#so excited to see rick suffer
hydrogen-jukebox · 5 months
did not expect season 7 of rick and morty to be so dark holy shit
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priincebutt · 16 days
How about Henry who never fell asleep with anyone else around, because he never trusted anyone and had an image to uphold, falling asleep on Alex all the time when they're hanging out (even with other people) because he feels safe. Can be canon or AU. :)
Hey anon!! Thank you for this lovely little prompt! This is a super short response, but I didn't want to drag it out because I think it works as just a silly lil domestic drabble. Hope you enjoy!
Movie night has kind of become a thing for Alex and Henry now that they have a space that’s their own. It feels domestic, like they’re allowed to have their own slice of normalcy despite everything they’ve been through. On Friday nights when most people their age are going to the clubs or hitting up dive bars, Alex and Henry curl up on their couch with a bowl of popcorn, boxes of pizza, and a bottle of wine and choose a movie out of a bowl. The movies they put in there are an amalgamation of favorites, ones that haven’t been seen, and new releases they both were anticipating, and this way they don’t fight over what to watch (which of course happened on their inaugural movie night).
This week, things look a little different. Alex is in his usual spot on the couch with Henry curled up into his side. Nora and June have commandeered the love seat across the way, their sides touching, their legs intertwined, arms slung over the arms of the chair haphazardly. Percy is in Henry’s favorite armchair, a vintage thing they found at a flea market that he had reupholstered in a cream brocade that somehow matches Percy’s overly stylish sweats. Bea occupies the final seat on the couch, her legs tucked underneath her, chin balanced on her hand, elbow perched on the arm of the couch. It’s not often that the super six are all in the same city together – business keeps them all bouncing around the globe, or firmly planted across the pond, or overly worked in DC, but they always found their way back to each other eventually, and this weekend it was a trip to New York City, with Bea occupying the guest bedroom in the Brownstone, and Nora, June and Percy all staying in a local hotel close by.
“The Mummy is an integral part of the bisexual experience!” Alex had yelled in excitement when the title had been announced as their watch for tonight. “I’m so excited for you to see it, Hen, Brendan Fraser is so hot, and it takes place in Egypt, you guys are going to love it.”
June and Nora had enthusiastically agreed, and Percy and Bea and Henry all shared a look and a laugh, an understanding passing between the three of them – they love these silly Americans enough to suffer through any movie for them.
“Fine, but I still can’t believe it wasn’t Notting Hill,” Henry had harrumphed, like it was a real struggle to curl up into Alex’s side and watch a movie full of attractive actors on the screen.
Everyone settles in as the movie starts, and pizza and popcorn is passed from hand to hand. It doesn’t take long for The Mummy to capture everyone’s attention, and only a few hushed whispers are occasionally passed as Evie and Rick run from the bad guys and race to find Hamunaptra.
They don’t even get halfway through the movie when Alex notices it – Henry’s head is heavy on his shoulder, his breathing regular and his chest rising and falling slowly against Alex’s side. Alex ducks his head and peeks at Henry, and the small, satisfied smile that curls across his lips is genuine. Henry’s fast asleep on his chest, despite him being engrossed in the movie only moments before. Alex doesn’t wake him up, though, just runs his fingers through Henry’s golden hair and presses a reverent kiss to his boyfriend’s forehead, then turns back to the movie. They make it a few more scenes before Nora catches on and alerts June to the snoozing Henry, which in turn gets Pez to coo at them softly and Bea to share a small, private smile with Alex.
Henry, an infamous insomniac, passed out across Alex’s chest and snoozing like a baby. Bea remembers how hard it used to be for Henry to sleep, how he used to fight sleep like it was giving in to weakness to lay his head down and rest. He deserves this, she thinks. He deserves someone he feels comfortable enough around to fall asleep on, in the middle of a room full of people, in the middle of a loud, action packed movie. Henry deserves Alex, who lulls him to sleep and knocks him out despite it all.
Nora and June are in the kitchen making a box of brownies they found in the pantry, and the credits are rolling when Bea conspiratorially leans in to Alex and smiles brightly.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen my brother sleep in a public space. This is… impressive.”
“Quite,” Percy agrees in a quiet tone, his own smile telling as he looks from Bea to sleeping Henry then back over to Alex. “Henry’s always been so… strange about sleep. Didn’t want people to know he did it or something,” Percy laughs as he shakes his head.
Alex smiles sweetly down at Henry, his affection easily apparent as he brushes a lot of hair from Henry’s forehead. “This is his home, he can be comfortable here. I’m proud of that,” Alex admits quietly, not budging an inch in hopes of allowing Henry to sleep longer.
“I’m so thrilled to see him this happy,” Bea admits, her tone easy and her eyes bright. “You’re so worthy of his love, Alex.”
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whateverisbeautiful · 7 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#12: Kiss Of Life (S7E05)
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Ooh it’s called the Kiss of Life for a reason. 🤩 No one does passion like Richonne. ❤️‍🔥 This marvelous scene seriously has a hold on me and features my absolute favorite Richonne kiss (thus far 😏). The moment is just so good and mesmerizes me like no other. It's legitimately hypnotic. And that’s why, even tho Rick and Michonne barely speak in this scene, it absolutely makes my top 12. And you know the kiss is good when you have multiple favorite parts of it lol...
First, it’s important to note that it’s not just the kiss that makes me adore and appreciate this scene but how extremely meaningful this exchange is based on where Rick and Michonne are at during this part of the story.
This was one of the hardest and most depressing seasons for them as they wrestled with losing people they loved and then being expected to be Negan’s servants indefinitely. 
And during this Negan era, it’s one of the rare times when Rick and Michonne are on notably different pages about how to approach the situation. And while Michonne told Rick she’d try to accept this way of "life," it’s clearly eating away at her to just sit and let Negan torment her family.
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It’s eating away at Rick too, but with the love he has for tf, and especially for Michonne and his children, at this stage in the show he really feels like he’d rather suffer like this with them than fight and lose them.
This was such a tough time for them, and yet Rick and Michonne's love so heartily prevails with this special kiss. It's the definition of true love's kiss, if you ask me. 🤩
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So first, I always feel for Rick at the top of 7.05 when he’s talking to Carl, who is understandably frustrated and behaving coldly to his dad. All Rick wants is for his family to be okay, and they’re so clearly not okay right now, which you know weighs on him.
And I’m not the only one who feels for him because Michonne is of course also in the room for this Grimes family moment, and she seems to be really empathizing with Rick as well. 
So then Rick and Aaron walk out of the room, and Michonne follows and, again, shoutout Aaron for leaving to give Rick and Michonne a private moment lol. Cuz the moment was perfection. 😍 Like for real tens across the board...
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Rick and Michonne stand in front of each other, and Rick invites her to join them if she changes her mind. I love that he always wants her with him.
I remember even watching live, I could tell that Michonne wanted to go with him too, cuz magnets don’t part. But she’s of the mindset that she has to try and go out on her own to fight this for the both of them if he’s not ready to fight back yet.
Michonne quietly and compassionately says, "good luck" and even tho Rick is clearly sad and knows this could be a moment of distancing, he still wants to close the gap and at least hug her goodbye, which I appreciate. 🥰
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So he goes in for this hug, and whenever I think back to when I first watched this scene live, I just smile because I remember how excited I was that Rick was simply going to hug Michonne and maybe kiss her on the cheek or whatever it looked like he was about to do. But little did I know we were in for something...
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Because as he goes in for this cute husband-off-to-work hug, Michonne stops him by gently placing her hand on his face. And I will forever love the choreography of this whole moment.
I love that it’s this moment of Michonne redirecting to let Rick know she wants to send him off right and make it crystal clear to him that even tho they’re going different ways right now, she is not upset with him, disappointed in him, or pulling away from him.
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So she warmly takes his face, and then there's this subtle moment where Rick does that signature Rick Grimes head tilt in her hands as he tries to assess what this moment is about.
You can see a heartbreaking split second of Rick seemingly wondering if this is her literally and figuratively pushing him away. And what most pains me is knowing Rick thinks he deserves whatever disappointment or distance Michonne might potentially feel toward him. 😭
His past relationship saw his former wife push him away during a very vulnerable time after he had to kill his best friend for trying to kill him, so it's like he's briefly expecting something like that again.
But one thing that wonderful woman Michonne is always going to do is let Rick know, this is different. 🙌🏽
It's the very thing Rick told Carl the literal morning after he and Michonne first got together - where homeboy didn't even want to wait a few hours before reassuring his son that he and Michonne are gonna be long-term. (which I always am just fully amused by that whole 6.11 scene btw. from rick lowkey forgetting he's talking to his son by emphasizing, "it just happened," carl's reaction to seeing his dad in a tizzy, and judith's 'office' look in the camera. gold 😂. michonne's fam is the cutest, y'all)
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And "this is different" has remained an accurate way to describe the elevated love Richonne has with each other.
Because see, now Rick isn't with a love in his life, he's with the love of his life. He's with the one (& only 👑). This is his unequivocal soulmate who will be by his side through any and everything. And I love that Michonne always manages to show Rick that he's met his match in a way he's never experienced before.
