#so she'd never NOT be in the chefs jacket
faeimis · 8 months
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made a tweet and immediately thought about sydcarmy
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oneofthosebells · 6 months
Okay, initial thoughts: absolutely loved it.
Was it perfect? No. I've got a couple of niggles and nitpicks, and some things I wished they'd gone deeper on, but I was never expecting perfection so that doesn't bother me.
Did it give me all the feelings and address pretty much all the things I wanted addressed and give me several moments of full on squeaking at the TV? Yep. I'm happy.
Some more spoilery initial thoughts under the cut:
Felice as a chef?? YES. I've been trying and rejecting various future career headcanons for Felice for ages now and this one suits her perfectly.
(Could have done with more Felice in general, I do feel like she was done a bit dirty again, but I really loved the bits of her we did get.)
Absolutely LOVED the portrayal of Wilmon's relationship this season. They were just so teenager, it was glorious - swinging from big emotion to big emotion, from all-consuming love to hate and anger and shame. It's all so intense at that age and I do think the show does a great job of showing that.
Navigating that change from 'we want to be together' to 'okay, now we are together, how does that actually work in reality' was the main thing I wanted to see this season so I'm really happy we got that.
Simon's jacket on top of his checked trousers is the greatest thing I've ever seen btw. Still giggling about it.
Wanted more of an arc for Sara if I'm honest, but like Felice I really enjoyed some of the stuff we did get - the conversation where Sara was worried she'd end up like Micke was brilliant.
August...eh. I don't hate a redemption arc for August tbh as I personally believe no one is beyond forgiveness and redemption. I get why some people might hate it though.
Overall, this season felt much more low-key than the previous two? Which isn't a criticism - it took me a couple of episodes to get into it, but I started to really enjoy it once I did. Less of the soapy angst and plot twists of previous seasons and more focused on the characters.
Oh and as certain as I've ever been of Wilmon endgame. I'm absolutely sure Hillerska will close in the final episode, so it might be a bit of a bittersweet, trying long-distance kind of thing, but not a break up.
My personal theory/hope right now: Wille tells the Royal Court to fuck their prince school and he and Simon go with the girls to New York for the summer.
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accirax · 1 month
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 19
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Emily has really been going full villain mode these past couple of episodes, huh? while I'm overall not a huge fan of how many women have been portrayed as rude/unreasonable as compared to their male counterparts, i do love an evil queen. i support women's wrongs.
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oh, Gabby. how many people wish that were true. (very cute gabellie content as usual)
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i wonder if this is a soft confirmation that we'll never see Gabby or Ellie compete again.
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this is so important. also, Hunter, the heart is on Ally's pajamas, not her casual look with the jacket. unless he just drew that there because he loves Ally so much :D
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glad that Tom can finally admit that he is a terrible liar. truly, the person Tom and Jake should blame is the hiring manager who hired Tom in the first place.
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if you loved him this whole time then why did you lie to him about having another boyfriend, Tom? ,':/ (/lh) (i know that he was explaining in this scene that it's because he was afraid, i'm just saying that the extent of his fears is something that shouldn't be swept under the rug, and that i feel it wasn't properly set up enough in s1 or DCAS as a replacement. yes it was showcased in DCAS but we never got an explanation as to Tom's thought process between seasons that would change his mind to make him more fearful.)
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*several people are typing*
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we NEED to see jaiden teaching Miriam a tiktok dance.
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this is your daily reminder to not take anything that's said in a greeting too seriously.
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c'mon, Fiore, a true gen Alpha-er would know that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell without having to look it up. unless, oh god, is that too much of a gen-Z reference for gen Alpha to understand...?
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this was probably my favorite line of the episode.
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this was a really cute detail! even though they were both the archetypal "old person" of their season, Connor is still, like, 20 years younger than Miriam. it totally make sense that she'd still call him kiddo! just, not grandkiddo.
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literally even Ellie is rooting for them to finish this plotline already. or maybe she's just feeling guilty for separating them in the first place, and she's lowkey hoping that the damage wasn't that severe.
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that's... that's a crime? you can't just burn people, even if they're terrible??? i guess that, given Riya attempting to kill Aiden and directly breaking Connor's leg further, the definition of what counts as a crime is pretty lax in this universe. unless it's about destroying the environment. thanks, Tom! (/j)
also, why is Yul's scar so damn low res?
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i wonder if this season is going to end with Grett giving Ellie a job/helping Ellie get a job. i could see fitness influencer and fashion designer working together well, as long as Ellie is okay designing athleticwear.
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on one hand, i don't like that we don't get to have the finalists pick the people that they're closest with help them in the finale. this feels rather random, and in terms of real-world fairness, having a finalist get stuck with terrible help isn't very fair (i cite Top Chef season 4 as my example). however, i do appreciate how Disventure Camp always mixes the endgame up. it's not very fair in a real-world perspective, but given that it isn't a real game i appreciate the variety.
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i also think that this is a nice fix to really incentivize whoever is helping the finalist after (in-universe) we had two really unpopular finalists, Fiore and James, who struggled to get any help. it feels like a reasonable decision that the in-universe showrunners would make.
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don't distract him during the finale, you fool!
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the Romber strategy!!! wow, and it's even in the first All Stars season, too :D
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ain't no way she's actually winning and of that $100K though, lol.
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y'know, this might as well happen.
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Riya and Yul really are perfect for each other (platonic) because every time that either of them gets a chance to either repent and be a good person or double down and keep relentlessly chasing their goals, they both always choose the latter. they're gonna get punished in the finale big time for sure... to the extent that Yul hasn't already been punished by getting that scar(?) to the face. like, seriously, that could be even more damage to his career.
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once again, i missed the real Hunter so much :,)
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while i love the roast here, does Fiore actually have anyone's respect...?
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that's a wrap, folks! the most important character arc of the season is over!
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dronebiscuitbat · 28 days
Give me a Reason: Chapter 12- "Petals"
Uzi sat on the park bench scrolling through songs on her phone, the air around her was warm and humid, summer seemed to come faster every year and this year was no different. It was marginally cooler in Copper, the valley it resided in shielding it from the sun's rays most of the day, but not by much.
The park itself was nothing special, a small playground in the middle with a few covered seating areas around it, she was just on the outskirts, sitting under a dogwood tree that was spitting it's big, pink flower petals out at everyone who passed it. She'd already had to pick several out of her hair.
And at exactly 6:30pm. A dark grey BMW pulled into the parking lot, and Uzi looked up at it before looking back down at her phone.
N:I'm here! Where are you?
Nvm! I see you!
Uzi blinked, looking back at the fancy BMW that had just pulled in and sighing, oh so N's family had money, money. That made a bit of sense, though she was a little surprised he'd never mentioned it before.
She stood up, dusting herself of and trying to look as presentable as possible, suddenly feeling a little self conscious in her tank top and (currently open) jacket.
A tall woman with long brown hair and gorgeous emerald green eyes stepped out of the sedan, doing a once over of the park before the passenger door opened and out stepped N. A hoodie and jeans despite the temperature. (Though it's not like she had room to talk)
N pointed at her excitedly, which made her freeze for a moment before awkwardly smiling. Stepping up towards them a bit warily.
“Um, heeey?” Oh fuck everything, she was so awkward. Someone please come rescue her from this conversation.
“Hey Uzi! This is Tessa! The chef of the food you like so much!” She winced, they hadn't shared lunch that often, but being put on the spot so suddenly made her heart speed up and breath get caught in her throat.
“Oh-uh, it's nice to meet you. I guess.” She curled in a bit on herself, feeling more out of place then ever. She felt her face getting warm despite her efforts to stop it.
“Oooh, N didn't tell me his ‘partner' was the girl he met on the first day.” She side eyed N, a smirk growing on her face as she turned to him.
“You didn't lie to mom to go on a date did you little bro~?” She teased, earning a squeek as N turned an impressive shade of cherry red, something that seemed to also spread to Uzi, as she looked down to hide her own fluster.
It wasn't a date! It was an exhibition to gather data! No romantic undertones at all! Nothing romantic about hunting for ghosts!
“Tessa!” N seethed, being the first time Uzi had seen him look genuinely upset since she'd known him. “Its-Its not a date! And I didn't lie! She is my project partner!” He defended, fidgeting his hands.
“Riiiight, alrighty then. It's nice to meet you too Uzi, N was right, you are very pretty.” Tessa winked at her, and Uzi felt whatever oxygen she had escape in a tiny gasp as N looked like he was about to perish on the spot.
“I'll be back at ten sharp. Have fun you two!” Tessa waved them off, chuckling to herself at the way she embarrassed her younger brother before hopping back in the car. N was still stuck ramrod straight, face redder then beetroot.
There was a moment of very tense silence, before N cleared his throat, trying to calm down a little.
“Ah-uh… don't mind her, she likes to embarrass me…” He explained, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, smiling like a fool.
Uzi gave a half-laugh. “I-Its okay. She's your older sister, it's kinda her job right?” Her hands gripping onto the bottom fluff of her jacket as she also tried to coax the heat from her face.
