#snood snuggles
cityzenchick · 10 months
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Schönen Dienstag @sandy007 😚 – es ist wirklich kalt draußen, also ist es Zeit, sich an deinen Goldjungen zu kuscheln – vielleicht könnte er seinen Snood oder Schal mit dir teilen? 🥵😉💞💋
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allthingsrusso · 11 months
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snoods and snuggles 🥰
via naomi baker, getty images
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spider-xan · 2 years
Van Helsing is going to be driving their carriage along the Borgo Pass up to Castle Dracula, and if the passengers in a passing carriage curiously look inside, they're going to see Mina buried under a massive plushy pile of fur coats, wraps, scarves, hats, mittens, etc., with only her eyes peeking out through a furry snood as she snuggles up all warm and toasty underneath, and if Dracula rudely tries to read her mind again, he's going to be like, Satan, I wish that were me, as he stays buried in his dark and quiet box of unholy dirt, drifting out in the open down a freezing river.
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darkfogfox · 2 years
After season 1, Wednesday and Enid snuggling together in their snoods🥰🥰🥰👭 (Wednesday secretly likes it)
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Bianca reaction, they can't keep their hands off each other 🙄🙄🙄
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Yoko drinking that drink she deserves after undoubtedly being Enid's therpist during her and Wednesday's falling out. 🍸🍹🍺🍻
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Xavier reaction, because HOW DARE Wednesday possess free choice and choose to show affection to someone else. (The nerve 😤😤😤)
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fidgetspringer · 2 years
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I pulled Røst's snood around Lewis' middle when he came to beg for attention, and he just flopped down and snuggled up all close. He was so nice and warm I think he liked it.
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
I’ve got a prompt for you! 💜
Ok, I have no idea why I got this idea just now but it opposed into my head and you’re my fave for Modern AUs so I’m passing it onto you! So like modern college au ski trip where Jaskier twists his ankle on the slopes and has to stay behind while everyone else does a moonlight hike or something. Geralt also stays behind and we get some fireside cuddling. Maybe Lam, Eskel, Aiden, and Coen are there to tease or ship it or something when everyone gets back ☺️ Unsure if it’s happening in a cabin or hotel/resort lobby. But yeah. I’m placing it at your feet, do with it what you will 🤗
I’m sorry this took so long!! But here you go my darling!!
Ships: Geraskier and Lambden. Also on AO3
Warnings: Minor injury, and sexual references. _______
Geralt was pacing in the lobby of their hotel. It was nearly half past five and Jaskier should have been back by now. They were in different groups for their ski lessons, Geralt being a more advanced skier than his friend. All the other ski school groups has returned over an hour ago. Only Aiden and Jaskier remained uncounted for. The sun had crept behind the snowy peaks of the surrounding mountains. The ski lift had stopped working and yet there was still no sign of Jaskier and Aiden.
Lambert was lounged out on one of the sofas by the bar, tossing a stress ball into the air and catching it again in a never-ending rhythm. “Relax.” Lambert sighed. “They’ll be fine. They probably just decided to après-ski”
Geralt growled at his brother. “No, not tonight. Jask knows that we’re night skiing tonight. He hasn’t shut up about it all week. He’s been looking forward to skiing to together for a change.”
Lambert snorted. “Don’t know why you’re letting him. He’ll slow you down.”
Geralt rolled his eyes. “And you’re willingly skiing with a snowboarder.”
Aiden was learning to ski in Jaskier’s intermediate group after lunch but Lambert’s boyfriend’s real skill lay with the snowboard. He tore up the slope when he was on his board and spent most of morning in the snow parks doing tricks and flips off the jumps and rails that could be found there.
Lambert grinned dopily. “The things we do for love, white wolf.”
“How come you aren’t more worried? Your boyfriend is missing too.”
Lambert shrugged and ran a hand through the thick red curls on his head. “Ski school said all the groups were back. You know what Aiden and Jaskier are like when they’re together. I’m surprised they’ve not been arrested yet. Our boyfriends are terrible for each other.”
“Not my boyfriend.” Geralt sighed. No matter how many times Geralt said it, Lambert still insisted on calling Jaskier his boyfriend.
“Their phones probably died.” Lambert suggested, completely ignoring Geralt’s protest.
Geralt shook his head. “Jaskier would never let that happen, besides he has a portable charger.”