So thankfully Rick doesn’t have to ponder what this moment is about for long because Michonne quells any and all of those fears when she proceeds to kiss him with passion in an abundance. It’s utterly perfect. 😍😍😍
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No words needed, and she still manages to say everything. I still love you. I still crave you. And I’m still with you was expressed loud and clear. 👏🏽
And Michonne really is such a commendable queen for doing this and making sure no wedge was created between her and her husband. This kiss really made any distance they had prior disappear, and it so beautifully let Rick know he is still cherished and appreciated by his wife.
He needed this moment more than he could probably even express. But of course, without even having to say it, Michonne knew this was needed because she always knows her man. 😊
This moment also feels like something she's been wanting to do since that fateful and scary night in the line-up where there were several times she could've lost him.
Like you know the fact that Rick is still with her and they're still alive, is something she's grateful for and doesn't take for granted. So she needed this moment too. And this kiss lets everyone know that while Negan may have nearly broken their spirits, he can never break their love.
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The level of passion in this kiss is great for many reasons, but especially because you know after the lineup Rick and Michonne are now both so much more aware of how quickly things can go fatally wrong and how whenever you leave home and part ways you really could not make it back home to each other. It makes me think about how Glenn left ASZ just to quickly retrieve Daryl, but then he never returned to their home again. 😢
So as Rick prepares to go off on this run with Aaron, he and Michonne really kiss like it could be their last because that's an unfortunate possibility. (even though not too much of a possibility since they're the ones who live, amen. 😌)
And then my absolute favorite part of this kiss is when Rick so clearly gets fully immersed in this moment with Michonne and pulls her closer to him. I freaking LOVE that little gesture of him pulling her into him. 😍 It felt like it was Rick's turn to also let Michonne know - I still love you. I still crave you. I’m still with you.
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Rick and Michonne just fit so perfectly together and I love the way they can always get lost in each other. Truly, in that moment for them, it felt like they were the only two in the world and all the other stuff didn’t matter. Their ability to be so present with each other is so special. 🥹
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And she was already so close to him but the fact that he pulled her even closer...Magnets. And then whoever pointed out that Michonne kisses his top and bottom lip is a real one because I never noticed it before, but now it’s my other favorite part of this moment. 😋
They were really wild for this whole kiss, y'all. It feels great to be so spoiled. And we're Blessed with a capital B that this ship is literally everything we could dream of. 😌
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This kiss is of course steamy and heavenly, but also it is just so powerful. For Rick and Michonne to be going through what they’re going through and feeling so differently about their current circumstances, it is so powerful that they close the gap rather than widen it. That they express authentic love for each other more than opposition.
This moment solidified that Richonne has what it takes to rise above anything and that even when they have entirely different opinions on a subject as big and serious as how to approach fighting for their lives and their people, they will still always be with each other. Wholly, Deeply, & Forever.
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Again, I so appreciate that Richonne always chooses each other. And also this kiss was only our second time seeing them kiss like this since their canon ep, and man did they deliver. Like...
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I’ve always felt that something so special about Richonne is that they are not like some TV couples who are more interesting in their pre-canon "Will They/Won't They" phase, and then when they finally do get together it doesn’t quite live up to all the steamy passion of their build-up.
With Rick and Michonne it’s a whole different story cuz moments like this kiss let us know that all that steamy passion and build-up was not only matched but topped when they were finally able to express the love they felt romantically. 
Also, when they lost Carl the following season, it was this kiss of life in s7 that I’d think about because I believe this is an illustration of what Michonne and Rick ultimately land on even amidst the toughest adversity. They land on love, which has proven true time and time again.
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And as always their moments after the kiss are also profoundly passionate as they look into each other's eyes and then do their signature thing of leaning their heads against each other, truly almost as if finding their center with each other.
I love that they stay in this moment awhile, again with no words necessary to communicate how much they love and are with each other. 
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They are the epitome of soulmates, and the way their love shined through in this quiet moment made that clear.
And then I love that Rick can’t help but express gratitude to Michonne for giving him his entire life with that kiss, so he fittingly says what he always finds a way to say to her, "thank you." The absolute cutest. 😊 You know Rick ain't been kissed like that ever before lol. Michonne has that man forever entranced, and I love to see it.
And the thing is, Rick has a special effect on Michonne too, cuz you can clearly see it in the way she looks at him as well.
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In one kiss Michonne and Rick were able to breathe life into each other and quiet all the worry of them being on the rocks. They might still have big differences at this point, but nothing will ever be strong enough to divide them.
(that's why when I hear lines like say, "we are the strongest military on the planet" or "we're the last light of the world," or whatever, my only thought is - and yet you're still no match for Richonne. 💅🏽 Rick and Michonne Grimes prove they're the ones who live and the ones whose love is unstoppable every time. 👌🏽)
So it was a big deal for Richonne to have this moment in 7A. I appreciate that Michonne knew her man needed to be lifted up and reminded just who he is to her, and she did just that like only she can. And as the kiss went on, Rick let her know he felt just as strongly about her.
This important kiss shows that Rick and Michonne’s love is unbreakable, and I treasure this scene as such an undeniably powerful moment between them. I love their love, and I will adore this Kiss of Life for life. 😌
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
How would the yanderes react to the character and way of being of Piper and her relationship with Percy, I mean, I'm not judging Rick, but he went out of his way to make a Mary Sue and an icon for women with his way of being even at the expense of ruining his other characters (Annabeth, Percy, etc.) giving him powers that are not relevant in the previous books we had been told that the witchspeaker does not It worked with the gods and out of nowhere comes Piper and it worked when she manipulated Gai later with her attitude of "I'm a daughter of Aphrodite who doesn't like to be pretty, attract attention, be rich." I don't like that my father is a famous actor either, he knows how to fight and that makes me different from my mother's other children." What is this about? Aphrodite's children demonstrated several times that not only did they She worries about their appearance and that they know how to fight especially in the last hero of Olympus and most of the time Piper likes to be paid attention when she is with the 7 in the Argo I feel like Piper would be the type of character who has the script on her side and that's why things turn out well for her. While Rick gives Percy and Nico every character development that makes you think "stop Rick, he's one step away from breaking down," Piper literally said that he suffered a lot in his childhood because"Her father was not with her and he preferred to spend his time working" that is not suffering, your father spent his time working so he could take care of you Meanwhile, Percy's mother also worked and kept her away from him and she did not put herself in a suffering role, Nico Zeus killed his mother, Jason was abandoned by his mother, Leo had to see his mother Dying and blaming himself for it, But each one moved forward While Percy and the others, sorry, but I'm going to focus on my daughter in the books, it seems to me that sometimes Piper doesn't like Percy for the simple fact of being a competition.For Jason being the son of Poseidon
Sorry, I got excited and deviated from the question, what is it:
How would the yanderes react to Piper if she somehow didn't like Percy or treated her badly in the Argo when Percy tried to (as she did in most of the Mark of Athenea book) give orders
It may be a very unlikely situation according to some that Piper treats her badly but it is that in blue arsenic Percy adopted a personality that Piper and most feminists would not like.(Act adorable and like a helpless little girl)
so a long time ago i found this funny website about the types of mary sues, and here are the ones i feel like piper fits the bill for:
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-> not just about piper's issues with her dad and being rich, but her whole thing with jason, which is ESPECIALLY prevalent in toa, where she bemoans about how hera and aphrodite FORCED her into a relationship with jason, when that was not the case at all. throughout all of hoo, we read about piper going through with the false memories even after being told that they were fake memories conjured by the mist, wishing that jason doesn't remember his past so he would stay with her, getting jealous over reyna, getting upset whenever jason thinks about anything related to camp jupiter, etc.
but rick was getting a lot of backlash over jasper/jiper, so he breaks them up in toa, but does it in a way to make PIPER look like the victim instead because, again, he really likes her and wants ppl to sympathize with her
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-> someone on quotev mentioned this, but basically piper and annabeth lol. when piper first landed in camp, annabeth was spilling EVERYTHING to her and immediately became vulnerable, when annabeth was never characterized to be like that. she has always been standoffish at times, and after the war, she definitely wouldn't be spilling all her woes to a random girl. but again, rick wants her to be liked, and the best way to do that was immediately have her connect with a well-loved character from the first series
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(i'm really sorry about these big ass adds that appear in the middle 💀)
-> piper out-charmspeaking drew, which was made easier for her since the aphrodite kids were given a massive downgrade personality and skill-wise. and like you mentioned before, her charmspeak working on goddesses even though it shouldn't.
