#so i'm on act 2 again and speedrunning but also not speedrunning cause there's so much shit in bg
randoimago · 1 year
Me: Okay what game should I play? I should probably replay P3 since I have some of those requests stacked up
Brain: Baldur's Gate
Me: Okay but there's also Mass Effect Lege-
Brain: Baldur's Gate
Me: ... I've been interested in Darkest Dungeon. That's a game I haven't-
Brain: Bitch what did I say?
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wildymoon · 7 months
if I hadn't slept at 4am last night and played for 8h today I would do more, here is my recap
(act 2-3 spoilers)
on the bright side because Siffrin's at max I get to obliterate everything in sight and that makes fighting funnier
obliterated the King very easily (forgot I had the bomb too but shhh)
and flames and flood that glitch effect. oh by the stars above. oh wow. YES. but also that was spooky despite me having been spoiled for that
the fact that the smell of burnt sugar was so prominent and yet Siffrin hasn't commented at all on the nostalgie (AND THE TEARS???) smelling sweet is driving me up the wall
adhd moment everything gets a speedrun
ghost jumpscare is very fun, I read through the achievements but seeing one still gives me the urge to just go "WHAT THE FUCK."
Bonbon. is going to make me cry. help they're so cute and they just wanna help and not see their found family get hurt and then shrug it off forever, Siffrin-
this image. by the skies. look at them.
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I do not normally actually laugh out loud at my computer when not on voice call. "we have one of those at home" in Mirabelle's hangout got a big laugh out of me. Well played, game <3
poor Odile went on a wile-d goose chase (this pun was a stretch but I Had To)
impatience moment from me but it's easier to manage than the sugar thing
Isabeau trans moment??
this and Mirabelle's hangout make me really want to stream this game to a friend of mine. they may end up crying tho.
urge to murderhobo. but scared. ask multiple sources and places whether it's a loopending thing if I go feral. get no answer. chicken out because the anxiety always wins in this scenario because FAMILY ON THE LINE. this is probably in character tbh
otherwise vibe through loop as normal
temptation. to pineapple. cause completionist and "what does the button do". but I don't wanna upset them. and I'm scared. hhhhhhhhhh
change god is an uwu I'm going to explode (it's hilarious but I am lowkey dying here)
ring ring ring ring ring, banana fone!!!!
oh god oh fuck
you BITCH /lh
the final snacktime of this run nearly killed me I don't usually cry but this nearly made me tear up. found family really do get me
giving the King a flower may not have been the Smartest idea, but for some ungodly reason it's giving me Hollow Knight vibes and that makes it worth the confusion
I know this isn't the end but new dialogue!!!
ISABEAU YOU CHICKEN. PLEASE. I am too soft to call you a useless gay even in jest but COME ON MAN
welp here we go again
poor Siffrin
I stopped after the loop ended but it feels like a cliffhanger.
MAN. MY BRAIN. I wanna keep going but it's been 8h and now that I have the memory of family there is literally nothing keeping me from going for OP 2 Electric Boogaloo when I get back to playing. and I don't wanna stay up until 4am again.
I don't have to chain fam runs in order to get You Are Loved, right? I mean I probably will but I'm tempted to make Odile suspicious of me and that might fudge it a bit.
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jaskierx · 10 months
Honestly, I really admire (and am thankful for) the way you manage and handle those back and forth with some Izzy stans, I don't think I have the mental strength to entertain them myself.
I wasn't part of the fandom after season 1 aired, I watched it without engaging much and then kind of waited for season 2 to come out, so I had no idea such a divide had happened between Izzy stans and the rest of the fandom (glad I was oblivious to it ngl). All I know is that I hated Izzy’s guts and wanted him to get his just desert.
So yeah, I wasn’t a fan and I struggled forgiving him when season 2 started because the show was trying so hard to make him sympathetic (which I honestly couldn’t give two shits about at first, I wanted revenge), plus you’re right, Izzy got way too much screen time (which gave Izzy stans ammunitions to say “SEE!! Main character!!!”), but I did end up warming up to him by the time he died. I can even say I genuinely liked him.