Lambert rolled his eyes. “They’ll be fine, Geralt.”
Geralt continued his pacing in the lobby and Lambert restarted his game of catch. The thud of the ball landing in his hand was driving Geralt mad. Every catch was a second passed that Jaskier hadn’t returned. He was having visions of the pair of them being lost off the side of the mountain. The idiots had probably decided to take the lift back up without their instructor and gotten injured as a result. Not even the picturesque hotel could calm his nerves. It was warm and bathed in a soft yellow glow. There were paintings of the ski resort hung on the walls. Some of the paintings showed the resort as Geralt knew it, but there were several of the mountains with luscious green grass. Edelweiss flowers were often found engraved into the wooden frames. He took a deep breath to try and calm himself, the warm scent of hot spiced wine filled his nose but it wasn’t enough. He needed the startling blue of Jaskier’s eyes and his gentle chamomile perfume.
The hotel was gorgeous and it was expensive, too expensive but Jaskier’s parents had insisted that Jaskier and his friends had needed a break. The trip had been paid for in full before any of them could protest the cost. The gang insisted on paying for their own drinks though. They refused to let Jaskier’s parents, no matter how rich they were, foot the bill on that one. The hotel overlooked the main slope, a blue run that ran all the way into the village, ending by the bubble lift and a collection of ski rental shops and bars. The best bar for après-ski though was half way up the mountain. Everyone knew that. From their hotel they could often see the drunk skiers and boarders trying to make their way down the hill, at least they could when they weren’t amongst them. Geralt always tried to remain alert enough that he could help Jaskier down. His friend always seemed to forget the steep hill that lay between them and their beds. If it was too bad they would take the snowmobile shuttle back down but Jaskier called him a party pooper when they tried.
From their hotel they could ski in and out of the boot room. It was a luxury Geralt had never known in all his years. He was used to trekking through the snowy villages with his skis on his back, and Jaskier’s too in recent years. The brunet would always whine and pout until Geralt helped to carry his skis. He didn’t mind, not really.
The doors opened letting in an icy breeze. Geralt’s eyes snapped up and the noise of Lambert’s stress ball stopped, bouncing across the tiled floor. Geralt heard the shuffle of fabric but he didn’t look round. Aiden was half carrying a limping Jaskier through the door. Jaskier’s arm was around Aiden’s neck and he had his ski poles in his other hand as a support. Geralt rushed over to help.
“Jaskier!” He growled. “What the fuck happened?”
“We went shopping after skiing. I thought I would be able to buy that painting of the horses you like… as a gift.” Jaskier whined. “But I slipped on some bloody ice. I sprained my ankle. It fucking hurts.”
“Nothing’s broken.” Aiden noted, his soft french accent coming through more strongly like it always did when he got emotional. “We’ve just got back from the hospital.”
Geralt was furious. They’d been all the way to the fucking hospital and no one had said a bloody word.
“Now before you say anything, wolf.” Aiden said sharply. “He landed on his phone and it broke.”
“And yours?” Geralt asked with a raised eyebrow.
Lambert snorted. “As if he charged it last night. He’s a fucking nightmare.” Lambert patted Geralt on the shoulder and then wrapped his arms around Aiden’s waist, burying his face into the snowboarder’s neck. “Hey kitten.”
Geralt hummed and he scooped Jaskier up into his arms. His ankle was clearly hurting him and it would help to take the pressure off of it. Geralt watched his brother for a few seconds, noting the way he melted into Aiden’s embrace, and felt bad. Lambert had been worried…. very worried. He’d just hidden that from Geralt because Geralt had been a fucking mess.
And Jaskier was only his friend.
The word felt bitter on his tongue.
How long had it been since he’d thought of Jaskier as a friend? He’d been completely gone on the man for at least a few years now. It had been a completely daft revelation. Jaskier hadn’t been doing anything special or even particularly charming at the time. He’d been asleep on Geralt’s bed after Geralt had gotten back from a pub night with his brothers. The brunet had been drooling all over Geralt’s pillows and wearing one of his shirts as he sprawled like a starfish over the bed, and he’d been snoring.
Geralt had watched his friend sleep for a few minutes before he’d realised the snoring wasn’t even irritating, hell he even found it… cute?
And with that the epiphany had hit him like a truck. He was in love with his best friend.
