#so squid parenting is something i have thought about a little bit but i doubt we're ever getting anything interest on that canonically
purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (1/4)
Finally Nya's season! Our queen, our water goddess, our amazing girl gets what she deserves! 😍😍😍
What I know about the season beforehand is that Nya's powers apparently are getting problematic for some reasons? Which is a pretty common topic in other shows but it's a first in Ninjago, usually the elemental powers don't have focus and I LOVE that we now get to see stuff like that 💕💕💕
I know there should be Wojira involved, trusting The Island to deliver that little foreshadowing at the end of the episode 🤷‍♀️ Also Maya is back... MAYA IS FINALLY BACK AFTER SEVEN SEASONS YES!!! 😭😭😭
I have nothing else to say, I have no idea what this will bring, hopefully something as good as Master of the Mountain! 🖤
Alright, here we go!
Warning reader, I might be fangirling to an extreme because I love mah girl Nya and I've been wanting Kai and Nya's parents to be back ever since Hands of Time ended. So yeah... screaming alert 😅
At this point I don't doubt that the intro is great, we reached such a level of animation and we got The Fold 😍😍 Love the marine vibe and how it's similar to The Island, because it's a great intro 👌
NOW I like the writing! Maybe they rushed the dialogue's quality for The Island to get here? It's just fun and in character, maybe it's just me but I'm enjoying it a lot for now
How many episodes are in this? Wiki says ten, then I checked again and it's sixteen like with Master of Mountain... eh, it looks good so far so it's fine whatever happens 🤷‍♀️
Oohhh, new villain! One that uses... flames... huh, does she know there's literally a master of fire in the ninja team? Eh whatever she looks cute, give it up for Miss Demeanor!! 👏👏
Whoa, we're finding out where did the order of the vengestone from season 13 come from?? YAS! CONTINUITY!
Yep, there it is, Nya lost control... her attacks look so cool 😍
Lol that kid trying to be a nindroid and Zane being offended 😂😂 Sorry hun, you're that popular
Aaahhh, thank you Ninjago! You gave me back Nya the perfectionist 😂 I was worried her reaction to her powers wasn't going to be in character but it looks fair so far. Brings me back to Possession, my favorite season 💙💙💙
WE GOT BACK THE FACT THAT SHE CAN MAKE IT RAIN!!! YAS!!! I might be easy to please but I love these details 🤩
🤯🤯🤯 Okay they are definitely going somewhere this time and I LOVE IT, because wow. WOW. Are we actually addressing the forever questioned fact that wind and water weren't elements that Chen needed at the Tournament? Are we giving a reason for them to exist outside the main set of elements and the elemental masters?? Duuuude, season 15 don't let me stop you, keep going 😍
Mm, so water and wind are connected to Wojira (now I see the connection with the special). Are we setting the ground for a new master of wind? 😏😏 It's risky going for a Morro replacement but it's a super intriguing idea! Oooor Edgy Boy TM might come back? WHO KNOWS I'M CURIOUS ANYWAY 🤩
Love how it is universal knowledge that Nya is super indipendent 👌
YES YES FINALLY WE'RE TALKING ABOUT MAYA!!! 😍😍😍 Is it too much hoping into a Ray cameo as well?? Pleaaaase? Also addressing Krux after so many seasons, this feels exciting!! 😊
This is what I'm talking about, training, fighting scenes, show me everything that water goddess can do! 🌊🌊🌊
Aaahhh, Nya flexing her mightiness through anger, just to remind us that she is the descendant of a water master as much as of a fire master 😅
RAY IS THERE TOO HECK YES!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I shouldn't get this excited at only the first episode... WHO CARES RAY IS BAAAAACK!!! ❤❤❤
Omg Maya is definitely different from what I expected, turns out Kai's enthusiasm came from her 😂
Oh look at my flame babe 😍
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He's so happy his parents are here, he's a total family man ❤❤❤
Nya is maaaaad... 😅
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WELCOME BACK JILLIAN I MISSED YOU 💚💚💚 Would it be too much having a "Your voice sounds familiar" moment with Maya and Lloyd? 😂
I'm so stoked for this! I want all the interactions I've missed for all of this time, asap!! HECK yes!! 😍😍😍😍
Oh, are we looking over the Miss Demeanor, vengestone situation? Mm... for now at least... WHO CARES FIRE WATER PARENTS!! 🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊
Imma just slow clap for The Fold because this is another amazing intro, one of those things in this show that stays awesome no matter what happens 👍👍
So Maya gave Nya her discipline and perfectionism, but not the passion behind it 😂 I like this, it's not your conventional master of water, although I'd say it's different from the impression she gave me back in HoT. Maybe this is how she is when she's not trapped for fifty years? 😅😅
Is it too much asking for Kai and Ray bonding while the water women get the work done? 😅😅
Is this the sequel of Green Eggs and Ham?
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Green Pancakes and Ham? 😂
Oh it's seaweed nevermind... at breakfast? I'm all for sushi rolls but this is a little 😅 Although since Maya missed their childhood she probably never cooked meals for them... how did I get myself sad 😢
Whoa, Maya is a strict teacher! I got flashbacks from my first and only dance lesson, teachers nitpicking every single pose, uuurrrggg I feel ya waterlily 😡
Again, not a fan of Misako, but coming from her the whole speech about wanting to be there for her child makes a lot of sense
Yes. YES.
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Lol with Kai's new hair they look even more related 🤣
Ray also sounds so happy he gets to have his moment with his son 😢 I feel so blessed in this moment 👍
Also this scene makes a lot of sense. Nya grew up to be indipendent, one that succeed in most of stuff without problems, she built her life without any help and doesn't look for it. Kai grew up more insecure, he got some walls up but loves to take care of others and be taken care of. With a childhood lost he looks forward to a bit of softness ❤❤
Did Maya make real bacon for that sandwich? Do I smell some favoritism? 😅 Or maybe she really wants Nya to get onto the water mind setting idk 🤷‍♀️
Little tiny complain, why isn't Jay doing the fixing? Did he give up mechanics completely? It feels like we haven't seen him do tech stuff in so long, I miss techy boy in action 😞
And no, having to check on the bathroom doesn't count 😅
Aww robot date 💜🤍💜🤍
Oh that was weird, weird magic purple wave thingie?
"Well this is troubling." I love this samurai so freaking much 💜💜💜
Okay Nya admitting that something's wrong looking so apologetic, girl you don't need to do that you already own my heart 😭
Alright, I'm guessing this is Wojira's power or something, and they will have to go down below and find out why... just throwing this in, maybe Maya did something? Because she wanted to finally be with her family and needed an excuse? JUST A THEORY WITH NO BASE I REALLY HOPE I'M WRONG!!!
Okay, two episodes and I'm BEYOND engaged, let's keep it up! 😍
Getting an idea how this episode might end already 😂😂
Look, I love best girl Pixal, but I'm kinda sad that she seems to be the only one tinkering at this point. Like, I saw Nya fix little stuff, while Jay dropped engineering altogether, I miss my engineers team 😭
Aww, the guys didn't want to crush Pixal's dream of an unsinkable boat 💜 But honestly yeah, I agree with Cole, this might end badly 😅😅
Thank goodness
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I was worried they forgot about Jaya ❤💙❤💙 Jay is such a cutie omg
Nya: Mm, going on a potentially dangerous mission with unstable powers in the heart of my element or... mom's tofu pancakes... *yeets herself over the ship*
I'm making too many screenshots of the Smith family... WHO CARES THEY ARE BACK AND THEY ALL LOOK SO GOOD!!! 😍😍😍😍
Aww Ray wants to play with his son and his friends so CUTE ❤❤❤ Still can't believe they play Prime Empire after everything that went down 😂😂
Whoa whoa whoa, Kai and Cole are sitting this one out? That's actually interesting, I'm pretty sure I saw Cole's scuba suit in the sets though so I didn't expect it... lol it's actually kinda fair that the two that used to be afraid of water aren't going 😂😂
Bet Kai is happy to stay behind because he gets to spend time with his dad 😭
Also studying the fire elementals?? Uhm, yes please?? TELL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT MY FLAME BABE!!! 😍😍😍😍
I'm sure this one scene...
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... made so many lavashippers happy ❤🖤❤🖤 Cole you got Ray's blessing
Ninja team acting cool while Jay is being Jay, it's how it always goes, it's the entire show's description and I absolutely love it 😂 That wink though 💙
PIRATE ZANE IS BACK 😂😂😂 Haven't seen him since Possession, and this time he's not even malfunctioning 👌 Pixal is so done with his dorky boyfriend 😝
Of course Jay already has a ghost butler theory going on 😂
To be honest muffins would sold me too 😅 Not sure if she will make them out of tofu again though...
It's actually really interesting that we still haven't met the actual enemies, it does build up excitment! Very curious about these squid guys 👍
Well what do you know, the Unsinkable sank. Who would have thought?
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... yeah same, sorry Pix 😅
Aaaahhh, Nya fixing stuff! That's more like it!! 😍😍
Oww, that one speech, I've been waiting for so long for that! Maya just wants to catch up with her daughter and it's not her fault she was separated from her children, but Nya did everything on her own with Kai. Only fair she isn't seeking for her help right now... still sad 😢
Pff, with this ninja team there's not a moment of privacy 😂😂
Maya cleaning his future son-in-law's laundry what the HECK 😂😂😂 To be fair Jay has a bit of a history of having to change underwears during sea travels 😝
Zane was attached to a battery? When?... are you talking about that one scene in Prime Empire? Cause that's not really a flashback I wanna ha- whoops never mind got the flashback 😱
Maya looks more calm now, I think she's trying to act more reasonable and she's got good points 👍 I know people were a little weirded out by how more cheerful she looks in comparison to Hands of Time, but I think she gets the most serious and rational when time needs. That's actually fascinating of her 🤔
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THIS GIRL IS TOO GORGEOUS MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT 🤩🤩🤩 Like my gosh that smirk, what the heck Pix 💜💜💜
Okay but Jay looking at Nya until the doors are completely closed?? CAN YOU FEEL MY JAYA HEART BEATING?? ❤💙❤💙
Whoa green gas I thought this was Nya's season 😂
I really REALLY like the atmosphere of the entrante of the temple! Super sealike and ancient! 🌊🌊🌊
Maya: off we go, into the spooky old temple! (Why does it feel like something Kai would say? 😂)
Oh gee, someone sleeping in the deep, who could that be? Coff Wojira coff
Whoa the jellyfishes look pretty lifelike!
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WELCOME BACK GILES!!! ONCE AGAIN ON A LEGO SHOW I MISSED YOU SO MUCH YOU AND YOUR GODLIKE VOICE!!! 😍😍😍😍 Gosh he's a villain but he's got Clay's voice, how can I even try to hate him?? 😅
Alright, knocking down my water girls, that is pretty hateful material... BUT CLAAAYYY 💙💙💙
So they need the two amulets to wake up Wojira? Isn't one on the island? Fire dad and son coming to the rescue? WHO KNOWS BUT I'M ENJOYING THIS A LOT SO FAR KEEP GOING SEABOUND 😍😍😍
111 notes · View notes
ohmightydevviepuu · 3 years
for tonight you’re only here to know / part three
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(artwork used with permission from carpedzem) part one | part two | part three AO3
A/N:   no beta on this one. we die like real small creatures from alpha centauri.
Sometimes on the rarest nights Comes the vision calm and clear Gleaming with unearthly lights On our path of doubt and fear Winds from that far land are blown Whispering with secret breath Hope that plays a tune alone Love that conquers pain and death
We shall never find that lovely land of might-have-been I can never be your king, nor you can be my queen Days may pass and years may pass and seas may lie between We shall never find that lovely land of might-have-been
Ivor Novello
There is applause and it is thunderous as it echoes off the rafters and the walls and sneaks into the crevices between the bookshelves where every manner of humanity is squeezed in, side-by-side; he feels as if he can hear them all breathing, or trying to, hung on his every word even as he is reliving it. Every second.
There is a voice next to him, poking at the edges of his consciousness, and he remembers.
Who he is.
Where he is.
Here, and now.
He shifts in his chair and glances with only the barest hesitation at the device on the table in front of him that records his voice and transmits it even farther, to those who are not physically present. He directs his question at the woman seated next to him, pert eyes and short hair and a beaming smile.
“Apologies, love,” he says. “Can you repeat that last bit?”
“How does it end? Do the princess and the pirate--?”
“Oh, aye. They get their happily-ever-after. It’s a thrilling tale, to be sure.” He suits his tone to match his words but the truth, of course, was rather more gruesome. He shuts his eyes, an attempt to stave off the flood of memories that threatens to overtake him, replacing the brightness of the bookshop’s event stage with the bleakness and the blackness of the dungeon and how it felt to fall, to catch his breath--his breath, he was breathing. His view of her was magnificent, her hand outstretched in defiance, the purple glow of the squid ink he’d given her--pressed into her hand in a moment of desperation and trust and love--enveloping the Evil Queen and binding her, immobilizing her on the spot. Emma twirled--dancing--spun on sure feet the three steps between herself and the Queen and caught his heart in her hands before it hit the stone floor.
“Killian!” It was a scream and sometimes he hears it, still, in his nightmares.
 He coughs, swallowing bile.
There is--as if by magic--a bottle of water being pushed at him and he braces it against his left wrist, bringing into view the black glove he wears on his left hand as he twists off the cap and sips greedily, wishing it was possible to wash away the taste of a memory. The Dark One’s laughter as he smiled, as his teeth glittered and he straightened, pulling a sheet of paper from his pocket and blowing gently across the page as the words disappeared and re-formed in the air and settled on the bars, causing them to vanish. As if the bars were nothing more than an illusion, a trick, a plan. The creature lifted a single finger--in warning, in disappointment--pointed it at the Queen as he spoke. “You should have come to me for help when the Curse failed,” he whispered. It was conversational and chilling and the Queen her mouth to speak but said nothing, moved not a single muscle as she was bundled into the Dark One’s cell and the bars replaced, as solid as they ever had been. “You should have listened when I taught you the proper casting of it. And what have you to show for it, Your Majesty, after all of these years? Nothing.” The creature sighed. “Whereas I have a deal to conclude with this lovely young woman. Emma.”
The way he said the name was a caress and it was Emma’s turn to shiver, blinking as her palm turned up--the hand not holding Hook’s heart--and her knife pointed at the Dark One.
“Put that away, dearie,” the creature said. “I have other weapons I prefer. And you have something I need. And as soon as we are done--”
 The plastic crinkles in the tightening grip of his fingers; sometimes the sound it makes still surprises him, soft and loud at the same time.
The water spills and the woman jumps.
“I’m quite all right,” he assures her, and she does not know enough to know he is lying.
She giggles, gives a grin that flashes the whitest and most perfect set of teeth he’s ever seen.
“So the princess, does she give Hook his heart back?”
He pulls at the chains around his neck as if it is a reflex, and maybe it is--maybe every time he feels the weight on it he thinks of nothing but her fingers and the way she smiled when she tangled her hand in the chains and pulled him upright, golden hair and glittering eyes as she smiled at him, the rush of success and victory coursing through her though he could not feel it.
“That would be telling,” he says, raising a single eyebrow and plastering on another smile as a wave of laughter rumbles through the audience.
(Her sad smile and the nervous way she said, “I’ve never done this before.”)
(“Held my heart in your hands?” Hook’s hand on her wrist, the warmth and the energy there. (“You’ve had it for longer than you realize, love. It is--and always will be--yours.”)
“We’ll just have to read and find out,” she laughs, gesturing at the bound book stood up for display on the flimsy table.
The Land of Might-Have-Been.
By Killian Jones.
 “So, Killian.” Her eyes flutter. “Tell us more about your main character. Hook. Where did you get your inspiration?”
He smiles, his hand rubs at the back of his neck before he leans forward, anchoring his elbow on the table and settling his hand under his chin. “In some ways I think of him as the man I used to be,” he says. “The man I would have been, if I had not found my way to a change.”
He put his life on the line for two things: Love and revenge.
Captain Hook had been forged in the fires of the former.
Killian Jones had been set free by another kind of flame.
“I had a brother once. And a first love.” He rubs unconsciously at his right wrist, though the thick fabric of his shirt more than covers the tattoo there--more than covers all of them, the details of his life inked into his arm like a sleeve, that told the story as easily as the book did and in fewer words. “I was hurting, and chasing after anything that might help me to overcome that pain, to regain control.” The octopus curling around his shoulder and down the side of his torso; the roped sailor’s knots; the tangled thorns of the vines digging into his bicep, dripping black venom. “I realized that I could be a better man. That I wanted to be, and what I needed was to try something new.”
 The Dark One’s voice was silk and oil, smooth and greasy. “--as soon as we are done, Regina, you are going to give me Belle. You are going to tell me what you’ve done with her. I will flay you while you speak, perhaps, or--”
“Rumplestiltskin.” It was the first time Hook had spoken the man’s name in decades.
Names had Power.
Such as the power of distraction; Hook struck as the creature turned, blocking Emma’s whitening face from his view as he stepped in between them and grasped the creature’s wrist with his hook, wrapping his hand around the other. Wrapping his hand and the object he concealed there--for while Hook may have been fatally unprepared for his first encounter with the Dark One, he’d vowed never to be without recourse again.
The creature screamed as the cuff closed around his wrist and Hook said, “Surely you did not think I only traveled to Neverland in my quest for your demise? Cora sends her regards, crocodile.”
The Queen’s gasp was audible--as well it might be, for she had banished her mother to Wonderland almost thirty years ago--and Emma’s face was blank, a cipher, as the creature whirled back to face her, clutching his wrist as if his hand had been sliced off, and pleaded. “Missy. Missy…”
Hook stepped in between them, blocking the princess from the Dark One’s sight. “You want to make a deal, Dark One? Then you’re going to deal with me. That cuff will block your ability to access your magic unless or until I decide to remove it, and not a minute sooner.” He turned to Emma. “Promise me, Swan, that you will see to it that Ariel truly got away safely, back to her prince and to her home. And perhaps you can do for Graham what you have done for me.”
“Killian.” Power. Magic. Fire. “What are you going to do?”
 The room around him is fully silent and even the interviewer is holding her breath when Killian says, “I thought about what it would be like for him--for Hook--if he had a chance to be a part of something. Because I know a little something about that, about not being able to forget your first love, to believe that you can’t move on. But all it took was meeting the right person--”
And on his left shoulder blade, just above his heart, a swan.
 “It’s like he said. The Curse failed, love,” Hook said. “None of this was meant to happen--none of this is what he foresaw, or what she planned. Isn’t that right, crocodile?”
The Evil Queen moved as if to strike, as if she had--or would ever have again--that freedom of movement, but the Dark One merely smiled.
“It wasn’t just your parents that were meant to be swept away by the Queen’s curse,” Hook said. “It was all of us. This entire realm sent someplace else, into a Land Without Magic. That’s where Baelfire went when he left his father.” Hook paused before continuing. “When he left me. He believed it was the only place he would be safe.”
“What’s your point, pirate?” The Dark One snapped.
“My point is that all magic comes with a price. My point is that when the spell failed, something went wrong. And now is your chance, crocodile--to tell us. The truth. And in return--” he held up his hand, pointed it at the Dark One in attempt to forestall the protest that was surely imminent “--I will tell you where the maid is, your precious Belle. Where Regina has kept her all of these years. Perhaps I will even remove that cuff and allow you to do something about it.”
It took all of his strength not to mention the other thing, the object that consumed his days and his nights and his nightmares for the better part of three decades. The object that could kill the Dark One--his crocodile, Milah’s murderer. But Hook had made his choice.
He just wished he could feel it--feel her--the fire--the magic--because now he had a name for it, the way he felt about her--all of the things she made him feel and want and believe.
“Tell us, and I will use the portal to bring back the King and the Queen; I will leave, so long as you leave Emma out of this. Emma and her family will be free of you and all of your schemes, hereafter.”
The creature cocked his head and tasted the air with his tongue, considering, until--
“No.” Emma was definitive.
The creature giggled as Emma moved, deliberately switching places with Hook to place herself between him and the crocodile, so she could force him to look at her and her green eyes. “I don’t need saving,” she said.
Hook smiled and said, “That’s good. Because I’m not a hero.”
“I can handle it. I’m not a damsel in distress.” She was lying; there was distress written all over her face, but this--this was something he could do for her, something he wanted to do. Something with purpose, with meaning, something new.
“Emma, think of yourself. Of your family. Of your kingdom. You can’t leave--and even if you could--there would be nothing left for me here. Not even the pursuit of my revenge. I cannot be that man any more. Darkness and hatred have left my life empty.” He cupped his hand over her cheek and stroked the tear forming there, brushing it aside. “I do not want to end up like Regina. Please.”
It was then and not a moment sooner that the world he’d so carefully constructed over the long years shattered, finally--completely--to pieces. As he stepped forward and pulled her against him, a drowning man grasping for a rope. As he pressed his lips to hers and she kissed him as if he were dying and she alone had oxygen.
 “So, one last question, then, Killian. We’ll take it from the audience this time.”
In the crowd, someone rises--there is a flash of blonde and blue and Killian cannot--he cannot--
The woman’s eyes sparkle with amusement as she speaks. “Killian,” she says, “do you believe in True Love?”
Killian smiles. He forces himself to. He exhales a laugh.
He exhales a laugh to cover up the fact that all of his breath seems, suddenly, to leave his body.
On account of a kiss.
It wasn’t supposed to happen like that, slow degrees of feeling welling up inside him, coming from someplace deep and unfamiliar except for the heat and the magic that seemed to guide it; he had no defense for it, no protection against it, and it built into a wave so powerful that to feel it crest over him, exploding in sparkes of rainbow light, was nothing so much as a relief. He staggered back under its impact and braced himself against the bars of Regina’s cell and watched as a door formed before his--before their--eyes. His heart, so recently returned to him, pounding so hard that everything around him seemed to vibrate--his mind a thick haze of fire and light and magic. The torches in the dungeon ablaze and every kiss before this one merely a prelude, flint to light the kindling.
The door was three times the height of a man, taller than the dungeon as it seemed to pierce the ceiling. When it opened there was a lonely stretch of forest bisected by a strangely-paved path and a sign.
“Welcome to Storybrooke.”
At the sign--or more properly at the edge of it, just where it met the road--was a vessel unlike any Hook had ever seen before, heaving and steaming as a man kicked at it, swearing under his breath as if his invective would serve as fuel.
“Father,” Emma whispered.
And--from inside the vessel--a woman’s voice; “Mother.” There was the sound of something opening and closing as a piece of the thing swung open--a door--and a boy slid out.
No. Not a boy.
A young man.
The Evil Queen growled.
The Dark One hissed.
And Emma said, “Oh. Oh, shit.”
 The lights are dim and the crowd dispersed as he leaves, waving a hand behind him and walking away from the storefront branded Housing Works Bookstore. It’s dry--a rarity in this city, he has found--dry and cool and clear, and if he angles his head just so between the so-called ‘skyscrapers’ there is a faint glimmer of the stars that are very nearly the same here as they were there. He still remembers them, the way they shone in her eyes as the truth of what they were watching through the portal struck her.
“I have a brother,” she said, and her voice seemed to carry across the portal, across time and space, because a petite, dark-haired woman nearly fell out of the vessel as she looked up, looked around.
It was a sound of disbelief and doubt and hope but it, too, carried; the man straightened, the vessel forgotten as he started walking unerringly toward the portal that surely he could not see.
Emma swore again and turned to her grandmother, to the Evil Queen, and said, “They remember?” Out of all the possible questions, of course she chose the least expected. How--why--what--none of them was as salient as the simple fact. They remembered.
The Queen raised in eyebrow in pure hauteur and Emma grabbed his hook and pulled him toward the door. “I must go to them,” she said, and he followed.
He would follow her to the end of the world and beyond; with a cry and a lunge she hurled herself at them, at her parents, at her brother.
Hook watched as Queen Snow took her daughter’s head in her hands and kissed the forehead, delicately--as King David pulled his daughter into his arms and cupped the back of her head, gently--as Leo introduced himself.
“Please don’t call me Leopold,” he said, and Emma laughed through her tears.
“This is Killian,” she said. “Captain Killian Jones.”
David’s eyes narrowed as he took in the silver prosthetic where Hook’s left hand used to be. “Captain Hook?”
But Snow said, “Now is not the time, David,” and her green eyes shone almost as brightly as her daughter’s as she looked at him, up and down from his boots to his eyes that were lowered, respectfully--as she stepped forward and took his face in her hands the same way she had taken Emma’s. “Thank you,” she said.
Hook blushed. “I--milady--gratitude is hardly necessary,” he said. His voice was low and gravelly and, for the first time in a long time, uncertain. He was uncertain and his hand reached, unthinkingly, for Emma’s, for the warmth and the comfort he found there.
“You found us,” Snow insisted.
“Emma found you,” Hook said.
“And I never doubted she would,” Snow said. “But I know what you did for her, why she is able to be here right now.”
“What--” Hook swallowed. “What did I do?”
Queen Snow looked at him, and looked at her daughter, at their hands clasped together and said, “True Love’s Kiss. It’s the only magic strong enough to break any curse.”
“Oh,” Hook said. Oh.
He dropped Emma’s hand and stepped back.
The King grumbled. “Let’s discuss this at home. We have a kingdom to take back.” Then, under his breath: “Again.”
The word hung in the air. Home.
Hook took another step back--turned away--opened his mouth--all he knew, with certainty, was that he could not go back there. He could not go back to that place and that person who carried around all of that darkness and anger and hate. He wanted to stay. He was a pirate, a Lost Boy; it would not be the first time in his life that he found himself in a new place with nothing but his wits and his hook and the things he carried.
But Swan--
Princess Emma.
He would follow her. Of course he would. He could just as soon live without air as he could live without her.
(He’s known that since the first morning he’d woken up to find her gone; he’s known that every night he’s dreamed of her and every morning since.)
“Oh,” Snow said. “Oh.” Mother and daughter watched each other, identical eyes matched in understanding. “Emma’s not coming home,” Snow said.
  It is very nearly midnight when Killian returns home, unlocking his front door with practiced ease and slipping the keys into the pocket of his leather blazer.
What he is not prepared for, or expecting, is her.
Waiting for him.
(Truth be known, he might never be.)
Emma Swan, his True Love, is waiting for him, her green eyes twinkling in the streetlights that are shining through the windows of their flat and still--always--nothing prepares him for the sight of her. Her golden hair is lighter now, streaked with very fine strands of silver; the blue leather of her jacket is bright and adorned with zippers instead of gemstones. She wears no jewelry, in this place--they sold most of it a long time ago. Her only adornment is a silver chain around her neck and the ring he gave her--his brother’s ring--between her breasts.
“You beat me home,” he says.
“You had your adoring fans to contend with,” she says, and laughs. Killian shuts the door behind him and inhales, slowly, savoring it the way he always does--sweet and spicy--and she watches him.
“Your eyes,” she says. “I love the way you look at me. Still.”
And it’s not a dream, but sometimes it still feels like one, when she grabs him and says his name and--somehow--he can feel the Power in it. She grabs him and he forgets where they are and when they are and he remembers the day she decided to stay here. With him.
“I didn’t ask for any of this,” she said, looking at her mother and her father and her younger brother, the heir-presumptive once the King and the Queen were back on their rightful thrones. Killian had no doubts that they would see to Regina, and to the Dark One. Snow would give Graham back his heart and make certain that Belle was safe and cared for.
For the moment, there were more important matters to attend to.
Snow White ran her fingers through her daughter’s hair. Her voice was somehow strong and brittle at the same time--understanding twinged with sadness. “No,” she murmured. “You didn’t.”
Emma didn’t cry when she said, “I want something free of all of this. Free of the past and all its scars. Something I’ve chosen. Away from--”
“Us,” King David--the man once known across realms as Prince Charming--said.
“No,” Emma said. “But--yes. I’m sorry.”
That’s when David took her in his arms. “You have nothing to apologize for. Not to us. Not ever. We love you. All that matters is that you know that, and are happy.”
And they were.
They are.
Together; they still make a good team.
“You didn’t answer my question,” she whispers. “Do you believe in True Love, Killian?” She stands on her toes and kisses him and it’s full of sweetness and love and he can feel it--the warmth and comfort and the magic that they were both told couldn’t exist in this place but which they kindled with the light they made for each other. The past, here, is nothing more than a bad dream from which he’s awakened, finding himself in her arms until the nightmares are banished and there is nothing but the two of them.
Killian lifts his mouth from hers and takes her hands and kisses them, the backs, each knuckle, before he settles them over his heart. It beats, hard but steady--so steady--as he holds her hands there. “Aye, love,” he says. “You are my happy ending.”
She pulls her hands away, pulls his hands in hers as she says, “That’s not what this is.” He feels it through the layers of her clothing as his hand rests over her abdomen--the flutter there--and he laughs, as she smiles a real smile, that same smile, from the night they met. “It’s a happy beginning.”
And that, surely, is nothing short of magic.
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fleetingpieces · 4 years
Everything we were
You can read Chapter 1 here if you missed it!
Chapter 2
Everything was quiet at number twelve Grimmauld Place. It was the middle of the night after all, everyone was supposed to be sleeping. But then again, twelve Grimmauld Place was not like most households. For example, if you were to go inside (not that you could), you probably wouldn’t be able to tell that two little kids lived there. Most children would leave a trail of toys and messiness around, and light up the place with laughter.
In this residence though, everything was dark. The walls, the floors and most of the people that lived inside. Light just seemed to be absorbed by the very house, leaving an almost permanent gloomy atmosphere. Every room had a sense of royal dignity, and the only sign that there were children living in the building could be found in the two rooms on the top floor. In there, small snippets of young disarray and life could be seen, even if the house elf tried to keep everything up to the standards of such an important family: A broom fallen on the floor, quidditch magazines under the bed and a deck of exploding snap discarded on top of a desk. It was also there that you could hear the whispered laughter. Just like tonight.
On top of the bed in one of the dark rooms, a makeshift tent was erected with bed covers, and the silhouettes of two young boys were drawn on the canvas. Sirius Black was huddled underneath, being careful not to drop the lamp he had brought in so he and his brother Regulus could read the letter for what felt like the hundredth time.
“I can’t believe you are going to Hogwarts tomorrow.”
“Well you better believe it dear brother, ‘cause I’m going to make history!” Sirius grinned at Regulus like a madman, making him giggle.
“You are 11, what do you mean ‘make history’?”
“I am working through my options little Reggie, but I was thinking I should definitely try and ride that giant squid.”
That made Regulus laugh harder and roll on the bed, clutching his stomach. Sirius smiled at him affectionately.
“I’m being serious here, Reg.”
“As fun as it would be to see you thrown around by giant tentacles, you probably shouldn’t.” Regulus stopped laughing and got more thoughtful. “Please be careful brother, you don’t want to disappoint mother.”
Sirius frowned at this. His brother was right of course, but the mention of their parents brought that familiar heavy feeling in his chest. Even if he tried, there were always things that made his parents feel disappointed. He didn’t walk straight enough, didn’t study hard enough, he corrupted his brother by hugging and laughing too much. Sirius didn’t know many kids other than the ones in his family, but he sometimes thought that the way they were brought up was not completely normal. The coldness from the house and his parents made him sad, and the only reason why he knew that he wanted more was because of the nice fuzzy feeling he got whenever he and Reg were playing together out of their parents' sight.
Orion and Walburga Black were very strict, the most important things for them being reputation and power. Sirius didn’t really care about any of those, even if he did like the attention. He wondered, not for the first time, if he should talk about his discomfort with Regulus, but his brother didn’t seem to have the same doubts, he was always happy to please their parents. Then again, Reg was his only friend. Sirius bit his lip for a second, making up his mind. He had just opened his mouth when he was suddenly interrupted.
“Where do you think the Slytherin common room is?”
Sirius pursed his lips. “I heard Bella and Narcissa say that it’s in the dungeons, underneath the lake.” He frowned, considering. “Not sure I believe that last part, to be honest.”
“I guess you will find out soon enough,” said Reg, glancing up with an excited smile that made Sirius shift uncomfortably. It was now or never.
“Reggie…do you think that our parents…” He stopped, taking a deep breath. “I mean. Do you ever think what they say is not right?”
Reg’s smile fell, suddenly he looked scared and glanced around, as if he thought their mother might be hiding in the wardrobe. “What do you mean?”
“Well it’s just that sometimes I don’t understand. This blood thing for example. It’s not really the mudblood’s fault, so why hate them? They didn’t do anything wrong, right?”
“I don’t know Siri…Mum and Dad must know what they are talking about.”
“I don’t know how to explain it, it just doesn’t feel like that to me!” Sirius huffed, frustrated. It never really made sense to him, why be against someone just because of who their parents were? Sirius didn’t know why it felt weird to him, all of his cousins and the few kids he knew, like Malfoy, believed in this speech. With the possible exception of Andromeda, but no one spoke about her anymore. “I think there should be more to it. But mum always tells me off when I ask questions.”
Reg’s eyes widened, he looked positively nervous now, but also a bit awestruck.
“You asked her?”
“Yeah,” Sirius rubbed his ear absent-mindedly, exactly where his mum pulled whenever he questioned her. Then he scoffed. “Not that she ever gave me any answers.”
Regulus caught Sirius’ hands and held on tight to them, looking at him earnestly. “Siri, please be careful. Try to stay out of trouble, don’t give mum any excuses to…” He stopped himself and looked down. When his eyes found Sirius’ again, they were shining. “I’m going to miss you.”
Sirius’ body relaxed at his little brother’s words. “Don’t worry, a little hex on a fellow student every now and then is fine.” Sirius winked. Then he tugged at Regulus’ hands, pulling him into a tight embrace. “I will miss you too Reg. But think about it, next year we’ll be together at school! We won’t have to hide in our rooms to play then.”
They both grinned at each other as that idea settled in.
