#so i'm just impatient and i hate being home alone all day but I can't like go to the library or anyting bc i need to have access to a freez
camillahex · 4 months
okay my knee is doing better, i think the swelling is down a little and it's getting easier and easier to walk more on that leg. i figured out using one crutch is the best way for me to get around; i can get a little weight bearing on my knee and walk on it without pain and it's less cumbersome than using both crutches. i did keep forgetting to take ibuprofen today so it's been a little more painful but this morning there was less pain and stiffness than yesterday morning - that could also be because i actually slept on my back with my knee propped up rather than on my side last night, so. things are looking up
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hanniebaeee · 3 months
Crazy for you - Part 1
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Hyunjin x fem!reader
Warning: swearing, drinking, kissing, some touching MDNI
Genre: enemies to lovers, fluff, angst
Summary: You and your best friend's cousin, Hyunjin don't get along very well. This game of cat and mouse may be a disguise to hide your real feelings.
a/n: Everyone in the story is so petty! I wrote this ages ago, partly based on a dream I had😅 It's silly, but here you go 🤝 (also this series will have smut in the future, just letting you know.)
Part 2 , Part 3
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You sigh impatiently, trying your best not to cry. The day couldn't get any more worse. All you could think of was the anger and hate on his mother's face. Her harsh words were like daggers to your chest. And on top of that, you were smashed against him right now, your bodies pressed together way too much for your liking.
'Jennie!! Make it FASTER!' You said to your best friend who was driving.
'I'm going as fast as I can, Y/N' Jennie said apologetically. 'Just hang on.'
'She's hanging on alright' Hyunjin said sarcastically,  and your blood boiled at that.
Hwang Hyunjin, your arch nemesis, was Jennie's cousin. You all were part of the same friends group since childhood and so, you were willingly or not, always around each other.
'It's not like I have a choice now, do I?!' You spat,  putting a hand against his chest and pushing him away.
'I'm sorry sweetheart, there's not use pushing me.' Hyunjin said, glancing behind him.
Jeongin, Jisung and Minho lay drunk and asleep, all crammed together at the back of Jennie's car along with you and Hyunjin. Jennie's boyfriend Changbin was asleep in the passenger seat beside Jennie.
'It was so indecent of your mum to talk like that, Jinnie. And you didn't have anything to say?' Jennie asked, addressing the elephant in the room. 'When did Y/N ever try to seduce you? I mean you're at each other's throats ALL THE FUCKING TIME!'
'You think my mom would stop if I say so?' Hyunjin asked with a scoff. 'She's crazy. She would just insult her more.'
'She humiliated my best friend in front if everyone.' Jennie said. 'That's not OK'
You sigh again, turning your face away from Hyunjin. His mother hated you for some reason. You felt that most of it had to do with the fact that you weren't Korean and she was afraid of what people might say if he brought home a foreigner. And part of it was because she knew that there were things you both were hiding.
'Well, it can't be completely wrong. Mum must have seen something.' Hyunjin said teasingly.
'Hyunjin, you're on my LAST fucking nerve. Better stop right there.' You warn him, blinking fast to keep your tears from falling.
'Or what?' Hyunjin asked, moving closer just to piss you off.
He was so close, your chests were literally pressed together. Your hand was on his chest again, putting a gap between you two. You give him your best death glare and pinch his tummy so hard that Hyunjin screamed in pain.
'What the fuck?!' Jennie yelled as Changbin woke up with a start and stuffed his fingers into his ears.
'She pinched me!' Hyunjin said in shock. 'Oh God it hurts!'
'Serves you right for being an asshole, Hyunjin.' Jennie said, shaking her head.
You glare at him with tear filled eyes.
'I don't know if you are really that drunk or not, but YOU are the one who can't keep your hands to yourself, Hyunjin. Not the other way around. Tell your mummy that when both of you are in your right minds.' you hiss.
Hyunjin just smirked, biting his lip sensually.
'I love it when your so feisty.' he whispered, his hand slipping down to your thigh, and moving up under your dress. You grip at his hand to stop him.
'Please!!' You sob softly, the tears finally falling. Hyunjin moves his hand away quickly, a look of guilt and sadness clouding his handsome face.
'Y/N' he says, his hand coming up to your face, but you turn away. 'I was only joking.'
Jennie hit the brakes.
'What the fuck, Hyunjin?! Leave her alone!' she shrieks. 'It'll be easier to watch babies, I swear!'
'Let me out! I'd rather walk than sit here with your brother!' You yell, voice shaking.
Hyunjin just sighed and sat back, sulking. He didn't want you to leave. He quite liked being stuck to you. Jennie banged her hand on the steering wheel in frustration and said, 'Binnie, get your ass back there!  Come on to the front, Y/N.'
'Ew, no way! He's covered in puke!' Hyunjin whined. Which was why no one wanted to sit with him.
'Not my fucking problem, Hyunjin. Another word from you and I'm done' Jennie warned.
After exchanging seats, the remaining ride home was in silence. Hyunjin's eyes were fixed on you and his heart sank, watching you wipe the tears from the corners of your eyes.
He genuinely felt bad for what his mother had said. And he did confront her away from the crowd. He knew that his mother went out of her way to separate the two of you right from when you were at school. You never did anything to seduce him. Knowing his mother's dislike for you, you had always kept away from him. It was the hardest thing for Hyunjin. He loved you even without any kind of effort from your side.
The tension existing between you two wasn't a secret. Everyone knew that this wasn't just some stupid rivalry. There was so much more going on. But no one said anything because some things are better left alone.
You reached the apartment building and the boys helped their drunk friends to their feet. As Jennie went on to park the car, Hyunjin caught hold of your hand, as you tried to slip away.
'Look. I'm sorry for what mum said. I didn't pick a fight only because she can be real pain. I didn't want to provoke her, Y/N. She would've just insulted you more.' Hyunjin said. 'I'm sorry I didn't stand up for you.'
'It's alright.' You said with a nod. 'I know.'
Hyunjin nodded and watched you leave in silence.
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You and Jennie shared an apartment and the boys, another, on two different floors. But you always met for your meals, mostly at the boys' apartment. The next morning, when you woke up, Jennie had already gone to Hyunjin's to cook breakfast.
After a quick shower, you joined her. As you passed Hyunjin's room, you saw the door was open, and he was sprawled on his bed in his pyjamas, still asleep. His shirt was pushed up, exposing his tummy. A purplish bruise had formed where you had pinched him the other day. You didn't mean to do it so hard, and now felt bad about it.
After watching him snore softly for a moment, looking so innocent and angelic, you walk away. You enter the kitchen to find Jennie pouring coffee into mugs.
'Can you please take this to Jinnie and wake him up?' Jennie asked as she returned to cooking. The bacon that she was frying looked way too burnt at this point.
'Not a good idea. Not this early in the morning' You said, shaking your head no and nibbling on a piece of the burnt bacon.
'Please sweetheart.' Jennie said pouting, and you sigh.
'I know what you are doing Jennie Kim.' You said in a sing song manner.
Jennie just gives you an innocent look as you pick up the mug and walk to Hyunjin's room. Placing it on his bedside table, you touch his arm to wake him up.
'Hey.' You call softly. 'Wake up, Hyunjinnie!'
You pause as you cringe at the way you said that. But he opened his eyes slowly and seeing you, he sat up, smiling.
'Am I dreaming?' he asked, his voice hoarse from sleep.
'Ok. Come on, up.' You said, trying to distract yourself from the way he is looking at you. 'Jennie asked me to wake you up.'
He nods with a sigh, taking the mug in his hands. You begin to walk out when he stops you.
'Are we good, Y/N? ' he asked.
You turn to look at him with a frown, but end up nodding quickly and escaping the room and his puppy eyes.
Jeongin, Minho and Jisung were awake and terribly hungover. Jennie shot them all looks of disgust as she brought breakfast to the table.
'Stop looking at me like that!' Minho whined. 'People make mistakes sometimes!!'
'Lino, you puked all night, do you remember?' Jennie asked, with her arms on her hips.
'Of course I know, I'm the one who nearly puked my intestines out!' Minho said, resting his head on his hand. 'I'm sorry!'
Jennie sighed and said, 'Innie?'
'To both my noonas, I'm really sorry I got carried away!' he said raising his hands in surrender. 'Sorry!'
'I'm not even starting with you Hannie.' Jennie said. You giggle, loving how Jennie managed to make three men shiver under her glare. Jisung pouted, sipping on his lemon tea.
'And Hyunjin.' Jennie said sarcastically. 'You don't even have to be drunk to be a pain in the ass.'
He grinned showcasing all his teeth, his eyes two crescent moons.
'i try my best.' He said, winking at you, and you roll your eyes at him.
'Honestly, Jinnie, if you can't keep you hands to yourself, why don't you just ask her out?!' Jennie snapped at her cousin.
'Jennie!!' You hiss, poking her on the rib.
'I'm sick of you both always bickering like some old married couple! it's so damn annoying!' Jennie said. 'Just give each other a chance at least!'
'It won't work!' You said, shaking your head. 'Jennie, stop.'
Jennie knew of your feelings for Hyunjin and she really wished that you would just get together, since she knew her cousin felt the same.
'I want you both to try.' Jennie said. 'I'm tried of seeing you both eye fucking each other every time you're in the same room. It's disgusting.'
'I don't deny it.' Hyunjin said confidently.
'Oh my God!' You cry. 'Why is your family set on humiliating me all the fucking time!?'
'You're my best friend and he's my brother. I need you both to get along. I'm so sick of your constant disagreements. I want you to try dating. It could seriously work out.' Jennie pressed on.
'I agree with Jennie Noona' Jeongin said.
'You guys can always stop if you want.' Jisung offered, while Minho was too hungover to make a meaningful comment.
'Hyunjin.' You plead.
'I'm ready if she's ready.' Hyunjin said with a shrug.
Jennie grinned, knowing her cousin's deep dark desires. She turned to you with hopeful eyes.
'Your mother is going to throw a fit about it.' You warned Hyunjin. 'You know that! She'll never allow it!'
'Who cares about what his mom thinks?' Jennie dismissed the idea with a wave of her hand. 'We know that you both like each other. This is about you. Not us or anyone else.'
'I decide what I do with my life, Y/N. Not mum.' Hyunjin said, seriously. 'You don't have to worry about her.'
'You can say no, you know.' Jennie challenged you, with a smug look. 'No one's stopping you.'
You shrivel at her words. Of course, no one was going to stop you if you say no and walk out. But this is what you really wanted. You've wanted Hyunjin all your life. You were crazy in love, to say the least. You could say no. But you didn't want to. Hyunjin just looks at you, bottom lip between his teeth and it felt like he was holding his breath.
'Ok.' You said. 'Ok, I will give it a try. But if he puts one toe out of line, -'
'I won't' Hyunjin said, quickly. 'I really won't.'
Knowing his ways, you weren't so sure. But you still nod.
'I'm so happy!' Jennie said clapping. 'Finally. I've waited for this day for so long!'
'Congrats Hyunjinnie and Y/N noona!' Jeongin said giving you both a cute smile.
'Let's not make this more awkward now.' Minho said. 'Let them be.'
You give Minho a grateful look before your eyes fall on Hyunjin. He sat with his eyes on you, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. The rest of them went on doing their own things leaving you two alone in the room.
'So, girlfriend.' Hyunjin said, teasingly. 'Come here and gimme a kiss.'
You shoot him a glare, making him laugh.
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A month later:
It was movie night at the boys' apartment. Changbin and Jennie shared a couch, and you and Hyunjin shared another. The rest of them had put sleeping bags on the floor and they were all settled to watch the movie.
Hyunjin had draped a blanket over you both. It has been more than a month since Jennie pronounced you a couple, but you were still a bit awkward with it. It made you so sad that even though you held hands and cuddled and went out on dates, none of it felt real. Hyunjin didn't irritate you like he usually did. But that was all.
Hyunjin, who was usually a very confident person, felt like everything was out of his control. He had wanted this for so long, but now that it was actually happening, he was scared. He didn't want to lose you in any way. You were so perfect in his eyes, he felt that he wasn't enough. He felt this was why you never really told him anything important or even look at him with affection.
The movie was going pretty well, until some steamy scenes came by. You feel Hyunjin's fingers intertwine with yours and he slowly brought them up to his lips. You blush at his sudden display of affection.
Hyunjin moved closer, his hands around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your heart raced and you throw a quick glance at Jennie's way. She and Changbin were huddled together, whereas the others were already asleep.
Hyunjin's lips were hot against your own. You feel butterflies in you stomach as he tilted his head slightly for better angle. Your lips moved together in synch and his free hand slipped under your night shirt, cupping your breast over your bra. Your grip on his arm tightened as he squeezed gently.
His lips trailed down your neck, pressing soft warm kisses on their way. You close your eyes, engrossed in the feeling. But your eyes snapped open when Jeongin's raspy voice called out your name.
Hyunjin stopped and sat still. You turn to look at Jeongin who had his eyes still closed.
'Can you please get me some water?' he mumbled sleepily and you sigh in relief.
Hyunjin is up on his feet, taking your hand and walking towards the kitchen. Pulling you into his arms again, he kissed you, this time more demanding than before. You pull back to breathe and he watched like a predator looking at his prey. He stepped closer and kissed you again. His hands wandered, over your chest and sides, before cupping your butt through your shorts. He pulled you as close as he could.
You were shocked and you gasped as you felt him against you. You gently put a hand to his chest, to stop him. Shaking your head, you try to step away. Hyunjin looks at you, but not that lovesick look he gave you a few minutes ago. You heart thudded on heavily as you remembered the last time you had seen this look of utter heartbreak on his face.
This wasn't your first time with Hyunjin. The last time it happened,you were at one of Kim Mingyu's famous parties, back in highschool. You were all drunk (for the first time in your case) and Hyunjin was all touchy (what's new?). He had dragged you to one of the bathrooms where you got into a very heated make out session.
You were terrified and it was your very first time letting a boy touch you like that. You had pushed him away, even though you have loved it. He had looked just as heartbroken back then. Being rejected by the love of his life hurt like hell.
You never spoke of it, and somehow all the frustration of never being able to go back to that moment and being too awkward to try it again led to your constant battles. You're both quiet, each reliving the memory.
'Do you not enjoy it?' Hyunjin asked, trying to remain calm.
You are surprised by this question.
'What sort of a question is that?!' You ask, giving him a glare.
'Why do you always push me away? Are you really not interested?' He asks, and you just stare at him in silence. 'Is sex a problem?'
'Hyunjin, are you really that stupid?' you ask, trying to understand what he's saying.
'Is that why you haven't been with anyone all these years?' He asks, folding his arms against his chest.
'How does that concern you?' You retort, embarrassment hitting you hard.
Hyunjin laughs and says, 'Thanks to my sister you have me.'
'I can get any guy I want on my own Hwang Hyunjin! I don't need you or your sister for that!  It's my choice if I see people or not!' you said furiously. 'I don't like to fuck around for fun like you do!'
