#sniff goes good
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I love how this is just a thing the Inspector does in the Lars comics. This chap just closes/covers his eyes so he can have the alibi of "Well, I didn't see them so there was nothing I could do to stop them ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯"
Absolutely legendary behavior. He does everything in his power to keep his arrests to a minimum. And for what? Because he'd rather not arrest his friends? Because of some antithetical moral code? Who knows! I love him for it, though.
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skruttet · 1 year
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Sniff Goes Good - 2/2
Masterpost of translated Lars comics
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flowerbloom-arts · 1 year
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Based on a set of Lars comic panels from a story called "Sniff Goes Good", graciously translated by @/skruttet. I just needed to get my idea of Sniff's dream out of my head before I add it to the long list of other ideas I abandoned.
Explanation under the cut:
Here's the original section of the comic I based this on:
I decided to age Sniff down a bit and emphasize his fear in a more child-like manner, because in my little brain adaptation I like the idea of reframing the story from a satire of virtue signaling to a story about Sniff simply being a neurodivergent child who got scared and tries to be good in a religious lense. There's alot of speculation to be added from here, but it is certain that he is atleast very aware of Christianity since childhood seeing as he brought up Moses in Comet in Moominland, makes me wonder about his upbringing.
The wolf furry is a reference to the She-wolf from Dante's Divine Comedy, who represents greed in the original poem. I thought I'd take the forest from Moomins and the Great Flood and tie it to the forest from the beginning of the Divine Comedy.
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fountainpenguin · 5 months
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"Picture of your face in an invisible locket... I had a bad feeling. But we were dancin'... swaying as the room burned down." (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 32 - “Starve (Etho, Scott)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
I am once again bringing you scenes of Etho cuddling up to SnifferMyFeet while Sniff growls reminders that even though he has Joel's memories and misses being Boat Boys, he wants Etho to treat him as a separate person.
If I had a nickel for every chapter Etho's touched this man and thought of Joel, I would have 8 nickels. I'd have 40 cents. That's as much as 1/4 of our story. And that's terrible.
#smalletho - Etho once again working through his touch starvation and Boat Boys Issues™ Many references to Joel, but he doesn't appear. Large flashbacks of him and Etho in next week's chapter, though! <3
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
This preview section jumps into shippy vibes- Proceed at own discretion.
Etho - Fox
Status: Holding out a hand
Self-taught programmer, full-time hero
💙  🧡  💚
So, uh. That string tidying, huh? You're setting yourself up for disappointment if you want to do that with an endermite hybrid. They're the best in the business and they'll mock you the whole time you set up. Sniff's smug and giggly about it, too, as Etho pushes him down on the bed and hangs back to study him. He's really tattered the code on the bottoms of his bare feet. I mean, shoe code gets tattered too, but usually those soft parts of a skin design hurt more.
"You gonna use your mouth?" Sniff asks, eyeing him up.
"In a shocking turn of events, the programmer has tools for fixing loose code. They're in the other room." Etho takes Sniff's wrists and pins them above his head for a second, then takes his ankles and stretches them out. Classic textbook pose for the work, even though they'll probably move to the carpet for obvious reasons before they start; he doesn't need weak pixels dropped all over his bed. "Stay," he commands, and Sniff sticks out his tongue and double flips him off without moving his arms. So Etho can't be mad.
But he does lean over, sliding one hand beneath Sniff's cheek, easing it behind his head. He curls it back around and lifts it just enough to scrape his palm across Sniff's brow, beneath his floppy dark brown hair. It's thick and feels like swamp plants in his hands. He still smells like well-treated water. Chlorine. Like one of Gluon's hotel builds with the fancy pools. Or the waterpark server. Never did find out why. Etho breathes against him without pulling back. Despite the wet scents, Sniff's warm soul's like fresh-baked bread against his hand.
