#but that was a different kind of smell. it just makes me anxious bc that memory is so horrible
watermelinoe · 2 years
hoping new kitty's terrible breath is from dental disease that's still treatable
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heyyy. Just had a thought about what would tan would be like on reader's birthday but they aren't together. So readeranf the twins are friends so what kind of stuff would they get her. Feel like tan would get something really meaningful and sweet that is something that he must really listen to what reader says in general to know. And when he gives her it he's reaally awkward and a blushing mess cyz he's worried she won't like it and he's saying stuff like'you can return it if u don't like it' 'its a stupid gift so u probably won't like it'. Love ur stuff recently :))
my baby hi!! sorry this has taken me longer to reply to than I usually would. been a little busy last couple days!! I got a little carried away and I couldn’t stop coming up with things😭💌
this guy is so thoughtful that no one can tell me otherwise!! he's a good listener, especially when you think he's not paying attention AND he's got cash to flunk which helps aid his gift-giving abilities so so so...
he's a bit of a snooper, so if he sees a tab open on your laptop or computer and it's a shopping website, he'd quickly click on it and take a picture so that he can remember what it is. maybe he deletes the items from your cart so you can't buy them for yourself
if you and the twins are shopping, and tan sees you eye up something, he'd make a note to pick it up (he's come back in a few hours or next day)
it depends on what things you like - ie flashy designer gifts or gifts for things you need/ can't buy. but he doesn't want to disappoint you so he'd get you something within that category (in that safe sweet spot)
maybe he mistakes things, so if he thinks you like a certain candle scent, he'd get it for you in air freshener form, not knowing that you know there's a difference in the smells (hence why you've never bought it for yourself) so he thinks he's being sweet (he is) but you don't really like the smell, but he's so thoughtful that you say you love the scent name (that makes sense right?)
he goes overboard and definitely puts lem's gifts to shame (even though he got you perfect gifts (I feel like lem just knows what you want and like, and the presents have funny inside jokes))
he tries hard to find the balance between a friendly and romantic gift - not wanting to overstep that line 
maybe your washing machine broke? so he buys you a new one, but a model better than your one before. maybe you mention how your floor seems empty? so he buys you a rug to match your space (would probs ask lem for advice) maybe you mention how you're running low on a lip gloss you like? but he doesn't know the shade name, so he gets you all the shades in that brand/ line so you can pick and choose when you want (it's your go-to one and you have it out often, hence why he knows the brand - he can read the logo) clear, pinks, purples, reds, browns, oranges - he'd get them all 
maybe you mention how you want to liven up your bedroom to match the season? so he buys you new bedding with colours to match your room (again, he asks lem to help) maybe you had your eye on a pair of shoes or boots but they're way out of your price range? guess what? he's had them boxed up and in his wardrobe the whole time (ready to give you on your bday) maybe there's a foreign snack you like but it's near impossible to find? so you bet when he's away for work he hunts around the shops to see if he can find any. ALSO!!!!! if he can, he'd buy loads, like I mean loads and pay to mail them back home so he can give it to you for your bday (dying)
and when it comes to actually giving them to you, he's all nervy and anxious bc he doesn't want you to hate them, so he puts it out there that he's uncertain about what he got you (even though he knows he did a good job) ALSO he really really values your opinion!!! so he says things like "I got the receipt at home if you don't like it" "that one's stupid. I thought it was alright in the shop, but I dunno" "you're hard to buy for (lie) I'll get you better stuff at christmas (or whatever it is you do or don't celebrate)" “I won’t be offended if you swap it” (or return/ refund)
and the reason you have a slight scowl is not bc of the gifts, but bc of what he's saying. like they're PERFECT gifts and he's saying that they're not 
so you're like "how did you even know I wanted that?" and he says how he has his sources yadayada
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he's such a cutie pie <3
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spideysquake · 1 year
“good answer” - p.p
summary: peter is scared to love as much as he does, but sometimes you have to do the thing that scares you. [i got the idea/inspiration from ‘banyan tree – interlude’ by machine gun kelly, even though that guy kinda sucks and his music is generally pretty mid]
word count: 1k words
warnings: cursing, i genuinely cannot tell if this is angst or fluff and i’m okay with that, this can be imagined as any iteration of peter bc i know everyone has their favorites
a song on the side: banyan tree – interlude by machine gun kelly
“You know, I would do pretty much anything for you.”
You were sprawled out on Peter’s dark blue comforter, your head resting against his thigh and your feet dangling off the edge of the bed. The sky was beautiful and gloomy and there was a good chance that it was going to rain – the kind of rain that makes you want to light a candle and dig out the heavy blankets from the back of your closet. It had been about twenty minutes since either of you had said anything – Peter had been almost positive you were asleep until your words broke the silence in his tiny, dusty apartment.
“What do you mean?” Everything you did was vital to Peter. Everything you loved, he wanted to love. Everything you craved, he wanted to give you. Everything you thought and felt and said, he wanted to know and hear and understand. The day would never come when he felt he was too close to you or knew you too well. To know you was to love you, and he was content to spend the rest of his life doing both.
“I mean it. I would do just about anything for you,” you hummed, though you refused to make direct eye contact with your boyfriend. Instead, you traced your fingertip over the set of initials you had inked in Sharpie over the hollow point of his wrist, where the soft skin met the jutting tendon – your initials on his wrist, and his on yours. “Anything you want me to do, I’ll do. Anything you want from me, it’s yours. I’m yours.”
It was the most romantic and terrifying thing Peter had ever heard. If he was just another broke, anxious twenty-something college student, your words would be the greatest thing he’s ever heard. But he’s Spider-Man. And being Spider-Man means constantly putting the people he loves in harm’s way. As long as he had these powers, as long as he used his abilities, you were never really safe. Peter hated that he was putting you in danger, but he couldn’t let you go. He had lost too much. For once in his life, he wanted to be selfish. And he wanted you more than anything.
“I don’t want that, though.” Peter felt like his body was on fire. Whether it was from love or fear, he wasn’t sure. Was there really much of a difference? “I want you to be you. To be free. Don’t just do things for me.” His desperation was clawing at the inside of his chest like he was holding it captive. He was damn sure going to try.
“No, I know.” You were sitting up now. “But that’s what I mean. Like, doing things for you isn’t just doing things for you, you know? It’s also doing things for me. They aren’t really different anymore. Making you happy makes me happy.” You threaded your hand through his overgrown curls, your thumb smoothing back and forth over his freckled cheek. His ears were hidden under small tufts of untamed locks, but he could still feel the tips of them heating up as you gazed lovingly as him. Suddenly, he was overcome by his need to be holding you, to hold your head to his heart and to feel the comfort that came with knowing that you were real, and you were with him, and you weren’t going anywhere.
“What makes me happy is knowing that you’re safe, that you’re on the other side of the phone, waiting to pick up when I call you. What makes me happy is knowing that you are going to live a long and happy and fulfilling life, and that you get to wake up every morning and know that you are loved.” Peter buried his chin into your hair, which he noticed smelled like his minty conditioner. There was a weight behind his eyes, but he refused to cry when the conversation began with an admission of your love. “Even if that means it isn’t with me.”
“Baby, that’s not… That stuff only matters if it’s with you. I don’t want any of that otherwise. I only want a long and happy life if I’m waking up to you every morning. Without you, it’s not a happy life. I’m happy with you.”
Peter was scared. If he’d learned anything in this life, it was that bad things happened to people who loved Peter Parker. He couldn’t be your downfall.
“But Spider-Man… What if you — What if I do something? What if someone bad finds me, or finds out who you are to me? What if I’m the reason you —”
You wiped at Peter’s tear-stained cheeks with your fleecy sleeves, and you pressed your forehead to his – so close that you could the smell the peppermint tea he’d been drinking when you first laid down together.
“Pete, baby… We can’t control any of that shit. Yeah, bad shit is going to happen. And yeah, maybe some of it will happen because you’re Spider-Man. But even if you weren’t, bad things would happen. That’s life, honey. But we can’t run away from the good things because they could end one day. I would rather die knowing that we loved each other as much and as hard as possible than live forever wondering if there was ever something I didn’t say, or a kiss I didn’t give you. If I die knowing exactly what it felt like to love and be loved by Peter Parker, then I did it right.” You pressed your lips to Peter’s forehead, and he wondered what he could’ve possibly done to earn you.
All he could think was that he would spend the rest of his life earning this moment: your hand in his hair, your scent in his sheets, your warm breath against his cheeks, and your heartbeat lined up right next to his in your chests.
His throat felt thick and his voice felt heavy, but he couldn’t let such wonderful words go unanswered.
“And just when did you get so wise about matters of the heart?” Your noses brush and it’s the most glorious millisecond of his life.
“It comes with the territory of being so hopelessly in love with the best guy I’ve ever known.” You beam up at him like you hold the secrets to the universe under your tongue, and it’s all he can do not to go searching for them.
What a wonderful answer.
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xrmywaifxx · 23 days
Hey I was wondering if could maybe get comfort for a Gn reader from daichi? I don’t know if I can explain it but my birthdays soon and every year for my birthday and New Years I get a rly deep anxiety of like “wasting my life” or smth idk it sounds stupid. But I get rly anxious around it bc I have a fear that I’m like not living life to my full potential, so every “milestone” is just a reminder that I’m failing. Idk I hope I was able to explain that enough, so if ur willing, I could use some comfort even if it’s just imaginary lol. Thx!
hello anon :) I appreciate you trusting me with something like this. I completely understand the feeling you are describing. I decided to go for New Years theme. I’m sorry for how late this is out.
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11:43pm December 31st - New Year’s Eve
All you wanted to do that night was sit by your window. When you were small, you loved watching the fireworks, but lately, it has seemed more convenient as a distraction, a way to forget about life. You close your eyes, the subtle echo of the early fireworks slowly lulling you to sleep. Just then, you heard a noise. Opening your eyes, you hear another, seeing movement as a pebble hits your window. You open your window to the sight of your childhood friend Daichi. Bags in his hands, he smiled up at you the way he always does. So sweetly, like you were the only thing that mattered at that moment. "What are you doing down there, you idiot?" you shout at him. He holds his finger to his mouth, shooshing you, "Shhhhhh, you'll wake up your parents!" He quietly says to you from your backyard. You laugh, "My parents? At home on New Year's? Yeah, right." You say, "They're at some party." "Why aren't you?" He shoots back. You scoff, "You know I'm not the big party type. Besides, I had…more important things to do tonight." He smiles at the ground, hoping you don't see it--you do. "Oh, yeah? What kind of important things? You mean moping around your room all night and finally going to bed at 6 a.m.?" He laughs. and raises an eyebrow at you. You blush at the accuracy of his words, "Whatever, just meet me in the treehouse!" —————————————————— You and Daichi had built this treehouse with your dad when you were only in elementary school. A lot has changed since back then. Your parents divorced, your dad moved away, your mom remarried, and you started feeling differently toward Daichi. You wish you could go back to that age. Before your parents got divorced and before you developed a crush on Daichi. As Dachi slid into the treehouse, you realized that the inside was much smaller than you had remembered, or maybe you were just a lot bigger. As if reading your mind, Daichi says, "Wow, it's smaller than I remember." Because of the size--or lack of it--you were so close to Daichi that you could smell his simple cologne mixed with that coconut-scented shampoo he always used. "Y-yeah, it is.", you let out, already blushing from the proximity. You looked over and saw his bags again. You had noticed them before but didn't pay them much mind. Just as you're about to ask Daichi about them, he asks, "Wondering what's in the bags?" "Yeah, actually, I was." He empties the bags on the floor of the treehouse, and they're filled with all your favorite snacks. "Oh, Daichi, you brought me a picnic?" He nods in response, "I feel bad that I spent last New Year's with the team, so I wanted to make it up to you! Plus…I feel like I've barely seen you lately." That's true, you hadn't really seen each other. When you realized your crush on Daichi, you avoided hanging out with him, hoping he wouldn't find out. You smile, "Don't worry, I've missed you too. Now, let's dig into this food!" —————————————————— You gazed at the starry landscape out of the treehouse window. The sounds of the fireworks fade the further it gets from midnight, as the town slowly begins to doze, the excitement of the New Year now long faded. "Do you remember…" Daichi trails off. "Do I remember what?" You ask in response. "Nah, never mind.", "Well, now you have to tell me!" Daichi laughs, "Do you remember when we were young, about when we built this treehouse… and you had a crush on me."
You swear you felt your soul leave your body. You had no idea that he had ever known about your crush. The thought of him knowing makes you want to curl up into a ball and never come out. "Y-yeah. I remember that", you mutter.
"You know it's funny, but I always liked you too. I was just too scared to tell you." Daichi whispered. You weren't entirely sure why Daichi was telling you all of this, but somehow, knowing he used to like you gave you the littlest bit of hope. The long silence burned your ears, the awkwardness of the present conversation looming over you like clouds on a stormy day. Suddenly, Daichi spoke. You think that maybe he had felt the storm clouds just like you. "Sorry, maybe I shouldn't have brought that up." Daichi scratches his head. "No!" you respond quickly, "I don't mind. I just.. don't usually think of back then."
You feel Daichi's eyes on you as he asks, "Why not?" You simply shrug your shoulders. Daichi chuckles and smiles at you "Why do you always spend New Year's inside nowadays? Remember when we used to go on my roof and watch the fireworks?" You smile softly "Yeah…that was fun…but, I think I just grew out of this childish holiday." "Childish?" Daichi scoffs playfully "What makes New Year's childish?" You turn to look out the window "Everyone gets together and celebrates the end of the year and the beginning of a new one, but…what if…I don't want it to end? What if…I want things to stay the same? But what if I want some things to be different?" Daichi's eyebrows furrow in confusion "Hey, just slow down, you're not making any sense-'' Upon seeing his confused expression you take a deep breath "I just…I get anxious with every 'milestone' because…well, I'm scared that I'm not living to my full potential, you know? Every start of a new year just reminds me that I failed for a whole year…"
Before you can continue Daichi puts his hand on yours. "You're not failing…why would you think that?" You scoff "I'm barely passing my classes, I have no friends, and the only family I have is a mom who would choose her new husband over me any day." Daichi looks in thought for a moment and then laughs. "So…what you're trying to say is that nobody likes you because you're such a failure?" You blush in embarrassment "Why are you laughing about it?" "Oh, I'm laughing at how WRONG you are." You let out a sharp laugh "Oh really? How would you know?" He laughs again and then smiles "Because I like you. I would pick you over anyone."
It feels like your heart is going to beat out of your chest. He likes you? Does he mean in a friendly way or something else? Before your thoughts even finish spiraling in your head you feel Daichi grab your hand. "Sorry, I know it's sudden but… I hate seeing you like this. You like me too, right…?" You suddenly snap out of your thoughts "Of course! I mean um…yeah…I like you too, Daichi."
Maybe this new year won’t be so bad after all…
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a/n: yall im so late with this one 😵‍💫, anyway i had so much fun with this, i haven’t written haikyuu in a while :D
dividers by: @/plutism
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beastofmoss · 1 year
tell e about your OCs. also did you know Daiki is the name is of Ritsu's seiyuu
Ooh! Oh! Hiii, and sure- but I have a lot of things about them so I'll probably just get the basics. And no, I did not know about that!? That's interesting, thank you! I'm also biting you for asking this (affectionately) going insane
Sorry this is so long, and it doesn't really scratch most of the lore for them 😬
Also, let me know if anyone wants the picrew I used ^^ I may of went overboard here hahahah~!
Most of my idol unit were from when I first got into enstars, so some lore got lost- which sadly means that Daiki, my youngest and mint idol, is put on the backburner until I can figure out what to do with him. (I sadly also forgot his last name as well, and I'm not even sure if Daiki is his real name either)
Also the oc foreign idol unit I have is called "Buskin and Socks", very heavy motifs with theater and deals with comedy/tragedy (hence the name). Each song was supposed to tell a story with character roles that each member would play.
Also some old art of Daiki as well!
Daiki: tooth obsessed big little guy. was supposed to be the youngest of the unit. He was supposed to be the pure knight, and was a semi-foil to Sierra (The double faced queen) I ended up dropping him, but his concept will probably be used for later.
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Sierra Rivera: transfem. (18) shes 5'11. She/her user. I'm still working on her bc I'm not really used to having a meanish character. She comes off across as flirty and cute, but is kinda just manipulative and just likes to leave an impression. Attention seeking in a way as to never be forgotten. Slightly murderous, hasn't murdered anyone yet- but she's willing ;). She's a huge wip but I love her a lot. She's the only one that sees Frecil as just a weird guy (the others see them as differently). She's has a hearing aid and does do the choreography of performances. Also step-sibling to Frecil.
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José Diaz plus picrew: he's like 5'10. With Daiki out of the unit and put on a back burner, he's actually the youngest(17)of the ground and leader bc enstars love putting their youngest members as leaders. Also trans. But, yeah, he's selective mute and is just very shy.
Like, not in a blushing mess kinda of way- just more aloof? I wanted to explore shyness in a way that's not a stumbling mess, if that makes sense? He's very anxious and probably the most "normal" of the unit. He's very kind and sweet-hearted, having a love for hello kitty. I'm still exploring him as well, but he's definitely fun to explore and I love him dearly. Funny enough, he's also plays the dubious confirmed or not enstar-like game, he's a rabbit!p. He looks up to Frecil and had this weird devotion with him, both as someone he looks up to (putting Frecil on a podium) and as his mentor. It's interesting to say the least.
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Frecil (Frederico Rivera) they/them user,: 5'2
The shortest of the unit, but they are the oldest (20). This little guy was made to be my absolutely bonkers character when I first made them, and now I'm reworking with the original concepts and giving them more depth. Probably the one with the most thoughts. They are blind. The ears are also fake/not canon to their actually design. Does most of the vocal training/writes the songs.
They are probably the most experienced of the unit, having gone through the ringer a couple of times. I mean, to be the one at the top and fall type of story. I often think of them as a fallen angel at times. They're just someone who's kinda done with the limelight and just kinda sits back when it comes to idol life.
They somehow?? Smell like?? Wet earth??
They act very child-like to throw off people, speaking rather child-like as well. Has been known to bite people, give people rocks, and has territorial battles with Mayoi in the vents. Just a very out there, eccentric, character. They and José were the ones that created Buskin and Socks. Ahh, I should stop before making this too long hahah~
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Cherry/Aela Barbasdotter: 19, 6'0, she/her user as well. Oh! And one of my producers, mostly producing with Socks and Buskin.
Her design mostly stayed the same, but her personality is a lot different than before. Before she was bubbly and cheerful, often time picking up others with ease. Now she's more stoic and guarded. She's always so strong, but in a chubby sort of way. Like she could very easily pick up all cast in Enstars bc I think its funny to pick up the more taller idols like they were kittens. Despite her cold mask, she's actually very very very nice and kind- often motherly towards others. But also very protective. So protective that it kinda causes issues with the growth of Buskin and Socks. There's some issues between Frecil and her. She kinda treats Frecil likes they are some sort of fragile doll, afraid to watch them fall apart again. It's kinda dehumanizing at times, but she's also very loyal towards Frecil and what they are trying to do. She's well-research and very professional when she works with idols. Some final girl stuff going on with her.
She's been with the idol unit since the beginning.
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Diwa García; 17, she/they. 2nd year.
She can see ghooostt~. The ability is "genetic" in their family. Their mother is from Philippines, so that's where most of the ghost-seeing relatives are from. Her little immediate family (her mothers and them) are kinda the black sheeps of the family, which is due to her mothers being ghost hunters for a TV show. Kinda like selling out in a sense?
Nonetheless, Diwa's kinda been isolated as a kid- so talking to living people is a bit difficult for them at times. It doesn't help that sometimes they can't tell who's alive or not. She honestly thought that some of the idols are, well, ghost. She actually doesn't want her mother's fame nor her ghost seeing abilities to be known. She just wants to be normal, and is just obsessed with anything she considers normal. Oh to be someone who desires to be normal and never being able to reach it. Also, she's missing a pinkie! Hahahah!
She's probably the character with the most interactions with the main cast compared to the other ocs(due to Cherry kinda "cock"blocking Buskins and Socks from interacting with other idol units etc).
She's terrified of bodies of water/water ghosts, so she is absolutely terrified of Kanata. It doesn't help that she's friends with Tetora, and kinda gets dragged out by him. Also has a "lowkey" crush of Narukami~!
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hurricane-heatt · 10 months
FIRSTLY i do not know how i hadn't seen your ao3 before now and i'm losing my MIND i'm about to read it all bc i just read casualty of you and now i'm SCREECHING secondly... the fic writer questions: 11, 4, 30, 49! x
FIRSTLY AWAHHHH THABK YOU SO SO MUCH!!!! i hope u enjoy <3333
secondly gonna stick these answers below the cut!!! just because i started rambling ehe
11- Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
oh absolutely pairing-wise it will always be sebmark for me… i think i am just entirely struck by the different phases of their relationship? 2009 is an entirely different vibe to 2013 who is an entirely different vibe to 2017 and that makes fic writing them sooo fun for me its never a chore to write sebmark. beyond this teammate rivalries are just absolutely compelling to me i think the dynamics and intricacies are so so interesting, especially gaining more insight on that from marks book was just eeeee i loved it (fuck u helmut marko for everything you ever do). personality wise too they both suit each other well in terms of rpf and they dynamics that i’ve always written and like writing.
character wise i love writing seb. i rlly hope i do him justice because i just love his voice and his humour and his mannerisms. he’s my love ever and i love him so any pairings with him in i am always heart eyes over.
4 - What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of?
i’m gonna take this as any fic i’ve written so! i think anything in good men die too verse i am hugely proud of. i did a bit of research for crush about street racing (a lack of in thoroughfare which i often get annoyed about but oh well) and so i think i got the car types right. either way it sounds professional so shrug!
an unreleased fic i have a bit of detail on is my siren!seb fic, its entirely unfinished but i did some research about mythology surrounding mermaids and sirens and think it’s pretty good in that!!!
