#snow clan na’vi
eywaseclipse · 3 months
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Spent some time working on this. Got inspired by @thewarmblanket snow clan post and watching informational videos on Greenland lol. I love learning. And this snow na’vi is based off Inuit culture. Including the traditional tattoos called Tunniit. Did I mention this is a free draw with my non dominant hand? 🤗
“The process and method of making Tunniit is called kakiorneq in West Greenland and kagierneq in the east (both can be translated as "sewn with a needle").
The tradition of making and wearing Tunniit has mainly been passed on by Inuit women, as a sign of their spiritual responsibility and sewing skills. The kakiorneq and kagierneq techniques traditionally involve the use of a needle and sinew thread (thread made from the muscle of the reindeer's hind legs) dipped in a mixture of soot, oil and urine to create a line under the top layer of the skin. An alternative method involves the use of a sharp tool to make a small hole in the skin, followed by the application of a sooty substance to create a distinctive dot.”
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iammadsdemons · 2 months
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Just had to post my fave with the cute comic I made of mansi and his kids 🥺💖
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furiouspersonakitten · 4 months
Want to draw a reference sheet for Sonya but my hands just can't do it after a long day 😔
Weekends are coming so i will get to it eventually (i hope)
For now, have a funny sketch about drinking snow na'vi (they wear fur clothes to keep themselves warm)
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starneteyam · 2 years
🖇️ char. Neteyam x fem! reader
🖇️ warn. Mention of death, fluff, very long
🎥 You are a member of the Lyre’oaran clan, a species that live in a tundra environment, closest to Eywa. Your clan is of legends and myths, but after the sky people attacked and forced you out, you urge to find Jake Sully — to save your clan.
A/N Lyre’oare is a clan that I’ve made up! It is a mixture of the words “Frozen” and “Moon”.
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You wailed, tears spilling from your eyes as an avatar of the sky people held you by your braid, a knife to your neck, forcing you to watch as your mother was murdered in front of you. “You monster!” You screamed, trying to bare your teeth, but grief winning over and a sob leaving your throat. Colonel Quaritch only chuckled, dropping your mother’s dead body, her body laying against your dead siblings and father. Everybody was dead, the homes your clan has built all burning to the ground. He sheathed his knife, walking closer to you and squatting down to get to your eye level.
“Now, you listen here, missy.” He spat. You could barely hear his voice, overlapped with the sound of your sobs and the burning wood around you. Your heart physically hurt, everything you were spiritually connected with, all dead or burning. Your connection with Eywa was stronger than any other clan in Pandora. “You fly off with your little pet, and you find Jake Sully. Now, you tell him that Colonel Quaritch is coming for him—that he’s next.” He said through gritted teeth, angered by the thought of the man you’ve never heard of. “I do not know who Jake’Suli is.” You spoke the truth, your words barely making it through your cries.
“He’s Toruk Makto.” He said in his American accent, “The leader of the Omiticaya.” Your eyes flickered to his, recognizing the Omiticayans, and he didn’t fail to notice. They were the forest people, a clan that lived below, towards the south in a warm environment. He smiled. “Good, so you know them.”
You let out a shaky breath, closing your eyes and tears gliding down your cheeks. “Please, I beg of you. Let me join my family.” You begged quietly, raising your chin and showing him your neck, hoping he would slice it. He looked around at his military group, before bursting out into laughter like a hyena. “Spare you? Now, I can’t do that. After all, dead men tell no tales.” He stabbed his knife through your right hand, and you screamed in pain. “This wound on your hand can be your proof.”
You rode your ikran, wailing as you rode through the skies. Your heart was in anguish and you had no time to grieve as you flew towards the caves of the Omiticaya. You were covered in the blood of your family, staining your pale blue skin. Lyre’oaran people’s skin color was baby blue, their hair being white to blend in with the snow. After days of flying, you reached the Omiticaya with a heavy heart, your face stone cold.
You let out a cry to let them know of your presence, landing your ikran. Upon seeing you, the Omiticayans hissed, some drawing their weapons, others turning their heads in curiosity. You stepped on the ground, holding your chin up high. “Take me to Jake’Suli, Toruk Makto.” You said, your voice full of authority. The crowd mumbled amongst themselves, and a boy your age emerged from the crowd. “Who are you?” He asked, voice loud and stern, as if he were challenging you. You placed your fingers on your forehead. “Oel ngati kameie.” The tension around you seemed to lessen.
He didn’t do it back, still cautious, and you couldn’t blame him. You were covered in dried blood, and you looked like a Na’vi that had never been seen before. “Please, I beg of you. Take me to Toruk Makto.” You pleaded, your voice caught in your throat as the images flashed your mind. He frowned, and complied. The people watched you with judging eyes as you walked towards the home of Jake Sully.
