#so does wander tho tbh
kuiinncedes · 4 days
#i have been exercising waow 🤪#there’s this influencer ig lol alIie bennett on instagram who does#playlists that like u walk along to the beat and it gets faster and goes to a run for a bit and stuff#i’ve done tt/pd a couple times and i did her gIee one#they’re rly fun i’m glad i started tbh lol#i haven’t done it in like a week probably and i did speak n/ow tv today#BRUHHHHH spe/ak now is a struggle LOL#like it probably also has to do a the fact that i took a break and also that my shoulders/neck area hurts today#but that was pain LOLLLLLL it was hard#i gave up like right after the hour ended (which is how long it is anyway i just usually walk for a bit more after it’s done)#it’s interesting bc i think it’s like the songs on the album are longer so it maybe has less songs total for the hour#but ur going faster and for longer lol#anyway i love sp/eak now but idk if i’m gonna do this playlist again tbh lol 😭#i LOVEEEEE walking to some sn songs like sparks fIy mine etc#and those were on the playlist and so good#but some other songs are not as satisfying to walk to lol 😭 and the running songs weren’t super easy to actually run to the beat#not the fault of allie tho lol#tt/pd was rly fun to do and was a good one to start doing these with#like it’s more chill so there was less pressure to walk super fast or whatever lol#but they were all rly satisfying and easy to walk/run to the beat of#esp running to florida 🤩 lol so fun#the gIee one was SOOOOOOOO fun to do highly recommend if u have access to a treadmill and want to use LOL#i’ll probably be doing that one again#altho i was slightly cringing at like Iet’s have a kiki and i think a couple other ones LMFAO#and there was a lot of santana songs which is great but my mind was wandering and i kept thinking abt naya#but . overall very fun time lol#anyway that’s my random ramble lol 🤪 thank u for tuning in 😌💀#jeanne talks
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bottombaron · 9 months
So after staring into the middle distance for a couple days I'm ready to start discussing some theories I have before the season finale destroys us. They are all very wide-ranging in absurdity but I'll start with the one that I think has the most substance and therefore I think is most likely to happen. Also, I haven’t caught up with the tag yet so if someone already posted these theories, sorry! 
So here is Theory #1, known otherwise as,
Why (I think) I know how Laszlo is going to unfuck Guillermo
The solution, I believe, was stated at the very end of The Roast by Laszlo himself: 
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Laszlo has spent weeks deeply committed to solving a problem. He's wasted precious time trying to outthink his first (and probably best) solution – and I'm not just talking about his book sorting. Neither was Laszlo, not entirely at least. I actually do think he was focused at least a little bit on his books because that's kind of what happens when you're stuck on a problem. Your brain wanders to other much less taxing ordeals. Usually, as you solve that smaller problem, you find the solution to the thing you really want to solve. 
So what was Laszlo’s first idea?
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All along Laszlo had the answer but Guillermo told him that he didn't think it would work, so Laszlo just didn't pursue it further. (We don't even know if Laszlo knows the circumstances of the test and why it didn't work. Just that Guillermo didn't approve that idea.) So then Laszlo wasted valuable time and energy trying to ~Science~ this problem instead of using his true best skill that was showcased in episode one of the season: his charm. His powers of persuasion (the classical art of bullshitting, as it were) is his true super power. (Sadly, it’s not science. He doesn't really have the patience for science tbh).
But, no, rly, he should bullshit his way thru this. That's what he does best. He can outthink Nandor easily. (well….maybe. with the time spent on his experiments, Nandor could have the advantage of several weeks, if not months, to figure things out beforehand, as dense as he is) He should concoct a bullshit so impenetrable that it unfucks Guillermo from Derek and refucks him to Nandor. 
Further foreshadowing of this you ask?
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(this whole season is dedicated to ‘plans’ it’s crazy how much A Plan pops up. maybe i’ll dedicate a separate post to collecting them all)
But alas! The test that The Baron did proved this wouldn’t work, right!?
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Well here's some free additional theories to how Laszlo could solve that hiccup:
1. Laszlo figures out (and solves) the reason why The Baron/Neighbor test didn't work in the first place.
There could be any number of factors of why The Baron's neighbor blew up. It could be that The Baron is all that more powerful than the average vampire and so his bite gives an extraordinary fill of uh...vampire-ness? and Derek, being so young and weak, doesn't do much at all. Maybe it has something to do with The Sire. If The Baron was turned by the first being ever affected by vampirism, then maybe that vampirism is slowly depleted the further down the line you go. Derek is probably very far removed from The Sire which means he cannot transfer much of that affliction onwards. Nandor, if he was turned by The Baron (one removed from The Sire) or someone similar, explains how he is so powerful, hopefully tho he wouldn’t have too much power to possibly overwhelm Guillermo's half-a-virgin body (and yes I did like how kinky that sounded when I wrote it). It doesn't really matter the exact reason as long as Laszlo can convince Guillermo to try it and he has a relatively decent chance of surviving it. (convincing Guillermo to go thru with this plan overall is probably going to be the most trouble actually. you don't easily forget a guy exploding in your face)
2. Something to do with the experiments. (or the Nadja’s bait-and-switch tactic she used to catch The Baron/Guillermo from The Roast)
I have a larger theory on the experiments and why I think there's still one in the house, but that's for later. During The Roast, Nandor is pretty convinced that the mutant Guillermo is the real one (despite one pretty big glaring error: he has no glasses. none of the experiments need glasses...), Laszlo might have been testing this theory by having The Baron bring his body to Nandor in the first place in order to see how convinced Nandor would be by it. This might be enough for Laszlo to try to use a duplicate of Guillermo for Nandor to bite. The duplicate will not explode (probably?) due to only being a hybrid of Guillermo's blood and an animal…or something(one) else pretending to be Guillermo… (and if it does, maybe Laszlo plans to shoo Nandor out of the line of sight in order for him not to see. And then you get the angst and drama of Guillermo literally using a scapegoat to take his 'sin' despite his reluctance to hurt innocent creatures)
But will the fake Guillermo actually convince Nandor? It's hard to say, and I love that threat of Nandor realizing that it's not the true Guillermo he bit and feeling even more betrayed. Maybe Laszlo concocts a whole ambiance to the event in order to sell the lie. It has to be special right?
So there's dim lights and candles and (fake) Guillermo is laid out in Nandor's coffin and there's this whole presentation element to it that was left out of Guillermo's turn with Derek. It's more like the fantasy that Guillermo probably always had of being turned by Nandor. It plays out like a romantic love scene. But Guillermo is asleep or has his eyes closed and won't talk or maybe only makes small noises and Nandor's very upset abt this. Laszlo is probably hovering too and Nandor doesn't like that either but Laszlo insists he must be there and it's now it's all awkward and wrong, kind of like how Guillermo felt before he was bit by Derek. (now it’s like Nandor is the bull cucking Laszlo in front of him) Nandor goes thru with it and bites Guillermo and is rushed by Laszlo so he doesn't get to drink or drink too much of his blood and there's fumbling with trying to get his own blood into Guillermo's unresponsive mouth.
Or maybe Nandor finds out because Guillermo's blood is disgusting and he either knows or had hoped it would be good tasting*. or that Guillermo just lays there and there's no reciprocation of desire. But maybe he just doesn't find out and once it's over he expects to be able to lay with Guillermo or otherwise be there for his turning but Laszlo quickly rushes him out of his own room and closes the door behind him.
