#so much lyon on this blog right now
pioneer-over-c · 7 months
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uh oh
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sun-stricken · 9 months
Gray, Lyon and Ultear family ideas? I like to imagine Gray tells them about one of fairy tail’s exploits and they get concerned about his well-being. Mandatory family trips thatGray definitely doesn’t try to avoid (Lyon and Ultear have learnt to alert the guild when they’re coming so Gray can’t escape).
And if you don’t mind, Gray and Loke being BFFs?
Thanks! This blog makes me happy
im so happy you enjoy my blog!! i enjoy it too ;D
i’ve actually made a post similar to this before, but heres more
ty for the ask and sorry this took a while, ive been busy
Once a month (at least) family trip are a must, It started with Ultear dragging Lyon places during the 7 year gap but it started being a more regular thing when Gray turned back up
the first couple time they tried to do things together, it was a disaster
they werent familiar with each other and were hella awkward
Also, when Lyon & Ultear would mention to Gray they were coming into town, he would try to convince the team to go on an impromptu job
they’ve since learned to warn Erza of their arrival so he cant leave
‘abt to come into town, do not let that mf leave’
‘Guarding the doors & windows rn’
Grays probably walked into the guild to see one or both of them and turned right back around
The first time the showed up when Gray wasnt around they got a shovel-esque talk
it was terrifying and also confusing considering they think of themselves as his siblings so shouldnt they be giving those talks?
Ultear really embraces her oldest sibling role and pays for practically everything they do together
While Gray will try to avoid in person outings, he will blow up their phones (lacrima devices, whatever) at all hours of the night
Lyon probably has a 16 step skin care routine that he tries to nag the other two into trying it
its a fools quest tbh
They argue. so much. cannot do anything together without a disagreement. they probably have fist fought each other too
They are fiercely protective of one another, they can be pretty subtle about it but its clear as day to anyone who even slightly crosses them
They as a whole have a gambling/betting problem
They have run their pockets dry with it
They have been kicked out of multiple restaurants for being too loud
Gray tells them off-handedly abt the jobs and events he went through while growing up in Fairy Tail and they just sit back and listen in horrified fascination
they have absolutely no planned photos of them, they just never got around to it (*coughcough* grayrefusedtobeinone *coughcough*)
however! they have soooo many candid ones, Gray glared and complained when he found out (but he has half of them framed or saved on his phone)
Ultear and Lyon got pretty close duriny the 7 year gap and while Gray swears hes not jealous of it he totally is
Ultear, Lyon, & Gray; Guilt Complex Extraordinaires
Loke & Gray things :D
Nobody knows if Loke had a house, he always crashed on Grays couch
They are the reason for the sassy man apocalypse
When Lucy lets him have a day off his first stop tends to be Gray
Loke taught Gray how to cook
If Gray gets mad at him, Loke will attempt to deescalate it by flirting
Grayll be scolding him and Loke will stare at him and say smth like “are we about to kiss right now🥰”
it only serves to make Gray more angry
Orange cat friend + Black cat friend
Theyre the type to know in detail each others existential crisis’s but not each others favorite color
they do not have blackmail on each other. none. because they know if they ever did and actually released it the other would post absolutely every single humiliating thing they’ve done ever
There is no such thing as a judgement free zone with them
Their tastes are so different that when they have to get gifts for each other that if they look at smth and think “wow this is so ugly” they know its the right one
they probably hooked up at some point but thats neither here nor there
Loke, Gray and Cana were kinda like the mean girls of young fairy tail
They had a dont ask dont tell policy on their pasts, however every other personal detail abt each other was free reign
A lot of their conversations have left them with a sense of dread, confusion and hysteria
Lokes the type to walk into ppls houses like its his own, his most common victim is Gray
Loke, pulling the shower curtain back: Were out of ch— stop screaming
Gray, still screaming: HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE???
Loke, nonplussed: You left the kitchen window unlocked, also we’re out of chips
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skylarbee · 1 year
I just saw your recent post on AM stans hating on Milex stans… I need a catching up please. What about LV and Amanda (?) and Matt too? I rarely ever dive deep into bands and their members, I just like to appreciate their music.
Thank you ♡
! long post incoming and i want to point out that i don't plan on using this blog to discuss any of these people (only maybe very rarely) - i don't like them, i don't think they're good people, i don't want to argue with people who think otherwise, and i usually ignore whatever they're up to - my main focus will always be on milex/miles !
hi anon! <3 i have no idea how much you know already, or if you basically don't know anything related to these three, or any of them. i will say that i have no screenshots concerning the things that i mention, but searching their names up on tumblr and/or scrolling through blogs like @/shit-talk-turner and @/alexstorm will make things more clear.
this whole thing started when louise posted a screenshot yesterday of an am fan saying some dumb shit about her in the comments and bringing up alexa (i still can't believe she posted this). she posted this with some equally stupid words (i don't have the screenshot - you can find it on twitter/tumblr/ig/tiktok/wherever), and matt then reposted her story, jumping to protect her (maybe amanda did too, i don't know). then she managed to screenshot some nice comments and posted those too, saying that 'love always wins' or something similar, and that haters can kiss her ass (this definitely didn't come across as her craving and asking for some compliments; she definitely doesn't need people babying her in order for her to feel good about herself) - which reminded me of something similar that amanda said like a year ago, that they don't pay attention to the haters anyways, of course after posting a long paragraph paying attention to them (makes me laugh just to think about it).
there are so many other hysterical and foolish things she does, like posting pictures of a messy bed (look, i'm fucking alex turner!), selfies with suspicious rings, other pics hinting at alex's presence, calling paparazzis to take pictures of them on the beach, pretending to be jane birkin and alex to be serge gainsbourg, going off about how independent she is while living off of alex's money, somehow managing to make matt's and amanda's marriage about her (with amanda encouraging her), 'accidentally' always doing these when miles has important things going on, etc etc (the fact that her and miles never interacted in real life is also deeply concerning. alex, dear, you should always trust your best friend when they don't like your partner, they always end up being right - especially knowing that miles was always on really good terms with alex's exs). it's clear that she's deeply insecure and adores when the attention is on her and when people are talking about her, and if she goes for a long period without this, she just has to pull something that will get fans talking. she's trying so hard to fit in and be the sexy rockstar girlfriend that she just ends up looking stupid.
if you don't know the real reasons why some people don't like louise, i'm just gonna post some links about her that pretty much sum it all up:
about amanda... now, if i remember correctly, amanda had a blog dedicated to her music, and people dug up some screenshots in which she replies to someone and uses the n-word, and then another post where she's being racist. these screenshots are somewhere in the depths of my phone and it would be impossible to find them, and regardless, these screenshots are so old that she could've well changed for the better since then.
the problem with her is the fact that she's having arguments in the comments with young fans (asking stuff like did they have brain tumours for breakfast and other ridiculous things...or was that louise?) and posts even more ridiculous stories in response to people bullying louise, and protecting her like she's a toddler who can't take care of herself. the pure arrogance and self-importance with which she communicates her ideas is just mental, she thinks that she's on the top of the world, and encourages louise to act the same way. it's baffling that two 40-ish women think that bullying 14 year olds will achieve anything other than encouraging other 'fans' to act the same way.
the thing about matt is just basically the fact that ever since he's been with amanda, he acts the same way as her. now, i know there's been some issue about some idiots commenting about his daughter, which made him deactivate his ig account, and i have absolutely no words for the people who dared to say anything about that poor, innocent, completely blameless child. but even before this, he turned to the same kind of arrogance as amanda and reposted all her stories concering louise. the way that they need to say over and over again what a good person louise is, how much alex loves her, how great their relationship is, how beautiful and kind and caring she is... makes you really question if she really is indeed all those things (especially if you opened those links i posted). more importantly, what exactly do they plan to achieve arguing with teenage girls? it's so childish, my god, they are only adding fuel to the fire. god knows what they're telling alex and also god knows what he thinks about it all.
