#so i recommend unscented for a gift
the-mercy-workers · 1 year
(a few) Visiting The Sick Care Package Ideas
Something handmade (like baked goods or a painting)
A get well card or note (could also be part of something handmade)
Tissues, chapstick, cleansing wipes (basic care items)
Pain, allergy, and/or cough medicine
A book
Easy to make meals (like canned goods, microwave meals, or frozen crock pot meals)
Fuzzy socks, blanket, and/or pajamas
Electrolyte drinks or bottled water and dissolvable packets
Can be hand delivered or shipped (for some items like perishables it'd be best to hand deliver). I know money is an issue for some people so I'll say that of course you don't have to buy people anything in order to show that you care (and I will be making a list soon of ways a person can do that), but this list is here if you want to and don't know where to start.
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ultfreakme · 10 months
What are ur jon, hay, jonjay hcs
Hmmm....I think I answered before but I don't remember and it's lost in the sauce of tumblr hell and I think I may have new ones so here goes:
Anime stan, he especially likes shonen anime that everyone knows and talks about. He's the most mainstream fan ever so his favs are; Naruto, DBZ, Hunter x Hunter, One Piece, One Punch Man, etc.
He hoards. A lot. Like he has a candy stash in his room, he keeps buying and buying stuff, and Clois let him go wild. It's because he went YEARS without anything so he's very insecure about possibly going without nothing so now that he can, he buys and keeps a lot of things, his room is a mess.
He has a polaroid photo wall. Basic white boy things. But also because he wants to collect and make new memories. On that note:
He is a good photographer.
Wonderful baker, subpar at anything else.
I have a bunch of headcanons about his powers the biggest one being that he can phase things around himself, and with practice he can increase the radius. So at first, he can only phase stuff like his clothes and anything on him. Then, about a meter outwards. The more and more until he can phase out an entire concert stadium with a single touch to the ground.
He got better at English by watching Daily Planet and reading their newspapers. His mom had a dump of newspapers from across the world in her office and living room and once she got done reading them, Jay would pick those up and read. Hence, the Lois Lane idolization.
He did not like superheroes or care much for them. Still doesn't. His exception are Nia, Jon and Damian.
This is more JonJay discord server headcanon and I take no credit for it. But there's this thing where we think Jay and Luis(Red Sin) dated when Jay first got to Metropolis when he was in high school and they had a sweet relationship for the most part until grief put a large distance between them after Luis's parents died(and Jay was also dealing with Scale dying in The Revolutionaries).
Even more Jay headcanons
JonJay headcanons
They had a talk where they promised to put the world/the bigger picture over each other if it ever came down to picking between saving each other or the world. It was a horrible conversation which left Jon a MESS and Jay like silently falling apart in his head but they got better about it.
IMO they don't do nicknames. Jon tried once, but Jay "I cannot handle sincerity" Nakamura kept laughing so now it's just 'Jay'. Jon likes saying Jay's name anyways so he has no problems.
Their dates are like, fantastical but also not really. They're watching a waterfall thousands of miles away while sharing a lunch their moms made. They're going to a distant planet with a picnic basket.
Whenever Jon gets overwhelmed with the noises and the sensations, he goes to Jay's place and puts on his headphones. He could buy his own pair, Jay even recommended it, but what other excuse does he have to go to Jay's place(nevermind that Jon just crashes at Jay's place the second he starts missing him).
Jon impulse-bought a BUNCH of The Truth merch the first time Damian introduced him to him and he STILL has it but he shoved it into a hidden box(he does NOT want his bf to know he was like, a superfan for a while).
Jon does grand gestures but Jay does little things that Jon doesn't even notice until it gets pointed out. Like they'd got to a restaurant and Jay always gets room temp water because he knows Jon likes it better. He gifts and wears unscented shampoos and deodorants because the artificial scent gets to Jon sometimes. Whenever Jon sags under the weight of superman or is having a bad day with it, Jay conveniently needs help with making something for Sara, or moving some boxes around, or needs this photo for Truth article- stuff that makes him be Jon for a bit instead of Superman and Jon doesn't even realize.
They are HORRIBLE at double dates. Neither of them are the best at socializing and they both get sarcastic and lost in their own world. hhhh this is a Bernard hc too sorta- but the one time TimBer and JonJay go on a double date(idk bi solidarity Jon was trying to make connections), Bernard was super excited to meet Jay because he listened to The Truth before. But Jay was kinda stand offish and could not take a joke with the conspiracy theories so by the end of it, Bernard was like "okay Jay's a bit of an ass" and Jay came out of it thinking "wow Bernard sure is a character(side-eye)". Tim and Jon's buddy-buddy meeting ended with both of them gaining a rival and bitching with Kon and Damian respectively about how much of a loser their brother is (dw Bernard and Jay make up once Bernard starts being sarcastic back at Jay and Jay learns to push back on the 'actually, you're wrong--' instinct).
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Part 0 - Introduction
I ended up making this blog, after much thought, because two members of my household are getting top surgery (and one more is Undecided even though they are cisn't, so it MIGHT be 3) and I am working on the research/and prep for surgery and aftercare.
I thought it might be interesting to people for a few reasons.
First: we're all older (mid 30s to early 40s)
Second: we have a tiny bit of disposable income, though we're all quite frugal by nature. A dud purchase here and there won't break us, though, and we're willing to spend a little to get something that's better quality.
Third: we're all plus sized, wearing usually a 2x or 3x, regardless of whether it's men's or women's clothing. I've found already this changes a LOT of the recommended clothing for surgical recovery.
Fourth: we've got a constellation of health issues that ALSO change a lot of recovery recommendations, including needing unscented products (asthma and migraines), special snack considerations (no soy for 1 person, no stevia for 2, and several others)
Fifth: All three of us have experience in medical-adjacent fields and are able to do research on more specialized stuff, including home health/skilled care medical products that might make recovery easier.
Finally: we're willing to spend hours and hours and HOURS researching items before buying them. Surely someone else could benefit from all this effort?
Maybe you're struggling to figure out what you need?
Maybe you just need crib notes and can adapt our list to suit yourself?
Maybe reading 75 reddit threads just led you in circles?
Maybe you're looking for gifts for someone close to you having surgery?
Maybe you are straight sized but want to buy extra roomy clothes for surgery recovery?
Maybe you just want to see how a bunch of fat queers who've worked for nursing homes in various capacities decide what to get?
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jjuzoir · 3 years
Homare Arisugawa General HCS
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request: “Hi Sora! I never see any art/writing for my boy Homare from A3! (Maybe because his dialogue is so ridiculous.) Would you mind writing something for him?” from tlali
a/n: ahhh i don’t think i’ve ever taken so long in a request jdjdndnd but i just wanted to make it right because i love homare so much❕ he deserves everything and more i just HDHSJJA we need more homare love 🤬 his dialogue is hilarious and i feel like we need to appreciate his style more no more homare slander 🙅
word count: 1667
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- He smells like earl gray tea. No one knows why since he uses unscented soaps, he says it’s probably because he spends most of his time drinking or around tea.
- He’s very particular about his hair, he uses very specific shampoos and conditioners that he will absolutely not share or change unless he notices his hair needs it. Talking about his hair, it’s naturally kind of dry so he uses a lot of hydrating products which leaves him with the softest, most fluffy hair ever. It’s like touching a cloud.
- One of his favorite gifts given to him is a tie given to him as a birthday gift by his members. Everyone pitched it, including Izumi, and Azuma picked it out. It’s black, much like his everyday tie, but it’s got a small embroidered snowflake.
- He’s got three main pairs of glasses; his everyday ones he keeps at hand when he goes out, his at home ones which are (according to him) less flattering, and his driving ones. Keep in mind he can’t drive, he doesn’t even own a car.
- He can speak french and latin, and he’s super loud about it too. He’ll sometimes slip in french phrases and no one will understand other than Chikage and it’s just a mess - Muku is always so amazed that he knows two other languages too and probably asks him to teach him sometime.
- Definitely has the prettiest handwriting when it comes to the roman alphabet, he writes in ink and with fancy pens that cost more than Banri’s tuition.
- Absolutely has a bunch of business cards printed out, each with its own quote made by him. Sakyo thought it was such a waste printing them until he realized that no matter how many Homare took when he went to run errands he always gave them all, to whom? No one knows.
- He’s very well respected in the literary community, which still shocks pretty much everyone. He gets stopped often by fans or people who’ve read his work, it happens at least once a day and Izumi really doesn’t… she doesn’t understand, poor girl.
- He’s not that good with phone calls, he’s not bad but he definitely prefers texting or just talking face to face. To him there’s just a certain level of discontent he doesn’t like that doesn’t exist in other mediums.
- His favorite shows are either comedies or heavy hitting detective shows, there is no inbetween. You’ll walk in on him watching a sitcom leave the room and walk in on a serial killer chase down.
- About his love for detective shows, his favorite pastime is trying to solve the mysteries with the main character. He’ll rewatch the episode so many times to try and pick up clues, he’ll take notes and come to a conclusion and he loves the feeling of getting it right.
- In the same spirit as the statement above, absolutely got Tsumugi and Sakyo hooked on some of his favorites and they hang out to talk about the latest episodes and the overarching mystery. The conversations can tend to get kind of heavy very quick, more than once Muku thought they were investigating a real crime and almost fainted.
- He looks like he’s probably allergic to wool sweaters, they make his skin itch and he always needs to use a shirt underneath them - so he tends to buy those expensive anti-allergic ones that need to be washed in a very specific way that could probably pay Tsuzuru’s whole college debt and it takes a lot of restraint from the playwright not to steal one and sell in the black market.
- Talking about Tsuzuru, he often gives him writing advice. Said advice tends to be very useful, like keeping a pen and notebook on him in case anything comes to mind during the day or writing daily to help ease him into a style, etc. Homare genuinely wants him to bloom into a writer and is willing to beta-read anything Minagi needs, be it a script or a sleep deprived rambling about the gay subtext in Nocturnity.
- Arisugawa sets himself reading goals each month, he likes to read at least one book. He prefers poetry books or classic english literature, but he also likes to read romance books or really bizarre dystopian novels.
- Has read more books than most people in the company and can give very detailed recommendations if you give him like a day.
