#so if i get anything wrong feel free to correct me
scekrex · 1 day
You said to hit you with my trans femboy! reader x Adam prompts, so here we go! (BTW if you're not comfortable writing anything in this prompt or it at all, that's totally cool!)
Reader goes dress shopping at one of those places where they take your measurements and do a custom outfit, and Adam offers to go with him. The person taking reader's measurements/doing the consultation keeps misgendering reader and making rude/cruel remarks under their breath. Neither reader nor Adam are standing for it.
Also on a completely unrelated I-just-want-to-tell-somebody note, my birthday is on Friday!
Not me dropping the request I was working on before to write this so I can publish it on ur birthday- ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE <3
She hopes I’m cursed forever
pairing: Adam x trans!male!reader
warnings: language, homophobia, transphobia, reader gets misgendered
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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“I’ll be back in a couple hours,” you hummed as you crossed the living room in which Adam was sitting on the couch. It’s needless to say that a statement such as this caught the first man’s attention immediately. Adam paused the video he was watching and looked at you slowly walking to the front door. “Where the fuck are you going?” The first man seemed slightly confused, as far as he was aware you had nothing planned for the day. You simply chuckled softly, looked over your shoulder to look at Adam before you responded, “Dress shopping.”
The brunette turned off the TV quickly, “Not without me.” You raised an eyebrow at the taller male, quite surprised by how eager he seemed to join your little shopping spree. It wasn’t that Adam hated going shopping with you, he just tended to avoid it if he had the chance to, your boyfriend was an online shopper through and through. And he knew how exhausting shopping with you could be. “Since when do you wanna-” The brunette didn’t even let you finish, “Since someone has to make sure Heaven’s cunts don’t disrespect you.” Well, that seemed fair, so you simply shrugged, grabbed your jacket and left with Adam by your side.
The place you had picked was quite fancy, it wasn’t one of the more expensive tailorings nor was it one of the cheapest, the prices you had to pay for dresses were quite fair in your eyes and so far you had only made good experiences at their place.
The mood changed as soon as you and Adam entered the tailoring though. The person that greeted you was one you had never seen before, so you simply figured they must be new - nothing that really bothered you. “Hello Miss,” the woman greeted you, her eyes gave away that that was not her dream job and that she’d rather be doing anything else. You lowered your head a little, the ‘Miss’ didn’t sit right with you at all but you didn’t want to cause a scene so you remained silent. This would be a quick thing anyway, they would simply take your measurements, you’d decide on a dress and then you would be free to go - no big deal, right?
Yeah, no, dead wrong. It was a big deal because Adam turned it into one. The first man’s hand came down on your shoulder, the playful grin that usually hugged his lips was gone and he sounded quite pissed as he spoke, “It’s Mister, get his fucking pronouns right, bitch.” The woman who seemed to be the only employee at the store for that day looked Adam up and down with quite judgmental eyes before she simply shrugged and walked off without correcting her mistake. Adam immediately didn’t like her at all - not that you liked her any better, but you were better at hiding that you really just wanted to leave again.
Uncomfortably you followed the employee as she led you to a little podium where she would take the measurements. Your brunette boyfriend followed suit, he was right behind you, one of his hands was constantly on your body, whether it was your shoulder or your waist, the first man simply felt the need to reassure you, to let you feel that you weren’t alone and that he had your back. And it helped - at least in the beginning and at least a tiny bit.
You stepped on the small podium, all the confidence you had when you had entered the store was gone, you felt wrong, uncomfortable and if you were honest you really just wanted to leave and find another tailoring. But now you were too deep in, there was no turning away anymore. The woman stepped closer to you and you noticed how Adam watched the scene playing out in front of him. He was completely focused on the woman's movements, watching her carefully so she wouldn’t pull any more shit.
“Ma’am, you need to take your jacket off,” the tailor mumbled, she seemed quite annoyed by your presence and while you understood that some days were simply harder than others, that did not excuse her behavior towards you. You heard a low growl coming from Adam at her words, “He’s not a fucking ‘Ma’am’, quit acting like a fucking transphobic cunt and do your work.”
And while you appreciated that Adam was standing up for you, you didn’t quite like his choice of words, nor did you like the fact that the brunette was causing a scene when all you wanted was a simple dress that fit you. The female angel ignored Adam, not paying any mind to the first man or his rude words towards her, instead she mumbled something under her breath that you weren’t quite able to catch, however you did hear the words ‘fucking queers’ and ‘disgusting filth’ which caused you to just feel worse than you had already been feeling.
The female angel - which was slightly smaller than you were - did her job pretty sloppily, she did not care to properly measure you. You also noticed how she tried her very best to stay as far away from you as possible, she barely touched you while taking the measurements needed for the dress. And normally you wouldn’t care, if she wanted to execute her job badly, that was her deal. But in your very case that not only infected her but also you because that way the dress would not fit properly.