Right. She just likes to embarrass him. He probably never said that about her…
“You are- you are though.” He murmured, looking down at his own feet to avoid looking anywhere near her.
Well that certainly didn't help calm her fluster.
“Oh… thank you?” She managed to get out before she had to look away, a dumb, smiley look on her face. She still didn't know how to take compliments, and this one made her heart feel all fluttery… for some reason.
“You have petals in your hair.” N said after a moment of awkwardly walking back to the bench she was at before. Pointing at the pink petals caught in her beanie and purple locks.
“Huh? Agh! Come on!” She shook her head and huffed, watching as a few petals floated down around her, crossing her arms.
“Uh… there's still… here.” He suddenly stepped incredibly close, hand brushing through her hair as he fished for the final stubborn flower, she almost wanted to yell at him for invading her personal space, instead all she could do was squeak and watch his arm like a mouse watching a cat.
The moment was over quickly. N pulling back with an intact pink flower in his hand, he was beaming, letting the flower float out of his hand and onto the ground gently.
“There! It really wanted to stay with you!” He giggled, fidgeting with his hands again.
Uzi blinked. Before figuratively slapping herself. Pulling herself put of whatever weird headspace she'd just fallen into and clearing her throat.
“T-thanks. Uh, you wanna start walking? The forest is thata-way.” She pointed forward through the park, past the fenced in area of it's well trimmed confines, the forest grew thick and untamed.
“Yeah! Let's go, I love doing anything!”
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If Rocky had a baby sister
notes: this may be off canon a little!! im making rocky late twenties-ish. featuring: white rascals
The most important thing for Rocky is for his little sister to be able to sleep safely under a roof. From the moment he finished the last meal his mother ever made for him, he had went to the portable crib that she was sleeping soundly in, carried her carefully, and never looked back.
He lived paycheck to paycheck until he opened Club Heaven. Do you know how expensive formula is?? Rocky had to learn, and learn how to raise a baby all together.
White Rascals wouldn't know about Rocky's sister until he would allow them to know.
Koo, however, would slowly learn about it due to the odd errands he gets every so often. Like buying $3 watercolors and disney princess cups.
Then, finally, during the daytime, Rocky walks in Club Heaven with a small child holding his hand.
Kizzy was the most offended from the secret while Kaito was indifferent.
Koo was the most nonchalant and was silently patting himself in back for being a good detective.
"Well, what is she doing here then?" Kizzy says as she looks across the room. His sister sitting on one of the white couches, swinging her feet happily as she goes through her backpack.
"The nanny is sick," Rocky sighs, not entirely convinced this is the best idea. Little did he know this wouldn't be the last time.
His sister would be shy at overwhelming new faces. Hiding or revolving near her big brother for some time.
Koo would be the most patient with her, kneeling down with a warm expression and asking if she was hungry, thirsty, or wanted to watch something on one of the Club Heaven TVs.
Sometimes, when the Club Heaven dancers come in way early before opening hours, they like to coo and awe at how adorable Rocky's little sister is.
Kizzy is quick to spoil her, making sure she gets lollipops from Rocky's stash. Brushing her hair or playing games while Rocky's busy.
"Kizzy, Kizzy, Kizzy," She heard little footsteps running at her, tugging at her jacket. "It's ballerina time!"
Kaito watched as the two posed and twirled around for a good 10 minutes.
At the start of the school year, Rocky made sure to walk his sister inside. As soon as she saw where she was supposed to go, she turned around and nudged Rocky away with her small hands.
In her little voice, she looked up to him and said, "I don't need you now, Rocky. Byebye."
He locked himself in his lounge at Club Heaven for a good hour. Koo, standing by the entrance, could hear sniffling.
Rocky cooks like a michelin chef, no one will ever compare to her big brother's cooking.
Rocky tries to give her the very best of anything and everything. She spoiled in toys, clothing, and most importantly, love.
Rocky always, always, reminds her that if anyone tries to hurt her or she feels uncomfortable with someone that she should tell him. He thinks it's important to have her trust at an early age, wanting to protect his little sister always.
She would want to have tea parties, with Rocky, and of course, he would do what she asked.
At random times, she'd run up to him and drag him to the living room so that they could build the worlds biggest pillow fort.
One time, she'd asked to put sticker rhinestones on his grill, and he has a problem of not saying no to her, so he lets it happen.
After she stuck a bunch of those plastic rhinestones on his teeth, she turned off the lights to the room. Rocky was confused until a flashlight was aimed at his teeth.
She cheered, "Party time!"
Rocky was a walking disco ball.
Once a week, she'd want a night where she and Rocky would wear face masks and make him paint her nails, and Rocky honestly has no idea where she got the idea from?? But he very quickly learned how to paint her little nails, the bright pink she'd like, without messing up.
He has five albums worth of baby pictures. (He's the 'BITCH I'M A MOTHER, NO DRAMA'.)
Obviously, Rocky has been getting into fights his whole life. But when his sister was old enough to notice the scratches and bruises she'd care a lot.
"Shhh, Shhh," Rocky would gently call her name as she cried at the sight. She was scared. He had knelt down, wiping her tears with his sleeve. "I'm okay. I promise I'm okay."
She jumped in for a hug and he continued to soothe her.
"You pinky promise?"
"I pinky promise."
When she was learning to speak, his favorite thing to that she would repeat was, "I love you." Before he'd leave the house, he would call to her and he'd say it, and then she would with a hug. He'd wondered how such a small human being could give the world's biggest hugs.
As a toddler, she'd wake up at random hours of the night. When he saw her up from her crib, he'd sit right next to it and sing her something so she'd fall asleep. Sometimes, she would even hum along, which was the most adorable thing imaginable.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine," Rocky would sing.
"Aaaaa, Aaaaa, Aaaa," She would blabber with him.
Moments like those reminded him he still had a family. She was her family, and that could be enough for him.
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jtl07 · 25 days
okay here's the first part of a cinderella-ish au noodle that came to me last night while eating a fantastic pad thai and thinking of Beatrice's backstory in littledata's we will never be here again
so we open with Beatrice coming home, exhausted, her work uniform - if one could call the second-hand chef's jacket with the logo of her family's Chinese restaurant stamped onto the front a uniform - spattered, her hair one moment away from unraveling from its bun. to say that tonight's service had been busy would have been the understatement of the century, what with scheduled orders and a busier dinner rush than usual.
"you should be happy to work," her parents had said when they'd deigned the restaurant with their presence, only to deny Beatrice the time off she'd cleared with them a dozen times running up to this week. they'd even called out their other cook for some sort of private event that her parents of course hadn't told her about.
"you can handle things just fine, can't you?" it had been posed as a question but Beatrice knows a warning when she hears one, has grown up with them always in her ear.
"i hope Crimson's food gives their guests all food poisoning," Beatrice mutters as she rips her jacket off. Crimson might be head chef in name but she's barely at the restaurant, not to mention can barely cook in general.
and Beatrice isn't the only one who thinks so: she'd taken not a small amount of pride when her favorite regular, a woman she only knows by her initials, AS, with a perpetual smile and a pun whenever she picks up her order, had noted that the food had tasted horrible when Beatrice had been out sick.
Beatrice frowns: realizes that she hadn't seen her today, despite it being a Saturday. no wonder today was horrible, Beatrice thinks to herself as she slumps down onto the floor next to her bed.
she regrets the move almost immediately as she finds herself face to face with the borrowed suit draped over her chair, the dollar store mask on her desk. remembers what she'd tried to forget the whole evening: the masked cooking competition starting in less than an hour, the $100,000 grand prize and the contract with one of the most prestigious restaurants in the world. how she'd saved up for half a year for the entry fee. how she'd dreamed.
she should have known better.
should have known better than to dream, to want a life free of her parents' expectations, to carry on, to carry it all - their mistakes, their hopes, their legacy. should have known that her life was only for duty.
just as the tears start falling, Beatrice hears a commotion at the door. she lifts her head, wary - then gasps when the door flies open to reveal three women she's never seen before in her doorway.
Beatrice scrambles to her feet but before she can yell, one of the women - the smaller one with a bright grin and bouncy curls - speaks. "you're Beatrice right? we're getting you to the cooking competition."
Beatrice barely has time to breathe before the trio create a whirlwind within her meager studio apartment. they introduce themselves briefly - Mary with a grunt, Camila with a wave, and Chanel with a sharply raised eyebrow - and all Beatrice can do is stand and watch as they perform what seems like magic in just a few minutes.
"this mask needs to stay on at all times," Camila explains while Beatrice runs her hands down the velvet jacket Chanel had clothed her in. Beatrice can hardly recognize herself in the suit that seems tailor made for her, the hair Mary had expertly twisted out of her face as Chanel had applied her makeup.
"at all times," Beatrice repeats as Camila fits the black mask over her eyes. it's cool to the touch and, just like the suit, seems to mold to her features perfectly.
"the moment the mask comes off, the facial cloaking goes with it. if no one should be able to recognize you while it's on."