there's something that i'm not 100% sure about, but i'm gonna say it in the hopes that someone will see this and will tell me if this is wrong or not: matt cheated on breana when both her parents died (this one is definitely true), and left her with 1 year old amelia, and fucked off to live with another woman (amanda denies being the woman in question, i have no idea). she was solo parenting for a while (breana said all these in a podcast), then matt woke up and decided that he wants something to do with his daughter after all, and ever since then he takes care of her too - good job love, you're still horrible though.
in short, l&a's insanely childish antics dragged matt into the whole thing too. they're constantly throwing hissy fits, in hopes to achieve god knows what, and then they feel proud of themselves for telling teenage girls off. which makes you think, what would happen if am would be 10 times more popular than they are know, and louise would get 10 times the hate she gets now? or even better, what would happen if louise would get the same amount of hate miles gets on the daily? she said in her screenshot that she knows that it's only a minority of the fandom that leave such mean comments - then what's the point of paying attention to it? all this just shows another reason why these two definitely don't like each other - miles has brains, the other one... well, i'm sorry. i tried my best to like them and look past their mistakes,but i just can't do it.
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lifblogs · 7 months
🖤🎂🎧📝🫐🪻 <3
Omg, thanks for sending this ask!
🖤 Favorite hobbies outside of your blog?
I’m a housebound nerd. It’s reading and watching TV for me! I’ve also gotten back into listening to music, which doesn’t always work out because of my TBI (sometimes makes me sick, and causes pain). Does being a cat mom count? Sometimes I’ll be on mommy duty for a couple hours a day, and I love it.
🎂 When is your birthday?
April 3rd!
🎧 Last song you listened to?
“Ahsoka - End Credits” composed by Kevin Kiner for Ahsoka.
📝 Last thing you wrote?
This. Ironically, I wrote it the night before I hit my head. :( *sigh* At least this idea is finally started, at least.)
🫐 Some place you’d love to visit?
New Zealand! Someone take me to the Shire. Also Alaska; Lyons, France (actually lots of places in France); Iceland, England, China (probably somewhere rural, like any of the mountains, or maybe Henan Province); and the Great Lakes.
🪻 What is the toughest thing you had to go through, but can you’ve successfully overcome?
Maybe some people won’t like this answer, but I’m not sure humans actually overcome hardship. What we do do is change. We adapt. It’s what we’re good at even while we hate it. So with that said, I… actually have a hard time choosing because my life has been filled with tough moments that I’ve had to work through in order to keep living. So many, to the point of even surprising a few mental health specialists. I’m sure my answer for this will be different every day, but right now I want to say seeing Loki have his first seizure and having to take him to the hospital while I unknowingly had a broken leg. I had a panic attack when I saw his seizure and how distressed he was, I saw my life literally crumbling around me. Finding out this will eventually kill him was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to acknowledge. And hearing that his bloodwork showed he was in pain from the seizure— That was one of the worst nights of my life. I didn’t sleep at all, and I was sick from my IBS and migraines and fibro because of it, and I just cried and cried. And then I went to physical therapy while he was still at the hospital, like my life was normal. We took him home that day and already his life was different, mine was different. Yet I swear I love him more every single day. I’m scarred, and I’m absolutely terrified about his future, and I’ve had to watch him have almost a hundred seizures since then. Yet I make myself as excited as possible every time I see him. I play with him as much as I can, I shower him in kisses, and cuddles, and love. I keep living with him as my baby. I cry sometimes when he’s sick, but I pull myself together for his sake. And I’ll be honest, I have no idea how I’m still here, but I am, and I think it’s for him despite the pain. So I never really overcame anything. I adapted. Loki adapted. He’s my baby, no matter what comes his way.
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redwineconversation · 2 years
In re: privacy
I really hate talking about a player's personal relationship but I saw something on Tumblr re: van de Donk's relationship with Carpenter and it genuinely bothered me, so I am going to talk about it. I'm not going to link to the actual blog I saw it on because I don't believe in witch-hunts, and also because I like to think I am a morally good person. Which is more than can be said for certain other individuals.
Anyway, the anon messaged this particular blog and was basically along the lines of "van de Donk has changed and that's why I can't support her relationship with Carpenter even though my opinion has no weight but admitting that I never go outside."
The thing is, they're actually right. Van de Donk has changed in terms of social media content. But they're glossing over a very, very important fact.
The thing that changed? She's with Lyon now, a team that goes to considerable measures to block fans from doing super invasive shit.
Lyon just isn't going to shove a camera into one of their player's faces and demand they vlog their day-to-day activities. It's just not going to happen, because Lyon doesn't operate like that. Lyon doesn't belong to the fans and as such doesn't market themselves as such. They've never done that before and it's just not something that is going to change. Lyon gatekeeps the shit out of their own players. They're trying to loosen their stranglehold a bit, in that even monsters say they're sorry in their own way, but the core principles aren't something that will be put up for debate.
And those principles go something like this: treat a player the way you want them to see ... yourself.
Lyon wants to be seen as the best team in the world. It genuinely, genuinely bothers them when another team gets fawned over in the media, when Lyon's success is dismissed as being anecdotal at best. It's a weird mentality, in some ways: the more Lyon wins, the less accessible they are seen to the public, so Lyon feels they have to win to prove they still can, and so the access becomes more restricted, and so Lyon wins ...
Anyway. Let's get back to van de Donk.
Yes, she has become less accessible since moving to Lyon. But let's be real: that's the only thing that has changed. She's still the same person. The only difference, really, is that she is on a team that is allergic to social media content. Instead now you're only seeing what she personally, and the club professionally, wants you to see.
Anything she does outside the club is up to van de Donk's own discretion to post on social media or not.
Because here's the thing: Lyon respects the line in the sand. They want van de Donk, the professional player. That's who they signed and that's what they want: a player who will show up to work each day and just does their job. The rest is just background noise.
We don't know the intricate details of van de Donk's day-to-day life now that she is fully integrated into the Lyon team. But we don't deserve to know, either. Who she's with, what's she doing - do you really think that kind of information is something Lyon feels the public should know?
More importantly - does it really make that much of a difference to you?
I think that's really what I find so bewildering. And, to a degree, offensive as well. Certain individuals are basically saying that they can't support van de Donk unless they get a free voyeuristic insight into van de Donk's private life.
That's gross and invasive as shit.
You don't have a right to know any of her private life. Who she is with, what she is doing, how she talks to her partner in private - I mean this in the most genuinely sincere manner possible. Why the fuck do you think you deserve to know any of that?
Anyway. As I was saying, I don't think van de Donk has changed at all. She's the same person she was before. The difference is the accessibility to her private life has changed.
And so now it's a lot harder to "like" someone when you realize that given the choice, they never wanted you to be a part of their private life in the first place.
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Lovely touching video at the end of the Mock the Week finale, though their choice of song did make it seem a little like every person in all of those pictures is dead now.
Every time I’m not actually watching Rhys James in something, I think of him as a fairly amusing comedian. Every time I’m actually watching him, I think, “Oh right, he’s absolutely fucking hilarious. How did I forget this?” He brought the exact energy to that Mock the Week finale that they needed on that day. Edgy, shit stirring, and properly fucking annoyed.