Hyunjin scoffed.
'Why do you ruin everything, Hyunjin?' You ask. 'That was a good moment we had.'
'Was it?' Hyunjin asked, shaking his head. 'You were dying to push me away.'
'You know what, fuck you!' You said, making your way out.
'I dare you to find someone who's actually interested in you!' Hyunjin said suddenly.
You turn to look at him, the hurt clear on your face.
'YOU are breaking up with me?' You ask, raising your eyebrows.
'I never said that.' Hyunjin said, a pang of guilt (and fear) hitting him.
'Well, good. Because I am breaking up with you.' You said, a single tear escaping your eye before you left the room.
Hyunjin stood watching you leave. He knew he had said too much. He had provoked you, though he promised that he wouldn't. But he was really hoping to take things forward. Your rejection had just hit him in the wrong way.
You tossed the bottle to Jeongin on your way out of the apartment. Tears ran freely down your cheeks and you couldn't hold back your sobs anymore.
It was too good to be true, you thought.
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goth-mami-writer · 4 months
~(Au) Leon Kennedy ×f!Reader drabble/work
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POV: You and Leon are tired parents trying to get some ~time alone~ from household responsibilities and decide to try your hand at scheduled...😉.
~[Part 2 coming soon!]
《 You lied there windedly in the bed beside Leon that night after your typical bedtime routine with your housefull. You were exhausted, and tonight, you just didn't get the few minutes you needed to unwind from the day. He had climbed under the covers beside you in the dark without a word, and you were almost thankful that he, too, was silent. The two of you had been married for 14 years this summer, and there was no doubt you were still in love. But having three children and a busy marriage was very changing for any relationship.
Your schedules were always clashing, and most of the time, you were always the coordinator of someone else's chaos. Between pediatrician appointments for your youngest who was a toddler, soccer practice for your son, orthodontist visits for your middle daughter - or Leon losing his watch and wallet for the fourth time that week-
You were exhausted.
Burnt out.
You often felt bad for Leon, too. His work kept him away from the kids most of the time, and they were always impatient to see him. He'd come home after three days, flown to a strange city, and would be greeted by a huddle of excitement that tugged at his waist first thing. There’d never not be a tiny voice ”daddy”-ing him. He was an amazing father, and of course, you were grateful. You just wished he wouldn't forget so much.
He sighed heavily with his face in his hands and he turned towards you in the bed to whisper in the silence of your room,
“What are we gonna do about Maya? Her braces are bothering her again.”
“On Friday, they should give her some stuff for pain at the orthodontist..” You whispered, closing your eyes to try and rest.
“Who's taking her to that?” Leon asked, clueless, and your eyes snapped open in disbelief. But not complete disbelief because he would often forget things much bigger than this.
You had told him three times before that he needed to take his daughter to that appointment on his lunch at work, and he suddenly snapped in the realization that he'd agreed to doing so already,
“Honey, I'm sorry, I can still take her. Are you taking Blake to soccer on-”
“Yes-” You said annoyedly, turning on your side away from him to try and get sleep, and his eyes narrowed to your snappy attitude all of the sudden.
“Alright, I'm just asking. Jesus.”
He turned on his other side, facing the opposite way in silence to get some sleep. You suddenly remembered something else on your schedule. You rose up in the bed, sitting on your elbows to tell him quietly over his shoulder before you forgot too,
“By the way, mom called. She's taking the kids upstate to Aunt Gretchen's this weekend for the holiday.”
Leon was silent in trying to remember who the hell your Aunt Gretchen even was, but he put that aside as he turned to face you, curious to the fact that this sounded like….a stress free weekend ahead?
“Is she taking the baby too?”
You nodded, saying that Aunt Gretchen hadn't seen the baby since you'd had him in the hospital a year ago. Leon looked around, almost wondering what a weekend being kid free would even feel like. Sure, Blake and Maya went to summer camp sometimes, but it wasn't always. He felt an idea beginning to settle into his mind, and he smiled, looking to you in the dark with a playful grin,
“Then, you wanna go out?”
You felt yourself turning over slowly because you knew exactly what he was insinuating and it in fact was not a romantic date night between you two, much to your disappointment and you asked suspiciously to weed out what he really meant,
“Go out… and do what? We can't book reservations this late. You hate the movies- I hate the movies so…”
“We could stay in?” He said smirking with dirty images floating in his head as he scooted a little closer to your side to try and act quietly persuasive,
“We can open up some wine and relax? Make something we haven't had in a while because the kids probably hate it. Lay in the bed …uninterrupted-”
“Leon-” You said, seeing through this with a straight face to remind him of the at least three other times that you both wanted to ‘just relax’,
“You get me pregnant again, I might go insane.”
It was true that your sex life was declining as you both matured. But due to the warmth of your marriage, it wasn't having a negative effect that you could notice. Although, both of you knew that your intimacy was in the graveyard at this point; spontaneous love making just wasn't a part of your routine anymore. Your kids were your world, but the time devoted to them was becoming a challenge.
He chuckled in defeat knowing you were too smart for his long monologue of what he had in mind for you two during your time alone. He nudged in closer to you, making you look away as he nuzzled into the curve of your neck,
“I'm just saying that it would be nice to spend some time with you, baby.”
“Don't ‘baby’ me.” You grumbled to make him stop sweet talking you like you were in your twenties again. Slowly, you felt as he began to lay on top of you, but you were more welcoming of his touch second by second. Finally, you melted and finally kissed him back, making him smile against your mouth in victory.
“We're tired parents, Leon. We get in this bed distraction free, and we'll end up just falling asleep.” You said during his kisses down your neck and across your chest.
He shook his head softly, trying to not get too imaginative but he mentioned with that sleepy gravel in his throat when he told you what his idea of the turnout might be once two tired parents finally get to mess around unbothered in the comfort of their own bed without having to worry about what time it was, if they were being too loud or who had work in the morning.
“I think we'll keep each other busy.”
You both slipped under the covers when Leon wrapped you around him, letting more of his weight sink into you as he kissed you deeply but you were awoken from this small daze of bliss by the crackling of the baby monitor when the baby began to stir from the nursery.
You sighed, unraveling away from him after knowing that you'd have to console the baby or else he'd cry all night. Leon laid on his side, watching you fan the blush away from your face sweetly but he mentioned quietly before you left to the nursery, pulling your arm gently to make sure you knew he wanted to add his own little activity to the list of things needing to be done this week
“Hey- you and me Saturday. Whatever we want, okay?”
You smiled but rolled your eyes, knowing that you had to give in when he spoke like this. You'd not had a date in forever and knew whatever you ended up doing, either in the bed or maybe wine drunk in the kitchen, would be special.
“I'll…put it on the calendar.” You said with a trusting smile before leaving to attend the baby.
You quietly hurried across the hall to answer the tiny cries but knew one thing for certain now that you wouldn't have Leon in eyesight, knowing that you were sharing the same dirty idea.
Uninterrupted sex sounded….fantastic.
But planning it like a PTA meeting sounded so strange. Although making things work when the schedule was so tight wasn't something you were unaccustomed to. You had been parenting for over a decade, after all.
What's the worst that could happen? 》
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bebe-writes-stuff · 4 months
"I hate my life, but I'll never admit it. I guess shame plays a role, but mostly I keep quiet for their sake. Life's unfair; I accepted that a long time ago. But I can't keep blaming everything on that unfairness; it's just part of my life now."
It was a daily routine she had forced herself to accept and get used to. Every morning, she woke up early to make breakfast for her two younger siblings. She would get them up, dressed, and ready for school, then walk them there. After returning home, she cooked a simple breakfast for herself, the last meal before facing her own day. She prepared for her own challenges, getting dressed and ready for school, and finally locked up their small, one-bedroom apartment before leaving.
"Hey, Y/N-chan!" Her friend, who walked the same path to school every day, called out. This caused her to stop, turn, and greet her with a forced smile.
Despite being Hina's upperclassman and older by two years, she found herself running into Hina quite often.
"Hey, Hina," she quietly said with a nod, noticing the concern that quickly clouded Hina's face.
"Did you get enough sleep last night, Y/N? You look tired. I have some water here. Drink up." Hina handed her a water bottle, which she raised her hand to refuse.
"It's alright, I'm fine. I was just working extra late yesterday. I'll manage," she politely declined, not used to accepting anything from anyone, even something as simple as a bottle of water.
"Wow, you're working really hard, Y/N. I've always admired that about you. You're so cool!" Hina chirped.
"Yeah, I guess I do," she muttered, before hearing a distant yell.
They both stopped in their tracks and turned to see a breathless boy, probably having run to catch up with them. He had messy yellow-blonde hair and a disheveled school uniform. Y/N took it as her chance to continue her walk to school alone.
"I'll let you be with your boyfriend now. It was good talking to you, though," she quickly said before walking a little faster, leaving them behind.
She let out a sigh of relief as she arrived early to class, immediately taking out her math textbook to review the day's lesson. This was her routine before class started and before any of her classmates arrived. Since she didn't have time to study after school because of her job, she used every morning to teach herself the material and complete her homework.
"Wow, already getting to work, L/N. You really are a hard worker. That's a good trait to have, especially rare to see in someone so young," her teacher remarked, accustomed to seeing her as the first one in class as always.
Day after day seemed to pass quickly. The school day was almost over, and there was little she looked forward to—except for seeing her siblings, of course. That was the highlight of her day. She would walk from her school to pick them up, make sure they got home safely, then head to her job and finish the day as usual.
"Well, that's the bell. You guys have a great rest of your day." The teacher finally said as the school bell rang signaling it was time to go. 
She was always the first to pack her things and head out before the hallways got crowded. She quickly sprinted, heading for her younger brother's school first. Being a third-year student herself, he was still a first-year being 14, and her youngest sister, who was in elementary school. 
The sky was overcast as she arrived at her brother's school gates, a slight chill in the air hinting at the approaching evening. She waited... and waited... until impatience began to gnaw at her. She called out to one of the kids leaving.
"Hey, um, do you know where Kenji is?" she asked, sounding a bit awkward.
The kid looked up from his iPod. "Huh, Kenji? Oh, I saw him earlier. Some upperclassmen dragged him off somewhere. I'm not really sure though. Who are you?"
Panic gripped her heart. She left the kid confused and quickly started searching for her brother. She knew all too well that when upperclassmen dragged a younger kid away, it usually ended badly. She had to find him before it was too late, before he got hurt.
"Dammit, dammit, GODDAMMIT," she muttered, her mind racing as she began running around the nearby parks and alleys by the school. "They couldn't have gotten that far."
The wind picked up, rustling the leaves around her and adding to her sense of urgency. Every shadow seemed threatening as she scanned the area, desperately hoping to catch a glimpse of Kenji before anything terrible happened.
As she rounded a corner, she heard the unmistakable sounds of kids bullying someone. Her heart pounded as she hurried closer, the voices becoming clearer. She realized with a sinking feeling that it was her brother, Kenji, who was getting beat up.
"You think you're tough, huh? Hand over the money!" one of the bullies demanded.
Kenji's voice was shaky. "I don't have any more. Please, just leave me alone."
Fury surged through her as she got closer and saw the scene: three upperclassmen surrounding Kenji, forcing him to buy them drinks and physically beating on him. She recognized her own hard-earned money being stolen from her brother.
"Hey! Get away from him, fucking dickheads!" she yelled, her voice filled with malice.
The bullies turned, startled. Their matching jackets bore the emblem of the "Tokyo Manji Gang." They seemed taken aback by her fierce glare and the anger radiating from her.
One of the bullies sneered, "And who are you?"
"I'm his sister. Now get lost before I bust all of your asses right now," she threatened, her voice dripping with venom.
The bullies hesitated, clearly intimidated by her presence.
"Let's go," one of them muttered, and they began to back off.
As they retreated, one of them tossed a parting comment over his shoulder, "We'll catch you later. Your sister can't protect you forever, punk!"
She ignored the taunt and rushed to Kenji's side, kneeling down to check if he was okay.
"Kenji, are you hurt?" she asked, her voice softening with concern.
"I'm fine," he mumbled, though he looked shaken. "Thanks, sis."
She hugged him tightly, feeling a mix of relief and anger. "Let's get you home. Don't worry, okay? I'll figure something out and patch you up."
As they walked home together, she kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, determined to protect her brother and make sure those gangsters wouldn't bother him again.
With Kenji in tow, Y/N hurried to their youngest sister's elementary school. When they arrived, little Reina was waiting outside, her eyes lighting up when she saw her siblings.
"Hi, Y/N! Hi, Kenji!" Reina chirped, running up to them.
"Hey, Reina," Y/N said with a smile, taking her hand. "Let’s get home."
Once they were home, Y/N set Reina up with a cartoon show on her computer to keep her occupied. Then, she turned her attention to Kenji, gently cleaning and bandaging his cuts and bruises.
"Kenji, what happened today?" she asked softly, trying to keep her voice calm.
Kenji hesitated, looking down. "I've become a slave to the Tokyo Manji Gang. They force me to spend money on them and made me join a fight club. They bet on me and I get beat up so they can win money."
Y/N felt fury boiling inside her, but she kept her expression calm. "How long has this been going on?" she asked, her voice tight.
Kenji shrugged, his eyes welling up with tears. "A few months. I didn’t want to tell you because I knew you'd worry."
Y/N clenched her fists, trying to suppress her anger. "You should have told me sooner. We’ll figure this out together. Don't worry about anything anymore, okay? I'll take care of it," she reassured him, trying to sound confident. "Now, let’s eat."
She prepared a meal for both her siblings, setting the table and making sure they had everything they needed. As they ate, she kept an eye on Kenji, noting the bruises and the tired look in his eyes. She felt a surge of protectiveness and determination.
After dinner, Y/N headed to work at a nearby café. The café was bustling with customers when two young guys, about her age, walked in. She overheard their conversation and caught their names—Mikey and Draken.
"Mikey, you think we'll see any action tonight?" Draken asked, leaning against the counter.
"Who knows," Mikey replied, glancing around the café. His eyes landed on Y/N, and he nudged Draken. "Hey, check her out. She's pretty cute."
Y/N, focused on her work, didn’t notice their attention. She served them with a polite smile, not engaging in conversation.
After her long shift, Y/N changed into her simple regular clothes: Just a regular white top with jeans and a pair of flats, not that she had much clothes to begin with. On her way home, she noticed a few guys wearing the same uniform as the gangsters from earlier. Remembering her promise to protect Kenji, she decided to follow them.
They led her to a shrine, where hundreds of gang members were gathered. She sneaked around, looking for the guys who had beaten up her brother. Just as she thought she spotted them, she failed to notice a member who had detected the ruckus in the bushes. He approached her from behind and caught her.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" he sneered, gripping her arm tightly.
Y/N’s heart raced, but she met his gaze with defiance. "Let go of me," she demanded, her voice steady.
