#desmond is gonna try and fix things
teecupangel · 8 months
Assassins Creed could pretty easily be turned into an isekai. No animus involved, just Desmond getting hit by a truck and then mysteriously waking up as Ezio! Or even more hilarious, going the "reincarnated as a book character" route for isekai launch points, Ezio gets run over by a cart and wakes up as Altair, whose journal he'd been reading the night before.
Regardless of who transmigrated, Desmond as Ezio or Ezio as Altaïr, the name of this fic will have to be “I have been transmigrated as the legendary Assassin!” (the exclamation point is necessary, the shortening would either be ITLA or LegAss)
The main two ways to get transmigrated is either through Truck-kun (or Car-kun is Truck-kun is stuck in traffic) or by dying while doing something mundane from overwork or illness.
We’ll go for Truck-kun for Desmond and he’ll wake up as Ezio Auditore, the legendary Assassin from Renaissance Italy.
Of course, since we did specify No Animus involved, we’re going for an alternative world where Desmond never got kidnapped and kept living his peaceful life in New York with the added consolation of the Solar Flare being dealt by something or someone else (perhaps Abstergo with their The Eye project? Or Bill gets to be sacrificed instead? XD)
Anyway, Abstergo still released the Animus as a gaming console and one of their games is about Ezio (primarily from Clay’s sessions, heavily edited) and Desmond is hooked.
He admits, there’s a part of him that was jealous of Ezio. Sure, his story was a tragedy that turned him to a monster (or so Abstergo painted him) but Desmond sorta gets it.
Or maybe he was projecting.
It’s just…
Desmond wanted to know more about Ezio. The game ended after Rodrigo Borgia managed to get Ezio not kill him, to show him how he had become a monster and to return to the light.
It felt like a weak ending in Desmond’s eyes and he’d been contemplating if it was worth the risk joining an online forum to talk about the ending and how a lot of Ezio’s actions doesn’t seemed to make any sense sometimes in the cutscenes.
He just got a ping in his phone while waiting for the pedestrian light to go green and blinked when he read that there were rumors of Abstergo planning to make a sequel to Ezio’s game.
They didn’t even care about the cliffhanger of Altaïr’s game.
Then again, Ezio’s game was the most successful game Abstergo Entertainment released for the Animus.
The pedestrian light turned green.
Desmond took a step as he read the article.
He turned just in time to see the truck-
He tasted blood.
His lips hurt.
Desmond blinked.
He recognized Vieri Pazzi immediately. He had seen his ugly mug in VR for so long because he kept replaying Ezio’s game when he was bored after all.
Desmond blocked the attack of the men charging him, his body seemingly remembering the years of training on the Farm…
His movements…
Was he remembering how to move like Ezio in VR?
That didn’t make sense.
None of this makes sense.
“Ehi!” The man about to punch Desmond from behind dropped to the floor as a familiar man grinned at him, “Behind you!”
“Federico?” Desmond choked, recognizing the older Auditore.
“What’s wrong, Ezio? Too surprised to see your older brother saving you once again?”
He just called Desmond Ezio.
Oh god.
He was Ezio.
He just replaced the Monster of Florence, the White Death himself…
Ezio Auditore.
(Ezio, on the other hand, gets transmigrated when he lost his consciousness while reading Altaïr’s journal for the last time before going to the ship that will sail him as close to Masyaf as it could. He gets transmigrated just as Al Mualim stabs Altaïr on the stomach for failing to recover the Apple)
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carrickbender · 7 months
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Sunday 7-
I had 2 drs appointments on Friday, one of which was a CT that was supposed to help figure out why I have so much pain in my right testicle(TMI). It saw nothing, so now we get to keep guessing. Boss told me to "take weekend off", but was doing the morning orders/teams call every day between 5-7, trying to fix stuff and do reconciliations. Glad they trust me with this, but wanna give a 'high five' to my imposter syndrome telling me im gonna get fired any day.
- had to take Henry to urgent care on Saturday, and it turns out he has the start of pneumonia. Wanna give a big shout out to the ARNP who told me she really thought he should just 'ride it out' after 10 days of awful coughing and that their kids 'were still in it after a month'. Yeah, the PA said there was no way he wasn't leaving without antibiotics. Made me feel like an asshole parent... he's on day 2, and already more of himself.
- I went back up there today for me, and I have pretty severe bronchitis. He put me on a different antibiotic, more steroids, refilled my inhaler, and actually listened to me. I mean, I appreciated his care and actual concern. Fun situation: while I was there, a tree fell across the powerlines and tripped off most of town, so they had to go to back-up generators. There was a hall full of people, in a brown out, that the staff were managing like pros. Seriously, we are lucky to have that place.
-after today, I have 4 payments left on my car. 4. I think we will wait till June, and then it's 4 door vehicle time. The lunabug is getting taller, and we want to go see my dad/stepmom in Eastern Wa in something that has space. Everybody and their dog has sent me one of those damn, "interested in a new car loan? It's OK to check your rate, and won't hurt your credit" messages and as soon as my credit union chimes in, I'm sure we'll have something to talk about.
- speaking of something to not talk about, I learned a new term and joined a subredit today called 'dead bedrooms', and yeah, checks out completely. I don't have a therapist yet, so it's not a bad sorce of info or me trying to figure out what I have messed up(apparently, yet again).
- so I had to stop at Walmart(yay for small business destruction by a corporate giant!) for meds/a few groceries and this dingus in an f250 with a WA st license plate celebrating wrestling decided he needed to back into a compact space that was in front of me. He almost hit the first car on the way in(who had to stop and back up), but then he literally backed his 'not a farm truck but a penis extension' into the compact space in front of me, and thanks to me backing up knowing he would have been sticking out if I didn't, he took 3 feet of my spot and his hitch was literally 4 inches from hitting my car. In my space. And that entitled piece of shit didn't even look to see how close he was, he just walked away like he was the king of backing up. Look, I have no problem with wrestlers, but the only one who matters in my life is John Irving, and I think he would have been sensitive enough not to be a shit bird like that! (Part 1 of 2 rant)
- I wanted to share a thought or 2 about something I've seen going about on here for a little bit, because I think i need to say avfew things:
I love that I have so many people I follow here who take stances for the poor, marginalized, POC, and other underrepresented communities-not just in a perfunctory way of saying 'I support you'; but quite a few of you are actually involved in helping bring about change and strengthening communities by being unselfish hands that help heal hearts- you inspire me to be a better person, really. As a person of faith, I see you doing the work that many faith leaders of old spoke of when they talked of when they said, "serve as you have been served, and love as you have been loved"- and seeing that faith in action, it has made me read more about liberation theology and revisit the works of the Rt Rev Bishop Desmond Tutu, Dietrich Bonhoffer, and Dr Martin Luther King jr(and of the later, 'Why I oppose the war in Vietnam' is just as relevant now as it was then). I thank you all for this inspiration and work.
But what I have really come to realize about myself is that I am a person of privilege. I am a white CISmale, straight, accessed a good education at a young age, had a huge extended family that helped raise me when my mom had me at 17, have never had to worry about my gender causing me to be looked at differently, have a good job(for now), have access to clean water, don't live in a food desert, and save for the fact that I understood discrimination at a very young age thanks to my last name, I know that I have lived a mostly privileged life.
But there is one privilege I will never take for granted, and that's voting. And yes, I don't always vote my conscience because at heart, I am a democratic Socialist. But I always vote in my local and state house election because it is in places like your local school board or your city council where you can stop the spread of groups like 'Moms for Liberty' or any of the other neo-fascist organizations that seek to change education or change for the worse how cities deal with their population experiencing homelessness. If I stay home from these elections, I feel like I'm spitting on my great grandmother's grave(whose name I found on the voting roll of the first year that women could vote in Basin, Montana). I feel like I'm not being a good parent or a community member for sticking up for my sons right(or other kids rights) to read books in the school library that have a rainbow(let alone letting kids see representation for non-traditional families that are just the same as everybody else!). So please, if you're feeling crappy about the election, this right here is the biggest way to affect change if you don't know where to start or affirm.there is something you can do to really make a difference. Don't see enough representation of POC on your city council, especially in multi-ethnic communities? Hear a trans voice that would make for a great representative for all people? Fill in those boxes, act locally, and get those folks elected! It works if you work it!
I hear a lot of voices talking about Joe Biden these days, and I feel numb and angry about a lot of things that have been done in our names too: I hate HATE what is happening in Gaza(PBUT); I hate our support of Saudi Arabia and the proxy war in Yemen; Our jaunts in Zaire and Jordan; I hate that we are no closer to universal Healthcare, but I understand that that road and others lead through a Republican congress. I love that child poverty is declining, but programmes that were designed to make this a reality are sunsetting. We have a barbaric and truly archaic policy on immigration, and every time(that's not hyperbole, either), every goddamn time a good bill has been proposed to deal with the issue, the bill has been met by the xenophobic forces on the right and their deep pockets fueling the media and it is destroyed out of fear. And let's not forget student debt forgiveness, the continued dismantling of public education by states like Texas and Florida, Our goal of dismantling of the prison industrial complex, the protection of reproductive healthcare, and the dire need for nationwide police reform.
Yes, our laundry list is long, but it is full of necessary things that need to change or be codified in order for a great change to happen for generations and the continuatonof this great experiment called the U.S.A.
And for all of this and more, I ask: where are the leaders of our generation on this? Where are the ghosts of John Lewis, of Paul Wellstone, and of Shirley Chisholm? Thankfully, our leaders and the ghostsbof their forebearers are there- they are doing their best, and thankfully we(those of us on the progressive side) are represented by POC women who will go to the mat for these issues and more, being inspired by those who came before them. But the more that I think about it, it's time that we offer an ultimatum: we'll give you our voting block, Joe. We'll help bring along the majority of the 9 million new voters who are coming of age this year, so you will have a supermajority with which you can put forth truly transformative legislation. Sure, you'll get us- for now. But if it's businesses as usual, if we are not knocking over the tables of the money changers, and if we are not investing more in programmes of social uplift than we are for the military industrial complex, then we strike. Not in 2028, as one of my absolute favourite people on here suggest, but in 2026, in early summer. Because it is people like me, those of us who have know privilege and continue to know it, who are finally waking up to the truth that we need to do the work. We need to do the heavy lifting. I'm willing to make that offer, and I hope I'm not alone, because there either needs to be a change in the way our political system operates, or we walk away and start our own political entity. I hope I'm not alone in the way I feel, and I hope that we can all make the proposition. We have the leaders, we have the people, now it's about courage. It's time.
But for today, if you can pull the lever for democrats nationally, I totally get it. But consider what I said about voting locally, and in local races and elect people who represent your values. It matters.
- ok, rant over: if you made it this far, know that I love you all and I hope this week brings good things for you. Remember what Pete Seeger always said: "Take it easy, but take it". Much love yall!
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themonotonysyndrome · 6 months
hey mono !! i just listened to desmond’s newest video and..WHEW.
the trauma that both castin and the baroness have are so high to the point that i’m CONVINCED that their child or children will inherent their trauma and might even distance themselves from their parents. the generational trauma that i sense coming from their family unit is crazy high..like couldn’t yall just go to therapy FIRST and THEN have a kid?
furthermore, i still sense hostility and, dare i say, racism coming from castin, which is surprising to hear bc iirc, in the previous episodes, he wasn’t THIS disgusted and horrified by the imperials. then again, his pregnant wife WAS just almost killed by who i assume to be lord carter, so i can’t blame him too much for reacting like that.
after listening to the whole first episode of the audio, i realized that one marriage with two big shot people coming from intacia and the empire won’t and can’t solve any of this. the hostility and hatred that the intacians and the imperials have is so deeply rooted in their individual cultures. this war is so much bigger than the marriage, and i believe that neither rhett nor the queen had actually thought of this before pairing them up together.
as much as i love the water ascendant listener, they essentially gave up their friend to a total stranger coming from the other warring nation, at first thinking that this singular marriage will just..fix everything. rhett and the queen have overworked the baroness to the bone while her husband is hundreds of kilometers away from her, just gathering trauma after trauma that will be passed onto their child/children.
tldr : the war between intacia and the empire is so much bigger than the baroness’ marriage and rhett + the queen are kind of dicks for just thinking that a marriage will fix everything
Neptune! I was thinking about you the moment the new video dropped! I have so many things that I wanted to discuss with you!
So I already explained my thoughts and feelings on Castin's Part 1 of Chapter 5 audio here: Ask, Ask, and here Ask.
after listening to the whole first episode of the audio, i realized that one marriage with two big shot people coming from intacia and the empire won’t and can’t solve any of this. the hostility and hatred that the intacians and the imperials have is so deeply rooted in their individual cultures. this war is so much bigger than the marriage, and i believe that neither rhett nor the queen had actually thought of this before pairing them up together.
This makes me wonder if Rhett and his Queen Ascendant have ever sat down and discussed the fallout that might come from marrying their besties to each other. I admit; something like this is hard to predict. Especially since Castin and the Baroness are key figures in the political world and every action that they take is heavily scrutinised and reflected back on their respective countries. It's one of the reasons why I was upset on the Baroness' behalf when Castin suggested she give her title to someone else. If she does that, she'll be a laughingstock forever! We've heard, read, and seen so many stories where a woman's identity is erased the moment she marries. She becomes a wife first rather than her own being. Then, she becomes a mother and not the woman that she was. It's all very disheartening and the fact that Castin doesn't realise that he's trying to do the same thing to the Baroness? It disappoints me.
Hang on, I'm gonna play that new Labour remix on full-blast and loudspeaker now dnjfkndskf
as much as i love the water ascendant listener, they essentially gave up their friend to a total stranger coming from the other warring nation, at first thinking that this singular marriage will just..fix everything. rhett and the queen have overworked the baroness to the bone while her husband is hundreds of kilometers away from her, just gathering trauma after trauma that will be passed onto their child/children.
I REALLY wanna know how the Queen Ascendant managed to get the Baroness to go along with her and Rhett's plans. I really, really do. Because I love my friends, but there are boundaries I still won't let them cross, and if they do? Instant ghosting. So it'll be nice if we can hear about that scene.
Also, 'the queen have overworked the baroness to the bone' - can we just talk more about this?
Being a leader of a noble household is already exhausting. Why does no one actually throw shades at the King and Queen for overworking the Baroness? Even if she's someone who likes keeping busy, her workload after her marriage is INSANE. It really is! Even strangers from Steelgate commented how the Baroness is THE busiest woman in the world!
Do Rhett and the Queen Ascendant have no shame? Now I really, REALLY, wanna know what they do in the daily. What do they do to push the peace they so wanted and preached.
Rhett's storyline needs to continue or not I'll probably write a confrontation fic about Celica and Queen Isolde, lol.
