#so now im using ocs as buffers
steaksex · 1 year
I love posting polls its awesome. Anyways the guilts havw been affecting me, as have the oc brain worms. I should note that yes this is my space i will do whatever the fuck i want forever. HOWEVER i want to know the vibes.
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fordtato · 3 months
Emergency commissions/donations to help me move!
Hey all! I'm in a tough financial spot with a very unexpected $1000 move-out fee, and I need some help!
So I am offering fic commissions AND background/landscape art - That's right, writing AND art, for the prices below! I also will accept donations, but I feel more comfortable offering art, etc.
I will accept donations if you just wanna help out! If you'd like to pay for a commission, keep scrolling.
If you would just like to donate without a commission, here is my Ko-Fi!
Fanfiction commissions:
Won't write:
fandoms I know nothing about (DM me if you'd like something outside of Gravity Falls work, though I'm sure that's where most of my following is)
any type of thing that would get me cancelled on twitter dot com (come on guys, im a YouTuber now)
Will write:
Just about anything else tbh. OCs, melodrama, angst, hurt-comfort, you name it.
NSFW (for adult customers only. im not writing this for teenagers. do your homework)
Rates: $25 per 1k words, with a 150 word buffer. (Meaning, if I write 1150 words, I'm not charging you extra, it'll still be $25)
Send an ask or a DM if you are interested!
Note: I will not be posting these on Ao3, due to Ao3's "no money for fics" rules.
Examples of my fics, if you want to check out my work:
Note: Jersey Boy is my oldest fic (literally 8 years old and still going). The first couple chapters are pretty rough imo. The latter chapters are more in line with my capabilities. Also, yes, this fic is still being written, it's just being written between jobs and between work on YouTube vids, and I have less available time for it than I used to. Pay me to finish more of Jersey Boy (/s)
Background art commissions:
So, 90% of the artists I know tell me that background/environment art is one of the parts of the process they dislike the most. But it's actually my favorite thing to draw!
I actually don't feel comfortable enough in my drawing of characters to feel good about charging people for those, but I think I can consistently do some background art!
Examples of my art/pricing below!
Simpler color palette/lighting, and fewer details: $20-30
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More detailed digital paintings: $40-50
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For anymore detail then what you see above, we'll have to work that pricing out!
Example of heavy detail that might cost more:
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Send me details on what you'd like in a digital painting and we will work out a timetable!
Send an ask or a DM if you are interested!
Donate/pay here: My Ko-Fi
I appreciate you reading, and if you can't help out, please share!
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wholemleko · 8 months
updates ig???
(reposted from my deviantart)
so i guess this is like. my plans for the future or at least where i feel like im at when it comes to comics and such.
tl;dr - bird of death is my main project now and everything else is in uncertain limbo
details under the cut:
first thing is just, the state of my projects. bird of death, which im posting now, has completely taken over my brain and its something i enjoy working on much more because its part of a bigger project that im working on with a group of 6 other people and ultimately i think art is a social thing for me. at this point ive also got a 115+ page buffer which ive never even come close to before, so i feel very much at ease about being able to put it out into the world without the months long hiatuses ive gone on with my other comics. plus, it has elements in it that are largely influenced by ideas from my previous projects which i guess leads me to my next point...
which is that im growing burnt out of my older comics. i had for a long time. i occasionally experience moments where i really love my old stories again and give myself the impression that im ready to get back into them, but then it always ends up being temporary and fizzling out again just a week or so later. like venturing. i spent years working on it and theres so much left of the story for me to tell, things that i am still excited to show. but at the same time, its a story i started when i was 16 and i guess this happens to a lot of creators, but my writing style is so different now and when i look back at it i cringe. theres also the factor that felix is almost like an undercooked version of my protagonist in bird of death (for reasons that have only vaguely been revealed). so when i think about writing his story it just feels like. he's the same guy but more poorly put together by a younger me.
this same thing goes for another comic project that ive never shared publicly but which ive been working on for just as long as ive been working on venturing. its actually the story im using for my final project for my degree lmao. the characters in it that im most invested in feel like early drafts for characters from bird of death... the catharsis of writing them has moved to this new story. my old projects just feel like early drafts of this new one but wearing different clothes. they are all born of the same train of thought.
then theres the matter of my fancomics. children of decay is so early on and undercooked that i barely have anything to say about it except that i still love the idea of having a warriors comic, but man i am just not invested in it the way i am with bird of death. (also the fact their titles are so similar... feels silly lol).
my moomin fancomics are a whole other matter... im not the writer for them, and theres still a ton of content that i wanted to cover. im still only in the first chapter of blackthorn tree, and i wanted to adapt 4 more fics afterwards. they are stories that i love, and which continue to be very dear to me, but the inspiration that gave me is, again, now being channeled into my newest project. i guess that makes sense, given that my protagonist was originally made to be a moomin oc. ive also felt increasingly disconnected from the moomin fandom, not because i like the series itself any less, but the fandom landscape is just very different from what it was. another factor is that i did actually have the rest of chapter 1 almost finished, but i lost all those files when my old ipad got fried and this really bummed me out, just a further discouragement.
putting all these things on the backburner feels bad. i dont like saying that i dont know when or even if i will come back to certain projects. i know lots of people enjoyed what i was making, especially venturing and the moomin comics. but i just cant find it in myself to commit to them again now that this new project has pretty much overtaken me, and i dont know if that commitment will ever come back. this isnt to say that i am putting an end to any of them or that im quitting them. just that they are not the thing i am committed to, and i am putting them into uncertain limbo. it feels smarter to concentrate my energy on a project i am much more devoted to now, which is very developed, and which i am making alongside other people who are also very devoted to the greater project.
if u got this far thanks for reading, and thanks to all those who've supported me over the years in my creative endeavors
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thezenanna · 9 months
Hi! Same anon that asked about Dina, Maya and Gadrielle's face shapes... I wanna ask about body shapes now. So what shapes do you tend to use when designing their bodies, how different are they from each other? What do you categorize/view their bodies being like (this can be as specific as you want it to be. I like reading your answers).
Also! If you had to assign a kibbe body type to them... What would you pick and why (I don't enjoy the kibbe body types when applied to real people. But ocs are totally fine imo).
heyyy thanks for the question!
Also totally did not know what kibbe body types were so ya learn something new every day yay! That being said, cuz I'm not quite familiar with kibbe body types so imma try my best to describe my ocs' shapes as clear as i could and hope thats suffice somehow?! (words are hard pls bare with me! >.<)
Short answer: Dina and Maya both have a gender-neutral athletic body type being a weird trait of aasimar plus the rigorous monk training. Dina is much lankier than Maya because the bitch is kinda depressed and doesn't look after herself very well, which makes the size difference between Dina and her buff blacksmith orc gf Laura very funny. Maya is slightly taller and buffer than Dina. It's one of the few things Maya would forever hold over Dina like 'im taller so im the big sister here'. Gadrielle, whom to me and my DM's pov, is very much a power femme, her body shapes is almost a small hourglass, but very graceful and she's usually in some humble but flowy and loose clothing. And yes their clothing also aids in shaping them!
Longer explanation below (if u dare)
When you design a character from a concept artist pov, u usually need to take into account their backstory, context, environment etc... So briefly the context for all my ocs here and general high fantasy dnd, which explains the magical features like elven ears, white pupiless eyes, sometimes wings, etc...
Backstory is what's the oc has gone through. Both Dina and Maya have grown up majority of their youth in the Cobalt Soul, where they've gone through rigorous monk training and discipline. Fair to say, they are incredibly in shape. Dina's fighting style however is different from Maya. Dina is a 9th level monk while Maya is a 3 Monk & 7 Warlock and has not gone through as much training as Dina did. Maya's fighting style leans more towards the warlock magic as well as brute strength at times. Dina leans towards dexterity. Maya is more buffed than Dina and Dina is lankier and leaner than Maya. On the other hand, Gadrielle grown up as a humble merchant on the streets and doesn't involve in any martial training, so her physique is rather graceful and soft. Her power lies in her charisma!
Dina doesn't wear any armor at all as a monk so very clean cut clothing that allows her mobility to shine through (croptop, baggy pants). Maya wears something of a cloak and a tough leather vest. Gad wears humble and flowly and loose garment.
Other than that is the little environment bits! Dina has gone down a lot in battles (cursing DM for well play and beat her AC every time), so Dina is sure racked up with scars, I even think there are subtle physical internal parts of her body is deformed or something after this many death saves. Maya also adorns some scars but the magic does save her from having to go toe-to-toe melee we love that for her. Gadrielle does not get in any physical fighting as far as we know of (and we surely hope so!!!)
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ruvviks · 9 months
i forgor the name of your new guy im sowry.. but for him.. 🧑‍🦰🤡🍪👗 and 💬?
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oc asks!
