starneteyam · 1 month
Tumblr is full of pedophiles.
This is exactly why I don’t write on this app anymore. Everybody loves to justify writing/reading smut of minors by saying that they’re fictional. It doesn’t change the fact that you’re sexualizing a 15 year old. There are so many pedophiles like @natsukicookies on this app, who try to justify themselves while partaking in the sexual zing of minors. She writes smut of minors aged up. She also has an account on wattpad and ao3 under the same username. Stay safe yall.
Thread of her trying to justify herself:
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Proof that she’s an adult/her account:
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Her aging up minors to write smut:
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And it doesn’t matter “if she was the same age as the character when I she started liking them.” I had a huge crush on Tokito Muichiro when I was 14 but now??? I have no romantic feelings for him bcs he is and will always be a 14 year old boy. I don’t even find him attractive anymore. YOU GUYS ARE JUST PEDOS!
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starneteyam · 2 years
Hey I was wondering if you can make a fanfic about neteyam x reader, I want the fl who is strong and independent, i want a enemies to lovers trope or rivals to lovers trope honestly any of those two, and I would like the reader to be a Omaticayan
🖇️ char. Neteyam x Omaticaya! Fem! Reader
🖇️ tags. Enemies to lovers, fluff
🎥 In which you’re holding a grudge against Neteyam over something that happened years ago, but he’s head over heels over you and is desperate for you to be his mate
A/N Hey! I’m back, starting off strong with some enemies to lovers 😛 Sorry if this isn’t what you meant! WE LOVE PATIENT NETEYAM <3
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NETEYAM WOULD NEVER leave you alone. It was like he was determined to make you annoyed by being around him. You couldn’t help but think he was an asshole, but you had a proper reason to think so. When you were younger, you had been known as the best hunter of your clan. You were proud of it, and so were your parents. It was your soul pride that you were the best hunter. Until, Neteyam started hunting.
He quickly became the best, as if he were born with the gift of drawing an arrow. You were humiliated. Without hunting, you were nothing, just another N’avi. At first, you were learning to accept the fact that Neteyam was just naturally better. That was, until he said one sentence to you, the only sentence he had said to you up until then. “Sorry, I guess I’m just better.” Neteyam was a child, he was immature, but still, those words made you despise him. You hadn’t talked to him since, and you figured he even forgot about you — that he didn’t even know who you were.
Growing older, you started to be known for another thing — your beauty. You were becoming of age and it was time for you to find your mate, and Neteyam was caught in this trap of yours. Of course, Neteyam didn’t know who you were, he was far too important to know a nobody like you. But you knew him, you had him engraved into your brain, burning with hatred.
Neteyam first saw you in the forest, when you were walking with your bow and arrows, just to do some target practice. He was immediately entranced by your beauty, and by the time he noticed, he was already talking to you. “What are you doing?” He asked, jogging to catch up to you. You looked over your shoulder, and your subconscious smile turned into a scowl as soon as you recognized him, rolling your eyes.
“Go away, son of Olo’eyktan.” He wasn’t bothered by your words. Rather, he ignored them. “You know me?” His ears flickered in somewhat joy, and you let out a sigh. “Everybody knows who you are, idiot.” You mumbled the last word under your breath, but it still made it to his ears. He took no offense. He continued to follow you in silence, so, aggravated, you turned and dropped your arms by your side. “What do you want?”
Neteyam looked like an idiot in front of you. A big, stupid smile on his face, like he didn’t care about how you talked to him, but was just happy about that fact that you were talking to him at all. “I want to get to know you.” He said in all honestly, eyes shining as he looked down at you. “Well, I don’t.” You spat, crossing your arms. He ears slowly lowered, flattening against his head. “Why? Are you… are you already promised?” He asked.
You grit your teeth. Must he humiliate you even more? “No, but I do not want to be promised to you.” You pressed your finger against his chest, before turning and continuing into the forest. He smiled as he ran after you. “Well, I will make you want to be promised to me.” You scoffed at this. You scoffed at his words, his confidence, and his determination. Still, he chased after you.
Days went on just like that, where he bothered you from day to night, every single day. You ignored him a lot, and obliviously showed that you were not interested, and that you rather disliked him, yet, he still tried. Most days, he would follow you to your aiming range, and just sit near and watch in silence, like today. You could feel his stare burning holes into the side of your head. Irritated, you dropped your bow and looked at him.
“Why, Neteyam? You are clearly getting nowhere with me, so why are you trying so hard?” You huffed, crossing your arms. He stood up, walking up to you, nothing but adoration in his eyes. “Because you are kind.” He said softly. You scoffed. “When have I ever been kind to you? Are you alright in the head?” You wanted to laugh at his idiocy. He shook his head.
“No, you are kind. You could push me away, but you don’t. You let me get close, you let me be around you,” He said slowly, the words sinking into your heart. “And you act like you don’t, but I know you listen to me.” You furrowed your eyebrows. Why was he being so nice to you? Even after you’ve ignored him, called him names, belittled him, he was here, standing in front of you and calling you kind. You frowned, starting to slowly feel like an asshole yourself.
“Why don’t you like me?” He asked, his voice quiet. You were now avoiding his eyes, feeling pathetic. You hated him over something small and trivial, over some words that held absolutely zero meaning. You were so filled with pride and hatred that you couldn’t see the loving, gentle, patient man standing in front of you. You stayed silent, feeling more ashamed as the question repeated in your mind. He let out a breath through his nose, before cupping your face.
“You act like you can’t stand me, but you don’t push me away. That’s why I try, because I know there is something there.” He tried. You stayed silent, nibbling on your bottom lip. He frowned. “I want to respect you, so please, make a choice. If you really dislike me, push me away, tell me to stop. But if I have a chance, even just a tiny chance, tell me.” His eyebrows were furrowed. He hated that he had to give an ultimatum. He hated that there might be a chance that you might push him away, and that you could be somebody else’s.
There was a suffocating silence, before you raised your hand to grab his that was cupping your face. His tail whipped between his legs as his eyebrows rose. “I’m sorry, ma Neteyam. I was cruel to you, and yet, you call me kind.” You let out a small laugh. “If anybody, you’re the one who’s kind.” Neteyam was holding his breath with anticipation. What were you saying? What did this mean?
“I see you.” You said in a whispered voice, closing your eyes and leaning into his palm. Neteyam’s heart was beating so loudly in his ears that he nearly missed what you had said. He let out the breath he had been holding, collapsing into your touch as he rested his forehead on your shoulder, taking you by surprise. “Thank you for not pushing me away.” He mumbled. You laughed, arms enveloping around him as you pet his head.
“Thank you for waiting for me.”
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starneteyam · 2 years
not you saying you won’t age up character or do smut yet write a sexual tension shit ☠️
PLEASE READ! (I think I speak for all authors when I say this)
Why are y’all so mad about the fact that I, a minor, don’t want to write smut about minors? It’s actually creepy and uncomfortable. Sexual tension means tension between two people that aren’t lovers yet but know they both want each other—the word “sexual” doesn’t always equal smut or lust. I can’t believe I even have to explain this. Saying this anonymously to complain about how I disagree to write smut about minors and trying to pin me as a hypocrite is so pathetic. I had three people calling me disgusting and a pedophile when I’ve never wrote smut nor anything leading up to it. I don’t care if a minor wants to write smut, you do you. Me, personally, I don’t want to. It’s uncomfortable. And it’s so weird when adults request minors aged up to request plots like smut and pregnancy. That’s why I don’t allow requesting aged up characters.
I was a fanfic author on Wattpad, @/honeyshoyo. My fanfics blew up and I got a lot of reads, but I had so many comments disrespecting my culture, my language, or hating in general, so I just quit writing.
I came onto tumblr because I wanted to start fresh away from Wattpad, seeing all the minifics and oneshots and amazing authors on here, but seeing these type of comments so early on into the start of this account is honestly concerning. Writing becomes not fun anymore when people on the internet who don’t even know me try to paint me as a pedophile or a hypocrite. It’s annoying and disgusting.
If you’re an author, I beg of you to repost this because I know damn well I’m not the only one EXHAUSTED of this unnecessary hate.
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starneteyam · 2 years
i absolutely love your writing so much, i always enjoy reading your works 🫶🏻. do you think you could do an established relationship!neteyam x reader drabble where the reader gets kidnapped bu quaritch and his men and neteyam gets on protective bf mode when he finds out and saves the reader (like that one scene with neteyam and his bow and arrow). and when him and the reader reunite neteyam's frantic to make sure reader's okay and they just shut him up by tightly clinging onto him to which he holds them just as tight, just a fluffy and intimate ending 💗💗 thank you!!
🖇️ char. Neteyam x Omaticayan! Fem! Reader
🖇️ warn. Mental torture, kidnapping, angst
🎥 In which you get kidnapped by Quatrich, and Neteyam is desperate to get you back
A/N I literally wrote this whole thing but when I saved it as a draft, it got deleted 😭😭 It’s a little angsty tbh, hope you like it!!
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Everything happened so quickly. One minute, you were roaming the forest with Lo’ak, Kiri, Tuk, and Spider, and the next, you were being suffocated in the arms of an avatar. When you woke up, you were in a room you didn’t recognize, the white walls and white lights blinding you. You tried to get up, but realized you were bounded to a metal chair, with green panels surrounding you. “You’re awake.” You heard, the female voice echoing throughout the room.
You looked around as you eyes adjusted to the lighting, and was able to now see the Sky People surrounding you, all in lab coats or military clothing. As you had started to recall the events, you grit your teeth, trying to force yourself out of the metal binds. You hissed at them, baring your teeth and showing zero compliance. “Hey, hey now.” Quatrich said, walking over to you. Your free tail whipped towards him and smacked him, and he stepped back.
“Don’t make this hard, girlie. It’s either you tell us where Jake Sully is, and take the easy way, or you don’t, and you die.” He said menacingly, but you didn’t waver, hissing at him once more. For Neteyam, you would die in this chair, and so would your secrets.
Neteyam felt the same about you. Though, he was able to save his siblings, he couldn’t help but notice that Spider and you were gone. He grabbed Lo’ak by the shoulders. “Where’s my mate, Lo’ak?” He asked desperately, and Lo’ak ears pressed flat against his head. “They took her.” Kiri answered for him, her voice cracking as she said so. She looked at her dad with tear filled eyes. “Spider, too. They took them!” She weeped, and Neteyam could hear his heart breaking in his ears.
