#so a nice bit of variety but there wasnt any issues!
skunkes · 1 year
General oc talkkkk
I feel like i have to Do something with al once i take him off the shelf again (when my brain lets go of talon for another few months), ive been motivated to draw talon because he sits in my brain and i imagine interactions but it's much harder with al since al has been around for 10 years or more...and Al has like. Less conflict? In the sense of him just being a nice kind guy with regular human issues in a normal human world (or cow with regular individual issues in a normal furry world lol) ykwim?
Like. Talon is exaggerated he's a caricature of feelings to play with he's got lots of internal contradictions... and outside of that the whole Setting is easy to play with too, like, he's a vampire and those elements are more fun to think about and incorporate and build up in a way that requires a bit more brainpower of the fun variety (can make shit up) than Just a Regular Guy (has to be nore realistic, less fun to research), but less brainpower than, say, my abandoned Space Ocs where it was way harder for me to just make shit up, and way more to make shit up about (not as fun for me)
Idk! Its easy to imagine Talon in interactions, including ones with Al, or just self exploring dialogue....
Other than cute interactions between al and smunker its a lot harder to find stuff with him...he's a guy living in our regular world... his life has been fairly normal and he's good and nice. And i wouldnt change any of those things just to change em but there's less conflict other than the usual internal stuff all humans experience. I think if he wasnt my imaginary bf I would have shelved him more permanently like the oc group he came with...
There's something about how i very rarely make ocs, he's technically my oldest oc and talon is my newest oc, talon is what i Feel making ocs should feel like. And he's only over a year old. And he's still not even what I would call a well written character in any capacity. And yet i dont think i could very easily replicate this again ykwim. Im so bad at writing, and ..... creating....! Idk how people do any of it....i just wanna extend my ocs lives and my interest in them forever...
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bacteriorage · 2 years
which exam boards have you done for your subjects, and were they different from the ones you did at gcse? if so did that make it any more difficult? i just started but at a new school and everyone's done different exam boards, and especially with covid help on the exams they took off a fair amount for biology i feel like i'm already behind😭😭😭😭 like does your exam boards at gcse impact your a levels in any way do you think
hi! you found my secret nerd blog lmao. exam boards don't matter between gcse and a level, don't worry! the only issues we came up against in my class was people who hadn't done parts of the curriculum because of covid, and people who hadn't done triple science. all of those people were perfectly able to catch up in the end. really a lot of a level is just relearning gcse. so don't worry! even if you do need to catch up, there's plenty of time.
oh, and good luck with your new school! now's a great time to switch, i hope you make lots of new friends and enjoy year 12 :)
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
I just watched the video from twiins iink and other youtubers about toxicity in the fandom and its super cool and better late then never but its a bit late? To confront the fandom i mean. Like i remember when v5 was airing that people where actually pissed that Jaune was touching Weiss... in the healing scene and that Ruby took his hands away so he wouldnt non con touch Weiss, not to you know see what is happening to the wound. Like it was a whole thing, it wasnt one person? And now we are at v9 so i just wanted to ask your opinion if there is some hope for this fandom i guess ✌
Short answer... No, I don't really think there's hope to fix this fandom. It's gotten to the point where the fans aren't even listening to writers like Eddy Rivas and pro-RWBY youtube streamers like Murder of Birds about maybe not wanting the r/rwby subreddit mods to ban all rwby criticism posts from the subreddit.
Long answer, every fandom is toxic to some extent, but the way the RWBY fandom is, is worse than anywhere else I've seen. Every fandom has ships and characters you're expected to like and get hated on if you don't, every fandom has at least one character that people have decided it's illegal to like, every fandom has at least one character that makes mistakes but is good that gets huge and unjustified hate, every fandom has writer-worshippers who get angry at criticism or dislike or people pointing out author bias, every fandom has characters who got assigned sexualities whether or not it's canon, that results in people getting attacked for 'not adhering to it,' every fandom has an evil/bad character that has fans who will get angry at anyone who doesn't feel sympathy for said evil/bad character, and every fandom has tons of people presenting their headcanons as accepted fact. I can't think of a single one outside of the most niche/tame fandoms I've been in that doesn't have these.
But in the RWDEdom, it's considered a rite of passage to get a hate anon, it's treated as 'making it.' Even after blocking likely over a hundred people, I still see the people posting in the RWDE tag that all RWDE posters are horrible bigots. I recently have gotten several messages from someone calling me - a queer woman - a sexist homophobe for criticizing the sexism and homophobia in a man-written show, and what seems like the same person has sent similar anons to tons of other RWDE blogs.
I've openly admitted that there are bad RWBY critics and I've even gotten in arguments with and wound up blocking fellow RWDE posters. I've also disagreed with several RWDE posters who I don't block, because disagreements are just that, disagreements. I also admit that there are tons of regular RWBY fans and posters who are very nice people, who are just trying to enjoy the show, who just like the show. I don't mind, I don't have any problem with that, we just exist on different sides of this fandom and I think that's good. And you know what? Lots of them have points, because there's lots of good in RWBY. But the toxic RWBY fans will never admit that there are lots of good RWDE posters, or that some RWDE posters have a point because there's lots of bad things in RWBY, and that it's okay to disagree on some things. The toxic RWBY fans have in the past harassed and insulted even the easiest on the show, most generous towards the show RWDE blog I've ever seen. And no matter how much RWDE posters try to avoid interacting with the general RWBY fandom and especially the toxic people, people still insist that we're trying to destroy the show and force others to hate RWBY - while they themselves try to bully people into dropping their blogs and demand that they like RWBY.
Honestly, I only have a couple of working theories on why this fandom in particular has gotten so bad. Peer pressure taking over and guiding the generally accepted viewpoints is common in fandom, but I think one reason why RWBY has it worse than usual is because the fandom is smaller than other, bigger works like ATLA or Harry Potter, so while fans are just as devoted, there's less 'subfandoms,' less variety, fan theories get around easier... I don't know, it's just a theory. Another theory is that first off, the starting fandom of RWBY was already loyal to Rooster Teeth and into their content, and the people involved in RWBY have this kind of 'friendly interactive' persona with their fans that make their fans feel a deeper and more personal connection. So they feel personally criticized or feel like a friend is being personally criticized, and get offended. And it doesn't help that people involved in Rooster Teeth and the making of RWBY like writers and voice actors sometimes insult or get angry at critics themselves and make it public that they feel that way, which just encourages the toxic RWBY fans. And sometimes it feels like they put their anger at critics into the show - making Nora (portrayed as in the right) yell at Ren (portrayed as in the wrong) that Yang and Blake definitely make sense as a couple, having Yang and Blake respond to Marrow asking if they ever do missions apart with anger and coldness, having Robyn drag Clover's name through the mud after people were angry at them over queer baiting Fair Game, and turning Ironwood into a comic book level pure evil villain after some people weren't siding with Team RWBY in volume 7 - which again, just fuels the toxic RWBY fans.
Toxic RWBY fans will often say that they're fine with criticism, just not hate and bashing. Ignoring the fact that bashing is also not illegal and is fine so long as proper tags are used, and how they should just block the tags if they don't want to see it since it's their responsibility to cultivate their internet experience... The goalposts for what they consider 'allowed and good' criticism is varied, always moving, and incredibly hard to follow.
