#so let me appologize in advance
mrs-heelshire · 2 years
“Ugh... fuck me.”
Misunderstanding or teasing ? Well, it’s up to you to find it out.
Gender neutral reader.
Characters : Kaeya & Diluc
TW : Mention of sex but nothing will happen, pure FLUFF.
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Kaeya :
Out on a mission with your boyfriend, the cavalry captain, Kaeya Alberich was supposed to be a perfect way to spend more time with him and usually it was pretty easy since the two of you made such a good pair, but this time it wasn’t that simple. No matter how many Hilichurl you defeated in that camp you were requested to erase, it seems endless. It was a real nest here, for one kill, two came out from god knows where and so on. A real battlefield. Eventually, it finally came to an end after a whole hour fighting over annoying creatures and it was nothing to say that you were exhausted. It was more than time for this day to end.
“You owe me a drink!” Your boyfriend claimed with a large grin painted on his face as he caught his breath.
“You wish. You’re the one that owes me!” You instantly replied, catching your breath as well.
He was about to answer you one of his famous little teasing lines as the water behind you was beginning to stir. Small waves appeared, a group of about ten ice and water blobs came out of the Cider lake you were in front. It wasn’t much but after your too recent last fight, you were exhausted. Why did they have to appear now ? It was a conspiracy, that's all you could imagine.
“Ugh… fuck me!” Groaning loudly, you let out a long sigh, annoyed.
“Gladly.” Kaeya instantly replied with a large smirk as he moved behind your back, putting his hands on your hips.
A squeal escaped your lips as he suddenly grabbed you to pull your lower half against him. You were quick to turn around to hit him. Hitting his shoulder to make him step back, you had a hard time not to laugh of playful boyfriend. After all, you should have known he wasn't going to miss such a great opportunity to mess with you.
“Hands off! Not before we handle them first!” You tried to remind him of his priorities before his jokes ended up inside you two, covered in blob slime.
“Give me two minutes and I’ll take you right back home to grant your wish, babe.” Laughing, he would break away from you to take his weapon out of its scabbard.
“I only give you a single minute. Can you manage it snowflake?”
“Watch me.” And with a new grin painted on his face, he rushed towards the blobs that had continued to advance in your direction.
And with that, you knew that tonight, too, you were going to have little time to catch your breath.
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Diluc :
It was with the desire to spend more time with your boyfriend that you decided to help him with his paperwork. Wanting to free your evening from any work, you had joined him at the tavern in the afternoon to take care of all that. Yet, what you didn't imagine was that he was way behind with his papers. Sitting at the bar, a pile of paper by your side, the work seemed endless. At least, with Diluc by your side, you would expect a free alcohol free drink every hour and that was exactly what you needed to stay motivated.
As you were going to put away a small folder, you noticed a calculation error right at the beginning of it. And, of course, that meant that the entire file was skewed by this error. You were going to have to start it all over again, from the very beginning.
“Ugh… Fuck me.” You groaned as all those papers were going to be the death of you.
“My Darling, don’t tempt me while I’m at work.” Your boyfriend instantly replied, without second thoughts. Just loud enough for only you to hear.
Thank God, no one but you was at the bar to hear that.
“Love!” Even when you were taken aback, it was his petname that would loudly escape your lips.
The few customers in the tavern instantly landed on you two, making you blush even more than you already were. Not expecting him not only to hear you but also to respond to you in this way, you had almost cried out in the surprise that it had given you. Appologizing in a smaller voice, you were about to quickly lower your gaze to the papers you still had to fill out when you caught him silently chuckling.
“I- I should let you finish everything alone” You mumbled, frowning.
“You won’t and as a well deserved thanks, I’ll grant your wish tonight.”
Pretending to hesitate for a moment, it was however with a nod that you answered him.
“You better.” You softly replied, looking at him straight in the eye, cheeks still rosy from what just happened.
And with that, the both of you were back on their own duties, eagerly awaiting closing time.
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lilyrizzy · 2 years
in that iron gate made me so emotional it was such a roller coaster of a ride and i loved every second of reading this fic. one thing i really wanted to ask if you could provide like a directors cut or more insight on what happened is when max and daniel have sex and max asks daniel to say something nice.. just what was max truly feeling or thinking at this time? has he been doubting his relationship with daniel this whole trip?
anon this is a lovely ask! i've never done a 'directors cut' so you'll have to be patient with me and appologies in advance that this is too long, i just couldnt figure out what to cut and still have it make sense? (also i was enjoying myself lol)
also i talked about both max and daniel’s feelings in this to make it make sense, but i hope it answers your questions. if not, feel free to send me another ask or dm, this was so fun for me to get to waffle on about the fic i’m most proud of!<3
“I just want you,” Max says, desperate and it sends a jolt of arousal straight through Daniel. <okay so this is max both being honest on the surface, but also like, honest in a deeper way too. he just wants daniel, because thats always been what he wants, but also he wants to make daniel happy & now he's struggling to do that bc daniel is going through something that max can't really help him with> He wants to palm himself through his shorts, wants to push Max to his knees and feed him his cock, wants to fuck him so hard he feels Daniel for days. But-
“You’re gonna’ have to choose then baby.” <daniel here still isn't sure what he's allowed to have, feeling very out of control of his emotions as he does. like he wants max to chose so he can be sure max *wants* this, you know?>
“Choose?” Max sounds a little confused.
Daniel never makes him choose, the point of this is normally to stop Max from thinking. <this was to tell the reader that they have had sex with this dynamic before, but it's usually because it's what max wants because he craves the shame/humiliation and then daniel making him feel loved after. and daniel has learnt to do that for him in a safe way, but this is the first time daniel is initiating sex like this, where he's a 'mean' to max>
“Choose where you want me.” Max stays silent except for his ragged breathing. <max wants to chose the right thing, the thing he thinks will give daniel the most pleasure, make him feel the best but hes also out of his depth a little here because usually when hes in this headspace, daniel is in charge more> Daniel watches the rise and fall of his chest, this proof he’s here, alive. <because rn, with his dad dead, this is so important to daniel> “On your face? On your tits? Inside?”
Max’s eyes fly open. “That- Inside,” he pleads, “Please, Daniel. I- I can be good.” <max is both pleading for the sex here, but also pleading for like, 'let me be good, let me make *you* feel good>
Daniel hums like he’s not convinced. He’s desperate to see Max try hard to please him, so Max will know afterwards that Daniel means it when he tells him how good he was. He wants to hear Max say, ‘thank you,’ for letting Max prove himself. <and this is like coming back to the point of like. Daniel knows that this kinda sex is sex that max *needs* from time to time, and he wants to give that to him so badly. because to daniel that will be proof that he can still offer max something. when recently, hes been feeling like he has nothing to give bc he's been going through it himself, snapping at max, not being a good partner in his grief. max has a more simplistic view of like, daniel likes when we do this, i can give this to him, it will make him feel strong again>
“Get on the bed,” he says, because he can’t explain this without sounding like a possessive freak. 
Max goes like his strings have been cut, folding himself down so he’s lying on his back, all soft pink skin spread against crisp white sheets. <and this is max's relief because he was worried daniel wouldnt want this, which ofc would be fine, but this way max knows he can make daniel feel good. and also, obvs its max's desire>
“No,” Daniel says, “Facedown.”
A little frown appears on Max’s forehead, but he goes, rolls over onto his stomach. <max here is like, a little surprised bascially bc i always headcannon that daniel likes to have face to face sex more. likes to kiss max, etc so max is a little surprise he doesnt wanna do that. daniel on the other hand is like, im gonna make this sex very intense and more of the things max likes so i can prove to myself that i still got it> Daniel looks then for a moment, the hard muscles of his back, his thighs, and how they meet in the middle at the soft curve of his arse. His cheek pressed against the pillow where he’s still trying to face Daniel, to see him <max wants to see daniel, to know that he's okay>. The stubble there that’s been growing steadily for the last few days, because he forgot his razor and for some reason won’t ask Daniel to borrow his, like he’d afraid that asking Daniel for anything will tip him over the edge <nope daniel, max has just been too busy worrying about you to remember to shave>.
“Daniel?” Max asks. <checking in. wants daniel to know that its okay if he changed his mind, that hes too sad to do this>
Daniel ignores him. <and daniel finds that hard, bc normally he's the one checking in, max is the one needing more like, tender love. daniel doesnt want the reminder that he's fragile> Instead, he steps into the ensuite and rummages in his toiletries bag until he finds their lube. He doesn’t know if Max packed it expecting this, or if it was just there still from their time in Miami. He hopes it’s the first option, that Max knew he’d be strong enough to do this and give them what they both need.
He can still do this. He’s still the same person he was 5 days ago. Before.
“Be still,” he says when he’s kneeling on the bed between Max’s spread legs, that he parted so easily for Daniel with just a tap on his calf, “Be good, be still and I’ll give you my fingers.”
“Okay,” is all Max says, voice cracking.
He dribbles some lube onto the tips of his fingers. It’s cold like he’d hoped it would be. Using the tip of his index, he presses gently onto the back of Max’s neck. Max jerks a little underneath him, not expecting Daniel to start there.
“Max,” he warns, and when he’s sure he won’t move again, he starts to trail his finger slowly down the curve of his spine.
He knows he’s giving Max an almost impossible task. His back is too ticklish, he hates being touched lightly there. He’s being mean and it feels good to feel like, finally, this way he’s allowed to be because Max might like it <and max *does* like it. he likes being given this task, daniel asking him 'do this for me' because max and do it and be sure that he helped, he did something to make daniel happy when hes been so unhappy>.
Max whimpers underneath him when instead of dipping into Max’s crack, he trails the finger back up. Daniel can feel his muscles vibrating underneath him, see’s Max’s arms that his head is pillowed in start to shake, and it’s good to feel him alive under Daniel’s hands <again, daniels new fear of mortality creeping in>.
“How bad do you want it?” Daniel asks.
“I-“ Max licks his lips, swallows, “A lot.” <So when max says "I-" here, he's going to say something like, 'i only want it if you do,' but then rethinks. because he knows daniel wont want to be babied right now. they know each other pretty well, and max wants to give him this like, feeling of being sexy and in control. he trusts that daniel will stop/max will be able to tell if daniel doesnt *really* want it. 'a lot' is bc its the truth, but also he wants to make daniel feel desired.>
“Yeah,” Daniel laughs, “I can believe that just by looking at you. You better not come until I get my dick inside you. If you make a mess, I won’t be happy.”
Max shakes his head, desperate. “I won’t Daniel. I can- I can be good for you, I promise.” <just generally more of max wanting to be good for daniel to make him feel better, daniel wanting to be good for max, to put him under to also feel better lol. its the theme, sorry if this is repetitive>
Daniel trails his finger down to Max’s hole and just taps against his rim. The last time he touched Max here was in Monaco on Tuesday night. It’s nowhere near the longest they’ve gone without it, 3 days, but it feels like a lifetime. He can tell just from looking that Max is going to be tight, none of the tell-tale redness he usually finds because Daniel is a freak that can’t keep his hands off Max, because Max always wants it too, even when it makes him hurt. <sorry just some insane hc’s about how in my head they have sex constantly lol and they both like, get off so much on like, daniel just coming up behind max in the kitchen to pull his sweats down and fuck him, max barely needing any prep bc they fuck so much>
“You look pretty,” Daniel says, “But you’ll look prettier after, when I’m finished with you,” He says, because it’s true and because he wants to hear Max groan, to feel his hips rabbit against the mattress below him.
He pushes a finger inside, and he’s right, Max is tight. He tells him that too and Max makes another noise, does another thrust into the sheets. He screws his fingers in slowly, relishing every noise he draws from Max’s mouth, every response of his body. He’s pushing a fourth against his rim when Max starts begging.
“Please Daniel- I can’t- Let me- Let me be good, I’ll come, I’ll-” <here max is like, daniel asked me not to come, i want to make him happy, therefore i need to do this. same as before, he wants to be good to daniel, and to achieve that he has to let daniel be in control, so daniel also has to *let* him be good. lil feedback loop here lol>
Daniel pulls his fingers out, watches Max’s hole twitch around nothing, feeling a little mesmerized. Then, he leans over, brings his fingers to Max’s mouth. He presses the tips of them against Max’s lips.
“I’m sticky,” he says, “If you clean me up, I’ll fuck you.”
