#so how tf am i supposed to know when the next time his yelling is going to turn into more?
itsyourstarboy · 2 years
Streamer!Honey Headcanons Pt.3
First Part Next Part
It’s about damn time I made part 3, and this is, once again, less headcanons and more just Guy interrupting Honey’s stream
Okay so, we’ve talked about how Honey’s fan base likes to theorize on their and Guy’s relationship. Some fans think they have mutual crushes on one another, some think they’re secretly dating, some think they’re just roommates.
Chat asks Honey questions about their love life all the time, and Honey has fun by always giving vague answers.
Even Guy has joined in on occasion.
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HoneysHeaven: are you single??
"Guy, what the actual fuck."
Answer the damn question 👁️👁️
Not him flirting in front of 176k people 🤣🤣
HoneysHeaven: are you though??
My man's is just shooting his shot, give him a break
Honey pinches the bridge of their nose and sighs, though the way the corner of their mouth twitches upward is poorly hidden. "No, I'm not single."
Wait but is Guy single?
That's the real question ^^^
HoneysHeaven: I'm dating the most loving, caring, sweetest person in the world 🥰🥰
So not [Honey] then?
And even when he's not there, Chat often speaks on his behalf.
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When are you going to ask out your roommate?
"I don't have a roommate."
Machoke? More like choke me-
Who the hell is that dude in your house then 🤨🤨🤨🤨
Is Guy in the chat rn?? We need to check your sources
"I am not lying, I swear on my goldfish's grave. Guy isn't my roommate, he's just some stray that followed me home one day and now he won't fucking leave."
Nah nah, we all know you keep him around on purpose 😏😏😏
★someone donated $20★
Go ask Guy out right now and I'll give you another 80 dollars
Honey scrunches their nose and hums, as if thinking, "I'd love to, but... Guy isn't here right now."
Where is he???? He's not supposed to be outside all alone :(
YOU'D LOVE TO??? 👀👀👀👀
"wha- I can't just call him, he's at work. Do you guys want him to get fired?"
Change of plans, we can wait until next stream
We'll get 'em next time boys
It's for the best, no one wants to get asked out over the phone
True true
Teaching [Honey] How to Flirt; Lesson 152: don't ask someone out over the phone
★someone donated $10★
Is Guy there?
★someone donated $70★
Cool cool heres the last of that 100 I promised you, now go ASK GUY OUT
👁️👁️🤳 I'm ready and waiting
Honey smirks, and pulls off their headphones. They get out of their chair and open the door to the hallway.
They then sit back down in their chair, yell "GUUYY" (which has him stumbling over himself because they never yell for him like that), and wait.
Guy rushes to Honey, but stops short of entering the room when Honey puts their hand out, "no, no, don't come in, I'm still streaming."
Guy puts a hand over his heart and let's out a breath, "holy shit, Honey, I thought you were being murdered or something." Then he laughs that adorable laugh of his because he's so precious.
Honey can't suppress the chuckle that bubbles up in their throat, "no, I'm fine. Chat just wanted me to ask you something."
Honey spared a quick glance at their monitor, biting their lip to try and hide the devilish smirk that was forming across their features.
What the hell is happening to you people y'all need some jesus tf 🛐✝️✝️
Oh my god 🙊🙊🙊
🎶the best time to wear a striped sweaterrrrr🎶
Guy giggles, "what?"
Honey fails at their weak attempt to hide their smile, biting their tongue as a last ditch effort before giving way, "get out."
Guy laughs through his words, a more confused tone taking place as he repeats his last question, "what?"
Honey stands from their chair again, and leans against the open door. The way it opens inward perfectly covers Guy from view of the camera.
They lean in, a loving smile splaying their lips and lighting up their eyes as they grasp the collar of his shirt to pull him in.
Chat can't see how their faces are only inches apart, they can only hear how Guy let's out a sound of surprise.
Honey plants a chaste kiss on the corner of Guy's mouth and then loosens their grip on his collar in exchange for placing their hand flat on his chest.
Chat can only hear Honey repeat, "get out," when they gently shove Guy backwards so they can close the door again. Their face displays a cheeky grin as they stifle a soft laugh at the sound of a very flustered, and probably offended, Guy.
Then they sit back in their chair and turn their attention back to their stream.
★someone donated $20★
Honey feigned confusion as they quirked an eyebrow at the message, "I did ask him out."
They did not just say that
Calm down satan
"I really don't understand what you guys are talking about. I asked him to get out, that's what you all wanted."
Teaching [Honey] How to Flirt; Lesson 153: asking someone out means to ask someone on a date
I want my 100 dollars back /hj
[Honey] is deceitful and finds joy in manipulating the emotions of others. I believe they may be some kind of sadist.
Y'all need to chill fr
"oh, shi-"
Honey has adjusted their streaming schedule to line up with Guy's work schedule. This way, he will interrupt them less.
It's a win win for the both of them, because when Guy gets home after a day at work, all he wants is love and affection which he cannot get if his honey is streaming.
But there are times when the stream goes on longer than expected, or Guy gets off early.
Honey was playing Life is Strange when they heard the front door open. They paused for a moment, expecting to hear Guy's usual "Honey, I'm home" call to announce his presence.
But it didn't come.
They paused the game and lowered their headphones, confusion evident on their face as they turned in their chair slightly, listening to the sounds of Guy putting down his work bag and taking off his shoes.
When the noises stopped, Honey assumed Guy must've just had a long day. They decided they'd check on him after they wrapped up this stream.
A few minutes went by; Honey had nearly forgotten Guy was home, it was so quiet.
★someone donated $1★
HoneysHeaven: Honeeyyy :(
There he is.
The way he typed out their nickname and added a frowny face made them feel soft, and they practically had to physically restrain themself from going, "what, baby?"
Instead they said, "what is it, Guy?"
He's calling them Honey 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Who made our boy sad??
HoneysHeaven: I'm dyiiing :((
I want to kiss chloe so bad u have no idea
SOMEONE CALL 911 🚑🚑🚑🚑🚑🚑
Honey left the room without a second thought, their feet leading them straight to where Guy had bundled himself up on the couch. The TV was on, playing the cartoon network channel for some reason, and the lights were off save for a table lamp.
Holding his phone in front of his face while he lay on his side, he turned to look at Honey when he heard their footsteps.
His hair was a mess, he had bags under his eyes, and his cheeks were flushed.
"Honeeyyy," he pouted, his voice coming out strained and scratchy.
Guy had come home sick.
They checked his temperature, got him a cold cloth, brought him medicine, and basically played nurse before finally returning to their stream.
They'd only been gone for 15 minutes.
What is happening?
I hope Guy is ok 😭
Guys I'm getting in my helicopter, who wants a ride?
Honey gets back to find the chat in utter chaos, but they assure them that everything is fine. Guy is just dramatic.
Things went back to normal for about half an hour.
But then the door opened, and two hands appeared, just in view, flat on the floor.
Honey turns around to see this, "Guy, what are you doing?"
They only get a tired groan, that sounds more like a whine, in response.
Oh nooooo 🥺🥺
Our boy is sicky ☹️☹️☹️
I'll get the rabies shot ready
Honey crouches in front of Guy, who is sprawled out face first on the floor. "Are you wearing my hoodie again?"
Another hum of discomfort. He really isn't feeling well.
They place their hand on his head and pet his hair, tilting their head slightly and speaking in a low voice, "what do you need, baby?"
Guy made "hmph" noise, and tapped his hands which were still stretched out in front of him.
Honey stood, and made their way back over to their computer.
Hope he gets better soon ❤️
Aw my goodness he's wearing their hoodie 😍😍
I'm sick too me and guy are twinsies fr
Are we just gonna ignore that th-
They ended the stream. They don't have time to do their regular sign off, they have a sick Guy to take care of.
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cherry1sblog · 1 year
My collage roommate
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Summary:u entered collage everything was going amazing u had your bsf with u but there was one problem ur collage roommate… (also there is a plot twist about heeseung and jungwon there not as close as u think)
Warnings:cursing kissing (WILL EVENTUALLY BE A SMUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER JUST GIVE ME SOME TIME -also tell me if I missed any this
It was your first day at dark blood university and it was going pretty well even if u weren’t going to share a dorm with your bff it just gave you another opportunity to make a new friend…or so u thought
Your in-front of your new dorm from the lay out u were sent it didn’t seem small so u were happy there was a lot of space as you take your keys and jiggle it in the nob the door opens and it a guy he’s tall handsome and has broad shoulders “oh hey i think u have the wrong dorm “ u look at him confused “what do u mean this is dorm 38 right “he looks at u also confused “well yeah but your a girl and girls and guys don’t share dorms so maybe your mistaken”ur really confused now u thought that your roommate was a girl so u call the front desk
A little later
“Yes miss u are supposed to be in that dorm there’s none left so he will be your knee dorm mate “
Line disconnects
The boy has wide eyes and is still in the same position “Welp i Gusse were roomies I’m jang y/n “u put your hand out he looks at it and u look at him confused until he also grabs his hand out “Yang jungwon”
Now u were eating for him to move but he’s just staring
“Hey uh can u move ur in the way” “oh shit my bad do u uh want help ”
You finally finished unpacking and jungwon seemed to have left awhile ago witch left u some time to explore the dorm
“Hello” “Y/N” “oh soyeon u will not bel-*
Confused u just say yeah
Silence on the other end confused u turn up your volume maybe something happened and but oh how u wish u would have not turned it up
“How am I going to know him WHEN U JUST KEEP FUCKING YELLING ABT HIM “
Your very confused on why this is such a big deal and why people would even be talking about this you had no idea who jungwon even was and confused as to why your friend even cares so much
“Ohhh rightt haha “
“Girl bye “
You hung up annoyed with your friend u we’re getting hungry so u decided to go out to get something from the convince store your putting on your shoes and just then jungwon comes through the door u look at him and he was covered in rain u didn’t know it was raining
“Oh jungwon your wet “
He just looks down at u and walks past u bumping your shoulder leaving u confused as to why he was being mean now well he wasn’t exactly nice either in the beginning
you were walking to your first class already not believing your in college now your morning started good jungwon wasn’t there so u didn’t have to worry about being to loud but u haven’t seen soyeon so u walked alone all the way to your first class and just sat in a random spot until a boy who was super tall and was wearing glasses although they didn’t have a lens
“Excuse me “
“Your in my spot “
U look around and u didn’t know that there was assigned seats everyone seemed to pick there own
“It’s m-“
He starts laughing and his glasses start to fall so he takes them off u were confused why he was laughing
“I’m just kidding u looked new so i just thought messing with u would be fun”
U didn’t know if u were mad or not I mean it was just a joke and it’s your first day but then he says something
“Oh also this is a class for people in there 2nd and 3rd year ?”
“Oh I passed all my classes about this even the first one in high school so I get to take the 2nd one instead of the first one “
He looks at u and shock u giggle a little
“Well I’m heeseung Lee heeseung “
“Y/n jang y/n” u shook his hand and u guys sat down as the lesson began
“So y/n what are u gonna do now”
“Mmm I wanted to go get food hbu”
“Same I’ll show u the way”
U followed him
U got into the cafeteria and heeseung went to go sit at a table with 6 other boys u didn’t know what to do so u just stood
“Y/n don’t be scared they won’t bite “
U kinda giggle and sat down until u looked up and saw jungwon
“Wait your names y/n”
A boy who seemed to have an accent asked u
“Oh yeah why?”
“So your the girl who jungwon is stuck with”
Another boy said he was very handsome I mean they all were
U look up to see jungwon glaring at the boy
“Okay calm down let’s not get into a fight okay”
Heeseung said
“I’ll introduce u to them “
“The one with the accent is Jake he’s super smart in physics witch he’s way to upsesed with “
U snort
“Hey physics is a great subject “
Jake seemed sassy and super defensive about physics witch u found funny
“Then the one with the silver hair is sunghoon he has a lot of fan girls but is super awkward “
“Your just mad y don’t get bitches like I do “
“Dw SUNGHOON I get my fair share”
U analyze sunghoon longer noticing the beautiful moles on his face the way his hair was nicely styled he seemed very put together
“Anyway then there’s the giant baby Niki he’s really umm how should I put it-
“I’m obviously so amazing kind handsome beauti-
“Anyway then there’s sunoo and jay if u need any advice I would suggest sunoo and if u wanna rip your ears out from dad jokes I’d ask jay”
“Hey my dad jokes are funny”
“No there not not at all so just shhh “
The red haired boy sunoo said he seemed very bubbly and kind it made u want to smile all the time he was like a big ray of sunshine and u loved it
“And obviously you know jungwon “
Jungwon didn’t even bother to look at u not even for a second and just as u we’re about to ask jungwon soemthing he got up from his chair leaving u in dismay
“Do u and jungwon have an issue or something “
Jake has asked u u looked at him confused
“No why do u ask”
He looked over at the boys making u confused
“Well uh it’s nothing really I mean he just left the table and he’s been talking about being annoyed with having to share a dorm with you”
U felt a little hurt even tho u didn’t know the boy he already had so much hatred for u when it was something u couldn’t even control
U heard a familiar voice so u turned around it was soyeon you ran up to her and gave her a hug
“How’s your first day of collage so far”
“Uh it’s good this is my new friend heeseung and his freinds “
She smile and then pulls u aside
“Y/n u do realize that people have been looking at u and your hanging out with the 6 most popular boys “
“Huh wha-“
“Wait these are just six WHERES jungwon “
“Idk he left like 5 min ago “
She looked at you weird but I guys just went to sit down and had the rest of your lunches and went to your other periods during the time u sat with them u figured out u shared 3 periods with jungwon witch made u want to kys but that was okay cause heeseung was in all your periods and some of the other boys
U finished lots of chores in the dorm doing u and Jungwons laundry mostly his cleans the kitchen so u went to go shower and when you had just gotten out of the shower u had just some shorts and an over sized t-shirt u went to the living room to go watch on the tv and while u were sitting there jungwon came out
“Hi jungwon”
U said he looked at u but didn’t say anything feeling embarrassed u got up and wanted to leave to your room
U turned around
“I’m uh gonna order pizza do u want some”
Even tho he’s been an ass this was free food and EVERYONE LOVES FREE FOOD so u agreed
//time skip to lovely free food\\
The pizza got there jungwon had also bought some sodas to witch u were greatful for not sure wether to speak or not but just as u we’re about to he spoke
“Hey thanks for doing my laundry u didn’t have to”
“Don’t sweat it we’re roomies we should make the most of it right”
“Yeah ig “
He smiled a little u haven’t seen him smile once scince you’ve been his dorm mate but u still wanted to ask him a question
“Hey jungwon “
“Did I um do something wrong “
“No why “
“Then why do you seem to hate me “
“Who Said I hated u “
“No one it’s just your so cold to me all the time do idk I was just wondering “
He looked down at his hands and then he looked at u
“I don’t hate u I’m just not good with conversations sometimes and I mean I was pissed that I had a girl as a roommate but u don’t seem to bad now “
U smiled at him and punched his arm playfull and he hissed
“Yah why’d you do that”
“Well u were being kinda a jerk so I think u deserve it kinda “
//skip to afternoon\\
U went out by yourself to go shopping and to go see this cafe you’ve been wanting to go to near campus it’s a really cute place you could take pictures at so u went u were ordering your drink and as u went to sit down u saw someone familiar out side threw the glass it was jungwon and a girl they both seemed mad but jungwon seemed more angry he was about to say something but then he looked threw the coffee shop and saw u u quickly go up to go see if your order was done u didn’t go sit back I. The same area u moved obviously but just then u heard someone come in thrue the door it was jungwon won you quickly put your head down but u heard footsteps come near u
A knock on the table made u look up you saw jungwon infront of u and u giggled nervously
“So u saw what happened “
“Whattt I didn’t see anything matter afact I actually don’t even have on my glasses so I ca-
“Don’t be dumb I know u did “
U put your head down worried u would be yelled at
“I’m sorry I wasn’t sure what was going on I couldn’t help but look”
“It’s fine”
“Do u mind if I ask who she was”
He looked away and his jaw was flexed u thought it was a bad idea to ask so u felt bad for asking
“Uh she was my ex “
He just nodded
U felt bad that he was arguing with his ex but if they were exes u were wondering why they were even talking and met up
“Hey jungwon “
He just bumped his head up
“I know we’re not freinds but if u are exes why’d u meet up”
“Wow we’re not freinds”
U started at him in confusion at the same time as being flustered
“I-I don’t know I just assumed yk”
“Assumed what “
“That we weren’t entirely freinds yet “
He just sucked his lip and nodded u felt bad that u made him probly feel bad
“If u want I can buy u something after this I was gonna start getting ready to go to a party idk he u know who’s throwing it “
“Yeah sure but the guy who’s throwing it is my freind u do know that “
“Oh really ur freinds with sunoo!”
“Mhm me jake Sunghoon sunoo jay heeseung and Niki have been freinds scince middle school “
“Ah I didn’t know that but your all diffrent ages “
“Yes but not by a lot”
“Also do u mid if I ask u somthing y/n”
“Sure what is it”
“U and heeseung are u guys like a thing”
U laughed at his question and he just looks confused and concerdthat u were laughing at that u stoped laughing cause u noticed him not talking
“No why would be were just freinds but he’s super nice why do u ask”
“Oh nothing just cause heeseung dosent Like to talk to many girls “
U were a bit taken back by the comment cause if heeseung didn’t talk to many girl than why would he be talking to u…
U and jungwon went separate u went with soyeon and he left a little more early to help sunoo set up cause just from knowing him for 3 days he’s the most extra person so u just know his party was gonna be amazing and u weren’t wrong as soon as u were outside there sorority house there was loud music party streamers outside and walking threw the door was another thing but everything In there was absolutely amazing
“YAH JANG y/n “
“Sorry it’s just jungwon hasn’t stoped looking at u scince u got here “
U look where she’s looking but as soon as u do jungwon is Look somewhere eles
“Choi soyeon the next time u say something dumb like that I’ll kill u now lemme go find the drinks and u go dance”
U wanderd a little bit admiring the decorations sunoo and everyone eles had put up you accidentally bumped into someone’s chest
“Oh sorry”
It was heeseung
“No need to be sorry sunoos decos are killer huh “
“Yeah there superrrr amazing”
“Anyway what are u doing”
“I’m trying to look for the drinks do u know where they are “
“Oh yeah follow me “
U follow heeseung into the kitchen where jake is and a couple of other people who are grabbing drinks and then leaving to go do something eles
“Ayooo y/n your here”
“Hey Jake what do u have to drink “
“Well I could go into detail about everything or I can just give u a beer “
“I’ll just take a beer “
“Perfect “
U definitely had one to many drinks but we’re still okay heeseung was right by you but u went outside on the balcony for some fresh air heeseung followed to make sure u were okay being very aware at the fact your drunk u walked upstairs to the balcony and we’re just admiring the view until u noticed heeseung looking at you
“Hey y/n”
“Can I kiss you”
U were very much confused as to why he would want to kiss u u scant lie tho heeseung is really handsome and all those drinks making him look even more desirable u kiss him and that tunes into a make out sesh until
“What the fuck “
U see Seoyeon and jungwon standing there but jungwon just grabs your wrist and takes u out side
“Ow jungwon”
He dosent Listen and your half way to his car
“Jungwon it hurts let go jungwon plea-
Someone grabs your other hand and u Gusse sit it was heeseung jungwon turns around looking mad
“Yo whyd u pull her Away “
“Cause didn’t I tell u to fucking stay away from her she’s not one of your toys “
“I Never Said she was now let’s just go back to the party “
They had both your wrist and it was hurting
“No we’re going home “
“ I think y/n can speak for herself “
Jungwon just glared at him
“Can u guys let go your hurting me”
They both let go and jungwon says something
“Yes she can speak for herself but not in this situation and when I told u all to stay away from her I fucking mean it especially u “
“And what if I don’t won mh what are you gonna do your still fucked up from yuji so how can u do anything with her”
“U ass u know maybe this is why people say your a jerk u can be nice but fucking stupid no wonder why all those girls you fucked never are around cause u push them away now stay the fuck away from y/n and we won’t have problems”
“We were just having fun anyway it wasn’t serious “
“Yeah it never is with u “
“You know what jungwon don’t be a pussy and just fuck her cause that’s what u want so bad right “
U didn’t know what to say everything about there conversation was confusing normally I knew what to come up with but here I didn’t u just wanted to melt away in a hole and never come out
Jungwon just grabed u and started to walked away until
“Yeah that’s right just walk away that’s why yuji never wanted to be with just walk away from all your problems that’s probly why she wouldn’t even have sex with u!”
