#so in a way I’m also responsible so I’m rlly proud of myself for standing up for myself with dignity n conviction I’ve dealt w enough pain
gentlesounds · 2 years
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pietrosskinnyjeans · 3 years
The one where you comfort him
It had been just under 2 months since the battle of Sokovia, when I had used my healing abilities to bring Pietro Maximoff back to life.  Before this, I had only healed mild wounds, cuts and sprains, so after the shock of realising I was able to resurrect, my god complex was at an all time high. Pietro and his sister weren’t all too fond of me to begin with, given the destruction my father’s weapons had brought upon their lives. However, they certainly warmed up to me after I saved Pietro. I’m not all that mad about it though, I mean, who doesn’t love a good ol’ enemies to lovers trope? I know this isn’t wholly appropriate to think, considering that he is my teammate and dating him would cause a plethora of issues. But, he’s a 6 foot tall, blue eyed boy with an 8 pack and a slavic accent, how could I not think about such things?
 Adjusting to American life as avengers hadn’t been easy for the twins, but I’d like to think that I was helpful as possible, introducing them to American traditions and assisting them in improving their English. Although, regardless of any of my actions, or any of the teams’, it was apparent Pietro wasn’t adjusting all that well. Wanda had mentioned to me he had quite a reputation in Sokovia, and was anything but introverted, yet here it appeared that he had completely retreated into his shell. I mean, can’t really blame him though, if I was resurrected I think I would have gone through a full scale mental breakdown, wondering whether my life had meaning, and whether I was meant to be revived in the first place. Oh, and he was also living with the person who invented the things which were responsible for his parents death, so that probably wasn't very fun. 
 Wanda had gone out to pick up the takeaway we were having for dinner with Natasha, Clint and Steve. Whilst it may have seemed a little excessive to bring 4 people to pick up takeaway to anyone else, you must be reminded how much food it takes to take to feed a team of ‘enhanced individuals’ as the government calls us. I mean, Pietro can eat 5 whole pizzas on his own without breaking a sweat. 
 Bruce and my dad were in the lab, so I went looking for my favourite wannabe Guy Fieri so I wasn’t standing around the compound by myself like a sad loner (I mean seriously, with that hair he could be a Vegas impersonator or something (perhaps a future career to pursue if this whole ‘avengers thing’ doesn’t work out??)). 
 I walked towards his bedroom and knocked lightly, not wanting to waltz into his room unannounced. He opened the door, the somber impression that was present on his face fading rather quickly, and was replaced by a false sense of content. 
 ‘Hey princeza, you want to come into my room?’ he said playfully, a small smirk forming on his lips. 
 ‘Sure I don’t mind, just wanted someone to talk to. Everyone is either in the lab or going to get food.’ I stated rather bluntly, butterflies appearing once I noticed how close he was to me. 
 He opened the door wider and gestured for me to enter his room. I entered and immediately noticed The Dick Van Dyke Show playing on his TV. ‘odd choice’ I thought to myself. 
 ‘Didn’t take you as someone who liked watching old American sitcoms, Pietro’ I said, chuckling slightly
 At my remark, his face dropped slightly, as he stared reminiscently at the TV. 
 I looked at him, and realised tears were beginning to well in his eyes. 
 ‘Are you ok?’ I asked, to which he cleared his throat and responded 
with ‘fine’  rather harshly. 
 Instinctively, I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, to which he failed to shake off, and began to speak, starting to sense what the matter was. 
 ‘ Hey, I know you’ve had to be strong for the longest time. You’ve had to be there to protect your sister, comfort her, and suppress your own feelings in the process.  But listen to me when I say this, Piet, you don’t have to be so strong anymore. You no longer have to suppress all these emotions you feel. You have Clint, Nat, the whole team. I momentarily averted my gaze, before staring into his sapphire eyes once more. You have me. 
 Tears welled in his eyes, and I was quickly pulled into his chest. My heart ached for him as he clung to me tightly whilst sobbing. I began to lightly rub his back with one hand, and stroked his hair gently with the other, softly muttering ‘its ok, you're safe with me’. 
 I know, I know, it all seems very cringe worthy. But honestly, I was just proud that I wasn’t laughing. You see, I'm not all that good at comforting others. 
 After a moment, he sniffled and gently pulled away, eyes puffy. 
I smiled gently at him, and stroked his cheek, in an attempt to provide some comfort. 
‘I'll be there to listen if you want to talk. No matter what time it is, where we are, come and find me. To remind you that after everything that has happened, you’re finally safe. And, whilst the events of the past cannot be erased, to remind you that you’re going to be ok. Because you don’t have to suffer alone anymore.’ 
