#so i'm trying to stay optimistic about things
Your JJK Fav + Why I think You're Single
hi so i did a version of this on tiktok way back when but i feel like i didn't have as great of an understanding of these characters and their respective fans as i do now. please keep in mind that this is purely my OPINION!!!! (my correct opinion)(im kidding)
Gojo - This one's a little hard because there are subsections of Gojo stans. You have the bad bitches, the coolest of the cool Gojo meat riders and then you have (incoherent screeching). I'm gonna assume you are the former here.
Y'all really love the idea of a partner, not actually having one. I feel like y'all will have talking stages a plenty, but when it comes to the nitty gritty y'all are not riders. Not that you don't want to be, no no you'd love to find your person but at some point friends you gotta realize that your person is gonna come with an ick or two you might not like. Relationships are about compromise. Real people simply can't be hot, rich, talented, strong, and funny all at once!! You're getting three of those at best.
Geto - I feel a need to disclose here that I am a Geto girly. I feel like most of us are chill, if not a bit odd // willing to swing.
Babes,,,, and im gonna touch ur clit when I say this-- Real life relationships aren't supposed to have intense cycles of highs and lows. Thats,, thats the cycle of abuse friends. Genuine, healthy connections actually aren't supposed to make you feel like you wanna rip their chest open and crawl inside. I know, i know you can't get attached unless you feel insane about them- but we have to stop this.
Nanami - Again, I feel like Nanami girls have a wide umbrella, but generally I think Nanami stans are very nice people. Nanami, for the most part, is the safest healthiest choice.
Put down the fuckin calculators. I am contacting cafe astrology as we speak and having them ban your IP from accessing their domain anymore. No, put your wallet away, we are not PAYING a psychic to tell you your most recent crush is not your soulmate. Y'all are over-analyzers, over-thinkers, and have a list of requirements for a partner that is twelve miles long. Maybe just talk to people?? Hmm?? Make a connection??
Choso - Oh, Choso stans,,,, loves of my life. Y'all are cool. Like genuinely actually fucking cool. Kiss me.
Okay, so I actually need you guys to see red flags as what they are. No, he doesn't coincidentally have 13 insane exes that won't stay out of his DMs. He did something to all of them. No, its not cute and sweet that he has to call his mommy and tell her goodnight and goodmorning everyday with kissy noises. That man is 24. No, Dominoes pizza did not text him and ask if he was up at 2AM. ur too optimistic, baby. I love you. Get a grip.
Toji - I have knocked noggins with more Toji stans than I care to admit in this fandom, however the ones I do vibe with are SUPER cool. Again, I feel like Gojo/Toji stans have that same thing. Im gonna assume you're the cool variety.
I feel like a lot of your relationships start purely based on sexual/physical attraction, and then get explosive bc yall didn't actually like eachother, you just liked the way the other one looked. I can definitely see this leading to maybe not abusive, but definitely toxic situations. and the thing is i feel like toji stans actually would make a BOMB partner but yall will settle for shitty people because theyre hot and then end up locking yourself in the bathroom and going through their phone while they bang on the door and scream from the other side.
Sukuna - This is the one I have the least interaction with on the day to day. Y'all fascinate me. Just out here doing you. I feel like most Sukuna stans are actually probably some of the sanest of the bunch, they seem to just slide in, post their fan works and dip. I respect it.
You can't fix him. no, no, you can't. stop trying. he's already grown. you cannot raise him.
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ginger-grimm · 4 months
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Another year has passed and though most of us live out our Pride all year round, it's officially our month to celebrate (almost). I've attempted this once before and unfortunately became too busy to finish it. This time things will be different. I've had an awful two months and it's time to turn stuff around. So please, join me in making some gifts for each other's OCs once again and make this month even more fun than it already is!
As a disclaimer, because I don't want to get too anxious about it again. I will only post your gift once you've posted one for me! It's happened a few too many times that people sent in either forms that aren't filled out properly or never posted a gift and I let it slide because I'm historically too nice (aka no backbone disease). I don't mean to sound like a nag and if you don't feel like editing you don't have to sign up or anything, that's why I do the polls. Anyways, your gift then you get mine.
The Rules and regulations are simple, but they exist nonetheless, so here they are:
The exchange, for now, is open until July 1st, though I may extend it who knows *Kevin James meme*
You may make 1-2 requests, but hey, I will probably reblog it saying you can make more once no one requests anything *Kevin James meme intensifies*
Please reblog this post to spread some awareness, please. You can like for remembrance but just a like doesn't count (you already know this, I know my 5 regulars who come here every time)!
As aforementioned, this is open to my regular drunks and new patrons alike, so please do not be shy. Think of me as I think of birds, I am more scared of you than you are of me.
Fill out the form linked below and find the password in the form!
Please only send me faceclaims with good quality and plenty of material to use. Also, no cartoon characters. Video game characters are all right if it's motion capture. I'm not trying to discriminate, it can just be really tough for me to find material for cartoons, animes, video games, etc. as I edit by making little video clips first blah blah blah. However, if you slide in my DMs we might be able to discuss some stuff.
Please, please, please fill out all the columns I need and choose at least two gift options. It makes it infinitely easier for me to make something for you. Just remember I can't read minds and it's worse when I can't find anything in your blogs.
Remember the pleases and thank you's, pleases and thank you's make my heart grow fond.
I don't do Harry Potter OCs or Stranger Things OCs and while I don't have a specific list of FCs I don't use, I ask that you do not request anything for overtly problematic actors, thank you!
I accept pretty much any gift in return, it can even be story reviews or playlists for people who don't/can't edit themselves. If it's a story review, please let me know in the form so I know you did as I don't check my accounts every day.
I'm fine with gifts for any of my OCs - my master list as well as the link to my Pinterest is in my pinned post.
Obviously, since this is a Pride exchange, please only send in LGBTQ+ OCs. Gay, lesbian, bi, pan, trans, etc. anything from the LGBTQ community - this excludes kinks and whatnot, obviously.
TAGLIST: @eddysocs ​ @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @nikosasaki @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @lucys-chen @andromedalestrange @forchrissy @daughter-of-melpomene @bibaybe
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averlym · 1 year
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from this post by @caligulas--aquarium
(if she keeps this up, she might even get a real desk!)
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And I'm back with Part 3 of the "Merlin accidentally conquers Camelot" au! Thank you all so much for your patience and continued support for this story! It makes me so happy to see people get excited by my silly (and occasionally delusional) au ideas!
NOTE: You can find part 1 here and part 2 here.
EDIT: And you can find part 4 here!
And without further ado, onto the new stuff!
It was rather drafty in the lesser furnished cells of the dungeons. Merlin knew this well, as he had spent many nights during his first couple of years in Camelot trying and failing to get any sleep on the cold stone floors of those cells, kept awake by the freezing chill that would sweep through the dungeons at any given moment.
Merlin also knew that Arthur had never been kept in one of those cells, even on the rare occasions that Uther had him locked up for going against his orders. Whenever Arthur had to be put in the dungeons, he had been put in the fully furnished cells, meant for prisoners who were members of noble families.
Even when they were held in the same dungeon, the nobles and the peasants were subjected to wildly different experiences.
With that in mind, Merlin stopped by Arthur's chambers (or... were they his chambers now? Merlin certainly didn't want to think about that.) to grab Arthur's favorite blanket off of his bed. It was a luxuriously soft blanket, dyed a rich Pendragon red. That blanket was fit for a king and a pain for a manservant to wash, but Merlin had always taken good care of the blanket, knowing how much Arthur liked it.
Merlin folded up the thick blanket with meticulous care, ignoring both his own trembling hands, rendered unsteady by the volatile emotions welling up in him, and Gwaine's presence behind him, silent for once. Despite Gwaine's undying loyalty and penchant for mischief landing Merlin in an even worse situation than before, he seemed to understand the solemnity of Merlin's actions and the profound sense of grief over the life he had lived once before that had been so suddenly torn away from him.
The motions of carefully folding up the blanket filled Merlin with both comforting familiarity and near-crippling sorrow. Would he ever do this again, ever provide support and comfort for Arthur again? As much as Merlin wished to stay optimistic, even if his plan to reinstate Arthur as the rightful king of Camelot succeeded, the darkest corners of his mind hissed that Arthur would never tolerate his presence again, let alone trust him, after usurping him and, in Arthur's eyes, proving everything Uther had ever said about sorcerers to be true.
Merlin's heart plummeted, nearly stopping him in his track towards the dungeon entirely, at the mere thought of what Arthur must think of him now: a treacherous, conniving sorcerer who had manipulated Arthur into becoming his friend only to betray him. Merlin blinked, banishing his tears before they could roll down his face and fall onto the blanket in his arms, and forced his feet to keep moving steadily forward. No matter what Arthur thought of him now, how deeply Merlin has unintentionally wounded his friend, or how catastrophically Merlin's world felt like it was crumbling down around him, he needed to set things right.
Merlin clung desperately to that conviction, the thrumming need to set things right again, as everything else in him wanted to curl up in a dark corner and never move again. After an eternity and yet all too soon, Merlin descended past the gates of the dungeon, where he forbade Gwaine from following him any further, down the noble cell blocks, which were filled with sleeping, but thankfully uninjured knights, and finally through the dark, damp, empty, and cold peasant cells.
He couldn't see Arthur at first, but his magic sensed that he was here. Like always, it jumped, tugging on Merlin to act, whenever Arthur was nearby, causing Merlin to pause his step in order to focus on whatever his magic was attempting to do. This time, it tugged his attention towards the unlit torches lining the walls of the cell block. Light them, his magic seemed to beg of him, our king is cold!
Merlin's immediate reaction was to stop his magic, to push it down so that no one would notice, and, after a deep breath, he did just that. As Merlin stood still, holding Arthur's blanket in his arms and cherishing what would likely be the last few seconds that he could ignore what had happened over the last day and pretend that everything was normal, he heard the voice that he'd been both yearning and dreading to hear for the past day coming from the cell at the very end of the dungeon.
"If you're waiting to sneak up on me, you'll have to try harder than that. I can hear that neither magic nor a crown have made you any more stealthy, Merlin."
Merlin flinched backwards, expecting but yet somehow still unprepared for how much vitriol and bitterness Arthur hissed out his name with. He had heard Arthur yell out his name in variety of tones over the years, ranging from annoyed to bemused to downright furious, but he had never heard his name pass from Arthur's lips like this, spat out from his mouth like it was poisonous and vile. It caused so much hurt to well up in Merlin's chest that he felt it like a bruising punch, causing him to wince in pain, still hiding where Arthur could not see him.
As Merlin stood silently, only a few steps away from Arthur's cell and facing Arthur's well-deserved fury, and tried to desperately blink away the tears gathering in his eyes, his magic abruptly tugged his attention towards the torches again, more insistent this time. Letting out a stuttering breath, Merlin obliged with his magic's request this time, and the torches lining the walls burst into bright, golden flames in an instant, filling the cells with a merry warmth that felt entirely out of place.
Merlin heard a sharp gasp coming from Arthur's cells as soon as the torches lit up by themselves and winced. Right, Arthur was fresh off of Merlin's betrayal, so he was probably pretty jumpy, especially around magic.
Merlin's guilt rose alongside his frustration. Everything he does with his magic, he does it for Arthur, and yet every single damned time it backfires on him and somehow hurt Arthur! A spell meant to heal his father kills the king instead. A battle waged to ensure his continued reign steals his sovereignty instead. And lit torches meant to provide him with warmth and comfort scares him instead!
But before even more guilt could build up inside of him, Merlin heard Arthur's voice once more.
"I won't be scared by a coward of a sorcerer who would steal everything from the man he claimed to serve! Or is the great Emrys too important to even face the fool he tricked into believing that he was his friend?"
Before Merlin's mind could even process Arthur's words, his feet were already carrying him to the end of the hallway, right to the front of Arthur's cell. He needed to prove Arthur wrong here, their years of friendship weren't a lie or a trick, Arthur needed to believe that! Too much of Merlin's life, his very soul, was woven into his bond with Arthur, he couldn't let Arthur have any doubt that their bond was even real!
As he finally arrived at the door to the cell that held Arthur, Merlin's heart stuttered again, this time with grief. Based on the ferocity in his voice, Merlin had expected to see Arthur pressed up against the bars, ready to battle his perceived opponent. Instead, he was greeted by the sight of Arthur, sitting alone on the dirty stone floor, his face wearing the same dejected and defeated look it had just days earlier, after Morgana had taken the citadel and Arthur doubted his own ability to rule his people. The only difference was that the lost look in Arthur's eyes from before was gone, replaced by a scornful glare that had Merlin feeling like he was the scum of the earth.
Merlin opened his mouth, ready to apologize, plead for forgiveness, whatever it took to just stop Arthur from looking at him like that, like Merlin was his enemy, but no words could form in his mouth, as too many emotions were welling up in his chest that it closed off his throat entirely. Merlin drew in a deep, fortifying breath, purposefully avoiding eye contact with a still-glaring Arthur the entire time. Once he felt like he had his feelings even marginally under some tenuous control, he finally met Arthur's gaze and held out the blanket like a pathetic peace offering.
"I brought you your blanket. I know it gets cold down here."
Merlin was rather proud that his voice only wavered slightly, not giving an indication of how disastrously close he was to breaking down into tears in the middle of the dungeons. Arthur merely stared at him for a moment, bewilderment appearing on his face for a few seconds before it was quickly wiped away by angry sneer.
"I don't accept gifts from the likes of you, sorcerer! It's probably cursed or enchanted to kill me so that you can finally get me out of your way for good!"
The blanket fell to the floor as Merlin grasped the bars of the cell with both hands and pulled himself as close as he could to Arthur, who had flinched back at Merlin's outburst. His magic flared again, wanting to break down this barrier between them so that he could get closer to Arthur, but he denied its request, knowing that such an action would only agitate Arthur even more.
"Arthur, please, I never meant for any of this to happen! You must believe me! I only wanted to for Camelot to be safe from Morgana and for you to retake the throne! I only want to secure your reign, not end it!"
That, it seemed, finally got a reaction out of Arthur, but it wasn't the one Merlin was hoping for. Arthur finally stood up from the floor and stormed over to the cell door, getting close to Merlin, but just out of reach.
"And why on earth should I trust a word you say?! You've done nothing but lie to me for years, even when I gave you my complete trust! I thought you were my closest friend, the one person in my life who would never betray me, but as it turns out, I never even knew your real name, much less where your true loyalties lie!"
Merlin's face fell at Arthur's accusations, knowing that he was, in some ways, completely right in them. Still, he met Arthur's accusing glare with as much honesty as he could. After all that his own actions had taken from Arthur, he owed him the truth at the very least. Merlin spoke again, trying to muster up a calm, soothing tone despite his strong emotions.
"I know that you don't have much reason to trust what I say now, but I will do all that I can take make this right. I was born with magic, yes, but I was born this way for a purpose, and that purpose is you, Arthur. I am Emrys, destined to be the guardian of the Once and Future King, who will rule over the greatest kingdom history has ever known and bring peace the likes of which has never been seen throughout the land."
Merlin could see the moment of realization on Arthur's face as he put together who exactly the Once and Future King was, his eyes going wide with shock. Despite the situation, Merlin has just a bit of a smile on his face as he reminisced on fond memories.
"When I first met you, I just couldn't understand how such a prattish clotpole could ever be a king of legend, but the longer I stayed by your side, the more I could see the king that you were destined to become. A great man, a great leader, who will always stand up to protect his people, even if it means putting himself in danger."
Merlin's speech trailed off as he smiled gently at Arthur, trying desperately to give him reason to believe Merlin, to believe in the prophecy that tied them together, and, above all, to believe in himself.
To Merlin's surprise, he could see Arthur confusion melting into... something. It looked like something along the lines of hope or awe, which gave Merlin hope in return. But just as quickly as it was there, Arthur's expression shifted again to a frustrated anger.
"Even if what you're saying isn't some trick, your little bedtime story is wrong anyways! I can't be the Once and Future King if I'm not even a king in the first place!"
Merlin sighed deeply, knowing that they'd get to this point eventually. He had a plan, but would Arthur ever agree to it?
"I've tried! I tried to simply order the council to make you king again, but they won't do it! Geoffrey stopped me with some old laws that Bruta wrote! He said that I can't abdicate the throne to you because you're no longer legally a nobleman."
Arthur eyes widened frantically at the mention of Bruta's laws, his breathing picking up with panic. He backed up from the bars of the cell and began pacing around.
"Bruta's code, damn it, I forgot that they applied in these situations! Wait..."
His eyes snapped back to Merlin, looking red-rimmed and on the verge of tears. His voice, which was so full of fire mere seconds ago, now sounded hollow. Merlin's hope wilted upon seeing Arthur like this, and his magic flared again, still wanting to destroy the barrier between them.
"This means that the Pendragon house is no longer recognized, doesn't it?"
Merlin could only nod, unsure of what he could do to comfort Arthur. At Merlin's confirmation, Arthur took a shaky breath, trying to collect himself from the inner turmoil that he was surely experiencing.
