#so i don't know if im gonna be able to edit something new for my sideblogs
analog-kidd · 8 months
If Fire Emblem Had Tumblr Part 2
(part 1)
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🪙annablr-staff ☑️
Introducing New Features!
Keep reading
🔪v-a-n-t-a-g-e Follow
😈fallenwyvern Follow
this is annablr ofc theyre gonna try and scam us
#smh new users bitching abt annablr are so annoying #yeah no shit its a scam
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💜mlm-sewer-assassin Follow
Gods why are the men from Tellius so hot!?!
Like look
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ugggggggggghhhhhhhlsslcdk;nakc king cainegusdisisudapdaso sooo hottttt 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
🦁the-real-king-of-beasts☑️ Follow
I'll take that as a complement haha
💜mlm-sewer-assassin Follow
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🐴cantocantocantocanter Follow
*Edit* I know on other continents archers can promote to other things but I was thinking about Ylisse, Elyos, and Magvel when making this poll
💘no-i-wont-shut-up Follow
in valentia and fodlan snipers promote into bow knights 😎
🏰armored-general Follow
🪶lighterthanafeather Follow
Youre just jealous that we have a bigger movement range
🏰armored-general Follow
and whats that mov gonna do when you get one rounded by a lvl 6 fighter cause your winged donkey falls apart by a light breeze
🪶lighterthanafeather Follow
Sorry! Can't hear you with that 4 mov!
#armors stop being slow challenge (impossible)
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🔫tastemyfeglock Follow
Ugh,, can breidablik STOp summoning fredrick???
I already summoned like 7 of him today!!!
🪨pickagodandprey Follow
what??????? who's breidablik??? why am I being summoned??? I am right here next to my lord in his castle, I'm confused???????
🔫tastemyfeglock Follow
GO AWAY!!! YOURE USELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
🪨pickagodandprey Follow
Excuse me?? I don't even know you!
🪚sidecharater121 Follow
Hey look! A Fredrick that hasn't been summoned yet
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⚜️youngknightnight Follow
Sorry guys for being inactive for so long,,
I was having family issues,,
basically I'm a sword knight about to promote and I wanna be able to use bow upon promotion but my fucking parents keep insisting on axes but I don't wanna use axes!
They keep saying that "axes are sooooo much better than bows" "we encounter so many lance users, why don't you want that advantage?" or "bows only works at two range, why do you want to be defenseless at one range?" bro stfu let me live! I just wanna use bows OKAY?!
Sorry everyone its just been a lot.
#elitists dni #or I will cut you
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🌠thracianstar Follow
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found this weird looking lance an enemy dropped while on my trip in Fodlan.
Gonna try an use it in the next battle!
🎏h-o-l-l-o-w-v-e-s-s-a-l Follow
uhhhh op? I don't recommend using that lance unless you have a crest but your post implies you're not from Fodlan soo uh
don't fucking use it if you wanna live
🐟fishphish Follow
op? op are you there? OP??
🦴️armorcrusher Follow
OP?!?!? OP!!!!!!!!!????? ANSWER US OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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🥩singingnmeat Follow
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this is the best thing in the world on divine dragon
❤️️crimsonrider Follow
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#this is something my wyvern would say if he could talk #anyways #back to hating on my brother
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💚blueplusyellowunit Follow
I found this blueish-white wyvern near Crimea but it wouldn't let me ride it!
It started to thrash around, I had to stop when it started breathing fire
ik you just can't tame a wild wyvern without a lot of time, but the wyvern looked so pretty😭😭😭😭
💭dragon-ggilf Follow
💚blueplusyellowunit Follow
OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOURE NOT A WYVERN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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😉sranks Follow
I tried to use his lance but my rank was D
😉sranks Follow
easy website
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🏋️‍♂️chop-official Follow
gonna use the devil axe,
wish me luck!
🏋️‍♂️chop-official Follow
I'm liking my odds!!
🏋️‍♂️chop-official Follow
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👺foxythings Follow
Swords are the worst weapon type in my kitsune opinion
🗡theawesomemerc Follow
#you dont even use weapons wtf #how tf should you know
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kings-highway · 21 days
i've got quite a lot of fics written but they don't seem complete or cohesive enough to leave my docs,,, i don't know how to outline fics so everytime i get back to them im all over the place and end up doing things from the beginning do u have any advice :⁠,)
so... mhm... this is an interesting question. First of all I GREATLY appreciate you asking but unfortunately this installment of King's "advice column" is going to be half rant, half pep talk, and like maybe a sneaky 3% advice because the truth is... I don't know.
first off: I don't outline anything. Never have. The few times I do outlines it's for the sake of "trying to outline" and never because i wanted to. If you ever see me say the phrase "my outline" what Im actually referring to is the dance-break hallucination of the characters I've set to whatever Top 40 song Im listening to at the moment. I... cannot help you with outlining. Not really.
But I have some things that may help you overall. It sounds like the problem you have is with editing, not writing. Which... if you're new to editing or haven't edited a lot, can be entirely tedious and confusing and you might be saying "ach, but whats the difference!" - the difference is everything. I, personally, love editing. editing is where a story comes alive and can be perfected. If you have a finished full draft of a story, and you truly dont know where to go next... the next step is to be done with it. Literally. I've been working on a personal novel for about 2 years now, and half that time is spent waiting. Put away your draft, write something else. In 2 months, 3 months, come back to it and read it again, change anything you're no longer satisfied with. You'd be SHOCKED how much just taking a break from a story can improve your understanding of it. You may think of things to change in this waiting period - hold off. Hold it in. Let it stew. consider it caramalizing onions. there's simply no way to rush it. NOW - you expressed the sentiment of "i always end up doing things from the beginning-" I say... no you dont. That IS editing. My story has fully changed from front to back multiple times. That new draft you wrote from scratch? congrats, thats your second draft. Not your first. then you do it again. And again. Until the edits become smaller and smaller and smaller. And then when you hate it enough, you say "i cant possibly touch this anymore" and thats when you let someone read it.
And the truth is, they should have been reading it before. Feedback is infinitely important, in the editing process. You cannot expect to only ever show the best product. I have friends who have read drafts of my novel that wouldnt even be able to recognize what it is now. but I could never have gotten it to this point without their feedback. You have to be okay with letting someone - even just one person - see your bad first draft. THEY will be able to tell you where your cohesion is or isnt and how to improve it.
BUT that brings me to a second point, and the idea that this is probably fanfiction. Now, your initial ask was a little vague, so consider the first response there me being under the assumption you were interested in completely finishing a novel or short story with incredibly serious intent. Now Im going to assume you might be looking to publish chapter by chapter or take it "less seriously" because its just for having fun.
And to that i Say:
if youre publishing chapter-by-chapter (and writing chapter by chapter) your cohesion is gonna be shit!!! thats a first draft youre putting out into the world, babe, its gonna be ass! but embrace the chaos!!! I have learned and developed SO MUCH as a writer by publishing chapters one at a time, namely how to "punch through" that lack of cohesion. Consider your first draft a challenge. no matter how many errors you make, you are NOT allowed to go back and change it. that thing you committed to chapter 2? well its chapter 18 now and you either need to address it, or ignore it and hope your readers dont comment. You are beholden to your own writing and theres nothing you can do. Make it work. Its probably not as bad as you think.
Which brings me back to my initial point - dont trust me on cohesion!! Or, maybe, don't trust *yourself* on your judgement of your story. I'm assuming if you're asking you like at least 1 of my stories, so here's that aforementioned peptalk bit from the beginning:
if we're talking about incohesive stories and bad choices and things that REALLY should have been edited, I'm the (hehe puns) King of them. (I sometimes just vaguely think about Paranormality and want to tear my hair out - and yet this is one people seem to love the most!) here's two facts from my stories that are currently still available to read on ao3:
1. In "The Island" Jasvir and the rescue team make a 24 hour journey in about 6 hours (Because I forgot where New Zealand was and didnt fact check before)
2. In "Soulmake Adventures" Tendou describes how Ushijima stays at his apartment when he's "in the city" despite that city being Tokyo and the home base for the Adlers and Ushijima really should, like, have a home. (It did not occur to me to even check)
And Honey, if you think I had a plan for even one goddamn second of Paranormality you're mistaken. Holy shit it's just nonsense after nonsense after nonsense. I REALLY should have like, at least at one point, like... thought ahead. I just kept shoving stuff in and backpedaling and doubling down on things. But it was FUN to write. And people had a lot of fun reading it. I could edit it into something cohesive, but I dont think it needs that. I think if youre writing fanfiction, maybe its okay to just let it be a little bit loose and fucked up for the sake of the joy of it.
here's.... uh.... 3% advice:
1. have an ending. the stories where I know what my last scene (or my last line) will be always get drafted easier and with less stress. I dont mean have an ending idea. I mean literally mentally map out the last paragraph. Really helps me keep on track
2. talk to people. Walk them through your premise and your themes and what you want it to be. saying it out loud almost always will start clicking puzzle pieces together.
3. learn editing. unfortunately im not talking about grammer and spelling, i mean proper content editing. You have to build this skill seperately from your writing.
4. accept that your first draft is for vibes and fun. Push forward and do your best to "force it" however you need to, but;
4.5. understand that deleting work is part of the creation process too. If you do scrap an entire draft and start over, youre not "starting over" - youre starting draft 2. Thats editing!
