#snively ramblings
snivel1 · 6 months
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evil-snivel2 · 9 months
Let's all thank Satan WHB for inventing socialism <333
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snively-mun · 1 year
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“Come on, don’t be shy!”
A commission of my two favorite bi rats from the ever-lovely @starfall-isle!
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kogarashi-art · 5 months
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It's the last previews for Falling Into Darkness!
Important note before I go into some details on the pictures: I will, in general, not be doing this for other fanfics I post. The main reason I did this series of illustrations was as something of a treat for finally crossposting this 10-20-year-old story to my AO3 account. I don't really plan to draw a ton of illustrations for other fics I do.
That being said, I may do occasional images that will be posted with future stories on AO3 (I have a quick one for the first chapter of the next fic I plan on posting, for one), and if I do other fanart, related to a fic or not, I still plan to post art here.
But I'm glad for all the kind comments and everyone enjoying this series of illustrations with me. :D You guys are awesome.
With that, description-stuff (including more behind-the-scenes than usual) below the cut. 'Tis long; be forewarned.
First up, arguably the easiest illustration to do in the whole set. It's a silhouette, so the foreground wasn't really an issue (other than trying to get the edge glow just right, and I still don't think I quite managed but I'm definitely telling myself not to mess with it any further). The background was already painted for the second illustration in the whole set:
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I just fixed up the paths and the treetops and added a little lookout stand to the building on the right, now that Sonic and Sally weren't blocking those spots. After all, it's supposed to be the same view anyway, so I figured I'd make it easy on myself and not have to completely repaint the scene.
The second image employs some little cheats here and there. Here's the original sketch from my sketchbook for comparison:
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Very loose, lacking detail. Straight lines are more like suggestions. The robots are spiky blobs. I have a literal note next to a stick figure and a hollow shape telling me to get some references. There's the barest hint of the alcoves the robots are standing in.
I didn't show this level of behind-the-scenes off with other illustrations in this series (though I suppose if anyone's ever interested, I could do a process post about how I worked on these), but one of the first things I did with this series of illustrations was sift through the roughly fifty individual sketches I'd drawn to illustrate various parts of the story (not counting redraws of portions), ranging from vague shapes to much more detailed drawings, to narrow it down to the ones I was actually going to finish for this project. I ended up with 27 total images, including the two I'm previewing today, focusing on having at least one but no more than three images per chapter.
Once I'd determined which sketches, like the above, were going to become a finished piece, I then went through each and every one of them in Photoshop with a sketch pencil brush and filled out the sketches to a point where I could reliably ink them. That meant things like swapping out figures that didn't work with redraws of them or making size adjustments, like so:
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The first image is the second illustration, and you can see I redid Sonic because his initial pose didn't work. The redraw was actually a pose of him I did to draw his post-Mobianization robotic elements from the end of the story, but the stance was actually good for what I needed, so I Photoshopped it in and then sketched the rest of the replacement drawing digitally. The second image is Sally watching Knuckles walk away, and you can see that I changed her left arm, and also reproportioned her body prior to inking (bigger head, smaller body).
And for pieces like the final one in this illustration series, I sketched in all the details that were missing from the initial sketch (which, as I said, was pretty barebones; in my defense, it was the last one I drew, and by that point I was pretty tired of drawing robot hedgehogs so Sonic was something of a stick figure in most of the last chapters' sketches).
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And here's where one of the cheats comes into play. I drew one robot hedgehog. Specifically the one you see the most of, near the tip of Robotnik's cape by the drafting table. I drew it on its own layer in Potoshop, then copied and pasted it into all of the other holding bays, erasing parts that wouldn't be visible as I went along. I also went and found those references I needed for Robotnik and Snively and drew the two of them properly.
And then, because I much prefer physical pen-to-paper inking over digital (my tablet is not one of the fancy screen ones, and I've yet to really get comfortable digitally inking with it, despite owning it for nigh on twenty years), I colored all of the sketches red, assembled them in groups on letter-sized images, and printed them out onto cardstock (my preferred medium when I'm going to be traditionally inking). I inked them with my various inking pens (some Sakura Microns, some Faber-Castell PITT pens), scanned each sheet back into my computer, and cleaned up the lines in Photoshop (the reason for the red printout was to make it a bit smoother removing the sketch from the inked lines, though it wasn't as clean as I would've liked; oh well).
