#this is a text block and i apologize but screw that guy and his stupid problem with my mask
fuck-customers · 1 year
Had a doozy of a customer interaction today, tldr: Man throws an absolute fit because I was wearing a mask at work.
The last couple of days I've been wearing a mask at work because my sinuses have been going completely haywire and my nose has been dripping, and I'd prefer not to be seen in public with a runny nose, management doesn't care since I don't have any actual symptoms they worry about. Today I'm running cash like normal, it's pretty early on in the shift, so I'm still in a decent mood, and I ring out this guy's burrito. I give him his total in my customer service, very clear and easy to understand, and he then goes "What was that? I'm sorry it's hard to hear you with that mask." Since the pandemic started that phrase has been an instant cue for me to drop out of the friendly tone and into a slightly more annoyed tone, and try to get the customer out as soon as possible. I am naturally a loud person and literally none of the other customers I deal with when I mask up have an issue hearing me, this guy was just trying to open up a conversation about my mask, which is just a black mask with peppers on it that they gave me during the pandemic for my uniform. "So is that mask a political statement or are you just too sick to be working right now?" Not a question I had been expecting, but completely straight faced while getting his change I assure him that I am not sick, my sinuses are just acting up and didn't want to drip snot everywhere. "If you're sick, you really shouldn't be working." I once again tell him I'm not sick, and give him his change, and he then asks if there's a manager he can talk to. Thankfully my ace in the hole manager that loves to fight with custome seers was on duty today, and came up to deal with the guy, who was once again trying to insist I was obviously sick if I was wearing a mask and I shouldn't be working, and at that point I was in the back of house, away from the line of sight of customers, and explaining to the coworkers in the back who had missed it what was going on, and trying not to go up front and throw hands with this idiot. I didn't hear a lot of the conversation between my manager and the offended customer, but at some point he did try again to claim he couldn't hear me through my mask, and I just started basically yelling that he was full of it because the girl working the back line about ten feet away, who was definitely further away than that guy was, could hear me perfectly fine, and I think the manager told him he was just being discriminatory at that point, and he immediately accused her of using the race card. She had to explain to him that discrimination isn't just a race thing, (she was initially confused because I am white, so was this man, but she's black, and he apparently immediately associated the word with race?) and after that she asked him to leave, I think he wanted a refund for the inconvenience (this manager also has a tendency to throw out orders when she's about to refuse someone service to drive her point home, so that could also have been it), which she gave him, but he still told her to fuck off as he was leaving, and I think I heard something about us supporting left-wing propaganda as well, but I was busy pacing in the back of house and screeching in frustration. I thought that was going to be the end of it, but apparently the man was so offended he emailed in a complaint, and I had to confirm with a different manager that I was wearing my mask because of my allergies. I was frustrated about that man all day, and I've already decided the next time somebody asks about my mask like that I'm telling them I'm hideously disfigured and they're touching on a tender subject.
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A Miraculous TikTok Account
Part 5
Pretending to be perfect would be so much easier if she was actually perfect.
Now, Ladybug absolutely knew that she didn’t need to pretend anymore. In fact, there was no way in hell that she would be able to keep up the act…
And so she’d told herself that this was fine, that she was okay with the fact that she was going to be incorporating her life as ‘Ladybug’ more into her actual life.
She’d tried. She really had. She’d worn her normal clothes for the first few days while she was unpacking…
And then she’d sat down next to Carapace on that couch to talk to him like normal humans do… only to find herself falling right back into her persona the moment she’d laid eyes on him. She’d pulled her ‘scared civilian smile’ to her face and lied about her progress on her room for seemingly no reason.
That night she went to the store to buy herself red and black dresses to match her usual Ladybug aesthetic.
They’d believe that she was just wearing the casual clothes as temps while she was settling in, probably, it wouldn’t take much to convince them that she actually acted like Ladybug at all times.
Now, she knew that this would only work for a limited amount of time. No one could be perfect forever, and the resident human disaster would have an even harder time keeping up the charade…
But she could keep it up for a while, and ‘a while’ was all she needed.
After all, she suddenly had a proper motivation to find out who Hawkmoth was (she hadn’t really cared before, things were always fixed at the end so she wasn’t all that concerned about it), and Ladybug was never one to do things half-ass.
She had to change everything about herself, though, because she couldn’t concentrate on Hawkmoth if she was constantly worrying about maintaining her facade.
She considered ‘Ladybug’s’ general traits and how to convince everyone of it:
Probably a narc, has her life together, perfect…
Yeah, that would probably be enough for now.
She started by learning the law. She found some cheap copies of law textbooks online.
(And promptly found out by reading them that many of the sites she’d used to buy them were technically illegal. She wrote out an apology in Google to the DGSI agent that might be watching her computer. Did they care? Probably not, but she figured there was no harm in being safe.)
Next was getting her life together…
Difficult, but she figured she’d be able to do it. People did it all the time, right?
… not right.
She stared at the article she found on getting your life together in a few simple steps. She was not at all fond of being called out for all her bad habits and coping mechanisms so bluntly...
Still, it was worth a shot.
She searched through her boxes and pulled out a whiteboard. She pushed a couple pictures of her civilian friends off of it, there were more important things to be doing (also the whole ‘secret identities’ thing…), and started making a schedule for herself.
Ladybug blocked out time for work, working out, and cooking/eating healthy food. It left… very little time to find Hawkmoth…
Coffee! The ultimate ‘I have my life together’ drink AND it added a few hours to her day! It was perfect!
Speaking of perfect, she was now going to have to be perfect pretty much all day.
She wouldn’t get a break as a civilian because she worked with models and fashion designers and kwami knows that even perfect isn’t enough for them most of the time.
Even her room wasn’t safe, Chat had proved that by walking in and watching her faceplant (it was a good thing he was stupid or else that might have actually ended up being a problem).
No, the only times she could be herself was when she was 1) texting her civilian friends or 2) walking to and from work.
She was beginning to think this was a lot more trouble than it was worth…
Whatever. She was doing it anyways. Nothing, not even logic, was going to stop her from maintaining her ‘Ladybug’ persona.
She nearly dropped her coffee (which was mostly sugar and milk, let’s be honest) when she heard a knock on her trapdoor.
“Come in!” She said, pulling an earbud out of her ear.
Chloe poked her head through. “The akuma can fly.”
Ladybug fought the urge to groan. She looked down at the empty page in her sketchbook. Gabriel Agreste, the bastard, wanted a design by the next day and he didn’t grant extensions for akumas.
But she supposed saving Paris was slightly more important than her work --.
Wait, if she didn’t save Paris then she wouldn’t have to turn in her assignment…
She saw Tikki giving her a disapproving look, no doubt aware of where her thoughts were currently heading, and rolled her eyes.
She took out her other earbud and got up. “Alright. Tikki, spots on. Is it really a two person job?”
“Master Fu says so.”
“And Chloe says…?”
“Chlo -- I say that it’s a man made of sand. Guess how hard it’ll be.”
“Mr. Sandman, man me a sand…” mumbled Ladybug absently.
Chloe frowned a little bit. “Did you say something?”
She blinked a few times and then smiled. “Just that Master Fu needs to relax a bit more. We’re very obviously overcompensating.”
Ladybug pushed open the attic window and they both flew out into the night --.
Wait, night? Wow, it was a lot later than she thought it was. She was soooo screwed on this deadline.
But there were bigger problems: there was a guy floating around on a pillow.
“The Sandboy just checked in! Now nightmares can begin!”
She rolled her eyes under her mask and looked at Chloe. “What does he do?”
“Creates nightmares. Obviously.”
They came to a stop a few buildings away and watched as sand slowly sprinkled down from the pillow that Sandboy was currently riding. The houses that he passed over erupted with screams.
Wow, the sand was really pretty, actually. Ladybug took note of the colors and the way it shone in the night. Maybe she could model the dress after it… she could do those colors, a bit of glitter…
Chloe nudged her shoulder.
“Are you alright?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah, just thinking about what to do…” … for her assignment, but Chloe didn’t need to know that.
“Got any ideas?”
She forced herself to focus on Sandboy. “His cloud is shaped like a pillow, that’s probably the akuma. It also looks like the glitt -- sand -- the SAND is what causes the nightmares, so we should avoid that.”
Chloe nodded a little bit. “Obviously. What should we do?”
“Knock him off.”
“You’re so smart, I wonder how I’d never thought of that,” she said sarcastically.
“You ASKED me what we should do! I answered --!”
“Hello, ladies!” Said Sandboy as he came around the side of the roof.
Chloe scoffed. “Go back to saying your lame rhyme, will you? We’re in the middle of something!”
Sandboy frowned, his expression a combination of shocked and offended. His voice was much higher when he spoke next: “You think my rhyme is lame?”
Sandboy looked at Ladybug for confirmation, and Ladybug just shrugged and nodded.
“Ouch,” said Sandboy. He cleared his throat and when he spoke again he’d deepened his voice: “We’ll see how lame you think I am when you’re fighting your worst nightmare!”
Ladybug and Chloe immediately jumped away, because usually people say that when they’re about to attack, and the sand nailed the roof right where they’d just been.
The two women met eyes briefly and an understanding passed between them.
“Still lame!” Taunted Chloe.
Sandboy gasped indignantly and floated after her. Chloe smiled and started flying away.
“I mean, honestly, who thought of that? What’re you ‘checking in’ to? Work?”
Sand barely missed Chloe and she took out her spinning top to get away faster.
A piece of sand hit her spinning top. Ladybug and Chloe gave pause. Would that count? Well, it didn’t matter, at least. The solution would be the same: keep running.
Chloe must have come to the same conclusion, because she shook her head and continued…
Except her strides were much slower now.
Ah. So it did matter.
Chloe whimpered a little bit.
Ladybug winced. Great. So it had taken away her powers, probably, or at least her speed. She needed to wrap this up…
She forced herself to fly faster and she launched herself at Sandboy’s back. He happened to glance back and see her, which wasn’t great as he ascended sharply.
Her hands managed to catch the pillow, and she held tight even when she got a facefull of sand.
She felt flames lap at her ankles and a strangled scream escaped her lips. Ladybug didn’t care how she went out for the most part, but it was not going to be through burning to death. She forced herself to not pay attention to the fact that the fire was travelling up and catching on the hem of her dress and it was creeping along her --!
Nope! Not paying attention!
She swung her legs back and forth a few times to wobble the pillow underneath him until he inevitably lost his balance and fell over the side.
That was the good thing.
The bad thing was that the pillow was apparently Sandboy powered and now Sandboy and Ladybug were both plummeting towards the flames far below. Ladybug flapped her currently burning wings and couldn’t help but mumble a curse when she realized that they definitely didn’t work as well when they were on fire.
As it was, she managed to slow her fall and miss the bulk of the flames by inches.
Still hurt like hell when she hit the ground, though.
She rolled around on the concrete streets to smother the flames and didn’t relax until she knew for sure that they were gone.
That done, she allowed herself to relax with a still smoldering pillow. She probably would have rested her head on it if she wasn’t somewhat worried that some leftover sand would touch her face and she’d have to deal with more fire.
Still, it was over… that was nice…
A foot nudged her side. 
She blinked the pain from her eyes and looked up at Chloe…
Chloe pulled the pillow from her weak grip and tore the case.
The akuma fluttered out of the pillow.
Ladybug forced herself to her feet before she was ready.
“Can you hit the akuma or do you need me?”
Chloe scoffed a little, and then paused. She considered for a minute before saying, “Yeah, it’s not like I just faced one of my worst nightmares...”
“Losing your powers is one of your worst -- know what? Doesn’t matter. You can’t even hit it without your powers,” said Ladybug.
Chloe frowned.
Ladybug ignored this. She pulled her yoyo from her waist and tossed it at the butterfly. The akuma gave a pitiful squeak as it was sniped out of the air.
Instantly, her pain melted away. She breathed a sigh of relief. Much better.
She slowly walked over to Sandboy, who was apparently just a kid.
Annoyance flared in her. Hawkmoth was going after kids? This one looked like a toddler!
She forced herself to relax and brought a smile to her face. “Hey, what happened?”
“I watched a scary movie and had a nightmare…” explained the kid.
She nodded a tiny bit and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Would you like one of us to take you home? We can read you a bedtime story and keep the akumas away…”
PleasesaynoIhaveworktodopleasesaynosaynosay --.
“Yes please!” The kid sniffled and wrapped his arms around her.
Chloe spoke up after a second’s hesitation, her expression thoughtful: “You were working on something before we left, right, ‘bug?”
Ladybug blinked behind her mask. “Yeah…?” Was Chloe really going to offer to help?
“Ha! Sucks! See you tomorrow!” Chloe smiled and stuck her tongue out at Ladybug, then took off.
Yeah, she should have expected that.
She rolled her eyes and looked back down at the kid. Whatever. She could go read him a story and get him to bed, it shouldn’t take long…
“Where do you live?”
“I don’t know.”
@nathleigh @mialuvscats @sassakitty @th1s-1s-my-aesthet1c @blueslushgueen
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onlyfortheplot · 4 years
But... He died!
this really happened irl.I just finished reading in another life a day ago and I am still sensitive whenever IAL flashes in my mind and idk why the other day while eating a banana i suddenly remember IAL and it made me tear up ; Z ; so can I request a hcs of bois (ur choice) suddenly comforting their s/o because out of the blue they started to sobs while eating somethin' and when asked they answered because they read a vv sad story and still affected by it? tHANK YOU SO MUCH IF U WILL NOTICE DIS- Anon
Pairing: Bokuto x Reader, Tsukishima x Reader
Warnings: Slight language, Assassination Classroom spoilers, The Fault in Our Stars spoilers
A/N: I feel like I’m bad at asks because I go off topic?? But, I loved writing this, anon, please marry me, it was SUCH AN AMAZING ask! LIKE HOW CAN I NOT NOTICE THIS!! Also I never actually ready In Another Life. I don’t plan to??? Like I’m scared of reading it! But, I can tell you the Bokuto x Reader part is from personal experience because I am 𝔀𝓮𝓪𝓴. Anyway I hope you Enjoy. Asks are OPEN.
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You had been warned, way before you had decided to watch Assassination Classroom, that you were going to cry at one point, but you didn’t care what’s life without a broken heart?
So, during a long weekend, you built yourself a small fort, snuggling into the covers and started watching
You were emotionally wrecked by the end of it, especially in the last episode. Tears streamed down your face as you watched Koro Sensei turn into small, elegant lights
You stayed in your small bed fort, ignoring every call or text that was sent your way. How could he die. He was such an amazing character.
You thought, stupidly, you would be fine once school started again, too busy on homework and tests to remember the yellow octopus
Oh how wrong you were.
The first incident happened when someone brought up eating octopuses, during lunch, a tear dropped down your cheek as an image of Koro-Sensei flooded your mind.
The second incident happened when someone had mentioned the end of their favorite anime. You sobbed at the thought of not seeing any of the characters anymore.
The third, and final, incident happened in front of your own boyfriend, something you should have thought of twice before doing.
You had walked into the gym, after school. Searching for your boyfriend. Your eyes were red and puffy from the numerous amounts of breakdowns that had occurred.
Your lips wobbled at the thought.  RIP Koro-Sensei
You kept your head down, as you walked into the gym, obviously sad.
It had taken a few minutes for Bokuto, and the rest of the team, to even realize that you had even arrived.
They had quickly surrounded you, encasing you in a small circle as the looked at you. Their eyes widened as you looked up at them tears forming in your eyes.
“Y/N-chan?” Konoha asked, placing a hand on your shoulder, inquiring eyes pierced you as you looked away
“Y/N, baby, what’s wrong” Bokuto asked, bending down slightly as he scooped you into a hug.
“Bokuto” your lips quivered as you clutched his back, pressing your face into the crook of his neck, the slight smell of sweat and mint lingered.
“Bokuto.” you sobbed, tears pooling in his neck, the team lept back in surprise as you had a whole breakdown in front of them
They scattered around, shouting to each other to help you.
“Get her some water.” “Oi, give her your jacket” “Do you want to buy some ice cream? ”
“Y/N, what’s wrong”Bokuto asked, voice slightly muffled, 
“Koro-Sensei is dead” you shouted, as the entirety of the gym froze giving you an odd look.
“Who?” Bokuto leaned back from you tilting his head in confusion, “Koro-sensei.”
You let out another sob, giving a frantic nod. 
“He’s dead!” you cried out, fingers digging into his back. Bokuto felt tears forming in his eyes as he watched you bawl.
“He’s dead!”he whispered, before turning around to his teammates, who gave them an odd look, “Guys, he’s dead!” 
He brought you in, sobbing into your hair as you sobbed into his chest.
“He’s dead.” you simultaneously bawled
The team looked at you both, deadpan and slightly disappointed.
“Petition to get a new Captain.” The vote was unanimous. 
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He warned, quite a few times, to not read The Fault in our Stars. He told you, so many goddamn times, you would cry.
And cry you did. Reading the book, just to piss him off. Nobody gonna tell me what to do
Tears had formed, blurring your vision as you closed the book. You bit your lip to stop the heart-wrenching sob that threatened to come out.
You never expected that. Not that. 
The only thoughts in your mind was the death of Augustus Waters. He was dead.
Your lips were forced apart, as the trembling increased, taking in a deep breath before you let out a sob.
It was loud and forceful, rasping your throat as more continued to come
Drops of tears fell, promptly on your book. You were sure Kei was going to kill you for even letting anything happen to his book, but you were too heart-broken to care.
You took a deep breath as you chucked the book onto your head, watching as it landed with a small plop
I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. She didn’t know who she was mad at. But, you were mad. Mad at him for dying. Mad at yourself for reading it. And mad at Kei for letting you read it.
You gritted her teeth, tears falling loosely, as you swiped your phone from the near table, quickly unlocking it
A few text messages from friends and two from Kei. You scowled.
You went into his contacts and blocked him, proud of yourself for giving him some his own medicine.
You turned out the nights, closing your shutters, as you snuggled into bed, ignoring the very tiny rip in your heart from the book. You stupid person
He spammed you through friends, making them send his own stupid collection of reaction memes. Tell me this boy doesn’t have rude reacts on his phone You gritted your teeth, as you turned your notifications off, shoving your phone back in your pocket
“And he got sick” you whirled around, hearing part of a conversation. Your heart raced as you stared. They looked at you, weirded out. You blushed, mumbling a small apology as you walked away. Oh god what was that. That’s heartbreak. That’s the tweet.
You found yourself more attentive as you walked down the hallways of Karasuno High. For two reasons.
One to stay away from your boyfriend, who you caught waiting for you by your locker
And second, well, you felt yourself on the verge of tears, every second of the day. 
To the point where you almost bawled in the middle of your science class.
“Class, today we’ll be talking about the mutation of cells.” You felt your breath hitch at that. 
“Can anyone tell me the name—” A hand stretched out, as someone blurted the answer, “Cancer.” The teacher furrowed her eyebrows, mocking an angry look.
“Correct, but wait for me you pick on you first.” The class laughed, as the student eyed the teacher sheepishly. That student was not me. No wrong Mushroom.
But you. You couldn’t care less about that student. Your ears were blurry as you bent over your desk. 
Cancer that’s what he died by. You choked on your sob as it caught in your throat. Earning her, some odd glances from the people around her.
Shit. Tears were so close to pouring out. It do be like that sometimes
You raised you hand, surprising the class and the teacher
“May I please use the restroom” you croaked out, standing up and motioning to leave the classroom before anyone could stop you. 
You walked, almost running, away from the classroom, trying very hard to hide the sobs that you wanted to release.
“Y/N.” a gruff voice made you stop in your tracks as blonde hair peeked into your sight
“Tsukki?” you questioned, your voice cracked as you looked at him. He was panting, slightly, as he glared at you. But, you could see the anxiousness in his eyes.
“Y/N, what the—”
“Kei,” you sobbed, throwing your arms over his neck, “Kei.”
He backed away, surprised at first, but soon rested his hands on your waist pulling you towards him.
“I hate you.” you hissed, tears pouring down your cheeks as you looked up at him, “I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate—”
He slammed a kiss onto your mouth, eager to shut you up I wanna be shut up now
“You read the book didn’t you.” he smirked, as you glared at him in all your anger
“I told you—”
“Shut up you useless excuse of a dinosaur.” you snapped, burrowing your face into his chest.
He smiled, stroking your hair as you sobbed into his chest, murmuring small phrases as you blabbered to him
“Ms. Y/N may I ask what you and Mr. Tsukishima are doing in the hallway?” Oh good Lord, you were screwed.
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hookingminor · 4 years
close quarters (4) - andre burakovsky
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a/n: y’all I'm so fucking sorry this took so long to update school started and has really thrown me for a loop and I had some bad writer’s block and shit so I'm not super proud of this chapter but oh well the next chapter will be the final one! this isn’t proofread bc I couldn’t be bothered and I know that the hockey season doesn’t coincide with warm weather but be quiet and imagine
word count: 2,767
one / two / three / four / five
True to his word, Andre got smashed. It didn’t help that Mikko had asked him if you were seeing Tyson after the two of you had left together. So, Andre threw back another whiskey in record time, and everyone got the hint to not bring you up.
And what made it worse was that he knew he didn’t have any right to be upset about the situation. He chickened out and scared you off because he was stupid and didn’t know how to communicate his feelings. And it’s not like Tyson was a bad guy, but Andre didn’t think he was the right guy for you. Andre was the right guy for you.
Not that he had any justifiable reasons for thinking that.
Gabe and Mel had to give Andre a ride home after the charity dinner. It was nearly eleven in the evening and everyone had left the event, but he was still drinking. He knew it was unprofessional. All his teammates knew it was unprofessional. Odds are he’d probably get yelled at for it come Monday, but he had bigger problems to worry about right now.
“You know you did this to yourself, right?” Gabe asked after he’d safely gotten Andre into the backseat. Gabe was the only one who he’d told about this whole predicament. Andre didn’t have a lot of friends in Colorado outside of his team, and he couldn’t help but spill his guts to his captain.
Mel slapped her husband on the arm, signaling for him to shut up or at least show some sympathy, but Gabe shrugged his shoulders in defense as if to say ‘What? It’s true.’
“I know,” Andre slurred sadly, “I’m a fucking idiot.”
“You’re not an idiot,” Mel consoled with a comforting tone, “You just made a mistake and need to fix it.”
“How can I when she’s with Josty now?” Andre asked.
“Dumbass, she’s not with Josty. He’s just trying to help you out,” Gabe explained as he pulled out of the parking lot and in the direction of Andre’s apartment.
“Helping me how? By asking her on dates and sneaking out early with her?” Andre scoffed in disbelief. He saw the way his hands lingered on your back and the sly glances he thought no one saw.
“Helping you so you can finally apologize and win her over,” Gabe said, but Andre was too focused on imagining you and Tyson back at his place to really register Gabe’s words.
The rest of the ride continued with Andre ranting about you. Honestly, he didn’t remember what he said but it was probably along the lines of how beautiful you were and how he wished he would’ve kissed you. Gabe and Mel exchanged about a million looks between each other, but Andre didn’t notice. The one night they were supposed to not worry about a child, they still ended up babysitting anyway.
When Monday came, his hungover had passed, but he still felt like shit.
“Someone have a rough night?” EJ teased when Andre dropped his bag on the floor in the locker room. Andre flattened him with a glare to tell him he wasn’t in the mood. Everyone had to have known what was going on by now.
Tyson entered the locker room about five minutes after he got there, and everyone went silent. Andre didn’t look at him while he put on his gear, but he could feel the eyes of Tyson and the rest of the team burning a hole into the back of his head. When he finished lacing up his skates, he marched out of the room without another glance back.
“You dumbass,” JT said, breaking the tension that clouded the locker room. All eyes flickered over to Tyson who didn’t look like he was looking forward to getting on the ice.
“You better fix this shit, Jost,” Nate piped up from behind him, and there was a chorus of grunts of agreement in response.
“Fine, I’ll handle it!” Tyson groaned exasperatedly, “God forbid I be the only one with a romantic bone in my body.”
Once again, Tyson had to do everything himself, it seemed.
“I just don’t know what to do, Taylor,” you said over the phone.
“Are you still going on about this?” She whined.
“He’s so cute!” You exclaimed, “If you didn’t want me to fall for him, you shouldn’t have introduced us.”
“I didn’t think dumb hockey players were your thing,” she scoffed, “You were never interested when I offered to set you up with one back in D.C.”
“I wasn’t interested,” you emphasized, “but times have changed.”
“And you’re choosing Burky of all guys?” She asked.
“I just don’t know why he’d be so concerned about me living with him for a short period of time. I mean, I literally threw myself at him for nothing,” you replied, “Do you know if Tom said anything to him about me?”
You were met with silence as Taylor didn’t answer your question.
“So you do know something,” you accused as you moved into a sitting position, “What did he say?”
“Uh,” she started, “It wasn’t Tom, exactly, who said something.”
“Wait, what? Did you say something?” You asked.
“In my defense, I was looking out for you! I didn’t think he was your type, and I knew he’d try and make a move,” she answered defensively.
“What the hell did you tell him?”
“I may have told him to keep his hands off, and Tom may have relayed the message,” she said quietly.
“Why would you do that?” You sighed in defeat, “Do you really think I can’t look after myself?”
“No, it’s not that. I didn’t want you to be overwhelmed with the move and have Andre hitting on you and then get ghosted or led on…,” Taylor explained. You let out another sigh because you couldn’t really fault her for that. She knew hockey players better than you, so who were you to argue with that logic. And the fact was Andre could still ghost you or lead you on, you still weren’t sure, but you figured his unwarranted jealousy had to be a good sign, right?
“Well, can you back off now?” You asked finally.
“I didn’t think he’d actually follow through with this. All my threats were pretty meaningless; it’s not like I could do something about it if he did try something,” Taylor said, “but I guess if he took it seriously he must not be that bad of a guy.”
“So I have your permission?” You questioned hopefully.
“You never needed my permission in the first place,” she answered, and you could see her rolling her eyes back in D.C.
“Clearly I did if Andre wouldn’t kiss me,” you muttered, and Taylor chuckled in response.
“Oh, hold on, Taylor, I’m getting another call. I’ll talk to you later,” you said suddenly, noticing the incoming call that was interrupting your conversation. You waited for her acknowledgement before you ended the call and answered the other one.
“What do you want, Tyson?”
“You’re both idiots, and it’s time I took things into my own hands. Be ready at nine in the morning on Saturday. No, I will not be answering any questions. Dress cute but comfortable.”
