#so for now its just sukki
kitkatperce · 5 months
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this is whats happening in the spirit world when korra is running rampant. also before anyone says anything no i do not care if this is not how it works let me live in my fantasies
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releasemefromthevoid · 7 months
EP1 - EP3
We all know that ATLA’s character arcs and just. character building in general is one of if not its absolute biggest strength. This show has a lot to live up to on that front, and if it can manage it, then that’s all the better. I’ll probably be critical of this aspect in particular, keeping in mind that this is generally meant to be an alternate canon which leads to Some changes in order to fit a shorter form.
Without going too far into it, I’ll say I will continue to be a little worried about the new spin on Aang’s character arc until I can see it play out all the way through. 
I’m also a bit worried about Zuko’s character. He seems a bit more willing to hurt people than in the cartoon, so I think they’re gonna have to play that pretty carefully moving forward. 
There are, of course, some things they’re doing incredibly well. Zhao’s character is On Point, and Suki feels about right too. I also am generally liking how they’re adapting plot points so far. There’s at least one episode from the original cartoon that I can tell won’t be adapted because of something in this episode, and it feels natural enough, I guess. I don’t have too many complaints on that front. 
Stay tuned for episodes 3-8! Live reactions/spoilers under the cut!
really fucks with me to not start with The Monologue
still don’t know how i feel about this iroh yet. is it just bc he isn’t mako? idk it’s like. uncanny valley iroh
also still not a fan of aang being so serious already. hopefully there will be a substantial enough character arc to replace that
katara so far is reading the most like the original to me
gran gran. just had a waterbending scroll?? i mean. i guess. bringing back the southern waterbending style. i do think i like the original more in this case, it’s just a little more horrifying to have that style basically wiped out completely. that being said this is definitely a way to consolidate the waterbending scroll episode right? i shouldn’t expect to see pirates?
ok the iroh and zuko dynamic in the marketplace was on point
there is NO unagi, where is she
SUKI!!! suki looks GREAT no notes.
suki’s. mom? interesting.
kyoshi island seems a lot less welcoming to aang, even though they know he is in fact the avatar, which does a lot to remind us that they were supposed to be a neutral party in the war. this is not a bad change
zhao definitely has the right vibes
omg, suki 😭get some queen
okay so we finally get to see aang being a kid for a minute (please just let them be kids sometimes it’s okay)
SUKI IS EATING AND LEAVING NO CRUMBS. love that we still get the classic suki beats sokka’s ass scene
oh,, is that what they’re doing with aang in this series?? not a learning to be serious thing,, he’s learning to deal with the fact that he is powerful and he has to control that so he doesn’t hurt people. that’s interesting, so i’ll reserve judgment until it plays out. it just. doesn’t feel the same
the sukki romance is almost playing out in a more believable way than the cartoon, so that’s pretty great
so like. what happened to avatar roku? is he just gonna be replaced with kyoshi? like she’s a badass and we love her, but. why?
sokka is not hearing a goddamn word suki is saying. he is Too Entranced. i have never been more on board with this ship
how are they dealing with this without the unagi
gotta say the spirit world appearance is really cool. chromatic aberration was a good choice
oh yikes kyoshi that’s a bit harsh. i miss roku
was zuko. about to kill katara?? he would never. tell me he would never.
ok so this is a winter solstice at the fire temple moment. happening now so it doesn’t have to with roku later? interesting.
“only call upon the past avatars when i’m at their shrines” lol okay. fair enough. roku did Not adhere to that in show
zuko’s digging himself a hole with zhao here. bro IMMEDIATELY called the fire lord
ngl i’m loving this iteration of zhao. absolutely despicable vile man. hate that guy. great character. 
liking: SUKI <3, Zhao's characterization, set designs, sokka and suki's relationship
worried about: aang's character, zuko's character
disliking: roku's absence (though i do love kyoshi, god bless), no unagi :(
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after watching the trailers of Aang/Katara playing/laughing... having fun.. I'm getting the same gaslighty feelings i got from zutaras who insist it was canon all along and that aang is a horrible abuser
. what with fandom telling me Aang will be serious when hes playing/laughing in trailers, or that Aang never had visions in the show when he DID. thats how he found TOPH.
or that sokka sexism being toned means hes going to be a bland perfect character when he's still a grumpy guss in the trailers .. like he ws in the show at the beginning. sozins comet isn't removed entirely, we literally see it in the trailer. the return of it is just going to be changed but its still use to wipe out the air nomads.
im so glad i don't rely on clickbait articles and actually watch trailers/ listen to the actual interviews that explain things that said Aang/Katara ave a hopefu; childsview of the world. .and Katara being less motherly is fine by me cause id rather see her be a kid anyway. and. the very idea this will be as bad as the movie is laughable the trailer blew that awful movie away in seconds. i saw that movie 2 weeks ago it was boring, trash... how anyone could think its better is no fan of atla.. isaidwhatisaid.
as for bryke.. im 99 percent convinced avatar studios was why they left .. it probably sounded more profitable.
and I Can def belive bryke wanted to change things maybe they wanted a love triangle and netflix said no.. i wouldnt put it pass em after LOK where they added their scrapped love triangle idea. there is zero proof them being there would have improved things.. zero none. zip.. the moment they left i was just oh well.. whatever after lok i have zero faith in em anyway..
hoping for this to bomb after the actors put 3 years of their life into it though.. its kinda lame... its a retelling it doesnt need to be the same exactly.. plus.. atla did have flaws. sukki is very underdeloped/ ozai bascially has no personality outside of Evil. Zuko should have joined a bit sooner in s3. Jet shouldn't die... just some things off the top of my head. atlas a good show but its not... flawless. i acutally prefer sukki bonding over nonbending over sexism.. its feels sweet.. i dont really like how they got together and his sexism was very Western centric anyway.. i think people really blow the whole toned his sexism down out of proportion. Pakku however he should remain sexist.. hmm getting over it so quickly feels kinda of meh to me.. but then again ive heard of transphobes quickly changing tunes when their kid is trans at times so i guess it not too far out of the realm. but it just felt like a copout to me with pakku finding out katara was the grandaughter of his old girlfriend=no longer sexist to katara esp at his age it seems very unlikely he change so quickly but eh thats just my thoughts on it.
anyway thats all i gotta say for now..
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rk-ocs · 2 years
ATLA and the Tarot
So I had thoughts on ATLA and Tarot. Which ties with persona. 
So I submit that Aang and Zuko are both fools who go on a journey, and might or might not expand more on it later.
Katara is strength, Azula is chariot, Iroh is the hierophant, Toph a magician, mai starts off as reverse lovers and this changes over the show, Ty Lee is the sun, Sukki is Justice, and sokka after a lot of thought makes an interesting Emperor. 
Of course they have secondaries (Katara for instance has a lot of Empress energy), and act as different cards in interactions with other characters (katara uses reverse Empress energy at times with toph), and Ozai being a devil to... More then just Zuko actually. Interesting in relation to Zuko though,as like the lovers,the devil is a card about Choices.
On that choices note, lets start with Mai. 
"The Lovers reversed can point to both inner and outer conflicts that you are dealing with. The disharmony can make daily life difficult and could be putting pressure on your relationships. You should take time to think about what you are punishing yourself for, so you can fix them or let them go. At this time, you should also think about your personal values and belief system to make sure that they are aligned with what you want from your life.
A break in communication could be another possible interpretation. The foundation for your relationships may be cut off, creating an imbalance between you and your partner or loved ones. The unity normally present within the card has become lopsided. 
The Lovers reversed can also indicate that you have been avoiding responsibility for your actions. You could have made a decision that was based on your desire for immediate gratification but are now blaming others for the consequences that are catching up to you. So, you need to make amends or let go of the past and make better decisions in the future."
The reversed Lovers in a relationship or romance tarot reading can suggest there is a coldness within your relationship. What was in balance is no longer working. Some issue likely stands in the way of your relationship, and must be resolved to once again form a closer bond.
Mais relationship with her parents at the Omashu storyline are a good starting ground for this. She is not in a good place with her relationship with her parents. Her baby brother probably does not help that, as that's naturally liable to take up a lot of their attention, leaving her feeling like she does not have a lot of direction to her life when accounting for the move to Omashu (that she was not thrilled about)
Then Azula comes sweeping in with her chariot energy, and recruits her for action. 
The first major negotiation she makes with Azula is not one she makes a choice with (her baby bro for a king) ,but is probably something that stuck with her in the back of her mind. She opens up over the journey I think,although it is not a central focus as shes with the dangerous ladies trio, so the main moment we see of it is the beach episode of fireside confessions. Also softening around Zuko. 