I said this before, but genuinely, someone has to give Angela Barnes a TV show now, right? I just finished listening to her You Can’t Take It with You radio show, remembered how much I like her perspective and approach to telling stories, and she can’t just not be on TV now. She really lit up a few times tonight, I like her dynamic with Rhys a lot. Someone give them both a show, but where Angela’s clearly the one in charge.
ABK was also on fire in the Mock the Week finale, a few really good quips. He’s the kind of person Mock the Week was supposed to stick around for, the one who’s done lots of cool shit in comedy that’s not on TV, and is supposed to have Mock the Week to get him into television.
Zoe Lyons on the finale was a lovely touch, another blast from the past. Part of Mock the Week’s past, but also a further blast from my personal past than almost any of these comedians, as she was part of the cabal of News Quiz lesbians that were a big deal for me when I first started listening to The News Quiz shortly after coming out. 2007-2008 was hardly the world’s most difficult time to work out that you were mostly gay (bisexual but leaning mostly gay, it’s a reasonable way to describe my sexual orientation), but it was a harder time than it is now; I was watching shit quality streams of the awful show The L Word because I didn’t know any other gay women in real life, and that and Buffy were my only sources of representation. So, you know, it was pretty great in 2009 when I discovered the News Quiz and its lesbians. Susan Calman, Zoe Lyons, Sue Perkins, and of course Toksvig was their queen. And mine. You think I get sentimental about Britcom shows now? This is how I get over shows I’ve only been into for 2.5 years. You should have seen me with actual tears in my eyes as I listened to Phill Jupitus read his Nothing Rhymes with Toksvig poem at the end of Sandi’s last episode of The News Quiz. Anyway, I didn’t even know what Zoe Lyons looked like until I watched Mock the Week in summer 2020, but I’ve known her voice for years. It was great to see her.
While I’m at this, throwback to one of the first posts I ever made on this blog, when I reached s09e04 of Mock the Week and posted a screenshot to acknowledge the lovely butch/butch lesbian couple that were on a team together that week.
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I have never seen any episode of anything that hasn’t been improved by the presence of Ahir Shah. Some nice moments in Scenes. A generous laugh. An ability to go back and forth with anyone that was made for panel shows. Also should have been part of Mock the Week’s future.
No words needed for Dara and Hugh. Except, perhaps, the word “vigorously”.
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fireflies-with-pencils · 11 months
Joseph Müller-Brockmann
I have finally completed my design for a magazine spread based around Joseph Müller-Brockmann. I’m most proud of the text wrap around the poster, I think it makes the design more engaging. The line it forms fluctuates in such a way that it creates visual interest. In addition, the text fills negative space created by the image, creating a sense of balance. I’m really glad that Indesign has a text wrap feature, which allows this element to be executed without much strife.
Another element of the design that I’m really proud of is the right page. The fact that it only has the pull quote as text creates a lot of emphasis. I also like the pop of color from the graphic element. There is a sense of movement created from the colorful rectangle stretching up into the text. I also chose to put the text in bold, further emphasizing the quote.
Overall I’d say that this project helped expand my understanding of design as a whole. This was my first experience using Indesign as a program, so I started off with a lot of hesitation. Additionally, my first design was barely helpful with creating the final product. I was advised by my peers to change the color of my background as well as make the text more legible. After completing my final design, I think I made a huge stride from where I began. Now I know a little bit more about Indesign, as well as how to use red sparingly in a composition.
My first iteration
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My in-progress design
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Final, Submitted Work
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General Information:
Josef Müller-Brockmann: Biography, designs and facts (2020) Famous Graphic Designers. Available at: https://www.famousgraphicdesigners.org/josef-muller-brockmann (Accessed: 16 October 2023).  More Info:
Rabiot, M. (2018) Josef Müller-Brockmann ‘Swiss style’, Graphéine - Agence de communication Paris Lyon. Available at: https://www.grapheine.com/en/graphic-design-en/graphic-designer-muller-brockmann-swiss-style (Accessed: 16 October 2023). 
Josef Müller-Brockmann - famous Swiss graphic designer (2022) Shillington Design Blog. Available at: https://blog.shillingtoneducation.com/josef-muller-brockmann-tbt/ (Accessed: 16 October 2023).
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anothanobody · 2 years
I don’t want to bother, nor do I want to take too much space on your blog, but here are some brainstormings if you’re interested:
At this point in History, the Roman Empire has been divided in half for a century: the Western Roman Empire, falling apart; and the Eastern Roman Empire, also known as the Byzantine Empire, whose capital is Constantinople (present day Istanbul), ‘the Queen of Cities, the greatest city in the known world’. The East is much richer and more stable during this period.  
Coincidentally, at this point both Roman Emperors are cousins, from the same Theodosian Dynasty. Adding the East may be too much, but it also allows for Levi, for example, to be Eastern Roman Emperor. He’s the leader of the court faction that wants to stage a coup to place Mikasa on the throne, because the current Emperor is abhorrently incompetent.
Why doesn’t the East help against the Huns? Because they’re hard pressed against them too. No matter how much richer Byzantium is, they simply cannot fight on two fronts at once (against the Huns in the West; and against the Persians in the Middle East – this is referred to as ‘the tactical nightmare’ of Byzantium). The two Roman Empires may be allies, but they’re helpless. Byzantium had to pay handsome amounts to the Huns in order to keep them from raiding their borders.
This puts Levi in the awkward position of being bullied by Eren. But it shows that Mikasa is not truly alone in the world. It also highlights her sense of duty to her country, because she could’ve fled to Constantinople, but chose to stay and help her people.
Mikasa’s letter takes Levi by surprise, and Eren’s conquest of the Empire is a total game-changer. Not even Mikasa expected it to get this far, for Eren to become the new emperor. Probably Eren himself used the letter as a pretext to gain some territory, and his gamble paid off much better than expected.
There’s space for Zeke! Attila the Hun had an older brother called Bleda, who was co-chieftain with him for a time. Ancient historians speculated that Attila had Bleda killed to consolidate his power. This has been disputed recently, because these sources are not seen as reliable. Anyway, Zeke may be Eren’s right-hand man or something, and helps guard the homeland of the Huns in what is modern day Hungary, or squabbles with Levi at the eastern border.
The thing about why Eren needs Mikasa goes past legitimacy. He also needs someone who can run the Empire. The Huns are great warriors: they invade, destroy and conquer. But then they leave, they don’t administrate. They know nothing of the sophisticated Roman state machinery. How to collect taxes, build aqueducts, transport grain, etc. The Huns are steppe nomads, and suddenly they have to take care of millions of people in large cities, such as Milan, Paris, Lyon, Nice, etc.
It’s expected of Mikasa to travel to the Huns’s homeland for some sort of ritual presentation. Because she also has a duty to her husband’s people now. And it would be an immense culture shock to leave the center of Roman civilization to venture into barbarian territory.
Finally, although Honoria and Valentinian III were siblings, for the sake of simplicity and for the lack of a better character, the emperor could be Mikasa’s father, or uncle, even Kenny. Except if you already wish for it to be an OC, which is also fine.
I’m using the names of historical places and people just to help identify all of them. I’m not proposing this should be a Roman-Hunnic themed story at all, though I do think there are very few Late Antiquity themed fics out there. Also I believe it’s your call to name them Eldians, Marleyans, Hizurans, etc. Hope this helps some creativity!
history anon with the knowledge!!!!!
so i think all the points are somewhat or could be somewhat covered in a way. mikasa traveling to their territory is something to be expected actually. culture shock but not so much since eren probably told her some things or showed. it’s probably going to be an OC, the emperor, i’d put the Hizurian line on the throne so like an older brother to have that scenario of horrifying targaryen type of thing to push mikasa over the edge and send the letter.
i want to elaborate more on it but also not want to do too much, i think those points are good enough like that. and thank you for including my hubby Zeke, I was honestly lost without him 🤧🤧
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I posted 798 times in 2022
That's 467 more posts than 2021!