30 - Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
oh boy most of my ot3 fest fics (i have three fulfilled hopefully! haha 3) were quite a new experience. i won’t spoil a ton but writing threesomes is hard man. lots of limbs
49 - What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
ehehehe. its a another fucking sebmark au! heir to father’s business seb nearly gets assassinated and his driver mark (annoying, gets in the way, keeps making fun of him) saves his life and thus is made his bodyguard in order to protect him. he hates mark already but this really pisses seb off, a constant shadow. also it’s called bad for business yes like the sabrina carpenter song
it’s going to be my first multi chapter and i’m anxious as balls about it and i really kind of hate the tone at the minute so it needs reworking. first chap is basically done but want three written before i post anything just for my own sanity. but here’s a little snippet of them winding each other up
Why has Britta put the medicine on the top shelf, for fuck’s sake, she knows he’s not that tall. He gets on his tiptoes, but the box is pushed further back by the tips of his fingers, rather than grabbing it.
“Let me, Mr Vettel.”
And then, the lean body of Sebastian’s driver against the back of him, reaching up to the shelf with zero effort. His fingers dash against Sebastian’s, and it’s a much more successful retrieval, bringing down the box of pills to his height.
Sebastian turns, putting his back to the countertop, the bare skin under his hoodie just brushing the cool marble. He’s close enough that he can smell Webber’s cologne - sharp. Masculine. Like the rest of him, ever predictable.
Webber takes a short step back, probably assessing how abnormally close they were. He puts the box into Sebastian’s open palm. The pills shake inside upon impact. He’s pleased, but through gritted teeth, like a dog finally being allowed a treat.
“Thank you.”
“No problem.”
so yeah!!!! i rlly hope i do finish it and get it out because the idea has been brewing for months.
thank u so much for all the questions and ofc the love for casualty of you <33
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
yesterday was a great day at the shop! there were lots of people and we made good money 🤑
other than that we've been receiving negative news one after another and it's been tough to handle emotionally. ive tried to distract myself but like the facts are there and im anxious...
my bestie came by the shop and we went to drink tea and then had a kebab at the place that's just opened next to the shop. we talked a lot about relationships and ive also been thinking about that kind of stuff ever since i bumped into B the other day.
if i think about it too much, relationships seem like a scam. what do you gain from being in a relationship with a man? what's in it for you? it feels like you're just gonna sacrifice yourself and act like a crazy person. in an ideal world id want a partner who complements me and my life, someone who really sees me and can understand me, someone i don't need to change for. but how can someone understand and see you to that level? you always have to change yourself to appeal to whoever you hang out with, be it friends or classmates or whatever. how can you find someone who is that perfect for you? and if the person is not perfect, is it even worth it?
my stepdad says i have a hygiene problem. and yeah... like i know that's not very slay of me but like ive been showering every two-three days ever since i left B and i have these weird discolouration spots on my skin now, yikes. it started off with me not wanting to see myself naked bc my naked body reminded me of him. and now im fine but ive gotten into the habit of not showering and it's not an easy habit to get out of frankly. bc honestly ive always hated looking after myself. washing my hair, bathing, using a loofah, shaving, having a skin care routine or whatever... i can't deal with the effort. the maximum i can do (or used to be able to do) is rinse myself in the shower once a day and that's it. and now i can't bring myself to do even that every day, yikes.
and it got me thinking, why do most people, as my stepdad claims, like taking care of themselves and their bodies and i don't. ive never shaved or wanted to shave. ive tried like using creams and scrubs and stuff but it was always so tedious, i don't know how people do it. makeup can be fun for a special occasion but i can't imagine how some girls do it every day. and taking care of my hair is the worst! and tbh i don't like being clean. i feel normal when im "dirty" and i can't explain why, it makes me feel most like myself. it got me thinking that for many sa survivors bad hygiene is a defense mechanism. maybe my lack of cleanliness is deeper than me just being lazy idk. bc everyone enjoys shower gels that smell like flowers and having shiny clean hair and smooth skin, so why don't i?
i thought about sex with B and funnily enough we got onto the topic with my bestie too. and idk, i feel weird about sex. i can't say that im asexual or hypersexual, but something about my sex drive and my relationship with sex has never felt normal. like im not chill about sex. maybe it's because i didn't have a healthy introduction to it, but then again, what does a healthy introduction to sex even look like? is it fooling around with a friend as a teenager and feeling safe and playful? is it waiting till marriage and trusting your partner with your life? is it progressive sex education at school where you're taught about different sexualities without shame? can you even be properly introduced to such an intimate thing in a healthy manner without shocking a part of yourself?
like... idk how to explain it. because sex is normal, it's a part of life, everyone has it. but yet it's so bizarre and doesn't logically go with anything else we do in life. why do i like things during sex that would usually repulse me? why are women submissive? why does sex resemble violence so much? why does it make you scream and cry and yet it feels good? it's so full of contradictions i really can't understand.
and my bestie and i compared our sexual experiences and found a lot of similarities. for example both of us had had moments where all of a sudden in the middle of sex our desire would just go away for no reason. like you're into it one moment and then the next everything is uninteresting and even repulsive and you don't want to do it anymore. where does that come from? also i remember with B id fantasise about him but the moment he'd want to have sex id just immediately stop being horny. why? didn't i want sex with him a minute ago?
and like, back to the contradictions of sex, it got me thinking that it's weird how the first ever sex was technically rape. and how apparently women scream during sex bc it's our primal instinct to cry for help during it. and men always fantasise about hitting women and strangling them and cnc is a big thing. and like... maybe the "original sin" wasn't eve eating the forbidden fruit and being punished for it by pain during childbirth for generations of women to come. maybe the "original sin" was eve getting raped and then now women have to deal with her trauma and convince themselves that sex is pleasurable.
and don't get me wrong, sex with B was good! and he'd always tell me that i wasn't like other girls because i was sexually healthy bc i could come easily and i wasn't coincée. but i think the issue was that im too sensitive for sex. like yes, i can come and feel pleasure and all of that, but i feel it too intensely. and sex as a concept feels super intense to me and i can't make peace with it because it's too much. it's too much stimulation, too many contradictions, too many feelings and instincts and it's just too complex for me to take in emotionally. like sometimes B and i would be having sex and id just like break down crying and shut down in the middle of it. and it felt good in a way. but it's too much for me, you know? maybe it was too much with B and now im recovering from it by not showering, who knows.
so idk. if i do end up finding the perfect partner for me, how would our sex life go? will i scream and cry like i did with B? will i make it into a competition with his exes like i did with B? will it make me feel terrible about my body like it did with B? will it feel like heaven like it did with B? or will it be healthy and calm and stable and peaceful and feel normal and safe?
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Hi Gwen! Can I have a Stranger things ship?
First of all, I'm sorry for any grammar errors, bc English isn't even my second language 🤣
I always was "that one weirdo"
I identify myself as pan/demisexual and agender.
INTP, but I'm far from the stereotype. I'm nerd without social life for sure, but that's all.
I'm history student and artist. I can't paint too often, because I have no free time bc of the uni, but I love when my hands smell with oil paint, and how blank canvas slowly turning into something beautiful. I love thrift hunt. Most of the things in my place are really old, and probably hunted. It's difficult to find a free space in my room, because it's all occupied by plants, books, pet's supplies, and tonnes of vintage stuff. I would describe my style as mostly whimsygothic.
I'm 167cm tall, skinny, with long spaghetti limbs. I'm pale as frozen chicken, with many moles. I have messy dark auburn hair and big amber protruding eyes. One of the most noticeable things on my face, it's a big greek nose with small round glasses on it.
I mostly listen rock in different subgenres. I also love folk music.
My favourite movies are Orlando (1992) and The Wicker man (1973)
That's probably all
Thank you, and have a nice day ~~~
Of course! Here you go lovely ~
I ship you with…
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Tell me you guys aren’t soulmates I DARE YOU.
Similar vibes all across the board, both intp’s, both of you are a little androgynous + queer and you both are very introverted people.
Thrifting dates 😭 going into the city and going to all the consignment stores and hunting for cool vintage stuff.
PAINTING HER !! Always painting her or things for her that she likes. She’s your muse. You don’t show her cause you’re terrified she will hate them but one day you leave your multimedia sketchbook on the table to go to the washroom and she’s nosy as fuck obviously and opens it to see herself in different variants of smudged oil.
Y’all fighting vecna together !! Literally would be so badass I can’t. You guys both nod at one another before the battle, both scared to lose one another but determined.
Coming out to each-other before you started dating. I feel like you would come out first, you would be so anxious and literally shaking at the thought of telling her and she just goes “ no way ! “ and at first you feel defeated like she is just gonna make fun of it, and your kind of like “ yeah- I knew you wouldn’t get it.” And she just goes “ wait what??? no- that’s not what I meant at all.” You sigh still a bit disappointed, but she looks at you with a much more serious look, and says “ have you seen me y/n?? Is it not obvious that I’m like- super gay?”
Heres a little moodboard, some pics that give me robin vibes and the outfits I can imagine you wearing based off your aesthetic. I did accidentally pick mostly fem options, I’m so sorry, I know you described yourself as agender, so hopefully this still suffices, I’m so sorry! And I picked the middle outfit in case your into a more “goth” whimsigoth. 💖 enjoy xo gwen
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
Hello hello! Congratulations on your milestone!! So happy for you!!
I really like your blog and your writing! I LOVE how you write soft crosshair.
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I wanted to know if I could request a fic with the one and only Captain Rex?
With number 9 and 39 from the lyrics prompt list, pretty please?
Something along the lines of them not having seen each other in a while, cuz you know, the clone wars.
they are kinda nervous, afraid the other doesn't feel the same way anymore :'(
I JUST- WHAT THE HELL I- THANK YOU SO MUCH??? youre so kind! *sends a kiss to a planet Earth image* for u, wherever u are. anyways this ask is FANTASTIC OMG. thank you so so so so much for requesting this.
also added my sweet @intergalactic-padawan request that was prompt 43 bc I realized I was writing pretty much the same thing so yeah.
hope you guys like it!
It's been a long, long time.
Pairings: Captain Rex x reader (no y/n)
Prompts: 9. Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips, we should just kiss like real people do. - Like real people do by Hozier, 39. I thought that I was dreaming when you said you loved me. - Ivy by Frank Ocean and 43. Kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again, it's been a long, long time. - It's been a long, long time by Harry James
Warnings: a bit sad I think? reader feels very anxious bc they don't know if rex loves them still. but it's fluff I swear. like, very very very fluffy.
Word count: 1,1k bc I can't control myself and make actual drabbles.
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He had been away for too long. You had begun to forget his touch, the sweet taste of his lips, the goosebumps his fingers left on your skin, the warmth of his caress. Days blurred together with the only constant thing being how much you missed him, heart longing, aching quietly, mourning for the emptiness it feels, tired, desperate, for the day Rex comes back to fill it again.
There were nights where you fell asleep with tears running down your cheeks, afraid you might never see him, trying to forget the dull ache your heart felt with every beat it gave, breaking just a little bit for him, swelling with love for a man you barely saw.
You hated him sometimes, just to justify the torrent of emotions that slowly consumed you with every day that passed, a filthy lie you told yourself to push away the pain, the tears that gathered in your eyes, how the memory of him fogged your mind and couldn't, wouldn't, let you rest. You hated how much you loved him, and in the anger of it you wished he felt the same, but then again you didn't, because maybe the ghost of you distracted him enough to make him sloppy, careless, maybe your ghost stopped him from coming back to you, took his hand and dragged him away.
It became a habit, to wake up in an empty bed, make your own caf, and wait for the day to end. The empty spot he left always following you around, and you learned to dance around it, never touching it, never moving it, but letting it be, becoming one with you because you'd rather have that than nothing at all.
It was all routine, one that slowly stuck to your nature, with him becoming a presence you that scarred you, probably, for life.
Quick texts and short conversations was all you got from Rex, unable to give you more, and for you to ask for more, leaving you both in a limbo, not knowing where you stood anymore.
Which led you to this moment, nervousness bubbling in your chest like some sort of venom, thick and foul, spreading through your body fast and corrosive.
His shuttle had just arrived, and between the many troopers you were looking for his distinctive uniform, the pauldron standing tall and the Jaig eyes making the search easier.
You feel sick at the mere thought of having him in front of you.
Does he looks the same? Same hair, a new scar maybe? Will he still like how you laugh, or call his name? Does he kiss, touch, feel the same? Do you?
Does he love you still?
It's been too long, too long.
You fidget with your shirt and your eyes sometimes find the floor, flickering through the different buckets, a couple of Jedi pass by, some pilots, a few droids. No one is your man.
Anxiety starts to make you feel dizzy, sound begins to feel too distant, and has your heart always been beating this quick? You can't breath properly.
Where is Rex? Is he–
Tears fill your eyes as a sigh leaves you, relief washing over you as find him, uniform a bit dirtier than the last time you saw it, blasters at both his sides and the kamas move matching the confidence he carries himself with as he comes to meet you. You can't see his face and the fact stirs something unpleasant in you, self doubt slowly poking it's ugly head.
Are you still beautiful in his eyes?
You always hated the way his helmet shields him from you, not letting you know what he's feeling, is he disgusted, happy, sad? Is he as nervous as you are? You can never tell.
Your head falls slightly once he's in front of you, and you're glad he can't hear the frenetic beat of your heart.
He calls your name with a formality that surprises you, you look everywhere but him, searching new scratches in his armour, finding a few stains that weren't there before.
He doesn't make any sign that he might want to hug you or touch you, and neither do you, standing at a safe distance that it might look like you're just co-workers or less.
Your hand itches to feel him.
"Rex." You let out, trying to find his eyes behind the bucket, he looks stiff, frozen, like something weights on him heavy and awkward.
Your mind wanders to the worst of places.
He lifts his bucket and tucks it under his arm, shy eyes search for something in yours, and yours searching for anything that might be different from the last time you got to see his pretty face.
No new scars –not visible at least–, same short blond hair, same irises that remind you of the sun and that matches it's warmth. He looks just the same, yet you don't know if his feelings stayed.
Maybe... maybe he met someone else, what if he–?
"Hi." He says in a breath, as if he had been holding it for far too long, and is enough for your tears to cascade down your cheeks as a smile breaks through your face.
"Hi yourself, trooper."
Rex wraps your body in his arms, pulling you flush against him, face hiding in your neck as he breathes you in. He almost cries, right then and there, you smell just like he remembered, like something sweet, something like home.
It's comforting, really, to know nothing has changed between you two in a galaxy that always seems to be.
And just like that, you know you're fine.
You whisper his name, and when he looks up he wastes no time in pressing your lips together, a tender little touch that is just a taste of what's to come, of what words can't express, and you find yourself holding him tighter, afraid he might be an illusion, a dream, a distant memory you thought forgotten. But it's still there. He is here. Kissing you like real people do, not a vision, not a wish nor a dream.
It is him in your arms, and you in his.
"I love you," Rex blurts when you pull away for air, in a whisper, as if he didn't want anyone but you to hear, scared of rejection but even more scared of you never knowing. His lips brush with yours, uncertain, timid, foreheads touching.
You feel like dreaming, like you're walking over the clouds, floating away in a perpetual state of pure love, heart feeling so full you might think it's about to explode.
"Kiss me." You plead and he delivers, pushing you to the closest supply box, inhaling sharply when your nails softly scratch the skin at the nape. It's filled with a longing that had been caged for too long, and it's messy, teeth clashing and noses bumping, tongues re-exporing and you don't think you have felt this good in a long time.
Before he can pull away properly, you connect your lips again, and again, and again, until they are swollen and you're panting for air.
It's been too long, and you have missed him so much, and you don't know how to tell him, how to let him know all and every emotion that has tormented you since you met him, so you try to summarize it in four simple, but powerful words.
"I love you too."
taglist: @foodandbooksplease @dottiechan @ladykatakuri @tacticalsparkles @lightning-wolffe @baroclinicinstability @murdertoothpick @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @space-girl-and-droids-art @shygirl268 @hellothere-generalangsty
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Life Without Colour (PART FIVE)
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Soulmate AU: Your vision is in black and white until you meet your soulmate. You and your boyfriend, Steve Rogers, aren’t each others soulmates but you love each other. He introduces you to his friends, the Avengers, and a very odd thing happens.
Characters: Steve Rogers x Plus Size Female Reader, Bucky Barnes x Plus Size Female Reader
Note: ignore that i don’t even question bucky being able to get through security at the airport, i couldn’t think of how he would be able to get through the airport security bc of his metal arm so i’ve skipped that detail completely. i hope it doesn’t detract from the story! 
this is nearly 6000 words!
Taglist:  @domainoflostsouls​  forgetthisbull  handon-h-art  yourspecialcrush  giulsgotmusic  mrsbarnes-rogers  luosymekawa  linzeyzarcone  forgetthisbull   calamityreads  talgra   marina-darling  btsforlif  lamoursansfin  classic1985  lovesicksofi  fandomsfallnomore  thebivirgin  classygladiatorcupcake
Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. You had long since stopped trying to figure out what state you were in and where you were headed. Bucky had been driving non-stop aside from two bathroom breaks at a small gas station in the middle of nowhere. You had stopped crying a long time ago, too drained and too tired to continue. You felt horrendous. You hated this, you absolutely hated this but you had no choice in the matter. The car had been silent for the whole way aside from the quiet chatter on the radio. Bucky hadn’t wanted to speak in fear of upsetting you further. He had been driving you out of state to go to an airport that would be a little harder to find. It had been Fury’s idea, to go to an airport that Hydra wouldn’t look for straight away. It gave you a little more time to get away without being watched.
You took a break from watching the blur of trees and roads to glance at the clock on the dashboard; 13:42. You hadn’t eaten yet, barely had anything to drink either and you knew that you weren’t far away from a dehydration migraine. As if on cue, your stomach rumbled loudly. Bucky, without speaking, reached behind his car seat and produced a rucksack and dumped it on your lap with a, “Here. There’s water and some snacks in there. We’ll get a proper meal when we’re at the airport.”
You dug through the bag, producing two bottles of water. You opened one and offered it to Bucky, he accepted with a nod, draining half before handing it back to you. You offered him a muffin but he shook his head. You dropped the bag to between your feet and began to have your water and muffin. It helped curb the hunger, at least for a while, and you felt a lot better once you had something in your stomach. After a while, you sank back into your seat with a yawn.
Bucky glanced over at you, “We’ve still got a few hours to drive, you can sleep if you want.” You looked at him and he gave you a small smile, “It’s okay. I’ll wake you up when we’re there.”
You thanked him quietly before closing your eyes. It didn’t take long before you fell asleep and your soft snores filled the car. Bucky looked at you for a couple of seconds, smiling to himself. Man, it’s gonna be a long few weeks.
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It only felt like you’d closed your eyes for a few minutes when Bucky was saying your name, gently shaking your shoulder. Groggily, you opened your eyes to meet his blue eyes and it almost gave you a fright seeing them. Sometimes it still surprised you to see colour and especially when Bucky was around... colour seemed to be brighter and those deeper blue eyes seemed so bright in person.
“We’re here,” he said, pulling back quickly, not wanting to upset you by being too close. Bucky was very careful of boundaries, he always had been but especially after the Winter Soldier incidents. He knew what it felt like to not want to be touched or have your personal space invaded so he was always careful to not overstep.
“You’ve got the fake passports and stuff, don’t you?” You asked him, yawning and stretching in your seat.
He nodded and told you that they’re in his bag. In order to help the process of becoming anonymous, Fury had fake IDs and fake passports made for the two of you. They’d even gone so far as to create two new backstories for the pair of you just in case anyone ever questioned the pair of you. You and Bucky got out of the car, your legs ached from having sat in the car for hours upon hours. It was dark outside now, you didn’t know the time. Bucky grabbed the bags out of the car and handed you the two passports to hold. As you walked into the airport, you flicked to it. Miss Jane Smith and Mr John Smith. Two very common and obvious fake names but you hoped that it wouldn’t be picked up.
The check in process was much easier than you anticipated, the passports passed the ID checks and soon, the two of you were through security and heading for the food outlet. Bucky had told you to keep your head down for most of the time and to avoid direct eye contact with cameras. The airport was relatively quiet which was good in the sense you didn’t have to worry about people around you noticing Bucky. Bucky led you to a small café which was quiet and the two of you sat at the back. Everything was kind of passing in a blur and it only seemed like a few seconds until Bucky was back with your food.
You began to eat in silence and it was then you realised where you were going, “Estonia?” You asked quietly, making sure to not be overhead.
Bucky nodded as he took a bite of his burger, “Managed to find a secluded house, already furnished. The owner agreed to let us stay for a discounted price as well.”
“I’ve never been,” you shrugged, taking a bite of your food, “Where are we right now?”
“Pittsburg,” he said, glancing around the café to make sure no one was taking notice of the pair of you, “Steve thought it would be a good idea to leave from an airport a few hours away from New York. Hydra and Rumlow would check New York airports first once they realise you’re out of town.”
You smiled sadly as you looked down to your food. Leave it to Steve to think of everything. Bucky told you that the flight would be leaving in an hour and it would be a long ass flight but it was okay because you were exhausted and you could absolutely sleep for a good portion of the flight anyway.  
You sighed, “When can I take this stupid disguise off? I’m so uncomfortable!”
Bucky studied you carefully, “When we’re in the safe house.”
“Do I look stupid? I feel stupid.”
“You look... different. Not bad just different,” he paused before speaking again, “I prefer you as you are though, without the wig, contacts and flashy clothes. I think you look much better when you’re being yourself.”
You didn’t know how to respond to that with anything other than a nod. It felt foreign and wrong to receive a compliment from him, even though it was a genuine, friendly compliment, it felt wrong. The two of you didn’t say much after that.
After eating, you and Bucky went to get some plane snacks. You grabbed some water and some treats, you also wandered to the book section and picked up a book. As you were walking to the books, you saw a little boy and girl pass wearing matching Captain America t-shirts. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched them pass. It seemed to hit you in that moment that this was real and this was truly happening.
