#so ezio would be flying blind
teecupangel · 8 months
Assassins Creed could pretty easily be turned into an isekai. No animus involved, just Desmond getting hit by a truck and then mysteriously waking up as Ezio! Or even more hilarious, going the "reincarnated as a book character" route for isekai launch points, Ezio gets run over by a cart and wakes up as Altair, whose journal he'd been reading the night before.
Regardless of who transmigrated, Desmond as Ezio or Ezio as Altaïr, the name of this fic will have to be “I have been transmigrated as the legendary Assassin!” (the exclamation point is necessary, the shortening would either be ITLA or LegAss)
The main two ways to get transmigrated is either through Truck-kun (or Car-kun is Truck-kun is stuck in traffic) or by dying while doing something mundane from overwork or illness.
We’ll go for Truck-kun for Desmond and he’ll wake up as Ezio Auditore, the legendary Assassin from Renaissance Italy.
Of course, since we did specify No Animus involved, we’re going for an alternative world where Desmond never got kidnapped and kept living his peaceful life in New York with the added consolation of the Solar Flare being dealt by something or someone else (perhaps Abstergo with their The Eye project? Or Bill gets to be sacrificed instead? XD)
Anyway, Abstergo still released the Animus as a gaming console and one of their games is about Ezio (primarily from Clay’s sessions, heavily edited) and Desmond is hooked.
He admits, there’s a part of him that was jealous of Ezio. Sure, his story was a tragedy that turned him to a monster (or so Abstergo painted him) but Desmond sorta gets it.
Or maybe he was projecting.
It’s just…
Desmond wanted to know more about Ezio. The game ended after Rodrigo Borgia managed to get Ezio not kill him, to show him how he had become a monster and to return to the light.
It felt like a weak ending in Desmond’s eyes and he’d been contemplating if it was worth the risk joining an online forum to talk about the ending and how a lot of Ezio’s actions doesn’t seemed to make any sense sometimes in the cutscenes.
He just got a ping in his phone while waiting for the pedestrian light to go green and blinked when he read that there were rumors of Abstergo planning to make a sequel to Ezio’s game.
They didn’t even care about the cliffhanger of Altaïr’s game.
Then again, Ezio’s game was the most successful game Abstergo Entertainment released for the Animus.
The pedestrian light turned green.
Desmond took a step as he read the article.
He turned just in time to see the truck-
He tasted blood.
His lips hurt.
Desmond blinked.
He recognized Vieri Pazzi immediately. He had seen his ugly mug in VR for so long because he kept replaying Ezio’s game when he was bored after all.
Desmond blocked the attack of the men charging him, his body seemingly remembering the years of training on the Farm…
His movements…
Was he remembering how to move like Ezio in VR?
That didn’t make sense.
None of this makes sense.
“Ehi!” The man about to punch Desmond from behind dropped to the floor as a familiar man grinned at him, “Behind you!”
“Federico?” Desmond choked, recognizing the older Auditore.
“What’s wrong, Ezio? Too surprised to see your older brother saving you once again?”
He just called Desmond Ezio.
Oh god.
He was Ezio.
He just replaced the Monster of Florence, the White Death himself…
Ezio Auditore.
(Ezio, on the other hand, gets transmigrated when he lost his consciousness while reading Altaïr’s journal for the last time before going to the ship that will sail him as close to Masyaf as it could. He gets transmigrated just as Al Mualim stabs Altaïr on the stomach for failing to recover the Apple)
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isa-belle1367 · 7 months
So this is gonna be my AU where all of desmonds ancestors follow desmond around in spirit form (also including other assassins who aren't his ancestors), but this little story is taking place during ac3 when William hit desmond so...ya (this is probably gonna be really bad lmao) also plz do not ship desmond with anyone most of them are related, that's weird
Btw Kass isn't here bc she is still alive, so alexios is here instead
I woke up from the animus, still shocked about what I had heard. Haythem was a Templar.
I always got weird vibes from haythem, but I never thought he would be a Templar.
Over to my left, Altair was sitting on the floor next to Malik, I knew Rebecca and Shaun couldn't see them, not unless they allowed themselves to be seen. Which worked in my favor, I wouldn't even know where to begin to explain this
I wasn't even fully sure what they were or why they were here. At first, I thought it had something to do with them being my ancestors, but with Malik here, I knew that couldn't be the case. Bayek and Aya had also confirmed this.
Altair glanced at me and smiled before going back to his conversation with Malik, which was fine by me because I had more pressing matters to worry about.
"You all saw that, right?" I asked while sitting up.
"Wow," Rebecca looked shocked
"Wow indeed," shaun said, nodding
I glanced to the side, Connor was sitting with his head down. Connor had just started showing up recently, but I already liked him, so it hurt me to see him sad, especially over his father being a Templar.