1. Criticism is fine, so long as every post with criticism also recognizes the good things about the show. 2. Criticism is fine, so long as it's completely unbiased. 3. Criticism is fine, so long as it includes no insults, no rudeness, no sarcasm, and nothing that's less than the nicest delivery - despite any actual hurt or offense the show might've caused you. 4. Criticism is fine, so long as it only is for small things and not big complaints. 5. Criticism is fine, so long as it only is for big things and doesn't include any nitpicks or personal opinions. 6. Criticism is fine, so long as it doesn't have anything to do with the moments people have generally agreed 'no longer matter.' 7. Criticism is fine, so long as it's not criticism of the main characters or other characters people 'should like' and isn't in favor of characters that we're 'not supposed to root for.' 8. Criticism is fine, so long as you criticize the actions of characters and not the writers, actors, productions, etc. 9. Criticism is fine, so long as you're only criticizing technical things and not bringing up any mistakes the writers might make on things like the portrayal of women, their people of color characters, their handling of real world issues, ableism or toxic masculinity. 10. Criticism is fine, so long as the criticism only fits the exact ideas of every RWBY fan that might get offended, and adheres to every headcanon we should have come up with and immediately accepted.
It's an impossible struggle. And I think that at this point, the toxic RWBY fans have dug in their heels so deeply that even if Miles Luna himself came to them directly and told them 'hey, stop being so irrational and just block the RWDE tag instead of bullying people,' they would say 'Miles, I'm sorry but you don't understand that these people are of the devil.'
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doberbutts · 4 years
its hard to have a well rounded convo about this just cus of the reply character limit but no worries, no aggression taken and hopefully its clear from me as well. i dont feel strongly about this because i dont intend to alter any potential dog outside of the standard like that but;
basically, yes i do feel the same so long as its not hurting the dog (i dont know if the collie folds are detrimental or not, if they arent then same to that) personally i greatly value agency over all aspects of life and that includes my pets. for things that are exclusively aesthetic in nature i do think its a little ridiculous to get judgmental and upset at buyers for that
if it were something like a breeder wanted a dog to be shown and was open about that, but the owner made an alteration like that to the animal, then the issue isnt so much the alteration as it is the conflict of interest and breech of trust. im not trying to advocate for peoples right to go behind their breeders backs or anything. im specifically wishing breeders didnt mind it at all
i already do think that there are many things about breed standards i dont agree with, in particular over-emphasis on arbitrary aesthetics. i think its odd to believe that dogs can and should have their ears altered one way, but not the other, when neither shape serves any purpose to begin with (and there is already lots of variety to crop styles)
so yeah i still do just wish this wasnt something people would judge over, but we dont have to agree on that either! im not trying to advocate people breeding super out of standard, or even for animals with these alterations to be allowed in shows. just for owners to be able to do what they want with their animals. its the same as a breeder being upset at someone dying their dogs fur in my eyes
As you said we don’t have to agree on this point, but I do disagree with some of what you’ve said.
Dying a dog’s fur is a ridiculous thing to be upset about because that is temporary. Same with cutting the hair- for the most part, unless it damages the coat beyond repair. Hair grows back. Deliberately changing a dog’s ears (or any other form of their presentation) is permanent. That means there is no way to fix it if shit hits the fan.
I do think it is a breeder’s right (responsibility even) to care about how their dogs turn out, and someone who deliberately changes what that dog is supposed to look like because they thought it looked nice without telling the breeder would definitely be considered a breach of trust in my book (if I bred, which I don’t, so grain of salt time). There are plenty of dogs out there that look that completely out of standard and the response really is that if you wanted that look why not go with that dog (general you) instead of buying a dog that was going to look a certain way before you changed it.
Additionally while you may not put a lot of value into cropping styles, there is less variance in correct crops for a doberman than you might think. This is why doberman breeders who are decent crop their puppies prior to going home- to prevent people from getting a shitty crop from a vet that doesn’t know the correct style. They teach new owners how to train the ears to stand and provide help in person whenever possible. You may see dobes with a lot of variance but that is not what is intended. And we have found that dobes without perfectly standing cropped ears have a seriously reduced chance of being adopted if their first home doesn’t work out, whether in rescue or from a breeder. I’ve spoken on this blog before about how if the ears aren’t nice cropped or natural, then the dog is that much less likely to generate interest. A friend of mine ended up with a dog that was missing half his natural ear due to an injury specifically because no one wanted him due to the cosmetic defect. So yes, arbitrarily deciding that (general) you like the natural-but-standing look is great until you have to rehome your dog for whatever reason and suddenly no one is interested and your dog languishes in a rescue environment for years because of (general) your choice to permanently change (general) your dog’s ears.
Cropping also used to have a purpose, back when it was more commonplace and the style was drastically different, and while today’s modern crops are much longer and no longer functional you cannot say there is absolutely no reason for them to be done. Just because I specifically would not crop my dog if I had a choice in the matter doesn’t mean I don’t recognize the history and function behind the procedure, even if I think it’s silly to continue to rationalize today’s looooooooooooooong crops with the same thinking.
I understand what you’re saying as well- many people are not comfortable with a breeder of a dog having a say in what they can or cannot do with their dogs, and for the most part I totally empathize. This is one thing, however, that I would not blame a breeder for being upset over. Even if Sushi and Fae were not show dogs, their breeders would not be happy with me if I just decided to post Sushi’s ears or glue Fae’s down just because I thought they’d look cuter that way. Their immediate responses would likely be why not get a panda shepherd or a chi mix from a shelter if I wanted that type of look, I’m sure. Keep in mind that Fae I own outright so technically whatever I do with her IS my decision and legally speaking there’s really nothing her breeders can do about whatever I decide except if I don’t want her anymore I have to give her back to them. But we formed that relationship and trust in order for them to trust me with her, and doing something that drastic would be going back on that trust.
Something I find a bit... missing... on tumblr and no this is not just @ you here I promise, is that people really do not understand what it’s like to have that type of connection with the person who produced your dog. They trusted you with a dog they did not have to sell to you, a dog they loved before it was born, a dog they have high hopes for... and I think a lot of people on here are a little too caught up in wanting the freedom to do whatever they want whenever they want however they want without realizing that there is someone who loved that dog before you were in the equation that would like some form of say over big decisions like that.
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fizzingwizard · 5 years
sooo i finally actually read Age of X-man: Nightcrawler
all the press was “omg a world where nightcrawler’s a famous actor and mutants aren’t feared but loved! omg look he’s cheating [????] with meggan! omg look now there’s an illegitimate child!!”
and i was like why do comics so often feel like just soap operas... with explosions. and i so wasnt here for that.
so even tho it was a nightcrawler book, i ignored it. i’d never ignore it if it were a 616 book, but regardless of what happens in the end, the story till now is “what if?” territory.
but now that I’ve actually read it... All the hype was really only that, hype. I knew that, but I thought they were hyping things that actually would happen. But there’s a steep price for mutants current freedom (that was expected though). And he didn’t cheat - it’s relationships themselves that are forbidden. And for the same reason, although right now we don’t know much about the child, she’s certainly not the product of an OOC illicit relationship.
instead, it’s a really cool story about the way, no matter what freedoms and epiphanies you give them, people always find something new to judge, to hate, to fear. And it shows how something we consider invaluable could, by a shift of values, be rationalized as far less valuable than something else. (In this case, the sacrifice of personal relationships for greater personal freedom).
