#selfship stories
echoes-lighthouse · 4 months
Echo and Toga: The Full Story
Okay, I did a poll for how I should share my selfship stories, and 'text post with illustrations' won the poll, so I'm doing a full four-section post for each of my f/os: Backstory, First Meeting, Getting Together, and Where We're At! They're written to be as understandable as possible for people unfamiliar with the source!
With that said, here's my selfship with Toga! Content warnings for backstory abuse, poly!League of Villains (which has some funky age gaps that aren't commented on here), and canon-typical blood drinking.
Chapter One: Backstories 
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Toga and Echo both grew up in a world defined by Quirks: powers that manifest at the age of five or six, when children are usually in Kindergarten. 
Toga’s Quirk was Transform: by drinking someone’s blood, she could transform into them. This Quirk began as a fascination with blood, which disturbed her parents, and they instructed her to stop the behavior. She was obedient and played the dutiful daughter until the age of 15, at which point a classmate was injured around her, and she attacked him to drink his blood. Her parents were horrified and rejected her, at which point Toga left home and became a murderer. 
About a year later, she was recruited to the League of Villains, a group looking for more freedom for villains, and she quickly made personal connections within the team. She is obsessive about love, blood, and looking cute. 
Echo grew up in foster families, was adopted at 12, and their family moved to Japan when they were 14. They ran away the year afterwards, their home life intolerable for multiple reasons: mainly their adoptive father and brother, both of which used their fire quirks to punish Echo. They have a lasting distrust for fire quirk users. Echo’s Quirk is Cat’s Paw, which gives them the ability to transform into a small black and white cat, and also gives them better senses in their ‘human’ form. 
They’ve been on the streets for two years, bouncing in and out of different situations, but tend to spend most of their time as a street cat for the ease of hunting and passing unnoticed. 
Chapter Two: First Meeting 
Echo can’t keep their cat form while sleeping, so they’re always looking for new places to curl up. One day, they find a warehouse full of empty boxes and choose a spot to spend the night. They wake up to Himiko cooing over them, and try to run, but get caught by Dabi while in cat form. 
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Turns out the warehouse was a League of Villains meeting location, and the League was a bit confused to find a naked girl sleeping on the floor. They take a few minutes to establish that Echo isn’t a hero agent, and then decide to bring them back to base: their Quirk could be useful, and they’re not keen to have a safehouse compromised. 
Echo ultimately agrees because the League promises them food. 
Once they’re in agreement, Himiko sweeps in and the two of them have an instant connection: a kindred spirit in form and temperament. Echo’s years of hunting have made them well-attuned to blood, and their matching yellow eyes make them look a bit like siblings, whereas they set them both apart from their original families. They’re already bonding on the trip back to base, and they’re besties by the time they get home. 
Chapter Three: Getting Together 
Himiko and Echo share an immediate obsession with each other. After years of unreciprocated affection, having someone who actually liked them back was addictive. While Echo is quite nervous about the other members of the League, that only makes them stick closer to Himiko. The two of them reluctantly split up for the first night, but by the next week, the two of them are sharing a bedroom, unwilling to part ways even for sleeping. 
Echo also gets along quickly with Mr. Compress and Magne. Twice, Spinner, Shigaraki, and Dabi take longer for them to warm up to. They’re nervous around Shigaraki for a long time, aware of his status as the leader and the decision-maker, and they’re very on-edge around Dabi, who is a fire quirk user.
Getting used to Shigaraki is just a matter of time, and eventually Echo and Dabi sit down and have a proper discussion about everything and they end up friends at the end of it, although Dabi will take a little longer to admit it. 
Himiko and Echo getting together basically slams the overall sexual tension in the League through the roof, and eventually everyone figures out their dynamics, with Dabi and Echo forming two different centers of the sexy side of the polycule.
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Chapter Four: Where We’re At 
I don’t tend to move this selfship through the BNHA canon, but this selfship starts in the lull between the Forest Training Camp Arc and the Shie Haissaikai arc. I suppose my s/i would probably take part in the Shie Haissaikai part, and saves Magne somehow, but I don’t like doing Big Plots in this selfship, so I don’t want to take it any further than that. 
Anyways, we all live in an apartment together: Twice and Mr. Compress have their own places but spend most of their time with us. Having two people with a civilian persona is useful! The rest of us are kind of recognizable. 