But her moment of upright lovers did was not directly related to Zuko, however much he was framed in the context of it in the boiling rock. Its personal
"A more personal Lovers meaning that can apply to individuals is the development of your own personal belief systems, regardless of what are the societal norms. We see this as a development from the Hierophant, who made decrees and passed on his knowledge through a standardized system. This is one of the times when you figure out what you are going to stand for, and what your philosophy in life will truly be. You must start making up your mind about what you find important and unimportant in your life. You should be as true to yourself as you can be, so you will be genuine and authentic to the people who are around you."
Its not that shes suddenly become a rebel, but here is a moment where she is making up her mind about things that are important to her in life. Interesting that its at the heart of it is an imbalance between Mai and Azulas relationship dynamics that brings it to this moment. Either way, this is a moment where she takes a stand and responsibility for her beliefs, and I would have liked to see Mai explore that further, and chose and develop what she stands for,rather then just be what she was taught.
"The Chariot tarot card is all about overcoming challenges and gaining victory through maintaining control of your surroundings. This perfect control and confidence allows the charioteer to emerge victorious in any situation. The use of strength and willpower are critical in ensuring that you overcome the obstacles that lie in your path. The Chariot's message comes to make you stronger as you strive to achieve your goals.
The key message that he brings to you is that you must maintain focus, confidence, and determination through a process that will be full of winding turns and detours. If you have a plan or a project that you seem not to be sure about, the Chariot shows that you should pursue the plan with a structured and ordered approach. Your boldness will ensure that you achieve all that you should in this goal. 
In the Chariot's quest for his goal, he may display some behavior that he has never seen within himself before - competition and a desire to succeed has perhaps brought out a more aggressive part of his personality. Aggression is a natural part of human nature, and the Chariot reminds you that it can also be used to help you take charge of your situation, but also must be reined in so that it does not hinder your way forward. "
Which describes Azula rather well. Shes a rather driven individual, with a good eye and interest in strategy, and particularly how to get people to work with the strategy. She sees her surroundings and uses them well, alongside her interest in military and martial arts. She has a good eye for people in a use sense, though her lack of nuance in interpersonal relationships hinders her. 
She takes control of her surroundings,but her methods of how can leave alot to be desired at times. Namely her reliance on fear as a control tactic. Now,as a 14 year old princess emulating her father (a military king, essentially) that's not unexpected. 
But her overuse of fear as a control tactic, backfired on her in the boiling rock, and lead to a reversal that shows its self in full in the finale. Or probably it started before that,but the boiling rock is where a lot comes to the forefront. 
In the finale she is not her confident self. 
" The reversed Chariot's appearance in a reading can help you become aware of both your aggression, and your lack of willpower. It may either be saying that you are lacking in focus, motivation or direction, or that you are being warped by your obsession with your goals. In the former case, let the Chariot be a reminder that you can emerge victorious as long as you can gather the courage to do so. In the latter, your impulses may be another factor that you must rein in. To see the Chariot in reverse may suggest that you need to come to terms with the fact that you cannot always be in control.
The Chariot reversal meaning can also be an indication of lack of control and direction over your life. You are at the mercy of the opposing forces and the obstacles, and cannot seem to muster the strength to take over. You are taking everything lying down, and life is dragging in any direction that it pleases. It should serve as a wakeup call and reminder that you will need to tighten some loose ends and take charge of your destiny."
Mai and Ty Lees betrayal of her was something she could no longer control, she can't control everything, and rather then accept that, shes becoming warped with a want of success for it, and losing control of more things in her life. You can't be perfect at everything, however Azula is both a princess (and so has expectations on her), and very driven and talented and not used to losing, or having a hard time coming to grips with failure,and does not have people she would accept to guide her (her dad is gone, her friends betrayed her, her mom left, her uncle thinks shes evil)
The reversed love reading also fits here
"When reversed, the Chariot tarot love meaning can signal an overwhelming drive to find love, so much so that other goals and aspirations may have been forgotten. Sometimes, one has to remember that in life, we cannot control everything around us, and no matter what we do, we can’t make the perfect person appear to us. Showing up everyday with hope and enthusiasm is important, but so is patience. Let love find you.
A reversed Chariot in love can also signal that things may be out of balance, and you may need to work to correct them again. Make sure that your work, love, family and friendships are not suffering because you are overextending in one or another. This may be at the root of disagreements with your partner."
At the last Agni Kai, the only relationship Azula has with is work (being royalty).And in overspending in that, she is obsessing for goals that can not be reached. She is all out of balance, no friends left to her, her dad gone,and her brother come to fight her. 
"As the father figure of the Tarot deck, the Emperor suggests that you are adopting this fatherly role (regardless of whether you are male or female), providing for your family, and protecting and defending your loved ones. You may be the breadwinner or the ‘rock’ for those who rely on your stability and security.
Similarly, the Emperor represents a powerful leader who demands respect and authority. Status, power and recognition are essential to you, and you are most comfortable in a leadership role where you can command and direct others. As a leader, you rule with a firm but fair hand. You have a clear vision of what you want to create, and you organise those around you to manifest your goal. You listen to the advice of others, but you prefer to have the final say. Conflict doesn’t scare you, and you won’t hesitate to use your power to protect those you care about. And in return, those people will repay you with the loyalty and respect you deserve. Claim your authority as leader and influencer and don’t let others put you down.
The Emperor reflects a system bound by rules and regulations. You create law and order by applying principles or guidelines to a specific situation. Create calm out of chaos by breaking down any problem into its parts and then mapping out the actions you need to take to resolve it. Be systematic, strategic and highly organised in your approach, and stick to your plan until the end.
The Emperor card also signifies world knowledge and expertise. Through the course of your life, you have gained valuable wisdom and life experience, and now you enjoy offering guidance, advice, and direction to someone who might benefit from it. You may be a teacher, coach, boss, or just a good friend who likes to take what you have learned and pass it on so that others can be as wise and powerful as you."
So Sokka is at heart a scientist. He likes to create solutions to problems that have a logical progression,he likes to try to have an order, he's the one who wants schedule, who wants to be a leader, and over the course of the series learns to become a good one. Sokka is the visionary. The artist. The learner. 
He doesn't start off that way of course. At the start, Sokka is trying to use his power as older sibling, man of the tribe, and the patriarchy to lead his tribe in a way he really does not know how to. He's not particularly respected as a leader and it shows. 
"The reversed Emperor calls on you to assess your relationship with power, control, authority, responsibility and discipline. Are you expressing too much or too little of these elements in your life right now? Are they working for you or against you?
In the reversed position, the Emperor can be domineering and rigid in his thinking. The card can suggest an over-use and abuse of authoritative power surrounding you. It could originate from you or from another person, often a boss, partner or father figure. And it may be because of deep insecurities or father issues from childhood.
Consider the role that power plays in your life. Are you asserting your power and dominance in a way that leaves others feeling powerless? Or are you giving away your personal power to please someone else, often a father-figure or a person in authority? Seek to find a solution where you lead from a place of personal power and enable others to do the same. Power can be equally and constructively distributed – you don’t need to take it from others, nor do you need to give yours away.
The reversed Emperor may be a sign that others look to you as their leader or as an expert in the field but you are shying away from the role. You may fear being seen as the leader, instead preferring to hide in the shadows or stay out of the spotlight. There may be other ways you can make an impact and influence the world, such as authoring a book or training others to reach a bigger audience.
Sometimes, the reversed Emperor asks you to stand up to authority. "
"Sometimes, the reversed Emperor asks you to stand up to authority. You may feel fed up with an overbearing boss or a hierarchical organisation and feel compelled to enter a more flexible and adaptive environment. Maybe you aspire to be your own boss and work independently by starting up your own business. Or, you may seek a career where you can have greater flexibility and creativity in how you complete your work. You are sick of having to always work within the confines of a particular structure or way of doing things, and you want to break free from it."
So sokka starts in the reverse a little, starts to change his attitude after meeting and fighting justice Sukki. During which, he seeks to change his understanding of the world, and partakes in a cultural and intellectual learning experience of learning and dressing as a Kiyoshi warrior. Its not the first time Sokka  seeks to learn something when in another nation. He's intellectual, artistic, and tactical minded, and understands people better then Azula. 
Sokka and Katata and Zuko and Azula have lots to compare and contrast between eachother. While Katata and Azula could initially have comparisons made between them due to being the powerful bender younger sibs, its zuko and katara who are the more immediate emotional ones. And Sokka and Azula are the more tactical ones. And the ones aiming for leadership. Sokkas better people skills are one of the reasons he succeeds at becoming a good leader, and Azula does not. It might be a part culture thing, as the watertribe would be more communal leadership based on natives as they are, in contrast to Azulas upbringing as a military princess and child soldier. 
Now, I could write a good reading of Katara as empress in contrast to Sokkas emperor.
I could write toph as strength. But really, I lean more twords Katara for it, and its kind of a nice contrast to Azulas chariot. 