He’d grabbed a spare pair of boxers from his drawers and gone to sleep in Jaskier’s room. It had taken all his self control not to slid into the single bed next to Jaskier.
He’d been in love with him ever since and stoically ignoring it the best he could. Jaskier was very open in his feelings. If he loved Geralt then Geralt would know. His friend wasn’t exactly subtle.
“Are you alright?” He murmured as he carried Jaskier over to the sofas by the large open fireplace in the lounge area.
Jaskier’s arms were wrapped around his neck and Jaskier snuggled up against his chest. It hurt in some ways. It could be so easily interpreted as something more than it was. Geralt wouldn’t change it for the world. As much as he wished for more, he lived for the calm moments of intimacy that fell between them.
“Yeah.” Jaskier mumbled, his face red from the cold. “It’s sore but I’ll live.”
“You won’t be able to ski tonight.”
Jaskier pouted and groaned. “Geralt! We never get to ski together.”
Geralt chuckled and dumped Jaskier onto the sofa before sliding down next to him. Jaskier shrugged out of his bulky teal ski coat and pulled his snood over his head. His hair messed up completely but Geralt thought it looked endearing. Jaskier dropped the layers on the floor before curling up against Geralt’s chest.
“If it’s alright by the morning then we’ll skip ski school.” He suggested.
“That’s a whole day together.” Geralt draped his arm around Jaskier and pulled him closer.
“It’s more romantic at night.” Jaskier sighed.
Geralt’s heart stammered in his chest and he felt the heat rising in his cheeks. “Romantic?”
“I meant… fuck.” Jaskier tried to shuffle away but Geralt grabbed his arm and then brought his hand up to Jaskier’s cheek.
“Romantic?” He asked again, his voice low and unsure in his words.
“Ah well. Freudian slip.” Jaskier bit his lip and his soft blue eyes were looking everywhere except at Geralt.
“Yes, darling?”
“Did. Did you want it to be…”
“Yes.” Jaskier answered too quickly. “Of course I do. The whole world knows that, Geralt.” He covered Geralt’s hand with his own and his cheek pressed into Geralt’s palm. “But I know you don’t and that’s alright, dear friend.”
“I don’t?” Geralt asked with a smirk.
Jaskier frowned. “You don’t… Do you?”
Geralt tilted his head and brushed his thumb along Jaskier’s cheek. “I. I do yeah.”
Jaskier’s eyes widened. His face flushed even darker than before. Geralt usually would have said the soft glow of the fire was to blame but he was starting to wonder.
“This could. Well, I mean.” Jaskier gestured to the fireplace. “This could also be… romantic?”
Geralt let out a shaky breath and rested his forehead against Jaskier’s, his eyes shutting on their own accord. “Yeah?”
“Hmm.” Jaskier agreed and Geralt could feel his warm breath against his skin.
“Careful. “ He murmured. “You’re starting to sound like me.”
“God forbid.” Jaskier laughed and captured Geralt’s lips in a kiss.
Geralt hummed against Jaskier’s lips, still cold from the icy weather outside. Jaskier’s hands slid into Geralt’s hair and Geralt couldn’t resist pushing Jaskier down onto the sofa so his back hit the soft cushions. His lips brushed from Jaskier’s lips along his jaw and he nipped at the soft skin of his swanlike neck.
“Geralt…” Jaskier gasped quietly and a hand squeezed his arse.
Geralt gave a low growled before sucking hard at the pale skin under his lips, biting gently until a dark bruise began to form. Once he was satisfied by the mark he kissed the tender skin before pressing their lips together once more. Jaskier moaned into the kiss and one of his legs wrapped around Geralt’s arse.
They broke apart, panting and red faced. Jaskier groaned and buried his face against Geralt’s shoulder. “Fuck.” He muttered.
Geralt smirked at Lambert, not caring that they’d been caught. He was too happy to care. “Brother.”
“You have a room.” Lambert snapped. “Use it.”
“Darling, it’s young love. Be nice.” Aiden purred and pressed a kiss to Lambert’s cheek. “We were going to see if you were still coming out skiing tonight but I see you’ve finally got your head out of your arse instead. Have fun boys, be safe. Don’t do anything I would do.”
Geralt laughed. “Isn’t that supposed to be don’t do what you wouldn’t do?”
