#so glad to hear that I'm an inspiration to you HEHEHEH.....
bruhstation · 24 days
I don't understand people who come to your blog and tell you to get a job and stop making art based on a show for kids. Like, what's wrong with them? 💀 People can't have a job/study a career and having passions at the same time?
It's so easy to ignore and keep scrolling down...
How unhappy somebody has to be with their life to bother others on the internet? How miserable somebody has to be to invade someone's safe place on the internet and send them hate and calling them cringe?
The way these kind of people behave makes me think they are just envious by seeing a person making art or content related to their favorite things in the world...
Btw I really admire you as an artist! Your art is so beautiful. I love the style, the colors, the symbolisms, the lore and the little details you add to make it unique!!! Please, keep going. You are a big inspiration for many in the TTTE fandom💚🚂
thank you for the kind words, val! I dunno what's with their mindset -- people make gijinkas of kids medias like mlp and sonic and cars all the time, but when it's ttte, it's suddenly weird? I'm not angry or sad! I'm just wondering why. ttte's lore is interesting too and it's been a thing for almost 80 years. it's easy to ignore haters, in my experience. I've had many run-ins with such people in the past, and to be honest I'm no longer discouraged. they wanna play with me? I'll play too! the key is to not let them win -- they say those words casually in hopes that it'll impact you severely. get what I mean?
it's an unspoken rule in the internet that if your niche content escapes your personal circle/fandom, outsiders are bound to be caught off guard by it, spread it anywhere they want, or even call you unsavory things. especially if you have a pretty sizeable following. unfortunately, that's a risk you have to be ready to accept. you gotta defend yourself, but don't lose your cool. act like the bigger, more civil person so the other can be more at a disadvantage and look more like a fool. classic debating tactics (also it's kinda fun at this point like remember skipo123 from january)
not to mention, the amount of people that love and support me immensely outweighs those that hate me and my interests. a thousand to one, even! that would be unfair to my supporters for me to just feel down from one insensitive comment, no? let's all hold hands and have fun! let's unlearn shame together :]
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remedyturtles · 13 days
hi happy weekend! just needed to let you know that (4 months later) i finally listened to baby boy by mother mother, and it's as if the stars aligned. like, obvi i knew the title + fic were inspired by the song, but after really listening to it im still astonished by how you encapsulated its entire essence into death wish. not even just the perfect parallels between the lyrics and your writing, by also how the entirety of death wish really reflects the sort of entropy of the last minute or so of the song. anyways, ive added the song to my playlist and really just wanted to let you know that no matter how much time passes after reading this fic, it remains living in my mind rent free.
hehehehe that's awesome!!! i'm so glad to hear it!!! :D i do love getting inspired by music sm
fun fact, it'll be death wish's one year anniversary on june 2nd!! isn't that wild...............
unrelated but this was a message i sent recently. for absolutely no reason. /ominous
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abeinginsand · 11 months
hello~~~ i've never posted a fic on tumblr before and ya can't reply to tags like ya can reply to comments on ao3 sjdondladn so this is me saying THANK YOU SO MUCH YOUR TAGS R SO SWEET🥺🥺🥺
one of my fave parts is also link holding taylor's face instead of his arms cuz it's like ahh he doesn't wanna hurt him more but still needs to ground him so he finds a way ykykyk
i also really enjoyed writing taylor feeling like such a mess but feeling like the most beautiful thing with the way link looked at him ♡♡♡
i'm glad that their thoughts were fitting and flowed well heheheh 💖💖 and i'm.happy you liked the dividers too!! i thought they were cute :)
ty for reading💖💖💖🌈🌈🌈🤘🤘🤘💥💥💥
Hello cookies!! You're welcome and thank you for the ask :] I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the tags. The scenes were very easy to imagine and just so so sweet!! ❤️ Was a fun read, well formatted, and glad you enjoyed writing it (especially those scenes in particular). Inspiring me to draw swiftli again soon as fic fanart or just in general hehe :D --- Go check out their awesome swiftli fic here: the gap between a tragedy and comedy
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seakicker · 1 year
heyo, it's 🏈, and uhhh juju you have sparked the urge for me to write some fanfic, which i haven't done in like years. and its smut which I've never done! ill send it here when its done but uhh no promises on if its any good in your experienced eyes
STOP OMG IM FLATTERED ;_; i like knowing that i can inspire the creative spark in other people so i'm glad to hear it!!!!! i eagerly await to see your work hehehehe. don't stress yourself out trying to meet some standard, just have fun! writing is all about having a good time
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kraptos · 1 year
AOS is so tender to Kratos...it's so sweet how he guides him and helps him be kinder to atreus. Ugh I'm absolutely in love with his character
HEHEHEHE..... i'm so glad to hear you like him!!!! he's still a teacher at heart & as much as he rejects spartan customs, he's always proud to be kratos's inspirer :""")
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daechwitatamic · 1 month
Hi Jo! How have you been? I really loved Of Ruin!!!! I know it's been a bit of time since you posted the last chapter, but congratulations on finishing another amazing series!
