#so im only focusing on the psychological part
tinyfantasminha · 2 years
Imagine Jack overblotting because he saw his loved one in the school get hurt and he couldn’t do anything
(TW: mentions of injury)
I'm not sure if this was ever stated in canon but I'll have to guess that Jack's greatest fear is probably to become completely helpless; To be in a situation where he's unable to use his strenght to protect the ones he loves and himself. He trains religiously because he's building fortitude not only to his muscles but to his spirit as well.
Since Jack is also a mentally strong person, I don't think he would overblot over problems that are temporary or fixable; So in situations in which time would heal the wounds (either physical or emotional), he knows that as long as he stays by his s/o's side everything is going to turn out fine in the end.
So if he were to overblot, I think the situation would have to be of a much higher magnitude; It'd be something that would leave deep scars in both Jack and his s/o, ones that could not be easily repaired. His s/o would be deeply hurt or negatively affected either by the forces of nature or the will of fate... Possibly either in an accident or in a self-sacrifice act. Also there'd have to be heavy consequences, such as for example s/o's body condition being incurable, having amnesia and losing their memories of Jack, getting a curse that would last forever... And of course, the trigger factor for Jack to OB is the stricking realization that the situation could be avoidable. It could be avoidable if only he knew better, if only he noticed it sooner, if only he were fast enough, if only he were stronger enough... He'd keep blaming himself for not being able to protect them and for being so weak, which is the two things he's most deeply afraid of. And thus... boom, overblot.
I didnt expect to make a whole ass analysis on this ask but now for the rot im GGAGING AND CHOKGIN ON MY TEARS JACK ANGST MAKES ME SO CACA HE DOESNT DESERVE THISS OMG ILOVE HIM SOMUCH IM GONNA THROW UP
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the-crimson · 1 year
(Characters not ccs)
Gosh I really hope Forever learns about bbh’s “friend” if not today then soon because we all know Forever’s plan the feds thwarted of building a world eater to strip the server to bedrock. Im just so fascinated by the two extremes these two characters could reach.
Forever’s wrath was indiscriminate and wild. He didn’t have a target other than creating such destruction in general that it would scare the feds into giving their children back but we saw how that went - the feds either didn’t give him a chance or rolled back the damage he did.
Bbh’s wrath is so much quieter and laser focused, maybe on the wrong thing but it is focused none the less. Bbh started small by simply kidnapping one of the workers and psychologically torturing it for a week before expanding into actual physical torture.
There is something so much worse about premeditated cruelty then taking your rage out on the world in a burst of uncontrollable rage. Based on the dream/memory Forever shared with us, it looked like he lost control and went mad in his rage/grief. He even admitted recently that he’d rather willingly take the happy pills then feel that way again.
Bbh has never lost control. What we are seeing now has always been inside of him deep below the surface, it’s always been a part of him. He’s always been capable of this. The only reason he feels any kind of guilt is because he knows the people he loves wouldn’t approve but he himself clearly enjoys this.
I want Forever and Baghera to realize this side of their friend. I want them to realize this isn’t some stage of grief but that they are seeing a side of him that he’s hidden for so long. Bbh is cruel. He is malicious and merciless and kind and all of the things they know him to be.
(Also the fact he wants to make the islanders suffer to fuel their anger at the federation. He’s directly targeting their friends and pretty much caused the deaths of almost everyone on the island already)
“This isn’t you Bad.”
It always has been.
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chainoftalent · 3 months
I genuinely wish your yan kokichi was the standard im sick of gorey or physical punishment focused yan kokichi because it completely goes against the whole idea of DICE and likeee i get that he's a yan in this and all but not all yans are violent, if i search for yan kokichi i do NOT want to be called a kitten then stabbed in the thigh
A lot of yan (character) content is just insert anything and call it a day but yan content like yours? It feels like I'm actually reading a canon live version of the character if they were a yandere since you include their past, principles, nature into the writing and it's just chef's kiss🙏if you ain't got no fans I'm fighting in my grave bro
Yooo I'm so thrilled you'd say that. I get the appeal of the more violent stuff, it's really just the fact that I got into yandere content when i was an early teen, and now im in my twenties. I've seen the violent stuff a million times by now and its kinda lost its thrill. Like there was some really nonsensical gory kankri yandere stuff a loooong while back that i saw and I fucking loved it as an edgy teenager. However, when you get as much exposure as I have, you start craving other things. Like how horror movie fans get desensitized to certain tropes.
Honestly I don't even dislike gory yandere content now, I still rather like it honestly I love fucked up pregame fics because it's just fun to read what are essentially fun little horror stories. It's just not something I personally really want to play with in my own space.
I however have always been fascinated by obsession in media, whether it be over a person, or an item, or just anything. Psychology is a huge interest to me and obsession tropes tie into that nicely. So when I approach yandere content I make, I always try to play into how and why they would start showing these kinds of behaviors and how i think they would react to it. Kokichi is terrified of losing people and not having power, Shuichi is neglected and desperate, Mukuro never was really taught better, they're not just cliches they're fully fleshed out characters I enjoy exploring.
Which seems like "oh that's obvious you should do that" when I say it but its really really not, it takes a lot of practice with a trope to understand how to make the trope fit the characters instead of the characters fit the trope. If youre someone newer to writing with this trope, you're going to go "oh yanderes are all kidnap murders who have no other interests, so if i want to make fav character a yandere i need to make them a kidnap murderer with no other interests" and that's pretty normal.
Then only by doing that for a few years do you start realize that the trope can have a lot more nuance and flexibility and you can pick and choose what elements you want to use. Your first time knowingly playing with a trope will basically always be a stereotype of that trope, that's how we learn.
Honestly even if it can frustrate me at times to see yandere content so wildly out of character, it's all part of the process. Some may eventually learn to lean away from being overly gory, while others will learn to lean in to gore and violence but make it more personalized and nuanced.
