#so I’m still sleepy but the cats are annoying so I had no choice.
deadxbones-a · 2 years
I had to get up to feed the cats and it’s so cold out of my bed and honestly this is just rude af.
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sacredsorceress · 3 years
Troublemaker || Druig
pairing: druig x avenger!reader
summary: when you wake up one morning, druig just can’t seem to leave your side... or let you leave his either.
word count: 1.3k
warnings: none, fluff
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Waking up to the sound of your alarm buzzing on your phone, you groaned and pulled the comforter over your head, not quite ready to get out of bed yet, but also knowing you didn’t really have the choice.
You felt the bed shift as Druig leaned over your body, stretching over you to grab the cellphone off of your nightstand and switch off the dull, but still annoying, sound of your alarm.
 Although you heard the phone get tossed to the other side of your bed, you could still feel Druig’s hand pinned beside your head, digging into the mattress as you sensed him hovering over you.
A smile rose to your face as his fingers tugged at the comforter you were hiding under, pulling it down to reveal your face.
“Hi.” He mumbled, a sleepy smile plastered on his face.
Feeling your heart skip a beat in your chest at the sight of him, you giggled.
“Hi.” You said matching his smile.
“So,” He said, placing his free hand on the other side of your head against the mattress, pinning you beneath him. “Do you have something to do today or do you just like waking me up for no reason?”
“I have something to do today.” You replied.
“Oh, yeah?” Druig asked. “What’s that?”
“Meeting with some of the others to discuss some threats to Earth.” You informed him casually. “The usual.”
You watched as Druig’s eyes trailed upward and he quirked his head as if lost in thought before focusing his attention back on you.
“And what if you skip it?” He asked.
“I can’t.”
Leaning down to press a soft kiss against the corner of your mouth, Druig tried again.
“What about now?”
Not being able to help the laugh that escaped past your lips you placed your hands against your boyfriend’s bare chest, gently shoving him away from you.
You laughed once again as you watched him fake hurt, placing a hand against his chest- over his heart- before rolling off of you.
Grabbing the clothes that you had left out on your dresser the night before, you quickly got dressed before leaving your shared bedroom to make your way into the kitchen, Druig trailing behind you as you did.
“Are you sure you have to go?” He asked.
Taking a sip from the glass in your hand, you nodded.
“I’m sure.”
Without another word, you watched as Druig picked up your cat that had been brushing up against his leg off of the floor and held it in his arms, scratching the cat’s head as it purred from the attention it was receiving.
“Can I come with you then?”
Choking on the water that you had been drinking, you placed the glass down on the counter and quirked your eyebrows at your boyfriend.
“You want to come with me?”
Druig shrugged.
“Well don’t look at me as if it’s so surprising.” He said. “I have abilities and care about the planet getting destroyed just as much as you do.”
You knew that was true. The whole reason the two of you had met was because of the abilities you both possessed and the care you had for the planet you inhabited and the people who lived on it. Although you knew this to be the case, you also knew that your boyfriend hated these meetings, finding them boring and wanting to avoid them at all costs. You understood it had to really be one of those days Druig didn’t want to leave your side for him to offer to willingly come to a meeting such as this.
And you could hardly ever say no to him.
“Okay, fine.” You said. “You can come.”
Fifteen minutes later as you walked in through the doors of the temporary Avengers headquarters, Druig at your side, the rest of the group was, needless to say, surprised.
“Druig?” Sam asked in shock, the mixed group of scattered Avengers and Eternals that sat at the table turning their attention to the two of you.
“You do know this isn’t mandatory right?”
“Did you mind control him, Y/n?” Kingo asked. “Because if you did, I’m not judging you. I totally get it, just please tell me how-”
Rolling his eyes at their both feigned and genuine shock, Druig pulled his sunglasses off of his face.
“I’m allowed to come to these things, aren’t I?” He asked walking over to the table and pulling out two seats: one for you and one for himself.
“Of course you are.” Sersi assured him.
“Yeah,” Sam spoke up again. “We’re happy to have you here, man. The more, the merrier.”
Finding himself satisfied with their answers, Druig pushed in your seat once you sat down and slipped into his own seat as the others continued speaking.
One hand holding his head up as he attempted to listen to the others discuss earthquakes and unidentified spacecrafts that could pose a threat throughout the meeting, Druig eventually slipped his other hand under the table, searching for yours.
Although you were actually trying to pay attention, you smiled once you felt Druig’s fingers brush against your clothed knee. Knowing exactly what he was doing, you moved your hand to meet his and laced your fingers together, grinning even more as you felt him squeeze your hand.
“I love you.” You heard his voice in your head say as he gazed up at you through hooded eyelids.
“Pay attention.” You thought, trying to bite back the smile playing on your lips.
“I am paying attention.” Druig assured you, brushing his thumb against the back of your hand. “Just to the most beautiful girl in the room instead.”
“I’m sorry,” Clint said from the other end of the table. “Are we interrupting your date?”
Feeling mortified by being called out during the meeting, you sat up straighter in your chair and tore your hand away from your boyfriend’s.
“Sorry.” You mumbled.
“It’s alright.” Sam said from the head of the table. “That’s all we got for today anyway. Same time next week?”
As the group at the table nodded and preceded to get up and leave, you silently stood up from your chair and pushed it back into the table. When you felt your boyfriend’s hand rest on your lower back, you leaned into his touch.
“Sorry I got you in trouble.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your cheek from behind. “I’ll make it up to you.”
“Yeah?” You asked, shrugging your jacket on. “How?”
Resting his other hand on your waist, Druig turned you to face him and threw you a shy smile.
“We can watch a movie?” He suggested. “Hang out on the couch, cuddle a bit…”
You only laughed.
“That sounds like what you want.”
“Mmm…” He hummed. “I think it would be good for the both of us, don’t you think?”
Looking up at him and seeing him smile hopefully, you knew that just like always you wouldn’t be able to say no to him.
“Okay, okay,” You gave in before pointing a finger into his chest. “But I pick the movie.”
Watching a rare grin rise on his face, you felt your heart surge with joy.
“Sounds good to me.” He said. “Now let’s go home.”
And as you walked out the door, your boyfriend’s arm wrapped around your shoulder you knew that even if he got you in trouble sometimes, you loved your affectionate, handsome- and sometimes clingy- boyfriend more than you could possibly put into words.
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3rensgf · 3 years
stupid/annoying, but endearing, things they do in a relationship eren, armin, jean, connie, erwin, levi, reiner, bertholdt, porco, zeke, colt, hanji, mikasa, sasha, annie, pieck
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word count: 2.3k
warnings: one mention of sex in erens, reader uses makeup in jeans, mentions of injuries and dilf!reiner in reiners
notes: this is a gn!reader. there are mentions of makeup being used, but i feel like any gender can use makeup. it's not even anything serious like a beat face. just some lip gloss n mascara. chapstick too but thats not makeup. it's just one line, so you can skip over it if you would like to!
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✩ eren bites you. its not even in a sexual way, he just likes to bite. they’re like a second form of kissing to him. you could be chilling together on the couch watching a movie, and he’ll just chomp on your shoulder. even when you were trying to focus on something, he swings by, bites then leaves. eren has no shame, so he does it in front of your friends too. you could be having a normal conversation with mikasa and he’ll just bite you, then the two of you carry on as if it was normal. it’s not normal. but you love it. sometimes you bite him back too. but only in private.
✩ armin gives you random things he finds. armin likes to go out and explore, with or without you. when he comes back after an adventure you opted out of, he always has something for you he found. a rock, a seashell or a cool flower are just some of the things he gets for you. if he can’t find something, he finds a gift shop to get you something instead, saying, “well, (y/n), i did find it in the gift shop.” he always looks so proud giving it to you, rambling about the story of how he found your gift. you have a small box tucked away with all the treasures he gives you.
✩ jean steals your things. whenever he comes over, he likes to mooch off your possessions. if he’s spending the night at your place and needs a shower, he’s using your shampoo, conditioner and body wash. if his lips are chapped, he swipes your lip balm to use on himself. one time you even walked in on him trying your mascara and lip gloss. another time he had your clothes on his giant frame. but he always replaces whatever he uses, venmoing you within the next few days with some cash and a sorry note. “sorry for using ur lip balm baby, buy some more <3” with $20 attached to it. you tell him that lip balm doesn’t even cost that much, but he tells you to treat yourself to lunch with the extra money.
✩ connie makes plans without letting you know beforehand. at 3am, you are woken up by an influx of messages and calls from your boyfriend. in your sleepy state you go to answer him, only to be told to get dressed and come out. he’s right outside of your house and hungry. you remind him it’s very early in the morning and you both have class. “but i’m hungry and craving burgers,” he repeats. you have no choice to get in the car with him. this can happen throughout the day, not just early in the morning. one time he whisked you away in the middle of your online class because he didn’t tell you he bought tickets to a movie showing in 30 minutes. the memories you share on these spontaneous dates are always your favorite ones with him.
✩ erwin buys you whatever you like in bulk. it’s not even an exaggeration when you say bulk. you mention one thing to him, and the next day there are boxes upon boxes sitting on your kitchen counter. “these oranges taste pretty good,” you mumble to yourself as you peel your 2nd one. erwins sharp ears hear this, and first thing in the morning he’s off to buy multiple bags of your supposed favorite oranges. it takes you days, sometimes weeks, to finish whatever he decided to buy you. you always tell him he doesn’t need to buy so much, but he never listens. though, you always appreciate how attentive he is to your likes and dislikes.
✩ levi cleans up for you and ruins your organization. it’s always a blessing when someone else decides to take on the burden of cleaning for you, and you thought you hit the jackpot with a boyfriend who loved to clean, clean, clean. but it could get annoying when you suddenly couldn’t find anything you placed anywhere. if you’re anything like me, you’re messy but organized. you know where things are. when levi comes to clean, he places things where he thinks they should go. you’re sent on a wild goose chase looking for your pencil case, only for it to be in a completely different drawer than the one you usually kept it in. despite this behavior, it’s always nice to come home from a long day from school to see your desk organized. what was once a mess of papers and other supplies have been filed into their correct places, the table wiped down from any lingering coffee stains and your supplies being organized in a way so you knew where everything was. sometimes there’d be a plate of fruit with the note, “good luck on your exams,” written in your boyfriends neat writing beside it.
✩ reiner coddles you too much. whenever you express any sort of discomfort, reiner is always rushing to your side. “are you hurt? do you need medical attention? how many fingers am i holding up?” he asks, checking you for any cuts or bruises. thank you, honey, but i’m fine. just bumped into the counter. despite that, he’s dragging you over to the bathroom to fix up your imaginary injuries. you always find it a bit much when you’re fine. it’s during the times where you’re actually hurt where you learn to appreciate it. he’s so gentle cleaning your cuts, kissing them softly once they’re dressed. you wonder if he’d be like that with your future children.
✩ bertholdt is too nervous around you. it’s been years since the two of you got together, and he still refuses to make eye contact with you. his hands get sweaty and shake when you attempt to hold his hand. he always stumbles over his words when speaking to you as he tries to find the right words to say. he even blushes when he introduces you to other people as his significant other! you remind bertholdt over and over again that he doesn’t need to be so shy around you. but you cant help but coo over him showing up for your date, flustered mess and thrusting flowers into your hand. “they reminded me of you,” he said quietly, refusing to meet your eyes. you giggle and press a kiss to his hot cheeks.
✩ porco is too cocky for his own good. he’s always parading around the house, boasting about his latest achievements. he beat colt in a video game colt was a supposed god in. he can throw a baseball farther than zeke. he can run faster than pieck. if he’s taller than you, he's always making fun of you for being shorter than him. if you’re taller, you’re not exempt from his wrath either. he’s boasting about how he’s perfect height to not hit his head on doorways. he never goes as far as to hurt your feelings, always knowing when to stop. though he has a big ego, he would let it crash and burn just to see you smile after beating him at smash bros. you laugh and taunt him, happy you beat him in one thing. he doesn’t mind, instead watching you with a soft smile on his lips and love in his eyes.
✩ zeke forces you to work out with him. and it’s not like in the afternoon to help you stretch out. it’s not light yoga or a couple minutes on the treadmill. no, this man wakes you up at ass crack in the morning to take you on a 5 mile hiking trip. you barely have any time to register what is happening around you before you’re already standing at the start of the trail with your gear. “come on! we can’t slack off!” he says, clapping his hands together. the sun is beating down on you and your feet hurt, but this man doesn’t let you stop for a break. “we’re almost there,” he says. your complaining goes out the window when he shows you the view at the top. its one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen. hiking up long ass trails to see beautiful views with your boyfriend was so worth it in the end.
✩ colt accidentally turns your dates into babysitting sessions. you show up at his house with the promise of a good time, only to be met with a guilty looking colt and his little brother falco behind him. “sorry,” he says sheepishly, “gabi got sick with the cold, so i couldn’t drop him off there. i hope you don’t mind him staying.” you hide your disappointment behind a wide smile, nodding enthusiastically as to not hurt either of their feelings. you just wanted to spend some alone time with your boyfriend, and it would have to wait. hanging out with falco wasn’t actually that bad. the three of you had an amazing time together, watching tv, playing games and even baking together. if you hate kids, you can’t bring yourself to hate falco; he’s just the sweetest boy you’ve ever met. you and falco are already asking colt when the three of you can hang out again when you have to go back home.
✩ hanji is always talking. you don’t discourage them from talking about their interests. they’re very passionate about the things they love, and can’t help talking about them. its like the scene where hanji kept eren up all night talking about titans. when you’re trying to focus on something or go to sleep, hanji is just yapping away. you’re honestly amazed at their ability to never run out of things to say about the most mundane things. hell, one time they talked for an hour and a half about a building color they saw when they were out one day. but hanji just looked so happy when talking. their face would break out into a huge grin, and their arms would fly around as they told their story. it was too cute for you to tell them to stop.
✩ mikasa hovers too much. every corner you turn, every place you go to, mikasa is following. she claims she’s not clingy, but in reality she is. it’s like a cat who hates affection, but needs to be in the same room as you at all times. you don’t mind her following you into the bedroom or living room or kitchen. you had to draw a line when she tried to follow you into the bathroom. even when you’re out, she’s always following you around. you tell her it’s okay to break off from you and spend some time by herself, but she always shakes her head and follows you to your next destination. you’re always grateful for her hovering when a group of drunk people try hitting on you, whistling and telling you they’ll give you a good time. but one look at your girlfriend who showed up from out of nowhere, and they’re running away with their tails between their legs.
✩ sasha eats your food. she can’t help it. she likes to snack. she’s always hungry. and you get that. to stop things like this from happening, you have separate places to keep your food. just so sasha and you have your favorite snacks and takeout separated. you respect the rule, but your girlfriend seems to lose her reading skills when hungry, one too many times you have walked in on her with her hand deep into a bag of your chips, something you’ve been waiting to eat all week when you were supposed to watch that new horror movie on netflix with her. you huff and puff and retreat to your bedroom. sasha comes back after a few hours, looking upset with tons and tons of snacks in her arms. “i’m sorry i ate your chips,” she frowns. she sets down all the food she got on your bed. “i got all these snacks you liked as an apology. and 3 bags of your favorite chips.” you could never stay mad at her cute face.
✩ annie complains about spending time with you. “i like my alone time,” she says, brushing you off when you asked why she didn’t want to watch a movie with you. some people were introverted, preferring to spend time by themselves rather than with someone else. you were like that too; you had your moments where you didn’t feel like being around your girlfriend. but it became an annoying problem when she constantly shot down your attempts to hang out with you. when she finally agrees, she’s always finding something to complain about. but during important dates or when you’re not in the best mood, she’s always the first to remind you or initiate a hang out/date. she shuts her mouth and enjoys her time with you, not one criticism or groan leaving her lips. she would never admit it, but being around you made her so happy.
✩ pieck is always sleeping. you have to wait a few hours to get a text or call back from pieck because she’s always dozing off somewhere. “sorry sweets,” she yawns into the mic, “was taking a nap. need something?” good luck trying to reach your girlfriend during an emergency. when you come home with takeout for dinner because neither of you wanted to cook, she’s sleeping at the dinner table. when you’re watching a movie she wanted to watch, she’s snoring away, curled up at the end of the couch. during lectures you share together, she has her head in her arms and has the audacity to ask you for your notes in the end. and it’s not like she’s not getting enough sleep, no. she gets her recommended 8 hours of sleep and then some. it’s nice to have a sleepy girlfriend, though, when you’re dead tired from living. you drag your feet into the bedroom to see her about to take her nth nap for the day. she notices your zombie-like state and opens up her arms for you. the two of you cuddle and nap together, sleeping the stress away.
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taglist - @liaxxx109 , @prxttyguardian , @jeansbabycake
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3rensgf © 2021 ; do not repost or translate my work.
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casuallyimagining · 3 years
Fix You (1)
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hybrid!Min Yoongi x female!reader
Summary: When you take in a stray cat, you have no idea he’s secretly a hybrid trying to escape his past. Can you help him heal?  Genre: hurt/comfort, angst, slow burn, fluff Word Count: 3,660 Rating: M Warnings (may not appear in every part): minor character is a dick to animals, mentions of a gun, main character injury (non-serious), discussion of physical abuse, emotional abuse, discussion of sexual abuse, discussion of self-harm
Notes: This is for the March project for @thebtswritersclub. The prompt word was ‘adventure’ and I mean, what’s more of an adventure than adopting a pet? Banner by @birbdae; thanks to @voiceswithoutlips, @taetaesbaebaepsae​, @hoebii​ and @aroseforyoongi for editing various parts of this for me.
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“That cat got into Rick’s chickens again. Killed a couple chicks. He said he’s going to kill it if he sees it on his property.”
Your dad had said it nonchalantly, barely glancing over his newspaper. Without a second thought, you were out the door. There was no way to be sure, not really, but the sinking feeling in your stomach made you run a little faster down your parents’ driveway.
You could have sworn you saw that cat slinking under Rick’s fence on your walk earlier.
Rick’s property neighbored that of your parents, but you wouldn’t necessarily consider him their neighbor. If you stood on their front porch, you could just barely make out Rick’s house through the stand of trees that served as the property line. Your parents had chosen to let their piece of the world be natural, carving out just enough space for a house and a decent sized yard all those years ago. It had made for some great childhood adventures in the woods: pretending fairies were real, living out your childhood fantasies of being some sort of wizard, making friends with the trees--normal kid stuff.
Rick, on the other hand, had turned his land into farmland, even though he neither farmed nor cared for the land. The vast rolling fields of Rick’s “farm” were mostly bare. He had a pond in one corner on the other side of the property, and he had a small cabin for hunting when game season started. Mostly, though, Rick raised chickens. Annoying things, the chickens were, not unlike Rick himself. It wasn’t uncommon to hear the hens’ incessant clucking from your parents’ house, and the roosters never seemed to shut up.
When you moved to the city to attend college, you were elated to get away from the chickens.
According to your dad, the cat had showed up in the woods a few weeks ago, and it had made an enemy out of Rick almost immediately. The poor thing was skinny--too skinny, like it had been living on the streets for a while--and though its dark fur was ruddy and matted, you could tell it would be a beautiful onyx if taken care of.
As you got closer to Rick’s farm, you heard barking and a sharp yowl, and you hurried in the direction of the sounds, afraid of what you’d find. Rounding the corner of the chicken coop, you gasped in horror.
Rick stood with his back to you, shotgun in his hands. His dog, an old bird hound with caramel spotted fur, had the cat clutched in his mouth, the dog’s teeth sunk directly into the cat’s shoulder. The cat, to its credit, had puffed itself up greatly, its tail nearly double its normal size. It was growling and hissing, and, despite the pain it was almost certainly in, was swiping at the dog with its front claws.
“Call your dog off, Rick.” Your voice was steadier than you thought it would be. You were out of breath from the run over there, and being anywhere near Rick with a gun and his snarling dog made you a little uneasy.
“Fuck off.” The man barely turned his head to you. “Damn cat’s been a pain in my ass since someone dumped it here. It killed four of my chicks.”
“Look at it. Of course it’s going after your chickens. You don’t keep them in their coop. It’s starving.”
“Damn thing should stay at your soft-ass parents’ house if it wants handouts.” Rick cocked his gun, pointing it at the cat. The cat’s copper eyes flashed to Rick at the sound. It looked terrified.
The fact that it knew what a gun was and knew to be afraid of it broke your heart a little bit.
“Call off the dog,” you said again, taking a step toward him, hands splayed out in front of you placatingly. “Calm down. I’ll get the cat out of your hair, and you won’t have to worry about it again.”
“Ain’t going to replace my chickens.” Rick’s voice was gruff, but he lowered the gun.
“I’ll pay for your chickens. Just call off your dog.”