“Yeah! Then we can spend time in the common room! Not sure how I feel about the dungeons though...” Regulus pulled a face that Sirius wanted to laugh at, but instead he stared at his lap to avoid his brother’s excitement. He fidgeted before he gathered the courage to speak up again.
“What if…what if I am not in Slytherin?” When Regulus gasped, Sirius hurried to add, “I mean, it wouldn’t matter, right? Even if we end up in different houses it would be fine! …Right?” He looked up hopefully at Regulus’ weary expression, his heart clenching.
“But Siri…Every Black has been sorted into Slytherin before. Even Andromeda! And you know how she is…”
“I know, but I don’t think I would fit in...I feel like I don’t belong there. But I don’t believe it matters that much anyway.”
Regulus watched Sirius silently, feeling impressed. He worshipped Sirius. The feeling he got from his older brother had always been one of love and acceptance. He knew that no matter what, Sirius would always wait for him with open arms, talk to him like nothing mattered other than the two of them, and listen to him when something was making Reg anxious.
“Please, just…don’t forget about me.”
“’Course I won’t Reggie! I will write to tell you everything. And even if we are not in the same house, you will always be my little brother.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
They both smiled again, hugging one last time before Sirius got up and placed the lamp back on the desk. He wanted to stay with Reg so they could sleep together before he had to leave. He knew Reg wanted the same thing by the way the smaller boy was looking at him, and the small sound of protest he made, but they both knew Walburga would never approve. Instead, Sirius tucked his little brother in and ruffled his hair.
“I love you Reggie.”
Regulus pulled the covers up to his nose, too embarrassed to say it out loud. He knew he wasn’t supposed to. But Sirius knew. He smiled fondly at Regulus, closed the door on his way out and headed to the room across the hall. Lying under his own covers, Sirius thought for a while about everything they had spoken about.
Being alone there, his bed felt awfully cold.
  Platform 9 ¾ seemed almost too bright and noisy the next morning. Parents were hugging their children and saying goodbye, students were laughing with their friends, reunited after a long summer apart, with the red engine belching clouds of white smoke over the chattering crowd. Sirius just stood there, back straight, trying not to show how marvelled he was. His mother was standing next to him, looking at everyone down her nose with a sneer on her face. Glancing the other way quickly to hide his frown, Sirius’ eyes landed on a young woman with blond hair, who was crouched down in front of a small tawny haired boy, hugging him tightly with a smile on her face. He wasn’t sure why the sight made him feel uncomfortable, but still he couldn’t look away. Apparently it was more common than he thought, to hug your kid like that in front of everyone. Most parents at the station were doing it. His mind drifted, wondering how it would feel like to have someone fuss affectionately over him like that.
His Mum’s stern voice broke his train of thought, making him look up at her expectantly. He was going to be away for a very long time. Maybe his mum would hug him too?
“Stand up properly, you are slouching. Do not forget, you are not like these people.”
Straightening his back so much it almost hurt, Sirius tried to hide his disappointment. He squared his shoulders and lifted his chin, but his mum was still giving him a severe look.
“Now go along. And don’t forget where you come from, Sirius. Toujours Pur. Do not mingle with filth.” She said the last part while looking at a boy in front of them, who was jumping excitedly next to his parents. He had dark hair and was pointing at the train while tugging repeatedly at his mum’s sleeve, both adults were laughing and smiling fondly at him.
“Yes, mother.” Sirius used the distraction to covertly squeeze Reg’s hand before dragging his trunk to the closest carriage. He tried not to run and keep a dignified air about him, something that was really hard to do given the excitement that was starting to take over his whole body.
As soon as he was out of sight from his mum, his posture relaxed visibly. Sirius found an empty compartment and went straight to the window for a final wave, but his mother was already dragging Regulus out of the station. Scowling, he sat down and tried not to feel hurt, which became easier to do as the idea of finally going to Hogwarts seized him again with a new wave of enthusiasm. Soon, he was daydreaming about what it would be like. He knew it wasn’t right, but he just couldn’t wait to learn magic and do something fun. More than that, he couldn’t wait to make friends. Sirius got comfortable on his seat, putting his back against the window so he wouldn’t have to see the parents loitering there for a last goodbye, and stretched his legs in front of him on top of the seat.
There was a sudden noise outside when someone opened the door loudly, and a boy around his age came in smiling.
“Hey mate! Can I sit here?”
It was the dark haired boy from before, the one his mother clearly didn’t want him to associate with. Sirius glanced at him slowly, considering. He was slight, his raven hair pointed in every direction and his robes, even though they were clearly new and expensive, looked dishevelled and carefree. There was an air about him of someone well cared for that Sirius felt unconsciously drawn to. The smile on his face was so big, Sirius could feel the corners of his own mouth quirking up. He couldn’t think of any reason to refuse him, the boy seemed nice enough, so Sirius offered a lazy smile in return.
“Yeah, ‘course you can.”
“Awesome. I’m James Potter, by the way,” the boy said before promptly throwing himself on the seat in front of Sirius.
“Sirius Black.”
“Black? I think the name rings a bell.”
Sirius scoffed and sat properly, making a great impression of the stuck up git his mother expected him to be.
“Of course it does. You should feel honoured, you are in the presence of the heir to The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.”
James laughed loudly and adopted a similar posture, one hand behind his back and the other drawn to his chest. He made a mock bow, and spoke in a pompous tone.
“Well you, my friend, have the even greater honour of being in front of the heir to the Sleekeazy fortune.”
Sirius threw his head back and laughed in a way that somehow felt relieving. It was free and natural, and Sirius found himself wondering if he’d ever laughed like that before.
“How can you be the heir to the most famous hair potion and still have a bird’s nest on your head!”
“Oy! I’ll have you know, I prefer my hair like this. Looks cooler.”
“Sure mate, whatever you say,” said Sirius, but he grinned.
Just as the train was starting to move, the compartment door slid open again, and a girl with red hair stormed in. She slumped on a seat as far away from the boys as possible and hid her face behind a curtain of her long hair. James and Sirius looked at each other and shrugged.
“So what do you reckon we’ll be learning first?” James asked.
“I don’t know, but I can’t wait to try this Bat-bogey hex I’ve read about.”
“Cool! I asked my Dad to teach me some hexes, but Mum refused. Said I was enough trouble as it is. But Dad helped me hide some dung bombs in my trunk when Mum wasn’t looking,” said James with a mischievous smirk on his face.
As time went by, Sirius was surprised to find himself feeling more and more relaxed. Talking to James was so easy, he didn’t have to think about his every word before speaking. It was natural. James was the opposite of all the kids he’d met before. He was lively and easy going, but sure of himself in a way that wasn’t obnoxious like most of the purebloods Sirius knew.
The landscape outside the window was rolling at a high speed, and for the third time in what seemed like only a short while, the door to the compartment opened. Another dark haired boy, already in his Hogwarts robes, came in and sat in front of the girl, muttering something to her. The two boys ignored them, too engrossed in their own conversation, until the new boy started getting excited, and his voice louder.
“This is it! We’re off to Hogwarts! You’d better be in Slytherin.”
At the last word, James’ head snapped up.
“Slytherin?” The two other students turned around to face him. “Who wants to be in Slytherin? I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you?” James asked Sirius, who was lounging on his seat. Sirius frowned, feeling his heart sink a little.
“My whole family have been in Slytherin.”
“Blimey,” said James, “and I thought you seemed all right!”
Sirius grinned to hide his nervousness.
“Maybe I’ll break the tradition. Where are you heading, if you’ve got the choice?”
James lifted an invisible sword.
“’Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart!’ Like my dad.”
The boy by the door made a small, disparaging noise. James turned on him.
“Got a problem with that?”
“No,” he said, though his slight sneer said otherwise. “If you’d rather be brawny than brainy –”
“Where are you hoping to go, seeing as you’re neither?” interjected Sirius.
James roared with laughter. The red-haired girl, with her big green eyes that looked like she’d been crying, sat up, rather flushed, and looked from James to Sirius in dislike.
“Come on, Severus, let’s find another compartment.”
“Ooooo …”
James and Sirius imitated her lofty voice, and James smirked in their direction.
“See ya, Snivellus!”
The compartment door slammed, making the two boys roll in hysterics.
“What a git!”
“Maybe you can try that Bat-bogey hex on him,” said James, and they both burst out laughing again.
Note: The meeting scene between James, Sirius, Snape and Lily in this chapter is adapted from a Harry Potter book, and consequently does not belong to me, I just built the story around it.
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hollenka99 · 3 years
The Futility of Talking
Summary: Ghostbur decides Soulbur needs people to talk to.
Warnings: implied suicidal ideation, referenced parental neglect, referenced animal death, nearly drowning (accident unrelated to the first tw)
It takes days of wandering in the woods for Ghostbur to gradually decide he's had enough. It's isolating out here in the open. This isn't helped by the fact Soulbur seems hellbent on avoiding him whenever he is bestowed the privilege of catching a glimpse. Did he do something wrong? If he made Soulbur upset somehow, he'd really love to apologise and work through it.
Friend turns his head at a slight rustle coming from the trees. Ghostbur's face lights up when he follows the sheep's gaze and his eyes land on a calico lazing around on a branch. He commands Friend to stay there. Climbing the tree isn't that difficult so it doesn't take him long to perch on an adjacent branch, hand outstretched to gain the cat's trust. "Hi, I'm Ghostbur. Do you like chin scratches? I know she did." He sits by the steam, pole in hand. He's done for the morning with the trading he set out to the village for. There seems to be more than enough fish to spare here so today is getting more successful by the hour. A squid found itself on the end of his line earlier too. He'll have to work out how to prepare it. He's sure Phil demonstrated once but that was likely years ago. Phil himself has gone off for a short trip and was due to return by this evening. If Wilbur can keep the squid fresh enough, he'll ask him for advice so they can have some tomorrow night. A stray cat has warily made her way towards him. No sudden movements, he remembers. Strays tend to be skittish (this one evidently no exception) and need patience shown to them if you wish to pet one. He slowly offers the cat a chunk of one of the fish. She loves it and it is clear she is requesting more. So he gives in to her incessant mewling. What he hadn't considered during this interaction was how quickly a stray could begin viewing you with affection if you gave them the time of day. Having hung around him while he fished, she inevitably follows him after he packs up to go home. At first, he'd chuckled in a 'ha look at this cat attach itself to me' way. Then she leapt into his little boat and it suddenly grew more serious. Uh, yeah, you might not want to go all the way home with him, little kitty, it'll be a hell of a hike home otherwise. She looks to him expectantly. Ha, okay I know I gave you some fish today but you can't have any more because I need some left to eat myself so it's best if you hop out of- Oh alright you're going to clamber onto my lap, huh? Fine, fine, I'll let you hang out at my house for a little while. Prepare yourself for Tommy though, that kid can be a fairly boisterous at times. Tommy is quicker to greet her than help his brother with the bloody shopping or today's catch. He fusses over her as if she was already their pet. "Oh nice, have we got ourselves a cat then?" "No, they're-" Yes. Yes, they were absolutely going to take in this stray, weren't they? God damn it. "They're going to need a name before we do that." The two of them bounce names off of each other. In the mix are the likes of Pumpkin, Carrot, Rose, Apricot and Amber. Wilbur jokingly suggests 'Basilina' in reference to something which unfortunately leaves Tommy's face blank. Whatever gets suggested, none of the options come across as the right one. "Why do people call orange red?" Tommy asks out of nowhere. "Oh, it's because you're never going to get an animal with fur that's actually red but orange is close enough so you get people saying orange fur is red. Something like that. It's the same way someone might look at a cat and call their fur blue when actually it's more grey with blue tones." "That's dumb." Tommy scoffs. "Hey, apples are red." "...They are, yes." "I want to call her Apple." "I thought you liked Pumpkin a minute ago." "She can be both." "Like a first name-last name kind of deal? Well... I think Appleby might be an actual surname that exists so what do you think about Pumpkin Appleby?" The small boy bursts into giggles. "That's the stupidest name I have ever heard." "Oh really? Well if you're so great at coming up with names on the fly, you do better." He teases. Tommy frowns with concentration as he deliberates on the perfect identity for this ginger cat who has wandered into their lives until he comes up with "Apple Pumpkinson." "Sure." He laughs. "Sure, we'll call her Apple Pumpkinson, I guess. As good a name as any." He crafts the name tag that very afternoon. With the cat clearly not interested in social interaction right now, Ghostbur leaps to the ground. A familiar animal comes into existence. Apple gets a fair amount of attention before complying with his offer of being carried. It's been so long since he had her against his chest. It feels good. "Come on, let's find Soulbur. I'm sure he'll want to meet you." --- There is a voice drifting in the wind from somewhere nearby. Close enough to hear, far enough to not be able to discern more details about its origins. He knows it is most likely Ghostbur trying to chat with him despite all his effort to evade his company. Forgive him for hardly having 'talking through our last interaction' on his hypothetical 'stuff I'd prefer to do today' list. But then again, it could not be. Someone could have somehow breached the boundaries of his private world. Is that possible? He... thinks so. To be fair, he can leave so there must be exploitable fault lines somewhere. Perhaps he should defend himself. Obviously, a threat to his safety can only go so far given that he can't permanently sustain injuries, let alone die again. And fuck knows he never gave much of a shit about physically protecting himself in those last several weeks of life. But look at him waste valuable time deliberating. Shit like that could easily get you killed. Whoever is approaching, they're getting closer. Maybe Ghostbur. Maybe someone who doesn't wish him well. Does he risk trusting the most likely option? Or does he risk coming across as a paranoid weirdo who overthinks the slightest things too often? He's in an open space with no-one else around, in a sectioned off part of the void that no-one visits. Ha, someone could take him out and Ghostbur likely wouldn't find him until tomorrow or whatever. But wants to believe this will have the best outcome as a result of heavily misinterpreting his senses. God, there he goes again, decreasing his chances of properly defending himself from a potential threat in time. Listen, it's probably Ghostbur so don't manifest a weapon, it's probably Ghostbur so don't manifest a weapon, it's probably Ghostbur so don't manifest a weapon. He draws a sword as he whips around. If the pursuer is far away, he has time to switch to something long range like a bow and arrow. Otherwise, he won't have the chance to correct what could be a fatal mistake. "Hi, Soulbur!" The smile drops in shock. "O-Oh." See? Just Ghostbur with Friend tagging along close behind. Honestly, who else would it be? "Ghostbur." Shoulders sag in what could be interpreted as relief or some sort of exhaustion. The sword drops from his loosened grip, vanishing as if it never existed in the first place. He makes no further comment when he notices there's a ginger cat in the ghost's arms. Not just any feline with orange fur either. There is no doubt in his mind who this is. He wants to be flooded with recollections of petting sessions, moments spent unable to leave the spot he was sitting due to a napping lump and times he'd laughed while getting yelled at. Yet no matter how hard he tries, only two associated memories reveal themselves to be prominent. The first revolves around sitting on the large bed, one arm occupied with Fundy while the other drew Tommy closer without causing his brother's hand to slip away from the fur it was emerged in. The other featured the sweltering heat of the Nether and knowing it was possibly the very last place he wished to be at that very moment. "Do you remember her?" "Y-Yeah, I think so." He attempts to crouch but, thanks to still coming down from hyperactive thoughts, he miscalculates his balance and ends up sitting within seconds. Allowed back on the ground, Apple cautiously approaches Soulbur's offered backhand. "Oh." He exhales. "Hi, Aps." His eyes can fuck off. There is no way in hell he's letting himself cry over something that happened years ago. Especially not with Ghostbur present. Instead he focuses on gently kneading the spots behind her ears. "I am so sorry. It's my fault for not monitoring you more closely." "I'm guessing she stayed with Phil after Tommy, Fundy and Alivebur left." "You think we would have left her at home? No, no, no. She's been gone for years. It was back when Fundy was tiny. Tommy was watching him while we made dinner but called us over for something. We could have sworn we covered those mushrooms but Tommy made it sound urgent and we..." Soulbur's gaze redirects itself with a soft sigh. She glances back at him. "Why the hell did you have to go snooping around and nibbling on things you're not supposed to, huh missy?" "I don't know why but Tommy got it into his head it would be cool if we buried her in the Nether. Pretty sure we were too emotionally drained to say anything other than 'fuck it, why not'. There was a warped forest not far from where the nearest portal landed us so we left her under one of the trees. Did you like that? I know it was a bit warmer than you'd expect it to be." 'Tell me more about her', he wants to say. 'I know I'll forget pretty much as soon as you finish but could you spare a story?', he nearly asks. 'Let's practise futility together', he is seconds away from offering. "Thank you." He instead says. "So... are we letting bygones be bygones then?" "Did something happen? I'm trying to think but nothing is coming up." "Uh, yeah." He frowns. "We-" Oh. Of fucking course. Stupid him for stressing about a potential confrontation between them where they'd need to discuss their argument. All this time and Ghostbur didn't even bloody recall any of it. Well done, Soulbur, for wasting your goddamn week. His only consolation was that at least several days meant nothing when compared to near-infinity. "Never mind. It wasn't important anyway." "I'm sorry if I did something bad. I'm really trying to remember." "Sure. Whatever. Doesn't matter so don't worry about it. Either way, I'm sorry too." All across their world, out of their view, every fungal species goes extinct in an instant. Mostly because he refuses to let history to repeat itself, partially because he needs to say fuck you to something. --- Ghostbur is delighted to see Soulbur when he makes a surprise visit. It's completely unexpected but somehow, it makes the interruption to his day all the better. His counterpart encourages him to follow along. Apparently, there is something Soulbur would like to show him. He asks after Apple as they travel. She's doing alright and is back at Soulbur's hideout. Across a hill is an entire valley of flowers, populated by a variety of colourful plants. There were daisies over there, a rainbow's worth of tulips scattered in most directions and oh look, patches of bare grass. Friend will love that. At the centre of the flowery ocean is a dark blue pool of the flower he's been struggling to find up until now. From the edge where they are standing, there is pleasant line of birch trees acting as a border. Looking further, he spots a lake of the other side. "This whole thing is yours." "Everything?" "Yep. Knock yourself out." "But why?" "Because I can?" He shrugs. "You got me Apple and I'm not such a huge twat that I wouldn't at least attempt to return the gesture." "Thank you!" Ghostbur throws his arms open, spontaneously moving towards the other half of Alivebur. The momentum doesn't lead to his body affectionately colliding with Soulbur's. Instead, it causes his hands to impact with the ground, the only things preventing his face from joining them. Glancing up, he catches wide eyes staring back at him and the twitch of an arm that, in another set of circumstances, might not have been 'corrected' before the command to complete the intended action was fulfilled. Then the sight vanishes as Soulbur's expression morphs into something more akin to a fed up frown. "Yeah, don't mention it. No need to make a big fuss. In fact, I think I'm done here. Just um... maybe you could set your base here. I don't think you ever got around to actually building a house, right? You could clear some wood from these trees and put it around about here." With that, he sets off. Like... he always does. Looking out over it once more, there is no doubt that this place really was gorgeous. He's grateful that Soulbur thought to make something like this for him, he truly is. However, he can't fully appreciate it because Soulbur always seemed to end up mad whenever Ghostbur was around. He's even materialised a pearl to make his escape faster. Oh, hang on, what if it's simply him that's the issue? You can't expect somebody to like everyone they know. Perhaps the solution is to provide him with more people to talk to. He'd only had Schlatt (their lifetime hatred had transferred over) and Mexican Dream (while their relationship was better, it was hardly like they were close, as far as Ghostbur could tell). Now that this line of thought has occurred to him, he could also benefit from speaking to expanding his social circle while here. He sighs. But first, he should find Friend. He's sure his loyal companion of a sheep will love the grassy parts of this gift as much as Ghostbur does. --- Tucked in the cliff face, Soulbur was perfectly content with spending time with his cat. He'd half forgotten how it felt to have weight pressing on the side of his face or across his chest, if he's going to be honest. He knows his company is not the most entertaining but he appreciates that Apple seems not to outwardly mind. One day he might actually fish or hunt again for her instead of simply causing her food to appear from thin air. He's sure she'll like that. Either way, all of this is to say that no, Ghostbur, he would rather not get dragged to your field for some activity you haven't even explained clearly. All he'd managed to surmise was that it entailed speaking to someone. Had Schlatt or Mexican Dream discovered a way to come here? He hopes not since this was supposed to his private piece of the void. Although, now he thought about it, he's pretty sure he's unintentionally missed the last couple times he and Mexican Dream had tried to schedule a Spanish lesson. Damn it. Yeah, Mexican Dream likely wasn't super pleased about being left hanging. Next card session, he'd apologise. Had someone they'd known died and found their way here somehow? No, he's sure Ghostbur would have mentioned their name by now if that had been the case. Even when they reach their destination, nothing gains any clarity. "Alright, we're here. What do you want from me?" "I was thinking about how we can make people show up because, well, I already made Apple appear. Anyway, it might be good for you to have more friends here because before me, you were very lonely." "I'm not... lonely." He huffs. "Besides, when it comes to a lot of our 'friends', we didn't part on the best of terms. Lots of uh, animosity, I suppose you could say." "Then you get that anger out. You're very good at that." Yep, that's him, the guy who was always angry. Not like anger or its cousin frustration weren't simply the easiest to settle into. He's played the asshole villain once before, he can keep doing it for the sake of maintaining his reputation. He supposes he should be glad that Ghostbur has never caught any moments where his face hadn't been as dry whenever the ghost has approached his cave. Or when he's recovering from a rough nap. So yeah, Mr Angry, that's who he is. But god is it tiring to maintain a single emotion. Must be great for Ghostbur to get a wider range. "So who do you want first?" Deliberation. Then a stubborn sigh. "Phil. I guess." Within a minute, a replica of Phil is standing before them. He's a pretty decent copy of the real man, although he swears those wings should be darker and he's certain Phil's missing the handful of grey hairs his 40s have provided him. Close enough though. Not to mention this is literally only an illusion. Anything Soulbur might want to say to him doesn't matter because Phil's not actually going to hear it. Neither of them can predict how he'll genuinely react to wherever a potential conversation may lead. He comments as much to Ghostbur who comes across as unfazed by this issue. Well, screw it, might as well get it out of the gate. "Kind of a shitty thing you did. And I know that we apparently asked for it but... you didn't have to actually do it." "Go on, don't hold back." The ghost encourages. "I mean, where the hell do you want me to start? Him killing us, the frequent trips away that turned into fucking off indefinitely, the fact I didn't feel like-?" "Not me, him." A groan. "Fine. You agreed to let Tommy stay so he should have been your responsibility more than mine. In my teens, I should have been more preoccupied with dumb things like wanting to have a bunch of friends or catching a girl's attention. Not deciding whether I needed to leave Tommy home alone so we could still eat because you weren't back from another sodding trip yet. You probably know by now but surprise! Fundy was never just some rapidly aging kid I seemed to always be babysitting. Not that you were ever there long enough to press me on that by that point. You know, I didn't realise being a parent had a time limit. By that logic, I should have told Fundy to get on with being an independent adult as soon as he turned 5. Maybe it's a good thing Tommy pretty much chose to live on his own at 16, god forbid I had to spend another 2 or so years frequently looking out for him. I might not have known what I was doing and honestly, could have done with some tips, but at least you already taught me what not to do. God knows why I bothered to offer you a chance to start over with those letters." "I'm sorry." The fake Phil says. "You don't get to choose if he'd actually apologise." "Isn't that what you want?" "It's what you want." Ghostbur's brow furrow with genuine confusion. "And you don't?" "You want some perfect world where things can be fixed with a single conversation so no, I don't want that. Not realisitic." "What do you want from him then?" He takes a long, scrutinising look at the imitation of his pseudo-father before him. Objectively, he is vaguely aware there were many moments of affection that grew sparser the older he got and the more often Phil would go adventuring with Technoblade. He was... loved and he used to love back. Or that is his best guess. He was becoming very close friends with Techno back when they were in their teens too. There's a reason he was never able to fully trust the piglin hybrid during their time in Pogtopia. It was Phil's fault for entrusting him with responsibilities always a little bit too early. But it was Techno's fault for not bringing it up despite the amount of times they left without the other two when Wilbur made it as blatantly clear as he could that he wasn't happy about it. He didn't always shut the door more firmly than he should whenever they bid farewell. And he is sure that, once upon a time, being surrounded by one of Phil's wings was among his favourite places to be. Not anymore. "Guess." He answers. --- It's a week after he talks to 'Phil' that Ghostbur suggests they try the exercise once more. Soulbur begrudgingly accepts. "Oh, I know. How about Tommy? He and I used to hang out. We even went on holiday together." "A holiday?" "Mhmm," Ghostbur nods enthusiastically. "Dream took us on a boat and I did my best not to touch the water even though I like teasing Phil by sticking my hand out when it rains." Faintly, from an intangible distance he can't perceive the length of, alarm bells toll. Dream wasn't the type of guy to randomly send a teenager and his brother's ghost on a holiday abroad. He wouldn't be surprised if there were ulterior motives at play. After all, Dream had practically enabled Wilbur with the TNT stock increase so... he doesn't know what to make of it. One way or another, something didn't add up. However, he is lacking in context and if it's as dubious as he suspects, Soulbur doubts Ghostbur can recall the necessary background intel to complete the full picture. Ghostbur seems like he has more to say on the matter in his ramble but Soulbur jumps in with "Doesn't rain burn you though?" "Well yes but when it's tiny like drizzle, it's all tingly instead. It only really hurts when I touch a lot of it." "Like for example... the ocean." "Yes." He giggles. "But I wasn't going to actually do it. It would have been fun if I could. Phil always makes this face when I try to touch rain. It's like when Alivebur used to sneak a few more berries in his mouth than he was supposed to or when he got his clothes wet by jumping into rivers." "Right. Anyway, let's get Tommy over with." 'Tommy' is, again, a good copy. His hair has grown out which Soulbur suspects may have been something that occurred in his absence. He's not used to this length since Tommy always kept his hair in a flux of 'short and kind of tidy' to 'too annoying and shit'. You know what? This length lowkey suits him. If Soulbur, or more to the point Wilbur, were still alive, he'd say so to the real Tommy's face. But instead, he supposes he has to vent for the sake of the activity. It takes a minute but he is able to think of something. "You shouldn't have acted as my right hand in exile. You did decently during the war and did your part to help with the election. But when it came to exile? You kept opposing the TNT idea but didn't really offer any potential alternative solutions to deal with L'Manburg instead. At one point I think you even came close to unintentionally helping Schlatt with his plans for the sake of a distraction. And shit, Tubbo might have ended up being a bit of a yes man but at least I knew not to fully trust his motives and actions. You were supposed to stick by my side or tell me to get fucked. You did both and neither. You might not be an adult yet but you're certainly not a little boy anymore. If you are going to take a stand, you can't just let yourself be a dissenting bystander. I might have even listened to you if you came up with a viable enough plan to rid our country of tyranny without destroying it for good. But well... too late for that now." Tommy appears dejected. Immediately, Soulbur really wishes his ghostly twin would stop giving these clones feelings when the point of all this was to do it without the actual person they represented knowing what his thoughts were. They would have to sort it out. --- The sun is warm in his field and it's nearly enough to negate the slight universal chill he's slowly begun growing accustomed to. With Soulbur laying near him, Friend grazing somewhere off in the distance and Apple enjoying the sun in the gap between the humans, it's a rare moment but lovely all the same. "Do you ever think about how it was supposed to be over, how we were supposed to be done with everything?" Soulbur speaks up. "No? What do you mean?" "I mean the button. We kept telling Tommy we wouldn't die in the explosion, that the people who'd die were those unfortunate enough to be in L'Man- Manberg when we set it aflame. Never us, no no no. Us, in our little button room? Nah, why would you ever think that? People lied to us, we lied to them back. Nobody's fucking trustworthy. Eret dumped potatoes on us like 'Oh we're the best of friends now and everything's all great between us'. Fuck off, if you think I'd let my guard down around you, especially you, you have another thing coming. Probably wanted to hurt Tommy and I again for the hell of it. And maybe we weren't that far gone by October, maybe we were being honest about not intending to die with our nation. But on the day, we fucked up. I don't know what it was, I think... I think it was the combination of Tubbo being targeted for supposedly having loyalty towards Pogtopia, Schlatt being a prick as usual and everything seeming to happen at once. Whatever happened, we freaked out and couldn't focus enough to realise we needed to take maybe like... five steps forward to find where the entrance to the room was hidden. So we lost our great chance and had to wait for the next one. All that time telling ourselves we just had to get to the 16th and then we'd get what we wanted, all of it for nothing. I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky that it was only an extra month to get worse. When we set a date for war, it gave us a target to aim for. So yeah, we got worse and threw ourself into making sure that this time we would not fail under any circumstance. Who cares about basic things like staying safe and healthy when we knew the when and where of our death? We were like... we were like those people that are terminally ill and their body just loses its appetite the sicker they get. Either way, we got what we wanted and then realised this wasn't what we expected it to be. Screw us for hoping to catch a fucking break, right?" Ghostbur begins questioning why exactly he was going on a rant like this but Soulbur barrels on regardless. "Whenever people speculate about what the afterlife is like, a lot of them imagine it as this great time where you reunite with those you knew who went before you. You all sit in a circle and hold hands and enjoy each other's company, forever. You do that shit forever. Seeing people you cared about sounds nice in theory but in practice? There's a reason you don't stay in the presence of even your favourite person ever 24/7. It's tiring. Fuck that, you know? I don't know whether humans were made to be social for eternity. It's like 'Oh hey Grandma, fancy seeing you here for the trillionth time since I died'. Not for me, thanks. Not for a bunch of people either, I'm sure of it." "You said it was January when you left?" "Yes." "And you're sure about that?" "Yes." "Well that's only two months. And trust me, I might not know how long I've been here but I know it's been far longer than two months. Which means, Ghostbur, which means that time moves faster here. I don't know how much faster, there's no way of working it out, but one thing is for sure, we're going to get more days here than down there. Because... because here's the thing, Ghostbur, here's the thing, it doesn't matter how hard you try to keep count of the days in little notebooks or whatever, because it will get to a point where you don't care if the index number- that's what the little number in the top right corner is called, right? Nobody cares if the number is 8 or 9 by the time you've been here long enough to be counting that high. Who cares if you've been here for 2 times 10 to the power of 6 or- or 5 times 10 to the power of 300 days? One way or another, you'll have been dead for a long, long time. By that point, who gives a shit. The main problem is that it seems the dead are stuck with a longer infinity than the living." "Sometimes- Okay, I'm only admitting this out loud because technically we're the same person and I mean, who are you going to tell, other than Schlatt or Mexican Dream- Friend might also count, I don't know... Same difference. But fuck it, you're not going to tell anyone who actively gives a shit about trying to play the bigger person with the intent of stopping me." He catches his breath. "Sometimes, Ghostbur, sometimes I wonder if I were to collapse this pretend world and leave myself with no protection from the Void, whether that would cause me to lose consciousness. Wouldn't that be interesting? Never having to regain consciousness, just... lights out and then a nap that lasts long enough to see the universe end. Death as it should be." He glances over at Soulbur silently. Speechlessly even because what on earth is he supposed to say after all that? His other half is thoughtfully playing with a poppy still connected to the ground. He is seemingly none the wiser to Ghostbur's lost gaze. "I guess these flowers aren't too bad. Shame I'll get incredibly bored of them eventually." "...I think you need some blue. Let me find you some from my collection." "Believe me, I don't think blue will help in the slightest." "Try it anyway. It helps me." "Well, infinite time to gather infinite resources... I doubt you wasting some on me will make a difference in the long run." He stumbles as he rises. Blue, just focus on making blue. He's laughter and encouragement and an open pair of comforting arms when necessary. He was not made to contemplate the universe or its mysteries. So he'll deliver blue to those who need it. Maybe he'll spare some blue for himself. But Soulbur first, definitely. --- The next week, amongst the suggestions he throws at Soulbur regarding who he should speak to this time, Niki's name gets mentioned. The more volatile half of Alivebur outright refuses to even consider it. His reasoning is that he has nothing to say to her, regardless of how much the real Niki likely has to say to him. Ghostbur doesn't get much of a chance to argue they could speak to Niki without having to criticize her. She appears in their void world either way when Soulbur is gone because who says he can't hang out with his friend? He provides all the ingredients. He lets her be in charge of grounding the wheat into flour since she is much better at it than him. Instead, he is in charge of slicing the apples into segments as equally as he can. The slices that won't go in the cake or on it as part of the decoration will become snacks for Friend. They work well as a team, chatting and laughing together as they prepare it all for baking. "Niki, Alivebur didn't do this often, did he?" "No but it's okay, he was a very busy man." "We should do this regularly. We can do that now." "Sure. It'll be fun." The end product is as delicious as it smells. They sample the result of their hard work, leaving a minimum of half to share with a certain someone. The cliff face never reeked of nicotine in life as far as he's aware. Then again, he has no memories of Alivebur ever considering touching a cigarette while living here. He doesn't expect to recall something like that in the first place but... he believes his point still stands. Apple Pumpkinson is probably lingering in the vicinity since he can't see her right now. He does, however, spot a figure with their knees tucked towards their chest and a glowing burning dot. There is a mix of sniffling and coughing coming from them as well. Part of Ghostbur plans to enquire whether that's simply the result of Soulbur's habit or an indication he isn't feeling great at the moment. Despite not truly wanting to, he decides to leave it. He doubts Soulbur would appreciate the intrusion. So he sticks to his original reason for coming here. "Niki and I baked a cake so here's your share of it. It's got a bunch of apples inside and on top. Don't tell anyone," He chuckles. "But I've already had a taste test. It's very, very good but I might be a little biased." Perhaps when he checks in tomorrow, the cake will have been undisturbed. More for him, he jokes internally. He does hope Soulbur will enjoy the gift though. So when he swings by again the next day to leave a new set of flowers (a bunch of oxeye daisies that were as lovely as they were cheery) and discovers there is no evidence of a baked product ever being delivered, Ghostbur is optimistically hopeful. It was a rather large portion which is why he expects Soulbur not have eaten it in one go. He comes to the conclusion it might be good if he does this more often. --- Having suggested people like Niki (nope, no thanks, he doesn't know if he could manage to