"The key must be the amulet haythem took from London." I said
Bayek came up behind me. "Your father is behind you."
I nodded, I knew most of my ancestors didn't really like my dad, so they always took it upon themselves to warn me when he was near.
I heard my dad speak up. "We might know what it looks like, but we are no closer to finding it. Desmond, you need to keep going."
I stood, turning to my dad. Next to him, Altair and Malik were now up, glaring daggers at him. Well, everyone was except for Rebecca and Shaun, but Altair and Malik looked ready to gut him.
I could feel their rage, everyone's rage. I guess it comes with having ghosts tied to your soul. You get to feel their emotions.
"Hey, he's your ancestor too. Why don't you hop in the animus?" Normally, I wouldn't have said anything, but it was really hard not too when I felt the anger of 9 people flowing through me.
"Really? That's your response? It's like dealing with a 6-year-old." He stated rolling his eyes
If I thought Altair looked angry before now, he looked furious, but Altair wasn't who I was focused on. It was Connor. Out of everyone, his rage was the strongest. I glanced over and saw Edward next to Connor. At least Edward is there to keep him somewhat calm.
"What is wrong with you, desmond?" William asked, walking around the animus to get closer to me.
I walked over to him, and I could feel my emotions boiling over.
"You wanna know what's wrong? I'm sick of being treated like I'm not even here! Desmond, do this. Desmond do that. Desmond, you better figure things out, or the sun will kill us all.
And I know I was really nice to you, but I'm actually just another Templar plot twist. And yes, I would very much like for you to be controlled by a magic space wizard so that you can murder me. So there's your answer. I'm sick of being your pawn. I thought you might be different, but it turns out you're no better then the fucking Templars."
But before I could even really register what I said and apologize, pain shot through my face. I stumbled back, shocked, and then I was blinded by a bright flash.
I blinked, realizing what I had just said. I knew that those weren't my words coming from my mouth. Well, maybe a few words were mine.
Once the light dimmed, I looked over to see my dad flying to a wall, with Altair and ezio already running towards him with murder in their eyes.
I cursed, sprinting after them
"Altair, Ezio! Stop!" I called out
Luckily, my dad wasn't too far, and I was able to get to him quickly, but the bad news was that Altair and ezio were quicker and already had their weapons drawn. Along with bayek, Jacob, and evie.
"Altair, don't hurt him, you too, Ezio. Bayek, if you shoot my dad, I'm confiscating your bow and Jacob if you throw that bomb. I swear." I called out, just trying to get these fully trained assassins to take a breath and NOT kill my dad.
Altair and ezio frowned at me, clearly disappointed, bayek lowered his bow, and Jacob whispered something to evie.
"Jacob, if you're planning something, stop it."
I sighed, I loved these guys, but they can really be a handful sometimes.
"What they hell was that?" My dad questioned while rubbing his head.
Oh, right, I forgot that to him. He just randomly got blasted across the room, then saw me yelling at seemingly nothing.
I was about to say something, but Alexios was standing behind my dad holding a sword, looking like he was about to spear my dad
I groaned and held my hand out. Alexios rolled his eyes before handing me the sword. It materialized in my hand, I set it over to the side where he couldn't get it before turning back to my dad.
I rubbed my eyes. How the hell was I going to explain this.
Before I could figure out what I was going to say, Malik appeared next to me, but now he didn't appear as transparent. He was still transparent, but you could only tell if you looked long enough. I knew my dad could see him now, too.
He grabbed my face, examining it. "Your nose is bleeding, though it doesn't appear to be broken."
I glanced at my dad, the poor man looked horrified.
I turned to him, pulling away from Malik. I offered a hand to him.
"Why don't you go have Shaun and Rebecca make sure you're not hurt, I'll explain everything in a second."
Malik grabbed my arm, raising an eyebrow. He gave me a look that said, "Are you sure about this."
I nodded, and he let go of my arm. "You're too kind for your own good." He stated in Arabic
After helping my dad up and making sure he could still walk, I turned to Altair and ezio.
"Really? he punched me, and you threw him into a stone wall!" I said exasperated.
Malik handed me a tissue, "Your nose is still bleeding."
"Not the point." I said while I dabbed at my nose with the tissue
I noticed Shaun, Rebecca, and William starting at me. "You know there is no point in keeping yourselves hidden now." I announced to my ancestors.
Jacob grinned, making himself visible along with evie. Bayek and Aya followed, then connor and Edward, and soon everyone was visible.
I glanced back over at shaun and Rebecca, and now they looked scared but also extremely confused. I sighed, I should probably explain everything to them before scolding Altair for throwing my dad.
I began to walk over to them, but bayek appeared next beside me, grabbing my shoulder
"Are you sure you don't want us to....handle your father." Bayek asked in Egyptian.