The guy smirked, tightening his grip. "You think you can just sneak around here without getting caught? Who are you?"
"None of your business," Y/N shot back, trying to yank her arm free.
He leaned closer, his breath hot against her face. "You’ve got guts, but that won't help you here."
Before he could say more, another voice called out, "Hey, what's going on over there?"
Before Y/N could react, the gang member dragged her roughly through the throng of Tokyo Manji Gang members, pushing her all the way to the front. The leader, none other than Mikey—the guy from the café—stood there, a look of confusion on his face. Beside him was another familiar figure: Takemichi, Hina's boyfriend. Y/N's heart sank, recognizing him as someone she never expected to see in a gang.
Eyes narrowing as he took in Y/N, Mikey said, "What brings you here?"
Y/N glanced around, noticing the expectant stares from the gang members. Among them was a strong-looking girl with short hair, her cute appearance at odds with the tough crowd. Y/N took a deep breath, steeling herself.
"I’m here because of my brother," she began, her voice steady despite the nervous flutter in her stomach. "Some of your members have been using the gang's name to extort money and torment innocent people. My brother, Kenji, is one of their victims. They forced him to join a fight club where he gets beat up for their bets."
Mikey's eyes widened slightly, a mixture of shock and curiosity on his face. "Is that so?"
Y/N continued, "I won't let it slide. I'll stand against all of you if I have to, to protect my brother."
Mikey raised an eyebrow, impressed by her determination. "Call them out," he ordered.
Y/N pointed to the three boys who had bullied her brother. They reluctantly stepped forward, smirking confidently.
"Is this true?" Mikey asked, his tone dangerously calm.
One of the bullies sneered, "Yeah, it's true. That little pussy deserves everything he gets. He's weak and a loser. If anything, he deserves to die."
Another bully added, "Mikey, you'll side with us any day over some random bitch who interrupted our meeting."
Y/N's blood boiled. She stepped forward, fists clenched. "You think you're so tough? Let's see how you handle someone who fights back."
Without warning, she launched herself at the nearest bully, landing a solid punch to his jaw. She moved with precision and fury, taking down the three boys with a series of well-placed strikes. The fight was swift and brutal, and by the end, the bullies lay on the ground, groaning in pain.
Mikey watched, a mixture of amusement and admiration in his eyes. Some of the other gang members cheered Y/N on, clearly impressed by her courage and skill.
Breathing heavily, Y/N stood over the fallen bullies. "I'm done here. I don't need anything else from you," she declared, turning to leave.
As she walked away, Mikey called out, "Bye, Y/N. I'll see you later."
Y/N paused, glancing back at him with a puzzled expression. Why would she ever see him again? But she didn't have time to ponder. She needed to get home and take care of her brother.
The night was cool, with a light breeze rustling the trees around the Musashi Shrine. The moon hung low in the sky, casting a silver glow over the scene. As Y/N made her way home, she couldn't shake the feeling that her encounter with the Tokyo Manji Gang was far from over.
Back at their small apartment, she found Kenji and Reina waiting for her. Kenji looked up, concern etched on his face. "Are you okay, sis?"
"I'm fine," she assured him, giving him a reassuring smile. "Everything's going to be okay."
She knew she had made an impression on Mikey and the gang, but what that meant for the future remains uncertain. For now, she focused on protecting what's left of her family.
should I continue this? part 2? also yall I'm backkk, school is over finallyyy
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maximotts · 8 months
Thinking about Natasha picking Wanda up by her thighs, which of course makes Wanda squeak, and leaning her against a wall but they’re both smiling too wide to properly make out (and Wanda is nose scrunching)
don't look at me I'm weak for overly excitable subby Nat-
civil war era!WandaNat ⁘ 700 words ⁘ no cws needed for this besides Natasha using her strength to be a clingy cutiepie
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"Stop it, wait-!"
Being lifted so suddenly had Wanda throwing her arms around her girlfriend, clumsily grasping at Natasha for balance. She barely had enough time to manage that small motion before her back hit the wall, the redhead quickly surging forward to smash her lips into Wanda's.
Nat was uncharacteristically eager, having sped through the halls upon hearing of Wanda's return from her most recent mission. It'd taken a week longer than planned, Wanda's persistent nature keeping her away until she tracked down everyone involved with HYDRA's newest branch.
She couldn't fault her for the extra work, would be a blatant hypocrite to do so, but it didn't change how much she'd missed her while she was away.... Natasha didn't think she'd ever been so impatient to see someone in her entire life. "You're back."
"Mhm..." After every mission there was a debrief; Steve was surely wondering what was keeping Wanda who typically arrived early just to avoid being late— if he asked Natasha would give an excuse faster than Wanda could open her mouth. Or maybe she'd tell the truth: her teammate cornered her with a barrage of kisses.
Natasha was more than strong enough to hold her girlfriend without effort, gripping her thighs almost desperately as she nipped at her lips, but Wanda's giggles were contagious and as they grew, Nat's own bubbled up in sync. "What's so funny, Maximoff?"
Wanda's face was painfully soft as Nat pulled back, grinning down at her captor with a kiss-swollen mouth, "I just didn't expect such a warm welcome, especially right here in the halls from Miss Romanoff herself."
"Yeah well, I'm full of surprises..." She kept her trapped, resting her chin on Wanda's chest and matching her bright smile. "We can't assign you anymore missions this long without me and you're on paid leave for the next three days, welfare issues."
"Welfare, huh?" Tired fingers carded through Nat's long hair, brushing through the thick waves before guiding her head to lay against her. "But I'd hate to miss out on something important-"
"But nothing. As your superior, I've already decided." Wanda did need the field experience, but she was a quick learner and as soon as she'd proven herself as a valuable asset to the team she'd be sent out every chance they got.
It was a purely selfish move to keep Wanda back, but when she closed her eyes and focused in on the soft thrum of the brunette's heartbeat under her ear, the back of her hand sweetly brushing over her blushed cheek, Natasha couldn't talk herself out of doing it. "Missed you, Wands...."
"Poor thing, did you miss me? I left you alone too long?" Nat nodded as the other woman kissed the crown of her head and Wanda melted, cooing over her girlfriend's honesty. Such vulnerability was a treasured thing, raw, unguarded, allowing Wanda to see all her softest spots.
Nat hummed, savoring the joy of her girlfriend's comforting words. She couldn't stop smiling which was rare, but Wanda wouldn't complain a bit, "My giddy girl... I'll always come home to you, no matter what."
"I wish you'd come to bed with me." The confession was mumbled and yet Wanda hear it all the same, her gentle chide in the form of a slight hair tug confirmed it.
Finally Wanda began to squirm, attempting to wiggle away to no avail. "It's the middle of the day! I do have to do some work to do before my forced vacation. At least to tell Steve how everything went."
"You're back safe, that's all that matters right now." Nat let Wanda off the wall, but didn't put her down, securing long legs about her waist before heading back down the hallway— towards their shared room, completely opposite to the elevators leading down to the offices. "Just tell him we needed a private check in first."
"Oh, I am not rewarding this kidnapping!" The struggle was futile, even without the shared laughter weakening Wanda's strength, and after a short message through FRIDAY from Nat warning their teammates not to disturb them during their 'recovery time' Wanda could only hope everyone forgave her for taking the rest of the day to tend to her tenacious girlfriend.
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Same as it ever was 4
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as neglect, bullying, manipulation, cheating, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Between your home life and work, you just can’t catch a break. Especially after you draw the ire of your boss.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen ft. Pete Brenner
Note: Oh my, we be sad gurls and bois.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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When Pete rumbles with snores, you move to the couch, hoping for what little sleep you can summon. You can't lay there beside him knowing what you know. You can't steam in the spite of knowing that he can sleep just soundly while sneaking around.
Two wrongs can never make right. You're not absolved. Far from it. You're mad. At him. At yourself. At life.
As you drift in and out, the apathy comes. You can't care. If you let yourself feel, you'll fall apart. You don't have that choice. Someone has to hold it together for the kids.
You get up first, like most mornings. You're restlessly impatient to get the day started if only to get away from that house. From the husband who isn't much of one.
Simone and Malik sit at the table eating cereal as you check your phone. You're on track so far. As if fate is throwing you a soft ball, the morning is going smoother than ever.
You get the kids packed and in the car. Every step is taken on habit alone. You walk them to the school doors and wish them a good day. Then you go back to your car and idle in silence. You're empty, you have nothing left.
You make yourself pull out and join the snailish roll of traffic through the school zone. Your drive to work is over before you know it as you stay locked in a trance. Before you just went through the motions, now it's like you're a ghost, floating aimlessly from one place to the next.
You enter the office, the walls a blur in your vision as you find your way blindly to your desk. Your head is pounding. Amid your early morning scramble, your desperation for distraction, to think of anything but reality, you hadn't even had a coffee. Your entire being throbs from the caffeine withdrawal.
You cup your forehead as you boot your computer. Eventually you'll get up and grab a cup of the weak break room brew. You lean heavily on the armrest of the chair and wiggle your mouse. 
For once, you're thankful to be at work. No fighting kids, no laundry, no scoundrel husband. But you're there and it's just as hard to live with yourself. 
"Morning, sunshine," Mr. Hansen's booming tone has you careening back in your chair as he comes to lean on the corner of your desk, "aren’t you bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Long night, huh? Husband finally loosen you up a bit."
You give him the daggers. That look that says 'enough'. Your motherly chagrin blazing at full force. He winks and laughs as he taps the end of your nose.
"You're real cute when you're pissed off, you know that?" He puts a hand on his hip, smoothing his index and thumb of his other across his mustache.
"Mr. Hansen," your voice is gravelly with dry fatigue, "is there something I can do for you?"
"Well, I can think of a certain wakemeup," he snickers, "but I'm thinking that you're not really into it. Still, you look like you could use it."
You huff and turn your chair to glare up at him. Can't he bother anyone else? He had his fun, he humiliated you, he made you hate yourself. So what else does he want?
"If you don't mind," you push your chair back and stand, "I'm going to get some coffee."
"Oh, sounds fun," he shoves away from the desk and trails after you, surprising you as he stretches and arm across your shoulders, "this company shit, it's garbage. How about I make you my own personal brew? I got a keurig in my office, just got some French Vanilla–"
"No thank you," you grumble and pull away from him.
You enter the kitchen first as he continues his incessant pursuit. He likes Malik when he wants to tell you about his legoworld. You go to the machine and find the carafe empty. You rinse it and fill the tank.
"You're mad about yesterday," he says as he leans on the counter, "if you're into snuggling, you coulda stuck around–"
"No," you growl as you measure out the coffee grounds.
"I let you go take care of the crotch goblin so I thought we'd be square–"
"Mr. Hansen, it's not you," you close the lid and flip the switch, "really."
"Ah, got it, it's the hubby. He's not taking care of his marital duties, huh?"
"Please, sir, it's not… it's not that," you falter as the lie sticks on your tongue. "Tired, need coffee."
"You look like you need sleep," he shifts closer as you stare at the slow trickle of coffee, "tell you what," he lowers his voice, "you come in my office, give me a good tug and I'll let you sleep in a meeting room. How's that? I'll make sure you get your eight hours."
You open the cupboard, taking out your mug from the bunch of mismatched porcelain, and set it on the counter. You can't even look at him. Not only because he repulses you but he reminds you of how pathetic you truly are.
"I'm good," you insist, "thank you, sir."
He scoffs, "I'm giving you something you're not getting elsewhere. Action and sleep," he runs his knuckles up your sleeve, "beggars can't be choosers, can they?"
You look at him. You're so fucking exhausted that your eyes are too dry to eke out a single tear. It's the only thing keeping you from tipping over the edge.
He smirks and looks at your blouse, reaching to pinch one of the front buttons, "look at that, all put together."
You glance down at the misaligned buttons. You don't even care. You're a mess. You're old and used up and unwanted. Even he only wants to get off, it doesn't matter who does it.  At the end of the day, he'll be just as happy to do it himself.
You're speechless. It's nothing like shock. It's exasperation. Are all men really like this? Is this what Pete does? Is she some girl at the company?
"Forget it," you take your empty mug and spin in your low orthotics.
You stride out and stumble to your desk. You can do this. You just have to get through the day. And then what?
Get the kids, go home, cook dinner, do homework, bath time, bed for them, clean the endless mess…
Tomorrow? The same thing, over and over, until what? Until when? When do you admit defeat?
Hansen struts out of the breakroom. You look up as you see him sipping from a mug; your mug. He meets your gaze as he drinks deeper and passes by.
You wonder the same thing about him; when will he give up? 
You feel yourself slumping lower and lower. Your eyelids are scratchy and burning as you fight to keep them open. You cup your chin in your hand, elbow planted on your desk as the emails blur before you. You can do this… 
In a minute, you’ll get up and get a coffee, undisturbed, and really start working. You won’t fall asleep. How could you? Right here in your office chair. On the best nights, you can barely sleep in your own bed. Lately, it’s only been bad nights.
Once you find the energy, you’ll get up. You swear you will. It’s all you have to look forward to. That cup of coffee. You can smell it. You know it’s burnt by now, stale and bitter, but your stomach growls for it.
A few more minutes.
You hear snorts, strange noises that seem to rumble from within you. The clacking of keys and soft clicks continue, almost forming a rhythm as your screen ripples to bars of colours. You feel a weight over you and a sudden shift.
You hit the floor, bouncing on your ass as your seat hits your shoulder. You look up as you awake, only realising then that you dozed off. You blink at your coworkers before focusing on the figure glaring down at you. Mr. Hansen has a hand in his pocket and a foot on the bottom of your chair. Shit.
“Working hard,” he muses tritely.
“I-I’m sorry,” you stutter, disoriented. You can’t believe you fell asleep. You hope this is just a dream, if so. “I… I didn’t–”
“Get up,” he demands.
You scramble to get to your feet. You reach for the chair and he kicks it further away. You’re overly aware of your audience. No one will look directly at you in fear that they might draw Hansen’s attention, but it’s obvious by the lack of typing that they are very aware of the scene.
“I’m very sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to. I was– I’ll stay awake. You don’t have to worry.”
“Go home,” he says curtly.
“Home? No, I can make it through the day. It was a mistake.”
“Go. Home.” He repeats pointedly, “this isn’t a hotel.”
“Please,” you murmur, “please, Mr. Hansen,” you clutch your hands together, trying not to speak too loud, embarrassed as your voice cracks, “I–”
“Don’t make me call security,” he warns as he steps back on one heel, his posture victorious. He arches a brow in challenge. You’re certain he’d love to see that, you dragged out like an intruder. “Come back Monday, well-rested, and HR will deal with your disciplinary report.”
“What?” You gulp. In all your time there, you’d never been written up. Not once.
“Keep digging that hole.”
“Okay, okay,” you go to your desk and open the drawer to pull your bag out. You hook it on your shoulder and turn around, nearing him as you reach for the coat hung on the back of your chair. He watches you with a smug smirk, “I’ll be back Monday.”
