#so I sent a message through the app to support but they never got back to me
meowkid1000 · 1 year
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impsandstars · 1 month
Ficlet: Cookies
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Stolas stared at Blitz’s door for what felt like ages. There had been a few other residents who walked by as he awkwardly stood there and although they gave him an odd look (he had to crouch to not bump his head on the ceiling) they simply shrugged and continued on.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to knock (he always wanted to see Blitz), but he was…apprehensive. He was doing something he had never done before and that small voice in the back of his mind that he had been working on silencing was making him doubt. He knew Blitz would be nothing but supportive and caring but…what if this time was different?
His hands tightened around the soft tulle of the delicately wrapped bag and he looked down.
He had made cookies.
Not just any cookies, but horse shaped sugar cookies.
It was the first time he had ever baked and with Via's help (both with the baking and the decorating) they hadn’t turned out half bad. Well not half bad for a first try…
Stolas had wanted to make them for Blitz because he could. Because he liked the idea of doing something unexpected and getting Blitz to smile at him. A soft smile, one that assured him that he was enough, that he made Blitz just as happy as the imp made him.
He huffed and took a step back.
He couldn’t do this. Not face to face.
With his heart pounding he dropped the cookies onto the floor right in front of the door and knocked gently.
He heard movement from the other side and quickly portaled himself back to his bedroom.
Taking out his phone he opened up the messaging app and found Blitz.
Hello dear! Just wanted to let you know I left you a treat outside your door. They are cookies, in the shape of horses! I found the cutter rummaging through some old boxes and knew I had to make them for you! It was my first time baking so if you don’t want to eat them you don’t have to. I also added some walnuts for texture but they got a bit burnt. We tried a few and it didn’t seem to mess with the flavor! Most of them are lopsided though and the frosting got a bit messy on some of them…You know what they probably aren’t any good. I’m sorry for bringing them over. You can just throw then away or give them to a neighbor. Don’t worry about it at all!
Stolas hit send and sat heavily on the couch in his room, smacking his forehead lightly with how ridiculous he was being. Why would Blitz want cookies from him? Horribly misshaped monstrosities. He will probably hate them for that alone, destroying one of favorite animals with his attempts at decoration.
His placed his phone on his nightstand and made his way to the greenhouse to focus on something else.
A few hours later Stolas walked back into his room, clothes covered in soil and water stains, feeling a bit better.
He was about to make his way over to take a bath when he heard his text alert.
A chill ran down his spine but he found himself moving to pick it up.
There were 6 messages. All from Blitz.
Taking a breath he opened his phone and went back to the first few texts, time stamped about an hour ago.
Im sure ther fine Stols. getin grosherries tho. Looney got tem
I hav named tem all
looney ate 4, i hav had 7
The last three messages were images. The first one was all the horses placed onto a large piece of paper. Written next to each horse in Blitz's handwriting was a name and a little blurb about them. Stolas zoomed in and read all of them, chuckling at some of the ridiculous names. What in hell's name was a dilf?
The next picture was one of Loona biting into a cookie while flipping off the camera. He smiled wide at that too.
The last text Blitz had sent just a moment ago and seeing it made Stolas's heart go all aflutter. On the paper, beneath two cookies, Blitz had drawn a tail and horns on one and a top hat and tail feathers on the other. He had moved the horses close so it looked like they were kissing and had drawn hearts around them.
His phone pinged and a new message appeared: look ther in love
He checks ached with how wide he was smiling and he held the phone to his chest. Oh Blitzy…for someone who has scoffed at romance you sure know how to make me swoon.
Stolas was about to reply back when another message popped up.
we have eten all the kookees. They wer good
Stolas felt his cheeks warm and he smiled softly.
I’m so glad you both liked them! Maybe next time you can come over and we can make them together. ;)
iz a date
Stolas hooted happily and began to search up all the different things they could bake together, wondering idly if he should invite Via and Loona too.
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nyallace · 2 months
Hey everybody! You might know already, but my account was terminated briefly last night. I never received any word from staff about it and certainly didn’t get any notification when I got it back.
Basically, I was on call with my friends and we were chilling, doing activities together, and I was working on a banner/logo for my art account. When I finished, I went to update my header around midnight CST. Tumblr told me I was logged out, so I was afraid maybe I got hacked? I forgot I had 2FA on, so it wasn’t that. I checked my main blog url and it said I didn’t exist. I asked my friends in call if they could see me at all and if Tumblr was working normally for them. They could not and it was. When I logged back in, I was very rudely greeted by the “Your account has been terminated.” message (still using the old Tumblr colors/UI design too lol). I did not get an email about my termination. I sent them an email shortly after, around 12:30am my time. I checked in the afternoon today on my phone by opening the app to see everything was back to normal. Of course, I did not receive an email notifying me of this.
I demand an explanation as to why I was terminated without any notice or reason. This is completely out of line for a website in the modern age to not warm its userbase about any indiscretions. You have been under fire as of recent for many terminations that people consider false and unjustified. The least you could do is tell the people who lose years of their work and the community they have fostered WHY and WHEN this is happening.
I have been a faithful Tumblr user for almost fifteen years. I have met many wonderful people through this website and learned so much about myself and the world around me. Despite it all, I love Tumblr. I do. I want to continue to love Tumblr, but it is clear through years of witnessing mistreatment that Tumblr does not love its community.
Something has to change. I understand that this website has been steadily depreciating in value for years now, but treating your dedicated userbase like this is not going to increase profitability. It’s just not.
@staff @support @wip @changes @wordpress
EDIT: This is safe to reblog and I encourage it!
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whispering-ways · 1 year
•♡✷ matched hearts (pt. 1) ✷♡•
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✷ summary: shinsou downloads a dating app and starts talking to you
✷ pairing: hitoshi shinsou x reader
✷ tags: no warnings, just fluff!
✷ notes: slanted texts indicate actual text messages (purple is shinsou, white is reader) :)
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Shinsou wasn’t a big fan of dating apps. He wasn’t even a big fan of talking to the people around him nevertheless new people. It’s not that he didn’t like people, he liked his friends of course, it was just hard to maintain a conversation with people is all.
But seeing all the couples on campus did honestly make him feel a bit lonely, leading him to download Hinge. He honestly never took it seriously; it was fun to swipe through profiles but he never took the time to have any sort of deep conversation with anyone. That is until he saw your profile.
He’d seen you around UA a couple of times and thought you were pretty, but Hinge let him see you in a whole new light. Apparently, you really liked crocheting, which he found interesting because he always wanted to learn how to do it, but never quite found the time to actually learn. You were a huge movie buff which was yet another plus since he was too. You also seemed to be really smart; UA didn’t just choose any old student to be part of the Department of Support after all. Something about you just carried this bright aura that pulled him in. Soon enough he was liking your profile and sending you his best pickup line in hopes of talking to you more.
You’d just gotten home from a long day of tinkering with a new gadget you’d been working on recently when you saw that someone liked your Hinge profile. At first, you were going to ignore the notification; you were way too tired. But even after you took a shower, ate dinner, and took a melatonin gummy, it seemed like you’d never be able to fall asleep. So you opened up Hinge, thinking that if you were going to be up, you might as well look through some profiles.
That’s when you saw that Shinsou liked your profile. You didn’t know him too well, but you had seen him pop into the support department a couple of times. You definitely thought he was cute, but you’d never really gotten a chance to talk to him since he mostly just talked to Mei when he needed repairs. But his pick-up line?
“‘Is your name yarn? Because you’ve got me all tangled up in your stitches’?” you said with a laugh. It was for sure one of the cheesier pick-up lines you’d been told, but still pretty sweet. You thought about it for a second and then decided to reply. I mean it’s not like you were falling asleep anytime soon anyways.
Lol that’s really cheesy, but you’re in luck bc cheesy pick-up lines are my fav :)
After a few minutes, you thought you wouldn’t hear a reply back till tomorrow morning so you started scrolling through Instagram. But after looking through a couple of posts, you saw that Shinsou sent you a reply back.
Haha, well I’m glad you like it. How has your day been?
Its been a little tiring tbh, I’ve been working on this one gadget for who knows how long and I just can’t seem to get it to do what I want it to do lol. How’s yours been?
This time the reply was instantaneous.
Tiring as well. I’ve been doing nothing but training all day today. What sort of gadget are you making?
That surprised you; most people thought making gadgets was boring and didn’t want to know too much about it. But as you gave him more details about what you were building, he seemed genuinely interested. It was refreshing, to say the least. That question lead you both into talking about your careers and the passion he had to be a hero was evident. It was inspiring to see how much he cared about quirks that were looked down on in society. To you, it was certainly admirable and made you want to work harder in your own career.
Shinsou thought your dedication to the support department was amazing. It was good to talk to someone who was equally as ambitious as he was, but not actively trying to be competitive, which was a big issue between students in the hero industry. As the night carried on, the both of you kept texting about anything and everything.
There was just something so comforting and natural when talking to you. It was just simple. Before you two knew it, it was 4 am and you couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore. You’d felt yourself drifting off a couple of hours ago, but the conversation was just too good for you to end it then. You and Shinsou said goodnight and you hoped that this wasn’t the end of the both of you talking.
When you woke up the next morning after talking to him, you were greeted with a text from Shinsou which immediately put a smile on your face.
Good morning. I hope you have a nice and hopefully less tiring day :)
It was simple, but sweet and lead you both to continue talking throughout the rest of the day. It had been now about three days since your initial conversation and you both had been texting the entire time. Getting texts from Shinsou had now become one of the most delightful parts of the day. Whenever you saw a notification from him, you felt a wave of giddiness flood through you.
Shinsou, although he didn’t want to admit it, also found himself grinning at your daily texts. Every time he heard the chime of his notifications, he secretly hoped it was you texting him back. And while he knew he shouldn’t be so quick to answer, he couldn’t help texting you back instantaneously. You were one of the only people he enjoyed talking to after all.
It took a lot of courage out of him, but after an hour of hyping himself up and drafting out the text in his mind, Shinsou finally asked you out on a date.
Would you happen to be free this weekend? I’ve really enjoyed talking to you and I’d like to take you out on a date if that’s okay with you.
When you saw that text, you squealed and threw your phone on your bed in excitement. After a moment, you realized that you’d actually need to settle yourself and reply to him.
I’d love that! Are you free on Saturday around 11am?
Shinsou’s nerves instantly settled; he was absolutely elated reading your last text. He took a minute or two to think of some places he thought you’d enjoy and then sent his reply.
Yeah, that works for me :) there’s a cat cafe nearby UA, would you like to go there?
That sounds lovely! I love cats, so thats acc perfect!
Great! I’m a big cat fan myself. I guess its a date then ♡
Soon after you two had set up your date, you both said your goodnights. But you were far too excited to fall asleep any time soon. You were already laying in bed, planning your outfit, and thinking about how you wanted to do your makeup even though the date was two days away
. A couple of blocks away, Shinsou was thinking about the date too. The more he'd talked to you, the more he truly felt this connection with you. It just felt like kismet. All he was hoping for now is that you weren't any different in person.
You spent most of the night thinking of different scenarios of how you thought the date would go in hopes of calming you down enough to fall asleep. However, it did the exact opposite, the lovely thoughts keeping you awake. After a while though (and with the help of a melatonin gummy), you were able to fall asleep and you dreamt of your date the whole night.