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That left us with the above. Because I inked them each by hand individually, the robots don't look copy-pasted, because it was the underlying sketch that had been, not the ink work. The tables and holding bays also have straighter lines thanks to using a proper ruler for those (though I didn't concern myself too much with things like perspective and right angles), and after drawing the straight line, I went back freehand over spots to give them a bit of that hand-inked wobble.
From there it was a matter of laying down the flats in Photoshop, then shading, adding effects, etc. I like the cold yellow light I've got on the robots, and the overall shading on the yellow cape. Also that sense of satisfaction when I called this one done, because it was the last one. Huzzah.
I'll see you on Monday for the last chapter!
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timeisacephalopod · 2 years
Decided to binge a bunch of videos about snape wives and their strange lives, snives if you will, and I need to apologize to them TikTok reality shifting teens because it turns out they weren't the first to do that or be Like That™️ I guess 😵😵😵
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multiisketch · 6 days
Multi's Ramblings: Sonic 3 and Robot Lackeys
Every version of Eggman likes to have his own lackeys. SATAM had Snively for a time. Sonic Underground had Sleet and Dingo. TAoStH gave us Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts. Sonic X gave us Decoe, Bocoe, and Bokkun. Sonic Unleashed and Colors gave us Orbot and Cubot (my personal favorites). Last but not least, the Sonic Movies gave us Agent Stone.
The stand-outs from this list are, of course, Orbot and Cubot. Since their formal establishment in Colors they've basically been beside every version of Eggman since. They even got to appear in Sonic Prime! Which is great! I love these funky robots. They'd fit right in at Aperture Science when you think about it. That's how funky and personable they are. They're dynamic with Eggman is especially great. Devious and apathetic to a fault unless a fire is lit under them. Truly a corporate boss/employee relationship.
Side note: Scratch and Grounder used to have this gag in TAoStH where Scratch say something like, "I dunno, Dr. Robotnik he's being pretty disingenuous." And then Grounder would go, "Yeah! And he's not telling you the truth, either!" Orbot and Cubot do this, too! And I don't think it's far-off to say Orbot's design was inspired by Decoe and Bocoe. Perhaps even Orbot's sassy attitude was taken from Snively?
Anyhoo, my point is these guys are great. They have all the best bits of previous lackeys in orb and cube form. Which is also why I think I've really missed having them in the movie franchise...
Now, Stone is great, too, don't get me wrong. His dedication to Dr. Robotnik reminds me a lot of Dr. Starline from the IDW comics. His attitude and style there-in as well. He obviously actually likes Robotnik unlike other lackeys and I don't see him pulling a betrayal anytime soon--no matter how poorly Robotnik treats him. He's in too deep. If anything, he might grow jaded with time. Perhaps become a bit more sassy in his responses, lazy, and--
Hey, wait a minute.
That... That kind of sounds like Orbot...
Robotnik loves robots. He loves them more than people. He's said so--directly to Stone--in the first movie. And, you know, with Sonic 3 raising the stakes and everything; Robotnik reconnecting with Gerald, his FAMILY, maybe he might begin to see the value in a certain lackey he's been mistreating so much.
Maybe a certain lackey might sacrifice himself for the good old Doc-Nik.
MAYBE a certain Eggheaded mad-scientist realizes, oh in the very last seconds--reaching out desperately for some vaguely pebble-shaped piece to hold onto--that he can't live without said lackey. But now that lackey is gone. For good.
So... what is this Eggheaded mad-scientist to do?
Well... what he does best.
He builds a robot.
He won't call it "Stone", no. He won't admit that he cared. It's just a robot, after all.
But he'll give it his voice and his mannerism. He'll make sure it knows how to brew coffee and take belittlement with a not-at-all chipper, but satisfied, "Yessir." Maybe he'll even build it a buddy so it won't follow him around like a lost puppy all the time. Someone to be a better friend to him than Robotnik could ever be. And this other robot has to be stupid because that way he can know what it's like to have his own puppy.
And, oh yes, he'll blame Sonic for everything. It's Sonic's fault, somehow, that all this happened. He wouldn't have gotten attached to him if it wasn't for Sonic. GUN wouldn't have been poking their noses where it didn't belong if it wasn't for Sonic. He wouldn't have... well, Sonic will pay soon enough.
Forget blood family, forget men, forget hedgehogs. More robots... that's what he needs.
They're better than people after all.