In the most recent issue, there’s a scene between Nightcrawler and Meggan. (Although there was tension between them after It happened, I’m really happy that they’ve dealt with the tension like adults and not like actors in a soap opera. Crawler had his little fit, Meggan took things a little far, and then they just said “guess we both made mistakes” and made up. I like my share of drama, but a little reasonable behavior now and then is a much-needed relief! and I admittedly have a strong preference for any kind of drama that doesn’t revolve around sex). Anyway, the scene:
He’s deciding whether he should investigate the child (one thing im wondering: why did he so easily accept her as “his,” when the info about her was delivered by Mystique, who also looks like him, but about whom he didn’t wonder for a moment about why that was?). Meggan gives a little speech about love, and how she’s sure Nightcrawler will get attached to the child, because that’s just what he does. That he’s just escaped a world that judged him because of his looks, and now, because of his heart, he’s about to risk being judged again. While reading it, I was struck with this thought: “Wow, I can’t believe a male X-men writer would come up something like this.”
So that made me look into it, and the writer (Seanan McGuire) is a woman. I’ve heard her name before and I’ve probably even read other comics she’s worked on, but I didn’t know Seanan was a female name. First I was stunned because I can count on one hand the number of female X-men writers I know, and then I felt really happy. I don’t mean to say that a man couldn’t write this story, of course he could, and male comic writers have written many moving stories. It’s just that what stands out to me in this book is a level of empathy between the characters and a sense of love and connection that, when it appears in other comics, tends to feel forced or shoved in (usually because no one bothers to build anything up before announcing “and then they had sex”). Basically it just screamed “A woman wrote this,” and not in a bad way. (Not that there is a “bad way,” but as with many male-dominated areas, there’s always a sense of anxiety that the stories written by female writers will be judged more harshly, and therefore I key into things that are markedly different from the “norm” more often.) In this case, I was thrilled with what she wrote, and I was thrilled with how she wrote it, and I was thrilled that she’s a woman.
I have a couple complaints about the book - the biggest is that it moves too quickly. But that’s not the writers fault, it’s just the way comics work. You’re given a limited number of pages per issue, and on top of that, she’s limited to 5 issues for a fully fleshed out story. So it’s understandable that it moves a bit fast, and - this was the other thing I really liked - from the start, even before I knew who the writer was or what the story was about, I agreed with the places where she chose to go fast. I wished they didn’t need to go fast, but if something has to go, those things are the right choice to cut. That’s how I felt, whereas usually when I read a comic, I feel like “of all the things to cut, why would you cut an important thing like X just to stick in a splash-page of an unnamed alien spaceship of no import blowing up!”
So yeah. I’m really digging this book. It’s different from other comics. It’s not just fighting all the time. I really hope we get more like this. All X-comics don’t need to be this way - lots of people like a lot of action all the time, that much is clear. And if I didn’t enjoy high action myself, I wouldn’t be a comic book fan. But I’m so happy that there’s more variety out there now, even in the big publishers. We can have 5-issue books where it takes a full three issues before anyone punches anyone. We can introspect a little and we can write a character-driven story.
It’s just nice to read a comic book and be excited to know what happens next, instead of just thinking, “it doesn’t matter because whichever writer takes over next will undo any consequences.”
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lakeshadavey · 5 years
Convert Video And Audio To Various Formats For Totally different Units
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virtuissimo · 6 years
Pride by Ibi Zoboi (Review)
This book is a modern retelling of the Jane Austen’s seminal classic Pride & Prejudice. Zuri Luz Benitez is a black Haitian-Dominican teenager in her senior year of high school whose identity is constructed around her life in Bushwick, a neighborhood with a tight community that is going through aggressive gentrification. Across the street, in one of the new gentrified houses, the Darcy family moves in, including twins Ainsley and Darius, two rich private-school boys sticking out like a fish out of water.
Zoboi’s adaptation creates amazing parallels when compared one-to-one with P&P, but it can’t hold its own very well. The writing is a simplistic and the characterization for most of the named characters is extremely one-dimensional. I was taken a bit by surprise when I found it in the youth section, and the simple writing makes me confused about the age of the intended audience. In any case, I didn’t have a bad time reading this, but I was expecting a lot more than I got.
To expand a little on the intended audience, I think my confusion is mostly because of the conflicting styles. On one hand, Zoboi’s prose is very simple and almost hamfisted in how she handles her characters and story. Other than some nice and age-appropriate poetry from Zuri herself, the rest of the book isn’t very elegant in writing quality. So I said to myself, ok I found it in the youth section. It’s intended for a younger audience. However, all the central characters are in their senior year of high school, and there are numerous allusions to sex and cusses that I’m not sure would fly in middle fiction. I think those who are in this reading level will find the characters too old and teenagery, while those who are the main character’s ages will find the prose to be lacking. Zuri in specific is a voracious reader, and she herself would not have the patience to enjoy reading this book which is far below her reading level.
It’s easier to read this book for what it’s supposed to be saying rather than what it is saying, if that makes any sense. For instance, Darius when he first shows up is quiet and doesn’t offer much information about himself, but he also wasn’t very rude or belligerent upon first impression. I know “prejudice” is half the thing, but Zuri really jumps the gun and kind of started the whole feud in the first place. It just wasn’t that believable that he was some jerk who deserved her hatred like it was with Elizabeth Bennet, and similarly it wasn’t very believable when she later learns that she just misinterpreted his social awkwardness.
Also, I thought it was interesting that the title removed the “prejudice” when to me that seemed like a much bigger aspect of this version than in Austen’s work. For instance, Darius makes a number of disparaging remarks about Bushwick and its “ghetto” people, but even before he makes these remarks Zuri already “hates” him based on stuff she made up about him in her head. And then later, when they begin to get closer, she actually never confronts him about his prejudice and just. Forgives and forgets.
She also forgives and forgets when it comes to Ainsley and Janae. This bothered me a lot more than some of my other nitpicking because it actually changes one of the important themes of P&P. Not that Zoboi doesn’t have the right to alter thematic elements—she absolutely does! But the theme of family and the fact that Zuri would do ANYTHING for her sisters is told to the reader through a lot of exposition, but we don’t actually see it. The moment in the car when she finds out that Darius split up Ainsley and Janae is really representative of that for me. She got angry in the moment, but she never actually investigates to find out WHY he did it like Elizabeth in P&P. On that note, later on when she forgives him, she never asks him to account for it again.
In fact, character motivation and appropriate emotional buildup was a recurring issue in this book. Nothing hit quite like I think Zoboi intended them to.
The talk on gentrification and class difference is good tho. Perhaps incomplete, but there’s only so much space. They really show how class plays a role in a variety of different circumstances and scenarios, and I think Zoboi succeeds here where others have failed.
Some of the parallels that I liked:
-          Warren and Colin took me OUT when they first appeared. You can really see what Zoboi thinks about Mr. Wickham and Mr. Collins from the original lol.
-          The tour of Howard instead of touring the Darcy home was very interesting to me. I think it was a great introduction to how she wasn’t expecting her world to expand so much, and that there’s a lot of different experiences in the world that she’s missing, and she gets introduced to this idea by people who AREN’T Darius and Ainsley. I really liked that.
-          The leopard print and “inappropriate dress” that the Benitez family wore to the Darcy cocktail party. It seems like a good way to show how respectability politics still play into the modern day, and it added a bit of character to the Benitez family as a prototypical Latinx family that I really enjoyed.