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-> piper has done a lot of stuff wrong. before they get to kansas, she gets visions from katoptris about jason having golden eyes (he and percy gets possessed by the eidolons and are forced to try and kill each other), REPEATEDLY gets a vision of her, jason, and percy DROWNING, and a dude with a vine hat (bacchus). and she only every speaks about the dude with the vine hat 💀. and after she, jason, and percy drown, she confesses that she had seen it before and apologizes for not saying anything because "i didn't know how to tell you guys 🥺" and she's immediately forgiven
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-> honestly, it's not really just piper, but it shows more with her 💀 rick was trying to make her a feminist icon, but she reeked of internalized misogyny and it didn't help that all of her enemies or rivals were female characters who were comfortable with their femininity (they liked pink, wore makeup, liked dresses/skirts, etc.) and she triumphed over them every single time, which is basically proves that piper was RIGHT to think that way 💀
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-> she was obsessed with jason bro 💀 like, almost possessive kinda yandere, but ofc it was never supposed to be seen that way, rick just unwittingly wrote her that way which is kinda funny
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-> she's not exactly a villain (she's supposed to be one of the good guys) but she was DEFINITELY spoiled by the story for sure 💀
i'm not gonna have piper and percy interact much, tho to be fair, they didn't interact much in canon either so i don't think anything will change. piper will definitely notice percy's more girly side and be like "ew :/" but she's mostly going to be daunted by her because YES, she's girly and a bit of a girlflop, but she's seen her fight and seen how powerful she can be. she's mostly just gonna be sus and jealous cuz i plan on fleshing out percy and jason's relationship
(i plan on making jason lowkey jealous and bitter about percy because percy is everything he strives to be: perfect, and it makes him insecure. plus, she's clearly well-loved not just by the camp, but by her father and other gods, and he feels inadequate and wants to be like her, but percy's gonna try and help him through with it 🥺💖)
daddyseidon obviously detests piper and is pissed that she refuses to obey percy's orders. in his eyes, his daughter has the highest status out of everyone there and every word she says should be law 💀
hades is put off by piper. he doesn't understand what her problem is LMAO. while he doesn't think it's right for percy to be in charge (she's just a wittle baby, she should be in the palace and chilling, not fighting for her life! 🥺), she's still of higher status and should be obeyed.
(imagine their shock when they find out that percy's actually NOT treated as a princess there and is just treated as One of Them, which she's perfectly cool with ofc, but they hate ittttt 😂😂😂)
apollo is disgusted. his whole thing is about loving yourself and with piper's blaring internalized misogyny, she clearly does NOT love herself and makes it everyone's problem in his eyes 😭😭 he's so worried about percy, what piper's her pissy attitude influences his darling?!?!?! 🥺
beelzebub would just want her dead 💀 his stress levels are high okay, this poor man is stuck watching the love of his life fight against giants, monster, and GAEA 24/7, he just wants them all DEAD ALREADY
loki would find her the most hilarious thing ever (in a derogatory way). she's so full of contradictions it almost makes him feel better about himself 😭 says she's not boy-obsessed and that her siblings are pathetic losers, but acts crazy when it comes to jason. etc etc. it's not until she makes her dislike to percy known that he sobers up and goes "ok that bitch has got to go 😤"
anubis (omg i think this is the first i ever got to write about him like this?!) wouldn't even CARE about piper. she wasn't even in his RADAR and she would've been perfectly safe!! ...but then she goes and does ONE wrong thing to percy and now all bets are off 💀 anubis would've been the only one who would've spared her cuz his only concern is percy, but once she goes after her, he's planning on killing her and using her bones as a chew toy 💀
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itsgrimeytime · 9 months
Magnolia in May (Part Twenty One) || Rick Grimes (TWD) x Greene!f!reader Regency AU
Parts 1-20...
Taglist: @loliakeoghan23 @belaballs @curlycarley @queenie32 @mgparker
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker
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Inspiration (in honor of Speak Now Taylor's Version): Enchanted by Taylor Swift.
Summary: Your town was small, not the smallest you knew, but anyone of high fortune was the gossip of the week. Predictably, Richard Grimes was a thing of whispers -rumors of a search for marriage among the grassy hills. You weren't one to buy into town gossip, but something about him... just seemed a little too intriguing.
TW: parental abandonment, crying.
[[A/N: Thanks for reading !!! ]]
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The dinner was a slow sort of event, Mr. Grimes had introduced you to Carl, but he hadn't so much as looked up. Judith had smiled at you, big and bright, with an extended wave -too excited to sit still.
She was dressed beautifully, with bows tied gently into her hair and blonde curls laid gently along her shoulders -picturesque. And Carl was just as dashing, finely dressed in something quite similar to his father's dressings with the accent of blue. His hair was shapely set up, smooth and shiny, and his eyes were the same blue as Mr. Grimes's.
You've seen so in the pictures, but it was quite different to see in person. To see the eyes reflected so perfectly in his son's-
"Hello," Carl echoed, small and timid, something unlike what you believed the boy to be.
Even still, you smiled at him, curtsying slightly before you sat down -softly responding, "Hello."
"Father says you wish to speak to me after dinner," he spoke, rather directly -more like you assumed him to be.
"Carl," Mr. Grimes started.
"No, no," you hummed fluttering towards him ever so slightly -not touching, "-I asked only if you wish to. If you aren't comfortable-"
"I shall only ask why," he interrupted, peeking over at you, big blue eyes, "-I'm curious as to why."
"Rightfully so," you hummed, thoughtfully, "-and I will tell you. Upon our discussion."
"Father's..." he started, before seeming to stop his train of thought, "-He's courting you, right? You... My classmates talk of it."
You opened your mouth, hesitantly, "Well-"
"Yes," Mr. Grimes spoke, certain -unwavering, "-I've been courting her. That's why she's here to meet you today, I... I wish for you to meet."
"You want me to approve," Carl addressed, rather directly, "-right? You won't marry her until I approve."
"There's plenty of time left in the courting process," you clarified gently, "-there's no rush for anything. I'm not..."
"Replacing mother," Carl finished, desolately poking at his food -a wonderfully prepared chicken, you actually found quite delectable.
He looked up, "I don't want you to get married, Dad."
"We're not-" You tried to repair it, the path that this had gone down, you wanted it to be better-
"Carl, listen," he tried, but it was of no use.
"May I be excused?"
"Can you at least try-"
"May I be excused, please?"
And whether it was the lilt of his voice, or the soft push of his lip, or maybe the dusting of tears in his eyes, you caved.
"Let him go," you whispered across the table, looking into Mr. Grimes's eyes -his blue eyes that you so admired, they faltered. Faltered even more you should say, as they already seemed to be dusting with a sort of wetness when Carl had asked the first time.
"Of course," he sighed out.
"Thank you," he spoke and was out of the room in seconds -the echo of footsteps down the hall loud in the dining room. Which was now a rather strange sort of silence, you weren't sure how to react, how to handle-
"Mr. Grimes," you echoed, "-I don't wish to make a hasty exit, but... do you believe it would be beneficial for tonight?"
He sighed, a big, long sigh, something in you wanted to squeeze his hand -to relax him in some way. You knew he cared much for his children, and to see them suffer had to be the worst feeling for the man to know.
"Please, stay," he whispered, low between the two of you -Judith was the only other one in the room, "-I'm askin' you to stay."
"Of course I can stay," you hummed, quietly, "-of course."
The rest of the dinner was rather silent, the scraping of food, and the little hums from Judith's end -she seemed to be humming some sort of tune. It was a delicious dinner, you wished Carl could've eaten as well.
Something in you deflated slightly.
"Are you to bring him a plate?" you asked, questioning perhaps for you to attend.
"Eventually," Mr. Grimes relented, "-if he wishes, I shall talk to him... about... about everythin'."
You merely watched on as the night progressed, as Judith was brought to her room with a caring sort of maid's guidance, and as Mr. Grimes sat silently in the hall. The dining room had been cleared out mere moments before, and the gentle rush of the staff had flushed the three of you out.
He sat perfectly still, yet you could see the heaviness rolling off of his shoulders. With the heaviness of worry on his brow, he seemed to be preparing himself.
You gathered yourself and stuttered to his side in the hallway -closer than necessary. You knew such things were improper, but you felt it was important. Especially now.
"Mr. Grimes," you confronted, softly despite the intensity, "-are you alright?"
He sighed, jumping slightly at your voice so close, "I'm... alright, just a bit nervous about such a conversation with my son. I... How am I to appeal to such a loss?"
"No such thing," you hummed, gently, "-you are just to be there for him. Care for him. That's all he needs from you."
"I wish I could answer his questions," he responded, slowly, "-how is he to be satisfied with no answered questions? I cannot answer why his mother..."
He sighed, a big heavy one, and you thought for a moment to grab his hand -to trail your thumb along the back in a soothing manner, to calm.
Your eyes darted to a nearby maid, you stilled.
"He is not going to be," you answered, simply, "-until his mother decides to answer such things herself... he will not be satisfied. That is not on you to deal with, however."
"It is," he responded, quick with a bit of bite but it settled into a sort of soft beg, "-He's my son. I wish him to be happy. It's all I want for him, truly."
"I know," you hummed, "-Mr. Grimes, I know. If you... I can only help you understand a smidgen, my mother did not leave of her own choice, she... she left by god's."
"I know," he hummed turning to you for a moment, "-you are helpin' me much more than you understand, Ms. Greene. It's... It's unfathomable what I would do with this without you here."
You turned a soft shade of crimson at the affection, "Do you wish for my opinion, my advice?"
"I would honor such words," he spoke, "-if you wish to share them."
"Just love him," you answered, a bit abrupt as something in your tone broke, "-his mother has shown him a grand loss of that love, you must show him yours is still intact. If that was me, I might believe such love had ended both ways -you must show him that the idea is preposterous."
"You believe somethin' so simple will help?"
"I do, and-" you began, dusting a hand over his shoulder -just to feel him underneath your fingertips, "-if he asks for it, listen. I imagine he's got much to talk about."
"And you-"
And then your heart stopped in your chest, Carl snuck out of the shadows and stood to the left of you both. A little less composed than you had expected, hair a little droopy and top untucked.
"Mr. Grimes-" you stood.
"Why?" The boy spoke, tone direct and stance aggressive. He looked directly at you.