His breaths became patterned, his tail swinging wildly, ears flickering to show that he was currently in a spin of emotions. He was alarmed and confused, and scared. Just a few days ago, you had become his mate officially, and yet, here you were, out of reach and in the hands of danger. Neytiri hugged her son tightly, reassuring him. “She is the next Tsahik, she is closer to Eywa than any of us. She will be protected.” She tried to comfort him, but all Neteyam could think about was you.
The Sullys had moved to Awa’atlu, and Neteyam didn’t know what to do. He was opposed to leaving the forest, at first; of leaving you, but he had no choice. He didn’t know if you were dead or alive, or if he would ever see you again. He so desperately missed your touch, and the way you would look at him with nothing but love, or how you would mumble his name and pronounce each syllable properly.
Calmly and with that soft voice of yours. He missed you.
You had been on the ship with the Sky People, locked in a room and only taken out for interrogation because you opposed to complying at all. Spider, as you heard was kidnapped with you, was complying with them. You didn’t know the full story because you were in a cell the whole time, but you couldn’t help but feel disappointed of him.
Weeks had passed, and you didn’t know if it was because you were starving, but the air had started to smell like saltwater. You face was covered in dried blood from constant nosebleeds during interrogation. The machine they used on you worked very slowly because you were Na’vi, and had a different brain structure — you were too advanced for the machine to figure you out. You had bruises from low iron deficiency, you would constantly throw up from the little food they fed you, and you could barely stand from how drained you were, both mentally and physically.
You begged them to let you go, that they were just wasting their time and that Spider would help them anyways — but they didn’t. You just wanted to be back in Neteyam’s safe arms, but you knew that the only ticket out of this hellhole was by leaking everything; and you would rather die than do that, so you stayed silent and shoved your selfishness down.
You knew something was happening the second the ship you were in rocked heavily, as if it had run into something. Then, gunfire. You didn’t know wether to feel relieved or horrified. Were you being attacked or rescued? Staying silent as you listened to the muffled screams and gunfire, being swayed violently, and then, metal cracking apart.
You heart dropped to the bottom of your stomach as you realized that the ship was sinking. Every nerve in your body was panicking as you slammed your shoulder against the heavy metal door, banging on it and begging somebody to open. “Please! Somebody!” Your heart only started pounding harder when the tiny vent on the floor started flooding with water, rising quickly.
Neteyam jumped out of the sea, his eyes locked on Lo’ak, Tuk, and Tsireya, who were tied up on the ship. “Neteyam!” Tuk called, relieved to see her brother. “Ma Neteyam,” Tsireya called as he started cutting Tuk’s binds, “The dreamwalkers were talking about a Na’vi girl, saying she is locked downstairs.” Neteyam’s ears pressed flat against his head as he immediately recognized who she was talking about. “Thank you. Get Tuk out of here.” He ordered.
“Bro, hurry up!” Lo’ak ushered. “You go get Spider.” He told his little brother as he cut his binds, before rushing towards the stairs. “Bro! Where’re you going?” Lo’ak yelled. “To get her!” His heart was pounding in his ears, and every nerve was spiraling through his body. Knowing that you were there, alive, made his throat tighten. He missed you, and all these months, knowing that you were stuck in that small room made him want to beat himself up.
He ran through the halls, water at ankle level as the red lights from the alarms nearly blinded him. Water splashed violently as he ran from door to door, opening each one but not being able to find you. He entered an open space, seeing multiple electrical instruments and a chair with metal binds, and his heart dropped when he saw dried blood on it. He entered a different hallway, and his ears perched when he heard faint echoed bangs of a metal door.
His breaths were heavy as he arrived at the door, seeing that there was no handle and only an electrical panel that seemed to be a lock for the door. He grabbed his bow with both hands, before smashing the end of it on the electrical panel, continuously bashing it until it popped and sizzled, eventually falling off. The door cracked open, a body falling on the floor as if it had been leaning against it. His pupils dilated as he looked at you for the first time in forever.
You looked up at him, your lips parting open as you gasped. “Ma Neteyam.” You whispered.
It was really you. He fell on his knees as he took no time embracing you, a hand cupping the back of your head as he closed his eyes, breathing heavily as he felt you fit into his body like the puzzle piece that had been missing. You barely had the strength to hug him back, body limp against him as you leaned into him. He pulled away, both hands cupping your face as he quickly scanned you.
His eyebrows furrowed after seeing the dried blood covering your face, along with the tiny cuts and bruises. “What have they done to you, my love?” He mumbled, voice wavering. “Neteyam.” You could only say, tears welling your eyes. You only now realized how much you had longed to see him. “Are you alright? What- What did they do?” He frantically asked, searching your body. He was taken aback when you suddenly hugged him once more.
“I missed you, Neteyam.” You ignored his questions, and he dismissed his own, burying his face into your shoulder. “I missed you more. Don’t ever leave my side.” He whispered.
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starneteyam · 2 years
your writing is so heart fluttering to read !!! can i request an established relationship!neteyam x reader drabble or one shot where the reader moves to awa’atlu with the sullys having been promised as neteyam’s mate and the reader is really struggling to learn the way of water compared to the sully siblings and gets super frustrated/insecure and neteyam is on patient/loving/gentle bf mode 🫶🏼 tyyyyy
🖇️ char. Neteyam x fem! Omaticaya! reader
🖇️ warn. None, fluff
🎥 In which Neteyam comforts you after you started having doubts about yourself
A/N Holy shit I’ve been so busy and I have so many requests 😭 Thank u all for requesting, I’ll try getting on it!! I love this idea sm, headcannon Neteyam is such a patient bf. Hope you like this!! Sorry for taking so long :(
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You groaned to yourself as your head rose above the water, taking deep breaths and panting. You grit your teeth. Nothing had been going the way you wanted it to.
The way of the water—you just couldn’t understand it. You were one of the forest people, you couldn’t possibly learn the way of the water. Being betrothed to Neteyam, for the safety of you and the Sully family, Jake thought it was best to reside in Awa’atlu, with the reef people. At first, you were excited about it. Of course, leaving your home hurt your heart in ways you couldn’t explain, but you were determined to learn quickly and pull your weight.
Obviously, you didn’t expect it to be this hard. Taming an Ilu, holding your breath, learning the underwater sign language — you were falling behind on all of these things. Even Tuk was doing better than you — and these facts were chipping at your pride.
You were the best at everything back at the forest. You climbed quickly and ran through trees faster than anybody, and you understood the animals much better. It was almost as if you were Mother Nature itself; and you also knew that this is why Neteyam fell in love with you.
The animals that would usually bare their teeth at other Omaticaya would come closer to you and nuzzle their head against your thigh, and he thought you were beautiful when you were subconsciously smiling while walking through the jungle. You rode your ikran skillfully, and you were great at hunting. Jake and Neytiri were proud to call you their daughter-in-law. But here, you were the opposite.
Hence, you were starting to get scared. You were embarrassed that you had been doing nothing but failing ever since you got here, and you were afraid Neteyam would start being disappointed in you, almost as if he would leave you for someone better, and more… perfect.
That night, with shame crashing down on your pride, you sat on the dock alone, knees against you chest as you rubbed your shoulders, tears running down your cheeks as you sobbed quietly.
“My love?” You heard a voice behind you, and you flinched, immediately recognizing the voice. You quickly wiped your tears, but it didn’t go unnoticed by Neteyam. He sat next to you, hand on your shoulder as he leaned down to look at you.
You avoided eye contact, letting out a shaky sigh. “What is wrong?” He asked, voice quiet and soft. You sniffled, before looking at him. He took time to notice your big glossy eyes, reddened. “I want to go home.” You whispered, a sob breaking through.
His shoulders lowered at your saddened state, immediately embracing you and bringing your head to his chest as he stroked your hair. “This is our home.” You couldn’t say anything back, pulling yourself away and looking up at him. “I don’t belong here. I’ve done nothing but, but be dead weight.” You mumbled, closing your eyes, eyebrows furrowed. He cupped your face, forcing you to look up at him. “It is only normal. Our bodies are not built for water, love. You just need time.” He reassured you, but your frown never left your face.
Seeing that you weren’t very convinced, he said nothing else but leaned down, pushing his lips against yours. You breathed in through your nose, and for a second, all of your worries disappeared. Neteyam had this effect. His kisses, his words, him—He would make everything okay again. He pulled away, his thumb swiping at your tears, placing a light kiss on your other cheek.
“You are perfect, to me and always.” He said sternly, making sure every word was burned and engraved in your head and heart. For the first time in a while, you cracked a small smile, and Neteyam felt relieved.
“And if you want to talk about being dead weight, you should talk about Lo’ak.” He whispered, making you laugh quietly, nuzzling yourself into his hand. “Just- Just make sure you don’t leave me for someone better.” You said, half-jokingly as you laughed awkwardly.
He shook his head, kissing the tip of your nose. “I will never leave you, even if you were to stab me in my heart.” And you knew he meant it.
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starneteyam · 2 years
hiii, luv <3 hru?
i saw that your requests were open and i have a scenario that has been living in my head rent free. i will totally understand if you don't like it or it's not your style of writing, so please take it more as a suggestion!
you know that moment in the beginning of avatar 2 where neteyam gets injured after following lo'ak into the middle of the attack and it makes jake super worried? can you write a drabble of something like, after neteyam gets his injuries treated, he goes after reader who was also on the mission, but in a different area, so she doesn't know what happened to him to check up on her and then the moment she sees him hurt she gets super troubled and distressed, but he calms her up and they have a super cute moment after. pure fluff: just him venting about the pressure of being the perfect son, his worries towards his family and she reassuring him that he doesn't have to be perfect all the time and that he’ll always be safe with her… that kind of thing. maybe that’s the first time they ever said ‘i see you’ to each other ? idk, it’s up to you <3
i’ve been missing my baby boy sm lately so i’ve been daydreaming a lot :( thank you in advance and i hope you have a great day !! i love your content <3
🖇️ char. Neteyam x fem! Omaticaya! reader
🖇️ warn. None, best friends to lovers
🎥 In which Neteyam gets injured during an attack on the Sky people, and you worry about him
A/N Tysm for requesting!! I love this scenario it’s so cute :( I kind of ate this oneshot ngl 😜
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Even though Neteyam was your best friend, he was very affectionate with you. He liked resting his head on your shoulder, and he loved the way you comforted him. Something about you made him so calm, and you made all his worries go away with a single smile. He was basically glued to your hip, and nobody would see you without the other.