He stared at the cat, the gun clutched in his hands but no longer pointing it at anything. For a second, you thought he was going to sicc the dog on the poor thing just to spite you and make a point. You had a feeling he was the type of person to do that. But after a tense stare down, he whistled through his teeth.
“Drop it,” he commanded the dog. The dog looked to its owner, and he repeated the command. It took a second, but the dog released its bite, and the cat slumped to the ground. Rick regarded the cat with a sneer before turning to you. “Take care of that thing. If I see it on my property one more time, it won’t be so lucky.”
You nodded tensely, and he whistled again. The dog trotted over to Rick’s side and the two walked off. You stared after him for a moment. A pained yowl drew your attention back to the cat.
The cat looked angry, and you didn’t blame it. Its tail was still puffed up, and you could tell that if it hadn’t just been attacked by a dog, its hackles would be straight up. Its copper eyes glared at you, its ears flat against its head. You approached cautiously, and it growled deeply in its throat.
“Hey, it’s okay,” you soothed, crouching down to make yourself less threatening. “I’m going to get you help. Is that okay?”
The cat hissed at you and attempted to back away. It made two limping steps before collapsing into the mud around the coop.
“That’s alright. It’s okay.” You sighed, unsure of your next steps. You didn’t want to traumatize the cat by coming any closer, and you really didn’t want to risk injuring it further by picking it up and having it fight you.
You looked at the cat, blinking slowly when you accidentally made eye contact with it. You had read somewhere that blinking was a way to show a cat that you weren’t a threat, and though you felt kind of silly, at this point, you were willing to try anything.
“What am I going to do with you, kitty?” you questioned, sitting down in the mud. The cat looked at you curiously, as if asking what the fuck you were doing. “I don’t want Rick to hurt you,” you confessed. “I’d like to take you somewhere safe.”
Truthfully, that was part of the reason why you were even visiting your parents. Your mom had told you about the cat, and how it didn’t seem to be wearing any collar, and while you were visiting them you wanted to try to trap it, either to bring it to live with you, or to take it to a nice shelter where it could get a good meal and hopefully find a nice family.
“Can I take you to the vet, at least?” You really were desperate, talking to the cat as if it understood what you were saying. The cat, to its credit, looked at you, copper eyes staring into your face before it blinked, just once, slowly and deliberately.
When you reached out to it, it didn’t growl.
You stood and approached the cat, doing your best not to make any sudden moves. You scooped it up gently, careful not to jostle his left shoulder too much, and cradled it close to your chest.
The walk back to your parents’ house was slow, but the trip to the vet was even slower.
It was a weekend, so the vet in your parents’ sleepy little suburb was closed. You had no choice but to pack your bags back up and make the trek home to the city to take the cat to the 24/7 emergency veterinary hospital.
You tapped your hand on the steering wheel. Traffic wasn’t usually this terrible on a weekend, but there was some sort of sporting event happening, so of course, all the roads into the city were clogged.
Stopped at a red light, you spared a glance toward your passenger seat. The cat laid on his side--it was a him, your mother had confirmed--his breathing labored. You could tell he was still on edge. His tail was still puffed up like a cat-of-nine-tails, and he kept eyeing you warily. But he had let you wrap him in a blanket and carry him to your car, and he had stayed on the seat, almost like he knew it was the safest place for him.
“Almost there, kitty,” you mumbled, changing lanes, finally free of the congestion. “Hang on just a little longer.”
Thankfully, the vet wasn’t busy, and you were able to get in with the assistant almost right away. You explained everything that had happened to her as she examined the cat, tutting slightly as she checked his shoulder.
“There are some punctures, but nothing that’s too worrying. I can bandage it and give you some antibiotics.” The assistant pulled her hand back as the cat swatted at her for touching his shoulder a little too forcefully. “Do you know if he has an owner? It would be helpful to know his shot records.”
You shook your head. “He just showed up in the woods one day.”
“We’ll get him a full round of vaccines, then, too.” Copper eyes met yours, and for a second, you thought you saw a look of concern cross them. But then he blinked, and it was gone.
The vet ordered an MRI, and thankfully, because it was a large veterinary hospital connected with the local university, they were able to do it the same day. So you ended up staying at the vet for two hours as they anesthetized the cat and did the scan. While the cat was waking up, the vet called you into the exam room.
“We checked for a microchip, and there was none,” the vet--Dr. Jung--informed you, his brow furrowed. “Based on the cat’s malnutrition and the condition of the coat, it’s likely he was a stray for at least a few months.” You nodded. The poor cat. “We should have the MRI results soon. I’ll give you a call in a few hours once I get a chance to read them. Normally, since he’s a stray, we would contact our foster network to see if anyone would be able to take him in. But since you brought him in-”
“I’ll keep him,” you said quickly. You were planning on it anyway. Just because he was hurt didn’t mean you were willing to give him up.
“Good.” Dr. Jung smiled at you. “My assistant is wrapping his shoulder now, and we’d like to just monitor him for a few more minutes to make sure he’s coming out of the anesthesia well, but you should be clear to take him home after that.” He placed a box on the table between you. “This is Clavamox. One millilitre twice a day for seven days. I don’t think he’ll develop an infection, but since he was so dirty, I think it’s probably better to be safe.” You nodded and pocketed the box. “We also gave him a rabies shot while he was here. It’s standard because he was bitten. If you notice any symptoms, please call us immediately. Once he’s feeling better, we can get him the rest of the vaccines he needs.”
You nodded. This was a lot all at once. And you didn’t even know what you wanted to call the cat yet.
Dr. Jung seemed to be able to tell you were feeling overwhelmed, because he offered you a comforting smile and patted your shoulder. “I’m going to go check on him. You can come if you want.”
As soon as you entered the room, groggy copper eyes were on you. The poor thing looked stoned out of his mind, but there was recognition there, and that gave you some comfort. At least he wasn’t glaring at you anymore. Dr. Jung’s assistant had wrapped his shoulder, so he had a bandage from his upper left front leg wrapped all the way around his chest and up around his shoulders.
“What are we going to do with you, kitty?” you questioned softly, reaching out and gently placing your hand on his head.
After checking the cat’s vitals one last time, Dr. Jung let you leave.
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He was limp in your arms as you carried him into your apartment, still a little drugged up from the anesthesia. The whole way back to your apartment, he had sat in the passenger seat and looked out the window like a drunk, moody college student.
“It’s up to you if you want to stay, kitty,” you told him, gently laying him down on your couch as soon as you kicked your shoes off. Of course you wanted to keep him. You had grown attached to him in the few hours you had been with him. But if he was miserable, you were willing to help him find somewhere that was more suited for his needs.
He tried to stand, succeeding only long enough to give a dramatic wobble before collapsing back into the overstuffed cushion. While he was completely recovered from the anesthesia, Dr. Jung had warned you that the cat might be feeling the side effects for a day or so. You reached out to pet him, but his copper eyes slanted into a glare, and you pulled back.
Assuming the cat was hungry, you left him alone and headed into the kitchen. You had some chicken in the fridge, and you thought maybe he would enjoy some fresh meat he didn’t have to steal. You weren’t sure when his last real meal was, so you wanted to go easy on his digestive system until you knew he was feeling better. You’d have to stop and get cat food at some point, but for now, chicken would do.
You did your best to trim off all the fat from the chicken breast. You knew he wouldn’t mind eating it--cats ate weirder things from fresh kills, after all--but you figured with how thin he was, lean meat would probably be better. Carefully, you cut it up into small, easy-to-chew chunks and put some on a plate, wrapping the rest and putting it into the fridge for later. You used a dropper to evenly spread the required dose of the antibiotics onto the chicken in hopes that it would make it easier to give him the medicine.
Returning to the living room, you noticed that the cat hadn’t moved aside from doing his best to curl up as small as possible in the corner of the couch. You tried not to make eye contact with him as you pulled the blanket from the back of the couch and draped it on the cushions. You weren’t particularly keen on having raw chicken all over your furniture, but you sat the plate on the blanket anyway. There was no way you trusted the cat to be able to jump down off your couch at this point.
“Here’s some chicken, kitty.” You gestured toward the plate, and he eyed it warily, unmoving. You supposed he would feel more comfortable eating if you weren’t in the room. “Don’t leave it too long--it’ll go bad. I have to go do some work. I’ll be in my office if you need me. It’s just down the hall.”  As you stood up, you paused. You were talking to a cat. You were talking to a cat as if it could understand exactly what you were saying.
Maybe your parents were right. Maybe you had been living alone for too long.
Your mother had suggested you get a hybrid when you first moved to the city--a nice, loyal, protective one, like a German shepherd hybrid or a golden retriever--but you had never gone further than passively looking.
You were happy for the hybrids. A majority of them were still owned, but they could move about their lives freely and without question. It was illegal to treat them as servants, and all ownership had to be consensual, though you weren’t sure how well those rules were enforced. You didn’t really understand how someone could just own a hybrid--they were people, after all, even if their DNA was a little altered. It was weird to you, owning another sentient being like that.
Their lives were certainly much better than they had been. Some hybrids were naturally occurring, but others--a majority of them--had been created by rich and powerful individuals and the government in secret during some shady human experiments in the early 20th century. And, of course, because they were experiments, it created a whole host of problems regarding rights and discrimination.
But despite all the improvements, there was still a long way to go. There was nothing wrong with owning a hybrid if it was consensual, but that didn’t mean you were necessarily comfortable with it.
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After a few hours of sitting at your desk working on your most recent graphic design project for work, you turned away and stretched. If you had to stare at the color chartreuse for ten more minutes, you thought you would go blind. It was time to check on the cat anyway, and you wanted to make sure you threw away any chicken that was left on the plate you had given him so he wouldn’t get sick.
When you entered the living room, you were immediately confused. The cat was gone, but so was your blanket. The plate was still on the couch, almost exactly where you left it, but it was entirely empty. Wonderful. You had taken in some sort of Houdini cat.
You grabbed the plate and put it in the sink, trying to look for your blanket as you went. You found it when you returned to the living room, the corner sticking out from under your TV stand. There was just enough space between the bottom shelf and the floor for the cat to fit under, and apparently he had taken the blanket with him. You couldn’t really blame him--it was April, and it was late evening, and your floors were still a little chilly.
“Hey kitty?” you called, bending down to see if you could see him under the shelf. You had thought about it while working, and at this point, you were just going to lean into the whole ‘talking to the cat like he’s a person’ thing. “It’s starting to get late. I’m going to go get ready for bed, okay?” You could just barely see his copper eyes hidden all the way under the TV stand. His pupils were blown wide to capture all the ambient light they could. “You can explore or whatever you’re comfortable with tonight, but please don’t ruin my stuff. Please be a good kitty.”
He blinked once and continued to stare blankly at you.
“Okay, well… if I don’t see you, goodnight.”
You stood and headed off to your bathroom to start your nightly routine. It only took you about a half an hour, but you were soon laying down in bed with your book. You had started it a few days ago, but you were hooked, and you were already almost done with it. The author had managed to somehow insert a space alien robot into today’s modern digital age, and you found it fascinating. You would never look at social media and influencers the same way after reading this book.
It was cozy in your room with the little bedside lamp on, snuggled up in your blankets. Your bed was soft--it was one of those that you could change it using a remote to fit your mood and preference, but you almost always preferred it soft--and you had plenty of blankets and pillows to make it comfortable.
You only had a few pages left when you noticed it, the shadow lingering in the hallway, slowly getting closer to your open bedroom door. It started out against the wall across the hall. When you next looked up after glancing down to your book, the shadow had moved to your doorway. He even had turned his head away like he was pretending it was a coincidence that he had ended up in your room.
He was walking with a slight limp, which was unsurprising given the bandage and the fact that he was attacked not even 12 hours before. He was much more lucid than he was when you first brought him home, though you could tell he was still a little groggy. You didn’t say anything to him--you figured if you did, he would bolt, so you let him do what he wanted.
After a few minutes--maybe 15 or 20--you closed your book quietly, careful not to startle the cat. You glanced at the doorway and didn’t see him, so you put your book on your nightstand and turned off the light. It took you a second, but you snuggled down into the blankets, pulling them tightly around you. You were just about to drift off when you felt it.
Something landed gently on your bed by your feet. It paused for a moment before slowly making its way up the bed to your head, its gait uneven. When it got to the other pillow, it laid down. You risked opening an eye then, and were met with copper eyes staring back at you.
He watched you warily, as if waiting for you to yell or kick him off the bed. When you didn’t, his eyes narrowed, and he slowly allowed himself to lay down, his head on his paws, curled up as best as he could be.
You fell asleep to the sound of him snoring lightly.
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As always, your feedback is appreciated. Feel free to pop into my ask box with questions or thoughts about the series. I’d love to hear from you!
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chirp-a-chirp · 2 years
Court of Darkness: The Spray Bottle
Random CoD inspired list based off my cats. Currently, I am trying to train them to not jump on counters by spraying them with a water bottle to try and stop bad habits. That made me think…if the MC were to do the same thing with the CoD consorts, what bad/annoying behavior would the MC spray them for and what would the reactions be?
*Sprays Guy in the face*
Guy: Tsk. What was THAT for?
MC: You need to tell me what you’re feeling!
Guy: *Glares* I did!
MC: Grunts don’t count.
Guy: *Scowls*
MC: Scowls don’t count either. Words! Actual words! *Sprays with bottle again*
MC: Stop smirking so smugly! You don’t know everything you arrogant man! *Sprays bottle at Jasper* Sigh. Now you look even more smug, damn it.
MC: OK, please know I hate doing this, because I know there are lots of expectations for you by everyone in your life, but…
*Sprays bottle at Toa*
MC: Stop being so strict when teaching me! It’s super nerve-wracking!
*Toa stares, shocked at MC*
MC: I’m sorry, that was harsh.
Toa: Compared to how my family and tutors raised me, it wasn’t.
MC: *Heart shatters* Oh God, now I’m really sorry. *Digs in pocket and shoves something in Toa’s mouth* Here, eat this caramel!
MC: *Sprays Knight with bottle* Stop belittling yourself! You’re such a loyal, true friend, worthy of praise and love!
Knight: Oy. Belittle. Did you have to use that word?
MC: Um, oops, sorry! *Sprays water on herself* Forgive me?
Knight: Well…*Grumbles* I suppose. Wanna go see kitties at the pier?
MC: Yay! Yes please! *Holds Knight’s hand as they walk together. Knight grumbles to himself but is secretly pleased*
MC: Fenn, remember the conversations we’ve had about personal space? About not invading it if I don’t want you to?
Fenn: Of course Treasure!
MC: You’re sitting in my lap.
Fenn: So I am! *Nods emphatically and purrs*
MC: *Sprays bottle directly in face*
Fenn: Oooooooh. Do it again!
Lynt and Tino:
MC: OK Lynt, I have class. You need to get up and get your head out of my lap.
*Lynt continues to sleep*
MC: Tino, can you give me a hand here?
Tino: Oh my MC! It looks like Prince Lynt still needs his sleep! Oh stars, Prince Lynt please wake up!
*Lynt continues to sleep*
Tino: I’m so sorry! You might miss class!
MC: *Takes spray bottle and blasts Lynt* Wake up! You can’t sleep through EVERYTHING!
Lynt: Hmmmm? So sleepy.
MC: *Takes spray bottle and blasts Tino* And stop enabling him! He’s a grown man for goodness sakes!
*Takes a gigantic garden hose and drenches water all over Roy*
MC: Stop acting like a B-rated Avari tool! The real you is sweet, passionate, and SO *increases water pressure* MUCH *increases water pressure to max* BETTER than prince perfect you strawberry-pink lemonade haired idiot! Be yourself!
*Roy stands, eyes wide open, water dripping off his clothes*
MC: Also, sometimes you need to express what you’re actually feeling/thinking, you know, like I just did? You kinda suck at doing that unless forced.
MC: Ummm, need a towel to dry off? *Roy continues to stare. Clothes cling to his skin* Actually, never mind. You look perfect as is. *My god he’s gorgeous* Stay wet please. Bye! *MC runs away*
MC: Grayson, thank you for helping me!
Grayson: Don’t thank me. I did nothing of consequence.
MC: *Sprays Grayson between the eyes* Stop putting yourself down! You are brave, and one of the most considerate and genuine people I know, magic or no magic. *Aims bottle at Grayson* I will keep this up until you actually believe it yourself, good sir.
Grayson: I am not worth the trouble.
MC: *Sprays bottle again* What did I tell you Grayson? I didn’t want to do this, but you leave me no choice. I’m going to ask Sherry to join me in my spray bottle efforts.
Grayson: Please don’t.
MC: OK. We’re going to try this again. *Breathes deeply and aim bottle directly at Grayson* Grayson, thank you for helping me!
Grayson: *Says nothing for a few seconds, then sighs* You’re welcome.
Rio is the walking embodiment of a loyal, energetic puppy. Such a good boy! It’s hard to imagine him being legitimately bad or having bad habits. However…
Rio: *Eating three meals worth of food in the mess hall*
MC: Hey Rio. RIIIIIIOOOOO. Hellllloooooo. *waves hand in front of his face. Rio remains oblivious*
MC: Sigh. *Sprays water on side of Rio’s face* RIO!
Rio: Oh. Hey Sunbeam! *Licks water from his face* Thanks, I was pretty thirsty! But next time, could ya give it to me in a glass?
MC: Rio, that wasn’t why I—
Rio: *Looks at MC with puppy eyes*
MC: Um, never mind.
MC: Hey Lance. How’re you doing?
Lance: *Says nothing, stares at MC*
MC: Lance. Laaaaaaannnnnccceeee.
Lance: *Still says nothing*
MC: *Sprays him directly in the eyes*
Lance: Oi there! Why’d you do that?
MC: You are one of the kindest people I know. But you’re soooo awkward and broody. I mean, you talk more to animals than to people.
Lance: Well, at least animals don’t spray water in my face!
Bonus - Sherry!
Sherry: MC! I’ve heard you’ve been spraying everyone with water! What about me? Spray me!
MC: Aw, but I have no reason to! You’re the perfect friend!
Sherry: *Gives MC biggest hug. Then sprays MC in the face* Got you, hehe!
MC: I’m SO going to get you! *Runs outside chasing Sherry with spray bottle*
Sherry and MC are running outside, ducking behind benches and bushes, trying to spray one another with water. Suddenly, they hear a low chuckle.
“Ah, so you are here. And Sherry. Very good.” Suddenly, a spray of water hits MC, drenching her.
“You said I shouldn’t be a tool. But, you said nothing about using a tool.” Roy chuckles as he holds a garden hose. His clothes are still dripping wet.
“Hey! Sherry, come help me!”
“Looks like it’s time for me to go MC! Have fun you two!” Sherry leaves, and winks at her brother, laughing.
Roy walks to the MC, a twinkle in his eye. “So, you also told me I should be more open with how I feel.” He puts an arm around her her shoulder. “Let’s go back to my chambers. If you will allow it, I’ll be quite transparent there.”
“I’d…like that.” She holds his hand. He looks down at her, a smile on his face. He wraps her in a hug.
“Thank you Heartspell. For being honest with me. For showing me how to be honest as well.”
If there are other consorts y’all want a CODA for (i.e., your fav consort), make a request in the notes section and I’ll do my best to add it!
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youamongthemelissas · 3 years
hi mwah <3
may i have a scenario with zoro being a brat who doesn't want to go down on his girl, but she just puts in his place by sitting on his face? 👀
ara ara, it seems that the fifteen hours I've been sleeping have made me reap the rewards uwu
well, I really hope you like the result and that those 3,3k words make up for the delay in my writer's block. i've only reviewed it a few times because i'm really really sleepy right now, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes! :(
warning: oral sex (giving and receiving), fingering, face sitting, etc. only for +18. smut everywhere
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Zoro and I had known each other for almost two years, but he changed his position from hookup to boyfriend two months ago. Our chaotic relationship started at a horrible party. Everything that night was horrible, except when the handsome guy approached me offering his help when some ramshackle human being spilled water on my shirt. To complete my disaster, the outfit I wore was white and cotton, so it marked the contours of my breasts just right. Damn day I decided to leave my house without wearing a bra. Too embarrassed, I just crawled into the bathroom – which didn't even have a lock – and waited for the crowd to dwindle or for my shirt to dry so I could get out of that unhealthy place. But fate didn't have the best plans for me, as I saw the bathroom door open and a man enter that cubicle.
"This is the ladies' wc, you know?" I informed the guy angrily.
“I know,” he replied simply. "I saw the whole scene, so I decided to come make sure you're okay."
I arched my brow and stared at him with half-closed eyes. Was he feeling okay? I looked for signs of drunkenness in him, but his voice was steady and he looked too sober.
“Very nice of you, but you can't just lock yourself together with a strange woman in a cubicle. You know, I can interpret this as sexual harassment!” I snapped.