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highway-in-the-sky · 2 years
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sonic really said "I need to figure out what's up with this thing" and just sent to robotnik himself and asked lmao
Also can you imagen robotnik actually setting sonic up on a blind date, hilarious
(unrelated but I really like how robotnik is drawn in this issue)
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robotnik-mun · 4 years
More Robotropolis Notes
Predictably I decided to take another crack at a ‘Free-For-All’ Sonic setting. Even more predictably, I focused on Robotnik crap. 
Enjoy some rambling, incoherent worldbuilding that’ll never go anywhere, folks!
Justice in Robotropolis begins and ends with the VEG’s- the Vassalization Engineering Gulags. The VEGs are the prison-fortresses of Robotropolis- massive installations where prisoners of war and criminals are sent to in order to be processed and either subjected to Roboticization or a slow, lingering death as a bio-battery. VEGs are enormous, multilayered complexes bristling with external weaponry and housing near endless numbers of robotic troops, and are dispersed all over the territories of Robotropolis. VEGs are strategically placed across the internal borders of Robotropolis, with a single VEG taking processing the prisoners of several surrounding territories and often acting as a nexus point between Zones.  The reason for this is due to Robotnik’s paranoia about the potential capture and reverse engineering of Roboticization technology- as such there are relatively few VEGs in proportion to Robotropolis’ organic population and geographic size, but each one is responsible for the Roboticization of thousands each year.
While Roboticization is the primary fate of anyone unfortunate enough to be shipped off to the VEG, there is another, arguably even more horrific fate- namely that of being converted into a bio-battery powering the very machinery that enslaves Mobius’ peoples. A refinement of the technologies designed for Badniks, to become a Bio-Battery is to be slowly killed over a course of many months or even two years, depending on the health of the subject. Subjects are placed within the life draining ‘pods’ of the batteries, wherein they are gradually drained of their life force until nothing remains but a decayed husk. The pod clusters are located in reinforced sub-basements, and due to their resemblance to grapes on a vine, some individuals with knowledge of their existence have morbidly compared them to vineyards.
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Some VEGs, besides serving as Roboticization and Bio-Battery processing plants, also fulfill a secondary role of carrying out scientific research and development. One such ‘Science’ VEG is located within Robotropolis-occupied Trailius, where it serves as the HQ for the local Legion chapter and is administrated by Legion Prefect Maw the Thylacine. It is the only VEG to be entrusted to one of Robotnik’s organic agents, as the rest are exclusively staffed by robots.  
VEGs are not individually named, but are instead referred to by number, in order of construction- VEG-1, VEG-2, etc. The largest and most infamous of the VEG’s is the prototype facility first created by Robotnik, and designated as VEG-0.
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VEG-0 was created by converting a massive volcano springing from the ocean, using its magma core as a thermal power plant for the entire facility. VEG-0 upon completion was set to immediate work, and by the present has been responsible for Roboticizing millions. It serves as the face of Roboticization, even as the task of creating Robian slaves was delegated to other VEGs. The subsequent VEG models were created smaller than the original and incorporated Bio-Battery technology to make them independent from Robotropolis’ main power grid, but even so, VEG-0 remains an ominous and terrible symbol of Robotropolis’ might in the eyes of its citizens and the world itself.
Prisoners at VEGs are not kept in cells, but rather in suspended animation within special capsules before being unloaded for Roboticization or Bio-Battery integration.
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These capsules are essentially miniaturized, self-contained Bio-Batteries unto themselves, using the life force of the individuals imprisoned in order to be powered. While nowhere near as lethal as the Bio-Batteries proper, the capsules none the less are painful to be trapped in… which suits Robotnik just fine.
The Robotropolis Legion
The Robotropolis Legion (disparaged by many as ‘The Dark Legion’) wears many hats- it is at once the civilian government, law enforcement, and civil defense corp of Robotropolis, at least on paper. The easiest way to advance in Robotropolis’ society without being a scientist is to join the Legion, and the Legion eagerly takes all comers- collaborators seeking to be spared Roboticization, lunatics eager for someone heart, the destitute and desperate seeking ANYTHING in life… and rarely, even a few true believers of Robotnik’s foul vision join the Legion. All who join the Legion are granted cybernetic enhancements and military grade training before being deployed, either to the streets of Robotropolis’ Habitation Zones or to further Robotnik’s influence overseas. Many have come to know the image of the Legion Trooper- clad in red armor and in face concealing helmets abstractly resembling skulls, the troopers serve as constant reminders of Robotnik’s control over the denizens of Robotropolis and the promise of power to those who would willingly submit to his rule.