-          The Warren and Georgia situation was also a good way to translate this into the modern day.
-          P&P: In order to avoid scandal, Darcy pays for a marriage between a 16 year old and a 20-something known scumbag, and this is seen as a good thing because it saved the Bennet family. Zoboi’s Pride: Darius beats the shit out of Warren. I REALLY CRIED, THIS IS WHAT I WANT OUT OF AN ADAPTATION.
Things I didn’t like so much:
-          Ainsley x Janae is treated like a veeery minor side story instead of being a secondary plot. One of the big things in P&P is that Jane and Bingley are the prototypical pure love story and they think they are the main characters. Ainsley and Janae are not given much space to breathe in the narrative, and their relationship comes across as an afterthought instead of as one of the principal plot threads.
-          The diversion with Darius’ grandmother was also thrown in there like an afterthought. It didn’t add much to the story other than showing that Darius will side with Zuri when push comes to shove. It still felt like it took up a lot more time than it needed to if the grandmother wasn’t going to appear again at the end of the book like in the original. If it’s role to the plot was going to be minimized like that, I don’t really understand why it was included at all.
-          Charlise and Colin as a pair also felt out of place. In the original, Mr. Collins and Charlotte weren’t a major part of the story, but they contributed to the narrative that Austen wanted to tell about marriage and the different types of marriages that exist in English society at the time. Charlise and Colin don’t really have that effect on the story at all. Both characters are completely irrelevant to the plot (except Colin in the last possible moment), and they’re only really there to BE an adaptation.
-          Some of the plot beats were rearranged. I didn’t mind this so much since any number of directorial decisions are valid so long as the have a positive impact on the adaptation’s goal, but I didn’t really see how they added much.
One thing I REALLY liked was the addition of Madrina. I’m not sure if she’s a reference to something I don’t remember from the text or a completely original addition, but I thought she made for some really interesting moments. I especially loved how much connection Zuri felt with her Orisha worship and that they called her “daughter of Ochun.” I would change NOTHING about this, it was pure and really sweet.
One adaptation I WISH Zoboi had made was to have Zuri call out Darius’ hypocrisy. In P&P, the Bennetts are certainly in a different social class from Darcy and the Bingleys, but they’re ultimately still property owners in Britain. The stakes are different here. Darius keeps talking about how things in his life aren’t perfect just because he’s rich (which is absolutely true, especially when Zoboi starts getting into his experience as a black teenager surrounded by white classmates), but he is STILL not really understanding the difference in experience between himself and Zuri. The thing is, although she’s not right to judge Darius’ whole personality, she absolutely IS right about a lot of his privilege at the very beginning, but she kind of lets that go after a while. Zuri confronts Darius about his wealth many times, but to me at least it doesn’t really seem like she was able to convince him that his whole outlook on life is fundamentally different because of his wealth. Idk maybe I’m grasping at straws here. I just wish that Darius had actually talked about like . trying to persuade his parents to donate more to charity, or doing community service, or idk DISTRIBUTING THE WEALTH. Darius doesn’t change much in the story. At the beginning, he’s like “sorry im rich but lmfao you’re being mean to me!” and then at the end he is like “I am simply a rich boy, I cannot change this” which is barely a difference at all.
Anyways. I really didn’t hate this book. I wanted to like it a lot more than I did, which is why I have all these criticisms about it.
I recommend this to anyone who wants to read a thoughtprovoking discussion on class through the lens of one of history’s most overrated love stories (speaking as someone who loves P&P: yea it’s overrated). Read it for Zuri and Darius, who are totally different people from Elizabeth and Darcy. Read it for nostalgia, because even though I don’t know what it feels like to be one of 5 Afrolatine kids in Bushwick, I Felt that family affection.
3/5 for having great ideas but not such great execution.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Good value, but not much more: A review of TAP Air Portugals A321LR in business class, Porto to Newark
TPG Rating
70 100
Fresh new cabin with comfy throne seat. Tasty food and drink.
Very poor ground experience and the service could have been more polished.
10 Ground Experience
25 Cabin + Seat
10 Amenities + IFE
14 Food + Beverage
11 Service
Since joining TPG at the start of the year, Ive been fortunate to do an eclectic mix of reviews. From my first time flying Virgin Atlantic to the shortest scheduled flight in the world, Ive had unique and unforgettable experiences. On a recent trip to the States for work, I was looking for an interesting route, aircraft or airline that I could take that had never been reviewed before. TAPs A321LR was exactly that: The more modern, technologically advanced and fuel-efficient version of the A321 I flew back from Amman, Jordan, earlier in the year. It was a no-brainer, it had yet to be reviewed, and it meant my inner AvGeek would get to fly a new aircraft and airline for the first time. But did my experience live up to the self-generated hype?
In This Post
Another reason that this was a great product to review is the fact that a one-way in business class from London Gatwick (LGW) to Newark (EWR) via Porto (OPO) was pricing at a very reasonable $965. If youre willing to spend the night in Porto which, by the way, I highly recommend you can even find fares as low as about $780 for a one-way ticket. Considering one-way flights between London and New York routinely sell for about $8,000, the stopover is well worth it if youre looking to fly in business class without breaking the bank. Round-trip tickets booked in a similar way also save significant amounts of money compared with the nonstop flights between the two hubs.
As TAP is part of Star Alliance, there are plenty of miles and points redemptions for this flight, too. TAPs own Miles&Go program was showing the one-way OPO to EWR ticket in business class at 145,000 miles and $72. Not cheap. Luckily, though, there are programs that will allow you to book for both fewer miles and less of a cash outlay.
For example,through Uniteds MileagePlus program, if you can find business saver availability, youll pay for 70,000 miles and $45. Another great option is Air Canadas Aeroplan program, where you could use 55,000 miles for a one-way ticket. You can earn both United and Aeroplan miles very easily, as Chase Ultimate Rewards transfer at a 1:1 ratio to United, and American Express Membership Rewards transfer at the same ratio to Aeroplan.
And, right now, TPG readers can get an exclusive 150% bonus on purchasing Lifemiles, another excellent option for booking Star Alliance flights.
Ground Experience
TPG Rating
7h 45m
I was scheduled to fly from Gatwick at 1 p.m, land in Porto at 3:15 p.m. and depart for Newark at 4:55 p.m. With one hour and 45 mins to transfer, what could go wrong?
I arrived nice and early, as my business-class ticket gave me access to the No1 Lounge in Gatwicks South Terminal. There was not one single person in either the premium or economy lines at check-in, which meant the process was super quick. TAPs check-in area was in Zone E, next door to Turkish Airlines, which had about a dozen people waiting in line. I had my bag checked and boarding pass in hand in no time at all. No mention of delays was made to me, either.
Related reading:Comparing British Airways and Turkish Airlines Business Class between London Heathrow and Istanbul
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Walking toward the escalators up to departures, I turned around to view an eerily quiet check-in area.
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I breezed through the terminals priority security, again, thanks to my business-class ticket. The terminals lounges were on the upper level of departures, on the opposite side to where I came through security.
There was a small queue of people waiting to get into the lounge. When it was my turn, the staff member scanned my boarding pass and handed me a menu. Just like Heathrows No1 Lounge in Terminal 3, the menu was la carte. As always, I did a tour of the lounge to find the seat with the best view and I quickly found this spot. I also noticed that the departures board was suspiciously showing gate displayed at 1:10 p.m., which was after my flight was due to depart. It was just the start of my troubles.