"Why what?" You questioned, slowly -as to not scare him off, "-I'm not sure what you mean."
"Why do you care?" He asked, "-You tell my father how to approach me, how do you know how to?"
"I..." you paused, thinking for a mere moment, "I lost my mother when I was young, I know only a little of what you may feel but-"
"Your mother, did she...?"
"Died, when I was 9," you answered unflinchingly, "-it's merely only parts of the same feeling. I just... I know how such an ache can feel, and your father needed the guidance."
"Is it the same?" He asked, curiously and you could hear the sniffles now, "-Dying and... and leaving... Does it feel the same?"
"I'm afraid I have no clue," you spoke, "-but I imagine in some ways it does. Not in all. Why don't you... Why don't you tell me how it feels and I can tell you if it is?"
"I don't-"
"Your father will be right here," you hummed, "-in fact, you don't have to tell me anything, I can leave. You just need to talk about it, alright? Even if it's not with me."
"With... with Father, you will-" he blinked up at his father who now stood beside you, "-will you listen? I know things with mother you usually don't wish to-"
"I should have listened a long time ago," Mr. Grimes echoed, "-I'm sorry for 'at."
You almost put a hand on his shoulder, to squeeze and comfort. But instead, you stood rather still, as if moving too quickly would chase Carl away.
The boy looked like a frightened animal, all wide eyes and stiff posture, and you just wished to not be seen as a hunter.
"You mean it then?" He spoke, and it echoed through the now empty hallway, "-You will listen?"
"I will," Mr. Grimes spoke, reverently, as if his son held every last bit of his heart, "-I swear it."
"Then I will talk," Carl began, "-I wish to talk- I want... I want you to listen."
"I will," he repeated, same in tone.
"I know Mother wronged you," Carl stated, rather eloquently, "-but you cannot act as if she never happened. She's my Mother-"
"I know, I know-"
You interjected, "It is of my opinion if you trust it, that your Father loves you greatly. And such great love deserves forgiveness. Even when it may not be easy to fix."
Carl merely looked at you, something in him conveyed to look deep into your eyes. He seemed to find something there, and you were eager to know what.
"You love him greatly," he said, matter-of-factly, "-don't you?"
"With all my heart," you answered -vulnerably.
"And when Mother returned-"
"It broke my heart," you answered, honestly, "-but a love so great has survived such a thing."
Carl looked at you.
"I can only say so much on his part," you clarified, "-but it is made well aware to me that he loves you dearly. Even upon the day we met, I would learn to know his children are truly where his heart lay."
"And you believe it?" Carl spoke, a bit broken and crackly.
"With all my heart," you repeated.
And in some little moment, unspoken, maybe in the push of his eyebrow or the push of his lip... you could tell he believed you.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
So the introduction of Amphithemis seems to imply that the theory Solangelo gets separated at some point is correct. And uh. It looks like Nico is the one who finds him. Which means that (as far as we know rn) Will is going to be all on his own. After they stressed that Tartarus goes against his very nature, and ToN implied that Will draws power from the sun the way that Percy draws power from water. And he doesn't seem to have any weapons with him. No wonder he's already dying in the first page of the book.
...I don't understand why the being separated part should be a theory. like. it's bound to happen at some point. you don't bring your homie to a hell designed to kill and expect it not to tear you two apart. at this point, I'm not surprised.
what I do find disheartening though, is that Will is hinted to be the one alone. Bah. Throwing the less fighting-oriented in a desolate dangerous situation? Where's the fun in that? No. Go for the more challenge. The warrior. The more resilient one is, the more satisfying it is to crush their will. And the triumph shall be mine----ok that's enough.
On the other hand, we have seen Nico alone and tortured for so long that it's everyday business at this point. It might be fun to see him with someone who radiates chaos and is by no means sane like Amphithemis, also. I just hope Nico doesn't appear... adverse (?), or disgusted by him. You are not sane either Nico.
Anyway, all in all, it's not something new... Romance and kindness aside, Will's decision to accompany Nico is the most stupid, emotion-driven ever - as typical of young love. He is bound to pay for that in Tartarus. He will suffer. If he doesn't I'll be very disappointed.
However, Will doesn't have any weapons? Rick better makes a logical excuse otherwise I'm throwing him, Nico, and Apollo into the Phlegethon for their poor planning skills. What could have possessed you to let a child of Apollo into Tartarus unarmed?
Tbh, so far, I've yet to find anything capable of exceeding or meeting my expectations. But I, admittedly, have unbelievably peculiar taste. And Rick said he had something exciting in store, so for now, I believe him.
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Hello, its me again, the ‘’long ask anon’’ i should totally stop being na anon, i’m too chatty to only show up once in a while, but being the kind of insane anon that shows up from time to time just to ramble is my true calling.
First off i’d like to thank you for being so sweet, i’m glad you enjoyed my feedback to this degree and took time to answer my questions, i really enjoy knowing your thought process in the creation of this fic and what it might become in the future. Anyway, onto your answer.
I totally agree with you on the importance of wintertime for the group, i think its really a shame how they didn’t show us any of it, though its understandable why they didn’t show us its like, come on, winter is prime apocalypse time, even normal winter is tough as we see in the comics. But here’s the thing, Rick in the comics doesn’t really grapple with Lori’s pregnancy at all like we see Daryl do in this fic, and i think its brilliant, sure everyone else is getting it rough too but reader and Daryl are in a constant state of worry, which makes the joyful moments that much more intimate and special and its portrayed perfectly, i get the sense that in the beginning Daryl deals very well with the negative stuff, but really doesn’t know how to behave during the good times (Like Birdie’s first kick etc.) and yea, that’s the essence of Daryl, a great caretaker, kind of self sabotages tho. Poor guy.
And omg i had no idea babies were capable of that sort of stuff, like recognizing who is who even in the womb?! Kind of amazing, i can barely recognize people through phone calls nowadays lol, and the fact you based it on your own little thumper? Ugh i could die from the cuteness.
And Merle, oh well, i know he hasn’t done anything in the story and i have the sense that he will ( leave birdie alone!!!) but wherever he is i hope he’s getting his ass beat right this instant, excited for him to show up tho! He better not start messing up Daryl’s head!!! Or he’ll suffer the consequences!!! I know our reader would not let it slide. :).
And about Lori, i’m still obsessed with the Lori Reader duo, recently rewatched season 2 which has, so many Lori scenes, So many, and it only makes me like her even more in the BT universe, and you really hit the nail on the head with your interpretation of her, she truly is mainly motivated by fear but strongly adheres to her sense of right and wrong. I also love her offering Daryl advice, the fact that most of the interactions between these two in the show are hostile never sat right with me and i’m glad that she is a trustworthy figure to Daryl, enough for him to take her advice to make our reader feel better. It really is sad that the burden she carries is not the baby (ITS RICK!) and that she tries to seek in others what she can’t have is tragic, but very noble in my opinion.
Carol is our perfect angel, best cheerleader ever, she’s Always there for backup even while she is working through her pain, i imagine her pregnancy wasn’t easy on her (cause Ed) and she wouldn’t want to see any other woman struggle with it, the fact that even in the show she tries to learn from Hershel about medicine to help Lori, and sticks next to her Always, and when Hershel is out of comission starts training her C-section technique thinking of Lori, Carol has Always deserved the world honestly. And she is such a great friend in the fic as well, one thing about her is that she really has the reader’s back no matter what, so sweet.
About chapter 30
After Reading it over and over for like an hour i can say, I’M OBSESSED. Daryl??? So cute??? Omg the fluff had me rotating in my room like a rotisserie chicken , You’ve done it again, It really shows that at this time Daryl is aprehensive, but still so in love with Birdie from moment one, that the first thing he does after making sure everything is ok is to make himself presentable for his daughter,OMGGGG, that he doesn’t really want her to see all of him yet and has to trust that his little Bird will accept him as he is (and she Always will!!) is just peak fluff to me, but also sad that it makes me think that he’s Always been afraid of his father, so much so that he believed it would be the first thing she would feel towards him too. I’m enjoying the hell out of the scenes of them both just hanging out and being cute with her and seeing as Daryl gains more confidence as the chapter progresses, when he realizes Birdie loves him as well, when they both hold onto each other, maybe i’m wrong but in my interpretation that’s when Daryl gained the confidence he needed to think of a name for her (who knows, maybe i’m dead wrong, but that’s how i interpreted his silence) And Carol too, being emotional over Birdie makes me wanna scream, what a bittersweet moment it must have been for her, i just know she’ll be the best aunt ever.
This chapter has really entered a new territory of Daryl’s development in my eyes, now that he is so passionate about birdie, he’s already trying to show service for her and reader in a way, i just know that serving his Family and making sure they are happy will be so good for him in the long term, he’s got it all to be happy now. And i’m eating it up.
Anyway, a Thousand words again who would’ve though, no objective analysis this time, just rambling non-stop, being an overly-chatty anon is my true calling fr.
The fact that some random person out there in the world can write more than a Thousand words about your work must make any author proud tho, so i sincerely hope its the same for you, from what i’ve read through it seems you’ve been having a few Hard days, so i hope to make it even a little better with my feedback and appreciation, better days will come for all of us even if the world is an ugly place right now, we still have beautiful things to look foward to and to keep working towards.
About the fanart i cited in the last text, it does indeed exist. Now it does .      
