'm just here to give the ppl what they want.
this particular post is sam's love life. if you want to read colby's, it's here.
now this is not based on their relationship with the girls. this is just a general six month reading on what their love lives are going to look like. if that includes the girls or not, that's not up for me or the cards to decide.
disclaimer: i'm not a professional tarot reader. i'm doing this for fun and it's not to be taken as literal or serious. if you don't like the reading i give, understandable. but i'm just telling you what cards i got and what they mean. this isn't to be taken as fact, this is all for funsies so enjoy it… or don't, ig lol
so sam's love reading for the next six months is very back and forth. one month he's happy, the next he's sad, and that repeats until june/july.
first card: knight of cups. this is a relatively good card for love readings. it shows romance and love entering or being in your life. but it can also show signs of being in love with the idea of love. and it usually calls for you to be realistic about your love life and what is happening in the moment.
second card: five of pentacles. this card usually means isolation, depression, and generally just feeling lonely. this card can be a sign that partners are having a hard time communicating well.
third card: queen of wands. this card is about openness and being comfortable with that. this card can mean being proud and confident in your individuality, or someone like that coming into your life. this can also be a sign of being open and sharing with your partner more, which can lead to better intimacy.
fourth card: eight of swords. this card is usually a sign of feeling smothered in a relationship. becoming passive in your love life. this can also be a sign that your relationship has become stale and you feel like you have no choices.
fifth card: ace of wands. this is a great card for a love reading. this means a lot of love and flirtation will be headed sam's way during this time. there's gonna be excitement and passion and just overall good vibes during this time for him.
sixth card: nine of swords. this card is showing there being some anxiety and fears showing up. it usually shows a lack of trust in your partner, along with remorse or guilt or just general insecurity. this can also show that past relationships are effecting you in the present, thus causing you to feel regret or remorse for previous choices.
i also did a final card, asking for an overall explanation of this time period for sam and what it entails. aka what's the general vibe for him for the next six months?
final card: page of swords. this card is interesting bc it shows an intellectual connection between partners or in relationships, but a lack of emotional connection. there might be a lot of heady discussions but not much emotional intimacy.
so… what does all of this mean for sam and his love life?
there are two paths i can explain this: one with him in a relationship, and one where he's not.
him in a relationship: sam is a bit messy emotionally rn. that makes a lot of sense since obviously coming out of a long term relationship like he did, he's probably not really emotionally ready to connect to someone yet. which… is kinda dumb idea then to get into a relationship, but i digress. he's gonna go thru an up and down period where sometimes he'll feel good and then the next month not so much. and if he plans to stick with his current partner for the long term, he needs to buckle down and express himself and what he wants. bc how this reads is that she is very much aware what she wants, and he has no idea (which is literally not surprising at all to me lol) so… if he wants her to stick around, he's gotta put in the work.
him not in a relationship: sam is still messy emotionally lol he doesn't know what he truly wants, bc while he's down to connect with ppl, he's not ready to emotional connect. so it's gonna cause him to connect with some, but then feel isolated bc he isn't going the distance to really connect. and if he really wants to make a connection in a romantic sense, he has to be willing to share what's going on in his head. if he's not willing to do that…. he won't yield the results he wants in the end.
and since i know someone is gonna ask me, do i think him and his girl are gonna stay together/still be together by june/july? eh… depends. if he actually puts the work in, along with her of course, then yes. it's gonna be a roller coaster of emotions, and if he's not down to ride… they won't last. or at least it's gonna be messy and unpleasant and no one really wants something like that as a relationship.
this all being said: DON'T TAKE MY WORD AS LAW. things changes, nothing is permanent. these cards are merely a suggestion of what's to come, not what is currently happening. so, please don't take this as proof of things going bad for him and k. let the man have his fun, and just read this as entertainment. okie dokie? cool.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
i was curious as to what (possibly) the occultist saw in snc's future, especially for the next six months. so, i did my own tarot card reading.
honestly, i thought my reading would be nice and pleasant or would just basically show something entirely different but…. oh boy, the guys are in for it. but idk if it's demon related.
disclaimer: obviously idk what the occultist said to snc, minus the tiny fragment they shared on twitter. so, idk how close to her reading i am. also if you are someone that doesn't believe in tarot reading, or thinks that this is all bs, or that i shouldn't be doing one on snc bc they didn't agree to it, or maybe you don't want me to do a reading in the case that it ends up being bad for them - i get it. you're valid to think that. that being said, don't read this then. this is for pure entertainmet purposes only. take everything i say with a grain of salt. i don't claim to be right, i'm just telling you what the cards are telling me. i'm an extreme novice just having fun.
okay, this is definitely gonna be a long one, so strap in lol
i think for this reading, i'm gonna give the briefest descriptions of the cards, bc i feel like that's why these readings, while i'm writing them, feel super long and just genuinely are. that means that if a card is in reverse, i'm just going to explain it as it means reversed, not what it means upright along with reversed.
as i've stated in many readings before, i use this website and some books that i own on tarot to get a better understand of the cards since i'm not super memorized on them. obviously someone might read these cards a slightly different way, so if you are someone that does do tarot readings, feel free to send in how you interpret these cards !
okay, so the first question i asked was "what are the next six months of snc's lives gonna look like?" the reason for that specific of a question is bc in their tweet they talked about the occultist seeing the next six months being filled with sadness and heartache for them. so i wanted to hone in on that specific time period and see what was coming at them.
now, i'll be honest. highkey i thought i wasn't gonna get anything remotely negative. maybe a hiccup or two, but nothing quite like what i got. again, i'm gonna give the briefest of run downs on the cards so i suggest doing more research if you are interested.
i ended up getting eleven cards. the first one was 8 of pentacles. this card means putting a lot of hard work and focus into the next period of your life. but this doesn't mean it in a negative, just more that you have to buckle down and get things done.
the second card was the 9 of pentacles reversed. this card means financial issues. even tho you should be in a spot where you can relax financially, you can't for whatever reason. one of the interesting things that the site said was that this could also be showing a lack of work/life balance, which… let's be honest, snc don't have.