‘Princeza, that sounds like something in one of those stupid American movies’ He said, laughing heartily whilst wiping his tears. 
‘I was trying to be comforting!!’ I exclaimed, my smile mirroring his
‘Yes, well, maybe don't do that again, because it was really, really bad’ He chuckled once more before seeing a slight pout evident on my lips, following up his previous remark with a ‘ok, ok  I am joking.. It was pretty cute.’ 
“Aha! I knew it!!’ I shouted, whilst playfully slapping his arm
We were silent for a moment, before he moved himself closer to me and shifted his gaze from my eyes to my lips ( which honestly made me feel like I was about to have a goddamn heart attack ). He continued to close the distance between us, and placed a passionate yet gentle kiss on my lips. 
He pulled away, and noticed my visibly shocked impression (honestly, at this moment I was just thinking how dead I was gonna be when my dad found out. But also like !!! he kissed me!! )
‘What? You didn’t see that coming?’ He said playfully
 ‘You know, you really need to get a new catchphrase. Because that one, is absolutely horrible.’ I said, before I leaned in for another kiss.
 Note: So i’ve never rlly written anything before so this is probably not the best. But, I was bored and didn’t want to study so here we are. Lmk if there are any ways I can improve !!
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i-simp-for-gintoki · 3 years
Sanji and Ace meeting fem!s/o’s parents for the first time
I accidentally deleted the request like the idiot i am, so basically it was “Ace and Sanji meeting their fem!s/o’s parents for the first time, but the s/o gets upset at an embarrasing/mean thing the parents said towards her boyfriend(s)”
Sorry for the long wait! Time flew by way faster than i thought it would and i really struggled with this lmao. Hope this is to your liking! If not just let me know and i’ll do my best to fix it!
I didn’t rlly know how to end these im sorry, um i made sanji’s more angsty than needed because i just did but oh well
Warnings: like one swear word, your dad is kinda a dick and disapproving of your relationship in sanji’s
Portgas D. Ace
He would not dress up, instead simply putting on an unbuttoned shirt instead of remaining shirtless
He might- might take off the hat but thats only if you REALLY want him too
I think he would be pretty relaxed about meeting your parents
You on the other hand was not
I mean dont get me wrong Ace is a sweetheart and all, but he also can be pretty gross without meaning too
You two were planning on heading to your parent’s house so Ace could finally meet them, so in the meantime you told him to keep a few promises
“No using anyones clothing as napkins, finish chewing before talking, and if they say something that annoys you please don’t fight them.”
He’d give you a thumbs up and a smile as he said he’d keep the promise
So here you guys are, in front of where your parents lived
Knocking on the door, it only took a few seconds for them to show up
As Ace introduced himself he bowed and had a bright smile
Your parents smiled back and let you two in
So far so good
All of you were just relaxing in the living room, your parents sat across from where you and Ace sat
Your parents listened as Ace told a bunch of stories about his life, it mainly consisted of the trouble he’d get in with his brothers or how he met and fell in love with you but he was having fun sharing them
Your parents seemed to be enjoying his company and that made you happy
After talking for a while your mother decided to make a quick meal for everyone in which Ace asked if he could help a bit
Your dad decided to put him in charge of setting the table
He had almost dropped a plate in the process but he got it done and wore a proud smile
It wasn’t long until you guys began to ate and you could tell Ace was definitely holding back from how he usually acted
“Whats the point of forks when i can grab it so much faster using my hands?” he mumbled to no one in particular
What really surprised you was that he made sure to properly chew his food before speaking
You were really happy that he was keeping his word but sadly all good things come to an end
“Wow! Mrs.L/n your food is really--”
He passed out.
He passed out face first into his plate and your parents could only stare
You could only sigh as you tilted his face so he doesn’t manage to suffocate
“Oh my, is he okay?” your mom asked in a worried tone and you nodded your head
“Ah yeah he’s fine. Hes a narcoleptic thats all. He’ll wake up any moment”
And not even a few seconds later, Ace straightened up and continued eating like nothing even happened
Your mother laughed
“Oh wow! He reminds me of a baby!”
He rose a brow at the two of you, unaware of what you were talking about, food still smeared onto his face
You clicked your tongue and grabbed a napkin before wiping his face
“See he is like a little kid” she repeated and you rolled your eyes in response
Ace’s eyes widened a bit as he finally understood what happened
“Did I pass out again?”
“You passed out again.”
