#so please be respectful and dont harrass them and if you can support them please do
piplupcola · 2 months
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I don't have a lot of confidence in my art, but Roosterteeth and Achievement Hunter was one of the few things back in the day that got me to sit down & draw. I'm still really honored to be one of their guest artist for their 18th anniversary. You weren't always the best Roosterteeth, but thanks for inspiring this shy artist to keep drawing.
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☆ Oh my gosh Hi, how did you get here anyway, my name is PineappleZ welcome to my page ☆
☆General Info-☆
No I don’t do comissions yet BUT I will in the future so please hang tight with that
I love spam likers and reblogging is much appreciated
Im still very new to tumblr so if I mess up on the sacred tumblr rules or make a mistake in general about a creator or topic, please correct me
I do have a insta (I know my instagram is a bit bare, I’m working on it) and tiktok so go over there and say hi
No I don’t have a twitter, youtube, pateron, none of that other stuff
I’m into horror, thriller, psychological, etc, genre (I just love a god scare)
If you want to repost on any other platform you MUST MUST MUST credit of course
NO IM NOT AN AI SUPPORTING GIRLY keep that shit away from me
You will get blocked for harassment, nobody has time for tom foolery and I’m not making any exceptions
Be respectful I love comments and reposting but, dont try to critique me especially if not asked for prior
I don’t mind request to draw characters but there’s a chance they won’t be drawn but ill do my best
Ofc you can ask me stuff or just talk to me in general, I’m not picky
I love music all catergories I would love recommendations and recommendations for shows and stuff
This is Pro Palestine, Congo, Sudan blog, if don’t line up with my view stay the fuck away from me
harrassing me in general
No tracing/ Stealing my art/ not crediting me/ Ai artist
pedo, MAP
people that bully others art for any reason
Or are just a weirdo or a creep in general
☆ Fandoms/Interest I will mainly be drawing or interacting with (I’ll get everything sorted with links and stuff in the future I promise) ☆-
Jujutsu Kaisen
My ocs (Any questions, comments, or concerns, I’ll love to ramble about them with you)
Call of Duty
Last of us
Chainsaw man
CoryxKenshin fans
Berleezy fans
Silent hill (2/3)
Hex girls
Resident evil (4/8)
Guilty gear strive
Sirens/ harpies/ medusa/ sphinx (I love mythical female creatures)
Hit me up because I love to run my mouth about these fandoms, or just about random stuff in general, or even just thirsting about characters I’m all for it
(If you don’t mess with me art I promise you can scroll pass and move on with your life, you don’t have to be here)
☆ ₊˚⊹This is a chilled out place so relax and have a good time here ₊˚⊹☆
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boxwinebaddie · 7 months
Hey Uncle Nina, random question but what is your opinion on Henriel? (Michael x Henrietta) Or rarepairs, for that matter?
awww! while i will say that i haven't put much thought into their intimate/personal relationship, i am a friends to lovers girlie, they clearly have similar interests and i think they could definitely be super cute together, doing little gothy goth thangs (fangs), aw.
as for rarepairs in general...i am definitely in support of rarepairs! i know what its like to ship something that goes against the grain of what everyone is mainly shipping in a fandom, how frustrating it is to have almost no content for your ship/having to make it yourself and honestly...just getting harrassed for liking your more obscure ship! so in general uncle nina rocks on the side of rarepairs...
....speaking of rocking however and NOT rocking the boat specifically, i will say an exception to my acceptation of ships are ones that are obviously extremely gross like incest, assault, anything illegal or very immoral. particularly if its done in extremely poor taste. like i feel like if you are writing dead dove and its conscious, its tagged correctly and it isn't like...excuse me...torture porn that trivializes or romanticizes traumatic thematic topics, i support you.
but i really hate those like 'stan kwords himself and drinks himself to death bc hes a pathetic loser lol haha' fics...very sick to me tbh.
my final note on that and also, not to rock, rock, rock that boat is there are definitely ships that i dont particularly like or agree with, but i certainly will not threaten to kill you over it. do you...i guess. lmao.
but yes! the ncu supports rarepairs, i just happened to like style and got lucky because a lot of other people did too! i also ended up being fond of bunny/kenjorine and bendy which is realtively well accepted and...i will say i want to get more familliar with creek and write them one day...i do not actually know that much about them tbh.
in terms of actual rare pairs though...does reidi count? because i really like reidi? ( i kind of want to write a chance to write reidi tbh ) i also support bebrietta? and uh...tolkien and clyde? craig and clyde sometimes aha. do pip and damien count? uhhh really any of the girls shipped w each other...probably other stuff? yall will have to englighten me to more rare pairs and ships that you enjoy!
so i'll be honest...the real reason i don't know about a lot of rarepairs or engage in ship related stuff is...please take this lightly and im sorry if this hurts anyones feelings but ive felt it for a while/i know its hypocritical because i write fanfic for the south park fandom...
i kinda...hate the south park fandom...a lot...specifically sptwt...soz :/
i just think it can get really nasty in there sometimes? immature?
there's a reason why my twitter is mainly used to update you guys on my writing/writing process and be moderately silly. it feels like a comfortable and safe place to do so, a place of information.
i sometimes hover on the 'for you' side of twitter and i always fucking regret it because it's so chaotic and intense and kind of...gross, tbh?
i respect and love every one of you and i believe you are all good and wonderful people who curate conscious content/arent Like That...
but everyone getting into discourse every five seconds, trying to kill each other, the delusion, people spelling like theyre in first fuckin grade ( some of that seriously gives me a seizure ), infantilizing the characters, treating the HEAVY AND FUCKED UP issues they talk about on the show like theyre jokes or valid ( its partly the shows fault but some of yall minds are getting turned into mashed potatoes ), the echo chamber of just...ignorance and stupidity...bad takes...and CRINGE in general...like i get second hand embarrassment, dude.
i know its for fun and all...but there is a reason why when when i go to write my fanfics, i take the dark ass issues they talk about in south park and try to write gritty but respectful/socially aware, honest and authentic accounts of the effects those scenarios can cause/how that effects yourself/your relationships/your world...so people treating stuff like that like its so haha! Funny!!! uwu!! SiLlY XD is like...
i saw this post that was definitely a joke but it said something like "thirteen year olds should be able to drink and get drunk lmaooo" and it made me....soooooo viscerally angry???? because like???? that is so SICK AND FRIGHTENING TO ME???? i know stan has drank since like eight but that does not make it good??? thats actually devastating????
and even its its not a joke it horrifies and devastates me that you are using a platform and fandom with other young susceptible people in it and desensitizing them to extremely harmful substance abuse and fucking...making light of it. actuuuuually so sick and twisted. jail pls.
maybe its something about being an educator who cares deeply about everyones safety/particularly young minds but...soz not to get too dark...i had a very serious party girl phase in hs and college where i drank very heavily as a coping mechanism, i almost died, it almost ruined my life and its why a lot of stans experience feels upsetting and authentic to me ( bc it was my life & almost my death sentence )
and its really not something that i think anyone, especially 13 year olds, should be joking about getting into because i fucking love and worry about you all out there...i love south park but it pisses me off sometimes because it waters down and bastardizes really fucked up shit...idk maybe i'm being a hater...i love tiktok and twitter and stuff but i am really worried about what its doing to peoples perception
anyways...sorry for being on my soapbox...that has been sitting in my chest for a while. if you actively enjoy sp twitter and the fandom i'm sure your side is lovely and even if i don't think it is, i love you all and i want you to have fun. it just...freaks me out and gives me the ick tbh.