Like there's a fun yandere kokichi fic of kokichi taking kiibo apart and keeping him deactivated to try and make sure he stays with him, which while not bloody, is a pretty violent act if you think about it, but it fits kokichi because technically hes not hurting him! It just takes practice to learn the more subtle stuff.
So while I don't disagree that I much prefer my version, I don't want to like actively put anyone down and be like "im so much better then all the other yandere blogs" like nah this is just my personal niche of preferring psychological horror to physical horror and I've been doing this niche for like a goddamn decade so I have a good eye for the details on it, and even then my own version is still inspired by other yandere kokichi stuff. It's all a circle! Which is why i dont mind if people do things inspired by my kokichi
Not to say you can't be really annoyed or anything obviously, I'm just a nerd who really likes this kind of stuff and finds all of it so so fascinating, I was super fixated on this trope as a teenager so I still love analyzing it. It can definitely be frustrating, and it's honestly half the reason I made this blog was because I was annoyed at how no kokichi yandere content involved dice despite it being such an interesting concept. It really does mean a lot to me that you like it so much, anyone I can convert to the cult of "psychological warfare based yanderes are underutilized and cool" is a welcome recruit mwahaha
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afterthefeast · 1 month
im finally watching ep8 of hotd and the thing is, it is actually not as bad as people are saying, but it’s also so obvious that its biggest problems are pacing undoubtedly stemming from the season being cut to 8 episodes that it’s really difficult to assess what’s actually not working about the season and what’s just the result of the pacing being off. obviously there’s the fact that the ending felt very much like it was setting up a next episode but even aside from that, things like aemond burning sharp point felt like it should’ve been half an episode in its own right rather than a footnote in this. tyland & lohar was fun and i liked it but that’s an interlude in the penultimate episode, not part of the finale. alicent’s journey through nihilism into psychological freedom happened pretty much entirely offscreen or while she was having a walk, and i have pretty much forgotten what criston is supposed to be doing he’s had so little attention since rook’s rest.
and more generally, it feels like they shot themselves in the foot by setting it up so that a lot of their cast this season were either entirely new or had only been played by their current actors late last season, so there’s a huge disparity between their level of character depth compared to the main cast. with some exceptions (aegon, addam, and alyn), the stuff that hit this season (rhaenyra & alicent, daemon’s harrenhal nightmare, criston losing the will to live, larys, mysaria) generally involved characters that we’d followed since episode 1 of season 1. and tee be aitch part of this is that tgc, clinton liberty and abubakar salim are very good at their jobs and can really sell their stuff, but even then like…the writing for jace, baela, rhaena, and aemond is just pretty shallow and it shows. they’re never gonna get like. rhaenyra alicent daemon criston levels of focus that’s fine but the writing for them should have a similar level of complexity to that of larys or mysaria or corlys and it just isn’t there imo. the problem with this is that hotd is not actually a big setpiece-heavy battle-focused show. it’s written for the people like me who like confusing dream sequences and psychosexual drama, and so because it can’t then fall back on season finale epic murder battle, its character work has to be really tight and this season i thought it was pretty hit or miss, but i can’t help wondering if a longer season would’ve let them do more with this.
anyway tldr i think a lot of it was a pacing problem but also i would love if jace or baela could be real characters next time
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drowningindango · 12 days
you might have made a post about it before but im dumb and dont know how to look ykyk- UHH- do you have any madaobi fic recs? your honor i looooove themm
especially darkfic, anything focusing on madaras manipulation and psychological torture of obito or just the more messed up side of it. i love when theyre complicated and messy and madara is madara and obito has that little cute bit of stockholm syndrome that makes his adult self so adorable
Well, anon, I can definitely try :) and, no, I haven't made a rec post before as far as I remember
I know you said darkfic, but since you didn’t specify whether you’re comfortable with nsfw (sex) or triggering topics, I’ll add some warnings for the individual fics anyway. 🤔 (Please also check the tags of the fic before reading)
I’m also tailoring this list to your interests mostly.
(So if anyone else wants to ask for madaobi recs that go into a different direction, like wholesome fluff, horror, any other genre, hit me up xD my personal taste goes more into the direction of them being like yin and yang, push and pull, give and take, where the power dynamic can be flipped in the blink of an eye)
oh, uh, and if you click on the fic titles it'll link you directly to the fic
Rec list:
Between Black (narzissus)
Nsfw, sexual content, canon compliant. Can definitely recommend this one for you. :)
find your way by moonlight (blackkat)
A fic that really got a nicely written messed up dynamic between them. Multiple warnings here: Obligatory nsfw and dub con/non con warning. madaobi is not the main ship of the fic and is not the endgame!!! And as far as I remember, it gets cut off very early in the story. The reason I still recommend the story is because it got exactly that complicated stockholm syndrome and manipulation going on that you want, and the story dives right into that with the first chapter. (And it’s deliciously good). …I admit that I’ve literally only read the madaobi parts xD
Sealed off (Glove)
A short fic by my good friend Glove (who has written a lot of madaobi fics and I can warmly rec them all, but I picked a few that fit your taste specifically). 💕 Sfw, gore. Features the seal on Obito's heart.
Eye to eye (Glove)
No sexual content, but non con intimacy. Very manipulative. Another short fic.
Promise of spring (Glove)
Warning: mentions of mpreg and forced pregnancy. No sexual content. Definitely contains psychological torture for Obito xD
Longing (Nalyra)
This one has other ships besides MadaObi (mind the tags), if you dislike that, skip this one. but 👀 it sure got aaaaall the manipulation, messy relationships etc. aspects for madaobi. And it does it well. Warnings: nsfw. It's smut. Lots of it. xD
Your Warmth Burns Me (DualDreamer)
Idk, I'll be so bold to throw in my own fic here, even though I don't know if it falls even remotely under your parameters. It's definitely not a darkfic. But it's dealing with complicated feelings Obito has and it's veeeeery short. Sfw.
This is my secret tip where I don't give a hoot about the parameters. xD Read any fic that's by enquiring_angel!!!!!!!! Just scroll through the madaobi tag on ao3 and if you see that name, click on it. She has such an amazing grip on the characters, I love her writing so much.