He rubbed the back of his head and gave an apology to your mom who in return laughed loudly
“Oh no worries dear, when y/n was younger she would pull countless all nighters and end up doing the same thing”
“Mooom stop it”
“Oh shush this is all light hearted fun”
As your dad started a separate conversation, Ace grabbed your hand under the table and smiled
He was having fun, even if you guys were being teased
Vinsmoke Sanji
Idk how i feel about this one rip
He was a bit nervous yet excited
He couldn't wait to meet the people who raised you, but he was worried if they wouldn’t like him
He chose to wear one of his best suits and cologne despite your protests
“Sanji its just my parents, you don’t need to be any more fancy than usual” “Nonsense, i should take it seriously so your parents can see im serious about you.”
He’d insist on making dinner for them
Once your parents arrive he puts on a charming smile and introduces himself
Skip to dinner, Sanji made sure to sit everyone down and serve them
Some nice small talk was made when suddenly one of your parents asks him if Sanji truly loves you
An instant “of course!” was heard from Sanji before he started listing hundreds of things he loves about you
Honestly he said a bit much since he strayed off from personality and perks to more your physical appearance and more
You had to kick his leg under the table to get him to stop
Your dad put his fork down and looked at you
“I don’t want you dating him”
“Can i ask why?” you ask
“Sounds to me your boyfriend is simply a pervert. He’s probably just after your body”
Now this Sanji got upset at but you acted first
“Seriously?? Did you listen to anything he said just now? Yeah he appreciates my looks but he clearly loves me for who i am, do you only hear things that make you upset or something?”
You were hoping it would stop right there but no, of course your dad had to say some more huh
“Isn’t he just some chef anyways? Its not like they make a bunch of money, he’s probably mooching off of you”
You stood up so fast your chair was knocked down
“How dare you say that about Sanji? Hes not just some chef, he’s one of the best out there. That doesn’t even matter actually, good chef, bad chef, he would NEVER mooch off of someone. Using people, especially women is completely against his character! Sanji has been nothing but nice to you tonight, and here you are completely shitting on him!”
You huff and wave your hand, mumbling how you wanted some fresh air before heading outside
It was only a few seconds before Sanji joined you
“How are you doing love?” He’d ask and you’d whirl around and face him in surprise
“How am I doing? Sanji they were saying bad things about you! Im SO sorry about that, my dads usually not that much of an asshole and-anyways, How are you doing??”
He’d chuckle and assure you he’s fine
“I’m not gonna lie, i was pretty upset when he said i was using you for my own gain. But seeing you stand up for me, getting upset for me really warmed my heart.”
He’d give you a hug while slowly rubbing your back
“But what do i do about him not approving? What if he says to break up??” you ask and sanji tilts your chin up towards him
“Who cares? We are all adults here, its not like his disapproval will suddenly stop the love we have for each other.”
You slowly nod at his words and he smiles before giving you a quick kiss
“Now lets head back in and finish dinner” “Oh but its going to be so awkward now”  you complain but you still walk with him back inside
When you guys return to the table, your mother shoves your dads shoulder which made him stand and walk up to Sanji
Before the blond can open his mouth, your dad is already apologizing
“Look, Im sorry about what I said. It was harsh and based on my daughters reaction, clearly untrue. I just dont like to see my kid grow up, much less dating someone. Just promise me one thing, Sanji. Promise me you wont break her heart” he says putting a hand out
Sanji gave him a nod and a firm handshake.
“I promise. I would never be able to live with myself if I did”
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retroateez · 4 years
Prophecy - Chapter Five
i still don’t properly understand how this website works but slowly,,, i am learning.
also if ur enjoying this au please like/reblog bc it rlly helps me out ty x
wc; 2649
A month had passed since Yeosang took you under his wing, and he (thankfully) hadn't decided to kill you.
Although the trip to harvest the sand mandrakes often made you think otherwise.
Despite that, Yeosang had been patient with you as you grew accustomed to his lifestyle. Oddly, he trusted in you immediately, sharing with you secrets he wouldn't dare tell other strangers.
"I'm a mage," he had told you suddenly over porridge one morning. He clenched his large palms into equally large fists and laid his forearm upon the table, facing upwards towards the canopy of jade leaves above your heads. "You see those blue lines? They're called veins, and our blood runs through these."
You nodded silently, unsure of what his point was.
"In mine, flows blood as well as chaos," he explained. "Almost anybody can do basic magic, provided you're taught by the right people."
Using his other hand, he ran a gentle finger down the stripe of his prominent veins, and the cerulean bumps bubbled and boiled into a startling shade of sunlight. You squinted in awe; you swore you could see a lightning storm rattling around inside of his arm.
"But only those born into chaos possess the abilities to truly wield it." Yeosang snapped his fingers, and the bolts of lightning in his veins returned to the cool, sea blue they were before.