“(y/n)?” Bucky asked appearing behind you.
You turned to him, “Sorry... I just can’t believe this is happening.” 
Bucky nodded before gesturing to the check out, “Let’s get this all checked out and then hopefully we’ll be able to go to our departure gate.” He didn’t really know how to help you without overstepping or potentially upsetting you. He didn’t want you to get upset in public so he thought that he could keep you distracted and that would help ease your worries. It helped, having him there to guide you and distract you from possible sad thoughts helped a lot actually.
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You found your airplane seats quick, the two of you were bang smack in the middle and you were both in a two seater section. Bucky let you go in first, saying that he preferred not to look out of the window when taking a flight. You sunk into it, keeping your head down and wrapping your arms around yourself to get warmer. As Bucky sat beside you, tapping his foot and his hand on the armrest impatiently, you looked at him curiously, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Bucky said, “Just... not a big fan of flying.”
You pulled out the magazines which were in the pocket of the chair in front of you and handed him them, “I find that reading the safety procedures always helps. Also reading the magazine where you can just check out the meal deals and the perfume deals help a bit.”
Bucky took them off of you and began to flick through them. In the meantime, you closed your eyes. As the plane began to move, Bucky tensed beside you and you opened your eyes to look at him, his hands were clenched around the arms of the chair, jaw clenched too.
“Hey, show me that,” you said, sitting up straighter and pointing to the magazine. He looked at you and then handed it to you. Bucky had been helping you out by distracting you from being sad, the least you could do is distract him from being anxious. You leaned over, probably a little closer than you would’ve felt comfortable with in normal circumstances. Bucky stiffened as he smelled your perfume when you came closer. You took no notice of the closeness.
“Look at that!” You said, pointing to the menu that they were offering that night on the flight, “What would you have?” Bucky shrugged and you rolled your eyes, “C’mon. I’d have the chicken curry and the cheese and ham panini and then I would absolutely have the tiramisu afterwards. What about you?” You held it closer to him for him to study.
“Uh... I mean, I suppose the lasagne sounds nice. The breaded mushrooms too, I like those. Never had tiramisu but it sounds nice enough so I’d give that a go too.”
“No way,” you said shaking your head, “I would order the tiramisu and you would order the chocolate and raspberry mousse and we’d share them both.”
Bucky snorted slightly, “Sure thing, whatever you want.”
You flicked through more of the pages, “Ooooh,” you said noticing the deals on the perfumes, “I love airplane and airport deals. I only ever buy my perfume from duty free, honestly. No point in buying it full price anywhere else.”
“I still find it crazy that there’s a shop on an airplane.”
You nodded, “I mean, it’s pretty weird but I’m not complaining about the deals. Some of the stuff you can buy is so bizarre though. I was on this flight once, going on holiday with my family when I was younger, and they were selling t-shirts with a picture of the airplane we were in on them saying ‘I rode in this plane and all I got was this lousy t-shirt’.”
“That sounds like it’s a total dad shirt,” Bucky laughed slightly. He looked a lot younger when he smiled. He was always so stony and serious but when he smiled or laughed, it knocked years off him. He was already a handsome man but when he smiled, he was just... wow.
You burst out laughing as he said it, “My dad did buy it and he wore it so proudly!”
Bucky laughed with you, finding his nerves easing up as he spoke to you. He hadn’t had a chance to talk to you about anything other than the fact you were soulmates so it felt rather nice to talk to you on another level. It was still prettty strange but it was nice. Steve always told him that you were easy to get along with so he wasn’t too surprised. As you continued to chat, you gasped audibly when you came to the ‘collectibles and merchandise’ page, “There it is!” 
“No way!” Bucky grinned as he looked down at the picture of the t-shirt exactly like the one you described, “Oh, god, it’s hideous.” The two of you lapsed into laughter again, talking and looking at it before Bucky happened to glance out of the window, “We’re in the air?”
You looked out, “Yeah, we took off about fifteen minutes ago actually.” Bucky breathed out an impressed laughter, “My distraction technique always works. Keep the mind occupied on something else like the ugliest t-shirts in the world.”
Bucky smiled, “Thank you and thanks to the ugliest t-shirt ever-” it was then that a man wearing the exact t-shirt you had been slating got up from the seat in front of you and shot you a dirty look as he walked past, “Oh, shit.” It was hard to keep your laughter in but somehow you both managed it.
As you calmed down, Bucky sighed, “No, really, thank you for that.”
You smiled as you handed him the magazines back and sunk back into your seat, “And now, I sleep.”
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When you woke up a few hours later, you found yourself to be sitting alone with no Bucky Barnes in sight. You looked up to see a flight attendant coming down the aisle, “Excuse me,” you said with a smile, “do you know where the man sitting next to me went?”
She smiled, the same warm smile that every flight attendant has, “Yes, your husband is in the queue for the toilet, he should be back in a few minutes.”
You nodded, she went to leave when you caught her again, “Sorry, can you do me a favour?”
When Bucky came back, he was pleasantly surprised to see you sitting awake, smiling at him, “Good sleep?” You nodded,  “Don’t worry, you didn’t snore... too loud.” 
Your cheeks burned as he teased you, “Shove it, Barnes,” you scoffed, “I bought us a present.”
He frowned, “A present?”
You grinned as you held up two t-shirts, the exact same one that you both said was the ugliest shirt in the world, “No way!” He laughed, clapping his gloved hands together, “Oh my god, they’re worse in person.”
You laughed as you handed him his, “You’re so welcome. I will make us wear these at some point by the way, don’t think you’re getting out of it.” You’d never seen Bucky smile so wide with pure joy radiating from him. It was nice to see; it made you feel a lot better about the situation that was happening. You and Bucky hadn’t broached the subject of being the other’s soulmates, you actually really didn’t want to have that conversation anytime soon, but it was nice to know that at least you got on a little bit.
The fact that the pair of you were laughing so soon felt wrong. It felt like you were betraying Steve for merely getting along but it was nice. You were scared of what was going to happen and Bucky had been anxious about flying so the pair of you had nothing to do but talk to each other. Sure, it wasn’t a particularly interesting conversation but it was something. It was still a little awkward and a little weird at times but you could look past that for a few minutes to just appreciate the fact that Bucky was doing this.
Soon, you were curled back into your plane seat, your own jacket draped across you, “Thanks,” you said quietly as sleep began to take over,  “for doing this for Steve. I know that it’s not ideal and I know you probably don’t want to be stuck with me for weeks. I appreciate it, Bucky.”
Bucky nodded and didn’t say anything. I’m not doing it for only Steve, I’m doing it for you too. He watched you for a moment longer before closing his own eyes and resting into his own seat.
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The rest of the flight went by in a blur, you slept some more, read your book and ate some food. It wasn’t long before it was time to land and Bucky could not have been more happy than in the moment the wheels of the plane landed on the runway. The airport was a relatively quiet which meant that security and getting your bags was a lot faster than anticipated.
Soon, you were waiting with Bucky in line to get a rental car. To your surprise, when it was your turn to speak to the receptionist, Bucky slid a wad of cash over the counter, “I want a car to keep and I want it off book.”
The receptionist, who was a middle aged man with salt and pepper hair, eyed Bucky with narrow eyes and Bucky stared right back at him. You glanced between the two men wondering who would give up the staring contest first. After a pregnant pause, the receptionist shrugged and dug around in the drawer next to him before pulling out a car key, “Grey sedan in Lot C, registration plate ends with RUS. It’s old and a little worse for wear but for this price, best I can do.” He glanced from left to right before sliding the keys across the table. Apparently he seemed to accept the bribe. You raised your eyebrows, looking between the man and Bucky.
Bucky thanked him with a nod before taking the keys and picked up his and one of your bags before walking away with you in tow, “Wait,” you said quietly, rushing to keep up with him, “You just bought a car?!”
Bucky nodded, “We needed a car. This one will do for a while, keeps us off of the radar for a while.”
Finding the car was easy, the hard part was trying to keep up with Bucky. He took long, quick strides that were hard to keep up with. The car was parked alone in Lot C. It was a little old, with some dents and scratches in the doors from previous bumps and accidents and some of the paint had chipped but aside from that, it seemed to be fine. Bucky loaded the bags in the trunk before getting into the driver’s seat. You settled into your seat and Bucky said that it would be a forty minute drive but could do it in half the time if the road’s were quiet. Then, you both set off.
You couldn’t stop staring out of the window, looking at every single detail of Estonia. It seemed like a dream that you’d be waking up from any second now. Your hands fidgeted with your jacket sleeves as you stared out to the vast unknown. What would become of you and your relationship, you had no idea. You didn’t know what was going to happen and you had absolutely no clue where you would be going. A wave of uneasiness crashed over you as you tried to swallow down the nausea. 
The drive seemed to simultaneously be the longest and shortest drive ever. Seconds felt like years and minutes felt like nanoseconds. You just wanted things to go back to how they were two months ago when things were easy and simple and life was without colour. You glanced over at Bucky, wishing that it had been anyone besides him that was your soulmate. Bucky was a decent enough guy from the short time you’d been with him, I mean, he was willing to take you to a safe house for god knows how long after meeting each other less than three times so obviously he was a good guy but... even if you and Bucky ended up friends, ended up falling in love... nothing could ever happen. You just couldn’t do that to Steve. 
Oh, Steve. 
You wondered what he would be doing just now. He would probably be in the gym with Sam, boxing his feelings and emotions about the whole situation out. That’s what he usually did when things were tense or when he was stressed, he would go to the gym and work out for hours. Sam would usually go with him, being his comic relief to make things less stressful for him. You had never been so thankful for Sam Wilson than in that moment of realisation. You had been so focused on what this meant for you and how this would affect you that you’d practically overlooked your boyfriend’s feelings.
Steve would be blaming your kidnapping on himself, even though it wasn’t his fault that Hydra were dickheads. He would be devastated that he’d had to send you off with your soulmate, knowing fine well that you could easily come back home in love with Bucky. It had been so hard for Steve to make that decision but it had to be done. He wished that he could’ve came with you but it was his mess to clean up and he couldn’t just let his friends do it. He wasn’t that selfish even though he wished he could have been. Steve would rely on Sam pretty heavily over the coming weeks. Sam had been such a good friend to Steve in the few years they’d known each other. Sam understood Steve, they shared the same values and same morals and that was something you liked about Sam. Sam wasn’t afraid to stand up and fight for what was right. You knew that Steve would be in good hands with Sam at his side.
Little did you know, Bucky was thinking of Steve Rogers too as he drove. It was surreal that he was driving with you, through Estonia, to a safe house where you’d be for weeks, potentially months. It scared Bucky, honestly. He liked you, not in a romantic way (yet), but he had heard all about you from Steve. All of those months that Bucky was in Wakanda, Steve called every week to check on him. Every week, Steve would talk about you. He remembered the things he would say about you. ‘She’s great, Buck. She’s got this smile, this really wide smile that I’ve only seen a handful of people have in my life. You know the one I mean. That genuinely happy, makes you smile when you see it smile.’, ‘You gotta meet her, Bucky. She’s everything I’ve been looking for and even though we’re not soulmates, we are.’, ‘It’s crazy. After Peggy, I never thought I’d fall in love again but (y/n) came into my life when I needed her most. Every day, I wake up thankful for her. My god, you have to meet her. You two will get on so well. She keeps my on my toes and is hilarious.’
Bucky glanced at you, a familiar pang of guilt shooting through him. You were his best friend’s girl and he could never do anything to pursue you because he cared about Steve too much. Steve was the one person who had given him a chance and had stuck by him through everything. Steve deserved you, Bucky didn’t.
It wasn’t long before Bucky pulled into a driveway. You looked around, realising that you were deep in the woods. It was an off road cabin that seemed to be pretty far from civilisation, “This is it.” Bucky cut the engine before getting out of the car. You stayed put, staring at the cabin in front of you. From the outside, it looked a little run down but very liveable. It was made with a dark oak wood which blended in well with the trees. Passers by would have to do a double take at first because of how well it blended in.
You got out of the car, grabbing the rucksack that had been by your feet. Bucky appeared beside you, carrying all of his and your bags, “Ready?”
You didn’t look at him, eyes stuck on the cabin in front of you. This was it. This was your future. You were unusually terrified as you stared at it. As soon as you stepped into that cabin, your future would change forever. Everything would change. Life as you knew it with Steve would completely change as soon as you walked into that cabin. With your heart beating fast, you took a breath and nodded, following him up the stony path and to the front door. He unlocked it and swung the door open before disappearing inside. You hesitated at the front door, staring at the line on the floor to mark the cabin’s entrance.
“I love you, Steve,” you whispered before stepping into the cabin and closing the door behind you.
The cabin had an old musty smell to it, the smell of emptiness. Clearly, no one had lived here for a long time. The décor was simple and pretty outdated but it was nice. Bucky had flicked the lights on throughout the cabin and was checking each room just to double check. You wandered through each room. The living room was simple with a couple of recliners and a small couch with a small TV on an old coffee table. You’d be surprised if the TV still worked with a thick layer of dust coating it. There was a large fireplace in the middle of the side wall which would be nice on a cold night. The kitchen was nice with everything that the pair of you would need to get started in the wooden cupboards and on shelves. It had a small table in the corner of the room, looking out of the window. Bucky told you that tomorrow, he would go get some shopping and food supplies until then you had the water and a few more snacks.
Next, you ventured into the bedrooms. Yours and Bucky’s separate bedrooms were adjacent to each other. Bucky had dropped his bags in the slightly smaller room. You went to object but the look on his face told you not to even bother. Bucky’s room was smaller yet still spacious enough for a double bed and a wardrobe. Your room was pretty much the same though as well as a wardrobe you had the chest of drawers as well. The shared bathroom was beside your room and it was... well, it was just an outdated bathroom. And that was it.
The cabin wasn’t particularly big or luxurious but it was much than you had expected. You seriously were expecting to sleep on the floor on a bug infested hotel but Bucky had done pretty good. You’d long since abandoned your disguise, feeling much better when looking like yourself. As you wandered around again, checking cupboards, finding extra duvets and pillows in the wardrobe in your room, you remembered something important. You dug around in your bags until you found it; a picture frame. Bucky knocked on your bedroom door. You turned to him, “You don’t need to knock,” you said.
“Come so I can show you something.”
You followed him into the living room as you held the picture frame in your hands. He stopped in front of a painting on the wall moving the painting to reveal a safe, “Oh, wow,” you said surprised.
“I got this safe installed and I’m putting this gun inside it, okay?” He told you, taking a gun from his back pocket. You jumped slightly, not expecting him to wield a weapon in front of you, “This is for emergencies, got it? I’ll teach you how to use it but for now, I’m locking it up in here, okay?”
“I don’t want to use a gun-”
“Neither do I,” Bucky said, cutting over you, “but I have to at least show you how to use it just in case, okay? The code is 0407-”
“Steve’s birthday.”
Bucky faltered before nodding and continuing, “Yeah, Steve’s birthday. Type that in,” he typed it in, “and it’ll unlock.” He dropped the gun inside of it before closing it over, “Re-type the code and it locks. Got it?”
You nodded.
“I always have at least one weapon on me at all times, okay? I have my gun and I have my knife. I’m only putting this here and showing you just in case, okay? We’ll probably never have to use it but it’s just in case something happens, just so I know that if I can’t get to you, you can have some way to protect yourself.”
Again, you nodded. Bucky eyed you carefully, making sure that you were okay with this. You didn’t really know how to feel about it. You weren’t surprised that he had weapons but it scared you the thought of you having to use them. Hopefully it would never come to that though. He could see the toll this was taking on you and you’d barely been gone a day. He was about to ask what you had in your hands when you wandered over to the fireplace and put the photo atop. It was a photo that you had once upon a time hated. It was you and Steve laughing as you posed for a picture in front of your Christmas tree. Nat had taken it on Christmas Eve. You wore a dress that hugged your curves a little too tightly for your liking but Steve had loved to see you in that dress. He always said the colour complimented your complexion so well and now that you could actually see colour, you could see where he was coming from. You loved that picture now, you remembered the night fondly where he twirled you around, telling you how beautiful you were every other minute. So yeah, you could see your protruding stomach and your bigger arms but you loved it. You smiled as you looked at Steve’s smile, heart soaring as you looked at him. Steve could make you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. With him, you truly believed it. Your weight never defined your worth, you defined it.
Almost instantly, Bucky lunged for it, grabbing it and almost tumbling into you,  “What the fuck?!” You hissed, leaping backwards. You hadn’t expected the dark haired super soldier to lunge from across the room, almost knocking you off of your feet to grab the picture frame down.
Bucky released a sharp breath, “The window,” he said gruffly. He pulled the curtains shut quickly, “We can’t put any photos up.”
“Why the fuck not?!”
He rolled his eyes, Steve had warned him that you could be stubborn, “In case we’re being watched. If someone’s tailing us, they might look through the window and have our identities confirmed if we put photos up.”
You rolled your eyes, “If someone’s tailing us then I’m pretty sure that they know our identities already. Give me it back.”
“Fine but you’re not putting it there,” Bucky said.
You glared at him as a bubble of anger boiled in your stomach, “My god, how am I meant to stay here with you for weeks if you’re such an arse over a photo?!”
“Yeah?” Bucky scoffed, “I didn’t have to come here, (y/n). I came because Steve asked. I came for you.”
You were breathing heavy as you glared at each other, “Yeah well maybe I don’t want you here.”
“Maybe I don’t want to be here!”
“Keep the stupid picture.” You turned on your heel and stormed into your bedroom, slamming the door shut behind you. You knew that you weren’t angry at Bucky, you knew that the two of you were tired and hungry. You knew that you were a flurry of emotions from having your life flipped upside down. You knew that Bucky was looking out for your safety but you were pissed and he was the only person near you so he would have to deal with it. 
Bucky sighed heavily as he fell onto the couch, pursing his lips and pinching the bridge of his nose. Yeah, Steve, she’s fucking brilliant. 
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It was hours later when you rolled over with a huff. Sleep wasn’t coming easily. You were still too pissed off and because you were still so pissed off, you were only getting more annoyed. You knew that if the anger faded, you’d probably end up crying and you didn’t know which was worse so you just stayed angry. You wished that Bucky would’ve just been able to talk to you normally instead of treating you like a child. You would’ve absolutely understood the picture fiasco had he not leapt over the table and yanked it like a dog stealing someone’s dinner from the table. 
You sat up in bed. Usually, if you couldn’t sleep you’d watch TV or go on your phone but you didn’t feel up for watching the tiny TV in the living room and you obviously didn’t have a phone so you couldn’t do much than think. You’d need to see if there was a cheap CD player and CDs in town so that you could at least have some background noise. The cabin was eerily quiet at night. It was a different surrounding in a different country and everything just felt a little uneasy. You were used to New York where the hustle and bustle was part of every day life but the woods was so quiet aside from the rustling trees... it would take some getting used to.
With a huff, you grabbed your dressing gown from the bag on the floor and made your way into the kitchen. You grabbed a glass and filled it with water before taking a long drink. You didn’t know why you wandered into the living room but you found yourself venturing in and it was then you noticed, in the dim light from the moon, you saw a note and the picture of you and Steve that sat on the coffee table in front of the TV. You picked up the note.
I’m sorry about freaking out over the picture, it’s been a long day. Steve warned me you were stubborn but I wasn’t prepared, I guess. Let’s not put it on the fire place until we’re absolutely sure that no one’s tracking us. Until then, it can go here where it’s not facing a window. Hope that’s okay. It is a lovely picture of you and Steve... Again, sorry. - Bucky
You smiled slightly as you read it before slipping the note into your dressing gown pocket and going back to bed. So Bucky Barnes was decent after all.
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leia505 · 4 years
The Sunrise and Your Sins | Chapter 2 (NSFW)
!!!! Link to Chapter 1 !!!!
AAAHHH thank you to everyone who read my first chapter!!! I’m sorry for the super long delay on chapter 2, I’ve been recovering from a car accident so this fanfic kind of lost it’s priority bc I’ve been in pain lol. But I’m feeling better now so new chapters should be coming out faster! 
From this chapter forward, there will be explicit sexual content meant for audiences 18+ so minors please do not engage! or engage and just don’t tell me idk 
All links to car visuals and playlists and art and tags and all that jazz can be found in chapter 1 :) 
Word Count: 14k
New Tags: consensual sex, oral sex(giving and receiving), brat and dom, choking, breeding kink, face sitting 
‘You free this weekend?’ you read the text off of your phone. You groggily glance at the time, which read 3:33 AM. 
‘Depends.’ you respond back to Kuroo.  Two and a half weeks had passed since the last job he worked, meaning it had been two and half weeks since you had seen him and discussed your suspicions about your father. 
‘Friend of mine is throwing a party. Karasuno Killers are gonna be there.’ Kuroo replies. Your pulse quickens, remembering the conversation you and Kuroo had about your brother and his racing team. 
‘I’ll be there.’ you pause before hitting send, questioning if the action you were tempted to make was a good idea. ‘Are you free rn?’ you type, pressing send and locking your phone, setting it down next to you as you stared up at the ceiling. Your heart raced at even the thought of Kuroo, of the idea of being in his presence alone again.
Your phone lit up seconds later. ‘Be there in 15.’ You can feel yourself blushing, and you can’t stop the grin that spread across your face. 
You practically jump out of bed, changing into something casual. A flash of red catches your eye, and you grab Kuroo’s jacket, draping it over your shoulders. You sit back down in bed, impatiently waiting for Kuroo to text you. 
After what felt like an eternity, you finally got a text from him. ‘Here princess.’ You smirk at the use of the nickname, you were starting to get used to hearing him call you princess, and you couldn’t deny the fact that you liked it. 
Moving quietly through the house, you quickly peer over to your father’s office to see if the lights were on. Long work nights were common with him, the only downside being that the computer with access to the security cameras was in that office. Lucky for you, he seemed to be asleep upstairs, so that was one less thing to worry about. 