“Father!” He had said, making your eyes widen. You stood in anticipation as a man, who you assumed was Jake Sully, showed himself. Behind him stood a woman, who you thought was his mate, and his children. Jake’s ears flickered as he looked at you. “What the…” He whispered out, stepping closer. “She arrived unpronounced, and wished to speak to you.” The boy told his father. You let out a shaky breath, looking up at Jake Sully. Who was this man?
“I am the eldest daughter of Olo’eyktan, of the Lyre’oaran clan.” You spoke, glaring up at him as he looked down at you with confusion. You voice was wavering, tears welling your eyes as you tried to contain your anger. ‘This is the man that got my clan killed.’ You thought. “My clan is dead.” You said through gritted teeth, baring your teeth at him. “Lyre’oaran?” He mumbled, and his mate stood forward. “You are the people of the frozen moon?” She said. Your breath hitched, and you nodded.
“My people are dead.” You rephrased, stepping forward. “The Sky People came to our village, and killed everybody. They destroyed our most sacred place, and burned the houses, and killed the people! Because of you!” You yelled, though ending with a sob. Neytiri held her hands in front of her mouth, feeling your pain. You showed your wounded hand. “He is coming, for you.” You balled up your wounded hand into your fist.
“It is all your fault!” You screamed, and he stepped forward, a look of guilt on his face. You hit your fist against his chest. “It is your fault! My people! My home!” You sobbed, anger winning over you as you repeatedly hit his chest. He didn’t fight back, nor did his family stop you. They only watched in sympathy and pity. “My family.” You sobbed, and enveloped you in a hug, and you gave in, feeling warmth for the first time in days. You sobbed in his chest, your cries loud.
As daughter of Olo’eyktan, you were always taught to be noble, elegant, and graceful. You never had an emotional outburst before, but your feelings flowed out of you. “I’m sorry.” Jake apologized in your ear, and you couldn’t help but cry harder. “I’m sorry.”
You sat silently in their home, feeling like an outcast. You sat with your knees against your chest, hugging your legs. “You must eat.” Neytiri said softly, placing a bowl next to you. You ignored her. She sighed. “I understand.” She said. Your ears twitched, signaling that you were listening. “My father was killed by the Sky People. My people, our home tree, our forest — all because of them.” She sneered. You looked at her, slowly loosening. “Jake and my children are all half breeds, but they are one of the people. He helped us win against the devils.” She explained, looking at Jake, who sat across the room, with Tuktirey in his lap.
“Tomorrow, we move. We fly for Metkayina, for our safety. You must come with us.” She urged, and you turned your body towards her. Even you knew that you weren’t safe here. “You are fleeing? Instead of fighting?” You asked, judgement in your voice. She sighed. “For the children, we are fleeing.” You bit your lip, and couldn’t argue. Your parents would have done the same thing, and you knew that. “Then I will come with you.” Neytiri smiled at this. “But before we go, I ask to visit your sacred place — the spirit tree. I must feel Eywa.” She stared at you, silent, as if she were hesitant, then nodded.
“Ey, Neteyam!” She called over, to which the boy who you met first came over. “Take her to the spirit tree.” She ordered, and Neteyam said nothing and nodded. “Come.” He ushered. You stood, following him outside. As he led you towards the ikran, he stayed quiet for a while, before he spoke. “I have never heard of the Lyre’oare clan.” He told you, his voice startling you. You cleared your throat. “We are a clan only spoken in legends and myths, so it is expected.” You said, each word of your heavy and holding meaning.
“We are the clan closest to Eywa; each of us have a personal connection with the great mother. We live where the sun hides behind the moon, so our land is cold. That is why we are called the people of the frozen moon.” You explained, never thinking you would explain yourself to an outsider. Your clan was forbidden to interact with other clans, as your clan’s job was to maintain the balance of Eywa. “I see.” He said quietly, letting your words sink into his heart. Silence followed as you reached your ikrans, and began to set flight.
He didn’t speak after that, so you had decided to make conversation. “Your mother is lovely.” You had said, surprising him. He looked at you with wide eyes. “I can feel her love for Eywa, and her connection.” You looked at him. “And I can feel yours.” You said in a hushed tone. He shyly looked away. Your aura was that of a goddess’, and he couldn’t help but feel nervous around you. Yes, that had to be the reason he was nervous—no other reason.
You arrived at the sacred tree, and you gasped at the beauty of it. Eywa will always win your heart. Almost immediately, the seeds of the spirit tree started floating towards you. You laughed in joy, reaching your hands out to them. Neteyam watched in awe. So this is what being part of the most spiritual clan was like. You stepped towards the tree, brushing your hands against the stems, the nature around you whispering. He followed after you, entranced with curiosity.