“Oh, fine. I was going to lend you my shirt so you could wear it and wouldn’t have to wait for yours to dry, but I see you don't need my help. Bye and sorry for the inconvenience,” and so he left, not giving me a chance to respond.
I cursed the Universe, but then I stopped myself because a tarot reader had informed me that a situation like this could happen throughout the week and I didn't listen. In the end, it was my fault for being a stubborn and skeptical one.
I really couldn't tell how long I was locked in that fetid cubicle, but when my t-shirt dried enough not to leave me practically naked from the waist up, I walked out and saw the same guy as before, he was talking to a red haired girl, actually it looked more like an argument was going on between them by his annoyed expression and her restless gestures. Would she be his girlfriend? Was the discussion focused on me and the bathroom incident? Well, I wouldn't stay there to find out and risk getting hit by the girl for something that wasn't my fault. He was the one who entered the ladies' room with an unknown woman!
And my disastrous night ended when I lay in my bed and turned off the light to finally sleep and erase all memories of the party from my head. But that boy's face has not left my mind.
The days followed normally, and when I was already forgetting the cool guy, I saw him for the second time in a bakery. He wore the same shirt that day of the party and sweatpants. His sleepy face gave away that he had just woken up and had just left the house to go buy bread for breakfast. He saw me but pretended not to. I got the feeling I should have apologized for the misunderstanding, but he was already making the request. Luckily, we were assisted together as soon a second attendant appeared who assisted me as well.
As soon as we paid the bill, we silently left the place and I got a chance to talk to him as we were heading in the same direction.
“Hey,” I called him, being ignored. "Boy, wait a minute"
“What is it, girl?”, he snapped at me sharply.
“I wanted to apologize for the misunderstanding… Seriously, I was just freaked out by a guy walking me into the bathroom…”, I was sincere.
"It's all right. Go on with your life in peace.”
“And you had a girlfriend, right? Like, you were still wrong in the end…” I couldn't hold my mouth before needling him.
This time he stopped abruptly and turned to me, making me smack my face into his chest.
"Girlfriend? First you accuse me of sexual harassment and now besides being a harasser you think I'm a traitor?”
“I didn't accuse you of anything! Except the girlfriend part. You and that red haired girl seemed to be fighting really bad, like boyfriends do,” I clarified.
“Redhead girl?” he seemed to search his memory for what I was referring to. “Nami? God forbid me dating that devil woman! She's not my girlfriend, and we were fighting because…”, he stopped mid-explanation. “This is none of your business, girl. But she's not my girlfriend,” he ended the pseudo-argument.
I nodded and went on my way.
“How long will you follow me? Now I can interpret that you're a deranged stalker”, he told me right after we turned down the same street, after walking close for a few meters.
“I'm not following you, my house is on this way”, I replied.
And that's how I found out that we lived in the same condominium.
Although I clearly remember the first two times we met, I can't say when exactly we started to change our cat-and-mouse relationship and elevate it to a more intimate one. Maybe it was when he fucked me for the first time in the laundry room in the building. I was taking my clothes out of the machine while he put his clothes in another one, and then we looked at each other and as if we had the same idea, he grabbed me around the waist and lifted me up to put me sitting on top of the machine he had just finished stuffing with his own clothes, putting it to work and taking me in a kiss while taking off my panties. When he entered me, I moaned loudly, but the sound was drowned out by the shrill noise of that old machine. Zoro confessed to me later that he chose precisely that one so my moans could not be heard. I think it was the most insane thing I did, because at any moment someone could come and catch us, but luckily for us that only happened after Zoro had cum on my thighs and taken me off that old thing. It was weird walking with my legs sticking together because of his cum, but I didn't have time to clean up, just lift my panties and straighten my skirt before passing the newcomer, who didn't seem to have noticed our presence.
After our first sex, we didn't get apart anymore. We couldn't be alone as we caught fire and had sex wherever we were.
As time went by, we calmed down and our meetings became more spaced, but our chemistry didn't extinguish even a little bit during these almost two years, on the contrary, it only earned us the beginning of dating. And we became more than just hookups, we became friends too, those who know about each other's lives and I got to know Nami, the red-haired friend he was fighting that night at the party. I came to discover that they could never be boyfriends, because she loved money and women.
Everything with Zoro was almost perfect. He was a good boyfriend, and even though we're two hotheads, we never fought. There are always dialogues in our relationship and this helps a lot to avoid unnecessary fights. Besides, sex is wonderful, everything just right, except for one small thing that bothers me. We combine a lot in bed, I always try to please him and give him pleasure at all times. I've lost count of how many blowjobs I gave him and how many times I let him cum in my mouth, but the problem is that he never even gave me oral sex. And that makes me a little frustrated and scared. Was the problem with me? I took good care of myself, but he always shifted position when I tried to get him down on me.
One day, while I watched him playing his favorite game, I stroked his hair.
“Babe?”, I called him.
“Hm?” he mutters, not moving an inch.
“Do I disgust you?” I asked bluntly.
"What? Where did you get this ideia?”, he turns abruptly to face me, doing something wrong in the game because soon there are some curses directed at him in the chat.
“It's just a question.” I shrugged.
“It can't be just a question. For you to ask me that, there's definitely a reason behind it,” he replied, no longer looking at the TV screen, and not realizing that he was being offended by the other players. Damn virgins.
“Nevermind…”, I hesitated, unable to let myself be affected by the comments, which weren't even for me. "Your game friends are very angry with you."
"Fuck them, the issue here is you.", he held my face with both hands, making me look at him. “Tell me what made you think about it,” he looks deep into my eyes, almost reading my soul and I immediately regret opening my mouth. But it was too late, lying was out of the question, because he knows very well when I lie, so I had no choice but to tell the truth.
“You never gave me an oral. So I deduced that the problem is with me”, I said at last and he let me go.
It was his turn to shift the focus to another corner.
“It's nothing to you, it's me who is the problem. I've never done that to any women, and in the movies I see them “squirt”, what if that happens?” He looked a little frustrated and embarrassed.
I got up from my seat and stopped standing in front of him, making him glare at me.
“You have to stop thinking real life is a big porn movie, Roronoa,” I said, putting my index finger on his forehead. “I really admire you knowing how to fuck without looking like a caveman”, I said that last sentence more to myself.
“Hey!” he heard and seemed offended. "It hurts, okay?"
“Sorry, but that is nothing but the truth”, I rolled my eyes.
Even though he didn't suck me when we had sex later, the seed of doubt was already planted in his head.
I know this, because days later he was more committed to making me cum. Before he seemed to care only about his pleasure, but after our conversation, he even put his fingers to work on my clit – which were presented by me –, as he moved in and out of me, until I came on his fingers. It felt good, but I wanted to feel his tongue down there, and wanted to see his head between my legs. I wanted so badly to squirm in pleasure beneath him as he sucked everything I had to offer him.
When the dream day finally arrived, all my thoughts turned opaque as I felt him hug me from behind and lean his body against mine as his lips found the skin of my neck.
“Do you know how hot you look wearing my shirt?” he asked huskily, pressing me closer to his body, making my ass fit into his crotch. And I already felt it was hard. "Even more so I know you're not wearing anything under it."
I couldn't hold back the moan as I felt his fingers travel up my waist until they reached my breasts under the fabric. He squeezed it first and then circled the nipple with his finger, making it hard. He knew how sensitive I was in that area. And to my delight, he lowered his other hand to between my legs, and slid it to find my sex, which was already starting to get wet.
When I was in his apartment, I liked to have just one piece of clothing. Walking around his house half-naked was one of the most satisfying things for me, because I knew that anytime we were going to get laid and being too undressed would get in the way of the process. So I opted to wear just a pair of panties or a T-shirt with nothing underneath, as was the case now.
He removed his hand from my body and pulled me away, but only to pick me up and take me to his bed, where he laid me down and leaned over me and started kissing me.
His kiss tasted like the whiskey he drank a few minutes ago. I ran my hands over his body and scratched him lightly on his back, inside his shirt. He ended the kiss and rolled off of me, but only to undress. I watched the scene intently, looking at each piece of skin that was revealed to me little by little. When he took off his underwear and his cock popped out, I felt my mouth water. He was there in front of me, completely naked.
I got rid of his t-shirt I was wearing and crawled until I was close to his body, took his hard member in my hands and started masturbating before putting it in my mouth. Unconsciously, I reared my hips up, and ran my tongue over the glans, tasting the pre-cum. Without waiting, I felt him lean over to smack my ass, and it made his cock almost hit my throat, making me gasp. I pulled it out of my mouth, gasping for air, but went back to sucking on it. When I relaxed, I put him in one piece and this time I got used to that intruder so deep, and I heard him grunt. He loved when I swallowed him like that, but before I could make him cum, he gently withdrew from my mouth and lay down on the bed, turning me to stand beside him.
He kissed me again and wrapped his hands around my waist and slid them to my ass, where he slapped my ass, making me moan into his mouth.
We made out until he was on top of me, making me feel his hard cock on my thigh as he kissed my neck and played with my nipples.
I was already throbbing with lust, and it got worse when he slid his fingers to my clit and touched his fingertip to that sensitive spot, making me arch into him. But he did nothing but tease me, and I wanted him to use his tongue this time to bring me to orgasm. For that reason, I forced his head down and he got the message, surprisingly trailing kisses down my body, but before he got there he stopped and returned the kisses to where they were before, leaving me frustrated.
I sighed in annoyance, and shifted our positions, getting on top of him. I positioned myself right on top of his cock, and I fit my pussy there, not to slide him inside, but to rub myself there. He liked my boldness a lot, but I abruptly left the place until I was positioned right in his mouth. I felt him startle under me, but it was too late because I was already sitting pretty well in his face, with my cunt snug in the place where I always wished it was. He showed no resistance, just ran the tip of his tongue over my clit and I closed my eyes, sighing.
At first, he was stuck and a little lost, but little by little he got used to it and now his whole tongue passed through my intimacy, sometimes sucking painfully. It was good for me and it was good for him too, because I felt him grip my thighs tightly, holding me in place as he penetrated me with his tongue. I saw stars. When he smeared the entire place and when my body showed signs of the first orgasm, nimbly and using a little force he took me off him and put me back on the bed, with my back to the mattress. I thought he had given up, but he again slid down my body and positioned himself between my legs, giving me that wonderful sight. Again he pressed his tongue against my clit.
Seeing him there, with his head buried in the place I'd always dreamed of, made a fire burn in my stomach, and my brain worked tirelessly on the new sensations his mouth was gaving me me.
And he looked very committed and thirsty. He was like someone who had gone days without even a drop of liquid and who had just found an inexhaustible source of pure water. And I was that source. And just the thought of having him thirsty for me was enough to give my boner more ammo and make my hips start working nimbly, looking for more contact. Zoro shaved every day, but there were already two that he didn't shave, so the growing hairs scraped the inside of my thighs when I moved my hips, leaving goose bumps.
His tongue explored every corner of my intimacy and his arms closed tightly around my legs as he brought one hand to one of my breasts and rested it there, squeezing every now and then as my body showed signs of orgasm.
He didn't let go of me when I came for the first time or when I screamed for the second. Instead, he circled my waist with his arms and held me immobile in place as he sipped every drop that dared escape from me. He showed no signs of satiating even when I scratched his shoulders or slapped him in the arms to get him to let go. In fact, it felt like it was just an extra boost for him when I was on the verge of madness, writhing in his mouth and thrashing around aimlessly for support and control of the spasms in my body.
He was both a sadist and a masochist at the same time, which is why I was so attracted to him.
When he released me, I was almost voiceless and completely shaky. I wouldn't be able to form an intelligible word, and his playful smile, which I saw blurred due to the tears pooling in the corners of my eyes, gave away his satisfaction at seeing me in that state.
When I finally composed myself and my heart stopped beating in my chest, pulse, and throat, I took a deep breath and stared at him. He was lying beside me, looking at me and running his hand down my face, lovingly.
“You look beautiful when you're coming”, was the first thing he said.
“You look handsome between my legs”, I returned the answer in the same tone.
He smiled and massaged his jaw, as if in pain.
“Too bad it takes so long to cum, my chin hurts”, he complained and I rolled my eyes.
“You didn't leave me after my first orgasm,” I accused. “For those who were afraid of giving me oral sex, you seemed to enjoy it a lot”, I continued, with a pout.
“I had no idea you were that tasty,” he said, smiling slightly. “Now you better get ready, because your taste has gone straight to the top of my favorite flavors”, he assured me, as he pulled me by the waist to glue my body to his.
I kissed his lips softly, and touched our foreheads, and he kissed me again, obscenely. It didn't take me long to be on my knees for him, determined to reward him for the multiple organs he gave me.
Seeing him from above, with his eyes closed and his expression filled with pure delight, made me want to feel his cock in the back of my throat to the point of gasping for air. But he refused to cum inside my mouth. He lifted me up and positioned me on all fours on the bed and placed the condom on his cock.
When he sank into me, I moaned loudly, too happy that my sex life with my boyfriend was perfect.
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cheyningdiamond · 3 years
The Cuddle Monster
Another fluff fic because my brain never lets me rest,,,,
It was about noon in Nevada. Hank groaned quietly as he lightly gripped his head. It ached from lack of sleep due to him being so busy. Figuring out missions, working on weapons, etc.
He sat in a dark room, at a table with a laptop in front of him. The screen's light burned his aching eyes under his goggles and made him just want to close them.
He rested his head, mumbling.
He felt his heart skip a beat as he heard a loud "HANK!" behind him.
"Fuck-!" He turned and saw the short and chubby clown stare at him. He wore his casual strawberry pajamas. Well, to him it was casual. To Hank it was silly.
He sighed and took his goggles off, rubbing his aching eyes. "What is it, T? Can't you see I'm busy?"
"What? No, I was just-" Hank shook his head, denying the claim. "I was just... taking a break. I'm not sleepy."
Tricky grabbed Hank by the sides of his face and pulled it closer to his.
"Ack- T-!" He grabbed the clown's wrists as Tricky examined his eyes. They definitely had bags under them and he certainly looked like he hasn't gotten a wink of sleep lately.
The Zed clown shook his head. "THIS WON'T DO. HANK SLEEP!"
"Hank doesn't need sleep. Get off me already!" Hank managed to pry his hands off of his face, glaring at the zombie.
Hank smirked, thinking this as a harmless threat. He turned around and went back to typing, before muttering the words: "Ok, strawberry shortstack." to Tricky.
Soon after he said those words, his chair was swooped right under his ass, making him fall down on his back.
Hank groaned and went to snap off at Tricky, but was met with a giant flaming skeletal-faced creature staring down at him. And boy was he pissed.
Hank weakly clawed at the floor as his pantleg was in the mouth of the giant beast, dragging him away from the laptop, which went into sleepmode from not being touched in so long.
"Tricky- get off!"
Hank kicked his leg, trying to kick at his face. Unfortunately his kicks were weak to Tricky due to the fact that he was so exhausted. That and kicking a giant skeleton in the face wasn't gonna do jack.
Tricky dragged him into the living room of the building and laid down. Hank desperately tried to get away but Tricky grabbed him and dragged him back, wrapping his big arms around him and resting his head on his back. The fires were only a little warm and felt as if Hank was laying against multiple soft feathers.
Hank grunted and groaned as he squirmed into the large cat-like demon's hold.
"Cuddle monster? God, you're such a-" he grunted again. "Ffffucking dork...!"
"S-Says the asshole I have to fight tooth and nail almost every night to just SIT STILL in bed..."
"...WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT." he giggled, nuzzling into his back. Hank slowly had a smile curve on his lips as he kept trying to shove him away. What a fucking hypocrite!
Sanford and Deimos walked in to the living room, talking to each other and laughing. They stopped their laughter once they saw Hank being snuggled by the large beast.
"Woah- what's going on here?" Sanford asked.
"Heeelp..." Hank groaned, feeling his eyelids getting heavier.
Deimos giggled softly. "Aww, Tricky got sick of you working all the time?" He teased.
"Just... get over here 'n help..."
The two boyfriends looked at each other, then smiled and walked over.
Hank, thinking they'd pull him out of this predicament, grinned and held his arms out for them to grab...
...only for them to completely ignore and lay against the side of the beast.
"Oh wow, he feels so soft!"
"Heheh, I can get used to this."
Hank gave them both a death glare. "I'm gonna kick your asses later..." he mumbled.
Sanford and Deimos grinned and held onto each other as they laid against the large clown.
Hank growled lowly fought trying to stay awake. He wasn't giving up that easy.
2B walked into the living room and glanced at the giant holding poor Hank hostage and raised an eyebrow, smirking under his mask. He had a cup of coffee in his hands and took a sip as he watched this with amusement.
"Well now... never thought I'd see this."
"Get me out, Doc..." Hank reached his hand towards the doctor, whining pathetically.
"I could. But, knowing that clown I'll be dragged right into it's grasp. I have work to finish and unlike you, I sleep at a decent time." He turned and walked off. "Good night, Wimbleton."
"You fucking traitor!" Hank barked, only to get shushed by Sanford, who was holding onto his sleeping smoker boyfriend. "Don't wake up Deimos." He said sternly.
Hank sighed and grew more irritated. He felt Tricky nuzzle more into his back, making small giggles escape from the merc's mouth.
"Kn-Knock it off..." he mumbled, trying to stay angry.
"Over my resurrected ass..."
Tricky shrugged and just kept his hold on him. After about 20 minutes past, Jeb walked in and smirked. He held a book in his arms. "My my, the doctor wasn't kidding..."
"Jeb, I can't believe I'm saying this but you're my only hope. Please help..." Hank begged him.
"And how, pray tell, am I supposed to assist you in this matter?"
"I-I dunno, you know Tricky more than I do. Fuck it, smack him with that book if you have to..."
"You know I could never harm Hoffnar like that. Besides, he isn't doing anything wrong." Jeb got closer and smiled, gently scratching the side of Tricky's face.
There was a loud vibrating coming from the demon and Hank struggled. "AaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAa wHaT's HaPpEnInG??"
Deimos giggled in his sleep, while Sanford was trying to keep both his head and Deimos' onto the soft side of the monster.
Jeb stopped and grinned. "How cute..."
"Uh huh real cute. Annoying little shit more like. Are you gonna help or not!?"
"I'll help, sure." He sat right next to Hank and started... reading aloud.
Fuck, it was one of those really boring books too...
Hank had unfortunately been defeated and ended up falling asleep soon after. Jeb looked over at the sleeping, metal-jawed mercenary and chuckled to himself. He stood up and looked up at Tricky, then at Sanford and Deimos, who were already asleep.
He thought a moment, before shrugging and floating up to Tricky's back, before laying down on it. Adjusting to make himself more comfortable, he soon after fell asleep as the soft feathery feeling was the last thing he felt before falling into slumber.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Weird Secret Friends" *Chapter 7*
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Chapter 6
Chapter 8
I swear you guys I never know where these are gonna go, and then a plot just starts coming out itself. It's...starting to get dark, I won't lie to you. But not like-- super dark, no assault or anything. Just be wary reading this chapter, kay? Especially if you have any addiction issues.
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A few hours later Rafael’s alarm went off, causing you to groan and pull a pillow over your head.
“It’s Saturday,” You whined. “Why do you have an alarm set on a Saturday?!”
“Lo siento, amante,” He leaned over and turned it off, then pulled you closer into him as he nuzzled your neck. “I have to go in today,”
“On a Saturday?!” You repeated yourself.
“It’s what grown ups do, carino,” He chuckled, to which you promptly turned to face him.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” You frowned at him.
“Nothing, amor,” He assured you. “I was only joking,”
“...Were you, though?” You narrowed your eyes.
“You’re not a morning person, are you?” He was still chuckling with a sleepy grin.
“Not when I’m being insulted I’m not!” You now sat up, completely unamused by his flippant remarks.
“Y/N,” He sat up as well, putting a hand on your shoulder and stroking your hair with the other. “I really was joking. You know if we’re going to...spend time together, you should really get used to my snarky sense of humor,”
“Oh should I?” You crossed your arms.
“Yes,” He nodded, his smile never leaving his face.
“....And what exactly do you mean by ‘spending time together’?” You raised an eyebrow.
“...Well, I don’t know, do you really want to label...this, right this second?” He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, now finally reaching an annoyed point.
“...No,” You replied softly while you picked at a loose thread on the comforter.
“Okay, well--” He started to kiss you, but you put a hand over his mouth.
“Uh uh, Romeo,” You shook your head. “If we’re going to ‘spend time together’, you should know I don’t kiss before brushing,”
“Noted,” He chuckled once more as he kissed the top of your forehead. “If you need a label, I think we stick to ‘weird secret friends,’
“Well I don’t know if that applies anymore,” You sighed. “Considering we are no longer secret and I don’t think friends sleep with each other,”
“Well then we’re still weird, are we not?” He pointed out.
