#snw tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
walkingstackofbooks · 10 months
SNW 2x03 Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow thought-stream
[30 June '23]
First of all, what an amazing, TOS-style title. I love it.
La'an sounds so done right at the beginning XD
I thought this was going to be a complaint - "Nobody told me when I took this assignment just how many friends it would make for me."
Oh, it was XD
Pelia! Already an icon
"I will make every effort to practice less vigorously."
"Well as your sparring partner, I advise you talk to your physician."
Okay wtf was that?? Okay random dude just disappearing?
Wait this is yet another AU! Kirk?!
Is she gonna grab him and press the button? Because she totally should.
He doesn't feel like Kirk... but also I guess he *isn't* our Kirk, so that's okay?
*BIG SIGNS WITH TORONTO* "Seems to be New York City." Oh, honey XD
"I was born in space on the USS Iowa" - huh! I like the way they did that!
Hah, they dressed in the same clothes, hilarious! XD
Ohhh... does the crush really need to happen? :/
Chess chess chess! It is Kirk!
Actually, re:La'an's crush, tbf, I think it's just weird to not have a crush on Kirk myself 😅
Wait, mid 21st century? I thought in the ST universe that was when WW3 was happening... *Checks* 2026-51 yeaaaaa
Kinda creepy La'an, just standing there and watching him think.
Because we know Jim so well, it feels kind of weird that she doesn't
"My earth still has sunsets." Boom. That sure is a good argument.
I forgot she knew Sam! Or in fact that Sam was on the Enterprise 😅
You should look up Pelia!
Is this Jim actually gonna be a good driver?
Tbf I'm sure that car is easier than 1930s
Wait why has she read his file and not Sam's
What happened to lessen the eugenics war impact???
Why do we have to have action Kirk in ace? But at least it's au Kirk?
Profiling? Oh Canadian against Americans?
My wife was abducted.
Love how ahe has to do all the work
Jim keeps being hungry but this Jim never went to Tarsus?
So is this supposed to be now so I'm America the sanctuary districys
Engineering extension
"I might actually know someone in Vermont." YES, PELIA!
>> Though my guess is she's not actually an engineer yet, just because that would be funny :P
I like how weird time travel gets when immortals are involved
"People are usually difficult for me." Oh, La'aaan <3
He's just another guy though 😅
((Why can they always squeeze m/f romance in one episode but never anything queer in one-and-a-bit seasons?))
Sera?! You're a villain?!
"Try me." *bang* oh jeez oh wow they really did just straight up kill Kirk??? Incredible.
Superior Romulan strength...
How is Khan about?? This is the wrong time? Unless they're going with DS9's "the Eugenics war was 200 years ago" miscontinuity and placing it where WW3 is supposed to be? I am a confuse
"And all this was supposed to happen back in 1992, and I've been trapped here for 30 years trying to get my shot at him."
WHAT WHAT WHAT???? SO THE TIMELINE IS ALREADY CHANGED? WHAT??? I love time travel but man this is messing up my head!
What on Earth just happened though with her disappearing into smoke? what.
"Are you gonna kill me?" Jesus, I cannot with this. MY HEART
Fricking Heck
So Khan was once just be a kid being experimented on? (Like Julian? 💔)
Uhura's complete confusion and need to check out La'an when Pike says "You're not wearing your uniform." XD
Ohh, our girl's just been though a whole heck of a lot
Eyyy damn for a sec I thought that was gonna be Section 31 😅 Temporal Investigations are slightly less fucked
Nah nah nah, this girl needs therapy, please
Well she forget this? I kinda hope so... Because gosh, if she doesn't that's her and Pike who are gonna be weird when Kirk actually shows his face
They just ban her from talking to anyone about this despite all the massive trauma they just dumped on her?!! No that's not okay actually??? Damnnnn
She just straight up rings Kirk? Oh my word I love her so much
Ohhhh, La'an <3 <3 <3
This is the worst this is so unfair my poor girl... Oh, what the heck strange new worlds, what sort of comfort show are you??!
This was a brilliant episode, I loved it so much, and seeing so much more of La'an was awesome!