You sat at the foot of the tree, on your knees. You reached out and grabbed a stem, sliding it towards yourself as you brought your braid towards the stem. You breathed in through your mouth as you connected and made your bond, before smiling. The grass below you began to illuminate brighter, and Neteyam stepped back. You raised your arms, placing your hands against the bark of the tree. “What the…” He mumbled as he watched the wound on your hand slowly heal. “Shh.” You hushed him.
He did so, watching as your hand was now left with nothing but a scar. You then leaned forward, pressing your forehead against the tree, eyes closed. “I see you, Eywa.” You whispered. You stood up quickly, causing Neteyam to flinch. You unbounded yourself from the spirit tree, and turned to him. “Thank you for bringing me here.” Neteyam couldn’t speak, the words getting caught in his throat. ‘Beautiful.’ He wanted to say.
The next day, you headed out to Awa’atlu with the Suli family, riding with Neteyam as you had to leave your ikran behind. Your ikran was used to colder temperatures, and bringing him to such a warm place like Pandora’s reefs would be too harsh for your ikran. You, on the other hand, would be able to adapt—hopefully. You took note of Kiri, feeling a strong connection of her and Eywa, but you decided not to say anything. She was child of an Avatar and alien. Being mature as a child of Eywa, you made sure not to discriminate, but you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable around her. She probably noticed.
“You must be careful. The chief’s wife is wise, but strict. She will not be so welcoming.” You told them, and Jake turned to you. “How do you know?” He asked, loud enough for you to hear. You let out a laugh. “I am connected with Eywa, I know everything!” You told him, gripping on tighter to Neteyam. His breath hitched. You ignored it.
“You didn’t know of me, though?” Jake said with obvious conclusion. You stayed silent for a few heartbeats, before speaking again. “I knew of you. I knew of Toruk Makto, and of how you led your people to victory against the Sky People. Though, Eywa did not reveal your name. She does not tell me anybody’s name.” You explained.
“The people of Awa’atlu are strong respecters of my clan, the Lyre’oare. Their spirit tree is under water, and without the cold of the water that is- was maintained by my people, their tree would have not been strong. They respect me and my people, though they’ve never seen us. But I can not say the same for you. They will be cautious of you.” You warned them, your words full of intelligence. “Well, let’s just hope they like us.” Jake mumbled.
You and the Suli family arrived, and you got off first, not afraid. The people crowded you and the family, murmuring amongst themselves. You felt someone touch your tail, and you hissed. You understood their curiosity, but you were one of the Lyre’oaran people, they should respect you. Your ears were rounder, like a polar bear’s, and your skin was much lighter, like ice.
You stood by Neteyam and Lo’ak, watching as two boys walked closer to you, then behind. “Look at their tails!” Rotxo laughed, touching Neteyam’s tail. “How are they supposed to swim?” Added Au’nong, laughing along. You stepped forward towards Au’nong, and he stopped laughing as he looked at you. You scanned him with judging eyes, circling around him. You gently kicked his tail with your foot, then ran your fingers along his arm. “Hey!” He hissed. “You are built for swimming.” You commented the obvious, looking at his arm.
You pushed his arm back to him. “But that is all you are good for.” He bared his teeth at your comment, and before you could bare your teeth back, Neteyam stopped you. “Just be cool, guys.” Said Jake, and you stepped away from Au’nong, showing some class. You were a lady, and that of a higher class. He was nothing but a childish teen. The chief made his presence, and you watched silently as he negotiated with Jake.
Then, his wife, Ronal appeared. She walked between the Suli family slowly, before setting eyes upon you. “You.” She said, head turning to her. “Where do you come from?” She asked, voice deep and strong. You didn’t cower. “I am daughter of Olo’eyktan, of the Lyre’oaran clan.” You said loudly. Some people gasped, some people stepped forward to get a better look at you.
“Why do you come here?” She asked. You huffed through your nose. “My clan is no longer. I am the only survivor. The Sky People have attacked my home. The Suli family and I come here to seek shelter.” You told her sternly, not wavering once. Her stare on you lingered, before she turned away. She touched Kiri’s tail. “Their tails are too thin, and their arms are too small.” She said. She then grabbed Lo’ak’s hand, showing them for everybody to see.
“They are not even real Na’vi!” The crowd gasped. “They have demon blood!” The crowd hissed and mumbled, and Jake sighed. Tuning Ronal and Jake out, you grabbed Neteyam’s hand, his hand flat against yours. He was surprised, and you hummed. “You do not have five fingers.” You said, smiling as you looked up at him. You didn’t know why, but you felt like comforting him. He let out a shaky breath, before clearing his throat. “I- Yeah.” He laughed nervously.
Lo’ak elbowed his side teasingly, and Neteyam only hissed back. You grinned, looking at Neteyam, before looking at his brother. “The daughter of the chief is looking this way.” You whispered. “What?” Lo’ak asked, head snapping up as he looked for Tsireya. “Just kidding.” You and Neteyam laughed, while Lo’ak groaned. “Not funny.”
