#snk 139 x reader
“Letters to My Love” | Hanji x Reader
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Fandom: Attack on Titan  Pairing: Hanji x Reader  Words: 4k 
A/N: This is a self-indulgent, completely unfiltered, messy little fic that deals with my love for Hanji. Ever since I started reading AoT back in 2015, I’ve had a soft spot for Hanji. My little ray of sunshine, one of my first comfort characters, the one character I could actually see myself becoming friends with in real life. Seeing her death finally animated (beautifully) brought a lot of feelings forward. She was brave and gorgeous and kind and absolutely amazing. It actually feels like I’m saying farewell to a close friend of mine. And so this messy fic was born, mostly unedited but with a lot of my personal feelings channeled into the reader’s POV. You can read this as either a platonic or romantic relationship, whatever floats your boat. I hope you enjoy the fic! 
Warnings: lots of angst, major character death, implied reader death, some blood and violence, struggling to cope with grief, post-war/post-snk 139 world, Hanji is referred to as female with she/her pronouns 
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It’s all so stupid. A stupid idea, a stupid reason behind it, a stupid man telling you about it in the first place. Why even bother with this in the first place? It’s not like it’ll help you in the long run.
But Falco’s still staring up at you with those big eyes, the slightest quiver of his lip, arms stretched out towards your own.
“Please?” His voice is unnaturally soft; it might be the lighting, but you can almost see a tear in those huge eyes. “At least try it, won’t you? I promise, you’ll feel better. Just like Dad says.”
You don’t have the heart to tell the kid his father’s full of shit, just like everyone else in this horrible world. Nothing’s left for you to enjoy, nothing you can cling to during the tough times. Those days are gone, the memories of bliss vanishing with every passing day.
But he looks so sad, so fucking hopeful, as though he still believes you can do it. You can lift this crushing weight off your chest with just a pen, some paper, and a few words every day.
“…Fine.” He practically shoves the dusty old notebook into your chest with a smile. “I’ll give it a shot.”
You’ll try, but you already know it’s a waste of time.
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I’m not good at this. Writing’s never been my strong suit—not when it comes to other people. But you already know knew that, didn’t you?
Mr. Grice gave me the idea. Says writing everything down is a lot better than saying it out loud sometimes. Falco said the same thing; he still writes to his brother every other week. 
I don’t understand why. It’s not like I’ll ever send them, they’re just gonna sit in my desk collecting dust. But I told Falco I’d try for him. He’s a sweet kid, I can see why you like liked him. Sorry, it’s a habit. 
I don’t know what else to say. I guess I’ll try again tomorrow.
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It’s me again. Onyankopon came to visit again. He checks up on me at least once every week. Same day, same time. It’s like he doesn’t trust me. Maybe he’s just looking out for me. That’s what Levi says.
Things are slowly going back to normal. He says it’s been almost five months since you left the battle. It’ll be spring soon. This winter hasn’t been too bad though. I miss the snow a little bit. Maybe one day we can go further north to see some next year. I know Gabi and Falco would enjoy it.
I can’t think of anything else to write down. I’m sure I’ll be back soon though.
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Mundane topics. What you ate today. Who you saw at the market. The stories Gabi and Falco would make up whenever they were bored.
It’s all so stupid, but you write it down anyway. Stuff she’d like, stuff she wouldn’t like. Not her name, never her name. You can’t bear to say it out loud, not even spell out the letters without bursting into a fit of sobs. What’s the point, anyway? Not like she’s here to answer her own name anymore.
Still, you keep writing. Every day, at least something goes down in that little brown notebook. You’re the only one who reads it. Mr. Grice refuses to, says it’s for your eyes only. Falco sometimes shares what he’s written to his brother, but only when the two of you are alone. He has a little brown book of his own, same shape and size too. Always keeps it in the first drawer of his nightstand, same place you keep yours.
The days crawl by. Every breath hurts less and less. Slowly but surely, you wonder if you’re actually getting better.
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I thought of you today. The kids wanted to stop in a bookstore during our shopping trip so I let them. They can be so eager and hyper when they want to be. (Why can’t they be like that when it comes to their chores?)
They both went for the bookshelf in the far corner. Books about the world; about weapons, inventions, plants, animals, experiments, I couldn’t keep track of how many there were. And the kids just sat there for hours, leafing through book after book. I ended up leaving just to drop off the groceries at home before heading back to pick them up. And when I got there they were still poring over those dusty, wrinkled pages.
You would like the bookstore. It’s on the smaller side but it doesn’t feel crowded. It’s got a few benches for people to sit and read for a bit, and there’s a café right next door too. But when I told Levi about it he got a little snippy; I think he’s jealous, his tea shop will always be superior.
He’s doing okay, I know you’re probably worried about him. His leg still gives him trouble but he’s getting better every day. He gave me a job after the shop opened a few weeks ago. Right now I’m just cleaning off tables and fixing up pastries in the back. Gabi handles inventory with Levi (she’s actually pretty good at it) and Falco takes care of the customers up front. He has the best attitude out of all of us, I think. The job is a bit boring sometimes but it beats killing Titans, using ODM gear, being a soldier
Never mind. I’ll write more later, I have to go for now. I’ll be back.
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It’s really warm today. I keep thinking about that summer we spent in Krolva, in 848. You kept hunting for strange plants and flowers in the forest and had me and Moblit chasing after you all day! But you didn’t stop, not even when Levi threatened to knock you out and haul you back to base.
Sometimes I can still see Erwin’s smile, hear Mike and Nanaba’s laughter, feel the light summer breeze against my face.
I can still remember the way you said my name. I miss hearing the sound of your voice.
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For the first time in a long while, you wake up with a smile on your face.
Your cheeks are stained with tears, still. You haven’t gone to sleep silently once in the past six months or so. Always stuffing your face into the pillow, muffling your sobs, praying neither Levi nor the kids hear you being so pathetic.
Your head is pounding, throat tight but chest feeling lighter than ever. You have to write it down, you don’t wanna forget, don’t forget—
The notebook is resting on your dresser. Your hands still shake when you reach for it, almost clatters to the floor when you try to pick it up. The pen leaps from your trembling fingers. The first words you write are barely legible, but you don’t stop writing for anything.
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I had a dream about you last night. I can’t remember everything but I know you were in it and you were still alive smiling.
Still had both eyes, silly girl.