Since my last ask i’ve challenged myself to have it more or less ready by the time the next chapter was here, and though its not anything impressive i took a little of my day to work on it every day, i hope you enjoy knowing that ( and since copying and pasting a link from any anon is not safe, i recomment pasting it to VirusTotal if you feel the need, and i don't really know if the anon mode just gets rid of them completely, if yes let me know and i'll find another way to get it to you after i get over my embarrassment)
Bye bye <3
Okay! As you saw, I got a little distracted from doing this. Also, if my post affected you negatively in any way, I'd like to apologize to you too. It was in poor taste regardless of my intentions. I am so sorry. I really wish we could have seen more about their survival. What we saw, they were always on foot and barely had food. Well, we will get to that soon. Daryl is scared shitless but there's just that bond that was formed while reader was pregnant. That's his baby girl. And he's already wrapped around that tiny finger. I absolutely cannot WAIT to bring Merle into the mix. It might be a little different as far as timeline but it will be at the prison. So we have a ways to go. But it will be interesting. Oh, the plans I have!
Lori will play a more pivotal role in the next couple of chapters. Daryl is going hunting. Reader is alone with Birdie. "HELP!" I feel like Lori would have gotten along with Daryl if she didn't have so much on her plate and could really see him. Yeah, he could be an asshole but he was hiding behind his walls, deflecting. She just had way too much going on, no time to offer that chance. Well, goddamnit, I'm giving her that chance. I want to delve into the problems with her and Rick a little more too, with reader involved. Daryl is going to be a helicopter parent, absolutely no doubt. I think he will be more in tune with her feelings and how to handle them because he didn't have that growing up. He'll know the cues of anger or sadness. And she's his daughter. -squeal- I can't wait to write more of daddy Daryl and little Birdie.
I'm not sure if you noticed but at first, it was always reader suggesting the names and he stayed quiet other than to say nah. But every time he had Birdie, she had her little bird blanket. However, he's going to give an explanation of her name in the next chapter. He was too damn sleepy in this one, lol. Carol is my warrior queen! Forever and always! There will be a bond there that is unlike any other. Not just because of losing Sophia but because Carol has found best friends in Daryl (well, it's a work in progress, lol ) and reader. So Birdie is a product of two of the most important people in her life. She will absolutely fight tooth and nail, savagely to protect her.
I need to be careful or I'm going to spoil so much! But I love getting the chance to talk about it like this! Just to explore the thought process and where it's headed without too much detail, I hope.
OKAY. THAT ART. OMFG. I screeched, even half asleep! When I woke up properly, I was just in awe. It is SO beautiful and I would love to add it to the series Masterlist and share if you are comfortable with that. I mean I realize the link is right up there but I want it to be seen every single time someone goes to see the chapters. I cannot say thank you enough for that. It is GORGEOUS. Perfect. And captures them so well. My three favorite things are reader with the vest and that belly, Daryl holding onto her leg, and Caryl hovering in the background! But I also LOVE that you included the truck! Everything about it is just perfect. Perfect, perfect, perfect! My heart was just so full. Thank you so much. 🩵🩵🩵🩵
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What do you think is going to happen in the season seven finale?
Firstly, thank you for sending this and sorry it took so long to answer! I’m struggling to find the time to interact in this fandom the way I used to unfortunately. Answer under the cut because I am incapable of being either brief or concise 😅
I think it’s hard for me to distinguish between what I want to happen and what I think will happen so this answer might end up being a bit of both 😅
I think that the ending scene is going to be very hard hitting, since we’ve seen the trend develop over the seasons from the initial ‘haha funny’ drunken Rick rant while Morty suffers, to both Rick and Morty being equally excited, to Rick starting to realise he’s shitty and to heal, and finally back full circle to having Rick drunkenly rant at an unenthusiastic Morty but this time played straight and with Morty realising the horror of Rick’s abuse but still not being able to break free.
I’ve seen people mention the idea of having an equivalent ending scene with Prime and Morty instead of C-137 and Morty which I think would be very interesting, especially if we do get more exploration of Morty’s character and his perspective on his relationship with Rick in the broader sense of Ricks in general, rather than just with C-137. I think the show does a very good job of using sci fi concepts such as clones or different dimensions to explore characters and their relationships and I think it would be very cool to have this with Morty and Prime. However, I don’t know if the Prime stuff will develop that quickly, especially if he’s intended to be the big bad of the latter half of the whole series. Equally, Prime could turn out to be only a small piece of the bigger puzzle and maybe he’ll become relatively insignificant compared to other plot elements. Only time will tell I guess.
I think the most common complaint about S6 (from this corner of the fanbase at least) was the lack of Morty, so I hope this is something that gets addressed in S7 and that his character gets a turn in the limelight. At the same time, I appreciate that the show is trying their best to build off of pre-existing canon but also to complete a big tonal shift so I have faith that Morty will get his time to shine, especially since his dynamic with Rick was explored more in the final two episodes (and at the end of Analyse Piss). I definitely want to see the complexities of Morty’s feelings towards Rick and his family as a whole and I’m excited in particular for the Morty and Summer episode that seems to be about the mindblowers - we haven’t really had an exploration of the way Morty feels about Summer getting all these privileges. After all, he’s always tried to protect Summer from Rick and be a good brother despite being the youngest but now Summer is working with Rick and becoming like him. She also has that sort of power over him when it comes to the mindblowers, which is played for laughs in the episode itself but I’m interested to see them explore the darker side of this - after all, Summer is aiding Rick with editing Morty’s memory, and she clearly has a fair bit of power and control over this, given that Rick trusts her to restore both of their memories and wander down there at her leisure. Morty’s Mindblowers definitely marks a whole new era of Rick’s manipulation of Morty, where we start to truly see just how much Rick is deliberately and intentionally controlling Morty’s perceptions and memories.  I’ve spoken before with @hazelnut-u-out about how mindblowing is very much a metaphor for gaslighting - Rick is influencing what Morty remembers and how he remembers it, not only removing memories he doesn’t want but even editing them so Morty has no hope of ever getting the true memory back even if Rick does allow him to keep any of the memories permanently. It’s not hard to draw the parallel between this and the way that trauma can permanently shape the way you view things, even if you are able to remember them or process them. However, Summer is clearly aware of this and seemingly makes no effort to stop it or tell Morty. Obviously she is also being manipulated by Rick (‘I don’t get paid enough for this shit’), but she’s still involved and I can imagine that affecting their relationship a lot. I would like to hope that this episode has Summer choosing to tell Morty and trying to heal, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he finds the room accidentally and is discovered by her instead of Rick, or maybe they’re forced to take shelter from something and Summer takes them into the mindblowers room since it’s the only safe place, leading Morty to question how she knows the room exists and has a key to it.
On a lighter note, we had better see Birdperson again (and hopefully his daughter). I would definitely love Rick having to help look after her and she absolutely hates him.
I’m very excited for S7 and I wonder how much my thoughts on this will change when the trailer drops Monday but these are my thoughts for now!
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amanda-519 · 10 months
Expanding on my last post on how it feels like the writers are mixing the wires of their theming of “people aren’t replaceable” and “we can just go to a new universe if we miss up our old one. No biggie, everyone is exactly the same”, I wish the writers actually committed to their wire crossing and explored the theme more.
And I have an idea on how they could do that, mainly with Jessica.
Yeah, remember Jessica? How getting with Jessica was Morty’s whole “goal” of the show before Mort Dinner Rick Andre? I really wish they would bring her back, not as a goal but like, as a character. I think that Morty is really directionless without having anything to do that doesn’t affect Rick, and in the later seasons he suffered for it.
Bringing up Jessica again would be an excellent way to bring up the theme of “people aren’t replaceable”, especially as Morty is one of the characters that brings out that theme the most.
We see this in early episodes, like in Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind, when he feels replaceable and like Rick doesn’t really value him. And in later episodes, especially in Solaricks when he had to go back to his old dimension and be reminded of the fact that he abandoned his old family.
I think it’ll be really interesting if the new dimension Jessica isn’t a time god (since the family moved to a new dimension in Solaricks), it would actually make sense that Rick overlooked Jessica’s whole deal since he wasn’t with Morty when that happened.
I think having a non-time god Jessica would be really interesting, as current Morty seems like, done with girls? He hasn’t gone after a girl in a long while, plus I feel like this could show the theme of moving on/falling back into bad habits.
From Rick’s perspective, he’s been battling with his worst impulsives and trying to heal for like, a season and a half. But Morty hasn’t gotten a lot of screen time. It makes sense that when confronted with Jessica, a Jessica who isn’t a time god, he might slip into his past mistakes and try to get her to date him again.
I’ve seen some people speculate that Morty may be going down a bad path this season, like Rick is trying to get better and improve himself, while Morty slowly gets worse and worse. I really like this idea, and I think it’ll be really interesting if we ever see a swap in the dynamic, with Morty being the more unstable one/morally wrong one.
I also think having season 7 interacting with basically a season 1 Jessica would be really interesting. Morty has grown so much, he’s way more confident, I would love to see him actually trying to get together with Jessica, only to somehow mess it up (or maybe not? Like I said, I'm really just excited about how this potential plot point might be handled then stressing about how it ends)
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magnumdays · 2 years
Magnum PI 5.06 - “Dead Ringer” review
Oh boy, the Miggy feels this episode gave me. 