Max looks up him then, a little crease between his eyebrows. His eyes are wide. For a moment Daniel wonders if he’s pushed it too far, if Max is not going to open his mouth, but then he does, and he’s letting Daniel press his sticky fingers onto Max’s clean tongue. Let’s Daniel watch as he hollows his cheeks around them, sucking them clean too.  Daniel’s dry thumb cradles his jaw, and he can feel the scorching heat radiating from Max’s face like this. He knows how much he is asking of Max, making him suck on his fingers that have just been inside him. < This is like idk the maxiel thesis to me of like, daniel wanting ‘insane’ things and wanting to push (within reason ofc) and max being like so eager to go along with this bc to max, being good for daniel is whats hot. but also, daniel wants to do something new specifically in this moment because he wants to like, effect max even more than usual? like make him feel that good shame a little more, so daniel can know he did a good jobTM of fucking max >
What that fuck are you doing, something in his head yells. But this is the best he’s felt in three days so it’s easier than it should be, to ignore it, to keep pushing. To see what Max will let him do without Daniel having to even ask for permission. <maybe its not healthy here but this is daniel also wanting to feel trusted, because hes been kinda a dick to max up until this point. he wants to prove to himself (in an insane way granted) that max is still here for him, ride or die>
“Good,” Daniel says when Max is finished.
He’s left with Max looking up at him, eyes so wide and blue it makes Daniel’s heart ache to look at him. He wants then to tell Max that he’s beautiful, that Daniel is so fucking lucky he gets to have him like this, but if he does then he knows the charge in the air between them will disappear, and he’ll end up fucking Max slow and sappy the way he knows Max loves too, but not in the same way they both crave this. < again, sorry repeating myself but like. daniel wants tenderness deep down. but he wants to give max what he thinks max wants/needs more, so daniel can feel good about himself and his ability to be a partner again. prove to them both he can still ‘be the man’. yes. its toxic. but its what he feels.>
Still, he can’t quite resist asking Max to roll over. He still wants to see his face, to watch the corners of his eyes get wet as he bites his lip and tries to be good for Daniel. <he needs to see max rn because like. hes emotionally vunerable and wants to put max under, and fuck him till he cries but like, also wants to get to see his face bc theyre in love and hes craving that closeness he doesnt know how to ask for>
“I think you should get me ready too now,” he says, and watches with his heart in his throat as Max snaps to action, pushing himself off the bed, flipping over and reaching for Daniel.
He makes quick work of Daniel’s t-shirt and his sweatpants until Daniel is stood in front of him in just his boxers, Max kneeling on the bed. Then Max ducks down, presses his face to the damp front of Daniel’s underwear where he is straining against the cotton. <this was something for both of them. max loves breathing daniel in, being completely surrounded by daniel and he feels that best when he can smell daniels sweaty crotch, okay? xD overwhelmed by all sensations. but for daniel, max wants it to also come across as like, an act of devotion?>  He stays like that for a few moments, just breathing Daniel in, before opening his mouth around the head and sucking it into his mouth, fabric and all.
Daniel runs a hand through his hair. If Max tried, he’s sure he could make Daniel come, sticky and wet in his underwear, and then if Daniel said that was enough, Max would let it be. Would roll onto his back and will his own hard on away and go to sleep happy without Daniel having touched him, just because he’d know he’d been good for him. <so this is daniel acknowledging the power he has in this moment, because ultimatley he knows when max is in this headspace, max wants to please more than he wants to be pleased>
That’s not what Daniel wants though. Daniel wants to make Max feel good.
He’s the one to push his boxers down, to hold Max back where he goes, open mouthed, trying to take Daniel into his mouth again.
“No,” Daniel says simply when Max looks up at him, confused, lips still making a little o shape. Daniel drags his thumb over Max’s plush bottom lip and says, “I think I need to fuck you now. It’s what you want, right?” <this was me trying to make it obvious that like, max wants this, even if things have been a little ~rough~ until this point, but still make it sexy. This was daniel also looking for that reassurance and consent while trying to be sexy lol.>
Max nods frantically, motion slipping Daniel’s thumb into his mouth to hook over the bottom, perfect line of his teeth. <max genuinley wants it so bad here. its shifted a little. max always wanted the sex, but at the begining the motivation was to make daniel feel good but now the scales have tipped and max wants them both to feel good.>
“On your back then,” Daniel says, and watches as Max scrambles to get there for him. The easy spread of his legs so Daniel can crawl between them makes him want to kiss his way up Max’s body, to start at his toes and end at his tits.<Daniel want to worship max too, to show him that devotion in return. but he’s denying himself that sweetness because he thinks this fraught, ‘mean’ sex will give more to max>
Instead, he just fits himself in the wide space Max has made for him, swiping his fingers behind Max’s balls to find his hole. Lines himself up and pushes inside, sweet and easy.
Max whimpers when he’s all the way inside, eyes screwed shut tight and then suddenly open again, looking at Daniel like there’s something to see there.
“Daniel,” he whines, the way girls used to say “oh god,” when Daniel would fuck them. <lol this was a joke with myself where i was trying to say that max see’s daniel as a sex god:P>
He doesn’t want to hear it suddenly, to think about anything else except the ways he can get Max silent and shaking if he just tries hard enough. <daniel doesnt want the devotion. bc he doesnt feel worthy of it.>
He crushes their mouth together on his next thrust to stop anything else spilling from Max’s, to stop anything from starting to spill from his own. Max tightens around him and Daniel grunts, and then he’s bringing his arms around Daniel, fingertips stroking over his back, gentle like- like he thinks that this is what Daniel needs, to be babied, for Max to be sweet and hold him. <again so. in my head, max maybe doesnt usually do this when they have this kinda sex. so hes trying bc he wants daniel to have something sweet and loving too, but daniel is like, no. i want to make this what you like, this is for you max, not me>
Pulling back, breaking their kiss so he no longer covering Max’s body, he breaks the circle of Max’s arms around him, and takes both his wrists into Daniel’s one hand. The delicate bones push together hard so he can manage it, but Max doesn’t flinch just throws his head back and cries out as Daniel holds them against the headboard, dick dribbling a little more onto himself <max is into this. the wrist grabbing, it’s hot. like he likes daniel being rougher with him, like he says later in the fic, he likes that he can really feel daniel bc of it>.
Daniel angles his body so every thrust gets Max right where it feels good, the best, and then he’s giving up thrusting all together and is instead just rubbing that spot with the head of his cock, over and over, relishing in the way it makes Max’s stomach and cock jump between them and Max’s eyes open again to look at Daniel, startled. <Daniel needs max to come first, again like, playing this game of proving he can still be good to him with himself>
“Daniel,” he says in the same tone again, “you are going to-“ but he breaks off with a pitiful whimper when Daniel reaches down with his free hand to cup Max’s tit. <Max here is trying to warn daniel bc as established 1000 times, he wants to be good for daniel>
“That’s right, Maxy,” he says, pressing his fingertips harder into Max’s wrist, chasing the feeling of his pulse, rapid and strong, “I’m going to make you come, aren’t I?”
And then Max does.
Daniel starts fucking him again for real during, has to fight the urge to let his eyes roll back in his head at the sensation of Max’s hole fluttering around him. Even when he’s finished coming, Max holds himself tight for Daniel, and it’s that, the knowledge that Max is still trying so hard to be good for him even after, that has Daniel tipping over the edge.
“Fuck, Max,” he bites out, pressing against Max’s wrists, somewhere to rest his weight as Daniel comes.
Then it’s over. <then this starts the quick come down for daniel. like reality is flooding back into him in one shocking moment>
Then he has to let go, has to pull out, gentle and slow, before he does something embarrassing like lie completely on top of Max and start crying into his neck. It’s just the comedown, he tells himself, the rush of endorphins Michael is always trying to convince him he can get from running too. <this meant to be the same as like that moment, before waking, when you forget everything fell apart the night before and then you have to remember. like daniel got lost in max and making him feel good, so maxs plan succeeded! but now he has to face it all again. and he still thinks he’s not allowed the tenderness max has been trying to give him, bc it makes him ‘weak’.>
He rolls onto his back, next to Max so their shoulders are brushing. He needs to move soon, to get a washcloth to clean them both up, to get them both under the covers. For now, he lies there, the room silence except for the noise of his own heavy breathing, Max’s quieter puffs of air. <it’s almost like daniel is in shock again here, bc other than sleep, this is the first real escape hes had from his horrible reality and now he has to come back to it. so hes just taking a moment to like, deal with that. but meanwhile, max is lying there expecting what he normally gets after this kinda sex. daniel to hold him, to tell him he was good and special and that daniel loves him. but minutes are ticking by and max isnt getting that and suddenly max feels all wrong.>
“Daniel,” Max says into the silence eventually, and his voice sounds a little small. Wrong. <Daniel isnt a dick okay, hes just dealing with his own feelings rn, that hes kinda forgot that hes being shitty with the ‘aftercare’ or whatever youd like to call it. hes very flawed in this fic, and then maxs voice here is his first clue that he fucked up>
Daniel is immediately pushing up on one elbow to look down at him, to look at his face, but he’s got his arm slung over it. He’s hiding. <Daniel is immediatley wanting to fix whatever is wrong. max is frightened that like he did something wrong or the sex made daniel feel worse. like he has no logical reason to think that, but the lack of ‘nice’ stuff being said is making him spiral so hes vunerable here. wants to hide>
“Max, I- Are you okay?” He reaches out and strokes tentative fingers down Max’s side. Max shudders but Daniel sees his shoulders relax ever so slightly at the gentle contact. <and immediatley like, daniel touching him softly starts to reassure max. he doesnt want to make this all about him when daniel is going through so much, so hes working hard to listen to daniels touch and words. daniel is touching him nicely, okay, things cant be that bad so he can start to relax>
“Can you-“ Max starts, voice muffled, “Can you say something nice.” <but he still needs that final thing. max needs to know he did good for daniel, but also he needs to know he was good like, for himself? because max has a big praise kink so the idea of not being good, like, really hurts him>
Daniel feels like someone has thrown a bucket of cold water over the bed.
“Baby-“ He forces the panic out of his voice, “Maxy, I- Come here.”
Max pulls his arm away from his face and Daniel can see his eyes are wet at the corners. Usually- usually that means Daniel did good, gave Max what he needed but now. Now he doesn’t know. <Max needs to look at daniels face first, that final thing before he can give himself over and let himself be like, okay, everything is okay. i didnt make daniel worse.>
“Baby, come here, please?” He says again and to his relief, Max scoots across the bed and into Daniel’s arms. He lets Daniel pull him so he’s pretty much lying on top of Daniel, wet face pressed into the crook of Daniel’s neck. Daniel rubs a hand up and down his back.
“Baby, you were so good for me, yeah? My good boy, you gave me just what I needed.” He feels Max nod against him and he presses a kiss onto the top of Max’s head. Keeps his mouth there and murmurs into his hair, “Thank you, Maxy. I’m so lucky to have you.” <and of course, daniel loves max so he’s going heavy with the nice stuff! he feels it, he thinks it, he just forgot to say it bc hes not perfect rn. how can he be?>
“I love you,” Max whispers like it’s a secret.
“I love you too,” Daniel says quickly but he doesn’t know if it’s enough right now.
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ayowuzap · 2 years
Yes i was rereading and reached at around 756 now while making the chapters for part two pile up since last last month fuck everything
Bg: Cale suddenly got transported to the sealed god's "tests" in the temple because of something idk and that was somehow the god of death's fault so now he"s trying to fix shit up. This particular scenario that i thought of around 1 - 2am that hasn't stop haunting me was the Wrtah Test. (I finished the scrap thingamajig at around 2:30 just in case ya'll wanna know don't judge me please)
Ps. I tried to stay loyal to the novel's/author's way of writing so i appologize in advance if its wonky don't also @ me with the grammer since like i said its fuckibg 2am help me
"Jack, Mary and Bud Illis."
Their eyes widened as Cale mentioned their names that they couldn't utter out loud  before.
It was understandable. They were gone after all.
"Those three are doing well."
However what the Cale whom they didn't know very well and had complete balance because he had the wood ancient power said the complete opposite.
Hannah mumbled out subconsciously, completely flabbergasted as she heard her dead brother's name and being mentioned as if he was alive.
No, as if he didn't become a sacrifice in the first place.
"You- You aren't lying are you?"
"No. I have no reason to lie about something like this."
Hannah could not help but be doubful. However, Cale understood her feelings.
"That's great."
Tasha commented in a sorrowful yet joyful voice.
"That's really, really great."
Tasha smiled sadly as she gently closed her eyes shut as if satisfied.
Glenn Poeff whom Cale had known as one of the people who was a survivor of Poeff Household and the Assasins Housholds, and most importantly as Bud's ally and companion, hummed and clenched his fists.
Cale looked at them tiredly and looked at the ceiling while still holding the paper Cage gave him earlier and while still stepping on the God of Death's divine book.
Cale then spoke.
They flinched as their eyes shook violently at the unexpected yet expected response.
"Remember, let go then mourn."
Cale said his thoughts out loud.
He could not help it.
He had lost many people in the past as Kim Rok Soo and had become quite familiar with the feeling of sadness and mourned, albeit very late.
"If you still can't accept it yet. Mourn some more. If you can't anymore or don't want to, that's fine too. No one will rush you nor judge you."
