#so he's the Selfship (tm)
echoes-lighthouse · 4 months
Tate and Echo: The Full Story
I'm trying to get all my lore for my selfships down on paper, and people said they would be most likely to engage with text posts with illustrations, so that's what I'm doing! I'm writing them so that they're hopefully understandable to people who don't know the source material (in this case, American Horror Story Season 1)
Previously: Toga
This selfship is pretty damn dark because of the source material being a horror show, so content warnings for murder, ableism, abuse, sexual assault, school shootings, suicide, toxic relationships, self harm, and parent/child death. Also I really struggled to summarize the ending to the story, because it's a bit of an eldritch ritual thing that only makes sense in the context of the story I haven't written lol
Chapter One: Backstories 
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Tate Langdon was born in 1977, the youngest of three siblings and the first to be born without a disability. Accordingly, he grew up as his abusive mother’s ‘golden child,’ trying to protect his siblings and ultimately failing. His father allegedly ran away with an affair partner when he was six years old, leaving him the “man of the house” according to his mother (who had, in fact, killed his father and the affair partner). 
When Tate was 17, his older brother was murdered with the direction of his mother, who didn’t want him taken away from her due to her abuse (chaining him in the attic). Tate tried to kill his brother’s murderer, then killed fifteen people at his school, Westfield High, and committed suicide via police. 
Tate died in the property known as “the Murder House,” in which all people who die there remain in the house as ghosts, to serve an unknown hunger that lingers in its history. 
Echo Makovsky was born in 1987, an only child. They grew up happily, a third-generation witch with traditions passed down from their grandmother. They occasionally struggled with their powers, but ultimately graduated high school and went into a teaching degree. 
In 2012, everything went wrong for Echo: their best friend died in a car accident, their parents both passed away in the span of eight months. They took two months of bereavement, and then left their job altogether. By the next year, they had taken a new job teaching in the US, and they were looking at places to stay. 
While visiting for an interview, they took a tour of the Murder House and were immediately struck by the house’s energy. They went back to Canada, considered their options, and ultimately used their parents’ inheritance to buy the property. 
August 2014 finds Echo moving into the house that has claimed so many spirits, not knowing what they will find there… and also taking a teaching position at Westfield High. 
Chapter Two: First Meeting 
Echo enters the house and immediately starts to have nightmares. The house has many interlocking desires, but one of the pressing ones is to have a baby, to create a baby, to have something small to hold and nurture. Tate has promised one of the other ghosts that he’ll get them a baby, and Echo looks like a perfect opportunity. Among the nightmares of fire and bathtubs and searching endless hallways, Echo has a dream that a man comes to their room in the night and forces himself on them. 
That is, technically, Tate and Echo’s first meeting, although only one of them knows it. 
Echo starts to explore the house and encounter the spirits that dwell within it. They start to get into little routines: reading children’s books to the unseen sisters who like to sit by the fireplace and whisper to each other, making tea for the woman who wanders through the kitchen every day in tears, and rolling a ball back and forth with the spirit in the attic, who never speaks. 
One day, Echo is playing with the ghost in the attic and Tate introduces himself, joining the two of them. He tells Echo about Beau, his brother, the spirit chained in the attic. Tate is the first ghost that can actually talk to Echo properly, and they’re determined to get more information from him. 
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Chapter Three: Getting Together 
Tate starts following Echo around after that, asking them questions and stealing their books. Echo likes him: he’s sardonic and sweet, clingy but goading in turn. He has information and tips about the spirits of children in the house, but stays closed-mouthed about most of the adults. The gaps in his information only make Echo more interested in his story, as do the inconsistencies in his behavior. 
Tate has always known how to be sweet and lovely: he knows that he’s pretty, he knows that he can use it to his advantage. The difference is that he’s never wanted to before. His mother always wanted him to be the perfect son, charming and soft, so he made himself as sharp and abrasive as he could manage. 
Now, he wants Echo for himself. He knows that the house wants them: he knows that every member of the house will want something from them. Tate is determined to stake his claim first, enough that Echo will choose him when the others come knocking. 
So he plays the vulnerable, the bird with a wounded wing. He’s attentive, he plays with his sweater sleeves, he confesses his insecurities, he talks about his nightmares instead of his hallucinations. He tries not to flinch under the onslaught of affection he receives in return, but it’s still not enough, still not more than Echo gives to all the members of the house. So he crawls into their arms and presses them against the back of the couch and Echo takes him to bed. 
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And Tate thought he would be satisfied: he’s special, he’s chosen, but he’s lying. He’s playing a part and it’s starting to make him feel sick. The closer Echo gets to the other spirits, the closer Echo gets to finding out about the first night they were together, and Tate still can’t tell them how he died, or how he knew his mother abused his siblings and did nothing, or anything that isn’t part of the sweet boy he’s made himself into, to be easy to swallow, easy to hold. 