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arcan3-reliquary · 4 months
Songs that make me think of aventio/Golden Ratio
Because they make me ill and me thinking about their dynamic at any point in their story is like giving a german shepard a kong toy full of peanut butter
Im gonna separate this into pre established relationship vibes and then once they're actually established and in love. because I feel like those 2 dynamics can be veeery different.
PRE ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP - Pre HSR cannon to just before Penacony
Training Season - Dua Lipa (i cant explain this, but just hear me out)
My Strange Addiction - Billie Eilish (again, trust me yall)
Bad Romance - Gaga (Specifically the Halestorm cover, I saw them edited to it and it changed my brain chemistry)
Poker Face - Lady Gaga ("Ratio fell first, Aven was messing around then fell harder" anyone?)
Northern Attitude - Noah Kahan (Again, the intimacy issues arise)
Mary - Alex G (Aven POV. No further explaination needed)
Crushing Me - Grease: Rise of The Pink Ladies (Ratio not knowing how to feel about having feelings is just UGH YES)
Silly Girl - chloe moriondo ( I think it really could work either way, but especially Avens POV. seeing Ratio as perfect, realizing he's not, then thinking, "of course I'd think of him like that, I'm fucked up")
a kind thing to do - Cavetown Ft. Vic Fuentes (this is one that only really makes sense if you listen to it, plus the entire album fucks so go listen to it)
ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP - From beginning of Penacony to post-cannon
Don't Wake Me Up - The Hush Sound (Ratio POV, specifically post Aven walking into the nihility. its sad and I like that)
Ghost of Chicago - Noah Floersch (Aven POV in the most unexpected way possible. He loves his husband and is surprisingly tender about it.)
Somebody To You - The Vamps ( They give me cheesy romance pop vibes)
We'll Never Have Sex - Leith Ross (Aven being in a relationship thats not full of ulterior motives/conditions being something new and a little scary, but also lovely)
Treehouse - Alex G (Ratio finally letting someone into his inner thoughts who's able to understand him, and w Aven the feeling's mutual)
Painkillers - Rainbow Kitten Surprise (they give me STRONG RKS vibes)
Clusterhug - IDK HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME (something something fundamentally conflicting views but somehow two sides of the same coin)
Juliet - Cavetown (emotionally walled off and alexithymic Ratio my beloved. I def think Aven is the one person who hears any of the insecurites he has, particularly because he's spent so long playing up the almost mythical Scholar role.)
and thats it i've yapped enough, i had to write this or i wouldn't get any more fic writing done just thinking about it lol
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gay-little-bitch · 2 years
Personal Lies pt2
Pt1 pt3 pt4 Pt5
Eddies pov:
Gareth barges into the room, waking Eddie up from his deep sleep. "Holy fuck Gare Bear! Do you fucking knock?! What if I was tryna jerk off?!" Gareth walks over and pushes Eddie to the other side of the bed. "Well, you weren't..."
"Get to the fucking point Gareth I wanna go back to sleep. This is my only day off from everything while I'm here." Eddie knows he has bags under his eyes (He hasn't slept more than 8 hours this week.) That fact seemed to make Gareth get to the point. "I talked to Robin today."
Eddie sits up from his original position. "Wait. Robin? Like Robin Buckley? The band geek that Harrington is dating for some weird reason? Not gonna lie I always thought she liked girls..." Gareth's hand slaps over Eddie's mouth. "Please shut the fuck up. Yes, Robin Buck- Ew! DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND?!" He wipes his hand on Eddie.
"She's definitely not dating Steve... and never will. When I asked her she said 'Platonic with a capital P' so I'm like 100% sure they are just friends." Even though he was just told that they were just friends Eddie can't seem to get over the fact that he's seen Steve's high school Instagram multiple times and he's always with Buckley. They are always either holding hands, on each other's lap, or standing/sitting so close leaving zero space in between them.
"I don't believe you but go on... why did you guys meet up?" Gareth starts to pick at the blanket next to him. "We just... um talked. I told her about our band and she told me about hers. It was fun..."
"You definitely didn't just talk about that because you wouldn't have woken me up so you could tell me about a girl I used to know."
"Well I mean we also talked about Steve and his band... that Robin is also in. He just came out with a new album."
"Gare bear I swear to god if you don't fucking tell me the name of his band I will curb stomp you."
"Um...no. I will not tell you his band name. That is highly confidential."
"Why is it 'Highly Confidential'? It really can't be that big of a secret. Unless... YOU'RE PLANNING SOMETHING!"
"What?! No, I'm not... im simply just hanging out with a friend!"
"I still don't believe you but I'm tired so I won't ask any more questions. Thank you for this unimportant conversation and kindly fuck off."
Gareth gets up from the bed and leaves the room with a dirty look on his face. Eddie grabs his phone and starts searching. He goes to Instagram and looks up 'Steve Harrington' From the looks of it Steve doesn't have a public Instagram so he goes to the next best thing... Tiktok. Specifically Tiktok edits.
His screen is flooded with pictures of Steve's face. He looks worn out but still has one of the most beautiful faces Eddie has ever seen. After about 3 hours of scrolling through TikTok about Steve, he comes across a few tagged #steveharrington but are all about a mystery boy and not about Steve so he scrolls past those.
Eddie gets out of bed, past the kitchen, down the hall, and into Gareth's room. "He's so hot! How did he get hotter?! Why do I have to be hurt by this Gare Bear?!" Gareth giggles. "Are you talking about Steve?" Eddie throws his hands up in the air out of frustration. "Of fucking course I'm talking about Steve!"
"Go ahead. Tell me what's so great about him. Tell me why you're obsessed with his perky little ass and his luscious fluffy hair." Eddie looks at Gareth, confused. "Are you sure you don't wanna fuck him?" His friend lets out a loud laugh. "I'm 100% sure man. All yours."
Eddie sits on the floor and continues, he gets so caught up in the moment that he doesn't notice that Gareth took out his phone and started live streaming. "I just don't understand! How can a human be so fucking perfect? He has the best jawline and the most perfect ass! I literally can't cope with not being able to see him every day anymore! He was the only reason I went to that shit hole for 3 extra years!"
"Wasnt that because you failed?"
"Not the fucking point Gareth! Anyways... I just fucking wish that I could see him again! He's probably not even gay! I mean yeah he seems a little fruity but he used to fucking hate me so why would that change?! Why does he have to be so fucking hot man?! I wanna fucking die! Ugh!!!!"
Gareth's pov:
The comments are on the stream are filled with people saying things like 'Oh my god! Is he okay?' 'lol is Eddie being gay again?' and 'who is he moping about?' Eddie is still on the floor rambling about his search to find anything about Steve but he still didn't find anything about the songs. Lucky for Gareth all Eddie wanted to see was Steve's face so he skipped past all the 'boring' ones.
"Eddie. He's just a guy. You're acting like a fan girl who just found a video of their celebrity crush doing the hottest thing imaginable." Eddie stands up and flails his arms around. "He is existing and somehow it's hot! Don't fucking judge me! I know I'm a slut!!! No need to remind me!" Gareth pushes back the urge to roll his eyes. "I have literally known him since high school and I didn't make a move then so why would I do it no- GARETH! GET OFF YOUR PHONE IM TALKING TO YOU!"
Gareth turns the camera around so it points toward him. "See guys? That's why you don't go researching your high school crush who you're still in love with. Lesson of the day." Eddie stands in front of Gareth with his mouth open so wide in shock. "You little bitch! Were you recording me?!" Gareth waves his goodbye to the camera. "Close your mouth. You're gonna catch a fly. Also, yes I was recording you because you were acting like a teenage girl and it was funny. Now maybe Steve will notice you."
Eddie goes towards the door to leave but before he does he speaks up again. "Thanks for embarrassing me you little fuck. I hope it was worth it. I really hope you're right about him noticing me though. I'm so fucking lonely man." Right as Eddie leaves Gareth gets a text from Robin.
"Just saw your live, let's hope this works. I'll talk to Steve. Hopefully, we don't fuck this up."
Notes: Sorry for the long wait <333 I'm gonna try to update every Wednesday (i'm a little late but who cares ) I really hope you like this chapter :)) I always rlly hate my writing so idek if this is good or not so just tell me how you feel about it. If you have a request for the story just comment and I will look at all of them and tag you if I use them. I will also tag you if you ask so just comment if you wanna be tagged <3333
read on ao3
@down-sizing-redux , @gay-stranger-things , @satan-is-obsessed , @this-is-moony-lovegood , @impeachy , @maraudersfavoritewhore , @robinbuckleymybeloved ,  @hyperfixationgoddess , @fandomz-brainrot , @mightbeasleep , @ali-just-ali , @beckkthewreck , @novelnovella , @beeing-stuupidd
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patchdotexe · 1 year
doip. / 5.24.23: the woodland manse
TIME FOR DOIP! it's been a few months so: welcome to dragon of icespire peak, the d&d campaign jorb is running with me, nyx v4shthestampede, and green bahamutgreen! starring the bullheaded dragonborn fighter Alidaar, the nameless halfling druid that's usually a binturong, and the new arrival (and walking disaster of a lizardfolk) hoping for treasure, Kepesk! together we're gonna fight a really angry dragon, but first there's a lot of problems in the world we need to tackle before we have any hope or surviving.