“Ha Ha,” You rolled your eyes. “So friend, what am I supposed to do while you’re at work?”
“....Talk to Sonny?” He asked as he got out of the bed.
“Oh, great idea!” You feigned excitement. “I’ll be sure to really twist the knife in his back this time,”
“You’re so dramatic,” He shook his head with a smile. “Just talk to him,”
“There’s no point Rafael,” You objected. “Unless I stop seeing you, he’ll never forgive me,”
“Well first of all, I seriously doubt that’s true,” He disagreed. “And second of all, he’s going to be hurt whether we continue...seeing each other, or not. The bottom line is he’s upset he’ll never be with me,”
“...Does everything just lead back to you, counselor?” You asked him while he began to get dressed.
“Basically,” He teased while pulling on his pants.
“Look, you can call me selfish or arrogant, or cold hearted all you want,” He told you. “But just because you stand there in your moral ivory tower doesn’t mean you don’t feel the same way. You just don’t want to act on them,” He disappeared into his bathroom to brush his teeth.
“I’m sorry, and why is that a bad thing?” You called from his bed, an insulted tone obvious in your voice.
“Because it’s your life, Y/N!” He exclaimed as he reemerged from the bathroom, giving you a serious look. “It’s not mine, it’s not Sonny’s. You don’t have any responsibility for anyone else’s happiness but your own,”
“Well hurting my cousin doesn’t make me happy!”
“And being with me doesn’t either?” He asked with his own hurt tone while he buttoned his dress shirt. Your long pause made him stop and look at you, your head was looking at the floor in shame. “Y/N?”
“....It makes me the happiest I’ve probably been in my entire life,” You admitted, making him grin like a Cheshire cat. He finished buttoning his shirt and then walked backed towards the bed, wrapping you in his arms.
“Back at you, killer,” He pressed his forehead against yours before kissing you long a deep, crawling onto the bed. You began kissing for maybe a minute, then suddenly it dawned on him he still needed to go to work.
“Well, this might be a problem,” He pulled back from you and walked back to his closet now speeding up his routine. He grabbed his tie and began tying it quickly.
“...What is?” You looked at him quizzically.
“You’re clearly a distraction, amante,” He gave you a mischievous grin.
“Well I’ve been called worse,” You shrugged.
“I’m sure you have,” He teased.
“Hey!” You tossed a pillow at him, he dodged it effortlessly.
“Alright killer, I promise I'll be right back,” He grabbed his suit jacket and started to walk out of the bedroom. You trailed behind him, still stark naked.
“You sure you wanna leave all….this?” You presented yourself with an evil smile.
“Oh you are...you are diabolical, woman,” He eyed you up and down, kicking himself for making this meeting today of all days.
“Mmmhmm…” You raised your long leg up until it was right next to your face, reminding him how flexible you were.
“No,” He bit his fist. “No no no, I must go,” He shook his head and bolted out the door. You stared at it, shocked by his immediate departure. How rude! You scoffed and turned to go back to the bedroom to get dressed, just as the door swung open and Rafael rushed in, grabbing your naked body in a heated kiss.
“Okay, now I seriously have to go,” He sighed while taking a mental picture of your perfectly toned body.
“Fine,” You pouted. “See if I’m here when you get back,”
“Oh you better be,” He warned with a cheeky smile, walking back out the door and leaving you alone once again.
You quickly realized you might not have a choice to avoid Sonny, seeing as all you had were your still damp clothes from the night before. You grabbed them and tossed them in Rafael’s dryer while you paced the apartment in the t-shirt and boxers from the night before.
What would you say? What could you say?
Later that day
You pulled up in front of Sonny’s apartment building and exited your Uber, thanking the driver before she drove away. You sighed and walked up to the stoop, ringing his box. There was a long silence, before you heard a woman’s voice:
“Hello? Sonny’s apartment,”
Who the hell was that?
“Um, yeah hi,” You stammered, completely taken aback by the turn of events. “I-I’m here for Sonny? It’s Y/N, his cousin…”
“Aw shit,” You heard Sonny’s voice muffled, before the buzzing of the door to let you inside. You walked into the building and headed up the stairs towards his apartment. As you reached his floor, you saw a blonde woman bolting out of his door, zooming past you and down the stairs. You looked at her for a moment before turning to stare at Sonny who just stood in the doorway.
“....And who was that?” You asked him curiously.
“Nobody, just a friend,” He dismissed you.
“A friend?” You half laughed. “Must be quite the friend,”
“You’re one to talk, with your stupid sneaky friends BS,” He snarked.
“...Weird secret friends,” You clarified in a small voice.
“Really, Y/N?” He asked you, unamused.
“Okay I’m sorry, you’re right--”
“Did you need something?” He crossed his arms as he leaned on his doorway.
“I um...I wanted to talk…”
“Did you now?”
“....And I need my clothes,” You gestured to the ‘walk of shame’ outfit you were still wearing.
“Ohhhh I see I see,” He nodded with a sarcastic laugh. “You needed your stuff so you can continue the sleepover with the honorable ADA?”
“Whatever, Y/N. I don’t wanna hear it. Just-- hold on,” He waved his hands in front of you as he disappeared into his apartment, his door slamming in your face. Soon he reappeared with your bag in tow, shoving it in your hands.
“There ya go, enjoy your weekend,” He started to shut the door but you put your foot in it.
“Sonny I’m not leaving until you hear me out,”
“...Fine,” He sighed and opened the door wider, letting you enter. You walked past him and sat on his couch. He walked to the couch and grabbed two beers, handing one to you as he sat on his armchair next to you.
“I um--” You started to say something, but you really needed it right now. Unfortunately, Sonny quickly realized his mistake and took yours back.
"Sorry, I forgot Sunshine," He apologized and grabbed a soda bottle from the fridge this time, and handed it to you.
“So,” He twisted the cap off his beer and took several big gulps, dreading this conversation already. “Talk,”
“Oh,” You hadn’t expected that. You hadn’t even expected to get in the door, let alone having to make some kind of speech.
Sonny knew that look in your eyes, the same look you had when you had forgotten the words to your song in your middle school talent show.
“Seriously, Y/N?” He shook his head with another sarcastic laugh. “You didn’t have anything prepared to say?”
“Well!” You took another swig of your soda
“You’re unbelievable, you know that?” “You just show up here, chase off Amanda, and--”
“Amanda?” You quirked an eyebrow.
“Irrelevant, Sunshine,”
“And you don’t even have a defense ready for your boyfriend?” He finished his thought.
“He’s not my boyfriend!” You objected.
“Damn straight he’s not!” He agreed.
“....What is that supposed to mean?” You narrowed your eyes.
“Let me ask you something, Sunshine,” He put down his beer. “You slept together last night, right?”
“...Yeah,” You answered cautiously.
“And then this morning-- tell me, what did he do?”
“...Well he had to go into work," You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear nervously. You didn’t like where this was going.
"Uh huh" Sonny nodded with a smile.
“He DID” You insisted.
“Right, and did you guys even discuss what happens now?” He kept questioning you.
“Wha? We're not teenagers Sonny,” You rolled your eyes as you took bigger sips of your soda, wishing it was harder stuff. You didn’t like this at all.
“But you're not wondering? At All?”
“….We decided not to label it right now,” You answered softly, looking at the floor. You didn’t know why you were suddenly so nervous about that answer. Weren’t you the one who didn’t want to label it yet?
“Did you decide it or did he decide that?” Sonny read your mind, freaking you out even more.
“What are you doing?” You slammed the bottle on the table. You're upset I "stole" Rafael from you so now you're trying to get in my head?”
“No!” He protested. “But I know how he is, sunshine. I didn't want you involved with him solely because I...have a thing for him, he said the last uncomfortably. It's because I know how...frivolous he can be with relationships,”
“Oh my god,” You rolled your eyes with a laugh. “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
“I’m not fucking with you, sunshine!” He slammed his empty beer on the table angrily. “I’m serious,”
“Oh I’m sure you’re serious,” You nodded, still keeping your sarcastic tone.
“Look Sunshine,” He put a hand on your knee while lowering his voice to a softer, caring tone. “You can make excuses all you want. But I think you know me better than that. I wouldn’t tell you anything I didn’t explicitly believe,”
“...Yeah, I know,” You nodded in agreement, knowing he was right. He always looked out for your best interest, ever since you were a kid.
“So...will you at least think about what I’m saying?”
“What are you saying, Sonny?”
“I’m saying be careful, Sunshine,” He looked at you earnestly. “He can get bored very easy, and very fast,”
You thought to yourself that he couldn’t get tired of the ‘best sex of his life’ that quickly, but you’d never say that out loud to Sonny. Not unless you wanted him to have an aneurysm right in front of you. But then again, would you want him to want you around just for the sex, right?
“...I gotta go Son,” You glanced at your phone. “I promised him I’d be waiting for him when he gets home,”
“Seriously?” Sonny shook his head with yet another sarcastic laugh. “Damn Sunshine, you let him start working you fast,”
“Shut up,” You muttered uneasily as you got up from the couch and started to head out.
“Sunshine, one more thing,” He followed you to the door, you paused in the doorway to listen.
“Yes, Sonny?”
“...You know you always have a place here,” He gave you a big hug, you had missed this. You hugged him back tightly before pulling back and giving him a sincere smile.
“I know, Son,” You kissed him on the cheek and then began walking down the hall as he shut the door behind you.
He was just being his overprotective self….right?
It was around eight that Rafael finally came back to the apartment. He found you stewing on the couch, half of his good vodka was gone.
“Uh….honey, I’m home?” He asked warily.
“Oh, are you?” You rolled your eyes, not bothering to get up,
“...What’s wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me?” You scoffed. “What happened to “I’ll be right back?”
“...Stuff came up,” He mumbled.
“Seriously?” You half laughed. “Sonny was right,”
“Excuse me?” He took off his jacket and hung it up.
“I went to go get my stuff from Sonny’s,” You gestured to your own clothes you now had on. “And he told me to be careful with you,”
“Careful with me?” He laughed. “Like I’m breakable?”
“No!” You stood up. “Like you break other people,”
“Oh come on Y/N,” He rolled his eyes as he met you halfway in the living room. “Doesn’t that just sound like something he’d say to deter you from me?”
“He wasn’t saying it like that, Rafael,” You shook your head and crossed your arms. “He’s looking out for me, like he always has,”
“And what else did he say?” He eyed you suspiciously.
“He said…” You looked up at the ceiling. It was starting to swirl a bit, you rocked back and forth. Rafael noticed and quickly put both hands on your shoulders, knocking you from your daze.
“Y/N!” He cried as he led you back to the couch and sat you down. “Jesus, is this what you do when you’re upset?”
“...No,” You lied. You were in no shape and nowhere near close enough to him to start revealing dark secrets about yourself. You really should have thought that through. You had to recover from this, you didn’t want him to know.
“Are you sure about that?” He raised a questionable eyebrow, not believing you for a second.
“...This isn’t about me, this is about how you get bored of women-- and men, I assume,”
“What?” He blinked in confusion. “Is that what Carisi said?”
“Maybe,” You grabbed the glass of vodka and started to sip it, but Barba snatched it out of your hand.
“I think you’ve had enough of that,” He told you, his concern growing more by the second the more he looked at you.
“Great,” You muttered, focusing on the TV.
“Hey, Hey!” Rafael snapped at you. “We’re not done talking,”
“Alright, fine,” You turned off the TV. “You wanna talk? Tell me about the t-shirt,”
“...I’m not having this conversation with you when you’re like this,” He shook his head and stood up to go to his bedroom.
“You’re the one who said you wanted to talk, Rafael!” You threw your hands up. “So let’s talk about it-- or even better, let’s talk about the drawer full of girl’s clothes you have,”
“You went through my drawers?!” He snapped. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“Are they mementos? Gifts? Trophies?” You stood up, wobbling towards him.
“Trophies?” He scoffed while putting his hands over his face in frustration. “God dammit Y/N...I…”
“You what?” You crossed your arms, steadying yourself.
“I can't deal with...this,” He gestured to you.
“With what?” You suddenly felt a wave of dread. You’d seen that look before. Many, many times. From many, many people.
“With THIS, with YOU,” He walked up to you and walked you back to the couch.
“You’re clearly more fucked up than I thought, and I-- I can’t be your emotional support fuck buddy,” He went on as he grabbed a pillow and blanket from a closet.
“Wow...wow,” You felt tears choking your throat. “So that’s what I am, a fuck buddy?”
“I don’t--- I don’t know,” He rubbed his face, sitting down on the couch next to you.
“Really? Because twelve hours ago you were sitting here and telling me that- that I meant something to you,” You started to cry.
“You do!” He put a hand to your face. “You...you do, I just…” He looked at your sorry state. “I don’t know what to do with you,” Rafael was kicking himself for getting you both in this mess; he wasn’t equipped to deal with someone so unstable. Maybe it was a one time thing, a fluke.
“Look just-- just sleep it off and we’ll talk about it tomorrow, okay?”
“I don’t…” You whimpered. “I don’t want to,”
“Well, we have to talk about it--”
“No,” You stopped him. “I don’t want to sleep it off in here, alone,” You gestured to the couch, the bed he clearly had made for you to sleep in.
“I…” He sighed, finally conceding and picking you up to carry you to his bed.
“Alright baby, alright,” He placed you on his bed and laid down next to you until you fell asleep, then he got up and went into the living room, kicking a pillow across the floor in rage and upset, falling against the wall with his head in between his knees.
What the fuck did he get himself into?
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Shuu Maniac [07]
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ー The scene starts in the entrance hall
Yui: S-Shuu-san...!? What is this about!?
Shuu: I have no explanation.
Yui: ( Never did I imagine Shuu-san would bring home a cat... )
( The combination of these two...Somehow feels a little strange. )
Yui: What a cutie. Where did this little guy come from? (1)
Shuu: How should I know? He approached me while I was napping in the park.
He had the nerve to climb on top of me while I was sleeping...And in the end, followed me all the way back home.
Yui: So you found him at the park? He doesn’t have a collar either, so I wonder if he’s a stray...?
Shuu: He must have a few screws loose to approach a Vampire. Animals generally know based on instinct, no?
→ He might have felt you are a kind person (♡)
Yui: Don’t you think his instincts told him that you’re a good person?
Shuu: Ridiculous. In that case, an animal’s instinct can’t be trusted either.
Yui: I think it was spot on.
Shuu: You’re on a whole different level. (2) Didn’t you go through hell and back? Where is this ‘nice Vampire’ you speak of?
Yui: Yes. Right in front of my eyes.
Shuu: ...
...Talking to you always throws me off, it’s annoying.
Yui: ( Fufu, he’s blushing. )
→ He might have thought you were his parent
Yui: He might have mistaken you for his parent.
Shuu: In that case, he’s an idiot on the same level as you. Seems like you can’t tell the difference between a human and a cat either.
Yui: ( Uu, I guess I upset him... )
Yui: Uhm...What are we going to do with him?
Shuu: I’ll leave that up to you. Do as you please.
Yui: So we can keep him?
Shuu: I don’t see why not. It’d be a pain to drive him away at this point.
Yui: Thank you very much!
Ah, then from today onwards, our family has been increased from two to three.
Shuu: ...So simple-minded.
Yui: Right, if we’ll keep him, we have to give the little guy a name...What would be a nice one? What do you think, Shuu-san?
Shuu: ‘Cat’.
Yui: ...
Shuu: It’s a great name, no? Short and simple. (2)
Yui: He’s our family now so please take it seriously!
Shuu: Then you can come up with something. I’m honestly fine with any name.
Yui: Gosh...I’ll decide it on my own then, okay?
Yui: ( Hm....It’s an orange tabby so... )
Shuu: Thought of one?
Yui: No...But now that I get a better look, he’s a little similar to you, don’t you think?
Shuu: ...Are your eyes still working fine?
Yui: I-I mean, the color of his fur, for example...! See, don’t you think it looks alike?
Shuu: Not at all.
Yui: ( I guess it doesn’t...? )
Shuu: ...
Yui: Eh?
Shuu: His name.
Yui: Ririe...
Shuu: You can change it if you don’t like it.
Yui: No, I think it’s great!
Yui: Fufu, seems like this little guy likes it as well. It’s decided then. Your name is now Ririe.
But Shuu-san, where did this suddenly come from?
Shuu: ...He seemed to be wanting to join our family as well.
Yui: ...? What do you mean?
Shuu: Who knows. ...Dinner’s ready, right?
Yui: Ah, yes. Can he join us as well?
Shuu: Be my guest.
ー Shuu leaves towards the kitchen
Yui: ( ...I didn’t think our family would grow. )
You were lucky to be picked up by such a nice guy, Ririe.
Yui: Fufu, I look forward to spending time with you~
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Yui: ...Just like that...Now keep still, okay...?
Yui: ...There we go! You’re ready to go, Ririe!
Yui: I had to hastily put something together but...Yeah, the collar suits you!
Yui: Please endure it until we can buy you a proper one, okay?
That being said, you ate quite a bit. Were you hungry?
Yui: Liking meat more than fish, you’re honestly starting to resemble Shuu-san more and more. Right, Shuu-saーー
Shuu: ...
Yui: ( He already fell asleep! He was awake just now though... )
Yui: Fufu, you look sleepy too. I guess it’s because you stuffed your belly.
Yui: Ririe? Where are you going?
( Ah... )
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( ...He crawled on top of Shuu-san again. He must really be attached to him. )
( Fufu, their love for napping is another thing they have in common. )
Shuu: Nn...
Yui: ( Ah...Ririe nestled inside Shuu-san’s arms... )
( I might be a little envious... )
( ...Guess I’ll go do the dishes. I’d feel bad for waking the two of theーー )
Shuu: ーー You won’t join us?
Yui: Eh?
Yui: Wah...!?
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Shuu: This spot originally belonged to you, no? Are you willing to give it up?
Yui: Shuu-san! Y-You were awake...!?
Shuu: The little one woke me up.
And? Are you fine with it? With some cat taking me away from you?
Yui: W-What are you saying? I’m not really...
Shuu: Jealous? Perhaps you should go take a look at yourself in the mirror?
Your eyes are overflowing with want.
Yui: ...Shuu-san!
Shuu: Don’t shout. You don’t mind waking him up?
Yui: N-No fair...
Shuu: Haha...You never grow tired of being stubborn, do you?
Why not be honest? That you want me to hold you (3) as well. 
Yui: Ho...!
Shuu: You’re too loud.
Yui: ...I mean, I was a little envious.
But I didn’t actually feel jealous. I don’t want to disturb Ririe while he’s sleeping soundly...
Shuu: Oh? How boring. If you were jealous, I would have been able to do all sorts of things.
Yui: ( All sorts of things...!? )
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–> Little black roses will appear on certain CGs. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“...Come on. If you want to be by my side more, you should scoot a little closer. Right now, I’ll be so kind to care for both of you.”
“Haah...He willingly keeps approaching me like this...Don’t you think this cat is just as much of a fool as you are?”
Yui: ...Seems like you’ve grown attached to this little guy.
Shuu: He’s a pain in the ass. (4)
Yui: Please don’t say that. ...Look, he looks so peaceful while sleeping.
Shuu: Feeling at ease by a Vampire’s side, huh? ...How ridiculous.
Yui: I can understand. I too...can relax when you’re by my side.
Shuu: ...Someday you will both regret it.
Yui: I don’t mind. ...As long as I can be with you.
Shuu: ...You foolish woman.
Yui: Ah...Wait, Shuu-san.
Shuu: You won’t complain about just a kiss, right?
Yui: But if you move, you’ll wake up Ririe.
Shuu: ...He sure chose a troublesome place to sleep on.
Haah...Guess I have no other choice but to just nap then.
Yui: Fufu, please do that.
Shuu: Oi, Yui. You stay here too.
Family sleeps together, no?
Yui: ...Yes.
Shuu-san, Ririe. ...Goodnight.
ー The scene shifts to the outside of the Mukami manor
???: ーー I finally found you.
Shin: Right when I thought the manor was empty despite its smell of Vampires...
Haha, so this is where you’ve been hiding, huh?
Don’t think you can get away from me. Right...Future king?
While listening to Shuu-san and Ririe breathing softly in their sleep,
I think to myself,
that this is surely what having a family feels like.
Even if we are not blood-related,
nor belong to the same species (種族). 
From the bottom of my heart,
I considered us to be a true family at that exact moment.
I was able to feel that way, because I was simply so happy (幸せ).
Translation notes
(1) The Japanese language has the luxury of not having to specify pronouns so they don’t have to worry about giving the cat a gender. However, I feel like in English it feels better to either assign a pet as a ‘him’ or ‘her’. I don’t think the game ever tells us, but since Yui keeps on comparing Shuu to the cat later on, it felt most fitting to also refer to the cat as a ‘he’. Furthermore, it is an orange tabby which are predominantly male, I believe.