“God must really hate me to send me fucking gays,” she mumbled, this time loud enough for you to hear. And even though you really wanted that dress, you took a step back from her, stepped off the little podium and made your way over to Adam. The female angel looked confused at you, then her expression soured, “What are you doing?”
You were trying to get away from her transphobic hands, you were trying to escape her judgemental eyes and her homophobic words. “Leaving,” you simply said as you grabbed Adam’s hand and turned around. The tall brunette next to you squeezed your hand reassuringly, his wing wrapped around your back in a protective matter and he shot the employee a grin, flipping her off as he guided you towards the door.
“But-” the worker tried to protest, she had already taken the measurements and was about to wrap things up, she at least wanted to be paid. Yet Adam cut her off quite rudely, “You heard him, we’re leaving.” The taller man waved at her in a provoking way, a triumphant grin on his lips. You opened the door and as soon as you had done so Adam pulled you out of the store, seemingly eager to leave.
“We’ll get you a tailor who actually does their job instead of insulting you,” Adam hummed, looking down at you with a smile as he playfully ruffled through your hair. The smile on his quickly curled up into a grin though, “And then I’ll fuck your brains out in the new dress.”
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buttercuparry · 1 day
How would Ing feel if she comes to know that the Joe who jumped into the river and the Joe who said "It is okay, I forgive you" are not the same person?
Ing did wrong. She did wrong and my god!my heart broke. Somethings are just so personal and hits so close to home, that you have to close the episode and sit with it for a minute...I think this has done a number on me.
The fight between Ing and her son, drove the other Joe to suicide. It wasn't successful, in so far as that the body didn't die but went into coma. Though right now as it stands, Ing's Joe is nowhere to be found. Instead we have our Joe's soul in the son's body. This Joe was orphaned as a kid and dreamt of a home. This Joe at least had Wut and Ja and other colleagues accept him. This Joe was driven to his death by a lover.
So for this Joe to get a chance to do over, to get a mom, who expresses gratitude that "her son" is alright and confesses and promises to our Joe that he is free to love whomever he wants...I just...man I don't know what I am feeling.
@vegaseatsass said it perfectly. Where Ming sat in Joe's house ( a mausoleum) waiting for Joe to come back and forgive him, Ing parallels him in sitting by her son's bedside. This whole thing hits so hard. Both of them, who drove their loved ones to death sat waiting for forgiveness.
But can everything truly be forgiven? Is it that sometimes, somethings can't be taken back? I don't know if Ing will ever truly get to say anything to HER son ever again. I don't know how religion or the concepts of Theravada Buddhism plays into this series, but I wonder if this is Ing's punishment for not loving her child as he is. Or if it is a blessing for her repentance, that she will never know that her son isn't there and would have Joe doting on her as if he truly were her son...
( I think that's what's going to happen...unless? Novel readers correct me if I am wrong.)
In conclusion, we have a mom and a "son". This son comes to know that the one whose life he has taken over, had been just as unlucky as him. In fact model!Joe might have been more unlucky, because Tharn never really cared for Joe and the fight was about him only.
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discountsoysauce · 1 month
Yall might have to bare with me on this one I'm not great at articulating my thoughts and although I'm neurodivergent I really don't have the proper terms to explain myself here
But like
Okay so it's very obvious that Eli is not neurotypical. I don't want to really get into specific diagnoses because I very much do not want to fall into the serial killer = mental disorder trope. It's a shitty trope and very harmful when handled poorly, especially with Cluster B personalities. Under no circumstances am I saying that Eli's mental condition is the cause of him being a serial killer. I am in fact trying to say the opposite.
TW for discussion of abuse and ableism
Basically, the crux of my argument lies with Eli's flashbacks in Vengeful, specifically when it comes to his father.
Eli mentions that the abuse started when he was around 9 years old because his father saw "the devil" in his eyes.
Eli's age at the time is very important. 9 years old. A literal child. Eli has done nothing wrong at this point aside from exist, and yet his father sees something wrong with him. It's possible that it was intended for Eli to have truly had some "evil" inside of him from the beginning, but it is far far more likely that Eli's father saw some kind of behavior out of the norm (we see that Eli was not a very expressive child. He had to learn all of those behaviors later on) and concluded that it hinted at some "hidden evil". We see those ideas reflected in our own society all the time, with apathy or lack of expression in face or vocal tone can be misconstrued or depicted as evil or heartless.
Eli was never evil or a bad kid. He was 9 years old. There was no devil in his eyes, he simply expressed himself in a way that was considered abnormal.