Part Four: Where We’re At  The Conclusion
It’s at work that things fall apart: in a conversation with another teacher, Tate is mentioned as the shooter that caused so much collective trauma at the school, and the pieces start clicking together. I hold onto the information for a while, resentful of needing to be the one to bring it up, trying to look at Tate from the right angle to make it all make sense. Trying to pretend that things can keep going as they’ve been. 
Filled with my months of labor and love, the house is finally opening up. Knowing that it might mean abandoning Tate, I descend into the heart of the house and give myself to the deepest reaches of the house’s need. I no longer know if I can fix things, with Tate or with the house itself, but I no longer care about my own well-being, and I can hope that my sacrifice will help. 
The house accepts me, and the First Abandoned Child, Thaddeus, is reborn through me: a bloody process that would have killed me if the spirits of the house hadn’t come together to save me. I come out of the process alive and with a baby in my arms, which is a bit of a shock since I was on birth control this whole time and have never intended to have a baby. But the house is suddenly alive again, and the spirits are given the chance to move on. 
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Not all of them choose to leave: Nora stays to be with her child properly, the twins want to stay to cause more mischief, and there are a couple of ghosts who just aren’t ready for whatever comes next, but a great majority move on. 
And then there is Tate. 
For a while, I think he might have left without saying goodbye: I don’t see him anywhere, and I grieve for him with the others, but I’m still hopeful. Eventually, he comes to me, and we can finally talk honestly. It’s a long discussion, but Tate decides to stay, at least for a while. And I love him, as he is. It will take a long time for him to believe it, but I’m willing to put in the work. I can remodel the house, I can keep the gardens, I can raise my child, and I can love Tate unconditionally. 
In the years to come, Thaddeus will grow, and the remaining spirits will move on, but as long as they are in the house, I will love them, and when the time comes to let go, I will continue to love them, wherever they are. 
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shipsational · 2 months
Not to be the bird mutual but Hatoful Boyfriend Self Insert my beloved, I can't remember if you ever said what kind of bird you are and/or what you do at the school? Are you a fellow teacher or a student? Hiyoko replacement S/I?
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so my selfship with shuu is solidly human!verse actually! partially cause its a little easier to draw for me but also because its easier for me to approach for interactions (since all the biowarfar is tied directly to them being birds tho i'll have to work out those details later, altho i might also keep it kind of slice-of-lifey, we'll see!)
as for my insert, they're a student and im considering making them a freshman to be Extra Problematic about it because if there's one thing about me its that im gonna Stay on that student/teacher, inappropriate age gap grind
they arent quite a hiyoko replacement, but their interactions with shuu play out mostly the same if you go through his route, right down to the 'accidentally' helping him cover his tracks, to the cannibalism
there's Something Wrong TM with my insert and they're down for everything the doctor is putting on the table because there's absolutely a mutual obsession thing brewing here
at some point shuu tries to kill them cause that's just what he's Like, but it backfires terribly cause im already prepared for him to try it and my god the man has no feeling in half his body, his only hope was catching me off guard and he Didn't. i steal his ribbon to start wearing around my neck as a big open secret that everybody is whispering about but he cant do anything about it publicly without confirming whatever weird things people are assuming about us already- its all v scandelous
i should do a bird-verse tho, at the Very Least i should have a bird i associate with my insert cause like literally why have i not??
altho even in the birdie verse i still think my insert would be human because i love a good inter-species self ship
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missyblogs · 2 months
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Saw folks doing selfship templates sooo hopping on the bandwagon with these two! unaltered OG can be found here! This expands on the aesthetic version I'm working on for my About Me because I have many Thoughts about these two that I haven't had the spoons to draw for and one tiny little box won't explain why they "both" cook ( the answer is Sporty does it more bc he cooks healthier, but Sophia brings the entire town to the yard on mac n cheese Mondays )
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- The relationship not only comes very close to not happening but Sportacus also comes dangerously close to losing a friend for good. He was trying to be respectful, to keep a friendly distance because he wasn't sure Sophia felt the same way and didn't want to assume, but his plan to bite back his feelings for the sake of keeping her close backfired spectacularly when she took this as an implicit sign of rejection Note: he did not ever say no and they did not discuss dating. It was a topic neither of them broached. A + communication here, absolutely stellar /sarcastic - As an ADHDer with poorly treated symptoms, Sophia is unable to mask and is well aware that her heart is glued to her sleeve. She'll never be content with friendship but for at least the first two months she thinks she can pretend, for his sake. She can quietly fall apart when she thinks no one is looking. Cue Stephanie's 3rd try at an appreciation party and the realization that... the artist knows a lot about this guy that most people don't, but she actually can't be in the same room with him anymore. Not for something she helped plan so intricately, not