#snowy wip
zmwrites · 4 months
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OC Kiss Week Day 3: Sunrise
WIP: Snowy WIP
Pairing: Livia x Matthias
CWs: violence, blood, reference to an attempted sexual assault
Words: 778
Notes: basically canon as of now, but who knows where life will take us
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Pink and orange spilled across the sky as the sun crested the horizon, turning the clouds a brilliant gold and reflecting off the pools of blood under the bodies strewn about the clearing. Livia clung to the trunk of a tree, chipped nails digging into the bark, chest still heaving from how hard she’d run trying to escape the posse of bounty hunters that now lay dying or dead around her. 
In the middle of the clearing, Matthias toyed with the remaining bounty hunter, feinting and dodging to stay just out of reach while cutting him up one shallow strike at a time. He’d made quick work of the others, not wasting more energy than each had required, but this last one was special in a horrible way. It was one they knew. The sight of him caused her stomach to roil, remembering how he’d dragged her from her horse and tried to force his way up her skirts. How Matthias had only stopped himself from killing the bounty hunter then because she’d collapsed.
This time she was determined to stay on her feet. Her skirts were soaked and heavy, her hair clung to her face and neck, and rivulets of icy water trickled beneath her cloak. The winter chill was seeping into her bones, but this time she wanted the bounty hunter to pay. She wanted him to die. If she’d had a weapon, she would’ve wanted to be the one to banish him to the next life.
Matthias disarmed the bounty hunter, his knife flying off into the woods, then pressed his blade to the man’s throat. He met her eyes over the man’s shoulder.
Her knees wobbled. Not because of the cold, or the blood, or the running, but because of the unspoken question in his gaze. Because he was asking for her permission to kill the bounty hunter. 
Livia nodded once, breathless and hungry. 
Matthias’ blade struck once more with the deadly precision he’d been holding back, and the bounty hunter’s body slumped to the ground.
Something loosened in Livia’s chest, like a vice she hadn’t realized was there. The coppery tang of blood in the air tasted like relief, like freedom from the terror that had haunted her since she’d first met the bounty hunter. He was dead. He was finally fucking dead. 
Matthias stepped over the body like it was nothing. The brutality that had preceded the carnage around them should have horrified her—would have horrified her mere weeks ago, when her only experience with violence was the clean showmanship of tournaments. But after seeing how far the bounty hunters and mercenaries chasing the reward money promised by Andrin were willing to go to drag her back into his clutches… she welcomed the violence. She would rather watch them all bleed out than accept becoming Andrin’s bride.
He cut through the snow towards her and stopped just out of her reach. His breathing was laboured, and there was blood spattered across his face. “Are you okay?”
“Me? You’re the one covered in blood,” she replied.
He looked down at himself, then back to her with a roguish grin. “How do I look?”
Her head spun. Gorgeous. He looked gorgeous, as he always did, and striking, and like the safety she’d been searching for. Words seemed inadequate in the face of the emotions filling her chest. 
She grasped the front of his coat, ignoring the blood staining her fingers, and yanked him to her, kissing him as though it could convey everything inside of her. He froze for a long moment before she heard his blade fall to the ground. His hand pressed into the small of her back, sending sparks up her spine and igniting a deeper hunger. She looped an arm around his neck to hold him closer.
He broke the kiss, leaving his forehead against hers and not opening his eyes. “That’s not how most people react when I’m covered in blood.”
“I thought you’d already figured out that I’m not most people,” she said. She brushed her thumb across his cheek, thinking of all the ladies from court who swooned at the sight of blood. They never would have looked at Matthias twice. He wore his profession on his body: the scars on his skin, the muscles under his clothes, the calluses on his hands. The ladies from court—the type of woman she was expected to be—wanted the promise of comfort that came from marrying titled gentry, men whose idea of work was dictating to others. It was their loss.
He chased her mouth and kissed her again, and all thoughts of other people vanished from her mind.