🧑‍🦰 - Have they ever dyed their hair? Ever cut it themself?
beckett has dyed his hair exactly once when he was younger and he's never done it again since. he was peer pressured by some "friends" and then they laughed at him for it :( he already didn't wanna do it because he doesn't like doing stuff to his hair, having to redye his roots the whole time would take way too much time and energy
he does cut his hair himself basically all the time but usually only the dead ends :^) he's got pretty long hair by now and wouldn't want to chop it all off
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
beckett can get embarrassed about things easily because he is VERY easily influenced by other people's opinions. if he says he likes the color blue and someone he looks up to says they hate it he will feel embarrassed about it. and then the next day he suddenly also hates blue. this happens with so many things but also he keeps jumping between 573454395384 opinions all the time. impossible to keep up with
🍪 - How well can they bake?
badly. horribly. he can and will burn down the kitchen. beckett hasn't cooked properly for himself in years now, he was tested on by arasaka for a good while and it messed with his brain to the point most of his cooking knowledge he had before all of that just vanished
on top of that, because of his very intricately designed cybernetic jaw / neck that can turn into a gaping cybernetic maw, he can only eat soft foods so he has been sticking to the same few safe foods for years now. he's never considered baking anything at all and even if given a recipe with clear instructions he will find a way to burn something in the worst way possible LMAO
👗 - How comfortable would they be wearing a skirt or dress?
beckett doesn't really concern himself with fashion and usually just wears comfy and very big clothes. if he isn't 70-80% hoodie then what's the POINT. he wouldn't mind wearing a skirt or dress and would feel comfortable enough in it as long as the fabric is ok. if it's a bad fabric he will want to set something on fire
💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.)
beckett uses "uhh" a lot :^) he also has a bit of a stutter which causes him to repeat words a lot or stretch out a single word which kinda works as filler words for him too if that makes sense?? if his brain really blanks he will just say nothing until he's arrived at his destination though. which will sometimes result in him suddenly picking up his sentence a minute or two after he stopped talking
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moss-flesh · 2 years
going through my old writing and seeing how much ocs have changed, blows me away that at some point aila wasnt academic???? n now my brains like yeah thats smart bitch she studies n shit but in the way where she felt she had to in order to survive the circle. like i think she’s naturally powerful but puts so much work into control. if shes in the circle and cant control her own life dammit she can at least control her magic. shes also just naturally curious in a sort of pessimistic way. like shes curious about things so she knows how to eliminate a problem. The more knowledgeable the more space she has to live sorta, like a buffer she trusts itll all be useful at some point.
Adahlen is curious in an entirely separate way. shes curious for curiosities sake. she just wants to know things because she wants to. Adahlen takes a lot of joy in studying practically anything coz shes like oh wow so much in the world so much to learn!
Aila only gets that way about like herbs or stars or her specific favorite magics. Ive said this a few times but her dad was obsessed with gaining back their nobility. he was super obsessed with how the family use to be, and pressured her to study constantly, have manners, and speak properly so she could marry some noble some day and get them back in. A lot of that stuck with her even though she hated it.
im just rambling now idk why i made this post
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ahundredtimesover · 7 months
I luv luv luv iwyts and the slow burn is killing meeee (this is actually the first time I’ve caught a fic while it’s being updated) but i know it’s going to be so worth it😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 im already envisioning scenes of when they [finally] get together!!! Like when she fixes his tie every morning and one of them sneaks a quick kiss and leaves the other flustered🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
And the latest chapter was so cute and endearing and I loved seeing oc’s crush on jk bloom and she’s not denying it as much as she used to!!! He’s also grown so attentive towards her and I love how they’ve both fallen into a system with each other that works so well as boss/ceo but also outside of work🤗 also your world building is so so so so good!!! Like I’m getting so impatient and just want them to stop being idiots, but we only just got oc to admit her crush and she’s still trying to make sure there’s a buffer between them so she doesn’t do anything stupid and we have an inkling of jk’s crush, but nothing concrete enough to the point of where they could actually pursue each other, so I just tell myself you have everything planned and that at least I know when they finally get together, it’ll be fantastic!!!
Also question! I remember oc continuously trying to figure out what she wants to do outside of being an assistant and having multiple convos on it, and I want to ask not knowing if it’s a spoiler or not but will their relationship start while she’s still working for him or will she have already resigned and they decide to give it a chance when she’s outta there? Okay obviously I know you cannot actually answer that, but I’m just curious to know if we’ll get some secret office romance scenes between them or🤭🤭🤭
Anyways love you Mimi and thank you so much for sharing your stories with us
Hihi I didn’t think I had it in me to write a slow burn that’s this slow but I’m honestly having fun exploring all these emotions. I also don’t usually write idiots but here we are 🤣🤣 bc when I say that more will still happen, I mean it.
BUT ALSO THAT MEANS we can take our time in seeing how all these elements will play out - their pasts, their relationships, their difficulties with opening up… bc it’s true, ch 8 and we’re just now hearing about OC’s crush like 😭😭 and jk is still in denial 😭😭 but thank you for being patient and going on this journey with these 2! It’ll be worth it!! As for your last question, we’ll just have to wait and find out 😉
But thank you again. I may be sharing these stories but I’m not screaming them out into the void bc you guys are here to read and scream about them with me!! I appreciate you 💕
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abiik · 4 years
i am the most curious about your owl oc 👀 i would love to hear any thoughts you have on her! her personality, moral alignment(s), presence, relationship (in general or specific, or both!) with other ocs, goals, whatever you got i love her already *keeses her* *keeses u* ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
some notes on myna:
while i've mainly based her design of off owls, i have speckled in other birds. for example, her name comes from the myna(h) which is part of the starling family (sturnidae) & i've taken inspiration from the shrike, peppering in their hunting style as a way that she fights as well. another thing i've taken from the shrike is the nickname "butcher" :)
myna was a mom! i have Not decided how many children she had but i DO know she has a picture of her family on her in a locket that she keeps tucked close to her. not even sneaky lil toof can get their hands on it. myna was a great mom! a fun mom, really, who loved indulging her kids. she was/is very community oriented and spent a lot of time tending to that, and she very much enjoyed it. so, in losing that, it was a big blow.
myna learned the tricks she uses now before she became a mother, & attempted to teach them to her children in tiny bits before they were killed. she didn't ever think that they would need to use them, but she thought it would be better if they would know how to protect themselves if it came down to it. BUT um. well. you know...
of the three, myna is def a shit-stirrer. while toof is The lil shit and undead oc is stuck being the brunt of everyone's jokes, myna is the one quietly laughing to herself as toof and undead oc are at each other's throats yet again about something she caused. i'd say she's the type of person who tosses a piece of meat between two starving animals & watches as they tear eachother apart to get at it, if that makes sense.
cont off of this, myna is kind of the one pressing them forward. toof is the go-getter, if there is a reward; undead oc will follow myna bc he believes he's doing something right, he's helping someone, repenting almost, yeah. myna's like the captain of their lil group, in a way, and she's puppeteering it from a perch above them. as toof charges in and undead oc sets up barriers, myna's spearheading the movement, she's the one, essentially, looking at the whole playing field, she's looking at everyone else's weaknesses & strengths & her own team's weaknesses & strengths & she's setting up every little piece so that she & her team end up on top; so that the others play right into where she can swoop in and snap their necks w her talons.
myna likes to see the big picture, she LOVES having all of the information. it's just... how it is with her, and working in a group where one would very much rather EAT the person they're trying to get info from bc it's taking too long and another who would very much rather not waste their time or exert energy SPEAKING to someone who's in rags, it's kind of DIFFICULT. (this doesnt go to say that toof isnt good w speaking to ppl - they r VERY good at it; they're just. impatient)
rn im playing w having her be something akin to rogue/bard for like. an actual specialization, if anything, bc i think that fits best for her. she's less inclined to be an Actual singer, but a storyteller of sorts. im still playing w this.
myna's goals rn are to get revenge on the ppl who decimated her village & killed her family, and in doing so, she manages to recruit toof & undead oc to help her with her goal. however, these two have No Clue that this is their end goal atm. other goals include: figuring out what to cook for a party that consists of a cannibalistic monster companion & a skeleton possessed by a demon that appeases Everyone.
OH relationships!!! myna had a very good, strong relationship with her husband. they were like. super gross and domestic and sweet. he was the epitome of big dumb bi himbo husband who loves his strong bi wife who could kick his ass & def did at one point. he was prob like, a farmboy with a huge bright smile who hauled sheep around, one in each arms, like, the whole shebang, the LOVE OF HER LIFE!!!!! myna LOVES this man, LOVES HIMMM !!!!! & when he died, it was. it was Horrible. myna had to bury him & her children & her entire village, what was left of it, all alone and injured and enraged.
i think i want to give myna sisters. check back in later :)
toof & horny boy!!!!
oh gosh where to start w these two??? i think they all meet w/in v quick succession of each other bc the idea of toof & myna meeting each other & travelling alone for a while together w/out horny boy as a buffer is.... one of them would end up dead. (i am imagining myna & toof just staring each other down on other sides of the fire, myna eating a pomegranate and toof licking their teeth under their veil, both just waiting for the other to lunge) so um yeah, they all meet like. kind of w/in the same day. SURPRISINGLY, myna and toof meet first. but they don't end up travelling together. toof is actually marinating ppl at the time in order to eat them. i havent decided if these ppl r ppl involved w the ppl who killed myna's family, but... probably. so, right off the bat, myna and toof? not friendly.
at this point, horny boy is dead ass asleep, living in his own mental torment w himself (his pride demon) where he was 'buried.' funnily enough, even after all of the false prophet & burning him at the stake shit, ppl STILL spread rumors that he was some sort of old god that will save/end the world & myna & toof get wrapped into the group that toof is marinating & she's trying to kill trying to open horny boy's tomb to release him. unfortunately for toof & fortunately for myna, horny boy ends up killing the group for waking him up & a lovely lil tussle where toof INSISTS horny boy pay them back for the MONTHS of work & myna's logical talk down w a crossbow & a knife to toof's head & neck later, they're all working together!!!!