for something made with a love that is eating her alive, not for something about him. If she hears him call her "friend" one more time she will Simply Die - Sophia has been rejected before. Publicly. Multiple Times. She would rather unceremoniously cut people out of her life than set herself up for that again and is fully prepared to do exactly that. - This goes about as well as expected with Sportacus, who is devastated at the thought of the person he adores more than anything else just,, not being in his life anymore... so when she starts avoiding him after the final time that he confirms "you are my friend", he takes it pretty hard - Robbie is LIVING for this... at first. He has no idea what brought on the change but he could have never dreamed that the thorn in his side could become such a soggy wet cat on main and he is soaking up his nemesis's misery, reveling in that delicious humiliation. He doesn't even NEED a Rotten Plan TM - He's not so excited, however, when his best friend stops sleeping, stops laughing, stops singing. She won't eat his cake anymore and he hasn't seen such a dark hopeless look in her eyes in years. She's hurting and he doesn't like THAT one bit - Stephanie to the rescue! She knows exactly what's up and cutely sets the pair up for a talk without telling the town storyteller - This is the first and one of the only times Sportacus sees Sophia angry and he is stunned. He had known something was off but he could never have imagined how he came across to her or how deeply she felt about him or just how much he hurt her without even knowing. - "We are NOT friends. I can't pretend, not when I've loved you my whole life" ( A slight exaggeration considering that she has known him three months, but it gets the point across that she's never been normal about him and suddenly he realizes exactly how bad the both of them have been at communicating. Oops ) - The rest of their relationship goes pretty smoothly up until Robbie connects the dots. Sophia has to get her scissors out again for a different person this time but that may or may not be an infodump for a different template >. > - Realistically she knows that Sportacus is not the type either of her exes were but you get lied to enough you learn not to trust people - He doesn't take it personally. He is pretty horrified when he hears the way she was treated before she moved across the pond though and it convinces him to take a closer look at his policy of trying to befriend people unconditionally. This also convinces him to strengthen his boundaries with the town and start teaching the kids about consent and the importance of ✨ honest conversation ✨ lest they also find themselves shrugging off being poisoned and smiling politely at being pressured into remote controlled shoes... or ghosted by their zing
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loveydoveylex · 3 months
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I hope you don't mind me answering this over on this blog instead of my main - I'm still way too embarrassed to openly talk about my selfship with tintin over there lol.
but anyway - it's not a stupid question at all, dw! I am okay with it! he deserves all the love. I will say though, selfshipping is very personal to me so I'm not really good at shared gushing with others haha, I prefer to stay in my own lane for that. but I don't at all mind fellow Tintin Lovers(tm) interacting with me!
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prettyrentrybases · 4 months
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★ Welcome to prettyrentrybases, an account I started out of my love for making rentries!
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Requests are usually ALWAYS open, but I do take time to get to them of course ^_^" ; If anything changes, this will be edited to reflect it :]
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[Request] - Priority, Something requested of me [Self] - Secondary, Stuff I'm doing on my own
Bok-su ; Married in Red [Self] Boothill ; Honkai Star Rail [Self]
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o/ Hello! My name is TM. I am 19 and go by he/him. I made this account because I like making rentries. Not everyone has the spare time or effort to make their own and I found the currently available bases to be either too much(complex) or too little(not aesthetically appealing), so I decided to just start making my own based off of my favorite medias (and what my friends asked me to make). My goal is to make them easy to access for beginners, but still cute!
My account is safe for all queer and neurodivergent people; This includes neopronoun/xenogender users and systems.
I don't mind if you reblog my posts with headmate/kin/selfship tags, and I also have a Ko-fi! No pressure to send tips but I appreciate the support!
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To keep this account a safe and comfortable space for myself and others, I do have a DNI. Proshippers, Vivziepop Fans, Funamusea Fans, Dream & Wilbur Soot Fans. If you run accounts based around these topics and interact with me you will be blocked.
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red , orange , yellow , green , blue , purple , pink white , grey , black
mobile friendly , not mobile friendly light mode , dark mode
★ admin posts
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Drake Blue [@silveredcircuitry] (she/her)
I was OBSESSED with Drake for like. several years. I drew her so much. Funnily enough though she was never the main protagonist, generally serving the role of "the narrator's best/first friend who knows magic in this urban fantasy setting". She was the extroverted, knowledgeable, tomboyish foil to my various introverted, new-to-this, vaguely feminine self-inserty protagonists I wrote. Her full first name is Dracanea or something but no iteration of her is terribly fond of it. She also for some reason used an abbreviation of her last name in early versions (I guess to either sound less pretentious or blend in) but eventually i just made Blue her actual last name upon understanding nobody does that.