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sparrow-in-boots · 1 year
this is my Bill Miles rant.
this is it. this is what you're about to read, yipee hurray! i'm about to rawdog this pustule of a man on a table, and i'm dissecting why he's such a tentative yet counterproductive evolutionary reaction to a shitty situation that ends up causing more problems than it fixes. yknow, like a pustule.
this is gonna be long and rough (honestly the innuendos just write themselves don't they), about 3.7k words long to be precise. this thing needed headings ffs. so take your time with it is what i’m saying xvx
also if you haven't already, I'd recommend checking out my previous Daniel and Lucy posts for further context as i'll bring back stuff from them in here. call it a series what the heck.
now, onto the Billiam
I could do a whole thing here where i explain and contextualize where he's coming from, and how the way he's worked for the brotherhood and later raised his son ultimately made sense from his point of view, etc etc. but i think we're all familiar with that exercise. 'Understandable' doesn't make it right or even smart, and anyone with some understanding of generational trauma and dealing with an emotionally stunted parent already knows the drill here. I'm not gonna break any new ground delving into it so i won't bother. We got bigger fish to fry here.
I will establish though, Bill is a man of action, few words and even fewer expression of emotions. I can draw a direct parallel to the Levantine brotherhood and their strict hierarchy and the ultimate authority of their grandmaster. Not mentor mind you, that's a title for later in the brotherhood's history. Al Mualim is the master, the leader, the head of the order, and his word is law and the tenets and maxim are sacred. If he tells you you should die for his will, then you will do it and gladly, because you're serving the brotherhood's higher purpose. I'm not here to argue the morals and ethics of that, just saying it like it is.
Bill may not be as strict as all that, in fact he's very much not and he couldn't if he tried (and i gotta say, i don't think he would try), but he certainly reflects that resolute certainty in the brotherhood's beliefs and what is needed to face their enemy. The templars are everywhere, they have their grasp in everything, and so you must be willing to give everything to push them back.
In his eyes, all the hardships that he put Desmond through in his youth were necessities. For the brotherhood, they are at war, and as such he saw it as an act of love and care to prepare Desmond for the worst. But he was so lost in a world of casualties and soldiers that he forgets all too often that people are, people.
Soldiers are human beings first and foremost, and to strip them of humanity may be argued as a necessity of war but it strips the brotherhood of its most fundamental goals. Human lives, human worth, humanity itself, are worth preserving and protecting in all its forms, that's the freedom they fight for. It's messy and complicated but it's beautiful and it's to be celebrated, not suppressed. To deny humanity for the sake of neat and clean order and hierarchy is what the templars want, and you can't fight that by becoming it. You fight it by opposing it. That's why Al Mualim turned, and that's why Altair had to kill him and rework the brotherhood from the ground up, even if he hadn't been twisted by the Apple. And that's why I wanna draw out the parallel between Al Mualim to Bill first.
In AC1 we're served a narrative that the templars and the brotherhood are not so different and they both want the same thing, "peace, in all things", but they have opposing views on how to achieve it and that's where their conflcit lies. Simple enough premise, and they do a pretty good job of showing how those two militaristic orders view the world and how to achieve their goals, and in what form those orders now exist in the modern world. Back then it made sense for the Farm to be an isolationist cult, it was a perfect mirror for the isolated Masyaf fortress and their secretive nature, but as the narrative developed in the next games, that contextualization just grew more and more flawed. The brotherhood had grown, branched out, coexisted in various time periods and cultural contexts, and it no longer made sense for them to be a remote cultish commune in the middle of nowhere.
Which leads me to believe that it was pretty much Bill's idea from the start. If you'll allow me to extrapolate some character beats, it's no secret that he's got a deep respect for the brotherhood, and I'd assume that includes Altair and Ezio given how their mentorship stirred the entire brotherhood into new eras. They are legendary figures in their history, they got statues of them in the brotherhood headquarters, it's really not subtle.
As such, one can see him trying his best to lean on their teachings, if not try to emulate them a bit. He's secretive, resolute, stubborn, all qualities we see of Altair and Ezio in the Animus and were likely exagerated over the centuries. In The Fall (comic), we see that the brotherhood had a whole secret library worth of knowledge before it was ransacked during the Great Purge, and it's not too far to assume that Bill spent some time digging through those archives in his youth. He was born in the brotherhood after all.
Grueling training, blind trust in your betters and the creed, secretiveness, emotional distance. All things we see in both the Farm and the Levantine brotherhood, a holdover from the smaller scope of AC1 that leads me to think this was a bit of Bill's bout of hero worshipping to maybe recreate the conditions that created the assassins of old. We don't know what the rest of the brotherhood thought of the Farm exactly, i can't find or recall any particular bit of lore that addresses it except from an outside perspective; all we get is Desmond's own comments on his experience based on his memories in ACR. Even when he speaks of it to others, they give no opinion of their own on the matter.
Bill might be so focused on the environment that created an assassin like Altair, that he forgets that the man then went over to rework the brotherhood to keep what happened to him from happening again. He fostered curiosity and understanding in his order, leading to many changes that carried on through the ages to the modern day. It was Altair learning to question and doubt his master, the man he'd follow blindly and without question once, that led to the survival and growth of the order. In fact, Altair puts his trust blindly in his assassins to protect him when he goes to confront Abbas, to keep him safe and help restore the order once again. Not the other way around. And when he saw that same curiosity and doubts in his son, he sought to stamp it out instead of seeing it for what it was.
Desmond left not just because he was terrified (his words not mine) of the training, the harshness, and the bland food. If we're being honest, he's found that in spades in the outside world too. No, he left because the Farm asked for blind trust and respect that was not shown to him in return. When he asked questions, they ignored or waved him away, and so as they dismissed his interest in truly understanding what was being taught, he gave them the same.
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I'll give credit where it's due, he does apologize and offers a truce to Desmond. Grated, he doesn't get much of a chance to show how much he's changed exactly, especially in the minutiae of daily life with the team, and it's a rather wishy-washy apology overall. But it's something and more than most people get in real life. Desmond is gracious enough to take it and even does his best to give him a chance, which is more than most anyone would, and that says more about him than Bill.
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Regardless, I want to chalk up this apology as rushed writing rather than Bill being actively manipulative by saying what Desmond would like to hear. I don't want to give the writers credit for writing some 4D chess mind game powers onto him. I'm not even a fan of the "two Bills on Lucy's emails" thing, that's just poor retcon to fit the "Lucy is a templar" plotline.
the tangent - YOU GOT MAIL
Speaking of, i wanna get into that for a moment. As far as i could dig up, we had no confirmation of why Lucy had to die besides fan theories, and then the ACR dlc dropped. It was further commented on AC3 and most importantly, several retcons that included Lucy being a sneaky templar were released in the Initiates web project. That included much of the Project Siren lore, reactions to her death among the templars, her leaving the memory core for Vidic's goons to find, and of course the retcon that she was in contact with two separate Williams. All this to say, we can't say for sure if the writers knew how they wanted to handle her cliffhanger death in ACB even when ACB itself came out. So this?
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That was meant to be our introduction to Bill's character. Those are the words of a man who sent a 16yo girl into the world to fully fend for herself on her own against a corporation so powerful it's almost impossible to comprehend. And now that she's back among the community that dropped her into such a grueling situation, this is his reaction to her showing care and concern for another human being, who by the way is his own son?? Holding up all that she's suffered through over her head like compassion would invalidate all that?? I sincerely lack the words.
Well, actually Desmond said it best.
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Right then, Bill really isn't better than them. He's just another cold calculating asshole who's so set on a nebulous future victory that he refuses to see the lives he's trampling on to get there. He's done it to Lucy, to Clay, to Desmond, and even to Shaun and Rebecca to an extent, and they are just the ones we know of. The Great Purge is no excuse for this behavior, that's not the time to grow apart, but closer and show sympathy and kindness to his fellow assassins. Some distant war general figure moving faceless pieces on the board is the last thing they want right then, or might even need.
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We can see in this one email just how dire the situation is with how Rebecca even refuses to put a subject on the email. Opening up and being vulnerable is something to be done in quiet and secret, almost like it's a burden to show how much things are affecting you, and that's so messed up. Even in the army, you can see gallows humor and dark jokes to cope with the horrors soldiers go through, but we don't even get that amongst the team. When you approach Lucy as Desmond, it's often him showing her kindness and comfort and reassuring her through her doubts and fears, and she doesn't hesitate to share them with him and I think it has a lot to do with how they are both apart from Bill's influence. Lucy has her own cans of worms to deal with, but between her and Desmond, there's a measure of closeness and trust you don't see with the others.
I know, your boss is not exactly the person you might want to pour your heart out to, but come on! How powerful and rallying would it be to see your leader across the room and feel comfortable and safe enough to just sit together and talk?? It can't be overstated how much it matters that any movement that places itself against the current system must prove itself as... different from that system. It's the literal bare minimum here. If you say you care about humanity but you won't care for the humanity of your members, then... what are you even doing?
tangent done - BACK TO THE BIG PICTURE
I wanna take a quick step back for a bit. AC3 portrays Bill as a man who sees his actions as justified, who sees that his ends justify the means. It leads us down a doomed horseshoe theory that coupled with the deeply complicated historical time in the ancestral plotline, makes for a very murky and confusing narrative. The more you look at it, the less clear or discernible the themes get. It raises a lot of complex points but never closes or even shows where they are going with them.
Now, horseshoe theory is an erroneous concept that has been critiqued to hell and back, and to use it as a way to tie the modern and ancestral timelines in an attempt to create a "'we're all the same" theme is... the worst possible way to go about it. Doubly so when it’s often appropriated by right-wing pundits to vilify their political opponents. You can't make the protagonists ponder on how to hold hands and sing kumbaya with a death cult to avoid Armageddon while the writers are going "bUt ThEy ArE bAd ToO" because of one guy (who you're also attempting to redeem) who deems the inherent human need for connection as "being too weak". Even that is enough of a mess, but add to it the whole deconstruction of the war of independence and the sheer horror that the colonies were for the indigenous people back then and all the way up to this day... Where are the writers even going here??
We get more conversations about how allying with the templars is not a possibility than any proper address on Lucy or the entire situation that led to her turning, much less who's to blame, how can they avoid this in the future, how the protagonists even feel about all this. Just excuses for why it had to happen, there was no other way, let’s move along now, nothing to see here. In AC2 and ACB we got some neat and tidy convos that made sense to be bite-sized, concise little bits of characterization and presenting themes and concepts for the worldbuilding. But in AC3, we get convos that could have been entire cutscenes, whole dialogues amongst the characters to reckon with all that's been happening. Instead we waste cutscene time with fucking Juno and the Isu failed attempts that don't fucking matter to the story they should be focused on telling.
Which is why I want to talk about Haytham.
I bring him up because AC3 clearly wants to parallel his and Connor's relationship with Bill's and Desmond's. Which, personally i think it gives off the feeling that it's supposed to be a "hey it could be worse" at Desmond. I think we can agree that's a sucky attitude to have towards anyone who's suffered family trauma like Desmond did, and it also kind of diminishes the weight of the colonial era storyline. But since the game wants to talk about it, then let's talk about it.
Haytham is one more indoctrinated assassin-to-templar character, which is it's own mirror to Daniel and Lucy, but this is not about them. Haytham is cold, pragmatic, relentless and so calculating. He was warmer and kinder when he was younger, even a rather gray character, but all that is lost the longer he spends as the templar grandmaster. He did care for Connor in his own way and wanted to bring him to their side if only so that he wouldn't have to kill him, but if it came to it, he would have as we see in the game multiple times.
And as far as the game is concerned, that's also Bill. They are both two men who got worn down into their respective roles and lost sight of what's truly important. Except, we don't know that. We see it with Haytham plain as day in the prologue, but we don't know how Bill was in his younger years. We know about a few missions he took that involved the Animus project, but besides that we don't know what kind of man or even child he was. We don't even know what his dynamic with other people is, how he is with his wife, does he have family? Siblings, parents, cousins, anything? Does he even care? What about friends and colleagues? Hell, we don't even know what he's like in action, the Cairo mission happens off-screen and Desmond handles their escape with the Apple. All we see of him in AC3 is how he's an emotionally stunted bossy guy, and anything else is told, never shown.
Haytham however, gets a prologue and several missions in-game, and even a whole side novel from his point of view.
As such, I'm reluctant to extrapolate the kind of man Bill is based off of Haytham alone, because again they not only exist in very different times and contexts, but there's a severe imbalance in screentime. What I can do however, is compare their "ending" as it were.
Haytham dies by the hands of his own son. He had the chance to put his ego aside and listen to his son, maybe put his cards on the table and explain the misunderstanding about the attack on Connor's village, but he didn't. He decided to hold that information until it was the most convenient to him, and then try to use it to manipulate Connor into switching sides. He refused to put aside the grandmaster role and step up as a father, or even as a man who cared about someone else's feelings. Whatever his feelings for Ziio and his son, they came second to the templars and their goals, and that was his death sentence. To his dying breath, he held true to that mentality.
Bill however, despite apologizing, hasn't shown much of the work to change. He and the brotherhood remains stagnant and withering, and in the face of the person he's hurt the most and is still alive to make amends to, he remains distant and reticent. All the efforts to connect and deepen whatever there is between them needs to come from Desmond, and every attempt to reach out to the outside gets shut down. It's Desmond refusing to give up on him that saves his ass even! Given the state of their relationship, that fucking SUCKS.
It shouldn't be up to Desmond to fix what Bill wrecked back at the Farm, and portraying otherwise, like Desmond is the one who messed everything up, is ass backwards. The brotherhood and Bill should be bending into knots to convince him to stay and that things aren't as they were once, but Desmond decided to stay long before. Because one the templars suck, two Desmond got the proof he always had asked for as a child and three, Lucy showed him kindness and understanding. One might even go so far as to say that it was living Altair's own rebirth period is what reassured those questions he had and gave him true understanding, but Lucy gave him hope in a hopeless situation.
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That's powerful not just as a narrative point but as a theme for the assassins as a whole. The games continue to portray the brotherhood as a beacon of hope against the oppression and tyranny of the templars (even for the modern days through the glyph puzzles in AC2 and ACB) but Bill, the face of the brotherhood as the de-facto mentor, is himself as a tyrant.
One would expect AC3 to show him either follow Haytham's fate or change himself to avoid it, but we're denied that kind of development. Even in the Initiates web project and subsequent games, Bill's change is kind of handwaved. He lost the will to fight and vanished but then he saw the desecration of his son he barely showed to give much of a shit for, and now he's back and Mentor again? He's awkward and trying to be approachable in Origins but he's still rather overconfident and posturing too much for his own good.
(I mean, sitting within range of Layla's blade before she's even out of the Animus? Bold fucker.)
If they truly wanted to grapple with Bill and his place and role in the story they spun us, which I assume they do since he's the one who does the intro to the AC3 game, then they should have DONE THAT. Make him face the consequences of his choices and actions, and make the team hold him responsible for it. Make him soften and change, not just give us a pitiable hug and a meek little "Son..." just before Desmond sacrifices himself. Seriously, what gives?