So now Nandor feels all the same despondency that Guillermo had felt with his turn with Derek. Like this big special moment he's built up for years was a complete dud. Like he missed out on something truly magical and he doesn't know why. And Guillermo will feel like shit too, for tricking Nandor. Laszlo isn't happy either. But it worked and they all just have to live with it. Meanwhile this act that was meant to make Nandor's and Guillermo's bond stronger, only serves to create even greater distance between them. 
Re*: evidence that Guillermo's blood might taste 'different':
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3. ANYWAYS. that was theory two. lets talk about theory 3.
I actually think there's good reason Laszlo has divorced Science and is now going to have an affair with Magic. It's exactly when Nadja says 'has this hex turned me into an uggo' that Laszlo comes to life and exclaims ‘that's it!’. If science wasn't the solution, maybe magic is. It's not like they don't know some witches, or that, at least to a degree, witches actually have some power. (specifically the power to look, vaguely, like someone else.) I'm not certain of the specifics but there's a chance Laszlo could be turning to magic to solve his problems. This would also bring Nadja's storyline more relevant and in focus for the season. The thing I like the most about this theory? Episode 9 describes being invited to a manor owned by someone named Morrigan. Morrigan is a Celtic goddess of war and fate that was probably the inspiration for Arthurian legendary sorceress, Morgan le Fay. (Laszlo's name may also be connected to Arthurian legend, Lancelot. but that probably doesn't mean anything.)
So! That's my three extra theories attached to this one big theory that Laszlo is going to go 'back to the beginning' and use his first thought to solve this. Go with his gut. His first solution was his best solution, all along.
…He simply needs to convince Nandor to turn Guillermo.
The, uh, details of this plan may be a lot more complicated than it suggests.
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Hello! I was wondering if you could write hcs for how everyone would be at a carnival?? Thank you<3
The Best of All Amenities (All x MC/Reader)
Hello my beloved Anon, I hope you have an awesome day/night! <33 Thanks for letting me write this for you, and I'm sorry for the extreme lateness of this. I'm on my knees right now forgive me Anon raaaa.
Btw I'm getting back into the habit of writing so cut me some slack for this one. I'm also not experienced with carnivals at all so I apologise for potential inaccuracies my dear. </33
Post-Completion A/N: I just realised this said carnival instead of fucking amusement park I'm so done. I tried to make it work for both I'm sorry Anonnie. i'm sorry but have this anywayy because i've never been to a carnival and don't know what the hell goes on there and also I am kinda silly and if this is inaccurate I apologise
T.W.: Mentions of vomiting.
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Amenities: something that helps to provide comfort, convenience, or enjoyment. 
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Brittney is a walking carnival let's be real.
Like her hair screams classic circus-tent except the white and red is pink and blue.
Would get cotton candy and judgmentally eat it while surveying the rides.
Y'all would be going around looking at everything.
She's probably gonna try to not get on anything because she's shitting herself at the thought of getting on a coaster frfr "not bothered".
Will carry iced coffee around, she somehow has an endless surplus of coffee. It's genuinely terrifying.
You both will wander around and gossip, along with judging the outfits of everyone else like it's a fashion strip.
Will get angry af if the line takes too long.
Will get on at least 1 ride out of spite, ends up almost vomiting. "Never again."
Y'all are paparazzi tho like shit's crazy with how many photos you both take of each other. shame it ain't the kinky kind
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Deryl would go berserk. Like this boy will literally lose his marbles from joy.
If you invite him to any gatherin, amusement park, carnival (hell any park at all), this boy will be dragging you everywhere.
Indecisive about where to go.
Very indecisive about what to eat. he'll harass you for food teehee
Is the type to get really excited about rollercoasters, until it's your turns to go on one.
In that case he'll start panicking.
You'll have to convince him he's not gonna die.
Will be quaking in his boots from fear.
Don't worry he gets on the ride anyway. Especially if he gets one from you after.
Will just be having a blast despite the terror tbh.
Will not go into any haunted house tho.
Like he will sprint out of there.
You'll have to run after him so he won't get lost lmfao.
Will expect emotional support from you after.
You both have a massive ton of fun tho prepare for more bedroom edition fun later.
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Jess will be sceptical.
Don't get her wrong, she'd love to go.
But she's shy and a massive homebody.
and can't socialise to save her life
When you both get there, she'll be overwhelmed by the amount of people.
Sorry broski you're gonna have to do the talking.
Will be scared af of the rides, will clutch onto you for dear life.
May be the type to silently vanish and reappear because she's a midget often caught up in staring at venues and looking at things.
Will be the type to just cling to you tbh
She's either glued to you or unstick so hard and fast she'll teleport to the other side of the planet.
You'll probs take photos tbh, she does have an internet influence.
Y'all will be discussing each others' fav idols and celebs over desserts.
And of course loving each other's company and hopefully bodies.
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Crowe will be happy to go wherever with you.
So he'll def be willing to do anything at this entertainment complex.
Yáll are probs gonna grab some snacks and take more mellow rides tbh.
He doesn't seem the type to like really violent ones.
Will probably be the type to just observe you go on a ride.
Will also take photos. He wants to admire you remember this day. <33
Will hold your drinks as well.
Will just serve as your porter and server let's be real.
He'll def go on the more chill rides tho.
Will even let his hair down to feel the wind. >:]
and also so you can pull it ngh
10/10 hair pulling sesh would do again yeehaw
You both have an epic day together. Time for an even sexier night
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Hyugo would have already been dragging you places.
So when he stumbles upon the existence of this place, you bet he's taking you there.
Y'all are gonna be fucking parading around.
He's gonna just *point* somewhere and you're going.
Like it's not even a question or a debate.
He'll have a maniacal grin on his face while doing it too.
i'm scared send help
shawty getting a tad cray cray here
You're going on a ride hehe and he's gonna stare ahead very intently, grip the steel bar and have a very spoopy grin on his face.
Has a blast.
Y'all go everywhere, you make time for everything.
He'll shoot people in the line to make sure you have time teehee
y'all wont get arrested cause his daddy's got money
Oh. And candy.
You both eat all the candy.
You both also spend like 2 hours vomiting because of how much candy you had.
10/10 would puke guts out again.
But you both genuinely just have a blast. Shame it ain't a blast of smth white and sticky.
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Geo will spawn at the venue with the most monotone expression ever. he's still shocked you invited him teehee
Will recoil at the sight of the massive crowds, will probably drag you off somewhere quieter.
Alas there aren't that many 'quiet' places to go to, so he'll grow to tolerate it (because of you and only you).
Will be the type to order food that he knows you like felt like getting, gives it to you anyway.
Will not be caught dead going on a ride, the screaming irritates him too much.
Unless you beg enough, then he'll do one of his choosing. (it's the most violent one because he wants you to stop calling him a scaredy-cat).
Will be dead silent the whole time, gets off unfazed AF (he'll probably not eat for the rest of the week tbh).
Will also probably hide his face because, his influence, his reputation, the fucking paparazzi.
Will probably try to make you go somewhere else with him after, like a cafe or smth, somewhere 'peaceful'.
Does enjoy himself though, will probably not admit it due to...pride.
Only thing is; nowhere's more peaceful than your bed teehee
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Sol literally will be squealing with joy if you ask him to go anywhere with you.
