#snot dripping
felrend · 2 years
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bettertwin1 · 1 month
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 months
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barrygeuse · 5 months
give chilchuck body hair in your fanart or i’ll appear at your house and start crying really loud outside your window at night like a wounded animal
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eldritch-spouse · 8 months
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I saw everyone's messages!! You're gonna make a bitch cry over here. 🫠 You guys are the cutest, I'm- :'''']
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No that's fine, I'm enjoying my new look.
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fuck-customers · 10 months
Had a doozy of a customer interaction today, tldr: Man throws an absolute fit because I was wearing a mask at work.
The last couple of days I've been wearing a mask at work because my sinuses have been going completely haywire and my nose has been dripping, and I'd prefer not to be seen in public with a runny nose, management doesn't care since I don't have any actual symptoms they worry about. Today I'm running cash like normal, it's pretty early on in the shift, so I'm still in a decent mood, and I ring out this guy's burrito. I give him his total in my customer service, very clear and easy to understand, and he then goes "What was that? I'm sorry it's hard to hear you with that mask." Since the pandemic started that phrase has been an instant cue for me to drop out of the friendly tone and into a slightly more annoyed tone, and try to get the customer out as soon as possible. I am naturally a loud person and literally none of the other customers I deal with when I mask up have an issue hearing me, this guy was just trying to open up a conversation about my mask, which is just a black mask with peppers on it that they gave me during the pandemic for my uniform. "So is that mask a political statement or are you just too sick to be working right now?" Not a question I had been expecting, but completely straight faced while getting his change I assure him that I am not sick, my sinuses are just acting up and didn't want to drip snot everywhere. "If you're sick, you really shouldn't be working." I once again tell him I'm not sick, and give him his change, and he then asks if there's a manager he can talk to. Thankfully my ace in the hole manager that loves to fight with custome seers was on duty today, and came up to deal with the guy, who was once again trying to insist I was obviously sick if I was wearing a mask and I shouldn't be working, and at that point I was in the back of house, away from the line of sight of customers, and explaining to the coworkers in the back who had missed it what was going on, and trying not to go up front and throw hands with this idiot. I didn't hear a lot of the conversation between my manager and the offended customer, but at some point he did try again to claim he couldn't hear me through my mask, and I just started basically yelling that he was full of it because the girl working the back line about ten feet away, who was definitely further away than that guy was, could hear me perfectly fine, and I think the manager told him he was just being discriminatory at that point, and he immediately accused her of using the race card. She had to explain to him that discrimination isn't just a race thing, (she was initially confused because I am white, so was this man, but she's black, and he apparently immediately associated the word with race?) and after that she asked him to leave, I think he wanted a refund for the inconvenience (this manager also has a tendency to throw out orders when she's about to refuse someone service to drive her point home, so that could also have been it), which she gave him, but he still told her to fuck off as he was leaving, and I think I heard something about us supporting left-wing propaganda as well, but I was busy pacing in the back of house and screeching in frustration. I thought that was going to be the end of it, but apparently the man was so offended he emailed in a complaint, and I had to confirm with a different manager that I was wearing my mask because of my allergies. I was frustrated about that man all day, and I've already decided the next time somebody asks about my mask like that I'm telling them I'm hideously disfigured and they're touching on a tender subject.
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lunalemony · 1 year
It was a lie. It was a lie… from the start.
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Yeah I hysterically sobbed for a good hour after seeing this episode animated :,)
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weedlieweedlie · 3 months
Me when new matpat vid dropped:
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bestomato · 1 month
getting sick in the winter >>>>>>>>>> getting sick in summer
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dollsuguru · 3 months
giving satoru a diamond belly button piercing because i CAN and i’m BIG-BRAINED like that
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toontownportraits · 3 months
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i don't get a choice in the matter / why would i? it's only the death of me
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etchedstars · 4 months
love is real and she is found in boiling hot water
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pixelatedraindrops · 10 months
Shinigami 🌡️ Sprite Edits
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So can Death Gods catch a cold?
They can because "I" say so 😈🌡️
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With a confused and concerned Yuma in the middle of an investigation. It doesn't take a detective to know something's wrong with her 😵‍💫
Too bad Yuma can't tell since she's a ghost and they cannot touch each other.
(Pt. 1 to something else I'm making later XD)
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earthtooz · 8 months
an instagram reel reminded me of ‘flowers for algernon’ by daniel keyes and if it weren’t late at night, i would have went for a jog around the block.
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jewfrogs · 11 months
reread a mango shaped space by wendy mass and umm that one does not mellow with age
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cacw · 7 days
can we rough bucky up a little can we punch him in the face? can we get a good few hits in? can we kick his legs out from under him and make him cry
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