- Sings operas in the shower, unless stopped he will keep going until the second act. Surprisingly good falsetto, but one time Tenma thought it was a Banshee for a second and almost cried into Juza’s chest.
- He’s not only an overly emotional drunk but also a loud drunk, he’s already quite loud but when he’s downed half a bottle of wine and a shot of vodka he’s louder than the Summer Troupe combined. Because of this, Izumi tends to restrict his alcohol intake when they’re at the dorm.
- I can see him being very big into musicals, not all musicals but a very specific niche; classic horror novels turned into musicals. He’s a very big fan of both the German and Korean versions of Dracula, his favorite song is probably “Zu Ende” or the Korean version of “It’s Over”. He also likes the Frankenstein musical too, but overall he finds Junsu’s Dracula more interesting thus his preference.
- He will talk your ear off if you mention any musical though, be it a classic like Phantom or something newer like Heathers.
- A very big fan of Ghibli movies, he told me so himself today. He really likes Spirited Away though, it’s a movie he’s watched so many times but he’s still completely enamoured by it; he probably has made the Winter Troupe watch it at least once and Hisoka definitely knows the beginning of the movie by heart now.
- Homare is also really good at drawing, not like Kazunari but he’s probably the second best. He learned by analyzing and looking at artists he admired and picking up on their techniques. A true Renaissance Man™️.
- I feel like he’d also have a bunch of skills that are kind of, useless? He can probably carve wood and make candles, he also took a course in glass blowing probably. Arisugawa just wants to try everything at least once, his motto is probably to explore and learn as much as possible, not just about art but the world (he can be surprisingly smart if you have a dictionary at hand).
- Very observant, just in general. Which can be both good and bad, it’s good because it helps him understand the situation in ways others might not but it leads to him to sometimes overthinking things and behaving in manners which may annoy or hurt others.
- He also has a hard time trying to react to social cues, as seen in game, with certain people. While he’s worked it out with the Winter troupe and the Mankai company he still struggles when it comes to new people.
- Will make little tunes he sings in the shower that kind of become a little daily song, each day there’s a new one he’ll hum.
- He also canonly makes music and he makes contemporary electro-pop, you cannot change my mind. He probably also mixes opera and classical music into his tunes, which can go from 1 minute to 10, so you end up with a very cool mix of orchestra and techno-pop - it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but he’s probably got his own niche group.
- Now, into more romantic HCs...
- He’s a good flirt, a very good flirt. They may sound weird looking back at it, but his pickup lines work and they work well.
- He knows when to stop pursuing someone too. He senses even a bit of discomfort and he’s backing away, won’t ask anything. Very big on consent and unless stated absolutely explicitly he’ll keep his distance.
- A true gentleman, please - he’ll never let his dates pay, always open the doors for them, will even do the “walk on the inside of the sidewalk” when he’s walking you home.
- His favorite dates tend to be ones where you get to know more about each other, not always necessarily by talking though. Being able to go into a bookstore and look at the books, seeing the ones you pick, what you pick at a cafe or restaurant, it all helps him draw a better picture of who you are and he likes to think it helps you get to know him better too.
- He’s very in tune with his S/O’s feelings but is afraid of overstepping any boundaries which may lead to some miscommunication at the beginning of the relationship. But it’s workable and it wouldn’t be that big an issue in the long run as long as his partner is willing to help him understand them.
- Not big on PDA, thinks certain things should remain inside - not to say he wouldn’t talk for hours about his partner to anyone who listens but things like kissing or hugs tend to be behind closed doors. He’s okay with hand holding and maybe a kiss on the cheek though!
- Likes wearing matching outfits with his S/O, thinks it shows how they’re “one in spirit, heart, and mind” and will not stop pointing it out to the point even married couples feel single as they hear him ramble on about the subtle coordination in your color schemes to create a perfect contrast.
- Notices the smallest things like how much sugar you like in your drinks, the telltale signs of when you’re lying or uncomfortable, how you act when you’re too cold or too hot, and learns it by heart.
- Homare is also the kind of boyfriend who’d confront the waiter if they get your order wrong, he’s not ashamed of it either.
- He kind of just wants to make sure you’re doing well and happy, he’s a gentleman.
- Damn… I love him so much
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kerikaaria · 3 years
Borahae Slimes Haul #2 Review!
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Dean ( @eternalseokjin​ ) restocked with some new slimes, so of course I had to snatch a few!
Full disclosure, Dean is my friend and knew my birthday recently passed so he gave me some extra goodies (a free full slime, extra candy, and I’m pretty sure the amount of photocards and stickers were extra too lol. Dude gave me 3 Yoongi photocards because he knows how soft I am for that man) with this because he’s just amazing and sweet like that ^-^ Thank you, Dean!
First, here’s the link to Dean’s Etsy store, so if you would like to purchase some BTS-themed slime, definitely give his shop a look! And check out the store’s tumblr @borahaeslimes​
I was lucky for the order to come really quickly, especially during this time of year. And once I started opening up the package, I got so excited! He didn’t tell me he had added Until Spring for free as a birthday gift, so it was such a pleasant surprise! (And a surprise blessing with the extra containers as well, for reasons I’ll explain later). Keep reading for a detailed review with pictures!
Also. my apologies for the pictures not being more condensed. Every time I attempted to adjust them on mobile, tumblr decided to give me an error so... ugh lol.
I’ll Show You
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I’ll Show You is themed after the song ‘Magic Shop,’ and has such a lovely, relaxing scent. It comes with little iridescent flakies (if you’re a fan of Simply Nailogical like Dean and I, you’d probably call it Unicorn Skin) that are optional to put in, as well as a key charm. The flakies do somewhat poke your hand while you play with it, but it’s not hard at all so unless you have very sensitive hands I don’t see it being a problem.
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The color is a gorgeous iridescent cream, and the flakies add another really nice layer to it as well. It’s a very beautiful slime, and I easily see myself taking it out when I’m having a rough day because of how lovely and calming the chamomile and lavender scents are.
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The slime is themed after the song of the same name and comes with a  custom-made clay charm with a comic-style onomatopoeia (recommended to NOT store inside the slime). The version I bought is the Bingsu one, since I didn’t know if I’d enjoy larger blocks being in my slime.
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There is an option to leave it unscented to keep the clear slime from getting cloudy/tinted by it, but I really LOVE the blue raspberry jolly rancher scent and am so glad I opted to keep it! I enjoy the soft crunchy texture to the Bingsu, and this slime is just jam packed with them so it’s super satisfying to play with!
Until Spring
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This one is themed after ‘Spring Day,’ and comes with 4 individually packaged colors which you can mix as you please, and a snowflake charm. One is a thick white snow fizz, the pink a bingsu (not quite as packed as Anpanman), and the blue and purple are clear-based slimes. The metallic shimmer of the blue is GORGEOUS, and I almost feel guilty for blending it all into the overall mixture.
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The end result is this beautiful pastel purple, with the sporadic snow fizz and pink bingsu adding a unique texture. The smell is also very soft and lovely.
Sweet Life
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Sweet Life is themed after BTS’ recent single, ‘Dynamite!’ The clay donut and record charm (again, recommended to NOT store inside the slime) are both handmade by Dean, and it also comes with a small bag of fake sprinkles. The donut came wrapped in plastic wrap and inside a smaller plastic tub than the slimes. And the slime itself is a very sweet scent - a little too strong to me personally, but nothing I can’t handle.
Alright, now this is the only hiccup I had in the order, so I’ll explain what happened. 
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While I did think something was a bit odd when I tore the donut in half, I didn’t pay enough attention before I started trying to mix it with the slime. It turns out, the container the donut was shipped in ended up getting cracked during shipment, and the clay had half dried by the time it got to me. So it was rather hard trying to mix that part into the slime. You might be able to tell in the second picture above, that there are chunks hardly mixed, if at all, into the slime.
Knowing that it was because the container ended up cracked doesn’t personally make me too concerned that others would have the problems I did. I spoke with Dean about it, and he helped me figure out what to do. The part I already started mixing with the slime started to absorb moisture from it and became softer and easier to work with as I let it just sit for a bit. The other half, I put into a (not cracked, airtight) container and poured just a bit of water on it. I let it sit while I was working with Until Spring, and periodically went back to it to mix up the slime or knead the water into the clay to help it along.
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It didn’t take too long before it was able to all mix together and I ended with my final slime! I really love the texture. It’s really thick, almost like a putty and super satisfying! Also a side note, Dean said he isn’t quite sure how the slime he used for making his shop post ended up so brown, because his personal slime of this also ended up a similar shade of a blue-gray to mine. I do really like the color though, it’s a neat muted, almost teal color.
And this is where the extra containers due to the four individual slimes for Until Spring came in handy, since the tub containing the donut was cracked. I was able to use the little 2 oz containers for the rest of the slime that wouldn’t fit in the big container after mixing in the clay, so I didn’t need to go finding something else to put it in. What a happy little coincidence!
Extra Slime - Anpanman Block version
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The extra slime I got this time was a sample of the block version of Anpanman, probably because Dean knows I’m new to exploring different types of slime and wanted to let me try it out. I can say that I’m glad I got the Bingsu one in my purchase, but I also don’t hate the chunky blocks as much as I thought I might. It’ll still be a very nice one to fiddle with here and there.
So overall, I’m incredibly happy yet again! I don’t blame Dean for the hiccup with the clay donut, since the tub getting cracked most likely happened in shipping - and everything was very well packaged, wrapped in bubble wrap and then tissue paper, and in a padded mailer so he did everything he could to try to keep it safe. And besides, although it was extra work, it still blended into the slime in the end so I’m happy :)
If you want to support small shops, Dean’s is a great one to go to! Unfortunately because of shipping prices being crazy, he can only sell in the US, but if you do live here and are interested, then definitely give his shop a browse! Here is the link one more time. --> Borahae Slimes on Etsy
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Hello! 📚 remus fic recs pleasee???
Hey! Remus fic recs coming your way!
ANYTHING by @obsessedwithrandomthings - her Remus fics are just *chef’s kiss* - just go read her masterlist and show her some love!
Unscented by @kalimagik - I had the absolute pleasure of reading this before it was posted and let me tell you, Maggie is a gift with words. And Unscented is so chuffing good! Just go read it and reblog it and show her some love.
Silly Goose by @lupins-sweater - you need adorable Remus fluff, this is adorable remus fluff. he’s drunk and he's cuddly and it makes me wish I was there.