I'm still having a tough time lately so sorry I have not been more active on here, but your recent post made me laugh because there is no way in any world that a character even loosely inspired by Taehyung would load the dishwasher correctly. But if you asked him why he did it the way he did, he sure would have absolutely bonkers logic for it. For example, the spoons go next to the bowls because you use a spoon to eat things in bowls, duh! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face today with that :)
hiiiiii palm tree!! i'm always so happy to hear from you!
thank you, i'm glad of ruin was a fun time for you!!
i'm so sorry to hear that you're still struggling. sending you strength and peace in bounds.
hehehehe i'm really happy that the silly dishwasher post made you smile!! and you are SO right, taehyung would legit be like "but those two plates don't like each other" iawjfouqehfiuqehfuoqeh TELL ME I'M WRONG (it's giving Moira Rose organizing her wigs if u are/were a schitt's creek girlie like me)
<3 stay well, take it easy on yourself
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hwajin · 1 year
Yeah that's on me I'm shadowbanned 😭😭 so I can't message you either so we'll just have to communcate like this for a while lmfao I've been on an exchange semester and without writing inspiration so I've been off of this app for a bit but I miss the good times I had on here so I'm back lol glad to hear your exam went well :)
OMG yeah i can see your ask now, shadowbans suck so bad omg but i'm glad to hear your well!! exchange semester sounds sm fun omg and but it's fun to have you back as well hehehehe
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alphonseelriic · 1 year
Good week to you Sofia!
I'm so proud of you for doing well on such a hard final and feeling good about it! Congrats! 😄
Omg that sounds like a perfect summer day tbh, being able to hang out outside wayyy late (definitely not enough space for that where I live and neighbors would probably complain 😭 lol!). Please enjoy your pool and family again this year! Do you have any favorite foods, seasonal or otherwise? To fill those long tables I imagine. 😉 Thanks for sharing a bit of your culture!
Omg same tho, I always kinda envied people who knew exactly what they wanted cus I surely did not either lol and kinda stumbled into my field today too, for better or worst lol. But that's great, you took reading and found something you could see yourself doing! As long as your enjoying what you do and have plans for what's next, I think you picked just fine! And oh! Text correcting, that's different!! Feel like I should ask then, what's your favorite book? Any favorite quotes? 👀
Hey, me too about anime fueling me to the manga!! Thats how I got into the few I have read lol. SxF IS SO GOOD, Im also the one who is entirely in love from the anime haha. I'm glad to hear you were able to find such characters to relate to!!
And you have such lovely fav colors too, they really fit with how warm and kind it feels talking to you!! ❤ (sorry these asks are so long btw, trying to cut down 😭 but I love hearing all your responses and have more to say!)
But to ask the importance, which scenes in FMAB, Haikyuu, SxF or MP100 (feel free to pick a few or just one) are your fav? 👀
- Animanga 🎅
Hi hi secret santa 💕 hope you had a great week too!!
Awww tysm for the congrats :') I took my last exam (for the time being) this tuesday and now I'm finally free for a while 😎 feels really rewarding indeed heheheh
Yeah it's honestly a perfect plan for me too!! I understand :/ here we usually choose the house of whoever family member/friend has the most space lol but I'm sure things get harder for people who live in small neighborhoods or apartments 😔
Oh this is a hard question for me bc I love food HAHAHAH I'm pretty sure my favorite christmas meal (more of a snack tho) is panettone, my mom's homemade one with chocolate chips specifically :') Some dishes and snacks from my country that I really like are empanadas (almost any filling, but fried ones with meat are top notch), locro and alfajores :D Other random food I like a lot are ravioli and salami sandwiches (or salami anything tbh). You're welcome!! I love talking about it ❤️ I would also love to know what your favorite foods are!! If you don't mind telling me ;)
Awww thanks so much for the reassuring words!! I honestly really enjoyed going through this path so despite the doubts and insecurities I still don't regret it :') Congrats on finding a field that fits you!! And don't worry about it taking a little longer for you, we all live and discover ourselves at our own paces❣️
Oohhh boy, this is gonna be a long list hahaha Some of my favorite books are:
Pride and prejudice -Jane Austen (I want to read more books from her, haven't had the time yet)
Wuthering Heights -Emily Brontë
Anne of Green Gables / Emily of New Moon -Lucy Maud Montgomery
Howl's moving castle -Diana Wynne Jones (inspired the ghibli film!!)
Lengua madre -María Teresa Andruetto
La sombra del viento -Carlos Ruiz Zafón
The Metamorphosis -Franz Kafka
Pax -Sara Pennypacker
Fairy Oak (book saga) -Elisabetta Gnone
The Secret Garden -Frances Hodgson Burnett
These are just a few, I don't have much time to read for myself ever since I started uni unfortunately :( I have to read so much for it that it kinda sucks out all of my will to read in my free time lol
It seems our taste keeps aligning when it comes to anime/manga ;) aww you're so sweet 🥹 talking to you is just as lovely!! I'm so glad to have you as my secret santa 💕 please don't apologize for the length, I love these long messages!!