leo: [joins call] good news, i found my dice! jorb: [plays the anime "WOW!" sound on the soundboard]
Redesign Your Alidaar, We Know What We're Doing
LAST TIME, ON DRAGON OF ICESPIRE PEAK: Our heroes, having said goodbye to their friend Tobias, made their way to the Dragon Barrow. There, they met a new but unexpected ally: a lizardfolk by the name of Kepesk. The three braved the barrow together, and after some close calls, claimed the Dragonslayer sword within. Outside, they met a hobgoblin named Toblin Bloodsword, leading them through Neverwinter wood. oh fuck ive lost behind. WILL OUR HEROES BE ABLE TO CLEAR THE MANCE AND CLAIM THEIR REWARD? OR WILL THE CACOLYTES TAKE THEM BY STORM? FIND OUT………. TODAY!
i'm really good at what i do.
kepesk: wow it feels like we slept a month or two or something alidaar: more like four!
nyx: didn't we gaslight toblerone? […] leo: what's his actual name again, jorb: targor! leo, sobbing: WHY DID I THINK HIS NAME WAS TOBLIN?!
alidaar: i cartwheel over. nyx: what?? alidaar: i cartwheel over! nyx: well i was gonna ride on your shoulder or something, but i guess you're cartwheeling?? jorb: you heard the man! green: kepesk follows tripping over everything jorb: targor walks over doing a handstand or something. i dunno
good morning, falcon is here! also breakfast is here! let's goooo alidaar: good morning, motherfuckers! ..i dont say that part. OH NAMELESS HAS A NEW TOKEN, CUTE
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……..huh. nameless sure is red suddenly. And This Sure Is An Overnight Change, Huh
falcon: would you mind terribly if corwin and pell dined with us this morning? alidaar: sure, why not? kepesk: [NOISE]
I FORGOT WE DUPED THE SHIT OUT OF TARGOR. targor is now aware that nameless just Does That (become a man)
jorb: [describing dinner] there's a couple of fish as well. nyx: alive. jorb: NOT ALIVE
falcon gives us a map! nyx: i am looking, i m looking with my eyes, i put my eyes on it, leo: nameless puts his face on the map. jorb, concerned: ..make a perception check? nyx: i swear im normal. [rolls a 17] jorb: this is a nice parchment!
nameless throws the map to kepesk. kepesk uses it as a napkin and then realizes its a map. falcon: i suspect i'm going to have new stories to tell after this. alidaar: you don't know the half of it. kepesk: about who :D?
nyx: i desperately want to talk to targor and tell him we're not usually like this leo: but that would be a lie :D nyx: that would be a lie.
jorb: [attempting to figure out why we can't see zodiark's name] leo: i can edit the horse. nyx: you can edit the horse???
falcon: try not to die. alidaar: it'll be hard as hell to kill us, don't you worry. :D jorb: and with that, you guys head off! nyx: ……..where am i going? jorb: YOU GUYS HAVE A MAP.
oh it's spelled manse. woodland manse. nyx: [rolls a 22 on survival] jorb: [..] you make some updates to the map as you go. leo: your map sucks ass, we improved it nyx: i'm grimacing as i hold it because it's still a bit greasy
OH SHIT THE SENDING STONE IS GLOWING OMG TOBIAS !! RAT BOYYYYY awww he misses us ;w; (and is craving cheese.) jorb: do you want to respond? you have 25 words. nyx and leo: OH GOD WHY ARE YOU MAKING US DO MATH his message is 25 words exactly. this guy. nyx: my response is two words: stay safe. kepesk: why are you guys talking to a rock? alidaar: [deadpan] sometimes rocks are magic. kepesk:
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jorb: [..] you come across a clearing. nyx: why is there a boar in the bushes? green: is that a world of warcraft boar? jorb: yeah
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jorb: so, what will you do? nyx: does targor have anything to say about this? jorb: oh. right. targor should say things.
jorb: do you have the ability to move targor, by the way? leo: no. i was gonna send him to the moon to test nyx: send variable to the moon. jorb: okay, try it now leo: [launches targor across the map] YEET nyx: OH GOD
jorb: there is not another identical mansion. nyx: sad. jorb: sad! leo: sad! nyx: sad! jorb: sad!
leo: are the boars doing anything? jorb: uh, no, they're just grazing in the pumpkin patch. nyx: are they eating the actual pumpkins, or the leaves, or..? jorb: do they eat pumpkins? probably the leaves. leo: [googling] do boars eat pumpkins..
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kepesk is leaving zodiark outside to graze on the pumpkins.
green: i can't believe i'm only asking this now and it's not my notes.. WHY did we come here??? (it's ok green i also didn't put that in my notes. anyway we're here to wipe out followers of talos and maybe get cool boots)
jorb: [describing a room] alidaar: i wanna get a look at those figures on the fireplace. jorb: it's weird- one of them looks like a binturong. one of them looks like YOU. and.. one of them looks like tobias. leo: WHAT? UM. OK . CREEPY MANSION HAS WEIRD WOODEN FIGURES OF THE ORIGINAL PARTY????? HOLY SHIT???
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leo: oh my god the tokens,,, jorb: yeah i tried to get an ai to make [the tokens] into wood, it.. leo: it looks like it melted alidaar. jorb: ..had mixed results EVERYONE IS FIALING SO BAD AT INVESTIGATING THE REST OF THE ROOM BECAUSE THEY'RE DISTRACTED BY THE WEIRD CARVINGS
kepesk: i don't care about art.
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jorb: -oh hey this is pretty neat actually
targor: what are you guys looking at? alidaar: hey targor, have you ever heard of wood? targor: targor: i'm.. familiar.
green: i feel like ive been so aggressive to him, i have no beef with targor. jorb: with TOBLIN, on the other hand,
leo: kepesk wants a carving of himself SO BAD jorb: they're not carvings, they're like.. 3d figures made of sticks. green: ohhh! that's even creepier. nyx: it's like that one movie. [pause] jorb: henry stickmin.
nyx: it looks like a pantry gone wrong. kepesk: is there ANYTHING of value in this place?! jorb: do you want to make an investigation check? leo: --all of my player instincts are yelling at me to start setting fire to this place. KEPESK NO DON'T EAT THE TOXIC SLUTCH leo: do we have cure poison on deck?? kepesk: do you guys want some? alidaar: [full-body recoils] nameless: [walks away] kepesk: ..i was just joking! :D ;;
courtyard has weird vines growing out of the well! thats probably an issue kepesk: i wonder if these vines would go well with food-sludge. nameless pokes the vines and they move. Hm! Bad! Time To Be Elsewhere
jorb: ..and you hear muffled talking. [dramatic music sting] leo: whoa, music change! jorb: the music didn't change, it just did that.
UH OH nyx alerted the guys on the floor above us! Problems!
jorb: if everybody could roll initiative for me! nyx: are we jumping through the hole in the ceiling?? leo: you bet your ass! targor rolled a 15 on his initiative! green: whoa! go off king! jorb: he's full of blood! leo: i think most people are.
jorb: [editing turn order so we can't see our opponents' rolls] you saw nothing. leo: i saw nothing but a 5 jorb: 5! green: 5! jorb: 4. green: 3. jorb: 2-- leo: [plays "E" with reverb on the soundboard] leo: did you know E is the 5th letter of the alphabet? :D
SOMEBODY THREW A DFUCKING JAVELIN AT US???? jorb: what would you like targor to do? green: targor! kill!
up against a human, an orc, and a half-orc! jorb: [stage whisper] they were all orcs in the original module, but i added some divesrsty hires! update: jorb misread the encounter so the javelin has been un-thrown and nameless has been un-mutilated
KEPESK IS NOW RAGING OH SHIT KEPESK'S NEW RAGE IS COOL AS HELL he's got a cool stormcloud mask thing !! yoooo kepesk is WRECKING shit this RULES I AM ALSO NOW WRECKING SHIT. alidaar can now attack twice with his main weapon and once with his offhand! so he just. absolutely slaughters the ones kepesk didn't. also i have two breath weapons now! I CAN FUS RO DAH PEOPLE i should probably not fus ro dah people oh my god targor has a fucking. magic bloodsword. that's why they call him targor bloodsword ig hmm. nameless keeps using radiant damage now. i don't think that's what they usually do but i could be wrong. but also there has been no thorn whip silliness so far
jorb: i'm not even gonna make you roll, because he has 1 hp. [..] how do you want to do this? green: there's nothing that can go wrong with straight up cutting a guy in half anime style jorb: he goes "huh, that didn't do anything--" leo: he explodes. jorb: [explosion soundboard]
so anyway we just completely demolished that encounter in, like, one and a half rounds. goodbye fuckers
after a bathroom break: jorb: there, can you see it now?