myna allows horny boy to think that this journey is some way for him to repent or whatever. see, the thing is, she tells them what she plans to do - go kill these ppl - but she never tells them Why & she, technically, lies by omission tons & tons about the whole journey by allowing them (mostly horny boy) to come to conclusions themselves. she just doesnt correct them. believe what you will, she shrugs, as long as you'll help me, as long as you won't stop me.
myna and horny boy are on pretty good terms at first. like good associates. they get stuff done. there are some times where horny boy is a little like ...um myna? & she's like what? & he's like u literally just hung a man from a crossbow bolt. & she's like and? u just sliced a man in half w a shard of ice, i dont think we have time to be getting questionable about how we kill these ppl. they're bad ppl.
they're pretty friendly & i think horny boy does kind of get infatuated w her before she does with him. she has sort of a one track mind, and that's to find the people who killed her family, you know. they do have their fun friendly like flirty moments u know, where it SEEMS like myna may acknowledge that horny boy likes her, but then it drops off & they're all like... ? although, if i had to use a word for these two it would be... tender. i will not elaborate. thatse it.
then there's toof. toof who is much more fiery & fierce and OUT THERE. myna and toof have a sharp relationship right away. first myna thinks they're with the ppl she wants to kill, then they join her lil group just to be able to get paid back for missing out on all of that FOOD they were working so hard for (even if going & finding a whole new group would have done them a lot better), then they're constantly picking at horny boy & trying to needle myna, like they're just CONSTANTLY antagonistic and she's like this Pain in the aSS. but then toof is a WONDERFUL goddamn ally. they're GREAT at getting info, they're a perfect heavy hitter, they're so good at diversions like myna is DROOLING at how they add to their tactics, her eyes have dilated to the size of dinner plates & they are so PLIANT when she uses the right sort of incentive.
basically, myna gets VERY attached to toof as a companion bc of what they offer to the group and toof accidentally gets attached to the One fleshy thing that they Absolutely CanNot Eat. like they just. accidentally become closer and closer and myna, who kind of craves companionship, especially after losing her community & her family & EVERYTHING, is finding it in these two unexpectedly. like. i. hm.
it's still all very much in production but. at this point. i think.... this is all i can think of !! <333 thank u for allowing me to ramble about her *keeses u* ily so muchhh
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might-guys-acorn · 4 years
Happy first day of Rarepair folks!! Ive been looking forward to this for months, and I couldnt wait to share the things Ive been working on💕 All my love, heres the first of many, and an Introduction to a new OC😊 @narutorarepairweek -Acorn
*p.s. there may come a sketch of this scene later today😁*
The Moment Love Hits
Tenten x Hikari Tachibana
Of course they got stuck like this on their first mission together. Of course.
It was a B-rank, a simple message delivery mission to the Sand village. With Lee still out of commission, Lady Fifth sent one of her own students with them, and it just had to be the one girl that Tenten absolutely lost all train of thought around. She was stunning, a ray of sunshine in the midst of a monsoon. Hikari Tachibana. Theyd become very used to eachother at this point, Tsunade often sent her to train her acrobatics and such with Gai sensei. But still, for some reason, Tenten's mind had a slight buffer everytime she was around.
Either way, they were walking towards Sunakagure, on a 3 days journey, and Hikari was so close and speaking about some new dessert she tried. She spoke all the time but the sound of her voice was music in a silent world.
"And it was topped with a drizzle of honey, oh my goodness, Tenten-chan, it was to die for!"
"It sounds lovely, Tachibana." She replied, just to show she was listening, while Neji snickered at the delay. God, he knew her too well.
"Stop with the last name, just call me Hika, silly." Hikari replied, tugging Tenten's sleeve playfully.
"Okay, okay, Hika-kun then." Tenten laughed, a blush rushing across her cheeks. What was it about this girl that made her so flustered?
"Plenty of time for talking later, if you all dont use your youth to move quicker, Ill win!" Sensei yelled from ahead and Hika giggled before running up and leap-frogging over his shoulders.
"Not today, Sensei!!!" She called as she did a few back flips ahead of him. Sensei laughed along with Tenten at her energy but they all stopped for a second as Neji called out.
"Stop! Formation, now." His byakugan was active and Tenten could see an immediate shift in energy as they formed a circle back to back. He whispered as they settled, enemies unseen by anyone but the kekeigenkai user.
"Theyre at 4, 7, 10 and 12." He said and Hika immediately transferred the scroll to Gai sensei.
The first shuriken whizzed past Tenten's face and before any other attacks could come, a skew of kunai throttled towards the source. The rest of the enemies revealed themselves, engaging in hand to hand with the boys individually and the third attempting to handle both Tenten and Hikari's attacks. Tenten began whizzing hundreds of tools at him, while Hika flipped to avoid them and landed her signature senbon to the back of his neck, triggering her genjutsu-like effects of the poison.
"You bitch! Why cant I see?" He shrieked, holding his eyes, and she just laughed, sweeping his legs from under him. Messing with them while theyre blinded was the best part.
Her laugh was cut off as she looked up to see a shuriken graze Tenten's cheek, the small stream of blood running down her face. Hika's golden eyes narrowed as the man revealed himself, obviously a bit injured from Tenten's initial stream. Tenten locked eyes with her, and they nodded slowly before she summoned her 2 new katana, dual weilding for the first time. She stood at defense, and Hika winked with a smile as she launched herself up, releasing 3 genjutsu senbon before tucking back to land herself. Tenten swiped twice, and the man was out of commission. She turned to see the men handled their enemies as well, practically untouched. And then she looked at Hika again. The danger gone, Hikari's eyes softened as she stepped towards her.
"Ill never let you get hurt again." She said, her honey-sweet voice melting Tenten's heart for a moment as she touched the blood streamed cheek of Tentens face. The cooling sensation of the healing jutsu seeped into her skin and she laughed nervously.
"Its really not that big of a deal." She tittered at Hika's fingers on her cheek, and then coughed to change the subject, "That last guy didnt have a chance, did he, Hika-kun?"
"Against us? No god could help him." She responded, her smile brightening the world again and stunning Tenten as she brushed her lips against the once-wounded cheek. "You're all set, Tenten-chan. Not even a scar."
She backed away, running to the rest of the team to brag about their girl power pose moment and Tenten simply stood with her hand to her cheek and a single thought in her head.
Lord help me, Im in love with her.
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iinxdecisionss · 4 years
Note: All of my muses are open to ships (unless listed otherwise), canon, and AU verses. I openly RP with anyone from any fandom. Open to darker plots and themes with any who are listed as OK to do so.
Holly “Veronica” Fraiz: OC.  Half-human, half-vampire. Dhampir. Daughter of the “Devil’s house”  regent Kraven and Moira the human nurse. Was raised by her mother and  step-father, Roose, in a quiet country-side home that could adhere to  her ‘symptoms.’ When Moira and Roose died in a car accident she finally went to her vampire brethren pleading for sanctuary as she didn’t know  where else to go or who else she could trust with her secret. Though they were suspicious about her being a ‘half-blood,’ they indict her into their ranks and now she trains as an ambassador for the vampire covens. her ability to move about in the daylight is a huge help. Moira told her daughter who her father was but Holly has not told anyone the truth for fear of being judged. She prefers to be called by her middle name,  Veronica. Only those really close to her could call her by her first  name. NSFW ALLOWED.
Selene: CANON.  Corvinus hybrid vampire. Selene is a vampire soldier known as a Death  Dealer. For over 600 years she has fought in the lycan-vampire war to avenge her family who was supposedly killed by lycans when she was still  a mortal. The vampire Elder, Viktor, turned her and gave her the strength and powers to avenge her kin. Little did she know it was actually him who killed her family and when she discovered the truth she killed the vampire Elder and has been on the run with Michael since. Ships selectively. Mainly with Michael rpers but open to other relationship if they are established in threads beforehand. NSFW ALLOWED.
David: CANON. Pure-born vampire son of Thomas and the late Elder Amelia. Progeny of Selene, the current Elder, and rightful heir to the Eastern coven. Going from a rogue to a leader, David is incredibly brave and loyal to his species and  will not hesitate to act on his choices whether or not he stands alone.  David fights when no one else will and goes out of his way to defend  others and puts their lives before his. He is an opportunist and highly believes in resistance when it comes to problem-solving. Views Selene as a mother figure and teacher. He has a lot of respect for her and stands by her on her decisions. NSFW ALLOWED.
Michael Corvin: CANON. Michael Corvin is the human descendant of the Founding Father Alexander Corvinus. He came to Budapest to become a surgeon and was wrangled into the unseen war between lycan and vampires when his blood was proven to be the key to the perfect blend of the species. He was first changed into a lycan by Lucian and then into a vampire by the Death Dealer Selene in an effort to save his life. Creating him to be the first hybrid of the two species. For this reason he is highly sought after and hunted. He is the lover of Selene and father to Eve. (LISTEN I’VE SEEN THE  MOVIE BUT OUT OF PURE SPITE HE IS COMPLETELY AU HERE. WHAT HAPPENED WAS  BULLSHIT AND HE DESERVES BETTER. NSFW ALLOWED BUT VERY SELECTIVE.)  Ships selectively with Selene rpers.