"The Strength card represents strength, determination, and power – like the Chariot. However, while the Chariot signifies outer strength and will, the Strength card speaks to the inner strength and the human spirit's ability to overcome any obstacle. Strength is about knowing you can endure life’s obstacles. You have great stamina and persistence, balanced with underlying patience and inner calm. You are committed to what you need to do, and you go about it in a way that shows your composure and maturity.
When the Strength Tarot card appears in a reading, you are fuelled by your inner strength, personal power, strong will and determination. You do not rule by trying to control others; you quietly influence and persuade. Others may underestimate your power because it is so ‘invisible’ – but you should see that as an advantage. You can control a situation without excessive, outward force. No one knows it’s you calling the shots.
Your strength gives you the confidence to overcome any growing fears, challenges or doubts. Feel the fear and do it anyway! If you have been going through a rough time and are burnt out or stressed, the Strength card encourages you to find the power within yourself to persevere. You have got what it takes to see this situation through to its eventual end. You’re a loyal friend and a solid supporter, willing to step up and be present when others are in need, and you might also feel compelled to hold space for someone who needs your strength and support.
The Strength card urges you to ‘tame’ your animal instincts, gut reactions, and raw emotions, and channel these initial responses constructively. It’s normal for feelings such as anger, rage, sadness, guilt or shame to arise in certain situations. However, it’s what you do with these emotions that makes all the difference. Now is a time when you need to be conscious of your instinctual urges and bring them into balance with the greater good. This is no time to act out in rage or hatred. Approach your situation from a place of forgiveness, love and compassion. Working with a therapist may also help you create coping strategies for what comes up."
"When the reversed Strength card appears in a Tarot reading, tune in to your current levels of inner strength, confidence and self-belief. Are you overflowing with self-confidence, or are you depleted? And how can you bring these aspects back into balance?
If you have recently experienced a setback, you may be vulnerable and lacking in self-confidence. Know that your core strength will always be with you and now is as good a time as any to reconnect with this power. In fact, you may hold more strength and resilience than you give yourself credit for – so, be kind to yourself. You can also reinvigorate your self-assurance and self-esteem by collecting evidence from your past that proves you have what it takes to succeed and overcome these temporary challenges.
Check in on your energy levels right now. You may be sluggish, particularly if you have been dedicating yourself to serving others or have been pushing hard to achieve a goal. The reversed Strength card is your invitation to take stock and restore your energy levels by resting and withdrawing for a temporary period. It’s vital that you take care of yourself so you can take care of others.
In its shadow form, the reversed Strength card can signal that you are prone to explosive behaviour, lashing out at others and becoming aggressive. You may act without thinking and end up doing something you regret later. The key is not to repress the raw emotion, but to learn how to channel it so it won’t harm others or yourself. Seek a professional to help you better deal with these emotions."
The strength card is about emotional strength.
"When you get the Strength card in an upright manner during your tarot reading, then it shows that you have inner strength and fortitude during moments of danger and distress. It shows that you have the ability to remain calm and strong even when your life is going through immense struggle. It also shows that you are a compassionate person and you always have time for other people even if it's at your own expense. 
Getting the strength card means that you are a very patient individual who is likely to accomplish anything that they put their mind to. Your resilience will greatly aid you, and your fearlessness means that you should have no issues speaking your mind. This card also indicates this kind of compassion will always be rewarded with having a lot of stability in your life either presently on in the near future."
An upside down Strength card can mean that you are (or about to) experience an intense anger or fear in your life. You seem to be lacking the inner strength that this card normally represents, meaning you might be experiencing fear, and a lack of conviction and confidence in your own abilities. This can mean that you have forgotten all about your passions and the kind of joy, happiness, and fulfillment that came with doing what you love. 
A reversed strength card in a reading might also mean that one is experiencing depression because of a number of reasons and because of that, it is draining all of the happiness from their lives.
One might end up being withdrawn from society because of the unhappiness or depression since they may feel people are the reason why they are so sad. It can also be a sign of jealousy, especially when everyone seems to be happy or excelling in every aspect of life while you are stagnating. This card indicates that you must learn to gain confidence in order to re-harness your inner strength."
Now katara is a very emotional person. She never has any trouble speaking her mind, stays stubbornly commited to her goals (learn the water whip), and is very good at supporting others, while also very willing to fight for them if they can not or will not do themself (see the earth bender rebelion she started, or the time she fought Pakku for learning waterbending rights, something that changed things for her and girls in her tribe. 
She has her morals,and has her hard lines. She does lash out emotionally when in a shakey place (a good example is reencountering Jet),and ultimately when she came across the object of her vengeance, she ended the encounter with a compassion of sorts. Not nesscaritly for him, but his mother, that he has family that would miss him too
The Sun card represents success, abundance, and radiance. Like the sun itself, it gives strength and vitality to all those that are lucky enough to feel its rays. There is much joy and happiness that is coming to you.
Because of your own personal fulfillment, you provide others with inspiration and joy as well. People are drawn to you because they are capable of seeing the warm and beautiful energy which you bring into their lives. You are also in a position in which you are capable of sharing your qualities as well as achievements with other people. You radiate love and affection towards those you care about the most. 
The card shows that you have a significant sense of deserved confidence right now. Life is currently particularly good, and the sun is shining your way as you reach the goals that you set. The Sun is one of the cards in the tarot which provide nothing but good feelings and fulfillment."
"In the reversed position, the Sun indicates that you might have significant difficulties finding positive aspects to certain situations. The clouds might be blocking out the warmth and light that you need to progress. This might be preventing you from feeling confident and powerful. You may experience certain setbacks which are damaging your optimism and enthusiasm.
On the other hand, the Sun reversed might be indicative that you are being unrealistic. It might be a sign that you have an overly optimistic perception of certain situations. These are things that you need to take into account in order to ensure that you are on the right track and your successes continue as they do."
Ty lee is pretty happy with her goals and lot in life. She generally feels pretty good with her decisions, be it going to the circus, joining Azula on her quest, and is generally an optimist. This optimism on the other hand does mean that she is deliberately not being as insightful into situations as she could be, and it also serves as a way to keep people from looking too deep into hers. 
She comes off as an airhead so brightly its blinding to other perceptions of her. She's happy to be seen this way. Her chi blocking indicates a good amount of body knowledge, both of herself and others, and outside of her sisters, she is finding fulfilment of herself and who she is as an individual
The Sun represents success, radiance and abundance. The Sun gives you strength and tells you that no matter where you go or what you do, your positive and radiant energy will follow you and bring you happiness and joy. People are drawn to you because you can always see the bright side and bring such warmth into other people’s lives. This beautiful, warm energy is what will get you through the tough times and help you succeed. You are also in a position where you can share your highest qualities and achievements with others. Radiate who you are and what you stand for; shine your love on those you care about.
If you are going through a difficult time, the Sun brings you the message you have been waiting for: that things will get better, a lot better! Through the challenges along your path, you discovered who you are and why you’re here. Now you are full of energy and zeal for the future and can already perceive success and abundance flowing to you. You are brimming with confidence because you know everything will work out – it always does! Life is good!
The Sun connects you to your power base – not fear-driven, egotistical power, but the abundant, inner energy radiating through you right now. You’ll sense it in your Solar Plexus chakra, calling you to express yourself authentically and be fully present in the world around you. You have what others want and are being asked to radiate your energy and your gifts out into the world in a big way. Tap into your power and use your Divine will to express that power in positive ways.
The Sun is also an energetic card. It reflects a time when you can expect to experience an increase in physical energy, vitality and general positivity. You are bursting with enthusiasm, invigorated and enjoying a wonderful sense of good health.
The reversed Sun is calling to your inner child to come out and play! As adults, we get so lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we forget how to have fun. But spend just a few minutes watching a kid play, and you realise how wonderful and carefree life can be when you learn to let go of your worries and concerns. When you see the Sun reversed in your Tarot reading, see it as your permission slip to leave behind your work and responsibilities, even just for a moment, and play. Dance like no-one is watching, sing like no-one is listening, and let your heart and soul fly free.
The Sun reversed can mean you are struggling to see the bright side of life. You may have experienced setbacks that damaged your enthusiasm and optimism and perhaps led you to question whether you can achieve what you set out to do. You may feel depressed or left out and are no longer enjoying what you are doing. Your direction and path ahead may appear clouded or distorted.
Nonetheless, the Sun is never a negative card, so this is only temporary. The obstacles you see can be easily removed if you put your mind to it. It may just take a bit more effort than usual.
On the other hand, you may be too confident or overly optimistic. While you are confident, you may have become egotistical and out of touch with what you can achieve. Are you truthful to yourself and others? Or, are you trying to talk yourself up when you know you cannot deliver? If this resonates with you, then ask others for feedback and a reality check. Are you unrealistic? Is what you have set out to achieve achievable? Are you really as good as you think you are?
