#so i wanted to throw in some color on the sketches with my phone but i added more than i expected lmaooo
michi-chelle-draws · 5 months
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ok but imagine a prequel chapter about rei’s first euphoric episode attempt
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p0rk-guts · 7 months
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Velvette if she served cunt
Design breakdown below 👇🏾(BEWARE IT'S VERY LONG)
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Alright going into detail about my gripes and edits. Like Velvette but her design is just. Not good to me. None of her (main) outfit details look like they fit to me— pinstripe pants + long fur coat paired with black crop top and scene sleeves? Skull earrings? TINKERBELL HEELS????? Tell me how any of that meshes well or even makes SENSE for the social media influencer persona she's supposed to have going on. Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure she's supposed to be clown themed... But I'm just gonna toss that idea out bc being a revered social media influencer and a clown at the same time just seems a bit oxymoronic to me, and the "clown" details aren't adding shit for me.
And don't think I forgot about her features. Pale ash grey skin and wavy hair at best. If she was supposed to be some type of creature where a nonhuman skin tone would make sense then maybe I could let it go?? But as far as I can tell she doesn't have an object or creature or animal theme like the other V's and if she does I shouldn't need to do detective work to figure it out. There is no reason for *any* of these poc characters to have grey skin, especially since they don't have any other poc features at all.
Sorry that shit gets me heated anyways. Onto my redesign. Gave her a more obviously black skin tone and textured hair bc I love a 30 inch buss down as much as the next girl but considering how there are no significant poc cast members with visibly textured hair I think she deserves to flaunt some coils if no one else will.
Ngl I'm not. A fashion girlie. Idk what's trendy idk what screams "influencer" so a lot of this was just throwing shit at the wall that I've seen around recently but it looks cute enough to me. And there was a bit of inspiration taken from Aliyahcore and ghetto fabulous fashion ❤️
If you can't tell this is shamefully inspired by lovesart23's Velvette reimagining because imo they had some outstanding ideas for Vel. I low-key stole their idea for those floating eyes in her hair that follow her around and help her keep tabs on shit it was just a superb idea for a social media overlord to me. I also took some inspo from @furbtasticworksofart 's redesign because vampire influencer sucking up the souls of her followers in exchange for content??? Too good (also the eyes were supposed to have bat/vamp wings I just forgot 😭) So yeah she's a vampire demon now. Without the features she was looking too human anyhow. Maybe she also feeds off of the energy of her followers through tech like after Vox mind controls them or whatever... Idk idk is that anything
Speaking of Vox, the screen glasses are meant to connect her to him w/ their color and shape while serving the purpose of being like a second phone she can post and check the web with. Like lovesart said in their reimagining vid, Vel doesn't really do more than pose for selfies and scroll on her phone when it comes to social media so in my head she's constantly flipping her shades on and off, using them to scroll and stay active, and they can show when she's not paying attention or respect to something/someone bc scrolling is more worth her time in the moment.
The hearts everywhere are also supposed to kinda represent social media likes + connect her back to Val w/ his heart patterns. That might've been what the hearts in her og design were for but. I just didn't like their placement bc I'm a nitpicker and a hater❕
I have so much more I could say about possible ideas for Velvette because I love evil black girls and I only want them to succeed in my media and I could treat her so much BETTER but I'll refrain bc this is way too long anyway.
Alright for reading/scrolling through all that rambling I offer you the sketches + some alt hair ideas I had
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P.S. I'm very open to constructive criticism but if I see anyone just dick riding in my replies or rb's I'm just blocking you on sight ✌🏾
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tainted-liquor · 1 year
'Hot Wheels! ...🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ft. 1610Miles
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...⋆。° ✮
Ingredients: sugar, kisses, n a lil bit of lemon zest!
TWs: A lil suggestive, but nth serious? Miles js runs a hot wheels car across yo ass like a ramp😭
A/N: Inspired by my man lol
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It was dark outside. Wayyy too dark, the kind of dark where your main priority would be to go straight home, regardless of what temptations of bright colors pushed themselves into your face. But right now, you were In Miles' house while his parents were out on their little 15-year anniversary date. You spent the whole day dancing in his room, trying on some of his shorts for the sheer fun of it, and watching TV together so close that it would've sent Mrs. Morales into a coma. It was around 9 o'clock, and the two lovebirds still weren't back from their date.
So, you decided to do something to pass the time. You hopped on on the plushy material of the Morales' couch, doodling in Miles' sketchbook while you waited for him to finish taking his shower. Did you nearly lose your shit when you saw his many many Gwen drawings? Yeah. But you were instantly relieved to see most of them crossed out, painted over, or replaced with drawings of you entirely.
You scribbled down a rough sketch of Miles, groaning in frustration when it didn't turn out how you imagined. He looked French instead of Puerto Rican, and everything decided it wanted to go wrong. You put down the pencil, letting it fall between the concave of its pages before scrolling on your phone. It wasn't very long until Miles emerged from the bathroom, internally panicking as his toned muscles stared at your from his short-sleeved white tee. "Eugh, you stink. Get back in the shower" You joked, sporting a wicked grin and a quiet laugh.
He side-eyed you, looking you up and down before sucking his teeth. "I will throw you off that couch, don't play with me" he chuckled, shifting closer so you could see the tiny blue box in his right hand. "Oooh, what's that?" You asked, turning your head as he loomed over you. He opened the box, revealing 3 toy cars stacked on each other. "My cars!" He beamed, flopping comfortably on the living room floor as he took out every toy car oh so gently. "Cars? Like, Hot Wheels cars?" You inquired, watching as he pretended to rev up the engine.
It was no surprise that he owned toy cars, you had already seen his massive collection of rare toys and posters around his room. You thought it was cute, silently admiring as he explained why he even has the cars, and breaking down their value. "I mean, I can put them away if you want?" He asked, sounding slightly more embarrassed by the second. "Oh, no no no! I love that you have interests!" You reassured. You watched him stay in his own little world, before continuing to scroll on your phone.
It wasn't long before Miles looked back up at you, suddenly brewing an idea. He slowed his actions, analyzing your posture and looking down at his cars. He fought back a smirk that crept on his face, slowly advancing towards you like he was trying to see what you were looking at on your phone. You didn't really notice he was getting closer, finding yourself lost in the world of TikTok as you watched a guy dance to Kung Fu Fighting. And you didn't notice until you felt cold metal hit the fabric of your shorts.
"AH-! FUCK-MILES WH-..." You began, turning around to see Miles using the curve of your spine and the silhouette of your behind as a ramp. Miles burst out in laughter, shivering as he ran each car across your backside. "Are you fuckin' serious right now?" You deadpanned. He nodded, a smug but clearly overjoyed grin plastered on his face. "What? It's-...pffFFHAHAA...It's the perfect ramp!"
"Make me smack you miles"
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Taglist: @ashsostrange @chessbox @janaeby @faeriesoiree333 @Fivestardior @an1bara @bachirasegoist @milesnanana77 @niaurluv @sp1derw1re @ban-al3x
taglist form <3 https://forms.gle/iZbuc8PAAo5k5xXG6
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kiruamon · 1 month
Don't wake me up - AU Introduction
Cooking up another au idea. So first take these sketches and my info dump will follow further below. Also this feels like one of my more darker aus when I look at the amount of angst involved.
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Soooo... I was thinking of an au with dreams as a theme. Sun and Moon being an entity or guardian of dreams. While Sun stands for the good dreams Moon is in care of nightmares.
And into this setting I decided to throw a Y/N who has only very recently gone blind. They had always loved to create art. So to suddenly being unable to see was shattering their whole world. What's making it worse is that they always had been very independent and pride of what they achieved soley on their own. The thought to be dependent of others was something they never had liked.
But now even in their own home they don't feel any longer in control or autonomous. It's a struggle to navigate around. Bumping into furniture. Memorizing the distance from the bed to the door. Not knocking anything from the desk by accident or crawling under it if it does happen and feeling around for their keys without being able to use their vision to find them. It's frustrating and makes them feel like a stranger in their own place that should usually feel safe and familiar. But now it's all: Where did I put my phone? Was the grater in the drawer under the silverware or left from it? Did I grabbed a spoon or a fork? Which of my sweaters am I holding right now? Hopefully not the ugly christmas sweater I got four years ago? Does the shirt even match the rest or are the colors clashing with each other? Everything feels slowed down and like a big pain since things are still so fresh. Even worse that they have to let a stranger into their life to help them out that is supposed to teach them how to slowly cope with their new situation. It doesn't matter much to Y/N that said caretaker isn't human. They want their vision back so badly. And if that's not possible just to be left alone. Feeling overly emotional over the smallest things and then quickly burnt out. Every little thing is just too much. Being so stressed out and all... their only safe place for them is their dreams. It's where they feel the most normality and comfort. To sleep and to dream means for them to be free. To enjoy the colors and shapes of their dream environmental without any restricts that hold them back.
And that's where they meet Sun during one of their dreams. Not thinking too much of the strange encounter at the start. After all, it's just a dream. There could be much weirder things as a tall animatronic that claims himself to be a dream guardian. It's just odd how often they start to met since their first encounter. But Sun's nice. A very friendly and jolly fellow with an optimistic personallity that's kind of delightful. And Y/N finds himself quickly warming up to their new dream friend. Strolling through the dream realm with Sun and having some silly fun adventures without Y/N needing to worry that they could run into something by accident like in reality. But with time passing by Sun is starting to ask questions about Y/N. Questions that feel like hitting to close to home to them. That they don't want to answer. That they do not want to think about. After all they are hiding into their dreams to escape reality. Not to face their problems. Sun means well, but when he starts prying with his questions Y/N gets defensive and at some point snaps at him. And with the negative emotions flowing over their dream starts to shift. Bringing up more of their hidden fears and tinting it to become more of a nightmare.
Y/N finding themself suddenly alone in an eery nightmarish place. Full of dulled and muddled colors. Their surroundings looking close to a multi layer paper cutout full of symbols that represent their fears and worries which they had tried to desperately deny. The place gives them the shivers. Their shouting out for Sun. But he doesn't seem to be anywhere anymore. So they start running. Searching for him just to fall into a pitch-black pit that feels like it grows deeper and deeper with every second they are into it. Heart rate is going through the roof and panic is spiking up. That's when someone pulls them out. But before they can have a look at them the person they wake up from their nightmare. Next time when Y/N is back to sleep Sun is immediately there and telling them how worried he had been about them. Taking them in their arms and apologizing over and over for upsetting them. At the question where he had disappeared to last time he tells Y/N that he had been looking for them as soon as the dream had been shifting. Aside from that he seems a bit reluctant to tell them more about it. But from that day on Y/N finds themself a bit more often faced with nightmares and feeling as if someone was watching them during those times. Which turns out to be true as he spots a hooded figure at the edge of his vision a few times before finally being able to confront them. Feeling already unsettled and in fight or flight mode Y/N settles for the first option when catching Moon sneaking around them once more. Unbeknownst to them that Moon and Sun are practically one and the same entity. Just that Moon is in charge of their body in the realm of nightmares and Sun in the realm of good dreams.
Moon is more annoyed with Y/N's defensive and stubborn attitude as Sun is. But it might also not help that Moon himself is very tight-lipped instead of trying to explain things. So the two aren't off with the best start. And Sun has some explaining to do when he and Y/N meet the next time. Despite this rough start with Moon Y/N will find out that the more grumpy dream guardian is staying close to them whenever they find themself back in a nightmare instead of hiding like before. Giving them a bit closure with their presence and words and helping them to guide them slowly out of their nightmares back into more peaceful dreams where Sun will take over again.
As things progress there comes a time where Y/N will hardly want to get out of bed anymore. Just wanting to sleep. To go back into this world of dreams where they feel free instead of struggling all day without knowing what for. They are at a rough place. And they find themself wishing to stay longer and longer in their dreams with Sun and Moon. The world where they feel whole.
Of course Sun and Moon notice what is going on. The dreams after all depict the things that are going subconsciously and consciously on in Y/N's mind. It's hard for them if the two bring up their blindness. Or that they have to wake up instead of keep dreamig on forever. To start to live their life again. It's a messy time for them all and a lot of ups and downs. But with those confrontations and growing closer to the two guardians Y/N finds themself also becoming more vulnerable and slowly opening up to them. Admitting that they are scared. That they feel useless and like having lost so many things. Not knowing what to do. It takes a lot of time, patience and comfort from Sun and Moon as well as some firm words to slowly convince Y/N to start working on their fears in the real world. Y/N's dreams during this time are very unstable and easily shifting often between good and nightmarish during the course of one night. But they are slowly trying to work things out.