lastly, i'm sorry if my stories seem less canon because of my lack of interaction with the actual fandom and content...i will say i think i've hopefully done a good job of using a lot of context around the basics of south park and adapted them into literature that is both reminiscent of the show we love, the characters that we identify with, while also creating a more mature universe, taking trauma seriously and taking a sort of 2d comedy show and making it into more like...a modern take, a grittier movie adaption...a more serious literature?
idk...i'm trying to take a silly show and make it more serious, sympathetic, dynamic and resonant if that makes sense...
and its hard to tell, but i really hope i've done that and i'm sorry if this is all terribly pretentious, i just am a Kyle and i'm a hard line abt this.
tldr: i love you guys very much, i'm sorry for being a hater, thank you for reading my rant/my pretentious fanfictions, i'll shut up now
-uncle nina, hater arc
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honeysweetbabyfrisk · 2 years
my byf page is out of date and i cant edit it on mobile so heres a pinned post!
you can call me fen, im in my mid 20s, and i'm part of a d.i.d system (prof. dx'd). i wont really talk about that on this blog but it does mean that sometimes its running entirely on queue here because i'm just not around
inbox rules:
- all anon hate and most discoursey asks will be deleted! i want this to stay a positive space. if you have genuine questions about my stance on something and you ask respectfully thats alright, but if youre looking to debate please dm me or ask off anon so i can answer you privately or just leave me out of it
- its okay if you want to vent anonymously in my inbox but please dont send anything triggering without warning
- similarly, its fine to ask for advice but please dont send me anything triggering without warning, and respect that i'm a person with my own stuff going on so i may not answer right away or even have the answer youre looking for
- any asks about callouts for any user will be deleted. i dont want to participate in that culture, and half the ones ive seen are just harrassment campaigns that do no one any good
- if i reblog from a terf or someone similar, please tell me! i dont have shinigami eyes and didnt mean to, just tell me which post it is and i'll take it down
- if i reblog from you and you didnt want me to just lmk and i'll take it down
things you should know before following:
- i identify as queer and will not tag any posts as "q slur," and if i see you reblogging from me using that tag i will block you
- im a critical inclusionist, meaning if someone's identity isnt hurting anyone (not the same thing as making people uncomfortable) and has historical and/or cultural precedent to exist in context, im quite content to take them at their word in good faith and welcome them into the communities that they by all rights already belong to. an example of this would be: i have nothing against and believe mspec gays and lesbians, ace and aro people, other SAM users, and people with mogai identities and microlables when they tell me who they are, but i do not believe transabled people and believe they and their movements are harmful.
- on that, i believe quite firmly that all endogenics are either traumagenic and in denial or misinterpreting symptoms of other illnesses or experiences and do not support the endogenic community, as their impact does real world damage to d.i.d and osdd systems, what they claim is scientifically impossible, and their only history is one of ableism and causing harm. i will never fakeclaim on this blog, i do not endorse fakeclaiming, i will not answer any asks about syscourse or fakeclaiming. if you want to see my reasoning, please search "syscourse" on my blog, but that is the extent you will get from me.
- i am trans and i dont want terfs, transmeds, gender critical, gender- or bio-essentialists, transandrophobic people (including people who think its transmisogynistic to talk about transandrophobia/transmisandry or that its not real), or any otherwise transphobic people in any capacity anywhere near me. this includes people who insist on knowing the assigned sex of others and assigning people oppression by whats in their pants. tma ≠ amab and tme ≠ afab. those were originally words by and for the intersex community, dont take and twist them.
- i am physically, mentally, and cognitively disabled. i will block you if i see you being ableist in any capacity
- my cottagecore blog is purely for comforting aesthetic and nostalgia and does not inherently infer anything about my values as a person. tradfems are not welcome here. racists are not welcome here. people who think the aesthetic is about manifesting destiny or otherwise white land ownership and expansion are not welcome here. this blog explicitly supports indigenous sovreignity and land back movements. this blog is explicitly welcoming to poc, especially black and indigenous peoples.
- i follow and reblog from minors and people without listed ages. please do not reblog to kink or explicit blogs.
- i am firmly against illegal or barely-legal content of all sorts, and against narratives that glorify or romanticize abuse of all kinds, pedophilia, and incest. i also think that that does not mean no media or books featuring any of those topics should exist at all; it's very important to have those things publically condemned so people being hurt in that way know its not normal and theyre not alone. silence and taboo only aids predators
- i am very firmly against "MAPs" or whatever theyre choosing to call themselves now, zoophiles, and "consanguinamory." i do not want anyone who is not explicitly against these things anywhere near me. you are not welcome here. you will not only be blocked, but also reported.
- i am personally uncomfortable with the following blog types and will block you if you follow from one or post frequently about the following topics: pro ana/other ed, thinspo, meanspo, gore, ageplay/ddlg, entirely nsfw, discourse, callout. these catagories are subject to change.
- both my boyfriend and i are unemployed and living under the poverty line, relying on his ssi payments and foodstamps to live. if you are able to help we would appreciate it, although i urge minors to not donate or buy us things as i think adults taking financial aid from children is dubiously ethical. paypal kofi amazon links online shop
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Heloo! Uh.. So, I literally love your blog and have been stalking it for months now.. (Pls don't think of me as creepy, that's just how I work ;-;)
So uhh.. I am one of the most extreme SNS supporters you will ever meet. I could rant for as long as possible to explain to you why I personally think that Sasuke and Naruto are soulmates. I would also rant for as long as possible to justify the reason as to why the Naruto ending is the worse ending EVER. But at the same time, I have really low self esteem so I always take criticism the wrong way. So it's pretty easy for me to shut off.. Um anyway.. I'm pretty sure you know the amount of harrassment we get from SS/NH stans only because we're shipping "brothers" according to their logic.. I'm kind of new to this fandom and I have never seen any chemistry between Sasuke and Sakura, or Naruto and Hinata, so I never really took interest in SS/NH fandoms. Please, I have better things to do than lie and delude myself on the daily basis. But I'll tell you that I brainrot and fantasize about Sasuke and Naruto married and having a healthy relationship where they both respect their space and have amazing kids who don't grow up in sketchy environments and train to fight off aliens. Anyways, while trying to enjoy fanarts of the characters and stuff I always find SS/NH fanarts around the corner. And boy does it tick me off. Anyway... My opinion isn't real popular, I don't think, but I generally prefer anything that's SNS honestly.. Wether it be one of them being a girl, Naruto being dominant or Sasuke. Whatever that includes 🍅🍥 bring together I don't mind. ANYWAYS... I cannot count the amount of headaches and frustrations I've had just by reading and finding SS/NH things (SS is what I see more often).. I understand they want to enjoy their ship, I mean don't we all?? But I mean, you don't need to twist your brain backwards just for your ship to make sense. They call us delusional, but by what means?? Do they call us delusional because we go for reality?? If they get to ship crappy ships why don't they mind their business and let us ship what we'd like to ship,?? Why does drama always have to occur.? I've seen so many people, not just SNS shippers but other Naruto shippers aswell literally being harrassed for disliking SS. It honestly scares me that people like that exists. It's gotten to the point where I can't even properly enjoy SNS because I'm afraid of being attacked.
I just wanted to know how do you cope with of these attacks and harrassments because I would do anything, and I mean anything just to keep SNS close to my heart... And also what are some tips to help ignore all of those negativities..
Hello Anon! Your ask made me smile, thank you so much <3 :)
Regarding to your question...At first time, when i started shipping them like "full time"(?) i mean putting all my attention to them, i also encountered myself with the negativity of SS and NH, and it was very stressing. My first post of why dont Boruto children make sense, got a lot of SS and NH insulting me and that made me very anxious at that moment. Must admit i tagged it wrong but anyway, they were FACTS not my opinion, but still they got mad and insulted me because of course they will behing their anonymity.