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leo: [SOUND] green: final boss: the go piss girl.
jorb: it is dark in here - do you have darkvision? green: i have swimming! [..] leo: do you want me to come over here? i have darkvision jorb: i retconned- i kept waffling on if you have darkvision or not.. leo: [checks character sheet] ah! i no longer have darkvision. (jorb gave alidaar nightvision before but the dragonborn update happened so now some of the variants have darkvision and alidaar's variant Does Not. ah well)
HOO BOY the dark room contains A Guy doing a. weird ritual? surrounded by weird twig creatures! that look kinda like the weird ones on the mantle! jorb: kepesk, you know what these are. [..] these are twigblights! green: YOO, ITS HENRY STICKMIN! leo: YOOOO green: YOOOO ITS HENRY STICKMIN LEADER OF THE TOPPAT CLAN leo: there's one for each route! :D
kepesk: hey do you think itd be funny if i went up and bit him? OH MY GOD SHE ROLLED A 20 STEALTH . OH MY GOD THATS A 27??? THAT'S A NAT 19 TO HIT. JESUS CHRIST kepesk: haha! you don't taste very good! [<- green described as "in his shittiest sonic voice"]
green: okay maybe i should roll for initiative
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horc enemy is SHOOTING LIGHTNING AT US???? WUH OH . OH GOD I HAVE BEEN KNOCKED DOWN TO 15 HP. AAUGH fun thing about the dragonborn rework: i can now replace one of my attacks with my breath weapon! i also now have Two Breath Weapons! and Two Attacks! and also an offhand attack! anyway i just Obliterated the stickmen except for one, then used my brand new fus ro dah repulsion breath to send the big bad flying into the wall and knock him prone. and then ran up and used my offhand to smack the final stickman into the ceiling. GET FUCKED LOL
nyx: im gonna walk up to alidaar and use.. uh… fuckin.. bitches! (nameless used cure wounds)
kepesk saunters up to The Guy and just. OH MY GOD GREEN ROLLED A CRIT? green: he's on the floor and i'm just [smacking noises] jorb: stabbity stab! leo: [plays "punch" sound effect A Lot]
HM. the guy backed up into a different corner and casted.. some sort of spell that didn't have a visible effect? time for nameless to roll arcana! jorb: in the words of himiko from danganronpa 3… "~it's magic~!" :D
alidaar: okay, im gonna just run straight at him and start going ham jorb: I NEVER ROLLED INITIATIVE FOR TARGOR!!!!! anyway alidaar just obliterated that guy with a dragonslayer crit. unfortunately it sounds like he was trying to do an evil last words monologue before getting beheaded. oops!
targor: sorry i'm la GREEN GOT DMCA'D ON TWITTER????? FOR VENOM GANGNAM STYLE??????????? IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIGHT???????????????????????????
uh. targor: ..why are there a bunch of frozen sticks on the ground? alidaar, covered in blood: oh y'know. occupational hazard.
WOAGH ok now that we're out of battle, nameless has rolled again for arcana and got a nat20! HM. THE GUY APPEARS TO HAVE CAST SENDING. green: i guess we shouldn't… stick around! :D
alidaar found some dust of disappearance :o and now we're going upstairs! leo: where's.. i nearly called him torbjorn. We Keep Forgetting Targor
jorb: you find a hidden door! [zelda jingle] alidaar: wow! just like in the murder of sonic the hedgehog! green: YEAAA i hope there's a milf at the end of this! (jorb: falcon could be a milf.)
time to do another round of investigating/perceiving! leo: i'm going to perceive it. jorb: [some joke abt apollo justice's bracelet i forgot] green: YEA!! leo: [rolls a 8] jorb: you don't have a bracelet, so it doesn't work leo: i start crying. [..] green: perception! just like my hero apollo justice! [rolls a 16] IMFINE! jorb: you are So fine that you find [..] a wooden staff!
Time For Nameless To Want Shiny Item jorb: they way their pupils are dilating.. you don't think they're gonna give it back. kepesk: are you gonna eat it????? [..] nameless: i give alidaar puppydog eyes. leo: what do i roll to defend against puppydog eyes? jorb: make a wisdom saving throw. leo: 10! nyx: [rolls a nat20 persuasion] leo: AH NO jorb: you can't say no to the puppydog eyes!
leo: i should start throwing targor around like a sack of potatoes like i did to tobias, that'd be funny
A BUNCH OF LITTLE NASTY BOYS ARE HERE nyx rolled a crit initiative what the FUCK my man i rolled 13.12 on my initiative! acab The Groupchat Gets Distracted Talking About Subspace Emissary nyx is going ham with the staff while i google what subspace enemy jorb and green were comparing the nasty boys to (it was an armight) nyx is Struggling to roll a d8
alidaar stuck his head through the door and used his breath weapon to Obliterate the encounter! and also freeze nameless a little bit. sorry </3 leo: how confident are you in your ability to roll above a 13 [for dexterity] nyx: i have a +1 to dexterity but do what you will leo: are you prepared to face the consequences of my actions?
kepesk has found a bathroom green: sounds boring. jorb: you dont wanna take a bath? stinky! stinkyyyy! green: --just gotta go stinky mode. jorb: smely!!!
OH GODDAMNIT MY MIC STOPPED PICKING ME UP AT SOME POINT. BIG EFF minor pause to reread my notes from Two Years Ago from when we checked the loggers camp! my notes for that session were terrible leo: [reading out notes] "hm. wonder how donjon's doing." jorb: [laughing] BAD.
Delicious Sludge! (kepesk keeps trying to eat weird things. like soot.) leo: alidaar starts jogging around. like a white dad jorb: there is a wardrobe here. leo: [squeaky] JUST LIKE THE MURDER OF SONIC THE HEDGEHOG! CLOAK OF BILLOWIIIIIIIIING kepesk is All Over this locked chest awww yeah. AH FUCK HE GAVE HIS THIEVES TOOLS TO CARROWAY IN HIS BACKSTORY CAMPAIGN its ok nameless has a crowbar nameless rolled a nat1. kepesk Also struggles with the crowbar. alidaar walks in and starts fucking Wailing on it with his morningstar green: if this thing's a mimic this would be so messed up NAMELESS KICKED IT AND GOT A CRIT jorb: how does one get a crit on an unarmed strike?? the answer is "not very well". nameless then stubbed their toe YAHOO KEPESK CAME IN SWINGING WITH A 2HANDED WARHAMMER AND SMASHED THE CHEST god this was a mess jorb: it's a flat iron rod with a button on one end. leo: it's a Gun. OH MY GOD IT'S AN IMMOVABLE ROD you push the button and it just Freezes in place and cannot be moved! kepesk tries to put it in his pocket and forgot to unpress the button. i love kepesk green: imagine if you put it in your pocket and you buttpress the button
YEAAA ALIDAAR GETS THE CLOAK OF BILLOWING time to go back downstairs! alidaar steps on a staircase and it immediately collapses. whoops alidaar takes one last look at the weird figurines and considers taking his, but decides against it and walks out. also we may have started boar religion or something? meanwhile nameless grabs the tobias one and OOPS! COMBAT! THEYRE ALIVE! nyx: i use sacred flame. jorb: on which one? nyx: the.. binturong one. leo: nameless said no doubles.
alidaar is Really Sad about having to fight the twigblight of himself :( nyx wants to save the tobias one :( :( TWIGBIAS twigbias does 5 damage to nyx's discord and makes it so he can't hear anything kepesk sees what's happening and decides to stay out of it. targor: what's going on in there? [extended silence] AW NOOOO nameless tried to dispel magic but it didnt work.. WHY DOES NAMELESS HAVE A 25 POUND CHEST????? alidaar tries to shove twigbias in the chest. he drops the chest on his foot (nat1). good lord jorb: targor walks in and says "give me that" and grabs the chest off alidaar's toe.. [rolls a 3] ..and he drops it on HIS toe EVERYTHING HAS GONE SO FAR OFF THE RAILS Alidaar And Nameless Try To Shove Twigbias Into A Chest kepesk walks up. grabs twigbias. shoves him in. WE DID IT
OH MY GOD ONE OF THE BOARS IS A DUDE OH MY GOD. MORE INITIATIVE. WHAT IS HAPPENING. THE BOARS ARE MEN kepesk: you guys were eating with my horse this whole time?? okay so. earlier the boar religion comment was because when i was looking at the twigblight party jorb mentioned how we encountered a boar Ages ago and tobias used speak with animals to tell it to go away? and now we walk out of the manse and one of the boars goes YOU SHALL NOT PASS and turns into a dude. and now there are more dudes. and basically i think we have caused problems alidaar: WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? [awkward silence] nyx: is he not gonna say anything? jorb: well, its not his turn, alidaar promptly charges at the pumpkin boar and slaps it clean in half okay cool the guy is a talos fanatic and is not gonna listen to me anyway. ah well it was worth a shot
one of the nettleblights(?) - oh yeah those guys are here too. big versions of the thornblights. one of them attacked zodiark so nameless blew it up talos, lord of boars, i walked away to get cake and when i came back it still wasnt my turn yet jorb: 30 to 40 feral hogs green: i thought [zodiark] would be really strong because he's a skeleton, but i was using mario logic, nameless: im gonna use sacred flame on.. the bitch! that is up my ass.
leo: hi im back whats up jorb: you're about to get owned! leo: oh. okay [thunderwave cave from pmd playing as alidaar gets electrocuted] LETS GIVE IT UP FOR ROUND 3 alidaar is covered in blood and he loves it. he's a fightboy! jorb: he was a gladiator! not willingly, but, leo: eh you have fun with it alidaar smacks a guy with a sword and then sticks his tongue out at him. >:P
alidaar is getting electrocuted again! leo: HOOH sorry there was a bug on my screen [right next to alidaar] jorb: you take 8 thunder damage irl [..] jorb: aw, i was trying to make it so he'd push you through the window leo: can i go through the window anyway? jorb: i mean, on your turn, if you want to,
GIANT'S MIIIIIGHT [super mushroom noise] alidaar supersizes, charges head-on at the final enemy (which is the one that tried to push me through a window), and uses his battleax to slap him straight into the sky and obliterate him on impact. alidaar: FUCK YOUUUUU leo: --and then he goes back to normal because combat ended. [checks skills] wait no this last one minute. and that was six seconds. um. jorb: you're large now! leo: alidaar stands there and goes "huh. i'm large now."