"Oh my goodness… You're so pretty. You are so pretty…"
The metaphorical light fades from Sniff's mismatched eyes. Etho pulls back, waiting for a pinch or slap. Sniff turns his face away. Only his Joel side's visible at this angle as he squirms. "Get your eyes checked, Eefo… I saw my reflection when I got my water. I'm stitched together with hand-me-down parts. You don't mean that."
"What if I do, though?" He crouches lower by the bed, bringing a hovering thumb to Sniff's scalp. Sniff glances at him, then away. So Etho breaks that barrier. Slowly, the thick part of his hand eases down to touch Sniff's head. Sniff scrunches up his eyes again, giving the faintest little nod. Etho holds very still a few seconds (Sniff's pixels are so loose on his skin, which was the whole point of this cleaning project anyway) before he speaks again. "I'm sorry you can't see that yet. Body issues are tough; I've got issues too. Sometimes my fox traits get away from me… Been thinking about modding out, but it takes centuries of paperwork." His next stroke of hand (a circle on his head) is firmer, sharper, and Sniff mutters something under his breath as his cheeks freckle up with blue again. Cute. "If it were legal, I'd probably just unthread. I'd miss the bullet paths, but you make vex life look so easy. So good." He draws his hand around in one last loop, then eases it down Sniff's cheek (on his Grian side) to his neck. "Hey, take a closer look next time you're out. There's a lot of interesting people out there. Some wear faces that aren't even humanoid. Have you met MumboDrone or iCam? … And you know, it's just a skin."
Sniff putters his lips, staring towards the ceiling. His fingers lift, dancing across the backs of Etho's knuckles. "You just want me to stay late again. Gods, you're so lonely… Listen, fella- I know my strings are a wreck. I was an endermite before a vex; be pretty messed up if I couldn't tell. I'll let you clean me up, but I'm not playing sleepover. You can't make me."
"Mmhm." Oh man, I want to press my head on yours. He really wants to, noses brushing, hair tufts scraping, but he refrains, you know. He's kneeling, balanced on his heels, and Sniff's saying 'Yes' to the hand but looking unsure. So he won't. "Stay as long as you want to. Just let me clean your code and then you can leave. I promise I won't be mad."
"You smell like bread dough…"
"Yeah? My code wouldn't taste too good right now. Squeaky clean."
"Oh, that's too bad." Absentminded. Distracted. Etho eases back his fingers.
"Are you okay?"
Sniff clicks into focus again and then swishes up, sitting on the bed instead of lying down. "Yeah, thanks. I'm good, actually. The water helped."
"All right. I'll be right back with the cleaning stuff." He leaves without another touch, pausing only to switch off the portal still glowing in the corner. He leaves the desk lantern glowing like it is. It's fun, in the dark. The light's so low, it's like a fox's den in here.
The nice thing about being a programmer? He has no end of scrapers and combs to choose from. He pays the living room a visit to get the tray from the coding desk's drawer and some rolled-up pieces of carpet (ignoring the less than subtle smirks Beef and Pause give him as he strolls by). Etho brings the whole tray to his room and sits on the bed with Sniff, just talking to him and explaining how effective these tools are for different things. Sniff seems to recognize a lot of them, which is no surprise, honestly. Since Joel doesn't do logouts, he has a whole cleaning routine. It takes him forever.
"You know," Sniff says, digging through the tray, "using combs is cheating, actually. I can do the cleaning with my teeth still attached. I bet foxes can too. I mean, it's code work; all the code-eating species can do it." He flicks his gaze to Etho, who kneels across from him, tail waving in the air. Etho doesn't answer, so Sniff goes on. "You know what's fun? 'mite bundles."
"'mite bundles,'" Etho repeats. "Like… Endermites inside a bundle? Is that fun? That's a new one to me." Where is he going with this?