She's half dragon on her mother's side, giving her an array of abilities that shifted a bit depending on whether I felt like including them. These almost always included superhuman strength and resilience, flight, and some flavor of pyrokinesis. She has wings that she could shapeshift away in some iterations but her flight is more magic channeled through having her wings out than actually using them properly. Also sometimes fangs which I rarely drew on her. Generally not great at the magic in the setting but not so much catastrophically terrible so much as she just. doesn't use magic that often.
She fucking hated dresses and preferred to wear whatever was comfortable and easy to climb/run/fly/fight/do whatever else in. I have one drawing of her burning a bunch of dresses and other girly accessories and I genuinely cannot tell if this was me characterizing her as a TomboyTM, just part of my "let's be feminist in the most cliche ways possible because i have unresolved issues and all the boys in my class bully me" phase, or Indicative of Something TM. Or like. All three.
She was a whole bunch of things kid-me thought was cool, but not in what seems to be the usual way. She wasn't someone I wanted to BE so much as someone I wanted to be friends with. Strong in a lot of ways that I was weak in, and I think having more distance between her and myself than the aforementioned dozens of self-inserts helped get me more obsessed with her. ALSO one of my earliest developed non-insterting-an-existing-person-or-character-into-the-story OCs.
she also made it into my very dead webcomic that i will not share a title or too too much information about besides the fact that i made her slightly terrible at hiding her powers and also in a lopsided rivalry with a sorceror who keeps trying to beat her in a fight just to prove he can. He doesn't actually succeed ever and she is increasingly annoyed with him especially once he dragged someone else into it. She could shove him in a locker and he would not be able to stop her.
Jenn Adreana [@apotheoseity] (she/her)
Despite her being made when I was literally NINE YEARS OLD (and I just turned 20), Jenn is still a character I regularly use and draw. Originally made for rp on the children’s coding website Scratch, and at one point used as an avenue to —at different points in time— selfship with multiple characters including Dipper Pines and Monika from DDLC, she’s changed drastically over the years. But she never stopped being an overpowered, shapeshifting mary sue 😌
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sheepie-self-ships · 8 months
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Aw man that one post about you being the f/o has been stuck in my head all day… anyways I have drawings queued up for tomorrow but I have so much more I’ve thought about LMAO these are gonna be really self projecting but I need to remember CRINGE IS DEAD BECAUSE I KILLED IT !!!
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Ok so Bones is the one selfshipping with his blorbo Ace from his shows, right?
So for the media Ace is from, I think it’s still the Aqua.bats, it’s just Different. The cast is different, smaller, and it’s still got the classic uniform and everything. Basically it’s the su.per sh.ow but without the actual guys, just different characters
I think the guys in this AU are all college roommates bwjsjs
Jimmy selfships along with Bones, he just ships with a different character, @doing-science who’s character Kae is the ‘bats videographer who also turns into a dog at night
Ricky kinda makes fun of Bones and Jimmy for selfshipping, not really knowing what all it’s about, until he goes on to look it up himself. He ends up making a secret selfship blog and ships with an OC of his (it’s really just Quera from the irl AB!SS!) he becomes secret mutuals with Jimmy and Bones but still pokes fun at them in person 💀
Crash doesn’t really get the whole shipping thing, but he likes watching the show casually with Bones and Jimmy
The commander cares not at all for any of what’s going on, he’d rather be at a party on campus or something bwjsjs
This universe’s AB!SS! is a lot more successful than the one we have irl,,, it has more merch for Jimmy and Bones to collect, Jimmy doesn’t get very much merch but he has a few Kae specific things, Bones goes HAM on merch. He’s got all the CDs, the first few seasons of the show on dvd, he’s got tshirts, he’s got hoodies, he’s got the themed socks and he even got a hot topic exclusive edition of the Ace funko pop 🙄 there’s a few pieces of merch that elude him, but he has too much at this point already
He doesn’t exclusively have aqua.bats merch, though that’s most of it. he normally just gets like random band tshirts and stuff for other media, never to the same extent
Jimmy makes his own merch sometimes
Jimmy and bones went plushie shopping together, Jimmy got a big dog plush that looked like Kae’s dog form, and Bones got an official tm Ace plush, a small pink bat, and a little falcon plushie so that he could put it with the pink bat plushie :3
Jimmy and bones go to their local convention and see some Aqua.bats cosplayers cosplaying Ace and Kae and they psych themselves out and lose them before they can ask for pictures in a calm enough manner 💀
Bones listens to all the interviews and podcasts and stuff about his version of the Aqua.bats, and gives Jimmy the run down on what goes on in them
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Those are all I can think of atm bwjsjsk anyways
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rotary-phonecall · 1 year
[!!!]If you follow me and get a follow back by @sans-au-war-ii, that IS me ...its a long story and Im lazy ig [!!!]
My Name is Killer, (hi <3), I mainly go by He/It but I use any pronouns.
I like saying 80s slangstuff (feel free to tell me if you DONT want to be called 'dude/dudette/broski/etc.')