None of our comrades were there; no Levi, Moblit, or Mike. Just me and you, sitting on the rooftop of the old Survey Corps base, watching the stars twinkle above us. Your arm was so warm against my shoulders. Your messy hair tickling my cheek. You were laughing about something, I can’t remember what. But you looked so happy, so carefree and joyful. You haven’t looked that relaxed in years.
You whispered something in my ear, and my throat exploded with laughter. You held me close, lips brushing my cheek, eyes shining in the glowing moonlight.
You were happy, so I was happy.
But then I woke up, you were gone, and I was cold again.
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Summer’s almost halfway over. The tea shop has been busier, Levi seems to enjoy the success. He’s still not very sociable but he’s learning to be more pleasant with the customers. They’ll keep coming back if he’s not rude to them all the time.
The town is expanding. Onyankopon thinks one of the nearby cities will start offering jobs, either railroad work or seamstress positions. A lot of factory jobs will start coming back too, and they’ll pay well. He says I could apply, just to keep my hands busy. Says it’s good to get out of the country once in a while.
Still undecided, I’d be going alone. Levi refuses, he hates the idea of city living, and he has the tea shop to worry about. The kids would stay with them; Gabi doesn’t like the smell of smoke, and Falco wouldn’t go anywhere without her. I can go, I don’t have anything tying me down.
What do you think I should do?
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Four weeks left. It’s getting harder and harder to keep writing. I thought it would get easier, like Falco said. But I still feel that horrible pit deep in my chest. A weight that’s making it harder to breathe every day.
I don’t know what to do. I’m a burden. I can’t do anything on my own anymore. It’s always Levi or Onyankopon who’s there to hold my hand. Always Gabi and Falco to bring me back, remind me I have to keep living, to keep my head out of the clouds. But sometimes I wish I could run away. Leave it all behind. Maybe that city idea doesn’t seem so bad.
I wish you were here with me.
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August 22nd. Two weeks to go.
Levi’s been quieter nowadays. Onyankopon isn’t as eager when he’s talking about the recovering towns and cities. Even the kids are more solemn than usual.
Still hoping this is all a bad dream. That I’ll wake up and you’ll be at my side, smiling and laughing like you do. Not a single care in the world.
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The calendar is torn to shreds, left on the kitchen table for everyone to see. Gabi is utterly silent, a far cry from her usual loudmouthed self. Falco is quick to pull her aside as you storm past them, down the hall and into your room, slamming the door with a thud.
Burying your face in your hands. Chest wracked with sobs. Throat burning as her name rips itself from your mouth.
Stop it.
Your back hits the wall, knees buckling beneath your weight. Nails tear at the roots of your hair, scraping down your cheeks, eyes growing warm even though you keep them shut.
Another scream, you throw yourself against the wall. Your shoulder collides with the bookcase, but the pain doesn’t help. Nothing helps you anymore, not even writing in that shitty little book—
Someone’s calling your name on the other side of the door. Tiny fists pound on the wood; the knob twists and turns in vain. You made sure to lock it after coming in here.
Stop it. Can’t they see you want to be left alone?
Alone. You’re all alone now. You have no one left.
No parents, no children, no comrades…
And no other half.
“Stop it!” But you can still hear her name, swirling around in your head, a chorus of a thousand voices.
Hanji, Hanji, Hanji.
“Leave me alone!”
Something shatters against the wall. Your palm stings with something fierce, a shadow of red seeping from the skin.
The book, the book, where is it? Where did you put it?
There it is—right on your bed where you left it last. You’re scrambling over broken glass to grab at it, bloody fingers clutching the pen stuck between the pages. The tears are hot against your cheeks. Hurt like nothing else, not even the pain in your chest.
And they just keep on coming as you keep on writing.
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Why did you leave me? Why did you have to go? Why did you have to kill kill yourself like that?
We could’ve handled it. Without your help. Maybe if you’d let us you’d still be alive with me. If you’d just trusted me—why didn’t you trust me? I trusted you, why didn’t you return the favor?
It’s your fault I’m like this now. I was fine before but then you fucked it all up.
Did you think you were some kind of hero? You’re not. Going out in a blaze of glory? Selfish asshole.
You’re not. You never were. You left me and now I’m alone and I hate
I hate you.
I hate you I hate you I hate you didn’t have to leave me but you did and now I hate you I can’t believe I love loved you how could I ever love someone so selfish fuck you so selfish
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Levi finds you hours later. Sitting on the floor at the foot of your bed, hands trembling against your knees. The book is lying halfway across the room. Must’ve thrown it earlier.
He heaves a sigh, dragging his hand across his scarred face. And despite the ache in his leg he still kneels down to your level, taking a seat beside you against the bed. Wrapping up your hands in one of the spare shirts you tore from the dresser just minutes before.
“Brats were worried,” he finally says, and he sounds so fucking tired. There’s an inkling of guilt blooming in your chest. Such a burden to him, as always. “Said you’d run off and started crying.”
He rolls his eyes, focusing on your bloodied hands. They’re dry now, and he makes a sound of disgust in the back of his throat.
Eventually he pulls you on your feet, leads you to the washroom and runs your hands under the warm water. He wraps up your hands in some clean bandages; over his shoulder you can see two sets of eyes staring at you from down the hall. One brown, one hazel.
“Quit beating yourself up like this. That’s not what she died for, brat. And don’t ask me,” he snaps when I open my mouth, “what she died for. Because you and I both know the answer to that. …So don’t make me say it.”
You’re still blubbering like a child, fat tears rolling down your cheeks, splashing onto the clean bandages around your hands. Levi sighs again before pulling you in close, one arm looped around your shoulders. His chest is warm, heart strong against your palm.
But it’s nothing compared to hers—and the thought makes you cry even harder.
“I get it.” His lips are warm against your forehead, hand cupping around the back of your head. “I miss her, too.”
You’re not sure when he makes you leave the washroom. But once he does he brings you down to the kitchen, giving Gabi and Falco each a pat on their heads. You give them a smile, tears still fresh in your eyes, before gathering the torn pieces of the calendar in your bruised hands.
Maybe you can fix this. It’s the fifth of September, after all. Not a day you want to forget just yet.
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I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it, I swear on my life. I wanna rip those pages out but I’ll lose the other letters and I don’t want to lose them like I lost you.
I don’t hate you. You’re not selfish, you never were. I know you did the best you could as Commander of the Survey Corps, with the incredible weight on your shoulders. Your main priority was always keeping us safe and giving us hope.