"facial cloaking-?"
"it's exactly like it sounds," Mary cuts in and starts to push Beatrice out her own front door. "we don't have time, come on."
Beatrice can only follow their commands as they go outside, expecting - well, she doesn't know what to expect. there's half an hour until the competition begins but they're on the wrong side of the city -
"heads up."
it's only through instinct that Beatrice catches the helmet before it hits her face. only now notices the motorcycle the women are standing beside. it's sleek, a model she's only seen in magazines, had never dreamed to ever see in real life. "you expect me to ride this?"
Mary snorts. "what, did you expect a pumpkin carriage? stop stalling and get going."
despite Mary's words, however, Beatrice takes a moment to take them in. "thank you - i have no idea how you found me or what i did to deserve this -"
"you didn't have to do anything, Beatrice," Camila says firmly.
Chanel nods. "you're more than deserving."
Mary hands Beatrice the keys. "now don't fuck it up."
Beatrice blinks back the sudden rush of tears and nods. puts on the helmet, sets herself atop the motorcycle, turns the key in the ignition.
let's fucking do this.
[part 2]
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birgittesilverbae · 2 years
if i’d known it was this easy to get you dressed up, i would’ve done it ages ago. < w shannon and mary or perhaps remind me to never let you plan date night again. < with lilith and ava?
thanks for the prompt! wrote most of this with @princington in mind (aka sheer soft gay) (aka I write like 75% of fic: dads for Prince to make up for war crimes)
Mary smoothes the lapels of her jacket flat over her collarbones and pulls her phone from her pocket, checking the time again. Just past the half hour. Late, but only slightly. She loops her finger through her key ring, jangles the keys against her palm.
The door buzzer rings. She gives it a moment before answering. "Hello?"
"Hey, it's Shannon. Sorry I'm late. Did you want to meet me in the lobby, or should I come up?"
"Very forward of you, Masters. I'll be down in a moment."
She turns off the lights and heads out.
Shannon's got her hands clasped behind her back as she surveys the postings on the building bulletin board. It gives Mary a moment unnoticed to observe her, which turns out to be a very good thing.
The boots that Mary has only ever seen dirt-encrusted or knocking about the back of Shannon's jeep have been buffed to shining. The navy suit is tailored, cut close to Shannon's body, highlighting the wide span of her shoulders, the dip of her waist. Her hair is done up in an intricately braided bun.
"Did you know someone's lost four pet parakeets in your building?" Shannon asks without glancing back towards her. "One, I could understand, but four? You'd think they'd manage to pull together a dash of self-awareness by number three and realise maybe bird ownership just wasn't for them."
Shannon turns towards her, and Mary's breath catches in her throat. She'd known blue was Shannon's colour, had heard often enough how glad she was that it was the jersey colour of her draft team, but knowing and seeing are two very different things. Being faced with the combo of light blue shirt and navy blazer, and the pocket square, and the tie?! Her first thought is that blue is definitely Shannon's colour. Her second thought is decidedly more explicit.
"If I'd known it was this easy to get you dressed up, I would’ve asked you to dinner ages ago." She makes a show of looking Shannon up and down. "You sure do clean up nice."
"And look at the lining!" Shannon unbuttons her jacket, pulls one side open to reveal cresting waves. "So dope!"
"Real cute, Shan."
"And 'clean up nice'?" Shannon asks, fumbling with her buttons. "Have you looked in the mirror, Mary?" She whistles. "You look gorgeous." 
"Thanks, I try."
"I'm sorry again for being late," Shannon adds. "Your time is valuable and I've taken it up without explanation and–"
Mary reaches a hand out and Shannon takes it eagerly, lacing their fingers together. "Well, then, care to explain?"
"Suzanne called." Shannon ducks her head, but that does nothing to dim her smile. 
Mary stops in her tracks, shoves at Shannon's shoulder. "Do you mean–"
"They gave me an entry-level contract," Shannon confirms, head coming back up, grin all but splitting her face in two. "I'm signed."
"Shan, that's amazing! Congratulations!" Mary tugs Shannon closer, one hand rising to curl around her tie. "Goddamn, you're in the big leagues now. Real all-star."
"Mary." The tips of Shannon's ears have gone pink, but she grins proudly all the same. 
"I'm so fucking proud of you." Mary kisses Shannon's cheek, the corner of her mouth. "You're gonna do so well."
Shannon's hand finds her waist, curls in the hem of her jacket. "Mary," she repeats, a bit of a whine to her tone, "don't distract me. I was really looking forward to sushi." 
"You say that every week."
"And every week I'm valid, but this time especially. I still can't believe you managed to get a reservation."
"What can I say, it pays to be good with your hands." Mary smirks. "I overhauled the head chef's transmission on a time crunch a couple months ago, so she owed me one."
"And I'm so lucky you're calling that favour in for me. Truly, this might end up the best day of my life."
"All depends on how the rest of the night goes," Shannon says, eyebrows arched. "Are you ready to head out?"
"After you."
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voidthewanderer · 7 months
For the OC Ask Game! ✨Creating your OCs✨
1, 3, 8, 12, 16 and 19 for Ripper, Shae and Arsenic!!!
Please :))
Pretty please :)))
(Don’t make me whip out my quadruple chin!!!)
@anonwyvern || Questions About Creating Your OCs
Under cut for length; I needed to talk about my babiesss.
What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
Shae: Shae was appearance, though and through. She'd gone through so many changes; species changes as she traveled through fandoms and back and forth between getting pulled from them to be from original concepts. Being online during the massive point online where "Mary Sue bad and you're a terrible person for making them!", she kind of just went onto this backburner with everything; looks, appearance, story, everything.
Ripper: Mostly appearance, but a super loose as hell backstory as well. Rips was originally a Left 4 Dead OC and of a concept that never actually made it to the game at that. Most of what did exist of his backstory was just that he was an asylum escapee who was turned. Rather than the straight jacket being closed up, his arms were free. He's had the most changes over his entire timespan.
Arsenic: Appearance 100%. He actually was originally a concept made by my nephew! He wanted a zombie chef, so I made a zombie chef!
3. How did you choose their name? 
Shae: I honestly don't even remember where her name came from. It wasn't exactly a popular name when I made her, damn probably about seventeen years ago now? Maybe longer, I think.
Ripper: Was originally a sort of punny name. "A scream ripping at one's throat". Where Joseph Trumoil came from, is one of those things that just... happened. Sometimes names just get stuck in my head. I'll quote him directly from the WIP of Chapter 26 of Mnemonic Impressions for why it's still Ripper: "Thanks to my old line of work, if it were humanly possible at that time, I could rip someone apart and know exactly how to do it to cause the most damage; didn’t help I used t’ do some body building. My friends were… fucked up t’ say the least."
Arsenic: I kinda thought it would be funny for an undead, zombie chef to have his name be the same as a poison.
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story? 
Shae: Let's just say that I am actually very mouthy like Shae it. And, just like with her current situation with Sinjin, I need to learn how to keep my mouth shut so I don't get hurt.
Ripper: There's actually not much story wise I relate to with Rips. If anything, I'm envious of my own character. He's charismatic, charming, his style is impeccable. I guess he did get a lot of my "do no harm, but take no shit" personality.
Arsenic: The cooking! Arsenic is literally probably the person I would become (sans the murders) if I actually stayed in the food service industry.
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
Shae: It's actually been difficult to keep her silver tongued, combative, defiant, but also keeping her... alive. In all honesty, she would probably be dead by now if I didn't mellow her out a bit. She's legit supposed to be as vile as Sinjin is, cutting some completely reprehensible stuff, but I also know that she would have been long since dead before her story even started.
Ripper: No lie, actually nailing down his official design. Every time I think I have something solid, I go "oh, this would work with him!" and then things would change. Rinse and repeat. Now it's more just trying to nail down exactly who I wanna build his facial structure off of, because William Treat is EXACTLY how he smiles, but I also adore him having sharp features like Dum Dum from Cyberpunk 2077 has. Trying to blend the two together is... fun.
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry? 
Shae: Her story. Like, god her story is fucked up and just the fact that so much about her kids was kept from her and knowing everything she's gone through, that she's the way she is through so much tragedy and just out of a necessity to survive.
Ripper: Also his backstory, but also like... this man is such a sweetheart and sensitive. Be it because he's just being so goddamn cute or because he's going through an existential crisis, he's probably gonna say something that would either turn me into a mushy mess or bawling my eyes out because why did I hurt you this much.
Arsenic: There's two things with him. When he lets his walls down and lets people in, showing that he's not just a hardened ghoul who hates everything around him. Also, if anything were to happen to Crow, this man's heart would absolutely shatter and he'd probably lose his goddamn mind. That sort of mental torment of feeling like he's lost his soul mate, knowing how he'd react to it, especially now with them in his life again.
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
Shae: Not so much of a fact of the character itself (because imho anything I really say with her will give away parts of Addicted), but the fact that she's the second OC I've ever created! She's my second oldest OC, being seventeen (plus) years old.