He stoped and let go of your hand and the next thing u know he’s punching heeseung
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safyresky · 2 years
Frostmas Year Three: Behind the Scenes
Prologue | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | Y5 | Y6 | Y7 | Y8 | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12
oh my god this is the I'M TELLING MOM AND DAD chapter! I did not realize this until I decided "Man, you know what'd be a great distraction from work? A Frostms BTS!" and I am DELIGHTED to dig into this one, and HOPEFULLY resist the urge to throw it back in the doc manager and rewrite it.
Before I yell ONWARDS a quick note: I can't for the life of me figure out how tf to do levelled bulleted lists with the new post editor. I managed to conjure them the other day but when I previewed the post, it was just a bulleted list. So we'll have a bit of a new format for these next Frostms BTS posts! :)
Alrighty. ONWARDS
Jacquie's Intro
"This strange tingling feeling deep within my core…" that's magibean for ROSEHAVEN MAGIC SUSSING HER OUT :)
"are we really starting with PAIN Dani?" yes, shut up and enjoy the angst 😘
"spoilers, you know!" I am still marathoning Doctor Who at this point. We've reached River territory, 100% :)
SO YEAH, Meet the Frosts never happened in Frostmas, so now we're seeing WHY Mother Nature visiting was so important and laid the groundwork for reunions in Crystal Springs!
I guess Y3 is kinda like, the upside-down version of Meet the Frosts, lmao.
Scene 1 &2: I'M TELLING
We're one scene in and I'm already itching to go back and adjust the third person perspective so you can still clearly hear Jacqueline
initially when I started Frostmas, I was going to switch between first person and third omnipresent
but then i was like, wow, jacqueline's really fun to write as (she's a whole lot of me tbh, just with an amped up chaos meter and a shittier filter than I have)
so when you read through frostmas now, in recent chapters, if she's not there she's still narrating--this chapter desperately needs a touch up to reflect that 😅
"Grinning, Jack got an idea. A terrible, awful idea" yes this is a Grinch reference, 100% :)
"Bernard considered all of Jack's recent "brilliant" ideas: the preordered parts (ended in catastrophic toy malfunctions with several elves sustaining crazy injuries in overnight at the Elfirmiry), ordering things online (secret of Santa was apparently not a thing for Jack), and not to mention the theme music thing. They had all ended in disaster" not me dropping more hints about how this whole shebang goes :o
my GOD i need to tidy this year up. ANYWAY.
Scene 3: the twins answer the door
ha, not yet
but gosh, the TWINS, who do NOT know Jack, answering the door like "the fuck?"
we're off to a great start, huh, Jack? >:)
originally the anti-concious thing was supposed top be Pyros's cursed influence, LITERALLY PMAN, but I'm not so sure it's Pyros HIMSELF now. I think it's just like, the effect of his curse--doing everything in it's power to keep the sprite extra-frozen
my god i'm diabolical.
maybe the real villain was the writer the entire time :o
Goddess of the Springs bless Blaise. The man's patience knows no bounds. He sees his estranged son at the door, his eldest daughter ready to throw down, and his two youngest absolutely unaffected and he's like "we should talk this out I think". Love him for it.
I do love this tho bc I only recently realized that Blaise's core is HOPE. Man's so full of hope, it's no WONDER that when Jack pops in in this wonky illegal timeline, his first instinct is "okay let's chat and explain things and see if maybe we can make this work" and also "holy fuck where's my wife at this is a LOT" (not pictured)
Blaise's tell, 9/10 times, is his hair. He plays poker extinguished, as a fun fact :)
ANYWAY, enter Winter!
I was always like, hmm, maybe she wouldn't have fainted, and I've lost count of how many times I've been like "oh no. fainting isn't what would happen. can people faint bc of shock? (googles fainting) (reads up on shocks) OKAY I SUPPOSE IT WORKS.
it was a combo of humour but also a devastating blow, or it was SUPPOSED to be, bc you'd be like "wholly shit. she FAINTED? good lord, upside down meet the frosts inDEED"
Wow holy SHIT this is so short?
this chapter, that is
nothing else big was planned for this year, though, admittedly. Jack tries to reunite with the family, fails!
at least, I don't THINK anything else was planned
but Everything up to the first half of Y6 was lost in 2016 when my computer took a steep dive about. 3ish feet off of a counter top and onto the stone floor bc I tripped on the cord while grabbing the phone
ANYWAY yeah, short chapter! but now's the fun part.
If the twins was the first strike, then Blaise being a bit cold perhaps would be the second strike--leaving Winter, who is now across from Jack at the head of the table
(something something symbolism for head of house and power and such)
leaving Winter as strike three >:)
Blaise trying to reign in Jacqueline for this entire discussion is giving him greys as we read, tbh
Jacqueline: I'll spare you the long winded details, reader
Jacqueline, two years later: Here are all the long winded details, get fucked I am processing Trauma
Dani, IRL looking at the staunch difference in word count between the first half and the second half: what hell have I wrought
Jack: I've been reflecting and such!
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Writing Winter's no was so cathartic.
She is a very scary lady and we don't really see it bc she's also a Mom, and very warm and about being together and such
But she is VERY scary. Her season, her EVERYTHING can be TERRIFYING.
And to have that be turned on Jack, especially after the DoD and how she played the mediator then?
I almost flubbed up, let me tell you guys. I almost froze Jacqueline right here on the spot and then went wait, wait hold up. This is too early, let me double check my notes
do I remember what they said? no!
but the jist (gist??) of it was that this is where she gets the idea, but doesn't do it
now, older and wiser than 2015 Dani, I can tell you with certainty that this is most definitely where it starts happening. I mean, how could it not? She's tired, she's frustrated, she's been in this shitty timeline for tHREE YEARS and nobody else seems to be like 'well this seems wrong and bad'. Her brother is back but not at all like she had ever HOPED he'd be, and he's being an ASS and she's really, REALLY angry and what sprite wouldn't, when face with all of that, freeze their lil hearts?
Jacqueline, apparently, and this is b/c, SEMI SPOILER ALERT FOR Y11, Winter staves it off
Winter coming up and supporting Jacqueline, even that simple little act of saying "i love you" and hugging her, staves off (but doesn't stop) her eminent freeze.
Anyway. If your friends and loved ones are having a rough time, a little love goes a long way is all we here at SafyreSky industries have to say
Even if it is through the allegorical concept of sprites freezing (hardening) their hearts :3
Anyway, got ahead of myself bc of this flub lmao, which is obvious when you actually read the last bit KNOWING I beefed it haha
Jacqueline being like "This was only strike one" is Dani being like "SHIT I FUCKED UP AND NEED TO RESET, AH!"
But it's safe enough to say from this point on, Jacqueline's starting to freeze :o
oh and also
"Jacqueline Frost never cries" is BULLSHIT. She cries, alright. She just pretends she doesn't so she can keep up her "cool" appearance/reputation :)
but she does cry!
you heard it here folks, crying is cool 😎
Anyway. This was a FUN ONE to distract me from work! And quick! I'm going to have to tidy up Y3 at some point, it's slightly off. but it still holds up alright :)
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nsk96 · 1 year
Personal rant
So, my school requires us to do these "co-curriculars" and there's a type of co-curricular called a "health fair" and this is when we do vaccination drives, health screenings, patient education, etc. for a community.
Today I had a health fair at my school's pharmacy and everything was going good until near the end of the shift. One of the doctor's on campus came in to get his flu shot and all was okay. He joked around with us and the pharmacy staff while he filled out his paperwork.
Once he was done, I carried his paper to the pharmacy tech so she can enter it in. Once she was done, she handed the paperwork to one of the pharmacists there. The pharmacist looked around and was asking who was going to prepare the syringe. She looked at me as well, but I didn't say anything. Then my friend, one of the people who helped organize the health fair, came up to the counter, realizing they need help, and asked this pharmacist if she needed help. The pharmacist said yes. So, my friend came back to behind the counter. She was handling the syringes the whole shift so I know she knows where all the materials are, so I was happy that she came up. I went with her to prepare the syringe.
Once done, I carried it over to the same pharmacist to check it, and at the same time, someone else was carrying the doctor to the room to give him the shot. I was confused because the one we were preparing was for him. The pharmacist turned to me and loudly said, "who even are you?" before I even spoke. I didn't know what else to say so I just said my name and that I'm a student for the health fair since she seems to have forgotten. Then she was like "you're supposed to introduce yourselves" (which we did at the beginning of the shift). Then she sarcastically said, "so we're just drawing up syringes?" Like, she was just going off and I froze and went blank. There were no thoughts going through my head. I couldn't feel my body like I was nonexistent or something. I could hear what she was saying but I couldn't understand what she was saying in the moment. It was like my mom yelling at me, except it wasn't my mom. I was only able to recall what was said at a later time. My friend was next to me at this point and thank god she was there. She explained the situation to the pharmacist and helped cleared up the fact that we were not aware that someone else was preparing the doctor's vaccine. Then she calmed down.
Afterwards my friend was irritated and I was still trying to process what just happened. When I got home and told my mom everything, she said, "just tell yourself not to freeze." So helpful right? 🙄 It's something that just happens and I seem to have no control over, how am I supposed to tell myself that, if my brain goes blank or if my brain decides to think of something else like it normally does. Then she said I need to bring out a firm voice and "send it back to her (the pharmacist) in a polite way." How tf am I supposed to do that all of a sudden? This is a skill that is learned from the years of experience I don't have. When I said, I think it's too late to learn it, my mom said, "it's not too late. I learned it later than your age." Which for a second gave me hope until I remembered that my mom forgets how old I actually am (she estimates down). Also, not to mention, she has a lifetime in the customer service field which she has been working since, what...18??? She's now a senior citizen??? While when it was my chance, she discouraged me from getting a job at every turn. Only now she wants to encourage me to get a job but I'm in pharmacy school now and need every minute for studying and therefore can't balance a job with school no matter how much I want with my whole heart to have a job. I can't because my brain won't let me and my mom doesn't want me seeing a therapist nor psychiatrist before I get a job....
I feel like if I don't get the treatment I need, I won't last one week at a job. There's so much I got away with on IPPE rotations just because I am a student. As an employee, they will think of my spacing out in the middle of receiving instructions and bad memory as not caring about the job. They'll think my inability to have a conversation about something (unless it's about something I'm passionate about) as me not wanting to talk. They will see my silent panic as incompetence or lack of intelligence. They will see my inability to defend myself as a sign of weakness and will therefore make me their punching bag at work, or just let me drown and take the blame for everything. Heaven knows how they will see my other issues like my inability to stay still for long periods of time fighting the urge to tap on the desk, or start randomly dancing to the song I suddenly remember, or my inability to be organized when I'm overwhelmed (and I get overwhelmed easily), how difficult it is for me to stay on schedule as well as create a schedule when I have none, how I procrastinate for days only to complete everything last minute, etc,.
The inability to defend myself is my mom's fault though, I'm not denying it any longer. How am I supposed to learn how to defend myself all of a sudden, when I wasn't allowed to defend myself in my own home? That every time I tried to speak up for myself, it was treated as an act of disrespect or aggression. I try to fix this shit myself, but time and time again it's proven to me that I can't do it alone.
When I see my friend again tomorrow I will thank her. If she wasn't there, I don't know what would have happened.
Also, if you're reading this, don't forget to get your flu shot this flu season. Stay safe <3
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ajkesiah · 2 years
• Indirect kiss •
Five hargreaves x reader
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(btw the italic words mean y/n`s thoughts)
[ also, five is the same age as y/n, they're both 21-24 I can't rlly pick an age ]
Y/n's pov:
I'm currently walking towards the Umbrella Academy to hang out with my friends, Klaus invited me to come over bc he was bored and we were gonna have a party there, yk foods, music, and dances etc. I've been friends with them for a few years. We're all super close. Me and five get along well, surprisingly, we're like best, best friends, I sorta have a tiny crush on him ig... OKAY I HAVE A HUGE CRUSH ON HIM. 😻
3rd person pov:
(Time skip bc I don't wanna write all this)
Y/n walks up to the academy and knocks on the door, the door flung right open as Klaus put his weight on the handle with a drink in his hand. "Hey Klaus!" y/n says "hey y/n, come in" Klaus says as he stands to the side then closes the door after they walk in.
The smell of fresh food and drinks coming from the kitchen and music playing in the background. Allison and Luther dancing in the living room, Diego talking to vanya while playing with his knife, and five... idk where five is he's probably in his room or something.
Klaus stumbles to the kitchen "we have so much stuff in here y/n! Come here". Y/n follows Klaus to the kitchen and the smell getting even stronger made me wanna fall down on my knees..
I walk to the counter and look at all the food and drinks lay down there, tacos, lasagna, chicken, steak, chips, sauce, cheesecake, brownies, cookies, you name it.
"Woww..." Y/n asked, Klaus nods "mhm, I'm gonna dance now, wanna come?" "Sure!"
Y/n's pov:
"what happened?" all of them asked.
After drinking and have a fun time I got up from the couch to go to the kitchen when I saw five blink away somewhere as I stood up. I grabbed some food and got thirsty, and there was this cup with wine in it sitting next to me so I just drank it, not caring who's it was. While I was drinking it five blinked near me while Klaus also walked towards us. "isn't that fives glass? OMG YOU'RE DRINKING FIVES GLASS Y/N" Klaus yelled then started laughing while five just stared.
I put down the glass as I spit out the water, almost choking on the drink bc I was shocked, I mean... I'm drinking from my best friend's glass.. AKA MY CRUSH??!?!?!? HELLO??? "what?.." The others came in here curious abt what all the noise is from.
"They kissed?!"
"what's an indirect kiss?"
"Y/n and five kissed?!"
Five and I basically just watched this whole scene unravel. "umm..." I tried to think what to say.. BUT HOW TF WOULD I KNOW WHAT TO SAY IF I JUST INDIRECTLY KISSED MY CRUSH ???
Five and I just looked at each other and he walked up to me and grabbed my hand and teleported to his room. wow.. his hands are SO SOFT- IS IT HAPPENING??? FIVE IS GONNA KISS ME??? I MEAN... SAY LESS-
I was knocked out of my thoughts as five said something "well that was something..." I nodded not knowing what to say. OH GOD IM BLUSHING I BET HE CAN SEE THIS IM GONNA SHIT MYSELF SO BAD RN 😭😭 He walked up to me and and tilted my chin towards him since I was looking away. "umm.. sorry five I didn't mean to drink out of your glass.." I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.
Getting lost into his green eyes I suddenly felt a pair of lips on mine. NOW MY EYES ARE WIDE OPEN RN 😨 I kissed back knowing we weren't going to pull away anytime soon. He grabbed me by the waist and I put my arms around his neck. HIS LIPS ARE SOFT TOO THIS MAN IS TOO PERFECT WTF
The kiss lasting for a long while, we pull away and I look into his eyes as he smirked. "umm-" Klaus and the others kicked the door open right as I was about to say something. We both immediately pulled away from each other and stood awkwardly.
"Oh my god guys shut up" five said rolled his eyes and shoved them out of the room with a sigh. Turning back to me, "I'm sorry, they're annoying" "no no it's fine! I mean, it was kinda embarrassing but-" five pulled me into a passionate kiss.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
He’s Lost - Bakugou Katsuki - Part 1
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Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings - Angst, Physical Harm, Cursing, accused Cheating, Katsuki’s insecurities
A/N: This is my first writing piece but this has been stuck in my mind since v-day is coming up so I had to get it out. Plz enjoy!!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Summary: Y/N is so busy around Valentine’s, her lack of attention towards her Pomeranian is causing him to freak out and do the worst of the worst
Love is in the air! The birds are singing, The breeze is blowing, the setting sun is shining, and the explosive teen is.....well, bruting.
Can you blame him though? Y/N’s been a little distant ever since February started. Even right now, instead of enjoying their time together in a quiet park, she’s staring down at her phone doing who knows what.
Why? Was he not good enough? Has she gotten tired of him? They’ve only been together for a little over a year. Is she talking to someon- no. Katsuki stopped himself from thinking like that. There’s no way his precious teddy bear would ever do that. Not only that, he was the best there is. Why would she even try to go?
“You dumbass. You’re missing this.” Bakugou sighed. “Huh? What? Missing what?” Y/N looked around looking for whatever “this” was until Bakugou grabbed her chin to force her to look him in the eyes. “THIS DUMBASS! US! You’re so focused on that dumb phone. Jeez, can’t a guy just get his girl’s attention.” Bakugou said dramatically.
It wasn’t that Y/N wasn’t giving him attention, it’s that it wasn’t the same. Yea she right there snuggled into his arm. And yea she was petting his hair just the way he liked. And YES, she was peppering his face with kisses from time to time. But it all felt off? Like only half her energy was put into the love and affection.
“Suki, aren’t u being a little dramatic. I’m right here with you baby. I’m sorry if I’ve been a little distracted. Come here dummy.” And as Y/N pulls Bakugou in for a tighter hug all he can do is release a “hmph” while falling into it...until her phone went (ding!) once again. And she went to check it. Once again.
Bakugou was getting tired so he got up and suggested they’d head back to UA. Y/N only got up and began to walk beside him, hand in hand, while still checking her phone time to time. And Bakugou was getting sick of it
*Wtf is she doing on that piece of junk? What could be so important she would half ass our entire evening together? .....Could she possibly be talking to someone else?............no.* Bakugou let those negative thoughts die down as they continued their journey back.
A few days later
“COME ON!!” Bakugou screamed as he realeased a blast towards Kirishima. When Bakugou invited him to train, The red head initially thought it was to ...you know..TRAIN. But after some time, the blonde’s best friend began to see the bigger picture.
“Dude. What’s up with you man? We always go full on during training, but it’s not even like you’re trying to hit me. It feels like you’re just taking your anger out on me.” Kirishima said.
“Congrats on noticing shitty hair, I’m glad somebody’s noticing my damn mood.” Weirded out by his friend’s unusual openness, the red head continued to ask.
“So what’s up?”
“But you just-“
Bakugou exclaimed as he began to gather his stuff to leave the training area. “BAKUGOU!” Kiri shouted. “WHAT!” “.......it’s Y/N isn’t it?”
Upon hearing that, the blonde turned to look at his best friend with this sad puppy dog look. And man, if Katsuki had doggy ears, everyone would see how low they’d go. His best friend didn’t need to see it though, he could tell those ears would be 6 ft under if they were actually there bc there’s nothing hiding Katsuki’s vulnerability when it comes to Y/N. As the two best friends go to sit on the bleachers, Bakugou takes a deep breath before saying his thoughts.
“I think Y/N is cheating on me.”
Kirishima went from “caring and considerate” to “WHATDIDHESAYYY” in seconds. Y/N L/N?? Cheating?? Ok. Y/N was one fiesty girl, and she definitely had sass, power, attitude, and a little mischief, but she also had kindness, compassion, consideration, and honesty flowing though her. Not to mention extreme loyalty. There’s no way.
“Look man, with all due respect, I think you’ve finally lost it.” The red head laughed. “I’m being serious shitty hair.” The blonde stated. “She’s been so distracted lately. She’s always with me but it’s like her mind is also somewhere else. And not to mention that damn phone she’s always on now. She can’t go 30 minutes without checking it at least twice. And not only that, when she does leave to do whatever, she’s gone for hours at a time! What’s a guy supposed to think with all of that?! I mean it’d make sense if she wanted to leave. I get it, I can get loud, and yell, and I get angry a lot but.. she knows I never mean it, right? I call her a dumbass like i do everyone else...ugh but she isn’t just everyone else, she’s my girlfriend and she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.....SO WHY TF IS SHE CHEATIN-“ before the blonde could continue, his best friend cut him off.
“BAKUGOU” “WHAT??!!” “....talk to her.” Kirishima said. “What?” Bakugou asked. Kirishima continued. “Cheating is a real sensitive topic in a relationship. I don’t wanna give my opinion on something that could ruin something amazing. C’mon man, we both know Y/N isn’t like that but who am I to tell you what to do. I wanna help, I do, but I think it’s best if you go to her with all this. Honestly though, if you asked me, Y/N would be the last person I’d ever think of when it came to cheating on ANYTHING. Especially the guy she cares so much about.” And with that last sentence, Kirishima stood up from his spot and pat Bakugou on his shoulder before exiting.
With Bakugou left with nothing but his thoughts and Kirishima’s advice, he left and headed straight towards your room.
“Shut up!” You excitingly screamed though the phone. “You really found the last part?”
“Yup, it only took about 6 different stores across the entire city.” Shinsou sarcastically replied. “You owe me.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know and I appreciate it. Katsuki’s gonna love his gift!” You said.