94 posts created (12%)
704 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 798 of my posts in 2022
#just keep queuing - 307 posts
#gif chat - 190 posts
#para - 164 posts
#sharkbait oo ha ha - 97 posts
#namtae - 89 posts
#romo - 82 posts
#bffs - 82 posts
#tiny dancers - 74 posts
#dance - 58 posts
#about - 50 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i wasnt gonna keep this gif here it was literally a place holder but then  was like actually that captures the cat energy so nemo ur special
My Top Posts in 2022:
Step by Step || Tiny Dancers
16 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
Q&A || Fast Car
Just when one assignment was over for his fellowship, there was another. And another and another, just a whole pile of stuff to do that was threatening to topple over and crush Nemo underneath it. 
But this time-- he was determined not to wait until the last second like he’d done his first essay. He needed to get interviews with three magicks-- three! That was so many! At least part of this assignment seemed fun though, if only cuz he could pick whoever he wanted...
All it took was asking Cruz if famous Magick Grand Prix winner Lightning McQueen would be up for it, and bam: interview scheduled!
Nemo still had some interview jitters though as he walked into the dining room of the inn. Ah, this was the closest he’d ever gotten to a real celebrity! He gulped, then took a deep breath. Just keep it breezy!
“Um-- hi! Y-you’re Lightning McQueen? I’m Nemo Bae, from the uh, the Pride U magicks fellowship! Thanks so much for meeting me!” 
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22 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
5, 6, 7... || Tiny Dancers
Thorns thorns thorns, he was late! 
Nemo had been trying to study... again... but agh, he’d fallen asleep, face smushed up on his book! He’d woken with a start at the hornet-mad buzzing of his phone near his head and when he’d grabbed it, there was Ashlee-- sending texts, even calls, that he’d totally missed.
And so Nemo had scrambled up and gone running across campus to the dance studio. He burst in, lungs heaving-- 
“Sorry, sorry! I’m here! We-- we still got the space right?!” he said, running a hand through his hair. 
24 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
Just Keep... || Tiny Dancers
Ugh, honestly, Nemo didn’t wanna be here right now.
‘Here’ meant on Pride U campus. ‘Here’ meant the beautiful dance studios in the performing department. He had already promised Ashlee that he’d come by for some warm-up and to watch some of her new piece, and then they’d chat about his audition in London but that had all been decided last week-- before.
Now it was after, and the humiliation cut fresh, Nemo feeling like he was bleeding out with every step he took on this campus. He got to the studio and punched in Ashlee’s ID number before she even got there, then sat against the mirror. He hadn’t bothered putting on any of his dance clothes today. He just didn’t feel like it.
When the door clicked open, Nemo glanced up. “Hey,” he said. 
24 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Let’s Blow This Frogsicle Stand || F.R.O.G. Squad
Humans were corrupt. Frog lives were in danger. And Nemo was fed up. 
Those were the facts that Nemo walked away with after Dr. Drakken had told them the teachers weren’t going to vote or change the syllabus until NEXT YEAR. Next year, Nemo and Mim weren’t going to be at Swynlake Secondary! F.R.O.G. would fizzle and die, and with it, three million frogs. Maybe there was nothing he could do about that... but he could at least save the frogs that were coming this year, just like how he had in 2021. 
So he held another official, emergency F.R.O.G. meeting at lunch the next day, calling his members (Mim) together. 
“Okay, we just gotta plan for a jailbreak,” Nemo told Mim with a grim expression. “Last time, I did it with his kid named JJ. I floated them out with my pixie dust so that should work but we need a distraction and a way to break into the lab in the first place once they’re delivered. I could probably get Tae to help us... you think Ferb might too?” 
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25 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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coophunts · 2 years
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@serpentblccd​  :      ‘ you  left  and  —  i  thought  you  weren’t  coming  back, ’ memes  from  the  old  blog.
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     𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻  𝘀𝗵𝗲  𝗵𝗮𝗱  𝗹𝗲𝗳𝘁  𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗱𝗮𝗹𝗲,     it  hadn’t  been  by  choice  and  she  had  vowed  that  she  would  one  day  get  her  life  back,  that  she  would  break  free  of  what  was  expected  of  her  and  she  would  get  back  to  where  she  really  wanted  to  be  and  back  to  jughead  jones.     yet  that  wasn’t  what  happened.     she  had  gotten  caught  up  in  her  new  life,  finishing  school,  graduating  college  and  she  had  met  patrick  lyons,  gotten  married  and  somehow,  found  herself  back  in  riverdale  in  a  way  she  didn’t  expect.     but  it  had  felt  right,  to  come  back  to  riverdale  and  settle  here,  start  their  family  and  their  married  life  together.     and  yet,  she  had  almost  forgotten  that  being  in  riverdale  would  mean  she  would  have  to  come  face  to  face  with  jughead  jones  again,  almost  ashamed  of  the  wedding  ring  that  felt  like  it  was  burning  on  her  finger  as  she  stood  across  from  him  at  pops.
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     𝗵𝗲  𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗱  𝗮𝗯𝘀𝗼𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝗹𝘆  𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲,     he  had  always  been  handsome,  he  had  that  boyish  charm  that  had  turned  into  something  that  she  couldn’t  quite  describe.     she  felt  like  she  was  back  to  being  that  teenage  girl  that  had  couldn’t  look  away  because  the  serpent  prince  was  paying  her  attention.     except  the  prince  was  now  a  king  and  she  knew  she  should  leave  now,  she  shouldn’t  be  seen  with  him  and  she  was  expected  to  be  home.     but  she  didn’t  move  away,  she  found  herself  sat  across  from  him  in   a  booth  and  things  felt  familiar  but  they  weren’t  the  same.     they  weren’t  the  teenagers  that  were  hopelessly  in  love,  sneaking  around  because  no  one  would  accept  that  they  were  together  and  it  had  been  all  so  exciting.     except  when  it  had  come  to  light  that  northsider  perfect  girl  next  door  betty  cooper  was  in  love  with  southside  serpent  prince  jughead  jones,  that  was  when  her  whole  life  had  changed.     her  parents  enrolled  in  a  private  boarding  school  for  her  to  finish  at  school,  she  had  been  cut  off  from  jughead  and  unable  to  explain  everything.     would  it  even  matter  now?     should  it  matter  now?     her  life  had  changed,  she  was  happy  and  things  were  exactly  the  picture  perfect  image  her  parents  had  always  wanted.
     𝗯𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆  𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱  𝗯𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗹𝘆  𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸  𝗮𝘁  𝗵𝗶𝗺  𝗳𝗼𝗿  𝘁𝗼𝗼  𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴,     choosing  to  focus  on  the  melting  strawberry  milkshake  in  front  of  her  because  that  was  easier  than  having  to  see  the  obvious  hurt  in  his  eyes.     jughead  was  so  good  at  pretending  with  everyone  else,  being  able  to  hide  his  emotions  and  yet  she  always  knew  what  he  was  feeling  and  it  was  obvious  that  he  was  extremely  hurt  by  her  leaving  and  now  her  being  right  in  front  of  him.     it  was  a  complicated  feeling  because  she  wasn’t  sure  how  she  felt  again,  jughead  was  her  first  love,  the  person  who  made  her  feel  more  alive  than  anyone  and  she  had  learnt  so  much  about  herself  when  she  was  with  him.     she  had  always  told  herself  she  would  come  back  to  him  and  she  got  caught  up  in  her  life.     she  wouldn’t  change  her  life,  but  that  didn’t  mean  she  had  regrets.     she  regrets  not  reaching  out  once  she  had  some  freedom,  mainly  because  she  had  been  scared  that  he  wouldn’t  want  to  hear  from  her,  would  he  have  listened?     what  if  he  had?     what  if  he  had  come  to  see  her?     would  she  be  sat  here  awkwardly  with  him,  another  man’s  wedding  ring  on  her  finger?     or  would  they  be  sat  here  together  for  a  completely  different  reason?