One of the biggest failures in AC3 is their horrid sense of narrative prioritizing with the modern timeline. They tried to close too many threads at once with not nearly enough screentime, and wasted time on needless fluff. But most importantly, I think that the games after ACB have a human problem, in that they refuse to acknowledge the humanity in the modern timeline.
Bill could have been an incredible display of change, that the templars aren't the superior mentality that can turn anyone who spends long enough around them like some brain-corroding virus. Show that the brotherhood still has a chance and that no one is above humbling themselves or beyond bettering themselves, and most of all that the brotherhood can indeed bring hope in a hopeless situation, and community and understanding can make a difference. And since they are so touchy about murder all of a sudden, also show that the assassins are capable of doing more than just killing people.
But we don’t. We don’t get any of that. We’re once again denied of any development that would make any kind of statement that would shift the status quo and make them pay attention to the modern timeline and what they’re doing with it. And worst of all, we're denied any development that would bring us closer emotionally to these characters and make us ponder our place in the world and in history. Cus god forbid the series that has “history as its playground” learn anything from it.
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theconfusedartist · 11 months
I was taking a while with the chapter bc I had to move things around in the chapter. And I accidentally started writing ahead with Dana infiltrating Gentek under a false name as a reporter, and that happens like six chapters later, which meant the writing was just jumping from point to point in the timeline and I wanted shit to look cohesive.
But, I'm posting the side stories today (bc yall are right, there's a lot going on in the world that isn't explicitly explained so, I thought this would give more explanation without interfering in the current story) then also going back and updating the precious chapters bc I realized that there was some spelling and grammar issues that needed fixing.
The stories are as listed:
1 Altaïr gets his facial scar from Abbas
2 Desmond gets his facial scar from Bill
3 Umar has to deal with the other assassins hearing that Altaïr has a 'sibling'
4 Dana goes undercover to get dirt on Gentek
I might post like a sliced version of chapter 4, simply becuase I realized that Alex is going to be the main POV for a while anyways, so I might as well go all in, and I mostly have that part edited on paper, so I just need to type it up. But that chapter focuses on Dana again and their rocky relationship. I'm going to try and have it up like either in the afternoon or early evening, but I want it done today bc I've been staring at the pages too long. They're clawing at the sides of my brain.
I was gonna write the smut, but that's getting skipped for a little longer so I can properly introduce Blacklight and show the differences in memory and personality at this point in the story.
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iraniq · 4 years
Birthdays be like...
# Thomas Andrew Felton:
/the scene happens in England/
- you woke up early to prepare breakfast
- barely slept the night from excitement
- half way through someome kissed your ear
- "woke up 2h ago to walk Willow, saw all, but thanks for trying"
- "go away, it's a surprise"
- "let me help in then, love!"
- "you can't help in your birthday surprise"
- "watch me"
- ends up helping in his birthday surprise.
- you singing 'ophelia'song to him, incapable to replace it with Tom and still spunds good
- he made thousand videos and pics of you stumbling with the song
- no pancake hit the floor!
- still officially forbidden of giving Willow secret not dog food
- talking about Willow, she came fast when she heard voices
- ending up making dog friendly pancake
- flipping it right on her face /was already cooled/
- Tom got it all on video
- "look now, oh hi Willow, catch"
- "did you just flipped the pancake to fall on her face?"
- before you can say yes, there was no physical memory of the pancake
- watching cartoons on the couch
- "looks like someone is sleepy"
- "nooooo"
- "well if you hadn't stayed till 2 in the morning last night..."
- "was excited for your birthday"
- "and you said it like thousand times"
- "i am excited for birthdays, and yours is a special one"
- forhead kissed
- he muttes something that endes with 'love', but tight hugs and stroking hair, is one way ticket to dreamland
- bonus: Willow is a warm pillow on your lap
- afternoon long walks
- laughter
- singing on the streets
- silly pics
- pillow fight at home
- Willow stole yet another one
- "Willow's pillow fortress is getying bigger"
- "because you can't say no to your child, and instead taking them from her, you keep on buying new ones"
- fancy, low key filthy sexy looking dress for dinner
- a comedy movie no one watched...
- ... because pillow war revange
- and somewome had to keep an eye on popcorn
- food thief detected
- sloberly kisses and yet another pillow missing
- "just jump in the pool with the dress, love"
- drying hairs in the midle of the night
- matching pajamas
- Willow at board
- "your child just stole my sock"
- "she is your child now too..." - halj asleep deep british voice
- "ok, then, our child, just stole my sock"
- more forhead kissed and love mumbles
- snuggles
- "will meet you im dreamland"
# Erich Blunt:
*Ok we have all seen the tik tok - "take your clothes off" and how the girl spits her drink, and we all reacted like that*
- after midnifgt visit at the big house
- you have a special 'multipass' key card
- wake him up at 12:02 with *coughs* love
- everywhere
- i mean everywhere
- possible
- in the house
- then maybe at 5 o'clock in the company
- the boss chair, that's unfortunately a super normal one, because he refused to have fancy cabibet
- in the virtual relity room
- junk food at the sunrise on a super random place
- naps in the big, too fancy for naps, bed
- mid afternoon flight to a dessert rave party
- yes... plain checked
- matching outfits at the party
- the looks he gives you
- yes... at some random spots in the crowd
- his poker face is out of this world
- stargazing and hand holding
- tents at feativals are not soun proof...
- both umable to human the next day, dozzing off in the plane
# Julian Albert Desmond:
- a workoholic, scientist, perfectionist... with a metahuman bad experience inside his head... He could tell by the air in the room, something was off...
- a surprise was way beyond imaginable
- imagine everybody's faces when you casualy dropped at the station, introducing yourself
- "she is a spy" - Cisco said
- "Julian mentioned he had a girldriend...but i thought it was just for the excuse" - Barry said
- "nope, alive and in the flesh"
- you announced his upcoming birthday in a week and asked for help
- they were all instantly in
- same day, Barry got 'late'
- the captain gave them a case in the far abandoned aide of town, Caitlin was in the car with him, non stop talking, how Ciaco and HR are unbarable. Iris and Barry...
- he wasn't paying attention at this point
- the building looked suapicious
- they entered, only to see the whole Team Flash, including Dr. Wells and Jessie, holding a cake, with this so familiar red sugar you have been buying lately
- he knew your surprise will pop up eventually
- you knew he was late after work, no more metahumans hate, but you nevwr poked the subject
- "no one told her" - Barry reasured
- "she is overworking today, and instructed us, quoting 'get his ass the cake, or i will end you!', she is scary for a librarian" - Iris noted
- "she certanly is"
- all laugh
- "candles blowing in abandoned and possibly dangeroys area, great"
- all laughing again
- *insert Julian's sarcastic remarcs*
- "people skills, Julian"
- A fot Ain't even trying at this point
- afterwork party at the park
- Julian being soft
- Caitlin being low key jealous
- romantic dances under the stars
- you wearing a long mid transparent nightgown and his "explorer hat"
- *insert adult content here*
# Logan Maine:
*AU where they woke up the passangers a week before artiving at Thea, notjing hit the ship*
/haven't yet finished the tv series, so some info might not be true/
- after Mia, Logan didn't plan on having friends, or being close to someone
- not that he planned to befrend Mia...
- aftee several days of you being sweet carring and maybe a bit rude, and an epileptic episode later, he was tolerating you
- maybe more than toleraring, but he wasn't gonna admit it
- he was astonishing cook to start with
- you tried making cake, when you found out
- failed!
- but the unhealthy ammount of chocolate syrop on it, fixed it
- him dipping fries in the chocilate...
- *Logan what?!*
- walking around the 'garden'
- him pushing you towards the spraying water
- trying to name the plants only to end up with: "if it's not weed..." - he laughed
- "you are failing at being horrible"
- "trying to be, but that smile of yours isn't helping"
- marker writing on the station windows, connecting stars in odd shapes
- sneaking on others
- "is Baum a perv, or just a perv"
- "Shun and Lana are totally a thing"
- low key stealing extra pills for his epilepsy
- who'll suspect the cool sweet kid's teacher
- stealing food from your supervisor's cabim, after you went asking her, what Logan liked, so you can make a romantic dinner
- she didn't gave you much info, but the odd plastic half liquid sweets you stole definwtly tasted good
- "the A woman stealing? Your crush on me is ruining your good name"
- "maybe i am tired of a good name"
- "don't tell me you go to another planet to be a criminal"
- "lools like i might have the best teacher"
- "only om small crimes, like stealing a pretty girl's heart"
- his odd winks
- that smirk
- kisses in the dark
- he "found" some extra blankets
- 2 burritos on a way after midnight open space gazing
- Shun may have cought you drawing the odd funny shapes, but told no one - you were holding hands, giggling drawing one ovee another, was way too cute to tell on
# Draco Lucius Malfoy:
/Around 6th-ish year maybe.../
- how you pick a present for someone who has everything, literally everuthing
- bargins with Pansy for info
- Theo gives it all free
- Blaize asked for unknown favor
- no one actually gave you smth to work with
- Draco was bitter
- even the good fight with Potter didn't lift his spirit
- nor the -10 points
- you even owled Narcisaa, but nothing
- difficult problems require simple solution
- his favourire clothes of yours
- your Gucci pefulme on his scarf
- this beyond ordenary way you bite off from his green apple
- the thing with the shy eyes and devil smile you love pulling on him
- touching his hair
- scratching his hands with your long nails gives him the good chills
- changing in that gorgeous emerald green dress he bought you for the Christmas ball
- pinky hand holding
- getting cold, so he can give you his coat
- him and his long coat
- messy pearl hair
- stolen kissed under his tree
- brushing your nose in his cheek
- teasing each other
- in your own bubble in aftwenoon class
- again -10 points... each
- professor Lupin felt the pain of ceperating the lovely sight you were, so he can continue his lesson
- party at the boy's bedroom
- eating the cake his mom send you, instead of dinner
- whole friends group having pure childish fun, sharing silly stories
- levitating around in pretend swim manner
- cake
- *coughs* wine *cougs*
- late night walk to the astronomy tower
- him showing you the stars
- the Dragon again, because you can never place it right
- him knowing you pretend not to know, so he can have an excuse to give you silly shoulder kisses
- you tip toeing to reach him
- passionate kisses under the stars
@diyunho @lovermrjokerr @darthjokerisyourfather @littlebeautifly
Whoever enjoys it as well 😛
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wannabeauthorclive · 3 years
Word Find I
Thank you @talesofsorrowandofruin, @zmlorenz, @vellichor-virgo, @fayoftheforest and @nikkywrites all the tags!! I think that each of you have tagged me in two tag games each, so this is gonna have a lot of words. 
@talesofsorrowandofruin words: asleep, misplace, bake, invisible, orchestra, introduce, disagree and sea
“What is this?” Silver asks, waving a hand at the candles.
“You were half asleep when I came in here, I thought that the main light would be too harsh when you got out.” Ira answers with a small smile.
Ira places a light kiss on Silver’s lips, “To dance, we must have music.”
Laughing, Silver says, “I disagree with you,” She spins and dips Ira, “You don’t need music to dance. You just need the right partner.”
“We may not need music, Love, but I would certainly like it.” Ira laughs as she’s lifted up again.
She heads to the stern and crosses the main deck to find Tonya. On her way, she passes Braveheart where — she checks their wrist, no bracelet — he is keeping all the ropes in place. “Aye, Captain! Where you off to? Forester is manning ship.” He calls, pulling another rope and opening the sail so they can gain more speed from the light wind. Black doesn’t worry that Forester is at the wheel, just as long someone is, all is well.
“I’m looking for Tonya!” Everyone on the ship talks loud, there’s a lot of noise on sea, with lots of enthusiasm. “You know where I can find her?” Braveheart just smiles, points up, and continues working. Black looks to where he pointed, and sure enough, Tonya is up on the spar doing a handstand.
@zmlorenz words: master, cute, foreign, leak, bite, music, frown, and fresh
“Not at all, gunner!” Soberski is the Master Gunner, he runs the canons and guns, making sure they’re always prepared for a fight. But he also is the resident joker, Black hardly knows if what comes out of him mouth is a joke or not.
“Aren’t you supposed to be working, Soberski?” Canta asks.
Soberski turns to her, “Aren’t you? I got some mental problems that could use some healing.”
“We all have mental problems, Soberski.” Canta is the Surgeon and healer, always there to fix up injuries. She’s also the most soft-spoken, her little contributions mean everything to Black.
Music - TW: implied nudity
She turns on the water on, filling the big ivory tub with warm water and goes to look for the scented soap. She turns on classical music to play in the backroom and she pours the soap in the tub. She sheds her clothes and steps into the tub of bubbles and water. She sighs, letting the warm water seep into her bones. With the low music playing and the scent of jasmine filling the room, she could stay there forever and never leave. She closes her eyes and tries to forget about everything, just for a bit.
Frowning, Ironside whispers, “Why must we take the job if the last time you lost everyone?”
The darkness on Black’s face turns to fire. “Because I can’t not go!” She snaps. “I don’t want to live in fear anymore! I can’t! Every job we take I am terrified. I can’t be terrified anymore, Sal. Because someone who is afraid isn’t someone you want guarding your back. Someone who is afraid shouldn’t be there at all because…” Struggling to find the words, Black snarls at herself and stomps away, yelling. “Take the damn wheel, Ironside, I can’t fuckin’ do this anymore!”
@vellichor-virgo words: air, safe, water, ache, ink, snap, drift, and braid
“Unless… we…” Another idea starts forming in Black’s mind. “Unless… Unless we were already in the building!” She says excitedly, throwing her arms in the air. “We would have to be in the building. What did Ironside say? About disguises?” Her eyes go wide as realization hits her like a truck and she loses her breath for a moment.
Black tilts her head up to stare at the great expanse of the sky. Mid day and the sun is the normal too harsh blue that never seems to end. Black much prefers the dark blue expanse of the water, constantly changing yet always the same. She sucks in a harsh breath and closes her eyes, trying to forget the sky, the sea, and her past. Just for a moment. A moment to collect her mind and then to stand behind the wheel as the Captain always should. It’s where she belongs.
She sighs, leaning forward to rest her elbows on the wheel. She loves what she does, she loves her crew and each adventure they go on, she loves days like these as well, where there’s not much to do and everyone is enjoying the sun. But sometimes, her heart aches. As soon as she isn’t bustling about, her heart aches. A sad smile stretches across her face, sometimes she feels that for all that is perfect in her life, somethings missing. She shakes her head, deciding not to question what could possibly be missing. 