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, you’ve been preparing only the best Valentine’s Day surprise for the best boyfriend in the world. You’ve been so busy planning your surprise that I guess you could say you haven’t been giving Katsuki the massive amount of attention he’s used to from you, but you can definitely say it’ll all be worth it when he sees one of his presents that you’ve been working on. A silencer for his gauntlet blasts that not only decreases the volume of his attacks, but also increases his attack power. You remember how Bakugou had vented about his attacks being too loud that they scare people, but when he tried to keep them quiet, the attack isn’t as powerful so saving can be quite difficult. He only spoke about it once, but you could see the look on his face whenever he was out using his quirk around civilians. So why not give him a device that’ll help with his loud little problem. Now were you a support class student who knew how to make support items? Hell no. But were you a loving girlfriend willing to give her man the best Valentine’s Day ever? Hell yeah.
The piece of gear would’ve been easier to make IF it weren’t for a pesky piece of the project getting destroyed by Shinsou after he made Denki electrocute himself while he was right next to your prototype on the table. So to make it up to you, Shinsou went all around town looking for the piece you needed to complete your support item for Katsuki. Finally, all pieces had come together.
“He better. That damn bastard doesn’t know how amazing his girlfriend is. Instead of ignoring his ass these past few weeks, you sent ME to get all this shit for you so you could keep your precious Pomeranian happy.” Shinsou said while rolling his baggy eyes.
As Bakugou approached the outside of your dorm room’s door, he heard your voice.
“You know, you’re so right. That Pomeranian is unaware of just exactly how amazing I am. I really could’ve left whenever but I stuck around.” You snorted. “Well I’m glad I had you with me through it all Shinsou.”
Oh to say Katsuki was pissed was an understatement. He felt all these emotions hitting him all at once. Anger, Disgust, Pain, Betrayal. It all became too much for him before Katsuki ran away from your down with his bed down and silent tears hitting the floor. When he let himself fall to the floor in the privacy of his room he screamed into his hands. His first love, his first real relationship, his teddy bear betraying his love, loyalty, and trust for over an entire year. After hours of crying, Katsuki was able to pull himself into bed. He couldn’t even bring himself to shower even though he spent all that time in the gym with Kirishima. He just wanted to sleep to escape reality. As he looked at his phone, he saw 1 missed call from Y/N, and 1 text saying “Goodnight love💗💥!” Bakugou scoffed at the text. Figuring u must be texting Shinsou the same thing. As Bakugou placed his phone down, an evil thought came to mind. Ruin her.
Bakugou smirked to himself as he had this pyscho and sinister look on his face. He would ruin Y/N. They haven’t officially broken up yet, so he could hurt her just as she hurt him. And Bakugou wasn’t stupid or so he thought he’s aware Valentine’s is coming up, so why not break little Y/N L/N’s heart on a day dedicated to nothing but love and happiness. It’ll be the perfect revenge on a little satin like her. Bakugou finally turned on his side with an evil, satisfied smile, and fat tears in his eyes once more.
The next morning, Katsuki got up with a broken heart, but he figured if he wanted his plan to work, he had to fake this smile. Getting up, getting ready, and getting dressed was business as usual, but meeting up with Y/N in the morning was now off the schedule. Instead of going into her room to check on her like he usually does, he just went straight to breakfast and straight to class without speaking to anyone.
With Class 1-A seated and Mr.Aizawa at the head of the classroom, the students can finally start their first lesson of the day. Until, the door slid wide open. There stood an exhausted and quite frankly dishelved Y/N. “My apologies sensei. I was up late last night and overslept. Please forgive me.” Y/N said as she bowed her head in sorry. “Just take your seat L/N.” The tired eye teacher said.
As Y/N walked to her desk, she noticed Bakugou wouldn’t even glance her way. She was a little thrown off since it would be normal for him to at least give her a judgemental look for sleeping in, but no. Nothing.
Bakugou on the other hand was writhing in agony. Oh how he wanted to check on Y/N and make sure everything was fine, but that voice in the back of his head couldn’t help but tell him to ignore her since she’s a cheater. She may have been the girl he’s loved dearest, but she was also the one causing his heart to shatter.
After a few classes, Y/N tried to approach Bakugou several times, but each time he brushed her off. And when the bell finally rang for lunch, you can bet Katsuki was the first one out the door. Y/N followed him of course, in worry and concern.
“Babe! Baby! Katsuuu!!! KATSUKII!” Y/N whined for her boyfriend to at least look at her but once again. Nothing. Bakugou wanted to hug her and hold her tight but he couldn’t. Not after what she’s done. Right before Bakugou entered the cafeteria, Y/N pulled him aside and held onto his wrists.
“Baby? Hey, what’s up with you? I’ve been calling your name and trying to talk to you but you keep brushing me off. You also didn’t stop by this morning. Is something wrong, love?” Y/N was hoping for something. ANYTHING at this point. And it was like the gods heard her prayer because she definitely got....something. “My bad.” The blonde haired boy dryly replied. “....Oh, um, ok suki.” The poor girl just thought her dear boyfriend was having a bad day, so she just left it alone and let him go. But still, even on his worse days he would at least visit her in the mornings. As they sat down with the bakusquad, the entire table noticed how Bakugou sat up and moved across from Y/N after she chose to sit next to him like usual. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife, and Kirishima could already feel what had gone down. He at least knew his bro didn’t talk to his girl. Not manly at all.
Valentine’s Day
During lunch, Kirishima has finally decided to speak to Bakugou about this whole thing. He hasn’t been getting any updates since their time in the gym, so when it was just him and his best friend having lunch together, he went for it.
“Man what the hell is going on with you and Y/N? I’ve noticed you’ve been avoiding her like crazy,” Kirishima said while stuffing his face, nervous about the answer. “I was right all along.” The blonde sadly spoke. “She’s been cheating on me since the start of our entire relationship. And with that baggy eyed freak from 1-B.”
Kirishima couldnt believe what he was hearing. He almost choked on his food. Y/N was actually cheating. I guess people don’t know people as well as he thought. “.....wow...I’m sorry man.” The red haired friend said. He was at a lost for words and didn’t know what else to say. *sigh* “don’t be. It all goes down tonight.” Bakugou said with a sad smile. “What do you mean?” His friend asked. The blonde looked at him right in his red eyes. “I’m breaking her heart tonight, on the one day of the year dedicated to love.”
Instead of going to lunch, Y/N spent her time finishing up Katsuki’s surprise in his room. Yeah, he’s been having a bad past few days so why not bring him a smile with these amazing gifts on the day of love. Although Y/N didn’t really feel the love today (due to Katsuki again being so distant and ignoring her “good morning blasty💥💗!” And “Happy Valentine’s Day my love♥️!” Texts) she was determined to make sure Katsuki knew just exactly how much she loved him. She was almost done setting up in his room. Rose petals on the bed, Candles everywhere, 4 different gifts including his new support item made by you, his favorite meal is going to be set here on his table, and you and him together spending every loving second with each other. Y/N didn’t realize that because of her setup, she missed the entire rest of the day. “Meh, so worth it when I see the look on Suki’s face.” Tonight is going to be perfect.....or so you thought.
You didn’t expect to find Katsuki in your room, sitting on the edge of you bed waiting for you with his head hanging low and his shoulders slumped.
*maybe he has a surprise for me....? Yea that has to be it!* Y/N happily thought as she closed the door.
“Suki!! Happy Valentine’s Day!” Y/N said with all the love in her heart as she ran and jumped on the boy for a hug. But Bakugou didn’t say anything. He didn’t move. He just glanced back up at her, giving her this cold stare. Y/N was too busy professing her undying love for her boyfriend to even notice his scary silence. “Suki I’m really glad it’s you who I have in my life,” the love sicken girl bashfully spoke while looking at the ground. “You make me so happy and I feel so blessed being able to spend my life with you in it. I really hope you know just how much I care and lov-“ Bakugou couldn’t listen to this bullshit anymore. He pushed Y/N off of him just before she could say those 3 words that would get him to break.
“Hey! Suki? Why would you do that?!” Y/N exclaimed while standing back up. “I hate you.” The blonde spoke coldly. As those words left his mouth, Y/N heart and world were falling apart. Her eyes went wide open and her jaw slightly dropped. As she was about to say something else, Katsuki cut her off with “I’m breaking up with your dumbass. Right here. Right now!” Bakugou yelled. Y/N was in shock. She felt hurt, pain, she was just feeling so broken.
As tears filled her eyes, she asked “w-why?” as she tried to reach out to him. “Why? WHY?!” Bakugou screamed as he stood up above her slapping her hand away. “THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN WHY, Y/N. YOU’RE A FUCKING CHEATER, THATS WHY!” The blonde yelled in her face. Y/N couldn’t believe it. He thought she was cheating? Why would she even do that? She already has the best person in the world for her so why? “DONT EVEN GIVE ME THAT “it didn’t mean anything, Suki!” BULLSHIT. I DONT GIVE A FUCK, CUZ YOU’VE BEEN CHEATING ON ME AND PLAYING ME FOR A DAMN FOOL THIS ENTIRE FUCKING TIME!” Bakugou went on as his voice began to crack while tears flowed down his porcelain face. “YOU LIED TO ME. I GAVE YOU MY ENTIRE BEING AND YOU FUCKING LIED. YOU DUMB FUCKING BITCH, I CANT BELIEVE I EVER LOVED A SORRY EXCUSE OF A PERSON LIKE YOU. I HATE YOU SO DAMN MUCH, I DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT THE FUCK I SAW IN YOU!” Y/N’s heart hit the ground. No actually, it went 6 ft under because after all that he’s said, her heart is dead. Broken. In agony. “Suki I-“ “DONT FUCKING CALL ME THAT L/N.” Hearing him refer to her with her family name hit so hard. “KATSUKI PLEASE! I DIDNT DO ANYTHING I SWEA-“ as Y/N tried to reach out to him, he interrupted her again and pushed her hand away. “I SAID DONT CALL ME THAT!”
The blonde yelled, except this time....he didn’t only yell. The burning scent of smoke came into his nose and the loud explosion could be heard throughout the building. The product of what he just did came to him. He just attacked the love of his life. As much as Y/N hurt him, Katsuki still loved her with his everything. And the fact that he subconsciously attacked her broke him even more. Y/N’s screams of pain reached his ears, as he looked down and saw his precious teddy bear with a burned arm and fat tears on her face, crying in pain.
Bakugou ran down to her level to try and help her. “Y/N! Hey, hey teddy bear look I’m so-“ Y/N pushed him away before he could continue. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU BAKUGOU?!” Ouch. His family name felt like poison coming from your tongue. “Princess, I’m sorry I didn’t-“ “SHUT UP AND LET ME SPEAK FOR ONCE YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” Y/N screamed as she stood up to face him. “I DIDNT FUCKING CHEAT ON YOU. WHY THE HELL WOULD I DO THAT WHEN YOU’RE THE BEST DAMN THING THATS EVER HAPPENED TO ME?!..ah!” Y/N was cut off by the stinging of her wound, and Bakugou couldn’t do anything but stare. Y/N grabbed onto her wound before continuing. “I love you Bakugou. I wouldn’t even dream about doing wrong by you. I thought I was a good girlfriend or at least a good person-“ Bakugou quickly interrupted “No! Y/N you are, I just-“ “If I am then what the hell made you even think of me so lowly? What the hell did I do to make you question my loyalty? What the hell did I do that was worthy of you burning my fucking arm?!” Y/N cried out.
Silence fell upon the room. It felt like hours before anybody said anything. Both people had heavy tears in their face now. One crying because he realized he was an idiot and harmed the girl who did nothing wrong, and One crying because she did nothing wrong but ended up being a villain in her loved one’s life. Y/N broke the silence with a scoff.
“You know what Suki?” Y/N said looking him in the eyes. “Yes teddy bear?” Bakugou quickly replied with wide, desperate eyes upon hearing the loving nickname, thinking they would move on from this horrible incident. “Get the fuck out.” Y/N said in a low voice. Bakugou was shocked. He knew he fucked up horribly but after realizing the truth, he can’t leave you! He loves you too damn much for that! “What? Y/N please listen to me, I’m sor-“ “I DONT GIVE A FUCK! Leave..please.” The sad girl cried. Bakugou grabbed onto her shoulders begging her to not end this. “Y/N please! Please princess! I’m so fucking sorry! I’m an idiot, I know, and I definitely don’t deserve you but please I can’t lose you.” Bakugou said with tears falling down his face. “Please don’t do this to us. Please don’t do this to me, I’m BEGGING YOU.” “Bakugou-“ The sad boy cut you off, shaking his head, “ NO ITS SUKI. YOUR SUKI. YOUR KATSUKI.......please teddy bear I need you.......h-here let me help yo-”
You harshly pushed the boy off of you and as he tried to desperately go back to you, you used your quirk to keep him at bay. “Bakugou Katsuki. I’m leaving this room since you won’t, and I won’t come back until I know you’re out of my room.” Y/N began as she looked at him with cold, sad eyes. “From now on, you won’t have to worry about this bitch because I’ll stay out of your life, I swear. Don’t look at me, don’t touch me, DONT EVEN TALK TO ME. Just leave me alone....we’re done.” And with that Y/N ran out of her room, and out of the building, needing to get away from the place for a little bit. She could deal with her wound later. She just needed to get away. Bakugou just stood there in sadness and shock. As much as he wanted to run after you, he figured he’d give you a little breather. You guys could fix things in the morning...right?
Bakugou waited an hour in your room waiting for you, but you were right. You really weren’t coming back until he left your private area. So that’s what he did. With a heavy heart, he picked himself up and dragged his feet back to his dorm. He looked like a mess. He knew he did. Messy hair, red swollen eyes, dry lips. His entire body screamed heartbroken. When he open the door, instant regret and love hit him at once. His room was covered with rose petals and flowers, there were candles everywhere, heart shaped balloons all around, he had 4 different boxes of gifts, and two plates of extra spicy curry was set on his table, obviously cold now. What caught his eye was that one of the gift boxes had a note attached to it. With tears in his eyes, he read it.
Hey Suki! It’s Valentine’s Day! I love you to the moon and back and so much more. There’s no words that are able to describe the way I feel about you. You drive me insane in all the right ways and I love it! Lol. I hope you like your Valentine’s Day surprise. I’ve been working for weeks on it, so I’m sorry if I’ve been a little distracted. I know I’ve been kinda absent these past few days but I promise I’ll make it up to you love! Hopefully I can start with this gift that I’ve been working on. Enjoy your brand new grenade silencer! Made it myself just for you. There’s nothing else in the world like this. I love you Bakugou Katsuki!
(P.S. If Shinsou from 1-B gives you shit about it, it’s because I made him drag his ass everywhere to look for a missing part so I wouldn’t have to leave you so much)
XOXO, Your forever teddy bear <3
As he quickly opened the gift, he saw it. A silencer that would attach to his gauntlets to make the sound quieter and the blast even more powerful. It was incredible. You are incredible. He only ever mentioned the sound of his blasts once, and you listened and you fixed it.
Bakugou shook as tears began to fall onto the paper. He couldn’t believe it. Everything started coming together now. The reason you were so distracted was because you were setting this up for him. You were always on the phone because you were assembling pieces and ordering gifts for him. You weren’t cheating on him with Shinsou. You were making sure he could find something that you needed for him. Y/N L/N was truly the best girlfriend in the world. Scratch that, she is the best girlfriend in the world. No scratch that too, she’s just the best, period. And Bakugou’s idiotic self ruined everything for him. All because he couldn’t have a little faith in his teddy bear. As Katsuki cried and cried, he set everything aside.
He took the petals off his bed. He didn’t deserve it. He blew out the candles around his room. He didn’t deserve it. He popped the balloons, and ignored the food. He laid in bed with more tears than ever, and looked at the ceiling. He finally turned to his side to fall asleep, but not before grabbing the picture on his bedside nightstand. A picture of you and him. He remembers that picture oh so clearly. It was his birthday, and while he didn’t want to celebrate, you did everything in your power to make it the best one yet. And you did just that. Bakugou hugged that picture so tight, because he didn’t have you in his arms tonight. He didn’t think he would ever have you in his arms again. So Bakugou Katsuki continued to cry until he was asleep, escaping from the reality of him losing his love, his teddy bear, his princess, and his Y/N.
Bakugou Katsuki never lost, no. He’s always been ahead, always number one, always the best. He always won and achieved and nothing ever stopped him. Except this time, the only thing that stopped him and caused him to lose, was himself. He lost. He lost his everything. His world, his rock, his heart, his Y/N. He’s lost without her in his life, and at this point he thinks he’s lost at life. There was nothing that could fix him unless it was you coming back to him.
Bakugou Katsuki? He’s lost.
A/N: HOLY SHIT! That was my very first writing piece and it was just a Drabble of a thought I’ve been having. Sorry if it’s a little off and weird, I’m still new to writing but hopefully I’ll get better. This was NOT spell checked so my apologies for any mistakes. I hope you enjoyed reading this! Thx for the love!
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gummygowon · 4 years
cute relationship things with ateez!
genre: fluff (a lot)
warnings: none :)
established relationship!
a/n: i meant to post this like two weeks ago but i never finished it so consider this an early valentine’s day gift <3 ;) 
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for some reason, i feel like seonghwa likes to read books
with that being said, on lazy days where you guys didn’t want to get up and do anything
you guys would read books !!!
before you guys would read some were recommendations from each other on your own
and then maybe rant to each other over little details about the book like how the main character went back to their toxic ex or how the ending of a book was so bad
“seonghwa, how did you even read this?!? the stupid ass main character keeps going back to that one jerk! like does she not realize she deserves more than his ugly ass???!!!?”
“y/n, just keep reading.” 
“but hwa-”
turns out the main character got with the other woman yayyyyy!!! fuck shitty men
i don’t know how it happened but you guys started your own little book club with each other
so you guys could finally talk rant together at the same time about the book
so since you guys started to read the same book and if you guys found down time together you would read together
like, imagine it’s a peaceful friday night
seonghwa is back from work and so are you
you guys already showered and ate dinner
you’re just reading and then seonghwa just scoops you up and then puts you in between his legs with your back against his chest
and you’re like “wtf bro?”
and he’s just like, “what? i wanna read too???”
“didn’t you like read ahead tho??”
“yeah, but i wanna read it again.”
that was a fatass lie
he just wanted to be close to you 
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ok so, we all know that this man is hella busy all the time
mans is the leader, song writer, producer, dancer, rapper (which is why he is good at all positions)
but you were patient with him and whenever he goes days without seeing you due to his busy ass schedule he would make it up to you yk what i mean
but on the more chill days when you saw hongjoong or even the days where he was cooped in his studio (you would visit him there because sometimes you just had to see him)
you guys would just lay on the couch, just enjoying each other’s presence and not feel like you have to make up for lost time
you would be on the bottom on your phone or reading a magazine/book
then hongjoong would be at the top with his head on your stomach as he would be writing down lyrics that came to mind
killing two birds with one stone you feel me
sometimes you would show him a funny meme that you found or quote something that you just read to him 
“hongjoong, look at the way he fell!” you would be dying of laughter
and then he wouldn’t notice because he was really roped into making lyrics 
but you also didn’t see him focusing so much because you were of course laughing at the kid that accidentally got bitchslapped off the couch because of their sibling
“joongie look!!!”
“what is it?”
you would then show him what happened and then he would look at with that “you really interrupted me for this??” type of look
“i just lost my train of thought for this song because you wanted to show me this kid falling off of a couch???” 
he would just bring a hand to his face and think what tf? why tf? and then slowly start laughing because of what just happened
“see, wasn’t it funny?”
“a child getting hurt isn’t funny, y/n” he would laugh while scolding you
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yunho powers im sorry for this one
alright so, it’s night time 
you guys are about to go to bed after a long day or work/school whatever
your eyes are fluttering closed because the day got you beat beat
but then yunho just kisses your face
and then you open your eyes slowly again to see yunho look like he just got caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to do
like imagine a kid that just got caught drawing on the walls
that’s what his face would look like
he’s just laying there like “i thought you were asleep...”