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octuscle · 1 year
Hey is this chronivac support? I just graduated from grad school and am going into healthcare. Put in all my defaults and everything without an issue- skinny white guy, average height, high IQ.
Thought I’d get better at Spanish so I played around with some settings to help me out. Mi español mejoró mucho lol, maybe even better than my English, so I made spanish mi configuración lingüística preferida. My phone died though and when I turned it back on, I got a weird error message and something about reseting my defaults to match my preferred language setting. Now my skin is getting darker and my brain hurts… ¿Puede ayudarme? Creo que mi inglés está empeorando... 
I have said it many times, if Chronivac is not fully parameterized, missing parameters are filled from the existing ones using artificial intelligence. Normally this is a user error for me. But in your case there is obviously a bug. I would like to apologize for this in the name of Cronivac Inc. I can easily restore your IQ, your English language skills and your academic education. This data was indeed in the cache.
Restoring the other data can take up to two weeks. Until I restore the other data, you have three options: I'll make you a scholarship student from Chile, doing post-grad studies at your old university. Nice combination of continuing education and parties on campus.
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Or do you fancy a vacation in Cartagena. I could lower the IQ to 92, but turn up your sex drive to the maximum. Fuck your way through the clubs of the city!
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Third possibility would be a time out as a rodeo rider. Something completely different, but you will certainly never do that again in your life.
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I have sent you the three presets completely configured in the app. You can find the settings in the menu under Profiles/Bonus. Names are Latino1, Latino2 and Latino3. Please note: All three profiles automatically end with the restoration of your old self. If you choose a profile after that, it will overwrite your old profile. Then there is not much more I can do as support.
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an-aroaces-harem · 6 months
Ivy Chapter 17
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DISCLAIMER: I just deepl and google translated my way through this because I wanted to know what’s going on, so there are definitely mistakes but I believe I managed the general gist of the story. Anyway, it’s just a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes. Morganatic Idol belongs to Cybird and ABC Frontier, Inc.
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That week after returning from Macau. The day finally came.
The manager called me and told me that the contract would be terminated at the end of this week.
(I'm running out of time ... I have to hold another presentation soon.)
Ivy: … Thank you. I may not be the most reliable leader, but I’ll try my best.
Finn: Yeah. Of course!
Xeno: I’ve been saying that from the beginning. … Absolutely.
Hugh: Yeah. Good …!
Jace: We are no good without Ivy.
Ivy: Haha, I’ll be there for you. I’ll support you guys.
--flashback end--
The members of exe, who communicated with each other in Macau. That scene gave me the idea for the re-presentation.
(If the presentation is successful, I'm sure I won't have to leave Aegis ...!)
As I pondered this, Yamauchi-san approached me.
Yamauchi Kota: Cheer up. I'm sure there are plenty of other jobs out there.
Rina: Yamauchi-san ...
(It's been a long time since I've been spoken to. You've been avoiding me lately ...)
Yamauchi Kota: Hey, why don't you come to dinner with me today? Let's have a drink and blow all that shit out of the water.
Rina: ... No, thank you.
Yamauchi Kota: ... If you're refusing my advances, is it because you have a boyfriend?
Rina: ? What do you ...
(Why are you asking me that?)
Rina: I'm not in the mood for that right now. I'm sorry.
Although I was concerned abou Yamauchi-san's subtle expression, my mind was occupied with the impending termination of the contract.
And that night.
Ivy: Rina-chan, I'm home. What's wrong? You look so serious. Did something happen?
Rina: Welcome back, Ivy-san. In fact, I have a favor to ask you.
I waited for Ivy-san when he came home from work, and I began to talk to him.
Rina: Would you be willing to present the Essence perfume project again?
Ivy: ... Well, you finally got your plan together.
Rina: Yes. I'm sure I can make a presentation now that you will be satisfied with.
The recent unification of exe inspired me to make a re-presentation.
(If we put this idea together, I am sure we can come up with something good.)
(Now if I can just get a chance to present again ...!)
Rina: Please. I will never disappoint you!
Ivy: I was thinking about how you were thinking while helping me with my work. You're really good at what you do.
Ivy: I'm glad you asked me to help you with your re-presentation. I'll talk to the others right away
Rina: Thank you very much!
Ivy: I'll adjust my schedule. Can you let me know when would work best for you?
Rina: I'll check back soon.
The moment I opened my phone ... a message arrived on the messenger app.
Rina: !
Startled, I refexively open it.
(Who in the world sent me a ... eh, Yamauchi-san!?)
(I didn't give him my contact information. How?)
Ivy: ... What's wrong?
Ivy-san asked but ...
Rina: Oh, umm, I got a call about that job.
I lied to him. I promised not to hide anything, so I felt guilty, but ...
(I don't want to be misunderstood in a wrong way ...)
Rina: It's nothing, so don't worry about it.
Ivy: ... Really? Then it's all right.
Rina: Yes. I'm sorry, I'm in the middle of something. Here's the schedule for the re-presentation ...
I told him a few convenient days.
Ivy: I'll tell everyone. Just leave it to me.
I was delighted to see Ivy-san smiling at me.
Rina: Thank you very much! I'll make sure I give a presentation that will convince everyone!
(I'm glad I consulted Ivy-san! I'll finish the documents today.)
I clenched my hands together in a surge of enthusiasm.
Ivy: ... By the way, Rina-chan. Changing the subject, I actually have a present for you.
Rina: Eh?
Ivy: This ...
He presented me with a leather notebook. It had a classy design, and the quality of the notebook was obvious.
Rina: ! Oh no, I can't take it.
Ivy: Don't say that. Take it. I really appreciate everything you did for me the other day.
Ivy: Without you, I'd still be struggling with the feeling of inferiority to my fellow team members.
Rina: Of course I'll take action. Because if it's a concern for you, it's important for me too.
Ivy: Rina-chan ...
Ivy: Thank you. I'm very happy to hear you say that.
Rina: But ... I really feel bad about that. I always get things from you, Ivy-san.
Ivy: No, don't. You've given me so much.
Ivy: In fact, this present isn't even worth what you gave me.
Ivy: I can't let my feelings get the better of me if I don't do something. So I thought you'd help me out ... right?
Rina: Ivy-san ...
(I can't believe you think so much of me ...)
Rina: ... I will take good care of it. Thank you very much.
Ivy: Yeah, do that.
Then I received the notebook, he smiled happily.
Ivy: I'm glad. I wanted to thank you somehow.
Ivy: I was very happy that you solved my problems, but I was also very happy that you promised not to hide things from me.
His words made my heart ache.
(I promised you, but I hid Yamauchi-san from you earlier ...)
I wondered if I should still tell you about it ...
Ivy: I don't want you to be shy with me. If you have any problems in the future, please let me know.
Rina: ... Yes.
(I can't be bothered with this little thing any more when I'm relying on you for the re-presentation.)
(And ... I don't want to be misunderstood too much.)
... I felt guilty, but in the end, I couldn't talk about it.
exe gets into their car after recording a music program.
Sakura Eito: Next we're shooting at a studio in Minato.
Jace: I'm tired. But didn't it feel great?
Xeno: Yes. We performed as planned, if not better.
Hugh: Yeah ... was fun ... and the talk too ...
Ivy: Hugh was more active in the conversation today than usual. He usually looks like he's sleepy.
Jace: Xeno was quite involved in the conversation, if you ask me.
Jace: Usually, it's just me and Ivy, and sometimes Finn, too.
Finn: Yeah. I think it was the first time we've had that much fun during a talk corner.
Xeno: ... Maybe so.
Sakura Eito: The program director was also happy, He said that he was able to capture exe in a more harmonious and friendly atmosphere than usual.
Sakura Eito: It was a good vibe from my point of view, and it still is.
Ivy: Even now?
Sakura Eito: Because in the past, these travel times were spent either in silence or doing whatever you wanted to do.
Ivy: I guess it's true what you say.
Sakura Eito: Hm? I haven't seen you guys talk to each other in such a soft atmosphere since you were formed.
Sakura Eito: Exspecially Ivy has changed. I feel that you lost your self-consciousness.
Ivy: ... Hm. I feel much better than before.
Finn: I guess that whole Macau thing must have worked, huh?
Jace: I think it's thanks to Aegis-chan that we were able to do this. If we had been on our own, we wouldn't have even noticed Ivy's problems.
Xeno: Without her work, we certainly wouldn't be where we are today.
Hugh: Housekeeper-san ... awasome ...
Ivy: Yes. I can't thank her enough.
Sakura Eito: I was very impressed by what she said. It was a good decision to invite her to the aprtment.
Sakura Eito: The members are getting to know each better, and Kawanaga-chan is doing an excellent job. I can't say enough good things about her.
Sakura Eito: Even before the presentation, I knew she was different from the others.
Finn: I'm thinking it's about time we heard a re-presentation of the situation.
Ivy: !
The members, oblivious to the wide-eyed Ivy, are all in favor of the idea.
Jace: That's good, isn't it? I'm sure Aegis-chan will come up with a better idea than the last one.
Hugh: Yes. Housekeeper-san knows us very well ..
Xeno: I'm sure she'll do a great job. I'm interested to see what she'll do with the re-presentation.
Finn: I know. Don't you think so too, Ivy?
Ivy: Yeah ... I guess so.
Ivy: ... I was so impressed with the way she was able to change the atmosphere of the room. Is this her power, too ...?
Finn: Ivy? What's wrong?
Ivy: ... I've been just asked by Rina-chan to help her with the re-presentation.
... And so.
All members were in agreement, and a date was set for the re-presentation.
... A few days later.
With all the members gathered, it was time for my re-presentation.
(Ivy-san made this chance for me. I will do my best and grab it!)
Rina: Well then, everyone, please take a look at this document first ...
... I put everything I had into the presentation.
For the new project, I further expanded on the idea of personifying jewels.
exe, who has become more human through the perfume, clash and struggle with each other.
Through this process, trust is born in them ... and they change.
The members listened intently, sometimes interrupting with pointed questions. And then ...
Xeno: ... It's a novel idea. I think exe deserves to take it on.
Finn: Yeah, I'm in.
Jace: Sounds like fun!
Hugh: I agree ... I'd like to try it ...
Ivy: ... I'm with you. I thought your idea was great.
They all accepted my presentation and gave me a pass.
Rina: Thank you very much ...!
The joy welled up in my heart, and I couldn't help but burst into tears.
(You all recognized me, we can make the CM. I'm so happy ...!)
(I'm sure I won't have to quit my job now ...)
Rina: Really ... thank you so much ...
Finn: What are you crying about, you idiot? That's the part where you laugh.
Rina: Huh!?
Finn-san starts to stir my head, and then everyone joins in ...
Jace: I'm happy for you, Aegis-chan. You did a great job preparing for the presentation.
Xeno: It was a good presentation, but don't get carried away. The hard part is just beginning.
Rina: Of course!
Hugh: Yeah, good luck ...
With a warm smile or a soft look in their eyes, the members encouraged me.
(Oh, I have to thank Ivy-san as well.)
(I'm grateful to Ivy-san, who has supported me throughout the entire process, for helping me achieve this result.)
... I turned my head and saw a scene I had never imagined.
Ivy: ...
(Huh ...?)
There was Ivy-san, who looked at me with the coldest eyes I've ever seen ...