the third card was the 8 of swords. this card is overall a warning to not make important decisions right now. basically, you're in a situation that you can't change or feel helpless in. it can also mean that the fate or god you handed over control to isn't "helping" you like you think it should be.
the fourth card was the ace of cups. this is a new beginning card, like all aces. and it's about letting go of emotional baggage and starting fresh. this card is usually a sign of overcoming an emotional loss or something major that hurt you deeply.
the fifth card was the ace of swords reversed. this is yet another card saying not to make any major or hasty decisions. your thoughts are confused and unsure, and your lack of clarity isn't a good time to make decisions with. this is also a call to try and be rational when you do anything.
the sixth card was 10 of swords reversed. this card is interesting bc it appeared in their friendship reading. this is about defeat, but in it's finality. basically, you've hit rock bottom, but now realize that since you are there, there is no where else to go but up.
the seventh card was the queen of cups reversed. this is showing a lack of emotional sync. and bc your emotions are out of whack, you shouldn't trust them bc you might overreact. this is also a time of high stress.
the eighth card was the 7 of wands reversed. this about feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities. this card can also mean that you feel like you are being judged and being compared too much to others, which is adding on to the stress you feel.
the ninth card was the ace of pentacles reversed. another sign of financial loss. this is a hella warning to not take risks or make rushed decisions.
the tenth card was the queen of swords reversed. this card means that you are thinking too much with your heart/emotions and that this is a time for you to be objective. this also heeds the warning that while you might want to isolate, this could be taken the wrong way with by others so to be open.
and the last card was the magician, and omg i can't believe how weirdly important this card is (and i'll explain why). so this card is telling you to tap into your full potential and that great change is coming. new things are coming your way.
so…. what does all of this mean?
snc, assuming that nothing changes and everything plays out like this is entailing, they are going to go thru a major financial loss - or at least have the possibility of doing so. they are going to be overworked, stressed out, emotionally in the shitter, and losing money for one reason or another. there might be a time or two where things will look better, but it can and might go back to being bad. the magician card, however, at least shows a light at the end of the tunnel. that while the months might be shit, as long as they keep persevering, they will overcome the problems they faced.
according to snc, the occultist claimed that something negative was attached to them. and what is very interesting is while i was writing this, snc posted a video on xplrclub with the occultist. i won't give too much away, but the one thing that stuck out was that she said at the very end "it's time for you guys to become magicians now." which…… highkey made me almost shit myself bc clearly she also saw this card in their future lol
my personal feeling is that snc don't technically have an attachment, like a demon or something. but i do think a negative cloud could be hanging over them and is just draining them. and bc of this, it will lead to some possible in-fighting between them. this negative energy might also want to see them fail or see them get into a negative spot in their life bc obviously it will be fed better off of that energy.
so i also did some follow up questions to this initial one. the next reading i did, i asked "what do snc need to know", assuming i could tell them or give them any message.
the first card was the world reversed. this is showing an emptiness towards your successes, being unfulfilled despite financial comfort, and even tho you accomplished a bunch you still don't feel like you have.
the second card - the page of wands. have courage, you have a lot of drive so go out there and show the world it.
the third card - the queen of wands reversed. this is showing a lack of motivation in a career or a lot of obstacles at work. this is telling you to not let these things stop you.
the fourth card - 2 of wands. keep moving forward with your plans. keep progressing.
the fifth card - ace of cups reversed. in the first reading, we had this upright and now it's reversed. this is about something that was once bringing you joy no longer doing so, a lack of creativity. just an overall loss of some sort, a showing of emotional instability.
the six card - the queen of swords reversed. this card came up before so it was interesting seeing it again.
the final card was the ace of pentacles reversed. and again, this card was also in the previous reading.
i think what the cards are telling me (to tell snc, i guess) is that what they need to do is a) not take any financial risks bc it's not gonna end well for them (or at least be very aware of what they are doing/make a list of pros and cons when they plan to make a major deal), b) try their best to keep their emotions in check bc the amount of stress they are going to be under (or are currently putting on themselves) is going to cause them to lose it emotionally or go thru a lot of pain, and c) …they might want to consider taking a break. i know, shocking to ask those two to chill the fuck out in any way, shape, or form. but i think it might be for the best. while i think it's great they want to shoot for the stars, they might be aiming too high. or they are giving themselves too much to worry about when there is enough on their plate. you do not have to reinvent the wheel, especially when you have as loyal of a fanbase as snc does.
or, crazy concept, if you plan to do all this crazy shit, you NEED to rely on other ppl as well. it can't just be the two of you. you both can't do everything all at once. you're not gonna make it, and it's gonna put a strain on your mental health and your friendship.
i don't see snc breaking up, or anything like that. but i could possibly see one of them (my guess colby… sorry) needing a break of some sort half way into the year. or at least a couple months in with the amount of things the boys seem to want to get done this year. and i can see that possibly either affecting their friendship and or their business bc you can't have one without the other. this isn't a one man show.
i think this is also telling them that they might want to consider changing things up, especially if they start to feel bored with the content they are making. this could also mean possibly going solo or doing content outside of one another. now, i know they kinda teased about going back to abandoned videos. my things is, i love them dearly, and i loved those videos. but did you pay attention to how i worded it?? LOVED, not love. that content is in past for a reason. while i understand it's a fan favorite, maybe they shouldn't go back to it. realistically, even if they do, it ain't gonna be the same as it once was. also, sorry, but yall are old lol you're 26 years old. i don't want to see almost 30 year old men breaking and entering. especially previously convicted ones. like, nothing about that screams content to me. i know they would most likely find a legal way of doing abandoned places, but the charm of xplr was the fact that everything was little bit dangerous, a little bit risky. so taking those elements out kinda defeats the whole point in doing abandoned videos. not fully, of course, but a huge amount of the overall vibe just won't be there in that content.
i also asked some follow up yes/no questions, and i do find it interesting what cards kept appearing. now depending on what info you read up on asking yes or no questions - some say each of the major arcana cards have a yes or no meaning. but the way i do it is whether the cards are in upright or reversal - upright being yes, reversed being no.