The only thing they can do, and they are good at it that must say, is fighting because they know well that the canon doesnt support them at all, so they have to do the hard job instead. I dont tend to get into discussions with them because it has no point. They "reign" on twitter instagram and youtube so i suggest you to not get into debates in there, because they tend to even call their friends and make cancel your account. So, i suggest you to stay away from them. If you get into a debate, let it be in a safe SNS account of twitter or instagram, because it will hypocrite to go to their accounts of their ships and say things (which can be true) because...yeah let them enjoy their ship. On instagram you can follow Sasunaru and Narusasu tags :) and accounts of them of course. Negative comments will appear always, not just from SS or NH but from dudebros who get annoyed to see reality, so we must cope with that. Just ignore them, do not try to read comments maybe on youtube because its full of them there. And on instagram, sometimes they put SNS tags for SS pictures (must say some SNS do the same, i hate that. the good is not that many just saw one) so you can encounter them even in some SNS tags, but just press the option button and say its spam Keep enjoying this beautiful ship, and at first their comments can be very hurtful, they are insulting you after all, but just remember they are some assholes from the internet who know nothing about you.
After all The strength of their grievance demonstrates the weakness of their argument.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Imo there is enough to support the possibility of a romantic relationship, but you are writing full on narratives with impossible specificity. You know what confirmation bias is but some young impressionable people dont yet . Forgive me but misleading with ' alt facts' can hurt someone even if you dont mean it. I think you are a good person not looking to hurt anyone. But the way you postulate without any evidence makes your actions a little but like those of a charlatan. Peace and kindness
All these kind words you spew...
It feels more like an advice than a question so I'm not sure how to respond to it...
Let me just say thank you? I never quite understood what the brouhaha was about with my posts but after talking to a few people, 'on the other side' lol and reading your Ask, I think I'm starting to get a better sense of what the problem is.
Something about young impressionable minds or people?
Let the council of elders know, those are not my audience please. I cater to a much more mature audience- at least so far. The people that I interact with and engage with on my posts on and off Tumblr are very mature and not impressionable at all.
They are People with brains who can tell an opinion from fact and can engage in deep complex controversial conversations without throwing up, shedding tears or cussing through to the heavens.
If there are 'impressionable people' reading my blogs- they do so at their own risk. If you know any such people or they run to you with my theories kindly point out to them it's just theory because that's what my opinions are.
I think the best thing you can do is to advice such people to grow up if they are going to sit at the adult table or not read my posts at all. I think you need to learn to hold the right people accountable for their actions.
The best I can do in this case- to hold myself accountable, is to put up a disclaimer on my posts to let people know what it is that they are reading- something I do quite often. But I will make conscious efforts to put up those disclaimers each time henceforth. Thank you.
That I write full on narratives with impossible specificity:
Is this Latin for, 'you write fiction get the fuck outta here?' Chilee.
I don't even know what you mean by this exactly so I may not be able to respond to it to your satisfaction. Bare with me.
So what if I write fiction? What is wrong with writing fiction? Do you hate fiction writers? I don't get what the hate is with these complaints honestly. Do you want me to put up a disclaimer stating my blogs are fiction? Would that help? I would glady do it.
If it helps you sleep at night think of my blogs as fiction- a rose by any other name. I've been keeping up with Shakespeare. Lol.
I don't think it's that deep. Listen, you gotta understand that just because we both 'ship' Jikook don't mean we are on the same team...
Most alt shippers I know and who read my posts and engage with it are not even Army to begin with, for your information. They could care less about these shipping politics of yours. Have you thought about that?
Some simply ship JK and JM and support them because they believe they are members of the LGBTQ plus community not because they are part of BTS.
There are different communities out there who are also into Jikook- for very different reasons. You gotta respect that.
To you, Jikook is just a ship within BTS that may or may not be real, but to some of us they have very much outgrown that description...
They are a brand of their own, a power couple and members of the LGBTQ plus community- Gay Icons extraordinaire. I think we take very different stock in Jikook. So stop trying to fit us all into one box.
It's disrespectful to try and control the way that people perceive their OTP and support them. Jikook don't just belong to Army Jokers, they belong to different communities outside Army. Are you aware of that?
And please don't confuse the intersect. I am an alt-shipper yes but I just so happen to be an Army too. But if I wasn't an Army, I'd still pretty much 'ship' and support Jikook- make no mistake. There are quite a few of us running around these streets, you know?
So you have every right to want to gatekeep your Army Jikook- but you have to do that without infringing on other rights of other 'Jikook communities.'
Throughout my blogs I have tried to shed light on what altshipping is because I thought it would help bridge the gap but clearly that hasn't worked. Sigh.
Misleading alt facts
Do you not know what it means or you are just being ironic?👀
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Why is it ok for you to believe and proclaim that JK and BigHit lied about JK dating the Tattoo artist but it's not ok for me to believe JK is telling the truth when he says he didn't date her and that BigHit saw an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone- hence why they didn't press charges against the shop for breach of privacy like they had said they were going to do. Instead, they had asked the shop to keep calm till the scandal died down on it's own?
You start your piece off with the whole, 'there is enough evidence to support a romantic relationship' between JK and the tattoo shop lady- I assume.
For context, this Ask by this anon is in response to my recent post/ answer on the tattoo girl scandal where the topic of discussion was on BigHit, JK and the tattoo artist and not Jikook perse.
A statement that is in direct conflict with JK's statement, BigHit's and the lady in questions, all denying that there was a romantic relationship between her and Jungkook- and somehow I am misleading who- who now with my theory??? Chileee.
Do you see the problem here? Double standards- the hallmark of bigotry. Lmho. You are literally doing the very thing you are accusing me of. Making confident assertions and claiming you know more about JK and the Lady's relationship and even have 'enough evidence' contrary to BigHit, JK and the Tattoo artist's statements denying the rumors- at least when I theorize I admit I'm being delusional. What's your excuse? When you say charlatan are you referring to yourself? You must be. Lmho.
Now I'm confident in my comprehension skills and intelligent enough to know when you make an assertion like this- it is your opinion and you are just stating your opinion. If you are not then honey you'd be opening yourself up to some serious litigation... goodluck I guess. Lol.
You are allowed to form an opinion about a topic. There is nothing wrong with that. If to you, JK and this person dated that is fine. I am not going to cyber bully you, stalk you, throw slurs at you, harrass you, dox you, slid into people's Dms to spread hate and lies about you just because I don't agree with your opinion. And for the record, I don't agree with your opinion. Hehehehe.
I have stated my opinion on the matter. I said I think JK and this person did hang out, go on dates but that there was no romantic sexual relationship between them because I believe that would have had much serious consequences and effects on Jikooks dynamics no matter how much they tried to keep a cool facade. Whoever felt cheated on would have acted more insecure than usual post the incident- how does this make me a charlatan? Are you saying it's wrong it have an opinion? Chileee.
Now if you can produce 'evidence' of them having sex or even kissing, then I will gladly change my mind on the topic and not sweat it.
Jikook have done way worse questionable things in 7 good years and people still don't believe they are dating. Jk hangs out with a female friend a few times in less than a month and suddenly he is dating her? Lmho.
You don't need me to tell you people are more eager to accept a heterosexual relationship than wrap their heads around the fact that two male idols are gay and in a gay relationship with eachother. Don't you just love it when homophobia meets heteronormativity and stinks? I do. Lol.