"They'll understand too."
Tasha's face had become blank as Hannah's expression broke and Glenn brought his clenched fists towards his mouth, shutting his eyes to orevent himself from tearing up.
"And well, I..."
Cale theb turned his toward them with a sorrowful, understanding expression yet with a bright, satisfied smile.
"I may or may not have learnt this the hard way."
He smiled even more as he remembered his conversations with the other Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo that he met in the other "test" and his conversation with the team leader he knew when he was going to give him his Embrace ability.
However, the others saw this both correctly and incorrectly.
He looked as if he had gone a lot through- (leaving this blank for now)
--- (leaving this blank for now)
Hannah wailed, holding onto the robe she's wearing that is originally her brother's robe that he had always wore before he died, as Tasha fell down to her knees and sobbed and cradled her face while Glenn clenched his eyes shut even more as he bit his lip until it bled and...
They mourned.
Imma edit this later but for now imma cry myself to sleep gunayt-
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Hello !
Despite, the fact that i've been here for many years, I still have no idea of how Tumblr is supposed to work, plus the fact that I'm little stupid. My appologies in advance for the trouble.
Since I have to redo this introduction, again...
Might as well start from the beginning.
Hello, I'm a friendly shapeshifting demon creature that came from the void and welcome to my little empty space.
My name is... let's just call me Shiro for now, but you can also call me Void or Null if you like those name better. I don't mind really. If you are wondering about my pronouns, I can go by any (but He/They/It are preferred.)
I'm mostly gonna post art here but I can also sometimes post animations if I'm motivated enough. But, honnestly I'm probably gonna post anything including text. But be aware that most of the thing I'm gonna post here will be my characters, not a lot of fandom related stuff, maybe who knows.
If I'm gonna be honest I'm not gonna post regularly here unless Twitter collapse on itself, which may happen really soon. Also I'm a tired and not very motivated university student, which is probably gonna explain a lot of stuff in itself as well.
Before I completely forget about it, despite the fact that this is midly important, English is not my main language. So I wanted to appologize in advance if I don't understand something or do/say something wrong this is/was not my intention (also it can also explain why I might by a little slow on response or have a hard time trying to understand something). Also appologies in advance for any weird grammar or typos (which is going to happen a lot.)
Feel free to drop a question or ask me something, I will gladly answer it.
I guess that all for now.
(Sorry of this is a little long.)
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zmayadw · 3 years
A Thank you post - and a little emotional blabbering 😅 This is gonna be a little longer, so I appologize for it in advance!
Hmm, where to start...
So a little less then three months ago I made my Tumblr account. Few days after I posted the first part of my Duskwood fanfiction. I was excited and nervous as hell, my hand was shaking so badly before I finaly clicked on the 'post' button. Immediately after i logged off and went to bed, but that was one very long and sleepless night for me. In the morning my excitement and shaking continued, and after my 2nd coffee I told myself "Fu*k it, Maya, don't be a sissy and log to tumblr already!" And I did..
And let me tell you, when you see that someone actually read and liked something you wrote..I cannot describe with words how happy I was. I never wrote anything before in my life, and the excitement I felt was amazing 😄
And thats where it all began. My story continued, people still liked it, and my overly caffeinated brain managed to make me write some other stuff that still got liked. I still shake every time I post something, and I think that will never change 🤭 (and no, it's not because of too much coffee, there is never such a thing as too much coffee! 😂)
So why am I writing all this? Because today I hit 100 followers, and I cannot thank any single one of you enough for keeping this happiness and excitemen of my going on 🥺🥰💖
Duskwood fandom people, you really are the best, and I love you all! And I'm really happy I am a part of it.���😍🥰💞 Thank you all for brightening my days with your wonderful stories, amazing arts and memes and all the other stuff. Don't ever stop being awesom! 🤩💖
All right, I think I'm done now 😅 Thank you all once more! 🥰💞💖 Wish you all a wonderful evrning!
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marvel-ousfairy · 4 years
“Flesh eating plants, are you kidding me???” NALU Oneshot
Author’s Note: Ummm... So I don’t normally post my own writings, but I wrote this literally years ago and figured it was about time I posted it. Better late then never, right? *Chuckles nervously* Anyways, there are a few plot holes and things but I’m honestly too lazy to change it sooo, here you go! Let me know what y’all think. (Also I appologize in advance for any wierd formatting issues. I blame Tumblr.)
Warnings: Fighting, angst with a fluffy ending, killer plants? idk what else to put haha. If you read it and think there are any other warnings I should add, please please let me know.
Pairing(s): NaLu
“Open, Gate of the Golden Bull: Taurus!” Lucy Heartfilia shouted, summoning the celestial spirit to her side.
“Mooo! It’s nice to see you again, Miss Luuucy.” Her celestial spirit, Taurus, drawled as the golden light of Lucy’s magic dissipated.
A large crash echoed through the forest near Magnolia as Lucy dove to avoid getting hit by a thick plant root, only a gaping hole left of the earth where she previously stood.
“Not the time,” Lucy panted before struggling to her feet again. “I need you to get in there and snap those vines!” she directed.
Celestial Wizard Lucy Heartfilia, her partner Fire Dragon Slayer Natsu Dragneel, and their cat companion, Happy, had taken a simple job helping out a local farmer. The request had asked for a few wizards to come assist in the extermination of the vermin rampaging through the owner’s crops.
“Stop pouting,” she said as the trio walked through town towards the agricultural district. “At least you get to beat something up.” She smiled, glancing around at the fruit and vegetable stalls lining the streets.
The pink haired wizard crossed his arms before letting out an offended huff. “I’m a dragon slayer, not an exterminator.” He whined.
The blonde let out a giggle, ignoring his petulant child act. Her laughter didn’t last long, however. Upon their arrival at the little farm, the trio soon realized that things weren’t as they appeared. Much to Lucy’s horror and Natsu’s delight, the vermin that needed bashing turned out to be full-fledged, plant-based monsters.
“’Let’s do it’ I said. ‘This will be easy’ I said. How does a Venus Flytrap even grow this large?” Lucy grumbled as she jumped over another stream of murderous plant roots. Finally finding solid ground, she pointed Taurus towards the twisted nether of roots and stems that kept the frightening flora grounded. Meanwhile, Natsu busied himself with torching the other five or so reanimated plants that littered the forests edge.
“Fire Dragon: Roar!” He let out a manic laugh as his flames transformed an entire line of trees into glittering torches, burning friend and foe indiscriminately.  
“Natsu, watch where you’re aiming,” Lucy scolded, letting loose a disgruntled shout as she once again narrowly missed a blow to the side via killer plants. The self-proclaimed farmer, apparently, was a wizard himself who specialized in foreign herbs with magical properties. Their current foes were the result of his latest creations gone very wrong.
“We already owe a great deal in repair costs as it is. The master will kill us if we burn down another building,” she reminded him, hand on her hip.
“Yeah, Yeah.” Natsu shrugged as he incinerated yet another row of trees and crops.  “Stop with your naggin’ already. We’ll be fi– Hey Lucy, watch out!” The dragon slayer let out a roar as Lucy whipped around. A faint gasp swept past her lips as a verdant blur crossed her vision. Pain ricocheted down her left side as a stray vine from the Flytrap knocked her to the ground, tangling with her legs and whipping her towards the Venus’ awaiting jaws.
“Argh,” Natsu screamed, face contorted in anger. “Fire Dragon: Wing Attack!” The vines that dug at her skin, slowly encroaching upon her torso, were suddenly engulfed in flame and burnt to a crisp. She yelped as Natsu’s flames left her stranded in the open air. With nothing left to catch her fall, she plummeted back down to the rigid ground, her head smacking against the dirt with a harsh crack. A muffled yowl came from beneath her and she rolled over to find a disgruntled Happy scowling back at her.
“You alright, Luce?” Natsu questioned, finishing off the last of the nasty creatures.
“I’m the one in pain,” Happy cried, indignantly. “Lucy squashed me with her fat butt!”
“WATCH IT, CAT!” she screeched at the little blue exceed, the pain from her fall quickly washed into the foreground.
Natsu cackled, causing the celestial spirit mage to turn her glare on him. Noticing the change in atmosphere, he yelped as a certain red-haired wizard came to mind.
“Scary,” he whined. Lucy’s scowl deepened before gifting him with another one of her signature Lucy Kicks.
“Humph,” she muttered, smiling in satisfaction. “Serves you right.”
Later, at the Fairy Tail guildhall, the pair found themselves curled around the bar. Mira wiped down the counters, glancing at the two while she worked. Lucy sat on Natsu’s left with reequip mage Erza Scarlet on his right. Gajeel, Levy, and Pantherlily were located at a table behind him, while Gray was doing his best to avoid an overly exuberant Juvia. Happy had disappeared soon after their arrival back at the guild, dreams of fish and a particular white feline dancing in his head. An overall jubilant air had settled on the guild as members had returned from their missions to settle in for the day.
Lucy leaned against the bar, head spinning, with a strawberry concoction clutched between her palms. A dull ache had settled into her bones since their mission earlier, winding around her mind like a snake. A slight burning sensation danced along her side as a pair of onyx eyes watched her with intensity.
“I’m fine,” she said with a huff, not bothering to turn towards the dragon slayer gazing at her worriedly.
“Lucy, I–”
“Really, Natsu, I’m alright.”
Natsu grumbled, unconvinced, as he finished off the plate of food Mira had set before him. He knew Lucy was lying, but he also knew that she could be just as pigheaded as him. She had been acting strange ever since their return from their earlier expedition. Despite her claims otherwise, he could tell something was up.
Lucy stood up abruptly, letting out a heavy sigh, before turning towards Natsu once more. Ignoring the stars that threatened to consume her vision, she forced a wide smile onto her lips. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I’ll be okay. I think I’m just gonna head home and get some rest. The fight today really took it out of me. Thanks for the drink, Mira.”
She gave one more wave to the white-haired woman before making her way towards the entrance. Before he could make any move to stop Lucy’s departure, Erza placed an armor clad hand on his shoulder. “She’ll be fine, Natsu,” the red-haired warrior assured him. “She can take care of herself.”
He simply nodded, giving Lucy another intense stare before promptly getting knocked off of his barstool by a half-naked Gray. Mira giggled as Natsu let out an enraged scream. Apparently, Juvia had finally caught up to her beloved Gray.  
“What the heck was that for, you pervert?”  Natsu yelled as he quickly shifted into battle-mode, fists blazing with fire.
“Who you callin’ pervert, flame for brains?” Gray challenged.
Soon after, a fight broke out between the two, eventually expanding into a guild-wide brawl after another slice of Erza’s strawberry cake was destroyed. Lucy, who had been watching from the towering guild doors, shook her head. She let out a yelp as a chair smashed against the wall to her left, before finally disappearing out the door and into the streets of Magnolia.  
 Despite a slight limp in her step and pain in her side, the walk home wasn’t as bad as she’d first expected it to be. It wasn’t long before she was weaving her way past the ferrymen and stumbling into her apartment with a heavy sigh.
“Home at last,” she hummed to herself. She stretched out her limbs, cringing as her ankle buckled a bit in pain, before making her way toward the bathroom. “Maybe a shower will help wash off the pain from today,” she mused, ridding herself of her blood-stained clothes. With steam flooding the little room and the water temperature set on high, she stepped carefully into the scalding water. A shaky breath escaped her lips, but her mind continued to spin at a rapid fire pace. Groaning in frustration, she tried for another calming breath. Despite her chance to finally relax a bit, she couldn’t manage to quiet her mind. It had already been a long day, now made even longer by the pain that constricted her mind and body. A glance towards her numerous bruises sent a frustrated sigh past her lips, before her features contorted in confusion. A second glance down at her body caused her gaze to quickly slip from confusion to fear. Thin green lines painted swirls and complex designs across her torso, leaving angry red marks in their wake. The vines, she thought. They don’t just feed off human flesh… “They steal magic power!” She shouted, mentally kicking herself for forgetting the farmer’s warnings. He’d told them that this was a possibility.
Her hands shook as she slowly grew more and more hysterical, tearing frantically at the small vines cutting at her body. Just as she made some headway clearing the thin vines, however, the dizziness from before threatened to overtake her. She reached for her keys, only to find them rendered useless. My magic power is too far gone, she cursed. “Loke, Virgo, someone please!” She cried out desperately. They can’t hear me, she sobbed. A single step towards the bathroom door sent her vision shaking. By two steps, the light in the room began to dance. By the third, Lucy could feel herself losing her will to stand. By the forth, she found herself hitting the ground as the ceiling grew further and further away. “Natsu…” She whispered as vines tangle around her mouth. Her vision slipped away as she soon felt herself get swallowed whole by a cocoon of roots and vines, before she finally lost consciousness altogether.