Ripper: He's only second generation American born in his family! His parents are the first born, his grandmother is from Palermo, his grandfather from Verona.
Arsenic: No matter what, Arsenic was meant to cook and I don't mean that just by his concept alone. He's someone who would be considered to have a natural born talent for what he does and I genuinely cannot think of anything else I would have ever even considered putting him in. If it wasn't a chef, it would've been a cafe owner.
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
so i don’t know if you take requests but if you do could you write an angst/fluff where reader is steve’s or eddie’s best friend and they annoy him with the new van halen album (5150) and how “why can’t this be love” is their favourite song on it until reader gets targeted by vecna and when they come close to death steve/eddie really listens to the lyrics for the first time and realises that he’s been in love with the reader for a long time? pls and thx ☺️
you've got to run to win
a/n: anon i hope you like this as much as i do😭 i'm lowkey obsessed ngl i recommend listening to the song that's mentioned cause it's just chefs kiss!!! i also made it to where the reader already knows everything when it comes to the mind flayer and everything i hope u enjoy! <3 credit to the gif owner!
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Eddie bit his bottom lip trying to hide the smile that was fighting to make way to his face as you shouted the lyrics to your favorite song.
Eddie parked the van and put his hand over your mouth.
“I love you, sweetheart but if you don't let me play the rest of the album I'm going to crash this van.”
You rolled your eyes pushing his hand off you and stepped out of the van. “It's a great song, Eddie! I'm telling you it's Van Halen’s best work.”
Eddie snorted and set foot in the trailer holding the door open for you. “Definitely not their best, but you can keep thinking that sweetheart,” he said plopping down on the couch. You ignored him humming the tune from why can't this be love. Okay, maybe you were a bit biased when it came to the certain song but it's not your fault! Of course, you had to be the person who fell in love with their best friend but to be fair your best friend was Eddie Munson.
Eddie and you became friends when you pointed at his jean jacket complementing the Metallica pin he had on there. Eddie looked at you with wide eyes. You weren't popular, but you also didn't get bullied like him and the rest of the party. You simply existed and minded your business causing people to leave you alone. Ever since that day you've both been attached to the hip.
You were broken out of your thoughts when you heard Eddie let out a curse as he tuned his guitar again.
“Still trying to master master of puppets?”
Eddie nodded his head. “I'm so close! I just keep messing up on one part.”
“Oh! You know what song you should play?”
“Why can't this be love!” you said with a smile.
Eddie threw his head back letting out a groan that caused you to laugh. Your laughter was cut short when you had a sudden pang of pain in your head. You've had your fair share of headaches but they've never hurt this much.
“Hey, you okay?” Eddie asked while setting his guitar down and making his way to you.
“Yeah I think so, I just got a bad headache right now,” you whispered while rubbing the temples of your head. Eddie grabbed your face and gave you a small kiss on your forehead.
“There. Better?”
“No, it's worse actually. I think I'm gonna die.” you teased. He gently shoved your head back muttering out “you're the worst.”
“You love me though, don't you big boy?”
“In your dreams,” he said with a light blush on his face.
You opened your mouth ready to tease him again but the pain from your headache returned, only this time it was stronger. You squatted down gripping your head in your hands, tears threatening to spill soon.
“Woah hey, what's going on?” Eddie asked, rushing over to you.
You shook your head mumbling a soft yet shaky “take me home.”
Eddie helped bring you onto your feet and rushed you to the van buckling you in once you were sat in the passenger seat. Max watched quietly from her window as Eddie ran to the driver's side and sped off into the distance. She had a feeling something was off, but she never socialized with the older boy so she chose to ignore it, knowing she'd ask you about it the next time she saw you.
The headaches only got worse as the days went on. You had an occasional nosebleed before and there but if you ignore that and the horrible nightmares you've been having you're completely fine. You threw yourself down on your desk and laid your head down closing your eyes for a brief moment. God, if you love me please let me get some sleep.
You were startled when Eddie sat at the desk behind you loudly. Message loud and clear big guy. You thought bitterly.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Eddie asked with worry laced in his voice.
You sat up and smiled at him. “Just peachy.”
“Jesus, it looks like you haven't slept in weeks,” Eddie said with a shocked expression. You sighed knowing you didn't look the best right now. Last time you looked in the mirror you looked like a train wreck.
“Thanks, Eddie, I'm sure every girl wants to hear that.”
“What the fuck crawled up your ass and died?”
You turned and looked at him. “Dude calm down, it was a joke.”
“You're so fucking rude and ungrateful, I don't know why I chose to be your friend.”
Tears began to pull your eyes. “Eddie what are you-”
“It's pathetic. You're so lonely in life you have to befriend a group of high school freshmen and the town's local freak.”
You let out a gasp when Eddie stood up from his desk and towered over you. He leaned down and got in your face, it wasn't until then you noticed the classroom looked different. The sun wasn't shining, other students were gone, and black tentacle-like objects painted the wall.
“Eddie, please stop.” you whimpered out.
His voice got lower and disoriented. “No one in this town likes you y/n, you don't belong here.” You looked at him and let out a scream when you saw his brown eyes were now white. Tears were streaming down your face causing Eddie to shush you and wipe them away.
“Don't worry y/n, your time is almost up.”
You let out a gasp and stood up from your desk. You looked around the classroom noticing everything was back to normal. All eyes were on you as you felt bile making its way up your system as you bolted out of the classroom toward the restroom.
Max jumped and slowly peaked her head out of the stall to look around the restroom. She made a face when she heard you throwing up whatever was in your stomach.
“Hey,” she said, knocking on the stall. “Is everything okay in there?”
“M-max?” you whimpered out.
She cursed and opened the stall door gasping when she saw you.
“Shit, are you okay?”
“Do you have any Tylenol?”
“So let me get this straight,” you said while standing up. “The mind flayer never died?” you asked, looking at the group of kids and robin and steve in confusion. “But we saw El take it out? I don't understand.”
“We don't either y/n, but you need to come with us. Have you seen the news?” Dustin said while looking for the tv remote.
Your eyes widen as you saw Eddie's picture on tv the news anchor giving updates on Chrissy's murder.
You bolted out of the house pointing at max. “Explain everything to me red.”
“Those stains are…” Eddie trailed off looking to you for help, but you were focused on the dirt and grime under your nails.
“I don't know what those stains are.”
“Okay well, I'll go first and help everyone down. That sound good to everyone?” Steve asked while grabbing onto the make-shift rope the kids made out of Eddie's bed sheets. One by one Steve helped Nancy, then Robin up. Eddie cleared his throat and moved to the side for you.
“Hey, are you sure you're okay?” Eddie asked quietly.
You shrugged your shoulders. “This isn't the first time I've had to save the world, but it is the first time I found out I could possibly die.” you joked.
“That's not funny,” Eddie said.
“What isn't?”
“You dying. It's not funny.”
You walked over to Eddie and wrapped him in a tight hug. “I'm not going anywhere, Eddie.”
“It should've been you.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and tried to get out of Eddie's grip. “What are you talking about?”
“Chrissy shouldn't have died. It should've been you.”
You gasped and pushed Eddie away causing you to fall to the ground. When you looked up you weren't in Eddie's trailer anymore, you were in some kind of lab. The walls were covered in blood and you scrambled up to your feet when you heard screams in the distance.
Eddie was screaming your name and shouting up at everyone to find his bag of cassette tapes.
“Cmon y/n didn't do this! Stay with me sweetheart stay with me!” he said while his hands were on your face
“Whatever the hell you guys are doing can you hurry the fuck up!”
Erica ran to the group in his room tearing everything apart looking for the tapes.
“Eddie says you guys need to hurry up!”
“YEAH, NO SHIT!” Dustin shouted.
“We're trying! We can't find anything!” Max exclaimed.
“I found the tapes!” Nancy shouted.
“What are we even looking for?!” Steve asked as he scavenged the pile of tapes Nancy dumped onto the bed.
“Madonna? Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? Music! We need music!” Robin shouted as she ran and threw an Iron Maiden cassette tape up at Eddie.
“THIS! IS! MUSIC!” he shouted back at her.
This isn't real. This can't be real. You thought to yourself as you ran around the plain white building stopping over the dead bodies that decorated the hallway. You found an exit but looked at the boards that blocked you from getting out of here. You grunted as you tore off one of the boards throwing it down to the ground. The lights above you started to flicker causing you to go faster.
“Y/n.” you heard a voice say.
You stopped moving and slowly turned around to see Vecna behind you making his way to you.
“What are you doing? It's not time for you to leave.”
Tears began to form causing your vision to blur a bit. You blinked them away pulling harder on the remaining boards. You pulled off another one and let it fall to the ground only focusing on the last two that were stopping you from escaping.
“Your time is up y/n.”
You ripped off the bottom board ducking under the one on top and opened the door. You were trying to catch your breath as you looked around the room confused.
“Take a seat.” Vecna said as he appeared in front of you.