BUT the journey to that point was sooo conflicting because some Izzy stans were also doing the absolute most in the main tag, painting Izzy as this angel who never did anything wrong and was terrorized by the monster Ed, and I was like????? Did season 1 happen??? Did I dream the whole season??? Did I watch a version from an alternate universe??? I was BAFFLED. I don't know who is that Izzy they're talking about, but it's not the one on my screen, that's for sure.
Then, Izzy died and the hardcore stans lost their shit (you know what I'm talking about) and they have seriously soured me to Izzy again. I want to like the character we had on screen, and I want to like his redemption arc. He was a great antagonist even if I hated him, and we owed him so much for all the shit he pulled in season 1, but the OTT takes and behaviors from stans I’ve seen have made me give up on him, which sucks. Maybe I’ll feel better about him in a few months, but right now, I can’t stand him, and I’ve blocked his tag everywhere (ao3 included, because, truly, fuck fanon Izzy, fuck him).
Hope it’s not too draining for you though, just writing this felt like screaming into the void, so I can’t imagine dealing with this on the daily. Take care!
hi anon i'm so glad you sent this bc i felt very similarly about izzy in s2. i didn't find him sympathetic at all. i didn't give a single shit that he was suffering from ed being in his kraken era bc he's the entire reason ed ended up like that in the first place. izzy was reaping what he sowed. seeing ed feeling so miserable broke my fucking heart and i can't stand any bullshit takes about 'izzy was protecting the crew from ed's abuse' or 'edizzy invented love confirmed' or whatever other nonsense his stans chose to take away from episodes 1-3.
i truly do not see izzy as a victim. i truly do not see ed as an abuser. sometimes i will start reading a post in the ofmd tag that refers to an 'abuser' and a 'victim' and i get halfway through the post and realise that the op has a completely opposite view of who is who than i do.
and as s2 progressed i just felt worse and worse about it like he was getting so much screentime and popping up all over the place and he'd absorbed a load of traits (from other characters that i'd have rather seen more of) bc the writers had to speedrun making him semi-likeable. i still haven't done a proper rewatch since the finale aired and i'm pretty sure i'll feel different watching it knowing he dies in ep8, but when eps 6-7 dropped i fucking hated every scene he was in and felt like he ruined some otherwise really lovely ed/stede moments like their breakfast in bed. izzy being cheered on for wearing drag and singing - the exact acts that caused him to threaten ed - feels exactly like the very common queer experience of seeing the homophobic kid who bullied you for being queer getting loads of support when they come out themselves.
and the takes that were coming out of the canyon at this time were absolutely wild, especially in relation to ed. people absolutely baying for blood, wanting to see him suffer, wanting his relationship with stede to suffer, wanting him to have to crawl across broken glass to repair his relationship with the crew, all while treating izzy as a protagonist who never did anything wrong.
so ngl i was delighted when he died. but mostly i was relieved that it was going to be over. i walked out of my circus tent with my clown makeup on believing that the canyon would yell for a bit and then slowly quiet down as people who claimed they'd be leaving the fandom if izzy died made good on their promise and fucked off.
and if anything they've got louder and more unhinged and are out here reinventing tjlc and harassing the writers and churning out the most rancid racist posts and writing obituaries that caused multiple people on twt to mistakenly think Actual Human Person con o'neill had died.
and on one hand i'm kind of glad that more people know what they're like now but god i really do feel for any izzy fans who have had their enjoyment of him ruined by the canyon. i really do think it's not the character that's polarising, it's the fandom response, in that most people who come in liking izzy end up either aligning with the canyon or getting so fucking fed up of the canyon that they don't like him anymore. and both of those are a shame tbh because he is very well acted and well written, especially in s1, and i wish i could've enjoyed his scenes and felt the emotional payoff of his death
anyway. sorry for writing you 1 billion words. ily ❤️
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What is your history with the Pokémon series?