Marius: CANON.  Lycan leader who took charge after the fall of Antigen and it’s  commanders, Jacob and Quint Lane. He captured the hybrid Michael Corvin  and used the hybrid’s blood to enhance himself and give him an unstable amount of strength to make himself immune to silver and defeat the vampires.  Marius is ambitious, cruel, and ruthless. If he forms an attachment to you it can be very hard to tell if he does it out of genuine care or if he sees a usefulness in you and nothing more. He will stop at nothing to give himself all the power he can grab. NSFW ALLOWED.
Markus Corvinus: CANON.  Vampire turned hybrid Elder of the vampire covens. The first and oldest  of the vampires as well as the very son of Alexander Corvinus, The  Founding Father. Markus is extremely loyal and bonded to his twin  brother, the first werewolf, William. Markus was turned into an hybrid  after lycan blood was drained into his coffin. It twisted his genes, his  body, and his mind. When he awoke destroyed the mansion he once ruled  over and set out to free his brother and possibly set out to conquer the immortal and mortal races. Cold-blooded and driven, Markus won’t stop until he reaches his goals. NSFW ALLOWED.
Nara Pickett: OC.  Lycan and older sister of Duncan. Nara was turned as a teenager after an attack and barely survived, coming back stronger than she had ever felt before. When her brother was turned into the lycan’s most hated enemy, the vampire, she stuck by him rather than leaving him for the sun or his own  new blood-kin. The two of them stayed as hidden as they could but when  Nara was attacked by a pair of vampires that almost killed her, she was taken in by lycans who found her left for dead and nursed her back to health. They refused to let her leave and convinced her that she needed to stay with her own kind for her very safety. Ten years later she found her brother but could not find it in herself to leave her new pack, thus she meets up with him in secret now. Not very feminine looking, she is one of the taller and buffer lycans in her pack with lots of scars from fights and challenges. She has won many. NSFW ALLOWED.
Duncan Pickett: OC.  Vampire and younger brother of Nara. Duncan and his sister grew up in the streets with only each other after their parents died during a storm while out to sea. When his sister was attacked and turned he never left her side the whole time she was on death’s bed. Her newfound ‘condition’ was one they  lived with for a few months until a rogue vampire attacked and turned Duncan. Nara came to his defense and killed the blood-sucker. They lived as well as they could for a few years until they were forcibly separated for a long time. Duncan wandered looking for his sister until his health deteriorated and he was found by a vampire patrol from a Mountain Coven. He was brought to a mountain vampire coven where he became the guardian and ‘brother’ to the Queen’s only daughter, Jasmine. Finally Nara reunited with him after ten years but they both found new responsibilities and bounds within their species. Still he could not hate or shun his sister no matter how their species waged war on each  other. They continued to meet in secret. NSFW ALLOWED.
Kitridge Prairie: OC.  Universal shape-shifting human who can take the form of a coyote. She has a checkered past but looks out for others despite. Has a cunning and selfish streak. Kitridge looks young for her age and is rather skinny. There’s nothing she won’t eat due to living on the streets most of her life. It’s hard to earn her full trust but once you have it her loyalty to you is unwavering. Breaking it is the worst thing you can do in her mind and she’ll never give you another chance if you mess that up. She is the adoptive mother of Tamara and Chirin. NSFW ALLOWED.
Lebya: NON-CANON.  Romanian female turned lycan from the non-canon  Underworld novel ‘Blood enemy.’ She is a lycan slave alongside Lucian when vampires kept lycans as their daylight guardians. Lebya is a scheming and power hungry individual who seemed to have an interest in Lucian but only for his elevated status in hopes she would gain some as well. When he ignored her for Sonja, she jealously revealed their relationship to Viktor and instead of being rewarded, she was set on fire, tossed from the castle, and into a river where she presumably drowned. She did not die and instead lived as a lone hermit and wreaking havoc and revenge on both the lycan and vampire races as her hatred for them was that strong.  NSFW ALLOWED.
Tamara and Chirin: OC’s.  Pureborn Lycan twins of an unknown lycan male and a lycaness consort, Tathe.  Tathe did not want the children but could not leave them to die so she enlisted an old acquaintance she knew could be trusted to raise them away from their sociopath father. The children live quite differently from others of their kind with only their adoptive mother in a cottage with woods to run and play in. Tamara can display her mother’s hard-set temper and arrogance while her brother is more soft-hearted. Both are still children. Ages can vary depending on verse. NO NSFW.
(I say unknown father because it brings so much more potential for possible angst and drama in threads. Let me know if you’re interested in tossing a male muse into this mix.)
Damien and Mischala: OC’s. Half lycan/half human twins born to Quint Lane and Petra Nikonova. Petra is an OC who belongs to @silencedsonatas. These two have two verses that could work.
1.  Before they were born their mother escaped the from the den their father was holding her in and gave birth to them with Kitridge to help her. Petra left them with her and never looked back.
2. They were  born into their father’s hands and Petra was let go (or escaped) seeing as she served her purpose and gave Quint what he wanted. In this verse they would be raised by him. Damien looks the most like his father but has lighter hair like his mom. He is overprotective of his twin and keeps an eye on her at all times. He can act rough and talk loudly but he doesn’t really have it in him to be cruel like his papa. When he play-fights he always does so to win but will purposely hold back with Mischala. His sister inherited more of her mother’s looks but with her father’s hair. She is more quiet and clever than her brother. She has a sweeter disposition but will sink to very petty levels to get what she  wants. NO NSFW.
                                    SECONDARY CHARACTERS
These  are characters I have newly made or do not have the strongest muse for.  Nevertheless if you want to rp with one just drop me an IM!
Kassa Decaro: OC.  Pureborn vampire of lowborn vampire parents. The only daughter of Kavek and Kassandra Decaro. Kavek turned Kassandra after the two fell in love and she gave him a single child that they raised for up to three years before the Purges threatened their livelihood and they left their child with Kassandra’s mortal sister in an attempt to keep her safe. An aging woman named Sheila who knew of her sister’s condition as the two of them were the only family they had left since their parents died. Kassa’s parents were killed days later and Sheila raised her niece as well as she could up until she was 12. When the Feds began door-to-doors once again Sheila rushed Kassa out and searched tirelessly until finding a group of vampires trying to reach a safe haven. Sheila begged them to take Kassa and raise her among her own. Sheila was killed for distracting and ‘betraying’ the mortal authorities. Kassa is played  as a 14-16 year old. NSFW NOT ALLOWED.
Vestor: OC. Coven librarian and considerably one of the largest and most big-boned vampires you will ever lay eyes on. He fits well into the ‘crusty and grumpy ol’ pouter’ who will break your bones if you so much as get a smudge on the dusty pages of his books. Vestor is of an unknown past and age and refuses to discuss with anyone, even the  Elders. He always seems to hold a grudge but no one truly knows to who or what excactly. NSFW ALLOWED IF YOU ARE INTO REALLY OLD AND GRUMPY GUYS.
Andreas Tanis: CANON. Vampire historian and bibliophile. Tanis is a very intelligent  and resourceful vampire who was sent away in exile from the covens after  recording what the Elder Viktor called “malicious lies.” In reality he  may have been telling the truth. He is quite old and knows much about  the vampire/lycan wars, how they started, what spurred them on, and all those guilty parties involved. NSFW ALLOWED.
Abigail Whitaker: OC. Universal mortal serial killer based off a dream. Abigail grew up with a mentally ill mother and a father who was not home very often. Neglected and malnourished, she grew up skinny and with stunted growth. Very lonely at home and in school when she managed to make it. Abigail enjoyed finding dead things and taking them apart carefully into little pieces. At first she only focused on animals but one day she discovered her first dead body and managed to drag it into a shed where she went back day by day to take it apart. One night a thief broke into the house and she killed him after he had taken her mother’s life. The girl’s own mental state was not quite right afterwards. NSFW ALLOWED. Darker themes encouraged.
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kusunokihimea · 6 years
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     [ ...okay y’all. Here’s the tea. Some things need to change on this blog’o’mine, and I will warn you now: what I’m gonna say is gonna sound a little harsh. But Sylvie’s been dealing with this for...a very long time now, and I’ve reached the end of my patience.
     I’ll assume (or rather...I’ll hope) that everyone here has done a few things: read my about page, my rules page, and at least glanced at the muses page. From those things, you should know that:
Ryū is my default/main/however-you-want-to-call-it muse
The canons I have here are played ONLY because they tie into a vast, complicated narrative centric around Ryū (and other OCs)
Well over half my muses are OCs
I ask that people not follow JUST for the canons as they are not the blog’s focus - they play support
     ...now, ever since I’ve added canons...I’ve had a problem. One that, over time, has grown exponentially, it seems. And that’s people pushing my OCs into the ditch and clamoring over my canons.
     ...and if we look at the above bullet points, I think you can see why that bothers me.
     I have had people refuse offered interactions with my OCs despite having followed me, meaning they have at least SOME inclination of interaction, which - again - defaults to my OCs. I have had people IGNORE MY RULES and IM me about writing with my canons, without any hint whatsoever they’ve even considered my OCs. I’ve had people hint at ships with my canons that I EXPLICITLY state in my rules I will not write. And I...am getting so darn tired...of dealing with this. Because I know it’s common sense, and proper RP etiquette, to read a person’s blog pages (at the very least a rules page) before even beginning to interact. ON MY BLOG’S HOME PAGE, I ask that anyone new read the about/rules/bios. And yet, despite the above-bulleted points mentioned MANY times across all those pages...I’m still having these problems.