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justveeing · 3 months
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Captains' Gambit UEF Captain James Kirk and Captain Spock of the Sh'Rel have been working together for months to take down the Romulans. The culminating mission could mean incredible things for Vulcan-Human relations. My K/S Spring Fever 2024 entry! Originally posted to AO3, to the Spring Fever Collection. Don't forget to check out the amazing works produced this year!!!!
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dreamsrunfaster · 11 months
james t. kirk, tarsus survivor, whenever someone needs help and support: we should get hotdogs. in fact we should get two hotdogs. i’m going to get cookies. we’re going to split the cookie.
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trek-tracks · 10 months
Finally watched the Strange New Worlds episode set in my hometown, and I loved all the Toronto locations and references (yes, I have eaten poutine at the Lakeview, and there's a shot where you can see Spouse's office). I know I definitely won't look at the Royal Conservatory of Music (or, as @markcampbells put it, "more like the Royal Khanservatory of Music”) the same again.
I'm sure everyone's already noticed this easter egg, but:
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Major props to the person who put in the JT22 K33 (or JTK 2233) license plate for Jim's initials and birth year (that's not the normal format of Ontario license plates, anyway...clearly a different timeline).
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pinazee · 1 year
Bless the writers for giving Kirk his inherent romanticism and not the f*ckboy reputation that developed over time
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Forget time travel and timelines, I want to know how Kirk and La'an got this (or any) hotel room with no ID or credit cards. And paid for with cash that he hustled out of chess-playing randos in the park...? How much did he win?!
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Captain Spock of the Sh’rel, ehhh? [a k/s fic prompt]
Remember the alternate timeline in SNW 'Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow' where La'an appears on the Enterprise bridge when Kirk is contacted by Vulcan Captain Spock asking for help to fight the Romulans?
What if Kirk doesn't die when he gets shot in the past, and La'an is able to transport an injured Kirk back to his timeline--only the device doesn't deposit them on the Enterprise but close enough: on the Shi'rel. La'an has to get back to her own timeline, so she drops Kirk off in Captain's Spock's arms, telling him to please take care of him because in another reality they're all Starfleet officers so she trusts him to do the right thing and get Kirk back to his ship, although she can't say more. The device then takes her back to her Enterprise with Pike and her Spock as it does in the episode.
Captain Spock is confused because, from his perspective, only moments ago he'd ask Kirk for help and been rejected. But he takes Kirk to sickbay, where the Vulcan healers are able to save his life.
Once Kirk is awake, Spock renews his plea for help fighting the Romulans. Given his strange and impactful time-traveling experience, Kirk decides to reconsider. An alliance is formed...
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atarial · 9 months
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yay this is all coming together great :D
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the old ones to compare, my likenesses are definitely much stronger now
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bamfspock · 1 year
Me before S2E3 of SNW: Eh, Paul Wesley's Jim Kirk is all right I guess
Me after S2E3 of SNW:
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tinderbox210 · 11 months
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La’an Noonien-Singh and Spock
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: s02e07 - Those Old Scientists
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Captain Kirk avoiding fighting a war on two fronts <<<< Captain Kirk refusing to help Captain Spock because he knows once he says yes to the man he'll never be able to stop
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ichayalovesyou · 1 year
Tomorrow & Tomorrow & Tomorrow
Oh man you guys! I really enjoyed this episode! I loved it way more than The Broken Circle but I did not love it as much as I loved Ad Astra Per Aspera but that episode was so a cut above the average (as in in the running for best episodes of Trek ever written caliber stuff). That it hardly seems fair to say so because this episode was an absolute JOY to watch! Lol! I love a good time travel romp!
I remembered enjoying Paul Wesley’s Kirk in A Quality of Mercy but I wasn’t sure whether I was just riding the high of the previous season or whether he could pull it off twice. But he did and I really really like his interpretation of Jim. I honestly like it a lot better than Chris Pine’s if I’m super honest with y’all.
I mean he UNDERSTOOD the assignment! He was definitely at his Kirkiest when they initially arrived in the 21st century that body language and cadence was on point despite him not looking too much like Shatner. I mean hats off to the writers too for that one. The passion for chess without being overly cocky. The all of it!