“We’ll see.”
His ominous words put you on edge. You recoil and stare at him. What does he mean by that? You’re not stupid enough to ask. You put your head down and march out, burning with embarrassment as you pass your rapt audience.
“Hey,” Hansen claps his hands, “back to work.”
You barely make it home. You set an alarm as you get in the front door and collapse on the couch. You don’t care that it’s lumpy and uncomfortable, you don’t care about anything. You forget all your worries for the blackness that clogs your mind.
As quickly as you close your eyes, your ringer goes off. You wake with a groan and roll over, shoulders cramped and stiff as you reach for your phone. Two o’clock already. Your head pulses with the dregs of fatigue. You feel marginally better.
You fill a travel mug and head out to pick up the kids. Along the way, you can’t help but shrink behind the wheel as the morning pricks in your mind. You don’t expect things to go well on Monday.
You pass a Burger King and slow down. You don’t have the money for a Whopper. No, that’s not what you’re thinking. It’s not spending you’re planning on.
You pull in and get out. You enter and approach the counter, sheepish as a twentysomething greets you from the other side.  You smile as you come forward.
“How can I help you ma’am?” He asks, hands on the side of the till.
“Oh, uh, I was… I was looking for an application,” you eke out. “For a job.”
He nods, you see the surprise flick in his lashes, “oh, well, we don’t have physical applications anymore but…” he reaches over to a stack of small flyers beside the till, “if you scan this QR code it will take you right to careers page.”
“Um, right, yeah, makes sense,” you take the slip as he offers it, “thank you.”
“You lookin’ to order?” He prompts with a strained smile.
“No, sorry, I gotta go get my kids,” you fold the flier and turn away, “have a good one.”
You head back to your car. You drop into the driver seat and curse. Fuck, your hips are killing you. You don’t imagine doing weekends standing behind a till will do much for that but you don’t have much of a choice. Even with the second job, you doubt you’ll be able to pay for the babysitter to cover it. What a stupid idea.
You shove the flier into your purse and back out from between the lines. You check the time as you set out to the school. You arrive just as the bell rings and the kids are let out into the yard. 
You find Malik with the other grade ones as Simone seeks you out on her own, too cool to hang around with the other grade sixes. She can be a bit of a loner but not in a sad way. She can intimidate even you.
“Hey, how was school?” You ask as you take them to the car, “did you do anything fun?”
Malik tells you about the popsicle stick houses they made as you buckle him into his car seat and Simone does up her seat belt on her own. You nod and smile, humouring your son’s slightly lisping story.
“What about you, Simone?” You ask as you look over at her.
“I just read. I’m almost done number four,” she shows the cover of her latest fantasy series, “but they wouldn’t let me stay in the library during recess.”
“Good, you need the fresh air,” you tease, “speaking of, I was thinking we could go for a hike this weekend. How does that sound?”
“A hike?” She grimaces, “is dad coming?”
“Err, we’ll see,” you shrug, “I spend all day in the office, I’d like to get out before the winter gets here.”
“I’ll go if dad does,” Simone opens her book, “it won’t be any fun without him.”
“Daddy, daddy,” Malik claps his hands, “I love daddy!”
“I’ll ask him,” you nod and keep a frown from tugging at your lips. 
You stand straight and gently close the back door. You round to the driver’s door and get it, quiet as you turn the engine. You’re not even good enough for your own kids.
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Idk why I can't look at any Glassheart posts rn. It makes me feel unwell. Like my heart is being squeezed.
But I'll continue my Glassheart stories soon I hope. (I have an unfinished one in my drafts rn
I just saw this super cute short video. And I just wanted to write a little one shot for it. So, hope you enjoy. It's short.
Red let's out a little sighs as she waits for Chloe to come Home. She was alone at home. Well actually no, she wasn't alone. She had her cute little baby girl with her. 18 months old.
When she looks at her little pride and joy all her impatience was replaced with love. Her little Rina.
She gently brushes through the light red, curly hairs and looks at her baby, who is sitting in the baby chair and eating some strawberries. Rina just looks at her, she looks offended but not really and continues to eat her little fruit snack.
Red can't help but laugh at how adorable she looks. But that's not the only reason she's quietly laughing. You see
She was doing her skincare routine like usual, if a bit.. well a lot later than usual but still the same thing. Her little princess was playing with some of her toys. Red loves hearing her laugh as she once again made a 3 block high tower with the colorful blocks.
But she hates that she can't share those moments with Chloe. Chloe has to work a lot. And when she comes home she's either exhausted or not in a good mood. But she's nothing less than kind and loving, obviously they fight sometimes but everyone does that. And they talk it out. Anyway that's not what this story is about.
When Chloe comes home. She is overworked and stressed.
So Red had a fun little idea. And she hopes it makes Chloe's day.
Back to the present, Red hears the door open and Chloe walks into the kitchen area. She's wearing a frown and her eyes emotionless. Red tries to hide her smile as she greets her Wife "Hello" and Chloe gives a "Hey" back.
The Baby chair was right in front of the doorway and Chloe noticed little movement from it. When she looks down she sees her little treasure sitting there. She stares for 2 seconds and bursts out laughing. It sounds like trying to start a car several times. Red joins in the laughter.
Chloe needs to bend over with how much she's laughing. She really needed this.
What did Red do? She put fake eyebrows on their baby. And it looks hilarious.
They've been both laughing for at least 2 minutes. Chloe holds her stomach as she takes in a deep breath, she lets out a very amused "WOoooo" tears in her eyes. Still laughing a little. With a big smile "I'm sorry Rin-" she looks at her baby again, and it's looking straight back at her and she's gone again. The laughter starting all over again.
Lol. It's based on this short
I don't really like that I added stuff that isn't explained further, but I wanted to keep it short and focus on the baby with the eyebrows.
I didn't want to steal names from others who also made Glassheart children. So I named her Rina. She'll probably never come up again. But if she does. She has light red hair almost pastel like which turns to a darker red or maybe even light purple idk. definitely curly. And um. Yeah. That's all really. Haven't thought much further.
Ok byeee
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Here's a thought. What if growing up as a kid in an AU in a cold country, Luffy claims he has a big fluffy leopard friend called meow-meow who keeps him company and listens to him and his problems.
Yes, meow-meow is Law in his snow leopard form. Yes, I'm finally doing a childhood AU! I have so much lore for this. I'll share wips in due course.
Also, I caved and started writing SaboAce! Lots of ASL lore in this fic!
This is a long one, so strap iN!!
Despite being besties, Ace and Luffy weren't very close back in the day. That may be surprising to onlookers but it made sense then. Ace had a sort of inferiority complex over not being a 'legitimate' grandson and lashed out at Luffy over that.
Feeling lonely and bullied, Luffy ran away from home a lot. Not like Ace or even Garp cared. They had their own shit to worry about.
One day after a particularly bad argument, Luffy ran to the forest without even brining a weapon. It was dinner time. Ace ate all of his share of the porridge out of spite and Luffy furiously said that if Ace hated him that much, maybe it'll be better if Luffy just ran off and got himself killed.
Ace flipped him off and said that it didn't matter either way.
And here's Luffy, alone, cold and hungry in a place he doesn't even know. It's snowing now. People at school told him that it'll snow more nowadays and that he should stay inside. Did Luffy listen? No. Did Luffy want to listen? Nah.
Luffy was cold and shivered a lot by himself, that is, until a small snow leopard cub came towards him. He looked small and helpless but there's a fierceness in its eyes that scared Luffy. It looked like Ace's eyes.
"If you hit me, I'll eat you."
A growl.
Luffy frowned. He heard that even snow leopards have families. He wondered where this one was. Luffy wondered who's more violent—female or male ones. It didn't matter either way: Luffy would beat 'em up and eat 'em whole!
"Where's your friends? Don't you have any? Y-you can't eat me!"
Another growl.
Luffy looked around and he didn't sense anyone, or anything else there. If Luffy looked closer, he saw that he looked...
"Are you lonely?"
Silence. The little guy looked away, as if embarrassed. Luffy smiled for once and reached out to poke his nose. The guy sneezed. Ah. Luffy laughed for the first time in months, probably.
"You're like me, aren't you?" Luffy said softly. And then with the courage Luffy never had to face Ace, Luffy said, "You're like me! Let's be friends! Where do you live? I don't wanna go home. Ace's always mean to me."
And with the compassion Ace never had, the little guy agreed. He picked up Luffy's shivering body with his blunter teeth and took him back to his cave, a modest thing with a small fire and some fish. Luffy ate it and fell asleep quickly. The cub tried to wake Luffy up to chastise him but gave up quickly. He fell asleep too.
The next morning, Luffy was found by his home. Traitor! That cat told him he could stay! Anyways, that's one thing. The bigger problem is Ace was sitting there, right next to him.
Ace woke up at that. His bloodshot eyes made him look a bit insane like he's not really aware of what's going on. Ace sniffled.
"There's bear meat in the fridge. Cook it yourself." Luffy saw that Ace had scratch marks on his arms. Ace stood up and left before Luffy could ask more questions.
At least Ace didn't slam the door like he used to. Luffy was unsure whether to be relieved or afraid.
The next few days were tame. Ace was still quiet but he wasn't as angry at least. Ace even talked to Luffy about things he learnt in school and offered to teach him how to read. Ace was a good teacher, even if irritable and impatient. Luffy decided he need not be as afraid.
Alongside Ace being nicer to him, Luffy also snuck out to meet the cub more. To be fair, Ace knew but didn't say anything. With some heartache, he understood this sneaking out was something like payback so he let it be. But God Damn it, could Luffy be more subtle!
Picking flowers, catching frogs, hoarding pretty rocks. "Bro," Ace complained to his friend Sabo, "Is Luffy meeting up with a girlfriend-slash-boyfriend-slash-genderless-significant-other or a fucking cat in the woods?" Ace tried not to snicker when he finally 'caught' Luffy.
Understandably, Luffy got defensive.
"I'm hanging out with a friend and you aren't invited!" If anything, Ace seemed amused by that outburst. He smiled. Luffy saw why Ace kept getting girlfriends. Ace is quite handsome.
"Is it that cat?" Ace said. This is the first time Ace spoke to him in a not unkind way. Luffy unconsciously nodded. "Yeah, sure. Go ahead."
Luffy didn't know what to say. Ace said okay? For real? No catch?
"Introduce us some time. I need to thank him for saving your ass. He's the one who keeps bringing you back whenever something goes wrong. Tell him I said thanks. That's all."
"Ace-" Luffy looked like he'd cry when Ace pat his head and told him to come back in one piece.
"Have fun." Ace looked awkward as he finally said Luffy's name for the first time, "Luffy."
Luffy laughed and ran off. Oh boy did he have GREAT news to share with his new friend!! The cub tried his best to be pleased but he lost track somewhere and resorted to using his tail to stroke Luffy's face for the rest of the day. Luffy found it cute and ticklish.
Since that day, they meet up a lot, almost every day. Sometimes, they even meet at Luffy's house. It's on one such hang out that Ace formally admitted that he had a crush on someone.
Luffy was in the kitchen cutting meat and the cub was spread out on Ace's lap. Ace had so much fun stroking his fur that he simply blurted out, "I like Sabo. I wanna ask him out. What do you think?"
The cub looked up keenly. Ace supposed this one's probably smarter than Sabo but still pretty chill. Maybe Luffy was onto something for liking this one so much.
"Do you reckon I have a chance? Blink once for yes and twice for no."
He blinked twice easily. Ace punched him on the head. Luffy saw this violence and cried, hugging meow-meow protectively.
"Leave meow-meow alone! He didn't do anything wrong!"
"He said Sabo wouldn't go on a date with me!"
"Meow-meow doesn't know who Sabo is but he knows Sabo doesn't like bullies!" To prove a point, Luffy stuck his tongue out. "Bleh!"
Ace got mad and walked out. "Well, fine! I'll show you twerps what's up! I'll ask him out right now! Just you watch!"
Luffy and the cub cuddled on the couch when Ace came back a few hours later, hand-in-hand with a new fr-, no boyfriend called Sabo. Sabo seemed nice. He waved at Luffy and said meow-meow was cute. Luffy found it amusing that Ace looked shy but happy. Luffy had the feeling that Sabo would become someone important...
So, the routine nowadays is that Sabo would go over to study with Ace while Luffy would play with meow-meow in the living room. If it got too cold, everyone would gather around meow-meow for warmth.
It was wholesome and everyone gets closer or whatever. That is, until one day, Garp showed up after six months of being an MIA deadbeat. Imagine his surprise to find:
Ace and Luffy willingly sitting together.
A third blonde child resting on Ace's shoulder, contentedly reading a book full of words Garp didn't understand.
A fucking snow leopard sleeping on the living room floor
All three children lying back against said snow leopard.
Garp could either be calm and ask Ace what's going on or pretend nothing happened and make small talk. Instead, he pointed to Ace and the blonde child and said, "YOU TWO BETTER NOT BE UP TO NO GOOD!"
Luffy stood up first. "Nuh-uh! Ace and Sabo play with me and meow-meow! They're good boys! I like them!"
Ace look like he's going to cry at the sudden confession. Sabo woke up and quickly hugged Ace to comfort him. Garp got even more livid.
"Look at that. These kids are immoral nowadays. They're rushing things and doing things they shouldn't be doing!"
Luffy was about to stand up for them again but Ace told Luffy to sit back down. Sabo looked like he knew what's going to happen next.
"Shut up, you stupid old man. Sabo and I will fuck when we want to." Ace would flip Garp off but then a bushy white tail wrapped around his hand. What? Ace wasn't cold. Meow-meow had a habit of doing that whenever he thought anyone of the ASL trio was cold.
It seemed that Sabo was the only one who actually understood what meow-meow wanted to do.
"What do you even know? I haven't given any of you the talk!"
Ace was ready for this! "I know that either Sabo or I will get on top and from there we-" Meow-meow's tail went down, wrapped around Ace's hip and clutched. Since when was meow-meow this strong? Ace was more impressed than embarrassed. He cringed. Oh fuck, he's going through character development.
Garp merely laughed.
"Well! Looks like you can't do anything!" Garp said with triumph. Then, as suddenly as he came, he said he'd get some food and left them be.
Luffy wanted to scold meow-meow. Why did he hurt Ace so suddenly? Was meow-meow jealous? Meow-meow never looked like the type but then meow-meow looked so lonely. Luffy was upset that meow-meow never said anything. Was meow-meow making him choose between them? Why-
"Don't cry, Luffy," Sabo said. "Meow-meow's protecting Ace."
Luffy was dumbfounded.
"He's making sure that Ace doesn't run his mouth and get in trouble with Garp," Sabo said kindly. "He gets defensive over me and talks back to our teachers and gets in trouble even though he didn't do anything wrong."
"Is meow-meow making sure Ace doesn't get in trouble for protecting Sabo?"
"Yup!" Sabo gave Luffy a thumbs up as Ace groaned in pain. "Protect meow-meow too, okay, Luffy? Meow-meow loves you a lot."