I know why you left that day. But I wish you hadn’t left me behind. I could’ve gone with you, helped you out that day. We could still be together dead or alive.
I love you. I wish I could’ve said it when you were still alive with me. I wish I could say it to your face instead of writing it down in a dusty old notebook.
I love you. I miss you. I wish I could see your smile one last time. Hear your voice again. See the beautiful shine in your eyes.
Because I love you, and I always have. Maybe someday I’ll see you again and tell you face-to-face. Maybe by then I won’t be such a coward.
Hope you enjoy your birthday up there.
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Every day brings something new. Smells, tastes, sounds, even the wind outside is different every day. People passing each other hour after hour, car horns filling your ears, the sting of smoke deep in your lungs; it’s easy to get lost in the atmosphere.
You take it in stride. Onyankopon is standing there, holding out his hand, ready to guide you deeper into the city. He’s offered to carry your suitcase but you insisted you do it yourself; too many memories are stuffed in between the clothes inside.
You suck in a breath and take his hand. A little awkward, with a suitcase in your other hand, and the old tattered notebook resting in the crook of your elbow. But the damn thing has already wormed its way into your heart, no way are you leaving it behind now.
A tight swallow, a soft smile from Onyankopon, as you let him lead you towards the next chapter of your life.
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City life isn’t as hard as I thought it would be. It’s busy and crowded but it keeps me looking forward. No time to dwell on the past here. Maybe that’s why Onyankopon was so adamant about me living here.
There’s a bookstore here, much larger than the one back home where Levi and the kids live. It pays well, the owner’s nice, and she lets me borrow some of her own books from her personal collection from time to time.
She wears glasses too—not as cute as yours, though.
I try to visit Levi and the kids every other weekend. Gabi and Falco come to visit once in a while but Levi always stays behind. Blames it on the bad leg but we both know the truth. Too many bad memories of Mitras has made him wary of crowded cities.
But I like it. I have my own apartment, right next door to Onyankopon’s, with a balcony and a slew of potted plants. Onyankopon says some people like to name their plants just for the fun of it. The two sitting on the windowsill are Sawney and Bean. (You’re welcome, silly girl.)
It’s hard work but I’m getting better. I don’t dread writing in this book anymore. I can think of your smile without bursting into tears. For now I’m content to sit back and enjoy city life, until whatever god watching over us decides my time is up.
I promise to write soon; have to head to work now. I’ll be back.
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It’s been a year since you left me. I still want to see you again.
Onyankopon and I are heading into town for a few days to visit Levi. He says he doesn’t need help around the shop but he never complains whenever I show up at his door. Sometimes I wonder if he feels obligated to put up with me. If he thinks you’ll haunt him forever if he turns me away. That sounds like something you would do, silly girl.
I had another dream about you last night. Right after the celebration for Shiganshina, the night before the expedition to reclaim Wall Maria. We were laughing and drinking and sharing old stories—but we weren’t alone. Erwin and Levi were there. So was Moblit, and by some miracle, so were Mike and Nanaba.
I hope we’ll all be together again soon. I hope they’re all watching us, waiting to see what we’ll do with this new world we’ve forged for ourselves.
I know you are. You’re always watching, aren’t you?
I have to go now, or Onyankopon will head out without me. I’ll let you know how Levi and the kids are when I come home.
Miss you more every day. I hope I’ll get to see you again soon. Until then, I’ll just have to keep writing these silly little letters. I think you’d like them anyways.
See you later, Hanji.
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It’s bright when you open your eyes. Too bright, a soft breeze kissing your cheeks, nose scrunching up as you shield your face with your hands. Funny, you don’t remember leaving the window open when you fell asleep. Or sleeping outside, for that matter.
You’re lying in the grass, a bed of wildflowers sprawled beneath you. There’s a forest at the edge of the valley, close enough for you to see the shadows of animals spilling across the trees. The sun is warm on your skin, so bright and beautiful, not a single cloud in the sky.
Almost too good to be true.
Is this it? Have you finally reached the end of your line? All those days with Levi, Onyankopon, and the kids, moving from town to city for work, seeing what little of the new world you could for both you and your other half…
Has your time finally run out?
“Hey, over here!”
Your blood freezes in your veins. A shadow crosses yours in the warm sunlight. A heavy cape blows in the wind, a dark green to match the forest beyond the meadow.
A pair of wings splashed against the fabric. Messy brown hair tied up haphazardly. Shiny glasses reflecting in the sun. Warm brown eyes that remind you of home.
“I was wondering when you’d get here. It’s been kinda lonely, I have to say…”
Hanji Zoe is standing right there in front of you, looking as radiant as ever. No scars or bruises to be seen, nor the black patch over her left eye. No burns or charred fabric on her body.
She looks…happy. Safe, content.
“…Dumbass,” you finally find your voice, rushing into her outstretched arms. “You had me worried sick! Are you hurt? Can I do anything for you? I swear, I won’t let you go anywhere alone ever again! I’ll be right there by your side for as long as you—”
“Hey, hey, hey, come on now! You’re gonna make me blush with all that sweet talk!”
But you can’t stop yourself. And before you know it you’re sobbing into her chest, arms wrapped tight around her wrist, feeling the soft b-bmp of her heart against your ear.
“Love you, you know that? I love you, so please don’t leave me again…”
You’ll say it over and over, as many times as she wants to hear it. But for right now she’s silent, her arms resting around your waist and shoulders, tugging you in for a bone-crushing hug. Her messy hair is tickling your nose again, her smile could rival the sun in the sky. She shakes her head and lets out a laugh, before pressing a warm kiss to the apple of your cheek.
“I won’t ever leave you again, alright? I’m sorry about that, I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t mean to leave you like that…”
You hold her tighter, knocking her down into the wildflowers below. She lets out a real laugh this time, hair sticking out like a halo above her head, palms against your cheeks. For the first time in months—no, years—your chest feels whole again.
“I know you didn’t. It’s okay, I promise, it’s okay…”
A comforting silence washes over the two of you. It’s so warm right here, in this little meadow of your own, surrounded by a thousand wildflowers. She’s finally safe in your arms, after all these years, and you are never letting her go ever again.
“…I love you, Hanji.”
“I know,” she answers with a smile that makes your heart soar, “and I love you too.”
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handoverthekawaii · 1 year
Your Strongest Soldier | Levi Ackerman x You | Chapter XIII
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“Please don’t go.”