“Hey there.” Kuroo’s deep voice practically echoed through the quiet night, and you quickly shush him as you lock the front door. He laughs, holding the car door open for you. He shuts it behind you and goes around to his side, climbing in and starting the car. 
“So, where to?” He asks, turning to you, his elbow resting against the center console, a huge grin spread across his face. 
“Anywhere.” You say, anxious to get away from your house, away from your father. It gave you chills thinking about your brother and the connections that were beginning to form, with your father only a few feet away at times. You tried your hardest to act as normal as possible around him, but you knew that eventually he would catch on to your sudden change in behavior. 
“Are you hungry?” Kuroo asks, pulling out his phone and unlocking it. You take a peek at his lock screen, and see a photo of a black cat staring back at you. 
You shrug. “I could eat.” You say, causing Kuroo to chuckle. 
“I know the perfect place.” He says, calling someone. “Hey Haiba, you guys still open?” He pauses as the person named Haiba responds. “Perfect. I’ll be there in 20. Save a table for two.” He pauses yet again. “No you ass, not for Kenma. I’m bringing a girl.” He says, hanging up the phone. 
You laugh at the interaction between them, looking over at Kuroo as he pulls out of the driveway and through the neighborhood. Kuroo glances over at you, smirking when he realizes you were already looking. You quickly look away, staring ahead intensely. 
“You look cute in my jacket.” He says. 
“Does that mean I get to keep it?” You ask playfully, smiling sweetly at him. He laughs, a big grin on his face. 
“I’ll tell you what. You can keep it, but I will need to borrow it from time to time for races. Fair?” He says, holding a hand out for you to shake as he keeps the other on the wheel. 
“Sounds good to me.” You say, grabbing his hand and shaking it. Your fingers graze over the callouses and scars on his knuckles, and you turn his hand over to examine them. 
“Just some work related injuries.” He jokes, squeezing your hand.
“These are from working for my dad?” You ask, your voice quiet, almost out of shame. 
“Yeah.” He responds. You couldn’t hide the painful expression on your face and Kuroo quickly took notice of it. “Nothing to worry about though, princess. I’m tougher than I look, I promise.” He says, winking. Kuroo brings your hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss, making your heart skip a beat and your cheeks glow red. 
He lets go of your hand to switch gears as you enter the city. There are no shops that appear to be open and no one on the street. Kuroo slows down, pulling into a parking lot. 
“It doesn’t look like anything’s open.” You state as Kuroo gets out of the car. 
“Looks can be deceiving.” He says, shutting his car door. You let yourself out, closing the door behind you and turning towards him. He takes your hand and leads you to a small shop with a sign that reads “Haiba Ramen”. From the outside it had looked as though it was closed, but as soon as Kuroo swung the door open, you realized it was anything but.  
There were plenty of people in there, almost all of them wearing racing jackets of different colors, the style similar to Kuroo’s. The smell of ramen was strong and welcoming, your hunger growing as you entered the shop. 
“DK!” You hear someone call out. The patrons of the ramen shop all turn their heads to look at the both of you, and you were met by a chorus of greetings. 
“Someone’s popular.” You quietly comment to him as he leads you to a table away from the crowds. 
“Haiba’s part of Nekoma Crew, part time mechanic, part time ramen shop owner. He’s better at cooking than fixing cars though.” Kuroo motions towards the other patrons in the shop. “These are all racers. The store is closed to the public at 10, but stays open for friends and racers until 5. Me and the team usually have our meetings and get togethers here.” 
“Well who else would let you fuckers in this late at night?” A tall guy with silver hair says, placing two waters on the table. Kuroo gets up to greet him. 
“We’re eternally grateful Lev.” Kuroo jokes, giving Lev a half hug. Lev rolls his eyes as Kuroo sits back down.
“Hi.” You say shyly, giving a small wave to Lev, who smiled down at you. 
“You must be…(y/n).” Lev says holding a hand out for you to shake. 
You scrunch your eyebrows together, shaking his hand. “Uh, how do you know my name?” You ask skeptically, curious as to how he already knew you. 
“DK won’t stop talking about you at the shop. Sometimes it’s like he can’t shut up about you.” Lev smirks, looking over at Kuroo. You look at Kuroo with a face of fake shock, grinning from ear to ear. You see his ears growing red as he avoids your gaze. 
“Your tip is rapidly decreasing the longer this conversation goes on for.” Kuroo says, making you laugh. Lev scoffs, mockingly putting his hands up. 
“Alright, alright. I wouldn’t want to third wheel on your date any longer anyways. Now, what would you two love birds like to eat?” 
Kuroo sighs, putting his face in his hands in distress. The entire exchange made you laugh, getting to see Kuroo as a normal guy instead of a mob henchman was refreshing. Friends, not colleagues. Race cars, not drugs. Not to mention, it gives you butterflies thinking about the fact he talks about you to his crew. 
“Surprise me.” You say, catching Lev’s attention. “Make me whatever you think I’d like. Or whatever you feel like making. I promise I’ll eat anything.” Lev grins brightly, turning towards Kuroo. 
“I like her. Don’t screw this up!” Lev calls out to Kuroo as he walks away to the kitchen to start on whatever it was he would choose to serve you. 
“So you talk about me, huh?” You say, smirking at Kuroo. 
“Maybe.” He says, cheekily grinning at you. “You don’t talk about me to your friends?” 
“I...don’t have friends.” You say, shrugging. “In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t really leave the house much.” 
“You don’t have any friends?” Kuroo asks, a puzzled expression on his face. 
“Nope.” You say, taking a sip of your water. “I mean, I had friends in high school. But I sort of drifted away from them after graduation and after my brother died.” 
Kuroo nods, knowing that your brother’s death was a touchy topic. “Well, you have to have someone to talk to. Someone you consider a friend.” He says, diverting the conversation away from the dark and depressing stuff. 
You thought to yourself for a second, trying to think of a person you found yourself spending time with and talking to, or even someone that you enjoy being around. “You.” You answer, smiling at Kuroo. “You’re kinda the only person I ever talk to.” 
Kuroo smiles back at you, letting out a small chuckle. “I’m honored, princess.” Kuroo takes your hand in his, planting another gentle kiss on the top of your hand, making you blush. 
“Are you usually up this late?” You ask, getting curious about Kuroo and his life away from you and your family. 
He shrugs, rubbing small circles along your knuckles. “Some nights, if I have a job or if I’m working on something with Kenma. Tonight I just happened to get a text from a friend about the party this weekend, I thought it’d be a good way for you to get in contact with Karasuno.”
“Who’s party is it?” 
“A good friend of mine, Kotarou Bokuto. He’s the leader of Fukurodani Squad, his racing name is Blackjack.” Kuroo answers. 
“Is he…” You pause, wondering the best way to ask if Bokuto’s a criminal. 
“No.” Kuroo says before you can finish your sentence. “He’s just a racer. Him and his crew are pretty well known internationally, so all his income comes from his shop. He’s...just a really good guy. Not a bad bone in his body.” 
“Oh, so you do have normal friends.” You say sarcastically. 
“Well, Fukurodani and Karasuno are the normal teams. They don’t do the shady stuff. Seijoh Brawlers and Nekoma Crew are pretty similar, since only me and Oikawa do the jobs. Kenma gets involved every once and awhile, but it's rare. Inarizaki though, they’re literally all drug dealers. Drug dealers who happen to also be racers.” Kuroo explains. 
“That would explain why Kita doesn’t have a fancy jacket.” You say, remembering the plain black hoodie he wore the last time you saw him. “So it’s just you, Oikawa, and Kita doing the shady stuff?” 
“Yeah, mainly just us. I promise not all racers are big bad guys.” Kuroo jokes to you. 
“You’re not a bad guy.” You say, squeezing his hand gently. “You’re just...someone who works for a bad guy. Bad guy adjacent.” You smile at him, knowing that one of the things that held Kuroo back from pursuing anything with you was the fact he saw himself as the villain. The truth was, maybe the both of you were just bad guy adjacent — not necessarily the villains, but stuck being attached to the bad. 
Kuroo gives you a sad smile, squeezing your hand back. “I guess that’s better than being the evil genius.” You knew exactly who he was talking about, who the evil genius was in this morbid epic that is your life. The mastermind, the puppeteer, the dark hand behind the curtain. Your father. It was a hard pill to swallow, but it was one that you had to, which you and Kuroo both knew. An unspoken acknowledgement of the fact that sooner or later, you would have to face your demons — that regardless of what, or who, they are — Kuroo would be right there beside you. 
Your moment with Kuroo was interrupted by Lev, walking out of the kitchen carrying a plate and a bowl. “Bon appetit love birds.” He says, placing a bowl of ramen in front of Kuroo and a plate of chicken wings in front of you. 
“Thanks Lev. Put it on the shop’s tab.” Kuroo says, digging into his ramen. 
“Thanks Lev.” You say, smiling and picking up a chicken wing. It was still steaming, hot and fresh from the fryer. 
“I hope you two enjoy. DK, you gonna be at Blackjack’s party this Saturday?” Lev asks, turning towards Kuroo. 
“Yeah, we’ll be there. Do you know who the party’s for?” Kuroo asks, picking up a soft boiled egg from his ramen and eating it. 
Lev shrugs, throwing a kitchen towel over his shoulder. “No clue. That guy just throws parties for the hell of it. I’ll see you both there!” He says, walking back towards the kitchen. 
You take a bite of the chicken wing, and you instantly understand why Kuroo said he was a great cook. “Holy shit.” You say, looking over at Kuroo. 
Kuroo peers over at you with a mouth full of noodles. “I know.” He says, mouth stuffed to the brim. He finishes chewing and wipes his mouth with a napkin. “A guy on my crew named Yamamoto always gets them. Same with Bokuto.” 
“It seems like you know everyone in Tokyo.” You say, digging into your big plate of wings. Lev also left you a small bowl of rice as well as a cup of miso soup, which you also began digging into. 
Kuroo laughs, picking up more noodles from his bowl. “If they race, I know them.” 
“It also seems like everyone knows you.” You say, thinking back to when you first entered the shop, and all the greetings Kuroo was met with. 
“Well, everyone kinda does. Y’know a title like Drift King isn’t just given to anyone.” He says, smirking at you. You roll your eyes at his arrogance. 
“How lucky am I to be sharing a meal with the great Drift King.” You say jokingly. Kuroo places his chopsticks down, looking across the table at you. 
“Is this not a date?” He asks seriously, eyebrows furrowed. You practically choke on your chicken, which you place down on the table. After wiping your hands on a napkin, you look at Kuroo, who was still staring at you intensely. 
“Was it supposed to be?” You ask shyly, unsure if the miscommunication was on your end or his. 
“Well, I kind of assumed, you asked if I was free. Now we’re eating a meal together. You never really fight it when people talk to us like a couple.” Kuroo says, fidgeting with his spoon that laid in the broth of his ramen. 
You pause for a second, thinking over what he just said. You avert his gaze, staring into your miso soup which had begun to settle and separate. “Did you...want this to be a date?” You ask, looking up at him skeptically. 
“I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to it being a date.” He answers carefully, but with a tone of confidence. “But, if you don’t want it to be, that’s fine.” He says quickly, trying to avoid a bad mood shift between the two of you. 
You pondered again over what he said, and what it would mean for the two of you. Is a relationship the right thing to get into with everything going on? Would it even be appropriate for the two of you to be together? 
“This is a date.” You say, your heart pounding away anxiously as you look into Kuroo’s hypnotizing hazel eyes. He grins proudly at you, all feelings of anxiety going away as soon as you confirmed that this was, in fact, a date. “But, it is just a date. It doesn’t mean anything...specific.” 
He shrugs, picking his chopsticks up to continue eating. “That’s fair. No worries, princess. I’m in no rush here.” 
You smile to yourself, content with the conclusion that you and Kuroo came to. “Thanks. I just don’t think I’m ready for anything serious right now. With everything going on with my dad.” You say, knowing that this was something Kuroo already knew. 
“Yeah, I get it. Bigger fish to fry right now. It’s not like I’m going anywhere.” He says, winking at you. 
The two of you had continued to eat in silence, occupied with the delicious food in front of you. At one point, Kuroo had placed a small bundle of noodles into a spoon of broth, holding it out for you. 
“Aw, for me?” You say, leaning over to take the bite. The ramen was perfect, apparently everything Lev made was incredible. 
“What kind of guy doesn’t share his food with his beautiful date?” He says, making you smile. 
“I guess that means you deserve a chicken wing.” You say playfully, placing a wing in the empty bowl that once held your miso soup. “You should feel special, I really don’t share my food.” 
The two of you had finished your meals in silence, simply enjoying one another’s company. It feels as though this small outing was a break from the reality you both dread — rather than playing detective or operating within a gang, you were just a couple out on a date. 
“We better come back here one of these days.” You say, stacking your empty dishes up. You and Kuroo had finished everything, full and happy, now starting to get sleepy. The other racers in the shop had already left, and you could hear Lev cleaning in the kitchen. 
“Fine by me. As long as you still consider it a date.” Kuroo says, getting up from his seat and stretching. You get up as well, and Kuroo holds out a hand for you to take, which you do. Walking alongside him with his hand in yours, you grab onto his arm with your other hand, feeling especially affectionate towards him. 
“See you later Haiba!” Kuroo calls out as the two of you exit the shop, the cool night air breezing past your face, waking you up. 
You let go of Kuroo’s hand to open up your car door, and Kuroo walks around to his side and climbs in. As he turns on the car, the clock reads 5:05 AM. 
“It’s pretty late.” You comment, realizing how tired you had gotten. You lay your head against the car seat, turning your head to look at Kuroo. 
“Yeah, I know. Do you wanna go home now?” He asks, turning towards you to see your drooping eyelids. 
“Hmmm… not just yet. How about you drop me off when the sun comes up?” You ask sleepily. 
“Whatever you want princess.” Kuroo says quietly, starting the car. You rest your eyes as Kuroo begins driving off, feeling content as you drift off to the sound of Kuroo switching gears. You never thought that you’d ever be comfortable enough to fall asleep in someone’s car, given how paranoid your brother’s death had made you. But with Kuroo, you were just so at home, so trusting of him. You almost couldn’t believe that before your first job with Kuroo,  you just saw him as the hot guy who worked for your dad. 
Before you knew it, you were being gently awoken by Kuroo, the sun beginning to peak over the horizon. You didn’t recognize your surroundings, but you weren’t at all worried. There was never anything to worry about if Kuroo was with you. 
“Where are we?” You ask, looking around. It appeared as though Kuroo took you to a park, a bit away from the city. 
“We had some time to kill, I figured you’d want to see the sunrise.” He says, unbuckling his seat belt and turning to look out to the horizon. You do the same, sitting up in your seat and rubbing the sleep from your eyes. 
After a few moments, you recognize the park Kuroo took you to. “When I was younger, my mom would take me and my brother here.” You say, memories coming back to you. You thought it was strange, how everything seemed to be leading back to your brother lately. It almost felt like a sign. 
“I used to come here a lot too, with Kenma. Maybe we ran into each other once.” Kuroo says, leaning against the armrest. You gently lay your head against his shoulder, wrapping both of your arms around his. 
“What a coincidence that we ended up here.” You say softly, relishing the moment between the two of you. The sun’s rays were barely peeking over the horizon, giving the sky an orange glow. There was a decent amount of overcast, so it gave the sun a softness to it. It was as though the sky was still drowsy, unprepared to make its first appearance for the day. 
“No place I’d rather be.” Kuroo says, barely louder than a whisper. He tenderly places a kiss on the top of your head, staying there for a second longer than expected. 
You slowly move your head up to look at him, your faces closer than they have ever been before. At this distance, you could really study the features on his beautiful face, the dark bags under his eyes from one too many late nights, the small scar on his cheek that was most likely from a job gone wrong, his dark lashes that framed the striking hazel eyes that now stared directly into your own. 
You thought about all the other people that had stared into the same set of eyes you were now gazing into — all the women who knew him intimately, the friends who saw the good in him, the enemies who saw the evil, those whose last moments were spent looking down the barrel of a gun into these hazel eyes. To them, it probably felt like staring into the gates of hell, but for you, it felt like home. Kuroo felt like home. 
His lips slowly graze against yours, almost tentative, trying to read the situation as it happens in real time. A simple ask, a gentle whisper of a question against your lips, inquiring if this was okay. 
In a surge of confidence, your lips crash against his, urgency in your kiss, borderline desperation. Had you been pining for Kuroo all this time? More importantly, was he? 
His hand gently made its way up to your face, as yours snaked behind his neck, pulling him closer. His other hand moved underneath his jacket that you wore, wrapping around your waist. You felt the calluses on his fingertips, rough against the smooth skin of your lower back. 
The sun began beaming into the car, bringing the both of you into the light. It felt euphoric, being bathed in morning sun as you kissed Kuroo. Your heart raced in excitement as you felt Kuroo smile against your lips, and you gently sigh as he pulls away to look into your eyes. 
He grins at you, his eyes studying every detail of your face. You smile back at him, feeling pure bliss. 
“You kinda taste like chicken wings.” Kuroo says, chuckling softly. He gently runs his thumb against your cheek, admiring your face. 
You close your eyes, shaking your head at his stupid comment. You laugh, realizing that the goofiness, the silly jokes and banter that you and Kuroo share is the reason why there were never any doubts in your mind with him. Kuroo could make you laugh despite all the darkness in your life, and that is what made you feel the way you felt. Maybe it was love, but maybe it was too soon to tell. Maybe being the girl in the passenger seat was enough for you at this time. 
“Well you taste like ramen.” You say, your voice hoarse. 
“What a pair we make.” Kuroo says, placing one last tender kiss on your lips. 
“Sweetheart, come here for a moment.” You hear your father call out to you from the hallway. You let yourself into his office, and find Kuroo sitting in the chair in front of his desk. 
“What’s going on?” You ask tentatively, sitting next to Kuroo. 
“Your dad has some questions. About us.” Kuroo says. 
“Us?” You question, looking at Kuroo. He wore a poker face perfectly, staring directly at your father with an unwavering gaze. 
“I know you two are getting close. And (y/n), sweetheart, you know I trust you. And Tetsurou, you have earned my trust over the years with your loyalty to this family. I just need to know what exactly is happening with you two.” Your father says. 
“We’re friends.” You say quickly, crossing your arms defensively. 
“Friends?” Kuroo asks, breaking his cool demeanor to look over at you. Your father raises an eyebrow, looking between you and Kuroo curiously as you try to figure out what this relationship is. 
“Maybe more than friends. Someday. Not right this moment. But a strong maybe.” You answer shortly, fumbling over your words. 
“I see.” Your father sees, nodding his head. “Are you two...being safe?” 
“Dad!” You say, embarrassed by this interrogation. 
“Yes, sir. Well, there hasn’t been anything that requires...safety, but when it does — IF! If it does, we will be safe. You have my word.” Kuroo says. You could hear his nerves getting the best of him, and you couldn’t help but find it entertaining how scared he sounds as he practically word vomits to your father. 
“Good.” Your father says shortly, awkwardly adjusting in his seat. “Now, for business...I don’t know if I’m okay with (y/n) being seen with you.” 
“What?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. 
“Our family is a moving target for a lot of people, especially the Nohebi Clan. I don’t know if it’s the best idea for the two of you to be going out in public.” 
“I understand, sir.” Kuroo says, in his eyes you could see his disappointment. 
“Dad, that’s ridiculous.” You say, getting fed up with the passivity of the conversation. “I’m going to be leading the Sakanoshita family one day. I’m a target no matter what. But no one will take me seriously when I do take over if I’m locked away all the time. People need to know me. They need to know who’s going to be the next King of Tokyo.” 
“But you just had your first job. You’re jumping into this too quickly.” Your father argues. 
“Keishin had years of training. I’m playing a game of catch up here, and I think the more experience I have, the better. I can’t run an empire from the confines of this house, dad.” Again, playing the dead brother card. It’s a tricky one to play, but it always works. 
Your father sighs, folding his hands in front of him. “You sure know how to argue.” 
“I learned from the best.” You say, smirking. 
“I’ll make a deal with you.” Your father turns toward Kuroo. “You’re getting a promotion. You’re now (y/n)’s bodyguard. She goes somewhere, you follow. If she wants to go somewhere that is potentially dangerous, don’t allow it. And you.” He turns back towards you once more. “You don’t go anywhere without him. You can go out, be social, earn your place here as a Sakanoshita. Let people learn who’s the next King of Tokyo.” 
You grin, knowing that you would be able to reach an agreement with your father. “Sounds like a deal. Kuroo and I will be going to a party this Saturday.” 
As you proudly saunter out of your father’s office, he calls out a question. “What party?” 
“Racer party. Gotta make sure everyone knows the new Sakanoshita boss.” You call out, walking out the door and down the hallway, leaving Kuroo and your father to their business meeting. 
You could hear the party before you could see it, the music blasting so loud it could be heard from down the street. Even this far from the house, there were already cars parked along the side, all shiny and suped up like Kuroo’s. A lot of time had passed since your last real social outing, but you were at ease knowing Kuroo would be there with you. 
“Just a fair warning, Bokuto is...very loud.” Kuroo says, slowly driving past all the cars and making his way to the driveway of the house. The house was very modern, with a long driveway leading up to a white home with a balcony in the front, huge windows letting you peek in to see all the people inside. The music continued to grow louder and louder as you drew closer to the house, and the cars got nicer as well. Apparently only the people with fancy cars got the good parking spots. 
“How loud are we talking?” You ask Kuroo as he puts the car in park and turns the engine off. 
“Like...imagine the exact polar opposite of Kenma. Then make it louder. That’s Bokuto.” Kuroo explains as he gets out of the car. You do the same, walking over to his side and grabbing his hand. The two of you walk up the stairs to the door, and Kuroo swings it open without knocking. And just like that, you were officially at your first street racer party. 
“Hey, it’s DK!” You hear someone shout distantly, followed by a chorus of greetings. It was just like the ramen shop, everyone being so quick to greet Kuroo. 