I mean this is a fandom that thinks JK is 'too touchy' and doesn't respect his boundaries- they practically swear JK is cheating on Jimin with every member any time he hugs, kisses, wings at within the group. You think they will be 'objective' about JK hanging out with a girl? Even if it happened once?
You said something about confirmation bias.... I will not touch it. Lmho.
This is not the first time JK has gone on a date with a girl. This is not the first time he has 'dated a girl', he has hand girls on his laps or whatever- what is a back hug? I think people need to stop defining Jikook's lives by their own standards. If a backhug is intimate to you. Thats you. If you think a grown ass man cannot hang out with a female friend, that's equally you.
You think if he thought it was inappropriate and risky he would do it 'in public?' Get with Kpop Idol dating culture. Lmho.
Do you know the lengths they go through to keep their relationships a secret? Especially non celebrity girlfriends? Chen from EXO got married and where is his wife? They keep their flings tighter than Trump keeps his toupee on his head. Lol.
They hide them not out of shame but out of love and the need to protect their loved ones. These idols have family members who have their restaurants and businesses shut down because they want to keep their privacy.
You think JungKook's girlfriend would- on her own, issue a statement regarding a scandal that Jungkook's agency had specifically directed her and her shop to keep quiet about and lay low till it blew away on its own? And later, started liking couple posts about her and JK? If they were dating, certainly JK would have dumped her after that move. In my opinion.
You think JK would let his fandom drag the person he is in a relationship with to the extent she loses her Job- when in his Itaewon gay pub scandal BigHit referred to the issue as his private affair immediately it happened? They could have kept the same energy with her, no?
They handled his gay pub scandal much better, with much respect and consideration for his privacy- if he dated her sorry but she mustn't have meant much to him at all. And if I were her I would have dumped him for that shit and not stay liking couple posts about us. Damn- But do you.
Taehyung was in a scandal with a girl too- did you see her liking posts and shit and going out of her way to do the most? Did you see how BigHit handled that scandal?
Nothing wrong if JK is 'dating' her or had 'dated' her and whatever person he decides he wants to be in a relationship with I will support him- that's why I support Jikook.
But your opinion is equally valid my guy. Just don't call me a charlatan for mine. You believe they dated, I believe they didn't- and to your impressionable young minds, I hope you are not selling them anything contrary to BigHit and JK's statement. That would be very irresponsible of you. Lol.
What else did you say?
Oh postulating without evidence...
Next time I write a theory based on my observations about Jikook, remind me to break off a piece of my brain and attach it to it- I guess that way people would finally understand when I say things like 'I think' 'in my opinion' 'I feel' 'I believe' that these are just my thoughts and opinions and not facts.
Let me leave you with this:
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Peace and kindness. Namaste.
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erbis-artist · 3 years
Ok. So this post thread is basically me venting and ranting about social media. If u are uncomfortable or dont care about this u can scroll pass it.
What I wanted to say is: I had enough. Every time I get msgs from my friends that somekind haters shit on my page and accuses me of shit for what I havent done. They repost my art without my permission, rip my comments out of context and this is already for a month or 2.
I got only 1 question: why? Why are u doing this? What do u want to do with spreading crap about me? U want to take me down? U want to make people hate me? Well I will tell u 1 thing - I dont care anymore. Do whatever the f*ck u want, if u got nothing better to do than shit on a person who minds their own buisness.
I had enough of those toxic shitters shitting on my ship (kruelee) that its toxic, while they ship 2 enemies who hate each other (kruecent) together. I had enough of people reposting my art and saying I draw something wrong just because of my artstyle. I had enough of this shit and I dont care anymore.
PS: if u are a kruecent shipper, I dont hate u as long as u dont hate on kruelee and spread shit about it. I respect all shippers until it gets shitty like this and people share their hateful opinions about a fictional ship, which causes innocent shippers getting into trouble because of haters/people who cant hold their mouth full of shit shut.
But at same time, I cant be quiet. I have to speak up and show people I aint the bad guy, because silence usually proofs u are at fault. All I want to do is reach equality. I had enough that shippers like me get blocked for their ship and get hateful comments on their posts, even tho they dont send it to anyone in private and just mind their own buisness creating. I had enough and I stand up for them and am ready to be their shield.
U think u do something good by hating on someone for shipping 2 fictional characters who are both adults? And then u scream someone of these shippers puts their opinions on your hateful opinions??? Lmao then u arent any better. U arent a god to be pure or perfect, u arent god to judge others for what they like. And if u think our opinions arent valid - your arent either.
I speak for all my friends and my favourite artists whom I support in what they do, and seeing hateful comments on their works I wont tolerate. Ok me, I dont care anymore. But others - its too much. U did enough by harrasing us for a somekind artstyle/fictional ship which isnt changable/isnt even real. U broke so many souls, who didnt deserve that.
I had enough watching how my close friends suffer from u all, who harrass us for nothing. Who accuse me, personally, in "sexualisation" "fetish" "toxicity in shipping" even tho they themselves create NSFW content and participate in NSFW rps while being a horny minor.
I had enough of this f*cked up hypocrisy. I had enough of someone thinking they are a king/god to control us. I am speaking up to stop all of this shit.
Now, if u are THAT person reading this and planning to post another hate post. Just stop doing that. U think u are helping? U think u are doing something good? All u do is showing u got nothing better to do, nor do u show you are better. In fact u behave like a immature kid, thinking u are doing SUUUUCH A BIG THING shitting on someone.
Instead of forgetting about us, not giving a shit about our existence, working hard and becoming better in what u like to do - u waste your time.
U wont take me down. I aint the type of person who will fall in front of your hypocritical feet and obey. I wont apologize for what I havent done. I wont give up. I wont accept the fact u are still here screaming shit about me and my friends. I will prove everyone that u are wrong, a hypocrite who likes j**king off on p*rn and posting crap.
Now, to my dearest fans and friends: I love u all and care for u a lot, I am sorry about everything u had to go through, I am sorry u saw so many bad things about me, I am sorry u had to deal with hate also. I am at fault I couldnt protect u nor could I control my rage because of which I f*cked up.
Please, if u are seeing this, care to share the truth, I dont want anyone more suffering, I want to stop all of this harrasment once and for all. Also DONT INTERACT WITH THEM, THEY ARE EXTREMELY MANIPULATIVE!!!
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Now, I will post all the proofs they are the hypocrites and not me. Also the proofs contain lewds, NSFW, and other triggering things, 1st I will post innocent things, then the whole NSFW they created.
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I wanted to comment about your post about Respawning. Wanting to leave your cr is very relatable to me. When i first shifted i wanted to leave my cr because i felt so frustrated with it. This is actually why i shifted because i was so focused on leaving. Looking back at it ,i was angry and bitter at my cr and saw Hogwarts as my escape and it was. I only shifted out of strong desire to leave. And i think over time i understood that it wasn't right and i should appriciate my cr too and that if im unhappy in my cr ill be unhappy anywhere really. I need to fix the storm inside first.
But also the people on Tumblr really are quick to curse people who mention Respawning and to just be hostile towards them. Like... you see someone who is struggling to live and cope with their reality and instead of being like "hey please dont leave everything will be ok!", They jump on blindly hating them.
Tw//Hinted Abuse, Suicide, Death, Mental Health, Etc
Also this post is all over the place I'm sorry
I totally agree with this!! For me, I have trauma that won't ... go away as far as I know. I want to grow and encourage others to as well. But what happened to me won't ever go away, it's not like I can forget nor will the effects go away. But shifting to where I have overcome it will let me live a better life and finally live past it. I could actually enjoy life. I know my CR isn't to blame but I also know staying won't change anything for me. "Then get therapy" is a poor excuse people try to throw out. Some people do. Their entire life. It won't completely change what they remember or what they are dealing with, though.