"No, you are not going to harm my dad mentally, emotionally, or physically." I responded in Egyptian. I didn't think my dad needed to hear that a bunch of skilled assassins wanted him dead.
I walked over to William and the others, ezio and Connor, following closely. I smiled. ezio had been kinda protective over me since he first came here, and while I hadn't gone through connors memories yet, I had a pretty good idea why he was weary of my dad.
"So I guess I should explain."
sorry if this is bad. This is very rushed, but I have had this idea in my head for about a week
Btw in case I didn't name everyone, the assassins following desmond are Altair, Malik, ezio, Aya, bayek, evie, Jacob, Connor, and Edward, (haythem shows up sometimes with shay)
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thewolfprince · 1 year
Zorua!Desmond AU
(Based off of this post between myself and @teecupangel ! This will definitely have more parts to it, as I’ll be using Codextober as an inspiration for the chapters so I’m not flying totally blind like with my Sylveon!Desmond AU.)
At this point in life, Desmond only cared for two things: his Pokémon companion and his ancestors. He was going to sacrifice himself for the world anyways, so why should he care about his father? Or Shaun and Rebecca?
No matter what Desmond tried to tell himself, he knew it was hopeless. He cared for them. So he sent them away before activating the Eye. So they didn’t have to watch his death.
He ordered Shaun to bring Sneak with him. Sneak being the one Pokémon companion Desmond kept from his early days at The Farm. The other Pokémon his father forced him to train had been freed when he ran away, or more likely given to other novices.
Desmond refused to use his Pokémon to fight solely on his behalf like other “trainers” in the modern day did. He preferred to use his fists alongside his Pokémon. He and Sneak were two sides of a coin, true partners to the end.
But Sneak deserved to live a long, healthy life. Tears started to pool in Desmond’s eyes as he approached the Eye and raised his hand. Taking a slow breath, he touched the Eye just as a black and red blur ran past him to also touch the Isu device.
Pain engulfed Desmond’s arm and he screamed as hot molten lava flowed through his veins. Something registered in his mind, a series of words that didn’t make sense as the pain scrambled his brain.
No! I need to be with him, I can’t let Desmond be alone again! I promised him!
A sickly boy lay in bed, coughing harshly while his mother hovered over him with a wet cloth and the foul-tasting medicine the dottore had prescribed. Struck with fever in the night, the boy had remained ill for two days. This day, his mother hovered yet again, and while the boy dearly loved his mother he was getting sick of being bed bound.
One of his elder brothers promised to return with something fun for the boy and the boy waited to see what his brother would bring him, entertaining himself by trying to guess what the young lad would bring.
“Oh Petrucco!” Sang his elder brother, holding his bag in his arms. “I have brought you a present, fratello!” He barged into the room and Petrucco’s eyes immediately fell upon the bag in his older brother’s arms.
“I… liberated him from the Pazzi cazzo that tried to attack me on my way to the church.” Petrucco giggled at the blatant lie his brother tried to give him.
“Oh Ezio…” Their mother sighed and shook her head fondly. “Now, I must go run an errand. Ezio, look after your little brother please.” She gave Ezio a knowing look that Ezio simply grinned cheekily at.
“Goodbye Mama!” Petrucco called as Ezio waved. When she shut the door behind her, Petrucco bounced in impatience. “What did you get me, Ezio? Show me, show me!”
A muffled yip came from the bag and Petrucco gasped as a fluffy white and red head poked out of Ezio’s satchel. It’s front paw was completely blackened, almost as if it had rotted but not fallen off. And without the smell.
“What is it?” Petrucco asked softly, crawling to the edge of his bed for a better look.
“I thought you were the aspiring Trainer, piccolo uccello.” Ezio teased, sitting himself and the bag with the Pokémon onto Petrucco’s bed. The Pokémon sniffed the air before hesitantly hopping out of the bag to sniff Petrucco.
Petrucco held his hand still for the Pokémon to sniff. It chirped and looked up at him.
“Now,” Ezio grinned, brandishing a small bag in front of himself, “time to find what this little guy will eat.” He handed the bag over to Petrucco who put his hand inside and pulled out a handful of Berries.
A long-standing tradition, even longer than the Auditore name, gaining a Pokémon’s trust by showing that you’d care for it and treat it well. Not everyone followed the tradition, in fact the Auditores were put under scrutiny several times for it. People these days prefer to just catch Pokémon with Pokeballs and simply use their Pokémon for battle.
But Petrucco knew that to have a Pokémon was a sign of responsibility. Ezio trusted he could take care of another living creature, as sickly as he was most days. His heart warmed for his older brother’s love.