It takes a lot of them to ask the animatronic that had been assigned to take care of them for help. Not only because Y/N feels pretty shitty for having lashed out verbally in the past for a bunch of minor little things that had got them riled up during this time, but also because it's still hard for them to rely on someone this much. But all their conversations with Sun and Moon have teached them that's okay to ask for help. And so they do. Slowly finding their way back into life. Learning how to cope with their blindness. What tools to use to navigate better through their daily life. Learning that's okay to be vulnerable. It's a little surprise to Y/N when they find out that the name of their caretaker is Eclipse. A very patience and kindhearted animatronic. The round head plate with the triangular rays feels all so familiar under their fingers when he allows them to run their hands over them. Eclipse is the one helping Y/N out in their daily life. Cooking together and giving them all kinds of tips and tricks. Guiding them with his directions and gentle voice. He even brings up things like tactile art, sculpting and other things Y/N hadn't thought of before since they had believed they would have to give up on art completely. But slowly there is new hope found. And with each little achievement Y/N will find themself more independent over time. Finding joy in creation again and even some new things. While they always had liked music they also find a new interest in audiobooks. Even though they enjoy it even more when Eclipse will read for them while they sit together on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate in their hands and leant against him. Since Y/N grows more and more fond towards Eclipse to a point where they even found their more cheerful side back. It comes as a shock when Eclipse is telling them someday that he will soon quit his job as their caretaker. Since he feels that Y/N has grown independent enough again for not needing a full-time caretaker anymore. It leaves a bitter taste for Y/N as they had started to grow so used to having the other around and now feeling as if losing Eclipse again. Questioning the fact if they even had been friends or if they had been just another job for him. But at the same moment they start having those insecure thoughts they feel guilty about them. After all Eclipse had done so, so much for them and they don't want to taint their last time with him with acting like an upset or ungrateful child. So Y/N decides to just tell Eclipse how thankful they feel for everything he has done for them and that they wish him the best. Just for Eclipse to chuckle softly and telling them that he doesn't intend to make this their last meeting. He swiftly explains to Y/N that he only wants to quit the job in order to be able to be their friend without it feeling like he is paid to be nice to them.
Aaaalso some side notes to Sun and Moon. While they are like a dream entity or like I call them the guardians of dream it's not like they can do whatever they want in the dream realm. Besides their transformation they can not just wave their hand and change what happens in a dream. Their influence on the dreams is more subtle and depending if they are able to calm down the dreamer. So it's more like their interactions and words with the dreamer will affect the dreamers thoughts and subconcious and that will influence the dream. So if Sun for an example senses Y/N getting upset he will most of the time swiftly change topics and trying to use distraction as a method to keep the dream nice and peaceful. Asking about things Y/N likes and that feel safe to adress. Since Moon is just there when the dreamer is already in a nightmare his method is more about showing support. Staying close to them as some form of protection. He will take Y/N's hand or later on take them in his arms. Brushing over his back and keep talking with them in a calm voice. Letting them vent about their fears while giving some guidance if needed.
So it's all more about their skills in interacting and subtle manipulation via words (in a more healthy way) as having some magical superpowers.
Ooookay, that was a lot. And I hope it's not too confusing to follow my line of thoughts. There will be a second post entry that focuses more on some sketches that I did for this au and that will show some of the things mentioned here.
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collectors-tablet · 11 months
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Did a screenshot redraw of that moment Belos knew he fucked up. With markers!
WIPs/links to higher quality under the cut 😌
So what I did to create this image was hold my paper up to my screen and trace over the screenshot's lineart, then worked out the rest of the details on paper. The straight lines on the top and bottom are where the original screenshot cuts off.
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Once I decided the sketch was finished I put my blending card (special paper for the markers) over the sketch on a lightboard and traced over it with my pens.
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If I made mistakes I would sometimes use my white paint pen to draw over them.
Then, on a piece of scrap paper, I would test out my markers to see what blending combinations looked good.
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Tangent: I use alcohol markers, specifically COPICs, though I also have some Prismacolors too. Alcohol markers are built for blending and I recommend looking them up if you are interested. I use copics because they have a brush nib and while they're expensive, you can easily get refills and replacement parts so you'll never throw them away. You can buy 30 year old markers that are still good.
First I colored (most of) the characters (that took a lot of time, especially since I was cautious about how to color in things like the eye and would test on scrap paper first)
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Then I tried making a background but I really didn't like it
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So in digital art I cut out the characters from the background to see how to fix it and came up with the idea of darkening it significantly.
Digital experiment on the left, experiment onto paper on the right.
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A lot of these WIPs look very different because of me taking pictures of the photo with a phone camera and doing different filters every time. I have a scanner but I've never liked how it comes out.
If you want to see a higher quality version of the final image, here's links to where I uploaded it on Deviantart and Newgrounds.
Also a Youtube upload of that video I made!
Note: There's an animation error in the original ToH clip I used where the Collector's clothes are miscolored, and the reason they're not here is because I fixed it.
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nescaveckwriter · 9 months
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Paintbrushes And Romance
Part 2 🥰
A/N: So excited for this, not sure how many part's there's going to be, but I'm sure excited to see where it goes... Embrace the journey with me .. 🐞🥰
The vibration and ringing of a phone breaks your concentration on this sketch, looking at the caller id, you smile, its your mom! Hey my dearest mommy bear, you jokingly answer, Hi my love, you hear your mom's kind voice on the other end, oh the love you have for her, she'll probably never realize, she has helped you overcome some difficult times in your life, honey, she says did you forget about meeting up with my friend for the mural piece she wants done? Comes the question, oh Shit! Mom I'm so sorry I got lost in this, well this piece I'm working on you say a blush creeping on your cheeks, I'll tell you all about it later, you always tell each other everything, I will be there in a little while mom , I promise you, sorry I totally forgot, regret clearly noticeable in your voice. Oh honey you are so forgetful, she says laughing a little, see you soon honey, be safe, love you. Love you too mom, see you in a few.
Black velvet from Alannah Myles, playing interrupts Dean and Sam talking about the case he can't seem to catch a break on. The music playing comes from the corner you sat in, wow okay, he said thinking that, classic rock didn't really suit the, softness and gentleness that you were beaming out, a smile tugging at his lips, you are quite interesting he thought to himself, seeing you packing all the stuff in your bags, he's heart sank a little , will it be the last time he ever saw you.
Seeing you stand, you must be about 5 foot 2 if he guessed, quite shorter than he'd expected, but adorable looking. You definitely carry yourself with confidence, but also not thinking too much of yourself, he is good at reading people but he can't quite put a finger on you. She's probably got some damn lucky guy in her life, he thinks to himself.
Usually he would go and chat you up a little, get your number, spend the night, but something tells him your not that kind. His thoughts get interrupted by two kids running into you, probably going to the playground he saw over there, waiting for you to freak out and get angry, but instead your voice sounds like honey , all while you ask them if they got hurt, your voice not high pitched or too low, just well just sweet, he'd probably listen to you talk all day not ever getting tired of how you sound. Watching you, sort off in a daze, Dean catches what looks like a sketching book, slightly showing what looks like a man's face, if he didn't know any better, he'd say it was him, ha! Yeah right she didn't even notice me, he thought to himself, while reading the title of a book lying on top of the sketch book "Burning Rose" author "lady bug" seems strange , dark cover with a red rose covered in flames, she quickly grabs everything, throws it in, and for a moment time stood still, you look up into his eyes, Dean could've sworn he was drowning in your eyes, he can't help it, with a smile as wide as the county he looked at her, seeing her cheeks, turning to a light rose color, she shyly smiles back, that gave Dean a glimpse of what heaven probably looks like. He wanted to get up say something, maybe even just kiss you right then and there, but you left, like a little hurricane out by the door, a hurricane he wouldn't mind being caught in, he thought to himself.
You get out of the cab, at John, and Mary Winchesters home, humbly looking house but still big, amazing garden, this is so much fun, you love doing murals, feeling comfortable, walking in, You've been busy for almost a week with this piece, looking at the wall of the front entrance, its all coming together, the green of the leaves and the white of the magnolia flowers , complimenting the decor of, the entrance, filled with neutral tones aswell as splashes of dark green and bright yellow.
Good morning darling you hear a kind voice say, morning Mrs W, how are you doing this fine morning you ask cheerfully. Oh good dear, John had to go on a business trip again, so I have the house all to myself, she says, not looking really happy about it. I'm so sorry, why don't you and my mom go doing something fun, drink coffee, maybe even a bit of wine, just don't get to tipsy now, you say teasing her! Oh really honey, you hear your mom's voice behind you, tipsy, ha! We are classy ladies, we don't drink wine this early, but no one said there's something wrong with Irish coffee, you all three burst into laughter. Come on Mary lets leave her alone in her art world, while they walk out you hear your mom laughing and saying I love you honey, you too mom, you say while picking up the brushes you need and sticking it into the back pocket of your jeans , climbing up the ladder, already humming to whatever classic rock song is playing, into your earbuds, knowing this is what you are meant to do with your life.
It's about three in the afternoon, and he still haven't returned the pastry dishes to his mom's house, damnit, like I have time for this, letting out an irritated sigh, driving into the drive way, with his black chevy impala, he'd name her baby, all while a song of Led Zeppelin is playing, he gets out, grabs the clean dishes out of the back seat, he walks towards the front entrance , puts down the dishes on the table right by the door way, looking at the picture in front of him, a woman standing on a ladder, hair braided loosely, with a black t-shirt and jeans on, covered in paint, humming and swaying to what sounds like a Bon Jovi song, while admiring the view, she loose her balance, tumbling down, Dean catches her, wide-eyed and confused she looked at him, its her, the coffee shop angel.
Fudgesticks up a fudge tree Dean hears her say, what? He looks at her while still holding her in his arms, the feeling of her so close to him its electrifying, oh sorry she says laughing a little, I try not too swear to much. Not making the effort to get out of his tight grip, he puts her down, seeing the black shirt she has on is a Guns n Roses paint splattered shirt. Well thanks for saving me from, ending up like humpty Dumpty she smiles. Oh my pleasure, he wanted to ask what's she's doing for the rest of her life, but his phone rang and he had to answer since he is the Sheriff of the town. Yeah, what is it he asks with the irritation back in his voice,? There's been another victim boss, says the young deputy, okay Jack I'm on my way, just hold on , he closes the phones speaker with one hand, looking at the beauty in front of him with paint all over her, even on her even on her face, all he can say is good day miss and he starts walking out the door, not waiting for a response.
Arriving at the scene, there he sees it again, this damn killer is toying with them, its one big game to him, like a treasure map, they need to find, he placed the dismembered body all over, the dogs and coroner is already on scene, working. The almost gifted wrapped torso on the park bench. Dean is looking around the scene for clues as to how he chooses his victims, thinking, he doesn't have a specific type, so to say, some has light hair with light skin, some have dark hair with olive skin, its victim 8, its been 8 months since this case came to his attention, but still no clue, how he gets his victims, since he seems to toy with his victims for 3 to 4 weeks all sedatives maybe used, is already out of there system.
Waiting for the coroner, what seems like hours, he finally gets the call, Sheriff Winchester you can come and look at the body. Yeah on my way, before going in, Dean inhales a deep breath, not so much for the smell, but more for the courage to see another life taken, someone's, daughter, sister. He is a rough man, but sometimes the stuff what he sees can also take its affect on him. Shaking off whatever he just felt, walking in, he sees the women neatly placed on the cold steel table, every body part pieced together, looking at her face , she can't be older than 20-25 he thinks, while listening to the coroner telling him, how she has the rope burn bruises like all the other seven vics, the dismembering is clean, like it's done by a professional, no signs of sexual assault, the coroner goes on to say, she's been washed in some sort of alcohol almost like sanitizer to remove whatever traces of DNA there could've been. But I did find something odd by one of the cuts, the coroner said. Yeah well get to it doc, Dean says, okay jikes! Its another piece of meat, most likely beef, but its getting tested and I will let you know. Good, Dean said thanking the man, giving one last look of the woman lying there. Hell sometimes I hate this job.
The stars clearly visible in the dark skies, while sitting on his porch, whiskey on his breath, a worried look on his face, thinking about the day, the case, the parents of the woman he had to let know that they found their daughter, but she didn't make it, how they had to ID her and the damn tears and despair afterwards... Taking another sip of his whiskey, thinking about the coffee shop angel he saw again and how happy and carefree she is like she doesn't have a worry in the world , not a inch of sadness he detected in her eyes or her sweet honey filled voice.
Wondering why he haven't seen her around in this old town, contemplating what he already knows about her, she doesn't really like to be seen, she likes classic rock, she doesn't like swearing, clearly she likes fudge, and she must be an artist, he can't help it but he starts smiling when he remembers her laughter filling his ears, oh yes and she likes to read remembering the book he saw, quickly taking out his phone he does an internet search of this author "lady bug" three best selling novels, there's the one with the rose, he reads the review and then the ending, of the book because he ain't much of a reader so his not going to read the whole thing!
Wait, what! This book its, clearly one of those steamy romance books but its also a thriller, okay , she is something else, he reads the ending of the book again. "Like a burning rose he ignites your soul when his lips come crashing to yours, flames of passion dancing in your eyes, hands and body intertwined, his love for you burning away all the thorns of past heartbreaks and mistakes, knowing his touch is crumbling your walls and with the thought of knowing your safe with him, you give into the flames engulfing your soul."