Levi’s words hang in the air for what feels like an eternity as you process what he just said. Since you are no longer acting as Levi’s nurse, he is correct that your professional obligations toward him have ended.
You had been so ashamed of yourself that you immediately decided to remove yourself from the placement. Sure, you still committed a professional misstep, but Levi does have a point: you don’t HAVE to leave. Staying won’t make anything worse.
The last few hours have been such an emotional roller coaster that part of you still feels like you may be misunderstanding Levi. Just to confirm, you ask, “Do you mean it?”
The man stares down at the floor for a long moment, his color rising and his knuckles turning white with the tightness of the fists he is making. At last, Levi responds, “Of course I mean it… unless you WANT to go. If you do, then I won’t stop you —”
“No, I don’t want that!” you answer quickly, taking a step towards him. “Levi, I… I don’t want to leave.”
Levi looks up at you then, and you meet his gaze. As if on cue, the afternoon sun bursts forth from behind the clouds, filling the parlor with a bright wash of light, and a sudden thought pops into your mind.
“I have an idea,” you say.
Levi watches as Y/N steps outside and shuts the townhouse’s front door behind her. What the hell? Levi thinks to himself, not sure what Y/N is doing.
Before he can pursue that thought further, though, Levi hears a knock. Thoroughly confused now, he gets up from his seat in the parlor, goes to the door, and opens it.
There on the stoop stands Y/N. Her eyes look tired, her hair is a mess, and her shirtfront is still covered in dried blood — but the smile on her face is brilliant like sunlight glittering on the sea. That smile eclipses all other aspects of her bedraggled appearance, capturing Levi’s attention like nothing ever has.
“Why don’t we start over one more time, you and I?” Y/N says.
It’s nearly the same thing she said on the first day they met. “Let’s not get off on the wrong foot, sir,” she had said that day in the garden, after Levi tried to convince her to leave him alone. He was always so guarded, so afraid to show any weakness. So reluctant to rely on anyone, much less a stranger like Y/N — he had thought then that it would be best if they parted ways.
Thank God she hadn’t listened. [continued in AO3]
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vrisrezis · 3 years
Aot x reader - Chapter 139 (spoilers obviously)
- once you realized mikasa had killed Eren, the three of you hugged and cried
- they both knew it was very rough on you
- he wanted to love you and live a normal and long life with you
- he wanted you to love him and nobody else and only think about him
- even after he’s gone
- such selfish desires he could never truly ever have
- but he did get one wish
- that you’d never move on
- it was three years after his death, exactly three years
- it was his anniversary death, mikasa was there with you, the others would join you soon
- while mikasa often encouraged you to try and go out on dates you couldn’t
- you were in love with Eren Yeager and it would always be like that
- until you finally died
- you and armin mourned Eren
- you and armin finally got married
- after dating for now 5 years it was something you finally got to do, the two of you just wanted to live like a normal couple
- while you spent a lot of time together, along with everyone else.. it was nice to just be alone with armin for once
- you loved him so much
- “do you wanna start a family?”
- as to which he’d reply, “yes, absolutely”
- you two could finally rest and live normally, and quite frankly it’s all you guys ever wanted
- you just wished Eren could’ve been there to see it
- you tried to encourage mikasa to go out and date, armin did not.. maybe it was because of what Eren told him
- she took erens death very hard
- she was the one that killed him after all
- you understood, they were very close
- she wanted to just live a normal life, be a wife and have kids
- so eventually you would
- and she would every so often visit Eren, even if it wasn’t all the time
- but it was his three year anniversary
- you cant believe it’s been three years since you’ve fought, since you’ve killed
- she can’t believe it either
- thank you Eren, for everything
- that’s what the both of you said a lot
- he was like a brother to you
- you couldnt imagine how mikasa felt
- your girlfriend is one strong lady
- the two of you (and Jean) really thought that was it
- and when you both got freed from being Titans, you instantly hugged eachother and cried.
- all you could do was cry
- Eren...
- the both of you forgave him of course
- the two of you still mourned over sasha quite a bit
- and you both cried seeing her again after so long
- at least you and Connie can finally relax
- “do you wanna... get married ?”
- “I mean .. sure”
- Connie and you visited everyone as often as you could, and you can see Connie slowly turn back to his normal goofy self
- it made you very happy to see him so bright again, he hadn’t been that way since Sasha was around to be honest
- the both of you thought it was the end of the line
- coming back, after just becoming Titans made you happy, but the mixed feelings you both had because of Eren
- crying seeing Sasha again
- “who you tryna impress Jean? Y/n? They already know what you look like” “shut it Reiner”
- he hasn’t been able to live a normal domestic life like he’s always dreamed of
- he takes you on dates, he does so much with you and he’s just a big hopeless romantic nowadays
- dances with you, you name it
- he just loves you so much
- he’s just glad he could spend a normal life with you finally when it’s something he prayed for
- after all that hell was over you just wanted to be with historia
- you felt bad leaving her with some random guy to cover for you while you fought out there
- but of course historia didn’t mind and understood you had a duty
- it’s been three years and it’s your daughters birthday and the both of you couldnt have asked for better
- you had a child and were happy, and you were married
- what better ending for the both of you then that?