As if he understood all that, meow-meow raised his tail and stroked Luffy's face, tickling him. Luffy started laughing. Luffy loved meow-meow too!
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i wanna hold your hand
steve rogers x gender neutral reader
words: 590
warnings: none, just floof.
a/n: for @brandycranby ❀ i'm... second guessing every bit of this but lol i hope you like it???? xo
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If there's one mundane life task that Steve hates, it's grocery shopping. He has other things to worry about, bigger and way more important, than to find the time and patience to grocery shop.
With the beauty of the internet, there are so many ways to have them delivered nowadays! It's wonderfully convenient for someone else to gather everything on your list and drive it over to your home.
And yet, you insist on doing the shopping yourself. On top of that, you don't like going alone, so Steve ends up shuffling through Whole Foods with a frown more times than he'd prefer.
He'd been home for all of two hours today from a three week mission when you remembered you hadn't gone to the store yet, putting your special reunion alone time on hold. He didn't cry about it, but it was a near thing.
Steve sighs heavily beside you where you're weighing the options of granola for your almond milk yogurt. He missed you something fierce while he was away and he was more impatient to be back home than he'd ever been in his life. He just wants to have you to himself for a few days, no outside interruptions of any kind. You've hardly given him any attention since you stepped into the store, which is really, honestly, truly, the worst thing in the world right now.
In an attempt to appease himself, he reaches for your hand, hoping that the tiny bit of skin to skin contact will suffice for the time being. Just as his fingers twine with yours, however, you untangle them and reach for one of the small brown paper bags on hand and begin to fill it with granola. He frowns harder, clenching his hand into a fist, but telling himself he’ll just wait until you're finished to take hold of your hand again.
Even after you've sealed the bag shut and placed it in the cart, though, you’re walking away and heading towards the next aisle, leaving Steve staring after you in disbelief. He huffs, taking quick, long strides to catch up to you and takes one of your hands off the cart handle. The gesture startles you as you turn to him, eyes a bit wide in question as he makes a show of lacing his fingers through yours and holding on with a tighter than normal grip.
“Hold my fucking hand,” he grumbles.
You blink, gaze dropping to your hands and back to Steve’s eyes, and then your eyebrows raise.
“Are you pouting right now?”
Immediately, Steve forcefully relaxes his mouth, his frown smoothing out.
“No,” he insists, though he knows it's too late.
“Baby,” you start, lips curling in the corners, exasperated. You squeeze his hand reassuringly and lift your other hand up to cup his cheek. “I missed you too, so much, and I’m sorry that we had to come here because I forgot to go yesterday. I promise we won't be much longer and then we can go home. Okay?”
Before he can stop himself, he feels his lips purse into a pout again. It makes you giggle and even though Steve is grumpy the sound still sends warmth throughout his chest.
“Fine,” he replies petulantly. He pauses, then asks, “We can't forget ice cream.”
You scrunch your nose as you grin. “Of course not.”
Tilting his face down, you press a sweet kiss to his lips and just like that, his shoulders lose some of their tension and he can breathe a little easier.
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binkszamsstuff · 2 years
Girl of my dreams
Arranged marriage au/ Mob au
Angst, cheating,smut, fluff, breeding kink, pregnancy, others but I'm tired and lazy also not edited/ proof read💀😬 18+,
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Many times she thought of leaving, many ways to never look back. But the walls forbid it and so did her husband. Being married to a Mafia man was hard but there were harder things in life then to watch him cheat. An arranged marriage was what her parents thought would bloom into love only for heartbreak.
They never really loved, but they did fight constantly. He said she took away his freedom to fuck, she said he took away her freedom to love. Both were right, both were wrong. Until one night changed the two -almost as if sight had smacked them on their heads.
She walked into his office a red haired woman sat on his lap, she was dressed in fine clothes obviously a payment from him for her late night work. He had his reading glasses perched on his nose reading something on his computer, his left hand rubbing the woman's hip.
They didn't move an inch when y/n walked in, they didn't care who saw them together everyone knew they didn't want to be married, so what's the harm knowing he was in love with another woman.
"I'm leaving tonight, I have a gala. I'm taking Steve and the Mercedes goodbye" his wife said then walked out dismissively.
James had one job and that was to provide y/n with protection and to keep her married to him. James' father and hers only made this marriage for beneficial things, like money.
So y/n was required to take a bodyguard everywhere she went. James had just looked up from his computer to get the last glimpse of his wife in her tight fitting classy dress. Her hair blown out with volume and bounce, the dress she wore shaped her bottom perfectly. His eyes followed her out, his lips slightly parting,
"yes alright" was all he said.
The woman who sat on his lap was growing impatient. "Thank God she's gone! When will you finally get rid of her?" The woman asked.
"Never. You know this" he spoke illy towards her.
The woman scoffed. "But you love me, so why can't this be done? It's been three years and I'm tired of being the side piece. The villain, well people pity her. I'm the one who doesn't get the life she wants! I'm the one living, having to watch you be married to someone else."
"Natasha stop! I don't love her, I don't kiss her, or fuck her. I barely speak to the woman and when I do all we do is argue so please don't pull that on me." James was now rubbing his fingers on his forehead trying to relax the headache.
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When the night was over, y/n and Steve came home giggling at the mischief they caused. James sat on the couch, his dark eyebrows drawn in a grim frown on his face.
"What are you two laughing about?" James spoke.
"n-nothing just something funny that happened at the gala" Steve brushed off.
"Was it y/n, that funny?" James spoke once again, his tone sounding hard, aggressive.
"yes it was"
"goodnight y/n, it was lovely spending time with you" Steve said kissing her check.
She blushed saying a shy "thank you Stevie"
Steve left leaving her and her husband alone.
"I'm going to bed, sweet dreams James" she spoke softly to him. She might not be his love but once at the beginning of their marriage she did love him. She tried to make it work but one day she had walked in the house after shopping for their one year anniversary only to be met with James and Natasha naked in front of the fire place having a romantic time.
Tears streamed down her face and all James did when he saw her was smirk. He hated her then, truly couldn't stand to be near her, that was two years ago now he almost wishes she was around more often. Now she was cold distant towards him, she only seemed to be the giddy, sweet, caring, and lovable girl she once was with Steve. She used to be that way with him.
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That night James stayed up, sitting in his California king bed. Alone. The cold air seeped into the room from the open windows. He sat leaned up against the headboard, his journal in hand. Before James was forced into the mob by his father he dreamed of writing. As a young man, he would write stories of love, he was a hopeless romantic. He dreamt; of becoming a writer, finding the love of his life. But at the age of 21 his dreams were shot down.
Ever since he married his y/n, James' writings were surrounded by her. The love stories, no longer about the red haired woman -natasha. Every fantasy about what his life could have been was still filled with his wife.
Tonight he seemed to only be able to write her name. Endlessly.
Y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n, Y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n -the woman who holds the embers of my heart. My wife.
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The following week james watched y/n and Steve dance around the kitchen with old songs. How he purposely left his study door open so he could hear her; sing, talk to herself, laugh. It always brought a smile on his face. Things were changing in him.
James was not the only one to notice, Natasha did too. Whenever she came over James would hardly touch her, speak to her. Always bored 'wow's' 'oh's' and 'okay'.
To say she was mad was an under statement.
Natasha walked into the house with her keys in hand. Y/n was in her comfy home clothes doodling in her notebook, she sat perched in the kitchen window seat. Natasha rolled her eyes walking furiously towards James' study.
Natasha said with anger "What the hell is wrong with you?"
James did nothing, not even looking up from his computer.
"Natasha, please I'm working." He huffed out a sigh. Natasha was really making him lose his creative wind.
"No! You have barely talked to me! Touched me! What the hell is going on?" She demanded.
James stood up in a swift motion. His blue eyes now are hard and cold. Unforgiving.
"That's it! I can not do this nat! I loved you for a very long time natasha...but now I don't." Natasha gasped taking a step back.
"Nat I'm so sorry but we aren't good for each other anymore. You want to marry, I don't. You don't want children, I do. We fight more than we do anything else. I don't want to remember you like this so I'm asking you to leave. Please give me your key to my wife's and i's home." James now had a solemn expression on his face.
"This is about her uh? You told me you would never love her! It was supposed to be me!"
"Natasha I hope you find someone who will love forever, and I...was wrong..I think I've loved her since the first time I saw her." Natasha through her key at him and ran out of the house.
James was so stupid, If he could have realized that he did love y/n since he first saw her walking down the aisle. and to not let the betrayal for his father blind him so much he could hurt the woman he's loved since first sight. She was the woman he dreamed of all his life. Is it too late for him to wake up and fix his mess?
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Y/n sat at the breakfast table alone watching out the window, her peaceful morning was dull until the chair in front of her scaped against the floor. Then groaning as James sat in it. A confused look came a upon her face he never sat with her at breakfast, she didn't even see him in the mornings.
"What are you doing?" She asked him quietly almost as if she was whispering to keep a secret.
"I'm having breakfast at my table, can I not do that?" He sassed back at her.
"y-yes you can, but I'm here." This time she spoke a little louder.
"so? Your my wife"
Y/n almost laughed outwards at him. "So? You hate me!" She chuckled while shaking her head.
"I don't hate you, y/n" she almost froze she had never really heard him say her name, he almost always referred her as 'she', 'her' and occasionally 'bitch'. The two are in silence, but not awkward, comfort. The pair really didn't know what to do with themselves, do they make small talk? No their married no married couple uses small talk, well they weren't in love, do they talk business? No y/n didn't work in the Mafia, do they argue? No nether wanted to end the softness. No they sat in slience. Until James remembered why he came to sit with her.
"your birthday is coming up, in what a week?" James said flatly.
"You know my birthday?" She said again in disbelief for the second time that morning.
James rolled his eyes "yes, of Crouse I do, what do you want?"
"Um ahh, you don't have to get me anything you haven't any of the other years it's alright" she said, she didn't mean to make him feel guilty but the way she said it's so nonchalantly, so casual. She was used to being nothing in his life.
"I want to give you something" he said still acting like this wasn't the most kindest he's ever been to her through out the three years of marriage.
"we'll make-up, or shoes," she said shyly.
"Your turning 21, what no booze?" He said amused.
"No I don't drink, even when I turn of age." He didn't know the reason why, and that bothered her.
"A-alright then shoes and make-up" he got up putting his plate away, James awkwardly straighted his suit jacket.
"goodbye y/n"
"goodbye James"
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The next couple of days y/n and James would eat breakfast together, just sitting in comfortable silence.
The two would peak glances at each other.
The week past was a fun blur, between hanging out with friends, family, planning the party, y/n didn't have time to notice that Natasha was coming over less and less. She used to come over everyday, key and everything acting as if y/n's home was hers.
But now for the last month y/n was seeing none of her.
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Y/n walked down the stairs her dress flowing down, fit for her like a glove. Everyone gasped, 'ohhed', and ahhhed' at her. James in particular was breathless, he hadn't ever felt this way towards her or any other woman.
Y/n said her hellos to her guests, family, friends, she made her way to the bar asking for a soda when a calloused hand splayed itself on her lower back.
"Y/n will you come with me?" James spoke lowly in her ear. She turned around shocked at how he was holding her so close.
"Why?' she asked flustered.
"because I need to speak to my wife" he said with a smug smirk.
He lead her to one of the bathroom on the main floor of their house. Once inside he closed the door behind him locking it.
"Why are we in here?" She asked curiously.
James said nothing only stepping towards her in one stride, his left hand snaking it's way around her waist the other holding the back of her neck/lower head. Her body pressed against his.
"I want you, i-im sorry I didn't treat you right when I got the first chance." James whispered to her, his lips hovering over hers. She wanted to beg him to kiss her, to take her, make their marriage more then an inconvenient. To finally reciprocate her love, for him to choose her.
"I want you to, but I'm not that easy. James Barnes we've been married for almost four years, I was 18 when we married and I wanted you so bad, I loved you more then anything but you chose her! You need to make it up, you've wasted a lot of time"
"I will, I promise but I can't keep watching you like you mean nothing. One kiss and I won't ask again until your ready please babydoll"
She smashed her lips Into his, she didn't do it for him begging (well a little bit) she did it for herself one taste then he had to prove himself. The kiss was soft, pleasing, longing, underlying love no longer hidden beneath the anger.
"I'll make it to you, doll and I will never hurt you again"
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one year later....
"Oh good girl baby. Yeah you like when I fill you up?" James said as he pounded into her cunt. The two wrapped up in their soft bed sheets, y/n's legs wrapped around his waist. Her hands holding onto his upper arm.
"Yes daddy, I do! Please I want your cum!' she begged through the tears of pleasure.
"I'm gonna put a baby in you, fuck your gonna be the hotest mommy baby" his thrusts getting more sloppy as he neares him climax.
"I'm gonna cum James! Please I want your babies!" Y/n pleaded, James started to place kisses on her neck and shoulder.
"Oh yeah, cum all over daddies cock babydoll. Fuck I love you!' he growled into her shoulder as his white warm cum shot into her wet tight pussy.
'i love you too Jamie" y/n said dozing off, now James held her in his arms. He stared at her, how soft and delicate she looked. He loves her, her little giggles, the way she cuddles into him, how she cries and tries to beg him to let her adopt animal when the arms of the angel commercial comes on and now that she's pregnant she always ends up In tears.
James Buchanan Barnes loves y/n Barnes and nothing will change that. And their soon to be born daughter.
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lunerna21 · 9 months
***I meant to do a post for Chapter 1 of Book 7 earlier but it’s been super chaotic with the holidays 😭***
***Slightly longer post but I just want to get my feelings out lol***
BUT I do wanna vent about specific parts of this chapter cause I’m constantly on edge waiting for the release of Chapter 2 (even though I’ll be crying and hyperventilating throughout the next chapter)
First of all, let me start off with how much I love seeing Sebek have a bitch fit from us calling Malleus Tsunotaro
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Like dude basically had an aneurysm and tantrum over it and I fucking love his reaction 😭
(Also totally not loving the attention from Malleus in the very beginning of the chapter 🙈)
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Being such a huge fan of Sleeping Beauty I’m thriving on the focus of it for this Book and I can’t wait to see where it takes us ❤️
BUT BUT There were two parts that had me almost to the point of losing my goddamn mind
1. The idea that we could be leaving Ace, Deuce and Grim
When Deuce and Grim started reminiscing and getting upset about us leaving and Grim being alone again
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Throughout the whole series we've always seen Ace consoling us and keeping his positive outlook, and I'm DYING to see how he reacts to us leaving when we have a guaranteed way home
I feel like once he know's our time is coming to an end, Ace is gonna be inconsolable and just completely break down and beg us to not leave
I wish we got to see him more vulnerable but I feel like Yana is just cooking something up to DEVASTATE the fandom
2. Malleus speaking about this past
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(Also screw that last option like why would I ever pick that after what he told us)
Just the fact as he was telling his story and we pointed it out and he was just like "Oh, I guess I was" and acknowledged it
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Does everyone need to be so traumatized by their past in this game like goddamn the whole goddamn school needs a therapist
Just reminiscing on his reactions to spending time with us in the main story and side stories, and how much he enjoyed being included just makes the past events more special with him 😭
....And his reaction afterward we told him we'd found a way home...