There's more I could say on this but I've run out of brain power. If anyone has any insight or ways they relate to Eli that they're comfortable talking about or even criticisms, I'm very open to discussion.
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dittydipity · 10 months
what is kagepro? - a quick guide
you may be seeing the word "kagepro" around a whole bunch, especially during august, but what the hell is it?
you may have heard or seen something from kagepro without realizing it! you know that vocaloid song, kagerou daze, about the kids who get hit by a truck and are stuck in a timeloop of saving each other? that's actually one of the songs from kagepro.
kagepro, short for the kagerou project, is a series created by vocaloid composer jin (also known as shizen no teki-p). it's a mixed media series that has music, manga, an anime, movie, a radio talk show, books, etc but i’ll try to keep it simple!
basic premise: people who die on 8/15 are taken to another world called the kagerou daze and if they return to the real world, they will have gained a “snake ability” that will turn their eyes red when used. a group of teens that have these abilities form a little gang but are thrown into an endless timeloop.
if you want to get into it, there’s a bunch of different ways you can do it, but do keep in mind: each form of media is NOT just a different adaptation of the story.
kagepro is a timeloop story, and each form of media is actually a different timeline (or “route”). the music videos, the anime, the manga, the books - each one is only a piece of the whole story. that’s why many people may have seen the anime, mekakucity actors, and gotten super confused because the anime is actually one of the last routes haha.
but the order of media that has been generally agreed upon to be the most coherent is music videos -> manga -> light novels -> anime
a lot of kagepro media, esp the light novels and manga, are hard to find since they’re almost entirely out of print, but there’s translations or e-book versions of them available, or if you skip them there’s summaries that people have made. you can also ask me if you want :]
music videos
i’ve actually made a couple playlists for the songs! one is in release order and the other is in story chronological order (mostly).
release order: - i tried to get all the original ia/miku versions of the songs with the original pv if there was one - a couple might be a little out of order since some songs came out together in the same album
this is the order that fans got the music, so if you want to try to figure things out and put things together the way we did you can go with this order!
chronological order: - tried to grab some english covers where i could, but if you don’t like eng covers there are plenty of noneng covers or you can use the videos from the other playlist. there's plenty of really great covers out there! - exceptions to the “chronological”: children record acts as the cover/opening song for the series and summertime record is the ending song for the series - some songs aren’t in here bc they’re not part of the music route (they’re mostly from the newer albums and are kinda like ‘epilogue’ songs after the ending of the anime/good ending or are songs made for the anime)
if you don't want to go through all the media yourself, here’s a video explaining the whole story by breadbox/david toth! he also has other really great kagepro videos
[a bit of an extra] a very common misconception about the story/mechanics: people do not have to die in pairs or with somebody else on 8/15 to enter the daze. i didn’t realize this myself until super recently
all in all, the kagerou project is a story about finding strength and support from the people around you, moving on to look towards the future, and overcoming trauma.
there’s definitely other people who have also made guides or summaries or videos that are much better and cover much more than i did, but i hope this was a decent introduction!
feel free to reach out and/or ask me anything! i'm sure there are also plenty of people who would be willing to help newcomers understand kagepro as well :]
happy kagerou day!
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abrushwithdeath · 1 year
@thcangriestboy It happened so fast. He knew it was an accident. Just a brush of skin while he and Rogue were alone out on the grounds. They were always careful, too careful. They weren't even *doing* anything that would mean a likelihood of touching. He knew it only took a second. He'd felt a little queasy, but hoped Rogue wouldn't be hit with much, some light telekinesis, maybe. Minor telepathy. It could be fun, right? "My dad says it's a bad idea to just go to the astral plane while your powers - or my powers - are unstable. We'll just ride it out here. Are you -- Are you feeling okay?" He asked tentatively.
She felt like it was her fault. She'd not been paying attention, talking, and almost tripped. It shouldn't have constituted more than a laugh. But David had reached out to grab her arm, to steady her, and all it took was the brush of a finger against the barely exposed skin at her wrist...
She heard what he was saying, but, for just a moment, he felt distant. That wasn't entirely unusual after her powers had kicked in. A bit of disorientation was normal, though it usually came with longer contact than the brief second they'd shared. She just had to blink it away, welcome herself back to the present. Are you feeling okay? "Yeah." She assured him. It was the truth. She felt fine. Well, as fine as she could feel when she was still worried she'd hurt him. "Yeah, no, yeah... I'm fine." Clearly David was too. He was talking to her. He was checking on her. Maybe she hadn't really taken anything from him at all. That would be the best case scenario, right? "Yer a'right?" She asked, tossing the question back his way just to be sure. Even if he seemed okay, she couldn't not check on him.