Back at the guild hall, things had finally settled down. Luckily, the aftermath of the brawl had been minimal. A few burnt spots, some broken tables and chairs, and a few missing pillars. The building, by some miracle, still stood proudly in the heart of town.
“Where’s Lucy?” Natsu asked, having finally cooled down from his fight with Gray.
“Oh. Lucy? She went home a little bit ago.” Mira said, smiling sweetly from behind the bar.
“You even watched her go, you idiot.” Gray said with a laugh. Natsu shot the Ice mage a scowl.
“He loooooves her.” Happy drawled from his place next to Charle on the bar top.
Natsu reddened in embarrassment, brushing salmon strands out of his face. The dragon slayer stiffened as a ball of anxiety settled into his stomach. His nose twitched as he took in the stale undertones in the air, confirming some unknown fears. He could be wrong, but he knew Lucy. He knew her scent and how it changed depending on her mood. Right now, the thick smell of fear curdled his blood. Something was wrong.  
With one last vengeful fireball to Gray’s face, he ran off towards Lucy’s apartment with the blue exceed following close behind. Fellow mages and townsfolk cried out in protest as he pushed by them, but Natsu didn’t notice. Blood pumped in his ears, matching his racing footsteps as he hurtled himself down the stone streets. As Lucy’s apartment came into view he pushed his legs faster, using his fire to boost himself through her window in a single bound.
Once safely inside, the first thing he noticed was the silence. Despite the distinct sound of a shower in the background, the stillness hung like a thick fog in the air, suffocating him.  Steam seeped from beneath the bathroom door as he flung it open to reveal a horrific jungle. Vines grew up and off the walls, roots digging out of cracks in the floor.  Leafy plants twisted in midair like worms burrowing through the dirt, dragging curious fingers along his face and down his legs. “Lucy!” Natsu shouted, digging through twists and snarls in the vines. “Lucy!” No answer. Frantic, he set his body ablaze, burning down every vine he could get his hands on. The twisted nether of green squealed and screeched, cutting at his arms and face as every vine soon turned to ash. Finally, there was nothing left but a pale sleeping beauty curled up on the scorched and broken tile.
“Lucy…” his voice was barely a whisper as he pulled the blonde into his arms, swaddling her in a nearby towel. Ashen vines were like cobwebs arching across her ghostly pale skin, her fingers tinged blue as if frost bitten. Even her hair seemed somehow drained of life, as the last of her magical energy seemed to fall dangerously low.
“Nat-su,” a shuddering gasp swept past her grey, cracked lips. “Help m-me… S-so c-cold…” Her words came out in little puffs as her eyes fluttered open, straining to gaze up at his face.
“Lucy. Lucy, look at me. I – I’m here. I’m here. I’ve got you.” He hugged her into his chest, his tears melting into sobs as the smell of strawberries and vanilla wrapped around him. Desperately, he looked around the small apartment before his eyes settled on his blue companion, standing wide-eyed at the door.
“Get Wendy!” He cried out to the little exceed.
“Natsu?” His little eyes rounded with horror.
“A-Aye, sir!” Happy jumped up and gave him a determined nod before soaring back out the open window from whence they’d come.
A shaky hand grasped onto his scarf, pulling his gaze back down to Lucy’s shaking form.  She curled like a sunflower into his warmth before letting out a shuttering gasp.
“Don’t leave me,” she wheezed. Every note grated against his ears, her normally melodic voice cracked and broken. Regret settled like a stone in his stomach as he cradled her closer to his chest.    “Never,” he whispered.
A soft kiss warmed her clammy skin, flowering across her cheek, as exhaustion finally pulled her into a deep, restless sleep.
Warm hands wrapped around her as the smell of wood smoke and cinnamon swirled through the air. She knew that scent. It meant safety, warmth. It meant home.
A slow smile stretched across her lips as her eyes fluttered open to see a chiseled chest and strong arms holding her close. A quick blink shot her eyes upward, only for them to be met with slightly parted lips. As her eyes roamed over the curved planes of his jaw, the slightly parted lips morphed gradually until she was met with a wide, toothy grin. One more shift left her breathless, as she tumbled deep into the depths of his obsidian gaze.
“Natsu –” she stammered.
“Welcome back.” He pulled her closer, resting his forehead onto hers before finally releasing a heavy sigh of relief.
All the pain that had previously ensnared her was gone without a trace. The telltale signs of the guildhall infirmary told her that she had Wendy’s sky magic to thank for that. The warmth that flooded her senses, however, was thanks to her one and only favorite dragon slayer. Although, she doubted it was his naturally higher body temperature that caused warmth to flood her cheeks. Curious eyes peered up at him as his eyes danced behind hooded eyelids. Her very presence seemed to melt him, soften his normally sharp edges.
“Natsu?” She questioned as his face lowered towards hers, their noses brushing together.
“Hmm?” he hummed a response, not quite focusing on her words.
“I –” she began, her words causing their lips to brush. Fire raced through her veins at the sudden touch. A gasp escaped her as their lips finally connected, the sound muffled by the gentle caress of his lips on hers. She felt the fire that raced through him swirling just beneath the skin, held back by an unseen floodgate. He nipped playfully at her bottom lip as their lips danced together in perfect harmony. Abandoning its previous position around her legs, his right hand slid up her side to cup her face while his left hand snaked around her waist, tugging her closer still to his chest. Trails of fire blazed across her skin wherever his fingers danced, sending a shiver of delight down her spine. Her delicate fingers dug into his silky salmon locks as all of their raw emotions were poured out, left open and vulnerable for the other to see. Their kiss grew desperate as the spicy taste of cinnamon filled her senses, causing her toes to curl and her fingers to tug harder at his cotton candy locks. With one last shuddering breath Natsu pulled away, studying her rosy cheeks and her chocolaty brown eyes alight with joy and complete contentment. A deep, throaty chuckle escaped his lips, vibrating against her chest, as he took in her dopey smile. Swollen red lips downturned into a pout, enticing him into another sweet kiss upon her lips, before her dopey grin returned with renewed vigor and her laughter intertwined with his. Lucy gazed sleepily up at Natsu as he mindlessly spun her golden locks through his fingers, a gentle lullaby to her tired mind.
“I –” she began slowly.
“She loooooves him!” came a teasing voice, followed by fits of laughter and giggles. Lucy’s eyes widened, taking in the audience staring at them from the doorway. Spotting the culprit for the interruption, her eyes narrowed on a certain blue exceed hidden in the crowd.
“SHUT IT, CAT!” She screeched as Natsu’s chuckles rolled into cackles, his body shaking as his face twisted with laughter. Lucy burrowed into his scaly white scarf, groans mixing with laughter as she took in a beautiful, terrifying truth. Happy was right about her and Natsu. She really did looooove him, and the adoration he showered down upon her told the mage that he really did looooove her, too.
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rueren · 4 years
appologies in advance it’s whore knee hours so minors leave pls bubs
i just had a thought so who wants to scream with me about stoner!suna blowing smoke into ur face while u lay on his chest and he’s got you facing him with his fingers cupped around ur chin n his thumb swiping over ur bottom lip n his palm pressed to ur throat. his eyes r heavy n lidded n just looking down at u with his led lights on some dark purple or red or sum shit n he takes another hit n tugs u up to his face n blows it into ur mouth, then kisses u n doesn’t let u come up for air for the longest time.
“pretty girl,” he’s mumbling once u guys pull apart, and with smoke tumbling from ur lips he’s going back down n biting ur bottom lip, tugging it out as what’s left of the smoke ebs out in roles up to ur ceiling, clouding ur vision of his face for a moment. with his hand fully pressed to ur throat he’s flipping you both with you now under him , “my pretty girl”
yeah just thinkin ab him
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penaltbox · 3 years
Hey J! This is so long I appologize in advance
So I thought of this today and it's making me soft. So imagine Liam is like 3 now and it's the winter time (like late Feb) and Cole comes home for the by-week (idk when it actually is but pretend it's the last week of feb) and the boys want to take Liam skating for the first time, but the little rink in the back yard of his parents house (where youre all staying for the week) isn't fully ready so they have to find some free ice time. They find something at like noon on the Tuesday and Cole is all excited, but brock realizes he has a work thing so can't make it. Cole tries to find some more ice time but everything is booked and brock wants his son to have his first skate in the same rink he and Cole learned to skate in so he's like "no don't worry it's fine. Cole you should take him, you were always the better skater. When my meeting is over ill meet you at the rink" And you can tell he's sad but he doesn't want to drag anyone down with him. You're working from home that week so you're able to take some time and go with cole to the arena.
You get Liam all ready and you go out with them to get pictures to send to brock, but the SECOND cole puts Liams skates on the ice he looses it. Liam is throwing an absolute fit and does not want to be on the ice. So you go over and pick him up as Cole is looking super panicked and freaked out. You take your crying toddler back to the dressing room and once he's calmed down enough he says "I don't wanna go on the ice!!! No skate!!!!" Cole walks in as he says this and he's like "sorry buddy, maybe when you're older?" And liams like "No!!!!" And is all grumpy. Cole looks so dejected as he takes off his skates and puts them back into the bag as you do the same for Liam. Cole texts Brock that he doesn't need to come because Liam doesn't want to skate. Once you're in the car Liam falls asleep in his seat and you tell cole "hey don't worry about it, he's young and he's we've been having issues with nap time recently so he's grumpier than normal. We just have to take baby steps on this one." And he's like "okay, maybe next over the summer we can get him on the ice". As you pull into the driveway you see brocks car parked out front and hope he won't be too upset with your sons apparent dislike of brocks biggest passion.
The rest of the week goes smoothly, and the temperatures take a big dip so that the outdoor rink in the backyard is ready to skate on. Cole was leaving the Sunday so the brothers wanted to get some time together just out on the ice. Saturday afternoon was sunny and the air was crisp a perfect day to be spent on the rink. They had only been outside for about an hour when Liam starts to get fussy by the window overlooking the ice. He tries to go open the backdoor but you grab him first, picking him up into your arms saying "where are you going baby?" To which he responds in his best big boy voice, "skate!! I go skate!" And you're blown away because you weren't expecting that. So you get his snow suit on and put on his skates right there in the house. Once you have your coat and boots on, you head outside. Cole spots you first and skates over, stopping just beside you and saying "hey buddy you skating with me?" And Liams like "No!!!" And you both just go ????? What????? And then Liam goes "I wanna skate with daddy" and as he is saying this brock joins the little group and he just lights up, like huge smile. He takes Liam out of your arms and skates away, but not before you hear him say "dont worry buddy, daddy won't let anything bad happen to you"
The rest of the after noon is spent with brock holding Liam up as he tries to skate around, he had warned up to skating with cole, giving brock some time to spend with you taking pictures. Liam let's out a big laugh at Cole and brock squeezes your arm a bit and says "I was so scared when cole told me what he said at the arena, I want to support him in anything he does, but I had always dreamed of teaching my kids how to skate and coaching them and having hockey a big part of our lives. I felt so lost because I saw all that slipping away and I didn't know what to do. But when you brought him outside today, and he said he wanted to skate with me, I knew everything was going to be okay, I'll do anything for him. Babe I am the luckiest guy ever because I have him and I have you" and with that he gives you a sweet kiss on the forehead and skates off to pick up Liam, who is sitting on his knees looking pouty, "come on buddy let's go inside, you did so so good today!" And liams like "No I wanna skate!!" But everyone can tell he's get tired so brock says "okay buddy, but I guess mama and I are going to have to drink the hot cocoa Nana made for you" and Liam is like "No!! I want nana cocoa!!" And so he curls up and clings to brock the best he can as they walk across the yard towards the house. You see his mom through the window holding a steaming mug of what you guess is hot cocoa and she's beaming at her son and grandson. You don't hear cole come up beside until he says "she always used to have hot cocoa ready for us when we got inside, it was the only way she could get us off the ice sometimes" and you smile and nod, " I'll have to keep that in mind, I think Liam is going to be out here a lot" and you both start back to the house.
Idk if anyone besides you likes my brock C baby saga ideas but as long as you like them it's good enough for me. Love ya!
My heart was so not prepared for how cute this was 🥺🥺 I loved it
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Hi, Llama!! As soon as you came out with that Coraline AU to your Aggre(g/v)ation story (especially the OtherSanses’ evil forms), I just had to get something written down before I forgot the idea. I appologize if it seems too long, but I hope you enjoy it!! :D
It had started almost in slow motion, then gradually escalading to speeding by you in a whirlwind of destruction. As the four of you made a mad dash through the apartment facsimile’s hallways (had they somehow gotten longer?!) the walls, floor and ceiling around you had started to disintegrate. Almost like loose, faded patches in a forgotten quilt, the matter quickly fell apart and away only moments behind your racing feet, falling and disappearing into the endless expanse of white which you now knew to be the anti-void.