"Everything... I've lost everything."
Merlin gave Arthur what he hoped was his most comforting smile, but it didn't do much for Arthur's hopeless disposition. After a small sigh, Merlin spoke again in a soft, comforting voice.
"Arthur, all is not lost. I have a way to make you king again! We just have to make you a noble again, and then I can abdicate the throne to you! And luckily for both of us, there's an easy way to make a peasant a nobleman quickly! And you should know, you wrote it into the laws yourself!"
Arthur blinked at him, not comprehending what Merlin had said for a couple seconds, before a sliver of hope showed on his face. However, as soon as it was there, it was gone again, once more replaced by anger and betrayal. Arthur quickly stormed over to the cell door, this time reaching the door itself and wrapping his hands around the bars so that he could yell in Merlin's face.
"I knew it! This was a trick!"
"What are you talking about? How would me knighting you and then giving you back your throne be a trick?!"
"You would have me swear on oath of fealty to you, which would legally, and for all I know magically, put me under your command! This was all just another plot to control me, wasn't it?!"
"Oh come on, you wouldn't have to mean it when you take the oath! You'd just have to say the words and then let me abdicate!"
"So now sacred oaths of loyalty are nothing but empty words to you?!"
"Gods, you really can't make anything easy for the both of us, can you, you prat! I'm just trying to give you your crown back!"
"You would have me disrespect the sacred oaths of knighthood! I would never swear an oath of fealty to you! It is a sacred bond of trust, which is apparently something that you know nothing about, Emrys!"
Merlin flinched back, still unused to Arthur saying the name given to him by the druids, much less hissed out in anger. Merlin backed away from the cell door and took a deep breath, trying to find some solution to this mess.
"So, I take it that you would not accept a knighthood from me?"
Merlin sighed again, his eyes drifting around the dungeons as he tried to think of a different way to make Arthur a nobleman. Eventually, his eyes drifted back towards Arthur, who was still holding onto the bars of the cell door. As Merlin looked at Arthur, pondering any solution that he could possibly come up with, a metallic flash caught Merlin's eye, drawing it to Arthur's left hand.
There, the torchlight was reflecting off of Ygraine's ring, the one that Arthur rarely ever took off. Merlin was glad that Arthur still had it with him after everything that had just happened to provide some comfort, but it still didn't present Merlin with any solutions...
Oh no.
Swallowing thickly, Merlin called out to Arthur again.
"Arthur, do you know of any, any other ways to elevate a peasant to the status of a noble?"
"I'm afraid not. Me granting knighthoods to peasants was the first legal opportunity for peasants to elevate their stations. There is no other way."
Merlin closed his eyes and tried to hold back his frustration. He wouldn't have to resort to that, surely?
"And you've really thought this through, Arthur? If you don't accept a knighthood, I don't think that there's any other way that I can legally make you a noble again, much less the king. Are you really prepared to go the rest of your life as a peasant with no title, no lands, no riches, nothing?"
Merlin could see that his words gave Arthur pause, forcing him to at least reconsider Merlin's offer. Merlin internally pleaded with Arthur to please don't be an idiot, just take the offer!
Finally, Arthur seemed to have reached his decision, as he glared at Merlin once again with conviction.
"I might be forced to live out my days as a peasant, but at least I'll be a peasant with my honor and integrity intact."
Merlin was, at this point, sorely tempted to bash his head into the stone wall behind him. Why, why did this clotpole have to make his life so difficult?!
Merlin gave a heavy sigh as he nodded, accepting Arthur's decision. Arthur looked rather smug about Merlin conceding to him, which he wouldn't be feeling if he knew exactly what Merlin had in mind as his contingency plan.
"Very well then. You've made it clear that you won't willingly take this one opportunity for me to give you your throne back. But make no mistake, you are the Once and Future King. This is your destiny, and I will see that it comes to pass, no matter what I have to do. I know that it might be unfair, but I only ask that you forgive me for what I do next. Please remember, everything I do, I do for you and the kingdom that you're destined to build."
Arthur's expression had gone from smug to confused to concerned very quickly, but Merlin didn't acknowledge the slight fear that had appeared on Arthur's face. Instead, he carefully pushed Arthur's blanket, which had been lying at the foot of the cell door, through the bars, ensuring that Arthur could grab it.
After that, Merlin turned on his heel and walked out of the now silent dungeons, his footsteps sounding authoritative and ominous as they echoed off of the stone walls.
Despite his measured footsteps, Merlin's mind was moving at sprinter's pace, trying to plan out everything that would need to be done in the coming days. The first thing that he definitely needed to do was let the steward know that he needed to plan a wedding on short notice.
After all, it wasn't uncommon for conquerors to marry their war prizes.
I hope you all enjoyed this continuation! Were you right in your guess as to what Merlin had in mind at the end of part 2? Please let me know if you'd like another part of this story!
I'll try to tag everyone who asked for a part 3 here. Thank you all for your support!
@magic-mushroomss @miyriu @whole-buncha-snakess @achillesuwu @aerismoon
@tidalwavesandthunderstorms @marki9 @isaidno @retro-wallflower @samwinjester
@lascienzadellafantasia @sugar-coated-prat-dragon @theoldfroglady @ryeallytired @mind-of-a-crow
@whynotreinventmyselfeveryday @likeapaperplane @odinjm @orliththedragon @aglmry
@caraspud @aostrek-236 @justaz @slippysalt @coffee-shop-gay
@the-king-and-the-druidess @theroundbartable @fanfic-library-for-me @linotheghost @scuttlingsleipnir
And, as always, than you for reading through my ramblings! :D
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captainlunaxmen · 2 months
First Sight
Dark!Coriolanus Snow x Fem!reader
Here we are! Sorry for the wait, but I thought I had everything planned out and... I didn't, so I'm sorry I made you wait this long❤️❤️❤️
Let me know what you think, please, because this is my first time writing a dark fic, so feedback is highly encouraged in this case🙏🙏🙏
Summary: Y/n has been part of the Covey since she can remember, when her best friend Lucy Gray is chosen for the Hunger Games her world is threatened, she need to stay strong for her family. She's never been one to love attention. She never wants to draw too much anyway, gladly leaving the stage to her best friend, but she managed to catch someone's attention anyway. A young, ambitious man from the Capitol saw her for just a moment, but that was enough to make an obsession grow inside him.
Warnings: dark fic, obsession, harassment, smut, rape.
Tag list:
@7s3ven @wintersforest @tallulah477 @diannnnsss @that-one-person-blue @kemo19
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"Are you sure you want to wear that?" Y/n asks her best friend as they get ready to, yet, another reaping day.
"Of course." Lucy Gray answers, simply as ever, "at least I'll look pretty when they say my name."
"If." Y/n reminds her, "if they say your name."
"After all that mess with Billy Taupe? Mayfair will surely ask her daddy to pull some strings." Lucy Gray slightly scoffs.
"Maybe not..."
"You're too optimistic sometimes." She smiles at her friends, fixing the colourful skirt down.
"I just don't want to think about the worst." Y/n replies, tightening the belt on her own dress.
"Better get used to it."
They share a look, one filled with hope yet resignation too. They smile at each other and walk hand in hand out their home to get to the town square for the annual reaping.
They hold each other's hand until Lucy Gray's name is announced, and after a quick squeeze, she lets her friend's hand go to walk to the stage.
Y/n's breathing is heavy and frantic. She can't believe it, and when she notices Billy Taupe trying to talk to Lucy Gray, she has to contain herself from hitting him with a shoe... or two.
But her eyes are on her best friend walking up, and then she notices something in her hand. Y/n has to contain her laughter when Lucy Gray puts that something in Mayfair's dress. She can guess it was either a snake or a small lizard. Without much reaction to Mayfair's screams and the mayor's order to help his daughter Lucy Gray walk the stairs, but before she could get on, the mayor slaps her right in the face, making her fall Y/n's feet move on their own, she need to be blocked by a Peacekeeper to realise what was happening. She looks behind her to the rest of the Covey, scared and helpless. So the only thing that comes up to her mind is the only things that always help them all.
Y/n sings the first verse of one of their favourite songs, and when the other Covey follow Lucy Gray stands up and sings too.
She sends a sad smile to her family before walking away with Jessup and the Peacekeepers.
"Clear the square!" One of the Peacekeepers yells, and everyone starts to walk away to their own business.
"Let's go home." Y/n hugs Maude Ivory, and motion to the rest to follow her.
"Will we ever see her again?" CC asks.
"One thing about Lucy Gray is that she should never be underestimated." She replies, "So... she still hasn't sung her last song."
Coriolanus Snow is a collected man. Whatever happens to him, he tries his best not to show any reaction to it. But he almost can't help the gasp after he saw the girl from 12. He noticed how she wanted to reach her friend after the mayor slapped her.
Some people would dare say it's love at first sight, Coriolanus doesn't exactly know what to believe, he never felt like that before, he feels like all he could do all day is think of her, just that and it would be almost enough for him... only having her would satisfy him properly.
But he can't risk it... he can't risk his winning for someone he only saw for mere seconds.
He needs to keep his eyes on the real goal.
When he got home that day and talked to Tigris, he thought he left the girl in the back of her mind.
"I can't even imagine how her family must feel... that girl, did you see her?" Tigris asks, "her eyes when that man slapped Lucy Gray..."
"Yeah... she was ready to jump in and defend her." Coriolanus says casually, "she sang for her."
"I bet they sang a lot together... both of them got a beautiful voice." Tigris guesses, sadness evident in her voice.
"Beautiful indeed." Coriolanus whispers.
Now, his mind is back on her.
That nameless girl from 12. How did she manage to strike him like that? How she stepped out of line to reach her friend, how she sang for her. What was it?
"You okay, Coryo?" Tigris snaps him out of his thoughts.
"Who do you think she was?" He asks.
"Who?" Tigris is confused.
"That girl, the one who sang for Lucy Gray." He specifies.
"Oh... uhm.. I don't know. Her sister? Or maybe a friend, I don't know." She answers, still confused by her cousin's question. "Why do you want to know?"
"No reason." Coriolanus shakes his head, "Goodnight, Tigris."
Without waiting an answer he walks to his bedroom, gets ready for bed and lies on it with one thought in mind.
Surprisingly, not the Hunger Games.
The nameless girl from 12.
Y/n helped Maude Ivory carry the small television their neighbours landed them so they could keep up with the games and, most importantly, Lucy Gray.
"Remember you have to babysit their babies this week, okay?" Y/n tells the young girl as they plug the television in.
"Of course, are you going to sell your bread?"
"Yes, I left some dough to rise this morning. By tonight, it'll be ready to bake." She assures her.
"Is it on?" CC comes in followed by Tam Amber.
"I think... if I do this." Y/n hits the box hard, and suddenly the screen turns on.
"Careful!" Maude Ivory shouts.
"He told me it needs it sometimes. It's okay." Y/n waves her off as the screen finally shows some movements, still no sound, but it's still something.
"Who is that?" CC asks, as a man appears on the screen wearing a high-collared suit and gelled hair, "is he a clown?"
"Could be..." Y/n sighs.
"Where is he?" Tam Amber asks, getting closer.
"No idea... there are bars behind him... I think..." Y/n tries to answer, but the scene is not clear yet, so she hits the television again.
"See? Now it's better." Y/n nonchalantly says, "seems like a cage... wait..."
"There's people inside." CC notices, "are those the tributes?"
"Oh god... probably."
"Can you see Lucy Gray?" Tam Amber asks.
"There... I think she's the only one wearing so much colour." Muade Ivory points at a point in the back.
"Yes, that's her... who's that with her?" Y/n moves closer to the screen, "he looks too cleaned up to be a tribute."
"No idea." CC says.
The host notices them too and apparently asks them to get closer.
Y/n looks more attentively at the guy, inspecting him now closer to the camera, it's clear he's not from the districts.
"Could it be someone from the Capitol?" The little one suggests.
"He could be... but why is he in there?" Y/n sighs, frustrated, "damn it, why can't we hear anything?"
"Y/n! I'm so sorry!" Barb yells from the kitchen.
Y/n is immediately on her feet running to her.
"What happ-" she starts but stops as soon as she see the bowl with the dough she prepared on the floor, "how?"
"I was cleaning and I accidentally hit it. I'm so sorry." Barb Azure explains, apologising again.
"It's..." Y/n lets out a puff of air, "it's okay, I can still save some. Don't worry."
"I'm really sorry."
"It's okay, really." She immediately pick up what she can from the floor, "I can save some. We'll just sell a little less than usual, tomorrow I'll make more."
"Don't, it's okay, I promise. Go see Lucy Gray on TV, c'mon." She nudges the girl and kneel down to clean, " go."
Y/n watches Barb Azure disappear in the other room, takes a deep breath and goes back to work.
They managed with selling the bread, the milk, the occasional jewellery Y/n makes and the performance at the Hob to survive.
Y/n haven't been sleep well since Lucy Gray entered the Arena. She's glad Jessup and her managed to escape the toher tributes and found somewhere to hide. But Y/n can't help the anxiety devouring her everyday, she tries to ease the Covey, making them distracted with everything she could think of, but even singing and dancing isn't the same.
Y/n decided to forbid them from watching the games after Jill's, she thinks her name was, death and Reaper lined up the corpses of the others. She didn't want to risk them seeing Lucy Gray among them... she doesn't even know is she herself could.
But tonight Y/n feels like she needs to watch, she has to, for Lucy Gray, a way to be with her. She tries to spot her in the arena, and when the screen show Coral and Treech finding her in a air vent, Y/n stands immediately getting closer to the screen, and needs to hold in a scream when Coral manages to male her friend fall.
Out of her hiding space.
Back in the arena.
Suddenly a giant tank is lowered into the arena Y/n feels her breath stop. Nothing good could come out of there, nothing good comes from the Capitol.
The little girl from 8 get closer, thinking it's their signal they're going home, but unfortunately the tank breaks and thousands of colourful snakes creep out covering her small figure, most likely killing her.
They all run, run to a higher ground, the boy from 4 falls and the snakes caught up with him.
Lucy Gray and Coral run, while Reaper lets the snake take him.
Y/n holds her breath as she watches Coral say something to Lucy Gray, unfortunately they never managed to fix the sound so she can't hear them, but she can understand when Coral is dead, as the snakes tie themselves around her.
That leaves Lucy Gray the last one... she's won.
Why aren't they letting her out? Usually they stop once there's only one left.
Lucy Gray keeps backing away from the snakes, and Y/n can see her mouth moving, she doesn't hear, but she can guess she's singing. Usually snakes there in 12 like music, maybe she's trying it with the Capitol's ones too.
When Lucy Gray's face points direct the camera it's clear ad the day that she's singing, with all the strength she has.
"Let her out." Y/n whispers.
Suddenly, the screen changes signaling that Lucy Gray indeed won the Hunger Games.
"Oh my god!" Y/n can't help but scream, she doesn't care if everyone is already asleep.
"What's going on?" Tam Amber walks in, sleepy face and all, followed by Maude Ivory.
"She won!" Y/n screams again.
"Lucy Gray won?!" Moude Ivory immediately runs to hug Y/n.
"She did it!"
"Does that mean she's coming home?" CC asks, he too arrived after hearing all the noise, Barb Azure too.
"I think so." Y/n nods, smiling like never before, a heavy burden is finally off her shoulders and she can let out a sigh of relief, "she's coming home."
"Your life has just begun." Sejanus tells him as they both travel to district 12, "you're gonna do great. We're both gonna do great."
"Just be careful, okay?" Coriolanus says to him, "it's a different world out here."
"Look at the bright side." He simply replies, and Coriolanus sends him a questioning look, "she might be there."
"Who are you talking about?"
"I heard you and Lucy Gray talking once." He starts, "you asked about the girl who sang for her at the reaping ceremony."
"I.." Coriolanus is caught off guard.
"You're lucky, Ma always told me stories when I was younger about love at first sight." He explains, "the way you ask more and more about her... you can't fool me." He lets out a small chuckle.
"And if she's not there?" Coriolanus asks.
"Why wouldn't she?"
"What if they killed Lucy Gray and she just doesn't want to have anything to do with me? How about that?" He challenges.
"They wouldn't. She was a hit, Coryo. There's no reason for them to kill her." Sejanus tells him, "so you know her name?"
Of course he does, it's the very first thing he asked Lucy Gray. He's been reciting her name since he learned it.
"Y/n." He smiles as he says it.
"You're singing with me tonight." Lucy Gray warns Y/n, as they gather the instruments they need for tonight's performance, the first since Lucy Gray got back.
"I am... so not doing it." Y/n replies, shaking her head.
"Why not?" She pouts.
"Because I... I'm not." Y/n simply answer, not meeting her eyes.
But Lucy Gray doesn't give up so easily, she tries to make eye contact with her friend, she knows she wouldn't resist.
"Give me a good reason." Lucy Gray challenges again.
"Because... The people want you." Y/n tells her, "you're better at singing than me."
"That's not true." Maude Ivory chimes in, "they loved you."