“Come, follow.” You laughed, urging Neteyam quietly as he ran at after you. It was late at night, and the two of you were sneaking out. Neteyam knew that if his father found out, he would have surely gotten in trouble — but the excitement of it all was something he loved. You reached a dock, sitting down and reaching into the water. “Look.” You swerved your fingers around the water, the water around your hands turning light blue, illuminated. He stared in wonder.
He reached down into the water, doing the same, but the sea didn’t change. He looked at you in confusion. “My body is cold, because I am from a colder place. The water freezes as I touch.” You explained, eyes on him with a wide grin the whole time. He couldn’t help but grin back. “Your body is cold?” He asked. You nodded to confirm, holding your hand out. He hesitated, eyes glancing between you and your hand.
He placed his hand into yours, his larger. You gripped his hand, a chill being sent up your spine from his warmth. He let out a laugh. “You are freezing!” He exclaimed, and you giggled. “And you are warm.” Slowly, you brought his hand up to your face, and he subconsciously cupped it. His smile died down, his breath hitching. You stared up at him with doe eyes, and he almost leaned in, but he furrowed his eyebrows.
“You’re cold.” He mumbled, and your eyelids fluttered. “You are too cold.” He said, finally realizing something was wrong as your eyes fluttered shut, your body limp as you fell into his arms, unconscious. “Shit!” He scooped you up in his arms, your breaths fast and rapid. Your body was not adapting to the warm weather well. You were most likely having a heatstroke. He ran towards his home, hoping to find his father.
“Dad! Dad!” He yelled, Jake immediately standing up and looking at his son with wide eyes. “Something’s- Something is wrong with her.” He said, breaths fast as his eyes scanned her body with fear. “It is too warm here.” Neteyam explained, obvious distress in his tone. Neytiri acted first, ushering him to place her on the floor. “Hurry, call Ronal.” She told Kiri.
“What the hell were you doing, boy?” Asked Jake through gritted teeth, kneeling down next to his son. Neteyam tried to speak through his patterned breaths, obviously panicking. Jake quickly noticed, letting out a sigh before bringing his son’s head to his chest in comfort. “It’s going to be okay, Neteyam. She’ll be fine.”
You awoke the next day with a headache, but feeling much better. You rose up fast, looking around and noticing how you were back home. You looked to your sides, also noting how you were alone. “Neteyam? Lo’ak?” You called, hoping someone would show. You heard scurried footsteps, before you saw Neteyam. He let out a relieved sigh, immediately rushing in front of you and dropping to his kneels, arms wrapped around your neck as he hugged you tightly.
“You are okay.” He whispered, and you hesitantly hugged back, letting out a laugh. “Calm, Neteyam. I only fainted.” You joked, hoping to lighten the mood. Neteyam didn’t agree. He grabbed you by your shoulders, looking at you with stern eyes. “You only fainted? You gave me a heart attack! You are not taking care of yourself!” He said, angry. Your smile faded, and you frowned. You didn’t like that he was upset with you—at all.
“I am sorry, Neteyam. I did not mean to burden you.” You spoke in a hushed tone, your ears flickering back in guilt. His expression relaxed upon seeing yours. He cupped the side of your face so you would look at him. “You never burdened me. I care for you.” He said, his words holding deep meaning and placing a weight on your heart. You leaned into his hand, closing your eyes. “I am-” He cut you off, your eyes snapping open as his lips connected to yours with urgency.
It was a quick, but deep kiss, and you sat dumbfounded. You recollected yourself, breath shaky. “Neteyam.” You whispered, eyes wide. “I see you.” He told you, scooting closer to you as his eyes searched your face. Your confused expression morphed into a joyed one, your hand covering your mouth as a laugh slipped out your throat. “Neteyam!” You jumped on him, wrapping your arms around his neck, the sudden weight knocking you to over, laughter filling the open room.
He laid below you, and you supported yourself off the floor with your elbows, looking into his eyes. “I see you.” You told him back, leaning in for a second kiss.
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kv003 · 2 years
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“I mourn for the loss of my people, yet I am afraid that there will be no one left to mourn for me.”
more oc stuff (+ my process), angst with my snow na’vi ocs Z’ayukti and her former lover, Ay’txo (who was in the previous oc sketchdump thing). Using this as some grayscale and coloring practice :P 
Ay’txo was in-training to be Olo'eyktan of the Hweth’ik clan, while Z’ayukti was the daughter of a well known artisan and hunter of the clan. Since she wasn’t Tsahik-in-training she wouldn’t be able to be betrothed to Ay’txo, but their love still happened. yk ykforbidden romance trope lolol
content warning belong bc this was the original version w very minor bl**d and i think tumblr was shadow banning me for it lol
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netegf · 1 year
pairing: ao'nung x reader
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While his chest swelled with pride under the gaze of his father, the new tattoos and cheers of the clan were not enough to convince Ao’nung that birthdays were a good thing.