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Set up and ready for some work before my flight, I headed to the bar to order something to eat. What Id forgotten is that you could only order once from the menu and had to hand it in when ordering. Breakfast options before 11 a.m were poached egg (singular) and avocado muffin, classic sausage sub and toast and preserves. I was absolutely starving and love my eggs in the morning, so it was an easy decision to make.
I actually laughed out loud at the size of the portion that was plunked down in front of me.
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The saving grace was that the yolk was perfectly runny.
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Two bites later, I was done and still hungry. I then received a text from the airline. Thankfully, I speak Portuguese, so could see that my flight would now depart at 2:20 p.m., which would mean I would now land in Porto only 30 minutes before my flight to New York. The plot thickens.
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As I had more time to kill, I went to see what other delights were on offer.
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The lounge was quite busy, so a few of the options were pretty spare and could have done with being refilled.
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I dont think anyone had done a quick clean and tidy of the food service areas for a while, either.
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After being rather disappointed with the cold buffet, I got back to my seat to find my neighbor had left without ordering any food, so I smugly headed straight back to the bar to order a bacon roll from the all day favourites section of the menu. It was equally as disappointingly small as my egg and avocado but tasted good nonetheless. Other all-day options were a fish-finger wrap and beans on toast. No expense spared there.
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In terms of beverages, there was a soft drink, water and juice refill station.
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And a coffee machine. I say coffee because it was so bad I almost spat it back into my cup.
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The lounge was fairly busy and has a nice variety of different seating areas.
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Thats including a cozy TV area sectioned off from the noise of the main lounge area.
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I headed to my gate, where boarding was supposed to start at 2 p.m.
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The gate area was cramped, and the scene resembled something akin to boarding a Ryanair flight at Stansted (STN). I didnt see any power sockets, and there definitely wasnt enough seating. It didnt help that a Norwegian Dreamliner bound for LAX was boarding at the gate next door. TAPs lounge and boarding experience were distinctly average and certainly not what I would call premium.
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Once we were on board, the pilot announced a slot delay due to weather in Porto, which meant we would land at around 5 p.m. Seconds later, I received another text from TAP advising me that I had been rebooked on the flight the following day. On arrival at Porto, there was a huge queue for TAP customer services, so I figured there had been many flight issues that day. I headed straight to the front to find out if I were in the right queue, and a member of the TAP team said she had been waiting for me and that transport and accommodation had already been arranged for myself and the other two business-class passengers from my flight who were also due to fly to Newark. This finally felt like the service that a business-class passenger should receive, as it meant that I didnt have to wait in the queue with over 100 irate Brazilians who had had their flight home canceled.
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After an impromptu and fun-filled evening in Porto, a car picked me up from the hotel at 2 p.m. the next day, and I headed back to the airport with the hope that my ground experience would be distinctly better than the day before. Once again, there was nobody waiting in the check-in area for premium passengers.
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After a slight technical issue with tagging my bag, I was on quickly on my way toward security, where there were two Fast Track lanes for premium passengers.
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Unlike at Lisbon Airpot (LIS), there was no TAP Premium Lounge at Porto. Instead, there was a business-class lounge shared by seemingly every airline with business cabins that used the airport, as well as Priority Pass, Dragon Pass and Diners Club International cardholders. My expectations were low.
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Entertainment-wise, there was a sparsely filled magazine and newspaper stand by the entrance.
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There was also this phone charging stand, which at first I thought was a great addition, but maybe more so in the 2000s, when portable battery packs werent a thing. Still, it would be a lifesaver if you forgot your charger.
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Aside from the main room, which was pretty clinical to start with, it reminded me of a dentists waiting room.
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It was a bit nicer and brighter out on the terrace.
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But the view was mainly only of the terminal with a bit of the runway in the distance.
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The buffet area in the middle of the main room was on the small side.
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Though they were cold, I liked the variety of Portuguese and Brazilian snacks and street food. Coxinha are my favourite!
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I was less impressed by the tray of sad-looking sandwiches.
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And the bowls of stale pastries.
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On the plus side, drinks were aplenty.
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Including a Nespresso coffee machine. A slight shame, though, as Portuguese coffee is some of the best Ive ever tasted!
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There was a variety of local wines.
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Some middle of the the road spirits, and other assorted drinks.
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After stuffing my face with coxinha, I checked the departures board before 3:30 p.m. when I saw head to gate displayed next to my flight. I thought it was quite early but did what I was told and headed to the gate. As often is the case with European airports, there was a second security area to clear before passing through into the gates area. This process took around 20 minutes.
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Once I got to the gate, there was yetanother security screening to clear before I could get on the plane. It was a rather slow and arduous process where I had to take everything out of my bag, remove my shoes and have a full pat-down by a rather stale-breathed guard. Good job I left the lounge on time.
The boarding area was really full.
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There were a few charging points around the space. Most were poorly located, meaning passengers sat on the floor to charge their devices.
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There was no premium seating area, merely a sign pointing right for premium boarding and left for everyone else.
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A day later than scheduled and after a very subpar ground experience first at Gatwick then in Porto, I finally boarded the 2-month-old CS-TXC around 4:30 p.m.
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An hour later, we departed slightly later than scheduled at 5:30 p.m.
Cabin and Seat
TPG Rating
Bed Length
I had high expectations for what I would find inside the cabin, and for the most part these were met. The throne seat was in a class of its own. No neighbor, space galore and two greatly positioned windows all to myself.
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The small, 16-seat business-class cabin comprised five rows. Odd rows were in a 2-2 configuration, and even rows were in the coveted 1-1 formation arguably one of the best in the sky.
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Storage was significantly less in the 2-2 rows.
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The cabin was cozy but doesnt feel cramped, considering it was only a narrow-body aircraft.
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I did a quick inspection of the seat area and noticed a few sloppy cleaning oversights that could easily have been rectified with a bit of care and attention.
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The footwell was actually quite dirty.
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The seat controls were easily accessible. The seating positions were fixed, and there was no way of altering them to your own preference.
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The footwell was spacious and didnt go too narrow at the end. Perfectly comfortable for me, but not sure it would be as good for those around 6 feet or taller.
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There was a shoulder-level reading light and a hook for stowing headphones once in flight.
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Then there was what Id call a cupboard rather than a storage compartment.
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As well as a headphone hook, there was also a water bottle holder, great for when turbulence hit.
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The safety cards and inflight magazines were stored in a small pouch on the other side of the seat next to the window.
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Then there was final additional storage gadget in the form of a mesh on springs. Not really sure what it was for, but it was there if you needed it.
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Nope, it was not a door. It was the meal tray. It slid out from next to the storage cupboard then flipped down at a 90-degree angle then rotated another 90 degrees into the right position for eating.
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The tray table itself was definitely big enough.
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There was a 90-degree swivel, but I think this was just part of the stowage process, as it didnt really make leaving the seat any easier.
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My 13-inch laptop fit comfortably on the table with enough space for a drink. Or two.
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But there was plenty of surface space either side of the side if you wanted to continue working in an office in the sky while dining.
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The seat lowered nice and easy into a fully flat bed. The blanket was basic, but I liked the thickness and quality of the pillows. So much so that I asked for a second, which was brought to me with no problem.