"Thank you..." Y/n says sarcastically, "I'm not doing it."
"Oh c'mon, I got back, think of it as a welcome back present!" Lucy Gray nudges her friend, "pleeeease."
"Nope, I was almost fainting the whole time I was on stage." Y/n shake her head once again, "not gonna happeen" she sings the last bit.
"You had to refuse me with that beautiful voice of yours too?" Lucy Gray accuses with a laugh.
"Yap." Y/n replies, "c'mon, we don't want tot be late."
"This is not the end." Lucy Gray warns her friend before taking her hand and then, with the rest of the Covey, head to the Hob.
Coriolanus couldn't contain himself, he can't wait to get out and find his girl.
She is his, he can't see it any other way.
They enter the Hob and Sejanus goes to get them a drink, while Coriolanus looks around, taking in the place, listening to the music.
His eyes find themselves on the stage, as a little girl goes to the mic.
"Is it hot in here?"
They must be the Covey Lucy Gray talked so much about, but he still can't spot Y/n. Where could she be?
The audience cheers loudly
"'Cause we're planning on heating it up a set more!" The girl screams, "the one, the only, Lucy Gray Baird!"
Coriolanus' ears perk up at her name, maybe his girl is with her.
Lucy Gray enters the stage, spinning with her guitar in hand, smiling as brightly as ever.
"Oh hey district 12, did you miss me?" She asks the audience, that immediately replies with a loud "Yes!"
"I bet you never expected to lay eyes on me again. And let me tell you, that goes both ways, but I am back. " She cheers, "I sure am back. Oh is that bottle there for me?" She asks pointing at a bottle of alcohol someone's holding up, " oh c'mon y'all, you know I gave up drinking when I was 12," she fakes complain and takes a sip, "just to clear my pipes, just to clear my pipes! Now, how about a song, uh?" Everyone cheers, happy, "but, I can't, you know." The audience lets out confused and discontent noises, Lucy Gray glances slightly at the side of the stage, in the dark Coriolanus can't see anything, "it's been a while and I don't feel like singing alone tonight. But I'm afraid, my sweet best friend, won't do me the favour... how about you help me convince her?"
The audience immediately burst into a wave of cheers and applauses.
"Do you want her?"
The cheering gets louder.
"Y/n!" Lucy Gray yells, "c'mon out, babes!"
"Y/n. Y/n. Y/n!" The audience chants.
And at last, she walks on the stage, glaring at her friend playfully.
Coriolanus heart skips a beat as he watch her walking to her friend, he never thought he could get more enamoured with her, but here she is, and he can't seem to take his eyes off her. The way she takes the guitar Lucy Gray offers her, the way she timidly smiles at the audience, once again glaring at her friend for putting her in this position.
"See? They love you!" Lucy Gray points at the audience, "now, let's show them how it's done!"
Lucy Gray nudges her friend with her hip as Y/n starts to play the guitar.
Coriolanus eyes are solely on her, and she isn't even aware of it, he can afford admiring her a little more before making her his.
Lucy Gray is the happiest since she managed to have Y/n sing and dance with her, but the moment he notices a familiar pair of eyes he freezes for an instant.
Coriolanus Snow is here in 12, and he's looking, no... he's staring at her friend.
She notices his weird interest in Y/n from the many unusual questions he made when they were talking. She didn't like how he was talking and asking about her friend like that, like he thought she was his already. She always dismissed it as a stupid sensation, maybe it's exactly that, just her sensation. He might like her, but nothing bad... not necessarily. She doesn't want to think bad of it.
Of course she told the Covey about everything that happened in the Capitol, she just didn't mention this particular thing, to protect her.
She take advantage of an instrumental break to tell Y/n.
"He's here." She says.
"Who?" Y/n asks, looking at the crowd, locking eyes with a blonde man.
"My mentor, the one I talked to you about." Lucy Gray answers.
"Is he blonde?" Y/n asks and Lucy Gray nods,"Why is he here?"
"No idea."
Y/n simply shrugs and keeps play while Lucy Gray sings, unfortunately their performance is cut short by Billy Taupe intervention.
"Fuck..." Y/n sighs, keeping playing, "it's not the first time he acts like that."
"I know you miss me, Lucy Gray." Billy Taupe drunkenly says getting closer to the stage, followed by Mayfair trying to stop him.
"You said you wouldn't play with them anymore." She complains.
Lucy Gray looks at the Covey rolling her eyes, Y/n rolls her own in agreement.
Suddenly Billy Taupe almost jumps on stage grabbing Lucy Gray's skirt.
"Don't touch me! After what you did, don't touch me." Lucy Gray orders him, kicking her foot to let him go of her skirt
"Y/n... Please, you're kind, you know you're all not the same without me." He moves to take Y/n's skirt now, "c'mon, make her see reason."
"Let go." Y/n tells him, she moves backwards but his grip makes her stumble and falls to the ground. Lucy Gray kneels to help her pull her skirt back.
A second later Billy Taupe is thrown to the side, making him lose his grip. The two girls look at the direction he was thrown, and they see that blonde man hitting him hard until another recruit stops him and takes him outside.
"Are you okay?" Lucy Gray asks, helping her friend to stand up.
"Yeah, yeah, all good." Y/n nods, "again, not the first time he acts like that."
"God.. I'm sorry.." the brunette says softly, picking up the guitar.
"Not your fault. Only his." She sighs, "I'm kinda glad your mentor was here, he was the only one to help."
" yeah, glad..."
"Is everything okay?" Y/n worries.
"Yeah, it's just weird seeing him here." Lucy Gray dismisses the question easily, "let's go home, c'mon"
"Okay.." Y/n isn't convinced, but decides to let it go for now, "c'mon ladies and gentlemen, let's get home."
"Wanna go practice some songs on the meadow, tomorrow?" Lucy Gray asks as they walk back home.
"I missed it so much, so of course!" Y/n cheerfully replies, earning a just as excited laugh from her friend.
Lucy Gray and Y/n played all afternoon in the meadow, like old times. It wasn't that long Lucy Gray stayed in the Capitol, but not knowing if she were to come back at all made it feel so much longer.
"I think this part should be a little slower, what do you think?" Y/n would ask after a while of playing 'The Hanging Tree'.
"This last part of the verse, you mean?" Lucy Gray checks, looking at the music sheets.
"Yeah, I think..."
Their heads snap behind them when they hear footsteps nearing.
"Sorry... we..." the same blonde man from the night before speaks, along a dark haired man, "they say we would find you out here."
"You're here... with that uniform.." Lucy Gray nervously chuckles.
"I thought they killed you." He simply says.
"Killed?" Y/n can't help the question.
"He... uhm.." his friend starts.
"I broke the rule to save her life." He answers, faking humbleness.
"The dean... Highbottom, got me on a train and gave me some money. He said you were sent to 8." Lucy Gray is quite confused.
"Change of plans." He would smile, "I'm Coriolanus Snow, by the way." He moves closer extending his hand for Y/n to take.
"She's Y/n, my best friend I told you about." Lucy Gray introduces her.
"Hi.." she shyly greets, taking his hand. She can't help the surprised "Oh..." When he, instead of shaking her hand, kisses the back of it.
"Nice to properly meet you, she talked a lot about you." Coriolanus charmingly smiles, "this is my friend, Sejanus."
"Nice to meet you," Lucy Gray shakes his hand with a bright smile.
"Nice to meet... you... too." Sejanus greets back with a sweet and kind smile.
They look at each other for a moment, just smiling. Y/n never saw he friend smiling like this with someone, she is so focused on her friend that she didn't notice Coriolanus still holding her hand, still looking at her.
"Oh sorry." Y/n finally takes notice of his hand and takes her own back, missing the pout forming on Coriolanus' face.
"All good." He whispers, "we quite enjoy the show yesterday."
"Oh.. yeah, yeah, yeah, it was great... until that guy came in." Sejanus agrees, nervously looking at Lucy Gray.
"Yeah, Billy Taupe can't accept the fact that we manage without him." She replies, smugly.
"Well, he's lucky you got back" Y/n mutters, "thanks, by the way, for getting him off and... also, of course, for saving Lucy Gray." She looks up at Coriolanus.
"A pleasure, really. There's no need to thank me." He replies, hitching to hold her hand again, to hold her to him and never let go, "anything for you."
At that Y/n takes a small step back, feeling a little nervous under his stare.
"We're going to the lake, tomorrow. Do you guys want to join?" Lucy Gray suddenly asks, surprising her best friend.
"Really?" Sejanus checks in, looking at the girls, "we'd like to."
"Of course, a way of thanking you." She assures him, "we usually go and have a sort of picnic."
"We'll look forward to it." Coriolanus too agrees.
"Yeah, it would be nice." Y/n wraps her arms around herself, to shield herself from his eyes.
"She makes an amazing apple cobbler too, the young ones loves it." The brunette praise her best friend, locking their arms together.
"You cook too?" Coriolanus is surprised, pleased, "you didn't tell me."
"She can do a lot of things, a real walking talent." Lucy Gray smiles proudly at her friend, nudging her side. Y/n's cheeks warm up at the compliments, turning her head to look away from them all.
"Always so shy, aren't you?" Coriolanus softly comments.
"She's never been the best with compliments." Lucy Gray softly chuckles, squeezing her friend's arm, "but she deserves them all."
"I'm sure she does." His soft stare makes Y/n shiver, she doesn't know why but she's intimidated by it.
"Uh..." she would start, but her eyes catch something behind the two men, "Maude Ivory." Lucy Gray follows her eyes to the little girl.
"You're friends peacekeepers." She says.
"They must be here for the fight." Y/n guesses, "I'll go handle it."
"I'm coming with you."
"Get the guitar, then." She instructs and Lucy Gray grabs the guitar.
"Hey.. we can't be seen with you, though." Coriolanus quietly tells them.
"That lake is in the woods, no one knows much about it but us, don't worry." Lucy Gray reassures him.
"That's comforting." Sejanus smiles grateful at her and she returns it.
"See you tomorrow then." Coriolanus says looking at Y/n who simply evades his stare, she politely smiles, but that doesn't stop Coriolanus from dreaming about her that night. How right their hands felt together, how beautiful she is so close... he can't wait for the next day.
He feels somehow grateful for Sejanus presence, he's sure Lucy Gray invited them both because she's interested in him. He remembers the little glances she would send his classmate at the Capitol. He will use it to his advantage, he knows how much Sejanus would love to help him get the girl of his dreams, he just needs a little push.
Y/n is making a new dough for the next day, while they're at the lake it will have time to raise. She's mostly making it to get her mind busy, to sort of preparing herself for the day at the lake with the two peacekeepers.
"Are you okay?" Lucy Gray cautiously asks, walking next to her.
"Whatever do you mean?" Y/n asks back, not glancing once at her friend.
"Mh... you're using that tone, for one." Lucy Gray nudges her, "and... you're kneading that dough as if you're chocking it. I'm pretty sure it's dead."
Y/n doesn't answer right away, she keeps kneading the dough, when she puts it in a bowl she turns to her friend.
"I'm okay." She finally says.
"Something bothering you." The singer gently takes her hand, guiding Y/n to sit with her at the table.
"Are the others sleeping?" Y/n asks, wiping her hands on a towel.
"Yeah, now tell me what's wrong." She softly urges her, "is it about tomorrow? Are you nervous or something?"
"I guess..."
"Why?" Lucy Gray asks, "do you fancy my mentor?" She tries to joke and teases her.
"No." She quickly answers, "no, really, I... it's like there's something off about him... I don't know, maybe it's just me."
Y/n lets out a heavy sigh and looks at Lucy Gray, who looks conflicted herself.
"I... uhm.." she starts, uncertain.
"I felt the same way when I met him... he would ask so many question about you, our life here you know, I could see he wanted to know more and more about you." She explains.
"Me? Why?" Y/n gets even more nervous.
"I think he saw you at the reaping ceremony, when you sang and... I don't know, you caught his attention."
"We can cancel... or you can stay in, I don't want you to feel forced to go because I didn't think." Lucy Gray takes her hands again, reassuringly.
"No, it's okay... I mean maybe we're just looking too much into it..." Y/n shakes her head, "I kind of want to see if you and the other one move to the next step."
"You noticed.." she blushes slightly.
"You two where smiling at each other like crazy." Y/n smiles sweetly at her friend.
"He's sweet, I saw how he wanted to help the tributes during the games... but please, we don't have to go if you're uncomfortable." She checks.
"I'm fine, I promise." Y/n kisses her hands to assure her, "maybe it's just a misunderstanding. It'll be fine."
"Oh now you're comforting me?" Lucy Gray teases.
"Obviously." She smiles proudly, "how about you... how are you coping with... with the games?"
Lucy Gray's smile drops slightly, looking down at their hands, squeezing them a little tighter, scared she would be taken away again.
"I'm okay... sometimes I feel like I'm still there." Her eyes fill with tears at the memories, "I killed people, Y/n... I..."
"You can't just shake it off, right?" Y/n guesses and Lucy Gray nods without saying a word, "I won't say that I'll understand, I will try sure, I can't promise I will be able to of course, but... I'm with you, Lucy Gray, you're not alone, I won't let you deal with it alone."
Lucy Gray stands, and so does Y/n, she brings her into a warm hug. They hold each other like never before, they hugged in the past sure, but nothing like this. This hug is filled with comfort and safety, something they both need, they don't even want it to end in fear one of them could be taken away again.
"We should get some sleep." Y/n states with a chuckle, but doesn't break the hug.
"Yeah." Lucy Gray laughs, "I think we should." They pull apart, "Sorry, I really needed that."
"So did I."
With that little comfort from each other they can finally go to bed and get some sleep. Even though, Y/n can't really fall asleep so quickly, her mind constantly going to Coriolanus Snow and his eyes, his stare on her. Could it be possible that they're just imagining it or it's true?
She close her eyes for a second and the moment she opens them the first light of day greets her, making her groan.
"Fuck." She mutters out, uncovering herself and getting seated, not so ready to start the day.
"Morning." Lucy Gray's harsh morning voice greets Y/n in the kitchen as she prepares the basket for the picnic, "Did you get some sleep?"
"I did, do not worry." Y/n replies, "just... uh..."
"Don't leave me alone with him, okay?"
Once Lucy Gray nods, Y/n gets back at the basket.
"This time of the year the water is just perfect." Maude Ivory excitedly jumps towards the lake.
"She loves the lake, if you can't tell." Y/n jokes.
"I wouldn't blame her," Sejanus says, "I'll trust her judgement, then."
"You should!" The little girl tells him, loud.
"Are you sure you don't need help?" Coriolanus offers to carry the basket for the tenth time, "I promise it's no trouble."
"And I promise it's fine, thank you." Y/n, once again, denies his help.
Coriolanus can't help the clenching in his jaw, his girl should never, ever, lift a finger. He'll make sure of it.
"We're almost there, anyway. No worries." She tries to chuckle and assure him.
"She's strong." Lucy Gray chimes in, "she never lets me do any heavy work around the house. It's crazy."
"No, well, that's because you're not the best at them." Y/n teases her.
"That's not true!" Lucy Gray laughs, "I got many talents."
"You do... not for handwork."
Lucy Gray gasps, faking offence, while the rest of the group laugh.
"How long have you been friends for?" Sejanus asks, "if I'm not intruding."
"We're basically sisters," Lucy Gray immediately answers, proudly, "our parents died and we got raised by the same person."
"I arrived after them, but everything fell into places so naturally, it felt like I found my family again." Y/n explains, with a big smile.
"Never left each other's side ever since." Lucy Gray takes her best friend's hand as they finally arrive at destination.
"We're here!" CC exclaims and Maude Ivory rushes to get into the water as soon as possible, making Y/n chuckle.
Coriolanus watches her closely, the way she worries about her family, the way she smiles, laughs and shines when she looks at the young ones. The more time he's in her presence, the more he falls in love with her, his desire to make her his growing each moment. His girl, his wife and, one day soon, his first Lady.
A day at the lake with her family is something Y/n always treasured, and will always treasure. She usually takes a few minutes to herself to enjoy the water, just floating with her eyes closed, she loves how free the stream lets her be.
The Covey always lets her live her peace... at least until it's time to eat, in that moment they would splash her until she gets to shore, earning, everytime, a glare from the poor girl.
And today should be no different, Y/n and Lucy Gray agreed not to make the others suspect their new friend makes them feel a little uneasy. So as Y/n floats on her own, Lucy Gray will try and keep an eye out to let her alone with her former mentor.
"What's she doing?" Coriolanus asks.
"Oh she likes to feel the water on her own." Lucy Gray explains, while Sejanus play with Maude Ivory, "to enjoy the moment."
"Wouldn't she be carried away by the stream?" He wonders.
"Nah, it's like the water knows where she should be."
"That's beautiful, Lucy Gray." Sejanus comments.
"Not my words." She is quick to specify, "hers."
Coriolanus spent the rest of the bath watching her, purposely ignoring his former tribute's stare. She probably wants to protect her friend, he thinks, but he's the only one who can protect her. And that he will.