back to falcon's house! nameless brought back one of the boars for dinner :D nameless is having a normal experience with reality. what the fuck is happening. Kepesk And Alidaar Get One Boot Each targor is leaving! kepesk: aw, targor, but you're so based! nyx: don't speak those witch's words at him. I FORGOT KEPESK'S PRE-CAMPAIGN GROUP - IM GOING TO KILL JORB .RIGHT NOW kepesk's previous group was expies of the chaotix. targor was planned from the getgo to be mighty the armadillo. WAIT THE WILDERS ARE THE ONES THAT KILLED HIS PEOPLE. WE HAVE GASLIT HIM UNTIL THE VERY END green: i feel so bad, but yknow.. extenuating circumstances.. jorb: why does it keep spawning more namelesses? nyx: i shape back into binturong form. which hopefully there is only one of. AN INVISIBLE NAMELESS
jorb: do you guys wanna chat or are you just going to sleep? kepesk: so that was pretty fucked up, right? alidaar: yeah! kepesk: (at nameless) does it hurt when you go binturong mode, or? nameless: [shakes head] alidaar: sometimes they're a dog! --WAIT YOU WERE THERE FOR DOG WITH A SWORD kepesk: I WAS! :D
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...and that's the end of the session! CLIFF HANGERRRRRRR
we still have twigbias btw.
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devitalise · 1 year
IMO im sending this so early NOT because I'm trying to beat you (though it does feel nice 🤭) but I'll be offline during our usual end-of-month wrap-up + i SHANT make you wait long!!! HOW DID AUGUST GO! I read ur goodreads review on The Picture of Dorian Gray but I'm dying to hear more 👁️ + do u think you're gonna try and shift into ~fall vibes~ for reading now (whatever that means to you) or continue to go with the flow?
hi cas this was such a jumpscare getting this over a week ago but i'm glad you were able to beat me! of course there's a new autumnal vibe in the books i'll be reading i've even updated my discord profile (goodbye summer kendall you were great)
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but i can go into more detail in the
august book wrap up
(2 days early but i'm not finishing a book in 2 days)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (The Original 1980 Uncensored Edition) by Oscar Wilde
well i read a book. there were some really interesting threads in this, i thought Dorian being a narcissistic weirdo was cool to read about, but other than the end of the book taking a much darker turn, i did't find much about this impressive. i don't like reading books expecting them to work harder for me to enjoy them, but i struggled to want to read this.
Must I Go by Yiyun Li
wasn't what i expected it to be, not really a fan of what it was. you give me an 88 year old woman who's survived her eldest daughter's suicide and raised her granddaughter and is looking after her greatgrandaughter and what do we do? we spend almost 200 pages of her dissecting the journal of some random man who ended up marrying his cousin and lived his whole life not knowing he had said daughter? why. i don't care! i don't care!!!!!!! and then when Lila (the character in question) did talk about herself, her mother having her dreams crushed in her marriage, her three marriages and further 4 children, it's just brushed over and kind of shrugged at. none of the "important" men in her life are alive and yet they took up so much of the book. whatever you keep dead people alive in your memory but other than being reminded how selfish and uncaring Lila was there wasn't much about this i felt positive about. wouldn't recommend, went straight in my donation pile.
Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay by Elena Ferrante
i finally did it. what a rollercoaster! i absolutely hate reading first person books when i find the character annoying. not to say a bad person, or morally defunct or anything. just plain old annoying. Elena Greco is annoying. fine in the first 2 as she's 10-22 years old and it's expected, but the third book sees her in her mid 20s early 30s and i genuinely wanted to throw this book at a wall. i struggle to see this as a tale of friendship at this point just because like. they aren't friends??? they're two women who at this point are bound by history and maybe that's the point but i want better for Lila and she remains the star of the show
The Story of the Lost Child by Elena Ferrante
i finished the quartet and feel emotionally wrung out. this was going fine but i think it's around 350 pages in there's a full blown "relationship" between Lila's 24 year old son and Elena's 15 year old daughter???? reading from the perspective of an awful mother was so jarring, too. really enjoyed the series, i just feel like i felt very untethered towards the end and i just wanted it to end
september / autumnal reads
i'm annoyed that i've ended up in such a white reading space so will be fixing that for sure. also need a romance, i haven't read one i've liked this year! something fun is overdue. i have some horror books picked out but that's not for a little while yet. i don't see myself picking up anything new (maybe?) so i'll just be picking from what i already bought, trying some contemporary reads that have been rotting on my shelf for the past year
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fragilecapric0rnn · 1 year
20, 22, 29 fic writer asks my senford!
anything for you zoethur <3<3
Fic Writer Asks <33
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
you can take the heart from your chest to use as a compass when you are lost (or missed connections fic) is one of my favorites!
the song that i took the lyric from fits the fic so so soooo well too. just love the song. love this fic too. y'all should give it a read if ya haven't yet <3
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
usually! or at least, i know which direction i want it to go. like, i always know my fics will have a happy ending. but for the specifics i like for those things to kinda develop naturally as im plotting/writing.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
(the perfect question for someone who has a folder titled "scrapped bits" bc i was taught by one of my favorite college professors to never delete anything you've written bc it might be useful someday)
I don't think I'll ever post the fic i have decided to call Gonorrhea Fic but I have one scene that I edited just now for you all to enjoy <3
Steve stomps away from the counter, little white paper bag in hand. 
The pharmacist’s ‘Have a nice day!’ ringing in his ears like the most annoying alarm set to disturb him in the middle of a heavy sleep. 
He pushes the clinic doors open with too much force, already clicking on Robin’s contact. It only rings once. 
“Its fucking gonorrhea.” he rushes out as soon as she answered. 
He props his phone up with his shoulder so he can fish around the bag for the pill bottle so he can discard his shame that is in the form of the telling pharmacy paper bag in his hand. 
“Shucks, I was rooting for an unplanned pregnancy.” Steve whines as she snorts on the other end and if Steve wasn’t on the verge of tears, he’d have something snarky to say back. 
“No shit it’s gonorrhea! That’s what happens when you go around throwing your hole at anybody who even shows a vague interest in you.” Slander, Steve thinks. This is just slander.
“I only showed my hole to one guy! One hook-up! The celebratory ‘I’m single so let’s see some new peen’ hook-up.” About two weeks ago, Steve finally ended the weird situationship with the guy he’d been hooking up with on the regular. Regular being used loosely in this case, considering he kept ghosting, only coming out to haunt Steve’s call log any time between 11pm and 3am. But Steve was hung up and didn’t want to keep being a booty call, not for someone he started to have actual feelings for. 
“And then I go and pick the one who has the fucking clap!” he whisper-screams into the receiver. Robin’s hollering like a fucking hyena on the other end. He pulls the pamphlet on safe sex out of the bag, along with the orange pill bottle as he walks directly into someone, sending both of the objects flying out of his hands and onto the ground.
All of his athletic ability proving to be pointless as the stranger beats him to the pill bottle, rolling away.
Robin's laugh is the backdrop to the most embarrassing moment of his life, as the stranger (who is stupidly hot) picks up both the bottle and the pamphlet, his face screwing up into a knowing smirk.
Of course he has the most gorgeous set of brown eyes, shaggy hair not being able to cover up the notch in his brow, which is suggestively quirked up at Steve as he checks him out. Right there, no shame, in front of the damn clinic. Holding his STI meds.
"I think you're gonna need these."
Steve wishes whatever is in control of the universe would strike down and kill him, here and now.
"Thanks." He snatches his things, eyes on the ground in an attempt to hide how red he knows his face is.
Steve shoves the bottle into the pocket of his jeans, crumpling the pamphlet up in his hand as he speed-walks the hell away from the guy.
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
Hello hello!! Welcome to my writing corner!
Im not too sure what to put here, since it's been so so so long since I've done something like this so please bare with me!
I figured that since this will be mostly self indulgent stuff, if I ever happen to have requests open, I may as well have general rules and stuff listed out for everyone! With that said;
Rules for requests
You can request multiple characters, but please note that the length of each part may suffer! This is by no means meant to discourage you from requesting multiple characters, it's just a fair warning since I'm not the best writer!
You can request just about anything so long as it doesn't fall under any basic no-no criteria! Only other exception is if it's on a topic I'm not too well versed on <\3 I don't want it to come off as me enforcing a sterotype or getting things wrong or just geing plain insensitive without meaning to
You can be as detailed with your request as you want!
Please do not spam me! I will try my best to create your request in a timely manner!
I have the right to deny any request if it makes me uncomfortable!
What I will write;
Fluff! Comfort! (Albeit not good) angst! Headcannons! Short one shots!
Really I'm open to just about anything but I will communicate if something makes me uncomfortable/if I feel I'm not qualified to speak of a topic
What I won't write;
NSFW!! The admin may be 18, but he does not feel comfortable writing NSFW content, nor does he feel confident in being able to properly filter it away from minors without making a new blog (I am still new to tumblr)
Basic no-go writing criteria (r!pe, inc3st, ectect)
I will not write any romantic things with underage characters! I have aus where ages are different but I still ain't gonna do that <\3 (I am, however, fully comfortable doing platonic hcs, or just general hcs)
I feel it would be dumb to make a list for specific characters I will never ever write for, but since my fandom list is so vast it'd just be so much <\3 if you happen to request a characters I'm uncomfy with writing for I'll let you know!! It's nothing against you!!