He had grinned at you then, proud that his magic had impressed you. He didn't get to show off his magic often; most people would trade his life and talent for money in a heartbeat.
Except now, Yeosang wore a frown as you pleaded with him.
"Why can't you teach me any magic?" you beg. "You said yourself that anybody can be taught! By the looks of it you're well up to the task!"
You follow him like an excited puppy, bouncing along behind him and pawing at the back of his shirt to get his attention. Yeosang had his back turned to you, intent on finding the wolfsbane he had been asked to find before you arrived in his life and threw it slightly (majorly) off balance.
"I said no, Iris" he murmurs, keeping his eyes on the mossy ground.
You weren't sure where Yeosang had gotten the name 'Iris' from, or why he started calling you that in the first place. It certainly wasn't your name. Not that you had ever told him your name. He had never asked, so you assumed he didn't want to know. Either way, you didn't care, nor did you find it particularly important, so you let him call you whatever he pleased.
"Why?" you whine, grabbing the bottom of his cotton shirt and pulling it. "What harm can it do to just teach me a little magic?"
He sighs harshly, and turns to face you. Scowl evident, he shoves a handful of wolfsbane into a basket and grabs you firmly by the shoulders.
"I said no. Do not make me repeat myself. Do I make myself clear?" His eyes burn into yours and guilt washes over you; you hadn't meant to make him angry.
"I said," he growls. "Do I make myself clear?"
You stare up meekly into his eyes, seeing the same flashes of firebolts from his veins, now crashing around his pupils. You nod, not uttering a word. Yeosang lets you go with a soft huff, and heads back up towards the house. If you'd have known he would get so angry with you, you wouldn't have pestered him so badly.
A few more days pass, and neither you or Yeosang bring up the incident in the woods. You, in fear of angering him again, and you assume Yeosang just didn't want to mention the subject at all. Maybe it was a sensitive topic for him? He acts like it never happened, resuming teaching you how to cook various stews and soups, testing you on the properties of sage and echinacea.
"Echinacea... helps burns?" you hazard a guess, Yeosang's face contorting to an expression of pain informing you that once again, you were wrong.
"Echinacea helps colds and flu." he corrects you with a sigh.
Frustrated, you hurl your notebook down onto the desk in Yeosang's study, crossing your arms and exhaling harshly, much like a horse. His study was as breathtaking as the rest of his house. It was smaller compared to the main, circular room and had no windows. With no natural light, Yeosang had strewn luminescent mushrooms across the ceiling and draped them all over the walls. They were long and thin, but the heads and stems shone bright in tones of seafoam green and azure blue. They made the room glow a strange, ocean mash of colour, often making Yeosang look as if the ocean floor had sprouted atop his head, dyeing his neutral blonde locks with a very startling sea themed concoction.
The room had an earthy smell, as did the entire house. You theorised Yeosang either had an addiction to growing plants in his house, or plainly a plant addiction. Still, the air throughout his home was always immaculately clean, so you couldn't complain about the slight dirt smell, or the soil that was always clinging to your arms and legs.
"I'm no good at this, Yeosang!" you cry. "I don't know why I bother!"
You glare angrily at the wooden planks of the floor, blinking back frustrated tears. You desperately wanted to prove to Yeosang that you were capable of learning something worthwhile. After all, your survival depended on it; why would he keep you around, feed you, house you, protect you, if you couldn't offer anything back to him? More than that, it actually gave you a purpose, something more than just stealing your way through the game of life. Here you were, handed an opportunity to learn and, provided you were any good at it, use the skills to help people in the future instead of stealing the products of other people's hard work and determination.
You're dragged from your thoughts by Yeosang crouching down at your figure sitting on his desk chair. He softly places his rough hands on your knees and offers a rare, but soft and caring smile.
"You'll get the hang of it ,Iris, don't fret. I failed my alchemy exam five times before I finally passed it." His eyes crinkle at the corners when he hears your quiet laugh at his comment.
"Only an idiot would fail five times," you quip. "What happened to three time's the charm?"
"Charm is a load of bullshit," he remarks. "Everything is decided by fate, you know that don't you?"
You nod in response. Everybody knows your destiny is your destiny. It can't be changed, altered or avoided. You wonder if magic has any effect on destiny. After all, before meeting Yeosang you had no idea magic was real in the first place, so really the possibilites could be endless.
"Does magic work on destiny?" You ask the golden haired mage.
Yeosang leans back on his heels, glancing up at the glowing fungi as he ponders his answer.