Silver doesn’t respond. She uncaps the ink, unrolls the letter paper, dips her feather pen into the dark ink. She twirls the feather pen across the paper, her handwriting neat and proper as it dances across the paper. Something about the cursive calms her, possibly the way that it’s all connected with no room for errors. And Silver’s print has no errors. She’s done it too long for errors to even have a slim possibility of appearing. She pauses only to dip the feather in ink and to tinkle her chin with the feather in thought.
“Of course, what must I do?” Ira hands him a glass of wine and he takes with his left hand. His posture doesn’t relax and neither does Silver’s.
“I need you to go to Viras Treasury and steal—,” She holds up the faded paper with the drawing of the artifact and a little note in the corner. She found the paper in a metal box under her parents’ bed. Her eyes snap from the paper back to Desmond when he takes a sharp breath. “Do you know what this is?” She asks, a sharpness in her tone that — with normal people — would make them do her bidding at moments notice, whatever that bidding may be.
Shaking his head furiously, he says in a rush, “No, no,” He seems to regain his composure while Silver narrows her eyes at him. “I do not know what that is. Inform me?”
“Darling, if you stay in the tub any longer you’ll become a prune.” Ira teases after much time of quiet.
Silver opens her eyes — When did they drift closed? — and looks around the room, hating the thought of even leaving the still warm water. An aggravated sigh slips out her mouth as her pulls her self out of the tub. Ira is there the moment her feet hit the tile with a towel. She looks around as she drys off, just now noticing all the candles Ira lit when she was in the tub.
@fayoftheforest words: edge, cut, knife, point and trace
After hours of dancing but only felt like minutes to the two of them, Silver whispers, pressing her forehead to Ira’s, “Do you think we’re doing the right thing? Is Desmond our best choice?”
“Darling, Desmond is our only choice. And we’re doing what we must.” Ira reassures.
“What we must.” Silver repeats, “And what is that?”
“Finding closure, love. We are finding your closure. After this, after we get the artifact, you’ll look forward and not back.” Ira assures.
“I don’t want to forget her, Ira, she was the one the saved me.” Tears glisten at the edges of Silver’s eyes.
Virow is a big city, getting to the mail post may be harder than Black thought. The further she walks from the docks and into the market, the more women and people dressed in fancy dresses and suits. Virow is the second richest place in Viras, right behind their capital, Strexmont. Captain Black stands out like a sore thumb in the sea of the rich dressed Virans bustling about their city. Their white skin and short cut dirty blond hair are their defining Viran features. Captain Black knows she stands out with her long dark blue hair, dark skin, and darker eyes. Her outfit — black trousers, grey loose tunic, long red overcoat, knee high black boots, long black leather gloves and two pistols tucked in the waistband of her pants — is also a far cry from the tight, form-fitting dresses of purples and light blue that most Viran women wear.
They all get stuck in their heads, more often than is good, but Black likes to think that sometimes you need to get stuck in your head to clear it. But for many, their head is a dangerous place to be for more than a few minutes, maybe seconds.
Black stands and walks up to Ironside and gently shakes her shoulders. “Sal, Sal, it’s gonna be ok.” Ironside’s gaze is still set on a nonexistent point far away. Black steps back a few feet and snaps her fingers, not close to Ironside’s face, just close enough to startle. Ironside jumps slightly and shakes her head. “Ironside, Sal, head onto bed. It’s almost ten. You’ve been working all day, you need to be well rested for tomorrow.”
@nikkywrites words: knowledge, beautiful, wood, agree and lose.
Beautiful Beauty
The whole crew looks away from Black and shakes their heads. Black understands why they don’t want to stay on deck, they’ve been aboard for so long and they all have a little pocket coin that she is sure they want to spend. “No volunteers?” No response. Throwing her hands in the air, she says, “Golly, crew! Y’all gonna make your Captain stay aboard to make our beauty don’t get stolen?”
There was a long pause before, Lakoma raises their hand and says, “I’ll stay behind.”
Black shakes her head at Lakoma and the crew, “No, Oma, you will not stay aboard. You need,” She passes a full coin pouch into Lakoma’s hands. “You need to get us food. I’ll stay aboard, no trouble. Just be sure to stay on the look out for anything odd.”
“This is delicious Lakoma!” Black compliments. And it is, all of their food is. They’re a wonderful cook. To get them to relax a bit more, Black asks, “So what happened while we were caged up in here all day?”
The question works like a charm and the flood gates open. Lakoma is a story teller. Their passion is cooking but they are constantly telling stories without thinking about it. They start waving their hands, excitedly talking about everything that happened earlier that day. From what they cooked for breakfast to the jokes that Soberski told them. They talk about the herbs and medicines that Canta is mixing, the new wood sculpture Forester is carving, the punch that Braveheart was practicing, the tricks they saw Tonya doing on the masts, they talk about how everyone except them slept in. They mention watching people wander about the docks fishing and selling while their newest bread was cooking. Lakoma talks about anything and everything.
As soon as they leave the room, Black asks. “What do you think the person was looking for?”
“I don’t know, but it’s nothing good.” Ironside responds, her tone somber. They both know that whoever the person may be, he knows who they are and he might just try to ruin their heist.
“I agree.”
“This isn’t good, Black.” The tone of the room changes drastically. It is now rushed and worried when it was slow and nervous a minute ago. Ironside’s voices raises as she keeps talking. “What are we going to do? We can’t send y’all in there when we know someone could be waiting to ambush you! It would be a death wish!”
Ira stands a bit away, being sure to give Silver her space. While Ira can be close at all other times, when Silver is writing, she cannot. Silver has said that she can’t think when someone watches over her shoulder. Ira respects her wishes and stands far enough away that Silver can think. And only when Silver leans back in her chair and sets the feather down, does Ira go closer.
“May I?” Ira asks, waving a hand at the letter.
Whew! That was a lot of words to find! But I’m glad I caught up on all of them! I love these tags now that I have some writing that I can actually search through!
Tagging (with no pressure): @a-completely-normal-girl @fayoftheforest @mel-writes-with-her-dragons @tiredlittleoldme @teasenpaiwrites @baguettethebooklover @aligned-stars-writing @47crayons @alicewestwater and anyone else wants to!!
Your words are health, cancel, red, error and dear 
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yandere-flower · 3 years
Since Flo has brought this up, I think the apt/sitcom AU needs some more neighbors! So im thinking,
Zara visits darlings apartment and makes the exectutive decision to buy the whole building from Cliff and kick everyone out (except darling) so everyone has to figure out how to stop her. Honestly this may be like the last few episodes of a season and in the season finale everyone tries their last attempt to stop her, only for her to buy the building anyway. The next few episodes of the next season could be everyone not giving up and somehow finding a way to get the building back (there may be some plot holes feel free to change if you wish) Either way she ends up buying the biggest fanciest apartment in the building (im talking the apartment from Friends big) and always invites darling out to brunch or to go shopping together. I can see her competing HEAVILY with Cliff for that "I make enough money to pay your rent AND spoil you rotten" role and is honestly his biggest competition in that regard. I like to picture shes always remodeling her apartment just to keep Cliff busy and pissed off.
Zara: Have you talked to the redesigners yet? Those kitchen floors aren't going to redo themselves!
Cliff: I'll remodel your kitchen floors grumble grumble
Zara: Its so hard to find good work these days am I right everybody?
(Bonus: Antonio sometimes roots for Zara when her and Cliff go head to head)
I can see Olive being introduced as darlings clingy friend that starts hanging out at the apartments a ton and freaking out anybody who comes into the apartment who isn't darling by popping outta no where.
Sawyer: Oh yeah video game night with darling!!
Olive: *pops outta a pile of pillows and blankets on the couch* PEAKABOO
Sawyer: AH! WHAT THE-
Olive: Oh poo! Youre not my sweetheart!
Sawyer: *Trying to recover from a heart attack*
She ends up disapearing for a few days and everyone is relieved only for her to pop back up seemingly outta nowhere but this time in her own apartment in the building.
Olive: Did you miss me? Cuz I missed you darling! We're gonna have so much fun!
Now how Margo is introduced, maybe for the halloween special everyone thinks theres this one apartment thats haunted cuz the lights turn off and on, and they hear sounds coming from the door but no one (to their knowledge) lives there. They try asking Cliff but hes busy doing something (cough trying to formulate a plan to fuck darling cough cough) so they stay up one night to investigate. After some high jinx and little jumpscares they find out that the place isnt haunted, but instead occupied by a shy Margo who just came back home after a long work trip. She had bought the apartment in advance and moved everything in when the building was empty (perhaps during the lazer tag episode) as to avoid bumping into too many people.
Margo: You guys thought that I was a ghost? Thats awfully rude of you to assume.
Antonio: We never saw you!
Desmond: And I thought Mizu was a hermit
Mizu: HEY
I love and agree with literally everything you said, it's all so perfect and wow, you did AMAZING.
As far as Cliff and Zara goes, there's a few ways I could picture it
Scenario A) Zara buys the building, Cliff tries to fight this but it ends in Zara hiring him somewhat so she can focus on other things, not like he needs the money. The seasons B plot is Cliff and Zara constantly being petty to one another.
"I just think it's important for the elderly to have something to keep them going"
"I'm a professor"
"good for you"
Scenario B) Zara buys the building, and Cliff agrees without a fight. Zara is confused at first, until she suddenly gets a slew of complaints about the other yanderes, constant fixes, power outages from Mizu's power intake, Antonio assuming he can get whatever he wants, Desmond overstepping, Sawyer possibly doing crimes???, Ezra setting fire alarms off and just general chaos. The new season has a B plot of Zara asking Cliff how she can be rich and effortless like him and handle all this shit.
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rubbarband · 3 years
// you already know what im gonna ask for. des+tim.
Married life meme
leaves their dirty clothes on the floor
Tim definitely. Desmond's mom would destroy him.
forgets to run the dish washer
Desmond: "What's a dishwasher? I thought people did that." Legit doesn't know that machine in his house can clean dishes for him.
pumps gas for the car
Since Desmond drives him.
drives when they’re going somewhere
Same thing applies as above.
rearranges the furniture
Time when she wants to get comfortable, later to be fixed by Desmond thinking he smacked it with his tail or something.
falls asleep with the TV on
Desmond, he needs noise to to properly fall asleep.
gets to use the bathroom first
Desmond just goes it to give Tim lots of "love" until she smacks him or tickles him.
decides the temperature for the ac/heater
Desmond since his tail can freeze or melt he'd prep so he wasn't too useless for hero work.
sets up holiday decorations
Desmond since he loves the holidays, especially Halloween.
leaves the lights on
Time since she seems to have night terrors or maybe other reasons.
uses the bathroom with the door open
Neither Desmond thinks that's gross and I'm assuming Tim does too.
fixes the plumbing (or calls the plumber)
Desmond's dad would try to fix it while Desmond would call someone as his dad tells him it's no need.
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colby | colby released | desmond and kip | desmond and kip released | sonia
“Do you think she’s in pain?”
“Uhhh… I don’t know. She hasn’t, like, yelled, or anything.”
Lux frowns as he gets far enough into the safehouse to make out what the kids are saying. He steps into a living room stuffed with mismatched couches. There are two teens hovering by a woman who’s shoved herself into the corner, knees drawn up to her chest, arms over her head.
“She’s scared,” Lux murmurs, expression drawn with concern, and the kids startle, staring at him with wide eyes. “I’m with the Resistance, it’s okay. You guys need to back away from her, though, you’re making her feel trapped.”
“She’s hurt, we wanted to help. She won’t talk to us, though. We tried to pull her out, fix her up. She started hitting us.”
At one of them dabbing at their split lip with their sleeve, the listening warlock nods. “Yeah, well that happens when you grab someone who’s scared, huh? Give me some space, guys. I’ll try to help her. You two find another place to crash, this one might be burned.”
The kids scatter at his advice. Lux allows himself a moment to look over the room, to remember what it’s like to cower in a place like this. One that’s safer than hiding out on the street, but rundown and full of survivors who watch for weaknesses, who are just as likely to mock you as help you. This girl cowering in the corner seems like she’s had a bad scare and she can’t muster up the energy to get herself anyplace safer.
“I’m gonna walk closer to you. Gonna sit on the floor. I won’t touch you.” Once the room falls silent again, he starts moving, carefully, predictably. Once he’s within arm’s reach of her, he sits on the floor, legs crossed, hands in his lap.
“Hey,” He whispers, and she flinches, shoulders scrunched up to her ears.
Her eyes are open, but she’s not looking in his direction. Anyone this scared would watch the nearest threat.
“Can you see?” His voice is as soft and unobtrusive as it can get, the angle of his posture rounded at the corners to project calm, worry.
She shakes her head. Big hoop earrings sway.
“Can you tell me if you’re hurt?”
She hesitates, one arm coming slowly from over her head to be tucked between her thighs and her front, out of his immediate reach. Lux watches, notes the movement, the timing of her wince. Her wrist is hurt.
The witch shakes her head.
“You can’t tell me? Or you’re not hurt?”
Oddly pale, cloudy eyes blink. They’re easier to see now that her face is only partly hidden. Her breath rasps out, lips forming words. She bites her trembling bottom lip, after a second, like she wasn’t totally sure that no sound would come out, and she’s desperately upset to find that it didn’t.
Sadness knots up Lux’s stomach. “Okay. I understand. Um, sorry if this is stupid to say. But I’m a warlock. You’re in a safehouse, the one on Ruston Lane. There’s, um, one warlock and two witches here, right now, I think. And it’s daytime, like, three o’clock.”
Her brows crease, head tipping to the side. He can’t tell if she’s confused by the offered information, or by the fact that he shared it.
“Sorry, just. Giving you some context. I don’t know if you’ve always been blind, and you’re used to it, or if… I don’t know. You seem really scared right now. Overwhelmed. I thought it might have to do with not knowing what’s going on.”
A tense moment passes, where she listens for more, and he waits for her reaction. Finally, she nods.
“My name’s Lux. And I… I think I know what happened to you. There’ve been… people, like us, getting hurt. Were you… were you hurt?”
A soft, whispy sound escapes her. It’s like trying to talk to a ghost, Lux thinks - hard to reach, hard to understand. A shell of a person who was once living. The sad quiet sound is followed by a nod. Yes, she was hurt.
Lux dips his head down, breaking her wary, off-center eye contact. “I was too. Just, um - just a long time ago. Same guy, though. So I know… I know how scary it was. And he… he took your sight, huh?”
Glancing up, he catches her nod.
“And your voice? That’s why you can’t talk?”
Another nod, emotion etched into her face.
“I might be able to help with that. Which one do you want me to try to fix, first? Whichever one would make you feel less trapped.”
Pale, foggy eyes widen, and she taps by her temple to indicate them - but then she makes a jagged wheezing sound, waves her hands, taps at her throat. Anxiety only builds in the air around her as she makes an uncertain choked sound, hand hovering by her face, as she tries to decide.