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Serendipity (CH 5)
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 2586
Warning: Mild language, fluff, smut, angst, graphic scenes, death, murder, gore, violence, mature material…
Prompt: You have a major crush on Gibbs, however you choose to push it away as you fear he doesn’t feel the same way. Suddenly there is a bunch of chances that lead to a happy ending…
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I was calm now and Abby fixed my makeup for me. She had an extra shirt for me to borrow. It was a black crop top with a plunge neckline. I had more chest area than Abby so I pulled at the shirt trying to cover it some. It had some chains criss-crossing across it and there was a skull with a bow on the shirt.
"You look great! Now go kick some ass...and save that camera and sketchbook." She says.
I laugh, hugging her before taking the stairs. It goes silent in the bullpen as they look at me. I shift uncomfortably.
"I-I didn't have an extra shirt. A-Abby lent me one of hers." I mumble.
Gibbs walks to my desk, grabbing my blazer as he throws it at me. Tony catches it before it could hit me in the face like it would have. He gives me a small smile, handing it to me. I nod slightly, shrugging it on as I go to my desk.
I open my sketchbook, grabbing tissues to soak up some of the coffee. It was effortless, but it kept me distracted. I grab my camera, pulling out cleaning wipes to clean it up. I turn it on and was relieved to see that it worked. I move the pictures over to my laptop before sending them to Tim and Abby.
I open my sketchbook and work away at it in silence despite the tension I felt. I could feel his eyes on me and it made me want to shrink away and disappear.
I start pulling the sketches out, pinning them to my empty bulletin board. I study them, trying to ignore the coffee stain. I grab the sketchbook and throw it in the bin.
"Problem, Y/L/N?" Gibbs asks.
"Boss, she has to have clear paper. It bothers her if it isn't. I think the coffee is making her upset." Tim says quietly.
"Y/N/N, don't you have an extra in your drawer?" Ziva asks softly.
I hated this. I was being treated like a baby since this stupid accident. I pull the sketches down, shoving them in a drawer as I grab my keys and my phone, jogging towards the elevator.
I was in the closet art store within minutes. I stood in the sketchbook aisle for a good twenty minutes, just staring.
"Ziva said you'd be here." Gibbs mumbles, moving to stand beside me.
I continue staring at the sketchbooks. I was kind of mental over my sketchbooks. I knew I was. But, I've never experienced something this bad before. Not to mention on top of this last week.
Gibbs stands next to me silently, observing me. I tried to keep my cards close to my chest, not wanting him to figure me out. I was falling to pieces and the only person who knew was Abby.
I step forward, grabbing a pile of sketchbooks and adding them to the cart. I got three different sizes, all the same color. I got like ten of each one. Hopefully it'll be awhile until I need more. I push the cart to the pencil aisle with Gibbs silently following behind me.
"Your trying to find a sense of control." He murmurs from behind me.
I keep silent. Maybe he was right. Maybe he was wrong. Either way, I found myself angered that he was trying to profile me. I reach out, grabbing a pack of sketching pencils to read the back. It's the brand I always get, but I found peace in reading the description on the back before tossing a bunch of packs of pencils in my cart. I found myself drifting through the aisles, tossing random stuff in my cart before paying.
I get to my car, ignoring Gibbs. I drive back, aware that he was right there behind me. I grab the bags and head towards the building. I try going for the stairs, but he grabs my arm and pulls me into the elevator. I stay silent, even when he presses the emergency stop button.
"I shouldn't of snapped at you earlier." He admits.
"Rule six." I mutter.
"I didn't say I was sorry. I just admitted I was in the wrong earlier." He says, quirking a brow at me.
"Sounded like an apology." I mutter.
"Maybe it was. Look, I shouldn't of snapped. I had no right. Your right though. I was jealous. It's hard not to be jealous though. The thought of losing you...it's a hard one to grasp." He admits quietly.
"Your the one who said we can't do this and I should just lose my feelings for you. Your the one who said I should find someone else. All because of your stupid rules." I snap.
"I know...can we talk after this case is done? At my house over some steak and beer. Please." He asks.
I stare at him for a moment before nodding slowly. I wasn't sure if this was a good idea. It probably wasn't. He probably was going to explain how we couldn't be together and why. Did I want to hear anymore bullshit? No. I didn't.
The elevator doors opening snap me out of my thoughts. Gibbs walks out, stopping as he waits for me to step out. I ignore the teams concerned stares as I walk to my desk. I sit on the ground, opening the drawer as I pull the coffee-stained drawings out.
"Next time I see that asshole, I'm going to deck him." I say.
"What?" Tim asks horrified from behind me as Gibbs chuckles.
"Who is she talking about?" Ziva asks surprised.
"Where has our innocent baby Y/N gone?" Tony asks.
I wasn't one for violence. I looked at the upside of...well everything. Even if someone made me upset, I tried to keep it together. I run out of room for my sketchbooks and sigh.
I look up when Gibbs grabs a pile. I was confused as he puts a pile in his bottom desk drawer before handing a pile to Ziva, Tony and Tim.
"There. You have plenty on hand and now everyone has them on stock in case you run out." He says, patting my head since he could ruffle it since it was up.
I pull out a new sketchbook, taking the plastic off it. I grab a pencil and start sketching the crime scenes away. I didn't like to redraw. It threw me off. It didn't feel right having to do it a second time.
Nonetheless, I finish them and hang them back on the bulletin board, tossing the other ones in the trash. I study the drawings, my pen between my teeth and my notepad rested against my knee.
I start writing away, glancing up at the pictures occasionally.
"Y/N?" I hear.
I look up and see the shrink. I let a puff of air out, quirking an eyebrow at her.
"Yes?" I ask.
"I don't think we are done talking. You dodged all my questions. I won't let up until I get answers." She says.
"I died. Then Gibbs brought me back. I died again on the ambulance. They brought me back. Then I was in a hospital for two days. Alone on one. Talked to the shrink there. Went home. Dreaded not being able to work a week, but now I'm here. I'm fine. Can you please leave me alone now?" I ask.
"I talked to the therapist at the hospital. Who said you also dodged their questions. You never should have been discharged until you properly answered the questions. That is why I'm not letting up." She says.
"I'm this bloody close to decking you. Your really starting to piss me off." I grumble.
Thankfully, Tim only heard me and he slowly turned to me with wide eyes. I tilt my head at him, narrowing my eyes, daring him to say something.
"She's great! She's just a little grumpy from her run in with this guy earlier. He spilt coffee on her." Tim says.
"Your intimidated by her. From what I gather, she's typically happy and bubbly. However, she seems to be quiet, distant, agitated, on edge and even a bit angry. None of you are use to this side of her." She says.
I take a deep breath in before slowly letting it out. My phone rings and I give her one final glare before answering my phone.
"Hey Abs, what's up?" I ask.
"The shrink lady is coming to talk to you! She wouldn't stop asking questions and more questions and I snapped! But I was trying to understand why she won't stop prying because she doesn't even do that on Ziva or Gibbs! So I did some digging! She's the wife of the get-away unsub who tried to kill you!" Abby exclaims.
"Thanks Abs. I'll be down here in a bit. Relay the message to Gibbs." I say.
I smile, hanging up the phone as I look at the shrink. She taps her clipboard as Gibbs' phone rings. I stand, walking towards her. I heard Gibbs set the phone down and I pull my fist back, hitting her in the nose.
She sways before falling back. I look down at her before heading back to my desk. It was quiet and I look up, smiling.
"Boss!" Tim exclaims.
"The man who tried to kill Y/N...that's his wife. She wanted to see if she remembered her husband or not." Gibbs says, shrugging.
"Did you know? Is that why you said you wanted to deck her earlier?" Tim asks.
"I didn't know then. She was making me mad. I feel better now. A lot better. I think I just needed to hit someone!" I say, smiling.
"Let's not make this our way of letting our anger out." Gibbs says, giving me a lopsided smirk and I shrug. 
"You can always come with me to the gym. They have some punching bags there." Ziva offers.
"I'll take you up on that." I say.
"There is also other ways to let your anger out, Y/N. It can be with a lover, between the sheets, hot...passionate and anger. Ah! I'll stop boss! Please don't hit me!" Tony pleads as Gibbs slowly stands.
"I don't have a lover, Tony. So a punching bag will do." I say.
"You gonna fill us in on what you know, Y/L/N?" Gibbs asks.
"On what?" I ask.
"The case of course." He says in a duh tone.
I scramble up, my cheeks flushing red as he chuckles. I grab a random clear board we keep nearby just because I do my sketches and hang them up before putting them at the front of the bullpen. I stand, staring at the board from the end of the bullpen.
"Alright, the unsub stood between two big oak trees for awhile. I'd say he's been watching out victims the past two to three days at most from the cigarettes on the ground. He had perfect view through the window and the sliding doors. Through the window, he could see the kitchen and living room. Through the sliding doors, he could see the hallway. Our unsub slips in, walks to the living room, pulls the gun out, bam. Husband is dead. The wife was the target." I say, the scene unfolding around me once again.
"How do you know that?" Tim asks.
"The husband was shot execution style. However, the wife underwent extensive pain. She was stabbed in the chest several times, each wound reaching her heart. Maybe a way of communicating his heartbreak or jealousy. Then postmortem he went to overkill by one shot to the head, bam. He took his time with the wife from the report I gathered from Ducky. She went through tremendous pain and was awake." I say.
"Why was the living room trashed then?" Tony asks.
"Well, earlier that night before the couple was murdered, the neighbors filed a noise complaint which then turned to a domestic violence call once the dispatcher gathered that there was screaming and some furniture could be heard breaking. The officers came and went, hesitant. The fight picked back up after, before the two went to separate rooms. From what I could gather, they seem to be on rocky terms. Her ring was in the sock drawer and she had the bedroom. He was sleeping in the living room." I say.
"So, what about the unsub in all of this?" Tim asks.
"I'm going to say that it's safe to assume that the wife walks to her room to take a breather, maybe go to the master bath and splash some water on her face. Then the unsub comes in from the sliding doors. The husband, our marine sergeant, wasn't paying attention. He was trying to cool down himself and get a grasp on his temper. There's a painting above the fireplace. It's of their wedding venue. He was staring at it when he heard a noise. He turns around, bam. The unsub fires of a shot before he could fight. Unsub hides around the corner as the wife comes to investigate when she hears a big thump and finds her husband dead. Then the unsub attacks her." I say.
"I like it. Now, we need to determine who our unsub is." Gibbs says.
"I've narrowed it down a bit. I found a boot print and a bunch of cigarettes between the trees. Abby is still running some tests on the cigarette buds. However, the boot print is a size thirteen marine boot. The pattern is one to the marine boots. Could be a buddy of the husbands maybe. I'm going to estimate that he's about six two with a heavy build or he's heavier set because the weight left behind on the boot print." I explain.
"Any profile?" Ziva asks.
"Again, I think it's safe to assume the wife was the target. The couple is our only murder so far and hopefully it stays that way. So, it's kind of set it in stone that the unsub is more than likely an ex-lover, the baby daddy, a jealous friend of the husbands friend who wanted the wife, or maybe this man knew something we didn't and thought he was protecting the husband. However, that's a leap as he did kill the husband. The wife was the target. She was overkill. I'd suggest that it stems from betrayal, jealously and definitely anger. With how motivated he was for the murders, I'd also like to suggest that he's going to be quite cool and laxed about this. He's probably narcissistic, has strong views on a woman's role, temper-issues and I'd say even paranoid. However, I don't have enough to build on the profile so it very well could be wrong." I say.
"What does your gut say?" Gibbs asks.
"That I'm hungry." I say and everyone chuckles, including Gibbs.
"We will go get lunch soon." He says.
"Okay. However, aside from being hungry, I feel pretty confident about the case built and the profile I presented." I say.
"Then we will go with your word." He says.
I sit, feeling relieved we were closer to the end of this case. However, it did make me nervous at the thought of the end of the case. That meant I'd have dinner with Gibbs and I was dreading it. I knew how it'd go.
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2haetls · 2 months
Hii is it okay to request for Dom natsume skipping practice with fem or gn reader so they can suck him off?? 🫶🫶
smut under read more
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sketch info : peenee suckin, spit, sloppy rushed head i think, semi-public setting, size kink, dom natsumeee, gn reader, kinda fem, readers described to be wearin makeup, natsume calls you kitten😸, facefucking
an : ooc natsume cus im jp only and i have no space on my other phone.. curse u genshin zzz and hsr. sorry that this took too long— i crashed out a few time lol im good though
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natsume tells the boys that he's going for a bathroom break during practice for an upcoming song. but instead, he's heading to his dressing room and talking to you.