"Yeah, it's when you put endermites in with some of your supplies and go out on adventures. When you want your supplies, you have to dump everything on the ground and try to use your stuff without getting bit. If you get bit, you have to send your coords to server chat. Easy way to get killed, so you'd better not. You can play it in Between, too. Pig has an endermite living in his studio. For every time it bites him, he has to keep his weapons in a chest for an hour when he gets home. It means I can do whatever I want to him, really. Usually he just runs. Sometimes we duke it out bare-fisted. Have you ever seen him with a black eye and a tooth knocked out? Just me, I guess- It probably doesn't carry when he leaves the server. He looks so goofy when he smiles; I'm chuffed to bits with that. Gods, you wouldn't believe the bruise he left on me this one time he pushed me off an end ship. He smirked about it for days, no joke. No, actually. Can't believe his head even fit outside the server."
Etho smirks back, hidden in the mask and hidden by his fingertips. His chin rests against his hand. "What'd you do to him? You didn't let him get away with that, did you?"
"Hell no! I picked up a shulker and I slammed him on the head with it. I bet you didn't even know you can peel 'em off the wall- they're so clingy. What'd he do then? I think he put down a bed and blew himself up trying to get me with it. Oh, he's so lame. I like him so much."
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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fisherrprince · 10 months
I just had two wol thoughts at once 1) I like to think ch’ari is having the most fun on the fae’s side he hates being on their bad side but if he has fun with them he’s CACKLING gleeful he loves antagonizing people he dislikes (and also people he likes) 2) if ch’ari is ever at any point ever referred to as “uncle ch’ari” he will burst into tears right then and there
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skyloftian-nutcase · 7 months
For the three sentence prompt: Defenestrate
The world was more beautiful than she could have ever imagined. A fresh springtime rain had made the grass greener than any foliage she had seen in the castle gardens, and as the breeze blew the blades waved at her in succession, a cascade of cheer and welcome rippling again and again. Raindrops still glittered on a few patches, dazzlingly bright in the sunlight, sparkling like the priceless jewels of her parents' crowns. Birdsong filled the air, a familiar sound but with a feral energy to it, a freedom that she'd never before experienced. Trees sat together in clusters in distant areas, an invitation of mystery and adventure and something new.
But there were blotches in the painting. Off to the right, she could see the littered remains of what had once been a watch post. Another one was being constructed nearby, though the area had been cleared for her to explore. A pile of construction material lay awaiting use, the promise of a barrier between her city and her castle and the dangers of the world outside.
All her life she'd wanted freedom. All her life she'd wanted to guide her people and to see her people, to see the world they lived in, to be a part of that world. All her life she'd dreamed of this moment, of the moment that she could finally leave the castle and the parade grounds and smell the wildflowers in the air, taste the wind and laugh with the fairies as they flew by.
As she gently walked through the grass with bare feet, basking in the sensation, she found herself enlivened and drained all at once. This was a beautiful moment, an amazing moment, but the cost at which she paid for it...
Zelda glanced back, hair caught in her face as the breeze played with it, and she caught sight of two Sheikah warriors in the distance, keeping watch. Link and Impa were her most trusted allies and, dare she say it, friends, and together they had managed to defenestrate the king.
Her imprisonment was traded for her father's. She had to throw him in a cell to be able to do this.
His angry shouts still echoed in her ears, but the sight of her stalwart guards standing in the distance brought her peace. She turned back to look at the world she'd sacrificed her family to save.
Freedom was hers at last. And, she mused as she looked back at the wounds of the recent battle, she would ensure it was everyone's soon enough.
This war would end under her rule, and Ganondorf would be defeated.
Alternatively, in a different Hyrule...
Link had to admit, defenstrate the princess of Hyrule had not been on his to-do list today, but as the girl tried to use her magic to fight a damn darknut, it was just about his only option.
Her squeal of protest as she flew out the window was pretty entertaining, at least.