Lux frowns. “Woah, hey, it’s okay. I know you want both back. I’m gonna work on it. Be as fast as I can. I know it feels important to be able to talk, to say what you need and tell people to back off, but maybe your sight is more important? Just so you can see where you are, and who’s close, and know what’s - know if anything’s coming. That’s what I would pick, anyway.”
The witch shoves herself harder into the corner, fingers clawed in frustration, knuckles pressed to her cheek as she hesitates.
She’s too vulnerable, and Lux is an unknown, an invisible threat looming over her. He needs to level the playing field before she’ll let his hands or magic come close.
Lux thinks about himself, his weak points. Things she can exploit. Things he can offer to her, to use against him, if she needs to.
“I-I, uh, I settle down when I get hit,” He admits, hushed and open. “He, he made me like that. So if… if I scare you, just throw a punch. I’m close enough that you’ll hit me. And when you do, I’ll - be sorry, and back off, and be scared. I’m really easy to scare. Okay? Just throw a punch, don’t even have to try to knock me out or shove me away. One hit and I’ll come undone. Does it help, to know that?”
Suspicion crinkles her expression. It must be hard to believe, that he’s so easy to disarm. She tenses, angles her head to listen closer, and he’s careful not to move, not to seem threatening. Her hand comes down from her cheek, slowly, furling up with stress, she’s digging her short nails into her palm in anxiety, he thinks -
The punch comes quick, too quick to react to before it lands. Lux’s head snaps to the side with the force of it, and he falls back from where he sat on his heels, arms flying out to catch himself. He scrambles back, sliding against the wall, breaths coming harsh and uneven.
The witch’s weight is leaning forward, now, hands on the ground, as she listens. She makes some sudden, small movement like she’s going to get up, and Lux whimpers, letting himself fall to the floor in favor of covering his head with his hands.
He should’ve seen that coming, he thinks. Of course she already felt scared enough to lash out with the first chance he gave her. She had to bring him down to her level. It’s not her fault. It’s okay.
He can’t stop cowering, though. He just can’t. Memories flash through his mind of his dad, Ant, the Hunter. Mind-controlled friends, warlocks in safehouses that beat him down so he wouldn’t be a threat. He can’t seem to get out of the deep sinkhole that is remembering the ache of his cheek, the anxiety that comes after being hit. Trying to figure out how he could have been better, and how he might be hurt next.
Lux flinches and curls up tighter when a hand is laid on his arm. It slides up to his shoulder, patting twice, then follows his arm down to his hand to pull it away from his face.
Above him, the witch hovers, trying to pull him back up.
“O-oh,” Gasps Lux, letting her tug on his arm until he’s sitting up against the wall. “Sorry. I - I meant it, when I said, s-said it makes me… scared.”
The witch nods. She needed that, he guesses. Needed a win. She doesn’t seem amused by his coming undone, at least.
“Can I try to help, now? With your eyes?”
She shakes her head, and his heart sinks… but she finds his hand, again, by patting across him, and brings it up to her throat.
“Oh. Your voice first?”
A nod, and a frown when he pulls his hand out of hers.
“Okay. I’ll work on it. Just - I’m not, I don’t wanna touch your throat, okay? I don’t - I know it’s scary to get grabbed, like that. I can do it w-without touching.”
Thick brows arch with confusion at that, but she lets him talk himself through the spell he’s going to try, and raise his hands to her throat to seep magic in there, and fail, and try again. Her head jerks to the side, a few times, like she hears something behind her, but they’re alone. Each time, Lux ends the magic and promises he’ll tell her if someone comes in.
Finally, after cobbling together some experimental spells, Lux unlocks something. The little, nasty spell keeping her throat from doing something important that puts sound behind words. The witch gasps with volume now, choking out a startled laugh.
“Oh! Hnn. F-fuck. That’s - better. Hah. God. Okay. Thanks, guy.”
“Lux,” He offers, smiling at her relief. “That’s better?”
“Ye-, yeah. Never heard that spell before. You make it up?”
“Uh, I did, yeah. Just mixed together the one for fixing, like, things that fell apart, and the one-”
“Right. Cool. Well I’m sorry for hitting you. You got scared, huh?”
Shame drags Lux’s shoulders down. He guesses that she can’t know it hurts him if she can’t see how he reacts. And besides, magic users don’t soften up and get gentle just because someone’s feelings are hurt. “I get… get scared, a lot. I was with him f-for a year.”
Her expression drops in an instant, voice failing her. Finally, she rasps out a dim, “Oh.”
“B-but, it’s okay though. I’m okay now. ‘Cept when I get hit. Um, can I ask your name?”
Those hoop earings sway again as she nods. Lux wonders, idly, why the Hunter let her keep those in. Seems like they’d get torn out or something, with everything he does. Maybe he didn’t want to erase who she is. Maybe he’s letting them keep things like that, little things, that make it hurt after they’ve changed. Old pieces of their identity no longer fitting, now that they’re different, a little broken.
Those bold earrings still suit her, though, Lux thinks. She’s still tough.
“Sonia,” She answers.
“Nice to meet you, Sonia. Mind if I work on your sight, now? And - you won’t hit me, if I can’t do it, right?”
A small, bitter smile pulls at her lips. “I won’t hit you. Just… fix it fast? I can’t stand it.”
Lux nods, hands coming up to hover by those unnaturally grey eyes. “I’ll try. I really will. He, um… I’m gonna fix as much of this as I can. Ev-verything he’s doing. He doesn’t get to mess people up like - like this. ‘m gonna try.”
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teecupangel · 3 months
I realize I've had a similar idea in the past, but please consider: reverse isekai protagonist Desmond who is the only human left in the world after touching the isu device because everyone else was transported into a bunch of different parallel universes (/=crossovers of your choice), each containing one of his ancestors.
He must now convince his ancestors to undo their parallel universes an de-isekai the world before reality collapses in on itself.
Oh, and he has no idea how to contact them, all he can do is get into the Animus and see what they're doing.
No preassure.
(+extra points if we get some cameos from the modern day protagonists. Maybe they're the key to fixing the world?)
You know what would be funny?
If everyone was transported into universes connected to their voices and the modern day Assassins are there for the ride and have no idea what the fuck is happening.
So we have Altaïr and his voice actor Philip Shahbaz has been in a lot of films and tv series. Considering how I write Altaïr, I would suggest we punt him to one of the crime procedural series that his voice actor guest starred in. We can go for SEAL Team because the episode Philip Shahbaz is in for that series is set in Syria so we can have Altaïr see what his homeland has become in this possible future. Alternatively, we can kick him to NCIS instead and it would be a case of Altaïr having to deal with both the modern day world and hiding himself from the NCIS team who is looking into the death of a military personnel that, coincidentally, was nearby when Altaïr was transferred into their world. Since you want one of the modern day protagonists as a cameo, how about instead of being a cameo, they become the main Assassins’ sidekick? The Watson to their Holmes, some may say. We’re pairing Altaïr with the initiate of Unity and Syndicate (there is a possibility that they’re not the same person but I normally just make them the same person because they’re meant to be us in those games). The initiate would know how the Brotherhood operates so they serve more as Altaïr’s assistant that he calls ‘novice’. The recruit is actually the one who realizes they’re in a tv show because they watch criminal procedural shows while grinding (because, according to them, Arno’s rank system is a grindy piece of shit)
For Ezio… now, Roger Craig Smith has done a lot of character voices BUT there is one specific character that we’re going to choose because (1) it will confuse the hell out of Ezio and (2) the characters share the same birthday: Sonic the Hedgehog. And he would have the lovely Layla assisting him for this predicament. Layla is just as confused as him but the best part of this entire thing is that Layla grew up playing Sonic the Hedgehog so they’re not going in blind. Sonic absolutely mimics Ezio’s voice whenever he wants to mess with the man XD
Okay. So for Ratonhnhaké:ton… he voiced a multiplayer character in Red Dead Redemption and that is all the excuse I need to kick him to RDR. Normally, he’d be punted to RDR1 but if you want to punt him to RDR2 instead, be my guest. Regardless of which game he gets kicked into, the main premise is the same. Ratonhnhaké:ton tries to find the Brotherhood but sees none and gets roped into the Van der Linde gang’s ‘shenanigans’ (RDR2) or entangled with Dutch’s Gang (RDR1). For this one, he gets stuck with Numbskull and it’s a very tense partnership because Numbskull admits that they’re a Templar (whether by choice or because they were coerced would remain vague until later on) but they’re both in the same mess so they’re gonna try and make the best of it.
And now we come to Haytham. I am sooooo tempted to put him in a Hallmark movie called Christmas at Holly Lodge just to fuck with him. BUT if we really want to fuck with him, we kick him to Riverdale and let him suffer through the batshit crazy plot that series had. And, just to rub salt to the wound, he’s stuck with Noob who is starting to Bleed Edward Kenway. Haytham gets roped into Riverdale’s plot because Noob believes that’s the key to how they can return to their own world. The problem? Noob only watched the first season of Riverdale so they’re both flying blind XD
In post-apocalyptic world where Desmond is the only human left…
Instead of the Animus, he finds out what his ancestors are doing because the Apple connected to TVs from a random mall that Desmond went to for a supply run.
He’s still working out on how to contact his ancestors.
But his phone… strangely enough… has four new contacts that he doesn’t recognize.
Desmond still needs to find a signal though XD
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graffiti-bi · 4 years
With Vahalla coming out soonish and me getting lost in the Assassin's Creed sauce, I wanna criticise the way they do the modern day plot because damn it I like the out of Animus scenes but they're handled so utterly bad.
Full disclaimer a head of time: I haven't played the Desmond Era recently so my memory on those is at best shaky and I have only seen Abstergo scenes from the rest of the games (minus Black Flag) through just watching them. So like, if I don't have info/incorrect info, yeah. I tried to do as much research as I could but there are certain things that are just left very unclear by the games.
Spoilers for the Assassin's Creed Universe and this could have been laid out better but this isn’t an essay and you’re not my English Teacher so...
While looking into the modern Interludes of Odyssey, I ran across this article and it didn't really rub me the wrong way but more made me squint and go: "well, yes, but also no". Because it does have a good point of like, well, the Animus Interludes aren't great. Especially compared to the rest of the game.
And like, honestly, not everyone has the hard and fast love for the world like me and others... [well mostly] so like I do fully believe there should be the option either to skip the non-Animus parts of the game or just... play the game without them. I don't know alot about game development so I don't know how hard it is to just make that an option, and I'm not touching how successful that would be for Ubisoft because I Hate Captalism, but it seems like it would be a good compromise for the people who would want the Modern Day plot and who just wanna chill in history and kill people.
Now I'm actually gonna go off about How Ubisoft Could Have Done The Modern Times, because like, if you read the comics and books (I haven’t for the most part, I just read wiki articles and watch lore videos because I’m an Adult who has to Work and it’s surprisingly hard to find this stuff in the American Library system) there's Actually Shit Happening that isn't in the games even though it really should be.
First of all, we rewind to the end of Assassin's Creed III:
The Apocalypse is stopped (for now), Desmond Miles is Dead, the Assassins that were there that day are on the run from Abstergo. Just that alone would have been a great place to pick up. Not great for like the Animus but I'm not here to fix those kinks. I'm here to fix the mess they made.
Now, they got Shaun and Rebecca in Abstergo. This is just canon. Sure, there are many reasons why them being the employee in Black Flag doesn’t make sense, but boy lemme tell you following Shaun or Rebecca would have made more sense.
So, pushing aside the “following Shaun or Rebecca” idea: they should have stayed with that Abstergo employee.  (At least, I'm pretty sure it's not the same employee in Syndicate? Like I said, I haven’t played it. EDIT: The employee from Unity doesn’t appear to be the same one from Black Flag + Syndicate) Given them some personality and made the hacking and shit seem more exciting because honestly my mind ran away so much with the idea of the Assassins having an inside man like that.
Especially considering the fucking Sage was just right there! Trying to use that character for Juno! And as far as I know it was never explicitly stated why it was this employee he took an interest in! Like they could have played with that so much but they never really seemed to do anything with said employee which is a shame because if I suddenly got a job at Ubisoft writing Assassin’s Creed I would have absolutely used that employee as a jump off point to the world of the Modern Assassin. With whatever the Sage wanted to do.
From where Black Flag ended, BF employee joins the Assassins and starts fucking recruiting along with doing what they had been since their level 3 access was never retracted. And said employee moves around because it’s not like Desmond Miles was their only subject, and while the other subjects didn’t live... well they still have their DNA, don’t they? And that means there’s a plethora of new eras and characters that we could play and more games could have been created until whenever the fuck they wanted to end the series. Meanwhile you could get more play time playing current Assassins battling current Templar and uncovering more shit in the real world just like you do in the Animus.
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You know what also still confuses me that I'm not sure is ever addressed in game? When the fuck did the Templar's goal change? Because it seemed like they really wanted to bring the First Civ back even though in most of the past they just kinda wanted to enslave most as of Edward Kenyway’s day. I... just don’t understand where it went there.
I just... the Modern Story line could be so good because clearly Ubisoft thinks that it’s still important enough they don’t just axe it and doing a full game set in the past. Like it doesn’t just need to be a framing device, and it wasn’t with Desmond’s era, hell we even got a taste of being an assassin in like New York City from what I remember. Why can’t we have more of that?
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Addendum as I research more of the Modern Day Story line more in depth:
Apparently they actually finished the First Civ storyline??? In comics. That’s absolutely disappointing. 
It also answered a metric fuck ton of my questions in what they did with it. The comics seem to be what the Modern Day story line was missing and I am annoyed that this is how it ended.
We couldn’t have met any of these other modern day assassins in game? Really? Like... there’s so many games that could have been made out of this shit.
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periwinkle-sky202 · 4 years
Your own ocs
tmy favorite female character
Out of ALL my ocs,,, thats so hard. I adore Mary, Isabelle, Chords, Anna, and Ezra a lot tho!!
My favorite male character
*points at the jones twins* can i get more of these little traumatized bitches even tho jasons nb-
Man fuck it in adding this
my favorite enby character
Jason, Artie, Kas, Them. I love these guys. Theyre all wild
My favorite book/season/etc
Im gonna do this as ‘what story i’ve made is my favorite’ and thats probably the old fantasy world i made with my friend!!! It was so much fun to make and develop, i love making stories and worlds with people
My favorite cast member
Haha thats me
My favorite ship
I could write an essay on the ships i adore.  And i will they’ll be under a read more at the bottom,
A character I’d die defending
Uhhh None!! My characters have unlikable qualities and fuck up all the time! My favorite ocs are assholes! I dont feel the need to defend them, some of them are bastards and should be addressed as such
A character I just can’t sympathize with
Im not sure! Not all my characters are sympathetic at all, but I have next to no characters that I like,,,, despise? Besides Gerald whos a shitty abusive dad but thats abt it!! Fuck gerald. I don’t ‘sympathize’ with many of my characters tbh!! I feel bad for them sometimes, but they usually get good endings!