The Legion is surprisingly loose in its organization, compared to other military organizations and in contrast to Robotnik’s own demands for absolute order. The Legion is divided up into Chapters based around the location in which they operate, which depending on circumstance can be individual communities or general areas. Each chapter is headed over by a Prefect, who is in turn served by a commander, and oversees the various units of Troopers under their command. Beyond that though, each Chapter is essentially run as the Prefect in charge sees fit. So long as order is kept and Robotnik’s quotas are filled, Robotnik doesn’t care what his subordinates do as long as it doesn’t interfere with the efficiency of his empire.
In the early days of Robotropolis, this wasn’t the case- the Legion’s authority was more centralized, and there existed greater co-operation and synergy between the Legion chapters, with all Legions being under the direct command of The Grand Marshal of the Legion, whom also was an active participant in Robotropolis’ government. The first and only such Grand Marshall was one Conrad Targo, an Overlander general who betrayed his government to serve Robotnik. Targo was instrumental in the Legion’s formation and implementation within Robotropolis’ territories, particularly with Robotropolis main robotic armies occupied elsewhere, allowing the Legion to pick up the policing that would otherwise distract the machine armies from their primary function of conquest. This, in effect, made Targo the head of domestic defense and Robotnik’s effective third in command.
After an accident seemingly killed Robotnik and his second-in-command Snively, Targo briefly assumed control over Robotropolis. During this brief time, Targo instituted a draft for service into the Legion, intending to expand the cybernetic army. His reign however proved brief- sensing the weakness brought on by his transition of power, the Kingdom of Acocrn hoped to take advantage of the brief instability to decapitate Robotropolis’ leadership and thus weaken the foul city enough so that they might reclaim their homeland. A special, covert strike force was assembled and deployed into Robotropolis to assassinate Targo and to cause general mayhem within the Inner Empire in the hopes of causing widespread chaos across Robotropolis. Led by Colonel Tig Stripe, the squadron came close to its goals… only for Robotnik and Snively to re-emerge, unharmed and ready to reassume command of Robotropolis.
The assassins where subsequently destroyed, and a near-dead Targo was kept alive by artificial means. Julian had long been suspicious of Targo’s loyalties and ambitions, as well as his control over the Legion. His ‘death’ had been a ploy from the start to set Targo up so that he could fall, and to make his enemies on the global stage reveal their hands in this supposed moment of weakness for Robotnik’s Empire. In the aftermath of this incident, Robotnik eliminated the position of Grand Marshall and re-structured the Legion to grant each chapter greater independence from the other and more decentralized leadership in order to make them less able to organize against him. Finally, Robotnik roboticized Targo and then further modified him into a new breed of command class robot to oversee his SWATBot armies. Thus was Conrad Targo, Grand Marhsall of Robotropolis, reborn as Supreme Commander Brutus.
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Since that time, the Legion has maintained its role as the effective state police of Robotropolis and the closest thing it has to a ‘civilian’ government. Members are afforded greater freedoms than non-members as well as better access to things like food, water and high end medical technology, for both themselves and their families. Robotnik maintains the relative inefficiency of the Legion because it keeps them divided and thus unable to organize towards overthrowing him, while providing additional targets for local resistance groups as well as a means of recruiting people into his service. Given that the robot armies of Robotropolis vastly outnumbers the so-called ‘Legion’, Robotnik is more than willing to put up the Legion’s presence… for the moment, anyway.
Technically, there are two Legions- the Home Legion, which policies the habitation zones of Robotropolis, and the Away Legion. The Away Legion is effectively a secretive terrorist army for Robotropolis, a series of subversive cells that seek to chip away at nations until they are vulnerable to invasion by Robotnik’s machine armies. The Away Legions are even more individualized than the Home Legions, and this creates a degree of friction between the two branches.
All of which proceeds as intended by Robotnik.
With the absolute loyalty of his robots to pick up the slack, he can afford distractions from his more flawed subordinates. Sooner or later, EVERYTHING will be machinery anyway.  
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mysticaeternity · 4 years
A Starline related thought dump.
-Spoilers for the IDW comics ahead.-
I’ve recently been thinking about the idea of a Sonic Satam version of Dr.Starline and just how terrifying he would be.