i asked if they had attachments, it said yes. that's not a shocker really. i asked if this year was gonna be good for them and it gave an immediate no (like the card jumped out when i asked) and then i asked again and another no came out. so… that kinda sucks, but that can also change bc i did ask are there things snc can do to change this outcome and it said yes three times. one of those cards was the magician card too.
i then asked is their financial situation or job in trouble and it gave me a yes and no. and that to me tells me that while they might have problems with their finances (clearly as both readings said) i don't think they are in any major jeopardy. i then asked if their friendship was in trouble… and it said yes. now, while that is concerning, it doesn't seem like snc are gonna break up to me. they might take a break, maybe even go off and do other things outside of each other (which is something i talked about in their previous reading here) but i don't see them just completely cutting each other out of one another's life. and bc, again, things can change.
if they actually take breaks, rely on others for help, change up the content if and when they start to feel bored, and emotionally center themselves - they're gonna be okay. they might loose some money, but they'll be alright.
the magician card appeared a lot when i asked questions about them and i think that's the prime thing with snc - they are very headstrong. they go out and get what they want. their friendship motivates one another to keep going, and i think that passion for both life and the careers they have is gonna keep them going as long as they stay confident in one another and their abilities. but they also need to be able to have an open conversation with one another before things hit a wall.
also please take a fucking break when you need one. and i don't mean go walk around the block and come back, i mean like a week off or something. if you mentally aren't there, you're gonna lose it eventually.
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golbrocklovely · 5 months
Have you ever posted that one tarot reading? Or are you gonna do another one?
i always meant to post it (or finish writing it up first and then post it) but i just got so busy with life and writing fics and whatnot.
so i think i'll do a newer one, if yall want me to. but i'm gonna focus more on their general lives and what's in store for the rest of the year, rather than one main thing like their love lives.
plus with the amount of ppl shitting on the girls, it's probably best to talk about something else lol
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golbrocklovely · 7 months
I loooove your tarot card readings you do! It’s one of my favorites on this blog! I vote! 💓😃
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okay... so you guys want a tarot reading sksks
i gotchu. i'll post one tomorrow at some point. or latest on monday.
i'm gonna post one that i had started writing up back in early january but never got around to finishing.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
wow, snc made things more dramatic and now i definitely have to write this up today lol
okay. so, i do and have done the occasional tarot card reading on snc. you can see all the past ones i've done here. but i haven't done one in a while.
then everything happened on colby's bday and curiosity got the better of me so i had to see what was happening.
DISCLAIMER: i am an extreme novice at tarot cards. not to mention each card can have a multitude of meanings depending on who is reading them. this is just what i believe the cards are telling me. i went into this reading super positive and light, just wanting to know what the universe could tell me.
that being said, if you don't agree with the reading or with me doing readings on snc, i get that. totally understandable. you don't have to read this, especially if it's gonna upset you. feel free to ignore this. this was all in good fun and good faith. at the end of the day, i'm not claiming to be right or that everything that is said is 1000% factual. this is all for entertainment purposes only. take this with a grain of salt, and have a good day :)
HOLY SHIT THIS IS LONG so strap in lol
so i ended up doing two readings on sam and colby. one card in particular popped up in both readings, and i think that card is super significant to them: queen of wands.
i'll come back to that card after everything is said and done.
so the first reading, i asked "what's snc's current friendship like/going thru?" these are the cards i got. i'll give a bit of a description of each card and then i'll tell you how i think they relate snc/the situation that is happening. also, i use this site for most of my interpretations/how i understand these cards. i also have some books i use occasionally.
first card i got - the hermit. initial thought this was sam, since it's one of his birth cards. but looking at the reading as a whole, it's not him. or at least i don't feel it is. about the hermit: needing to be alone, to reflect, clear your mind of everyday problems and whatnot. looking inward to understand the shit you're facing now. reclusive.
second card - five of pentacles reversed. when i used that website, one of the things that stuck out to me that it said: FORGIVENESS. the card itself (in reverse) is about the worst being over, but not expecting things to change overnight or immediately. regaining stability.
third card - page of wands reversed. interesting card in the reverse, bc it's about making hasty decisions, and moving on but only bc you're impatient. moving on to more meaningful projects.
fourth card - queen of wands. i'm just gonna quote the site bc i like how they word this card: "…depict a person of extreme focus and fiery passion. She is courageous and individualistic, though at times she may appear self-centered. They have a positive and an uplifting energy; they represent someone who is willing to be by your side and stand up for you."
fifth card - ten of swords reversed. this card is about hitting rock bottom, realizing you're there, but also coming to the conclusion that there is nothing but up from here. starting anew, but you having to take the first step to get yourself out of the situation.
sixth and final card - ten of cups. super positive. super great card to have. emotional satisfaction, happiness, joy. all that good stuff. one thing to note, the way the website worded it "…satisfaction in your family, relationship or companion. It represents an idyllic state of comfort, harmony, peace and love which makes you feel like you are in paradise."
okay, so what does all of this mean??
how i'm reading it (which again, someone else could read this a bit differently, so take what i say as you will) is the first two cards are colby. initially, like i said, i thought the hermit was sam. but looking at the overall reading, i don't think he fits into that card as of right now. the third and fourth card are sam. and the last two cards are the problem and solution.
so, i think that colby is feeling a bit like a recluse. or at least wants to be one. if you know anything about colby, you'll know that he likes his alone time. he likes to be by himself. and i think this past year, he didn't really get to be alone. he was always either doing something with sam (like editing, filming, travelling, partying, literally living together, ect) or he was with other ppl. and i think this, combine with the fact he was alone for christmas (but not in a sad way - he decided to be alone and take a vacay) shows that he wants to have down time again. something that maybe he felt like he didn't get to have this past year. and i think that card mixed with the five of pentacles reversed, shows that maybe he wants to gain some stability back. he feels off center. and he'll be able to gain it back, but he needs to share how he feels with sam.