     It, in all honesty, has me at my wits’ end. So, I feel I’m left with two options.
     Option one: completely delete all of my canons. Wipe them off the blog, and do not make another blog for them specifically. Why? Because, as mentioned, the ONLY REASON I write those muses on this blog is their place in an overall narrative. Having them on their own blog makes no sense, because they are part of the ALAS verse. They are intimately tied to the OCs here. Be it ships, or kids, or...whatever. They do not stand on their own because I do not WANT them to. If someone doesn’t like that, I advise them to find another blog, and yet...people still push their expectations on my muses despite my rules and wishes. So either they stay here, with the ALAS verse, and people RESPECT MY RULES...or they disappear.
     Option two: I become the mother of all highly selective. Meaning I do not tolerate any followers who break rules in regards to these grievances. Which, I will admit, is the more appealing option of the two. I do not want to drop my canons. I love writing them. I love the ALAS verse. I love the people who have respected my narrative and written them with me without pushing my years and YEARS of hard work into my OCs to the wayside.
     Which brings me to a second point of option two, another reason I favor implementing it. I am...increasingly frustrated with people who follow me, and that I then follow back...only for them to never touch my blog. Or worse, honestly: people who do that, and only interact ooc when they want something. Be it an aesthetic or icons or...whatever. While I used to be totally cool with people just hanging out quietly...I am feeling more and more used. While I understand that some people DO follow just to read a writer’s writing...I don’t feel like that’s the case here. I feel like a meme hub, an icon maker, and an aesthetic generator when it comes to people like this. I’m fine with doing these things, but only for someone who ALSO puts in effort to interact. Otherwise it’s completely one-sided and unfair. And quite frankly, I’m fed up with it. 
     While I don’t need you to send me a meme you reblog EVERY TIME...I need you to do SOMETHING. I post opens and inbox calls ALL THE TIME. They are meant to let ME do ALL THE WORK in creating a way for us to interact, and yet still it seems like a majority of my followers have never touched them. NEVER. And I’m tired of the “I’m just shy!” excuse. Literally all you have to do is like or reply the post. You can ask anyone who talks to me: I’m one of the most patient, open muns on this platform. I too am shy! But I also realize that I can’t get something for nothing: I can’t sit and wait for people come to ME all the time. I have to take initiative at least part of the time. And so many people seem unwilling to do that. And I’ve had it. Over three years on this site RPing, and I still only interact with nearly the same small group of people. Some come, some go, but I still only ever have a small fraction of my mutual followers interact at all, let alone regularly.
     So, what’s the point of all this? Not to guilt trip anyone. Not to be angry. Just...to explain that I’m done putting up with behavior I’ve both warned against in my rules, and tried to remedy by doing all the legwork. So, this is a PSA: given that I really don’t want to do option one when there ARE people who respect my blog and my rules...I will be going with option two. If a blog goes long enough without making some kind of effort to interact (at this point I might say a month)...I’m going to be softblocking and unfollowing. I want people I follow to be as eager to engage as I am. If that’s not what you’re going to do...then I have no reason to follow you. I’m done being a hub for memes and resources, and getting nothing in return. And all I ask is one simple thing: interact with me! Show me you want to write with me! PUSH A BUTTON ON A POST, THAT’S ALL IT TAKES. Refollow if you want, but if I go long enough without any indication you want to write, I will not follow you back any longer. And I don’t write with anyone who’s not a mutual. Because if I reach the point of softblocking you over this, I already know you’re not reciprocating, and I won’t try again. At that point, you’ve reached three strikes, and you’re out. 
     And just to clarify, I DO also have a rule of softblocking anyone inactive 4+ months. Because again, I want my following list to be full of active, interactive people. And if I make the buffer for you being ACTIVE for a month, and yet you still do not take advantage of me handing out interactions in the form of opens or inbox calls...I will assume you actually have no want to write with me, and therefore I have no reason to continue following you.
     I know I’m not the only one feeling this way. I’ve heard similar sentiments from several friends. And I’m going to put my foot down. I don’t want my following list to be full of people who don’t want to interact, or who try to circumvent the reason I made this blog: to write my OCs first and foremost, and canons when the time calls for it. I also don’t want people around who try to get things from me for nothing. That’s why I’m here: to RP my muses. And I can’t do that by myself. And I don’t want to be making things, FOR FREE, for someone who can’t even be bothered to interact.
     That being said, this doesn’t apply to everyone, and let me just clarify to those of you who have taken the time to interact with this blog and respect its narrative: thank you. This is just a new policy I need to implement in order to stop feeling used and ignored, and none of you have ever done that to me...and I appreciate it more than words can say.
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1112lw · 6 years
B, C and D for whichever OC you feel like talking about!!
I’m gonna do Alex considering our fandoms ssdfbfhd
B: Basics1. what is their hair color? Dark blond/brown at this point
2. what is their eye color? Green!!! 
3. how tall are they? She’s 5″8 yells
4. how old are they? in 2019 she’d be 18, but in the timeline she’s 25
5. how much do they weigh? I cant b fucked to look up bmis but shes slightly buffer than others so thats that ig?
C: Comfort1. how do they sit in a chair? Alex isnt even gay but she sits like a fucking gay legs up head down2. in what position do they sleep? tbh idk? like. sprawled or snuggled up with logan
3. what is their ideal comfort day? hikes!! looking at pretty seas!!4. what is their major comfort food? why? omg she loves…..soups she loves that shit 5. who is the best at comforting them when down? well logan obviously
D: Decoration1. how would they decorate a house if they had one under their name? she likes modern stuff and pretty flowers!!! lots of nature touches with simplistic designs u dig2. how would they decorate their child’s room? hmmm prolly with pastel colors, stars all over the place and 10483 plushies3. how do they decorate their own room? Alex’s room is pretty clean, apart from a couple of posters, clutter and memories. prolly has candles and little spots where she cleans her shit4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear? alex literally has no style she likes classy stuff kind of but her special thing is jewelry 5. do they like makeup/nail/beauty trends? She does her eyeliner ig? she doesnt rlly follow any of these but she does like playing around with makeupà
fun fact about alex: used to b vry tomboy. like ew girl things tomboy. then i realized i was projecting my ew girl things onto her n moved on so now im expressing my femininity on her lol
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kpopfanfictrash · 7 years
The First Prince
Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: Jaebum / OC
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3,224
Summary: A land under a curse. Seven mysterious princes. A decision that will make or break the Kingdom. (idea from this post here, by @cyjsgirl​). This is a side story off my fanfic, The 7th Prince .
Please enjoy - happy birthday @katbeom​ !
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Katherine. The loudest, most annoying soul I’ve ever had the misfortune to come across.
Jaebum meant this, meant it with every fiber of his being. Or at least he thought he did, which at eight years old was nearly the same thing. He had never been as certain of anything before, which seemed a positive indicator in that direction. When Jaebum’s father informed him he was getting a new tutor, he merely rolled his eyes in reply. Sinking lower in his chair and nodding.
Legs curled beneath him, Jaebum reread the same sentence until his father left the room. Then he exhaled, a tiny sigh leaving his otherwise serious lips. Jaebum had always been that way – a miniature man, his mother used to call him. Of course, this was before she became ill.
Now Jaebum is even more taciturn. Before her death, his mother was the buffer between him and his father. Now Jaebum never knows what to talk about. They’re both quiet, both only speaking when the situation requires - for absolutely no other reason. Besides, his father tends to see everything in black and white – especially when it comes to Jaebum. There’s duty and nothing else. Everything else is a waste, everything else is a distraction.
Jaebum doesn’t necessarily agree, but Jaebum has been able to win an argument against his father so he doesn’t want to start now. Even before his mother died, Jaebum wasn’t a very sociable boy. Really he just has Youngjae, and this is only because Jaebum’s mother was born in Quattor. Youngjae has been a part of his life for as long as Jaebum can remember.
Returning to his book, he flips another page.
“What’re you doing?”
Lowering his novel, Jaebum peers over the spine. Dark eyes stare back at him – dark, dancing eyes. Katherine’s smile turns to a frown and she tosses long hair over one shoulder.
Slowly, Jaebum sets his book down. “I’m reading.”
“Duh,” Katherine snorts, crossing her arms.
Even for a girl their age, Katherine is small. It makes Jaebum nervous to be around her, like he might break her by saying the wrong thing. Which is, of course, ridiculous. More often than not she’s the one breaking him. With her witty banter and sharp retorts – Jaebum often finds himself at a loss for words when talking to Katherine. This is fine though, since she never seems to run out of words for him.
“I only meant,” she says, tilting her head to one side. “Why are you here all alone? Don’t you have friends?”
Jaebum blinks, only once. “I have friends,” he frowns.
“Youngjae doesn’t count.”
“Why not?” Jaebum asks, sitting straighter. “He’s a person. He’s my friend. Why doesn’t Youngjae count?”
Considering for a second, Katherine nods. “Fine. Youngjae counts. I more meant, why won’t you be my friend?”
When she continues to smile, Jaebum frowns. The impropriety of her suggestion just serves to show how naïve she truly is. “Because,” he sighs. “I’m not supposed to play. I’m a Prince.”
Katherine arches her brows. “Really? Being a Prince must be a horrible thing.”