A character I grew to love
My anti otp
obv anything goin against my ocs sexualities and also anything just,,,, grody i Despise. its never happened but i amn ready to fight
I dont think i can ever forget the time i was talkin to someone(dont remember who) abt Hell Office and the comment was made that jonas and jamison would be cute together and let me tell you that was a one hit ko for a multitude of reasons. The main one being that it made me realize if Hell Office was an actual story with a large enough fandom,,,, some people,,, somewhere,,, would ship them. No Matter What I Would Say they are two white men with a power imbalanced relationship, someone would ship them. the discourse would be Unbridled. My sorrow unlimited. Good thing im bad at focusing long enough to make a popular comic and jonas is in a Healthy Relationship that is on the list below!
Also jamison is aro/ace but that feels less important than the fact hes the worst esp to jonas
ANYWAYS to the ships i like
Obvious one! Love these dumbasses. i just think they’re neat and im glad they wound up together. i cant comment much on phoenix’s side of this since they’re not my oc, (Owned by my pal @theartsyskeleton !!)  but its a great thing for Jonas. Jonas is a grumpy jackass who up until now didn’t know what he was going to be up until he met Phoenix. fuck, i didnt either!! but they’re together and i think they’re great together. Phoenix’s kindness works well with Jonas’s. y’know. Grumpiness. and they make each other happy!! its fantastic!!
i wont go completely off on this one but i love them!!!! they’re great parents!! again! cant comment too much from Maia’s side bc she belongs to Willow, but Glacius saw a lady who was genuinely kind and he fell in love so fast, but just didn’t say shit bc he didn’t wanna bother her and he loved being her friend!! This ship is just.. friends to lovers in the sweetest way
THEY GOT THEIR ISSUES BUT,,,, They’re good. or. they try to be good! I like this ship because im biased they’re just. two hurt people trying to hang onto someone they can trust who shows them love. On Jason’s side, they’ve been on their own for so long and has never had anyone see them as anything other than the ‘weird person down the street’ or ‘childish.’ Desmond is someone who 1. Showed romantic interest in them, 2. treated them as a mature equal, and 3. was just,,, the first person they made an emotional connection with in a long long time. On Desmond’s side, he’s spent his whole life trying to look after everyone around him and keep them safe from people like Xiana and Isla, and Jason is one of the first people that have been willing to protect him, and they make him feel safe and heard when he wants to talk/vent about everything hes been through.
Their relationship definitely isn’t perfect, though, and I know this! Jason has convinced themself that Desmond is a perfect person who can’t be wrong, and Desmond still tries to take care of everyone and fix everything around him, including him not wanting to tell Jason things they’re doing wrong and just wanting to help them out of every hard situation they’re in.Their relationship isn’t great!! They’ve decided each other are their only emotional support and want to go through everything with each other so they’re also pretty clingy! But! I still think this relationship is interesting and i like them they just need Work
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stillthewordgirl · 5 years
LOT/CaptainCanaryBlazer fic: I Say It’s Up to Fate
After the events in "(I Don't Believe in) Destiny," Constantine is back and moping. Sara and Leonard decide to do something about that.
This is a sequel to "(I Don't Believe in) Destiny," taking place about a week after the end events of that story. However, I believe it stands alone if you don't want to read that. (Or just want to read this first.)
My heart belongs to CaptainCanary, but after a certain exchange in IDBID, a number of people challenged me to write a Sara/Leonard/Constantine story (which I'm dubbing CaptainCanaryBlazer for lack of a better term). This is that story. (I might write a more explicit version at some point. But I hope you enjoy this for now!)
Many thanks to Pir8grl. Can also be read here at AO3 or here at FF.net.
The ship is quiet.
Sara lets out a long, satisfied breath, slumping back into the captain’s chair. As much as she loves her team, her crew, it does sometimes get…rather busy, here, so often.
But. Nate and Ray and Nora are all still back at the Vanishing Point at the moment. Zari and Charlie have headed out into the city, and Sara’s sure enough that it’s effectively their first date, something that makes her smile. And Gideon had decided she wanted to see Central City herself, to try out her human guise, but when Sara had proved reluctant to let her go on her own, Mick had grunted, cast a glance at Sara (and Len, leaning against the wall nearby) and offered to go with her.
She owes him something for that, she decides, getting up and stretching. What she and Leonard have may not be Mick’s sort of relationship, but he’s doing his best with it, and she’s doing her own best to get what Mick and Len have, and it works.
And now, for the first time since the whole Oculus drama, she’d rather like to get laid without having to worry about someone rapping on the door and yelling for the captain.
As if he’s been summoned by the thought, Leonard appears in the doorway to the bridge. He pauses as he sees Sara there, then smirks, strolling toward her, clearly with the same thing in mind she has. Sara smirks back, running her fingers down the arm of the chair, then stands, taking a step toward him.
“Alone at last.” Her crook lifts an eyebrow at her. “All the children are out to play until tomorrow. Whatever shall we do with our time?”
Sara takes another step. “Oh,” she purrs. “I think we’ll think of somethi…”
Which—of course—is when a bellow echoes through the Waverider’s corridors, drawing both their attention.
Sara lets out a hefty sigh right as John Constantine strolls on to the bridge, a bottle swinging from his hand, an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips.
“And I am back,” the warlock announces with a flourish, saluting them both with the bottle, in which an amber liquid sloshes. “Miss me?”
The booze, Sara thinks, isn’t the only thing getting a bit sloshed. “John,” she acknowledges with another sigh, giving Len a look and turning toward the other man. “Are you all right?”
“Fine.” He winks at her. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Leonard snorts. Sara sighs. Again. “Well, I don’t know?” she asks, putting her hands on her hips. “But you’ve been gone a week, and you seem to be three sheets to the wind, and…where’s Gary?”
“No worries. He’s back with his own ilk, at the bureau. Had him drop me off here.” John perches on the edge of a jumpseat and smirks at her. He turns his attention, such as it is, to Leonard. “Ah, handsome. You’ll be pleased to know that your little—time adventure—didn’t do any harm to things. The…” He takes a slug directly from the bottle. “…walls ‘tween here and there—whatever here and there may be—are still intact. Huzzah.”
Leonard retorts, amusement in his voice, but Sara’s chasing down something else. “You just…ran off on him again? John, you know that man’s kind of besotted with you, right?”
John takes another healthy swig from the bottle. “Oh, darlin’, y’know I’m a love-em-leave-em kinda bloke.” A shadow crosses his face, and he takes another drink. “It’s better that way.”
Oh. They’re going there again, huh? Sara fixes him with a glare. “John. What happened?”
“Nothing, love.” Another drink. “Nothing. Kinda the point, ain’t it?”
Then he blinks, looking up and back and forth between Sara and Leonard. “Ah. Interrupted something, did I? I can…” He gets to his feet, weaves a little. “Leave. Far be it from me to stay in the way of people who…might actually be…making something work…”
It’s the brittle kind of self-deprecating that Sara knows well…and that actually worries her when it comes to John, who’s seen far too many people come and go—many permanently, many violently—in his life. But before she can even glance at Leonard, the crook speaks up, tone pointed.
“Don’t be stupid,” he says sharply, folding his arms and staring at Constantine. “But if we’re gonna drink, it’s gotta be something better than that crap. I have standards.” He glances at Sara. “There’s a few bottles left of Rip’s old stash, right?”
There are, and he knows it, because Sara has shown him. She’s been saving it for a rainy day, or some sort of occasion, but…
Oh, this will do.
“Yep,” she confirms, giving Leonard another significant glance. “Come help me carry it.”
John subsides back into his seat with a grumble as Sara turns for the door, Len following her, but at least he doesn’t seem inclined to go anywhere.
She waits until they’re out of earshot and even then, lowers her voice to speak to him.
“Thank you. If we told him to leave right now,” Sara says in a low voice, “I think he might do something really stupid. Even for John.” She glances at Leonard. “He…gets like this sometimes.”
Her lover nods. “Self-destructive,” he says quietly as they reach the captain’s quarters. “I get it.” A pause. “You take care of your crew.”
“Yeah.” She retrieves the scotch from its hidey hole, handing him two bottles, then sighs, studying him.
“I love you,” she murmurs, still pleased with her ability to say it, and how true it is.
Leonard smirks at her. “I know.”
Sara still halfway expects John to have vanished again by the time they return to the bridge, but the warlock is still there, staying morosely at nothing, bottle swinging from his fingertips. He brightens when he sees their burden, pouts when Sara won’t simply give him a bottle, shrugs philosophically when Leonard takes the rotgut he’d been drinking and drops it fastidiously in a waste bin, and happily accepts a glass of the scotch, taking a long drink and leaning backward.
“Ah. Now that’s the stuff,” he says with a sigh, waving the glass at Leonard. “You’ve got good taste indeed, handsome.”
“Yes,” Sara tells him drily, taking a seat herself, glass in hand. “He does.” She watches as Leonard drops into a nearby seat, hooking one foot over his opposite knee and slouching in that attractively boneless way he has, then looks back at John.
“Now,” she says, taking a drink herself, and staring him down, “what’s got you in this state?” She points at him. “And don’t go all mysterious and broody again. You know I don’t fall for that crap.”
John’s quiet another moment, but then that same self-deprecating smirk touches his mouth again, and he shrugs.
“Oh, you know,” he says, a lightness in his tone that Sara knows isn’t really lightness at all. “Sometimes you look back through…things…and you don’t care for what you see.” He drains half his glass in one go. “Regrets. Stupid mistakes. Big stupid mistakes, the kind that get people dead or worse.” He finishes the rest of the glass abruptly. “Lost loves. Y’know.”
Ah. “You were skipping around through time, checking things out via Gary’s time courier, and you couldn’t resist a little self-flagellation,” Sara translates. She’s suddenly tempted to drain her glass too but resists. “Desmond?”
“Among others.”
His voice is very low. Sara looks at Leonard, who’s frowning at John, but not in a way that suggests he’s annoyed. She knows Mick had filled him in on the goings-on over the last few years, but how much detail, she’s not sure. She herself has told him more about John, to some extent, but she’s not sure exactly what he’s thinking.
“You saved him,” she says, getting up and moving over to refill John’s glass for him. “You did that.”
He toasts her again, mockingly—although the mockery is certainly directed at himself. “In a way. And the reward?”
“He’s not in Hell. He’s alive.”
“And married now.” He smirks as Sara blinks at the word. “To a blond bloke, looks a lot like me actually. They’re newlyweds. Quite sweet.” He throws back a good deal of the scotch again and coughs. “Guess he moved on all right.”
Sara takes another drink. “Well, that sucks,” is all she can think of to say.
There’s silence a long moment.
“So…what?” Leonard breaks in then, the slight harshness in his voice making Sara wonder idly if he wants to play this good cop/bad cop. “You don’t want him to be happy ‘cause it’s not with you?” He gets up and refills his glass, too. “Doesn’t sound like love to me.”
John scowls at the crook, while Sara darts a warning glance at him. “Not so much that, handsome, as that it’s hardly the first time,” he says. “Reminders that other people get what you’ll never dare have.” He looks at Sara. “We’ve talked about this.”
It’s her turn to frown. “John…”
“Oh, I know, I know.” He waves his (empty again) glass in the air. “ ‘Love makes us stronger,’ and all that jazz. An’ maybe it’s even true.” Then, yes, he goes there. “You’ve been luckier than most, though, Sara, no mistake.” He glances at Leonard. “Because here you are.”
It’s true, and yet…Sara sucks in a breath, trying to hold her temper, thinking of all those she’s lost, and not just romantically.
“You do recall,” her crook drawls, however, cutting in, “that we’ve both died.” He glances at Sara. “More or less. And Sara, more than once.”
“And yet you’re here now.”
Is there a good way to respond to that? There’s probably not a good way to respond to that.
Leonard gets them all another refill and it’s silent again for a bit. At one point, Leonard takes off his black jacket and slings it over a chair, an action that gets a wolf whistle from John, which he ignores. The warlock follows suit, though, removing his battered trench coat and shoving up the sleeves of his shirt restlessly before subsiding back down into the jumpseat.
That reveals something Sara already knows about, although she sees Leonard’s eyes sharpen as he studies the other man. They’ve all had a good bit of scotch by now, but he’s no less observant than usual.
And John, for all he’d gotten a head start, notices Leonard’s regard too.
“Noticing my war wounds, mate?” he says mock-casually, lifting an arm and regarding the small, round scars there with a critical eye. “I made a good ashtray as a kid. Certainly, my father thought so.” He considers his arms, expression analytical. “No pity, please. Long time ago.”
Leonard snorts. Then, a little to Sara’s surprise, he shoves up his own sleeves, first one and then the other, exposing very similar scars and other, larger marks.
Sara, watching and drinking, notices John’s eyes widen just a fraction before he conceals the reaction with a gulp of scotch.
“Your ol’ man?” he asks quietly.
“Yep” is the drawled response. Leonard tilts his left forearm up to inspect the longer, twisted mark there, thick with scar tissue. “So was this. Broken beer bottle.”
John makes a thoughtful noise. He undoes another button of his shirt and yanks the collar to the side, exposing a scar with the puckered look of a long-healed but very deep wound. “Same here.”
Leonard looks like he’s considering upping the ante, but he polishes off his drink first. To Sara’s continued surprise and amusement, his fingers twitch toward the hem of his sweater, though he stops them.
“If you two are going to do the whole stripping-down-and-comparing-scars thing,” she says before she can think better of it, “at least let me lower the lights, put on some music and get more scotch.”
Two sets of eyes, blue and brown, flick her way, and Leonard’s lips twitch, while John laughs out loud. He winks at Leonard, swirling the scotch around in his glass.
“It’s not fair, though,” he says in a commiserating tone. “She’s already seen the both of us bare. She knows where all the scars are.”
Sara coughs, although Leonard merely lifts an eyebrow in her general direction. There’s nothing jealous in the look—he’s not that type—but there is curiosity.
“Yes, we’ve slept together…” she tells him with a sigh.
“Sleeping had nothin’ to do with it, love.”
“It was a while back,” Sara continues, ignoring John. “Even before Ava…long before you returned.” She gets herself a little more scotch. “It was a…friends-with-benefits thing. Once. It’s not that kind of relationship.”
“Sara, you break my heart,” John announces grandiosely, the sheer drama in his tone showing that she’s doing nothing of the sort. He looks through his lashes at her and waves a hand at Leonard. “I don’t think it’s fair that you have the advantage of both of us, though.”
Sara eyes him. “Pardon?”
“You’ve gotten to kiss both of us.” John beams at her, then shrugs. “Well, more than that. But definitely that.”
Sara’s eyes dart sideways to Leonard, reading how he’s reacting to John’s teasing. To her relief, her lover looks amused and relaxed, none of the telltale tension in him that she knows would mean he’s uncomfortable with this line of discussion. And maybe because of that, she says something else.