This man is too down bad to live.
May or may not buy ice cream so he can watch you sensually lick it.
This bastard will 110% enter any form of haunted house just to see if you'd (hopefully) cling to him.
Will end up clutching your hand either way. <333
Everything is on him, like. E v e r y t h i n g.
You can't pay for anything, 'tis illegal.
Will be the type to just sit on a ride and hold back a smile because he's not bothered to scream like everyone else (he hates it when people do that, will probs wear headphones for the noise), so he'll just sit there and quietly rejoice.
Will bring his own food beforehand, in case you both don't wanna spend money on the stupidly expensive food there.
Is genuinely happy af tho, this guy will do whatever you want, win whatever you want.
Also will threaten people to move out of the line if they're holding it up or something.
Has no shame.
And that's okay.
Because the shameful things he does in the bedroom is more than enough to balance it out. ;)
You both have a banger time tho. *claps approvingly*
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cinnamon-bunni · 10 days
💙💛🧡123 Headcanons🧡💛💙
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bc I love them so much........they are everything to me your honor dhushadhhsjajdhsjai am so normal about these three
These three have the best dynamic to ever your honor
we have the Tired Mom, the (not) Cool Older Brother, and the Loser Older Brother (that you forget is technically an older brother). what else would you ever want?
like??? Lucifer needs to put the two on a leash whenever they go out shopping. i mean he has to do that for all of his brothers but its upsetting that he needs to do it for these two as they should be the most well-behaved
but Levi is on the verge of summoning lotan because he didnt get a limited time figurine of a sanrio x ruri-chan crossover and mammon is currently trying to start up what appeared to be a pyramid scheme, so no these two were not to be trusted alone
But most days are good days though! Mammon behaves sometimes because Lucifer says if he's good then he can get a special treat; and Levi behaves majority of the time outside, but that's often because Lucifer handed him a tablet before leaving the car and he's been on it and not paying attention for the whole trip, just trailing behind Lucifer
In a similar vein, I think while Lucifer is trying to catch Levi up on the details of an important student council meeting he missed, the second he sees Levi's eyes start to wander he's quick to pull out with a subway surfers video or smth to keep his attention to the matter at hand (he also keeps a small bag with grimm in it to jingle in front of Mammon; it has the same affect)
Lucifer often looks at his brothers and is like "i expect more out of you two," and Mammon is like "¯\_(ツ)_/¯" and Levi responds by insulting Lucifer with so many internet slang words that Lucifer only knows half of at most but he knows he should be offended
You know how most people know a trend/meme is dead when the older generations get their hands on it? yeah that's Lucifer. Mammon cringes so hard whenever any internet term leaves his older brother's mouth. Levi cried once when Lucifer used the word "poggers"
(Lucifer, of course, is very much aware of this, and uses this to his advantage. He does his best to pay attention to the types of terms Levi uses, but they change like everyday and Lucifer is still always somehow a few years behind
Speaking of embarrassing older brothers: Mammon is such a col older brother and brags and boasts about this fact all the time and Levi is soooooo embarrassed by him its unreal. Like how the hell is this scumbag, who isn't even a tenth as cool as Lucifer is, his older brother. how did this happen
Obviously the label of "older brother" is used less the younger they get--Lucifer is The big brother; Mammon is an older brother but often isn't viewed as one (despite desperately wanting to be seen as one bc he loves his brothers soooo much he wants to protect them so badly I could go on for forever about it tbh); and Levi is more of "oh right i'm older" sort of older brother. he's like a babysitter than anything else
These three definitely get together in Lucifer's study to get drunk and talk tho you know they do. They all have to deal with so much shit from the younger four (most don't respect them as older brothers, don't listen to them, don't heed warnings about cursed objects (that necklace is cursed Asmo don't put it on stop putting it on-)), and so the three just get together and complain <33
They also coo a lot abt their younger brothers! Either when they get together and drink, or in their group chat. i mean, this is a bit canon already as the three talk about their brothers in their groupchat, but thinking about how they talk abt their brothers behind their backs (in a positive way) is sooo cute <3
also thinking abt how the three work very well together when needed! need to work on a larger chore together (grocery run, errands that need to get done either for their own reasons, for Diavolo, or for RAD)? usually lucifer and levi get the most work done when paired together! lucifer is often good at making sure levi stays on task, and is able to deal with his possible whining without making it worse
if mammon and levi usually leave with an 80% of either getting off track, or not getting anything done to begin with. on a good day they'll take an hour longer than needed
lucifer and mammon can get a lot of work done as well together! lucifer just has to keep a tight leash on mammon <3 but mammon, despite how much he gets on lucifer's nerves, steps up a lot when it's just him and lucifer
like, lucifer can trust mammon with just about anything...like yeah, hes annoying to all hell and back, but he's loyal and trustworthy. he's his brother, who lucifer can trust to keep him in check and go along with his plans when things go awry. they trust each other so much even when everything has gone to shit <33
and you know that even tho levi is big brother himself, lucifer and mammon still tease him bc he's still a little brother in their eyes <3 and the both are always just so incredibly proud of him when he learns and grows and gets out of his shell after they all fell
lucifer cares so much for all of them, and hes so proud of mammon and levi of what they've become. theyre responsible and caring and so full of love for the rest of their brothers and the people in their lives?? like. even after everything he's put them through, the pain he cause, the two still held up their heads and helped their younger brothers when they needed it. lucifer couldnt ask for better brothers
and levi and mammon?? following lucifer to the ends of the earth. hes done so much for this family and yeah, hes such a pain in the ass sometimes that it gets on their nerves, but they know how much he cares. how his heart bleeds for his family. he would do just about everything for this family, and mammon and levi would be right behind him with it
the three clash and get on each others' nerves often but like. those three? their bond is stronger than anything in the Three Realms. they all have each other's backs and would all just do everything in their power to protect their family and have them all safe <3 and really thats all the three of them could ask for
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yae-energy · 11 months
get in bitch, we’re going shopping
synopsis: my take on what it’s like going to the mall with saiki and friends
cast: kusuo saiki, shun kaidou, aren kuboyasu x shopaholic black fem reader (all platonic)
cw: theft (kuboyasu’s part) , cursing
a/n: this won the poll so come get y’all snacks ! this was also mega fun to write omg 😭😭😭
saiki - doesn’t even wanna be there
- bro just wants to stay home ong 😭
- def keeps that germanium ring on him cause he is not trynna hear everybody’s nasty ass thoughts
- sticks close to you if you’re in a group cause you’re the only one who isn’t stressing him out
- also cause you tend to wander off when looking at display windows
- has to keep you from going into every store y’all come across but man is that an exhausting job
- like he don’t wanna be there all damn day
- but having to stop you from getting pouty cause they didn’t have the sneakers you want is worse
- will literally use his clairvoyance to find the shoes in another store and then swap it with a different pair of the same value so you can shut the hell up 😭 (love a supportive king !!)
“they dont have the shoes?? i literally waited all damn day for those and they don’t even- …. huh? since when did these get here?”
“must be magic, now let’s get the hell outta here PLEASE”
- food court enthusiast !!!
- without a doubt his favorite place in the mall
- buys you both lunch
- also buys you a key chain as a gift cause he saw you eyeing it in one of the windows, and puts it in one of your bags so you’ll see it when you get home
- will not tell you he bought it
- you rambling to him on the way to school the next day about how you must’ve gotten it by mistake is a reward in itself
kaidou - shopaholic bestie
- just like you, kaido loves a good shopping spree !!!