And with that, he hung up the phone before you could even begin to question what the hell he meant.
You tried texting and calling Tyson, but he never answered your messages.
He told Andre the same thing. Well, he did get a little more information but not much. Tyson had pulled Andre off to the side on Monday after a practice of angry glares and not passing him the puck though he was instructed to.
“Listen, man, I’m gonna explain this to you once. Me and Y/N? Not a thing. She wore that dress to make you jealous because she knows you like her and that you’re a dumbass,” Tyson said quickly, and Andre had to take a few extra seconds to process what he was saying, “So what you’re going to do is pick her up on Saturday morning and take her to the farmer’s market. Get her some fucking flowers or something and buy her shit, okay? If you screw this up again, I can’t help you bounce back from that.”
Every day after practice Andre tried to ask Tyson more questions about how you were doing and if you knew about this, but Tyson reiterated the same thing he told Andre the first day: that he needed to pick you up at nine and to not dodge you if you tried to kiss him again.
So, Andre did just that. He arrived at your apartment at 8:55 on Saturday morning dressed in a casual pair of jean shorts and a white t-shirt. You, however, outshone him by a mile with your flowy skirt and loose sweater.
“Oh, Andre, hello,” you greeted him curiously, “Are you here because of Tyson?” Over the past few days, you had time to process Tyson’s confusing phone call. After running over his hurried sentences in your head, you came to the conclusion that it was some kind of set-up. His use of ‘you’re both idiots’ could only be about you and Andre, and it wasn’t unlike Tyson to insert himself in other people’s business. You only hoped Andre had more choice in this than you did, otherwise you were in for an awkward morning.
“Hi, yeah, hey,” Andre stuttered out, “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you blushed as he complimented you. You opened your door wider for him to enter as you retreated back into your kitchen. “What are we doing? Tyson didn’t really tell me anything except to be ready by nine.”
“Yeah, he kind of pulled me after practice and told me about this plan,” Andre explained, and you felt your shoulders sag while your smile dropped. So he didn’t get a say in this, he was here as a favor.
“I see,” you said quietly.
“But I also wanted to apologize,” he said, noticing the way you suddenly got shy, “about the whole… you know.” You did know. You had been trying to talk to him about it for weeks now to no avail.
“Listen, about that… I didn’t mean to make things weird. I misread the situation, and I’m sorry that I made you uncomfortable,” you apologized after he trailed off, but Andre was shaking his head before you could finish.
“No, that’s not what I wanted to talk about,” Andre said, interrupting you, “You did nothing wrong. I was in my head and panicked and then it was too late…” he took a breath, “I’m sorry about that. I wanted to kiss you, and I screwed it up.” Your heart sped up a little at the last part.
“Taylor told me about how Tom said to not mess with me,” you continued.
“I was just trying to be a good friend,” he insisted, and you nodded your head.
“I know,” you replied, “I told her to back off when she told me.”
“And then the whole Tyson thing happened…” he started.
“I’m sorry about that. It wasn’t fair to make you think we were together,” you said sheepishly,  but you only felt partly sorry for doing that.
“Honestly, I needed that,” he chuckled, “He knocked some sense into me, and that’s why I’m here. To make it up to you.” Well, if Andre had finally come to his senses and wanted to make it up to you, you weren’t going to object.
“So what are we doing?” You asked, and Andre answered your question with a wide smile.
You spent the whole morning walking through the downtown farmer’s market with Andre. You threaded your way through the many vendors and tents that were set up in the street, stopping occasionally to buy some produce or because Andre wanted to try some local foods. He treated you to an iced coffee the minute upon entering the market, and you spent most of your time catching him up with work while he updated you with hockey.
Work was going fairly well considering you were new to the company and area, and the team was doing pretty well at the moment considering it was the beginning of the season and they had yet to be really challenged. Not that you understood much of what he was saying regarding stats, but you listened with interest anyway.
You don’t remember when it happened, but at some point you had started holding onto his arm as you worked your way through the market.
You introduced Andre to your favorite stand of any farmer’s market ever: the chili-lime mango tent. Andre didn’t care much for the spice, but you had a fun time watching him chug down the rest of his coffee while he choked on the chili.
Around eleven thirty and on your way out of the market, Andre bought you a large bouquet of sunflowers. You had left him alone for three minutes to buy some tomatoes, and when you turned around to find him, you could barely see him behind the sunflowers.
“You didn’t have to buy me this many flowers,” you chuckled when Andre returned you to your apartment. He had insisted on carrying whatever groceries you had bought there as you carried the flowers.
“Well, I never got to buy you actual flowers for our first date, so I figured I had a bit to make up for,” he smiled as you set down the bouquet on your kitchen counter.
“I didn’t know you counted that dinner as a date,” you joked, unpacking the produce you’d bought from the bags.
“It would’ve been a perfect one had I ended it properly, but I’m an idiot,” he said, “So I’m officially counting this as our first date.”
“Well, as far as first dates go, this is definitely one of the better ones I’ve been on,” you agreed. You hadn’t noticed it until then, but Andre had taken a few steps closer to you until you were nearly chest to chest. As if mirroring the same position you were in that fateful night, you couldn’t help the feeling of deja vu wash over you in waves.
Except this time you were sure he wasn’t going to run away.
“Can I kiss you?” Andre asked, reaching his hands out to pull you in by your hips.
“That depends,” you replied, “Are you going to follow through with it?” He rolled his eyes at your snarky comment and squeezed your side in response.
“I’m never going to live this down, huh?” He asked, tugging your hips flush against his as his hands moved to your lower back.
“No,” you agreed cheerily, “but to answer your question: yes you can kiss me. I’ve only been waiting three weeks now.” Connecting your hands behind his neck, you gave him the same wanton look you gave him that night.
Andre took that as his cue to lean forward, and you pushed yourself up on your toes to meet him halfway. Your lips met in a soft kiss, Andre’s lips light against yours as he tested the waters. You made the first move by gripping the back of his neck a little tighter as you pressed yourself more forcefully against him.
Andre’s hands slid up slightly over your back as you moved your mouth against his. You didn’t know if it was fifteen seconds or fifteen minutes that had passed by the time you pulled apart.
“And to think you had kept that from me for so long,” you teased almost immediately after the kiss broke.
“And you’ve ruined it,” Andre laughed as he tried to push you away in protest, but your hands were stuck behind his neck.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” you whined, pressing a kiss to his cheek that was turned away from you, “I won’t bring it up again, I promise.”
“I don’t believe that,” Andre said, but he didn’t say anything as you continued to shower him with affection.
“I promise I won’t, but I can’t make any guarantees about Josty,” you repeated.
“Damn, he’s never going to let this go, is he?” Andre groaned loudly, as if he just remembered who Tyson was.
“Definitely not,” you agreed, “And you know he’s going to take credit for this.”
“He can have it,” Andre said wistfully, “As long as I can have you.”
“You have a bit of slack to pick up for making me wait forever, but I’m willing to give you a chance.”
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Wrong Numbers and Useless Gays Chapter 2
Breakfast and Disney
Virgil decides to text Roman again. They have a fun argument over Disney movies.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and sex, vulgar language, and openly trans character
Chapter 1 | Masterlist | Chapter 3
Virgil woke up to a splitting headache. He immediately screwed his eyes shut, hands going to grip his hair. The lights were too bright, his throat was too dry, and he’s pretty sure there’s someone sleeping next to him. What the hell happened?
The memories hit him like a freight train. Arriving late to the party, meeting Mr. Sanders (“Call me Thomas,” he had said, flashing his perfect smile with his perfect teeth and perfect lips), and signing him up as a potential producer. Technically they had enough money and popularity to keep their band afloat without a producer, but to get such an influential man on their team was a dream come true. They got back to Janus’ house at around 2 AM, where they promptly got wasted. Virgil could still taste whatever expensive shit Janus had grabbed from the cellar. Speaking of Janus...
Virgil slowly opened his eyes, nearly hissing at the light shining through the giant windows. He looked over from his spot on the floor (how did he get there?) and found Janus and Remus cuddling together, a bottle of wine nestled between them. Remus was drooling, and Virgil noticed multiple hickeys along Janus’ throat. Virgil smiled as he got up. His two friends and essentially brothers had an odd relationship, but Virgil respected it. It was obvious that they were in love, but they didn’t want to put a label on it yet. They had offered for Virgil to join them, but he had declined. While Virgil did care for the other two deeply, he didn’t share the same spark that they did.
Virgil eventually found his way to the bathroom, quickly losing whatever remained in his stomach. He sat on the cold tile, waiting for the nausea to pass. He hadn’t drank that much in a long time. He should ask Janus if he can bring one of those bottles home. He’ll probably bitch for a few days (Janus liked to use alcohol as an excuse for Virgil to come over) but he’ll get over it.
Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz
Virgil grabbed his phone out of his jacket pocket (why was he still wearing his jacket?) and turned off his 10 AM alarm. He almost always woke up before his alarm went off, but his anxiety made him use the alarm anyways. He quickly checked for any new messages, and noticed his rather lackluster response to Roman helping him yesterday. He helped me get through an anxiety attack, and all I had to say was ‘thank you?’ The least I could do is apologize. Before his hungover brain could remind him of how stupid of an idea that was, he had already sent a text.
V- (10:02 AM) Hey, I just wanted to apologize for last night. You ended up being right, my friend was just running late. I ended up having a pretty good time, all things considered. Thanks for helping me through that attack. It meant a lot to me. I was still a little disoriented last night so I wasn’t wanting to type much. Again, thank you for helping a stranger. You're a good guy, Princey.
Before Virgil could second-guess himself, he locked his phone and got up. He quickly took some painkillers and went to find some form of a healthy breakfast. Virgil had always been self-conscious of how he looked, so he tended to eat light and work out when possible. He ended up finding enough eggs and veggies to make a few omelets. Virgil decided to make his last, knowing that Remus and Janus would be awake before the first one was finished. Sure enough, as soon as the first omelet was ready to be flipped, Remus was skipping into the kitchen, dragging a disgruntled Janus behind him. How that man had any energy this early in the morning with a hangover was a mystery to Virgil. He quickly served Remus his omelet, who proceeded to pour an obscene amount of salt onto it. Virgil cringed as he turned to make Janus’ omelet. He tuned out their conversation until he heard his name.
“Well I think Virgil should sleep with him-”
Virgil whipped around so fast that he almost burned himself on the stove. “WHAT?!?”
Remus scoffed, twirling his fork between his fingers. “While Tomathy did seem pretty convinced last night, a little bit of extra persuasion never hurt anybody. While I would normally volunteer, I don’t think that man has ever seen a vagina, much less wants to fuck one. And he seemed to be afraid of Janny over here, so you’re it, pumpkin.”
Virgil blushed, turning back to omelet making. Janus sighed, “Remus, darling, I don’t believe that Mr. Sanders requires any more... incentive. However, if Virgil decided to pursue that type of relationship with him... I wouldn’t be opposed.”
Virgil let out a squeak, his face even redder as he gave Janus his food. Remus laughed. “What’s the matter, Veevee? Cat got your dick? Even if you don’t sleep with Mr. Business, you should still get around more! Sex is good for the soul.”
Virgil flipped him off, resulting in another chuckle. He turned back to make his own omelet. Sure, Virgil hadn’t been in a relationship since, well, ever, but that wasn’t his fault! He just hadn’t found the right person yet, that’s all! Besides, Virgil didn’t do one night stands. The idea of sleeping with a stranger left a knot in his stomach.
By the time Virgil sat down with his omelet, Remus was already done. He started bouncing around ideas for new songs, with Virgil or Janus occasionally adding their own ideas.
Virgil glanced at his phone, seeing that he had a response from Roman. He went to unlock his phone.
“Who’s that?”
Virgil jumped, staring face-to-face with Janus. He could see where Janus’ question was coming from, since before now Virgil only ever texted Janus and Remus. “Just a random guy that I accidentally texted last night. I didn’t really apologize well last night, so I texted him again earlier today.” Janus and Remus both smirked. "I swear to god, whatever you two are thinking, it's wrong."
Janus tilted his head, looking like an innocent little angel (innocent my ass). "Whatever would we be thinking about, Virgil?" He turned to look at Remus. "Is this why Virgil found the idea of sleeping with Mr. Sanders so scandalous?" Virgil groaned, hoping that his meal would distract him from the cackling idiots in front of him.
By the time Virgil (finally) got home, wine tucked under one arm, he had almost forgotten about Roman's text. He quickly checked it, almost snorting at what he saw.
R-(10:35 AM) What can I say except you're welcome! Seriously, it was no problem. I'm happy that you had a good time at the party. It was a pleasure to help, storm cloud.
Virgil was halfway through typing a response before he stopped. Technically he could leave the text as it is and move on like nothing happened. On the other hand, Roman seemed like a fun guy to talk to. Surely he would tell Virgil if he wanted to stop talking to him, right? He ended up sending the text anyways, wanting to see if Roman would respond.
V- (11:45 AM) Really, you're gonna start your text with a Moana reference? You really are a Disney Prince, aren't ya Princey? And what's with the 'storm cloud' anyway?
Virgil expected a lot of things. Roman could block his number. He could poke fun at Virgil's anxiety attack from last night. He could take forever to respond, just to ask Virgil to never text him again. What Virgil didn't expect, however, was for an immediate, yet passionate, response.
R- (11:46 AM) Sorry, I got a little emotional I REALLY like Disney. And the reason I called you 'storm cloud' is because you didn't give me another name to call you, storm cloud. And I will take the Disney prince jab as a complement.
Virgil laughed, already typing out a response. He probably shouldn't be giving out his name to a near stranger, but he didn't think it would matter much. Virgil Storm was a nobody, a reject from the foster system. Sure, he was secretly singer/songwriter Anxiety, but Roman didn't need to know that.
V- (11:47 AM) Sorry, the name's Virgil, he/him pronouns. And I didn't mean it as a jab, Disney's got a place in my heart too.
V- (11:48 AM) Um, okay. Nightmare Before Christmas, Classics, and does Elsa count as a Disney Princess?
V- (11:49 AM) Geez, let it go, Princey
R- (11:49 AM) N(ice) one
V- (11:49 AM) Then I've gotta go with Cinderella. She decided to make one slightly bad decision last her entire life, as opposed to other princesses making a decision that immediately through their lives away. Though that is what makes the movie interesting.
R- (11:50 AM) What do you mean?
V- (11:50 AM) Disney is known for being pure and innocent, but it contains tons of sinister undertones.
R- (11:50 AM) Not all of them!
V- (11:50 AM) Let's play a game then, we each pick a movie and describe the message that we believe the audience was supposed to receive.
R- (11:51 AM) Alrighty then, I'll go first. Cinderella: Believe in your dreams and, one day, they will come true.
V- (11:51 AM) Sure, just literally wait around your entire life, subjecting yourself to the cruelty of your ungrateful ignorant family members, until some MAGICAL fairy comes along to save you. Don't take action yourself. Not to mention man can't memorize the face of a woman they've been dancing around with for hours, they have to rely on the shoe, ergo men are idiots.
R- (11:52 AM) He was a very busy prince! He had a lot on his mind.
V- (11:52 AM) Fine, what do you think about Snow White?
R- (11:52 AM) Okay. So this time the message is to NOT do what the Princess did: Don't accept random fruit from strangers.
V- (11:53 AM) The bigger message is to just run away from your problems and become a housekeeper for 7 men. Not to mention a Prince comes out of nowhere and plants a kiss on a seemingly sleeping girl? I guess consent isn't really that important?
R- (11:54 AM) He thought she was DEAD! It was a farewell kiss!
R- (11:54 AM) Okay, how about Peter Pan. Don't let your childhood spirit ever die.
V- (11:55 AM) Also it's totally fine to believe a random stranger when they tell you to jump out a window after they've broken into your house. But I guess that's how your whole being would die.
R- (11:55 AM) COME ON! Can you REALLY look down so harshly on these movies?!?
V- (11:55 AM) I still like them! There's just some darker messages that we don't first see.
R- (11:56 AM) Bambi
V- (11:56 AM) Man is dangerous
R- (11:56 AM) Pocahontas
V- (11:56 AM) White man is dangerous
V- (11:56 AM) Well now we’re back to the lack of consent with sleeping women
V- (11:57 AM) Am I wrong?
R- (11:58 AM) …No, I suppose not. I guess there are darker aspects that I did not take into account. HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean that those movies are intending on teaching such… immoral lessons.
V- (11:58 AM) And I never said that they were. That’s just my interpretation of them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
When 5 minutes passed with no response, Virgil deemed it the end of that conversation. He went to go take a shower (he still smelt like alcohol and vomit) and hopefully get some ideas for his next song. Maybe something about interpretations?
By the time Virgil was out of the shower and fully dressed, there was a new message on his phone. He went to check it and was surprised by what he saw.
R- (12:12 PM) Virgil, in the span of just 30 minutes, you have given me one of the most invigorating debates I have ever gone through. I would really like to have another one in the future. Would you like to join a group chat with me and my friends, Patton and Logan? I have a feeling that you would get along quite nicely. You are not obligated under any means, but I can see that we have the potential to be great friends. What d’ya say, storm cloud?
Taglist (please let me know if you want to be added or removed!):
@bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess
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yixxes · 4 years
Anger Management | p.p.
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Warnings: Cursing, altercation w a stranger, y/n has a bit of an attitude/anger problem
Word count: 1722
A/N: The reader is Bucky’s younger sister which is like not possible but it’s fine. Enjoy (: 
“Oh, go fucking fuck yourself!” 
“Hey!” Bucky gave you the look he always gave you when you stepped out of line and you rolled your eyes. You weren’t in the mood to be scolded but your brother obviously didn’t care. “Watch your mouth! The hell’s wrong with you?”
You spared him a two second scowl when he approached the couch, his curious frown trading in for realization and then quickly switching to disappointment. “Seriously? This is your problem?” 
Your brows furrowed and your lips jutted out in an annoyed grimace. “This game is stupid, he’s been cheating for the past eight rounds!”
Sam raised his hands with an amused smile on his face that you found beyond annoying. “Hey, I didn’t do anything, but look, I’ll apologize: I’m sorry you picked up the controller before you knew you couldn’t play.”
“Here,” your brother shoved you over and sat in your place before you could enlighten Sam with your colorful vocab and snatched up the controller from your hands. “let me kick his ass for you.”
Sam cackled at Bucky’s confidence and readied up another round. “Yeah, let’s see how far you get with that one.”
“I was playing with that.” You grumbled. 
“You’ll live.” 
You watched how your brother tapped different buttons and chose certain patterns and inwardly noted how it contrasted to your inarticulate button mashing. It always worked when you played with Steve, why would it not work with...
Of course Steve let you win! “That bastard!”
“Y/n,” Bucky warned you firmly and you hated how he kept the button pattern going even when he took his eyes off the screen to stare you down. “seriously, watch your mouth. Who are you even talking about?”
“Come on, kid, I’ll apologize for real if that’s what you want.” 
“Not you,” you muttered to Sam. “Steve, he lets me win at this stupid game.” You turned to look at Steve who was on the other side of the couch, smiling guiltily at you.
“You’ll live.” Your brother said again, distracted. “Why don’t you go to the store, we need snacks.”
“Then go get them.”
Bucky paused the game with a sigh and turned to you after setting the controller down on the table. He fished his wallet out of his pocket and pulled out a few bills that he extended to you before nodding towards the hall that led to the door. Buck wasn’t asking and you weren’t trying him any further. 
“Ugh.” You snatched the money and got up from the couch, but you weren’t clear to go yet.
“Stay away from people and don’t go fighting with strangers again.”
What a gross assumption. “That was literally only two ti-”
“Don’t worry, I’ll go with her.” Peter came up and threw an arm around you. Your sisterly attitude towards your brother melted into a smile and butterflies. 
“Good, hey, make sure she doesn’t speed.”
“Got it!” He called over his shoulder, already making his way to the door with your hand in his.
“I don’t get it.” 
Peter frowned and got to explaining the joke to you. “Because the ham sandwich is ordering the beer, but the bartender says-”
You pushed a loaf of bread off of the shelf and let it fall into the basket. “Why would a ham sandwich be ordering anything, it’s a ham sandwich-”
“It’s a joke,” he said pointedly. His attitude at the fact that you didn’t laugh at his joke was funnier than the joke itself. “Why are you laughing? Do you get it now?”
“Yup. ‘s really funny, baby, will you grab the coffee grounds, I’m gonna go get a bag of chips,” 
“Okay, wait for me by the chips, I’ll meet you there.” 
You nodded and leaned up and forward to kiss his puckered lips and then went off towards the chip aisle with the cart. As much as you were opposed to this shopping trip at first, you really enjoyed doing stuff like this with Peter. Anywhere else, there were eyes on you at all times. With the two of you being the babies of the group and Bucky picking up the overprotective trait that older brothers usually had, your privacy and alone time with Peter typically ranged from scarce to nonexistent. Going on little snack runs with him where you could hold hands and kiss without scrutiny was nice. It even made you think about how maybe sometime down the line you and Peter would have a shared place of your own and trips like these would occur much more frequently and that definitely made you smile.
Your smile was short lived, though, when some man stopped his cart right in the way of yours and decided that right then and there was a perfect opportunity to take a look at his phone. 
Breathe in through your nose, Bucky always instructed, and out through your mouth. It could’ve been an honest mistake. Maybe he didn’t see you there, you thought to yourself. So, with a polite but rigid smile, you spoke out to him. “’Scuse me, sir, I’m trying to get through.”
He turned to you with an annoyed expression, phone still in hand. He didn’t even look sorry. “And I’m trying to send a text. Some of you damn teenagers were never taught manners a day in your life.”
Manners!? You went over your words in your head and came up with zero reason why some middle aged prick was choosing to yank your chain like this. Your anger was already begging to be let out but you were trying hard to remember how condescending everybody had been back at the tower. They didn’t think you could make it back without blowing up on someone and you planned on proving them wrong.
“Your cart is in my way.” You returned firmly. 
“And your patience is just that thin, isn’t it?”
You stared at that man for a few painful seconds. Was he trying to fuck with you? For all of the time that he wasted being a dick without cause, he could’ve moved his cart and been done with you. Paranoia struck and you took a glance around the immediate area. Maybe the guys were here, lurking around to see how long you could hold out, but after a look around you realized how ridiculous that thought was. The guys weren’t here and this wasn’t a test. This guy was a douche and you were letting it slide but you weren’t sure you should’ve been. 
“Can you just move your freakin’ cart?” The ‘before I move it for you’ was as silent as the g in lasagna. What was he? 6′1, 6′2? You’d debunked and corrected taller, this would be a breeze. 
You quickly shook that thought from your head. You weren’t fighting this grown man. 
“Just go around!” He practically shouted.
“Go around where!? You’re blocking the-”
He yanked the front of you cart forward, pulled his back and pushed it into a display of croissants. “You’re welcome.” He said smugly. “Now will you please leave me alone?”
You blinked at the gaping empty space where your cart used to be and then looked up at him. To absolute hell with proving the guys wrong.
“Hey! I got the coffee grounds, did you grab the-”
“Screw you!” You screamed, reaching in his basket and grabbing the first thing that you laid your hand on and throwing it as far as you could. 
“What the hell!?”
Peter swooped in after you had already thrown a second thing out of the stranger’s cart and started pulling you away from the scene.
“You need to learn a thing or two about respect, little girl!” The guy was yelling after you, red in the face, stupid phone still in his stupid hand and the other in a fist on his hip. 
“Fuck off!” You screamed back, swiping a bag of cotton candy from an end stand, ready to chuck it at that man.
“Hey, hey,” Peter smacked a bag of cotton candy from your hand and continued lugging you away. “take a breath, take a breath. Let me handle this-”
“What’s going on here?” Naturally, the security guard stepped in at the perfect time. You looked like the crazy one, but in fact, it was the douchey middle aged man that started it and you were more than happy to explain that to security.
"Can I have a retake?” 
So you had to get your pictures taken by security. You single-handedly landed yourself and Peter on this ridiculous list of people that couldn’t return to the store without adult supervision which was absolutely ridiculous. Even more ridiculous, the man told you that you couldn’t retake your picture.
“Fine.” You didn’t plan on coming back to this hot mess of a store anyways. 
Starting the car, you were more than happy to be in the safety of your vehicle, but you remembered that the two of you came out for a reason... and you left without a single one of those reasons. 
You ended up driving to another store that was just up the street and got back to the tower about an hour and a half after you left it.
“Where’d you go for the snacks, Australia?” 
You rolled your eyes at Sam’s sarcastic comment and set the one bag that Peter let you carry down on the table. While Peter set the rest down, you walked passed Tony (whose smile was far too big for your liking) and sat down on the couch. 
“How’d it go?” he asked.
Peter lied like a rug. “Good. We got a bargain on the coffee grounds, two for-”
“I got us banned from the store unless we have adult supervision.” You were dejected. This never would’ve happened had you just let that man be stupid by himself. 
Bucky hit pause on the game and looked over at you like he was beyond ready to scold you. “You what?” 
“Ten.” Peter finished like he hadn’t even stopped. “There was a coupon that we actually found on the floor, luckily it wasn’t expired-”
“Kid, will you be quiet!?” Bucky’s mean mug could scare almost anybody into silence. You watched your boyfriend shrink into himself before your brother turned back to you. “This explanation better be good.”
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laceymorganwrites · 5 years
Prom date
Word Count: 2,641
Pairing: Tamaki x reader
Warnings: bullying, cursing
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You can do this, you thought to yourself as you entered the big entrance hall of UA. You would be a hero! They would see!
You were going to do a test to see who really fits in UA, you were supposed to do an obstacle race. You were good at that, you were good at dodging things and running away.
You ignored the others and gave it your all as you dashed through the race and finished first.
Next you had lessons.
“Good morning...welcome to UA. We will determine if you really belong here in doing another little test. The one with the lowest points will be excluded from UA. We´ll meet outside on the tracking field after the break” your teacher let you know.
You barely found the way to the cafeteria, this school was too big… you received a text message from your parents saying they were proud of you and that you would make it if you did your best, which was just what you were gonna do.
As you got your food you spotted an empty table and made your way to it to avoid people.
Some girls you didn´t know told you you could sit with them, but you politely declined.
You especially tried to avoid people from your old school, but there they were, blocking your path.
You sighed, what was going to happen next.
You kept my head down and started shivering. “How did you finish first? Did ya cheat? Which teacher did your parents pay, huh?” one guy roughly grabbed you by the chin to force you to look up to him.
You frowned, trying to keep the tears at bay.