The Pokémon sniffed at the Berries, looked at Petrucco, then back down at the Berries. It hesitantly took a red Berry and slowly ate it. Its eyes lit up and it nuzzled Petrucco’s hand with a happy yip.
Petrucco yawned, suddenly feeling all his excitement give way to exhaustion. He put the rest of the Berries in the bag before handing it back to his older brother. The Pokémon on his lap chirped before circling on Petrucco’s lap, laying down.
Ezio smiled. “I’ll leave you two be.” He said softly, standing up and quietly easing his way out of Petrucco’s room. Petrucco smiled as he quickly fell into slumber. He’d have to figure out a way to properly thank Ezio for this amazing gift.
Every Auditore could see how Petrucco’s life improved with his new companion at his side. After pouring through the family library, Petrucco learned his companion was a Zorua. He promptly named the Zorua Desmond and the two were inseparable. Desmond and Petrucco were a common sight together, getting into mischief on the days Petrucco felt strong enough to leave bed. On the days he was bed-ridden, Petrucco enjoyed Desmond’s company as the Pokémon entertained his Trainer the best he could.
Sometimes Federico and Ezio would stop by and teach Petrucco things about battling, using their own Pokémon to train both boy and companion. Federico’s Farfetch’d and Ezio’s Eevee started out easy on the inexperienced duo, stepping up the pace as Petrucco took to battling like a Magikarp to water. Soon, Petrucco and Desmond wiped the floor with the elders, even if Petrucco suspected they were making it easier for him to win by not using their full strength.
While Petrucco’s mind grew sharper and his bond with Desmond grew deeper, ultimately it wasn’t enough as he was awoken by gruff guards and brought alongside his Father and eldest brother to the gallows. The only thing on Petrucco’s mind was Desmond as the executioner placed the noose around his tiny neck.
Please, Lord. Don’t leave him alone. Make sure he’s safe. Let Desmond live.
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
You get gender swapped 2: Altair, Ezio, Shay:
Altair Modern au: Altair or Alya... as he was dubbed by Y/n or rather YM/n now! refused to go out anywhere the last thing she wanted was, her fellow assassins seeing Altair like this! but Ym/n had said to suck it up, they couldn't hide forever! eventually someone's going to come looking for them. and there they were in the outdoor market grocery shopping...
Well Ym/n was shopping Altair/Alya was standing of to the side pouting, that was until the owner's creepy nephew his wife had warned him about, came up behind the now black haired woman. Alya/Altair's eye twitched hearing the man's heavy mouth breathing  and disgusting voice in his ear.
"Hey, pretty lady are ya new? maybe I can help-" he did the mistake of putting his hand on the assassin's butt, there was a crash and stunned gasps Ym/n dropped the apples he was examining before looking over at his/her husband, who had the owner's nephew on the ground arm twisted behind his back and knee digging painfully into his spine.
"Disgusting pig! What gives you the right to touch me?!" Altair snarled gold eyes alight with murderous rage as the man started crying for his uncle! Ym/n ran over and tried pulling the livid woman off he guy before the uncle shows up, her husband wasn’t having it! "Has he done this you?" Altair demanded as the now y/hc man shook his head and tried to pry her hands off the clerk.
"Alya sweetie.. we have go."
"No we don't-"
"Yes we do!"
"What's going on here?!"
A new voice joined the fray and the store owner was trying to make his way through the crowd, causing Altair to become distracted long enough for Ym/n to yank him off the clerk, and run out of the market before he reached them! 
When they finally got home whatever switched their genders wore off and after helping Altair out of her clothes, her husband spent the next couple hour lecturing and trying to teach Y/n how to defend herself from threats. 
-==-=---=-=-==-=-=-=--=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -==-=---=-=-==-=-=-=--=--=-=-=-
Shay Cormac: Shay hummed as Y/n finished putting the last touches on his disguise, Gender swapped or not, he still had templar duties to carry out! their target was a notorious playboy.
who just so happened to be attracted to Shay's girlfriend; who was also affected by this phenomenon, had sent her an invitation to a party he was throwing. And unfortunately Y/n had fallen ill, so her cousin Shayla has graciously decided to go in her place... 
The now Irishwoman felt a thumb glide over her lips as said y/nat man touched up her make-up. "There we go..." He cooed leaning away from her. "You can open your eyes now." Shay did so to see YM/n dressed as a jarvey  wiping his hand then turned to look in the mirror to see a very gorgeous woman starring back at him, the assassin hunter was impressed the y/hc man even managed to cover his scar!
He curiously brought his hand up to fiddle with the templar cross choker around his neck as his brown eyes looked down at the breath taking black and scarlet gown he was wearing, his lips castes a small frown, Getting Y/n's attention who's brows furrowed.