Except that concern was short lived because, rather suddenly, she was well aware that something was wrong. The voices started first. The thing was- Rogue was used to hearing voices of other people in her head, she heard them all the time. But most of those, aside from a stray few that she had stolen too much from, were almost... static. They repeated the same things a lot, like NPCs in a shitty video game. A student reciting facts for a history test. A man worried his wife would find out about his affair. One spoke lewd thoughts. Another was caught in prayer. She knew them each by face, by sound, and she knew how their voices would cycle in and out of a one-person conversation until they eventually faded from her forever. This was not that. It felt so different, in fact, that she paused to look around them, as if anticipating the voices were coming from elsewhere. From a person hiding in a tree nearby. Or slinking across the ground. But there was no one. Just her and David. They had to be from somewhere though.
In hindsight, she should have realized that she'd maybe taken something from him after all- some symptoms of his illness. But she hadn't experienced them before herself. Her only basis for what he endured was, well, what he said. What little he explained. So then, why should it have occurred to her, in this moment, that what she was hearing (or seeing) wasn't entirely real? Eyes still darting about, searching, she grabbed at David's wrist. Her gloved fingers held a little tighter than she should have. Despite being a girl who wasn't really scared of much, she looked borderline terrified. "I don't think we're alone..." She told him quietly, so that she wouldn't be overheard. Someone was out there with them. That was the only explanation. And it made all the more sense when she thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye, head whipping to the right to search for it to no avail. "We should go... go back inside... somethin's not right..."
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sinecosinewheel · 1 year
ok so here's a bloodborne post. every dream or nightmare in bloodborne needs two things:
1. a host/dreamer
2. a being to create the dream
in the nightmare frontier/nightmare of mensis the dreamer is micolash and the creator is mergo.
we know for sure the nameless moon presence made the hunter's dream, and the obvious conclusion is gehrman is the dreamer. my personal pet theory is the doll is a second dreamer, the real host of the dream, because you find her sleeping in the old abandoned workshop
when you end a dream you have to kill both the host of the dream and the creator, ex, killing micolash then mergo, killing (freeing) gehrman and then the moon presence
so here where i get a little confusing okkkkk. the doll is the reason the game loops. the purpose of the hunter's dream is to keep hunters alive, at least when they start out hunting. hunters can leave the dream, like eileen and djura, but can they really? they reset when you start new game plus. everything resets. you are able to end the nightmare of beasts by ending the mensis ritual, but micolash was already long dead and a skeleton when he 'woke up', meaning gehrman would be as well. the doll, however, would just go back to sleep. she has an immortal doll body, if she wakes up there is no actual consequence. in the childhoods beginning ending you become the new creator of the dream, and the doll is the host, so gehrman is unnecessary. in the ending where you replace gehrman you are replacing his role as the surrogate child of the moon presence/collateral, and the doll is the host. in yharnam sunrise you 'leave' the dream, but you can't actually leave. the only thing left is new game plus. there is no way to permanently kill the doll in the game, and you need to kill both the dreamer and the maker of the dream to end it
i believe the moon presence created something unintendedly bigger than herself with the dream, it's become an endless self powering cycle that resets the entire world instead of just keeping a few hunters alive. the great ones are sympathetic in spirit, but she didn't really understand what laurence (and associates) was asking for because she can never actually die. so now no one can ever die! N that's my post
#wheeltext#the creator of the hunters nightmare is kos and i thiiink the dreamer would be the orphan. kos is already 'dead' (as a great one can get)#n you put the orphan to rest#n then the nightmare ends#so yeah there are two effects of this type of deal#it creates a dream/nightmare (which stays even after the host and creator are killed) and it does Something#the Something of the mensis ritual was the beast plague/whatever the FUCK they did to yaharghul/the one reborn#n the Something of the hunters dream was the time loop/keeping hunters alive/providing aid to hunters/etc#n the Something of the hunters nightmare was dragging all hunters to actual hell when they go blood drunk#i believe the nature of the deal with the moon presence was to house the hunters#assist them keep them alive whatever they need#and she would get two things out of it#the first is a surrogate child in gehrman (he also works as collateral for the deal while laurenc n co worked for the mp's ends)#and the second is that the hunters would take out the competition and kill other great ones#hence the note Hunt the Great Ones. Hunt the Great Ones. in byrgenwerth#OH FUCK#ok so maybe the obscuring of rituals rom did yknow hiding the blood moon etc was a deal she made with willem#but it didnt create a dream it made the moonlit lake#rom could also be the dreamer maybe? bc she used to be human#idk im really just spitballing at this point if i got anything wrong or misremembered smth feel free to correct me#also sorry this is so long lmao
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oflostinfound · 4 months
Wait until the phantom feelings kick in and they try to move their non-existent hand.