A former psychologist who, out of pure admiration for his near complete takeover of mobius, secures a position in the Robotnik Empire by somehow convincing Robotnik to not Robotosise him.
I can imagine him psychologically tormenting Snively to not only win over Robotniks affection but for the fun and experimental aspect of it.
He’s probably try to use several brainwashed tactics on the Freedom Fighters to:
Reveal the location of Knothole
Capture Sonic to have him Robotosised
Have them believe they are already Robotosised so they don’t try to escape. (He would most likely target Bunnie for this because she is already partially Robotosised)
Also because of how intimidating Satam Robotnik is, Dr. Starline wouldn’t even dream of pulling the stunt he did with the Deadly Six in the IDW comics.
He would also still have the Warp Topaz and would use it to try and search for Knothole. (The freedom fighters would have their own item to counter it).
If you’ve read this far, Thank You for reading my odd rambling, I just wanted to get my thoughts out of my head. ^-^’
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mobius-prime · 4 years
281. Sonic the Hedgehog #204
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Heavy is the Head (Part Two): Iron Khan
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Steven Butler Colors: Matt Herms
Things have gone from bad to worse with Khan now under the Iron Queen's control. The Freedom Fighters are forced to scatter as he calls down a magical storm on them, and Sonic barely returns from taking Bunnie to safety in time to save even more helpless would-be victims.
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Sally quickly explains what happened while he was gone, and Sonic eagerly races forward to fight Khan, despite Sally calling after him not to hurt him. Sonic tries to at first talk Khan out of it, telling him to fight back, but the Iron Queen gleefully reminds him of how extensive his cybernetics are, giving her total control. Snively, still holding onto Khan's power ring crown, snaps it in half while revealing that this was the only thing protecting him before… and then the Iron Queen drops the bomb that she'd in fact controlled Khan more recently than previously known, and used him to wipe out the Dragon Kingdom Freedom Fighters. That's right! Khan had his body seized by a tyrant and was forced to literally murder the local Freedom Fighter chapter, which is why they're no longer around to help. Considering everything else that's happened to him in his life, if that doesn't spell serious trauma, I don't know what does. However, all this does give Sonic an idea, and he asks everyone to stall Khan while he makes a quick stop at the Lake of Rings, which Antoine takes to with gusto.
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I mean, as much as you do have a point, 'Twan, again, we're talking about a severely traumatized unwilling pawn here. Sally, Vector, and Mighty jump in to try to help, but Sally is easily swept aside as the two Chaotix grab hold of Khan. Sonic, meanwhile, paces impatiently next to the lake, while Nicole explains that the rings here are created artificially with the energy runoff from the radioactive ruins of Robotropolis, and thus she can only make them so fast. However, when they spot Vector and Mighty flying across the sky like two distant, lightning-fried meteorites, she changes her tune and diverts some more power to production, just as Khan makes a beeline for Sonic.
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Man, good thing rings don't need to be forged into shape, huh? Just jam one onto your skull and it'll fit perfectly! Really, it's a wonder power ring circlets aren't in fashion across all of Mobius. Fortunately, Sonic's plan works and Khan comes back to his senses, drenched and depressed. To Snively's surprise, the Iron Queen happily sounds the retreat, content to have humiliated and demoralized Khan for now before her next planned assault. Sonic realizes that this is why Khan had his outburst of anger last issue, and Khan confirms it, blaming himself for everything that's happened here today. Antoine gets in his face and angrily agrees, clearly still worked up about Bunnie, but an unexpected trio interrupts him - Rory, Sasha, and Snaggle, now coming to Khan's defense.
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Sally hugs him, Khan and Antoine apologize to one another, and it's really just a bunch of warm fuzzies all around. Seriously, though, something like this was much needed for Khan. In every prior appearance, he's been pretty two-dimensional, being mostly just an egotistical and slightly crazy magic monkey with no real personality. I mean, he originally spoke in third person, for crying out loud. Ian's done what he does best, and breathed some new life into an old, stale, and nearly forgotten character, making him into someone we can actually give a Renfield T. Rodent's ass about.