Oohhh another really interesting question 👀 some of my favs are:
[spoilers below]
FmaB: when Ed comforts Winry after she failed to kill Scar, when Al finally gets the chance to get his body back but has to refuse it bc it's not strong enough to keep fighting for the ones he loves 🥺 Ed and Winry's final scene in the train
Mp100: when Mob helps that girl restore her notebook with the story she wrote, when Mob and Reigen made up after their fight and Mob tells him he's a good person :')
Haikyuu: when Tsuki scores a point against Shiratorizawa, most moments where Hinata gets his crow wings, when Yamaguchi makes a successful serve against Aoba Johsai in S2 (there were probably many more but the show is kind of a blur in my memory rn, I should probably rewatch it someday)
SxF: most shenanigans between Anya and Damian, when the family welcomes Bond for the first time and he finally gets a home, whenever Yor saves Anya from trouble (but honestly I enjoy all the little moments in this show..)
Hope that works!! I can think of more if you want ✨ until next time 😘
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revivebook · 3 years
awe I'm ur little medical issue now <3 that's honestly really funny I love it
I want to ask if u have ur suspicions on who I could be but I both think that'll ruin the fun and make me think too much about the possibility of me not being who ur hoping for so for now anonymity in your guess and my identity is the most fun
anyways since I hope u'll be asleep/at least in bed by the time I send this, time for another song that makes me think of u :]
the good part by ajr! honestly it mostly makes me think about this little, for lack of a better way to put it, game we have going on, how unreal this feels and how I want to just jump the gun and say who I am already but it's more about the journey than the destination, I know? not to mention woo-ing you is quite entertaining if I'm honest :]c since you woo'd me so quickly someone's gotta make this a slow burn ✋🙄 (/lh ily <3)
- lovingly soft anon
Hehehehe I am glad you like it bc i’m not changing it bc it is Accurate >:] inspired by what the hell you make my heart do
And even if you asked, I’m not going to tell you if I have suspicions either way because I am Evil. Also for the reasons you stated :D I like the little dance we have goin on with eachother, and I wanna let you be blanketed in that comforting veil for as long as you wanna be and what I said Absolutely Still Stands. I don’t mind if it’s months from now, I’ll wait you out, just so long as you don’t go anywhere too
AND. !!!!! SONG
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I’d never heard it before but oh my god I Love It. And I absolutely get what you mean :D teenage impulsiveness my Constant. Honestly, I think I wanna stay in this liminal little space with you at least a little longer—I wanna hear the things you’re doing or thinking or the like without you having to Worry, y’know?
And ooo is this me being wooed?? I’ll be real with you my beloved, I’m not feeling very wooed at the minute smh. Better pick up the pace big man, you’re slowing down (semicolon end bracket)
Also. I wasn’t asleep smile /mischievous and I may or may not have looped it until I fell asleep :)
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—love, ram
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deancaskiss · 3 years
ooooh i definitely vote for the mind reading fic prompt!! that sounds like such a fun concept (okay they BOTH do but I'm leaning towards this one) and i adore your writing so much and i KNOW you'll totally crush that prompt in the absolute best way!! but no matter which one wins i cannot wait to read it!! 💕
Hello there beautiful nonnie! Thank you very much for voting for the mind reading fic prompt for what i should write next! I’m so glad you think it sounds like a fun concept and that’d you’d want to read the idea if I wrote it! (Heheheh oh boy am I glad to hear you say that because I’m definitely considering writing both at some point soon!) omg you are so so so sweet! Thank you a billion times for saying you adore my writing so much! I swear my heart just burst with happiness <3 i’m so glad you have so much faith in my writing skills to think I will crush the mind reading prompt! It’s just so sweet and so reassuring to know that you’ll be happy to read either idea when I write it! Y’all make me feel so special and I swear so much of my inspiration and motivation comes from you and your excitement/interaction with my writing! Thank you so much for voting and for saying you like that idea so much! 💕
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crimson-chains · 6 years
Ahh I only discovered your page recently but I just wanna say I absolutely adore your art style! It gives me life! You seem like such a lovely person too and I'm always happy when I see you've posted something new! Your mafia AU's actually inspired me to try making my own comic, so thanks for that too! Just wanted to make sure you were aware of what an amazing person you are and how much I love your stuff! Can't wait to see more! 🍍
HEHEHEHEThank you so much!!! OwOI’m so glad that you like my art!!! >///w///And wow, it’s super amazing to hear that you have been inspired to make your own comic!!!YOU GONNA DO GREAT!!! and awww, I’m so flattered that you also think I’m great as a person ;w;LOTS OF GOOD THINGS TO COME FOR SURE! >u
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