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There was nothing premium about the single lavatory in the business-class cabin. It was rather small.
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And it didnt even have any special amenities.
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Due to the narrowness of the plane, the bathroom was almost cut in half diagonally by the wall of the fuselage. It was definitely not the most comfortable of spaces.
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Amenities and IFE
TPG Rating
About 10 minutes before takeoff, I received the TAP-branded amenity kit by Portos very own Castelbel. From what I could gather, there were two or three different designs that were handed out at random to passengers.
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Inside, there were all of the usual suspects: eye mask, lip balm, earplugs, pen, comb, toothbrush and toothpaste, some body lotion and a pair of socks. Admittedly, the eye mask felt pretty cheap, but I liked the colorful on-brand design of the flight socks.
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I was pretty impressed with the size of the inflight-entertainment screen. The picture was crystal-clear, and the tough screen very responsive.
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I rarely pay attention during the safety video (naughty, I know) as there are usually far more interesting views to be had out of the window. But not with TAP. I was completely engaged by the airlines fresh, unique and emotive use of expats who have moved to Portugal and learned Portuguese to explain the safety briefing.
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In total, there were 101 films, plenty by anyones standards. I liked that there was a selection of Brazilian and Portuguese films, too.
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The earphones did not appear to be noise-canceling at all, despite being advertised so.
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There was also a wine experience included in the entertainment section, which I thought was pretty cool. But when I asked the crew member serving me if all of the displayed wines were available, she didnt seem to know what I was talking about it. She then explained that there was only the selection of two red and two white wines that she had on the trolley.
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The Wi-Fi was the biggest letdown. There were prices ranging from free for messaging to Total Wi-Fi for 24.99 euros, which would mean being connected for the entire flight or so I thought.
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Once I had connected, it was immediately clear that it would only be for 200 MB of data. Needless to say, it was less than 30 minutes before I had run out.
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Food and Beverage
TPG Rating
Dine on Demand
The focus of this review the Porto-to Newark segment of this trip, but I had such a great food experience on the short flight from Gatwick to Porto that I thought it deserved a mention.
Drinks on that first flight were served pretty much as soon as the seat belt signs went off.
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A full meal was served with sizable starter, delicious main course and dessert. The main course was a thick, juicy and perfectly cooked veal tenderloin. I would go as far as to say that it was the best intra-European business-class meal I have ever eaten.
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Back to the main event, Porto to Newark. For some reason there was no preflight drink offered before takeoff. About 45 minutes after takeoff, the first drinks were served note the Coke Zero and gin and tonic theme. I rate airlines that serve full fat Coke, Diet Coke and Coke Zero. I wasnt a massive fan of the Sunbites, though.
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Around half an hour after that, dinner was served. There was only one starter: codfish carpaccio with Algarve salad topped with a random sprinkle of olive shavings. The soup was not cream of pumpkin and beetroot mousse, as advertised on the menu, but it was delicious, nonetheless. I think this was the first time Id ever had my soup served from a Thermos, too. I was also asked at this point if Id like another drink.
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The bread was really poor. If Id fed it to the ducks, it would have probably knocked one unconscious.
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The main course, just as was the case on the Gatwick-to-Porto flight, was my favorite part. The heartier and more comforting the food, the bigger the thumbs up it usually gets, and this was definitely up there with one of my favorites. It was roast lamb in a crispy dough with pumpkin pure. As much as Ive pretty much cut out red meat from my diet, I couldnt resist the sound of this, and Im so glad I chose it.
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Shortly after mains had been cleared, a selection of chocolate was offer to cleanse the palate before dessert.
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I was given the choice of ice cream, cheese plate or fresh fruit. Naturally, I went for the cheese, which I was told was a strong local cheese, perfectly accompanied by a glass of Portos finest port.
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The cheese was indeed strong.Very strong. That still didnt stop me from scraping every single bit out of the rind.
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About 90 minutes before landing, I was offered the second meal service. This was no better or worse than the usual half a meal that is served on transatlantic flights before landing. It was a nice snack, but I was certainly still hungry afterward. And the bread? Probably another concussed duck. The presentation was nice, and the food itself was fresh and tasted good. It just wasnt enough to be called a meal.
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TPG Rating
Extra Pillows
Turndown Service
The service wasnt bad by any means, but it wasnt a particularly memorable experience. The one standout moment for me was that the ground staff at Porto were expecting me and had already arranged ground transportation and a hotel for my unexpected night in Porto. That did feel like business-class service. I thought it strange that there was no preflight drink served after boarding the A321LR to New York.
The crew made sure I had enough to drink and responded in under 30 seconds when I tested the call button, which is certainly commendable. The whole thing just lacked a certain personality not once was I called by my name, and neither did any of the crew try to establish any kind of rapport when I attempted jokes or small talk. That could simply be because Im not funny, but it definitely wasnt a language thing, as falo portugus.
Overall impression
This was by far and away the least premium-feeling premium flight experience I have had so far. But I would much rather have a long-haul flight in the comfort of a lie-flat, throne seat than in a cramped, upright economy. That being said, you really do get what you pay for. If you really want to fly business rather than economy to New York and back, then I would seriously consider this as an option. It can save almost 2,000 on the cost of a direct return flight from London to New York. The bed is flat, and the food is good, and these are probably two of the main differences between economy and business class. What TAP lacks is a real business-class ground experience and a little extra something from its staff. Fix those two things and this lesser-known route might a have a better chance against the competition.
All photos by the author.
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/good-value-but-not-much-more-a-review-of-tap-air-portugals-a321lr-in-business-class-porto-to-newark
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emarimac · 5 years
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Bathroom time is a fundamental part of the day for infants, so it's a good suggestion to have the basics for this area also prior to you bring your kid home. Even you can have correct and free guidelines. Although child getting coverings as well as swaddlers are important for those initial precious moments with your baby, they can have several other usages as well. New children are remarkable, yet it is a bit stunning sometimes how a lot those diapers in fact set you back the initial year. Just be certain to clean whatever first. Place a little bit of baby shampoo on his head and also wash his head with your hand or a small laundry towel. Breezes and also zippers in the front are less complicated to place on as well as remove than those on the back. Snaps or other easy openings at the crotch make it quicker as well as simpler to change baby diapers-- you do not need to take off all of your child's clothing. If you've been honored with doubles or even more, you can capitalize on the Several Birth Deal from Pampers to secure free diapers. You can after that use the Target gift cards on a different day to secure free baby diapers or various other complimentary child things that you might need. Children Online scours the internet on a daily basis to find you the very best cost-free baby stuff available. Shoes that consist of skulls and also bones are all offered from the Net as well as will surely obtain the focus of a great deal of individuals. Did you understand that a great deal of brand names put discount rate codes or deals on their product packaging? Check out the product packaging for diapers, formula, and anything else you get for your child. She could definitely utilize it and can value it more if you purchase it for them. As soon as you've signed up with, you can visit to your member account as well as download your present pack voucher. If you've simply invited a child, or know someone that has, this FREE 22 pack of Pampers nappies will certainly can be found in helpful. Plus we have lots of articles to help you with parenting your Baby - and also if you've not provided birth yet, we have actually obtained an expanding number of Maternity messages. ... however are new to sewing, you will just enjoy this FREE beginner's class on Craftsy, which will truly help you get to holds with your stitching machine. Which can make it seem a total wild-goose chase to drag the embroidery equipment out and start sewing things. Speaking to your physician at the doctor's office can be a wonderful means to get some complimentary examples, especially formula or vitamins, as an example. Whether it's formula or diapers, here are a couple of others things that you can do to break out stuff for your child. You can sign up for this program at the store and after that have your card checked each time you buy Pampers. The arrival of a newborn child is among the most very expected presents in life, and Kelli's Present Store Vendors will certainly see to it you are prepared with the very best child blanket wholesale choices for your present store or store.