look any version of her in the eye) and Eret (no chance in hell, for arguably the inverse reasons), Ghostbur has once again dragged him back to the flower field for one of the talks. It's Fundy this time, though he was incredibly reluctant to accept. There's no trace of war or any sort of strife for that matter on his son. He's in a t-shirt and an open black hoodie, slightly younger than he last recalls so perhaps in his late teens. It's dawningly apparent that this is the boy who was yet to sneak off to join his uncle on an adventure to find somewhere cool, far away. It won't do. Soulbur has things he wants to say but not to this kid who is probably only 17 or 18. The war veteran turned spy wearing a dark jacket with their familiar coloured stripes on the side of the partition appears as his replacement. That's better. "You went behind my back. You not only ran against me in the election, with one of my closest friends might I add, but then attempted to win by committing voter fraud. Not to mention you went on to basically side with Schlatt. I don't care if it was supposed to be a ruse. You still did things that benefitted his cause. I'm not going to go into the fucking flag because I don't feel like being here all day. I know full well showing you basic human decency doesn't mean you're in my debt. But the least you could have done was not turn your back on me the minute you decided you didn't need me anymore. Being in your early 20s doesn't mean you suddenly begin to know what the hell you're doing. I should know!" Ghostbur steps between them, arms thrown out wide. "Fundy is a good son. He's never done anything wrong." "Don't try to debate when you don't have all the evidence." "Well, you shouldn't either then." "Tell me, how great was your relationship as Ghostbur? Because I can't imagine he'd welcome the remnants of his dear old dad back with open arms after all the shit that had just gone down while we were exiled." "I visited him in his home. Phil was there sometimes too." He scoffs at the breezy nonchalance. "Bet that went well." He takes another look at his little boy, not quite as little as he once was, and that's all it takes for him to stop acting pissed off. Four months was a short amount of time for so much to happen to Wilbur. But, likewise, practically just as much happened to Fundy and the others once united under the flag of L'Manburg. Doesn't he know it. And that's exactly why he is positive he cannot stay here a minute longer. "You undoubtedly know where to find me." "Soulbur, wait! You don't have to go. We can-" "I'm tired, Ghostbur. I really don't want to keep doing this. Mostly because it's always been pointless but also, how many times do you want me to get purposefully upset at people we used to care about?" Dejectedly, Ghostbur's gaze diverts to the side as he mumbles out "Cliff or trees?" "Cliff, probably. Apple is there." There is a nod in response and that's all the cue he needs to get the hell out of here. "Do you want to stay up tonight?" He asks his cat. "I can feel it will most likely be a festival kind of thing if I close my eyes. A-And I really can't do that if... Fundy's so close to the front of my mind right now." Speaking of festivals, he thinks he knows who he should have a one sided chat with. But this time, he won't be the one doing the talking. --- He wasn't actually seeking out Soulbur this time. It's an accident that he catches the scene but he's glad to see Tubbo in front of him. It's great that Soulbur was in fact willing to give it a go after all. He felt like it might have slightly been an act, the whole reluctance and instances of hesitation to fully commit. He'll leave them be. If Soulbur wants to do this on his own, Ghostbur is hardly going to breach that privacy. Tubbo takes a breath and it goes downhill from there. "You got me killed. Twice. Your incompetence and neglect to see what was going on got us all killed. You should have realised sooner instead of helping to lead us down to a massacre. In fact, your leadership wasn't what won us the war. It was Tommy sacrificing one of his lives and then both his discs that won us our freedom. And when I trusted you to keep me safe while I risked so much to help you out, you let me die. You lied to me and told me Technoblade was on your side. Look how well that turned out. I was scared out of my mind. I thought you'd at least try to think of a way to help me. But no, you stayed on that roof. Even tried to use the chaos following my execution as a distraction while you ran to the fucking button. You know, it's a shame you destroyed L'Manburg because, even at only 16, I would have made a much bet-." Tubbo cuts off suddenly at the sound of sobbing. He'd tried his best to be silent, he really had. He's not sure why he didn't leave like he'd intended to once Tubbo began talking. Oh and there's Soulbur with that scowl on his face again. "The hell are you doing here, Ghostbur?" "Why are you making him say that? Tubbo wouldn't say that to us." Weary exasperation. "None of them are real, they're just manifestations for the sake of having something to focus on and visualise. What, you'd prefer I switch him to a more suitable individual?" Tubbo morphs into a tall man with unkempt brown hair, a trenchcoat and fingerless gloves. His face bears a matching scowl to Soulbur's one from a moment ago while displaying signs of neglecting basic care... the same sort that, again, Soulbur exhibited. Point made, the third Wilbur dissolves into the air. "You really think that Self Loathing Central is going to thrive positively in a mental capacity by saying things aloud? I'm not the one who needs to sort through his feelings when it comes to harsh truths, Ghostbur. The problem is you seem to be literally incapable of that, given your whole side of the amnesia. Can't help it, I know. But you don't know how- god, if only you knew how goddamn frustrating it is." "I'm sorry. I'm really trying." "Yeah. Me too." Soulbur spits back. The frown remains despite his sharp, conceding exhale. "I just struggle to imagine how we make up the same person sometimes." --- Ghostbur's typically calm, even sunny, demeanour changes to a frown. Okay... he questions whether he's gone too far, given that his counterpart's mood has now tipped into frustrated. Well, either way, he pissed people off in life and he's still continuing to piss them off (although now it's technically himself, in this scenario) in death. This isn't really anything new. Shit, he's even managed to push Ghostbur to a fleeting bout of frustrated anger once before. But this isn't fury, not yet. "Okay, why are you so mean? You are always angry or sad or- or bitter. It's like... what's the phrase? It's like talking to a brick wall. I don't like it." "You don't like a lot about me. Your point?" "My point is be more nice. I just want to get along." "So you can betray me again?" "I never betrayed you! I know Alivebur did a lot of bad th-" "Forget Alivebur." Soulbur spits. Okay, he supposes this is getting quite real now. Fuck knows where this will end up but who cares right now. "Never mind what wrong we did while alive. Right now this is about what you did. You specifically." "But we are the same person." "We are two halves of the same person, yes. Unequal halves at that. Which is your fault." "I never did anything." "Oh my god. Are you serious?!" He starts pacing slightly. Fingers make their way through his hair, stopping halfway, then join their respective arms in being thrown to the sky. He almost seems to be addressing the sun with his next words. "Do you hear that? Do you- do you bloody hear that? He never did anything wrong. Sweet, innocent, harmless Ghostbur is absolutely incapable of wrongdoing." Now whipping back to the ghost. "Why do you want to fuse? Be honest." "Well um, people need Alivebur back. I can't be him. So we need to-" "Go back down there? Yeah, sure, we planned to end up here after destroying L'Manburg but we'll just start living again as if the last few months of our life didn't happen. As if we didn't... Fuck." "But we can live again. Just different." "And that's the problem, isn't it, you being the one willing to live? You know what I want from a hypothetical fusion? To be whole. I want to have all our fucking memories in one spot, to remember what it was like to be goddamn happy. But no, can't risk that, especially now I'm sure you'll do the one thing I don't want you to." He can tell Ghostbur is attempting to formulate a counterpoint to this outburst. He doesn't allow him to. Besides, the ghost had been pushing him to vent at various 'friends' and, in Soulbur's opinion, there was one person who could do with targeting more than the others. Funnily enough, they were already standing right in front of him. "Do you know what it's like to be betrayed by someone you considered a friend?" No answer. "No? Well, I do. I know exactly what that's like because we thought Eret was loyal to L'Manburg's cause. If there were any red flags to be caught, we missed them all. People died. Kids died. In that room, I think we might have been one of the last to go, or at least lose consciousness. Being left to bleed out is bad enough. It's worse when you have enough time to realise how young the others were. We were left there with a couple of 16 years old, one of whom was our little brother we practically raised by ourself, and then our very own son. I'm sure you remember what it was like to watch Tommy and Fundy grow up though, don't you?" "Yeah." It leaves Ghostbur's mouth barely above the threshold for human hearing. "I don't, not really. But I do know we loved them. And I also remember seeing them stiller than we should have ever seen them. I'm not sure how exactly Tubbo died but there was certainly a ridiculous amount of blood around him. Fundy, I'm not too sure about either but Tommy, god Tommy. He was trying to escape Dream and fell, hit his head hard enough to die probably instantly. He was just- He was just lying there for a little while before his body registered it still had more lives and began the respawning process. And then the duel... that arrow hit him right in the chest and he simply stumbled back then dropped. More blood than I want to recall. You know what makes it worse? Those two deaths happened on the exact same day." "Do you know what it's like to watch all your friends leave you?" Again, no verbal response. This time though, there is a frown as Ghostbur recognises his twin was here to shame him. "No? Of course not. Listen, I admit that maybe I helped by refusing to fully trust anyone again but all they did was prove my point. You can't fault me for looking out for number one." "That sounds selfish." "It is not selfish to practise self preservation or wanting to make sure you don't repeat mistakes that had fatal consequences." "You're the reason everyone hated Alivebur." "We are both Wilbur. We are both responsible for everything he did or was. The only difference is that I am the one who remembers Pogtopia and you don't." "Why are you acting like it's my fault? I didn't do anything." "Because it is your fault, Ghostbur! You are literally the reason we split, the reason I've been stuck in this hellhole of a limbo with no decent memories to balance out the bad or even traumatic ones. You took that from me. You and only you. I thought I could rid the world of L'Manburg and everything that made it doomed to inevitably fail, myself included, then hopefully find some peace for the first time in who knows how long. But no. No, you had to decide you weren't as done with it all as I was. You took everything I wanted. You... you..." "You're being unfair. Who's to say you weren't the one who caused our split?" "Because I remember it. Unlike you, it seems." Soulbur's fury falters for a moment as this truth becomes apparent. This pause doesn't last long. "Oh, of course you wouldn't remember it. Why should I expect you to remember the most important moment of our post-death?! You are hopeless." "I'm not." Ghostbur's face is half covered in cornflower blue rivers flowing from his eyes. "You are. I would give anything to be whole again without needing to fuse with you. If I knew how to take those good memories back and leave you with as little as you left me, I think I would." "No, you're just lying to make me feel bad. Stop it. Just stop it." "Fucking make me." Ghostbur vigorously wipes his tears away, inevitably smearing the rich colour across his desaturated face. He's snivelling too as he pretends he's not in breaking down into whimpers. In another situation, if he saw Ghostbur like this, he would show sympathy. But at this very moment, with his wrath no longer kept at bay? He's almost inclined to call the sight before him pathetic. "You are a 24 year old man, stop acting like you're 4 and the world's ending because you scraped your knee." "Why are you acting like this?" "Because I want you to take responsibility for the misery you've forced me to endure! I've tried to keep a level head, god knows I have tried not to take it out on you too much, but I don't know how much longer I can keep this act up. You know, I keep seeing the people I cared about dead. If I think about L'Manburg for a few seconds too long, I end up watching the thing that was supposed to symbolise safety from back when I still had faith in it get destroyed over and over again. I can't stop thinking about how everyone turned their back on me, only to end up doing it to myself. For- for you to end up doing that to me." God damn it, why the hell can't his voice stay steady right now? "Do you understand how horrible that was? So grow up and show that you're sorry. Just saying it won't do. You have to prove it." Through the tears that had sprung from his own eyes, he can see the ghost has screwed his eyes shut tight with blocked ears. Oh, this was ridiculous. Soulbur grabs his counterpart's hands in an effort to pry them from the side of his head. "Stop acting like you can simply run from everything." There's more fuel to keep this fight going at his disposal but he doesn't get a chance to continue. Ghostbur tugs forcefully to free his hands. Unfortunately for both of them, it's too late. What's done is done. --- Wilbur wasn't used to having such a gathering. The only people who he could expect to be found in the house somewhere were Tommy and Phil. Technoblade too, as of his arrival in their lives a few months ago. He was technically in his early teens but Wilbur guesses piglin hybrids matured sooner than humans since he appeared to be approximately at the beginning of adulthood. Either way, the three people he lived under the same roof as weren't the only ones here today. He tended to hang out with his friends from the village instead of the other way around. It was far more convenient for him to make the short journey to them than all of them individually visiting him together. Yet here they all were, ready to celebrate today with him. And no, Tommy, he does not have a crush on any of the girls in the group. You even try to insinuate that in front of everyone today and you will find crumbs in the most annoying spots on your bed. Presents are exchanged while Phil dithers in the kitchen, awaiting his cue. He wouldn't say he had a bad go of it this year. He was definitely not expecting the newly forged diamond sword. These arrows are great as well. And oh, was that the cake Phil was bringing out? His arm comes too close to the cake as he goes to blow out the candles, eliciting a "Wil!" from his father. What the hell is he- oh shit. Fuck, his hoodie sleeve is on fire. Not good, not good at all. Shit, shit, shit. Stop staring at it. Do something, idiot. Uh... uh water. Kitchen. Dump it in the sink. Better dump it on the floor and stamp on that soggy piece of shit too for good measure. Remembering himself, he returns his attention to the others. "Um, I think the problem's solved." "You will be the death of me, you know that?" Phil takes a long exhale. There's also a laugh that sounds like someone coming down from stress. Which, he supposes, it is. "Just put it to the side somewhere and come have the cake. Preferably without setting yourself alight again." "Got it." Luckily for everyone, the rest of the cake section of the day goes off without a hitch. Wilbur animatedly chatters with his mates as they eat. He's not entirely sure how they end up at the topic of swimming. "Well, there's the river nearby. We should go there after this. Screw the 60 minute rule." Tommy's head perks up. "Can I come too?" "Obviously." "Guys..." Phil sighs. This weariness is met with a grin. "You only turn 16 once, Phil." Hand gripping his 8 year old brother's one, they sprint towards the water. Wilbur steps back a few paces once they get there so he can do a run up before entering the water in a cannonball position. Hair dripping, he encourages Tommy to do the same. His friends leap in at their own pace. One even pushes a mutual friend in, which only leads to a shriek that gets cut off abruptly then a string of words the youngest member of the party probably shouldn't be hearing. "Oi, Wil!" He turns to one of his friends, only to receive a faceful of water. "Happy birthday." "Oh, you fucker. Hey everyone, gang up on Mark." A war ensues that ends up with all of them getting their faces wet, some even have their heads dunked underwater. By the end of the day, there aren't enough towels to meet the demand. Either way, Wilbur's beaming, even as he deals with his soggy fringe in the middle of saying goodbye to all his guests. Pretty decent birthday, he'd say. --- It's not that Wilbur hasn't been freezing before, because he has, even outside of some dumb tundra. The main difference right now was that it was February and Phil had decided this was the perfect time of year to be in a place like this. He'd moaned and grumbled about it yet his father was having none of it. At least he'd been allowed his fair share of opportunities to pummel Phil with snowballs. There seemed to be an endless supply of ammunition here. Snow was also fun to run across sometimes. It was usually thick enough for him not to slip on the underlying ice too. So that's why, after getting temporarily distracted by a polar bear sighting, he dashes back to Phil's side without a second thought. There is less friction between his feet and the ground here. They really should have considered the ratio of ice to snow before any pounding transferral of body weight had been made. Neither he nor Phil had paid full attention to all of the increased risks until Wilbur was already in the water. He splutters. He kicks. He sinks and manages to drag himself back up again and again. And oh man, is it cold. Worse than cold. He wants to breathe, please let him stay upright long enough to catch a breath. His arms hurt too. They really, really do. It's like they're getting stabbed a bunch by icicles. Everything feels stabby like that, actually. He hates this. His mouth keeps getting hints of freezing salt too which is awful. Where's Phil? He's too busy trying not to bob down again to fully see. There's shouting though. "Wil! Wil, I swear to god, just calm down. Don't let the cold shock mess with you." 'Easy for you to say' is what he would bark back if he wasn't desperately trying his best to keep his head above the surface. "Wilbur, trust me, you're going to become a block of ice at the bottom if you keep reacting to the cold like that. Hang onto the edge and let yourself get used to the cold. That's it." He's still treading water a little too diligently when his body finally stops freaking out about the temperature so much. Phil will likely scold him for wasting energy like this. Not like he wasn't floundering in a panic a minute ago. Yeah no, Phil's totally going to have a go for that too. Wilbur was taught all this stuff when they got here. He should know exactly how to react in a situation like this. What if Phil hadn't been here? What would he do then, huh? Stupid, stupid, stupid. "Good, good. Now do your best to become horizontal." In the water, he forgets how to reposition his body. All his focus is on trying to move his legs accordingly and maintaining a secure enough grip on the ice. Glances towards Phil show that he's laying flat on his stomach as he instructs him. Something, something, surface area or spreading your body weight or whatever, right? When Wilbur has completed this next step, Phil slides a pickaxe over to him. Fumbling frozen fingers nearly allow it to slip under the water, out of reach. His co-ordination is practically non-existent right now but he still manages to position a tip of the pick into the ice. Dragging himself across to Phil is an arduous task but at least he's out of the water. They're on their stomachs until Phil feels absolutely sure they are not at risk of history repeating itself. After that point, he follows the man's lead by standing up with some help. He's barely on his feet when an external force is dragging his body in a direction he wasn't anticipating once more. Yet this time, he's in no real danger. It's just arms keeping him pressed against a heavy coat. Phil's shaking but not for the same reasons as him. "Christ sake, Wil. Try to be more careful next time. Otherwise I'll end up keeling over right here in the middle of nowhere." They reposition after a minute. Wilbur's hand is around Phil's waist while the winged man's grip secures itself to his son's left shoulder. Neither will drift far from each other like this. "You doing relatively alright, at least?" He hums briefly in response. Oh wow, that does not feel good. Vibrations are getting temporarily banned from his throat thanks. "Okay, let's get a move on then." "Okay. Ki- Kinda tired." Nope, nope, nope. "Can't- can't t-talk." He mumbles as they begin walking. "Shiv- shiverin' n' naus- naus-" "Nausea? Shivering and talking makes you feel nauseous?" The overwhelming tremors cause him to nod his head rapidly which is probably the most counterintuitive side effect he's ever experienced. Phil softly chuckles while drawing him in even closer with his arm. "Well, don't talk then, Wil. We'll sort out the shivering soon. After that, you can collapse in a heap on your bedding if you want." "Warn- warning. Just in... case." It's a struggle but he can't not communicate things that may be of importance. "Alright, alright. Thanks for the thought but you really should go easy on yourself, okay? It's not that far." Phil gets the fire going as soon as they return to their base. Wilbur simply sits there, desperately hoping his brain will stop sending signals to his throat and stomach to potentially prepare for a collaboration. His soaked clothes are stripped from him and replaced with blessedly dry ones. Any available blankets are piled on him for good measure. The past hour or so finally registers in full as Phil helps rub his arms through the layers in an effort to warm him up. "Pretty scary, wasn't it?" His father comments in response to the sudden bout of sobbing. "Try not to fall into anymore frozen water next time, alright? Don't think my heart could take another shock like that." "Do m'best." "Good lad." Phil smiles. "That's all I ask." He wipes a scalding tear off the boy's cheek as it comes cascading down. He'll sit with him and help discard of more tears hours from now when Wilbur wakes from visions of unending water or his mind fools him into believing he is caught in trembles that refuse to cease. And when it comes, Phil's decision to leave the tundra couldn't have brought more relief to Wilbur. --- It was odd. Soulbur had retained the part with the fire. He recalled the heat, the instinctual panic he felt upon realising he was in danger. He'd been able to somewhat be aware of when it had happened, that that disastrous moment had occurred during his 16th birthday. Although, that had been the extent of it. There were no birthday cakes or messing around in the water or well meaning banter amongst those he considered friends. He had even been oblivious to the identities of anyone who may have been present. When your safety and wellbeing are jeopardised, the last thing you're concentrating on is useless information like whether or not your father is standing beside you. So this was the kind of moments Ghostbur had hoarded for himself, was it? It feels so good. It's been too long since the last time he laughed. For a second, he can almost recall the feeling of drawing his stomach in as fuels for giggles and the pull of muscles as the corner of lips spread upwards. He waits for the inevitable withdrawal of it from his reach. His brain will go against him by discarding of the anomaly it just registered. Any second now. Maybe? ...No? Clearly, not enough time has elapsed. There is no point in getting his hopes up like an idiot. Except, he wants to. He desperately wishes this is not a fluke due to be rectified the moment he lets his guard down. It... isn't, apparently. And for the first time since he'd been abandoned in death, Soulbur kept a pleasant memory. It's not enough, a greedy part of him decides. No, he thinks Ghostbur needs to learn how to share. Surely there is more stored in the ghost's head than he needs. He won't miss a few more. Besides, why should that traitorous bastard get all the good stuff? Not to mention, they were as much his memories as they were Ghostbur's. They should have equal rights to them. All that seems to be required is a brief bit of skin contact. So that's what he'll do. Soulbur doesn't believe he has ever been the type of person to be all touchy-feely, not that he's particularly had the opportunity to prove otherwise, but for the sake of a few memories? Well, what's an occasional hand on the shoulder or pat on the back in the general scheme of things?
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treatian · 3 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One:  Magical Loopholes
Chapter 59:  The Savior’s Magic
Usually, he hated to be wrong. Usually, he prided himself on being right, knowing precisely what to do, and taking safe risks based on the idea that he was right. Usually, he was right.
But now, he found himself terribly, horribly wrong for the first time in a long while. And he didn't hate it. But he couldn't be entirely happy about it either. Yes, Emma and Mary Margaret were back; no other bodies had come through that well. Somehow, someway, Cora had been left behind in their world, defeated probably by nothing but a bit of squid ink, and now Cora was no longer a threat to him or Belle. It would appear that everything had worked out for the better.
And yet…the guilt was immense. It was overwhelming. He'd nearly killed Emma and Mary Margaret for nothing. Normally something like that might not have bothered him. He was old; he had a body count so high he couldn't even begin to work out an accurate number. Some had been killed for good reasons, others not so good reasons, but this time…
This time he'd been a fool. A coward. Again.
The threat of Cora was enough to panic him, to make him see Emma as nothing but collateral, a stupid thing when he stopped to think about it. In the heat of the moment, he'd been willing to sacrifice her, to convince himself that he'd find a way around the prophecy and get to Bae with the help of someone else. In the cold chill of reality that followed…he knew better. It was Emma. It was always Emma. He'd have been willing to give up Baelfire to keep Cora gone? To keep from having to confront her again? He'd been willing to trade Belle's safety for a reunion with his own son…that was the one he kept circling back to time and time again. Belle or Bae, Belle or Bae. In her mind, there was never a choice. She wasn't asking him to choose between them, but in situations like this, when he so clearly took sides, it was hard to pretend there wasn't a choice. And now, Belle…
He was going to have to tell her. There was no way around it. Emma, Mary Margaret, Ruby, Henry…too many people had witnessed what he'd done for him to hide this. One way or another, Belle was going to find out what he'd done. This time it was more than a couple of lies. It was murder, attempted, admittedly, but he couldn't imagine her seeing a difference. He doubted she'd take this truth half as well as she had the last one.
The last truth had been another chance she'd given him that he didn't deserve. He didn't think she'd be able to forgive this one. He didn't think that she'd be able to live with it. He'd been prepared for that, of course, when he'd gone out there, but then he'd assumed that he'd be bringing Cora's dead body back, he'd have proof he was right, and even if she finally left him, he'd have the assurance that what he'd done would have protected her. Now he had nothing to show for it. Nothing except the hope that he could finish his potion and Emma would take him to Bae.
He sighed as he arrived back in his shop, noting the dwarves' presence still in the back. He'd forgotten about them. He'd forgotten that he'd assumed they were there to watch Henry after Ruby left, but in fact, it appeared they were there to keep watch over David when Ruby and Henry left.
The others weren't far behind him. It figured. He'd driven his car from where he parked it back to the shop, but with David still in the Sleeping Curse, he wasn't surprised to see damn near everyone slam into his shop, breathless and flushed from running a few minutes after him. Mary Margaret was the first, naturally. She slowed her gate down just long enough to catch his gaze behind the counter and for him to jerk his head in the direction of his backroom. By the time Ruby came in, she was already running again. The wolf glared at him, probably for throwing her across the woods, but took off after her friend. Emma and Henry trailed behind, and Regina…
Regina brought up the very rear. Walking slowly…pathetically. Unlike him, she had done the right thing today, a fact that pained him to admit. But he'd also seen the look on her face as Henry had screamed out "Mom" after she'd done it and then raced into Emma's arms. He was sure it stung. Probably just as much as the thought of how Belle would react when he told her what had happened.
"David!" he heard Mary Margaret cry out from the back as Regina disappeared. There was no answer, but a few seconds later-
A familiar pulse of magic moved through the shop, one he'd felt once before in his life. True Love's Kiss could break any curse, and if the gasps of amazement and wonder he heard in the back were any indication, it had just broken a Sleeping Curse. Again. He ignored the sounds of conversation, of sniffling and light laughter. He'd give them a few moments before he kicked them out of the back so he could get on with his life without the threat of Cora looming. Or maybe he wouldn't have to.
As he placed the fairy wand back into its place, someone emerged from the back room. For a moment, he dared to hope the others would follow, but it was just one person…just Emma. She walked right into the shop, her eyes narrowing and fixing on him in a way that twisted his insides up.
"We need to talk," Emma muttered quietly behind him.
"Yes," he breathed.
He'd had a head start, but he'd left everyone behind at the well. He was certain by now she'd know exactly what he didn't want Belle to know. She'd probably be furious with him by now. Hell, he was furious with himself. He didn't regret it. In fact, he had the feeling that if this little scenario ever played out again, he'd probably do the same stupid things he'd done this time. He'd probably play it the same way. And that was perhaps why he felt utterly guilty about the entire thing. Oh, he knew it was bad when someone like him felt something like that.
"I believe apologies are in order."
"No. No apologies necessary. I understand why you wanted to keep Cora out of here."
Well, now…wasn't that a shock. Almost as much of a shock as it had been watching her climb out of the well instead of Cora.
"Just remind me never to bet against you in the future, Miss Swan."
"It's not really a bet when the game is rigged, is it?"
The game? Rigged? We need to talk? What did she want to talk about?
"To what exactly are you referring?" he smiled knowingly, a trait that made those he was speaking to uncomfortable because it convinced them he knew more about what they were talking about than they did. He found the gesture incredibly helpful, especially when he really didn't know what was going on.
"Your scroll, I saw it in your cell."
Ah…they had found it. They must have managed to use the squid ink then. But why Emma was so taken with had him perplexed.
"You wrote my name again, and again, and again…" she muttered gently so that he could take in the shock in her eyes, the stillness of her features. It was the look of a woman who had just come face to face with something terrifying. Ordinarily, he would have assumed it was Cora. But given the circumstances and the person standing before him, he had a feeling it was something a little bit more than that. He'd forgotten the state of the ink in his cell. Well, perhaps "forgotten" wasn't correct. It simply hadn't dawned on him until that moment how she would find it, what he'd used it for. But it was probably a good thing. Looking at her now, he could tell that any seeds of doubt the girl had still harbored about herself, about her parents, about who and what she was…they'd just been crushed.
He offered her a shrug. "Just wanted to make sure it would stick."
"The ink," she pressed. "It was there all the time. You could've gotten out."
"I was exactly where I wanted to be. You needed to find that, so all this could occur."
"You created the curse, Gold. You made me the Savior. So everything I've ever done…it's exactly what you wanted me to do."
"I created the Curse, dearie, but I didn't make you," he scoffed. So, she hadn't quite figured all of it out yet. That was coming…in time. For now, he'd settle for this small realization from the woman he needed to bring him to his Baelfire. "I merely took advantage of what you are – the product of true love."
Emma's gaze turned back to the curtain, back to where her parents had just broken another Sleeping Curse with nothing more than a kiss. It was finally sinking in.
"That's why you're powerful. And everything you've done, you've done yourself."
"So, you don't know?" she muttered, glancing back at him with confusion and, perhaps, a bit of hope.
"Know what?" he questioned carefully, giving a non-committal tone.
Emma took careful steps toward him and raised her hand to her heart, looking suddenly as pale as her mother naturally was. Something had scared her.
"Cora…" she breathed, "tried to rip my heart out, but she couldn't. She was blasted back by something inside me. By…by…"
Emma struggled, searching for an explanation, for something else to explain what he suspected she already knew to be true but wished wasn't.
"By magic," he finished for her.
His smile grew, and he fought back the urge to laugh at what he'd always known but never truly seen evidence of until now. Emma Swan had magical abilities. All Saviors had the capacity for it, children of True Love even more so. The only reason she hadn't show any propensity for it now was that she'd never been in a world with magic, a place where the ability could be revealed. But magic, first and foremost, was an instinct. He couldn't tell what spell she'd unintentionally cast to "blast back" Cora. But he knew it was her magic that was finally revealing itself, coming to life. Her magic was rearing its head, and he knew from the look on her terrified face that she considered that head very, very ugly indeed. Pity.
"Whatever that was, I didn't do that. You did."
Emma swallowed hard, and he could see a slight tremble in her features as she glanced over to the curtain her family lay behind. For the first time since he'd known her, he wondered if she was about to burst into tears. It was as if he'd just told her she had cancer and only days to live instead of magic with infinite possibilities. He tried to remember what it was like for him in those early days, in those first minutes and hours when he'd realized he had great power. He supposed it could be overwhelming and terrifying…at least without the right guide.
"Worry not, Miss. Swan. When you're ready, I'm sure a suitable teacher can be found to guide you through your new abilities." He tried not to give her a salesman's smile, but it was difficult not to, given the fact that he wanted to be the one to train her when that time came. He wanted to be the one to assess her powers as he had Regina and Zelena, to know how they ticked and what lay just beyond the surface. A Savior with magic. That was something that had endless possibilities before she likely died the death all Saviors did.
But Emma didn't give him a hint about catching on to that small offer. She simply began to move, slowly, on shaking legs, away from him and back into the room everyone had disappeared into.
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drarrylover4life · 5 years
That one January night
It was a dark January night. Draco was sitting on the edge of the astronomy tower. He looked out over the grounds of Hogwarts, thinking if he ever before saw the squid. Picturing himself walking to the black lake taking a dive and seeing the squid. Being grabbed by him and getting pulled to the great lakes bodem. To be left there and slowly letting the air escape from his lungs, watching as the air bubbles rise to the surface. Draco shakes his head as he comes out of his thoughts. He looks back to the lake, there must be other ways to kill himself right. To vanish in thing air. I mean nobody would miss him after all right. Somewhere a clock struck midnight and Draco stood up to go back to the dorms. He didn’t notice the feets sticking out under a to short invisibility cloak.
The next morning Draco went straight to class. He had long stopped going to the great hall. He used to love the attention and stares. He didn’t anymore nor did he like food for that matter. He couldn’t even remember when the last time he eat, he mostly didn’t care what people thought about him though. He knows he messed up he knows he was on the wrong side. He just chose to ignore it. As he sat in the back of the class staring at the front he slowly starting to doze off, having had little to no sleep the night before. As he woke up, he noticed that class was over and that he slept through it all. He didn’t care, he would be gone soon anyway.
That night Draco walked to the black lake. He stared at the water, seeing his reflection. He saw a tired, thin and pale boy. He had always been slender, but never like this. He jumped in the water and screamed when the ice-cold water hit his skin. Making the water flow into his lungs. He opened his eyes and looked at himself. He was slowly sinking, feeling finally at peace. His arms where a calming white and he felt his eyes falling close. He didn’t notice the body jumping in after him. The next time he opened his eyes he was laying in the infirmary on a hard mattress and under a stiff blanket. He got a strange look from Madame Pomfrey and walked back to his dorm. He didn’t dwell on how he got back.
The next day he got stared at a lot. He didn’t really notice it. He didn’t really notice anything anymore. He felt so numb all the time. However, he did notice one person that was staring at him a load more then the others where. Harry bloody Potter. He felt a bit of a nostalgia feeling, thinking about the rules he was breaking, a small smile was forming on his lips, the rules that he broke while trying to kill himself, the small smile fell.
Harry Potter wasn’t staring at Draco he was merely looking at and observing him. Every time he felt that those set of emerald green eyes on him, he felt something in him he never had before. Like a flicker of something, Love crossed his mind and went. It couldn’t be. So, he walked down the halls looking down ignoring everything and everyone. He went back to the shallow boy he was. No one noticed he got sad. Why would they care about him anyway, the only way he got seen when he was hexed again. When they cornered him and punched him and even fucking put him under the cruciates curse. But he deserved it right. It was all his own doing. He joined the wrong side, he was the one who attacked people. Now its only fair he got it back, he had to. It was all decided when he got the burn mark on his left arm. Marking his side and his future. He was under pressure, his parents would’ve died. But they don’t care about his parents. His parents where his downfall they said. 
When a few days after his mother passed, everyone looked at him again. Not with sorrow not with regret, but with smirk. It was as if they were happy his beloved mother was dead, died of a broken heart knowing her husband, who had made mistakes but who she loved either way. Would die in a place where she would never see him again. She killed herself, slit her wrists. Draco didn’t even cry. Knowing he would be with her, soon.
He could feel it, there was still a little love in him. It was reserved for the one he couldn’t have, wouldn’t have. He tried to forget him, but how can one forget about the savior of the wizarding world. 
After a few weeks, Draco found himself back at the astronomy tower. Leaning over the edge, looking down. He heard shuffling behind him and turned around. There he saw Harry sodding Potter. “What are you doing here?” Draco asked with a monotone voice, not allowing himself to show any form of surprise. “I guess I’m here to save your life again.” Harry said looking straight in Draco’s eyes “but to be honest I’m getting a bit tired of it.” “then stop!” Draco fired back. He turned around again and looked down onto to the place where Dumbledore fell. “don’t act like you care or something we both know you don’t. It would be a total waste of time, no one would even notice if I where to be gone and if they would, they would let go a sigh of relieve.”