Aiden winked. “There isn’t much I wouldn’t do, white wolf.”
Jaskier finally emerged from Geralt’s shoulder and held his hand out. Aiden high-fived it with a smirk before Lambert dragged his boyfriend away towards the stairs. “We need to get ready kitten.”
“But darling.” Aiden said loudly, making sure everyone in the lobby could hear. “I’ve been waiting all day to get you out of those clothes.”
“Fuck.” Lambert cursed. “Little shit, upstairs.”
“You love me!”
“Fuck knows why. Come on.” Lambert gave him a shove up the stairs.
“Stop acting like you’re the one in charge, wolf.” Aiden sang sweetly. “Everyone knows how much you like to beg for—”
Aiden’s words were cut off by Lambert’s hand over his mouth.
Geralt grinned before turning back to Jaskier. He gently brushed Jaskier’s hair out of his eyes and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. “You wanna take this upstairs?” He asked gently.
To his surprise Jaskier shook his head. “Not yet.”
Geralt raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t get me wrong, I am very interested in continuing this upstairs.” Jaskier gently thrust his hips up to make his point. Geralt groaned softly as he felt Jaskier’s erection rub against his. “But I’d like to enjoy the fire a little longer first. It really is rather romantic. A warm fireplace in an alpine hotel with snowy mountains outside.”
“Romantic bastard.” Geralt laughed and bumped their noses together gently.
“Yes, but I am your romantic bastard.” Jaskier paused and licked his lips. “If you’ll have me.”
Geralt sat up, his legs straddling Jaskier’s waist. He rested his hands on Jaskier’s chest. “Mine.” He said softly. “And I’m yours, if you’ll have me?”
Jaskier laughed, his blues eyes crinkling in the corners and Geralt’s heart felt warmer at the sound his melodic laugh. “Of course I’ll have you, you daft idiot.”
Geralt grinned and leant back down to rest his head on Jaskier’s chest. “Hmm.” He replied, hoping Jaskier would understand his words. If anyone could translate then it would be Jaskier, but he was suddenly feeling almost overwhelmed by the emotions in his chest, the happiness. Words just didn’t seem like enough.
Jaskier’s fingers gently combed through his hair and he let his eyes close as he focused on the steady flutter of Jaskier’s heartbeat. “I love you too.” Jaskier murmured. Geralt smiled against Jaskier’s chest. Jaskier heartbeat raced a little faster.
“Mine.” Geralt repeated in a whisper.
“Yours.” Jaskier agreed. __________
Tag list: @alwenarin @slythnerd @davidtennan-t @flippinfricks @awitchersbard  @innocentcinnamonpun @marvagon @elliestormfound @geraskier-trashh @panerato @moonysourenza @artistsfuneral @victorieschild @hailhailsatan @wherethewordsare @havenoffandoms @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem @electricrituals @geralt-of-riviass @00qtee @kittynannygaming @stinastar @caspertheassholeghost @feraljaskier 
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commander-hanji-zoe · 4 years
SnK Vets Autumn/Halloween cosy head canons
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Hello my lovely followers I hope you are enjoying Autumn (or Spring if you’re the other side of the world!) and this Halloween/Samhain season. I decided to write some Autumn/Halloween cosy head canons for the Vets. I hope you enjoy!
Erwin is a massive fan of big cosy sweaters, snoods and anything that’s warm and feels like home. This means as well as him indulging in wearing such items, he’ll also buy them for you. Definitely the type to buy matching sweaters for him and his partner.
Really enjoys horror movies, the kind that actually scare you and stay with you for days. He doesn’t jump or hide behind a blanket, he enjoys the thrill of it and will continue to talk about the film for ages afterwards. 
Will carve a pumpkin for Halloween but does one which is anything but ordinary - very arty or floral. Might paint it a different colour like pink or teal. 
Likes going on walks to admire the autumn colours - despite the colder weather he still takes a picnic basket complete with Elderflower wine and a red & white checked picnic blanket.
Thinks Horror movies are silly but secretly they do scare him.
Enjoys baking warming foods like spiced apple crumble and beef stew. 
Makes the home very cosy and puts up very traditional/vintage Autumn/Halloween decorations. Then will proceed to moan a little about how cluttered everything is.
Gets cold very easily, has a hot water bottle which he takes to bed but doesn’t want anyone to know.