(2) While おめでたい or ‘omedetai’ might seem like a compliment, it is often used in a sarcastic/ironic way and can be used to mock someone for being gullible, stupid, etc.
(3) Literally he says ‘easy to call/say and easy to understand’. 
(4) 抱く or ‘daku’ can mean ‘to embrace’ or ‘to have sex/to be intimate’. Usually I would suspect the boys of implying the latter, but since there’s a comparison being made with the cat here, I do think it might just genuinely be ‘to hold’ here. xD
(5) いい迷惑 or ‘ii meiwaku’ literally means ‘a good bother’, which is obviously meant to be sarcastic.
<- [ Maniac 06 ] [ Maniac 08 ] ->
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kashimos-hajime · 5 years
if the world was ending | b.b.
summary: bucky knows he’s still in love with you a year after the two of you mutually agreed to break up. when one phone call spirals into one plan being made and then another, and then suddenly he’s staying at your place, he wonders if there may be a chance to try again.
WARNINGS: small angst, a whole lotta fluff, literally fluff, swearing, mentions of s e x but they don’t do the do pairing: modern!bucky barnes x fem!reader word count: 6.7k
a/n: inspired by if the world was ending by jp saxe (ft. julia michaels). a kinda real take on how sometimes the timing just isn’t right for a relationship and how sometimes it is.
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Your voice echoes in his car and he nearly shivers at how gentle, sleepy, you sound. He wondered where you’d be: at a bar or at home, working overtime or eating out after a long night, on a date. The thought had made him tired, sad, but it didn’t tear a hole through him as it once would.
“Was there something you needed? Are you okay?” you ask, something shifting on your end and he stops at a red light, turning on his left turn light. He doesn’t know where he’s driving to or how long he’s going to just press on until he goes home. The clicking of the light fills his head. “I know the earthquake was a bit weird.”
“Earthquake?” He remembers it at the mere word. Him not even feeling it, not even realizing he was driving through one until Sam had called him from the office asking if he was okay. “There was an earthquake, yeah. I’m fine. Didn’t even know it happened until after it happened.”
“Yeah. Stuck in traffic?”
He laughs, softly, because you still know him so well. “Yeah. Got trapped in the office.”
“Yeah, I thought so.”
You’re never fucking here! It’s like I’m dating a ghost and I don’t know if it’s because I’m boring you or if you just don’t love me anymore. Your voice, angry, twisted with grief and frustration, rattles in his skull as he clears his throat. The light switches green and he turns, driving until he spots an off ramp he knows leads to the highway
“Yeah.” It comes out tight and choked.
Of course I do. I love you, I just—
Just what?
“Yeah,” you say for lack of anything else. There is nothing but silence, but the sound of your gentle breathing and the sound of commercials running. 
“Did you fall asleep watching TV again?” he teases, his throat easing up a bit as you chuckle with a slight sigh.
“Yeah.” You sound like you’re smiling. Bucky hopes you are. “Just staying up late.” Because I’m still used to waiting up for you, the hopeful voice in his head adds quietly. “What’s up? We haven’t talked in a few months.”
Because I just figured out how not to text you when every little thing happens.
“I just thought of you,” he says, “after the earthquake happened. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Oh. Thanks.” Your end of the line falls silent and he hides his sigh. He knew it was a mistake. “I thought of you, too.” Your voice is hushed, tender, still full of a love both of you agreed wasn’t meant to be. The thought has always made Bucky torn with sorrow, shackled with guilt and regret. He doesn’t know if they are simply not strong enough to fight for their love or if their love just wasn’t meant to be so strong.
He doesn’t know. What he does know is that he is still in love with you—he always will be. 
“Well, I’m glad you’re safe,” he says. “I still care about you a lot.”
“Yeah, I know.” You reply so instantaneously that he is convinced and he finds himself driving down familiar roads. His feet ache and he’s exhausted, but he keeps going. He doesn’t want to go home. “I care about you, too.”
You were my best friend.
“How’ve you been?” he asks.
“I’m okay. Single, if that’s what you really want to know,” you confess openly and his eyebrows rise. You don’t sound disappointed or angry about it, but he wonders if you still love him like he adores you. “But, yeah. Work is okay.”
“That’s good.”
“How’s Alpine?” 
Bucky chuckles at the thought of the white cat back home. He’d been the one thing they truly fought over when they broke up, and he knows his cat misses you more than he does sometimes, if the persistent clawing in the middle of the night is anything to go by. He’s taken to shutting the windows to prevent his stupid cat from trying to make his way back to you, for his own sanity and Alpine’s safety.
“He misses you.”
“Well, you know he’s welcome to visit any time,” you point out. You let out a heavy breath and Bucky thinks maybe you’ve laid down or sat up, but he wonders what the apartment they used to share together looks like now. You always rearrange it however you see fit. It’s one of the most frustrating things about you but Bucky could never bare to tell you to stop. 
It kept their life together ever flowing, different despite living in the same place. 
He pulls over at a gas station when he notices the light flicker on.
“You know if the world was actually ending, I’d drop everything for you,” he says to ease the silence but it doesn’t. Instead, it only prolongs it and he sighs, eyes closing. “I don’t say it to confuse you or cause you pain. I just… wanted you to know. I—”
“I love you, too,” you murmur, voice dulcet and soft as feathers he can imagine you kissing the words into his skin. He tilts his head back until it rests against the headrest and he swallows. He doesn’t expect it to hurt but it does. Like a dull knife jabbing into his side. Not quite enough to bleed but enough to bruise. “I do. I don’t think I’ll ever not love you.”
“I just wished it’d work out.”
“Me too.”
Knock. Knock. Bucky opens his eyes to see a station attendant mouth ‘gas’ and he nods, rolling down the window. 
“Fill up, thanks,” Bucky says, and the guy nods. He unhooks his phone from the bluetooth and shoves it between his ear and shoulder, fiddling with his wallet. “Do you want anything from the gas station? Did you eat?” He doesn’t mean to sound boyfriendly but it’s natural and he can count all the late nights he’d walk in with no question to buy you candy or chips. He hands his card to the attendant, taking hold of his phone again and switching off the engine.
“I didn’t. I fell asleep before I could,” you confess and he shakes his head to himself, looking out the window. It’s not too busy. The only other person is a dad filling up his gas while his kids are knocked out asleep in the back. “I don’t wanna bother you. I’m gonna go to McDonald’s anyway.”
“I could meet you there?” He winces at how much he immediately regrets his words and you let out a soft breath of surprise. “If you’re comfortable, I mean. It’s the one by the apartment, right?”
“Yeah.” You pause for a moment as if thinking it over. “Yeah, that would be nice.” He knows if you didn’t want to, you’d say so and he wonders how he lucked out. “Give me fifteen minutes?”
“No need to dress up,” he assures but you scoff as it sounds like you get up.
“I’m going to look like utter garbage next to you in your suit. The pillow is permanently marked into my face.”
“It’s casual and it’s McDonald’s, although that’s not really healthy.”
“Fine, you health nut. Always trying to make me make better food choices.” You sound only vaguely annoyed and he knows you’re just joking. Your voice echoes in a way that tells him you’re in the bathroom. God, the fact that he still remembers the sound of your voice in different rooms over the phone is a red flag for his heart. “Do you have any suggestions?”
“There’s a new place on the corner of your block.” He knows that because he drove past your apartment building too many times to count, trying to work up the nerve to confess he regrets everything: not spending enough time with you, being a shitty boyfriend, changing from the man you love. Not to get you to take him back, just to apologize.
You deserve better than his preoccupied, stubborn, uncaring, can’t-delegate-his-time-to-spend-time-with-the-love-of-his-life ass.
“Oh, I’ve been meaning to try that place,” you comment, your voice distant. “It’s on the way to the bus stop and since my car broke down—”
“What? Your car broke down?” 
“What?” Your voice picks up again as the guy hands back Bucky’s card and receipt. Bucky connects his phone to the bluetooth audio as the engine ignites once again. “Oh, yeah. A few days ago, it wouldn’t start. I’m lucky I wasn’t in the middle of the road.”
“I could take a look at it, doll,” he offers, pulling out of the gas station. He doesn’t even realize what he’s called you until the silence hits and he clears his throat. “You know, still know a few things about cars from back in the day.”
“Yeah. Bet that hot ass mechanic is still in there somewhere,” you reply. “I don’t want to trouble you. It’s late as it is.”
“It’s fine. Promise.” He wonders if it hurts as much for you to hear it as it is for him to even say the word. He can only repress the guilt poking at his sides. “We can eat and then I can take a look.”
Your sigh is heavy, tired, but he thinks there is just the slightest smile in your lips as you agree, “Okay. But you’re not paying for my food.”
“Old habits die hard, doll. I can’t say I can do that.”
“James—” A warning is edging into your tone and he laughs. As if he could ever be afraid of you, just seeing and imagining the adorable pout he always wanted to kiss off your face. This is a bad idea.
“Oh, no,” he mocks, “she called me James.”
“It’s your name, doofus.” Maybe you’re wrinkling your nose in annoyance, maybe your eyes are narrowed in an effort to hide the mirth seeping into your gaze. He doesn’t know, but a prickling sensation pokes into his limbs as he just imagines seeing you again. “I’ll see you in a bit? Drive safe.”
“I will. See you in ten, doll.”
He hangs up before you can comment on the pet name.
Walking into the bistro, he scans the place to find you sitting in the corner. The place is all wood and warm off-white paint and light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. Plants are everywhere, and he quirks an eyebrow at the tiny succulent sitting on the hostess stand. The lighting is mostly dimmed down to provide a more intimate setting, and a few other people are sitting and chatting as he approaches you. There’s a candle in the middle of the table, painting you in orange-gold.
You perk up when you spot him, and he notices with a half-smile you sit on your hands like you do when you’re nervous, your knees bouncing as you release a hand to wave. He sets down his coat over the back of his chair, sitting down and he soaks in the sight of you. Although he said you didn’t need to dress up, you’ve put on a nice light-blue off-shoulder top and a pair of dark-washed jeans, swiped on a shiny layer of pink lipgloss he knows tastes like strawberries, and winged your eyes black with eyeliner.
In short, you’ve managed to go from beautiful to exquisite, and he doesn’t need the comparison. He’s been wowed before.
“Hi, Bucky,” you say lowly, the menu open before you. A waitress comes to offer him another and he looks up with a small thank you before his eyes fall to the words he can’t quite focus on. “You look nice, as usual.” A small grin catches his eye and he sucks in a breath when he’s met with your face again.
Every goddamn time, you take his breath away.
“And you’re…. you’re the loveliest thing I’ve ever seen. As usual.”
He doesn’t miss the way you lower your eyes to the menu, picking it up and tilting it so you can hide your face. He smiles to himself and looks at the salads.
Bucky can’t quite remember when the last time he laughed like this, full of life and light and easy. “Stop laughing!”
“Was that even English?”
“It was honestly like you had a stroke.”
“I honestly did.” “Do I need to call 911?”
“I hate you. I am trying to live my life here, Barnes.” You snort into your iced tea at the memory replaying in your head, covering your nose and lips with the side of your hand as you bite into the straw. You’ve been recounting the tale of how you nearly ripped Natasha’s hair out with your bare fists on pure accident when you both completely lost the ability to speak English and choked on air, causing Bucky to just lose it. “It wasn’t even that funny.”
“You should’ve seen your face.”
“I can’t. I have this face,” you retort sourly and he takes a deep breath in an attempt to stop the ache in his gut as the waitress places the small apple pie between them as well as two dessert forks. A scoop of ice cream is slowly melting on the flakey crust and he picks up a fork just as you do. “This was really nice, Buck. Hanging out with you again.”
“Yeah. We should do it more often,” he says, twirling the fork in his grasp and allowing you the first bite. You manage to catch ice cream and steaming apple pie on your fork and blow on it carefully before placing it in your mouth. You nearly sigh, your eyes closing and he digs in too. Warm syrup seeps into his blood first when he chews down on the apple filling before a sense of longing for home fills his soul. His stomach heats up from the inside and he sinks into his bones with relief. This is exactly what he needed. “We can be friends, y’know.”
“Yeah, well, I guess.” You smile for a moment before focusing on the pie again. “You know, maybe the distance was good. We got time to stand on our own two feet again.”
“Yeah.” He grins softly, almost sad but not quite. You look so blissful in the warm light of the restaurant, gentle music filling the air. The restaurant has gotten fuller since they’ve entered and sometimes Bucky wishes it was just them in this little slice of healthy heaven, but you’ve gotten remarkably brighter the more people have entered. “It took some guts to end this, I guess.”
“Five years,” you agree. “Think it might’ve been a waste of time when we knew we wanted different things?”
“Well, it wasn’t so bad all the time. Maybe thirty percent of the time.”
“Five. Five percent was terrible and it was all near the end,” you state and Bucky swallows, the sugar of the pie turning sickly sweet in his mouth. “You can’t sell yourself short, Buck. I know that you regret a lot of things, but we both weren’t perfect in this relationship.” You stab the crust half-heartedly. “And maybe we could’ve found common ground. I mean, we both wanted Alpine, didn’t we?”
“And two or three kids,” he intones dully. He remembers the nights they’d lay awake researching names for their hypothetical baby, staying up to god knows when to read all about colic and teething and how to even survive the trimesters without tearing off your hair. “Yeah, maybe.”
“I never could imagine a family with anyone before you,” you confess, bringing another bite of apple pie to your mouth. The ice cream melts between the prongs of the fork and he grimaces when it lands way too close to your sleeve. You wipe it away with your used napkin. “I never told you that before but I really could see us being happy, Buck.”
“So could I.” The corner of his mouth twitches up, prompting your lips to begin to pull into a small smile. Something sad lingers in your eyes, though, and he leans onto his fist, elbow digging into the table as he tries to think of a way of getting that smile back on your face. “We would’ve made cute babies.” You raise your eyebrows, a doubtful smile digging into your cheeks.
“That’s what I said to Nat after we broke up. She said she always prayed your genes were stronger than Steve’s.”
“They have blonde children.”
“They climb walls and pretend they’re masterclass spies.”
“Okay, fair enough. How is Nat?”
“How’s Steve?” you shoot back playfully. “She’s okay. Tired, but with the new baby and all, it’s a given.”
“I have no idea how Steve convinced her to give him another kid.”
“That’s what I said!” you exclaim, setting down your fork and holding your fingers to your temples. “Okay, so, Nat loves kids but she agreed to two for Steve when they got married and now they’re having number three and it’s like wow.” Bucky laughs at the wondrous light in your eyes. “Maybe the sex is that good.”
Bucky chuckles, his eyes squinting as you pick up your fork again. “They probably talked about it a lot, debated, made slideshows. Knowing Steve, he wouldn’t do a thing out of Nat’s comfort zone even though he wants enough kids to build a Rogers basketball team.”
”Honestly, that would be so cool, but we both know who wears the pants in the relationship.”
“Steve is very happy wearing the skirt.”
“Yeah.” It falls to silence. They finish up their apple pie and you appear to be deep in thought so Bucky doesn’t say anything. Suddenly, you shake your head, chewing on the straw of your iced tea. “Was the sex good?”
Bucky’s eyes widen but you only stare him with honest eyes. You want to know like he didn’t turn into a mess when you kissed the spot underneath his jaw, like the simplest swipe of your fingers up his leg, the tiniest trail on his inner thigh, didn’t make him nothing more than melted putty in your hands.
“Fuck yes.” He sighs. He hasn’t had sex in a year. “Especially the last time after Wanda and Vis got married?”
“We didn’t make it past the kitchen. That was good.”
You hum as you think and Bucky pokes at the soggy flakes on the plate. You look at him and he looks at the plate and there’s a strange silence that comes over the table that has been wild with laughter for nearly an hour, maybe more. He leans back into his chair, his prong nudging an uneaten nibble of apple.
“Always thought we should’ve ended in bed,” he finally says half-heartedly. “That mattress took a hell of a beating whenever we argued.”
“Or, whenever you came home after a business trip. I’d miss you so much.” You grin and there’s something mentally exhausted in it. “I miss you so much but I think it figured out how to think about you without it hurting, too.”
“I’m glad.” He lets go of his fork and offers his hand, palm up. You reach forward and grab it, the heat of you sinking into his muscles. His fingers fold over your hand and squeeze. His thumb runs over your knuckles. “I miss you, too.”
“Will we want one check or two?” the waitress asks suddenly and their hands spring apart. Bucky fishes out his wallet, looking up at her.
The two look at each other. You narrow your eyes, eyebrows furrowing together. “We agreed that we would split.”
“No, you said it and I disagreed and then you got distracted.” He grins triumphantly as your hands still in your bag and he pulls out his debit card. 
“One and I’ll pay by card,” Bucky clarifies and she nods, slipping away to get it.
“Jerk,” you mutter crossly. You cross your arms underneath your breasts and lean back against your chair. “I can pay for my food just fine.”
“It’s not about whether you can or can’t. It’s about me wanting to pay for you,” he retorts. 
He pays and the two get up, grabbing their jackets and leaving the bistro. They stop dead in their tracks underneath the small canopy when they notice the startling, thunderous rain.
“What the fuck,” you state flatly, staring at the puddles forming in the dents of the sidewalk and Bucky grimaces. The air isn’t frigid but it isn’t warm either, and he bundles his coat around himself as he tries to figure out how to stay dry. You’re tugging a scarf around your neck, your overcoat already settled well on your shoulders as you look at him. He’s got his own raincoat folded over his arm and he shivers against the thought of getting wet.
“I hope it’s not too presumptuous a thing to do to say I parked in the apartment’s visitor lot,” he begins and you raise your eyebrow. “I wanted to make sure you got home safe and maybe take a look at that car?”
“Oh, right. Too bad we could’ve used your car right about now.” You smile, pulling the hair out from underneath. “Okay. What’s our game plan?”
“Stay dry.”
Your smile turns wry. “Apt.”
“Here.” Unfolding his jacket, he holds it above his head. “Get under and then we run.” 
“We are not gonna make it.”
“Gotta try. Get under.” You slip beneath his arm, your hands wrapping around his waist and he takes a deep breath to prepare himself. “Let’s go.” They sprint out into the pouring rain, their shoes slapping against the wet pavement as they run up the block.
“This isn’t working, Buck!” You twist as you try to keep pace but it’s clear that they’re both gonna get soaked. Bucky can’t quite run with you latched onto him so he throws his coat over you, tugging it tight around you before grabbing you by the waist and hoisting you into his arms. As if on instinct, your legs wrap around his waist. Rain soaks into his skull and he squints as it drops into his eyes while you hold the jacket to your head and he tries to regulate his breathing. Your arm looped around his neck, you press against him in an effort to take off some of the weight in his arms.
Your heat soaks into his dress shirt and he pants into your ear, finally reaching the apartment lobby’s door. Dropping you in a dry spot beneath the glass shelter, he shakes his head and flicks off the wet while you unlock the doors.
“Are you good?” he asks, heat burning into his cheeks and you glance at him as you pull open the door. He rakes a hand through his hair, grabbing the jacket you’ve extended to him.
“I’m dry,” you affirm. “Come on. We’ve gotta get you dry.”
“You don’t have to.” Walking into the apartment lobby, he’s hit by a wave of nostalgia. It’s been a year since he’s breathed in the filtered air that carries just a whiff of vanilla. Before, it was five years coming home to this. Rubbing his shoes on the carpet, he follows after you with a squeak and he drips all over the tiled floor while you get to the elevator. “Whew.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” you point out, peering at him. “I’m not gonna complain if I get wet but you are and I’m not, so I’m gonna feel bad if I don’t at least get you a towel.”
“I didn’t want you to get wet,” he replies stubbornly. “We can just look at your car and then I’ll be out of your hair.”
“You’re not bothering me, Buck.”
“Still.” The elevator doors open and they walk in. You swipe your fob before pressing the floor and lean against the rail while he drips onto the middle of the floor. Wiping at some of the droplets dotting his head, he turns to you and grins. “Bet it’s just like old times.”
“God, don’t remind me. I can’t believe you asked me out right before we fell on Splash Mountain.”
“It made it memorable and you said yes.”
You laugh. “I guess so. Steve lost fifteen dollars to Nat who I clearly remember saying if you can convince me to say yes to Splash Mountain you can get me to say yes to a date.” The elevator chime and the doors open. You walk out and the keys jingle against your fingers. “Do you want anything to drink? I can make some tea.”
“You hate tea. Right. Well, how does hot chocolate sound?” You glance back at him with an impish curl to your mouth. He resists the want to grab your hand and instead does a small jog to catch up with you. You walk with your hands shoved in your pockets and he casts his gaze ahead of him, swallowing. 