Intrestingly, both reversed cards of lovers and sun both apply to their relationship with Azula at the end. Reverse sun and being out of touch with what you can achieve, and reverse lovers is at the core imbalance between partners, or a broken ballance and perhaps avoidence of responsibilities.
Yue is probably high priestress as she provides imporent guidence to aang on his journey and herself acts as a bridge between physical and spiritual with a literal spirit within her. Good intuition too. (Expand)
But I want to end it on Zuko. While He and aang started at fool, aang ended on the world with his judgement moment being deciding how to face Oazi. 
Zuko did far less of a straightforward journey zigzagging back and forth several cards at time
Its one of the change cards. Along with tower and wheel of fourtune. Specifically is a change card about endings and new beginings
The Death card signals that one major phase in your life is ending, and a new one is going to start. You just need to close one door, so the new one will open. The past needs to be placed behind you, so you can focus your energy on what is ahead of you.
Another meaning is that you are going to go through a major change, transition, or transformation. The old version of you needs to ‘die’ to allow the new you to be created. This can be a scary time for you because you may be unsure of what will happen in the future. Even if you are scared, you should welcome the change because you are opening the door to new life events.
Death can also mean that you need to let go of any unhealthy attachments that you have in your life. This is an important part of life, so learning to keep moving forward is one of the lessons Death teaches us."
Which is are important values to keep in mind when ending a 100 year war and transforming your military nation into a peace one.
It also suits Zuko personally, as while he has unlearned a lot of learned cultural racism, he still has a long way to go before he is perfect at it, and still has a lot of change to make. He will probably struggle with it, as Zuko is not easily adaptable, but he will make it.
After a period of pause and reflection with the Hanged Man, the Death card symbolises the end of a major phase or aspect of your life that you realise is no longer serving you, opening up the possibility of something far more valuable and essential. You must close one door to open another. You need to put the past behind you and part ways, ready to embrace new opportunities and possibilities. It may be difficult to let go of the past, but you will soon see its importance and the promise of renewal and transformation. If you resist these necessary endings, you may experience pain, both emotionally and physically, but if you exercise your imagination and visualise a new possibility, you allow more constructive patterns to emerge.
Similarly, Death shows a time of significant transformation, change and transition. You need to transform yourself and clear away the old to bring in the new. Any change should be welcomed as a positive, cleansing, transformational force in your life. The death and clearing away of limiting factors can open the door to a broader, more satisfying experience of life.
The Death card has elements of a sudden and unexpected change. Death happens to everyone, no matter who you are, how much money you have, where you live, or what colour your skin is; it is the same with a significant change. So, the Death card can be a sign you may feel as though you are caught in the path of sweeping change and cannot escape its effects (especially if accompanied by the Tower or the Hanged Man). Although the upheaval may seem unwanted and painful, this massive change could bring with it a series of unexpected surprises that create new opportunities and advantages for you.
Finally, Death is a sign that you need to learn to let go of unhealthy attachments in your life to pave the way to a fuller, more fulfilled life of deeper meaning and significance. Death teaches you to let go of outworn and outgrown ways of life and to move forward from them. This is a perfect card to break a bad habit or pattern of behaviour. See this as a time to cut out excess and let go of what is unnecessary for your life. Purge the old belongings, memories and baggage that are getting in your way.
One might say he has already had an encounter with death at the end of season two, and chose to skip to the devil, and maybe that's why he skipped back cards on his journey. 
"The Death reversal meaning is still about change, but that you have been resisting it. You could be worried about letting go of the past, or you could not be sure of the changes that you need to make to go forward. Resisting the change and holding onto the past can limit your future, which can cause you to feel like you are in limbo. You should take some time to assess the ways that you have been approaching changes in your life. You may find you have been halting the changes that you need due to fears of the unknown. While you can still be afraid, you should trust that you are taking the right steps and move forward. Life moves on, so fighting passing time is only going to leave you with regrets. Death does not have to be a card of regret, especially if you heed its warning.
The Death tarot card love meaning in reverse can signal strong resistance to change when it comes to your approach and attitude to relationships and romance. This can come in the form of hanging onto a relationship that is stagnant and no longer helping either of you grow as individuals. There may also be dependence on the relationship, or you may only remain together because you feel comfortable, obligated or scared of being alone.
On the other hand, old relationships can also be revived. If you are single, Death reversed in a love tarot reading can suggest that you must avoid negative  patterns and dynamics to be able to truly engage in a loving relationship. You may have self-esteem issues, savior complexes, or wounds that you need to heal in order to find a partner that will love and respect you, and one you can love and respect in return.
As with this card’s upright version, you are being pushed to a change when it comes to your job or your career path. But in reverse, you may be doing all you can to resist this transition. You may stick around despite the unhealthy environment, the reduced pay, or the monotonous projects. Change is inevitable; this applies to our career as well as other aspects of our lives. We must learn to welcome it instead of pushing it away. When we cling to a cycle that is no longer meant to remain in our lives, we watch it slowly decay and drain us. At times, this card can also represent negative patterns repeating once again in your workplace. Do you self-sabotage? Does your defensiveness when making mistakes create trouble? Does your impostor syndrome affect how you interact with your colleagues? Consider what must be let go for you to release these unhealthy patterns."
Death is a card that Zuko dwells on a lot, and keeps coming back to. He does not do his journey in order. I would say that he has already had tower come twice too. Or more.
A judgement card moment for him,is probably going to come when he decides how his relationship with his sister is going to progress. 
He's gone through quite a journey over the series,and still has a lot to go through offscreen. But death is a fitting end point for him serieswise, as he is bringing an end to a lot of things that shaped his world growing up
Of course, Zukos family could all be judgement cards moment's now that I think on it.
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0nl0n · 1 year
Here :D
Tumblr media
I've got a dream about Onion in this outfit—
Their weapons are sharp onion rings that could slice 5 targets (Bloomerang but upgraded ver)
I think they are Garlic/Garrison's distant niece or nephew, he is older than them a lot.
Before the zombie apocalypse, Oni/Onion was a worker working for a carnival before joining forces with the plants 💪
Because of their previous job, Oni know how to make people laugh and cheer them up after long shifts. Thus making almost everyone to have good feeling about them except for certain someone...
They were sucked in a portal created by Zomboss and were sent to uhhh... Dark Ages:D
And now I remember, while I was drawing Oni's concept design, my friend just walk by and say:
"Wow that's a cool woman over here."
I chuckles a little but it send me a flashback..
I'M SO SO SORRY— now I draw them as a non-binary:)
And also.. don't trust this onion in the kitchen.
Sukki: I SAID 20 NOT 2000000000
OMG I LOVE IT <33 Tysm :D
Makes sense I have onion rings as my weapons, I could of been a ring juggler or somthing to do with rings when I worked at the carnival
nah its alr, onion looks like a boy but I keep using she/her pronouns alot on them (wow I never realised how much pronouns onion has—)
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wreckitwrit · 3 years
i can't find the zukka discord server o used to be in so i guess ill just post into the abyss here:
- high school and/or summer camp au where the gaang enters a talent show. imagining bending wouldnt exist in this universe?