“Hey, congratulations to making first place!” some other guy came up behind you and touched your shoulder, making you jump. He was taller than the one from your old school.
He was accompanied by another boy who also held his head down like you.
You didn´t know what it was, but suddenly you felt like the guys from your old school couldn´t do anything to you, the other ones would protect you.
“Th-thanks...” you whispered, but he couldn´t hear it. The guys disappeared and the ones who protected you asked you to sit with them.
You really didn´t want to, but it would be rude to decline and so you sat with them. “Hey! You´re the girl who finished first, eh? What´s your quirk? How are you so fast? Why did you come to this school? What´s your name? Which school did you visit earlier?” a blue haired girl asked you, leaning over the table to inspect your face.
You hated it when people got too near to you and tried to back away, blushing. “Erm...” you mumbled. “I´m Nejire!” she introduced herself, stretching out her hand to you with a warm smile.
You shook it, shivering and also gave her a weak smile.
“Um...I...I´m...(Y/N)...” you looked down and fidgeted with your fingers. “Nice to meet you, (Y/N)! I´m Mirio” the boy who saved you said.
You smiled. “If you´re in trouble again, you can always come to us!” Nejire said. “Th-thank you...” you quivered. “Oh, this is Tamaki, he´s a bit shy, but don´t worry, he´s not as grumpy as he looks!” Mirio pulled him towards him by the shoulders. Tamaki was sightly uncomfortable.
You had to giggle, Mirio was a nice person.
“Stop it, you´re embarrassing me...” Tamaki hushed,youI could barely hear it. “Oh, classes start again! See you later (Y/N)!” Nejire got up, but Mirio held her back. “We´re in the same class, Neji” he laughed. “Oh, right!” she slapped her hand in front of her forehead. “Sorry!” she apologized. “No, no, don´t worry about it!” you hurriedly tried to calm her.
This was the first time you met them, if somebody had told you then you would grow to be great friends, you would´ve simply laughed at them. There was no way people like them would befriend someone like you. But that wasn´t the only thing that happened.
To you it was obvious, it had to happen sometime…
“Neji! I need your help!” you were rushing throughout the entire school building and the dorms until you finally caught her training with Tamaki and Mirio.
“Hi, (Y/N), I thought you were organizing the prom?” she came up to you.
“I am, but I need your help with the decorations” you pleaded, you didn´t know why you wanted to be in the prom committee in the first place. Well, all of you had to have some sort of extracurricular activities and you thought the committee wouldn´t be as much work.
Oh how wrong you were, it was absolute hell.
“Guys, you coming too?” Nejire smiled.
“Sure thing! We´ll be done quicker this way, come on, Tamaki!” Mirio joined in on the smile.
Tamaki just nodded and walked behind him.
He gave you a shy smile which you returned while your heart skipped a beat.
You weren´t one to hide your emotions for him, Tamaki knew all too well that you fell for him, but you never made him uncomfortable.
He was glad you didn´t, all of this was new to him, it was hard for him to express his feelings, or sort them out.
All he knew was that he felt a good kind of anxiety rushing through him whenever you were near him.
“Hey Tamaki, how was your day?” you smiled at him, gently taking his hand.
It was a habit you developed a few months ago and he didn´t mind it at all, he felt safe with your hand around his own.
He felt as if there was something he could hold onto and come back to if his mind was getting too much for him, if there were too many people, too many eyes on him.
He could always come for you to help, you always calmed him down with a simple sweet smile.
“G-good… Mirio and me just trained and I did some… homework… h-how was your day, (Y/N)?” he answered quietly, he even worked up the courage to ask you as well.
Of course you were all good friends and it came naturally talking to Nejire and Mirio, but you were different, Tamaki still was shy and nervous around you.
Sometimes he wished he was like Mirio when it came to talking to you, Mirio never screwed up answering a simple question…
“A bit stressful actually. But I´m glad you guys are helping out now, that´s very nice of you” you subconsciously rubbed circles with your thumb on Tamaki´s hand.
He forgot how to breathe for a second, stopping in his tracks and blushing.
“Ah, no problem at all, (Y/N)!” Mirio chimed in to make Tamaki move again, Tamaki gave him a quick smile and nod, he really appreciated his best friend always helping him out.
“I´m so excited for tonight! It´s gonna be so much fun!” Nejire chirped as you started decorating the big hall.
“Yeah, I´m stoked too! It´s always great spending time together with my best friends” Mirio grinned.
See, you decided to go to prom together as friends, your whole group, but you had other plans.
You had other plans ever since you realized that you loved Tamaki.
And Nejire and Mirio knew that, they were just teasing you to finally ask him.
But it was harder than you thought, it was near impossible getting Tamaki alone and when you did and told him about your feelings, he didn´t seem to get it.
It was really frustrating.
You were done with the decorations rather fast and to your dismay Nejire and Mirio left you and Tamaki alone.
You did feel less motivated asking him out now than you did a week ago, you just felt as if you had no chance and were making a fool out of yourself.
The more you thought about asking him out, the stupider you felt.
Why on earth did you think that could be a good idea?
If anything it would just destroy your friendship.
“Tamaki?” you didn´t know why you spoke up, but you just had to say this, you had to at least try.
“Yes, (Y/N)?” he coyly looked up to you with a quivering lip and fidgeting fingers.
“You know how you, Neji, Mirio and me are all friends, right? And I think that´s amazing, you´re the best people I´ve ever met. But I can´t say I´m friends with all of you. Because, Tamaki, I like you more than just a friend. And I really didn´t want to say anything because it would make things awkward between us and I don´t want that” you rushed out the words, watching Tamaki´s eyes go wide.
“But I always make things awkward….” he frowned, averting your eyes.
“I don´t care what anyone else thinks, I like your awkward” you smiled shyly, while he blushed.
“I...I like you too, (Y/N)” he whispered, more to the floor than to you.
But that was all you needed to hear, all that you ever wanted to hear.
You took a step forward to stand closer to Tamaki and tapped his shoulder to make him look at you.
“Um, do you maybe want to go to prom with me?” you smiled brightly.
“But...aren´t we all going together?” he asked, he didn´t want Nejire and Mirio to be sad.
“Well, yeah, but I´d prefer to go with you alone, not as friends. We´re still going to hang out with them, I just want to go out with you, Tamaki” you gently brushed your fingers over his shoulder.
“Really? Because… I think I´d like that...” he mumbled before smiling to himself.
You couldn´t conceal your bright smile anymore and nodded heavily.
“I´ll see you tonight then!” you gently stroked his arm and smiled at him again before leaving to get ready.
After the stress of getting ready was over you and Nejire went to the shared room of Tamaki and Mirio.
Tamaki had issues with his tie and in the moment you opened the door, Mirio fixed it for him.
Tamaki looked very uncomfortable and blushed when he saw you, but he still managed to give you a smile, a different smile than the one he gave Nejire, a special smile just for you.
Your heart skipped a beat as you saw his struggle. You knew Tamaki, normally he wouldn´t have bothered to dress up fancy, but because you asked him out, he actually put a lot of effort into his appearance.
It made you smile, he was so sweet.
“Yo! (Y/N), Neji! You two look good, we´re also ready” Mirio greeted you and you smiled at him friendly.
“Thanks, Mirio! How did you get Tamaki to dress up?” Nejire teased the poor boy.
Tamaki just blushed heavily, not daring to look into her eyes.
“I didn´t! He did it on his own!” Mirio grinned, wrapping an arm around Tamaki, embarrassing him even more.
As soon as the boys left their room, you got a hold of Tamaki´s hand, answering the question Nejire had.
“The suit looks good on you, Tamaki” you whispered to him and he gave you a shy smile, he felt relieved at your words.
“Thank you...y-you also...look beautiful” his voice was hoarse, he still had trouble speaking up.
The four of you entered the big hall to music and a dancing crowd.
“Guys, we´re gonna grab some food and a table” Nejire announced, dragging Mirio behind her to give you two some alone time.
“Alright!” you smiled at her, but frowned when you saw Tamaki´s helpless expression.
There were just too many people here, too many eyes staring daggers into him, the music was too loud, it was hot, he couldn´t breathe.
Out. He just wanted out.
“Tamaki?” you brought his focus back on you with a worried expression.
“We don´t have to dance if you don´t want to, we can go to the others, I know it´s too much for you and it´s alright. I just want you to feel comfortable.” you took his hand into yours and brought it to your lips to place kisses over it.
Tamaki averted his eyes, he knew he disappointed you, he knew he wasn´t good enough for you, you were probably just asking him as a joke.
“I know you don´t want to be here, Tamaki. Especially not with me, not after I confessed to you out of the blue. I know that it´s too much to take in at once, I didn´t even leave you time to think about it… and I just want to apologize to you. It was really selfish of me, I should´ve just kept my feelings to myself like I always did. That was a stupid idea, really… I know you well enough to know that you don´t like such events and forced you to come with me, I´m really sorry” you shook your head, frowning, you just wanted to go home.
Why did Nejire leave you two alone? Why did you even ask him out? You should´ve all just gone as friends…
This time it was Tamaki who grabbed your hand to get you out of your head, he didn´t know what to say, he never did.
“(Y/N), please stay… I´m sorry, I do want to be here with you, it´s just… I can´t do anything right and I don´t want to embarrass you… I mean you´re so perfect, I couldn´t believe you when you told me you liked me… after all I´m just me, nothing special….” Tamaki told you sincerely.
Your heart was breaking for him.
“You´re more than perfect to me, Tamaki, I hope you know that. And you´re not embarrassing in any way. Don´t give yourself less credit than you deserve. I wouldn´t have asked you if I didn´t want to be with you, but please don´t get inside your head all the time. You can talk to me, Tamaki, I have to know what´s going on in order to help you, okay? I just care too much about you...” you grabbed his hands and interlocked them with your own, holding onto him, showing him he wasn´t alone.
“Okay… I just never know what so say…” he frowned.
“Nobody does, and that´s alright. Do you want to go back to the others?” you smiled and he nodded.
So you led him through the crowd by his hand until you reached your friends.
Tamaki loosened up sightly and you four spent the night chatting, eating and having fun.
Tamaki not once let go of your hand, you thought he simply forgot to take it away, but in reality your hand gave him security, he never wanted to let go.
As the prom was over, you went back to your dorms.
Tamaki accompanied you to your room.
“I had fun tonight, Tamaki.” you smiled at him as you still stood in front of the door.
“M-me too… maybe we could….go out again?” Tamaki hushed, you could barely hear it.
His face was beet red and he swore everyone could hear his heart beat right now, he hoped someone would call an ambulance in case of a cardiac arrest.
“I´d like that very much, Tamaki” you hooked your arms around his neck and looked into his eyes dreamily.
He smiled and did what Mirio told him to do months ago.
Tamaki´s lips started quivering as he leaned in closely, squeezing his eyes shut in embarrassment.
You met him halfway and pulled him closer to you as your lips connected, the rush going through your body making you hold onto him tighter.
His lips still were trembling as you started kissing back, he forgot what he was doing for a second.
“G-good night, (Y/N)” Tamaki looked at the floor after you two parted for air, face still red as he walked away in embarrassment.
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eddiesasspbrak · 5 years
Forever and Always Ch. 8
Eddie is the only one of his friends to stay behind in Derry after high school, causing him to lose touch with some of them. Now 24, Eddie has heard rumors that his now famous, former best friend (aka love of his life) may be coming back to town. That won’t be too awkward, right?
NSFW content to follow. minors don’t interact
Ch. 1
Read on AO3
3k+ words
Eddie had to work most of the day on Thursday though he was granted the ability to sleep in a bit. He’d stayed out later with Richie than he’d intended, not wanting to leave his side. They went to a nicer restaurant where Eddie felt underdressed, but Richie wasn’t dressed very differently. He had on a leather jacket that put ideas into Eddie’s head that sent color to his cheeks and made him squirm in his seat. He always knew that Richie could send him spiraling until he was practically drooling, but he forgot just how easily it came. Especially now that he was his and he knew how he tasted, how he felt beneath his fingertips.
They were flirty over dinner, fed each other bites of food over the table and didn’t care who saw them. It was refreshing not having to be careful. Not worrying about who saw them doing what. They could hold hands and kiss without even thinking twice. It still made Eddie nervous, but he couldn’t help that. A lifetime of small-town hicks telling him that men who like other men are disgusting and shameful. Fearing his true self being discovered and being punished for it. If things were different, maybe he would have told Richie sooner and they wouldn’t have wasted all this time.
“This is what it could be like in New York.” Richie said, after feeding Eddie’s bite of his chocolate cake. “Not to pressure you, just want to give you an idea of what to expect.”
“You’re not pressuring me. Like I said, I’ve already made my decision...I just need to figure out how to set it in motion.”
“I know you’re scared, Eds, but I’m here for you this time.”
“I know.” They reached across the table and held tight onto each other’s hands. “Before I do anything, I’ll talk to you about it. Part of really does want to just disappear into the night and never look back.”
After dinner, Richie parked the car in a clearing off the side of the road and they made out like teenagers, Eddie in Richie’s lap in the backseat. Eddie had been too scared of getting caught to do much, but Richie’s hands had found their way under his shirt, hot against this skin touching everywhere they could reach. The memory sent a shiver down Eddie’s spine as he tried to focus on ringing up a block of cheese. Thinking of spices didn’t work as well as it had before, and he hadn’t yet come up with a new strategy.
Gerard wondered in for his shift looking exhausted and not wanting to be there and made his way back to the break room to drop off his stuff and retrieve his apron. Throughout his shift, Eddie found himself checking the clock. He wanted the day to be over. His mom had been waiting up for him when he returned the night before and demanded that he explain himself. Not wanting to tell her just yet, he lied again, saying that Gerard’s grandmother had insisted he eat before he leave.
Eddie had to promise to be home all night in order for her to leave him alone. He’d already told Richie, who was bummed but understood. He said he might swing by the store if he could get away. Richie needed to spend some time with his dad as well since he’d been in the hospital for most of his visit. He had pressure on him to hurry back to New York, but he wanted to be sure that his dad was ok, and his mom could handle everything. Eddie knew that he would be going with him soon, but not being able to see him was painful. They’d spent so much time apart, so much time not knowing how the other felt, that he wanted to be with Richie as often as he could.
Gerard came out to rejoin Eddie, who was close to the end of his shift. He was less than thrilled as he took his place behind the counter, opening the other register to help dwindle the line faster. He didn’t speak aside from giving them their totals and answering questions, and when he did speak his voice was listless. There was obviously something wrong and Eddie worked just a bit faster so he could find out what it was. When all the customers were taken care of, Eddie turned to him in time to see him lay his head down on the counter.
“You ok?” Eddie asked, moving to stand beside him.
“Define ok.” Gerard sighed, turning his head to look at Eddie. “It’s been a long day. There’s this guy at school who I’m into and I’ve been talking to him online. He knew I was a guy, knew who I was, and he flirted with me anyway and we’ve hooked up a few times now, so I thought things were cool. Today I said hi to him in the hallway and he called me a fag and punched me in the gut.”
“Shit. What an asshole.” Eddie wrapped an arm around him, rubbing his arm. “Screw that guy. If that’s how he treats you then he’s not worth your time.”
“But he’s so sweet to me when we’re in private.” Gerard whined, putting his head down on Eddie’s shoulder.
“Derry is a terrible place where people like us can’t be honest about who we are. I’m sure he’s scared of being found out but that doesn’t make it ok. He could have handled it differently. You deserve better.”
“I know but he’s so hooooooot. And he’s so ripped and god his cock is-.”
“Gerard, please, we’re at work.”
“Fine, fine. Let’s just say…” Gerard held up his arm and ran his other hand from his wrist to his elbow.
“Jesus.” Eddie laughed, dragging a hand down his face.
“Now you know why I’m so distraught.”
“Yes, what a loss.”
Eddie wrapped his other arm around Gerard, as his arms encircled Eddie’s middle, hiding his face against his shoulder. It was while they were hugging this way that Richie made his appearance, entering the store with a big smile on his face. Eddie looked at him and smiled, his heart skipping a beat. No matter how many times he saw his face, he’d forever fall for him all over again. He wondered if everyone felt this way when they were in love.
“What do we have here? Making a move on my man?” Richie asked, approaching the counter.
“He’s having a bad day.” Eddie explained. “Boy troubles.”
“Ah, anyone I can beat up?”
“Flattering, but no.” Gerard sighed. “I love him.”
“You don’t love him; you love his body.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Is there a difference?”
Richie laughed. “Are you saying you don’t just want me for body, Eds?”
“Well it sure isn’t your sense of humor that keeps me around.”
“You wound me.”
Gerard pulled out of Eddie’s arms. “You guys are not helping my wallowing.”
“Sorry.” Eddie winced. “Anything we can do for you?”
“No, I’m ok. I just need to find a new hot jock with a huge dick.” He sighed, leaving the counter and grabbing the broom.
Richie looked to Eddie and raised his eyebrows. “Can see why he’s upset.”
“Yea well, I think it’s more the betrayal than anything else. The guy called him a name and hit him. He’ll probably come crawling back begging for forgiveness. I just hope Gerard has the strength to tell him no.”
“He’s young so he’s bound to make mistakes.”
“Maybe, but he’s become like a little brother to me. I don’t want to see him hurt.” Eddie looked up at the clock on the wall again. “My shift is ending. Want to walk me most of the way home?”
“Of course.”
Eddie removed his apron and headed back to the break room where he put it on its hook and grabbed his bag. He and Richie used to walk home from school together every day. Sometimes a few of the other Losers were with them, but on occasion it was just them. Eddie laughing at some story Richie would make up just to bring a smile to his face. Those memories had gotten him through the last six years, but they always hurt. Now he could move past that, revel in the way they made him feel. The memories now brought a smile to his face. When he came back out from the breakroom, he found his mother standing there with Richie and his smile fell away.
“Mom...what are you…?”
“I wanted to make sure you weren’t going to abandon me again today, so I came to pick you up.”
“I’m not going to...I would have…” Eddie sighed, feeling like he’d been kicked in the shin. “You don’t need to pick me up. I’m an adult.”
“Well then you better start acting like one.” She turned her sneer to Richie, looking him up and down. “I thought you weren’t in contact with the Tozier boy.”
“He’s not.” Richie spoke up. “I just came by to do some shopping.”
She looked away from him with a “hmmph” and turned back to Eddie. “Come on, Eddiebear, let’s go.”
Eddie shot Richie apologetic eyes as he walked by, following his mom out the front door. He’d text him later and apologize properly. He was so embarrassed by it. Sure, it wasn’t anything new for Richie to witness but he was grown now. He shouldn’t let his mother push him around like that anymore without standing up for himself. He felt like a child again as he buckled his seat belt, being dragged away from his friends by his mom. He hated it. He hated her.
Later that evening, Eddie was in bed staring at the ceiling and trying to calm himself. He’d argued with his mom. They argued often and usually Eddie could just walk away but he felt trapped by a promise to stay in. So instead, he stayed, and he yelled, and she yelled right back until they were both exhausted. It was all so stupid anyway, the way she still clung to him with any bit of control she could grasp. Lying to her just made him feel like she was winning in some way. The argument started over their meal because she’d been mad that Richie was at the store and accused him of trying to get out of dinner with her again.
“He was a customer! I have to serve any customer who comes into the store!” He shouted over the dinner table.
“Then why was he just standing there?” She asked.
“Because I was getting ready to leave and he was waiting for Gerard!”
“Don’t lie to me Edward.”
“I’m not!” He was.
“When you were young you always lied to me about spending time with that boy! I know you were with him all those times you said you were at the library!”
“He was my friend!”
“And then he left with all those other hoodlums! Left you behind! It’s high time you realize that all you have in this world is me.”
Eddie balled his hands into fists and pressed them against his eyes, fuming at her words still bouncing around his head. She wasn’t all he had. He had Gerard. He had Bev, Bill, Mike, Ben, and Stan. He had Richie. They didn’t leave him; he made the choice to stay. Because of her. He dropped his hands to his side, wondering if she’d wake up if he tried to leave the house. He needed to be far away from her. Needed to see Richie.
As if hearing his silent calls into the night, a tap sounded at his window across the room. Startled, he sat up and looked. There were no trees outside his window. His room faced the back of the house where the back-porch roof sat below his window. It was dark in his room, dark outside, and he could barely see but there was definitely someone there. Knowing instantly who it was, he rushed to the window and unlocked it, sliding it open.
Richie’s smiling face greeted him as he stumbled over the ledge and into his room like a clumsy Romeo with long limbs.
“That was way easier when we were younger.” He whispered, righting himself and dusting off his shirt.
When they were kids, Richie had discovered that he could easily climb up the side of the porch and use the roof to get into Eddie’s window. Since he wasn’t allowed over past sundown, he used to sneak in through his window and they’d whisper and laugh in the dark. Those long nights breaking the rules were part of the reason Eddie fell in love with him. They’d sit behind his bed, a sheet over their heads and a flashlight between them reading the comics Eddie’s mom didn’t allow him to have. Every time the house would creak, they’d shut off the light and fall silent, erupting into giggles when they realized it wasn’t his mother.
“What are you doing here?” Eddie asked, shutting the window to keep the cold air out.
“I wanted to make sure you were ok. You didn’t look very happy when you left with your mom earlier.”
“Yea well...it only got worse when we got home.”
Eddie took a step forward, wrapping his arms around Richie’s middle and pressing his cheek to his chest. Richie’s arm came down around him, holding him close and rubbing circles between his shoulder blades. This was what he needed, that instant comfort that came from being with Richie. All of his anger melted away and instead he focused on the feel of his arms around his back, his fingertips massaging over tense muscles.
“Come on.” Richie kissed the top of his head. “Let’s go lie down.”
Eddie nodded against his chest before allowing himself to be pulled toward the bed. Richie threw back the covers and crawled in, pulling Eddie down against his chest. He smelled like cinnamon, spicy and sweet. It filled Eddie with the same sense of security that Richie always brought as a kid. That feeling that nothing bad could happen to him. It was something he truly believed but had forgotten that day Richie left. Now he was certain, as long as he was with Richie everything would always be ok.
Looking up, he stared into Richie’s eyes, feeling a wave of warmth overtake him. “I love you, Rich. I’m going with you, you know? To New York.”
“I know. I love you too.”
Richie bent down and pressed a kiss to his lips, sweet and slow, slotting together like they were made for one another. A thrill went through Eddie at having Richie in his bed, kissing him without his mother knowing. Just being with Richie filled him with want but he was aching for contact. Now he felt like he was breaking the rules and that excited him more than he was willing to admit. Wrapping his arms around Richie’s neck, he tangled his fingers in his curls and licked his way into Richie’s mouth. Richie reciprocated with a low moan, tasting the sweetness of Eddie’s mouth.
Pushing back on Richie’s shoulder, Eddie climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. Wanting to feel Richie’s hand on him already, he lifted his shirt over his head and deposited it on the floor. Richie’s hands held his hips, pressing into them as the sight of Eddie’s bare skin. He licked his lips as if he was a hungry wolf, ready to devour the meal before him.
“You know I didn’t come here for this, right?” Richie asked, trailing his fingers up Eddie’s side, making him shiver.
“I know. I don’t care. I want to touch you.” Eddie’s voice was breathy and as he pulled at the hem of Richie’s shirt, urging him to take it off. He sat up, allowing Eddie to pull it up over his head, throwing it aside with his own.
Eddie bent down again, capturing Richie’s mouth in a kiss lustful enough to make his toes curl against the mattress. Richie didn’t know this Eddie who took charge and sucked his tongue into his mouth like it was candy, but he liked it. The way he ground his hips down against Richie’s had him seeing stars across his vision. Richie pressed into his hips hard enough to bruise, dragging him down against him with each swirl of his hips. Eddie moaned into the kiss, his hands on Richie’s chest.
Richie pulled away from his lips, trailing kisses down his jawline and licking over the marks he left there that were already fading and sucking new ones across his chest where they wouldn’t be seen by anyone but him. Eddie gasped when Richie’s tongue licked over his nipple, his hips bucking forward against his lap. With the way he was moving, the bed was beginning to creak and their efforts to stay quiet would be for nothing. Knowing this, Richie wrapped his big hand around Eddie’s small thigh, his other hand on his back, and flipped him over until his back hit the soft mattress.
Using this new position to his advantage, Richie made quick work of Eddie’s pajama pants and boxers, sliding them down past his ankles and dropping them on the floor. Eddie had never been completely naked in front of Richie before. Sure, as kids they had gone swimming in the quarry in nothing but underwear but that wasn’t the same. For one, the other Losers were always with them. Now they were alone, just the two of them. Richie took a minute to drink him in, his eyes traveling from his face to his knees and back up again. Eddie’s entire body was flushed pink and he fought the urge to cover himself from Richie’s hungry eyes.
He didn’t stop to take in Eddie’s embarrassment, he just dipped his head low, pressing a kiss to his hip bone. Eddie shivered as he kissed a trail down from his hip until he was hovering just above his dick. Richie licked a strip from his base to his head with the flat of his tongue, dragging a shocked whine from Eddie’s throat. He’d done this before, had his dick in another man’s mouth, but it being Richie hit him with new waves of pleasure he wasn’t familiar with.
Eddie’s hand clamped down over his mouth as Richie took him in one hand and hungrily took as much as he could into his mouth. His attempt to stay quiet were failing with Richie sucking hard, hollowing his cheeks and battering his head with his tongue whenever he pulled up.
A knock at the door startled both, causing them to flinch. Eddie had installed a lock on his door so there was no way for her to enter, but she wouldn’t go away easily. He thought maybe if he ignored her, pretended to be asleep, she would leave. He didn’t want to talk to her while he was laying there naked with his cock in his boyfriend’s mouth.
“Eddiebear!” She called through the door. “We need to talk.”
Eddie tried to stay quiet, but Richie was refusing to stop his movements and a grunt made its way out of his throat. She took this as a response and kept talking.
“I know you’re upset, but you need to understand that I just want what is best for you. No one else will have your wellbeing as their top priority as I do. You understand that, don’t you?”
Eddie gently tapped the side of Richie’s head to silently ask him to stop but all Richie did was look up at him from over the top of his glasses, showing no signs of slowing. Gripping the sheet beside him with one hand and Richie’s hair with the other, he tried to steady his breathing.
“Eddie? Answer me!” She shouted.
“Yea, ok. I understand. I’m trying to sleep.” He said quickly before another sound escaped him.
“I can tell that you’re still angry.”
“I’m not angry! Just tired.” Leave, leave, leave he chanted in his head as Richie dragged him closer to the edge.