- he’s gotta deck himself out so dark reunion knows who they messing with !!!
- they don’t call him the jet black wings for nothing 😤
- gives surprisingly good fashion advice
“this color brings out your skin tone you should get this”
“these shoes match that hat you should get these”
“gold accessories fit your skin perfectly”
- loves when you give him a fashion show if you’re trying on clothes
- will literally make you runway walk 💀
- hot topic king !!!!
- prob their biggest buyer tbh
- gets those corny graphic tees and you have to BEG him to not wear them in public
- like he genuinely thinks they’re cool and you’re like
“😬…lets not”
- goes straight to the bookstore to see if they have any new manga
- will be there for hours if you don’t pull him out
- like he dead read a whole book once while you were out looking for bags
- you bought it for him as a treat cause he carried all your bags for you
kuboyasu - a thief in the night
- im sorry y’all but this man def steals (same tho/hj)
- and doesn’t give a fuck either
- but most of the time it’s not even on purpose fr
- like he’ll pick up something and be like
“damn this shit cool ash”
- then will forget he has it in his hand and walk out with it 😭
- is banned from 3 of your favorite stores for doing this so he just stands outside like a club bouncer and waits for you
- best believe if someone tries to get at you he’s there to keep em in check !!
- once a cashier tried to get your number and he was not having it
“nuh uh”
- like 🤷🏽‍♀️ sorry but if they look like a loser he’s not letting it happen
- people assume you guys are dating cause he does that but he’s just a little protective fr
- he ain’t letting no scrub try to take you out, tf he look like?
- steals you that expensive bag you wanted
- goes with you into the makeup stores and lets you swatch the lipsticks on him if you run out of room on your hand
- will be mad if they don’t have your shade in anything and curse out the employees
- gets banned
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comradekatara · 3 months
Hello! So this is not quite an ask but THANK YOU for doing god's work of injecting some actual nuance, defending bolin (among other things), critiquing the comics, and all the plot holes/things that just don't make sense which become glaringly obvious if one thinks about any aspect for more than two seconds (lol but you know this already duh) and am only annoyed I did not stumble upon this blog sooner, since I am so done with this show (but also I keeping at it like the scabs). Also, your art is delightful! If you still require an ask, do you perchance write fanfic? (it's possible you might have mentioned it but sometimes I can't read lol)
Have a good day!
hello, and thank you! also it’s funny that defending bolin is the first thing you list because I thought I made it pretty clear that I think his character is direly poorly-written and that I do not care for him. but… you’re welcome I guess? but yes obviously critiquing the comics and imbuing nuance and all of that I will definitely gladly take credit for. and thank you for liking my art! i do occasionally write fanfic, but i’ve only ever shown it to my friends and never actually posted it anywhere, so functionally, my answer would be no. i have debated posting it in the past, but idk, i don’t think that would be a good idea. maybe someday i’ll snap tho who knows.
as for your other ask…
Also because I clicked on the ask button before I had a brain fart (so if this would come off a bit deranged for posting an ask right after the first my apologies), I also want to mention the commentary that Iroh being 'everyone's favourite sexist' is gold because we just gloss over that and no one ever seems to mention that scene. Another thing about atla is that the reason given for Zuko's constant internal struggle and conflict is because he's descended from the previous avatar and the fire lord but hello, Azula?? Did Ursa have an affair now?? Isn't she just as worthy of redemption, or the fact she's just as abused anyhoo ok im done
I mean I’m assuming by “that scene” you mean the one with june, but tbh his misogyny isn’t relegated to simply one unpalatable scene. it’s reflected in how he treats azula (versus zuko) across the show. and I know that zuko is softer and more amenable than azula, and he has demonstrated a desire to do good that azula hasn’t, but it’s also quite troubling that iroh just writes off his fourteen year old niece as a lost cause when she is also the sibling who most resembles him. and he somehow just can’t seem to understand that she is worthy of the same empathy and compassion and understanding as zuko is, that playing favorites like this isn’t good or normal. and I actually think that azula has it way worse than iroh, both because she’s a girl and because azulon seemed to love iroh conditionally (despite clearly not feeling the same about ozai), whereas ozai’s love for azula is incredibly conditional and does not exempt her from his violence. but you know. her hysterical wandering womb is outta control she needs to go down she cant be trusted she’s a sickopath!!!! like. ok old man.
as for your next point, I do think that what iroh says about zuko’s ancestry reflecting the ideological battle within him is fully bullshit, but I do reconcile that by interpreting iroh’s claims not as what he truly believes, but as a rhetorical point he thinks might get through to zuko. because he’s really run the gamut of wisdom and guidance, some of it even being contradictory, just in an attempt to pierce through zuko’s thick, stubborn skull. and it does pay off, eventually, but it takes ages to get there. like how much do you wanna bet his first approach was to just straight up be like “your father is an abuser and you shouldn’t adhere to his dogmas.” and then when that didn’t work he started getting creative with it. and like, the reason it gets through to zuko isn’t even because roku was his great grandfather, but because he was ursa’s grandfather. and realizing that he too can be good and stand up for what he believes in, like her, his true role model, is his ultimate takeaway from that lesson. but I really do think by that point iroh’s rhetorical strategy was really to just throw vaguely pertinent metaphors at the wall to see what sticks.
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dulcibella-dreams · 3 months
A jealous Makoto? How does he feel when SO speaks to other guys? Love your content.🥰
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Makoto Yuki/Minato Arisato - Jealousy 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 A/N: NFJDKSKDKKA another request???? I’m going to explode!! I'm so glad you like my content <33 tbh I'm not too sure how I went with this one, i think I fumbled :(( I hope you like it tho anon!!
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Makoto has a lot of female friends.
Yukari, Mitsuru, Fuuka, Chihiro, Yuko- the list goes on.
So it would be deemed... hypocritical, for him to dislike it when you gave your attention to a boy that wasn't him.
His gaze wandered across the classroom, landing on you. You were animatedly talking to a friend of yours, a guy he didn't quite know.
Makoto observed the way you laughed and leaned in, your eyes sparkling with mirth. A pang of emptiness settled in his chest, like an unbearable weight.
Perhaps you’d be better off with someone else? Someone like him?
Jealousy creates strong, unwilled feelings of self doubt for Makoto.
His childhood had taught him that affection was rare, elusive and fleeting. If you found a better option than him, logic dictated that you should choose it—discarding him.
He won't ever bring any of this up to you, either.
Not because he doesn't love you or trust you, but because he's afraid to appear controlling when really, he only feels outshone.
So, his next step is probably to enter the conversation, if only for a moment.
If only to interrupt and tell you something, anything- anything to remind you he's in the room. He settles on telling you he's heading home.
Taking in the boy you had been talking to, that emptiness in his chest flared up.
Spurred by the sickening feeling rising inside of him, he somehow feels he should make… a clearer point.
His fingers found your jaw, tilting your head up towards him. Quickly, he gave you a short kiss, though tender none the less.
After a pointed look at whatever guy you were talking to, he'd be off.
While you could be friends with the whole world for all he cared, they better not forget you were his.
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o-i-w-u · 3 months
Are there any silly facts about your characters? Stims they may do? Things they really like, favorite activities?