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holturkey-blog · 5 years
Bodrum Vogue Hotel
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About: The Vogue hotel is nearly  in center to Bodrum. Everbody generally want to choose this hotel every summer. Because this Vogue Hotel is very comfortable,clear and relax place. There are playing place for children  in hotel. The Master chefs cook  so delicious food. They prepare different cooking. These very awesome.There are rooms very large and everthing. If you  look at the window out, you can see sunset. This event very wonderful. Everywhere is green colour. Because the Vogue hotel where ıt is natural beauty place. There are the food, the facilities, and the Kids activities to Vogue Hotel. We believe ,you will pass so enjoyable time. We hope,you like to The Vogue Hotel. You will be found everything about your be need  in the rooms. Have a nice holiday.
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Detail:Bodrum To enjoy the sun in Torba Bay and to cool off in the crystal waters of the Aegean Sea, Vogue Hotel Bodrum has Blue Flag beaches with sparkling sands. With 27 Km from the airport and only 8 km from the center of Bodrum, our hotel is easily accessible in every sense and has a perfect location to start your holiday. Vogue Hotel Bodrum, which opens to a peaceful and magnificent view from the moment you arrive at the hotel, enjoy the calmness and activities that continue throughout the day in the lush bay of Bodrum with our suitable areas for all age groups. A unique accommodation comfort with our room types and 45 private villas. While offering 4 delicious dishes from the world cuisine, our 4 ala carte restaurants, theme parks, 20 different water slides with our unique mini club will accelerate your heart beat and enjoy the day between the waves. Evening shows and disco will continue with the tiredness of the day will relieve all.
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OUR ROOMS AND VILLAS Have a Pleasant Holiday Our spacious and comfortable rooms, which are carefully prepared for your family and you, are designed to meet all your needs in the most appropriate way and presented to your needs in a way that will fully meet your needs. Our villas will make you feel like you are at home with your unique view, you can enjoy your holiday in your private pool, relax in your living area, enjoy your pleasant conversations in our kitchen and dining section. The villa offers private areas.
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Vogue Bodrum Reviews 1-We had an amazing holiday in Vogue Bodrum. We were 9 people mix group including 3 year-old kid and 83 year-old grandma. Kids Club was wonderful. There were plenty of activities all day long. Miniclub members were wery warm. They all made my little girl feel special.Wonder Vogue was my daughter's favorite place where seems like a little Disney with a little hotel, a bank,a cinema,police office, tailor's. Funfair was open before and after dinner time that we followed it with a great loyalty. And we never missed the popcorn time after dinner! The Aquapark was gorgeous with many slides. There were several pools. One pool was with sea sand and and it was very useful for children to play in. only had a small issue about the check-in time that may occur in any hotel accomodation. We had to wait for 2 hours to get our rooms because of late check outs but the hotel let us have lunch while waiting. And they offered an upgrade for compansation. We really appreciate the successful management. 2-Everything is excellent, we had great time with the kids starting from the pool to the aquapark to the dino park to the kids club to the bowling area. I highly recommended the hotel 3-Lots of choice of cocktails.. we had our lunch in the new a la carte restaurants by the beach.. very good menu. Also loved the baked potato !!! 4-Food selection was amazing, staff were very attentive and very personal. Location was 10 minutes by car into Bodrum City. Air condition wasn't working very well, so we had to keep the balcony doors open to cool the room down. The shops inside the hotel were very expensive, so best be prepared for your travelling Essentials. Very good thai massages in the spa - from food breakfast was only good with wide variety and fresh orange juice 5-Super nosiy! it's all incl hotel with tons of families who came as a package holiday who are "booking sun beds with towels so it's hard to find a free sun bed no matter that half of them is only occupied by towels - very loud terrible not relaxing music at the pool - monotonous food - same food every day! with the same taste (they use same spices to every dish while turkish cuisine is so various with so many flavors) - way to expensive for what you are getting - hotel and rooms looks old and worn off (damaged tiles in the bathroom, damaged bath etc.) - AC didn't work in my room most of the time and room was smelly - for 5* it was dirty and every day room cleaning at terrible standard. 6-We traveled as a group and had a great experience at Vogue Bodrum. They have nice facilities, friendly staff and great food. We stayed at a villa which was a little bit far from the main building, we preferred to walk to main building since they had a beautiful walkways, but all villas are provided with a shuttle that usually comes every 10-15 minutes.Our only concern was that the 'a la carte' restaurants we always booked. In our 6 days stay we could not make any reservations since all of them were fully booked! so the only option was the buffet restaurant! But overall we had a fantastic stay :) 7-What else matters if you have a stressful holiday and after holiday time? 8-The swimmingpool is terrible cold. The persons are horrible. I am begging them to send me the invoice for 1 month! I really feel that till I am not speaking with the lawyer it will not be solved! Nobody speaks english! 9-He breakfast choice , sea view , bathroom size.No fresh juices , the bed wasnt confortable. 10-Verything was excellent. The manager was very helpful special thanks to him. Food is great, kind staff, lots of entertainment facilities.Everything was perfect! Read the full article
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kartiavelino · 6 years
André Holland Takes On The NBA In ’High Flying Bird’
“The timing is auspicious,” André Holland admits with a mischievous but welcoming smile. On this busy Thursday morning in February, the NBA is wrought with pressure of an impending commerce deadline and the NBA All-Star draft being televised that evening. Holland’s Netflix movie Excessive Flying Chicken tells the story of an bold—if not determined—sports activities agent named Ray Burke, who’s attempting to maintain his head above water throughout an NBA lockout. Certainly one of his purchasers is an anxious rookie named Eric Scott (performed by The Land’s Melvin Gregg), who has but to set foot on the court docket however has already landed himself into some off-court drama. Holland is a fan of the sport and even balled out slightly in highschool, however even he couldn’t have scripted the timing for his movie’s launch any higher. His eyes widen as I inform him about Harrison Barnes being traded from the Dallas Mavericks mid-game the evening earlier than. The 39-year-old from Bessemer, Alabama, shouldn’t be on Twitter, so he additionally hasn’t seen Kevin Durant berating the press for asking about his impending free company in a post-game interview. He hovers over my laptop computer as I pull up the video of the Golden State All-Star fuming into the mic. “That’s a dialog you all have. I don’t take into consideration that form of stuff. It’s not vital.” It’s the form of actual life drama that his character Ray would salivate over, utilizing the discontent of the athletes to spark a revolution in “the sport on high of the sport.” 