“i was just about to...”
yunho feels lowkey guilty now because you’re awake now and he knows you had a long day
he just couldn’t resist kissing you 
you just looked so pretty and peaceful sleeping 
mans was reminded by the universe themself about how lucky he was being able to date you
like, godamn what did he do in his past life to deserve you?
ok, back to this reaction idea thing-
yunho would apologize for waking you up with his cheeks a nice rosy color
you just look at him with tired eyes 
“i’ll forgive you, if you give me more kisses.”
and yunho’s smile just lights up the whole damn room and he’s like oh? say less
so he goes to kissing your face
like all over
your nose
your cheeks
basically anywhere ok?
and you end up laughing because it tickles 
but you just want him to kiss your lips which he does 
... eventually lmao
but when he does your still laughing which causes him to laugh
he tells you “i love you, did you know that?”
and you get all flustered and shit but you still keep that playful energy around 
“i love you too, but you aren’t forgiven just yet”
which leads to more kisses :))))
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ok so you’re now the busy one
yeosang has so much respect for you because holy shit how do you balance that busy ass schedule of yours
your homework loads were no jokes 
then to add to that you have a job which was even more stressful
it was amazing how you can manage all that and still keep a smile on your face
you also had major respect for yeosang as an idol
the industry was not a place to fuck around 
you couldn’t be happier that your boyfriend was lucky enough to have a group who actually cared and supported each other
speaking of ateez, yeosang isn’t the most touchy person in the world
you didn’t mind of course, you’re the same way
however, when he did give you cuddles and kisses you would be a blushing mess
a sort of rare sight that yeosang loved to see
anyways, one night you were busy writing those argumentative essays that you were sure that your fingers would fall off by the time you were finished
you were working on it ever since you got home from school (with the occasional food and bathroom breaks )to the time when yeosang came back from practice
you moved to your shared bed by the time the sweaty boy came home and he was surprised that you were working on one subject for so long
the stupid piece was almost finished by the time yeosang was out of the shower
however, you didn’t even notice
you were too immersed in your writing to notice
yeosang took this as an opportunity to sit behind you and wrap his arms around your waist and watch over your shoulder as you worked
and of course, he would kiss your cheek occasionally
this was super sweet gesture but yeosang but you didn’t the notice that he wrapped his arms around you
“ai yah! what the hell?” you yelled and turned around to see your boyfriend clutching his chest
“oh it’s just you.”
yeosang would give you a deadpanned look and be like, “yeah, who else tf???”
you would apologize and kissing his cheek before returning to back to work 
which yeosang would return to hugging your waist and keep his head on your shoulder
and give you occasional kisses on your cheek or neck
after that night, it became a weekly occurrence
which you loved of course, who wouldn’t love their bf cuddling them while they chased their bag
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i am very excited for this one
ok so, san loves playing with your hair
it’s just so much fun 
running his fingers through it or just attempting to braid it or put it into a tiny ponytail
he loved it
he would probably always play with your while you were watching tv together, sitting together in the car, or even before you guys fall asleep
then one day after san came home early from work 
you guys were chilling on the bed watching the latest k-drama that came out since san made you wait so you guys could watch it together
san was in between your legs with his back leaning against your chest 
and that’s when you decided to run your fingers through his soft, fluffy hair
that’s also when san asked you to braid his hair
“sure, what type of braid though?”
“there’s different kinds????” 
“yes, san. now pick one.” you gave him your phone that was pulled up to different types braids.
“i want the french ones. they sound fancy.”
you roll your eyes and start sectioning his hair into two sections and start braiding his hair and lightly pull on the pink strands because you know san likes his hair pulled
so you doing his hair right 
and you begin rambling about your day/week
talking about whatever interesting happened to you because you know that san likes hearing you talk no matter what it’s about
however, you were knee deep into talking about the latest drama at work that you didn’t even realize that san stopped talking
he didn’t answer and his head would be dipping down so low you were surprised you didn’t fall over
san still wouldn’t respond to you 
but this time he just flipped over so his head would be on your stomach as he wrapped your arms around your stomach
“nevermind love, just sleep.” 
he would respond by burying his head further into your stomach and tightened his hold around you
you kissed his head and ran your fingers through his hair which lulled san to sleep even more
“goodnight sannie.”
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you have been best friends with song mingi ever since you moved into the tiny neighborhood that you call home
it all started when your parents brought you over to your next door neighbor’s house for breakfast on a cold saturday morning 
you were extremely shy when you were little so the only thing you could remember about your first experience with mingi was hiding behind your mother’s leg for the first hour of being there and watching the young boy play with his toy cars and planes before he finally offered a pirate ship to you
ever since that unforgettable saturday, you pretty much spent the rest of your childhood with mingi
you guys were practically joined at the hip 
even when you were getting endlessly teased by your classmates for the first month of school for having an accent whenever you spoke 
which resulted in you running to the bathroom crying
not even a minute later, you heard someone burst through the girls’ bathrrom
you peaked your head out of the stall to see your tall neighbor looking out of breath
“mingi, you aren’t supposed to be here!” you said in between sobs
“it’s okay, i don’t care.” he said as he awkwardly wrapped his arms around you. “are you okay?”
you shook your head no looking at him with tears running down your face
the poor boy was internally freaking out since he has no clue on how to comfort people (especially if they’re a girl)
he was like eight at the time give him a little break
so of course, his first reaction was to make you laugh somehow
and he did this by randomly recreating the “boots and cats, boots and cats” rhythm after seeing siri do it in a youtube video and started to bop his head 
surprised by his sudden movements, you laughed out of pure confusion
as soon as mingi saw the corner of your lips flip upwards he began rapping faster to the point where he was gasping for breath leading him into a coughing fit 
“mingi you can breathe, y’know!” you giggled in between words
after the young boy had caught his breath from hacking away at his lungs, he smiled at you 
until- the teacher had came into the bathroom, scolding mingi for going into the girls’ restroom
even though mingi didn’t care at all that he got in trouble, the only thing he cared about was that you were feeling better
ever since then whenever you were sad or having a bad day mingi would whip out his phone and ask siri to rap while he free-styled over the monotone voice 
he literally still does it
even two years into your relationship-
“siri, can you rap for me?” mingi would ask his phone as he pointed his free arm at you
“boots and cats-”
“mingi, please no.” you laughed in between tears, your mood rising with every beat
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i wholeheartedly believe that wooyoung would kiss you face if you were sad
but the first time this happened, you guys were still fairly new into your relationship
which meant that you weren’t completely ready to be extremely vulnerable around wooyoung 
because in your mind, letting someone see you at your lowest lows of means that you really trust and love someone to let them see you like that
you always wanted to be known as the strong person in the friend group
you were that glue that held everyone together
always listening to others and taking care of others before yourself
which is why wooyoung fell in love with you in the first place
he had never been in a relationship where someone was so caring and thoughtful of others that he was scared that he wouldn’t be enough for you and that you deserved better
of course, he didn’t tell you that right away but he confessed to you about that wayyy later in your relationship which is another story to be told
but one day, life was coming at you so fucking fast
assignments were piling up left and right and deadlines were literally every other day
and then there seemed to be an increase in the amount of angry karens at your work
and your patience was thinning everyday with those people
then to top it all off, all the tests you’ve been studying for, you got mediocre grades, some even worse in other subjects
it just felt like no matter how much work you put into whatever you do, you got half ass results
it was just pushing your mental health further into the ground
you could handle a C every once in awhile but multiple? on back to back tests? no fucking way you just couldn’t
those stupid, dark thoughts would cloud your mind in an instant and on days like this, you would just let them consume you
you were too tired to pick yourself up again and fight back which led to you crying in wooyoung’s arms
usually, you would feel so embarrassed crying over things like this when you know other people have it worse but you couldn’t hold in it anymore 
you ranted about yourself in between your hiccups from crying which would hurt wooyoung’s heart a little bit
because he thought of you as such a strong and kind person- the complete opposite of what you were saying about yourself
so when you were done talking, wooyoung made you look at him and assured you that you were not any of those nasty things that you said about yourself
each insult turned into a thoughtful compliment accompanied by a kiss
“y/n, you are so intelligent-” 
“more than everything i ever wanted”
by the time wooyoung was done, you were a giggling mess
“and this is why i love you.”
he finally kissed you on your lips, smiling into it like the dork he is
it was the first ever time he told you that he loved you
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i am also a firm believer that jongho would sing his s/o to sleep
like with that heavenly voice of his, he better put them to sleep 
so on the first night you ever slept with jongho, you were too nervous to go to bed even though your body was screaming at you to close your eyes 
you kept tossing and turning every few minutes or your eyes would shoot open with your heart racing
at this point, you gave up on trying to sleep and got up (carefully to not wake up your sleeping boyfriend) to get a drink
while you were in the kitchen, clutching your chest in an effort to get yourself to calm down, jongho had stirred awake to an empty bed
a flash of panic surged through his body as he momentarily forgot where he was since he wasn’t at his dorm his room never looked this clean 
yawning, the vocalist would wander into the light with his eyes squinted, “y/n?”
“oh my god!” you jumped, water almost spilling out your glass
jongho covered his ears, “what are you doing up?”
“oh,” you felt your cheeks turn red since you felt bad for waking your boyfriend up. “i can’t sleep.”
“why?” he asked, walking towards the couch.
“i don’t know.” you answered as you followed close behind. 
you curled up next to jongho, clutching his shirt “i’m sorry for waking you up.”
jongho smiled tiredly at you before kissing your head, “don’t be. it’s okay. i don’t have work tomorrow anyways.”
you smiled in response before the two of you guys fell into a silence
“do you want me to sing you to sleep?”
“yes, please.” you murmured into his side as jongho placed his other arm around you, successfully trapping you in between his arms
he began singing softly into your ear as he stroked your hair
his warm voice coaxing your eyes to close 
at last, your mind was at peace with itself
your heart beat slowing down
and by the time the song was finished you were fast asleep in arms
jongho kissed your forehead once more 
“i love you.”
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thesolotomyhan · 3 years
joining the dea and javier peña falling for you would include
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a/n: first javier request and my soft clown ass did her best to bring this request justice for you corazoncitos,, wow anyways pls love me either way if this is actual garbage
taglist: @fandomnerd16 @visintaes @sheeshgivemeabreak @artemiseamoon @umvirgo @redhairedace
let me know if you want to be tagged!
ok so when i thought about this- my mind went straight to a slow b u r n relationship :))
because all i can think about is him not even realizing the moment where you- the very person hes been trying to avoid since day one- holds his entire heart in your hands
like him coming to the point where he notices hes so deep in love with you the very second he stared at you a little longer than usual,,
 not paying attention to what you said even though he was staring straight at your lips- 
and hes just over here like “fuck me,, this cant be happening-”
i laugh because i know he would start to get all nervous around you,, 
his tie feeling like its choking him when he tries to talk to you, becoming tongue tied,, when he had literally zero problems before talking with you- 
his palms sweating and getting so frustrated with himself,, especially when he looks over at you when you laugh at something steve or horacio said to you-
just wanting you to be laughing at something he said instead-
just the literal exact opposite feelings hes been trying to push away and convince himself he doesnt have has him beyond done with himself at this point because he knows theres no way out of this-
because?? since when the fuck ever did the javier pena start getting nervous around trying to talk to a woman and much less the person that hes supposed to be working with,, thats what pisses him off- 
and i would imagine him having this closed off connection with you since the first step you took in the office
because i have this thought in my head where javier wouldnt have liked the news of you joining the dea in colombia when he first heard about it
bc theres already so much stress going on from trying to catch escobar,,
and hes not about to have to train and catch your rookie ass up to them ya feel?
but woW does he realize he has it all fucking backwards about you when steve introduces you to javi when you get there-
like im not going to lie,, i can feel it in my bones that javier wouldnt really care when both you and steve are standing in front of him
i can just imagine him just glancing up,, looking you over once and just brushing you off,,
just giving you a short hello with like a forced smile and getting up,, grazing past you two-
and steves over here rolling his eyes like “dont listen to him, he can be an asshole,, but youll get used to it-”
i dont know- i get the feeling that you and steve would get along well since the start,, like the two of you becoming best friends:)
because he knows what its like to be in a different country and even more, what its like to be the rookie
so hes just having you always stick with him all the time,, being dea buddies :)) wow
but also having a good relationship with carrillo because i just know he would see something in you-
youre not the one to be a goody-two shoes like steve in the beginning and just by hanging around with you for 5 minutes,, he already loves you and is always with you on missions,,
like you becoming one of the people he trusts the most in the group :)
just- you befriending the whole office to the point everyone would come to you for literally anything-
i laugh imagining javiers amargado ass always being annoyed af by that,, because weve seen this man stress tf over escobar and bernas bs hes always pulling-
and hes just trying to be serious for once and not have this whole case drag on any longer than it has to the point where people dont come to him anymore- 
but listen- i can see you having this attitude with him all the time,, like challenging him everytime you interact with him,,
literally not giving 2 shits if he listens to you,, just getting under his skin and steves over here already on your side no matter what-
i cant-  imagining him giving you an attitude back,, pushing you away and sending you with murphy but
 :(( even tho he wont ever admit it then,, :( he lives for bantering with you because those would come to be the highlights of his day :((
like in those moments he slowly starts to realize unconsciously he doesnt hate you at all,, he just doesnt know how to handle these feelings he has for you because he gives me vibes of him never settling down-
but here he fucking is,, not even noticing that hes constantly looking at you,, sitting up straight when he sees you start to walk over to him :(
or like him muttering to himself,, trying to convince his mind that he doesnt and shouldnt see you in a romantic way-
but he just can’t help stop thinking about you,, the way you smiled at him that morning or that you chose to sit by him during a meeting- 
i dont know- im just emotional at the thought of him being so hopelessly in love with you,, like not even fighting it anymore because he cant
just him slowly coming around to being near you all the time,, and maybe just checking up on you,,
i CRY at thought of him becoming your number one hype man :((
like him yelling at everyone to shut up and listen to you when you have something to say about information-
the both of you smiling to each other,, like him nodding in your direction because he has your back :)) wow i aM SOFT
im fucking sorry but the way he has literal HEART EYES watching you talk in front of everyone,,
not even paying attention to what youre saying just focusing on the way hes never noticed the little details about you- i
this bitch is literally in a haze,, focusing all of his  attention on you,,
like he doesnt even notice when steve looks over at him and back to you,, smile on his face when he realizes what javis thinking about-
i cant- and him elbowing javiers side when you finish talking because hes not even moving from his spot,, still too embobado watching you like
“you fucking like her dont you?”- 
:((HOLD ON?? - I SOB at the thought of steve being the wingman because he just wants the best for both of his friends,,,
 he makes it his fucking mission to get you two together- :((
like im imagining him being the type to give you a note or something from carrillo or messina-
telling you to pass it on to javier even tho he’s literally like 4 feet away from you both lol
like hes just trying to push you two to spend more time together as much as possible-
woW because can you imagine you giving javier these smALL HEART EYES AS YOU WALK UP TO HIM,,
the two of you being stuck to the floor when youre giving him the note,, both of you waiting for the other to make a move first,, 
neither of you being able to get 2 words out to eachother even though you both would banter with each other before but now?? its a difference feel
and all the while steve is over here next to carrillo,, the both of them betting which of you two is going to do something first lmao
god im sorry but im :(( imagining you giving him a small smile and walking away buT javiers not even looking at the note because hes over here standing there,, not moving a single muscle,, just watchinG YOU LEAVE WITH THE BIGGEST HEART EYES WHEN YOURE NOT LOOKING AT HIM ANYMORE- :(((
oh my god, wow can you imagine steve getting connie in on this because hes just so done waiting and watching you both fucking struggle to get 4 words out to eachother- so much p i n n i n g
so like the two of them would definitely do this double date just to get the two of you together outside of work :))
but:) they would skip :)) halfway through the date or just not show up at all :)))
and have you and javier go on :)the date alone :)) so its just the two of you :) WOW
listen i dont make the rules but you and javier definitely walk in the next day together,, holding fucking hands perhaps?? im- i need to go sob
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sandwichfordinner · 3 years
hi kiwi welcome, my i ask for some hcs for eli and naib fighting with each other for y/n love?
Of course!!
I made gender with they/them cuz u didn't tell me what gender , uhhh what was it called natural?? Tf??
Btw here's a thing I drew , if you use it credit me 🙌
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• When you came to the manor, everyone greeted you with a smile .
•But there was one guy that was just being really rude with you.
•Heck he's meaner than Edgar . 😟
•Naib Subedar 🙌🙌🥳
•But in other hand you've met the most kind person on the world .
•Eli Clark 💜
• You two were really close friends , baking together , drinking tea in the garden together .
•You even help eachother when you are in a match with him . 💜💜
•Okay let's get back to Naib .
•When you walk past him he's like so short , that makes you chuckle , but you try to hide your laugh .
•He notices that quickly and glares at you .
•There are adorable and embarrassing moments with Naib .
•Oh we won't forget that one time when he accidentally fell on you AND HIS FACE ON YOUR CHEST , this made him so flustered that he didn't talk to you 3 weeks . 😨
•It wasn't your fault bruh 🤨⁉️
•When you hangout with Eli , Naib just stands there watching you two talk , glaring at Eli , man he felt jealous .
•You try to talk to him , he just scoffs and walks off.
•This man is so kind that you just sometimes cry a little because someone really cares for you .
•But it's not only Eli..
•Naib too .
•When a survivor bullies you he just push them off, yell at them or maybe punch them. When the survivor disappears from Naib's behaviour , he looks at you softly kneels next to you , checks for any bruises , picks you in bridal style and goes for Emily for help.
•Same goes to Eli but more differently.
•He sees you trying to get up , he quickly runs to you , kneels down , checks for any wounds , glad he has some bandaids to he you and helps you get up.
•You have never felt that loved by these two men.
•You can't forget that one day you were just walking around the manor and heard that someone is arguing.
•You get near to the door, in order to understand what is going on .🍵
???: You know that Y/N gets bullied by that annoying rat Freddy?! I'm the one who should help them not you!
???: If you're not around how am I supposed to help them , just watching them suffer on the floor? What should I do?? Call you for help??
•And then you realized who's voices are.
•The two men that are always here to help you no matter what .
•You knocked at the door 3 times softly , and when you knocked everything went silent.
•The sound of footsteps getting louder , opening the door revealing Naib .
•He looked at you shocked and really nervous.
Y/N: Naib?? What is going on inside?
Naib: Uhhh...uh, it's probably nothing special-
Eli: We were just playing , who's gonna shout more!!..?
•Naib looked at him , cringed so hard and nervous.
Naib: Uhhh yes!! It's nothing bad Y/N , what about you just go to your room and take a rest , you're probably really tired from these tough matches!
Y/N: Naib I'm not little to tell me what to do.. And a game where you more shout wins?? When did was that created??? The whole manor listens to you guys!!
•But they love you with all their heart , and you love them too.
•They still haven't told you about their feelings for you .
•Today was a normal day , nothing special just matches.
•But today the boys were gonna confess you.
•You were just outside , picking flowers from the garden , when you suddenly heard footsteps .
•You looked up and saw Eli walking towards you , a blushing mess , and something that he hides behind his back.
•You were really curious.
Y/N: Hey Eli? What's with the rush?
Eli: Ahah..Uhh well I was gonna ask you something-..
Y/N: Go on.
Eli: Well the thing is that , you are really special to me , and I wanted to ask yo-
Naib: Hey!!! What are you doing??
Eli: Naib??? What do you want??
Naib: You aren't confessing are you???
Eli: What do you mean!!? What about you, you will be confessing too??
Naib: Yes I was gonna , but you just ruined everything!
Eli: I was gonna do that too!!
Naib: You literally said 15 seconds ago that you weren't?? Now you do?? You liar!!
•Boy what the hell boy , you were just standing there watching them so confused , and a little bit red.
•( I can only imagine you were standing like this 🕴️)
Y/N: .... Uhh.. Listen, I love you guys very much but I can't date both of you?
•The silence was so loud 😨
•Then Eli spoke
Eli: How about both of us date you?
Naib: They literally said that they can't date both of us dumbass .
Eli: Right..
•Well you really loved them , so you accepted their feelings and now the three of you date
•The end 👑❤️💗💓💞💕👀🤴👸🌸🌺🥀🥀
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(This is so bad written , but bro when you don't have any ideas it's like that 😨)
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imagine-straykids · 3 years
★ Sincerely, Lee Know | Ver. 01
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★ Summary: In an alternate universe where Lee Minho AKA Lee Know is a sassy blogger. You get to see with your very own eyes everything he documents on his blog, whether that's his thoughts on a recent movie he had just watched, his experience eating at Taco Bell for the first time, or the bitch he almost had to fight, Lee Minho will stop at nothing to get his points across.
★ Discretion: I hope it's not confusing, but this is a roleplay? I thought the idea would be fun. A lot of cursing and mature contents will be discussed, but nothing too over the top. Beware excessive cringe maybe. This is a series. Enjoy!
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★ You are currently viewing: About Me
Hi, my name is Lee Know, or I guess if we're getting personal here: Lee Minho. Although I prefer Lee Know because people always get me confused with the actor Lee Minho.
I rant and complain A LOT, but I don't think I need to tell you that, because you'll be finding it out for yourself later. But I have the mouth the size of the pacific ocean, and holding back is the last thing Lee Know does. So if you're a sensitive little bitch, then do not continue any further. If you still do and proceed to come for me, then well... that's between you and god.
More about myself? Well... I'm just your average everyday guy, but better. I like to listen to music and dance on my free time. And when I'm not doing that, then I usually hang out with my crew. They can be real idiotic and sometimes I wonder why am I even putting myself through their shit, but they are the real homies. Have been with me since forever and I know they will always have my back, so watch out.