"kitTEN~, are you in here?" he calls, entering the spacious yet cluttered room. you hum, letting him know you're there, but it's confusing, "you dont usually come during practice, anything wrong?" asking, standing up as he opens the door. he shrugs, pointing at his pants awkwardly. You giggle, shyly looking away from him. "i can help‐ if you want me to," pointing to your open mouth. natsume sighs and struts to you, kissing you almost violently, you gasp as he pulls away, your own face the color of his hair. "aah.. huh? i mean.. i—uh.." sputtering, you close your eyes tight and whine, "jesus, natsume.." grabbing his hand.
he laughs and unties his shorts with his other hand. "cant you help me, kitTEN?" his teasing was going to be the death of you. but you obliged, falling to your knees pretty roughly— theyll be bruised in a while, no doubt. you pull his shorts and boxers down enough that you could stroke his cock, his tip slowly leaking pre. natsume hums, resting his hand on his hips, bucking them up into your hand. you lick a stripe up from his base all the way to his flushed head, taking it into your mouth carefully. he grunts, pushing his dick deeper into your warm mouth. "haah, no teeth.." he moans, gritting his teeth. hollowing your cheeks and sucking harder to elicit some kind of noise.
he laughs, pushing your head further into his pelvis. you gag and choke, spit pouting from the sides of your mouth, breathing heavily, you swirl your tongue and lick his tip again. natsume groans, throwing his head back, his eyes drift into the back of his head, meeting the back of his skull— he looks a bit stupid, you look up at him through your lashes and he forms enough composure to look down at you. his mouth forms and 'o' as you take his as deep as you go, leaving kitten licks on the base of his cock. "woah... hmm, its good.." his red hair begins to stick to his forehead enevenly— his hands come to the back of your head and your nose meets the small patch of hair that decorates his lower stomach. you gag and shut your eyes, blinking away tears.
your mouth overflows with your own spit and it drips from your mouth onto your shirt, your mascara beginning to dissapate and become something of a liquid eyeliner. hands come to his thighs to support you as he fucks your face almost mercilessly, its pretty good. you put some effort in and hollow your cheeks again, trying hard to swirl your tongue. "kitTEN.. I've gotta hurry, ah.. haha, fuck." thank god your lipstick is reliable, not the mascara though. you hum weakly, shutting your eyes and letting him fuck your face, your muffled moans and the sloppy sound of his cock moving inside of your mouth reverberated around the room.
he thrusted his hips one last time and pulled out with a groan, stroking himself to release. "hng.. cmon, open— fuuuck..." natsume moans and busts his load on your face, it drips from your eyelashes, you swipe it from your face and lick your fingers, wincing at the salty taste. "go back or theyll get mad... i dont wanna hear anything!" you scold him with his cum all over your messy face, what a sight to see. he chuckles and pulls his shorts up and thanks you briefly, "i love you, kitTEN. thanks~..." before running back to the practice room.
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hi, sorry if this got lazy. i kinda crashed out while writing this and almost died hehe, whoops! hope this is to your expectations sorry this took so long!
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rc-writes · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐰
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𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙨 | 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢
pairings: jj maybank x reader
warnings: none that i’m aware of
a/n: this is a bit different then what a have been writing, but the idea popped into my head and i just had to write it down. this may or may not just be a writer insert tho lol. i feel like i’m allowed to do that at least once lol. but anyways, i hope you all like this!
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Spring was a beautiful time of year on the island. Garden flowers and wildflowers alike all began to bloom painting the town in a rainbow of colors. And while it was very pretty, most people in the Outer Banks on weeks like this could not wait for summer to fully hit so they could go swimming without having to freeze. While the air was getting warmer the water seemed to stay at the same freezing temperature. The spring air made it too hot to wear a nice hoodie, but too cold to jump in a pool.
You on the other hand could not have been more grateful for the cool temperature.
Less than a month ago a local restaurant on the higher society part of the island put out an ad looking for artists willing to paint a mural on the side of their building. It was to be a paid deal and they would throw in a few free meals. Normally many more known artists would jump at the chance to have their art featured on such a well known establishment, but the very short timeframe of two weeks deterred many away. It normally takes a while to come up with an idea good enough for such a big project. And it takes just as long to actually paint said idea.
And while the strict time restraints deterred many away, the offer of money and free food brought you in. That was why you were currently halfway up a ladder, paintbrush in hand, after coming up with a design two hours ago. The design in question being a giant version of the restaurant’s menu with a little painting of each dish next to its name.
“I'm all for defacing public property and all that, but I gotta say that is a weird way of doing it.” A voice from below suddenly called out making you jump and nearly drop your brush.
“What?” You called out, currently trying to catch your breath from being spooked. When you looked down you were met with blonde hair and blue eyes. Now you might have been catching your breath for a different reason.
“Most people just use spray paint if they want to cover the side of some building.” Oh he thinks you’re vandalizing or something.
“Oh, no. I’m actually getting paid to do this.” You correct the guy.
The blonde’s eyes looked around on the wall and spotted very purposeful sketch marks. “Yeah, yeah that makes more sense.”
“I don't think most people would want to spend all day on a ladder painting an entire wall without getting paid.” You joked.
“Definitely not with all those details and stuff. Possibly without the ladder part many would without a second thought if they were just using spray paint. Not that I have much experience with that.” The way he said the last sentence made you think he did in fact have much experience with it. “Anyways, how long have you been at this?”
You pulled your phone out of your back pocket to see what the time was. “About two hours-ish.”
The blonde shook his head in disbelief. “You did all of this in two hours?”
You shrugged, “The building already has a flat color on it, so I only had to mark out where I want to paint and what I want to paint in thin lines of white. It’s a fairly easy design so it didn’t take much effort.”
The blonde looked at you like you were crazy. What do you mean it didn’t take much effort? You drew an entire outline of the place’s full menu in two hours! Never in a million years could he have understood how anyone had enough talent to do anything besides draw a few stick figures.
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that, that looks easy.” You laughed at this. “But how long do you have to finish the whole thing?”
“Two weeks.” You sighed, nerves setting in when you remembered again just how quickly you have to do this.
“Only two weeks? To paint an entire wall? Man, rich people are just plain weird.” He then remembered that school was still in and you looked about his age. “Wait, don’t you have school or something?”
“Yep, but I moved a grade ahead so I only have to go half a day now.” You replied. “So I’ll spend half a day in school and the other half here working on this.”
So you were smart and talented, were you sure you were even human at this point?
“Can I help then? You know, to speed up the process?” He had absolutely no artistic ability but the offer just kinda slipped out.
You were taken back by the sudden offer. Why would anyone want to spend hours on end just painting the same wall if they’ve never had any interest in art. Which from how taken back the blonde was by the whole ordeal you assumed he didn’t know much about painting.
“Well,” You began after taking a moment to think. “Considering I'm getting paid to do this and kinda need all the money I can get, I'm going to have to decline the offer.” It was true, you did need the money.
“Oh I'll do it for free.” Normally those words were only reserved for doing something stupid shit like jumping off of something but now he found himself wanting to spend more time with you.
“You’d really want to help?” You questioned. “Have you ever even painted anything before?”
“Well no,” He admitted. “But really, how hard can it be? Since you already have the outlines it's just like coloring in a coloring book, right? Just stay within the lines.”
You laughed at the naivety but decided to give him a chance anyway. Worst case scenario you just have to go over what he did. And even if that had to happen you still potentially made a new friend.
Over the hour the two of you talked about any topic that came to mind. You found out each other’s names, that you both grew up in The Cut, you had dreams of making a living making art, JJ was more of a “living in the moment type of guy” so he didn’t have a big dream as of the moment, you both had the same mindset to go wherever there was free food offered, etc.
By the end of the hour JJ decided that the little area he was working on was as good as it was going to get and looked up to see what progress you had made. Any and all confidence in what he did went out the window once he saw what you were working on. You didn’t think what you had painted was much of anything but in his eyes, it was absolutely amazing.
“How the hell did you get yours to look like that!?”
“My entire life’s worth of practice.” You laughed.
“Yeah, that's just a little bit more time that I have.”
“Just a little?” You questioned.
“Wow, that obvious?”
“Well…” You noticed that the chicken he was supposed to be painting didn’t exactly look like a chicken. “Just a little.” The both of you burst into a fit of laughter at this.
“Well anyways I should probably get going.” JJ spoke up once the laughter between you two died down. “Sorry for wasting your paint on this… uh, abstract chicken.”
“Oh don't worry, it's not mine. The owner had all of this paint and more just sitting in the back room from when they thought they could paint this themselves. They said it's all free game for me to use and that they'll get more later if needed. Well actually that very last part depends entirely on how they like this.”
“Well If they see even half of what I can see I’m sure they'll love it.” The both of you held similar shy smiles at this. “Anyway, I'm glad I got to talk to you before you go all kook with your paintings in those fancy museums in the mainland. Remember who ‘helped’ you paint your first wall when you're rich and famous!” The last line was yelled out as JJ made his way down the street.
You only hoped for one of those things to be true. Having your art hung up where so many people could see was a dream, but you hoped to see JJ again long before that became a possibility.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Alright, I don't know if you're still taking requests but I had this fun little idea and I just had to leave it here.
A platonic Turtle bois + April(& Casey Jr if possible, don't feel obligated to if you don't feel like writing him tho) x Reader where the gang asks the Reader who's their favorite one(as in favorite best friend), and Reader just insists they don't do favorites until one day Reader forgets their sketchbook there and when the gang takes a little peak at it they just find pages upon pages filled to the brim with full on Mikey drawings(colored, shaded and all), doodles, sketches, even handmade stickers and all along with other stickers that resemble Mikey(like Pizza stickers, tangerines since it's the same as his color, radio boxes, skates all that jazz)
This is totally not because Mikey is my favorite character in the entire series and I think he's pretty underrated compared to his other brothers-
The Favorite
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author’s note: INSTANT YES, I love it, I completely agree, here you are my 🌠 anon
warnings: capital F for Fluff c; unedited
“We all know who it is,” Leo said smugly. Kicking his feet up on the coffe table. “Know who? What now?” You said looking up from your phone. You hadn’t realized it but everyone was looking at you. The turtles, April, and Casey. “Okay I’m definitely missing something..” you said feeling nervous from all their stares. “Oh ya know just that I’m your favorite friend!” Leo continued to say, a wide smirk on his face.
“Leo, don’t kid yourself, I’m their favorite,” Raph said throwing a pillow at the blue clad turtle, it smacked him squarely in the face since he had those smug eyes closed. “Oomph!” He sputtered. “Scoff! You two?? The favorite??? My calculations would state otherwise,” Donnie pipped up. “And let me guess your calculations say you?” Casey asked crossing his arms with a slight smile. “Exactly future boy, exactly,” Donnie replied.
“Well I’d definitely want to be the favorite,” Mikey said excitedly, turning in his bean bag to give you the biggest puppy dog eyes. “Sorry boys, I mean the answer is obviously April O’Neil~~~” April sang confidently. Soon everyone was claiming to be the favorite, trying to talk over one another until you couldn’t even hear your own thoughts.
“Guys!” You said and immediately they hushed, looking expectantly at you, each ready to be proven right. “I don’t have a favorite!” You exasperated, shaking your head at all of them sincerely. “Yes, let them down easy Y/n, the truth can stay between us,” Leo said quickly, because he had totally expected you to say his name. “Leo I’m serious! How could I possibly choose between my best friends??”
“Easy, by saying April O’Neilllllll~~~” she sang again and everyone started arguing again! Casey shot you a glance, shaking his head as if to say ‘oh well what’re you gonna do?’ He had to deal with this same situation not too long ago. He had tried to say the same thing, that he loved everyone equally but c’mon, Leo is totally his favorite. Casey told him so privately just so Leo didn’t break down.
Thankfully they dropped it after you kept your answer steady. No favorites! You were happy to be friends with them alllll. A week went by and you were back at the lair, thinking that the whole discussion was finally over with. When suddenly you got an important call, “Oh my god, I think this is them!! This is it!! I either get the job or get let down!!” Everyone wished you good luck as you stepped out of the living area into the sewers for some privacy.
You had been doodling in your sketchbook, leaving it closed and unattended. Leo’s eyes turned mischievous after a moment of silence. “The time has come!” He announced and everyone was looking his way like ‘oh lord what’s he about to do.’ “Y/n’s prized art book will surely tell us who the favorite is!” Mikey was just as curious as Leo but he knew how private a sketchbook was. “I don’t know Lee..” he started to say reluctantly.
“How about this Mikey just a quick peek!” Raph said as Leo snatched the book, everyone leaning closer from their seats. The first few pages was of the entire group, all laughing or making silly faces which made everyone smile and “awe.” But as Leo kept flipping through pages, the main color of choice became orange. Sketches of Mikey and his stickers, skateboard, the boombox radio he carried around. Mikey’s face flushed a dark green, more than flattered that you had chosen to draw him. “Well well well, Angelo would’ve been my second guess,” Donnie said informatively. It didn’t come as a surprise to the purple turtle because Mikey was his favorite brother.
Leo kept flipping until the pages turned blank. “So Mikey, how’s it feel to be the favorite?” He sniffed, a little jealous but happy for his brother. Especially when he saw how happy Mikey was. “Hurry and put it back Leo!” He said not wanting to get caught rifling through your things. “Guyyyys!” You shouted from the sewers and no sooner you were back into the common area. “I got the job!!” You said smiling a big cheesy smile. Congratulations and cheers were in order and April gave you a big hug, knowing how hard it was to get not just a job but a good job!