5 years in the past, when Holland first acquired the inspiration to make this movie, former L.A. Clippers proprietor Donald Sterling was being banned from the NBA for making racist feedback in a personal telephone name. The contentious relationship between the vastly white staff house owners in skilled sports activities and their largely African-American gamers is on the coronary heart of Excessive Flying Chicken’s story, and one which Tarell Alvin McCraney (co-writer of Moonlight) and director Steven Soderbergh seize in a really slick and minimalist means. Zazie Beetz, Sonja Sohn, Zachary Quinto and Invoice Duke spherical out a sensible and entertaining ensemble who inform a compelling sports activities story that even non-sports followers can get pleasure from. André Holland spoke with BET.com about reuniting with Steven Soderbergh, who directed him within the Cinemax drama The Knick, and McCraney, whom he labored with on Moonlight, to shake up the video games of each movie and sports activities. BET: How would you fee your basketball abilities on a scale of 1 to 10? André Holland: That’s a difficult query, man, as a result of I can’t say one. I performed fairly good. I performed level in highschool and will sustain with nearly anyone. However I ain’t gonna take over a recreation. I can go fairly good. I’m a reasonably good shooter. This was John Carol in Alabama. They gained the State Championship the 12 months after I left, so I prefer to say that I used to be foundational to that. [laughs]. So when did you first get the thought to make Excessive Flying Chicken? It was about 5 years in the past when Steven and I had been engaged on The Knick collectively and I used to be on the lookout for tasks to do and I wasn’t getting that many scripts. I discovered myself getting pissed off about that. So, quite than get pissed off, I assumed, what if we make one thing? So I began to pitch him some concepts that I had and out of these conversations got here this concept. Then I introduced Tarell in. We return to ’06, we did a bunch of performs collectively. This was means earlier than Moonlight. We had been each in grad faculty on the identical time. He was at Yale and I used to be at NYU. So we acquired launched by way of a mutual good friend. I did his first play in New York, just about all his performs. The first one was known as Wig Out. Tarell wrote it, I used to be in it, Sterling Okay. Brown was in it, Brian Tyree Henry was in it. Rutina Wesley was in it. It was robust. We had a powerful group. How lengthy did that run? We did it first at Sundance on the theater lab. That was like a three-week workshop course of and the brand new introduced it to New York for like six weeks. So it is a double reunion for you. What was it like bringing Soderbergh and Tarell collectively? It was superb. Me and Steven had been assembly recurrently, after which Tarell got here in and I organized this dinner for us. It was actually cool to take a seat there and see the 2 of them, who each have these huge brains and nice minds, simply going at it, and I acquired to be a fly on the wall. It felt actually good to deliver these two worlds collectively. How a lot of Algernon’s (the surgeon you performed in The Knick) spirit is in Ray? That’s an excellent query. Rather a lot. I feel. I like these characters… I feel they each have a little bit of a chip on their shoulders. They each have some trauma from their previous that may be a bit unresolved, and so they each are decided to go away one thing good on this planet. They’re each a bit smug. Just a little bit. [laughs]. However I feel they’ve so much in widespread, and that most likely says one thing about me. That I’ve… there is part of me that’s at all times felt—and I feel a part of it’s coming from Alabama—a bit like I’ve one thing to show. All of us grew up listening to that you must be twice nearly as good… Did you mannequin Ray after any brokers that you realize? A bit. There are some brokers that I met with, and I form of took components of every of them. This one agent hipped me to one thing I wasn’t conscious of. He’s been within the recreation for a very long time, and the way in which he pertains to his gamers, it’s not simply as an agent. It’s far more like a member of the family. [He was] the man who went in very early on, earlier than any contracts had been signed, and sat down with their households. He’s an agent, good friend, mentor. So I felt like that form of relationship is the form of relationship Ray would have together with his purchasers, particularly as a Black man working on this largely white company bringing in these Black gamers. He would wish to be as near his guys as attainable. And but, his personal trauma of getting misplaced his cousin retains him from getting too concerned. There’s this distance that he tries to maintain. When he’s lecturing Eric he clearly loves him and needs him to do effectively, however there’s a distance he desires to attempt to maintain. You bought two nice younger skills in Melvin and Zazie. What was it like working with them? They had been each dope. Melvin I actually admire as a result of I didn’t know him earlier than. However I’ve come to know his [story]. This cat has been telling his personal tales and taking pictures his personal brief movies. He has his personal manufacturing studio in L.A. He’s making stuff on a regular basis. We shot the film on iPhone, and in a means, he was extra skilled than anyone. He actually acquired into it. A whole lot of his stuff tends to be comedic, so it was cool to see him do one thing extra dramatic. Then with Zazie, I feel she is a star. Flat out, no query about it. Go so far as she desires to go star. She’s good as a whip, clearly stunning, proficient, a sort individual. So cool to hang around with. I feel she’s superb. What was your relationship like with the NBA whereas making the movie? I personally didn’t have a relationship. It was Steven’s concept to intercut the participant interviews. So I’m curious to see what different gamers give it some thought, the NBA thinks. I hope they don’t take it as an assault. As a result of it’s not meant to be. I feel the NBA has finished actually nice issues for his or her gamers as say in comparison with the NFL. We simply use this as a chance to pose the query: What if there was extra Black possession? And that applies not simply to the NBA however to the NFL, the NCAA, to company America. Simply every thing. Any hopes for a collection? We undoubtedly wish to do a sequel. I’ve an early concept about that. If this goes effectively and folks actually reply to it and Dr. Edwards and I’ve been speaking a few sequel. How did you meet Dr. Edwards and turn into aware of his e-book The Revolt of the Black Athlete? I’ve a good friend Onaje Woodbine, he was there final evening, he wrote a e-book known as Black Gods of the Asphalt. Which is a dope, dope e-book across the spirituality round road basketball. In speaking to him he educated me about Dr. Edwards, and I reached out to him. I learn his e-book and we talked much more. To me, his involvement was every thing. He helped us to grasp that this concept was not a brand new concept. He’s been doing this work for 50 years. From the Olympic protests in ’68 all the way in which to now with Colin Kaepernick. The first draft of the script he learn he was like, “Not that, not that.” He helped us so much. Are you able to specify one factor he felt you bought fallacious? There was one factor he talked about. For instance, I used to be involved about not making the Eric Scott character really feel two-dimensional. I didn’t need him to return off like a “dumb athlete.” So what would he say right here? How would he categorical himself right here? However once I spoke to Dr. Edwards, he stated, “Simply because he ain’t speaking don’t imply he ain’t considering. A whole lot of these guys have very, very energetic brains. He won’t be saying a lot, however it’s about how he’s taking info in.” That’s what we form of went for. In that first scene, he doesn’t speak a lot. He listens so much. However we see him analyzing and evaluating. So by the top, when he finds that e-book, it feels just like the start of an activist, a man who’s on the cusp of discovery. Together with your movie popping out on the identical day as Taraji’s sports activities agent movie, What Males Need, is that this chatting with a rising variety within the selection of tasks for Black producers and actors? I hope so. Evidently there are extra fascinating tasks being finished, and locations like Netflix have made that attainable. It’s definitely an thrilling time for me to be on this place, as a result of there are such a lot of different issues I wish to do. My hope is that my manufacturing firm can have an on-going relationship right here at Netflix as we proceed to supply increasingly content material. Excessive Flying Chicken is streaming on Netflix now! http://feeds.bet.com/~r/Betcom-Celebrities/~3/OG_4j4QqCi0/andre-holland-interview-high-flying-bird.html The post André Holland Takes On The NBA In ’High Flying Bird’ appeared first on My style by Kartia. https://www.kartiavelino.com/2019/02/andre-holland-takes-on-the-nba-in-high-flying-bird.html
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