“Hey everyone.” Kuroo says loudly, greeting everyone at once. He pulls your hand so you’re standing in front of him, leading the way into the party. Everyone gawks at you as Kuroo places a hand on your waist, coaxing you to walk further into the house. 
“Does everyone know you? Should I start getting used to that sort of greeting?” You ask, maneuvering your way through the crowd. 
Kuroo laughs, giving your belt loop a tug and pulling you into him, your back crashing into his strong chest. “Eventually people will start saying DK and (y/n).” He says into your ear, kissing you on the cheek. You smirk at his comment, a part of you enjoyed the attention everyone was giving you as Kuroo held you against his body. He really knew every way to feed into your ego, and you really did love it. 
“HEY HEY HEY! IS THAT MY BOY DK?!” you hear a loud, chaotic voice say from the kitchen. You and Kuroo turn your heads to find the source, and you see a tall, muscular guy with spiky grey hair grinning at the both of you. You notice the grey bomber jacket he wore, meaning that he was a racer like Kuroo and Oikawa. His appearance was a bit intimidating, and his features were almost...owl-like. 
“BOKUTO!” Kuroo yells, letting go of your hand to greet the host of the party. The two tall, well built men embrace in a hug, clapping each other on the back. You stand there, smiling at this new side of Kuroo. You understood what he meant by Bokuto making him feel more normal. 
“Good to see you dude! Hey, Lev mentioned you were bringing a girl! Where is she?!” Bokuto asks excitedly, looking around to try and spot you. 
“Right here.” You answer, moving to stand next to Kuroo. “I’m (y/n). And I’m assuming you’re the infamous Bokuto?” 
Bokuto laughs, throwing his head back. “Infamous, eh? That must mean DK’s been talking about me.” 
“I figured I should warn her on what she’d be walking into.” Kuroo says slyly, wrapping an arm around you. You found it endearing how affectionate Kuroo acts with you, making sure to keep you close. 
“Glad I didn’t scare ya away.” Bokuto jokes, grinning at you. “Well, DK here is like a brother to me, so by extension that makes you family. Both of you just make yourselves right at home, drink whatever you want and let me know if you need anything. Mi casa es su casa, as Cypher would say. Well, he probably wouldn’t say that, but it’s definitely Spanish.” 
You laugh, smiling up at Bokuto. Kuroo was right, he really is just a genuinely nice guy. Bokuto was a refreshing change from the usual dark and scary stuff  that you and Kuroo dealt with. 
“Say, speaking of Cypher, where is the punk?” Kuroo asks, looking around. 
“Upstairs with the rest of the Brawlers. Your guys are out back. Say, you guys want anything to drink?” Bokuto asks, turning to the counter full of liquor. 
“None for me. Gotta make sure someone gets home safe.” Kuroo says, squeezing your shoulder. 
“Well look at you being all chivalrous!” Bokuto says, playfully punching Kuroo’s arm. “Anything for you, (y/n)?”  
“Sure, I’ll drink whatever.” You say, unsure of what to ask for. High school parties were one thing, but what the hell are you supposed to drink at a street racer’s party? 
“One mystery drink coming right up.” Bokuto says, turning around. “Akaashi!” 
A handsome guy with short dark brown hair turns at the sound of his name. “Can you make a drink for (y/n) pretty please?” Bokuto asks, grinning at him. Akaashi nods, putting his cup down and picking up an empty one for you. He pours some random bottles of liquor and some more random juices into a cup, handing it to you. 
“Thanks.” You say, taking the cup. You take a sip, and to your surprise, it wasn’t disgusting. 
“Akaashi’s kinda the drink expert. And car expert. He’s kinda good at everything.” Bokuto says, noticing your look of amazement. Akaashi rolls his eyes behind him, but you notice his ears flushing red at Bokuto’s compliment. “I’m gonna go be a good host and do my host thing, but I’ll find you two later!” Bokuto turns away from the both of you, walking towards the crowd of people outside. 
“Oh and DK!” Bokuto calls out loudly, making plenty of people turn towards Kuroo. “I’m glad to see you’re finally off the market! No more bachelor’s life for you!” 
“Bachelor’s life?” You question, looking up at him skeptically. Prying eyes peered over at the two of you, no doubt trying to sneak a peek at the great DK and the girl that took him off the market.
“Don’t worry about it.” He answers, rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact. Of course he was a lady’s man before you, just look at him. But just how many girls were in your place before you got there? 
Kuroo takes your hand, leading you upstairs to where Cypher was. The two of you found him lounging on a couch with a bunch of other guys wearing jackets similar to his, talking and laughing with a bottle of expensive looking tequila in his hand. 
“Hola amigo.” Kuroo says in a mocking tone, sitting next to Cypher. You sit next to Kuroo, and he puts his arm around you possessively. 
“Hola lovers.” Oikawa slurs, lazily placing an arm around Kuroo. “Good to see you didn’t scare princesa away.” He says, nodding to you. 
“You’re (y/n).” You hear someone say from the opposite end of the couch. You turn your head to see a guy with tan skin and short spiky brown hair staring at you. 
“Uh, yeah.” You say, caught off guard by how many people already knew you. Seriously, how often did Kuroo talk about you? 
“Oh, sorry.” He says, appearing to snap himself out of deep thought. “Cypher was telling us about the last job and mentioned you. Just put two and two together. I’m Iwaizumi.” He says, getting up and extending a hand to you. You shake his hand, smiling at him. 
“That’s right, I was telling a story! Now, as I was saying…” Oikawa continues on, recounting the events of the job that you accompanied them on, silver tequila sloshing around in the glass bottle as Oikawa wildly gestures with his hands as the story progresses. 
“So Sly Fox had the cargo the entire time?” Iwaizumi asks, looking at us skeptically. 
“The entire time.” Kuroo says, nodding. “Speaking of the Sly Fox, where is he?” 
“Outside with your crew.” a scary looking guy with deep set eyes answers. His hair looked very unique, a bleach blonde buzz cut with two black stripes running around his head. 
“Thanks Mad Dog.” Kuroo says, getting up, dragging you with him. “Cypher, let’s go. Got some work talk to do with Sly Fox.” Oikawa clumsily gets up, taking the tequila with him. 
The three of you walk down the stairs and out the backdoor, where you immediately see a group of guys sitting around a fire pit, half of them wearing black, and the other half wearing Nekoma bombers. 
“Sly Fox!” Kuroo calls out, getting Kita’s attention. He looks up from his rolling tray, blunt in hand. “We got some business to talk about. You too, Snake Eyes.” He says, pointing at Kenma. 
Kita nods, looking over at his guys and motioning for them to leave the area. Kuroo does the same, and the Nekoma Crew minus Kenma leave. You, Oikawa, and Kuroo each take a seat around the fire. 
“What are we talking about?” Kenma asks, looking over at you and Kuroo. Kita continues to roll, and Oikawa slouches in his seat, taking sips from his bottle. 
“Yeah, what are we talking about fellas?!” Bokuto says with a grin on his face, walking up to the group of you and grabbing a seat. You couldn’t help but smile at his behavior, his charisma. 
“Work stuff, Bokuto.” Kuroo answers, giving Bokuto a warning look. 
“Oh! Got it! Say no more, plausible deniability and all that jazz. You guys let me know if you need me!” He says, getting up immediately and walking away with haste. The entire time the grin on his face never wavered, he didn’t seem the least bit offended by being kicked out of the conversation.
“Bokuto knows the stuff we do, but we keep him out of it. He’s...a bit soft for our line of work. And he knows if he hears anything, he could get in trouble. So, he stays away.” Kita explains, licking his rolling paper and sealing the blunt. 
“We got some new intel from the boss.” Kuroo says. Oikawa sits up, paying attention now that the real business talk had started. “We may know who gave the anonymous tip during the last job.” 
“Someone we know?” Kenma asks. 
Kuroo nods. “Suguru Daishou. Fangs. He’s the lead for the Nohebi Clan.” 
“Nohebi?” You ask. Everyone looks over at you. “They used to work for my dad.”
“What happened to them?” Kita asks, lighting his blunt and getting it started. 
“Daishou crossed my family, I guess he was trying to make a name for himself by taking on my dad. Didn’t end well.” You say, remembering overhearing your father’s work conversations with Fangs when you were in high school. 
“Which would explain the grudge he has, and why he tried to bust us.” Kenma says. 
“But how would he know about the move? There were no other cars on the road that night.” Oikawa points out, setting his bottle down. 
“That’s the million dollar question. We still don’t know how he knew, but we do know he has eyes on us. Which means you guys and your teams need to be careful, at least until the Daishou problem is sorted out. Sound good?” Kuroo asks, looking at Oikawa and Kita. They both nod, understanding the risk that the Nohebi Clan posed. 
“I’ll see what I can find out about Fangs and Nohebi.” Kenma says, which Kuroo nods to. 
“Thank you. The more we know, the better.” Kuroo glances at you, meeting your eyes. “Any of you guys know where Karasuno Killers are?” He asks, looking around the group. 
“Upstairs living room. You got business with them?” Oikawa asks, looking over at you. 
“Something like that.” Kuroo says, taking your hand and standing up. “We’ll catch you guys later.” 
“See ya.” You say, giving a half wave with your cup in your hand. You follow behind Kuroo, once again going through the house and up the stairs. You were keenly aware of the eyes that seemed to follow your every move, and you couldn’t help but notice that they were almost entirely female. What, was Kuroo such a hot commodity that you being with him tonight was a headline? 
“See that, you pulled the E brake too soon.” You hear someone say from the partially shut door. You and Kuroo had made it to the room that Oikawa said the Karasuno Killers were in. 
“You guys watch racing footage at parties?” Kuroo questions, slowly opening the door. Inside, there were three guys sitting on a couch in front of a TV that appeared to be playing a video of a street race. 
“Not everyone is blessed with your drifting skills, DK.” One of the guys say, getting up to greet him. He had a warm smile, dark brown eyes, and short brown hair. Him and Kuroo give each other one of those bro hugs, and afterwards he turns to look at you. 
“I don’t think we’ve met.” He says, extending his hand to you. “Daichi Sawamura. Mechanic for Karasuno Killers.” 
“(y/n) Sakanoshita.” You say, shaking his hand. He raises his eyebrows slightly at surprise, no doubt at the mention of your family name.
“Sakanoshita?” Another guy with a buzzcut and a gruff voice says from behind Daichi.
“As in the King of Tokyo Sakanoshita?!” The third guy says, his voice higher in pitch. He wore his brown hair spiked up, with a single blonde streak right in the middle.
“Please excuse these two dumbasses, they’re not the best socially.” Daichi smiles apologetically, moving to invite you and Kuroo to join them on the couch. Behind you, Kuroo shuts the door. 
“You said you’re a Sakanoshita?” The buzzcut one repeats, staring at you intensely. 
“Tanaka, chill.” Daichi warns, looking over at him. 
“Yeah Tanaka, you’re gonna scare her away.” The guy with the blonde streak jokes, punching Tanaka in the arm. 
“Oh shut it, Noya.” Tanaka says, shoving him back. “Sorry. My sister knew someone with that last name.” He says, looking over at you once more.
“You’re Saeko’s brother?” You ask him, getting his attention. He looks surprised, almost a little scared by his sister’s name being mentioned. 
“How do you know my sister?” He asks, his voice taking on a threatening tone. 
“Yeah, what’s your business with big sis?” Noya asks, eyes darting between you and Kuroo. 
“Take it easy, guys. We mean no harm, I swear it on my crew.” Kuroo says in a peaceful tone. Tanaka and Noya lighten up, but continue to stare at you skeptically. 
“Keishin Ukai was my brother.” You say, causing the three men from Karasuno to sit straight up, simply from the mention of his name. “I know he dated your sister, and I want to talk to her.” 
“No one talks to big sis. Especially not strangers.” Noya says, leaning back against the couch. 
“You’re Black Lungs’ sister?” Daichi asks, looking at you with curiosity. 
“Yeah. He raced under the name Ukai to get away from my family. And I know about the accident. I’m sorry Tanaka.” You say sincerely, looking at Tanaka. You didn’t know to what extent Saeko was injured, but you assumed that she had to have taken some amount of damage. 
Tanaka shrugs, looking away. “It’s all good. Why do you need to talk to my sister?” 
“I need to know the truth about my brother. About how he died. And I heard that your sister and my brother were pretty close, I just want to talk to her about him.” You say, nearly begging. 
Tanaka sat for a second, thinking of a response. “My sister...she doesn’t talk to many people nowadays. She hasn’t been the same since your brother passed. Black Lung was her soulmate, or whatever.” He says awkwardly, shifting in his seat. “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to put her through reliving that night just for your sake. I really am sorry, (y/n), about your brother. He was a cool dude.” 
You sigh, taking a long drink from your cup. You had a feeling it would go like this, but you couldn’t help feeling disappointed by the outcome. 
“We think we know the truth about his death.” Kuroo says, making everyone in the room look at him. “We know it wasn’t an accident.” You knew he was taking a risk saying this, telling these guys the suspicions you held. He was gamlbing with the only intel the two of you had. 
“What do you mean the truth? His death was a tragic accident and that’s that.” Daichi says in an assertive tone. 
“Daichi, it’s okay.” Tanaka says quietly, his eyes not moving from your own. “You two know the truth? Or just theories?” He questions you. 
“We...have theories. But I think that talking to your sister will help point us in the right direction. Or maybe even give us exactly what we need to prove our theories.” You say, trying your hardest to convince Tanaka. 
Tanaka sighs, looking at the TV, which remained paused on a frame of an orange Mitsubishi. “I don’t know.” 
“No one knows you.” Noya points out, getting your attention. “You don’t belong to any crew, I know you’re here with DK but you aren’t officially a part of Nekoma. Everyone knows your dad is a shady dude. And Saeko shouldn’t have to relive Black Lung’s death for a stranger.” 
“You’re right.” You say, knowing that everything he was saying was correct. You were a stranger, the idea of a dead street racer’s little sister suddenly coming out of hiding to ask a thousand questions about her brother’s death was far fetched, even for you. “You guys have no reason to trust me, or to let me talk to Saeko. But I’m desperate. I just — I need to know what happened to my brother. I’ll do anything.” 
“What do you think Saeko would want? What would she have (y/n) do to prove herself?” Kuroo asks. 
“I know exactly what she would want.” Tanaka says, sighing and sitting up. “A race. A memorial for Black Lung. We haven’t had one for a while, but the last time she had one, all the money raised from it went to...a memorial fund. For your brother.” 
“A memorial fund? For Keishin?” You question, uncertain why the son of a millionaire needed a memorial fund. 
“It goes to Saeko. Helps keep the shop open, and funds her research into what happened to your brother.” Daichi answers. 
“So I’m not the only one with theories.” You say, beginning to understand. “I’m assuming it goes to P.I.’s, buying access to private files, stuff like that?” 
“We can neither confirm nor deny that.” Noya says in a robotic tone, like it was a line he was taught to say. 
“If we do the memorial race, who’s racing?” Kuroo asks, changing the topic. 
“Me.” You answer immediately, making everyone look at you in shock. “A Black Lung memorial race, with his little sister making her racing debut. It could be big. Raise a lot of money. I know the type of power my family name has in this city.” 
“And it would prove to Saeko that you’re serious about meeting her.” Daichi points out. 
“Okay, how about this.” Tanaka says, shifting in his seat once more. “You and me, headline race. If we can get some more racers in on this, then great. If you win, you can meet Saeko. If you don’t, then oh well. At least she’ll get some more funds for her...side project.” 
“I can get some more racers in on this.” Kuroo says. 
“Perfect. We got a deal, you two?” Daichi asks, looking between you and Tanaka. You nod, sticking your hand out. 
“Deal.” Tanaka says, shaking your hand.
“Looks like we got a race to plan.” Daichi says, grinning at Kuroo. 
Kuroo smirks, getting up. “I’ll go start recruiting some more racers.” 
You follow Kuroo, getting up and heading for the door. “I’ll see you on the road, cue ball.” You say, smirking at Tanaka. You slowly head out, leaving the door cracked open. 
“HA! CUE BALL! Get it, cause you’re freakin bald!” Noya yells, cackling with laughter. You chuckle, their conservation fading out as you walk with Kuroo back downstairs. 
For about an hour or so, you and Kuroo went around the party, mingling with racers, recruiting them for the Black Lung memorial. You got at least enough people for three more races. So far, the lineup was you vs. Tanaka, Kuroo vs. Bokuto, Iwaizumi vs. Atsumu Miya from Inarizaki, and Oikawa vs. Kita. Kuroo pointed out that there would be a good turnout for the memorial given how many great racers were on the bracket, which made you both nervous and hopeful. 
“So, since when do you race?” Kuroo asks you, sitting down on the couch. 
“I’m pretty sure I can figure it out.” You say, sitting down next to him, draping your legs over his. “Gas pedal makes car go vroom vroom. Seems simple enough.” You joke to him, making him roll his eyes. 
“Sounds like someone needs a teacher.” He says, leaning closer to you. 
“Sounds like someone wants to teach me.” You say, closing the gap between the two of you, kissing him. 
A buzz from your pocket interrupts you, causing you to pull away from Kuroo and take your phone out. 
‘Call me now.’ the text read from your dad. Kuroo saw it over your shoulder, and immediately sat up. 
“Dad, is everything okay?” You ask, trying to drown out the sound of the party. 
“You need to get out of there, have Kuroo take you somewhere safe. Nohebi is looking for us.” Your dad says in a rushed tone. You hear some shuffling on his end, and your mother’s voice in the distance. 
“What? Nohebi knows I’m here?” You ask. Kuroo looks at you with concern, seemingly ready to get up and run at any moment. 
“Daishou has eyes everywhere. Don’t come home, your mother and I won’t be here. Tell Kuroo to protect you no matter what.” There’s a brief moment of silence between the two of you. “Your mom and I love you, sweetheart. We’ll see you soon.” Three beeps signal the end of the call. 
“We need to go. Nohebi’s coming.” You say, jumping up. Kuroo follows suit. 
“I’ll let the guys know.” Kuroo says, beginning to race towards the backyard where Inarizaki, Seijoh, and Nekoma were hanging out. 
You follow him out, trailing behind him as he approaches Cypher and Sly Fox. Before you can catch up to him, he’s already heading back towards you, taking your hand and dragging you through the house and out the front door. 
“Will everyone be okay?” You ask him, running to the car. You hop in, Kuroo doing the same and turning the car on. 
“Between Seijoh, Inarizaki, and Nekoma, they have Nohebi outnumbered three to one. They won’t try anything at a party this crowded. Daishou’s too smart to fight a losing battle.” Kuroo says, immediately racing away from the party, the houses of the neighborhood zooming past your line of sight. “The gangs aren’t the target anyways. We are.” 
As if on cue, you see in the rearview mirror three cars pull up to the party, and Daishou climbs out of one of them. He was vaguely familiar, you could barely recall seeing him in your father’s office, but you knew that he would recognize you and Kuroo in a heartbeat. 
“We got out just in time.” You say, looking over at Kuroo. 
“Barely. We’re not in the clear just yet princess, still need to get somewhere safe.” Kuroo says shortly, continuing to fly down the empty Tokyo streets. “We don’t know if Daishou had eyes on us as we left. And as soon as he realizes we aren’t there, they’re gonna be all over the city looking for us.” 
“So where do we go?” You ask him. 
Kuroo pauses, staring out at the freeway in front of the two of you. “My safehouse. It’s under a bogus name, in an old neighborhood. They won’t know to look there.” 
You nod, sighing and rubbing your eyes. You didn’t feel even the slightest bit tipsy from the drink you had earlier. How did the night go bad so quickly?
“Hey.” Kuroo says gently, reaching over to hold your hand. “Everything will be okay. As soon as we’re at the safehouse, we’ll be in the clear. And I’m sure your mom and dad are somewhere safe as well.” 
His reassurance goes a long way, easing your nerves and allowing you to relax a little. There was no use stressing yourself out while you’re stuck in the car, driving to an unknown destination. 
After about 50 minutes of silent driving, Kuroo finally pulls off of the freeway and enters an old, run down neighborhood. Everything was quiet, and the streetlights overhead were flickering in the darkness. 
“Home sweet home.” Kuroo says, pulling into an alley next to an apartment building. He turns the car off, going to the trunk. You get out as well, watching Kuroo as he drapes a large tarp over the car. A bright red luxury car would definitely stand out in a neighborhood like this. 
Kuroo takes your hand and leads you up the apartment complex stairs to a door labeled ‘A402’. With one of the many keys on his keychain, Kuroo unlocks the door, opening it for you. 
There wasn’t anything very special about the apartment, it seemed like the type of place a person would crash at for a night or two then leave. A small but functional kitchen, a modestly sized living area with a couch and a TV. As you continue further into the apartment, you see a quaint bathroom with a standing shower, and a bedroom barely big enough to fit a full sized bed. 
“There’s some pillows and stuff in the hall closet. And some extra clothes in the bedroom.” Kuroo says, setting his keys on the counter and pulling out his phone. As you reach for a light switch, Kuroo stops you. “Wait, don’t. We shouldn’t make it look like anyone’s home, just in case. At least until I hear back from Kenma.” 
Although his paranoia seemed a bit much for you, you knew that it was for a good reason. If the Nohebi Clan was enough of a threat to make your father go into hiding, no precaution was too extreme. 
“I’m gonna go change.” You call out to him, grabbing a spare shirt and pair of men’s boxers from the bedroom closet. You gently close the door, beginning to strip off your party outfit and changing into Kuroo’s clothes. 
After taking a moment to recollect your thoughts, you decide there was no use worrying about things that were out of your control. Your mother and father, the race that you volunteered for, even the party you just fled from. What was in your control, however, was the bed.
“I’ll put some sheets on the bed.” You shout out to Kuroo once more, grabbing the pillows and sheets from the closet. It felt almost hotel-like, the way everything was pristine and untouched. At least you knew this wasn’t the sort of place Kuroo took other girls. 
“Perfect.” You say, fluffing the pillows one last time, then stepping back to admire your work. 