Why I started this blog? Well, funny story. I got into an argument with Chan one day, btw shoutout to @christopherbangcorner go follow and like his stuff. I know he told me to not tell anyone about his blog but I could give two shit. Anyways, we were arguing and he said to me "You run that mouth of yours so much, why don't you put it to good use for once." so here I am. So if you're interested, keep reading. If you're just coming here to hate on me, then well... that's going to be difficult because I'm quite a likable person if I say so myself. I'm just kidding... ish.
Anyways. That's that. Proceed with caution!
Sincerely, Lee Know.
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★ You are currently viewing: Rants
rant #1 2:35 p.m.
I swear, hoes these days be thirsty asf. Me and Hyunjin just wanted to go to the convenience store to get some things Chan's lazy ass ordered us to, and we legit got followed the whole way there. ARE PEOPLE LITERALLY THAT JOBLESS! Leave us alone next time or don't say I didn't warn you when I whip out my asian slipper and slap every one of you so hard you're going to regret ever meeting me in this lifetime. And like, aren't you guys supposed to be in class right now? Go back, Jesus. Bet every one of y'all are failing. How would your mothers feel if she knows you're ditching class to go chase some dicks.
10,334 views | 234 comments
rant #2 7:02 p.m.
Yo, I just suddenly remembered the rudest customer I ever had. So I used to work at this Boba shop during my high school days, and this motherfucker with his cupcake shaped hair jimmy neutron looking ass came in and started yelling at me for getting his order wrong. Like bro... why you tryna fight a 16 year old about a $4 drink. Chill tf out. There are children dying in Africa. Now that I think about it, 16 year old me was on some adult shit. 22 year old me now would've spit in his drink.
12,943 views | 301 comments
rant #3 5:12 p.m.
Learn to wear a goddamn mask. I will not repeat myself. You ain't no Rosa Parks, you just a stupid headass. Do all these people really think they're doing sum?
9,135 views | 212 comments
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★ You are currently viewing: Photos
★ sincerelyleeknow has uploaded a photo!
uploaded at 10:05 A.M.
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It likes me, I promise.
24,352 views | 12,842 likes | 563 comments
uploaded at 2:15 P.M.
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Yes, we know we're hot.
30,041 views | 15,624 likes | 784 comments
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★ You are currently viewing: Home
★ sincerelyleeknow just posted something!
posted at 3:57 P.M.
yo, wtf. people actually read the shit that I write? no offense, but are you guys like... okay?! i sorta created this blog out of spite but now I just might have to roll with it.
13,524 views | 267 comments
posted at 4:43 P.M.
I'm bored and my inbox are open. Send me something. No nudes or creepy ass messages please. There's a block button and I'm not afraid to use it.
16,223 views | 304 comments
➤ potofnoodle923 asked: dang shawty, you cute.
sincerelyleeknow replied: tell me something I don't know.
➤ anonymous asked: why are you wearing makeup? that's gay. You're not funny and all of your followers suck.
sincerelyleeknow replied: why you mad bro? I bet you sent that from your mom's basement. go out and get some sunlight my dude. bitter ass mf i know you're scared.
➤ caillou_caillou0 asked: you're cute and all but why your hair be looking crispy.
sincerelyleeknow replied: okurr caillou. at least I have hair.
➤ flowerbeauty7 asked: go out with me?
sincerelyleeknow replied: I might consider if you're paying
➤ anonymous asked: fucking traitor hoe.
sincerelyleeknow replied: ayy chill out Chan. I helped promote your blog.
➤ anonymous asked: your friend on the right of one your photo is cute or whatever. he single?
sincerelyleeknow replied: get in line, sis
★ sincerelyleeknow just posted something!
posted at 6:22 P.M.
okay well that was a fucking mistake. anyways, I'm gonna bounce now. prob answer more tmr or whenever I'm not procrastinating. some of y'all weird as fuck.
11,557 views | 242 comments
~ Sincerely, Lee Know
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simpsamaa · 4 years
Tired Mom Squad Dating HC’s
 yes, it is I, simpsama. And I am back again with haikyuu dating headcanons. 
Today we’re doing the Tired mom Squad cause they deserve the world, and need a break from their hyperactive kids.
(these moms lowkey need a break)
Requests are open!!
Feel free to request anything!!
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Akaashi Keiji
my bby looks soo good in the SeASON FOUR-
they did him so good
Once you start to date this male you become the second mom
The team loves you
Akaashi is lowkey jealous-
Bokuto is really hyper around the two of you
Akaashi has to tell him to calm tf down-
and to get away from his s/o-
he enjoys simple PDA out in the public
Like holding hands and maybe short kisses
Bokuto will tease both of you if he sees you guys doing anything affectionate 
Lowkey loves it when you play or fix his hair
When he comes back from a game and his hair is sticking to his forehead and it’s kinda messy.
so you dry it with a towel and fix his hair-
he’s whipped for you
Loves to write small notes on snacks and put them in your locker
cause he’s adorable like that
and we love that he does that
he probably knows how to do basic things with hair
like tying it up, braiding
this man can do a lot with his fingers
when you two are alone he loves it when you lay on him
like he’s laying on his back while you’re laying on his stomach
just yk resting together
being cute
will send you good morning and good night texts at reasonable times
if he knows you stay up late he will send you texts to sleep
Will buy you things if it reminds him of you.
You have to lowkey tell him to stop wasting his money on you
thinks you’re the cutest thing in the world
‘You look really pretty today‘your face flushed as you read the words on the letter. “Oh, what’s this? Y/n-chan got a love letter?” Hana teased, catching the ears of other students.
“You’re so lucky!”
“I wish I got one”
“Who gave it to yo-” “I did“ Your hues glanced up to meet Keiji's green orbs. Girls and guys stepping back as he pulled you into his sturdy chest, causing squeals to come from the girls and guys around the two of you.
Keiji pulled you out of the group making more cheers and squeals come from the group. Your face flushed, “you know you could have told them that we were already dating,” you said, gripping your small hand in his large one. 
His green hues focused on you, giving you a small smile, “what’s the fun in that?” he asked making you let out a small groan. “But we’ve been dating for months, it’s that’s embarrassing,” you whined as Keiji took you to the rooftop.  
“But you’re cute when you’re embarrassed,” the male said bluntly making you blush even harder. “you can’t just say things like that!” you exclaimed, cheeks red, making the dark-haired male confused.
“But you are cute? I’m just telling the truth,” He said, brushing your hair behind your ear, as he gave your forehead a peck.
“I love you,” he whispered pressing his lips on to your pouting ones, you let out a satisfied hum before wrapping your arms around his neck, the male’s large hands falling to rest on your hips.
“I love you too”
“And I love you more”
We can thank Hana for taking a video of you two- thus making you guys the school’s prettiest and cutest couple.
I love this male-
I also think of him as an accidental tease
Him being very blunt with his feelings
though he does love to see you blush
it makes him all soft
you make him soft in general
Can cook
Will cook you lunch
if you can cook you both probably trade lunches with cute notes
Everyone thinks it’s adorable
calls you love, darling, sweetheart
100% Husband material
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Yaku Morisuke
I lob himm
so much
You guys meet cause you’re shorter than him-
you are the unofficial manager of the team
having to take care of hyperactive children Lev with Yaku
The team loves you as much as it loves Yaku
Though they don’t show how much they like Yaku-
but they show how much they like you
Bby has to come in and kick all his teammates away from you
is very into PDA
loves to hold your hand
grab your thigh
kiss you
will 100% kiss you in front of his team
and then the next day kuroo makes fun of both of you
Loves to walk you home after practice
If it’s late he’ll stay with you
because’s he’s yaku, he has extra clothes in his bag
like an extra uniform and sweatpants and a shirt kinda thing
he’s always prepared
If it’s been a hard day of practice and he gets bruises
he loves when you kiss over them
he goes ✨soft✨
and we love soft yaku
He also adores when you wear his clothes
cause they’re a bit too big for you
if you wear his jersey to a game
he’s gonna cry-
will play his hardest on those days to make you proud
will come home to bruises because of this
and will come home to you waiting to kiss them all
I love this bbyy if you didn’t know already
loves texting you 
and calling you when he can’t see you
Sends you adorable good morning texts and good night texts
He’s whipped
You stood in front of the door to the third gym, listening to the muffled sound of balls being spiked filled your ear. Closing your eyes you slowly opened the door, careful to not make a sound. 
Glancing up, you locked eyes with your boyfriend, a smile gracing his face before he pointed to the bench Coach Nekoma was sitting on. You gave him an adorable smile before walking over and giving the coach a small smile before sitting down.
watching as Yaku dove on the ground to dig the ball, your eyes widened as he let out a soft grunt. “Yaku-san are you okay?” Inuoka asked the third year, only to get a nod in response. 
Your eyes cast over the male’s form, watching a bruise bloom on his left knee cap. You let out a small smile before watching as the male stood up and gave Coach Nekoma a quick bow before going back into the game.
“Yaku would have sat out after that,“ the coach said making you look at him, “What do you mean?” you asked before averting your eyes to your hands. “when you’re here yaku acts stronger then he actually is,“ he simply answered before calling the boys to take a quick break.
You stood up from your spot on the bench to go see your boyfriend. The male was sitting with his back against a wall. “Mori-kun,” you said sweetly, making the brown-eyed male look up at you. “Y/n-chan!” He exclaimed before standing up, only to stagger a bit from the mishap earlier. “You should sit down,” you giggled, watching as the male followed your instruction. 
You squat down between his legs, balancing yourself on your toes. “Does your knee hurt?” you asked, your head tilting to the side. Yaku’s face flushed at how adorable you looked, “It kinda hurts” he mumbled, watching as you dropped to your knees, his bending up. 
His hues moved as he saw you press a small kiss on the blooming bruise on his knee, his face flushing a red as you took his left arm and pressed a few other kisses on his arms before pulling away to meet his eyes.
“Kisses make everything better,“ you said before you pressed a kiss onto his forehead.
“Yaku-senpai, stop kissing Y/n-senpai you have to teach me my receives,” Lev said, making you stand up and pull away from your boyfriend. “wow yaku-san, kissing in front of the first and second years.“ kuroo teased making both of your faces turn a bright red. 
“KUROO, LEV“ Yaku yelled as he chased the two around the gym. You watched with a smile at how adorable all of them were
“Morisuke-kun, I love you so much!”
I love this man-
as you can tell by my name-
Can cook basic things
Loves to have cooking dates with you
even if you both aren’t that good at cooking
loves dancing in the rain with you
just little things like that make his heart over the moon
10 billion percent husband material
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Semi Eita
This male makes me s w o o n 
and I LOVE him so muchh
You’re the manager of the boy’s volleyball when you guys meet
You get hit by ushiwaka’s spike and *plays anime ‘wow’ sound* he helps you go to the nurse and walks you back
and then you guys start dating after
Tendou loves to tease the both of you
was what the red-haired male said as he found out the two of you were dating
loves to call you babe. baby. love, darling etc.
Eita adores your height difference
loves going behind you and giving you back hugs
Though he likes PDA
he only likes PDA when you guys are in private
if in public he’ll hold your hand and give you pecks
not anything big but still things that get your heart pounding
he loves it when you hold his hand in yours and kiss his knuckles and fingers
Eita has pretty fingers
fight me-
he gets so soft around you that his teammates make fun of him
loves to talk with you at night when you can’t sleep
if anxiety and insomnia haunts you and won’t let you sleep
he’ll help you sleep and take away those thoughts
can sing
If you can’t sleep and he knows that you can’t sleep
he will call you and sing you to sleep
his voice is very rough and d e e p 
sex demon voice
will blush when you mention it 
Eita blushing is l i f e
You groaned, closing your eyes after you checked the time on your phone ‘2:46 am’. it was a school night, you were supposed to have a biology test today, which was the reason you couldn’t sleep. Anxiety was creeping up on your back, you sat up before turning your phone on again. Pulling Eita’s hood over your head you clicked on your contacts before going to his contact.
You hesitated before clicking the call button. 
Hearing the familiar ringtone Eita set for your contact only. He unplugged his phone before answering your call.
“Yes baby?” he asked, his voice laced with sleep. You felt your face blush at how he sounded, “I uh, can’t sleep...” you trailed off, feeling guilt come in your stomach. What if he found it stupid? What if he thought you were dumb?
from the other side of the phone, you heard him shift in his bed. “is there a reason you can’t sleep?” he asked after a while. You let out a small sigh, “it’s the biotest isn’t it?” eita responded before you could answer. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding before answering with a small and quick ‘yes’
“Y/n,” he said firmly, making you shift, knowing that you heard him, Eita let out a small chuckle. “You’re smart enough to pass, and you know that, “ he said before hearing you take a sharp inhale oh air. “but what if I fail?“ you questioned, so soft that Eita could barely hear it. “You won’t, I know you won’t and I believe you won’t,” the male said making your face turn a light pink. “yeah, yeah“ you sighed, a smirk coming onto eita’s face as he knew you were flushed.
“Can we facetime?” You asked, only to be met with the facetime pop up. you let out a smile before accepting it and seeing your boyfriend’s face. “I miss you” you mumble before moving to lay on your side.
“you just saw me a few hours ago, while we were studying,” Eita chuckled as he saw your adorable face. you let out a yawn before pulling your blanket over your shoulder. “Tired love?“ the ash haired male asked as he shifted onto his back.
“your voice makes me tired,” you sigh before rubbing your eye with the back of your palm. “oh really? so if I kept on talking you would fall asleep?“ Eita teased making your face turn, once again, a light pink. You’re so cute,“ He chuckled, you let out a small smile before closing your eyes.
“I love you Eita,” 
“love you more Y/n,”
Let’s just say you wake up still on face time with him, cause y’all are adorable like that🥺 
this man is so cute with you-
loves it when you wear his clothes
his shirts, hoodies, beanies, hats etc.
he loves how adorable and small you look in them
i feel like he’s the type of boyfriend who loves days where you guys just lay in bed doing nothing
loves to vook with you
if you can’t cook he’ll teach you
though it usually ends up with food everywhere and Eita’s hands on you
either way
1000000000% husband daddy material
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Sugawara Koushi
suga is lowkey a freak-
fight me
i love him 
so much
You guys meet cause you’re Daichi’s and Kiyoko’s friend!
You come into be a manager with kiyoko and when you step in the gym the first person you see is.. you guessed it Daichi cause this isn’t a typical romance anime
im jkjkjkjk
You talk with daichi and he introduces you to suga because you guys parent him too much
and you guys ✨click✨
and start dating after
You and Suga are the parents to the team
the both of you are always watching after the children Noya, Tanaka, hinata, kageyama, tsukki
Koushi adores how much you care about yachi
you act like she’s your younger sister
and he adores that
when you over work yourself he’ll make sure to calm you down
makes sure you drink lots of water, eat, sleep
and not overwork yourself again
Ya see, you think suga’s like an angel right?
he’ll tease you
mess with you
He lives to see you flustered
Sends you good morning and good night texts like the good boyfriend he is
Loves to walk you home
your parents love him
PDA is a must for him
Loves to hold your hand,
press kisses on your temple and adorable nose
I feel like he likes to kiss you in general
cause he’s like that-
“Y/n-chan you look adorable today~“ Suga whispered into your ear, lightly blowing into it. You jump in surprise, turning around to see your grey haired boyfriend. “Koushi that’s not nice,“ You pouted, a heavy red blush came onto your cheeks.
“You look even cuter now,” He cooed, making your face burn more before you wrapped your arms around Sugawara’s torso, burring your  face into his sturdy chest. 
“Stop teasing me, it isn’t nice,” You mumbled, your voice being muffled by his dress shirt. “You still love me“ He grinned, before snaking his hand between himself and your face to grab your chin, pulling it up so you make eye contact with him. “And you’re the cutest thing in the world,“ Sugawara let out a small smirk before leaning down to press a small peck on your pink, pouty lips.
Your eyes widened as he pressed a kiss onto your lips. Your arms moved from his torso up to his neck. You were going to lean in for more, only for the grey haired male to move back. “Did you want more?” He asked, looking at your figure, your pink lips glossy with spit, eyes wide open in shock, you looked like the most adorable thing in this world in his eyes.
“Koushi-kun be nice, or else i won’t kiss you for a month,“ you crossed your arms over your chest, locking eyes with Sugawara’s honey brown ones. “You wouldn’t,“ Suga started, his eyes widen with fake shock. “You’d be hurting me so much,“ He finished before grabbing your hands into his large ones, taking in how soft they were compared to his. 
“Well stop messing and teasing me,“ You said playfully rolling your eyes, before the grey haired male brought your fingers up to his lips, pressing soft kisses on your knuckles. 
You gasped before your face turn pink, watching as the male kiss your hands. “You have such soft hands Y/n-chan,” Suga said before looking up to catch your eyes. Your face burning even more. 
“I love you Y/n-chan“
“You’ll still love me even if i tease you“
We stan this boy-
Can cook
He cooks for the rest of the third years when they don’t eat-
Loves it when you two cook together
when the two of you act domestic he gets softer then he already is-
Mornings with suga are just ✨chef’s kiss✨
Ten billion percent husband material
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Iwaizuki Hajime 
I lob him sm-
my love for this male is higher then the taller bbuilding in the world
You and Iwa are the best pair
You guys meet cause the both of you are mutual friends with Oikawa
Yes Iwa and Oikawa are friends
And you and Oikawa are friends
He probably get’s the balls to confess when he hears from Oik’s fangirls that he’s going to confess to a girl he’s close with
And Iwaizumi first thought of you-
When Oik’s was going to confess to someone else-
He runs to the gym, to find you and Oikawa talking about how’s he going to confess
He yells across the gym
He just like-
confesses infront of the whole team-
And they all just fall to the ground laughing-
cause you and Oiks are COUSINS
✨not surprised gasp✨
And then you guys start dating💗
Iwai loves it when you guys cuddle on his bed
Just the two of you in each other’s presence 
And he loves the feeling of your soft skin against his rigged and hard skin.
Absolutely loves the fact that you’re so small compared to him
Once you and Iwai start dating 
the teams like
“Damn Iwa finally got a girlfriend“
and he’s like
which is like-
we stan first off-
and we stan soft Iwai vibes
The team is shookith when you’re able to calm him down
you just walk up to him and you press a kiss on his neck before telling him, “please calm down?”
and he just turns around and calms tf down-
Makki and Matsun love to teas ethe two of you
Oikawa is lowkey pissed because when he tries to tease Iwa he gets spiked in the face with a volleyball-
Iwaizumi likes PDA in private
in public he likes to hold your hand and he loves it when you kiss his fingertips
He goes ✨soft ✨
and we love a soft Iwaizumi
You watched as your hulk of a boyfriend stood up from the bed to open the blinds and windows, to let the chilly cold air from the outside in. You shivered once it met your skin, making goosebumps pop up on your silky skin.
“Cold?” Iwaizumi chuckled as he watched you pull the navy duvet over your chest. You let out a small sigh as the warmth enveloped you before answering his question, “Yes, now cuddle with me please?“ You asked, looking up at his form, locking eyes with him. 
Your question wasn’t answered with words, but action. Your boyfriend peeled the covers off you before hopping in the bed. Quickly going to pull you into his arms. “Hajime,” you started, looking up at him and running a finger through his short locks. “You’re freezing,” You stated bluntly, making the male chuckle once more before wrapping his large arms around you. 
“Then make me warm,” he replied, making your face turn a light pink, you weren’t cold anymore. Throwing your arms over your boyfriends sturdy chest, you hooked your fingers against his ribs before laying on top of him.
“Are you warm now?“ You asked, while Iwaizumi was thankful you didn’t see his face turn pink. He let out a stuttered ‘yeah’ before wrapping his arms around you, making you stay on his chest.  
“Why is your heart beating so fast? is it because of me?“ You asked, the side of your face laid directly over his heart. Your left hand came up, tracing shapes below his collar bone. 
“Mine is beating fast too,“ You said before sitting up, bringing one of his large hands, to place it over the left side of your chest. Your heart racing as you felt his warm hand. 
“You’re adorable, you know that?“ Iwaizumi chuckled as you slid back under the covers, laying back on his chest. “How?“ You questioned, your hand going back to tracing shapes on his chest. You felt his chest rumble again as he let out another chuckle. 
“You just are,“
“I love you Hajime“
“I love you more“
“No I do“
y’all are adorable together
Oikawa makes fun of Iwa simping over you
Iwaizumi is a huge simp for you.
I feel like Iwai can cook
But only the basics
Ten hundred thousand million billion percent husband daddy material 
Thank you my lovely readers for reading this long ass Head cannons list, cause it’s very long and took a long time, i think i started this in the middle of August, and procrastinated a lot- so-
Here’s the captain’s dating hc’s too if you want to read^
I love you guys💗
✨Thank you for reading✨
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fugitive-96 · 4 years
The Witching Hour (A TG/TF story)
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"Okay we all ready for this?" Trish asked.