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Art may be of the muse, but this is gonna be another mun spotlight!
"Wait but why aren't you working on asks?" I have tendonitis or my carpool tungle is acting up and idk which one it is/ It's bad enough I colored in an old doodle fdhjsbfs. Mostly here to be like hey! I'm not dead! Anyway...
I've been a fan of the series since I was a little kid, starting with the anime! I was like... 2 or 3? I don't remember exacts, but I used to watch the anime ALL the time as a kid. I'd get up at the asscrack of dawn to watch the DP anime when that was running and would literally commandeer the tv if there was a pokemon movie on a Friday night on cartoon network. My tv now. But it doesn't end there!
I have to pay a very special shout out to my older sister! She's the one who introduced me to the series and she's let me watch her play Fire Red all the time. I'd eventually get a copy of Leaf Green for myself out of a walmart bargain bin for $10 (thank fucking god), but that wasn't my first game! My first game was Diamond and it holds a very special place in my heart. It took me a while to beat it because I did the good ol' brute force everything with your starter cause I was like... 7 and barely understood how the games worked. Sister wasn't much help either cause she didn't know what the hell the physical/special split was (to be fair neither of us did). But I had an empoleon and a dream and somehow soloed Cynthia. Like legit I have max hours on Diamond. I played the FUCK out of that game. Contests were so much fun, I loved the battle tower, challenging the elite 4 for fun was great, especially when I actually started to get the concept of team building. My sister and I even sat down for like a week and I memorized the Sinnoh national dex by pokemon cries.
Black and White? Now those were the first games I took seriously. I was CONSTANTLY on the pokemon website keeping an eye out for news and counting down the days until release. I actually was able to convince my mom to take me to get it on release day! Bought it with my own money and everything! Black also has a very VERY special place in my heart and that's what got me dipping my toes into competitive! I am not ashamed to admit that it only took me three days to beat the game I was HOOKED on it. I played it all night that Sunday, and then the next two days I'd speedrun my homework and just play pokemon all night again. Black also got me through some pretty fucking terrifying events irl (aka two separate hurricanes, being Irene and Sandy). I actually caught coballion during Irene! I played Black a lot more than I did the sequels, but I did also VERY much enjoy BW2 and actually like the story for that better than BW!
Not to go on for fucking forever, so I'm gonna tldr the rest of this. I have played every mainline game since the release of DP, have played many and I mean MANY of the side games, went back and played the old mainlines I missed as a kid, did online comp for a bit, I still do comp sometimes on Showdown cause the team building tool is a blessing, my friends in high school banned me from using my cressalia because I'd stall them out with it, and I still play SwSh in 2024 because tbh it's my favorite of the modern games! I've also been an avid card collector since I was a kid (I don't play the TCG anymore, I just like the pretty cards :D). I wholeheartedly welcome any specific questions anyone might have for me!
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randomshipperhere · 4 years
Since Toast uploaded the 7k IQ video which is the start of the Lud-Syk trolling duo, more peeps are getting interested about the incident again and I have a lot of thoughts.
I personally believe the most annoying thing about the whole Sykkuno incident a few days ago is that SOME people are like:
"Oh, Corpse would've made sure he was okay" or "Corpse would've done a better job at protecting/defending him"
and some of these people are the same that hate and blame Valkyrae and Toast for what happened. Emphasis on some since most people just want to show their appreciation to Sykkuno and try to comfort him in their own fan way.
Really fucking irks me how they romanticize and make Corpse and Sykkuno seem so much closer than they actually are. There are many friendships like this so I'm used to the life cycle but that doesn't mean it doesn't piss me off everytime.