The room went dark and the only thing you could hear was your panting. The lights turned back on and you looked down letting out a gasp when you saw you were tied down to a chair. The black tentacles tightened their grip on you as you struggled to break free from them. You heard a grunt from the corner of the room and looked up to see vecna walking toward you once more.
He put both of his hands on the sides of the chair and leaned in closely looking at you with his head tilted.
“Please don't hurt me.” you whimpered out. Tears were streaming down your face causing vecna to put a claw on your face and wipe away a stray tear that was making its way down.
“Don't be afraid.” he said, causing you to sob out. “Try and stay very still. It will be over very soon.” he said putting his hand above your face.
“SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!” Eddie shouted as he saw you start to levitate off the ground. He tried his best to hold you down but was unsuccessful.
“Eddie we can't find the fucking tape!” Steve shouted, sticking his head in the upside down.
“My guitar! Give me my guitar Steve!”
Dustin heard his shouts and ran to grab his guitar handing it to Steve.
“My amp! I need to plug it in!”
Dustin found his amp, handing it to Steve while Max threw the wire down to Eddie. Eddie quickly turned on the amp and plugged in the wire. He put his guitar strap around him.
“This one is for you y/n. I know you can hear me.”
You felt all the air leave your body as you fought to try to find some source of air. The pain in your head got stronger and your ears started to ring. All you could think of was Eddie. You started to remember everything you've ever done. The first time he took you to a party. The first time you smoked together. That one night you spent the night and he read his favorite book to you. Tears began to well your eyes knowing you'd never see him again, but then you heard a familiar tune in the background.
The familiar lyrics danced around in your brain as you heard a voice singing the song.
“....And I can't recall any love at all.”
Vecna grunted, causing your eyes to focus back on him.
“You don't belong there y/n.”
“Well, now baby it blows ‘em all away.”
“You belong here.”
You felt air fill your lungs as you looked behind vecna and saw some kind of portal that led to your home. Your Eddie, your fresh breath of air.
“Burn in hell you son of a bitch!” you grunted out as you broke free from the restraints and ripped a tentacle out of vecna causing him to groan in pain, and stumble to the side.
“It's got what it takes, so tell me why can't this be love?”
You stumbled out of the chair nearly falling to your knees as you ran out of the room and down the hall. The building began to shake as vecna walked out of the room and stared at you as you ran. You felt something wet and slimy wrap around your ankle and pull you back causing you to fall. You felt yourself getting dragged as you grabbed a random clipboard and started hitting whatever was around your leg. You let out a cry of success when it let you go.
“Straight from my heart, tell me why can't this be love?”
You scrambled back onto your feet and sprinted as fast as you could trying not to fall due to the shaking building getting stronger. Pieces of the ceiling began to fall all around you causing you to trip. You caught yourself running even faster, taking a glance over your shoulder you see vecna form his hand to a first. Your entire body burned with each step you took and
a chunk of the wall fell in front of you making you jump over it.
5 more steps.
You shield your head as the ceiling began falling harder and closer to you.
4 more steps.
The lights above you flickered so much that the bulbs burst sending glass all over you.
3 more.
Your muscles felt like they were on fire as you pushed yourself to go faster.
2 more.
The building began to shake so much you weren't even running in a straight line anymore. You ran in an unstable zigzag style occasionally pushing yourself off the wall to get a little boost.
One more step.
You were so close. You swear you could hear everyone shouting your name. You could hear Eddie singing clearly rather than in the back of your mind. You were sure you could fall into his arms and touch him, all you needed to do was jump.
You gasped for air and felt yourself begin to fall down. Everything was in slow motion. Eddie took off his guitar and threw it on the floor running toward you with his arms out ready to catch you. You both fell to the ground as he wrapped his arms around you and held you close.
“Oh my god, holy shit. Holy shit you're alive,” he said panting.
You looked up at him and looked around the room, noticing you were still in the upside down. Where's everyone else? Are they safe? Is this another trick?
“Hey, it's okay,” Eddie said. “Everyone is safe, they're all up there,” he said pointing up. You took a glance and saw everyone looking up at you two.
“I can't believe that stupid song saved you.” he chuckled out, brushing your hair out of his face.
“Wow, so even in death you'd trash talk my favorite song.” you joked bringing him close. Steve stood with his arms out ready to catch you for when you fell through the ceiling. He placed you down gently but not before squeezing you tightly saying how he's glad you made it. The kids all ran to you engulfing you in a big hug, tears streaming down their faces.
Robin tackled you in a hug sobbing about how she couldn't lose the first best friend she's ever made. “Don't ever scare me like that again! I can't handle Steve alone, I need you!”
Nancy gave you a tight hug and wiped away her tears with a small smile.
Eddie came out of your restroom with a towel draped over his head, black pajama pants hung low on his hips. He looked at you while you sat on your bed and stared blankly at the wall. He rushed over to you and let out a sigh of relief when you jumped at him grabbing your hand.
“ ‘s okay.”
“Why didn't you tell me about this? About the nightmares and nosebleeds.”
you shrugged your shoulders. “didn't wanna be a bother.”
“I thought I lost you today,” he whispered, sitting next to you.
“It's gonna take more than a d&d monster to get rid of me, Munson.”
Eddie chuckled and wrapped an arm around you bringing you closer to him.
“So the song.”
You gasped realizing he played it.
“I can't believe you learned it!” you said perking up as if you didn't almost just die.
Eddie let out a breathy laugh and put his hands up. “Guilty. I knew how much you liked it. Just wanted to surprise you.”
You blushed and pulled him in for a hug. “Consider me surprised Munson.”
He cleared his throat and pulled away looking at you. “You know, I had to listen to that song a lot.”
“You can only listen to it so many fines before you think hm, I wonder why this song is her favorite.”
You stiffen in his arms. No way. There's no way he found out.
“Is there something you wanna tell me, sweetheart?”
You shook your head and laid down in your bed throwing the blanket over you. He chuckled, throwing the towel on the floor laying next to you and wrapping his arm around you. This wasn't anything new, but now that you know he might now you feel you can't help but blush.
“Don't worry, I feel the same way you do. I guess it just took me listening to that song five times to realize it.”
You turned around to face him, a small smile on your face. “Really? You're not just doing this because I almost died and you feel bad?”
He laughed softly placing a soft kiss on your lips.
“I mean it. 100%.”
You shivered when his hand brushed against your neck. The cool metal of his rings brushing against your pulse reminds you of the events that happened earlier. You let out a gasp and pushed Eddie back a bit.
“What's wrong?”
You shook your head taking deep breaths trying to claim down. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry but I need some time.”
Eddie let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding. “Don't do that, I thought it was happening again.” he grabbed your hand and placed a gentle kiss on it smiling at you.
“Take all the time you need. I'll be here for you whenever you're ready.”
You smiled at him and let out a content sigh. A comfortable silence was shared between you before you decided to break it.
“Does that mean you agree that's their best song?”
“Fuck no.”
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Molly Molly Molly !! Ok ok ok !! Anthony eating dessert out of Kate' tits and shagging her senseless in the kitchen.. this is not a want anymore but a need... Humanity needs it Molly please
Ahhh Bless them.
Chefs Kate and Anthony definitely use food as a kind of foreplay. And I think more than once Kate's used herself to convince Anthony that things should be on the menu.
It wasn't really understatement, Kate didn't think, to say that she'd very quickly learned how to manage Anthony Bridgerton. Learned that What Anthony didn't know, definitely couldn't hurt him when she darted around the kitchen adding spices and seasoning after he left the station. Shaking her head at the line cook as Anthony tried to overrule her. And now that they'd given in to the tension that had pulled tight between them from the very first time their eyes had met, it was getting easier and easier.
It wasn't difficult to see, really, the way Anthony had fallen in love with cooking in a different way, the way he'd slowly opened his eyes to the possibilities. He still liked order and precision in the kitchen of course, people didn't change that fundamentally, and he still huffed and puffed when she flitted around behind him, adding things at random, not measuring anything. But he did it with an eye roll now, a little smirk, his hand brushing her hip his voice in her ear as he said behind. But she could silence him with a look now, a smile, a kiss on the cheek and a gentle Trust me honey.
However, Anthony needed to be slowly adjusted to change. Needed to be put in the pool and the water slowly warmed around him, so slowly he barely noticed it. But Occasionally occasionally Kate wanted to push the envelope a little more, and when she knew exactly how to handle it.
They'd agreed, she was allowed to show him one recipe a month, when they sat together, in his office after service, and shared dessert in the way that had become routine for them, one plate two spoons. And really, there was no need to blush about it, Kate was very aware of who Anthony was, she knew how to catch his interest, and it was important to lay the ground work always.
She'd noticed very early on how Anthony's eyes seemed to follow her when the kitchen got particularly warm. The heat would rise and his eyes would stick to her, trailing the sweat that beaded on her forehead, how a shiver would nearly visibly run through him when she used her most commanding voice and it was all too easy to do it. Too easy to get Anthony's hand stuck to her back all she had to do was command attention.