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     𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗻  𝗲𝘆𝗲𝘀  𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗱  𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿  𝗮𝘁  𝗵𝗶𝗺  𝗮𝘀  𝗵𝗲  𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗸𝗲,     heart  pounding  in  her  chest  and  she  didn’t  know  exactly  what  to  say  or  do  because  whatever  she  was  going  to  say  was  going  to  sound  like  stupid  excuses.     what  could  she  say?     i  was  going  to  come  back  for  you  but  i  got  scared.     would  he  even  believe  that  her  leaving  wasn’t  her  choice?     she  didn’t  know  what  to  say  or  if  she  should  even  say  anything  because  everything  about  this  felt  messed  up,      “     i’m  sorry,      ”     it’s  softly  spoken  and  she  knows  it  doesn’t  even  scratch  the  surface  of  how  sorry  she  really  was.     jughead  wasn’t  the  type  of  person  to  forgive  easily,  she  didn’t  even  think  she  deserved  his  forgiveness.     she  shifts  in  her  seat,  looking  down  for  a  moment  before  looking  back  at  him,      “     i  didn’t  think  i’d  come  back,  but  life  just  went  in  a  different  direction  than  i  think  either  of  us  expected,      ”     what  had  she  expected?     she  wasn’t  even  sure.     it  wasn’t  like  she  was  the  type  to  be  the  wife  of  a  serpent  king,  plus  he  didn’t  exactly  strike  her  as  the  type  to  want  to  get  married  and  have  kids,  to  have  that  home  and  family  in  the  way  she  was  expected  to.     hands  rest  in  front  of  her,  resisting  the  urge  to  reach  out  to  take  his  hand,  she  never  would’ve  hesitated  to  do  that  before,  but  things  were  different,      “     for  what  it’s  worth,  i  didn’t  chose  to  leave.     things  got  complicated  when  my  parents  found  out  about  us,  they  sent  me  away  because  they  thought  that  was  what  was  best  and  i  was  scared.     i  was  alone  and  i  thought  you’d  hate  me  because  i  didn’t  have  time  to  explain,  so  i  didn’t  reach  out     .     .     .     i’m  sorry,  i  thought  about  you  a  lot  and  i  thought  you  were  better  without  me,  so  i  just  had  to  accept  what  my  life  was  and  try  to  live  it,      ”
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packedwithpackards · 2 years
Packard descendants out there!
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I spy a Packard! The magnifying glass and hand come from a Getty image, used under fair use. The Packard is Barnabas Packard III, the last Barnabas!
In my attempt to get more people to write for this blog, I sent a flurry of messages, some of which were emails and others which were on other forums, earlier this year. [1] Here I take from a couple of messages  to me from Packard descendants. I'll let them speak for themselves in the reprinted messages. Some parts of the emails are revised for formatting purposes. No personal information like email addresses and phone numbers is shown. The last two generations are not noted.
Ms. Blue writes to me on May 22, 2018:
Hi Burkely, Thanks for reaching out. I always love meeting new people that are searching their family lines! So have you ever used Family Search? and do you have Packard's from Massachusetts?
Ms. Lyons writes to me on May 21, 2018:
I checked and I do have Packard connections, but a very long time ago! The closest I could find was at my great-grandfather, Jonathan Taylor (1825-1890), being a 5th cousin to Benjamin Winslow Packard. Benjamin Winslow's line was Samuel/Zaccheus/Zaccheus/Simeon/Zenas/Benjamin Alden. So your line and my my line diverged way, way back at Zaccheus Sr, between his 2 sons Zaccheus Jr. and John, who were born, respectively, in 1693 and 1695. So we are related, some sort of distant cousin. On that basis, hello from my branch of the family! Best regards, Sylvia
"Angelwings" writes to me on May 20, 2018:
My husband is of Packard ancestry but I really can't tell you too much as his parents passed when he was young so we are trying to put pieces together as well. I really don't have much info at all except that he has found some distant cousins. Good Luck with your ongoing research
"Spiderlily" writes to me on  May 21, 2018:
Yes, my great grandmother was a Packard born in Quincy. Her father was Josiah Vose Packard, s. of Josiah Vose, s. of James. I've had difficulty going back further than that.
Ms. Deras writes to me on May 20, 2018:
Interesting name. I haven't seen it before. Your blog is very interesting. You are quite prolific! My Packard ancestry has been filled in since I posted on WikiTree (I wish there were three of me) [on Ancestry.com] Samuel PACKARD (1610 - 1684) 7th great-grandfather Zaccheus PACKARD (1651 - 1723) son of Samuel PACKARD Abiel PACKARD Capt (1699 - 1774) son of Zaccheus PACKARD Joshua PACKARD Sr (1730 - 1808) son of Abiel PACKARD Capt Joshua PACKARD II (1759 - 1835) son of Joshua PACKARD Sr Joshua PACKARD III (1793 - 1857) son of Joshua PACKARD II Edwin Henry PACKARD (1839 - 1914) son of Joshua PACKARD III Ruth PACKARD (1896 - 1969) daughter of Edwin Henry PACKARD So we are both Zaccheus' descendants...Along with, likely, thousands and thousands of  others. I am currently breaking bricks in the tree of Harriet Hall, my 2nd g-grandmother, wife of Joshua Packard III. A long brick walled ancestor. I use Genetic (DNA) Genealogy, after getting stumped by so many brick walls with straight genealogical research. I also authored a blog when I was working as a kitchen designer pre-2012. I really don't have any interest in doing that again. I'm just too busy working on the tree. I'll certainly bookmark your blog though, and I'd appreciate it if you'd sign me up to get notices.
Ray writes to me on May 19, 2018:
Yes [I have a Packard connection]. Her [my wife's 8th great-grandfather's] line goes through his grandson Joseph Packard (1689-1760), who is a 6th GGF, then John Packard (1741-1794) 5th GGF, then his daughter Mary "Molly" Packard (1767-1846), her 4th GGM
Mr. Hawkins writes to me on May 19, 2018:
Hi Burkely, Thanks for so kindly reaching out to me. I looked at your blog. It’s very well done! Sorry to say I don’t have anything of interest to share right now. Thank you again for asking.