Fandoms I will write for
This will change and be edited over time
^Creepypasta* (Brian and Tim will be included, although they are Marble Hornets)
Fran Bow
Little Misfortune
The Owl House
* I'm still new to the slasher fandom, I'm mostly into the Friday and Halloween series' right now, so I don't know too much about the other characters! I am working on trying to fix that though!
As for undertale and deltarune, I need to replay both the games to refresh my brain on different characters!
For cuphead the personalities will mostly be based off the show
And for creepypasta, you know how I brought up aus earlier? This is what it mostly applies to!! So for a lot of CRP stuff I'll be using my own takes and headcannons for the characters in my au! Who knows, maybe one day I'll actually make a whole thing about the au itself in general!
The ^ on the top two fandoms means they're my current fixations!! So!! Haha
You guys
Totally shouldn't look extra hard at those
Extra notes
Im on mobile so grammar and typing mistakes are inevitable; and as stated I'm not the best writer, and I'm only just now coming back to the hobby!! Please be patient with me! I also run an art account here, and on different platforms so I may not always be available <\3
Aaaand!! You can refer to my bio to see if requests are open or not!
I think that's about all I have to say!
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ev-n-learning · 2 years
Cat stats: entirety of 2022 edition!
shut up no im not late youre late .
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Note: I double checked and literally All of that writing was in belarusian! Despite the fact that I switched how i was tracking this halfway through! So technically that's 114 hours and 8 minutes. Pretty close to russian, actually!
Marathi has so many simply because at the start of the year, I was still trying to get a handle on actually like... reading. I'm decent at that now! But currently I'm not at any sort of level where I can talk or really read or anything, haha.
(Apparently tumblr doesnt like readmores when you have an image id. Hoping this doesnt somehow ruin the formatting!)
So, starting with ukrainian; as of today I have four skills to complete to finish the duolingo course! So I think that's at least like, 12 more days? Or something? After that I'm going to go back through to make everything legendary, so I suspect in total I will have spent at least a year on it. So that's... something. Lingq is the only thing holding my reading comprehension together right now I think 😂
For marathi, I'm honestly just curious how much better I'll be by the end of this year! Maybe my goal should be like, 'read sentences' or something lol. I've long since come to terms with the fact that I just Don't learn fast at all... :)
Russian is currently sitting on the backburner, so maybe I'm a little bit better, maybe I'm not. For now, though, I'll try to stick with it and see where that takes me! I'm happy with the fact that I finally made it through duolingo, and hopefully never have to go back again, haha
Belarusian: my one true love, light of my life, So Fucking Hard to find resources for. Anyways.
You may have seen I did nanowrimo in belarusian this year! I wrote a Lot, relatively, and have written exactly one thing in belarusian since. Such is the way of nano burnout... (but actually, I'm just procrastinating.)
I haven't decided yet whether I really want to post what I did or not, so currently the file is just sitting on my phone, waiting to be transferred so I can fix typos and stuff. It's probably going to stay like that for a while.
In other news, while I did want to start usong polygloss more, I've made a fatal mistake in constantly forgetting to reply to people, so now I think the total of 3 other people on there are ignoring me. Or just not using the app anymore, one of the two. ...in light of this, I am not using polygloss for belarusian currently. #r.i.p. my dreams.
I haven't really thought much about what I want to do this year... write more, at least. I'm definitely going to try nanowrimo again, when it comes around. I'd love to start getting more listening and reading in, but I don't go on youtube much, and as far as I can tell, most anybody who's posting in belarusian is on twitter. My twitter account has been dead since 2018 (or something) and it is going to Stay that way. As far as actual books go, eh... it's a bit harder to get my hands on anything, haha. If you happen to have reccomendations, I'm all ears... :P
(Yes there is also The Tiktok™️ but that, too, has the affliction of No Fucking Subtitles and is also a hellscape just generally, so... no.)
It's also still early in the year, so it's really anyone's guess how things are gonna end up! But that's where having simple goals comes in handy XD
In short...
Ukrainian: finish duolingo course, ???
Marathi: be able to sort of read, maybe
Russian: Who The Fuck Knows, better grammar (impossible for me and yet)
Belarusian: Know Everything Better, write... more comprehensively? write my langblr posts in belarusian, maybe?
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gonnagocrynow · 2 years
kinda wanna go off in a long ass rant about everything that's wrong in my life rn but that will just make me sad so here's a long ass rant about everything that's right in my life rn
I started drawing/painting again and some of it is finally positive. I made something for my friend and I'm excited to see her reaction. I've planned something else for another one of my friends and am excited to make it and see her reaction. I bunked a class and got caught but not scolded (by the teacher or my parents). Infact my mom told me "It's ok kids bunk sometimes, its that age, just don't do it too often". I got an appreciation award thingy for work I did that I thought was being taken for granted. A teacher who literally doesn't even remember my name half the time and gives me a lot of work finally praised me and called me the backbone of the club. I wrote a sexy af answer for an english question (which unfortunately my teacher didn't read but the satisfaction stays). My friend read the answer and specifically praised one certain line that I was really proud of. I saw Enola Holmes 2 which I loved. I made 2 random posts about it on tumblr and got like 300 notes on each of them overnight (now they're 500 and 600 notes). Finally actually talked in a group that I was part of but rarely texted in. My mom who isn't very supportive of me doing clubwork or being part of clubs put up the appreciation award I got right in front of the door so anyone who walks in will be able to see it. I listened to my cry song without crying or feeling sad for the 1st time ever. I sat in the park for an hour during which I just listened to music and did the sudoku instead of staring at my phone or something. A cat was running away from me when I pspssed it but when I stopped, it came back to me. I got invited to a new friend's bday party. I did questions from a chapter that I thought was pretty tough. I missed 2 classes but still managed to catch up (mentally, the notes though...). I started working on something that I'm gonna give to all my old, new and current friends when school ends. I talked to my sister after ages, like just talked about random shit instead of calling to ask each other for help. (tw??) I haven't stood in front of a mirror checking if my belly looks good or not for like a week now. My outfit looked good for like 3 continuous days. A smart kid asked for my help with a question. My smart friend who I always check my answers with, checked his answers with me. And I was right. He still wears a bracelet thingy I got for him like a month ago. One of my friends told me I'm an excellent story teller. She also almost cried cuz she was laughing so hard at what I was telling her. One of my friends gave me one of her rings to keep. Her bf is being petty about it (in a friendly way). One of my friends said my posts are always a vibe. I made a reel for my friend's bday and everyone commented saying it's very creative and I made sexy edits.
ok that's enough for now ig, im sleepy and this is TMI, if someone who knows me irl comes across this they would immediately realize it's me so bye
I feel better now
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euphor1a · 2 years
hello. just wanted to say that I love all your works.
funny story, your fic was actually the first ever fanfic that I read. it was a little over a year back, I was in a not-so-good headspace. and just searched up 'yeonjun fanfic' on google lmao just for the heck of it. tried wattpad, was scarred💀 twt was just not for me. and then tried tmblr and was greeted by one of your yeonjun drabbles. ngl, I was a little taken aback at the liberal use of the obscene words lmao. and then since I didn't know how to actually use tmblr, I just read all of your works. and I mean all. so the works that literally don't even exist anymore, I've read them too!
so I've been with your works way back when you were cupidchois. and my tmblr journey began with you so you're like the OG for me lol.
also, the not-so-good-headspace was due to this huge huge life changing entrance exam I had and your fics provided comfort. but when the exam date was too near, I stopped using tmblr for like 3 months.
but before going, I read whatever little part of bewitched you had written and remember thinking that okay when I come back after all this time, it might be a completed series. also, the release date for the yj sugarpapi fic was 14 feb but you said you needed more time. and I thought yeah I'm gonna be gone a long long time. it'll be there when I come back.
if only I knew lol. when I came back you had a brand new blog, half of your fics were missing, sugarpapi never came out, and get this, bewitched had actually gone BACKWARDS because you decided to rewrite it! lmfao, I'm not tryna sound rude or pushy at all. please dont take it the wrong way. the situation was just sooo funny.
so yeah, that's my history with your blog lol.
anywhoo, love your works a whole lot and thank you for introducing me to this hellsite without even knowing it<3
much love<3
... wow 😭😭😭, i’m genuinely struggling to find words to type here. Goodness. This is making me feel so many emotions like kdghfghfgh HOLD AWN 😭
!!! Thank you so much for sending this in, first of all?? This is like a peak moment™ of my tumblr life i’m not even kidding 😭!!! Especially because I kinda ended up joining tumblr in a very similar way, except that my OG was far more consistent than me with their blog and works 😅! Take me back to 2017 pls—
I’m pretty sure a lot of us here actually started out with just searching up fanfics on google and then finding tumblr in the search results. Because same! I did not know something like tumblr existed and my experience with wattpad was equally traumatising 😵; thank god for the hellsite. It sure is very annoying at times but it’s also nice that we can have our own little bubble here!