“Fine, we‘ll talk in the morning.”
He could hear her retreating footsteps followed by her door slamming shut. Finally able to lose himself again, he whispered a raspy warning. Throwing his head back, a strangled whine passed through his lips as he spilled onto Richie’s tongue. Richie swallowed it down, licking up what he could over Eddie’s oversensitive dick. Blinking tears from his eyes, Eddie panted heavily while reaching for Richie.
Wiping his mouth, Richie rose up until he was face to face with Eddie again, gathering him up in his arms and kissing his neck.
“That was cruel.” Eddie said, turning his head to look at him.
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist. It was kind of thrilling, don’t you think?”
“Not at all.” Eddie smiled.
“Yet you came so fast anyway.”
“Shut up.” Eddie giggled, kissing his lips. “What do you want me to do?” He asked as he pressed his knee up between Richie’s legs, pressing up on his painfully hard length.
“Whatever you’re willing to do is fine by me, baby.” Richie said through a grunt.
Eddie wasn’t quite ready to tell Richie everything he’d done with strangers from the bar, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t use it now to please him. His fingers were still trembling as he undid the button and zipper of his jeans. Richie helped to push them down and get them out of the way as quickly as possible. Eddie was salivating at the thought of finally getting to taste Richie. It was something he’d dreamt about since he was horny teenager, lying in bed at night with his hand down his pants and Richie in his thoughts.
Taking just the head of his cock in his mouth, he looked up at Richie through his eyelashes, watching him chew his bottom lip. Richie gently pet the side of his face as he took as much as he could then drawing back up his length. Drool dripped from his mouth, sliding down Richie’s dick as he chased in with his lips.
“Fuuuuck.” Richie drawled out in a low voice. “You’re so fucking hot, Spaghetti. Can’t tell you how much I’ve thought about my cock in your pretty little mouth.”
A shivered went down Eddie’s spine at Richie’s words. He never knew that being wanted by someone else could be such a turn on for him. He bobbed his head faster, using one hand to stroke what his mouth couldn’t take, his other hand going lower to massage his balls. Richie bucked up into his mouth, tangling his fingers in Eddie’s hair on the back of his head, holding him down and he chanted, “Eddie, Eddie, Eddie” and painted his mouth in his cum.
Eddie swallowed what he could, but some spilled from his lips. Richie caught it with his thumb, holding it up to Eddie’s lips for him to lick clean. Eddie crawled back up, collapsing beside Richie, curled up at his side.
“Was that ok?” He asked, licking his lips.
“It was perfect.” Richie said, kissing him hard. “You’re perfect.”
Richie licked his way back into Eddie’s mouth, kissing him long and slow, holding his chin with one hand. Satisfied and exhausted, they curled into one another, arms and legs tangled as they pulled the blanket over top of them and fell asleep.
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buckycheri-blog · 6 years
Revenge || Bucky x reader AU || Part One
Summary : You hate Bucky Barnes and he hates you back, but what happens when you have to team up against someone you both hate even more ? Pairing : Bucky x reader
Word count : 2541
A/N : This is the first part of the Revenge series and I’m super excited ! I hope you will enjoy it, tell me what you think. English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the potential mistakes. 🖤   There will be more relationship development and dialogue in the next parts!
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This party had just begun but you already wanted to go back to your place, far from all these people who seemed to have nothing in common with you. The music was extremely loud yet you could hear uninteresting conversations from here and there, but the only person you were looking for was nowhere to be seen. You were about to give up when a warm hand grabbed your wrist, making you turn around. The sight of this way too familiar face was enough to make your eyes roll, and now you were a hundred percent sure of this : this party was a nightmare.  
  « What do you want, Barnes ?» you sighed, not even trying to be polite. « You’re always so lovely to me Y/N » he said with his usual sarcasm « Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to be a part of my revenge plan. »
  As long as you remembered, you always hated James Barnes. His audacity, his pretentious behavior, the way he talked, the way he laughed at everything and everyone. Sadly you and him had the same friends and this meant that you had to spend time together. Tonight was no different, your friend Nat invited you to this huge party along with Wanda, Sharon, Steve, Thor and his antipathetic brother, Bucky and last but not least, your boyfriend Pietro. You were searching for him when the despicable and annoying James Buchanan Barnes caught your attention.  
« Your revenge plan ? What kind of silly project is that and why would you want my help, out of all these people ? » you complained, gesturing towards the dozens of persons surrounding you two. « I want your help » he declared, getting closer « because when you’re gonna hear what I have to say, you’ll probably want to get that revenge just as much as I do. »  
This caught you off guard. He was angry. He was very, very angry. You hadn’t payed attention to it because you were focusing on finding Pietro, but Bucky looked mad. You frowned, clearly intrigued and you knew he could feel it.
  « What are you talking about, Barnes ? What happened ? »
  He laughed. Yet he wasn’t amused, not a single bit. It was a strangely unsettling laugh, full of irony and now you were not sure if you really wanted to know the answer to your question.
  « My girl just cheated on me » he said, looking straight into your eyes « and she cheated with Pietro. »
  Bucky didn’t let you any time to answer or even think about it. He spoke again, calmly but with insurance and a clear rage.
  « So, are you in ? »
 Six days had passed since that disastrous party, and you had spent those six days locked up in your apartment thinking about all this mess. How could everything have gone wrong in so little time? At first, you thought that Bucky had lied but even James Barnes would never do something so awful, and you had doubted Pietro’s loyalty for a few weeks but you chose to trust him. Idiot. He had tried to call you several times and even came knocking on your door, but you never answered. Then sorrow left and anger came, making you reconsider Bucky’s offer. On the one hand it seemed childish and useless, but on the other hand, the idea of making Pietro suffer just like he made you suffer was tempting.  You slowly got out of your bed, which had been your refuge for the last few days and went to take a shower. The hot water running on your body awakened your sleeping muscles, giving you enough strength to finally decide to go to Barnes'. You then put on the first clothes you found in your closet and a big coat while texting the guy. 
  To : Barnes 💀 At : 11:05 a.m I'm in, Barnes. Will be at your place in 10, you better be there. 
Nat had dragged you to a party at Bucky’s once, his apartment was only a few blocks from yours. You attended the same college but you were not sudying the same things, he was a history student just like Steve. He didn’t answer your text but you kept walking anyway, until you got to his building. 
  « Damn Y/N you look awful, I don't know if I want to let you in now. » you heard the familiar voice coming from above you, making you look up to the third floor's balcony. Here he was, a cigarette between his lips. « You could have at least tried to look human, anyway I’m in a generous mood. I’ll let you in, come on hurry up. »
  Fucking asshole. You were probably going to kill him in the next five minutes if he didn't calm down quickly. You climbed the stairs only to find his door already open, so you went in without bothering to knock. The place was, well, just like Bucky. A mess. There were several clothes on the floor and you noticed the cigarette smell almost immediatly. Apart from that it was quite nice, the decoration was minimalist but the place felt cosy. He finally pulled you out of your thoughts when he slammed the door behind you. You jumped slightly, then silently took off your coat. « Let's make this quick, right ? I thought about what you said and, well, I'm in. They deserve that. » you stated, trying to convince yourself at the same time. He stared at you for a second without saying anything and finally nodded, sitting on the couch.
  « Alright then. Sit down, you look stupid standing there. » You sighed at his usual kindness and then sat at the other end of the sofa. « Did you break up with him yet ? » he asked, and you felt his blue eyes scanning your face but you didn't look back, rather staring at an imaginary point on the wall. You hadn't even thought about it. « I haven't spoken to him since the party, actually. So I guess we're still together, officially at least... »
   You heard him sigh and he sank deeper into the couch, crossing his arms behind his head. When you turned to him, he had closed his eyes and seemed to think peacefully. « Good. That's good. » he finally stated, turning his head so that he could look at you again. « You must not tell him about it, just pretend everything is fine right ? That way it'll be easier to really get him, at least if that's what you really want. » there was defiance in his eyes, just like when he came to talk to you during the party. He was obviously hurt and determined to make them pay for their betrayal. You had thousands of reasons to despise him but you knew one thing, when Bucky Barnes got involved in something, he went all the way till the end. Now there was only one thing to do, prove to him that you always kept your promises too.
  « Of course I do. When do we start ? »
  He smiled, one of those smiles that reflect neither joy nor pleasure, one of those that announce a storm is coming and tells you to get away from it if you want to stay safe. But now you were also part of the storm and it was just the beginning. « We have to establish our plan first, it will probably not be easy and it will take time. I haven’t broken up with Charlotte yet either, I thought it could be the first step. Something big, something she’ll remember for a long time, but she mustn’t understand why because otherwise she might talk to Pietro. » He suggested.
  « Wait a minute, Barnes. Why would you be the one that gets to leave his girlfriend and me, the one that has to stay with her cheating boyfriend? It’s not fair! » you exclaimed, staring at him in disbelief. This guy had nerve, in addition to being a douche. « Because it was my idea and if you accept my plan, you accept my terms, doll. » He shrugged, as if it were obvious. He really had no intention of making an effort so it seemed you were going to have to get used to it.   You spent the next two hours developing a plan and as a true drama queen, he insisted that you both signed a contract, probably because he still doubted your will to hurt Pietro back. It was understandable, you were very attached to this boy and everyone knew it. But he had betrayed your trust and now nothing was stopping you from signing the damn contract, so you did.
  « I think we're good here. See you tomorrow for step one, partner. » He said in his deep and warm voice, standing in front of you next to the front door. His blue eyes were once again immersed in yours, both intimidating and expecting. He held his hand out, and you squeezed it without breaking eye contact.  
You could not manage to find sleep that night, tossing and turning in your bed. You'd never done this kind of stuff before and it seemed completely crazy, but it was too late to give up. You sent a message to Pietro telling him you had been sick and that you had spent a few days with your parents, you apologized for not telling him sooner. It was hard, having to say sorry to the boy who had hurt you so much. But you did not have a choice, it was the plan. You spent several hours like that, lying on your back staring at the ceiling, alone with the little voice in your head that told you again and again that it was the worst idea of your life. Screw you and your ideas, Bucky Barnes.
  You were still awake when your alarm went off, you got up and got ready for what was going to be the first part of the plan. Step one : the breakup. You did your best to hide what tiredness had done to your face, then left for college where Bucky was probably waiting for you already. You had an appointment at nine o'clock, so you had to skip your first class to put your plan into action. Eventually, you had to contact Loki for he worked here as a librarian. It was quite ironic knowing that he was the most mischievous person you'd ever met, but right now that was just what you needed. He had agreed to give you the key to the reception office in exchange for some information about Tony, that he would probably use to get take revenge on him for his latest prank. You felt really bad but hey, that wasn’t really your main problem right now. 
  After getting the keys, you had joined Bucky who was waiting for you in front of the office's door, leaning against the wall. He was dressed all in black, wearing that aviator jacket that made him look super badass. It was really unfair that such an asshole could be so hot.  « You got the keys ? » he asked, his voice more determined than ever and you just nodded. For you it was different, your survival instinct told you to get out of here, that it was madness and you really wanted to listen to it. You were not as serene as he was, after all it was the first time that you were going to break the rules. « I sure do, Barnes. Now just do your part of the job, will you ? » You handed him the keys with a trembling hand. You could have sworn you saw a small smile on his lips at that moment and he finally opened the door. « I'm impressed Y/N. Right, let's do this. »     In the lecture halls, the students were soon surprised to hear a deep masculine voice coming from the speakers. The teachers stopped talking, and everyone was wondering the same thing: what could the reception office have to announce in the middle of class? It was usually closed in the morning and nobody seemed to understand, regarding the questioning looks that everyone exchanged, including Charlotte and Pietro who were sitting on the same row.
  « Students, teachers, this is a special announcement. Important informations have just been sent to us, please listen attentively.  »
  You couldn't help but smirk seeing Bucky so proud, talking in the mic. He spoke with a louder voice so that people would not recognize him, and it was very convincing. You just hoped Charlotte was ready to live the most humiliating moment of her life but still, you felt a little sorry for her cause you knew what was coming.
   « It appears that one of our students, miss Charlotte Peterson, has had a bad, bad behavior. Indeed, witnesses saw her tagging the Head Master's car earlier this morning, writing -and I quote-  "Suck my dick mr Allen”. Not very classy, Charlotte.  »
   You bit your lips as you stared at Bucky's fingers, still covered in red spray paint. He went and found the car while you were getting Loki's keys, and everybody knew how much Mr Allen loved his car. The worst part was that it was your idea. He didn’t say it, but you knew he loved it. Not only did he ruin the 1966 Ford Mustang, but he also made a trip to the cheerleaders' locker room on his way back. How did he get in ? Well you had no idea and he would't tell you. His eyes met yours for a second and he winked, looking like a proud kid.
  «I'm not finished. Other testimonies tell us that earlier this year, Miss Peterson developed an addiction to alcohol and hid some in her locker. I'm sure your coach will love this. And finally, the last piece of information we have just received is this one: besides being an alcoholic vandal, Charlotte Peterson is now also single. »
  For the first time, James Barnes gave you a smile. Not a smirk or a petty grin, a true sincere smile. He was proud, satisfied with this beginning of this revenge but also simply happy. It was probably because of the adrenaline, but it was sincere. He cut the mic and got up from the chair, raising his hand up for a high five. You rolled your eyes before slapping your hand against his, he then grabbed your wrist to leave quickly before someone from the security could find you here. You took the keys and ran off, while in the lecture halls, everyone was shocked and rumors were already spreading everywhere. It was chaos for Charlotte who ran away to escape from the hundreds of eyes staring at her. It was cruel, but she had played with the wrong people, and she just started to loose. 
     Your race stopped in the parking lot where the two of you climbed into Bucky's car. This marked the end of the first stage, and many more awaited you both. Oh you still hated Bucky Barnes, but looking at him from the passenger seat, you couldn't help but love the idea of new adventures together.       •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• And that’s it for the first part ! Tell me if you liked it, tell me if you didn’t and why ♥ The relationship between Bucky & reader will of course develop more in the next parts !    It’s been a long time since most of you asked to be in the taglist so please tell me if you want me to remove your tag ! 
  I hope no one is named Charlotte Peterson here    @itsquies @miss-i-ship-it @shaboibucky @daniellajocelyn  @just-add-butter @baby-daughter @tuliptx @blue-flavor  @n7siha @nakxmadeofiron @readanotherfic @problematicpastry @emiliehelstrom @aweways  @xcrawlerwood @footballimaginessss @milladagirl  @dugan365 @janeyboo @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @starkxpotts @xlostinureyesx @dreamingofonceuponatime @buckyr00s @urlindah @5sos-wdw @yafriendlyfangirl @lokigreyvatore  @emilysallysmith @bloodiedskirtts
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iamrheaspeaks · 6 years
High Heels Pt.2
Erik x OC! (Thea)
Bold Italics: Inner Dialogue
Word Count: ~2.6k
Warning: Angst
A/N: Okay loves, this picks up where the time jump left off in Part 1. Hopefully you guys don’t hate me too much after this chapter. As always lightly proofread/ edited. Enjoy 💋
Part 3
Previously: Erik’s eyes glued to the condensation rolling off an untouched water glass on the table as he tried to contain his own tears. “I love you Thea”.
Thea’s POV:
When Thea exited the restaurant she was met with an angry Shay, quietly chastising someone on the phone about fucking something up and a brooding Malachi. “I’m sorry you two. My assistant double booked me and I have to be clear across town in–” Shay paused looking down at her watch before gritting through her teeth with a forced smile, “35 minutes”.
“Don’t stress. I should rest a little anyway”, Thea assured her.
Shay just shook her head as she hugged them both before adding, “I’ll stop by the hotel a little later. Again, I’m really sorry” Shay pouted.
“Girl if you don’t stop! This was a pop up visit anyway, do what you gotta do.”
Malachi interjected, “Speaking of pop ups, we gonna discuss the one you just had?”
Anyone who cared to be looking on would’ve been none the wiser meanwhile Shay didn’t have to hear anything else to know where this was headed. Instantly catching the hint of jealousy in Malachi’s voice she was suddenly thankful for her assistant’s fuck up. Shay, briefly pulling Thea into another hug whispers “Looks like we both got some shit to handle”.
Not wanting to take the chance this conversation was going exactly how she expected Thea got Malachi to hold off until they got back to the privacy of their hotel room. The silence of the short car ride was much appreciated so she could collect her thoughts about literally everything that just transpired. Malachi had never formally met, spoken or seen Erik before today but everything about their brief encounter had his head running a mile a minute. “Did this nigga real just–? And what was with that greeting? Does she still love him? Princess? She practically begged me to leave.” Normally Thea would be the one to try and coax him out of his thoughts but she was stuck in the same predicament. Completely wrapped up in her own thoughts, feelings stirring up bits and pieces off the floor of her mind like dust in a breeze. “Why do I feel so anxious? I don’t even understand where all this jealousy is coming from. You did kinda dismiss him for ‘That Ex’. I mean? Did I? Damn! I guess I kinda did…”
Back in the room they continued to just exist in each other’s space not talking. The turbulence inside Thea’s head dissipated immediately when Malachi’s voice sliced through the deafening silence of the room. He inhaled deeply as he turned his body to the side cocking a leg further up on the mattress as he faced her. That one simple combination of actions let Thea know that this was going to go one of two ways. Either it would start heated with every word exchanged after adding oxygen, fuel, and wood to the fire or they’d hash it all out ‘Honesty Hour’ style. No questions to go unanswered and them slowly regressing out of anger having gotten shit out on the table. She was really hoping for the latter, if not for hers than the baby’s sake.
“So. What was so private that you couldn’t talk about it in front of Shay and I?”
“Nothing that I haven’t already expressed. I told you if I got the chance I wanted to apologize to Erik. How was I supposed to know it’d actually happen on this trip?”
“Then you should’ve been able to say it in front of everyone.”
“Are you kidding me right now?” Thea snapped. “That’s not how you apologize for something like that.”
“The apology means the same no matter whose there.” Malachi deadpanned.
Thea sat up as straight as she could making the heel of her palms dig into her thighs just above the knee. Tapping her foot on the floor before standing up. Thea marveled “You’re really mad at me because I wanted to apologize in my own way?”
“Your way” Malachi parroted making quote marks in the air with his fingers like a child, “makes no sense.”
Looking down to her belly starting to block the view of her feet now, Thea screwed her eyes shut and filled her lungs before clapping her hands together in front of her repeatedly as she spoke. “If you weren’t there when I broke up with him then WHY THE FUCK would I want you there when I apologized?! Like do you fucking hear yourself right now?”
Malachi’s next words made Thea’s ears burn and anger peak to dangerous levels, “Could’ve just said your peace as a response to one of the many messages he was sending you.”
Erik was persistent as hell in the beginning right after the breakup. It was like non-stop one-way communication. Though it was normally limited to Instagram messages and random texts with nothing but song titles accompanied by the artist name. “Wait?” Thea mulled over the irony of what’s unfolding. “You went through my messages?”
“Yeah I did! How else was I gonna know, well anything. You never talk about any of it. I know you, you cant just cut people off like you think you can.”
“I never answered any of the messages. Not once! They just stopped! What more do you need?” Malachi’s surfacing trust issues were pissing off Thea more than anything else.
“Tell me you don’t love him!” Malachi demanded.
Erik’s POV:
Once he felt her presence slink away from him Erik lightly shook his head before gathering himself and walking over to his own table. He sat there drumming his fingertips against the edge of the empty table as he watched Shay hug Thea and Malachi. Stepping out of the hug the two women exchange a few more words before attention turned to the man among them. From this angle Erik could see Thea rapidly tapping her thumb and ring fingers together behind her back. It was a tick she had from when she was little, it helped her relax and calm her thoughts. Kind of having the same effect as popping a rubber band on your wrist. As the thought hit Erik to get up and check if she was all right the men he was meeting with arrived. After greeting them Erik turned back towards the entrance to catch another glimpse, but they were gone.
Throughout the entire meeting it was clear Erik wasn’t fully present. Barely eating any of his food as he picked through it. Everything about seeing Thea was throwing him off. She became very private on social media really only posting plates of food, work memes and the occasional selfie. Never showing anything below the small arrow pendant she wore around her neck. Thea’s nuptials to Malachi were common knowledge thanks to mutual friends but seeing her pregnant had him lost for words. Erik knew he should be happy for her but above all else he was hurt it wasn’t him Thea was with. His baby she was carrying. More so, Erik was mad at himself because he knew it was ultimately his fault.
The sudden buzzing from his phone in his pants pocket cemented Erik back into his surroundings. He was about to ignore it until it buzzed again and again and again. Having gained interest in what the notifications could be Erik excused himself from the table. Coming to sit down on a bench by the bathrooms Erik opened his phone to a series of texts from a number he didn’t have saved. It was the address to a hotel just outside of town followed by a series of messages.
–Thea won’t calm down enough to let me in or tell me what happened and Malachi stormed off.
–Come fix this shit Erik.
Earlier consumed by the thought of being face to face with Thea again meant that Erik never took into account that the dynamics of her relationship with Malachi was different than theirs had been. He never realized the ripple effect that that would set into motion. Erik shot back two words before getting up from where he was seated to make his way to the hotel.
–Say less
Back at the Hotel:
Thea is sitting on the floor of the bathroom in her suite with her back against the locked door. Shay eventually came to her senses and stopped banging on the door demanding entry. Wanting to give Shay some form of communication Thea started patting her lap and the floor around her before realizing she didn’t have her phone. But still not quit ready to be in anyone else’s presence Thea just sat there rubbing her belly with one hand trying to coax her little one to move. At the same time repeatedly stroking the arrow pendent she never took off. Letting her mind wander to how she acquired it. When they were together she’d seen some stupid text post about the symbolism between arrows and the difficulties of life. Thea lowly chuckled to herself as she remembered annoying the fuck out of Erik with that damn quote. Every time he complained about something backfiring Thea would bring it up. So Erik thought it be a cute idea to materialize it for her. An arrow can only be shot forward by being pulled back.
Meanwhile, Shay frustrated with the negative turn this day had taken has been pacing the hallway waiting for either Malachi to come back or Erik to show up, hoping both actions didn’t collide. Secretly Shay knew which would win if they showed up at the same time. Shay’s phone buzzed again in her hand providing her answer.
–Room number
Finally catching sight of Erik down the hall a few minutes later, “Bout damn time!” Shay proclaimed throwing her hands up.
“Hello to you too Shay. Again. What’s––”
Cutting Erik off, “All I know is when I got here from my double booking I could hear them arguing from the lobby. I got to the door right as Malachi swung it open and stormed out. She’s been locked up in the bathroom ever since.”
“She won’t come out for you?” Erik half chuckled remembering a time when the shoe was on the other foot.
“You think I woulda text you if she did?” Shay sneered with hand on hip. “Her pregnancy is high risk Erik, she can’t be under this kinda stress.” Erik stared blankly at Shay before looking back at the bathroom door. Her admission hurt as much to hear as he imagined it was for her to say. Erik rapped the knuckle of his middle finger against the door to gain Thea’s attention.
Thea’s POV:
It wasn’t until Thea heard his voice that she slid back from the door a little unlocking it. Cracking the door open and sticking her hand out for him to take as he walked in before shutting it again. “Hello princess” Erik echoed his greeting from earlier sitting down in the darkness beside Thea. She let out a shaky breath as she changed positions putting her head in his lap, his fingers gliding up and down the base of her skull as a means of comfort. Her playful curls swallowing his fingers in nostalgia while effectively calming Thea back to a steady heartbeat.
Thea audibly chuckled, “Muscle memory.”
“What bout it?”
Thea cupped Erik’s hand with her own, “Its why you couldn’t help but rub the back of your head when you seen me today.”
Erik just hummed in response and Thea wasn’t sure if he was feigning ignorance or truly hadn’t put the two together. “It’s the last place I touched you before today. The body’s way of consolidating a task that’s repeated over time. Normally in reference to completing an action but I think it works it this case too.” Thea paused to smile to herself, taking her attention from Erik to the baby as it started to move further calming her nerves. She hadn’t felt any movement since returning to the hotel.
“Thea what happened?” Erik pondered.
“Does it matter?”
Erik’s response was halted by the sound of someone banging loudly on the door. Thea could hear Malachi screaming as he pounded on it. Thea groaned as she finally went to stand and mentally prepare to leave the security of the bathroom and its peaceful darkness. Not liking the vibe that Malachi was giving off and wanting to help maintain Thea’s calm state Erik hopped up after her. Gently squeezing her shoulders before dropping his hands as she opened the door. The way Malachi’s face distorted at the sight of Erik made him look beastly.
“What the fuck he doing here?”
“Cleaning up your mess!” Erik countered using his body as a barrier so Thea could fully exit the bathroom.
“Fuck you nigga!” Malachi whined shoving Erik while his back was turned. Being caught off guard his body careened forward into Thea before Erik could slam his palm against the wall and catch his footing.
Once he found his feet Erik whipped around facing Malachi. “Yo! The fuck is wrong wit you?”
Thea stumbled away from the wall arms out to aid in regaining her balance from Erik crashing into and pinning her against the wall. Sucking the air back into her lungs so hard and fast it burned. Looking down her eyes dilating as her hands flew to her stomach letting out a blood-curdling scream. Whispering no over and over again as tears began to burn her eyes sending blazing trails down her cheeks. At the sound of her scream Erik quickly turned back to once over Thea but Shay was already standing in front of her. So hyper focused on Malachi he never seen Shay move around them. Her keen eye having zeroed in on the growing red spot on the cream colored carpet before her ears even registered Thea’s screaming. Shay looked beyond her friend’s trembling frame to the two men behind her. They all just stood there frozen in horror for a few moments, none of them knowing what to say. Until just like at the restaurant Shay was the first to find her voice. Stroking Thea’s arms she uttered, “I–I think it’ll be best if the two of you leave.”
Shay’s voice propelled Thea out of the daze she was stick in and something snapped within her. Thea’s bloody hand flew back gripping his wrist tight before she verbally objected Shay’s demands. Voice still hoarse from screaming, “Erik, stay.” She didn’t have to be facing him to know that Malachi was going to attempt to challenge her request. Thea raised her other hand to silence him before finally turning around. Erik and Malachi alike display a look of horror as both of them register the magnitude of the situation. Thea knew that the only thing keeping Erik and Shay from reacting was her seemingly fragile state. Her breathing mirroring Shay’s and her tiny fingers keeping their death grip on Erik’s wrist. The messy bun atop her head disheveled leaving stray pieces of hair to hang in her face. Eyes red and puffy from crying. Snapping her fingers Thea drew their attention away from the blood soaked fabric that used to be her dress. Its white hue rapidly widening into a now crimson red. Thea locked eyes with Malachi before stammering, “I–I promise you. There is no-nothing. Not one thing you could possibly say right now to f–fix this.”