Pain of reality by @heloisedaphnebrightmore - I have to add some angst into this to add a bit of flavour! The angst in this fic, oh my word, I love it. I’ve already recommended this fic once in my massive fic rec post but I will recommend it again and again because it is so good!
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gettingvetted · 4 years
How much do you recommend a prospective cat-owner budget for their cat? Either annually or monthly or just for emergencies, etc.
It really depends on the age and health status of your cat and the area where you live. If you adopt an older cat or one with a known disease, you should prepare to have larger and more frequent medical bills and the funds to purchase their prescriptions, etc. If you get a “free kitten” you will have to pay for all its vaccines, its microchip, as well as its spay or neuter. Adopting a Maine Coon or a Sphynx comes with almost guaranteed health issues. Living in New York would naturally make vet care more expensive than Mississippi.
But, overall, assuming you adopt an older kitten or young adult from a shelter so it’s already altered, up to date on vaccines, microchipped, and has no known health issues:
Food bowls and litter boxes: This will vary on your preferences and your cat’s. Saucers and bowls can easily be obtained from the dollar store even if they aren’t cat-specific, although you may desire to get cutesy cat-specific stuff for your cat. Litter boxes and scoops can be acquired for very little from Walmart, again assuming that your cat isn’t too picky about litterbox type. So I would say ~$20 upfront for these costs.Food: Meal feeding your cat means that they shouldn’t be getting more than ¼ to ½ cup of dry food a day, and a 16-lb bag of food should last you for several months. If you want to feed wet food, that will be substantially more expensive. It’s about $40 for one month as most cats require two 3-oz or one 6-oz can of food per day. Currently there is no veterinary consensus on which is better or worse for your cat. So let’s say that you will feed dry food only, with wet food as treats or toppers. Your cost will vary depending on the brand you choose, but let’s go with Purina Pro Plan or Hill’s and suggest that your cat eats quite a lot so you will go through it in 5 months. ~$40/bag for 5 months = ~$8/month. 
Litter: Again, this varies wildly depending on your preferences and your cat’s preferences. You will need one litterbox for every cat in your house, plus one (so if you have 2 cats you will need 3 boxes). But let’s assume 2 boxes for your one cat, and assume you get store-brand unscented clumping litter (since, if you want clumping litter, there’s no real reason to get name brand stuff unless your cat is picky). This is typically ~$10 for 30lbs, and we will say it will last you two months = ~$5/month.
Treats, toys, cat trees, etc: These are at your discretion. Your cat will be 100% fine if you use their kibbles as treats rather than buying specific treats. They will also be 100% fine with tin foil balls, homemade food puzzles, and dollar store cat toys. The main investments will be scratching posts and cat trees/perches, but these also vary from the catnip-infused cardboard types that are extremely cheap but will need replaced every couple months to the super-large cat trees. I have had success with Wish and Facebook Marketplace to find my cat trees and scratching posts for very cheap. Another cheap option is seasonally appropriate bird feeders (songbirds in winter, hummingbirds in summer) which your cat will love to watch from a safe distance. Cat harnesses and leashes to train your cat to walk outside can also be very inexpensive. And it is your prerogative whether to get him gifts for birthdays, “gotcha days”, Christmas/holidays, etc (I certainly do). So all in all, I would say to have $100 at most upfront, and any other spending will be discretionary.
Vet visits: Here is the kicker. You can probably expect to spend about $200 at a yearly vet visit for an exam, vaccines, and perhaps minor bloodwork and a fecal, assuming you’re not in a large metropolitan area. If they are sick you could expect that to be more around $400 (in addition to your $200 for your well-visit). If they need a “routine” procedure like a dental, those typically start at $500 and go up from there. If they need emergency care for things like minor vomiting/diarrhea or an eye ulcer, plan on $500 for a visit. If they need hospitalization or emergency surgery, that will be $1000-2000 or more. So that higher number is what I would try to have in the event of an emergency. Keeping a good credit score will also make you more eligible for options like Scratch Pay and CareCredit that will allow you to make payments over time if you can’t do all $2000 at once. Pet insurance can also help offset these costs and can be anywhere from $10-50 a month on average.
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tmitransitioning · 5 years
whenever talking about washing down there, yall say to use a gentle unscented soap; what... consitutes gentle? im kinda allergic to most soaps (ive found two so far that dont give me an itchy rash, and one of them is super expensive and i got it as a gift, oof), and the one i use right now i think is basically a dollar store knockoff of irish spring. is it ok to use that down there or should i just suck it up and deal with the rash from soaps made for down there?
no, if you’re allergic, you should never use it.   Irish spring is pretty fragranced and ordinarily, i wouldn’t recommend it, but if it’s the choice between not washing; washing with something you’re allergic with, or washing with something that’s fragranced (and has the potential to break you out because of the additives), go with the fragranced one. THe reason they say “mild and unscented” is the fewer additives the better- fewer things to react to on sensitive skin.  if you’re prone to reacting, you might be more likely than average to react to a soap with added scents (like knockoff irish spring) on delicate tissues.  BUT if you’ve already been using it without issues, I would say it’s not a big issue to keep using it AS LONG AS you’re not having itching, redness, burning, you know, all the bad signs of “my body doesn’t like this”
Other things to try, if you haven’t: baby soaps (unscented), which might be more gentle and might not make you allergic.   you could also try the generic version of cetaphil (usually used for faces but they make a body version too, it’s what i used when i was a kid because i’m allergic to the universe).  If you haven’t tried castile soap, give that a try too.  all three options are very different than typical bar soaps and you might find good results with one of the options.  (if you get a rash with one, wait until it’s completely gone before trying something else)Mod mayhem
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irondad-tonystark · 5 years
Skincare - Basic Tips
Everything is sort of out of order, so sorry about that, but each one is important! 😊
-Change your pillow case often and regularly wipe down your cell phone!
-Anti-aging products help PREVENT wrinkles, not fade them! It’s never too early to start an anti-aging skincare routine.
-Moisturizer often locks in moisture, but that won’t help if your face doesn’t have any to begin with—look for hydrating products and then layer a moisturizer on over top!
-If you’re oily, you still need to moisturize (see above). Sometimes the face will try to compensate if you’re dry/dehydrated, and you’ll see more oil production—so don’t skip it! You can look for a non-oily moisturizer.
-We were taught in school that sun exposure accelerates aging—wear sunscreen everyday!
-Cleanse and use masks, sunscreen, etc on your neck as well—it’s often forgotten, but you can tell the difference!
-If you have bacne/back acne, wash your back after you shampoo/conditioner. Otherwise your hair products will run down your back and clog your pores.
-Also for bacne, try using a salicylic acid spray or toner and have someone spray that on your back for you. Use a calming/unscented lotion.
-If it’s been a while and a product line isn’t working for you, it’s not working for you. When I was going to school, we used Dermalogica and I still had acne. I switched to Skin Script, the product line we use at my work, and my skin has never looked better!
-Please don’t use Proactive. It uses an ingredient that’s meant for spot treatment, as it can dry out and thin your skin over time. Using it all over your face isn’t recommended.
-St. Ives apricot scrub is too rough for your face and it creates tiny micro cuts in your skin that can damage your skin especially in the long run. If you’re using it and it helps with acne, that’s probably the salicylic acid in it—it’s in other products!
-Look for sunscreens with Zinc and/or Titanium Dioxide—those block UVA/UVB rays rather than just ‘scattering’ them and it’s more effective! Pacifica is a drugstore brand I recently (uh, yesterday) found at Target that uses Zinc! It’s the first one I’ve found but if I find any others, I’ll update. Price range $10-15 and right now (May 22, 2019) there’s a Target app coupon where if you spend $15 on sunscreen products, you get a $5 gift card. (Expires in my area the 27th.) Edit: That kind of sounded like an add, but I was just excited to find a good drugstore product and I already spend too much money at Target anyway so I knew about the deal 😂
-Gently exfoliate twice a week—I usually try to on Mondays and Thursdays but I’m honestly really bad at keeping up with it. 😖 Use masks once a month!
-If the mask you’re using absorbs into the skin, you can put serum underneath! If the mask draws out impurities, use a serum after you take it off, but before moisturizer.
-If you’re using essential oils (like tea tree or lavender) always use a carrier oil and be sure to not use too much! A little goes a long way, the oils are pretty concentrated.
-Coconut oil is a fad, but it’s actually pretty comedegenic—it clogs your pores. Instead use grape seed oil or carrot oil!
-Some spas may have skincare sample packs for cheap or free! We do at mine but not everyone will.
If you have any questions, lmk! If there’s anything I can’t answer, I’ll do some research and ask other esthetician’s for insight ☺️
BONUS: Homemade Face Masks (cleanse beforehand, and moisturize afterward!)
Acne: Benonite/Amazonian clay, mixed with apple cider vinegar—it draws out oil/impurities, plus apple cider vinegar is a good toner (balances pH of your skin). If you think it’ll be too strong, add less vinegar and more water. Mix until you make a creamy/fluffy paste, and put a thin layer on your face! If it starts to feel uncomfortable, take it off. (I have done this mask once before and it seemed to work well! However the next time I use it, I will have to do a thinner layer.)
Acne/general: 1 can of pumpkin purée, one to two spoonfuls of honey, and one to two teaspoons of pineapple juice. Optional: unflavored yogurt for a lactic acid affect (reduce in breakouts/appearance of wrinkles, etc), small amount of cinnamon for warming/‘flushing’ affect (it increases blood flow.) I would recommend starting with the base 3 ingredients and working your way up. This mask may sting or tingle, that’s normal—it’s a natural enzyme and basically eating the dead skin on your face. If you want it to tingle more, (don’t overdo it and trust your instincts!) add more pineapple juice or include a little bit of lemon juice too! If it starts to feel too intense, take it off. IMPORTANT: Use sunscreen after using this mask! Lactic acid/natural enzymes may make your skin more sensitive to sun damage. I recommend always wearing sunscreen, but definitely after a mask!! (I have done this mask multiple times before, and made it for friends, however I personally left out yogurt just because I don’t like the way it smells.)