“That was actually a pretty good place, you know. I’m gonna need to go more often.”
“Yeah. The spaghetti was al dente and everything.” He hears you snort at his comment, reaching the door and opening it with a quick twist of your keys. He doesn’t know what to expect of the apartment he’s moved out of, but when you step in to reveal what used to be his home, he knows he shouldn’t have expected so much to change. The furniture has shifted, that much was a given, but that’s about it. It still smells like your strawberry shampoo everywhere and fresh laundry, and there’s still the dent on the wall from when Steve had tripped and spilled four bottles of beer he’d been carrying. The stains were removed. The dent Steve made with his head was not.
“Welcome home,” you joke weakly to him, your eyes flashing for a moment before you turn to head to the bathroom. He hangs up his coat, unbuttoning his dress shirt and you reappear with a towel before looking at the mess that is your ex-boyfriend. He’s soggy wet everywhere, even his socks. He thinks he might’ve stepped in a deep puddle based on the pant cuff absolutely plastered to his ankle.
You hand him the towel, eyes surveying the damage of his clothes and you chew on your lip. He runs his strands of hair through the towel, the heat of the memory of your body against his fighting off the chill nipping at his skin. You’ve always done that. Your hugs are warmer than any fire that he’s ever known and just the trail of your fingers has left a fire in its wake.
“I have the clothes you said I could keep,” you state lamely and he looks at you with surprise. He thought you’d have donated or burned it all by now. It was the hoodies and sweats he didn’t want anymore because they looked terrible on him and way better on you, but anything is better than being squelchy and soaked to the core. “I could get them out.”
“That’d be nice.”
“Alright. Help yourself to… well, anything. You know where it all is.” Peeling off his shirt, he heads to the sink where you keep plastic bags beneath the sink and throw it in, following it with his undershirt. Running the towel over his skin, he sighs. His heart doesn’t thunder nor does it beat wildly—that was young love—but it does feel fuller now that he’s here.
“Here.” You toss a red hoodie at him and a pair of black sweats follow after. He catches both with a grin, but it soon fades when he realizes what he holds and what you wear. You’ve changed into more comfortable clothes, wearing a matching hoodie to the one he holds in his hands. 
Thing 1 and Thing 2. Right. Before we were even dating. Just best friends.
“Old time’s sake.”
“Always said you should keep it for the next guy to come along,” he says, pulling it over his head. Your eyes stay on his own. Definitely past young love. You don’t even look at his abs and something about how familiar it is makes him sigh into the fabric of the hoodie. 
“Well, it never seemed right. This was when we were best friends, Buck,” you point out. He’s against the counter so it hides him changing out of his pants and into the sweats while you bustle around to gather what’s needed for hot chocolate. “I miss us.”
“Especially when we started sleeping together. Best sex ever,” he cheers and you laugh, getting a pot on the stove. Shuffling in beside you, he grabs some mugs and searches for the marshmallows while you get the milk to boiling.
As he brushes past, his hand rests on his back and trails across, and it’s not until you’re looking at him that he realizes.
“That was habit. I’m sorry.” He blinks. It’d been so natural to do, it’s strange to think it’s wrong now. “My bad.”
“It’s okay.” You grab a whisk and a measuring spoon, waiting patiently by the stovetop. “If I wasn’t comfortable with you touching me, I’d have reacted. You know that.”
Because of your shitty ex that isn’t me. Yeah, I know, he thinks. You’ve got a streak and I hate that I’m part of it.
“Yeah.” He pours marshmallows into the bottom of each mug. “Sorry I’ve gotta add to your string of terrible ex boyfriends.”
“Bucky!” The intensity of your voice makes him turn to you in surprise and you stand there, hands on your hips, face warped in an image of vexation. “If I hear you say you were a bad boyfriend one more time, I’ll smack you with a pan. You weren’t. If I have to spend the rest of my life, convincing you and reassuring you just so you’re brave enough to get back out there, then fine.”
“Doll, I—”
“I mean, seriously. You’re a fucking great boyfriend. You spent time with me but you gave me space, you listened, you always made sure I was comfortable and you’re so patient.” You turn back to your pot, dumping in some hot cocoa powder and whisking it a bit more angrily than he thinks you intend. “You do these things that seem small but mean the world to me, and you’re always looking out for me. I just… there is no way to say you were a bad boyfriend.” You look at him again and his eyes are wide as he regards you. “I don’t want you thinking just because we didn’t work out, no one ever will.”
He’s quiet as you gently pour each cup full of hot chocolate, the marshmallows floating to the top and he leans on the counter by his hand, looking down.
“It’s more than just the sex that I miss,” he says suddenly, and you look at him, expression easing.
“I know.”
“No, it’s… more. I miss your laugh, and the way you fold my clothes, and the tiny little post-it’s you leave on the fridge. I’m not asking you to take me back, I just… I’m still in love with you, you know? You’re the love of my life. It fucking sucks that apparently we aren’t meant to be.”
“I’m still in love with you, too,” you whisper, handing him a cup of burning heat.
“You ever think we could have a second chance?” he wonders, trying not to sound too hopeful. You smile behind your porcelain mug, just a tinge sad and sip before nodding. You set down the mug against the counter with a soft clatter and so does he, his finger tracing the rim of the white mug.
“I want to think so,” you murmur. Your eyes are focused on the small movement of his finger and he presses his lips together, trying to get something out. But then you turn away with your mug towards the couch and he follows after you. The TV switched on, you flip through the channels. “My car’s parked in my usual spot, if you actually do wanna take a look. I can’t force you to.”
“Maybe in the morning? You still take Saturdays off, right?”
“Yeah. Unless I get called in.” He walks up to you and sinks into the couch beside you. You lean on the armrest, knees tucked beneath your bum as he sits on the opposite end. They sip their drinks, a quiet falling over them. No one knows how to talk after the mention of a chance a relationship can come back to life once again. You pipe up when there’s a commercial break and Bucky blinks. “You know how you said you’d drop everything for me if the world was actually ending?”
“Did you mean it?”
“Of course.” He thinks about it for a moment. “Sky could be falling but it wouldn’t matter, long as I knew you were safe and that I was holding you tight, protecting you how I could.” You unfurl from your ball, leaning forward to set down your cup of melted marshmallows and hot chocolate and he drains the rest of it down. It settles in his gut warmly, but it also squirms as you sit up and face him. He sets down the mug. “All I want to do is protect you. I know in the end, it was me who was hurting you and just… I never wanted that. I wouldn’t let anything touch you if I could help it.”
“It’s impossible not to hurt people you love. That’s part of it all, Buck. And I’m sure I hurt you too, and I’m sorry for that,” you say, reaching forward past the knees tucked your chest. He takes your offered hand. “But I’m glad that you’re always here. That I know you have my back. Just know that I have yours. You can count on me.”
He squeezes your fingers gently and you smile wider. His own lips pull into a tender smile as he gently pulls you into him and you go willingly, crawling across the couch to rest against him. His arm settles around your shoulders as he extends his legs over the cushions. You nestle yourself, your cheek on his chest and his thumb rubs circles along your arm, gentle pressure through the sleeve of your hoodie. 
He looks down at you, and you look up at him, and there’s a moment when that is all there is—two lovers on a night in, too tired to sleep, unwilling to part for even a moment. You touch his cheek, and his thumb swipes over yours as his lips part.
“There’s no one else for me,” he whispers and your hand flattens against his cheek. He sits up and so do you, your other hand on his waist while his settle on your hips. There is something intense about his gaze, and by the twitch of your lip, he knows you’re bemused, but he’s serious.
“Bucky, there’s always going to be someone out there for you that isn’t me, no matter how much we both hate it.”
“That’s not what I mean,” he says. “I love you. I’ll love you for the rest of my life.” It is simple for him. The simplest thing he knows. Your eyebrows furrow together and you open your mouth but he continues on, “I’ll love you even if the sun goes black and the moon splits into two. I’ll love you even if you get married, even if you don’t, even if you have kids, even if you have none. I’ll love you if you become a dog person or even a fish person, and I’ll love you even if you move away.” You shift in his lap, and he swallows, shaking his head at the incredulous feeling you bring to him. Love fills him up and drains him hollow, and you are everything. 
“I’ll love you if I never see you again. I’ll love you if I see you once every six months, and I will love you if I am lucky enough to see you every day. I’ll love you when you’re old and grey and don’t remember who I am. I’ll love you enough to bring you back. This isn’t young love anymore. We danced around each other for three years before we got together—I’m past the honeymoon phase. This is fucking real for me. When I say there is no one else, I mean that I will never love anyone like how I love you. And I’m fine with that, as long as you’re happy.”
A beat. Bucky can hear his heart in his chest, slow and beating. He is sure of this and your eyes scan him, searching for lies. There are none.
“The hot chocolate inspired this?” you question teasingly, but your voice trembles, soft as feathers and he wonders if it is the same emotion that stitched his heart and lights it on fire. He is dynamite dormant, waiting for a spark. 
“Everything about this night did,” he murmurs. Your thumb swipes at his lip, a gentle thing and he smiles. His own gaze stays on your eyes and he remembers a time when he’d do anything to kiss you. Now all he wants is your smile.
“I don’t know if I love you as much as you love me,” you begin quietly, your words tasting like chocolate and sugar against his skin. He chuckles. “But I do love you a whole damn lot.”
“Never one for words, huh.”
“I prefer action,” you agree. Their noses brush and his lungs hitch as you close your eyes. He does too, the presence of you nearly overwhelming. His every nerve tingles and his hand on your hip tightens as your lips gently meet his. He doesn’t know anything but the familiarity of you against him, the gentle tug of your fingers in his hair, the blissful quiet that fills his head as his chest explodes. He kisses you back but you pull away, a soft smile on your face. Your arms loop around his neck as he looks at you and you look thoughtful. “That sounded a lot like Lemony Snicket the more I think about it.”
“I read books to my best friend’s kids,” he points out and you laugh. “Sarah really likes A Series of Unfortunate Events.”
“Well, we can’t fault her. Steve and Natasha are some of the biggest bookworms ever.”
“Doll, she’s four.”
“She’s a smart kid.” You shrug innocently and he laughs, scrunching up his nose. It has always been easy with you. Tentatively pressing another kiss against your mouth, he feels you reciprocate it quickly and his smile spreads wider across his face. Your arms tug him closer. “Bucky,” you mumble against his mouth and he hums against you. His fingers bunch the fabric at your waist and you squirm in his lap, inching to get closer. “I want to try again.”
“Yeah.” Your fingers dust over his brow, swiping away hair that’s fallen into his face. He grins, eyes closed blissfully at how fond the gesture it is. “I know we can do this.” His eyes flutter open at half-mast, watching you as you carefully trace down his cheek. “It’s gonna be okay, right? We’re gonna make it work, right?”
“We’re gonna do our damn hardest to try.”
“Okay.” You hug him tightly, resting your head on his shoulder and he wraps you in a tight embrace, letting you melt into him. Your whole body seems to relax in his hold and he closes his eyes, burying his face in your neck. “I needed a hug.”
“Well, you can always count on me to give you one now, doll.” You pull back and he raises his chin as a slight smirk twitches at your lip.
“Never thought I’d be thankful for an earthquake,” you whisper nefariously and he laughs into your mouth as you press a kiss hard enough to push him onto his back. He falls, legs straightening along the length of the couch. You fall with him, your hands on either side of his head and he simply holds you to him, laughing when you pepper kisses down his neck. You know every ticklish spot on his body and he can’t help but raise his head to expose the expanse of his neck.
“You’re evil,” he gasps, scandalized, and you peek up at him through your eyelashes, your eyebrow arched. He meets your eyes and it’s like the sun is in his chest. He is lighter than he has been in months.
“You love me anyway,” you say. 
Bucky can’t help but agree.
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vegalocity · 3 years
(I’m probably gonna send you a few of these so brace yourself) Hugs #35. Hunter experiences his first ever cuddle pile when he hangs out with Luz and Her friends. - Pixel Anon
affection meme
35. cuddle pile
Pixel (adnd basically anyone lol) send me as much as you want, my computer is busted rn and i can't draw writing is all i've got.
sooo you wanted like a shitton of words about Hunter being touch starved yeah? Good here's the Extended Friend Group (Extended to include the Former Detention Kids) having a sleepover
Luz called him touch starved. He thought the idea was ridiculous when she'd first said it; as people touched him all the time, He had the scars to prove that people touched him all the time.
But when he'd come down the stairs of the Owl House to see her and her friends (and girlfriend) spread out along the sleeping bags and cushions, and the girl with the glasses gently placed a hand on his upper arm to keep him from bumping into her as she called back to the others that she was going to go check on the Moon Lillies Eda had let her keep here, and it felt like lightning across his skin. But like... good lightning? It made him jolt and gooseflesh rose up on his skin but it wasn't unpleasant. It felt nice... Like... really nice.
The faintest whisper of her fluffy hair brushed his shoulder as she passed him and his heart was pounding in his chest. He didn't even remember the girl's name and for a moment he was sincerely convinced he'd fallen in love with her. The moment passed and he'd recovered from his temporary insanity, but the memory remained.
Luz called him over, claiming the lot of them were having a sleepover tonight, and if he wanted to join he was welcome.
'Lot of them' was at the moment Luz, King, her friend with the glasses, a younger boy, her girlfriend, a girl with her hair tied up in a bramble scrunchy, a taller boy whom towered over him, and a four legged demon whom also wore glasses.
He only joined because he had nothing better to do. He was introduced to her extended friend group (those being Viney, Jorbo, and Barkus) Luz going on to the others he didn't remember the names of with 'and you already remember the rest of these guys'
He sat apart from the others and avoided eye contact with the glasses girl (Willow, as Luz called her upon her return) wondering idly if as a plant person she'd somehow doused herself with some sort of plant pheromone to make all boys make fools of themselves around her, but then again, Jorbo Barkus and the younger boy (Gus as he'd spoken in third person for a but while telling a story) all seemed to be unaffected.
Then Jorbo slung an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer in one arm, Barkus under his other and claimed loudly that 'the guys get to choose the game' and Hunter's brain stopped working altogether until He let him go to insist that Gus doesn't count as 'the guys' because he always sides with Luz and Willow on games anyway. And for another very stupid very insane moment he'd convinced himself he'd fallen in love again.
Though this time he'd barely had a moment to recover from his temporary bout of insanity as the two began to bicker before Barkus sighed and placed a paw on his knee in solidarity and he was sent reeling again.
This kept happening on and off all day, someone would touch him, and his insides would positively lurch and he'd fell at once like he both needed to get as far away as possible, and lean into whatever the touch was and cling to whomever was providing it. But thankfully after those first two his brain had stopped taking the exact wrong conclusions about his reactions, so he'd stopped having to talk himself down from the worry that Luz's friends were all sirens and he was falling for their trap.
But it did mean he was now acutely aware of the lot of them as they continued about their games. Amity and Luz were play acting a scene and Amity dramatically fell backward, her upper half and head resting for only a brief moment in his lap and his knees felt like jelly for almost a full hour afterward.
Gus dramatically leaped in his direction and out of reflex Hunter caught him, and he... didn't want to let go. He was able to get away with carrying Gus around for a little bit, as there were no complaints from him at least, but he let the kid drop before it got suspicious.
Viney pulled him aside and while he was getting used to people touching his arms quickly, he was NOT used to another person's hot breath on his skin as she whispered a plan to prank the others into his ear.
King was perched on his shoulders for the longest time after he'd carried Gus around for a bit, insisting that if anyone deserved to have a personal chauffer it was him. He made sure to play up how annoyed he was, but the warm fur on the back of his neck was comforting.
But Luz, Oh... Luz was the worst. She already knew his reactions to being touched before going into this, so she made sure to do it as much as possible. sitting herself right next to him and swaying side to side so sometimes she'd brush up against Amity, and sometimes brush up against him, and she was single handedly the reason why he was getting used to people touching his arms.
But then she kept upping the game. Dramatically insisting that He was too cool for this or that dumb game that she clearly just wanted him to agree to play, putting a hand on his shoulder and pressing her cheek to his, and wathcing his brain promptly shut off as he reeled over how squishy her cheek was against his. sitting o the couch as he sat on the floor, and grabbing his head, tilting him back so that his head was essentially in her lap and smiling like the cat that ate the screamerfly at his reaction as she told him something or another he suddenly couldn't pay attention to. She even got Eda involved when she appeared briefly downstairs! She called in some sort of 'owe' and Eda pulled him aside, looking put upon and sighing.
And he didn't almost cry when the Owl Lady wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him to her chest. He didn't. Her gem dug into his forehead and her nails were long and sharp as she gently brushed them through his hair, and he'd somehow never felt so protected in all of his life, the downy feeling of feathers that still clung to her dress and the soft silver hair that brushed against him in odd places, and he only put his arms around her middle and squeezed back because it was the polite thing to do. Her chin brushed the crown of his head and-.... he just didn't know he was allergic to feathers until then, okay? It just also happened to feel really really good and he didn't want to let go. That was unrelated.
Hours had passed, he'd been shocked with physical affection enough times today that he could barely remember what they'd been doing the entire night, his memory only clinging to those moments where his brain had been so thoroughly flooded with endorphins that the rest of the night was a blur.
And he HAD to go back to is room. He wouldn't be able to sleep at all in the little 'cuddle puddle' Luz and the others had arranged. If he was so distracted by which body parts were in contact with other body parts sleep would elude him entirely, and sure he used to rarely sleep at all, but that was by choice back then!
But he-
He couldn't detangle himself.
Willow used his stomach as a pillow, he watched her head rise and fall with his breaths and felt the whisper of her fluffy hair against the smallest sliver of skin where his shirt had ridden up a bit. Gus and King were curled up to one side, Gus using his shoulder as a cushion and King beside his head. Viney had grabbed his arm in her sleep and clung to it like a stuffed animal. Barkus curled up in the space between his legs and Jerbo was using HIM as a pillow. if he even moved either of his legs one or both of them would be disturbed.
And Luz of course was curled up on his other side. a hand thrown across his shoulders and breathing softly into his neck. Amity was cuddled up behind her with her arms on her waist, and she was using his other arm as her own pillow.
He was effectively buried under the entire sleepover.
The pressure of others resting on top of and near him, the softness, the warmth, he didn't even need a blanket for all the heat the other bodies were providing. A shiver crawled up his spine as Luz hummed in her sleep and he could feel it in his chest as she did so. and Hunter had to concede defeat because this felt too damn good to even want to try and pull away.
Eda walked in about an hour after to a silent living room save for periodic snoring, she nursed a mug of Apple blood as she inspected the effective dogpile atop of the former Golden Guard.
Wow, it was days like this where it was really damn obvious how young the kid was. She could see even from here the freshly drying tear tracks on the boy's face, all that from just some cuddling? Sure Eda wasn't the best with handling physical affection either but she hadn't cried from something like that.... ever. (though if they managed to save Raine from whatever it was Belos did to them Eda couldn't be certain that that record would keep)
When Luz had approached her about their newest 'house guest' and insisted that Hunter needed a social circle, and probably just needed affection after living most of his life under Belos' thumb, Eda had assumed that would make him cagey and aggressive at the idea of being treated softly. But... eh... She supposed people always had a tendency to surprise you.
"Gettin' soft Owl Lady..." She muttered to herself as she approached the top of the cuddle pile and placed a hand on the boy's forehead, moving just slightly to comb some of his hair from his face. Hunter let out a quiet whimper but didn't stir. She watched as a sleepy smile lit up the boy's face.
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bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO Baekhyun: Cry for Love Part 1
Boldly writing this very unlikely scenario about baek. Part of me just feels like there might be a part of baek that might be in such a situation if he ever feels so deeply for someone that is not be able to handle the stress of dating an idol.
Using the song title of one of my favourite songs from his latest album for this~ there’s going to be 2 parts(hopefully not 3), and just a disclaimer the ending might not be fluff, so don’t get started if you’re not prepared !
Edit: Part 2 is up! (No part 3 tho, thankfull)
Part 2
Characters: Baek x You
Baekhyun finds himself falling for you, but feels he cannot be so selfish to put the burdens of dating an idol upon you. In an attempt to control his feelings, he tries to stay away from you
Standing across the narrow road opposite to Wendy Cafe, Baekhyun looked intently inside, with a sort of sourness at the back of his throat. This is at least 5th time this guy has been here, and it’s been the second time this week already. His inner self was literally scowling at that thought, but what could he do?
His phone that vibrated in his pocket called him out of his thoughts. It was a call from his manager, asking him to return to the SM building.
Taking one last look at you, at the guy, and at the cafe, he placed both his hands back in his pocket, head facing down and walked back to where his car was.
During the ride back, he thought long and hard, was this the right thing to do?  Just 4 months ago, was the first step into the cafe the beginning to this unwanted path ?