Lsjskdjkfj “liberal use of the obscene words” IM DYING 😭! Thank you for still reading them though 😭! A part of me is very embarrassed because I’ve... well, grown to find my old stuff very poorly written (hence all the rewriting) but a part of me is? Super fucking flattered? And proud? THANK YOU 🙈🙈
The fact that whatever the fuck I wrote actually provided comfort to a human being is enough for me to just go on and quit everything and live a life of a saint. It’s crazy... I never dared to imagine that my writing could actually do that? Because I always think that whatever I write is pretty forgettable tbh. Like you read it and move on and never think back. Anyway, I hope you are feeling better now, lovely 🥺! I’ve been in similar places throughout my life and damn I know how badly education related pressure fucks you up :(
Ah yes... Bewitched. Sigh. I have a love-hate relationship with that kid. I think I have mentioned this before in some random rant post, but god, rewriting is so hard. Because I spend most of the time regretting how I wrote it instead of the actual fixing and editing and rewriting. I won’t abandon it, but at this rate I’m not sure when I’ll be able to invest myself completely in rewriting either. It’s only harder because my daydreams have no ends and the amount of newer wips that I want to finish and post keeps increasing. And to top it off, there’s ✨real life✨, being an absolute pain in the ass constantly.
Also Sugarpapi 😭! It’s honestly me vs. the unrealistic high standards I’ve set for myself at this point. But you know what? I’ll take my time with it. Because I think taking it slow is better in all aspects. Like yeah, I could just half-ass it and put all the pressure in the world on myself to finish it sometime soon, but we all know that’ll be a mess itself, and will make me one too. It’s coming. I promise. Maybe in another year 💀
“If only I knew” — me at least twice a day skshksjk 😭;; it be like that 🙁! Apologies for the unexpected jump-scares you got from my whole new blog and all :'))
I will eventually repost the works people wanted to be reposted — surprise, almost all of my cupidchois’ masterlist actually ended up there after I rounded everything up (and almost nothing from my bts blog minus the reactions), so there’s that. And, I can’t even explain how much this ask actually means to me. Crazy stuff. Life changing.
Thank you so much!!! I’m sending you a parcel full of positive energy and my love, which is not enough but it’s the best I can do atm </3
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sehodreamsthoughts · 3 months
yesss u get me<333
that link oop🫢🫢🤭🤭🤭 yeah i see that for him…(zhang hao) he’s something else in a positive way idk…
tbh i see matthew as a switch right and honestly more of a dom but.. idk idk he really can go either way for me.. but some idols (who i bias🤭🤭) who are definitely subby boys are bnd’s riwoo, lun8’s takuma, nowadays’ yeonwoo, and one pact’s yedam<3333 they’re all 03 liners though coincidentally just so u know, so like def legal but also def younger than some of the idols we’ve talked about but i think matthew is 02 so idk??? anyways i love them all sooo much<3333333 wanted to give them all an honourable mention idk??? OMG and cravity’s hyeongjun pls how could i forget him he reminds me of xiumin a bit n i just love him so much my pookie baby boy!!!!!!!
if u like men who scream daddy issues do u like jiwoong then too? i sound insane but he’s dilf material for sure!!! and wayv’s kun😶😶😶 (he reminds me so much of suho too and i think we both love suho, we’ve talked about that before,,,,, my literal father👀) im just name dropping idols now but also cravity’s serim is just.. u should take a look at that guy i want him BAD n all (h)ours is super new!! most of them are rly young but the leader is 03 n he gives the most Dad vibes n hes so hot plssss his name is kunho and i think you’d like the concept for their upcoming comeback it’s very dark.. idrk how to describe it though like cyberpunk maybe???
okay i’m gonna shut up about other groups now.. cuz i mainly came back here to talk more about sungchan who’s not a sweet tooth n gives u all the food he doesn’t finish.. i always come here to yap about this kink but can’t figure out how to articulate myself, it makes me so dizzy to even contemplate it but.. OKAY WARNING this might be gross n is definitely weird but i think sungchan would be obsessed with the contrast between you two if you were chubbier because he is so athletic and slender, and i think he’s a boob guy… wouldn’t be able to think straight if he could see even the outline of your breasts in your shirt, stretching the material, would go crazier if he could see your soft flesh pushing out the top, watching how it jiggles when you move and laugh and talk and eat<333333333 i think he’d like the control aspect of feeding you too because it’s like.. he can do whatever he wants to u, if he tells you to eat the rest of his snack or what he made you for dinner, you’re not supposed to say no to him, and he can see just how many times you’ve obeyed him when he sees how big you’re getting🥺🥺🥺 again with the damn pinching, and squeezing your ass or your boobs, slapping your butt whenever within arms reach of him!!! grabs your tummy to pull you closer to him or squeezes and pinches your sides just because you look so fucking soft and squishy and he just wants to manhandle you all the time because there’s just so much of you to touch now<3333 again sungchan who buys you revealing clothes and wants you to wear them because he loves seeing your skin exposed, and he tells you how pretty you look all for him<333 such an angel<33 but also sungchan who teases you when his shirt is tight on you, molding around your tummy and difficult to tug down over your thighs :(( so adorable he just has to fuck you right away, sinking into you and telling you don’t worry, he’ll just have to start buying larger shirts<333
putting myself in time out now<333
- 🥟 anon
Baby sorry for the late response I went to search for each of the boys you mentioned and got lost while watching edits 😭
Woah you really know a lot about boy groups, I didn't know any of the 03 boys you mentioned haha, the one I liked the most between them was Cravity Hyengjun, HE REMINDS ME OF XIUMIN TOO HE'S SOO CUTEEEE, I want to give him a fat smooch.
About Jiwoong, I don't know him that much 😭, when I see edits of zb1 not many of him have appeared but I'll pay him more attention to see what I think, I like that he's older than me tho, AND KUN, I LOVE KUN AHSHDSHQHSJDHEHAJSJW HE'S SO DADDY. I feel he'd scold me so good, I'm sure he'd put me in my place in a second and that's something I find so fucking attractive (yo these daddy issues are raging). Oh, and because you mentioned him, I just saw a video of that Serim guy in which he was scolding his members and I'll be honest, I didn't find him attractive at all until i saw all those boys scared... IT WAS SO HOT 🥵🥵🥵 I'll definitely search for their comeback they look like nice guys and after discovering Ateez I'm in a soft spot with boy groups again (yeah I'm in process of becoming an atiny because I've fallen in love with these guys which is really unusual of me since I mostly only follow sm groups 😭)
Goddd Sungchan Sungchan Sungchan
You know what I see too? He obliging you to not wear a bra around him... I have no idea why since I don't really see him like a boob guy, but I feel he'd love, like you mentioned, watching your boobs against the clothes??? I feel he'd love how your natural form without support looks with shirts on, not hiding anything and making obvious when you need him since your nipples get hard 😭, I feel he'd also feed you more because he wants to see that place and your tummy getting bigger and being more difficult to hide with the clothes, simply the outline of your body would drive him crazy 😭😭😭
There's even a particular moment I have in my head and it's with him staring at you finishing a snack he opened, seeing the crumbles falling over the top of your chest and waiting on you to finish so he can clean you and call you messy but he's usually the messy one making you suck him to then lift your shirts and spurt all his cum over your naked chest...
Also I don't know why this came to my mind but I see him being into chubby arms a lot too??? I feel he'd have this idea of boobs softness=plushy arms and he'd squeeze them all the time before you were finally his girlfriend, and you'd have him around you all the time grabbing your arms, walking and holding your shoulder to then trail down, and he wouldn't be able to contain himself pressing his fingers and imagining he's touching your chest 😭 idk maybe I'm just crazy 😂🤪
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sablesalem668 · 5 months
How-goes-its? This would make log #5 if I'm correct, I'm tired of going back and forth just to un-remember everything lol.
Some new stuff happening, the first log including sable with all of her abilities is being downgraded into something more believable to a wider audience, or less overpowered (Mary Sue?). I only had her like that because it was to match the other characters made by my friends, but we are no longer friends anymore. But instead of losing sable to that era of my life, she's grown on me rather a lot, so I've decided to keep going with her lol.
On a note continuing with sable, I'm currently mentally mapping out a storyline that I hope to actually become a book one day (Part of the reason I'm downgrading sable). The only abilities sable has now are shapeshifting, teleportation, and I'm still debating on the levitation bit (might include it but only under certain circumstances.).
I kinda really want her fire to be implemented into her design, and dgmw, fire is definitely gonna be a part of her story. But I was just absolutely enthralled with her "sentimental blaze" as I called it, it felt like a cool little way to express myself. But now I don't even know if I should, because idk if it would stir up anything ugly with re-using stuff from a past friendship. I came up with the idea for sentimental blaze, but it was a divergent from a different ability inspired by one of the friends. I don't know, I'll probably figure something out.
But enough about that, I've also been learning how to draw humans after- what, like forever of drawing? I've always only drawn animals, but surprisingly humans have been coming along pretty well. Not awfully great, but I've got the basics of muscular anatomy down from my time with animals. I'm not too great at hair, or faces like at all, but I'm o k a y at drawing bodies. I just kinda wish I were able to draw humanoids with bird legs, I need it for something development wise.
That's almost everything, I'll probably remember more tmr and edit the message, but today I did the first anima(tion?)tic since that split up I mentioned. And just in case this does become a book, nothing in this is canon, everything will be kept a secret (I like my secrets).