When Draco feels a hand around his waist, he turns around. His lips almost brushing Harry’s. Harry looks him straight in the eyes and kisses him. Draco kisses him back without a second thought. It feels like the kiss goes on for about a lifetime, but it is only about a minute or two. When Draco pulls back, he gives Harry a small lingering peck on the lips and walks back. “but Draco why would you do this now you’ve got so much more to live for, fuck please don’t do this” tears start forming in Harry’s eyes “please Draco, I-I love you!!” harry says. When Draco looks Harry in the eyes he stares for a full minute before he starts to speak. “my mother has just passed” Harry tries to interrupt him but, Draco shakes his head. “and my father is in Azkaban, where he no doubt will spend his last minutes, the Malfoy name doesn’t even exist anymore. And Harry please understand, I love you to but, it’s just too much, I feel so empty all the time. Like I am numb against every situation. Nothing can hit me in my heart again, except this little string of love” Harry looks up hopefully “but I am just to weak to sustain it” Harry lets tears slide down his cheek “Don’t cry over me Harry please, I am not worth it. Don’t you see I would ruin you, you and your whole family. I’m sorry but I just can’t ruin someone I love.” As Draco steps back Harry steps forward. They look each other straight in the eyes. As Draco falls of the edge, he mouths sorry and that is that.
When Harry hears a thud, he slides to the ground, a tear sliding down his cheeks. He didn’t move, he could hear when they found him. Not even shocked just calling the aurors and leaving the body.
Harry jumped after him.
Follow my ao3 brokensoul_brokenlife
I wrote this for my 2000 followers hit xxx
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farleydiana · 4 years
red queen hogwarts au :)
so i’ve finally decided to bring this idea to life..... shoutout to the @redqueenetwork discord for coming up with cool headcanons and help with character sorting!! 
this is also my first fic ever DONT be mean. plot is basically mare goes to hogwarts forthe first time and makes friends its very happy. this was super fun to write so hope y’all enjoy.
Mare had always wondered what lied on the other side of the wall. 
Every year, since she was six years old, she’d seen her brothers run straight into it and fade into another dimension, to a secret platform and the train that would take them to Hogwarts. She’d heard insane stories about the place, stuff that belonged in fever dreams or myths. Staircases that moved, forests home to deadly creatures, a gigantic squid on a lake, ghosts that roamed the halls, portraits that could talk… it didn’t sound real. It couldn’t be. But when her letter appeared in their small mailbox one friday in August, she realized maybe her brothers weren’t toying with her after all… that this magical castle hidden in the highlands did exist, and that it housed all those things that came from your wildest dreams and nightmares. And now, she was going to be a part of it all. That didn’t feel real.
She was finally going to cross the wall. 
Her mother, Ruth, hugged each of her sons tight, one final goodbye before they left for school. They all hugged Gisa too, Tramy even lifted her up. He was getting stronger, playing that quidditch sport. And off they went. Bree first, pushing into the wall with force. He disappeared. Then, it was Tramy’s turn. Then Shade’s. 
Mare’s heart raced, this was really it. Her time had come. She said a quick goodbye to Mom, Dad, and Gisa, and grabbed her cart, which contained a trunk filled with books and a broom, and, with all her strength, pushed straight for the wall. 
Out of instinct, she expected a collision that would make her trip into her cart or maybe fall headfirst into the floor, but instead, she emerged in a bustling platform. Her brothers were waiting for her, and they cheered when she came out, high-fiving her. This whole thing was starting to feel like an adventure. 
They moved along, making space for new people who entered. Platform 9 ¾ was at its full capacity, with countless families saying goodbye to their children. They were all strangely dressed, in robes or very colorful dress suits. Mare found herself almost clinging to Shade, as Bree and Tramy went to meet their friends. They both stood awkwardly in the middle of the platform looking like lost children, searching the train’s entrance. Mare took this chance to look around. Her eyes landed on a woman, with blond hair elaborately tied in a low bun and a long blue coat (in summer!) whispering to a boy who was undoubtedly a first year like her. The woman stood up, and Mare could notice those around her standing a little straighter. Her icy eyes found Mare’s, and she too tensed.  She must be a really powerful witch, Mare thought, she certainly looks like it.
“Come on,” Shade said, grabbing her wrist and pulling them through the crowd. Maybe Shade noticed her staring at the woman.
“Who is she?” Mare asked. She figured she needed to know. 
“Elara Merandus. Works for the Ministry-- wizard government. Not one of the good ones there.” Shade explained. 
She wanted to know more, to know what the Ministry did, and why she wasn’t “one of the good ones”. But the crowd to the train was moving along.
They entered quickly, and the mumbling from the platform was instantly replaced by the sound of train engines and excited teens. Shade walked along the train, to check for carts they could sit at. Some were full, others had kids much older than them, and others had one or two kids with unfriendly looks on their faces who always answered “sorry, it’s taken” when asking if they could sit. Then, they came across a boy looking absentmindedly through the window. 
“Excuse me,” Shade said, “are these seats taken?”
The boy jumped, not having expected a visitor. “What? Oh, no… it’s not taken,” he said. He had hair the color of wheat and very green eyes. Mare and Shade entered the cart, seating in the bench opposite to his. There was an awkward silence for a few moments, Mare turned her attention to her worn sneakers. 
 The train started moving. A bunch of kids screamed last goodbyes, and Mare kind of wanted to join them, but she had already left her parents behind. Instead, she gripped the edge of her seat a little tighter at the sudden movement. 
“I’m Kilorn,” the boy said, “Kilorn Warren.”
Mare laughed a little on the inside. What kind of dumb name is Kilorn?
“I’m Shade,” her brother said, “and this is my sister, Mare Barrow”
Kilorn didn’t bother to hide his laugh. The same can be said about our names, she thought, a bit embarrassed. 
“Are you first years too?” Kilorn asked. 
“I’m on my second year, Mare’s a first year.” Shade replied before she could.
Kilorn turned all his attention to Mare. “This is all so crazy, isn’t it? The, you know… the train, the school… it’s magic,you know?” He was ecstatic, words spilling from his mouth, and Mare grinned at his enthusiasm. “I thought this was some prank when I got my letter, but… it’s not.”
Mare nodded, remembering when Bree first got his. A strange man with blue robes and close-cut white hair had appeared in their house one morning with a letter, and explained to her parents what this whole wizarding school ordeal was about. They were… shocked, to say the least, but would never refuse the opportunity of free education at a boarding school with all the amenities covered. So, the man had taken Bree to Diagon Alley to get his wizard things, and the Barrows sent him off on September 1st. Everyone after him had gotten just a letter. They were all surprised when Tramy got his, and convinced that everyone in the family was in some way magical when Shade got in too. Mare kind of felt she was, with the way her surroundings seemed to act weird whenever she felt angry, which was more often than she’d like. For that entire year Mare tensed, afraid of being the exception, of not getting her letter. Her parents already treated her like less than her sister, who was beautiful and ladylike… she would not stand the humiliation. 
“I was so relieved when I got mine,” she said. “All my older brothers got one. It would be kind of embarrassing if i didn’t”
“Wait, so you’re not… Your parents aren’t wizards?” Kilorn asked, brows furrowing in confusion 
“Our parents are muggles.” Shade said.
“They were born… normal, but their kids are all magical,” Mare continued. 
“You know what, I’m convinced at least one of them is a sorcerer in secret,” Shade said.
“If they were, they would’ve already thrown thousands of jinxes at us.” They both giggled. It was certainly strange, how all of them had magic inside them. Maybe magic just liked the family. 
“Are your parents wizards?” Shade asked Kilorn.
A long pause followed. Mare felt the answer before he said it out loud. 
“I don’t know who my parents are,” Kilorn said, his voice sorrowful. 
Mare’s whole body sank. She didn’t know what to say to this… ‘i’m sorry’ felt like too little. She had never met an orphan, but she could clearly imagine how sad it must be to grow up alone.
A grim silence settled in. Mare watched as the lush green hills passed by, taking her back to when she was younger, running around the prairies of home with her siblings.
“Uh, hello,” a boy suddenly said. He was at the cabin threshold, half hidden. Mare recognized him as the boy the woman was talking to. He had the same deep blue eyes. 
“Can I sit with you guys?” he asked. 
The three children looked at one another. Mare furrowed her brows at Shade, who was thinking the same thing she was. Associating with this kid was probably not good. But, it would be mean to not let him in. 
Kilorn, for his part, didn’t seem to notice their doubt, and said “sure! Come along.”
Reluctantly, the boy sat next to Kilorn, though a few inches apart. There was silence again, and Mare felt a bit… intimidated. But, why? The boy looked just as nervous as she was. 
“Are you a first year too?” Kilorn asked. 
“Yes,” the boy said. I was with my brother, who’s in his third year, but I didn’t like his friends very much. So I left.” 
“Oh,” Mare said. “well, hello.” She tried to smile, but it was an awkward fake smile. 
“Hey,” he said, “I’m Maven Calore.” Mare assessed him. He was wearing very nice robes, which made Mare feel kind of off in her old, overworn clothes. He was looking at her, too, though Mare couldn’t figure out what he was thinking. 
“Calore…” Shade said, with an inquiring look. “You’re Cal’s brother?”
“Yes…” Maven said with a sigh. “Unfortunately.”
Kilorn giggled. 
“Who’s Cal?” Mare asked Shade.
“He’s this Gryffindor guy…” he said, annoyed. “And all the girls in my year are obsessed with him and his fire-colored eyes.” He spoke in his mocking voice. Mare laughed. 
“That’s my brother.” Maven said. 
“And his name is… Cal Calore?” Mare couldn’t contain her chuckle this time. Why does everyone here have ridiculous names?
“No, it’s Tiberias.” Maven Answered. “Tiberias the seventh.”
Mare raised her brows at that. “The seventh!? What happened to Tiberias one through six?”
Maven laughed. “No, it’s this dumb family tradition. Our father is the sixth and his father is the fifth and so on.”
“Oh, so you’re like… the Royal Wizarding Family or something?” 
That Maven wasn’t expecting. He blushed, taken aback, and for a second Mare wondered if that had been too mean.
“They kind of are. I mean-- they’re pretty famous.” Shade said. “They’re famous cursebreakers or something.”
Mare nodded a small ohh. Kilorn raised his brows at the word “cursebreakers.” Maven just shrugged.
“And what kind of curses do they break?” Mare asked.
“I don’t know, like…” Maven furrowed his brows, thinking of a way to explain. “There are like, laws, on how to use magic, and they work in enacting that. They’re not all cursebreakers. Some are aurors.”
“Magical police.” Shade clarified. 
“They’re kind of annoying, if you ask me.” Maven said, “Everyone says i’m different to them. I’m not, like, super sporty and stuff. My dad says I should be more like my brother.”
“Oh, my mom’s the same,” Mare said. “She’s super proud of my sister because she can draw really well,and I’m not particularly good at anything”.
They fell into easy conversation, talking about sibling frustrations and family wishes. Kilorn and Shade, for their part, talked about the school, Shade explained the houses and house points and what Quidditch was. Kilorn decided he would like to play, it sounded fun. Mare eventually joined in, saying she’d like to play too (all her brothers did), beating balls while flying sounded fun. Shade also talked about the professors, who was nice and who wasn’t. He seemed to like Julian, the history of magic teacher, who was also head of the Ravenclaw house, which was, according to Shade, the best one. Part of Mare hoped she’d be sorted there just to be with her brother, but she felt she wasn’t brainy enough. There was also Anabel, the potions teacher, who wasn’t that nice to students that got on her ugly side. 
“Basically you have to one, be smart, or two, be a slytherin, if you don’t want her to be hard on you,” Shade explained. 
“Looks like she plays favorites.” Mare said.
“Yeah the slyths are quite literally snakes. Really. That’s their animal.”
Mare decided in that moment that she didn’t want to be in slytherin. 
Shade kept going over the teachers. There was Carmadon, the funny herbology teacher, and Davidson, the Defense against the dark arts teacher. According to Shade, he was really strict in class but outside class he would talk with the students, and was very nice.
The rest of the ride passed quickly, and soon it was time to change into their uniforms. The castle came into view. It really was huge, with bridges and pointed towers. Dark, yet strangely welcoming. 
All over the train, there were cheers and gasps of surprise as they got closer. Mare watched the school approach through the window with Kilorn and Maven, thinking woah, this really is real…
The descent from the train is hurried and messy. Shade leaves for his friends, a group of boys dressed in the same blue robes, and the trio of first years is left to be carried by the crowd. Maven gets lost, and Kilorn and Mare end up joining the cluster of other first years, who are indicated to follow a big man named Hagrid. He gives a brief tour of the castle grounds. They were at the Great Lake, where the huge squid resided. on the other side a little to the left was the forbidden forest, which Mare kind of wanted to enter, to find why it was forbidden. At second thought she decided it’d be a terrible idea. Then, very far on the other side, the quidditch pitch. The place was gigantic.
In small groups, the kids crossed the lake in carriages pulled by invisible horses. Mare and Kilorn boarded one with a boy named Thomas and a girl named Sonya, who didn’t seem to enjoy sitting with any of them. 
Once they were on the other side, the thirty-something first years continued into the castle. Mare couldn’t keep her jaw from dropping as she walked through the oak double doors and into a torchlit entrance hall. There was a grand staircase in front of them, and she could hear muffled talk from somewhere. She didn’t have much time to take in her surroundings, as the party was quickly moved to a room at the right.. Before she entered, she glimpsed four hourglasses filled with glittering stones, one for each house, she guessed.
So this is the Great Hall. It was the biggest dining room Mare had seen in her life. Her eyes went straight to the ceiling, it was open… bewitched, Mare remembered, from one of Shade’s letters, to look like the night sky. It was just as beautiful as she’d imagined. 
The great hall had four long tables, each occupied by students from different houses. Mare recognized them by color. The closest one was the green one, slytherin. Then blue, ravenclaw, where Shade was. Then came yellow, Hufflepuff, which was Tramy’s house. And the farthest one was Gryffindor, Bree’s house. 
The kids hurried to the right wall, where another long table stood on its own platform, overlooking the other four. The professors’ table. Right in front of it, there was a small stool with a very old hat sitting on it. 
Mare knew what came next, and it made her heart race. The sorting ceremony. The moment that would determine where you belonged in Hogwarts. Excitement flood the room, as hopeful students cheered for their houses, and the newcomers breathed heavily, a mix of nerves and adrenaline.  Mare spotted Bree smiling at her from his table and couldn’t help but smile back. The students stood in front of the teachers’ platform and the headmaster, a wizard with a long, white beard called Dumbledore, welcomed them with a speech. He was weird, Mare concluded. Even by wizard standards. 
Then it was time for the sorting. It opened with the hat singing a very off-key yet catchy song about the houses, how they were founded and what each house meant. Mare had no idea where she might end up. Maybe Gryffindor, people thought of her as brave-- but she definitely didn’t see herself as similar to Bree in any way. She had always been more like Shade… but she wouldn’t fit in Ravenclaw; she didn’t have a passion for knowledge and wouldn’t say she was creative. She wouldn’t deny she was smart, though… so it was a possibility. Hufflepuff was completely scratched, she was not hardworking nor kind. The only one left was slytherin… her brothers had joked she’d end up there, with her little revenge plans she pulled off whenever Bree or Tramy decided to get on her ugly side. Well, it was always her idea and Shade’s execution. But, from what she’d heard, a house of pretentious rich kids and mean teachers wasn’t that appealing to her. She ended up deciding to leave it to the hat.
The first kid to go up was Alice Zhang, hufflepuff. They were calling the kids in reverse alphabetical order, which meant she was going to be one of the last ones… great, she thought, mentally rolling her eyes. She wanted to get over it quickly but no, she’d have to wait. 
Kilorn was next. He grinned wide when the hat announced “Hufflepuff!” He had been eyeing the house, hoping to end up there. And so, one by one, the students stepped forward and sat in the stool to have their houses chosen. Most of them were happy with their new school family. Some had expected it. Others hadn’t, and were pretty shocked from it. But also the students didn't care about most of the newcomers.
The attention was on two students: Maven and Sonya Iral from the carriage. Mare couldn’t help but listen at people’s muttering about them.
“... with a family like that I bet you five galleons she'll end up in Ravenclaw or Slytherin”
“That boy’s definitely a Slytherin”. “How are you so sure? Every Calore ever has been a Gryffindor.” “He just looks like one. I can see it in his face.”
“... with a mother like that…” “I’ve never met Elara, but I hear that she could defeat he-who-must-not-be-named with her stare only.”
Mare’s eyes were suddenly very open. Who was this he-who-must-not-be-named person and why didn’t Shade tell her about him? It was certainly important. 
“Sonya Iral,” The professor, McGonagall, called.
The girl walked toward the stool. She looked like one of the mean girls who would call your shoes ugly in fourth grade, with long black hair straightened to perfection and deep tan skin, and moved with the grace of a ballerina. 
Mare startled at the loud cheers behind her. She would cheer too, she thought, if she had one of the richest people in the school in her house. 
“All the posh kids are making it to slyth,” she heard, coming from a table to her left. 
“It’s always the rich ones in slytherin… I don’t think I’ve seen a muggleborn in that house in years,” another student said.
“I mean, nowadays being a muggleborn in slytherin would suck…”
Mare swallowed hard. Maybe I could end up in gryffindor.
A few more students passed. Ravenclaw. Gryffindor. Gryffindor. Slytherin. 
Then, “Maven Calore.”
Maven walked slowly to the stool, all eyes on him. People were still betting on his placement, which made Mare mentally sigh in annoyance. She glanced at the Gryffindor table, all of them on their toes. Her eyes focused on a guy who was maybe thirteen, and had eyes literally the color of fire. That must be Cal the seventh, Mare thought. He was staring hopefully at his brother, hands clasped in front of his mouth. 
Maven, to his favor, looked calm. 
“Slytherin!” the hat declared. 
Gasps traveled through the whole hall. Jaws dropped to the floor and eyebrows shot to the ceiling as Maven walked to his house, which, to the shock of everyone who knew the Calores, was not Gryffindor. He was almost… proud? Or, looked like it, with his back straight and his strides long and confident. The green table roared, welcoming his new student, son of some… really powerful people. Mare was starting to think the Slytherin house wasn't a house of like-minded students, but an exclusive club of trust fund children. One she certainly could not belong to. Or could she?
She was about to find out. 
Mare felt her blood run down her veins like sparks, suddenly feeling very anxious. Rachel Brown, Ravenclaw. She breathed in, breathed out. Felt her leg shake. Edward Bennett, Hufflepuff. She braced herself. This was it. 
“Mare Molly Barrow.”
She hurried to the stool, hearing murmurs about her potential house. “Gryffindor, for sure.” “She looks a bit Ravenclaw to me.” “No, I know it. That’s a Slytherin face.” “She has the same look as Farley, definitely a Gryffindor.” 
McGonagall put the hat on top of her unruly head. She cringed when she felt the hat speak inside her mind. It’s looking through my brain…
“I see quite a bit of nerve in there…” it said. “Oh. oh, yes, you are a courageous one, child.” 
She smiled. Gryffindor, then? She couldn’t help it, bt a bit of disappointment fell on her shoulders at that. 
“No… i see that, while brave, you are twice as cunning. Intelligence sharp as a viper’s” Her eyes sparked, quickly assessing the room, finding Maven’s by chance. 
“It could not be more clear… SLYTHERIN!”
Mare grinned and walked toward her table, her house, while cheers surrounded her from all sides. A part of her sank when she realized the slytherin table was the one cheering the least. 
Still, they welcomed her with smiles as she sat. “Hey!” Maven said, shocked as was the rest of the house, whispering among them and giving her looks that ranged from confusion to plain disgust. Some, like Maven, were actually happy she was there. A girl with silver hair and dark grey eyes was surveying her intently. Mare couldn’t figure out if it was curiosity or malice in her eyes. She wanted to feel welcomed, she really did, but from what she’d heard about her new house, she wondered if she ever would. Everyone looked so composed and elegant… and there she was, straight out of a muddy village. She felt small, and off, so she decided to distract herself from her thoughts and focus on the ceremony… which was ending. 
“Hello! Welcome to Slytherin,” a voice said, taking her out of her gloom. A girl was standing over her, she had bright red hair which reminded her of Gisa’s, and wore a wide, welcoming smile. “I’m Mariella Haven. Prefect. If you need help with anything, you can come to me or any other Prefect.”
Mare smiled. She seemed… genuinely nice. “Hey, thank you,” she said. Mariella gave her and Maven a polite smile and walked back to her seat, which was near the edge of the table. 
“I feel strange here,” Mare whispered to Maven, as the table suddenly got filled with all kinds of foods. 
“Me too,” he whispered back. A small pressure released from Mare’s shoulders, knowing she wasn’t alone in her feelings of inadequacy. 
Eagerly, students started filling theri plates, and she did the same, helping herself to Turkey and a very colorful salad. This must be the most appetizing food she’d seen in her life, and her eyes sparkled with excitement. 
As the start-of-term feast went on, the six first years of Slytherin chatted eagerly about the train ride and what the hat had said and how happy they were to be placed in the best house. For some, it was a family tradition, almost. Sonya and Maven both said they felt kind of good for going out of their family’s norm. Mare didn’t speak much, but still she could feel a tight bond of loyalty forming between her and her housemates, no matter their differences. Maybe she’d make a place for herself here, after all. She had to. 
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Libi & Bobby
Libi: When are you two going to 🎩👞🤵? Bobby: 📌📅 1 week exactly Libi: Are you going to go for the matching look or just complementary 🤔 that's the real question Bobby: 🤞 he don't want a throwback to my mini me days Bobby: cross everything Libi: But you were so cute! 😚 Libi: I doubt he's going to make you dress like anything, when the chances of getting Cass into a bridesmaid dress are less than none Bobby: cute's alright for 👶s and 🐶s Bobby: a cardboard cut out could work for both of us, me lil and Cass 👗👠 Libi: There's plenty of the former, not sure the registry office would be happy about a procession of pooches though Libi: 1. Where are you planning to be? 2. And who are you trying to impress when you get there? Spill Bobby: 🐶💍? 🤔 Bobby: probably not gonna dress you in a 👗 puffy enough for me to hide behind, are they? 💔 Libi: Sadly, I don't think we can convince them hearing-ear dogs are a thing Libi: though, maybe it is worth a 🎯 Libi: Let's 👀 into it Libi: You'll be great though, he wouldn't have picked you if he didn't know you could handle it Bobby: you could convince anyone of anything, including as a massive hint, that there's no need for me to make a speech Bobby: or hold onto valuable 💍 Libi: You make me sound like some kind of evil mastermind, flattering or worrying? Libi: I don't think there's going to be any meringue dresses or big 😭/😂 speeches Libi: and you've met my grandma, and my granddad, for that matter Libi: if there's any 💬 to be had, they'll almost certainly take charge Libi: If you wanted to say something about Jimmy though, we could work on it together and I could do it for you on the day, I don't mind, of course Bobby: less 😈 more like 😎💭😏👏 Bobby: you sure you're not gonna have your hands full filming it? Bobby: bit rude to give you a full plate unless it's got wedding cake on it Libi: I'll take that, thank you 🙇🌹 Libi: I can manage, I don't think I'm going to have many, if any, stereotypical bridesmaid duties Libi: though, we COULD record it beforehand and give it to him as a present Libi: as he's just as likely to be 😳 receiving a speech as you are giving one Bobby: 🎬🌹 Bobby: if it means I can have more than the one go at it, I'll take the closeup Bobby: risk of 😳 and all Libi: You can trust me Libi: Going to threaten to make Cass too 🤪 Libi: he'll 💘 it, I'm sure Libi: what I'm less sure of is if I should put together the 📼 I have 🔮💭 for Janis Bobby: her accent's well strong again he'll love that throwback if nowt else 😉 Bobby: I do trust you and in all your ideas Bobby: 😎💭😏👏 like I just said Bobby: never put a foot wrong, you, Libs Libi: 😅 Libi: It'll be nice to have her back, not that I'll 💬 that to her face Libi: more 😒 than 😳 probably Libi: I try 🩰 Bobby: the dancing! 😳 deffo Bobby: I'll be putting that out of my head now Libi: Okay, there might be SOME dancing Libi: I 🤞 not to film that bit, even for laughs Bobby: only from the neck up, or we're gonna fall out Libi: Never! Bobby: hang on, unless I'm looking at where my feet are going, then don't Libi: Your concentration face IS very endearing Bobby: 😕 or 🤔? Libi: A solid mix of 🤔😋 Libi: we might furrow our brow if we're being VERY serious and having VERY big thoughts, of course 😉 Bobby: 👅 brings us back to cute like a 🐶 a bit Bobby: tell me YOUR big 💭 then, go on Libi: Don't be disrespecting 🐶s even if you want to decline the parallel, sir Libi: WELL Libi: you know my parents made lots of 📹 of their own Libi: and they had their own wedding, and I was bridesmaid then and my mum talked about if I ever had a wedding, and about Junior, Billie, Grace and Janis, their weddings they might have...I thought I could splice bits of her footage and audio with what I get on the day for Janis Libi: but, be honest, does that sound too depressing for words or? Libi: or like I'm making it all about ME and MY mum...I'm conflicted Bobby: I think it's a great idea, Cass would love it if she could have our mum there if she ever gets married, any bit of her Bobby: and that'll be like she's there Bobby: instead of everyone just 👀 an empty chair Libi: I'm glad you think so Libi: I'll probably run it by everyone else first but I can't really spoil the surprise for her beforehand Libi: I know I'd like it too, I think she will Bobby: even if it's a bit sad, it should be sad that your mum is missing it Bobby: and she'll get why you're doing it Libi: It's so strange Libi: seeing that I knew her Bobby: if you need a hand going through the footage, I'll put my concentration face on Bobby: I know there's loads Libi: Thanks 😌 Libi: I'll take you up on that Libi: luckily there is somewhat of a system but there's still a lot to go through, I don't want to miss anything Bobby: 📌📅 tomorrow? Libi: If that works for you Libi: that'd be 👍 Bobby: I'll wake you up 🍳🥓☕️ or the smoke alarm will Libi: 😂 Libi: If nothing, we'll have the ☕☕ Bobby: and I can work a 📱 whatever you wanna order Libi: Very impressive, Bobs Libi: could make you my 2nd unit DoP Bobby: 🙇🌹 Libi: Oh dear Libi: Venus is messaging me Libi: A lot Bobby: 😬 Libi: I think she thinks she's a bridesmaid too Bobby: but she knows how they're planning to do this Libi: Maybe she doesn't? But I'M pretty sure she's not Libi: this is awkward Bobby: you're busy, I'M keeping you busy Libi: She's 8, I can't be rude Libi: Why does she have her own account though 🤔 Bobby: she's 8, loads of other people are about to deal with her ❓❗ Bobby: you don't have to be the one who 💔👸🏽 Libi: 😬 AHH Bobby: put your 👟 on and leave your 📱 behind Bobby: that's my bright idea Libi: Where are we going 📌📅 today? Bobby: we'll let the 🐶s choose Libi: Okay Libi: but I need to bring the 📱 Bobby: I'll give it you back in case of an 🚨 Libi: 😖 Okay Libi: I'll let the adults deal with it before she finds out the 💳 she probably has too Libi: you're right Bobby: I'm saving you from an if where she gets it into her head that YOU'RE saying she can't be a bridesmaid Bobby: 'cause I can 👀 it happening Libi: That would not be good Libi: it's not like a thing thing, I'm only bridesmaid in name, really Libi: and Janis won't care if she wants to wear a massive dress Libi: it's fine Bobby: I can hide behind her when she does, problem solved Libi: We're both happy Libi: though you might have to duck a 🤏 Bobby: 🤞 I don't get taller beforehand Libi: How high do you think her 👠s will be? Libi: more fashionable than me already, that's for sure 😅 Bobby: high as 🌃 Bobby: but you'll be doing too much dancing to bother with any of that Bobby: 👣 Libi: Someone has to make sure you keep planted firmly on yours Bobby: or your video'll end up going viral for everyone to 😂🤣 at me and my moves Libi: Obviously, that's tempting 😉 Libi: but I did 🤞 so I'll stick to it Bobby: and I said you weren't 😈 which I wanna stick to Libi: Ideally, me too Bobby: 🤝 Libi: Just trying to get Killer's harness on 🙄 Libi: I'll be ten years 👌 Bobby: she don't wanna go, she'd just eat Venus instead Libi: Not before dinner ❌ Bobby: let's get 🍕 delivered to wherever we end up 🌳🥅🌼 Libi: Only if we can get ALL the dips Bobby: obviously Bobby: not gonna eat my crusts otherwise and Killer can't have every one of them Libi: No matter how hard she 🥺🥺 Bobby: I'll pretend I don't see her Libi: Good luck Bobby: not a patch on your 🥺 Libi: Well, don't take more than your fair share and I won't have to employ them 😋 Bobby: long as you give me my fair share, I won't have to take it Bobby: bigger half remains the going rate Libi: 😱 I was about to say Libi: how dare you suggest I take more when that's clearly you Libi: you didn't want to grow, remember Bobby: still time to convince someone a bit older into a dress like a meringue if you're not gonna hide me Libi: Grace might Libi: you could try her Bobby: 👌 Libi: OR even more thrilling, you could help me look for dresses over 🍕 Bobby: okay Bobby: one I really mean this time Libi: I really don't have a clue what to go for Libi: at least you know where you are with a suit Libi: or if she were that kind of bride and I just got told Bobby: you allowed to do whatever you want? Libi: Yup...It's a little daunting, actually Libi: maybe we should let Venus organize it Bobby: might be even more daunting if you did Bobby: we'll figure it out Libi: Us all in baby pink marshmallow gowns Libi: 🤐 okay, I'll take that back Bobby: 💐🎀👑🩰🧁✨ Libi: Cute for her and the twins Libi: I'll literally look like a 🐖 Bobby: whatever animal you wanna look like, we'll aim for that Bobby: but I'd have said 🦑 Libi: 😂 How is that any better? Bobby: camouflage is a skill they have, that benefits me Bobby: plus you have more legs to juggle 📹🌹🥂🍰💃 Libi: Good, solid arguments Libi: I'm convinced Bobby: didn't even bring up that you can shoot ink at predators Libi: I don't think that's a ➕ Libi: around all the 👗s Bobby: might be if there's a family argument Libi: 🤫 Libi: There won't be! Libi: 🥛 half full Bobby: Cass is coming but alright Bobby: 🤞 Libi: Yeah but Libi: no need for squid ink Bobby: 😇 Libi: You? Libi: 🤔 Bobby: everyone Bobby: on their best behaviour Libi: I won't be enforcing it Libi: not ☔️💃 Bobby: you'll be the mirrorball ��💃 Libi: Only if you're dancing 😊 Bobby: only with you, not Venus Libi: We'll find ways to keep you looking busy if she 👀 Bobby: I'll hold your 📹🌹🥂🍰💃 as you're not going for a 🦑👗 Libi: All the arms would be useful in general Libi: Think how many 🐶s I could walk Bobby: but think how many 👶s you'd have to hold Libi: That is 75% of the guestlist Bobby: 🤞 she's not pregnant now Bobby: that's why loads of people get married Libi: They've been together forever Libi: I don't think it's that Bobby: me either Libi: Such a 🃏 Libi: if you want that family feud, just ask her if she is, I'm SURE she'll oblige 😏 Bobby: I don't have a death wish, Libs Bobby: or want a family 🥊 Libi: Good call Libi: all I want is 🍕 now and we're finally out the door Bobby: I wanna to find you a 👗 before Venus does but I do need 🍕 for that Libi: 💪 building is a must, of course Bobby: what's Astrid gonna wear? Bobby: be ideas there 🦚🦜🦋🐛 Libi: I'll ask her Libi: don't know if she starts her creative process early on or inspiration just comes to her Bobby: 👍 Libi: It'll be amazing, regardless Bobby: couldn't even deny that as 🃏 Bobby: I'll look so boring in my 🤵 next to you 2 Libi: Well I could never pull off half the 🦚🦜🦋🐛 she does Libi: and you won't look boring! You'll look handsome, and not at all like a mini-me now Bobby: you can pull off anything Bobby: and used to when you were lil Libi: I don't want to look lil now Libi: she looks cool, I wouldn't Bobby: you'll look and feel top of the world Bobby: the search is on Libi: You're the best Bobby: you Libi: 😊😌 Libi: Maybe I could wait to see your suits Libi: colour match? Bobby: we haven't done that for ages Libi: Does it make me a bit too Libi: Venus? Bobby: not if we don't choose pink Bobby: or gold Libi: An all-gold tuxe, stunning 😅 Libi: I'm fine with those stipulations Bobby: I'm not pulling off anything like that Bobby: but matching is like a proper wedding thing Bobby: you won't look lil Libi: Right, even if they aren't the types to insist, I don't think it'd make them mad either Libi: it'll give us some focus Libi: too many options Bobby: and an excuse to stay together Bobby: soz everyone who won't get to dance with me but Libi: We ARE the wedding party, however unofficial Libi: practically our jobs Bobby: there you go, it's come together Libi: Thank goodness for you Libi: I'd probably still be freaking out being NO help or fun right now if I didn't have you Bobby: you came with me to that bollocks school 💃🕺 with my whole year there this'll be loads better than that Bobby: nowt to worry about Libi: That was spectacularly lame Libi: but we made the best of it still Bobby: yep and we didn't need to get drunk how loads of them did Libi: Be a sorry state of affairs if we forgot how to have fun together without it Bobby: be some sort of head injury Libi: Not matching 🤕 🤕 Bobby: 😵😵 Libi: It is a family function Libi: possibly Bobby: you said no 🥊 Libi: I was thinking about all the 🥂s Bobby: 😲 you're thinking about getting me drunk! Libi: Don't say it like that! Libi: I just meant everyone else WILL be and we can have some Bobby: we should do it Bobby: you're right about the obvious opportunity Libi: Just to get more used to it Libi: so when we go to more 💃🕺 outside of school, we won't look lil either Bobby: yeah Bobby: we won't be 😳 Libi: I don't wanna get drunk Libi: just not recoil when I taste it Libi: 🤝? Bobby: tell me if the room's spinning when you've stopped 💃and I'll cut you off 🤝 Libi: It's a plan Libi: if your eyes go all 😵🥴 I'll take your bottle away too Bobby: long as you're making eye contact, that'll work Libi: My 👀s will do their best to keep up with yours, of course Bobby: 💃🕺 Bobby: can you 👀 me now? Libi: 👋 Libi: [and then 👋 IRL as you run up] Bobby: [hug her and probably have to disentangle the dog leads like your own rom com moment] Libi: [at least these old lady dogs won't be going as crazy god bless them, say now that obviously we sign everything for him as we speak 'cos duh, 'this is good practice for dancing' as you do the thing where you have to go under a lead and around] Bobby: [likewise just know that I'm obvs purely signing everything cos we don't speak but I'll still write it like speech cos it is 'in that case, nothing to worry about' touches his face like is there a 😳 and shakes his head like nope] Libi: ['I told you' and a big smile and checking our own face but like seriously hoping we're not blushing because he cute] Bobby: [an even bigger smile back because she's cute and we're glad she's not stressed any more] Libi: [giving Twix some love and treats as we head off 'Is Cass bringing anybody?'] Bobby: ['if she's going out with anyone, bringing them to a family wedding isn't gonna happen' cos true even though it's a scaled down family function] Libi: [nods like yeah, true 'I liked her last boyfriend, shame we can't invite him' 'cos what happened did you just decide to go back North or what] Bobby: [a look on his face like did you like him or did you LIKE him because we're jealous and you know it but we're doing the JJ move of acting like it's pure bants of course] Libi: [slapping at his arm like excuse you! but we're 😳 so it looks like you LIKED him even though obviously not you're just embarrassed to even be talking about this with him like we know why 'As if! He was just nice, and Cass had more fun when he was around'] Bobby: [a look like mhmmmm sure because we do think you like him now gal] Libi: ['that would be so inappropriate, ew' emphasizing the EW dramatically like stop it] Bobby: [a look like true you'd never do anything like that because we know her inside out and that she's never trying to rock the boat like that which is also a little bit true of him tbh cos Cass is the explosive one so we have to be the chill one to make Jimothy's life easier] Libi: [sigh like thank you and telling him about some girl in her year who's got a teacher crush 'I swear she thinks it's going to happen' and shaking her head like honestly] Bobby: [telling her about someone in his year who does too because it's always a thing and doing an even more dramatic ew than she did] Libi: [🙄 'Sometimes I think we're the only normal people around' and pulling a 🤪 face] Bobby: ['we deffo are' and obvs doing his own silly face back before putting his arm around her like that's why we gotta stick together forever thank you] Libi: [feelsy lean 'at least we don't have to worry about any of that, dates, and stuff'] Bobby: [an OTT dramatic sigh like yeah thank god that we actually do mean 'there's nobody at school I would take if I had a gun to my head' full offense to everybody lol] Libi: [can't help but smile, 'I don't think we're old enough to qualify for plus ones anyway' but nudges him conspiratorily 'no one, REALLY?'] Bobby: ['is there someone you would?' because that's how that sounds to us now, even though we clearly don't wanna get back onto talking about who she fancies] Libi: [shakes our head 'the boys are worse than the girls'] Bobby: [the amount of relief he'd have to hide is making me lol 'you sure you wanna go to more parties? drunk they'll be even worse'] Libi: [shrugs 'cos not really but we're growing up honey 'don't wanna miss out, do we?'] Bobby: [rallies because we don't wanna her to miss out because of us so we do an emphatic head shake like NO and we're on socials looking for any parties coming up because realistically there are probably some coming up always like why wait until after the wedding] Libi: [just peeping over his shoulder] Bobby: [let's say Asia's sister is having one after the suit shopping next weekend so he's like !? because do we want this to be our trial run lol] Libi: [a face like OH GOD 'cos we know she's the worst 'We don't have to'] Bobby: ['not much to lose, she already hates us and we know it won't be fun unless we make it' a shrug like it's so casual and we're not at all ! waiting for what she'll say] Libi: [just studying his face trying to work out what he wants without asking of course 'Could be funny, if not fun' 'cos we know she's tragic we don't need to be nice about her she's not family] Bobby: [likewise studying hers and her tone/body language like do you actually wanna do this or not 'we can just dance away if it's not' trying to reassure ourselves here as much as her which would be obvious] Libi: [does another twirl like yeah we can] Bobby: [control your 😍 please boy and do a IRL 🤝] Libi: [just keeping holding his hand as you walk these dogs] Bobby: [love that for you] Libi: [realising you need them for talking though so you literally only can when you're being quiet, which is quite cute] Bobby: [we stan a comfortable silence in this house and also please take lots of pics like you did when you were bubs around JJ's influence thank you] Libi: [of course, I'm going to try to be more artsy with it to bring in your parents influence too but obviously selfies are a must regardless] Bobby: [it do be why people think you're dating because his entire socials are literally gonna just be selfies of you two but I'm not soz] Libi: [people aren't just being straight and weird about it, people who actually know y'all] Bobby: [god bless] Libi: ['be good to see Jay again' also unrelated but not, I think this wedding should be around xmas time 'cos when they met okay] Bobby: ['it has been ages' because realistically probably has been because she'd only come back for big fam functions really because we're not grown yet and as we know Buster's bday is right by Matty's so she probably didn't do that in october so god knows when she was last here tbh] Libi: [ages in as much as she doesn't live here so deffo 'at least she won't know what to wear either' sounds like a drag, she's just not that girly as a kid we know] Bobby: [yeah and she's literally Bobby's age so you feel awkward at formal occasions then unless you're girly af and go in 'maybe she should go suit shopping too' again not a drag or pisstake] Libi: [nudging him 'you gonna ask her?' when you're pretending it's #bants but we're alerted lmao] Bobby: ['I think Jim wants it to just be us' because no offense Jay but he probably does want that bonding moment, factor in that when he's using his name he's using a feelsy sign for it like we know he has and that's true of everyone's name when we're talking IRL] Libi: [smiles like of course, jk jk, because you love how close they are] Bobby: ['Ava'll help her if she needs it' cos she always dresses amazingly and still would lbr] Libi: [nods because we are not worried about it 'she always manages to look cool too'] Bobby: [nudging her because we see you comparing yourself again gal and we think you're the coolest] Libi: [face like ugh soz 'cos can't help it but not trying to be that bitch though] Bobby: [drags her along like come on we're gonna run until your brain switches off which the dogs will love too] Libi: [run babies run] Bobby: [then dramatically flop onto the grass with her like breathless but 😁 in a very cinematic manner] Libi: [likewise because we do feel better for it 'how do you always know what will work?'] Bobby: ['years of practice?' not really a question because they've known each other forever so that is true] Libi: ['You deserve a raise' 'or a medal' and mimes putting one on him Bobby: [mimes breaking it and giving her half 'unlike the pizza, I'll let you have the bigger bit'] Libi: ['so kind' 😏 gets her phone out like speaking of 'usual?' 'cos of course we know these things about each other] Bobby: [nods and gets the dogs to bark that they also agree] Libi: [laughs 'none for them, remember'] Bobby: [looks away from the dogs like soz 'I promise' but 🤞 playfully where she still see it instead of behind his back like we might break that lol] Libi: ['soft touch' but we're clearly not mad] Bobby: [😲 but we're not offended] Libi: ['It's what we love about you' who's we like okay] Bobby: ['you won't be saying that when I put my foot down about taking your bottle away' I doubt she's gonna be an angry drunk and try and stop you that hard but okay, daddy energy of that statement excuse us] Libi: [😲 back at him 'I'm not that much of a brat, thank you!' but folds her arms and pouts like a kid for dramatic effect 'besides, if I say anything it'll be thanks for not letting me make a fool of myself'] Bobby: ['I'd never let that happen' sincere af because we wouldn't 'especially not at a party of China's' since she really do be the worst, doing a 📷 mime because it'd be all over socials] Libi: [shudders like oh god and is 😒 'make a change from her feed being full of her embarrassing behaviour but no thanks'] Bobby: [gets his phone and gestures her closer so they can watch her story together because honestly imagine we're 14 going on 24 now] Libi: [big yikes, big lols, also what was the other ones name/could we put her in Libi's year for double the amusement/potential] Bobby: [we did say she was the youngest one and the other one called America was like a bit younger than Cass but no reason we can't change that if we want to because we've only said it out of character so] Libi: [Like it doesn't truly matter I know but she was friends with a girl that looks like she could be Asia's sister, so maybe if America is in our year she could not suck as hard] Bobby: [I'm down for that, why not if you have stuff you can use] Libi: [Asia's mum could've got a new man for these two, who also peaced, a moment] Bobby: [that's very much a mood] Libi: [just thinking who's another bitchy but kinda goofy blonde hmm] Libi: [okay China=Imogen Poots America=Lia Marie Johnson] Bobby: [a good shout and it makes sense that you're bitchy gal because you're prettiest and clearly also smarter than Asia was so you're clearly your mum's fave and popular at school with your squad] Libi: [golden child, how nice for you madam] Bobby: [and I imagine her hating that her sister is friends with them on any level so that's some fun drama] Libi: [yeah, always good to have that fun level of not too deep going on] Bobby: [yeah we won't be going hard with it but there's things we can do through the years, though please don't also go to Trinity gal I'll die] Libi: [we won't let you, gotta have limits lol] Bobby: [anyway enjoy lightly mocking her socials kids because she thinks she's such hot shit] Libi: ['I bet she wears heels to her own house party'] Bobby: [showing her a picture of whatever she wore the last time she had one when they obvs didn't go like yep there they are] Libi: [when we're shooketh 'cos we're pretty casual at all times 'but she's at HER HOUSE' like we do not understand lmao] Bobby: ['her mum probably keeps her drinks in the top cupboard' we're obviously joking here because it's obvious her mum isn't the lock up her booze sort but she's adorable so we have to joke to distract us] Libi: [little lols 'should let me throw a party' because literally live with Fearghal, everyone would lose their shit lmao but we ain't gonna hens] Bobby: [does the walking fingers across her knee or wherever like baby steps gal because we've only just said about going to parties never mind throwing them 'you should leave her off the guest list' we don't like honey and we never will] Libi: [acting like it tickled so much to hide the 😳 we'd have, when we've collected ourselves/the dogs have stopped jumping all over us too 'she wasn't top of the list' and does a shh don't tell] Bobby: [lists off who the guest list would be but in a silly way like Venus, Cass' ex etc etc] Libi: [tutting any time it's a family member like shh but we're amused, and adding our own additions of unfavourable party guests] Bobby: [just getting sillier and sillier about it until we run out] Libi: ['I'd much sooner someone else's parent's house got trashed, like' and shrugs like not sorry] Bobby: [we're nodding because we clearly often hang out at mcvickers and like it there 'and that someone else got in trouble' because we see you gal always] Libi: ['is getting in trouble mandatory for parties?' like we're taking the piss but also like, why does there need to be any drama lol] Bobby: ['if anyone could change the way parties go, it's you' because everyone at school be throwing parties the same exact way, getting trashed and trashing the place but we know Libi could do it better] Libi: ['I'll add it to my to-do list' and doing a little ✔ in the air 'what would your best party be like?'] Bobby: [shamelessly gonna say he describes either one of his birthdays or hers when they were younger and in the peak of their bubby love] Libi: [you would've had some great birthdays lads, we're so happy and reminiscing] Bobby: [enjoy just reliving all those mems and then you can look a pics and stuff of you two on your phone instead of that bitch] Libi: [posting some throwbacks and talking more about your video ideas and stuff as it is related] Bobby: [love that and I also love thinking about how many times they would've watched the wedding video when they were bubs and wanted to get married] Libi: [RIP, so sweet and extra, also how shooketh Tess would've been by you makes me lol] Bobby: [one day you will get married, I hope Tess is still alive to see it] Libi: [my boo says hold on bitch lmao] Bobby: [looking down from heaven like] Libi: [aww, also go on the swings please whilst waiting for your pizza delivery] Bobby: [you gotta, soz dogs you amuse yourselves for a sec please] Libi: [we can throw a ball for you gals but you old so you might enjoy the rest too lol] Bobby: [have a little snooze huns we gotta push our bae on the swings for a bit before we get on because that's gentlemanly behaviour] Libi: [see how high you can get hun, some kids should come along and want a go, like little kids, so we're shamed like oh, I was acting like a baby, although Bobby was also swinging and we were having a nice time, such a difficult age] Bobby: [that's so real and also really hurt my heart so much excuse me being a hormonal bitch over here, play with the dogs guys, we gotta cheer the bae] Libi: [soz gal the insecurity be popping out] Bobby: [when you realise you didn't ask her what her ideal party would be like so you do] Libi: [describe what is essentially your dream wedding moment but leave out the wedding part 'cos that bitch] Bobby: [I'm FINE meanwhile Bobby be like 'alright now I wanna change my answer to that' because perfect sounding] Libi: [😁 'you're invited, of course'] Bobby: [hug her because she's adorable and you can hide your 😍 whilst still showing that we're buzzing] Libi: [you're so cute guys it's rude, lord knows this delivery better show up so you have to break up to eat] Bobby: [my boo says eat your pizza, I bet they have such a cute order like they probably make their own little weird thing, oh I love you two] Libi: [deffo one weird thing that NO ONE else would want ever but you two do] Bobby: [that's such a vibe and I feel like they'd have a million little things like that which other people think are weird (again not in a Ro way) when he gets with Cammie's mum she's gonna be like um no I won't be eating that] Libi: [just missing all those little things honey, a vibe] Bobby: [for now live for your best lives because we're evil and gonna put you through it] Libi: [we're so rude] Bobby: [I was thinking that the party should go badly for whatever reason so then they're even more determined at the wedding and they can get drunk which will be useful for us] Libi: [easily done, so many reasons not to be living] Bobby: [yeah exactly my thought, like you only need to feel slightly awkward/ like you're not keeping up and that'll lead on nicely] Libi: [if you like we can skip to getting ready for that party and do it in this convo, it's not long] Bobby: [why not, I said it was after the suit shopping so imagine all the cute pics he would've sent her] Libi: [Okay, so later on] Libi: Have you guys made a decision? 😄 Bobby: I think so 👍 Libi: Did you send me a 📸 or is it a total surprise? Bobby: I've held back on the 📸s of 🥇🥈🥉 Bobby: do you wanna 👀 the runners up or just skip to the winner I've saved to show you in person? 🤔 Libi: 🤔🤔 Libi: No, save it for in person Bobby: you sure? Libi: Yes, we're meeting up before this party, right? Bobby: yeah, it'll be ages before we can go there Bobby: getting there too early 🤓 Libi: Exactly Libi: even I know that Libi: and pre-drinks are a thing too, so I've heard Bobby: are you inviting the others for them? Libi: I hadn't really thought about it Libi: do you think they'll behave? Bobby: some of them might Libi: We could do then Libi: we won't be able to have hard stuff, just beers and that kind of thing Bobby: we probably shouldn't go too hard before the party, knowing how they end Libi: I'll invite them then 👍 Libi: tell them to save their bottles for the party too Bobby: don't tell them I said to be 🐢🐌 Bobby: not very 😎 Libi: It's me who wants it Libi: but it's okay, nans home so I can blame her 😬 Bobby: it's me too Bobby: I don't wanna fall over before I've had chance to 💃🕺 Libi: Of course I can count on you to understand Libi: what's the point of showing up somewhere to socialize and being incapable of it because you're wasted? Libi: I see the merit in being a little buzzed but Libi: it sounds 🤓 when it's just logical Bobby: no merits to 🥴🤢🤮 Bobby: she'll have a lovely bathroom but I don't wanna spend the whole party on the floor of it Libi: I have 0 plans to go that far anyway Libi: surely that's more embarrassing than being naive about it Libi: anyway, I'd never be let out again if I did so ❌ Bobby: and I don't wanna go out and about without you so ❌ Libi: I wouldn't be allowed if you weren't there Libi: I think it helps, that we know who the family is too, even if they have no idea what a nightmare China really is, at least she's not some 😱😱 stranger who's running some kind of kiddy crack den or whatever goes through parental 🧠s Bobby: we've gone from cute 🐶 to guard 🐶 Bobby: is that progress? 💪😎 Libi: 🙄😏 No pressure, or anything Libi: obviously, I'm perfectly capable but Libi: always the but Bobby: challenge accepted, even though it isn't one to keep you out of trouble Libi: You're welcome for the easy life then 😉 Bobby: if you could just dress me like Jim did earlier then it really would be Libi: Okay but seriously Libi: what do we wear Libi: not that the dress code is going to be the same for us but Bobby: I'm not wearing 👠 that's cuter when you're lil 🤴👸 Libi: you've had the growth spurt, you don't need to Libi: another plus to inviting the others Libi: take a vote so my whole wardrobe doesn't end up on the floor Bobby: if you're thinking about taking it to a vote you're overthinking it Libi: 😰😰 Bobby: just choose something that don't make you feel 😳😳 if China's going to say something she will whatever it is Libi: If it were that easy Libi: She's so Libi: ugh Bobby: why can't it be? Bobby: I could close my 👀 and grab something that you'd end up looking great in Libi: Maybe all my clothes are awful and I've only just realized tonight Libi: so inconvenient 😂 Bobby: come on, Libs Bobby: I know you trust me not to let you walk around looking 😳 Libi: I know Libi: I'm just freaking out for no reason Libi: she always thinks she looks better than everyone, like you said, what I wear doesn't matter Bobby: not no reason, just a bollocks one Bobby: if you wanna swap wardrobes, we haven't done that for ages either but I'm in Libi: Considering how #shamed I'll be if I don't opt for 👠👗 Libi: save that for another day Bobby: you're dressing for 💃🕺 with me not auditioning for her Bobby: any day Libi: dancing in 👠s sounds more dangerous than 🍾 Libi: noted ✔ Bobby: we're gonna have fun Bobby: tell your 🧠 Libi: We always do Libi: I'm going to cheer up Libi: Am says she's invited SO many people, she probably won't even notice we're there Libi: we can 💃🕺 unbothered all night Bobby: a bit relieved I won't have to have my face painted like a 🐺 to improve things this time Bobby: dunno if I could still pull that off Libi: 'course you could Libi: but Jimmy might be a bit busy, all things considered Libi: 🤞 she's hired the lady again Libi: 🍧🍨🧁🍰🎂🍭🍬🍫🍿🍩🍪 Bobby: I bet it'll be 🍣 this time Bobby: 🤞 not off some poor lad Bobby: be wishing I was blind instead Libi: Bobby! Libi: 😂 That's horrific Libi: worse than anything I've been warned against Bobby: soz! Bobby: it's not her 🎂 she'll probably have toned it down 🤏 Libi: I should hope so Libi: maybe she'll have gone 50/50 and we can eat 🍧🍨🧁🍰🎂🍭🍬🍫🍿🍩🍪 off some dude Libi: I'll be able to tolerate that Bobby: chuffed for YOU Bobby: won't catch me eating anything off anyone Libi: Spoilsport 😜 Bobby: you started drinking already? Bobby: offering yourself up as a 🍽 don't sound like something sober you would do Libi: I didn't! Libi: You're 📑 between the lines, I think Bobby: 🤔👌 Libi: It's most offensive you think I'd start without you Libi: how rude when you're stuck suit shopping Bobby: I bet China has Libi: If you were Jake Gallagher, what would YOU find more attractive? A girl who can keep up and hold her drink, or a girl who goes hard and blacks out Libi: that's who she's after right now, so I've heard Bobby: 🍾🥂💅💄 all just part of getting ready for her Bobby: what's his? the sniff test and shots Bobby: sounds like 💘 to me Libi: Second best option, least in her head Libi: she can't get you so, I guess Bobby: she don't want me Bobby: the real question is, why are you asking me about Jake's POV? Libi: Only because she's shot herself in the foot by being a bitch to you Libi: Because whatever kind of girl she reckons he's into, is what she'll be being tonight Libi: and you're a boy, so you'd know Bobby: I'm not the same kind of boy as him Libi: Yeah but precisely 0 of the boys at school are as nice as you Bobby: which lads aren't being nice to you? Libi: No one's not being nice to me Libi: but there's a reason you're my best friend Bobby: you can tell me, just 'cause I can't have a conversation with them don't mean I can't make them understand that they need to treat you nicer Libi: This is why you're trusted to keep me safe Libi: not calling you 🐶cute don't worry Bobby: you're my best friend, you can call me what you like Libi: Well now I just have to come up with the most ridiculous nickname, obviously 😏 Bobby: after a few drinks that'll come easy Bobby: I've heard that's how it works Libi: I won't tell Astrid it's your new sign name or anything Bobby: she'll make it stick if you do Libi: Exactly why we'll keep it secret Libi: I know deaf etiquette but you know the rest of 'em'll be asking for the story Bobby: and you don't want the story to be that you were pre-drinking Libi: UM, I'm protecting you from the story being you was 🥳😵🥴 and then... Bobby: oh NOW I get it, tah for being my hero Libi: SO welcome 😚 Libi: and I am not pre-drinking yet Bobby: you want me to go first in case everything we try is 🤢 Libi: 1. I KNOW beer is and I KNOW wine is so I don't know what I'm even going to start with 2. Even China isn't sad enough to be drinking alone, she'll have her mates there, like Bobby: what if it's really ALL 🤢? what are we gonna do? Libi: I'll bring a massive bag as part of my ensemble and we can just mix everything with the coke I hide in it Libi: I've got one we could at least fit 2 2l bottles in Bobby: my actual hero Libi: You'll have to carry it for me there so don't be too thankful yet Bobby: how many batteries will I have to carry for your 📹? Libi: I can kick it disposable Libi: don't need her 🔊😘 in my memories forever Bobby: relieved I don't lip read so girls can't use that to say I'm flirting with them 👀💋 Libi: They're 💔 Libi: also clearly think you still do, half of them Bobby: faking it and playing a really really long game Libi: 🙄 Honestly Libi: They think there's only one way to be deaf, is why Bobby: bit awkward that I'm doing it wrong Libi: How dare you, like Bobby: about as awkward as the BRIGHT lights this party would need for anyone to lip read Bobby: the things we'd 👀... Libi: 🤐 Libi: at least I can freely tell you all the good bits I do overhear without looking like a massive gossip Bobby: yeah, I'll be 💔 if I don't find out about Jake's ✔s and ❌s Libi: Yeah, 90% of it is really boring Libi: but there must be something decent in the 10% to make it worth going, right? Bobby: we're about to find out 🤞 Libi: 😎 Bobby: is Am coming or is it too close to home? Libi: Coming to us or coming to the party? Bobby: 😂 both questions work Libi: She's lowkey got to be there, I think, or go to her nans which she's almost as 😒 about Libi: their mum is at her boyfriends Libi: he's lasting, hence the increase in parties Libi: I'll invite her even though it probably feels counterproductive, so at least she can have fun here before going back Bobby: tell her I said I NEED her to teach me how to drink Libi: 😂 How could she refuse Bobby: she won't Libi: Careful, don't wanna sound like Jake Bobby: 🤐 Libi: She's down though Libi: China is fully telling her she HAS to go to their nans, like she's got a leg to stand on Bobby: 👶ing her is DEFFO gonna make her do anything Libi: Seriously, she acts like she's so much older, it's ridiculous Bobby: makes me feel like I should give Cass some kind of sister award Libi: Don't have to wait 'til she gets hitched to do a 📼 Bobby: I probably do Bobby: or at least wait for her 21st Libi: Right, she's not the sentimental sort Libi: or IS she? 🤔🤫 Bobby: when it's about our mum Libi: It's understandable Libi: even if it's hard to Bobby: yeah Libi: What about you? Bobby: what about me? Libi: How are you feeling about it? Bobby: it's not like there's anything new to feel Bobby: it's been ages since she was even a real person to me Libi: Your feelings could change, even if the situation hasn't Libi: But I understand what you mean too Bobby: it's different for her, she has loads more memories Bobby: I don't even know if mine are proper ones or just something I made up 📚🤴👸🐉 Libi: It is a different sort of loss Libi: more, what you could've had, not what you did Libi: it's the same for me, compared to everyone else Bobby: I don't feel like I missed out on anything Bobby: Jim didn't let me Libi: That's what's important Bobby: it's a bit rude to him that Cass acts like she'd have been better off having mum back Libi: She clearly isn't thinking about that Libi: it is though, but in terms of her priorities, she can sort being a bit rude out later Bobby: she wasn't a mum like yours, anyone would miss that Libi: that's because she was 15, just a kid herself Libi: like all the fun we had with Jim and Janis Libi: your mum was a proper adult, things get messy and difficult Bobby: you can still 👀 she was and would've been a good mum, how much she loves you is on every 📼 Bobby: as a proper adult mine should've done better, is what I think Libi: She definitely should've Libi: maybe Cass just wants to tell her as much Libi: I don't know Bobby: maybe she wants someone else to be 😡 at Bobby: dad isn't gonna change if she shouts at him Libi: Hope's a powerful thing Libi: whilst there's still a chance there's still a chance Bobby: feels like a dangerous thing if you're holding onto it for either of my parents but what do I know Libi: Probably is Libi: but maybe the way she sees it is your dad has blown it and your mum has a final chance to Bobby: officially she's dead though, they don't just decide that if they think someone's coming back Libi: I know Libi: it takes a lot of factors to make it seem official though Libi: maybe more for her than you Bobby: I think it should count for something that she's been gone longer than she's been around Bobby: you've never even met her and I've known you forever Libi: Probably don't need to ask if it's worth having this conversation with her? Libi: 😡 Bobby: she's the deaf one on that subject Bobby: even my dad's said more about her than Cass has Bobby: all 🤬 obviously but still Libi: Of course Libi: you can always talk to me Libi: don't need to be pre-drunk or anything Bobby: what's the deaf version of slurring, do you think? Bobby: signs that don't make sense? Libi: It'll be like an experiment 😁 Libi: maybe you forget all the signs like people do the right words Bobby: it'll probably be like when Janis was learning and kept getting everything slightly wrong for ages but was still doing it really confidently Libi: 😂 exactly like that Libi: as long as I don't start shouting again Bobby: 😂 Libi: I shouldn't forget you don't 👀💋 Bobby: I hate the idea that we won't understand each other Bobby: if we forget everything or whatever Libi: that's not going to happen Bobby: how do you know? Libi: 'cos it just never will Libi: we'll always be able to understand each other Bobby: we'll still have body language Libi: and telepathy Libi: if we try hard enough Bobby: unless we're too 😵 to have proper 💭s either Libi: I can still read your muddled ones Bobby: I don't wanna talk myself out of this but I Bobby: need to be able to talk to you Libi: We're not going to get that drunk Libi: we don't have to if we don't want to, and I don't want to Bobby: alright Libi: If it stops being fun we'll slow down Libi: or just keep drinking coke and pretending there's vodka in there Bobby: 🤝 Libi: 🤝 Libi: and Am is going to teach us Libi: we'll be pros Bobby: I'm overthinking it, must be my go Libi: I started it and put too much pressure on you Libi: it'll be like any other party Libi: we'll do our own thing and it'll be good Bobby: nah, it's not your fault that most people there couldn't talk to me sober Libi: 😞 Libi: we'll find a party Libi: where you can talk to everyone you want Bobby: that sounds like a 📚🤴👸🐉 Libi: A good one though? Bobby: I don't know Bobby: a weird one Libi: There's bound to be groups or social shit, there's plenty of schools, I bet they put stuff on Libi: you'd only have to endure those a few times if they were really lame to find people to hang out with outside of it Bobby: there's no expecting Cass to go back and be mates with anyone or everyone who's a bit northern Libi: that's why you have to find the decent people out Bobby: I've found you, don't get any better than that Libi: 🥰 Libi: I'm pleased to hear you don't plan to totally replace me Bobby: couldn't if I wanted to Bobby: irreplaceable, you Libi: You practising your lines on me? Bobby: is it working? Libi: Who are you practising for? Bobby: China, obviously Libi: Don't even joke! 😷 Bobby: I'd get alcohol poisoning before I was drunk enough to go near her Libi: I'd drag you home before you made such a bad decision Bobby: I've got your back with Jake too Libi: I'm not going anywhere near Jake Libi: plus he's 15 isn't he? Libi: doubt he's actually interested in her nevermind me Bobby: didn't get an invite to any of his 🎂🥳 so I can't say for sure Libi: Rude of him Libi: they'd be a great couple Bobby: 💘 like I said Libi: Okay Cupid, you were right Libi: how are you going to make it happen? Bobby: they don't need my help Bobby: perfect for each other Libi: 🙄 Libi: Happy for them 👏 Bobby: 🎬🌹 Bobby: well convincing performance there, Libs Libi: I'll be ready by the time we get there Libi: 🙇 Bobby: and I'll be ready if Jake needs to borrow any lines to win her over Libi: An interesting twist on Cyrano Libi: he's going to need to understand sign though Libi: or it'll be you to me to Jake to China Libi: no 🔺 all ⬛ Bobby: if he can read I'll pass him a note 💌 Libi: Oh Libi: DUH Libi: keep the words short and he shouldn't struggle that much Bobby: but I think Netflix would prefer it your way ⬛ Libi: Probably Libi: the more convoluted the better Libi: gotta get multiple series Bobby: at least 7 Bobby: we're in our late 20s by the middle Libi: definitely should be out of school, should definitely be over this #drama Bobby: definitely should 👀 some of those plot twists coming Libi: 5 relationships and 3 murders in Libi: Started out so innocent Bobby: or did we 😉 Libi: 😱 Libi: If you've been the killer this whole time Libi: disappointing Bobby: is it? Bobby: 💔 Libi: Of course, I trusted you Libi: Great dramatic speech though, if you don't end the finale by killing me too Bobby: you can still trust me, I did it all to keep you safe Libi: Now THAT'S 🎬🌹 Bobby: 🙇 Libi: Bet we'd even get a shitty spin-off Bobby: 12 episodes Libi: give us a weird looking baby Libi: still getting into drama though Bobby: 🐶 too Libi: the dog can be cute Bobby: have you ever 👀 one that isn't? the real question Libi: Some of the pure breeds but that's not their fault Libi: still cute they just might make me sad Bobby: ❌😢 Libi: *😿*🐶 Bobby: 🥺 Libi: Well that's not fair Libi: don't just bring out the puppydog eyes with no warning Bobby: the warning was 😿🐶 Libi: well I think that's playing dirty Bobby: how is it? Libi: 🥺 is last resort Bobby: do it back and we'll be even Libi: [selfie 'cos duh] Libi: When are you gonna come over? Libi: It's not cool to be early to the party but when is it acceptable to start the pre-party? Bobby: we're on our way back, we can start it then Bobby: I'll just need to grab my 👗👠 Libi: Of course Libi: feel free to send those 🥉🥈🥇 options Bobby: how many do you have? Libi: I think 2 Libi: well, 3, but that's the one I think is utterly ridiculous but you might tell me it's right Libi: then one more casual and one that's what I'm assuming the 😎 girl would wear Bobby: don't worry about 📷s I'll 👀 when I get there Bobby: for the full 💃 effect Libi: as long as it's before the others get here Libi: don't want to look like I'm showing off Bobby: we won't tell them the pre-party's started, it's alright Libi: 👍😅 Bobby: I'll grab [food from place they like 1] and [food they like from place 2 that doesn't work together for anyone else but is one of their weird combos] then I can't 🤔 for too long before it'll go cold Libi: Now THAT is a 💡 Libi: I'm starving 😋 Bobby: me too, that's how I knew you would be Libi: fainting would really make us look lightweight Bobby: if it was just one of us we could probably turn it into a 🕺💃 move Bobby: both, not so much Libi: I can hold you up Bobby: not if you're wearing 👠 for the first time Libi: It's not the FIRST time Bobby: trying them on and deciding you don't like them doesn't count Libi: 😣 Rude Bobby: you don't have any secrets from me, I know everything you've done and not done Libi: or do I? 