Secret tip: use online translator to read fic
Madaobi has a lot fans in the Chinese community on ao3. Can’t read Mandarin? Use a translator! Often the result will be a bit clunky but I found that once you get used to it, your brain can bridge the gap (like names that get messed up by the translator, or any grammar/sentence structure issues). There are some real gems out there. <3
Otherwise, I can only recommend looking on ao3 by yourself. If you filter out any languages you can’t read (and maybe add some tags you prefer), the number of madaobi fics is small enough and not too overwhelming to navigate. (There are probably some fics I missed because I didn’t read them/they’re not up my alley, but might be to your liking?)
I hope this list helps out for a start. ^^
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severance-official · 8 months
please PRETTY PLEASE share your meta about anything from the show 😔🙏♥️ (and also thanks for being here and giving updates. we probably have to wait a long time so let's make the best of it)
okay im giving up The Bit of being Lumoncore to answer this, namely because i have to start with this : anon i adore you, thank you so so much for send me this ask and for your enthusiasm! I'm so grateful ❤️
and yeah, the wait between seasons is already so rough, and having double strikes in the middle definitely extended the timeline. But I've got hope in my heart to see season two before 2026.
Anyway, the meta about this art, and specifically about Helly/Helena
So I have to start by saying how much I adore the overlap style of color in the art. Not only is it beautiful and evocative of both the raw energy in postmodern art and the overlay of the self that is commented on with the severance process, but it really hits at the core overlaps between Helly and Helena.
The caption "self-loathing" feels directly focused on Helly hating Lumon and also specifically hating her other half. Her journey begins with "I don't want to be here" and then she's immediately told that escape is impossible because Helena wants her to be here.
"You are not a person, I am."
Helly is a person and she refuses to let anyone tell her otherwise. She cannot leave, and her hatred of Helena results in self harm because it's the only way she can harm Helena, because, of course, they are the same body.
If Helena is a person, then so is Helly. And if Helly has to suffer, so will Helena.
Both of their hands on the chopping block, but only Helly holds the blade. The extension cord noose.
Helly only gets what she wants when she causes harm. But that's still not enough.
She nearly dies when she hangs herself and Helena still sends her(self) back there.
Because if Helena is a person, then Helly is too. And I would argue that Helly is trapped, but Helena is too.
The main things we learn about Helena are at the gala. Another one of my favorite posts that goes along with this meta is this comparison of the apology repetition and young Helena reciting the core principles. Lumon is a cult, Jame Eagan is obviously a true believer of that cult, and he has indoctrinated Helena into that same cult.
Cults are abusive. I fully believe Helena was abused as a child. Even if the only evidence we have is "repeat this mantra before bed, no I wont let you sleep until you do" I would consider that abuse. And we see the psychological abuse of the severed workers and we see the implied physical abuse with Mark's bruised knuckles. So who knows what else Jame authorized to happen to Helena growing up, but I can't imagine it was good. Cults never are.
Helena is trapped, just like Helly is.
Helly's (self)hatred of Helena is more than just Helly hating her oppressor, the person sending her back here. And it's more than just Helly's hatred of Lumon, as Helena becomes a good motif not just for an individual (like Mark's outie is) making a small bad choice, but as part of the institution facilitating the pain on a large scale.
If we follow the theory that the innies/worksonas carry a core element of the innate personality of their irl counterparts, then my argument is that Helly contains Helena's own self-hatred.
Not the hatred of an outside force, not even the hatred of her father (thought that probably is there too).
The hatred of the fact that she is part of a system she, even with all her privilege, is not safe in. In a system that says "you were given the noose, but get back in there". She is letting this system chew her up and spit her out.
In part, she doesn't know anything else.
But I think Helly shows us that some small part of Helena knows this is wrong. She does not want to be here and she wants out.
Helena can't get out. Helly's odds are worse, but if there is a way out, she will find it.
I would like to conclude this thesis with the open eye at the center of the original drawing. Helly knows her own internal truth (I want out) but is not allowed to see the larger pieces at play, who controls Lumon, and what the real world is like. Helena lives in the real world, but cannot access the inner strength to get free. Perhaps she's been brainwashed in this cult for so long, she doesn't even conscious know she wants to be free of it.
It's only when they're "together" with Helly controlling their shared body in the real world, that they have any shot at getting out.
But the tear track, under their shared eye? I believe there's a moment, when Helly sees Helena say "I would never ask them to do something I am not willing and excited to do myself" that she learns they're both trapped. And we've done this all from Helly's point of view but I bet, waking up choking? Being in the hospital only to go back down the elevator again? Helena has had the same realization.
If Helena is a person, so is Helly. If Helly is trapped, so is Helena.
They finally see the full picture of what they're up against. And the tragedy would be, even together, how matter how hard they fight, they might not win.
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thescreamcorner · 2 months
hi! same anon. it's been a minute. i do think we're on the same page a bit, even if we don't come to the same conclusions, so i really like that!
i don't have super strong opinions on like self misdiagnosing and symptom faking. you talked about it a lot, but it doesn't really bother me too much because i don't think people like that are necessarily solely responsible for the spread of medical/psychology misinformation. a lot of pop psychology comes from sort of laconic dissemination (i.e. rauscher's mozart effect study) and a sort of regurgitation of stuff from therapy from all sorts of corners. self dx i'm sure plays a part in that, but like. i think there's other aspects of it as well. but i think we sort of come from different settings vis a vis that. (my dating life is peppered with so many ppl who think i'm a therapist and know about their pop psychology isms LMFAO)
fwiw i do sort of get the isolated feeling of DID. not to the extent that it upsets you for sure, but like. i kinda get it. i suspect i may have osdd myself, but it's very difficult to find discussion of that that isn't based on THE one pro-or-con issue, and the community has pretty strong opinions focusing almost entirely on it, when not only do i not agree with either side, but i'm also just trying to find people's experiences.
also if i may address luna-space (cogneuro icon btw you were not rude at all), because luna's askbox was not opened and i'm sure you want to know too!