- sokka is doing some fancy shit w boomerang/s like in the tiktok
- aang would 100% do some random dance thats very outdated but still grts everyone pumped
- toph and katara maybe team up to do some lowkey crime shit bc i love the idea that they learn to become the best scam duo ever
- ok lets also put sukki and her squad there doing some dangerous choreography or something
- yue would be the classically trained musician who pulls out a wicked fun and modern composition that totally surprises everyone half way through. imagining some kinda lightning quick outfit change too just bc she deserves to be dramatic af
- fire nation kids are there ofc. mai does some knife throwing, ty lee ofc does acrobatic shit that the school *definitely* did not approve but she did it anyway and it leaves everyone breathless. maybe she and mai team up? azula does some impressive martial art thing idk
- zuko does something similar (with dao swords?) so he is trying hard not to be upstaged by his sister (ohh what if he and azula choreographed a fight sequence? and oops at some point its not fake anymore but everyone in the audience just thinks the blood and bruises are props lmao)
- i welcome any other character additions obvi
- but anyway the meat of the story is this: long days at rehearsal bc the entire camp/school is putting together this show for parents/general non-school audience (think fundraiser kinda thing), which means all the contestants know everyones act and theres some competitive tension there
- but for some reason, especially btwn zuko and sokka. as the practices go on (i almost wrote "as the summer goes on" so i think this is officially a summer camp situation but i am open to whatever), they are antagonizing each other outside of practice times to where it becomes the kind of rivalry that feels innate and both sides (fire nation v gaang) feel clique-y as hell but tbh no one remembers any concrete reason why it is what it is towards the end
- i think theres a lot of moments outside rehearsal where sokka and zuko have cute little moments (imagining a scene or five where sokka is starting to really pick up swordsmanship bc yes thats def a thing that happens in summer camps and zuko praises offhand at one point and oops now sokka is pestering for practice tips and oh *no* homosexual tension during MY sword fight bouts?? more likely than youd think!!) but once back in the rehearsal space their rivalry slips back on and theres some fun frenemy dynamics there
- did i mention this would be a zukka enemies to lovers au bc ofc how would it work any other way
- but theres a lil bit of angst too when they finally put on the talent show (i have zero thoughts on who would actually win or who would be crowd favorite) and the only person who shows for fire nation kids is iroh bc all their families suck
- whereas even tho katara and sokkas mom isnt there (rip) they still have hakoda and bato and a lot of other members of the water tribe
- so theres some comfort when fire nation kids are invited into the gaangs celebration and theres some heart warming found family moments, even if azula and mai would prefer not to take them up on it and its mostly just zuko trying to find his place with all these new friends hes been skirting around all summer
- (ty lee is bouncing btwn the groups but ends up finding her place with the kyoshi warriors dance squad)
- anyway i think the fic would end somewhere around that little celebration and sokka and zuko hold hands and smile at each other and cue pure and cute ending tyvm for reading
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mypimpademia · 4 years
Nishinoya and Tsukishima as boyfriends
Nishinoya x reader x Tsukishima
TW: Swearing slightly suggestive
We all know Nishinoya is a simp, so hes in love with you
Always kissing and touching you
Literally worships you
Like on his knees telling you how much he loves and appreciates you and how beautiful you are
And hes so overprotective
He doesn't even like guys he doesn't know talking to you
If he see its happening he'll just drag you away
"Hey, Y/n, sorry to cut your meeting with your new friend short, but we've gotta go."
"Go where-"
"Dont worry about it."
If you thought he was a perv before, its even worse now
When hes not looking at your face, hes probably looking at your butt or something
You in your uniform>>>>
Or just you in anything thats short
If youre shorter than him, hell just feel so good
Uses you has an arm rest even if you're just a few inches shorter
Gives you forehead kisses because it makes him feel even taller
All in all, he loves you inside out
This little shit
He teases you even more than anyone
But hes lowkey soft for you
He gives you a lot of forehead and cheek kisses
Hes not big on pda so he mostly only holds your hand in public
But in private he actually likes to cuddle
Hes not as overprotective as Noya, but hes definitely protective
Hes cool with you hanging with other guys as long as youre not too friendly with them
Also gets mad if you talk to someone he doesn't like
Doesn't say anything, he just stands next to you and stares at the other guy
If he starts to get jealous, he'll drag you away without saying anything
I feel like Tsukki is a lowkey perv
So he probably stares at your butt a lot when hes not teasing you or anything
If youre shortet than him, hes gonna tease you by treating you like a rag doll
Picking you up randomly, tossing you over his shoulder, using you as an arm rest, all of that
If he ends up making you upset with all his teasing he'll give you kisses and hugs😌
And even if he's a dick 60% of the time, he loves you 100% of the time, even if he doesn't always show it
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shaanks · 3 years
1, 6, 7 (and 20 to end on a happy note) c:
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
It’s not exactly my fandom bc my involvement in bnha is limited but I know people shipped bakudeku from the beginning and I genuinely cannot understand that. 
Also, and I realize this is swinging a bat at a hornets nest but I don’t really...get ZukoMai. Like I get its an unhealthy dynamic in the way that a lot of teenage relationships are but it’s always just like. Uncomfy to watch. 
(I’m rlly sorry bc I’m reasonably sure I know who sent this but) I don’t super get Zenitsu/Nezuko (from Demon Hunter) she’s had exactly no reaction to him any of the times they’ve been around each other and while he is...my most cherished idiot son, he’s so...loud. 
OH okay MCU!verse SteveTony. Like the closest they get to a positive feeling for each other ever is like exhausted contempt. 
6.  Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
I mentioned Jmart (Jon and Martin from TMA) yesterday, I’m tryin to think of another one. It’s genuinely hard to think of a time other than that that fandom has changed my mind about a dynamic if I genuinely hated it to begin with. 
yeah man I’m drawing a blank I’m really sorry, I’m a stubborn bitch and usually when I hate something I’ve got my heels dug in pretty far about it lmao. 
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
 I don’t know that I’d say I can’t /stand/ it but I used to be really heavily into the MCU until they did like. Everything in their power to flush people out of enjoying it. Pretty much everything I liked in HS gives me war flashbacks now lmao. Jacksepticeye, and whatever in the world happened over there. I’m really angry about the anime adaptation of The Promised Neverland so I guess that kind of counts. 
The whole superwholock trifecta. I know I know I know. 
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
I heavily ship the pure and wholesome sweetness of Nezuko and Not Wearing That Gag Anymore. 
Sukki is a very lovely and wholesome ship I think.
They’re...not pure and wholesome at all but I just really love Sylvanas and Nathanos so I’m putting them here. 
....Renathal and the MW o u o. VERY pure and wholesome I would say.
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years
In this house we stan the mailee/maiko/zukko/sukki and all variations polypile.
Just the four girls having a slumber party night? Absolutely. They all settle down and lay on top of each other.
Ty Lee is actually very interested in tea and the herbs involved because it can clear spiritual blockage. She and Zuko love sharing new recipes and ideas.
Mai and Suki took a bit to warm up after what happened but they're inseparable now. #bffsforlife They share the dumbest interests with each other, like rock skipping or berry painting.
Sokka thinks Ty Lee is the cutest thing since the Sabretooth Moose. She flits around and everytime he's so enamoured with watching her move.
They all support each other no matter what. Ty Lee's got a show coming up she's nervous about? The rest show up, front row seats, with flowers and whistles to show her love.
Zuko had to make a particularly rough decision? Well, guess its time to strap him down and cuddle the fuck outta him.
New Kyoshi warriors giving Suki lip? Bet Mai accompanies her next session and just stands manacingly behind her, daring any of the new girls to say something bad.
They just, they all love each other so much because its not just what that person can do for them, but for the others they love.
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ao3feed-zukka · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3qrgBhA
by ChaosInTheKitchen
Words: 954, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Voltron: Legendary Defender, You Me At Six, Original Work
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Dan Flint, Josh Franceschi, Original Male Character(s)
Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Keith/Lance (Voltron), Dan Flint/Josh Franceschi, Original Male Character/Original Male Character
Additional Tags: this is my first fic on AO3, i apologise if i end up, idk - Freeform, formatting this weird i guess, theres no names mentioned, just heather, but heather isnt really a character, its just a placeholder name for whatever female character (allura for klance, suki for zukka) 1st person thinks love interest likes, this is confusing as hell i know, and im sorry for that, Please Forgive me, how do i tag im not used to this, Major Character Death sorta, it describes the person drowning but they dont actually drown, so idk whether or not to use the archive tag, i guess i wont, i wrote this with klance or zukka in mind, but it could really go with any mlm ship, like i told my friend that it could he like flintsceshi, Did i spell that right, with dan pining after josh, but she thought more fransykes for some reason, i literally dont see why, But whatever, um anyways, klance tags if you choose to read this as klance, PINING KEITH, Gay Keith, Bisexual Lance, Platonic Allurance, klangst, now for tags if you read it as zukka, Pining Zuko, gay Zuko, platonic sukki, i guess, tags for flintsceshi, pining dan flint, gay dan flint, gay josh franseschi, i am literally so bad at spelling, how the hell do you spell joshs last name, in conclusion i am a dumbass, i think thats enough tags, Bisexual Sokka (Avatar), goddamnit that last one didnt end up under the zukka section, shit fuck am i bad at this or what
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3qrgBhA
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hyunnbinniee · 6 years
@outofexits hope you like it ❣
3:05 am
You sighed loudly as you threw yourself into the chair behind you earning some giggles and some eye rolls. You and your friend sat around Byounggon's living room, everyone on their phone. "Guuuyyysssssss. I'm bored." You groan, letting your head fall over the arm rest.
"Mee toooo." Jihoon chimed in, mimicking your movements. Junkyu sighed dramatically, throwing a hand over his head with a flourish.
"What do you guys want to do? Its literally 3 in the morning." Seunghun asked, not even bothering to look up from his phone.
"Something! This is one of the only times were all together! We gotta do something fun!" Jihoon exclaimed, before throwing himself back onto the couch.
"Well if you guys can find something, we will do it." Hun said, trying to avoid you all from whining your protests. Quickly you all grabbed your phones, trying to find something still open.
"The arcade? Like 2 minutes away?" "Closed at midnight."
"The karaoke bar?" "Closed at 3."