Ms. Lenker writes to me on May 19, 2018:
You have impressive credentials. I can see how you would enjoy research. My credentials consist of wife, mother and raising two successful children. I married at 18, so never continued my education. I wanted to be a nurse, but got sidetracked early in life. Most, if not all, of the attached file is on line, but I have yet to find out how to create the enclosed file. This is what ruined my interest in this project. We may be related somewhere down the line. Please keep my personal info off the the Internet. It's already on Ancestry, and that's okay. I don't want it on any social media. [2]
Mr. Butler writes to me on May 18, 2018:
Burkely[,] I indeed have listed amount my ancestors Samuel Packard, though the Ensign’s father rather than the ensign himself.  I descended, twice,  through the daughter - sister Mary Packard.  (I found a surprising number of people twice on my family tree, Mary included.) I was very much into both genealogy and the web once upon a time.  My favored software was and remains MacFamilyTree, which automatically generated the page in question.  Although my interest in genealogy has faded, the web pages remain up, thus I get occasional e-mails from people who share a distant ancestor. A few remain favorite stories.  One person wanted to know how I learned the date of death of a War of 1812 veteran.  It turned out a letter had been written from his ancestor to a sister who was my ancestor saying father had died.  That letter had been kept in the family. I’m afraid I have no similar interesting information about any Packards.  It seems my father was related to much of old Hingham.  The Butlers seem to have moved from Hingham to Brockton to Abington to Rockland.  I’m now in Plymouth.  My father chased genealogy the old fashioned way, through legwork and old paper.  I used my computer, chasing Ancestry.com trees through the internet.  I got lots of names and way back, but I had more enthusiasm than accurate double checking.  My trees spread wide, but should be taken with a grain of salt I have visited your blog and may visit again, but I have nothing to contribute at this point.
[1] Emails to Packard descendants Mr. Redfurn, Ms. Rippetoe, Mr. Mykal (Michael) Yantis, Ms. Gilebarto, Mr. Kent, Ms. Martin-Chown, Mr. Humphrey, Ms. Verville, Ms. Hendrix, Ms. Gaquin, Mr. Waid, JHaight, Rich M, Mr. Arnold, Ms. Silva, Jacki, Ms. Erwin, Settimae, Ms. Destromp, Ms. Frost, Ms. Sypniewski, Don, Sharon, Mr. White, and a person whose name is not currently known.
[2] Posting a bit of this email does not count as having personal info. online. She also wrote on May 18 that "Moses Packard was my 10th great grandfather. I have Zaccheus  in my file and he was my 7th great grand uncle. I only have John's name connected to his family, but no info about him."
Note: This was originally posted on December 14, 2018 on the main Packed with Packards WordPress blog (it can also be found on the Wayback Machine here). My research is still ongoing, so some conclusions in this piece may change in the future.
© 2018-2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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trusttricks · 2 years
Phoenix viewer 64 bit download
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The Firestorm average yearly operating costs are around $7000 and this latest fund raiser will hopefully keep things running smoothly for the next 3 years. Jessica mentions in the blog post that the Firestorm Project incurs significant expenses with server hosting, in world costs, licensing fees, website ads, region tier costs and paying for performers at events and more. Jessica Lyon who is the Project Manager of The Phoenix Firestorm Project, Inc is asking the Second Life community to help with keeping the lights on. What do you think of the new look Firestor m Viewer splash page ? The Old Firestorm Viewer Splash Pages Firestorm Login Page In 2018 Firestorm Login Page In 2011 There are social media links located in the top right corner to stay updated via Flickr, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. All the links open and are direct to the destination. Under that there are showcase places from the Second Life Destination Guide (What’s Hot Now, Recently Added, Featured Events and Editors Picks. The grid status and slightly technical parts are shown at the very top of the new splash page followed by Firestorm Blog postings, Linden News and the Blogger Network postings. I think it looks really good now as you can see all the important information at a glance. On 10th February there was a brief moment or two where it changed then went back to the default view. The new Firestorm Viewer splash page went live during this weekend and it’s now visible when logging into the Firestorm Viewer. New Firestorm Viewer Login Page In February 2022
What do you think about this latest release ? Feel free to share your views in the comments section below.
Overall it’s a good upgrade version with many improvements in this release. Please spread the word about this release to your friends and family.
Windows 11: Now comes with Windows 11 detection.įor the full release notes please visit the wiki page. The firestorm team are working on this and should be fixed in the next release. Mac users on Monterey operation systems will not have voice working. Mac: Special letters and key combinations do not work.
Linux: There are new updates to the libraries, there Windows 64 bit voice as a new option, improved clipboard handling and more. OpenSim: Now comes with “Hear Voice Equally” support. Multi-Factor Authentication: The Firestorm team are working hard to get the next release ready for when the lab releases the Multi-Factor Authentication viewer. If interested email with your experience and skills. Starlight Skins: The next release will no longer support Starlight Skins unless someone steps up to carry this on. Basically the performance floater shows you in real time which avatars are lagging you and it examines your own attachments to see how they perform.Īutotune: Autotune allows the viewer to basically manage your graphics settings to give you the performance level you request. Performance Floater: There is now a more realistic account of the rending costs and the floater comes with new automictic tuning capabilities. This version includes the new splash screen featuring the latest blog posts from the Firestorm Blog, Second Life official blog, Blogger Network, Grid Status, Second Life destinations, social links and much more. The viewer comes with stability improvements and comes with better performance now. Firestorm AO now comes with many bug fixes and improvements. This viewer comes with Linden Lab 360 Snapshot Tools so that you can now take all 360 degress snapshots. This latest version brings it up to date with Linden Lab 6.5.2 official viewer release. On Tuesday 22nd March 2022 the Firestorm team released a brand new Firestorm release coded 6.8 and it’s now available to download.
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islesnucks · 3 years
Hi clara!😁 i’m new to hockeyblr and have been following you for a bit but i’m trying to branch out a bit more and wanted to know if you have any blog recommendations? and why? (mostly asking you for islanders blogs but if you know any avalanche blogs too that’d be great hehe) thank you xo
heyyy well first of all welcome!! here we cry a little, laugh a little, we bully them sometimes other times praise them, its a mess but it's fun.
i dont know if youre more into live blogging the games, edits, gifs, fics, stats or what, so here are some of my favorite blogs here that post isles stuff and we so happen to be mutuals lol
its gonna be long so buckle up
@sorokaaa - ali is so fun love everything she posts during games amazing content just overall she posts great clips and memes and also she's super talented her drawings are amazing, also she's the president of the ilya sorokin protection squad
@2manytabsopen - kesh is a literal sunshine her blog inst exactly like 100% hockey themed but she's the best so nice you won't regret following her and im not saying this just because were the same person in different countries ;)
@hotgirlhockey - we love mel, she does it all: live blogs games, gifs, writes, gives hockey facts in case you dont understand something, plus super nice so the whole package
@barbienoturbby - b is super nice and fun i can't count the amount of times her lb made me laugh and her gifs and edits are just *chef's kiss* so worth following her
@heybarzy - amaaaaazing writing really everything abby writes i love so if youre into reading focs go follow her plus she writes for so many different players
@mondieumat - this woman is constatky introducing me to new hot hockey players if i simp too much its 100% her fault and she enables my dilf obsession thats a good friend, plus super nice and fun, also im 99% sure shes also into avs
@hockstuff - if you ever dont understand something about hockey c has the answer, her knowledge its just infinite surprises me every day, plus also super nice and funny and friendly and i think she also likes the avs
@fallinallincurls - amazing writing wonderful incredible seriously so talented (she actually just posted a barzy fic ive been saving to read for when i have free time because i really wanna pay attention to every single word, that level of amazing writing)
@matbarzls - another amazing writer plus she live blogs isles games and its just so fun go follow caitee also she just hit 550 so let's get her to 600 now like she deserves
@calgarycanuck - im not sure if Claudia live blogs games for the isles buuuut she does write so amazing pieces for some isles players so if that's what you're looking for 100% go follow her
@ollywahlygator - looove their olly pieces since not many people write for him plus super fun during games and im almost sure they also likes the avs
@matwith1t - ok ok ok the way I fangirl whenever she posts a new barzy pieces is embarrassing buuuut I do because they are just really that amazing alli is the Shakespeare of barzy fics
@cherrylita - beautiful mood boards for like every player i know seriously dont know how luna finds so many amazing pics queen of the mood boards also super nice and friendly
@grubauerr - I think we started following each other recently but let me tell you gabbie is so fun her post during games just hilarious and she's making me an avs fan
@sorokns - also recently started following each other but she's so friendly and fun just hilarious really during games, we share our love for dilfs and ilya sorokin thats says it all and she's also making me an avs fan
@cherrymaybank - if you've been following me you probably know her we freak out over the isles together almost every single day so she's really fun and nice and also she writes what else could you need???