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.....Malleus facing the horrible reality that everyone is slowly fading from his life and he has no way to prevent this is just....
When I tell you I'm going to be in therapy after Chapter 2, I will be so inconsolable that I will be in shambles for a while
I'm glad I'm also caught up to the Chapter 6 on the JPN server, but having to now relive everything in the EN server I will not be okay
Now I will sit in and cry impatiently as I wait for a date for the newest Chapter (ALSO MANIFESTING MORE CHAPTERS NEXT MONTH FOR BOTH SERVERS EVEN THOUGH IT HURTS)
Enjoying the rest of your day~~!! *walks off in tears*
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Monthly special: Variable Barricade crossover!
I kept worrying about the word count and then I thought "hold on a moment, earlier 4k words was because I tried to give every suitor a time to shine! So this having less than 3k isn't bad!". So that's what I'll believe lol... Hope you enjoy it!
If you want to join the taglist just send an ask or dm me!
Reader here is female and has established background.
Cw: Age gap (Reader is 18 and the ladies are ages 20-24)
|First Chapter|
<= Previous chapter | Next chapter=>
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With how everything was going on lately you don't feel too relaxed… fighting your feelings and making appearances finally started to take a toll on you.
Fortunately, Miko has a solution.
Miko's part one: chapter 1- Fluffy therapy.
You're back home again. Going from your one responsibility of studying to shifting to your duty of finding a wife among your suitors. Each day someone else is greeting you, today was Miko's "turn".
"You poor thing. You look exhausted" although she was clearly teasing you, her voice had it's tone of worry.
"Care to tell me something I'm not aware of?" you sarcastically snap back.
"What a coincidence that you've asked. I made plans for us today" her smug smile was very taunting, but you didn't respond to that "I know that you'd like to be informed in advance but… I feel like having less order will do you good" she took her hand out for you to accept.
You wanted to say how lack of order is only bound to make you more stressed, but you also had promised Thoma and Ayaka to try and be less hostile around them.
With some hesitation, you take her hand. She was clearly satisfied with your non-verbal answer and the two of you went upstairs to the second floor where your suitors had their rooms.
Being alone with Miko in her room did make you flustered, but you weren't going to panic, not yet at least.
"So why did you bring me here?" you ask as you look around. Her room was simple and yet it had that luxurious feeling to it.
"Sit down and I'll tell you about it" she went to her wardrobe and took out a box. She didn't open it right away as she started speaking "I've noticed that even though you're getting used to us, you're still pretty stressed all the time. I'd like to help you" she sat down next to you "I figured now would be the perfect time for me to show you that I'll give you something the other three can't"
You hate how indirect she was with her words as your mind started wondering what exactly could she possibly mean "Go on" you ask her to finish.
"Quite impatient one aren't you?" she chuckles as she opens the box "It's what I believe will help you relax. Working with writers really gave me a lot of ways to help someone forget their struggles and from what I've tried, I believe this will help"
She takes out a pillow. It's shaped like a fox tail and is just looks so fluffy to touch… "I don't get how this will help" you pretend not to be intrigued.
"Trust me, it works. Just close your eyes and pet it" giving you directions, she put the box away.
For a moment you do as she tells you to. The longer you do it, you could feel some tension leaving you. You start to clear your mind and start to feel warm as you lean to relax further. It was soft… Really soft. Miko really must've invested in great quality cushions as you feel a bit different when you lean down a little on the couch instead of sitting straight up.
Then you slightly open your eyes and you notice that you've leaned on Miko this entire time. Her arms were gently embracing you and you flinched the moment you saw what situation you were in "And who told you you could do that!?" you snap at her as you could feel how hot your cheeks were getting.
"It was you who leaned on first, I only played along" although she was serious she couldn't help but chuckle at your reaction "But you must admit that you managed to unwind even for just a little hm?"
"You're the worst" you pout before standing up and leaving the room. But Miko didn't seem bothered by that, as she didn't follow after you left.
When walking back downstairs you were quickly spotted by Thoma. He seemed concerned as he was by your side almost immediately "Lady Y/N… is everything okay?"
You take a deep breath to calm down, you don't want to worry Thoma, nor do you want to admit to literally running away from your suitor "Yes, everything is completely fine"
Your butler continued speaking to you, but your mind was still with Miko. Her comforting embrace, warmth it all made it impossible to stay focused because the only thing you can think about is how much you miss it. And she was right, it did made you feel relaxed. Perhaps that's why you wish to be with her once again. Wait what? Why are you thinking like that?
"Y/N..?" hearing him call out to you made you snap back to reality.
"Oh- sorry Thoma, could you repeat that?" it was embarrassing to be so inattentive… but it was all Miko's fault!
"I was asking if you'd like to eat something" he didn't seem all that bothered that you've ignored him.
Next day when you came back, it was Miko who greeted you again. You were surprised and yet you tired to appear tough… even though Miko read you like a book
"Oh dear, you look like you have a fever…" she tried reaching her hand out to you.
"I don't have it, thanks for worrying. Bye" you quickly say before rushing upstairs.
Ever since that, your situation with Miko looked like that every day. Of course her teasing was different each time but the pattern was the same. You cut every conversation short. Still, she seemed to have an odd sense of satisfaction whenever you basically ran from her blushing.
It didn't help no matter what you did, you thought back on her embrace. You want to experience it again. It really helped, you felt less tense. If not for your reaction you figure that you'd enjoy it even more. But now it was time for your pride to stand in the way. You can't possibly ask her about it directly… so it was time to consult someone about it.
You're talking to Ayaka who carefully listened to your full story "Oh my, congratulations Y/N. You managed to get out of your comfort zone, even if for just a little" she sounded proud.
"I just- ugh. I reacted so strongly she'd definitely make fun of me if I were to ask her to make those fluffy therapy sessions into a habit" you can only think about what she'd say…
"Miko, I apologize for my outburst earlier. I want to continue what I stopped" after asking you'd be met with her teasing smirk "Oho~ do you really admit it already? You agree that you need me~?" She'd lift your chin up "Just say yes and I'll make sure to make you a happy girl indeed~" her voice, her gaze… everything would be almost hypnotic-!
You snap back from your "fantasies" as you really don't know what else to call whatever your imagination just tortured you with... Helplessly looking at Ayaka, you feel dumb that you're asking her for advice so often as of late.
"But don't you think being indirect would make it even worse?" She suggests.
You think for a moment.
"Miko… I think your method wasn't performed how it should've been. We must try again at once and fix those mistakes" although you'd try to sound confident your body language would betray you.
"Such a cute excuse. Fortunately for you, it makes you adorable so I won't complain" she'd take your hand "But since you already said that method is faulty I do have a few other methods in mind" and you could only wonder what imaginary Miko meant by that.
"Right… Then what do I do?" it's really impossible, you can't think of anything that will let you keep some of your pride. Even if what you ask for is a ticket to be more vulnerable.
"I'm sorry but I really can't think of anything besides just talking to her" Ayaka looked sad about the fact that she can't help you. But you were more bothered by your helplessness rather than Ayaka's inability to help "It's okay, I really shouldn't burden you with having to help me out all the time"
"Burden? What a silly thought! I'd never think of you as such" her sweet smile was just everything "I'm happy that you aren't afraid to rely on me"
"If you say so" you smile back at her, you were really lucky to have such a friend.
"Now I can't really help you with your situation… but I believe in you! I'm sure you'll figure something out" with her words you felt motivated.
Yet as you walk through the door and look at Miko, all of your courage jumps out of the window.
|I need to push forward! (Romance)|
Just how long are you going to let yourself stay in one place? It really is pathetic how you just let yourself be held back by your pride all the time.
"Miko" you speak up before her, earning her curiosity "I.." you trail off, your gaze not being focused on the woman before you. It was tough but you finally said "I want us to continue what where we left off last time"
|I really need a break… (Reason)|
Snap out of it! You can't let an opportunity to touch that fluffy tail pass just like that!
"Hello Y/N, how was your day?" she challenged you with the way she looked at you as she asked that question.
"It was bad enough" you don't care anymore about her teasing "Can we try that thing again with the fox tail pillow?" you sigh, signaling that you really need this. Even though asking about it is what let your mind be so tired to begin with.
"Of course" she chuckles "I thought it'd take you much longer to say it, good job Y/N" she patted your head. It felt infuriating… but right now all you cared about was to sit down, relax and forget about everything around you.
You went back to her room and at first you felt a little bit awkward. But with time you stopped being so aware of your situation. Which Miko noticed, but she didn't say anything about it, she was glad that she gets to see you like this.
"You can come to me whenever you need it Y/N" unlike her previous tone, what she had said now felt genuine. It was different from any of your previous interactions with Miko, and you can't say that you hate this side of her…
"Can I really..?" you know that it's just a tactic to get close to you. But honestly, what's the shame in it when you both benefit from it?
"I wouldn't offer it to you if I didn't mean it. But I can't promise that I won't have a little fun of my own whenever you'd ask" there she goes with more of her teasing again…
"I suppose that's a fair price to pay for this" you continue playing with the tail. And should you actually pick Miko, it'd be good to practice getting some resistance against her teasing… wait why are you considering it?
You shake off the thought, you'd do it regardless of which suitor you'd be with. So it has less to do with Miko and more with your comfort. That's right…
After your arrangement, it wasn't something you were keeping much a secret. Anyone could see you sneaking into Miko's room every once in a while. It got the others curious.
"Miko" Eula got her attention "Care to explain why is it that Y/N keeps visiting your room?" she didn't sound like she was scolding her, more like she was curious.
"I don't think I need to explain myself. I'm just doing what I am supposed to. Given that we compete against each other I only see less reasons to share what's happening between us" she was smug about it.
"That's fair, hm… I'll have to make a move myself to not stay behind" Ningguang mumbled to herself.
"It looks like Y/N goes to you voluntarily, so it's not like we can object to whatever is talking place" Eula said with a sigh.
Miko was enjoying the jealousy but noticed that Yelan was awfully quiet "And don't you have anything to say?" she tried dragging her into the conversation.
"Just like Eula said, if Y/N consents to it I don't care what's going on. It does make things harder for us. But it was to be expected that anyone would try to get close to her" she shrugged "You aren't the only one with a plan you know"
"You're making it sound like we're all scheming here" Ningguang rolled her eyes "With that attitude you're not going anywhere"
"Hm? I never said anything about a scheme. I'm interested in Y/N, therefore I'm trying to get close to her. As you can see, it's working" Miko taunted, clearly being proud of being the first to get as far as she did.
"It's just the beginning, don't get so cocky" Eula had enough of Miko's game. But it only made her even more satisfied.
"A good start is hard to beat. Unlike any of you I've actually made a move. What did you think? That Y/N will be the one to approach you first?" The argument seemed only make Miko more satisfied with each second "But it's true, if I win her over so quickly where's the fun in it?" after saying that she left to go back to her room.
Her satisfied smile disappeared immediately, she just sat down and sighed "Just why did I agree to this?" she burried her face in her hands.
But it was her choice to be a part of that…
@audre-falrose @frozengenderfluid @watamehorns @bebeluvvv @fandangotales @yumi-genshin-writer
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cboffshore · 2 years
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Keep it in and we'll all get rich. This is "It Will Never Be Enough."
For his first wish: the mortifying ordeal of being known. I'm not even kidding.
Given that this series is just a front for an in-depth Nadakhan character study, there's really no other way to start than with the man himself. This design has been bouncing around my mind for a few years now, actually - it first came to mind before I had the skills to pull it off and has been tapping impatiently on my shoulder ever since. This past fall (yes, this has been in the works for months), that moment arrived. I felt confident enough in my artistic abilities to bring it to life, sparking this series and analysis.
So, back to the tagline: the mortifying ideal of being known and my bold claim that that's the first of Nadakhan's actual, character-defining wishes. It's a desire that becomes apparent early in his life, when he abandons his home to seek a life not defined by his royal heritage. And, somehow, he gets it: he spends decades, if not longer, practically ruling the Endless Sea. Nothing gold can stay, though, leading to his two-hundred-year stint imprisoned and a less-than-glamorous return to existence in Stiix. Shortly after that, though, there's a shocking development: he wants to go home. Generally, going home after a life of adventure is seen as a retreat of sorts, but it means something entirely different for Nadakhan. In episode 57, Flintlocke's the first to express surprise that Nadakhan wants to go back, leading into a telling exchange:
Flintlocke: But you said you'd never be welcomed back there. What about your father?
Nadakhan: Better to live in a world where you are hated than in a world where you are forgotten.
In short: Nadakhan refuses to exist where he won't be seen. No such thing as bad press, right? The sheer ridiculousness of framing teenagers for petty crime, the real possibility of being ostracized by his own home realm - it's all about attention. He's been alone for two hundred years, only to emerge in a world where he can't relive his glory days. Finding out his backup plan of being the resident black sheep in his home realm is off the table, well... that's just saltwater in the wound. That's also the start of his second secret wish, so that's where this chunk of the analysis stops and we get into:
The Outfit Breakdown
Because any Ninjago villain traditionally sets the tone for their season, I chose to go perhaps a little too hard on this design in order to have a pool of motifs to pull from later. It's also meant as a mirror to the quote this look is named after - truly, I could have added so much more to this look. I only stopped out of necessity when my art app started lagging. I still like the effect this gives off, especially in regard to Nadakhan's origin as a character. His existence draws from a dizzying number of tropes and sources, creating an unusual and unforgettable presence. We'll break this one down piece by piece.
Of course, we've got to start somewhere: this is heavily based on Nadakhan's (positively awful) human disguise from the season premiere. Oof, did someone get dressed in the dark or what? Pine jacket, red pants, a hairdo that literally prompts a total rando to call him a bozo - let's be nice and call it a difficult pairing. No drip. Anti-drip. Dry as the Sea of Sand. One of the first pieces of feedback I received on this design was "goth band prep goes to a holiday party," if that tells you anything. It never entirely got away from that, which I'm willing to embrace - it's a loud combination! This is the garb of an attention-seeker! Step into a holiday party in this and immediately trigger several record scratches. I just wanted to do it better, because the original iteration is not it.
Originally conceived as a stereotypical pirate jacket, the brocade silk-lined cape blazer came into its own after the friend who gave me the "goth band prep" feedback suggested amping up the drama. It was an inspired suggestion given that said friend knows nothing about Nadakhan - who was I trying to design a stereotypical pirate jacket to embody his character? A fool, that's who. This blazer features a few nods to his origins, both meta and in-universe: sharp lapels as a nod to the Dracula love story that fueled his arc and rich materials to suggest his royal heritage. The silver dangly sections on the clasp and shoulders are extra pointy to reference the silhouette of his iconic chestplate.