Sensitive skin: oatmeal, water, blend it on high until it’s creamy. Put in fridge overnight. Add one tablespoon of honey. Can add yogurt, but as above yogurt has lactic acid—good for skin but if you’re especially sensitive be cautious and wear sunscreen afterwards (see above)! If you start to feel uncomfortable/any burning, take it off. (I have not made this mask for myself yet, I got it from another esthetician. She said to leave on 20 minutes however I think 10 is usually good for all/most masks.)
Another bonus: Grab a big washcloth, get it wet and wring it out. Roll it up, put it in a crockpot to keep warm (not hot, warm) and you can use it to take off the mask just like we do at the spa! Just be careful with the temperature—test it on the inside of your wrist to be sure. If it’s too hot to pick up, it’s too hot for your face. Feel free to use multiple towels!
PART TWO about a basic skincare routine (home care is the most important part of having good skin!) will be coming as soon as I get some sleeep. It is 2:30 am. Whoops. (I got excited, skincare is mah JAM.)
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banshee1013 · 5 years
How To Train Your Hunter(s)
Well, here it is, finally - the continuation to the Looking Glass series, in which I and my friends formulate a plan to convince the Winchesters to allow us to help them defeat God and save their world.
This one ended up being a BEAST, so I’ve split it into three parts. This is Part The First.
"OK, ladies… this is it. Are you ready?" 
Speaking directly into my computer's microphone, to the Discord voice channel set up for this purpose.
Things this complex require voice communication, and being scattered over the country (and South Africa for Mags), long-distance charges would have been a nightmare. 
Thank the stars for Discord. 
A nervous titter from Cori over the channel.
"I think I'm ready… I'm so excited I can barely breathe!" 
Mags: "I was born ready…"
Ella: "As ready as I'm gonna be…" 
I felt a flutter of nerves in my gut, a moment of doubt. Not in my friends - I knew they were ready - but in me.
Could I keep them safe? 
And just how quickly - or worse, slowly - will Dean kill me for this? 
I hadn't told anyone else about the Looking Glass - not until I had, with Sam and Cas' help, performed many more experiments.
Bringing something other than myself through - weapons (my sword, a machete) and even one of my cats - CHECK. This was good news - it meant I could defend myself over there, and other living things could pass through as well. 
Bringing something from the "Mirror Universe" or MU as I jokingly referred to it (shoutout to my Star Trek nerd roots) - other weapons (returned before Dean noticed), a stray cat hanging around the Bunker (using gloves as to not shock the poor thing). CHECK (although I now have another feline mouth to feed…).
Jack will be pleased. This was Step One toward the Disneyland trip. 
I still zapped everyone I touched over there - well, by *everyone* I mean Sam, Dean, Jack, and Cas because I obviously hadn't interacted with anyone else - how do you explain to a stranger you're from another universe? But as suspected, the effect didn't happen at home. The Grace was dormant here. 
And then, like a dummy - I slipped. 
Mags was the one that caught it - an innocent comment between Dean and me regarding a pool game - how he cheated by distracting me (he may be like a brother to me, but still - DISTRACTING when he focuses his efforts on it). Thankfully pulling me into a DM rather than confronting me in public,  she pried at me. I tried to play it off as one of our usual GIF games, but she was having none of it. 
So I came clean. And of course, I then had to explain it - impossible over text alone. 
That's when I set up the Discord channel and turned on the voice feature. Once I explained the process, Mags was completely on-board with going over herself. 
"You know they need our help. They're fighting GOD, for Go… for shit's sake." 
"Mags, we have NO training. Have you *ever* used a machete?” 
"No, but I can learn," she asserted. "You learned how to fight with a sword, didn't you?" 
Well, she had me there. 
"OK. Let me do some… creative questioning of Sam. Come up with a training plan or whatever." 
"That sounds reasonable," she agreed, followed by a pregnant pause. "But we have to get Cori and Ella in on this action. Remember 'Dean's Angels'?" 
I groaned, eyes trailing skyward. "That was a joke!" 
"Was it though?" she countered, the mirth plain in her voice, before sobering. "C'mon. The more, the merrier, right? Besides, they would be so pissed if we went without them." 
She had a point. And training for two could easily be expanded into training for four. 
I invited Cori and Ella to the Discord channel and caught them up.
To no one's surprise, they were gung-ho on the idea. 
The following Saturday, I paid a visit to the Bunker and surreptitiously questioned Sam on the nature of decapitating vampires and other monsters.
He probably would have thought I was nuts if he hadn't been distracted by his research trying to find Donatello. 
Finding Donatello was important to me as well, so I limited the questioning to times when I could coerce Sam into taking a break, tempting him with sandwiches and smoothies. 
I sat at the kitchen table across from Sam during one of these breaks as he sampled the smoothie, sliding the plate with the sandwich across to him.
"So y'know, I was wondering - how much pressure would you say you have to exert to chop off a vamp's head?" 
Sam paused mid-slurp and gave me a puzzled look. "Uh, I dunno, really - I never stopped to think about it…" 
"Well, would you say it's more like - chopping through a cabbage, or chopping through a pumpkin?" 
Ever the intellectual, he seriously contemplated the question. "I would say at least a pumpkin, a big one." Picking up the sandwich, he took a bite and considered the question more while chewing. Swallowing, he added, "But really, probably more like a ham. A good, 15lb bone-in ham." 
"Did someone say 'ham'?" Dean inquired, on a break from the Star Wars marathon in the Dean Cave with Jack, popping into the kitchen to fetch another beer and a soda for Jack. 
The next day, I brought through a 15lb ham and cooked it up for dinner - one of two I had purchased.
Theirs was to distract them from yesterday's discussion - and because Dean looked so crestfallen when no ham was on offer. They had ham sandwiches, and ham and cheese omelets, and ham and potatoes au gratin for a good week after. 
The other, of course, was for me to chop with a machete.
After trying it and finding it suitably difficult, I recommended the idea to the others. 
We studied fight techniques.
I filmed my sword training classes for the "classical" techniques - entering the fight, counters to attacks, and grappling.
Cori found some excellent videos on actual machete fighting.
And we all studied every Monster of the Week episode of The Show, breaking down Sam, Dean, and Cas' knife-fighting skills and techniques. Ella became a master at the ‘Angel Blade Flip', using a Bowie knife borrowed from a friend. 
We all ended up eating a lot of ham, and when we got sick of it, the local shelters reaped the benefit.
We were always sure to carefully clean our blades before and after every training session, both for the protection of the blade and to keep the ham clean enough for eating, and would lay down fresh tarp to catch the falling pieces. 
If anyone at the shelters wondered about the nature of the donations - thick, somewhat uneven slices of bone-in ham - it was never voiced out loud.
Gift horses (pigs?), I suppose. 
We also studied basic first aid and field medicine. 
Mags worked at a hospital and became our go-to for all things medical. She was able to convince one of the ER docs and several of his patients to allow her to film suturing and wound treatment. "Research for a book" she claimed, promising credit and mentions in said book.
Yeah, she'll write that. Some day. 
The ham suffered more abuse as we gashed into them to practice sewing them back up with dental floss.
Unscented. I didn't want to find out if the mint stuff burned on contact. 
Cori gathered the necessary items and packaged small medical kits for us. 
"We're almost ready, ladies," I said to the others in the Discord voice channel.
We had been training for a couple of months, and sliced many hams.
We felt ready for the next step. 
"Just gotta find the right case for us." 
"So I assume Plan A was a bust, then?" Mags sighed.
"Yeah, well we kinda knew it would be, didn't we?" I said, resigned. 
'Plan A' was to film our training and present it to Sam and Dean as proof of our prowess and ability to protect ourselves, in order to gain their trust and allow us to accompany them on a hunt. 
I didn't tell the girls this - but I never had high confidence in Plan A. Sam could possibly be reasoned with, but Dean?
Not with that mile-wide protective streak of his. 
So I worked on 'Plan B' - finding a vamp nest for us to tackle on our own.
To do so, I would go through the Looking Glass to past hunt locations in the MU.
I figured a done deed would be far more convincing of our abilities than videos of murdered ham. 
For research, I once again turned to the 'tale of the tape' - The Show.
One of the "benefits" (for lack of a better word) of Chuck's little Greatest Hits Tour - reviewing the Show, and following the boy's hunts on Twitter, I had a decent idea of all their cases from the past and which of those past cases had been resurrected and already dealt with. With this knowledge, I believed I could find something suitable. 
I knew, however, that scouting locations was a not going to be an easy task. Remember that Grace? It was a beacon to Cas and Jack every time I set foot in the MU. 
So, I took Jack into my confidence. Sorta.
I didn't tell him the exact reason *why* I needed him to ignore my visits and keep Cas from noticing. I told him I was working on a surprise for Sam, Dean, and Cas, and asked for his help. 
It wasn't *really* a lie.
This would certainly be a surprise. 
For the first experiment, I picked a place well-documented on The Show but with no known monster visitations - Donna's cabin.
I researched the location, gathering information on temperature, sounds, and smells. Google Earth was my friend.
I paused the scene to study the cabin and surrounding area, memorizing visual cues. Studied the ground cover to determine what it would feel like as I stepped on it. 
I wasn't planning on being there long - just long enough to verify I was in the right place.
I figured I wouldn't be there long enough for Jack or Cas to detect my presence through the Grace, so I didn't tell him. 
I stood in front of the doorway of my spare bedroom and focused.
Closing my eyes, I envisioned every detail. Every sight, sound, feeling.
I stepped through the doorway - and my feet crunched on the leaves scattered on the ground outside what definitely appeared to be Donna's cabin. 
My time was limited so I confirmed the location in the quickest way possible - I searched for, and found, the garden gnome with the key hidden underneath, exactly as she had described in the episode. 
I couldn't stop the giddy feeling bubbling up in my chest. 
Step 1 of Plan B was a success. 
Over the next week, I watched every vampire episode, looking for one small enough for us to handle but big enough to be, well, impressive. Challenging.
I considered Alex's old nest - but there were only three of them. Mags could probably wipe out the nest all by herself.
I thought about Benny's old nest - but didn't want to run the risk of running into Benny. Chuck would be asshole enough to bring him back if just to torment Dean.
I went all the way back to the first season and found what could be the perfect case - Luther's nest, the first case the boys worked after the return of their father, John. The nest only consisted of about 10 vampires - just over two each. Doable. 
That is, if Chuck had returned them. I had to perform some reconnaissance to see. 