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They're not going to enjoy that one bit, they already have tried to grab and reach for things with that arm. Dealing with phantom pain is going to be a time.
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my steve harrington arospec analysis
in s1, we see that steve is clearly attracted to nancy. he likes her. but there is a strong possibility that that attraction is built off of the idea he has of her rather than her true self, and it is also possible that it is not romantic attraction he feels for her, but rather a mix of sexual and platonic attraction. also, the only friends he had at this point in time were tommy and carol, so it would make sense that he wouldn’t realize he wanted to be nancy’s friend (but would instead think that he wanted to be with her romantically). especially if he’s not able to differentiate between those different types of attraction. plus, she’s a girl, and it’s the 80s, so it’s not likely for him to assume that he isn’t attracted to a girl that’s pretty, smart, and basically everything you could ever want in a girlfriend.
in s2, he pines after nancy, but he eventually lets her go and builds other platonic relationships (specifically with dustin and the kids).
in s3, he works with robin. they’re not quite to the best friends stage yet, but they’re on their way there, and they know each other a decent amount. he isn’t attracted to her romantically. he doesn’t even think of the possibility until dustin brings it up, at which point he assumes he must be attracted to her because she’s everything he should want in a girlfriend. it’s the idea of having a partner that he’s attracted to. not the genuine person.
while robin’s coming out obviously steers him in the opposite direction of romantic attraction, it also may be that at that moment, he truly saw all of her. and while he felt platonic attraction, the idea of romantic attraction flew out the window both because she likes girls, and because he does not feel anything romantic for the real her. he had only considered the possibility of anything with her when he didn’t know her. (i’m not sure if there’s a term for this, but to me it seems like the aromantic spectrum equivalent to compulsory heterosexuality. compulsory alloromanticism?)
(during this scene, he also says he’s over nancy, and he is).
steve also wants a wife and children, as shown in s4 when he brings it up to nancy, but it’s clear that he wants a companion to spend his life with. this does not necessarily equate to being romantically involved with someone. it is likely that he thinks this is the only option considering the time the show is set in.
in s4, steve seems to be grasping onto this ideal future. he hadn’t shown any interest in nancy until everything with vecna and the near-apocalypse went down. she is the only person he’s come close to being romantically attracted to. so, he tells her he wants that life with her, because she’s the only person he could picture that life with. even if it’s not what either of them needs, or truly wants. and when jonathan comes back, steve is sad and disappointed, but he doesn’t seem heartbroken. we see him smile at robin and vickie’s interaction. he’s happy for his best friend.
my point is, i think the reason steve was holding onto this idea of his future so strongly was because he’s never felt romantic attraction, and he saw a life with nancy as the only option to get the fulfillment he craves. but he doesn’t need that. he just thinks he does because he feels like he’s the only person who doesn’t have a partner, and steve’s never liked being alone. i think steve also craves attention (pre-s1 and during most of s1, steve participates in whatever shitty things tommy and carol do because he wants to fit in. and we’ve also never seen steve’s parents, so it’s definitely possible that he’s never gotten much attention at home). this serves as a reason for why he is so attached to nancy, since she is the only person that saw past his bitchy s1 personality and had faith in him. he also probably sees romance as the only way to get the open and honest love he never received as a kid. he can be himself with his partner the way he could never be with his so-called friends in s1 (and his parents).
however, at the end of s4, i think he is slowly beginning to piece together that he doesn’t need a romantic relationship, because he already has support in his life from others that don’t like him romantically.
another thing. steve seems to have a lot of confidence in his ability to attract women. he knows he is physically attractive. therefore, i think that for most of the series, he believes that the only way anyone could ever love him—truly love him, is for them to love him for his looks, and for them to love him romantically. but again, we see him develop other relationships in the show that are not romantic in any capacity, which could lead him to question why he places so much importance on romantic relationships when he already has fulfilling platonic ones.
while there’s a strong possibility that he has felt romantic attraction at some point in the show, i personally do not believe he has. like i said, i think he felt a mix of platonic and sexual attraction for nancy, which he convinced himself was romantic attraction (because he liked to kiss her, he liked to hold her hand, and those were romantic things, right?) and i think he felt platonic attraction for robin but tried to make himself feel something more for her because it was expected.
(also, with the knowledge that tommy was attracted to steve and b*lly, meaning he was mostly likely not romantically attracted to carol, we don’t know if steve’s ever had someone tell him what romantic attraction feels like. he sees people kiss and touch and thinks “romantic,” but kissing and touching are not necessarily romantic and neither is sex. if tommy told him what it felt like, steve probably believed him, because to him, tommy was the perfect example of a guy who felt attraction to girls. and since we don’t even know when his parents are around, we have no idea what their relationship is like and how it has affected his view of relationships).
this is evidence that may support the demiromantic theory, but it could also support the idea that he is somewhere else on the aromantic spectrum. i could also see the opposite of this being true (steve having felt romantic attraction and losing it every time he really gets to know someone. i’m pretty sure the label is frayromantic).