This perfect world…his perfect world…was quite literally falling apart at the seams.
You knew that Sans’ button-eyelighted doppelganger would have found out about your escape soon, but you had still held some of that useless hope that you and your boys would miraculously slip right between his threaded fingers and into the real world.
But as soon as the four of you had finally, finally persuaded Stitch to let you pass, it was like a silent alarm had gone off. The world had started its collapse, determined to never let you reach the exit.
Dart knew where you were, and that you weren’t alone. If you hadn’t have known better, you would have thought all of this terror and chaos was only a game to him. Just to remind you of his presence, ever so slowly closing in on you.
Aside from your collective pants and heavy breathing, you tried your hardest to keep your eyes and ears sharp, listening for any indication that he could be hiding just around the next corner, ready to finally snatch you away.
But to your confusion (and slight horror) there wasn’t any giveaway. The only thing you could occasionally hear was this faint…scuttling noise, coming from everywhere and nowhere, almost as if some sort of animal was fleeing away from your group.
“c’mon, kid,” Sans called over to you, breathless. “i’m convinced we’re going around in circles. you know this place more than we do, right? what’s the quickest way out of this nightmare?”
“I-I don’t know!” You stammered, almost near tears, clinging to Skull’s jacket as he still continued to hold you tight against him. “The apartment was never this big before! I don’t know which way to go!”
“well, we ain’t got much time left to think on it, sweetheart!” Red gasped, momentarily fumbling over his own feet before just as quickly catching up. “in fact, we’ve got no time! i’m not sure we can take much more of this shit…”
Skull chose to stay silent. No one pressured him to talk this time; the look on his face was almost murderous, and he grasped onto your much smaller form like a child with its most treasured doll.
It was only after a couple more turns and a dilapidated staircase when you finally reached the kitchen. The lights were dark, but none of you wasted time to fumble for a light switch. As you all momentarily paused to look around you for another way out, you only just barely registered that the destruction of the building had just…stopped. A blank, open area of white just sitting there at the room’s end.
You motioned for Skull to put you down, and after a moment’s hesitation, he set you back on your wobbling legs. While the boys scanned the area for a path to the exit, you ventured further into the kitchen. Even if there was no way out of this room, the least you could do was arm yourself. You didn’t want to stay completely useless throughout all this chaos.
…Not when all of this was your fault to begin with.
But before you could find a drawer or a cabinet to open, you stopped dead in your tracks. This time, you heard footsteps within the dark of the kitchen, barely audible by someone’s familiar slippered feet.
Sans grabbed your arm and yanked you back towards him. Were he a second too late, you would have had several white strings wrap tight around your unsuspecting body. They hit harmlessly against the wall instead, fluttering to the ground before snaking back to where their owner now stood.
You and your boys slowly backed away towards the white expanse, careful not to fall in, as Dart finally revealed himself from the shadows. His white, buttoned eyelights seemed to glint in the bright light of the anti-void, and that perfect, porcelain grin of his widened almost menacingly, the threads keeping him together stretching with the movement.
“there you are, dolly.” he exclaimed. You outwardly shuddered at the nickname, sickly sweet and dripping with the promise of punishment. “and i see your little friends managed to make their way inside here too! pretty small world, don’t’cha think?”
Your arms were both being held by Skull and Sans, with Red looming protectively behind you. Your fear quickly replaced with seething rage. “Let us go, Dart. I don’t want to stay here anymore. I don’t even belong here!”
Dart’s smile didn’t even try to waver, as he almost strolled further into the kitchen, resting his elbow on the countertop. “oh, i know you don’t. and i don’t intend to keep any of you here for long. just as soon as the three of us have a chance to obtain our real bodies, we can all go back home, safe and sound.”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it!” You all but shouted, quickly losing your patience amidst your righteous anger. “They aren’t your real bodies, they’re my friends! I’m not letting you take them away from me, you…you…!”
You struggled coming up with an insult amidst your fury. You backed further into your boys, gaining confidence from the warm and comforting magic almost radiating from their bodies. “…I don’t even know what to call you! You’re not even a monster, I don’t think you were even one to begin with. You’re…you’re an abomination!!” You cried.
“you’re free to call me whatever you want, (y/n)��” the fake skeleton was undeterred, his manic grin softening the slightest bit as he gazed at you fondly, “just as long as i get to call you mine.”
“alright, that’s fuckin’ it.” Red growled, gently nudging you towards Skull as he took one, stalking step towards the fake. “your outnumbered, ya little bastard. just be glad we didn’t take the other me along with us.”
The edges of Dart’s permasmile turned flat. “oh, don’t i know it. you don’t have to worry about that useless puppet of mine, though. now that i know he let you escape, i’ve made sure he’s been dealt with accordingly.”
“What did you do to him?!” You shouted. In the beginning, Stitch may very well have been only a doppelganger that wanted to steal Red’s body, but he had still helped all of you in the end. You could still remember the look of pure unadulterated fear stretching across his boney features as you reasoned with him, the way he subconsciously seemed to cover up all of his joints – where the glowing red strings keeping him together were held.
And when he finally slunk aside and let you all pass, the way that his trembling, broken words seemed to echo around you as you fled away…
“…h-he’ll forgive you…he-he has to…you’ll be f-fine…he’ll forgive y-you…”
Dart answered you, his irritation and his smile twisting into something awfully cruel. “oh, nothing he won’t ultimately recover from. he’ll be able to see you again soon, just after he…pulls himself together first.”
You were going to be sick. You were actually going to throw up. You covered your mouth and choked on a sob, tears finally pricking at the corner of your eyes. It was bad enough that you had seen with your own eyes Dart tear apart Lockstitch with his bare hands…once you finally discovered how downright evil he was. You didn’t think you could take much more at this rate.
“you sick fuck…” Sans seethed, his eyelights extinguishing to let a dialated blue eyelight take the left one’s place. “it’s over. you’re done. once we’re done with you, we’re taking (y/n) home. just try and stop us!”
Skull’s hand around your arm tightened protectively. “…it’s four to one. you’ll lose.” he snarled, his one eyelight shrunk down to a pinprick in its socket.
As one, all three of the skeletons advanced toward the copy, with Skull keeping you behind him for protection.
Dart, however, looked like he was having the time of his life. As he backed up against the kitchen counter, his threaded smile almost broke with how wide it stretched.
“looks like you’ve got me in a corner, huh fellas?” You eyed him carefully, desperate to catch any rouge twitch of his fingers, any movement of white threads indicating an attack. “welp, i guess i’ve got no choice but to break out the big guns…”
Big guns…?
Dart placed his hand to the side of his mouth, amplifying his shout that he directed behind you all. “oh, paaaaaaaatch!”
As soon as you registered the name, your heart sunk down to the floor.
Almost immediately, the scuttling noise from before returned, now growing almost dangerously loud around you all.
Skull turned around first, to pull you closer to him, but as soon as he faced the now illuminated hallway out of the kitchen, he muttered a foul curse, pulling you behind him again. The remaining two skeletons followed suit, jaws falling completely slack.
As soon as you saw Skull’s button-eyelighted doppelganger emerge from the hallway, you very nearly fainted on the spot. He was just as big as you had seen him before, his oversized, patchy jacket falling open to reveal his giant, broken ribcage. His spine, from what you could see, looked horribly misshapen and bent, causing the hulking beast to hunch over unnaturally.
But the sight of the large, spindly, and incredibly sharp spider’s legs that poked out of the holes of his large basketball shorts quickly captured your horrified attention. The monstrous appendages looked almost like individual scissor blades at the ends, as they stepped carefully into the large room, and his clawed phalanges could have passed as pin needles, bared menacingly at the four of you.
The large, red button in Patch’s working socket almost glowed in the dark, twitching to focus on each of you individually. His grin was stretched unnaturally wide, the points almost wrapping around the sides of his ruined skull, and continuous guttural growls and grunts poured forth from his ribcage.
“heya, patch. nice to see ya, boy.” Dart greeted almost too casually, as if he were addressing a pet. “i’ve got a bit of a problem. y’see, these big bad people want to take our precious little (y/n) away from us! isn’t that awful?”
The creature’s button eyelight darted to land on your cowering form behind Skull, and he let out a saddened, almost animalistic whine.
“i know, it’s just so unfair!” Dart cooed, his grin twitching in its manic hold. “i know you’ll be good and take care of it for me, won’t you, patch?”
Patch’s pathetic whimpering instantly changed to a monstrous, feral growl as he took in the three skeletons in front of you. His spider legs bent as he lowered himself further, needle-like claws bared as he poised himself to strike with a word from his master.
Red, Sans and Skull shook off the terror coating their expressions as each conjured their appropriate magic bone attacks, murderous intent in each of their sockets.
They were so focused on the threat in front of them, that by the time Dart’s white threads latched onto each of your limbs and you let out a terrified scream, it was too late. The strings yanked you back so Dart could restrain your arms with his, holding you in a bruising grip.
The boys turned on their heel to aim their attacks at the copy, but Patch’s answering snarl had them twisting back around, trying desperately to discern the greater threat.
“well, i’d love to stay and chat as much as the next guy, but you all appear to have your hands full. try to find us later if you manage to survive.” Dart said nonchalantly, holding you back while you shrieked and struggled like a fish caught in a net.
You could already feel the telltale signs of a shortcut that Dart was charging up. Just before your vision went white, you could see Patch charging toward the skeletons after his master uttered a single, terrifying command:
“s i c  ‘e m, b o y.”
that was fuckin amazing,,,,, you absolutely NAILED the characters!!!! bruh i need more 
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Don’t You Hear My Call Though You’re Many Years Away - Chapter 9
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A/N: Settle in y’all, this is a long one. Things heat up between the Y/N and Deacy. And Y/N spends the day with Brian! Y/N slips up.
Warnings: Angst. Steamy moment. Mentions of drinking. Maybe one cuss word.
I imagine John playing “Something” would have sounded like this. https://open.spotify.com/track/0zi2LVUPp1gGssRSHgIW36?si=PIyL9IJ3QquJD6MIy1XGxQ
Before I knew it, a week had passed. I spent most days with John, others with Mary, sometimes Freddie and Roger, but all my evenings were spent with John. And just like that first night, he would walk me to my door, and leave me for the night.
But today I spending time with Brian, who I hadn’t had the chance to get to know as well as the others.
John was helping his friend again, Mary was working, as were Roger and Freddie, but when John asked what I would do with my day the previous night at the pub, Brian offered to show me around more.
I met Brian in the lobby of the inn around 11am.
“Good Morning, Y/N!” He said cheerfully as I made my way down the stairs.
“Hey Brian!” I greeted him with a hug and a kiss on each cheek.
Margret, the inn keeper, looked us distainfully. What she must be thinking. One man leaving last night and now a different one picking me up. She was nosy and miffed.
I wiggled my fingers at her, waving goodbye. She huffed indigently and walked away.
Brian caught the interaction and couldn’t help help but ask “what was that about?”
Laughing I replied, “she seems sort of nosy, and well John left me at my room last night, and now you, a different man, are picking me up.” I raised my brows in a ‘you know’ expression.
“Oh” Brian laughed softly.
“What type of woman does she take me for?” I clutched at my bare neck dramatically as we left the inn, causing Brian to laugh harder.
“You’ll be the talk of the city if you’re not careful” he added playfully.
“Where are we off to today?” I asked as he headed down the sidewalk towards the van.
“The observatory, if you’re alright with that” he said as he opened the door for me to climb in.
“I’ve never been to an observatory” I replied, causing him to smile.
On the ride there Brian talked excitedly about the observatory, giving me some of its history. He was softer spoken than Roger and Freddie, but not as much as John. He had a gentleness to him that was endearing.
His enthusiasm was catching, but it also could have been that I still wasn’t over the fan girl shock at times, so I was always excited about everything.
Once we arrived Brian showed me the equipment and explained what everything did. Telling me what I was looking at through the telescope. It was like having my own personal tour guide.
His enthusiasm didn’t waiver until he realized I hadn’t said much.
“Sorry” he said quietly, “I can get carried away.”
“Please, don’t appologized!” I replied, reaching out to touch his arm “I’m simply taking it all in. I never learned half this much all the years I spent sitting in the yard with my Dad looking through his telescope.”
“Oh, does he enjoy astronomy?” He asked, his curiosity peaked.
“He does. He took a few classes in college. He taught me about the constellations, unfortunately I can’t remember them all now.” I laughed “funny enough, my first word was ‘moon’.”
He laughed softly as we walked “really?”
“Yes” I continued “but I pointed to a light fixture when I said it.”
He laughed louder, causing a few of the other guest to look our way.
“A light? Priceless!” he said as his laughed subsided.
“One of my Dads favorite stories to tell about me.” I laughed.
After a few hours at the observatory, Brian and I made our way to a small pub for some lunch before heading back to their flat.