I mostly stay home while the others do villainy stuff: Kurogiri and I work together a lot, but he’s more useful in the field than I am, so I take over a lot of the housework. I’m useful for reconnaissance but not really for fighting. 
When the others are home, we play video games and tease each other and do puzzles and watch TV, all the normal stuff. We do movie marathons and argue about dishes and send Twice out to get ice cream from the corner store at 2am. Me and Himiko are always touching, but the others can come join the cuddle pile. We spend the night in our own room, most times, unless I’m with someone else for the night and then I have to make it up to Toga with a fun date the next day!!! 
Me and Himiko go out clubbing and pick up creepy guys and stab them in alleyways. We order way too many clothes online and have dress up parties and then return them all. We have pillow fights and snowball fights and tickle fights. We joke about running an OnlyFans account for the League. We generally have a lot of fun together!!!!! Every day!! 
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takahashits · 3 months
i love seeing self shippers having f/os that are characters from media i love/recognize. it’s like a “THAT’S OOMF” moment followed by “OOMF IS DATING OOMF?????”
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kay-selfships · 2 years
me when my f/o doesn’t show up in their source for like five seconds:
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emelinstriker · 4 months
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workin on a sideblog for selfshipping which does feature a comic that's in the sketching phase- just wanted to show a lil doodle i wanna finish up and then use it as that blog's banner
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selfshippers assemble🗣️
imagine getting married/engaged to your f/o.. now imagine the ring💍.. what does it look like?
reblog this with a description/picture of the ring (and any other wedding details if you want👀)
I'll go first: kazumi would want a thick golden band. no gems but there would be their anniversary date engraved inside. zenitsu would be similar, but his ring would be thinner and have a thin row of gems.
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I read an adorable Hazbin Hotel men x Reader short story/headcanons post by @6esiree, and I just loved the Adam one of the bunch so had to draw the scene.
The story is he’s secretly dating Reader, who is in Hell, and Reader has a kid. On Halloween, Reader goes out with some friends but Adam begrudgingly agrees to watch the kid for Reader. He brings a bunch of candy for them to snack on and puts on a movie, but the kid gets bored and starts playing with his mask. There’s more, but that’s what I drew here.
It isn’t said whether the kid is his or not, but for my personal take I say Meg (who is my insert for the Reader) had her daughter with some other demon (another Goetia in my work, because my s/i is an Ars Goetia here) before she met Adam and after he and she started dating, he warmed to the kid too, who now sees him as her dad.
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selfshipping-haven · 5 months
Imagine you're eating something that's a LOT spicier than you expected. Your reaction is strong enough to make your f/o chuckle. You make them try it, and then THEY start reacting strongly. It ends with the both of you just laughing at each other about the whole thing.
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strawberrystepmom · 6 months
not to whine on main but i got the shittiest ask the other day and it has truly made me not want to post writing here at all that isn't as blank and vacant and traitless as x reader can be lol
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riddlingwife · 17 days
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take a look at my girlfriend O_0 she's the only one i've got! <3
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daeyumi · 1 year
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With you 🌼☀️🌾
[Linktober 3: Companion]
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echoes-lighthouse · 4 months
Tate and Echo: The Full Story
I'm trying to get all my lore for my selfships down on paper, and people said they would be most likely to engage with text posts with illustrations, so that's what I'm doing! I'm writing them so that they're hopefully understandable to people who don't know the source material (in this case, American Horror Story Season 1)
Previously: Toga
This selfship is pretty damn dark because of the source material being a horror show, so content warnings for murder, ableism, abuse, sexual assault, school shootings, suicide, toxic relationships, self harm, and parent/child death. Also I really struggled to summarize the ending to the story, because it's a bit of an eldritch ritual thing that only makes sense in the context of the story I haven't written lol
Chapter One: Backstories 
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Tate Langdon was born in 1977, the youngest of three siblings and the first to be born without a disability. Accordingly, he grew up as his abusive mother’s ‘golden child,’ trying to protect his siblings and ultimately failing. His father allegedly ran away with an affair partner when he was six years old, leaving him the “man of the house” according to his mother (who had, in fact, killed his father and the affair partner). 