(Hey remember when Septiplier was at its peak and people pushed away Bob and Wade despite being literal friends with Mark for years prior to YT. Or when Ethan and Tyler first hopped on board[specifically Ethan] and when the trio would play with a 4th person that isn't Jack they would just go apeshit)
I am also not joking or taking it too far but this kind of thinking really pisses me off
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You know what Corpse would've done? He would've been the same as Lud. Lud and Corpse are just new friends. There are still walls and boundaries that they have yet to pass and they really can't do more than what Lud has done. I am a shipper, it is in my username. I live off of the idea of romance. But to drag a real life person that a lot of people romantically ship with in a VERY personal situation (personal enough that Syk would not even tell anyone on stream his problems) is not cool.
The playful yelling was the tipping point. It wasn't the cause. Rae and Toast are both known for their tough love to Sykkuno.
Like look, in those series of events, Ludwig was the most outwardly protective person of Sykkuno in the last game. That was pretty much all he could do due to his limitations and I'm sure Sykkuno really appreciated that. He was body guarding Sykkuno, stood up and talked for him when he was clearly sad, choked up even. Until his character's dying breath. He stood by his side. More like when the lights turned off but you get it. It was sweet, it was nice, he really tried his best (and I love him for it).
The thing is though Ludwig wasn't the only one who tried to help Sykkuno that round. Valkyrae who is known to love killing Sykkuno (for the memes) killed the other 2 people and fessed up for her crimes. One is because she was caught in the act of killing in the 1st meeting by Toast and two, upon realizing that Sykkuno was dead in the 2nd meeting she felt guilty and just admitted to the murder. She wanted to speedrun so Sykkuno could play again sooner. Right after, Toast calls button and gets to avenge Sykkuno by voting out the other impostor, his killer, Tubbo. Toast didn't even get to explain why Tubbo is the killer, he just made him fess up. To say they remotely didn't care is really fucking pissing me off.
BTW I watched Lud and Toast's streams for this specific match and I will say this, Toast had nothing to go off to know for sure that Sykkuno was sad. Him and Rae were trolling back and most likely didn't know how bad Sykkuno's day was. He doesn't read the comments on his live so when he was trying to find Sykkuno in the 1st round, with Rae (for the most part) that says a lot about how much he knows what Syk was feeling at the time with what little info he had. After pressing answers for him in the 1st meeting he just stopped and pretty much figured out what was happening.
Now another thing. After the match, Sykkuno is obviously sad and said he was going to go and get dinner, Rae follows up by saying she has to head out. We sure as hell know that these guys could stream for hours but she stopped there and even deleted her VOD as well. Now why could she have done that. Oh yeah. She must've talked with him. About what. I think you all know at this point. With two people quickly leaving, and two VERY important people in this "drama", Toast changed discussion and asked if the MC server was back up which made the others leave, ending their Among Us game that day. He left a parting message to the viewers and called it a day there.
2:16:50 is where the "yelling" starts and 2:26:00 is where he said this
Toast: Chat, Sykkuno's fine, okay?He's an adult. Okay. You don't have to tell me, or his friends, or him what to feel or what to do.
It's really disrespectful. Knock it off
Now tell me, what about that makes you think they don't care?
Are we also just forgetting that it was Rae that helped push Sykkuno to create his own lobby with people he loves playing with a while back? How this Tsunderae tells him how good of a player he is even when he thinks he just got lucky (god damn, Valorant days).
Are we forgetting how Toast was probably the most important person that helped Sykkuno grow confident in himself? When they hang out together and the bits we've heard from the podcasts, Sykkuno absolutely treasures his friendship with Toast the most (There have been multiple occassions where Sykkuno and Toast are caught on-cam or at least heard in the mic speaking to each other, more often than not in Lily's Just Chatting streams. In fact, I wouldn't put it past those two to be the ones talking in Yvonne's "I got a cat" video and the most popular clip from that was Sykkuno eating a sandwhich which is titled "SUSKKUNO")
The first recent example that came to mind was Lily and Michael's birthday stream.
It happens around 23:00
In other news Sykkuno and Lily's friendship is underrated and I don't understand how y'all sleep on it.
My parting words are Parasocial Relationships suck. Okay, good night.
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