"Yes and no," he admits. "No magic can directly change, or redirect your fate. But magic can delay it, sometimes quite significantly"
"How so?"
Yeosang lets go of your knees and with a grunt, falls back so he's sitting on the floor in front of you.
"Are you familiar with Virgil's Aenied?"
He takes your silence as a 'no'.
"The Aeneid is an epic poem, centered around a single man named Aeneas, whose destiny is to discover the land that would become Rome. There's a lot that goes on inbetween," Yeosang explains. "but Juno, the goddess of love and marriage, despised Aeneas, and did everything in her power to make sure Aeneas would never be the catalyst of Rome's foundations."
"But Juno couldn't stop him from doing that, could she?" You connect the dots fairly quickly, and Yeosang nods.
"Correct. Even the gods have to abide by the laws of destiny. Jupiter himself unravels the scrolls of time and fate, and nobody can change them. But what Juno did succeed with, was delaying Aeneas as much as possible. Setting him back years and years from the destiny bestowed upon him from the very beginning, at the sack of Troy."
"Do the gods powers count as magic though? You're not a god" You think aloud. You think you catch a wave of offense wash over Yeosang's face, but it passes so quickly you can't be sure.
"In a way, I suppose you can view it as a divine type of magic, magic so powerful that people on our realm couldn't possibly wield it without certain death, or other circumstance..." The mage stands up, bones in his knees cracking as he moves.
"Anyway," he continues. "My point was that your destiny is exactly that. It's been written in the stars since the very dawn of time, and you physically cannot escape it. You may delay it, but the time will come where you will have to fulfill your role in destiny's prophecy. The first step to that though, my young student, is passing your alchemy exam!"
You and Yeosang spent the next couple of days pouring over his hand-written notebooks, reading and re-reading his scrawled handwriting and weirdly endearing drawings. Him presenting you with various herbs and smoking liquids, making you guess what they were used for and forcing you to eat and drink the gross ones when you got the answers wrong. You hated it, but his method of teaching was rather effective.
"We're going to have to make a trip into the city," he tells you one gorgeously warm afternoon. "I've run out of primrose and the only source I can get it is the kingdom."
Yeosang hadn't taken you to the kingdom of Ateez yet, nor had he visited there since your arrival, but the way he spoke about it terrified you to your core. He refused to go unless he needed to, no pleasant day trips or lesiurely strolls. For him, it was dangerous.
"The King has a special band of witch-hunters," Yeosang explained to you as he grabbed his brown satchel and coin purse. "Of course, they're just referred to as 'guards', he wouldn't want rival kingdoms knowing he was explicitly prejudiced towards anybody." he spat.
"Have you met the king?" you ask quietly, handing him a notebook with a list of items you needed to purchase.
Yeosang notably hesitated.
"Yes... he helped me a lot. He gave me this land, and in return I occasionally do him favours."
"I thought he didn't like mages?"
"Hatred for magic kinds is rooted in fear," he turns to you. "Whether or not you like a mage, it is always better to have one on your side, as opposed to having one against you."
"So if the king likes you, why are you so worried about going to the kingdom?"
Yeosang wedges a soil brown hat onto your head, pulling it down over your eyes.
"He doesn't like me," he corrects you. "He merely tolerates me because I posses something that may prove very useful to him one day. Anyway, enough questions, small one. We have plants to buy!"
You wished Yeosang had told you just how long the walk to Ateez was before you agreed to go with him. Technically you didn't have a choice, but still. You'd been wearing 'tailored' versions of Yeosang's clothes (tailored being he had ripped the excess material off), as your own were ruined beyond repair during the storm. They were too big for you even still, the sleeves of his white cotton shirt coming past your fingertips and copper breeches almost hanging off you if not for the makeshift belt, (wine red ribbon Yeosang used to bunch flowers together) tied around your waist. As grateful as you were, his clothes were weighing you down and making the journey painfully longer.
"We're almost there, Iris!" Yeosang calls back to you. He was wearing an outfit similar to yours, except his actually fit and suited him. He was extremely good looking, you'd admit. What with his piercing cobalt eyes and effortlessly wavy hair. You wondered why he had been alone before he met you, and for what reason.
You turn your attention to where Yeosang was pointing and felt your stomach drop immediately. It felt as if a pit had opened at the base of your torso and every one of your organs was being sucked into the abyss. Despite the uncomfortable feeling seeping throughout your body, you felt compelled towards the miles of kingdom below you. You could see almost the entire kingdom from your position on top of the hill. You realised too, that the western side was situated on the edge of a cliff, with your best friend, the ocean, waiting readily thousands of feet below. You felt uneasy thinking about the drop.