When Tate was 17, his older brother was murdered with the direction of his mother, who didn’t want him taken away from her due to her abuse (chaining him in the attic). Tate tried to kill his brother’s murderer, then killed fifteen people at his school, Westfield High, and committed suicide via police. 
Tate died in the property known as “the Murder House,” in which all people who die there remain in the house as ghosts, to serve an unknown hunger that lingers in its history. 
Echo Makovsky was born in 1987, an only child. They grew up happily, a third-generation witch with traditions passed down from their grandmother. They occasionally struggled with their powers, but ultimately graduated high school and went into a teaching degree. 
In 2012, everything went wrong for Echo: their best friend died in a car accident, their parents both passed away in the span of eight months. They took two months of bereavement, and then left their job altogether. By the next year, they had taken a new job teaching in the US, and they were looking at places to stay. 
While visiting for an interview, they took a tour of the Murder House and were immediately struck by the house’s energy. They went back to Canada, considered their options, and ultimately used their parents’ inheritance to buy the property. 
August 2014 finds Echo moving into the house that has claimed so many spirits, not knowing what they will find there… and also taking a teaching position at Westfield High. 
Chapter Two: First Meeting 
Echo enters the house and immediately starts to have nightmares. The house has many interlocking desires, but one of the pressing ones is to have a baby, to create a baby, to have something small to hold and nurture. Tate has promised one of the other ghosts that he’ll get them a baby, and Echo looks like a perfect opportunity. Among the nightmares of fire and bathtubs and searching endless hallways, Echo has a dream that a man comes to their room in the night and forces himself on them. 
That is, technically, Tate and Echo’s first meeting, although only one of them knows it. 
Echo starts to explore the house and encounter the spirits that dwell within it. They start to get into little routines: reading children’s books to the unseen sisters who like to sit by the fireplace and whisper to each other, making tea for the woman who wanders through the kitchen every day in tears, and rolling a ball back and forth with the spirit in the attic, who never speaks. 
One day, Echo is playing with the ghost in the attic and Tate introduces himself, joining the two of them. He tells Echo about Beau, his brother, the spirit chained in the attic. Tate is the first ghost that can actually talk to Echo properly, and they’re determined to get more information from him. 
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Chapter Three: Getting Together 
Tate starts following Echo around after that, asking them questions and stealing their books. Echo likes him: he’s sardonic and sweet, clingy but goading in turn. He has information and tips about the spirits of children in the house, but stays closed-mouthed about most of the adults. The gaps in his information only make Echo more interested in his story, as do the inconsistencies in his behavior. 
Tate has always known how to be sweet and lovely: he knows that he’s pretty, he knows that he can use it to his advantage. The difference is that he’s never wanted to before. His mother always wanted him to be the perfect son, charming and soft, so he made himself as sharp and abrasive as he could manage. 
Now, he wants Echo for himself. He knows that the house wants them: he knows that every member of the house will want something from them. Tate is determined to stake his claim first, enough that Echo will choose him when the others come knocking. 
So he plays the vulnerable, the bird with a wounded wing. He’s attentive, he plays with his sweater sleeves, he confesses his insecurities, he talks about his nightmares instead of his hallucinations. He tries not to flinch under the onslaught of affection he receives in return, but it’s still not enough, still not more than Echo gives to all the members of the house. So he crawls into their arms and presses them against the back of the couch and Echo takes him to bed. 
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And Tate thought he would be satisfied: he’s special, he’s chosen, but he’s lying. He’s playing a part and it’s starting to make him feel sick. The closer Echo gets to the other spirits, the closer Echo gets to finding out about the first night they were together, and Tate still can’t tell them how he died, or how he knew his mother abused his siblings and did nothing, or anything that isn’t part of the sweet boy he’s made himself into, to be easy to swallow, easy to hold. 
Part Four: Where We’re At  The Conclusion
It’s at work that things fall apart: in a conversation with another teacher, Tate is mentioned as the shooter that caused so much collective trauma at the school, and the pieces start clicking together. I hold onto the information for a while, resentful of needing to be the one to bring it up, trying to look at Tate from the right angle to make it all make sense. Trying to pretend that things can keep going as they’ve been. 