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stacywaters · 1 year
Purple Ink (RM)
[Words in bold are in Korean]
I begin another doodle on my arm. It's nearly filled now with sketches from my ballpoint pen.
"Seriously, I can't believe your soulmate's never asked you to stop. Your drawings are everywhere at this point" my friend Stacy laughs.
I finish up the rose I'm drawing, "I'm sure they love my drawings. They've told me themself."
Stacy sighs, "I wish my soulmate talked to me more.. do you think I'll ever find them?"
"Easy. Just write your name really big on your forehead, they won't miss you."
"That is FAR from a solution, Y/N."
I laugh and look back down at my arm. A small heart appears next to the flower.
A Weverse notification interrupts my thoughts as I walk through the door. "RM started a Live" I open the live.
Namjoon and Hoseok are painting. I giggle as Namjoon spills some ink on his arm. Shutting my phone off, I go to take care of the pile of dishes in the sink.
As I pull my sleeves up, I notice a splatter over my wrist.
"What the.."
I run over and grab my phone. Pulling up the app again, I stiffen at the sight.
Namjoon's purple ink stain covers his wrist, a few splatters on his palm. Exactly like mine.
"No way... it can't be" I mumble.
Slowly, I grab a pen and write a small note on my arm by the splatter. Like clockwork, it shows up on his arm: "Namjoon?"
The next few days, twitter had been blowing up about us.
"Namjoon's soulmate is an ARMY?"
"Guys! She knows! She found him!"
"Aww, that's sweet. Let's be happy for them."
"Wait, you mean they haven't met yet?"
I sigh, bringing my head to my hands.
"What do you want to do about it?" Stacy asks.
"I don't know.. I'm happy but I'm sad and I just don't know what to do. I'm surprised that he's someone I've admired for so long, but I feel dumb for not ever noticing. And I never imagined meeting my soulmate would be like... this. What if ARMY hates me? I don't want to cause him trouble. What if-"
"Relax, girl. I've only seen supportive comments so far. Everyone knows that you can't control soulmates, I'm sure it'll be fine."
"Yeah, I just, i dunno." I slump down in my chair, "it's not like I'll ever get to meet him anyways. It's a lost cause."
"Hey! Chill out. What you need to do is give him a way to find you."
"Such as?" I grumble.
"Such as posting your art online. I've been telling you forever, your creations are too good to keep to yourself! And if you post them, soon enough either he'll find you or ARMY will"
"That's... that's not a bad idea."
And that's how you got here. You'd been posting for two weeks now, but only had about 12 followers.
"Trust the process! He'll find you. It takes time to build an account." Stacy assured you.
"I just feel like the art should be for me, not a faceless algorithm."
"I'm sure he'll find you. He sees your art every day."
"I hope so" I mutter.
I scrolled on my phone half-awake. I couldn't fall asleep, so I decided to explore my feed on instagram. Suddenly, I received a like. And another like. And a follow. And soon enough, a message.
"Who..." I mumbled.
My eyes widened as I see the message they sent me. (Messages by them are in THIS COLOR, messages by you are in THIS COLOR :))
"I'd recognize your art anywhere"
I shiver at their words. Looking at their account, it doesn't help in figuring out who this is. A part of me carries a small hope. It must be Namjoon! He must have found me! But I don't want to get hurt.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Namjoon :) You draw on my arm all the time.."
No... no way. It can't be. What am I supposed to say to my soulmate? What if it's just Stacy pulling some sick prank on me?
"Hmm, prove it then."
Suddenly I feel a tingling sensation on my wrist as words begin to appear.  'Hello artist'. I quickly scratch out a message in our chat room.
"Oh my god, it's really you! I never thought I'd find you.."
"Well you did :) I love your drawings by the way. I'm a big fan."
"No, that's what I'M supposed to be saying. You're music is seriously amazing. I can't believe I get to be your soulmate.."
"You're so cute"
I blush. Not sure what to say, I wait for him to speak again.
"How long have you known?"
"That I'm your soulmate haha"
"Oh, uh, I was watching your live with j-hope"
"Ah, so when I spilled the paint on myself? That isn't very romantic..."
"Well, I'm glad you did regardless."
A question sits at the back of my throat. Suddenly my fingers begin to type it.
"How did you find me?"
He begins to type.
"It's actually kind of similar. I've been following you for a while now. I found your page maybe, two weeks ago? You didn't have too many posts up at the time but as you started posting more, I guess I just kinda realized one day. Like your drawings felt like home to me. And one day I was looking at your art on my Lock Screen, and then down at my arm, and it just hit me. So I decided to message you haha"
"Dfbivaldhflvahf ok wait you made my art your Lock Screen?"
"Shoot. Shouldn't have sent that part"
I giggle.
"Um, I guess where do you live?"
"No no not like that-"
"I feel like I'm messing this whole soulmates thing up already??"
"Like do you also live in Korea or..?"
"Ah, no.. sorry. I live in (INSERT COUNTRY NAME)"
"Don't be sorry! Y'know.. we're actually going to be doing a comeback soon with a tour :D"
"I'll talk and see if we can go there!"
I shiver in the cold hallway. He told me to meet him here, is he still coming? Maybe I should leave.. NO! That's silly. He's coming, Y/N. Just be patient.
Suddenly I hear sneakers squeak against the tile. Turning to my left, I notice him. Him. The boy I've been messaging for 7 months now. The one I've been waiting to meet. The one I love.
His dark hair bounces as he runs, star-like shimmers glimmering in his eyes. He slides in front of me, skidding a bit on the slick floor.
"It's you, you're here, I" He pants.
"Hi Namjoon" I smile.
Suddenly my head goes blank. All those months of texting, and I have nothing to say.
"Erm, good luck with the concert."
He checks his watch, "Oh, right, haha. I was so excited to meet you that I forgot about the concert."
"Hey! ARMYs paid good money to be here tonight. Don't forget about them because of me"
He smiles and pulls me into a hug. We swing from left to right as we talk. After around 15 minutes, a staff member informs us that we have to go for him to perform.
Once he leaves I sink down to the floor, clutching my phone to me. I daydream about reality, the moments only seconds ago that somehow already feel so distant. Wonder when I'll see him again. Wonder if it'll be soon.
"I can't believe she's his soulmate"
"I know, right? I mean, is the universe sure that they're destined?"
Laughter from the two staff members pulls me out of my lovely daze. Why are they so rude? What did I do? Do they assume I don't know Korean just because we spoke in English?
A third girl working there spoke up, "C'mon guys, let's not be so mean. We don't even know her yet!"
"Yeah, but like, have you seen her?" The previous staff questions.
"Yeah, what about her?"
"She's just... not what I thought she'd look like."
"She could be listening now," the third girl said, "I think she seems perfectly nice. You should give her a chance."
Without another word she walks out of the room and into the hallway, where I was listening. I look up to her from the floor, my eyes glistening with tears.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! You must have heard them. They're like that to everyone, don't worry."
I nod and turn away, "Yeah no, it's just... old insecurities coming back"
"Well don't let them," she smiles, "I, along with I'm sure Namjoon, think you're gorgeous."
I laugh, "Thank you. You are too"
"I have to be! It's hard keeping up with my worldwide handsome boyfriend" She jokes.
"Wait, are you?"
"Minji, Kim Seokjin's soulmate" She grins.
We talk together while we watch the concert from the waiting room. Apparently she's been with the boys for 2 years, which is a little intimidating. Am I going to have to meet them later? What if-
"Everything alright?" Minji asks.
"y-yeah!" I nod.
"Don't worry, you'll be okay"
I turn to her. Did she know? Suddenly, Namjoon and the rest of the members pour into the room.
He pulls me into a hug, "How did we do, baby?"
I blush at the nickname, mumbling, "You guys were amazing"
"Were you nice to Y/N?" Seokjin asks Minji.
She sighs, "yes, but Ari and Chaeyeong said stuff about her"
"What did they say?" Namjoon yells.
"They were just being rude. Talking about what she looks like and if she's good enough for you, and...y'know"
Unknowingly, I had begun to tug harder at Namjoon's shirt while tears threatened to form. He pulls his arms tighter around me, "Hey, hey, it's okay. You're perfect. Don't listen to them, Minji's right. They're always like this. We are all here for you, we love you. None of the things you're insecure about mean anything to me. To me, you are perfect."
"I-I.." He pulls away to look at my face.
"You're crying but you're smiling.. I don't understand"
"They're happy tears" I grinned, "Because, I can't believe the universe thought to give me the luck that is you."
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jnnmclm · 5 months
Hi! I, JOANNE MACALAM is speaking up towards the infamous notorious donation scammer LAURA DERAMAS.
I am a filipina based in USA. Ive known LD through a childhood friend of mine back home.
Never met her personally. Just like all of you here I too am scammed into some sort by her. As you can see, Laura has been using me as her bank account. Zelle, Venmo, Cash App and even Paypal.
Honestly, it didn’t cross my mind that this is all just her bullshit. Growing up in the Philippines, these things could possibly happen. I started to doubt her when my paypal account was charged with $1,800.00 that was sent by a guy. I informed her about the matter and she told me that it was a guy who scammed her of paying after she sent some “photos/videos” in exchange of money. LOL now up to this day I still owe Paypal $1,800.00. Stopped doing her favors, but she kept on messaging me all the damn time. Calling me even in the middle of my work. Even at night when am already sleeping. Pleading to please do her another favor. I tried calling paypal. There is nothing I can do, I now owe $ 1,800. This girl dont take NO for an answer.
I started giving her my cash app, venmo and zelle since I cannot use my paypal anymore just so she will stop. Always saying it will be the LAST TIME. But of course its not, there is just always something going on with her life. And I keep feeling sorry for her. I can’t give her money, I dont have those. I barely make it here in America plus sending money to my family in the Philippines, supporting my siblings with school. I have 7 sibs btw and my dad has already passed so its just me and my mama. Coming from a poor family, I sympathized for her thinking that there is nothing I can lose if I help her, I can’t help her monetarily so by me being her point of access to help here in USA to Philippines is okay. It won’t hurt nobody or so I thought.
Earlier this year, there was a network outage in my state, after it was back, I can no longer use my zelle. I did not suspect that my Zelle acc was reported by some of y’all. I was thinking it was the network outage. I tried to call my bank, zelle, network provider but I cant get no answer, they keep passing me to each other, I changed my number. Same thing. I can’t use zelle. And instead of dwelling about things that are beyond my control, I just let it go. I told Laura of what happened and that I can no longer help her through Zelle. Now you might wonder, why are you still helping her? Didn’t some of you keep helping her because she just have this fucking annoying tactics that will make you fall for it. The emojis urgh! The HUHUHU every end of a sentence. I am so done with it.
I kept ignoring her, muted her. Didn’t answer to her calls. Because now she is “borrowing” money from me. I dont have money to lend. Then I got a notification of a money transfer in one of my remaining account, checked my messages and then there was her telling me someone send money to me and apologized that she didn’t asked permission. What can I do at this point? Its not my money. When I opened the app and check, with an attached note from “Tmblr”, it poked my interest. Whats in tmblr? Why does people give her money this much? The other night, I created this account and searched for her name. I swear, my yawning was replaced with cold sweat, shaking hands and anxiety. The bitch has been scamming ppl! I saw Kyra45 post about her. I reached out. And I dig deep down to all these mess. Kyra45 informed me that my name, picture even my dog and my plant business in the Philippines was used in an account. I was livid, mortified and most of all, humiliated.