you do raise a good point, psychology IS the study of brain AND BEHAVIOR. i'm just kind of neuroscience pilled i spend too much time in my funny office box doing connectivity analyses. and thinking it over i do think behavior DOES play a role in symptomology. i just dont think it should play the ONLY role.
if i may return to my bipolar, schizophrenia, and depression example. (btw Brett Clementz is the main guy i know for bipolar+schizophrenia overlap research. he did a lot of stuff there.) both bipolar and depression have depressed mood as a symptom (schizophrenia arguably too as negative symptoms like flat affect and anhedonia can fall into this, but i digress). however, schizophrenia has a similar sort of pattern of activity to bipolar, and while yes, bipolar and depression both affect mood, the fact that i've had whole lectures in undergrad with instructors pointing out the subtle differences between bipolar and schizophrenia (the primary difference being the psychosis) before i knew about this is a bit questionable for a mood disorder and a psychosis disorder.
idk how necessarily to cite something i see a lot of in general i.e. the tendencies research. i know we do some sliding scale stuff with a certain condition that i do not wish to say because i do not wish to get doxxed or anything. i'll give you some other dois tho.
the paper i was referencing for the bullying thing. it's more a developmental thing, but i think that stuff still falls under the plasticity umbrella. -> https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2019.01.054
and here's a paper about other diagnostic models i thought was interesting (i dont know if i FULLY agree with it but i think it's a start) -> https://doi.org/10.1353/ppp.2020.0020
sorry if im being too nerdy in your ask box btw i'd say this is my job but really my job is writing this goddamn paper about brain networks. not sending tumblr asks XD
I unfortunately do not have the brainpower to really read this too thoroughly but I appreciate the ask and the empathetic viewpoints regardless, and will share it so Luna gets a chance to see it too since it's not just @ me ^^;
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tasteofgummies · 2 years
hi! so i was wondering if you could do one those jotaro x you hcs, any part is fine! (both sfw and nsfw 👉👈)
physically im small built, and have long brown hair. im quite pale and have dark eyes.
tho i look lowkey fragile im told im persuasive and usually like to lead, but im very soft spoken and gentle.
i really like philosophy and psychology and would LOVE to hear the one and only ocean man rant about his favourite subjects too.
Jotaro x you ✨
This will be fairly neutral, but reader would be a bottom, if this is something you're uncomfortable with, tell me and I'll change it
Also this leans more towards college!Jotaro? In the space between part 3 and 4, after Egypt, before Morioh
*Jotaro is the blue text
>To Jotaro, you kinda look like a doll
>He's huge compared to average person, so he isn't new to towering over the others
>But you look honestly like a bunny and he's kinda wary not to break you when you two meet
>He notices how your personality is strong without coming off as aggressive in the process, you're gentle, but you can stand out for yourself without help
>He's not really the social butterfly type, so I think you become part of the few people he can tolerate having around him
>Until he notices people flirting with you and realizes he doesn't want you as just anyone else, you're special to him
>But he won't do anything about it, and if it wasn't for you taking the lead, it would have stayed that way
>He probably realizes he crossed the line between "I kinda like them" and "I'm in love with them" when you showed genuine interest in what he likes, and add your own knowledge to the mix
> He was focused on a project, specifically about Eels
> "Did you know Freud was obsessed with proving male eels existed?"
> "Sounds rather unproductive, they're genderless most of their life"
> "Yeah, but he didn't knew that, maybe he wouldn't have killed so many if he knew"
> "He still would have done it." Jotaro's response surprised you, you would have expected the conversation to end after that, specially because he sounded, philosophical? Was he actually listening to you all the time?
> He continued "He knew eels reproduced sexually, because he knew females existed. He didn't want to prove they existed, he just wanted to find one to feel better, when you're researching something you love, the last thing in your mind is to kill them. People just can't accept some creatures want to be left alone"
> He sounded rather serious, you felt uneasy thinking that may be a hint, Jotaro knew you liked him, and he seemed to reciprocate, but you were at that situationship stage right now, so you were straight forward
> "Do you wish to be left alone?"
> "Most of the time, yes. I don't want to be dissected so people can say they know things about me for the sake of knowing, without any concern for how they get it"
> You just muttered a apology and tried to left, embarrassed
> Jotaro panicked. "I wasn't talking about you..."
> "I really want to get what you're saying, but the eel analogy is confusing"
> "I'm- I'm saying you care about me in a way people don't tend to care. You like me how I like starfishes" he blushed, it's honestly funny how socially awkward a guy like him can be
> "And do you like me like that?"
> He nodded, without taking his eyes out of the papers he was working on
> And that's how you get a marine biologist boyfriend
Nsfw ahead
CW: oral, handjobs, dirty talk (kinda?), rough sex, cum in reader's body
>Despite the fandom's tendency to put him as a hard daddy dom sex god, I think he was a virgin for a long time
>He was never really interested in other people, he always felt like they cared about him like a social commodity rather than a human being
> People got close to him to say they fucked Jotaro Kujo, whether it was for his looks or reputation
> So when you told him you were ready to take things further, he was nervous
>He wants to be in control, but if you're eager enough, you can make him take a more submissive role
>Isn't really loud, but his panting and heavy breathing is hot enough
>Made the cutest sounds when you gave him a handjob for the first time
>"Wait, that's- ahhh~ ♡"
>Shies away from penetrative sex for quite a while, making you cum with his fingers and tongue is enough for him
>Even without his dick, you do get overstimulated quite a few times in your sessions, the first times it's accidental, and you have to reassure him you like it
>Doesn't always indulge you when you plead for more, thinking he can hurt you and you won't realize being too deep in subspace
>The first time he gets his cock inside you, wants you to be on top of him
> Has a size kink he won't acknowledge
> Grips the bedsheets impossibly tight to stop himself from grabbing your hips and bouncing you on him
> You're so tight around him, and even on top of him, you just look so small:(
> If you do want him to berserk on you, just tell him, and then annoy him while he's working
> Will bend you over his desk and ram into you from behind while groans in your ear
> "Do you really think I can deal with you being a brat? Right now?"