But as you grew, the Sky People started becoming more aggressive and frequent with their attacks, and Neteyam was becoming older, which meant he would start going out into battle with his father, along with Lo’ak. You would be situated in a different group, in charge of grabbing any medicine you could loot from the cargo. You hated the fact that you had to wish Neteyam safety as you watched him fly into danger and possible death, but you knew he was only doing overwatch work, which meant he wouldn’t be in the battle field. He would come back without a scratch, every single time.
That was, until today. Lo’ak decided it would be a great idea to go down to ground and “help out”, and being his older brother, Neteyam followed. After a missile striked near where the two of them were, he got blown back and injured, getting cuts and bruises scattered all over his body, losing consciousness for a few seconds. You had seen the missile, furrowing your eyebrows as you watched it hit the ground. Your heart burned anytime any of your people got hurt, and you just hoped nobody who you knew had gotten hurt, or worse.
After flying back to the caves, of course, he got an earful from his father, who was very clearly disappointed in him. ‘I tried to stop him,’ Neteyam wanted to argue, but he bit his tongue and stayed quiet. His father dismissed him with a huff, and Kiri led Neteyam to her grandmother to get himself treated. You, on the other hand, was still at the train tracks, looking carefully for any medicine or herbs you could fine, taking hours.
You finally flew back to the caves, groaning, as your legs were sore and your feet were scratched. You turned your head, cracking some joints as you entered the first aid tent, seeing nobody inside. It was already dark out, and you could hear nothing but the sound of ikrans crying around you. You sat on the floor, unpacking your looted items, drained. “You’re back.” You heard a voice from behind you, and it was as if all the tiredness just suddenly went away, a smile creeping onto your face as you immediately recognized the voice, your heart skipping a beat.
You turned around, and your smile soon disappeared as quick as it came. “Neteyam!” You gasped, looking at his body full of cuts and scratches, his ribs covered with bruises. You stepped forward, your hand hovering his injuries as the other cupped your open mouth. “What happened?” You asked, your hand grabbing his wrist as you looked up at him. He looked down at your worried expression and frowned.
“Lo’ak.” He replied shortly, his voice soft and quiet. Your ears turned downwards as you heard his voice full of hurt. “You need to be more careful, Neteyam. Are you alright?” You rambled, not knowing wether to be angry or concerned. “What if you had gotten killed? I would’ve- I…” Your breaths were patterned, and he immediately reassured you by cupping the side of your face with his palm, forcing you to look at him. “I’m alright.” He told you sternly, and you let out a shaky breath, closing your mouth and nodding firmly.
He sighed as he leaned into the crook of your neck, arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he fit you like a puzzle piece, melting into you. This is what Neteyam had been longing for. You hugged him back, one hand on the back of his head as you lightly pet him. “It was that missile, no?” You asked quietly in his ear, and he said nothing but nodded.
You stayed silent for a few heartbeats, letting him relax into your touch. “It wasn’t your fault.” You told him, knowing he needed to hear it. He pulled away, scoffing as he walked past you. “Tell that to my father.” He mumbled, plopping onto the floor. You let out a tiny sigh. Jake was too harsh on Neteyam, everybody knew that. You couldn’t imagine the pressure Neteyam held. If Lo’ak, or even his other siblings were to get themselves killed, you knew Neteyam would blame himself—and you feared that the most.
You sat on the floor next to him, and as if you were a magnet, he leaned into you, resting his head on your shoulder. “It is Lo’ak’s fault, I told him to stop, to come back! He never listens, and he never apologizes.” He complained, looking at the floor as he played with his fingers, frustrated. You stayed quiet as you listened to him ramble, knowing he just needed to rant. He talked on and on for what felt like hours, and you just sat there, listening, playing with his fingers and hair as you did. You would do anything for him.
“Neteyam.” You called to him, interrupting him as you scooted in front of him, grabbing both his hands. “It was not your fault.” You pronounced each word carefully as you shook both hands, and he frowned, looking away as he shrugged his shoulders. “I know, but-”
You interrupted him again, this time, hand on his jaw so he would stop looking away, and look at you and you only. “Not but, Neteyam. It was not your fault Lo’ak decided to wander off, and I’m more worried about you!” You huffed, frustrated. “You’re terribly injured and you nearly got killed!” You brought your hands to his face, softly brushing your thumbs across his cheeks as your searched his face. “I worry for you, Neteyam. I care for you.” Your words got quieter as the words you always wanted to say now sat on the tip of your tongue.
You closed your mouth, sighing through your nose before opening your mouth to speak again. “Your father may not see it, but I do.” Your mouth opened and closed as you hesitated to say the words. He looked at you expectantly, leaning into your palm. “I see you, Neteyam.” You said quietly and slowly, making sure the words sunk into his heart.
The words flowed out of your mouth, and you saw Neteyam’s expression change to a relieved one. Without warning, he leaned in, eyes fluttering shut as he pushed his lips against yours, a hand on the ground as he did so. It was a deep, slow kiss, your breath getting lost in his mouth as he moved his lips rhythmically, moving in sync with yours. It was as if a dam had been broken, all of your feelings flowing into that one kiss. He pushed against you eagerly, almost knocking you back.
You longed for this moment since forever, and so has he. All the days you had spent, hugging each other with care or looking at each other with eyes that would never look at anybody else the same — all of it being released. After one final, deep kiss, he pulled away, eyes flickering from your lips to your doe eyes, still feeling the ghost of his lips on yours. Your breath tickled his skin, a shiver being sent down his spine. He let out a small laugh, as if only now realizing he had finally kissed you, and you smiled back. “And I see you—only you.” He told you.
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starneteyam · 2 years
🖇️ Neteyam x Omaticaya! fem! reader
🖇️ warn. SPICY ASF, tension, no smut
🕯️In which you are Neteyam’s childhood best friend, and because you trust him the most, you ask him to teach you how to kiss
A/N I LOVE TENSION. Ending kind of ass bcs I was gonna write more but it got too long
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Neteyam has been by your side ever since you could remember. He was glued to your hip, and you don’t remember a second he wasn’t there when you needed help. When the sky people came and burned down your homes, again, he was suddenly there, forcing you to get up and leave while you wailed out cries in his arms.
He was there to teach you how to hunt, as your father, former Olo’eyktan, was killed in the great battle against the Sky People many years ago. You trusted him with all your heart, and he was there to help you, always.
Which is why you expected his help again, but this time, your request was much more… intimate. You knew he had more experience than you. He had a girlfriend before, for a short while, but he broke up with you for reasons he didn’t tell you.
You didn’t care, his girlfriend was mean, anyways. You sat on a tree next to Neteyam, laughing about things that didn’t matter as you made a beaded necklace.
Your laughter quieted as you bit your lip. You were nervous to ask him, and you couldn’t quite figure out why. You opened your mouth, but the words died on your tongue. Neteyam noticed, and turned to you. “What is wrong?” He asked, hand on your arm.
You laughed nervously, swinging your feet gently. You then turned to him, face suddenly serious that is surprised him. “Neteyam, I must ask you a favor.” You said quietly. The two of you were alone, but still, you were afraid somebody could hear — maybe Eywa.
He furrowed his eyebrows, frowning as he nodded, serious as you. He was concerned. You then became shy, turning your head to the side. “Can you teach me how to… kiss?” He leaned away, eyes wide in surprise.
You looked at him, worried, and opened your mouth to tell him that he didn’t have to if he didn’t want to, but you were cut off by his laugh. “That’s it?” He laughed, relieved. You couldn’t help but smile too after seeing his.
“Yes- Yes, I can teach you. But why do you want to learn?” He asked, eyes avoiding yours as he smiled nervously. You didn’t know it because you were a big airhead, but he had the biggest crush on you since forever.
Lo’ak knew it, Kiri knew it—hell, even Tuk knew it. “I am almost of age to be chosen by a man and mate before Eywa. But I have never even held a man’s hand?” You whisper shouted, embarrassed as you buried your face into your hand.
Neteyam sighed, grabbing your hand from your face. He was just glad that it wasn’t because you liked somebody—somebody other than him. “Alright, then. Face towards me.” He instructed you, and you cleared your throat as you looked at him.
“Okay, first thing’s first. Try not to breathe through you nose.” He told you, pointing at his own. You nodded as you straightened you posture. “And, you have to- you kind of- ugh.” He groaned, finding it much harder to explain in words.
“Just copy me.” He said, giving up. His eyes searched your face, his hand sneaking to cup the side of your face. His breath hitched as he looked at you.
You were looking up at him with those doe eyes expectantly, and your face fit perfectly into his palm. “Close your eyes.” He whispered as he leaned in, and you did as told, waiting for anything.
You felt his lips on yours. It was a soft, short kiss. Your lip was between his, and your heart burned at the feeling. He was gentle, treating you as if you were glass. “Tilt your head.” He told you in a hushed tone between his kiss, his words almost slurred as he rushed to kiss you once more.
You tilted your head, and he pushed his lips harder against yours. His hands brushed down your body, before resting on your hips. Your body automatically moved, now on your knees, head tilted downwards as you cupped both sides of his face and pressed your body against his.
You kneeled between his legs, the kisses getting more intense and turning from an innocent kiss to an intense make out. You felt yourself getting lost into your feelings, forgetting why you were kissing him in the first place. He hungrily kissed you, swallowing your hitched breaths as his fingers teased your skin.
As you pushed your weight on him, he almost fell back as he supported himself against the fat branch, snapping out of it as he pulled away, chest heaving. The air filled with sound of your outrun breaths and his.
He let out a laugh. “You don’t need practice at all.” He told you, looking up at you and restraining himself from taking it any further, although he wanted to; he wanted to so bad. You looked down at him with hazed eyes and plump lips that made you so damn attractive, his nails digging into the bark as he stopped himself from smashing his lips on yours once more.