Tonight, what lead me to writing this is because I searched for my name in the search engine and I was dumbfounded. As a woman who is trying to make my life better, leaving my family to provide a better life? This is too much. My trust for this lady is broken, my image is broken. My identity was stolen. She made my brother dead, my family homeless and me going back and barely afford college.
I messaged her tonight, I informed her what I found out and how disappointed and disgusted I am to her doings, making profit out of our brothers and sisters in Palestine and Gaza. This behavior has a special spot in hell.
I apologize for all of you of what Laura Deramas has caused. Unfortunately, I cant make all your money come back. I will stopped my communication with her as I dont want to be a vessel of her scams. From the bottom of my heart, I am really sorry, I should’ve known better. May this be a lesson for all of us. Continue to be compassionate to others and keep spreading kindness.
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Xoxo, Joanne
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cosmonaughty · 4 months
Here’s the full story of this post, aka the Great Discord Scam of ‘24
It began as I was just finishing my break at work and a user from one of my groups asked if I was available because they had an urgent issue. I wasn’t too familiar with this person, so I didn’t notice anything too unusual about their speech patterns, besides them being kinda terse.
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On second look, their refusal to send a copy of the email was a red flag.
So I contacted “Clint” from “support” and he told me I had 🚩 multiple accusations of fraud and that he would have to 🚩gain access to my account by having me change my email to one he provided.
I was being told that I had 🚩two hours to resolve the issue or my account would be banned. Adding to the stress was the fact that I was at work and just wanted to get the process over with. If I’d had time to think it through and read more carefully, it might not have worked at all.
So I gave “Clint” access to the account and continued the conversation with him on my alt. That’s when I truly started noticing the red flags. He said 🚩 I would have to screen share my banking app so he could view my recent transactions. I said no, I’m not comfortable with that and he became highly offended.
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At this point I still hadn’t fully clued in, I thought maybe he was just rude, so I sent some cropped images of recent transactions (with none of my info visible, just “$$ spent at place on date”. I shouldn’t have given even that much but it didn’t do him any good).
Perhaps sensing that he was losing me, “Clint” moved on from the bank statements to a process that made no sense, something about verifying my identity by having me transfer some money via PayPal or cash app, two apps I’ve never had connected to my discord. As soon as he mentioned sending money, I knew it.
I tried to play dumb in the hopes that he would let me back into my main account if I implied I’d send money after I did, but no such luck. We both knew we were done at that point.
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(That all caps NOPE is just: mask fully off)
So yeah, be alert to any “urgent” messages you get. Look out for: 🚩rushing you, telling you to do X in Y amount of time or there will be catastrophic consequences. 🚩wild accusations against you to make you think you’re in big trouble and this is the only way out. 🚩anyone asking you to reset your email or password 🚩anyone asking for your private information 🚩 anyone asking you to send money.
I lost six years’ worth of correspondence with my friends, but it could have been much worse.
At least I got “Don’t act suspicious sir” out of it, aka the funniest thing you could say to someone when you’re obviously scamming them.
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
I'm going to be honest: this is the first time I've seen your blog ever, i have no idea what or who you write for so I'm really unbiased when I say that it's so fucking cruel that you get sent hate messages over fictional characters
No one should go through that, it's nothing but cruel and honestly it makes me mad to know that that anon did this to multiple people (it's wrong for them to do it to even one person but to do it to multiple and then acting like they didn't do it because they got scared is another level)
I was a kny writer maybe a year or so ago and while I didn't write nsfw I also got backlash a lot for "making the characters too ooc" about a post where I was stating my personal hcs which in turn caused me to delete my works and take a hiatus from writing up until a month ago (i still don't write kny however - maybe I will in the future but not after what's been going on, not now) so I can with confidence say that I'm very happy that you guys could fight back when I couldnt
To be honest the messages I received were nothing in comparison to what may (who has been one of my favorite writers ever in this app for a good while) posted and it makes me really mad that people do it for fun
This got unnecessarily long but I just wanted to share that while I know words don't mean much rn you're not in any way alone, and even though I can't do anything about hate messages you guys have my respect and full support for actually doing something about the anons <3
Anon, you had me in the first half, ngl- 😆😂 I lowkey thought your Ask was going in the direction of, "It's so fucking cruel that you're calling out this anon," or, "It's so fucking cruel that you're making a big deal out of this," lololol, so I'm very grateful this went in the other direction. 😭💘
More below❣️
Ah, the dreaded "in character vs ooc" issue. 😖 While ~severely ooc writing can take me out of a story a bit (especially when it's supposedly in canon universe), I've personally never commented on the matter (unless a writer explicitly requested feedback), bc at the end of the day: who effing cares?! 😵 (obvi ppl do care lmao, but that's besides my point)
I'm sorry to hear that the backlash was enough to push you away from writing. 😓 As a writer myself, I def don't take it for granted that I've always felt secure enough to continue writing, regardless of surrounding, ongoing ~politics — writing is a love, a privilege, a gift, and I hope you feel safe returning to KNY content ~someday. 💖
How "objectively mean" a msg is doesn't determine its effect on the intended target — your feelings, pain, and fear are valid. 🖤
I appreciate the time and thought you put into your Ask, and hope your week's going well! ☀️
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cwc-emoji-pluck · 2 years
yooooooo dude may i please request 🥐 with a side of ☁️?
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member: yoon jeonghan x gn!reader genre: i don't think this is angst but it's definitely not fluff so...angst ig word count: 2142 warnings: none :P emojis requested: 🥐: social media star and follower ☁️: fifteen years later, seventeen go to their high school class reunion author's note: hello, bestie <3 this was originally supposed to be about seungcheol but jeongrot is a thing so here we are. this request was literally perfect for me so thank u for being a genius <3 i got inspo for this literally immediately so :))) i hope you enjoy this and happy jeonghan day !!!!!!!! (p.s. this is not edited please don't judge me <3)
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“Are you going to be coming later? I didn’t take months out of my schedule to plan this just for my best friend to skip it! I even made sure we are going to be on the same team for all the activities!” 
Y/N sighed, holding their phone to their ear using their shoulder. Their laptop was in front of them, a Google Calendar open to their schedule for the next two weeks: each square was filled with meetings and events. 
“I don’t know, Mina. I don’t have a lot of time on my schedule. You said it’s on Saturday? What time?”
“Four! It’s from four to ten! I thought you wrote this down?”
Y/N began typing the information their best friend was giving into a new event. “You know I never actually write things down.” 
“Whatever, Y/N. You gotta be there,” Mina sighed tiredly.
“I’m trying, Mina.” Just then, a ding came through from Mina’s end of the phone. 
“Oh! I just got an RSVP back!” 
“Whose?” Y/N asked. 
“Oh my God! You’ll never believe it, Y/N!” 
“Just tell me who it was, Mina.” 
“It was Hannie! You remember? Yoon Jeonghan?” 
That name was not the one Y/N was expecting to hear. A flash of memories went through their head, one specifically standing out, the sound of his voice distinct in the memory.
You’re always going to say that you miss high school, Y/N. College is way more stressful: you have to make your own schedules as well as keeping a job, supporting yourself and doing things on your own. You move away from home and get all this weight on your shoulders. Everything is thrown at you in the matter of months. All I ask of you, darling, is that you do your best now, to get a head start on the best future you could have.
The only thing Y/N thought was being thrown at them at this point in their life was being forced to see Yoon Jeonghan again. It wasn’t that the two didn’t get along - no, it was far from that. It was just that Y/N is, understandably in their words, slightly upset with the man. 
As best friends, Y/N supported Jeonghan through everything, and now that he’s socially higher up than them, it hurts a bit; knowing that he basically forgot about them. Of course, Y/N could never be upset with their best friend. The two of them have been through way too much, Y/N just wishes that he tried a bit harder to keep them around. Or maybe Y/N was upset with themselves, that they didn’t try harder to keep Jeonghan around. 
The amount of messages that could have been sent or calls that could have been made over the past fifteen years, or even the amount of likes, and retweets depending on the app, that could have been shared between the two of you were forgotten as Jeonghan gained more followers and began leaving home more for his modeling. The idea of seeing him once again hit Y/N like a freight train.
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y/n: are you sure yoon jeonghan is going to be there? 
Y/N was worried. They somehow managed to take the time off for the reunion, but it was a dreaded task, especially since Mina told them about the appearance Jeonghan would be making. Trying to mentally prepare themselves for seeing the man that forgot about his best friend was hard…how does someone prepare for that?
mina: yes, y/n. i’m sure he’s going to be there! and guess whattttt
y/n: what 
mina: he *didn’t* reserve a spot for a plus one
y/n: okay? what does this have to do with me? 
mina: you cannot tell me that one of the reasons why you were so heartbroken about hannie not talking to you was because you weren’t in love with the guy 
y/n: i wasn’t in love with the guy, he was just my best friend, Mina. i know it’s going to hurt when i see him again.
mina: yeah, yeah. just get your feelings sorted out and make sure not to make a scene at this event that your best friend (aka me, not hannie) has worked so hard on <3 
y/n: if all you’re worried about is whether or not i’m going to be there…chill. i’ll be there. just don’t expect me to agree to talk to jeonghan so suddenly. i’ll probably hang with joshua while you’re busy. 
mina: joshua hong? since when did you talk to him? 
y/n: i…talked to him enough to want to see him after fifteen years. 
mina: didn’t he have a thing for you? why do i have distinct memories of hannie trying to fight him?
y/n: the end. i’m going to bed now 
mina: y/n come back
mina: …y/n? mina: damn you, y/n.
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Knowing that Mina was the one who put all of this together was the only thing that kept Y/N from staying home and opening their laptop once again. Though, that didn’t stop Y/N from having a plethora of excuses they wish they could use in order to stay home. 
First, the almost two hour drive to the venue from Y/N’s apartment. Of course, this would mean nothing to Mina as they were carpooling. Second, the lack of formal-enough but also casual-enough clothes to wear. Though, once again this would be no issue for Mina, as she always has something up her sleeve. Lastly, the biggest excuse of them all: Yoon Jeonghan. Was Y/N really ready to see their dreaded best friend after so long? No. Was he still deserving of the best friend title? According to Y/N, yes. According to Mina, no. 
That’s just something Mina has to get over. 
Mina, being the best friend she was, helped Y/N pick out the perfect outfit: something that proves that they had a good job and did not peak in high school, as well as making sure that same outfit wasn’t too eccentric for such an event. Being the perfect fashion designer she was, Mina did not fail to pick out the best outfit that not only looked amazing on Y/N, but also one that was perfect for all of the activities she and the rest of the reunion board had chosen for the event. 
“He’s gonna think you look great, Y/N.”
Y/N picked up the shirt that was laying on the bed closest to them and threw it across the room at Mina. It flew and missed Mina completely. “I am not dressing up for him! I don’t care what he thinks!” 
Mina laughed. “Okay well, hurry up and clean up because we have to get going.” 
“I didn’t even make the mess, you’re the one who took all my clothes off their hangers,” Y/N frowned. “It’s whatever I’ll just pick up when I get back.”
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“I didn’t think you’d get so busy that we would rarely be able to meet, Y/N.” 