Mikey was still reeling from the secret knowledge of him being your favorite. So when the whole gang piled into the hug, he gave you an extra squeeze a slight blush still on his face. “You draw really well by the way,” Leo said in the middle of the hug. A moment of silence for those words to settle and you gasped, “you didn’t!!!” you said in an accusatory tone. He smiled sheepishly, “hey wasn’t just me!” and you turned to the whole group, “so we’re going through everyone’s things now?!”
“It was Leo’s idea,” Donnie made sure to say. “And none of you stopped him?!” Mikey’s fingers came together tapping, “well I tried, but I’m happy I got to see your sketchbook, you do draw really well..” Mikey gave you the brightest smile and it was your turn to blush. Realizing he had seen all of the drawings you did of him, of his things. “I can’t believe you guys!!” You sputtered trying to maintain an angry expression but at this point you were just flattered at getting compliments from Mikey. He inspired you greatly and you thought his artwork was the best out there. “Well, the favorite can make it up to you somehow,” Leo teased and you groaned.
Yeah… Mikey was your favorite.
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Message in a Bottle Part 2
penpals Au
content warning: Alcohol, events of the show can't think of much else.
Author's note: sorry for the delay life has life-ed quite a lot but I've had a chance and drive to pick this up again and enjoyed it immensely. hopefully there will be less of a break after this one!
2021 - New Years
Mabel’s aunt wasn’t fully moved out by November, she didn’t fully clear the apartment until mid December. She had started to move in then and had barely finished putting all her boxes in by Christmas. By the time the 31st finally rolled around she had unpacked all of her boxes and was sitting in a bare but intact apartment. As midnight slowly ticked closer she poured herself glass after glass of cheap wine and listened to brighter and brighter music until the room seemed warm and shimmery and her head started to spin. She didn’t like being here tonight but it felt dishonest and almost disrespectful to leave. She cracked open her paints and began priming a wall. By 10:30 she had a new blank canvas. By 10:35 all of her paints were open and glistening in the dim lights she had on but looking at the blank wall she didn’t start painting. Instead, in the warm buzz of light she took out a small piece of pressboard and pulled up google images. She stumbled across several paintings she was entranced with: Orpheus by Franz von Stuck, The Death of Orpheus by Henri Leopold Levy, and Orpheus Lamenting Eurydice by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot. In each there was a profound sense of loneliness and quiet. Even though in one Orpheus was playing he seemed deeply sad. She began to sketch on the pressboard. She poured her own loneliness into the sketch glancing over the poetry her Orpheus has sent. The painting began as bright, the background a scattering of colors with a figure silhouetted in blue, an indistinct figure - her Orpheus. At 11:42 she could tell the painting wasn’t done. It felt incomplete. Colors swirled around the figure but he still felt distant, separate. She stepped back and closed her paints, grabbing the rest of her bottle and throwing a thick coat on and headed to the roof. The door handle was icy as she reached towards it despite how thick the door was and it squeaked as it opened and clattered closed. She felt steady enough to sit on the barrier, remembering the feeling of her legs dangling over the street from her childhood but kept herself firmly planted on the ground. Instead she downed the rest of her wine. Snow was falling gently on her cheeks and pleasantly cooled the wine-blush there. She set the empty bottle beside her feet and pulled out her phone. She started a message to Orpheus and then paused. Then, deciding she started typing, quickly. 
I’ve been meaning to ask. Haven’t for a while, but meant to ask, why did you join this penpal thing, all those years ago. If you’re comfortable telling me. I want to know - I’d like to know. But no pressure. My friend died. I miss them so much but they were always so bright. Everyone loved them but they were like flashpaper. They burned so bright so fast - now it seems almost inevitable they’d burn out. They never did anything by halves and I loved them so much - like a sibling. So for some reason I couldn’t really get over it. It seems like it shot a hole in my life just dragging things into it. Thank you for talking with me. I just wanted to share. I’m not fully sure why. 
With one more cursory glance out at the city, Mabel bundled the coat closer around her and grabbed the bottle, dragging herself back inside, the melting snowflakes making her hair damp and leaving tiny puddles as it dripped on the elevator floor. 
This New Years was treating Theo much like every other one. He was at some odd dinner party where his father was paying him just enough attention he couldn’t complain about it. He knew no one. After hunting, his father had found him an apartment just far enough away from the Arconia that he was pretty sure he could avoid contact as much as possible, which just made Theo want to visit the damned place less. However, his father was throwing a party there. It always made Theo nervous, having that many people in the same place his father hid the jewels. So, Theo stayed stationary at parties, his back to the miniscule gap in the bookcase just thinking. As he absently sipped whatever concoction his father was serving he read through his files on his phone, poetry just out of reach as a means to cope tonight. He wanted to go back to his apartment, to completely check out but he knew that would just earn him a deeply disappointed look and a very long lecture about the family business and his father sticking his neck out for him and how this was the least he could do. So he stayed, resting the champagne flute on the shelf so he could try to let words bubble up. Stubbornly the words didn’t seem to come. Everything he tried to write felt disjointed - hollow. None of the words doing justice to the swirl of colors and images in his head. Every time he blinked green and silver and gold seemed to glimmer across an inky black the gentle sparkle turning to a quick blur and disappearing. He could see Zoe’s face turn from anger and disgust to shock as she felt the emptiness beneath her and he could feel the numbness of not being in his own body, truly not knowing how he was standing or moving or breathing. 
The words kept not coming as the hours ticked by. A few of his father’s guests would nod politely to him or converse briefly but none of them wanted to keep up the effort of the conversation. As midnight swiftly approached he closed out the files on his phone sharply, finished his glass and went to grab his coat from the room acting as a coat closet. As he finally dug his coat out of the pile his phone buzzed. He rolled his eyes as he pulled it out of his pocket to check the notification, expecting it to be his dad demanding he stay later. It wasn’t. He sat down sharply on the pile of coats, his slung loosley in his arm as he opened his phone to read. It was from Callie. The words seemed like those he’d been trying to reach for as he wrote earlier. They were achingly honest and vulnerable. It was unlike most of the things Callie had sent up till then. She always seemed to stick to short conversational and friendly but almost sterile responses - devoid of the gut wrenching depth he was reading. They were what he would consider friends, each sharing things about themselves but she was always a little distant. Theo hadn’t minded, so was he, but this was different. He wondered what her evening had looked like to lead to the message she sent, probably bleak (much like his own he secretly hoped). 
He paused with his finger hovering over the response button. He genuinely didn’t know what to say. It didn’t feel like there was much he should say. The coats were warm but seemed to waft up a cacophony of smells. The light was bright in the room reflecting off of several mirrors. Maybe the champagne was getting to him. He deftly tapped the response button and began typing quickly, finally the words he was struggling over unblocking. 
I can’t fully explain now. I don’t know if I ever can but I don’t mind telling you a bit. I’d also like you to know. Something happened that I can’t tell my part in. I just know the end point of everything. I can remember a numbness - almost as if I was trapped inside my body but apart from it. I think I was in shock. I can see colors and images and flashes of the whole thing but can’t quite put it all in focus. Even now as I’m trying to remember its swimming in my head and it hurts. And even now i’m scared of it. I’m scared of me. I don’t know if I can talk about it anymore but I never want to feel like that again and I feel trapped. Here. now. Not urgently - you don’t need to call anyone or do anything I don’t either it’s just a feeling. The numbness keeps coming back. 
Thank you for sharing. 
His finger hovered over the send button. And then suddenly, almost as a surprise to himself his finger lunged forward and hit send. Theo stood and pocketed his phone, pulling his coat on and waving to his father as he gently closed the door. As he began to leave and heavily pressed the elevator button the light went on quickly as the elevator seemed to be passing through his floor. As the doors opened he could see a haggard young woman standing inside. She looked damp and like she was deeply tired but her eyes were bright. A wine bottle was held loosely in her fist and her other hand held her coat snugly around her. He looked at the buttons and saw that every number was pressed. She slowly drifted her eyes up to meet his and seemed to barely recognize him. He also thought she looked familiar but couldn’t quite put a finger on it. She tilted her head toward the buttons, not saying anything and leaned towards the wall, letting it hold her up. He pointed at the still lit first floor and went to the opposite side, standing upright in the other corner. He briefly glanced over at her again, trying to catch another glance and try to figure out who she was but her dark hair had fallen limply, its damp locks obscuring her face. She stayed completely still the whole ride down and as he exited the elevator he watched her start pushing all the buttons again as the doors began closing. He wondered how Callie was doing. He hoped she was ok and was around people who cared about her on what was clearly a rough day, and he hoped hearing from him helped her as much as hearing from her had helped him. 
2021 January 31
Mabel was alight with the mystery; it was late in the evening and she was back in the Arconia after a day with Oscar and her mother. She was fresh off of wanting to leave the podcast and finding a new and incredibly exciting clue and was ravenous to find Tim’s killer. And, they had just figured out Teddy Dimas was Angel! It was fantastically exciting. She sat buried in blankets in bed just wired. She wasn’t sure if sleep was possible. On top of all of that, she and Oscar had kissed. It was a very overwhelming day. She glanced over at her stack of puzzles but remembered how late it was. Not wanting to be drawn into a puzzle and be up so late she would be of no help the next day she laid down and opened her phone. She scrolled online for 10 minutes before finally opening her email. She’d reread Orpheus’s message several times since New Years and read it again now. The words were just as stark this time as every other, clear and distinct but unlike his beautiful use of syntax in poetry. She turned the words over in her head before opening some of his other poems, letting the words resonate in her mind, calming her down. She opened a new email to Orpheus. 
I’ve had a very busy day! I reconnected with a childhood friend and it was romantic and wonderful and work is going incredibly well!! My day has been electric but I seem to be reaching for your words to calm down. You really should look at publishing these. They’re beautiful. You have this sense of rhythm I can’t seem to find in most other poetry. I just wanted to message you quickly to say I appreciate them and you should let the world see them! I hope you’re doing well. 
As she finished the message she smiled slightly and flipped the lights off, setting an alarm on her phone and snuggling under the blankets to drift off to sleep. 
Water was dripping into the sink, reflecting off of the scalpel and tools at the bottom of the sink and spraying all over Theo’s blue scrub-like coverall leaving little dark specks. Amidst it all he felt a buzz on his phone. He dropped the tools onto a towel and carefully pulled off his gloves, throwing them in the hazardous waste and sitting on the stool he frequented. He saw the message was from Callie. He’d gotten messages from her at all times but hadn’t opened them in the funeral home before. It felt wrong for some reason. But his life felt like it was falling to pieces and he’d found himself looking at her paintings more and more. Getting a message from her when it felt like her stuff had been keeping him ticking though the weird podcast he’d been glued to, terrified of people finding out, especially that Mabel Mora. She had been one of Zoe’s friends and was hyper-focused on Tim’s murder. He worried about her just a bit, alongside his whole thing. He figured it wasn’t long before he was found out and was just trying to come to terms with the whole thing. Upon reading Callie’s message he was happy for her but a little sad. But, flattered. He felt a warmth in his chest as he reread her compliments of his work. He wanted to write more but was unsure about showing people at large. He liked Callie as his audience. She seemed to understand. He resigned himself to finish cleaning up but couldn’t bring himself to respond to the message. Not today. 
2021 February 4
Theo was terrified and felt incredibly dirty. Mabel and Oliver had seen him. He’d had people see the horrible bullshit he was doing. For so incredibly long. His father’s dirty secret was potentially about to get dragged into the stark light of day. He was secretly excited about that but that excitement was eclipsed by how awful he felt about kidnapping Mabel and Oliver. As much as it sounded horrible, that's what he did. He wasn’t sure what to do. He’d driven and driven and driven and driven just hoping a solution would present itself. It hadn’t. But his father had. They had finally stopped in a dump and his father had picked them all up and threatened Mabel and Oliver. He knew acutely what that felt like. His father was a terrifying and exacting man. Theo desperately hoped they wouldn’t be intimidated like he always had been - and continued to be. When the two were finally dropped off, Theo sat silently as his father turned to him. They stayed parked outside the Arconia, the rumble of the engine seemed grounding. 
“How did you not see them coming?!” Teddy signed furiously. 
Theo looked down and shrugged, “I’m not sure”. 
“We’ve stayed out of the line of professionals for years. But these amateurs? This is who finds us out. This is absurd. And your fault. How are you so incredibly stupid. I should have cut you out of this years ago. You were never up for it. Never. You’re useless” 
“I’m sorry” 
“I’m sorry” 
His father turned back toward the road, scowling and Theo could see him start shouting more expletives. Theo turned toward the window. As his father began to drive him back to his apartment Theo hoped with every fiber of his being that everything would come to light, even if it meant taking him down with it. When his father finally dropped him at his house Theo stumbled upstairs and after throwing the deadbolt and setting the alarm slumped into his bed fully clothed. He opened his messages to Callie. 