which leads into sam's cards. i don't think it's a stretch to say that sam is a workaholic. colby is too, ngl. but i think colby also likes to take breaks, to have down time. sam on the other hand isn't like that. he seems like the type to think a three day weekend is enough time off. sam constantly needs to be on the move, constantly needs to be working. he doesn't want down time bc he's too jittery. the page of wands reversed shows he's impatient currently and just wants to jump back into work. that the two weeks he took off for christmas was far too much time and now he wants to start working again. move on from what they did last year and become bigger and better this year, even if colby isn't ready (hence the hasty part of it all). the queen of wands also shows he's extremely passionate about the work he's gonna get into this year. he's excited for what's to come, which could explain why he wants to jump into it so quickly.
the ten of swords reversed - this is what the fight has sorta caused, in a way. or rather, how things feel now. and the ten of cups is how things are gonna play out once things have settled and snc have worked things over.
this next part is TRULY just me assuming so again… salt grains lol
i think colby wants to slow down a bit on the workload. or at least distribute it better so that it doesn't feel like a mountain. sam, on the other hand, sees colby wanting to slow down as almost quitting, which ISN'T WHAT COLBY WANTS. colby just wants to be able to have a vacation this year, and let it be a vacation. not a work vacation where they have to film or edit, but a legit "relax, do nothing" vacation. i think this past year colby felt overwhelmed by the workload and most likely wanted to talk about this sooner. but sam kept pushing it off, saying "oh we'll talk about it later. just work these next couple weeks and we'll talk about it then." but that time never came. so it most likely came to a head when colby got back from vacation and sam, the workaholic, wanted to immediately jump back into doing work, even tho the new year hadn't even started. colby told him no, and that's how the fight began. now they're both feeling a bit petty, a bit upset with one another. which is why both new years and colby's bday they didn't hang out.
but all is well, bc clearly with the ten of cups - things will work out. they will find their balance again. it's just gonna take some time.
the second reading i did, basically reiterated the same thing here. maybe explained some stuff further, but the overall general jist is the same.
i ended up asking for cards representing each of them, plus their problem and then the solution. i ended up again with six cards.
and i just wanted to add bc it is important - six is a fantastic number with friendships. literally the embodiment of heart. it's an empathy number. okay just wanted to add that in.
sam was represented by the king of swords - head over heart, remain objective, stick to facts. the website also said that this card showing up mean you should reason with others.
colby was represented by six of cups - wanting to return to happier times, nostaligic, missing what you once had. looking into the past to find the answers you need now.
the problem was shown as the four of cups reversed - wanting to live in the moment. starting anew, seeing the beauty in life. this card also being the same suit as colby to me feels extremely connected aka how he feels.
solution - three cards came up for it. first being nine of swords - fear and anxiety. destructive mind, possibly something that has troubled you before (dear lord this card now is CLICKING FOR ME. you'll see why in a minute). next card was the king of wands reversed - rash, hasty decisions, no restraint, pushy and overbearing. and the final card, again, the queen of wands.
so again, what does all of this mean?
i think that the main issue that's been plaguing colby for a hot minute is that he feels like they are spending all their time working and not enough time both living in the moment and/or getting time to relax (which he briefly mentioned wanting to do, living in the moment, on a recent podcast on xplrclub). sam, on the other hand, doesn't mind the lack of vacation or time off bc (and this is no offense to him) he lives to work, not works to live. and if he's happy like that, that's great. but he can't expect colby to feel the same way all of the time. colby needs time off, but sam sees that request as almost insulting - like colby wants to stop working when they are in the prime of their careers. maybe colby also wants to venture off and do something on his own, and sam doesn't like the sound of that either bc that would take away time for him to work on SNC Enterprises.
colby misses a time when life was easier. but i think he also misses when sam used to be a bit… kinder? maybe more open minded? something like that. bc, and to relate back to that one card that i said was clicking, they've basically had this conversation before. a couple years back, like 2016/17, snc along with nate and alex went on a trip together, one of the yearly boys trips, and sam tweeted out an apology to colby saying this:
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so clearly, this is an reoccurring issue in their friendship. sam gets too wrapped up in the business side of things, and all colby wants is his friend back. which i think is why colby is both feeling nostalgic (both for old sam, so to speak, and also just the previous less stressful life he once had) and reclusive. he wants his alone time, but he also wants to be able to have things work better than what they are currently. sam, i think, is a bit blindsided by the business of it all, and is not allowing himself to see his friend hurting, even if it's subtle. sam isn't great at expressing his emotions, he's said that himself before, and i think he's ignoring colby's emotions bc it could affect everything. but it doesn't have to get that way as long as they work things out. not to mention, but i think sam is also scared to lose colby which is why he might be ignoring what is happening and instead just trying to focus on working, which is something he can control.
regardless, i do believe they will work things out. the queen of wands i think is a great representation of them when they are at their best: fiery, passionate, but individuals. i think in the mists of all of this working, they've lost themselves to some degree. they work best when they have outlets outside of one another. it makes sense; everyone needs time to themselves and away from their friends. we all love our alone time. i think these past years snc have been so wrapped up in their business and growing, that they've lost time for themselves. and while sam is able to "function" like this, most likely bc he's ignoring his own needs, colby cannot. so all he wants is a bit of slow down period for them both, which will definitely be beneficial in the long run. sam just isn't seeing it that way rn.
i also know that a lot of ppl that read this card usually see it as a feminine card - or the sign that a woman is coming into your life, but what i kind of interpret it as is that they both need to allow themselves to feel, to get in touch with their feminine side, and open up to one another. that way, they can work passionately without feeling like they're drowning.