"As ready as we'll ever be." Blake replied.
"Ted, start the tape." Trish said.
Ted walked over to the table with the tape recorder and hit record.
"You ready Angela?" Trish said over to Angela who was sitting on the floor in front of a Ouija board opposite Henry.
"The time is 03:00 AM, Halloween night 1989. We are standing in the basement of the long abandoned Hall House where we are about to attempt contact with the astral plane." Trish spoke into her small recorder.
The four friends had long been shunned in school for being interested in the supernatural, more specifically their beliefs in things like psychic powers, various forms of spirits, and other creatures from urban legends.
The group of friends was made up of two boys and two girls. Blake who was currently standing by with a camera was tall with slicked back black hair and a set of thin spectacles and was dressed in a poorly made Frankenstein Monster's costume, albeit he'd removed the makeup. The second boy was Ted who was operating the various equipment such as the speakers and the large tape recorder sitting on the table who was average height with slightly long but messy blonde hair and was dressed in a denim jacket and jeans. Henry who was slightly chubby compared to the other two and was sporting a ginger mullet matching the freckles on his face and was wearing a yellow and green high school football jacket and was operating the Ouija board along with Angela, and whilst he wasn't a member of their group he decided to tag along after Trish and Angela invited him. Angela was the quietest of the group, but was also the one with the most extreme ideas, she was dressed in what she called her usual 'gothic punk' getup with shoulder length black hair, a black tank top and jeans, along with various studded items around her thin arms and a pair of studs on her lips which along with her eyes were done up in black makeup whilst the rest of her face was pale white. Lastly there was Trish who was the 'leader' of the group with big frizzy blonde hair and large glasses, who was sporting a green jacket and baggy clothes more appropriate for the cold weather.
The five of them had decided to spend their Halloween night in Hall House, an abandoned Manor house that had stood in their town for many years as an allegedly haunted location due to its dark history, needless to say this house was the location of murders and seances over the years. Angela was the one who suggested that they conduct their 'experiment' there, as it had been 100 years since the horrific events in the house had taken place.
They had gone down to the lower levels of the house where the events took place, and after setting up their equipment on the table they illuminated the room with only candles and were now about to begin.
"You sure this is a good idea?" Ted asked.
"*sigh* You bring this up now!" Trish replied angrily, stopping her tape recorder.
"It's just we're trespassing! I'm all for discovering what lies beyond and all that, but this doesn't really feel safe, I mean I don't think the spirits here would appreciate Angela breaking the front door of their house."  
"You heard Angela, this could be our one chance to do this!" Trish responded.  
"Could we get on with this already, I'm not sitting on this stone floor all night." Henry complained.  
"Yeah Trish is right, we're here now so lets do this." Blake added.  
"You heard them." Trish said to Ted
"Fine, but I've got a bad feeling abo-"  
"Don't say it Ted, you are not jinxing this!" Trish spat.  
"Anyway, back to it." She said resuming her recording.  
"Okay Angela, go for it."
As Angela was about to begin Blake got his camera ready whilst Ted resumed the large tape recorder on the table which was picking up any background noise whilst a radio next to it was skipping through channels.
"Spirits, can you here us?" Angela said aloud looking up.
The planchet then began moving slowly towards yes.
"Holy crap is it actually working!" Henry blurted out.  
"Shhh! *At 03:04* the planchet answered yes." Trish whispered into her recorder as Blake took a shot.  
"Spirits, can you show yourselves to us?" Angela then asked
"That seems a bit direct." Blake murmured under his breath before Trish shot him a glare.  
After a few seconds the planchet didn't move.
"Spirits, can you still here me?" Angela asked but again nothing happened.
Trish looked over at Ted who was still surfing through radio channels but was receiving nothing. They waited for a few more minutes but again nothing happened.
"This blows! That first bit was totally just Angela moving it by herself" Henry blurted out.
"SHHH! Be quiet Henry!" Trish whispered angrily.
"Or what, nothing's happening! Hey spirits what color's my hair?" He asked before clearly forcing the planchet over the correct letters causing Angela's head to sink in disappointment.  
"*Chuckle* Hey spirits what's my favourite colour?" Blake chimed in as Henry forced the planchet again.  
"It says green."  
"Holy shit it really is a g-g-g-ghost!" Blake replied dramatically.
Trish then aggressively turned off her recorder and slammed it on the table.  
"You're ruining it!" She yelled at Blake and Henry.
"There's nothing to ruin, nothing's happened." Blake replied.
"We were getting something!" Trish yelled back.
"Sure we were, I wouldn't have even shown up to this if it weren't for Angela being hot, and now how's the rest of the football team gonna treat me when they find out that I spent Halloween night with losers in a dusty old basement!" Henry said.
"Technically this is- was a crematorium." Ted replied.
"Hey it's because of you we started late." Blake said to Ted who just shrugged it off and continued using the radio.
"Oh shut up, if you weren't at that stupid party we could've started even earlier!" Trish yelled at Blake.
"Last time I checked the witching hour didn't start at 02:47! How are we even supposed to see anything if the room's only lit by fucking candles!" Blake yelled back.  
"GUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN TO THIS!" Ted yelled gesturing to the radio.
Blake, Trish and Henry all crowded around as Ted began to oscillate between radio channels which was creating a strange sound.
"Is that... breathing?" Blake asked, triggering Trish to quickly grab her tape recorder.
"Maybe it's just some old fart with a ham radio." Henry said.
"Between channels, is that even a thing?" Ted replied.  
"I thought you were a nerd?" Henry replied.
"Yeah ask me about comic books any day, I don't know how radios work." Ted replied.
As they continued to listen it was clear that they were hearing a voice, albeit it was very raspy and they weren't saying anything, until suddenly...
"GET OUT!" A voice yelled through the radio causing the four of them to jump away from the table, the static now sounding louder than ever.
"What the fuck was that!" Henry yelled, but the others were speechless.
The radio then started skipping sharply through channels, back and forth sounding like a knife tearing through electricity. All of a sudden the tape begin spinning faster and faster before it erupted into sparks along with all the other equipment causing the four of them to duck. As they slowly crept back up they each grabbed one of the many torches that were sitting on the table and after checking that they still worked pointed them towards the burned and blown up remains of the radio, but the sharp sound of it skipping channels was still somehow going, however after a few seconds it abruptly stopped.
The four of them sighed with relief simultaneously before realizing that the sharp sound of the radio going back and forth was now replaced with the sound of wood scraping back and forth.
All four of them slowly turned towards the direction of the sound and were greeted by the sight of Angela, still with her head hung low obscuring her face from view, as she violently scrapped the planchet against the now very worn looking board. She then abruptly stopped and crept forward slightly before looking up at the four of them, the light form their torches revealing her eyes to be nearly completely whited out aside from a tiny black dot of a pupil in each one.
"She's here." Angela said in a now deeper voice with a wicked grin.
"Oh fuck." Blake stammered.  Suddenly the furnaces in the crematorium that hadn't been used in over 100 years ignited with roaring flames behind Angela, as slowly a circular pattern formed in the floor between her and the others, which then began to rot and sink down as what looked like blood began to seep through it until it looked like a small pool of it formed.
The four stood there speechless as slowly a woman rose out of the blood. She had pale skin and white hair, with sharp black eyebrows and what looked like red makeup around her eyes and lips. Her nails were sharp and black with crosses painted on them, in fact she also had small crosses under her eyes and studs in her nose and belly button. She wore some form of  black headdress with various beads and spikes sticking from it along with angels sculpted on it. Her body was only covered by a corset that was laced in the middle showing off some of her stomach and a bra-like chest piece, both of which looked to be made from some thick leather-like material which connected down to straps holding thigh high black heeled boots onto her legs. She rose out of the floor with her eyes closed and her hands on her chest with blood dripping from her mouth down her chest and arms, her expression looking almost as though she was experiencing pleasure as she rose from her bloody gateway.
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"Ooh It's good to be back here." She said as she lowered her arms from her chest and stretched her body before opening her eyes and looking at the four people in front of her.
"So, you're the two who mocked my arrival?" She said looking at Blake and Henry.
"W...we didn't mean it.. hones-" Henry began to blurt out but it was too late, the woman had pointed her finger at the two of them and purple electricity began crackling around their bodies. Their clothes were burned away as their bodies levitated as the two of them twitched and squirmed, Blake's glasses falling to the floor.
Trish and Ted backed up in shock at what they were witnessing, still speechless with their jaws hanging open.
Soon Blake and Henry's bodies were completely covered by black clouds which began swirling around them along with the electricity flashing, their screams of pain filling the room. Soon there came the sound of bones cracking and flesh rearranging and tightening as their screams turned more feminine, and during the occasional flash of electricity Trish and Ted could see their silhouettes inside the black clouds twisting and contorting as their figures became thinner and more delicate, along with certain areas becoming a lot more pronounced. During this their screams of pain shifted to moans of pleasure, then to slightly more animalistic sounds. Before long the clouds began to dissipate as their bodies became visible.
Trish and Ted stared in shock at the sight of what was formerly Blake and Henry, now in their place stood two women wrapped in black fur robes that draped down to the floor but left their bodies visible from the chest and shoulder area up. Their skin was now chalk white with pointed eyebrows and long black hair with short fringes. They had eyeliner that went off in streaks to the sides of their faces whilst black liquid dripped from their now whited out eyes. Their lips were also black and their noses were studded; their now pointed ears had circular black earrings and they each had a small necklace with a skull around their necks. They crouched there snarling with vampire-like fangs as their delicate hands with pointed black nails ran across their bodies.
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"Come now my pets." The woman said causing the two of them to slink over to her crouching down behind her on each side.
"W.. what did you do to them?!" Ted yelled in a fearful tone.
"Oh them, I made them into my personal demonic hell spawn, they'll be keeping me company from now on, doing my bidding for the rest of their existence." She said as she ran her hands over their heads.
"Oh but don't worry your friends won't complain." She said with a grin.
"Now, I think introductions are in order." She said clapping her hands together.
"I am Kiniva, high ranking Demon Mistress of Hell." She announced with a grin, however noticing the lack of change on Ted and Trish's still shocked expressions her grin turned to a look of disappointment.
"Is that really how you respond to my presence!" She said angrily, before then calming down and looking intently around the room.
"Now, I believe I have business to attend to here." She continued as she very slowly began walking towards Ted and Trish, her hips swaying gracefully as she put one foot in front of the other, clearly knowing how to carry herself in the sexiest way possible with her figure silhouetted against the roaring flames behind her.
"W.. what do you want?" Trish asked nervously as she and Ted held each other fearfully as they backed up further into the corner of the room.
"Well, my loyal follower has spent many years waiting for this day." She said turning her head gesturing towards Angela.
"Wait.. what?!"
"Oh yes Ted, Angela here is the latest in a long line of followers going back over 100 years, dedicated out of shier multi-generational loyalty." She said turning around giving Angela a smile.
"Oh yeah well taste this!" Trish yelled pulling out a large crucifix and pointing it at Kiniva.
"What do you think I am, a Vampire?!" Kiniva replied angrily raising a hand to her face as she snapped her fingers causing the crucifix to erupt into flames in Trish's hand.
"Guess you didn't notice the crosses on my face." She said pointing to her face.
"But that's a holy item, it should repel you!" "Well you see Trish when you're as powerful as I am there isn't really much that can stop you, displaying that on my body wasn't enough to tell you that." She replied holding up her cross patterned nails. "Anyway enough of the small talk, I have things to do here." "What things?" Ted asked. "Well firstly I awarded my loyal follower who will now willingly accompany me back to hell as my apprentice, and those two boys were just a warmup, it's about time I had some real fun, starting with you Trish." "What are you talking about, why me!? Wasn't Blake and Henry enough?" "Oh no they were being punished for being impolite to a Demon, but you have much deeper sins." Kiniva replied with a chuckle. "What do you mean?" "You know what I mean, my follower latched on to your group due to your interests in my realm, but you didn't want to summon me to discover new worlds, new experiences, you just wanted to boost your ego."
Trish looked speechless. "It's no secret, you wanted to conduct this ritual just to prove you were right over all those other people, just knowing that I existed was enough, but you knew the danger I posed to the world and yet you went ahead without a care in the world. You didn't even show concern over your two companions over there being made into unholy creatures of hell, and that's not even the worst of it."
Trish was beginning to turn red as Ted looked at her confused.
"What's she talking about?" "Oh Ted didn't you know, she only let Henry tag along because she and Angela knew that in all of the previous rituals they had a sacrifice for me." Kiniva replied. "Is that true?" Ted asked Trish. "I...It didn't matter, he was a bully to me for two years straight back in middle school, he had it coming!" Trish blurted out through tears as she let go of Ted.
Ted stood there even more horrified and confused. "Oh Trish, it's alright. Doing something that horrible is considered admirable where I'm from." Kiniva replied as she stepped close to her.
As Trish stood there a sniveling mess Kiniva took her in her arms and held her close, running a hand over her hair.
"I'm proud of what you've done, you're officially a corrupted soul." Kiniva replied before lifting Trish's head up so they were face to face. "And you know what happens to corrupted souls." She said as her voice became much deeper before her eyes began to glow red as she held Trish in place who was screaming desperately as she tried to escape.
Trish let out a loud gasp as her waist was crushed inwards by a corset that had materialized over her torso, the binds creaking and tightening. A long black dress billowed out from the bottom of the corset covering her legs as it puffed out, and whilst it wasn't visible she could feel her feet raise as her trainers morphed into heels whilst her clothes under the dress vanished and were replaced with more appropriate undergarments. Her clothes on her upper body began to change also, with the neckline of her shirt widening and lowering down exposing an ample amount of cleavage that was being raised up by the corset, whilst her outer jacket darkened as it morphed into the upper section of the dress, with puffy shoulders, long black sleeves and dotted gloves that left her hands visible through them. An  elaborate necklace formed around her neck along with earrings whilst makeup materialized onto her lips, giving them a dark gold coat whilst  her eyebrows and eyes also became adorned with makeup. With the way she looked now she looked as though she belonged to a different time period.
Trish could barely express her shock at what she was experiencing as Kiniva held her in place by the head, forcing her to stare at her glowing red eyes as Trish could only imagine what was happening to her body. As Kiniva loosened her grip on Trish's head Trish's blonde hair began turning a dark brown as it lost it's frizzy look as it began to elegantly drape down her shoulders in a slightly curled appearance, before it suddenly began whipping around as it reformed on top of her head into an extravagant yet still elegantly styled bun.
Trish was speechless as she took in her new appearance, but soon noticed her whole body beginning to fade in colour; her clothes and skin were draining into a more washed out colour, but more disturbing was how her entire form was beginning to look old and flakey, not like an older person but rather like her skin and clothes were now made of a weathered material.
"Ted... help me.. please.." She begged but her voice was fading too, becoming quieter until no sound came from her lips, even her movements were becoming much slower and weaker, almost as though she'd fall apart if she wasn't careful. The sounds of her body stiffening and hollowing out continued as she froze in place with a vacant expression and her arms reaching up to her hair. Whilst she still maintained her shape she didn't look like an actual human anymore, instead she looked more like a paper model of herself.
Kiniva grinned as she drew a rectangle in the air with her finger, which morphed into a large old fashioned picture frame that floated behind Trish and lay on the floor. She then blew Trish a kiss that caused her hollowed out form to fall backwards. Ted tried desperately to catch her before she hit the frame but didn't make it in time, however instead of just hitting the frame she was absorbed into it, melting through until she was but a two-dimensional image, with the canvas  taking in the weathered appearance that her skin had. Ted backed up in horror at what he'd just witnessed.
Kiniva lifted the frame from the floor as she inspected it with a grin.
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"Well Trish you did like to use people like they were objects, now let's see how you like it being one." She said before propping the frame up against the wall.
"Oh God." Ted said shuddering in shock after what he'd just witnessed. "Sorry God's not here right now, you're stuck with me." Kiniva responded turning her attention towards him. "Oh don't worry about her, she's in a dimension where well... let's just say she's not going to want to leave anytime soon." "So are you gonna kill me now?" Ted asked nervously. "Well I would, or I'd turn you into another hell spawn, but unfortunately you've got something that's too valuable to waste." "What?" Ted asked fearfully. "An uncorrupted soul and genuine curiosity in what lies beyond, unlike that other mortal I just dealt with." She Replied. "Her name was Trish." Ted said with a hint of anger. "See, there it is! Even after knowing that she was willing to sacrifice another human life you still feel pity for her after what I did to her, plus you showed compassion for your other friends that I dealt with, that's the sign of an uncorrupted soul." Kiniva replied sounding impressed.
"But I can see you, what you want to know. You want to know what it's like where I'm from, and not to boost your ego or to get some rush out of it, you're just genuinely curious aren't you? You're not even really afraid of it, you tell yourself you are but you know you're not." Kiniva continued as she got closer to him. "I can show you. You can experience what it is like to be a being not of this realm, to be like.. me." She said now being right in front of Ted. "What do you say?" "I.. what will I be?" Ted asked. "Something very familiar." She replied before wrapping her arm around his head and pulling him in for a kiss.
Initially Ted was taken aback, but something was beginning to happen to him, and whatever it was felt really.. really good. The two of them began to become more passionate as they kissed each other, but as they kept going Ted's hair began to turn white as it slowly stretched down his head until it was identical in colour and style to Kiniva's.
His whole body started changing with his torso, arms and legs thinning out as his skin turned very pale and less blemished than before, in fact his skin was now incredibly smooth. As he reached up an arm to Kiniva's head his hands became more delicate and petite whilst his nails turned darker and sharper.
As they continued making out Kiniva began to slip Ted's clothes off his body revealing it to now be completely pale and rather delicate looking, but as she held him close she ran her hands up his legs to his waist, causing his thighs to bulge out along with his hips whilst his waist pulled in and his stomach flattened. His feet also looked much more feminine. She ran a finger along his spine which was followed by slight popping noises as his spine repositioned itself as his height shrank, causing his thickening thighs to jiggle.
Kiniva then started to kiss Ted more passionately, but as she stuck her tongue down his throat it travelled down even further into his body as it began reworking his insides, pushing and squishing them into new forms, with Ted seemingly being completely oblivious to what was happening to him.
"This is the best part." She whispered as she ran one hand over Ted's chest and another over his crotch, before she began running her hand up and down his shaft.
Ted moaned as he felt ripples of pleasure all throughout his body. "That's it, let it out." Kiniva said as she continued running her hand up and down, Ted completely oblivious to the shrinking of mass in his crotch.
As Ted stood there with his head back in complete bliss Kiniva's other hand began squeezing his chest, causing slight lumps to plump out.
By now Ted's penis was nearly completely gone, but as the pulses of pleasure ran through his body each pulse caused his penis to shrink whilst the mass on his chest built. "Oh yes, YES! DON'T STOP!" Ted yelled passionately, his voice raising slightly.
Kiniva grinned as she watched as the last traces of Ted's manhood fade, and began rubbing his flat crotch as a slit formed.
"OH... OOH!" Ted's moans were now completely feminine as he placed his hands over his chest as he welcomed the way they began to be filled with his rapidly expanding breasts, which continued to expand with each pulse of pleasure that ran through his body. Kiniva once again pulled him in closer causing Ted's forming breasts to squish up against hers.
As this was occurring the pulses of energy had reached his face, with it audibly cracking and stretching as it became slimmer and softer with each pulse whilst his breasts continued expanding. Whilst most of his facial features were thinning out like his nose and head shape in general, his lips plumped as his eyes grew larger along with his eyebrows becoming sharper and more defined. His eyebrows and eyelids darkened as though they were coated in makeup, whilst his sharpening cheekbones began to glisten slightly along with his lips becoming coated in black. Small cuts in the shape of crosses formed under his eyes as a pair of crosses morphed onto his face, along with a stud on the rim of his nose and on his tongue.
By now he had a pronounced set of breasts on his chest as his facial changes finalized, leaving him looking almost completely identical to Kiniva.
"One last touch." She whispered into Ted's ear who sounded as though he was about to reach climax, before she then pushed her hand into his chest, fazing through his skin which glowed orange as she grabbed his heart and turned it cold.
Ted moaned loudly in release, marking the end of his changes as Kiniva removed her hand from his chest, which was now adorned with what looked like a tattoo of a heart.
"There, now you have the identifying symbol of our type of Demon." Kiniva said to the slightly dazed Ted.
"How's it feel?" Kiniva asked her now doppelganger.  
"This is, oh wow!" Ted replied looking down at his new form, still in shock at what he just went through but he strangely felt very accepting of his new situation. "I knew you'd like it."