"I'm starving!" Maude Ivory exclaims getting out the water towards the picnic blanket, "c'mon!"
Almost in an instant the rest of the Covey follows, apart from Lucy Gray who stays with Sejanus and Coriolanus, and Y/n floating not far.
Coriolanus shots his friend a look to tell him to get Lucy Gray away so he could have some time alone with his girl.
"I..." Sejanus stutters out, "I... I brought something. I know you two cooked for us too, so I wanted to bring something as a thanks... for the invite."
"Aaww but that's very sweet of you. You didn't need to." Lucy Gray almost melts at his words.
"I can show you. I mean they're preparing to eat so might as well help them." Sejanus suggests.
"Oh... uh... I mean..." she is hesitant, looking briefly at Coriolanus and at her friend.
"Coriolanus is here to look out for her, don't worry." Sejanus reassures her, but he doesn't know that his friend is the reason she needs to keep an eye out for Y/n.
Unfortunately, she knows she can't refuse, not without raising questions from her family nor suspects from the two peacekeepers.
"Yeah... Okay." She finally says, "but I mean, you don't have to, she's always does that. You can come with us."
"I don't mind." He's quick to reply, "I too enjoy the waters myself."
"See? No troubles at all." Sejanus smiles at her.
"We will call you soon, anyway." Lucy Gray tells him, she means it as a warning, even though Coriolanus doesn't register it that way.
"We'll be here." He smiles charmingly as always as he looks at the two climbing on the wooden deck and towards the Covey. She still watches over her friend.
As Coriolanus finally can enjoy the view he can notice her floating gently towards him.
'The water knows where she should be' Lucy Gray said, and the water is bringing her to him.
Y/n felt something touching her hand slightly, startling her.
"Oh sorry." She starts to apologise, but freezes when she sees Coriolanus in front of her.
"No need to apologise." He softly says.
"Where's everyone?" She asks.
"Preparing for the picnic." He tells her, secretly enjoy how her eyes don't meet his.
"Oh... I guess.. uh... I guess we should join them, then." She nervously chuckles, wanting more and more to not be alone with the Peacekeeper.
"Did you enjoy the water?" He asks, ignoring her suggestion.
"I... I did." She answers, "I love days like this."
With each word she slowly swims to the deck.
"I've never done this, you know." He says swimming closer.
"You don't have lakes at the Capitol?" She chuckles, again to hid her nerves.
"There's no room for nature." He simply says.
"Oh... that's... sad." She comments, feeling genuinely sad about that, "hope you're having a good day then, Mr Snow."
"Please, Coriolanus is more than fine, or Coryo... if you like." He tells her with a charming smile, internally begging her to say his name.
"Well, I hope you're having a good day, then, C-Coryo." She forces herself to smile, slightly letting out a sigh of relief when she realises she got to the wooden deck.
"The best in a long time." He catch up with her, ready to chivalrously help her climb up.
Y/n tries to be as quick as she can, but in doing so her foot slipped and she falls back into the water... in Coriolanus' arms.
"Shit..." she curses under her breath.
"You okay?" Coriolanus immediately asks, concerned.
"Yeah, yeah, sorry, I... I slipped." She tries to subtly wiggle out of his arms. While what Coriolanus wants more is to hold her even closer. "We should... uhm... get to the picnic or.. or they w-will eat everything."
"Yeah..." Coriolanus eyes constantly switch from her eyes to her lips, "probably."
He doesn't move an inch though, his eyes keeping the same route, but moving his face closer to hers.
Y/n is cornered, she wants to freak out, but he's still a Peacekeeper, who knows what he could do if she rejected him badly.
"Uhm..." she tries to come up with something to say to get out of the situation.
He's living his dream, in the meantime, he's so close to kissing his girl for the first time he wants to enjoy every second of it. His hands find their way to her waist, caressing it.
Y/n shakes, she wants to run, hit him and run away. Coriolanus interprets the shaking as shyness, he's sure she feels the same, he thinks her shaking is only in anticipation of the kiss.
So he leans closer... and closer...
"Guys!" Lucy Gray's voice saves her, "it's all set!"
"We're coming!" Y/n shouts back immediately, turning away from Coriolanus as she feels his grasp tightening slightly.
Y/n manages to climb back up and misses the frustrated clenching in Coriolanus' jaw.
They sit on the blankets they brought as they eat, Y/n managed to take a seat in between CC and Maude Ivory, away from the peacekeeper. Lucy Gray, on the other hand, sits next to Sejanus which earned a teasing smile from her friend, Coriolanus sits next to him as they everyone eats.
"You weren't lying, this is amazing." Sejanus exclaims, mouth full of Y/n's dessert.
"You're being too kind now." Y/n can only shy away from the compliment.
"Told you, she's always underestimate herself." Lucy Gray low-kye scold her friend.
"True!" CC agrees, earning a glare from Y/n.
"It really is amazing." Coriolanus chimes in, "where did you learn?"
"Oh... well, when you have to feed all these mouths, that's what you have to do." Y/n explains, "and there were times where one didn't want to eat, when they were younger and didn't fully understand the situation, so I tried my best in making something tasty with what we had."
"Well, I didn't learn." Lucy Gray tries to highlight her friend's talent.
"That's because you were earning money with your guitar and performances." Y/n replies.
"Even that, not without your help." The singer insists.
"Mine?" Y/n laughs, "what help? You're the one singing beautifully everyday."
Coriolanus assist this playful banter and can't help the jealousy raising in him. He wants Y/n to joke with him like that, not with Lucy Gray. He wants to make her blush with compliments, not Sejanus.
"But you write the songs!" Lucy Gray exclaims, with a big smile.
"Not all of them!" Y/n laughs.
"The most beautiful ones, yes." Lucy Gray shots back.
"Oh shut up!" Y/n throws her friend a piece of bread.
"Did we hear any of these songs?" Coriolanus asks, curious.
"I think so," Lucy Gray answers, "plus the one I sang in the arena it's hers."
"Which one?"
"You didn't watch the games?" Sejanus asks.
"No, I did, I did, it's just that the TV we borrowed was a little broken so we couldn't hear anything." CC answers.
"Pity..." Sejanus comments, "she sang beautifully."
"Not a surprise." Y/n smiles, "so, what song was it?"
"The old Therebefore." Lucy Gray tells her, "you know it always gives me strength."
"That was yours?" Coriolanus asks, positively surprised.
"Uh.. yeah, though, I simply rearranged an old melody." Y/n explains, shaking her head dismissively.
"Told you, walking talent." Lucy Gray grins and Y/n throws another piece of bread at her.
Coriolanus is amazed, she will be a perfect first Lady, the people of Panem will love her. He's more and more realising what a perfect choice she will be.
Y/n rolls her eyes, giving up, earning a triumphant smile from Lucy Gray.
"It made all people in the auditorium cry." Coriolanus tells them, "a real moving moment."
"At least I would've gotten one last good performance before my demise." Lucy Gray says dramatically.
"Don't say that." Y/n immediately stops her, "you're here. That's all that matters."
They reach out at the same time to hold each other's hand, Sejanus looks at them with sweet eyes, Coriolanus only feels jealousy, eyes shooting daggers at Lucy Gray.
Unfortunately the things between Sejanus and Lucy Gray have been going strong. She is so in love, Y/n's never seen her so taken by someone like she is by Sejanus. The down side of her happiness is that the peacekeeper always brings his friend around. Coriolanus, in fact, insisted and convinced Sejanus to bring him everytime he visited Lucy Gray, and Sejanus, being the good friend he is, he was glad to help his best friend. They even managed to leave Coriolanus and Y/n alone, Lucy Gray too distracted by Sejanus to notice the deception. Y/n doesn't want her to notice anyway, she's happy her friend found someone she actually like, so she's going to endure a little longer for her, Lucy Gray deserves some happiness after all the horrors she saw.
That's why Y/n's now cooking in their kitchen, with Coriolanus watching her like a hawk.
"What are you making exactly?" He asks from his spot by the small table.
"It's... a apple c-cobbler." Y/n softly answers. He would listen to her soft voice all day if he could, saying his name, begging him.
"Do you need any help?" He offers, "you know I don't mind."
She hears him standing up and walking closer to her.
"It's okay, you don't ha-" she stops mid-sentence, Coriolanus' hands softly caressing her hips froze her.
"I don't mind." He whispers into her ear, thumb striking the clothed spot.
"No... uh... i-it's o-okay... uh..." she stutters, looking around for a way to get away.
"Or maybe... " he spins her around so he's looking directly into her eyes, "we can adress... this." He motions between them, getting even closer, bodies now against one another.
"Uh..?" Y/n is confused.
"Us." Coriolanus specifies, "I don't think we can ignore it any longer."
"Uh... I don't... know..." she's at loss for words, "what..?"
"I'm pretty sure, my interest is pretty obvious." He says this almost shyly, bringing a hand up to cup her cheek, "and... I think yours is too."
"My... interest?"She shakes her head, putting her hands on his arms to try and push him off, "Coriolanus..."
"I love it when you use my name, Y/n." Coriolanus says, leaning closer, ignoring how she avoids his eyes and pushes him away.
"Shit.." he mutters under his breath.
"Where are you?" Lucy Gray asks.
"In the kitchen." Y/n answers, relieved Coriolanus stepped back.
"There you are." She enters the kitchen and immediately hugs her friend, Sejanus close behind her.
"Hi." He timidly says, then notices Coriolanus by the table, "hey Coryo, didn't expect to see tou here today."
There's tension between them, Lucy Gray turns her head to look at the blonde and her face drops.
"Is everything okay, Lucy Gray?" Y/n puts a hand on her friend's shoulder, reassuringly.
"Yeah, of course." She shakes her head and smiles brightly again, "what are you making?" She changes subject.
"Uh... apple cobbler." Y/n says softly.
"Mmmhh can't wait." She hums.
There's something off about this situation, since last night's performance at the Hob all three of them have been behaving weirdly. Lucy Gray was singing and after the song she went after Sejanus and Coriolanus, she was goon for some time and when she got back something in her eyes was off. She tried to wave it off, but Y/n knew her friend and she was sure something happened. Why Lucy Gray didn't want to talk to her only added to her worries.
Unfortunately the worst was yet to come.
"What do you mean you have to leave?" Y/n asks, getting more and more agitated.
"Mayfair and Billy Taupe are dead, who do you think will be blamed?" Lucy Gray snaps back as she keeps packing a small bag.
"But you didn't! How could they prove otherwise?" Y/n insists, breathing heavily.
"The mayor will surely find a way." Her friend days bitterly, then turn to look at her in the eyes, "listen, I'll be fine. This is the only way."
"How will you go, uh?" Y/n challenges, "alone in the woods."
"I... Coriolanus said he would help." Lucy Gray answers, emotionless.
"Coriolanus?!" Y/n whisper-shouts, "do you trust him?"
"I don't have much of a choice. I told you what happened, he's involved too. That has to do." The brunette sighs deeply, "you all can join me in time. I wish you could come too now, but-"
"It will draw too much attention and we would be too easy to find." Y/n finishes her sentence, "I know... but Snow?"
"I told you, he's involved too... he's the only option. Plus... I don't have anything to keep me here anymore.."
Y/n sighs, giving up, she knows Lucy Gray is still grieving Sejanus. She walks to her friend, stopping her to hug her. Lucy Gray returns the hug immediately, crying on her friend's shoulder. Y/n, then, holds her tighter, stroking her back reassuringly.
"We'll be okay. And we will join you soon." Y/n whispers. "I promise."
It's been almost a year since Lucy Gray ran away, a year since Y/n saw her friend. She hopes Lucy Gray is fine, moat importantly she hopes her friend is alive. It was hard to explain the situation to the rest of the Covey, especially the youngest one, but she managed.
A good thing about this situation is that it's also been a year since Coriolanus Snow has been seen in district 12. Rumours has it he got back to the Capitol, Y/n wishes, whatever is the truth, that he stays as far away as possible. One of their last interactions scared her so much she hardly left the house in fear of simply seeing him.
Y/n is walking back home with her basket in hand, she sold all the jewellery and cakes she made to earn some money so she was quite content as she enters the house.
"Is anyone home?" Y/n yells as she puts down the basket and takes off her patched-up coat.
"In here." A voice calls from the kitchen and Y/n is quick to walk there, freezing on the spot when the figure of Coriolanus Snow stands in her kitchen. His hair grew in this time apparently, the new haircut makes him look even more dangerous, "Hi, my love."
"Uh..." Y/n doesn't know what to do, having him in the house after all this time feels worse than a robe around her neck, "what... what are you doing here?"
"You don't seem happy." Coriolanus states, confused.
He spent a year thinking about Y/n, working hard and constantly so he could come back to 12 and take her to the Capitol. He's been thinking about her, analysing each of their interactions to the bone. And he realised something: Y/n is yet to realise the love they're destined to share, but Coriolanus is more than willing to help.
"I... I'm confused... why... why are you here? Is Lucy Gray-"
"I don't want to talk about Lucy Gray!" He snaps.
Y/n flinches and takes a step back, he sighs deeply and pass a hand through his hair.
"I'm... I'm sorry..." she apologises, not wanting to anger him more, "you... uh... you let your hair grow..."
That seems to please him, he slightly smiles, pride growing in him.
"Yeah," he walks closer to her, "I wanted to leave the Peacekeeper behind, to welcome the future president of Panem."
"Future president..." she gasps out, slowly retreating backwards, "wow.."
"You're even more beautiful than I remembered." He brushes a strand of hair behind her ear, "I missed you."
"Why are you here?" She asks, pushing his hand away.
"I'm here to take you to the Capitol with me." He simply answers, as a matter of fact.
"What?!" She exclaims, pushing him off and putting distance between them.
"You're coming home with me." He states.
"I am home." She firmly says, noticing the clench in his jaw.
"No." He shakes his head, "no, you're not."
"I'm not coming with you." She insists, "I have people to take care of."
"They will be taken care of, if you come with me." He makes sure to emphasise the 'if'.
Y/n now realises no one else's home.
"If? Coriolanus, listen-"
"No, you listen." He interrupts her once again, "there's no thinking to do here. You're coming with me, period. You come with me and your family will be cared for, if you don't... there would be consequences."
"Is that a threat?" She shakes in fear now.
"It's a promise, my love." He gets closer again, putting a hand on her cheek, "so... what do you say now?"
"You already decided... what's the point of asking, then?" She's tearing up, too scared to move.
"Say you'll come with me." He leans closer, brushing his lips against hers, "say it."
She shakes her head, lips sealed.
But Coriolanus doesn't waste any more time, he kisses her, she backs away but he chases her until her back hits the wall forcing their lips together once again.
He kisses her, but she doesn't kiss him back, the hand on her cheek moves to her neck squeezing, as a warning. She tries to push him off, but he is stronger than her, his other hand moves to her hips pulling her closer and she starts to actually struggle.
"S-stop." She manages to stutter out.
"Give into me, my love." He mutters against her skin, kissing down her neck, "come with me, you'll want for nothing more in your life."
"No..." she weakly says, as she keeps pushing him off.
"Yes." He kisses her again, completely leaning his body against her, caging her.
"Please don't... Please." Her crying only turns him on more, he thrusts his hips against her making her feel his hard-on.
Y/n stops her movement, dread in her veins prevents her from doing anything.
"Sshh, let me take care of you." He whispers into her ear, "let me show you how good I can make you feel."
"Please... no..." her breathing gets heavier and heavier as she looks at him kneeling in front of her, "Don't."
She looks at the door, wanting to flee and leave him behind.
"Don't you dare." Coriolanus orders, looking up at her, "you try to run and I'll make sure your family pays. Am I clear, my love?"
Y/n averts her eyes from the door, to the former peacekeeper kneeling in front of her.
The hunger in his eyes is enough to make her feel like a prey being caught.
He keeps looking at her as he lifts her dress up her legs, and when he pulls her underwear down he finally break the eye contact to take a proper look at his prize.
He licks his lips and gets closer to her core, inhaling her scent.
"Stop... please Coriolanus, stop." She tries again, but her plead falls to deaf ears.
Coriolanus at hearing his name coming from her he dives himself between her legs, licking and sucking all he could, finally enjoy whatever he's been dreaming about all this time... since that reaping ceremony.
Y/n gasps when he attacks her pussy with his mouth like a starved man, she looks around hoping to find something to use as a weapon or a way to escape this. She puts her hand on his head in an attempt to push him off, but it's no use, his hold is way too tight and strong for her to pull away.
"Mmhhh" he humms against her, her taste inebriates him completely.
"Shit.." she groans, her body betraying her, getting closer and closer, "shit."
Hearing this Coriolanus only doubles his efforts, he blindly grabs one of her hands and moves it to rest on his cheek.
"Mmhhh yes." He humms again, licking harder on her clit.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She tries to hold back, but it's like she has no control over her body anymore as she comes on his mouth. Her legs weakening and falling to the ground, right in front Coriolanus, face to face.