TLDR: snc possibly had a fight bc colby is overwhelmed with the workload they had this past year (and might want to do things outside of SNC Enterprises). sam is a bit insulted by that bc he's a workaholic. they will eventually work on this and make it thru, but it will most likely take some time.
a slight add on to all of this, i also have been dabbling in asking yes/no questions, which you can in fact do. i've seen multiple different ways to ask yes/no questions - some just involve looking up to see if a certain "means" yes or no, some do whole spreads and get a general idea - but what method i found to be the most easiest for me is just shuffling the deck and seeing if the card that falls out is either upright or in reverse. upright yes, reverse no, maybe being the card falling out sideways. some of the answer might be inconclusive, which just means to me that i shuffled for a long time and either nothing came out or i got too many cards (like half the deck) falling out, and i interpret that as the answer being a bit muddy or ever-changing and thus can't be answered rn.
idk if i truly believe in this, but i find it interesting and fun. so… here are the questions i asked lol
did they fight - yes are they upset with one another - yes x3 (three cards fell out all facing upright… so i'll take it as a definite lol) is it about stas - no is it bc of something colby wants (possibly a bit of seperating/going his own way) - yes does sam feel abandoned/left behind - no does colby want to take a break - inconclusive does he want to slow down - yes is that why they had a fight - yes is there more to the fight than just this - yes...? (it was a bit hard to pinpoint bc i kept getting so many cards, most upright tho. but realistically, no fight is ever really just about one single thing so… take this as you will) is colby scared of losing his youth - yes is sam scared of losing his youth - yes will they work out their fight/differences - yes and no (literally two cards at a time came out and said both yes and no) is it gonna take some time - inconclusive they still love and care about each other right - immediate yes will they come to a conclusion even if they have to agree to disagree - yes is colby upset with stas - maybe / yes (again two cards) is that why he didn't hang out with everyone on his bday - no (which makes sense based on the other yes/no question)
okay, feel free to send in any asks about this. if you made it this far, congrats. you deserve a trophy lol
and again, this was all for shits and gigs. entertainment purposes only. if you don't agree, totally fine. just don't send me hate :)
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golbrocklovely · 7 months
Do you think you will ever do another tarot card reading on Sam &Colby?
i have actually done a couple readings on the boys but i haven't posted them, just bc i keep forgetting to. but also sometimes i do readings out of my own curiosity sake and don't think to make a post about it lol
but i mean, if ppl want me to do a reading on them, i can. it just takes me a while to get it out there haha
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
this whole post will be about colby and the tarot reading i did on him. i figured i would separate the readings into snc, sam, and then colby just bc i have so much to say.
so if you wanna know what colby's gonna be going thru and his love life… read on.
disclaimer: i understand there are ppl/fans that do tarot readings and personally don't believe that you can do a reading on someone that didn't a) agree to one or b) isn't there with you. and while i understand that, i just need everyone to know that this is just for fun. i go into with all the positivity, and this is really just for me in the end. i never claim to be right, i'm not pretending that this is the truth. this is just for entertainment purposes only. if you don't like it, feel free to not read. please take whatever i say in this post with a grain of salt.
(the other readings will linked at the bottom)
please go read snc's reading first to get an understanding of the cards/deck i used.
i asked about colby and how he's doing rn. what's very interesting to me is that a lot of the cards i got for him were major arcana cards. so what i interpret that as - colby's about to go on a big journey himself. a lot of change is coming his way, in a major way. however, i don't see anything bad happening to him in case you're nervous. i more see it as colby might actually start putting his foot down when it comes to certain aspects of his life that he's let slide for a long time.
also hilariously this will relate to the first card, but i got so many cards for colby. sam i had to really pry to some degree to get anything to pop out. colby was like an open book.
the first card: shadow. major arcana, related to the moon. one of the things this card notes is that right now your psychic sensitivities might be too open bc they are so strong, so you might want to dial it back a bit. and that really lines up with colby. this card talks about emotionally feeling a lot, and how a lot in your life has changed. this is the time to explore the dark sides of yourself, the things you've ignored for a while. but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. it's not all bad. things are changing, but there is hope on the horizon.
second card: foundation and achievements. got this card in snc's reading. peace is finally gonna come in colby's life after all of the hectic shit he's gone thru. good things are coming his way, and this is the time to celebrate that.
third card: authority. this is a major arcana card, related to the emperor card. this came up in sam's reading. i feel like this card, especially the way it's described in the booklet, is a representation of sam. sam is the logical one, according to colby himself. and i think colby relies on sam a lot when things aren't going well for him. so i think this will be a time where colby might rely on sam or ask him for help on something. i think they both lean on each other when things get rough and i think this is just a sign of that. i think this might also be when both of them are going thru something that they need to solve together. i'm not sure what that could be, but i don't see it being super major.
fourth card: balance. major arcana, related to justice. this card is interesting to me. this is a call to colby to change things up. that there is something in his life that is throwing his life off balance. he needs to remove something from his current life to make things even again. i'm not entirely sure what that could be, but the booklet gives an idea of cutting ppl out or changing career paths. it could be that colby needs to cut certain characters out of his life to have peace, it could be he needs to changes some habits he has. regardless, something needs to change or his life will continue to feel uneven.
fifth card: power. major arcana, similar to strength. this card is letting colby know that while he's going thru a lot, he has the strength - both inner and externally - to get thru anything that is in his way. it might not feel like it at times, but don't doubt your abilities. you can make it thru, you just gotta keep pushing.
sixth card: truth. major arcana, related to judgement. it's interesting that this card is similar to balance. colby needs to make a change. this is the call to do that immediately. to pause and look back on the past and really see what needs to get gone. but it also calls for haste and to not do anything too crazy. this is about a spiritual awakening, that truth will finally come to light. so while balance was telling him "hey, something here is off." this card is saying "here is what was off."
seventh card: sacrifice. major arcana, related to the hanged man. this card represents changes coming to colby's life. again, this one is about cutting things out. this is more about reflection tho. basically looking around and reflecting on what you have removed, or maybe what still needs to be let go.
eigth card: fulfillment of wishes. this card appeared earlier in sam's reading. this is a great card to have, especially after everything that came before. basically, this card signifies that all of the sacrifice and changes colby had to make are now steering him in the right direction and good things are coming his way. all the things he wants will be coming towards him bc he made the changes that were necessary.
ninth card: financial and material changes. this card also appeared in sam's reading. again, i don't see it as a major loss for snc or colby specifically. it kinda just feels like maybe a bad business dealing or a project falling thru that they invested in. not entirely sure. but there will be a loss of some form dealing with money.