🤔 Bobby: I'll get you to tell me whatever it is Libi: Oh really? Bobby: yep Libi: Good thing I don't really have any then Bobby: 🤔 that's what someone with loads of secrets WOULD say Libi: 😂 make up your mind Bobs Bobby: once I've read yours Libi: Go ahead Bobby: 👀 Libi: All I'm thinking about is the food now Bobby: I'm 🏃ing in Libi: Step on it 👏 Libi: jk Bobby: hang on in there, Libs Bobby: ⏲❗ Libi: I'm SO patient Bobby: there's a MASSIVE queue though Libi: Well that's rude Libi: don't they know we've got places to be Bobby: I'll write down how much I miss you and wave the paper at them Libi: I've missed you too Libi: you've got to tell me all about today before we go anywhere Bobby: I've got an impression of the salesbloke you have to see Bobby: he didn't have your patience with us Libi: That's literally half his job, humouring people until they buy something Bobby: maybe he was starving too Bobby: or missing someone Libi: In the show he'd definitely have a tragic backstory that made it alright he was so rude Bobby: definitely 💔 Libi: 🤔 Libi: Maybe his son died young and he never got to buy suits with him so now he works there to punish himself because the accident was his fault Bobby: ❗ you should be one of the show's writers ❗ Bobby: wasted in the ⬛ Bobby: I was gonna say his husband to be died on the way to the wedding Bobby: he hated the suit he chose but he HAD TO ⚰ him in it Libi: Ooh, that's good too Libi: maybe his husband wanted to wear a dress but the family said no Bobby: he did manage to sneak 👠s on him before the burial but Libi: a tasteful 3-inches, nothing crazy Libi: 😂 Libi: I wish people were as interesting as we give them credit Bobby: might be when you find all these ✨Deaf people✨ Libi: Look, I didn't promise they'd be magical Libi: just that you can have the same experience talking to boring people at parties as everyone else Bobby: if they're not riding 🦄 I don't want it Libi: It was just a suggestion but alright, stick with me and my 🦄 Libi: **donkeys my grandma has Bobby: I will Bobby: 🤞 things don't go so far with Jake tonight that China needs to borrow one Libi: 😏 Libi: She wishes she was still in her glory days Bobby: I think she thinks she is Libi: I'm not casting her Bobby: ❌🎬🌹 Libi: Get a dodgy lookalike for the ⬛ Libi: she'll be fuming Bobby: Am would do it Bobby: she's great at the impression Libi: Depends which way this ⬛ is going to go Bobby: you don't want her with Jake either, I get it Libi: I don't want anyone with Jake Libi: he'll have to be murdered before anything real can happen Bobby: 1st victim Bobby: end of episode 1 Libi: They won't see it coming Bobby: he won't, everyone else will see it slow motion as the 1st scene and over and over as a flashback Libi: You're SO troubled Bobby: ☔🎻 Bobby: put a black hoodie on me Libi: Seriously Libi: You don't think it's a bit 😬 to cast you as the villain? Libi: like all the Bond villains with the deformities and queer coding Bobby: I already don't speak, that's every high school outcast Libi: That's also your brother Bobby: but let him get to 30 before you cast him Bobby: 😒🔪 Libi: or let him get to 35 and he can be your dad Bobby: he'll be VERY chuffed about that Libi: don't tell him I said that Bobby: 🤐 Libi: When do you think they'll have babies? Bobby: we might've put them off Libi: At least for a while Libi: my nan is SO welcome 😁 Bobby: warn her I'm on my way Libi: She likes you really Bobby: 😁 Libi: That's EXACTLY how she feels Bobby: I know Libi: Are you sleeping over after? Bobby: yeah Bobby: none of the others are, right? Libi: No, I've not asked them Libi: they'll give the game away, we can be 🤫 and act sober Bobby: or actually be sober if we want Libi: exactly Libi: I don't trust half of 'em, no offence Bobby: not enough of them have 👀 your nan 😤 Libi: I trust Beck but Am...not so much Libi: guess China taught her how to drink young 🙄 Bobby: she's gonna be ON one tonight Bobby: we'll have to 👀 out for her Libi: 👶sitting Libi: what about the guys? Libi: I've never seen them drinking, I don't think Libi: even if they SWEAR they do, all the time Bobby: you should ask them what Bobby: that'll expose the truth Bobby: 1 🍺 last St Patrick's day or whatever Libi: 🤔🔎 on the case Bobby: while I 🏃 to get the last bit of our order Libi: 🤗 Bobby: are you watching China's story? 😲🍿 Libi: ❓❗ Bobby: ❗❗ Bobby: I had no idea a house party was SUCH a big deal Libi: Oh God Libi: let me go see Libi: the boys are being coy, hold on lads Bobby: I call bollocks if they're trying to say it's 🥃🍸🍹 all the time Libi: Oh, they are for SURE lying Libi: I just want to know how much they've actually done it before so we know how hard we need to 👀 Libi: but OH GOD Libi: 😰😥 Bobby: like, is SHE gonna ride in on a 🦄 Libi: I'm going to be so underdressed Libi: and without a steed Libi: 😱😱😱 Bobby: I'll give you a piggyback in Bobby: and you'll look 🥇 Libi: She's really gone IN Libi: Jesus Bobby: was this a bad idea? Libi: Maybe? Libi: it's too late to back out now though Libi: all the others have been invited Bobby: 😳😳😳 Libi: How do we make this okay? Libi: Aside from looking after each other Bobby: and looking 😎 Libi: Don't leave me alone with any dude Libi: I am not in the right shoes to kick anyone in the balls Bobby: I won't leave you alone unless you're going 🚽 and even then, probably take Beck Libi: and you'll have to let me know if you want to be left alone with any one Libi: otherwise I won't either Bobby: I don't want to be left alone with anyone but you Libi: Then I won't 🤞🤝 Bobby: 🤞🤝 Libi: [we can skippity to any point or just vibe out how we want the pre-party with friends to be/the actual party, whatever's cool] Bobby: [let's plot it and see how we get on, like obvs you're having your weird food when he gets there and then he's gonna help her pick an outfit by making her do some silly dancing in each] Libi: [having a lovely time when it's just you two frankly] Bobby: [that's the tea, have you got a vibe for how you want pre-drinks to be?] Libi: [I think some of you, aka America 'cos there's no way to avoid how messy and sad she looks, and probably some of the boys whatever, are already going harder so you two cuties are like oh] Bobby: [she definitely has that vibe as we were both trying to put across in this convo without just calling her a messy bitch lol so that feels legit] Libi: [we should probably map out your main group at some point hennys but yeah, she's definitely a mess god bless, and I'm saying the Beck girl is more chill] Bobby: [at least give them names and roughly decide how many there are roughly, is Beck Rebecca Black or is she a friend that Libi gets later on?] Libi: [Yeah I think you can be Rebecca Black, there's a gal or 2 others she's consistently friends with but I'll use you 2 for now minimum] Bobby: [could be those gals and 2 or 3 boys then as like the core group and obvs Astrid but idk if you're coming to this party hen cos you are only 11 but also Drew is your dad so] Libi: [yeah I doubt you're dying to come to this but you can if you wanna] Bobby: [I feel like you'd love a party hen so you'd wanna come but then get there and be like oh because it's not the kind of party you imagined] Libi: [You probably know China sucks] Bobby: [you'd tell her to her face lbr so don't go gal] Libi: [she'd be worse to you than she is to Bobby, if she's ever acknowledged you so let us not] Bobby: [honestly, you don't need that in your life] Libi: [when someone else has a party, one of us or one of the gang] Bobby: [doesn't really matter but are saying all these friends are in Libi's year or are any from Bobby's] Libi: [I feel we could have a mix but 'cos of the deaf moment maybe there's like one decent lad or two from his year that are his friends, know what I mean] Bobby: [yeah that feels real, we're on the same page as per] Bobby: [I feel like that's probably the lad that's going too hard and America probably wants to get with him cos older but not to a creepy extent] Libi: [I vibe it, we can give you a face boy, but we just hang with lots of people casually but we don't have to name you all unless we wanna] Bobby: [yeah we said that Libi is lowkey friends with everyone unless they're dicks so, is there a lad the America girl's face gets with in that show we could use or is it just Noah?] Libi: There's another one, 'cos one of the storylines of s1 from what I can gather is he's Claudia's bf but cheating with America's face who's her bff, so predictable, we could use him maybe, I'll have a look] Bobby: [doesn't matter if he's not cute because we know she's a messy bitch so] Libi: [none of the lads are really but they're useable and we know Bobby's the cute one soz] Bobby: [she's blatantly the cutest girl as well not soz] Libi: [we know it's true even though we're not dicks about it] Bobby: [@ China calm yourself you're not that special] Libi: [seriously there's no need hen] Bobby: [thank god we can all mock you during these pre-drinks] Libi: [might find a ridiculous photo of some hoe outfit for you just to amuse myself] Bobby: [did you pick a Claudia outfit?] Libi: [not an outfit but a disposable esque photo and I'll just go from that, as we're not living laughing loving not gonna waste a lewk] Bobby: [other than obvs dancing can you think of anything else cute that could happen at this party before they leave?] Libi: [Hmm what's unwittingly cute and something you think just pals do but everyone else is like ok couple umm] Bobby: [taking loads of pics is a given] Libi: [definitely, idk why my mind has gone blank, again, apart from the obvious fact that people would try to flirt with both of you and we shut that down lmao] Bobby: [literally not leaving each other's side is pretty damn coupley tbh and he is carrying her stuff for her as well, like I picture them going off on their own for ages as well to like the garden or wherever so people think things about that because you can't even use the excuse you can't hear yourselves talking over the music lol but actually we're just shooketh about how wild this party is] Libi: [when you're just trying to hide from everyone else sincerely lmao, when your mum is so dickmatized that she lets you get up to drama and lowkey wreck the house every weekend, gal, just thinking it's bants like oh having teens] Bobby: [she's probably lowkey a bit stupid like Asia was, hence an easy target for shit men] Libi: [mhmm, soz to you gals] Bobby: [also soz to the squad but as soon as the bf appears we are leaving because Bobby will be like I recognise this energy and I have to peace] Libi: [can we call him gary tah] Bobby: [I was thinking about it and like realistically Bobby probably only moved in with JJ pretty recently aka when Cass went to uni and they weren't gonna leave him alone because Ian's not just gonna let them take him when they're 18 and even if they could they are living in the flat above the pub and like Janis has her modelling and they travel for that for a while so yeah that hit me bye] Libi: [yeah it's a couple of years at most] Bobby: [lowkey heartbreaking but anyway] Libi: [we know it's worse when Jimmy is there no offence boy but Ian picks on you is what I mean, he lowkey just ignores Bobby which is rude but easier to deal with when they're still around making sure you're good] Bobby: [mhmm] Libi: [but yeah, gotta remember that, now you probably live above the pub still but you'll probably be moving into their new house soon that they have when the bubs[ Bobby: [yeah you might've already moved into there before getting married, just depends how jj decide to be living and spending those modelling funds] Libi: [how exciting, and there's a room for you boy, until you are with child lmao then you gotta share or go into the basement moment] Bobby: [it makes me happy in my heart] Libi: [I think we should say you've bought it and then have a honeymoon and then start moving in because there's usually decorating and cleaning and all that good times to do] Bobby: [that feels right, I agree] Libi: [Bobby should already be planning to stay with mcvickers and Libi 'cos fuck you Ian] Bobby: [we have to because imagine all the cuteness and yeah mcvickers would like him because he's just a nice chill boy unlike all of theirs lol] Libi: [they could go after xmas so a bit of it like a week ish is in the holibobs, or if they went literally just after xmas and before NY, you could do the full 2 and do nye together] Bobby: [love that] Bobby: [and I'm still having you sleep over tonight boy even though you've probably been at that party for like a couple of hours at most so you can stay up talking about how wild everyone is and the Gary situation] Libi: [got to debrief, what's your deal gary] Bobby: [another question is are we saying you've been around a while or has it all just started happening and your mum is being extra] Libi: ['cos 2 different but equally as potential giving moods, 'cos if it's fast that's like AHH but if he's been being a dick for a while, then it's already established, fair, we are going to be forward to do most of Bibi so perhaps it's like he's just shown up on the scene now but she's had a few before and they never last?] Bobby: [yeah like he's already lasted longer than her usual who bounce after a few dates but it hasn't been ages yet] Libi: [like they already had some stability issues from their own dads fucking off but when this one lasts and is then an arsehole, it can get steadily worse, maybe even though their mum is p crap now she totally changes towards 'em too] Bobby: [exactly and it's okay to go to your nans sometimes but you can't both lowkey move in when things get more serious for this notp, literally imagine being your mum's shameless fave and then it's like well I only live and breathe for this man now so] Libi: [I vibe that she's always like this when she gets a boyfriend, one of those that is obsessed but they never last so we're back to all about me and my gurls but then this one don't leave so she's just 😍 and they're like teens so she's like you don't even need me as much now anyway yeah? byeeeee] Bobby: [that is such a real energy and reminds me of a Jacqueline book tbh I'm so invested] Libi: [maybe the vibe is when this goes down China and America have to get closer because they've both been forced out, so then that's how we get them both in the circle, it'd probably make sense for you to be America, 'cos that's the established relationship so far with Libi, and it'd probably be more interesting to build with China, but we can also do sibling shit and America getting to know Bobby more because she's more Libi's friend atm] Bobby: [I'm so excited about this, not soz to the giantness of gen 4] Libi: [we can totally put a pin in this and skip forward to do some of this if you like]
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ladyxxdaydream · 5 years
#5 for the drabble thing? (It was really hard to choose one, I wanted to send them all to you! I love your writing so much!)
#5 wait, are you jealous? – what can I say? sometimes you ask for a drabble and I give you a 1.7k ficlet, turning a typically angsty prompt into fluff, ha! thanks for the inspiration, friend.
“Hi, uh, I have a reservation at 7. For Kakashi.”
“Mr. Hatake?”
Kakashi gave a small nod.
“Great. Would you like to wait for the other member of your party to arrive? Or have a seat? We have a table ready.”
“Uh…” Kakashi hesitated, putting his hands in his jacket pockets, unsure. He received a text from Iruka a minute ago, letting him know he was stuck in traffic. Kakashi didn’t know how long Iruka would be yet. “I’ll sit, I guess. ”
“Right this way.”
Kakashi followed her past the bar, past the sleek tables and chairs, which were occasionally offset by a lavishly cushioned circular booth. Kakashi took note of the waiters in their white suit coats, black ties, and black pants. This restaurant was a lot higher class then the ones they usually frequented—Kakashi had to make reservations a month in advance. Not that he minded, it was his third anniversary with Iruka, and he had every intention of spoiling him.
“Here we are,” the hostess said, fanning her hand out.
Kakashi took his seat, eyeing the length of the table—a small candle flickering in the center—before landing on the empty chair across from him.
Too far, he frowned, even though it was less than an arm’s length away.
The hostess handed him a menu.
Kakashi quickly scanned the menu before letting his eyes wander about the room. It was crowded; every table was full. He examined the family of five to his right, wondering if Iruka ever wanted children. Kakashi assumed that he did—Iruka was warm and kind, patient and compassionate, yet he could be strong and stern when he needed to be. Iruka would make the perfect parent, diving in heart first, though his stubbornness could pose a challenge. Kakashi laughed silently to himself at the thought.
Kakashi never thought he’d have children. Nor did he think he’d make a good parent—he was, at times, still cold and reserved. He kept his heart close and guarded, but he was willing to try anything for Iruka; for the man who refused to quit until he had pried Kakashi’s heart from his own hands. They hadn’t had these types of serious conversations yet, but Kakashi knew they were coming. First, though, he needed to tackle moving in together. Kakashi was planning on suggesting it tonight, if he could keep his courage.
The courage all but fizzled out the minute he saw Iruka walking towards him. For some absurd reason, Kakashi felt himself heat up at the sight of him, a light blush coloring his cheeks. How Iruka could still make Kakashi’s stomach turn to knots after three years of dating was a mystery to him.
“Sorry I’m late, traffic was atrocious,” Iruka smiled. “I knew this place was fancy, but I didn’t think I’d have to valet,” Iruka said, his eyes shining with amusement.
Iruka placed a quick kiss to Kakashi’s mouth, his long brown hair falling out from behind his ear to brush against Kakashi’s cheek. “Hi.”
Kakashi smiled in response, waiting for Iruka to settle into his seat. Kakashi knew the minute Iruka’s eyes locked on the menu—
“$145 for a steak?!” Iruka exclaimed. “Oh my god, Kakashi.”
Kakashi laughed, as several heads turned in their direction.
“This is way too much,” Iruka said, lowering his voice, a pained expression on his face, as their waiter approached. “I would have been perfectly happy with—,”
“Could I get you something to start with besides water?”
Iruka’s eyes scanned the menu for something to drink, Kakashi’s eyes were on the waiter, and the waiter’s eyes, well… they wandered over Iruka a little too freely.
“We’ll start with a bottle of Chianti Classico,” Kakashi said.
Iruka spluttered, clearly biting his tongue.
“Perfect. I’ll be back in a moment.”
“Kakashi,” Iruka blurted, the minute the waiter’s back was turned. “Those bottles are like $90…” Iruka said, stress riddling his features.
“Relax, babe,” Kakashi said, attempting to soothe him. Kakashi knew Iruka had insecurities about money, but it was all for naught tonight because Kakashi was paying. “Think of it as a present for tolerating me all these years.”
Iruka raised an eyebrow at him.
“Well, if that’s the case, we should buy one of everything on the menu.”
Kakashi’s mouth fell open in surprise, as Iruka let out a warm laugh.
“I’m teasing. Three years, huh,” Iruka said with a sigh. “Who would have thought one date with Gai would lead me here.”
Iruka and Gai had been matched by a dating app years ago, but halfway through their night, they both knew it wouldn’t work, despite how much they enjoyed each other’s company. Gai seemed to glean enough about Iruka though to loudly exclaim he was the perfect match for his best friend. Gai had been right.
“I’m not surprised,” Kakashi laughed. “Gai’s been responsible for stranger things than us.”
Kakashi observed Iruka in the low light, as his partner gazed at the menu again. He looked stunning in a beige, long-sleeved shirt with a deep v-neck—his chest adorned with three layered gold necklaces, the longest one ending in a pendant. It was a rare occasion for Iruka to wear his hair down, but it was down, in all it’s glory. It never failed to steal Kakashi’s breath away. No wonder their waiter couldn’t resist checking him out.
“You look incredible,” Kakashi said truthfully.
All Iruka could do was blush, before their waiter was back to pour the wine.
“Are you ready to order?”
“I’ll have the spicy king crab with squid ink spaghetti,” Kakashi replied without hesitation.
“Hm. I’m torn between the roasted salmon and the swordfish,” Iruka said, twirling the tip of his hair around his finger. “What would you suggest?” he asked, bringing all of his attention to the focus on the waiter. Iruka’s lashes were so dark, they accentuated his eyes as if he were wearing liner.
God, Iruka was dangerous.
The waiter inched closer to Iruka, probably unaware of his movement. Iruka was magnetic like that. Kakashi knew all too well.
“The salmon. It’s rich and succulent. It all but melts in your mouth,” the waiter said, whose eyes had flicked to Iruka’s lips, making it clear that he’d liked to be acquainted with Iruka’s mouth.
Oh, come on. Kakashi thought, suppressing the urge to roll his eyes.
Iruka remained oblivious to the effect he was having, as always, flashing the waiter a wide genuine smile.
“That sounds wonderful.”
The waiter gave a curt nod, blushing all the way to his ears.
“You’re too far away,” Kakashi said, as soon as the waiter retreated.
Iruka got up and placed his chair beside Kakashi’s, before falling back into it.
“Better?” Iruka asked, their arms brushing against each other now.
“Much,” Kakashi smiled. If that idiot waiter had any doubt whether or not they were together, it would be squashed now. “You know, you’re going to break that poor man’s heart, Iruka,” Kakashi said, with a sinister sense of pride, as he pushed a stray hair behind Iruka’s ear.
Iruka looked at him, confused, just like Kakashi knew he would.
“Our waiter was flirting with you,” Kakashi said, spelling it out for him.
Iruka leaned back to study Kakashi’s face, taking a sip of his wine, before he bit into his bottom lip.
“Wait, are you jealous?” Iruka teased, setting his wine glass back down. “Is that what this was all about?” Iruka asked, knocking his shoulder lightly against Kakashi’s, referring to his sudden request for their new proximity.
“Maybe,” Kakashi drawled, sliding a hand over Iruka’s thigh under the table. “But I also missed you. Do you have any idea how many days this week I’ve wanted to come home to you instead of my empty apartment?”
Iruka placed an elbow on the table, dropping his chin into his palm. He spread his legs a fraction of an inch, just enough to let Kakashi know the game was on.
“No, tell me.”
Kakashi leaned closer to Iruka’s ear.
“Every. Damn. Day,” he said, his fingers grazing Iruka’s cock through his pants.
Iruka turned to hide his face in his hand, letting out a soft pant.
“Let’s move in together.”
Iruka snapped his head up at that, looking at Kakashi with wide, surprised eyes. His other hand had tightly gripped Kakashi’s wrist beneath the table.
“You’re serious?” Iruka asked, softly.
“Yeah. I know you don’t want to live in the city, and I have no problem leaving it. I’m ready for my life to slow down.” Kakashi paused to collect himself. He was doing this. He could do this. He took a hard swallow. “I-I want to slow my life down… with you.”
Iruka’s mouth fell open a bit, still shocked. Kakashi could feel a new heat radiating off his partner’s body. Iruka tugged at his wrist, causing his hand to collide against Iruka’s half hard cock.
Kakashi let out a small, startled sound.
“What can I say? Something about the promise of domesticity turns me on.”
“Shut up,” Kakashi laughed, blushing from a combination of Iruka’s teasing and his own confession a moment ago.
“How’s the”—their waiter stopped to take in their new seating arrangement, as well as the charged air around them—“um, the wine?”
“Oh,” Iruka nervously scratched at his scar while he pulled himself together.
Hn. Kakashi wasn’t going to let him.
“It’s absolutely d…”— Iruka’s breath hitched for a split second as Kakashi rubbed his thumb across Iruka’s growing erection—“d-delicious.”
“Wonderful. Your dinner will be out shortly.”
Iruka fixated his eyes on the tablecloth.
“You are terrible.”
Iruka’s voice came out hard and dark. Kakashi feared he had crossed the line for a second, before Iruka looked up at him, his eyes a blaze. It set Kakashi’s skin on fire.
“Punish me later?”
Kakashi didn’t care if his voice came out breathy and desperate.
“Oh, I will.”
Iruka picked up his wine glass and raised it at Kakashi.
“Happy Anniversary, darling.”
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dukedrakes · 5 years
The Strawberry Room (AU)
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Rose)
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2.7K
Summary: An AU where Drake drops his nephew off at pre-school and meets Rose, his teacher.
I got this idea when I was trying to fall asleep and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since so obviously I had to write it because it was so damn cute.
Don’t forget to tell me what you think, Reblog and Like! Enjoy!
Find my other work here.
Taglist: @carreraleigh @emceesynonymroll @beneath-the-ancient-sign @saivilo @sibella-plays-choices  @drakeswalkers @maxwellshippo @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @drakewalkerwhipped @butindeed @choiceslover-24-7
(I curated the tag lost by adding people who wanted to be tagged + people who interacted with any of my posts of or about my fics and/or are mutuals/friends, so if you’d like to be added or removed, let me know!)
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Drake Walker had no idea what he was doing. All he knew was that his 4-year-old nephew starts pre-school in T-minus 45 minutes, and he hasn’t even fed the child yet. Savannah and Bertrand had trusted their son in Drake’s care for a week to have a much-needed break from running the Beaumont estate, but Drake was beginning to think they had made a terrible mistake as Bartie ran through the living room in only underwear with a pirate hat on.
It wasn’t even 8 am and Drake was already more stressed than he had ever been in his life.
“Bartie! Get dressed, you need to go pre-school!” Drake said as he stood at the edge of the living room, watching Bartie climb up on the coffee table with a make-shift sword and pretending to swing it.
“But Captain Lionheart’s ship is under attack from man-eating fish-monsters!” Bartie protested, lifting the constantly falling pirate hat off his brow.
“It may be time to call a truce, kid.” Drake crossed his arms. “At least until this afternoon.”
Bartie thought for a moment before shouting; “Never!” and jumped off the table before thrusting his sword at Drake who had to jump back to avoid being hit.
“Hey! Bartie!” Drake shouted as Bartie ran off down the corridor laughing. “Get back here you little—”
Drake took off after him, skidding on the floorboards as he turned to enter Bartie’s room. Drake saw him jumping on his unmade bed, cackling. Drake bolted to the bed but was too late as Bartie had already jumped off the bed and taken off down the corridor again. Drake ran a hand over his face muttering, “Does he do this every day? How was Savannah deal with this?” before running back out to the living room, which was now silent. Drake sighed, as he looked around for where Bartie was hiding.
“Come on out, Bartie.” Drake carefully walked around couch pillows that have been thrown on the floor. “Your teacher isn’t going to like it if you’re late. Neither will your mom.”
Drake was met with silence as he finally spotted Bartie’s feet peeking out at the bottom of the curtain. Drake crept up closer as quiet as he could before he shouted. “RAAH! Got you, you little rascal!” He scooped Bartie up in his arms and the child laughed hysterically. Drake tickled him as he carried him to the bedroom.
“Stop! Uncle Drake, stop it!” Bartie giggled as he squirmed in Drake’s arms.
Drake laughed and tickled him one last time before he sat him down on the bed and crouched in front of his nephew.
“Alright, buddy. Now, we’ve got to get ready to go so can you do something for me?” Drake asked.
Bartie nodded enthusiastically, his pirate hat falling over his eyes.
“I need you to put on some clothes whilst I make you some breakfast so we can so to pre-school, okay?” Drake said as he removed Bartie’s pirate hat and placed it in his small hands.
Bartie nodded. “When I get back, will you play pirates with me?”
Drake smiled. “Sure thing, little guy. But only if you be a good boy and get yourself and your bag ready.”
“Okay!” Bartie exclaimed and slid off the bed before running to his dresser and rummaging through for some clothes.
Drake stood up slowly and watched his nephew with a small smile on his face as he exited the room to go to the kitchen and throw together some store-bought pancakes (he hadn’t worked out how to use the stove yet) with fruit and Nutella. He finished spreading some Nutella on the pancake as he looked at the time on the oven.
“Shit!” He muttered to himself before calling towards Bartie’s room. “Bartie we gotta go! Pre-school started 5 minutes ago!”
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Drake unbuckled Bartie from his chair seat and lifted him out of the car, grabbed his backpack and Bartie’s hand before running to the pre-school door with him in tow.
“Uncle Drake, you’re going too fast!” Bartie complained.
“Sorry, little guy, but we’re running very late.” Drake said as he slowed a little. “Your mom won’t let me hear the end of this if she finds out” He muttered under his breath.
Drake entered the pre-school building, puffed out and frazzled. “Hi,” He said to the person at the front desk, running his free hand through his hair. “I’m Drake Walker, I’m dropping my nephew Bartie Walker-Beaumont off?” He spoke it more like a question. “This is my first time here and my sister told me the room he was in, but I can’t remember it and I know I’m very late, but can you tell me which room he’s in?” He asked, more embarrassed than ever before.
“Hi, Mr. Walker. Don’t worry about being late. Bartie is room 104, the Strawberry Room. Just head down the corridor and it’s the second room on your right.” The person at the front desk smiled at him and gestured to Drake’s right.
“Thanks. I appreciate it.” Drake replied and tugged Bartie down the corridor until he reached a door with a large smiling strawberry on it. And it also appeared to be scented.
Drake knocked on the door and opened it, being met with 25 chatty children at desks, making what looked like pasta necklaces.
“Hi! Can I help you?” Said a melodic voice and Drake turned his head to the only adult in the room. She walked forward, wearing a white t-shirt under some denim overalls with a paper tiara on her head, her long ponytail swinging behind her.
“Oh. Um. Hi.” Drake stammered. “I’m Drake Walker, Bartie’s uncle.”
“Hi.” She went to say more when Bartie let go of Drake’s hand.
“Miss Clarke!” He exclaimed as he ran out to hug the woman – who appeared to be Miss Clarke’s – legs.
“Bartie! It’s good to see you, running a bit late today, are we?” She smiled as she bent over to rub his back.
“Sorry about that…uh…Miss Clarke.” Drake said sheepishly. “We’ve had a bit of a hectic morning.”
“I was fighting with the man-eating fish monsters!” Bartie cheered.
She gasped and feigned shock. “Were you?! How terrifying! Did you win?”
“Nope, we called a truce until this afternoon, Uncle Drake is going to help me defeat them!” Bartie explained with excitement.
“Very diplomatic of you. Now,” She said and crouched down to his level. “I’m going to need to you put your bag on its hook and sit at a desk because we’re making pasta necklaces today.”
“Ooh! I can make one for Mommy and Daddy and my uncles!” Bartie said with a grin.
“That’s a fantastic idea! Off you go, I’ll come and see you in a minute.” Miss Clarke said before Bartie ran off.
Drake cleared his throat, not realising he’d been watching her interact with Bartie with a smile on his face. “Again, I’m so sorry for being late this morning…uh…?”
“Oh! Sorry, I’m Rose. It’s nice to meet you.” She said, holding out her hand that was faintly covered in glitter. “And don’t worry about it, things like that happen with 4-year-olds”
“Right.” Drake shook her hand as he smiled at her; she was kind of beautiful.
“So, you’re Bartie’s uncle?” Rose said after a beat of silence.
Drake blinked as if he was manually registering her words before replying. “Uh, yeah. I’m looking after him this week.” He scratched the back of his neck.
“He’s a good kid. Very imaginative.” Rose looked over to where Bartie was sat and enthusiastically gesticulating an, no doubt, engaging story.
“Yeah, I think he has too much of his uncle in him.” Drake said with a smile as he watched his nephew put pasta on his fingers like claws and show the kid next to him.
Rose raises an eyebrow at Drake before he hurriedly clarifies; “His other uncle. Maxwell.”
“Ah, yes. The infamous Uncle Maxwell. I’ve certainly heard a lot about him from Bartie.” Rose smiles.
“I’m sure you have.” Drake replies.
“Lots of bizarre squid stories.” Rose laughs.
“That’s Maxwell.” Drake smiles.
There’s a comfortable silence between them as they watch Bartie together before Rose cleared her throat. “Well, I guess I’ll be seeing more of you then?” Rose asked with a smile.
“Looks like it.” Drake confirmed as he shoved his hands in his jean pockets.
“Hopefully Bartie will defeat the fish-monsters with enough time to get to school tomorrow.” Rose winked as she walked away to help some kids who had spilt pasta everywhere.
“Uh! Of course!” Drake stammered out with embarrassment.
“See you at 3pm, Mr. Walker.” Rose called out, a grin on her face. “Don’t be late.”
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“Ah, good morning, Mr. Walker. Right on time I see.” Rose teased as she stood in the doorway of the Strawberry Room greeting the parents and kids as they arrived.
“I said I would be here on time.” Drake said as Bartie threw his arms around Rose. He didn’t want to tell her that he got up an hour earlier to decider the kitchen stove manual and make sure he had a nutritious breakfast ready for Bartie and had organised his bag the night before. He also didn’t want to tell her that he had had a little talk with Bartie before bed explaining why they couldn’t be late tomorrow.
“Uncle Drake said we had to be on time today so we could impress you.” Bartie grinned.
Drake’s eyes widened. He had been betrayed by a 4-year-old.
“Did he now?” Rose looked up from Bartie and eyed Drake with a sly smile.
“He’s kidding.” Drake quickly said.
“No, I’m not! You said—” Bartie protested before he was cut off by Drake reaching for him and pulling him into a hug.
“Have a good day, buddy! Don’t get into too much trouble!” Drake said as Bartie squirmed against him. “See you at 3 o’clock!”
Bartie pulled himself from Drake’s grasp and ran into the room. Drake stood up and scratched the back of his neck as Rose crossed her arms with a grin on her face.
“Uh…I should probably get going. Errands to run, you know.” Drake deflected as he took a few steps backwards.
Rose just kept grinning that stupidly cute grin that made his heart beat a little faster. “Okay.”
“Right. Bye, Miss Clarke” Drake waved as he turned and scolded himself for being so ridiculous.
“Mr. Walker!” He heard Rose call out from down the corridor. He turned towards her. “For the record, I’m impressed.”
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Drake waited in the corridor outside the famed Strawberry Room with the other parents and guardians. He kept checking his phone for the time just for something to do. It was Friday and the last day of pre-school for the week. Savannah and Bertrand would be back on Sunday night, so this was Drake’s last school pick up for the time being.
Aside from that Monday morning, there hadn’t been any other real dramas this week. Drake got the hang of things pretty quickly and Bartie was more than happy to have his uncle around to play pirates or cowboys or pirates vs. cowboys.
But Drake couldn’t lie and say he didn’t enjoy dropping him off and picking him up from pre-school. And it wasn’t because he had a few hours to himself. And it also wasn’t because Bartie would bring him a macaroni picture that looked like an octopus, shamefully. But because of his pretty and playfully teasing pre-school teacher. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. With her grin and teasing banter that simultaneously made him embarrassed and gave him butterflies. It didn’t help that she seemed to love Bartie as much as he did.
Every morning and afternoon Drake and Rose would chat for a little bit. He tried to keep the conversations as nonchalant as possible, but Rose’s banter would always surprise him and make him stammer a little. She seemed to enjoy making him flustered, but he wasn’t sure if her teasing was flirtatious or not and this point, he was too afraid to ask. There had been times where she had said something, and Drake had to do a double take in his head as to what it meant. Sometimes it was paired with a smile that was less amusing and more soft and genuine, making him second-guess the encounter entirely.
The one thing he did know, however, was that he liked her.
The door to the room opened suddenly, bringing Drake out of his thoughts. Kids streamed out of the room and ran to their respective parents. He waited for Bartie and it wasn’t long before the little boy came running out of the classroom. Drake crouched down and scooped up Bartie in a hug.
“Hey, buddy! How was your day?” Drake asked as he held him.
“Good! We did painting!” Bartie recounted excitedly.
“Oh, yeah? What’d you paint?” Drake asked, setting Bartie back down on the ground.
Bartie shoved a rolled-up painting in towards him with a grin on his face. Drake took it with a smile and opened it up, seeing a poorly drawn but colourful drawing of one tall person and one little person that were unmistakeably him and Bartie. Bartie had draw his uncle in his classic denim shirt and had put himself in a pirate hat. Drake couldn’t stop the smile that grew on his face.
“That’s awesome, little guy.” Drake complimented.
“It’s you and me!” Bartie pointed out excitedly.
“I can see that. We’ll have to put it on the fridge when we get home.” Drake replied, handing Bartie the painting back.
“The resemblance is uncanny, Mr. Walker.”
Drake looked up and saw Rose leaning against the doorway. She took his breath away even dressed in a pink tutu and fairy wings; another paper tiara adorned her head.
Drake cleared his throat. “You know you can me Drake, right?” He said, putting his hands in his jean pockets, a nervous tick.
“I know.” Rose smiled. “Is this your last day?”
Drake frowned. “What?”
“Your last day picking up Bartie.” Rose clarified, putting some loose hair behind her ear.
“Oh, yeah. It is.” Drake said. “Nice outfit.” He nodded to the sparkly get up she wore.