To do this, I needed to be there much longer than I was at Donna's cabin.
I was going to need Jack's help for this one.
I opened Twitter and a DM to Jack. 
@redbanshee: Hey Jack, are you there?
@IAmCalledJack: Hello! Were you at Donna's cabin last week? I thought I felt Castiel's Grace there but he was right here in the Bunker with me. 
Oh shit. I guess even the few minutes I was there was enough to trigger the alarm… 
@redbanshee: Uh, yeah… part of the surprise for Sam, Dean, and Cas - I needed something from her cabin.
@redbanshee: Did, uh, Cas notice?
@IAmCalledJack: Yes, but he figured he must be mistaken because it only appeared for a few minutes. 
Whew… dodged that bullet. I wouldn't get that lucky this time, though. 
@redbanshee: So, Jack, I need to go somewhere else today to get something else for their surprise - do you think you could distract Cas or something so he doesn't notice? I really don't want to spoil the surprise…
@IAmCalledJack: Yes, I am happy to help. I can actually block him from noticing you're here.
@redbanshee: Oh, that's very helpful! Thank you!
@redbanshee: I should be less than an hour, can you block him for that long?
@IAmCalledJack: Yes, I believe so.
@IAmCalledJack: Are you sure you'll be safe? You're not going anywhere dangerous, are you?
@redbanshee: No, of course not! Perfectly mundane. :)
@IAmCalledJack: OK :) But you'll pray to me if you get into trouble?
@redbanshee: Of course I will, sweetie. But I promise, I'll be just fine. 
I closed the DM and tried not to feel awful about it. 
I stepped through the doorway into a copse of trees overlooking the barn housing Luther's nest.
Or at least what I hoped was still - again - their nest.
It was late afternoon San Diego time, but just sliding into dusk in Colorado. Unlike what the myths would have you believe, vampires are capable of moving about in the day - it's just painful for them, so they don't unless they have to. I'll have a much better chance of seeing them after the sun goes down.
Taking out a pair of binoculars, I scanned the grounds. Nothing yet, so I waited. 
I didn't have to wait long. In the gathering gloom of dusk, the barn door opened and three figures emerged. A dim glow from inside the barn backlit several more inside, including a couple still asleep in hammocks. 
It was fairly obvious the nest had returned.
I felt the grin spreading across my face. We had our case.
But I had to be sure. 
I followed the three figures to a small bar about a mile down the road from the barn.
Followed them inside and picked a table in a dark corner to observe.
Watched as one, a female, singled out a loner sitting at the bar, sidled up to him to whisper in his ear.
Watched as he flushed, a tentative tongue flicking to lick lips gone suddenly dry.
Watched as the eyes glazed over, and followed her as she led him out the back door of the bar. 
I knew the hour I told Jack was almost up - I needed to get back in case he couldn’t block Cas for longer than that.
But I needed to *know* if these were really vampires. Could be just a commune, or a bunch of grifters.
I needed to make sure.
I waited a few minutes, took a deep breath, then followed them out the back door. 
And got there just in time to see the vamp drop the mark to the ground, drained. She turned toward me and hissed, blood dripping from ruby lips.
I froze, shocked and sickened.
Then jumped as a growling voice echoed from behind me. 
"Looking for something?" 
My breath stopped in my throat. I had no weapons.
I closed my eyes and forced down the panic. Turned to face the voice behind me.
"Uh, nope. Just came out for some air, y'know… I'll just be getting back inside, my friend is waiting for me… "
Steps echoing in the alley behind me as the female vampire approached, blocking that exit.
I sidestepped to move around him and dash for the back door of the bar, but he stepped in front of me, blocking my path.
He smiled a toothy grin.
A second set of very pointy teeth descended over the first. 
OK, then. No more proof necessary.
Now I just had to live long enough to bring the girls back and handle it. 
"Sorry, sis. Your friend is just gonna have to wait…" he smirked, reaching for me with lightning speed and grasping my arms just above the elbow.
On the bare skin just below the edge of my t-shirt sleeves. 
A blue-white flash of static discharge flared from the touch and sent the vampire sprawling.
I leaped over him and headed for the back door at a dead run.
Envisioning carpet under my feet, the hue of the overhead LED lights…
I plunged through the back doorway of the bar, and yelped as I stumbled and fell face-first… onto the carpet in my spare bedroom. 
I flipped and scrambled backward away from the doorway of the bedroom, waiting…
Wondering if something would follow me back through.
Scrambled until my back slammed against the wall, and I pulled my knees to my chest, breaths coming in wheezing gasps. 
The doorway remained empty.
I was safe. 
And I had found our case. 
"OK ladies, let's go over the plan one more time…" 
I could hear the groans from the others over the Discord voice channel.
I didn't care.
I would go over this plan again and again, if necessary - until *I* was sure we were prepared and it would go off without a hitch.
I would not… COULD NOT… put my friends in unnecessary jeopardy. 
Dean is gonna kill me for this, anyway… and I'm ok with that as long as everyone else gets home safely. 
"FINE," Cori grumbled. "We step through the mirror and meet outside the bar…" 
" I'll pass around the dead man's blood and bullets…" Mags added. 
Working in a hospital has other advantages besides providing our medical training.
Mags was able to sneak into the morgue and grab several syringes worth of dead man’s blood, enough for two each.
She also painted several clips of bullets with it.
Neither would kill the vamps but would sure as shit slow them down. 
"I've got the medical kits." Cori chimed in. 
"I have the burner phones." I confirmed.
I had picked these up during my previous visit since our phones won't have service in the MU. 
"And then weapons check…," Ella added eagerly. The metallic clink and soft chime of silver meeting silver rings over the channel. Playing with her silver daggers again. 
"But bring your machete," I cautioned. "Those are sweet daggers and you're amazing with them, but silver doesn't affect vamps." 
"Maybe not, but will sure slow them down!" Ella chuckled gleefully. 
I sighed. The girl was gonna be the death of me. 
"Oh, and you all have something to carry this stuff in?" I asked. 
This had been a source of discussion for many days. We needed something big enough to carry a twenty-inch machete, medical kit, and dead man's blood, but not big enough to attract attention from any civilians who happened to be in the bar. 
We may be going to a world full of monsters, but if years of The Show had taught us anything, it was that most people there were oblivious and perfectly content to stay that way. 
Eventually, we decided on backpacks to reinforce our cover as a group of hikers on a trek through the local woods. Ease of access was not a concern with our plan – we would simply arm up before storming the barn. And anyway, should the machetes be spotted or questioned - we needed them to hack through the underbrush. 
A chorus of "Yep's" or variants thereof answered my question. 
"So after that, we'll head into the bar," I continued. "It will be late afternoon, and with any luck, happy hour."
Because yes, this was a hunt.
But it was also a meet and greet.
And I didn't know about anyone else, but I knew I was gonna need a shot or two of whiskey to take the edge off. 
"We'll wait there until dusk, then head to the barn." 
"Uh… I have a question, Cee…" Cori spoke up hesitantly. 
"Of course! What's up?" 
"Why are we waiting until dusk?" she queried. "I mean, they usually sleep during the day, right? Wouldn't it be better to attack them then, when they're all asleep?" 
She'd just hit on the heart of the matter. 
"If this were a standard vamp hunt, then yes, you're absolutely correct." I took a deep breath, let it out slowly.
"But it's not. It's an audition." 
"Audition?" Ella queried, puzzled. 
"Yeah… for Dean." Mags huffed. "Plan A didn't convince him, so Plan B has to." 
"Yeah," I sighed. "So here's the play. We head to the barn at dusk and wait for the first hunting party to leave. We meet up with them before they get to wherever they're going, and put an end to them. That does three things - gives us a win, provides positive proof we know what we're doing, and cuts down on the number of vamps we'll all have to take care of later." 
"All?" Cori asked. "Sam and Dean will be there?" 
"Not when we start. We handle the first group on our own." I paused, the nerves starting to creep up.
This was the dicey part.
"Then I call them and… invite them to join." 
Silence on the line. I pushed on. 
"So, remember that Grace Cas gave me? It's like a beacon - he always knows when I'm over there because he can sense the piece of his Grace that isn't with him." 
"So how have you been able to get all this information you've given us - the pictures and descriptions so we can get there through the Looking Glass?" Cori questioned. 
I hesitated. I still harbored feelings of guilt over using Jack as an accomplice.
Dean is going to have my head for that as well.
But would my friends? 
"Jack helped me. He kept Cas from noticing I was here." 
"You used *Jack*?" Mags exclaimed.
"Oh boy…" Ella breathed.
"Dean is going to KILL YOU!" Cori blurted. 
I winced at the outburst, but I knew it was coming. Deservedly so.
But it was necessary. 
"I didn't have much of a choice," I argued. "We all agreed we needed to help them, right? This is the only way we're going to convince them that we *can*." 
I paused. Silence. 
I continued. "Anyway, before we head over, I'm gonna text Jack and let him know I'm heading over. He'll block Cas until I give the signal. Then he'll grab Sam, Dean, and Cas, and teleport them to our location. Once they're there, they'll see we've successfully killed vamps by ourselves. Part 1 successful. Then we'll all go to the barn and wipe out the nest. Part 2 successful, positive impression made." 
"What's the signal?" Cori inquired. 
"Well, here's the tricky part," I sighed. "It's the one part we can't test beforehand." 
"OK, and…" Mags prodded. 
"I'm going to share the Grace with you…" 
A burst of voices from the channel… "What??", "Ohmigod are you sure?", "Huh??" 
"… this has two purposes!" I shouted over their protests. "First - remember the first time I crossed over and it knocked me out so bad I slept for a day and a half? Cas gave me the piece of his Grace to prevent that from happening. However, he gave me SO MUCH that everything that touches me over there gets a big jolt." 
Oh, right.
I hadn't told them about the encounter I had in the bar… zapping the vamp when he grabbed me.
All I had told them was I found the nest and scoped out the bar. I didn't want to scare them about going there.
It would be pure daylight out - no way the vamps would venture out in that.
We'd be perfectly safe. 
I rushed on. "So, when we're done with the first group… I'm gonna put my hand in and you're all gonna grab on, and I'm gonna pass some of this Grace on to you. I'm hoping this will do a few things - one, make it to where you won't be knocked out like I was when this is over. Two, it will decrease the amount of Grace in me, and I'll get to hug my boys again without having to be so damned careful!" 