final card: universe. major arcana, similar to the world. great card to get. it's basically saying that universe is on colby's side. good things will continue to happen to him as long as he continues to keep going and tapping into all of his abilities.
overall for colby, when i was reading thru these cards i got this feeling that while obviously major things are going to be happening in his life, i feel like colby is going to go thru some big emotional changes. granted, i don't know for certain so take what i say lightly. but something colby mentioned during a livestream is that he very casually explained to fans that he doesn't really know if he allowed himself to feel and truly realize his cancer diagnosis (something i mentioned in snc's reading). and i think that is completely insane, but not for colby. while colby has talked about being emotional, but also being emotionally held back, i think the major overarching issue is that he doesn't allow himself to let it all out. he keeps a lot of things bottled for one reason or another. as someone that used to do things like that (and still does from time to time), all that holding in does is eat you alive. you think in your head it would be easier to keep it to yourself, but in reality it's making things worse for you. and while his cancer diagnosis definitely made him pause his life for a bit, maybe take into account the things he wasn't doing right, i don't think he allowed himself to really process what he actually went thru.
and i think this journey he's about to go on is going to do that. i think he might, surprisingly, allow himself to feel bad. the first card in the booklet, which i forgot to mention, talks about letting the tears flow. and so i think colby's gonna have an epiphany and realize "holy shit i could have died" or "omg i went thru something traumatic" and that's gonna hit him like a train. and i think that will start the journey he needs to go on allowing himself to open up and be vulnerable with those around him or those he wants to be that way with. i think for too long he has forced his heart closed bc he doesn't want to get hurt, but in the end all that did was make him feel worse. and he coped with it bc it was what it was. but now, he has time to reflect and realize that isn't what he wants. i think this is also a call to him to maybe…. crazy concept…. take a break. i said this earlier this year when i did their reading, but besides the fact as a fan i know they need a break - the cards also say it. colby especially. that man has been thru a lot, and i think he will slowly realize "you know what, maybe i actually want a real vacation and not just a work one" or "maybe i don't want to work so often that by the time i'm 30 i want to retire forever". so i think this whole reading is showing colby realizing things need to change and him finally taking the stepping stones to do that.
and of course, i had to ask about his love life. surprise to no one, he ain't getting a gf lol BUT he does seem to be heading in the right direction.
first card: moving on. when it comes to colby's love life, i've always had my ideas, my theories. and when i've brought up his ex and how he's not over her, i know a lot of you have argued "how does he still have feelings for her/hung up on her" and the thing is, my argument has always been his feelings for her are gone. that's for sure. but the impact she made on his life and his heart have never left. there is a reason why he's tweeted out "can't get close to anyone" and "starting to feel the way i never thought i could again". while emotionally he has no connection to her, mentally he still does. my bet is that he never got closure from whatever transpired between them. and it's taken him a long time to accept that he never will. but this card shows that he's FINALLY gonna let things go. and not just say that, but truly mean it. and this tied in with his journey in the other reading is probably the reason why he can finally take these steps. what's interesting is that this card isn't only about mentally moving on, but physically too. like physically moving yourself from where you are to somewhere else. like across a body of water…. fascinating.
snc may or may not have mentioned in passing that they wanted to move to london for a bit just to get out of the US and do some editing there. change of scenery. could this be colby getting with some english girlies… who's to say.
second card: solar plexus chakra. again, always strange when i do get cards like this since they come up so irregularly. but this is calling to colby's solar plex aka where his feelings are stored. something isn't completely right with them. they're gonna be off balance. how i interpreted this is that, it's possible that colby will finally allow himself to move on to dating. he will finally stop looking at the girls he with and think "she could be just like me ex and hurt me" which is why he never gets a deep connection. and clearly, his heart wants one. but i think this card is also him being like "i might be back in the dating world, but i ain't about to put all my feelings out there" which i get and is fine. but clearly he wants to make a connection. which hopefully he will allow himself to do.
final card: triumph. major arcana similar to the chariot. this card is basically saying the things that colby wants he can get as long as he finds a balance. as long as he understands deeply what he wants, he can move forward and get it. now, obviously i don't know what colby wants in his love life. hell, he may not even want one right now. which if that's the case, he will certainly get it. but if he does want a gf, as long as he understands what that entails for him and his life, he can get it.
do i see colby getting a gf any time soon? not really. colby still has a lot he needs to work on in terms of himself and his inner demons. but i think he's headed in the right direction to start to date again, and finally move on from his past heartaches. he's heading in the right direction to get what he wants, and if that means a gf - he can do it. but he also has to allow himself to heal, stop doubting others, and open himself up to new experiences. baby steps are needed rn, but all good things come in time.
<< snc's reading || sam's reading >>
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
it's that time again where i do a tarot reading on snc just bc i want to and also bc i felt the need to do one. i also did one for sam and for colby. i separated them bc good god i have a lot to say apparently lol
i did one earlier this year on snc (linked here) and i thought i might as well do one for the rest of the year and see how they're doing, what's coming up for them, and their love lives.
disclaimer: i understand there are ppl/fans that do tarot readings and personally don't believe that you can do a reading on someone that didn't a) agree to one or b) isn't there with you. and while i understand that, i just need everyone to know that this is just for fun. i go into with all the positivity, and this is really just for me in the end. i never claim to be right, i'm not pretending that this is the truth. this is just for entertainment purposes only. if you don't like it, feel free to not read. please take whatever i say in this post with a grain of salt.