 "What, do you not like it?" he asked cautiously as he adjusted his jacket and grabbing a top-hat, Shay face felt hot as he tried to picture normal Y/n in his situation..."No, I look nice lass, ern lad, it just..." the y/nat hummed for the templar to continue.
"Why don't you ever try dressing like this? Your father did make them for you." He pointed a gloved hand to the large chest filled with dresses, He only ever seen her in men's clothes not that he's complaining!
 It just Shay would like to see his girl in a dress just once! Ym/n looked uncomfortable... "Believe it or not I used dress like that all time, until a boy I had feelings for ripped my dress and called me ugly..." Y/n mumbled keeping their y/ec on their reflection it still bothered her, Shay could tell her ears were turning pink they do that whenever he left on mission.
When they're back to normal Shay intends to show Y/n just how beautiful he thinks she is, All bloody night if he has to! Also made a mental note to track down that dickless jerk down and show him what happens when you make Shay Cormac's girl cry! 
-==-=---=-=-==-=-=-=--=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -==-=---=-=-==-=-=-=--=--=-=-=-
Ezio: He loved it at first! Because "Hey... I can look at myself naked.~" But his excitement soon turned annoyance and jealousy, as men wouldn't stop trying to grab and grope him everytime he went into Rosa in Fiore asking about the Borgia, and the jealousy was stemming from watching the female novices swoon, flirt and try and throw themselves at Y/n who also had her gender swapped, and it was pissing the master assassin off!
Of course Y/n didn't realize this the now man just though everyone was being nice! (for once) the when she was a woman she often get rude notes and jealous glares from the girls who were fawning over her husband.
They were rude mainly because she wasn't an assassin, she wasn't a civilian either but they didn't know that! She used to be one of Mario's mercenaries before Monteriggioni was restored.
Any we're getting off track! Ezio had woken up that morning feeling off he reached for Y/n only to find his spouse gone! worried he got up to check around when he heard some girls sigh contently as they looked out a window, 
Bemused Ezio went to see what they were looking at to see Ym/n shirtless and chopping wood! the assassin felt his eye twitch as a random woman approached and started squeezing Y/n's biceps, when suddenly there was a flash of blinding light causing everyone to cover there eyes.
when the assassin opened them again Ezio was so happy to see he was a man again!! Wait... His smile dropped when he remembered Y/n! he heard a shriek, looked outside to see the women gawking at her stunned as she sat on the ground covering her breasts, before a group of drunk men noticed her lack of cover and immediately made a beeline towards his wife!
Thinking fast Ezio grabbed a smoke bomb jumped out the window, toss the bomb between his wife and the men, pulled his shirt off (He's got pants on don't worry) gave it to Y/n picked her up and got her inside, all before the smoke cleared! a week later a good half of the female novices were in denial that the gender swapping ever happened, mainly out of mortification that they hit on their mentor's wife the very woman they bullied. While Ezio was busy tracking and beating up anyone who saw his wife's boobs! 
Notes: a Jarvey is Irish slang for a Coachman.
Altair’s name translates to “the flying one”
Alya translates to “Sky, Heaven, Loftiness”.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Typical Desmond goes back in time after touching the eye but he turns into a ghost, kinda cool if he can change forms
I’m not sure what you mean by change form. Like… he can turn into ghost animals or he can turn into different dead people?
Or is this like he has a nearly transparent form that’s wearing his old clothes then he has his ‘dead form’ which is a ghostly visage of how his corpse looked after he died?
It could work regardless of which you pick, I guess?
You know what would be fun?
If we were going for the Ghost film ghost rules.
Only one person could see Desmond and that person isn’t his ancestor. So this means he has to coordinate and get the trust of another person to help his ancestor.
Possible Candidates:
Let’s be honest, the first person we thought of was Malik XD and it would be fun because Malik could believe that Desmond may or may not have been Altaïr’s dead twin brother and Malik ‘hates’ Altaïr but Desmond is sweet and nice and it’s clear he’s trying to do the right thing so… Malik has to suffer thru helping Altaïr for Desmond.
It would be fun if it was Kadar though. Like, Desmond does some kind of ghost thingie and that keeps Kadar alive, maybe they’re sharing the same life (kinda like Lydia and Captain from GBF), and since this is a Kadar who had died because of Altaïr’s rash decisions, Desmond needs to try and repair Kadar’s broken trust for Altaïr among other things.
Okay, hear me out. Adha is also a possible recipient. Hell, we don’t know what the fuck the Chalice thing was meant to be anyway so what if the whole Chalice thing was because Adha was the perfect ‘vessel’ for Desmond to connect to. Desmond doesn’t know who Adha is, not really, Altaïr’s memories about her that Desmond received were vague af so he’s flying blind and Adha thinks he’s some djinn with clairvoyance skills. She agrees to help because it was clear he was trying to help Altaïr and… Desmond is totally unsure how all of these would play out since he was helping Adha survive her inevitable death as well.