"But I still don't understnad, why give me this but not Angela?" "Well Angela is a corrupted soul, so she will one day join our ranks, but she has to take the long way round in hell, but as my loyal follower she'll welcome it." "So, what am I going to do now?" Ted asked, a hint of excitement in his feminine voice. "Oh, I've got some ideas." Kiniva replied before her eyes glowed red as red beams shot from her eyes into Ted's.
She then began flooding Ted's mind with new knowledge, the inner workings of hell, the new powers this form allowed him to have as well as a Demon's lust for souls, as well as adjusting his mindset slightly to accommodate the intensity of this new knowledge that he'd, or more accurately she'd be needing, for now she was one with Kiniva. Once the beam had stopped her eyes turned black as a pair of red pupils flashed before returning to normal, signaling the completion of the process.
"Oh, now that feels so much better!" She said grinning with devilish energy as she lay her head back running her hands through her hair. "Thought you'd feel that way." Kiniva replied heading back over to Angela and her pets. "I must be off now, more souls to claim, more carnage to cause."
"Have fun Kiniva." "You too, Kiniva." The original Kiniva replied with a grin as a large black cloud swirled around her, consuming her, Angela and her two pets. It had nearly filled the whole room before it vanished, the fire in the furnaces having died, the hole in the floor that Kiniva rose from having repaired itself and the original Kiniva, along with Angela and her pets had vanished, leaving the room looking exactly as it did when Trish's group first entered it.
The new Kiniva stood there naked now completely silent and alone, before noticing the picture frame propped up against the wall which she picked up and inspected.
"Oh Trish, and to think I used to have a crush on you. Hope you like the view in there, don't worry I'll find a good place to display you." She grinned as she made her way out of the crematorium.
"Ooh, this place looks homely." Kiniva said as she headed off into the darkness of the house.
A few decades later..
"You sure this is a good idea?" David asked. "C'mon David, this house has stood here completely abandoned for years, people are too afraid to go near it because apparently some people went missing here back in the 80's." Brad replied. "So remind me why we're going in again?" "Because there's all the rumors about 'something' still occupying the house, so this is our chance to prove it, plus even if there's nothing this place was abandoned, so there's probably stuff in there worth millions, and seeing as it's 3:00 AM no one's gonna see us take anything." "Fine okay okay I'll go in with you." David replied reluctantly. As the two friends began making their way along the path towards the front door of the house, they were taken aback when the front door creaked open revealing the decrepit inside of the house along with the sight of a beautiful tall pale faced woman in a black dress with white hair.
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"Hello boys, why don't you come inside, it's been years since anyone's visited."
The end?
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neo-culture-taste · 4 years
Subscribe! - Say ‘Yes’ to Me
Pairing: Doyoung x Reader (fem)
Genre: AU, romance, comedy, fluff
Word count: 3706
Summary: A YouTube inspired drabble series where you and your boyfriend upload videos catering to the couple tag.
Author’s Note: Whoops! :p Had too much fun with this one.  - D
For other members, see masterlist.
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The video opened with Doyoung holding the camera as he checked himself out in the bathroom mirror. He stood there and messed with his hair for what seemed like forever, but was actually only a few seconds, until he was satisfied with the placements of the strands. He proceeded to smile into the lens, changing the angle of his head until he found the exact spot where he thought the right side of his face presented to be the most flattering. It was pointless since he looked good at every angle no matter which way he was facing.
"Hello, everyone," he greeted the audience. "The day has finally come for Y/N’s punishment, mwah ha ha." He added a maniacal laugh at the end as if he were some sort of super villain. "If you remember last week's video, Y/N lost the game and I asked you all to come up with a penalty for her. The highest voted comment was a challenge where she has to say 'yes' to me for 24 hours, which is perfect since she already has a hard time doing what I say in the first place. I know that's why you chose it. You all even added that if she doesn't comply with my wishes, then she gets an additional penalty at the end. You all want to see her suffer and that's truly messed up!" He laughed and then switched the camera to his other hand. "Y/N is still in bed, so let's go wake her up so we can start this challenge."
Doyoung walked to the bathroom door, opened it, and walked through it to reveal you snoozing comfortably in your shared bed. He walked over to the side of the bed and held the camera to your unsuspecting face. He patted you on the shoulder but you didn't budge so he tried it again. You stirred a little and mumbled something, but you still didn't open your eyes. He called your name and tapped you on your face before you finally opened your eyes to give your boyfriend your grouchiest of morning death glares, eliciting a breathy laugh from him behind the camera.
"What the *bleep* are you doing?" you asked him in your grogginess. It was easy to tell that you were not a morning person. 
"Good morning, my love," he said, too cheerful for your current state of mind. "Do you remember what today is?"
You blinked slowly as you stared at your boyfriend with a blank expression. "Saturday?"
"Besides that."
You looked up at the ceiling as you tried to remember exactly what day it was. "June--"
"It's punishment day, Y/N," he said, cutting you off to quickly get to the point. Knowing you, you were going to try and go around the subject as long as you could.
"Ugh," you groaned and covered your face with the comforter. 
"You have to do everything I ask you for the whole day."
"No," you said in defiance from beneath the cover. 
"Luckily for you we haven't started yet." He pulled the cover away from your face then held the camera up so he appeared in the frame next to you. "My first order is for you to give me a kiss. Will you give me a kiss?"
You side eyed your boyfriend, suspicious of how easy of a request that was. Surely he wasn't going to be that nice for the whole day. You reluctantly agreed to kiss him and sat up on your forearms to kiss him on his lips. 
"Thank you. Now," he lifted himself away from you to stand up straight again, "will you go make me breakfast?" See. You knew it wasn't going to stay easy.
"But you're the one that always makes breakfast. I don't think my cooking will be up to your standards," you explained to him with faux concern as you tried to talk your way out of doing it. "You should make it yourself."
Doyoung clicked his tongue behind his teeth. "Tch. Look at this woman. If you don't do what I ask, then you'll get a penalty added on at the end."
Your face twisted in disbelief. "But this is already a penalty! A punishment!"
Doyoung laughed at your comical facial expression. "Yeah, so don't make this worse for yourself."
"What's the penalty for not listening?"
"Nope. Not telling you."
"I'm not getting up until you tell me."
"The longer you lay there the more time will be added on to your penalty."
You groaned and flopped your upper body back down onto the bed. "Uuuuuugh, fine! You're annoying me! Yes, I'll make you breakfast. Now go away so I can brush my teeth in peace."
The scene changed to you standing in front of your kitchen counter that had an assortment of different ingredients set out on top of it. Doyoung had already set everything up for you to cook for him whether you obeyed him or not.
"I want you to make me strawberry pancakes. Will you do that without complaining?"
You rolled your eyes but smiled at his sass anyway. "Yes, I will. However…”
“If I’m going to play this game, I will need you to start adding ‘please’ after every request.”
“Fine. I can do that.”
“Great.” You began putting the dry ingredients into one of the bowls, appreciative that he printed out the directions for you because you sure as hell didn't remember how to make pancakes from scratch. After whisking all of that together, it was time to do the same with the wet ingredients. But you didn't see a point in doing it in a separate bowl when you were just going to mix it all together anyway, so you decided to just put everything into the bowl with the dry stuff.
"Ah--" Doyoung suddenly interjected as soon as you put the liquid vanilla extract into the dry mixture.
"What?" you asked him even though you already knew exactly what he was going to say.
He brought the camera to look at the vanilla in the bowl then back out to look at the directions he printed out. "This didn't say to put that in there yet," he said then put the camera back onto you.
"I'm supposed to be listening to you, not a piece of paper," you sassed him then picked up the egg to break it.
Doyoung scoffed and began to roll his eyes until he saw what you were about to do with the egg. "Y/N, stop!"
"At least beat the egg before you put it in there."
"It's all going to be mixed anyway."
"Yeah, but it'll mix better if you--"
You lifted the egg then hit it on the side of the bowl.
"Don't you dare."
You brought your other hand up to break the egg open over the bowl.
"Y/N, I swear."
"My dearest Doyoung. I am making your breakfast like you asked of me," you said with a saccharine tone of voice. "So please back tf up off me."
Your boyfriend's lips rolled inward in annoyance even as he tried to suppress his smile. You loved giving him a hard time because the faces he made whenever you got on his nerves were so gosh darn cute. "And you're supposed to be doing what I say. I want you to mix the ingredients the correct way. Will you mix them like the directions say, please?"
You tilted your head to the side and smiled sweetly at him. "Of course I…won't!" 
"No! Please no!”
You cracked open the egg and Doyoung zoomed the camera into the bowl as the yolk plopped unceremoniously on top of the other ingredients. He then sighed heavily and put the camera back onto you as you measured out the amount of milk you were going to put in next.
"That's ten seconds added onto your penalty," he reprimanded.
"Worth it." You winked at him and put the rest of the wet ingredients into the bowl and mixed everything together. 
The next couple of clips were sped up as you went through the rest of the process of making the pancakes while Doyoung fussed at you for one reason or another. The video went back to regular speed as you put the last hot pancake onto a plate and drizzled strawberry syrup on top of the whole stack. You then served it to your boyfriend who was now waiting patiently for his breakfast at the table. He handed the camera to you and you focused it on him meticulously cutting into the pancakes with a fork and knife. He tasted his first piece and carefully chewed it as if he were a judge on a cooking show about to make his evaluation.
“You didn’t follow the directions word for word, but you still did a great job.”
“Duh. Because I’m awesome,” you said and Doyoung put another piece onto his fork and held it up for you to taste. You ate it and immediately hummed in satisfaction, quite proud of how delicious the food you made turned out to be. “Oh my gosh, I’m amazing.”
“Yes. You have pleased me,” your boyfriend said exaggeratedly proper. “You may go about your scheduled activities for the day until I am in need of your assistance again.”
You chuckled at the funny way he was speaking. “Yes, sir.” You leaned over to kiss him goodbye. Now your lips were covered in strawberry syrup.
The clip changed to early afternoon with Doyoung adjusting the camera on it’s mini  tripod in front of the couch he was sitting on. He once again fiddled with the hair in front of his face like it actually did something before leaning back comfortably onto the couch.
“Y/N!” he called out to you requesting your presence.
“What!” your faint voice yelled back from the other side of the house.
“I desire cuddles!” 
Skeptical of his intentions once again, you hesitated in responding. “That's it?”
“Will you come sit with me on the couch?” he asked you in the format related to the challenge.
“Will you come sit with me on the couch, what?”
He scoffed. “Will you come sit with me on the couch, please.”
You weighed out your options. So far he hadn’t asked you anything too physically demanding, and on any other day you’d use any excuse to snuggle up to your boyfriend. But today there was definitely going to be a twist added onto Doyoung’s so called ‘cuddles’. You reluctantly walked into the living room and Doyoung held his arms open wide upon your arrival. You sat down next to him and he wrapped his arms around you in a hug so tight you could barely move around. You knew he was up to something.
“How long are we going to stay like this?” you asked with your head against his shoulder.
“Until I’m ready to let go,” he said, then laid down on the couch so both of you were on your sides. “Are you comfortable?”
He knew damn well you weren’t comfortable. “No,” you answered him.
"That's time added on to your penalty." That sneaky fox!
“That doesn't count!" you protested.
“You're supposed to say yes to everything, remember?" you couldn’t see his face, but the camera caught the sly grin that spread across his lips.
"You set me up!"
“Hush, Y/N. Enjoy our time together.”
Wanting to get back at him, you maneuvered your arms the best you could to tickle his sides. He jerked in surprise and almost let go of you, but he held strong and somehow squeezed you even tighter.
“Don’t touch me. You’re not allowed to do that,” he said through clenched teeth as he squirmed around you.
“You can’t hold me like this and expect me not to touch you,” you said then wrapped your legs around his, binding him in place.
“Stop! Let me go,” he said in weak protest knowing his plan had backfired.
“I’ll let you go when you let me go.”
“You’re supposed to be listening to me!” he whined and you couldn't help but laugh at his dismay. 
“You’re the one that wanted to cuddle.”
Doyoung released his hold around you in an attempt to push you away from him, but you had latched onto him like a baby koala and you didn’t plan on letting go any time soon. While he was trying to wrestle you off of him, the two of you ended up tumbling off of the couch, and the camera shook on its tripod when your bodies thudded to the floor. As the two of you laughed, Doyoung rolled over so you were on top of him while you continued to hold him tightly.
“Ten more seconds added. The length of your punishment is steadily increasing,” he said after catching his breath. The words appeared on the screen for your viewers since the two of you were no longer in the frame nor were you in a good range for the camera's microphone.
You smiled brightly at your boyfriend then kissed him before moving to snuggle your face into his chest. Once again you didn’t care how long your punishment ended up as long as you got to tease him and push his buttons. You didn't know how long the two of you were on the floor as you continued to give him a taste of his own medicine in the form of an overenthusiastic, loving embrace.
In the next scene, Doyoung brought you outside sometime in the evening and instructed you to wash his car. You look at him appalled and he simply handed you a bucket of soapy water and a big sponge before walking over and sitting down in the lawn chair he had set up prior in the garage. You grumbled to yourself about getting back at him then begrudgingly dunked the sponge into the bucket. At least he had said please this time without you asking. The video fast-forwarded through you soaping down his car and went back to normal speed when you picked up the water hose to rinse it off. 
“You’re rinsing it off already?” Doyoung had been fiddling around on his phone the whole time and hadn’t realized how far you’d gotten in the cleaning and became skeptical of whether you half-assed it or not. 
“Yes, my darling,” you answered him sarcastically as you began hosing the soap off of the car.
He got up from his seat and brought the camera over to inspect your car washing skills. You saw him walking behind you trying to find any spot that you might have missed and decided to splash him with the water on his ankles. 
“Hey!” he skipped back and yelped in surprise.
“Hi,” you said with a cheeky grin and pointed the hose directly at him. “Go back to your chair and let me finish this in peace while I’m still deciding to listen to you,” you playfully threatened him.
“You won’t spray me while I’m holding the camera,” he taunted back at you.
“I have great aim.” You twisted the dial on the hose to the jet stream setting and readied your finger on the trigger as a warning. “Besides, we can buy a new one.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh sweetie, you know I will.”
There was a short moment of silence between you and your boyfriend before he turned around and quickly ran back to his seat in the garage. You smiled triumphantly and turned back to finish rinsing off the car. But you had forgotten to change the setting on the hose back to the shower stream, so when you sprayed the car at close range a lot of the water came splashing back onto you. You shrieked in surprise and took a step back but ended up slipping and falling into the wet grass of your lawn.
Although he was laughing at your expense, Doyoung still jumped up from his seat and ran over to you to see if you were okay. He laughed even harder when he saw that you were fine, but one side of your body was now covered in soap and mud.
“That’s what you get for being mean to me,” he said as he helped pull you up from the ground. He then used the clean side of your shirt to wipe the mud off of his hand.
“This is all your fault!” 
“You’re the one that lost the game.”
“Man, I really like this shirt, too--” Suddenly, an idea to save your t-shirt from staining popped into your head. You bent over and grabbed the hose off the ground, made sure to change the setting back to the shower stream, then you used it to wash off all of the mud on your body.
“Oh, that’s pretty smart,” Doyoung commended your resourcefulness until he realized that you were purposely wetting your shirt and making it damn near see through as it clung tantalizingly to every curve of your torso. “Wait, Y/N. Ring that out so we don’t get demonetized.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion before you looked down at your wet shirt and realized what he was talking about. “This is going to get us demonetized?” you asked incredulously. You were still fully clothed. Just wet. 
Doyoung nodded and moved the camera up and down to simulate it. And that was when you  took notice of the way your boyfriend was staring at you and realized what was actually going on inside his head. 
You put on a knowing smirk and placed a hand on your hip. “Are you just saying that because you don’t want the internet to see me looking so irresistibly sexy?”
Doyoung was silent as he shook his head and the camera from side to side.
“Are you also saying that because you don’t want our neighbors to see me like this either?”
He shook his head and the camera again.
“Are you lying to me right now?”
Caught in his ruse, Doyoung nodded and moved the camera up and down.
“Well, you haven’t even seen ‘sexy’ yet,” you said before hopping up to sit on the hood of his car and pose seductively as you sprayed the water directly onto your chest.
“Y/N, WHAT THE *BLEEP*! GET DOWN!” Your boyfriend sputtered as he spun around with the camera to see if any of your neighbors were outside or looking through their windows. He ran over to the faucet of the watering hose and turned off the water before running back to you and dragging you off the hood of his car and into the garage. 
You were laughing your ass off at his reaction and told your viewers that you wished they could see how red his face had gotten but you knew he wasn’t going to show them how annoyed and embarrassed he was. After catching your breath, you tried to hug him to make it up to him but he took a step back to dodge your damp embrace.
“That's ten more seconds added onto your penalty.”
You giggled and whined for him to hug you, but he backed away again. “Doie!”
“Now go inside and take a shower.”
“Yes, sir~” you complied happily,  ignoring his absent ‘please’. You were about to go into the house, but you didn’t want to make a mess on the floor. “I can’t go in with these wet clothes,” you told him.
Your boyfriend sighed. “You're right. Let me get you a towel--Y/N STOP!” Doyoung all but screeched when he saw you lifting up your wet t-shirt, ready to yank it off over your head.
The video changed to the next clip of Doyoung barging into your bedroom and announcing that it was time for your punishment. You sat up in the bed and inspected him as he sat on the bed next to you. He didn’t have anything in his hands other than the camera despite being in the kitchen for so long doing who knows what. You figured he was going to make you eat something, but alas, his hands were empty.
“I’m going to kiss you all over your face for a whole minute,” he told you as he sat the camera onto the nightstand and adjusted it so you both were in the frame. 
“Why is that a punishment? Was that the best you could come up with?”
“Shush. You’ll see,” he said, then brought his face close to yours as he parted his lips and purposely breathed his rancid breath into your nostrils. It reeked of garlic and onions.
“Ew! Doyoung! What the hell!”
“I said shush!” he silenced you by grabbing the sides of your head and began peppering stinky kisses all over your face. 
Your face was scrunched up in disgust, but you endured it by holding your breath for the entire sixty seconds of semi-delightful torture. When it got to the end of the minute, Doyoung ended your ‘punishment’ with an open mouthed kiss to your lips and you were indeed able to taste the offensive vegetables.
“Blegh!” you exclaimed after he let go of your head. “That was awful.”
“That was the point,” he said then pulled you into a one armed hug. “You did pretty okay today and got through it even though you struggled to follow directions.” Aw, he was being so nice saying that you only ‘struggled’ instead of not listening to him completely.
“Don’t worry I’m going to get you back for everything,” you said and kissed him on his cheek.
“Not unless you lose again and I’ll have to make a part two of this video.”
“Yeah right. You winning was a fluke. But I’m gonna getcha. When you least expect it. Don’t mess with team Y/N.”
He rolled his eyes before he addressed the audience. “Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe. And we’ll see you all next week.”
After he said his closing remarks he opened his mouth and huffed his hot breath in your face one last time, and the video cut out with you jerking violently away from him.
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- D
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char-lotteral · 3 years
I agree with Kishimoto never trying to use the girls. The hate they get is not fair. I used to defend Sakura back in the days because I hoped kishi would do her justice. When shippuden started I WAS SO HAPPY because I thought this was the start of something great for Sakura and the girls but NOOOOO. Every time, Sasuke showed kishi turned her brainless. If you compare Naruto's actions and Sakura's actions to sasuke, you'd see they're completely different. What's up with that weird fake love confession scene 😭? It makes her look like she was manipulating Naru. JEEZ.
Also he literally had badass Tenten and Temari with cool useful abilities and he didn't use them ?! TF ?! Thank god for modern authors who treat their characters with respect :)
okay2 you know how i am with these longass rants so click readmore and brace yourselves
The way I see it, Sakura's character development in shippuden was always one step forward, two steps back. She gets this really badass scene (like her fight with Sasori and those cool ass medical skills) but is then regressed back into a pining girl in love every time Sauce is on screen or Kishi just throws her in the background YET AGAIN.
I love Sakura's abilities actually. Her brute strength, intelligence, vast knowledge and skill as a medic nin. But what I dislike about her character is how kishi handled her feelings for Sasuke. Naruto and Sakura's obsession with Sasuke was so???? huh??? it was so damn toxic and i never once understood why both Nardo and Sak were so obsessed with him. They were a team for one year???? I mean its great that they care about him alot but Sauce's feelings were kinda valid. His freakin clan died. Id go batshit crazy against my own village too. BUT BESIDES THAT. Both Nart and Sakura's Sasuke obsession was so annoying. 80% of shippuden was literally Keeping up with the Uchihas or Naruto yelling SASUKEH. BUT what irks me so much is the fandom's double standards with both Naruto and Sakura. "Oh Sakura shouldve gotten over her Sasuke obsession" but then turn around and call Naruto's obsession cute and gush about how he's so in love with him!!