I stopped for a breath. No one spoke.   
"Third - this will be Jack's signal to bring the A-Team. When he notices Cas' Grace split four ways, that's his cue." 
Silence. Finally, Cori cleared her throat and asked, "What's the plan if you can't transfer the Grace?" 
Another possibility I'd considered and scoped out when I went back for pictures.
Full-length mirror in the lady's room of the bar. 
"Plan GTFO - Get The Fuck Out. We head back to the bar and you guys jump back through the mirror in the lady's room. It's gonna be painful for you guys after you return, and I'm sorry. If that happens, I'll talk to Cas, see what can be done for future visits." 
"Well, you seem to have thought of everything…" Mags offered encouragingly. 
"Jesus, I sure as hell hope so," I breathed. "So, everyone still in?" 
I waited for what seemed like an eternity. 
"What are we waiting for?"
"Let's get this show on the road!"
Part The Second Coming Very Soon!
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supersizemeplz · 6 years
A Single Prick
DarkMagic!T'Challa x Black PlusSized Reader
Another #supersizedfic random one shot. I listened to Nina Simone's I Put A Spell On You as I wrote, it's recommended I suppose. Enjoy!
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Day quickly turned to night, the full moon rising above the small town of the southern city. The cool temperatures had found their way into the once heated air, forcing the ones enduring the change to dress a little heavier. You pulled your stylish leather jacket tighter, feeling the breeze send a chill through you. Though this season was your favorite, you enjoyed it better when you were inside the warmth of your home.
You walked to the rhythm of your heels, humming to the tune of some song that suddenly entered your head. As you approached the store front of a family owned café, the words of the song fell into place with your humming. Furrowing your arched brows, you slowed your steps as you approached the display window. A few people were inside, the door was closed, yet you heard Nina Simone's voice clear as day. I put a spell on you.
Through the large store window, there was a small girl in a yellow dress. Her heavy bows bounced her ponytails as she spun to the song, shaking her shoulders slowly to the music. You zoned out, watching her as she seemed to move in slow motion. She reminded you of a younger version.. of you.
"A beautiful song, is it not?" A voice as smooth as silk pulled you from your trance. Turning from the window, you spotted the handsome stranger as he rested coolly against the front of the building. You recognized him, seeing him a few times when you were out and about. You'd both would made eye contact once, but he'd disappear when you turned away. "Nina Simone. Her voice is so soothing and leaves one with a sense of peace. At least to me..."
He smiled, giving a flash of gold on the bottom of his gapped smile. Short coils adorned his head like a crown, his eyebrows thick and maintained. The sharp outline of his jaw was enticing, but what caught your eye were his eyes. One of his eyes were an icy blue that contrasted with the natural brown of his other, and when he noticed you admiring it he raised an eyebrow. His lips pulled into a smirk of amusement. Long story short, the man was oddly fine as hell up close.
His long fingers gripped his jacket before he adjusted it on his shoulders. You watched him  slip his hand into the expensive looking coat, catching sight of the silver clawed necklace he wore. "I've seen you around town a few times, and promised myself I'd give you a gift the next time I seen you. Just to break the ice.." Pulling his hand from the inside of his jacket, he held out a back rose with gold trimmed petals. "A pretty flower for a even prettier lady."
You were beautiful to him. With long legs and thick thighs to support you, he could admire you all day long. Nearly perfect. You were new to the small city he'd grown up in, no one knew anything of you. From what he'd taken in, you were always to yourself and didn't get out much. His research took a little longer than expected but now that he had his info he had to have you.
Anybody else and you would have declined his gift and kept it pushing, but something about him held you. So you ignored your paranoid ways of thinking. You accepted his gift, your hand brushing his he handed you the rose. "It's beautiful. Thank you, Sir." He smiled at your voice, licking his lips. With a short dismissive head shake, he told you to just call him T'Challa. "Thank you, T'Challa.. This makes today a bit better than it was going."
His eyebrows furrowed with concern. He straightened his posture, looking down at you. "Why would someone as pretty as yourself be so down?" Sighing, you looked down at the rose twirling between you fingers. It was your favorite flower. You brought the flower to your nose, taking a small sniff as a distraction. "Sorry if I'm being forward. Y/N. I don't mean to be. We don't have to discuss it." He cleared his throat, stepping back.
You shook your head. "No, it's fine. I just wish.." With an eye roll, you finally met his gaze. "I just wish that what others do wouldn't effect me so much. It'd be nice to not be able to feel anything negative.." You shrugged it off, averting eye contact once again. "But I should get going, T'Challa. I'll be fine with a little Netflix and ice cream.. Again, thanks for the rose. Maybe I'll see you around and we can hang out soon."
Locking the door behind you, you turned to the spaciousness of your apartment. It was finally starting to feel like home since the move in weeks before. Tossing your house keys into the bowl on the end table by the door, you exhaled. This was it. Home sweet home.
After fifteen minutes of eating leftovers, you were headed down the hall to your room. Your gifted rose in hand. The hardwood floor was cold against your bare feet until you hit the carpet of your bedroom. You approached your dresser, choosing clothes to sleep in. As you rummaged through the graphic tees, you couldn't help but think about T'Challa.
His velvety voice had caressed your soul, toyed with your hormones. The fullness of his lips and how good they looked when they spread into a smile. Those eyes of his were so enchanting. Something about him was addictive, yet you couldn't put your finger on it. It just made you yearn to be near him, to get to know him better. Soon definitely isn't soon enough.
"Shit." Just like that you were snatched back into reality. "I didn't even know it was a fucking thorn on the stem.." Dropping the flower onto your dresser, you examined your finger. A droplet of blood formed before dripping onto the dresser, tainting the beautiful petals of the rose. You'd tend to it after a shower. Sighing, you grabbed your clothes from the bed before disappearing into the bathroom. The dim glow of the blackened petals going unnoticed.
Your clothes pooled around your nude body before you stepped from the pile, the blood still oozing from your ugly cut. Soft music from Pandora played through the portable speaker on the bathroom counter, calming your thoughts as steamed filled the bright room. The glass door shut softly behind you as the water of the shower began its moisture massage.
Lathering the towel with soap, you began covering your body in suds. The unscented soap left a fresh scent wafting into the air, but something was different about. Almost like a faint cologne. You ignored the odd occurrence before slipping your soap into its box, stepping further under the water to rinse yourself. Just as you closed your eyes to enjoy the pointed streams, a shadow like passed the fogged glass. It was gone as fast as it came, but went unseen anyways.
Turning off the water and stepping from the shower, the instrumental of the song from earlier began. You glanced towards the speaker, raising an eyebrow. The song seems so popular today. Taking a deep breath, you shrugged the eerie feeling off.
You bent down to check the lower cabinets for your band-aids, pulling the Halloween themed box from the first aid kit. "I shouldn't need ointment, right?" Taking one from the box, you held up your finger to see that the cut was gone. Your eyebrows pushed together in confusion, staring at the healed digit.
"What the hell?" Smoothing your thumb over the skin, there wasn't a trace of the scar. You couldn't have imagined that. First it was dealing with messy people out to get you at work and now you were hallucinating. A nap was long over due.
Finally looking to the mirror, your heart stopped. Written in the fog of the mirror was soon isn't soon enough. Your lips parted to gasp, but they didn't budge. Bringing your trembling hands to your lips, your fingers grazed your lips. Sewn shut. Wiping an arm across the mirror to erase the fog, your eyes widened at the sight of dark thread laced neatly around your lips. Your muffled screams echoed through the bathroom as your eyes began to water from fear.
"Aww, now. Don't cry pretty girl.." That voice. You whipped around, holding your towel tighter around you. "There's no reason to be afraid, Kitten. The Shadowman is here to help." Himself, of course. T'Challa unfolded his arms, straightening from his previous leaned position on the door frame of the bathroom. He took a small step forward, and you backed further into the sink with a whimper.
"That there rose I gifted you, it has bonded us together. The scar you had was only a temporary thing, but that blood the rose took.." He grinned, flashing that lone gold tooth once again. What once made your heart flutter, now made it drop. "Has bonded us for life." You didn't realize the tears that fell as he spoke. His long finger wiped away an escaped tear before he brought it to his lips to taste its saltiness. A chuckle radiated from his chest as he licked his lips. "With a soul as sweet as yours, you could balance the chaos in my life."
His lips were inches from captured ones as he spoke. "I actually see something in you.." He rested his hands on your shoulders as he turned you back to the mirror. "See, Kitten. A man with my power gets what he wants.." His hands waved in front of the mirror and what appeared was a wedding scene. A dark one, at that.
Everyone was dressed in black, hints of dark purples were hidden in the vision. A bride and her groom stood at the altar, present before a wicked looking voodoo priestess. The groom was clearly T'Challa, that face was easy to recognize. But the bride. Her face was veiled in dark lace to hide her identity, a fitted dress just as dark adorned her body.
"And what I want is you. Now the only question is, will you give me your heart and soul willingly..." He snapped his fingers and the bride lifted her veil. It was you. You jumped back at the sight of your blacked out eyes, hitting against his brick wall of a chest. His chuckle chilled you to the core. "Or am I going to have to drain it from you, and leave your vessel to rot away.."
Taglist: @sisterwifeudaku @kumkaniudaku @loveandcigarillos @elaindeereads @wawakanda-btch @theunsweetenedtruth @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @unholyxcumbucket @purple-apricots @marvelpotterlove @madamslayyy @onyxvixen-writer @chaneajoyyy @disneysdarlingdiva @wakanda-inspired @justanotherloveaffair @cmonkillmonger @slimmiyagi @princesskillmonger
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scoopreview01 · 3 years
Decant Boutique Coupon Code
How about classic fragrances? Do you collect them as well? Do you wish to purchase a new bottle of perfume? You can order one from The Fragrance Decant Boutique. We all know how much an effective body perfume is able to affect the environment. Personal hygiene is having a fresh and pleasant scent. People who collect perfumes of well-known brands are called perfume collectors. If you're unsure about the scent you want before making a purchase, you can get a free sample of it first. In the Fragrance Decant Boutique, you will find small samples, travel-sized and purse-sized quantities of luxury niche or traditional perfumes or colognes that can be made to order. From Decant Boutique, you can purchase a sample, travel sized decant, or even a purse sized decant so that you can try the fragrance without having to purchase a whole bottle. If you purchase health, beauty, and cosmetic items straight from a department store or manufacturer, they are usually not refundable unless they are defective.