“Thea I–“ Malachi started.
Turning her back to him again, “Just leave” Thea whispered.
Tags: @savagesensitivity @cancerianprincess @another-imaginesblog @loosewindmill @bidibidibombaclaat @muse-of-mbaku @chaneajoyyy @itsangeludaku @eriknutinthispoosy @im5ftbutmythroat66 @theunsweetenedtruth @blackpinup22 @fonville-designs @wawakanda-btch
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kandikorne · 6 years
Jealous [JJK]
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I was always aware of him, the shy boy in the back of the room. Always working so hard to reach his dream of being an idol. It was his goal, his dream, but there was only one issue; he couldn't sing. 
Or so he claimed.
I was his roommate at the time, we had been close friends when we were children, but slowly drifted apart. His fear of girls isolating me from him, especially after I hit puberty, the boy was terrified. 
It was as if fate had brought us together again, making both him and I share a dorm room. Really there was no privacy except the bookshelf between our beds and the curtain that he hung up separating us. The bathroom was on his side of the dorm room, meaning I had to cross his side of the curtain and hope he wasn’t naked or else that’d truly make things worse for us. 
It was like a war zone, avoiding each other at all costs, it was truly sad. Sneaking past the curtain to use the bathroom for showers and such, and him coming to my side to leave out the door. The only times we’d actually run into each other was when we’d go to the mini fridge and microwave, those were directly in the middle of our shared room, meaning awkward encounters just for a water or snack. Then there was the issue for the windows, I liked them drawn to a tight close, no sunlight permitted, and he liked them open allowing the mornings radiance in. 
We were total opposites. 
He was the shy, yet happy, worker. While I was the sad, fake-happy girl, working just to get by. 
It was a typical Friday night, I had just been lying in bed, the lights off, windows drawn to a tight close. The room was dark minus the flickering fairy lights hanging on the walls as I stared at the ceiling dotted with glow in the dark stars, watching the light slowly fade out of them. 
Jungkook should be home any minute according to his previous Friday night track records. He never stayed out late or went to parties, that much I knew. He too shy for social interactions like those.
The door opened, the light from the hallway blinding, my hands flew to my eyes to block out the burning artificial lights. “Close the door Jungkook,” I whined and with a soft click I looked up and noticed he wasn’t alone. 
The stranger chuckled and turned on the lights blinding me once more.  “Are you a vampire or something?” Asked the new male, I moved my hands from my eyes as I looked into his warm brown ones. “Hyung let’s go to my side of the room, please?” 
“Why, your roommate is seriously attractive. You should’ve mentioned her to me before I showed up like this.” He said referring to his sweats, he flashed me a smile also revealing his dimples.  
“Kim Namjoon,” he greeted with a bow, I sat up in my bed and nodded smiling. “Y/n,” was all I said as I tried to discreetly smooth down my hair. 
“That’s pretty,” he said as Jungkook began to tug him away, anger evident in his features. “Come on Namjoon,” he groaned earning the older’s attention.
“I’ll see you around, yeah?” He asked, giving me another one his dimpled smiles. “Hopefully,” I said with a laugh as I laid back down in bed. Jungkook switched the room light off as he and Namjoon went to his side of the room. Behind the curtain his lamp turned on.  
The two males began to talk quietly, “Come on Jungkook why not. You have a beautiful voice, you’d be amazing in our band.”
“I can't sing well.” he muttered.
“Jeon Jungkook,” I called moving to the other side of the curtain, having enough of hearing their knit-pick argument. “Ever since I’ve known you since we were kids, you’ve always been able to sing. You sing all the time, in the shower, lying in bed, doing your workout. Everything is lyrics to you.” 
His face darkened as Namjoon clapped him on the back. “Wait so are you his girlfriend or friend?” He asked as he stared both of us down. 
“Neither, Kook here doesn’t even talk to me.”
Namjoons eyes widened as he looked at the younger male and back to me. A look of interest sparked in his eyes, “Well Y/n if you ever want to talk you can give me a call, let me get your number.” I nodded and went and grabbed my phone.
Jungkook stood baffled watching Namjoon and I exchange numbers, biting his lip and forcing his eyes away from mine. Namjoon handed me back my phone and looked between Jungkook and I as his went off. He read the messages coming through and nodded to Jungkook.
“Let me know if you change your mind, Jin hyung is worrying about me. I gotta go. It was a pleasure meeting you Y/n text me later?” I nodded and he nodded to Jungkook as he left the room. 
Noting that I was still on Jungkook’s side of the room I quickly went to apologize only for him to cut me off. “Look at you go Y/n, flinging yourself on every guy that comes into your life. You’re seriously becoming such a whore, even when we were children you were always flirting with boys.”
“What the Hell? Jungkook, I wasn't even flirting. I was being polite and he gave me his number. I just wanted to help you make your dream of being an idol happen.”
“Yeah? Well guess what Y/n, I can make my own decisions, I don’t need your help. I don't even need you in my life, you always screw things up and ruin everything for me. Why the Hell did they even cast you as my roommate? I just wish you’d get out of my life and let me live.”
My heart fell as my eyes welled up with tears, with the tiny ounce of pride I had I turned on my toes and walked away. “Always running when you’re faced with the truth.”
“Jungkook, just shut the fuck up. You used to be my best friend, Hell I still considered you my friend but you know what? Friends don’t go blaming everything wrong with themselves on each other or try to raise their self-esteem. I can’t believed I ever had a crush on you!” With a shake of my head I slipped on my shoes and opened up the door. 
“I’ll leave you be, hopefully your life gets better.” I called over my shoulder, slamming the door closed behind me as I left our dorm and wandered the halls. Where could I even stay? 
There was always the option of sleeping in the car, Hell even going back to my parents house and staying there for a week or two until I found an apartment off campus where I could permanently avoid Jungkook. It was obvious he no longer wanted me in his life.
Jungkook paced his side of the room, his thoughts running in every direction to the words you’d spoken to him last night. He thought surely you’d be back tonight, then he was reminded of the words he had spoken and regretted it all. 
Yelling at you in a blind rage of jealousy, he should’ve kept to his shy demeanor and not even said anything. He shouldn't have gotten so worked up over nothing. He prayed that you’d come back into the shared room and go back to your bed, that things would go back to normal.
No not normal, but with him tearing down the stupid curtain and moving the bookshelf, with him being able to hold and kiss you. Just have everything work out the way he dreamed, not with you being gone for good. 
He was afraid that something seriously bad happened to you. That he truly hurt you. Your words kept ringing in his ears, I’ll leave you be, hopefully your life gets better. He was afraid that those words meant you were never coming back. But you had to if you wanted your stuff back, you’d never been so petty before but then again he’s never been much of an asshole to you. 
He vowed to not leave his room until you returned for your things. He stopped pacing and tore down the curtain separating your half of the room. He grabbed the shelf and pushed it to the window, turning it so was right against the blinds. He was determined to be here when you arrived, he needed to patch things up. 
Hopefully it’s not too late.
The nights came and gone, I was gradually missing my side of the dorm room. My plush mattress and blankets. The plush pillows and fairylights. I missed my stuff. I knew when Jungkook would be at work and in classes, so I had a good amount of time to get in and out before he’d come back and see.
I was pretty confident that he wouldn't notice, and grateful we didn't have anything else together besides the room. I already found a great apartment, and a new roommate to stay with so Jungkook could finally have a better life. 
Maybe it was true that I caused him problems, I bet he’s doing great now. Can finally have girls over and guy friends. Bet the room is shaping up to be his ideal man cave. 
Pulling out the key, which I’ll be sure to leave on the fridge so he’ll notice, I unlocked the door and entered. The room was dark, my fairy lights still on, I closed the door behind me only to be tackled and pinned to the wall. 
A scream escaped my lips, but was quickly silenced by an open mouthed kiss. My eyes were wide as I noticed Jungkook’s soft features come into play. He looked as if he hadn't slept in days. 
He pulled away, an apologetic look on his features, a blush on his cheeks. “Jungkook-”
“Y/n, I’m sorry. I overreacted. I was jealous and a major douchebag. I-just please don’t leave me. Please?” He begged, his eyes watery, my heart twisted in guilt as my stomach churned in anger. 
“You called me a whore and said your life would be better without me.” He dipped his head, a tear rolling down his cheek past his scar, reaching out, I didn't even know what I as doing until I felt his tear on my thumb. 
“Dont cry Jungkook,” I muttered, my hand still on his soft face. “I-I moved everything, I-I don't want isolation. I miss you. I hate how mad I got, all because of Namjoon. He was winning you over, something that I couldn't even do and I hated it.” 
“So what I’m hearing is you had a little crush on me?” I teased and his blush darkened as he buried his face into my neck. “Aw, Kookie,” I muttered running my fingers through his soft locks. “I like you too, just next time don’t be such an ass to me.”
“I won’t,” he whispered drawing my body closer to his. “Does that mean you’ll stay?”
“Yeah, but one question, are you going to be my boyfriend or awkward roommate?” 
“Both.” Laughing softly I pushed him up and he looked at me in confusion, grabbing his shoulders I brought his head down to mine, a quick kiss to his lips.He smiled as we pulled away and pulled me to his side of the room, together we laid on his bed as he hummed. 
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stephhannes · 5 years
one year ago, we left new york.
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a week before we moved out of our apartment, i started cleaning. our kitchen was a straight-up disaster zone. when we first moved in, the AC unit in the kitchen was leaking underneath the tiles so everything was just….moist for awhile. for whatever reason, nathan refused to call maintenance whenever something was broken in the apartment so we lived with a wet floor for months until it started leaking in the apartment below us and they fixed it one day when i was at work.
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because of that, there were weird remnants of amazon boxes that had melted and become a frankentile with the flooring. and we put off cleaning that for….the entire time we lived there. nathan’s whole concept of cleaning was “we can put it off until right before we move, it’ll be fine, we’ll still get our security deposit back.” i, however, could not live in a scum palace, so i would clean up once a week, but a lot of it slipped through the cracks. so the week before we left, there i was, cleaning all the cracks in the kitchen. i sat and scrubbed the kitchen floor for hours, painstakingly scraping up weird sticky spots and cardboard. there was a drawer that just had loose rice in it from a broken bag, and cleaning that was surprisingly tricky. i lysol’d the chicken shelf. i completely dismembered our stove to scrub underneath the burners. i swept up all of the onion skin and coffee grounds that had fallen in the crevice between the counters and the fridge. and then i moved onto the bathroom. while i wish i could have taken a match to the room, i just poured fabuloso all over the entire space, which is basically the same thing. my favorite part was when nathan came home one day and was like “wow, the bathroom looks so nice….why did you clean it?” and i was just like…..because, you idiot, we’re moving in a week and i’m trying to get a security deposit back. the only thing worse than having to clean all of the hair out of the sink was the period of time that our bathtub wouldn’t drain and i had to take a bath with every shower i took.
i’m a person who likes to be over-prepared. especially when it comes to things like traveling, or moving. i make lists, i get all my ducks in a row ahead of time and count them twice. nathan is the exact opposite. we left nyc on the morning of may 23rd, and i couldn’t quit work until may 21st, because i couldn’t afford to take any more days than that off. in my head, i anticipated that on the 22nd we would have been doing the final touches on cleaning and packing. we would have all our furniture out, all of the floors swept, everything we were taking back to texas in suitcases. the only thing we’d have out is the mattress so that we could go to bed at a decent time and be well-rested for our flight the next morning, the only thing we’d have to do in the morning is toss our mattress on the streets and leave.
but of course, that’s not how it panned out. the week leading up to moving, nathan did absolutely nothing in regards to packing. the only thing that got done was the prior cleaning i had accomplished. on may 21st, i got very drunk at my going-away party at work, came home at some stupid hour and fell asleep. i woke up at like 2pm on the 22nd, and nathan still hadn’t started anything. i had to go run an errand downtown, so i picked up the halal guys on my way back uptown. when i got back, we ate and then he went to the gym and then i was like uhhh ok i guess i should start getting shit together. so while he was at the gym i packed up all of my clothes. then, when i moved onto packing up the kitchen, i realized there was a lot of alcohol still left, and me, being a certified poor person, didn’t want to waste the money i had spent on it, so i started drinking while cleaning. when he got back from the gym, we accomplished my favorite part of moving- we slam dunked his nasty basketball shoes right into the dumpster.
we took turns throwing trash out into the hall, and leaving furniture down in the lobby. and eventually, around 4am, we had most of our garbage cleaned out of the apartment. also by this point, i had sobered up from drinking earlier in the night and was feeling dehydrated and terrible. all i wanted to do was sleep, but we still had so much to get done. by this point, i was getting stressed because we definitely were not close to finishing on time.
my breaking point was when we were trying to re-assemble our smoke detector. we disassembled it at some point early in our time living there because it would go off even if we were just boiling water. nathan struggled to put it back together for like 10 minutes and called me into the hallway to advise. me, being a person who’s done this before suggested, “oh so you have to flip that latch and then put the battery on top of it, then screw on the top,” and of course, immediately, nathan was like “no, that’s not right that doesn’t make any sense,” and after struggling for five more minutes i pushed him out of the way and was like, “oh my god let me do this” and i re-assembled it on my first try. because i was right.
we watched the sun rise over the GWB one last time.
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our flight was leaving in 3 hours. we still had a couch, and a bed, and a table in the apartment. i had a headache. we hadn’t eaten in hours. so while nathan ran out to get bagels i cried for a solid 15 minutes out of exhaustion and stress.
i moved to new york with two suitcases. one for all my clothes/shoes, and one for towels, linens and pillows. somehow i thought i’d be able to leave new york with two suitcases, despite having accumulating even more stuff. i was shocked when i was actually able to fit everything that i owned and wanted to keep into one suitcase, my second one was basically just dedicated to nathan’s shoes and winter clothes.
when we were leaving for the airport i remember mentioning, “hey we should probably call an uber because i doubt all of our suitcases are going to fit into a taxi,” but nathan refused, so we walked two blocks to get a taxi and then had to spend a stupid amount of time playing jenga to get our suitcases into aforementioned taxi. two fit in the trunk, one was in the front seat, one was in my lap.
my suitcase was 10lbs overweight and southwest charges $75 for an overweight bag. so of course i lost my god damn mind and started crying and flung myself to the floor and started throwing things out of my bag and trying to shuffle things around to get it underweight. i was an airport goblin. here’s the thing: i’m actually very good at traveling. i’ve gotten my personal travel down to a science and i love flying and am usually very collected. but i was so stressed, i hadn’t slept in a day, and it truly brought out the worst in me.
once we made it onto the plane nathan told me that he never wanted to travel with me again because i am a disaster, and i promised that i’m not usually like that, but he definitely didn’t believe me- i’m so glad i made a good first impression. whenever we got to our parents’ houses back in texas i sent him a very nice text apologizing for being the human equivalent of a hurricane and he was just like, “it’s fine, you’re lucky i love you and also that i know exactly who you are.” which is true, i’m lucky that he knew and accepted exactly what kind of gremlin he was about to spend the rest of his life with.
despite paying a disgusting amount of money in rent, that was a dope little apartment. we had more space than we knew what to do with, literally half of our furniture in the living room was just a pile of nathan’s clothes because we needed something to take up some space. it was nice to have a doorman, even though there were a handful of times when i got stopped on my way into the building. my favorite time was when i rolled in at 3am after drinking with coworkers, and i had left my columbia ID in the apartment. usually this wasn’t an issue, but the person at the front desk stopped me for once and wouldn’t let me go upstairs without it. when you’re an actual columbia student, it’s not an issue because you can just give your student ID number to get in, but i was like “uhhhhh i don’t have one, i don’t go here, my husband does, please just let me into my home i want to be in my bed i am so drunk” and they were like “ok well he can bring your ID or he can sign you in,” and i was like “I PAY SO MUCH MONEY IN RENT HERE. MY ID IS UPSTAIRS, IN THE APARTMENT THAT I PAY RENT FOR, I CAN GO UPSTAIRS, TO THE APARTMENT I LIVE IN, AND BRING MY ID AND SHOW IT TO YOU” at this point, the doorman was DONE with me and was like, “well if i let you upstairs to get your ID, i’d still be letting you into the building without an ID and i can’t do that,” and i stood corrected, yeah ok touché, and then i had to call nathan to bring down my ID. luckily he was still awake, and since i was very drunk and love drama when i get stressed i started crying in the lobby while i was waiting for nathan to come downstairs. i would say this was my NYC rock bottom, but my NYC rock bottom was obviously the night i threw up in a mcdonald’s and 3 subway stations and lost my phone.
even though i was constantly stressed living in NYC, it was nice being able to come home to an apartment that wasn’t tiny, had a ton of natural light, and never had a rat (or carpenter bee) problem. i’m also so glad we got to avoid having roommates. we never really “moved into” our apartment- all of our furniture was trash we collected off of the streets, i never decorated anything, or even hung up all of my clothes. we knew we were going to be leaving new york after that year, so we tried to invest as little money as possible into the apartment. in fact, we invested so little money in the apartment that i didn’t have a mirror the entire time we lived there- we also had no overhead lighting. we found one lamp, so our bedroom got a lamp. if we wanted light in the living room, instead of just buying two lamps, we’d have to decide which room needed the light more and move the lamp accordingly.
when we moved to philly, even though all of our furniture was the cheapest we could find at walmart, we still actually spent money on buying matching furniture. pretty much all of our decor came from my old apartment in austin, but at least we tried to do some decorating. even though we put effort into having a kind of put-together home, it still felt less like home than 60 haven avenue did.
here’s a few pictures of our old apartment. first, the living room- where you can see “the pile” in its full glory. instead of folding and putting clothes away, nathan just dumped all of his clothing in a pile in the living room, partially because he didn’t care about organization and partially to just fill up some dead space. second, a corner of our bedroom- we fit a full mattress and still had a ton of space in the room. the window looked out at the GWB, which was my favorite part of the apartment. third, the bathroom- the only reason the shower curtain and bath mat look coordinated is because i brought them with me from my austin apartment. (the only reason we have a shower curtain is because i brought it. nathan didn’t think we needed one, and literally didn’t have one for a few weeks before i moved in). finally, the kitchen- it was pretty small but it did the job. this is a terrible picture of it, but you can see the amazon boxes that got fused to the floor when the floor started to leak. also pictured is a broom and dustpan, two items that sat in plain sight in the kitchen the entire time we lived there, but that nathan was still shocked to learn that we owned the first time he saw me sweeping the floors. 
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ladylynse · 6 years
Whirlwind: Part IV - A Secret Quartet fanfic  (FFnet | AO3)
(Part I/Part II/Part III): Jake should be used to ominous predictions by now. Randy should know better than to blindly follow McFist. Adrien should think twice before sneaking away. And Danny should’ve expected something like this when he got that phone call.  (Timeline post)
5:53 PM
Jake couldn’t find an obvious hole in security around the building where the fashion show gala whatever-it-was was being held—every entrance was guarded and all the windows were closed, assuming any actually opened in the first place—and that made his job a little harder. He could probably get in from the roof. After all, a locked door was no match for his dragon claw unless it was magically locked, and this wouldn’t be. No, his problem with that method was the fact that there were cameras everywhere. He’d already have to invent some cover story in case people realized this first attack was due to magic; he didn’t need to add a dragon sighting to the mix.
He flew for about a block and a half before dropping into an alley, changing, and doubling back. His very human eyes picked out even fewer details than he had as a dragon, so he lurked across the street for a bit so he could text Fu and Danny and fill them in. The Ninja had told him enough to worry him. The fact that this place had been targeted out of everything else that was going on in the NYC tonight?
Not a coincidence.
Definitely not a coincidence.
Jake already knew Chat Noir had done some research. He’d found their shop, after all. It wouldn’t have been hard for him to find their family, either. Or his mom’s catering business. But the fact that he knew she’d be here tonight?
Jake made sure his phone was on silent before shoving it back into his pocket. In his book, going after parents was a low blow. His mom might know about the magical world, but she didn’t have dragon powers, so she couldn’t exactly defend herself as easily as her father or her kids. Endangering her was pretty much a declaration of war in Jake’s book. Even the elves she worked with didn’t do much in terms of magic; they wouldn’t be able to protect themselves, let alone anyone else, if it came down to a fight.
Jake kinda doubted she’d drop everything and leave, given how that would look, but at the very least, he could warn her. And hide somewhere nearby in case she needed protection. Even if she didn’t want him to.
Magic was looking like his best bet to get into this place, even if Gramps wouldn’t approve.
Magic, or maybe just the truth. Or at least a half truth. It would probably look better when he tried to explain this to everyone else if magic wasn’t his first resort.
He tried to pat his hair into something his mother might think was an acceptable position before peeling off to approach one of the security guards, a stern-faced lady with greying hair pulled back into a bun. “I’m Jake Long,” he said when he’d reached her. “The caterer’s son. She asked me to come by and help move some things.”
The dubious look he received had him pulling out his student card, which was about the only ID he actually had. “See?”
“Sorry, kid. Can’t let anyone in without the proper clearance, and unless I hear from someone else, that’s going to include you.”
“But my mom—”
“I don’t make the rules, kiddo.”
Jake managed not to scowl at the nickname. “Can’t you at least radio someone? Ask for Susan Long to come down? She’ll vouch for me.” His mother would not be happy, but she’d understand.
“Look, I don’t think you understand—”
“Are you sure you understand?” interrupted Jake. “This is an important party, yo. Do you want to be the one who ruined it because you wouldn’t let in the caterer’s help?”
“Listen, kid. The caterer has all the help she needs, and all those people have the proper clearance and badges to prove it. You don’t. So beat it.”
Of all the times not to have his board with him. There was no way this lady would’ve been able to catch him if he did, even in this crowd.
He didn’t have time to go back and get Fu to brew up a potion.
He didn’t really have a lot of time to wait around and focus for any fancy magic of his own, either, not when he didn’t know how things had gone down with Danny or if this Chat Noir had set anything up—or if his potential partner had, assuming it wasn’t the Ninja who had baited the trap Jake was trying to walk right into.
So he bolted, making a beeline for the door. The security guard was right on his tail, but he was used to that, and he was as good at ducking underneath obstacles as he was at flying over them. Of course, he didn’t know if the door was locked, and he didn’t have the time to pick it, so he called up what dragon strength he could in human form and wrenched it open. This nearly sent him flying back because it hadn’t been locked, probably because there was some kind of First Aid station set up just inside the doors, and he plowed through them and jumped the barriers without missing a beat.
He had to find his mom.
He had to warn her.
The fact that the first attack had been here couldn’t have been a coincidence.
If she at least knew to keep an eye out, that there was someone around, probably someone who was watching her, she and the rest of her crew could be extra careful. Take more precautions than usual. And spend as little time hanging around as possible.
With that in mind, Jake twisted around the new security guard that had joined the chase and raced down the hall. He tried to get his bearings as he went. He’d come in some side entrance, off the beaten path but not disconnected from the main hall that he could see ahead. He got through the next set of doors and ran full tilt into another pair of security officers. A few quick breaths of flame surprised them enough to give him time to scramble to his feet, vault over the next set of barriers, and keep going.
The fire probably hadn’t been the brightest idea, in hindsight; now, they probably thought he had a lighter and maybe that he was a particularly stupid arsonist. In all likelihood, it would bring more people down on him. But he worked with what he had. Once he got to his mom and warned her, then he’d leave. Sneak out, if that was actually possible, but at the very least willingly be kicked out.
Hopefully, his mom would step in if they actually called the police.
Jake didn’t pay attention to the screams. He just kept running and dodging, zigzagging and sliding, weaving and rolling. He scattered more than a few chairs, tore down a banner or two or ten, and tried to be as inconspicuous in his use of dragon powers as possible.
There was more than a little flame in his wake, though.
Which might have set off the fire alarm.
And activated the sprinklers.
Just a little bit.
He risked a glance over his shoulder, confirmed that they were still chasing him, and then looked forward. Realizing too late he was about to careen into the table, he tried to brake, swerve, jump it, anything, but he was going too fast to control it, especially with the wet floors, and—
“Jake Long!”
Something that may have been caviar slid down the side of his face, joining the mess of unidentifiable hors d’oeuvres in his lap and, well, everywhere else.
“Just what do you think you’re doing, young man?”
He was so dead.
“Um…. Delivering a message?” He couldn’t tell her in front of everyone that he was trying to warn her. Not that there were many people left besides her staff—who knew about him, being elves—and the guards chasing him. The only reason she was standing over him, soaking wet and glaring, was because she’d recognized the magic in the fire most humans couldn’t identify. She thought this mess was his fault, that he’d ruined this show—gala—whatever it was—for nothing.
“You did all this,” Susan Long repeated slowly, her voice quiet and tight, “just to deliver a message? Jake, I’m going to be lucky if anyone hires me after this. Gabriel Agreste has his fingers in a lot of pots, even over here. What can possibly be so important that you would do this?”
Jake looked behind him, decided he had enough time, and hurriedly whispered, “There’s going to be an attack. I think. This new guy in town, Chat Noir, he knows about us. About all of us. He’s going to try to hurt you—”
“Jake.” Something in Susan’s expression had softened, if not enough to save his hide. “I appreciate your concern, but you need to learn to judge the situation at hand.” She was speaking though her teeth now, a tight apologetic smile fixed on her face as she turned to the guards who’d come up behind him. “My apologies for my son’s antics,” she said. “We will of course pay for the damage he caused.”
Jake swallowed.
He wasn’t sure his mother’s company and his family’s savings combined could cover everything he had just done. Insurance wasn’t going to help if they thought he’d done this on purpose, and he couldn’t exactly tell anyone else the truth.
How had he managed to screw up this much in such a short period of time?
6:24 PM
They were ruined before opening night. Oh, something might be salvageable. The new opening could be staged elsewhere tomorrow night, possibly even with an improvised, shorter show as a teaser outside tonight. But he had come here for more than just the show; that had merely been a convenient guise.
A quick test of the waters had proven fruitful, lending credence to information he hadn’t been sure was reliable.
Finding Chat Noir in the city as well was simply a delightful bonus. Without his usual fighting partner by his side, there was an even greater chance than usual that he’d finally acquire the Ring of the Black Cat.
Especially now.