“Well, I won’t stand in your way. If you want to even things up,” she says, motioning with her glass. “But you’ve got to talk to Len about that.”
John blinks at her. Then he glances at Leonard, who lifts an eyebrow.
“A kiss, huh?” the crook drawls, sitting his glass down and eyeing John in return. “I could handle that.”
“Oh, yeah, you could handle this, handsome,” John retorts, seeming somewhat dazed despite the flippant words. He glances at Sara as Leonard rises easily to his feet, then clears his throat and stands as well, though looking distinctively disbelieving in a rather un-John-like fashion.
Leonard, once committed anyway, has no such qualms. Sara watches as he saunters over to the other man, grabs that red tie, flicks the quickest glance and smile her way, and then hauls John’s mouth to his.
Damn. Sara downs her scotch, unexpected desire stirring, feeling like a voyeur—but not in a bad way.
Leonard doesn’t rush the kiss, and when he finally lets John go and steps back, the blond man staggers a little, staring at him open-mouthed. Leonard, who’s looking a little ruffled himself, winks at Sara, but while he does take a few more steps back, he doesn’t sit down again.
John takes a deep breath, shaking his head. “You,” he tells Sara somewhat huskily, “are a lucky, lucky woman.”
Sara clears her throat. “I am,” she acknowledges, watching Leonard, a smile hovering on her lips, wondering if the look he’s giving her means what she thinks it means. She trusts him, and she trusts what they have, and…
Exactly as she’d somewhat expected, John’s expression darkens as he looks back and forth between them then—more of that self-deprecating brittleness, the bleak loneliness that he keeps behind his façade of dissolute good humor.
“Outside looking in, again,” he says in a low tone. “Ah, well. I’m glad for you, love.” He picks up one of the bottles—one that’s still mostly full—and salutes them. “I’m off. Hate being a third whe…”
“Oh, bloody hell,” Sara says suddenly, fervently, getting to her feet and stalking toward him.
She grabs John’s tie with one hand and grabs the front of Leonard’s sweater with the other, going up on her toes, pulling first the former man toward her and kissing him hard. She hears a noise of surprise, tastes scotch and cinnamon and the faintest hint of mint, then pulls away (still holding his tie) and turns toward Leonard, yanking him toward her and kissing him too. The mint on his breath, familiar and reassuring, is mingled with the faint spice of cinnamon, and something about tasting the other in each man’s kiss is one of the sexiest things Sara’s ever encountered in her life.
When she relaxes her grip on Leonard, breaking the kiss, she meets his eyes, a question in her own. She’s answered by understanding and amusement and desire together. He inclines his head, gaze never leaving hers, and Sara smirks, tightening her grip on each of them as she and Leonard both look at John, who’s still looking rather stunned.
Then she starts towing them both down the corridor toward the captain’s quarters, and then in, closing the door firmly behind them.
At some point during the night, John disentangles himself, gets up quietly and leaves. Sara, waking just enough to be aware of it, wonders groggily if she should check on him, but the low chuckle and the gentle kiss he presses to her forehead before departing lead her to decide that he’ll be all right. She drifts back to sleep, listening to Leonard’s steady breathing still beside her.
It’s sometime in the very early morning that Sara wakes again, this time with a faint stirring of worry. She doesn’t regret what they’d done, the three of them, but with a faint scotch haze hanging over her, she does hope she’d read Leonard right. What they have is still a little new, and if she’d misinterpreted…
And, honestly, she’s always rather thought that Leonard tends toward guys the same way she tends toward girls. She’s confident in their relationship, really she is, but John is charming, and handsome, and great in bed, and…
She rolls toward Leonard, noticing with a little surprise that he’s awake and watching her. She hadn’t heard the change in his breathing, for once.
“Hey,” he says quietly, eyes on her, one hand reaching out to push a strand of hair out of her face.
“Hey.” Sara bites her lip, watching him, then decides not to torture herself any longer. “We OK?”
Leonard lifts an eyebrow. Then, to Sara’s great relief, he smiles.
“You think I’m going to fall for Trouble-with-a-capital-T there because of one admittedly enjoyable night?” he asks, amusement in his tone. “No. One, it’d be a little too much like…” He pauses. “Well. Let’s just say I think we’re a bit too much alike.”
“In some ways,” Sara acknowledges, wrapping her fingers around his. “Not others.”
“Hmmm. For another…” Those blue eyes, once so icy, now so warm, are focused on hers. “Sara. I was four years adrift in the timestream. The Time Force, to protect my mind, gave me dreams to keep me going. And most of them were of you.” He pauses. “That, last night? That was fun. I like him—and we both know I don’t like many people. Wouldn’t mind a repeat, if circumstances were right.”
His eyes darken, and he moves toward her, just a little, as she moves toward him. “This is something else.”
And he kisses her, and Sara reaches for him again, and they’re OK.
They’re better than OK.
Later, they find John sitting in the galley, staring down into a mug of black coffee like it holds all the mysteries of the universe. His trench coat is still missing, and he’s back in shirtsleeves, though looking rumpled as always.
He glances up at Sara and Len as they enter, a rather tentative expression on his face. Sara knows a moment of concern that she’s gone and led her friend into falling for her love—and damn, did she really have to make life more complicated in that particular way? But what’d happened, had happened, and it was done with. She doesn’t regret it.
When he’s close enough, Leonard holds out a hand and lets John’s red silk tie slither from his fingers, allowing it to fall to the table, giving the other man a smirk when he blinks.
“You’re lucky I didn’t decide to keep it,” he drawls, taking a seat and the cup of coffee Sara slides over to him. “As a souvenir.”
Sara can’t resist. “I was going to make him wear it this morning,” she says, sitting down and sipping her own coffee. “And nothing else.”
Leonard laughs. John blinks again then chuckles quietly. He takes a drink, then pauses, and Sara waits, watching him.
“Y’know, this probably ain’t gonna be a regular thing,” the warlock says finally, waggling a hand in the air as if to indicate the three of them. He pauses. “Or rather, a frequent thing.”
Sara blinks at the words—actually fighting off a bit of unexpected disappointment--but John keeps going, the ghost of an odd, vulnerable sincerity in his expression, something she’s very rarely seen.
“But I’ve gotta say…thanks for letting me in on it,” he says quietly, looking back and forth between them. “Into what you have. What you’ve found. You give this ol’ cynic hope.”
Then he holds his mug up, familiar smirk appearing once again. “And if you ever tell anyone I said that, I’ll deny it with alacrity. And many lovely, lascivious details.”
Sara laughs, holding her mug up too. “I think we can agree to keep this between us,” she says, glancing at Leonard, who looks back at her, a gleam in his eye. “A nice memory. A possibility. A pact between…friends.”
The three of them clink their mugs together in agreement. 
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18th Century Assassins Magica with The Kenways. Edward is Mami Tomoe, Connor is Madoka Kaname, and Haytham is Homura Akemi.
Finally revealed the one who's Madoka here! AC overall, Desmond is the more fitting Madoka. But this is 18th Century crew only, that's why I choose Connor instead.
I know this choice have an... Unfortunate implication (MadoHomu = ConHayth). However, I planned this as a more father-son family bonding instead of a shippy romantic relationship. Even if I get to the point of making an endgame Rebellion-ish plot, Haytham becoming a version of Homucifer is because of him having enough of all the suffering he accumulates from all the timelines he's in and having his son wiped from existence (basically becoming a version of Madokami) is the final straw of it not because of... Love? Lust? Whichever version driving Homura into a Devil??? Though if you want to get shippy with it then go on ;)
Bonus a lineart version of this (cuz the colored one seems messy) and finally thinking of what wishes each 18th Assassin Magi (and 2 Templar Magi) got under the cut because it's gonna get long if it ain't:
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Planned wishes, their possible twists if any, and when they are made:
Mami!Edward -> Probably during the mansion raid. Young Haytham is unconscious or already rescued, fire around him, his chest stabbed with a sword. Incubator appeared before him and asked what he wished for. Still having selfishness inside him and knowing that he's dying, he wished to be given another chance to live so he could continue to protect his newfound family. However, visiting his family after that proven to frighten them instead, with Birch managing to convince them he's not there or he's an impostor. So he left them alone but still protected them in the shadows.
Homura!Haytham -> Wished to go back in time to set things right, starting from the night his family mansion got raided. However, since this overlapped with Edward's aformentioned wish (which is consistent every timeline), his father was still "dead" anyway and even if Haytham set one thing right, several other things gone wrong instead. So it's a constant time travel of fixing and breaking his life over and over again. When he made this wish is undetermined at best but it's probably around his early days as a Templar Grand Master.
Sayaka!Arno -> Something to do with Elise, obviously. Since Sayaka's primary ability is healing, Arno's wish probably had something to do with healing her in a way. Another one (which disregarding Sayaka's ability) is to aid her in her revenge, though less likely. He made this after Monsieur de la Serre's assassination and Elise revelation of her being a Templar (latter wish) or... Let's just say Elise's heavily injured after their confrontation with Germain (former wish). If Elise died (permanently in the former wish's case), maybe revealed later that she didn't love him back and only using him for revenge, he not only became a drunkard and depressed but also became broken hearted and went berserk which led him being kicked out from the Parisian Brotherhood.
Kyoko!Shay -> The when is after his father died but before he joined the Colonial Brotherhood. His wish was probably something along the line of "get me out of this miserable life" or "give me a better life", given his circumstance at the time. Kyoko's ability of illusion kicked in as him recruited into the Assassin Brotherhood by his best friend Liam was only an illusion of a "better life", as it's still not better but he denied it by trying to prove his worth to the Brotherhood. He lost it after the Lisbon Earthquake as he felt betrayed for killing innocent, similar to how Kyoko lost hers after her father found out her Puella Magi activities.
Madoka!Connor -> Now this is hard considering in MadoMagi canon Madoka didn't make her wish till late in the series and it led her to become Madokami or it's either mundane af or so great it cost her her life/humanity. At best it's wishing to protect his village. Probably made the wish after leaving the village to find Achilles or during his training to be an Assassin. Of course, knowing AC canon, he might still can protect it but he cannot prevent it moving away, which made his wish a little harder to fulfill.
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piranha2509-blog · 6 years
1. Cardinals
The Pick: Nick Bosa - Defensive End, Ohio State   
Chandler Jones has been one of the fews bright spots for this 3-13 Cardinals team with 13 sacks on the seasons. His numbers are actually deflated because with no running mate other teams can double team him without having to worry. With the first pick in the draft the Cardinals can change that by selecting Bosa who dominated at Ohio State. The Jones and Bosa tandem could be one to terrorize quarterbacks for many years to come.
2. 49ers
The Pick: Josh Allen - Edge Rusher, Kentucky                
It’s very likely that the 49ers trade down to either the Jaguars or Giants both of whom are trying to get in front of the other to select Dwayne Haskins. If they stay put however, they will likely take the uber-talented pass rusher Josh Allen whose decision to forgo the chance to enter the draft last year really paid off. He put up monster numbers in Kentucky and he could really strengthen the 49ers D-Line.
3. Jets
The Pick: Quinnen Williams - Defensive Tackle, Alabama
With the top two edge rushers in this draft Nick Bosa and Josh Allen gone the Jets are going to look to get the best player available and thankfully the best player available might be the best player in the entire draft class. Quinnen Williams was a monster up the middle at Alabama. Gregg Williams comes to the Jets with his new 4-3 scheme and Quinnen Williams should slide right in at Nose Tackle.
4. Raiders
The Pick: Kyler Murray - Quarterback, Oklahoma
With the tier one players in this draft class going in the top three selections Jon Gruden and Mike Mayock might not be benefiting as much as they normally would by selecting the best player available. Watching what the division rival Chiefs did with Pat Mahomes they could draft Kyler Murray this year and give him a year to learn the offense before he hopefully explodes like Mahomes did this year.
5. Buccaneers
The Pick: Rashan Gary - Defensive Lineman, Michigan                
There are a lot of reports coming out that Gerald McCoy’s days in Tampa Bay might be numbered. Even if he stays he’s 30 years old and looks to be on the decline. Their next best D-Lineman was Jason Pierre Paul and he’s 30 as well. Rashan Gary is hyper athletic and can play any position on the D-Line. While his numbers might not be the greatest his athleticism warrants a selection in the Top 5.
6. Giants
The Pick: Dwayne Haskins - Quarterback, Ohio  State                
Eli Manning might still have a year or two left in the tank but Dave Gettleman thinks that it’s about to time to replace him with a younger Qb. Dwayne Haskins proved in his redshirt sophomore year about as much as you can prove in just one season. His sturdy frame, quick release, and pinpoint accuracy allowed him to quickly become one of the best CFB prospects who should be the future in the Big Apple.
TRADE! Broncos Get: Jaguars 1st Rounder, Jaguars Get: Broncos 1st, 3rd, & 6th Rounder
7. Broncos
The Pick: Drew Lock - Quarterback, Missouri
Watching Kyler Murray go 4th overall not only horrifies the Broncos because they’re gonna see him twice a year for another 10-15 years but it also may force the Jags to take the third best passer in the class in Drew Lock. Drew Lock perfectly fits John Elway’s mold for a perfect quarterback with good size and a big arm and those characteristics force Denver to trade up to get Lock.
8. Lions
The Pick: Clelin Ferrell - Defensive End, Clemson            
While it looks like Matt Patricia didn’t exactly have the best first year in the Motor City he was able to do a pretty nice job with the Lions defense taking them from 20th in sacks to 11th with sub-par talent. Ziggy Ansah had a down year for his standards totaling only 4 sacks and now he’s set to become a free agent. Clelin Ferrell has great moves which allow him to get to the Qb often and he can fill the void Ziggy Ansah is going to leave.
9. Bills
The Pick: Ed Oliver - Defensive Tackle, Houston
Ed Oliver was projected to go Number One overall just one year ago but he had a kind of down year in 2019. Injuries held him back and at times he had trouble getting to the quarterback at times while other defensive tackles were improving their stock. His size is also an issue but he’s still a disruptive force up the middle. At pick nine he’s a steal for the Bills who will slot him in where previous franchise tackle Kyle Williams played.
TRADE! Broncos Get: Jaguars 1st Rounder, Jaguars Get: Broncos 1st, 3rd, & 6th Rounder
10. Jaguars
The Pick: Jonah Williams - Offensive Tackle, Alabama
The Jaguars trade down 3 spots and pass on Drew Lock when the Broncos give them an offer they can’t pass up. One of the reasons the Blake Bortles underperformed so much last year was because he was under pressure at times. Assuming the Jags pick up Foles in free agency they are going to have to protect him. Jonah Williams was great at Alabama and would be a steal at the tenth pick.