Jaebum snorts, a most unbecoming sound, which he quickly stops. “I – uh. It’s considered honorable by most.”
“Well, being honorable sounds awful as well.”
Smile on his lips, Jaebum is once again reminded why Katherine is so terrible. She makes him forget, if only for a moment, the man he’s supposed to become. She does it so easily, too. Jaebum shakes his head once more, opening his book.  “I can’t be friends, Katherine.”
She merely shrugs, unperturbed by his announcement as she walks away. Jaebum pretends not to watch her leave, pretends not to see, but he does.
“We’ll see,” she sings, turning around at the door. When she catches him staring, she grins. “You just wait, Im Jaebum,” Katherine declares. “You’ll be my friend, I swear.”
“Not likely,” Jaebum grumbles, flushed as he looks back down.
The door closes behind her.
It opens again several years later, when Jaebum is being taught algebra by Katherine’s father. He stares down at the problems on his sheet, Katherine’s father patiently explaining each one but for some reason, it’s just not sinking in. Jaebum stares at the page, squiggles looking to him less like solutions and more like art. Jaebum secretly wishes they were art.
That would never happen though, since the King disapproves of Jaebum studying the humanities. Disapproves of Jaebum studying reading and writing and composing – something which Jaebum now only does to do in secret. Staying up all hours of the night to compose, notes of his music bouncing off castle walls to echo down lonely corridors. Jaebum is thirteen – almost a man, as his father likes to remind him.
In just a few years he’ll be in the army, and then its leader. This is the path Jaebum’s father walked, and which he’s expected to follow as well. Soldiers must learn math and logic, more than art and reason. As his tutor leaves for the day, Jaebum lowers his head against the parchment. Hitting himself gently while the door creaks open.
Freezing mid-hit, Jaebum winces when a high laugh meets his ears.
“What odd behavior, from the Prince of Unum.”
Katherine closes the door and slowly, Jaebum raises his head to look at her.  “Hello.”
She smiles back at him. “Hi.”
Over the past five years, Katherine has grown. She’s softened, but only in the ways which make him want her more. Because that’s exactly what his hatred was – Jaebum realized this last year. His intense fixation, his burning desire to be near, all of this surmounted to more than pure antagonism. Jaebum’s thirteen year-old self considers the idea that he might just be in love with her.
“Why are you here?” he asks, busying himself by arranging his pencils. “Your father just left for the day.”
Nodding once, Katherine crosses the room. “I know. He told me you’re having trouble with algebra.”
For some reason, Jaebum blushes. “I haven’t… Not trouble, exactly.”
“He said you didn’t know an acute angle from a cute angel.”
Jaebum’s lip twitches in response. “Angles are geometry.”
Grinning, Katherine claps her hands. “Aha! You’ve passed. Now that I know you’re not a dolt, I can help you.” Arranging her skirts to one side, she sits on his bench.
Jaebum recoils. “What are you doing?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” she asks. “I’m saving your ass. Now open your algebra book.”
Jaebum obeys, too taken aback to do anything else.
“When there are multiple variables in an equation, you’ll…”
Her voice drifts in and out, Jaebum concentrating that much harder on the sound of her words. He doesn’t want to miss a single one, mostly because it’s her speaking. Sometimes the nape of her neck is distracting, sometimes its the pane of her cheek, but for the most part Jaebum manages to push these thoughts away. He tells himself that he needs to do well – for her. For Katherine.
The next week, even his tutor is amazed. “It’s remarkable,” he gapes, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Looking at these scores, it’s like you’re a completely different person.”
“It feels like I am,” Jaebum murmurs, glancing out the window.
“What was that?” his tutor asks, flipping another page.
“Nothing. Just nothing.”
Three years later, sixteen year-old Jaebum is sent to war. He takes part in his first ever patrol on the northern border, father riding steadily by his side. During the patrol, a traitor is found and brought before them. The King demands he be beheaded on the spot. Jaebum is sick behind some bushes, a fact which greatly displeases his father – lips tightening into a thin line before he turns his horse around. “Let’s go,” he intones, voice clipped. “We ride for Unum.”
Jaebum follows him silently, red-stained memories flowing through his subconscious. He can’t stop thinking about the force necessary to kill that man. The grunt the executioner uttered, the heave of his arms. It was shocking, the messiness of it. The traitor’s knees didn’t buckle, like he imagined they might. No, instead he stood there – an empty, swaying body before collapsing like a sack of potatoes.
Just the thought makes Jaebum queasy. His horse’s hooves make a steady clip as they ride into Unum’s courtyard. Jaebum dismounts, sliding from his saddle to land before his father, whose horse is already in the hands of the stablemaster.
“Come,” is all the King says, turning and striding into the palace. He leaves Jaebum to follow, as always.
Jaebum is uneasy walking into the throne room – with good reason, it turns out. The second the doors shut, the King slaps Jaebum firmly across the face. Breathing heavily, Jaebum stays looking at the ground for a few, agonizing seconds before glancing up. Cold, dark anger coils in his stomach.
“Angry, boy?” his father nods. “Good. Take that and use it. Hate me, if you like. Hate our enemies. Do whatever is necessary to turn yourself into a weapon. You were weak, throwing up at the sight of war. War is inevitable, like breath or power. How will you lead,” his father asks, stepping before him, “if you don’t have control over even yourself?”
Stomach sinking, Jaebum looks down again. Suddenly he agrees with him – the lingering shame of bile in his mouth indicating he is, indeed weak. “I don’t know,” Jaebum admits. His fingers curl to fists at his sides.
After a long moment, his father nods. “We ride tomorrow at dawn.” With that, the King sweeps from the room, door falling shut with a thud behind him.
There’s a long silence. A silence where Jaebum looks first at the floor, then up at the dais. There are two thrones there – one for a King, and one for a Queen. Jaebum stares at the two, hands slowly loosening. His stomach lurches, since he’s just beginning to understand what the curse means to him. What it means to the land of Morsus. Jaebum will have to marry you – you, the Princess of Senary. The last Princess of Morsus.
If he cannot, he will not be King.
It’s then Jaebum notices the sleeve of a dress peeking from behind the throne. Ruby red and still, he frowns as he takes a step closer. Then another, until –
“Katherine?” he asks, forehead creased.
Katherine’s face peeks from behind the throne and, for the first time since Jaebum has known her, she isn’t smiling. “Jaebum,” she manages.
“What?” He takes another step, sinking down until he’s eye level. “What’s wrong? What are you doing here?”
“I was cleaning,” Katherine admits, lip trembling. “When your father came in, I was startled. I ducked behind the throne before he saw me, not really thinking. But then I saw,” she stops, shaking her head. “I heard…”
Jaebum winces. “Ah. You did?”
“Yes.” As Katherine speaks, her eyes darken. Clarifying that yes, she saw him be hit. “Why do you let him speak to you so?” she asks, nearly a whisper.
“As though I have a choice,” Jaebum muses, with some bemusement. It’s then that he realizes they’re very close. “He’s the King, Katherine.”
“He’s your father.”
“Yes,” Jaebum nods. “I suppose he is.”
Katherine sits there, staring up at him before slowly, pushing to stand. Jaebum takes a step backwards, allowing her past. He fights the urge to touch her as she goes, it would be so easy to take her hand. Jaebum wishes he would, he’d like to have someone’s hand to hold.
Almost as though she knows what he’s thinking, Katherine turns to look at him. “He’s wrong,” she says, her voice soft – for once.
“Wrong about what?”
“You’re not weak.” She stares, as though seeing him for the very first time. “You’re actually the strongest person I know.”
Katherine slips out the door.
When Jaebum turns eighteen, he at last comes home from war. Leaving the front lines where he’s been fighting for the past two years. He walks through the palace with newfound arrogance, projecting confidence and pleased to see that people believe it. He hasn’t thrown up once since that first day, though he’s wanted to many times. He’s worked hard to conceal it, pushing further and harder than anyone else – all for the sake of his people.
He almost doesn’t recognize Katherine when she passes him, but then – it doesn’t seem she recognizes him, either.
“Jaebum?” She blinks before realizing who he is – what he is. Dropping down in a courtesy, she inclines her head. “Prince Im. Apologies for my informality. Lovely to see you back in our humble abode.”
Laughing once, Jaebum observes the sweeping archways and marble that surround them. “Right,” he nods, walking forward until he’s inches away. “It’s odd, hearing you be so polite.”
Katherine looks up, shrugging. “It’s not every day you find yourself in the presence of a war hero.”
Wincing, Jaebum rubs the back of his neck. “It’s not – I don’t.”
He shuts his mouth. A few months ago, he got lucky. He was in the right place at the right time and somehow managed to keep his head long enough to lead his troops into battle. He gained them a neat victory against the witch, the first time he can recall his father admitting to being proud of him. Jaebum hated how much he craved that.
Katherine arches her brows. “You don’t? Then who did?”
Jaebum groans, facing her. “Still as annoying as ever, I see.”
Katherine laughs, moving past him. “That’s me,” she says, voice cheerful. “Annoying, loud, obtuse, petty –“
She’s cut short when Jaebum’s hand wraps around her wrist. Slowly, she looks up at him.
Jaebum stares back, slightly out of breath. “I,” he starts, before pausing. Slowly, he lets go of her skin. Trying to ignore the blush which stains her cheekbones. “I should go.”