This week has been interesting but enough to give me a weird amount of hope, even when things are going terribly bad. There’s a strong chance I won’t be able to email for a bit but maybe maybe after everything is over I will be able to. If you still want me to. 
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drchenquill · 4 months
A snippet of the first chapter of "Him and Me - Bound by Fate"
Today is my first day and I got up too early. Maybe it's the excitement, but I couldn't sleep a wink. It could also be that I've recently started sleeping in a new bed and I'm still getting used to it. I pick up my cell phone, which I put on my nightstand the previous day, and look at the time. I'm supposed to be at school at seven o'clock and the number five is currently glowing on my display. Groaning, I sit down.
My bedroom has a large window that looks out onto the street. Normally, I would draw the curtains, which didn't happen this time. That's why I can see the first shy rays of sunlight creeping into the day. The apartment I'm currently renting consists of four rooms.
The bedroom with a king size bed that takes up way too much space, also because of the closet that will crash down on me with only a small earthquake, a bathroom that barely has room for a bathtub, a living room furnished with a beige couch that I doubt was the original color, a small TV that I'm afraid to turn on and last but not least, the small kitchen where I recently tried to make a coffee with shaky hands and the flame from the stove almost burned my face.
In the bathroom, I see the circles under my dark eyes and sigh. My honey-blonde hair is the only thing that looks about right. I climb slowly into the shower and waste half an hour waiting for the hot water to come on. Breakfast consists of a carefully prepared egg, which I quickly throw away because the fridge I got it from is broken and the egg has probably been rotting for some time. Empty stomach, up too early and with no plan of what to do with this extra time, I pull out my drawing block, sit down on the bed and start sketching the beautiful sunrise. Drawing has always been like a sanctuary for me. I have always drawn my own world, in which I delve deeper with every line, with every brushstroke. Nothing could happen to me in my drawings. I heard no more screaming, nobody blamed me anymore, it was just me. The only problem is that I forget the world around me and almost have a heart attack when my cell phone rings. I take it out of my pocket, curse slightly when I see that it's six fifty and then start praying when I see the name of the principal of the school on my screen. I take a deep breath and answer: “Hello?” “Good morning, Mr. Martens. I hope I didn't wake you.” Her voice sounds so friendly that I exhale with relief. It looks like I won't be fired for being late after all. “No, don't worry about it. I was already on my feet.” She laughs. “Excitement is the bane of every man's existence, isn't it? I didn't even go to bed on my first day.” Now I can't help but laugh. I stand up slowly as I ask her an uncertain question, “I hope you're not calling about me being late. I was just leaving, really.” I try to apologize. I don't hear a reply. I feel a knot forming in my stomach and my hands start to shake. I hastily grab my pen and start scribbling furiously on the piece of paper. “Are you joking? Mr. Martens, you're not late! In fact, you'd be too early if you came now. And what's more, I'll turn a blind eye on the first day. I'm not a witch.” Then she laughs again. My hands are still shaking, but the knot has loosened again. “I'm actually calling because I want to tell you that I'm going to send someone to pick you up. This is your first time here, so I don't want my art teacher to get lost.” My eyes widen as I quickly gather everything I need. “That's really not necessary, I don't want to be a burden.” “Don't worry about it, Mr. Martens. You'll be in good hands.” She says lovingly. She's trying to be nice, but she's making me panic. I'm not used to this and I don't want to get used to it. I don't need this, I feel like she's just given me a babysitter. “I know where the school is, it really doesn't have to be.”
“It has to be.”
She interrupts me gruffly. The knot in my stomach is back. A car honk can be heard outside and I flinch. “She seems to have arrived. When you get to school, I'll explain everything to you. Goodbye.” She hangs up with a click. I count my things. My bag, my cell phone, a jacket in case it gets cold, put my textbooks in my bag and pray.
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goron-king-darunia · 2 years
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Eggtober 9 Mushroom and Cheese Omelet (Featuring Green Onion and Black Pepper) Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush, Dry Gouache Brush and Freckle Pen. 10 Colors, 30 Minutes. I’ve got a few little idiosyncrasies about how one spells omelet/omelette (all of them personal and not at all serious,) but I do enjoy omelets, however you want to spell them or make them. I don’t care if it’s an officially named recipe like the Denver Omelet or something you throw together with scraps and leftovers. All omelets are valid. A personal favorite of mine is just some nice sautéed mushroom, melty cheese, and whatever onion is on hand. I’ll never say no to some bacon or ham, but honestly, even the humble mushroom shines all on its own, and they’re fun to draw. So mushroom omelet it is! Gonna drop a little extra below a cut because it’s mostly me musing on personal stuff and whinging about spelling, but big thank you as always to @quezify for giving me an excuse to draw all sorts of tasty egg dishes. These warm ups are really helping me with other projects! I took something that normally takes me several months to finish and cranked it out in a matter of days. Once I started doing eggs, it was so much easier to just open that other piece and finish the sketches, the line art, and the coloring! Been sitting on my computer for a month and I did the majority of the work in this last week! (It’s not even a hard project, I’m just ADHD and a perfectionist and my phone is full of games and I cannot get off the free dopamine machine to use my BIGGER free dopamine machine to do art when art feels like work and I’m terrified of failure. But you cannot “fail” Eggtober. You just draw an egg. And every time, it’s fun. Every time it’s low pressure. Every time it’s a small reminder that even if it’s not perfect, it’s an egg. And eggs are always worth it.)
I was a little late on today’s egg, but my sleep schedule keeps getting pushed back because, again, I have ADHD and I do not control the sleep. I just exhaust myself and then lay down and then wake up 8-12 hours later and it’s anyone’s guess when or why or how. Anyway, I do have the luxury right now of just sleeping like I’m alternating shifts at a 24/7 convenience mart so I just roll with it. Art doesn’t abide by time constraints and most of my current projects can be done no matter where the sun is. Enough about that though. Omelets. Or Omelettes. (It will forever irk me that USA American English decided to spell half of its words differently because hurr durr telegraph and print press charge by the letter, we’re just gonna invent the predecessor of text speak but make it official and now all word processors are angry. Forever irked that we in the USA insist on spelling “omelets” the truncated way, making me confused every time I get the red squiggle under what’s technically ALSO a correct English spelling. [I read too much Brit Lit as a kid and now I type like a foreigner according to every single word processor I own and also according to my ESL Aunt. “You type like an English person. Or a Britain? However it’s said.”] Anyway screw American English, sometimes the Brits are right, LOL. [I am 90% teasing and this is 100% a me problem and I’m blowing the silliest anthill into a circus tent of a mountain because I am angry when machine tell me to spell different.]) I want to consolidate the Englishes where we just have Brit English, American English, and Consolidated English. And I want consolidated English so that the word processors STOP TELLING ME THAT I’M WRONG. No, I will never write color as colour. Brits are wrong on that one. But Brits are right about “judgement” and “omelettes” and several others. Sorry, not sorry. “Judgment” looks like a combo of judge and augment and my brain reads it dumb and “omelettes” is just objectively better, damn it! 😂
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Didn't have much for you today. Concept Art!!!
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So I thought I'd share a color sheet I did back in early November 2022 when I finally came to a conclusion of Dave's final look.... this isnt the Final Look, but the first sketch of what became his final look.
I made this in November on my phone. I was playing around with character colors then.
This post is my confirmation....
Dave's name is for the comic.
*Hands shaking*
*Breaths in...*
*Breath Out
I have something I've been needing to admit for a while now.
It's not bad....
It's about the story....
It's still coming out 😅😅😅(soon actually)...
Dont worry about that....
So what's up?
I want to make sure I've told you... This Comic is officially ONLY inspired by Henry Stickmin.
This comics been 3 years in the making, along with the novel that I write along side this... and 6 months in, back in 2021 around May, when I literally found out Google docs has a character limit which all my notes and writings by then exceed.... I came to a hard choice. With how hard I've been working on this, do I make it original or keep it fanbased?
It was a long thought. But... after 1 1/2 years going back and forth, over this time I let several people I've known for years look at it. Many who are trusted... and they all without knowing my dilemma gave me the same advice "Make it Inpsired, cause I want to see this published" (talking about the novel and little comic stuff they saw).
By this last summer, around when my surgery and emergency happened I made my decisions after on of the last people asked to see it and told me the exact same words.
After several gave me the advice. I decided, what my gut was telling me six 6months in was this needed to be it's own work. I already was changing so much and... honeslty it's the best decision I made for the comic.
Starting August the comic and the novel have grown immensely (as though a short work break also halted it, it hadn't grown more then several pages since tranferijg from google doc). I already planned on changing the art *hense the few pics I posted with faces not exactly proportional, early concepts from the early days of changes already being made). The comic will be made more manga human style. But that's not to say their wont be an occasional non human entities about.🤪😏😉😉😉
I couldn't thank the people people who all told me to go a different t direction or even all you still supporting me and those who supported me since the start. I HOPE YOU STAY AREPUBD FOR THE COMIC STILL... with this know . I hope it's cool to still post the old art work. And if it's okay with you since this was completely inspired by Henry Stickmin, I still hope to post in the fandom. Comic updates and such.
How will You Know Who People, Places or Things Are?
I'll make changes clear, especially when asked.
I had to make these for copyright reasons, including characters and such. But most should have something about them that makes it clear who they are or were in the original game.
I will say the direction while headed the same way... their are definetly story lines as a original work I didn't plan on or at least wasnt headed towards, or used as some inside joke that was a red herring to make you guys think maybe I was headed a direction to throw people off. But with the changes made even that has become a actual plot and no longer is a joke hint.
But all elements from codes, secret languages, mysteries, and the overall story have remained. They've like everything else just grown from what they were. So have the characters. Some character aspects and personalities may have slightly changed but otherwise their still I hope going to be enjoyable to you guys and you can see who they were inspired by.
Yep😉😏😊 Its a secret I've been keeping a long time. You can look back at my oldest posts on the S.T.R.Y page give you a hint if you look far enough of codes being a thing.
How are you using them???
WAIT is this...😶😉😏 Like that
TWINS OREGON MYSTERY Show with a certain evil force Type Deal???
Ding... ding... ding...
we have a winner. WInner Winner Chicken Diner...! However, the types of codes used may change up so keep a look out. You don't know the lengths I'll go even in the fan art... to hide secrets (mahaha!!!)
Phew you dont know How Nervous I am Admitting this...
But hey that's the fun if it.😊😊😊 Right???😅
This post is along time coming.
I've made different ones, but I honestly get so nervous about this. Admiting it's just inspired fandom piece but not a fancomic. One that Hope's to become a novel and thus I had to make changes in order to have no issues with copyrights.
Theirs things that allude to game events. But they dont happen the same more like the idea of the evtns is there but they rent the same events.
Just the idea of something that you can pinpoint, like Oh this is a reference to that experience in game. But it's a completely different tale, different journey with several new characters and characters similar to those you love while being their own. However, if asked I will confirm if a character is fully inspired by a HS Character or are their own entity.
Alot of characters from in game I used aren't often seen characters anyways. But I still dont want to fringe on copyright. Some may have a single name similar. But it's rare. In some characters I kept like an Initial the same. But names came ot have meaning in the story, so I can't promise for how many this remains true as names changed a few times before locking in as they are now.
I admit Ruperts name I still haven't changed but the rest of his name is changed. It's just I got in the habit of saying Rupi or Rup depending on the character talking and I got to attached to it...if I have to change it maybe I'll go for Ruberto... Or Something that way. But I like rupi especially as Rupi used to be a form of money, the name... in the old story this held some importance.... so it's something that changed while the rest of the character remained. In other words they have human apperances as previously stated and because this was original those who had hair I couldn't give their old hair styles. It was hard but I found stuff I liked for everyone. Oddly enough it worked out cause funny envy RHMs hair I had in mind was a nightmare to draw. I wasnt looking forward to drawing it, but I coukdnt find other ways I liked ti. This allowed me to go a completely new direction. (HE'S still a Red Head)
It's also why I've been so careful with what I post Admiting this has been one of the hardest things for me.
I hope you guys still will still strick around and enjoy what I will bring. It's still a fan work being inspired. It's just the names won't be what you expect. And the world though similar isn't the same.
Will all the favs show:
Yes favorite characters will show, most of the mains have a character of somesort that who they are is greatly inspired by them..
Henry-The character whose this stories Henry Character, DOES HAVE POWERS SIMILAR to the game... Powersare important to the story.... But I did have to make rules and differences so they arent a copy of them..
Because of this, I will have characters that Allude to all the favorites (Also same favorite ships... Copperright is part of this story... just they are the same while they arent... their names arent the same nor are their features but one still has brown hair the other red. And yes they run a "Mysterious Clan" of Thieves that a branch fo the Government called the BATs (Battalion Against Terrorism) goes particularly after.