At the moment, they only meant the pursuit of Na’vi. Questions hanging over their heads about his strength as leader. You, behind the crowd at a more-than-respectful distance, far-away enough that his heartbeat laboured. It felt strange to celebrate a pressure growing.
Tonowari pats a large hand on his muscular shoulder and Ao'nung cracks a pained sideways smile that you know is meant for you. He looks to you once, then flicks his eyes to the shoreline. You know it means – please, let’s go – and maneuver through rock to trail after him.
Years ago, the Metkayina had a practice of aging the tulkun by their teeth. Ao'nung wondered how old he was by that metric. If his teeth saw something in him that resembled the future Olo'eyktan, or if they were slack and unruly like the child he still felt like.
Tired of the thought, he stops to bury his feet in grainy, wet sand and listens to the sounds of the raging Pandoran ocean. Always loud and shameless. A thief of rest and nuisance to the many Metkayina that lived nearby, but never him. It felt good to see wild waters do things he could not – how waves scream and ask for attention.
When the warmth of your body tickles his side like a slow-coming spring, he wraps a strong arm around your waist and engulfs you completely, matching the waves that crack against the beds of weathered rock.
“Listen, you’re really handsome and all.” You tease, peering up to his set jaw and the curly strands of dark hair that frame his pretty face. “But it’s my boyfriend’s birthday - and he’d be really upset if he knew I was with you right now.”
Ao’nung rolls his eyes and flicks you lightly in the forehead. He chews his cheek, gaze cast down in that uneasy way. “I look that different?”
You know he means the tattoos adorning his face. Maybe it was the future they promised. Spiralling patterns and shapes, beautiful and intricate. All of which seemed to be calling a particular attention to his lips that you were more than grateful for.
“I was just being silly.” You say, caressing the sides of his cheeks and leaning forward to give him a soft, salty kiss. He melts into it. Soil snow under the unrelenting sun, no need to protect the roots any longer. “You look like you. Beautiful.”
Ao'nung hums into the crook of your neck before shifting his body down until his head reaches your lap. The tide swipes like a teasing four-fingered hand from the past, wanting to bring something home. With the touch of your skin keeping him safe, for once, Ao’nung rests peacefully feeling like it isn't him.
“Happy birthday, Ao.” You whisper as his eyelids get heavy, surprised to see his body stir, mouth pressing a tender kiss to your knee. His head nuzzles into your hand that combs through his braids.
“Thank you, tanhì.” He murmurs sleepily, chest vibrating the words.
The passage of time was not something he took lightly. Most days, it felt like a thing he couldn’t pinpoint was escaping him. But tonight, it was easier to stomach.
He could lay buried in the sand, heartbeat synchronized with yours, and sleep with the comfort of your body supporting him at all sides like water. Forgive his age and the state of his teeth.
Because if birthdays were anything like your arrival to Awa’atlu, or those microbes that gave the ocean its glowing bioluminescence – then maybe, he could start to understand them as a good thing.
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i missed my boy :') reblogs/tags are so appreciated! 🪐
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theflowerofpandora · 2 years
Herwí Syulang Masterlist
Neteyam X F!Na’Vi OC (Herwìva)
Current Word Count: 22.5K
Summary: Quaritch is back. 5 years after the battle between the Sky People and the Sully Family alongside the Metikayina Clan, the battle where Neteyam was almost taken by Eywa. Seeking revenge yet again on Jake Sully, Quaritch massacres an entire Na’vi Clan in the Snow Mountains of Pandora - sparing one young Na’vi girl’s life to send the great Toruk Makto a message. 
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Overall content warnings: smut, angst, violence, graphic and explicit imagery (each chapter will specify any topic which may be triggering to some readers) 
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7 (COMING SOON)
Chapter 8 (COMING SOON
extra visuals content:
Herwíva’s knives
Herwíva’s fur shoes
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proffesionalalpaca · 4 months
Things I’d love to see in Avatar 3
1. Varang is a cleopatra like figure; I don’t mean a captivating beauty but a deadly strategist, intelligent negotiator, innovative thinker (cleopatra was a chemist among other many things) & formidable threat beyond the femme fatal archetype.
2. Quaritch & Lyle’s growing understanding of the Na’vi language shown with broken sentences in the subtitles, only showing what they can understand - enough but not quite.