He leaves, cursing himself while Katherine stares after him.
That night Jaebum lies awake in his bed. He stares up at the ceiling, tormenting himself with the events of the day. It’s not so different from other nights, since Jaebum is the kind of person who is always hard on himself. This time is different, though – this time it isn’t words or things which torment him. It’s is this sweeping, churning emotion he can’t contain. The way his body coils whenever he thinks of her, the way her questioning and somewhat hesitant stare made his blood boil.
Jaebum throws his covers abruptly to one side. Heart pounding, he throws on the first tunic and pants he sees. Staring for a long moment before eventually forgoing his candle, since right now he doesn’t want to get caught. Jaebum moves stealthily down the halls, twisting and turning until he finds the door he wants.
He stands there, waiting several minutes before gathering the courage to knock.
There’s a rustling of sheets from beyond, a flutter of footsteps and then the door opens. “Jaebum?” Katherine asks, stunned by the presence of the Prince on her doorstep.
Jaebum doesn’t speak, stepping inside to gather her face in his hands before he kisses her. He gathers her face to his, fingers moving into her hair while her lips open against his. His thoughts swirl, fading in and out of coherency as she moves against him.
It’s everything he thought it would be, even more than that. The softness of her, the warmth in her touch. It all comes together to somehow makes sense – each separate thing is magnificent but put together, she’s indescribable. This is indescribable.
Breaking free, Jaebum touches his forehead to hers. “Katherine,” he sighs, loving her name on his lips.
Katherine laughs, somewhat shakily. “Took you long enough,” she answers.
Jaebum pulls back to look at her. “What do you mean?” he asks.
Her eyes dance just looking at him. “Don’t you remember?” she teases, poking his side. “I told you you’d be my friend, Im Jaebum. Eventually.”
“Ah,” Jaebum smiles, pushing hands through her hair. Pulling her closer and brushing her nose with his. “That’s where you’re wrong,” he murmurs, placing a kiss on her temple. Another at the curve of her jaw. “I want to be so much more than just your friend.”
The next few months are filled with silent bliss and sunshine. Stolen kisses in shady corridors, laughter heard into the evening. Katherine is on his mind, in his thoughts and more often than not, in his room. Jaebum can’t get enough of her, so happy he might drown in it. She’s so different from the war-torn expectations he’s known – so different from the only life he’s ever seen.
Katherine gives hope, a want for something more.
Hope which proves to be as easily taken away as given.
One morning Jaebum wakes and finds her gone. Not in her rooms, not in her father’s room. The tutor’s rooms are bare, hastily so – as though someone packed and left at the last minute. A half-used razor lies discarded on the counter, like the inhabitant left partway through his morning shave.
Touching the piece of cold metal, Jaebum attempts to wrap his mind around what he sees. Then his stomach sinks.
The doors to the throne room bang when he enters, striding forward with purpose in his eyes. Jaebum’s distinctive, red cloak flaps as he walks. His father and advisers are in the middle of a meeting but Jaebum orders them all out. 
“Leave us,” he demands, tone ringing through the chamber.
His father seems surprised when, one by one, his councilors obey. They pack up their things as quickly as they can. Perhaps its Jaebum’s tone or maybe it’s that look in his eyes. That wild, half-crazed look which says he’s lost everything and will do anything necessary in order to get it back.
As the doors fall shut behind them, Jaebum lays both palms on the table. “Where is she?” he asks, anger seething below a calm surface.  
His father doesn’t gloat, doesn’t scoff. Maybe that’s the worst part –  he seems completely calm about the whole thing. This is nothing personal, just business between father and son. Some of Jaebum’s anger fades, leaving only sadness behind. 
“She had to go,” his father says. “Had to. You have a duty to this nation, Jaebum and she was getting in the way of that.”
Jaebum closes his eyes. “Duty,” he laughs, the word soft. “Do you know the word, father?”
“I assure you that I do.”
“No.” Jaebum’s eyes open, tense and furious. “You understand pain and power and perseverance. You know nothing of duty, father. Nothing of duty, family or love.” 
With that, he turns. Striding across the foyer and exiting into the hall. While he leaves, his father remains silent.
The door falls shut behind him and Jaebum slowly buries his face in both hands. He doesn’t care that he’s in public, doesn’t care that one of his soldiers might see. They would think him weak – well, let them. Without her, he is. Without her, he is nothing.
Jaebum looks up, allowing that cold, kernel of anger in his stomach to harden to something else entirely. He won’t give up. Placing one foot softly in front of the other, his jaw sets against the pain.
No – for Katherine, Jaebum won’t give up.  
[The 7th Prince Master List]
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eirian · 7 years
i havent done a vent here in a long time but twitter has too small of a character limit so here it comes
super long post
i really hope my psychiatrist can give me better medicine this time around b/c holy shit what im on rn isnt working anymore ??  it was for like the first three weeks b/c it caused some hypomania (i was told thats also part of bipolar 2 which ?? ive apparently been diagnosed with too but yknow) but then i dove into a period of severe depression and its supposed to go away after a couple weeks but it just. hasnt. or it has for the most part but not enough for me to recover from it
my energy and motivation is gone again and i can barely draw anything like i was before, even dpg is hard for me to do rn (which isnt TOO BAD b/c i have four buffer pages left and generally pages only take me two days to finish now (or even one day sometimes if its a good day which is a huge improvement from how i used to do it)
the stickers came to a stop at like..60 dbz stickers ??? and about 30 or 40 dp stickers ???  just sketches tho
im barely scraping up enough energy to finish oc refs b/c i have a few sketched out but even those are comin along at a snail’s pace
i rly wanna draw a lot but im just not feelin it rn and im upsetti spaghetti
BESIDES ALL THAT ive been feeling extremely nostalgic lately ?? ive been listening to old songs i used to be into (im talkin like teto territory and anima libera and ravers in the uk and that kinda shit) and watching old animation memes (some of my own even) and looking at old art and ocs and ughhghguguuhjfkhgdf gettin into kidcore even
ive just been thinkin about how i miss that period of time !!  i drew so much without caring about details and how it looked !!!!!  it was b/c i didnt know any better but still !!!  i used a mouse with ms paint and windows movie maker and i produced art out my ass and i had fun designing neon-ass characters or goth vampire characters
thats why i designed nos !!! as a fursona !!!  to try and reignite that flame of joy and fun i used to feel
its slightly working if i combine it with the binary tool and old songs but. hh
im not sure if regression is the right word for what im experiencing rn but it sure feels like im tryna live in the past which i know for sure cant be healthy o<<
tl;dr im tired and i cant draw and im tryna go back to how things used to be but its not working out
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tayegi · 8 years
wo w ee i am so excited to see where u take equilibrium! tbh i really like how u r writing jungkook (not in the obsessive relationship sense but like) because it feels like u r really giving us an insight to his mind and how complex of a character he is and like what drives him.. idk if that makes sense lol but i really enjoy the entire story and cant wait to see how it develops !!
Here are the rest of my equilibrium asks under the cut! I am so truly sorry that I just simply do not have the time to answer the rest of them (besides wouldnt you guys rather have me expending my energy on writing ch 12? ;)), but be assured that i have read each and every one of these messages multiple times over and appreciated them all
bonyg said:Equilibrium is really giving me mixed feelings, it's so complicated that I don't know if I want oc with Jungkook or Jimin. It's just not healthy to be in this relationship :"( if I were oc I'd definitely left them both even if I'm gonna die without Jimin :'( it's getting more exciting and I can't wait to know what's gonna happen between oc and Jimin. Thank you for updating ^^
jaaneman-s said:Hi, I don't if this sounds or rude or not, but I'd like to thank you? or idk, I was born in a very manly culture? I know (on my own) how certain things that look okay in this culture but are not in equalness and respect to the woman happen but reading equilibrium has like, opened my eyes a little bit? When I read ch.11 I just sat down and spent a while thinking about everything and how different you view stuff from my point, and how this is actually right? anyway keep the great work ily ♥
Anonymous said:pls read equilibrium at my funeral🙏🏻
Anonymous said:oh oH OH is it going to be one of the cases where the boy "misinterprets" the girls basic human kindness for flirting?!!?? If so, @ the character: go to hell
Anonymous said:Well, it seems like JK (and a little Y/N) has tipped the balance and now everything is coming crumbling down. Who does JK think he is?? I can't imagine Y/N could let the weekend go by without getting close to JM, especially since he needs her. I'm just anticipating the moment when jimin realizes and everything is out in the open. I really loved this chapter! You can see how bold JK is getting knowing that Y/N will do anything he wants, just for his cooperation. Suspenseful!
Anonymous said:me rn: *prays for a joon hyung to sweep OC off her feet and abandon JK and JM* (seriously i'm such weightlifting fairy trash it hurts) (also do you know where i can find my very own joon hyung 😭😭😭😭)
Anonymous said:Reads part 11 Equilibrium -insert jungshook meme here-
Anonymous said:Don't be bothered by those ungrateful readers who thinks you're obligated to write them more than 3k words. Seriously, did they somehow get the impression that they're paying you for this? Just write at your own pace so you can produce quality stuff.