(the other readings will be linked at the bottom)
so, i believe i've told you guys before but i have multiple tarot decks, most of which are all just the traditional one. but i have deck that's called 'the psychic tarot'. it used to be the one i'd used the most, just bc it explores different things outside of the traditional tarot cards, but i haven't used it in years. however a couple days ago, i got this overwhelming urge to do a reading on snc with this deck specifically.
to give a bit of backstory on this deck, it has major arcana cards (which are based off of the traditional major arcana cards but named differently), and then the minor arcana cards are separated into four different types: physical, emotions, mental, and spirit. there's also chakra cards as well. a lot of these cards are self-explanitory, but the booklet that comes with the cards does give a bit of a better understanding for them too. so i'll be using a bit of the booklet and also just what i personally feel the cards are saying.
now, onto the reading:
the first question i asked was "how is the rest of this year gonna look like for snc?" i ended up getting seven cards, and how i read that is the first one is currently how they're feeling, and then the rest are what the next six months will be like for them.
first card: trapped in fear. again, a lot of these cards are self explanatory. this one is telling me that snc are both stuck rn bc mentally they aren't sure of the future. and all of that makes perfect sense, given that colby is still up in the air with his health and whether or not he might have to do more chemo. so it would make sense for them both to not know where things lie as of rn. it's also interesting that this card came up just in time for sam to send out an email talking about fear playing a huge role in not moving forward.
speaking of, the second card: positive movement forward. things will work out for them, work related wise, and they'll have the go ahead to get started on projects that they've been holding back on. overall a good card to get after trapped in fear.
third card: patience. this is a major arcana card, similar to the temperance card. this is telling me that snc, most likely, will jump headfirst back into things and kinda want to make up for lost time. but they're gonna need to be patient bc while they want to get everything done, they can't rush it all in one sitting. the booklet also says that this is a call to make balance in your life, which is something that comes up later too in one of their seperate readings. and as we all know, snc don't know how to have a work life balance lol
fourth card: partnership and alliances. at first i thought this was about them both relying on one another, but it seems as if it's actually saying that they might have some new ppl coming into their lives. possibly new collaborators, maybe new business partners. just new ppl are going to be coming in, and they should be open to those experiences bc they will be beneficial for them.
fifth card: foundation and achievements. this card immediately follows the partnership and alliances card in the deck itself so that's pretty interesting. this card is super positive, basically saying that snc are finally gonna have some peace in their life for a moment. basically everything they have been working on will now give back to them in a way. the booklet also talks about this possibly being the sign of a new home, which eh… idk about that. but maybe it could be about them moving somewhere for a bit of time, like they were doing back in 2021 when they kept going from la to vegas. overall this card is really good for them.
sixth card: mental conflict. now interestingly, this card comes up a couple times, but for one person in particular - sam. now i can only imagine why he would going thru mental conflicts… his life is perfect and totally not completely different lol as the card implies, this is about going thru a lot of stuff mentally. not being in the best headspace. this card basically tells me that someone is not ready to keep pushing forward for whatever reason. that something is holding them back. it might not directly imply to sam, it could be the both of them. they both have had some crazy six months so far. and i have a feeling all of that is gonna catch up to them by the end of the year.
the final card: suffering in silence. again, self explanatory. someone here is not too good at expressing how they're feeling, and bc of that, are slowly suffering in their head. this card applies to both boys, let's be honest. they don't really express how they're feeling all too often to us, so i can only imagine how much they don't do it in their personal lives. but i think this might be a turning point for them. take one of them for example - colby. he said in a podcast, very casually, that he doesn't think this cancer diagnosis has actually hit him yet. which what that means to me is that colby hasn't really accepted that this terrible thing has happened to him. and bc of that, i think when he finally gets back into the swing of things, back to "normal" it's gonna hit him like a train. same thing with sam, he's gone thru a lot of change recently. colby's diagnosis, breaking up with kat… all of that has transpired and while i do think he has accepted it as reality, i don't think he's really allowed himself to feel upset about it. maybe at times, sure. but not majorly.
what does all of this mean? i think the rest of this year is gonna be good for them. things seem to be working in their favor again, which is great. and they seem to be getting back into the swing of things, back to their daily routines before all of this happened. however, bc they never have allowed themselves to fully FEEL what they've gone thru, it's gonna catch up to them by the end of the year. look, as much as i would love for snc to post a podcast or just a video in general letting it all out, i understand that might not happen. imma be honest, idk how i would feel seeing them cry on camera. god knows with how emotional i am anymore, i might ball my eyes out.
however, i do think at the very least, snc need to do some work behind the scenes on their own and allow themselves to really feel. bc i think, if by the end of the year they haven't done the mental and emotional work, it's gonna catch up to them. and it's gonna hinder their business. i wouldn't be surprised if by november/december they take a hiatus or an ACTUAL break just bc after everything they've been thru, they'll need it.
i have high hopes, but this all relies on snc to do the work.
<< sam's reading || colby's reading >>
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
this whole post will be about sam and the tarot reading i did on him. i figured i would separate the readings into snc, sam, and then colby just bc i have so much to say.
so if you wanna know what sam's gonna be going thru and his love life… read on.
disclaimer: i understand there are ppl/fans that do tarot readings and personally don't believe that you can do a reading on someone that didn't a) agree to one or b) isn't there with you. and while i understand that, i just need everyone to know that this is just for fun. i go into with all the positivity, and this is really just for me in the end. i never claim to be right, i'm not pretending that this is the truth. this is just for entertainment purposes only. if you don't like it, feel free to not read. please take whatever i say in this post with a grain of salt.
(the other readings will be at the bottom)
please read snc's reading first bc that's where i explain the cards/deck.
for sam's reading, the first question i asked was how is he doing currently?
i find it intriguing that he's going thru a lot of physical change as showed in the cards; that aligns with him working out a lot more and really physically pushing himself. all of that is great and he seems to find solace in doing all of this. but i have an inclination that all of this physical work is just a mask for how he's truly feeling.
the first card: recognition and reward. this is about him finally getting his flowers for all of the work he's doing. i feel like while this could just mean literally (aka he's looking a lot better bc he's working out so much or him starting therapy) i think this also applies to the business side of his life. i think he's getting recognized - maybe by peers, business partners, colby - for stepping up and doing a good job. this could also be about the fans noticing him more, which is always a positive thing.
second card: mental conflict. this is not the last time this card shows up for sam. it also appears in his love life reading which makes total sense. as i've mentioned before, snc don't really express emotionally what's going on with them. and i'm not asking them to do that with fans all the time or even ever. but while you can lie to fans, you can't lie to yourself. i think interestingly neither snc like being pitied, so all of this bad shit happening to them and then having fans reach out - i think - is a bit overwhelming to them. to relate this back to sam, he's going thru it. while he might be physically moving forward, mentally he's stuck. there's a lot going on in his head, and he's not entirely sure how to take the next steps.