If I'm allowed to give my two-cents on this...
I honestly think this is true. People are quick to say that and it's really... not okay. For example, today I was told I can't mention permanent shifting (which I was okay with) but I explained it won't change my opinion about it (yet again, I was okay with not mentioning it) but they asked me leave and sent a TW "mentally ill," towards me, about my message which I tried to be 100% respectful about. I was trying to be respectful and I even gave my opinion in blanks so no one would see but the mod, but they were quick to call their opinion fact and call/hint to someone that they are mentally ill for not believing the same. It's not okay.
If you really want to help someone then talk to them but do not hate on them because it's different. Respawning, yes, may be different but assuming what it is and then assuming it as fact is not okay.
⚠️ There are two types, the spiritual respawners and the suicidial respawners. Spiritual respawners shift and then let the body pass through natural process, they do not do this if they believe it will be too risky. At all. Suicidial respawners are people who don't care whether they respawn or not, and I wish a lot of people knew this. ⚠️
(⚠️And yet again, I will say I don't think Respawning is permanent shifting. They are very different if you actually know what it is and the goals. ⚠️)
I'm not hating it or supporting it, I really don't know yet (because of the spiritual aspects, but I don't support the suicidial version. If you need help please connect with someone or me and I'll try to be there to distract/talk/support you) and that's valid. But what I'm saying is if the community really wants to "help respawners" then don't be quick to bash them or act like they are vulgar. They aren't disgusting and removing them completely isn't going to "help" them, it might even make things worse. I've noticed Amino seems to be more accepting but Tumblr is more "this is my opinion but accept it as fact." Which really... also isn't okay. I know I say opinionated stuff (and even now I am) but that's why I also like to encourage others to fact check and make their own decisions but in a healthy way.
What I mean is...
Not okay
❌ Calling someone names
❌ Saying the person is wrong without an explaination (this leaves the person guessing and that's not always a good thing)
❌ Harrassment
❌ Saying derogatory things towards a group and/or person
❌ Assuming that whatever you're doing isn't triggering the other person
What is okay:
✔️ Supporting the person, you don't have to agree with them to support them. This may sound silly, but think of it this way. If a friend is cutting you can support them but not their actions. You assist them, check on them, talk with them, it doesn't make them any less human.
✔️ Remind them if they overstep your triggers and do the same for them
✔️ You don't have to agree, but acknowledging another is always good
✔️ Don't actively spread hate to a group without reason. (Or ever!!!) Most of the people on here are minors, and spreading hate also affects the minors in that group. Not only minors, but really anyone. It's okay to disagree and that's valid, but spreading hate isn't okay.
✔️ Don't assume that person's life, views, or actions just because they don't match yours. Explain yours and if they don't agree that's okay!! You're both valid but it's not okay to be angry at them for it.
I just want to say to everyone, overall, a lot of people are struggling. And if you want to help someone then do that. Don't push them away. It's okay to feel burdened or uncomfortable by what someone is saying; that's a normal part of emotional development. But what isn't okay is to be angry at them for it when all they did was express themselves when you claim to be "open." I know we all make mistakes and we will can grow from them, either in a big way or a small bit - and if I'm ever wrong or treating someone wrongly I want someone to point it out. But it seems like on this website no one likes to be called out or change their opinions. I can't change the community overnight, but I would like to say that the attitude towards respawners really needs to quit.
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sexymochifluffbunny · 4 years
#2020BTSFESTA finally started. I know there's a lot of issues going right now and some of us use their own social accounts to focus on those issues and some of us can't post stuff on their account because people might attack them for not supporting. I am just saying whatever you do is your decision but if it will not be too much, please respect everyone's feelings and decisions.
But we have weverse! Even if that app always crash we can freely share BTS stuff there! Let's celebrate FESTA and focus on our KINGS there! 💜 Let's show our love and support to them ARMY!!
Just a reminder whatever social media site you are using once you saw post that you know "bad,harrassment,hate and etc." plus the unfamiliar links please make the first step and report it and DONT engage. We need to change this kind of thing in our family so let's start on ourselves okay? It's tiring but we have each other so we can do it! For BTS right?!
#AFOBANGFO Right?! 💜
Here is the schedule for the Festa! How excited are you?!
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mikibaby94 · 5 years
Sick of This, You’re Bullies
Okay. Ive been seeing a lot of crap that just is driving me nuts.
If your easily offended, please stop reading. I AM allowed to share my views, my opinons and thoughts. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, or again GET EASILY OFFENDED, then do not, DO NOT read.
And if you do read it and get easily offended, please do not come at me, I WARNED YOU
Okay, so, in the tmnt fandom, or just tumblr in general Ive been seeing people harrassing a girl whos been voicing her opinions, VOICING HER OPINIONS.
On gay ships. She dared to say that she wasnt comfortable seeing gay shippings, or see how toxic some of these lgbt people can really get, she dared to go against the norms of today and to speak out against it. God forbid people on this site sees things differently and are actually uncomfortable with gay ships, or hates the fact that these gays are shoving their views down everyones throats, thats UNHEARD OF thats HOMOPHOBIC OF THEM right? Wrong. Its honestly not. Its pretty sickening that a SIXTEEN year old girl is getting death threats, because she doesnt like seeing the gay shoved in her face.
Frankly, Im on board with her. Not because I hate gays, no way. Its because of people on this site, who cant let people mainly the straights say their peace without sending death threats and getting all up in arms about it.
It all started with a rant, thats now deleted, why?
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I didnt get a chance to read it, and I wish I did, instead I had stumbled on this Ask
The rest of the screencaps from that answer you can read
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Now normally Id link the source but considering this poor kid is getting DEATH THREATS, I will not expose her.
Instead, Ill share some more screen caps.
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Not every character has to be gay/bi/lesbian. It goes both ways anon.
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Shes right, this anon was being a DENSE motherfucker. (( or daddyfucker, i mean it could go both ways, tbh.))
Shes not mad at the fact that trans people have headcanons, shes mad at the fact that the lgbt community is doing nothing but being hypocrites on here. THEY SAY RESPECT THEIR OPINIONS but yet, when a STRAIGHT PERSON dares DISAGREES its YOUR HOMOPHOBIC. YOUR TRANSPHOBIC, YOUR AWEFUL. YOU STALE STRAIGHT!
Like, do you people not see the hypocrisy here? Oh wait, its tumblr. The land of toxic.
So, kindly disregard if you dont get easily triggered, by what i point out and the word, triggered.
Lets continue.
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Look guys, this person who im sure is gay, lesbian or bi is doing the exact same thing that straights did to gays back in the days where being gay was still in the closet. Instead of homophobia, its now heterophobia. Gotta love that. RIGHT? Imagine being this person who has to shame your sexuality just because they were so upset by someone elses opinion. AND A STRAIGHT PERSONS TOO.
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Moving on
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ANON, you can be for gays, bis, lesbians, but you can also say, “I dont wanna see it everywhere i go.” You can support the lgbt community, while not wanting to see or hear it 24/7
For example, cartoons, I dont wanna see that stuff in my cartoons, its not that i dont support it, i just dont wanna see two guys getting it on, or two girls getting it on.
Just like some gays dont wanna see straights, i mean, its a preference, that we are allowed to share. Tell me, why is it that gays can be loud and outspoken against straights, but when its the other way around, we are labeled as bad people and homophobic?
Honestly most people on here in the lgbt community, from what ive seen do need to calm down. They really do.