Between the bottom of the hill and the gates of Ateez, was a vast stretch of forest. Towering oaks bundled together like a poor family on a cold night, protecting one another with what little comfort they could provide. You didn't want to imagine what creatures lurked in the woods either, having a hunch that they wouldn't welcome strangers into their habitats with welcome arms.
"We don't have to walk down this hill, do we?" you gulped.
"No," Yeosang said. "We can just jump."
You stared at him.
"Of course we have to walk down it, Iris."
You both began the everlasting descent down the hill. Luckily, a dirt path had been stamped into the grass by plenty of other people making the same journey as you.
No matter how much you tried to push down the growing feeling in your stomach, it wouldn't go away.
You could hardly explain the feeling either. Like your intenstines were lined with the prettiest hydrangeas, and somebody was tugging at the flowers with the strength of a thousand horses, but regardless of how hard they pulled, the roots stayed firmly put.
You surveyed the kingdom, the endless rows of tiny houses and roads, the pathway up to the gates of the castle and the grand towers standing in the castle grounds. On the highest part of the city, towards the east, was the most important building of all; the castle itself. Overlooking the entire of Ateez which stretched out for miles.
"Once we reach the bottom of this hill," you ask. "Won't we have to walk all the way to the gates?"
Yeosang glances back over his shoulder at you, pushing his wavy blonde hair out of his face.
"No, they have horses and carriages that take people to the city, thank the gods."
After approximately 3 decades, you and Yeosang reach the bottom of the hill (more like a mountain, you think). Yeosang guides you over to a line of carriages, attached to the biggest, bulkiest horses you've ever seen. The ones you'd seen back at home were simple, baggage carrying horses. Nothing compared to these absolute monsters. Your companion hands the coachman of a carriage a handful of coins, and you both clamber into the back.
Throughout the journey, the hole in your stomach continues to expand, growing deeper and wider that you're surprised it hasn't totally consumed you. The closer you get to the kingdom gates, the more and more nauseous you feel, the beating of your heart and pounding in your head keeping perfect time with the canter of the Shire horse pulling you along.
The second cog, hand-crafted but not yet complete, waits patiently. He cannot continue welding it until the next steps are taken; until destiny is fulfilled. Until then, he sets the half-finished cog on his workshop table, then he too, sits patiently. Fate is a waiting game, and everyone is a pawn to fate.
Chapter Six
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sparklyandchic · 4 years
okay i started the idea for this mini little mind makeover when i broke up with my boyfriend in like january. instead of being sad or angry, i wanted to be grateful for this time and take it as an opportunity to make life better for myself. then quarantine happened, so some of these are related to things i’ve learned since that started. either way, these aren’t all concrete things to do for your mind; some of them are just ways of thinking or pep talks. but if you can find one little piece of information or thought that makes you a little bit happier for a moment, that’s all i can hope for!
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5-htp: okay first off- please ALWAYS consult your psychiatrist or medical professional before taking a supplement! taking 5-htp with, for example, serotonin-increasing medications can lead to a fatal illness called serotonin syndrome. personally, i started taking it because i had been on 10 mg prozac for a few months. it definitely dulled a lot of my anxiety and had a lot of positive aspects to it, but it dulled them almost too much to the point where i felt apathetic and detached from myself and the situations i was in. i was in a very unhealthy relationship and felt like i needed my mental clarity and “overthinking” processes back in order to identify what i was feeling and how to deal with it. i felt a lot more “sensitive” after coming off it, which was actually really welcome for me at first, but then it sort of dropped off into withdrawals. i was having constant panic attacks and crying very often. after a while, i was debating going back on prozac, but remembered i had taken 5-htp before. 5-htp is an amino acid that is a direct precursor to serotonin being produced in the brain. when u eat turkey, tryptophan is converted into 5-htp which leads to your brain producing serotonin, thus why you feel calm and happy afterwards. after taking 5-htp for just a few days, ranging between 200-300 mg per day (again, do your research, ask your doctor, and start small) i stopped crying constantly and really felt this sense of calmness and wellbeing but without the detachment and apathy i felt with prozac. i could still think clearly but didn’t feel overly sensitive to every emotion which arose. personally, it is really a lifesaver and really does make a noticeable difference.