Y/N looked over to Joshua as he said this, a small smile on their face. “Trust me, I wasn’t expecting it either. And don’t tell Mina this but I’m happy she went through the work to set this up. I’m excited to see everyone again.” 
Joshua chuckled a bit. “Have you seen Seungcheol lately?” 
“I saw him a couple months ago at this cafe I go to a lot but I haven’t seen him since.” Y/N replied, tapping the transparent plastic cup they were holding. 
“I heard he’s been hanging out a lot with,” Joshua paused. “…Nevermind.” 
“Jeonghan? That wouldn’t surprise me. They were always close, weren’t they?”
“Heh, yeah. They were. I mean, before uh, he left.” 
Y/N looked over at their friend, “You know you can say his name. It’s not like he’s Voldemort or something.” 
“I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I mean, having someone you’re that in love with leave so sudden-”
“Why does everyone think I was in love with Jeonghan!”
“Probably because you were,” someone wrapped their arms around Y/N’s shoulders. “Even if you didn’t see it, everyone else did.” 
Joshua smiled. “Hey Cheol, we were just talking about you!” 
The man, Seungcheol, grinned and blushed a bit. “Hey, Shua. It’s nice to see you.” Seungcheol looked over at Y/N. “By the way, if you want to talk to him, he’s over there with Jimin and Taehyung. Says he was hoping to be able to talk to you tonight.”
He looked exactly like he did in his Instagram post Mina had sent Y/N this morning. His natural hair covered by a yellow bucket hat, and the baggy jacket he was wearing hanging off his shoulders like he was in a photoshoot and not at a high school reunion. 
Y/N didn’t dare to step towards the man, scared of any type of confrontation that may have been about fifteen years too late. It was only when they heard Park Jimin call their name from where he stood next to Jeonghan and Taehyung that they dared to make eye contact with any of the three. 
Jimin motioned for Y/N to cross the room towards their three classmates, and Y/N had no choice other than to walk towards them (especially since Joshua and Seungcheol were watching this whole encounter from next to Y/N, daring to give them a little push on the back to get them to start walking). 
“Hi, Y/N! It’s so nice to see you!” Jimin gave Y/N an eye-smile while Taehyung waved. Jeonghan just stood there, not knowing what to say. 
“Hey!” Y/N was breathless. They weren’t sure whether it was because of the lack of space in the room for normal movement or the fear of being this close to Jeonghan. 
Y/N looked over to Jeonghan and shot him a quick smile, hoping that it was so fast he wouldn’t have even noticed it. 
Sadly he did. Jimin and Taehyung also must have noticed it, as they quickly made basic conversation before they awkwardly excused themselves to go find someone who they refused to name. 
That just left Y/N with Jeeonghan. 
Jeonghan coughed. “Um. Hey, Y/N.” 
The two stood there for a few seconds in awkward silence. 
“Look, I’m really sorry, Y/N,” Jeonghan set the cup he was holding down onto the snack table they stood next to. “I didn’t mean to basically ghost you. I just wasn’t expecting to get so busy so quickly and then…yeah.” 
“It’s whatever. I mean, I guess I’m kind of over it? Mina is definitely not but, yeah I just…don’t think it’s that big of a deal? I mean, it's been how long?”
Jeonghan nodded. “Well, I mean, we were best friends and I still lo- like your company just as much as I did then.” 
“Thank you for your apology, then. I never really stopped considering you my best friend, you know.” 
Jeonghan smiled. “Then I guess it’s time to finally go pull more pranks on Joshua and Seungcheol?” 
“If you break anything, Mina will be so pissed at you.”
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It didn’t take long for Jeonghan to tell Y/N, as well as Joshua, Seungcheol and Mina that he got a contract closer to home. Of course, he was going to miss all the traveling, but he knew it would be good for Y/N and his friendship that he stayed. 
Otherwise, Jeonghan thought, how is he going to get Y/N to finally admit to their feelings for him? He clearly remembered overhearing the conversation Y/N and Seungcheol had the night of the reunion. 
“You did like him though, didn’t you?” Seungcheol questioned Y/N as he was filling up their cup. “I mean, everyone could tell back in high school that your friendship wasn’t just a friendship.” 
“I mean, yeah. I did like him back in high school but…it’s been years. He’s got more things to worry about now, like his career, rather than worrying about his best friend falling in love with him.” Y/N took a sip out of their freshly refilled cup. 
“I bet you anything, that if you walked up to him and told him you were still in love with him, he would drop everything for you. He regrets his decision to leave because of what it did to you guys.” 
“Seungcheol, I don’t know. I mean, today is the first time I’ve seen him since graduation…I don’t want to ruin anything else.” 
“So you admit to it? That you’re still in love with him?”
Y/N thought for a bit. “Of course. How could I not be?”
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
I've sent you a message before, a long time ago. I need some advice, I feel you may have some as you are older than me (well, really even people 2 years older than me seem wiser because I was sheltered when I was younger. I have been called naive? I'm book smart but not social smart I guess?). You helped me a long time ago, and so I figured I'd send this now as I'm very confused about the whole thing
I have a friend.? Hannah. We once were best friends. We met at work. We were always somewhat close at work, but not outside. We had a mutual friend at work, Amber. Amber was fun but she would tease a little bit too much. I was her friend but she always pressured me (to drink when I didnt want to, to confess my sexuality (straight i thought at the time and that's what I claimed, and she tried to force me to admit I was a lesbian because I "dress like a lesbian"?, even though I told her I like dick and men). She is a good 8 years older than me. My friend Hannah, is only 5? She's closer in age to Amber than me, but me and Hannah were closer it seemed when we all were together. Amber and Hannah had been hanging out one night and invited me to hang with them, and from then on we weekly met up. Except for when Hannah started going to college for a new degree, then it was just me and Amber who hung out weekly *Hannah did not visit Amber at this time and was mad at her for a few things, such as Amber making jokes about SA to me after I had confided in her about being touched without consent but never further. Hannah was also mad because Amber would make a few jokes about hannahs family that were not okay, but Amber claimed she was joking and that's how she deals with trauma* Hannah would still visit me during this time.
Hannah would message me every day. We would even call once a week. She talked about her work and crushes, we went through tinder (for her) and a different dating app for me together. We were very close. She almost kissed me once when drinking, but otherwise we were very platonic (she is VERY straight she claims. I typically like men, but more recently have found i like some women too. But I didnt feel that for her at the time? I always thought I was straight and never mentioned anything about women, she said she thought I was straight).
She went through a rough patch with her college and family, and ended up getting a boyfriend. She stopped using snapchat (how we communicated if not texting, she was terrible at actually texting it would take 2-3 days for text, but snapchat she would respond in 10 min). I ended up getting a new job and moving, and she spent all her time with her boyfriend. We went from messaging daily to oncd a week to now We still message on holidays and a few times in between, but we have grown distant. Thats how physical distance and decreased time work out, and I have been okay with that.
Amber and her had been extremely distant. My new job actually transferred me to the city where we all had lived in, so I am back there temporarily (until they find more staff). Since being back i have met up with Amber a few times. Amber has expressed frustration at not seeing Hannah as much and how Hannah is too involved with her bf. I support Hannah, and I have not told Amber, but Hannah is going to propose to her bf (if he doesn't propose to her first).
I sent Hannah a message a few days ago and haven't gotten a response. This is normal, it takes a few days. Well, a day later I got on snapchat and saw she had posted a story (she hasn't used in a year). She was with her boyfriend at a concert. Cool! Seemed like fun, I didnt say anything. Last night, I saw she posted on her story a video. Of her singing and dancing, and in the video is Amber also singing and dancing. I was glad they were able to hang out. I laughed at the video but again didn't say anything to either of them. I was busy at work at the time, and went home and immediately crashed.
I had plans to meet Amber later tonight. I sent her a message to just verify that everything was still good to go, and she asked to reschedule cause she "felt like shit ". And now im confused. Amber always used to tease me a little more than Hannah. But Amber would always invite me over and want to meet up. Amber asked me to meet up 2 weeks ago but I couldn't because I was working. But I am confused sns frustrated cause this is the second time a day after she saw Hannah we had plans, theirs was unplanned, and she has canceled. Now I feel bad because I can't tell if they are coincidence or if its planned. Hannah still hasn't messaged me back from a few days ago and I dont plan on sending a new message. I havent been able to meet up with Hannah since being back in the city as our schedules have been conflicting
Is it because I am 8 years younger that Amber doesn't want to hang out? Is it because she's rather be with Hannah? Is it all just my anxiety making things worse? I just feel like shit now
This is a lot I’m ngl.
So it seems like Amber kind of wants to be the centre of attention at all times. Which is fine, some people like the limelight.
It seems like maybe she was jealous of the fact that you and Hannah were closer. That you guys bonded more than you or Hannah did with her, the inappropriate jokes I feel might have been Amber’s way of shocking people, that she would make these jokes or these comments just to get a reaction out of someone.
I think maybe she was jealous that you and Hannah were talking more than she was and now her going out with Hannah even if it’s just spur of the moment is a way for her to feel validated. Like she’s the one who’s closest to Hannah, you were the new girl and you got close whereas she and Hannah had been there for longer. So maybe it’s that?
Maybe she’s blowing you off because she thinks it’ll mean something later when she does want to hang out.
Honestly it seems like bitchiness at its finest to me. It feels like Amber can’t handle not being the centre of attention and that with Hannah and her bf being so close that encroached on how close Amber could be.
With Hannah idk. It seems like she found a bf and has just forgotten all her friends. If she’s hanging out with Amber it could be a case that Amber has said something to Hannah about not spending time with anyone but her bf so that’s why they’re hanging out. With the not texting back thing, it’s probably because you guys don’t work together anymore and she’s so wrapped up in her relationship she’s just treating you like an old co worker she used to be friendly with.
These are of course my opinions. Other stuff could be going on behind the scenes but that’s what it seems like to me.
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misguidedquotes · 2 years
12/23/22 - 17:18
Things can change in the blink of an eye. Between one breath and the next. In this case, it was the instant between choosing to speak to someone and not. It was the moment between making a connection and existing in a space where I didn't know that connection was missing. It was in the space between asking someone what their D&D class would be if they could choose, and harmlessly looking at the people who were looking for friends in my area.
We've all heard the statement about curiosity killing the cat. My so called 'cat' in this instance was clicking through the subsections of Bumble - dating section included. I can't say how it happened. I don't know if I closed my phone at one  point or got distracted looking at another app, but between the dating section and the friend section, I opened another app and came back to the dating section. I came back and noted someone with a profile that caught my eye. I swiped right because that feature was the same, and I was told it was a match. I reached out first to ask the question I mentioned above. I didn't realize until a little while later that I was in the dating section. But by that point, it was done. The message was sent  and he responded a few minutes later. We started talking, and that was that. I should have stopped the conversation as soon as I realized what had happened, but it seemed harmless enough. We didn't flirt or exchange lewd images - we talked about D&D and music and shows. Someone was giving me attention and making me laugh and giving  me interesting song recommendations.
I thought I was in control of the situation. I thought since he and I had established that neither of us was looking for a relationship (despite not clarifying on my part that I was married), that it would be okay. Obviously it wasn't. Obviously it hasn't been.