"I love you." He whispers, catching her off guard by kissing her deeply and forcefully.
She puts her hands against him, never stopping her attempts.
"Stop, stop." She mutters.
"This is just a taste of how I'm going to take care of you." He explains breathlessly, "I'm never letting you go, my love."
They stay still for a moment, Y/n too scared to move and Coriolanus is simply enjoying the moment.
He finally got his girl, but he's always being certain of it, after all it's in his family.
Snow lands on top.
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lowkeyremi · 5 months
Choso who went into battle not knowing if he'd ever see you again. You knew this as well as he did, but he didn't want you to worry so he tried to comfort your mind.
"When I get back you gotta make me one of those cakes with the strawberries in it. I'll be thinking about it the whole time." He's hugging you, your head resting on his chest, tears from your leaky eyes stain his shirt.
"Don't go." Is all you can say. For some reason your heart is telling you that this is the last time you'll ever see your husband. This isn't just an assumption either, it's a very, very strong feeling inside of you.
"Baby. You know I have to.." His cold hands rub up and down your back, the coldness reminds of you of death.
"But.. what if this is our last time together?" He freezes completely, even his breath stops for a few seconds.
"I promise you, honey, this will not be our last time together." Choso leans down to meet your lips in a kiss, this kiss held so much slow, raw emotion. His hands caressed the back of your head and you felt more tears roll down your face.
"Choso! We gotta get goin'!" Yuki says tapping her foot impatiently. You have nothing against Yuki, but at that moment so much hate builds up inside of you- she's trying to take him away from you. She's trying to bring him closer to death.
"Choso please..." It's desperate and whiny, your voice cracks upon the last syllable. He gives you one last tight squeeze before muttering a, "I'll see you later baby."
The worst part about the departure is he doesn't look back, but you don't blame him. If he had looked back at your weepy eyes, he probably would have stayed instead of fighting for Japan.
Over the months of his absence you grow bitter, hateful, and quiet. Rarely do you talk anymore so when you hear your own voice it sounds foreign. Even your closest friends can't bring you out of the house without you bursting into tears, because the same door you walk out of is the same door he left out of.
"[name] you have to get out of here, you're going to spiral sooner or later," Your best friend mutters for the nth time.
"I'M NOT LEAVING! THIS IS ALL I HAVE LEFT!" You scream out. Regret instantly washes over you. "I'm-"
"I know you're hurting, don't worry about it." They say in a calming manner.
"I just- it's been two weeks since he's called me. Two. Weeks." Your best friend joins you on your couch, the same couch you and your husband have had many movie nights on.
"I know you're worried, [name]. About him, about your future, about everything... and I'm not going to tell you to be optimistic about the whole thing because it's 50/50 but I do want you to stay strong. It's what your husband would want, right?" They're right, if Choso were here he would tell you to push through and stay strong like you always do.
"Okay- fuck- alright. I'll go put some different clothes, let's get out of here. I haven't left in a long time."
The call came a month later. It was Yaga, he didn't sugar coat it, not that you wanted him to anyway.
"I'm sorry for your loss." It hurts when you hear those words being said to you over the phone. Your ears get a fuzzy feeling your vision blurs, and you start to hyperventilate.
"[name]? [name] are you there?" Everything went dark after that.
Trying to cope was the worst part of it all. Yaga had called you a couple of weeks later saying his body was so mutilated that they couldn't bring it back to bury him properly.
Now, you truly have nothing left, well, technically you have all the things he's given to you over the years, but you don't have him.
You went to therapy, you went to stay with your family, none of it worked. All you could think about was the last time he held you, his body was warm but his hands were cold to the touch.
As much as it hurts, your therapist has suggested moving out of your house because your pain is still raw and being in the house will bring up painful memories. Of course you refuse, why is everyone trying to take away what you have left of your husband?
In your bed was a picture of Choso, one you'd always keep with you when you missed him horribly. As you lie down for the night, you hug the picture tightly while tears silently fall from your eyes. At this point you don't even make sound anymore when you cry, it's just tears.
Ultimately, Yuji was the one to help you start your healing process. When everything had faded he came back, in rough shape might you add, but at least he was back. Instead of going to see all his friends when he returns, he goes to see you.
When he knocks on your door you assume it's your friends or a family member coming to get you out of the house. Seeing Yuji at your front door was very unexpected on your part. Before you can even get a sentence out he's squeezing you in a bone crushing hug.
"Choso told me to give you a hug for him. It was the last thing he asked for." His softly spoken words meet your ears. Almost immediately you squeezed Yuji tighter, "Thank you ,Yuji..."
"I know that you've known him longer than I have but.." he pauses, "his death hurt me just as much, and shit- I'm not gonna lie and say everything will be okay or everything will go back to normal, but I will say that he wants us to continue on even when it's rough."
Yuji's words sink into your brain and your first thought is selfish 'he wouldn't want me to keep going without him'. After a few seconds of rethinking you agree with Yuji, Choso was a fighter and he pressed on for what he believed, and yes, he would want you and his brother to do the same.
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
☉ Sun in houses ☉
Sun sort of magnifies the house it falls in so yeah a post about our dear sun.
These post are general and won't resonate 100% because we have to consider other aspects too.
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☉ Sun in 1st ☉
Now I have seen that sun in 1st people may come off as leo rising. These people are very optimistic. These people tend to get recognized for their creativity and self expression. The main motive of their life is self expression and inspiring people. These people can become narcissistic too but we'll look into that later. Their self of sense is their physical body and how they show themselves to people and most of the time these people are very well dressed and may sometimes overdressed. They want to appear best at all times. Very confident individuals and won't even second guess themselves. They might come off as too strong or too confident. Another thing I have noticed is that sun in 1st house people usually think that they are main character and everybody in their life is just a side character. Though they like to helpothers and care for them but mostly they would try to give them what they think is right for them not what the other person needs. Something like "I think you deserve this so I'm giving you this not matter if you want it or not ".
☉ Sun in 2nd ☉
Sun in 2nd house people get their sense of self from money and assets. Now this placement can make someone love art or have a keen eye for art. The thing people notice most about these people is their sense of style and their aesthetic. This placement can make some overly materialistic too. I have seen that these people are very confident and know their self worth. Elegance is something they just have. These people will have a career that's very creative and in which they can express themselves. These people come off as possessive and are a bit controlling. This placement gives you great success too. The type to always carry extra cash with themselves. Also I have noticed that people who have sun in 2nd house have a raspy and authoritative voice. These people can also have a rich family history or if not then no matter how bad their family history is they will always glorify it. The type of people who sometimes loose touch with reality. Their father can be a government worker, teachers, artist etc.
☉ Sun in 3rd ☉
Sun in the third house people are the chatter machine but depends if there are another aspects too. These people love to chat and talk with people. I have seen that thes people are always expanding their knowledge and their sense of self comes from their mind and intelligence. If they don't know something about a certain topic they tend to feel stupid so that's why these people tend to thrive for knowledge. These are the people that'll make a slideshow just to prove their point and that they are right. These people are very might liked by their peers, schoolmates, colleagues etc. These people have easily influence others too. The trend setters. Overthinker. Brain seems to be all over the place. They can also have not-so-good relationships with their siblings or they are not able to communicate freely with their siblings. Their sense of ego comes from the way they communicate and also sun in 3rd house people are the most courageous people you'll ever know. These people can become journalist, news reporter, writer, poets or a social media influencer.
☉ Sun in 4th ☉
The secretive homebody. These people like to stay inside more than outside and these are the people who are more likely to work from home. Their sense of self comes from their home, family and the friends they consider their family. These people like to decorate their house and make it aesthetic. These people are very secretive and don't really like it when people interfere in their personal life. They don't like it when people ask them personal question about their family. Sun in 4th house people are very intune with their intuition And their emotions. Very protective and loyal person. These people are comfortable with expressing themselves only when they with people who are like family to them. Sun in 4th house can also mean that your mother did most of the parenting while your father was away. This placement can also give a absent father. Another this I have noticed is that these people struggle a lot in their early life. And their mother has a lot of significance in their creativity. These people also like to cook.
☉ Sun in 5th ☉
Very creative and goofy person. Their sense of self comes from expressing themselves in front of people. Might be a little show off. The class clown type of energy. These people love dares. The social butterfly with the most authentic and unique personality. The extreme extrovert. These people love expressing themselves through creative projects. Probably the type to take part in every activity. The type to always be involved in something creative or have crazy life experiences. The popular jock type of energy. I have also noticed that these people are very well liked by their seniors / teachers /bosses too. These people take good care of their body and might be into sports too. Since sun feels comfortable in this house it gives very creative mind. Also these people love history, politics, ancient sculptures etc. Sun in 5th house people like to be at the top in education field. The topper of the class while also being entertaining. Their sense of self also comes from their children. These people will raise their children with all the good things in life. These people also have talent for performing.
☉ Sun in 6th ☉
Sun in the 6th house people are very concerned about their health, what they eat and how they maintain their daily routine. Their sense of self comes from their routine and work. So if they're not following the routine properly or doing something properly they loose their sense of self. These people are workaholics and people know them for their work . Good health is very important for them and these people are the type to always have sanitizer with themselves. You know just to clean their hands all the time. They really maintain their body too. You know when you see someone who's always reapplying lotions, sunscreen etc there are chances that they are virgo sun or they have their sun in 6th house. They hate when they get sick. I have also noticed that these people win over their enemies. Somehow their own friends can feel competitive with them. These people like helping others and might be doctors, therapists or into social services etc. Their parents can also be doctors. These people solve arguments and fights. Sometimes father can also blame his own failures on others.
☉ Sun in 7th ☉
The friendly person. Sun in 7th house really magnifies someone's relationship and partnerships. You see these people always look for friendship and relationships to find a sense of self. Simply their sense of self comes from their relationships with people. The type to have a crazy dating life .These people can also date or even marry someone who's very popular or famous. They tend to have great relationships with people around them. Honestly speaking some people might even call them bitchy or ve rude to them for no apparent reason. They always come across people or date someone who's their reflection. So they can date or marry someone who's just a reflection of themselves. People with this placement also have a hard time having fun by themselves. They seek validation from other and I have also seen that other project their insecurities on these people. These people can have problems in their dating life. Sun in 7th house people tend to feel incomplete but of course will have to see if there are other aspects or not.
☉ Sun in 8th ☉
Well well well the type of placement that gives obsessive and mean OBSESSIVE fans haha. I have seen that people who has sun in the 8th house just know how to draw people in. Like they can be doing nothing but breathing and people will still be drawn to them. Very secretive, magnetic and mysterious type of placement. These people are very special. Special in everything they do. I have also seen that people who have these placement love to research about the occult but they won't let people know that they are interested in that. 8th house and scorpio influence makes them very secretive about their interests, talents, personal life etc. Also these people won't just invite people over. They only invite people whom they trust to the core. Also tend to have a love-hate relationship with people. One day everyone loves them and the other day everyone just despise them out of the blue. They also go through a lot of transformations in their life. Might even change jobs alot. These people can become politicians, researchers, paranormal investigator etc.
☉ Sun in 9th ☉
Okay so I have seen be very much influenced by their father with this placement. Either you had a great relationship with your father or a bad relationship. Not in between. This placement also makes a person very righteous. Like these people will always lecture people what is right and what is wrong but when someone else lectures them they don't like it much. I have also seen that these people will have a number of rules that they will never break. They like to know about different cultures and religion and this placement can also make someone very religious. I have seen that these people really don't like it when people try to put them in a box Because this placement is all about expansion so putting these people in a box is like putting a black hole in box and you can't right? It will basically destroy the box. Just take that as an example for these people. They can also travel a lot in their life or their work involves travelling. These people can also work with foreigners or foreign things. Others can also see them as a "know it all" Or a smartazz.
☉ Sun in 10th ☉
This placement is something to thrive for. This is also a popularity placement . These people are very well liked by the people in general and if not liked then it can also be that unknowingly you're very popular. Like in your school/college/work everyone knows you and even the people you never talked to. This is also trendsetter placement. People are very much inspired by these people. One more thing about them is that these people can't work under anyone . They HATE it when someone gives them orders or nags them. So the thing here is that these people will have to do something that makes them the boss. Also no matter what they do they'll always succeed in that. But with this placement there also come people who will come after them because sun here can give a big ego . They can be opposed by the people. But these people will deal with them easily. I have seene great leadership qualities with these placements. If you put them in a group with others there's a high chance that they'll influence half of the people in the group.
☉ Sun in 11th ☉
Okay so whenever I see this placement the first thing that comes to my mind is the eldest child. Because most of the eldest kids I know have this placement. This can be a very challenging placement because these people have a great ego and won't give other credit. They also have a hard time making friends or continuing a friendship. If they want to they can break a 10 year friendship like nothing. These people are also very egoistic. Though these people get recognize for their work they don't consider others opinions and won't give someone credit. No matter how much you have done for them, one mistake and it's done for you fr. This placement can also give a difficult relationship with network circle. These people have big dreams and will work to achieve them. This placement gives problems with father or father figure and authority. This placement can also damaged relationships with friends, social circle and siblings. Since 11th house is the house of wealth it gives a person great material wealth and a long life. It also makes a person a great leader.
☉ Sun in 12th ☉
This placement can make someone very creative and imaginative. I have also seen that these people have can became a disappointment for their father. If not this then there is definitely some sort of conflict going on with their father. Or they can live far away from their father or parents I general. This placement also makes someone very secretive. For example they are banned in 12 countries and that'll never let you know. Of course this is just an example. It can be anything. Sun in 12 house people have a lot of hidden talents that they like to keep hidden. This is a great placement for foreign settlement. Also these people can have more popularity in foreign land then their own country. Also one this is that these people won't like in their homeland for a long time. They will change areas. People with this placement have a isolated childhood or a not so good childhood. It can even be that they were so privileged that they didn't get to do normal things like playing with other children etc. This placement also gives great talent for song writing, poetry , script writing etc because of great imagination.
I am not a professional, these are the things I have observed so far . Let me know your thoughts and I'm open to criticism too. Just be nice lol.
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edenmemes · 1 year
baldur's gate 3 starters (part 1)
part 1 / ? .
❝ a less trusting person might think this all sounds very suspicious. ❞ ❝ you say all the right words, but i’m not sure you mean the right things. ❞ ❝ i know somewhere quiet. somewhere intimate. somewhere we can…indulge in each other. ❞ ❝ eugh, don’t be nice to me. it makes me want to be nice back. ❞ ❝ we needn’t be enemies. there’s plenty of those to go around already. ❞ ❝ there’s a steeliness to you, an unwavering tenacity in the face of, to be frank, quite dire odds. ❞ ❝ even the waves of fate can break upon the shores of will. ❞ ❝ i appreciate anyone that opens a conversation with threats of bodily harm. ❞ ❝ oh, you know me - ever the optimist. i’m trying to focus on the positives. ❞ ❝ i’m not easily impressed by people, but you’re stronger than i gave you credit for. ❞ ❝ there’s an air about you. something alien. ❞ ❝ loosen the grip on your pride for one blasted moment, won’t you? ❞ ❝ it’s been a long time since someone stuck their neck out for me like that. ❞ ❝ there’s something odd about this village. people skulk around like they’ve something to hide. ❞ ❝ you know, if you want to spend time with me, you only have to say so. ❞ ❝ i want to know what the world sees when it looks at me. what you see. ❞ ❝ what’s better than a devil you don’t know? a devil you do. ❞ ❝ you must know that you’re…that you’re very special to me. ❞ ❝ the gods are nothing if not vindictive in their vengeance. ❞ ❝ stay with me a while, will you? day will come all too soon. ❞ ❝ here’s my little treat with their cheeks all flushed. ❞ ❝ i am terrified. i will not claim otherwise. ❞ ❝ my apologies. i’m not quite myself yet. i had the strangest dream last night. ❞ ❝ we didn’t die today. tomorrow, perhaps. but not today. ❞ ❝ leader’s need to make tough decisions. we do what we must. ❞ ❝ i think that unknowable powers come with unknowable consequences. ❞ ❝ i’ve had a lifetime’s fill of watching little men puff themselves up with grand titles. ❞ ❝ in these times, all we can trust are the blades in our hands. ❞ ❝ it’s not easy to turn away from one you once loved. ❞ ❝ much has been promised to you, hasn’t it? but what has been taken from you? ❞ ❝ damn it all. i can do nothing right - not a damn thing. ❞ ❝ every instinct i have tells me that nothing’s changed. that i’m still just a means to an end. ❞ ❝ do not speak of a story you only know the half of. ❞ ❝ i dreamt every night that you’d come back to me. that somehow it was all a nightmare dawn would undo. ❞ ❝ when the time comes to strike, you must take it. for there may be only one chance. ❞ ❝ your eyes. there is pain, endless and deep. but also devotion - blazing like the sun. ❞ ❝ you’re adorable even when you’re teasing me. ❞ ❝ i don’t need your help, and i don’t need your pity. ❞ ❝ i’m more than what i was. and i’m not afraid of anything any more. ❞ ❝ i said exactly what i meant: i love you. you should never, never doubt that. ❞ ❝ this is all like some sort of terrible dream. but it’s real, isn’t it? ❞ ❝ there is no redemption. can’t you see? it is too late. ❞ ❝ i don’t know that it was brave. i just know that it was right. ❞ ❝ you took those bastards down like it was nothing. it…was amazing. ❞ ❝ they underestimated me. so they paid the price. ❞ ❝ we fight, we die, and we just hope that when our time comes, there is someone else to take our place. ❞ ❝ unfortunately for me, you’re my friend. rescuing you from mortal peril is my right. ❞ ❝ what did you think i was going to say? 'oh, come here, i'll kiss you better'? ❞ ❝ flowers are so overrated. they're bright, gaudy, and almost never make good poisons. ❞ ❝ i’ve been lied to, my whole life. and i was gullible enough to just believe it. ❞ ❝ you know, i never pictured myself as a hero. never thought i'd be the one they toast for saving so many lives. and now that i'm here…i hate it. ❞ ❝ you know, i feel a connection between us. like we're two souls walking the same path. ❞ ❝ the forgiving sort, are you? you should be careful. plenty would take advantage of that. ❞
❝ it’s as if god made you just to ruin me. ❞ ❝ perish the thought. every word i said was nothing less than true. ❞ ❝ you have a manner of irresistible desperation about you. i like it. ❞ ❝ i got my eye on you. you got the look of a troublemaker. ❞ ❝ i’m starting to think you’re my guardian angel. ❞ ❝ it seems you know me better than i know myself. ❞ ❝ you…you have no idea what you’ve done. ❞ ❝ they say madness and genius are separated by but a hair’s breadth. perhaps the same is true of madness and stupidity. ❞ ❝ oh, it’s you. don’t you get tired of telling people how to live their lives? ❞ ❝ good morning! thank you for not killing me the other night. ❞ ❝ when the time comes to strike, you must take it. for there may be only one chance. ❞ ❝ it is good to savour the moment of victory - but pace bg3 syourself. our fight is just beginning. ❞ ❝ i was too hasty to judge you. i thought you were witless, gutless, unimpressivably bland… ❞ ❝ yours is the first happy face i’ve seen in a good while. ❞ ❝ when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of despair – that’s when you’ll come knocking on my door. ❞ ❝ thank you, my friend. maybe we’ll meet again, in another life. ❞ ❝ you’ll regret sticking your nose in my business. ❞
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barcaatthemoon · 5 months
unlucky || alessia russo x reader ||
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alessia gets sick and has to miss out on the conti cup final, bringing up some feelings for both of you.