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cognitive behavioral therapy: ive tried therapy a million times. well okay, like 5 or 6 different therapists. at its worst, therapists told me i needed to use my sexual power as a woman in order to get what i wanted from men, told me i’m bad at socializing and should do group therapy, said my mom shouldn’t have encouraged me to “be myself” when i was younger because it made me less likeable than if i had conformed to normal societal standards of dressing. i had gone to “therapists” who claimed to be trained in CBT, but when i told them about my experiences with dissociation, the only feedback i got was to “take more baths.” while going through a few unpleasant experiences in my personal life, i decided i should try CBT once more, but like the real kind. i found an ivy-league educated licensed psychologist (NOT a “licensed clinical social worker” who doesn’t even have a psychology degree!!) who SPECIALIZED specifically in cognitive behavioral therapy. just after the first session, i was so elated with my experience. as opposed to just telling me that i needed to be more normal or more kind or a better person, she tried to identify WHAT was making me feel that way about myself in the first place. she pointed out the positive things i do and reassured me i was kind, good, and deserving of good things. she pointed out many aspects of my situation that would have taken me days or weeks to come to on my own. i’ve realized my hubris isn’t that i’m not socially acceptable or not perfect enough, but its just that i tend to THINK that i am these things despite having no evidence of it. so, over time with therapy, my positive self image about who i am as a person has grown and strengthened and i dont just randomly feel like a bad human being anymore lol. moral of the story, if you wanna do therapy but it keeps sucking, dont give up. go to a legit psychologist, find someone who specializes in the type of therapy you’re seeking, and also be vocal during your sessions. stand up to your psychologist when they continually push a narrative onto you, and explain why you don’t agree with it. sometimes it’s their job to try different narratives to see what fits, and if you just passively let them say what they want to, you’ll never find the truth of your experience! it’s a communal effort! therapy isn’t usually a magic cure-all where one session fixes everything that goes awry in your brain. but if you find someone who knows what they’re doing they can in fact really help your thought processes become less twisted up and more clear and healthy.
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meditation and mindfulness: a few weeks ago i felt anxious and overly driven to get things done to the point where i spiraled into a space of guilt or a panic attack over not getting enough things done. meditation can be so so helpful here. it’s better to spend an hour sitting and doing nothing, but doing it peacefully and then calmly moving on to doing something else, than to spend 5 hours stressing yourself over every single thing you need to get done and how much time you’re wasting. the things that need to get done will get done. another thing that i’ve realized and say to myself a lot is: “focus not on doing all things perfectly, but on doing the small things well.” by this i mean, stop thinking about the 20 things you need to get done and how it all needs to be perfect, but instead take your time with the task that presents itself as most beneficial right now and focus on enjoying it and giving your whole self to the process. for example, stop thinking about how you need to clean your room, your closet, donate clothes, take a shower, take out the trash, read, workout, etc. think to yourself; “which task would bring me the most joy right now?” if the answer is taking a shower, then take that damn shower. bring your speaker into the bathroom, scrub every inch of your scalp with shampoo, scrub your feet and behind your ears and your neck with body wash, brush the conditioner through your hair fully. you may end your shower with 19 other things to do, but god damn if you can’t enjoy a single one of them and be present for it, what’s the fucking point! go light a candle and bask in its glow, go make your bed and huddle up in your neatly arranged covers, go take a long bath or a thorough shower, and be proud of and content with that today. 
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relationships, with others and yourself: okay, if you missed the memo, my ex-boyfriend sucked. like genuinely was a bad person. he was a drug dealer, so that’s red flag number 1 (which i ignored of course), he hadn’t graduated high school (he was 18, i was 20, he was supposed to graduate the last semester but refused to do the work and ignored me and his mother when encouraged to do it, which is uhh definitely red flag number 2 which i also ignored), he habitually did not show up for dates on time or lied about what he was going to do or what he did (literally everything he did was a red flag and i rlly ignored all of it). the worst part was how he responded when i worked up the courage to speak to him about it. if we had agreed upon a time for our date but he showed up literally 8 hours late, he would blame it on me because i “could have called” him, or that i was “demanding too much of” him, or that i “should have said something earlier so now [i was] just dragging it out because it already happened.” basically, whatever narrative he pushed at me, i eventually gave into. i’ve dealt with gaslighting in a relationship before and a part of me knew what was happening to me, but a part of me also kept having hope for him, kept empathizing with him, kept wanting to believe in him. after a bit too much time, i finally realized you have to trust yourself, empathize with yourself, and believing in yourself over anyone else. at first i felt bad for him not being able to graduate because i had my own struggles with high school and getting work done. i thought he may have issues but he deserves someone to be there for him because i wanted someone to be there for me. despite the pain and stress he was causing me, i sat around crying over him because i cared about him and tend to over-empathize with people close to me, whether they deserve it or not. my therapist told me something that at first i did not understand, but over time came to grasp in its entirety: “some people do not deserve your love or kindness.” after our first session, my homework was to “consider when you are being kind and when you are being taken advantage of.” this made me realize that what feels like your instinctual nature to be nice to others, can in fact be a self-sabotaging unfair action, depending on the other person’s response. i might be dishing out a lot right now, but bear with me. think of it this way: you regard an action as a “kind action”. you might think “kind actions” include: forgiving someone for large mistakes, putting someone’s needs over yours, sparing them some change when they ask for it, listening to the problems they are dealing with every day. BUT when their actions include not forgiving you for minor mistakes, not giving a sh*t about your needs or considering them, not caring how much money they take from you and how much money you need to have around, or habitually glossing over your problems because it doesn’t benefit them to care, THEN those actions you performed are NOT “KIND ACTIONS” anymore. the act of continuing to give them leeway is now the act of being taken advantage of. the act of giving them money is now the act of being taken advantage of. the act of buying into their story at the expense of your sanity, is now the act of being taken advantage. basically, all i’m saying is START PUTTING YOURSELF FIRST AND TRUSTING YOURSELF WHEN YOU FEEL SOMEONE DOESN’T HAVE YOUR BEST INTERESTS IN MIND. 