Back in the Eggdome, Snively pays a quick visit to his uncle, still wrapped up in a straightjacket and locked in his padded cell, to gloat about how well things are going without him, before becoming annoyed that gloating just isn't as fun when the person you're talking to is stuck in their own head. Eggman babbles on throughout the entire thing, but though his words may appear to be gibberish at first glance, nearly every single phrase has some kind of significance. He repeats "hate that hedgehog" several times for obvious reasons, and other phrases that seem nonsensical are actually very clever references to much, much older issues. Several more phrases seem to be made up of technobabble to some degree, suggesting he's not totally lost in there, but perhaps the most significant phrase, I find, is "They always loved Colin more." Colin, if you'll recall, is Robotnik's brother, whom Eggman killed just before Robotropolis went boom. This one little line immediately gives a lot more insight into just how Eggman - and the original Robotnik - came to be who they are today. It seems to suggest that, ultimately, a lot of his awful personality stems from jealousy of the attention his parents gave to his brother instead of him. We know precisely jack-all about Eggman and Colin's parents, mind you, and as far as I remember this isn't a plot point or anything, but it does get the imagination going, doesn't it? It's easy to imagine Colin as the golden child, the grand military general leading the Overlander race to glory, while poor, ugly, non-charismatic Julian gets neglected, fueling his feelings of resentment until he uses his natural talents as an inventor to get revenge and force the world to acknowledge his genius. I'm not trying to say that Robotnik is a sympathetic figure by any means, but many cruel, manipulative, domineering people do unfortunately get their start after facing rejection from authorities in their life.
Anyway, this is all just speculation - this little line never gets brought up again or expanded upon, so it's all left up to our imaginations. After Snively walks away, Eggman continues his ramblings, but there's one more significant phrase hidden in there…
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Wh- I'm sorry, but what kind of a locking system is that?! Y'all are currently living in a base designed by a mega-genius who's life's work is in tech, and the best you can shell out for to keep him locked up is a simple slide lock like you'd find in a bathroom stall? Man, you guys are terrible at security. You basically deserve to have him escape at this point.
Friend in Deed (Part Two)
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Jamal Peppers Colors: Matt Herms
Oh, right, back to the whole situation with Espio dangling Knuckles over the edge of a cliff and whatnot. Knuckles asks in disbelief if Espio has really turned traitor and is actually willing to steal the emerald and hand it over to the Iron Queen, to which Espio hesitates and then asks to confirm if he would indeed need to kill Knuckles to take the emerald. Knuckles affirms this without hesitation, and then Espio pulls him back onto solid ground, saying that he then has conflicting orders. Knuckles is obviously confused and wants an explanation, so Espio says that the only way he can help him is if he breaks the Bride of Four Houses' hold over the clans.
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Man, I take it back. Ian, you're allowed to be proud of your intricate worldbuilding, but this is like the fourth time you've explained to us how it works through the characters. Trust your audience, man! Espio cuts himself off in the middle of his explanation, claiming he's said too much, and runs away while turning invisible despite Knuckles calling for him to stay. Knuckles merely quietly wishes him luck under his breath, knowing now that Espio isn't doing this because he truly wants to.
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snivel1 · 6 months
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I crinkled them😈
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evil-snivel2 · 5 months
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Ok Tumblr.
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snively-mun · 2 years
Not even joking tysm for cataloging Snively sightings hes one of my most obscure blorboz and I'm constantly starved 4 content
Absolutely enamored with the way you worded this—Snively sightings! I'm out here crawling through the woods, camera in hand, eagerly trying to get photos of our beloved cryptid...
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But in all seriousness, you're so welcome! He's one of my favorite fellas, and someone had to catalogue his comic appearances (as... varied in quality as they are, initially)!
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Snively goes to check up on his insane uncle and we hear that in Eggman's ramblings, he brings up things that the original Dr. Robotnik had gone through. At the same time, it also implies that this Dr. Eggman (who was originally from another dimension) had gone through the exact same past.
Also oh crap, the insane doctor is released.
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k9ofchaos · 6 years
K9′s Ramblings #15: Sonic Rogues Galleries
In this entry of the “K9′s Ramblings” series, I’ll be going over the villains from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise and speculate how they would fit into a rogues gallery for certain major characters. With all that out of the way, lets get this show on the road:
Sonic the Hedgehog:
Doctor Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik: Emperor of the Eggman Empire.  Archnemesis of the Blue Blur
Doctor Julian Snively: Nephew of Eggman and possible heir to his uncle’s imperial throne.
Metal Sonic: Strongest Badnik of the Eggman Army and Robotic Counterpart the Hero of Mobius.
Breezie the Hedgehog: President and CEO of Breeze Media. Old flame of the Fastest Thing Alive.