You let out a breathy laugh, happy, though you didn’t know about what. “Neteyam? Where are you?” The two of you heard a groan from under you, and you and Neteyam looked at each other, laughing.
You got off him, turning you back towards Neteyam and looked down at the person calling for him. Neteyam let out a silent breath as you finally looked away, his tail waving wildly as he recalled what just happened, his fingers brushing against his lips. God, you were so perfect.
“Lo‘ak! We are up here! We will be there in a second!” You called down to him, and he waved his arm. You looked back at Neteyam, and he quickly recollected himself and made himself seem nonchalant.
“Come, they are looking for us.” You said to him, before climbing down the tree. You laughed silently to yourself as you climbed down the tree, jumping on the grass. You giggled as you remembered the way he stole your breaths in between kisses, or the way his fingers brushed against the curve of your waist.
Lo’ak looked at you, judging you with his eyes. “Ew, what’s up with you?” To which you rolled your eyes at, purposefully hitting him with your tail. “It is none of your business.” You hissed, crossing your arms as you shuddered, feeling yourself smiling as you thought of Neteyam again. Perhaps, there’s something there that wasn’t there before.
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starneteyam · 2 years
🖇️ char. Neteyam x Omaticayan! fem! reader
🖇️ warn. Spicy, jealousy, fluff
🎥 In which Neteyam is an extremely affectionate boyfriend whose love language is physical intimacy, and when some Metkayinan boys start getting a bit too flirty with you, be gets jealous and sulks
A/N Just a short drabble
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Neteyam was your mate, and you were his. Ever since he first hooked his eyes on you a year ago, he had been obsessed with you in every way. The way you looked at him with loving eyes, or the way you never complained whenever he held your hand while you did whatever you needed to do. You understood Neteyam loved being physically intact with you.
When he was sitting next to you, even that wouldn’t be enough. He would lay his head on your shoulder, or hold your hand, or wrap his arm around you. Around his family, he would play with your hair—the tiny unbraided strands of your goddess braids, or he would just hook a finger around yours.
He had separation anxiety, though you would never comment on it. You didn’t mind, one bit. You thought that part of him was adorable, like a little puppy.
Because you were his mate, it was decided that you would move to Awa’atlu with Jake and his family, leaving your family behind. You were heartbroken, having to leave your siblings and parents behind, but you said your goodbyes and left anyways.
When you arrived at the Pandora Reefs, Neteyam never let go of your hand, not once. But this time, it was to reassure you. When Au’nong and Rotxo stepped forward, he pulled you behind him, while they smirked.
At your new home, he huffed in displeasure. “They were looking at you.” He sulked, sitting next to you with his head on your collarbone, your body leaning against the wooden pillar, his pointer finger hooked to your pinkie.
You smiled reassuringly, shaking your head. “And I was looking at you, Neteyam.” You told him softly, playing with the bead on his braid. Your heart was full, your throat tightening at how adorable he was.
Another instance was when you were at the beach with Tuktirey, accompanying her and looking for seashells on the shallow waters. The two of you knelt on the sand, her laughing in joy. “Look, there’s one!” You laughed, pointing at a pink shell when you heard the water behind you splashing as if somebody was walking near you.
You turned around, seeing a stranger your age walking up to you with two of his friends. You furrowed your eyes. “Tuk, come here.” You whispered, ushering her.
She whimpered in fear as you grabbed her arm and pulled her behind you. You then stood up. “What’re you doing?” The boy asked, tilting his head. You gave him a dirty look. “Can I help you?” You asked, ignoring his question. His friend laughed. “We just want to get to know you, chill out.” He shrugged his shoulders, and you tried your hardest not to roll your eyes.
“I like your hair.” The third guy commented, running his fingers through some braids on your hair. “We should hangout sometime, I can show you some islands around here.” The first guy said, smiling. You huffed, frowning.
“Excuse me.” You mumbled, making sure to keep Tuk away from the guys as you walked past them, and away. “O-Okay! See you around!” The guy yelled after, and you shook your head in disbelief and sighed. Pathetic.
Unknown to you, Neteyam had seen it all. He had the urge to go in and just punch those guys square in the jaw, but after fighting the Au’nong and his friends yesterday, he was sure his father would skin him alive if he were to cause more trouble.
So instead, he stayed out of sight, and watched quietly as his nails dug into his palms. He was glad you quickly had left and even barely spoke to them, displaying your clear unliking to them, but still, he couldn’t help but feel jealous.
Later that day, when the sky was dark, you stood in your home, your back turned to the entrance as you were busy taking the leaves off of berries Kiri had picked. You heard Neteyam enter, turning your shoulder and glancing at him. “How was your day, Neteyam?” You asked, not having seen him all day. He stayed silent, which you ignored. If he didn’t want to talk, he didn’t have to talk. You respected that of him, because you had your moments too.
You heard him dropping his things on the floor, then walk up to you. Without saying a word, his hands slid around your waist, pressing himself against your back as he kissed your shoulder. You smiled, leaning your hair into him as you continued to pick at the berries. His butterfly kisses trailed up your shoulder, to your neck, and his kisses became longer. Your breath hitched as he started sucking softly on the skin on your neck, his thumb rubbing your stomach.
“Neteyam.” You whispered, turning your head slightly towards him, but he ignored you again. You were confused on why he was acting this way. His tongue pressed against the bruises on your neck, before he turned you around and kissed your lips. You immediately responded. “Netey- mm- What’s- Mmph!” You tried talking, but he kept cutting you off by kissing you, each kiss more aggressive than the last. “Shh.” He hushed quickly, before kissing you again.
You did as told, letting him pour his feelings out on you. Your fingers brushed his back, tracing his spine upwards, before lightly tugging on his hair. He pushed his lips against yours, trying to get as close as he could to you, his eyebrows furrowed. He felt goosebumps on his skin as your tail brushed up the inside of his leg. After leaving his final kiss on you, he hugged your waist, burying his face into the crook of your neck.
Surprised, you looked at him, before smiling softly and rubbing his back. “What happened, Neteyam?” You asked quietly, closing your eyes as you leaned your head against his. He was silent for a couple heartbeats, but then finally spoke. “I saw those guys trying to hit on you today.” He whispered, and it almost broke your heart—how cute he was. You laughed at his sulking sight, hugging him tighter. “Neteyam, you are too perfect for this world.” You told him, kissing his head.
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starneteyam · 2 years
Cam we have part 2 of enough please
🖇️ char. Neteyam x Omiticaya! Fem! Reader
🖇️ warn. None, fluff
🎥 After Neteyam had suddenly kissed you, you had been avoiding him. Frustrated, he confronts you
A/N I’m glad you guys enjoyed it :) Request what you’d like to read next!!
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Neteyam hated it.
He thought he hated it when you bothered him and teased him nonstop, but no, he hated this more. Ever since he had kissed you, you had been so blatantly avoiding him.
Whenever he entered the room and you were with Lo’ak, you would immediately become silent, not even looking at him once, before excusing yourself and leaving.
Whenever you would see him, you would turn the other way or hide behind a pillar. You wouldn’t go out to hunts with Lo’ak and Neteyam anymore, and Neteyam couldn’t stand it. He supposed the kiss would make you understand his feelings, but he was wrong.
Weeks, you had gone without even sparing him a glance. He was walking one day, towards his home, and saw you walking his way. When you looked up and noticed him, you immediately turned your back and started speed walking away.
He furrowed his eyebrows. “Hey!” He called, and you ignored him, so he jogged to catch up to you, before grabbing your arm and forcing you to look towards him. Still, you avoided eye contact. “Why are you always running away from me?” He groaned, still holding your arm.
You finally looked at him in the eyes, but almost with an offended look. “Really? You really don’t know why?” You scoffed, ripping your arm away from his grip and crossing your arms.
“Because I kissed you?” He asked after some silence. “Yes!” You scoffed again, rolling your eyes and dropping your arms by your sides. “You do not kiss people as payback, Neteyam. That is not fair. It is mean.” Your voice slowly got quieter as you finished your sentence, turning away and rubbing your shoulders.
He frowned, hands on your shoulders so you would face him again. His hands then slid up from your shoulders, his hands cupping each side of your face.
“I did not kiss you for payback.” He sighed, a small smile on his face at how stupid you could be. You looked up at his eyes. He scanned your face, eyes glancing between your eyes and lips. “It is your fault.” He told you, his voice breathy.
“The things you do to me.” He whispered, closing his eyes and resting his forehead on your shoulder. You stayed quiet, hands intertwining with his, your thumb rubbing the back of his hand.
“I’m sorry—for ignoring you, Neteyam.” You softly apologized, and he raised his head, face only centimeters away from yours. He could feel your breath fan against his lips, a thrill being sent up his spine. “I like you, I really do. Even though you tease me, and I act annoyed, I really do. I know-” He blabbered, but you cut him off, hands on the back of his neck.
“Just shut up and kiss me, skxawng.” You pulled him in, on the tip of your toes as you melted into him, feeling him smile against you. Your lips moved in sync, his arms wrapping around your waist to bring you closer. Everything felt right.
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starneteyam · 2 years
🖇️ char. Neteyam x Omaticaya! Fem! Reader
🖇️ warn. Enemies to lovers, spicy
🎥 In which you are always teasing Neteyam, making him blush in embarrassment, and he has enough and kisses you to shut you up
A/N Mad Neteyam is hot asf
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You and Lo’ak were the two people who loved teasing Neteyam most. Whenever you and Neteyam were sparring and he somehow ended up on top of you, you would smirk and say something inappropriate, like, “You must love seeing me this way”, and Lo’ak would only make it worse by wooing. Of course, Neteyam loved Lo’ak to death, but you? Sometimes, he wants to strangle you.
You were friends with Lo’ak, and not him. You were always there, unable to ignore like a pebble in a shoe. You taunted him, teased him, and annoyed him on purpose. You and Lo’ak thought it was hilarious; obviously, Neteyam didn’t. You didn’t necessarily dislike Neteyam, he was just so cute that it made you want to tease him. His reactions would always fulfill your expectations.
The way his ears would flick back, or the way his tail would curl between his thighs; or maybe it was the way his breath hitched whenever you brought your face too close to his, or the way his leader-like act disappear and he would have nothing smart to say back whenever you said anything daring.