She looked down at her clothes. “Oh! Uh, thanks. We were playing fairies and elves. I was the fairy queen.” A rare light blush spread across her cheeks.
Drake smirked. “You certainly look like one.”
She blushed again. “Thanks.” Rose scratched the back of her neck. “So, I guess this is the last time I’ll see you for a while.”
Drake scuffed his shoes on the linoleum floor as he said, “Looks like it.”
Rose nodded. “Well, I won’t keep you. It was great meeting you. Take care, Mr Walker. Drake.”
She backed into the room and closed the door, Drake heard it click shut before he let out a breath.
“Can we go get ice cream, Uncle Drake?” Bartie asked, craning his head to look at Drake.
“Hang on, buddy.” Drake said as he walked forward and knocked on the door before he could stop himself.
Rose opened the door a few seconds later, now missing her tiara. She seemed surprised for a second but before she could say anything Drake said; “Do you want to go out sometime?”
Rose blinks in surprised before she smiles genuinely. “That depends. Where would we go?”
“Uh!” Drake stammers, not prepared for a response other than yes or no. “Dinner, maybe? If you’d like. I know this really cool dive bar with great food and drinks as well as this old jukebox that only plays really bad 80’s music and pool tables.” He rambles.
Rose purses her lips. “I’ve never been very good at pool.”
“I can teach you.” Drake smiled back.
Rose smiled again, giving Drake butterflies. “I’d love to.”
Drake beamed. “Oh! Great!”
Rose turned to the shelf next to her and grabbed a bit of paper before scrawling with pink pen something which seemed to be her address and number in cursive script. “Don’t be late.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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I hope you all enjoyed it! I certainly enjoyed writing it!
Remember to Reblog, Like and let me know what you thought! 
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Doubts and Pouts
Pairing: Bakugou x Koge (OC) Rating: Teen | Cursing Genre: Domestic, Romance, Fluff, Comfort, maybe the slightest bit of angsty feelings Words: 1,287 Warnings: Pregnancy, very soft Bakugou, cuteness overload
Referenced Stories, marked with asterisks: Dizzy* | Memories**
“You look like you’re about to fucking pop, you know that?” 
“Huh?” Koge looked up at her lover, taking her attention away from the noodles she was currently boiling. In truth, she had been in her own thoughts, and hadn’t truly heard what he had said to her. “What’s that, Katsuki?” 
“I said,” Bakugou came up behind her, placing his hands on her sides before tenderly sliding them forward to caress her swollen belly. “You look like you’re about to pop. Like a fucking balloon. Are you sure there’s only one in there?” He gave her cheek a rough, playful kiss, forcing a soft series of giggles from her lips. 
One hand caressing his, she used the other to carefully stir the noodles with her wooden spoon, making sure that none stuck to the bottom of the pot. “I’m pretty positive, Katsuki. He’s just gonna be a big boy. If there is a surprise second baby in there we haven’t seen from the millions of ultrasounds we’ve gone to, then we’ll be finding out in a few weeks.” 
“It’s not even a few weeks…” Bakugou mumbled, his face pressed into her shoulder. “Your due date is only a week away, Utsuro.” 
“Ah well, most research shows that women usually never fall on their due date. I’m expecting at least another week past that before he decides to pop out.” A small smile crossed Koge’s lips as she felt the baby move about. “That’s what the doctor said, too. We’re ready for him though, whenever he decides to come.” Placing a lid over the pot and leaving the spoon off to the side, Koge turned to face him. She caressed his cheeks softly, stroking his skin with her thumbs as she recognized that familiar furrow of his brow. 
He was worried. 
“Katsuki? Are you feeling okay?” She brought her hands down to rest on his chest, though his eyes were locked on her belly. “Are you upset about something?” 
“I’m not upset, I’m just…” Bakugou’s voice trailed off, still caressing her stomach as he tried to gather his thoughts. There were many rattling about in his brain, and had been for the past couple of weeks of preparing for the baby to arrive. “What if I’m no good?” 
“What? Katsuki, what gave you that idea? You’ll be a wonderful father.” Koge placed her hands over his, and she could feel how hot they had grown in his frustration. “You’re so doting and caring towards me, why do you think it would be any different?” 
Bakugou sighed, glancing over her shoulder to see that the noodles were boiling just a bit too much. Releasing her, he took over the task of stirring them. “I haven’t always been…” 
“And neither have I.” Koge didn’t protest to him taking over the cooking, though she did place her hand softly on his back. “We’re not perfect. And being a parent… I don’t think it’s possible to be perfect. We should know… Our parents may love us, but they weren’t perfect by any means.” 
“And I don’t want to be like them. I don’t want to raise how I was raised. And I don’t…” Just the thought made him choke up, glaring down into the pot of water and noodles. “Never mind.” 
Koge sighed, leaning her head on his arm gently. “You don’t want it to be like how I was growing up… With parents that worked so much to support their family that they stopped loving each other. Leaving me pretty much ignored...”
“Exactly. Utsuro, I already work so much as it is and you did, too, before you got pregnant. I don’t want that to happen… But I don’t want either of us to give up on our dreams.” He put the lid back onto the pot, letting it sit for a while again. “I can’t let what happened a few months ago happen again.” ** 
“Katsuki, I already know that you would never let any of that happen. What happened all that time ago wasn’t something you did on purpose, and we were able to fix it just fine. It’s true, I will have to take time off, but I’m not worried about that.” With a soft kiss to his arm, she wiggled herself in as close to him as she could manage, finding that side hugs were the easiest while she was so big. “It will be hard… I’m not saying it won’t be. But we will manage.” 
“I just don’t want it to end up like how I am with my parents… always arguing over stupid shit. To be honest, I hope that this little squid is calm like you.” 
Smiling, Koge patted her belly gently. “This little man is going to bring us lots of joy no matter what. And I’m still betting that you’re gonna cry when he comes out. Like the big cute sensitive baby you are.” Cupping his cheeks, she pulled him down for a kiss, which he returned even as he grumbled in protest. 
“I am not a sensitive baby, Utsuro.” Bakugou gave her backside a couple of pats in punishment, only making her giggle. 
“But you’re cute?” 
“I’ll admit that one, I guess.” Snarky grin crossing his lips, Bakugou went back to the food, checking a different skillet to make sure the food wasn’t burning. “Fuck I’m hungry. What the hell are you even doing up cooking? You’re not supposed to be doing this shit, you’re supposed to be sitting down and taking it easy. You just got your ankle feeling better after you fell that last time.” *
With a sigh, Koge waddled over to the refrigerator, opening it up to pull out some needed ingredients. “I can’t just sit, Katsuki, I have so much energy! I’ve already rearranged and cleaned the nursery area of our room like five times.” 
“And you’ve repacked our bags multiple times, too. That’s normal though, isn’t it?” Bakugou took some of the stuff from her so she wouldn’t drop it, setting it out on the counter. 
Nodding, Koge leaned against the counter with a sigh, already out of breath just from that small journey. “Completely. The red skillet is your half, and the blue is--”
“Yours. I know, Utsuro, I’m the one that came up with this idea so I can have my spice and you can have your salty. Hey, are you okay?” He abandoned the food to approach her, brow furrowing as Koge gave a wince and pressed her hands into the bottom of her stomach. 
“I’m fine, Katsuki, it’s just… those pre labor cramps. O-Ow, can you help me to the couch?” She held out an arm towards him which he took without question, carefully leading her out of the kitchen and to the living room. Thankfully, they were still living in their small apartment, so it wasn’t much of a walk. He was able to sit her down against the pillows she had propped up for comfort, even helping her lift her legs up onto the coffee table for support. As she relaxed and the pain began to subside, she smiled up at him, feeling her cheeks flush from how attentive he was being. “Thank you. I’m not sure where your negative feelings came from, love, but… there’s no way that you could ever be a bad father.” 
Holding onto the back of the couch for support, Bakugou leaned forward and placed a sweet kiss on her lips, running his fingers through her white hair softly. “As long as you’re with me, I can do it. It may be impossible to be perfect, but we’ll do our best to get fucking close.” 
“There’s my Katsuki. I love you so much.”
“I love you. You and our little Matsuki.” 
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jd-arts319 · 5 years
In this series is where najverse & collegeverse takes place!!!!
while the characters are the same the plot is changed!
in this is that there are two prestigious Academy,one is once called the lightvale Academy now is Underhigh,the principal Toby wants a normal school life so,all the students whore normal ordinary highschool style & life despite their school is pretigious.
however their rival Academy is different
the delta Academy once called the lumiscent solitaire Academy,they kept the academia style but they lived a normal highschool life,however they are seems some secrets that both Academy didn't know except.....
#3rd series of OV&SV#
Chapter 6:the parents & the kids
With the parents~
While the teachers are doing Their time,meanwhile In a cozy neighborhood,two unexpected couples woke up & do Their daily routine.
In a beautiful light indigo blue & purple house,there are two skeletons having Their breakfast,one was on a couch was a hybird dragon skeleton,sitting as he was just woke up from his peaceful slumber smelling a splendid scent woke him up.
Meanwhile another Skeleton,almost a cyber organic,was making a two cup of warm coffees as a last thing he done for the breakfast he made.
He heard a certain Skeleton woke up from Their slumber & he chuckles & says"glad you finally woke up,sleeping beauty~" he chirped up.
The said "sleeping beauty" made a irrated whine at the statement & said"shut it mecha,I just woke up*yawns* where the kids?" he asked.
The cyber organic skeleton known as mecha wraith says"already way to school,you look peaceful when you are sleeping while they get ready,seriously though you worry me,kin" he chuckles as he brings Their breakfast on the coffee table as the Skeleton known as kin muse,sits on the carpeted floor as mecha sits besides him.
Kin then said"I don't really thought sending our kids to Our old school was a good idea to begin with,I mean is fine is just...." mecha saw this & he knew what he was talking about,he softly sighs & says"kin,is ok they will be ok they can handle Themsleves,I know is hard of what happened to all of us back then but we are still here,having a normal life again..."
Kin then says"I know but still geo.....he....?!" he was stopped at his sentence by mecha hugging him,he blinks for a moment then hugged back,while mecha says" I know....is ok he can handle it" mecha pulled away & nuzzle his forehead,while kin's tail flicked softly at the action.
Mecha then says while smiling"c'mon let's eat,we got a day ahead of us!!! Sides we should See what the others up too for this pass few months! Honestly it's been awhile" he says as he starts munching on his buttered toast.
Kin softly grunted while trying to keep his flushed face down & he eats his waffles,thinking "maybe it's a good idea to see others,i haven't seen beats after the departure we had after we had the kids,maybe I should talk to him & see how is he doing" he thinks as he eats another waffle.
Meanwhile with the kids
A bunch of highschoolers are walking towards outside,as they talk about their daily lives.
The highschoolers are bunch of freshmans while some are either 2nd or 3rd year students.
One was a teal haired cyber organic named geo,he was a freshman year with his sister giya,while his Lil brother ampel was in his middle school year.
Another student,was following behind him was feral,he is the child of firefly & Brute,childhood friends with geo & his sister along with ardent or his real name chasm,chasm was another freshman & the child of abyss & ganz along with his Lil brother drift whole dash is with ampel & bezerk.
These four had been together since childhood because of Their parents being family friends.
Another bunch of students came this time they are the 2nd years,one was from the echo Academy named ari dreamzy,she was a 2nd year student & the school's perfect with her friends lux lumiscent & malachite Druzy,she was talking with two solitaire students named Cordelia & lynnsyl,the two are also 2nd year Students.
In Underhigh
The four,Di,jester,lavender,& faith is another class,history with nightmare.
Lavender was not listening,Di is daydreaming,faith is wiring down what he said as he as jester.
Later the three chatted when nightmare left,jester is scribbling on one of his other notes,while waiting for the teacher to come back.
Meanwhile with the parents
When mecha & kin got out of the house & goes to the old place where they used to go back then,when they had gone through their first time knowing each other.
They got into a small cafe shop on the beach side named echo fragments,they got inside as they looking for a seat they heard a fimiliar voice called out.
"hey guys over here!" Both looked at the other side to the cafe & saw brute & firefly along with V & abyss & ganz there.
Both mecha & kin goes to Their table & mecha greeted"hey guys,it's been awhile! How are you all doing" he greeted happily as kin sat down besides brute while mecha sits besides with firefly.
V then spoke up & said"we're doing fine,we just got busy a lot now due to being a parent & having work took much of our time" firefly says"bummer,we could have time to try & get the stressed out of our system but it seems the time isn't the right place on the right time"he says as he stretches,abyss chuckles amusingly & says"true I suppose,with me taking over my parents work with ganz is hard to take breaks though" Ganz then hums in agreement.
Kin then looks around looking for someone,V saw this & said"hey don't worry he'll come Around our lives busy for a little while so he'll probably be busy" kin sighs as he leans back.
Brute just pats his shoulder & says"HeY, I know the feeling of wanting to see the person they care for,believe me I'm already silently praying for dezor to come too" he says.
Then all of sudden a soft yet deep voice called out"kin?" all seven flinches in suprised when they heard the voice,when they looked at the entrance,they we're schocked to see a taller ver.of beats standing there with dezor his side.
Mecha rubs his eyes sockets & says"beats? Is that you?" he says shockingly beats nods awkwardly,kin stood up & calmly walk up to him & says"you grew taller than me now"he says fondly & beats just straight up hugged him while dezor comes up to brute who hugged him as well.
Both dezor & beats got in Their respective sits,all of them starts talking about Their lives & what they do now.
In the Echo Academy
"you sure you'll be alright?"asked by a female anthropos marine being named endine towards a vampire squid named stellar.
Stellar then said"will be fine auntie,sides cliff will be Their as well as ava & his brother Novia"he says cheerfully.
Endine looked a bit doubtful but sighed & smiles,then said"alrighty! Just be good & don't do anything stupid or I'll pound you,got it!" she says firmly yet softly to stellar.
Stellar sighs & said "alright,whatever you said auntie",endine then said"I mean it"
Stellar laughs & says"alright,alright geez!" he says as he hugged endine who also hugged him back & says"well I'll be going now! Bye auntie!".
Endine waves him goodbye as he joins his friends,who he started a conversation with.
Stellar then says"hey guys what do you think we do around the start of the year of our first high school life?" he asked,cliff then answered"I don't know but I suppose we should it for ourselves then" he says as he adjust his messenger bag,while ava said" eh,I think we will be fine as long as we don't do too much damage in the school" he laughs nervously.
Some of the last name came from Their creator's username.
Dezor lived with beats,who worked at the echo Academy now.
geo is connected to kin's & mecha's time together in highschool
There was a incident that happened in the school called the twilght acadamey where all the parents of the kids goes to back then.
Mecha is like a organic cyber,looking like a organic Grey colored skeleton but he is run by cyber/tech magic,that means he can still crashed & reboot like error.
kin got most evolve in a incident had happend around school
firefly & Brute had gotten together the same way as mecha & kin but differently,because firefly is Brute's personal therapist back in highschool.
stellar was my adopted oc,who I turn into a vampire squid.
Endine is genesistale undyne(my Au)
Cordelia,lynnsyl,ari are 2nd year Students with lux & malachite(my ship kid)
Lux & malachite are in a relationship like Michiru & haruka from sailor moon
Kin still act himself but when it comes to his kids,he shows immense worry for them especially geo since he was evolved in the incident beforehand,he also shows affection towards mecha when they are alone or with Their friends with no one watching(it's awkward)
Bezerk,dash,& ampel are middle school years & are in 8 gr.
Novia is 2nd year depsite his brother,ava is older,he had his first year while his brother was homes schooled.
Geo,giya,stellar,ava,Novia,feral,bezerk,chasm,drift,dash,malachite,endine belongs to me
Kin,ampel @bun-bunmuse
Mecha @wolf-wrathknight
Brute,dezor @clacy2812
Firefly @waterdragonangel
V @hammie-heart
Beats @phaunicier
Ari @sweetzdreamyzblogs
Cordelia @smp1123
Lynnsyl @cutecountingcc
Lux @jakei95
Cliff @domino-doodles
Noted:be advised I just did this after my writers block was gone for a minute so yeah I tried sorry if something was off....qwq
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seirioscanis · 5 years
Tumblr media
{ low on self-esteem, so you run on gasoline }
𝖖 𝖚 𝖔 𝖙 𝖊 𝖘
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” -- Albert Camus
“We are unusual, tragic, and alive.” -- Dave Eggers
“I have a very childlike rage, and a very childlike loneliness.” -- Richey Edwards
“’Are you implying that shreds of my reputation remain intact?’ Will demanded with mock horror. ‘Clearly I have been doing something wrong. Or not something wrong, as the case may be.’ He banged on the side of the carriage. ‘Thomas! We must away at once to the nearest brothel. I seek scandal and low companionship.’” -- Will Herondale, Clockwork Angel
“Many atrocities have been done in the name of the greater good.” -- Rhysand, A Court of Mist and Fury
𝖇 𝖆 𝖘 𝖎 𝖈
NAME: Sirius Orion Black NICKNAMES: Padfoot, Pads AGE: 20 BIRTHDAY: 3 November 1959 GENDER: Demiboy, not that he has the word for that PRONOUNS: he/they
𝖋 𝖆 𝖒 𝖎 𝖑 𝖞
MOTHER: Walburga Black ( 55 ) FATHER: Orion Black ( 51, deceased ) SIBLINGS: Regulus Arcturus Black ( 18, deceased )
𝖕 𝖍 𝖞 𝖘 𝖎 𝖈 𝖆 𝖑 𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖇𝖚𝖙𝖊𝖘
FACE CLAIM: Samuel Larsen BUILD: Slim and muscular HAIR: Shoulder length and thick, normally kept in a bun HAIR COLOR: Black EYE COLOR: Brown SKIN COLOR: Pale DOMINANT HAND: Right handed, teaching himself slowly to write with his left as well for the hell of it (note: the handwriting is still awful). ANOMALIES: a scar on his upper right lip, ironically a small cluster of star-shaped birthmarks on his left hip (which he hates), a few old cigarette burns on his knees SCENT: leather, old spice, barber shop hair gel, cigarette smoke, motor oil ACCENT: British ALLERGIES: slightly lactose intolerant DISORDERS: Major depression, generalized anxiety, PTSD due to childhood trauma FASHION: Punk rock baby, though probably a bit out of date compared to what muggles are wearing now. He took what he could get during school, and now there’s not enough time in the day to work, be in the Order, and go shopping. NERVOUS TICS: His body becomes more tense, and his eyes dart around the room to search for an exit (or several if possible). He also subconsciously takes a step back from whatever is making him nervous, occasionally messes with his hair to try and act casual (though he does that when he’s bored as well, so it has to be seen with one of the others to be considered a sign of his nerves). If he’s particularly high strung, he’ll lose his nerve completely and lash out, no matter if it’s good or bad for the situation at hand. QUIRKS: Like mentioned above, he messes with his hair a lot when he’s bored, usually pulling it out of its hair tie if up and vice versa if down. He paces when plotting, and purses his lips when he’s thinking considerably. When he’s particularly happy he’ll do a little jump, and he appears to be vibrating a little even afterward. When uncomfortable he’ll try to push that feeling off with either an argument or joke, again no matter whether one of those choices is the wisest at the time.
𝖑 𝖎 𝖋 𝖊 𝖘 𝖙 𝖞 𝖑 𝖊
RESIDES: Plainview Points Apartments BORN: St. Mungo’s Hospital RAISED: Grimmauld Place, London PETS: n/a
CAREER: Auror-in-Training EXPERIENCE: He was part of the Hogwarts dueling club for two years before being kicked out for unfair sportsmanship. He also got a considerate amount of training in magic from an early age thanks to his family, and his mother in particular taught him a bit of dark magic--or tried to. Not that he would use the dark magic, but if push came to shove... he has a few tricks up his sleeve (or, at the very least, the theory behind some of the darker magics). EMPLOYER: Ministry of Magic
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: Order of the Phoenix BELIEFS: Sirius, without a shadow of a doubt, believes that muggleborns and halfbloods deserve to be equal to purebloods. It took him years to believe he was allowed to have that thought process, but he grabbed onto it once he did. Despite the years of unlearning what his family tried to instill in him, it wasn’t all successful. He does still have a superiority complex, and most definitely thinks himself above squibs, muggles, house elves, and so on. It takes more effort for him to respect their opinions as equal to his own, and though he knows that’s wrong, it’s taking a lot longer than he’d like to unlearn that--if he ever can. MISDEMEANORS: Illegal animagus, chase down with James on Elvendork, driving underage on an unregistered motorcycle, his entire list of detentions at Hogwarts FELONIES: Nothing officially on record, so really he’s as innocent as it gets DRUGS: n/a SMOKES: Way too much to be healthy for his lungs ALCOHOL: Not nearly as bad as his smoking habit DIET: Generally unhealthy because he can’t be bothered to cook
LANGUAGES: English, Latin, Spanish, Italian, French, some German
PHOBIAS: Extremely loud noises, snakes, thunderstorms HOBBIES: Causing general mischief, reading what he can get his hands on, doodling (albeit a bit crudely) TRAITS: { + }: loyal, intelligent, observant, quick-witted, sociable { - }: angry, impulsive, insensitive, defiant, pessimistic 
𝖋 𝖆 𝖛 𝖔 𝖗 𝖎 𝖙 𝖊 𝖘
LOCATION: Potter Estate, Prewett Household, Hogwarts SPORTS TEAM: Tutshill Tornadoes GAME: Wizard’s Chess MUSIC: Punk Rock, Celestina Warbeck (not that he’d tell a soul) MOVIES: Has hardly seen any, but is fond of action movies FOOD: Thai BEVERAGE: Whiskey or iced tea COLOR: Dark green
𝖒 𝖆 𝖌 𝖎 𝖈
ALUMNI HOUSE: Gryffindor WAND (length, flexibility, wood, & core): 8 3/4 inches, slightly bendy, yew, rougarou hair core AMORTENTIA: honeysuckles, vanilla, cigarette smoke PATRONUS: Dog BOGGART: His parents standing over him shouting; recently with Regulus by their side asking why he had to die
𝖈 𝖍 𝖆 𝖗 𝖆 𝖈 𝖙 𝖊 𝖗
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good MBTI: ESTP-T MBTI ROLE: The Entrepreneur
“ ESTPs are energetic thrillseekers who are at their best when putting out fires, whether literal or metaphorical. They bring a sense of dynamic energy to their interactions with others and the world around them. They assess situations quickly and move adeptly to respond to immediate problems with practical solutions. Active and playful, ESTPs are often the life of the party and have a good sense of humor. They use their keen powers of observation to assess their audience and adapt quickly to keep interactions exciting. Although they typically appear very social, they are rarely sensitive; the ESTP prefers to keep things fast-paced and silly rather than emotional or serious. “
” People of this personality type are essentially unwilling to be controlled, either by others or by their circumstances; they fully intend to be masters of their fate. Eights are strong willed, decisive, practical, tough minded and energetic. They also tend to be domineering; their unwillingness to be controlled by others frequently manifests in the need to control others instead. When healthy, this tendency is kept under check, but the tendency is always there, nevertheless, and can assume a central role in the Eight's interpersonal relationships. ”
“  The choleric temperament is fundamentally ambitious and leader-like. They have a lot of aggression, energy, and/or passion, and try to instill it in others. They can dominate people of other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and political figures were choleric. They like to be in charge of everything. However, cholerics also tend to be either highly disorganized or highly organized. They do not have in-between setups, only one extreme to another. As well as being leader-like and assertive, cholerics also fall into deep and sudden depression. Essentially, they are very much prone to mood swings. “
“ Passionate, independent, and unafraid to blaze their own trail no matter what others think, Scorpios make a statement wherever they go. They love debates, aren't afraid of controversy, and won't back down from a debate. They also hate people who aren't genuine, and are all about being authentic—even if authentic isn't pretty. Because of all of these traits, a Scorpio can seem intimidating and somewhat closed off to those who don't know them well. But what people don't realize is that even though Scorpio may seem brusque, as a water sign, they also are very in tune with their emotions, and sometimes may find themselves caught up in their feelings. This leads to Scorpio's central conflict: Their feelings are what drives them and strengthens them, but their mutability can scare them and make them feel vulnerable and out of control. Because of this conflict, Scorpios, like their namesake, the scorpion, put up an outer shell and may seem prickly. But once people get beyond the shell, they find a loyal, loving person whose passion knows no bounds. Scorpio dives into all life has to offer with 110% enthusiasm. A Scorpio will be your most loyal friend, most dedicated employee—and your worst enemy, if they want to be. “
CHINESE ZODIAC: Year of the Pig 
“  Pig is mild and a lucky animal representing carefree fun, good fortune and wealth. Personality traits of the people born under the sign of the Pig are happy, easygoing, honest, trusting, educated, sincere and brave. The possible dark sides the Pig people are stubbornness, naive, over-reliant, self-indulgent, easy to anger and materialistic. They are sometimes regarded as being lazy. “
“  Squids are powerful personalities that can only be ‘checked and balanced’ by themselves. They are highly capable, intelligent individuals who seem to know everything. Generally good natured, they also have a hidden inner dark side which resides deep within themselves. No one is allowed into this secret place, often not even themselves. Squids will even try to bury painful truths within themselves in order to avoid dealing with difficult emotions and situations. “
TAROT CARD: Justice, High Priestess
“ Justice and The High Priestess have in common that everything is accounted for. Justice examines everything for flaws in order to find its flawless essence. The High Priestess knows the secret of everything as it is in order to encompass everything. Justice demands of everything its true nature and essence, with nothing concealed, withheld or distorted. It tirelessly weighs and measures, satisfied with nothing less than the clear, the absolute, and the irreduceable in everything. Justice is adamant and uncompromising with its sword and scales, loud and clear in its redness, fearless and certain on its throne, guarding the entrance to the temple of the secrets of perfection. The High Priestess finds what is the same in everything, the secret unifying core hidden in the endless variation of detail. She patiently discovers in all differences what is true, original and undisturbed in everything. The High Priestess is accepting and inclusive with her scroll and cross, calm and quiet in her blueness, fearless and certain on her throne, guarding the entrance to the temple of final knowledge. Unintegrated and imperfectly realized, Justice can be given to rage and haste; it can become arrogant and hypercritical, aggrieved and vengeful, or uncertain and vacillating. The High Priestess can be a conceited know-it-all, moody and taciturn, secret and unapproachable; she can be despairing and lost, or given to excess and careless of consequences. Together, they dream of the perfect, the ultimate, and pursue it in more than one kind of undertaking. They continuously seek the truth, and in its service they are drawn to esoteric studies and unusual paths. “
TV TROPES: White Sheep, Jerk with a Heart of Gold, In the Blood, Hot-blooded, Good is Not Nice, Cultural Rebel, Badass Biker SONGS: Gasoline, Halsey; The Future Freaks Me Out, Motion City Soundtrack; This is the End (For You My Friend), Anti-Flag; Hate Conquers All, Anti-Flag; Downtempo, Scouting for Girls;
IDEOLOGIES: - Actively cuts out everyone who was part of his childhood unless they’ve somehow proven they can be trusted again; he avoids his family at all costs. - The day he found out he was lactose intolerant, however mild, was a mournful day. He sulked about Hogwarts for about a week. - Legitimately tried to swim to the bottom of the Black Lake and see the giant squid. Never succeeded. - If you bring peanut butter anywhere near him he will chuck it across the room. He hates it. - Genuinely enjoys being a dog more than a human sometimes. Yes, he’s aware of the irony.  - The only people allowed to make puns off of his name are James, Peter, Remus, Lily, and Marlene. He’ll get annoyed at anyone else who tries (also wise to avoid using the word serious around him for the above reason). - Keeps telling himself he’ll quit smoking someday. The likelihood of that actually happening is about slim to none, RIP to Sirius’ lungs.
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foxxygold-blog · 5 years
South Park High School Jokester
                                                       Chapter ~ 2
               Deciding to take up on the boys offer to show you around town, you sent a quick text to your mother saying you were going to be out later than planned. She sent you a quick text back, usual ‘k’ with a little heart emoji. Smiling softly, you left the message on read before hitting the power button to lock your phone before shoving it in your pocket and rejoining in the conversation and walk with the boys.
               “To be honest, most of the town is shit. However, the people in it make the place, a little less shitty? I don’t know how to explain that any better,” Stan muttered. He rubbed the back of his neck before giving a nervous chuckle.
               “Fuck the town, let’s talk about you. You just moved here the other day and scared the shit outta Butters and his parents and creeped us out today. Is that something you do often?” Kenny questioned, looking at you with what could only assume was some kind of smile underneath his winter clothes.
               “Well, here’s the thing. Warning, I’m probably about to overshare because I don’t know how to just stop talking about my personal life, ya know? Okay so like, I don’t know. My first thought was, let’s make a great first impression! And then my mind switched to, lets fuck with them if they like mom enough then surely they’d come back. I don’t know, it’s a thing my anxiety does is it’s like, don’t do this thing, they’ll hate you for it, but then my meds are like ‘who fucking cares do it anyway and make a GREAT TIME out of it’ because we only live once you know? Oh, I think I over shared again,” you paused. You could practically feel the cold sweat beginning to form on your back, what if they cared about you having anxiety and thought you were weird.
               “Oh okay, that’s cool. Well, if you need anyone to talk to you with your anxiety that is, Stan and I would probably be the best to come too,” Kyle smiled. You sighed, managing to relax and nodded your head, thankful they’d be willing to hear you out if you actually had a problem.
               “So yeah, I just thought, what could be the best way to scare the shit out of almost everyone, and by almost I mean Butters and his family for a fact, and my mother a little. She mostly gets mad. I was like yes, the squid hat for a fact, and my prop bongs. I’m not actually a drug user, you know, save form the average users over the counter prescription meds, but I don’t do heroin, meth, weed, or anything along those lines. I’m a good child of the lord,” you laughed, “so I set up my speakers as quick and started playing some anime opening that had become a meme in recent years and played the ear rape version, it felt like the whole house had an orgasm. You should know Kenny, the one that has people looking like they’re having a seizure.”
               Kenny sent you a finger gun with a nod of his head, indicating he knew exactly what you were talking about. As the entire group of you walked around the neighborhood and you were introduced to most of the boy’s families, it wasn’t long until a group of girls ran up to the group. You couldn’t help but feel nervous; wow all those girls were pretty. You watched them all talking to almost all the boys save for Cartman before the black haired girl in purple looked at your and smirked at Stan.
               “New lover already?” You felt confused, before laughing.
               “No, I mean. No offense Stan, good looking guy, sure anyone would suck your dick,” you patted his shoulder as his face turned red, “but I’m the new kid in town. I apparently scared the innocent boy named Butters when he and his family came over the other day and all these lovely people came over to see if he was lying. Jokes on them, he wasn’t. I’m kinda weird, just gonna say that now so you can bully me to my face, and not behind my back.”
               The girl looked confused before smiling nervously.
               “Dear, all of South Park is weird. You’re probably gonna fit in, and I doubt any of me or my girls will bully you. How come you didn’t tell me about the new kid? You’re practically smothering them, why not have girl time with us,” the black haired girl held out her hand.
               “Wendy, we invited and ran into them first.”
               “Yeah, but we got too them second, and second has always been the best since elementary school,” the blondie beside Wendy spoke up.
               “Fine, we’ll just do some introductions now and some later. Tomorrow is the last day of break, so Token is having a party at his place. Everyone who is here right now is me, Wendy Testaburger, the blonde girl next to me is Bebe Stevens, the brunette is Heide Turner, and there’s plenty of later we’ll introduce you too once school starts. Or,” she dragged on. She slowly turned to look at Stan before he cursed silently to himself.
               “Wendy, we got told we couldn’t come over due to what happened at last times party.”
               “Well, maybe new kid can be your way in,” Bebe questioned.
               “I have a name and it’s (y/n) thank you.” You interjected with a small raise of your hand, not exactly enjoying being called the new kid.
               “Shit, you may be onto something,” Cartman declared while smacking one fist into his other open palm.
               “What the hell are you talking about Fatass?” Kyle sighed, rubbing his forehead in irritation as if a headache was about to form.
               “We take (y/n) over to Tokens place; use them as our slave to get in. Make it a bargain. We’ll give you someone to help you do work tomorrow if you let us come party at your place.”
               “That seems a bit harsh to use (y/n) as a pawn in a skeem when they haven’t even been here for more than a week!”
               “Actually,” you spoke, kicking at the floor, “I wouldn’t mind, it means I don’t have to touch my room and I’ll get to see new people.”
               Everyone looked at you a bit surprised, Kyle almost looked at you with pleading eyes as if to say you shouldn’t even open your mouth and agreed to his stupid plan. Cartman shouted happily in joy and declared to the girls who had run into them that they’d all be at the party. You sent your mom a quick text, letting her know your plans for tomorrow. You explained to her in simple text format that you were going to help new friends set up a party, which wasn’t exactly a lie, or the total truth of your situation! So things should surely work out.
               The girls parted on their way only after making sure you would take part in the party yourself, have some drinks and dance with them and meet more of their gal pals. Butters, wanting no part in the current plan, though promised to be at the party, departed on his way home with the excuse of last-minute winter break homework. The other four pulled you off and dragged you toward Kyles house and into his large car. You screeched as you went running, crying “GUN” before running, causing some of the boys to freeze and even drop to the floor. You smirked as you easily hopped into the shotgun seat and stick out your tongue.
               “Shotgun that is,” you hummed. Stan, Kenny, and Cartman all glared at you while you just smiled happily like a little kid who had not done a single thing wrong. Kyle just chuckled to himself before hopping into the driver’s seat and starting up his car. Kenny and Stan decided to sit together in the back while allowing Cartman all the space in the middle by himself. After everyone was buckled in, Cartman got dangerously close as he leaned in glaring at the side of your face.
               “Alright listen here, new kid---.”
               “It’s (y/n), Cartman,”
               “Yeah, whatever new kid--.”  You groaned loudly before Cartman spoke up again.