Filled with my months of labor and love, the house is finally opening up. Knowing that it might mean abandoning Tate, I descend into the heart of the house and give myself to the deepest reaches of the house’s need. I no longer know if I can fix things, with Tate or with the house itself, but I no longer care about my own well-being, and I can hope that my sacrifice will help. 
The house accepts me, and the First Abandoned Child, Thaddeus, is reborn through me: a bloody process that would have killed me if the spirits of the house hadn’t come together to save me. I come out of the process alive and with a baby in my arms, which is a bit of a shock since I was on birth control this whole time and have never intended to have a baby. But the house is suddenly alive again, and the spirits are given the chance to move on. 
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Not all of them choose to leave: Nora stays to be with her child properly, the twins want to stay to cause more mischief, and there are a couple of ghosts who just aren’t ready for whatever comes next, but a great majority move on. 
And then there is Tate. 
For a while, I think he might have left without saying goodbye: I don’t see him anywhere, and I grieve for him with the others, but I’m still hopeful. Eventually, he comes to me, and we can finally talk honestly. It’s a long discussion, but Tate decides to stay, at least for a while. And I love him, as he is. It will take a long time for him to believe it, but I’m willing to put in the work. I can remodel the house, I can keep the gardens, I can raise my child, and I can love Tate unconditionally. 
In the years to come, Thaddeus will grow, and the remaining spirits will move on, but as long as they are in the house, I will love them, and when the time comes to let go, I will continue to love them, wherever they are. 
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chillyneon · 3 months
Imagine replacing the main character with yourself! You have the plot armor, you have the hidden power, you are the only one who can win because YOU RUN THE DAMN SHOW NOW. Be overpowered if you want, it's fun for selfshipping power fantasy of all kinds.
All of your F/Os love you in any way shape or form, even your enemy F/Os
If the main character is also an F/O, you're just as important, if not MORE important than them.
Who is the captain? Why you of course, tell everyone their orders and they shall follow!
Who was the chosen one? That's you by the choice of the cosmos!
Who goes through incredible physical harm from fights, but always manages to get back up and win? That's you, the amazing main character!!
Who is "some nobody" that the leader originally brushed off but is now having their plans ruined? You're the person who is Public Enemy #1, and they will take you down.
Who is doomed by the narrative and the entire story is in the past, leading up to the painful fate? Get ready for trauma, our dear S/I main character, you don't deserve the pain but damn is it good angst.
Who is the best main character? YOU, ITS YOU!!! YOUR F/Os THINK SO TOO!!!!!
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kay-selfships · 2 years
narrative: -then they grabbed each other’s hands while running away from danger
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mothytheghost · 2 months
Growing up in town. Your friends have found their soulmates. Either if it's romantic. Platonic. Or your families. Finding them through their string of faith. But when the Alternates started to appear. Your life is flipped
You hated Alternates. Your friends end up dying. Losing their soulmates to the fake ones. Everything around is falling apart. You have no where to go. Running away keeps them finding you. Trying to keep yourself alive. Praying until you break
Only to realize. That faint string on your hand. A sudden pull, as tears overtook you. Looking up at the figure. An Alternate is your soulmate
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kittybbyshift · 2 months
For everyone who has a F/O (S/O). Here’s a little word from my bf Oba <3 (if you are shifting for them that’s some motivation too hehe)
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nimue-hidden-lake · 10 months
Are you someone running from your responsibilities quite often or try your damn hardest to distract yourself? And you just can't get yourself to focus, let alone get started on this simple task? You know you can get it done in an hour or two but suddenly you remember that you still have to do this or wanted to get started on that?
Your f/o clearly notices and needless to say, they are not pleased seeing you distracted with anything but the task at hand. They could just sit there and watch but the constant back and forth might have them peeved.
Instead they decide to force you to do your work in their own way – Maybe they sit you down and practically tie you to a chair. Or they take away whatever distracted you to begin with, returning it when you are done with your task however. Or they annoy you to the brim, reminding you of that one task every five minutes. To make it worse, they will only stop once you start and finish!
They know you have important duties, just as they have theirs. They only want you to succeed. So even if they have to be a little more strict or annoying, they only do it to support you.
And think about it for a moment… The sooner you finish your work, the sooner you can get back to your f/o and spend time with them. May it be relaxing, playing games or being in their embrace. So get to it! The sooner you finish, the better!
Proship/Comship do not interact please!
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