It was just a joke, and that was all you thought of it as—but Neteyam didn’t. Every time you would pull him close or brush your arm against his, his heart tugged closer to yours. You were annoying, he definitely thought that — but he loved what you did to him, although he would never admit it. He never had the confidence to say anything back, but today, he found that strength.
You were a healer, and worked with Neteyam’s grandmother most of the time. Some of the Omiticayans had gone out to blow up some of the cargo train tracks and loot the sky people’s items, and when they came back, because of Lo’ak, Neteyam had gotten injured. Your heart tugged, seeing him in pain, and watched as he walked closer to your tent. His eyes met yours, and he had a frown on his lips while you had a smirk on yours. “Where is my grandmother?” He asked, his voice deep and stern, obviously not in the mood for any of your games after getting scolded by his father.
“It’s your lucky day! It’s just us.” You winked, dipping your finger in some of the ointment, before bringing it to the cut on his lip. “Ah!” He hissed in pain, and you tried your hardest to not roll your eyes. “I just touched you, no need to be so dramatic.” You let out a mixture of a scoff and a laugh, and he glared at you. Every word that came out of your mouth was to ridicule him. You stayed silent after that, focusing so you could properly treat his wounds. After finishing the ones on his face and arm, you moved to the gash he had on his abdomen.
You brushed your finger against the cut, and his breath hitched. This didn’t go unnoticed by you, and you looked up at his eyes, to notice he was already looking at you. You smirked. “You probably want to kiss me so bad right now.” You snickered, and he rolled his eyes. “Enough.” He mumbled, pushing your hands away from him, earning a scoff from you. “Hey, I’m not done!” You called after him as he gathered his weapons on the ground, getting ready to leave.
“Quiet.” He hushed you, tired of hearing your voice. “Well, I’m sorry that you’re so in love with me-” He suddenly turned around, arm looping around your body as he grabbed the base of your queue, earning a gasp from you in surprise. He leaned down, eyes wide in anger, holding your head still. “Shut it,” He spat, an idea forming into his mind as his eyes glanced down at your parted lips. “or I shut those pretty lips up for you.”
Your face was full of shock, and he smirked, loving how the tables had turned. “What the-” You started, and as he said, he smashed his lips against yours, breathing heavily. You couldn’t help but little out a quiet whimper, your feelings all over the place. ‘What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck-’ You repeated in your head, trying your best to stand as he was making your legs turn into jelly. He deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping past your lips. Your heart was pounding in your ears and you tried to keep up with his movements, your trembling hands balling into fists.
He pulled away, a smirk already displayed on his face for you to see. Your lips were plump and bruised, your lips still parted open in shock, trying to gather your thoughts. His eyes searched your face, before he scrunched his nose. “It’s just a kiss, no need to be so dramatic.” He repeated your words back to you, before letting go of your queue and turning, walking away and leaving you alone, frozen in place. “What the fuck.” You whispered, hands on your hot cheeks.
Part Two ->
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starneteyam · 2 years
🖇️ char. Neteyam x Metkayina! Fem! Reader
🖇️ warn. None, fluff
🎥 In which Neteyam meets you at midnight and listens to your stories as an excuse to see you
A/N Just a short one shot, featuring the story of Davy Jones and Calypso bcs literally Davy Jones’ song breaks my heart
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It was late at night, Jake putting out the fire as it was time to sleep. Neytiri sighed, looking around and noticing Tuktirey was gone, probably outside, playing by herself. “Neteyam, go get Tuk.” She ordered. He nodded his head, leaving the hut and walking outside, not seeing her in sight. He walked further away, hearing nothing but the sound of the ocean below him and the creatures crying. That is, until he heard a melody.
The voice was soft and beautiful, filling his ears as if a goddess were singing a lullaby The melody itself was enchanting and soft, but also somewhat sad. Ears twitching, he found himself being drawn towards the voice, and saw you sitting on the deck, your back turned towards him as you hummed. The leather below him creaked, and your ears flickered in caution as you spun around, gasping. You sighed. “Do not sneak up on me like that.” Letting out a distressed sigh.
“I am sorry.” He mumbled, still distracted by your beauty. Your eyes lingered on him, before you ushered him to sit next to you. “You are Neteyam, yes?” You asked, kicking your feet against the water as you looked at it. He sat next to you. “That is me. You are?” He had never seen you before, and he was honestly confused on why he hadn’t noticed you. You shrugged, laughing weakly. “I am nobody.” You told him.
He pursed his lips, before speaking again. “What was that song?” He asked, and you looked at him with confusion written on your face. “Hm?” You asked. He cleared his throat. “The song that you were humming, what is it?” You smiled.
“It is the Song of the Sea.” You told him, turning back to the open ocean. He stayed silent, urging you to continue. “It is a story of a pirate who fell in love with a sea goddess. She gives him the duty of ferrying those who died at sea to the next world.” You started, eyes flickering towards his.
“She promised him that after ten years, she will spend one day with him before he returns to his duties. But after ten years of being at sea, when he went ashore to meet her, she never arrived. He felt betrayed, and angry, and deep sorrow.” Your voice got softer, empathy seething through your words. You breathed in, and continued. “In return, he betrays her, and he teaches other pirates how to capture her and trap her into a human body so she cannot rule the sea. Even though he is angered and was lied to by the goddess, he felt guilt for what he had done, so he carved his heart out and locked it in a chest.” You turned to him.
“He tries to convince himself that he hates her, but he cannot. He is in love.” You said, smiling widely as you told the story. You then blinked, before clearing you throat. “It is a stupid child’s tale.” You whispered, embarrassed that you got excited about a folktale.
He leaned forward, shaking his head. “No, it is interesting.” He assured you. You looked at him with wide eyes, taken aback, before smiling sheepishly to yourself, your cheeks warming. Everybody always made fun of you for telling these stories, but he was actually listening.
“The song is their’s.” You explained, and he stared at you with awe. “Neteyam! Bro, where’s Tuk?” Lo’ak interrupted, but quickly shutting his mouth upon seeing him sitting with you. Neteyam quickly got up, blushing as he looked between you and his brother. “I’m right here!” Tuk said, running towards Lo’ak. Neteyam looked at you, frowning. “I must go.” He told you. You nodded, turning back towards the sea. “I understand.” You spoke, your words quiet.
He wanted to say more, to speak to you more, but he turned and left, getting punched in the arm by his little brother, who he hissed at.
The next day, at the same time as the day before, he came back, and there you were, humming once again. He tried to find you during the day, but he couldn’t find you at all. “Neteyam.” You smiled as you saw him, and his heart skipped a beat. You extended your hand for support to help him sit next to you, and he took it. “I want to hear the rest of the story.” He told you.
Days went on like that, where he would come and find you, and you would tell him many different stories of the sea. He grew more infatuated with you each and every time, the distance between you slowly decreasing. A couple of weeks later, you wouldn’t even talk, and you would just hum as you laid your head on his shoulder, not failing to notice how he was as stiff as a rock, nervous.
“I cannot believe he would betray her, even though he loved her. It is strange.” He scoffed, shaking his head. You looked up at him, and his breath hitched at how close your faces were. “Love makes you do strange things.” You murmured, and his eyes searched your face. The moonlight lit your face almost perfectly, your eyes sparkling as you looked up at him. He loved the way the corner of your lips would pull upwards whenever you saw him, or the way you softly hummed while tracing the lines on his palms. He loved you.
He subconsciously was leaning in, and his eyes fluttered shut as he placed his lips on yours, gently. Almost immediately, you kissed him back. You adjusted your body to turn towards his, a hand of his sneaking onto your face and cupping your jaw. All these years, you have been listening to love stories and songs and the wonders of it all; of how it makes your heart pump faster, or the way you would smile until your cheeks hurt, or the way your eyes searched for a flaw and could find nothing but perfection. You listened to them all, and now you had it.
He deepened the kiss, huffing through his nose as he furrowed his eyebrows. He slowly pulled away, his eyes switching between your left and right. God, you were beautiful. “You are strange, Neteyam.” You smiled shyly, looking down as you leaned into his palm. “It is your fault.” His deep voice rumbled through your ears, kissing you again.
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starneteyam · 2 years
Welcome to my blog! Here are a few rules upon requesting.
🖇️ NSFW, smut
🖇️ Part two or continuation of a minific (upon request)
🖇️ Minors aged up
🖇️ Anything illegal or kink-related
🖇️ Love triangles
🖇️ Yandere
🖇️ Anything including suicide
🖇️ One shots, scenarios, drabbles, and minifics
🖇️ I write only for Neteyam
These are my basic rules for now. Please be mindful when requesting. If your request goes against my rules, I will simply ignore it.
🖇️ Kidnapped -> In which you get kidnapped by Quatrich, and Neteyam is desperate to get you back
🖇️ Struggles -> In which Neteyam comforts you after you started having doubts about yourself
🖇️ Mine is Yours, Yours is Mine -> In which Neteyam gets injured during an attack on the Sky people, and you worry about him
🖇️ Teach Me -> In which you are Neteyam’s childhood best friend, and because you trust him the most, you ask him to teach you how to kiss
🖇️ Touchy -> In which Neteyam is an extremely affectionate boyfriend whose love language is physical intimacy, and when some Metkayinan boys start getting a bit too flirty with you, be gets jealous and sulks
🖇️ Enough -> In which you are always teasing Neteyam, making him blush in embarrassment, and he has enough and kisses you to shut you up
🖇️ Enough Pt.2 -> After Neteyam had suddenly kissed you, you had been avoiding him. Frustrated, he confronts you
🖇️ Song of the Sea -> In which Neteyam meets you at midnight and listens to your stories as an excuse to see you
🖇️ The Blame -> You are a member of the Lyre’oaran clan, a species that live in a tundra environment, closest to Eywa. Your clan is of legends and myths, but after the sky people attacked and forced you out, you urge to find Jake Sully — to save your clan.