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Actually not just them, it just gave me feels all around. Rick being adorably awkward and wanting hope and TC and Kumu being them and the case being so sweet and Gordon and his son being goals. Even Higgy and Thomas showing up to ask for a favor and wish him good luck with his thing was so cute and on point. 
So yeah, new favorite episode?
Starting to feel like I say that every week but this one really *Chef’s kiss*
So we got Magnum and Higgins being Magnum and Higgins and disagreeing about how to go about the mystery case. They haven’t really done a lot of real disagreeing since being a couple and I think showing it and how they can still be them and together was really nice. And part of why I think Higgy can so confidently say it is “definitively working”. Because it is.
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I did enjoy this bit though, where Magnum is just being sooo annoyingly smooth and Magnum...
But yeah, Magnum and Higgins working a case and being awesome PIs is def. just my favorite thing ever. Especially now with them just being a little extra adorable with their looks (okay, okay, they were always adorable with the looks!)
We also got this one! 
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Isn’t it kind of funny that the long awaited kiss-lift moment really (while cute) was the one I cared the least about? Funny world.
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Case of the week was really good. I liked that they found their “client” (even if I though getting DNA testing took like a bit of time even for the cops, but maybe I’m just not up to date on crime lab time frames.) and got the story using both their skills and method. I suspected the ‘dead’ girl would be alive as soon as we got the story from her dad, even if makes the whole “they’ll never find her body” kind of weird. Like maybe, I guess, because she’s not dead, no body to find, but still kind of weird.
Gordon being nervous and saying his peace and his kid being there and just all around them being an adorable father/son duo makes me happy. 
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I wasn’t sure Gordon actually would get his badge back, I thought he’d be denied and like go into a dark depressed spiral of doom. Question now is - what does that mean for Childs? Maybe he stays until mid-season finale? I guess time will tell.
Rick and the Ohana at La Mariana being a hoot and then finally Rick and TC asking Magnum and him being all “Yup, that’s my girl and I’m all about happiness and joy now” was nice. 
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Call back to last season with the Nuzo moment right? With the framing?
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Final scene will forever be in my heart. Like doubtful I could have written a more fluff Miggy scene myself if I tried.
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Yeah... peak Miggy right there! 
No Greene case stuff at all, but that’s fine (we’re worried enough about our TC as it is.) This episode was better off just focusing on the main plot of Magnum and Higgy (and Childs) investigating + Rick being all “they’re doing it” and Gordy’s hearing as side plots.
(Side note;I can’t wait to watch it the  whole episode in HD, because there was a distinct 2010 quality to the ones I’ve found so far!)
Next weeks promo looks... confusing. But from the summary “Magnum and Higgins investigate the robbery of an elderly man suffering from Alzheimer's. The ohana tries to help TC overcome a past trauma.” It seems we might get both a bit of Higgy backstory (if someone remembers her mom backstory) and TC and backstory is always fantastic. Plus more Miggy team up, that’s what we love to see!
I’m also excited for 5.08 which according to the summary will see Higgy undercover at a mental hospital. That is simply a to die for concept and I can’t wait to see it!
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commenter2 · 5 months
Blood of Zeus season 2 thoughts
After almost 4 YEARS since it was green lit, season 2 of Blood of Zeus is coming out May 9th. To quickly recap season 1, the show follows Heron, the son of Zeus, realizing he is the only one who can save the world from an army of demons who seek to destroy the Greek gods with the Giants on their side. The S2 trailer has serious spoilers from season 1 so I'm just going to get them out of the way below.
Season 1 reveled the leader of the demons is Heron's angry god hating brother Seraphim, Hera betrays Olympus and wants to kill Zeus and Heron after being cheated on too many times, Zeus dies sacrificing himself to save Hera after she was betrayed by the other seasons villains causing her to go MIA in the finale, and the dead Seraphim is offered a choice by Hades to serve him or go to Tartarus.
The season 2 trailer shows that now that Zeus is gone, the Gods will try and figure out who should be their new king, and Hades seeks to claim it since it is his birthright as the firstborn son of Kronos. Yes it seems like Hades will once again be portrayed as an antagonist but it seems like he will have a side viewers can sympathize with. It's also shown that his wife Persephone will be by his side, also showing them having a healthy relationship, which is mythologically accurate as well as being cute to see more in modern day writings featuring them.
I am concerned by her line about the "injustices" they suffered, as the common injustice Persephone suffered in the myths involves her marriage to Hades. Luckily this series follows a different version of the events of the greek myths so maybe in this universe she willing married Hades (there is an old version of her tale where this happened after she was intrigued by the afterlife) but this caused her to get bullied by the other gods. Maybe her mother was so disgraced by this that she disowned her? I just hope she won't be a secret villain. I could see Thanatos being that as the trailer starts with Gaia saying that while death can hurt, it's still good in a way, and it is implied that other dead people like Seraphim will have a role in the season, so maybe he will try to take over and create a world where life and death are the same and create a twisted peaceful world through it.
Can't wait for the season to come out, and I hope the writers are now focused on the series, as they did say years ago that they had 5 seasons outlined. Hopefully the other seasons come out back to back. I could see one season having the gods fighting against the remaining Titans and another season having the Greeks interacting with another mythology as that has been popular lately as seen in Rick Riordan's works, Marvel, and God of War.
Are you excited for season 2 of Blood of Olympus?
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stillcominback · 7 months
*screams in richonne*
since it hasn't been TOO long, i'll throw this spoiler-y stream of consciousness under a cut 💕💕💕
this show is already everything and more and i'm terrified and excited to see where it goes if it's got me losing my whole mind with just two episode -- i guess i REALLY missed rick grimes and michonne and their love 😩😩😩 anyway SOME THOUGHTS:
their chemistry is absolutely off the charts insane like i cannot even EXPLAIN. the way they hold and touch and kiss is so ... intimate and beautiful and perfect like !!!! if love isn't like rick and michonne's, i don't want it!
the crm can absolutely get fucked forever. i didn't think i could hate a group more than the saviors but here we are! like using CHLORINE GAS on just random innocent people??? i mean looking at the state of the world currently, can't say i'm surprised entirely -- but still, they're disgusting and evil and i hope all their shit burns. period.
nat deserved better and i love him forever (his dynamic with michonne was so lovely and i'm gonna be in denial about him being gone thanks!)
I LIVE for the fact that rick and michonne both kind of just gave up on finding each other RIGHT BEFORE they actually were reunited like ... the soulmate power they have 😩 the universe and fate really has their back and to that we say amen
that reunion scene TOOK. ME. OUT. like both of their expressions but the way rick just kind of bows and folds into her touch ... lord have merCY ON ME
also rick being so fucking panicked and having to immediately cut their little love-fest short so that he can get michonne to try to play along and adopt a different persona etc. so they don't get found out i just 😩 but also the trust they have for each other in that moment like my heart
them sneaking off to make out like teenagers? approved! it's been some years so yknow i get it lmao BUT ALSO how when they were sneaking off, michonne knew rick was behind her just from his touch and then that little smirk like GIRL! aslkfjdslfagf
rick asking about judith so much and i swear michonne almost told him about rj adslkfjhdfs BUT i know that's gonna fucking floor him so i guess we're gonna save that bomb for later lmao
seeing jadis made me wanna set something on fire with nat's lighter so just ..... *GROANS LOUDLY*
i'm also waiting for michonne to see how truly broken rick is ... like he's SO scared and it literally breaks my heart. and it'll probably break again when michonne sees it, too.
UGHHH. JUST LET THEM GO HOME AND BE WITH THEIR KIDS! THEY'VE SUFFERED ENOUGH! (but does the writer in me love the angst? oh yes.)
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blowflyfag · 9 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: June 1994
In the past few years, title opportunities for light heavyweight North American wrestlers have more or less evaporated. Considering the talent available, the major federations may be missing the boat. 
By V.J. Paterno
[At the Tokyo Dome recently, everyone kept an eye on the outstanding aerial moves of Tiger Mask (right) and Jushin Liger (opposite page). Light heavyweights in North America rarely get this kind of respect from their federations.]
“Don’t get me wrong,” 2 Cold Scorpio said over lunch in a suburban Atlanta restaurant. “I love teaming up with Marcus [Alexander Bagwell]. Tag team wrestling is lots of fun. But it would be great to have the opportunity to go after a solo title against wrestlers of my size.”
Unfortunately for Scorpio, that option isn’t currently available to him. 
True, he could pursue WCW’s U.S. or TV belt if he so desired. Remember last summer, when he nearly upset Barry Windham for the NWA title? But down the road, Scorpio would likely have to face a super heavyweight or two, and that isn’t fair. Neither the U.S. nor TV titles have weight restrictions.
[In your face! Even the sanctuary of a ring post isn’t enough to protect Liger, as he withstands an assault from this flying Tiger.]
If Scorpion suddenly bolted to the WWF, he’d be in the same predicament. The Intercontinental belt has occasionally been a de facto light heavyweight title, but at 291 pounds, current champ Razor Ramon certainly doesn’t fit that description.
The heavyweights are always going to hog the attention; there’s no getting around that. But WCW and the WWF are missing out on a great opportunity by ignoring the lighter wrestlers.