If you want to fuck with Desmond, Abbas is right there. Desmond would definitely have a hard time getting the cooperation of the person who hates Altaïr the most XD
Petruccio would be the best ‘candidate’ of all of Ezio’s siblings. His fragile body could be connected to why he’s able to see and talk to Desmond (and just imagine the angst when Desmond believes that Petruccio could see him because he already has one foot in the grave). This idea would give us Desmond acting as an older brother and character development for Petruccio.
Wanna make it fun? Lucrezia Borgia would be a fun candidate. Make Desmond the only person who sees Lucrezia as something more than what her family wishes her to be which leads to her running away from the Borgias and becoming an Assassin under Desmond. Desmond did not plan for any of it. He was just trying to get Lucrezia to see reason and help him get in contact with Ezio XD
Of course, Kaniehtí:io is on the top of the candidate list because we all want her to survive. We could even make Desmond appear to her after Ratonhnhaké:ton is conceived and he could act more like a friend and sorta ghostly parent to Ratonhnhaké:ton. Kaniehtí:io would still probably push Haytham away even if Desmond tries to stop her, asking him if he really thinks that Haytham, as he is right now, could change and let go of the darkness in his eyes. Desmond is unable to answer her because, as much as he wants to give Ratonhnhaké:ton a happier life, he personally doesn’t believe Haytham could change. He’s loyal to the Templar cause and Desmond shares Kaniehtí:io’s fear that letting Haytham stay would ‘corrupt’ Ratonhnhaké:ton.
Kanen'tó:kon would be a fun candidate and, with Desmond being there as his ‘ghostly advisor’, Desmond has a chance to stop the tragedy that would force Ratonhnhaké:ton to kill Kanen'tó:kon in self-defense. Also, depending on how young Desmond connects with Kanen'tó:kon, this might end with Kanen'tó:kon also becoming an Assassin.
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
Soulmate AU Ezio Auditore x reader 2/2
Soulmate AU: heterochromia one of your eyes is the color of your Soulmates. Note: if your eyes are the same color as your bonded one's eyes you are blind in that eye until you meet them, like it's dull and clouded.
hours later after Y/n had left the winery ...
"What the hell do you mean she's missing?!" Ezio demanded furious the stabled boy flinched at his tone terrified as the mercenaries look down at their feet, see an hour ago the horse they had lent Y/n had come back sans rider, the stable master alerted the boy who went to go tell the mercenaries patrolling around the tailor shop who told Ezio of the situation,
 Needless to say the assassin was pissed and terrified that something had happened to her... he talked to blacksmith who pointed the assassin to the vineyards he hopped on the horse the Y/hc woman was last riding and prayed nothing had happen to her!
Meanwhile Y/n was cold, wet, and very sure her left shoulder was broken, after the horse got spooked by lighting, it tossed her off! knocking her out...when she woke up the horse was long gone and the storm was still going, The y/ht woman gasped in pain when she tried to move her left shoulder biting the inside of her cheek she forced herself to stand and held her lame limb with her good arm and looked around spying an old watchtower with a rotted wooden door.
The hurt woman used her cane to help her up and limped over to the tower and forced the door open by pushing her weight and good shoulder into to a few times before it collapsed, Y/n let out a pained cry as she hit the stone floor, after a few seconds of catching her breath the seamstress pulled herself up and looked around the old tower she could see some old tools a pile of dead leaves and a fire pit; she shivered and started pulling pieces of the door sweeping the leaves towards the pit. 
She then checked the tools sighing when she found a fire-striker and some flint; however she was very stumped on how she was going to start a fire with one hand? the Y/hc woman looked at the tower's stone work. before finding some bricks that had come loose and used those to hold the flint for her, she struck it a few time before sparks started flying off the tiny block and on to the dead leaves in the pit soon a nice fire formed and Y/n sat down cradling her bad arm as the warmth slowly started returning to her body.
Hopefully Franco noticed she was gone longer then she said she'd be! and sent someone out to look for her? Luckily for her someone was searching and had noticed the smoke leaving the old watch tower. 
Ezio had left the farm Y/n had delivered to; the daughter kept trying to get him stay. but he ignored her advances, when his nose caught something in the air...smoke? His brows furrowed bemused it was close by and rode off to where the smoke was coming from and saw one of the old towers being used his eyes faintly saw the muddy y/fs steps and holes leading up to the tower and followed them to the now broken down door. 