I was deep in my glass of wine when I decided to maybe give a few hints about myself away. Or at least where I came from.
“So tell me Dr. May, what do you think the future holds for space travel?” I started there.
“I’m not a Dr.” he replied.
“Not yet” I quipped, smiling.
“Ah well, space travel, hmmm.” He thought for a moment “more trips to the moon hopefully. Although they’re doing some pretty wonderful things right now.”
“Do you think people will ever go to another planet?” I promoted.
“That would be an amazing feat now wouldn’t it?” He said thoughtfully, “I don’t honestly know though. Technologically speaking, there would need to rather great advancements. But most planets would be difficult to reach and even more difficult to survive, completely inhospitable, at least given the equipment available now.”
“Ok, what about...” I paused “time travel?”
“Time travel? Well that’s different than space travel isn’t it?” He took a sip of his drink before he continued “Einstein‘s theory of relativity suggests it may be possible.”
As he explained I began to feel the truth bubble under surface again. The urge to tell, that was ever present, begging to come out. So many stories and secrets fighting to be told.
I knew I could trust him, I also knew he’d have so many questions I couldn’t answer. But my heart held me back. John was the one to tell, if I told anyone. But would he believe me? How would I tell him? And most importantly, when?
“What brought up time travel?” He asked as he finished explaining.
“I just like to read science fiction, that’s all” I lied.
“What have you read?” He asked. With that the subject changed, and I didn’t give any hints.
“Thank you for today, I had a wonderful time” I told Brian as we made our way into the flat. And it was true. I enjoyed spending time with him, getting to know him better. I kept breaking the rules as days passed. They were all becoming my friends.
“You’re welcome” he said allowing me in before him.
As I stepped inside I heard soft music coming from up the stairs, someone was playing a guitar.
I turned to look at Brian, “someone here?”
“It’s John” Brian said, nodding in the direction of the stairs.
I smiled at him before slowly making my way up, listening to the song he was playing. I recognized it quickly, he was playing “Something” by The Beatles.
Once I reached the landing, I quietly stepped towards the opened door and peered in.
John was sat on his bed, acoustic guitar in his lap. His eyes were closed as his fingers skillfully moved over the strings. He swayed slightly as his heel tapped, keeping time. He seemed lost in the music, in the moment.
I stood silently against the door jamb, taking him in. His handsome profile, the set of his mouth and jaw. His hair falling down his back. He was captivating. I could have watched him for hours. He began to softly hum the words of the song, and I could literally feel myself swoon. What was it about a cute guy and a guitar?
I watched him quietly, the moment was too serene to interrupt. As I listened, the inner turmoil that constantly lingered in the pit of my stomach halted. All the worry and fear melted away as he played. Calmness settled over me, a welcome break from the incessant angst. Everything seemed perfect in that instant.
But all too quickly the song ended. John still sat quietly.
“I read somewhere he wrote that about his guitar” I said softly, derailing his train of thought.
John jumped, causing the guitar to bounce on his knees, as he yelped.
“You startled me!” He exclaimed.
“Sorry” I couldn’t help but giggle. “That was beautiful, Deacy” I said as he stood to lean the guitar against his desk.
“Thank you” he said, bashfully. “You going to stay in the hall?”
“I didn’t want to barge in and disturb you.” I replied, stepping into the room. Taking it in fully. I hadn’t been in here yet, I’d only caught a few glimpses.
“I wasn’t thinking about my guitar playing that thought.” He said softly, as he closed the door behind me.
“Oh, you were thinking about you bass guitar then huh?” I asked playfully, smiling at him.
He swiftly stepped towards me, smiling before he pressed his lips to mine. His hands rested on my waist as mine wrapped around his neck.
I sighed happily as the kiss ended.
“Hi sweetheart” he whispers against my lips.
“Hi Deacy” I whispered back, my eyes still closed.
“How was your day with Brian?” He asked softly as his lips moved to my cheek. His hands moved gently, gliding up my back.
“Good” I exhaled, letting my head lull to the side, exposing my neck to his lips. He took the invitation and peppered my skin with soft kisses.
He moaned quietly as my hand found his hair, my fingers tangling in the strands.
His lips left my skin, and as I opened my eyes, he was staring at me as his darkened, smiling. His hands found their way under my shirt as he began to kiss me more deeply, making me moan in his mouth. Slowly we moved towards his bed, when I felt it bump the back on my knees, I broke the kiss. I pulled away from his grasp, toed my shoes off and climbed on his bed. Kneeling, I took his hands in mine and pulled him towards me.
As his lips crashed into mine, his hands returning to their spot under the hem of my shirt, while mine tugged at the buttons of his. His calloused fingers drifting along my back, his warm skin contrasted by the cold metal of the rings on his fingers. My body shivered from the contact.
Suddenly his door swung open and Roger burst in, “Deaks...shit! Sorry!” He bellowed, turning his face away from the scene before him.
I sat back on my heels, flustered, as John spoke gruffly “what is it Rog?”
“Oh” he said, peaking back at us, seeing the situation had changed, he faced us again “we’re having a party tonight. I wanted to see if you wanted to go to the shops with me...but I see you’re busy.”
“We’ll go Rog” I told him. John looking back at me questioningly.
“Thought you didn’t want an audience, love” he retorted.
“We didn’t have one until you came in” I said, cocking a brow at him.
“What do we need?” John asked.
There were more people in the flat that I thought possible. People chatting, eating, drinking, smoking, dancing. It was a bit like a frat party, the music and clothing may have been different but the situation felt similar. And still felt awkward for me.
Freddie and Mary were playing host and hostess, introducing me to people, and in some cases to John as well. People were interested in their new American friend, who they took on. Like I was some sort of stray, which wasn’t far from the truth.
Brian was there with a date, and a camera. Taking pictures of anyone who would let him.
Roger was flirting with a girl, and while I toyed with the idea of getting some payback for walking in on me and John, I decided against it.
John stayed by me the entire time. Touching me, kissing me, holding me. I was surprised at his public affection, but I enjoyed every moment of it.
Freddie pulled us all together, telling us he had news.
“We have more dates booked! A tour!” He cheered, raising his glass.
Brian and Roger flooded him with questions, like when and where.
“Cornwall, there’s 9 shows” he continued.
“We can stay with my Mum! She helped pull this all together!” Roger said cheerfully. It was cute.
John pulled me into an embrace, “we haven’t had our first show, I can’t believe we’ve got a tour!” He said excitedly.
“It’s going to be amazing. You’ll all be amazing!” I said as I kissed him.
Freddie poured more drinks for everyone. Tonight was a celebration.
After a few more drinks I didn’t give much thought to when Freddie took the camera from Brian and told him and I to stand together for a picture. It seems I had forgotten I wasn’t meant to be here. Taking photos was careless. Dangerous even. I was leaving a tangible trace.
But I was reckless. 
Brian slung his arm around my shoulder, and leaned his head down until his curls were laying on top of my head, making me laugh as Freddie snapped the picture.
“Now your turn Fred!” Brain yelled over the music. Why were they wanting pictures with me?
Freddie handed over the camera, and pulled me into a bear hug, squishing his cheek against mine for the picture. Smiling cheerfully.
“I want a picture with Y/N” Roger almost whined as Freddie spun me around.
Roger put his arm around my shoulder too, and as Brian shouted “ready”, Roger kissed my cheek, making me roll my eyes, even though I was still smiling.
“Mary and Y/N next!” Freddie said, pulling me towards her. We posed with our arms around each other’s waists, smiling happily at the camera as the bulb flashed.
“Now the lovebirds” Freddie yelled, as he pushed John towards me. We stood awkwardly together at first, not sure how to pose.
“Aw! Cmon! Act like you at least want to shag! Like earlier!” Roger yelled loudly, making people around us laugh.
I laughed as I turned my face into John’s shoulder. I wasn’t sure what poses or moments were captured as a series of flashes went off. The last one flared as I was looking up at John, smiling.
John sat on the arm of one of the sofas and pulled me to sit in his lap. I loved being close to him. Since I was pressed up against him, I decided to be a tease, seeing as I was still frustrated from our heated moment being interrupted.
As ‘All Right Now’ began to play over the stereo, I started to move my hips, wiggling them to rhythm. Like I would if I were driving in my car, listening to my favorite song.
As I started to move, I heard his breath hitch, and felt his body go rigid. His grip on my hip tightened as I continued.
After a few moments I could feel his excitement. I couldn’t help but look over my shoulder at him. His pupils were blown, as he swallowed thickly. He set his drink aside to pull my face to his, the kiss was hungry.
As I leaned back to look at him, his mouth was open slightly, his eyes dark. He leaned into me, pressing a kiss to my cheek before his lips settled on the shell of my ear.
“Let’s go to my room” he whispered.
“We’d defiantly have an audience now” I reply “but I know where there’s an empty room.”
@queensdivas @liliah39 @leah-halliwell92 @painkiller80 @painandpleasure86 @deakys-chesthair @yourlocalmusicalprostitute @heybuddy-drabbles @queenwouldyourathers @mirkwoodshewolf @ixchel-9275 @johndeaconstoothgap @deakysmisfire @thosequeenboys @tryin-her-best @amethyst-serenade @deacyspatronusisacheesetoastie @johndeaconshands @apailana @deakysgurl @john-deacon-fucks
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futuresmashmemes · 5 years
I really hate to bring this up considering that this is about my personal life and isn’t something that you guys should be concerned with, but this is probably going to affect the frequency and quality of my posts for the next couple of days so I figured that I should let you all know.
A little over a week ago, my grandfather passed away. His death was an accident that came completely out of left field (compared to my grandmother, his wife, who died of cancer about five years ago), and everyone in the family was really shaken up by it. I had the benefit of being out of state in college and therefore was mostly disconnected from it all, but with the funeral coming up in a few days...it’s really starting to catch up with me.
My que has run dry (I only have one more meme queued for tomorrow and then it’s empty), and I honestly don’t know if I can bring myself to make stuff right now. I’ll try my best, but with everything going on in my life right now, I don’t know if I’ll be able to.
I know that this is a huge downer and for that I appologize. I hadn’t said anything until now because at the end of the day, this is my personal life and I don’t want to drag any of you down with me. I just wanted to post this in advance so I don’t get flooded with “where’s the upload?” asks and the like.
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mightyinvincible · 6 years
I want everyone to understand, we did not just lose some guy who wrote comics today
I would like to appologize in advance to anyone who doesn’t want a wall of text blockading their tumblr experiance, but this matter is of the utmost personal importance to me.
Born to Jewish immigrant parents, Stanley Martain Lieber, later to use the pen name and later still legally adopt the name Stan Lee, was more than just the author and creator of some of the most succesfull characters of all time. In the late thirties he cocreated Captain America as a symbol to boost moral in America during World War II, to show that freedom and justice will always triumph over hatred and tyranny. He would later go on to cocreate some of comics first black supporting and starring characters, including the first black super hero in 1966, Black Panther, and first black major supporting character Robbie Robertson in 1967.
On top of that, in his colemn “Stans Soapbox” which was often used to promote upcoming comics, he would speak up against the dangers of bigotry:
“Let’s lay it right on the line, bigotry and racism are among the deadliest social ills plaguing the world today.” “The only way to destroy them is to expose them- to reveal them for the insidious evils that they are.”
Stan also wrote super heroes completely differently than was the norm at the time. While DC comics was thriving creating models to look up to that were nearly flawless, Lee wrote characters that had bad tempers, drinking problems and dealt with real problems, like romantic relationships going wrong and having to pay rent. Without him, we would likely still be watching super heroes that are plain as bread, doing everything right and helping lesser people with their problems with none of their own.
So i know this is a lot, but really, this man was so important to me. Stan “The Man” Lee, was progressive and accepting, and more important to modern media than we may even understand. So the next time you see that old man in the background of your favorite movie, don’t forget he’s not just some writer for a famous company.
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alxhmora · 6 years
Draw Drarry Badly
So I was tagged by @polly-weasley to this ages ago (I am so sorry asddiajevskaj!!!) College was interrupting with my tumblr time, ya know how that tends to happen sometimes?
So the rules were to draw Drarry as badly as possible and lolol I didn't even have to try 😂😂😂 what follows is extremely clichéd but like a bad workman imma blame the tools: my brain is fucking tired! (Excuses, excuses. I know)
An immense appology in advance to everyone who has to suffer through my lousy attempt at art but I blame @l0vegl0wsinthedark (She started it!!!)
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Me: Now kiss!
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I am pretty sure you all can't read what nonsense dialogues I have written so here
Draco: You have no idea what you're doing, Potty
Harry: Shut up you Point Git and kiss me.