He didn’t know the details of what had happened, of course. Not yet. But he could find out easily enough. Even in the midst of the terror and chaos, he could feel the anger, the hurt, the shame, the disappointment.
The others could wait for him a little bit longer.
He cradled his hands and called a butterfly to him, infusing it with magic. “Destroyed by a child’s folly and burning with righteous fire within. What better time than now to let her fury blaze freely? Fly away, my little akuma, and blacken her heart!”
The akuma flitted off immediately, and he didn’t have to wait long until the connection was made. Sensing his victim’s heart, he smiled. “Hello, Dracona,” he said. “My name is Hawk Moth. I know how it feels to be betrayed by your own blood, to be painted as the draconian villain. I’ll help you to unleash your inner fire and find fairness in flame to teach a lesson that won’t be so easily forgotten. All I ask in return is for you to gather as much information on what passes for superheroes in this city as you can—and to fetch the ring of Chat Noir if he crosses your path. Do we have a deal?”
He was used to immediate agreement. Instead, he sensed laughter. “Hawk Moth,” drawled his chosen champion, “I haven’t heard of you before. You don’t sound like the Mothman.”
He gritted his teeth, took a breath, and said, “I am far from mere fantasy. I can grant you power—”
“Let me unlock my own power,” she breathed, “and you have a deal.”
“It is always a matter of unlocking your own power,” he assured her, not adding that Nooroo’s magic truly let the transformation occur. “Do we have an agreement?”
“Yes, Hawk Moth.”
He felt the magic overtake her, transform her, but there was something…wilder about it than he was used to. As if Dracona would prove more troublesome than most. The magic seemed stronger than it should, but not in his favour—as if she really did have her own power.
The notion was ridiculous, of course. Mere humans could only obtain power as he had, with magical objects. It was never inherently within them. More likely, this one had simply unleashed an inner fury she typically kept contained.
He heard a roar, a cacophony of screams, and smiled.
Chat Noir would return, as would this Ninja, and with any luck, the power he had granted Dracona would help him gain more of his own.
6:07 PM
Randy had barely gotten back inside the venue where this fashion show gala thing was being held when the fire alarm started blaring and the sprinklers went off.
Naturally, he hid, so instead of getting swept out of the building with everyone else, he was still around to see more than a few pairs of sodden security guards escort a sullen teenager from the building. He saw the woman walking a step behind them, a string of apologies falling from her lips, and guessed that whoever she was—she was wearing a uniform, so she had to be someone—that she was responsible for the boy.
And it didn’t take a genius to guess that the poor shoob was probably the one who’d wonked this up big time.
As fire marshals cleared the last of the building, Randy slipped out to follow the kid and the other woman. Hopefully, he’d get a better idea of who was feeling worse before they split up. Not that that would stop the Sorceress if this was her work; she’d just target both of them. Heck, she might just target the entire crowd. There had to be a lot of people out there who were sure their evening had been ruined, Marci and McFist included….
“I can’t go home, Mom,” complained the boy when the guards had finally left—miraculously without calling the cops, as far as Randy could tell. He wondered how many strings had had to be pulled for that to happen. He and Howard probably wouldn’t have gotten off so easily if they’d been caught red-handed like this boy. “I’ve got—y’know—that business I’ve gotta take care of.”
The mother’s lips thinned. “Then go to the store and fetch your grandfather. I don’t want you working alone on this, Jake.”
“But you—”
“The only danger I’m in is of losing my business after what you’ve done.”
Randy winced even as the boy deflated. His mom’s tone hadn’t been angry, exactly. More quietly disapproving, dripping with disappointment and a touch of resignation. As if the damage was done, as if there wasn’t time to be angry. Or—judging by the tightness of her expression—as if it weren’t the time or place to make a scene.
“Just let me fix this—”
“Jake,” his mother snapped, “leave it. You’ve done enough. I don’t have any more strings to pull and my favours won’t mean anything if I can’t recover from this. If you are right about there being more danger than usual, then I won’t let you work alone. You know I’m not unprotected. Go. Your responsibility isn’t for me.”
Jake’s burning face betrayed the shame he was feeling, but he still opened his mouth to argue. Randy bit his lip. The Sorceress would make short work of either of these two---and probably practically anyone in the crowd who was crying over a ruined dress or angry over a ruined night or—
This was going to be bad.
He could use some help.
He kinda wished the dragon had stuck around, but maybe it was best that he hadn’t; fire-breathing dragons didn’t exactly exude calm.
It would’ve been nice if cat boy had shown his face again, though, even if Randy had to admit he’d lost Chat Noir’s stick thing in the fire. He didn’t remember dropping it, but it wasn’t in his pockets anymore, so he must have. That was really saying something, considering it had been ages since he’d accidentally dumped his throwing balls anywhere or lost his sword.
Randy touched the earpiece the Am Drag had given him. He’d put it on under the mask, but it seemed to be dead—which was unfortunate because it was probably his only source of backup. Maybe the channel wasn’t actually pre-set on it. Or maybe there was no one to hear him trying to use it. He pushed the button on the side again and whispered, “Hey, uh, whoever can hear this…. It’d be honkin’ bruce if I could get a little help. I’m, ah, pretty sure I’m gonna need it.”
He pressed the button and tried again.
“Who is this?”
Randy blinked. He hadn’t actually expected a response, at least not from someone who definitely wasn’t the Am Drag. Maybe this thing wasn’t broken. Or maybe he’d just been hitting the wrong button, or not holding it long enough, or pressing it twice, or something. “I’m the Ninja,” he answered, retreating as much as he could. The wail of sirens had cut off a few minutes ago, and the buzz of the crowd wouldn’t necessarily hide his conversation this close to the people he’d been watching. “Who’re you?”
“The…what? Forget it, where’d you get this?”
“Where’d I get what?”
“The Fenton Phone!”
“The what?”
There was grumbling on the other end of the line, coupled with a sharp increase in wind noise. Whoever it was was on the move. “The communication device you’re using to talk to me.”
Oh. “I’ve got some friends in high places,” he said evasively.
More grumbling. Then, “Where are you?”
“Um.” Randy wasn’t actually sure. He’d found the place; that didn’t mean he knew where it was. He’d planned on following McFist back to the plane when the time came. “Where the big fashion show is. The opening thing. The gala. Y’know. That place.” Even he knew that wasn’t the most helpful description in the world. “You can’t miss it,” he added before the other guy could say something. “Just look for all the firetrucks and stuff. All the lights are still flashing.”
That was definitely a groan. “Fine, I’ll find you eventually. Just stay put.”
“Are you honkin’ kidding me? I’m gonna be waaaay too busy to leave if this shakes out the way I think it will.”
“Which is how, exactly?”
As if he was going to tell some shoob on the other end of the line about the Sorceress and everything she could do. “Bad.”
“How bad?”
“Yeah, but how bad are we talking?”
There was a note of earnestness the other boy’s voice that gave Randy pause. He was used to dealing with the Sorcerer, but this wasn’t Norrisville. This was New York City, and he had no clue about the lay of the land. He couldn’t assume the Sorceress was going to be as clueless because chances were she’d been operating for a while, biding her time until some event like this came up as a perfect opportunity to gain power. He doubted she’d counted on a dragon being in town, much less him or some foreign cat boy, but if she attacked now? With so many people around, all ready to panic?
It would be pandemonium, and the chaos would only make her stronger. The three of them would have a tough time stopping her. And if they failed?
“Worst case? Apocalyptic. So I’d rather wonk her cheese before it gets to the point.”
“You’d rather…what? Who are you talking about? Who are we dealing with?”
“I’ll fill you in when you get here. You won’t be able to miss me. Pretty sure I’m the only Ninja in town.”
“With the secrets this place has, I wouldn’t count on it,” was the muttered response.
Randy didn’t hear a click, but the background noise of rushing wind vanished abruptly. He shut his own earpiece off—or he tried—and crept back outside. The mother and son duo had vanished, though that amounted to little given the crowd not fifty feet away. They could be anywhere, and they weren’t the Sorceress’s only potential victims.
Besides, if the Sorceress had been out for any length of time and regained any power at all, she wasn’t going to be limited to people who were emotionally compromised. She could stank anyone, maybe even him if he wasn’t careful. She’d had zero trouble stanking people when she’d caught everyone at the fake club last time, even before they’d all been really panicking. She’d even gotten Morgan, and that girl was level-headed enough to have avoided the Sorcerer so far.
Still, as far as he knew, the Sorceress actually had to have eyes on someone to stank them like that.
If she was waiting around somewhere, she was either in the middle of the crowd…or somewhere above it.
Randy chewed his lip. The Nomicon hadn’t been flashing at him, so it didn’t have anything to say, which was weird. But maybe it wouldn’t be the worst idea in the world to double check on that, assuming it would open for him. He could probably get back out of it in time to meet whoever he’d just been talking to on the earphone thingy.
He ended up sprinting back inside and hiding under a table. He yanked his mask off and pulled out the Nomicon. It fell open at his touch, and he fell into the dizzying world of spiralling symbols.
He didn’t land so much as crash into a pool of water. He broke the surface, sputtering but not hurt. He swam the few meters to shore and tried to wipe the water out of his eyes. “What the juice, Nomicon? I just want some tips on dealing with the honkin’ Sorceress. I don’t need a bath! I don’t smell that much. It’s the smoke bombs.”
Angrily yelling at the sky actually had a chance of being effective in the Nomicon, and sure enough, clouds began gathering above him. He crossed his arms and waited. After a few seconds, misty words had formed: TO CLEANSE THE SOUL, ONE MUST FIRST CLEAR THE MIND.
“How the cheese do you expect me to cleanse the mind and soul of the Sorceress? She’s the Sorceress.”
The Nomicon, being its usual unhelpful self, only slightly amended its message: TO CLEANSE THE SOUL, ONE MUST FIRST CLEAR THE MIND.
“Clear and cleanse mean the same thing!”
A second underline appeared beneath the first.
Randy scowled.
He wasn’t entirely surprised when the clouds descended to engulf him. Hacking, he sat back up in the real world—and banged his head on the table. Of course. The Nomicon swung closed and slid to the floor. Once he had his mask back on and had stuffed the Nomicon into his pocket, he poked his head out from beneath the tablecloth to make sure the coast was still clear.
It wasn’t.
The officials wouldn’t have cleared this place for re-entry yet; he should have been safe. Instead, that kid’s mom was there. Her uniform was still a mess, and she was still soaked through from the sprinklers. She and her son probably should’ve been looked over for smoke inhalation or something like that if they’d been one of the last ones out; she certainly shouldn’t have been here.
Except she was.
More to the point, she was definitely ripe for the stanking. Her fists were clenched, her tie was askew and—yeah, that was definitely a scorch mark on her red blazer. She just stood in the middle of the room, looking at the mess. The ruin.
She should be safe. The Sorceress wouldn’t have reason to look in here, not right now, not when it was supposed to be clear and she had tons of targets outside. Except….
Except he could see this woman trembling. Anger, frustration, hopelessness—he wasn’t sure why. He just knew she was vulnerable.
After what had happened with the other lady outside, the one who’d called herself the Critic— After that, he shouldn’t have been surprised when he spotted the black butterfly. The problem was, he spotted it too late. He only noticed it when it was right there, and then it landed on the woman’s necklace and melted into it. She froze, her trembling stopping, and he overheard half of a whispered conversation that made zero sense.
Well, almost zero sense.
Let me unlock my own power. Never a good request in his book. Yes, Hawk Moth. Like it wasn’t actually the Sorceress behind this after all, just some shoob obsessed with butterflies. And, worst of all, you have a deal. Because he had no idea what that deal was, just the conviction that it was going to seriously wonk things up.
And then she…changed.
It wasn’t exactly like watching someone be stanked, but it was close. Similar enough, at any rate. Suspiciously so. The animalistic features were all too familiar, and the shimmering purple-pink scales—slashed with green on the underbelly—weren’t a surprise, either. The wings and tail, on the other hand? The horns? The ridge of spines from nape to tail? The length of those sharp talons? Yeah, those were more surprising. The intelligence behind those dark eyes wasn’t a comfort, either.
He’d been excited to meet his first real live dragon.
He was considerably less excited to meet the second.
He wondered what the chances were of the first one coming back.
He should really go back outside. Wait for that other person to show up. Try to figure out how to fight a honkin’ dragon without endangering everyone else. The Critic hadn’t been able to breathe fire—he was not going to bet this dragon couldn’t—or fly, which had at least limited her ability to do serious damage. This time….
Randy swallowed. The Nomicon hadn’t mentioned anything about this. Maybe it hadn’t known. If no other Ninja had ever encountered the like, that was definitely possible. And how many Ninjas would’ve met a dragon that hadn’t just been created by the Sorcerer?
At least he knew how to do the Ninja Hydro Hand. That would probably help. Plus the fact that he knew why this lady had gotten stanked. Or, well, butterflied. Same idea. He’d figured out that much.
The dragon beat her wings, overturning nearby chairs and effectively ruining his cover when the tablecloth went flying, but she didn’t seem to notice him. Which was good, because it didn’t seem to be taking her long to get used to her new form. It had never taken anyone who was stanked long, either. It was like a natural instinct.
There was an upside, though: because this was definitely like someone who was stanked—he knew that from the fight with the Critic—then that should mean—
There. It was hard to pick out against the dragon’s scales, but her necklace hadn’t changed like everything else. The stank—butterfly—whatever—was inside it, and all he had to do was get it and break it and things could go back to normal.
Easier said than done.
“Whatever shoob is coming to back me up better get here soon,” Randy muttered as he stole forward, keeping low to the floor as he followed in the dragon’s wake. She flew steadily and nimbly, sliding to fit through doorways he would’ve thought were too small. He’d expected her to be like a fledgling, still figuring out her wings, but this…. This was skill, like she’d studied aerodynamics her whole life or something. Like she was a pilot, not…whatever her actual job was that had her working here.
She was fast, which meant he’d have to be faster. He’d have to find a way to hold her off until someone arrived, whether it was Mr. Mysterious Voice, Chat Noir, or the Am Drag.
The dragon smashed through the outer doors with a roar, and the screaming began. Palming a few Ninja Cold Balls, Randy ran to catch up.
(Next | see more fics)
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rainbowglittr · 5 years
Senior Year: Chapter 26: pt1 cause it's so long
"Jaleia! Jaleia, wait!" Tyler yelled after me. I've been avoiding and ignoring Tyler for at least a week. I have to admit he is persistent- persistently annoying. I heard his footsteps get closer.
"What do you want Tyler?" I asked, bored of this game of cat and mouse.
"Can we talk later?" he asked, almost out of breath. 
"Why? I don't think we have anything to talk about." I started to put my earbuds into my ears.
"I know you're mad but I promise I will explain everything later. I hate it when you're mad at me."
"Oh now you care about me being mad? This should be good." 
"Seriously, Jaleia."
"I don't know what you expect me to say." I said while I picked out a song.
"Just let me explain, Jal-"
"Fine, Jesse and Kiara are going to be busy during lunch anyway." Jesse had to practice something for his music class, and Kiara was going to be writing an essay. And Robyn, well when has she been to lunch lately, might as well waste my time with Tyler.
"How's Jess?" Tyler asked with his voice low and his head down.
"Wouldn't you like to know? If you really want to know, you'll ask him yourself. I'll see you at lunch." I turned and walked away, my music blasting in my ears. Usually I'm a lot more forgiving, but Tyler, I want him to feel just as bad as he treated us.
The wind rustled the branches around us. I was with Tyler, we were walking to a cheap Pizzeria during lunch. I looked around, it was almost my favorite part of spring, when all of the flowers and plants come into full bloom. Right now, you could only see the buds of the flowers that were soon to awaken.
"Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not believing you about Mariah and not being around very much." Tyler blurted out.
"Okay?"I said, unimpressed by this confession.
"Look I just want us to be cool again, I'm sorry. I found out last night that-anyway. Are we cool?" I heard the hopefulness in his voice.
"I don't think so Tyler. You really treated me like shit." He suddenly stopped and faced me.
"I know and am sorry I'll never do that to you again. I know that you were just trying to look out for me." I crossed my arms at his words.
"What inspired this change of heart? And I'm not the only one you should be apologizing to."
"I know I know. There's a lot of shit going on with me okay?" His voice was slowly getting defensive.
"Who would know that but you Tyler? People tried to help you and you acted stupid and now you don't understand why you're on your own?"
"You know I hate talking about that kind of shit."
"Fine, but you don't have to be a jerk to everyone, everyone has problems but everyone doesn't act like a brat."
"Look my parents have gone fucking insane. Jaleia, they've been fucking fighting nonstop and they totally forgot I existed. I know that Mariah has been fucking other people. And I've been killing myself to get this basketball scholarship. It's been a lot." Two birds flew away as his voice got louder. We started walking again.
"I get that Tyler, but like that's what your friends are supposed to do-help you, but you wouldn't allow anyone to do that you just got sucked into the world of Mariah and didn't listen to anyone. You really screwed it up with Jesse. He didn't deserve that. We were only looking out for you."
"What do you want from me, I'm sorry! I don't know what else to tell you. I'm sorry for not believing you and ignoring you." Tyler raised his voice and threw his hands in the air.
"And being a dick, and for saying stupid things that were not true, for ignoring my feelings, for picking fights, for many more things, need I go on?" I rattled off. We stopped walking again. He turned to face me.
"I'm sorry for all that. But now I see what you were talking about. Now I know that there's better." He said sincerely as he grabbed my hand, stepping closer to me. I pulled away from him. I really couldn't believe him.
"Don't do that." 
"What?" he said, confused.
"Don't do that. I know you well enough to know how you try to hit on girls Tyler. I'm not your backup now that your first choice screwed up. This is what I'm talking about. You are so self absorbed! Spend some time dealing with the things that are clearly bothering you before you ruin another FRIENDSHIP!" I pushed past him and started to walk back to the school.
"Jaleia!" He said, trying to catch up to me. I turned around to face him.
"Stop trying to use people. You're not sorry, you're lonely. When you are actually sorry, come talk to me."
"Jaleia! That's not-I wasn't-I-" He stuttered, trying to think his way out of this.
I walked away. That's what I thought.
"You need to get your friend." I said as I leaned against a tree outside out school. Me and Jesse were in our usual meeting spot after school, waiting for the rest of our friends to come out so we could walk home.
"What do you mean? Who?" Jesse said, a little confused.
"Tyler, I think he's lost his mind."
"I don't fuck with him." Jesse said, flatly.
"He tried to apologize to me and hit on me at them same time. It's ridiculous. And I know you two will eventually make up. You can drop the macho guy act." Jesse rolled his eyes at me, then his eyes darted back at me."
"Wait, what the fuck did he do?" His head tilting as he said it.
"He was all like I know there's better now and tried to grab my hand. He's so stupid. Like I've known him for years I know what moves he tries on girls. That's classic "I'm pulling a move on you."
"What did you do?"
"I told him that he needs to figure out what's going on with him before he ruins another friendship."
"He's a fucking idiot." He sighed, shaking his head.
"Who is a fucking idiot?" Kiara said as she walked up to us.
"Tyler," I said. "He tried to apologize and hit on me at the same time. Who does that?"
"I can't wait for him to get it together. I don't know what's wrong with him."
"Well, apparently his parents are going through a thing. They have no idea what's going on with him. He realized that his little friend has been cheating on him, and been trying to get a basketball scholarship. So he's a little stressed right now we have to forgive him. No matter what he does. I Guess that's what he thinks." I said, while trying to figure out where I put my phone.
"He's a dick." Jesse said with a weird look on his face.
When I got home I laid on my bed and just thought about some things. It had been such a crazy year so far. I never thought that so many things could happen. Jesse and his brother fighting all the time, his sister getting sick, fighting with Tyler. Tyler dating a crazy girl, driving all his friends away, his parents fighting. Robyn-I don't even know what to say about her. So much has happened over the course of like six months. I think at this point me and Kiara are the only normal ones. All of a sudden I got a call from Tyler. It was 10 at night, one it's late, two, I have nothing to say to him, so I declined it. Like two minutes later it rang again, Tyler. I declined it again. Then got a sudden rush of text messages from him coming in.
Idk wat to do
So I texted back
What could be so damned important?
No, what do you want? Before I block you.
What, are you just wasting my time?
No, it's just that...
Mariah is pregnant 
I almost dropped my phone, I read it again to make sure I wasn't crazy. Pregnant? Pregnant? What the hell? Do they not know what condoms are? I get that she may not wanna be on birth control but damn no condoms? What the hell were they thinking? So many thoughts rushed through my head. What were they going to do with a baby? I guess I took too long because Tyler texted me to see if I was still there.
Shocked.... what do you mean like you saw the test?
Yes, positive
Your fucked
Thanks. that helps I dont know what to do
I dont know what you want me to tell you
Didnt she cheat on you?
Yeah but the timing....
Its mine pretty sure
You gonna tell your parents?
I dont know what the fuck to do
And no im not telling them
Your bro?
No. not yet. he wud tell them
Is she keeping it
Your fucked
Please help me
What do you want me to do? I didn't have unprotected sex and get someone pregnant. What am I supposed to do about it?
I dont know, im flipping my shit
I sighed, as annoyed as I am at him right now, I know that if I was in his shoes I wouldn't want the bitchy attitude I was giving him even though he completely deserved it. I would want a little understanding, so I decided to actually try to help him as best as I could. After all, when your friends are in trouble you're supposed to support them not tear them down. Right? Right? And I think at this point Tyler has literally reached rock bottom. I don't think he can go any lower. As much as I feel he doesn't deserve it, I'm going to help him. Then again this is not my responsibility. I don't even know what he expects me to do. I don't even know what to do. I don't even know why I'm so surprised.
You know I'm still mad at you right?
But I'm going to help you, cause I care about you and I think you've also suffered enough right now.
But you have to tell your parents, how can you even keep that a secret?
My parents dont care about me, her parents are always really busy. For the next couple months she wont show so...
And then whats the plan? Thats not a plan and its not smart.
Well she doesnt want to tell them until after prom.
What? Thats ridiculous and stupid
Well she has a cousin that works at planned parenthood that can hook her up until then
Please dont tell anyone. shell kill me and we dont want anyone to know
What if I tell someone that I know really well?
You can't tell anyone.
How am I supposed to keep this a secret? There is no way I can keep this a secret-no way. I have to tell at least Kiara, I know she won't tell anyone else and you know she won't.
Fine but if it gets out then Mariah and me are going to kill you
Ttyl, Tyler.
I sighed, what a mess. I can't wait to tell Kiara tomorrow. I don't even know how to feel at this point. I'm not even sure I want to be involved but I think it's a little late for that. A part of me can't even believe it. I hope it's just a late April fool's joke because... I don't know how this will end but they need to tell their parents for one. This whole situation is a mess. I grabbed the blanket on my bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.
Jesse's POV
"Hey bro!" Shaun said as he opened the door to my room.
"What do you want?" I said, I didn't even look up from my laptop.
"Mom and dad are going out for the night, they sent Diana to Aunt Ebony's. You know I never had a chance to repay you for ratting me out. I know you told mom and dad about school and the car and all the other stuff. So don't worry the time has come for me to repay you for that."
"Just get out Shaun. You deserved it! You're not going to run all over me anymore."
"Oh I'm Not? Did you finally grow a pair?"
"Get out!"
"Make me, BITCH!"
I threw a shoe at his head. I ducked as he threw it back at me. "Fuck you!"
"Oh well I thought about all the ways to repay you and I thought what does Jesse care about the Most? And I found something. Those stupid guitars limited edition special bullshit-" I looked up at him.
"Shaun, what the fuck are you talking about?" I started to panic those guitars were so expensive I bought one and my dad bought the other for me. Special edition, gold trimmed, rare, Martin guitars. I have special cases, everything for them. They cost over a thousand dollars each. Those were not your average guitars. They are like collector's guitars, I very rarely played them.
"So I decided to fix them up for you."
"Leave them alone I swear, Shaun." I said as I got up to check for them in my closet.
"I already have them little bro, no need to look for them, I'll show you." Shaun smiled sadistically.
"Shaun, what the fuck are you talking about. This is not funny, do you know how fucking expensive those are. I will-"
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elosnotebook · 7 years
Imagine being the first and only girl in the Penetrator Russ bus. Author’s note: hi, here’s part 9. i’ll make it to 10 parts, so the next one will be the last (finally hahahah). i had to rewrite it, because i accidentally deleted it, but looking now i am glad i did, i wrote it way better than before. btw feel free to teach me how to make fucking small stories because i honestly can’t hahahah hope y’all enjoy.
Part 1.
Part 8.
Final part.
Masterlist ❁
I felt I couldn’t keep track on my own thoughts. After Chris telling me, accidentally, that he loved me, I was still trying to do my best to decipher what it meant. He always told me how much he loved me, but when we started dating, those reminders get a little scarce. He could’ve said that as a friend, like usually. But what if he didn’t? Could I say it back?
As my head could only deal with one problem at a time, I decided to try work things out with Theo. It has been ages since the last time we spoke to each other, and I missed him so deeply.
Standing outside his house, my knees were trembling and my mouth was dry. I practiced my speech in front of the mirror like twenty times, but I felt like I’ve never learned how to speak.
He attended on the third knock. I let the air I didn’t even know I was holding go. Since the last time we talked, it seemed he managed himself to get taller. His jawline was even sharpier.
“Hi,” was all I could risk saying. During the practice, I prepared myself to a lot of scenarios. Scenario #1 consisted on he slamming the door on my face and telling me to go to hell, where I probably belonged after breaking his heart.
He didn’t look like he was angry, or even mad. He just looked tired.
“What are you doing here, Cap?” Hearing the nickname on his mouth made my heart skip a beat.
“Can we talk?” My hands were pretty shaking, making me crave my nails on my skin so it would stop. Too bad the move didn’t helped my trembling knees. “Please.” I begged him. On scenario #2, he would laugh and say I was insane if I thought he had anything to do with me. And, of course, the door slamming on my face.
But for my surprise, he didn’t. He stepped out of the house, closing the door right behind him. He went to the sidewalk and sat there. I mimicked the gesture, not sure about how close I should get.
“Then... talk,” he stated. He stared the other side across the street, avoiding to meet my eyes.
“I don’t know where to begin,” the truth just spilled out from my mouth. I knew I wasn’t doing a great job so far, but I was too afraid to say something wrong and screw things up, making everything even worse - if it was possible.
My both hands were firmly pressing the concrete of the sidewalk. He moved his right hand closer to my left one, his pinky finger poking me, gently. I sighed again, it was becoming a habit by now.