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ending thoughts: i know quarantine is difficult right now. the desire to grow contrasted with the inability to move. maybe try and follow that old 2008~ quote; “bloom where you are planted”. you might not be able to reach the goals you thought you would during this time. you might not be able to run a marathon or make a bunch of new friends or wake up at 6 AM to workout or redo your bedroom or get a rhinoplasty or join a gym or get an internship. working towards productivity might be unrealistic right now. but you can work everyday towards becoming the woman you want to be, mentally. you can work on learning to be content, learning to make the best with what you have, learning to appreciate the little things, learning to slow down. these are all qualities that i for one want to have just as much as i want to be attractive or successful. if you can’t enjoy success, what’s the fucking point! life is on pause right now, take this moment as a gift and consider your internal world and what parts of your mind need a makeover. there are horrible things happening in the world right now, do what you can to help, but if you’re safe and healthy then be grateful for the things you can learn from this difficult time. take it slow, but keep moving forward! 
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julstudies · 7 years
hi! i'm the last anon that wrote that rlly long ask haha i just wanted to thank you for responding bc i was honestly a little afraid i'd gone too far, and reading your response reassured me it was fine and helped me understand what you were getting at. i think... seeing someone say my parents are verbally abusive (admittedly it's mostly my mom), is rlly different from subconsciously being aware of it. it kind of... opens my eyes a bit? i've also (1/4)
been in advanced programs for a while and i realize now that i’m one of those geniuses? the ones that rarely study and still manage top grades. and yet, my self esteem is so low i need my grades for validation, just like your ex friend there. and i too, compare myself to others frequently, though mostly to those who i know are smarter than me (and gosh this is gonna sound horrible) so i feel even worse and force myself to work harder. bc my mindset is even worse than yours. i’ve never had anything lower than a solid a, not even an a-. ppl always gush about how amazing that is but i still feel like i’ll never be worth anything: i won’t get into my dream colleges (bc hey i was rejected from my dream high school. sound familiar? yep this is lily here too scared to send this off anon) or get the high paying job i dream about. so i think what i’m rambling about isi’m a huge mess and i’d like some advice, comfort, anything you have to say i’ll appreciate (bc i’m a little starved for praise and i feel terrible asking this way oml) anyways i’m sorry this was so long i got a little carried away oops. thank you again for reading jul :)) hope you have a lovely day~
oh my god lily??? i wish you messaged me because this is literally heartbreaking
lots of the asian kids in my class go through the same thing. my ex best friend, now a good friend, confessed to me that he thinks he has a problem where he can’t stand not being the best (he’s literally the smartest kid in our school without trying) because his parents are always bloody pushing him without ever saying that they’re proud of him.
another kid got into the same school as me, but he his parents wanted him to get into a school that’s better than mine. his parents didn’t even congratulate him. they beat him.
this makes me SO MAD. it’s not your fault ok!!!! lots of parents “want the best for their kids” but end up taking it so far that it becomes verbal or physical abuse which ruins the minds of their kids. 
my parents do the same thing. they tell me that they want the best for me but then put me down and ruin my self esteem, not even about my grades, but about whether or not i’m a good person. it took my a long time to realize this was verbal abuse, too. i’m literally about to cry because i see this happen to so many people and you, of all people, do not deserve it.
but at the same time i’m really happy and tingly that you came to me and told me this!!! many people deal with this bs from our parents but they keep quiet and act like it’s okay. ITS NOT. i literally love you so much and you are NOT a failure. 
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