He can’t help but replay once again all that started 4 months ago...
‘Bye! See you next week!’
Ending his gym session for the week, baekhyun headed for the carpark, eager to get there quickly. Today, he was to be home for a family dinner.
He had been up till late yesterday, practicing and preparing for EXO’s new album. With just 4hours of sleep, his ruined body clock woke him up in time for a gym session in the afternoon. Beating himself to be disciplined so that he can show his best image to Eris during the comeback, he got himself to the gym. 
But now, the sweat from the gym session coupled with his sleep debt, was making him feel extra sleepy.
Needing some caffeine in his system, he stopped his car by the roadside to search up coffee houses nearby. Scrolling through, Starbucks -too crowded , dal.kom- he was not a fan , Daebak Coffee and Tea - seems very popular among reviews, Wendy Cafe - no reviews.
Feeling it’s best to avoid crowded cafes on a Friday afternoon, he decided to give Wendy Cafe a try. Following the voice of Google maps, he found himself along a narrow road, secluded and outcasted from the bustling roads just 2 minutes ago.
‘Am I at the right place? Why would someone open a cafe here?’ He loudly spoke in a typical monologue with himself
Just as he was about to give up, a small signboard peeked out from the brick wall stretching along the road.
‘Ah yes, found you! I hope I didn’t make the wrong choice’
After parking his car, he crossed the road to the cafe.
Wendy’s Cafe was clad in wood and white, wooden tables, white chairs, surrounded by grey walls. It was so small only about 6 people could be seated by the tables. To make up for it, a counter-side table was made available and soft music played in the background. Walking in, Baekhyun felt a comfortable sense of peace and relax.
‘Hello, 1 Ice Americano please’
‘Hello, that will be $5.. omo’ Just as you looked up at him, you were shocked to recognise him as Baekhyun from EXO. But you quickly recovered in time, taking the money from him and continued your chores.
Seeing that you have recognised him, he nodded politely. He appreciated your politeness and professionalism to not overreact. And proceed to wait patiently for his coffee.
‘Thank you, have a nice day’ you smiled brightly at him and handed the coffee over.
Just then, it started pouring heavily outside, stopping Baekhyun in his tracks.
‘Should I drive back now ? It’s a long journey back and it’s raining so heavily ...’ he thought
‘Do you want to wait out the rain instead? It’s not too safe to drive in such heavy rain. No one comes here on rainy days, I can put out the close sign for you if you like’ 
You asked rather sincerely 
Looking out again at the rain, he weighed his choices. He was going to be drenched if he crossed the road but what if you were one of those fans that would expose where he was to everyone? 
He was feeling a little suspicious inside, afterall why would you close the shop to business just for him?
‘You can take the table furthest away from the window if you’re worried’
He looked at you, judging a book by it’s cover. And decided it doesn’t appear like you would turn out to be one of those crazy fans and took the option of waiting out the rain. 
His phone was running out of battery, so instead of sitting by the corner table all bored and lonely, Baekhyun sat on the bar counter table instead; facing you and the other male employee who were busy with fresh bakes.
You presented a bite size muffin on a white plate and gave it over to him. ‘It’s on the house, we’re not going to have any more customers anyway’
Being curious since the start, he asked ‘why would your boss open a cafe right here? It’s really not the best location to be attracting people right?’
Laughing slightly, you replied
‘My boss? That would be me, and does this cafe look like I want to attract people in? The tables are all for 2s, I’m just encouraging solitude here’
‘You own this place? Wow I would suppose you’re only in your early 20s right? Anyway this place does give a sense of quietness that we dont quite get outside. I like it’ He lively replied
‘Yeah, I just wanted people that come by to be able to stop and find quietness they don’t get anywhere else. Finding time for themselves to be away from noisy city life just a few minutes away’
Not really having anything to say to that deep thought of yours, he simply replied ‘Ahh... I see. Uh, thanks for muffin, it smells tasty’
You smiled politely and left him to himself as you cleaned up the open kitchen.
The rain that was beating the ground outside was almost like a lullaby to Baekhyun. The warmth of the shop and the music aided the rain and drowsy effects he was having, shortly without knowing, he drifted to sleep. --
‘Baekhyun ssi, Baekhyun ssi’ you tapped him lightly till he woke up
‘It stopped raining, do you want to head off’
‘Oh my , can’t believe I slept, but that was certainly the quietness I need, haha. I’ll be leaving. Thank you for the coffee’
As he left, he thought to himself that he will surely be back.
A week later, he came back. On that day, he saw from outside that you were casually sitting down by on of the tables, chatting with a middle age office lady.
Opening the door, he caught your attention and you smiled slightly to acknowledge. As you were the only working employee today, you got up from the table to serve him.
‘Hi Baekhyun ssi, I see you’re back. Ice americano for you? Or would you like to try something else? Wendy’s special for a bright sunny day’
‘Sure I’ll go for the Wendy’s special’
Handing over the coffee to baekhyun, you asked
‘I heard EXO’s preparing for a comeback. How’s it going for you?’
‘Did you search up on EXO after you saw me last week? Hahaha. Anyway it’s fine, it’s just the discipline in diet, exercise and health that’s annoying’
‘I see. And nah, don’t make me sound like a stalker fan please. I just moderately keep up with kpop in general’
‘Anyway is the middle age lady there your friend? Or do you just chat with your customers all the time?’
‘Oh, she’s just a customer. Really depends though, some people come here seeming to have heavy thoughts, sometimes when I notice I’ll just casually chat with them. Some others are here really putting up a do not disturb sign. Those I wouldn’t bother’
Being cheeky, Baekhyun asked ‘what about me?’
You thought for a while before answering
‘Like a cat? Like those I would give some affection to before letting them run off so they don’t start scratching me. I mean not saying you would be aggressive, but rather, I’m sure a good balance of chat and quietness would be best for you’
Raising his brows and thinking through what you just said, he smiled after a while and went on sipping his Wendy’s special by the counter again. Occasionally, he would look up from his phone to chat with you.
For that 1 month, it seems like he started developing a routine to drop by your cafe for short breaks. He enjoyed your company and somehow your cafe seemed like a place of comfort and refuge. With you, he could talk about anything, from the laughters to the deep insides. Over there, the burdens of being an idol is always momentarily lifted.
On the first week of the 2nd month you guys met. He dropped by again, only to find that the lights were off. A little surprised, he went up to the door which pasted a notice
‘the shop will be closed till further notice due to the owner’s personal reasons. Sorry for any inconvenience caused’
His regular high spirits whenever he came by was dampened as he read the notice. Turning back, he headed off.
The next two weeks, he drove by repeatedly, at least 2 times a week, but your shop was still closed.
It made him a little worried, did something happen to you? But seeing how you left this shop behind with just a notice also made him feel a little down, strangely. It made him think that was he nothing but just a customer to you? He had thought you guys were friends, friends with a special bond, one who he could tell everything to, and place so comfortable almost like his home sofa. But the sign that hung coolly by the cafe’s door left no sign of that friendship held.
Whenever he wasn’t working or was by himself, he pondered over what happened to you. Looking at his phone, he suddenly felt a disconnect. You both knew so many things bout each other but not each other’s numbers. There was nothing to call to reach you. Wherever you are, were you thinking about what you left behind?
He thought to himself 
let’s not be too invested into this coincidental friendship
He made up his mind, tomorrow he was going to make a final intentional trip down. If you were still closed, he told himself he would never drop by intentionally again just to check if you were open.
Driving by the next day, his heart was beating fast. And was as if the heavens heard his words, the lights of your cafe were on.
The sign outside still hung closed, but he walked briskly over and stood by the door. You saw him and beckoned him inside.
‘Hey! What’s up with you? Where did you go? ’ Within him he heaved a sigh of relief, finally seeing you again. But his heart wouldn’t stop racing as he waited for your answer. Looking at your face, he can’t help but notice you’ve lost some weight, making him a little worried.
‘Hey Baekhyun ssi, it’s nice seeing you again’
You smiled at him your normal smile and there was no hint of anything extra apart from the normal customer service you gave him. Your lukewarm reply bothered him a little, was he the only one who considered you both as friends? That thought came but left quickly
‘I went home to visit my parents, unfortunately I fell ill. Pneumonia.. Got me in bed for a really long time’
‘Oh no, no wonder you lost some weight? I hope you’re feeling much better already. But you’re not opened today?’
‘Yes I just came back to tidy up this place.’
Not really wanting to leave yet, he offered to clean the place for you, also worried you might not be feeling the most recovered yet.
‘Do you want to have dinner together tonight?’ Baekhyun asked on impulse.
You looked up, a little surprise, but didn’t reject it. 
‘Probably not at restaurants or something though. Delivery , do you mind?’ He added
You were never someone who seemed bothered about such trivial things, as expected you agreed.
Over dinner Baekhyun was his chirpy self again, telling you about all he wanted to say the few weeks you guys didn’t met. You listened to him without much words, only saying words when it mattered, as usual.
As you guys were eating and chatting, there came a point where a comfortable silence settled between you both.
Till you broke it
‘Baekhyun ssi, can I share something with you?’
Though he wasn’t expecting this, he was ready to listen.
‘Go ahead’
‘When I went back, I found out my one and only best friend had died in a car accident. And no one told me because they were afraid I wouldn’t be able to handle it alone in Seoul. He.. was all I had.. when I was bullied because people thought I was weird... when I didn’t fit in... he.. he..’ you couldn’t continue as you burst into uncontrollable tears.
Handling such situations was definitely not something Baekhyun was most comfortable with. Catching him off guard, he internally panicked, Omo, what do I do. What should I say? Deciding the only appropriate thing to do was to pat your back or your head. He reached out and gently comfort you, feeling a little awkward.
After a good 3 minutes you finally calmed down. But still, Baekhyun didn’t exactly know what to say to a crying girl
‘Are you feeling better? Care for some BingBing now? Ice cream cannot solve your problems, but it’s sweet at least ’
You managed a laugh, and Baekhyun went to the kitchen fridge to pull out the ice cream that came with the dinner earlier.
On the drive home, Baekhyun decided that sometimes a friend is the ultimate remedy to sorrow. And as much as you have been there to hear him out, he wanted to pay it back to you too. 
But slowly, their comeback preparations were getting more and more hectic. He no longer had the liberty of time to plan what he wanted to do. But today, there was a short 2 hour interval of free time and they were free to do whatever they wanted.
Deciding between whether to crash at dance practice room or to head to your cafe, he decided to do the latter instead. Though he was feeling rather tired, it has been at least 3 weeks since he came by to say hi. He left after telling suho he’ll be back swiftly.
Reaching your cafe, he was surprised to see you smiling and laughing so heartily as you were chatting by the counter with a fashionable young man. When you both spoke, you were always giving him polite smiles and laughters, somewhat out of manners? It somehow hurt his pride a little that while he still thought about you when he was away, did you just think of him as a normal customer who would just come and go? It made him feel like his spot in the cafe was easily replaceable.
As he entered, you did not even break away from the conversation you have with the young man. Only until he reached the counter did you look up.
‘Ah! It’s you! It’s been really long! What would you like today ?’
‘6 Iced americanos, thank you’
‘Alright you can take a seat at the corner table first’ handing him his change , you pointed him to the one at the furthest end of the shop.
He came by having the intention to have a short catch up with you, but apart from the exchange of greetings you had pointed him so far away from the counter and busily went off to prepare the amercianos as if he really was just another customer. He laughed a little bitterly and went to sit where you told him to.
When you were done, you brought the coffee to him and dropped to a whisper suddenly.
‘Baekhyun ssi, are you doing well? Sorry I had to cut our conversation short at the counter because of the oppa sitting there. Didn’t want to bring you trouble in case I accidentally say your name’
Smacking himself on the head internally for being so sensitive earlier on, inside of him also wondered what kind of magic does that ‘oppa’ have for you to be so comfortable? The friendship has almost been 3 months but there always seem to be a strange distance between the both of you. Baekhyun knew himself that his personally was not one people found hard to warm up to and neither did he take very long to warm up to others. He was confused, how sometimes your friendship felt so close yet sometimes so far.
‘How have you been? That guy’s your new customer friend?’
‘Not too bad, I started attending some baking classes and in my free time now I just read as usual. Nothing much as changed.
Yeh he’s been coming quite often because he’s back in this area to visit his parents and there’s nothing for him to do’
‘Ahhhh so what kind of customer is he?’ He arrowhead his eyes at him then back to you.
Laughing you replied ‘ just a really funny and nonsensical kind. Kind of just reminds me of my childhood friend I told you about.... oh right, there’s something I want to give you’
Rushing to the kitchen then quickly walking out, you handed him a box. You explained
‘Baekhyun ssi that day I was at a mall and i walked by this tea shop and I dont know why,I thought about you. It’s all without caffeine. I know you’re having your comeback now and you should be really busy. I purposely picked out some that would help you sleep, some that would revitalise you and just some others that could just help you relax.
I’ve kept it for so long but you didn’t come by again. I almost just kept it for myself already.. anyway I’m glad you’re here today so I could pass it to you’
Hearing this from you really made him touched on the inside, but on the outside he didn’t really know let those emotions show. Instead, he merely said
‘Thanks y/n ssi , for thinking about me. I’ll use them well.’ Looking at his watch , he added,
‘I got to go now, see you sometime soon!’
After saying the goodbyes, Baekhyun returned to his car. Setting his Americanos aside, he held the gift in his hand and looked through his driver’s window at you.
At that very moment he finally came to terms with his feelings.
He did not just want a friendship with you, he wanted you as a partner he could tell his everything to, someone that belonged to him and someone he belonged to.
This should make him feel happy and elated, warm and fuzzy. But there was discomfort lying in his heart.
Deep down he knew that desiring anything more than a friendship with you was putting chains on you.
You liked quietness and freedom. But in his world, parts of his life are made public and his freedom was not really freedom at all.
He cannot sink deeper into this, but could he stay away ? His heart clenched.
He tossed the gift aside and drove off.
To be continued!!
Sorry for stopping at such an awkward place, but I couldn’t find a good place to stop this at, hahaha.
Anw, I’m sure you guys already know bout baek’s medical condition? My respect and love for baek just hit another level. I really think we are such lucky fangirls to be stanning someone like him. The effort he puts in for us is above and beyond what is required. Sigh. Baek I hope you know we really appreciate you💛
Tag(s): @wooya1224
Edit: Part 2
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thenextchapter22 · 3 years
Mail Order… Kitten Girl
Part 5: Pet me please
Description: Satan accidentally orders a special type of ‘cat’ online after having a few too many drinks...
Tags: Past Abuse, Past Non/Con, Slavery, Pet Play, Cat Hybrids, Fluff, Comfort, Explicit Sexual Content
Pairing(s): Reader/Everyone (but Luke)
Link to my AO3: Click Here
In this chapter: Kitten is lonely, and Simeon stops by for some cuddles...
Part One  Part Two  Part Three Part Four
+++++ MINORS DNI +++++
The house was empty. You were the only one inside of it, and it was so quiet you could hear the echo of your feet when you walked.
Your Master’s had an emergency Student Council meeting and said they would be home later. You were half asleep and when you woke up you were confused, but then slowly remembered that they shook you awake to let you know. But you quickly went back to sleep, too warm and comfy to care.
But now, you were so lonely, and you wish you had woken up more to protest their leaving. Begging worked a lot with your Master’s; they couldn’t resist your sad eyes.
You usually woke up in one of their beds, got morning cuddles and kisses, and, depending on whose bed you were in, you sometimes got special playtime. It was always like that with Asmo, so if you wanted to cum you’d just visit him. He never minded, and his bed was one of the softest of everyone's (Belphie’s attic room with the array of pillows was nice, too, and you loved watching the stars cuddled with one of your Master’s).
Your ears drooped, your tail was dragging behind you, and you felt a little cold. You fingered your collar mindlessly, a pretty pink lace with a pink bow in the center, and there was a bell that they sometimes put on but it annoyed you so it was usually off.  
They hadn’t left you alone like this before...
You went to a few of your Masters’ rooms but it was cold even with a pile of blankets, without their body heat or presence it wasn’t the same. You took a few pillows to the living room, one from Asmo’s, one from Belphie’s, and lastly one from Lucifer’s to make a nest of sorts. Then you sat by the fireplace and curled up, trying to nap until they came back, hoping the time would go by quicker.
You felt some tears slip from your eyes as you fell into a fitful sleep.
The room was spinning, and faces meshed together, all of them angry. All of them your Master’s faces.  
“She’s so annoying, I’m sick of this.”  
“Her stupid tail and ugly ears, ugh, we should send her back.”  
“Let’s lock her in a cage like the animal she is.”  
You looked around at your Master’s as they sneered at you, their faces blurred by your tears. You tried to speak but no words came out, and you realized they had gagged you, and you couldn’t breathe.  
‘Master’s please... I’m sorry!’ You wanted to beg, but it was useless.  
Their hands came at you, clawed, large, frightening, and you shut your eyes in terror, waiting for your end, waiting to be treated like ‘they’ had, from before you came here. Here, where you felt loved for the first time since you were an actual kitten.  
A large hand gripped your head, and yanked it back, and you screamed behind the cloth they shoved in your mouth.  
“Wake up,” a soft voice spoke out, and you felt fingers in your hair, gently carding through.
You shivered, and whined in the back of your throat.
“Shhh, it’s all right now, it was just a nightmare...”
You opened your eyes, and they hurt, sore and swollen from crying. When you finally got them open, you saw Simeon, one of the Angel exchange students, crouched down beside you with a kind smile on his face. You only met him a couple times, but he was always nice to you.
“Hello there. Are you all right? That looked to be an awful dream.” He kept combing his fingers through your hair, and stroked behind your limp ears.
You sniffled. “I-I... I was s-scared...” You glanced around, sitting up as you did, mumbling, “master’s...” They were gone, still. You curled your tail around your waist, forlorn.
He hummed, and stood up. You missed his touch, and glanced up at him. “They sent me to watch you while they have their meeting. I’m sorry for taking so long.” He reached his hands down, and you flinched. Simeon frowned. “I won’t hurt you, little one. Let me help you up, and we can sit on the couch for a while.”
“’kay...” you took a hand, and he pulled you from your pillow and blanket nest on the ground. You were a bit unsteady, so he kept his grip on your hand, and helped you curl up on the sofa. You brought your legs up sideways away, and wrapped your tail around your waist again, squeezing randomly. You rubbed your eyes with a fist, and winced.
“Hm, poor thing,” he mumbled, and reached for the tissue box under the side table. He held out the cloth, and before you could grab it, he was gently dabbing your eyes. He tutted when you cried out. “I’m sorry for the pain. We’ll get some cream for your eyes later; it will help the swelling.”
“Thank you...”
He nodded, smiling. “Of course.” The tissue was thrown aside, and he titled his head at you, a question in his blue eyes. “Do you want to talk about it? I'm here if you need anything.”
“No, I don’t wana...” Too many bad memories blurred together. You knew your Master’s wouldn’t treat you like ‘they’ did, but that bad dream felt too real.
Simeon put his hand on your thigh. “I understand.” He glanced at the open doorway, and then at you. “I’ll be back quickly, I promise.” He patted your head once, and left. But he was not gone long, as he said, and came back with a tray. It smelled of sweets, and your mouth watered. You didn’t eat, too sad at being left alone, so now you were starving. Beel would be so angry at you if he found out you forgot to eat breakfast.
“This is why I took so long...” he said sheepishly. “Luke wanted to bake some snacks for you, and they took longer than expected. Do you want some?”
You blushed, and nodded. “Please... smells good...”
“We have some fruit tarts, meringue cookies, and mini French toast bites. What would you like first?” Simeon took a seat next to you, setting the tray on the coffee table in front of the sofa.
You sniffed the air, and smelled sweetness. But the little white fluffs looked good, and you hadn’t had one before.  
So, you pointed at them and he nodded. “Ah, these are the merengues. Good choice, one of my favorites, too.”
That made you feel good, somehow.  
Simeon held one of the merengue cookies out, and you shyly opened your mouth. Around Simeon you felt different, maybe because he wasn’t one of your Master’s, or because he was an Angel, but you were a little timid, and shy.
He popped the cookie in your mouth, and you loved it. It melted in on your tongue and tasted sweet like cream. You moaned and swallowed it, squirming in delight.
Simeon chuckled. “Do you want another one?”
You nodded, tail flickering happily. “Please,” you whispered, and opened your mouth up to him, eyes wide.
His smile turned sideways, and he carefully placed another on your outstretched tongue. His fingers, gloved with thin black material, slipped on your lips, cool and smooth.
“Mmm, ‘s good~”
He laughed again, and kept hand feeding you little bites. Occasionally his fingers would dip in and touch your tongue, and it was nice, tasting him even with his gloves. He liked it, too, because he kept doing it on purpose. He also gave you some orange juice and water, but that you drank from a cup yourself.