I don’t regret what happened. I do regret the pain that I caused and the way things played out. I regret that talking to this person happened on a dating app vs literally any other way possible. I regret that I may have lost the opportunity for a truly unique friendship. I don’t regret that this incident opened the door for the tsunami of pain and grief that was only just being held at bay. I don’t regret that it let me and Cam discuss all of the things that have made me feel lonely in both recent events and in the past few years. It’s unleashed all of the hurt that I didn’t know how to communicate, or that I was too scared to admit to.
Everything can change in an instant.
And everything has changed. I live in a separate home from my husband now. Admitting to the conversation made him look at me with a hurt in his eyes that I have never seen before. It's made me divide my time with my son. Living in the same household has now become a few days here, a few days there. It has meant moving back home to live in my mom's old room and watching my family here adapt to my sudden presence. It has meant growing pains within my family as we adjust to each other again. Seven years I've been out of this house. And now it is my home again. The pain and shock of that hasn't quite hit yet. I love my family, but living with them again wasn’t something I was prepared for. They have been supportive in their own rights, but our personalities have grown and changed. More than anything, we’ve become accustomed to only being near each other for a few hours every weekend at most. It has been an odd experience to try and find stable ground here.
I haven’t truly allowed myself to be sad. There’s too much hurt to feel all at once. Our seven year anniversary is coming up soon. Seven years. I don’t know how to wrap my mind around that. We have never been perfect, and I’ve never expected us to be. But I don’t think I ever expected to feel like this either. I didn’t expect my first year anniversary in my marriage to be with my spouse and I in different homes. I didn’t expect that I would be contemplating whether staying in said marriage was good for me or not. I certainly never expected that I would have loved someone this much just for it to turn into possibly nothing.
I understand that the lessons we’ve learned will remain regardless of whether I stay married, stay with him, become single, etc. The things I’ve learned and the ways I’ve changed will always remain. The hard part now is trying to figure out who I want to be and how I want to get there. If I’d like to live my life with him at my side. Or if I need to be alone and independent first. I’m just not sure.
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honeytae · 2 years
please read <3
hello my lovies!
i’m sure this is will be an unfortunate surprise to some of you, but i’ve decided to take an extended leave of absence from this blog. i haven’t really felt the amount of passion needed to keep it going in a while - and yes, i still love bangtan wholeheartedly - and of course all of you - but certain circumstances going on in my offline life have stolen my focus from honeytae.
i started this blog nearly two and a half years ago at the height of the covid-19 lockdown. i was home with nothing better to do…and that was honestly my most creatively free time. it was so fun for me to express these ideas i’d had in my head but hadn’t had the time or energy to put into (semi) eloquent words. not just fun - exhilarating.
over time, however, life began to pick back up, and suddenly everything was back in full swing. juggling this blog on top of everything else was a challenge, but one that i was proud to have succeeded at through my junior year of college.
it was hard for me to shove my pride down and take a hiatus during my fall semester of senior year. but i kept telling myself along the way that i would finally feel that creative freedom again after finishing school, that i would eventually be able to live up to mine and others expectations of what this blog should be. what i’ve learned is that you can never even attempt to predict the future, even when you think you’ve got it locked down.
i am now trying to propel myself into the professional world, manage a new living situation, succeed at my first big job, deal with family matters, nurture a serious relationship, and handle the many stresses of being an adult. not that it’s all bad. i’m happy! and i have a whole lot of support behind me in all of this. it’s just a whole lot of changes for someone to become accustomed to.
long story short: everything has changed since i started this blog. very few parts of my life have remained the same. it is very difficult to concentrate on something that you feel no longer has a place in your days. i have felt for a while that i need to take a step back and immerse myself into life with no leftover guilt. i’ve procrastinated so much on writing this letter, but it would be impossible for me to move on without addressing you guys after everything you’ve provided me with.
and on that note, i want to thank every creator and reader that has made me feel welcomed and included on here. you have all sent me so much love and positivity and genuinely made me feel such pure happiness. i feel so grateful for having such lovely people reading and supporting my works. i couldn’t have done it without the safe space you made for me. thank you.
i want to make it clear that this isn’t a goodbye forever. i could be back in a few months, maybe a year. but i’ve made it a personal goal to just let myself breathe as much as possible in my free time, for the time-being. i encourage you all to do so as well.
i will be queuing this post quite a bit so that it reaches as many followers as possible. i will also be logging out of this app in the next few days or so to relieve some of the pressure i’m bound to feel to check in. i will not be deactivating this blog nor deleting/archiving any of my works!
if you would like to remain in contact with me off of this site, please privately message me and i will give you my discord. i am always here for all of you, as you have been for me <3
i love you always,
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Reflection Of You | Chapter 3
Genre: Historical!AU, Timetraveller!AU/ Different Dimension, Romance
Pairing: SUGA x Reader, Yoongi x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Idol!Suga, King!Yoongi, Guard!Seokjin, Guard!Jungkook, RoyalAdvisor!Namjoon, Servant!Jimin, Servant!Hoseok, Prince!Taehyung
Summary: Confirming you were dating the famous Min Suga of BTS, you knew you were bound to make some enemies. But what you didn’t expect was to be cursed, leading you to meet a cold-hearted, arrogant king that shares the same face as your rapper lover.  
Looks like you couldn’t deal with the negativity and the scary fans on your own. But you couldn’t bear to burden Yoongi further with it. 
Chapter warning(s): threatening words, death threats, name calling. Mentions of someone getting cursed through fantasy dark magic. Please do not take it seriously and only read at your own discretion.
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Ever since the news, things have been... eventful. Most of the ARMY seemed accepting and supportive, most. Some ARMYs have found your social media accounts and were spreading it around. While some of the messages were nice, there were still some threatening ones. 
“Have you told hyung?” Taehyung asked. You jumped, the phone slipping out of your hands and onto the floor. Taehyung had come to go through some music with Yoongi and they were working in the room the whole day. 
“You scared me, Tae.” You bent down to pick up the device, tucking it into your pocket. 
“So are you?” Taehyung blinked. 
“Tell him what? Exactly.” You sighed, continuing with your cleaning chores of the kitchen. Taehyung stopped you, gripping your wrist, it was obvious that he wasn’t going to let this go. 
“You need to tell him. He can do something, or tell the company to do something.” Taehyung said. 
“Thanks for your concern, Tae. But I can handle a few young girls without having to involve Yoongi. I don’t want him blaming himself again. It’s just social media, I don’t need it. Besides, this has probably caused a lot of trouble for the company already, I’m not about to add on more.” You said softly, not wanting Yoongi to hear. 
“These aren’t a few young girls, noona. They’re crazy, violent. They aren’t ARMY, you know that.” Taehyung insisted. 
“Whatever it is. It’s nothing dangerous. If things get worse, then I’ll tell Yoongi.” 
“Tell me what?” Yoongi appeared. He blinked when he saw Taehyung gripping your wrist, you and him having such a hushed conversation, that apparently wasn’t hushed enough. 
“Nothing.” You muttered and pulled your wrist away. 
“What did you do?” Yoongi’s eyebrows furrowed. Taehyung shook his head, going to the fridge to get a bottle of juice before leaving the kitchen. 
“I’m fine, Yoongi. Nothing’s wrong, don’t worry.” You smiled, knowing that Yoongi was still genuinely concerned for you. Drying your hands, you walked up to him and kissed the furrowed eyebrows with a smile. 
“Take a break. We can continue cleaning later.” Yoongi held your hand. 
“I’m almost done.” You shrugged. Yoongi sighed, giving in to you. His hands moved to hold your waist as he leaned down to give you a kiss on the cheek. Squeezing your waist once more, he poured himself a cold coffee from the fridge and left to continue working with Taehyung. 
“Where was I...?” You turned to finish your cleaning. When you were done with the kitchen, you busied yourself by vacuuming the floor and dusting the shelves until the house was spotless. 
“All done.” You smiled, happy with yourself. You sat down on the couch, looking back at your phone. 
‘Why would oppa go for someone ugly like you?’
‘We know you’re just using him, whore. ’
‘You think we won’t find you?’
‘If BTS loses popularity, it’s all your fault. If only you died.’
With that, you decided to deactivate all your social media. You deleted all the apps from your phone, willing yourself not to think about it. Even if you acted unaffected, a part of you was creeped out by just how much these people can find out about you. Luckily, you had no family that they could track down and hurt as revenge. 
“Hello? Geumjae oppa?” It was rare but not odd for Yoongi’s older brother to be calling you. He owned a nice cafe in Daegu, being a chef. 
“Hey, (y/n). Is Yoongi busy?” 
“He’s in the home studio, working with Taehyung. He must have silenced his phone. What’s up? Can I take a message?” You went to retrieve a notepad and pen just in case. 
“Oh... Don’t worry. It isn’t important, I’ll just call him. My parents told me what happened, and I read about it in the news, how is everything on your end?” 
“Manageable.” You replied shortly. 
“I understand. Even as his brother, I get some threats sometimes. Don’t take them to heart, alright? If it gets too much, you have to tell Yoongi. So the company can take action. Still, you should be careful if you go out. Maybe have someone follow you for now.” 
“I will, thanks oppa. It’s a little shocking how they managed to find me so quickly. We’re just laying low now. I don’t want to unnecessarily stress Yoongi out even more.” You said. 
“You’re always putting others before yourself, (y/n) ah. Oh, looks like I have to go. I’ll see you two when you come to Daegu.” 
“You can count on it! I’ll see you, oppa.” You chuckled and hung up. Since you got a little sweaty and dirty from cleaning, you went to take a shower. 
When you came out, you saw Yoongi sitting on the couch, sipping whiskey. Taehyung didn’t seem to be around anymore, his shoes from the doorway were gone too. 
“Tae went back?” You asked. Yoongi just grunted in reply. 
“What’s wrong? Why are you mad?” You stood at the end of the couch, putting your hands on your hips. 
“How long were you going to keep me in the dark? About the fans finding your social media and harassing you, sending you death threats. Or how about that your boss had put you on indefinite period of leave.” Yoongi spoke. There was so many emotions in his voice, betrayal, sadness, anger, frustration. You sighed, looking away. 
“Who told you? Tae?” 
“Taehyung knows?!” Yoongi raised his voice. 
“That’s what we were discussing earlier... In the kitchen. He saw my phone. Unintentionally, of course. But if it wasn’t Tae who told you, then who?” You asked. 
“That’s all you care about? Well if you must know, Geumjae hyung just called me to tell me that some fans showed up at his cafe and he saw the comments on your social media before you deleted them. As for your job, your boss told me when I sent an official BigHit letter about the situation.” Yoongi explained. 
“Those comments are just nothing but words. And with the job, I can just find another one. I can handle it, Yoons. It’s no big deal.” You spoke calmly, quite the opposite of him. 
“Stop saying you can handle it, (y/n)! Stop saying it’s no big deal! I... Ugh...” He held onto his head in frustration. 
“Then what do you want me to say?” You closed your eyes to take a deep breath. 
“I know you’re doing this so I don’t feel guilty or whatever but you saying it’s no big deal makes me feel worse! It feels like I can’t even do a proper job of protecting my girlfriend, that she feels the need to hide from me just because she thinks that I can’t take it.” He hissed. Now you knew he was just saying things he didn’t mean.
“Yoongi, you know that’s not true.” You crossed your arms. 
“It sure feels that way.” He replied. You bit your lip. knowing that speaking to him when he was in this state wouldn’t help the both of you. You would just end up losing your cool and screaming at him too. 