“I heard back from Kenma.” Kuroo says, pushing the door open and entering the room. He flops onto the bed, ruining your perfect sheets and collapsing your freshly fluffed pillows. 
You sigh in annoyance, closing your eyes to keep your cool. “What did he say?” You ask, sitting next to Kuroo. 
“Everything’s all good. Daishou and his guys showed up, asked for us. Oikawa and Kita were waiting for them, so they barely even made it past the front door. Told them we left a while ago, and that they didn’t know where we went.” Kuroo rubs his forehead with his hands, pushing his hair back. In the dim light that radiated from the street lamps outside, you could see the exhaustion in his eyes. 
“No one got hurt? Are they still out looking for us?” You ask, your brain going a thousand miles an hour. 
“Everyone's fine.” Kuroo says gently, taking your hand. “From what Kenma knows, they gave up looking for us and now they’re trying to find your dad. I think they’re assuming I brought you to them.” 
You breathe another sigh of relief. The two of you were finally in the clear, finally safe, at least for tonight. “So we’re okay? At least for now?” 
“For now, yes. In the morning Kenma will let me know if we’re all clear to go back to your place. But for right now, we’re safe.” Kuroo says, turning over to face you, wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his head on your thigh. 
“We’re safe.” You whisper to yourself, running your fingers through Kuroo’s unruly black hair. The moment of calm being shared between the two of you is disrupted by a loud rumbling from your stomach. 
“You hungry?” Kuroo asks, grinning against your leg. 
“Maybe.” You say, realizing how hungry you’ve been all night. Is eating at parties still not cool, or was that only a high school thing? You didn’t see anyone else eating at Bokuto’s, so you assume it still wasn’t. Or maybe you were too worried about everyone staring at you to notice if anyone was eating. 
“I’ll go grab some stuff at the convenience store.” Kuroo says, getting up and grabbing his jacket. “Onigiri?” 
“And some ramen please.” You request politely, smiling sweetly at him. “Be careful.” 
“Always am, princess.” He says, leaning down to plant a kiss on your lips. 
Kuroo exits the room and you hear the front door shut and lock. You found yourself in a silent, dark apartment, alone. 
‘Might as well see if the TV works.’ you think to yourself, getting up and walking to the living room and plopping down on the couch. Just like the bed, it felt brand new, as if you were the first person to sit on it. 
After flicking the TV on, you mindlessly scroll through channels, trying to find something to occupy your mind. It felt wrong, how everything was so dangerous and scary tonight, but all that you could think of was that one thing Bokuto said. ‘No more bachelor’s life for you!’ What does that even mean? 
Grabbing your phone, you realize that you really had no one to talk to. Normal girls would text their best friend, or even just a regular friend when they want to talk about boy problems. Normal girls, with normal friends and safe lives. Maybe Kuroo really is the only person you talk to. 
You scroll through your recent messages, trying to find anyone to talk to. Dad — no. For obvious reasons. Mom — maybe on a regular day, but not right now. Kuroo — big no, for even more obvious reasons. Dentist — yeah, if you were really that desperate. 
“I guess I could talk to myself.” You mutter out loud. After a moment of lonesome silence, you sigh. “Yeah, no. I’m not that crazy.” 
What kind of bachelor’s life was Kuroo living before you came along, before that early morning watching the sunrise? You always assumed he was the no strings attached sort of guy, considering the type of work he does. But then again, the only times you ever saw him was when he was working. Maybe the Kuroo you knew was just one side, the professional side. Of course he let his guard down around you, joking and flirting when you were alone. It had been that way for as long as you could remember, since Kuroo started working for your dad. But maybe that was just another side, the side for girls he was interested in. Maybe you weren’t the only one who got to see that side. You saw two out of however many sides he has — the flirt and the henchman. Maybe you didn’t know him at all. 
The sound of the front door creaking open draws you out of your thoughts, and you look up to see Kuroo with a convenience store bag filled with food. 
“I wasn’t sure which onigiri you’d want, so I got one of each.” He says, plopping a bag filled with various onigiris onto the living room table. “And I got two ramens, spicy and regular. I’ll take whichever one you don’t want.” 
“Spicy please.” You say, chuckling at how much food Kuroo got for just the two of you. Kuroo shrugs his jacket off, leaving it on the couch. Grabbing the bag with the ramen, he walks into the kitchen, flicking the lights on. 
“One spicy ramen coming right up.” He says, pulling a pot out of the cupboard. You grab a salmon onigiri from the bag in front of you, unwrapping it and taking a bite. 
“How often do you use this place?” You ask, watching Kuroo as he fills the pot with water and puts it on the stove. 
“Once in a blue moon, really. If a job goes wrong and I need a place to lay low, I stay here. Or if I need a place to crash and don’t feel like driving home.” He answers. 
“Where do you live, anyways?” 
“Close by the Nekoma shop, same building as Kenma. We talked about being roommates for a while, but we agreed we’d probably start hating one another.” Kuroo chuckles to himself, walking back to the living room to grab an onigiri for himself. 
“So it’s just you?” You ask, trying to steer the conversation in your favor. 
“Me and Yoruichi.”
“Yoruichi?” You ask, feeling like you knew the name from somewhere. Maybe an old anime?
“My cat.” He says, grinning. “I found her on a job, actually. She kept following me around and just jumped into my car when I wasn’t looking.” 
“Sounds like a pretty good life.” You say, trying your hardest to be subtle. “A bachelor’s life.” Okay, not so subtle. 
“I knew you were still thinking about that.” Kuroo says, laughing. “You know you can just ask me stuff. No need to try and jump over hurdles trying to talk to me.” 
“I’m not really good at this.” You admit. “You know...talking. Being open. Relationship stuff.” 
“Relationship, huh?” Kuroo asks, turning to you and smirking. The pot of water behind him was at a rolling boil, letting steam into the kitchen. 
You roll your eyes, your cheeks were definitely blushing but you hope that Kuroo couldn’t see it in the dim light. “Whatever this is.” You say quietly, knowing that a real label was the last thing either of you were thinking of with all the things you both were dealing with. 
“Like I said, ask me anything.” Kuroo says, his back turned to you as he stirred the ramen. 
“What did Bokuto mean by ‘a bachelor’s life’?” You ask, getting up to join Kuroo in the kitchen. You lean against the counter opposite the stove, staring at Kuroo’s muscular back. 
“I was...definitely a bachelor. For a while.” Kuroo says, back still turned to you. 
“Like...you had…” you say, trailing off. You were torn between saying “hoes” or “bitches”.
“I had...some girls that I spent time with. Nothing serious, though. I always made sure to keep things casual.” The conversation felt tense, slowly but surely growing more and more awkward as more details were being revealed. 
“I don’t really care about how many there were.” You say quickly, reassuring Kuroo and clearing some of the tension. “I don’t care who they are either. But is there anyone I should be worried about? It felt like everyone was staring at me at the party.” The memory of all the girls at the party staring at you curiously was persisting in your mind. 
“No one to worry about, really. None of them seem like the type to backstab, especially considering soon everyone will know you’re a Sakanoshita.” Kuroo says slyly, referring to the upcoming race in memory of your brother. You knew that as soon as everyone learned of your family, your sense of anonymity in Kuroo’s world would be gone. 
“I have one more question.” You say, moving to stand next to the stove, nearly in front of Kuroo. “If those girls were nothing, and you usually keep things casual, what are we?” 
Kuroo pauses, thinking for a moment before setting down his chopsticks and turning the heat to a simmer. Turning to you, he places his hands on either side of the counter next to you, trapping you underneath him. Your heart raced as you felt your breath catch in your throat, caught off guard by Kuroo’s sudden closeness to you. 
“I’m whatever you want me to be.” He says, barely louder than a whisper, his lips hovering over yours. 
“You’re mine.” You say, your gaze bouncing from his eyes to his lips. Kuroo moves closer to you, his body pressing against yours. 
“I’m yours.” He responds, wrapping one of his arms around your waist. 
“Kuroo…” You whisper, lips grazing his. He reaches next to you, turning the stove off. In an instant, his lips crash against yours. You wrap your arms around his neck, desperate for more — more contact, more kisses, more Kuroo. The entire night Kuroo kept you close to him, never leaving your side at the party, always making sure to let his kisses linger a few seconds longer than normal. All the pent up tension was finally being released, the adrenaline rush that came with all the drama from tonight only fueled the boldness of yours and Kuroo’s actions. 
You grind your hips against him, making him groan. You were very aware of two things; his growing member, hard against your body, and the sudden wetness between your legs. 
You gently push against Kuroo, freeing yourself from underneath him. His lips stay attached to yours, refusing to break the seal the two of you made. In one swift motion, you release from his grasp, and without looking back, you calmly walk to the bedroom, leaving Kuroo standing in the kitchen alone, pining for more. 
“Are you coming or not? Make sure you turn off the stove.” You call behind you, toying with Kuroo. You grin to yourself, knowing that you were just as irresistible to him as he was to you.
You open the bedroom door, behind you Kuroo’s footsteps grew closer and closer. Suddenly, you feel his arms around your waist again, and in an instant Kuroo is in front of you grabbing you by the throat, moving you so your back is against the door, pushing you backwards to shut it. 
“Such a pretty princess.” Kuroo says, closing the gap between you two. You felt your heart rate quickening, being trapped under Kuroo’s touch like this. A light moan escapes your lips, this dominant side of Kuroo makes you want him even more. His hand wrapped around your throat, his hard cock against your leg, the whole room felt electrified. 
“Kuroo please.” You whisper, eager for more. 
“You want me?” Kuroo asks, his lips barely touching yours. He wraps his other arm around you, grabbing your ass and pulling you against his body. The only thing that stopped the two of you from being directly pressed against one another was his hand around your throat. 
“Yes.” You answer breathlessly, moving your head forward, your lips colliding with his. Kuroo breathes heavily, removing his hand from your throat and moving to grab your ass. Almost by instinct, you give a light jump, wrapping your legs around Kuroo’s waist, his hands supporting you and keeping you from falling. 
Kuroo moves backwards until his legs hit the bed, then he slowly sits and reclines backwards, careful not to drop you or break the kiss. He maintains a firm grip on your ass as you straddle him grinding your hips against his, yearning for more friction between the bulge being held back by his jeans and your throbbing pussy. 
His fingers gently graze at the bottom of your shirt, tugging it upwards. You take the hint, sitting up and removing your top effortlessly. Kuroo does the same, sitting up slightly and lifting his shirt over his head. In the dim glow of the street light from outside, you could just barely make out the dragon tattoo on that stretched from his neck down his arm. 
“Take these off.” Kuroo says, rubbing your thighs.
“What’s the magic word?” You tease. 
“Now.” He says, reaching for your neck, forcefully pulling you down to look him in the eyes. You smirk, relishing in the fact you were able to see this side of Kuroo. There was no fear within you as he tightened his grip around your throat, only more and more arousal at the sight of the great Drift King grasping for control. 
Gently, you take hold of his wrist, making him let go of your neck. After placing a small kiss on his thumb, you get up, unbuttoning your pants. Kuroo’s eyes never left you, he was hypnotized, his hand rubbing his hardened crotch. He almost looked as if he was stuck in a trance, watching you undress before him, as if you were something out of a magazine that had come to life right before his eyes. 
Reaching behind you, you unclip your bra, letting it fall to the floor, your nipples already rock hard. Kuroo lets out a small “fuck”, watching you in amazement. You turn to look at him, feeling no need to cover your nude body, no need to hide from him. You want him to see you, it turns you on watching him touch himself as he stares at you with lust in his eyes. At this moment, you wanted nothing more than to climb into that bed with him and fuck all night long. 
You take a few steps closer to him, bending down and reaching for his pants, smirking as you hear his breath catch in his throat. Kuroo moves his hands away, hoisting himself up on his elbows to watch you. After unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, he moves slightly to allow you to remove his pants — and to his surprise — his underwear as well. 
If there was a god out there, you were certain that they personally blessed Tetsurou Kuroo with a gorgeous penis. Standing perfectly erect in front of you, you stop for a moment to simply take it all in. The size, the girth, the slight lean to the left, the vein popping out in excitement, the droplets of precum gathering on the head. At just the mere sight of his cock, you felt a fire light inside of you, eager to pleasure him.  
“You just gonna sit and stare all night?” Kuroo asks sarcastically, looking down at you with a smirk. Without saying a word, you gently lick the precum off of the head, your eyes not leaving his. He gently sighs, his smirk falling as his mouth stays slightly agape. You will yourself to salivate, and in one seemingly effortless motion, you take his entire length in your mouth, the tip hitting the back of your throat. You gag slightly, trying your hardest to relax your throat to keep his dick in your mouth. Kuroo’s head falls back in pleasure, and a beautiful moan escapes his lips. 
“Goddamn, princess.” Kuroo says, lazily picking his head up to look you in your eyes. Once again maintaining eye contact, you slowly withdraw his dick from your mouth, allowing your drool to dribble from your mouth onto his penis. Kuroo’s chest continued to rise and fall heavily, watching your every move. Licking one long stripe along the vein of his penis, you once again take him in your mouth, this time creating a rhythm, your head bobbing up and down as your hand strokes the length that you couldn’t fit, letting your spit lubricate his cock. 
You begin to lose yourself in the moment, allowing yourself to close your eyes and bask in the sound of Kuroo’s soft groans as you pleasure him. 
“Come here.” Kuroo says, breaking your concentration. You slowly take his length out of your mouth, leaving it wet with your saliva. Kuroo reaches for your thighs, pulling you upwards to look you straight into your eyes as you hover over him, his wet length hitting your inner thigh.
“Sit on my face.” Kuroo commands roughly, hands wandering up and down your legs and ass, his fingers gently brushing the lips of your vagina. You shiver at the small contact made, ready for more. After planting a short kiss on Kuroo’s lips, you let him guide you until your pussy is just barely hovering over his lips, his hands securely gripping your thighs, your bare tits practically glowing in the dim light streaming in from the empty street. You felt so defenseless, exposing yourself as Kuroo stared up at your naked body, you both knew he was strong enough to hold you down against his mouth if he wanted to. 
Slowly, tentatively, you lower yourself down, your heart pounding out of your chest in excitement. Without missing a beat, Kuroo’s large hands tighten their grip on your thighs, holding you steady as his tongue furiously licks your pussy, practically making you double over in ecstasy. 
Your moans and whimpers of pleasure echo through the room, and Kuroo takes this as a signal to quicken his pace, his tongue licking fast strokes against your clit and dipping slightly into your hole. His pace continued getting faster and faster, tongue alternating between circling your clit and deeply thrusting into your hole. You were certain he was leaving bruises on your thighs, trying to keep you still against his devilish mouth. Gripping tightly onto his hair, you feel yourself beginning to come undone on top of him, your walls tightening as you grind your hips against Kuroo’s face, his nose nudging against your clit, the pace never slowing down. You weren’t 100% sure he could breathe, but you didn’t really care. All that mattered to you was reaching your climax with Kuroo’s face buried in your pussy. 
“Kuroo!” You moan out, pulling his hair a little harder as you feel your walls pounding as you hit your peak, struggling screams escaping your mouth as Kuroo continues gently lapping at your clit as you cum. It took everything in you just to stay upright, the intensity of Kuroo’s mouth never letting up even as you came. You ride out your high on Kuroo’s face, slowly releasing your grip on his head as he takes his hands off your thighs. 
As you continue to try to catch your breath, you lift yourself up, giving Kuroo room to breathe. He breathes deeply as well, looking up at you with a smirk. 
“You sound cute when you scream my name.” He says smugly, rubbing your thigh. You roll your eyes, your cheeks burning. Shifting backwards, you widen your stance to straddle his waist again, the tip of his penis just barely grazing the lips of your drenched pussy. 
“And I like you better when you’re quiet.” You say, just barely louder than a whisper. Your face was once again centimeters away from his, and his lips were still glistening with your cum. Without hesitation Kuroo’s lips meet yours, sloppy, wet kisses being swapped between the two of you as your hand takes hold of his dick, lining it up with your entrance. 
You watch as Kuroo pulls away from the kiss, his face contorting in satisfaction as you sink into him. You sigh, closing your eyes as his length slowly starts filling you up. There was only a little resistance, your walls having to stretch to adjust to his size. But even so, he felt so comfortable inside of you. It felt as if the two of you were made for one another. 
You feel your eyes roll back as you shift your hips, his dick twitching slightly inside of you. Kuroo’s hands gripped onto your ass deeply, urging you to move, to create some sort of friction. With the support of his hands, you move your hips upwards, then downwards, up, down, up, down, two bodies moving almost perfectly in sync as the room filled with the sounds of Kuroo’s moans and your screams. 
The two of you kept a rhythmic pace to maintain the high you were both building, his hands guiding your hips as you steadily let your body rise and fall against his. Fireworks exploded at your core every time your hips collided with his, the head of his dick ramming against your cervix. 
After some time you slow down, your legs were getting more and more tired as you rocked against him. Kuroo senses your exhaustion and effortlessly flips you over onto your back, getting on top of you. Lining up his rock hard cock at your entrance, he looks down at you with a malicious grin. 
“So desperate for my dick, huh princess?” Kuroo teases, letting the head of his penis rub along your soaking wet pussy, your walls clenching every time it barely grazes your clit.  
“Just get inside me already.” You demand, your body aching for more. You were so close to reaching your second high, and you were more than ready to keep going all night if Kuroo wanted to. 
“What’s the magic word?” Kuroo says, using your words from earlier against you. He slowly lowers himself until his lips graze your hardened nipple. The tip of his dick continues to rub against you, making your pussy throb. Kuroo flicks your nipple with his tongue, before taking it between his teeth and nibbling softly, causing you to yelp at the sudden contact. Kuroo moves away from your nipple, sucking hard on the soft tissue of your breasts, leaving hickeys scattered across your chest. 
“Please fuck me Kuroo!” You beg, unable to take any more stimulation. You feel Kuroo chuckle against your skin, right before he finally lets his tip enter you. He pushes into you at a painstakingly slow rate, making you groan in anticipation, shutting your eyes tightly. Kuroo always left you yearning for more, lusting for his touch. 
Kuroo moves his head upwards, nestling his face into your neck as he gradually increases his pace. He leaves small kisses along your neck, taking your ear lobe between his teeth and tugging on it, making your eyes roll back as you let out a loud moan. You shift underneath him, bucking your hips upwards as you wrap your legs around his waist. Kuroo groans into your neck, letting his head rest against your shoulder as he continues to pound into you, leaving shockwaves running through your body with every thrust. 
“Kuroo, please make me cum.” You moan out, tangling your hands in his hair. Kuroo quickly pushes himself upward, hoisting your legs up and using his thighs to keep your hips suspended in the air, his dick still deep in you. Kuroo smirks as he sees your eyes roll back in pleasure, your hands grasping at the sheets around you, your breasts bouncing with every thrust. His smirk only grows wider as he begins rubbing small circles on your clit with his thumb, causing you to scream so loud you were certain everyone in the neighborhood could hear you. 
With this added stimulation, you felt yourself getting closer to your climax much faster, the pressure building up in your pussy as Kuroo continues fucking you from this new angle. Without any warning, you feel your walls clenching like a vice around Kuroo’s dick, causing Kuroo to take his thumb off of your clit so his hands could grab your waist, keeping you still as you cum all over him. 
Your climax is only further intensified by Kuroo continuing to pound into your tight cunt, aching for his own release. The feeling of your vaginal walls spasming around his cock was more than enough for him, but getting to see you scream in pleasure as he sends you over the edge is what really did it for him. To him, there was no better sight than seeing his princess cum. 
It didn’t take long until Kuroo let out a throaty groan, his grip on your hips tightening as he fucks you even harder. 
“Cum inside of me.” You barely make out, your body overrun with satisfaction. Kuroo leans down once more, pinning your hands over your head as you wrap your legs around him. Looking deeply into his eyes, you watch as his face contorts in ecstasy, his forehead dropping against yours. You feel his cock twitch inside of you, and you feel your cunt fill up with Kuroo’s hot cum. 
After a last few sloppy thrusts, Kuroo pulls out of you, leaving you lying on the bed breathless, your chest rising and falling as you try to gain your composure. Your pussy was practically bursting with liquids, both yours and his. Kuroo briskly walks over to the bathroom, and you hear some shuffling and the sink running. Kuroo returns with a wet washcloth, kneeling in front of your soaking wet vagina and tenderly wiping up any cum that was on you. 
“Such a gentleman.” You comment, looking down at Kuroo as he concentrates on cleaning you up. He looks up at you, smiling when he realizes you were watching him. 
“Only the best for my girl.” He says, getting up and wiping his dick off with the rag. You move to lay on your side, feeling more than content with the events that just occurred. Kuroo lays next to you, looking into your eyes. 
“My girl?” You repeat back at him, squinting your eyes skeptically. Kuroo rolls his eyes, throwing his arm around your waist and pulling you next to him.
“I’m yours. You’re mine. That’s the deal.” He says, winking at you. 
“Since when am I yours?” You ask teasingly, knowing damn well that there was no arguing that you and Kuroo belonged to one another. 
“Since you screamed my name so loud the entire neighborhood heard you.” Kuroo says, smirking. “The hickeys speak for themselves too. They’re like a personal tag.” 
“Shut up.” You say, rolling your eyes at his lewd comments. You couldn’t hide the smile on your face as you thought about the idea of being Kuroo’s. “I’m yours.” You whisper, inching your face closer to Kuroo’s.
“You’re mine.” Kuroo responds back, placing a loving kiss on your lips. There wasn’t any lust, any heat in this kiss, which was a drastic change from the absolutely filthy deeds the two of you were just committing. It was a simple kiss, sealing the deal the two of you made. 
“Round two after dinner?” Kuroo asks jokingly, pulling away from your kiss. You laugh, resting your forehead against his, lazily nodding at the proposal of more sex. 