               “We get to Tokens lavish house, and you’re going to play the broken and depressed damsel, or knight, your choice.”
               “Broken and depressed, got it, already got that down since I was born,” you joked.
               The boys looked at you worried save for Cartman before you panicked.
               “Kidding, I’M KIDDING!”
               “No matter what bargain he gives us, you counter back with, you won’t do anything unless he lets US in tomorrow night. Got it, new kid?”
               “(y/n),” you corrected.
               “GOT IT?!” Cartman yelled at you, causing you to flinch and Kyle to swerve a bit on the road as he was driving.
               “I fucking got it, jeez, you’re gonna make Kyle crash,” you cried. Cartman sat down with a smug smile on his face. You sighed softly rubbing your arm before trying to melt into the seat and disappear. You sat in silence for the rest of the ride, watching houses pass by in a colorful blur just outside of the window. The car was pretty clean saving for a wrapper from some fast food joint and some straw wrappers. You began to pick at your nails a bit while thinking before feeling the comforting vibration of the car stop beneath your body and you re-registered your eyes to notice the big, nicely gated house. Oh, so he was a rich boy. Maybe you could push some certain buttons if you needed too.
               “Alright, we’re here, let's hope we don’t get banned and put on restraining orders,” Kyle grumbled. Undoing your seatbelt, you carefully popped open the door and hopped out, taking in the fancy black gate and watching where it connected to a cement fence that couldn’t be too easily climbed. You followed the boys up to an intercom system that must connect to the house. Kenny quietly pressed the doorbell button twice and everyone stood to wait for an answer.
               “Hello, who is this?” Came the voice form the small speaker just beside the doorbell button.
               “Heyyy, Token,” Stan spoke nervously after pushing down the talk button.
               “You aren’t invited nor are you being let in tomorrow night! Not you Stan, and none of your other three friends,” Token barked loudly.
               You quietly shoved Stan aside softly and pushed down on the button that was titled speak just below it and felt nervousness creep up on you.
               “Um, h-hello?” Damn you, you stuttering devil!
               “Who is this..? You don’t sound like any of the others if this is you guys pulling a voice prank I’ll get you arrested!”
               “No! Oh, god no, none of them have the voices to even sound close to mine, I’m too flawless,” you joked nervously, “I’m (y/n), the new kid who just moved in. I don’t know these guys that well, but they seem like nice people, could you let them go to your party tomorrow?”
               “Oh, you don’t know the half of our history. Besides, the last party they trashed my house, I was grounded for weeks,” Token scoffed. You glared slightly at the boys who all looked guilty but Cartman.
               “Look, how about we break a deal between us. I’ll, I don’t know, run errands with or for you for your party and you let them come? I’ll pay for anything they break if you let them in too and I’ll take all the blame.”
               There was silence on the other end for a long time. You felt dread crawl across your skin, had you just ruined their chances? You let go of the speak button and felt sorry for the boys, about to turn and apologize till you finally got a response.
               “Fine, but anything they break tomorrow you pay what it cost and a tax my family deems appropriate, got it?”
               The boys cheered happily, all of them focusing on the fact that they were allowed into the party tomorrow night before you felt dead on the inside. If they broke anything expensive tomorrow night? You were honestly going to kill all of them. You reached out to the button with a smile, forcing yourself to sound happy for your new friends.
               “Deal, what time you want me over here tomorrow? Come over about two or three in the afternoon, the party is at seven. Oh, and it’s just you coming tomorrow, don’t bring any of those losers with you.”
               “Fair,” you stated. The boys yelled in anger and disagreement before you glared at them and put a finger to your mouth, signaling them to shut up.
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hicsqueak. t. written for the #ww2018winterfluffevent (day nine: meeting the parents)
if i were that kind of grateful (what would i try to say?) (9/31)
Hecate wakes feeling warm and flushed, her face buried in unbearably soft sheets. Dull light cracks through the blinds, and she can still hear the howl of wind outside. It takes her a long moment to get her bearings, to pull herself from heavy sleep. Her body feels sore, weighted, her shoulder especially, and her head still aches, though not nearly as badly as the night before. She tries to move, to resettle, but there’s something across her chest, and for a brief second, she panics. Can’t breathe.
And then there’s a snuffling sound from behind her, movement against her leg, and she remembers: Pippa.
She’s in Pippa’s bed, in Pippa’s house, with Pippa right behind her, arm thrown over Hecate’s waist, her face pressed into the back of Hecate’s neck.
Her breath catches, and she freezes, unsure what to do—if she should extricate herself, if she even could without waking Pippa. Part of her feels like she should be embarrassed, with the way her legs have tangled with Pippa’s at some point during the night, her hand curled over Pippa’s hand on her stomach.
But it feels too right, too perfect, too warm and comfortable and familiar, though they haven’t found themselves like this for thirty years.
Behind her, Pippa nuzzles her nose against Hecate’s skin and sighs, and Hecate allows a small smile to tug at her lips. Allows herself this moment, soft and steady.
Closing her eyes, she lets herself relax, buries her face in the pillow and dozes.
She isn’t sure how long passes before Pippa stirs, mumbling incoherently, her arm tightening around Hecate’s waist as she pulls her closer.
Hecate doesn’t mind, but it’s only a moment before Pippa seems to realize where she is, what she’s done, and lets out a quiet, “Oh.”
Hecate turns, rolls over on her back to see Pippa’s face, smiles at the faint blush to her cheeks.
“Sorry,” Pippa says, “I didn’t mean to—”
“Sleep like a squid?”
Pippa pouts at the descriptor, but smiles when Hecate settles a hand tentatively over Pippa’s, keeping her from pulling away entirely.
“I was just trying to keep you warm,” she defends, lifting her chin, and Hecate rolls her eyes, thinks of when they were children, when Pippa would slip into her room at night and they’d wake to find themselves in much the same position, one curled around the other.
They never talked about it, and Hecate always felt ashamed, started finding reasons to avoid sleeping near Pippa, staying awake long into the night. But she could never turn her away, not then, not know, and she bites her lip at Pippa’s sleep tousled hair, the sleep still in the corners of her eyes, the indent of the pillowcase on her cheek.
She wants to wake up like this every day.
The thought makes her blush, look away, but she can’t bring herself to leave.
Pippa seems to feel the same, and when her stomach growls she does nothing more than laugh and bury her face in Hecate’s shoulder.
“If I’m hungry you must be starving,” she says, a question, and Hecate lifts one shoulder, burying her wince.
“I’m fine,” she says, shifts more onto her side so she can face Pippa, smiles slightly at her smile.
Pippa shivers, and Hecate frowns, glances at the blankets still wrapped around her shoulders, doesn’t understand until she realizes she’s been tracing patterns on Pippa’s hand absently, unknowingly.
She stops, swallows. “I—” she starts, doesn’t know what to say, if she should apologize, but Pippa shakes her head.
“No, I—I like it,” she murmurs.
Hecate inhales sharply. “Pippa—”
Pippa leans up and presses a kiss to what Hecate assumes is supposed to be her cheek, but she misses, lands nearer her chin, the side of her mouth.
Hecate stiffens, wide-eyed as Pippa pulls away, just far enough to meet her gaze. Pippa swallows, looks down at Hecate’s lips and back up and Hecate can’t breathe, can’t think, wants nothing more.
The word is barely audible, more breath than sound, and Hecate feels like she’s floating, feels ungrounded, save Pippa’s weight, and she brushes her thumb over Pippa’s hand, hopes she’ll understand what she can’t quite say.
Pippa’s eyes flicker to her lips and back again and when she leans in, Hecate closes her eyes, tightens her grip on Pippa’s hand and—
“Pippa, love, are you awake?”
Hecate rears back at the knock on the door, and Pippa startles, jerking away, but thankfully the door remains closed, just a voice on the other side, “There’s breakfast downstairs, and your brother made sweets.”
Pippa clears her throat before managing to call back, saying she’ll be down in a minute, and Hecate shifts away, sits up and throws her legs over the side of the bed and tries to get her bearings.
Her heart pounds and her hands are shaking slightly, enough that she curls them into fists on her thighs, tries to take deep, measured breaths.
And then there’s Pippa, sat behind her, a hand on Hecate’s spine, so soft.
She takes a deep breath. “Fine. Just—”
“Startled,” Pippa finishes. “I know.” And then, with a lopsided smile, “My parents have rubbish timing.”
Hecate nods, smoothes down the checkered print of her trousers.
“Perhaps we should...go downstairs.”
Pippa squeezes her shoulder and climbs off the bed, summons Hecate’s satchel from downstairs, as well as a few towels.
“I’m sure your magic is still unsteady, so if you’d like to shower, washroom’s down the hall, on your right. I’ll head down and let my parents know what’s happened.” She pauses, then touches Hecate’s arm again briefly before falling away. “It’ll be fine.”
Hecate purses her lips. “If you say so.”
Pippa smiles. “I promise.”
With a twirl, she changes her clothes from pyjamas to a pair of black slacks and a pink jumper, hair brushed, and Hecate envies the ease of her magic, knows it’ll only be a day or two before her own returns, but still.
“I’ll leave you to it,” she says, and disappears, and Hecate’s grateful for the distance, for the quiet. Her thoughts are still roaring, and she takes her time for once in the shower, trying to sort out her wild emotions, all clamoring for recognition: her elation, her surprise, her fear and doubt and nerves at meeting Pippa’s parents again, especially under these circumstances.
She combs out her hair and plaits it, secures it in her traditional bun, annoyed that it’s still damp, but there’s little she can do about that. She’s glad she brought a change of clothes, and the restricting dress makes her feel better, safe, more at ease in her own skin.
Checking her watch, she’s surprised by the late hour, almost half gone ten by the time she works up the courage to walk downstairs, follows the voices into the kitchen, where Pippa’s entire family is gathered.
She can tell by the way they all look up immediately that they’ve been waiting for her, trying to pretend they weren’t waiting, and she holds her breath, glancing at them uneasily.
No one speaks for a moment, even Pippa simply stares at her, though her expression is soft and open, and Hecate clears her throat, fingers stiff against her sides.
“Apologies for my delay,” she says, “I was—”
And then her mother moves toward her in a flurry, smelling of Christmas spices, bits of flour on her jumper, waving away her concerns with a wooden spoon.
“Nonsense!” she says, pulling up just in front of her, as if stopping herself from an embrace. Instead, she pats Hecate’s arm and ushers her further into the warm kitchen, pulling out a chair next to Pippa for her to sit in. “Pippa told us all about it. We’re just glad you made it safely, you poor dear.”
Pippa bites her lip on a smile as Hecate takes a seat, spine rigid, confusion overtaking her features.
Pippa’s mother rambles on, bits of, “I can’t believe you flew through that storm! You must be quite the impressive flyer” and “Here, love, drink some tea—it’s my own special brew, it’ll keep you from getting sick.”
Hecate nods dumbly and does as she’s told, eyes flickering to Pippa’s father, still silent at the head of the table, Pippa’s nephew silent in his lap, and her brother, standing in the corner of the room wearing an apron looking slightly dumbfounded.
He stares at her, and Hecate stares back, until Pippa’s mother swats him in the chest with a towel and says, “Mind your manners,” and he blinks, huffs, and nods to her.
“Well met, Hecate. Again.”
She flinches slightly, but raises a hand and returns to greeting, unsurprised when he finally admits, “Gotta say, I was ready to throttle you yesterday.”
“Daniel!” Pippa gasps, but Hecate nods.
He shrugs, finally smiling crookedly. “Now I’d give you a hug if you didn’t look like there’s a broom in your back.”
“Perhaps,” Hecate says, “When you’re wearing less of the food you’re attempting to bake…”
He looks down at his apron, covered in chocolate and flour and spices, and laughs. “Touche.”
Beside her, Pippa rolls her eyes, then points to Hecate’s side, where she finds Annabelle, standing with her arms folded across her chest, her face in a grim line.
“You’re Miss Hardbroom,” she says.
“That’s correct.”
“You missed my play.”
Hecate’s voice softens, just a little. “I did.”
Annabelle shifts from foot to foot before steadying herself. “Auntie Pippa says you almost froze to death in the snow.”
Hecate slides a glare Pippa’s direction before looking back at the young girl. “Your aunt exaggerates.”
Annabelle leans forward on her toes, then back. “Will you watch my play today?”
Hecate glances at Pippa, at Daniel, before meeting Annabelle’s gaze. “Is it any good?”
Annabelle opens her mouth, about to be affronted, Hecate thinks, before she sets her lips in a thin line and nods decisively. “The best.”
“Then I suppose I’ll have to attend.”
Annabelle blinks, as if she weren’t expecting that answer, before her face splits into a wide grin and she launches forward, wrapping her arms around Hecate’s waist.
Hecate startles, stiffens, relieved when Daniel breaks in immediately with, “Annabelle, what have we said about asking before you touch people?”
Annabelle pulls back quickly, hands behind her back. “Sorry, Miss Hardbroom. I just got excited.”
Hecate nods slowly. “It’s… fine,” she says, still too stunned, unaccustomed to such affection from children. Her own pupils, she knows, would never dare, and it warms her heart, just a little, that perhaps not everyone finds her as intimidating as she tries to present herself.
Daniel apologizes once Annabelle scampers away, and the conversation picks up, breakfast is served, and Hecate realizes for the first time that sheis starving. Pippa’s mother—Marie—and Daniel settle into chairs opposite Pippa and Hecate, and eventually manage to rope even Pippa’s father into the conversation, though he doesn’t say much. A newspaper sits open on the table next to his plate, and he keeps glancing at it, the moving images and flickering headlines. He doesn’t address Hecate at all, though she figures that’s to be expected.
It isn’t until breakfast is over and the plates cleared—Marie waves Hecate’s offer to help away with a scoff—that Pippa’s father sets Andrew on the floor and nods his head for Hecate to follow him out into the living room.
Hecate does as requested, unnerved by his silence but unwilling to show it, and her stomach sinks when he picks up her broom, leaning against the front hall.
“I sanded it back down best I could,” he says. “You did quite a number on it yesterday, but I think she’ll fly true again.”
Hecate takes her broom—one she’s had since childhood, unadorned and functional. Her eyes sting.
“I....understand if I’m not welcome here, Mr. Pentangle,” she says slowly, carefully, “But I promised Pippa I’d—”
He shakes his head. “No, no. That’s not—” He looks a bit chagrined. “I just wanted to fix it up for you, for later. You did a hell of a thing, getting here. And you can stay as long as you like.”
Hecate blinks, startled, mouth opening and closing, and Mr. Pentangle looks almost as uncomfortable as she does, rubbing his hands together and staring over her shoulder.
“Right,” he says, “Let’s see about this play,” and disappears back into the kitchen, leaving Hecate frozen in the foyer, broom in hand. It feels smooth, balanced, and she notices for the first time, there’s a small parcel tucked into the bristles. Inspecting it closer, her eyes widen as she realizes what it is: a protective charm, tiny ingredients packed into a tiny green box, no bigger than the palm of her hand.
It’s a traditional present from parents to children, when they first get their brooms; but her mother had been gone by then, and her father never believed in such things. Thought them merely ornamental, and therefore superfluous.
But Pippa’s father must have noticed she didn’t have one, must have made one that morning, and Hecate’s chest feels tight as she stares at the tiny box, fingers trembling over the green ribbon used to secure it to her broom.
“He’s ornery at times,” Pippa says, coming up behind her, “But he’s a great big sap under it all.”
Hecate clears her throat. “I can see that.”
“Mum’s put on a fresh pot of tea, and Daniel wants to pick your brain about primary schools for Annabelle.”
Hecate nods, turning to Pippa and extending her broom, “Would you mind…?”
Pippa transfers it upstairs with the rest of her things, then loops an arm through Hecate’s, pulling her back towards the kitchen.
here on ao3
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gay-fly-fish · 6 years
What is Love? - Pearlina oneshot
Rating: General
Lots of fluff, some angst and includes headcanons on pearl and marina’s pasts!
Description: in which Marina learns what love is and comes to terms with the fact she’s in love with her best friend
Feel free to tell me if you like/hate/feel violently neutral towards it!
Warning: This is a long fic. It’s over 3000 words!
For a long time Marina had been curious on what love was. She knew it was an emotion that was often shared between two beings but sometimes wasn’t. It could be platonic or romantic or familial.
 She was unsure what any of that meant but she accepted it anyway.
 Pearl was sitting on the other side of the table as they waited for the next map rotation, making idle conversation in the meanwhile.
 A deep affection for the inkling stirred within her as she looked at her.
 Was this what love is?
 She was 16 and only recently arrived in Inkopolis.  She had a limited knowledge on emotions. Pearl was 19 struggling to start a music career and kind enough to offer a home.
 Pearl had been rejected by another producer and had put on what she had called a ‘TV show’ to cheer herself up. She had invited her to join her which she hesitantly did so. It was…confusing yet somewhat enthralling. Pearl had explained it was called a drama.
 “It’s stupid but I like watching it when I feel down, y’know?” The inkling had said with an empty sounding chuckle.
 Marina had been confused at the question at the time, only later understanding what she meant. At the time, however, she was still new to inkling culture and their language.
 “I-I know?” she had asked, panicking inside. Should she know? What should she know?
 Pearl seemed to realize her mistake. “Well, no, you don’t, I…” she broke off for a moment. “I don’t usually like this sorta thing, but I find it good at cheering me up when I’m feeling down.”
 “Sad, angry…all that kind of stuff,” Pearl explained.
 Marina nodded in understanding. “So you watch this when you’re sad…” she said slowly. “But…this show does not seem to be cheerful. How does it make you happy?”
 “Because it’s a really bad show and it’s fun to laugh at,” Pearl said cheerfully.
 “Oh.” She blinked and silently stared at the screen. She wasn’t sure what was going on but her friend seemed to enjoy it so she should too.
 It reached a part where two of the characters were talking about another one. One of them – Samantha, was it? – Said they liked another one called Christopher. What did that mean?
 “What does it mean when they say she ‘likes’ them?” She asked her companion. “If they’re friends already then don’t they already like each other?”
 “No, not in that way,” Pearl chuckled. “Samantha likes Christopher likes her as in…more than a friend.”
 “More than a friend?” Marina squeaked nervously.
 “You know…romantically?” Pearl offered. “She has what we call a ‘crush’ on him.”
“A crush…” She muttered. “So she wants to be romantically involved with Christopher?”
 Pearl nodded excitedly. “Yes, yes, exactly! Now you’re getting it!” She chirped.
 Marina warmed at the compliment. “Am I?” she chuckled. “So, why doesn’t she just tell him?”
 The inkling sighed but also seemed to think over her answer. “It’s a lot harder than you’d think,” she answered eventually. “I should know.”
 “You should?” Marina questioned.
 Pearl shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ve had a few girlfriends in the past,” she admitted. “Never lasted too long and not all of them ended well.”
 “I like girls rather than boys.”
 “Oh. Ok.”
 “You’re ok with that?”
 “Why would it matter?”
 Pearl felt herself grow to like the octoling a bit more at how easily she accepted the fact that she was gay. “It doesn’t,” she agreed with a grin. “Some people say otherwise though.”
 “Like who?”
 “Like my parents, some of my ‘friends’,” she listed. “There have been stories of the higher ups in certain companies too.”
 “Stories?” Marina prodded. “What stories?”
 “You know, uh, people being fired or treated badly because they like those of the same gender.”
 “Oh.” Marina sighed. “That sounds like a silly reason to me.”
 “It’s more than silly,” Pearl muttered. “It’s stupid, unfair and petty.”
 Marina simply hummed in agreement, her attention switching from the inkling beside her to the TV.
 The characters were still discussing Samantha’s romantic interest in Christopher.
 Idly, she thought whether she’d ever find someone she liked in that way.
It had been early in the morning and she’d woken up early. Pearl had offered her a guest bedroom again but she had chosen to remain on the sofa, not wanting to take up too much space.
 She had thought back to her time in octo canyon, specifically the rare times she had been off duty. There was very little to do but some octolings had formed a band named ‘Turquoise October’ of their own to cheer the others up. The songs had been pleasant enough but were nothing compared to the Squid Sisters at that concert.
 Still she remembered sitting in her bunk, listening to the song and singing along out of boredom. Dull as the memories were they were some of the only good ones she had. Subconsciously, she had begun singing one of the songs.
 What was it called again?
 She couldn’t quite remember.
 Oh well.
 Caught up in singing, Marina had been unaware of Pearl entering the room until she heard something hitting the ground. She whirled around to see the inkling standing in the kitchen doorway, hand wide open and a glass on the floor that was miraculously not broken.
 “Holy carp,” Pearl said with increasing volume. “YOU CAN SING?”
 Marina blushed and looked away in embarrassment. “W-well…” she forced out. “I try. I don’t think I’m that good.”
 “That’s not true and you know it!” The inkling laughed. “Mar, that was amazing! You have one of the best voices I’ve ever heard.”
 Her eyes widened at the compliment and the nickname, her tentacles wriggling wildly in excitement. “Really? I wasn’t even trying,” she rambled. “I’m sure that’s not true I mean-“
 Pearl cut her off with a sharp look. “I’m really not the type to lie about this stuff, Mar,” she told her bluntly. “Your voice is good and that song is good!” The inkling drifted off.
 Marina watched nervously, fidgeting with a tentacle idly. “Pearl?”
 The squid was mostly quiet except for the odd mutter of ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and even ‘why would she?’
 “Pearl, are you ok?”
 They finally looked up at her as if she only just remembered Marina was there. “I have a suggestion…” she started then stopped then began again.  “You know I’m trying to get into the music biz, right?”
 “Oh. Yeah, I know.”
 “Well, as you also probably know, I’m struggling in doing that,” Pearl continued. “You told me that you came to Inkopolis because of the Squid Sisters, right? And that you wanted to stay here in Inkopolis?”
 She nodded. “Yes, I did tell you that.”
 “Well, maybe we could help each other out,” Pearl suggested, her eyes lighting up in excitement. “We can join together and form a duo – a bit like the Squid Sisters but different as well.”
 Marina’s eyes widened at the suggestion but she was excited at the prospect.
 She thought over it for a second but grinned at her friend.
 “I’d be happy to help!”
 Pearl’s face seemed to light up at her words.
 She would be lying if she didn’t say that something stirred in her at the sight.
 She was 17 and had joined up with Pearl to form ‘Off the Hook’ – a name Pearl had come up with. Pearl was 20 and having finally got a producer that agreed to take them on was reveling in their newfound success.
 She’s struggling with her emotions.
 Emotions are strange and foreign to her still but she’s getting better. She doesn’t know what it is she’s feeling but she feels warm and fuzzy and good when Pearl is near. She can feel her 3 hearts going wild as Pearl bounces happily, her hands trapped in the inklings tight grip.
 “I can’t believe it!” Pearl repeats for what feels like the hundredth time. “After all these years, I managed to get a producer to take me on!” She paused. “Sorry, I got a bit overexcited. I mean, we got a producer who agreed to take us on!”
 Marina giggled at the squid’s enthusiasm, feeling her cheeks warm slightly at the fact she was included. “I wouldn’t say I did that much,” she mumbled. “You wrote the song and you did a lot of the singing!”
 Pearl shook her head. “Are you kidding me right now?” she asked with mock exasperation. “Mar, I couldn’t have done this without you! Before we teamed up, no one wanted my music.”
 “I’m sure that’s-“
 “It’s true and everyone knows it, Marina,” Pearl sighs. She looks away for a second, seemingly thinking of something else. Marina saw a brief flash of sadness and hurt in her friend’s eyes.
 She felt a surge of protectiveness for the inkling and anger at those who hurt them. “I’m sure that’s not true,” she told her fiercely. “You’re amazing!”
 Pearl looked up at her with an uncharacteristically vulnerable look her cheeks flushed pink. “You know, no one else believed in me,” she whispered softly. “Not my parents, my friends…nobody, other than you.”
 Marina’s cheeks went from warm to burning. “W-Well,” she started, swallowing back her nerves. “Then we’ll just prove them all wrong, won’t we? We’ll get our way to the top and show everyone who doubted you how wrong they were!”
 Pearl grinned at her and she thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world.
 “And we’ll prove to Inkopolis that an octoling can make it big in Inkopolis!” she added proudly. The squid’s usual energy and positivity returned full force much to Marina’s delight.
 It was also now that Marina realized that she had a crush on Pearl.
 (They went on to become the next big thing in the music scene with many saying they could overtake the Squid Sisters) 
 She had gotten a motorcycle license around a year ago and Pearl had even managed to find an old motorcycle for her to use. However it had recently begun to break down and it was beyond the point of being able to be repaired.
 On the bright side, however, their debut single was selling well. Like really well.
 So well in fact that Marina could easily afford a new motorcycle with the money they’ve earned. She’s honestly astonished by that fact.
 Pearl, as expected, is ecstatic at their success and agrees quickly to a new motorcycle. Marina’s not too surprised – the squid may not be able to drive it but she loved the thrill of the ride and the wind in her face.
It takes a little while for it to arrive but when it does both of them are excited.
 “We need to go for a ride,” Pearl squeals, running over to the cycle.
 “Right now, Pearl?” Marina asks, taken back slightly. The inkling nods rapidly. “Alright…let me just check over things first.”
 After a brief check showed that it was all good and working and their helmets had been put on, they were racing through the city. Pearl’s squeals and whoops in her ear make her smile. She was grateful that the inkling couldn’t see her blush.
 The inkling began to hum the tune to a song she didn’t recognize as they left the city. Pearl had wanted them to go to a small park just outside the city for some reason. She had said she wanted to show her something.
 “Pearl, what’s exactly out here?” she yelled over the wind.
 “I told you, a park!”
 “Yeah, but what are you showing me?”
 “You’ll see!”
 Marina groaned but continued driving towards the destination.
 Thankfully it wasn’t too far out of town and they arrived pretty quickly. The new bike was definitely faster than the old one - which wasn’t much of a surprise. The park was indeed small but beautiful, lit up by small lamps that marked out the path. Pearl hopped off the bike and began dragging her down said path.
 Used to the huge expanse of the city, seeing so many trees was slightly odd but she enjoyed it.
 Pearl led her to a small patch of grass and sat on the ground, motioning for her to join her. “You…want to sit on the grass?” She asked slowly as she walked over to join her friend.
 “Yeah, come on,” The inkling said cheerfully. The octoling hesitantly sat next to the squid much to her delight. She leaned back and allowed herself to fall onto her back. With a questioning look, Marina followed suite. “I’m introducing to stargazing.”
 “Stargazing?” Marina asked in disbelief.
 “It’s when you look at the stars!” Pearl explained, pointing up at the sky. Marina followed her hand and looked at the millions of the glowing dots in the night sky. “Aren’t they pretty? You can’t really see them in the city cos of all the lights and clouds and stuff.”
“Really pretty,” Marina murmured softly. “I never thought I’d see them.”
 “Really?” Pearl looked over at her curiously. “Why not?”
 “I never thought I’d leave octo canyon,” she admitted. “We were forced to live underground so we rarely saw the sky. Screens were used to imitate it, sure, but it was obviously not the same thing. Didn’t help that you could see the edges of each screen.”
 Her companion went quiet as she took in the new information. “Do you think it was worth leaving?” she asked eventually.
 “Was leaving octo canyon and coming to Inkopolis worth it?”
 Marina turned to look at Pearl who was staring at her with wide eyes. She smiled softly, feeling her affection for the inkling grow. “Very much so,” she giggled.
 “Do you regret joining me in the music biz?”
 Marina sat up at her words. “Are you feeling ok?” she asked worriedly. “Of course I don’t regret that! Everything that’s happened since I’ve come to Inkopolis has been worth it.”
 Pearl sighed, her eyes drifting away sadly. A small pink blush bloomed on her cheeks. “It’s just that you probably could have done much better than be stuck with me,” she grumbled.
 “Stuck with you?” Marina barked out feeling slightly insulted. “I was stuck in octo valley. I was stuck in a role I didn’t want to play.” She sighed deeply. “I want to stay with you. I want to make music with you.”
 She lay back down and rolled onto her side to look at Pearl.
 “I want to be in Off the Hook with you.”
 Pearl’s faint blush rose to a strong one, making her look a bit like a tomato. “You do?” she squeaked meekly.
 She nodded fiercely. “Yes.”
 “Okay…okay, good,” Pearl replied as her confidence returned.
 Marina mentally slapped herself for allowing the nickname slip out.
 “Pearlie?” Pearl chuckled at the nickname. “Where did that come from?”
“Uh…n-nowhere,” she mumbled, blushing in embarrassment. “It’s nothing.”
 “I like it,” the inkling told her comfortingly.
 “Y-you do?”
 “Yep,” she chirped. “Anyway, what did you want to ask?”
 Marina smiled uneasily. “Do you regret asking me to join?”
 The squid shook her head quickly. “Of course not!” she assured her. “You know what else?”
 “I don’t regret letting you stay at my place either.” 
She was 18 and her crush was only getting stronger. Pearl was 21 and only just gotten comfortable in their new position as idols when the Squid Sisters became unavailable. The great zapfish had been stolen again and the news had come with unfortunate implications for the public’s view on her it seemed.
 She tried her hardest but she couldn’t ignore the looks and whispers that were sent her way behind her back. Thankfully, Pearl was there to glare at anyone they saw doing so.
 With the ever-decreasing power supply, splatfests had to be cancelled until the zapfish’s return much to their disappointment. This meant no performances for who knows how long. Pearl was restless with unspent energy and Marina grew ever more conscious of the public.
 “Ten minutes until next rotation!” called out a crewmember from off set.
 Marina said a quiet thank you but didn’t look at them. Nowadays her phone seemed the most interesting thing in the world. It helped her ignore the inklings at the window. At least for a while – she’d eventually turn to wave at them.
 “Maaaaaar,” pearl whined from opposite her.
 She ignored her, flicking through inkstagram.
 Nothing interesting was going on it seemed.
 A few more posts on the great zapfish being missing still (as if she wasn’t aware of that already!) and people sad over splatfests still being cancelled (again, she already knew that).
 She looked up with a huff. “What is it, Pearl?” she asked tiredly.
 “Are you sure you’re ok? You’ve just been staring at your screen all day when we’re not presenting,” Pearl said softly in concern.
 “It’s one way to ignore the looks I’m getting,” she explained briefly, refusing to make eye contact.
 “Mar…I didn’t realize it was affecting you that much,” Pearl sighed. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice.”
“It’s fine, I’m good at covering up emotions,” she dismissed quickly.
 “What’s that supposed to mean?”
 “It doesn’t matter, Pearlie.”
 “Mar, what did you mean by that?”
 “I said it doesn’t matter!”
 Marina slammed her hand down on the table abruptly. The inkling jumped back in her seat in surprise, eyes going wide. “It. Doesn’t. Matter.”
 There was a pause then Pearl nodded. “Okay,” she mumbled eventually, looking away from the octoling.
 Marina pulled her hands back from the table slowly, staring at them in dismay.
 Of all times to lose her temper…
 She turned at the faint sound of muttering. A group of inklings stood at the window, talking to each other with wide eyes. Every now and again, they would point at them as they talked. One turned and noticed she was watching them and they ran away.
 She could feel her eyes sting with unshed tears. Out of the corner of her eye she could see a jellyfish, most likely to tell them about map rotation.
 I can’t do this. I can’t do this!
 She whirled around and fled from the studio, ignoring Pearl calling out for her.
 The apartment felt cold and empty that evening. Marina holed herself in her bedroom, staring at the wall opposite her bed while holding a cushion that resembled Pearl’s squid icon. It had gotten wet from her crying.
 Marina’s attention snapped to the door to see Pearl standing there.
 “P-Pearlie?” she whispered. “What are you doing here?”
 “I left after map rotation finished,” the inkling explained, closing the door as she entered the room. “Wasn’t worth staying.”
 “But map rotations don’t end until-“
 “I don’t care,” Pearl stated bluntly. “It wasn’t worth staying if you weren’t there.”
 Marina blushed. “Pearlie, we could lose our jobs over this!”
 “Fuck the jobs!” Pearl yelled. “I care about you more than our job, Mar.”
 “Well, duh. I’d pick you over them any day.”
 Pearl blushed, looking away from her for a second. When she looked back at her there was a fierceness that she’d never seen before. “I’m just gonna get this out of the way,” she said bluntly.
 Marina tilted her head in confusion. “Say what?”
 “I like you,” Pearl stated quickly. Marina felt her eyes widen at her friend’s words. “As in, more than a friend.”
 “Pearlie…” she started, unsure what to say. “I…”
 “You don’t have to feel the same,” Pearl rambled. “Hell, you probably don’t, I just wanted to get it out there.”
 The squid kept on rambling much to Marina’s amusement. She rolled her eyes before surging forward to kiss her friend. It was only brief but it was enough to make them both blush.
 “Does that answer your question?” she asked teasingly, cradling her friend’s face in her hands.
 Pearl nodded quickly. “Yeah…” she muttered, reaching up to grab her face. “Now get back here.”
 Marina laughed, allowing her to drag her back into another kiss.
 She could get used to this.
 One month later and the great zapfish had returned and splatfests alongside it. The performances may be the same each month but Marina still loved being on stage, singing and dancing with Pearl. Watching Pearl dance with so much energy as she put her all into her performance remained one of her favourite things. Only now it seemed slightly different now that they were dating.
 That was a new but definitely welcome development in their lives.
 Marina had a faint memory of watching an awful television show with Pearl on a sofa, wondering if she would ever have a crush on someone.
 She smiled to herself as she reminisced about the memory as she began to walk over to the keyboard.
 As per routine, Pearl was walking in the other direction and would walk past her.
 What wasn’t on the routine, however, was Pearl spinning around and grabbing Marina to press a brief kiss on the lips.
 There were a mix of excited squeals and confused yelling.
 Marina couldn’t care less.
 She was in love and happy with that, winking at Pearl and watching her blush.
 This was what love is.
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