And now, for my own tags (which Ill never use btw.):
Fandoms im in (hyperfixation level varies. So does use.):
#the KC Stickmin Collection / #TKSC - this is my THSC tag
#Stoatal misplay - Inscryption mentioned!!!!
#Everhood Tag - go play everhood.
#UTDR Tag - this is my utdr (& AUs) tag
#Dialtown Tag - this is my DT tag
#Danganronpa Tag - "dang it" -granpa
My Own Content Tags:
#Killer Art Tag - this is my art tag
#Killer Ask Tag - for when Handy asks TM
#Killer Ask Game Tag - this is my ask game tag*
#Killer's GNARLY oc tag - this is my oc tag
#Tagless behavior - if something classifies as none of the above
#Savestate (new) / #Savecut (old) - save tag
Bonus (character-specific tags / selfshipping):
#phone guy posting - I love him so much he gets his own tag.
#[ I love (hajime) him(nata) ] / #[ teruteru's n2 fan apperantly ]
#Steven kisser post - self-explanatory
Im a bone-afied Phone guy (& other such phones) lover. AND Objectum. Sorry... not!!
Oh yeah btw I love Fictional men and women..
*Please note that ALL ask games will be active at ALL times (because I can tee-hee.) Please do feel free to ask me stuff forever I LOVE conversation I'm a conversational lil creechur
Ok thats it for now, goodbye my dearest gnarliests &lt;3
Also mutuals I love you, feel free to rant about your hyperfixations in my askbox
EDIT: Asks have been turned off due to my inability to do anything ever.
[One day Ill get a DNI list I swear.]
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wri0thesley · 1 year
1, 7, 8 for the spicy selfship questions
ahh i am going to do these for diluc because i am feeling Gooey about him!!!
1. What was your first time with your f/o like?
awkward!!! he doesn't have much experience and in self ship lore tm i have even less so it's very loving and soft and slow but also a trying-this-out and is-it-working and oh-sorry-i'm-pulling-your-hair kind of moment!!!
7. Any favourite positions?
diluc's a sappy guy he enjoys missionary the most he wants to look in my eyes! i get shy so he is always kind of grabbing my chin and telling me he wants to see me and keep my eyes on him. and he wants to kiss during sex too ofc!!! soggy. sometimes he gets overwhelmed and has to bury his face in my hair or my neck.
8. Any favourite places (ex. bedroom, kitchen, on a desk, against the wall etc)?
diluc likes the bed because he's very much a traditional guy but he also gets riled up super easily due to being a repressed victorian gentleman and when he realises he can actually have sex outside of the bedroom - that this is a possibility . . . well. rip diluc's poor work desk.
spicy self ship questions
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shirogane-oushirou · 8 months
okay i need to just make a list i can refer back to or else i'm going to keep forgetting things i want to do for this blog augh.
for the blog itself:
finish tagging posts for villain!ren
go through entire blog and save all oc / canon lore in a document so i don't lose it / have something i can refer back to quickly
write out ren's sister's lore
add an mp3 music player to the blog so i don't have to stress over using any shitty music sharing sites lol lmao ;;
write out the bios for the full profiles on my selfship f/o carrd
set up commission info
make boilerplate for "reblog with your f/o and i'll assign you a ___" posts
and then art-wise:
revisit ren's design -- i'm gathering reference bc i want to potentially re-do his hair based on my initial vision of him vs where he's ended up
make a new reference sheet, but force myself to make it less. like. perfectionist LMAO. i don't need it to be animation turnaround-accurate unless i want a 3d model commissioned or something.
design cass
animatics using sound bites from the cursed voice claim (tm)
comic based on the ren-is-high-post-tooth-procedure ramble i did months ago that i can't stop thinking about
crochet ren doll. at some point. need to find a new pattern argh -- the pattern i initially used SAID to use a lighter weight yarn, so that's what i bought, but once i started working i realized the pictures in the tutorial were all using medium weight that made for a larger doll with more even stitching. which was. super cool. and not at all misleading. 👍🏻 all while knowing i would have just made a fumo plush if i'd had access to that tutorial before buying all of that yarn kjndskfjn
once i have a hot minute to just. do things:
mycology research
learn some basic bitch canadian french. learn to ask where the toilet is or w/e KJNSKFJN
play. fucking. spade. i havent played it at all in MOOOOONTHS i miss my LIZARD BOYFIEEEEEE.