I am going to drag @fanartandfashiongirl @lettersbyelise (in case you choose to accept this mission let me warn you that your are not allowed to draw them nicely *cackles evilly*) also @stainednotebook and @rose-grangerweasleyisbae
That's it folks! I'll be in that corner over there, hiding
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askthedespairkids · 6 years
Karma's 18th birthday
//aka you all  should have figured out by now I enjoy getting mod Karma to write text posts.. //also, Madoka’s beahvor is probably nothing like a two and a half months old baby, I appologize in advance.  — Naomi: *Is sitting on the edge of the bed and feeding Madoka by the time Karma wakes up. * Morning there, love. Happy birthday.
Karma: Hm? Is it really my birthday already?
Naomi: Been a year since the last one… There is a plate of pancakes somehwere on the bed. I planned to hand it to you, but someone decided to wake up.
Naomi: …Really? I didn’t know. It must be a coincidence thqat this is the exact food i got you for your birthday, and not the result of you telling me before. *She laughs. * I hope they didn’t burn…
Karma: *they sit up and grab the pancakes * they look just fine.
Naomi: That’s great, I was worried. *she takes Madoka’s bottle once the baby finishes.* Do you want to tell your renny happy birthday, sweetie? *The baby, of course, only giggles. *
Karma: Thank you, Mado.
Naomi: *she places Mado on the bed* so what do you want to do today, love?
Karma: I dunno. Do you have work to do?
Naomi: Nah, I did some late hours earlier this week, I’m good for today unless there is a crisis…. which there shouldn’t be.
Karma: God, I hope not.
Naomi: …Nah, we’d be good. Can I play with your hair while you decide?
Karma: Sure!
*Carefully lifting Madoka so she won’t crash her when she moves, Naomi moves closer to Karma and starts brushing their hair with her fingers. * Naomi: …do you actually want to marry?
Karma: I’m pretty sure yeah! Some people… aren’t a fan of the idea though.
Naomi: who give a… it really should have a curse world here, but really, who cares what other pepoel think? and do i need to hit them?
Karma: I don’t think so.
Naomi: That’s good. But really… I am not pressureing you into this wedding thing, am I?
Karma: Not at all.
Naomi: Good, I was worried a little. *she smiles. * can I give you a birthday kiss?
Karma: Of course!
*Naomi leans forward to kiss Karma’s cheek, still playing with their hair. *
Karma: :)
Naomi: … so we should probably figure this thing out, haa? *she still plays with Karma’s hair, tying and untying it. * so what did you decide?
Karma: I know I want to get married as soon we can. And I’d like everyone to be invited. As for my birthday today, maybe we could go for a walk around the island? Or hang out with Orochi and Junpei?
Naomi: …I’ll talk to my uncle, see if he can organize a visit of the gang from the second base for this at some point. Your dad, your classmates, Maizono-san… it would be nice. *she smiles, letting go of Karma’s hair. * and a walk sounds like fun to me.
Karma: I’m glad!
*Naomi lifts Madoka, smiling as she caws in reaction. * Naomi: do you want to hold her?
Karma: I’d love to. *they take hold of Madoka and immediately tense up *
Naomi: calm down, love, you won’t drop her. do you want me to put the carrier on you?
Karma: Yes please.
*Naomi ties the carrier on Karma and helps placing Madoka in it.* Naomi: There you go.
Karma: Thank you.
Naomi: just part of the day job.
Karma: … Could I carry her today?
Karma: All of today?
Naomi: Of course. Why wouldn’t you? she’s also yours.
Karma: *they kinda poke Madoka * She is.
Naomi: That’s how this biology thing works. *she laughs * She loves you. You know that, right?
Karma: She’s a baby. Can she really love me yet?
Naomi: You don’t see her smiling when she sees you, right? I mean, she is a cheery baby, but she always smiles when she sees you, no matter what.
Karma: *they smile * Yeah.
Naomi: *she pets Madoka’s cheek * Tell your renny you love them. *the baby just smiles *
Karma: *they laugh a bit. suddenly, tears start forming in their eyes *
Naomi: are you okay? *she is sends a hand to her bag near the bag and searches it * bottle, bottle, pen… oh, tissues. *she hands a pack over to Karma.
Karma: *they take them * I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m crying.
Naomi: is it a good cry or a bad cry? *Madoka is currently busy trying to grab Karma’s finger. *
Karma: Good I think. *they give Madoka their finger *
*Naomi kisses Karma’s cheek * Naomi: Is it possible you are happy, my dear fionce?
Karma: It’s possible.
Naomi: …I’m fine with you crying if it means you are happy. or cutting onion. no other reason, though
Karma: I gotcha haha.
Naomi; as long as we’re clear about it
Karma: Very clear.
Naomi: good. I love you. *she looks at Madoka. * Both of you. more then anything.
Karma: The feeling is mutual.
*Naomi takes Karma’s free hand * Naomi: let’s go and have fun, birthday person. Are you actually an adult yet?
Karma: I am now.
Karma: In Canada at least.
Naomi: …nah, neither of us is an adult here, not until September. But it’s good that you are an adult at your home.
Karma: I don’t feel like an adult.
Naomi: Me neither… but here we are. and we have a reason to try and be,
Karma: I suppose.
Naomi: *She kisses Karma again * I’m glad I got to meet you.
Karma: I’m glad as well. Very.
Naomi: Let’s go find Junpei and Orochi. *She takes Karma’s hand. * Happy birthday.
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nepenthe-flower · 3 years
Letter to my friend
Dear p,
Our friendship started out very natural and ver comfortable. It was as if the universe let us meet each other at the exact moment for a good reason. I felt really accepted and warm being our friend. We shared our education goals and struggles. We gottrough classes togeter and gave each oter that mutual support and teamwork to achieve our goals. Our conversations were fun but they were also deep. I was ale to share a part of me to you that everyone else migt not have known. I never cry infront of others, but were that one friend that saw my emotional side. I also learned how to enjoy simple things and experienced what it would be like to have a friendship close to sisterhood.
I have Always wanted to be your best friend and mabe have that glorified title to boast. But I knew that best friend was already taken so i was content with being second best. Your real best friend was someone you knew longer, someone from high school. Your inside jokes were abundant, your interests and references so elusive to outsiders like me. I sometimes felt jealous or left out. But i was never really angry because i knew i came second, our friendship still too young.
When you started seeing a significant other and i didn't know till later, i was surprised but still didn't think that i we would drift even farther. I know sharing personal things may be difficult for some, so i didnt feel hurt by your keeping things from me. Maybe I should have felt hurt? But i didnt because somehow i knew your real best friend would deserve more of your trust and secrecy than me. I was only second best right?
Then the relationship wityour significant other pushed you farther away from your family and best friend, and it seemed like i was the only one distant enough and objective enough to be there for you. Not in the drama, cool enough to give you support, and would accept you even if I was put in the backseat or used as a placeholder.
You fought with your best friend. Your best friend found a new best friend. You promoted me and gave me the title of best friend. But, i didnt feel like we got closer at all. I felt like a placeholder. Someone to fill the spot of a friend just because you felt like everyone around you was gone. I really craved the feeling and closeness of true best friends. Sharing out deepest secrets, having our inside jokes, and genuinely making time for each other. Was my expectation to high? What is a best friend ? Instead, is a bestfriend someone who is always ok with what you do, even if you forget about your friend?
I wanted to meet with you. Talk with you in person. To hear your voice, see your face and expressions. To be in your presence and to share our deepest and darkest thoughts. To exchange opinions and just to relax in each other's good company. I prefered spending time with you and just you, but i was flexible and was ok if you really needed to bring your significant other. I just wanted to genuinely see you.
Then, just as the plans were made, i hear nothing from you for days..maye even a week or more. Silence..just nothing as if you disappeared. Ghosted me? I was a bit perplexed but i wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, i still sincerely thought we were best friends then..
Days later, a text. An appology that you were going through a rough time. Of course i forgaveyou and give you the biggest cheerleading support. I was genuine and i believed you. The pattern of putting me in the back seat continued but i didnt realize it.
Finally a sudden break through. The next time we planned to meet, you never carried through. You didnt think about it, you didnt plan it even though we talked about it in Advanced. You were relying on me to take the initiative and pull the entire friendship through even with your little effort. How strange of me not to realize this until present. When i called it off you realized I caught on, i was angry.. and you asked if i felt angry. When someone knows you're angr they must know why.. what caused te anger. If they can sense your emotions the can predict the cause. I am sure they are consciously are aware of it. Being oblivious migt have been more genuine as strange as that may sound... being aware but knowingly upsetting others.. means one chooses to offend and is hopping the other person will be ok with it.
Did you change or was i just too oblivious to see? My fault for being blind. But i realized i was always the one holding on and being overly accepting in the friendship without drawing my boundaries. I accepted too easily and demanded too little. I sold myself short. I realized that after nearly eight years of friendship and you knew so little about me, because you never cared to find out. Eight years of friendship but you never knew mybirthday or bothered to ask... yourdesperate attempt to amend things right before giving up too.. quick and timely end was it not? Goodbye.
Thank you for teaching me the lesson of valuing me before anyone else, especially those that don't genuinely care about fostering friendship to begin with. Thank you for showing me what not to do to a friend and how to approach boundaries. The lesson was indeed a good one. May i heal and move on from the past.
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futurewriter2000 · 7 years
Too much (Young Sirius Black x reader)
A/N: I have been writing this for ages now. Sorry for not posting for so long, just a little writers block and stress and that shit but I’ll try harder. Also I don’t have a computer so its harder to write. Anyways I hope you like it.
Request: Hi, could you write a young sirius black x reader where she’s really sick and over works herself until one day she passes out and sirius is with her in the hospital wing saying she needs to let people take care of her? Just really comforting? Thank you in advance if you decide to write it!
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Taking N.E.W.T.’s in your sixth year was exhausting. You were constantly in your room, surrounded by books or found in the library, stressing out. It never ended for you. You had exams, O.W.L.’s, N.E.W.T’s, taking notes at class, trying to listen in class, but most importantly trying to understand the class. That was only your sixth year. Now you were going to your 7th year in Hogwarts and since the beginning of term you decided you are going to do everything along the way. Of course that never happened. There were Quidditch matches you loved to attend, parties at every other hause, Hogsmeade and your hobbies. But N.E.W.T’s were apporaching and you haven’t had got the time to look at the book at all. 
You were sitting in the library, taking over the whole table with your notes and books. You haven’t slept in two days and coffee was your only food. You were looking at four different potions, trying to remember everything you learned in sixth year. You haven't got a clue, you completly forgot everything about 6th year. But knowing yourself, you are going to spend every single night if it meant passing N.E.W.T’s.
Everything was perfect. You passed your exams, had the highest score in your N.E.W.Ts and was just about to get an award from Dumbldore himself.
Someone was calling you. You turned around in the Great Hall to see who it was, but it was becoming blury. Dumbldore beside you disappeared into thin air and you were left alone in the dark. It became darker and darker.
“(y/n), love.” you heard the same voice over and over again.
You opened your eyes lazily, seeing a blury figure standing next to you. When the figure became clearer, so did the surroundings. It was dark and you were in the library. You fell asleep. Your eyes widened and you quickly lifted your head up, getting a small virtigo.
“Thank god you woke up. I thought you were dead.” teased the dark figure and took the piece of paper, which was appereantly stuck on your cheek.
“Sirius?” you asked as you saw his black curly hair blocking his grey eyes.
“The one and only.”  he sat down with a wide grinn.
You looked around, noticing you and Sirius were the only two left in the library. It must be late. You just overslept most of the noon and you still didn’t know the ingridients to the four potions. “Shit!” you said outloud and started gathering your papers. “I need to go to my dorm and start studying this. I can’t believe I spent the whole noon sleeping instead of studying. N.E.W.T’s are coming in two weeks and I- I am still not ready.”
“Calm down, Einstein.” chuckled Sirius. “I brough you dinner.” he said and tilted his head to the plate of your favorite meal on the table.
 "Oh thank god, I’m so hungry.“ you said sitting down and started stuffing the food in your mouth. 
 “Damn, what did that food do to you?” he asked as you were basically almost done.
“I need to go study. I can’t fail this. I really can’t. My parents would kill me and imagine being the only one who failed the N.E.W.Ts.” You started worrying.
 "You are not going to fail.“ he comforted and reached out to your hand. “You need to take a day off. Get some sleep, eat and relax.“ 
 "Are you mad!” you yelled, your voice cracking a bit. ” I had a lot of days off when I was saying it will be easy to study all of this.“
 ”(Y/n)…its just one day. You can continue the next day and I can help you.”
“ You stopped eating and started packing your notes. "No you just don’t understand. We don’t even take most of classes together. I NEED to study for this. I NEED to pass. You maybe don’t but I didn’t grow up in a powerful pureblood wizarding family like you.” you snapped and stormed off.
 The next day you lost your voice. It hurt like hell and you could barely talk. But you still decided to stay up in your dorm instead of going to breakfast. ‘It’s not like the last time. It’s probably just a cold.’ you thought.