🖇️ Elegant -> In which you are the eldest daughter of the chief of the Metkayina, and upon arrival of the Omitikayans, you fall for a particular someone
🖇️ Enemies to Lovers -> In which you’re holding a grudge against Neteyam over something that happened years ago, but he’s head over heels over you and is desperate for you to be his mate
🖇️ In Another Life -> Coming soon…
🖇️ Pretty When You Cry -> Coming soon…
🖇️ Alphabet Boy -> Coming soon…
🖇️ Kiss for Another -> Coming soon…
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starneteyam · 2 years
🖇️ char. Neteyam x fem! reader
🖇️ warn. Mention of death, fluff, very long
🎥 You are a member of the Lyre’oaran clan, a species that live in a tundra environment, closest to Eywa. Your clan is of legends and myths, but after the sky people attacked and forced you out, you urge to find Jake Sully — to save your clan.
A/N Lyre’oare is a clan that I’ve made up! It is a mixture of the words “Frozen” and “Moon”.
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You wailed, tears spilling from your eyes as an avatar of the sky people held you by your braid, a knife to your neck, forcing you to watch as your mother was murdered in front of you. “You monster!” You screamed, trying to bare your teeth, but grief winning over and a sob leaving your throat. Colonel Quaritch only chuckled, dropping your mother’s dead body, her body laying against your dead siblings and father. Everybody was dead, the homes your clan has built all burning to the ground. He sheathed his knife, walking closer to you and squatting down to get to your eye level.
“Now, you listen here, missy.” He spat. You could barely hear his voice, overlapped with the sound of your sobs and the burning wood around you. Your heart physically hurt, everything you were spiritually connected with, all dead or burning. Your connection with Eywa was stronger than any other clan in Pandora. “You fly off with your little pet, and you find Jake Sully. Now, you tell him that Colonel Quaritch is coming for him—that he’s next.” He said through gritted teeth, angered by the thought of the man you’ve never heard of. “I do not know who Jake’Suli is.” You spoke the truth, your words barely making it through your cries.
“He’s Toruk Makto.” He said in his American accent, “The leader of the Omiticaya.” Your eyes flickered to his, recognizing the Omiticayans, and he didn’t fail to notice. They were the forest people, a clan that lived below, towards the south in a warm environment. He smiled. “Good, so you know them.”
You let out a shaky breath, closing your eyes and tears gliding down your cheeks. “Please, I beg of you. Let me join my family.” You begged quietly, raising your chin and showing him your neck, hoping he would slice it. He looked around at his military group, before bursting out into laughter like a hyena. “Spare you? Now, I can’t do that. After all, dead men tell no tales.” He stabbed his knife through your right hand, and you screamed in pain. “This wound on your hand can be your proof.”
You rode your ikran, wailing as you rode through the skies. Your heart was in anguish and you had no time to grieve as you flew towards the caves of the Omiticaya. You were covered in the blood of your family, staining your pale blue skin. Lyre’oaran people’s skin color was baby blue, their hair being white to blend in with the snow. After days of flying, you reached the Omiticaya with a heavy heart, your face stone cold.
You let out a cry to let them know of your presence, landing your ikran. Upon seeing you, the Omiticayans hissed, some drawing their weapons, others turning their heads in curiosity. You stepped on the ground, holding your chin up high. “Take me to Jake’Suli, Toruk Makto.” You said, your voice full of authority. The crowd mumbled amongst themselves, and a boy your age emerged from the crowd. “Who are you?” He asked, voice loud and stern, as if he were challenging you. You placed your fingers on your forehead. “Oel ngati kameie.” The tension around you seemed to lessen.
He didn’t do it back, still cautious, and you couldn’t blame him. You were covered in dried blood, and you looked like a Na’vi that had never been seen before. “Please, I beg of you. Take me to Toruk Makto.” You pleaded, your voice caught in your throat as the images flashed your mind. He frowned, and complied. The people watched you with judging eyes as you walked towards the home of Jake Sully.
“Father!” He had said, making your eyes widen. You stood in anticipation as a man, who you assumed was Jake Sully, showed himself. Behind him stood a woman, who you thought was his mate, and his children. Jake’s ears flickered as he looked at you. “What the…” He whispered out, stepping closer. “She arrived unpronounced, and wished to speak to you.” The boy told his father. You let out a shaky breath, looking up at Jake Sully. Who was this man?
“I am the eldest daughter of Olo’eyktan, of the Lyre’oaran clan.” You spoke, glaring up at him as he looked down at you with confusion. You voice was wavering, tears welling your eyes as you tried to contain your anger. ‘This is the man that got my clan killed.’ You thought. “My clan is dead.” You said through gritted teeth, baring your teeth at him. “Lyre’oaran?” He mumbled, and his mate stood forward. “You are the people of the frozen moon?” She said. Your breath hitched, and you nodded.
“My people are dead.” You rephrased, stepping forward. “The Sky People came to our village, and killed everybody. They destroyed our most sacred place, and burned the houses, and killed the people! Because of you!” You yelled, though ending with a sob. Neytiri held her hands in front of her mouth, feeling your pain. You showed your wounded hand. “He is coming, for you.” You balled up your wounded hand into your fist.
“It is all your fault!” You screamed, and he stepped forward, a look of guilt on his face. You hit your fist against his chest. “It is your fault! My people! My home!” You sobbed, anger winning over you as you repeatedly hit his chest. He didn’t fight back, nor did his family stop you. They only watched in sympathy and pity. “My family.” You sobbed, and enveloped you in a hug, and you gave in, feeling warmth for the first time in days. You sobbed in his chest, your cries loud.
As daughter of Olo’eyktan, you were always taught to be noble, elegant, and graceful. You never had an emotional outburst before, but your feelings flowed out of you. “I’m sorry.” Jake apologized in your ear, and you couldn’t help but cry harder. “I’m sorry.”
You sat silently in their home, feeling like an outcast. You sat with your knees against your chest, hugging your legs. “You must eat.” Neytiri said softly, placing a bowl next to you. You ignored her. She sighed. “I understand.” She said. Your ears twitched, signaling that you were listening. “My father was killed by the Sky People. My people, our home tree, our forest — all because of them.” She sneered. You looked at her, slowly loosening. “Jake and my children are all half breeds, but they are one of the people. He helped us win against the devils.” She explained, looking at Jake, who sat across the room, with Tuktirey in his lap.
“Tomorrow, we move. We fly for Metkayina, for our safety. You must come with us.” She urged, and you turned your body towards her. Even you knew that you weren’t safe here. “You are fleeing? Instead of fighting?” You asked, judgement in your voice. She sighed. “For the children, we are fleeing.” You bit your lip, and couldn’t argue. Your parents would have done the same thing, and you knew that. “Then I will come with you.” Neytiri smiled at this. “But before we go, I ask to visit your sacred place — the spirit tree. I must feel Eywa.” She stared at you, silent, as if she were hesitant, then nodded.
“Ey, Neteyam!” She called over, to which the boy who you met first came over. “Take her to the spirit tree.” She ordered, and Neteyam said nothing and nodded. “Come.” He ushered. You stood, following him outside. As he led you towards the ikran, he stayed quiet for a while, before he spoke. “I have never heard of the Lyre’oare clan.” He told you, his voice startling you. You cleared your throat. “We are a clan only spoken in legends and myths, so it is expected.” You said, each word of your heavy and holding meaning.
“We are the clan closest to Eywa; each of us have a personal connection with the great mother. We live where the sun hides behind the moon, so our land is cold. That is why we are called the people of the frozen moon.” You explained, never thinking you would explain yourself to an outsider. Your clan was forbidden to interact with other clans, as your clan’s job was to maintain the balance of Eywa. “I see.” He said quietly, letting your words sink into his heart. Silence followed as you reached your ikrans, and began to set flight.
He didn’t speak after that, so you had decided to make conversation. “Your mother is lovely.” You had said, surprising him. He looked at you with wide eyes. “I can feel her love for Eywa, and her connection.” You looked at him. “And I can feel yours.” You said in a hushed tone. He shyly looked away. Your aura was that of a goddess’, and he couldn’t help but feel nervous around you. Yes, that had to be the reason he was nervous—no other reason.
You arrived at the sacred tree, and you gasped at the beauty of it. Eywa will always win your heart. Almost immediately, the seeds of the spirit tree started floating towards you. You laughed in joy, reaching your hands out to them. Neteyam watched in awe. So this is what being part of the most spiritual clan was like. You stepped towards the tree, brushing your hands against the stems, the nature around you whispering. He followed after you, entranced with curiosity.
You sat at the foot of the tree, on your knees. You reached out and grabbed a stem, sliding it towards yourself as you brought your braid towards the stem. You breathed in through your mouth as you connected and made your bond, before smiling. The grass below you began to illuminate brighter, and Neteyam stepped back. You raised your arms, placing your hands against the bark of the tree. “What the…” He mumbled as he watched the wound on your hand slowly heal. “Shh.” You hushed him.
He did so, watching as your hand was now left with nothing but a scar. You then leaned forward, pressing your forehead against the tree, eyes closed. “I see you, Eywa.” You whispered. You stood up quickly, causing Neteyam to flinch. You unbounded yourself from the spirit tree, and turned to him. “Thank you for bringing me here.” Neteyam couldn’t speak, the words getting caught in his throat. ‘Beautiful.’ He wanted to say.
The next day, you headed out to Awa’atlu with the Suli family, riding with Neteyam as you had to leave your ikran behind. Your ikran was used to colder temperatures, and bringing him to such a warm place like Pandora’s reefs would be too harsh for your ikran. You, on the other hand, would be able to adapt—hopefully. You took note of Kiri, feeling a strong connection of her and Eywa, but you decided not to say anything. She was child of an Avatar and alien. Being mature as a child of Eywa, you made sure not to discriminate, but you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable around her. She probably noticed.
“You must be careful. The chief’s wife is wise, but strict. She will not be so welcoming.” You told them, and Jake turned to you. “How do you know?” He asked, loud enough for you to hear. You let out a laugh. “I am connected with Eywa, I know everything!” You told him, gripping on tighter to Neteyam. His breath hitched. You ignored it.
“You didn’t know of me, though?” Jake said with obvious conclusion. You stayed silent for a few heartbeats, before speaking again. “I knew of you. I knew of Toruk Makto, and of how you led your people to victory against the Sky People. Though, Eywa did not reveal your name. She does not tell me anybody’s name.” You explained.