- while she was miserable while being pregnant for a long time, she didnt realized the joy it was to have a child
- until she had the child at least
- she was glad she didn’t stay miserable and so were you
- it was the happiest moment of your lives, even if eren never got to witness it
- while it did hurt you a bit to see him in the state he was in and would be in for the rest of his life you were happy he was finally resting
- he was safe, with you, with gabi, and with falco
- nothing you could want more than that to be honest
- especially with the emotional attachment you grew to those kids
- he knew it too, you acted like such a parent to them both
- for once, despite all that he’s gone through and all that he’s lost he never lost you
- and man, he is so glad his worst nightmare never came true
- but truth be told he still gets really bad nightmares, but now he feels a lot safer
- when he saw you again he cried and hugged you, as well as his mother of course
- he could finally introduce you both to eachother
- he went on dates with you often, but Jean always had something to say about it
- especially when you’d write him letters.. cause he’d sniff it like a creep
- he loves you though, and he’s glad he can finally be happy
- if only bertholdt was here to see it for himself
- she introduced you to her father
- something she always wanted to do actually
- living a normal domestic life with you wasnt something she ever thought could happen
- she’s happy about it though
- often you and Annie went to spend time with mikasa since she was going through a rough patch
- you and Annie eventually got married
- took awhile, she wasn’t ready but that was fine with you
- armin was happy for you both :]
- you and Annie see Reiner often too, you guys are buddies :]
- overall Annie is for once very happy
- it has been so long since you’ve seen pieck actually get some fucking rest
- over the years this has been the best thing to happen to the both of you
- she was finally taking better care of herself
- she finally looked like she was sleeping, and had cleaned herself up and making herself just look a lot better
- she didn’t have regrets anymore, since she wasn’t dying anytime soon
- she was just there by your side living as normally as she could, which was pretty normal
- neither of you imagined this kinda life but you are both pleased
Gabi and falco
- the three of you gave eachother a big hug upon seeing eachother again
- safe and sound
- falco was relieved to see you both in one piece and not mindless Titans
- he cried a lot and so did gabi
- now you guys are older teens
- the three of you had been together for awhile but no complaints there
- the three of you did your best to take care of your dad Levi and he wasn’t displeased by how you guys dealt with it either
- he cared for you all very much and you all cared for him too
- you were just glad falco and gabi were happy, that the three of you could live long lives together like falco always wanted
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dismalflower · 3 years
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Chapter 139
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mikayeagers · 3 years
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Levi always ends up with a calm blonde boy and an energetic dark haired girl
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biggest-stupidhead · 3 years
Hey:) can i request some Levi fluff after chapter 139?
AN: ahhhh I honestly love writing Levi post war
Summary: Levi's recovery is difficult, but you're with him every step of the way.
Word Count: 1.1K
Warnings: hospital, 139 SPOILERS, mentions of injuries, let me know if I missed anything!
Levi had never imagined a life without a fight around each corner. From the moment he was born he had to claw and kick his way through his childhood. During his young adult life, he secured a name for himself, the fighting continued, but it wasn't as brutal. Or at least for him it wasn't. Then during his mid twenties and into his thirties he became a soldier. It was rather fitting, it was almost as if the universe kicked him back down those steps that he had been desperately dragging himself up, sending him spiraling back into that darkness.
But being a soldier wasn't all that bad. He met some great people, some with promising young minds, with appetites that were ravenous, some with rage that they could not seem to contain. He would never admit it to their face, well unless he was extremely drunk or on his death bed that is, but he cherished them all dearly.
So as he sat numbly in the hospital bed, miles and miles away from where he had started and feeling so very lonely. The kids came to visit of course, Gabi and Falco bringing sweets and new tins of tea. Armin dropping off newspapers, Connie and Jean coming to tell him new stories and remind him of the old. Even Mikasa came, he thought he enjoyed her visits the most, she would simply tidy his room and leave new flowers once a week. Some days she would sit at his bedside and just enjoy his company.
There were some people that would come to visit who would sour his mood with just the sight of them. It wasn't that he hated them, but rather he wished to leave them in the past as he had so many before them. Pieck would come with Gabby and Falco somedays, Levi assumed it was purely because she had escorted them there as they had no friendship.
Once, Reiner had tagged along with Jean and Connie. He had only poked his head in before retreating promptly. But the worst visit of all was when Armin had the audacity to bring Annie. The blonde boy had set the newspaper on the nightstand and taken his usual seat by Levi's bedside while Annie stood awkwardly by the doorway.
"Come to make amends?" Levi had rasped, his grey eye trained on the young woman.
"I cannot." She said, her usual mask had slipped, revealing the face of a sad little girl. He would've felt bad for her if he hadn't known what she had done, who she had killed.
"Hm." He had simply hummed not interested in what she had to say.
As he recovered from his injuries he met knew people. Doctors and nurses all coming and going with trays of food, and medicine. But he came to appreciate a certain young woman. You had been there from the start when Armin and Jean had hauled him into one of the hospital tents erected during the state of emergency.
His first memory of you was your hands, they were warm against his icy skin. He had looked up at you through blurry eyes as you ran your hands over his knee. Your words had been distorted and impossible to make out, but he remembered how it seemed to act as a salve, smoothing over his pain.
When he woke up from his stupor you had been there, fingers pressed to his throat. Instinctively he had swatted your hand away, and you had seemed surprised, but not offended.
"I'm trying to check your pulse captain." You explained, slowly moving to resume your ministrations.
"I'm fine." He had struggled to form the words after not speaking for days, and you had smiled softly at him.
"And I'm glad that you are, but I have to check." Levi let you, or rather he didn't have the strength to swat your hand away again.
He thought that he looked forward to seeing his cadets, and of course he did. But he couldn't compare seeing them to seeing you. When you walked in the room he perked up, eager to see you and soothed by your presence. You would sweep into the room and take his vitals, your calloused hands smoothing over his injured legs or lifting the bandages around his head. Not once had you flinched when you saw the deep gashes that had been carved into his once smooth flesh. Not once did you comment on the way he shakily stood, or how he needed you to hold him steady the first few times.
You wouldn't take shit from him either. On his bad days when he would snap viciously at you, words so cruel even he regretted uttering them. You would hardly flinch, countering his sharp tongue with words of encouragement. A small part of him wanted to test your limits, how long until you gave up on him? Left him in this bare room to rot alone.
But he soon found that your patience knew no boundaries. You remained by his side through all the difficult months of recovery, all the way up until it was time for him to be discharged. Onyankopon had came to get him along with Gabi and Falco, he stood with a wheelchair gripped in his hands, the two kids on either side of him with big smiles. You stood at Levi's side, hand on his shoulder as he swung his legs out from under the covers.
"How exciting is this?" It was one of the only times Levi caught that positivity you normally slipped into your tone wavering. Could it be that you were sad to see him go? How could you be when all he had ever done to you was be a bitter old man?
"Not very." Levi said dully as you took his hands and helped him pull himself onto his feet.
"You get to go explore the city, maybe open that tea shop?" Levi's eyes widened in surprise, so you had been paying attention when the kids would beg for him to open a cafe. But that also meant you might have been listening to their other conversations, which both scared him and brought him a sliver of joy.
"If I do....will you be my first customer?" He asked rather boldly and he heard the kids both gasp. Your cheeks flushed a rose color and you helped him limp over to the wheel chair.
"Of course I'll be there." You words were hushed and heavy with emotion, apparently he had meant just as much to you as you had to him all of this time.
"I'd like that." He said as you eased him into his wheel chair. Onyankopon smiled widely at you and tipped the brim of his hat. Gabi and Falco both waved at you as they turned to leave the room, you watched with a fond gaze as the group left.