Buying fragrances from Decant Boutique is a great way to make sure you get the right one to suit your taste and budget. The range of fragrances includes niche designer fragrances as well as traditional fragrances. The company offers fragrance decant sizes including 1 ml, 3 ml, 5 ml, 8 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml and 30 ml, depending on the fragrance and/or application type. There are also merchandise items sold on their site, such as spray bottles. Whenever you checkout from Decant Boutique online store while shopping don't forget to apply Decant Boutique Coupon Code to get exclusive discounts and offers on your purchased products.
What Is The Fragrance Decant Boutique?
E-commerce business selling perfumes and colognes at Fragrance Decant Boutique. The company carries perfumes from top brands. The company offers perfume samples before customers purchase. There are a variety of aromas available in different price ranges, sizes, scents, and types. The site also sells spray bottles, decant holders, fragrance test strips, and many more things. Providing quality fragrance at an affordable price is The Fragrance Decant Boutique's goal. The company is a small one, but their quality and service have caused them to grow rapidly. Use Decant Boutique Discount Code to get exciting gifts and rewards on your purchased products.
Why Do You Need A Decant Boutique?
People who love to wear perfume may find this e-commerce site to be heaven.
The fragrance sample is available for purchase before purchasing the entire bottle. Other perfume supplies are available, including spray bottles, strips, and funnels. Subscriptions for new products are available if you like to buy perfumes regularly. There is a wide selection of designer perfumes to suit every taste. The staff can provide you with any particular aroma you require. If you wish to give a particular perfume to a friend or family member, then they can be ordered from the staff. If you use the Decant Boutique Promo Code during the checkout process, you can also take advantage of fantastic discounts and sales.
Decant Boutique Products And Pricing
Best fragrances are being sold by them. The following products are available from TFDB:
Merchandise – The store provides cool t-shirts and mugs. Their price range is between $10 and $19.
Male and Female Scents – Males and females can both purchase perfumes. Prices start at $5 for these branded perfumes.
Subscription – Even TFDB has a subscription rate of $4.99/month.
Accessories – At least $2 is needed to purchase accessories such as fragrance test strips and spray bottles.
Samples – If you want a sample of a perfume before buying the whole bottle, you can do that.
Does Decant Boutique offer a coupon code?
If you use our Decant Boutique Discount Code, you will receive a 20% discount.
Why do you need Decant Boutique Coupons?
Use the Decant Boutique Discount Code when purchasing items from the store to obtain the most substantial discounts.
How to redeem the Decant Boutique Discount Code?
The Decant Boutique Coupon Code may be copied and pasted into the store to get your discounted Timberace product.
Apply the code on the Checkout page, where you can find the box to do so.
Then, click Apply once you have pasted your code into the box.
What if the Decant Boutique Discount Code doesn’t work?
The first thing you should do is make sure your code is valid.
You must read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly if you want to use the code.
You can also try using other codes on your order until you find one that works.
Can I cancel my subscription anytime?
Whenever you want. Just log in to your TFDB account and cancel any subscription you want to cancel.
My fragrance doesn’t last as long as I think it should, what can be done?
When wearing fragrance regularly, many recommend using unscented lotion before spraying the fragrance, spraying on pulse points so that more scent is projected, and spraying on the back of the neck (instead of front) if you unknowingly have olfactory fatigue or similar conditions.
Final Thoughts
You will find the best perfumes here, and you will smell fresh and clean. Forget donuts, they can make the day more memorable. To ensure their customers are satisfied, Fragrance Decant Boutique is providing them with free samples. Isn't that great? You can't get free samples from most companies. At this store, you can definitely find the fragrance of your dreams. All kinds of rollers and different sizes of perfume bottles are available at this store. Just apply the Decant Boutique Voucher Code on your order and receive fantastic deals and offers when you shop from the store.
0 notes
ask-my-girl · 3 years
Best Newborn Baby Products of 2020
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Best Newborn Baby Products of 2020
Thousands of parents make it through each day with the help of the following newborn baby products. Deciding on what newborn baby products you need for an upcoming arrival can be daunting to say the least, this is the reason we have decided to make this challenge a little easier with a comprehensive list of tried and tested baby products. Newborns, especially when its your first can be a very demanding and quickly push you to your wits end, with the help of the below products you will have more time to enjoy your little bundle of joy.
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1 Philips AVENT 3-in-1 Electric Sterilizer
Keep your newborn baby healthy with this Philips sterilizer, personally I could not live without it. Simple place your Philips bottles, dummies, pumps and plates in and after 6 minutes they will be free of any germs for 24hrs. BUY NOW FROM AMAZON https://youtu.be/YLP48ZX1UdU
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2 Fisher-Price Deluxe Take-Along Swing & Seat
Rock your newborn baby to sleep with the Fisher-Price deluxe swing set, simply select the swing level you desire and away it goes. Not only does it swing but it can also vibrate and play songs to ensure your little one is relaxed and happy. BUY NOW FROM AMAZON https://youtu.be/EC-dFM-oj74?list=TLPQMTgwMjIwMjANPGOd1keXxw
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3 Owlet Smart Baby Monitor Duo (Smart Sock + Camera)
The Owlet smart sock and camera provide you with the ultimate peace of mind, remotely monitor your babies heart rate and oxygen levels via the easy to use app. If anything goes a stray an alert will be sent to the base station and app so you can check on your loved one. This is a newborn baby must have! BUY NOW FROM AMAZON https://youtu.be/w_oo1Kn7gIw?list=TLPQMTgwMjIwMjANPGOd1keXxw
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4 Infantino Cuddle Up Ergonomic Carrier - Fox, Orange
Take your newborn baby everywhere with this ergonomic carrier that has a cute fox hood to keep the wind away. High quality, machine washable and suitable for carrying on either your front or back. BUY NOW FROM AMAZON https://youtu.be/Y7nRse9Qp2c
Enjoying our list of the best newborn baby products of 2020? Don't stop now we have many more..
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5 Evenflo Vive Travel System with Embrace, Spearmint Spree
What ever stroller you go with just make sure it comes with a travel system, this gives you the ability to remove the car seat when traveling and connect it to the stroller without moving or waking the baby.. believe us this is a life saver! BUY NOW FROM AMAZON https://youtu.be/xJRJjXc505I
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6 Korbell Mini 9 Litre, Hands Free Nappy Disposal Bin, Pure White
This baby nappy bin is a must have for all nurseries, quickly dispose of dirty nappies and wipes with a press of the pedal. The double seal means there is no nasty smells leaking into the room and it is super easy to remove the bag once full. You may not think it now but this is one of the must have newborn baby products. BUY NOW FROM AMAZON https://youtu.be/YZuFUalWbpU
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7 Philips Avent Electric Breast Pump
Don't waste your time or money on a manual breast pump, lets be honest who has time for that! especially when you are juggling a newborn baby. Just like the other items this has been tested in house and we highly recommended it. BUY NOW FROM AMAZON https://youtu.be/SUdK9jOaayk
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8 Philips AVENT Ultra Air Pacifier, 6-18 Months
This one has saved so many tears and broken sleeps! Don't listen to those people who say it can become a habit.. all we know is that our baby is calm and happy. You will also notice we have many Philips products, the reason being is we trust the brand and they will work nicely together i.e. the steriliser mentioned at number 1 on the list. BUY NOW FROM AMAZON https://youtu.be/yG-uLverxTI
Enjoying our list of the best newborn baby products of 2020? Don't stop now we have many more..
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Enjoy reading our best newborn baby products of 2020? Check out more below...
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9 SwaddleMe Pod 2 Sleeping Sack
Perfect sleepwear for your newborn baby to sleep in, this super comfortable option doesn't just keep your newborn warm but it also stops your baby accidentally scratching their face during the night. This is our go to every night of the week without fail. BUY NOW FROM AMAZON
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10 Aveeno Baby Eczema Therapy Moisturizing Cream with Natural Colloidal Oatmeal 
Most newborns will end up getting rashes or dry skin that can be difficult to treat, adding to this problem is finding a baby friendly cream. Aveeno Baby Eczema Moisturizing Cream has proven to be the go to cream for parents around the world. We can also back this up as it is the only cream we use on our baby BUY NOW FROM AMAZON
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11 Mika Micky Portable Crib And Bedside Sleeper
Great for the first couple months after bringing your newborn baby home as they can sleep right next to you in bed, going forward you can use it when traveling etc. Sturdy collapsible construction makes this highly recommended by us and other parents online. BUY NOW FROM AMAZON https://youtu.be/IBFJ6cDmaLk
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12 HUGGIES Natural Care Unscented Baby Wipes
Huggies are our go to baby wet wipes as they contain no phenoxyethanol or MIT unlike many other brands. A quick search online will tell you to avoid these chemicals in all your baby care products i.e. shampoo and body wash. A small but important member of the best newborn baby products of 2020 collection. BUY NOW FROM AMAZON
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beautyreviewqueen · 3 years
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💕 Do You use Clean Beauty Products? 🤔💁🏻‍♀️What about Vegan & Cruelty Free, Paraban Free, Or All Natural Products? 💙🧴Feel free to Love, Follow, Share & Comment Below. 💙👏🏻💙 💁🏻‍♀️ I have been using Delúvia Skincare & Cosmetics Products for close to 2 years now and they are a Brand that I love, love, love!! 💙 I highly think of them and really do Recommend! 💯 😉 You don’t want to miss out on this incredible deal!! Right now, theirs a sale on this Lotion for $12 😱😱😱 👏🏻💯 An if you use 💕code: diva145 💕 💁🏻‍♀️ you will save some coinage and receive a FREE GIFT with your order. 😉💕😉💕😉💕😉 🧴The Deluvia Skincare Hand & Body Lotion is perfect for all skin types and another amazing Deluvia Product that doesn’t disappoint! 💙🧴I have to say this Lotion is super hydrating and calms My sensitive/combination skin. I really enjoy applying to My Face & Body! Enriched with Vitamin E, Aloe, Olive and Jojoba oils for long lasting softness and relief from dry skin. It is formulated with plant extracts, Vitamin B5 and natural oils known for their skin moisturizing benefits. 💙 💁🏻‍♀️🧴This intense conditioning formula will leave your hands exquisitely soft and hydrated. 🤩 Comes unscented so you have the option to add your favorite essential oils to it, if you would like! 😉🧴💦 #deluviaskincare #brandambassador #beautyinfluencer #influencer #blogger #selfcare #bodypositivity #bodylotion #lotion #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #igers #igdaily #skincare #skincaretips #cleanbeauty #vegan #crueltyfree #pr #prsearch #likeandfollow #fbpage #dolledupnikkibeauty #ig #beautyreviewqueen #beauty_review_queen https://www.instagram.com/p/CPGdHwwpj1h/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shakib-posts · 4 years
cut files
Did someone say "glow-in-the-dark unicorn blanket"? Sold.