Enjoys Autumnal walks and a little bit of foraging for useful and tasty ingredients for his and Erwin’s cooking. One time they found truffles and he didn’t stop talking about it for days. However, he prefers the walks later in the day when there’s less people around. 
Loves Halloween - gets dressed up and not just on the day itself. They probably have several different outfits which they wear on the lead up to the big day. 
Puts together bags for the kids - not just sweets or chocolate but little party bags full of sweeties, chocolate, candied apples, toys, stickers and more.
Definitely went trick or treating when they were too old to be doing it as they didn’t want the magic to end.
Throws awesome Halloween parties where everything is decorated, there’s games, themed food  & cocktails. 
Has hot chocolate pretty much every day and always has it with loads of cream, marshmallows etc. 
Has horror movies on repeat and a Halloween/Autumn playlist which is pretty much the soundtrack to the Hanji household for weeks. 
Enjoys the baking part of Autumn/Halloween as well as all the crafts. Will make things that take a lot of time but are well worth the effort.
Makes a cross stitch of a pumpkin and hangs it on the wall - it stays up after Halloween. 
Makes her own costume for the Halloween party. 
Loves Pumpkin spiced lattes.
Goes for a lot of long walks in the countryside, will always kick leaves and jump into puddles when she can (and when no one is looking unless it’s one of the vets)
Has a bobble hat which Erwin brought for her one year. 
Knits several small pumpkins which she places in the window. 
Uses Autumn and the cooler weather as an excuse to get stuck into a book she’s been meaning to read for ages.
Like Erwin he loves the cosy part of Autumn, wearing big sweaters, snoods and gloves. 
Owns a lot of clothes that are mustard, brown, green and dark orange so that he looks like an embodiment of the season he’s in.
Autumn always inspires him to write poetry and doodle in a notebook which he carries around. 
Sometimes he joins Nanaba on her long walks, sometimes he prefers to go on his own so he can listen to the sound of leaves crunching under his boots, the birds in the trees etc. and just be one with the world.
Loves foraging for Mushrooms - he and Hanji have been known to pick the ‘magic’ variety and have a little fun - which Erwin finds hilarious and Levi thinks it’s irresponsible. 
Tells terrible Halloween based puns to kids when they come trick or treating at his. 
Has a dog that he loves taking with him on his walks - takes a lot of photos of said dog with his little pumpkin bandana on and always lets him swim in the river. 
Loves putting up little homely/vintage autumn decorations and carves a few small pumpkins too early on. 
When he gets home from walks he loves snuggling up under a blanket and drinking coffee with brandy in. 
Doesn’t really like the cold but he does enjoy warm, cosy socks and the excuse to have tasty drinks and food.
Helps Hanji with the planning for the Halloween party and is the one to step in if he thinks things are getting out of hand.
Always worries on Halloween that they’ll run out of sweets for the children, no matter how much they buy.
Enjoys curling up in front of a fireplace with a good book and reading quietly. 
Likes to watch the rain come down outside the windows, he’ll happily sit and watch it for an hour just alone with his thoughts and his cat. 