“I am so sorry,” I started, he was still entertained by our hands, “I never meant to hurt you. I was just trying to help you and I feel like I made everything worst.” I shut my eyes, trying to focus on his touch, “seriously, Theo, if I-“
“The first time I saw you, I knew I was doomed,” he blurted out of nowhere. It got me ever more confused, but I let him finish. “Julian rushed himself to explain the ‘don’t fuck a Penetrator’ rule. Once I heard, the first thing that came to my mind was the purpose of this. I thought it might be with the fact you were... Unstoppable.” He frowned when he verbalized the last word, like it didn’t actually mean what he wanted to say. But I was following.
“Slut,” I told him, and that was the first time he stared at me. “I think that was the word you were looking for.”
“I am s-“, it was my turn to interrupt him, nodding my head to show he didn’t need to apologize. Even thought it was a shitty sexist though, I didn’t care. You just can’t slutshame someone who is not ashamed to be a slut. He understood what I meant. He always did.
“After a week getting to know the boys, and you, I realized I got it wrong. So damn wrong,” he continued, “the rule wasn’t for you. It was for make sure the Penetrators wouldn’t be torn apart trying to hook up with you. You have absolutely no idea how those guys worship you,” his mouth curved on a little grin. “They adore you, Cap.”
I was completely speechless. None of the scenarios I pictured in my head - and trust me, it was a lot - included Theo doing such a respectful and loving discourse about me. Not even the best one.
“That I know of, excluding William, nine of the Penetrators had a crush on you. Some of them had a strong feeling, others it was a quick thing. But you impact them all.”
That statement caught me unprepared. Nine? NINE? I always wondered and suspected it might’ve happened at some point, but I would bet one, two if I was being generous to myself.
As I was looking at Theo, I was almost convinced my heart was about to explode. His eyes was filled with affection, and I started to wonder if I really deserved that.
He was being truly honest with me, it wouldn’t hurt if I returned the favor. Or at least, it was what I told myself, trying to sound convincing.
“It wasn’t the age, or even the stupid rule,” I touch his face. “My heart just belong to someone else, for a long time now.”
He watched me with his eyes wide open, surprised. I knew I was good at hiding my feelings - after a while, it was just easy and natural -, but I didn’t realize how good until I saw how shook he was.
“Wow.” It was all he said.
“I know,” I held his hand in apprehension. “You were always the sweetest of them all, but...” My voice degraded.
“I wasn’t him,” his brows knitted, “or her.”
I shot him a grin. “It’s a him.”
He pressed his lips, making me worry about what was going on in his mind. The boy told me he had feelings for me and here I am, telling I have feeling for another person.
“Do I know him?” He asked in a innocent curiosity.
I pounded if I should tell him te truth. Chris told me he was tired to hide us, and that we should tell all of the boys tonight, at Will’s house. We had to start somewhere, and Theo didn’t seem a bad call.
“It’s Chris.” I said fast, like ripping a band aid. It was my turn to avoid his eyes. I locked my eyes on something across the street, as he did before.
And even thought I wasn’t staring at him, I was pretty sure his eyes were wide open in pure shock, matching his mouth, that was probably doing a ‘O’.
The silence filled the space between us. I swear I could almost feel the gears working inside his mind. So, surprising me once again, he did something I did not expect at all: he laughed.
Part of me knew I should be relieve for this reaction, but something inside me just didn’t feel comfortable with. It reminded me the day I was attacked by the Yakuza’s, how I laughed because I was completely helpless. I didn’t help but feeling a little hurt about it.
He noticed the suddenly change on my expression and stopped. Two fingers grabbed my chin, turning my head so I could finally face him.
“Does he know?” He had stopped laughing, but the smile was still there. Analyzing the whole situation showed me he didn’t do it because he was uncomfortable. Au contraire. His smile reflected nothing but happiness.
“I was wondering how long it would take for you to find out,” he spilled out.
“Wait, what?” My brows went really high. “Did you know?”
“He was one of the nine.” He was smiling so big, I thought I was going to explode. Theo is literally one of the people I love the most on this world. His understanding about my feelings were just too much.
“How you are dealing with this so...” I blurted out, incapable of finishing the sentence, as I was raking my fingers through his hair.
“Calmly?” He laughed. “I don’t know. You were always good to me, even before of all this,” he gestured around with his hand, making me smile. “I want you to be happy, and Christoffer is a great guy. I am happy for you both.”
I wrapped my arms around him, and he did the same. He couldn’t possibly know how much that meant to me. How much he meant to me. It got me wishing every Penetrator to think, or react like him, but that would be just too good to be true.
We stayed there for a few minutes, before I let go.
“Thank you,” I kissed his cheek. “So, Will’s tonight?”
“Of course.” He said, getting up and stretching a hand to help me. “I wouldn’t miss their face when you tell them you are screwing Chris for nothing.”
I rolled my eyes, but on the inside, I was glad he was back to be the Theo I am used to.
“Ha-ha, very funny. Chris just couldn’t keep it as a secret anymore.”
“He doesn’t seem the type of guy who can keep a secret like this.” He pointed out.
“Well, maybe because he isn’t.”
“Just one more reason, I guess.”
“For what?”
He kissed my forehead, walking straight to his door. He turned for a few moments before getting in. “For picking me instead of him. I am very good at hiding things, specially when this thing has a face like yours.” And he entered, before I could even think of a smart comeback. I took a deep breath, my cheeks suddenly turning a light pink.
A quick look at my phone got me surprised. It was 7pm already, and Will’s little reunion, like Chris dig calling it, would start at 8pm.
It had three messages from Chris.
Text me when you’re done. I wanna know how it went.
Hmm, Cap? Why are you taking so long? It went that bad?
For God’s sake, woman. WHERE ARE YOU??????????
I laughed to my phone. The funniest thing was that the messages had like thirty minutes apart. He was so impatient.
Calm down, dumbass. I just finished here and I am going home to get ready. Meet u there in five?
The answer came before I could even block my phone.
I’ll be there in 2.
I locked it and drove home, knowing he was probably be there when I arrive. It was one of the perks of living next to your boyfriend.
Theo’s house wasn’t far as well. Jamming to a random song on the radio, I parked outside my house, noticing Chris’ black car already there, as predicted.
I got off my car and went straight to his. As I was about to knock on his window, I realized the car was empty, making me frown.
My phone vibrated, warning a new message has come. Picked up my phone to see Chris’ name on the screen.
Inside. Your mom let me in. She said I was the son-in-law she always wanted. Have I ever mentioned how much I love this woman?
I chuckled, watching my phone. He was unbelievable.
Entering inside, I started to look for Chris. My mom was at the kitchen, but he was nowhere to be found.
“He said he was going to wait for you upstairs,” she said, giving me a little kiss on my forehead.
My legs automatically found their way to the stairs. I opened the door, slowly, to see Chris laying on my bed, his arms and legs wide open. His eyelids were shut, so, quietly, I entered my room, and jumped on him.
He gasped with the surprise, totally unbalanced, managing to fall off the bed, taking me with him. Once we were on the floor, we stared at each other and couldn’t help but laughed our lungs off.
He pulled me closer to his body, and gave me a peck on the lips.
“You are on a good mood. Does it mean Theo’s mission was a success?” He asked, crawling back to my bed again.
I got up, going to my closet to find my pink Penetrator hoodie.
“Yes. It is all good now.”
“That is just awesome, Cap. By the way, you have fifteen minutes to be ready.”
“That’s all I need.” I replied.
Well, at least it would be all I needed if he could behave and keep his hands to himself - what, not so shocking, he couldn’t. Part of me couldn’t help but wonder if the real reason behind this was because he wanted to delay the big moment. Both of us were terrified of what might happen when he tell the Penetrators the truth, but we would never admit it out loud, for each other’s sake.
The fifteen minutes became fifty very easily. During the whole trajectory, we didn’t speak, fear filling the space between us. Even The Weeknd playing on the radio didn’t cheer Chris up, and there was a few things that boy loved more than jamming to his favorite singer on his car.
We parked outside, Will’s house seeming a little bigger than usual. We looked at each other, sighing in synchrony, before forcing our legs to move forward the door.
William answered it on the second knock. He was so apprehensive, and for a little moment, got me feeling a little more guilty than I was before. Me and Chris focused so much about how the lie was consuming us that we have never stopped to think about how it take its toll on him. I hugged him, tightly, trying my best to say ‘thank you’ without actually saying it.
The boys were all reunited on the living room. They were driking, and judging by some faces, they have been doing this by a while. I didn’t know if I such be glad or more worried. I heard they talking about the new girl, Julie. It seemed like no one hooked up with her yet. The thought of maybe having another Penetrator girl got me distracted for a bit. Sooner, Chris voiced took me back.
“Guys?” Chris asked, his voice abruptly failing at the end.
It didn’t work. Chris walked around, looking for something. Quickly, he found an empty glass, directing himself to Will’s kitchen. Me and Will had absolutely no idea what he was trying to do, but we didn’t argue about it either. 
He came back seconds after he found a little spoon. He hit the glass with this little object, as he was about to make a toast. At the beginning, it didn’t have any effect on the boys. Chris got so impatient which cause his soft slam to become a really strong one, making the glass to shatter on his hand. The room went quiet really quickly. It worked.
He cleared his throat. The rage of not being noticing fading, and the uncomfortable feeling taking over. I searched the crowd for one particular pair of eyes. Theo was at the back, with Julian and Elias. When our eyes met, he blinked a little too long than usual, as his way of showing support.
Neither me, or Chris, have discussed of who was going to say what. Looking at his face now, I can see it was not a smart move. He was paralyzed.
“There’s something I want to tell you all.” I could see his hands shaking.
I didn’t know if I was out of air because Chris took my breath away or if I was suffocating from fear. None of my options seemed a good one.
“What, Schistad? You gonna tell us that you knocked a girl out?” Fredrik broke the silent, making everyone laugh, except for me and Chris.
One look to my boyfriend was enough to realize he couldn’t do it. He was bitting his lower lip, looking baffled as I have never seen before.
“No. He didn’t.” I heard a voice said. It got me incredibly surprised when I realized it was my own.
They all shut up, immediately, turning their heads to finally stare at me. Will put his hand on my back, and it gave me all the strength I needed.
“If he did, that would be a problem,” I continued. “Since, you know, I am not pregnant and we are together.” 
I didn’t think I have ever seen my boys so quiet before. Their faces reflected so many different emotions. Surprised, incredulous, some were digesting what I just said. Seconds were passing and none of them found the words to make even a sarcastic comment - and those were easy for them.
“What do you mean by together?” Borkis asked. He was one of the oldest, next to Chris, William and Julian.
I sighed, risking to look at Chris. He looked like he was going to throw up. 
“I mean, we’re dating.”
I saw some of the boys turned to look at Theo, who had this biggest smile on his face. For some reason I couldn’t understand, the boys understood the things between us both. I could only pray so they would be reasonable about me and Chris too.
“So, I guess that’s it.” Said a voice from nowhere, my eyes went straight for the owner. So imagine how shocked I was when he continued, “You two broke a rule, so it’s safer to say: you two are not a part of the Penetrators anymore.”
Chris’ eyes met mine, and I was sure they were mirroring my own, in a suddenly realization that our biggest fear was becoming real.
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amythehybrid · 3 years
House in the Hills
           “Legend has it that ye who enters, shall never see the light of another day…”
           Rose Richards scoffed as she walked by a group of fellow classmates finding their stories to be a complete nonsense. She ignored the obnoxious laughter and giggles, rolling her eyes knowing that nobody will care enough to notice.
Once again, it was the end of another school week and like every other, the popular kids in her year group were throwing a party.
She was never invited, and even if she had been, she did not understand the appeal.
           She made her way out of the school building, eyes searching each corner and group of friends for her sister, Natalie. They would miss the bus if she didn’t find her soon and Rose was not looking forward to losing time, she could spend watching reruns of ‘Friends’.
           She curled her lip in distaste when she finally caught sight of her sister and without hesitation, burst into a power march toward the pair- her sister, and the guy she was speaking with. Rose, with a baseless, burning passion, disliked Tyler Lysander. The most popular guy in their year group, he was simply put, annoying and stereotypical, as Rose would nicely put it.
So, what was he doing speaking to her sister?
“Hey, hey, Rosie!” Tyler greeted, grinning wide with a teasing smirk. He lifted a hand and waved the girl over, chuckling lightly when he caught the bold display of deep-set dislike Rose bore for him. She ignored the guilty smile of greeting Natalie shot her as though she had been caught doing something wrong.
Yes, naturally, Rose would assume associating oneself with the likes of Tyler Lysander was considered wrong. He was the boy fathers warned their daughters about.
“Screw you, Lysander! Why are you speaking to my sister?”
Tyler made a clicking sound in his throat while shaking his head. He lazily threw an arm around Natalie’s shoulder, discreetly drawing the semi-oblivious girl closer. Natalie kept her head lowered in a meek fashion, a blush tainting her cheeks.
“Now, now, Rosie. That’s why you have no friends.” he replied, knowing his insult angered the girl. He smirked noting how she clenched her fists at her sides, forcing her features to stay blank of emotion despite the small curl of her lip.
“I was just inviting Natalie to the party tonight. Down by the lake, you know. At the bottom of that hill all the locals are scared of?”
Rose rolled her eyes. She didn’t understand the fear locals had. It was a stupid urban legend the old folks told to keep idiot teenagers away from the lake.
Tyler’s expression suddenly fell in mock disappointment. “I’d invite you but…” He paused, his face lighting up with a smile Rose didn’t trust. “In fact, you can come if you’d like though I doubt anyone would appreciate your gloomy aura.”
“I’m shocked you even know what that word means, Lysander.” Rose snapped back. Tyler made a face of mock hurt, the amusement never once leaving his eyes. “Natalie can’t go and even if I wanted to go, it’d be a waste of time.”
Grabbing Natalie’s hand, Rose tugged her sister along behind her ignoring the quiet apology she heard her sending to the aggravating human she tried to put distance from. When next Tyler called out to them, Rose resisted the urge to march back and punch his lights out.
“Yo, Natalie! Text me if you make up your mind! And wear something cute!”
They boarded the bus, Natalie sitting beside her sister aware of the volatile mood the girl was in. She never understood this baseless hatred Rose held for Tyler. She thought he was sweet, but she knew better than to let her sister know so. It would only invite a scolding lecture on how much of a ‘no good’ he was.
Natalie didn’t get it. Why did her sister refuse to give people a chance? Why did she keep them away? Perhaps it was best to not ask questions for which there was no response.
“You’re not going!” Rose shouted after her sister. They’d gotten off the bus and were heading inside their home. One they shared with their parents. “Natalie! Did you hear me?” she shouted once more as they entered the home and Rose slammed the door shut.
Natalie grunted, hating how much of a mom her sister was beginning to sound. In fact, it would appear to be an insult to their own mother for she was more of a best friend.
Their shouting echoed throughout the house, bringing their mother out of her room to see what had the girls fighting. She came down the steps to find Natalie stopping halfway up the staircase while Rose stood at the bottom glaring up at her sister.
Natalie turned about, returning a glare of her own.
“You can’t make me do something I don’t want to, Rose! What’s wrong with me going out? Or is it because of Tyler?”
“Girls?” their mother questioned. Both girls ignored her, Rose slapping her palm against the staircase railing out of frustration.
“It’s not about you going out, Natalie! It’s about where you’re going and with who-”
“So, it is about Tyler!” Natalie huffed, and Rose rolled her eyes. Natalie gestured to herself, speaking in a defiant manner. “Listen, Rose. He likes me, that’s why he asked me to go with him. And you know what? I like him too, so I think I’ll go.”
Rose scoffed. “Not without mom and dad’s permission.”
Both girls averted their attention to the older woman in their presence, Natalie immediately taking to pleading with their mother to let her go. She demonstrated her deep desire to go out for the night, explaining that she wanted to know Tyler better. Their mother gestured her hands for her daughter to calm down.
“It’s alright, Natalie. You can go to the lake. But no drinking, and I expect you back no later than midnight.”
“Mom! Are you seriously letting her go? She’s a sophomore and that party is mostly for seniors and juniors.” Rose blurted, hoping to reason with her mother. The older woman shook her head while Natalie shot her sister a glare.
“Come on, Rosie. It’s just a little party. Maybe you should go too if you are so worried about Natalie.”
The girl in question shook her head, scoffing to boot the show of her disapproval. “Whatever. I’d rather drown than go anywhere near that party. And don’t call me Rosie.”
Tensions running high between both girls, there was nothing their mother could say as Rosie and Natalie huffed at one another and went off to their separate rooms. Natalie plugged in her speakers, letting the songs on her playlist block out the surrounding world while she locked her bedroom door and made her way around the space picking out an outfit and matching make-up.
She pulled out her phone and sent a quick message to her date, telling him that she would go. She sent him her address, and a few minutes later, her phone vibrated with a reply from Tyler.
Over in Rose’s room, she opted for a subtle approach to letting her anger simmer. She put in her earbuds and climbed out onto the awning roof where she stayed, listening to her music and watching episodes of ‘Friends’ until the sun had completely disappeared from the sky.
The house lights had come on and her bedroom was dark. Her stomach’s rumbling was what made her move, heading out of her room with dinner in mind. As she entered the corridor adjacent to the bedrooms, she saw her sister come out of hers, and immediately, Rose’s lip curled in irritation.
When had her sister become like this?
Natalie wore a yellow dress that fell to her things and a white over-all that was left open. Her hair was left to fall loosely around her shoulders, curled a little indicating that she had spent some time on her hair and putting on make-up.
Their eyes met and Natalie pulled up short expecting her sister to say something. But, Rose didn’t. At least, not at first. She simply rolled her eyes and scoffed, saying her last piece of warning as she started down the steps. Rose knew there was nothing more to say or do short of locking her sister inside her bedroom for the night.
“Don’t give in easily.”
Rose had her dinner in the kitchen. Her parents were elsewhere within the house, but Natalie had left before Rose had finished eating. Her ‘date’ had shown up to collect her, and typically, like Rose had expected, Tyler hadn’t gotten out of the car to approach the house.
Rose retreated to her room, spending the better part of the night watching episodes of ‘Friends’ deciding to put Natalie’s uncharacteristic rebellion out of mind.
Though, at midnight, she was still awake and kept checking the time. She paused her show to listen out for the approach of Tyler’s car, or even her sister coming in through the front door. Her light footfalls that indicated her ascend up the steps, or even the soft click of her bedroom door.
Rose finally fell asleep, but she didn’t do so peacefully. Her sleep was light, and she kept waking up to toss and turn at which point she would listen for movement throughout the house or she would rise to ‘use’ the bathroom.
By the time four o’clock in the morning had come and Rose found herself standing at the threshold of Natalie’s bedroom, staring into blank, dark space, the bed empty of it’s occupant, she could already sense that something dreadful was adrift. Panic was slowly setting in as one thousand questions ran through her mind.
What if something happened?
What if Tyler tried to take advantage of her? Natalie was only sixteen and her ‘date’ was a senior high schooler. Rose didn’t trust many students in her grade, let alone Tyler Lysander.
Why was she so worried?
Was it the party’s venue or was it truly all about Tyler? Rose didn’t like him at all and for an intensely personal reason.
In a flurry, she dashed back to her bedroom and grabbed up her phone, trying Natalie’s number. She tried at least five times before she was thrown into a sudden panic attack. She had started pacing her bedroom floor, thinking up the worst scenarios and plotting her next move.
She contemplated sneaking out and heading to the lake. Or even Tyler’s house. She contemplated calling Natalie’s friends on the hope that perhaps, one or two of them had been invited to the lake party. But, her third option wouldn’t work.
She only had the number of Natalie’s best friend and she’d never once called or texted. Rose took a deep breath and shook her head. She reached for her phone once more and tried the number for Natalie’s best friend.
It went to voicemail after ringing. Natalie’s friend was either asleep or also at the lake party.
“It’s fine. Natalie can take care of herself.” Rose repeated a few times over, taking deep puffs of air to calm her racing mind. Convinced she was simply overreacting, Rose climbed beneath the blankets and curled up trying to get some shut eye.
Little did she know, her panic hadn’t been for nothing.
The commotion came at the crack of noon. The sound of her father’s angered, irate tone rising above every other sound within and outside the house, traveling up the steps to slither past her shut bedroom door. Beneath the chaotic, deep voice, she barely heard the pleading, softer voice of her mother.
It drew her away and down the steps, into the living room where her parents were too busy arguing to notice that Rose had now taken a seat, perched where she would easily see them. Her parents rarely argued.
It was always frightening and strange when they did.
Rose took in her mother’s worried expression. The petite woman rubbed at her hands while sitting on the couch appearing meek before her hulking husband, while said man paced a hole into the living room floor, anxiously tapping keys on his phone before holding it to his ear.
Obviously trying to reach someone.
“This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t let her go to that stupid party!” her father bellowed, angrier than Rose would have expected. His muscles were tensed, and he appeared seconds away from chucking the phone at a wall.
“How was I supposed to know this would happen?” came her mother’s meek reply, voice shaking and moments away from bursting into tears. The woman’s husband scowled.
“Are you truly oblivious to what happens down at that lake? Drugs. Alcohol. Sex!” the man shouted, past the definition of angry now. His face contorted in vile dislike. “And to make matters worse, you let her leave with that Lysander kid!”
“I’m sorry.” Rose’s mother replied, barely above a whisper. Her voice lacked conviction and confidence in the face of her husband’s wrath. Once again, the man scowled.
“Rose!” he suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs. As loudly as his deep voice would allow him. He called her again, and not fearing the wrath of her father, Rose slowly emerged from her hiding place, ignoring the suspicious stare her father shot her.
“Did you know about this party?” the towering man asked his daughter who confidently approached him, though his tall height dwarfed her petite frame. Rose nodded, noting the manner he had sneered the nature of the ‘get-together’. Perhaps it was dislike of the ‘prohibited’ affair or that Natalie went with the one boy in their town her father absolutely disliked.
And for a personal reason. The same which Rose disliked Tyler.
“I tried to stop her. But she was pretty adamant she goes.”
Rose stood quietly as her father fussed and fumed, mumbling and cursing foully beneath his breath. The young girl gauged her mother’s reaction, wondering for a split second how her parents managed to make things work. They were opposites in a way.
Her father strict and firm handed. Reasonable and nice once mutual grounds were reached. Her mother was fiery and had a rebellious streak that even after so many years of motherhood, she hadn’t lost. Rose would easily say she was like her father. And Natalie, like their mother.
“I can try to find her.” Rose suggested, knowing well that their arguing commenced because Natalie hadn’t returned home. The young girl kept her ceaseless worry at bay, keeping quiet whilst her father projected and demonstrated exactly what she felt on the inside.
Uncertainty and fear.
Their town was small. It was rare for someone to go missing.
“Where would you suggest looking?” her father demanded, shooting her a firm stare that she took into stride. Rose shrugged.
“Tyler Lysander.”
Her suggestion sent the man into a frenzy, and they ended up in an argument. Rose argued that it was the best starting point since he would most likely be the one to have seen Natalie last. Her father argued that it was quite possibly the worst idea.
Rose didn’t care. Her sister was missing regardless of what the law said. It was unlike Natalie to pull a stunt like this despite her faintly rebellious nature. Her father’s rants had revealed he’d tried everyone he knew. The parents of Natalie’s friends, and even Natalie’s phone. He’d come up with nothing.
“I agree it’s a bad idea. God knows I’d rather anything else. But she went there with Lysander so that’s where I start.”
Her father halted, face red from controlled fury. He did not like the idea of Rose being within five yards of that boy. Middle school, freshman year of high school; all good. Sophomore year, absolute chaos. Junior year, a changed Rose Richards.
But he couldn’t argue. His daughter held a valid argument despite his strong disapproval. She was strongheaded like him.
“Fine. I’ll head down to the station and file a report.” her father instructed. He turned his furious stare onto his petite wife. “You’ll stay here in case Natalie magically shows up. We better pray she does or if something happens to her-”
“You’ll finally get your wish of hurting Lysander and his equally abominable kid?” Rose suggested to a finish, grinning smugly. Her father gave his signature smirk that Rose had come to inherit.
They split off on their separate ways. Her father to the station, and Rose to the Lysander residence while her mother stayed at home on the lookout for Natalie’s return.
Rose pushed down the feeling of certain dread as she approached the Lysander home. There had been a nagging voice at the back of her mind telling her something was incredibly wrong. It had been there since midnight and had left her paranoid. Rose had been shocked she’d managed to gain some sleep.
When Rose knocked on the front door of Tyler’s home and his mother answered, the lady’s expression quickly turned to shock. Rose Richards had been the last person she would expect to see on her doorstep and already, she sensed the foreboding nature of the girl’s visit.
Rose had not been the same girl after the incident in sophomore year of high school.
“Mrs. Lysander.” Rose greeted sweetly for her anger wasn’t directed toward the lady. “Is Tyler home?”
Mrs. Lysander nodded and let the young girl in. The lady led her up the steps toward Tyler’s room whilst she explained that he appeared skittish and jumpy on his return home. She complained too, that she hadn’t a clue on what to do with the company her son kept. Rose only nodded along, not bothered by Tyler or his mother’s problems. She only noted what was said about his uncharacteristic behaviour upon his return.
“Mrs. Lysander? What time did you say he got in?”
“Around three this morning.”
Rose was still awake that time. Futilely tossing and turning and pacing her bedroom floor.
Mrs. Lysander knocked on the door, and this she repeated, calling her son’s name four times. Yet, there was no answer. Until the woman grew fed up of her son’s silence and barged in.
Rose followed, pulling up short at the unruly, unkempt appearance of her nemesis. He was still fully dressed in his party attire of jeans, a stylish t-shirt and black and white Vans. But he was not asleep, rather hunched over in a dark corner of his room, knees drawn up to his chest and he rocked back and forth in a daze. Madness slowly setting in.
Rose’s heart thundered in her chest, the nagging voice echoing louder in her mind. Her paranoia grew.
Her greatest enemy was…spooked!
“He’s been that way since he got home. He refuses to speak to anyone.”
Rose nodded, pushing down the mounting fear that bubbled in her chest. “May I have a moment with him alone, Mrs. Lysander?”
The older woman nodded and quietly took her leave after shooting her son one more worried glance. Rose approached quietly and stooped down to Tyler’s eye level. She cared not for his mental health. God knows he cared little to nothing for hers.