Hyunsuk watched as the three of you desperately tried to find something to do. He smiled fondly as you concentrated on your phone. Your eyebrow softly drew together, your tongue caught between your teeth. "I have an idea." He spoke up. Everyone's eyes turned to him. "It just opened up, like 2 days ago. But it's a 24 hour laser tag place. It's like a 15 minute walk, but its something." He says shrugging.
"HYUNSUK YOU'RE AMAZING!!!" Junkyu hollered. Hyunsuk shrugged once again. Jihoon jumped up from his seat, quickly searching for his shoes. He smiled widely, excited to get out of the house.
"Well Sukkie, you made someone happy." You commented, motioning towards Jihoon who was now bothering the older boys to get up. Hyunsuk felt his cheeks become warmer at the sound of his nickname falling from your lips. Oh how wished he could replace those words with his lips instead.
"Yes yes we're getting up Kyu." Gon simply commented, before standing from his chair. He stretched upwards before patting Kyu on the head. "Grab a jacket. It's cold." Everyone listened, and grabbed their jackets knowing Gon was probably right. You watched from across the room as Hyunsuk and Byounggon chatted about where the place was. You sighed. Why can't I just tell him I like him?
"Yeah why don't you tell him? It's hard to watch you look like a lost puppy." You turned to the voice, slapping a hand over your mouth. Doyoung and Yedam laughed at your expression. "Didnt mean to say that out loud?" Doyoung asked smugly. You shook your head, still not letting your hands fall from your mouth, afraid of what might pass them. "Just tell him. I promise you won't regret it." Doyoung winked at you, before dragging Yedam with him to the door. Your eyes darted over to where Hyunsuk stood, eyes already on you. He smiled, before walking over to you, eyes never leaving yours.
3:38 am
Arriving at the Laser Tag place, the boys began to immediately decide teams.
Team Gon: Jihoon, Yedam, Hyunsuk
Team Hun: Doyoung, Junkyu, You
You were soon fitted with your vest. You weren't sure how exactly it was supposed to work. Where does this strap go? Do these cross? You thought to yourself, your hands fumbling with the vest. Suddenly slender fingers gently pulled the straps from you. "Dont worry. I got it for you."
"Sukkie. You're always here to save the day. A true prince charming." You sigh, as he looks up at you through his eyelashes. You notice the way his lips form a lopsided grin, one side slightly higher than the other.
"As long as you're the princess, I'll be there." He states smugly. You felt the heat rush to your ears, and you knew your cheeks were probably being painted in different shades of pink. He chuckled before dropping his hands from your vest. It took everything in you not to kiss that stupid look off his face.
Hyunsuk took one step before looking at you once more. "See you out there Princess."
The arena was pitch black and cold. That was the only thing you could think of. You wondered around alone, your teammates having left you as soon as the game started. You heard a few people giggling and quickly took off in the other direction. You definitely did not want to lose so soon in the game. You darted in a room when you heard a voice still behind you. You hid behind a pillar in the middle of the room and waited. You had your finger on the trigger, ready to fire if needed.
The door quietly swung open and closed again, a telltale sign someone was in there with you. The soft tap of shoes began to fill the quiet room. You felt your body stiffen, afraid of which boy was there with you.
You peered around the right of the pillar, and saw nothing. No one was there. You scratched your head, before going back to your original position.
Now you were fully aware there was someone next to you. You raised your gun, ready to shoot. "No no no!!!! Don't shoot!" Hyunsuk whispered, bringing both his arms up. You let out a breath you weren't sure when you started holding and placed a hand on your chest.
"God Suk you scared me." He smiled at how cute you looked when you were scared.
"What are you so scared of? It's just me." He whispered. His eyes watched your lips, as you licked them, about to reply.
"You could've been anyone else! I didnt want to lose so soon!" You whisper back. You leaned against the pillar, trying not to notice the way Suk was watching you. You could still feel his gaze, watching your every move.
"Are you happy it was me?" He asked, taking a step closer to you. You looked back at him, aware of the close proximity. You nodded, unable to speak of how shy you were becoming. "I'm glad I found you. Because I've been meaning to give you something." He says. A devious look dances in his eye, and you can't say you weren't intrigued.
He steps forward again, this time you take a step back pressing yourself against the wall. He placed a hand on the wall behind you, another hand landing on your waist.
You felt your breath hitch as he leaned forward. His lips ghosted over yours, not quiet touching them yet, just letting you feel the warmth radiating off of them. You moved forward slightly, trying to close the space, wanting to kiss him. He pulled away faintly and smirked. He still didnt try to close the space between the two of you. What a tease.
You didnt want to play this game. Instead you grabbed the back of his neck, and pulled him in for a kiss. The moment your lips touched, his hand on your waist tightened. You sighed into the kiss. His lips tasted like the cherry chapstick he used, the same one of he stole from you.
Your lips moved slowly, but intensely. Both of you dragging out the kiss, never wanting to lose the warmth of the other. He nipped at your bottom lip, wanting more of you. You parted your mouth from his, but not before he could capture your bottom lip between his teeth, releasing it with a soft pop. You breathlessly stared at him, your mind filled with nothing but thoughts of him. The way his lips moved expertly against yours. How plush they were. You had never felt something so soft.
DOO DOO DOOOO. A sad tune rung out.
Confused you looked around, not quiet grasping what just happened. Suk smiled deviously at you, before releasing you, and stepping away, his hand still grasping his gun. You looked down and noticed your vest unlit, meaning you were out.
He shot you.
You looked back up at Hyunsuk who had walked away. He opened the door and shot you one more glance.
"I'll see you later Princess."
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Republic City II
Avatar the Last Airbender
Katara hasn’t seen Aang in many years but as the Worlds Leaders gather in Republic City, they’re destined to meet again.
Part one here
The weekend had come faster than Katara had anticipated and Air Temple Island was slowly filling with guests. Toph arrived first followed closely by her father, her brother with Sukki, and Zuko with Mai. It felt nice to have all of her friends and family around her but of course she had that sad feeling in the pit of her with the absence of Aang.
All that alone time she had once had was now gone. Every moment from dusk till dawn was spent training or entertaining and because everyone had been apart for so long they were constantly asking questions. Although the topic had come up once or twice she knew they were all trying their hardest not to bring up Aang whenever she was around, they didn’t want to make her upset.
When the night before the conference finally came Katara couldn’t sleep at all. She was tossing and turning in her bed and she couldn’t figure out why so she slipped herself into her everyday tunic and walked down the stairs to leave the temple. When she slipped through the temple doors she felt the cool summer breeze blowing on her skin and felt refreshed. 
She walked further down the temple steps until she reached the beach again. She waded into the water just enough so that her calves were under the surface and took in a deep calming breath. Water had amazing healing powers for physical ailments but Katara found it was also really helpful for when she needed to clear her head and find some balance.
She was staring across the open bay to see the sparkling lights of Republic City and she realized that something was flying out over the waters. She could kind of see flecks of red and yellow as it whizzed through the air against the backdrop of a blackened sky and she realized, that what she was seeing was probably Aang out for one of his midnight flights. 
When she had been living with him in the city all those years ago she often woke up in the middle of the night to an empty bed and a small note that read ‘If you wake up and need to know where I am just look out our bedroom window and stop worrying.’ The first time of course she panicked and leapt out of bed straight to the window to make sure nothing was wrong. She, just as she was seeing now, watched him glide over the open waters and graze the surface as he shot back into the air and around again.
She felt a feeling of calm settle over her as the tide pushed forward against her legs and as she watched Aang. It was like there was nothing wrong, the two of them were completely at peace and in their element. He must have noticed her watching him because he had turned in the sky an was heading straight toward her. She watched as he manoeuvered his way through the sky and floated his way don onto the sand where she was standing glider gripped in his hand.
“Couldn’t sleep either, huh?” 
She didn’t feel as anxious as she had at the restaurant, something about the night was keeping her in a place of calm. She wanted to get back to their friendship, she wanted Aang in her life if it just meant being a supportive friend and she couldn’t keep feeling like she was walking on eggshells with him.
“Not at all, this conference is more stressful than I thought it would be.” He was slowly moving closer towards her as he spoke and keeping his eyes fixated on her own.
“I think it’ll be fun. It was a really great idea Aang, I never really got the tell you at any of the meetings with the Council but I still want you to know I’m proud of you.” Katara smiled warmly at him and she could see the light in his eyes start to beam.
“I really appreciate that Katara. I should tell you that you gave me the idea,” he was standing next to her now and they were overlooking the bay together. She could feel his hand grazing hers and as he spoke she turned to look at him quizzically, “What do you mean I gave you the idea?”
He turned towards her and looked down into her big, brown doe eyes, “Do you remember the night of that great storm when no one could go outside and we spent the whole evening without power?” Katara smiled at the memory of the two of them alone on Air Temple island surrounded by nothing but candlelight. 