Sirius was looking at your house table hoping to see you and talk to you. He wanted to appologize, even though he knew he was right. He never saw you coming in but he did see your friends walking and sitting down. He came over to them and asked. “Where is (y/n)?“ 
They looked at eachother, thinking if they should tell him. Than one girl with curly hair and brown eyes, who was also your roomate, spoke up. "She is not feeling well.”
 "Whats wrong?“ asked Sirius, getting worried.
 The girl wanted to answer but.. "Mariah.” shushed one of the boys and she shut up. She gave Sirius an apologetic look and walked away.
Sirius walked back to the boys and sat down. “We need to break into (y/h) girl dormitory.”
The other just stared at him for a moment and then continued to eat their breakfast. Lily who was the only one shocked here was looking at Sirius like he just lost his mind. “Are you seriously ignoring this?!" 
 "Oh my Lillyflower. He doesn’t mean it.” said James wrapping an arm around her. 
 "No guys I’m serious. I need to break into (y/h) girl dormitory.“ 
Remus put down the newspaper and started laughing. "Sirius you know what happened the last time we tried to break into Lilly’s dorm?”
"You tried to break into my dorm?!“ Lilly yelled and looked at James. James stopped eating and sent an angry look to Remus, who only smirked at him. 
 "Yeah I know. It turned into a slide. But it was fun, right?” smiled Sirius.
 "No, it was not fun.“ replied Remus opening his newspaper again. 
 "I broke my arm.” said Peter next to Remus.
 "You guys are not my friends anymore. I don’t know these whimps.“ he said, standing up and walking away.
“What a drama queen..” mumbled Remus and opened his newspaper again.
Lilly was still staring at James. “Honey, stop staring at me. You are making me feel bad.”
“Oh am I?! You wanted to break into my room!” she said standing up and walking away.
Remus and Peter started laughing, making James mad. “See... Look what you do when you open your mouth. Sirius was right. You two really are the worst.” he said and stormed after Lilly.
Remus and Peter high-fived eachother and continued to laugh. “You can see the Sirius in him.” added Remus. 
 He was leaning on the wall, waiting for your class to be over. When it rang, the class started coming out and soon after the big group of students, you walked out the last, looking worse than yesterday. Your eyes were red and buffy, dark circles around them, your skin pale and lips dry. He walked over to you. "Hey.”
 You gave him a smile. “Hey Sirius.” you replied and looked into his grey eyes, which looked worried. “I’m fine Sirius. I just have a cold. ” you said with a raspy voice. You then put a strand of hair behind your ear and squeezed the books against your chest. “I’m sorry I snapped at you yesterday. I was just a bit cranky and I swear I’ll go to sleep now. Just don’t worry for me, okay?”
 "But-“ You put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him again. 
"Okay? I am not used to Sirius Black worrying about me.” you smiled.
 "I don’t think I can keep this promise.“ he said, grabbing your hands. 
You looked at your hands and slowly pulled away. ” Than at least try.“ and with that you walked away.
After you disappeared he ran his hand through his hair and looked around. He noticed brown eyes lurking around the corner and he immediatelly recognised them. "Hey! You!” he yelled making her scare away. He quickly ran after her and catching up. 
 "I can’t help you Sirius.“ she said quetly, walking towards the library 
 "What’s wrong with her?” he asked her.
 "I can’t tell you.“ she replied and started to walk faster. But her short legs were not compared to Sirius’ long steps.
 "Please. I need to know." said Sirius, stepping in front of her.
 "I promised.” she looked at him innocently, almost tearing up. She couldn’t look up to Sirius. She didn’t want to lie.
And suddenly it clicked. He knew. He leaned on the wall, sat down and started staring at the distance. “It’s not just a cold is it?”
 "I’m sorry Sirius.“ she replied softly, coming closer.
 "Please, tell me. I need to know. I need to know how to help her. She, she, she - I- I love her .”
"We all love her Sirius. How can you not.“ she smiled and sat down next to him. "Last year, when she was taking her N.E.W.T, she was always studying. We thought it was normal until she spent most of her time in her dorm and was always behind the books. She got a soar throat at first and we thought it was just cold, but it wasn’t. She got sick. Really sick.” she sighed and a tear escaped her eye. “I was so afraid. So afraid of what happened. Luckly for her it happened right after the exams but she spent a long time recovering. I try to help her but she doesn’t want my help. She tries to bare it but it’s too much for her." 
 The next day he was waiting for you after class again. He was worried. He really did care for you and he didn’t want you to get sick again. When you walked out, looking even worse than before he quickly ran over to you. ”(Y/n)! How about you and me, today after Transifiguration.“ he tried to play it subtle. He forced a big smile, trying to hid his worried expression and you bought it.
 "I wish I could but I have my first N.E.W.T in two days so I can’t. ” you said and walked towards Transfiguration.
 "That’s even better. You can relax before it, you will think better.“ he smiled. 
 "I can’t Sirius.”
 ” Of course you can. You can’t refuse this pretty face.“
 "Yes I can Sirius.“ you said, starting to get annoyed.
 "Come on, why are you being so stubborn?”
 "Why are you being a dick! “ you snapped at him. 
“I’m worried (y/n).”
“I told you not to worry about me!” 
“How can I not worry (y/n)! You look like a ghost. Your eyes dark, your skin pale, your voice is almost gone!” he started yelling
“Oh wow Sirius! Just what every girl wants to hear from you huh! Well I am not just any girl! I need to work hard to get where I want to and you are just in my way!” you yelled back, turning around and walking away.
“I am just in your way, huh? All I’m trying to do is help you!” he shouted, running after you.
“I don’t need your help Sirius, don’t you get it! I don’t need you going to the library and bring me food! I don’t need you asking my friends if I’m okay! I don’t need your prying eyes watching me and I don’t need you waiting for me after class! And I especially don’t need you in my life!” you yelled, loosing your voice completely.
“You don’t mean that.” he said, feeling like you just crushed his heart into a dust. 
“Yes I do, now leave me alone.” you said really quietly.
“What about that Quidditch match?” he stuttered.
“Don’t pretend like you care Sirius. I am just like any other girl you made out with. After 3 weeks of dating you would probably throw me away for another one.”
“That is not true!”
“Oh really? You sure about that?” you turned around and walked in. Your throat was now burning and the pain was inbearable. Soon, he walked in, glowering at you and angrly throwing his books on his desk, next to James.
You sat next to Mariah. To be honest you didn’t know what you would rather do: Punch someone in the face or just start crying. ‘Why did he have to say that. He knows how important this is to me and he knows how hard I’m trying. Why doesn’t he just support me? Why is he pretending like he worries about me? It’s not like I’m the only girl he snogged after the Quidditch match.’ you thought as you were pretending to listen to McGonngal. 
After half an hour of listening and taking notes about Animagnus’ you felt a slight pain poking you in the head. You tried to shake it up. ‘It will pass.’ you told yourself. You looked over to Mariah, who was staring at your shaking hand. She gave you a worried expression. “I’m fine.” you gave her a smile but she still didn’t change her expression. 
“I think you should go back to our dorm.” she whispered. “You don’t look well.”
“I’m fine.” you replied, a bit louder than intended, but even you didn’t believe yourself. 
The pain grew stronger and started spreading through your entire body. The surroundings became blury and it kept getting darker. ‘No not again. Not now.’ “Miss (y/l/n), are you okay?” said proffesor McGonngal.
You stood up from your table and leaned on it. You felt dizzy and you tried to keep your balance.“I’m fine…” you said, your knees barely keeping you up. “..I just feel a bit dizzy..” you said quietly, your knees giving in and the picture slowly getting darker.
“(y/n)! (y/n)” someone yelled and it was the last thing you heard before it went completely dark.
“I am not leaving!” shouted Sirius at madam Pince, crossing his arms and glowering at her.
“Mr. Black! She needs to rest, I don’t want you here!” argued madam Pince.
“Someone needs to be here when she wakes up and I am not leaving. !” he insisted, sitting down next to your bed and taking your hand. He then looked at madam Pince and sighed. “Please. I can’t leave her.” he said, tightening the grip. 
“Fine..” she gave in, leaving the room. 
“Really?” asked Sirius surprised.It wasn’t normal for madam Pince to just let a student stay, when she clearly said not to.
“Don’t jinx it Black or you will be thrown out.” she said sharply. 
You opened your eyes slowly, feeling a strong weight on your eyelids. You looked at Sirius, who was still holding your hand and gently rubbing his finger on the back of it. He was staring at your holding hands and a tear escaping his eye. “I’ll never leave you.” he said quietly and looked over to your eyes. When he realized you were awake, his eyes widened and he quickly brushed his tear away. “You’re awake?”
“You’re here.” you smiled..
“Of course I’m here. I’ll always be here.” You moved yourself a bit, gaining control of your body and slowly sitting up. “Take it easy.” he said, helping you with the pillows.
“I swear if you mention anything related to N.E.W.T’s, I will chain you to this bed.” he said seriously.
You chuckled and put your other hand on the top of his. And without a Word a  tear escaped your eye. You looked at him, his hand still holding yours. “I’m sorry Sirius.” you started crying 
He got up from his chair and set next to you, wrapping his strong arms around you and pulling you against his chest. “Hey…it’s not your fault.”
“Yes it is. I’ve been working myself hours after hours and you tried to help me but I only pushed you away. I can’t do this. I can’t. It’s too much and I can’t do it. I feel like a complete idiot. People keep staring at me like I’m the biggest idiot in the school.I'm exhausted and tired and I just want to drop everything and go.” you sobbed into his chest. “ And I lied. I do need you waking me up in the library and bringing me food. I do need you waiting for me after class, because it makes my day and I do need you in my life because you are the only one I look forward seeing in the day.” you cried, gripping his shirt in your hands and pulling him closer.
He kissed your head and pulled you even closer (if that was even possible by now). “ You are not an idiot (y/n). If anyone is an idiot here it’s me.” you smiled a bit. “ You are overworking yourself. You are smart nd intelligent and one of the cleverest girls I ever snogged after a Qudditch match. But you need to let people take care of you, (y/n).” he then slowly lifted your head, cupping your cheeks and brushing aways your tears with his thumbs. “You are not dropping school. At least not when I’m still around.”
“I know. But it was all too much. the pressure, the worrying, the staring…it was too much and I became angry and I took it all on you.”
“Well you shouldn’t worry about that. You’re hot when you are fisty.” he joked, making you laugh through your tears. 
He pulled your legs on his lap and the two of you just sat there  like that for minutes, not saying a word. Suddenly you remembered your test in two days and you needed to tell him that, but felt kind of awkward. “Hey Sirius?” 
“Yes, love?” he asked calmly.
“I don’t want to make you mad or anything but..” Without even finishing your sentance, he got up and threw you over his shoulder. “Sirius, what the hell?” you laughed, your rubberband falling of your hair and making them fall in front of you.
He started walking, holding you around your knees and opening the door. “We are going to  chain you to the Whomping Willow because that will be the only way I will be satisfied.” he joked.
“Put me down Sirius or you will be facing no attention from me for the whole three days and we both know you can’t get through that long.” you tried to bargain with him, still laughing.
He put you down, making your hair fall in front of your face. You both started laughing while he was trying to put away your hair from your face. You tried to help him, but you haven’t brushed your hair in so long it was literally impossible untangling them. He finally moved them away to see your beautiful (y/e/c) eyes. He brushed his hand on your cheek, tucking strands of hair behind your ear. “I missed these eyes.” 
You looked down and then back up again. You blushed as you heard those words. You threw your arms around his neck, your fingers playing with his hair. “You know Sirius. This kind of reminds me of the last time at the Quidditch match”
He put his hands on your waist and you just slowly leaned left and right for a moment. “Oh, how’s that?”
“There is you, me...and this clock tower. But I  get the feeling there is something missing.”
“Oh, really? I wonder what that could be?” he said sarcasticly.
“I don’t know. Maybe it was raining last time or..” Before you could say anything else, his lips were on yours, his hands pulling your waist closer to his and your hands running through his dense black hair. You felt your heart beat faster. It wasn’t like the last time. It felt different but the good kind of deifferent. 
“MR. BLACK!” yelled  madam Pince from behind. She walked over to Sirius and grabbed his ear. She dragged him away from him and continued to yell in his ear. “I told you she needs to rest and then I find the bed empty with  no sight of the two of you!” 
“Madam Pince. We wanted - ouch- some fresh air.” said Sirius being dragged by her down the stairs. 
“I’ll give you some fresh air.” continued madam Pince. Just before she disappeared around the corner, she turned to you and gave you a threathning stare. “And you better be in bed when I come back.” 
“I’ll see you later, love!” yelled Sirius and then he was gone.
You giggled and turned towards the hospital wing. “Sirius Black. Who would have thought.”
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