Alone with Kuroo in that tiny little safehouse, you felt more at home than you had felt in years. Maybe it was the intensity of everything that happened that night, maybe it was the sense of belonging you felt as you laid in Kuroo’s arms, maybe it was the way your heart fluttered every time you heard Kuroo say “I’m yours”. Perhaps it was all of it, all of these emotions and sensations coming together, a light in the middle of the darkest storm that raged on around you, right outside the walls of this apartment. That storm wasn’t going to stop, and you and Kuroo were fully aware of the dangers that lurked around the corner for the both of you. But maybe the comfort the two of you found in one another was more than just a shelter from the impending storm. A solemn promise that regardless of the future that lay ahead, there was one constant that would remain true — he is yours, and you are his. 
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sugasplug · 2 years
tw: discussion of suicide
in no particular order cos i watched the episodes 2× but smoked during both watches like an idiot:
- loved the fakeout with the bridge scene in ep1. ignoring his moms calls, regretfully talking to what i assume was a friend from school, the leadup of "i really really cant write anymore cover letters"...genuinely thought jun-woong was about to kill himself. but nope! hes butting his nose in some depressed homeless guys business instead
- sidenote im really enjoying the introduction of jun-woongs character as this kind of pathetic everyman. looking forward to some character development but i hope he keeps some of that for ~flavor~
- pink rukia wears that thick ass fur coat because shes a coldblooded boss bitch built not of flesh and bone but ice. love her tho
- lee soo hyuk in that suit. good fucking lord
- on god i replayed the 2 seconds of him saying goo ryeons name like six times
- hes a bitch though. "wahh how is suicide different from murder" stealing someone elses life from them is way the fuck worse than killing yourself. you dumbshit idiot. like yeah suicide = still technically murder not arguing that but its a choice made by someone about their own life, not a violent exertion of someones bloodlust over someone elses will to live
- lim, absolutely fucking blankfaced: i love you [slow fingerheart]
- THE WAY HE FOLLOWED RYEON WITH IT STILL UP STARING INTENSELY WITH HIS DEAD FUCKING LIZARD EYES I ALMOST DIED LAUGHING deadass he might be my fav character just off that. plus i can practically smell the angsty backstory on him and i love rude bastards with tragic pasts ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ what can i say i have a type
- speaking of tragic pasts ryeon ima need you to stop shaming all these suicidal bitches when the foreshadowing is telling me youre the biggest suicidal bitch of them all. the hypocricy is unbelievable
- ryeon exclusively smokes skimps bc shes frugal and has a low tolerance; lim has never smoked a skimp in his life he rolls fatties ONLY (not canon obv 💔 but canon in my heart 💜💜)
- OKAY GOTTA SAY seeing them play with jun-woongs character is super cool. somewhat simpleminded but genuinely good guy whos unafraid of speaking up or stepping in when somethings not right? classic. but that little bit of deviousness they snuck in with the toilet paper scene and the way he was grinning like a little kid while hustling that guy down the hallway made me really love him
- i hope they explain the whole "if you touch someone in the memories youll be trapped" thing and how it relates to the memories shattering and collapsing around them more. like do you only get stuck if you take too long to go through a new door with the key and get folded into the memory? and if you get out, since its something that happened in the past, do the people you touch remember you being there? like if jun-woong was the type of guy to beat up schoolgirls could he have theoretically kicked miss webtoons ass, scared her off from bulling eunbi, and spared her that whole mess of trauma by just booking it before the memory collapsed ?
final notes:
i was a little anxious going in because im usually fine with suicide itself but people being blamed/shamed for it or having it blown off as unimportant happen to be massively triggering for me, and both of those are pretty much south koreas whole suicide M.O., but the ending of episode 2 makes it very clear that jun-woongs empathy and support are the qualities that will allow the risk management team to save people and then help them save themselves. its so refreshing to see. the comfort this show (if it keeps going in the direction i think it will) could bring to those suffering is genuinely more than i can put into words
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chiwhorei · 4 years
Hey I would like to propose something rather dirty with Sakusa (sakusa and dirty in the same sentence: O) that he's having sex while his girlfriend is on her period! Thanks, good luck!
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Paring: K. Sakusa x period-having!reader (i’m going to use gender neutral pronouns bc not just girls have menstrual cycles)
Warnings: 18+, all characters are aged up, smut, period sex, fingering, shower sex, mentions of menstrual blood, brief mention of alcohol
A/n: this ask has been sitting in my drafts for weeks and i’m so sorry, i literally wrote is all out and then it just sat there (?) Sakusa has a very special place in my heart as i deal with ocd and anxiety disorders, so i think it’s important to remember that people are dynamic and ever-changing, and just because they have a certain anxiety doesn’t mean they aren’t able to function in a romantic relationship.
also, @joyousandverywarlike just wrote an *insane* Sakusa fic. it’s not about period sex but zo literally said “I bet you never thought I would be dirtier than you” and i about fell down the fucking stairs, so if you want some amazing Sakusa smut go read Filthy.😩
Okay enough with the proselytizing, let’s get nasty.
period sex is amazing, and honestly i think everyone should be doing it, even Sakusa.
he’s a very clean person, but i don’t think he would actually have a problem with this. he’s around bodily fluids all the time and gets all sweaty and gross while he’s playing.
(also i’m p sure there’s a panel where he literally stretches his hands on the fucking dirty floor so my dude will be fine)
he is an anxious person so feeling comfortable with your body takes time, and you have always been patient with him, which he appreciates more than he actually expresses.
he loves you so much, it kills him that sometimes his anxieties keep him from being super affectionate with you, but he tries to show you he cares in the best ways he knows how
i headcannon him as having an “acts of service” love language so on cold mornings he goes out and starts your car for you before leaving for practice, or he throws your towel in the dryer as your showering and brings it to you all nice and warm (i am so soft for him okay he’s my comfort character the nasty is coming)
sex was slow-starting in your relationship, taking months to have him feel confident enough to let go completely with you, so the idea of him actually wanting to have sex with you on your period never seemed plausible
but tonight, your cramps are intense. like twisting-knife-in-your-ovaries bad, and your ever observant boyfriend can tell how much pain you’re in
he’s not great with bedside manner, but he’s trying okay. without a word he puts his shoes and mask on and fucking leaves the apartment 💀
but he’s just going to the store to buy you chocolate and some red wine because he read that it could help, and at least the wine will make you feel better in some way
in the most unromantic way he literally just waltzes back into the apartment and shoves a chocolate bar into your hands, and goes to the kitchen to pour you a glass of wine
he’s so soft in his own way 😭
you happily accept both offerings and he pulls you into his side on the couch, physical touch was panic-inducing to him at first but over the years he’s realized he yearns for skinship with you
he puts his big hand (😩) on your abdomen and rubs circles into your skin, trying to ease your pain in anyway.
as he’s rubbing though, you’re cheeks are burning hot because your body is so sensitive and reactive on your period, a moan accidentally slips out and your whole body tenses
you immediately start to worry that Kiyoomi is going to grimace and be disgusted by you, his head snaps towards you but there’s no disgust written on his face.
his eyes read surprised, yes, but his pupils are blown and he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth... he’s turned on and you are more than a bit shocked
“I read online that orgasms can help with period cramps.” Your boyfriend blurts out, as blunt as ever, and your mouth hangs. Is he serious?
you’re obviously treading lightly based on his hang ups when it comes this kind of stuff, and the knowledge that he has a way to possibly make you feel better but you not wanting to ask makes his heart ache a little
he puts his forehead against yours for a moment, taking in the smell of your shampoo before pulling you gently to straddle his lap
even the minimal friction makes you groan, causing blood to rush straight to Kiyoomi’s cock
“do you want to go take a shower with me, angel? the hot water might help you relax.” he says, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips
you agree and let your boyfriend lead you to the bathroom, he starts the shower and makes sure it’s nice and scalding hot (there’s no way Sakusa doesn’t shower in a lake of hellfire)
he pulls you into the stream and trails his soapy hands all over your body, pressing into your shoulders to relieve the tension built up
kiyoomi presses your back to his hard, muscular front, hands wandering down to your chest, you arch into him as he squeezes your acutely sensitive nipples
his ministrations are relaxing your body but every touch is becoming less and less innocent, so by the time his fingers wander down to your clit you’re already whimpering
“i want to help you feel better angel,” he says, trailing his lips over your neck, his dark ringlets tickling your shoulder, “you know i don’t mind getting a little dirty if it’s for you.”
just as the words leave his mouth, two long fingers dip into your pussy, ripping a groan from your throat.
Sakusa feels your tight warmth in a new way, you’re clenching around his digits immediately and there’s a soft, syrupy quality to your pussy that’s different than usual. the feeling of you wrapped around his fingers alone is driving him insane
he positions his thumb against your clit to rub tight circles, kissing and biting down on your neck when your head rolls to the side
all of the pleasure Koyoomi is giving you is magnified, feeing each movement of his hands electricly through your veins
“do you want to cum on my fingers y/n?”he’s spurring you on, making you clench desperately around him. your hand finds purchase in the hair at the back of his head tugging as the tension in your stomach snaps
your only upright because of your boyfriends strong arms wrapped around you, fingers still inside and marveling at the way you pulse around him.
he’s obviously doing this to ease your cramps and help you relax, but his cock is aching at the feeling of your pussy and needs to get inside of you desperately
Sakusa grabs your hips and turns you around, pinning you against the wall with ferocious resolve
he’s more wild animal at this point than man, hungry for something now that’s he’s gotten a little taste
he hoists you up slightly so that he can line himself up with your cunt, he pushes in slowly, not wanting to cause you any pain
as he delves in inch by inch, the feeling of your slick, relaxed walls welcoming him in and the breathy calls for his name are intoxicating
he rocks into you, noticing how each thrust has you twitching, begging him not to stop
“feels so good oomi. fuck” you run your nails across his slick back, the hot, rushing water combined with your sex is fogging every surface of the bathroom
“cum for me one more time, angel. let me see how good i make you feel.” he snaps back into you, angling your ass to make sure he’s pumping right against your sweet spot. he wants to feel you come around his dick like this, but he also wants you to know he can push past his anxieties and take care of you
especially if taking care of you feels this fucking good
when he feels your warm, drooling cunt pulse around him he can’t hold back anymore, spilling inside you with a round of breathy grunts and moans of your name
you stay like that for a moment, presses against the shower wall tightly wrapped i. each other.
he helps you clean off, taking his time to rub every inch of your body, your cramps melt off in the hot water and circle down the drain
after you two are nice and clean, Kiyoomi wraps you in the towel he had thrown into the dryer before your shower. 🥴
i’ll pray for all of you’re nasty Sakusa thoughts,
Sinners Anonymous
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nctrenjunie · 4 years
Questions ~ Jeno (M)
Author: Sera
Genre: Smut
Words: 2.5k
Comment: Hey, I´m sorry that this took so much time. Some of you might already know but I lost a lot of confidence in my writings the past months and I just couldn´t write. But I´m really really happy with this one and I would love to hear some Feedback please!! Next up is renjun!sub. AND THIS>>> ‼‼‼ is very important bcs I get rlly sad about stuff like this so please read. THANK U ALL ❤
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What time is it?
You wondered, analyzing the gloomy sky. Darker shades painted the right skyline and lighter shades the left due to the big skyscrapers rising up the sky. It almost looked like a canvas or more like a photograph that you could find hanging around in a rich man's apartment, no meaning whatsoever. 
What a view of modern culture a photograph like this could bring to someone's eyes?
There would be thousand of interpretations: the contrast between dark and light could symbolize the cliff between poor and rich, between nature and technology or between love and hate.     
But it scared you sometimes: The lack of interest you had in a stunning view that might change one's perspective of life. But for you there were plenty nights like this, where you would get the opportunity to stare blankly at the breathtaking skyline. Blanking your thoughts out made it easier, you could stare holes thru the sky similar to the void you felt deep inside your body in these nights. 
How could someone enjoy and interpret this superb view without sharing and clarifying their own analysis with someone else?
Perhaps it wasn't your lack of interest that made you fear your own blank thoughts but more over the cold bed sheets next to your side. The longer the bedside kept itself empty the more it reminded you of the big balcony windows through which a cold breeze passed its way into the enormous bedroom. You didn't feel cold tho, your body lying still, shivering once in a while. No, it wasn't coldness but a plain conventional feeling that crawled itself slowly into your body, reminding you of the Biedermeier period. 
Just as you thought your blank musing would stop a cold breeze passed over your body, bringing your hand instinctively down between your legs as you stretched your body out. Your actions made you taste a mild warmth from your core up to your body, forming into a warm shiver that crept itself through your whole figure.
When will he be here? 
You wondered. It must have been a busy day, or week or maybe month. You were sure you missed him but not since when. 
Looking at the ceiling you made out three scenarios in your head to prepare yourself for when the culprit of your coldness enters the room. A) Resisting your desire of warmth you ignore him totally, waiting on the bed for him, just to get up when he lays down, making your way out of the room. B) Trying to contain your anger you want to be left alone for some seconds but as he keeps bugging you, you lose your cool and start to scream out your frustration at his face. Or scenario C) You fail at rebelling against your bodies demand to let him fill you with warmth so seeing him enter the bedroom you greet him with a lust filled french kiss.
You couldn't even come to the point of counting the seconds, waiting for his arrival. Instead, loud footsteps and a drained groan echoed through the gigantic apartment, getting louder with every step as he approached the bedroom. Irritated by the loud turning doorknob, your body decided on its own to stay on the bed, untroubled by the well-built figure that just entered the cold room. 
Suddenly you felt drenched out, tired. Probably not from the other person's presence, but the energy your body planned to put into scenario C) seemed to have left your body the second you looked into his pretty face. 
What a view you might say! round but sharp jawline followed by a pair of long lush lips and a large but snub nose that you loved to peck in the morning. Sadly this angelic face wasn't as bewitching as it should be owing to the blood trickling out of his nose. It took you some seconds to realize that this wasn't the baddest part. The thick substance stuck halfway dried onto his hands, trickling slowly down his veins.   
 Mustering his eyes you noticed a special light into his eyes, letting you now that he needed love. Jeno kept his eyes on you. It was a drained out look, driven by thoughts and questions. Quite confused you must say. An unknown power pressed you down onto the bed, leaving you move less as you watched your love walk into the bathroom. 
It definitely was a questionable silence. Although you could hear the sink running through the bathroom door you made sure to throw scenario A) and B) out of your mind, awaiting the moment Jeno walks out of the bathroom to join you. 
He noticed you mustering his arms down to his hands. There was no scar or blood trace, letting you know it wasn't his dried blood you saw earlier. It didn't scare you tho, at least not like his stern face, tired and confused. 
What is he thinking about?
There wasn't enough time for you to think about that as he called out your name, leaving thick air between both of you.
“Could you come here for a second..darling?”
Taking your time you stood up from the gigantic bed, hesitantly making your way over to him. Your legs trembled a little bit due to the realisation that it must've gotten colder in here. Jenos hand grabbed you gently, pulling you close to him with a little force. A fresh smell filled your nostrils. Observing his face there weren't any blood splashes or scratches left, besides a tiny bit of dried blood coming out of his right nostril. Although the blood touched image of him didn't scare you it seemed that he was disturbed by his own actions today. He mustered you clearly for some time, hands around your hips, trying to find some sort of negative reaction inside your eyes.
Giving him his time to reflect you tried to burn every centimeter of him into your head. His bewitching face made you feel a different kind of warmth. He was shirtless making you anticipate the rest of the night. Black messy hair, broad shoulders, toned abs but not to much and a pair black jeans sitting perfectly onto his hip bones toning his waist in some kind of magical way. Oh god this man drove you fucking crazy. You made sure to go with his rhythm, knowing his sensible mood. He would put away his Glock18 wasn't hanging down his belt. It was one of these nights where he would put away even the smallest weapon away, tired of businesses and fights. 
"Tell me, what's on your mind baby?"
Jeno didn't give you an answer. Instead, this night was made for him to question you and every part of your body. His left hand moved up, slowly and trembling slightly as if he feared to touch you.
"Answer me, can I caress your cheek without feeling you tremble in fear?"
Some might be scared of him but you would never. It perplexed you, almost annoyed you that he asked such a question. Encouraging him to lay his hand onto your cheek you put your hand over his. His soft hand then landed onto your cheek, gently rubbing over your skin. Wanting more of this warm feeling you decided to tap your other hand slowly over his toned belly, up to his shoulder before lying it down behind his neck. Playing with his hair you broke the silence.
"Your hair has gotten longer, I've missed you."
Ignoring his anxious thoughts of you fearing him you continued going through his hair. A small kiss landed on your lips, to short to make it seem enjoyable but enough to unleash a spark. A small moment that made him into the adorable person he is. 
Both of your hands were now in his hair, playing with it wildly, messing it up. Jeno pulled you closer, a gentle but impactful move, his hand kept caressing your cheek and his lips pecked yours shortly before moving down your neck. Expecting some hickey causing kisses you were surprised by short lovely pecks against your sensible skin. Pulling you even closer he embraced you in a tight hug. Kind of surprised you loosened your hands out off his now tangled hair to embrace him.
Going with the flow you waited for his next move. You wouldn't like to explain it as plain  warmth what you felt right now. It was something more powerful, bewitching like a spell. Both of his hands decided it is time to move down your back, sliding down to your ass and back up to your hips. Using them as his guidance he turns you around, pressing your back against his toned abs. A unexpected hand painted a light coloured breeze over your neck before planting dark kisses onto the same spot. Laying your head onto his shoulder Jeno left out a light chuckle. Taking advantage of your relaxed form he plastered more kisses onto your skin, variating between your neck, collarbone and cheek. On some occasions his right hand moved up to bring your lips closer to his. Soft, sweet, rough and sinful kisses were shared. Although the kisses started to get steamier there was still a lovable and caring tension between you and him.
“If I move a little further down your belly, will you moan for me?”
You were breathing extra loud between the kisses. You noticed the change in motion: His right hand moving down your bodyline, over your navel before stopping right on your core. His left hand continued on, moving into the opposite direction to cup your already bare chest. A whimper left your lips owing to him groping your breast softly and a faint pair of teeth biting into your shoulder before licking over the soft abused skin. You  noticed how wet you were with only your underwear on and his hand laying calmly over your core. Tired you animated to move one hand up into his hair.
“Tell me, do you like it if I touch you there?”
Jeno smiled satisfied, feeling you tighten the grasp on his hair as two of his fingers moved slowly down the slit of your core. Playing with your wetness tiny moans left your lips bit by bit. Taking his hand out of your panties he moved his hand up, licking your fluids off his fingers before moving them down again. This time he rubbed a little harder, using your wetness to circulate your clit. Taking your now longer moans as a yes to his question Jeno kept going. You felt your nipples getting harder owing to jenos finger rubbing sensually. You wanted to cum so bad, your body stimulated all over, pulsing from your head all the way down to your core. Your moans became louder as you concentrated on your release. Jeno kept you close to him, stopping you from squirming away from his touches. A harder grasp around his hair and your fast lifting chest indicated your orgasm. Jeno rode out your high, sticking two of his fingers into your pussy and taking them out fastly before repeating his action a few times.
“You're beautiful Y/N.”
Your were sweating against him, his hand still in your underwear whilst his other hand moved your lips to his. A sensual and superb kiss was shared before you had to part due to the lack of air. Although, you still got a glimpse of your own taste from his lips. Picking you up Jeno moved you onto the bed. You were laying there, tired and still out of breath. The skyscrapers illuminated Jenos left side more than the other one. 
If you had the chance you would've taken a picture right here and then. What a beautiful view! It would have looked stunning on the big wall down to the kitchen. Some people might see it as a obscene or pervert picture but for you it would've been a masterpiece.
Jeno between both of your legs, an almost golden light illuminating his form in a unique way you could observe it your whole life. Really messy hair and sweat droplets rolling down his tense face. His lips 1 centimeter a gape giving a preview of the teeth that bit sinfully into your shoulder. His eyes filled with his thousand sins and pure love only for you. Strong muscular biceps and toned veins moving down his underarms to his perfect marmored hands that were fidgeting with his belt before throwing it carefree onto the floor. He looked marvellous, like a ancient greek god and you knew you were his muse. 
Getting rid of the rest of his clothing Jeno moved closer to you. You rubbed up and down his already erected cock as he hovered over you to connect your lips again. Teeth biting on your lips before intertwining his tongue with yours. You felt some precum on your hand. Placing himself in front of your entrance Jeno put you in a more comfortable position, making sure that you're feeling good. His louder breaths became more silent looking you deep in the eyes with his dark brown orbs.
“Let me know, am I allowed to treat you like my queen tonight?”
Moving both of your hands up to his face you pulled him down, pressing a short sloppy kiss onto his so kissable lips. A small smile spread itself over your lips.
“Yes Jeno, yes you are allowed.”
Taking in your words you felt his erect member enter you returning your kiss with a longer one. The kiss was interrupted multiple times by both of your heavy breaths and moans. Penetrating you Jeno kept a steady tempo, holding your head to make sure you're not gonna hit it against the headboard for when he starts to get a little rougher. You couldn't describe the erotic feeling that moved its way from your core onto the rest of your body into words but your screams and pants made it pretty clear. Closing your eyes made you feel everything ten times harder. Jeno moaned through gritted teeth, panting your name sometimes too as one of his hand moved up to go back to knead one of your breast. To put the cherry on top jenos tongue came down to one of your bud. Rolling back your eyes you made sure to let him know that you were about to cum. 
Jeno took both of your legs. Knowing how close both of your orgasms are he put them on his shoulder. Grabbing the opportunity he pounded into your pussy from another angle making sure to hit your G-spot. Not being able to wait anymore you released a second time. Riding out your orgasm Jeno became more sloppier, pounding a few more times before pulling out and releasing onto your belly. A special kind of warmth was shared between both of you.
Both panting for some time he laid next to you now. The skyscrapers illuminated the gigantic bedroom. You plastered a kiss onto his cheek with your last energy. Both of you closed your eyes, chests heaving up and down.
“Speak up, will you promise me to stay by my side?”
“Yes, yes I will Jeno.”