Hot take but the only reason why sasunaru is "the most developed ship with the most chemistry" is because theyre both male characters.
I guarantee you if Naruto was a girl and SHE would be the one to have this unhealthy obsession who was chasing around Sasuke, the fandom would shit on Naruto just as much. And if Sasuke were a girl, Sauce would be sidelined like the rest of the female cast and Naruto would have another male character to have a "brotherly bond" with, because thats the only bond Kishimoto is actually good at developing. Yey for male characters having all the screentime and cool assets <333
And about that confession scene, I get her intentions. I really do. I understand that she did that in order to bring him home and that she cares about him but honey, w-why?? Why lie to him about your feelings?? Supposed he DID believe her, then what? then what kishi???? huh??? Some of her fans point the blame on Sai or whatever but I personally dont see why that scene was at all necessary. Maybe to establish Naruto's feelings for her wasnt all that serious? or his maturity? idk man. That scene was such a clusterfuck.
In the end her development in The Last and in Boruto was immaculate. She had one of the best glow ups in the old gen and ironically enough, her character wasn't butchered in Boruto. She got badass scenes she was cheated from in shippuden. I also love how she's finally getting the spotlight she deserves. Unlike the other konoha 12 :,)))
Okay onto the next female character that Kishi completely wasted. My baby. My light. 🙈 AAAHHH HINATAA.
Let me just establish this real quick. Hinata's goal was to get stronger because of Naruto, her goal was never to be with Naruto. She wanted to become someone who is worthy enough to stand beside him, someone whom he can consider as an equal, as a partner. She NEVER once said "marrying Naruto-kun is my all time goal UwU" (if youre one of those weirdos who interpret her character that way, youre immediately invalid, go take a hike)
I personally dont have anything against their crushes but to the point of making their personalities revolve around these guys every time theyre onscreen is so fucking frustrating. And with the way he writes their dialogues is so.damn.cringey. Like that one scene in the war arc with Tsunade and Madara
"I mAy bE a WomAn but I aM nOt WeAAKKKK"
BAAHAHAAHHA WHAT?? Everyone else gets coolass monologues and one liners but thats the best you can come up with Kishi?????? Hilarious.
If im being honest. Hinata's character is actually kinda well written. Not well executed. Dear God no. But with the way he set her story, her personality, her chracterization. She's honestly one of the best written female characters on the show. IMO. By Kishi's standards of writing women ofc. She's hands down one of the most complex characters. Her shy personality wasnt out of the blue, it wasnt a cutesy waifu trait. Her abusive upbringing made her that way. Her trauma turned her that way. So yeah, sue her if she looked up to Naruto as an inspiration when everyone else in her family treated her like dust. Shit on her for having Naruto's love light in her dark when her own damn father wouldnt even look her in the eye and her entire clan shunned her because she was "weak." She doesnt owe her family shit so idgaf what they do with the Hyuga clan. Neji and Hanabi aren't included btw
Im not gonna deny that her role in the show was only as the love interest but tbh for a love interest, Im glad her character wasnt so one dimensional. It just pains me SO MUCHHH how fucking wasted she is. Every time she's with Naruto, they always make her into a damsel in distress. They always feel the need to turn Naruto into the heroic prince. How cute.
Hnggggg dont get me started with her role in Boruto. She's as relevant as a damn houseplant in the manga. They made her into an invisible trophy wife and "the mc's mother" and we all KNOW what happens to the shounen mc's mother once mc is in need of character development :) Quit putting her in the background. Give us that scene where she won against Hanabi DESPITE being retired for years. Give us that scene where she trains Boruto. GIVE US ANY FIGHT SCENE OF HER WHERE HER POTENTIAL ISNT WASTED WTF?¿
Now if you say that Hinata didnt have development. YOURE INVALID. She came from an abusive household, the shyest girl in her class, her insecurities got in the way of her own confidence, had difficulty of standing up for herself now became a loving mother of two, has the guts to kick her husband out of the house(with whom she couldnt even keep eye contact with when she was a kid) became the strongest hyuga, most supportive wife and mother, and has given her kids the comforting childhood she never had as a kid.
She has one of the most beautiful stories in the show and if you think her personality is only Naruto-kun and big boobs, then im sorry that you cant appreciate such a heartwarming story.
And I agree, killing her would honestly make me feel more at ease than continue to see her suffer because of godawful misogynistic writers. But at least let her die in an epic fight. Please. PLEASEE. She got nerfed so bad, i feel a physical pain every time i think about it
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Okay what else. I think Ino got pretty good development. Another wasted potential in shippuden but she's doing good for herself in Boruto. I dont know what Temari is up to. They basically made her into another classic angry mom who beats up her husband for comedy trope. Haha very funny and original! Im not sure with her career, im not that invested in the anime.
oh G O D Tenten. The dirtiest of all. Her jokes about her screentime is so mean and i hate that its true ahsjhs. She was the only female character in OG who's goal wanted to be as strong as Tsunade but what did Kishi do to her?? Sidelined. Forgotten. Irrelevant. Like every damn female on the show :D
Konan shouldnt have died. I blame plot armor. I know in my heart that Konan wouldve kicked Obito's ass if it weren't for Kishi's boomer mindset.
Tsunade had so much hype when she was introduced but died down in the war arc. Madara wiped the floor with the kages. Holy shit. Not only that, but yipee! Naruto is there to save the day AGAIN!!!!
AND UGHHHH If the female characters were given proper treatment then maybe MAYBE all the endgame couples wouldve made fucking sense????¿¿¿
I think that ends my rant. Im not sure how the female characters in Boruto are handled. Except maybe Sarada (she's pretty well executed in the manga imo). But arguably they are sooo much better handled in Boruto than how the old gen girls were. And thats because Kishi isnt anywhere near the new gen female cast. I cant formulate a solid opinion with the other new gen female cast since im not entirely invested in the anime. Not ashamed to admit that I only watch it for the sunshine moments and for Hinata :DD
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itafushi-brainrot · 3 years
iwaoi rant bc i'm tired and in love with them
so, the promised iwaoi rant.
i just think that they're so perfect. i've always preferred childhood friends to lovers over enemies to lovers, cause there's just something so tender about being at each other's side for years, slowly developing that bond that's near unbreakable, and then you slowly realise, shit they're really pretty, and it all becomes even more complicated because what if they don't like you back huh???? what then????? the mutual pining, the slow burn, the eventual relief when you finally kiss......... just chef's kiss. but to get back to iwaoi specifically, i'm just exceptionally in love. has it to do with the fact that i kin oikawa? who knows.
and it's not just the iwa-chan i'm sorry i'm not good enough, sorry i'm so annoying and then the hey it's okay 'kawa, i love you for it part of the ship, it's also the i'm sorry i'm so mean, i know i am, i promise i love you so much and the it's okay iwa-chan, i love you for it part. the balance in the ship is just so beautiful, and i hate that i don't see people portray it that much, because it's usually just whiny oikawa and grumpy iwa, but there's so much more nuance to their relationship. don't even get me started about the timeskip. the effort it must've taken to maintain a ldr (speaking from experience), whether it be platonic or romantic, it's hard. next to that there can also be so much??? softness??? just oikawa yelling "surprise iwa-chan!!!!" and hugging him and iwa not wanting to show it but just melting into the hug and smiling...... there's just so much comfort and understanding in this relationship. whether it be oikawa putting too much pressure on his knee and dammit crappykawa you've been at this for 3 fucking hours give it a rest or iwa beating himself up after losing some match and i know it sucks, but i promise you that seijoh couldn't have a better ace, i love you, they just always pull each other back.
i have to admit, sometimes the amount of tsundere-iwaizumi i see irks me. yes, it's canon he's not exactly the best with affection, but some people make it look like he actually hates oikawa and that just makes me so mad because that's not how relationships are supposed to be (this is not just the case with iwaoi, there are so many more ships just within the hq!! fandom whose portrayal makes me want to scream). together with that, the way they portray oikawa as some sort of burden for iwa to carry??? all cause he can be a lot bit more dramatic, and he's "whiny" and whatever??? makes my blood boil. oikawa is just as capable as iwaizumi to maintain a relationship (again, this is the case with many hq!! ships cough cough bokuaka cough cough), so please grow tf up.
on the brighter (well, not really) side, the angst this ship can provide is incredible. whether it be hospital au's, cheating, falling out of love, hurt no comfort, just,,,,,, you name it they got it. it's genuinely beautiful, and has left me crying every single damn time.
to close off, the fucking smut. oh my god. it's so good. everyone just knows that oikawa is a bratty bottom and everyone just knows that iwaizumi will not hesitate to put him in his place. the kinks, the bdsm, just the everything. idk i love it, i love them, they make me soft. the end <3
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twinklecheeks · 4 years
Friends With Benefits (Jeff Wittek Imagine) Part 10
Summary: Jeff and Y/N have been hooking up for a while. The whole vlog squad assumes they’re dating and Y/N does too but Jeff doesn’t like labels. He eventually starts to express interest in Natalie.
Note: Planning on making this a multiple part series, depending on how good it does.  You’re 21 & Latina in this (maybe) series. Also, I’d like to apologize for the typos, if there is any. I’m just illiterate lmao.  
Side note: I am SO SORRY I’ve been MIA since May? June?. I was planning to write chapters throughout the summer but this quarantine thing really affected my mental health. I hope you guys understand. Also, I’m starting my last semester of college next week so Idk my posting schedule.
Warnings! Pregnancy
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Word Count: 2.1k
Okay so now that y/n and Jeff had a rather… Interesting time in Big Bear, they end it with bad news…. And Jeff still hasn’t told his parents about y/n. Christmas is in less than a week! What can go wrong?
Jeff: hey hey hey, can you calm down. Knowing the piece of shit I can be, I didn’t think I was going to be in your life. But look, I surprised myself!
Y/n: So absolutely no one knows?
Jeff: Karyn does…. Maybe my brother Steven too. Karyn basically knows the whole story.
Y/n: Are your parents going to be mad?
Jeff: Haha no. My ma has been begging me to straighten myself out and have a family. If they knew the whole story,... then they’d kill me.
Y/n: Is it just going to be us and the rest of your fam?
Jeff: Oh I forgot to tell you, Jonah’s family is coming too.
Y/n: Really?! Thank god. If it gets awkward, I can just stuff my face in the corner w/ Jonah.
Jeff: Don’t do that. You have to eat healthy.
Y/n: *gives Jeff a death glare*
Jeff: At least try to. Come on I just don’t want any other risks for the girls.
Y/n: Yeah…. I guess. What are we going to do if they’re deaf? I don’t know whether to choose the cochlear implant for selfish reasons or to let them grow up deaf and learn sign language.
Jeff: If they grow up deaf, we’re gonna have to take one or both of them to speech therapy and that’s going to be extremely difficult because they’re not going to hear if what they’re saying is pronounced right.
Y/n: Maybe we should give them the implant and make them learn sign language? I mean, it’s always beneficial to know another language.
Jeff: But we also have to remember that there’s a chance the implant won’t work and they’re going to have to grow up deaf. Also, remember that there’s a possibility that only one of them is born deaf.
Y/n: I hate how we’re talking about this before Christmas. I thought this was supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year.
Jeff: It is but hey, if my ma gets mad at us, we’re breaking the ice w/ the babies possibly being deaf.
Y/n: JEFF.
Jeff: Oh shut up you know you would do that too w/ your parents.
Y/n: *rolls her eyes* I mean… you’re not wrong.
Jeff: Now hurry up and pack your stuff. We have an early flight tomorrow.
*At the airport w/ the Antonyan’s*
Suzie: I can’t believe we’re spending Christmas in New York!
Jonah: It’s gonna be so cold there though.
Vardon: Shut up Jonah. It’s a free present from David.
Jeff: Hey I’m gonna give y’all a heads up that my parent’s do not know that y/n is pregnant.
Everybody: *looks at Jeff for being a dumbass*
Suzie: You’re so stupid.
Jonah: I agree
Jonah’s mom: She look like she gonna give birth tomorrow and you no tell your parents?!
Jonah’s dad: You in big trouble Jeff
Y/n: *Laughing*
Jeff: Let’s just get on the plane.
*They arrive in New York*
Y/n: Jeff, we can’t just show up to your parent’s house and they see how pregnant I am. It’s going to ruin Christmas!
Jeff: Don’t worry. I’m sure they're going to be fine. I think.
Y/n: JEFF.
Jeff: *sees his older sister* Hey look it’s Karyn!
Karyn: *moves Jeff out of the way* Oh my god y/n! Can't believe you’re having twins!
Y/n: Jeff hasn’t told your parents about me yet.
Karyn: *turns to Jeff* JEFF ARE YOU FUCKIN STUPID
Jeff: Hey can y’all wait to yell at me after we leave the airport. People are staring
*In the car*
Karyn: Jeff I know I gave you a deadline to tell Ma and Pa but that didn’t mean to WAIT UNTIL THE DEADLINE.
Jeff: Everybody just loves to yell at me today
Y/n: How do you honestly think they’re going to react.
Karyn: They probably think Natalie is gonna come
Jeff: Thanks a lot Karyn why tf did you have to say that.
Karyn: Hey, this is your fault. Not ours. You have to think of a way to tell mom and dad.
Suzie: *sitting in the back* This is going to be an interesting Christmas.
*Jeff’s parent’s house*
Jeff: Here goes nothing. *opens the door* hey ma?? *looks around*
Karyn: Maybe they left to get last minute things for Christmas.
Y/n: Cool, gives me time to hide.
Karyn: Hun, everything is going to be fine.
*another car pulls into the driveway*
Y/n: Oh god I’m going to throw up
Jeff: How about you go to my old room and I talk to them.
Y/n: *walks to Jeff’s old room* What if Jeff’s parents are disappointed that I’m not Natalie? They knew about her and not me.
*Jeff’s parents walk in*
Jeff’s mom: My baby boy! I know it’s only been a month but I love it everytime you come home. Sorry we weren’t here. We were buying more food just in case. You didn’t bring Natalie?
Jeff: About that, her and I are done… for good.
Jeff’s dad: Oh well, that’s too bad son.
Karyn: *whispers* But he did bring someone else…
Jeff: *shoves Karyn* hey, shut it. Ma…. Pa…. There was someone else before Natalie… We went out for a while but I broke it off w/ her cause I was stupid and now we’re back together…
Jeff’s dad: Okay, I don’t see the problem? Is she here?
Jeff: Ummm she is… But there’s something else. She’s pregnant… and they’re mine.
*Jeff’s parents both laugh*
*Everybody else laughs nervously*
Jeff’s mom: Good joke, now where is she?
Karyn: Ma, he’s not joking…
*Jeff’s parents look at everybody*
Jeff’s dad: Oh Jeffrey, what did you do.
Jeff: No no no, everything is fine between us. It was ugly between us at first but now we’re back together.
Jeff’s mom: *processes* WAIT. Did you say “they’re mine” as in PLURAL?!
Jeff: Umm yeah. She’s having twins.
Jeff’s mom: I don't know whether to be angry or excited. I mean I’m going to be a grandmother again!
Jeff’s Dad: If he’s on good terms w/ her and is back together w/ her, I see no problem.
Jeff: Y/n you wanna come out?
Y/n: *Walks out slowly* Hii
Jeff’s mom: My god, how far along are you?
Y/n: 5 months
Jeff’s mom: *turns to Jeff* You kept this from us for HOW LONG.
Jeff: We can talk about that later but at least give a warm welcome to the mother of your soon to be granddaughters.
Jeff’s family: IT’S TWIN GIRLS
Jeff’s mom: Oh my god I feel like fainting but I won’t. Oh dear congratulations. I’m going to spoil those little girls rotten. *hugs y/n*
Y/n: Thank you so much. I was afraid of how you would react.
Jeff’s dad: His mom has been begging him to settle down for years. She finally got her wish.
Jeff’s mom: This is a Christmas gift I wasn't expecting at all but I am so happy for the both of you. Jeffrey is a natural when he spends time w/ his sister’s children.
Y/n: haha that’s good to know.
Jeff’s dad: Dear they’re probably all tired. Let them rest for a bit and we’ll go out later tonight.
*Jeff and Y/n take a nap in Jeff’s old room*
Y/n: Well, that went better than expected. I just wish my parents were like that…
Jeff: Babe don’t worry, they’ll come around.
Y/n: I doubt it. When my older sister moved out, they didn’t talk to her for a year but when our older brother moved out, my parents helped him w/ everything! All I’ve done is please them and I do one thing they don’t like and I’M DISOWNED?? QUE SE VAYAN AL CARAJO!
Jeff: Hey hey hey, calm down. You don’t wanna stress the girls out.
Y/n: I mean, at least my siblings are on my side but they live in Seattle.
Jeff: We also have like 20 friends who will always be w/ us. The twins will always have family around.
Y/n: I’m just wondering when we should tell them about the deaf thing.
Jeff: I think we should wait until after the holidays. Maybe in February? I just think we need our time to process and prepare ourselves for anything before it’s confirmed once they’re born.
Y/n: Yeah, you’re right. But February is my birthday though… I don’t wanna ruin the fun w/ that.
Jeff: Hurry up and get dressed. I have a little surprise for you but you have to close your eyes when you get in the car.
Y/n: Jeff please don’t send me into pre-term labor.
Jeff: Don’t worry. It’s nothing bad. I think you’ll love it.
*Jeff drives to Brooklyn*
Jeff: Okay we're almost there. Are your eyes still closed?
Y/n: Yeeees. Boy I’m getting impatient.
Jeff: We’re here. I’ll help you get out of the car. Okay now you can open your eyes.
Y/n: *turns around* NO FUCKING WAY. RIMINI’S.
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Jeff: Yeah. I remember you sayin that you came to this bakery all the time. And that they had your favorite cookies in the world.
Y/n: Jeff. I haven't been here in 10 years. My grandpa would always take me here. I lived 5 minutes down the street.
Jeff: That’s why I brought you here. I knew how much it meant to you.
Y/n: I know you’re not proposing but I would’ve said yes in a millisecond. Now let’s go inside! I have to get their italian butter cookies and I’m bringing a bunch back to LA. I don’t know the next time I’ll  be able to come back.
Jeff: I mean, we’d be coming back quite often after the babies are born to visit my family.
Y/n: Okay but I’m still bringing a bunch back. You can’t get anything like this back in LA.
Jeff: But don’t go overboard w/ the sweets. You don’t want gestational diabetes.
Y/n: *death glares* You sayin I eat too much?
Jeff: No no no, you know what I mean.
Y/n: *pouts* But they taste so good :(
Jeff: Which means you should ration them as much as possible. Also, when we film for my channel, you might wanna hide these from Jonah.
Y/n: I swear to god if Jonah even THINKS about eating my damn cookies, I’m going to jail for manslaughter…
Jeff: Hun, what did I say about the anger. Don’t stress the girls out.
*Back at Jeff’s house*
Jeff’s dad: Well look who finally came back. We wanted to take you guys out but y’all left.
Jeff: Sorry pops, Y/n and I went to Brooklyn. She lived there until she was 11.
Jeff’s mom: Oh wow, I wouldn’t have guessed you were from New York too.
Y/n: Yeah, my parents moved my older siblings and I to Seattle because it was getting hard w/ the cost of living. Also, my grandfather passed away, so there wasn’t really any reason for us to stay there. My parent’s LOVED living here.
Jeff’s dad: Your parents are from New York too?  
Y/n: No. My parents immigrated from Peru. My dad came in the 70s as a teenager and went back and forth. My mom immigrated here in the 80s. They still have a bunch of friends here and they still know the city like they still live here.
Jeff’s mom: Why didn’t you invite them for Christmas in the city. I bet it would bring back so many good memories for them.
Y/n: *sighs* Well, we're kind of not talking at the moment… They were really disappointed when I told them I was pregnant. My older siblings are supportive though.
Karyn: Well that’s good that you have older siblings that will always look out for you. That’s why I give dumb dumb over there *points at Jeff* a hard time.
Jeff: What the fuck.
Karyn: They’ll come around eventually but even if it takes an eternity, just know that you have us now. We’re family! Even if Jeff somehow messes things up w/ you in the future.
Jeff: Ma can you tell her to stop!
Jeff’s mom: Karyn, stop bullying your brother.
Next chapter is CHRISTMAAAAS. (Don’t worry it’s already done. I won't post it for another couple of days) Also, some of the stuff in this chapter is kind of based on me. (Not the pregnant thing. I’ve never been pregnant lmao) But I was born in Brooklyn and the immigrant parents/ moving away thing is from my real life. (but not the moving away cause of grandpa. He was still alive for a couple years after.) But the cookies from Rimini’s… Will change your LIFE.
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