After you had enough, you started to purr, and curled up closer to him. He seemed shocked at first when you climbed onto his lap, but when his hands went into your hair, he simply helped you situate yourself into a ball, your head on his lap, and a blanket over your body.
“Are you comfortable?” he asked.
“Mmmhhmm,” you nuzzled his stomach, and he tensed for a moment. You smelt something different in the air, but then his fingers scratched at your neck, and you moaned. It felt so good. “More,” you begged, pushing up.
He hummed. Being pet always made you feel a little sleepy, and having a full stomach made you more so.
“Are you sleepy, Kitten?” he whispered. “You can take a nap if you’d like.”
“Nap,” you repeated, yawning. “’kay.”
The coolness of his body combined with the heat from the fire, it was all so relaxing. Adding his elegant fingers combing your hair, and rubbing your back in circles, it was pure heaven.
A few minutes later you were on the edge of dreamland, and then a loud bang shocked you out of it for a split second, and you heard Mammon shout, “Kitten, we’re home!”
But you were sleepy, and shut your eyes. Simeon kept petting you, and lulling you to sleep with soft hums. Your Masters were home but you felt too full and too tired to get up. You would greet them later.
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nyancatkuroo · 3 years
Smoke Sesh Blues Pt.1
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Pt.1 Terushima/Kunimi/Kenma x Reader ll Weed 
Pt.2 Saeko x Reader ll Molly + Alcohol 
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INTOXICATED a  Miki Mouse Whorehouse collab.    
A/N: Here is my second collab fic for the whorehouse and I couldn’t be more excited! This is a Dark Content fic, so 18+ please dot not interact or you will be blocked.  (This one doesn’t have any NSFW in it but it doesn’t mean I want a bunch of minors interacting with my content).
TW: mentions of alcohol, weed smoking, mentions of shrooms.
WC: 1.5k
Sitting across the room was the most beautiful woman you’d ever seen, well, beautiful might not be the best word to describe her.  Ethereal, and transcendent might’ve been the words you’d use to describe a really, really attractive woman, but Tanaka Saeko was not just any attractive woman.  
Where beautiful meets savagely charismatic, ethereal simply wasn’t enough to describe the sheer magnetism that the young blond woman exuded, simply sitting there, grinning from ear to ear.  Her sharp, dark eyes and toothy grin hit you straight in the guts, and that’s when you fell, hard and fast, and painfully.  
Next to the blonde was a young woman equally as attractive as Saeko herself, and if Saeko wasn’t the definition of ethereal, the raven-haired girl sure was.  With a pale and delicate face that screamed of poise and grace, a criminally sexy mole on the left side of her chin, and blue eyes that made a chill of pleasure run down your spine, Shimizu Kiyoko was the epitome of everything you weren’t.  
Saeko had her right arm around the younger girl, hugging her close, as if afraid she’d run off.  “I’d take precautions too, if that was me,” you thought.  Kiyoko was one of the smartest and prettiest girls in campus after all, and despite not knowing her personally, having talked to her only once or twice because of mutual classes, it wasn’t hard to understand why she was one of the most sought after girls. 
Well, that and the very amusing reputation preceding her since she entered university two years ago.  The thing was, the dark-haired girl wasn’t Saeko’s girlfriend, but she was definitely intertwined with a Tanaka. Saeko’s younger brother to be exact, Tanaka Ryuunosuke.  
The two were rumored to have been going out since Kiyoko’s high school graduation.  Despite having let it be known pretty early on in her academic life that she had a boyfriend, with a younger partner still in high school, all the hungry frat boys up for a challenge and every business major in a radius mile who thought she “deserved better”, apparently made it their mission to woo her.  It made for pretty good entertaining drama to watch, but your heart went out for her. 
Based on what Saeko told you, keeping you updated on the family drama, the first year was really rough on the young couple.  With her younger brother finally on campus this year, though, overcoming all the annoying dudes was easier done a job at two.  Especially with a barking protective idiot and Kiyoko’s punching one-liners, which you wouldn’t expect coming from someone so calm and collected.  Perhaps it wasn’t that surprising, apparently, from what you’d heard from Saeko, Kiyoko’s comedic timing was unmatched.
And okay, you obviously knew Saeko, and if Kiyoko wasn’t her girlfriend, what was the big fuss all about?  Jealousy, simple as that. It was 10 pm on a Friday night, which meant parties around campus were raging from one hard to get in-club to home parties and make-shift park dancefloors. Fridays were made for debauchery and every single student who didn’t work a night shift was accounted for, every student except one, Ryu.  
Saeko’s younger brother, a baldy with a lively personality, was running late because of his group of friends.  Something about “Noya wrecking havoc once again” and “the trio trying to fix things, again”.  You didn’t know what the issue was but it was a problem for you because that meant that Saeko had to act as guard dog for the younger girl, which meant less time spent making you feel all sorts of sinful little pleasures.  
Saeko wasn’t your girlfriend either, which is why you didn’t have that close connection to Kiyoko.   You guys were simply friends with benefits, lots and lots of benefits that included midday brunches, and late-night movie and make-out seshs, but still, only friends with the hall pass.  
You were making eyes at the blond, desperately trying to make her notice you, amongst the hordes of horny 20-somethings year old guys trying to get at Kiyoko, but without luck. Tired of waiting and wanting to actually start enjoying yourself, you decided to go explore the rest of the house the party you currently were in was hosted. Leaving the living room, you ventured into a surprisingly big kitchen where you spotted Terushima Yuuji running his little side hustle. With a hum and an easy smile plastered on your face, you made your way towards the young man.  
You knew Terushima from years ago. When you and your friend Issei started venturing into the wondrous world of drugs and alcohol, he mentioned how he knew this guy from a rival volleyball team who was supposedly the best plug in the area, which Terushima was.  The shrooms you bought off of him never disappointed and the weed he provided really was that good fucking kush. Tonight though, you felt needy and wanted to let loose, so molly it was.  
You put your hand on Terushima’s shoulder, making him aware of your presence, and he turned around, a slight frown on his face before he recognized you and greeted you with the sickest bro shoulder-bump-hand combo. You loved this dude so damn much. 
“So, what’s it gonna be this time my little pogchamp?”
With a grimace you pushed the young man’s face with your hand and laughed.
“You’ve got to stop watching your Tiktoks on Instagram, you’re like two months late to that trend my guy.”
“Ain’t no problem, when a king does right by his subjects the peasants don’t have a choice but to laugh along”, he grinned.
At that, you bursted out laughing, holding your belly because of how ridiculously funny that statement was. “Out of pocket, Teru, out of fucking pocket.”
With a whatever, and a roll of his eyes, Terushima asked what you wanted and gave you a few little pills that fit just right inside your jean pocket.  
“You know you’re the best.” Sending finger guns his way, you were about to leave, on a quest to find another interesting adventure, when Terushima called your name.
“Hey if you wait a couple minutes until I’m done here we can go smoke a few. Kunimi just bought this new bong and it’s pretty fucking sick, you’ll love it.”
With nothing better to do, you agreed and after a while, Terushima was done and the both of you left the kitchen and made your way to the second-floor, towards Kunimi’s room. When you arrived, the door to the room was closed but you could see the smoke filtering out of the red lit room, the people around too busy in their own affairs, or simply not caring enough, to notice the very obvious hot-box going on behind the closed room.  
When you got in, Doja Cat’s Kiss Me More was playing on loop, and you unsurprisingly found Kunimi and Kenma sharing the bong. The pair could outsmoke you any day, but you genuinely enjoyed their company.  
There was no one better than those two to have a chill yet feel-good smoke sesh with, cuddles and an infinite supply of munchies present every time. You sat next to Kenma and he immefiatley started nuzzling you, passing you the bong.  On the back, you could hear Kunimi telling Terushima he was being too loud and that he’d kick him out if his voice reached higher levels than Toad’s. Terushima was right, paired with the right weed, this bong was way too powerful and it only took you a couple of hits to start feeling.  
You laid down, Kenma still close to you, and started singing along, while playing with Kenma’s hair.  Yeah, this was definitely your definition of a good time, but despite how good you were feeling, and how warm the little guy you were cuddling with felt, you thought something was missing.  The pills in your pocket started feeling heavier, unease growing  inside of you.  Lost in your worry, you apparently started petting Kenma too roughly, if the kick in the knee he gave you was anything to go by.
“Sorry”, you mumbled, only to receive a small groan for an answer.  
You don’t know how long you stayed like that, cozied up on the floor with your friends, listening to Doja’s newest collab, but the moment was disturbed when a foreign source of light appeared.  Someone had opened the door and when you saw who it was, your heart nearly skipped a beat.  Fucking feelings.
With a gentle smile on her face, Saeko was looking at you with what, for a split second, you thought was fondness, but a moment later her eyes went back to their usual playful glee, and her toothy grin returned.  
“Ryu got here like an hour ago, I’ve been looking for you, but I see you don’t really need me to have a good time, hm?”
By that point, you felt more sleepy than high, but seeing the woman occupying your every thoughts appear out of nowhere, with what looked like heavenly light all around her, which was just some crusty hallway lighting, woke you up faster than you cared to admit. You kissed Kenma on the cheek, patted Kunimi on the head, and slapped Terushima on the shoulder as a goodbye, and before they could complain about the disturbance, you were out of the door.
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capt-spooki3 · 3 years
Midnight Walking
Platonic enderwalk!Ranboo and Reader
Y/n decided to accompany Ranboo on another night of enderwalking...
Warnings: talk of eye contact
1.2k words
You groaned from sleepiness, yawn following right after, as you hardly had the willpower to keep your eyes open at this point. It had been well over an hour of walking with Ranboo since his enderwalking kicked off for that night, all you had was a grip on his shirt sleeve to keep by his side with how tired you were. Lucky for you, he walked significantly slower in his enderwalking state compared to when he was awake despite how long his legs were.
It was past midnight now and all you wanted was to go back home and sleep. Unfortunately, Ranboo had aimlessly walked to a part of the land you were unfamiliar with, so you had no choice but to stick with him and hope he wandered somewhere familiar so you could drag him home. Being that your home was built near his and Technoblade’s cabin, you have kept an eye out for him wandering out of his home since he mentioned it to you one day in passing so you could make sure he was safe.
You stumbled when he walked over an icy area and tugged his arm down slightly which earned you an annoyed vwoop from him. “God I wish I knew what was goin’ on in that mind of yours.” You complained and rubbed your eye before gesturing out to the area around you both. “We are literally in the middle of nowhere man.” His tail flicked and swung in recognition of your voice, hopefully, a sign he was starting to come to. Though your hopes weren’t all that high.
Another 30 minutes passed of trudging on with him, determined to make sure he stayed out of danger or didn’t cause any. Finally giving the area around you a look as you followed beside him up a hill, there was a spark of familiarity in your mind and sure enough, once you made it to the top, there was L’manburg in all its broken glory.
“Ah, it’s about time! Alright big guy,” You came to a stop and let him keep walking until he was halted by your grip on his shirt. He snapped his head back toward you and despite no expressed emotion on his face, it startled you, but he stopped and just kept his purple, hazed-over eyes focused on you. You kept a hold of his sleeve just in case he tried walking away but moved closer to him to reach up and run your hand through his hair with a little pet. It was something Ranboo secretly enjoyed when he wasn’t like this, so you wanted to see how he would react now. 
He stilled, but after a moment dipped his head down to press into your hand with surprising cat-like behavior. His eyes closed after a moment and he slowly got down onto his knees in front of you, whether it was to make the reach more comfortable for you or just to enjoy the attention more you weren’t sure but were grateful either way. He reached over and pulled your hand away from his sleeve so he could hold it and make sure you weren’t going to leave, being too needy to want you to stop petting.
You had to hold back the urge to giggle at the sweetness of the situation and your heart practically melted when hearing the loud, rumbling purr coming from the ender out of contentment. It took some willpower not to give in to the urge and baby talk to him like a pet, but instead, you took your hand from his hair which was thoroughly ruffled now. His eyes snapped open once your hand left, purr continuing though, and you were quick to slide your hand onto his cheek. You ran your thumb over the skin which was soft but heavily indented with deep tear scars. He closed his eyes again and leaned forward and more into the touch, bringing your hand he was holding up and pressed to his chest. You could swear you could feel him lightly gripping your hand and letting go, continuing that cycle like he was kneading your hand.
“You are so precious Boo… we need to get you back home though, alright?” You asked as if he would reply, well aware he wasn’t very capable right now. Slowly taking your hand away from him, he fell forward a little as he was leaning a bit too much on you and stared at you with his eyes wide. You leaned a bit closer to him and whispered, holding eye contact with him. “I’m tired and you will be too in the morning if we don’t go back now.”
Ranboo didn’t make any move to get up which was expected, he just stared absently at you with the constant rumble of a purr and his tail swaying slowly in the grass. You slowly pulled your arm back from his chest and he resisted at first and held onto you tighter. Once you placed your free hand on top of his, he slowly releases his grip on you and lets his hand rest by his side. You took a few steps back from him and he was quick to spring to his feet and approach you again, flicking his tail and watching you intently.
Confident he was going to follow you, you reached up toward his head and he lowered it for you to pet. You took your hand away and spun on your heel before walking in the direction you knew was home, the enderman following right behind you.
Come morning, Ranboo awoke in his bed staring up at his wooden ceiling. He felt fatigued and physically exhausted, a clear sign of having enderwalked last night instead of just not remembering going to bed. He sat up slowly, still fully clothed except for his dress jacket which he remembered discarding while making potions yesterday before everything went blank. Taking in a deep sigh, he could feel the soreness in his body from his endeavor but much to his surprise was seeing Y/n with him. 
They were sitting on the floor, leaned back against the bed, closest to where he had been, and were fast asleep. Their hair was messy and their feet and end of their pants had a bit of dirt or dried mud, he couldn’t tell. It was clear they were right beside him through whatever he did.
“It happened again huh…” He scooted a bit closer to them and reached over to smooth some of their hair away from their face, the sudden touch made them scrunch up their face and look away from him a bit. Even though the act was involuntary and certainly didn’t have any negative feelings behind it, Ranboo couldn’t help the growing feeling of guilt in his chest. It worried him that they might be getting tired of babysitting him when he enderwalked, despite the many times he told them they didn’t need to.
He took his hand away and looked down at them with a deep sigh. “I’m sorry…” Getting up slowly and being as gentle as he could, he scooped them up into his arms and laid them on the bed so hopefully, they could sleep a bit more comfortably until they woke up. “I hope you know how much I mean it. I… I really do.”
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writing-gifts · 4 years
here’s the 5th part of the incubus!doppio AU!
I dont really have anything to say so enjoy lol
list of the current parts
@wasabi-mommy @mistabrainr0t
The moment you pass the threshold of your home you immediately drop the heavy grocery bags you’re carrying with a relieved sigh. Even though you had way fewer than Doppio, the weight had your hands screaming for some time now. This was why you usually don't wait this long to get groceries. The store was out of the way and with only the bus as a source of transportation for you, you had to carry everything you bought at once. But since you’ve been busy with work recently your chores quickly ended up on the backburner.
You rub at your aching fingers and glance at your friend who seems completely unfazed by all the bags he’s currently holding. He doesn't look it, but he has quite the strength which you chalk up to him being a demon.
"There was definitely no way I’d be able to carry all of this on my own,” you say. “By the way, if you don't mind, can you take everything into the kitchen for me Doppio?"
The incubus smiles and nods before picking up the bags you dropped and leaving the living room.
You're ready to take a breather on the couch before you have to go put everything away but pause when you see Mutton stroll into the room from the hallway. You double take and raise a brow. Lately the cat has been coming around more often, but this was the first time you had seen him during the day.
"Hello Mutton! Did I forget to completely close the window again?"
You make your way towards the cat ready to snuggle and coo at him, but he immediately wriggles out of your grasp and jumps onto the couch.
The cat's avoidance has you pursing your lips. "Why don't you love me?"
Unbeknownst to you, Doppio had returned from the kitchen and was now staring, practically glaring at Mutton. He didn't like that cat hanging around for multiple reasons. The main one being he wasn't even sure what it was, but he knew it was no regular animal. Doppio didn’t exactly get along with most animals but something about this cat seemed too aware. He felt like it was always watching him, considering him and his intentions.
Mutton turns in his direction with a look of indifference before yawning
"Doppio why are you just standing there?” You turn away from Mutton to properly look at your friend. “You look annoyed by something…"
The incubus wipes the scowl from his face. "Sorry I was….just remembering something I forgot to do."
“Well I'm going to go put everything away now. Thanks for helping me!"
You try to walk into the kitchen but Doppio calls out to you.
"Do you want me to help put everything away?" he asks.
"But what about the thing you forgot?"
He shrugs, "I can take care of it later."
You hum but before you can continue your way into the kitchen, you notice a pink strand of hair sticking out of place on the top of Doppio’s head. You get closer to him so you can reach out to fix it, but it doesn’t take long for your eyes to drift away from it and to his brown eyes instead. You made eye contact with your friend all the time but when it was this close, something about it felt different.
You try to say something to break the weird tension that was forming but the flush forming on Doppio’s freckled cheeks has the words getting stuck in your throat and your stomach flipping. You feel transfixed in place and you’re nervous about what will happen next. But just when you’re about to make an impulsive choice, you notice something rubbing against your calf. You look down and see Mutton trying to stubbornly squeeze through the space between your legs.
You immediately pull your hand back and make space between you and Doppio. And of course Mutton takes this as the perfect opportunity to lay on your feet. The cat looks up at you expectantly.
"Didn't you want to be left alone a second ago?" you ask the cat.
You say this but bend down to pet Mutton anyways since you were in need of a distraction. You weren't sure what's been happening to you lately, but sometimes when you were around Doppio you felt...off. Sometimes giddy, sometimes anxious; even nauseous at times. But for some reason you didn't hate it. In fact, it made you want to spend even more time with him.
Doppio tilts his head when you sigh.
"Are you okay?" he asks.
"...Just tired I guess."
He grins, it seems a bit forced though. "That's even more of a reason for me to help you put everything away. In the kitchen."
You shake your head at how he's so insistent about something so trivial. But you stand back up and move your feet from underneath Mutton, who immediately looks displeased from the movement.
"Okay, okay let’s go."
Doppio was this close to fighting the cat.
The damn feline was everywhere and always getting between you and him. It was driving him up the wall!
For example, the two of you were watching a movie last night. The incubus's heart thrilled when you had leaned against him, too sleepy to completely support yourself anymore. But then the stupid cat jumped onto the sofa rubbing its giant, furry body all over you in an attempt to get you to pet him. It was enough to completely rouse you and you straightened yourself before giving the attention that Doppio desperately wanted to the cat.
This was just one of the many offensives of the feline this week, and even Diavolo seemed to be getting irritated which fueled Doppio’s irritation even more. If he could just get rid of the damn thing like his boss suggested, this issue could be solved but then there would be the new problem of you being upset.
Doppio groans on your couch trying to calm down before he does anything dangerous. Fortunately, you weren't at home at the moment and didn’t have to see him like this.
Instead of continuing to dwell on the cat, the incubus thinks about how you had given him a key to your house this week. Even though he could get in either way the thought was nice. He feels himself relaxing and just as he thought he managed to cool off, the front door creaks open. He sits up expecting it to be you but sees the reason for his anger instead.
Mutton walks in paying him no mind. He then kicks the door close with his hindleg before sitting next to it.
Doppio glares. "What the--What are you doing here? How'd you even open the door?"
It's quiet for a moment until a deep voice breaks the silence.
"I could ask you the same thing."
Doppio flinches, not expecting the damn thing to actually talk, but it takes less than a second for him to go back to glaring.
"I'm actually allowed in here! ____ gave me a key!" He reaches into his back pocket to show it off.
Mutton squints at the small golden key before sighing. He looks away, a scowl on his feline features. "...Dammit. Who invites a demon willingly into their home?"
Doppio smirks at the words. "Why does it matter to you? They can do what they want."
"They don't know what they're getting themselves into with your kind."
The smugness is quickly wiped from Doppio's face and he furrows his brow wanting to ask for an elaboration. However, the cat walks off intent on not answering to him anymore.
"You know I'm telling ____ about this right!?" The incubus yells down the hallway but the cat seems to not give a miniscule shit.
Grumbling, Doppio flops back on the couch. The cat’s reaction has him doubting himself. He wanted to tell you, but would you even believe him about "Mutton”?
He felt like you trusted him for the most part but he still couldn't say for sure. Worst case scenario would be that you would want nothing else to do with supernatural beings including himself. The incubus frowns and closes his eyes hoping to shut out any more thoughts like this.
You definitely trusted him...but maybe it would be best if he held onto this information for now.
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