There are characters who didn't make it in, I intended to have everyone as a fan work earlier. But its a lot of work, then there were the original characters since the "Main Main" character would have different people she'd run into as her story was going on kn the background of the game, and long after... It just even when a fan work didnt make sense to have all characters. My least favorite cut was not having Policeman Panza in it. I really wanted to fit him in... it just didnt work out.
WILL asks still be a thing???
Simple, I will still be making short comics on occassion that aren't part of the weekly updated ones. And this is where characters can still have interactions. I'm considering using the simplified more Stickminverse version of the characters, kinda also so the comic never loses its inspirations and where it got its start from.
SO Asks, Anon Magic Fun, all that will still be a a part of it. Just not within the main comic. But maybe some things still will occure in comic we'll see. It's literally up in the air situation.
Do familiar places still show up???
Confidently YES!!!
Bats has alot of meaning like Batsh@t crazy. You chat be just anyone to be in that chain if service. Most civilians dont even know it exists.😏😏😏 why is that???
What are the GOV'T must a new form, their own branch of armed forces. As stated above Battalion Against Terrorism.
But the people who are recruited also, aren't the easiest to work with, often are the ones who'd ahve been sent home. But if they ahve potential often they're recruited for a league that need those who dont have a normal mind of a soldier to go up against the GENTS...
GE TS, I'll explain another time what they stand for. As theres some spoiler territory I dont want to get into.
The Wall, shows in a new prison form (the design I came up with looks like a creepy medieval Boss level prison)😬😬😬😬
It's a name people dont want to evoke I fear of disappearing. Even those who work there arent safe... or gaure teeded sanity. You either disapear or you dont come out the same.
It's called 'The Grave Pits'
It's even nastier then the name may sound. It's not someplace you want to work or be prisoner.
Exists as, CAC or CATCA. I don't want to say the name fully now. I think I did in a prior post. But if I ddint I want to lime GENTS acronym keep the meaning secret. Otherwise, whoops of I ddi say it in a prior post.😅😅😅
Actually all of these decisions most civilians dont knwo about or believe are TALL Tales.... WHY IS THAT????
You'll have to find out in the story.
(Yes unlike HS world most of these places arent known by the greater populace and most are sworn to secrecy about them. The only widely known somewhat confirmed real is Grave Pits. Only die to the state that Anyone Employee or Prisoner goes in they dont come out!) Theres more going on in its depths if you care to dig.😈😈😈
All the usual sites as described will be seen but obviously dont have the same look and while a similar function dont serve under the same reasoning eaxactly... Just in new ways.
Towns and cities, are another thing that obviously changed and the direction I'm going, I decided to make completely new landscapes. Do we start in a desert town/city with a corrections facility/jail Yes.... but the surroundings even the layout of the Jail is different. Has different functions, etc.
Is there a city with hinted mob activy.
DDOUBLE YES!!!😊😊😊 That I couldn't pass up... But the cities different. It also services a new purpose and focus then in game for the story. It's become something totally different then the site of a museum. Obviously Dewey, as you can tell is originally Dave Panpa and will still be a Sevurity guard. He just doesn't have the same events happen. And while a Museum lime that in the game, will play a small roll. It's not going to be the same purpose it held in the game. Nor the main place of his work. Thus the whole purpose of teh city is completely changed...... and as stated there's a prison like The Wall (*cough* the Wall seems tame in comparison when this place is introduced *cough*😅😙🎶🎶 Had nightmares after writting its first introduction. It wont be the giant of heart when things occure there.)
Like I said everything will show, you can easily see what was inspired by. But in order to be its own work it holds a lot of it own location, sites, stories and such.
It's really exciting. And I do hope everyone stays with me for it.
I've just been so nervous admiting this. I need to finally say it all clearly.
So is ths another blah.... blah.... blue BORING Convolutedly llloooooooooooooooooooooonnnggg Worded Super wordy Post???
😊😅😅😅 LOL, You definetly spotted my bad habit.
<<<Maybe I should thi I of having a moderator to help!!!😅😅😅>>>
BUT Nope,...
I will in the next few days post the Valentines art (my hours are still off after taking care of my grandma and being up at graveyard shifts from dusk to dawn in that order with her... So I admit my bearing on time for the next few weeks may be askew and off)....😅😅😅
Once I have that, I'm going to have for the Five main characters a little sneak surprise art that shouldn't take more then two weeks to have all of them out if all goes well.. just like a little teaser reveal of them.
Then within a week or two following that (due to Holidays East and Mothers Day occuring by these times I'm also giving leeway fo three qeeks)
Then I'll post the five main characters profiles, maybe a height chart if I get around to it.
After then. I should be Posting my Henry Stickmin Art from original concepts of characters ect when it was a fan comic exclusively... and/or Comic art periodically at least once a week. Or at least some form of an update.
I will admit, I'm still making Henry Stickmin art. I still have a few Animatics that have either been in the works or planned for a while. (When you have a song that inspires you... you cant help it... you know what I mean)😊😉 So I'm still Making Henry Stickmin Art. I can promise you that. Some are big projects.
Also dont forget S.T.R.Y wasn't my First Planned HS comic. I still plan to work more on the first comic I had. I just am focused on this one. But have looked at in, as mentioned in a late last year update and I like what I had. I just have more work to do on it.
But this is FAR FRON THE END oF me MAKING HENRY STICKMIN COMICS AND WORK.... So if that's what you want.... My main blog will be the place for it.😊😉💗🤩😍
I've done a rough estimate. And long as everything goes well I should have some form of the comic out to you by the the next several months. I can't gaurentee if that's 2-or six months. Again I periodically help take care of family members and am currently job hunting. I just know it will be soon.
As shown concept for a later scene was made a while back in rough sketch form and posted a progress in February about it.
That shows how far this is coming.
I am doing something different. I'm treating the comic like a novel, so I plan to long as I get a job soon and have the first ten chapters where I want them see if I can get professional beta readers (and if theres such thing as an editor and beta readers for a web comic). And also I hope to get an editor. If you notice I even when tedious miss mistakes in words and grammar (mostly cause I'm using my janky phone and not my laptop) and am constantly editing thanks to it l, as I'm a perfectionist. I know that can't happen in posted work. So I kinda need that for myself. I know its gunna cost money to hire. And I want to see if there are ones in the industry who would work with a weekly webcomic format.
What are the comic plans???
Currently, the plan I have in place after doing research is going to be to have the first 10 chapters done before the first chapters are posted. Posting three the first day and from then on once a week.
I say I want the first ten done. As the last three years have allowed me to know my schedule and with a job that demanded alot of me prior I have a better feeling of that type of work and what it will take to get this done. This will allow me to stay ahead and not have to many breaks between.
If there are Holidays then I will jump to a fun mini comic episode rather then post a regular post. Cause I think it's nice to have a break fun one. Even if the middle of the story.
The comic will contain a MULTITUDE of arcs. Be warned small details may become important later. (There are small details hidden in my Dave Panpa pic that have not changed in the comic... as are early post tags have some strange wording???)🤪🤪🤪
[Honeslty, good luck deciphering those codes from my old posts. SADLY, I lost my personal notes of a key for them. I've looked high and low on my devices and where I would save them. I seriously, Can't find them anywhere. Honestly, if you crack those codes I did leave let me know. I'm glad it happened since it allowed me to find a new way to save these for the future]
The Story so far is split into what I've been calling when talking about the comic 3 ACTS and when talking Novel 3 BOOKS
SO to say the least it's a big story. But it's worth it. It's a journey and I have fun writting it. It's all planned out just haven't finished writting the whole thing. I have my outline and timeline of events locked in. So dont worry it's a work that knows where its headed. and what needs to happen to get to the end.
Lastly, I should Mention:
The DEEADED PATREON and Tumblr Pay:
Not now, but closer to the comic I have plans.
I've decided for myself since I can't put humor, lightheartedness or fun little stories like the end of some webcomics or even some animes after credits theres usually a simple fun little goofy comic.
I'll be having either a goofy comic or some mini comic based on some even in the story. These will use simplified versions of the characters. But they could appear like full versions. This is so whne I'm dealing with heavier topics, for me I cja find a place to get the edge off. And I feel this will be the incentive I will post there, along with early looks at the art. And some early access.
But otherwise I'm not blocking you guys from enjoying the comic. Because it deals with secrets. I'm not going to post the comic early, I'll give sneak peaks on there. But that's it, they won't give away that weeds codes or anything like that.
I want to make it a fair system.
I only have them started but not set up. I'm in no way obliging anyone to support me on those sites. I just want to qualm worries, and give the promise of what I'll be doing. I may eventually release those fun minuses on here.without the pay. But I can guarentee those will have long times between. And it's not a gaurentee yet. Like I said I'm trying ot work out a system so no one feels there missing out on some fun they can have here.
Are these minisodes the same asks the asks ans other fub???
No that will remain here. The ones that will be in there are purely ones I come up with for each episode. I'm thinking Peanuts stule strip tyle situation. So hey if that's your jam, I'll let you no more when I ahve the structure of these more planed out.
SO THOSE OF YOU WHO HATE MENTIOSN OF IT... Don't worry I'M ONLY MENTION IT TO PROMISE to you that I'm not LOCKING ANYTHING from you guys. So I can be completely clear to you what up. Or why I ahve that up. I'm still learning my need tooz for it. Only thing normal people wont see is something I'll do only for paid. But again you wont miss out on the main fun. As that comic will be me releasing steam and being free and just comedic. Again it doesnt mean that I won't release those eventually to you guys. So you will get all the same content you can enjoy on here as there in a sense... theres absolutely not when I have them ready will there be any obligation to support me by paying to enjoy my content. I've lived litterally with no money to my name even when working, I know how it can be and the struggle. So seriously I dont want to make anyone ever uncomfortable. Which is why I'm making my last note here. To clarify everything to you guys.
I just wanted to tell you more on that situation. The funds would go towards way of living and/or if I manage to get someone to at least help edit of not the comic at least the script and paid beta readers... then it may go toward that. WHILE I hope my job when I get a new one will better cover living expenses... AGAIN THIS IS NOT SOMETHING THAT IS OPEN YET. ITS STILL BEING WORKED ON.. Dont worry...
With that always hard to talk about later topic lut of the way...😅😅😅😅
I do really hope you enjoy it.
And I hope those of you on either blog stay with me for it. And continue to enjoy this awesome journey together. Cause I'm excited for what's to come and hope you are too.
It took alot finally admitting this out loud.
I appreciate and love all of you for all your support!!!
Have an incredible day everyone!!!💗💗💗
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animal-lover-forever · 2 months
T̷̲̂h̷̜͘ë̵̯́ ̸̠̓B̸̩́a̸̹͌t̴̛̝t̵͈̒l̷̨̽e̵̻͝f̶̪̿ì̸̧ë̸̲́l̷̺̇ḑ̸̈́.̸͕̒
Today, we stand on a battlefield. A battlefield that has been made and only gets more messy as the battle continues.
"A battle?" you may ask, "What battle are you talking about?" I speak of the battle between 'Humans & AI'. "..." Do you remember when AI was merely a thought? 'What would it be like if AI was real?' Well, we no longer have to ask that question, because now we know.
We know that AI is stealing our hard work! We know that AI is taking over more and more platforms to steal our things, and soon nowhere will be safe from the dreadful creation we call 'A̸̞͈͊r̷̡̈́͑t̷̘̾̀i̵͎͔͑̃f̶̨̠̅ḯ̵̖͖͠ç̴͈̅̒ì̶̬̭̏á̸̧l̸̝͂ ̶̬͍͊͘I̵̭͊n̵̺̄t̸̺̮͝e̷͜͠l̶̜͊͜l̵̤͌̚͜ḯ̸͕̺g̶̘̖̏͠ȇ̸͇͝n̶̡̈c̵̣͂́e̸͓͊̃'.
"Oh fuck off! AI is amazing!" I have heard that before too. But tell me, would you still think AI was so great if it was stealing something that you worked so hard on and didn't give anything in return? Not even so much as credit? "..."
What some people fail to understand, is that there are artists out there who spend days on their art; or that there are writers who spend years on their stories. AI sees these art pieces and stories that people made, takes them to feed off of, and doesn't give the creator anything.
And you know what? I would probably be a little less mad if they took our stuff and at least gave us credit.
Al can make some nice and beautiful things. But you know what else can make nice and beautiful things? Human beings!
Not all of us can make great art. Some of us, like myself, have really shitty art. But that's ok! It's not about the art looking good, it's about the fun you had making the art!
To the people who throw hate and bully others for art that you don't think is very good, Fuck off! If you're going to be negative about our art, then we don't want or care about your opinion! If you don't like our art, go away.
You criticize, bully, and throw hate at us because you want a reaction. No one forces you to stick around, yet you do it anyway just so you can be a dick to us. Well, it's about time that you grow up!
You throw all this shit at us, because one, you want a reaction, and two, you have such a sad and pathetic life, that you think bullying others will make you feel better.
Except all you're doing is pushing more people away from you, and making your life just that much more sad and pathetic.
Can others replicate art? Yes. But it will never be exactly the same as the original, because the original is special. And the more you practice and have fun with your drawings, the better you'll get at it.