Beneath the jacket lies an emerald-and-silver corset intricately woven with a set of golden body chains. These were initially separate elements, but while I was drafting the choker and chains, I had a thought: what if it was all one piece? Thematically, this ended up making perfect sense - this is the world's most uncomfortable halter top, reflecting how his own rage and desires slowly choke out his relationships with his crew. Zoom in and you'll notice that these body chains permeate nearly every inch of the ensemble: as bracelets and arm chains, a pair of draped garter bracelets in the slits of the slacks, and even wrapped around the boots as anklets. These constitute a twist on the concept of the gilded cage, which I feel Nadakhan both experiences and weaponizes. They're intentionally subtle - as hard as he works to conceal his plans, his tragic greed is an integral part of his character, heightened by the dramatic irony of the audience getting to know him before the rest of his crew appears. That we know just what he wants, but the people closest to him (emotionally and physically) don't?? Beautiful. Give me more of that, please. In addition, silver filigree elements on the corset are meant to mirror Nadakhan's hook hand.
The collared shirt under the corset is purely functional (and designed to be reasonably easy to bring to life because FSM knows the rest of the design would be a nightmare to make) - the peach shade is both a nod at Nadakhan's coloring and a weak attempt to fend off Christmas outfit accusations. The original human outfit uses a white shirt, which doesn't blend in quite as well.
A silver glove on the mannequin's left hand calls to mind Nadakhan's hook hand and brings in a little bit of needed contrast. Despite his association with piracy, gold, and opulence, Nadakhan's canon metallic accents are all silver; this is deliberately overridden to heighten his strangling sense of greed. The glove, modeled after his hook, helps ground the outfit in canon.
Even though I don't think I'll ever bring these designs into the real world, I like to design them with a cosplay runway in mind. Simple as these velvet slacks are, they're meant as a stand-in for Nadakhan's.... lower body? Tail? (What are we calling that, y'all? It's been seven years and we haven't arrived at a consensus. I read a fic that called it his "lower area" once, and we definitely can't use that.) The smoky bit that's always moving? That part. The part that should be legs but isn't legs. Anyway, point is that it has some crimson shading and that it moves. So would these pants with a sassy enough runway walk. Beyond the rebellion implied by slashing massive slits into expensive pants, there's not a lot of symbolism here.
The leather boots are the first of two mirrors to Nadakhan's iconic heirloom weapon, the Sword of Souls (the name Djinn Blade, while entirely canonical, is simply not as cool): sparkling crystal wedge heels and thick leather, with the same hook filigree motif as the corset. After he acquires the Sword of Souls, much of Skybound's plot hinges on how Nadakhan chooses to use it; in the same way, the green crystal wedge heels physically support the entire look.
The second reference to the Sword of Souls is far more overt: a luxury handbag traced directly from the Sword's theatrical hilt. Made of pale leather and gleaming gold blades and chains, this handbag doesn't quite coordinate with the rest of the outfit. Instead, it's forced to work out of necessity in the same way that Nadakhan feels he has no choice but to wreak havoc with the blade. Asymmetrical blue crystal accents on both the handbag and the statement earrings are a twofold callback: both to the shattered Realm Crystal that reveals his realm's fate and to the mirror he manipulates in "The Last Resort".
Exhausted yet? I hope not - we're just getting started. As a reward for making it to the end, behold the duality of my art skills: this meme I made months ago, somewhere in the middle of designing this outfit, after a heated Ninjago-themed round of Skribblio where I was tasked with actually drawing Nadakhan. Safe to say, that's not where my skills lie:
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bugslaststraw · 2 years
Hold tight / the stool
There was a stool, standing in one corner, in the dust. ("Don't place anything out of the ordinary on the field. They are easily scared.")
We lead them in, one by one. ("Keep your distance. Hold your index finger between each rein. Be confident. Hold tight. He goes where you look.")
I am alone. The boy behind me doesn't want to speak to me. He is a head and a half shorter than me, skinny, and younger, too. The only boy in class. He has his mother with him. ("He's a champion. Being so good at this despite his size.")
I tighten the cinch. You stomp and sway. You don't like it. But I don't want to fall off. ("Tighten slowly. A few holds at a time. Not too tightly. You should be able to fit your fingers in between.") I try not to look up. Someone else has already mounted.
"Excuse me. Hey. Sorry, yeah, can you hold him for me? Just for a second. Oh. Thanks. Thank you." She's done this for me before. I can't tell if her smile is genuine. ("Never drop the reins. Let someone else hold him for you.")
I wonder if anybody's watching me struggle. You're so tall compared to me. I am so tall compared to them. The little girls. "You're so brave for controlling such a large animal when you're so little," they tell them. ("There's no weight requirement. Your legs should not reach below his stomach. That is the only rule.")
I go and get the stool. It hits my leg with every step I take on the way back. ("Don't run. They are easily scared, and they weigh half a tonne.") I hate the stool more than anything else in the world.
She smiles at me again. She knows my parents don't have the time to come here. It's genuine. It's full of of pity. ("Reins in one hand. Hold tight. Tip of your foot in one stirrup. One, two, three.")
It's cold here. She hands me the crop. I thank her. I want to crawl out of my own skin.
You move beneath me, worried. Your breath turns to mist in the frigid air. I pat your neck. You are warm even through the saddle. ("Be confident. They are herd animals. They feel what you feel.") I wonder how long your back will continue to support me.
We ride out. ("Right to left. Left lap. Even out the distance. Look up. Look around. Push out the corners. Lead with your feet. Heels down and in. Balance. Elbows in. Hands up. Stop holding onto the saddle.")
You are impatient today. Orange like fire. Coat colors are never called what they're supposed to. I trust you with everything I've got.
"It's amazing how much he likes you. He hates almost everyone else. He kicks the walls at night. It's just like in a movie." ("He used to be for jumping. Now he gets too excited. That's why you're not allowed to it with him.")
I don't come to the group activities. I stay home during the competitions. I look myself in the mirror every Friday. All dressed up, for safety. The clothes look so good on them. I feel like an idiot. I take up too much space. ("Wear your helmet. It could save your life.") I pull my hoodie back on and fall asleep on the train home.
I come out. My mom is hysterical and cries for a week. The only boy in my class quits. I don't dare tell the others that we still aren't an all girls class. ("Don't act out. Yelling and other loud noises ar prohibited at the stables.")
I quit one winter. I never see you again.
I miss you. I cry and cry about it but can't bring myself to re-enter. I'm so tired these days. I am fourteen, and the world is ending. I wonder if you're dead yet. ("Most horses retire after they reach 20. He's very spry for his age.")
I see the little girls become older and post their mothers' recordings online. They stop wearing vests and tuck their sweaters into the lining of their pants. They clear jumps almost two meters high and buy their own stables. ("Keep it straight. Stand up when going over. Do not gallop yet. Keep your balance. Stay upright. Hold tight.")
I miss you so much it hurts. I try again. A two day course, somewhere else. Without you. ("You're crossing the reins. Who taught you that? You're doing it wrong. Why are you always asking for the time? It's like you want to leave or something. We don't have stools here. Can't you get on by yourself?") The horses here are sturdy and fluffy, and the yard is filled with mud. It's two days before new year's eve.
I make one last attempt to see you again and they tell me I'm not allowed inside.
I give up again.
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steamishot · 2 months
T-2 months
it's now officially under two months until the big move. i can't wait. until then, there are three events to look forward to: my texan aunt and cousin visiting NYC, going to boston for a fancy whipipo wedding (my first ever) and seeing K again, and lastly, switzerland.
the 4 weeks of matt's jury duty flew by. by the last week, we had to really coordinate being out of the apartment at different times so that each person could get alone time. i would go to the lounge or ceramics when he was at home. when he was at jury duty, i would be home. he finally returns to the hospital tomorrow. he only has 2.5 more week shifts to go before its the end of this NYU era.
ceramics: lately, i've been trying to go to ceramics like 4-5x/week. i'm getting the hang of throwing things one day, trimming the next, and putting it to fire as soon as possible. even if the pieces are imperfect, i just throw them in there. i have received six pieces back so far and they're much bigger and more usable than the ones i made at my first japanese studio. i recently just made my first mug (wheel throwing for the body and handbuilding for the handle) using a not neutral latte cup for inspiration. hopefully it also comes out usable. ceramics friend LG is out of town for the month of july, but i'll see her for a little bit in august.
work: in the last 1.5 weeks or so, i've been spending 1-2 hours per day with the new hire A. in the beginning, i *felt* (but obviously did not show it) very frustrated and impatient because she was really slow. sometimes i would show her things one day, and she would not recognize it the next day. she would come off as overwhelmed with all the different types of trainings she did. when we went over different systems, it seemed she had no prior knowledge of it despite completing the trainings. anyway, i appreciate that this year, i get to teach instead of do. and i must say that it is rewarding once she actually gets it. this is also the MOST time i've ever spent with a colleague, so in a sense, it does help me feel more connected to my work.
NYC: i can appreciate NYC and the hustle and bustle of this city in increments, but every time i'm here for too long (after the first initial couple of years), i feel quite unhappy. there is a sense of "stuckness". one, because our apartment is very small. two, we lack community. and also in the grander scheme, i generally have little interest in the events/things that the city has to offer minus my ceramics and yoga classes. i can only eat so much, and i naturally prefer nature/less dense areas. i'd rather not deal with crowds anywhere - and they're pretty much everywhere here.
i learned that my general unhappiness has been directed towards picking fights with matt, or taking it out on him in general. i need to keep myself in check and try my best to keep myself busy with my own interests. only ~1.5 more months of being here to go!
vaca: this past weekend, matt and i went to miraval berkshires for the first time using chase points. we took a two hour train up north, and was picked up by a driver from the resort. they drove about another hour or so to arrive at lenox, MA. this is an all-inclusive experience that is similar to alila that we did last november. however, we had a much better experience here. the experience imo (coming from a stressed out place) is life-changing and healing. the weather, although very hot, was nice and relaxing. their food was healthy and nutritious. i'm going to miss their bone broth and golden milk shots.
our activities for three days included: kayaking, massage, fancy dinner, chicken keeping, hike, tennis, spa, lounge/read by the pool, and beekeeping. for each activity that was led by a miraval group leader, we had to practice "connect before content". we basically had to share our names and do an icebreaker for each. college-aged connie would have hated this, but i did appreciate hearing from other people and getting out of my comfort zone. they did a really good job at fostering a community feeling. it felt like a short summer camp for adults, and i wish we could have stayed even longer. there were so many classes we didn't get to try.
miraval also has digital free zones and encourages us to be without our devices as much as possible. the dining area is a digital free zone, so that we can connect/talk more with each other.
after this trip, i'm inspired to possibly one day chicken keep and beekeep, lol. it would be awesome to eat freshly laid eggs and honey from my own backyard. chickens may be my preferred "pet" of choice as of now. i had fun with tennis too and might pick it up in LA (if the courts are available). in the morning today, i was already dreading coming back to NYC. here i am and journaling to release some thoughts.
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stories-poetry4all · 7 months
After I got pregnant with his puppy, he rejected me and had another she-wolf mark him.
Today Jace is coming back from alpha training.
Everyone in the pack is on their toes to welcome back their future alpha, and the wide grin on Luna's face makes my heart dance with happiness.
I love her.
I, on the other hand, I'm anxious. I turned seventeen three days ago and I haven't smelled my mate yet. That's a relief to me because I want it to be him.
Jace is the only person I see myself with. I have been asking the moon goddess to make him my mate since we were young.
There was always a raw connection between us that made his parents, and most people in the pack believe that the two of us will end up being mated.
I'm scared. If I spot him and he turns out not to be mine, I will die.
I have loved Jace for as long as I can remember, and I am positive he felt the same way. Though we never admitted or acted on our feelings to each other, so if we didn't get to be mated, it would hurt less. That was 2 years ago before he left.
I don't know how he turned out to be, but I want him to return as the Jace he was. My Jace.
I miss him so much.
"Hurry up dear, we only have an hour," Luna impatiently affirms, but the smile on her face doesn't alter.
"Yes Mum", I answer enthusiastically, rushing to my room to get ready.
Oh, Goddess! An hour is so little time for me.
I need to look my best. Luna bought me a dress I should wear and I made sure to choose his favourite colour.
I know everything Jace likes and I'm going to make sure I achieve each one of them in the little time I have.
I have been living with the Alphas family since I was five. I don't remember anything about where I came from or who my parents are.
Luna said they found me in the woods alone crying. They decided to take me home in case someone came to ask me.
No one did though. Sadly.
So being the good people they are, they agreed to raise me as their own along with their son Jace. Who is two years older than me.
I have never tried makeup before, but Luna took her time yesterday to train me on how to do it. I chose a blue short flared dress that matches the colour of his eyes and also his favourite.
Goddess! He loves my long dark hair.
I let it fall in curls down my waist and the stupid grin on my face refuses to go away. "I'm so happy!" I shout falling face down on my mattress and burying my face in my fluffy pillows.
He left his phone behind. At the training, they don't allow them to have phones. I wish I could talk to him. We can't mind link either because of the distance.
It could have been easier if we communicated.
"I can see that sweetheart" I quickly turn around to her voice and her face mirrors mine.
"Do you think he is the one?" I sit up, flashing away the fear in my eyes. But my voice carries enormous hope.
"Of course baby, the moon goddess is not that cruel you know" Jace mum walks towards the mattress and sits beside me.
She is beautiful. Jace took after her blue eyes and brown hair. Poor Alpha got nothing.
"Listen, honey, I want you to be optimistic. I want this smile to remain no matter what today turns out to be. Just remember everything happens for a reason" She squeezes my hands and I sigh.
I don't want it to turn out differently than expected.
"They are here, you have your gift ready?" She quickly stands up and my heart beats. What does he look like? Does he still love me?
"Yes," I nervously headed to my closet to get the red box that contained my surprise gift for him.
My heart is about to break from the cages of my ribs. I'm sweating like crazy and my nerves are all over.
Please be mine. I keep chanting in my head.
"Come on" She takes my sweaty hand and I feel my wolf stir. She has been restless since morning. I bet she is happy to meet him too.
"I'm scared" I whisper watching my steps. Mother thought these heels would go well with the dress. I hate them.
What if I have to run to him and mistakenly trip?
The front doors open and the fresh air immediately hits me. I take in a greedy deep breath and it helps me relax a tiny bit.
Every member of our pack is present and keeps themselves busy with one thing or another.
My ears perk up when the sound of a roaring engine is heard and I swallow nothing. I can feel my heart in my ears.
I untangle Mum's hold and wipe the invisible sweat from my forehead.
Today is the day that will break or make me. All the years we shared, our memories, the longing we had for each other, but we chose to keep our sanity.
Goddess, please.