3. Jake & Neytiri (plus the kids) still grieving for their eldest and adjusting to life with that missing piece
4. Lo’ak finding his stride as a Metkayina and making efforts to prove his worthiness of Tsireya to her parents
5. Spider carving out a place for himself among the Na’vi despite Neytiri’s hostility
6. Tuk beginning to grow from a child and into the warrior she’ll one day become - giving Jake 2 or 3 heart attacks daily
7. The Wind trader tribe being chill nomadic traders who just roll with the insane nonsense that happens around the main characters: Archenemy resurrected? - bummer, Teenage girl controls the environment like a Demi-god? - very cool, Sky person boy just walking around acting genuinely Na’vi? - I like your stripes brother!
8. The Ash people being more than just aggressive warriors but who are rather a calculating and intelligent culture - one that, compared to other Na’vi clans, is uniquely multi-cultured from the many generations of outcasts from other tribes who brought their own skills, knowledge and aspects of their culture into the collective. - complete with Na’vi subspecies we have yet to see (Tundra/snow Na’vi? Taiga?) , hybridised offspring and descendants of them just intergrated into the cultural identity of the ash people.
HC - Varang is like 1/4 wind-trader/dessert na’vi and has a tundra Na’vi somewhere in her ancestral family tree.
9. Showcasing that a good portion of new humans arriving to Pandora come as refugees who genuinely mean no harm to Pandora and RDA staff who are opposed to the measures being taken by the leadership against the natives.
10. Exploration of Na’vi history and why the ash people appear to be outcasts themselves among other Na’vi. -my theory is that they were once an advanced civilisation like the Aztecs but were destroyed like them by all the Na’vi they ticked off under the first Toruk Makto (who supposedly rallied the clans to defeat a volcano- oral history passed by hundreds of generations and metaphor diluting the real history - instead defeating the tribe of the volcano?)-
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jakexneytiri · 4 months
Hi, JakexNeytiri! I wanted to ask you something, what would you think if in the avatar universe; the albino na'vi existed? Like snow/mountain na'vis?...
I have a na'vi oc, that is an albino na'vi, but she doesn't look like most of the people thinks The albino na'vis might look, in my perspective; They look like Omatikaya na'vis, the only diference is that their tails are longer, their ears are pointer and that... Well... That They're albinos 😅, I feel like They will live up in the Mountains, the Iknimaya mountains, away from the other clans to avoid the RDA attacks and battles...
What do you think? I would like to read your opinion ★
honestly avatar lore is crazy and HUGE. i feel like I’m still finding something new out everyday, and we’ve only officially met two of the avatar clans! i know there’s been peaks and previews and mentions of other clans, but in the films we’ve only truly met the omatikaya and metkayina, so i don’t doubt that there’s probably albino na’vis! them living in the mountains makes sense :)
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sabasquatchtm · 1 year
Recom Week Day 4: Betrayal
Summary: After Lyle returns from being with the Ash people for a few months, he decides on whether or not to leave the RDA and make a new life in the clan. Fike confronts Lyle and tries to prevent him from leaving. TW: Strong Language, Minor Injury, Minimal Blood, Choking
Word Count: 1052
Snow falls inside the globe as it is shaken. A gift from Sean Fike, his very best friend. It was a fantastic snow globe, but… He couldn’t take it with him. He was going to miss this snow globe. Miss Fike… Miss a lot of things about the RDA, but.. Maybe it was for the best to leave it behind. Lyle simply placed the snow globe on the table close to the door and returned to his backpack with some things in tow.
Zzzzt . The backpack was now filled nearly to the seams with necessary items and was zipped up and ready to go. Lyle stands there, rubbing the back of his neck as he looks down at it. He could hardly believe that he was doing this. He was making this step towards freedom. 
Freedom. Yea, you could call it that. No more having to worry about orders. Instead, he would go by his own rules. Sure, he always was the type of man to walk to the beat of his drum, but he wouldn’t have to worry about the protocols of the RDA anymore. 
No, not anymore. 
He would fly out of there once he picked up his bag and got to Oakley. He would make his way back to her. Itka. She was waiting for him back at the Ash Clan, where he had been stationed for several months after he and Quaritch made contact. He hadn’t expected to want to live out there. Sure, it was different and was an extreme learning curve, but he never thought he would want that. He never expected to fall in love, either. Funny how that happened. One minute he was an extreme anti-Na’vi kind of guy, and the next? Wanting to have a family with a Na’vi woman. 
Crazy right?
Lyle softly huffed, not paying attention to the sound of his door opening as he picked up his bag. Once it was on his shoulders, he went to turn and nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw him.
Sean. Sean Fike.
“Jesus, man–” Lyle hisses, “Nearly scared the shit out of me,” he laughs a little.
Fike doesn’t laugh; he simply just stares at him. There is something in his hand.
“Hey, what do you got there, Fike?”
Fike doesn’t answer; he simply looks around at the backpack before looking back at Lyle.
“You gonna say something, Corporal, or what?”
Fike sighs, tossing the little box on the bed. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Lyle cocks a brow, canting his head to the side, “I’m sorry?”
“Don’t play dumb.”