You hoped he would open that shop and you would be his first and favorite customer.
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chloe-writes · 3 years
Erwin and Y/N's life after ch139 💌
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Cottage by the Prairie
[Erwin x Pregnant Reader]
[Fluff - Canonverse]
Summary: Erwin couldn't help but think— now that the war was over, what further meaning did his life hold beyond the military?
Content Warning: depression, heavy fluff
Word Count: 800
A/N: I cried while writing this
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“I did it.” He said, with blood dripping down his face. It was finally over.
Perhaps people were right when they said it's better to die not having fulfilled your dream, at least you were clinging on to something dear to you until the very end. Now that the war was over, what other meaning did his life have other than to lead his now lifeless soldiers?
He thought he’d reach his martyrdom before this day would come. Had he actually live long enough to see a titan-free world? He was given a chance to live peacefully. Yet instead of bliss, he was met with numbness. He’d never felt so lost.
Maybe because Erwin Smith lived in death more than he ever did in life.
However, that was 3 years ago.
The dark can be a scary place. You can’t see your way out. But you were the stars that lit up the dark and lead him the way. That was when he realized, he found his forever home.
After his retirement, Erwin spent his mornings strolling around the vast fields of grass. The 50-meter high ramparts that used to run around Paradis had no longer blocked the sunrise view, gazing at the ships in the distant coast.
His heart skipped a beat as he crossed the bridge. The sight of crystal clear running water from a stream. The smell of yellow daffodils. The sound of leaves crunching beneath him. It were the little things that made life worth living. He caught a glimpse of his home from afar as he continued to walk.
It was a lovely little cottage by the prairie, something (Y/N) had always dreamed of since she was a young girl.
The blond man huffed a contented sigh as he ran his hand over the fence, unlocking it to enter their garden and into their humble home.
Erwin fought the smile on his lips. The lingering smell of honey and milk made its way to his nose. It greatly reminded him of his wife. Speaking of the love of his life, he took a glance to the grandfather clock by the dining table. She was probably still asleep.
He entered their bedroom. The air, mild and refreshing, flowed through the open window. The sun glowed brightly and warmly into the room and onto the lovely face of the sleeping woman. For the sun shines on beauty, giving her a spotlight
Ironic, isn’t it? Erwin’s golden locks were like the sun. And just like the sun, he chose to rise after darkness. Each and every day, he chooses to wake up, to catch a glimpse of your angelic face.
The man makes his way to your sleeping form. Taking a seat on the bed as it creaks under his weight. He lazily leaves a trail of kisses on your jawline and neck, getting you to awaken from your slumber.
“Mmm, that tickles.” Nothing was better than the sight of Erwin first thing in the morning. A view you could never get enough of.
His lips gently curved upward, “Good morning little sweetheart.”
“Good morning handsome.” Your sleepy expression caused Erwin to huff a chuckle. He crawled on top of you and kissed your body all over, slowly going down.
“Venus herself in flesh. God, you’re perfect.” No matter how many times your husband compliments you, it still gives you butterflies. He reaches the obviously swollen bump on your belly and places the sweetest kiss before lovingly caressing it.
“But today isn’t about you sweetheart, it’s about our little pumpkin here. Cover your ears, this is a father and son talk only.”
You looked at the man and sigh, “Alright.”
After covering your ears, he proceeds, “Listen little pumpkin, your parents love you more than anything in this world. You’re going to live a beautiful life. Your mother is the sweetest, kindest, and smartest woman. I love her will all of my heart. I worship the ground she walks on. So I need you to be a good boy for mummy, protect her and don’t cause her too much trouble, okay?”
“Are you done talking to our baby?"
“Not yet... so cover your ears again.”
Playfully rolling your eyes, you complied to his request.
Erwin continues to talk to his unborn child, “One last thing little pumpkin. Your mummy was mine first, so don’t take her away too much. Don’t tell her I said that, promise? I love you so much.”
You pulled your hands away and started rubbing the baby bump.
“We made a father-son agreement.”
“I know, I felt the baby kick, he must’ve loved your voice. I do too, it’s very sweet-sounding and soothing.”
“Mmm. Let’s stay in bed like this for a few more minutes. It’s still early. Besides, Levi can manage the tea shop on his own.”
The veteran soldier used to hate himself more so than any other being possibly could.  Instead of patiently waiting for his hourglass to run out, he wanted to shatter it and force his time to end. But with the right person, Erwin learned to love himself, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.
He wanted to live for you.
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A/N: I know there wasn't technology like ultrasound scans to determine the unborn baby's sex back then, but sometimes the woman's physical features give it away. Also, I always thought post-war cottagecore Erwin is adorable.
[ Masterlist ]
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evcrgardn · 3 years
i have an idea for a levi imagine but i am sadly not gifted with great writing skills so someone please write this (snk 139 spoilers)
how about a levi x reader where falco and gabi brings levi to a certain place (since he's on a wheelchair now right) and then levi sees reader there and maybe falls in love with her at first sight (reader could either be eldian or marleyan, it’s up to you) like he thinks it's finally the right time for him to fall in love after years and years of fighting for peace...so he asks the two to bring him there everyday so he could see reader and one day he finally approaches reader...maybe he gets a lil shy too bc i think it's canon that he stutters around the person he likes??? then they get to know each other and they finally date...then reader is now the one who always pushes his wheelchair and brings him to places I JUST FIND IT SO CUTE!! maybe they could get married too??? it's just in my head for hours now can someone write this :((((
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lenok993 · 3 years
858 year
Mikasa has hot sex with handsome man. He wants her so bad❤🥵💋👫 They both love each other.
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Eren: Oh no! She betrayed me.
P.S. 10 years at least??! 4 years maximum Eren Birdy!
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goldenkirstein · 3 years
somewhere only we know
chapter one: somewhere only we know
pairing: eventual jean x gn! reader, as of rn, mikasa ackerman x gn! platonic! reader
wc: 1192
tags: angst, MAJOR AOT CH 139 SPOILERS, major character death mention, mentions of death, mentions of violence. Reader is eldian, but no mention of physical attributes.
a/n: With the end of aot, I needed to write something to cope, this is not fluffy ahhh, but I wrote this while I was crying to this playlist by @alert-arlert (ty for the 10/10 playlist heh). This isn't exactly romance buttttt I don't think I'm done writing this tbh and want to explore that with any upcoming parts. This is also like my second piece of writing for anime and my first time writing something of this sorts lmao, any criticism or advice is appreciated.
series masterlist
You brushed the hair out of her face.