Im also in the progress of making human sable in a Lucario onesie (courtesy of the drawing on the right, I couldn't find the credit, but if I do I'll edit the message.) I haven't drawn the hands yet or color yet, but I'm getting to that lmao.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Added a bird pic too, have a good day/night 💙
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minheeskitten · 10 months
i'm replying late to everything but:
what's that program you're using now? i've been sticking to docs for years because i like being able to switch between devices, but if you've got something revolutionary i want to hear it 😯
what does hand necklace mean, if it's hyeop i'm probably down for anything even if i don't know what it is 😔 but i also just started thinking about hyeop with an oral fixation and i might just die 🫠💕
Oh dw ab late replies! Ive been mostly rambling to myself and anyone who wants to read haha.
The new program im using is Notion! Eve recommended it to me and as you can tell i really like it! Its really easy n simple. Though i have yet to see how well it holds up against my writing sessions! Most of those i type like 1k words or more.
Its super easy to organize! Literally ive been exploring it by using it to organize my stan list information and relevant information about groups i stan. I love it. Its simple n clean and yes you can check word counts! But its hidden away which i think nicely makes it so im not constantly concerned ab word counts!
This is all my genuine thoughts ab this! I love that it has an app to sync to your phone too! I have genuinely never seen a writing/productivity program this fucking good. It beats docs for sure bcs now instead of struggling to find my wips on a single oage or multiple documents.
They're all embedded in the same page. Bcs sub pages! Which makes it convenient to find them and edit them!
It even handled the copy-paste session really well! And it does amazing at the type of data entry i like to do for my stan list as well!
It has a lovely dark theme which really helps, since bright lights sometimes give me migraines. If you want to try notion out, the free plan is what ive been working with and really there's only a few features paywalled. And they're non-essential for writers! Genuinely i love it so far.
I suggest you check it out for yourself! It is a lovely tool. I haven't used the AI that's built in but thats because i write everything myself :)
Oh my i rambled ab that haha! I get passionate about organization and productivity tools :)
Now: you wanna know what a hand necklace is? With that sort of rhing i tend to mean neck grabs/choking (safely!).
Basically he just holding your neck. His hand becomes a necklace!
Oral fixation hyeop hmm? He does seem the type to want to have his mouth on something all the time. Whether that be nipples, fingers, any skin he can get his mouth on. Maybe even some lower parts. Idk which reader type you prefer but. Imo he'd not care either way :)
Though, any skin latched onto does mean hickies, so . Proceed with caution if you're going somewhere important.
But, if you let him he may just stay between legs and just constantly use his mouth on you :)
Constantly. Maybe says 'but this helps me relax :('
So of course im gonna say yes to oral fixation hyeop. Hes cute
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adamnagaitisnews · 1 year
Okay, it's like i have to break my promise not to write publicly, i hate it. but this one, i really want everyone to see it. first of all, i want @carolsfeelgoodstuff to read it bc she won't leave me alone and won't contact me personally.
We'll talk the concepts of YouTube and self-sufficiency.
YouTube is the world biggest platform for videos, it allows to upload the largest and the best quality videos possible. Also, YouTube is the first place anyone would go searching. I cut my vids to pieces to be able to upload every second available without violating the copyright of the original owner. Sometimes my vids get blocked, sometimes the rightholders unblock them, it's a very complicated system, and we're not talking about it today. but i always try to make everything stay on the channel the longest time possible. Why? It's done for the fans who may come not today, not even tomorrow. A year, 5 years, 10 years, whatever. It's an archive of everything in one place available for everyone from everywhere in the world. That's it. That's why i care about quality so much. Everything is categorized by folders (for the times when he is super famous ehehe) for quick search.
So, it's YouTube.
Now your favourite part. The word 'EXCLUSIVE' (my ass ™). That's where we come to the concept of
2) Self-sufficiency.
When i first started it, i was different, let's say so. I thought im gonna do something and people will love me (i know, ridiculous, ive grown up since then). It was not about archive, it was about me wishing to be included. Long story short, it failed. (i strongly believe everyone knows this story of me attacking people out of the blue like a rabid dog. Am i proud of it? No. But what's done is done.)
I had two ways. To stop doing what i was doing or to go on alone. I chose the latter :). This channel was the first thing in my life i didn't abandon after 5 minutes. I enjoyed every second of it. Editing, making covers, avoiding blocking and deciding what im gonna do next. Adam turned out a perfect muse for me. I never get tired of his face and he always inspires me to try something new. Months later, I understood that i didn't need to be included anymore, it was so enjoyable that i knew even if everyone unfollows me today, im gonna start from scratch tomorrow just because i love it. Even when it sux.
I stopped asking people here and on twitter to subscribe (i do ask on yt but it's a common practice). I became self-sufficient.
Wow! You ve read up to this! EXCLUSIVE (my ass ™).
When i discovered Branwell's vids, i was sooo excited (my ass ™), i posted an extract on twitter immediately but no one seemed interested. I won't describe the circles of hell i went through to upload it to yt in THREE, CARL, pieces to make it available all over the world. And i still wanted everyone here and on twitter to see it. The word EXCLUSIVE (my ass ™) seemed to fit the best to draw attention, bc i was absolutely sure no one saw it before. Then @wifeofbath asked me where i got it, but i was still pissed (not proud), and never responded. As simple as that.
You gonna ask me why i said no to you. Speaking both Louvel and Hamlet, when i do something i find especially appealing, i feel an urge to make a post here and on twitter. Even if no one likes it. it's a ✔️ for me. Like mission completed or something.
Speaking Hamlet in particular, first, because i wanted to gif this one myself. Hamlet is a really big deaI for me. Second, i was dumb and it took me longer than expected to find it (on rutracker, my ass!). Third, im so so so sorry to say it aloud, and please don't take it personally and for fuck's sake dont stop giffing, but like i said, i have nothing to lose. Im a rabid dog :). i stopped visiting tumblr as often as i used to because i couldn't find other people's posts through the mass of your gifs. I got irritated and just left quietly and went into post'n'go mode. Tbh i was embarrassed when you wrote me here through the question form. Also, later i found you annoying, and im sorry for that.
So these were all cases when anyone asked me for a source of anything.
Everything i post i found in open sources, it's like a sport for me. First you find it, then you post and then there's this russian roulette moment - will it be blocked or not? Or will i have to cut the shit out of it to make it available all over the world? With those videos, Im concentrated on yt only, i dont aim to upload it anywhere else, bc see pt. 1. I don't own them, i dont care who else posts them and where. Ive learned my lessons and i wanna go on in peace.
Thanks for reading this,
Seems like im finally free now,
If there are any questions, please ask, im gonna answer.
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starsmuserainbow · 1 year
𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣
name : Star or Starfire
pronouns :  she/her
preference of communication : I don't know, IMs and/or Discord I guess? Though I'm a little hesitating on giving the latter away - feel free to ask though
most active muse : Uh, I'm always feeling Lightning and Moonshot a lot, so probably those two? Not really most active as in the most things I'm doing with them, though, sadly (also Mar'i currently kinda after the edit I made a few days ago)
experience / how many years : I'm not sure if I should count the guestbooks I did with a friend and my brother all the way back, so I'm just gonna say after that. My actual real public experience started on here, which is... almost 8 years by now.
best experience : Probably the time where I was able to throw out replies way faster than now. I usually managed to do all my replies every day, even if it were like 5 or so that I got back that day - such a difference to now. Also of course a lot of threads with people would be candidates for best experiences, but I don't wanna choose anything there so just all of the RPing on here in general.
rp pet peeves : Not really RP, but, I feel so tired of seeing a dozen posts raging or panicking about something tumblr does as soon as they do a post of some sort. Especially when it then turns out a misread or miswording of them or whatever, like this very recent 'panic' about them removing the chronological dash (which, I've seen multiple tumblr-people and the staff blog say is not the case) - don't get me wrong, I'm also not for an algorithm taking over by default and I think giving people a algorithm-dash by default for new accounts is kinda wrong and bad bc that's not what tumblr is (and if you don't know how to curate your own place then what do you even know, sorry but it's so easy and self-explaining and I just don't get how people wouldn't know about all of this by instinct), but, I don't see reason to panic or rage there. It's just what websites need to do, and we'll either find ways to live with it or, as much as I don't want that, another place to go to.
fluff, angst, or smut : Fluff and angst both, probably - I enjoy some piece and quiet and niceness, and challenging situations or pain are entertaining to have and write, too. No smut bc, well, I think most people knowing me know that by now, I just don't do that stuff.
plots or memes : I'm usually very bad at sending in memes. I think the reason for that is me always trying to pick something that works for me and can be continuned, but I'm also aware that not all memes are always continued and that's kinda already, lowering my urge to send, and then it needs to fit and I need to feel like not being a nuisance to people at that point --
uh, yeah. Point being, I'm very fine with both plots and memes, and I'm still trying to work on sending more memes to people, but most of the time if I am to initiate something, it'll probably happen through IMs and plotting. I'm always very happy to recieve memes though!
long or short replies : I think I prefer it if it's a bit longer than the very short things, but otherwise anything is fine. I'm not always able to make my replies very long either, it just happens. I think it shouldn't be about the length. As long as you write into your reply what you want to say and I do with mine, we should be good.
time to write : I... usually write during my evening. I don't know what else to say.
are you like your muses : I think it's probably normal that every muse has a piece of the writer to a degree. I could name things that I could see of me in my muses, but the list would be too long, so I'm just saying that there probably would be some thing I could list for each, but not as much to have them be me or something.
tagged by: @vartouhix - thank you!
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