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So calm that they are sending death threats to a sixteen year old kid. And will probably send me death threats because i voiced my say in this rant. Yeah, SO CALM.
note: I was being sarcastic
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Sweetie, never voice your opinions on this site. Tumblr is the most toxic site ever. Ive learned that the hardest way, and after I post this, Im sure my inbox will be flooded just as yours having the community labling me, probably wont even dare read this, theyll see all the things ive said above and pick out the ones that make them upset the most then give their threats to me, tell me how bad i am, or how i need to die, and let me tell ya, you just gotta let them roll off your back. Not everyone will like you, and thats okay. You do what you love doing, because there are people that support the hell out of you, like me and these people
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and theres probably a lot more others that’ll support you, some even disagree with you but still support you.
It only shows how toxic you really are, and those actions are what we mainly cant stand. People who get so mad and bent out of shape because theres others that dont share the same mind set as them, and then tries to force their view onto others, using fear, or shaming someone, and plain out bullying.
That is why I made this rant. I cant stand bullies, so Im speaking out.
Hate me, I dont care, Im saying my peace. You dont like it, then thats your problem. Not mine.
And of course if you come to me, respectfully and nicely, then yes, ill be that right back, be a dick to me, and Im gonna be a bitch. Its your choice how you handle this. For me, I feel a lot better now that I got this out. My opinions, views and thoughts will offend you.
Have a fantastic day/night.
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sanny-chan5 · 5 years
BNHA “ask me” game
 So... I know this is not how this game is suppossed to be played, but I love making this kind of decisions/opinions and I just can’t wait for someone to ask me, so yeah 💪🙌😆🤗
OK this will be cool but long:
💫- What Quirk would you want (your own or existing in BNHA), and why?: One with heal power. Like “light” quirk, but not the physical type, instead, the kindness type one that reaches other’s souls and heals them from within <3 (I don’t think this is possible in BNHA world due to the lack of moral guilt villains have. It’s usually Deku who reaches other’s hearts and “others” are good people- who need to be rescued/heroes more often than not).
❇- Best quirk: OFA, of course. It gives you strengh and you can do a lot of things with that (so, speed too). Even better now that we know what he really stores, iykwim (last manga chapters, 213-5). The problem is how difficult it is to control...
🚫-Worst quirk (except Mineta): LOL. This is really difficult, they all can be used for something... Mt. Lady’s gigantification seems a little... how to say it? uncomfortable? Aoyama’s Belly Laser sounds like a pain: difficult to control and makes your belly hurt 😖 (it’ll be useful, but I wouldn’t like to have it).
😳- BNHA harem? 5-10 people: Not my thing, sorry.
👨‍❤‍💋‍👨- Fave gay ship/s: In this anime, I don’t have one (if the ship isn’t canon, I don’t ship it even if I like them, like what happens with Todomomo: I like it, but it’s not canon).
👩‍❤‍💋‍👩- Fave lesbian ship/s?: Same as last question. Until it’s canon...
💑- Fave straight ship/s?: Izuocha. Obviously (they are somehow canon. At least from Ochako’s part, but you know... pretty obvious they’ll be a thing by the end of the series...💗).
👌- Fave OT3?: Not my thing, sorry.
✨- Most underrated ship?: there aren’t many canon ships, but... I dare say Inko x his actual husband 😂😂 (yes, she has one, sorry, Toshinko shippers :c).
🎎- Most overrated ship?: Pff. Most homo “ships”, TBH x’D We all know fujoshis will conquist our world some day, just as cats are doing it...
👅- Most cancerous ship/ Shipping fandom: I don’t think there is a worst shipping fandom, ‘cause BNHA is one of the anime with more ships there. I think we all respect each other in that aspect even if we don’t like other’s ships, I guess (?)
🔫- Who would you kill?: MINETA. LMAO not really, but it’s the only character I truly dislike u.u
💍- Who would you like to marry?: Todoroki. His personality fits with mine, I’m like a mix of Deku and Ochako BTW. But I wouldn’t care if it was my cinnamon roll Deku 💗 Just, things would be very awkward if it’s just the two little shy emotional frikis we are (him being hero otaku and me just otaku in general) xDD
🥂- Date with?: Mmmm, Bakugo? I want to see that part of him X) (But I don’t think we get along very well, at least from his part, you know how he is... xD). Maybe Kaminari-chan. It’d be very fun 😄
🔭- Gaze with the stars with?: DEKU & AM. At the Seaside Park. Or with Ochako, she’d like it... :) Ahh, sweet moments...
🌸- Fave BNHA theory: I don’t like theories and I don’t want to know anything about them. I also have my thoughts, maybes & possibilities but I don’t like to speell them ‘cause they can become some sort of lucky spoiler (?).
🏞- Fave Arc in BNHA: Still soon, but I liked the Summer Camp + Rescue Bakugo Arc very much (I don’t take into account the arcs that are only part of the manga yet because if I dont watch them in the anime, I won’t know if I’ll feel the same about them. It usually gets better in the anime, with the coloring, special effects, music and acting, though).
🏝- Stranded on an island with?: Deku. He’s SO CREATIVE. He’ll totally think about how to go out there or just how to survive, at least. I’d helped, of course, but he’s so utterly dependable with making solutions for situations apparently imposible to overcome... O.O Bless him 🤗💫💓💓
🅰- Fave student in Class 1-A: DEKU (I think you all know by now). I also like Ochako very much. They’re my cinnamon rolls, so sweet, gentle and... just the best cuties out there c:
🅱- Fave student in Class 1-B: KENDO. She’s like an elder sister to Class 1-B, but also know their kids and help Class 1-A when Monoma is harrassing them LOL, she’s so mature and I’m very interested in her. She’s totally the supportive kind of girl <3
💪- Best boy?: Deku/Midoriya Izuku.
👄- Best girl?: Uravity/Uraraka Ochako.
🐼- Fave animal-related quirk: Mmmm... Hawk’s Fierce Wings, at least for the moment. I love birds and the freedom flying seems to make you feel.
⚠- Flaws of BNHA that you hate: It’s very fast sometimes, and also a little convenient at times (but it’s pretty easy to fall into this kind of flaws when you’re writing a shounen manga, yk).
🔱- Most fave class: Class 1-A. Our class! :)
⚓- Department/Team: I don’t really get what this refers to (sorry English is not my mother tongue). Like... the Big Three, the Wild Wild Pussycats, the Villain League...??? Like those groups? :( Maybe the Deku or Bagugo team/squad?
♣- Fave non-hero/villain character (civilian): If we’re talking about NOW, Toshinori, if he can be considered a civilian because, you know... But I always loved Deku’s mom and now I’m also interested in Tsukauchi with the Illegals manga going on <3 (Still, Dad Might surpasses all of you guys, haha, sorry not sorry).
🔝- Who is your top?: Not going to answer this u.u’. I don’t really have one! I don’t think about these kind of things while watching a shounen, really xD
⬇- Who is your bottom?: Same as last question.
🚿- Who would you like to take a bath/shower with?: A girl, of course. Whoever it was, but Tooru would be strange and interesting... LOL. DEFINITELY NOT MINETA, out of the guys.
👶- Best kid: Kid? ERI-chan hands down.
👀- Who has the most beautiful eyes?: I like Deku’s and Ochako’s ones’ design. Deku’s are the brightest and Ochako’s the most girlish. Both are the cutest ones.
💀- Fave Villain?: (Bakugou? LMAO jk). Mmmmm. Gentle & LaBrava? Not really crimminals though... I’ll go with Kurogiri then... He looks like the father figure of the Villain League LOL He always try hard to help others staying calm and reasoning, particularly Shigaraki Tomura. It makes me feel guilty but I lowkey like that kind of relationships even if they’re bad news.