The past three years had not been easy ones. Not for anyone. The years had been especially unkind towards Mikasa Ackerman.
She stirred in her sleep. You always felt terrible disturbing her; she always looked so peaceful when she was asleep, crimson scarf wrapped around her, chest rising and falling. The withered and whorled bark of the ancient tree hardly being a comfortable resting for the young woman, and yet, the tranquil expression on her face could convince any wandering traveller that the tree was a worthy place to lay one’s worries to rest.
“Mikasa, it’s getting late. We should head back.” For almost every week, for the past three years, you would accompany the young Ackerman to visit the grave of her most beloved. On some days, you would sit with her, reminiscing of days long gone; on other days, the both of you would sit in silence, looking upon the vast fields, the view which once was obstructed by the imposing walls; a grim reminder of the events that transpired years prior. Occasionally, you would watch Mikasa from a distance, allowing her to spend time with her memories of Eren.
“Hm? Oh. Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” Mikasa stretched, looking towards the sky. You lent her a hand as she slowly got up. Giving you a tender smile, the young woman thanked you. The both of you began making your way down the hill, one of her hands clutching yours, the other grasping the wilted flowers she gathered from Eren’s resting spot.
You gave her hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it. “They’re all coming tomorrow. It’s been a while. Wonder if they all look the same.” You glanced down at your feet, the feeling of uncertainty rising in your chest.
The young woman smiled at your actions, “It has, though I’m sure they haven’t changed any more than we have. Knowing them, they would always stick out like sore thumbs, no matter where.”
You let out a faint chuckle, taking a deep breath in as both you and Mikasa approached the small lodgings in the distance. What she had said was true. It was inevitable that all of you would have changed. Turning your head, you observed the Ackerman; she had grown out her hair; the once blunt ends now neatly sat gathered over her shoulder. Mikasa had endured, more than most would have. You understood that. Eren’s actions weighed heavily on you as well, mentally and physically. Oftentimes, you would catch yourself looking at your reflection of a store window, confused as to who you were seeing. A weathered soldier? A traitor to their nation? An Eldian? A devil?
Maybe, Armin had grown his hair out again, like when you all were in the training corps. Were he and Annie together? Connie still hadn’t visited his mother, had he? Did Jean ever shave that excuse of a beard? Your eyebrows scrunched together, questions forming and disappearing in your head. You shook your head, smiling at the thought of your comrades, no, your dear friends, the ambassadors of peace. Did they manage to find a way to curb the threat of war?
Mikasa reached for the handle on the worn door, turning it and stepping inside to the cottage; she closed the door after you came inside and made her way to the washroom.
“It was a long day. I’m going to take a bath. Do you mind making some tea in the meantime?” You gave her a nod and turned to shrug off your cardigan, setting it on the small table by the house’s entrance. You tossed your head back, eyes landing on the grainy mahogany ceiling, your eyelids fluttered shut, and you heard the washroom door close, the sound of water filling the tub following shortly. Opening your eyes slowly, you lowered your head. Walking over to the kitchen, you filled a kettle with water, setting it up on the stove. Leaning back on the kitchen counter, you allowed your eyes to close once more.
You had come back to Paradis with Mikasa on that day.
It was sort of a haze for everyone mostly, the feeling that they had woken up from a long dream. You had thought it was the end of the line for you and your comrades, death inevitable as you were all turned into pure titans in a flash.
You remember seeing her emerge from the smoke clutching Eren's head in her arms, holding him close to her heart. The sight of his decapitated head contrasting the memory of him from just moments prior. He had been sitting with you, explaining why he did what he did, apologizing, sharing his regrets and saying his final goodbye.
Was this death? No, it couldn’t have been. Mikasa was there; she wasn’t dead, was she?
“I should go. If I stayed, Eren...He wouldn’t get a proper burial; they wouldn’t give him one.” Mikasa had come and sat next to you, whispering a goodbye before getting up to leave.
You jerked your head back, scrambling to stand up, stance wobbling, “Mikasa, wait! Where are you going?” She faltered in her step, turning around to face you once more; seeing Eren like this was still a harrowing sight.
“Paradis. It’s useless for me to keep fighting. I’m taking him home.”
“You can’t go by yourself! The Yeagerists would string you up in the square for doing what you did!” Eren Yeager was dead. Mikasa Ackerman had killed him. The Yeagerists would never let her live if they knew that. “I’m coming with you! I won’t- I can’t, lose any more people to this.”
Mikasa’s shoulder’s dropped, giving you a steely-eyed expression. “No. You will stay here with Armin, and he’s taking the blame for Eren. You can work out a plan with him and the others to save humanity.” Armin and the others? Were they alive?
Pivoting around, you saw the hoard of Eldians embracing one another in the distance. A gasp left your lips; you turned to face Mikasa, glassy-eyed, your chest heaving, overcome with relief.
“I’ll be fine. I played my part in this story; I want to go home. Please.” As much as you wanted to run and find Armin, Connie and Jean among the rest, you would never forgive yourself if you left her behind to play diplomat, as she suffered in silence with no one there to comfort her.
You stepped up to her, “Mikasa, I’ve always been by your side, haven’t I? You’re my family as I’m yours, and what kind of person would I be if I abandoned you now? Armin will be fine. He is plenty capable, and besides, who would take care of you?” She opened her mouth to object. You gave her arm a gentle squeeze. She averted her gaze, and she shut her mouth, opting for a curt nod.
And with that, you and the Ackerman girl made your way back to where it all began, your home. Paradis. You turned your head around one last time to watch those closest to you disappear from your sight.
a/n: I hope this was okay, if you liked this story and would like more parts please let me know !! as well as if you wanna see some other relationships blossom with the reader...jean is coming soon tho so yeah
Leave a like/reblog if you enjoyed reading this. I would appreciate it a lot <33
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dewyberry · 3 years
happy mother's day to the iconic carla yeager!!!!!!!! ♡ she is ethereal!! and the fact that she's now with eren :")) my eyes are sweating-
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Thinking of a super angsty fic where Reader and Levi are separated as the Walls crumble in Shiganshina, and Reader is currently pregnant with their child so she can’t join Hanji’s little alliance to take on the Founding Titan, and therefore doesn’t see Levi again or know whether or not he’s alive, or if he even survived the Battle of Heaven and Earth...