Walter “Ixis” Naugus: Grandmaster and Chief Wizard of the Order of Ixis.
Solaris: Sun God of Soleanna. Would take the form of Sonic himself.
Dark Gaia: Primordial Being of Darkness.
Nega-Mother Wisp: Corrupted Matriarch of the Wisps.
Zavok: Leader of the Deadly Six and the Zeti Race.
Infinite: Ultimate Mercenary and Leader of the Jackal Squad.
Shadow the Hedgehog:
Biolizard: Prototype Ultimate Lifeform
Abraham Tower: Commander of the Guardian Units of Nations.
Black Doom: Hive Mind of the Black Arms.
Mephiles the Dark: Evil Incarnate. Would take the form of Shadow himself.
Eclipse the Darkling: Top Enforcer of the Black Arms. Would serve as an evil rival to Shadow.
Silver the Hedgehog:
Eggman Nega: Descendant of the Robotnik Dynasty.
Iblis: The Flames of Disaster. Would take the form of Silver himself (with a mix of Blaze’s features, maybe).
Knuckles the Echidna:
Metal Knuckles: Mechanical Doppelganger of Knuckles. Minion of Eggman.
Chaos: The Water God of Destruction.
Pir’Oth Ix: Imperator of the Nocturnus Clan.
Enerjak: Malevolent Demigod of the Chaos Force.
Thrash the Tasmanian Devil: Seeker of Vengeance Against the House of Edmond.
Miles “Tails” Prower:
Battle Kukku XV: Emperor of the Battle Kukku Empire.
Battle Kukku XVI: Crown Prince of the Battle Kukku Empire. AKA Speedy.
Doctor Fukurokov: Chief Scientist of the Battle Kukku Empire.
Wendy Witchcart: Leader of the Witchcarter Society.
Tails Doll: Half-Assed Mechanical Doppelganger of Tails. Possibly Cursed with Black Magic. Must investigate further into it.
Mammoth Mogul: Ixis Archmage turned Corrupt Corporate Executive. Keeping tabs on his nemesis’s magical potential.
Of course, if any of these characters where to get spinoffs of their own in the form of video games, comic books, what have you, I’m pretty sure the writers at either Sega and/or IDW could think up some new characters to add to this list. I might come back and edit this one later but for now the list is done. Take care and have a nice day.
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satellite-blossom · 2 years
Alright when I'm done with the Splatoon idol redesigns I'll try to draw Léa with their Mobian family. Probably at least Shadow this time since last time I drew Léa with Sally.
It's something of a relic of one of the old versions of Léa's story, but at some point after appearing on Mobius they got adopted by Shadow and Sally even if the two weren’t dating ? They're still not dating in the current version of the story, it's just that at the beginning they had a "found family older siblings" relationship with Léa and then I said "fuck it they're getting adopted". Honestly I think it still makes more sense to have Léa being officially adopted by Sally and Shadow, like I just think they saw the absolute mess that Léa were as a tween/young teen and thought "alright we cannot let them on their own".
I have like, a vague headcanon that traditional Mobian society has some types of contracts/legal documents that link not blood-related people but not in a marriage way ? Like something that makes a group of people legally recognized as sort of siblings without even getting any parent involved. It probably got a resurgence/survived because of the war with Julian Robotnik (lots of orphans yet deep found family bounds between people).
Oh by the way : in my main story Julian takes over a part of Mobius when Sonic & Co are kids, and Ivo is basically in the role of Snively. Not sure if the Underground siblings or the Freedom Fighters deal the final blow but Julian is dead in the present and Ivo/Eggman is the current Robotnik baddy. Still trying to figure out the timeline on this side... It's not easy to merge so many different Sonic canons into one timeline. (╥﹏╥'✿)
Anyway. Shadow and Léa. Perhaps I should draw Shadow teaching Léa how to use rocket skaters ? I don't think they'd really like rocket skates, but they can't know till they've tried, and at least Shadow is here to help them. If I can't draw that then I'll figure something else. I need to draw Léa with their Mobian parents more often... No offense to Amy & Honey but I can't keep simply drawing these two dressed up for the holidays, haha.
Since 2022 is the year of me drawing new stuff and revamping old things then I guess it really is time for me to draw Léa with Shadow. Like, the last time I completed a piece with those 2 was when I first started serious digital art on Sony Sketch in like... 2017 ? Wowie, so much has changed since.
Anyway, here was my little paracosm ramble of the day.
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