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tropicbeverleykaye · 3 years
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When it comes to babies’ skin, often less is more. 🤱🏼 That’s why the #LittleTropic range uses only the most #gentle, minimal, highest #quality ingredients to leave your #baby #skin feeling #soft and #cared for. Start mornings with…. 💙Little Emy Nappy Cream - its formulation of emu apple extract, #tamanu oil and zinc oxide works to calm any irritation and leave your tot in the happiest of #nappy #moods throughout the day. Make sure to reapply with each #fresh change! When you’re ready to #brave #bathtime 💜Little Joey Baby Washing #Milk makes things easy by soothing your baby’s skin to quickly leave it feeling soft and #clean. Then, finish the day with… 🧡Little Roary Baby Oil, full of #tiger #grass and #jojoba oil to #soothe, leaving your little one all ready to be tucked up in their Baby #Snood for a pre #cot snuggle. This collection is freshly made in the #UK using the most nutritious, sustainably sourced ingredients from across the #globe. 🌎 Our ingredient heroes: 🌾Tiger grass Also known as centella extract, this is how Little Roary Baby Oil earned its name. Apart from sounding cute and cuddly, it’s got some pretty powerful repairing skills up its sleeve, as well as being both an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Legend says that tigers used to rub against it in the wild to help heal their wounds! 🍎Emu apple extract This native extract found in Little Emy Nappy Cream deeply hydrates and is rich in antioxidants to protect your baby’s skin. 🌺Kangaroo paw extract This flower has the ability to regenerate itself, and luckily when it comes to Little Joey Baby Washing Milk, it’s all about sharing its skills. Speeding up skin renewal, it also works to deeply hydrate your baby’s skin. 🙌🌴😃 Message me for info, advice or more details. @tropicbeverleykaye *** Facebook ~ Instagram ~ Twitter *** 🌴💚🌺 SHOP www.tropicskincare.com/beverleykaye Help us #TeachtheUnreached through our #partnership with #United #World #Schools 💰EVERY £50 purchase pays for 1 school day for underprivileged children in remote parts of the world 💚👫👭👬🌍 https://www.instagram.com/p/COn7piFJYlP/?igshid=3ag287rv22rp
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barkandshout · 3 years
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perfect for the cold morning walks... or just a snuggle on the sofa 😴😆 The TARTAN Snood. #snood #morningwalk #tartan #dogsnood #londondog (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNu_cwoDnKs/?igshid=tffd9870we4h
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pwpmall · 4 years
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As you can see, little Eor is snuggled up cozy in his Parka. He has a sweater on underneath LoL. Chloe, his little sister is next to him, naked, with a dog snood around her neck. They are so different! Today's their birthday! Will post pics later. He's 6 and she's 7. Love these dogs!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CI8lHbRsFKF/?igshid=s5zmof0p28q1
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madebyde · 7 years
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Such an adorable little face!🙂 All snuggled up in a Made by De coat with a snood.🧥 We still have a lot of winter left.❄️☃️ #madebyde #coatsmadebyde #dogclothes #handmade #customdogcoats #winterdogcoat #etsy #etsyseller #winterishere #doglovers
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crankyfacedknitter · 7 years
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Snuggle Up Either Way Snood, I Love This Chunky in Heathered Charcoal. #knitting #cowls #yarn #dab
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linguisticswitch · 5 years
Are sighthounds in general really quiet or is it just greyhounds and whippets?
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Mix an answer of warm water and a few squirts of food soap
When using the styling iron bars, snuggle nice hair inside entry into a tight roll. Or, use the prolonged roller to make a tight roll in the front. Operate the bobby pins to hold the hair on the side from your head in place tightly. Use the hair <a href="https://www.myhairon.com/lace-wigs/full-lace-wigs/">cheap full lace wigs</a> styling foundation over the top and sides of your hair to allow it a strong hold. Do not place any sort of <a href="https://www.myhairon.com/lace-wigs/">lace wig</a> gel on the bun. Spray your new hairdo with hairspray for added shimmer. Picking the freshest, plumpest corn cobs obtainable and ensuring they have noticeable tassel regarding silks at the top ensures best flavor and also easier shucking because the tassel is what you should grab to pull off most of the corn silks. Shuck corn using the traditional method if you intend to cook it on the grill, inside the oven or on the stovetop. If you favor quick microwaved corn, the shuck-free method is the quickest way to remove all the hair. Not only is pet hair a hassle, but it can also be bad for your health because it harbors particles mites and can aggravate allergies. There are several approaches to remove pet hair from furniture, like by using lint rollers, a vacuum or gooey tape. Spraying hair spray on a document towel works much like using tape. Your hair spray makes the paper towel sticky, letting it work as an adhesive and pick up the pet hair. Spray one side of a document towel with hair spray so that the complete side is lightly coated. Any type of curly hair spray will work. Press the coated aspect of the paper towel firmly against the furnishings. Lift the paper towel up. Keep on doing this until the paper towel is full. Do it again the process with a new paper towel until each of the pet hair is removed. Mix an answer of warm water and a few squirts of food soap. Dip a wet rag or perhaps cloth in the soapy water. Wipe the furnishings to remove any remaining hair-spray residue. Any snood is basically a bag that hangs from the back of the head to hold long curly hair. They usually have a vintage look to them and also were popular throughout history until across the mid-1950s. They can be worn across the head similar to a headband or around a ponytail or bun. They have been knitted, crocheted and sewn from your various products and they are straightforward to produce.