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fenharel-babe · 3 years
I'm back in my Solavellan feelings and want to talk about my lavellan and Solas. I saw these prompts and decided to post that now. I'm going to answer each one (other than the nsfw ones) and here we go. Putting it under a keep reading just in case no one cares lol.
For the Fluff:
1. What are things they both find funny?
Solas and Bloom both love when Cassandra and Varric banter. They just find it hilarious because Cassandra is nice at some points but she can be angry while being funny. They just find both of them too funny.
2. If they could each describe each other in one sentence, what would it be?
Solas describe Bloom as, "A complicated woman," and Bloom describes Solas as, "A complicated man." They're both complicated on the surface and they just stick to that description. But if people ask for what do they like about each other, then OH BOY!!! They could go on a rant.
3. If they complimented each other, what would they say?
Solas would compliment Bloom by saying how she always notices the good in people. She always tries to make people feel better, help them heal, and just help people in general. She cares for people and the way she sees the good in people, and it makes him love her.
Bloom would compliment Solas by saying she loves hearing him ramble and how adorable it is. Solas rambles and we ALL know it. He'll talk about the fade or magic for hours and Bloom loves to hear all of it and she finds his passion adorable.
4. What would be their ship name?
Blas because it's close to blast and Bloom will blast you away if you ever hurt her family. It has Bl from Bloom and as from Solas lol.
5. What activities do they enjoy together?
Hmmm...they enjoy a lot of things together. I guess the one thing they could mainly enjoy together is reading. They both like to read and find it fun. But the part they both enjoy the best is reading to each other. Like Lavellan is resting her head in Solas's lap and he's reading whatever to her or Solas is resting his head in her lap and she's reading to him. It's comfortable and that's an activity they like.
Another one is taking naps together.
6. What is/are their love language(s)?
Physical attention. I believe Solas does like it when he gets physical attention. He's like...however old and he's definitely touch starved, but only for the person he loves: Bloom. They both like getting physical attention and like holding hands, kissing, hugging, nsfw things, and they do like words. They love being told "I love you" from the other and it brings them so much comfort. They love it when they comfort each other.
7. Write a ~300 word love scene for them.
Solas was looking at Bloom again. She was resting on the couch in the Rotunda, few pieces of hair falling in front of her face, and was slightly snoring. He worked in the Rotunda all the time and she would visit him all the time. Even before they confessed to each other. They love being together, so if she was ever stressed, she would come here and check on him. He would accept the attention and he would give her as much comfort as she needed. This time, she came because she had a bad dream. She was being chased by demons and was witnessing Solas's death in the future that Alexius tried to make. He knew she suffered from the mere memory, so he would never shun her away. He would do whatever she wanted and this time she just wanted to be in the same room with him.
She groaned in her sleep and it made him worry. He marked the page he was on in his book and went over to her. He knelt in front of her and pulled the pieces of hair back behind her ear. She moved slightly and it made him freeze, but she didn't move again and he was relieved. He looked at her closer now and he got to see the sight he loved. He loved to see her at peace, something he rarely got to see, and when she slept he got to see it. It made him feel happy and he just staring at her made him feel blessed. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead gently. He hoped she wouldn't wake, but she did.
She opened her eyes and smiled when she saw him. "Hi, vhenan."
Solas blushed at that word and decided to kiss her again to hide it.
8. What were their first impressions of each other?
Bloom found Solas as interesting and she really wanted to know more about him.
Solas found her as rude and distant. Only to realize she's just anxious and actually loves almost everyone.
For the Angst:
9. Have they made each other cry?
Have you seen the ending of Trespasser??? YES!! They have. They never used their words to hurt each other and make them cry, but their actions have. Solas leaving made Bloom cry, Bloom having a dream of Solas being dead made her cry, and seeing him again in Trespasser made her cry.
Now, Solas cried a lot. He hides it, but he does cry a lot. He cares for Bloom a lot, more than he thought he would, so seeing her hurt? It makes him upset. One time, she was knocked out for quite awhile because she used a lot of her energy, and Solas was so concerned and he cried. So yes they cry about each other a lot.
10. Write a ~300 word argument scene for them.
I can't exactly do this one because they rarely argue :(.
11. What causes them to fight?
Umm...the only thing that could make them fight would be Solas telling Bloom to do something she doesn't believe in. Solas telling her that she's too kind hearted and almost implying she's weak. That would really hurt her and she would argue. It would be a short argument because she would leave since she doesn't want to argue. They would both come together soon and they'll explain their side and almost always feel better.
12. Do they have differing political opinions?
Yeah. I'm not good with the politics in like DA, but it's obvious they do bc he's Solas and she doesn't know the things he does, so they do have different opinions. It's why they avoid that topic lol.
13. Name something they would never do for the other person.
Bloom could never let him destroy the world. Like she would never help him. Does she love him with her entire soul? Yes. But she can't destroy the world.
Solas would never just forget his past for her. You can take this as in he has to destroy the world or just that he can't stop the mission of at least sharing the word of his people. He just can't forget his past.
14. What would be a dealbreaker?
Destroying the world is a deal breaker for Bloom lol. Or just anything regarding to hurting people for the fun of it.
Deal breaker for Solas would have to be her hating on his old life. Like?? Excuse me?? Bloom would never but still. If he had someone do that then he'd have to leave them.
15. What are traits they dislike in one another?
Bloom doesn't like the way Solas is constantly not looking at other peoples POV. He just thinks about his past and sometimes needs to be reminded not everyone is like him and he needs to think about it like them.
Solas doesn't like the way Bloom is always sacrificing herself.
16. If they broke up, what would be their opinions of each other?
They would still love each other. They have broken up like twice already now. First in DAI and then again in Trespasser (not rlly but ya get it?? He left her once and then he did it again lol). They would still love each other and wouldn't move on. They would still believe that they are a good person (Even if Bloom's opinion of that good person is in doubt) and almost have the same opinions.
For the Depth:
17. What senses (sights, smells, feelings, etc). remind them of each other?
Bloom is reminded of him when she sees green clothes. She's reminded of his clothes he would wear, how she would take them off in the heat of the moment, and how she would sometimes sleep in them. And!! Seeing wolves or animals would sometimes remind her of him. He liked animals and talked about them and since he has a jawbone, if she saw a wolf she'd immediately think about him. The smell of the woods would remind her of him.
Solas is reminded of her when he sees anything blue or ginger. Blue was her favorite color and she almost always wore blue clothes, and her hair was ginger. Seeing anything ginger would remind him of her, her hair, and how he would run his fingers through it when she was stressed or sad.
18. What would be their love motto?
"To love is to understand each other, trust each other, and want to protect each other."
19. If they could each write a single line in their marriage vows, what would they be?
Bloom: "You make my fire brighter and make me feel like I can do the impossible."
Solas: "You understand me and see things in me I can't see myself."
20. What is a promise they have made to each other?
To love forever. Solas knew he wouldn't love anyone like he loves her and she knew she wouldn't love anyone the way she loves him, so they made a promise.
Away from their love, it's a promise to always be true to each other...even though that promise is very sad...because you know-
21. How have they changed each other for the better/for the worse?
I think they've both changed for the better. Bloom slowly learns she can't sacrifice herself and that it's okay to love someone no matter what. Solas learns that everyone is suffering in their own way, how precious people are, and how to love again.
22. If their lives were what was originally intended at birth, would they have still fallen in love?
Umm...Bloom was meant to be a hunter and stay in a clan, so I doubt they would have met. BUT if they ever did, they most likely still would have fallen in love. Bloom was still the same no matter what. He probably would adore her more because she can fight physically and also use her magic.
23. Write a ~300 scene between them with no dialogue, only body language.
They were in her bedroom, getting undressed for bed, and he finally wrapped his arms around her. Bloom felt relief when Solas wrapped his arms around her. She had been through a stressful day, so to feel his arms around her, it made her feel safe. The warmth he radiated brought her peace, and then the coolness he gave her made her feel even better. Anything involving him made her feel loved, so to just feel him made her happy.
Uhhh....I can't write just body language. I need to write dialogue so my bad. Take 79 or 80 words lol.
24. What is something they have each had to forgive the other for?
Bloom has to forgive him for trying to destroy the world lol.
Solas doesn't really have anything to forgive her for. She's always been careful around him, not overstepping boundaries, and they rarely fought. He just feels the need to forgive himself and understand why she forgives him.
Anyways yeah take this!! I might do more prompts like this. I just love them so much. I might do Cullen and Elle and Julian and Cassandra!! And there's not much proofreading so :))).
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051093 · 4 years
longing | v
wc: 2852
pairing: jihyun “v” kim x reader
genre: canon compliant, angst w/ an actual happy ending bc the game’s version wasn’t enough for me, reunions! yay, platonic jumin x reader
description: it’s been two years since you last saw v, but he reappears where you least expect it — at the r.f.a. party. and his feelings haven’t changed. not one bit.
my masterlist.
The party is so full of love and light that you can’t help but go the entire night with the biggest smile on your face.
Initially, you were nervous, and so were the other members. Two years ago was the catastrophe with Rika; it’d taken so long for the group to heal, and you weren’t sure if they were emotionally recovered enough to hold a successful party.
But everyone did their part as diligently as they could, from Jumin using his massive network to publicize the fundraiser, Luciel layering the building and guest information with cybersecurity, and Jaehee’s decorations and catering and other party logistics. Yoosung and Zen’s moral support and guest suggestions gave you plenty of work to do as well. As a result of your combined efforts, the party is positively glistening on this beautiful night, containing a record-breaking number of guests and an atmosphere filled with camaraderie.
You’re so busy that you seem to be in three different places at once, but you don’t mind. This is the happiest you and the members have been in a while. You can feel it, and you love it.
When you finally get the chance to catch your breath, you come across a group of five familiar figures standing together near the stage, and you beam at the sight of them.
“Hey, you guys!” You call, heading towards them.
They turn and smile at the sight of you. “Hey, you,” Zen says warmly, draping a fond arm over your shoulder. “I feel like I haven’t seen you all night. How’re things going?”
“Great,” you return with a relieved sigh. “It’s an amazing party. Everyone seems so happy.”
“All thanks to you!” Yoosung chirps. “You invited so many great guests.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Luciel so happy,” Jaehee says with an exasperated smile. “Although I can’t help but continue to qustion whether or not longcat’s upbringing was ethical.”
“Of course it was!” Seven assures with a bright grin. “I would never condone animal abuse.”
“Questionable,” Jumin mutters into his champagne.
“Hey, hey, we’re getting off topic,” Yoosung cuts in. “We were giving Y/N our congratulations for putting the party together.”
A chorus of gratitude ensues. You laugh, embarrassed. “Ah, I only did my job.”
“Humble as always,” Zen tsks. “Take more pride for an accomplishment like this, babe.”
“I am proud! But I can’t possibly take all the credit,” you say, smiling. “We couldn’t have done it without each other.”
“That’s right.” Jumin tips his champagne glass your way. “Congratulations, Y/N. And congratulations to all of us as well.”
“Congratulations to all of us,” Zen repeats, holding up his glass. “First and last time I’ll ever quote that pompous ass.”
Six glasses clink merrily. Amiable conversation continues for a few minutes before Yoosung nearly drops his champagne in remembering that he left an entire table undecorated. He and Saeyoung hurry off to handle it. Zen later spots a group of women in the corner practically drooling over him and makes a flamboyant stroll their way, charm in full force. Jumin receives word that his father’s arrived, and Jaehee nearly sprints to meet the chairman at the door — but Jumin lingers behind after she’s gone.
“Y/N.” He turns to you with a thoughtful gaze. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
The expression on his face says it all. You can’t help but sigh. “I think I already know what it is.”
He chuckles. “I apologize. It feels like I’m nagging. I’m just worrying about you, you know that.”
You do know that, and it’s been that way for all of the last two years. Jumin and you formed a close bond after V left, and you’ve leaned on him for everything from advice to support or just a listening ear. You found solace in his wisdom and honesty, and V’s departure would’ve been all the more painful to you if Jumin hadn’t been around.
“Go on, then,” you say.
“Exactly two years ago today, the first party you organized was cancelled because of V’s injury. Anniversaries tend to bring back memories, wanted or not,” Jumin says. “You seem to be doing well tonight, but you also hide your feelings quite well. So, if the truth is different from how it looks…tell me.”
You fall silent, thinking.
Every time you close your eyes, the ghost of V’s face is painted against the inside of your eyelids, his warm smile, kind eyes, loving gaze and all, and there’s no denying the poignant sadness that’s existed within you since he left. You miss him; your worry grows more and more every day not knowing when he’ll come back, if ever.
But, at the same time, you’ve been met with so much support from the RFA that you’ve been able to fall back into routine. You’ve learned to coexist with the emptiness that V left behind. You’ve found it in you to smile again.
You don’t verbalize any of this to Jumin, but you know he already knows.
“It is how it looks,” you say, a small smile appearing on your face. “I’m doing well.”
His voice softens. “You’re sure?”
You meet his eyes steadily. “I’m sure.”
“Good.” He straightens, satisfied. “I’m glad to hear it.”
“Thank you for checking on me, though.” You reach over to touch his hand. “Thank you for everything, Jumin.”
“On the first day you entered our chatroom, I had an inkling that you had a strong resolve and an even stronger heart. You’ve done nothing but prove me right since.” Jumin gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. “So I should be thanking you, Y/N. For your will power and friendship.”
The two of you exchange smiles before Jumin glances at the entrance. “I should go greet my father.”
“Yes, of course.”
“You’ll be okay on your own?” He gives you a nod of farewell. “Right, then. I’ll see you later.”
He strides into the crowd, and you’re alone once again.
You meant what you told Jumin about being okay. Nevertheless, the conversation leaves you in a bit of a weird mood, and you want to get some space from the crowd. You remember that Jaehee mentioned a storage room behind the stage and make your way towards it.
. . . .
Jumin is about to respond to something his father said when an unfamiliar man steps through the door.
The stranger has cream-colored hair, striking mint eyes, a baby pink suit, lanky proportions. He’s unlike anyone Jumin’s ever seen, but familiar in ways he can’t lay a finger on, as if he’s met a different version of him. The stranger looks around nervously, then turns to speak to a second man who follows him in shortly after — and Jumin’s eyes widen.
This second man he knows.
This second man he knows better than anyone.
“Father,” he says, cutting off the older man in the middle of his sentence. “I — there’s something urgent I must tend to.”
Jumin sees Jaehee’s concerned expression from the corner of his eye. “Assistant Kang, introduce my father to the owner of the winery, if you will. I remember my father saying he was interested in purchasing a vineyard.”
“Yes, Mr. Han,” Jaehee says. Jumin knows Jaehee doesn’t like being alone with his father, but desperate measures. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes.” Jumin looks away without giving them a second glance. “Forgive me.”
He can’t take his eyes off the man as he walks towards him. Same unmistakable aqua hair, same tall frame and lean build, same air of elegance.
Something comes undone inside him when he realizes that his best friend is back, something he didn’t realize had been coiled up all this time. He lets out a shuddering breath. His Adam’s apple trembles.
Jumin doesn’t say a word, just clasps a hand to the taller man’s shoulder. Striking, colorful eyes meet his.
“V,” he says. “It’s about damn time.”
V smiles at the sight of him. “Jumin. It’s wonderful to see you again.”
“And you,” Jumin returns, his hand dropping back to his side. “It’s been exactly two years. You always were timely.”
“You’ve been keeping track.”
“I’m not the only one.”
The effect his words have on V is immediate: his face changes, his eyes taking on something Jumin can only describe as longing. He knows only because the same look appeared on your face when he asked you about V.
Two years, Jumin realizes, and neither of your feelings have budged an inch. Two years, and you and V still yearn for each other like it’s still day one.
It took his friend a hell of a lot of pain and loss to get here, but he’s finally found love. Not the kind that’s all-consuming and toxic but radiant and happy, the kind you both deserve. The kind you both have.
“She did all this?” V asks, looking over his shoulder towards the main hall.
Jumin nods, then follows his gaze. It was your idea to ask the art organization you invited to help you rent out a museum for the night, and the result is magnificent. Glimmering. Grandiose. Everything that the members could’ve dreamed the RFA party to become. And it really was all thanks to you.
“I last saw her near the stage,” he says, sparing V the trouble of asking. “She won’t have wandered far.”
A few moments of silence pass. V looks for something to say, anything that could accurately convey everything he’s feeling. He settles with drawing Jumin in for a tight embrace.
That says more than any words could.
They part. V turns and steps into the crowd, a head of mint hair walking through the throng of partygoers.
After his friend has left, Jumin turns to the weirdly familiar younger boy with the odd hair and anxious face.
“And who are you?”
. . . .
The “storage room” turns out to be an intricately decorated space with a dazzling chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It looks looks a ballroom more than a closet, but it’s stacked high with boxes and the air smells of dust when you walk in. Though you’re disappointed the room wasn’t put to use for the party, you’re glad you can use its emptiness to gather your thoughts.
For the thousandth time, you find yourself looking back how things were two years ago — how you and V met. Eleven days was all the two of you had, eleven days of chaos and danger and confusion, but just that short period alone was enough. He fell for your unmoving kindness and care towards him, and his consideration and sincerity rendered you deeply infatuated with him in return.
But you found a love that couldn’t yet take flight, one that consisted of things you left unsaid and emotions you swept under the rug. Neither of you were ready. The situation was far too volatile.
Sometimes, you find yourself wondering if there really was anything there. Maybe the two of you just latched onto each other because the circumstances forced your hands. Maybe it was never love, just dependence.
Then, you remember the way his entire demeanor softened when he looked at you, the tenderness in his voice whenever he said your name, the feelings of his arms around you, secure, safe. You remember the sparks and the unspoken yearning that crackled whenever you were in his proximity. You remember his promise that he’d return to you. That he’d love again. And it’s due to this collection of memories you still have faith in what you once had.
“V,” you say with a sad smile. “I hope you’re somewhere safe and sound. And I hope you’re learning to love yourself little by little, wherever you are.
“Take all the time you need. Just…come back to me when you’re ready, okay?”
“I’ll be waiting,” you finish weakly.
The room is now heavy and melancholy. You take a deep breath, trying to get a hold of yourself.
Behind you, there’s the sound of cloth shifting against cloth.
Shit! You nearly jump out of your skin. Did someone come in? The room wasn’t empty? Your face flushes crimson at the idea of one of the members or, worse, one of the party guests overhearing your dramatic soliloquy. Someone walks towards you, slow footsteps gradually getting louder. Zen? Jumin? They both walk with that slow saunter. You squeeze your eyes shut in an embarrassed flinch, your mouth opening to say something —
“You won’t need to anymore,” the stranger says.
You’re ripped from present day and brought back to two years ago. Your mind floods with memories you weren’t prepared to relive, all triggered by that achingly familiar voice.
You turn around, your breath hitched in your throat.
So many little things about him have changed. His hair is a few shades paler than before, the sunlight bleaching his his locks from his previous turquoise to a pale periwinkle; the definition of his jawline has sharpened from two years of travel; he wears a beige overcoat and a collared white shirt, an outfit that’s usually too formal for his liking.
Most notably, however, you notice that his entire aura is different.
You see none of the anguish and burden that used to fill his stare. Instead, there’s something you can only describe as radiance , so pure and warm that it reminds you of the morning sun’s rays spilling through a cracked window. Of holding frozen hands close to a crackling campfire. He’s the same in many ways, but brighter and calmer, more confident in his own skin.
Whatever he left to accomplish, he succeeded.
He comes closer, taking tentative steps until you can smell his familiar cologne; you’ve forgotten tall he is, and you have to lift your chin to maintain eye contact. The toes of his dress shoes touch the tips of your kitten heels.
“You’re back,” you whisper.
He nods. “I am.”
There are so many things you want to say to him, but you can’t think of a single one right now. It’s like his presence is driving you into sensory overload, and you’re only acutely aware of the rate at which your heart hammers against your ribcage, so loudly you swear he’s close enough to hear it. The two of you spend a few moments standing in silence, taking in the sight and sound of each other without a word.
Then, unable to stand it any longer, you move towards him. The last thing V hears is your sigh of relief against the shell of his ear before you wrap your arms around his neck.
The first time you hugged him, he’d stood in shocked silence, his arms staying frozen by his side. At the time, he was unable to accept his affections for you when Rika was still so prominent in his heart and mind.
But he readily holds you now, his arms circling around your waist, pulling you close with so much fervor that it feels more like a promise than a hug.
You stay entwined for as long as you see fit and then pull away, but V doesn’t let you go far; he hooks a slender finger beneath your chin and leans in close, finally lowering his mouth to yours.
It’s a wonderful blur that you barely remember. The pressure of his lips on your own causes your back to dip slightly, but he’s quick to steady you with an hand against the small of your back. He kisses you gently, deeply, as if the ground’s disappeared beneath his feet and you’re the only thing keeping him afloat; his knuckles turn pale where he grips your waist and your jaw, his lips flushed pink where they touch yours. You bring your hands to the sides of his neck, rising up on your tippy toes, thinking to yourself, this is entirely worth the wait.
Your pulse continues to pound a dizzying rhythm long after his lips have left yours. He nuzzles his forehead against your own, his lashes splayed softly against your skin.
“You have completely,” he says, “completely enamored me, Y/N. I’ve fallen for your kindness and purity, your stability and courage — I’ve fallen for you. And I’m so sorry that it took me this long to realize it.
“Even when I was thousands of miles away, you were with me. I heard your voice in the wind. I saw your face when I closed my eyes. I dreamt of you when I fell asleep.” His eyes swim. “I’ve longed for you for as long as I’ve known you, all two years and eleven days.”
You don’t even notice you’re crying until he brushes your tears away with caring hands.
“I love you, my angel. I’ve missed you so much.” His fingers tremble, but his voice remains steady. “And I’m ready to spend the rest of my life proving it to you, if only you’ll let me.”
You taste salt on your tongue where his tears have fallen, but you don’t care, tangling a hand in his hair and kissing him until he knows your answer.
Yes, yes, yes.
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