If they are to have sexualities, what some characters sexualities? :> (i suck at thinking of y im trying to pull questions out my void of brain for you)
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yesss stims!!! these are just a few of the characters and only a few of their stims, a bunch of them have verbal stims too :3
uhhhh big text under cut!
pollux flaps her hands a lot, she does it with her wings sometimes too! castor has stims aswell, but they're a lot less noticable, like leg bouncing or tapping on stuff. both castor and pollux release more star dust with stronger emotions (happiness, anger, sadness etc) :DD
thought (top right bm) picks at clothing and loose metal on his body, he often bites and chews on stuff, like his walking stick has quite a lot of bite marks in it from when he doesn't have anything else to gnaw on.
faith (directly under thought) shakes his head side to side, and he verbal stims a ton too.
L!kc (bottom right corner) shakes his whole body a lot
crimson (bottom left) scratches and picks at themself, it mostly started out as a way to sooth the itchiness from all their pinfeathers but slowly evolved into a stim of sorts
mel (sun inbetween crimson and L!kc) retracts his rays in a circular motion (?), its a nice distraction from ✨the horrors✨
most of my eclipses have verbal stims that they get rather embarrassed about :3
(a lot of these aren't 100%, identities are pretty damn fluid so these may change :])
mel/S!sun: bisexual
nore/S!eclipse: gay (mel and nore are like,, far too busy to focus on this stuff tho)
L!bloodmoon: i don't think he's ever experienced romantic/sexual attraction before tbh.
H!castor, H!pollux and H!gemini: queer platonic attractions, for now :)
crimson/P!bloodmoon: pan, i dont think they care <3
thorn/P!eclipse: pan
star/P!lunar: ??? hes just as confused as i am
L!kc: shes figuring stuff out. or atleast trying to.
thought/(?)!bloodmoon: hasn't thought much about it, bi maybe?
memory/(?)!bloodmoon (other half): ??????
faith/(?)!lunar: gay gay gay gay gaybo
(?)!eclipse: straight, but hes currently dead so.,.,
wonder/[character not shown yet erher!!]: questioning :)
thats all the sillie's attractions i can think of at the moment
crimson is a big fan of drawing as i've said before, and they love love love collecting things
uhhh random stuff that sorta applies to your other questions
((excluding some characters cus this is getting lengthy))
thorn comes up with insane fucking plans on the daily (never acts on them surprisingly)
star kinda just stares into the void 24/7, but when he's not doing that he's probably playing around with castor/pollux, or just wandering around
L!killcode is just doing her own thing the majority of the time, even his kids don't know what shes doing half the time lmao
pollux likes to hang out with star despite kc's wishes, they just like being silly with eachother
castor gets dragged into doing things that aren't work related, he tries to stay focused but pollux refuses to let him do so
mel likes uh,,, sleep, sleep, sleep and uhh sleep-
nore used to repair stuff for fun, but its become a necessity now
thought just hangs around faith, sorta mirrors whatever he's doing
faith just likes to relax or hang out with family
thank you sm for digging through the void!!! very appreciated :)
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cryptidclaw · 7 months
The clans, and by extension the Erins, whole “yOu CaN oNlY hAvE kItS wItH a CaT oF tHe SaMe ClAN” rule only makes sense if you don’t think about it for more then five seconds lol. It’s honestly a miracle that the canon clans have survived this long. Because if a insanely deadly disease flows through, due to their lack of genetic diversity, they are done.
And how exactly does the Outside Sire thing work exactly? Do order cats just go out and find some random cat or is it kinda like a job application where other cats have to come to them and they pick the most suitable sire? With how order cats can be with outsiders, part of me feels like they would be a bit picky.
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Yes! I completely agree! in reality kits with cats of the same clan would just lead to such bad genetics...
anywaysss to explain the donor thing further:
First off I want to establish that I dont think these cats have the same connotations or feelings around uh... reproduction, as us humans. Ofc they can have accidental pregnancies but i dont want to think abt the connotations abt that tbh. to me they mostly mate just to have baby.
because of this there isnt anything emotional between the donor and the cat who wants babies, they also dont need much of a relationship. I think the main criteria is "is the cat strong and with good genetics?" and "will they do this with no strings attached?" the donor needs to be just some random cat that isnt going to show back up wanting the kits, which i think is actually not too hard to find in loners outside the Orders since they are often just wondering travelers who dont want to be tied down. I think that there are a lot of toms who like the idea of spreading their bloodline with no need to be involved with the kits at all as well.
I think that they would be a bit picky about who they choose, each Order also has their own values on the kind of traits that are most important, so i think they would lean towards a donor who is closer to their Order's idea of a good choice! ex: Wind would want a slender swift donor, and maybe Thunder would want a big tough donor. Tho cats cant be too picky, there are only so many loners wandering around near the borders to choose from (ex: Ravenscourge's donor was a very littol guy lol).
also meta things: basically donors cease to exist after they serve their purpose, i dont want them to visit or come back as a part of the plot. I like the idea of most donors being wondering toms who just travel around and don't stay in one place long, which can explain this. I also will simply assume that each donor is a different cat, no repeats for the good of the gene pool even if in reality there probably would be several different litters sired by the same Outsider.
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jeffthekillerzblog · 2 months
HII what’s your creepypasta au like =3?
What’s Jeff’s relationship to the other pastas does he get along?
I Know it’s a one sided anon that clockwork sees Jeff and brother figure so that’s very cool
Also is your Jeff evil or silly
hi tulip ily
OKAY so hehhehehe jeffs whole character in my au is super like....conflicting I guess he has tons of depth to him and one of the only creeps whose character I have fully fleshed out LOLL
a lot of the creeps mildly tolerate him, his closets and tbh prob only actual friends are nina and ben. ben and jeff were each others true actual friends. in my auu jeff wanders slender's forest after the incident occurs, and ben finds him roaming snd they hang out for the day. it's jeffs first interaction ever since he ran away and bens first interaction with anyone besides sally and toby. so ya they hit it off and are besties. nina and jeffs relationship was super rocky at the beginning, but after 2 years of their conflict rising and resolving their able to become better friends and later best friends. Nina and Jeff kinda just understand each other, both getting bullied for just being themselves and existing. both nina and ben understand jeff and how his brain works and like...idk out of everyone just know how he really just is a sad and miserable guy.. they understand how tough he's had it and are able to put up with his breakdowns or like ermm melt downs or whatever u know. the difference between ben and nina tho is that ben isn't afraid of jeff. he's seen him at his most vulnerable state that whenever jeff breaks down all ben can see us that sad 15 year old when he first met him, he just feels bad for Jeff and understands him n stuff. Nina isn't too afraid of him but she definitely knows Jeff's scary and he could possibly hurt her again.
with all the other creeps id say they tolerate him enough. People like clockwork, jane, toby, ej etc know he's an asshole and lowkey freaky LOL but they don't really see him the way nina and ben does, and only see him as his narcissistic asshole personality. ESPECIALLY Jane she hates him so bad. But for jeff's character arc I'm thinkin the other creeps will def come around and understand him on a better level.