Anonymous said:Finally got around to reading Chapter 11 & if I'm the oc I'd be on a plane up outta there so quick! Set Jimin up with some soup & a blanket, & scoot skedaddle my way out of dodge. Jungkook isn't about to talk to me like that, thinking dick isn't abundant & low value. Shit... Also bless your writing, each Equilibrium update has me on pins & needles~
Anonymous said:I just like... What if Jungkook comes home unexpectedly and finds y/n and Jimin getting it on and then flies into a murderous rage, severely injures Jimin and kidnaps y/n. The second part could be Jimin feeling all guilty and trying to find her while she tries to escape
Anonymous said:Holy shit I'm convinced that Jungkook poisoned Jimin because he's going to be away for the weekend and he's paranoid and crazy as shit that the OC might do something with Jimin so he made sure he's unable to do shit with her 😵 cuz when he called to ask her where she was for his graduation, he didn't even seem all that surprised that he's sick, he just cared about where the OC was.
Anonymous said:Twist end: OC learns boxing and kicks Junglebooks ass
Anonymous said:theory: part two will be titled monogamy and Jungkook and OC will have an abusive relationship. Cause you seem pretty adamant on the idea of abuse (which is 10000% not a bad thing for obvious reason) so i feel like you are taking this story as a lesson for girl to see the warning sign. and part 3 will be about her leaving him finally and becoming single or whatever
Anonymous said:I don't want to defend the oc by saying this but in equilibrium she clearly is right now the one who is fucked up The other 2 get what they want after jk's scary possessiveness and if she wouldn't be controlled by her feelings towards jimin then maybe she would've already left She has also fault but earlier they took advantage of each other's feelings and everyone got something that they wanted but rn oc is like trapped in a cage & can't even touch jimin Idk maybe I'm the only one who thinks so
Anonymous said:I don't understand equilibrium??? Like I thought it was sweet that JK wanted her all to himself but after chap. 11 I think it's just plain creepy with his possessive obsession towards her... like WTF! I kind of want to see Jimin's side of the story like why is he in love with JK and what is with JK not giving a f**k about Jimin at all like when he was the one who initiated this relationship anyways WHUT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!
Anonymous said:I mean it Jungkook will kill them both. Like this boy has the makings of a serial killer. Why the fuck does the oc not love herself?? Why are you trying to create your happiness from the sparse attention given to you by a man??!! Why the fuck are these people so dysfunctional?? Even Jimin and Jungkook they're basing they're entire happiness on people who they know don't care!! If there's ever a lesson here its self love first before you can love someone else.
Anonymous said:Just read the new Equilibrium chapter (11) and wow JK is absolutely terrifying in there. I'm so glad there are stories out there that portray abuse the way it should be portrayed and not romanticized. I really just want the OC to get the hell out of that house and faaaaar away from this messed up relationship ): she needs to run away from him asap like forget Jimin he ain't helping you either just run while you still can girl!!!!
Anonymous said:Regarding Equilibrium, I reread some chapters after I was done with 11. The necklace bit in 11 makes the sex scene in 4 kinda freaky. The way Jungkook yanks on OC's chain and how he got angry when OC said that she didn't know where hers was. It's like Jungkook finds security in the couple necklaces because he associates it with OC being his and when OC doesn't wear the necklace, he feels that his possession has been taken away from him. Maybe I am thinking too much but it was such a cool detail.
Anonymous said:I have a feeling that jimin's going to witness something that's gonna break his heart bc if you look at the situation then jimin should be happy bc he gets his alone time with jk who he loves and he doesn't have to pretend to love the oc that often bc jk doesn't let her go near him and if jimin sees something that breaks his heart(jungkook&oc)then maybe he would leave both and so they would all go their own ways(?)none of them would have a reason to stay but maybe jk will become even scarier idk
Anonymous said:You should just have the OC in Equilibrium go full on Bruce Lee on JK and JM
Anonymous said:Chap 11 in Equilibrium freaked me out btw. Especially after the sex scene when OC watches Jimin sleep. You wrote "tug" so that implies that OC used her hands. So when OC finds her hands restricted by Jungkook, that honestly scared me. Also in that scene, it was interesting for OC to say that she would do anything to comfort Jimin but seemed to take back that statement when she was restricted by Jungkook. It's like OC has become more afraid of Jungkook than she is in love with Jimin.
Anonymous said:In ch11 of equilibrium it was really sad when she compared herself to a pet... like girl, you're a functioning human being, an adult that can take care of herself. You're able to get out of this cage that's been created around you. It's scary what manipulative people can do to someone but at least she knows what messed up situation she's in now and not like... being attracted(?) to the crazies JK is pushing on her
zeloandhobiaremyhubbies said:Hi there ^^ I'm a new reader, and can I just say I love your writing skills and the story line so far. With that being said, coming from a person who has a close friend in a manipulative/almost borderline abusive relationship, I can honestly say I hope the OC get out of that relationship, especially with Jungkook. There's a thin line between being jealous/slightly possessive and possessive and pretty much controlling. Ugh! I want to know what happens next, but I'm also scared to know as well.
Anonymous said:What do you mean you don't know where is the chain OC(me)?! How can I be so careless?? What if Jimin will find it, no I am sure he already did 😑 and now probably the person I precious the most hate me cuz I took his love of life... This shit (relationship) is not falling fast enough huh? Good job me, good job 😒😒
holdingbackforsnow said:I've read equilibrium 11 and somehow I have the feeling that Jimin knew. Even before Jeongguk showed how messed up he is for us readers. I feel like, that's why Jimin entered the relationship. Maybe he was worried for the OC and wanted to act as a buffer in between her and Jeongguk (including his feelings for Jeongguk) that would explain his phone call, when he was gone on business and even how he wanted the OC to go to graduation so badly. I feel like Jimin knows more than we think...
Anonymous said:As much as I anticipate every update, I hope you are taking care of yourself too! Even as an undergrad, I still get stressed & overwhelmed with my workload so I really worry about your well being since being a phd student is so much more stressful and you still give us great content. Thank you so much & I hope you can take some time for yourself as well! ik remembering to take care of yourself is the last thing on your mind with a huge workload but please please don't neglect your well being!
Anonymous said:Oh god Jungkook in Equilibrium is really a psychopath. The fact that he's so manipulative and lacks empathy for others; it's quite terrifying to think about how long he's been manipulating everyone without anyone realizing it. As a psychology major it's really interesting to read a character like this but it's scary how so many people see his behavior as okay esp since there's so many real cases of abusive relationships like this, it makes me really sad. Ty for shining light to issues like these
Anonymous said:Wow, jk has really started to go crazy-something's gonna blow up soon.love the tension you are building though. It's really appreciated the time you take to build an intricate storyline. and not to focus on negative stuff, but for real, if any misogynistic messages pops up now, then... While I think most readers (but apparantly not all) saw the possessive traits of jk in earlier chapters despite it being somewhat(but not very) subtle, this time you rly spelled it out
lastshadowmonkeys said:to stay with Jimin. Everyone's being manipulative as fuck and it can never end well in my opinion...This is so...Wow, and it all comes out of your brain and imagination, that's amazing! I'm so excited to see where this all will go and if Jungkook will just lose his shit (or any of them really, someone is bound to lose their shit) and to see where Jimin stands with oc now and wow so many questions! I'm intrigued! Amazing job, thank you so much for writing this piece of art!
lastshadowmonkeys said:after that, but woops boy was i wrong. He just turned full on psycho, and i have the impression Jimin is not even interested in her in that way and never has been. That leaves OC to be in a relationship with men who don't love her at all, in the end, which is so so sad and i just wish she'd get over her love (or is it obsession, really?) for Jimin, so she could get the hell out of that toxic situation. She's being manipulative herself, going through all that misery to somehow be able (3)
lastshadowmonkeys said:blowing my mind and i have immense respect for that. I'm not lying when i say i'm trying hard to improve my plot skills haha, since my mind tends to be too chaotic to ever get any structure in anything. I enjoy your stories so much. As for Equilibrium, shit's about to go down man and i just can't fucking wait to see what will happen. At first i was rooting for Jungkook and the oc since it seemed like he just had pent up frustrations from being misunderstood? I thought it would get better (2)
lastshadowmonkeys said:Hey Lu! Even though my asks get lost a lot of the time, it doesn't stop me from telling you how much i appreciate the fact you make time to write such wonderful, intriguing stories to make us actually think about important matters. Equilibrium has become one of my top favourite fics ever, and i just love how you can make every chapter like a little piece of a giant puzzle. You write so well, and they're actually plot goals! To imagine you're a grad student on top of all that is just (1)
got7boystobang said:I feel like (in fact; i knew it due to the fact that u hate nochu so much) the end of Equilibrium is going to be such a downfall for jk just like what happened in jjk must die and that crys drabble idk how tho but u just always have ways to kill jkook cause i bet you've millions of pictures in your head on how to😂😂😂 i love your dedication!!!!! lol
Anonymous said:Ugh, Jungkook is threatening people now? Yeah, it's time to call the cops. That's scary. I felt uneasy the whole chapter. I asked myself several times while reading, "Yo, what's wrong with this kid? And what's up with Jimin? Is he just CHOOSING not to acknowledge some of the fucked up shit that's going on around him?" And actually, homegirl is holding up a lot better in this chapter than I thought she would. Interesting. Thanks for another chapter! Looking forward to the next. :)
Anonymous said:Omg so intense!! Gosh I just don't know what to expect anymore, I'm glad there'll be alone time with Jimin but then what if Jungkook finds out, and what if-what if-gah! Can't wait to see what will unfold next, thank you once again for updating even though you're busy~
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