#sniper's crush
emilythedog661-tf2 · 6 months
Sniper Confesses his Feeling to Medic
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loosely based on this comic from instagram i found 🥰
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sskoddy · 5 months
Could... Could I request more speedingbullet bird au... (Polite)
Your wish is my command 🪄✨ (magic noises)
Sorry if this is a little rusty, my hands r doing a funny, so, bird au speeding bullet + a lil pose practice doodle of them
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Trying to find my way of drawing Scout, I think I might stick with the second image but yeah
I love them
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faeriescorpio · 4 months
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He just wants the splat 😔
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tf2incorrectquotes · 11 months
Heavy: *face in his hands* I kissed Doktor.
Engineer: Wow...
Engineer: Damn, son, I owe Snipes so much money.
Heavy: Что?
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fruskyterceol · 6 months
Why does Sniper, Spy and Scout have to be nice looking at the same time
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syoddeye · 1 month
cracking myself up imagining farah riding a motorcycle with ghost crammed into the sidecar
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p0lter--g3ist · 1 year
hi I really like your stimboards, especially your tf2 ones!! I was wondering if you could make a speeding bullet one, but if not, then it's alright. I mainly just wanted to say that I love your boards!♡♡♡
Speeding Bullet Stimboard!
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art by @t00thpasteface
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Pls pls PLEASE tell us more about your prince sniper au!! I’m already obsessed bc him and scout look so handsome🥺
I’m happy to explain!
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Okay some background information:
So it starts with the moment when Bill-Bel gets into an argument with the original (mostly white) ministers of New Zealand about how even though he, a Māori man, saved all of New Zealand from “magma and nuclear war” they refuse to let him join the council and make him a minister.
They tell him because they’re sick of living down there and that’s he’s not worthy of being on there.
In his frustration, he manages to rally up the Māori iwi (tribes) of New Zealand and many of the white New Zealanders, into making him into the king.
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He changes everything once he’s in control. The white New Zealanders or Pākehā get sent off to live in their own space within Aotearoa and the Māori get to having the majority their land back.
The next 29 years is quite peaceful, the local nature and wildlife grow in population back to pre colonial times and so does the Māori people. They bring back old ways of life and traditions along with more high tech gadgets (because canonically New Zealand in tf2 was made of extremely smart people).
And now onto the Sniper and Scout part of your question:
And then coming Sniper or I should rather say Mun-Dee Taumata.
He’s next in line and has only really ever known of being a Royal and living like the way he does, in a giant palace with guards always protecting him making him extremely sheltered and honestly very calm person.
He isn’t allowed to go out alone, but Mum-Dee finds his ways, always sneaking out to visit his kiwi, who’s named after the Māori goddess of loyalty Hinekepea, in his family’s Royal Aviary. She tries to protect him and gets angry whenever he comes back smelling like one of the ladies that Bill-Bel set him up with.
Oh, I should mention that the minute he turned 18; Bill-Bel was trying to get him wife so he could make an heir (no matter how many times Mun-Dee explained he was gay)
Then in the summer of 1972, out appears Mann Co. reps (All of RED Team + Miss Pauling and Mr. Bidwell) to try to make an agreement with the Aotearoa government on if they can used some of the Australium they own.
They didn’t know of the change of the government and when they arrived they were shocked to say the least. Scout especially.
The Māori people held a welcoming ceremony or a pōwhiri for the first ever manuhiri (visitors) to their home in 40 years with gifts, dance, music food, and of course, get a personal welcome from the Royal family. Mun-Dee had been extremely excited, and when he was about to do a hongi (which is we’re you touch noses together and do a handshake in welcome) with Scout, he slapped him.
It was a misunderstanding, Scout thought Mun-Dee was going to kiss him so he did some unnecessary self defense.
And that was the exact moment Mun-Dee got his first ever real crush on anyone.
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And they eventually get together, Spy tries to blackmail Scout into marrying him quickly so that if Bill-Bel died mysteriously; Scout can be married to a king for political reasons. Scout just wanted Mun-Dee for who he was.
Scout meets Hinekapea and she almost kills him, more like jumped onto his back when he had been trying to make out with Mun-Dee. He leapt off and as soon as he was off of him, Hinekapea got onto Mub-Dee’s chest and made some angry sneezes at him. Mun-Dee had just thought it was cute and apologized to her for bringing Scout without warning.
Here’s a lil comic for when Hinekapea, after having a specialized kiwi home (like a catio almost) put in Mun-Dee’s room so he could always see her, treats Scout:
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partyboyx3 · 15 days
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Pinned post wahoo this is for yall to know me a lil better. U have no idea how accurate the portrait is I literally wear that outfit all the time
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marionmorse · 1 year
Ughh the gosh darn- how do I- how do I describe this?