Ezio nearly collapsed to his knees when he found Y/n alive, the Y/hc woman looked up at him incredulously as he ran up to her and hugged her tight only to pull away quickly when she yelped in pain and noticed her arm. "Why are you here.." she croaked bemused as he scrutinized her arm "I'm your soulmate, why wouldn't I be here?" he frowned Ezio may not be a doctor, but he's hurt his shoulders enough times to recognize a dislocation when he sees one... "I mean shouldn't you be busy with some diseased harlot?" she spat before gasping as he tried rotating her arm just to make sure it really was a dislocation and not a fracture...
"Look, I was just as shocked as you were when we met..." 
"Bull crap, you didn't even stop! You perver-ngh.."
"Mi dispiace... I left as soon as it hit me, Leonardo then told me who you-"
"How do you know Leonardo?"
Y/n demanded suspiciously surely her friend wasn't involved with this womanizer? she got her answer as her soulmate explained that he and the inventor had been best friends for years, the inventor's helped him out through out the years...He frowned realizing he was going to have to reset her shoulder. "Bite my shoulder." He ordered suddenly said causing Y/n to freak, and try and struggle away from him, but Ezio kept his grip on her stayed firm.
"I don't mean for that!..I going fix your arm, but it's going to hurt." the assassin explained the injured woman was skeptical as he pulled her close and started counting backwards from ten, he stopped at three and popped it back in without warning; he frowned hearing Y/n shriek painfully while biting down on his leather shoulder guards she started sobbing into his shoulder.
"Mi dispiace...mia bella." he cooed rubbing her back before letting her pull away from him then noticed tiny specks of red on the back of her shirt. "Were you hurt anywhere else." He asked keeping a calculated gaze on her, the Y/hc shook her head. 
"My pack took most of the impact..." she nodding at a broken carry frame leaning against the wall, that didn't put his mind at ease she could have sustained injuries and not realize it because of shock.
 She was freezing too...Ezio brought his cape over her letting her leech off his body heat deciding there to take her to the doctor just to be sure...
His sensitive hearing heard the rumbling getting farther the storm was passing, he put the fire out using an old jug left outside "Come on it should be safe now.." he said before Y/n could even try stand the assassin had already sweep her off the floor and carried her to the horse, after the sun was setting in the distance as the ride back to Monteriggioni was relatively silent until Y/n mustered the courage to speak up.
"you're the one who left the flowers on my doorstep?"
"Oh, you got them bene! I was worried someone else would've taken them."
"So my assumptions are correct then, you're the reason everyone's treating me oddly."
"The Townsfolk have been mistreating you?" 
Ezio asked inquisitively thrown off that the town might be ostracizing his soulmate, they put him on a high pedestal so seeing a lowly seamstress as his soulmate and not some strong warrior or delicate noble may have disheartened them, Y/n shook her head "Not really half are too helpful to the point of overbearingness and the other half avoids me like I'm diseased." Y/n explained as simply as she could the next words out of her mouth nearly caused Ezio to choke on his spit.
"You must be very important to garner such a reaction Mr.." She noticed him staring at her awestruck, the y/hc woman shifted uncomfortably as he stammered out. "You..you don't know who I am?" and chuckled when Y/n shook her head Introductions weren't exactly exchanged when they met given the circumstances."do you know who the Auditore are?" She nodded saying she's lives next to their family crypt and knows about Mario he visits the Blacksmith a lot and little about his relatives moving in with him, but she hasn't really encountered them, she knows Claudia often orders from the shop. but her boss delivers them to the villa.
"I think his nephew is the landlord now, uh Elio?" she heard her soulmate snort trying his hardest not to laugh. "It's Ezio actually." he said clearing his throat. "Oh." Ezio... that's the name everyone muttered around her whenever she walked by, the man who got Abilio fired and the same man the customers daughter gushed about, Now that she thought about it Y/n may have spotted Ezio a few times; walking by the shop, but she really couldn't say, because he always wore these hooded white rob-... 
The y/ht woman's eyes widened to to size saucers as she eyed what the man who was holding her was wearing! It took a few moments for Y/n to connect the dots and realize who her soulmate was! She saw a knowing smirk grace his lips. 
  "Ezio Auditore da Firenze Per favore, fai la tua conoscenza"
Y/n l/n da Firenze..." {non Italian reader: Y/n L/n da parti sconosciute...} 
[If reader is Italian: Ezio blinked surprised that they were from the same city yet never encountered each other..."Odd I don't ever recall seeing you around." Y/n sighed saying it was no surprise considering she was from a lower class family, so there was a chance they would've never met, that and she was profiled as an uneducated orphan so that put her on an even lower bar than him.]
[Reader is half Italian: Ezio tested her name a few times it sounded odd and must've felt odd to him. "You and your are name very... exotic." he said she could hear the confusion and curiosity in his voice. "Foreign by name Italian by birth, my [parent of choice] was from [country] they traveled here for work/education met their soulmate [other parent.] and had me. unfortunately they both passed when ship they were on sank.] 