“Goodnight, Yoongi.” You turned around and went to the room. Before you closed the door, you heard the door to Yoongi’s studio slam shut. 
“Just great.” You sighed. After drying your hair, you put your moisturiser on and got ready for bed. 
In time like these, you just needed to give him space. It was known that Yoongi didn’t express emotions well so he often said things in a fit of anger but he really doesn’t mean it. 
3 am...
You hadn’t been able to sleep so you settled for a book that both Namjoon and Yoongi had recommended. The bedroom door slowly crept open. Yoongi stood there, teary eyed and red nosed. He looked at you with a slightly blank stare. You closed your book, standing from the bed to hug him. 
“I... I...” His whole body shook. 
“I can’t just sit... and wait for that dreaded call... that something happened to you. I can’t, (y/n). I’ll go crazy. I’m so f*cking scared.” He shook his head. You knew Yoongi was paranoid, he was always worrying about something. 
“It’ll be okay, Yoongi. You’re scaring yourself.” You said softly. 
“I can’t let you go.” 
“No one says you have to. I’ll always be right here, Yoons. It’ll take a lot for anyone to drive a wedge between us, I promise you.” You kissed his temple. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. I know I should trust you more and shouldn’t have made you feel weak or useless. It’s just, I’m scared too. This is all new to me.” You continued. 
“We’ll get through this together.” He cupped your cheeks in his hands. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips against yours. You grabbed a tissue from your nightstand, gently wiping his eyes and nose. Yoongi stood still, sniffling ever so often. You threw the tissues away and laid with him. If possible, Yoongi held you closer to him than any other night. 
“Tell me about what you’re working on.” You changed the subject. Yoongi was always in the mood to talk about music. 
“Tae’s mixtape looks like it’s coming along well, he has come very far in terms of putting his own music together. I’m gonna start working on the songs I promised Jimin and Jin hyung. ” Yoongi said. 
“That sounds awesome.” You said encouragingly. 
“Really? It seems that all I talk about is music. I’m even using my break to work on it.” Yoongi scoffed at himself. 
“It’s your break, Yoons. You can do whatever you want with it. And I never get tired of listening to you talk about your work. You just sound so proud and confident when you do.” You confessed, blushing. 
“Are you blushing?!” Yoongi’s eyes widened. 
“Whaaaaaaat? I’m allowed to blush over my boyfriend. Geez. I didn’t think I would be confessing all my inner thoughts today.” You cleared your throat. Yoongi let out a soundless laugh, showing his genuine gummy smile, the one that you just love so much. 
“You’re too cute, aegi.” Yoongi stroked your hair. 
“Stop embarrassing me. I’m supposed to be the one to tease you, not the other way around.” You scrunched your nose, pulling away from his embrace to hide under the blanket.
“Okay okay, I’ll stop. Can you come out, please? I want to cuddle my girl as I sleep.” Yoongi persuaded. You slowly removed the blanket, letting Yoongi tuck you into the crook of his neck comfortably. 
As you and Yoongi were getting ready to head to Daegu, Yoongi was told to pick up his fan gifts from BigHit. All fan gifts are sent to BigHit for security checks before the boys can collect them and open them at home. Yoongi drove one of BigHit’s borrowed cars, which is a Hyundai SUV, considering they were the brand ambassadors. 
“Ready?” Yoongi asked, adjusting his bucket hat. 
“Yeah.” You pulled your mask up, carrying two cups of iced coffee. You handed one to Yoongi while you locked the front door. After that, Yoongi used his free hand to hold yours. 
“Should we have asked Sejin oppa to drive us?” You asked as Yoongi unlocked the car doors. 
“This car was checked and approved by BigHit. The windows are also tinted so they wouldn’t know it’s us. And we use the back entrance.” Yoongi informed. 
“Alright.” You got in. As you closed the door, Yoongi grabbed your hand, kissing the back of it. You smiled at him as he started the engine. You played music from your phone, ready to jam with him like you always do. 
“Ready?” He turned to you. You nodded and he drove out. 
“Now for a throwback.” You announced as you played ‘No More Dream’, much to Yoongi’s annoyance. You would play old BTS songs from time to time just to mess with him. 
“Aegi, please.” He groaned. 
“I want a big house, big cars and big rings.” You were too busy rapping his part to hear him. Yoongi burst out laughing, you rapping, especially to his songs, never failed to make him laugh. You were even throwing hand signs like he would do. 
“If you can’t beat them, join them.” Yoongi shook his head, joining you in the song. He took the vocal parts while you took the rapping parts. Hearing Yoongi try to reach high notes killed you. 
“To all the youngsters out there without dreams.” The two of you said Namjoon’s ending line together. 
“I can’t even believe we had fans back then.” Yoongi chuckled. 
“Hey, don’t shun the ARMY. They’ll love you no matter the era.” You scoffed with your arms crossed. You remember how Yoongi would come in after practice, looking so tired but still diligently picking out CDs to buy. 
“I remember you bringing me your first album.” You reminisced with a small smile. Yoongi cringed. 
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” 
“Why? You were so cute and nervous. I think that was when I started to develop feelings for you.” You giggled. Yoongi had burst into the store, presenting you the signed album with a deep bow. He had turned so red and was so flustered that he spoke with a stutter. You found it adorable but what made your heart swell was the personal note Yoongi wrote for you. 
“That’s when you had feelings for me?! Then why did I wait like 4 years to ask you out?!” Yoongi screeched in outrage. You just shrugged. 
“At that time, you and the others were so unsure of where your careers would lead you, who knew what the future held. Starting a relationship wouldn’t have been the smart thing to do.” You explained lightly. 
“Still, I could have had you by my side.” He grumbled. 
“Whether I was your girlfriend or not, I would have always been by your side, Yoon. For you and the others.” 
“Yeah but I would have preferred if you were by my side, as my girl.” He scoffed and you reached over to stroke his cheek lightly, not wanting to distract him from driving too much. 
“But here we are. I don’t think waiting a few years has changed my feelings for you. Things happen for a reason.” You smiled. 
“You and your philosophies... You know, you’re starting to sound a lot like Namjoon and I’m not sure how I feel about that.” He teased. You shook your head and rolled your eyes. As Yoongi drove past the front of BigHit, there were a few girls sitting on the floor. 
“Don’t look.” Yoongi said, not even having to turn to you. But it was too late, you saw all the words of hate and anger directed towards you, Yoongi and the rest of Bangtan. 
“I told you not to look.” Yoongi said softly. 
“It’s inevitable...” You looked down at your lap. You hated that the rest of the boys were also getting the heat for this, they didn’t deserve it. 
“Mr Min.” The security guard greeted as Yoongi rolled the window down. He opened the barrier for Yoongi to drive in. He entered the private, underground carpark to the BigHit building. He backed into his parking space.
“Hey, it’ll pass. Remember?” Yoongi held your chin and leaned in to give you a comforting kiss. You gave a small smile, wrapping your arms around his neck to hug him.
“Let’s do this quickly. Then we’ll go home.” He said. You hummed in agreement, exiting the car with him. 
“Hey.” Yoongi greeted the stuff with a bow and you followed suit. 
“It’s in the conference room.” He told you as the two of you took the lift up. Yoongi held your hand the entire time. You went into the empty conference room to see a stack of gifts there. What surprised you was that there was a small stack with your name labelled on them. You blinked, turning to Yoongi, who just shrugged. 
“They’re checked for dangerous items. So go ahead.” He encouraged. You opened the first box, seeing a stuffed black cat that was dressed similarly to Yoongi. You giggled, shoving it into Yoongi’s face. 
“It’s you. Lil meow meow.” 
“Whatever makes you happy, aegi.” Yoongi rolled his eyes and looked through some of his gifts. There were nice, heartwarming letters in most of the boxes. 
“Aww, look.” There was a nice fanart of a faceless girl playing with a black kitten, presumably Yoongi. It was done so nicely with watercolour, you couldn’t wait to display it. 
“That’s you.” You pointed to the kitten that was rolled in yarn. 
“Wow, I didn’t even think of that.” Yoongi said sarcastically. You slapped his arm. He read some letters while waiting for you.
“What?” You opened a box to see some few odd objects inside, not something one would give as a gift. There was also a tarot card inside, The Devil. There was no letter inside at all. It creeped you out slightly but it wasn’t particularly threatening so you just closed the box. 
“What’s that?” Yoongi asked. 
“Some nice notes put together.” You lied with a smile. 
“Let’s go home and open the rest of these.” You told him. Yoongi nodded, placing the gifts onto the trolley that was provided and pushing it back down to the carpark. 
“Min Yoongi!” Someone called out just as you reached the carpark. The both of you looked up but your reaction was too late. 
“Ah!” Your first instinct was to protect your face, causing the blade to slash your arm. You crumbled slightly, face scrunching in slight pain as blood began to seep out. Yoongi’s eyes widened in horror.
“Aegi!” Yoongi was in shock. Before he could pull you behind him, you felt yourself fall to the ground, a sudden weakness taking over your system. 
“Yah! What did you do?!” Yoongi screamed at this intruder. 
“If I can’t have Yoongi, no one can.” She smiled as she met eyes with you. You laid on the ground, shivering. Your vision blurred horribly and you felt light headed. Was that what the box was earlier? Witchcraft? Does witchcraft still exist or does it even work? Yoongi called out to you but he felt so distant even as he hovered over you. 
“Time to disappear.” She grinned and clapped her hands. 
“Aegi! (y/n)! Can you hear me?!” Yoongi shook you. 
“Yoon-” Your vision faded to black. 
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imjusttpeachy · 3 years
she's a rae of sunshine (c.h.)
okay so this was a request but i completely read it wrong so i’m gonna write it again but i finished this one anyway so here take it
so sorry to the anon who requested it bc u were so fuckin sweet i’ll have it up asap i promise
ralph castelli - morning sex
crumb - bones
jorja smith - teenage fantasy
summary: balancing college life and wanting to support your best friends online endeavors was difficult, but reader regrets trying a little harder when she finally meets one of her newer stream-mates
word count: 2, 828
WARNINGS: she/her pronouns used, coarse language, lowkey OOC Corpse, that needs its own warning i’m sorry,
“Look you knew I had to stream before I said you could come over ya fuckin idiot.”
“Yea I knowwwww, I just wanted to spend more time with my super-hot best friend forever.”
Being the best friend of an online personality had its perks— the amazing trips you got to hitch a ride on, the adoring fans that seemed to latch on to you as well, the sponsorships that would always send you something along with the original PR package, and especially the way she was able to choose their own work hours.
Well... mostly.
As much as you adored spending time together during the day, whether it be shopping or going out for brunch, those late nights that always seemed to hold the most memories you held so dear were few and far between. Of course, you couldn’t blame her; responsibilities were responsibilities, and fuck if you’d let your selfish wants override the way she chooses to get her work done. You really couldn’t be one to judge either-- having to call off dates because you’d underestimated the time you needed to complete a school paper, or when a last-minute lab was called in and you’d have to leave her sitting alone in those cafes with your half-finished mocha and a promise to Venmo her the money to cover it later. What left you feeling the most guilty, though, was the fact that you weren’t able to watch her content as much as you’d like to. Sure, you’d catch a few minutes of a stream here and there but any time you spent apart was usually spent with your head buried in a book, mind bleary with countless espresso shots trying to keep your tired eyes focused on the seemingly unending work in front of you.