We hope you love the products we recommend! All of them were independently selected by our editors. Just so you know, BuzzFeed collects a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.
2. A thermal leak detector so you can have peace of mind over any hidden leaks in your house. This could not only save you money on leaky pipes, but even on heating in the winter. Walmart
Promising review: "Used this item to help me seal my house better. We were losing heat way too fast. Found that my outside doors had poor weatherstripping. Product was easy to use. I like the color dot feature that gives you a visual indicator as well as a digital number readout." —Walmart customer
Price: $36.88
3. A set of cookie cutters in fun shapes — like poop! Who doesn't want a poop-shaped cookie? Walmart
Promising review: "Cute design and well made. Can't wait to use them." —Lolly
Price: $4.81 (originally $7.99)
4. An herb stripper to make collecting the herbs from your garden a breeze. Time to make that rosemary salt recipe you saw on TikTok months ago! Walmart
Promising review: "Love this little gadget!!! Perfect for herbs!" —Deanna
5. A foldable camera drone with remote for a drone beginner who wants to start dabbling in this hobby. Walmart
Promising review: "Such a great little drone! My husband and kids love flying this around and creating videos. It has really great quality. Easy to use and set up. We are happy with the product." —Walmart customer
Price: $59 (originally $79.99)
6. A brush attachment for your drill because doesn't everyone have drills hanging around that they could use to scrub shower tiles? Walmart
Promising review: "I love this device! It attached so easily to my drill and saves my hands from having to scrub so hard. I especially like the shower scrubber because we have a well and it stains the white shower orange." —Heather
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7. A pack of unscented ear candles that will remove a ridiculous amount of ear wax from your ears, you'll probably have supersonic hearing. instagram.com
Promising review: "These are easy to use and are effective to remove ear wax naturally" —Randall
Price: $4.46 (available in four sizes)
8. An LED toilet night light because even toilets are scared of the dark. Just kidding (I mean they might be). This is great for those 3 a.m. sleepy bathroom breaks when you can't be bothered to turn the lights on. Walmart
Promising review: "I love this! Very practical and lights the toilet and bathroom fair enough for me to see at night." —Neo
Price: $20.83
9. A 10-in-1 stainless-steel cooking tool that is perfect for camping trips, or even just to have for emergencies. You never know when you need to grate cheese in an emergency. It happens. Walmart
Promising review: "This is a well-made item with many uses. Quite creative that they even added a grater to the tools. It will be perfect for cooking on our small sailboat." —Walmart customer
Price: $12.95 (originally $14.95)
10. A pair of dusting slippers so you can clean your house while you walk. I'm all about efficiency, okay? Walmart
Price: $8.24 (originally $29.99, available in three colors)
11. A microwave bacon cooker to not only make your breakfast cooking time faster, but always have delicious bacon without fail. A breakfast of champions! Walmart
Promising review: "This makes cooking bacon simple! Results are great, crisp bacon, no mess to clean up but the tray. I use less paper towels too. I suggest to lay a paper towel over the top so it does not splatter while cooking. Takes the same amount of time to cook and is delicious." —Tressa
Price: $14.10 (originally $99.99)
12. A stainless-steel taco holder, because some of us have priorities and this is mine. Plus, now you never have to worry about your tacos falling over — a serious issue. Walmart
Promising review: "I love this and it has handles! The Blackstone Taco Rack has made making tacos and serving them so much easier! You can make up to six tacos at one time. It's a stainless-steel rack and dishwasher-safe. I no longer have to hold my shell and try to put everything inside. Taco Tuesday is great again." —Keonna
Price: $9.97
13. A set of biker gnome shelf sitters to make your garden, or really any place in your home, that much ~edgier~. Walmart
Promising review: "These figurines are adorable. So cute and you can set them pretty much wherever you want." —Walmart customer
Price: $29.79
14. A pet tent so your pup or cat can recreate the movie Wild with Reese Witherspoon. Ugh, didn't it just make you want to hike? Yeah, me neither. Walmart
Promising review: "Nice quality, easy to assemble and my Odie loves it !" —Mini
Price: $49.52 (originally $64.46)
15. An Orbeez foot spa to really soothe those tired feet after a long day. ~Ahh~ instagram.com
Promising review: "My 9-year-old granddaughter asked for this item for her birthday. She enjoys soaking her feet in it but also just likes to play with the Orbeez balls." —Walmart customer
Price: $29.95 (originally $34.86)
16. A reverse-close umbrella so you don't have to worry about the rain falling on you when you close it. Raindrops will NOT be falling on my head. Take that, Mother Nature. Walmart
Promising review: "This is the best thing around. I have told family and friends about how much I love this INbrella. I never feel a single drop of rain. Everything works so smoothly, opening and closing this INbrella is so easy that I look forward to rainy days!" —Victoria
Price: $15.60 (originally $24.99, available in seven colors)
17. A bidet attachment to not only save you $$$ on toilet paper, but also you'll feel really bougie with one of these, trust me. Walmart
Promising review: "I have never used a bidet before, but I am so glad to have one now! It makes you feel so clean and I don’t know I could ever go back to not using one. It has different strengths, from high to low, according to your preference. My kids like it too and it will save on the baby wipes!" —Walmart customer
Price: $34.95 (originally $47.45, available in two colors)
18. An LED Jellyfish lamp that will make you feel like you have a fancy aquarium next to your bed. The artificial jellyfish move around the tank, which looks pretty realistic! Walmart
Promising review: " My husband loved this! It worked great for us. If you have the blanket in the light it charges it basically, if that makes sense. Then when you turn the light off it glows. Great birthday present. Love it!" —Walmart customer
Price: $9.96 (available in four different patterns)
20. A rosé shaped pool float because we can't deny our love for rosé, let's be real. Walmart
Promising review: "Affordable and everyone in the pool goes for the beautiful pink Rose bottle!" —Jonnie
Price: $24.98 (originally $49.99)
21. A Wi-Fi-enabled smart plug so you can make one of your favorite appliances ~that~ much smarter. Yes, I'd love to control my coffee maker from my phone while in bed, thanks for asking. Walmart
Promising review: "You now have control of whatever you have plugged in. Simply download the app, plug in and connect. You can now control your fan, lights, TV and more from your phone. No more getting up at night to turn the light off. Now I can turn it off from my phone." —Walmart customer
Price: $8.88
Promising review: "Wonderful investment! I love popcorn, I make it every night. My husband and I love it. Its very easy to use, just follow the instruction in the book. i order a case of the Nostalgia popcorn that is prepackaged with everything you need. YUMMY" —Walmart customer
Price: $179.99 (originally $199.99)
24. A sushi light that is just so adorable and perfect if you, like, really love sushi. Walmart
Promising review: "This is ADORABLE! The quality is good, nice thick plastic and the light is great!" —Laurie
Price: $11.99 (originally $16)
25. A Cricut Joy label maker so you can start your new hobby of printing labels for everything you own. Walmart
Promising review: "I bought the Cricut Joy for easier crafts and for the fact that I don't need a mat for cutting. It also allows you to use your phone or computer. It writes and draws great. I'm happy that I bought it." —Walmart customer
Price: $179.99 (originally $199.99)
26. A Play-Doh chicken that we definitely don't deserve, but absolutely needed. You put the Play-Doh in and it oozes it out through its neck. That is all. Walmart
Promising review: "I got this as a gift for my nephew and to say it was a hit is a huge understatement. I still get pictures weekly of him playing with the Play Doh and the chicken, and videos of him laughing and creating with this toy. Great product." —Ben
Price: $12.43 (originally $14.99)
27. A one-step hairdryer and brush combo to save you a heap of time in the morning when you're getting ready for work. Now you'll have more time for ~snoozin'~. Walmart
Promising review: "I have curly and thick hair, usually takes me one to two hours to blow-dry and iron my hair. With this tools, it's 18 min and no need for a flat iron! In loveeeee!" —Raquel
Price: $48.88 (originally $58, available in two colors)
28. An electric ice cream maker so you never have to leave the house to buy pints of ice cream when you're already cozy on the couch. Walmart
Promising review: "This ice cream maker went far above my expectations. It was super easy to use and super fast...I had fresh ice cream in less than 30 minutes and it looked just like store-bought...only better! It's also super easy to clean and store. Very happy with my purchase!" —Angela
Price: $29.99 (available in two colors)
29. A hoverboard with LED lights that is perfect to get you started on becoming on pro on these bad boys. Plus, you'll just look really cool. Walmart
Promising review: "My 5-year-old granddaughter just learned how to ride her sister's so I needed a board that would pretty much balance itself! Well, this is the board for me! While she is still honing her skill I don't have to worry too much about her falling off! Nice buy for the beginner!" —Walmart customer
Price: $98 (originally $249.99, available in 12 colors)
30. A retro mini fridge you can store soda cans, snacks, or even your expensive skincare products. It's called ~self-care~. Walmart
Promising review: "This is the perfect mini fridge for any living room with a bar cart. I love the retro look." —Walmart customer
Price: $99 (originally $129.02, available in four colors)
31. A temperature balancing weighted blanket that may help relieve some of your anxiety. I have one and I don't think I could be able to function some days without it. Walmart
Promising review: "The tranquility weighted blanket is a wonderful idea! The blanket has a removable cover which is nice. The size of the blanket makes it convenient to remove from my bed and take to the living room when I want to cozy up on the couch. It will also make it nice to pack up when I go camping and take with me." —JoePrice: $34.95+ (available in multiple weights)
You, after seeing all of these products. ABC
The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.
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