> Cums in your asscheeks, hot and sticky, then he slides off you and leaves you there while he starts running a bath for you
> You can feel the bruises forming on your hips, and your cum from multiple orgasms dripping down your thighs
>But you don't regret a thing
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beehiveofblorbos · 3 months
Tumblr media
happy birthday Kokichi! i took my crack at drawing him XD hopefully ill have done him justice
for what would be his 24th birthday, im gonna take some of my top kokichi quotes and break down why i love them so much and how they illustrate his best character traits and moments. Quotes will be above cut, explanation will be under cut, numbers will line up
1. “It's funny... Is your common sense really so similar to everyone else's common sense? Is what you believe to be right based on your common sense also right for everyone else?” To Kaede, at the end of their second Free Time Event.
2. "As soon as that thought entered your head, Monokuma had you right where he wanted. Because what mattered most to Monokuma is that the killing game started. Regardless of your reasons, the moment you felt the urge to kill, you had already lost. You agreed to be part of this killing game when you allowed murder to fill your heart." To Kaede, at the end of trial 1, after the vote and before the execution.
3. “If you keep saying all this uplifting stuff about working together and cooperating... ...then you can expect to receive some painful retaliation. Get it?" Ch2, during group discussion
4. "But I like playing on Mean difficulty. Also, I don't run from battles in RPGs, either! I wanna win this killing game! So I'm not gonna run from it, I'm gonna crush it! That'll be waaaay less boring, don'tcha think?" Ch2, another group discussion (iirc)
5. “If you’re planning to expose a liar, you have to corner them psychologically… only then will they reveal their true self as a liar, hiding beneath a layer of deceit!” Ch2 and ch4 trial, during the debate
okok honestly originally I was intending to do 24, but I am so tired and also really pushing it on time. I will reblog this later with additions till I get to 24, though, so stay tuned! Hope to finish by end of month
1. As y’all know, I really love Oumatsu whether it be romantic or platonic. They’re both leader figures, both willing to go to morally grey measures, both focused on directly confronting the mastermind and the killing game, both stubborn liars, both self-sacrificing till their self-sacrificial end. Across all my pondering about Kokichi’s plans and plots, I’ve never come to any conclusions suggesting that he’d been planning to take any significant action in ch1. I think that was the closest time he was to “cooperating” with the group. I think he really did want to survive with everyone else, just as she did. He is fully aware that very few to none agree with his common sense. But with his awareness of what other people’s common sense looks like (and the jokes + teasing comments he makes sounding people out)
2. This is the moment I started to sit up and pay attention to Kokichi. Kaede is prone to assumptions and charging ahead with what she thinks is best for the group. Once again, she’s charged ahead on her own, and this time the mistake was fatal. Still, even as he criticizes her (noting that she fell into Monokuma’s trap the minute she decided to kill, and Kaede takes this in stride), he offers her the highest compliment he seems to give (the one he wants to receive as well when his death approaches) - that she wasn’t boring. Not only that, he displays his own insight. Instead of only focusing on the tragedy before him, he looks ahead to the larger picture. He focused on the collective enemy, Monokuma, and how this case impacts the class’s position.
3. Again, he’s looking at the big picture. Up until this point, he tries to make suggestions to the group about how to act. However, this also doubles as a clear warning. He’s learned from paying attention to Monokuma’s actions in ch1, and he learns fast. He takes this killing game so seriously!!!
4. Kokichi is someone who looks for the most complete and thorough victory possible, to ensure he’s fully handled the situation. He also enjoys challenges and games; so of course he’d have fun creating small little rules for himself to keep things interesting. Applying this mindset to the killing game to remain flexible and openminded, while reducing fear, is an admirable moment of self manipulation and encouragement as well. And I’ll talk more about his definition of “winning” later.
5. For one, it’s a bookend quote! He says it both in this trial and the last trial he’s alive during. Secondly, it’s a clever tactic, especially for V3 where frankly? The evidence isn’t always enough to concretely convict a culprit. Kokichi has a fantastic sense for people, and his strategy of sounding someone out by provoking and annoying them repeatedly is really intriguing and endearing to me.
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
Can I just say that im obsessed with the last line on the divorce fic????
“The house is silent”
Because like ????? This implies that the house was an entity in itself, an entity born from the love between zandik and widow and consequently extends itself towards Theo
And it’s like something you don’t really notice when reading the fic because we’re so focused on the characters that we neglect the house itself
Anyways just like their marriage, the house is no longer as lively and in the end when widow takes Theo with her, the house becomes silent
ahhh I wanna say more but I haven’t eaten so gtg eat bfast
“The house was an entity in itself” “we neglect the house itself” ohhhhhh you are about to get a not at fucking ALL normal reply about that-
So as of late I have become hyperfixated on this one indie game developer Kitty Horrorshow. She creates a lot of psychological horror games/experiences, most notably her haunted cities collections and the game most would know her for, Anatomy. The game, if you haven’t played it or watched a let’s play of it, has you walk all around an abandoned house looking for tapes where the narrator describes the house and breaks down how the different rooms and parts of the house can relate to Anatomy. I fucking love the dissection vs vivisection rant just for the closing line.
“When a house is both hungry and awake, every room becomes a mouth.”
I wanna just like mention for some fucking reason in like my previous Dottore wips, when I had trouble writing him, for some reason reading the transcript of that game just worked? Like I don’t know why the game about a haunted house where the house IS the haunting helped me write about a blue hair with pronouns mad scientist war criminal, but I wasn’t gonna complain. It’s a good game.
Anyways this is just a long way to say that vibe was only like partially intentional. I meant it with the stars for sure, saying how they stare at Dottore in contempt because now they’ve lost their purpose. But you noting how the house has gone silent because Zandik and Widow created it and Theo and Widow’s presence kept it lively? Not intentional, but god I wish it was because like the set up is there. Dottore noticed they were gone because he couldn’t hear breathing. He knew they were gone because of the absence of life. God that would’ve been so fuckin smart. Aughhhh.