...until three years later, when she visits Marley with their three-year-old son and runs into an all-too familiar face in the doorway of a quaint little tea shop.
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chubbyduumpling · 3 years
Our Days were numbered
(Y/N’S)’s POV
“Look, the bones are gone. The rumbling has stopped too.”
Jean spoke up “Is Eren..dead?”
Mikasa grunts out in pain.
Falco lands dropping us off. Gabi runs off to reunite with her family. People scream out looking for survivors and their families.
“It’s not like I have regrets but we did the right thing, didn’t we? We stopped the rumbling.” Connie asks
Reiner’s mom came to speak with us, I think her name was Karina. She spoke of how Mister Leonhardht led the people here.
“That shining centipede…” Gabi spoke up
“Reiner..where are they?” Connie said with curiosity
“Armin” Mikasa gasped out.
I look up to see Armin’s colossal titan climbing out of a pit.
“REINER” Gabi screamed out
“He’s okay” Jean mumbles
“Hey look!! Over there.” Connie yells
“What the hell is that thing?” I question
“Who knows, all I know is we can’t let it live.” Connie replies
Another loud explosion goes off in the distance. Another colossal titan appears, but with long hair similar to Eren’s founding titan.
“We can’t let that thing get in contact with Eren!There’s no telling what could happen!” Gabi shouts in urgency
“It could start the rumbling again. That thing.” Connie speaks up “WE’VE GOT TO KILL IT!”
“How are we going to kill something that survived an explosion just now?” Levi asks
“We need to go for Eren.” Levi points out
“You all understand by now right? This nightmare won’t end until we take him down.” I add
A mysterious smoke starts enveloping the air around us.
“The smoke is coming from that shiny thing.” Gabi points out
I stick a hand out to hold her back. “Don’t lean that far forward you’re going to fall.”
“Did it die?” Mikasa asks
“No. That’s not the smells of a dead titan.” Connie replies “Isn’t this the same thing they did is Rakago?”
“The gas.. No..they wouldn’t” I question
All of our eyes fill with panic instantly.
“Mikasa! Pieck! Get on Falco! Get away from here!” Levi yells out
Pieck doesn’t move. “What are you saying?”
“Ackermans and anyone with the power of titans are exceptions. You should know that better than anyone.” Levi states
“No.. this is too much for me” Pieck choked
“HURRY UP!” he yells
“I love you.” I whisper out for no one to hear. No goodbye. As I looked into his grey eyes one last time I could tell he didn’t want to do this. I watch him and the other fly away trusting the future of humanity to them.
I pull Connie and Jean under my arms trying to protect them for the world one last time.
“So this is how it ends for us?” Connie contemplates.
“ Guess so.”Jean answers “We’ll entrust them with the rest. That’s what it means to die as a member of the Survey Corps.”
I flick them both on the heads earning a responsive “ow” from the both of them.
“Boys, that is no way to talk.”
“Heh, sorry Squad Leader.” Jean apologies
“Cut the titles. We are all the same now.” I say
“Do you remember, Jean? The night of the entrance ceremony?” Connie asks
“Yeah” Jean answers
“You know this is all your fault, right?” Connie continues “That we ended up stuck with the job of saving humanity.”
I close my eyes taking in my last moments alive. All I hear is explosions.
Levi’s POV
I look back. Titans everywhere. Everyone’s gone.
I’m sorry I had to leave you behind Y/N. I never said goodbye. We didn’t have the time. I wish we did. I already regret my decision.
I saw Reiner tackle that glowing centipede. Is he trying to buy us time? Pieck jumps off transforming to go assist Reiner.
I hear Mikasa grunt out in pain.
“Mikasa! Stay with me here! We’re the only ones who can kill Eren” I yell at her
“Eren’s inside the mouth.” I state out
“I’ll do it.” She admits “Everyone back me up.”
We both jump off. I aim a thunderspear at the mouth of Eren’s titan blowing a whole in the teeth. This gave Mikasa a big opening to go in and kill Eren.
The next thing I remember we were falling to the ground.
(Y/N’S)’s POV
The next thing I know I’m lying on the ground. A different type of smoke is coming off my body.
“ Am I human again?” I question
I sit up. I see Reiner and Jean. Gabi, Connie. They are alive too. So I’m not imagining things..
I stand up looking for him.
“LEVI!!” I scream out loud enough to lose my voice
I scream out his name hoping he responds. I didn't even notice tears streaming down my face. I must look so stupid. My voice begins to start sounding raspy. I must be losing my voice.
I finally found him perched up against a rock, legs not able to move.
“Levi! Levi?” I yell out
“Y/N! Oh my god you’re alive. I thought you died back there.”
I cut him off pulling him into a tight embrace making sure not to affect his injuries any further.
“I’m here, you’ll never lose me again.” I let go putting my arm over him and putting my head to his shoulder. He lifts his head up to point to something.
“You see that?” he asks
I look up and see the ghosts of all our fallen comrades. Hange, Erwin, Levi’s Old squad. The rest of the veterans. That’s when I see them. My old squad.
“Guess this is the result of all your devoted hearts.” I hear him say
They all salute. Me and Levi bring up our fists to do the same. The last two veterans of our generation.
I hear him start to cry. I joined in with him.
“I'm sorry I left you back there without a goodbye.” he apologies through his tears.
“I forgive you. You did what was best. But if you pull shit like that again I will not hesitate to punch you.” I say with a hint of amusement in my voice. We sit there just with each other's presence.
If you want to run
To a quiet place
At the end of the world
Just run with me
-Alexandra Vasiliu
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leonhart76 · 3 years
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The moment I’ve have waited for so long.
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lostbbygorl · 3 years
Levi realizes he's fallen for his cadet when he sees them for the first time after the war is over and he's FINALLY in peace.
He knew he had developed special feelings for you before, but he tried to mask them and hide them so his feelings didn't get in the way of his goals and need to fight. Having feelings for someone in the cursed world he lives in is fucking suicidal.
But he can't help feel all warm inside when you smile at him. He is OBSESSED with your silly laugh, and his ego is massaged tf out when you compliment his fighting skills or tell him he did great on the battlefield.
You were always the friendliest to him and treated him like a normal person instead of a scary spooky thingy, he loved that.
His heart combusted when you walked into his tea shop looking all pretty, and it was at that moment he knew, he HAD to ask you out.
He doesn't know how, but he will find out.
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mikayeagers · 3 years
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im forever heartbroken what was that ending...
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