There was something about the hot dogs scene and letting La’an have the bed in the hotel that felt very Tarsus IV even tho that might not have happened in this timeline. It’s still very James Kirk of him. Not to mention the whole bit where his type is overachiever, kinda uptight but also dark and mysterious and dare I say a little out of his league folks. Whom he charms without being pushy into warming up to him and letting their guard down. Also THANK YOU to the writers and to Wesley for recognizing Kirk Drift and acknowledging our boy is a hopeless romantic and NOT a babe hound.
I called the La’an/Kirk thing way before it happened because of it. And from what was implied in the Ready Room interview with Paul Wesley it sounds as though we might get more La’an & Jim content in the future which I certainly wouldn’t object to! Although we are skirting the edge of when Jim & Carol Marcus supposedly met so that might get a lil complicated but the seasons (because they’re sorter) might not be 1:1 with years so they’ve got some wiggle room to work with.
I love seeing the cinematic parallels between Kirk & Jim’s love interest stuff in SNW that clearly draws them to each other later on. Chapel is a lot like Kirk and Spock is falling for her pretty hard. La’an is a lot like Spock by the time we meet him in TOS (not too similar to SNW baby Spock though) and they fell for each other pretty badly too! For example, both La’an & Spock are terrified of Kirk’s insane driving skills (or lack thereof lmao)! But enough about Jim & the whole K/S kitten caboodle! This episode is about LA’AN :D
Holy shit did La’an need what’s been happening with her in these past couple episodes. She got to face her generational trauma headlong, she got to see a mirror in Kirk and further realize the value of enjoying the fleeting and precious joys of life. By both convincing this alternate timeline version of Kirk that her version of the world is worth saving (also not the “Sam’s alive?” 😭 because his older brother dies unexpectedly and tragically in both timelines DONT TOUCH MEEEE, also not the potential Kirk bros content going forward also 😭). To eating the damn hot dog, and presumably letting Kirk talk her into taking the bed and just ugggggh.
And then HE DIES! They fridged Captain James T. Kirk of all people for HER character development lmao how’s THAT for a twist. Historically it’s been the other way around how’s that feel for once Jimbo? Damn!
Sera was an interesting villain, she was a good twist honestly felt like something was up with her the minute she had pics of that romukan ship. Also, I love all the self referential like, “yes we acknowledge this changed a little bit” stuff that’s happened. Like the Temporal Wars are why the Eugenics war is supposed to start around *now* and not the 90s like previously stated and Sera has been trapped trying to fulfill her mission for 30 years. Or how clearly Jim thinks everybody calls his brother George and only he gets to call him Sam when clearly that’s not the case lol. It’s nice little touches like that that really make me feel validated for having faith in the writers when nitpickers complain.
Also PELIA! She’s an art thief?! Incredible! Hilarious! Brilliant! No notes! Although it JUST occurred to me that because La’an went to Pelia before the whole “preventing the timeline from changing entirely” bit does THAT mean that La’an can at least talk to Pelia about what happened?! Because it’s implied La’an is who inspired her to become an engineer and that’s still part of our prime timeline! Maybe it’s like a Guinan and Picard situation! I think La’an should get to sob into the arms of our funky little klepto engineer grandma as a treat instead of breaking down alone in her room, please and thank you!
Anyway, baller episode! 9/10
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stoplookingup · 1 year
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Just gender-flipping "City on the Edge of Forever" is pretty satisfying. But placing alt-Kirk himself in the Edith Keeler role (rather than a one-off character), while elevating La'an to the full-fledged protagonist of the piece, is pretty much genius. "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow" is a master class in making a great episode that can be appreciated by every viewer, but is equally effective as fan service. The more I think about it, the more I love it.
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pinazee · 1 year
I support Jim Kirk being everyones manic pixie dream girl
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eleftherian · 1 year
jimmy kicking ass at chess is why spock falls madly in love with him jsyk
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wulfhalls · 1 year
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girl about to drop the hottest beats in this off the charts mood lit apple store fr. and he be looking good doing it
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