“People identify with guys like The Kid and Scorpio,” said WCW expert Donald Wayne. “They’re exciting to watch, and they win with brains, not with bulk. Properly promoted, I see no reason why a light heavyweight division couldn’t hold fans’ interest.”
If boxing shared wrestling’s disinclination toward lighter athletes, the world would never have become familiar with the ring artistry of Thomas Hearns, Roberto Duran, Sugar Ray Leonard, Marvin Hagler, and Julio Cesar Chavez. Similar stars are awaiting recognition in wrestling’s squared circle. 
Several years ago, WCW had a light heavyweight division, and even imported Japanese aerial legend Jushin Liger to American shores. Scorpio wasn’t in the federation then, but he’s faced Liger in Japan.
[Photographers love the high flying light heavyweights, because there’s always plenty of action. With shots like these, who can blame them? It’s a macho aerial ballet.]
“What a talent,” Scorpio raves. “Such marvelous skills, and he never lets up. The public in Japan loves him. Maybe U.S. fans didn’t warm up to him because they found it hard to define the personalities of Japanese wrestlers like they can with the Americans. But we have wrestlers in this country who can fly nearly on that level, and fans here obviously can relate to them.”
In 1991, WCW instituted a light heavyweight title, and Brian Pillman won the initial championship by defeating Rick Morton in a tournament final. “Flyin’ Brian” lost the title to Liger on Christmas night of that year, but won it back the following February 29. Both bouts were thrillers. 
“Those were probably my happiest times as a solo wrestler,” Pillman recalled. “I was in an environment where I could realistically contend for a title, since I wasn’t taking on super heavyweights. And when you regularly wrestle guys like Liger, you know you’re going to improve your skills.”
Brad Armstrong held the title in mid-1992, but vacated it after suffering a knee injury and falling to defend the belt within the required 30 days. Pillman was scheduled to face Armstrong at Clash of the Champions, and in frustration called him a coward
“I’m still made at him,” Pillman said, “but I’m equally angered that none of us in the federation have had a chance to succeed him. The belt never even reached its first anniversary.
[Liger would later profess his respect for Tiger Mask, who withstood the pain of this submission hold and came back for more.]
WCW Executive Vice President Bill Watts promised a light heavyweight tournament for sometime in 1993. But he was dismissed early that year, so any plans he may have had never came to fruition. Perhaps new Commissioner Nick Bockwinkel will revive the division, but he has many other problems to solve, and the light heavyweight question may be on the back burner. 
“I’ve talked with Nick, and I think he likes the idea,” Scorpio said. “He knows the talent base we have, that in light heavyweights, junior heavyweights, whatever you want to call us, we have some great wrestlers. Guys like that deserve the recognition of their own division.”
“At the same time, the decision isn’t entirely his. The promoters will have to be convinced that it will work. Settling up something like this takes lots of time and money.”
A rival federation has already thrown its support to smaller wrestlers. Smoky Mountain Wrestling recently instituted a U.S. junior heavyweight title, and is planning to hold cards in WCW’s home base of Georgia. SMW may well force WCW’s hand.
“The fans in Smoky love seeing the smaller guys wrestle,” said Morton, who’s now concentrating on tag team wrestling with The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express. “I like watching it myself. I can’t understand why any wrestling promotion ignores guys our size. Maybe if every super heavyweight had the skills of a big Van Vader, but let’s not kid ourselves. They don't.”
[Tiger Mask recovered to mount a counterattack and thrill fans with several spectacular dropkicks. Action like this could become common in America if federations would just institute light heavyweight divisions.]
Understandably, most Americans’ interest in the recent New Japan “Battlefield ‘94” card at the Tokyo Dome centered on matches involving Hulk Hogan, Rick and Scott Steiner, and Road Warrior Hawk. But there were other highlights as well, including one that showed just how impressive light heavyweight matches can be.
IWGP junior heavyweight champ Jushin Liger, whose matches with Brian Pillman are still fondly remembered by many WCW fans, challenged Tiger Mask in a non-title bout. It should be noted that this Tiger Mask was the third wrestler to carry the name. The first, Satoru Sayama, excelled in the early-1980s before unmasking himself and leaving pro wrestling. The next Tiger Mask also eventually unmasked on his own volition, revealing himself to be Mitsuharu Misawa. He is still regarded as one of Japan’s premier aerial stars.
The action was as good as promised. There were plenty of high-flying moves throughout, and for several minutes neither wrestler took command. Finally, Liger took the inactive, used a spectacular shooting-star press, and posted the pin at 12:26.
[A humbled Koji Kanemoto voluntarily unmasked in tribute to his conqueror, the legendary Jushin LIger.]
While this was not a stipulation match, Tiger Mask decided to unmask anyway, and was found to be Koji Kanemoto. He immediately challenged Liger to a rematch.
“Tiger Mask has always been a popular concept with Japanese fans,” said correspondent Koichi Yoshizawa. “The man who wears it has a great deal to live up to. Sayama and Misawa were true world-class wrestlers, and Kanemoto is good in his own right.”
“I have no idea if he’ll continue wearing the mask, or give it to someone else. I only hope whoever wears it is worthy of the honor.”
Hogan’s manager, Jimmy Hart, caught some of the match while awaiting the “Hulkster’s” Bout against Tatsumi Fujinami. “People like liger are among the reasons Hulk would like Japanese’ style wrestling to succeed in North America,” he said “While the light heavyweights don’t have the power of Hulk, they’re intense and athletic, really marvelous to watch.”
-Vincent Paterno
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missspringthyme · 8 months
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January 31st, 2024
The kitchen has become a problem. I'm not sure why, since before things were going okay without people having to be nannied but now it's bad. What's worse, is I know for a fact that Finnish girl, German American girl, and I have all fully cleaned the kitchen by ourselves multiple time (the last time I did it was a few days ago!) and you wouldn't be able to tell because of how messy it gets so quickly. Now I'm not type A, nor am I the tidiest person, but what I can't do is dirty. The floor is almost always covered in food that has been cleaned up, the counters perpetually need to be wiped, and grease is somehow everywhere. I get that there's 6 of us but c'mon. All this to say that my plans for today were to deep clean that fucking kitchen.
Former Italian roommate came over early and I told her she could just hang out, but she offered to help me clean. Incredibly nice of her. We cleaned everything that could be cleaned in the kitchen, hallway,a nd my bathroom. I put on some rock/metal because that's what I was in the mood for, but when she said that it wasn't really her favorite because she doesn't really like listening to songs in languages she doesn't know, I kept pulling up bad Italian rap.
For lunch we had cacio e pepe and a big salad (in which making I learned that italians don't really like cucumbers which is insane to me since I would gladly munch down a full cucumber) while watching the finale of the percy jackson tv show (I have so many thoughts on this tv show because I was so excited and so happy to watch it but I slowly felt my excitement shift to boredom and frustration as the season went on. I didn't mind some of the changes, but I feel like there was a lack of tension and lots of issues with pacing. Further, the series lacked the humour and absurdity that are cornerstones of the books. My biggest pet peeve is that that kids don't fall into any traps, it's like they're omniscient it's insane. In the books, even if they know the myth it usually takes them a minute to connect the myth to whatever modern equivalent they're seeing in front of them. Idk, I feel like the series has good bones and I'll still watch season 2 because I feel like especially with a tv show they're still learning and need time to figure out the right groove, but I'm worried that because there was such intense, vile, and hateful backlash over things like the casting that it's going to make Rick and the Disney team less likely to take criticisms from fans. Right now, whenever I see anyone voice any sort of disappointment they're immediately told that they're just a hater and that Rick okayed the changes so they're not allowed to complain. I don't think that's the correct response to constructive criticism. Anyway, I think the middle episodes suffered the most and were the most difficult for me to watch, but the final episode was pretty good. Like I said, we'll see. In the meantime I'm going to continue to be frustrated. On the flip side, Fantasy High Junior year is incredible so far! It has made me fully laugh out loud while in public. Incredible work.).
After lunch we cleaned some more, and when everyone came home we went to drop the glass off at recycling and pick up some missing cleaning supplies. If I'm honest, I'm a little pissed at third culture Australian because he made former Italian roommate and I go with him to drop off the glass because "he did it last time". Motherfucker, I just cleaned literally all the common areas. I'm pretty sure I'm pulling my weight.
I had about 10 minutes after we got back before I had to join the final therapy session. My mom was about 15 minutes late as usual so the therapist and I talked for a little bit. She says she feels like individual therapy might be better for the both of us right now and how she's worried that being in family therapy may be actively retraumatizing me at the moment. I would agree. I hope my mom ends up doing individual therapy but I very much doubt she will. At least you can't say I didn't try. I left therapy feeling simultaneously frustrated, tried, and like a weight had been lifted off of me. Next up was dnd though, so I had the ultimate distraction. Nobody tells you that being a dm is hard.
The kitchen was dirty again by the end of the night. At least walking around didn't make my feet black anymore.
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happymeishappylife · 9 months
Books I Read in 2023 (Part 1)
1. Doctor Who: Web in Space by David Bailey
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Ice Spider captures ship, Amy, Rory, and Doctor land on and try to help. Also attacked by Robots who then capture Doctor and TARDIS. With help from Messy a cute plumbing robot, they escape, save the spider and the human crew.