Why am I being not normal about a house. Who cares it’s self indulgent for me. I get to sprinkle in my psychological horror references and reminisce about how I wanted to be a horror author when I was little.
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hourcat · 2 years
Having brain rot about piarles thanos snap AU where one of them got dusted but has now returned and the angsty aftermath of it all. Having to deal with someone you’ve mourned and left behind coming back vs returning to find that years have passed and the person you love has changed beyond recognition and learnt to live without you. Thoughts?
my immediate first thought is that charles is the one who gets dusted. and pierre just collapses in on himself, goes dark and shuts down and doesn't know how to go on without charles, but he grows into this hardened, focused version of himself bc if he keeps all the parts alive that used to love charles then he'll just die of anguish. (this is what im eventually gonna explore in the black sails au - the lengths pear goes to avenge and mourn and grieve losing charles, the thing he turns into when he no longer has that foundational love with him. sobs)
and the CHARLES angst of coming back like nothing happened at all only to find this version of pierre and wonder: is this the same man i love? do i know how to love this version of him? can i still love this version of him? and the answer is yes of course because they're soulmates etc etc but the course it takes to get there again. the way charles will have to reassure him he's here, he's not going anywhere every night when pierre wakes up in a cold sweat from another nightmare about losing him. the way pierre will cry for an entire day when charles first comes back because he mourned, he did, he buried charles only he's still here? and now has to unmourn, which is just psychologically devastating.
im no longer an mcu girlie but the way pierre would pull a hawkeye and just go entirely cold is so.....💔💔
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About Spectra🕷
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The "good" doctor has always been trapping people in her webs. As a well skilled psychologist she used her know how of people to get what she wanted, especially through her clients. Wether it's persuading extra pay offers, sharing confidential info, she'd do anything for the right price. Eventually though the consequences of her less ethical practices catched up to her and bit her hard, literally! Now she continues to haunt the world, trying to trap people in her webs, this time they’re even harder to get out of!”.
For her I'm getting rid of the search for beauty and focusing on her being a person who takes advantage of others for her self gain. I'm thinking of making her dark neutral. She mostly does what she does for her self gain and won't go to more trouble than she has to, for what she wants and willing to work with anyone, for the right price. On the other hand her utter lack of care for the people around her as well as her willingness to abuse her power usually makes her an enemy. She also takes joy in causing the misfortune and doesn’t show much concern or remorse for it, especially if its someone she hates.
I also want to push the parallel between her and Jazz more,both being people I with skills and interest in psychology. She could be what Jazz became if she jsut stopped caring about helping people with their issues and used them to only benefit herself. I’m thinking form a young age, Spectra was aware of humanity not being naturally good and saw that more and more as she grew. Eventually she adapted a ““let them be evil” mindset and worked to be just as, if not more cunning and underhanded than the people around her.
Spectra-You can etheir be their prey or they can be yours.
Im thinking for her ep, Jazz at first likes and really looks up to her especially for her profession(fun fact, OG Jazz in one of her futures goes to Yale, which I’m headcanon Spectra graduated from) Perhaps feels like she’s able to confide to her, always trying to look out for everyone else especially her brother, it’s nice to have someone care about her business, perhaps even encouraged Jazz to care for herself more. She’s definetley much more hurt to say the least when she realizes Spectra’s true colors. I can honestly see Spectra see a bit of herself in Jazz, even has some respect for Jazz’s ability to connect with others, with that said she wouldn’t hesitate to use Jazz as Phantom bait if it benefits her or she proved to be too much of an inconvenience. Which….
She and Jazz, have a sort of similar parallel to Vlad and Danny, if perhaps not as intense.
Headcanon VA-Teri Hatcher(Other Mother, Coraline), Kathleen Barr(Queen Chrysalis, My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic), Amy Landecker(Dr. Emilia KATAOWB), Allison Janey- Goldie O Gilt, Ducktales, Wendi Malick( Beatrice Horseman Bojack Horseman, also Eda Clawthorne The Owl House), Faye Mata(Katie Killjoy, Hazbin Hotel), Jean Smart(Depression Kitty, Big Mouth), Amy Sedaris(Princess Carolyn, Bojack Horseman), April Winchell(Ms. Finster, Recess).
Abilities- Can make webs that can drain someone's energy as well as trap and grab things and people, even make things out of said webbing and people, can crawl and climb all over walls and ceilings, can shoot out her webbing Spider-Man style, can remove her body parts and attach them back on(like sewing a doll), can fit herself into small spaces, high jumper, very flexible, sharp claws, legs and teeth, venomous bite, experience and skill in Psychology, dark empath, master manipulator, great vision(especially since she can move her eyes around), a sense of danger(like a spidey sense Spectra-NOT LIKE SPIDER-MAN!), good with the piano, experienced in forgery, knows ASL(picked it up for clients with hearing disabilities), great charisma, greater lying and great with textile.
@tachvintlogic​ helped gave me a lot of good ideas on how her web powers can work! 
Weaknesses- Webs can only last so long before she needs to remake them, weak ghost so she cant use too much and will etheir need new people to drain energy from or wait and conserve herself, she or her webs aren’t great getting wet, not strong in cold temperatures, strength if webs depend on her own state, hence why she drains people so much, not the greatest with modern tech, hard to trust even when she’s telling the truth, has little to no compassion, huge ego and too selfish for her own good.
If a person is physically or mentally down already, her webs can drain more out.
Likes- Psychology(more so using it on people), draining people, negative emotions and energy, DRAMA, textile, weaving, sewing, knitting, macrame, textile especially weave art, textile puns, dark comedy, fine arts, acting fine and cultured, getting spa treatments, vintage things, silk, red wine, insects and spiders(to eat), brunch, French cuisine, devilled eggs, coffee, dark chocolate, bitter tastes, cappuccino, brunch, fashion, gossip, piano music, the night, the color red, reading, philosophy, psychological horror/thrillers, dark spaces, interior design shows, reality tv shows(especially for the drama), and getting what she wants.