💯- Best Female Teacher: ... Not Midnight (not very interested in)... so... is any other woman teacher in the series yet?? xD The poor Masegaki Gakuen one seems like an underdog, gotta support her LMAO
👏- Best Male Teacher: Aizawa, if we don’t count All Might. If we do, then him :) <3 (though he’s not very good at this work... It’ doesn’t matter LOL)
💉- Fave Pro-Hero that is not teaching: Fat Gum is really cute... I also kinda like Kamui & Hawks.
💐- Best mom: Izuku’s one. She’s the absolute best!! (Bakugo’s one is the funniest tho LMAO, poor kid, RIP)
😎- Best dad: Dad Might, I’m sorry but not really x’DDD Actual Dad, I guess Ochako’s one?
🔪- Worst dad: ENDEAVOR. And I know he’s trying to change, I want and encourage him to... but he’s still the worst dad that has appeared in the series yet, you know...
💦- Who’s your daddy/mommy (kink)?:  Not my thing, sorry.
🖤- Who’s your father and mother figure?: Dad Might. Also, my mother is very similar to Deku’s one, so I think I feel her relationship with Deku very close to mine with my mother.
💬- Fave BNHA quote: “Kimi no chikara janai ka?!”/“It’s your power, isn’t it?!”. I had problems to accept myself back then until I found MBTI. I’m an INFP and value authenticity and one’s quirkness (this is perfect xD “individual characteristics”) very much, so...
👠- Best female fashion/costume: We could say Mina’s the most fashionable out of the girls. But I prefer Tsuyu and Hagakure‘s cute fashion (whenever one of them is wearing something LOL), being my favourite her cat-ears-hoodie from the movie.
About hero costumes, Ochako’s one is the cutest (special mention to the Fantasy RPG Game ending one. That’s the cutestest).
👞- Best male fashion/costume: Bakugo. GoD, He’S sO sTyLiSh. I lOvE ThaT aBoUt HiM <333
About hero costume, Deku’s one is the cutest and seems to be one of the most comfortable ones. Particularly the Betta one or the Gamma with the new airfoce support gloves. I don’t like the large ones design (but I know they’re important to protect his arms).
⏺- Worst fashion/costume: Mineta.
🗑- Who is your trash?: Mineta. I’m sorry, but... just, no. LMAO.
♨- Ship that you would go down to: “Go down to” = stop shipping them or support them even in the darkest moments?
If it’s the first, I don’t think I can do that until one of my ships show affection towards another person (for example, Kyoka-chan falling in love with someone who’s not Kaminari = I’d instantly stop shipping them if the other guy will be canon with her. If not, then there’s still a chance for KamiJirou, an so on). I stopped shipping ToshInko when I realized Deku HAS a father, almost instant moment I began shipping it LOL. (Still, Dad Might’s my favourite for Deku).
If it’s the second, Izuocha FTW 💗!
🌌- BNHA AU: I can’t think about an AU world that’s better than the original, so I’ll just answer with my favourite fanfics here (not really AU) and run.
Favourite BNHA fanfics from:
Sevi007: Pure Dad Might +Deku fluff. We all need more of that in this our precious world.✨
Black Fuego Rio: IzuOcha, very IC, fluffy & awkward and has little sunshine Eri & AM/Toshinori in many of them! Perfect 👌
For if you wanna take a look. Totally recommend you to. They’re well written too.
💇- Weird hairdo: almost all the cast.
🎖- Hangout with in real life: Ochako & Tsuyu <3
📝- If you were given a chance to make a request to Horikoshi, what would it be?: I mean 😂😂 MAKE MORE IZUOCHA MOMENTS PLEASE??? Or more DadMight fluff. Or show Eri more :3 <3 Other questions/plot holes will be answered in time, so... just show me fluff :)
🎶- Sing you to sleep?: Awkward. Umm, Midnight? ñ.ñ 💦
🐻- Cuddle with?: ERI-chan.
🐰- Too pure/innocent character: My sweet bean Deku. Bless him.
Eri, oc.
Kirishima too?
Somehow, Toshinori also seems to me as the awkward innocent type. He’s very extroverted, so I don’t really know why I feel like that about him, but he’s still “idealistic” towards his world’s vision, maybe? (And he’s still cute X)).
🌻- Deserve better: Shinsou, I suppose. Poor guy has felt feared and rejected just for being him most of his life.
Also, Ingenium :c
🌷- Wish to have a no tragic background: If I’d say Deku, we wouldn’t have series xD
Where do I begin with?
Nana (so do Gran Torino & AM enter too?)
Ingenium too
🦋- Most likely to be a gentleman:
From Class 1A:
Iida? Ojiro? Maybe Kirishima?
From Class 1B:
Maybe Awase & Tetsutetsu. MAYBE (susprisingly enough), Monoma.
Tamaki & Inasa? GENTLE (yeah, shock). Maybe Toshi (God, that would be cute x)).
⌚- Fave old/middle-aged character (30+): Goodness, we don’t even know everyone’s age yet (yes, Toshi, that goes for you). We can always guess, you know? 😂😂
So, here’s an iluminating list:
Under 30s:
Mr. Joke
Masegaki’s teacher
Mt. Lady
Fat gum
La Brava
30s or more:
Hound Dog.
Aizawa (so, AM... 7u7)
Mic (so, AM... x2)
Power Loader
Best Jeanist
Edgeshot (the ninja-like paper hero)
Gang Orca
Rock Lock
Pussycats: Mandalay - Tora - Pixie Bob - Ragdoll
Nighteye (so, AM... xD)
Knuckleduster (illegals)
Tsukauchi & Samsa
Mera (the sleepy man of the License Exam)
Tsuyu’s, Kacchan’s & Jiro’s parents
Teruo Hazukashii (wow, great character, greater quirk LMAO)
AfO (100+ LMAO)
Guesses (+)30:
AM & David Shield
Recovery Girl  & Gran Torino (duh).
Snipe & Takeshita (rather secondary heroes)
Crimson Riot, Gunhead & Forth Kind
Selkie & Mick (from Tsuyu’s first practice)
The Samurai-like hero, Nana & Knuckledust (Illegals), very probably.
Captain Celebrity :v (Illegals idiot)
Uwabami, Crust (no 6), Wash & Kota’s parents maybe not.
Miyage (newcaster)
Koichi’s mom (Illegals)
Deku’s dad & Todoroki’s mom
Most of Clas 1A’s parents (and Class 1B too)
Twice, probably.
Maybe Muscular, Magne (BTW, he is a she, or likes to be called like that, so maybe she’s transexual), Spiner, Moonfish, Mr. Compress, Chronostasis, some of the 8 expendables.
Tomura & Overhaul probably not.
So I’m between Tsukauchi & Aizawa if we ignore AM’s probable age 😂😂
⭐- Fav opening song: Peace Sign ✌
🌈- Fave ending theme: Long Hope Philia 🌺
🎙- Fave voice actor: Yamashita adorable DAIKI. He’s such a dork. Yet still he can play Deku very well, maybe because he’s so alike him. He can shout too (which is like a must for a shounen hero xD).
🎤- Fave character song: There isn’t yet. Probably someday we’ll have BNHA CS...
🎧- Fave OST: Yuki-san’s perfect as a composer for this series. My favourite one is “You Say Run”, duh.
💥- Fave battle/s: Cliche, but Deku vs Muscular & AM vs AfO. In terms of character developement, Deku vs Todoroki & Deku vs Kacchan 2 were perfectly written.
The fight vs stain was great too (and we’ll have to watch the Overhaul one in anime to judge it...).