“I’m not, but I’m not getting–”
“You’re leaving, aren’t you?” Fike’s voice cracks slightly when he pops the question.
“Yes, but it’s not like–”
“I fucking knew it.” To hear that his best friend was leaving. Why? Why would he do that? Surely this was a mistake. This was a whole misunderstanding. The two of them were loyal. Loyal RDA soldiers. Loyal best friends. This wasn’t his Lyle.
“Fike, just listen, I–.”
“No. I don’t want to fucking hear it.”
“Fike if you just–”
“I said no! Do you hear yourself, Lyle?! Why are you leaving the RDA? Why are you leaving all of your friends? Why are you leaving me?!”
“Fike I’m not abandoning you, I just–”
“Yes, you are! Don’t pretend like I don’t know!” Fike’s eyes look like glass. “I know you’re going back to that fucking Ash Clan shit! Is there someone out there!?”
“Shut up. Just…” Fike shakes his head. Knowing that his best friend, the man he was falling for, had fallen in love with someone else. Why? What had gone wrong? Was he not good enough for the lieutenant? What had he done to mess this up?
“Fike, you just need to calm down– I need to go,” Lyle walks around him to get to his door. Fike looks over his shoulder at him and abruptly turns, walking past Lyle and standing in front of the doorway. Lyle sneers slightly, “Get out of my way, Corporal.”
“No. You’re not going to that fucking clan,” Fike growls, pushing Lyle back a step.
Lyle pushes him right back. “Just watch me. You’re acting ridiculous.”
Lyle’s push causes Fike to lunge at Lyle, and both fall to the floor with a THUD . The two brawl, swinging fists and blocking each other’s blows. They roll around on the floor, bumping into objects close by. They hit against the tall, the snow globe falling and landing on the floor. Thankfully it did not shatter.
“Get the fuck off of me, man!” Lyle growls, trying to push Fike off of him when he is pinned. Fike’s hands suddenly wrap around Lyle’s throat and squeeze. Lyle growls out, grabbing his wrists to try to loosen his grip, but it is too much. He was quickly closing his airways, and the man was panicking. He scrambles, pushing and beating on Fike to free himself from his grip, but he can’t.
“You see what you’ve made me do, Lyle!? How could you do this to me? I thought we were pals. You betrayed me!!”
Lyle couldn’t respond, for his airways were being blocked off. He tried getting free, thrashing around under Fike’s grip. Suddenly, Lyle saw something out of the corner of his eye that was within reach:
The snowglobe. 
Lyle growls, glaring up at Fike as he quickly takes hold of the snow globe.
“I thought we had something, Lyle! I fucking lov–”
The snow globe comes across the side of Fike’s head, shattering on impact. Fike’s eyes roll back into his head, and his grip immediately loosens as he falls onto the ground. He lays there unconscious, the side of his head bleeding. Lyle gasps out when his airways return to normal, the man coughing. Jesus, that man had a good grip on him. He then looks down at Fike. He was shaking, his nerves torn up all to hell after that. What had gotten into Fike? Should he have been happy for him?
Apparently Not.
Lyle sighs, shaking his head as he stands up. “I’m sorry, man,” Lyle mutters, closing his eyes briefly before opening them up. It was time to go. He steps over Fike and out the door, shutting it behind him.
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eywaseclipse · 3 months
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Snow Na’vi relaxing in her favorite geothermal hot springs while it snows a little. ❄️🏔️
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iammadsdemons · 9 days
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Mizu and his friend kasi where wondering around playing accident got into some trouble thankfully baba is always nearby
Yes that’s Lyle, he seemed the easiest to draw at the time.
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klaro-simpremacy · 2 years
Get to know me ! - GENERAL HEADCANONS
@dragonriderwarrior​ asked me : What’s his favorite animal? Or rather what’s his mount, his trusty steed? It’s it like a snow cat predator
So I thought I would just make some general headcanons about Klaro, so, here it is !
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Klaro is an Avatar based on Snow Na’vi, and that’s why he’s so mainly white. Snow Na’vi are very pale so they can camouflage in the snow. They also have short tail, and thicker skin.
His mount his a giant white Thanator, that he called Onyx. He’s very moody and grumpy.
He was a soldier when he arrived on Pandora, and unlike the RDA bases implanted in the forst, where only scientists had an Avatar, soldiers from the conquest of the North Pole project had Avatars too, so they could survivre easily outside because of the deadly cold.
Klaro passed in front of the eye of Eywa, which means that he left his human body to become a Na’vi 24/7.
He’s the leader of the anti-military group fighting the RDA in the North Pole. The RDA even called them the Draugr (’The one walking after death’), which is a word for “Ghost” in Norse human language. The Na’vi clans, however, called them the Teyrtiranyu, which means “White Walkers”.