2. Odd Interlude by Dean Koontz (Special Story in between Novels 5 & 6)
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I have to be honest, this threw me because it jumps back to invents prior to Book 5 fresh after Odd kills for the first time and while he is still trying to reconcile this it made the book hard for me. That and it’s the first and only time we’ve switched voices in the book and no offense, no 12-year-old, no matter how traumatized or amazing sounds like Jolie. Still it was a quick fast read and it explores a topic Koontz loves to visit in all his works which is Fort Wryven.
3. The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan (Book #2 of The Heroes of Olympus Series)
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What a relief to have Percy Jackson back in action. I mean I love this boy and who doesn’t when you have lines responding back to Gods like, “All roads lead there, child. You should know that.” Percy: “Detention?” There’s just something about this very powerful, brave, and heroic demigod, just not fully understanding the things he’s told and being jealous over not being able to turn into animals when he’s already destroyed a glacier and summoned a hurricane of power. Never change Percy. But also, what a delight to be introduced to such great characters in Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang who are powerful demigods in their own right and instant family to Percy when he shows up to Camp Jupiter without his memories. I love that the three instantly click and have such a great dynamic with each other, despite the tragedies in all their lives and the immense trouble that brews throughout this book and is building in the series. I’m so excited for Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter to team up though, but I’m worried about Nico (though like Percy I kind of want to wring his neck for lying about knowing him) and I’m super worried about Annabeth even though I already know the spoilers and what’s about to happen. I’m not ready for it, but I can’t wait to read it.
4. The Musician’s Daughter by Susanne Dunlap
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Overall this was a good read. I had some trouble with it at times because it was set in the past and it was overall unclear how old Teresia was so some of the actions that she was put through seemed super creepy. Plus even though the story did revolve around helping the Romani and reestablishing some of their lost titles, there was still some prejudice there through the use of the words they shouldn’t be called, and while I can excuse the ‘bad guys’ in the novel for using. Teresia and even Mirela herself used it which showed the authors lack of understanding. Still, I liked how thrust into the grief and sadness at the sudden murder of her father, Teresia not only steps up to help her family but also herself and fight for what she wants and how she wants to live her life. Plus I’m glad nothing seriously happened to Toby because that would have been awful.
5. Labyrinth by Kat Richardson (Book #5 of The Greywalker Series)
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Picking up right where the previous novel ended, we join Harper as she arrives home from London to the comfort of her boyfriend and the chaos that is unfolding by the Pharoahn’s plans in Seattle. Half the book is Harper falling into danger either because people are looking for her or she throws herself into it. I didn’t always agree with her choices but I also felt her suffering the more in touch with the Grey she gets. Still wasn’t prepared for the ending though and I do wonder where it will go from here since this felt like the penultimate battle.
6. Star Wars: Children of the Jedi by Barbara Hambly
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It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to read more of the extended Star Wars universe but I forgot how much I missed it. I really do enjoy seeing what happens to Luke, Leia, and Han after the events of the main trilogy even if one of them is hurt, about to die, and just absolutely beaten up the entire novel, cough, cough Luke… But still I enjoyed the storyline where Luke, Han, Chewie, and R2-D2 are investigating the possible former living conditions of the Jedi before they were murdered and come across the next plot from former Empire elites to takeover control. Especially Leia story where she gets to be a bad ass fighting against this dark side child and his mom. Meanwhile Luke is having to stop a ship that was built 30 years ago from destroying the planet his friends on while its picking up a collection of aliens and indoctrinating (or trying to) into the next stormtroopers while one of his students is captured and threatened with execution. The only thing that irked me in the book was the romantic story. I had no issue with Luke and Callista being friends but the romance seemed forced and I was glad at the end that Han makes a comment about it looking more like siblings than romantic partners because it just felt weird.
7. The Spy Who Haunted Me by Simon R. Green (Book #3 of the Hidden Histories Series)
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Considering the absolute twists in tone and situations between the first and second book, I had no idea where this was going to go especially after a world ending fight in the last one. So a spy game solving all our favorite mysterious tall tales and creatures? It made it fun and still jammed pack because going from Nessie, Sasquach, a Russian failed experiment base, a disappearing US battleship, and Area 52 was a lot to take in. I’ll admit, I was sad that Molly wasn’t more in this book because she is a great character, but it was nice to see Eddie work without his family and his friends to see who he is when he’s alone. And he’s still a master spy but a pretty damn good hero too. Now, the one thing I’m learning is this series is Green’s way to relive all of his favorite characters from his finished series. First is was Giles and this time it was Walker which was interesting, but also I already knew 1, Walker didn’t kill the other spies but also 2, he obviously wasn’t going to die because John does that later. Still interesting to see the team up, plus I learned there is a full crossover book with the Droods and the Nightside later so I can’t wait to put Eddie and John Taylor together.
8. Stars of the Kanri by S.P. Dorning
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Picked this up because it seemed like a fun independent sci-fi story, but as soon as I read the dedication, I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like it because of the authors insistence that God put him in this story to tell His tale. And at first all was good (ignoring the first time writing mistakes), but as soon as we land on the planet it all becomes about how The Father of All will guide us and does these miraculous things and I was turned off. Plus the big secret that Mason is a robot isn’t really a twist at the end because it was made clear in the beginning what was going on. And also the people from the stars saving primitive lifeforms because they know better has been an overtold device that’s reminiscent of that colonization vibe and I can’t stand it. So definitely not picking up the sequel whose plot is given away in the epilogue.
9. Tesla’s Attic by Neal Shusterman and Eric Elfman
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Overall I enjoyed the premise, the plot, and the storytelling of this book because the idea that Nikola Tesla hid away objects of incredible power and incredible abilities in some random attic in Colorado Springs is an interesting twist. That and the Accelerati (founded by Edison) are these scientists that constantly try to quash and control big inventions and mysterious happenings fits right in. And I also enjoyed the characters, but it didn’t feel like I was reading about true middle school kids or actual events that middle schoolers might become a part of. It felt at least like these kids should have been high schoolers in my opinion. So that took me out of it a little. Still I liked the book enough to see where it goes from here and since there are two more in the series it will be a fun, but short right.
10. Dead and Alive by Dean Koontz (Book #3 of Frankenstein)
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In this never ending 48 hours of a story, told over 3 books so far, we got a little more action heavy in this one as all our characters begin to meet up with each other. Victor’s creatures are continuously breaking down or going overboard on their programming, Erika befriends one of them and relishes the secret proving that she’s not perfect like her predecessor. Her predecessor is alive and helping the creatures of the dump live and survive, our two favorite human cops befriend a dog, and Decaulion gets a glimpse of his maker as he not blows up one of Victor’s labs, but his backup as well. It’s going to be interesting to see how Victor responds to this, especially because it seems like more and more of his creatures are on Decaulion’s side. But I also have 2 books to go, so I know a lot can change in a day.
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lunarsilkscreen · 10 months
Love as a decision
A lot of people don't believe in the fairy tale idea of "Love". So much so, that most heterosexual relationships are based on necessity or objectives.
This is the basis of the idea of "Wife" as a profession.
In many cultures around the world, the wife is expected to be a servant and maid who keeps the house for the husband. (I will not argue against you if you're saying "well he's busy, and somebody needs to clean this house." You're not in that kind of relationship.)
There's certainly differences based on where you are on the wealth spectrum, but that's the framework set by society.
It's why "Stay at home Dad" is still a strange concept to many, and yet also tolerated.
Because the poorer think "Oh, well we both work so what's your problem?" And the richer say "Why don't you just hire a nanny? There's money to be made and philanthropy to do."
So who is saying there needs to be one parent working? I'm not arguing for or against, I'm pointing out the discourse and perspectives. It would obviously make both lives easier if both worked toward the same goal and found it fulfilling.
But many people see chores, as just that; chores. Those things you can get done in your free time.
You sleep at work, so you can spend time at home with your family doing chores together.
Later down the road, Husbands and Wives realize that there's another definition of "Love" something unreachable. Maybe even unrealistic.
Some confuse it for passion, the drive to do the ick.
Or the thrill; The early excitement when fooling around was something taboo and to do in secret where your parents couldn't catch you.
Rick and Morty fans know the phrase "Love is Work".
This idea that suffering together is the definition of Love. Instead weathering the storm with somebody you love.
Love is the decision to F*. Or to have children. Or to suffer together.
That's what they say anyway. The ethereal *Love* doesn't exist to many, a child's fantasy. If you're not buying and selling and conserving wealth, then it doesn't matter.
"We have children to help work the farm. we marry as a form of social currency. We marry, so that we get something tangible out of it."
A dowry, an heir, a codependency, a way out of debt. A way to freedom if you find somebody wealthy enough.
But "Love"--Not the unconditional love that can only come from God, or between a parent and child. You know what I mean by Love. And yet there's all these other definitions we use "love" and "lover" for instead.
Even husband and wife have that negative context to it.
I can love all the people I want, but if they don't love me back; it's not Love.
And there's people I've met that are more like siblings and family than actual blood relations. That's a Form of love.
But that one True Love. That everybody seems to be searching for, or settling for something else instead; what is that? And more than that: what is it worth?
Is it something we can only truly appreciate in the afterlife? Would we know if it bit us in the a*?
Even if we found it: how would we know that we weren't trying to sell ourselves this lie and creating a false sense of passion. Like striking gold, or oil. How would we know the thrill and novelty wouldn't just wear off like everything else does?
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