While Helmet Party is my #1 always and forever, I ADOREE Zhanna/Soldier to no end. In another of a series of TF2 sitcom-esque plots, picture Heavy coming home for a short visit, maybe looking forward to a quiet holiday with his loving, warm family. Then he walks in and it's. Soldier there, Zhanna's fiance. (Also - how did Soldier beat him there? Heavy not only left earlier, but also took the quickest possible plane and boat trip he could? This puzzles him.)
And it's just - just a series of Misha trying to be at peace, while Jane introduces hardcore AMERICAN-SPIRITED traditions (maybe it's at Christmas time?) and the sisters fall in love with the energy, the wackiness all, leaving Misha just kinda... there, a little alone.
By the end he comes to accept that things have changed in a very - again, sitcomy - way. He still gets time with family, particularly with his mother, just differently than expected.
As for placement in the TF timeline, it's IMPOSSIBLE considering Solly and Zhanna meet up in the post-game comics and it's implied that Heavy is on vacation from the Gravel Wars but shh, shhhhh, uhhh... Ao3 tag: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence and bam! That covers that.
Another Christmas - specific plot revolves around Scout and Pyro visiting Scout's family in Boston. (Pyro is there not only because the two are BEST BUDS, but also because Pyro doesn't really have a place to go for the holidays)
Queue Jeremy introducing his friend to his many brothers, and THEIR many kids, all in this crowded Boston home. There's wackiness to that.
Most importantly, SPY is there? My favorite way to characterize Spy's fatherhood is that he's always known and has been a bit protective for that reason, but let's say he only realizes it AS SCOUT WALKS IN! (Again, gotta smooth out the timeline with that one.) Jeremy is absolutely oblivious as Spy is out of uniform, obviously, but PYRO is the one to immediately recognize the Frenchman and they make just the most... Bewildered eye contact. While Jeremy bumbles around all: "So, tough guy, think you're good enough for ma?"
Think of Scout and Spy coming up with elaborate backstories to keep cover about their mercenary work, with Spy in particular digging in for the humor of it. Of course, the fluffy Christmas bits - Pyro's new friends, Scout's Ma getting to see her little guy again. It's cute. Very... you know... Sitcomy.
(Also, picture an alternative where Jeremy DOES recognize Spy - and they dance around in the whole elaborate backstory thing while having a side of pissed-off arguing when they can, keeping it all under wraps when any family is around. They both dig deep into the other's 'careers' while around folks just to show each other how mad they are.)
I'll keep the last one short and sweet - reaffirming my headcanon in which Engie has like... 14 nieces and nephews, with parents, grandparents, and their families on a beautiful piece of land in Bee Cave. Like Pyro, Medic doesn't have any thing particular in mind for the holidays, so he tags along with his buddy to Texas. He's a bumbling little German guy thrust into a very Texan culture-heavy scenario, all the eccentric extroversion, the COOKING, the amount of PEOPLE, but also... Seeing Engie as a family man, seeing him unwind and be more human than ever. A.M. coffee watching the sunrise type stuff. It's kinda sweet.
By night, of course, the Science Party shenanigans ensue with Engie showing off his now rather dilapidated workshop elsewhere on the ranch. His father's and grandfather's work, old prototypes, nerd bonding. That type of stuff.
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takealookintheback · 2 years
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Andreas Pietschmann as Konstantin von Brendorp in ‘GSG 9 – Ihr Einsatz ist ihr Leben’ (2009); season 2
season 1
more gifs under the cut:
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emilythedog661-tf2 · 29 days
Driving at Night makes you Sleepy
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Sniper doesn't mind Medic snoozing on him and he thinks it's cute 🥰
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wesleysniperking · 6 months
I saw on YouTube, a video titled “Let’s Kill Usopp”, and all I can think is his haters still care about him. If he was truly someone (a character) they hated then they wouldn’t have taken the time to upload that video. I mean, the opposite of love isn’t hate. It’s SUPPOSED to be indifference. Right?
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archduke-enver-gortash · 10 months
zeke screams and wails and writhes and sobs in agony and fear when gortash slowly and torturously mars him, but rarely ever begs for mercy. why? for the same reason he does not address him as enver--it is an admission of his fear. of his missing flesh. of his loss in this battle of their war. an admission that gortash took another piece of him from bhaal for himself. an unwilling prayer to gortash.
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georgieluz · 1 year
holy fuck you guys i just realised who hoosier is
he's that one hot sniper dude from that cowboy law enforcement show that i haven't watched a single episode of but somehow have a playlist full of edits and clips saved simply bc of that fine ass dude with a gun and the one liners and it's fucking hoosier
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nowandthane · 1 year
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i just love going down to engineering... no particular reason
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