Dislikes- Jazz, Danny Phantom, Sidney( on the plus side, he’s got tons of negativity she can drain from him, on the downside it’s hard to when he can slice you to threads with his pincers in a matter of seconds), Danny’s puns, Walker and his enforcement, a lot of the ghosts in the Zone(they def reciprocate her feelings), people getting in her way, having to deal with teenagers, getting poked by needle and pins, Bertrand's snark and sass, being weak, the color blue, Jazz’s essential oils(fun fact spiders don’t like smells like lavender, peppermint or the color blue, especially light blue which Jazz wears a lot), bright lights, being called "Other Mother", being called “old”, not having her coffee, when the coffee shops get her order wrong or puts the wrong name on the cup, rain, her work getting ruined, getting wet, the cold, missing threads, loose ends, people commenting on her age and being screwed over.
Fav food- Misery ofcourse😭
Second fav- Spiders. They help her gain energy is spiders and the webbing in them🕷She'll go for insects as well🦋🐞🪲(Likes dipping such as dark chocolate or cheese covered ones like cocoa beetles).
Loves to target teens for all their hormones as well as middle-age adults. Mid-Life crisis’ are gold mines for her.
Will now and then team up with Vlad🧛‍♂️ Especially if it involves revenge on the Fenton Family. He’s one of the few ghosts she actually gets along with. With that said, they wouldn’t hesitate to turn on each other when push comes to shove. I can totally see them brunch while badmouthing people(especially the Fentons). 
Can make silk from her webbing. It’s very soft and smooth…perfect to get it on people😈
Enjoys making dolls of people she hates so she can destroy them for stress relief.
Usually smells like vintage perfume. It’s not bad but she tends to wear a lot on her, usually trying to cover up anything like say…ecto.
Though she hates the cold, has her office still cold as it makes clients accept her gifts more or warm up with stuff she made. As well as to cover up Phantom’s Ghost senses. She uses her own webbing to keep herself warm enough.
When under Walker's control, kept far away from the other prisoners so she can't feed too much on their misery. He has her do psycho-analysis of the inmates, to figure out what makes them tick. One of her biggest cases is Sidney Pointdexter. Her cell tends to have a bunch of cobwebs in it, her bed having layers and crafted pillows from her own webbing for comfort.
Made Bertrand with her powers. Reference to Other Father. The main reason he does her bidding’s because he needs her webbing to keep him together. She made him basically to do all the grunt work, she doesn’t want to waste energy on(cleaning her office, organizing her files, coffee runs, scaring the students so they’ll need to get counselled and can drain them, etc).
Also tends to have Bertrand prepare snacks and drinks for the students, to make them feel more comfortable( and TOTALLY not to make sure one doesnt end up passing out if too much energy was drained). A bit of a reference to how Other Mother lured Coraline with delicious food.
Died in 1990. Gaiman started writing the story, Coraline(Spectras inspired by Other Mother) in 1990. Died via, Black widow spider bite🕷
Got her degrees from Yale👩‍🎓 She brags about that ALOT to people. Blackmailed her psych professor.
When she isn’t draining people of their misery, will now and then swindle  people for quick crash. Her fav tactic is selling people knockoff fashion products, which after the purchase don’t even last(as she made them with her webbing). 
Prefers cash over credit💵.
Sometimes makes fake products or steals things like Chanel and Gucci for herself, to make people think she’s rich and classy👜
She and Klemper knew each other as kids🕷☃️.
Her footsteps and fingers hitting the surface sounds like needles🪡
Has definetley been involved in quite a few pyramid schemes.
Would love Melvina’s Therapy.
Keeps a sewing kit on her🧵🪡
Likes to hum. Usually "the itsy bitsy spider"🕷
Loved puppet shows as a kid. Still enjoys them now. 
She made a lot of the clothes she wears. Even made Bertrand a sleeveless vest, def not to drain him ofcourse...
Can move her extra eyes around her face. Likes to do it to creep people out.
How she died. Still working out the details but it was partly because of a black widow spider bite, was an act of revenge(client or someone close to the client she’d been screwing over) and  it wasn’t a peaceful death to say the least.
What do u think? Any headcanons u have for Spectra. I'd love to know💖
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cleromancy · 9 months
ive been having a harder time reading within the past... idk several months at least. and at first i thought it was an ADHD/depression issue, with the attention span being the main problem, but ive never had this problem at this level with reading before in my entire life--reading mainly gets hard for me if the wording was very dense or excessively dry, and even then that felt different.
but lately ive noticed also that i have maybe some trouble focusing my vision, and maybe some light is smearier, and ive also absolutely had instances of like, mixing up letters that im reading and only noticing i got them wrong when i squint. which could be my vision getting worse particularly if what got worse was my very mild astigmatism. but ive also been contemplating whether i might have migraines more frequently than i had previously realized and the blurring/smearing and irritability would track especially if part of the problem is a milder form of reading aphasia, and i mainly only wonder if its that bc increasing the text size doesnt help that much (like, its definitely worse for itty bitty font, but increasing from for example 12 point to 14 point doesnt make it feel any easier to read)
my working hypothesis is there is definitely some level of vision issue, whether physical or neurological. i do think its also got a psychological component but bc it Does feel different to when ive experienced difficulty in the past when that was the culprit. yeah i think vision.
so. i gotta. go to the stupid eye doctor first for sure
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void-inked-pen · 2 years
hi! i saw your critique of tmnt 2012 and i was wondering where you got your info? or where i could learn more ig
sorry im just really curious!
There's no problem in asking!
a lot of my info comes from my own personal experience and understanding of martial arts! I started practicing the bo staff and learned some of the basics but also I was a black belt in tae kwon do!
Studying fighting styles and martial arts in general is not only a personal passion of mine but is also a part of my career as an action board artist. Watching tournaments and listening to fellow martial artists as well as how other people portray this information in media is a fun study along with psychology for me.