🕳- Most shocking plot twist/unexpected scene: Deku freaking standing up against Muscular when he should be finished for right. It was indredible because I didn’t realized how much he had improved until then (even if it’s a typical emotional power up, I really didn’t expect him to have the energy, I swear O.O).
The first episode with AM’s true form was a comical one for this too, LOL.
And the king of the unexpected sceces: the Mirio’s introduction one x’DD
📷- Selfie with: Ochako, Mina or Hagakure :)
📚- Study in a library with: MOMO. Deku and Ochako (I’d feel more comfort with her around 'cause it’d probably be too silent until cinamon roll Deku started mumbling. The cute little dork 💗💗💗). Definitely not with Bakugo 😆😋
❗- Most underrated character: The Class 1A forgotten ones, maybe?:Aoyama, Koda, Ojiro & Sato
❕- Most overrated character: Todoroki or Bakugo, for sure, Well, I’m not even sure if they can bhe considered as “overrated” or just they deserve that position...
Maybe Hawks, because we don’t know him that well yet and he has so many fans already. Guys, calm down.
🔮- If you desire to see one’s ending? Who would it be?: Ending? Like, death? Or how he/she would end up?
✍-Change character design?: No. 13 & Shouji. I don’t really like it, OK? >.<
😇-Looks like a cinnamon roll, but it is a cinnamon roll.
☺- Cinnamon roll but would actually kill you
😬- Looks like would actually kill you, but it is a cinnamon roll.
😈- Looks like would actually kill you, and would actually kill you.
🤚- Over sexualized character
🍳- Cook with?
🤡- Funniest character
⚪- Best hardening quirk: Tetsutetsu/Kirishima?
🖕- Whose penis would be painful to be fucked? (LOL)
🦇- Best Goth character
💰-Shop with?
🎈- Fave OVA
♀- Would you let Momo spoil you with her quirk?
👋- Villain that you’d wish to be a hero
🤤- Needs to calm down
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cvpricornus · 5 years
open if u wanna read my encounter with cyberbullying and me being petty about it 😛
note: kpop included, some stuff might be triggering to those who have been cyberbullied
(i’ll include some fun fact astrology stuff regarding the situation too)
so about a week ago, i was involved in this “rt if u wanna be in a kpop gc” gc. it was all chill at first because everyone was warming up to each other but after a few talks here and there, people talked about which groups they liked. it was all cool until someone (i’ll call them N) mentioned they missed block b (a kpop group with rly popular hit songs) and another person (i’ll call them B) told the whole gc that “block b is a flop.” of course N was slightly ticked at first so they got a bit defensive. but B and two other ppl (A and F) continued to press on the topic, making it seem like they were harrassing N.
now before i get onto the conflict, let me tell you my reaction. i was just ??? do B, A, & F know the successes of block b? they’re only partially right about block b flopping in my opinion bc right now, they’re not doing great. but block b’s sales and records with their songs were really popular in the past. i even had to ask my bbc fan and we had similar thoughts.
anyway back to the conflict: now N is telling the three to fuck off. B, A, & F are saying to chill, it’s just kpop, why are you so pressed. here’s the problem with what they said: yes, it is kpop, we shouldn’t take it serious overall, but they are the ones pressing this topic, acting like it’s a joke when it clearly isn’t for the other party. i’m also really pissed at the three bitches at this point bc i can see how N is really affected and she is one of those people who rely on music for emotional comfort so obviously, she is sensitive to that. we need to acknowledge that people like her exist (and many other types of people) or else, we can never achieve a middle ground or some certain form of peace with anyone.
so i stood up for N like a normal person wanting peace, spouting snarky yet intelligible remarks at B, A, & F. kind of a weird combination of words to describe it but i was basically calling the three off for being insensible and rude. i told them people who rely on music for their emotional needs fucking exist according to psychology and that they prob haven’t experienced some traumatic shit to be aware of others. i continue to tell them that they have to be respectful once there is something brought up that can be sensitive to others, but of course, they continue to joke about it bc, well, they’re teenagers (guessing they’re 15-18). one of them even told me to “stfu ur annoying, we get it” bc i kept repeating the same shit lol but someone else backed me up luckily, saying that i was repeating so that there would be no arguments in the future. by now, N had left the chat and was stupidly tweeting her emotions where the others could see. i literally facepalmed bc 1) N didn’t even block them and 2) people will literally attack you more on the internet if ur public. i had to dm N myself and comfort her for a while—even told her to block them by giving their users but she didnt even after i said to. as i was doing all that, the other three were talking behind N’s back in the gc, assuming i was gone (while i was screenshotting everything), and talking about a prick N was.
now everybody! this is called cyberbullying. it even exists with people you don’t know, which makes it scarier.
at this point, i’m just witnessing everything the three bitches (i have no right to call them that but they were acting like bitches) are shitting on in the gc until the topic really dies out. i still have all my screenshots but i won’t be revealing them or anyone involved bc i respect everyone’s privacy whether they’re annoying or not. apparently one of them is in therapy bc of her depression—i guess she didn’t have a better outlet of handling her emotions but stan twt. and stan twt is toxic af as everyone knows.
also i’d like to state that N is somewhat at fault too. it’s not only the three girls, N could have approached them more logically but again, she might be just too emotionally attached to her groups. i don’t think she didn’t even care halfway through our private conversation bc i kept giving her 75% advice and 25% support (which i think she needed more). her tweeting about her emotions was a no-no too bc it just sparked more beef. also, it’s just the internet in a sense, who cares about three people who don’t agree with you? but again, it’s gonna be different for everyone and i strongly felt that the three girls could have took the situation more differently if they were more empathetic.
back to the point: after all that, i wanted to rant. cause i just get upset at humanity easily ya know (mars in pisces culture) and my gemini moons wants to spill the tea. i end up talking to my irl friend who also is on twt so she also understands the shit that goes on there. i tell her everything and she agrees that this was cyberbullying.
the whole situation just made my blood boil tbh. it wasn’t the idea of block b being a flop, but the idea of respecting each other and knowing when not to overstep boundaries. a lot of people tend to throw all that away when they’re on the internet, and that has to be changed imo—we need to teach people that there is also respect on the internet. of course everyone won’t be respectful as this generation has changed immensely but to let people be aware of certain comments affecting others mentally and psychologically must be raised.
so i devised a plan where i dont need to see this toxic group anymore. i was admin at the time bc the original admin accidentally left and twt automatically made me the admin. what i wanted to do was to remove everyone from the group, block the people i didn’t want to see, and then finally leave the group.
so i did. not too revengeful or anything, just being petty because people don’t know how to keep jokes unoffensive and i wanted peace. i didn’t want them to talk behind everyone else’s backs either if i was the only one who left so i removed them. i didnt care if they get together after that bc my job would be done by then.
anyways to conclude, please be aware that cyberbullying exists. what you write can hurt someone especially if you press on the topics. even if it’s on politics (i think) or whatever. music might be the biggest topic that can be touched upon in relation to cyberbullying bc there are tons of people who rely on music for psychological comfort. i just hope that ppl don’t get butthurt when they believe the earth is flat and 99% of the world tells them it’s round.
oh the fun astrology facts: around this time, mars and my natal saturn (or was it the other way around?) were positively aspecting each other, which rly allowed me to go off and lecture the three teens.
ah i’m also a fresh adult (19) so i’m no oldie since i’m still in the “teens.” i’m not saying that i’m in no way “smarter” than the people i have mentioned in the gc bc of age, but that you can learn so much at a young age (since there isn’t a big age gap bt me and the ppl involved). yes, it is your choice to learn, but wouldn’t it be so much better to open your mind to new things and gain understandings of them?
idk, thank you for listening to my ted talk. i hope you all either enjoyed this or learned sth :)
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