My heart stops when a blue Ferrari passes the gates and is followed by two black SUVs. His security.
My Jace.
It's him.
My wolf instantly comes forward due to the incoming intense scent.
It's strong, it's addicting and it makes me weak in the knees. The strong smell of wood mixed with masculine cologne.
"Goddess! " I breathlessly whisper, almost falling to my knees.
She heard me. She made him mine.
I can't move. I stand still and wait.
It's like the world around me is rotating. A nervous grin breaks on my face, followed by a giggle and I'm suddenly laughing like a crazy idiot.
Tears of joy breams in my eyes and I feel like screaming, howling, or letting out some reaction.
Everyone is watching, anxiously waiting for the perfect moment when he steps out.
The car finally stops and so slowly, the door opens.
My eyes have never looked this hard. The first thing he does when he comes out is look directly into my eyes. It's like he knew where I would be standing.
His eyes shine in recognition and mine does the same. My wolf slowly whispers the four long-awaited words and my grin widens to its full extent.
Jace is different. He is a lot more grown than he was when he left.
Slowly and steadily, I take a step forward then another. His face is still, he doesn't show any emotion and I wonder if my imagination is playing tricks on me.
Jace wouldn't be standing there and blankly looking at me, especially when we are finally mated.
It was our big dream and our main plea to the goddess.
Something changed.
It's confirmed when he turns around and opens the other door of his car. The action makes me hesitate in my movement. A shining red stiletto steps on the ground, followed by long creamy legs. Then nude thighs and finally the shortest red dress I have seen.
A woman's figure finally appears, with long red painted nails, blue dyed hair and finally red smudged lips stretched in a wide smile.
I watch in horror as my mate stretches his hand forward and she gladly takes it.
What is happening?
Chapter 2
I take a stumbling step back. My tight grip on the supposed gift grinds it into a ball of useless paper, but it does nothing to console my tensed muscles.
I can't watch this.
I slowly turn around and dash to my room. The only place my stupid mind leads me to. Everyone is occupied with the perfect view to notice the young girl in distress.
I don't believe what I just saw.
Is he silently rejecting me? How will Jace get himself a girlfriend of all the people?
The pain I feel in my body is unbearable.
My heart is aching so badly that I want to rip it out. I wanna cry but my tears refuse to oblige. This is shocking and I could never have imagined this would happen in my whole lifetime. Especially with Jace.
It can't be.
Jace would never hurt me.
I lock the door and slide on it until my butt touches the cold floor.
The window on the right side of my room forcefully opens and my gaze immediately lands in that direction. I didn't even smell him. I quickly stand up a bit nervous when I look into his black eyes.
They are as black as coal signifying his wolf is in full control. How could he allow our mate to take another she-wolf instead of us?
He is supposed to protect us.
"Mate" he whispers, hurriedly covering the distance between us. I don't move. I just stare at the boy I have loved all my life in sheer wonder.
He grew his hair. My Jace went ahead and pierced his ears, he is no longer the innocent boy I knew. feck! He used to hate tattoos, but this Jace had almost his whole body covered in them. Was it out of peer pressure?
Maybe I don't know him anymore.
The moment he touches my arms. It's like a big pull forces me towards him and overwhelming emotions take over. At that moment of weakness, my wolf takes control and everything else becomes a blur.
"I'm sorry, it shouldn't have happened" he regretfully whispers while putting on his clothes. How I ended up nude on my bloody mattress, only my wolf could answer that.
From how shattered clothes are dispersed around the room and my aching body, my wolf went far. I don't blame her though. She's three days old and I haven't even shifted yet. She is still completely primal.
"Jace" I plead in a whisper to earn his attention.
"No one should know about this. You being my mate doesn't change a thing, Ariana. I have a girlfriend now" he never said my full name from the beginning.
The moment I told them my name he had turned it to Ana and it stuck. Also, Jace never used that voice on me. The cold commanding and threatening tone.
"You are my mate" I mumble in defeat, finally finding the courage to cry. I slowly got out of the mattress and fell into his arms. Jace does not hold me back and my heart aches more.
Is this really happening?
He looks down at me like I'm irritating him. "Please don't leave me, Jace, we wanted this right? We waited for so long for this Jace. We're finally mates" I desperately shake his arms like it's gonna snap sense back into his head.
I must look pathetic right now. He never wanted to see my tears. Right now he is staring at them completely unaffected.
"I don't need a mate, and this stays between us. My parents or anyone else can't know Aria. Don't you dare open your mouth? You wouldn't wanna test me" he forces the words out through clenched teeth. The veins on his forehead are popping and his hands are tight fists on his sides.
"Then why did you take my innocence?" I ask in exasperation not letting his body go. My body is nude and in pain, but I don't care right now.
"If you have a girlfriend, why take advantage of a mate you don't want, only to threaten her?" Goddess, he is hurting me. Can't he see that?
"Ask my wolf that" he rudely interjects, his voice the one I don't recognize. He regards me with no tenderness or guilt at all. Is this what he turned into? An inconsiderate son of a bucket?
Jace does one thing that finally breaks me more. He violently pushes me and I stumble on the floor with a hiss.
Oh! Goddess! I must have a terrible dream.
"Get out" I grit, pulling the sheets to cover my already exposed body. He is so shameless to stare at what he does not want.
With one emotionless glance. He walks away and It's like he just took my heart with him. I carelessly lay still and wail harder than I have ever done. He can't do this to me.
It was supposed to be beautiful. We were supposed to be special but he ruined it.
Jace took what he wanted and tossed me away like I didn't matter. I was living in my fantasies all this time. I have waited for him for two years. Counting every second until the moment I saw his car.
You can't do this to me, goddess. I have never hurt anyone.
I cry until I can't anymore. My wolf keeps whining but there is nothing I can do to help her. I don't know how I will get through this. It's pure torment, especially when it comes to someone I trusted with everything in me.
It's still noisy outside, probably the pack is having the meals now. Celebrating the return of their alpha together with his fake mate.
I slowly stood up and after locking the door and all the windows, I set a warm bath for myself where I drain more of my misery away.
"Are you okay honey, you look pale" Luna asks, opening the windows and pulling away the curtains, causing immense light to take over the darkness in the room.
"Just tired" I sigh, tiredly sitting up. My mind and body are completely worn out.
I can't believe he did that. And he had the guts to threaten me.
" I know it's hard dear, that's why I let you rest yesterday. Sometimes life doesn't always give us what we want. You have an amazing mate out there sweetheart, just like Jace found his" She rubs her palm on my back in comfort, but I quickly pull away from her touch like it just burned me.
I wish I could tell her his son is the one but I can't. Instead, I silently walk to the bathroom. I need another shower. Anything to keep me in my room.
I can't sit and listen to her useless advice and unnecessary console.
"Come for breakfast after you are done, okay?" I block her voice away and instead listen to the sound of the splattering water on the bathroom floor.
I don't know how, but he is going to regret hurting me. I bitterly think to myself and my silent wolf forcefully pulls up.
My body trembles in pain and thick black veins appear all over my skin. I gasp in horror looking at the bathroom glass wall and I'm perplexed to see my eyes completely black.
It's painful, I want to scream, but it's like my voice is stuck in my throat.
Then after a minute, a cooling sensation washes all over my body, making everything disappear. The pain and the veins are no longer there, and I'm back to my human form.
My body tiredly slumps on the floor and I feel so overwhelmed. I have never felt this way before, even when I was shifting.
What is wrong with me?
Chapter 3
Three months have passed and my life is more miserable.
I do everything in my power to stay invisible to everyone. Good thing, Jace took his chosen mate to the pack house.
I don't know how I could have survived if they stayed here. Most of my time is spent in the garden and watching movies in my room.
Luna and Alpha don't bother me either and I'm thankful for that. They think I'm still hurting with how the events turned out. I just wish they knew.
Since the day he rejected me, I cannot see Jace. I make sure my door and windows are completely locked every time he comes to see his parents. It's to my advantage I'm able to smell him from a mile away.
Unfortunately, today I had to go out. To be more specific, I needed to come to the pack hospital.
Two months ago I had an inkling that I was pregnant, but I refused to accept the fact. How will I take care of an unwanted child at seventeen?
It's a miracle I had completed high school before his return. It could have been a shame going to school with a swollen stomach.
I know his parents will surely ask who is responsible since they still believe that I'm not mated. On the other hand, I can't keep hiding it anymore. Alpha kids are born in six months while other wolf babies go up to eight or nine.
The pregnancy was inevitable. Alpha wolves tend to impregnate their mates on their first mating or when they complete their mate bonds.
I should have searched for pills but I didn't know who to ask. Also, it could have raised a lot of questions if I came to the pack doctor because werewolves rarely use them and no one knows I'm already mated.
My tummy is now visible and I have to wear big sweatshirts to hide it. I even learned the art of masking my scent, so my secret would remain hidden. I think now it's becoming impossible.
Yesterday Luna got suspicious, and she was about to start interrogating me when her phone rang. I had to run to my room and pretend to be sleeping.
Today I woke up so early before everyone else could and here I am. Worriedly staring at the man who has been running endless tests on me.
"You seem weak, do you eat well? You don't get enough rest too don't you?" He carefully looks into my eyes and I'm sure they hold no ounce of life. I feel like I'm a walking dead.
"I rest a lot and I never miss my meals" I instantly lie but he sees right through it. Who am I kidding? Sleeping is like an unimaginable miracle for me. My wolf is the one who keeps us going, I rarely eat. She is a strong wolf and I'm dying to meet her.
I don't know why I didn't shift on my birthday though. She just made her presence known within me but never came out.
"What happened to you Anna, did you find your mate? Did something happen to him?" I look down at my fingers and blink away tears. I can't answer that.
How will I tell him the truth?
" Does Luna know about this? I'm sure she would have brought you here sooner" the man continues pressing and I feel my composure wavering. No one knows what I'm going through.
"No, no. I'm okay really. You don't have to involve her in this" I quickly stand up and pick up my jacket from his table. I took it out when he wanted to draw blood from my arm.
"Sit down, Ana. They are here" My blood ran cold at his words. They will be upset that I lied to them.
"I have to go" I turn around to the door and there they are, Alpha, Luna, and the idiot himself.
"Why didn't you tell us?" she whispers, disappointment clear in her voice, and my heart aches. How will I tell them their precious son is my mate, who got me pregnant and he doesn't want me?
I can't look at him.
By any chance I give birth to this baby, he's not coming close to it. He rejected it when he rejected me.
"Who is your mate, Anna, who got you pregnant?" Alpha tenderly asks, moving forward and my eyes start to water. All kinds of emotions are going through my mind right now and I'm letting them all out through tears.
I would want to see Jace's reaction, but it would be so embarrassing to look at him. I still believe that I'm dreaming and that one day I will wake up to a grand reality.
"I.. I... he left" I stutter with a sniffle.
"Was he from this pack?" Luna walks in and drapes her arm around my shoulder. It hurts lying to them. It hurts that he is standing right in front of me, but he is not saying a word.
I remain quiet and instead, my crying becomes louder.
Without another word, I gently straighten from her embrace and walk out without looking back. It's better if I don't see him.
An immense pain erupts in my lower abdomen and I quickly sit up panting for air. What is happening?
It's only four months, it can't be labour pains.
The same pain reappears but this time, so unbearable that it has me screaming my lungs out. It's different from the one I keep experiencing. I concluded that maybe it is my wolf seeking to be let out.
Then again, the dark veins and eyes scare life out of me. I have never seen something like that before
It doesn't take long before the door bursts open and Alpha rushes in. His eyes widen in fear when he spots blood staining my sheets and the next thing I know, he is yelling Jace's name.
"We need to take you to the hospital, you will be okay sweetheart, I promise" he assures me moving closer but a loud growl l don't recognize, leaves my mouth causing him to take a fearful step back.
"Jace" he yells again louder, pulling out his phone in the process.
"Why is this boy so stupid? " he screams, throwing the phone across the room and tries to move closer again, but my wolf won't allow him. " I'm going to kill him" he angrily mumbles to himself pulling at his hair.
"Let me help you, sweetheart," he whispers, holding his hands forward to show he is not a threat. Just like it happened when I conceived this child, my wolf takes complete control and half-shifts, alpha lets out a gasp and his eyes widen in fear.
My body is covered in black fur. My nails are black too and so sharp I'm scared they might hurt me. Werewolves don't have a shift, they are either in full wolf form or human.
It's strange to me, but I have no time to ponder about it when the pain strikes again.
Blood continues to seep through my clothes which are on the brink of tearing. I slowly get off the mattress with the intent of saving my pup. I can't let it go, it's my only hope.
More figures appear from the door and one of them is Jace. He has bloody hands and what causes more pain in every inch of my body, is the fresh wound on his neck.
He let her mark him despite knowing the consequences. He knew the pain I would have to suffer but did it anyway.
This is like a wake-up call for me, he meant it when he said he doesn't want me. How else would he harm us in this undeserving way? At least he could have let the baby live.
That mark is the cause of the turmoil I am in right now. Goddess please, at least save the child.
My wolf releases a loud warning growl and everyone steps back. I can see the fear in their eyes but I don't understand why. She is not whining about her mate anymore. Her priority now is to protect her pup and her human.
"How dare you?" A hard punch lands on Jace's face but he doesn't fight back. His gaze remains on me and for the first time since he arrived, he is not acting tough anymore.
He is crying.
"How dare you reject your pregnant mate for such woman, and let her touch you, Jace?" Alpha angrily shouts, raining punches on his son, and everywhere goes silent. Horrified gasps fill the air and I take that as my cue to leave.
I can't stay and have everyone stare at me with pity. Or fear.
Gradually, I start for the door while tightly clutching at my hurting stomach. I feel my strength fading, but I keep reminding myself that I need to get out of here before he hurts me more.
"Sweetheart, the doctor is on the way, sit down please" the crying Luna takes a step toward me but my wolf releases a snarl baring her teeth at her.
Everyone hesitantly makes way for us, sympathy and concern coating their features. Especially the females. I don't care if I die right now. I already lost everything that matters to me.
I leave a trail of blood behind me as I carefully take the stairs one at a time.
"Ana please, I'm sorry" his voice whispers behind me but I don't look back. I need to save my baby.
When we managed to reach the front door, I don't know where the strength suddenly came from, but my wolf started jogging through the thick forest.
Her movement is nimble and blurry.
The pain and the bleeding don't stop and I'm sure as it will be too late before I get any help. No one from the pack follows me. With the speed my wolf is going, I doubt anyone will surpass us.
I have never witnessed a mate rejecting their pregnant female. Especially alpha wolf.
It's something frowned upon and also, alpha wolves are most overprotective of their mates.
A speeding car almost knocks me down but instantly stops when the driver sees me.
My knees give out as the woman exits her car and rushes to me. I don't have the chance to see who she is because of my hazy sight. My world starts rotating and all I see is black.
Before my senses fade, a loud howl of pain sounds from the direction I came from.
A howl of pain and loss.
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