third card: fulfillment of wishes. this is a really good card, and it's even better bc it's about emotionally feeling fulfilled as well as in general life. good things are coming sam's way. he might be able to finally catch a break mentally and emotionally, which will lift a weight off of his shoulders.
fourth card: intuition. major arcana card, similar to the high priestess. this card says this is a time to rely on your intuition - take pause, be open, pay attention. now, idk if sam in his life uses his intuition all that often. he feels like the type to only use logic and just "what do i need to get done today". while all of that is fine, this might be the time for him to really hone in on his gut feelings and see life thru those eyes, rather his usual.
fifth card: positive movement forward. this card appeared in snc's reading, so it's nice to see in sam's daily life he will also be experiencing this soon. like i mentioned, this is just about good things coming into your life, and you pushing forward with the things you've wanted to do.
final card: financial and material change. this isn't a great card, but it's not the worse card. this card also appears in colby's reading as well. so i have a feeling that bc things are working well for snc, they might take some risks when it comes to their money, and it won't work out for them. i don't see it being a major loss, just a loss. so it could be a business venture not coming to fruition or something falling apart that causes them to lose money.
overall for sam, i see him in this really weird spot in his life. i think a lot about his life has changed drastically, and this is the time for him to really notice what that means. what is now gone, and how can you move on without it? good things are gonna be coming his way, but if he's too focused on what is now gone, he's not gonna appreciate all the good things. and sam has admitted to this to some degree, so it doesn't seem too far off base.
after this reading, i of course had to ask "how is sam's love life doing/going to be the rest of this year?" what's interesting is that when i asked about this, it took a while for any cards to really jump out, and i really had to dig and ask for more cards. this, to me, shows that sam has this part of himself closed off - which makes total sense. he's going thru it, and maybe doesn't want to explore this side yet. but once he does, this is what he might go thru:
first card: accelerated motion. this card is showing that things are clear for take off for sam. when relating that to his love life, it's clear that this is the time for him to work on himself. your love life is not only who you are dating, but also who you love in general. and you know who probably gets the least amount of love in sam's life? himself. i think this the sign for him to work on himself, that he will have time to really sit down and think thru everything. or will have to make time.
second card: authority. this is a major arcana card, related to the emperor card. this card also appears in colby's reading. i think what's interesting about this card is that it's about honing in your problem solving skills, becoming a leader. but the booklet also says that this can represent a father figure in your life or someone you are close to that is logical. so, i think this card, relating to sam's love life, is showing that he's going to rely on colby or maybe his dad to help him figure himself out. or at least, he might be coming to them with questions that he needs help answering when it comes to the internal shit he's experiencing.
third card: spiritual union. so, when i initially saw this card, it made me immediately think "oh this is about kat" bc this card represents emotional bonds. but i think this card is about ALL emotional bonds sam has in his life. something interesting the booklet says for this card is "relationships are mirror images of your own life". and i've never really thought about that before, but it makes total sense. sam has talked about how he wants to be a better partner, a better friend, a better coworker, a better everything. and i think this card shows that he's gonna tap into his emotional bonds and really pay attention to them, and i'll explain that further in the next card.
fourth card: mental conflict. again, this card came up for sam before. see, this is my theory so obviously idk how correct i am - while sam has definitely taken the steps to better himself and to really work on himself, i don't know how far that journey has actually been. you can say you're working on yourself but not do anything. and i think this card shows that NOW (or later this year) sam will actually sit down and really explore that side of himself. and i think he's gonna realize "holy shit, maybe i wasn't the nicest" or "oh, that was a moment i could have done better" and i think that's gonna cause a lot of mental conflict within himself. no one wants to look at the darker parts of themselves for a laundry list of reasons. but i think for sam to get better, like he claims he wants to, he's gonna have to. and he probably won't like what he finds.
fifth card: heart chakra. i very rarely get chakra cards when i use this deck, so i always find them fascinating. so when chakra cards appear, it's usually a sign that you need to center that part of yourself. that that part is out of whack and you should do something to engage in that area of your body. as the card is about your heart, it obviously applies to your relationships. but one of the main things this card can also mean is HEALING and FORGIVENESS. see, while it's easy to sometimes shit on yourself and blame yourself for everything that went wrong in a situation, you have to extend that belief to also forgiving yourself. you can't change the past, but you can forgive yourself and ask for forgiveness to help yourself move on. and i think this will happen for sam. however i think this (and the next card) are gonna take a while. maybe a couple months, maybe a year or so. it's gonna be a long journey, but it's gonna be worth it.
final card: spiritual strength. this is a great card for sam to end on. this is showing that all his hard work is gonna pay off and that now he has the right tools to heal and move forward. while all the work he put into himself was rough, it was worth it, bc now he's coming out a better and new sam.
for sam's love life, i expected it to be rough - and it definitely is. i don't see him getting a gf anytime soon (obviously) bc he has so much healing and inner work to do. it's gonna take a while for him to feel completely comfortable with himself and this side of his life. but it will be worth it in the end. i can see him really sitting down and working thru everything, and god knows there is a lot of back up that he's been putting off for a while. sam has outright said he's focused more on work than his own life and those around him, and i think this will be the time he truly realizes what that meant. how often did he ignore those that needed him? how many times was he too focused on something that in the long run didn't matter? there's a lot of unanswered things he will have to dig to find. he might reconnect with kat just to help explore that, see what went wrong. and while that will be painful and emotional, it's better to get it done than to be left up in the air. it's gonna be a struggle bus for him for a while, but it will be so good in the end.
<< snc's reading || colby's reading >>
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golbrocklovely · 6 months
Is your tarot card reading still happening? 😊
yeah i'm gonna try to post it this weekend. i've just been super busy the last week with work that i've had no time to write it up.
but it is done. i just gotta write up everything :)
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