11. Bengals
The Pick: Devin White - Linebacker, LSU
Vontaze Burfict has dealt with multiple injuries over his career and his latest concussion might have just put his career in jeopardy. Even with Burfict for most of the season the Bengals were still ranked 4th worst in rushing yards per game. At LSU Devin White was easily the best linebacker in college football. He’s a fast sideline to sideline thumper who would add some oomph to this Bengals defense.
12. Packers
The Pick: Jachai Polite - Defensive End, Florida
Mike McCarthy was fired at the end of the season but when new coach Matt LaFleur came in the defensive coordinator Mike Pettine stayed. Mike Pettine likes running the 3-4 defensive scheme however, he’s been missing a star pass rusher. Kyler Fackrell shows good potential and they need someone next to him and Jachai Polite has great speed and moves which allow him to get to the quarterback often.   
13. Dolphins
The Pick: Montez Sweat - Edge Rusher, Mississippi State
Cameron Wake is 37 years old and isn’t going to get any younger. The Robert Quinn trade they made last year was solid but he declined a little and soon he’s going to be out of his prime as well. The Dolphins really don’t have much other talent on the Defensive Line. Montez Sweat is 6’6” and 241  pounds and has great speed and power which allows him to get to the quarterback on a regular basis.  
14. Falcons
The Pick: Greedy Williams - Cornerback, LSU
The Falcons were just outside the bottom five in passing yards given up per game and they cut Robert Alford in the offseason. They need help badly in the secondary as Desmond Trufant and Isaiah Oliver were underwhelming to say the least. Greedy Williams is a lengthy, quick, corner with great awareness and ball skills. While he isn’t necessarily the best fit in the Falcons defense he will still be an immediate upgrade at corner. 
15. Redskins   
The Pick: Daniel Jones - Quarterback, Duke
Alex Smith suffered a gruesome injury and it doesn’t look like he’s going to return for the 2019 season. There’s also a chance that Smith never returns from his injury the same way Theismann didn’t and none of the free agent quarterbacks look like long term fixes for the Redskins. Daniel Jones was coached by Daniel Cutcliffe in Duke a man who is also credited in developing Eli & Peyton Manning.   
16. Panthers 
The Pick: Brian Burns - Defensive End, Florida State
Mario Addison is thirty one years old and has a few good years left in the tank. They need to give him a running mate and then a possible replacement after a few more years. Julius Peppers had his lowest sack total since 2007 and he’s now retired. The Panthers need someone to get pressure on the quarterback so they pick Brian Burns a pass rusher with one of the highest upsides in the draft.
17.  Browns               
The Pick: Christian Wilkins - Defensive Tackle, Clemson
Christian Wilkins dominated guards during his first three years and Clemson and that is why it was so surprising to see him return for his senior season in Clemson. The decision that seemed poor at first happened to pay off big time as he had a career year at Clemson. John Dorsey is going to continue building up this young Browns team and he is gonna take Wilkins and put him next to Larry Ogunjobi for a dangerous duo up the middle.
18. Vikings
The Pick: Cody Ford - Offensive Guard, Oklahoma          
Riley Reiff is the only sure thing on this offensive line at this point and they need help at every position. Cody Ford played tackle at times but he was mainly a mover of men at the offensive guard position. Cody Ford is 6’4” and 338 pounds. He’s a monster who finishes his blocks and rarely gets beat. He’s a great run and pass blocker and would automatically make the rest of the team better.
TRADE! Patriots Get: Titans 1st Rounder, Titans Get: Broncos 1st & 3rd Rounder
19. Patriots
The Pick: TJ Hockenson - Tight End, Iowa
It feels as if the Patriots have just won the Super Bowl for the 53rd time in a row. If there is one position that the Patriots might want to look at in the draft it’s going to be at tight end where Rob Gronkowski looks like his career is going to be winding down. In what is probably his last year in the NFL they should look to draft his successor and there’s no one better then the athletic TJ Hockenson to take his job.
20. Steelers
The Pick: Byron Murphy - Cornerback, Washington
For a team that can’t miss when drafting  wide receivers it’s kind of odd that the Steelers always miss while drafting a defensive back. Joe Haden was the only bright spot in the secondary and he looks like he will hold down one of the starting spots. The other spot currently belongs to Coty Sensabaugh who they could use an upgrade over. Byron Murphy is an aggressive ball hawk cornerback who can fix the Steelers issues at cornerback. 
TRADE! Chiefs Get: Seahawks 1st Rounder, Seahawks Get: Chiefs 1st, 4th & 7th Rounder
21. Chiefs
The Pick: DeAndre Baker - Cornerback, Georgia
The Chiefs inability to stop the pass not only got defensive coordinator Bob Sutton fired but it also kept them from playing the Super Bowl. Kendall Fuller was solid but got injured near the end of the season and Eric Berry has hit the 30 year old mark. The rest of the secondary was a complete mess. DeAndre Baker is an agile corner with great ball skills and instincts that make the Chiefs feel the need to trade up to get him.  
22. Ravens
The Pick: DK Metcalf - Wide Receiver, Ole Miss
Lamar Jackson performed well in his first year because teams weren’t used to playing a team with a quarterback who could also play running back. Teams will eventually adjust and Lamar won’t last very long in this league. To stop him from this fate the Ravens need to add talent at wide receiver. DK Metcalf is the prototypical wide receiver with a great combination of speed and size making him the ideal WR1 for Jackson.  
23. Texans
The Pick: Greg Little - Offensive Tackle, Ole Miss  
Every week DeShaun Watson has to fear for his life playing behind the worst offensive line in the league. They gave up SIXTY ONE sacks during the season. The blind side tackle position in particular was one of the worst positions for the Texans and they could really use an upgrade. Greg Little from Ole Miss has great size for an Offensive Tackle and he has great footwork and athleticism. 
24. Raiders
The Pick: Josh Jacobs - Running Back, Alabama 
When the Raiders picked up Marshawn Lynch two years ago they thought they were going to be getting the Marshawn Lynch who they saw in Seattle, a guy who powered straight through people and ran pretty well downhill. The Raiders didn’t get close to that and now they have the perfect opportunity to give Kyler Murray a run game with a crazy dynamic back in Josh Jacobs.  
25. Eagles
The Pick: Dexter Lawrence - Defensive Tackle, Clemson
Fletcher Cox has been one of the best or even the best defensive tackle in football. He can get to the quarterback as evident with his 10.5 sacks. When offenses ran the ball Cox spent his time in backfields as evident by his 12 tackles for a loss. Next to Cox however, the Eagles got next to no production as Haloti Ngata took a big step back. The Eagles draft the humongous Dexter Lawrence who complements Cox.
26. Colts  
The Pick: Kelvin Harmon - Wide Receiver, NC State
The Colts exceeded all expectations this season with a huge bounce back year from Andrew Luck which was enough to get him Comeback Player of the Year Honors. He managed to do this without very many weapons as after Hilton and Ebron the Colts pass catchers aren’t anything special. Kelvin Harmon is a big body wide receiver who catches 50-50 balls and would be the perfect complement to Hilton in the Colts offense.  
27. Raiders
The Pick: Marquise Brown - Wide Receiver, Oklahoma              
One of the reasons why Derek Carr was unable to produce at the level that he did in 2016 was the lack of weapons he’s had. They lost Amari Cooper and Michael Crabtree and replaced them with Jared Cook and Jordy Nelson who are 31 and 33 respectively. The Raiders need a deep threat who can stretch the field and make big plays and Antonio Brown’s cousin Marquise Brown would fit that role perfectly.
28. Raiders
The Pick: Devin Bush - Linebacker, Michigan
Despite having a solid Top 12 defense in almost every rushing statistic including yards per game, yards per attempts, and total rushes the Chargers got absolutely crushed by the Patriots run game in the divisional round matchup. The game showed that they needed to upgrade the linebacker position especially with linebacker Denzel Perryman entering free agency.
TRADE! Chiefs Get: Seahawks 1st Rounder, Seahawks Get: Chiefs 1st, 4th & 7th Rounder
29. Seahawks
The Pick: Nasir Adderley - Safety, Delaware  
The Seahawks managed to make the playoffs just a year after losing Richard Sherman, Michael Bennett, Kam Chancellor, Cliff Avril, and Sheldon Richardson. To add insult to injury Earl Thomas got injured in the third game of the season. After the injury he stuck up his middle finger signifying he isn’t returning to the Emerald City. Nasir Adderley is a versatile safety who should amend for the Earl Thomas loss.
30. Packers
The Pick: Deionte Thompson - Safety, Alabama
The Packers defense not only needs help on the D-Line they need help in the secondary. They drafted two cornerback in the 2018 draft but then they traded Ha-Ha Clinton Dix in the middle of the season and now there is a glaring need at safety. The Packers play one safety up more then any team in the league and a rangy playmaker like Deionte Thompson could really help the defense.
31. Rams
The Pick: Jaylon Ferguson - Edge Rusher, Louisiana Tech
Robert Quinn a key contributor on the Rams defensive line in 2017 was traded away and the Rams traded for Dante Fowler to replace him. Fowler however, is only a short term fix at edge rusher as he is a free agent and the Rams don’t look like their bringing him back. Jaylon Ferguson can replace him and despite playing for small school Louisiana Tech, he managed to set the NCAA record for most sacks in a career.  
TRADE! Patriots Get: Titans 1st Rounder, Titans Get: Broncos 1st & 3rd Rounder
32. Titans
The Pick: N’Keal Harry - Wide Receiver, Arizona State
The Tennessee Titans just don’t have the weapons around Marcus Mariota to make a deep playoff run. Corey Davis was very solid last season but around him Taywan Taylor, Tajae Sharpe, and Jonnu Smith all performed well under expectations which weren’t very high in the first place. Delanie Walker was injured and now he’s getting older and the Titans need another big wide receiver like great measurables like N’Keal Harry.
33. Cardinals
The Pick: Jawaan Taylor - Offensive Tackle, Florida
34. Colts
The Pick: Dre’Mont Jones - Defensive Tackle, Ohio State
35. Raiders
The Pick: Zach Allen - Defensive End, Boston College
33. 49ers
The Pick: Trayvon Mullen - Cornerback, Clemson
37. Giants
The Pick: Jerry Tillery - Defensive Tackle, Notre Dame
38. Jaguars
The Pick: Noah Fant - Tight End, Iowa
39. Buccaneers
The Pick: Dalton Risner - Offensive Tackle, Kansas State
40. Bills
The Pick: Hakeem Butler - Wide Receiver, Iowa State
41. Broncos
The Pick: Julian Love - Cornerback, Notre Dame
42. Bengals
The Pick: Jeffrey Simmons - Defensive Tackle, Mississippi State
43. Lions
The Pick: Amani Oruwariye - Cornerback, Penn State
44. Packers
The Pick: Irv Smith Jr - Tight End, Alabama
45. Falcons
The Pick: Gerald Willis III - Defensive Tackle, Miami (FL)
46. Redskins
The Pick: JJ Arcega-Whiteside - Wide Receiver, Stanford
47. Panthers
The Pick: Garrett Bradbury - Center, NC State
48. Dolphins
The Pick: Chris Lindstrom - Offensive Guard, Boston College
49. Browns
The Pick: Andre Dillard - Offensive Tackle, Washington State
50. Vikings
The Pick: Mack Wilson - Linebacker, Alabama
51. Titans
The Pick: Oshane Ximines - Edge Rusher, Old Dominion
52. Steelers
The Pick: Tre Lamar - Linebacker, Clemson
53. Eagles
The Pick: Deebo Samuel - Wide Receiver, South Carolina
54. Texans
The Pick: Beau Benzschawel - Offensive Guard, Wisconsin
55. Texans
The Pick: Taylor Rapp - Safety, Washington
56. Patriots
The Pick: Charles Omenihu - Defensive End, Texas
57. Eagles
The Pick: Yodny Cajuste - Offensive Tackle, West Virginia
58. Cowboys
The Pick: Isaiah Buggs - Defensive Line, Alabama
59. Colts
The Pick: Chauncey-Gardner Johnson - Safety, Florida
60. Chargers
The Pick: David Edwards - Offensive Tackle, Wisconsin
61. Chiefs
The Pick: Juan Thornhill - Safety, Virginia Tech
62. New Orleans
The Pick: Rock Ya-Sin - Cornerback, Temple
63. Chiefs
The Pick: David Montgomery - Running Back, Iowa State
64. Patriots
The Pick: AJ Brown - Wide Receiver, Ole Miss
65. Cardinals
The Pick: Riley Ridley - Wide Receiver, Georgia
66. Raiders
The Pick: Jonathan Abram - Safety, Mississippi State
67. 49ers
The Pick: Erik McCoy - Offensive Guard, Texas A&M
68. Jets
The Pick: Chase Winovich - Edge Rusher, Michigan
69. Jaguars
The Pick: Anthony Johnson - Wide Receiver, Buffalo
70. Buccaneers
The Pick: Kris Boyd - Cornerback, Texas
71. Giants
72. Broncos
The Pick: Kaleb McGary - Offensive Tackle, Washington
73. Bengals
The Pick: Isaiah Prince - Offensive Tackle, Ohio State
74. Patriots
The Pick: Ryan Finley - Quarterback, NC State
75. Bills
The Pick: Elgton Jenkins - Center, Mississippi State
76. Packers
The Pick: Michael Deiter - Offensive Guard, Wisconsin
77. Redskins
The Pick: Connor McGovern - Offensive Guard, Penn State
78. Panthers
The Pick: Kaden Smith - Tight End, Stanford
79. Dolphins
The Pick: Will Grier - Quarterback, West Virginia
80. Falcons
The Pick: Michael Jordan - Offensive Guard, Ohio State
81. Browns
The Pick: Ben Burr-Kirven - Linebacker, Washington
82. Minnesota
The Pick: Jaquan Johnson - Safety, Miami (FL)
83. Titans
The Pick: Lukas Denis - Safety, Boston College
84. Steelers
The Pick: Terry Beckner Jr - Defensive Tackle, Missouri
85. Seahawks
The Pick: TJ Edwards - Linebacker, Wisconsin
86. Ravens
The Pick: Germaine Pratt - Linebacker, NC State
87. Texans
The Pick: Damien Harris - Running Back, Alabama
88. Bears
The Pick: Jalen Jelks - Edge Rusher, Oregon
89. Lions
The Pick: Andy Isabella - Wide Receiver, UMass
90. Colts
The Pick: Joe Jackson - Edge Rusher, Miami (FL)
91. Cowboys
The Pick: Caleb Wilson - Tight End, UCLA
92. Chargers
The Pick: Khalen Saunders - Defensive Tackle, Western Illinois
93. Chiefs
The Pick: Daylon Mack - Defensive Tackle, Texas A&M
94. Jets
The Pick: Dennis Daley - Offensive Tackle, South Carolina
95. Jaguars
The Pick: D’Andre Walker - Edge Rusher, Georgia 
96. Browns
The Pick: Michael Jackson - Cornerback, Miami (FL)
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