@rosesvioletshardy - another amazing writer (seeing a pattern here?) but apart from that super nice and friendly and also an avs fan
@iwantahockeyhimbo - just overall super nice friendly, live blogs for the isles, one of the first blogs I started following here and haven't regretted it ever since
@broadstflyers - more amazing writes, her piece gold rush its serious incredible so worth reading, go read it right now
@honeybearbarzal - and even more amazing writers that I follow, kali has some incredible pieces some of my fav barzy fics ever
(edit) I almost forgot @tysonsjosty because I still associate her with her old crosby name lol - ok taylor also another amazing writer from hockeyblr plus she writes from some players that don't get the hype they deserve here *cough* nico hischier, Phil myers and Alex lyon *cough* so go follow her for incredible fics!!
ok I probably forgot a lot of people and this basically turned into a love letter to some of my mutuals but whatever, you asked I deliver, those are some of my fav blogs here that post isles (and some avs) related stuff
I've met some other amazing people here but they dont post about the isles, however they are super nice if you want just ask and I'll give you more great people to follow
also side note: sorry if I got anything wrong like pronouns or what you actually post or your team im doing all of this from memory so big chance I forgot or wrote something wrong
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miraculouswolf99 · 3 years
Miraculous Ladybug/Monster High Crossover Idea
As a person that grew up with Monster High, I can tell you that I loved it so much. But I definitely prefer the old Monster High to the version from the two most recent movies for it. But I definitely loved the concept of the children of monsters all attending high school away from the “normies.” Aka, regular humans.
Plus, I was inspired by the movie, Freaky Fusion, since it had hints that hybrid monsters were not liked by regular monsters. There was not a lot of that type of discrimination in the movie, so I thought of my idea.
So, when I was thinking of what could be a cool new idea for a Miraculous crossover, Monster High eventually came to mind. Each of the characters could be turned into a monster and their school could be another school for monsters.
Marinette could be the daughter of the White Tiger from Chinese mythology. Since it is said that the tiger is supposed to come when there is peace on earth, Marinette could have the power to spread peace to whoever she touches. Adrien could be a light elf. Since light elves are said to be “fairer than the sun to look at” he could have the power turn into light. Alya could be a blogging ghost that thinks she searches for truth but believes many of the rumors that she hears. She is like Spectra from Monster High. Nino could be Alya’s banshee boyfriend. But Nino would prefer making real music than just using his horrible scream like his ancestors. Chloe could be a mermaid that gains legs when she is dry. She would still have her giant ego since is one of the more “beautiful” monsters. 
Some of my original characters will also be included once again. Lyon is a siren that only uses his hypnotic voice only on bullies or to just get people to leave him alone if they are insufferable. Vallia is a butterfly girl since she inherited a long lost trait of their family that descended from Eros and Psyche. Mason is a dragon and ice spirit hybrid, meaning that he looks like a dragon boy but with fire that freezes instead of burns. Apollo is a cupid and naiad hybrid, meaning he can summon wings of water while also being able to create love potion arrows. And Lena is a nymph/centaur hybrid, meaning she is half horse while also having nature powers. Other characters from the show would also be made into Monster High monsters as well. Marc is a satyr that loves to write. Luka is a siren while Juleka is his half sister who is a vampire. Kagami is the daughter of a Valkyrie general. Kim could be the son of a giant that actually has the power to grow or shrink as he sees fit. Nathaniel could be dryad that loves to draw using naturally made materials. Rose is a nymph. And Lila could be a harpy that usually lies and tells people she is an angel.
The main idea that I have is a salt fic that focuses more on Chloe Salt than Lila Salt. I still hate that liar, but I also hate Chloe since she is nothing but a spoiled brat that never faces any consequences for her actions.
So, Chloe believes that she is the queen bee of the school, with her zombie Sabrina minion always doing as Chloe wants no matter what it was. Her father could be the current ruler of a merpeople kingdom outside of Atlantis. So, she believes that she has some form of control over the school. And with the principal, the cowardly owl-man Damocles, and their main teacher, the victim-blaming and bully-coddling air spirit Bustier, both bending to her will, it makes her believe it even more.
Chloe has an extreme hatred of hybrids. She thinks that they are freaks of nature that do not belong in the world. So, when Lyon, Vallia, and their friends join their school, she is furious that they were allowed to attend. Her attitude only gets worse when the boy that she is obsessed with, Adrien, makes friends with them.
Adrien is actually very interested in the new students. He really likes how all of them were a type of hybrid. Even the Greek twins since both had siren and Olympian DNA inside of them even if Lyon was more siren and Vallia was more Olympian. He, Marinette, Alya, and Nino all are good friends with the the hybrids.
But the more that Adrien hangs out with the hybrids, the angrier that Chloe gets and the more she desires to have them out of the school. She tried to just go to the principal and demand that they all are expelled for the simple reason that they are hybrids. But since all of them are protected by the monster council of their home country, all of the still being from Greece, Damocles can not do what Chloe demands for once. And that only makes her want them gone even more.
All of them had already established that as long as she thought herself above everyone else, they would not even give her the time of day. And they had also been helping Adrien stand up to her more. The prime example when he actually yelled at her to stop jumping all over him and grabbing his arms even after all the times that he has told her that he hates it when she does it. And even when she still tries to do it after that, Adrien starts using his power to turn into light to get away from her.
Since the hybrids had arrived, it is made clear how little the other students actually think of Chloe. None of them like her, or are even scared of her since her father has no power over them or any of their monster kinds. Sabrina is the only person that even thinks that she is as great as Chloe brags about being.  Chloe is forced to sit alone at lunch, with only Sabrina around, since everyone leaves whatever table she sits at. 
And with the hybrids still in contact with their parents back in Greece, they all know about what has been happening at the Paris monster school. So, the Greek monster council starts to get involved. They bring the problem to the French council and they get involved with the school. That takes away Damocles’s power as now the other teachers no longer have to fear getting fired for punishing the mermaid menace. The other teachers start scolding her for her bullying nature while Bustier remains as the only one that still treats Chloe as a misunderstood angel. But that only gets her investigated as well by the council and monster school educational board.
As Chloe starts to get angrier and angrier, she actually goes up to the hybrids when they had been alone and demands that they all leave “by order of the merpeople kingdom.” But that only makes them laugh right in her face and tell her that they know that she does not have any real power in the school or even in her kingdom as well. There happens to be a merman on the French monster council and he goes to Chloe’s kingdom to set the government system there back to normal. Aka, they kick Chloe’s father out of office for abuse of power.
That really set off Chloe into a screaming tantrum saying that they had no right to interfere with “her reign” over the school. She calls them a bunch of anti-hybrid words. The recently hired new principal hears her and she is soon expelled.
Oh well, nobody liked her anyway.
And behind the scenes while Chloe was throwing her many tantrums, Lila was exposed as a harpy and not an angel by the hybrids. Since they were from Greece, they knew a harpy when they saw one. And maybe a hypnotic song by Lyon to force her to tell the truth had also helped. But he would only smirk instead of answering if he was ever asked about it.