[Reader isn't Italian: "That's an odd introduction, I take it you moved here when you were young?" Ezio asked The y/hc woman hummed in confirmation."I know I'm from [Country]...But when I was little my family sold me to some rich old man to be his bride." Ezio took a sharp breath his hands tightened on the reins, she may have just set him off as she continued. "Luckily he died before he had done anything, killed by a man with robes like yours, he brought me to Firenze, set me up with a nice lady who became my grandmother." She felt him relax as she smiled fondly at the memories. "He would stop by sometimes to play chess and to see how I was doing...I think his name was Giovanni?" Y/n heard Ezio gasp then mutter prayers and gratitude towards his father.] 
The assassin was happy for the first time in weeks! he wished this was how they met instead of at the brothel. "What brought you to Monteriggioni?" He asked curiously her grandmother died the bank took their house, she would've been on the streets if Leonardo hadn't taken her in, she worked for him as an assistant for a while, then she met her boss's wife.  
The old woman had ripped her dress and Y/n mended it for her, she showed it to her husband next thing Y/n knows he's offering her an apprenticeship and she accepted,moved out of Leo's and moved in with them. When about three years later, her boss heard that there was an there was a tailor shop in Monteriggioni in need of workers, he decided to pack and move to the small village.
as it turns out she moved out of Leo's the day his father was betrayed; just an hour shy of Ezio and Maria arriving to Leonardo's... it was bewildering! had she waited a little longer, they would've met then and there, and who knows what would've happened? No... Ezio knew exactly what would've happened, he frowned thinking back to what he had to leave behind in Firenze and knew she would've been one of them.
Monteriggioni soon came into place Ezio helped Y/n off the horse and carried her on his back to the doctor. "Mr. Auditore what seems to be the problem today?" the doctor asked before noticing the injured woman on his back. "Y/n? oh dear what's happened?" the old man went to the door to let them inside and the doctor cleared a table for them and had Ezio set her down and the doctor got to work on Y/n while her soulmate observed to the side, the doctor asked how she got hurt Y/n explained the horse being spooked, her getting thrown off and her arm and back bothering her.
The old man lips formed a thin line as he scrutinized her shoulder then complimented Ezio on fixing it, but elevated it in a sling informing her it'll have to stay on for a week or so, then check her both the doctor and Ezio winced seeing her back was was all scratched up a large bruise shaped like the carry-frame marred her skin an ugly purple.
The y/ht hissed as the doctor cleaned out the scratches "that my dear could've been much worse, but I suggest you don't do any heavy lifting for month, hopefully that buffoon you call a boss will abide or he may find his performance in bed lacking..." The doctor huffed as he ranted that he had clearly told her boss let Y/n off while he was gone, in case just such a thing happened, that man was too stingy and paranoid to hire more workers, Hell, his wife had to jump through flaming hoops to even consider taking Y/n on as an apprentice! someone cleared their throat the doctor turned to see both Ezio and Y/n giving him a look the old man backtracked. "Erm, sorry I got off topic now, please don't do any taxing. rest, Doctor's orders."
With that he let Ezio handle it from there, the assassin carried Y/n back to her home despite her claims that she could walk! the y/hc woman's face was on fire as people shot her and Ezio looks some of amusement others of vexation and envy, her home wasn't hard to find, it was right next to his family's crypt, Y/n explained the townsfolk think the alley is haunted, so rent is cheap and no nosy neighbors.
Ezio chuckled feeling a sense giddiness he hadn't felt since he was a child, when he heard the description of the fantasma there's a good chance he might be the culprit. Y/n didn't really think much of it she just assumed Ezio was laughing at people's superstitions, She suppose it was kind of funny if she didn't mildly believe in the supernatural as well! Neither of them slept that night they stood up talking mainly about themselves.
Ezio told her about his father and brothers how he'd been fighting to bring their deaths to justice, Y/n was mainly about her parents their death, her how grandmother's health mind slipping away as she got older the old woman would often forget who Y/n was or mistake her for her [parent.] then breakdown crying/apologizing when Y/n reminded her that [parent] was gone or who she was. 
When they did finely fall asleep Ezio was awoken abruptly by Y/n's door being harshly pushed open, he looked down at Y/n who was still passed out hugging his waist, then turned to glare at whoever woke him up and saw the tailor gawking at him with a deer in the cross-hairs look, No words were spoken as the assassin watched the old man backed out of the house and quietly closed the door..."Hmm?" Y/n lifted her head up bemused Ezio gently pulled her back down. "Go back to sleep cara." the Italian man cooed running ad through her hair, knowing no one will bother them for a while.  
Per favore, fai la tua conoscenza = please to meet your acquaintance.
da parti sconosciute = From parts unknown.
Fantasma = ghost
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