But, a distraction every now and then couldn’t hurt. Right?
Having had enough of your current assignment, any coherent thought was long gone, you’d decided to pay your favourite person a little visit. You knew she’d probably be busy as she hadn’t replied to your previous text for a few hours, but knowing her presence alone and any passing comments would lift the heaviness that had found its home in your head and chest, you shot her a message to let her know that her office couch would be occupied by you for the next few hours. Normally, you’d just show up so you knew she wouldn’t have a problem with it; so when that fateful message popped up on your phone giving you the go-ahead you completely ignored the warning of her work schedule and drove right over.
So now here you were, sprawled haphazardly on her couch clad in sweats and a sports bra scrolling through your phone as you watched her finish her final touches so she could start her stream.
“You’re gonna be in the background of my face cam if you wanna sit there y’know.” Groaning in response to her warning not wanting to move from the comfy spot you just found, you looked over at her with the best puppy eyes you could muster. She chuckled softly, raising her hands in surrender as she turned back to her setup. “Hey I really don’t care, just warning ya bug. The thirst comments and screenshots are outta my hands.”
Scoffing under your breath at her comment, you turned your head back to your phone as a Twitter notification popped up at the top of your screen.
Corpse Husband: streaming among us in a few mins, join in on youtube
Heartbeat picking up slightly, you scrambled for the purse you’d thrown at the base of the couch for your headphones. Ever since you’d found this handsome-voiced stranger’s channel on your late night horror binges, you had fallen completely in love. While you weren’t typically the type to watch video game commentary outside of Rae, his voice got you completely hooked and you couldn’t get enough of it. Yeah, maybe you were a bit of a simp, but that sweet and genuine personality that hid behind that gravelly tone had you melting completely into his clutches. You tried to convince yourself to get over it, you didn’t even know what he looked like. But, y’know, a little crush wouldn’t hurt anybody right?
“Going live in T-minus 30 seconds babe.” Jumping slightly as Rae’s voice knocked you out of dreamland, you mumbled out a small “got it” as you once again got focused on getting your headphones connected to your phone. You’d never been able to watch one of his lives before, his horror commentary videos usually playing as background noise as you did schoolwork or while you were falling asleep. Practically shaking with excitement, you opened your YouTube app seeing the live at the very top and tapping on it immediately only to be met with that sweet laugh ringing through your headphones like music to your ears. You grinned to yourself, grabbing the throw pillow you had previously tossed to the floor and hugging it to your chest while your eyes remained glued to your phone screen, completely forgetting what was happening around you as you zeroed in on the gravelly tone you’d fallen oh-so in love with.
“Hey (Y/N) wave hi.” You startled slightly as the faint voice of your friend sounded from across the room. Glancing up from your phone, you pulled an earbud from your ear and furrowed your brows at her before slowly processing what she said, lifting a hand in greeting to her watchers. She laughed at your confusing antics, turning slightly in her chair to look over at you. “What the hell are you so smiley about?”
“…Nothing..” You grinned widely as her laugh once again resounded around the room, shaking her head at you before turning back to her screen with a scoff, muttering something under her breath so only her watchers could hear. Smile still plastered across your lips, you settled back down into the comfiness of the couch and popped your earbud back in, zeroing in again on the screen in front of you. Watching as Corpse moved his character around the lobby as he waited for his friends to join, a small giggle escaped from under your breath; trying your best to be mindful of Rae’s stream but not being able to hold back the flustered feeling welling up in your chest, mind giddy with the thought of finally being able to see one of his famous live streams, well, live. It had only been a few seconds later when you heard Rae’s voice once again, only this time, not as muffled as before.
“What’s up motherfuckers.” Brows furrowing in confusion, you lifted your hand to your earbud and pulled it from your ear once again, hearing her voice from across the room but from your other earbud as well. No, there was no fucking way. All your questions were answered, though, as you glanced back down at your phone screen seeing a red character move around the game lobby along with Corpse’s, the gamer tag ‘Valkyrae’ floating just above it. Blinking hard at your screen trying to convince yourself that your eyes were lying to you, you slowly pulled your hand to cover your mouth in shock. How… How could you possibly not know they knew each other? With the way they spoke to each other in sarcastic comments, poking fun at the other it sounded like they were close too. Body finally catching up with your thoughts, you scrambled at your phone, shaky hands moving as quickly as they could to pull up your texts with Rae. Your fingers tapped furiously at the screen, anxious to get back to the live stream to listen in more but also needing to know what the fuck was going on.
TO my rae of sunshine: care to explain what the fuck is going on??! how the fuck do you know corpse husband?????!??!
“Oops sorry guys, guess I forgot to turn off my phone ringer-“ Staring up at the back of her head helplessly, you watched as she picked up her phone seeming to read out the text before bursting into a peal of laughter. Tossing a look at you over her shoulder, you looked back down at your phone bashfully, seeing the three loading dots in your message thread indicating that she was messaging you back.
my rae of sunshine: lol what about it? you gotta crush on him or something?
TO my rae of sunshine: …no
Hitting send you rushed back to the stream, anxious to see what Corpse was saying in response to Rae’s absence, not thinking anything about your brief conversation and thinking you would discuss it after she had logged off for the night. Though, as you heard her phone chime again from across the room followed by another bark of laughter, you knew you weren’t getting off that easy.
“What are you laughing about?” Corpse’s honeyed voice sounded from your earbud, hearing Rae’s giggles from what you presumed to be their discord voice chat. Glancing anxiously between his stream and the reflection of Rae’s face cam in one of her monitors, your heart began to sink as you watched that familiar mischievous grin tugging at the edge of her lips.
“Oh just my friend (Y/n) sent me a funny meme”
“Wait, is she the one in some of your Instagram posts?” You swear your heart stopped beating at that moment, eyes glued to the screen in front of you as you tried helplessly to process the conversation happening right in front of you. He knew who you were? You thought you’d always be lost among the hundreds of thousands of his new adoring fans, left in the anonymity of your Twitter tag in his subtweets, or just another subscriber that fawned over him silently behind a keyboard. Knowing that he’d actually seen your face you could feel your own beginning to heat at that moment; you brought your hands your mouth again, unknowingly curling your body tighter around the pillow in your lap as you tried to hide your face behind it as you become more and more flustered from the words nonchalantly escaping his mouth.
“Yea that’s her, pretty thing isn’t she? She’s my absolute favourite.”
That’s it, you were gonna fucking kill her.
“I mean, yeah... I guess..” The timid words followed by a soft awkward chuckle had your breath hitching in your throat. There was no fucking way this was happening. This had to be a dream, that was the only possible explanation. You were just about to pinch yourself when Rae’s voice startled you from your thoughts.
“She’s actually over right now. She insisted on getting wine drunk later tonight because her professor’s been on her ass lately. I’ll get her to come say hi.” Rae had barely turned around in her chair when she was met with your wide-eyed gaze, panic painted across your features as you shook your head wildly. You were in no state to be talking to your long-time internet crush in such a casual setting. But with the look Rae shot you from her chair as she started to plug another headset into her PC, you knew you had no choice and begrudgingly pulled yourself from the couch almost tripping over your own feet as you shakily walked over to Rae. Shooting her another pleading look, she only shoved the headset in your direction in return as she grinned up at you. Finally biting the bullet, you pulled on the headset and leaned down toward the mic.
“Hi, how’s it going?” Cursing at yourself for how quiet and shaky your words came out, you barely had any time to think it over before a chorus of greetings sounded through the headset. A small giggle escaped your lips as you watched the different Discord icons appear and disappear from the top of the screen. You knew most of these people already which made you even more confused as to how you managed to miss that voice from all the discord chats and voice calls. Well, knowing them was a bit of an overstatement anyway; you knew /of/ them, and they knew /of/ you in the other times you popped up in the background or in passing conversation during Rae’s streams. They did know you well enough, though, to know this was not the way you usually spoke around them.
“No way, that can’t be the (Y/N) I know!” The voice you recognize as Sean echoes through your headset, another chorus of knowing laughter following quickly after. Taking a deep breath you managed to force out a few words that would get them off your case.
“…Shut the fuck up”
“There she is!!” As the group erupted in laughter yet again, all you could focus on was the faint deep chuckle that resounded through your headset. Feeling your face start to heat up, you covered your wide grin with your hand as butterflies burst through your stomach; you could listen to that laugh all day. Before you were able to speak again, though, that heavenly voice piped up and wiped all train of thought from your mind.
“Nice to meet you (Y/N).”
“It’s nice to meet you too Corpse. I gotta be honest ‘n say I’m a pretty big fan of your no-sleep work.” And... there’s the word vomit. Fuck, you could feel your cheeks starting to heat up with the ongoing realization of who you were talking to.
“Aha thank you, I uh really appreciate that. I’m sure you just heard, but I guess you could say I’m a fan of yours also.”
No, there’s no fucking way.
Is he...
Flirting with you?
Before you could even think about what to reply to that with, the rest of the group beat you to it.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what is happening.”
“Is- Is Corpse really shooting his shot right now?”
You didn’t realize you were frozen in place until you felt Rae’s hand on your elbow, snapping you out of your bewildered trance as you tried to comprehend what was happening yourself. As your thoughts finally caught up to the present, you could feel your cheeks start to burn; pulling your hand up to cover your face you stepped out of the view of the face cam. Rae’s laughter filled the room as she watched your flustered antics, shooting you a sly grin as she started scanning the monitor displaying her live chat.
“Wait, wait, chats telling me (y/n)’s blushing right now?” Sean’s voice echoed through the discord chat, only making you flush further as you tried desperately to find a way out of this.
“Okay, okay, leave her alone.” Corpse’s voice finally piped up amid all of the chaos causing everyone to immediately pipe down. God, you didn’t even want to begin to think of the mess this has already made, you just needed to get out of there before you caused any more damage.
“Yeah, I uh- see- see that the lobby’s full so I’ll just uh- leave you guys to it.” Quietly thanking the stars that Corpse finally got you out of this mess, you went to pull the headset off your ears when that fateful voice piped up again.
“Wait, don’t let these nerds make you leave. You should stay- I mean, only to help Rae y'know? She needs it.”
“I do not!”
“I- I mean yea sure, as long as I’m not intruding,” Cursing yourself again for stuttering before forcing yourself to swallow the knot in your throat, “I mean, she really does need the help.”
“Okay just because you want to flirt some more doesn’t mean you can bully me-“
“Okay, I’m starting the round!” The booming accented voice cut off everyone else in the call as you all stared as the screen began to count down to the game, and before anyone had the chance to say anything else a chorus of laughs resounded, and then the lobby fell into silence.
And it went on like that, the not-so-subtle flirting followed by relentless jabs from the group immediately after. The game was almost forgotten with how much of each lobby was taken up by teasing words and endless laughter, but every audience was just eating it up. You didn’t even want to think about the mess social media was going to be after this stream but right now you were having fun with your friends and that’s all that mattered. The grin was practically plastered on your face as you laughed along with Rae the chat during the gameplay portions and you knew everything from this moment on was gonna be different, but you couldn’t find a single thing within you to care.
Especially when you logged onto Twitter right after the stream and saw that little message right at the top of your requests.
@.corpsehusband: wanna hear some of that no sleep work in person?
beep bop here u go,
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