ANDDD LASTLY jeff is kinda...idk id say in between evil and silly since he CAN be evil. He can be an asshole towards everyone and shut them all out for no reason, but he can also be silly and have fun with them and stuff. but honestly he's mostly just really...really sad... he's miserable he feels lonely even with ben and nina bc idk he just thinks about the life he could've had if none of this had ever happened. he feels terrible about everything and KNOWS he's an asshole, he knows people are scared of him and he pretends that he likes being scary, that he likes doing the stuff he does but really he just sees himself as a monster, and doesn't think he can be anything other than that. He's just given up tbh, wallowing in self pity.
JEFFS CHARACTER MAKES ME SOOO RUIGGHHBB I could literally ramble about him forever. I love him sooo so much guyss....sighh...
but YEAHH ty for the ask tulip WOOHOO :3
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apoli-meow · 1 year
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Sorry to the person who commented on the original, I see you
Still listening to Cult of Dionysus.. My parents are worried
Shoutout to that one guy who keeps encouraging me in the first few hours of posting I love you sm
Sylviaaaaa (tbh she's like the least developed character cuz she's my least favorite (she's just kinda boring ig) but she does have somethings!!)
Name: Sylvia 'Zee' Zbornak
Age: 16
Sexuality: WOMEN- I mean lesbian (butch ofc)
Pronouns: she/her
Race: Mayan (mayan women are so beautiful istgggg- 😭😭💓💓... Sorry just my inner lesbian acting up)
Height: 173 cm (5'7 feet 🙄🙄)
Personality: tired jock, has braincells, is quickly losing them. The only thing that's keeping her from going insane is wander.
~ Random facts ~
• Has 3 younger brothers (triplets, age 10, idc abt canon at this point), her father is dead (yay for me inflicting trauma on my characters)
• Loves motorcycles
• MCR, G.L.O.S.S., Dream Wife (tbh I don't really know any of them at all, but I listened to a couple of their songs and they sound like something she would listen to lmao)
• Gym bros with Hater, they beat up eachother a lot (and beat up other people too)
• Was the one who bullied Peepers in middle school
• Now it's just awkward cuz she feels guilty but also takes no shit
• They are lowkey pissed at eachother but are forced to hang out together since they have the same friend group (hater and sylv becoming friends, wander and peepers kinda reconciling), so they have this sorta agreement to just not address their history (which is working out terribly but anything is better than communication ig)
• She was kind of a terrible person in middle school ngl
• Wander helped her change tho
• Dating Domi obv cuz these two are meant to be
• Her love language is being protective and putting pins on her bag for you. So a couple of them are actually not for her but for her friends ;)
• Her aesthetic is obviously punk but she's definitely more on the chill side.
• Not sure what else to say. Her tattoo is a quetzal bird, a symbol of freedom so I thought it would be perfect for her! Also it's really pretty <3
• Oh, I just remember - her water bottle is a gift from Wander (which is why it's so bright and colourful). She couldn't refuse a gift.
Yeah, that's basically it. I definitely had fun with this drawing.
Who should I make a post about next? Wander, Domi or Hater? (be warned, Hater is kinda ooc (I'm doing my best here))
Plz respond 🥲 (asking people to respond worked before right?..)
P.S. here's her tattoo ik nobody needs it but I spent an hour on it
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majestyjun · 1 year
thank u for the taehyun & kitty thoughts it sent me into brain rot ♡
SO random hard thoughts; taehyun who has to attend a pretty important zoom, and as always kitty is beside him giving needy eyes bc ur heat is near and can't help it.
he told u before to not bother him esp on a meeting like this but once u get a cat, u don't own the cat, they own u 🤭 or put simply, kitty has managed to sneak under, crawl up his lap and slipped his cock inside.
to everyone else in the meeting it just looks like he's cuddling his kitty, but everytime his mic is on, u purposely grind down on him or clench him so tight he had to hide his face in ur neck.
after it's over tho taehyun immediately pulls u by ur nape to face his sharp eyes, and kitty tries to run away from him and he just drags u back down on his cock. oh pray for kitty he's abt to commit murder on the other kitty (X_X)
OR imagine taehyun taking a nap and literally waking up to his kitty naked on the floor to bask in some sunlight.
u told him it's better that way, the clothes make u too hot but letting it bare is just right and all taehyun is thinking abt is how he's so glad he lives alone 😭
sike he's having way more thoughts running in his head, like how the sun makes ur skin looks like it's glowing to the slight shine on ur cunt to his load still leaking from last night.
tbh he might sneakily take a couple pics just bc u look so natural and pretty not really we all know cat hybrid owners are secretly pervs, taehyun's getting hard just watching u stretch and he decides right then that he didn't nearly leave enough marks on his kitty.
ends up having floor sex in the middle of the day, and he had to get it on camera how his kitty looked so cute w marks blooming all over, a blissed out smile and ruined cum soaked beat up red pussy ♡
hi hi 🐱~~ literally 🐱 is carrying my entire blog LOL i think a decent # come here for 🐱 lolol <3
taehyun n his… enjoyment of taking candid lewd watching of his kitty hybrid~~ he already has security cameras in his house to monitor, but ugh you’re such a brat, he’ll be working on a zoom call in one room away, n he gets a notification from his cameras telling him where you’ve moved to, sitting on his bed n teasingly fingering your cute cunny, kitty ears twitching with pleasure n cute cat mewls of arousal, tail swishing needily. n here he is, stuck in a zoom call while watching his bratty kitty hybrid struggle to finger yourself like he does, cute high pitched moans as your fingers push into your cunny n swirl around your juices <3 ugh he’s fucked, excusing himself for a moment before snatching your wrist, sliding over your panties n dragging you back over to his computer desk sternly. kitty who sits next to him all needy but actually under his supervision, a sharp be patient in his glare whoever your fingers wander. eventually being so so needy n seeing the bulge in his pants, quickly climbing on his lap n burying your face in his neck, ears twitching against his jaw as your nimble fingers undo his fly. cute mewling moan as his cock pushes into your tight, wet cunny, kitty tail swishing in pleasure <3 cockwarming taehyun while he works, the slightest movement resulting in a sharp tug on your tail, as if saying, behave, kitten. grinding down on him n taehyun who loses his composure momentarily, ugh tight pussy clenching down too tight on his veiny cock, burying his face in your hair before whispering in your sensitive kitty ear, punishment, kitten. lowered voice, breathy yet calm. kitty’s fucked, aren’t you~? the moment the call ends, taehyun who snatched up your tail n yanks hard, holding your jaw in his hand with a stern look… where do you think you’re going~?
oof okay NUMBER 2;;; basking in sun n wearing just an oversized t-shirt of his… well, wearing’s generous. completely exposing your curled up body, rumpled n bunched up around your chest as you comfortably roll on the floor, sleepy n wanting sunny warm. taehyun who’s confused for a moment, but also the tent in his pants… ugh he’s glad you’re not looking for a moment >< n it’s too hot with clothes on… then why are you lying in the sun? tail flicking lazily… too tired n sore to move, a glimpse of the dark kiss marks splotchy on your inner thighs, his favorite marking place because only he can see them there~~ n just as you roll over lazily, your legs fall open, glistening cunt still leaking his cum from last night, swollen folds so prettily his <3 taehyun who takes a few candid polaroids,,, he leaves them in his wallet n has a stash of them in his room. tent in his pants as you blink open sleepily, taehyun hovering over you as he strips off his shirt n tugs yours up higher, slightly confused kitty until his bulge presses between your legs n teeth meet your neck, ugh he didn’t mark you enough, did he~? taehyun who fucks his kitty on the floor, so cutely sore n already full of his cum, guess he has to fill you up again, doesn’t he? dumb kitty wailing for his seed, wanna be all full n warm from inside n outside, hands pawing at his abs needily n sobbing bc of the stretch <3 n when he’s messed you all up, kitty ears twitching, his hand wrapped around your tail n cunt dripping with a fresh load of his cum, legs splayed apart n neck covered in new bite marks, taking a polaroid of what a mess he’s made of his kitty hybrid~~ ugh, he has to keep this one, it developed nicely, didn’t it? n his fingers that push cum back inside your pussy, a gentle reminder to close your legs up, don’t waste a drop of owner’s seed~~
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quirkle2 · 2 months
THAT GORE IS SOOOO GOOD!! PEAK WRITING IF YOU ASK ME TBH (i love feral zombie mobu, he has my heart) will you be publishing your zombie au oneshots on ao3 or just here on tumblr?