They had talked all night about everything that had happened in their lives and after chasing him outside into the craziness of the rain they made love. She had never felt more connected to Aang than that night and she even remembered thinking to herself that her heart would always belong with him.
Aang continued, “Well do you remember how we spent all that time talking about how important it was that great leaders developed a connection with other great leaders? You kept talking about how if the nations just spoke to each other in a more informal setting than maybe they could build friendships instead of just diplomatic agreements. You were so right Katara.” Aang had that big goofy smile on his face and he felt warm inside seeing her look up at him with elation in her eyes and that beautiful smile on her face.
“That’s one of my favourite memories on this island,” Katara turned her eyes back to look across the water at the city skyline but could still feel Aang’s eyes on her. Her mouth turned into a smile when Aang spoke, “I think its one of mine too.”
He liked standing there with her and he could have forever but the sunrise had begun and he knew he should go. He opened his glider and Katara turned to look at him, “I should get back before they notice I’m gone.” Katara grabbed his hand in hers, “Everyone is staying here with me Aang, you should at least stay for breakfast. They’d love to see you.” Feeling her hand wrapped around his made his mind melt and instead of opening his mouth he just shut his glider and smiled. She smiled back at him and led him up the steps of the temple.
“I’m just going to wash my face and change before we head to the dining hall. Do you mind?” Aang shook his head at her and stood in the middle of the room she had brought him to as she walked away to the bathroom. He looked around the room and realized Katara had been staying in the room they had once shared together. 
He could tell from the rustled up sheets that she had started sleeping on the side of the bed he had slept on. He walked over to her dresser where he saw the necklace he had made her once so long ago draped over a picture frame of the two of them in Ba Sing Se.
He looked up from the frame and realized the bathroom door was ajar. He could see Katara through the opening as she was getting ready and realized her ebony back was exposed to him, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. She fixed her bindings and pulled the dress over her head. She pulled her thick, dark hair out from under the fabric and he turned towards to open window to regain his bearings. 
What he didn’t realize was that Katara could see his reflection in the mirror while she got dressed and it made her smirk, maybe he did still think about her the way she had been thinking about him. She left the bathroom and called to him, “You ready?”
Aang turned around and saw her standing before him in a floor-length blue dress that hugged her body. He could feel his face redden as he stared at her and he spoke softly, “Yeah, lets go.” Watching his eyes move across her made the butterflies in her stomach flutter out of control. They walked down the steps from the bedroom towards the dining area and everyone erupted. They couldn’t believe, one, that Aang had surprised them with an early visit and two, that Aang and Katara were walking in together. 
They all instantly started hugging him, asking him questions and telling him stories from their own adventures. As the conversation bustled forward and they ate their meals Aang kept looking at Katara. Being around her again made him feel like he had completely jumped out of his skin but it also made his heart hurt as he remembered he would have to leave her. Once breakfast was finished everyone waived Aang goodbye until later that evening and he walked with Katara back down to the beach.
Aang didn’t know what to say to her so before he opened his glider and took off he pulled Katara into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck and felt his hands grip her waist. When he started to pull back he spoke softly, “I’ll see you tonight.” She nodded at him as he opened his glider and shot up into the sky. She watched him fly over the bay until she couldn’t see him anymore and went back up to the temple.
She felt warm having him around again. It was like a few good moments; a few reminders of the man she had fallen so deeply in love with was enough to relight the fire in her heart. She thought it had gone out the night she left. The pain of leaving him behind when there was still so much love there was unbearable. She had spent months trying anything alleviate the pain, she would sit in the darkness, meditate, go for long walks by herself, but nothing worked. Leaving him was like losing a part of herself she had grow with over the years.
She turned back towards the temple. She had a few things to do before she started getting ready for that evenings dinner party which would start off the conference.
As the day drew to an end Aang stood in his hotel room changing from his more formal robes into his more traditional ones and waiting for the knock on the door that would notify him his presence was required. Once he had finished he stood by the window to wait, he looked out over the city and across the bay to Air Temple island where he thought of nothing but Katara. After about 20 minutes that knock on the door came and left his room to begin the evening.
The conference was being held in a large hall in downtown Republic City with a grand staircase that descended directly onto the dance floor which was surrounded by large tables for when dinner was served. As more and more people began arriving Aang found himself constantly checking the staircase to see when Katara would arrive. He was being swung from diplomat to diplomat most of the evening until finally he saw them all.
Suki descended the staircase first, arm in arm with Sokka, and they were closely followed by Chief Hakoda, Toph and Firelord Zuko. Aang pardoned himself from the conversation and walked towards his friends. He welcomed them warmly but couldn’t help himself from asking, “Where’s Katara?” As he spoke that famous shade of blue caught his eye and he looked to the top of the staircase to see her standing there. 
Her hair was pulled up with a few pieces falling down next to her face, she wore a floor-length strapless dress that hugged her natural waistline and had a heart shaped bust. Her ebony skin was practically shimmering in the golden light of the room and her eyes were sparkling down at him as she approached them all.
While everyone began to move towards the left wing of the large room Katara and Aang fell to the back of the group so as not to be overheard. Aang spoke quietly, “You look incredible. Well, you always look incredible but tonight, wow.” Katara felt a blush coming to her cheeks at the compliment and turned up to Aang to thank him but before she could speak she was interrupted by an Earth Kingdom General who had approached Aang to converse. She excused herself with a smile and continued to where Toph and Zuko were standing.
Most of the night Katara spent mingling around the room, being introduced to countless individuals by her father, and scanning the room to see who had stolen Aang’s attention this time around. While her father described to a Fire Nation Lieutenant the many healing techniques Katara had learned from the Northern Water Tribe Katara watched as three young women surrounded him and began incessantly giggling. 
She ground her teeth together and then reminded herself that she had no claim over the Avatar anymore. She turned back to her father and the young man to excuse herself, looked back to see Aang looking up at her and started walking towards Suki and Toph across the room.
“Hey Sugar Queen, enjoying the royal shin-dig?” Toph smirked as she spoke and continued to pop grapes in her mouth. Katara and Suki laughed, “I’m just about done with my father gallivanting me around the room.” Suki turned to her, “Seems to be pushing you into conversation with every eligible bachelor here, huh?” Katara looked at Suki and suddenly realized that every person her father had pulled her into a conversation with had been with a young man that wanted to hear all about her exploits.
“You’ve got to be kidding me, how could I have been so stupid,” Katara smacked her forehead. Suki and Toph started laughing at her but suddenly stopped when they noticed her father approaching them. 
“Katara I would like to introduce you to Khan, he’s here with Fire Lord Zuko for the military council tomorrow.” Khan reached out his hand to shake Katara’s and her father immediately excused himself. “Sorry about that Khan, my father can be a little much sometimes,” Katara smiled with slight annoyance.
“It’s alright, its not everyday you have the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe try to set you up with his gorgeous daughter,” Khan pulled Katara’s hand up to his lips and kissed it. She felt a blush suddenly creep across her cheeks at the compliment and before she could thank him for the compliment a voice sounded over the speakers opening the dance floor. As people started to couple off Khan turned to Katara and smiled, “Would you care to dance?” Katara nodded her head as he led her to the dance floor, took her left hand in his and placed his right hand on her back.
From across the room Aang had watched as Hakoda brought a random man to Katara and he thought nothing of it until that random man kissed her hand. His jealousy only grew as he watched this guy whisk Katara onto the dance floor and place his hands on her. He knew he couldn’t say anything because Katara was her own woman but he felt the need to blast whoever that guy was right through the roof of the building. Unfortunately, that was not very Avatar like.
Once the song had finished it was customary for the dance partners to step back and bow but when Katara rose from her curtsey she saw Aang next to Khan. He had his hand held outwards towards him, “Hello, I’m Aang, I was wondering if you minded if I asked Katara for the next dance.” 
Khan’s eyes seemed to light up at the fact that the Avatar was even talking to him and he started to stutter, “Of course Avatar Aang, I’m Khan by the way, I’m here with Fire Lord Zuko for the military conference.” Aang smiled politely at him and Katara could see there was a fire in Aang’s eyes as Khan spoke, “Thank you Khan, I’ll definitely remember to look for you at the meeting.”
As Khan walked away, an elated look on his face, Aang reached his hand out to Katara and she grasped it. Unlike Khan, who was obviously trying to keep an appropriate distance from her, Aang had pulled her in close to him and placed his open hand on the small of her back. As the music played on Aang whispered down to Katara, “Your father seems to be introducing you to every available bachelor here.” 
Katara laughed at his comment, “I think he just doesn’t like me being all by myself in the city.” Aang had been looking over Katara’s head as she spoke but when she said that he pulled back to look down at her. At the sudden movement Katara looked up to see the pain on Aang’s face, “I’m sorry for that Katara. I didn’t mean for that-.”