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daz4i · 1 year
oh wait remember how fukuchi asked jouno to join the doa. and sigma and nikolai were both meant to die during The Grand Plan. if the intended number of doa members is always going to be 5 then that means there is another potential candidate who was meant to replace one of them right? (as in, let's say theoretically jouno was gonna replace nikolai, someone still needs to replace sigma)
^idk if all of that is certain. this is truly a theory based on a theory based on some interpretation. but either way, if i had to guess who that was meant to be, the only option i can think of is atsushi
is supposedly the key to finding the book, aka one of the biggest steps in their plan
was told by nikolai he's integral to the rest of their plan so he can't die. who's to say that's not the reason for that?
on a meta level, all of them got a lot of white going on with their designs. i don't think i need to elaborate on that part, just look at atsushi. also he's a WHITE tiger. so.
idk if that holds much weight bc this is like, relying on so many things to turn out to be true, but either way i think that's a very interesting idea to at least consider
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arthur-r · 10 months
had a really good night. feeling a little bit sick to my stomach but what can you do
#met seth from poolboy again today!! twice if you count each occurrence how i did the first time#so i’ve seen poolboy twice and theoretically met seth five times. i mean that’s how many conversations i had so. pretty fucking awesome#however i feel a little bit ill. cause of listening to my recording and hearing how awfully annoying i am#the keyboardists fiancé was actually standing right in front of us and so after the show he talked to us#cause me and my two friends who were there we were singing along to all the songs and poolboy is not a very famous band#so after the set was done the guy was like asking us questions and then he’s like yeah i’m actually engaged to jp from poolboy#and anyway that was really really cool in the moment. i just feel a little bit ill hearing myself talk to him?#like ‘poolboy is my fAvorite band .. ‘ ‘..my favorite song of theirs tOtal is corrections’#i dont know. i think i’m just dysphoric and autistic so i have to feel bad about conversations when i have them recorded#but. um. i met jp dreblow’s fiancé that’s Pretty Cool. and i talked to seth and he gave me a free CD!!!!#cause i only had a $20 or a $5 and it was $10 and they didn’t have change and so he said it’s fine just take it for free!!!!#this was after i told him that they’re my favorite band and the absolute coolest and that we had seen them before back in january#and all of that. and i did meet him three times that day (shdhdf it’s a silly way to count it) but also got his autograph so. i’m really#lucking out with these interactions. secret to a dream life: have the most random guys who live in your state be your favorite band#it can’t go wrong. these guys are absolutely incredible and i have had so many random opportunities to say hi and be really excited#anyways i have a year of the weasel vinyl from the january show (with autograph) and a good orchard CD from today (free and with lyrics)#and i got a photo with seth today. i’m pretty sure what i said was ‘could i get a photo with you if that’s normal?’ and he said yeah sure#i feel like my relationship with poolboy is like. the opposite of a parasocial relationship. or like the most amplified version of that#cause i think of them as super cool unattainable celebrities but it’s like. some guy with a masters in library science who i’m probably the#first person to have asked for an autograph or a photo or anything like that. but see there’s the funny thing is that it’s both kinds of it#on the one hand i think of them as fancy fancy when they’re just some guys. but i also think of myself as The Only Poolboy Superfan which is#not necessarily true. who knows really. but they’re sure pretty freaking awesome and i sure got to see them today!!!!#anyway i’m real tired but i was really happy to see poolboy today. even though i feel a little bit sick about how i speak and sound#cause that’s not going to change. and it’s not like anyone said anything about it so i can assume they didn’t notice#i just have this creeping feeling at all times that everyone i meet is just treating me nice cause i’m too obviously autistic#like they hear what i say and they hate me and they judge me but they say well clearly something’s wrong with this kid so i’ll let it slide#but hey. some people love me. so hopefully your average stranger doesn’t hate me as much as i’m scared they might. i sure hope they don’t#anyway i had a good night it was really good i’m just being me a little bit. i hope everyone is well i’m about to go to sleep#friends only#i’ll be around in the morning this is my last tag i love you all very much and see you tomorrow goodnight
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
"aaaand he's right behind me, isn't he?" Is an overplayed joke but I think ppl are focusing too much on the joke out of context like. It's not the line itself that's the problem, I've seen this joke done well, the problem with this kind of overplayed quip is when assembly line blockbusters use it as a substitute for actual characterization and thought out jokes with set up and pay off.