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Kadidiatou Diani Signing to Olympique Lyonnais
First of all I cannot wait to see how many fake football blogs get Diani's full first name wrong. (You're not her pal!! Don't use the nickname!)
Anyway, let's just grab a cup of tea and have a good and proper chat about things. Semi-annoyed at having to do this, but apparently there are a lot of so-called football experts who suddenly have deep insights about a team I'm not fully convinced they even knew existed prior to 2021.
Right, first thing I want to nip in the bud is the belief that Diani signing somehow telegraphs a Hegerberg exit. Again, shouldn't have to explain this, but critical thinking seems to be a bit too much to ask for some football fans, so alas. Here we are. Diani is a right winger. This means she plays on the right. Hegerberg is a center forward. This means she plays in the middle of the attack. If you are on the right, you are not in the middle; if you are in the middle, you are not on the right. Two separate positions. Right is different from middle. Cannot believe I have to spell it out in such simple terms.
"Diani played as a center forward this season!" you argue, not without cause. Yep, she sure did! Now, since you didn't realize that football actually existed prior to 2021 or 2022, you probably haven't heard of this player called Marie-Antoinette Katoto. She played center forward for PSG, got injured right before the Euros, had to sit out the entire season. That is why she found herself as center forward. It's not her natural position.
So if anything, it puts Cascarino's future at Lyon at play, not Hegerberg's. And even if then I think it's too early to try reading tea leaves - there has been zero movement on the bigger 2024 contracts (Hegerberg, M'Bock, Cascarino, Endler) and I don't think that it means that much. I don't expect a ton of movement on those ones until both the World Cup is over and Kang has officially taken over.
But going back to Cascarino. The plus side is that it was a partial ACL tear, so I don't think she will be sidelined as long as if it were a full tear. But this is still her second ACL injury, we don't know what her form will look like once she is back, she's talented enough that it's not worth rushing her back from injury. It's nice to have reliable cover until that happens.
The down side is realistically those players are too good to have one of them sitting on the bench, so that's why I think it telegraphs more a Cascarino possible departure than it does a Hegerberg one. That being said, the last time Cascarino tore her ACL, everyone and their mother wrote Cascarino off, and it was Aulas who gave her a second chance. TBD if Kang shows the same faith, and whether it is enough for Cascarino.
With that in mind, let's discuss how to get away with murder how to survive a scandal the Hamraoui affair, because obviously everyone else is going to be talking about it.
Hamraoui was the victim and it's shocking, absolutely shocking, at how badly PSG mismanaged the situation. Their casual disregard towards her is unethical bordering on criminal. I can't blame her for wanting to burn the world down. Scorch the earth, everyone finds a blow torch therapeutic on some level.
Now, you can argue that Diani wasn't directly involved, and that may be true, but it's also a hell of an argument to make in good faith. Diani's husband was directly involved, to the point that he was even questioned by police. Diallo's closest friends were/are Katoto and Diani. To pretend neither of them had any knowledge nor any involvement in the scandal requires a hell of a leap of faith.
So why did Lyon, who for all its faults usually does manage to keep the locker room under control, end up signing arguably one of the most controversial players?
Part of it, if we're honest, is simply Lyon flexing. Every time Lyon loses, the popular narrative becomes we are witnessing the team's downfall and they will never recover. This is Lyon simply reminding other teams that they don't have a statute of limitation on resurrections.
It's also Kang displaying a message of intent to the Lyon players, and I think that's actually something people are failing to grasp. Kang is showing the money is there, that they can attract top players and pay them accordingly. This is, realistically, something that will come into play for the bigger 2024 contracts whom I named earlier. Kang has to win them over. In a weird way, this is a financial gesture of good faith. I put the money down, your turn to deliver.
But money doesn't necessarily translate to control over the locker room. I said privately that I would be shocked if there weren't very, very tight clauses in that contract to ensure that what happened at PSG won't happen at Lyon. While it is true that PSG isn't run the same way Lyon is - both Kang and Aulas actually care about women's football, for example - the reality is that Kang is not Aulas, and so the ability to make the locker room fall in line has yet to be tested.
So what will happen with Diani at Lyon? From a footballing perspective, Lyon strengthened their right side, crippled their biggest rival, and sent a warning shot to UWCL contenders that they aren't quite yet willing to concede their throne.
But from a personnel perspective, a lot remains to be seen. Diani probably won't be able to pull the same shit with Lyon as she did with PSG, simply because the two clubs are run differently, and even with the paycheck, she won't be catapulted to the top of the hierarchy.
The question is will she try to change that, and how will Lyon react if she does. We don't know. And I'm not exactly thrilled that we may have to find out.
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brotheralyosha · 5 years
MM: How active are these groups in real life? Or do they exist primarily on the internet?
JF: Well, this is where we need to be a little bit careful; we’re still in the middle of this moment, as much as I would love to speak about it being over. In the context of individual groups, for the most part they remain stuck on the internet or in private meet-ups, which they have all over the country in small numbers. They had a period from Trump’s inauguration until Charlottesville where they were getting very comfortable with street mobilizations. That period seems to have ended, as have the sideshows that people like Richard Spencer and Milo Yiannopoulos were able to create on college campuses. Antifascist organizers willing to risk assault and arrest played a large role in ending that.
But I wouldn’t discount the slow work of hegemony still being done [by these groups] all over the internet. The strategy is the long patient work of moving the Overton window. Take Richard Spencer. It’s funny to watch him get punched in the face and to make fun of him, but he is a very serious political actor. He’s been at this for a decade, slowly but surely moving the boundaries of acceptable conservatism, inserting himself into the fringes of the Republican Party, and creating ambiguity between the extremist wing of conservatism, people like Pat Buchanan, and outright white nationalism.
MM: Has this worked to some degree?
JF: It’s impossible to overstate how effective antifascists were in making every step of the alt-right’s move off the internet very difficult, and this includes standing up to the alt-right in the streets. When Mike Enoch got doxed in the beginning of 2017, he basically said, a year from now you won’t even need to disguise your identity because you’ll be able to come out and say hell yeah, I’m a white nationalist, so is the president, so is his chief strategist. But that wager was ultimately proven wrong.
On a more profound level, ordinary white people were not as ready for the open ideological expression of white supremacy as these people assumed. Now, are ordinary white people ready for racism’s more subtle structural form? Oh hell yes. And I deliberately included a lot of details in my piece about instances where the alt-right’s politics blend into ordinary practices in white America, like cheering for somebody chanting “build the wall” at a bar, or having restrictive housing covenants. And do many ordinary white people support institutions like the police, who uphold white power? Sure. But average white people didn’t want anything to do with the ideological stuff, and I think some of the far right’s baggage also got in the way. Antisemitism, for instance. If I was an alt-right strategist I’d say, “Guys, we need to make peace with the Jews immediately.” Which is what New York City conservatives learned in the 1960s: make peace with conservative Jews through appeals to anti-black racism, under the banner of “law and order.” But that’s not on the table with the alt-right.
MM: There’s a hard line on antisemitism?
JF: Yeah. I would say it’s essential to their worldview. Without having read very many books, they are grasping towards a kind of third positionism, a fusion of fascism with working-class politics, and antisemitism is their substitution for an anti-capitalist analysis. Without antisemitism, they would end up having to confront capitalism for what it really is. Matthew N. Lyons and Don Hamerquist write about this on the blog Three Way Fight. They argue that if left liberals align with a centrist political project, there is a real danger that the far right might end up being the only anti-capitalists in the room.
MM: And they can turn the resentment against capitalism into racist resentment?
JF: Yes. Into antisemitism specifically.
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