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the-silent-hashira · 2 years
!!! I love talking about homestuck thank you. tell me about you selfship first? what the story? what are your ghb thoughts? do you have any thoughts about kurloz that go with it? how about the clown church as a whole? have you seen the "playing with the big boys now" animatic because i think of it as a requirement to show others when they like the makaras -🔮
YESSSS, thank you so much!! im actually gonna use a readmore cuz this is gonna be LONG u can also talk to me abt any of my general headcanons or w/e, ive been a homestuck since like 2011 and lived through homestuck canon rp tumblr + the end of the series so i have Opinions^tm
my s/i for my GHB selfship is actually a troll that i lazily gave my own name (Auriel Soleil, since it fits in with the 6/6) but their title is the Producer! they're running a colony thats focused on stripping planets of their resources and registering trolls for those types of jobs, as well as training subjugs on how to successfully control and maintain order by assigning them managerial jobs over these trolls.
they originally started out as a Barzum/Baizli ancestor, but they only have Baizlis sign and part of their backstory is that prior to Ascension they were a very well trained laughassasin who had twin matesprits/kismesis that were psionic inventors, who were eventually culled due to some unknown circumstance(possibly a dispute over patent rights, they were not told)
the way they met GHB was post-ascension they had a prior mentor who was rather cocky about their abilities as they were chosen as one of the best out of their Ascension group, who brought them to a 'party' that he was also attending. at some point, someone spiked their drink with something that was a very intense stimulant, and apparently the carnage that ensued after made the Highblood so entertained that he basically told their mentor to fuck off and decided to have them work for him.
at some point they were 'gifted' the colony and attained their title, but the actual point where they became involved with him was over time they began talking more outside of mandatory reviews. they struggled very much with accepting any feelings for him, many pillows were bunny kicked in anger and frustration, but eventually he asked them to visit them and, as a mild germaphobe, spent the first day of that visit scrubbing him clean and giving him physical care.
as for my thoughts on GHB, he is a big scary man who enjoys terrorizing people, and is actually quite (morbidly) funny and likes being around people who are also like that. i DON'T think he likes the Empress or any seadwellers whatsoever, though he obviously understands that his place in the hierarchy offers him more benefit than it would if he turned against the empire.
i also think hes much like Kurloz, hes not a loud man unless hes angry or wanting to actually frighten someone and he is actually quite well composed and socially aware, able to read people very well through observation alone. he is very devoted to his religion, far more than his loyalty to the Empire, and is very strict about the rituals and rules that come with it when it comes to his self discipline.
my opinions on Kurloz as a separate entity is 'hot, terrifying, tore his tongue out for hurting his gf and drank respect women juice.' hes also how i got my girlfriend to be open to more clown stuff and now she f/os like a bunch of clowns, so thank u for ur service in making my gf sorta like clowns. you walked so i could wear facepaint without making her shit her pants.
majority of my headcanons when it comes to clown church is that the kids on Alternia fundamentally misunderstand the actual full scope of the religion itself- even those Ascending like Chahut and Marvus will not have experienced the real world of how the church works, much like how children don't understand the corruption of churches irl.
facepaint is sacred and unique. it must be applied a specific way, with specific tools, and to be seen without face paint is a major faux pas to say the least. only the troll themselves and their moirail/trusted quadrantmate should remove their face paint, in private and with a special cloth and removal materials.
culling is not something that you do on the daily, and its meant to be done in a way that either is funny, 'accidental' blind rage, or in a sacrificial manner during festivals or other such congregational meetings.
i do believe that the church, as an entity, is inherently abusive in this way even if its individual members are not. highbloods are given a lot more leniency, but this doesn't mean that the internal workings of the church itself aren't rife with judgement and personal misgivings about how someone behaves or appears.
having 'minor' deformities that wouldn't get you culled by the empire can be seen as bad, such as polydactyly which normally might not get you culled, but you will receive ridicule for it as 'its funny' which is a common thing to do similar to hazing where a newly recruited subjug will be scrutinized and have their nickname become their 'church name' and something they'll be called until they either leave that colony/congregation, or until they do something that makes them 'funnier' than having a rude nickname.
I HAVE, my moirail showed me and i felt like id been shot multiple times. they also f/o him!
heres the nonbinary icon themselves in all its shitty phone editor glory, they/them or it/its plz!
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can I ask for the selfship game, 🚫, 🫂, 🛏️, 💓?
have a lovely day!
heyo angsti! i somehow missed this (i have been pregaming with the semester by doing readings and taking notes early. don't mind me, i am just a nerd djnksjfn). i'll only do 3 of my selfships so this doesn't become a ridiculously long response lololol
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🚫 what was holding you/them back from making a move or confessing your feelings?
nothing really, even when we're just friends we're pretty physically affectionate (mostly on his part). it was more of a relationship that transitions into a 'we're dating but we haven't really officially stated' but it happens seamlessly so there isn't much to really question. i know i love him and he knows and there wasn't really a need to say it because we had a mutual understanding that we loved each other deeply
🫂 what's one significant moment of physical contact you had during the pining stage?
hmmmMMMM probably the first time we sleep in the same bed
🛏️ did you two ever have a "there's only one bed" moment?