“The people of Awa’atlu are strong respecters of my clan, the Lyre’oare. Their spirit tree is under water, and without the cold of the water that is- was maintained by my people, their tree would have not been strong. They respect me and my people, though they’ve never seen us. But I can not say the same for you. They will be cautious of you.” You warned them, your words full of intelligence. “Well, let’s just hope they like us.” Jake mumbled.
You and the Suli family arrived, and you got off first, not afraid. The people crowded you and the family, murmuring amongst themselves. You felt someone touch your tail, and you hissed. You understood their curiosity, but you were one of the Lyre’oaran people, they should respect you. Your ears were rounder, like a polar bear’s, and your skin was much lighter, like ice.
You stood by Neteyam and Lo’ak, watching as two boys walked closer to you, then behind. “Look at their tails!” Rotxo laughed, touching Neteyam’s tail. “How are they supposed to swim?” Added Au’nong, laughing along. You stepped forward towards Au’nong, and he stopped laughing as he looked at you. You scanned him with judging eyes, circling around him. You gently kicked his tail with your foot, then ran your fingers along his arm. “Hey!” He hissed. “You are built for swimming.” You commented the obvious, looking at his arm.
You pushed his arm back to him. “But that is all you are good for.” He bared his teeth at your comment, and before you could bare your teeth back, Neteyam stopped you. “Just be cool, guys.” Said Jake, and you stepped away from Au’nong, showing some class. You were a lady, and that of a higher class. He was nothing but a childish teen. The chief made his presence, and you watched silently as he negotiated with Jake.
Then, his wife, Ronal appeared. She walked between the Suli family slowly, before setting eyes upon you. “You.” She said, head turning to her. “Where do you come from?” She asked, voice deep and strong. You didn’t cower. “I am daughter of Olo’eyktan, of the Lyre’oaran clan.” You said loudly. Some people gasped, some people stepped forward to get a better look at you.
“Why do you come here?” She asked. You huffed through your nose. “My clan is no longer. I am the only survivor. The Sky People have attacked my home. The Suli family and I come here to seek shelter.” You told her sternly, not wavering once. Her stare on you lingered, before she turned away. She touched Kiri’s tail. “Their tails are too thin, and their arms are too small.” She said. She then grabbed Lo’ak’s hand, showing them for everybody to see.
“They are not even real Na’vi!” The crowd gasped. “They have demon blood!” The crowd hissed and mumbled, and Jake sighed. Tuning Ronal and Jake out, you grabbed Neteyam’s hand, his hand flat against yours. He was surprised, and you hummed. “You do not have five fingers.” You said, smiling as you looked up at him. You didn’t know why, but you felt like comforting him. He let out a shaky breath, before clearing his throat. “I- Yeah.” He laughed nervously.
Lo’ak elbowed his side teasingly, and Neteyam only hissed back. You grinned, looking at Neteyam, before looking at his brother. “The daughter of the chief is looking this way.” You whispered. “What?” Lo’ak asked, head snapping up as he looked for Tsireya. “Just kidding.” You and Neteyam laughed, while Lo’ak groaned. “Not funny.”
“Come, follow.” You laughed, urging Neteyam quietly as he ran at after you. It was late at night, and the two of you were sneaking out. Neteyam knew that if his father found out, he would have surely gotten in trouble — but the excitement of it all was something he loved. You reached a dock, sitting down and reaching into the water. “Look.” You swerved your fingers around the water, the water around your hands turning light blue, illuminated. He stared in wonder.
He reached down into the water, doing the same, but the sea didn’t change. He looked at you in confusion. “My body is cold, because I am from a colder place. The water freezes as I touch.” You explained, eyes on him with a wide grin the whole time. He couldn’t help but grin back. “Your body is cold?” He asked. You nodded to confirm, holding your hand out. He hesitated, eyes glancing between you and your hand.
He placed his hand into yours, his larger. You gripped his hand, a chill being sent up your spine from his warmth. He let out a laugh. “You are freezing!” He exclaimed, and you giggled. “And you are warm.” Slowly, you brought his hand up to your face, and he subconsciously cupped it. His smile died down, his breath hitching. You stared up at him with doe eyes, and he almost leaned in, but he furrowed his eyebrows.
“You’re cold.” He mumbled, and your eyelids fluttered. “You are too cold.” He said, finally realizing something was wrong as your eyes fluttered shut, your body limp as you fell into his arms, unconscious. “Shit!” He scooped you up in his arms, your breaths fast and rapid. Your body was not adapting to the warm weather well. You were most likely having a heatstroke. He ran towards his home, hoping to find his father.
“Dad! Dad!” He yelled, Jake immediately standing up and looking at his son with wide eyes. “Something’s- Something is wrong with her.” He said, breaths fast as his eyes scanned her body with fear. “It is too warm here.” Neteyam explained, obvious distress in his tone. Neytiri acted first, ushering him to place her on the floor. “Hurry, call Ronal.” She told Kiri.
“What the hell were you doing, boy?” Asked Jake through gritted teeth, kneeling down next to his son. Neteyam tried to speak through his patterned breaths, obviously panicking. Jake quickly noticed, letting out a sigh before bringing his son’s head to his chest in comfort. “It’s going to be okay, Neteyam. She’ll be fine.”
You awoke the next day with a headache, but feeling much better. You rose up fast, looking around and noticing how you were back home. You looked to your sides, also noting how you were alone. “Neteyam? Lo’ak?” You called, hoping someone would show. You heard scurried footsteps, before you saw Neteyam. He let out a relieved sigh, immediately rushing in front of you and dropping to his kneels, arms wrapped around your neck as he hugged you tightly.
“You are okay.” He whispered, and you hesitantly hugged back, letting out a laugh. “Calm, Neteyam. I only fainted.” You joked, hoping to lighten the mood. Neteyam didn’t agree. He grabbed you by your shoulders, looking at you with stern eyes. “You only fainted? You gave me a heart attack! You are not taking care of yourself!” He said, angry. Your smile faded, and you frowned. You didn’t like that he was upset with you—at all.
“I am sorry, Neteyam. I did not mean to burden you.” You spoke in a hushed tone, your ears flickering back in guilt. His expression relaxed upon seeing yours. He cupped the side of your face so you would look at him. “You never burdened me. I care for you.” He said, his words holding deep meaning and placing a weight on your heart. You leaned into his hand, closing your eyes. “I am-” He cut you off, your eyes snapping open as his lips connected to yours with urgency.
It was a quick, but deep kiss, and you sat dumbfounded. You recollected yourself, breath shaky. “Neteyam.” You whispered, eyes wide. “I see you.” He told you, scooting closer to you as his eyes searched your face. Your confused expression morphed into a joyed one, your hand covering your mouth as a laugh slipped out your throat. “Neteyam!” You jumped on him, wrapping your arms around his neck, the sudden weight knocking you to over, laughter filling the open room.
He laid below you, and you supported yourself off the floor with your elbows, looking into his eyes. “I see you.” You told him back, leaning in for a second kiss.
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starneteyam · 2 years
🖇️ char. Neteyam x Metkayina! Fem! Reader
🖇️ warn. None, fluff, very long
🎥 In which you are the eldest daughter of the chief of the Metkayina, and upon arrival of the Omitikayans, you fall for a particular someone
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You watched with a shaky breath as your father welcomed the forest people into your home, knowing what responsibilities you now held. The children of theirs seemed to be the same age as you and your siblings. “My children will guide your children.” Your father finished. “But father-” Started Ao’nung, stepping forward to complain, but you hushed him, stopping him with your arm. “That is enough, Ao’nung. We will treat them as our brothers and sister.” You told him, eyes piercing into his as a warning. You were the eldest, and your father had made sure you knew that. You must be responsible, noble, and elegant.
Ao’nung shut his mouth the second you opened yours, not opening it again. You stepped forward. “Who is the eldest?” You asked the Sully siblings, chin held high with pride. A boy, much larger and taller than you, stepped out of the crowd. “That would be me. I am Neteyam.” His voice was like liquid gold, beautiful and soft, both also mighty and stern. You held eye contact, before bringing your fingers to your forehead. “Oel ngati kameie.” (I see you), you said with grace, your voice gentle to prove your maturity. “Oel ngati kameie.” He greeted back, his eyes fluttering as he said so.
Tsireya grinned, excited by the newcomers and waving for them to follow. “Come, I will show you the village.” She laughed. It was not everyday that outsiders came, so you understood her joy, but you made sure to keep your calm. Your eyes flickered towards the eldest, who seemed like a reflection of you. He was quiet, and kept calm, unlike his childish siblings. His eyes met yours, and you couldn’t help but shy away. You silently cursed to yourself. He had won.
To live in the water, they would have to be able to ride an Ilu, the dire-horse of the sea. You knew they rode the tsurak, but taming an Ilu was much harder. You would have to withstand the weight and pressure of the water, while also making a connection with the Ilu. You stood in the water, next to Neteyam, a hand on the head of his Ilu to keep it in place. While Ao’nung, Rotxo, and Tsireya would try and teach Kiri, Lo’ak, and Tuktirey, you were in charge of teaching Neteyam.
“Remember, you must keep a good composure or the water will reject you.” You told him, signaling waves with your arms to teach better. “I understand.” He said, mounting his Ilu. “Be calm, imagine the waves and the water,” Your fingers gently caressed the water, “not the tides and the tsunamis.” You splashed the water, some getting on him. He laughed, and you found yourself laughing, too. You both flinched when there was a violent splash next to you, and watched as Lo’ak lost control of his Ilu and went speeding and crashing into the water. You couldn’t help but laugh. “Don’t be like him.” You advised, to which he awkwardly laughed at, embarrassed by his brother.
You pulled him out of the water, onto the reef, just the two of you. “You are not very good at holding your breath.” You said in a soft voice, afraid of offending him. He only smiled shyly, making your cheeks warm. “Teach me.” He demanded, scooting closer to you. Surprised, you widened your eyes, ears flickering in caution. “Please.” He added. You let out a breath through your nose, nodding as you sat straight. “You must breathe in deep. But do not just breathe in, fill your lungs until your upper half is full.” You instructed, before breathing deeply through your mouth. He tried to copy, but you could tell he wasn’t doing it correctly by the way his breath sounded.