one thing you had learned early on about alessia was that she was not as slick as she thought. you had noticed alessia coming down with whatever was going around the training grounds just a couple days before the game. the conti cup final was a big deal, and alessia wanted so badly to win with arsenal, but you knew that wasn't going to happen.
arsenal's chances were good, but there was no way that alessia was making it to the game. she had been bedridden the day before with a migrane and a fever. alessia played it off like a minor headache, but you could hear the whimpers whenever she thought you weren't paying attention.
that morning, alessia had gotten out of bed and dressed herself up for the game. she had nearly managed to make it out of the apartment without waking you up. the crash in the living room from alessia tripping over herself was more than enough to have you running into the living room. you weren't exactly surprised to find alessia sitting on the floor, but you were definitely disappointed.
"come on, back to bed with you." you reached out to help her up onto her feet. alessia looked utterly miserable as you dragged her back into the bedroom. "what were you thinking less? you're still burning up!"
"i've got a game, and it's an important one," alessia told you. "i can't miss this, it's the final."
"you don't have a choice, and neither do i. if you really want to go, we can watch and support our friends, but you aren't playing," you told her. alessia pouted as she settled back in the bed with you. as much as you wanted her to get better, you were somewhat grateful that she was still too sick to really argue with you.
alessia was fairly quick to fall back sleep, still dressed in her kit. you usually loved watching alessia sleep, but this wasn't the same. alessia tossed and turned in bed, never quite able to get comfortable. your heart ached for her, knowing that the look on her unconscious face wasn't just because of her illness.
winning with arsenal was a big deal to alessia. she wanted to hold that trophy up for the gunners alongside her team. it was all alessia had been talking about since she signed. the season had gone well, even if there had been quite a few wrenches thrown into the plan. each of those times, alessia had been the picture of optimistic, but today she seemed utterly defeated.
"hey, how are you feeling lovely?" you asked alessia as she started to wake up. she sounded a lot less congested, but you weren't going to suggest going to the game for her. if she felt up to it, you were sure that she'd say something to you.
"i feel like everything i've worked towards doesn't matter," alessia grumbled. you sighed as you turned onto your stomach. the look on alessia's face was even worse now that she was awake. you didn't think that you had seen her look so upset since the world cup final. "i don't get it. i work so hard all of the time. why can't i catch a fucking break?"
"lessi, baby," you sighed. you tried to move in to comfort her, but alessia slipped out of bed. "come back to bed, please. talk to me, i don't want you to shut down, please."
"no, i can't right now. just, please, give me a few minutes to myself. i'm going for a walk," alessia said. you watched as she put a hoodie on to cover up her jersey. it was hard to watch alessia just walk out like that, but you knew that you had to give her space. she didn't ask for it often, and you knew better than to try and get close when she resorted to that.
you tried to stay in the bedroom, but you couldn't just sit there and wait for her all afternoon. it was hard, but you managed to get through most of your afternoon with alessia gone. she had sent you a couple of texts promising that she'd be fine, but that didn't stop your worrying. it didn't help that alessia's walk out turned into a pint before she made her way to the stadium to watch the game.
a part of you wanted to go and support your club, but you stayed in the apartment. you felt like alessia's bad luck was all your fault. the only times in the decade that you'd known her that she had gotten like this was after the two of you had begun seeing each other. it was like every single loss in alessia's life was your fault. she had hit a string of bad luck, and you were at the center of it.
sometime during the game, you had pulled out a few bottles of alcohol from the fridge. by the end of the game, you were definitely way past tipsy. you laid your head down, prepared to rest for a moment before you called the girls to congratulate them. instead, you completely passed out, only to wake up to alessia carrying you back into the bedroom in the middle of the night.
"less?" you cracked your eyes open. your head was killing you already, as if the alcohol had worn off just enough to give you a taste of what you'd get in the morning. "what time is it?"
"it's just a bit past 10. sorry that i stayed out so long," alessia apologized. she laid you down in the bed and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "the girls missed you in the locker room. katie tried to facetime you, she thought something was wrong."
"something is wrong, and it's all my fault. i'm like your little bad luck charm," you mumbled. you never would have said that sober, and alessia tried not to think about how long you had felt that way. "all the bad things happen because of me, and i'm sorry. you should leave me, find yourself a lucky girl because i'm like a goddamn black cat."
"i don't want a lucky girl. i don't think you're unlucky at all, not one bit," alessia told you. she pressed a kiss to the top of your head as the two of you settled down comfortably. you knew that it'd only be for a moment, but you were happy in her arms. "you didn't get me sick. in fact, you took off from your recovery to help me get better today. any time that i need something, you practically trip over yourself to get it for me."
"excuse me, but we are not all as clumsy as you, ma'am," you joked. alessia shoved your shoulder as you laughed at your own joke. "i'd do anything for you. missing today hurt me too, but i'm glad that you went to watch the game instead of getting drunk like me."
"oh my god, i'm an idiot!" alessia exclaimed. you flinched at the sudden shouting fit, which alessia quietly apologized for as she gave you a quick squeeze.
"i don't think you're an idiot, less." you leaned up to press a kiss to her cheek.
"you're injured. you've been injured for months now, and i miss one game because of a cold and i bitch all about it. i'm so sorry, i didn't even think about your feelings. how could i be so inconsiderate?" alessia looked like she was about to cry as she came to the realization that she had moped around for most of the day with you. you had gotten used to knowing that you'd miss things because of your injury, and alessia was always painfully careful about the things she chose to celebrate.
"don't beat yourself up, it's fine. i knew when i went down that it wasn't going to be on the six weeks side of things. this was big for you, and it was your dream to win with arsenal. you had to sit out on this game, but by this time next year, you won't remember how bad it felt when you're scoring hat tricks left and right," you said. alessia smiled, and you knew that she was thinking about that feeling. "but before you can do any of that, you've got to rest and get better."
"i don't know what i'd do without you sometimes," alessia admitted. she felt a bit foolish about how she had acted earlier, even if you repeatedly let her know that her feelings were valid.
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poohsources · 2 years
from the grump ❛  how can you be this cheery already? we haven't even had breakfast.  ❜ ❛  just don't make a big deal out of this.  ❜ ❛  you know i love you, right?  ❜ ❛  i know, alright, i know i'm an asshole. but i'm trying here.  ❜ ❛  i'm sorry. i didn't mean what i said earlier.  ❜ ❛  do you always have to be so damn optimistic?  ❜ ❛  nobody has ever made me feel the way you do.  ❜ ❛  there's no way in hell i'm doing that.  ❜ ❛  i'm not good with this whole stupid feelings thing.  ❜ ❛  you make me want to be better. you make me want to be good.  ❜ ❛  can't you just move on and forget about it already?  ❜ ❛  i'm only doing this because you asked me to.  ❜ ❛  you're the only one who has ever believed in me.  ❜ ❛  you won't stop this until i say 'yes', will you?  ❜ ❛  how are you so happy all the time?  ❜ ❛  until i met you, i never thought i would've been capable of that.  ❜ ❛  you're the polar opposite of me.  ❜ ❛  whatever. i didn't think you'd care anyway.  ❜ ❛  your optimism might be starting to rub off on me.  ❜ ❛  why don't you give up on me like everyone else?  ❜
from the sunshine ❛  come on, it's gonna be fun!  ❜ ❛  see? i told you there's some good in you.  ❜ ❛  you should smile more. you have such a beautiful smile.  ❜ ❛  i'm so excited! there's so much i have planned for us.  ❜ ❛  i was just trying to do something nice for you.  ❜ ❛  do you always have to be so pessimistic?  ❜ ❛  stop being so stubborn. i'm trying to help you.  ❜ ❛  i knew there was a big softie under all that tough exterior.   ❜ ❛  i always feel better with you by my side.  ❜ ❛  sometimes you should let others in.  ❜ ❛  light up, [name]. we're gonna be here for a while.  ❜ ❛  why is it so difficult for you to accept a compliment?  ❜ ❛  stay? i just ... don't want to be alone right now.  ❜ ❛  just because i'm generally a happy person doesn't mean i can't have an off day.  ❜ ❛  i'm not some helpless little girl/boy!  ❜ ❛  you're not gonna get rid of me that easily.   ❜ ❛  stop that. i don't want you to talk about yourself like this.  ❜ ❛  of course, i remember! i remember everything you told me.  ❜ ❛  let's go outside and dance in the rain.  ❜ ❛  you don't mean that, do you?  ❜
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oval3000 · 11 months
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Chapter 2
Yandere Psych Patient König x Nurse Reader
Warning: Possesive, Obsession, Death, Gore, Blood, Smut, Toxic behavior, age gap.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
(This story might suck idk)
Jacob slammed one of the medicine drawers close after getting the bottle of pills from a specific patient. "I don't know what miracle came down here, but we haven't had an accident in a month." He said to a fellow nurse standing next to him.
"Don't jinx it," she said grabbing the pill bottle from his hands.
"You know," he stared at your section, watching as you typed what you needed into the computer," ever since she started working here, König hasn't bashed anyone's heads."
"Well it's only been a month since she started working here, I wouldn't be relieved yet." She said, popping two pills into a Dixie cup.
"Yeah well I'm very optimistic about this." He got up and walked away. "Oh if the drawer gets stuck again, just bang on it a few times."
"It would be better if they just get new ones," she sighed, walking away towards her row of patients.
He rolled his eyes, "please they're too stingy to buy new bed sheets."
You have been working here for a month and so far everything was okay. You do what you need to do and things go smoothly.
As for König, he hasn't said or do anything towards you. You honestly felt like they were fooling you by telling you all those stories about his past nurses and guards.
You learned more about the staff names on all floors. König's two guards are named Eli and Gabriel. They both make sure that nothing happens to you aswell as any other staff.
You met Dr. Smith. You first impression of her was a little stiff. Mainly because she was direct and serious. She doesn't really make small talk to any of the nurses only the administrator. She also doesn't really fond of you. Well it's not like she hates you, is more of she critics anything you do. From the way you gather the medical supplies to the way you check patients vitals. During her visit with König, you stay outside the room so you don't know what goes on in there.
You saw when she exited the room alongside Eli and Gabriel, taking König back to his room. You didn't need to look up to know that Dr. Smith was walking towards, her heels made it obvious. "He will no longer take his usual calming medication, he'll take this one." She gave you the doctors order.
"benzodiazepines?" He was fine with his usual one.
She looked at you with her eyebrows forward "Yes. Is there a problem."
"Wouldn't the short term use cause him more problems compared to how he is now. I mean, he's been doing good lately and his oth-'
"Are you a doctor (Y/n)?" She tilted her head as she gives you a serious stern look.
"Right, I call shots for what is good for my patients. So if I tell you to order his new medicine then you order his new medicine! Is there a problem!?" Her high pitch tone caused the other nurses to look at you.
You look around mentally slapping yourself in the face. Of course she knows more than you, you are just a nurse. "No, Dr. Smith. I'll order them asap."
"Good. Make sure that his primary physician knows about it too and next time you question me, go back to school to get a lab coat. You are a nurse, you do what I say."
She left leaving the echo of her heels scraping the white tile floors. You cursed under your breath while picking up the phone. Calling in orders for prescription is a pain in the ass. Well the hospital it is, you're not familiar with a psychiatric hospital. The last thing you need is to be at hold for three hours trying to get it through.
"We need medical attention at room #526!" You heard Eli. You quickly ran to König's room and saw Gabriel on the floor, holding his mouth as blood was coming out. You turned your head to take a look at König. He was standing there with blood on his nuckles. He's tall, you never got a good look on how tall he was. This man is a mountain an actual mountain.
"What happened?" Jacob entered in seeing the mess.
"I need gauze pads and bandages.' You said holding onto Gabriel. König saw as you attended him. You're his nurse not Gabriel's. You should be attending König not him. The other guards came in to help Gabriel getting up while the others trying to hold König down. Jacob came in with the medical tray. He flicked a needle, trying to get any air bubbles out. You got up as they took Gabriel out, "what are you doing?"
"Everytime he does this, we have to put him down" He made his way towards König while two other guards were trying to hold him down. Compared to the guards themselves they looked like little children against König.
You went in front of Jacob, "You don't have to do that. It will make him think more irrationally. Please he is my patient."
He lowered the needle down giving you a sigh, "Fine. I'll go make a report. But you still can't be here unless two guards are present."
"Okay." The two guards let König's arms go.
Eli and Jacob left to talk to the administrator. You picked up the gauze pads and bandage from the trey.
You haven't made eye contact with König. You've always been too nervous about that, but you had to see him to examine him. You saw him, you saw his face. He had stuble. His features are strong and sharp, his jawline looks like it can cut anybody. He had scars on his face one through his mouth and the other one through his eye. His eyes are blue a nice clear blue, which stood out against his dark under circles. He was probably the most handsome patient you have ever seen. No, not patient, the most handsome men you have ever seen.
You walk towards him, slowly. You looked up to him, your face aligned to his torso . His white t-shirt was snuged and hugged all his curves on his abdomen. You can see the outline of his perfect abs and chest area. His biceps make it look the arm holes of his shirt are going to pop open. His hair was a perfect shade of brown, almost golden. Like before, it wasn't long or short, it was a good length, enough to make a little lazy ponytail.
You stuck out your hand as he placed his on top of yours. Your hand looks barley visible compared to his. You took a peace of gauze and dabbed it on his bloody nuckle. He didn't have any wounds from the punch he gave grabriel. If anything, the blood you are wiping away is Gabriel's.
König stared at you. He saw how concentrated you are with him, how gentle you are with him and how carring you are to him. The fact that you stood up for him from getting sedated, it was a like a call for him that you are his officially.
I mean he did it for you. No one knows the other half the story, they always accuse of the one that looks guilty. When Eli and Gabriel went to take him back to his room, König heard the comments they made about you. All the comments made by Gabriel.
Sure, Gabriel is nice to you, but he looks like a jerk and he is one. He's nice to you, but behind your back he thinks you are an object. Talking about how he wants to take you, not for a date, but for a nice dinner so that he can fuck you later in his car and most likely never talk to you again afterwards...unless he's desperate for sex again
König couldn't let that slide. Talking about you like a sex toy. Talking about you like you don't have emotions. Yes, König has killed men and women that don't really deserve it, but you. Someone that stood up for him. That attends when he needs or wants something. He wanted Jell-O during lunch, but no one was giving him one. Then you came inside the dining room and saw that he didn't have Jell-O like the rest so you gave him one. It's like you read his mind. You don't deserve to be treated this way. It reminds him of himself when he was a kid.