“Where’s my sister?” Rose interrogated. A rough edge to her voice indicating her impatience, lack of sympathy toward Tyler, but carefully hiding the deep-set fear.
Time ticked away, silence ensuing. Tyler continuously rocked back and forth, his breathing coming in short, shallow puffs. Rose groaned in irritation, rolling her eyes as she did so. She repeated her question with more force, the strength of her tone startling Tyler out of his daze. The boy glanced up with confusion as if seeing her for the first time.
“Rosie?” he croaked.
Shoving away the supreme disgust she felt toward him, she asked her question once more. “Where is Natalie?” she gritted out.
Tyler’s expression suddenly contorted into what Rose would define as absolute terror. He gulped audibly, and his eyes went owlishly wide. His gaze misted and suddenly, Rose frowned at first when he burst out into tears.
Her heart wrenched in pain, but not for him.
Where was Natalie?
“I-I’m so…I’m really sorry…Rosie…” His voice was soft. Barely above a whisper and completely uncharacteristic of the confident, egotistical Tyler Lysander.
Rose’s anger mounted, and in a fit of rage she fell to her knees and grabbed Tyler by the collar of his shirt with both hands. She drew him nearer, hearing the audible gasp for he finally recognized the fury etched onto Rose’s pretty face.
“Where the hell is my sister, Lysander? I want details. No apologies.”
She recognized the fear that gripped him tightly as he stuttered his way through a vague explanation.
“They…they took her.” he whispered fearfully.
“Who? Where?”
Tyler paused, his misted gaze locking onto her angered one as his brows furrowed. Certain fear clouded his eyes as he could think of no worse fate.
“The people in the hills.”
“You think I’m playing around, Lysander? My sister’s missing and you’re trying to get a joke out of this-”
“I’m telling you the truth, Rosie!” Tyler shouted back, his voice cracking with the weight of his grief. “The stories are true!” He shook his head in a manner that reminded Rose of someone completely losing his mind. “I-I didn’t believe it…we…none of us did, Rosie. But it’s true. Someone grabbed her! I saw it! There’s someone in those hills by the lake!”
Rose shoved him away, getting to her feet. “I don’t have time for this bullshit!”
When she turned to leave, Tyler shot out a hand grabbing onto her wrist. He propelled himself up to his feet, his strength jerking the girl about as she tried to shove him off. He used the opportunity to take hold of her shoulders.
His tone, exasperated, and his expression troubled. “I’m not kidding, Rosie. You have to believe me.”
She thought of it for a moment, narrowing her gaze to him. “Fine. The person who took Natalie. What did they look like?”
Tyler shook his head. “I-I…I’m not sure. It was dark up there and our phone lights didn’t give enough to see. But there was a man. And he was tall.”
“You took Natalie up those hills? You said ‘our’ that time.”
“Me, a buddy of mine, and his girlfriend. I swear, Rosie. If I had known someone was up there, I’d never have encouraged it.”
Rose curled her lip, clenching her fists at her sides in controlled fury, battling the urge to physically fight the person before her. She resisted the urge to ask more unnecessary questions.
“Whatever. Since you were the last person to see my sister, you and I are going to get her back.”
“Y-You mean…go back to that hill?” Tyler asked cautiously, truly afraid of the answer. But by the anger and the determination written on Rose’s face, he knew she wasn’t lying. “I’m sorry, Rosie. I want to help…but I…I can’t-”
“No.” Rose muttered quietly. She approached Tyler, getting up in his personal space as she jabbed a finger into his chest. He took a step back, wincing painfully when she shoved his shoulder followed by another jab that brought about her verbal onslaught.
“Listen here, puss! My sister is missing. You took her there so that made her your responsibility.” Rose fumed, jabbing her finger into his shoulder harder this time, intent on causing some bruising. Kind in comparison to the scars he’d given her that she still struggled to heal. “If you’re too much of a wuss to man up and help me find the girl you lost, I will drag you there.”
Tyler curled away, his head lowered in fear and shame. Rose did not know the dangers she was dragging him back to.
“That’s kidnapping, Rosie.” he whispered softly, refusing to meet her stare for he knew the rage he’d find there.
“Just like Natalie was!” Rose yelled. She pushed his shoulder making him step back. Tyler winced. He was not used to this side of her. Even after sophomore year when she’d changed. She was usually quiet and resorted to quick comebacks and insults.
But he knew he’d gone overboard. He deserved every bit of her anger.
Fisting a hand in his shirt, Rose drew him nearer not one bit intimidated by his tall frame that dwarfed her. “We are going back to that hill to get Natalie. Meet me by the railway in an hour and while you’re at it, call your two friends who were there. Do not keep me waiting, Lysander.”
           Rose checked her phone for the eighth time in five minutes. Anxiety gnawed at her mind, heightening her paranoia. It was already thirteen minutes past the agreed hour, and she stood near the old railway feeling more and more like an idiot with each passing second.
           She had informed her parents of her plan. They did not like it, but she persisted that it was now or never. They couldn’t afford to wait for twenty-four hours or even forty-eight to pass by before the police decided to do something.
           Her mother remained at home, her paranoia too, setting in as the day slowly ended. Her father had returned to the police station in hopes of making them listen. To get off their butts and do something because pulling a disappearing stunt was not Natalie’s style. Be she a teenager, her father was strict enough to ensure Natalie never pulled such gimmicks.
           Those idiots better not have stood me up!
           Rose stood near the railway with a backpack that carried a flashlight and batteries. A jacket should they find Natalie and she needed something to keep warm and sticking out of her backpack was the handle of a steel baseball bat.
           She played softball for her school. She was known. But not for her athleticism in no short thanks to her nemesis and his undying need to see her miserable. The baseball bat was a gift from her father, and it had a few scratches from when she’d head down to the court and hit a few.
           It was her prized possession. A symbol of her favourite hobby that could be easily used as weapon since she had no inkling as to what they may be walking into.
           After another ten minutes or so had passed, each one grating on Rose’s nerves and heightening her irritation all the more, she finally caught sight of three figures crossing the railway tracks, making their way over.
           She immediately recognized them. Tyler stood the tallest amongst the three with his dwarfing frame that reached just over six feet. She recognized the second boy, and without meaning to, rolled her eyes in mental agony.
           Brad Wayland. Jerk number two. Flirt and womanizer by nature. All brawn and no brains except for when it came to football and picking up girls.
           His girlfriend. Heather Holmes. Those two had a strange relationship. Neither were faithful but somehow, they made it work and had been together since freshman year.
           They were both equally annoying and aggravating, coming in a close second to Tyler.
           Great! I’m on a rescue mission with three of the most annoying people on Plant Earth!
           But she would keep it civil and brave a show of gratitude if they found Natalie.
           “What’s up, Rosie baby?” Brad greeted, grinning his signature smirk Rose was itching to knock off his face. Biting her tongue, she ignored his greeting as best she could until Heather spoke.
           “For the record, this is like, insanely stupid.”
           Rose’s civility snapped. “Like, I don’t care. If you’ve got a better idea, girly, I’m all ears.”
           Heather scoffed and rolled her eyes muttering a ‘whatever’ under her breath.
           “What’s with the bat, Rosie?” Tyler asked.
           “We have no idea what we’re up against.” She stopped speaking, noting that the only person who came relatively prepared was herself. She narrowed her gaze on the annoying couple and her nemesis. “I see you three are prepared.”
           Heather scoffed once more, shooting Rose a glare. “Get real, Richards! This is like, a stupid plan and like we should’ve like, let the cops handle this.”
           Rose took a moment to comprehend that sentence, her confusion clearly shown on her face before she shook her head to rid away the horrid grammar of Heather’s statement.
           “We don’t have time to waste, Holmes. Natalie was kidnapped and the police won’t do anything until at least forty-eight hours have passed. You three got us into this mess, you’re going to get us out of it.”
           “Okay,” Brad started, and Rose could already tell she would need to restrain her dislike for the idiot more than usual. “But the woods are scary this time of day. And even scarier at night.”
           Rose raised a well-shaped eyebrow, indicating that she was not afraid nor was she about to back out. And Brad realized this because he huffed, throwing an arm lazily around his girlfriend’s shoulder.
           In silence, the group of four teenagers proceeded using the remaining daylight hours to their advantage. They walked the rest of the railway branching off to a section of the woodland that would take them to the lake.
           The lake was a large expanse of water surrounded by trees; the shrubbery not thick enough for one to lose sense of direction. The woodland was quiet and as they approached the lake after almost an hour of trekking unclaimed territory, Rose pursed her lips when she caught sight of a few red plastic cups and cigarette butts littering the earthen floor.
           She wondered about the party the night before. Had Natalie given in to peer pressure and consumed that vile liquid? Had she smoked one of those cigarette butts?
           Rose peeked through the trees, noting that the sun was now significantly lower than it had been when they set off. If she checked correctly, they would have roughly one more hour of useful daylight before the trees and shrubbery melded together in dark, oppressing silhouettes that would surely blend into the equally overwhelming darkened sky.
           They would have to make it to the top of the hill quickly. And then even faster if they found Natalie.
           When more minutes of silence passed by, Rose decided to break it with a question as more red cups and cigarette butts came into view. She cringed then when her gaze landed on a mint coloured lace bra lying on the roots of a tree.
           And people wonder why I don’t party…
           “Did Natalie drink last night? Or smoke?” she questioned. She sensed a change in energy from Tyler who strode quietly by her side, Heather and Brad not bothering to hide their annoyance with the question. Heather groaned, and her boyfriend chuckled.
           “She had a beer or two.” Tyler answered hoping to put her mind at ease. “She didn’t smoke. I made sure.”
           That made her feel better.
           “You know, Richards,” Heather suddenly spoke up and Rose resisted the urge to scoff finding the sound of the girl’s voice to be particularly irritating this day. “How is it that you’re a senior but like, your sister’s so much more fun to hang around with? Then again, I am glad you didn’t show up. Your gloom would have like, ruined the entire affair.”
           Brad snickered. Rose stopped in her tracks causing Heather to bump into her. Tyler turned about sensing the beginnings of a fight on the verge of breaking out and he came to stand behind Rose when she turned to face the infuriating girl. Arms at the ready to restrain her should it turn to a physical altercation.
           He knew without thinking much of it that Rose was incredibly angry. With him. With Natalie. Possibly her mother for allowing Natalie to attend the lake party. And neither Heather nor Brad were making it easier for her.
           Heather raised an eyebrow out of pure amusement catching the truly enraged glare housed on Rose’s pretty features. “What?”
           “Natalie and I may have our differences but at the end of the day, she’s still my sister. My little sister.” She turned, shoving Tyler out of her path before glancing over her shoulder with a firm glare that left no room for imagination on how she truly felt toward them.
           Brad chuckled in amusement. Heather scoffed and rolled her eyes. Tyler averted his gaze to the floor, hurt by the meaning behind that glare, and suddenly ashamed of his actions that led them all here.
           “You three better pray we find her.”
           “Or what?” Brad prodded. “You’ll batter us with that baseball bat?” He chuckled, his laugh that to Rose, sounded like a clucking chicken, grating even more on her nerves. Rose glanced over her shoulder with a sinister grin.
           “It’s a large expanse of woodland, Wayland.” Her voice, though sarcastic, dripped with mystery.
           Her comeback silenced them. Brad suddenly became troubled, cautiously watching the girl’s every movement although she, for now, led the group further past the lake. They were now approaching the foot of the hill that had inspired that urban legend about a mysterious figure that roamed the top half of the hill.
           Legend had it that about two decades back, maybe more, a young girl had gone missing from her camping trip she’d had with friends. Her body was never found, and no trace of her whereabouts had surfaced. Local police chalked it up to the girl simply running off and leaving town.
           In the years that followed, more mysterious disappearances of the same nature occurred. Young girl in her teen years, mysteriously vanishing from a group of friends. It was rare to hear about a young boy in his teen years disappearing in the same fashion. But there have been one or two cases.
             “I-I didn’t believe it…we…none of us did…”
           She thought about Tyler’s crazed ranting for a moment. Could it be that the legend wasn’t that? But that it was actually true? Was there someone up in those hills kidnapping teenagers when the opportunity presented itself?
           The more she thought about it, the more daunting the reality became. No longer could she ignore the signs that were in front of her. The cases and stories. So many had gone missing and the point of disappearance…always around that lake. The victims were always the same age group.
           Were the local police keeping the existence of a possible serial murderer under wraps? Or were they perhaps themselves, too afraid to scour the hill? Every other year or so, someone went missing.
           Rose remembered the last case. A high school senior, Abigail Lyons. Went to the lake one Friday afternoon with some friends. The story said that she’d gone into the bushes to urinate but never returned.
           Her heart pounding louder than ever, it was all she could hear. Her mouth went dry and her breathing suddenly turned shallow as she stopped once again. Peeking up through the trees, she scowled in distaste and certain dread as the sun hung extremely low in the sky, casting shadows and silhouetted frames around them.
           Barely an hour of daylight left.
           “How far again until we reach the spot where she was taken?” Her question was rushed, and the others could tell she was anxious as hell.
           “It’s just further up the hill.” Tyler responded, gesturing to the large incline of earthen floor and shrubbery ahead of them.
           Her heart skipped a beat, her breathing hitched. Shaking her head, she glanced up at the imposing dome-like mound and inhaled deeply. She was hoping that her father managed to get somewhere with convincing the precinct to do something for as they began the lengthy, tiresome ascend up the steep incline through bushes, around trees, and over uneven ground, the dread pooled and built in the pit of her stomach.
           Her nerves tingled and chills broke out on her arms and along her back, the coldness of the night to come already settling in, growing harsher the higher they ascended. Small animals scampered by rousing a subtle reaction from the four out of fright. Whether they turned around to scan the area in search of a possible threat, leaped out of the way, gasped or squealed, it was beginning to give them all an adrenaline rush.
           “Guys, this is getting ridiculous.” Brad suddenly said. “We should head back and let the cops handle this.”
           Rose withheld a small smile noting his words were intentionally aimed toward her. But she also gathered by his tone that he was easily the most spooked among them all.
           “My father’s taking care of that. What?” Rose returned, throwing a smirk over her shoulder. “Getting jumpy, Wayland?”
           “You realize how stupid this entire thing is, right?” he fired.
           Yes, she did. Four teenagers venturing into the woodland at night was risky business by itself. Add on the possibility that there was a serial killer running around the woods heightened the ‘danger’ factor. But she was driven enough to ignore the threats, possessing a frame of mind- no matter how frightened she was- to find Natalie against all obstacles.
           “Well, what’s more idiotic? Righting your idiotic actions or the ones that led us here in the first place?” Rose shot back. Her question once again silenced them as they clambered up yet another earthen ledge. They continued to clamber up the next slope, their vision having adjusted somewhat to the darkness that was now engulfing them.
           “What were you even doing up this way? Away from the party, anyhow?” she asked after a momentary bout of silence befell them. Her irritation mounted when none of the three decided to give a response. “I asked a question. Or are you too ashamed of your idiocy?”
           “This is why nobody likes you.” Heather seethed quietly.
           “Like I care if people have a problem with the truth. How about answering my question?”
           “It was a dare.” Tyler started off quietly. “Some guys were trying to scare a few of the girls with the urban legend story. We didn’t believe it, so they dared us to come up this way. Next thing we knew…”
           “Freaking idiots!” Rose swore softly, not at all caring how they took her words. They shouldn’t have been near the lake anyhow, especially after the disappearance of Abigail Lyons.
           They came up over another earthen ledge and Rose suddenly came to a halt as she spotted a faint, orange light through the thicket of the trees farther in. “Is this it?” she asked.
           Tyler didn’t give a verbal response, rather simply nodded.
           “Well, we should go say hi.”
           “Are you like, actually stupid?” Heather hissed from behind Rose. Said girl rolled her eyes.
           “You got me here, thanks. If you’re too much of a wuss to go any further, by all means, leave.”
           “Guys.” Tyler warned, seeing their physical struggle to keep their words at bay. He understood that Rose had every right to be angry. They got Natalie into this mess. She had been kidnapped because of their stupidity and giving in to peer pressure so that they’d be ‘cool’. It was only fair they helped the girl’s sister get her back.
           Silently, they trudged forward, keeping their footfalls light. Paranoia of a madman serial killer running around the woodland and that they were closer than ever to the source of all the misery kept them exceedingly alert. Every chirp of a cricket or night bird, every owl’s hoot; each rustle of a tree leaf, and each snap of twig and crunch of fallen, dried up leaves and branches caught their hearing.
           They shivered in the night’s cold, rubbing at their arms to keep the chills away. Both from the air and hoping to keep their fear at bay long enough to make it out. The closer they stepped; Heather felt a scream bubbling in her throat, her mind racing. Brad stuck closer to his girlfriend, using her as a shield against the coming danger they knew awaited them.
           Tyler fidgeted next to Rose who mostly kept a neutral expression. But on the inside, everything was slowly crumbling from pent up terror. She gripped the backpack straps tighter until her knuckles were white. Taking a shaky breath, Rose stilled her movements, the four-man group coming to a halt as well.
Silence befell them.
Shuck! Shuck! Shuck!
The group frowned at the unfamiliar sound. The closest Rose would say it came to was dirt being shovelled and at that rather insidious thought, a gripping shiver stole up her spine, momentarily rooting her to the spot.
I have to find Natalie.
With a deep puff of air, she moved forward ignoring the quiet struggle of Heather and Brad behind her. They kept saying the same things she already knew.
It was a bad idea in every sense of the meaning. It was an incredibly stupid plan or lack thereof. But somebody had to find Natalie before Rose’s worst nightmare came true.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” came Tyler’s uncertain tone less than an inch away. His proximity scared her more than the continuous shucking sound. Rose nodded her head despite every fibre in her being telling her to do just the opposite.
Somebody needed to find Natalie and she wouldn’t wait on the ridiculous protocol of law enforcement. A killer doesn’t need forty-eight hours to kill an innocent victim. All they need were a few well-planned seconds.
           The group slowed as they came around the bend, tiptoeing along the side of the cabin-like house that couldn’t have been home to more than one person. The light inside was on, as was the front porch, and the back porch, the dim, yellow light from the bulb illuminating the space around them but obscuring their vision further beyond that to where the sound was coming from.
           Crouching low, the others followed Rose’s lead and remained out of sight except for Tyler who crawled around to her side in hopes of getting a glimpse of what had her squinting into the darkness.
           Further out in a small clearing where the shucking sound originated, Rose’s vision adjusted after a few moments of focus. She made out the burly, tall figure of a man moving about in an uncharacteristic manner. He held a shovel in his hands and every few seconds he would bend down. The shuck would come again, then he would rise up and toss the dirt onto a mound less than a foot away.
           Rose’s breath caught then, her stomach plummeting lower than dirt as she caught sight of a familiar pair of black flats. Legs. Fair and smooth. The tall figure blocked most of her vision but there was no mistaking it.
His legs like tree trunks firmly planted apart gave a sneak peak to the torn white over-all and yellow dress she had seen perfectly intact less than twenty-four hours ago. Her throat constricted painfully, and she quickly clasped a hand over her mouth to muffle any sob that threatened to give away their presence.
She shut her eyes, taking a shaky breath that did nothing to stop the tears that fell. Through blurred vision, she glanced over to Tyler who was rooted his spot, his face contorted in certain fear, and he appeared as pale as paper. It was like he’d seen ghost, or perhaps, something he wasn’t supposed to.
The man suddenly dropped the shovel with a dull clank! It drew their attention and with teary eyes, Rose peeked around the corner feeling sorrow, grief, and utter helplessness overwhelm her as the man stepped away. Tyler had fallen back, and out of sight for he would have been immediately spotted had he remained rooted at Rose’s side.
Rose slumped backward. Agony like never before consumed her and she clamped both hands down over her mouth, the image of her sister’s lifeless body, pale and bruised lying on the cold, hard dirt, creating a trauma in her mind. She felt trapped, as though she were being suffocated.
Something was holding her down and she struggled to fight it, her sobs coming muffled as she gave into the overwhelming sensation of pain and devastation.
It had to be that she was seeing things!
She refused to believe her eyes.
It couldn’t be Natalie…
She fought against the force that was pulling her away, taking a final peek at the girl’s body. What she had hoped was paranoia and delusional projections of her restless mind proved to be reality. There was no mistaking the brunette hair that was once curled to look presentable. Now damp, and scanty. The dress and over-all sported dirt stains, rips and blood.
The lifeless corpse was no other than her sister. Her little sister, Natalie Richards.
Her heart shattered, she kicked and fussed as strong arms suddenly wrapped around her waist and yanked her to her feet and away. In state of shock and agony, Rose barely registered that distance was being placed between her and the house where her sister’s body was about to be buried by a psycho.
Her intuition had been correct. A serial murderer living in the woods. Preying on innocent teenagers. Murdered her sister for some sick, twisted obsession.
When finally, she was let down near a tree, the faint glowing orange light some distance away, she fell to her knees and shrugged off her backpack. She leaned over, bracing her weight on her hands as her stomach unloaded itself.
The viscosity of the upchuck came bubbling up her throat and through her nostrils. She choked, gasping for air. Tears streamed down her face and she let every ounce of pain she’d withheld over the years come flowing out.
Natalie was gone.
A madman took her away.
And to think that the last time they’d spoken, it was in a fight over a stupid party!
In that moment, Rose hated everyone. Herself. Her mother. The man who had kidnapped and killer her sister. She hated Tyler Lysander for inviting Natalie to that stupid party. She hated her sister for being so foolish and accepting that ridiculous dare.
Pounding her fists against the earthen floor as the floodgates to her emotions were smashed through, she stifled down the painful scream that would no doubt give away their location. Her upchuck ceased and she was left a blubbering mess of sorrow and anger.
Rose registered over her hyperventilating and sobs, an argument happening less than a few yards away in hushed tones. The quiet of the night allowed her to catch snippets, her anger bubbling over at the cowardice and pretence she heard.
How dare they grieve when it was all of their fault?
Rose gathered her courage to stand and step forward but before she could open her mouth to say something, a twig snapped behind her and she was immediately grabbed from behind. A large hand slapped over her mouth and a trunk of an arm wrapped around her midsection lifting her clean off the ground. She kicked and screamed, her arms flailing wildly but the monstrosity of a man she knew was her sister’s killer, easily dodged all of her attacks.
In the midst of her terror, she wondered how they hadn’t seen or heard his approach. Big guy, with footfalls as light as a feather. Her mind’s reasoning.
“Tyler!” she tried screaming past the large hand that easily covered her nose and mouth. Once again, she felt herself being carried but in the opposite direction. Rose screamed, faintly registering the frantic screams coming from Tyler as the killer dragged her back to that house.
She saw Heather and Brad suddenly sprint away and she faintly heard Tyler screaming after them.
Rose’s instinct suddenly kicked in and she bit down on the man’s hand, cringing in disgust at the taste of dirt on her tongue. His grip loosened for all of a heartbeat, letting her fall to the ground. She turned about and lifted a foot with the intention to kick him where the sun didn’t shine vaguely catching sight of what he looked like.
Scraggily, and unkempt beard. Crazed eyes. Towering frame in all black. It was no wonder they hadn’t seen his approach. With clothing that dark in complete darkness, it would be difficult picking him apart from the silhouetted forms.
He would easily give her nightmares for years to come.
“Rosie!” she heard Tyler’s voice suddenly bellow from behind the man who turned at the approach of Tyler’s heavy, hurried footfalls. He’d broken into a run and Rose could see him wielding the steel baseball bat she’d brought along.
Adrenaline surged through her as she watched the man prepare to dodge Tyler’s attack. She stuck her foot out and kicked his lower back, shoving him forward. The sudden attack made him stumble for a moment long enough to throw him off focus. It was all the time Tyler needed to swing the bat with all the strength of his six-foot frame, assuming a stance to hit a home run.
He’d have to if they intended to get away!
He swung the bat as hard as he could, the impact vibrating through the bat and shocking his hands. He almost dropped it but quickly shook his hands out as the killer groaned and staggered. He wobbled side-to-side and shook his head.
Tyler’s lips curled to frown, and he lifted the bat once more and swung. It connected with the side of the man’s head just below his ears, the impact immediately disorienting him.
Neither teenager waited.
Rose scrambled to her feet and with one last look backwards, to the house where her sister’s lifeless body lay growing closer and decomposing with each passing moment, she ran around the man’s disoriented form. He had toppled to his knees and swung out a hand in an attempt to grab her again, but she evaded successfully.
“Come on!” Tyler urged, grabbed hold of Rose’s hand. Together, they burst into a sprint heading back the way they had come, down the earthen ledges, zigzagging through trees, sliding and stumbling their way through the darkness.
He gripped the bat tightly in one hand, and with the other, he clutched onto Rose’s like his life depended on it. They hauled ass over woodland territory, never once stopping as they approached the lake, sprinting past the banks and the litter left there from the night before.
Rose’s heart thundered in her chest. Between the adrenaline pumping through her veins, the need to lie down and scream her lungs out, and hovering on the edge of a mental breakdown, she had a difficult time keeping pace with Tyler’s long strides. Until she seemed to give up and he was practically pulling her along.
He didn’t stop even when they had broken out of the treeline back at the starting point of their mini mission. They ran across the old railway tracks, scrambling over the dilapidated wire fence that separated the rest of the town from the abandoned railway and the woodland.
When they stopped running, Rose collapsed to the concrete pavement, leaning against the red brick wall of a small diner. They were safe.
Back in town, with people milling about. There was no way the killer would pursue them.
It didn’t mean however, that they would be completely safe unless that man had been reported and arrested. He may live in the woods, but Rose would bet anything that at some point, he ventured down to dine in, or buy a few grocery items.
It was a small town.
Another wave of tears choked her, and she let it fall. Gasping for air, Rose allowed herself to freefall into the abyss of her breakdown. The air beside her stirred and the next second, she was pulled against a broad chest. Needing the comfort, she ignored that the person holding her was her nemesis, Tyler Lysander, and curled into him.
She cried her eyes out, faintly registering the soothing motion of Tyler’s hand rubbing at her back, and his string of continuous apologies.
She should hate him. She really should. Part of her wanted to. It wanted to cast all the blame on him for ignoring the stories. Ignoring the warnings to stay afar from the lake. But it wasn’t entirely his fault.
He couldn’t have known Natalie would be taken. He couldn’t have known for sure that the stories were true and that those mysterious disappearances were actually murders in disguise.
It was their fault.
They ignored the stories. The urban legend of the mysterious figure roaming the hill by the lake.
Anyone who enters, shall never again see the light of day.
And Natalie didn’t.
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