also one last question (or not. >:D), how was zombie mob's dynamic/relationship with tome tho? i assume in this au that they didn't know each other before mob got turned? did they form some sort of relationship in a way that he eventually start to recognize her? or did mob stayed seeing her only as a stranger :o
- 🪻 (i think i'm just gonna go by this emoji from now :3)
ill prolly just stuck to tumblr for the one shots! i usually like to stick to longer stuff for ao3, so tumblr it is
and yes, mob Does grow to recognize tome as a friend instead of a stranger! it's a bit of a weird dynamic at first, bc when tome meets ritsu, the boys r separated. ritsu is adamant that zombie mob isnt violent, but tome begs to differ...
when tome led mob away from ritsu so she could get him back to the settlement, she ended up tying him to a random utility pole w rope from ritsu's bag she totally rifled through. in any other circumstance she'd prolly just let the patrol guards kill him, but mob is the one that got her attention and Led her to a sick ritsu, and she finds that they're traveling together.. (their labeled water bottles in ritsu's bag is the biggest sign; saliva can infect u so ritsu has to be careful abt not drinking after mob) this zombie is Behaving Strangely and tome is too curious abt this wack ass setup they've got goin to just,, let this zombie die or wander off. the only method she has of keeping him in one place is to tie him somewhere :/
zombie mob doesnt seem to rly care at first, he's just worried abt ritsu, but then when tome doesnt come back for a bit ??? the next morning when she returns (with food and water for him !) he is vicious toward her. he cant do anything tied up like he is, but he's constantly snapping his teeth at her, hissing and spitting and snarling, and trying to wiggle free
all that mob knows if that he tried to get help from this girl, ritsu is gone now, and he's tied to a pole. that pisses him off and all his addled brain can rly process is that ritsu is In Danger somewhere he cant get to. and in tome's perspective, this strange kid she saved has been traveling with a fucking demon, but somehow isnt infected.they checked. he's miraculously not
when ritsu is well enough to hold a convo, tome tells him she has his zombie friend safe somewhere, bc even in his delirium ritsu was mumbling abt his brother (tome voice ah! they're brothers... inchresting i see the resemblance if i remove the horrid eyebags from mob's face). ritsu says mob is an extremely docile zombie by default. tome says he's literally one of the most vicious ones she's ever seen. neither of them believe each other and ritsu is convinced she has the wrong zombie and that mob is still out there somewhere, wandering the settlement grounds just Asking for a patrol to kill him
when ritsu is better, she sneaks him outta the settlement to see his brother. as soon as tome comes around the corner of mob's sad little Utility Pole home he gets riled up and starts snarling, but when another figure follows behind her, he Instantly settles. he sees ritsu's face, still a bit pale but otherwise alive, and every alarm bell in mob's head is cleared and he relaxes like a switch in him was flipped
ritsu saw that viciousness for a split second tho, and is Shocked by it. nevertheless ritsu is so relieved he's okay, so he basically rushes at mob and envelopes him in a Hug and tome watches this, kinda stunned. the way his brother instantly settles in the hold ?? maybe ritsu Was right, in his eyes... maybe being around ritsu just calms mob down, so ritsu's only seen his tame side
tome joins the gang after that (her joining might seem strange, given she hasnt much of a motive, but trust me, for tome, getting to study this enigma of a dynamic is basically her dream. also she has a backstory that motivates her more but im not getting into that now). and it's very odd how mob seems to,,, be largely ok w her now ?
she thought it'd be difficult, given his obvious hatred of her after their first meeting, but it seems that her eventually bringing back ritsu erased most of the distrust there. he's typically pretty cool w her around; the only times he gets testy is when she shoves ritsu around when they're bullying each other. after all this time of walking w a gentle ritsu alone, mob doesnt rly know the difference between fun roughhousing and actually hurting each other, so he typically growls at her lowly until she stops
later on in the journey, he shows genuine trust in tome, particularly after moments where she saves him or ritsu from getting shot. and way later on, when tome is in trouble, mob even attacks another zombie to keep them away from her
eventually he sees her as part of the gang, and tome sees him as less of a Vicious Monster and more of what he actually is; somebody's brother that is sick, and is one of the only zombies in existence that is actually being taken care of and accommodated for
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coconoct · 3 months
late night ramble but ig heres my 2 cents of this poll (not directly attaching this to the poll cause im a coward LOL)
ofc, i won't put my thoughts on luci/belphe/asmo. ik we get tidbits of them through their nobles or pb's prev games but i wanna judge them based on how they actually show up in-game. i also know there's prob gonna be some luci lore later when gamigin update is out (atm its like abt 4 or so days till that update's release) but i'll just omit my thoughts on luci for now
ok now for the rest of the kings:
i should also put a disclaimer that i don't read any of the unholy board stories unless if it's mammon's, so for the other kings that aren't mammon my opinions are purely based off of main story or event appearances or how they act in comics
satan - honestly pretty ok w him. i'm kinda biased when it comes to mc being recoginized as their own person rather than purely just the descendant of solomon so i like him based on that. idk i don't have any strong opinions abt him i just see him as a very fluffy cat :3
mammon - absolutely love him. 0 flaws. wins the idgaf war. my absolute fav squeak toy. lol ok but fr tho i don't really have any complaints abt him. will spoil tf out of mc and wants to ensure their safety. also sees mc as mc and was even kinda disgusted(? idk a better word for this💀💀) by the fact that a part of solomons soul can be sensed in them, almost as if he doesnt want it to be in the way of mc. also wasnt afraid to call out the fact that sitri kept calling mc solomon. and ofc the love at first sight thing is great too but also the bodyworship (or ig faceworship bc he only just kissed mc's entire face??) before the confession like UGH... absolutely weak for that man (devil?). idk i dont rlly see that many mammon fans rlly anywhere and it saddens me hes such a good char outside of just having huge tibbies. srsly tho pb pls we get it he has huge tits you dont need to constantly bring it up the char sprite is literally right in front of us-
cant wait for the next chapter w the big lore dump abt mammon and hope we finally get a pt 2 of his h scene (hopium)
no srsly he's the only king w 1 h scene, satan and levi got 2,, WHERE IS MAMMON'S PT 2
as a side comment also i love the silly banter btwn mammon and satan like they are truly besties from the cross on their foreheads to matching skill names to the amnt of times they throw hands and still hang out and care for each other
beel - hes ok ig? i think lore-wise hes gonna be one of the more interesting ones considering how "mysterious" he is i.e. constantly wandering, almost being an absent king. like what led to the constant wandering? what did andrealphus mean when he said beel is the key to ending the war? how does his cloning work? i kinda feel bad for bael and the other nobels needing to manage everything while beels away but i don't rlly hate him for it? at least not now considering we don't rlly know the definite reason and i want to assume the best and say he has a valid reason for being absent so he could protect his region. hate is a strong word ig its more of a slight dislike towards beel, but its like this 🤏 small of a dislike im still overall neutral abt him
levi - falling into the majority from the poll i have to agree that levi is my least fav king also lol. i get where he's coming from and why he acts the way he does, i just dont like how he's written? or ig moreso how he's written in the perspective of mc. tho tbh that's more of an mc issue than a levi issue, but i got pretty tired of the story constantly reminding us how pretty levi is (similar to how we always get reminded of how big mammon is/how huge mammons tits are). idk its like a gut feeling to not like/trust him. i also just don't really vibe w him in general even before we were actually introduced to him in main story. hes a good attacker gameplay-wise tho lol
so yeah, those are my thoughts for now. ofc they could change in the future when we get more info abt all of them but we'll see
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aroacesigma · 3 months
ok so sousou no frieren (or frieren beyond journey's end (i think thats the en title)) follows ! well. frieren. she's an elf so she lives an extremely long life (also she is so autism. peak tbh creature but thats unrelated) so time is extremely inconsequential to her. so the story begins at the end of every other like, fantasy anime - the Big Bad has been defeated and the heroes are coming home and settling back into their lives. except frieren splits off from her party to go wander around and collect magic. for 50 years. so when she comes back to honor a promise to her friends that they'll all go see a meteor shower that happens once every like 50yrs, they're all Old.