Being bullied for just being nice, for being who he is. He wants to protect you that's all he wanted to do. So he punch Gabriel after hearing his plan to seduce and fuck you then leaving you alone for yourself without a care in the world. He was easy, just one punch and he was down on floor holding his bloody mouth.
You cleaned him up and sat him down on his bed. He wanted to grab your waist and pull you closer to him. To kiss you as a thank you.
He was never lucky with the women, who would be with someone who's a looser. He remembers the time in high-school when girls will ask him out only to laugh at his face when he thought they were serious. Before he left to go to the military he met a girl. The girl just wanted some free drinks so she talked into him for some free stuff. He lost his virginity to her and felt as if he found the one. But to her he was her wallet, a way to get free things and rides for her and her friends. He bought her flowers, teddy bears, chocolates. Took her out to romantic dates that he tried so hard to assemble. Only to walk in on her having sex with another men, in his bedroom on his bed in his place that he pays for. He hoped that she was just drunk or scared..maybe, but no.
"Seriously König, you thought that I cared about you? I mean you are not even good at sex. I was just using you for the free stuff. I just wanted free drinks jeez! It's not my fault you couldn't take a hint."
He saw how they both laughed at his face. How they both just sat there naked, laughing at him as if he was the punchline to a joke.
"Believe me I never wanted this to happen! Especially after getting that dam abortion. But it doesn't matter cause you paid for it."
She wanted money to buy a new dress. She used it to have an abortion. He felt tears running down his face. They didn't feel bad, no, they laughed harder at him at how pathetic he was.
"Why would I even be with a looser."
He remembered how those kids would push him down the slide. How they would rip away his comic books. How they broke everyone one of his toys.
his fist turned white, he felt his fingernails, cutting deep into his palm. The girl he thought was the one was taunting him along his boy toy. He walked up to them. They expected him to bawl like a baby and beg for an apology. Instead, he choked her. His hands gripped tight around her neck. He felt some punches coming from her boy toy, telling König to stop, to let her go.
He saw as the life of her eyes went away. He heard as her neck cracked and dropped her back on the bed. He turned the guy, choking him to death aswell.
He hid the bodies, ran away, joined the military and found a new way to live.
You heard other male voices coming from the elevator and the administrator coming in. "What happened!?"
"He attacked Gabriel." You said to him, you saw what was behind him, other doctors.
"Put him in a straitjacket." He pointed to König
"What no!" You said getting in between him and König.
"Excuse me!?"
"Putting him in a straitjacket isn't going to solve anything."
He crossed his arms while looking down at you "Doing nothing will solve nothing, (Y/n)!"
You turned to König who had a stoic expression "I know, but I'm sure there are oth-"
"What are you again, (Y/n)?" he blurted out.
You knew where this is going. Twice in one day, you wanted to crawl into a hole and die. "A nurse."
He gave you a small smirk, the same one Dr. Smith gave you. "Exactly. A nurse. I'm your superior, you don't get to tell me what to do. Your job is to take his vitals, and give him medication not to throw orders around! Do I make myself clear!" He stepped closer to you. You wanted to back away, but you felt frozen. He was directly infront of your face. "Now, move aside so we can our jobs!"
You looked down on the floor. You never felt so light headed as you did now. The other voices coming from them were echoes. You felt nausea and sweating. Your heart felt like it was pounding from your chest, but it sounded like a blur. "S-sorry.. sir." You always feel week when people yell at you.
"Next time you do something like that, you're out of here, (Y/n). " He said as you all watched König being put in a straitjacket.
The administrator, Ben, saw König. He was taken back a bit. The look he gave him. As if he was killing him right on the spot. König no longer had the stoic expression, he gave him a death stare.
Who does he think he is to yell at you for being nice to him. To threatened her. They are all the same. Everyone here is all same. The same kids that shoved him around the boys bathroom when he was 10. The same as those girls that laughed at him that laughed at his face.
But instead of him being the victim, is you. You're so weak and innocent, how can someone treat you like that.
But it's okay because you'll have König by his side. He'll make sure to save you.
To care for you.
To love you.
To make you his.
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beegomess · 2 months
Headcannons for when you’re sick??
Their care of you sick || Slytherin boys
Summary: You are sick, but your luck is to have your boyfriend at these times.
Warnings: None, just extremely cute and beautiful.
Requests are open!
masterlist here
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Blaise Zabini
• Blaise would ask in detail about his symptoms and, if necessary, seek medical help or use potions for quick and effective diagnosis;
• He would regularly check your temperature and other symptoms, adjusting the care as necessary;
• Blaise would not miss classes, even if he wanted a lot, but he would always go to his dorm to find you out as soon as he could;
• I would always take you with meals;
• I would insist with you to get help from Madame Ponfrey until you accepted;
• He was very worried about you, even if it was just a sore throat;
• If you needed to spend the night in the infirmary, you would wake up with flowers next to your bed, since he could not enter to see her.
Draco Malfoy
• Draco would seek help from the best healers or Potion teachers to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment;
• Using his knowledge in Potions, Draco would provide potions and special treatments to accelerate his recovery;
• Draco is so stubborn that he would cancel any commitment to focus on you;
• He spent the day thinking about how he could accelerate his healing;
• I would buy more books for you if you needed to spend many days at rest;
• I would fight with any student who dared to make noise near where you rested;
• I would try to be as positive as possible with you, even if he worried a lot when his symptoms got worse.
Lorenzo Berkshire
• Lorenzo would maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, encouraging you to rest and recover without haste;
• He would always make you laugh, it was almost as if you weren't sick;
• His presence in his room was constant, so much so that Pansy joked if he had changed dormitory;
• Long games of board games, he would always let you win;
• You liked to read aloud when he was together, because he always maked fun of his novels throughout history;
• He left comments while you read, something you missed when you were reading alone;
• "Honey, this character is useless, I'm sorry.";
• He brought you the class notes, but they were not so complete, he lived with his head in the world of the moon thinking if you were okay with him far away;
• He left a flower under his cup every morning when he took his coffee.
Mattheo Riddle
• He would take care that you have access to light and nutritious foods, perhaps even preparing some special meals for you;
• Would convince the kitchen elves to give you something you like to eat;
• He would ensure that you had privacy and that no one bothered you, creating a quiet environment for your recovery;
• Mattheo would say that you don't have to see class things now, you have to recover;
• "Snape can wait, Y/N.";
• If you had to spend the night in the infirmary he would certainly find a way to be close;
• The way he did was to get into a fight and let his opponent punch him a little;
• He would certainly miss most of the classes, but at his request he would go in some;
• You made him collect class notes with other students even if he was stubborn in not passing you;
• You liked to get distracted during the day, so Mattheo would find a way to arrange different things for you.
Theodore Nott
• Theodore would prepare a comfortable room by adjusting pillows, blankets and temperature to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible;
• You had to tell him to go to class, if not, he would stay with you all day;
• Theodore would spend time by your side, reading to you or just being present, providing a quiet and comforting company;
• Long conversations at night, until you fell asleep next to him;
• His favorite pastime was to have Theodore lying on his bed, with his head on his lap, making a light caress on his hair while laughing at something;
• I would go to your dorm every morning before school;
• I would pay attention to your every move, seeing if you need help;
• I would prepare your baths as relaxing as possible;
• "Amore, which of these pajamas will you want to wear today?";
• If you went to the infirmary, he would insist to death with Ponfrey to spend the night with you;
• You would wake up and see him sleeping completely clumsy in an uncomfortable chair next to his bed.
Tom Riddle
• He would use your contacts and knowledge to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment, consulting the best healers and Potion teachers;
• He would regularly check your temperature and other symptoms, writing everything down in detail to adjust the care as necessary;
• I would ensure that you were not late in class, writing everything down twice and explaining everything that was seen at the end of the day;
• He would go to his dormitory whenever possible, but would still continue his chores;
• Tom would continue to do his usual things, but this time, he would do everything by his side, with his eyes on you;
• If you were stubborn and wanted to leave, Tom would be like a shadow behind you;
• Even though he looked cold, Tom used to stay by your side until you fell asleep, watching how beautiful you look when relaxing on his chest;
• He didn't use to say he loved you, but in cases like this, you always heard him whisper it near his ear, followed by a kiss on the top of his head.
A/N: I hope you have met your expectations. I love it!
xoxo, bee🫶🏼✨
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
Yandere Monkey D. Luffy Headcanons (General)
''I can't be the King of Pirates without you by my side.'' — Monkey D. Luffy.
❝ 👒 — lady l: It's 4am and I decided to finish this because I was bored lol. Hope you like it! I'm sorry for any mistake and good reading! ❤️💛
❝tw: obsessive behavior, overprotection, mention of death and torture, unhealthy relationships.
❝👒pairing: yandere!monkey d. luffy x gender neutral!reader.
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Monkey D. Luffy has a relaxed and even sloppy personality, in a way. He has a carefree air, who cares about few things in his life. He had a goal, a dream, in mind and he would do anything to achieve it. But that dream became irrelevant after he met you.
He insisted a lot on you joining his crew, literally chasing you, harassing you, until you agreed to become a pirate. Luffy jumped for joy when that happened, because it meant you responded to him, as your Captain.
Luffy doesn't like to give you orders and he will rarely do so, unless it is unavoidable, in which case he will try to be as subtle as possible, as if he wasn't ordering you to do something. He is the Straw Hat Captain, but he is not your captain, not in a personal way at least. Furthermore, he wants you to find One Piece together with him.
He is very optimistic and tends to be very kind, trying to see the good in people, but he is a hypocrite when it comes to you. Even if you were the cruelest person in the world, Luffy would defend you tooth and nail. He's not very fair when it comes to you and anything ''wrong'' you do will be ignored by him, maybe even applauded.
People tend to think he's dumb or at least stupid, but that's not true. He may not be good at things that require greater thinking, but Luffy is anything but stupid. He is quite intelligent in his own way and it shows in the way he acts towards you. His intelligence is characterized by his emotional ability, he is very good at reading you and knowing your needs.
Luffy values you more than the rest of his crew. He loves all his friends, but he loves you the most. He would never say it out loud, but he would sacrifice everyone, send them to their deaths, if you so wish. He wants to make you happy and if the death of those who are important to him is the path to that happiness, so be it.
He is not possessive or jealous because Luffy knows he is your favorite. He doesn't mind other people being around you, but he has his limit. If Luffy thinks, even a little, that he is being replaced in your life, he won't accept it. Not without a fight. He's no stranger to bloodshed or killing, so he'll have no problem doing so.
On the other hand, Luffy is extremely overprotective and clingy, to a frightening degree. He dragged you into this life, but he doesn't want you to be an active participant. The idea, the thought, of you getting hurt sends you into a frenzy of anger and worry. He will kill, cut and even torture the person who hurt you and will only be satisfied when he has finished with the person.
Luffy is quite controlling and curious, he wants to know everything about you and he will find out. He doesn't want any secrets to be kept from him and he may feel betrayed if you try to keep something from him. Did he not give you enough confidence? Don't you know he's the only one you can really trust? Luffy will have to do something about your inappropriate behavior.
He likes to spend as much time as he can by your side, take everything he can and stay close to you as much as possible. His favorite moments together are when you are eating or sitting on the bow of the Going Merry. Luffy is very greedy for food and for you, if there are two things he cares about most and values above all else, it's you and food, in that order.
It's not easy to irritate him, but he gets irritated very easily when you're involved. If someone says something bad about you, feel sorry for that person because they won't end well. Luffy would never go so far as to kill over an insult, but he will get upset and he can be a pain in the ass when he is upset about something.
Luffy often behaves like a child, he tends to go to extremes very easily. He goes from 80 to 180 very quickly, his infectious joy turns to fury very quickly when it comes to you. He loves to entertain you with his rubber body, letting you play or making funny faces. He loves to hear you laugh and will do anything to see you laugh.
He hates seeing you cry, hates seeing your beautiful face wet with tears, your lips pursed as you cry. If Hell exists, then for Luffy it's seeing you cry. He will become furious and demand to know the cause of your sadness and once he finds out, he will deal quickly, often bloodily. If it is one of the Mugiwara, however, he will just be more rigid and will not hurt them.
Luffy is selfless, he is willing to sacrifice himself for you, to save you. He is delusional to a fault, willing to kill anyone who crosses you, including his own friends. Whatever past hurt you may, if he has your approval, Luffy will get revenge for you. No one can hurt you, no one can make you cry. He may not be the most dangerous to you, but to others around him, Luffy will have no qualms.
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descendant-of-truth · 2 months
Y'know, it occurs to me - Movie!Sonic has a lot more in common Shadow than any other version of Sonic that I know of, and that creates a unique storytelling opportunity that wouldn't have been possible before.
Because originally, Shadow having a dark and traumatic backstory was what separated him from Sonic. Their similarities came out more in their confidence, their playful attitude, and even their withdrawn demeanor (though Shadow's is more extreme). Sonic's genuine ability to be carefree and optimistic was his biggest difference from Shadow.
In the movies, Sonic is... not nearly as put-together. Just like Shadow, his personality is shaped almost entirely from the result of tragedy. Both of them had to watch their closest family member get shot trying to save them from raiders (who were specifically targeting them for their powers) by sending them to Earth. The difference here is that, for Shadow, this event is fresh in his mind, while Sonic's had ten years (give or take) to accept what happened and move on.
Except, there's more, because losing Longclaw is itself not the main thing informing Sonic's character - it's the fact that he spent those next ten years in near-total isolation. Also similarly to Shadow, he took the last words his family said to him very seriously, and she told him to stay hidden no matter what. Combine that with the natural fear of what being found did to Longclaw, and the majority of Sonic's life has been spent hidden away, looking out at the world but unable to participate in it.
Remind you of anyone?
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(I swear if the movie doesn't make a point about this parallel specifically I'm gonna lose it)
Normally, Sonic is a silly and upbeat character because that's just how he is by nature, and the feelings he keeps to himself are rarely detrimental to his health. In the movie universe, Sonic is silly and upbeat because he needed to be that way in order for his life to be bearable.
His constant chatter isn't quirky for the sake of it, it's a habit he developed out of necessity because there was no one else to talk to. He compulsively needs to fill the silence because not doing that would only reinforce how alone he was, and it's something he can't shake off even when he's not by himself anymore. His primary method of handling his feelings is to ignore them until they literally explode out of him with lightning firing everywhere.
All of this to say, a Shadow meant to be a foil to this Sonic is going to look very different from the Shadow we're used to. From what little about the movie's events have been described as of writing this, I'm inferring that Shadow's actually going to be a lot more open about his motivations for revenge than he was in the game, and that puts Sonic in the very interesting position of being more closed-off than Shadow.
Because sure, he might try to connect with Shadow's pain like he did with Knuckles. But because Sonic and Knuckles's history was so directly connected, they didn't really have to... talk that much about it. Sonic could acknowledge that they both lost their families a long time ago without having to go into detail about it or the aftermath. And because it had been so long since it happened, it was a lot easier for them to put it behind them and move on.
Shadow can't do that, because for him, Maria was lost very recently. He's not going to accept "you can move on and find new people to care about" as an option, and Sonic can't very well tell him to just ignore it like he did, either. Shadow isn't going to do the whole repression shtick.
For the first time, getting through to Shadow may just depend on Sonic being able to acknowledge his own pain, first. After all, how's Shadow supposed to interpret Sonic, if not as some random guy with a perfectly happy family and an obnoxiously happy attitude telling him that he needs to just, get over what happened to him? How can that come across as anything but naive and shallow without understanding how much Sonic suffered to get to this point?
(It's still a little naive and shallow even with that in mind, but the reason for that isn't because he has no perspective on what experiencing a violent tragedy is like - it's because his only known way of handling it is to leave it in the past and Not Think About It)
Though I do wonder if there's room for Sonic to initially clam up on his emotions even more after meeting Shadow for a bit? Like, he learns to some extent what happened, and is like "aw jeez if this is what could happen if I let myself be more upset about my lot in life then I REALLY need to reign it in" which is the exact opposite lesson he needs to learn but would be really interesting to watch
Point being, I think Sonic and Shadow are being set up as even more like mirrors to each other than usual, and I can't wait to see what they do with that potential
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soapoet · 1 year
describing your next love...
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...because i'm just as nosy as you are.