She'd stuck to him all night, never more than a metre away from him, let her hands run along the edge of his apron, pretended his jacket needed straightening, leaned up and wrapped the scarf she usually wore around her wrist around his forehead, thrilling a little in the way his breath caught in her ear.
And then she'd gone in for the kill, She'd leaned close and whispered in Sophie's ear. "I'm so sorry, I'll take you to lunch tomorrow, I just need this tonight."
Sophie had looked up a little confused, her mouth forming What? before Kate had said sharply
"How much longer are we going to have to wait tonight Sophie?!"
She'd felt Anthony's eyes snap to her, burning on her back, almost in time with Sophie's eye roll and Please keep me out of your little sex game! had turned slightly to see the muscle twitching in Anthony's jaw, his hand running over his beard quickly, the beard that felt so good as it trailed along her skin, scraping between her thighs as his lips trailed up and up.
"You look a little warm, chef are you alright?" Kate had said innocently as she slid past him.
Anthony's jaw had twitched as he'd hissed at her, "You're an absolute menace."
"and don't forget it." She'd slapped his arse lightly as she'd walked away to check on the chicken station and felt his eyes on her for the rest of the night.
By the time they sat on either side of the prep bench, the tension was already rife. Anthony's eyes were dark staring into hers, her bandana still tied around his forehead, his fingers drumming on the stainless steel as he watched her slip her jacket from her shoulders. Anthony's eyes darted over the skin that appeared, her under singlet cut low against her chest, a shamelessly deliberate move on her behalf. Anthony cleared his throat.
"I know what you're doing." His voice was rough, prickling against her skin, and really, why was there any need to feel shame in it? He'd get as much out of this as she would.
"And what's that?" She slowly moved round the bench, nudging the bowl closer to him, pressing herself against his side. Anthony swallowed convulsively his eyelids fluttering closed as her lips brushed his temple.
"You're... seducing me into liking whatever that is." It looked like it cost him a lot to find the words to say it.
Kate let out a breathy chuckle that wasn't entirely fake. Anthony's hand had tightened on her arse squeezing firmly, his muscles flexing, his eyes watching as she dipped her finger in the chocolate mousse, making a show of bringing it to her own lips, a theatrical groan falling from her chest as her tongue darted out. Anthony's breath caught in her ear, her lips tugging upwards in a smirk, moving to straddle him on his stool.
"It's just chocolate mousse," She ground her hips against his, "Daddy."
A whine fell from his lips, his hands tightened on her hips, his breathing already coming in sharp gasps, his forehead hitting her shoulder, "Don't say that. And I know it's not just mousse, what did you put in it?"
Anthony's Hips had started bucking shallowly against her, unable to help himself, and Kate could feel heat rising in her cheeks as she tugged her undershirt over her head, pressing her bare chest against him for a moment before she hummed, dipping her fingers back into the bowl, trailing them along her collarbone, her chest, shivering against him as the cool mixture hit her skin, his gaze following her hotly. "Why don't you taste it and tell me?"
"Kate." Anthony groaned, his breath leaving him in a sharp huff as more and more dripped onto her skin. Their eyes caught for a very long moment, his dark and dangerous, his lip curling that muscle in his jaw twitching, the strand of tension that always existed between them pulled unbearably tight.
Anthony let out an almost feral growl, his tongue darting out, and from the very first taste Kate knew she was lost as well. His mouth was hot, so hot against her, making her shiver at the cool warmed on her skin, her back pressed into the cool metal of the bench behind. Anthony, like with everything he did was relentless. His tongue laved desperately against her, a groan rising in his chest as he tasted her, teeth nipping, lips sucking, bruising the skin in his need to be close to her. Kate could feel a desperate whine rising in her own chest as his teeth bit at her skin, his hair slipping between her fingers sinfully, his beard scraping at her skin, course and rough and heady, forcing heat to coil in her stomach and when he looked up at her, his eyes dark, predatory, mousse practically dripping from his beard, from his nose, they both knew what they wanted.
She tugged on his hair desperately until their lips met in a bruising kiss, a gasp tugged from her when she tasted her own food on his tongue, mingled with her own sweat and something inexplicably Anthony something she wanted more and more of as his tongue slipped over hers. Anthony stood abruptly, practically throwing her on the bench his hands tugging at the button on her pants, stripping them from her legs in one smooth motion, swatting her hands from his own belt buckle before he rid himself of is own. his hand on her chest forced her backwards until her back was pressed against the cold metal shivering against it, when his hot chest pressed her against it, his shirt abandoned on the floor. Anticipation grew, alarmingly fast, desperate need clawing at her chest, between her hips, and then his hips snapped to hers.
Her curse echoed through the kitchen, Anthony's own muffled against her neck, as he ground down against her, torturously slowly at first, their rhythm quickly building to something punishing and desperate. Her fingers tightened in his hair tugging desperately as her other arm gripped his chest to hers, pulling him closer and closer, as if no amount of contact anywhere could be near enough. Her legs were like a vice around his waist, the sound of them moving together echoing off the walls, tension hanging in the air building quickly, the smell of his sweat mingling with hers, Anthony's voice like rough velvet in her ear
Eyes on me, baby, don't you dare look away, you wanted this now watch it. watch how good you are for daddy. That's it baby, that's it, now scream for Daddy.
It was too overwhelming, the edge she'd been hanging over gave way completely, a scream ripping through her chest, leaving her throat raw as it bounced around the room.
And she saw the exact moment Anthony snapped as well. His hips were moving erratically, his brow furrowed, sweat soaking the bandana she'd tied for him, his muscles moving and flexing over her and then the tension broke. Fuck Kate! His voice ached as he buried his face in her chest, shuddering against her for a long moment, warmth pooling in her stomach and everything was still.
Kate had no idea how long the lay there, shoulders heaving, sweat cooling on their bodies, her fingers running through his hair soothingly, but finally Anthony hauled himself upright with a pained groan.
"Who the fuck puts Wasabi in chocolate mousse?"
Kate let out a slightly breathless chuckle, sitting upright herself, her tongue sliding lazily over his as their lips met. "Did you like it though? That's the real question."
Anthony's head nodded desperately, sealing their lips together again one last time. "Your methods of persuasion are excellent as always. We'll try it for a month." He tugged his shirt over his head, with a sigh, "We did say no more fucking at work though. Takes too long to clean up."
Kate kissed his Adam's apple lightly, tugging her own shirt over her head, tugging her jeans back into place. "You said no more fucking at work. And in my defence, I was clearly angling for just a titty fuck there."
Anthony froze, his eyes wide as he turned back towards her, looking for a moment like that adorable waiter she'd flirted with as a teenager all those years ago, "Can I- Fuck- Can I still? When we get home I mean?"
Kate pretended to think about it for a very long moment, heat already simmering in her stomach. "Depends how quickly you can clean up."
Very as it turns out.
I'm so sorry about this
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unecoccinellenoire · 3 years
Could you do #8? And I just wanted to say that you are such a talented writer! I live reading everything and following your stories. You’re so good at being descriptive and the angst is *chefs kiss*. Just thought I’d say I love your work!
Aw thank you!!! I do like my angst but I always worry about being under descriptive so that's really reassuring to hear.
As for your prompt:
Gabriel blinks like a newborn creature as he emerges from the cool dim cocoon of the car into the fierce Mediterranean sun.
Zapping the car shut he's once again glad to Tsurugi technology there's no driver to dismiss. He doesn't think he could have dealt with someone else's presence after what he'd left behind him in Paris.
He lets himself into the house shrugging off his overlayers jacket and waistcoat, which feel too formal now, and then decides to undo his cuffs and roll up his sleeves to better suit the weather.
It's oddly quiet. They'd bought this isolated villa for that purpose of course, somewhere Emilie could recuperate in privacy only she never had and now she never will.
A ventured "Adrien? Nathalie?" garners him no answers so he heads through to the back of the house.
Irritated, even though he's not sure he's quite ready to see Adrien after what he's done, with how his idea of throwing himself into family life isn't playing out to plan he heads through to the back of the house, and the pool.
Opening the patio doors the bright reflection from the aqua waters of the pool blinds him a little but though there's still no sign of his son splashing around or otherwise using up his inexplicable energy he makes out a feminine figure on one of the sunbeds underneath a large parasol.
He heads over musing to himself that he hadn't thought Nathalie was one for sunbathing much, but then he hadn't thought she'd be one for blackless swimsuits either. Strange how she can still surprise him after all this time.
He comes to a stop by the other bed.
Not a low backed swimsuit.
A bikini.
A bikini that Nathalie has apparently undone while lying on her front to avoid tanlines on her back.
The sun seems to beat down more strongly as he takes in the expanse of bare skin on show.
Without opening her eyes, having apparently heard him coming, Nathalie asks, "Could you pass me the suncream? I need to redo my back."
His tongue lies heavy in his suddenly dry mouth but roboticly he manages to grab the bottle on the little table between the beds, and sits down on the edge of hers, "Oh I think I can do better than that."