Before Aang couldn’t finish Katara started talking, “Aang don’t.” He stopped talking to let her continue, “We don’t have to talk about that tonight.” Her eyes started to glisten while she spoke so Aang, realizing this wasn’t the best place to have that, pulled Katara closer to him and pressed his lips against her forehead. Katara closed her eyes at the feel of his lips on her and felt a single tear fall from the corner of her eye. 
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zutaraverse · 7 years
Chapter 3 Part 1: Old Letters and New Deals
Chapter 3 of Blood, Chi and Full Moons :) 
Find previous chapters: Chapter 1 Part 1 | Chapter 1 Part 2 | Chapter 2
Zuko stared at Katara’s open palm for an eternal minute before looking back up at her face. It was worried, he registered distantly, but it seemed a world away from his thoughts right now. He took a few deep breaths.
“Katara… did you just fire bend?” he whispered, face paler than usual.
“Do you want me to do it again?” she said, trying a meek smile to cover her anxiety.
“How… how many people know you can do this?” he asked, already calculating how much damage the knowledge that this was possible would do to the world. Of course it was not as if there was some kind of law against it, but there was a sort of unspoken fear of such a thing. The fact that the Avatar was inhabited by the spirit of light somehow made it alright. But if somebody else could do the same things without being bound to do good, to bring balance, they could just as easily create chaos.
“Two. You and me. Do you think I would let anybody else know? I told the sages that the book was interesting but too obscure to really understand, and that I thought it meant meditation techniques. They bought it. And then I came straight here.” She was looking down at the grapes again, nervously awaiting his judgement.
“So, let me get this straight: you control blood which controls your chi flow. By changing the chi flow you can bend different things. And now you can bend fire. Have I missed something?”
“No, you’ve got it.” Zuko’s mind was still whirling with all the possibilities this opened up, and trying hard to ignore the image of Katara - beautiful Katara - dressed in red and fire bending alongside him.
“Zuko.. Fire is, well its beautiful. Water is powerful, it consumes and recedes, it flows through life everywhere. But fire! Fire is a spark of energy - it creates and destroys in a second - it is colour and sun and freedom - it cannot be contained and it is as infinite as life itself. It is exhilarating! I love it Zuko.”
Zuko looked at her with wide eyes. Of course she would understand his own element better than he had! It had taken him and Aang finding a lost civilisation and dancing to dragons to figure it out. But she had had to study it and learn it rather than having the ability innate. And Aang… well Aang was a scared kid with the weight of the world on his shoulders - finding the true meaning of fire was never going to come easily to him at that time. Katara wasn’t taking fire for granted.
“The dragons would love you,” he muttered, mind spinning.
“Zuko, I need somebody to teach me…”
They were interrupted by loud confident knocks at the door. They both visibly jumped, leaning back to their original positions - they hadn’t noticed how closely they had been leaning into one another over the table.
Zuko glanced nervously at Katara and cleared his throat.
“Come in,” he called, trying to compose himself.
“Prince Zuko,” started the messenger - this one was far more sure of himself than the morning one. “The Youth Army representatives have arrived and are waiting for you in your office. How long should I tell them you’ll be?”
Zuko groaned. He had forgotten he had this meeting, and undoubtedly it would go horribly.
“Don’t, I’m coming now. Katara, this may take a while, I hope I can join you for dinner. In the meantime Messenger Wang will take you to your rooms.” Zuko hated the fact that he had to talk to two grumpy old men while Katara was alone in the Palace. On the other hand, he did need time to think through things, so maybe he could zone out for a bit  and process all that she had told him.
Katara was bored. She was bored because she refused to think about the conversation she had with Zuko earlier that day. She was so nervous but she knew that she had done the right thing by telling him. Honestly, who else could she tell? Sokka was going to freak out and do something irrational - or let it slip out of his big mouth - or both. Suki was probably a good option but Katara seriously doubted Suki’s ability to keep things from Sokka. Plus, she probably wouldn’t understand since she couldn’t bend. Hakoda was absolutely out of the question! Although if he knew he would probably stop bugging her about taking a Northern Water Tribe husband; that little secret would get out and it would probably get very ugly. Aang would go on about what was right and natural and balance and blah blah blah and then either make her change her chi flow back or remove both her fire and water bending! Which would probably kill her.
Toph and Zuko were the only ones left. Toph was a very real possibility but she was La knows where on her own little missions - and besides, she couldn’t fire bend. And Katara wanted to fire bend before earth bending….
Shit, when had she made the decision to learn earth bending?!
Zuko was her last option. And actually she was quite happy about that.
During her journeys, she had sent messenger hawks to all her friends from various locations, telling them she was alright and about the odd people she had come across. Leaving out, of course, what she was doing. Their replies had been predictable.
Toph’s were sparse because she was travelling much too, and sometimes they would need to be sent on to Katara’s next location from the last. And besides, Toph needed somebody to read them out to her and then write what she said down - which had the pleasant side effect of being exactly what Toph would say had she been there, sarcasm and all!
Sokka and Suki’s were a clash of the two personalities (how did they end up together again?), and they eventually settled with writing separate letters on the same scroll and sending them both. Often they described the same things in entirely different ways - and Katara knew to trust Sukki over her brother.
Ty Lee and Mai always made Katara smile - Mai’s cynicism was light hearted for once, and Ty Lee always drew something entertaining. At first Katara wasn’t so sure about their friendship, but over the year that they had spent cleaning up after the war they had proved themselves worthy allies.
Mai knew politics inside out and her stern voice coupled with her impassable features made her indispensable in negotiations. And Ty Lee - well - she was good fun, although it still spooked everybody out when she did her acrobatics.
They both grew to respect Katara more than they originally had - unlike Azula, they respected their opponents - and Katara loved being around girls more or less her own age for once. They talked about boys and hair and music and make up… as well as chi blocking, knives, fans and water whips… but sometimes, when it was just Mai, Ty Lee, Suki and Katara, it almost resembled a group of girls in a normal town discussing normal things. It made Katara more confident in herself, in her looks, her dancing - she learned to flirt and chi block from Ty Lee, negotiate and knife throw from Mai, dance and manipulate fans from Suki. From her they learned how to cook and sew, how to hunt and gut, and how to really really get on Zuko’s nerves. In the end, Ty Lee had been serious about joining the Kyoshi warriors, and Mai had suddenly decided to do the same, after coming to the realisation that she loved Ty Lee as more than a friend.
To be honest, Katara could understand that. The two friends were the only people in the entire world that understood one another. Nobody else had been friends with Azula. Sure, people had worked with her, followed her orders, been around her a lot but nobody else had crossed that line into some semblance of friendship. Mai, Ty Lee and Zuko had been the only three crying after Azula’s suicide. She had completely lost her mind and in a frenzy set herself on fire, screaming that fire was the most powerful element and it was the only thing that she would allow to consume her. Katara shuddered at the harrowing memory. So it was natural and unquestioned when Mai and Ty Lee took solace in one another’s arms.
Aang. Well. Aang never replied. She knew he got the letters because the messenger hawks always came back, but never with any reply. Whether he actually read her letters she did not know. He might have burned them immediately for all she knew. But in the two years she never stopped sending them, hoping that one day he might grow out of his self imposed seclusion from his friends. That day hadn’t come.
Zuko’s were the ones she most anticipated though. They had a sort of unspoken agreement not to discuss their ‘work’; letters could always be intercepted. Zuko’s meetings were mostly confidential, and Katara didn’t want anybody to know what she was doing. Instead they discussed people (whose names they replaced with numbers) they had each met - how annoying or obtuse or frustrating, lovely or kind or wise they were. Zuko told her about life at the Palace and she told him about all the places she was seeing. Eventually they started daydreaming in their letters - sharing little fantasies and dreams, stories they had come up with. What if everybody had wings? What if the Water Tribe had decided to dominate the world instead of the Fire Nation?
She loved these because when she was stressed or angry or alone she knew that in his letters she would find her same emotions mirrored or a complete distraction from the world they lived in. It turned out better than she had even expected - in the two years she had got to know Zuko in a way she doubted the others did. In person he was quick to anger and low in self confidence. He was always painfully aware of his tendency to say things in an odd way or not get his point across. In person, in the year after the war, she found him infuriating! He was constantly berating himself for his blunders and mistakes rather than taking the lead. To be fair, he had improved tenfold during that year, but she still saw it in him by the year’s end. In letters, though, he could think about how he was phrasing things and the conversation was never interrupted by fits of frustration or anger from either of them. She knew that he took time in what he wrote and that he was proud of the things he sent her.
She kept all her letters, but she re-read Zuko’s most often. In fact… she should have them just here…
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