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like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: Lucky people by Waterparks
they have a very sunny energy. the kind that peaks out behind the clouds after a fall of rain. rejuvenating, always welcome. they try their best to stay optimistic, for loved ones and strangers alike. it feels a little tragic because there is a darkness inside them that they choose to ignore. their sunny disposition seems less like a mask and more like armour. it's what has gotten them this far. they may have had a rough childhood, and their heart may have been wounded particularly by one of their parents. they struggle with mental health and might be neurodivergent. they're the kind of person to end a depressing sentence with 'lmao', or turn a therapy session into a stand-up comedy show. they cope with their struggles through humour, because if they take themselves and their problems too seriously and lean in too close to where it hurts, the pain becomes overwhelming. their heart is much like a dam, holding back tons of tears of almost biblical proportions. even still, if they opened the floodgates they'd find a way to muster a 'noah, get the arc' joke to force some sunlight through the clouds.
despite their dance around their own feelings, they're encouraging of others expressing theirs, and stand firmly by their side and always have a shoulder to offer if needed. they love to make people laugh, and aren't afraid of making a fool out of themselves if it puts a smile on someone's face. they'll gladly cast themselves as a jester if it makes their loved ones feel like royalty. they're very excitable and fun to be around. at their best they are a firecracker, bursting with an energy so infectious and bright. they're creative and very passionate about their hobbies, often to the point of obsession. it seems like all they do they do with such love. like a show is never just a show, but a whole world of its own to explore and come to know as home. they love the escapism of foreign lands, fictional and real, and something about them makes a simple trip to the grocery store an adventure with many memories to one day share.
you either already know them, or will meet them very soon. especially if you're in a transitional period, moving away, changing jobs or applying to schools, then this is a person you'll meet in this next chapter of your life. this has friends to lovers written all over it. you might be in the same friend group, or meet them through a mutual friend. their hair stands out for some reason. it could either be in the literal sense because it's messy, perpetual bedhead, or they have a unique colour or cut. perhaps they change their hair frequently and have a bit of chameleon vibes in which they become unrecognisable with every change that they make to their appearance. they're average in height but could look taller than they actually are. their posture isn't the greatest, especially if they're an artist of some kind. they have golden retriever energy and may be a dog person in general. for some, they have freckles or dimples, or prominent birth marks. there's a lot of mutual pining involved before anything happens. they're a little bit oblivious, too. someone else might have to step in to spell things out for either of you.
Shufflemancy: Into you by Ariana Grande
being playful and flirtatious can get you in quite a bit of trouble, and they know this from experience. they're attractive, and seem very aware of it, though there is less legitimate arrogance and more playful cockiness involved. they like to make an effort to look good, and have a strong appreciation for a partner who does the same. generosity may be a way they show this appreciation because they understand the time and maintenance this effort can take, and are of the mindset that they ought to reward what they like rather than simply expect it or take it for granted. they're likely involved in business such as investments or trade, or could be working on building a business of their own. they're physically fit, and might frequent the gym or be into sports. they have a lot of stamina because of this, so do with that information what you will.
they could have a bit of a reputation due to an unscrupulous past, and it is one they have done much work to rewrite. they want to settle down, but haven't found someone they could commit to. a big issue for them is the way fun gets sucked out of things too quickly in the relationships they've been in. they're very spontaneous and have a big capacity for romance, but they often find themselves lacking space and time to do anything special. like how you would decide to clean the house to surprise your mother, only to have her call and ask you to do just that, ruining the gesture. similarly, in their relationships they may find themselves cornered, and in the suffocation of their freedom and passion their capacity and desire to impress and to woo begins to fade like a smothered flame, which in turn causes strife. and the nagging that so often followed turns them into a complacent shell of themselves, wherein it's better to nod along than risk discord. they seek an equal. somebody powerful in their own right, who can support them and be supported in return. they want love to be an adventurous undertaking of a power couple ready to seize the day.
this feels like a right person wrong time -scenario. when you meet they're probably in a relationship with someone else, or you are. you could meet at some sort of social gathering or organised event like a fundraiser or a concert. there's a distinct sense of delay here, though the interest is mutual and very persistent right from the beginning. they could hold themselves back from pursuing anything with you at first because they want a clean slate. it may at first to you seem like frustrating indecision and make you question their intentions, even integrity, but they may just be untangling their life and closing chapters. they yearn for the long-term and would like the house and the kids and whole nine yards, but need to make sure their life is upright, straightened, and ready for it. there is a playful glint in their eyes, which may be hazel or brown. there is a distinct warmth to them and a loving gaze feels especially adoring from them. they would make a very good and attentive parent and spouse for the right person. there could be a noticeable size difference between you. if you're softer and curvier, they're more angular and dense, and if you're shorter, they're taller, etc.
Shufflemancy: Great shipwreck of life by IAMX
oh, how charming! they're gregarious, and attract quite a few admirers. though it seems they take few, if any, seriously at all. their popularity may be a byproduct of an important or visible position that they hold. they could be a prominent figure within their community or be very successful in their field of work or hobbies. their schedule is often packed with meetings, events and social obligations. they could travel a lot too, both for pleasure and for work. for their work they may spend extended periods of time away from home. in spite of their sociable persona, they keep their private life very private, under lock and key, and may even be secretive about it to an extent. they may be unapproachable or simply be unattainable by people outside of their established circles. there is an element of social games or hierarchical factors present in their life, and whilst they're good at networking, climbing ranks, or beating records, they may actually find many around them to be uninteresting or outright obnoxious. where they spend their professional hours draws a lot of similar types of people together, and their tastes differ quite a bit. being married to their work in a way leaves few options for them in love since they look for something outside of their norm, which they have little time to explore.
there could be a fear of being taken advantage of. like they can't seem to trust people easily, and expect everyone to have ulterior motives. to use them or get something from them. these trust issues run deep, and either they have been burnt before or have watched somebody close to them fall from grace and are afraid they'll share that same fate. there could also be legal reasons for their caution, as they may have signed contracts or taken an oath that dictates what they can and cannot share, particularly if they work for the government or a big corporation.
this connection might begin online or otherwise have distance involved even if you meet in person first. lots of messages or calls. they revel in good banter and enjoy entertaining more out-there ideas. they feel starved off of deeper conversations because their life seems to revolve around a lot of simple niceties and professional talk with tons of things redacted, edited, and filtered to fit into a very narrow box deemed correct and good and appropriate. it's very tiring and wears them out, even though they won't show it. they really appreciate things that differ from the norm or breaks the status quo in some way. what they consider their type is also very different from what would be expected of them, and their peers would be shocked to hear what they find ideal both in terms of a partner and a life that they would like to lead. their voice seems important too. they have a very attractive voice, could be a great speaker or an artist. their hair is either longer or shorter than average (shorter for women, longer for men), and their physique leans slimmer and angular, not a lot of curvature just lots of straight lines and sharpness.
Shufflemancy: Willow by Taylor Swift
they probably don't get out much. most if their life occurs behind closed doors. they could work or study remotely, and their schedule might be different from the usual nine to five. their friends and family may live at a distance, too, which leaves them few reasons to leave the house. they need mental stimulation and might be a little high-strung, their nerves like violin strings wound too tight. independence is of great importance to them and their boundaries are clear, almost like austere walls protecting a castle. they appear aloof and don't say much, especially around strangers. though their shyness is often overruled by their intrigue. they like to tinker with things and minds alike, and may often step in to play devil's advocate just to stir the pot. especially in their boredom they may seek out discourse as a form of entertainment. they have strong opinions, but are not stubborn or unable to bend. in fact, something they abhor is weak convictions and mindless agreement. they respect admittance of ignorance far more than the parroting of popular opinions if there is a lack of substance behind them. they really do not seem to mind different views at all, and may surround themselves with people of all walks of life and various temperaments and opinions. this is in part driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge. it's as though they've made their quest in life to seek information and learn everything they can in one short lifetime. they are open-minded and curious, and have great respect for anyone who has something to teach them. and they're a great teacher themself! even if they do not literally teach as a part of their work, they might have been told by many that they should consider it because they really have a way of adapting information, hand-tailoring it to their audience, so that even complex things get delivered and comprehended.
where they may be a great source of knowledge and advice to those around them, they aren't the greatest in terms of emotional support. they are a problem solver, and they can't fix tears. they try, but it feels clumsy and awkward. though that can be a little charming, too. they care a lot, more than people might expect. they're just terrible at showing it through big and extravagant gestures and displays of affection. they're more likely to give praise or take on tasks to unburden you. they like routine and solitude and seek someone who rivals the comfort of their peace and quiet. they could die happy if they could simply share a space comfortably with someone without constant noise, buzz, and attention. they could be strangely private about things that don't necessarily call for privacy. like, they might easily drop childhood lore in a casual conversation, but find inquiries about what they did yesterday suspicious even if they didn't do anything special.
because this is a bit of a 'rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your hair' -type of situation where they're very comfortable in their ivory tower that gets no visitors, it might take a while before you meet them. they're far more social online and you could meet through common interests like online games, subreddits, discord, or through mutual friends. if you already know them, there may be a sense of unrequited love for a while. they rarely act on their infatuations and just wait it out, enjoying the feelings for what they are but do little, if anything, about them. alternatively they participate in very indirect chasing that appears more like making the other person chase them. they have attractive hands, could be ambidextrous or they fidget a lot with their hands. they may be a writer, play an instrument or play a lot of video games. they always appear deep in thought or even a little irritable, even if they're actually not. not so much RBF as simply spacing out. their eyes seem hazy. whichever colour they are it looks desaturated and blurry, like there's mist covering them. blues lean greyish, greens look muddy, browns look more true and lack the amber warmth. they might wear glasses or contacts. regardless of race they're a little paler and may have some health concerns or struggles.
Shufflemancy: I want you to want me by Chase Holfelder
there is something broken here. their home, their heart, or perhaps their mind. it'll be difficult to break through this shell because the exterior is harsh and uninviting. whatever it is that haunts them, it really shows in their relationships. they walk a path seemingly unlit and full of horrors, leaving behind them a trail of broken hearts. pieces of both their own and those of past lovers scattered along the way. to some their love is suffocating, draining and overbearing. when they get attached they latch on with a powerful grip that seems unyielding. they're a rock that could weather the strongest of storms and they're used to being a pillar of strength. but it seems as though their past is full of people who would have needed the room to bend with the winds and were left feeling too restricted. they may have a jealous streak that's rooted in fear of betrayal, likely from past hurts. they could struggle with a mental illness or have history of abusing drugs or alcohol to numb what haunts them.
they really want a partner in crime. someone who is similar to them and understands their turmoil. they have a big capacity to understand and deal with heavy burdens and mental issues in a partner too and aren't easily fazed by emotional outbursts or any type of spiraling mentally or emotionally. they also remind me of the quote 'a hero will sacrifice the person they love to save the world, a villain will sacrifice the world to save the person they love'. they seem a bit like an outcast or a misfit, and those closest to them may also be underdogs and form a very tight-knit group. they're a little bit of a hopeless romantic and have a soft side. if they're musically inclined they might write you a song, or otherwise use writing as a way to express their feelings in a deeper way. their cold and rough exterior is there to ward off the most frail and flaky. they don't want to ruin dainty petals or have their own ripped out by players.
funnily enough they actually look like one themselves. they have that quintessential heartbreaker look to them. the one all the movies deem nothing but trouble. a villain in the story of many but their own and those closest to them. there is a feminine energy close to them that they're very protective of, like a sister or mother. for some they might be providing and caring for a sick relative. they have an unusual job or field of study, and peculiar working hours. they might work a graveyard shift, gigs, or do work that's seasonal or done on the go. music plays a big role in their life and you could meet them at a concert or through another kind of relation to a band or artist you both enjoy. they take a keen interest in the strange, and the mysteries of life. they might study the occult, enjoy conspiracy theories, true crime, etc. they're distinctly cool toned, blondes are dirty and ashy, browns are void of red pigment and lean darker, almost black. blue eyes are very cold and piercing, and brown eyes are very dark and may appear black. they have piercings, tattoos or scars and may bruise easily, or be into those things in others.
Shufflemancy: Trust by Boy Epic
somebody send this person on a mandatory holiday. i really should not have left this one for last, because the energy is really heavy. their life seems unbalanced, like it is all work and no play. there is a jittery energy here as though they are running on fumes and caffeine to fuel a big machine with hundreds of intricately moving parts. they might work in real estate, management, law, IT, or have a lot of people they're in charge of who depend on them. they have impeccable memory and somehow manage to stay on top of things with ease. they like being personally involved and may be hands-on with many of their projects. task management comes naturally to them. it's as if they're playing a game of chess with life and stay aware of every possible variable and reach outcomes long before they show in the present. this spills into all areas of their life and allows them to map out goals with great precision, leaving very little room for uncertainty. they're very stable and competent. but they're also miserable. even though they enjoy their work for its challenges and the heights it allows them to reach, it may seem to them as though they are wearing themselves out without real purpose beyond the accolades. like they're building an empire in vain because there is nobody to share their glory. they want more from life, namely a home. their home is as big as it is hollow and they don't like it there. it lacks a lot of love and light and they wish to bring some of that into it through children and a spouse.
they may come from a big family themselves, even one of good fortune. their discipline and work ethic is likely something instilled in them by a father figure, and there could be a bit of an eldest child complex at play, wherein they have always felt the need to set an example for their younger siblings, but also feel embittered by what they cannot get away with that others so easily can. they could use with a bit of whimsical and carefree energy in their life. they're aware of it too, as they find a bit of chaos oddly attractive in a partner. in previous relationships they may have been with people far too similar to them, allowing them no place of restoration and solace, but instead a constant movement of the goal post. they seek someone comfortable and more easy-going who can help them relax and live a little. they are generous and would spoil a worthy partner rotten, but are also afraid of gold diggers and don't want to be taken advantage of, as they may have run the risk of in the past.
out of all groups, this one leans the oldest. depending on your age they could easily be 5-10 years your senior, and if you're very young it will likely take some time before you meet them. you might meet through work, through coworkers, at a work related event, or if it is a leisurely occasion it's one with a mixture of age groups like a family gathering of sorts. for a few, you could run into them a few times at random whilst running errands and going about your daily routines. either way interest is established quickly, even though they may seem stand-offish or even stiff at first. in actuality they busy themselves with observing, and throughout your interactions, and your interactions with other people in their presence, they size you up and try to figure you out. they could be very taken with you, but they try their best to not show it. they're cordial, but keep their cards hidden. once they decide to pursue you everything happens very quickly. again, because of their game of chess having played out various scenarios while they figured out their feelings and rearranged their life to fit you into it. they're eager to please, and one-on-one you may be surprised by their sensitive and softer side. they're doting and have a lot of adoration once they fall, and out in public where they seem level-headed and collected you can easily distract them and have them stumbling a bit. they're very protective and are bigger or stronger than you. their features lean darker and they may have an earthy look to them, like green or hazel eyes and auburn hair. this one has the strongest indications of marriage.
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onyxdoesthingsithink · 2 months
Cherik- My rant about Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr's relationship.
X-Men First Class
Charles was the first person to ever believe that Erik could be good. Charles in the movie always believed in Erik, and of course it was Charles being optimistic as a person, but he really did believe in Erik.
Through out the movie they really started to trust eachother, and care. They became close very fast, and lets not forget THIS SCENE:
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I think my favorite part of the movie of these two is the ending of them arguing and physically fighting even- but the second Charles got shot he dropped everything and rushed to his side, cradling his body and holding his head on his lap.
He then choked Moira blaming her, but the second Charles says "she didn't do this... You did." Erik stops and practically crumbles.
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"I want you on my side."
Was Erik's understanding they're different point of views but doesn't want to leave the only person that's believed in him and his power could be used for good.
X men Days of Future Past:
Literally just arguing husbands in a divorce.
For most of the movie, it takes place in 1973 and we have Charles being a drug addict to deal with... Well, everything. Raven and Eric left him, the others most likely died from experiments (judging by what Raven says in X-Men:Apocalypse) it was just him and Hank.
Then Charles quite literally helps Logan plan a jailbreak for Erik from the Pentagon but you know things happen.
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I'm also pretty sure these two literally just accidentally gave each other abandonment issues
But the ending of this movie was similar to first class, with the two, once again, going they're Separate ways after a squabble- which is Erik Trying to kill many US officials to show that mutants should be treated seriously.
This is the main disagreement between Charles and Erik through every movie- Erik always using violence to prove that mutants are superior, but Charles sees mutants and humans as equals. He just wants peace.
Even without using his powers though, Charles always somehow reasons with erik- or in this case reasons with Raven to reason with Erik.
Xmen Apocalypse:
I'll skip straight to the ending of this movie, of when Raven reasons with Erik. She tells him that yes, he lost his wife and daughter- but he hasn't lost everything.
And what does he think of In that scene? Charles. Erik thinks of how Charles believed in him at the very beginning- but notice how they didn't even add anyone else? Not Raven or anything? Just Charles and what he did.
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When Apocalypse was threatening to kill Peter he didn't do anything- when Apocalypse was choking Raven out, he didn't stop it. But his breaking point was when he found Charles and was going after him.
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"You sure I can't convince you to stay?"
"You're psychic, Charles.you can convince me to do anything."
Yet he walks away and charles respects that decision once again. No matter what, Charles sticks to his moral of, "just because one loses they're way doesn't mean they're lost forever" and he really is proving this over and over with Erik.
Their relationship is so complex yet so interesting. They may not be designated 'lover's but they sure as hell aren't just Friends.
I barely scratched the surface of these mens relationship- only briefing over 3 movies (and hell I could have said a lot more about them) and not even touching the comics or X-Men 97'- But I had fun writing it.
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