To the people who make art, but think it looks horrible, stop that! It doesn't matter that your art looks "shitty, stupid, dumb, awful, not as good as this other person's, etc."
What matters is that you tried your best and had fun with it. Don't let others drag you down. Your art is special because you made that, and only you could have made it.
So to this, I say fuck Al! Go grab your pencils, erasers, pens, colored pencils, markers, crayons, chalk, paints, spray cans, or stylist, and go to your nearest paper, wall, canvas, easel, sidewalk, or tablet/phone/computer and get to making art!
It doesn't matter if it's a drawing, a sketch, a comic, or a full-blown story. Art is art, and your art is unique and special. "If all art is unique and special, why are you hating on AI?" Because AI doesn't make it's own art. AI steals other people's art and calls it its own. "..."
AI is cool, but not when it's stealing my shit! I hate that I have to work around things to stop AI from stealing.
I hope this battle ends soon. Not just so I can have an easier time with my stories and art being posted but for every writer and artist.
I stand here on this battlefield, I stand here as an artist and as a writer. But I don't stand here alone! I stand here on the battlefield of 'Humans & AI' with my brothers and sisters and everyone else in between!
We as artists and writers fight for not only ourselves and our own art and stories, but for others! I will gladly pick up my pitchfork & torch and run into battle not only to protect my own work, but to help my friends protect theirs! And I hope that you will do the same.
I wish you guys luck on the battlefield of 'Humans & AI'. And if you see a wounded or lost soldier, be sure to help them out. We have to stick together on this blood-stained B̷̞̍ä̷̗́ṯ̸̔t̵͚̉l̴͇̔ḙ̵̀f̶͚́i̸̯̚è̵̜l̸̞̈d̷͕̉.̷͕̔ Together we are one! Together we will take down AI!
0 notes
phireflies · 2 years
eddie gives you drawing ideas when you're experiencing art block. [wc; 2.3k]
pairing; eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings; swearing and fluff, i think that's literally it (written on my phone so mistakes too)
a/n; is this completely self-indulgent... maybe... i will edit this when i wake up i swear
"i'm at a loss, eds," you say, throwing yourself onto his bed, arms and legs splayed out.
"why's that?" he was fiddling with the strings on his guitar, not looking up at you.
you sigh. "my sketchbook is like, empty and i have to turn it in by friday."
"that's in two days," he states.
"wow really? i didn't know that."
"teasing." he laughs, putting his guitar down, finally looking at you. "all outta ideas?" you nod. "draw me."
when you sit up, your face is so close to his, noses almost touching. "i can't draw you, i'll mess it up."
"then it'll be abstract. c'mon, i'll sit like a statue, i promise!”
you laugh so hard you throw your head back. the thought of eddie munson sitting still, like a statue no less, was wild. he couldn't stop fidgeting as if his life depended on it.
looking over at him, you noticed that he would make a good subject. his hands were really nice after all, the rings the cherry on top. you loved his eyes too, and his hair, and his nose. everything about him.
"okay," you say, smiling. he leans in so your nose touches his, and smiles. "i can draw you."
"fuck yeah, babe! can you do it with a colored pencil? you have those right?"
you nod. "i only have red and blue though."
"red, red's my favorite color."
you nod again, confirming the color. eddie had taken you home, to his home, after school like always, so you had all of your art supplies with you. it wasn't much, a few hb pencils, pens, and two colored pencils.
inside, eddie was freaking out. he loved your art, and would shower you with compliments and kisses when you showed him a new piece, throwing in a few can you draw hellfire posters? too.
he'd never thought to ask for a portrait before. maybe it was because some part of him, something very deep down inside him, thought it would be scary to see someone else's interpretation of him. he was excited nevertheless.
you pulled out your sketchbook with almost twenty-five percent of it filled and sighed, letting your fingers roam around the cover - feeling the divots of when you pushed your pencil too hard in to make a mark, meaningless doodles, and words.
"you can go back to doing whatever, i can go from there."
eddie kissed your temple and leaned back to get his guitar. he started messing with the strings again as if they weren't perfect the first time around.
you looked around eddies room, which had somewhat become your room. wayne suggested you move in, to help keep it clean. eddie even made a stack of your clothes on his floor.
"what's the theme of this one? they all got themes, right?" he asked, half distracted.
"uh, not sure. think it's something like family or your idea of home."
eddie smiled to himself. "yeah? you're okay with putting me with that theme?"
you started sketching out his room, the perspective a little wonky but it would turn out fine. "'course eds, not to be all cheesy but you're kinda my idea of home." you are my home, you want to say.
"that's awfully sweet of you." he teases again, but neither of you can deny the blush creeping onto his face. it starts at the tip of his ears. "just so happens that you're my idea of home too. i mean, you put your shoes next to mine!" he repeats what you said, but leaves out the kinda.
you laugh hard again, but don't reply. you relish at this moment, of eddie doing whatever he does, back towards you, but still touching you, and you doing what you love, of who you love.
your focus is turned back onto the page as you start to slowly add in blocks, mapping out the clothes on his floor, the posters, and little trinkets. crosshatching is used to add depth and shadows and make it all look a little better, more real.
when it's finished, you write home at the top right and sign your name under. "look, eds."
"you're a modern da vinci, babe." he pretends to not see the title at the top but smiles like an idiot to himself when he turns away.
you move on to the next page. anatomy. it was never something that you were particularly good at, everything looking a little off.
eddie's backside turns out to be a great reference. you start out with the outline of his back and his hair, then you slowly add details in, carving them in. you don't offer to show him this one.
next, you draw the guitar, where it hangs in front of the mirror. eddie moved on to messing with his amp. you draw the pick on his nightstand, and the box of cigarettes, though you don't draw the label. it's just a box on paper, but you know it's more.
"s'it working?" he asks. you've gotten caught up in your drawing that you didn't realize he sat right next to you again.
you hum, nodding. "i'm tired already."
it was pretty late, and you were pretty tired. "m'tired too. you sure this burst of inspiration won't disappear by tomorrow?"
"nope, because you'll still be here, i hope."
he smiles wide again. idiot, you think. my idiot. "always gonna be here."
with that, eddie helps you get situated to sleep, and you're out.
when the birds outside wake you up, you're excited to draw, your hands itching. you're excited because you get to draw eddie. the entire day was going to be focused on drawing him, his features and his hands and his tattoos, everything that makes him eddie.
because of how the trailer is set, the sun shines bright through his window, perfectly highlighting eddie. the sheets have slid down to his lower back, so you can see the curves of his back and the few light freckles on his shoulders.
it’s perfect, he’s perfect. you have to draw him.
moving as slowly as you can, you reach down to grab your sketchbook off the floor, along with a colored pencil. you mark down the general shape of him, and then work on his face - half in the pillow with furrowed eyebrows and pouted lips. you wonder what he was dreaming about.
you make sure to get the way his hair falls into his eyes and over his shoulder, a few distinct curls on his cheek.
“freak.” he mutters, opening his eyes a smidge.
“you asked for this.”
he huffs, slowly getting up with a groan. “guess i did. can i see?”
you shake your head and move the sketchbook away. “not yet, when i get it back. monday.” you say, promising.
“monday.” he agrees. “d’you want eggs? think that’s all we got.”
you nod. “eggs sound perfect, eds.” smiling, you think back on all of the other times eddie made eggs and how he dumped salt on them.
he stands up to find a shirt and pants, but not before he presses a kiss to your temple and each cheek.
you follow him into the kitchen, still clutching the sketchbook. wayne’s sitting in his chair, sipping a coffee. it was rare to see him so early.
“hi wayne.” you say, to which he turns back and waves.
“you know she’s an artist right?” eddie says, cracking four eggs into a hot pan. they sizzle.
wayne laughs. “‘course i do, you show me everything she’s ever given you.”
your face heats up at the new knowledge. “you do?”
eddie looks sheepish, like you weren’t supposed to know. he shrugs, a red blush painting his face. “i mean, yeah, sometimes.”
“all the time!” wayne corrects with a loud laugh.
eddie scowls playfully and returns to his cooking. attempt at cooking.
while eddie begins to plate the eggs, wayne departs, reminding you to show him more art. wayne was your second biggest fan, after eddie of course.
eddie, thankfully, learned how much salt is too much, so the eggs were edible. “wish we had bacon or something.” he says with his mouth full of food. you’d scold him for that, but you were too enamored with the sight before you.
his hair was a mess, his eyes were still droopy and half-lidded, and he was smiling at you once he swallowed his food. his smile. you wanted it burned into your memory forever.
“this is good.” you manage.
“you’re staring.” he states, smiling even wider.
you scoff, trying to play it off. “i do not stare!”
eddie’s finished with his eggs, so he gets up to clean his plate. he kissed your head as he passes you. “i stare at you too. in a completely normal way, though.”
“that was a normal way!” you join him in cleaning your plate.
the rest of the morning continues like it always does, brushing your teeth together, and getting dressed together, and leaving together.
the rest of the day, however, doesn’t go like you hope it does. you don’t see eddie for much of it, and all you want to do is draw him. it’s a funny feeling, not wanting to do anything but draw and draw and draw. maybe it was something eddie-specific.
before you knew it, you were walking into the drama room to watch eddie’s dungeons and dragons campaign.
the boys all lit up at the sight of you, waving and greeting you, then getting back into setting up.
“babe! how’d the drawing thing go today?” he asked, pulling you aside.
you shrugged. “didn’t do much, didn’t see you much.” he frowns. “i can do more tonight though!”
“you’ll show me?”
you smile, shrugging. “can’t make any promises.”
“god, you’re awful.”
eddie laughs loudly before running to begin the campaign. you have a seat near the table, where you can see the party to either side and eddie in the middle. the glow of the florescent light make it look like he’s got a halo around his head.
as the group progresses in the campaign and gets more rowdy, you decide to draw it. a little sketch, nothing too detailed. you’ve adopted the younger kids, so they fit in with the theme. found family, you think.
eddie’s in the middle with his arms out, and everyone else is at the sides, smiling wide with unique expressions on their faces.
you’ve still got a good chunk of sketchbook left, so you draw the party’s characters. it’s a little unclear what the exact vision was for all of them, but you do the best you can. you end up with numerous half-rendered pieces of their dungeons and dragons characters with the respective player labeled at the top.
by the time you’re done, they’ve finished the session and are cleaning up.
“was that a good one?” you ask when eddie’s done.
he puts a hand on your waist and leads you out to his van. he nods. “one of the best. think you’re my lucky charm, babe.”
“that’s cheesy.”
he pauses, thinking. “you’re right, but wasn’t that sweet? i just came up with that!”
you laugh and push his shoulder. “i could tell.”
“you’re evil.” he smiles, no real harm behind his words. “what’d you draw?“
eddie starts his van and begins to drive out of the school lot. “just you and the party, their characters, stuff like that.”
“y’know, they’d love to see that stuff.”
you nod. “i’ll tear out the pages when it’s all graded. they can keep it if they deem it worthy of their vision.”
eddie snorts. “they love you, of course they’d love it!”
you want to disagree, but eddie turns up his music so you can’t. you glare at him, but it eventually fades into an endearing smile.
once you’re at his trailer again, you’re quick to pick up where you left off - sketching his hands doing whatever he’s doing, in this case, smoking.
you draw his hand with a cigarette between his first and second finger, lightly sketching a line to make a string of smoke. you make sure to get his rings. you continue onto his arm, where he’s rolled up the sleeve. his tattoos are visible, so you draw them too. accuracy is not a concern, as you already know you’ve got them down perfectly. you know him like the back of your hand.
“think you’ll finish by tomorrow?”
you nod, drawing his side profile. “sure i will, i’ve got enough you to last a lifetime.”
“god.” he sighs, smiling to himself.
the page is full, so you turn to the next and focus on his eyes. what they look like when he smiles, the wrinkles in the corners, eyelashes kissing. what they look like when he’s happy and full of fondness. what they look like closed.
“you’re gonna get frostbite.” he says, pulling you you up and into the trailer.
“it’s seventy degrees.”
“it happens, heat frostbite.”
you give him a look, raising your eyebrows. “so… heatstroke?”
the rest of the night is filled with laughter and funny looks as you try to get eddie’s not-so-patient expression down on the page. you’d have to see the real thing though, a pencil can only do so much.
the remaining pages of your sketchbook are filled with his hands. floating hands cut off at the wrist, just doing random things - holding a pick, practicing guitar, attempting homework, hold your hand. that was the hardest, trying to hold his and draw with the other.
“fucking finally.” you swear, wiping your forehead. “finally finished.”
“proud of you. all of little ole me too.” he smiles smugly, poking your side. “you’re gonna get the best grade on that goddamn sketchbook.”
you laugh, looking at him. admiring him. “i think i did well. you’re my muse now.”
eddie laughs loudly, trying to hide the growing blush on his face. to be someone’s muse was an honor, to be your muse.
you were eddie’s muse, numerous corroded coffin songs being written about you or with you in mind. two different artists, but you were all the same.
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