Nathalie's eyes fly open.
"Sir," she squeaks, "I didn't realise you were coming."
"I wanted it to be a surprise," he squirts the cream onto her shoulders feeling less lost at the strangeness of this all now he has an actual action to take, "where's Adrien?"
"Tennis camp. With his bodyguard." She answers in a more regular pitch.
"So," he says, as he starts rubbing the sun cream into her shoulders. "It's just us here?"
"Just us," she confirms.
His hands work to cover the soft skin of her back with sun protection but he can feel the tightness of her muscles beneath and finds himself almost doing more of a massage to get her to relax again.
It seems fair recompense for the stress he's caused her.
Though on that note he really should tell her he's given up the Miraculous.
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assim-eu-sou · 2 years
me eyeing all my blorbos like "Fine! I'll do it* myself!"
*give them scoliosis because the representation? not there
Anyway, I'm debating which of my girls would be the best one to headcanon as having scoliosis, and I have options.
Ámbar Smith
At the start of the show, Ámbar is old enough to have had spinal fusion surgery already, which is why the visible asymmetries associated with the condition (traits I unfortunately possess, as for better or for worse, I have not been fused [yet]) wouldn't be present. Ideally, you would see the spinal fusion scar when she wears anything that shows her back, but I can use my imagination there. I’ve seen kids as young as 12 can having fusions, so to best accommodate the timeline (for reasons you’ll see later), I’ll say that’s when she had her surgery. She could have also been a candidate for VBT (tethering) which is a less invasive surgery that allows for more flexibility, but assuming she had a fusion, I would say she was only fused in the thoracic (upper) region, which leaves more flexibility. I have a thoracic and lumbar (lower spine) curve, but the lower curve is smaller. Many people only have one or the other.
In the show, Ámbar talks about having headaches and feeling bad as excuses to avoid further engagement with Sharon, but why not make that true? Even though spinal fusion creates a straighter spine, people with fused spines are still considered as having scoliosis and will often continue to have pain (and sometimes even new problems) for the rest of their lives. The compression of nerves and muscle tension caused by the condition can easily cause headaches and general chronic pain.
Ámbar's propensity for putting on a mask to hide her true self and emotions fits in extremely well here, as she probably tried as hard as she could to avoid people finding out about her condition because she wanted to be perceived as perfect. When she was having (and recovering from) her fusion, she did so during school holidays, and she told anyone who asked that she was traveling. Since many of her relationships were very surface-level, no one questioned her further. Prior to surgery, I would headcanon her as having had a Rigo-Cheneau brace (newer technology she would have had to travel for to obtain), and she bought an entirely new wardrobe of clothes for the purpose of disguising it as well as possible. (I tried very hard to hide my own Boston brace, and for me that meant larger t-shirts and vests or jackets always. Ámbar finds a way to accomplish this more fashionably). She won't let anyone hug her because she's afraid that they will feel the brace, which is why she still has discomfort with physical touch from some people in the time we see her in the show. If anyone ever looked at her for too long, she'd give them her trademark murderous stare. She would have a brace for a very short amount of time because her condition progressed quickly and was detected late. All of this would be pre-canon, but the emotional impacts of having worn a brace as mentioned shape her in canon.
She had to take time off skating due to the surgery, which makes her skills that much more impressive. While she has always been a perfectionist, she pushes herself even harder due to the self-esteem and body image issues she has as a result of the condition. She would never want people to think of her as weak, so she hides her pain and comes home exhausted as a result.
The potential of Simón being a caring boyfriend in this scenario is so *chef's kiss*. He helps her feel more confident about her scar and takes care of her on the days that the pain is especially bad. He helps her open up about it to the Roller kids.
Ok, all those reasons have me feeling like I don't even need to bother with exploring other options. Lowkey wanna write a fic informed by this AU/headcanon but. We'll see.
Anyway, I wish I didn't have to do this and we could have more characters with disabilities in media, but until then: assigned curvy spine by Lauren.
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cassiaa · 3 years
Metanoia BTTB2
warnings: asking for sex; mentions of sex; manipulating; slight seducing and mentions of seduction; alcohol;
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All of Namjoon's muscles clenched immediately, his body taut as a bowsting.
She didn't elaborate or explain. She stared directly into his eyes with that fire of hers smoldering and waiting for an answer.
Was she really looking for some quick fuck? Was this what had her down that past two hours? Or was this her way of distracting herself from the real problem at hand?
From what Namjoon had dug up, his sweet little jagi was exactly that, sweet and innocent. She didn't party, only drank on special occasions, he could only guess had never done drugs from her perfect school records and she hadn't been allowed to date or go out with strange boys.
Her fathers leash was tight around her neck, it had made his blood boil when he came to that conclusion.
That was another thing he'd be changing soon, he would take the studded choker off her neck and place his own there. His was much softer, much more loose, allowed more freedom and gave her even more luxuries that she already possessed.
Namjoon had no immediate plans of denying her, though he did want to know exactly where this came from, so he could make sure she wouldn't be out propositioning to just any pathetic little boys she could meet. He was more than willing to fuck her to her little hearts desire. Until all she knew was him, until she couldn't form any coherent sentences, let alone remember her own name. His was all she'd be able to say by the time he was done with her. He'd make sure to fuck her so good she would know better than to run to anyone else for something only he could provide her.
With those thoughts that had his mind racing and muscles coiling, ready to pounce, he smoothed his expression into slight confusion, maybe a bit of amusement in there and calmly said, "excuse me?"
"Really?" She nearly rolled her eyes. "You don't seem dense to me. Maybe I was wrong." She huffed, finally breaking eye contact, looking rather annoyed and mostly with herself. He could see the warring behind her eyes.
"Do you often go up to people asking them for sex?" Namjoon asks calmly, one side of his mouth kicking up as he leans back in his chair, exuding power. His movement drew her gaze back to him, and she unconsciously bit her bottom lip and Namjoon felt low growl hum in his throat at that combined with her innocent expression and the way she shifted in her seat. He just knew she was getting turned on already. He'd have to work hard not to break her.
Her eyes widened, no doubt hearing the noise and finally she answers. "No-"
"Then why approach a random man and ask for sex?" As he spoke, he leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table, his hands clasped in front of his mouth and glasses slipping down his nose just a bit. It didn't help the heated gaze he pinned on her. "This isn't a club," he added when he saw her swallow, it seemed she didn't know what to do with his full attention on her. He'd remedy that quickly, his angel always had his attention, even when it seemed she didn't. "Or a bar. Why here? Why now?.... why me?"
Her eyes dropped to his lips as his voice dipped lower and quieter with every word.
"If you don't want to do it," she paused, trying to regain the control of the situation that she thought she had, taking a breath and steeling herself, eyes losing a bit of that glassy glaze they developed. "Then you don't have to. I'll just go to either of those places and find someone who will. Can't be that hard."
She said it with a bratty attitude that Namjoon instantly found arousing and annoying in the same moment and his mind immediately supplied a dozen ways to make her lose it.
Annoyed, she stood and slid out of the booth, not expecting him to follow. He did, smoothly and with much more elegance. A closed off look on his face as he rebuttoned his suit jacket. He dwarfed her in size, she looked between five three or five four in her flat shoes. In shock, she took in his appearance, seemingly appraising him and liking what she saw as her eyes lit up and she swallowed again.
"Shall we?" He asked stepping close enough to her to invade her personal space, past what social etiquette deemed fit, but not far enough to be overly intrusive and scare her or make a scene. Out of the corner of his eye he had been watching the cook and the waitress, an older couple who seemed protective of his jagi. They had kept an eye on her the entire time, the older woman had held a short conversation with his jagi when she first came in and the woman had even brushed back Ava's hair during the course of her meal. His jagi hadn't shown any signs of being uncomfortable with the motherly gesture so Namjoon had let it be. But the way that they watched him with such distrust, Namjoon was debating on whether or not they'd need to be dealt with or not. If they wouldn't become a problem for him down the road he could maybe even use them.
Ava nods slowly. Almost disbelieving that what she had asked for she was getting. "My place or yours?"
Namjoon was a bit disappointed that she was offering her own bed to a stranger, but perhaps she felt safer there instead of trapping herself in an unknown place. Namjoon couldn't follow the knowledge (or lack there of) that she was using to make the decision.
But he knew she lived alone. No chef, no maid or any help of any kind, no security, other than what her building supplied at the main entrances. It was easy for him to get to her personal space, but that meant it was easy for others too.
Her father was a fool, he had made many enemies in his time in the illegitimate side of his business, and once again Namjoon felt his dislike for the man swelling deeply at his negligence. He broke his thoughts, paying for his drink and tipping generously. He gestured with a hand for them to go and placed a hand to her back that was neither too low or too high. If she was having second thoughts, he didn't want to scare her into running. He'd really have to woo her.
"I'm only in town for the weekend," Namjoon supplied, opening the door for her and stepping close enough for his jacket to brush against her as they exited together. "I'm staying at the Baccarat Hotel in Manhattan-"
"My place then." She interrupted. "I'd rather not be seen going into that hotel with you. It looks... bad." She carried off, fingers playing with the hem of her babydoll dress.