right after the star plasma vessel incident, i come back to my room to find satoru already in there and he stays the whole night. after that he spends a few weeks slowly transitioning into sleeping in my dorm 24/7
💓 (if applicable) what moment made you realize you were in love with them?
it was more of a collection of small moments that led to me having a crush on him but i don't realize how deep those feelings have evolved until late into our second year at jujutsu tech
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soft armor
🚫 what was holding you/them back from making a move or confessing your feelings?
probably guilt because after the fall of wall maria when we're stuck in trost as refugees, not long afterwards i joined the 103rd cadets behind her back deciding that to break into the top 10 to move the four of us (EMA trio and moi) to the interior. nor did i tell mikasa i was leaving, she found out the day of from a note. out of guilt i never wrote letters either so that was a bit of a damper on things
🫂 what's one significant moment of physical contact you had during the pining stage?
the last hug we have before i leave to live with the arlerts. we will still see each other again but after losing our families to human traffickers, it was a big deal to be living separately despite knowing we'd see each other everyday
🛏️ did you two ever have a "there's only one bed" moment?
plenty but that's really only because back in the mountains when i lived with her and her parents for a short time, we'd have sleepovers in her room
💓 (if applicable) what moment made you realize you were in love with them?
it was a koi no yokan moment where upon first meeting i was vaguely aware mikasa would be someone i'd fall in love with
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flaming pearls/sea otters
🚫 what was holding you/them back from making a move or confessing your feelings?
for the longest time, it's just because i don't realize i'm in love with him so there was nothing to really tell from my perspective. at least until i become aware of my own feelings
🫂 what's one significant moment of physical contact you had during the pining stage?
technically i was not here for the event tm with the bear because i was in town and was planning on staying a day or two
visit the homies because luffy was doing better emotionally
hen the rain starts and normally i loooove rain! adore the shit out of it because you know me and water are tight. but you know how you can be chilling and then suddenly you're just like 'something is wrong' even though everything is fine? coin toss on whether or not that is just you feeling dread for no reason or for turns out the instincts were right
so i say 'fuck it, back up the mountain in the rain i go' and see luffy not doing too hot and ace clearly upset and sit next to him for the first moment of the bitch and lean and quietly talk amongst ourselves moments we have later down the line
and try my tactic of 'hey this is better than the time with the tree, right? that one was on purpose' but clearly the joke isn't well received (not that he comments on it at all). i'm not really good at comforting people, it is not my strong suit
but i tell him that magra said that luffy will be just fine and knowing him, he'll be over everything by breakfast. he starts up with saying he's no good again and i just tell him i think he's pretty great and luffy does too but it's okay if he doesn't think it. his opinions usually suck, so he should just listen to mine and luffy's and to quit calling himself worthless because he has a lot of worth to me. then i hold his hand and let him cry into my shoulder and we sit together the whole night looking after luffy (we mostly definitely fall asleep but dadan just leaves us be and covers us with a blanket)
🛏️ did you two ever have a "there's only one bed" moment?
that's the thing with these childhood friends to lovers type of selfships, those moments are lost in the sauce of everything else buuut for the pining stage from the ages of 10 to 17, we shared a sleeping space and that usually overlapped with a leg thrown over someone here or an arm smushed against someone's face there
💓 (if applicable) what moment made you realize you were in love with them?
i actually talked about that here in a different ask💓
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sttoru · 5 months
Thank you for your answer, Karina!! I’m glad you feel me 🤍🤍 And yes, you’re so right, it always SOMETHING wrong with them, like you find decent guy and then boom, you find out he watching some so fucked up porn it’s insane (story of my life haha 😃, not gonna specify, but it was straight up disgusting). I mean like to anyone who’s in relationship I wish y’all all the best and I hope you’re gonna be happy 🫶🏻 But yeah, you’re right, maybe it’s better to stay delusional with all our fictional boyfriends, I know they love us 🤍🤍
yesssss ofcccf, if its abt hating men im always here to chat 👭 . muehehhe
also ewwwww :/ men who watch tm porn or are addicts to it… please leave them asap — im sorry u had to experience that 😶 . the porn industry is disgusting and it rlly contributes to men’s warped perception of sex and just women in general. we’re always objects in those disgusting videos yikesss
but yeah! delulu above anything rn likeeee ima stick witj my selfships :3
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battywlove · 1 year
🌱 🎵 🚩 for whoever!
Thank you so much for asking!! I will be doing Sun and Estella(rwby s/i) for the last two!
🌱 Who was your first F/O?
Weelll I've been self shipping before I knew what it was lol.. My first actual f/o before I knew self shipping was a thing would probably be Arthur Kingsman from Mystery Skulls!
🎵 List three songs that remind you of your selfship.