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itwoodbeprefect · 8 months
between pat's confident guesses about the note pran writes to him and the one ink writes to pa, he's turning out to be the exact right person to ask if you want to figure out the gender of the author behind a piece of mystery handwriting. not in the sense that he's right obviously, just in the sense that whatever he says, you can cross that off the list
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nerosdayinanime · 11 months
wanna make my own kny httyd au
#httyd movies are good but. theyre kid plots yk?#not a bad thing but i wanna use the wolrdbuilding more. like cmon its fucking DRAGONS man#so far giyuu & tsutako live in a little seaside village that regularly gets raided by dragons mostly stealing their livestock (and anyone#caught in surprise undefended) one night hes out doing errands he forgot to do during the day (doesnt want to dissapoint tsutako)#and gets caught out in a raid. hes running for cover and comes across a juvenile dragon. hes scared shitless and frozen as it creeps closer#and closer until he can feel its hot breath sniffing at him. curious purple eyes stare into his own. a loud fireball explodes near them#and the dragon nudges him away from the carnage. tsutako sees a dragon near him and flips her shit. ready to die trying to keep#her baby brother alive. he screams at her to stop- shoving the dragon away as she screams for him to get away from it#dragon flees and tsutako drags him home stressed out her gourd but thankful hes alive.#later on hes out walking in the woods to get away from it all (the other kids dont like him very much) and comes across the dragon again#he ends up making friends with it and names it sabito ('rust' for his orange-red coloration & 'rabbit' for the little hops he does)#comes across all the little dragon quirks as he hangs out- meanwhile back in the village they need more warriors to fight off the dragons#giyuu gets forced into training for it despite his (& tsutako's) protests. time comes to training against actual dragons and he miraculousl#survives using his knowledge of quirks hes learned from sabito- it astonishes /everyone/ bc hes a wimpy little fuck#yadda yadda he accidentally becomes top student just trying to avoid actually hurting the dragons and gets assigned to kill the Big Bad One#they release the beast and it crawls around the top chain netting for a bit before it notices giyuu. it drops to the floor and slowly#advances towards him. giyuu intentionally drops his weapon & shield and steps towards it with big wet scared eyes. everyone's shocked and#tsutakos screaming for them to call it off. the dragon stops posturing and sniffs at him- lets him gently pet its nose. he quietly pleads#with it to go back into its cell as guards are hurrying to get into the arena with them. the dragon looks around at them & at the sky befor#looking back at giyuu's sad eyes promising theyll both be safer if it goes back in. it hesitantly does so and giyuu locks the doors back as#the guards get to him and drag him to the village leader's hall to get the scolding of his life#he tries to reason with them that the dragons arent bad but they hit back with 'so what are we supposed to do boy. starve as we let the#dragons take all of our food? grow up. /we cant live in harmony with them.'/#hes fucked up over it & everyone starts treating him as even more of an outcast than before.#one night while tsutako's doing dishes 'tako-nee?' quietly called out. 'what giyuu?' she doesnt even turn to glance at him.#she /always/ stops to give her full attention when he calls for her like that. his heart sinks to the floor. 'goodnight' barely keeping#the crack of his voice away. 'goodnight giyuu'#she awakes the next morning to no response. an empty house. she finds a red shirt of hers missing & a note#giyuu's neat writing shakey & slowly delving into a messy scrawl as it furthers along. one- two odd dried spots on the letters turned to#countless (/27/) blotches in the ink before it fully dried. 'im sorry' left pristine atop the worst of it at the very bottom.
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watermelinoe · 2 years
hoping new kitty's terrible breath is from dental disease that's still treatable
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msboutofcontext · 2 years
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skippingseaglass · 4 months
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skruttet · 1 year
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Sniff said I wanna look gnc as fuck 😤
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a9saga · 4 months
does anyone have any good biology-centered edutainment to recommend? i mean like youtube channels or podcasts or stuff. i'm looking to take a genetics class with only a prereq of introductory bio. which i've already fulfilled that requirement but that was uhh 4 years ago now.
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viorhysealberia · 5 months
I need nintendo to remaster Uprising so bad, Smash’s horrid writing has horrifically damaged peoples’ perception of the characters and it’s ruining my Life
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yoshistory · 7 months
Hope knows shes not allowed to have any turkey sandwich so instead shes sitting very restrainedly next to me on my desk and huffing deeply and purring next to my sandwich plate
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