Namjoon nods, humming his approval. His smart girl. She was protecting her image, their were plenty of reporters that hung out near the richer hotels. And Namjoon only stayed at the best. She must've pieced together that he was well enough off by the way he dressed and the hotel he was staying in.
"Lead the way." His grin was perhaps a bit to sharp as she looked up at him with big round eyes.
He had to act as if he had never been near her place of dwelling though, so even as she seemed to take the long way he didn't correct or give any hints that he was on to her as he made polite conversation the whole way. In fact, he was soaking up all he could from this time he had with her, he wanted to build a relationship with her. One that was more than just sex- though that was something he did look forward to. She was quick to offer up her first name. But not her family name. Ava. He acted politely, as if it was brand new information and then he offered his whole name just as readily. She repeated it carefully and Namjoon's body reacted to his name falling from her pretty pink lips, and he didn't stop the sudden urge to press his lips to hers in a heated kiss as they were stopped on a crosswalk at an intersection. He swooped down to her height, the hand on her back crushing her chest tightly to his and his free hand wrapping around the side her slender neck as she gasped and their lips met. Her neck was small enough for his thumb to tilt her jaw up and for his fingers to cup the back of her neck entirely and pull her face even closer as he dominated her mouth swiftly making it a bit more passionate and stealing all her breath away.
He pulled away from the heated kiss first, leaving her clutching his front and gasping for air. Her eyes went down immediately and Namjoon watched with a growing smile as she tried to compose herself.
He dipped close enough for his lips to touch her ear and whispered, "shall we?"
Everywhere his lips or breath touched rippled with goose bumps right away and he admired the skin their, how smooth and creamy it looked. He couldn't wait to mark it up. He placed a sweet kiss to her ear, humming in satisfaction when a shiver went down her body.
It didn't take long before they were in her penthouse. Namjoon had found deep in many, many files that the penthouse was a gift from her father on her eighteenth birthday. A bit of freedom for her so long as she obeyed. Namjoon had already had Taehyung and Hoseok sweep the place for any sort of bugs that could've been hidden. Namjoon took in the room with out rudely intruding. He eyed the entrance in distaste. It was a bit of an annoyance and disgust that Americans didn't remove their shoes upon entry into their homes. They walked all over their messy cities and then tracked it through their house. He wondered how he could convince her to abandon that habit.
"Make yourself comfortable I suppose." She said, heading into the kitchen, "feel free to look around." She shrugged, not looking over her shoulder.
Namjoon shook his head, his smart girl could be so naive. She just invites a strange man into her home all alone (for sex no less) and tells him to 'make himself at home'. It was clear she had never brought anyone home with her before. He grinned again, taking in the rooms slowly, even though he truly already knew the place inside and out. He did take more time to look in depth at the pictures on the wall and on each table. His beautiful jagi. He grinned. His innocent virgin baby girl. He had no doubts at this point that she was a virgin. And with the way her body reacted to his touch, he doubted anyone had ever touched her at all.
He found her pouring a glass of dark alcohol that she pulled up to drink quickly. Not seeing or hearing his approach, she was shocked when he pulled the glass from her hand, giving an amused expression and raising a brow in question. Her eyes narrowed in what seemed to be annoyance or perhaps defiance as her eyes flickered to the bottle on the counter. Namjoon once again wanted to rid her of the brattiness. He took off his glasses slowly, folding them closed and setting them beside the drink before caging her against the counter and overwhelming her with just his presence alone. He waited a moment, for her to push him away or tell him no, and when she didn't he leaned down and connected their lips in the softest touch he could manage. He didn't make any move to deepen the kiss, or escalate it in any way. He just moved his lips softly against hers. Coaxing her into the kiss until she was breathless again before he pulled back. He smirked proudly at what he had managed to do to her with just a kiss. Her chest was heaving as she worked on slowing her breathing, and it took her a moment before she opened her eyes, they were clouded and it had Namjoon humming in satisfaction.
"I need you sober, baby." He said softly, voice smooth as velvet as he cupped her jaw gently, he stroked a thumb over her cheek as he spoke. "If you don't want to do this you need to tell me now...." her eyes focused a bit at that, the hand that had tangled in his jacket gripped a little tighter, unconsciously begging for him already. "Once I start I'm not sure I'll be able to stop, beautiful." He added slowly, with a light nip to her ear.
He kissed the skin under it gently at first, a light peck before moving down a bit, kiss by kiss until he found her soft spot and started sucking and biting. He kept it more lips and tongue rather than teeth, knowing she wasn't ready for anything too rough. He was going to take such good care of his jagi. The breathy moan she released accompanied with the death grip she had on his jacket and arm had him grinning in her neck. "Are you ready jagi?"
She was whining low and needy, nodding her head and not letting go of him as he pulled up and stood straight. He unbuttoned his jacket, shrugging it off his shoulders and her hands fall away from him. He held her in place with nothing but his gaze alone.
"Always use your words," he instructed, folding the jacket in half and setting it down with care. "When I speak to you, I expect an answer."
His sweetheart nodded at first before stuttering out an 'okay'. He tugged her hand, having her stand and helping her take off her own jacket. "Where's your room jagi?" He asks, hiding his grin until she turned to lead the way. He squeezed her hand a bit. "Words angel."
"My room is up the stairs and down this hall." She supplied quickly, eager to please him, "along with my office, and my closet and bathroom. Down the other hall is two guest rooms, a sitting room and another bathroom."
Namjoon made a noise in the back of his throat, nodding his approval and gripping her hip as they went. Her room only held a bed, a very big bed, a chair in the middle of the room facing the floor to ceiling windows and a bedside table. Though she did have a pair of panties and a night dress thrown against the wall but neither cared as Namjoon spun her around, both hands against her waist and kissing her again. She gripped his arm and neck, excited and wanting more but Namjoon was prepared to take his time. He was going to have her begging for him before all her clothes were even off, and considering she only had on a few items it would be a challenge. But one he was more than willing to take head on. He sucked another mark into her neck, loving the way her head fell back and she moaned. It was going to be a long and beautiful night, he grinned.
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Withered Wings - Lili III
It was a feeling like none other. The dozens of people who used to adore her performance, the lies that she shows them, and the masks that she had to wear gone in an instant. All that remains were judging eyes and the faint voices of the guests buzzing. The whispers are deafening, each one a blow to her appearance. But it didn't matter. Because this time, her voice is heard. As she screamed in the middle of the party the whispers stopped. Lili then saw her mother, slowly walking towards her like a lioness about to pounce.
"Liliana, to your room. Now." Hillary's voice was different from what Lili's ever heard. The usual soft spoken, sophisticated tone gone. Hillary was like a commander, towering down her subordinates until the bend. But Lili isn't her subordinate, nor her ornament, she won't bend, she's porcelain, the moment she bends, she will break.
"No." Lili answers back. She walks past Hillary takes someone's jacket from the rack and went out of the house. She reaches into the pocket of her ruined gown and wears a facemask as she walks around the city at night, and alone.
She hasn't seen the lights of the sky for years that it feels cathartic to just stare at them. She reminisces the times she'd go to the park before going home just to look at the beautiful night sky. The stars like glitters of white, gold, and red. Two years everybody's been trapped in their houses. Then it hit her, the realization that she doesn't have a plan for her future, so she sets out in the city to find her plan.
Lili first saw a small family restaurant, where the servers smile, and the chefs burning with passion. "A chef?" she asks herself if she was interested in cooking. Maybe, but being a chef or a restaurant owner needs money. Lili continues to walk.
She then sees a coffee shop, with a group of people talking inside. A sign outside says, "independent authors, meet and greet." Being a novelist has always been at the back of her mind, the power to write stories that would inspire others, the enjoyment of creating a world to tell real, human stories in a supernatural setting. Maybe, but it takes rapport and management skills to be a successful novelist. Lili continues to walk.
She then sees the old theater palace. She'd only entered and watched a show once in her life. She remember watching a rendition of Wicked and how the song "Defying Gravity" has struck her so deeply of wanting to fly. An actress, or a Broadway performer. That's what she wanted to be. It was already training for the life of a performer, she was made to sing in front of guests, perform a character. But she always thought of her voice and skills as lower the average. So she never thought to pursue it. Lili continues to walk.
Lili then started to get tired, and she decided to sit in the park once more. Looking up to the sky, she can see each star as a dream that she can't quite reach; a Chef, a Novelist, a Broadway actress, everything way to far from reach. But it never occurred to her to look down on the pond, the water peaceful enough to create a mirror reflection of herself. There she can see who she was, not what she wanted. A person who's wings were ripped out of her back. But who needs wings to fly?
"In time." She tells herself. She doesn't know what the future holds for her, she doesn't even know whether or not the pandemic would end. But one thing is for certain. if a Chef, a Novelist, or Broadway actress was not her destined future, one thing that she will always be. Her own person.
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