He’s 10;8ft tall, yeah, he’s a big boi.
Snow Na’vi are a little bigger and a little stronger, so more muscular, females too, because they need to be if they want to walk/run in the snow, or climb glaciers.
If you’re wondering why his tail is so short, it’s mainly because they don’t need it for balance like the Forest Na’vi do while riding Ikrans or running in the trees. Of course, there’s a few forest in the North Pole, but the tress aren’t that big there.
Klaro learned how to live like a Na’vi, he stayed in a clan for a few months to know how to become part of this nature.
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kv003 · 2 years
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Za’yukti, my Avatar oc. She’s a part of the Hweth’ik clan. They’re snow mountain climbing/cave Na’vi lol. 
Here’s some info about the snow mountain Na’vi of Za’yukti’s story:
-  Snow mountain Na’vi have thicker skin, and are more muscular than most Na’vi since they need to retain heat. Use lots of fur and hides to stay warm. 
- Larger feet and strong backs for climbing, and navigating the snow. 
- Pale skin so they can camouflage among the snow, also not much pigmentation since they reside in caves as well.
-Slight fur on ears and tails, ears are smaller and are more inwards because of the cold.
- Sunken eyes are an adaptation since they are up in higher elevation, exposed to lots of sunlight despite the snow. Eyeblack paint is to protect the reflectiveness of the sun.
- Their queues are braided into their front braids so that they can stay warm and not freeze off, also easier access since their always wearing lots of furs.
yeah thats all i got for now hehe
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berryberrysh · 7 years
Group B will certainly feature Astralis
Within Group A, we have SK Gaming, North, Cloud9 as well as B. O. O. T-dream[S]cape. Action will begin with two matches wherever SK faces d[S] and North performs against C9. Then, details will play each other, the actual losers will do that too. The winners of the winners’ match up will go to the Playoffs, as the losers will play details of the losers’ match like a second seed from the Team in the playoffs. It’s secure to say that SK Video gaming will make it to the Playoffs with North and Cloud9 fighting for the second seeds spot.
Group B will certainly feature Astralis, Virtus. professional, Natus Vincere and Renegades. Action will start with Astralis playing Renegades, while Na’Vi will face Virtus. master. Astralis is likely to be the first seedling from this group, while Virtus. pro and Na’Vi continues to be to fight for the second Playoffs spot. The result of this fit should depend on how nicely Natus Vincere managed to repair their issues since the fits in ESL Pro Group Season 6 and how difficult Virtus. pro trained with this tournament.
Gambit Esports, FaZe Clan, Ninjas in Pyjamas and mousesports are in Party C. First, Gambit may play mousesports and FaZe will play against Ninjas in Pyjamas. We would become surprised if FaZe Group wasn’t able to finish very first in this group. On the other hand, it is extremely difficult to say whether or not Gambit, mousesports, or Ninjas in Pyjamas should get in to the Playoffs as the second seed starting, for arguments could be designed for Cheap CSGO Skins  all of them. This should be a really entertaining group.
The final team, Group D, features Immortals, G2 Esports, Team EnVyUs and Fnatic. First, Immortals will play Fnatic, whilst G2 Esports faces Group EnVyUs in a classic France match. Our instincts reveal that Immortals and G2 Esports should make it from this group, but it could truthfully go completely differently. The one thing we’re certain of within this group is that we know absolutely nothing, just like John Snow, remorseful Ae… okay, no termes conseillés.
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iammadsdemons · 3 months
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Some of Mansi and Koda’s children, aka their little frostlings 🥺❄️💖
Ma’rek- mansi and koda’s oldest son, Warrior/hunter in Training, he is a clever, cheerful and responsible son and older brother, though he can be very overly confident that does tend to turn into arrogance.
He really loves his girlfriend her name is Sae 💖🥺
age 18-19 and is 10ft
Nicknames- Mochi
Roätx- mansi and koda’s oldest daughter, prodigy Warrior/hunter in training, she’s very fierce when it comes to her lessons but is very much the opposite and very much enjoys causing chaos with her brothers, she prefers to stay close with them most of the time.
Age 16 years old, 9.8ft
Nicknames- lotus
Raie- mansi and koda’s second oldest son, Warrior/hunter in Training, he is a very sweet boy, though he can be rather rude and has some anger issues, but playing the drums for festivals helps and he is betrothed to the daughter of another clan. age 16
Nicknames- snowstorm/ storm
( belongs to livieeartworks on ig)
Ìnuyä- mansi and koda’s youngest daughter, she is very kind, very curious child too and is tsakarem, she’s very much your typical girl and she loves horses. age 13 years old
Nicknames- snowdrop
• Is look down on by some of the older members of the clan because she was born in a different region from different na’vi of the snow mountains which is also her second home with the Ra'Baeonriikä'roakx (fan made clan by @rukicchisanarts )
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