0 notes
the shuck-free technique is the quickest way to remove all the fur
With all the being different flat iron, snuggle flowing hair inside the front side into a tight roll. Or, use the extended roller to make a tight roll in the front. Utilize bobby pins to hold the hair on the side within your head in place tightly. Use the <a href="https://www.myhairon.com/lace-wigs/full-lace-wigs/">cheap full lace wigs</a> hair styling carbamide peroxide gel over the top and sides of your hair to present it a strong hold. Do not place just about any gel on the bun. Spray your new hairdo with hairspray for added shimmer. Picking out the freshest, plumpest corn cobs offered and ensuring they have noticeable tassel involving silks at the top ensures best flavor along with easier shucking because the tassel is what it is advisable to grab to pull off most of the corn silks. Shuck corn using the <a href="https://www.myhairon.com/hair-extensions/peruvian-hair/">peruvian hair</a> traditional method quotes for quality products to cook it on the grill, from the oven or on the stovetop. If you like quick microwaved corn, the shuck-free technique is the quickest way to remove all the fur. Not only is pet hair a bother, but it can also be bad for your health because it harbors airborne dirt and dust mites and can aggravate allergies. There are several solutions to remove pet hair from furniture, for instance by using lint rollers, a vacuum or gooey tape. Spraying hair spray on a report towel works much like using tape. Your hair spray makes the paper towel sticky, letting it to work as an adhesive and pick up your pet hair. Spray one side of a report towel with hair spray so that the overall side is lightly coated. Any type of frizzy hair spray will work. Press the coated area of the paper towel firmly against the household furniture. Lift the paper towel up. Proceed doing this until the paper towel is full. Do the process with a new paper towel until every one of the pet hair is removed. Mix a remedy of warm water and a few squirts of plate soap. Dip a wet rag or maybe cloth in the soapy water. Wipe the household furniture to remove any remaining hair-spray residue. Some sort of snood is basically a bag that weighs from the back of the head to hold long frizzy hair. They usually have a vintage look to them along with were popular throughout history until throughout the mid-1950s. They can be worn across the head such as a headband or around a ponytail or bun. They have been knitted, crocheted and sewn coming from a selection of supplies and are also an easy task to help to make.
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use the prolonged roller to make a tight roll in the front
When using the styling metal, snuggle nice hair within the entry into a tight roll. Or, use the prolonged roller to make a tight roll in the front. Operate the bobby pins to hold the hair on the side from your head in place tightly. Use the hair styling foundation over the top and sides of your hair to allow it a strong hold. Do not place any sort of gel on the bun. Spray your new hairdo with hairspray for added shimmer. Deciding on the freshest, plumpest corn cobs on the market and ensuring they have noticeable tassel with silks at the top ensures best flavor plus easier shucking because the tassel is what you might want to grab to pull off most of the corn silks. Shuck corn using the traditional method discovering to cook it on the grill, during the oven or on <a href="https://www.myhairon.com/hair-extensions/malaysian-hair/">malaysian hair extensions</a> the stovetop. If you opt for quick <a href="https://www.myhairon.com/">real hair extensions</a> microwaved corn, the shuck-free technique is the quickest way to remove all the hair is. Not only is pet hair a pain, but it can also be bad for your health because it harbors dust particles mites and can aggravate allergies. There are several different ways to remove pet hair from furniture, just like by using lint rollers, a vacuum or gross tape. Spraying hair spray on a cardstock towel works much like using tape. The head of hair spray makes the paper towel sticky, and can work as an adhesive and pick up your pet hair. Spray one side of a cardstock towel with hair spray so that the full side is lightly coated. Any type of wild hair spray will work. Press the coated section of the paper towel firmly against the home furnishings. Lift the paper towel up. Continue on doing this until the paper towel is full. Try the process with a new paper towel until the entire pet hair is removed. Mix the most efficient of warm water and a few squirts of denture soap. Dip a wet rag or simply cloth in the soapy water. Wipe the home furnishings to remove any remaining hair-spray residue. Your snood is basically a bag that weighs from the back of the head to hold long wild hair. They usually have a vintage look to them plus were popular throughout history until about the mid-1950s. They can be worn across the head as being a headband or around a ponytail or bun. They have been knitted, crocheted and sewn at a number of resources and so are easy try to make.
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