and then the leader of her party, himmel, dies. (also he was lowkey in love w/ frieren but she Did Not Know and is only figuring it out as the story progresses) which kickstarts frieren's journey.
ngl i kinda forgor what she's doing overall but. she meets up with one of her other party members and stays with him for awhile while training his like. adopted?? daughter as a mage (and she becomes frieren's party member and the two travel together :3) and !!
its this very soft and sweet story. but it's also really cool and intense at times skjdghds like frieren is following the path her original party took - and making new memories along it. the first episode made me cry btw its A Lot. but its such a good series. frieren learns to care about people because she didn't and then lost someone and wishes she had tried harder. so she does. and its so cute so many of the things frieren does all come back to himmel and its just. ough. i need to chew on them.
anyway pls watch frieren its such a good anime. the op is a banger too pls listen to yuusha (srry for no subtitles/translation on that video but </3 the animation is pretty :3 frieren is the elf mage, heiter is the blonde(?) priest, i forgor the dwarf dude's name, and the blue haired guy is himmel ! i don't think you see fern or stark (frieren's current party members) in that version of the op animation tho)
AWWW that sounds lovely omg ... i'll put it on the watchlist for after i watch vnc
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ofmermaidstories · 11 months
Merms! Hope you’re feeling better! I adored your surrender au mashup drabble, which my brain randomly got me thinking, in the original surrender universe what the relationship between bakugo’s parents and weeds is like, I wonder if it would be important to bakugo for them to meet? How they would? Imagine the lil flower arrangement weeds would make if it was an organised meet up 🥺
i haven’t posted it yet, but there’s a throwaway line about weeds meeting the bakugous in the birthday!drabble im doing for the one-shot collection. they have their own little dinner with katsuki and weeds, for his birthday! 🥺 he hates every moment lmao, and keeps trying to shut down his mum’s questions. 💀 his dad is much sweeter though—he and weeds meet before this, accidentally, when he stops by katsuki’s apartment and runs into her! it’s what inspires the birthday dinner. 🥹
tbh i see katsuki’s parents as being fairly hands-off that first year weeds and katsuki are together—you know! relationships are funny! you have to let them settle! plus katsuki would be like a rabid chihuahua any time his mother or his dad like, ask about weeds or whatever. mitsuki would be sooo nosy tho—how on earth does anyone tolerate her son for so long???—and masaru would just be so pleased for his little boy. 🥹 like, that first time weeds and the family meet, weeds comes armed with this beautiful, big bouquet of flowers for mitsuki and then afterwards, when katsuki’s shepherd weeds out of the house (all the while evil eying his mother) mitsuki will flick one of the big, fat peonies and be like, “the kid seems sweet. how long do you think it’ll last?”
and masaru will just scratch the side of his nose under his glasses and think about a younger mitsuki, who literally would not take no for an answer from him—and a younger katsuki, who had the same laser-focus when it came to the things he wanted in his life. “i’m not sure,” he’ll say, placidly. “we’ll have to wait and see.”
as an answer it pleases mitsuki—i like to think she’s stubborn about acknowledging the similarities between her and her son. she’d want him to settle down and be normal (and safe) and give her grandbabies—but after nearly losing him so many times as a teenager, a child still, i think she’d just count herself lucky he has a future to live at all—no matter what it looks like, or who it’s with.
(“i can’t believe he’s even interested in human contact,” she complains to masaru the day after the birthday dinner. he’s ironing, nodding as he listens and she sets the wash basket down. “i was beginning to think our real baby got replaced by some kind of—piggybacking little demon, only we were stupid enough to dress it and raise it and set it loose in the real world—”
“piggybacking little demon or not,” masaru interrupts, fondly, “he’s still our boy. i’m glad he’s found someone—especially someone so nice.”
that makes his wife snort; almost exactly like their son used to, as an impatient teenager. “i hope those nice genes are strong enough to beat out his demon ones, then.”
masaru thinks ruefully of his own dark hair—and the way katsuki was almost an exact clone of his mother, down to their scowls. “we’ll have to see about that,” he says, wry.)
eventually tho, mitsuki figures out the name of the florist shop that weeds runs and oh, would you look at that—masaru just happens to be in town! in the same area! what a coincidence!! didn’t expect to run into katsuki’s girlfrend, here of all places, oh well better take some flowers back home for mitsuki haha! weeds would be delighted—masaru is a very gentle man, and when neither of them have their respective blondes there, needling the other, it’s easier to hold proper conversation. it wouldn’t be crazy often—once every few months, maybe, when masaru “accidentally” wanders into town—but i reckon eventually he and weeds would have a standing lunch date. 🥺 just a little check-in. weeds can get the family happenings/gossip from him, and he can get a true assessment of what’s going on his boy’s world. 🥺 they’d either eat together in the store or go to little cafés, bistros—talk over sandwiches or traditional bowls served by some tiny, tiny old grandmother with a shop cat that sits on the counter and a pile of magazines on the chair next to weeds. it’d be fun! weeds would really enjoy the time with another civilian who knows what it’s like to love a pro-hero, and worry for them. 🥺
(it’s all fun and games until katsuki figures it out. he sees it, actually, while on patrol; the pair of them walking back from lunch like old friends. he’s so mad LMAO. he told his stupid parents to butt out of things!!! masaru’s laughing at weeds impersonating a grumpy katsuki when there’s a growl from behind them—he’s lethally silent when he wants to be—and someone says, “something real funny, eh?”
weeds and masaru are fairly similar in temper, i think—so they’d be identically shame-faced, as katsuki bawls them out, right there on the street LMAO. told off by a pro hero. 😔 how embarrassing.)
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