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rinisdrawing · 6 months
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wip! ❄️ ☕️
(quick message from me below!)
hi hello!! it’s been a while, i hope you guys are doing well! 🫶
i’ve just finished my first few months of college! needless to say, i’ve been extremely busy with midterms and projects and finals, hence the lack of presence… i do apologize, thank you all for your patience!
i’m currently on break, so i’m planning to get back on track with my wips and share some art with y’all! here’s a very rough wip of cass and greg, i missed drawing them </3 my plans are to finish some royal au stuff and a 3 star family piece!! (also i miiiiight start posting mario art as well…. maybe maybe!)
also, happy 2 year anniversary, sb!! thank you for changing the trajectory of my life and art journey i owe it to you 🤝
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autumnblooms · 7 months
Carhartt snuggglleeeessss
Anything for you mac! This is the one I’m working on right now actually so it’s at an odd stage lol
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jaydub · 4 months
[Snowy Escape Addon] Teasers
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mayhemspreadingguy · 2 months
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But when you think I've had enough From your sea of love I'll take more than another river full
A collab with @magnusbae ♡
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tamorii · 3 months
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Sneak peek of a Frieren drawing that I've been working on for several weeks at this point !! It's as good as finished but I still have some final fine-tuning left to do :) Excited to finish it and share the full thing !
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snowy-weather · 2 months
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Ralis Sedarys WIP. ^^
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kabukiaku · 2 years
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some art of my girl mingzhu 🥺💙🤍✨
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artoutoftheblue · 5 months
Another wip of Fairy Eclipse because I'm too sleepy to finish it rn
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Hes just actively killing a leaf dont mind him
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arinmoss · 5 months
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2 Astarions and a Miku U w U prints available on inprnt!
Art Prints by Arin Moss - INPRNT
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also sorry the pics look bad i have a shitty broken android and dont own a camera lmao
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zmwrites · 5 months
I was tagged by @oh-no-another-idea! Thank you so much!
This is from Snowy WIP:
“It’s an open bounty,” she said. Fear bloomed in her throat—that had been stupid to say. There was nothing stopping Matthias or the others from dragging her back to Nicia to get the bounty themselves. She looked at him furtively, trying to gauge his expression. “We’re not bounty hunters,” he assured her. “We won’t force you to go anywhere.” She took another sip of tea. She had no reason to trust him other than that Alice had told her to. He leaned forward from his seat on the couch. “I give you my word. No harm will come to you while you’re under our care.” “Thank you.” It was barely a whisper, but she meant it.
Livia has an ally? Or three? Perhaps?
I tag @squarebracket-trick, @sleepyowlwrites, @corishadowfang, and anyone else who wants to play! As always, no pressure!
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asnowfern · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
It is still Wednesday in other parts of the world, no?
Caved and started writing the Chang Er/Moon Goddess inspired feysand fic because of the loving encouragement from @reverie-tales 💕💖
Feyre raised her eyes to locate the source of the voice, unable to stop the slight tremors in her knees when she did. Her mind whirled at impossible speed, suddenly overwhelmed by the conflicting thoughts.
Beautiful. Rage. Bewitching. Traitor. Mesmerising. Hatred. Beautiful.
Beautiful beautiful beautiful.
This man was the most beautiful person she had ever seen.
And the biggest traitor she had ever known.
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a-lost-crow · 1 year
A walk on the beach
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I wanted to draw Tintin in feminine clothing so whoppee here it is :D
My rambling and WIP is below lol
Autism won again because this was the WIP I made 2 hours ago
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(And yes I almost forgor the height difference until I did the lineart)
This was supposed to be a little drawing. Until I added the background 😅
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jaydub · 1 year
[WIP] Snowy Escape Addon: Awnings
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Some additional sizes for the awning from Snowy Escape.
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miyrax · 2 months
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A 50x50 lot I'm working on
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snowy-weather · 2 months
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Struggling to find a name for him. XD But damn I love him already.
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