Not Fall in Love with You- I said it before, I'll say it again.. THIS IS OUR MF SONG IDC WHAT PEOPLE SAYY!! The first few lyrics are literally "You are my star/You are the one/ You make me smile when the world's come undone" IT'S SO THEM CODED!!
Tonight Tonight- I don't know how to explain it. It's just the ~vibes~, y'know? Very wholesome and romantic uwu
Dixie Boy- Okayy this is definitely from Estella's perspective, she will fight and defend her man 😤. Girls got some Jealousy Issues(tm) Especially before her romantic relationship with Sun begins. However, her jealousy isn't towards random people though.. It is mostly directed at a certain cat Faunus..
🚩 What are some of your F/O’s flaws? Any red flags?
Sun can be both selfless and selfish at the same time, although he does it to help Blake, he still ends up abandoning his team doing so. He can overall be unpredictable and chaotic which is hard to handle sometimes, but he's actually aware of these flaws and tries to be a better leader/friend!
Sometimes his need to constantly be moving around worries me, I'm afraid he grow tired of me and find another, better, person...he assures me would never but I still can't help but have that nagging anxiety.
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outismm · 3 years
Ok I love willie so much tho he’s literally just the guy who’s just. There. He doesn’t actually do anything he just appears one day and everyone’s like “well he’s here now so might as well let him stay” AND THEN?????? HE SOMEHOW ENDS UP TAMING THE HOMICIDAL AI AND STARTS DATING HIM????? This random fucking little dude who was living in the walls has the One-Wifi-Connection-Away-From-Being-God bot in the palm of his hand???? I’m absolutely obsessed with that. I can’t get over that. It’s not only so fucking funny but I love so much the “Just Some Guy X Evil But Being Redeemed Through The Power Of Love” trope they’ve got going on. It’s the best. It’s so *chefs kiss*
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more-than-a-ghosti · 2 years
An Actual About Me for Those Who Care About the Nitty Gritty Details and Stuff tm (ft an oc intro)
ghoststuff12 -> ghostlygreeneyes -> hikikoghosti -> more-than-a-ghosti
Important note: Please stop asking for donations in my inbox. I am unable to donate, and if you do this, I will immediately think you are a scam and delete your ask.
Thank you.
Last updated: 9. 21. 2024.
Some things about me:
☆ Call me Aster ☆
☆ I have eczema which is why I might have posts complaining about it ☆
☆ I am neurodivergent, professionally diagnosed with autism ☆
☆ I post art sometimes, I'm a traditional, casual artist, only doing this for fun, my art tag is #just ghoststuff art ☆
☆ If you need me to add a tone indicator to a post, feel free to say so. ☆
☆ My inbox and messages are always open, if you have anything you'd like to say :) ☆
☆ I have no DNI, but TERFs/radfems will be blocked on sight ☆
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This is my updated sona/self insert, Heath. He looks more like me now.
◇ Anime/Manga - Yu-Gi-Oh (DM - ARC V), Naruto, Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba, Hunter x Hunter, PreCure, Higurashi: When They Cry, Inuyasha ◇
◇ Cartoons - Danny Phantom, Steven Universe, The Owl House ◇
◇ Video Games - Fire Emblem (Awakening, Fates, Three Houses), Sonic, Omori, The Coffin of Andy & Leyley ◇
◇ Multi-Media - Tinker Bell (Books + Movies) ◇
Omori (Source: Omori)
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Himiko Toga (Source: MHA/BNHA)
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Tsubomi Hanasaki/Cure Blossom (Source: Heartcatch Pretty Cure/Precure)
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Sanemi Shinazugawa (Source: Demon Slayer/KnY)
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(lmaoo one of these things is not like the others 😭)
Relationship F/O list (selfships):
♡ Shouta Aizawa (MHA/BNHA) ♡
♡ Kite (HxH) ♡
♡ Giyuu Tomioka (Demon Slayer/KnY) ♡
♡ Shinobu Kocho (Demon Slayer/KnY) ♡
♡ Yuri Tsukikage (Heartcatch! PreCure) ♡
♡ Hikaru Hoshina (Star Twinkle! PreCure) ♡
I'm okay with sharing all of them.
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Familial F/O List:
♡ Megumi Aino (Happiness Charge! PreCure) - Sister ♡
OC Introduction! (Warning: Old Art!!)
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She's my main oc. (She is not a self-insert!) She's an oc for Yu-Gi-Oh GX! She's usually pretty outgoing and friendly, (and a little airheaded at times) but sometimes, she can be a little... off. It's probably just mood swings. She's very open minded and sympathetic. She's the "big sister" of the friend group, in the universes she has friends.
She looks like this in my 'new' art style! (i made this drawing a year ago lol)
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Other socials:
♧ my @ is hikki892 on tiktok, i don't post much on there, though other than a few silly vids ♧
If you made it this far, thanks for reading. Enjoy the rest of my blog. :)
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