“Wrong.” You spat, sitting directly in front of him. “Start here.” You placed your hand on his stomach, not failing to notice how he flinched against your touch. He cleared his throat, before beginning to breathe in. You slowly traced your fingers up the middle of his stomach, to his chest, guiding his breathing. “Slowly, fill your lungs from the bottom of your stomach.” You mumbled. Your fingers lay gently on his broad chest, and you scowled. He wasn’t doing it correctly, again. “It is wrong.” You huffed.
His eyes flickered to yours. “Please, I cannot focus.” He said in a low voice, both of his hands gently grabbing yours that was on his chest, slowly pushing it towards yourself. You almost didn’t hear him, but you grew embarrassed because of your actions. “I am sorry.” You apologized, realizing how unprofessional you had been. “I am not.” He said, still gripping onto your hand. You stared at him, and he stared back. He was strange.
You sat with Neteyam on the deck, the two of you alone and laughing away, joking and sharing conversations. The sky was dark, the freckles on your face illuminating your faces, a single lamp sitting between you two as you both dipped your feet into the cold water. “No, like this. Thank you.” You slowly said, showing him the sign language. He clumsily did the same, and you smiled, proud for him. “Yes, exactly.” You laughed, covering your mouth. He laughed back.
The two of your laughters died down, now sitting in a comfortable silence, the sound of nature enveloping you. “What else would you like to learn?” You asked, tilting your head and resting your head on your own shoulder, swinging your feet against the water. He stayed silent, his mouth closing and opening repeatedly, obviously hesitant. “How do you say, you are beautiful?” Your head turned towards him, eyes wide in surprise. But you quickly recollected yourself. He probably didn’t mean it for you, you told yourself.
He must have another woman back at Omiticaya, though they would probably never meet again. Even so, he didn’t say that to you. “You are beautiful.” You said, slowly doing the gestures with your hands. He stared dead at you, eyes half lidded, entranced with your beauty. “You are beautiful.” He echoed, his voice softer and quieter than before, but with more truth. You ignored him. He didn’t mean it for you.
You followed behind Neteyam, hearing noises of your siblings fighting. When you arrived, there stood Ao’nung, Rotxo, Kiri, and Lo’ak, all glaring daggers at each other. Neteyam stepped forward against your little brothers, menacingly. “You heard him. Don’t touch my sister.” He warned, a finger pointed in Ao’nung’s face. Ao’nung, hesitant, but complied. He raised his hands in defeat, a smirk on his face. You watched, embarrassed of your brothers, as Neteyam and his siblings turned to leave. You stepped forward, your brother and his friends noticing you and immediately cowering upon seeing the angered expression on your face.
“You fools. You are stupid, and childish. You bring embarrassment and shame to our people!” You whisper yelled, deciding not to raise your voice in front of the Sully siblings to keep some pride. Then, Lo’ak turned, raising his hand in front of Ao’nung’s face. “You know what? Yeah, I may be part alien. Look, look, you see that?” He explained, waving his five fingers in front of Ao’nung’s face. “But here’s a cool thing I can do. Watch. If I fold my fingers like this, and then I-” He cut himself off, swinging at Ao’nung’s face and hitting him square in the jaw.
You gasped, watching as Lo’ak hit him two more times, before Ao’nung sprung back at him, the two of them tangled on the floor as they fought one another. Rotxo soon joined in, holding Lo’ak back, before Neteyam got involved. You stood next to Kiri, watching the boys fight like idiots. Kiri laughed, amused, while you huffed. You were a woman, you would not fight. But you were a sister, so you would stop them. “Stop, Ao’nung. Stop!” You yelled, pulling Ao’nung back by the shoulders, him resisting as he tried to hit Lo’ak once more. “Stop!” You got on your knees to pull him back, until you felt Ao’nung’s elbow connect with your face.
Movement stopped, and everybody stood still. Kiri stopped laughing, mouth now hung open. You may fight a boy like a fool, or make fun of a girl’s strangeness — but you do not touch a man’s daughter. Ao’nung held his breath, afraid, while the Sully siblings stared in anticipation. You turned your head towards your brother’s, eyes wide and full of fury, nose scrunched and teeth baring in anger. You stood up. “Stand.” You ordered.
Ao’nung did not stand. “Stand!” You yelled, him flinching as he did so. “Come.” You said, voice shaking from rage as you tried to keep your calm. You refused to humiliate your reputation any further in front of the eldest of the son of Toruk Makto. You stood still, him slowly walking towards you, afraid. He yelped as you grabbed his braid, before pushing him in front of you, walking off.
You stood next to Neteyam the next day, just in the middle of apologizing for your brother’s actions from the day before, when Ao’nung ran up to the both of you. “Neteyam.” He summoned, standing in front of you. Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at him, the expression on his face displaying that he did something regrettable. “Forgive me, but your brother…” He trailed off, trying to find the words to say it. You sneered, hitting the side of his head with your palm. “Spit it out!” You urged.
“Well, he had come and asked for forgiveness, so for truce, we drove him out to the outer reefs. We had left him there, as a joke, but he was attacked by a creature.” He spat out. Your hands covered your mouth, both in shock and fear. You nervously looked at Neteyam, and anger and anxiousness showed on his face. You grit your teeth. Nothing in this world could express the anger you felt towards your brother. “You idiot! You fool!” You hit him with your fist, hard on his skull, but he only felt a bit of pain, as you were only meat and bones. “We must go find Jake’Suli, but after, I will kill you myself.” You then snarled at him, your teeth showing as you hissed.
“Hitting my brother is forgiven. Leaving him for death is not.” Neteyam scowled, grabbing Ao’nung by the braid. On any other occasion, you would defend your brother, but right now, you couldn’t even look at him.
Lo’ak was found with bruises and scratches, but no major injuries. Your heart hurt, seeing what your brother and his childish friends had done to him. You stood next to your mother, your family standing tall as Jake Sully and his family stood before you. Jake didn’t seem too angry, probably not wanting to make it a big deal. His siblings, nonchalant. His mother was angry, but at Lo’ak. You thought Neytiri was beautiful. She was noble and filled with pride, but brave and strong.
You held your head down in shame, knowing how much trouble you were in. You were in charge of your brother. This was your fault.
“Come on, Lo’ak.” Jake Sully said, hand on his back as his family walked away. Your father turned to Ao’nung. “Is this true, Ao’nung? Did you try to stop Lo’ak from going over the reef?” He asked, hand on your brother’s shoulder. Ao’nung sighed, nodding. You knew this was a lie, and you became more disappointed in your brother. You made note to scold him harshly, later. Then, your father turned to you, and you flinched.
“You. Where were you?” Your mother snarled, and you held your chin low, hands in front of you. “I was apologizing to Neteyam for Ao’nung’s actions from the day before, ma’am.” You spoke quietly. Your father stayed silent. “And you will apologize to his family again. Go.” Your father ordered, shooing you off. You bowed your head, shooting a glare at Ao’nung, before running after the Sully family. You reached their home quietly, slowing down and listening in to make sure you came at a good time.
You peered into their home, not seeing Lo’ak, but only Tuktirey in her mother’s arms, Jake scolding Neteyam. “And where were you? What happened to watching your brother?” He said, his voice not raised, but stern and full of authority. You felt a chill on your back. Jake Sully was dominating, and even you could feel that. “I’m sorry. It’s my fault, sir.” Your heart ached, watching Neteyam. You knew exactly what it felt like. You stepped forward, their heads turning to you and acknowledging your presence.
“I am sorry for interrupting. I have come to apologize for my idiot brother.” You stepped closer, trying not to cower from the intense stares of Jake and Neytiri. “I have no excuse.” You finished. Jake let out a sigh, a small smile on his face. He placed a hand on top of your head, as if viewing you as his daughter. “Don’t worry about it.” He comforted, and you stared at the ground. “Tell your father we’re truly sorry for Lo’ak.” He said, his hands now crossed in front of his chest.
You shook your head. “He has already forgiven.” You said, knowing your father would say the same thing. Jake smiled. “You’re dismissed.” He said softly. You hesitated, staring at Neteyam, him staring at you back. This didn’t go unnoticed by Jake, and he waved his arm. “You too. Get out of here.” He gestures towards Neteyam. He bowed his head, jogging to catch up to you as the two of you left. “I must admit, it is charming how responsible you are.” You let the words slip out your mouth, and his ears flickered. He was nervous.
“Thank you.” He murmured shyly. The two of you walked in silence, but a question lingered your mind. Your cheeks warmed, just thinking about it. You opened your mouth, finally. “Have you chosen a woman, back at Omiticaya?” Your voice was so quiet, part of you wishing he didn’t hear you — but he did. He stopped in his tracks, his tail swinging behind him. He let out a breath. “What?” You felt embarrassment from the question, so you turned your head. “Never mind.”
He stepped in front of you, his hands on your shoulders so you would look at him. “I- I have not chosen a woman. Yet.” He added, an urgency in his voice. You couldn’t help but feel glad at his answer, smiling. “Has a man chosen you?” He mumbled. Your ears twitched, nervous as his hands on his shoulders slid down your arms, holding your wrists. “I have not chosen them back.” You whispered, moving your arms so your hands would be in his.
He held his hands out, and you traced your fingers along the tiny scars on his palms. “But I have chosen, now.” You said in a hushed tone, your eyes averting from his hands to his eyes. His hands gripped yours, eyes flickering between you and your lips. “Then so have I.” He whispered as he leaned in. Your heart was beating out of your chest, closing your eyes. You felt his lips on yours, and you couldn’t help but let out a breath, as if saying “finally”.
He smiled into the kiss, your lips moving in perfect synchronization. His hands let go of yours, cupping the sides of your face. Yours laid gently on his stomach as he deepened the kiss. You felt your throat tighten up, wanting to laugh in joy. You have never knew that you could feel this way — not until him. He pulled away, out of breath, and you laughed. “You are still horrible at taking deep breaths.” You teased, and he laughed back.
“I can not take deep breaths if my heartbeat is fast.” He took your hand and placed in on his chest, above his heart. Indeed, his heart was beating out of his chest. You stayed in silence, eyes lingering on each other. “I see you.” You whispered. He closed his eyes, placing his forehead against yours. “I see you.” He said back, not a single ounce of hesitance in his voice.
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