Like I saw an article that described the Russo bros dialogue in their latest film as feeling like placeholders for funnier jokes meant to be added later, and that's very much what "and he's right behind me" is being used to represent in the recent wave of memes parodying it and movies that feature it- it's dialogue that could be funny in the right context but reads as annoying, insincere and overplayed because writers and directors employ it just as a way to
a) self parody in a way that creates distance between the film and the audience- which is distance from criticism, yes, but also distance that halts all investment and identification between the story and audience
and b) make their job easier at the cost of quality. Because "he's right behind me, isn't he?" Is a tried and true joke that doesn't tell us anything about the character saying it other than "they're meant to be funny and sarcastic and likeable" in the most generic sense of all those words
because a blandly likeable protagonist is easy to write, and they want things that are easy to write so they can put them on the assembly line. Which is frustrating but I do understand it's mostly a product of corporate monopoly and strangling studios. I'm sure most of these writers would like to make something better but just. Cannot be bothered to when the film is guaranteed money based on brand name clout alone AND they have to deal with execs who micromanage projects that fall under their 'brand'. Why write jokes that feel specific to the characters you've created, or engineer characters with comedy in mind? Thats too personal and gimmicky and high effort- slap a one-liner on them and now you've got the human equivalent of a palette cleanser when you flit between summer mega movies. Except every meal is a palette cleanser, and in the end, it tastes like nothing at all.
#ramblings of a lunatic#sorry i just. saw something that annoyed me#where they judged the quality of a thing (admittedly a thing i like so I'm very biased here!) by the fact that they personally felt#that it was the kind of show that would include a ''hes right behind me isn't he?'' joke#and it's like. i get what you're going for and other parts of your post are more coherent in your grievances#(you think it's generic)#but like. idk i just feel like turning specific lines that are overplayed but ultimately neutral on their own-#-into shorthand for ''generic and bad'' is like. gonna be unhelpful in the long run#idk feel free to add on to this with expansions or anything you think i got factually wrong if i did say something completely untrue#just like be civil yknow. like i have good faith for the ppl who follow me don't get me wrong I'm just. not in the mood rn for tomfoolery#this is highly unedited and i might wake up tomorrow and find it incomprehensible or just. poorly articulated#but for now you're getting my moaning and groaning as is. o natural babey#Anyway yes- mega blockbusters made on an assembly line are bad and they produce bad movies.#But it's less to do with a couple individual words that appear often and more abt the conditions surrounding their production.#it's why i keep calling them assembly line blockbusters#to the person who once compared the mcu to cinematic fast food...hows it feel to be so deeply correct#(fast food good sometimes and I have nostalgic favourites but by god it cannot be all i eat or I will get very sick)
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euphorial-docx · 2 years
do opev regulus & sirius speak hebrew?
not really? they’re more of a yiddish-speaking family, which subsequently means they know a good amount of hebrew phrases and such too (although they don’t speak yiddish conversationally either; mostly just for religious reasons)
regulus is way better at yiddish than sirius. sirius never cared to really learn it, as he left behind the language and his religion when alphard got custody of them (which is a personal choice that was right for him. i don’t want anyone to be like mad at sirius for that or put regulus on a pedestal for doing the opposite. his choice was good for him, as regulus’s is good for him too.)
if someone tried to talk to sirius in yiddish, he would probably only know a few words and be extremely confused lmao. even his french would be a little broken after all those years of not using it.
as for regulus, he can speak it but definitely isn’t fluent. he could follow along and respond well enough, but it’d take a bit of brain power from him, same as his friulian and german.
i like to think regulus always wanted to get better at yiddish, but learning italian and friulian took priority (when he and sirius came to italy, they knew 0 italian, so there was definitely a learning curve for them.)
i got very off track very quickly, so short answer: they know some hebrew, but lean towards yiddish.
thank you for the question <333
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anthromimicry · 17 days
@ethicsbutcher asked: ❛ do you ever think about the future? ❜
it wasn't often that misao found herself drifting off while she was spending time with someone she wasn't very familiar with. and this was because, deep down, misao seemingly had a slight distrust towards humanity in general — what with the fact that one was responsible for the very grievous event that claimed her mother's life all those years ago being at the head of it. well, that, and what she'd been taught to believe as a child: to never let your guard down around one because they could easily stab you in the back. but they were not all bad, she'd discovered, and that was a rather black-and-white way of looking at them. regardless, this belief had still managed to dig it's claws into her. so misao remained hypervigilant around humans albeit much less than she used to be. which made it all the more confusing that all she could find herself doing was looking into the wine that doctor lecter had provided her with before one of his infamous 'ceremonial' dinners.