As an animator, when I made those critiques about how the characters fight, it was out of person frustration with the incorrect representation and also using gimmicks of fighting that aren't... useful. ever. (I will forever hate 2012 donnie being portrayed as weak when his weapon is a staple of martial arts FOR A REASON!!) but I also want to point out that they made that show in a time when more action-oriented shows were starting to gain attention. Anime helped influence a lot of 2012's mannerisms but because the show was done in 3D, that creates a LOT of limitations.
Most of my knowledge on the subject is from self-studying for YEARS, personal training with a master, and my job. I know quite a few martial artists who watched 2012 actually reached out to me in shock that they always felt the action in the show was a bit off and didn't realize until I pointed out the flaws. You don't always see this sort of thing a lot of the time but when a nerd who focuses a lot of their brain on action (like me) comes around and points it out, it can help you process what's going on and WHY something doesn't work.
when it comes to studying action, I would suggest watching your favorite action movies and figure out why something did or didn't work from a narrative or visual perspective. A great example of some of the best action I've seen in a directed movie, is Jackie Chan's movies. He, himself, is a martial artist and for most of those movies he directed them HIMSELF. the reason why avatar the last airbenders action was so good is because they had a professional martial artist on set, 24/7, helping them with moves and directing the board artists. I'm gonna leave two videos I HIGHLY recommend you watch if you wanna understand this stuff more in depth, there's a ton of stuff about action and what works and doesn't in a cartoon or show that is so important to my specific craft~
Hope this helps some!!
(sorry for the long post jsdhfjskd im very passionate about action~)
and thank you for the question!! I would love to talk action more with you guys~ so long as you ask legit questions and are not rude, I will answer them to the best of my ability :3
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
Obsessed with this last series of quotes from the book with the players talking about what it felt like to play hockey at that cup-winning all-powerful kind of level:
"no matter what pressure i recieved from opponents, everything was standing still. I moved much quicker, much faster - doing a lot of things to help the team win the game. I get 29-30 faceoffs every game [....]. That's a lot of work, but i realized that i started getting better. And even the film shows that everybody else was standing still, but I was moving. It was an amazing feeling." - feder*v
This idea of the 'zone', where you're so focused on the task at hand that time goes mushy, and every action feels very intentional. That's a very intellectual, creative thing too. I've experienced it in writing, in drawing, and even in programming or conceptual mathematics proofs sometimes. And i will confess, i never thought it could be a creative part of athleticism as well. That exclusively 'jock' sort of side was so devoid of my life, i would never have considered it. I think its one of the reasons larion*v fascinates me - he kind of found it easy to straddle lines - russ*a vs the un*ted states, brain vs body. I think he was so successful at it because he didnt listen to the pressure telling him he could only be one thing.
Anyway the book defines this phenomenon as this:
"the zone - they seem to be able to anticipate a sequence of events so they're exactly where they need to be"
My way of relating to this is definitely on the arts side. For me the brute force practice is always the little doodles - the studies of anatomy and color. Usually where im focusing so much on trying to replicate something that i've turned the creative part of my brain off. The 'zone' only happens when im drawing something from imagination - the creative part definitely turned on. And everything kind of falls into place, and I'm using stuff that is stored in my memory, but am effortlessly translating it into exactly what i want to see on the page. This only happens in like 10% of my art. Probably why im such a shit artist. I imagine with professional athletes the percentage of time spent in the zone would have to be a LOT higher, especially during playoffs.
"flow - the psychology of optimal experience - a state in which people are completely absorbed in an activity, especially an activity which involves creative abilities. During this optimal experience they feel strong, alert, in effortless control, unselfconscious and at the peak of their abilities"
SIGH the dream. I do like that the book just blantaly states that hockey is creative haha :D Why HAVENT there been more ex hockey player artists, i feel like someone should get on this. Someone tell geno or sid to take a few conceptual art courses at cmu or something :P
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~Hello, hello, hello.~
I’d like send in an application for your blind date services! 📝
Personality: INFJ, 6w5 (6-3-9)
I’m currently in school studying dentistry (aka constantly burning the midnight oil and inhaling caffeine). Why? Becuase I want to help people get over their psychological hurdles of fear.
My friends say I’m pretty laid back, reserved, and even-tempered, but known to make unanticipated snarky zingers (of course, all in good fun). My friends who tend to be anxious gravitate towards me during stressful times and bend my ear when they need to vent.
In my friend group I’m the one the usually takes a backseat and observes, contributing only when I think I have something good to say. I’d be hellbent if someone came after any of them, because they’re my chosen few. I value loyalty and authenticity.
Im open to any male villain, clone, or Jedi!
Thank you so much!
Sorry I sat on your "application" for so long. I had a couple ideas I was going back and forth on for you, in the end decided to take a gamble and set you up with this guy since you mentioned villain. I think he's in need of a nice time out!
Your date is...
✨Orson Krennic!✨
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This man is a workaholic, which will be evident by the way he hurries into the restaurant to meet you, several minutes late, cheeks pink from his hasty journey over. He apologizes profusely and even gives you a sweet kiss on the hand as he joins you at the table. He is nothing if not chivalrous. You do catch him checking his datapad by his lap from time to time, but if you call him out on it, he'll quickly fall into a ramble about all the pressures he's under at work, the deadlines he's pushing his team to meet, the frustrations he has in working with certain people who aren't as passionate as he....
The more he talks with you, the more he's able to breathe. Your mild temper and cute little smiles are enough to calm him down, make him feel understood. And before long, after some wine and a few questions of his you answer to show him who you are, he finds himself forgetting all those worries that so often vie for his attention. He is comfortable in your presence. What a rare and special occurrence.
Though he will inevitably be pulled away, there will always be a part of his thoughts focused exclusively on you. He was amused by your occasional teasing quips, fascinated by your sharp observations, and enchanted by your commitment to your studies. If you wanted to see him again, he would carve out as much time in his schedule for you as possible.
Want to be set up on a blind date with a Star Wars character?
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