misao had barely touched it and she'd already had too much in her mind. it was a bit of a bummer that she couldn't indulge in it as freely as he could, but as the saying goes: c'est la vie, right? misao soon found herself being snapped back to reality by the sound of hannibal's voice. 'oh, god,' she thought. how long had he been talking to her? misao put on a small, apologetic smile as her eyes met the others, ❝ ahh, forgive me if it seems like i wasn't paying attention, doctor lecter. i was listening, but i guess you could say i have a lot on my mind, ❞ that wasn't exactly completely true but it wasn't a lie either. for, misao only really had one thing on her mind, but it had been plaguing her mind ever since she got here: what could've been his motives behind why he invited her here. they had only talked in passing when they were both within the walls of arkham, after all, hadn't they?
misao squinted her eyes at the other as if she was trying to read hannibal then. but he was not a particularly easy person to be read, even with everything she knew about body language, and how people's minds worked. winging it seemed like the best option from there as a result as misao eyed the food he was preparing, ❝ oh? that's an interesting question, though i hope you aren't asking it out of some attempt to psychoanalyze me. i already do enough of that to myself, ❞ a light snort left her nostrils then before her eyes flitted up to meet the other's once more. misao wasn't afraid of him, but what was his objective here, hmm? ❝ but if you want the truth, i think i have been mainly focusing on what's been happening around me in the present for a while. i suppose because although the future does matter, we could all die tomorrow. and because of that, i feel as if it's only right to consider the present first. ❞
misao shrugged slightly and made sure hannibal saw her take another swig of the liquor he'd given her even though she really shouldn't have. she resisted the urge to grimace at the acidity of it by closing her eyes momentarily, before speaking up again, ❝ that's just my opinion though. is there any reason why you have been thinking about what's to come, doctor? maybe something... or someone? ❞ misao's voice rose an octave whenever she'd said that last part, trying to convey that she was interested in his life. though misao just asked him this out of 'politeness' so that she could more smoothly question him down the road about why he'd chosen her to invite to his home out of all of the arkham staff. misao didn't actually care much about it. however, she was a good liar. or she thought she was anyway.
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rebelsonas · 3 months
Yuzuki can't believe the chance she's been presented with all at once. Because this - the man in front of her, she's sure of it - has to be Takaya, the creator of the Nyx cult... the very same cult that she's been investigating since it first appeared at just the beginning of this month!
Of course, she has to be careful. She's not stupid - a cult leader has to be a dangerous man, and she doesn't want him thinking that she has any kind of nefarious intentions. To be honest, she's actually quite scared; and she can hear her heart racing uncomfortably in her ears as she thinks about what she's about to do. But... she really mostly is just genuinely curious - that should be something he wants, right? It's not like she's trying to do anything stupid like take him down. So...
"Excuse me!" she calls out boldly, before even really realizing what she's doing. Once she's sure he's got his attention, she tries to dial back the enthusiasm a bit, and once again speaks in a more serious tone.
"You're... you're Takaya, aren't you? I saw your interview. About Nyx... and the end of the world."
@quillheel ( starter for takaya! )
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tignya · 6 months
You ever think how weird it is plea deals exist? I mean, I get it if you're in a crime scheme , and they give you a lesser sentence if you help find the others in your group, but what other benefit is there to it? It's like you're guilty, you can get a lesser sentence or have a chance of proven innocent, or you're innocent, and you could possibly get proven guilty with a longer sentence? It kinda feels like the courts want to save time, even at the chance of an innocent person being pushed to take an unnecessary punishment so that they don't potentially lose in court only to get a harsher sentence.
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togethersmiled · 7 months
Ochako can't help the shock from showing on her face as she sees who it is in front of her. Dabi... Touya, though it's long before he's revealed that name to the world.
Ochako doesn't know why she's so certain of it - of the fact that she's traveled back in time. But to her, it's as sure a fact as the sky being blue, written in her bones without explanation or evidence needed for her to believe it. She doesn't know why, but she wants to believe that maybe, when she made her wish... someone was listening, even though a miracle shouldn't have been possible - even though no-one had ever listened before.
Her wish - was for Himiko Toga to live. But can that really be granted so easily?
Right now, though, the villain before her is a much more immediate concern. It's strange, the feelings she has when she looks at him. Anger and fear are the strongest, making her heart pound with adrenaline and the readiness to fight, but when she thinks about everything she's learned about him, and the League of Villains... an uncomfortable, unfamiliar sensation rises up that seems to overshadow everything else. It might be wrong of her to feel this way, but... hadn't Himiko called Touya her friend?
Ochako shakes the thoughts away as quickly as she can. Right now, she has to hide before he spots her! ...Is what she's thinking, but it's too late for that now...
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"W-wait!" she cries out instinctively, witnessing the look on his face. She's not afraid to fight if needed, but even so... "I'm not here for a fight!"
@hatecharred ( starter! )
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